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English Essay Internet
Writing an essay on the topic of "English Essay Internet" can be both challenging and intriguing.
On one hand, the vastness of the subject offers numerous angles to explore, ranging from its
historical evolution to its societal impact. However, this very breadth can also pose a difficulty,
as it requires the writer to carefully navigate through the plethora of information available.
To begin with, researching the Internet itself can be overwhelming. The sheer volume of data,
opinions, and perspectives can make it challenging to filter out relevant and credible sources.
Additionally, the fast-paced nature of technological advancements means that staying current
with the latest information is crucial. Keeping up with the dynamic landscape of the Internet
requires constant vigilance and adaptability.
The complexity of the topic is further compounded by the multifaceted nature of the Internet. It
encompasses various aspects such as social media, online communication, e-commerce,
cybersecurity, and more. Crafting a coherent essay involves not only addressing each of these
facets but also establishing meaningful connections between them. Striking the right balance
between depth and breadth becomes a delicate task.
Moreover, the impact of the Internet on language itself adds another layer of intricacy to the
writing process. The evolution of online communication, the emergence of new forms of
expression, and the influence of internet culture on language demand careful consideration.
Balancing the formal requirements of an essay with the informal nature of online discourse can
be a tightrope walk.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "English Essay Internet" necessitates navigating
through a sea of information, staying abreast of technological developments, and addressing the
multifaceted impact of the Internet on society and language. It's a challenge that requires a
thoughtful approach and a keen understanding of the subject matter.
If you find yourself overwhelmed or short on time, remember that assistance is available. Similar
essays and much more can be ordered on, where experienced writers can help
you navigate the complexities of your academic tasks.
English Essay Internet English Essay Internet
An Interview At A Social Service Centre Essay
1.Introduction In this report I will identify and critique an interview of important
skills and lack of them towards a client by a social service practitioner. Within this
report I will identify positive and negative aspects that affect the efficiency of the
Help process. This meeting is held at a Social service centre by Barbara. It is the
first meeting between the pracitioner and her client JinLing, a Chiniese migrant who
is unhappy with her job situation. 2.Micro Skills 2.1Identification of Micro Skills
The micro skills that are identified in this conversation are effectively used to
enhance the client interaction. The first positive aspect is the use of door openers.
Barbara offers a refreshment at the beginning of the interview and opens up the
conservation with icebreaker comments about the weather. This is an effective way
of increasing the clients comfortability as well as getting the client to talk. The next
important micro skill that Barbara does, is explaining her role and the services role at
the beginning of the interview. In this, Barbara also explains to the client about
confidentiatlity. Barbara effectively explains confidentiality and her ability to hold
information which gives the client assurance of confidence. After asking the client
about herself, Barbara uses minimal encouragers, such as nodding, and repeating last
words to show attentive skills through brief indictaions she is listening. These are
very natural and do not divert the clients
Designing A New Positioning Strategy Essay
There are two alternatives to LRNA s positioning problem. The first alternative is to
maintain the dual positioning strategy as originally outlined by the CEO. The dual
positioning integrates the concept of the definitive family 4X4 with a logical
evolution of the legendary Land Rover . This tactic aims to tailor the model into a
versatile family vehicle, targeting modern families in demand for a reliable and
trustworthy SUV. It also emphasizes on the evolution of Land Rover, subtly using the
impact of the successful Land Rover to influence consumers perception, and stressing
the word evolution to induce consumers comprehension about the new Discovery,
making consumers understand that Discovery was not only as good as the Land
Rover, but also updated and transformed to satisfy desires for creature comforts. The
other alternative is designing a new positioning strategy based on the model s
competitiveness and target market. Taking into consideration the situation analysis
above, this alternative can be cutting off retail price and going for mainstream instead
of the current niche strategy. There are also two alternatives to the company s retail
strategy problem, with the first one being switching to free standing Centre stores,
and the other one being holding on to dealership franchising. The decision criteria for
the alternatives are divided into financial, economic, operational and social impacts.
So in the following discussion, alternatives will be evaluated on
Key Challenges Facing The Canadian Book Publishing...
Three key challenges facing the Canadian book publishing industry are the
concentration in retail market, the competition for multinationals, and the cost of
adapting to new technologies and entering the export market. Policy source 14,
Summative Evaluation of the Book Publishing Industry Development Industry
Program discusses these challenges.
The first challenge is the concentration in retail market, where the English Canadian
market only has one national bookstore chain, which is Chapters/Indigo. This was
not an issue in the past, where in comparison to 1985, there were three national
bookstore chains. The concentration in retail markets provides lower prices for
consumers, but for competition it implies that there are less traditional bookstores
available. One benefit of having a concentration in retail market would be the
expression of chain and non traditional sectors are more of an opportunity for
publishers, seeing that retails have expanded the national retail space for books and
thus having attracted new customers for books.
The second challenge is the competition from multinationals. Competition from large,
foreign controlled multinational publishers with subsidiaries in Canada are an issue
for Canadian owned publishers for the reason that their presence in Canada restrains
the opportunities for Canadian owned publishers to generate revenues by acting as
distributors of imported books. Multinationals have also become active in publishing
Canadian authored
First Person Narrative Research
First person narrative research is a term that uses a group of approaches that in turn
depend on spoken words, written works or pictures/drawings of people. These
approaches tend to focus on the lives of individuals as told through their own stories.
The importance and focus within such approaches is in the narrative, usually based on
both what and how it is narrated. The audience validates narrative research. Being
a very useful tool and all, narrative method may not always be strong enough to
stand alone as a central piece of evidence in concluding a point. Regardless if it is
part of a presentation or whether it is a stand alone piece of information, it must be
accepted, based on its own merits as an individual experienceand... Show more
content on ...
The narrative method allows for an intimate look into the emotions, thoughts and
experiences within a story based on the fact that another has witnessed such or intern
through another s work along for a great picture to be established. Being easily able
to validate a claim or narrative account through another is also a huge benefit of the
method making it easier for the truth to come out and harder for lies to see the light.
Personal narratives and information gained from narrative methods tend to come
from truthful sources based on not wanting to tarnish individual s credibility, and not
seeing a reason in creating lies and misleading information. Nevertheless, many
problems can also be seen within the method harder and less likely to prevent. The
limited perspective is detrimental in the sense that only that one perspective s views
through emotion and feeling are used to describe the situation if there had only been
one account. Unless there are multiple viewpoints from different individuals who
think and act differently put together to create one image from all different sides,
which isn t very practical to do. The narrative method also creates a restricted view in
the sense that anything the reader does not know, you don t know. Such as taking into
consideration different socio contexts and the individuals thinking spectrums. The
narrative account may also be biased, understanding the story through ones eyes,
leaves room for events and facts to change based on what the individual thinks, wants,
and knows at the
The Theme Of Modernism In The Waste Land, By T. S. Eliot
T.S. Eliot, on his full name Thomas Stearns Eliot is an American writer known for
his very influential works of prose, poetry and literary criticism among we can
mention The Waste Land (1922), Poems (1919), Prufrock and Other Observations
(1917), Hamlet and His Problems (1921),The Three Voices of Poetry (1954). For
many who know his work, T.S. Eliot is an important figure when it comes to
Modernism, often using in his writings references to myths and other personalities,
juxtaposition of different poetic voices, discourses and tradition. Modernism was a
movement that influenced art and culture during the late nineteenth to early twentieth
century. More specifically in art and culture, artists responded by trying to find new
ways of seeing, new models of knowing...abandoning rules of perspective, and in
literature, abandoning a fixed point of view (Bentley Brooker17). A first look at the
poem is not enough to understand what it is about and although it might seem hard to
be understood or even ambiguous, it is important first to understand the historical
background in order to decipher it. Semy Rhee argues that one of the prominent
elements in The Waste Landthat makes the poem difficult to understand is the
historical references and allusions to other literary works. The... Show more content
on ...
In The Waste Land can also be found religious allusion too referring to traditions
and texts, not only literary works. The poets cites several biblical text with
references to Christianity. As an example, the image of the barren land in The Burial
of the Dead refers to Ecclesiastes
Irony Of Empathy In Raymond Carver s Cathedral
Kiano Tran
Professor Gray
English 102
27 September, 2016
Looking beyond Empathy is the ability to understand and vicariously share the
feelings and thoughts of other people. Empathic feelings are fundamental for humans
in social and interpersonal life because they enable human beings to tune their mental
states to their social environment as well as to understand others intentions, actions,
and behaviors. In particular, empathy for pain is a source of deep emotional feelings
and a strong trigger of prosocial behavior. In the fictional short Cathedral , written by
Raymond Carver, the author cast significant irony: a narrator who ignorantly disdains
blindness while being oblivious to his own limitations in sight. In parallel, Flight
Pattern , ... Show more content on ...
He is a fearful man. William overachieves in mostly anything he does, especially
work. He is an athletic person who is strongly concerned with his health or lack of,
depending on how much sleep he gets. He is an insomniac, works odd hours
sometimes and constantly finds himself flying all over for business trips and
meetings. He, therefore, doesn t see his wife and child. He tends to over analyzes
everything. Which makes it harder not to prejudge people like going to the airport
where he always scans for little brown guys. William has been a victim of racial
profiling. The irony of the story is when he searches for these little brown guys , is
William himself was a little brown guy, so the other travelers were always sniffing
around him, but he smelled only of Dove soap, Mennen deodorant, and sarcasm
(par.34). William does a lot to hide his Native American culture, becoming a white
washed Native American. He is stuck in the stereotype and discrimination based on
the color of his skin, but he upholds the same lifestyle and thinking of a middle class
Compare And Contrast The Wizard Of Oz
The Wizard of Oz
Movie vs Book
Andre Duvall
Dr. Friedman
October 10th 2014
US Hisotry
Block 7
The Wizard of Oz has been a popular and symbolic film throughout our previous
history. Both the book and movie have been recognised as classic literature for
children and adults alike. Although they share the same concept, there are a few
important differences between the novel and the film.
In the movie: It tells the story of a girl named Dorothy, who ends up in a tornado
and gets hurled away from her farm in Kansas to a land that is not like anything
she has experienced before. After Dorothy s house falls and kills the Wicked
Witch in the first scene, Dorothy is welcomed by the Munchkins. The kind witch,
Glinda, appears and explains to Dorothy that in order to find out about getting
back home, she needs to follow the yellow brick road. This road leads her to
Emerald city, where she must ask the grand Wizard to get her back to Kansas. Along
her way down the yellow brick road Dorothy encounters some characters who all
have something they want to ask the wizard. However, when they finally arrive at the
Emerald City, they discover the wizard is just a fraud and that everything they had
been searching for they can find deep within themselves (metaphorically rather than
What most individuals can t seem to decipher is that The Wizard of Oz referenced
several late 1800 s political issues and ideas. Whether these references are true or not
is difficult to say.
Shakespeare In Modern Society
Shakespeare relevance in modern society is a highly debated topic in modern
classrooms. Many students will argue that he is old and is to confusing, others will
say he s boring. Then on the other side of the argument students argue that he has
shaped the modern english language and has changed society for the better. Whilst
others are undecided, listening to both sides of the argument and not being able to
decide. In this essay both sides will be discussed; talking about quoting shakespeare
and how much we use his words and phrases everyday, how the emotions in
shakespeare s playsare still relevant in modern society and audiences still react in
the way the play intended and finally how social norms have changed and it is no
longer socially acceptable with it putting the wrong ideas into people s heads.
Everyone quotes shakespeare or uses on of his works at least once everyday. Most
people don t even realize we are doing it. Most people probably think it s greek to
me (a phrase created by shakespeare), when really it is very common In between
writing poems and plays shakespeare was creating new words and phrases to fit his
plays and other works. Shakespeare almost created a whole nother language in his
time creating round 1700 words. A study has shown that people quote shakespeare
at least four times everyday, which is pretty impressive for a guy that has been dead
for 400 years. Shakespeare has had a massive influence on the english language and
he is very important
Atrap, And Angiotensin Receptor Associated Protein
ATRAP, or Angiotensin Receptor Associated protein, is a cytoplasmic protein that is
found to interact with the carboxyl terminal domain of Angiotensin type 1 receptors
(AT1) (Cui et al., 2000). ATRAP was discovered to have three hydrophobic domains
located at the amino terminal end and one long hydrophilic tail found at the carboxyl
terminal end (Lopez Ilasaca et al., 2003). This 18 kDA protein is highly specific in it s
binding and is predicted to have three transmembrane domains along with a
cytoplasmic tail. ATRAP fails to bind to various other receptors, which exclude AT1
(Castrop, 2015). In yeast, the orientation of the protein was seen to have the amino
end outside the cell. In addition, mutant proteins, which did not have the carboxyl
end, were unable to bind to the AT1 receptors (Lopez Ilasaca et al., 2003).
In order to understand the role of ATRAP in humans, it is imperative to understand
the role of the AT1 receptor itself. AT1 receptors are crucial elements of the renin
angiotensin system. They act as mediators for almost all physiological roles of
angiotensin II (AngII). Inhibiting the binding of angiotensin II to AT1 receptors can
effectively lower blood pressure of patients who are found to have hypertension. This
observation demonstrates that AT1 receptors, more specifically those found in the
kidneys, are important factors in the cause of hypertension in humans (Chen
Coffman, 2015). After understanding regulation model, the function of
Essay on Leonardo da Vinci s The Last Supper
Leonardo s Last Supper is a priceless piece of art with much hidden meaning and
obvious talents bestowed upon a wall. Under the study of Verrocchio as a painter
and a sculptor, he was able to use his skills in creating a very detailed and a very
naturalistic piece of work that would be remembered for hundreds of years. He was
also able to create characters with amazing individuality. Not only was his portrayal
of the characters magnificent, but the symbolism he used which emphasized the story
being told in the Last Supper .
Lodovico Sforza chose Leonardo to create The Last Supper in the refectory of the
Dominican Church of S. Maria delle Grazie in Milan. The Abate of the S. Maria
delle Grazie saw Leonardo work from morning until ... Show more content on ...
Although, the way Leonardo allows its viewers to depict the scene from a specific
point in the Bible adds to the importance and significance of the painting in which
no other artist could even compare. He does allow the viewer to recognize this
scene by the gestures of both the Lord and the Apostles. The Lord sits ever so
quietly while the Apostles rise in reaction to what the Lord had just announced. It is
rather obvious that Leonardo chose the critical moment after the Lord had stated,
Verily I say unto you that one of you shall betray me, because of the emotions that
evolve in this specific scene (Matt. 26.21).
He took much time to express every detail of each Apostle and the Lord. Leonardo
had even wrote in one of his notebooks that A good painterhas two chief objects to
paint man and the intention of his soul. The former is easy, the latter hard because
he has to represent it by the attitude and movement of the limbs (Heydenreich, 27).
For example, the Lord is very relaxed with his arms resting on the table which adds
to the portrayal of His greatness. He also emphasized the Lord s greatness by giving
Him a serious attitude and by presenting Him as untouchable with the space between
Himself and the Apostles.
The distance put between them is called the spacial perspective, which is one of the
techniques Leonardo feels is important in naturalistic art. Although, the
Domestic Violence Against Men and Women
Domestic Violence against Men and Women
Sandra Marable
Kaplan University
CM 220
Professor Freiteg
May 20, 2013
Whenever the thought of domestic violence comes to mind, more than often the
visual picture is a women or a child. However, there is another side that has been
ignored because it is pushed under the rug. The unfortunate fact is that men are the
victims of domestic violence at least as often as women are. While the very idea of
men is being beaten by their wives or partners runs contrary to many of our deeply
ingrained beliefs about men and women, female or male violence against men is a
well documented phenomenon almost completely ignored by both the media and
society (Watson 2013). The majority of... Show more content on ...
Guilt most often what keeps the victim, at the hands of their abuser, that internal
turmoil that the victim goes through with leaving the since of feeling responsible, the
feeling of leaving the relationship and the household, this alone is the underlying
reasons behind not leaving, not wanting to separate the household. Self blame can not
be avoided for some of those who believe that they just have not done enough, the
only thing that will help is time, distance and healing and too not get into another
relationship until they are completely ready. It is estimated that about 3.2 million
men are victims of assault by their partner each year in the United States.
However, most of these assaults are relatively minor, such as hitting, smacking,
pushing, and shoving, others are much more serious. . It has raised serious questions
about implementation of arrest policies, equivalency of intimate partner aggression
across genders, and management of female domestic violence offenders. This study
compares demographic characteristics, criminal history variables, and the past
domestic violence history of men and women arrested for domestic assault against a
heterosexual intimate partner. Using victim reported information and data collected
by local criminal justice agencies, we
The Passamaquoddy Indians Essay
The Passamaquoddy Indians
For several hundred years people have sought answers to the Indian problems, who
are the Indians, and what rights do they have? These questions may seem simple, but
the answers themselves present a difficult number of further questions and answers.
State and Federal governments have tried to provide some order with a number of
laws and policies, sometimes resulting in state and federal conflicts. The Federal
Government s attempt to deal with Indian tribes can be easily understood by
following the history of Federal Indian Policy. Indians all over the United States
fought policies which threatened to destroy their familial bonds and traditions. The
Passamaquoddy Indian Tribe of Maine, resisted no less ... Show more content on ...
The 1774 treaty was signed between the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the
Passamaquoddy Tribe. The treaty stipulated that the tribe would surrender all claims
to land in Massachusetts in exchange for 23,000 acres at Indian Township and ten
acres at Pleasant Point. Indian Township is located just above Princeton, Maine, and
Pleasant Point is located between Eastport and Perry, Maine. This treaty was signed
after the enactment of the Trade and Intercourse Acts, which held that no treaties
could be made with the Indians, except with federal approval. There was no federal
approval with this treaty (Brooks 3).
The State of Maine s courts in 1842 described Indians as charity cases and
imbeciles, subject to paternal control by the state. After years of being forcibly
removed or displaced by white settlers, the Passamaquoddy were reduced to living a
meager existence form hunting, fishing, trapping, and craft making (Brooks 3).
The General Allotment Act of 1887 was passed with the concept that if Indians
were given individual plots of land, they would farm that land and assimilate into
the white culture. Allotted parcels of land were given to families, and the excess
lands were sold off. This resulted in a disastrous loss of Indian Land, from 138
million acres in 1887 to 48 million in 1834, 20 million of which was desert (Brooks
4). In 1924, Congress passed a law giving U.S.
Internet Addicts in Danger Essay
Internet Addicts in Danger
Internet chat rooms have become a devastating disadvantage to the social interaction
and growth of people in the world. More and more of the world s youth are becoming
addicted to Internet chat rooms. Not only are Internet chat room relationships leading
to impersonal contact of people hiding flaws behind anonymity, they are leading to
the abduction of many underage individuals. In an article published in The Age, a
magazine in Melbourne, Australia, Doctor Mubarak Rahamathulla has researched
teenagers that have become pathologically addicted to Internet chat rooms.
Rahamathulla argues that this addiction could damage their social skills as well as
their ability to form intimate relationships. ... Show more content on
Barr opens the article with this passage: Check any other message board; they ve
got them for every conceivable subject. Comic books, sci fi movies, long distance
running you ll find someone chatting about something at any given time of day.
