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Earth Day Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Earth Day" presents its own set of challenges. Firstly, the
topic itself is vast, covering a broad spectrum of environmental issues, initiatives, and
perspectives. Narrowing down the focus while still addressing the significance of Earth Day can
be daunting.
Moreover, the subject matter often requires extensive research to understand the historical
context of Earth Day, its evolution over time, and its current relevance in the face of
environmental challenges. This research process can be time-consuming and demanding,
especially when trying to find credible sources and data to support arguments.
Additionally, conveying the importance of Earth Day in a compelling and impactful manner
requires a delicate balance between factual information and emotive language to engage readers
effectively. Striking this balance while maintaining a coherent structure and flow within the
essay can be challenging for writers.
Furthermore, addressing the urgency of environmental issues without succumbing to despair or
hopelessness poses another obstacle. Balancing the portrayal of the gravity of the situation with
messages of hope, empowerment, and actionable solutions is essential to inspire readers to take
positive action.
In summary, crafting an essay on the topic of Earth Day demands thorough research, careful
planning, and skillful execution to effectively convey its significance and inspire action towards
environmental conservation and sustainability.
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Earth Day Essay Earth Day Essay
War Of The Roses Essay
The outcome of the battle of Bosworth Field on August 22nd, 1485, has long been
one of great controversy. It marked the end of one of the bloodiest civil wars in
England s history, and the dawning of the much acclaimed Tudor era. Bosworth
raises many a question regarding the ideas of loyalty and honour in the latter years
of the medieval age. Upon which side of the battle field, if either, did true betrayal
lie? The infamous War of the Roses saw families torn apart and brother turn against
brother in a mad scramble to claim the English throne. How much did those years
of bloodshed effect the decisions value of loyalty to one s king or lineage? This
paper will discuss the evolution of the concepts of loyalty formed during the War of
the Roses... Show more content on ...
Over the course of his lifetime he changed his loyalties at least four times. Each
time could easily be construed as purely for personal advantages. Like his father
and namesake, Lord Thomas seemed to prefer waiting out conflict in order to
emerge on the winning side. He did this not once, but twice during Yorkist rule.
Familial ties with Warwick did not stop him from siding with Edward IV, nor did
rewards from Richard III keep him from sitting out for the king s final battle. Lord
Thomas was motivated by personal gain and this strategy served him well. He was
well rewarded by a grateful, and possibly insecure, Henry VII with lands and offices
that included the much coveted properties of the now deceased Yorkist Harringtons
(Horrox, p.
Gay And Lesbian, Gay, And Homosexual Marriages
Recent estimates suggest that between 2.0 and 3.7 million children are being
raised by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender adults in the United States,
according to the 2013 National Health Interview Survey and Gallup Poll data
(Gates, 2014). The battle of equal right in many aspects for gay and lesbian
couples have been going on for years, and although significant progress has been
made, there are many aspects within their relationships that are not yet equal to
heterosexual couples in similar situations. Gay and lesbian couples have to deal
with daily discrimination within issues such as marriage, legal issues, medical
issues, and mamy forms for homophobia. Adoption has been a big question and
fight for gay and lesbian couples for many years, one that is still being found
today. Questions of whether or not a gay or lesbian couple can properly raise a
healthy child, if the child s psychological development would be compromised, any
many other arguments have been proposed in disapproval of adoption for these
couples. Adoption is a tedious process for a heterosexual married couple and the
challenges and hoops needed to be jumped through to finalize the process can be
even more difficult for homosexual couples and single gay or lesbian individuals.
Gay and lesbian couples have faced many challenges through the course of time,
and adoption is just another part of that challenge. Just as it is legal for men and
women of the same sex to marry, so is adopting a child. However, there is great
prejudice over the issue and the power of opinion often stunts, and sometimes
terminates, the couples process and success of being able to adopt a child of their
own all because of the judges, biological parents, or spectators personal opinions. In
2004 the American Psychological Association declared the no difference theory that
states, no scientific evidence that parenting effectiveness is related to parental sexual
orientation: lesbian and gay parents are as likely as heterosexual parents to provide
supportive and healthy environments for their children, . Certain studies show a
difference in childhood development between children of same sex marriage and
biological parents, but none that deem gay or
Massasoit Research Paper
Massasoit was one of the people at the first Thanksgiving. Massasoit is the chief of
the Wampanoag. Massasoit was born in 1590 near Bristol, Rhode Island and he
died 1661 near Bristol, Rhode Island. Massasoit actually means Great Sachem or
leader. His children are three sons and two daughters. There is a photo showing a
Profile Rock in Assonet, Massachusettsin the 1902. Massasoit forged critical political
and personal have tied with the colonial leaders John Carver, Stephen Hopkins,
Edward Winslow, William Bradford, and Miles Standish. They ties which grew out
of a talking peace treaty on March 22, 1621. Massasoit league verifies that the
Wampanoag last neutral during the Pequot War in 1636. Massasoit stopped the dead
loss of Plymouth Colonyand the almost certainty of lack of food that
On 22 March 1620/1, Massasoit decided to pay his first visit to the Plymouth
Plantation at the invitation of Tisquantum. Who had first visited with the Pilgrims
shortly before. Thomas Dermer ... Show more content on ...
The Wampanoags had to build their own, the Pilgrims weren t trying to be rude
because they could hardly build their own house. And for some of the
Wampanoags it was a two day walk back to their villages. Between their meals,
they play games and the Wampanoags might have taught the English the Pin Game
and the Blind Man s Bluff as well. The English was shooting a target and was
trying to see was the best at shooting. On top of sports, they were also singing and
dancing among the Wampanoag and the Pilgrims. In conclusion, this was about
Massasoit and how they had the first Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims. What they did
at the first Thanksgiving was eaten for several days,they played games, and the
singed and danced together. I also wrote about Massasoit and his life. And about
Massasoit children s and where Massasoit was born and where he
Every Body Is A Masterpiece
Every body is a Masterpiece
Fat. Ugly. Skinny. Obese. Slim. Plump. Anorexic. Flabby. Thin. Scrawny. These
are just a few terms that are used when people humiliate others on their appearance
or body shape; in other words, body shaming. I am very passionate about the topic
of body shaming. I believe that society needs to stop sending out images to young
girls of the perfect body or the idea of body goals. Everyday, people see tweets or
posts on various social networking sites harassing others, like Instagram,,
Facebook, and Twitter. These sites give people access to comment on another
person s picture if they are following them or if they are not. They will go to any
extreme to humiliate others and say things like, Shut up you re fat or What s up
with girls nowadays getting too damn skinny? Get some meat on your bones, YOU
DON T LOOK HEALTHY!! . Anywhere you look you will see someone
embarrassing another person on their weight or size. Studies show that adolescent
girls are more fearful of gaining weight than getting cancer or having a nuclear war
( To think that girls are more frightened of gaining weight
than being involved in a war is unperceivable! Another study showed that an
average US woman is 5 4 tall weighing 140 pounds and the average US model is 5
11 weighing 117 pounds. How are women suppose to feel confident about their body
when models are almost 30 pounds lighter than an average woman s weight? I think
most girls fears
Herpes B Research Paper
Herpes B Virus and sources of transmission
Herpes viruses have a history of infecting different animals in the past. The herpes b
virus is carried by numerous species of macaque monkeys, which are believed to be
a natural host for the virus. An increasing population of drifting monkeys in Florida
takes a herpes virus that is deadly to people. The herpes B infection is sporadic in
individuals, but if it does happen, it could lead to serious brain injury or death when
the individual is not treated immediately.
