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Google developer tools (mainly GCP) & an
Easyier path to machine learning
Mountain View :: Winter 2024
Wesley Chun
Principal, CyberWeb
Principal Consultant, CyberWeb
● Mission: produce accelerated Python
developers, enable developers to be
successful using Google Cloud and
other Google developer tools & APIs
● Focus: Python, Google Cloud (GCP) &
Google Workspace (GWS) APIs; GAE
migrations; Google X-product sol'ns
● Services: technical consulting,
training, engineering, speaking, code
samples, hands-on tutorials, public
technical content (blogs, social, etc.)
About the speaker
Previous experience / background
● Software Engineer & Developer Advocate
○ Google, Sun, HP, Cisco, EMC, Xilinx &
○ Original Yahoo!Mail engineer/SWE
● Technical trainer, teacher, instructor
○ Teaching Math, Linux, Python since '83
○ Adjunct CS Faculty at local SV colleges
● Python community member
○ Popular Core Python series author
○ Python Software Foundation Fellow
● AB (Math/CS) & CMP (Music/Piano), UC
Berkeley and MSCS, UC Santa Barbara
● Adjunct Computer Science Faculty, Foothill
College (Silicon Valley)
GWS Dev Show
GAE migration
AI & ML session: why & agenda
● Big data is everywhere, giving rise to increasingly challenging problems
● AI/ML analyzes data, gives novel insight, and produces new content
● Requiring certain level of math/statistics gives AI/ML learning curve
● APIs backed by ML provides an easier path: if you can call APIs. you can...
● Leverage the power of ML, gain experience, and accelerate learning
What is ML?
Google Cloud
Google APIs
Cloud ML APIs
4 5
Other Google
devtools & APIs
What is machine learning?
Can we make computers "smarter?"
Solve problems by
"mimicking" human
Learn from observed
patterns in massive
data sets & formulate
informed decisions
from those insights
More sophisticated ML
models learning with no
human intervention; use
neural networks to
tackle more complex
AI & machine learning
Puppy or muffin?
Machine learning is learning
from rules plus experience.
Inference Phase
Training Phase
model ("rules")
(new) data
Three different ways to train ML models
1. Supervised learning
2. Unsupervised learning
3. Reinforcement learning
Deep Learning model types
Discriminative/Predictive AI
● Used to classify or predict
● Typically trained on labeled dataset
● Learns relationship between data point features and labels
Generative AI (single-use or multimodal)
● Generates new data similar to data a model was trained on
● Understands distribution of data & how likely a given example is
● Can "predict" the next or similar "item" in dataset
Global view
● 1B ppl depend on seafood
● 85% at/over-fishing or recovering
● 20% caught illegal, undoc'd, unreg'd
● Analysts monitoring unscalable
One solution
● Machine-learning classifiers:
○ Ship type: cargo, tug, sail, fishing
○ Ship size
○ Gear: longline, purse seine, trawl
○ Movement tracking: when and
where vessels are fishing
Two tales of food sorting
with the help of AI
Lots of data
Complex mathematics in
multidimensional spaces
Magical results
Popular imagination of what Machine Learning is
Organize data
Use machines to
flesh out the
model from data
Create model
Deploy fleshed
out model
In reality what ML is
Large Datasets Good Models Lots Of Computation
Keys to Successful Machine Learning
Google Cloud
GCP & Workspace/GWS APIs
( )
Vertex AI task-specific models: ML "building block" APIs
● Gain insights from data using GCP's
pre-trained machine learning models
● Leverage the same technology as Google
Translate, Photos, and Assistant
● Requires ZERO prior knowledge of ML
● If you can call an API, you can use AI/ML!
Vision Video
(S2T & T2S)
Full Spectrum of AI & ML Offerings
App developer Data scientist,
Data scientist, Researcher
(w/infrastructure access &
DevOps/SysAdmin skills)
Vertex AI
Build custom models,
use OSS SDK on fully-
managed infrastructure
model APIs
App developer,
data scientist
Use or fine-tune
pre-built models
Use pre-built/pre-
trained models
Build custom models, use/
extend OSS SDK, self-manage
training infrastructure
model API
Auto ML
Google APIs primer
What are they? How do you
access and use them?
General steps
1. Go to Cloud Console
2. Login to Google/Gmail account
(Workspace domain may require admin approval)
3. Create project (per application)
4. Enable APIs to use
5. Enable billing (CC, Free Trial, etc.)
6. Download client library(ies)
7. Create & download credentials
8. Write code*
9. Run code (may need to authorize)
Google APIs: how to use
*In your code
1. Import API client library
2. Create API client object
3. Use client to make API Calls
Costs & pricing
● GCP & GMP: pay-per-use (CC req'd)
● GWS: "subscription" (incl. $0USD/mo.)
● GMP: $200/mo. free usage
● GCP Free Trial: $300/1Q
● GCP "Always Free" tier
○ Some products have free tier
○ Daily or monthly quota
○ Must exceed to incur billing
● More on both programs at
Cloud/GCP console
● Hub of all developer activity
● Applications == projects
○ New project for new apps
○ Projects have a billing acct
● Manage billing accounts
○ Financial instrument required
○ Personal or corporate credit cards,
Free Trial, and education grants
● Access GCP product settings
● Manage users & security
● Manage APIs in devconsole
● View application statistics
● En-/disable Google APIs
● Obtain application credentials
Using Google APIs
API manager aka Developers Console (devconsole)
Client libraries and credentials types
● Two different client library types
○ Platform-level client libraries (lower-level)
■ Multiple product groups as a "lowest-common denominator"
■ Install:
○ Product-level client libraries (higher-level)
■ Custom client libraries made specifically for 1 product or product group
■ Found on product or product group page(s)
● Three different credentials types
○ Simple: API keys (access public data)
■ Simplest form of authorization: an API key; tied to a project
○ Authorized: OAuth client IDs (access data owned by [human] user)
■ Provides additional layer of security via OAuth2 (RFC 6749)
○ Authorized: service accounts (access data owned by an app/robot user)
■ Provides additional layer of security via OAuth2 or JWT (RFC 7519)
Blog series:
Google APIs client
libraries for many
languages; demos in
OAuth2 or
API key
HTTP-based REST APIs 1
Google APIs request-response workflow
● Application makes request
● Request received by service
● Process data, return response
● Results sent to application
(typical client-server model)
Cloud ML APIs
Easier path to ML by calling APIs!