And the discussion, for the most part, will be supportive, informative and good
natured. Not on the music sites. These well meaning forums intended to foster
peace, love and understanding are a snarling snake pit, with fans one upping each
other with unfounded knowledge and unpopular ideas going down in flames.
What Barr addresses in her article is a reflection of what is going on all over the
Internet. In chat rooms on millions of different sites people are pretending to be
who they are not, because they want to express opinions about a topic they feel
passionate about, without being criticized. The idea is that if your screen name is
chastised for a certain opinion, you are not really being chastised. It is this mentality
that keeps people logged into chat rooms all hours of the day, every day, keeping
them from the physically social world. And turning their life into an online soap
opera , as Jay Gerland, founder of, refers to his message boards in
Barr s article. Gerland says all you have online is a user name, you don t have to have
a face. So you ve got 16 year olds around with 50 year olds.This place is like a soap
Family Lawyers Perth Essay
Family Lawyers Perth has the best mediation lawyers at your service!
Description: We know how saddening it is to wrongfully stay away from your child
/children. Trust Family Lawyers Perth for the best mediation lawyers to get them
back. Contact us now!
When it is about mediation, trust only the Family Lawyers Perth.
Mediation cases rise when surrogacy is involved. Either the surrogate mother may
want her child back, or the arranged parents may want their children from the
surrogate mother. Thus, at Family Lawyers Perth we believe that certain aspects of
the surrogacy laws in WA should be clear to the clients seeking help regarding
Surrogacy are of two types traditional: where the birth mother s egg gets fertilized by
a sperm donor or the arranged ... Show more content on ...
The agreement is then approved in writing by the Reproductive Technology Council.
You can file recovery order and get your child back by law only if you have
committed no errors in the above methods. And if you re sure you ve made no
errors, relax, we at Family Lawyers Perth have the best and most experienced
mediation lawyers Perth has ever had, and we will surely help you out. Contact
Family Lawyers Perth now via mail, phone or visit the office in person.
We at Family Lawyers Perth will surely get your child back to you!
We at Family Lawyers Perth have the best family lawyers Perth has ever had. We
assure you that we will bring your child back to you rightfully, and work in the
following ways:
Contact us and tell us about your grievances.
We appoint a mediation lawyer for you. Our family lawyers are experienced in family
law cases, and will talk to you about your case and fix the procedure, and the
recovery order you can place to get your child back.
We at Family Lawyers Perth will leave no stone unturned to bring your child back.
Contact us now for free
How Does The Change Affect The Environment Of The
Firstly, it is most important to be able to express the change in a clear simple
statement that can
be expressed within a minute (60 seconds) Doing this will allow staff to have a core
understanding of
what is changing. It is important for this statement to be specific straight to the point
and express with
language free of jargon.
Bridges offers the following guidance the statement must:
Clearly express the change leader #39;s understanding and intention
Link the change to the drivers that make it necessary
quot;Sell the problem before you try to sell the solution. quot;
Not use jargon
Be under 60 seconds in duration
Secondly, it is important to explain what will be different because of the change.
Assess what
the ... Show more content on ...
So frequently it is assumed by senior
management that people can and will accept an organisational change with no
backlash or issues, the
failure to recognise and attempt to address this is a significant cause of change or
transition failure. The
larger the human impact of the organisational change the greater the need for some
form of
quot;transitional support quot;.
BADM 466 Managing Change: Assignment #1 Part A Samantha Winter January 22
nd 2017
As a change leader, it is important to understand why your people will not necessarily
change. This is where you come in, it will be your job to assist with the transition,
my job today will be to
prepare you with the tools needed to go through the phases efficiently and effectively.
Challenges with the change
Organizational culture differences
Different patterns of loyalty
Procedural differences
Changing the us vs. them mentality
Phase 1 Letting go of the past
When encouraging staff members to let go of the past it is important to identify who
is losing
what. quot;Transition readiness is best indicated by an organisations legacy of change
initiatives (Bridges,
2009) this transition readiness provides an important indicator of what is to come,
here you can assess
how changes have been dealt with in the past and what the challenges were. In the
case of the of
culture differences it will be important to acknowledge that the culture will change
Carmon Monologue
the ride back to Vaughn s loft, he apologized several times. Justine just wasn t trying
to hear it.
I can t believe you. The whole time we were married you was out fucking around! I
knew you were naГЇve, but never in a million years would I think you would be so
stupid! Night after night me waiting up for you, all the while you were out there
having your affairs with women and probably men too! While you were fucking
those smut buckets, did it ever occur to you that you could catch something, I
guess not! You re a poor excuse for a man. After the divorce is final I want nothing
to do with you! You have dragged me to hell and back! May God have mercy on
your soul! Justine roughly pulled up to the curb. She got out the car to open Vaughn s
door. ... Show more content on ...
We re going to go around the room and introduce ourselves. I want everybody to
give us your name and how you know Carmon. I ll go first! My name is Tara and I
m Carmon s best friend and the Godmother. One by one everybody did as I
instructed. After everybody finished introducing themselves, I started the first game. I
passed out a multi colored folder that was pink and blue with the games inside and a
pencil. I instructed for them to pull out the first game.
This game is called name the baby animal. On the left side of the paper are pictures
of baby animals. You will have three minutes to name as many baby animals as you
can. I set the timer for three minutes and said,
You may begin! Everybody dived into the paper. I stood at the front of the room with
the timer in my hand. As the timer went off, I yelled,
STOP! I walked around to see who had the most answers. I got my answer sheet out
and revealed all the answers. As I called out the answers, some people sighed and
shouted, MAN , to the answers that they didn t know. I walked to the gift table and
gave the winner a mini crystal vase. Next I told everybody to take out the second
What Is The Connection To Lord Of The Flies
We re all so busy chasing the extraordinary that we forget to stop and be grateful for
the ordinary (Brown 152). Novels are sources of magic, written with such delicacy
and intricacy that they often leave the reader astounded by the power of words. The
plot, concept, and language are so extraordinary that human eyes easily bypass the
most ordinary objects of all in the story, ones that can only be read between the lines
in order to reveal truly deep meanings. The connection to William Goldings prize
winning novel Lord of the Flies is undeniable. An island in the middle of the sea
where several young boys strive for survival and create a society all on their own is
remarkable. The novel tells the tale of a society run by children that... Show more
content on ...
In the end, his civilization is what keeps the boys alive and sane for so long,
despite losing his power and respect to Jack. Subsequently, the conch is not just a
shell but also the sound of order, civilization, and political power between the good
and the bad. Ralph finds it and uses it to call the boys together. He establishes a
hand raising rule, keeping to the rules of their civilized past. He organizes
assemblies to discuss the issues tearing apart the island in order to keep everyone
safe. After Jack gains power from hunting and breaks off to form his own group,
Ralph and Piggy are nearly rendered helpless, especially since the conch s value
diminishes. When they try to convince Jack to return and unite under the spell of
the conch, Jack proves his separation by declaring, And the conch doesn t count at
this end of the island (Golding 260). Finally, all chaos breaks loose when the large
boulder kills Piggy and the conch shatters. All in one scene, the intellectual character
dies, order and civilization is lost, and evil forces hunt the isolated common sense.
Piggy s dependence on the conch shows his desperateness for bringing wellness back
to the savage majority, even though the evil wins in the midst of the chaos.
Altogether, good and evil reign in both Ralph and Jack religiously, morally, and
politically with aid from Simon and Piggy. The character, Lord of the Flies, the fire
made by Piggy s
Meursault Contribute To His Condemnation To Death At
French author Albert Camus s novel L Г‰tranger from 1942 is certainly a brilliant
philosophical novel which tells the story of a French Algerian man Meursault.
Meursault is a character who is indeed hard to analyse completely and is faced with
many obstacles in this novel which help us as readers scrape the surface of his
personality and outlook on life. In this essay I will further study how the behaviour
and attitudes of Meursault lead to his condemnation to deathat the end of this novel.
When beginning to read this novel,we do not have much information about Meursault
and his life, it is hard for us to judge his personality and his actions. When Meursault
heard of the passing of his mother through a telegram, whom he had placed into home
Sand Creek Massacre Research Paper
A.Sand Creek Massacre
The Sand Creek Massacre was an attack on the villages of Cheyenne and Arapaho
in southeastern Colorado Territory on November 29, 1864. Around 700 men of the
Colorado U.S. Volunteer Cavalry attacked and killed an estimated 70 163 people
who lived in those towns; two thirds of the people who died were mothers and
children. The attack occurred because the Cheyenne and Arapaho people destroyed
white settlers property, and an Indian chief tried to settle things peacefully, but it was
too late. B. Prohibition
Prohibition was a law that stated nobody could manufacture, store in barrels or
bottles, transport, sell, possess, or consume alcohol from 1920 1933. They created
the law in hopes of lowering crime rates, and to improve overall health and hygiene
in America. The law wasn t very heavily followed because Americans would either
consume alcohol by visiting other countries or by illegally importing it into the
United States. There were also underground establishments called ... Show more
content on ...
She helped America focus on ideas and concerns that mothers had such as safety
for their children, and overall health in the community. She believed women had
more knowledge than men in certain areas and women needed to be able to vote to
gain a better opinion on social problems. Many mothers looked up to her as a role
model because she volunteered in towns to clean up, restore and uplift communities.
She believed in helping people all over the world and for world peace. D. Yellow
Yellow Journalism is a term used for how newspaper companies sell more of their
newspapers. They use bold headlines, bright colors and write about multiple topics
to catch the readers attention. They also often exaggerate or distort the stories to
make them more appealing to readers. It became popular in the 1890 s and is still
used today to boost newspaper ratings. E. Panama
The Little Cloud Literary Analysis
Though they may seem like simple stories meant for children, picture books can
often contain deeper meanings using not only the story but also the design of the
book. The artwork, placement of the text, and even the usage of the book s gutter
is intentional and can contribute to the central theme of the book. Eric Carle s
Little Cloud is an example of a simple looking picture book that is more than it
seems. Through this story about a cloud changing shape, Carle demonstrates the
process of children discovering their own identities and being accepted into society.
The wrap around cover is a painted tissue collage of a smiling cloud, neither
cartoonish nor realistic, but rather like something an elementary student could
produce. However, the cloud is actually a deceptively intricate blend of white, grey,
and blue, and its background of blue is a combination of blues and greens. Inside of
the dust jacket are the flap covers, which Carle utilized with a handwritten note to his
readers. He talks about cloud gazing and the power of imagination,... Show more
content on ...
There are no margins or white space apart for the clouds themselves, producing a
sense of freedom in the text. The typeface of the book is large and bold, and it
always appears on the side of the illustration where Little Cloud is. Throughout the
story, Little Cloud doesn t follow the other clouds, instead morphing into various
things it observes while drifting overhead. In one part of the book, the cloud takes
the shape of two trees because Little Cloud liked the way trees never moved and
stayed in one place (pg. 13 14). This is similar to what impressionable children do
when they imitate adults. To them, being an adult means they won t be forced to do
things they don t want to do. Little Cloud wants to know what it is like to be
stationary, but mimicking trees does not mean literally becoming a
Space Catalog Research Paper
New database is Hubble Space Telescope s legacy S. Mathur Over 25 years, the
Hubble Space Telescope (HST) has collected more than 100 million bits of data
and images of astronomical objects and space phenomena. These have been
maintained in the Barbara A. Mikulski Archive for Space Telescope (MAST), but
the collection was not easily accessed or searched. Researchers at the Space
Telescope Science Institute and the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore,
Maryland have now made these available in a new database called the Hubble Space
Catalog. The Hubble Space Catalog can be considered to be the HST s legacy
achievement, expected to serve the needs of researchers for decades. According to
TamГЎs BudavГЎri, astronomer and member of the Hubble Source Catalog
development team. Not only is it a one stop shop, but it s the first place to go. It s the
table of contents for and the summary of most Hubble observations. If a zillion
investigators pointed Hubble in the same direction at their region of interest in
different wavelengths, now we have taken all of those observations and put them
together into a compilation of the measurements for all objects within that region. ( 03 hubble source one stop astronomers.html#jCp)... Show
more content on ...
Such searches would have taken months earlier, but can now be completed in
minutes or even seconds. HST s three main cameras the Wide Field Planetary
Camera 2, Advanced Camera for Surveys, and Wide Field Camera 3 record
observations across the spectrum, from ultraviolet to visible and near infrared light.
The HSC lists a compilation of measurements for all sources, including brightness,
color and
Question 12 / 2 points Looping on a K map always results in the elimination of:
variables within the loop that appear only in their uncomplemented form. variables
that remain unchanged within the loop. Correct Responsevariables within the loop
that appear in both complemented and uncomplemented form. variables within the
loop that appear only in their complemented form. Question 22 / 2 points In a K
Map the number of squares in a cover (loop) is allways a power of two. Correct
ResponseTrue False Question 32 / 2 points What theorem is used when two terms in
adjacent squares are combined? Correct ResponseUniting Elimination Multiplying
and factoring Consensus Question 40 / 2... Show more content on ...
What is true about the expression of f given in the figure? a) The given expression
of f represents the minimum solution. b) An expression of f in product of sums that
gives the minimu cost for f exits and is equivalent in cost to the minimum solution
in sum of products. c) Both options a) and b are true Incorrect Responsed) The
given expression for f does not follow the covers (loops) shown in the K map.
Correct Answere) None of the above is true Question 113 / 3 points The figure
above shows the corresponding K Map of the function F(X1,X2,X3). What is the
expression corresponding to the minimum cost of F? X1 X2 X3 +X1 X2X3
+X1X2 X3+X1X2X3 X1 X2 +X1X3 X1 X3 +X1X2 Correct ResponseNone of the
above Question 120 / 3 points The figure above shows the K map of a four variable
f(A,B,C,D). What is true about f? Incorrect ResponseOnly a sum of products
expression gives the minimum solution. Only product of sums expression gives the
minimum solution. Correct AnswerEither a sum of products or a product of sums
gives minimum cost expression. A minimum solution for F will have at least three
terms with three literlas. Question 130 / 3 points In the K Map of the figure above,
which of the following is
Southern Controversy
Hannah Daigle
Dale Bailey
English 131/03
23 September 2017
An Age Old Southern Controversy
The Civil War began in the 1860 s and was one of the most important events in
southern and U.S. history. In the south one of the major symbols of the war was the
confederate flag. For me personally since I am from South Carolina I have found that
there are two separate views on the flag which would be the supporting and
opposing sides. The supporting side is said to be majority of white southerners and
the opposing side is said to be majority of black southerners and white northerners
(Webster and Leib). According to Webster and Leib white and black southerners have
pride in their southern heritage, but the heritage is much different. What I would like
... Show more content on ...
He explains that the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment
provides that no state may deny to any person within its authority the equal
protection of the law . Forman claims that it should be impossible for people to
view the flag as a symbol of equality. Forman believes that the confederate flag
violates the First Amendment by chilling the desire and ability of black citizens to
exercise fully their First Amendment rights, which is their freedom of speech. The
Black citizens felt like they did not have a say on the flag being up on state
grounds (Forman). The opposing side of the flag did not like it up so much that in
the early 2000 s there was a boycott against the state of South Carolina due to the
fact the flag was still up. This boycott cost the state $7 million dollars in revenue lost
(Allen). The rebels were fighting for territory, for economic control, and obviously
for slavery. The Confederate flag has been used throughout this century as a symbol
by the Klan, skinheads, and other white supremacists opposed to black demands for
equality and constitutional protection (Forman). In my personal understanding of
what Forman, Webster, and Leib believe is that everyone who supports the flag is a
part of the white supremacist groups and just
How Oceanography Is An Study Of The Oceans Through
Oceanography is defined as the study of the oceans through mapping, exploring,
charting, and discovery and its birth is congruent with the birth of boats and voyages.
Originally, sailors and explorers would go on expeditions for mercantile purposes.
However, it evolved into mapping and exploring unknown sea routes. Oceanography
is a science in the essence of studying the ocean in its entirety, which is more than
mapping and knowing sea routes. Oceanography contributes to the scientific
community with its new discoveries and developing information, including
knowledge of: currents; above water and underwater; wind patterns; chemistry of the
ocean; chemistry of ecosystems; aquatic ecosystems, and how different animals
interact in them;... Show more content on ...
After the world has been pretty much mapped out Ferdinand Magellan decided to
sail across state and in his voyage he was known as the first captain cruise ship
made it across the world and invented the term circumnavigating. Ferdinand
Magellan never lived to see his legacy or to complete his voyage but his crew that
Ferdinand Magellan set for the standard when it came to charting the new sea.
Even Charles Darwin contributed to early oceanography he did so in his mapping
of the Caribbean back when he was on the voyage of the HMS Beagle and in
mapping the Caribbean he created the theory of evolution which is known about
today and used understanding of modern biology. there is a vast difference between
Oh surely oceanography and modern oceanography however Early oceanographers
we re more concerned with exploration and adopted the whole Columbian Way of
exploring descriptive oceanography was all about Exploring and mapping. However,
today in modern oceanography they do more than just exploring and mapping: they
keep track of ecosystems; they check on climate semicolon there is water in
meteorology thanks to Oceanography semicolon and naturally they explore the
depths of the ocean, which is something earlier oceanographer
Essay about A Comparison of Two Paintings from the...
A Comparison of Two Paintings from the Renaissance Period
Introduction This paper will compare the themes found in the paintings Madonna and
Child with St. John the Baptist and an Angel by Domenico di Bartolomeo Ubaldini
(Puligo) and Madonna Enthroned by Giotto. Both paintings deal with fables from the
Christian faith but were executed during different periods in art. The Giotto painting
was created around 1310 and the Puglio painting was executed between 1518 1520.
Here, these two paintings have similar themes both at the extreme beginnings and
endings of the Italian Renaissance, and as such they serve to present an exceptional
example of the developments in art that occurred within that time. This paper shall
compare ... Show more content on ...
John the Baptist is also allowed to stand near the holy mother and child, and an
angel is present. Because of this, the viewer contends with a literal story rather than
a simple image as in Madonna Enthroned . Also in Puligo s image, where the central
figures are larger and better seen, there are religious symbols used. The same might be
true in Giotto s work but the details are harder to distinguish.
Visual Form and Style The style and the form of these two paintings reflect the
development of the artistic techniques during the Italian Renaissance. While both
reflect a Biblical theme with a central focal point of the Madonna and Child,
Madonna Enthroned has a key image that is best viewed from a central position
and Madonna and Child... has a greater degree of importance over the majority of
the surface of the canvas. In Madonna and Child... the viewer does not perceive
that an image is being forced upon them as is found in the work by Giotto. A use
of light and space is also key to preventing the Puligo piece from being forced ,
where the organization of distance visibly removes the viewer from Madonna
Enthroned while drawing the viewer into the painting in Madonna and Child... .