Signs and Symptoms
Genital herpes infections frequently don t have any symptoms or moderate symptoms
which go unrecognized. Most of the infected men and women are unaware they have
the disease. Typically, about 10 20 percent of individuals with HSV 2 infection report
a previous identification of yeast.
This sort of virus is ... Show more content on ...
It looks like pretty necessary but useful information, particularly today that scientists
have discovered that over a quarter of those cute, feral invaders take the deadly
herpes B virus. These macaques can be witnessed wandering the area adjacent to the
park. It can cause a severe disease in people that if untreated may be fatal in over
70% of the scenarios, inducing an encephalomyelitis.
Scientists are analyzing an increase of rhesus monkeys in Silver Springs State Park
state. It is suspected that monkeys are carrying herpes virus which can cause severe
health and security problems for the human health as well as the animals of the park.
From a healthcare perspective, it is quite common that certain monkey species might
be the career of herpes virus. The infected monkeys might transmit the virus through
their saliva and other bodily fluids. Individual visitors to the park are likely to be
vulnerable through contact with saliva in macaque bites and scrapes or by contact
with viral drop through feces and
Jesus As the Son of God Essay
Jesus As the Son of God
When Jesus rose from the dead the disciples realized that they needed new ways of
describing him to reflect his amazing power and holiness. They scoured the
Hebrew and Jewish scriptures looking for something appropriate to call him by
and came up with titles such as Messiah , Son of Man , Son of David and Son of
God . In the end Son of God became the most popular of these titles so that is what
he became best known as. It is therefore the subject of my coursework.
What Does It Mean When Christians Talk About JesusAs Son of God
In the Old Testament, the words Son of God often meant someone who had a special
relationship with God. However, Mark was also much ... Show more content on ...
Mark certainly brings together the ideas of God the Father, Jesus the Son of God and
the Holy Spirit in the story of Jesus Baptism.
Son of God can be interpreted in three different ways. It can mean the king; in
many ancient Mediterranean societies, kings were thought to be descended from
Gods E.g. Pharaohs, Romulus and Remus and Greek heroes. Secondly all Jews were
Sons of God because they are beloved of God . Finally it can literally mean God s
son which means that only Jesus is the Son of God.
Fundamentalists literally believe Jesus is the Son of God and therefore he is God,
the second person in the Trinity. They have a literal interpretation of everything
Jesus said in the bible, therefore it affects the way they live their lives. If they
believe Jesus is God they will pray to him as God and worship him as God.
Fundamentalists believe that Jesus teaching is always right and non negotiable
because Jesus word is God s word and God is never wrong. On divorce for instance
Jesus says: No human being must separate what God has joined together (Mark
10:9) The vast majority of people nowadays believe that divorce is acceptable if the
couple are unhappy. Fundamentalists, however, believe that divorce is never
acceptable under any circumstances because Jesus said so and he is always right.
Liberals believe that Jesus is the Son of God by adoption and
Why Did Portugal Gain The Independence Of Brazil
In September of 1822, Brazil broke away from Portugal and became its own nation.
Although this was difficult for Brazil gain independence which led to revolts and
deaths of thousands. Brazil has proven that it is a strong and independent nation,
which we must not overlook. Firstly, in the eyes of Portugal Brazilhad little to no
importance. Portugalwas mostly focused on the slave trade from Africa to India. In
the middle of the 16th century, France threatened to overtake Brazil from Portugal,
which made Portugal start to focus on populating and defending Brazil. Brazil had
little exporting so in order for Portugal to gain any profit from Brazil, Portugal
became very strict on Brazil and would not allow them to print press under their rule.
In addition, Brazil was forbidden to trade with any other country besides the
motherland. This insured that all profit... Show more content on ...
Dom Pedro I was the emperor of Brazil at this is time. Sadly, he was ordered to return
to Portugal and any courts he made while in power were taken away from the
people of Brazil. This had enraged Brazilians and caused them to revolt against
Cortes; Brazilians formed two groups to take action the Bonificans whom were led
by led by BonifГЎcio de Andrade, and the Liberals who were led by Joaquim
Gonçalves Ledo and supported by Freemasons. However, these two groups had very
different ideas on how Brazil should function as a nation but they both agreed they
wanted to stay united with Portugal as a monarchy. During this time Dom Pedro
started to trust Brazil more than his homeland, he soon left Portugal and declared his
alliance to Brazil allegedly proclaiming Independence or Death! (Colin M. Snider).
Hearing about the declaration, Portugal made no resistance. Making Brazil the only
Latin American country to have peacefully gained independence, and to have kept
the monarchy status meanwhile other Latin American countries
Essay on The Book That Really Did Change My Life
Periodically while surfing the internet I encounter a page entitled Books That
Changed My Life , with a list of books that purportedly changed the life of the
author. I am always irritated by these pages, because I never see any evidence that
the books had actually changed the life of the author. In fact, for most of these
pages a more appropriate title would have been Books that I really, really liked a lot.
Occasionally, it might have been called Books that influenced my thinking, but I m
reluctant to refer to that as having changed one s life.
I suppose I am irritated because I have my own list of books, and each one of them
had effected a concrete, specific change in my life. It s not very long maybe three
books but even ... Show more content on ...
In junior high school I bought How to Read a Book, read it, was mightily impressed
by it, acknowledged to myself that the techniques it described were important and
valuable ... and then put the book on the shelf and didn t think about it again.
But in high school, for reasons that I only vaguely remember now, I came to
realize that I wasn t a very effective reader; my reading was scattershot, shallow, and
didn t have a lasting effect on me. As I wrestled with that, I remembered Adler s
book (but nothing of what it had said), and decided to read it again. This time it
took; I understood what he was saying and why, and I knew I had to become the kind
of reader he was describing.
Perhaps more important: somewhere in the book Adler mentions Great Books
discussion groups. I looked into it and found that, during the 50s and early 60s there
was a fad bordering on a movement, where groups of average people would actually
convene to discuss readings from the classics of Western literature. Imagine! Next, I
found out that an organization had been formed to support and propagate these
groups, the Great Books Foundation, that it still exists, and that it publishes
collections of readings from the Great Books for use by discussion groups.