Machine Learning: Cloud Vision
Google Cloud Vision API lets developers
extract metadata and understand the
content of an image, identify & detect
objects/labels, text/OCR, landmarks,
logos, facial features, products, XC, etc.
from import vision
image_uri = 'gs://cloud-samples-data/vision/using_curl/shanghai.jpeg'
client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient()
image = vision.types.Image()
image.source.image_uri = image_uri
response = client.label_detection(image=image)
print('Labels (and confidence score):')
print('=' * 30)
for label in response.label_annotations:
print(label.description, '(%.2f%%)' % (label.score*100.))
Vision: label annotation/object detection
$ python3
Labels (and confidence score):
People (95.05%)
Street (89.12%)
Mode of transport (89.09%)
Transport (85.13%)
Vehicle (84.69%)
Snapshot (84.11%)
Urban area (80.29%)
Infrastructure (73.14%)
Road (72.74%)
Pedestrian (68.90%)
Vision: label annotation/object detection
Machine Learning: Cloud Natural Language
Google Cloud Natural Language API
reveals the structure and meaning
of text, performing sentiment
analysis, content classification,
entity extraction, and syntactical
structure analysis; multi-lingual
Simple sentiment & classification analysis
from import language
TEXT = '''Google, headquartered in Mountain View, unveiled the new
Android phone at the Consumer Electronics Show. Sundar Pichai said
in his keynote that users love their new Android phones.'''
NL = language.LanguageServiceClient()
document = language.types.Document(content=TEXT,
print('TEXT:', TEXT) # sentiment analysis
sent = NL.analyze_sentiment(document).document_sentiment
print('nSENTIMENT: score (%.2f), magnitude (%.2f)' % (sent.score, sent.magnitude))
print('nCATEGORIES:') # content classification
categories = NL.classify_text(document).categories
for cat in categories:
print('* %s (%.2f)' % ([1:], cat.confidence))
Simple sentiment & classification analysis
$ python
TEXT: Google, headquartered in Mountain View, unveiled the new Android
phone at the Consumer Electronics Show. Sundar Pichai said in
his keynote that users love their new Android phones.
SENTIMENT: score (0.20), magnitude (0.50)
* Internet & Telecom (0.76)
* Computers & Electronics (0.64)
* News (0.56)
Machine Learning: Cloud Video Intelligence
Google Cloud Video Intelligence
API makes videos searchable, and
discoverable, by extracting
metadata. Other features: object
tracking, shot change detection,
and text detection
Machine Learning: Cloud Speech
Google Cloud Speech APIs enable
developers to convert
speech-to-text and vice versa
Machine Learning: Cloud Translation
Access Google Translate
programmatically through this
API; translate an arbitrary
string into any supported
language using state-of-the-art
Neural Machine Translation
Translating text "Hello World" (JS/Node.js)
const {TranslateClient} = require('@google-cloud/translate');
const TRANSLATE = new TranslateClient();
const text = 'Hello World!'; // Text to translate
const target = 'gu'; // Target language
// Translate text to Gujarti
const translation = await TRANSLATE.translate(text,
{from: 'en', to: target}));
// "Translation: હેલો વ ડર્લ્ડ"
console.log('Translation: ', translation[0]);
Machine Learning: AutoML
AutoML: suite of cloud APIs for
developers with limited machine
learning expertise; take task-specific
pre-trained model, perform additional
training with your data to finetune
that model
(Translation, Vision, Natural Language,
Video Intelligence, Tables)
● What is it, and how does it work?
○ These APIs backed by pre-trained models
○ Likely less suitable for your data
○ Finetune (further customize/train) these models with your data
○ Without sophisticated ML background
○ Translate, Vision, Natural Language, Video Intelligence, Tables
● Steps
a. Prep your training data
b. Create dataset
c. Import items into dataset
d. Train/"finetune" model
e. Evaluate/validate model
f. Make predictions
Cloud AutoML
Machine Learning: Vertex AI
Cloud Vertex AI (formerly AI Platform) is a
managed service providing: 1) APIs backed by
pre-trained models, 2) ability to further
train those models, 3) Jupyter Notebook
support, 4) infrastructure to build, train &
deploy ML models (PyTorch, scikit-learn,
TensorFlow) & serve models, all in 1 platform
Machine Learning: Cloud Generative AI
Google Cloud Generative AI is a set of
tools & APIs (like Vertex AI & Duet
AI) that make it easier for developers
to build generative AI-powered
services & applications; includes the
Gemini foundation model as well as
open source & 3rd-party models
import vertexai
import vertexai.preview.generative_models as genai
PROMPT = 'What is the meaning of life?'
MODEL = 'gemini-pro'
print('** GenAI text: %r model & prompt %rn' % (
model = genai.GenerativeModel(MODEL)
response = model.generate_content(PROMPT)
Cloud Vertex AI: Gemini API
import google.generativeai as genai
from settings import API_KEY
PROMPT = 'What is the meaning of life?'
MODEL = 'gemini-pro'
print('** GenAI text: %r model & prompt %rn' % (
model = genai.GenerativeModel(MODEL)
response = model.generate_content(PROMPT)
Google AI: Gemini API
Other GCP & Google
APIs & developer tools
These may also be helpful
Other Cloud APIs/services
"Friends of AI/ML" companion services
Storing and Analyzing Data: BigQuery
Google BigQuery: fully-managed data
warehouse for large-scale data
analytics with built-in machine
learning (BQML); issue SQL queries
across multi-terabytes of data. BQ
Sandbox lets anyone query up to
1TB/mo for free with no obligation
BigQuery: querying Shakespeare words
TITLE = "The most common words in all of Shakespeare's works"
QUERY = '''
SELECT LOWER(word) AS word, sum(word_count) AS count
FROM [bigquery-public-data:samples.shakespeare]
rsp ={'query': QUERY}, projectId=PROJ_ID).execute()
print('n*** Results for %r:n' % TITLE)
print('t'.join(col['name'].upper()  # HEADERS
for col in rsp['schema']['fields']))
print('n'.join('t'.join(str(col['v'])  # DATA
for col in row['f']) for row in rsp['rows']))
Top 10 most common Shakespeare words
$ python
*** Results for "The most common words in all of Shakespeare's works":
the 29801
and 27529
i 21029
to 20957
of 18514
a 15370
you 14010
my 12936
in 11722
that 11519
● BigQuery public data sets:
● BQ sandbox (1TB/mo free): (see blog post)
● Other public data sets: (Google Cloud), (Google Research), and Kaggle (
● COVID-19 BigQuery data sets
○ How to use our data sets (see blog post)
○ JHU Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases data set
○ List of all COVID-19 data sets
● Cloud Life Sciences API: (see blog post)
● Cloud Healthcare API: (see blog post)
BigQuery and public data sets
Storing Data: Cloud Storage, Filestore, Persistent Disk
Storing Data: Cloud SQL & AlloyDB
Relational DB servers in the cloud;
High-performance, fully-managed
600MB to 416GB RAM; up to 64 vCPUs
Up to 10 TB storage; 40,000 IOPS
Postgres; AlloyDB for high perf
SQLServer{sql, alloydb}
Storing Data: Cloud Firestore
The best of both worlds: the next
generation of Cloud Datastore
(w/product rebrand) plus features
from the Firebase realtime database
(For choosing between Firebase & Cloud Firestore: see;
for choosing between Firestore Datastore & Firestore Native modes:
Google Workspace: Google Sheets
Sheets API gives you programmatic
access to spreadsheets; perform
(w/code) almost any action you can
do from the web interface as a user
Try our Node.js customized reporting tool codelab:
Why use the Sheets API?