Color also serves a similar purpose, where Giotto s work is monochromatic but ocher
while Puligo s work carries a greater expression through the detail involved. The
mood of these two pieces is remarkable in that color does not play as great
Giant Pacific Octopuses Research Paper
Yao Dai
Mr. Newman
Period 7
5 Feb 2015
Ecology Section Final Draft
Ecological niche
The Giant Pacific Octopuses are found though out the Pacific Ocean. It s found
north in Alaska, South in Mexico, west in Japan and East in California. So they
really can tolerate all kinds of water temperature. It is more likely to find it in tidal
pools and they live in the water depth from 110 meters down to 1500m. (Schwab,
1987) They eat fish, lobster, shellfish etc. They crack them open by their mouth. The
way they reproduce is that male Octopuses have genital bags inside them. They will
insert a hectocotylized arm into the female and then release sperm. The entire process
will take 2 3 hours. They could change their skin color to fit into the environment so
they really can fit into different conditions. (Anderson, Mather, 2007) Fig. 2.1, Giant
Pacific octopus (Monterey Bay Aquarium, 2013)
Trophic Level ... Show more content on ...
They eat a lot of shelled sea animals include shrimp, shellfish, crabs and lobster. It
use its sucker on the arms to catch the food first and then it use its strong beak to
open the food and eat it. It is in the middle of the food web because they eat smaller
animals in the ocean. But they are not the largest predator in the ocean. So they do
have predator s. Seals and whales love to eat them. It is also one main protein
sources of human beings. There are 3.3 million tons of octopus caught annually and
there are a lot of giant pacific octopuses in
Gattaca and 1984 Insight
Stephanie Sadaka
Mr. Sisti
April 26th, 2010
Literary Insight Paper
After reading the novel 1984 and watching the movie Gattaca, I was able to
perceive many concepts and similarities and differences between both pieces of art.
Gattaca, directed by Andrew Niccol, shows a story of a society where life is
controlled by genetics, rather than education or experiences. Based on your DNA,
society determines where you belong, and your future. This allows no room for
people to gain experiences and to grow, as they are confined to a specific lifestyle. It
is evident however in the film that Vincent tries to violate societies structure, by
playing the role of a navigator, using his blood samples and urine. George Orwell, the
author of ... Show more content on ...
Throughout the novel, Winston is always hiding his thoughts about the Party and
about Big Brother, although he is completely against it. However, in order to ensure
that he does not get caught, he must act as though he loves them and agrees with
their power over society. Surveillance is shaping these characters to be a perfect
representation of what they are expected to be, instead of being who they are. In
conclusion, it is evident that surveillance has taken a toll on the characters in these
pieces of art. Gattaca helped me understand and notice the severe impact that
surveillance has on society and the impact it has on the lives of the citizens in 1984.
The characters are covering their true selves in order to be accepted and to fit within
the society. Not only is surveillance restricting their ability to show love and
affection, it is also preventing the characters from expressing what they enjoy, and
being who they are by living to their full potential. This new perspective has helped
me understand the underlying significance that surveillance has on society in both
1984 and the film Gattaca and the restrictions it placed on the many
Analysis Of Edward Scissorhands
Tim Burton, the director of Edward Scissorhands, draws inspiration for his work
from fairytales and children s stories. He has always had an affinity for the darker
elements of these stories, which is made evident in the film Edward Scissorhands.
The film s main character is a man named Edward who has scissors for hands.
Later, it is shown that he was a metal figure brought to life by his inventor, an
elderly man who dies before he is able to give Edward human hands. Edward lives
in a mansion on a hill on the edge of town, all alone, until a woman named Peg
finds him and bring him to live with her family. Edward immediately develops an
attraction to Peg s daughter, Kim, though she has a boyfriend. Towards the end of
the film, Kim tells Edward that she loves him, and Edward seems to be completed.
However, Edward struggles to conform to society, and eventually is forced by the
members of the community to return to his mansion, isolated from any human
interaction. The film combines a make believe character, as often found in children s
books, with elements of a horror film, like suspicion and violence. The film features
several flashbacks throughout that elaborate on Edward s past and show how he
came to be. Burton uses these flashbacks to grow the audiences understandingof
Edward, explain events, and emphasize themes.
Burton uses the film s three flashbacks to explain events that happen throughout the
film. They help provide context for Edward s reactions and behavior in
Analysis Of Maud A Monodrama By Alfred Lord Tennyson
Maud: A Monodrama is the lengthy poem that dominated the first collection
published by Alfred, Lord Tennyson after he became poet laureate. In its rich and
romantic symbolism, it is characteristic of the great poet s work. Notable, also, is its
critique of the hypocrisy and other social failings of Victorian Britain. Maudbecame
one of the best known poems of the period, and continued to be influential even after
its style became dated.
!!!Tennyson and Maud
[{Image src= rossetti_tennysonmaud.jpg alt= Tennyson reading from Maud, 1855 }]
Alfred, Lord Tennyson was a favorite poet of generations. Made Poet Laureate of
Great Britain by Queen Victoria, he dominated the literary scene during his time.
He also came for better and for worse to represent that generation s taste, both
during his life and after it. Tennyson s rich __Victorian language__ can seem
daunting to modern readers. In reading Maud , it s a good idea to just embrace the
exaggerated concepts. Experimental in style, laden with intense symbolism, and full
of __social criticism__, Maud was not a popular poem at first, despite its author s
status. Tennyson himself was proud of the work, and retaliated against criticism by
reading it aloud whenever he could. Reportedly, this won over many critics due to the
beauty of the poem s language.
!!! Maud : A Summary
It s easy to just concentrate on the ornate language of Maud , but there s a lot of
drama in the narrative of the poem. There
The Role And Functions Of The Central Bank Of America
Functions of the FED
The Fed acts as the central bank of Americahas three main functions. Its main
objectives are to promote maximum employment, stable prices and moderate long
term interest rates by (1) providing and maintaining an effective payments system, (2)
supervising and regulating banking operations, and (3) conducting monetary policy.
The most important tool the Fed has to conduct monetary policy is open market
operations, which is the buying and selling of U.S. government securities. A Federal
Open Market Committee administers the sale and purchase of U.S. government
securities on the open market to influence short term interest rates and growth of
money and credit. Other tools that the Fed has it its disposal to influence the
economy include adjustments to the discount rate and the reserve requirement, and
acting as a lender. The discount rate is the interest rate the Federal Reserve Banks
charge financial institutions for short term loans of reserves. ... Show more content on ...
In fact, the roles of central banks all over the world are pretty much the same
everywhere and serve the same need: to provide financial soundness of banking
system and realizing price stability. It does so by various tools such as:
Formulating and implementing the monetary, credit banking policies.
Issuing banknotes and determining their denominations and
Marcel Marceau Research Paper
Marcel Marceau is a pantomime he was born on the 22nd of March 1923, in France.
He died on the 22nd of September 2007 in France. Marcel Marceau has a promoting
communication style he measures progress in applause. Friendly people, new
opportunities, and attention are motivating him. The last fact of why Marcel
Marceau has a promoter communication style is that his most effective environments
are social changing,youthful and optimistic. That is why Marcel Marceau has a
Promoter communication style. He measures progress by applause that his viewers
are giving him. By nice compliments and good applause he can measure the progress
that he makes.If his audience doesn t applause after his performance he can be sure
that his show wasn t good enough.
Presidential Vs. Parliamentary Systems Of Government
There has always been a debate over which form of government is the most stable.
For a long time, there was either a choice (within democratic models) of presidential
systems of government, in which the executive is all powerful, or parliamentary
systems of government, where the legislature is the supreme power. However, in the
past century, a middle ground has emerged between the two: semi presidential
systems of government. Semi presidential systems, as defined by Maurice Duverger
(an early writer on such models), are systems where a presidentof the republic,
elected by universal suffrage and given personal powers, co exists with a government
resting on the confidence placed in it by parliament . This means that semi
presidential models of government generally have a directly elected president and
parliament, along with a prime minister, who is appointed. The question of whether
these systems are more or less stable than presidential or parliamentary then becomes
the focus, and must be looked at in practice for this measure. Semi presidential
systems, as seen in France and Russia, can at times be either very stable or very
unstable, depending on the composition of a particular government. France, a pioneer
in the concept of semi presidential systems, has seen stability go either way,
depending on the affiliation of elected officials. Conflict started occurring in the late
twentieth century that challenged the stability of the current French system. Russia,
since the
Analysis Of Thin Slicing
Having watched an interesting movie about the Navy SEAL (Sea, Air, and Land)
Team such as Lone Survivor or any other movies about wars, has anyone of us
thought about how those task force teams could deal with the hot situations they
encounter while doing their jobs? How can they make decisions that quickly so as to
survive in those circumstances? According to Malcom Gladwell, the author of Blink,
human beings have an ability to make unconsciously quick decisions, which is
called thin slicing, in every split second. Gladwell s concept of thin slicing is
defined as the ability of our brain to pick out key patterns within a limited amount of
data or experiences and then make snap judgment, or quick decision, based upon
those patterns. However, this does not mean that our judgments can always be right.
This only means that the process of thin slicing is unconscious, instant and automatic.
This process helps people solve problems quickly or predict consequences in a short
amount of time without knowing that they are doing it. There are right judgments
and there are also mistakes that being made every day.
As illustrated in the text, the first task of Blink is to convince you of a simple fact:
decisions made very quickly can be every bit as good as decisions made cautiously
and deliberately. The second task of Blink is to answer when should we trust our
instincts, and when should we be wary of them? The third and most important task of
this book is to convince you that our
High School And Middle School Similarities
Hearing the words high school does not seem as a life impacting word. When hearing
that word, majority of people take it as a series of grade levels or a step closer to
college. But little do they realize, who they were in middle school is not the same
person they are in high school. Mainly because with middle schooland high school
comes many differences and similarities. For example, honor students may have the
sample amount of homework, where appearance and friends change throughout the
With high school and middle school there will be differences. With appearance in
middle school it was not the main focus. Students would just go to school in order
to get well educated. The dress code the students set for themselves were a basic
non brand or off brand polo, with basic jeans and topped off with a pair of
champion sneakers that may have cost less than fifty dollars. Also, whatever the
parents choose for their children was acceptable only because it did not change
who the students were or who they hung out with. However, in high school it
makes a high difference on what people chose to wear. It basically categorizes the
group of people they hung out with because wearing a middle school inspired outfit
could have a student bullied. The reason why that could happen is because not
everyone is accepted in high school to every group of students. In high school most
of the students have the age requirements to recipients a job. Most of them do have a
job, allowing them to
The Central Bank or The Fed
The Central Bank in the world today is a key part in the role of an economy to
operate efficiently and effectively. Central banks began operating in the United States
in 1914. The Central Bank is commonly referred to as The Fed., which performs
various functions that have developed over the years. These functions play a huge
importance in the operation of our economy.
The Central Bank
The central bank is a financial institution that organizes the government s finances,
controls money and credit of the economy and assists as the bank to commercial
banks. The roles of the central banks are to create money and develop Monetary
Policies. Monetary Policy can be used to give assistance in the way an economy is
currently operating in. Monetary ... Show more content on ...
Evaluation of the Central Banks
The Central banks in the 1600 s performed mainly one function, to act as the
government s bank. This function particularly was used to finance wars. An
example, such as, King William of Orange utilized the central bank to finance his
wars. Other rulers utilized the central bank to stabilize the economy and financial
system. Our famous legendary warriors lead the central banks to become more
regulated. Today, the central bank is highly regulated by the government. Also,
today nearly every country in the world functions with a central bank system. As
the importance of a stable economy and reliable government grows, there has been
more of a need for central banks; especially among developing countries. Since
times have changed, the central banks are no longer seen as a way to finance
wares. Today, when a country is under tough hardship between other countries, the
central banks can be affected. An article that perfectly describes this issue is stated
on Reuters. Recently, Russia has been flooding the news with its action of
invading Ukraine. This has caused major macroeconomic problems for Ukraine,
such as, the destabilizing of the Ukraine banks. The article states, Moscow has
raised its prices it charges Kiev for gas by 80%. (Yukhananov, 2014) This has
caused Ukraine to receive a two year, $14 billion loan package in exchange for
implementing tough economic
The Careers Of A Software Developer And Computer
Critical Thinking research paper
Two careers that I am interested in doing research on are the careers of a software
developer and computer systems analyst. The purpose of a computer system analyst
is to help organize computer systems.Computer systems analyst must also help assist
organizations with information systems solution to help a company work more
proficiently, computer systems analyst who are skilled in merging business
information and technology. The purpose of a software developer is to develop
software and computer programs. A majority of the things we use on computers
were made possible because of software developers. The need for software
developers has increased greatly. Software development is the freedom of innovation
within the realm of computers. Software developers are the pioneers of software.
Software developers are responsible for applications that allow one to do specific
task on computers. Software developers are also attributed in creating programs
that are vital for your computer. When developing a software, software developers
need to analyze the demands of society. Once they are able to deduce what kind of
software is needed to make they will begin to focus on designing the software.
Several tests are performed in order to see how the software reacts when in certain
situations. One question a software developer asks is can the software work while a
computer is on safe mode? When developing a software program you want to make
sure that it
The Importance Of Education During Adolescence
Throughout, history, there has been a common belief that teenagers get more
distracted or embarrassed more easily. In addition, they seem more self centered,
and are more likely to react negatively to stress. These susceptibilities are viewed
down upon by adults because teenagers are expected to have all of the skills ready
for adulthood, and these expectations are made from the misbelief that the brainhas
already gone through the majority of its development before adolescence. If it is
widely understood that the brain is actually at its most vulnerable stage, people can
shift education and development to also encompass the teenage years. This may help
the millions of children that currently do not have the resources for education during
One of the brain regions that changes most dramatically during adolescence is the
prefrontal cortex, says Sarah Jayne Blakemore, a cognitive neuroscientist. It is
proportionally much larger in humans than any other animal. According to
Blakemore, the prefrontal cortex plays an important role socially, such as stopping
inappropriate actions, controlling important decisions, and self awareness. If you
observe the total gray matter volume of the prefrontal cortex over time, you see that
the total gray matter volume peaks at adolescence and then decreases due to a
process called synaptic pruning. Synaptic pruning is a process where the brain
literally prunes away synapses the brain is not actively using, so that the brain
Conductive Polymers Are A Specific Section Under The
Conductive polymers are a specific section under the broad range of polymers, that
have the ability to effectively conduct electricity. They were discovered by accident
in a lab by Hideki Shirakawa in 1974, yet their potential applications were not
understood until early 2000s. They are made by doping with n type and p type which
forces electrons to move throughout the material which normally would not happen
because of a polymer molecular structure. They provide many advantages over metals
because of they are light weight, cheap, and functional versatile. Conductive polymers
are frequently used with rechargeable batteries, sensors, and light displays. Lastly,
they have a bright future with the world turning towards wanting more technology
that is light weight and integrated in the day to day functions.
A typical polymer is a very ductile, cheap, and light material that cannot handle high
temperatures or electrical conductivity. Polymers are generally used for plastic bags
and bottles, crates, toys, and insulation on electrical cables. Electrical conductivity
is usually found only in metals because of its small to nonsexist band gap between
the filled and empty bands. Electrons are able to move freely between the bands
which is the current allowing everything to work. Polymers have a large enough
band gap that makes it very difficult for electrons to go between the bands. Large
amounts of energy would be needed to force electrons across this gap. However, with
the addition
Argumentative Essay About Refugee Crisis
The Syrian civil war has caused 9 million to 10 million people to lose their homes.
Those people are now refugees leaving their native land because they either have
no place to stay at or they are fearful. They want a better life for their families and,
so they would resort to using unsafe means to accomplish that goal. Refugees would
go on boats or travel by foot from the Middle East and Africa to go all the way to
Europe; most go through the Mediterranean Sea by boat. Because of this, many
people die in the sea because of the poor structure of the boat. A Syrian boy was
washed up on the shores of Turkey and was found to be dead. Most refugees live in
refugee camps seeking for asylum. With the large increase in refugees, there
comes a large amount of problems as well. Refugees may be terrorists in disguise,
taking advantage of countries, and plotting terrorist attacks in said countries.
Another problem is that with a large number of refugees coming in, a countries
resources gets used up to the point where the country are not able to support their
own citizens. However, taking in refugees may be advantageous to the country
than if they do not. Refugees can bring hidden skills that others do not have.
Refugees can also take over jobs that no one will take because its either has a
terrible pay or because it is too dangerous. The refugee crisis has had a lot of
controversy because it can affect a large amount of people and can destabilize an
entire nation. Opponents of allowing refugees into countries argue that it can bring in
a lot of terrorists and cause resources to deplete at a high rate. Supporters argue that it
is human nature to help those in need and can bring in people with extraordinary
skills and talents. Countries should allow more refugees, but only if security
increases. The first reason as to why countries should accept more refugees if
security increases along with it is because refugees can be useful to both the country
and its citizens. A Syrian refugee by the name of Yusra Mardini left Syria and walked
through Lebanon, Turkey, and Greece. Mardini was then identified by the
International Olympic Committee who would compete on a new team of refugees. In
the Olympics, Mardini will compete in
Taking a Look at Shyness
Have you felt awkward, worried or even tense during social encounters? Do you
feel these emotions around people you are unfamiliar with? If so, you have
probably encountered what it feels like to be shy. Some will occasionally feel shy
and others may be severely shy when interacting with others, in which they can feel
themselves start to blush, sweat, and have an upset stomach. The person may also
begin to feel a sense of negativity about them or even become withdrawn from
interacting with others ( American Psychological Association ). Interacting with
others on a day to day basis is life, and the shyer the person is, the more inhibited and
reluctant they are to approach others. Shynesscan be defined as the discomfort or
inhibition in situations that can interfere with pursuing a person s interpersonal or
professional goals. The feelingof shyness can be generated by a wide variety of cues
such as one on one opposite sex interactions, intimacy, unfamiliarity of others, and
having to take individual action in groups (Henderson Zimbardo, 2008). Reacting
to new and unfamiliar situations can bring out shy feelings, a new job, and public
speaking at an assembly or for a class, dating someone new or the first day of school
are situations in which a person could feel shy. The greater the feeling of not
knowing how to react or what to say will result in a greater feeling of shyness. Those
who know what to expect in situations and are sure of what to say are less likely to
Essay about Industrial Revolution Led to Labor Unions
As America became more industrial more people left their farms and small towns
to work in the city so they could pay their expenses, whatever they may be. This led
to the minimal pay of workers while the owners became wealthy leading to a
functional economy. Most would receive little money while the rest lived a life of
luxury. Since more factories were opening children, women, and immigrants could
now find jobs, which led to more production which gave more money to the owners
of the factories. Americans feared that industrialists were changing freemen into
wage slaves. By 1920, nearly 20 percent of all manufacturing workers were women,
and 13 percent of all textile workers were younger than 16 years old. In 1900, it was
estimated that... Show more content on ...
The first strike was during the 1870 s in a coal region of Pennsylvania. The
conditions were harsh in the mines and there were few if any safety precautions. A
group of Irish miners organized a union in which they called Molly Maguires.