So I gathered together five other friends, and throughout high school we
Beloved Husband Vs Beloved Husband
For item number 7, as I searched for picture of gravestones online, I noticed that it
s more common for gravestones to have Beloved wife of... , rather than Beloved
husband of... . I think that is phrase goes back to the idea of traditional marriage
and the roles females took in the relationship. For a very long time, females were
described as in being in the shadows of the husbandor being dependent on them. I
think that Beloved wifeof... demonstrates that that person did have a husband, and
someone to care for. Even after death, it demonstrates her loyalty to her partner. For
males, I actually noticed that some commonly said, Beloved husband, and father ,
and not necessarily address a wife s name. The last few times that I have visited
The College Admissions Process
Too often, today s culture sends young people messages that emphasize personal
success rather than concern for others and the common good (Konrath, O Brien,
Hsing, 2011; Putnam, 2005; Putnam, 2014; Weissbourd Jones, 2014). And too often
the college admissions process a process that involves admissions offices, guidance
counselors, parents and many other stakeholders contributes to this problem. As a rite
of passage for many students and a major focus for many parents, the college
admissions process is powerfully positioned to send different messages that help
young people become more generous and humane in ways that benefit not only
society but students themselves. Yet high schoolstudents often perceive colleges as
simply valuing
Tesco Porter Value Chlain and Environmental Analysis
Porter s Value Chain is a chain of activities for a firm operating in a specific industry.
According to Lynch (2003) it can defined as the links between key value adding
activities and their interface with the support activities. The five primary activities
namely inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales and
service are more important in value adding process than support activities: firm
infrastructure, human resources, technology development and procurement, so focus
will be given to primary activities as they are crucial for distinguishing the strengths
and weaknesses of Tesco s performance. The overall cost leadership strategic
management of Tesco is exhibited in its lean and agile inbound... Show more content
on ...
Tesco is one of the largest food and grocery retailer in the world operating around
4,400 stores (Tesco, 2010). The business environment in which company operates is a
highly turbulent competitive segment, which according to political, social events,
performance of global economy and technology developments is constantly changing.
Pestel, SWOT, Porter s Five Forces are frameworks that can be used to discuss and
evaluate recent changes in Tesco external environment.
The waves of globalisation and privatisation have a great impact upon retailing
sector, which changed radically over last two decades. In the past Tesco could be
content to sell to a local or regional market and make a decent income. In today s
world all successful businesses are going global in order to maximise profits and take
advantage of untapped markets. The changes, except of globalisation aspects involve
advancements in technology, rise in competitive rivalry, political, legal issues and
Technology is playing a vital role in the expansion of global retail. Consumers can
find most of the products they buy online, through various retailers, compare prices,
thus choose the best offer. Companies like Tesco must have a large online presence
if they want to be successful over a long period of time. Tesco must compete with
other retailers on price and/or try to provide benefits in other ways. This lead to
My Experience in the Military
Marcus Pennie Written Communication September 9, 2012 My darkest hour was
also the moment I became a man. When all my years of training, all the blood,
sweat, and tears of running, aiming, skills training, and hand to hand combat had
finally been put to the test. My first kill. It wasn t a proud moment but it was one
on necessity and choice that I ve played over and over again and I still get the same
result. It would have gone exactly the same. September 21st 1999, 1327 Zulu time.
We were flying over Almaty, Kazakhstan. The rattling of the POS tin can they call an
airplane was really making me queasy. Man less than an hour before we land. It s not
coming soon enough. I thought. Then came the dreaded command that started the...
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I was holding up until the pain from the slice began to overwhelm me and I felt
woozy. I felt like this was it, I am going to lose my grip and this knife was about to
go into my face. I quickly thought of everything that would follow and everything
that has happened to me up to that point in an instance. Then as if a blessing from
God, the door burst open and I redirected my focus to the door. So did he, which
was his mistake. I quick glanced back at him and noticed two things. His eyes were
off of me and his push weakened just for a second. The only second I needed. I
pivoted my upper half to my right and pulled his arm towards where my head once
was, jamming the knife into the hardwood floor. I brought my right elbow into his
head and he toppled over. I reached for my side arm, rolled away, up on to one side,
aimed and fired twice. My pistol and eyes both rose up and to the left to the
doorway and fired three more times. Both enemies, cancelled. I took what seemed
like an eternity to curse, catch my breath and regroup myself. I stood up and
realized the fight wasn t over. I still had to make it to my unit. I made my way
through the apartment I earlier crashed into, out into the hallway and back up to the
roof. I noticed insurgents on the rooftop directly behind me making half ass shots at
me. I leapt to the next
Essay on Contrast Between Catholic and Baptist Religion
Ask most people today if they have heard of Baptist and Catholic religion and most
would say yes. In many ways the two are very similar. For instance, both are based
on the Christian faith, belief in the trinity, and that God is the one true God. The
two religions agree that Jesus died on the cross and rose again to atone for our sins.
They share a 27 book New Testament and insist that salvation comes from Christ
alone. On the other hand, while the Baptist and Catholic religions do have
similarities, they also have differences, such as their services, communion, and views
regarding salvation. The first difference between the two religions is their services.
Roman Catholic services are held in sanctuaries that are richly decorated... Show
more content on ...
Baptists offer prayer to God through Christ during the service and reject the
practice of praying to Mary and the saints. The services are not nearly as laid out
and ordered, with much less participation by the church members during the
service. . The second difference evident between the religions is the partaking of
Communion. In the Catholic Church, Communion is a very sacred act, and the
members are encouraged to receive it frequently. Communion is offered at each
service and is always presided over by the priest. The members believe that they are
consuming the actual body and blood of Christ during Communion, and are required
to fast at least one hour prior to receiving it out of respect. Communion is believed to
be the most important of the seven sacraments by the church and required to obtain
salvation. On the other hand, Baptists rarely partake of Communion, and is usually
reserved for special occasions like Easter and Christmas. Some Baptist churches may
partake every few months or quarterly. Although, the pastor of the church normally
presides over Communion, any member designated by the church can do so. Baptist
religion does not support the rule of fasting prior to Communion, and believe it to be
a symbolic reverence to Christ. It is not believed that the actual body and blood of
Christ are consumed during Communion. The
Basketball Game Essay
As Seth came running out of the locker room the crowd went wild, it was his
senior year and he already had all the college scouts after him. He has been the
starting point guard for the Bozeman Hawks since his freshman year and has
averaged more points and assists throughout his career than any other player to go
to Bozeman. They are 6 0 and tonight is the night they play their rivals, the
Livingston Rangers. Seth and the rest of the team would have to been on there A
game if they wanted to beat the Rangers, who are also 6 0. Seth was not feeling
like himself as he was warming up, but figured it was just his nerves and tried to
ignore it. It was time for tip off and the Hawks got the ball; right away seth passed it
to his best friend,... Show more content on ...
Later the doctor came in and said we are going to have to run some more tests on
Seth to be sure of what is going on. Seth replied I do not need anymore tests, I am
fine and want to go home! however the doctor insisted and said Seth I know that you
are upset, but what happened to you is very serious and we need to find out what is
wrong . After they took test after test, the doctors were unable to find anything
wrong with Seth and sent him home. Seth was relieved to be able to go home and to
get back to playing.
Seth was back at school the following day, his mom wanted him to stay home, but
Seth insisted he go and not miss another day of practice. Everyone was ecstatic to
see him, especially Conner who kept quizzing him about what had happened and if
he was alright. Seth told Conner the doctor could not find anything, so I am good to
go. Conner was glowing with joy and said Thank goodness, I could not imagine
playing this season without you man . Throughout the day Seth had headaches and
was dizzy but figured he was still shaken up a bit from the game.