data visualization
customized reports
Sheets as a data source
Migrate SQL data to a Sheet
# read SQL data then create new spreadsheet & add rows into it
FIELDS = ('ID', 'Customer Name', 'Product Code',
'Units Ordered', 'Unit Price', 'Status')
cxn = sqlite3.connect('db.sqlite')
cur = cxn.cursor()
rows = cur.execute('SELECT * FROM orders').fetchall()
rows.insert(0, FIELDS)
DATA = {'properties': {'title': 'Customer orders'}}
SHEET_ID = SHEETS.spreadsheets().create(body=DATA,
SHEETS.spreadsheets().values().update(spreadsheetId=SHEET_ID, range='A1',
body={'values': rows}, valueInputOption='RAW').execute()
Migrate SQL data
to Sheets
Google and Jupyter Notebooks
Users have many ways to access an indispensable data science tool
● Google Cloud Vertex AI Workbench
● Kaggle
● Google Research CoLaboratory
● Google Cloud Dataproc Hub
● Google Cloud Datalab
Where to run your code (without VMs)
GCP/GWS serverless compute platforms
Google Cloud compute option spectrum
Engine (GKE)
Cloud Run
on Anthos
Cloud Run
App Engine
App Engine
> Google Compute Engine configurable
VMs of all shapes & sizes, from
"micro" to 416 vCPUs, 11.776 TB
RAM, 256 TB HDD/SSD plus Google
Cloud Storage for data lake "blobs"
(Debian, CentOS, CoreOS, SUSE, Red Hat Enterprise Linux,
Ubuntu, FreeBSD; Windows Server 2008 R2, 2012 R2, 2016, 1803,
1809, 1903/2019, 1909)
Yeah, there are VMs & big disk… but why*?
Serverless: what & why
● What is serverless?
○ Misnomer (a "PMM") :-)
○ "No worries"
○ Developers focus on writing code & solving business problems*
○ Servers (physical & virtual) completely abstracted away from the user*
● Why serverless?
○ Fastest growing segment of cloud... per analyst research:
■ $1.9B (2016) and $4.25B (2018) ⇒ $7.7B (2021), $14.93B (2023), and $21.1B (2025)^
■ $4.18B (2018) and $6.05B (2020) ⇒ $31.53B (2026) and $53.08B (2028)†
○ What if you go viral? Autoscaling: your new best friend
○ What if you don't? Code not running? You're not paying.
* Forbes (May 2018)
^ (in USD) CB Insights (Sep 2018), MarketsandMarkets™ (Jan 2019)
† (in USD) Reports and Data (Jul 2019 , Jan 2020, and Oct 2021)
Running Code: App Engine
Got a great app idea? Now what?
VMs? Operating systems? Big disk?
Web servers? Load balancing?
Database servers? Autoscaling?
With App Engine, you don't think
about those. Just upload your
code; GCP takes care of the rest.
Why does App Engine exist?
● Focus on code not DevOps
○ Web app or mobile backend
● Enhance productivity
● Deploy globally
● Fully-managed
● Auto-scaling
● Pay-per-use
● Familiar languages
● Test w/local dev server
● "Bundled" services like DB,
caching, tasks, storage, etc.
Hello World (Python "MVP")
runtime: python39
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello():
return 'Hello World!'
$ gcloud app deploy
Access globally:
Running Code: Cloud Functions
Don't have an entire app? Just want
to deploy small microservices or
"RPCs" online globally? That's what
Google Cloud Functions are for!
(+Firebase version for mobile apps)
Why does Cloud Functions exist?
● Don't have entire app?
○ No framework "overhead" (LAMP, MEAN...)
○ Deploy short utilities (alerts, ETL...), monoliths →
loosely-coupled microservices, event-driven tasks
● Event-driven
○ Triggered via HTTP or background events
■ Pub/Sub, Cloud Storage, Firebase, etc.
○ Auto-scaling & highly-available; pay per use
● Flexible development environment
○ Cmd-line or developer console (in-browser)
○ Develop/test locally with Functions Framework
● Cloud Functions for Firebase
○ Mobile app use-cases
def hello_world(request):
return 'Hello World!'
$ gcloud functions deploy hello --runtime python39 --trigger-http
Access globally (curl):
$ curl
Access globally (browser):
Hello World (Python "MVP")
Running Code: Cloud Run
Got a containerized app? Want its
flexibility along with the convenience
of serverless that's fully-managed
plus auto-scales? Google Cloud Run is
exactly what you're looking for!
Need custom HW? Cloud Run on GKE
The rise of containers... ● Any language
● Any library
● Any binary
● Ecosystem of base images
● Industry standard
“We can’t be locked in.”
“How can we use
existing binaries?”
“Why do I have to choose between
containers and serverless?”
“Can you support language _______ ?”
Serverless inaccessible for some...
Cloud Run: code, build, deploy .js .rb .go
.py ...
● Any language, library, binary
○ HTTP port, stateless
● Bundle into container
○ Build with Docker OR Cloud Build
○ Image ⇒ Container/Artifact Registry
● Deploy to Cloud Run (managed or GKE)
● GitOps: CD push-to-deploy from Git
○ See documentation & announcement
○ CI/CD with GitHub Actions tutorial
● Cloud Buildpacks: Docker, Dockerfiles,
and knowledge of containers optional
Hello World (Python "MVP")
import os
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello_world():
return 'Hello World!'
if __name__ == '__main__':, host='', port=int(os.environ.get('PORT', 8080)))
Hello World (Python "MVP")
FROM python:3-slim
COPY . .