Pinkerton agents were sent in by the mine owners to control the Molly Maguires,
this event led to the formation of other strike groups. The Great Railroad Strike of
1877 was America s first nationwide strike. The strike was a result of a 10 percent
pay deduction by four of the largest railroads. Nearly 100,000 workers were idled
and approximately two thirds of the railroad mileage across the Unites States was
shut down with over 14 states and ten railroads involved (AP Study Notes: Rise of
Unions). President Hayes eventually sent troops to coral the strikers but they were
so unorganized that they eventually stopped and went back to work. The Pullman
Strike was an effect to the Pullman Palace Car Company hit a depression and cut
workers wages 25 40 percent while keeping the rent and housing prices the same.
Many of the workers joined the American Railroad Union. Debs, socialists that
followed Karl Marx s classless society, backed up the workers which resulted in
them being jailed. The strike is an example of a secondary labor boycott. The
workers cut off the town from food and goods. President Cleveland ordered troops to
break up the strike. The federal courts issued an injunction
Food In Animal Food
Another benefit of a vegan/pescetarian lifestyle is the fact that consumers no longer
have to worry about diseases that meat carries. Unsafe, and contaminated meat
production can result to meat riddled with diseases such as e coli, salmonella, and
mad cow disease which result to getting multiple numbers of people sick and the
possibility of death. The 1963 Jack in the Box e coli outbreak was one of the biggest
and most infamous food poison outbreak in contemporary history. During this
outbreak, 732 people were infected, majority of the victims being under 10 years old,
four children dead, and 178 other victims were left with permanent injury including
brain, and kidney damage. Furthermore before the outbreak at least 22 documented
outbreaks in the United States occurred resulting into 35 deaths. Not only meatcan
actually kill you, it is possible that you are eating meat that has been injected with
antibiotics and hormones. According to an online article The Effects on Human Health
of Subtherapeutic Use of Antimicrobials in Animal Feeds , state that an estimate of
40 percent of the total beef supply has been fed low level antibiotics. Farmers use
antibiotics to animals in order for them to keep them healthy and meet America s
growing demand for cheap meat, but public health advocates argue that the practice
can eventually breed antibiotic resistant germs in animals that can later cause deadly
diseases in humans. With the possibility of death when eating meat, and the
Examples Of Figurative Language In Superman And Me
In the passage, Superman and Me Sherman Alexie explains to the readers the life
of an Indian and how he defeats and tries to help others defeat the stereotype of an
Indian. As a kid, Sherman Alexie dealt with stereotypes about reading and writing
based upon the values of his tribe; however, he taught himself how to read from
Superman comic books.Throughout the text, he uses figurative language, and
quotes that mean way more that what they look like when you read them. One
quote that really stood out was, I throw my weight against their locked doors. The
door holds. I am smart. I am arrogant. I am lucky. I am trying to save their lives.
This quote stood out because at first, when you read it, it makes no sense. But after
you look at it, and realize what he is trying to say, it is easy to understand. When
Alexie states, I throw my weight against their locked doors. The door holds, he is
using a metaphor. He is not actually throwing his body at someone s locked door, but
rather comparing the stereotype of Indians to locked doors. The Indians that he was
trying to teach had no intentions of being educated. Most... Show more content on ...
I am lucky. He is also very repetitive with this quote throughout the text, almost as if
he is reminding himself as to why he is trying to learn to read and write, and
working harder to defeat the stereotype. But when he states this in the text, he is
trying to teach Indians to learn just like he did. In the passage, it states, Then there
are the sullen and already defeated Indian kids who sit in the back rows and ignore
me with theatrical precision. The pages of their notebooks are empty. They carry
neither pencil nor pen. They stare out the window. They refuse and resist. When
Alexie was their age, nobody bothered to teach him because he is also Indian. He is
trying to tell them that being Indian does not affect intelligence, and Alexie is proof
that Indians can
My Community College
Growing up I was always told college was a must and it was very important for my
career. Both of my parents have multiple master s degrees and my mom has her
doctorate. So college was always in the back of my mind. I was not the most
studious student growing up. After graduation I tried community college and it just
was not for me. I got married at 19 and had children right after that. I had 4 children
within 5 years. I worked a full time at a decent job, but school never really was
brought up. I moved to Idaho in 2009 and started a job at the Emmett Libraryin 2011.
Schooling again was really never brought up, even though I knew a job in libraries
did usually require some type of schooling. I went for a 2nd job at the Middleton
Library in 2015. The director there told me she would like to see all of her employees
who do not have a degree enrolled in some type of classes. I started CSI fall of 2015
and graduated with an AA in Library Sciencein Spring of 2017. I decided if I wanted
my bachelor s degree I better continue now or else who knows if I would go back. I
spoke again with the director at Middleton and asked her opinion about a bachelor
s degree that would be good for me since there are not many bachelors programs for
library. (I had quit Middleton and started at the Nampa Library) She had said one of
her employees was doing the MDS program at BSU and gave me some background
information on it. It sounded like something I would be interested in so I contacted
Science Graphics Intern
The position of the Science Graphics Intern came to my attention through the
University of Evansville s website, UE JobLink. Currently a sophomore archaeology
major at the University of Evansville, I plan to pursue museum studies with my
degree. This internship will help me gain the necessary experience to pursue a
successful career in future years. At the present, I hold a part time position at the
local restaurant, Azzip Pizza. For this position, I regularly rotate between the Make
Station and Cut to efficiently assist in the operation of the store. Azzip s quick paced
environment taught me effective skills when dealing with issues, such as providing
exceptional customer service and proficiently maintaining a clean and fully stocked
No Man Should Have All That Power
Question 1 No man should have all that power; you got the power to let power go.
This quote comes from rapper Kanye West, sung during his hit song Power. Although
West is far from being a positive influence on American history, he makes a valid
point. If history has shown the world anything it is that power can lead to an infinite
amount of negative outcomes: greed, corruption, dishonesty, exploitation and so on.
And while the writers of the U.S. constitution did their best to prevent the threats of
power from overtaking the country s leaders, states like Texas have brought it into
their owns hands to even further prevent power from effecting their state s politicians.
By developing the plural executive, state governments have been able... Show more
content on ...
And finally the power of appointment which enables the governor to exercise
patronage. (Champagne). However, if the governor is ever unable to act upon his
duties, the responsibility falls to the lieutenant governor. The Lieutenant Governor
performs the duties of the Governor during any period that the Governor is unable or
is absent from the State. He is also the President of the Senate and is empowered to
cast the deciding vote in the event the Senate is equally divided on any question
(Combs). Both the governor and lieutenant governor share significant powers,
however the branch would be incomplete without the remaining members of the
plural executive. Yet another integral member of the state s executive branch is the
Comptroller of Public Accounts. The Comptroller is generally responsible for
maintaining the accounting records of the State and collecting taxes and other
revenues due to the State. Also, the Comptroller is required by statute to prepare an
annual statement of the funds of the State and of the State s revenues and
expenditures for the preceding fiscal year (Combs). The next position is the
Commissioner of the General Land Office. The Commissioner is generally
responsible for
The Simpsons on Television Essay
The Simpsons How does a television series keep going in this time of ever changing
network schedules and shows that grow stale after twelve weeks?
The Simpsons have not only lasted, but it has also become a staple of
American life. Many tribute this longevity to the witty and hilarious satire that is
present in every episode. By using incongruity, sarcasm, exaggeration, and other
comedic techniques, The Simpsons satirizes most aspects of ordinary life, from
family, to TV, to religion, achieving the true essence of satire.
Homer Simpson is the captivating and hilarious satire of today s quot;Everyman. quot;
With each passing season, Homer has emerged more and more as the central
character in the series. In one episode, a previously ... Show more content on ...
I want to see you both fighting for your parents love quot;!
Because it is so exaggerated, Homer s quote is a very funny contradiction of
Marge s. Though many parents do cross the line in pushing their child to succeed,
Homer overly exaggerates it when he says, quot;I want to see you both fighting for
your parent s love! quot; Marge represents the quot;good quot; parent, as she so often
does, and Homer becomes the extreme satire of the quot;bad quot; parent.
He also says he doesn t want his kids going easy on each other because they re
family. This is in direct contrast of the quot;family first quot; mentality most
parents try to instill in their children. Instead, Homer wrongly puts winning ahead
of anything else. There is a lot of incongruity in Homer s actions as well because
one does not expect a middle aged father to act so childish. With exaggerated
characters, the townspeople of Springfield satirize the stereotypes that the media
so often depicts. Police Chief Clancy Wiggum is the corrupt and unintelligent head
of the police force. His physical appearance alone is a satire of the stereotypical
officer. He is very fat, always eating donuts and assorted artery clogging foods, and
his nose bares a striking resemblance to that of a pig. In an act of comedy only
possible in cartoons,
Wiggum s round, upturned nose with large nostrils is unlike anyone else s in
Springfield. Aside from his physical features, his questionable character
Essay On Depressive Disorder
6. Adil Chinese 2017
The Aqueous Fraction of Areca catechu Nut Ameliorates Demyelination in Prefrontal
Cortex Induced Depressive Symptoms and Cognitive Decline through Brain Derived
Neurotrophic Factor Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate Response Element Binding
1 Chin J Integr Med
Depressive symptoms do not represent a mood disorder, but rather an organic
dysfunction.(1) Depressive symptoms and cognitive decline are common in
schizophrenia, major depressive disorder (MDD), bipolar disorder, and Alzheimer s
disease (AD).(2) Moreover, depressive symptoms have been associated with
increased risk of cognitive decline.(1) The relationship between depressive symptoms
and cognitive decline is complex. Recently, cross sectional ... Show more content on ...
cognitive decline by facilitating myelination processes in prefrontal cortex.
MethodsMethods: A mouse model of cuprizone : A mouse model of cuprizone
induced demyelination was used to mimic demyelinating disease. Two concentrations
of induced demyelination was used to mimic demyelinating disease. Two
concentrations of A. . catechucatechu nut extract nut extract
(ANE; 1% and 2%) were administered orally in the diet for 8 weeks. Depressive
symptoms and cognition associated (ANE; 1% and 2%) were administered orally in
the diet for 8 weeks. Depressive symptoms and cognition associated
behaviors were evaluated in tests of locomotor activity, tail suspension, and forced
swimming; spatial memory was behaviors were evaluated in tests of locomotor
activity, tail suspension, and forced swimming; spatial memory was
tested with the Y maze. Expression of myelin basic protein (MBP), 2 ,3 cyclic
nucleotide 3 phosphodiesterase tested with the Y maze. Expression of myelin basic
protein (MBP), 2 ,3 cyclic nucleotide 3 phosphodiesterase
(CNPase), glutathione S transferases pi (GSTpi), brain derived neurotrophic factor
(BDNF), and the transcription (CNPase), glutathione S transferases pi (GSTpi), brain
derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and the transcription
factor cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) response element binding (CREB)
were evaluated by western blot. factor cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)
Kamikaze Pro Research Paper
Kamikaze Pro Full Moon September 27th Match Announcement! The next match
will be one of the biggest matches we have seen in the Fighting Females Division
and it will be overseen by record 6X TNA Knockouts Champion. Shanna Portugal s
Perfect Athlete has seemingly made Kamikaze Pro a 2nd home with big win against
Toni Storm at our 2nd Anniversary Show. Then her and WWE Diva/TNA Knockout
Mickie James stole the show at Brute Force. She has wrestled the worlds best female
competition including Paige, Saraya Knight, Candice LeRae, Alpha Female, Jessicka
Havok, Kay Lee Ray, Leah Von Dutch and her famous match against Emi Sakura.
She has also wrestled Angelina Love, the special guest referee in this match and
rumour has it they don t get on
Essay on Johannes Kepler
Johannes Kepler was a German astronomer and mathematician who lived between
1671 1630. Kepler was a Copernican and initially believed that planets should
follow perfectly circular orbits ( Johan Kepler 1). During this time period, Ptolemy s
geocentric theory of the solar system was accepted. Ptolemy s theory stated that
Earth is at the center of the universe and stationary; closest to Earth is the Moon, and
beyond it, expanding towards the outside, are Mercury, Venus, and the Sun in a
straight line, followed by Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the fixed stars . The Ptolemaic
system explained the numerous observed motions of the planets as having small
spherical orbits called epicycles ( Astronomy 2). Kepler is best known for introducing
three... Show more content on ...
His first law states, The orbits of the planets are ellipses, with the Sun at one focus
of the ellipse. As shown in Figure 1, The Sun is not at the focus of the ellipse, but is
instead at one focus [usually there is nothing at the other focus of the ellipse]. The
planet then trails the ellipse in its orbit, which implies that the Earth Sun distance is
continually changing as the planet goes around its orbit. Kepler s second law
states, The line joining the planet to the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal times
as the planet travels around the ellipse. As shown in Figure 2, an imaginary line
from the center of the sun to the center of a planet sweeps out the same area in a
given time. This means that planets move faster when they are closer to the sun.
Kepler s third and final law states, The time taken by a planet to make one complete
trip around the sun is its period. The ratio of the squares of periodic times for two
planets is equal to the ratio of the cubes of their mean distances from the sun. Kepler
s third law indicates that the time taken by a planet to orbit the Sun increases quickly
with the radius of its orbit ( Johannes Kepler: The 1 4). Kepler s laws challenged
Aristotelean and Ptolemaic astronomy. His statement that the Earth
Buddy Holly Research Paper
Here I am at the place where Buddy Holly died from plane crash. Buddy Holly is a
famous rock musician who is known for rock and roll music. He was born in
musical family on September 7, 1936 in Lubbock, Texas. He inspired many famous
such as Beatles, Rolling Stones, and Elton John. As you can see, the weather was
snowing and foggy yesterday, which is poor condition for airplanes to fly. The plane
took from runway 17 in Mason City Municipal Airport, Iowa at around 12:30. The
plane was headed to Hector Airport, North Dakota. Because of the poor weather, it
caused a 21 years old pilot Roger Peterson to lose a control of the aircraft single
engined Beechcraft Bonanza , and tail light gradually came off at first. The pilot was
not able to contact
Best Publicity Rights And Lanham Act
1. Best Publicity Rights and Lanham Act Claims for Tripper against Topcat and
Topcat s My Trip with Tripper violates Woody s right of publicity and the Lanham
Act, because Topcat is using Tripper s plaintiff s character and likeness for Topcat s
purely commercial purposes without consent, and he is using Tripper s trademark in
ways that imply Tripper s endorsement of Topcat s poster. Thus, Tripper should be
afforded a permanent restraining order to prevent Tripper and AND1 from selling the
poster, and he should additionally be awarded the monetary damages for the losses
from the inability to secure other endorsement deals and a poster agreement with
Panini due to Tripper s damages reputation that resulted from Topcat s... Show more
content on ...
Id; See Abdul Jabbar v. Gen. Motors Corp.; Eastwood v. Superior Court of Los
Angeles County. Here, Tripper clearly represents a famous athlete due to his
winnings, signature trappings, and his social media presence during the NCAA
incident and after that. Furthermore, Topcat s sale of the posters to AND1, as well
as, dissemination of posters along with Tripper s shoes indicates that Topcat s
primary purpose is to commercialize Tripper s image for his own gain. Tripper should
also assert a policy argument stating that he needs to be afforded protection against
false suggestions of endorsement or sponsorship because it is imperative for athletes,
such as himself, to protect their valuable existing and potential contracts to prevent
the brands from dropping out of the contracts with the athletes due to their tarnished
or diluted image and likeness. See RPA at 127; and class discussion about Michael
Jordan litigating abroad to protect his signature shoes. Similarly to Michael Jordan,
Tripper has a signature shoe and has a signature style on the court that contributes to
his likeness and image in the eyes of consumers. Furthermore, the indefinite halt of
his potential poster contract with Panini signifies that Topcat s posters prevent
Tripper from entering into a legitimate contract with Panini. Moreover, the other
companies retracted from offering Tripper endorsement
Questions On Lingering Racial And Ethnic Discrimination
Saif Abdulqader
Ethics 21333 /MW 1:30 2:50 Reflection
Lingering racial and ethnic discrimination continues to strain the bonds that hold us
together. It is the time we set our minds to achieving dream of true equality. The
(ICGA): Islamic Center Great Austin, is a nonprofit organization, that aims at helping
refugees meet their needs, and fit into the society which they encounter for the first
time. As a part of Muslim community, I volunteered in translating for these refugees,
as they have language barriers especially when they have to make a medical
appointment or something urgent that requires full understanding. In the service
learning, which I did in ICGA in Austin TX I learned... Show more content on ...
Once they re treated from their pain, their smiles cannot be described in words. They
looked at food as if it was something coming from another world. Happiness is the
sole end of human action, and the promotion of it the test by which to judge of all
human conduct. (Standford Encyclopedia, Juan Mill, Happiness).It was so tragic, I
couldn t stop my tears from falling. What type of humanity is that? How could
terrorism result in all these victims? Why? What is the purpose? Once we could see
the happiness in their eyes this is like the feeling of owning entire world by itself.
Kant perceived the issue from a different perspective through which one can
accomplish perfect duties and imperfect ones. This focuses on reduction of ethnicity
and racial tensions that we as a community must build racial and cultural identity
within our individual groups. virtue and happiness together constitute possession of
the highest good in a person, and happiness distributed in exact proportion to morality
(as the worth of a person and his worthiness to be happy) constitutes the highest
good of a possible world (Standford Encyclopedia, Imanuel kant , Happiness). The
perfect duties that I was able to accomplish with these refugees, is the language. I
speak their language which is Arabic. We define our identity as being different or
unique from others, at the same time we thrive to exist and stay. As they came here
they suffered misunderstanding, from language barrier to
Defining The Bill Of Rights
Defining the Bill of Rights and Amendments to the Constitution Originally the
Constitutional framers did not include a list of specific liberties. These liberties
later would become a Bill of Rights. Many of the founding fathers did not believe it
was necessary to spell out these individual liberties because they felt that the U.S.
Constitution already made it clear what the limits on the government s powers were.
Soon it would become more evident that the Constitution didn t go far enough in
addressing the issue of national power. As the ratification debates began, numerous
issues arose. The framers realized the pressing need for a specific Bill of Rights.
Thomas Jefferson was one of the main proponents of a document that spelled out the
... Show more content on ...
The framers intended for only the most significant issues of the day to lead to a
constitutional amendment. Surprisingly the president and the executive branch
have no role in proposal and ratification process. Although, the office still wields
some political influence depending upon the issue. (Janda et al., 2012) The Bill of
Rights was originally intended to provide protection from the federal government,
whom many feared could become too powerful. Late in the 19th century the
Supreme Court ruled that these same liberties and rights guaranteed in the
constitution also must be applied at the state level as well. Although most
Americans are familiar with the names of Jefferson, Franklin and Madison, one of
the most important figures of this time was a gentlemen named George Mason. He
was one of the first leaders to demand the government recognize such basic rights
as freedom of the press, religious tolerance and the right to trial by jury. Mason
was highly respected by his peers, but unlike Washington, Jefferson and Madison,
he had no desire to hold public office. He did later on serve on various committees
and was appointed to draft the Virginia declaration of rights. (, 2014)
Mason took the lead on this project, and basically wrote the document by himself.