After school when they were getting ready to practice Seth s coach, Kameron came
over and told Seth I am glad to have you back, however you need to take it easy until
you are back to normal. I am back to normal coach! I feel great and I am ready to get
back to playing. replied Seth. Kameron looked at Seth with a serious face and said I
am not joking Seth, take it easy or you
The Importance Of Screen Acting
Screen Acting Assignment.
There are many skills in the performing arts world, and as a professional actor, you
will need to acquire these skills in order to become the best actor you can be.
To start with, it is important that an actor follows the next two professional acting
rules. The first rule is to punctual. It is important to be punctual, as you may be
needed on the set to perform or rehearse lines before shooting. It could be argued that
being punctual is one of the most important rules an actor should follow, and without
punctuality, an actor or performer won t be cast in performances or hired. Therefore,
punctuality is a key skill an actor should learn, with techniques helping to keep
punctuality. For example, setting multiple alarms, or resetting your sleep schedule
have been proven to help people maintain their punctuality.
The second rule is being professional. As an actor, you may be needed to inspire or
empower others, and by not acting professional or being immature, you are letting
down your own work, the people who got you where you are now, but you are also
letting down yourself, in the sense that you aren t living to your full potential. It
could be argued that being professional increases the rate of employability as casting
agents will be more impressed with the attitude and behavior the actor is expressing.
Finally, it is important to act professional as you can promote respect, therefore losing
the lack of gender and sexual equality, and reducing the stigma around certain
character roles.
You will need to learn about the specific techniques known as technical skills. An
example of technical skills would be stage left and stage right. These skills are the
technical name for the sides of a stage. Actors use this term as they believe it is a
more technical and professional than the sides of a stage. Therefore, the technical
terms are skills that should be used on stage as it will make the actor sound a lot
more professional. It could be argued that knowing the technical terms stage left and
stage right allow the actor to act in a completely better manner, therefore resulting in
acting and looking more professional. Always remember that stage left and right are
from the actor s point
Compaq Essay
A brand is what differentiates one s product from those of the competitors. In a
market where there is not much product differentiation it s the brand name that
drives the business for the company. Laptop Industry in India is no different. Today
Laptop industry is proliferated by many brands but almost 70% of the market is
shared among HP, Dell Lenovo. So what makes these brands tick? If you see a
decade ago these brands were not so popular. While many brands have come up in
recent past many have lost their value and have faded away.
Compaq was one such brand. It was a well known brand once but has faded away in
the face of rising stiffing competition.
Brand: Compaq
Compaq was a brand that was very well known in the 1980 s. ... Show more content
on ...
Also the design or the Aesthetics aspect was very poor and so was the customer
service. The Technology of the laptopwas also outdated. All these factors contributed
to the downfall of Compaq brand.
Segmentation Analysis
The laptop industry could be categorized in to two segments. Consumer segment
Commercial Segment. Compaq in 2000 s focused on both the segments. But rise of
Dell, Lenovo forced Compaq to shift its focus on consumer segment. HP was also
targeting the same segment. So Compaq was concentrated on the lower income group
of the consumer segment.
Compaq therefore was targeted mainly towards the college going students. But
this group was a group where performance, aesthetics as well as technology was of
the utmost importance. From the survey it was observed that the Age Group 20 30
years have rated Compaq bad in terms of Style/Design, Specifications, and
Customer Service Overall Product Appeal. From the survey it was also observed
that Compaq was rated highly by this group in terms of Price. But was rated low in
terms of the performance. Many of the other variables in which it was rated highly
were Hangs too much, Laptop was slow, Battery backup was bad and configurations
outdated i.e. the performance of the
Financial Crisis Across The World Since Currency Essay
There has been a financial crisis across the world since currency came about. It
started with the barter system which allowed people to trade goods and services, but
this sometimes proved to be more difficult than beneficial. Then around 600 B.C.,
coins and currency came about. Since then currency went from being precious metals
to paper money. With the development of currency, came international trade. Banks
and the ruling classes started buying currencies from other nations and created the
first currency market. The stability of a particular monarchy or government
affected the value of the country s currency and the ability for that country to trade
on an increasingly international market. The competition between countries often
led to currency wars, where competing countries would try to affect the value of
the competitor s currency by driving it up and making the enemy s goods too
expensive, by driving it down and reducing the enemy s buying power (and ability
to pay for a war), or by eliminating the currency completely (Beattie, 2007). Money
gets its value by being a medium of exchange, a unit of measurement and a
storehouse for wealth. Money allows people to trade goods and services indirectly
and understand the price of goods. We can see the evidence of financial crisis
throughout time with the credit crisis of 2007 2008 and the Russian Crisis of 1998
and its global impact. Although Russia was experiencing economic growth in 1997
...the country s fixed
The Lost Leprechaun Analysis
The lost leprechaun Once upon a time there lived a leprechaun.He was a good
leprechaun and rarely did anything bad. But he was a very poor leprechaun. So
one day he met puss in boots. Puss in boots was not the best role model he liked to
break the rules and so he tricked the leprechaun. He said that their is a millon air
and he gives away free money. So the leprechaun trusted puss in boots and he went
to find the millon air. So he started to go on his journey to find the millon air. But on
the way he ran into a bear this bear was purple and the leprechaun got scared and
started to run but the bear just kept running after him. He ran for he thought hours
which was only a few minutes. Finally the leprechaun had to stop running and the
purple bear caught up to him and... Show more content on ...
The leprechaun was frustrated with the purple bear which he found out his name
was( lots I hug bear ). But after a little while the lots I hug bear said where you
going and the leprechaun said that he is going the get money from the millon air.
And that s just when the lots o hug bear went crazy and said if he could come
along. The leprechaun said sure and the leprechaun and lots o hug bear went on
the journey to find the millon air to get money. So they started to walk and walk
and walk until they walked into this super sand place they did not know what this
place was because they were so used to the grass. Lots o hug bear was so scared of
it that he jumped into the air and was holding onto the leprechaun head. The
leprechaun threw the bear into the sand and said stop being CRAZY!!! So the lots
o hug bear said he will so they began to walk and walk and walk until they could
not walk any longer and then lots o hug bear saw a snake and he said I am done and
left the leprechaun alone through the
Examples Of Phenomenal Concepts
Phenomenal concepts are concepts about our conscious experience that we form
introspectively. They too are necessary in order for someone to attend to her own
feelings, one needs some degree of conceptualization, or else one would be blind to
their own feelings just like children are blind to numbers. Phenomenal concept
*red* is the concept of the specific type of sensation someone has typically upon
looking at red things. It is drastically different from the concept *red*, for this
concept refers to red things. It is also different from the concept *the sensation
caused by red things* for one can feel red upon looking at green things, for example.
Phenomenal concepts are also distinct from psychological concepts. The latter is
characterized in terms of a functional analysis of the concept, that is, in terms of
causal functional relations with other states. Consider the psychological concept of
*sweetness* and the phenomenal concept of *sweetness*p. The psychological
concept can be... Show more content on ...