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
CMD ["python", ""]
Build (think docker build and docker push) then deploy (think docker run):
$ gcloud builds submit --tag
$ gcloud run deploy SVC_NAME --image
OR… Build and Deploy (1-line combination of above commands):
$ gcloud run deploy SVC_NAME --source .
Access globally:
Docker &
Flexibility in options
● "Nebulous" sample web app
○ Flask/Python 2 or 3
○ Express/Node.js 10+
○ Uses Cloud Translation API
● Deployable to on-prem server
● Also GCP serverless compute
○ App Engine
○ Cloud Functions
○ Cloud Run
● With only config changes
● No changes to app code
My "Google Translate" MVP
Use multiple Google APIs
to create unique solutions
Cloud image processing workflow
Archive and analyze GWS data (images) with GCP
Image: Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Google Workspace GCP
Cloud image processing workflow
Cloud image processing workflow
def drive_get_file(fname):
rsp = DRIVE.files().list(q="name='%s'" % fname).execute().get['files'][0]
fileId, fname, mtype = rsp['id'], rsp['name'], rsp['mimeType']
blob = DRIVE.files().get_media(fileId).execute()
return fname, mtype, rsp['modifiedTime'], blob
def gcs_blob_upload(fname, bucket, blob, mimetype):
body = {'name': fname, 'uploadType': 'multipart',
'contentType': mimetype}
return GCS.objects().insert(bucket, body, blob).execute()
def vision_label_img(img, top):
body = {'requests': [{'image': {'content': img}, 'features':
[{'type': 'LABEL_DETECTION', 'maxResults': top}]}]}
rsp = VISION.images().annotate(
body=body).execute().get('responses', [{}])[0]
return ', '.join('%s (%.2f%%)' % (label['description'],
label['score']*100.) for label in rsp['labelAnnotations'])
def sheet_append_row(sheet, row):
rsp = SHEETS.spreadsheets().values().append(
spreadsheetId=sheet, range='Sheet1',
body={'values': rows}).execute()
return rsp.get('updates').get('updatedCells')
def main(fname, bucket, sheet_id, top):
fname, mtype, ftime, data = drive_get_img(fname)
gcs_blob_upload(fname, bucket, data, mtype)
rsp = vision_label_img(data, top)
sheet_append_row(sheet_id, [fname, mtype,
ftime, len(data), rsp])
API method calls in Bold
Driver calls in Bold Italics
● Project goal: Imagining an actual enterprise use case and solve it!
● Specific goals: free-up highly-utilized resource, archive data to
colder/cheaper storage, analyze images, generate report for mgmt
● Download image binary from Google Drive
● Upload object to Cloud Storage bucket
● Send payload for analysis by Cloud Vision
● Write back-up location & analysis results into Google Sheets
● Blog post: (original post); Cloud X-post
● Codelab: free, online, self-paced, hands-on tutorial
● Application source code
App summary
Hangouts Chat Productivity Tracker
Chat bot that's GCP & Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) aware
Productivity tracker Hangouts Chat bot
Google Workspace
(formerly G Suite)
Sheets Natural Language
or LOG
App summary
● Motivation
● Do coding contract jobs during school year
● Needed to track time spent on work (and non-work)
● Who doesn't want to be more productive?
● Hangouts Chat bot framework & API... build bots to:
● Automate workflows
● Query for information
● Other heavy-lifting
● Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) app that leverages app-hosting, NL processing, and storage
tools from GCP
● Application source code
● Presented at GDG Silicon Valley (Aug 2018)
Summary & resources
Summary: AI & ML session
● What is machine learning again?
○ Solving harder problems by making computers smarter
○ "Using data to answer questions.” ~Yufeng Guo, Google Cloud
● How do you do machine learning again?
○ Collect lots of data
○ Build and train your model then validate it
○ Use your model to make predictions on new data
● Do you need lots of machine learning experience to get started?
○ No: use pre-trained models available via APIs
○ No: need to do training? Consider using AutoML APIs
○ Build your experience then use standard OSS library when ready
● Documentation (most APIs have "Quickstarts")
○ GCP:{docs,appengine,functions,run,vision,automl,translate,language,
○ GWS:{gsuite,drive,calendar,gmail,docs,sheets,slides,apps-script}
● Introductory "codelabs" ([free] self-paced, hands-on tutorials)
○ GWS APIs: (featuring Drive API)
○ Apps Script:
○ App Engine:
○ Cloud Functions:
○ Cloud Run:
○ Others: (all Google codelabs) and (GCP-only)
● Videos: (GCP) and (GWS)
● Code samples: (GCP) and (GWS)
● Cloud Free Trial (new users) and Always Free (daily/monthly tier) programs:
● Know AWS/Azure? Compare with GCP products at
● Language support:{python,java,nodejs,go,php,ruby,dotnet}
Resources (industry)
Cloud Vision demo: Quick Draw game
FYI and FYA (if you/your students love comics)[12]
... ...
Other Google APIs & platforms
● Google Workspace (G Suite) (code Gmail, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides!)
● Firebase (mobile development platform and RT DB plus ML-Kit)
○ and
● Google Data Studio (data visualization, dashboards, etc.)
● Actions on Google/Assistant/DialogFlow (voice apps)
● YouTube (Data, Analytics, and Livestreaming APIs)
● Google Maps (Maps, Routes, and Places APIs)
● Flutter (native apps [Android, iOS, web] w/1 code base[!])
Bring me to your organization
... it is my job to help you!
● "Transfer of Info" tech talks
● Half- or full-day seminars
● Hands-on "codelab" workshops
● Multi-day training courses
● Engineering consulting
● Migration strategy & planning
you're looking
at them now
Img proc wkflw
AI/ML codelabs
Nebulous serverless
Progress bars
Thank you! Questions?