He drew a lot upon the influence of the philosopher John Locke. One of the main
assertions he included in this draft was, That all men are born equally free and
independent, and
Critical Analysis Of Some Lessons From The Assembly Line
Has the author s goal changed with this analytical reading of the text? If so, how? If
not, why not?
oAs I reevaluate the article Some Lessons From the Assembly Line by Andrew
Braaksma (2005), I come to the same conclusions, and overall notes. I notice again,
that transitions in life are never easy, going from an assembly line, punching the
clock, and then back to college life. I also took the feeling that the Author s college
life was quite lax in comparison to hit summer work life. Other points I came
across again was a lack of security within that field, not paying attention to repetitive
tasks can cause injury, and the value of an education. I can relate to the value to an
education, as it allows you to get into the door to vet one s abilities. Without
education, experience can land you in the same position. However, at the Author
junction in life, many would not have the experience to be able to obtain secure
employment, and with that I felt lucky to have been able to have obtained the
experience in the service. With that, I value an education, and am now perusing that
to achieve higher goals. Additionally, I don t want to ever be in a dying field, that
could disappear, or become outsourced.
2. Have you identified new key points that the author uses to try to achieve his or her
goal in the selected article? If so, include them here. If not, explain why the key
points from your Writing Notes have remained the same, even after conducting an
active reading of
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English Essay Internet

  • 1. English Essay Internet Writing an essay on the topic of "English Essay Internet" can be both challenging and intriguing. On one hand, the vastness of the subject offers numerous angles to explore, ranging from its historical evolution to its societal impact. However, this very breadth can also pose a difficulty, as it requires the writer to carefully navigate through the plethora of information available. To begin with, researching the Internet itself can be overwhelming. The sheer volume of data, opinions, and perspectives can make it challenging to filter out relevant and credible sources. Additionally, the fast-paced nature of technological advancements means that staying current with the latest information is crucial. Keeping up with the dynamic landscape of the Internet requires constant vigilance and adaptability. The complexity of the topic is further compounded by the multifaceted nature of the Internet. It encompasses various aspects such as social media, online communication, e-commerce, cybersecurity, and more. Crafting a coherent essay involves not only addressing each of these facets but also establishing meaningful connections between them. Striking the right balance between depth and breadth becomes a delicate task. Moreover, the impact of the Internet on language itself adds another layer of intricacy to the writing process. The evolution of online communication, the emergence of new forms of expression, and the influence of internet culture on language demand careful consideration. Balancing the formal requirements of an essay with the informal nature of online discourse can be a tightrope walk. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "English Essay Internet" necessitates navigating through a sea of information, staying abreast of technological developments, and addressing the multifaceted impact of the Internet on society and language. It's a challenge that requires a thoughtful approach and a keen understanding of the subject matter. If you find yourself overwhelmed or short on time, remember that assistance is available. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on, where experienced writers can help you navigate the complexities of your academic tasks. English Essay Internet English Essay Internet
  • 2. An Interview At A Social Service Centre Essay 1.Introduction In this report I will identify and critique an interview of important skills and lack of them towards a client by a social service practitioner. Within this report I will identify positive and negative aspects that affect the efficiency of the Help process. This meeting is held at a Social service centre by Barbara. It is the first meeting between the pracitioner and her client JinLing, a Chiniese migrant who is unhappy with her job situation. 2.Micro Skills 2.1Identification of Micro Skills The micro skills that are identified in this conversation are effectively used to enhance the client interaction. The first positive aspect is the use of door openers. Barbara offers a refreshment at the beginning of the interview and opens up the conservation with icebreaker comments about the weather. This is an effective way of increasing the clients comfortability as well as getting the client to talk. The next important micro skill that Barbara does, is explaining her role and the services role at the beginning of the interview. In this, Barbara also explains to the client about confidentiatlity. Barbara effectively explains confidentiality and her ability to hold information which gives the client assurance of confidence. After asking the client about herself, Barbara uses minimal encouragers, such as nodding, and repeating last words to show attentive skills through brief indictaions she is listening. These are very natural and do not divert the clients
  • 3. Designing A New Positioning Strategy Essay There are two alternatives to LRNA s positioning problem. The first alternative is to maintain the dual positioning strategy as originally outlined by the CEO. The dual positioning integrates the concept of the definitive family 4X4 with a logical evolution of the legendary Land Rover . This tactic aims to tailor the model into a versatile family vehicle, targeting modern families in demand for a reliable and trustworthy SUV. It also emphasizes on the evolution of Land Rover, subtly using the impact of the successful Land Rover to influence consumers perception, and stressing the word evolution to induce consumers comprehension about the new Discovery, making consumers understand that Discovery was not only as good as the Land Rover, but also updated and transformed to satisfy desires for creature comforts. The other alternative is designing a new positioning strategy based on the model s competitiveness and target market. Taking into consideration the situation analysis above, this alternative can be cutting off retail price and going for mainstream instead of the current niche strategy. There are also two alternatives to the company s retail strategy problem, with the first one being switching to free standing Centre stores, and the other one being holding on to dealership franchising. The decision criteria for the alternatives are divided into financial, economic, operational and social impacts. So in the following discussion, alternatives will be evaluated on
  • 4. Key Challenges Facing The Canadian Book Publishing... Three key challenges facing the Canadian book publishing industry are the concentration in retail market, the competition for multinationals, and the cost of adapting to new technologies and entering the export market. Policy source 14, Summative Evaluation of the Book Publishing Industry Development Industry Program discusses these challenges. The first challenge is the concentration in retail market, where the English Canadian market only has one national bookstore chain, which is Chapters/Indigo. This was not an issue in the past, where in comparison to 1985, there were three national bookstore chains. The concentration in retail markets provides lower prices for consumers, but for competition it implies that there are less traditional bookstores available. One benefit of having a concentration in retail market would be the expression of chain and non traditional sectors are more of an opportunity for publishers, seeing that retails have expanded the national retail space for books and thus having attracted new customers for books. The second challenge is the competition from multinationals. Competition from large, foreign controlled multinational publishers with subsidiaries in Canada are an issue for Canadian owned publishers for the reason that their presence in Canada restrains the opportunities for Canadian owned publishers to generate revenues by acting as distributors of imported books. Multinationals have also become active in publishing Canadian authored
  • 5. First Person Narrative Research First person narrative research is a term that uses a group of approaches that in turn depend on spoken words, written works or pictures/drawings of people. These approaches tend to focus on the lives of individuals as told through their own stories. The importance and focus within such approaches is in the narrative, usually based on both what and how it is narrated. The audience validates narrative research. Being a very useful tool and all, narrative method may not always be strong enough to stand alone as a central piece of evidence in concluding a point. Regardless if it is part of a presentation or whether it is a stand alone piece of information, it must be accepted, based on its own merits as an individual experienceand... Show more content on ... The narrative method allows for an intimate look into the emotions, thoughts and experiences within a story based on the fact that another has witnessed such or intern through another s work along for a great picture to be established. Being easily able to validate a claim or narrative account through another is also a huge benefit of the method making it easier for the truth to come out and harder for lies to see the light. Personal narratives and information gained from narrative methods tend to come from truthful sources based on not wanting to tarnish individual s credibility, and not seeing a reason in creating lies and misleading information. Nevertheless, many problems can also be seen within the method harder and less likely to prevent. The limited perspective is detrimental in the sense that only that one perspective s views through emotion and feeling are used to describe the situation if there had only been one account. Unless there are multiple viewpoints from different individuals who think and act differently put together to create one image from all different sides, which isn t very practical to do. The narrative method also creates a restricted view in the sense that anything the reader does not know, you don t know. Such as taking into consideration different socio contexts and the individuals thinking spectrums. The narrative account may also be biased, understanding the story through ones eyes, leaves room for events and facts to change based on what the individual thinks, wants, and knows at the
  • 6. The Theme Of Modernism In The Waste Land, By T. S. Eliot T.S. Eliot, on his full name Thomas Stearns Eliot is an American writer known for his very influential works of prose, poetry and literary criticism among we can mention The Waste Land (1922), Poems (1919), Prufrock and Other Observations (1917), Hamlet and His Problems (1921),The Three Voices of Poetry (1954). For many who know his work, T.S. Eliot is an important figure when it comes to Modernism, often using in his writings references to myths and other personalities, juxtaposition of different poetic voices, discourses and tradition. Modernism was a movement that influenced art and culture during the late nineteenth to early twentieth century. More specifically in art and culture, artists responded by trying to find new ways of seeing, new models of knowing...abandoning rules of perspective, and in literature, abandoning a fixed point of view (Bentley Brooker17). A first look at the poem is not enough to understand what it is about and although it might seem hard to be understood or even ambiguous, it is important first to understand the historical background in order to decipher it. Semy Rhee argues that one of the prominent elements in The Waste Landthat makes the poem difficult to understand is the historical references and allusions to other literary works. The... Show more content on ... In The Waste Land can also be found religious allusion too referring to traditions and texts, not only literary works. The poets cites several biblical text with references to Christianity. As an example, the image of the barren land in The Burial of the Dead refers to Ecclesiastes
  • 7. Irony Of Empathy In Raymond Carver s Cathedral Kiano Tran Professor Gray English 102 27 September, 2016 Looking beyond Empathy is the ability to understand and vicariously share the feelings and thoughts of other people. Empathic feelings are fundamental for humans in social and interpersonal life because they enable human beings to tune their mental states to their social environment as well as to understand others intentions, actions, and behaviors. In particular, empathy for pain is a source of deep emotional feelings and a strong trigger of prosocial behavior. In the fictional short Cathedral , written by Raymond Carver, the author cast significant irony: a narrator who ignorantly disdains blindness while being oblivious to his own limitations in sight. In parallel, Flight Pattern , ... Show more content on ... He is a fearful man. William overachieves in mostly anything he does, especially work. He is an athletic person who is strongly concerned with his health or lack of, depending on how much sleep he gets. He is an insomniac, works odd hours sometimes and constantly finds himself flying all over for business trips and meetings. He, therefore, doesn t see his wife and child. He tends to over analyzes everything. Which makes it harder not to prejudge people like going to the airport where he always scans for little brown guys. William has been a victim of racial profiling. The irony of the story is when he searches for these little brown guys , is William himself was a little brown guy, so the other travelers were always sniffing around him, but he smelled only of Dove soap, Mennen deodorant, and sarcasm (par.34). William does a lot to hide his Native American culture, becoming a white washed Native American. He is stuck in the stereotype and discrimination based on the color of his skin, but he upholds the same lifestyle and thinking of a middle class white
  • 8. Compare And Contrast The Wizard Of Oz The Wizard of Oz Movie vs Book Andre Duvall Dr. Friedman October 10th 2014 US Hisotry Block 7 The Wizard of Oz has been a popular and symbolic film throughout our previous history. Both the book and movie have been recognised as classic literature for children and adults alike. Although they share the same concept, there are a few important differences between the novel and the film. In the movie: It tells the story of a girl named Dorothy, who ends up in a tornado and gets hurled away from her farm in Kansas to a land that is not like anything she has experienced before. After Dorothy s house falls and kills the Wicked Witch in the first scene, Dorothy is welcomed by the Munchkins. The kind witch, Glinda, appears and explains to Dorothy that in order to find out about getting back home, she needs to follow the yellow brick road. This road leads her to Emerald city, where she must ask the grand Wizard to get her back to Kansas. Along her way down the yellow brick road Dorothy encounters some characters who all have something they want to ask the wizard. However, when they finally arrive at the Emerald City, they discover the wizard is just a fraud and that everything they had been searching for they can find deep within themselves (metaphorically rather than physically). What most individuals can t seem to decipher is that The Wizard of Oz referenced several late 1800 s political issues and ideas. Whether these references are true or not is difficult to say.
  • 9. Shakespeare In Modern Society Shakespeare relevance in modern society is a highly debated topic in modern classrooms. Many students will argue that he is old and is to confusing, others will say he s boring. Then on the other side of the argument students argue that he has shaped the modern english language and has changed society for the better. Whilst others are undecided, listening to both sides of the argument and not being able to decide. In this essay both sides will be discussed; talking about quoting shakespeare and how much we use his words and phrases everyday, how the emotions in shakespeare s playsare still relevant in modern society and audiences still react in the way the play intended and finally how social norms have changed and it is no longer socially acceptable with it putting the wrong ideas into people s heads. Everyone quotes shakespeare or uses on of his works at least once everyday. Most people don t even realize we are doing it. Most people probably think it s greek to me (a phrase created by shakespeare), when really it is very common In between writing poems and plays shakespeare was creating new words and phrases to fit his plays and other works. Shakespeare almost created a whole nother language in his time creating round 1700 words. A study has shown that people quote shakespeare at least four times everyday, which is pretty impressive for a guy that has been dead for 400 years. Shakespeare has had a massive influence on the english language and he is very important
  • 10. Atrap, And Angiotensin Receptor Associated Protein Introduction: ATRAP, or Angiotensin Receptor Associated protein, is a cytoplasmic protein that is found to interact with the carboxyl terminal domain of Angiotensin type 1 receptors (AT1) (Cui et al., 2000). ATRAP was discovered to have three hydrophobic domains located at the amino terminal end and one long hydrophilic tail found at the carboxyl terminal end (Lopez Ilasaca et al., 2003). This 18 kDA protein is highly specific in it s binding and is predicted to have three transmembrane domains along with a cytoplasmic tail. ATRAP fails to bind to various other receptors, which exclude AT1 (Castrop, 2015). In yeast, the orientation of the protein was seen to have the amino end outside the cell. In addition, mutant proteins, which did not have the carboxyl end, were unable to bind to the AT1 receptors (Lopez Ilasaca et al., 2003). In order to understand the role of ATRAP in humans, it is imperative to understand the role of the AT1 receptor itself. AT1 receptors are crucial elements of the renin angiotensin system. They act as mediators for almost all physiological roles of angiotensin II (AngII). Inhibiting the binding of angiotensin II to AT1 receptors can effectively lower blood pressure of patients who are found to have hypertension. This observation demonstrates that AT1 receptors, more specifically those found in the kidneys, are important factors in the cause of hypertension in humans (Chen Coffman, 2015). After understanding regulation model, the function of
  • 11. Essay on Leonardo da Vinci s The Last Supper Leonardo s Last Supper is a priceless piece of art with much hidden meaning and obvious talents bestowed upon a wall. Under the study of Verrocchio as a painter and a sculptor, he was able to use his skills in creating a very detailed and a very naturalistic piece of work that would be remembered for hundreds of years. He was also able to create characters with amazing individuality. Not only was his portrayal of the characters magnificent, but the symbolism he used which emphasized the story being told in the Last Supper . Lodovico Sforza chose Leonardo to create The Last Supper in the refectory of the Dominican Church of S. Maria delle Grazie in Milan. The Abate of the S. Maria delle Grazie saw Leonardo work from morning until ... Show more content on ... Although, the way Leonardo allows its viewers to depict the scene from a specific point in the Bible adds to the importance and significance of the painting in which no other artist could even compare. He does allow the viewer to recognize this scene by the gestures of both the Lord and the Apostles. The Lord sits ever so quietly while the Apostles rise in reaction to what the Lord had just announced. It is rather obvious that Leonardo chose the critical moment after the Lord had stated, Verily I say unto you that one of you shall betray me, because of the emotions that evolve in this specific scene (Matt. 26.21). He took much time to express every detail of each Apostle and the Lord. Leonardo had even wrote in one of his notebooks that A good painterhas two chief objects to paint man and the intention of his soul. The former is easy, the latter hard because he has to represent it by the attitude and movement of the limbs (Heydenreich, 27). For example, the Lord is very relaxed with his arms resting on the table which adds to the portrayal of His greatness. He also emphasized the Lord s greatness by giving Him a serious attitude and by presenting Him as untouchable with the space between Himself and the Apostles. The distance put between them is called the spacial perspective, which is one of the techniques Leonardo feels is important in naturalistic art. Although, the
  • 12. Domestic Violence Against Men and Women Domestic Violence against Men and Women Sandra Marable Kaplan University CM 220 Professor Freiteg May 20, 2013 Whenever the thought of domestic violence comes to mind, more than often the visual picture is a women or a child. However, there is another side that has been ignored because it is pushed under the rug. The unfortunate fact is that men are the victims of domestic violence at least as often as women are. While the very idea of men is being beaten by their wives or partners runs contrary to many of our deeply ingrained beliefs about men and women, female or male violence against men is a well documented phenomenon almost completely ignored by both the media and society (Watson 2013). The majority of... Show more content on ... Guilt most often what keeps the victim, at the hands of their abuser, that internal turmoil that the victim goes through with leaving the since of feeling responsible, the feeling of leaving the relationship and the household, this alone is the underlying reasons behind not leaving, not wanting to separate the household. Self blame can not be avoided for some of those who believe that they just have not done enough, the only thing that will help is time, distance and healing and too not get into another relationship until they are completely ready. It is estimated that about 3.2 million men are victims of assault by their partner each year in the United States. However, most of these assaults are relatively minor, such as hitting, smacking, pushing, and shoving, others are much more serious. . It has raised serious questions about implementation of arrest policies, equivalency of intimate partner aggression across genders, and management of female domestic violence offenders. This study compares demographic characteristics, criminal history variables, and the past domestic violence history of men and women arrested for domestic assault against a heterosexual intimate partner. Using victim reported information and data collected by local criminal justice agencies, we
  • 13. The Passamaquoddy Indians Essay The Passamaquoddy Indians For several hundred years people have sought answers to the Indian problems, who are the Indians, and what rights do they have? These questions may seem simple, but the answers themselves present a difficult number of further questions and answers. State and Federal governments have tried to provide some order with a number of laws and policies, sometimes resulting in state and federal conflicts. The Federal Government s attempt to deal with Indian tribes can be easily understood by following the history of Federal Indian Policy. Indians all over the United States fought policies which threatened to destroy their familial bonds and traditions. The Passamaquoddy Indian Tribe of Maine, resisted no less ... Show more content on ... The 1774 treaty was signed between the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Passamaquoddy Tribe. The treaty stipulated that the tribe would surrender all claims to land in Massachusetts in exchange for 23,000 acres at Indian Township and ten acres at Pleasant Point. Indian Township is located just above Princeton, Maine, and Pleasant Point is located between Eastport and Perry, Maine. This treaty was signed after the enactment of the Trade and Intercourse Acts, which held that no treaties could be made with the Indians, except with federal approval. There was no federal approval with this treaty (Brooks 3). The State of Maine s courts in 1842 described Indians as charity cases and imbeciles, subject to paternal control by the state. After years of being forcibly removed or displaced by white settlers, the Passamaquoddy were reduced to living a meager existence form hunting, fishing, trapping, and craft making (Brooks 3). The General Allotment Act of 1887 was passed with the concept that if Indians were given individual plots of land, they would farm that land and assimilate into the white culture. Allotted parcels of land were given to families, and the excess lands were sold off. This resulted in a disastrous loss of Indian Land, from 138 million acres in 1887 to 48 million in 1834, 20 million of which was desert (Brooks 4). In 1924, Congress passed a law giving U.S.