The physicalist that employs such strategy needs the phenomenal concepts to be
essentially different from ordinary physical concepts, but nevertheless to co refer to
physical properties. One candidate to play the special role of phenomenal concepts
vis Г vis physical concepts is the so called experience thesis , that is, the thesis
these concepts are experience dependent: *one can only possess a phenomenal
concept C if one undergoes the relevant experience about what the concept is
about*. Besides the experience thesis, a second candidate to play the special feature
in phenomenal concepts are their different *reference fixing mechanisms*. Now we
want to explore both of those features. I will begin by exploring the experience
thesis, for it seems to be a general commitment shared by some of the phenomenal
Persuasive Essay On Genetically Modified Crops
World population projections currently expect another 2 billion people in the world
by 2050, and simultaneously, there isn t expected to be any measurable change in
the quantity of arable land to match this level of growth. Already, the United
Nations is grappling with the realities of a global food shortage crisis, meaning that,
even without the next 2 billion people added to the global population, world leaders
are struggling to feed the mouths we presently have. Experts are turning everywhere
for solutions, including the already realized prospect of genetically modified (GM)
crops that are uniquely resistant to pesticides, harsh winters and other threats as a
means to create more food sources and consolidate them. GM crops are only... Show
more content on ...
Essentially, crops are raised in a glasshouse under incessant, low cost LEDs whose
light is emitted at very specific wavelengths to catalyze photosynthesis. The far red
spectrum is important for triggering the reproductive growth and also light intensity
for healthy robust plants, according to Lee Hickey, a senior research fellow at the
University of Queensland and a co author on the new study. In the glasshouse, we
currently use high pressure sodium vapor lamps, and these are quite expensive in
terms of the electricity demand, Hickey explains. In our paper, we demonstrate that
wheat and barley populations can be grown at a density of about 900 plants per
square meter, thus in combination with LED light systems, this presents an exciting
opportunity to scale up the operation for industry use. This comes on the heels of a
fairly significant panel report from Parliament in India coming out against genetically
modified crops. The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science and Technology,
Environment and Forests in New Delhi concluded that no GM crops should be
brought into the country without thorough evaluation of the probable effects. The
committee suggested that the government conduct this evaluation in collaboration
with several pertinent agencies,
Rhetorical Analysis Of Lemuel GulliverBy William Swift
As Lemuel Gulliver decides to go to sea again, a major storm hits causing most of
his crew to die. Lemuel makes it to shore and passes out. At this point, he is being
searched by two tiny people (Lilliputians). I chose this quote because it is
demonstrating the satirical element in Swift s writing. The irony of the small
people becoming flustered by thes size of Lemuel s belongings leaves readers
wanting to laugh, but also makes them have human like qualities (like being
confused). This quote also illustrates the theme of no matter where you go and
who you meet, you can t get away from the social aspect of life. The kingdom is
arranged by social class with soldiers and an emperor. These particular soldiers were
ordered by the emperor to... Show more content on ...
In the end, he sticks by his beliefs and accepts that the emperor won t forgive him.
A group of advisors from Blefuscu came to visit Lemuel. They made a treaty with
him and invited him back to their kingdom. Lemuel is just getting back to Lilliput.
I chose this quote because it gives detail about Lemuel s character. It shows how he
does not know how making alliances with the Blefuscu will affect his relationship
with the Lilliputian emperor. After Lemuel gets back to Lilliput, the emperor
treats him in a very cold manner. (Swift, 52) He was confused why the emperor
was acting this way towards him until someone told him about how he should not
have talked to the Blefuscu. Also, this quote shows how Lemuel finally
understands the flawed idea of monarchy. The two monarchies, Lilliput and
Blefuscu, both are sneaky and persuasive to outsiders, like Lemuel. The Blefuscu
emperor got Lemuel s attention, which he knew would annoy the Lilliputian
emperor. Lemuel has just arrived in Brobdingnag, a land of giants. As he observes
the people around him, he realizes how disgusting they look. He is missing
Lilliput where everyone were physically appealing. I chose this quote because it
shows how Lemuel has different perspectives of humans. The Lilliputians appeared
to him as the best looking people in the world. However, in Brobdingnag, everyone
appears revolting to him since he can see close up of what they look like. This is
also ironic because that is exactly what the
How A Fetus Changes Into A Baby
In this chapter it talks about the development of how a fetus changes into a baby.
The first part of the chapter starts out by talking about how the zygote divides into
the two cells. With another 36 hours the zygote becomes 32 cells. This time period
of conception is call germinal stage. In the first few days in the germinal stage the
cell mass takes the form of a fluid filled ball called a blastocyst. The dividing cells
cell moves through the fallopian tube, then they go throw to the uterus. This chapter
also talks about how although humans are not chickens their babies are formed in
the same way. Like in a chickens egg the yoke develops into a baby chicken, and in a
human the embryobecomes a fetus. Then the chapter starts to talk about the different
things bleeding while being pregnant can mean. Although a majority of people
believe that if a woman bleeds while pregnant mans that she has had a miscarriage,
it can mean many of different things. Miscarriages can be caused by many different
things, and can cause many different types of problems. Such as a high risk of
having anxiety and it also puts relationships at a higher percentage of ending. One
third of percent end in a miscarriage. Miscarriages happed within the first three
months of pregnancy. Woman who are over the age of thirty are more likely to have a
miscarriage. Miscarriages can be cause from many things such as chromosomal
problems, substance use, or hormonal problems. The next thing that this chapter
Revolutions In The Cuban Revolution
Why do revolutions occur? What actors are usually involved? This are the two central
questions that both Charles Tilley and Samuel Huntington attempt to answer by
examining the reoccurring patterns of armed resistance and collective violence.
Huntington and Chase both claim that revolutions are rare events which occur
because of modernization. However, Chase and Huntington both have very different
definitions of modernization, along with different models of revolutions. Chase
points to gender ideas as central to various opposition movements within the Cuban
Revolution, and she highlights the road to a revolutionary moment in which women
were pivotal (Stevens 9/18/17). Huntington s model of revolution involves a sudden
explosion of political participation due to modernization, and revolution occurs when
the established order is unable to keep up with the demands of the newly integrated
groups. I feel that Tilley provides the best model of revolutions because he does not
simply attribute armed revolutions to the undefined term of modernization, but
instead focuses on the roles of omnipresent actors involved in these revolutions (these
actors being; the government, the various contenders of power, and the polity). I
would argue that his argument is more logically sound because he points to a
tangible sources of power, such as a government s coercive apparatuses, as a
revolutionary barrier which must be overcome with armed resistance and a strong
support base in order for
The Muslims Of Medieval Italy By Alex M Essay
The Muslims of Medieval Italy by Alex Metcalfe Less than two hundred years after
the death of the prophet Muhammad the rule of Islam had spread from the Arab
Peninsula to Italy after the Roman Empire had crumbled away; eventually it spread
all the way to Iberia. The book The Muslims of Medieval Italy by Alex Metcalfe
focuses on the Muslim Christian dynamic and the respective ruling entities by
examining the chronological timeline of events and more cultural history of the
dynamic in the region. The first half of the book is more obviously focused on the
chronological explanation of events and delving into the reasons for why things
happened the way they did. As the book progresses, it noticeably starts to focus on the
more cultural... Show more content on ...