Wesley Chun
Principal Consultant, CyberWeb
Python, GCP & GWS specialist
@wescpy (Tw/X, SO, GH, IG, LI)

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wesley chun
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wesley chun
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wesley chun
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Semelhante a Easy path to machine learning (2023-2024) (20)

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Mais de wesley chun

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Easy path to machine learning (2023-2024)

  • 1. Google developer tools (mainly GCP) & an Easyier path to machine learning Mountain View :: Winter 2024 Wesley Chun Principal, CyberWeb @wescpy@ Principal Consultant, CyberWeb ● Mission: produce accelerated Python developers, enable developers to be successful using Google Cloud and other Google developer tools & APIs ● Focus: Python, Google Cloud (GCP) & Google Workspace (GWS) APIs; GAE migrations; Google X-product sol'ns ● Services: technical consulting, training, engineering, speaking, code samples, hands-on tutorials, public technical content (blogs, social, etc.) About the speaker Previous experience / background ● Software Engineer & Developer Advocate ○ Google, Sun, HP, Cisco, EMC, Xilinx & ○ Original Yahoo!Mail engineer/SWE ● Technical trainer, teacher, instructor ○ Teaching Math, Linux, Python since '83 ○ Adjunct CS Faculty at local SV colleges ● Python community member ○ Popular Core Python series author ○ Python Software Foundation Fellow ● AB (Math/CS) & CMP (Music/Piano), UC Berkeley and MSCS, UC Santa Barbara ● Adjunct Computer Science Faculty, Foothill College (Silicon Valley) GWS Dev Show GAE migration
  • 2. AI & ML session: why & agenda ● Big data is everywhere, giving rise to increasingly challenging problems ● AI/ML analyzes data, gives novel insight, and produces new content ● Requiring certain level of math/statistics gives AI/ML learning curve ● APIs backed by ML provides an easier path: if you can call APIs. you can... ● Leverage the power of ML, gain experience, and accelerate learning What is ML? 1 Introducing Google Cloud 2 Google APIs primer 3 Cloud ML APIs 4 5 Other Google devtools & APIs 7 Wrap-up 6 Inspiration 01 What is machine learning? Can we make computers "smarter?"
  • 3. AI Solve problems by "mimicking" human intelligence (logic/rules-based) ML Learn from observed patterns in massive data sets & formulate informed decisions from those insights DL More sophisticated ML models learning with no human intervention; use neural networks to tackle more complex problems
  • 4. AI & machine learning Puppy or muffin? Source: puppy-or-bagel-meme-gallery Machine learning is learning from rules plus experience.
  • 6. Three different ways to train ML models 1. Supervised learning 2. Unsupervised learning 3. Reinforcement learning
  • 7. Deep Learning model types Discriminative/Predictive AI ● Used to classify or predict ● Typically trained on labeled dataset ● Learns relationship between data point features and labels Generative AI (single-use or multimodal) ● Generates new data similar to data a model was trained on ● Understands distribution of data & how likely a given example is ● Can "predict" the next or similar "item" in dataset Global view Problem ● 1B ppl depend on seafood ● 85% at/over-fishing or recovering ● 20% caught illegal, undoc'd, unreg'd ● Analysts monitoring unscalable One solution ● ● Machine-learning classifiers: ○ Ship type: cargo, tug, sail, fishing ○ Ship size ○ Gear: longline, purse seine, trawl ○ Movement tracking: when and where vessels are fishing
  • 8. -help-make-safer-baby-food-and-other-products Two tales of food sorting with the help of AI Lots of data Complex mathematics in multidimensional spaces Magical results Popular imagination of what Machine Learning is
  • 9. Organize data Use machines to flesh out the model from data Collect data Create model Deploy fleshed out model In reality what ML is Large Datasets Good Models Lots Of Computation Keys to Successful Machine Learning
  • 10. 02 Introducing Google Cloud GCP & Workspace/GWS APIs formerly ( )
  • 11. Vertex AI task-specific models: ML "building block" APIs ● Gain insights from data using GCP's pre-trained machine learning models ● Leverage the same technology as Google Translate, Photos, and Assistant ● Requires ZERO prior knowledge of ML ● If you can call an API, you can use AI/ML! ● Vision Video Intelligence Speech (S2T & T2S) Natural Language Translation Full Spectrum of AI & ML Offerings App developer Data scientist, developer Data scientist, Researcher (w/infrastructure access & DevOps/SysAdmin skills) Vertex AI platform Build custom models, use OSS SDK on fully- managed infrastructure Single-task model APIs App developer, data scientist Use or fine-tune pre-built models Use pre-built/pre- trained models Build custom models, use/ extend OSS SDK, self-manage training infrastructure LMM/large multimodal model API Auto ML
  • 12. 03 Google APIs primer What are they? How do you access and use them?
  • 13. General steps 1. Go to Cloud Console 2. Login to Google/Gmail account (Workspace domain may require admin approval) 3. Create project (per application) 4. Enable APIs to use 5. Enable billing (CC, Free Trial, etc.) 6. Download client library(ies) 7. Create & download credentials 8. Write code* 9. Run code (may need to authorize) Google APIs: how to use *In your code 1. Import API client library 2. Create API client object 3. Use client to make API Calls Costs & pricing ● GCP & GMP: pay-per-use (CC req'd) ● GWS: "subscription" (incl. $0USD/mo.) ● GMP: $200/mo. free usage ● GCP Free Trial: $300/1Q ● GCP "Always Free" tier ○ Some products have free tier ○ Daily or monthly quota ○ Must exceed to incur billing ● More on both programs at
  • 14. Cloud/GCP console ● Hub of all developer activity ● Applications == projects ○ New project for new apps ○ Projects have a billing acct ● Manage billing accounts ○ Financial instrument required ○ Personal or corporate credit cards, Free Trial, and education grants ● Access GCP product settings ● Manage users & security ● Manage APIs in devconsole ● View application statistics ● En-/disable Google APIs ● Obtain application credentials Using Google APIs API manager aka Developers Console (devconsole)
  • 15. Client libraries and credentials types ● Two different client library types ○ Platform-level client libraries (lower-level) ■ Multiple product groups as a "lowest-common denominator" ■ Install: ○ Product-level client libraries (higher-level) ■ Custom client libraries made specifically for 1 product or product group ■ Found on product or product group page(s) ● Three different credentials types ○ Simple: API keys (access public data) ■ Simplest form of authorization: an API key; tied to a project ○ Authorized: OAuth client IDs (access data owned by [human] user) ■ Provides additional layer of security via OAuth2 (RFC 6749) ○ Authorized: service accounts (access data owned by an app/robot user) ■ Provides additional layer of security via OAuth2 or JWT (RFC 7519) Blog series: & Google APIs client libraries for many languages; demos in client-library /cloud-client-libraries
  • 16. OAuth2 or API key HTTP-based REST APIs 1 HTTP 2 Google APIs request-response workflow ● Application makes request ● Request received by service ● Process data, return response ● Results sent to application (typical client-server model) 04 Cloud ML APIs Easier path to ML by calling APIs!