  • 14. Internet Addicts in Danger Essay Internet Addicts in Danger Internet chat rooms have become a devastating disadvantage to the social interaction and growth of people in the world. More and more of the world s youth are becoming addicted to Internet chat rooms. Not only are Internet chat room relationships leading to impersonal contact of people hiding flaws behind anonymity, they are leading to the abduction of many underage individuals. In an article published in The Age, a magazine in Melbourne, Australia, Doctor Mubarak Rahamathulla has researched teenagers that have become pathologically addicted to Internet chat rooms. Rahamathulla argues that this addiction could damage their social skills as well as their ability to form intimate relationships. ... Show more content on ... Barr opens the article with this passage: Check any other message board; they ve got them for every conceivable subject. Comic books, sci fi movies, long distance running you ll find someone chatting about something at any given time of day. And the discussion, for the most part, will be supportive, informative and good natured. Not on the music sites. These well meaning forums intended to foster peace, love and understanding are a snarling snake pit, with fans one upping each other with unfounded knowledge and unpopular ideas going down in flames. What Barr addresses in her article is a reflection of what is going on all over the Internet. In chat rooms on millions of different sites people are pretending to be who they are not, because they want to express opinions about a topic they feel passionate about, without being criticized. The idea is that if your screen name is chastised for a certain opinion, you are not really being chastised. It is this mentality that keeps people logged into chat rooms all hours of the day, every day, keeping them from the physically social world. And turning their life into an online soap opera , as Jay Gerland, founder of, refers to his message boards in Barr s article. Gerland says all you have online is a user name, you don t have to have a face. So you ve got 16 year olds around with 50 year olds.This place is like a soap opera,
  • 15. Family Lawyers Perth Essay Family Lawyers Perth has the best mediation lawyers at your service! Description: We know how saddening it is to wrongfully stay away from your child /children. Trust Family Lawyers Perth for the best mediation lawyers to get them back. Contact us now! When it is about mediation, trust only the Family Lawyers Perth. Mediation cases rise when surrogacy is involved. Either the surrogate mother may want her child back, or the arranged parents may want their children from the surrogate mother. Thus, at Family Lawyers Perth we believe that certain aspects of the surrogacy laws in WA should be clear to the clients seeking help regarding mediation: Surrogacy are of two types traditional: where the birth mother s egg gets fertilized by a sperm donor or the arranged ... Show more content on ... The agreement is then approved in writing by the Reproductive Technology Council. You can file recovery order and get your child back by law only if you have committed no errors in the above methods. And if you re sure you ve made no errors, relax, we at Family Lawyers Perth have the best and most experienced mediation lawyers Perth has ever had, and we will surely help you out. Contact Family Lawyers Perth now via mail, phone or visit the office in person. We at Family Lawyers Perth will surely get your child back to you! We at Family Lawyers Perth have the best family lawyers Perth has ever had. We assure you that we will bring your child back to you rightfully, and work in the following ways: Contact us and tell us about your grievances. We appoint a mediation lawyer for you. Our family lawyers are experienced in family law cases, and will talk to you about your case and fix the procedure, and the recovery order you can place to get your child back. We at Family Lawyers Perth will leave no stone unturned to bring your child back. Contact us now for free
  • 16. How Does The Change Affect The Environment Of The Drivers... Firstly, it is most important to be able to express the change in a clear simple statement that can be expressed within a minute (60 seconds) Doing this will allow staff to have a core understanding of what is changing. It is important for this statement to be specific straight to the point and express with language free of jargon. Bridges offers the following guidance the statement must: Clearly express the change leader #39;s understanding and intention Link the change to the drivers that make it necessary quot;Sell the problem before you try to sell the solution. quot; Not use jargon Be under 60 seconds in duration Secondly, it is important to explain what will be different because of the change. Assess what the ... Show more content on ... So frequently it is assumed by senior management that people can and will accept an organisational change with no backlash or issues, the failure to recognise and attempt to address this is a significant cause of change or transition failure. The larger the human impact of the organisational change the greater the need for some form of quot;transitional support quot;. BADM 466 Managing Change: Assignment #1 Part A Samantha Winter January 22 nd 2017
  • 17. As a change leader, it is important to understand why your people will not necessarily embrace change. This is where you come in, it will be your job to assist with the transition, my job today will be to prepare you with the tools needed to go through the phases efficiently and effectively. Challenges with the change Organizational culture differences Different patterns of loyalty Procedural differences Changing the us vs. them mentality Phase 1 Letting go of the past When encouraging staff members to let go of the past it is important to identify who is losing what. quot;Transition readiness is best indicated by an organisations legacy of change initiatives (Bridges, 2009) this transition readiness provides an important indicator of what is to come, here you can assess how changes have been dealt with in the past and what the challenges were. In the case of the of culture differences it will be important to acknowledge that the culture will change
  • 18. Carmon Monologue the ride back to Vaughn s loft, he apologized several times. Justine just wasn t trying to hear it. I can t believe you. The whole time we were married you was out fucking around! I knew you were naГЇve, but never in a million years would I think you would be so stupid! Night after night me waiting up for you, all the while you were out there having your affairs with women and probably men too! While you were fucking those smut buckets, did it ever occur to you that you could catch something, I guess not! You re a poor excuse for a man. After the divorce is final I want nothing to do with you! You have dragged me to hell and back! May God have mercy on your soul! Justine roughly pulled up to the curb. She got out the car to open Vaughn s door. ... Show more content on ... We re going to go around the room and introduce ourselves. I want everybody to give us your name and how you know Carmon. I ll go first! My name is Tara and I m Carmon s best friend and the Godmother. One by one everybody did as I instructed. After everybody finished introducing themselves, I started the first game. I passed out a multi colored folder that was pink and blue with the games inside and a pencil. I instructed for them to pull out the first game. This game is called name the baby animal. On the left side of the paper are pictures of baby animals. You will have three minutes to name as many baby animals as you can. I set the timer for three minutes and said, You may begin! Everybody dived into the paper. I stood at the front of the room with the timer in my hand. As the timer went off, I yelled, STOP! I walked around to see who had the most answers. I got my answer sheet out and revealed all the answers. As I called out the answers, some people sighed and shouted, MAN , to the answers that they didn t know. I walked to the gift table and gave the winner a mini crystal vase. Next I told everybody to take out the second
  • 19. What Is The Connection To Lord Of The Flies We re all so busy chasing the extraordinary that we forget to stop and be grateful for the ordinary (Brown 152). Novels are sources of magic, written with such delicacy and intricacy that they often leave the reader astounded by the power of words. The plot, concept, and language are so extraordinary that human eyes easily bypass the most ordinary objects of all in the story, ones that can only be read between the lines in order to reveal truly deep meanings. The connection to William Goldings prize winning novel Lord of the Flies is undeniable. An island in the middle of the sea where several young boys strive for survival and create a society all on their own is remarkable. The novel tells the tale of a society run by children that... Show more content on ... In the end, his civilization is what keeps the boys alive and sane for so long, despite losing his power and respect to Jack. Subsequently, the conch is not just a shell but also the sound of order, civilization, and political power between the good and the bad. Ralph finds it and uses it to call the boys together. He establishes a hand raising rule, keeping to the rules of their civilized past. He organizes assemblies to discuss the issues tearing apart the island in order to keep everyone safe. After Jack gains power from hunting and breaks off to form his own group, Ralph and Piggy are nearly rendered helpless, especially since the conch s value diminishes. When they try to convince Jack to return and unite under the spell of the conch, Jack proves his separation by declaring, And the conch doesn t count at this end of the island (Golding 260). Finally, all chaos breaks loose when the large boulder kills Piggy and the conch shatters. All in one scene, the intellectual character dies, order and civilization is lost, and evil forces hunt the isolated common sense. Piggy s dependence on the conch shows his desperateness for bringing wellness back to the savage majority, even though the evil wins in the midst of the chaos. Altogether, good and evil reign in both Ralph and Jack religiously, morally, and politically with aid from Simon and Piggy. The character, Lord of the Flies, the fire made by Piggy s
  • 20. Meursault Contribute To His Condemnation To Death At The... French author Albert Camus s novel L Г‰tranger from 1942 is certainly a brilliant philosophical novel which tells the story of a French Algerian man Meursault. Meursault is a character who is indeed hard to analyse completely and is faced with many obstacles in this novel which help us as readers scrape the surface of his personality and outlook on life. In this essay I will further study how the behaviour and attitudes of Meursault lead to his condemnation to deathat the end of this novel. When beginning to read this novel,we do not have much information about Meursault and his life, it is hard for us to judge his personality and his actions. When Meursault heard of the passing of his mother through a telegram, whom he had placed into home
  • 21. Sand Creek Massacre Research Paper Terms: A.Sand Creek Massacre The Sand Creek Massacre was an attack on the villages of Cheyenne and Arapaho in southeastern Colorado Territory on November 29, 1864. Around 700 men of the Colorado U.S. Volunteer Cavalry attacked and killed an estimated 70 163 people who lived in those towns; two thirds of the people who died were mothers and children. The attack occurred because the Cheyenne and Arapaho people destroyed white settlers property, and an Indian chief tried to settle things peacefully, but it was too late. B. Prohibition Prohibition was a law that stated nobody could manufacture, store in barrels or bottles, transport, sell, possess, or consume alcohol from 1920 1933. They created the law in hopes of lowering crime rates, and to improve overall health and hygiene in America. The law wasn t very heavily followed because Americans would either consume alcohol by visiting other countries or by illegally importing it into the United States. There were also underground establishments called ... Show more content on ... She helped America focus on ideas and concerns that mothers had such as safety for their children, and overall health in the community. She believed women had more knowledge than men in certain areas and women needed to be able to vote to gain a better opinion on social problems. Many mothers looked up to her as a role model because she volunteered in towns to clean up, restore and uplift communities. She believed in helping people all over the world and for world peace. D. Yellow Journalism Yellow Journalism is a term used for how newspaper companies sell more of their newspapers. They use bold headlines, bright colors and write about multiple topics to catch the readers attention. They also often exaggerate or distort the stories to make them more appealing to readers. It became popular in the 1890 s and is still used today to boost newspaper ratings. E. Panama
  • 22. The Little Cloud Literary Analysis Though they may seem like simple stories meant for children, picture books can often contain deeper meanings using not only the story but also the design of the book. The artwork, placement of the text, and even the usage of the book s gutter is intentional and can contribute to the central theme of the book. Eric Carle s Little Cloud is an example of a simple looking picture book that is more than it seems. Through this story about a cloud changing shape, Carle demonstrates the process of children discovering their own identities and being accepted into society. The wrap around cover is a painted tissue collage of a smiling cloud, neither cartoonish nor realistic, but rather like something an elementary student could produce. However, the cloud is actually a deceptively intricate blend of white, grey, and blue, and its background of blue is a combination of blues and greens. Inside of the dust jacket are the flap covers, which Carle utilized with a handwritten note to his readers. He talks about cloud gazing and the power of imagination,... Show more content on ... There are no margins or white space apart for the clouds themselves, producing a sense of freedom in the text. The typeface of the book is large and bold, and it always appears on the side of the illustration where Little Cloud is. Throughout the story, Little Cloud doesn t follow the other clouds, instead morphing into various things it observes while drifting overhead. In one part of the book, the cloud takes the shape of two trees because Little Cloud liked the way trees never moved and stayed in one place (pg. 13 14). This is similar to what impressionable children do when they imitate adults. To them, being an adult means they won t be forced to do things they don t want to do. Little Cloud wants to know what it is like to be stationary, but mimicking trees does not mean literally becoming a
  • 23. Space Catalog Research Paper New database is Hubble Space Telescope s legacy S. Mathur Over 25 years, the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) has collected more than 100 million bits of data and images of astronomical objects and space phenomena. These have been maintained in the Barbara A. Mikulski Archive for Space Telescope (MAST), but the collection was not easily accessed or searched. Researchers at the Space Telescope Science Institute and the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland have now made these available in a new database called the Hubble Space Catalog. The Hubble Space Catalog can be considered to be the HST s legacy achievement, expected to serve the needs of researchers for decades. According to TamГЎs BudavГЎri, astronomer and member of the Hubble Source Catalog development team. Not only is it a one stop shop, but it s the first place to go. It s the table of contents for and the summary of most Hubble observations. If a zillion investigators pointed Hubble in the same direction at their region of interest in different wavelengths, now we have taken all of those observations and put them together into a compilation of the measurements for all objects within that region. ( 03 hubble source one stop astronomers.html#jCp)... Show more content on ... Such searches would have taken months earlier, but can now be completed in minutes or even seconds. HST s three main cameras the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2, Advanced Camera for Surveys, and Wide Field Camera 3 record observations across the spectrum, from ultraviolet to visible and near infrared light. The HSC lists a compilation of measurements for all sources, including brightness, color and
  • 24. K-Maps Question 12 / 2 points Looping on a K map always results in the elimination of: variables within the loop that appear only in their uncomplemented form. variables that remain unchanged within the loop. Correct Responsevariables within the loop that appear in both complemented and uncomplemented form. variables within the loop that appear only in their complemented form. Question 22 / 2 points In a K Map the number of squares in a cover (loop) is allways a power of two. Correct ResponseTrue False Question 32 / 2 points What theorem is used when two terms in adjacent squares are combined? Correct ResponseUniting Elimination Multiplying and factoring Consensus Question 40 / 2... Show more content on ... What is true about the expression of f given in the figure? a) The given expression of f represents the minimum solution. b) An expression of f in product of sums that gives the minimu cost for f exits and is equivalent in cost to the minimum solution in sum of products. c) Both options a) and b are true Incorrect Responsed) The given expression for f does not follow the covers (loops) shown in the K map. Correct Answere) None of the above is true Question 113 / 3 points The figure above shows the corresponding K Map of the function F(X1,X2,X3). What is the expression corresponding to the minimum cost of F? X1 X2 X3 +X1 X2X3 +X1X2 X3+X1X2X3 X1 X2 +X1X3 X1 X3 +X1X2 Correct ResponseNone of the above Question 120 / 3 points The figure above shows the K map of a four variable f(A,B,C,D). What is true about f? Incorrect ResponseOnly a sum of products expression gives the minimum solution. Only product of sums expression gives the minimum solution. Correct AnswerEither a sum of products or a product of sums gives minimum cost expression. A minimum solution for F will have at least three terms with three literlas. Question 130 / 3 points In the K Map of the figure above, which of the following is
  • 25. Southern Controversy Hannah Daigle Dale Bailey English 131/03 23 September 2017 An Age Old Southern Controversy The Civil War began in the 1860 s and was one of the most important events in southern and U.S. history. In the south one of the major symbols of the war was the confederate flag. For me personally since I am from South Carolina I have found that there are two separate views on the flag which would be the supporting and opposing sides. The supporting side is said to be majority of white southerners and the opposing side is said to be majority of black southerners and white northerners (Webster and Leib). According to Webster and Leib white and black southerners have pride in their southern heritage, but the heritage is much different. What I would like ... Show more content on ... He explains that the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment provides that no state may deny to any person within its authority the equal protection of the law . Forman claims that it should be impossible for people to view the flag as a symbol of equality. Forman believes that the confederate flag violates the First Amendment by chilling the desire and ability of black citizens to exercise fully their First Amendment rights, which is their freedom of speech. The Black citizens felt like they did not have a say on the flag being up on state grounds (Forman). The opposing side of the flag did not like it up so much that in the early 2000 s there was a boycott against the state of South Carolina due to the fact the flag was still up. This boycott cost the state $7 million dollars in revenue lost (Allen). The rebels were fighting for territory, for economic control, and obviously for slavery. The Confederate flag has been used throughout this century as a symbol by the Klan, skinheads, and other white supremacists opposed to black demands for equality and constitutional protection (Forman). In my personal understanding of what Forman, Webster, and Leib believe is that everyone who supports the flag is a part of the white supremacist groups and just
  • 26. How Oceanography Is An Study Of The Oceans Through Mapping... Oceanography is defined as the study of the oceans through mapping, exploring, charting, and discovery and its birth is congruent with the birth of boats and voyages. Originally, sailors and explorers would go on expeditions for mercantile purposes. However, it evolved into mapping and exploring unknown sea routes. Oceanography is a science in the essence of studying the ocean in its entirety, which is more than mapping and knowing sea routes. Oceanography contributes to the scientific community with its new discoveries and developing information, including knowledge of: currents; above water and underwater; wind patterns; chemistry of the ocean; chemistry of ecosystems; aquatic ecosystems, and how different animals interact in them;... Show more content on ... After the world has been pretty much mapped out Ferdinand Magellan decided to sail across state and in his voyage he was known as the first captain cruise ship made it across the world and invented the term circumnavigating. Ferdinand Magellan never lived to see his legacy or to complete his voyage but his crew that Ferdinand Magellan set for the standard when it came to charting the new sea. Even Charles Darwin contributed to early oceanography he did so in his mapping of the Caribbean back when he was on the voyage of the HMS Beagle and in mapping the Caribbean he created the theory of evolution which is known about today and used understanding of modern biology. there is a vast difference between Oh surely oceanography and modern oceanography however Early oceanographers we re more concerned with exploration and adopted the whole Columbian Way of exploring descriptive oceanography was all about Exploring and mapping. However, today in modern oceanography they do more than just exploring and mapping: they keep track of ecosystems; they check on climate semicolon there is water in meteorology thanks to Oceanography semicolon and naturally they explore the depths of the ocean, which is something earlier oceanographer
  • 27. Essay about A Comparison of Two Paintings from the... A Comparison of Two Paintings from the Renaissance Period Introduction This paper will compare the themes found in the paintings Madonna and Child with St. John the Baptist and an Angel by Domenico di Bartolomeo Ubaldini (Puligo) and Madonna Enthroned by Giotto. Both paintings deal with fables from the Christian faith but were executed during different periods in art. The Giotto painting was created around 1310 and the Puglio painting was executed between 1518 1520. Here, these two paintings have similar themes both at the extreme beginnings and endings of the Italian Renaissance, and as such they serve to present an exceptional example of the developments in art that occurred within that time. This paper shall compare ... Show more content on ... John the Baptist is also allowed to stand near the holy mother and child, and an angel is present. Because of this, the viewer contends with a literal story rather than a simple image as in Madonna Enthroned . Also in Puligo s image, where the central figures are larger and better seen, there are religious symbols used. The same might be true in Giotto s work but the details are harder to distinguish. Visual Form and Style The style and the form of these two paintings reflect the development of the artistic techniques during the Italian Renaissance. While both reflect a Biblical theme with a central focal point of the Madonna and Child, Madonna Enthroned has a key image that is best viewed from a central position and Madonna and Child... has a greater degree of importance over the majority of the surface of the canvas. In Madonna and Child... the viewer does not perceive that an image is being forced upon them as is found in the work by Giotto. A use of light and space is also key to preventing the Puligo piece from being forced , where the organization of distance visibly removes the viewer from Madonna Enthroned while drawing the viewer into the painting in Madonna and Child... . Color also serves a similar purpose, where Giotto s work is monochromatic but ocher while Puligo s work carries a greater expression through the detail involved. The mood of these two pieces is remarkable in that color does not play as great
  • 28. Giant Pacific Octopuses Research Paper Yao Dai Mr. Newman Period 7 5 Feb 2015 Ecology Section Final Draft Ecological niche The Giant Pacific Octopuses are found though out the Pacific Ocean. It s found north in Alaska, South in Mexico, west in Japan and East in California. So they really can tolerate all kinds of water temperature. It is more likely to find it in tidal pools and they live in the water depth from 110 meters down to 1500m. (Schwab, 1987) They eat fish, lobster, shellfish etc. They crack them open by their mouth. The way they reproduce is that male Octopuses have genital bags inside them. They will insert a hectocotylized arm into the female and then release sperm. The entire process will take 2 3 hours. They could change their skin color to fit into the environment so they really can fit into different conditions. (Anderson, Mather, 2007) Fig. 2.1, Giant Pacific octopus (Monterey Bay Aquarium, 2013) Trophic Level ... Show more content on ... They eat a lot of shelled sea animals include shrimp, shellfish, crabs and lobster. It use its sucker on the arms to catch the food first and then it use its strong beak to open the food and eat it. It is in the middle of the food web because they eat smaller animals in the ocean. But they are not the largest predator in the ocean. So they do have predator s. Seals and whales love to eat them. It is also one main protein sources of human beings. There are 3.3 million tons of octopus caught annually and there are a lot of giant pacific octopuses in
  • 29. Gattaca and 1984 Insight Stephanie Sadaka Mr. Sisti April 26th, 2010 ENG 4U1 Literary Insight Paper After reading the novel 1984 and watching the movie Gattaca, I was able to perceive many concepts and similarities and differences between both pieces of art. Gattaca, directed by Andrew Niccol, shows a story of a society where life is controlled by genetics, rather than education or experiences. Based on your DNA, society determines where you belong, and your future. This allows no room for people to gain experiences and to grow, as they are confined to a specific lifestyle. It is evident however in the film that Vincent tries to violate societies structure, by playing the role of a navigator, using his blood samples and urine. George Orwell, the author of ... Show more content on ... Throughout the novel, Winston is always hiding his thoughts about the Party and about Big Brother, although he is completely against it. However, in order to ensure that he does not get caught, he must act as though he loves them and agrees with their power over society. Surveillance is shaping these characters to be a perfect representation of what they are expected to be, instead of being who they are. In conclusion, it is evident that surveillance has taken a toll on the characters in these pieces of art. Gattaca helped me understand and notice the severe impact that surveillance has on society and the impact it has on the lives of the citizens in 1984. The characters are covering their true selves in order to be accepted and to fit within the society. Not only is surveillance restricting their ability to show love and affection, it is also preventing the characters from expressing what they enjoy, and being who they are by living to their full potential. This new perspective has helped me understand the underlying significance that surveillance has on society in both 1984 and the film Gattaca and the restrictions it placed on the many