There is an examination of Agrigento in its disputes and how the leadership functions.
When the Kharijites overthrow the Fatimids in North Africa. This gave the rebellion
of Palermo a backdrop to start an insurrection which was led by the Banu I Tabari.
The Byzantine resurgence of 960 s caused a sparing between the remaining
Christian city states. The book takes some time to explain urban development in the
region as well as the trade, commerce, and the economy. The book moves into a
description of civil war and the ta ifa period. The restructuring of the army in Sicily
and Ali s ibn Ja far unsuccessful revolt. The Byzantines started several attempts to
reclaim parts of Italy. In roughly 1038 George Maniakes launches the Byzantine
campaign to reclaim Sicily. Though the forces eventually split, this weakened
Muslim Sicily for the coming Norman invasion. The Normans rolled across south
Italy in the 1060 s where they eventually made allies with the Ibn al Thumna so that
they could launch a campaign to take Sicily where they were successful. The
Muslim resistance final pitched battle on Sicily was that of the battle of Misilmeri
which was followed by the fall of Muslim Palermo in 1072, bringing about Muslim
surrender and a new era of Christian rule for the region. The book continues with a
glimpse into the Muslim community under early Norman rule relating to religion and
What Is The Tone Of The Elephant Man
The Elephant Man, by Bernard Pomerance was about a man, John Merrick, who
lived in the Victorian Era with many physical disabilities. When portraying Merrick
in the movie adaptation, the actor would have lots of makeup on to match the
descriptions of him. In the play s adaptation of this story, the actor would not have
any makeup or special effects, but would instead have a natural appearance, and
contort their body in ways that portrayed Merrick s physical challenges. Based on
the short excerpt read, the movie s version of showcasing John Merrick s appearance
through the use of makeup was more effective in staying true to the author s tone.
The addition of prosthetic makeup to the body adds to the scientific and mysterious
tone, as it was
Unit 4222 211
Unit 4222 211Provide Support for Mobility
Outcome 1 Question 1
Mobility means being able to move or be moved freely. Individuals with disabilities
or deformities may have restricted mobility as some parts of their body may not
being able to move freely
Outcome 1 Question 2
Many health conditions can affect mobility, from physical deformities to
neurological conditions (ie Multiple Sclerosis). Somebody that is unable to
physically move their arms or legs due an disability (such as juvenile arthritis) will
have restricted mobility, where they may not be able to carry out day to day tasks and
may need assistance. Multiple Sclerosis can affect a number of functions that would
ultimately affect mobility, changes in vision could make it ... Show more content on ...
Outcome 2 Question 4
Before using mobility equipment and/or appliances it is important to visually check
that the equipment is safe and clean. Mobility equipment is serviced and inspected
regularly by qualified individuals but it is still important to carry out visual checks
yourself just in case there is damage to the equipment. It is important that mobility
equipment and/or appliances is clean before every use as
Animals Save The Environment
Animals play key roles in the environment. They help keep natural process running
smoothly. Insects help in pollinating diverse plants around the world. Scavengers
clean up the carcasses of dead animals everywhere. There are also many different
animals that help the environment by recycling various human and animalproducts.
Carnivores, omnivores, and herbivores also keep each other with in the proper
population limit. Many of these animals are part of each other s food supplies as
well. Since all of these animals help one another and us, why would we not want to
protect them? Some people might say that protecting animals waste money. The
government spends thousands of dollars on preserving habitats for animals all across
our nation. They would say this money could be better put to use. The schools need
better equipment, roads are in awful conditions, and our government is already in
enough debt that they should not be spending any more than necessary. The animal s
welfare should be one of the last concerns the government has. They argue that the
animalsonly take up space in the world. With the human population always
increasing, this is space we could use to house people. The bigger cities are over
filled as they are. If we could have some people move out of those cities and build
new ones. They could move to the places where the national habitats are and create
new, cleaner cities there. There are many more arguments that people may make to
stop the animal
Mesothelioma Litigation
The Issues with Mesothelioma Litigation The individual who has created
mesothelioma through introduction to asbestos can look for the legitimate help for
the pay. Mesothelioma litigation has created in expansive numbers. This is on
account of a few organizations permit representatives to work with asbestos the
reason for this deadliest infection without advising the laborers. For the wrongful
passing of the general population who have created mesothelioma by these
untrustworthy firms, claims can be petitioned for legitimate remuneration for the
sufferer or for the advantage of the gang. This is alluded to as mesothelioma litigation.
Low levels of assurance and the absence of push to control the introduction of people
to asbestos has created mesothelioma litigation, prompting harm. The unawareness of
the laborers of the asbestos introduction causes them to defer the important
therapeutic treatment. The treatment of mesothelioma is extremely costly. One can t
pay for it in at their own cost. The individual who has created mesothelioma through
presentation to asbestos can look for prompt legitimate help for greatest pay. 40 years
back when the primary Mesothelioma litigation happened, the result, for that time
period, was extraordinary. A couple... Show more content on ...
Another explanation behind the expansion in these Mesothelioma litigation cases
could be on account of numerous individuals who have been determined to have
Mesothelioma or lung cancer because of asbestos introduction don t understand when
or where they were presented to this unsafe synthetic, making it troublesome and to a
great degree tedious to locate the definite guilty party of the
Nt1310 Unit 3 Assignment 3 Counters
We all use counters every day. Whether it be in our watches, or even something like
our washing machines, digital counters are found in nearly anything that involves
timing (Electronics Hub, 2015).
Counters have come a very long way over the years, increasing in both efficiency
and complexity. One example of an early counter is the counter developed by Paul
Stillman in 1854. This design had a small manual crank which would turn a dial by
one digit each time it was cranked. Once the first dial had turned by ten digits, it
would then turn the next dial by one digit (in a gradual motion). In 1920, the Veeder
Manufacturing Company made a counter that replaced this manual crank, which
would only allow for turning the dials one digit at a time, ... Show more content on ...
As these flip flops have a positive edge trigger for the clock input, this means every
time the clock input goes from LOW to HIGH, it triggers the flip flop, updating the
Q output to whatever the D input is, assuming the SET and RESET inputs of the
flip flop are both inactive, which they are in this circuit (Digital Electronics, 2014).
At the start, the D input will be HIGH, because D is connected to the inverted Q
output (PyroElectro, 2013). However, the 555 timer has a HIGH output at the
start, but due to the fact the flip flop triggers when the clock input goes from LOW
to HIGH, the counter still starts off counting from 0, because it takes one count for
the clock to go back to LOW then to HIGH again. As the clock counts, every
second count of the previous flip flop will cause the next flip flop to change state.