  • 17. Machine Learning: Cloud Vision Google Cloud Vision API lets developers extract metadata and understand the content of an image, identify & detect objects/labels, text/OCR, landmarks, logos, facial features, products, XC, etc. from import vision image_uri = 'gs://cloud-samples-data/vision/using_curl/shanghai.jpeg' client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() image = vision.types.Image() image.source.image_uri = image_uri response = client.label_detection(image=image) print('Labels (and confidence score):') print('=' * 30) for label in response.label_annotations: print(label.description, '(%.2f%%)' % (label.score*100.)) Vision: label annotation/object detection
  • 18. $ python3 Labels (and confidence score): ============================== People (95.05%) Street (89.12%) Mode of transport (89.09%) Transport (85.13%) Vehicle (84.69%) Snapshot (84.11%) Urban area (80.29%) Infrastructure (73.14%) Road (72.74%) Pedestrian (68.90%) Vision: label annotation/object detection Machine Learning: Cloud Natural Language Google Cloud Natural Language API reveals the structure and meaning of text, performing sentiment analysis, content classification, entity extraction, and syntactical structure analysis; multi-lingual
  • 19. Simple sentiment & classification analysis from import language TEXT = '''Google, headquartered in Mountain View, unveiled the new Android phone at the Consumer Electronics Show. Sundar Pichai said in his keynote that users love their new Android phones.''' NL = language.LanguageServiceClient() document = language.types.Document(content=TEXT, type=language.enums.Document.Type.PLAIN_TEXT) print('TEXT:', TEXT) # sentiment analysis sent = NL.analyze_sentiment(document).document_sentiment print('nSENTIMENT: score (%.2f), magnitude (%.2f)' % (sent.score, sent.magnitude)) print('nCATEGORIES:') # content classification categories = NL.classify_text(document).categories for cat in categories: print('* %s (%.2f)' % ([1:], cat.confidence)) Simple sentiment & classification analysis $ python TEXT: Google, headquartered in Mountain View, unveiled the new Android phone at the Consumer Electronics Show. Sundar Pichai said in his keynote that users love their new Android phones. SENTIMENT: score (0.20), magnitude (0.50) CATEGORIES: * Internet & Telecom (0.76) * Computers & Electronics (0.64) * News (0.56)
  • 20. Machine Learning: Cloud Video Intelligence Google Cloud Video Intelligence API makes videos searchable, and discoverable, by extracting metadata. Other features: object tracking, shot change detection, and text detection Machine Learning: Cloud Speech Google Cloud Speech APIs enable developers to convert speech-to-text and vice versa
  • 21. Machine Learning: Cloud Translation Access Google Translate programmatically through this API; translate an arbitrary string into any supported language using state-of-the-art Neural Machine Translation Translating text "Hello World" (JS/Node.js) const {TranslateClient} = require('@google-cloud/translate'); const TRANSLATE = new TranslateClient(); const text = 'Hello World!'; // Text to translate const target = 'gu'; // Target language // Translate text to Gujarti const translation = await TRANSLATE.translate(text, {from: 'en', to: target})); // "Translation: હેલો વ ડર્લ્ડ" console.log('Translation: ', translation[0]);
  • 22. Machine Learning: AutoML AutoML: suite of cloud APIs for developers with limited machine learning expertise; take task-specific pre-trained model, perform additional training with your data to finetune that model (Translation, Vision, Natural Language, Video Intelligence, Tables) ● What is it, and how does it work? ○ These APIs backed by pre-trained models ○ Likely less suitable for your data ○ Finetune (further customize/train) these models with your data ○ Without sophisticated ML background ○ Translate, Vision, Natural Language, Video Intelligence, Tables ○ ● Steps a. Prep your training data b. Create dataset c. Import items into dataset d. Train/"finetune" model e. Evaluate/validate model f. Make predictions Cloud AutoML
  • 23. Machine Learning: Vertex AI Cloud Vertex AI (formerly AI Platform) is a managed service providing: 1) APIs backed by pre-trained models, 2) ability to further train those models, 3) Jupyter Notebook support, 4) infrastructure to build, train & deploy ML models (PyTorch, scikit-learn, TensorFlow) & serve models, all in 1 platform Machine Learning: Cloud Generative AI Google Cloud Generative AI is a set of tools & APIs (like Vertex AI & Duet AI) that make it easier for developers to build generative AI-powered services & applications; includes the Gemini foundation model as well as open source & 3rd-party models
  • 24. import vertexai import vertexai.preview.generative_models as genai PROMPT = 'What is the meaning of life?' MODEL = 'gemini-pro' print('** GenAI text: %r model & prompt %rn' % ( MODEL, PROMPT)) vertexai.init() model = genai.GenerativeModel(MODEL) response = model.generate_content(PROMPT) print(response.text) Cloud Vertex AI: Gemini API ai/start/quickstarts/quickstart-multimodal import google.generativeai as genai from settings import API_KEY PROMPT = 'What is the meaning of life?' MODEL = 'gemini-pro' print('** GenAI text: %r model & prompt %rn' % ( MODEL, PROMPT)) genai.configure(api_key=API_KEY) model = genai.GenerativeModel(MODEL) response = model.generate_content(PROMPT) print(response.text) Google AI: Gemini API
  • 25. 05 Other GCP & Google APIs & developer tools These may also be helpful Other Cloud APIs/services "Friends of AI/ML" companion services
  • 26. Storing and Analyzing Data: BigQuery Google BigQuery: fully-managed data warehouse for large-scale data analytics with built-in machine learning (BQML); issue SQL queries across multi-terabytes of data. BQ Sandbox lets anyone query up to 1TB/mo for free with no obligation BigQuery: querying Shakespeare words TITLE = "The most common words in all of Shakespeare's works" QUERY = ''' SELECT LOWER(word) AS word, sum(word_count) AS count FROM [bigquery-public-data:samples.shakespeare] GROUP BY word ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 10 ''' rsp ={'query': QUERY}, projectId=PROJ_ID).execute() print('n*** Results for %r:n' % TITLE) print('t'.join(col['name'].upper() # HEADERS for col in rsp['schema']['fields'])) print('n'.join('t'.join(str(col['v']) # DATA for col in row['f']) for row in rsp['rows']))
  • 27. Top 10 most common Shakespeare words $ python *** Results for "The most common words in all of Shakespeare's works": WORD COUNT the 29801 and 27529 i 21029 to 20957 of 18514 a 15370 you 14010 my 12936 in 11722 that 11519 ● BigQuery public data sets: ● BQ sandbox (1TB/mo free): (see blog post) ● Other public data sets: (Google Cloud), (Google Research), and Kaggle ( ● COVID-19 BigQuery data sets ○ How to use our data sets (see blog post) ○ JHU Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases data set ○ List of all COVID-19 data sets ● Cloud Life Sciences API: (see blog post) ● Cloud Healthcare API: (see blog post) BigQuery and public data sets