  • 30. Analysis Of Edward Scissorhands Tim Burton, the director of Edward Scissorhands, draws inspiration for his work from fairytales and children s stories. He has always had an affinity for the darker elements of these stories, which is made evident in the film Edward Scissorhands. The film s main character is a man named Edward who has scissors for hands. Later, it is shown that he was a metal figure brought to life by his inventor, an elderly man who dies before he is able to give Edward human hands. Edward lives in a mansion on a hill on the edge of town, all alone, until a woman named Peg finds him and bring him to live with her family. Edward immediately develops an attraction to Peg s daughter, Kim, though she has a boyfriend. Towards the end of the film, Kim tells Edward that she loves him, and Edward seems to be completed. However, Edward struggles to conform to society, and eventually is forced by the members of the community to return to his mansion, isolated from any human interaction. The film combines a make believe character, as often found in children s books, with elements of a horror film, like suspicion and violence. The film features several flashbacks throughout that elaborate on Edward s past and show how he came to be. Burton uses these flashbacks to grow the audiences understandingof Edward, explain events, and emphasize themes. Burton uses the film s three flashbacks to explain events that happen throughout the film. They help provide context for Edward s reactions and behavior in
  • 31. Analysis Of Maud A Monodrama By Alfred Lord Tennyson Maud: A Monodrama is the lengthy poem that dominated the first collection published by Alfred, Lord Tennyson after he became poet laureate. In its rich and romantic symbolism, it is characteristic of the great poet s work. Notable, also, is its critique of the hypocrisy and other social failings of Victorian Britain. Maudbecame one of the best known poems of the period, and continued to be influential even after its style became dated. !!!Tennyson and Maud [{Image src= rossetti_tennysonmaud.jpg alt= Tennyson reading from Maud, 1855 }] Alfred, Lord Tennyson was a favorite poet of generations. Made Poet Laureate of Great Britain by Queen Victoria, he dominated the literary scene during his time. He also came for better and for worse to represent that generation s taste, both during his life and after it. Tennyson s rich __Victorian language__ can seem daunting to modern readers. In reading Maud , it s a good idea to just embrace the exaggerated concepts. Experimental in style, laden with intense symbolism, and full of __social criticism__, Maud was not a popular poem at first, despite its author s status. Tennyson himself was proud of the work, and retaliated against criticism by reading it aloud whenever he could. Reportedly, this won over many critics due to the beauty of the poem s language. !!! Maud : A Summary It s easy to just concentrate on the ornate language of Maud , but there s a lot of drama in the narrative of the poem. There
  • 32. The Role And Functions Of The Central Bank Of America Functions of the FED The Fed acts as the central bank of Americahas three main functions. Its main objectives are to promote maximum employment, stable prices and moderate long term interest rates by (1) providing and maintaining an effective payments system, (2) supervising and regulating banking operations, and (3) conducting monetary policy. The most important tool the Fed has to conduct monetary policy is open market operations, which is the buying and selling of U.S. government securities. A Federal Open Market Committee administers the sale and purchase of U.S. government securities on the open market to influence short term interest rates and growth of money and credit. Other tools that the Fed has it its disposal to influence the economy include adjustments to the discount rate and the reserve requirement, and acting as a lender. The discount rate is the interest rate the Federal Reserve Banks charge financial institutions for short term loans of reserves. ... Show more content on ... In fact, the roles of central banks all over the world are pretty much the same everywhere and serve the same need: to provide financial soundness of banking system and realizing price stability. It does so by various tools such as: Formulating and implementing the monetary, credit banking policies. Issuing banknotes and determining their denominations and
  • 33. Marcel Marceau Research Paper Marcel Marceau is a pantomime he was born on the 22nd of March 1923, in France. He died on the 22nd of September 2007 in France. Marcel Marceau has a promoting communication style he measures progress in applause. Friendly people, new opportunities, and attention are motivating him. The last fact of why Marcel Marceau has a promoter communication style is that his most effective environments are social changing,youthful and optimistic. That is why Marcel Marceau has a Promoter communication style. He measures progress by applause that his viewers are giving him. By nice compliments and good applause he can measure the progress that he makes.If his audience doesn t applause after his performance he can be sure that his show wasn t good enough.
  • 34. Presidential Vs. Parliamentary Systems Of Government There has always been a debate over which form of government is the most stable. For a long time, there was either a choice (within democratic models) of presidential systems of government, in which the executive is all powerful, or parliamentary systems of government, where the legislature is the supreme power. However, in the past century, a middle ground has emerged between the two: semi presidential systems of government. Semi presidential systems, as defined by Maurice Duverger (an early writer on such models), are systems where a presidentof the republic, elected by universal suffrage and given personal powers, co exists with a government resting on the confidence placed in it by parliament . This means that semi presidential models of government generally have a directly elected president and parliament, along with a prime minister, who is appointed. The question of whether these systems are more or less stable than presidential or parliamentary then becomes the focus, and must be looked at in practice for this measure. Semi presidential systems, as seen in France and Russia, can at times be either very stable or very unstable, depending on the composition of a particular government. France, a pioneer in the concept of semi presidential systems, has seen stability go either way, depending on the affiliation of elected officials. Conflict started occurring in the late twentieth century that challenged the stability of the current French system. Russia, since the
  • 35. Analysis Of Thin Slicing Having watched an interesting movie about the Navy SEAL (Sea, Air, and Land) Team such as Lone Survivor or any other movies about wars, has anyone of us thought about how those task force teams could deal with the hot situations they encounter while doing their jobs? How can they make decisions that quickly so as to survive in those circumstances? According to Malcom Gladwell, the author of Blink, human beings have an ability to make unconsciously quick decisions, which is called thin slicing, in every split second. Gladwell s concept of thin slicing is defined as the ability of our brain to pick out key patterns within a limited amount of data or experiences and then make snap judgment, or quick decision, based upon those patterns. However, this does not mean that our judgments can always be right. This only means that the process of thin slicing is unconscious, instant and automatic. This process helps people solve problems quickly or predict consequences in a short amount of time without knowing that they are doing it. There are right judgments and there are also mistakes that being made every day. As illustrated in the text, the first task of Blink is to convince you of a simple fact: decisions made very quickly can be every bit as good as decisions made cautiously and deliberately. The second task of Blink is to answer when should we trust our instincts, and when should we be wary of them? The third and most important task of this book is to convince you that our
  • 36. High School And Middle School Similarities Hearing the words high school does not seem as a life impacting word. When hearing that word, majority of people take it as a series of grade levels or a step closer to college. But little do they realize, who they were in middle school is not the same person they are in high school. Mainly because with middle schooland high school comes many differences and similarities. For example, honor students may have the sample amount of homework, where appearance and friends change throughout the years. With high school and middle school there will be differences. With appearance in middle school it was not the main focus. Students would just go to school in order to get well educated. The dress code the students set for themselves were a basic non brand or off brand polo, with basic jeans and topped off with a pair of champion sneakers that may have cost less than fifty dollars. Also, whatever the parents choose for their children was acceptable only because it did not change who the students were or who they hung out with. However, in high school it makes a high difference on what people chose to wear. It basically categorizes the group of people they hung out with because wearing a middle school inspired outfit could have a student bullied. The reason why that could happen is because not everyone is accepted in high school to every group of students. In high school most of the students have the age requirements to recipients a job. Most of them do have a job, allowing them to
  • 37. The Central Bank or The Fed The Central Bank in the world today is a key part in the role of an economy to operate efficiently and effectively. Central banks began operating in the United States in 1914. The Central Bank is commonly referred to as The Fed., which performs various functions that have developed over the years. These functions play a huge importance in the operation of our economy. The Central Bank The central bank is a financial institution that organizes the government s finances, controls money and credit of the economy and assists as the bank to commercial banks. The roles of the central banks are to create money and develop Monetary Policies. Monetary Policy can be used to give assistance in the way an economy is currently operating in. Monetary ... Show more content on ... Evaluation of the Central Banks The Central banks in the 1600 s performed mainly one function, to act as the government s bank. This function particularly was used to finance wars. An example, such as, King William of Orange utilized the central bank to finance his wars. Other rulers utilized the central bank to stabilize the economy and financial system. Our famous legendary warriors lead the central banks to become more regulated. Today, the central bank is highly regulated by the government. Also, today nearly every country in the world functions with a central bank system. As the importance of a stable economy and reliable government grows, there has been more of a need for central banks; especially among developing countries. Since times have changed, the central banks are no longer seen as a way to finance wares. Today, when a country is under tough hardship between other countries, the central banks can be affected. An article that perfectly describes this issue is stated on Reuters. Recently, Russia has been flooding the news with its action of invading Ukraine. This has caused major macroeconomic problems for Ukraine, such as, the destabilizing of the Ukraine banks. The article states, Moscow has raised its prices it charges Kiev for gas by 80%. (Yukhananov, 2014) This has caused Ukraine to receive a two year, $14 billion loan package in exchange for implementing tough economic
  • 38. The Careers Of A Software Developer And Computer Systems... Critical Thinking research paper Two careers that I am interested in doing research on are the careers of a software developer and computer systems analyst. The purpose of a computer system analyst is to help organize computer systems.Computer systems analyst must also help assist organizations with information systems solution to help a company work more proficiently, computer systems analyst who are skilled in merging business information and technology. The purpose of a software developer is to develop software and computer programs. A majority of the things we use on computers were made possible because of software developers. The need for software developers has increased greatly. Software development is the freedom of innovation within the realm of computers. Software developers are the pioneers of software. Software developers are responsible for applications that allow one to do specific task on computers. Software developers are also attributed in creating programs that are vital for your computer. When developing a software, software developers need to analyze the demands of society. Once they are able to deduce what kind of software is needed to make they will begin to focus on designing the software. Several tests are performed in order to see how the software reacts when in certain situations. One question a software developer asks is can the software work while a computer is on safe mode? When developing a software program you want to make sure that it
  • 39. The Importance Of Education During Adolescence Throughout, history, there has been a common belief that teenagers get more distracted or embarrassed more easily. In addition, they seem more self centered, and are more likely to react negatively to stress. These susceptibilities are viewed down upon by adults because teenagers are expected to have all of the skills ready for adulthood, and these expectations are made from the misbelief that the brainhas already gone through the majority of its development before adolescence. If it is widely understood that the brain is actually at its most vulnerable stage, people can shift education and development to also encompass the teenage years. This may help the millions of children that currently do not have the resources for education during adolescence. One of the brain regions that changes most dramatically during adolescence is the prefrontal cortex, says Sarah Jayne Blakemore, a cognitive neuroscientist. It is proportionally much larger in humans than any other animal. According to Blakemore, the prefrontal cortex plays an important role socially, such as stopping inappropriate actions, controlling important decisions, and self awareness. If you observe the total gray matter volume of the prefrontal cortex over time, you see that the total gray matter volume peaks at adolescence and then decreases due to a process called synaptic pruning. Synaptic pruning is a process where the brain literally prunes away synapses the brain is not actively using, so that the brain
  • 40. Conductive Polymers Are A Specific Section Under The Broad... Conductive polymers are a specific section under the broad range of polymers, that have the ability to effectively conduct electricity. They were discovered by accident in a lab by Hideki Shirakawa in 1974, yet their potential applications were not understood until early 2000s. They are made by doping with n type and p type which forces electrons to move throughout the material which normally would not happen because of a polymer molecular structure. They provide many advantages over metals because of they are light weight, cheap, and functional versatile. Conductive polymers are frequently used with rechargeable batteries, sensors, and light displays. Lastly, they have a bright future with the world turning towards wanting more technology that is light weight and integrated in the day to day functions. A typical polymer is a very ductile, cheap, and light material that cannot handle high temperatures or electrical conductivity. Polymers are generally used for plastic bags and bottles, crates, toys, and insulation on electrical cables. Electrical conductivity is usually found only in metals because of its small to nonsexist band gap between the filled and empty bands. Electrons are able to move freely between the bands which is the current allowing everything to work. Polymers have a large enough band gap that makes it very difficult for electrons to go between the bands. Large amounts of energy would be needed to force electrons across this gap. However, with the addition
  • 41. Argumentative Essay About Refugee Crisis The Syrian civil war has caused 9 million to 10 million people to lose their homes. Those people are now refugees leaving their native land because they either have no place to stay at or they are fearful. They want a better life for their families and, so they would resort to using unsafe means to accomplish that goal. Refugees would go on boats or travel by foot from the Middle East and Africa to go all the way to Europe; most go through the Mediterranean Sea by boat. Because of this, many people die in the sea because of the poor structure of the boat. A Syrian boy was washed up on the shores of Turkey and was found to be dead. Most refugees live in refugee camps seeking for asylum. With the large increase in refugees, there comes a large amount of problems as well. Refugees may be terrorists in disguise, taking advantage of countries, and plotting terrorist attacks in said countries. Another problem is that with a large number of refugees coming in, a countries resources gets used up to the point where the country are not able to support their own citizens. However, taking in refugees may be advantageous to the country than if they do not. Refugees can bring hidden skills that others do not have. Refugees can also take over jobs that no one will take because its either has a terrible pay or because it is too dangerous. The refugee crisis has had a lot of controversy because it can affect a large amount of people and can destabilize an entire nation. Opponents of allowing refugees into countries argue that it can bring in a lot of terrorists and cause resources to deplete at a high rate. Supporters argue that it is human nature to help those in need and can bring in people with extraordinary skills and talents. Countries should allow more refugees, but only if security increases. The first reason as to why countries should accept more refugees if security increases along with it is because refugees can be useful to both the country and its citizens. A Syrian refugee by the name of Yusra Mardini left Syria and walked through Lebanon, Turkey, and Greece. Mardini was then identified by the International Olympic Committee who would compete on a new team of refugees. In the Olympics, Mardini will compete in
  • 42. Taking a Look at Shyness Have you felt awkward, worried or even tense during social encounters? Do you feel these emotions around people you are unfamiliar with? If so, you have probably encountered what it feels like to be shy. Some will occasionally feel shy and others may be severely shy when interacting with others, in which they can feel themselves start to blush, sweat, and have an upset stomach. The person may also begin to feel a sense of negativity about them or even become withdrawn from interacting with others ( American Psychological Association ). Interacting with others on a day to day basis is life, and the shyer the person is, the more inhibited and reluctant they are to approach others. Shynesscan be defined as the discomfort or inhibition in situations that can interfere with pursuing a person s interpersonal or professional goals. The feelingof shyness can be generated by a wide variety of cues such as one on one opposite sex interactions, intimacy, unfamiliarity of others, and having to take individual action in groups (Henderson Zimbardo, 2008). Reacting to new and unfamiliar situations can bring out shy feelings, a new job, and public speaking at an assembly or for a class, dating someone new or the first day of school are situations in which a person could feel shy. The greater the feeling of not knowing how to react or what to say will result in a greater feeling of shyness. Those who know what to expect in situations and are sure of what to say are less likely to feel
  • 43. Essay about Industrial Revolution Led to Labor Unions As America became more industrial more people left their farms and small towns to work in the city so they could pay their expenses, whatever they may be. This led to the minimal pay of workers while the owners became wealthy leading to a functional economy. Most would receive little money while the rest lived a life of luxury. Since more factories were opening children, women, and immigrants could now find jobs, which led to more production which gave more money to the owners of the factories. Americans feared that industrialists were changing freemen into wage slaves. By 1920, nearly 20 percent of all manufacturing workers were women, and 13 percent of all textile workers were younger than 16 years old. In 1900, it was estimated that... Show more content on ... The first strike was during the 1870 s in a coal region of Pennsylvania. The conditions were harsh in the mines and there were few if any safety precautions. A group of Irish miners organized a union in which they called Molly Maguires. Pinkerton agents were sent in by the mine owners to control the Molly Maguires, this event led to the formation of other strike groups. The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 was America s first nationwide strike. The strike was a result of a 10 percent pay deduction by four of the largest railroads. Nearly 100,000 workers were idled and approximately two thirds of the railroad mileage across the Unites States was shut down with over 14 states and ten railroads involved (AP Study Notes: Rise of Unions). President Hayes eventually sent troops to coral the strikers but they were so unorganized that they eventually stopped and went back to work. The Pullman Strike was an effect to the Pullman Palace Car Company hit a depression and cut workers wages 25 40 percent while keeping the rent and housing prices the same. Many of the workers joined the American Railroad Union. Debs, socialists that followed Karl Marx s classless society, backed up the workers which resulted in them being jailed. The strike is an example of a secondary labor boycott. The workers cut off the town from food and goods. President Cleveland ordered troops to break up the strike. The federal courts issued an injunction
  • 44. Food In Animal Food Another benefit of a vegan/pescetarian lifestyle is the fact that consumers no longer have to worry about diseases that meat carries. Unsafe, and contaminated meat production can result to meat riddled with diseases such as e coli, salmonella, and mad cow disease which result to getting multiple numbers of people sick and the possibility of death. The 1963 Jack in the Box e coli outbreak was one of the biggest and most infamous food poison outbreak in contemporary history. During this outbreak, 732 people were infected, majority of the victims being under 10 years old, four children dead, and 178 other victims were left with permanent injury including brain, and kidney damage. Furthermore before the outbreak at least 22 documented outbreaks in the United States occurred resulting into 35 deaths. Not only meatcan actually kill you, it is possible that you are eating meat that has been injected with antibiotics and hormones. According to an online article The Effects on Human Health of Subtherapeutic Use of Antimicrobials in Animal Feeds , state that an estimate of 40 percent of the total beef supply has been fed low level antibiotics. Farmers use antibiotics to animals in order for them to keep them healthy and meet America s growing demand for cheap meat, but public health advocates argue that the practice can eventually breed antibiotic resistant germs in animals that can later cause deadly diseases in humans. With the possibility of death when eating meat, and the
  • 45. Examples Of Figurative Language In Superman And Me In the passage, Superman and Me Sherman Alexie explains to the readers the life of an Indian and how he defeats and tries to help others defeat the stereotype of an Indian. As a kid, Sherman Alexie dealt with stereotypes about reading and writing based upon the values of his tribe; however, he taught himself how to read from Superman comic books.Throughout the text, he uses figurative language, and quotes that mean way more that what they look like when you read them. One quote that really stood out was, I throw my weight against their locked doors. The door holds. I am smart. I am arrogant. I am lucky. I am trying to save their lives. This quote stood out because at first, when you read it, it makes no sense. But after you look at it, and realize what he is trying to say, it is easy to understand. When Alexie states, I throw my weight against their locked doors. The door holds, he is using a metaphor. He is not actually throwing his body at someone s locked door, but rather comparing the stereotype of Indians to locked doors. The Indians that he was trying to teach had no intentions of being educated. Most... Show more content on ... I am lucky. He is also very repetitive with this quote throughout the text, almost as if he is reminding himself as to why he is trying to learn to read and write, and working harder to defeat the stereotype. But when he states this in the text, he is trying to teach Indians to learn just like he did. In the passage, it states, Then there are the sullen and already defeated Indian kids who sit in the back rows and ignore me with theatrical precision. The pages of their notebooks are empty. They carry neither pencil nor pen. They stare out the window. They refuse and resist. When Alexie was their age, nobody bothered to teach him because he is also Indian. He is trying to tell them that being Indian does not affect intelligence, and Alexie is proof that Indians can
  • 46. My Community College Growing up I was always told college was a must and it was very important for my career. Both of my parents have multiple master s degrees and my mom has her doctorate. So college was always in the back of my mind. I was not the most studious student growing up. After graduation I tried community college and it just was not for me. I got married at 19 and had children right after that. I had 4 children within 5 years. I worked a full time at a decent job, but school never really was brought up. I moved to Idaho in 2009 and started a job at the Emmett Libraryin 2011. Schooling again was really never brought up, even though I knew a job in libraries did usually require some type of schooling. I went for a 2nd job at the Middleton Library in 2015. The director there told me she would like to see all of her employees who do not have a degree enrolled in some type of classes. I started CSI fall of 2015 and graduated with an AA in Library Sciencein Spring of 2017. I decided if I wanted my bachelor s degree I better continue now or else who knows if I would go back. I spoke again with the director at Middleton and asked her opinion about a bachelor s degree that would be good for me since there are not many bachelors programs for library. (I had quit Middleton and started at the Nampa Library) She had said one of her employees was doing the MDS program at BSU and gave me some background information on it. It sounded like something I would be interested in so I contacted Rebecca
  • 47. Science Graphics Intern The position of the Science Graphics Intern came to my attention through the University of Evansville s website, UE JobLink. Currently a sophomore archaeology major at the University of Evansville, I plan to pursue museum studies with my degree. This internship will help me gain the necessary experience to pursue a successful career in future years. At the present, I hold a part time position at the local restaurant, Azzip Pizza. For this position, I regularly rotate between the Make Station and Cut to efficiently assist in the operation of the store. Azzip s quick paced environment taught me effective skills when dealing with issues, such as providing exceptional customer service and proficiently maintaining a clean and fully stocked store.