Thinking back to simple binary theory, this makes sense. As a digit in binary is
double the previous one, every second time the previous digit changes state, the next
digit should change state once. As this is a four bit counter, once the fourth digit
changes state from HIGH to LOW, the counter resets, and counts from zero
The Pressure To Read
I remember being pressured to experience another world, the world of books. I
remember late nights, trying to read the last 30 pages before the next day, so I
could take a test. It wasn t always like that. I used to enjoy reading before then. The
struggle came, when I started reading because of peer pressure, and reading
assignments. The burden of reading for others made me consider, more, the
reward of reading for myself. I had wonderful memories of reading and writing in
my early childhood. My mother was the one who first taught me how to read. She
would teach my brother, and I would just catch on. My mother pushed me to do
good, but that wasn t hard, because I had always liked a challenge. I enjoyed
reading any kid s genre, because nothing was inappropriate at that age. My favorite
books were the Berenstain Bears and books by Dr. Seuss. I would flip through the
pages and giggle at the stories, comparing them to reality. The book Green Eggs
and Ham by Dr. Seuss is a book I remember having an impact on me. It might have
been a little impact, but it taught me try things out before I judge them. I liked
reading so much that I wrote my own book and read it to the class, who enjoyed it.
In middle school, I began to read for others, and that s when the... Show more content
on ...
Reading expands my horizons and helps me become open minded to how others
think and feel, which can help me become a good writer. Reading is a big part of
writing. I used to think I could pull it off, when really, I couldn t. Also, I can
expand my vocabulary with reading. My vocabulary was getting worse when I
wasn t reading. My spelling began to fail me. When I told my sister that I wanted
to expand my vocabulary to sound smart, she told me not to sound smart. She told
me to be smart. Reading helps you become smart, and I will need that intelligence
because I don t want to walk around in a new city, or professional setting sounding
like I am
Tim Hortons Coffee Is A Brand Named After Its Founder
Tim Hortons coffee is a brand named after its founder Tim Horton and Jim Charade.
Tim Horton is the Canadian fast casual restaurant where the first store opened in
Hamilton Ontario. This corporation has been making trust among people by serving
them the products and services since 1964. It has been more than 50 years that Tim
Hortonshave proved honesty towards its customers. Its target audience is almost
everybody such as people from all ages, backgrounds and religions, would love to
go to the Tim Hortons as it offers a wide variety of food and beverage choices to its
customers. Tim Hortons faces high intensive competition with other reputed
corporations. Starbucks, McDonalds or Waves Coffee is rival competitors in the
market. Even though having such a big competitor, the company has been succeeding
in keeping up with the competition and other changing elements in the market place.
Tim Hortons offers a wide variety of menu to its customers. Its menu contains of
course coffee, sandwiches, doughnuts, muffins and cookies, but as the market place
and people preferences are changing every day. Therefore, they introduce new types
of products to satisfied customers need. Tim Hortons had a total of 2,148 corporate
employees across the Canada and USA and Steve Whuthman is one of the executive
vice presidents of corporation and human resources. (2013 sustainability and
responsibility, 2013)
Training and Development Milhem, Abushamsieh, and PГ©rez (2014) argue that the
Bettye Morris Hero
Hard times don t create heroes. It is during the hard times when the hero within us
is revealed. ( Bob Riley).This quote truly describes what it means to be a hero
because a hero never gives up. A hero is always optimistic, even during hard times,
and a hero is fearless and steps up to the challenge. Although being a hero may seem
impossible, we never know when the hero within us could be revealed. My
grandmother, Bettye Morris, truly resembles a hero because she never gave up. Two
summers ago, she was diagnosed with cancerand had to endure many treatments.
Sadly, she lost the battle, but that does not mean she did not put up a fight. She went
through countless treatments of radiation and chemotherapy. Even when she was tired
and did not feel like going on, she fought back and proved doctors wrong many
times. She lived longer than anybody thought she would. She will forever live on as
a legacy in my familybecause of how determined she was and how she never gave up.
... Show more content on ...
When my grandmother was diagnosed with cancer, we were all very sad, but she
believed that she could win. There are five stages of grief, denial, anger,
bargaining, depression, and acceptance. She never got to the stage of acceptance
because she knew she was strong enough to fight this rigorous battle. Although she
knew the cancer was inside of her, she never let it change her life. She always
looked on the bright side of things and saw this illness as an opportunity to live life
to the fullest and be with family more. Being optimistic makes her a hero because
thinking on the bright side gave her a positive attitude and gave her the strength to
fight against
The Cross Pollination Religious Customs And Material
The cross pollination religious customs and material culture in the Cuban Diaspora
has provided a wealth of indigenous and assimilative sources (Gordon, 2014: 53), and
this has afforded Mendive a rich abundance of inherited iconography of fauna, flora
and otherworldly phenomena to consume and use in the process of creating his
artworks. Mendive is able to animate the pantheon of Orishas, depicted as either
interacting with or sometimes assimilating human postures and gestures. Such
representations of the SanterГa cosmic beings investigate concepts of hybridity, New
Word practices of syncretism, and notions of a perceived combining of different and
seemingly contradictory beliefs through the blending of customs and traditions of
different schools of thought and discourse (Turner, 2014).
The earliest mention of syncretism appeared in the philosophy of Plutarch as the act
or system of blending, combining or reconciling inharmonious elements... to forget
dissensions and to unite in the face of common danger (Showerman, 1910 11: 292
93). In The Creation of Afro Caribbean Religions and their Incorporation of Catholic
Elements Bettina Schmidt maintains that syncretism is too simple a term to use in
attempting to encapsulate the full meaning behind the creation process of SanterГa.
According to her, it upholds the belief that the Cuban religion was formed by the
sheer mixing of the dominant Catholicism doctrine with the suppressed religious
practices of the Yoruba people
A History And Stance For Benjamin Bloom s Theory
A History and Stance for Benjamin Bloom s Theory
Benjamin Samuel Bloom was an educational psychologist from America who is
remembered for his creation of Bloom s Taxonomy. This included the theory of
mastery learning and the development of the exceptional talent. All of his research
and findings lead to this foundational and vital element within the educational system.
Benjamin Bloom was born on February 21, 1913 in Langsford, Pennsylvania. He
received a bachelor s and master s degree from Pennsylvania State University in
1935, and a Ph.D. in Education from the University of Chicago in 1942. In 1943
Bloom started to serve as a University examiner, which is a job where he developed
tests to determine undergraduate s mastery of ... Show more content on ...
Also, in 1964, Bloom published the book, Stability and Change in Human
Characteristics. This was based on many studies that lead to an interest of early
childhood education, which included the beginning of Head Start. All Bloom s
research predicted that many physical and mental characteristics of adults are
somewhat present during the younger stages. Finally, Bloom made a final summary
of his work in 1980 in the book, All Our Children Learning. This showed evidence
that virtually all students can learn and function at a higher level if the appropriate
measures are taken at home and in school (Contributors, 2013).
The Taxonomy Bloom s taxonomy was created so that students would exhibit higher
thinking during instruction, like evaluating concepts, processes, procedures, and
principles, rather than remembering facts and just learning to a test. There are three
domains within this learning theory and they are cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor. Cognitive domain is a person s mental skills or knowledge. Affective
domain is the growth in feeling and emotional areas or attitude. Psychomotor
domain is manual and physical skills (Benjamin S. Bloom, 1956). Bloom s theory
is a way to set the goals of the learning process. In a sense, this means that a student
should acquire a new skill, piece of knowledge, and/or a new type of attitude (Paul,
1985). Originally, only the
Social Network and Its Effect on Poor Students Academic...