  • 28. Storing Data: Cloud Storage, Filestore, Persistent Disk Storing Data: Cloud SQL & AlloyDB Relational DB servers in the cloud; High-performance, fully-managed 600MB to 416GB RAM; up to 64 vCPUs Up to 10 TB storage; 40,000 IOPS Types: MySQL Postgres; AlloyDB for high perf SQLServer{sql, alloydb}
  • 29. Storing Data: Cloud Firestore The best of both worlds: the next generation of Cloud Datastore (w/product rebrand) plus features from the Firebase realtime database (For choosing between Firebase & Cloud Firestore: see; for choosing between Firestore Datastore & Firestore Native modes: see Google Workspace: Google Sheets Sheets API gives you programmatic access to spreadsheets; perform (w/code) almost any action you can do from the web interface as a user
  • 30. Try our Node.js customized reporting tool codelab: Why use the Sheets API? data visualization customized reports Sheets as a data source Migrate SQL data to a Sheet # read SQL data then create new spreadsheet & add rows into it FIELDS = ('ID', 'Customer Name', 'Product Code', 'Units Ordered', 'Unit Price', 'Status') cxn = sqlite3.connect('db.sqlite') cur = cxn.cursor() rows = cur.execute('SELECT * FROM orders').fetchall() cxn.close() rows.insert(0, FIELDS) DATA = {'properties': {'title': 'Customer orders'}} SHEET_ID = SHEETS.spreadsheets().create(body=DATA, fields='spreadsheetId').execute().get('spreadsheetId') SHEETS.spreadsheets().values().update(spreadsheetId=SHEET_ID, range='A1', body={'values': rows}, valueInputOption='RAW').execute() Migrate SQL data to Sheets
  • 31. Google and Jupyter Notebooks Users have many ways to access an indispensable data science tool ● Google Cloud Vertex AI Workbench ○ ● Kaggle ○ ● Google Research CoLaboratory ○ ● Google Cloud Dataproc Hub ○ ● Google Cloud Datalab ○ Where to run your code (without VMs) GCP/GWS serverless compute platforms
  • 32. Google Cloud compute option spectrum Compute Engine Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Cloud Run on Anthos Cloud Run (fully-mgd) App Engine (Flexible) App Engine (Standard) Cloud Functions > Google Compute Engine configurable VMs of all shapes & sizes, from "micro" to 416 vCPUs, 11.776 TB RAM, 256 TB HDD/SSD plus Google Cloud Storage for data lake "blobs" (Debian, CentOS, CoreOS, SUSE, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Ubuntu, FreeBSD; Windows Server 2008 R2, 2012 R2, 2016, 1803, 1809, 1903/2019, 1909) Yeah, there are VMs & big disk… but why*?
  • 33. Serverless: what & why ● What is serverless? ○ Misnomer (a "PMM") :-) ○ "No worries" ○ Developers focus on writing code & solving business problems* ○ Servers (physical & virtual) completely abstracted away from the user* ● Why serverless? ○ Fastest growing segment of cloud... per analyst research: ■ $1.9B (2016) and $4.25B (2018) ⇒ $7.7B (2021), $14.93B (2023), and $21.1B (2025)^ ■ $4.18B (2018) and $6.05B (2020) ⇒ $31.53B (2026) and $53.08B (2028)† ○ What if you go viral? Autoscaling: your new best friend ○ What if you don't? Code not running? You're not paying. * Forbes (May 2018) ^ (in USD) CB Insights (Sep 2018), MarketsandMarkets™ (Jan 2019) † (in USD) Reports and Data (Jul 2019 , Jan 2020, and Oct 2021) Running Code: App Engine Got a great app idea? Now what? VMs? Operating systems? Big disk? Web servers? Load balancing? Database servers? Autoscaling? With App Engine, you don't think about those. Just upload your code; GCP takes care of the rest. >
  • 34. Why does App Engine exist? ● Focus on code not DevOps ○ Web app or mobile backend ● Enhance productivity ● Deploy globally ● Fully-managed ● Auto-scaling ● Pay-per-use ● Familiar languages ● Test w/local dev server ● "Bundled" services like DB, caching, tasks, storage, etc. Hello World (Python "MVP") app.yaml runtime: python39 from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def hello(): return 'Hello World!' requirements.txt flask Deploy: $ gcloud app deploy Access globally:
  • 35. Running Code: Cloud Functions Don't have an entire app? Just want to deploy small microservices or "RPCs" online globally? That's what Google Cloud Functions are for! (+Firebase version for mobile apps) Why does Cloud Functions exist? ● Don't have entire app? ○ No framework "overhead" (LAMP, MEAN...) ○ Deploy short utilities (alerts, ETL...), monoliths → loosely-coupled microservices, event-driven tasks ● Event-driven ○ Triggered via HTTP or background events ■ Pub/Sub, Cloud Storage, Firebase, etc. ○ Auto-scaling & highly-available; pay per use ● Flexible development environment ○ Cmd-line or developer console (in-browser) ○ Develop/test locally with Functions Framework ● Cloud Functions for Firebase ○ Mobile app use-cases
  • 36. def hello_world(request): return 'Hello World!' Deploy: $ gcloud functions deploy hello --runtime python39 --trigger-http Access globally (curl): $ curl Access globally (browser): Hello World (Python "MVP") Running Code: Cloud Run Got a containerized app? Want its flexibility along with the convenience of serverless that's fully-managed plus auto-scales? Google Cloud Run is exactly what you're looking for! Need custom HW? Cloud Run on GKE
  • 37. The rise of containers... ● Any language ● Any library ● Any binary ● Ecosystem of base images ● Industry standard FLEXIBILITY “We can’t be locked in.” “How can we use existing binaries?” “Why do I have to choose between containers and serverless?” “Can you support language _______ ?” Serverless inaccessible for some... CONVENIENCE
  • 38. Cloud Run: code, build, deploy .js .rb .go .sh .py ... ● Any language, library, binary ○ HTTP port, stateless ● Bundle into container ○ Build with Docker OR Cloud Build ○ Image ⇒ Container/Artifact Registry ● Deploy to Cloud Run (managed or GKE) ● GitOps: CD push-to-deploy from Git ○ See documentation & announcement ○ CI/CD with GitHub Actions tutorial ● Cloud Buildpacks: Docker, Dockerfiles, and knowledge of containers optional State HTTP Hello World (Python "MVP") import os from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def hello_world(): return 'Hello World!' if __name__ == '__main__':, host='', port=int(os.environ.get('PORT', 8080))) requirements.txt flask
  • 39. Hello World (Python "MVP") Dockerfile FROM python:3-slim WORKDIR /app COPY . . RUN pip install -r requirements.txt CMD ["python", ""] .dockerignore Dockerfile *.pyc *.pyo .git/ __pycache__ Build (think docker build and docker push) then deploy (think docker run): $ gcloud builds submit --tag $ gcloud run deploy SVC_NAME --image OR… Build and Deploy (1-line combination of above commands): $ gcloud run deploy SVC_NAME --source . Access globally: Docker & Dockerfile OPTIONAL!! Flexibility in options Cloud Functions App Engine Cloud Run local server ● "Nebulous" sample web app ○ Flask/Python 2 or 3 ○ Express/Node.js 10+ ○ Uses Cloud Translation API ● Deployable to on-prem server ● Also GCP serverless compute ○ App Engine ○ Cloud Functions ○ Cloud Run ● With only config changes ● No changes to app code Cloud Translation My "Google Translate" MVP
  • 40. 06 Inspiration Use multiple Google APIs to create unique solutions Cloud image processing workflow Archive and analyze GWS data (images) with GCP
  • 41.