  • 48. No Man Should Have All That Power Question 1 No man should have all that power; you got the power to let power go. This quote comes from rapper Kanye West, sung during his hit song Power. Although West is far from being a positive influence on American history, he makes a valid point. If history has shown the world anything it is that power can lead to an infinite amount of negative outcomes: greed, corruption, dishonesty, exploitation and so on. And while the writers of the U.S. constitution did their best to prevent the threats of power from overtaking the country s leaders, states like Texas have brought it into their owns hands to even further prevent power from effecting their state s politicians. By developing the plural executive, state governments have been able... Show more content on ... And finally the power of appointment which enables the governor to exercise patronage. (Champagne). However, if the governor is ever unable to act upon his duties, the responsibility falls to the lieutenant governor. The Lieutenant Governor performs the duties of the Governor during any period that the Governor is unable or is absent from the State. He is also the President of the Senate and is empowered to cast the deciding vote in the event the Senate is equally divided on any question (Combs). Both the governor and lieutenant governor share significant powers, however the branch would be incomplete without the remaining members of the plural executive. Yet another integral member of the state s executive branch is the Comptroller of Public Accounts. The Comptroller is generally responsible for maintaining the accounting records of the State and collecting taxes and other revenues due to the State. Also, the Comptroller is required by statute to prepare an annual statement of the funds of the State and of the State s revenues and expenditures for the preceding fiscal year (Combs). The next position is the Commissioner of the General Land Office. The Commissioner is generally responsible for
  • 49. The Simpsons on Television Essay The Simpsons How does a television series keep going in this time of ever changing network schedules and shows that grow stale after twelve weeks? The Simpsons have not only lasted, but it has also become a staple of American life. Many tribute this longevity to the witty and hilarious satire that is present in every episode. By using incongruity, sarcasm, exaggeration, and other comedic techniques, The Simpsons satirizes most aspects of ordinary life, from family, to TV, to religion, achieving the true essence of satire. Homer Simpson is the captivating and hilarious satire of today s quot;Everyman. quot; With each passing season, Homer has emerged more and more as the central character in the series. In one episode, a previously ... Show more content on ... I want to see you both fighting for your parents love quot;! Because it is so exaggerated, Homer s quote is a very funny contradiction of Marge s. Though many parents do cross the line in pushing their child to succeed, Homer overly exaggerates it when he says, quot;I want to see you both fighting for your parent s love! quot; Marge represents the quot;good quot; parent, as she so often does, and Homer becomes the extreme satire of the quot;bad quot; parent. He also says he doesn t want his kids going easy on each other because they re family. This is in direct contrast of the quot;family first quot; mentality most parents try to instill in their children. Instead, Homer wrongly puts winning ahead of anything else. There is a lot of incongruity in Homer s actions as well because one does not expect a middle aged father to act so childish. With exaggerated characters, the townspeople of Springfield satirize the stereotypes that the media so often depicts. Police Chief Clancy Wiggum is the corrupt and unintelligent head of the police force. His physical appearance alone is a satire of the stereotypical officer. He is very fat, always eating donuts and assorted artery clogging foods, and his nose bares a striking resemblance to that of a pig. In an act of comedy only possible in cartoons, Wiggum s round, upturned nose with large nostrils is unlike anyone else s in Springfield. Aside from his physical features, his questionable character serves
  • 50. Essay On Depressive Disorder 6. Adil Chinese 2017 The Aqueous Fraction of Areca catechu Nut Ameliorates Demyelination in Prefrontal Cortex Induced Depressive Symptoms and Cognitive Decline through Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate Response Element Binding Activation 1 Chin J Integr Med Depressive symptoms do not represent a mood disorder, but rather an organic dysfunction.(1) Depressive symptoms and cognitive decline are common in schizophrenia, major depressive disorder (MDD), bipolar disorder, and Alzheimer s disease (AD).(2) Moreover, depressive symptoms have been associated with increased risk of cognitive decline.(1) The relationship between depressive symptoms and cognitive decline is complex. Recently, cross sectional ... Show more content on ... cognitive decline by facilitating myelination processes in prefrontal cortex. MethodsMethods: A mouse model of cuprizone : A mouse model of cuprizone induced demyelination was used to mimic demyelinating disease. Two concentrations of induced demyelination was used to mimic demyelinating disease. Two concentrations of A. . catechucatechu nut extract nut extract (ANE; 1% and 2%) were administered orally in the diet for 8 weeks. Depressive symptoms and cognition associated (ANE; 1% and 2%) were administered orally in the diet for 8 weeks. Depressive symptoms and cognition associated behaviors were evaluated in tests of locomotor activity, tail suspension, and forced swimming; spatial memory was behaviors were evaluated in tests of locomotor activity, tail suspension, and forced swimming; spatial memory was tested with the Y maze. Expression of myelin basic protein (MBP), 2 ,3 cyclic nucleotide 3 phosphodiesterase tested with the Y maze. Expression of myelin basic protein (MBP), 2 ,3 cyclic nucleotide 3 phosphodiesterase (CNPase), glutathione S transferases pi (GSTpi), brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and the transcription (CNPase), glutathione S transferases pi (GSTpi), brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and the transcription factor cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) response element binding (CREB) were evaluated by western blot. factor cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)
  • 51. Kamikaze Pro Research Paper Kamikaze Pro Full Moon September 27th Match Announcement! The next match will be one of the biggest matches we have seen in the Fighting Females Division and it will be overseen by record 6X TNA Knockouts Champion. Shanna Portugal s Perfect Athlete has seemingly made Kamikaze Pro a 2nd home with big win against Toni Storm at our 2nd Anniversary Show. Then her and WWE Diva/TNA Knockout Mickie James stole the show at Brute Force. She has wrestled the worlds best female competition including Paige, Saraya Knight, Candice LeRae, Alpha Female, Jessicka Havok, Kay Lee Ray, Leah Von Dutch and her famous match against Emi Sakura. She has also wrestled Angelina Love, the special guest referee in this match and rumour has it they don t get on
  • 52. Essay on Johannes Kepler Johannes Kepler was a German astronomer and mathematician who lived between 1671 1630. Kepler was a Copernican and initially believed that planets should follow perfectly circular orbits ( Johan Kepler 1). During this time period, Ptolemy s geocentric theory of the solar system was accepted. Ptolemy s theory stated that Earth is at the center of the universe and stationary; closest to Earth is the Moon, and beyond it, expanding towards the outside, are Mercury, Venus, and the Sun in a straight line, followed by Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the fixed stars . The Ptolemaic system explained the numerous observed motions of the planets as having small spherical orbits called epicycles ( Astronomy 2). Kepler is best known for introducing three... Show more content on ... His first law states, The orbits of the planets are ellipses, with the Sun at one focus of the ellipse. As shown in Figure 1, The Sun is not at the focus of the ellipse, but is instead at one focus [usually there is nothing at the other focus of the ellipse]. The planet then trails the ellipse in its orbit, which implies that the Earth Sun distance is continually changing as the planet goes around its orbit. Kepler s second law states, The line joining the planet to the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal times as the planet travels around the ellipse. As shown in Figure 2, an imaginary line from the center of the sun to the center of a planet sweeps out the same area in a given time. This means that planets move faster when they are closer to the sun. Kepler s third and final law states, The time taken by a planet to make one complete trip around the sun is its period. The ratio of the squares of periodic times for two planets is equal to the ratio of the cubes of their mean distances from the sun. Kepler s third law indicates that the time taken by a planet to orbit the Sun increases quickly with the radius of its orbit ( Johannes Kepler: The 1 4). Kepler s laws challenged Aristotelean and Ptolemaic astronomy. His statement that the Earth
  • 53. Buddy Holly Research Paper Here I am at the place where Buddy Holly died from plane crash. Buddy Holly is a famous rock musician who is known for rock and roll music. He was born in musical family on September 7, 1936 in Lubbock, Texas. He inspired many famous such as Beatles, Rolling Stones, and Elton John. As you can see, the weather was snowing and foggy yesterday, which is poor condition for airplanes to fly. The plane took from runway 17 in Mason City Municipal Airport, Iowa at around 12:30. The plane was headed to Hector Airport, North Dakota. Because of the poor weather, it caused a 21 years old pilot Roger Peterson to lose a control of the aircraft single engined Beechcraft Bonanza , and tail light gradually came off at first. The pilot was not able to contact
  • 54. Best Publicity Rights And Lanham Act 1. Best Publicity Rights and Lanham Act Claims for Tripper against Topcat and AND1. Topcat s My Trip with Tripper violates Woody s right of publicity and the Lanham Act, because Topcat is using Tripper s plaintiff s character and likeness for Topcat s purely commercial purposes without consent, and he is using Tripper s trademark in ways that imply Tripper s endorsement of Topcat s poster. Thus, Tripper should be afforded a permanent restraining order to prevent Tripper and AND1 from selling the poster, and he should additionally be awarded the monetary damages for the losses from the inability to secure other endorsement deals and a poster agreement with Panini due to Tripper s damages reputation that resulted from Topcat s... Show more content on ... Id; See Abdul Jabbar v. Gen. Motors Corp.; Eastwood v. Superior Court of Los Angeles County. Here, Tripper clearly represents a famous athlete due to his winnings, signature trappings, and his social media presence during the NCAA incident and after that. Furthermore, Topcat s sale of the posters to AND1, as well as, dissemination of posters along with Tripper s shoes indicates that Topcat s primary purpose is to commercialize Tripper s image for his own gain. Tripper should also assert a policy argument stating that he needs to be afforded protection against false suggestions of endorsement or sponsorship because it is imperative for athletes, such as himself, to protect their valuable existing and potential contracts to prevent the brands from dropping out of the contracts with the athletes due to their tarnished or diluted image and likeness. See RPA at 127; and class discussion about Michael Jordan litigating abroad to protect his signature shoes. Similarly to Michael Jordan, Tripper has a signature shoe and has a signature style on the court that contributes to his likeness and image in the eyes of consumers. Furthermore, the indefinite halt of his potential poster contract with Panini signifies that Topcat s posters prevent Tripper from entering into a legitimate contract with Panini. Moreover, the other companies retracted from offering Tripper endorsement
  • 55. Questions On Lingering Racial And Ethnic Discrimination Saif Abdulqader Ethics 21333 /MW 1:30 2:50 Reflection Lingering racial and ethnic discrimination continues to strain the bonds that hold us together. It is the time we set our minds to achieving dream of true equality. The (ICGA): Islamic Center Great Austin, is a nonprofit organization, that aims at helping refugees meet their needs, and fit into the society which they encounter for the first time. As a part of Muslim community, I volunteered in translating for these refugees, as they have language barriers especially when they have to make a medical appointment or something urgent that requires full understanding. In the service learning, which I did in ICGA in Austin TX I learned... Show more content on ... Once they re treated from their pain, their smiles cannot be described in words. They looked at food as if it was something coming from another world. Happiness is the sole end of human action, and the promotion of it the test by which to judge of all human conduct. (Standford Encyclopedia, Juan Mill, Happiness).It was so tragic, I couldn t stop my tears from falling. What type of humanity is that? How could terrorism result in all these victims? Why? What is the purpose? Once we could see the happiness in their eyes this is like the feeling of owning entire world by itself. Kant perceived the issue from a different perspective through which one can accomplish perfect duties and imperfect ones. This focuses on reduction of ethnicity and racial tensions that we as a community must build racial and cultural identity within our individual groups. virtue and happiness together constitute possession of the highest good in a person, and happiness distributed in exact proportion to morality (as the worth of a person and his worthiness to be happy) constitutes the highest good of a possible world (Standford Encyclopedia, Imanuel kant , Happiness). The perfect duties that I was able to accomplish with these refugees, is the language. I speak their language which is Arabic. We define our identity as being different or unique from others, at the same time we thrive to exist and stay. As they came here they suffered misunderstanding, from language barrier to
  • 56. Defining The Bill Of Rights Defining the Bill of Rights and Amendments to the Constitution Originally the Constitutional framers did not include a list of specific liberties. These liberties later would become a Bill of Rights. Many of the founding fathers did not believe it was necessary to spell out these individual liberties because they felt that the U.S. Constitution already made it clear what the limits on the government s powers were. Soon it would become more evident that the Constitution didn t go far enough in addressing the issue of national power. As the ratification debates began, numerous issues arose. The framers realized the pressing need for a specific Bill of Rights. Thomas Jefferson was one of the main proponents of a document that spelled out the ... Show more content on ... The framers intended for only the most significant issues of the day to lead to a constitutional amendment. Surprisingly the president and the executive branch have no role in proposal and ratification process. Although, the office still wields some political influence depending upon the issue. (Janda et al., 2012) The Bill of Rights was originally intended to provide protection from the federal government, whom many feared could become too powerful. Late in the 19th century the Supreme Court ruled that these same liberties and rights guaranteed in the constitution also must be applied at the state level as well. Although most Americans are familiar with the names of Jefferson, Franklin and Madison, one of the most important figures of this time was a gentlemen named George Mason. He was one of the first leaders to demand the government recognize such basic rights as freedom of the press, religious tolerance and the right to trial by jury. Mason was highly respected by his peers, but unlike Washington, Jefferson and Madison, he had no desire to hold public office. He did later on serve on various committees and was appointed to draft the Virginia declaration of rights. (, 2014) Mason took the lead on this project, and basically wrote the document by himself. He drew a lot upon the influence of the philosopher John Locke. One of the main assertions he included in this draft was, That all men are born equally free and independent, and
  • 57. Critical Analysis Of Some Lessons From The Assembly Line Has the author s goal changed with this analytical reading of the text? If so, how? If not, why not? oAs I reevaluate the article Some Lessons From the Assembly Line by Andrew Braaksma (2005), I come to the same conclusions, and overall notes. I notice again, that transitions in life are never easy, going from an assembly line, punching the clock, and then back to college life. I also took the feeling that the Author s college life was quite lax in comparison to hit summer work life. Other points I came across again was a lack of security within that field, not paying attention to repetitive tasks can cause injury, and the value of an education. I can relate to the value to an education, as it allows you to get into the door to vet one s abilities. Without education, experience can land you in the same position. However, at the Author junction in life, many would not have the experience to be able to obtain secure employment, and with that I felt lucky to have been able to have obtained the experience in the service. With that, I value an education, and am now perusing that to achieve higher goals. Additionally, I don t want to ever be in a dying field, that could disappear, or become outsourced. 2. Have you identified new key points that the author uses to try to achieve his or her goal in the selected article? If so, include them here. If not, explain why the key points from your Writing Notes have remained the same, even after conducting an active reading of