  • 42. Image: Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
  • 43. Cloud Vision Google Workspace GCP Cloud image processing workflow Cloud Storage Drive Sheets Archive image Categorize image Record results
  • 44. Cloud image processing workflow def drive_get_file(fname): rsp = DRIVE.files().list(q="name='%s'" % fname).execute().get['files'][0] fileId, fname, mtype = rsp['id'], rsp['name'], rsp['mimeType'] blob = DRIVE.files().get_media(fileId).execute() return fname, mtype, rsp['modifiedTime'], blob def gcs_blob_upload(fname, bucket, blob, mimetype): body = {'name': fname, 'uploadType': 'multipart', 'contentType': mimetype} return GCS.objects().insert(bucket, body, blob).execute() def vision_label_img(img, top): body = {'requests': [{'image': {'content': img}, 'features': [{'type': 'LABEL_DETECTION', 'maxResults': top}]}]} rsp = VISION.images().annotate( body=body).execute().get('responses', [{}])[0] return ', '.join('%s (%.2f%%)' % (label['description'], label['score']*100.) for label in rsp['labelAnnotations']) def sheet_append_row(sheet, row): rsp = SHEETS.spreadsheets().values().append( spreadsheetId=sheet, range='Sheet1', body={'values': rows}).execute() return rsp.get('updates').get('updatedCells') def main(fname, bucket, sheet_id, top): fname, mtype, ftime, data = drive_get_img(fname) gcs_blob_upload(fname, bucket, data, mtype) rsp = vision_label_img(data, top) sheet_append_row(sheet_id, [fname, mtype, ftime, len(data), rsp]) API method calls in Bold Driver calls in Bold Italics ● Project goal: Imagining an actual enterprise use case and solve it! ● Specific goals: free-up highly-utilized resource, archive data to colder/cheaper storage, analyze images, generate report for mgmt ● Download image binary from Google Drive ● Upload object to Cloud Storage bucket ● Send payload for analysis by Cloud Vision ● Write back-up location & analysis results into Google Sheets ● Blog post: (original post); Cloud X-post ● Codelab: free, online, self-paced, hands-on tutorial ● ● Application source code ● App summary
  • 45. Hangouts Chat Productivity Tracker Chat bot that's GCP & Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) aware Productivity tracker Hangouts Chat bot Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) GCP Sheets Natural Language START or LOG END Hangouts Chat App Engine Cloud SQL
  • 46. App summary ● Motivation ● Do coding contract jobs during school year ● Needed to track time spent on work (and non-work) ● Who doesn't want to be more productive? ● Hangouts Chat bot framework & API... build bots to: ● Automate workflows ● Query for information ● Other heavy-lifting ● Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) app that leverages app-hosting, NL processing, and storage tools from GCP ● Application source code ● ● Presented at GDG Silicon Valley (Aug 2018) ●
  • 47. 07 Wrap-up Summary & resources Summary: AI & ML session ● What is machine learning again? ○ Solving harder problems by making computers smarter ○ "Using data to answer questions.” ~Yufeng Guo, Google Cloud ● How do you do machine learning again? ○ Collect lots of data ○ Build and train your model then validate it ○ Use your model to make predictions on new data ● Do you need lots of machine learning experience to get started? ○ No: use pre-trained models available via APIs ○ No: need to do training? Consider using AutoML APIs ○ Build your experience then use standard OSS library when ready
  • 48. ● Documentation (most APIs have "Quickstarts") ○ GCP:{docs,appengine,functions,run,vision,automl,translate,language, speech,texttospeech,video-intelligence,firestore,bigquery,compute,storage,gpu,tpu} ○ GWS:{gsuite,drive,calendar,gmail,docs,sheets,slides,apps-script} ● Introductory "codelabs" ([free] self-paced, hands-on tutorials) ○ GWS APIs: (featuring Drive API) ○ Apps Script: ○ App Engine: ○ Cloud Functions: ○ Cloud Run: ○ Others: (all Google codelabs) and (GCP-only) ● Videos: (GCP) and (GWS) ● Code samples: (GCP) and (GWS) ● Cloud Free Trial (new users) and Always Free (daily/monthly tier) programs: ● Know AWS/Azure? Compare with GCP products at ● Language support:{python,java,nodejs,go,php,ruby,dotnet} Resources (industry) Cloud Vision demo: Quick Draw game
  • 49. FYI and FYA (if you/your students love comics)[12] ... ... Other Google APIs & platforms ● Google Workspace (G Suite) (code Gmail, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides!) ○ ● Firebase (mobile development platform and RT DB plus ML-Kit) ○ and ● Google Data Studio (data visualization, dashboards, etc.) ○ ○ ● Actions on Google/Assistant/DialogFlow (voice apps) ○ ● YouTube (Data, Analytics, and Livestreaming APIs) ○ ● Google Maps (Maps, Routes, and Places APIs) ○ ● Flutter (native apps [Android, iOS, web] w/1 code base[!]) ○
  • 50. Bring me to your organization ... it is my job to help you! ● "Transfer of Info" tech talks ● Half- or full-day seminars ● Hands-on "codelab" workshops ● Multi-day training courses ● Engineering consulting ● Migration strategy & planning ● ● Slides you're looking at them now Work Books Blog Img proc wkflw AI/ML codelabs category=aiandmachinelearning Nebulous serverless Progress bars Thank you! Questions? Wesley Chun Principal Consultant, CyberWeb Python, GCP & GWS specialist @wescpy (Tw/X, SO, GH, IG, LI)