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are the example famous social network that
becomes the best choice among the students, especially university students. Social
network can defines as site of grouping of individuals into specific groups, like small
rural communities or a neighbourhood subdivision. Nowadays, the social network is a
necessary communication tool that has emerged in the field of information and
communication technology and has positively impacted almost all aspects of human
life (Audrey, Gerald, Tai, 2012 as cited in CBSNews, 2008). Apart from that,
addiction of using social network can becomes negative effects overweight the
positive ones. These sites ... Show more content on ...
When students go to outside world, they will face much kind of people. Sometime,
this people were followed the new trend language in this modern time. So, when
students spoke with them, students will influenced with their trend. This will be
problem to student how to know that language is true or not. If they can not to
recognize, they will bring this language to their writing and can cause the writing to
be false. In conclusion, there are many causes that can give an impact mostly is
negative effects to student academic performance. Social networking is becoming
increasingly popular and is a trend among young adults nowadays. Hence, there
should be a study to find out whether is there any form of addiction that attracts the
frequent visits and usage of social networking sites. To sum up, students should
have to realise that social network is not gave 100% a positive effect to them for
success in academic performance. So, as a student we need to step forward thinking
about our future and make a move to get success in academic.
(744 words)
Bloxham, A. (2010, November 18). Social networking: teachers blame Facebook and
Twitter for pupils poor grades. The Telegraph. Retrieved July 10, 2013 from http:/
/ networking
Gulf Stream Research Paper
The Gulf Stream is a warm ocean current that originates at the tip of Florida and
travels along the coast of the eastern most United States before crossing through the
Atlantic Ocean. This powerful current has a strong northward accelerating current
that at a point ends up slitting the direction of the stream into two: a northern stream
that crosses to northern Europe and a southern stream that circulates off West Africa.
Due to these properties the Gulf Stream has a major affect on the western coast of
Europe and the eastern coast of North America. Prior to understanding the benefits the
Gulf Stream has it is important to first look at the rich history involved within the
Gulf Stream. The Gulf Stream was discovered in 1513 during an... Show more content
on ...
Looking deeper though, the Gulf Stream has important effects that can be
analyzed at a smaller scale. For instance, the effects the Gulf Stream has on the
Florida peninsula. The water that on the eastern coast of Florida is referred to as
the Florida current and even in winter months keeps a temperature of roughly 77
degrees Farenheit. The reason the water is able to do that is due to the winds
passing the warm water and taking air that flows along the current and spreading it
along the coastline. This has the ability to keep the temperatures in Florida much
milder across the state than in most places in the Southeast during the winter
months. On the flip side of things in the upper most part of the gulf in Europe the
warm air from the currents help raise the temperature on the Western coast of Great
Britain and Ireland a few degrees. This also affects Norway where the coasts never
receive ice or snow while the Northern parts are covered year round due to the Arctic
zone. These different systems of weather have differences based on location but are
affect from coast to coast by the strong and powerful current and temperature of the
Real Life Influences In John Steinbeck s East Of Eden
East of Eden is a novel with many real life influences. One of the biggest influences
in East of Eden is religion, it parallels stories from the bible and it is the inspiration
for some of the characters. It also works to help illustrate an important life lesson
that is the ultimate goal of the novel. FFFFFFFFFFFF To truly understand the
religious themes and influences in the book, it is best to see how religion played
into the author John Steinbeck s life. John Steinbeck was born in the Salinas
Valley of California (which is where narrator of the novel is born). He was born to
John Ernst Steinbeck and Olive Hamilton (also a character in the book) who were
both of Episcopalian faith. Not much can be said about Steinbeck s religious beliefs...
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The greatest lesson that the novel teaches and the lesson that should be picked up is
one that is hard to swallow. Ultimately every human being is like Cain and every
human being inherits his sin but ultimately like Caleb does in the novel, human
beings all have the potential to redeem themselves for timshel. Steinbeck uses the
Hebrew word in a unique way to sum up his story. The word he uses appears in a
passage in which God discusses sin with Cain. The word timshel means Thou mayest
rule over him which ultimately represents the idea of
Erickson s Theory Of Human Growth And Development
Theory of Human Growth and Development Erickson s theory of psychosocial
development has eight stages. That range from birth to adulthood. First stage
happens on the first year of life, which includes Trust vs. Mistrust. During this
stage the infant not knowing and or being uncertain of their surroundings looks for
the caregivers being the parents to provide and or guide them through their first
year of life. Parents will provide stability and or providing the adequate care for the
infant, which will develop trust and therefore lead to hope. If the trust is not there
due to the infant not feeling secure and there s no stability for the child therefore
developing mistrust leading to the infant having fear instead of hope. A specific
memory I have of this stage will be with my own children. I come from a culture
that believes if a baby cries let him cry because if you pick him up he will get used
to you holding him. In another situation when my son was only a couple days old
my grandmother said let him cry it expands his lungs and will help him breath
better. Thankfully I had taken a psychology class before I even had kids and was
aware of Erickson s theories which lead to me telling my family everything they say
is a Mexican myth and I wont be applying such actions with my children. The second
stage Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt includes the ages of 18 months to 3 years old.
During this stage children are moving more and trying to become a little more
independent. This is
Formal And Informal Place Setting
Chances are you ve been taught some form of dining etiquette beginning at a
young age. You probably remember your parents telling you, Don t eat with your
mouth full, Keep your elbows off of the table, or Don t play with grandpa s teeth at
the dinner table! What you probably didn t realize is your parents were
conditioning you on how to act at the dinner table in social situations, and possibly
most important, in the business world. If you re planning on a career in business,
the probability of being invited to an informal lunch interview or a formal dinner
is likely. In the following paragraphs, I will describe the differences between a
formal and informal place setting, and explain some of the do s and do not s of
proper dining etiquette in a business setting. First of all, arrive to the dinner on
time, always dress for the occasion, and remember the host is in charge. If seating
is assigned, look for the place card with your name on it. The place card is
typically located at the center of the dinner plate, or just above it on the table. If
there are no place cards, wait for the host to direct you to your assigned seat. Let
the host sit down before you unless they tell you to first. Once seated, pick up your
napkin, fold it in half, and lay it across your lap. Make sure the napkin fold is away
from you so when you use it any crumbs on the napkin will fall to the floor and not
on you. Second, take notice of the place setting. It s a good indicator whether the
The Right to Breath With Ease
Secondhand smoke is a combination of the smoke produced at the end of a burning
cigarette and that that a smoker exhales. It can easily be identified by its distinct odor
and is retained in clothing, furniture, hair, and curtains. Secondhand smoke contains
over 4000 chemicals with more than 50 of these known to cause cancer (Report of
the Surgeon General). It contains numerous toxic metals including lead, cadmium,
nickel, beryllium, radioactive polonium 210, and arsenic, found in many pesticides
(Report of the Surgeon General). A child s body is still developing and highly
susceptible to the harmful effects of their environments. Exposure to the poisons in
secondhand smoke puts them at risk of severe respiratory diseases and can hinder...
Show more content on ...
Respiratory problems pose the greatest harmful effect of secondhand smoke
exposure. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that between
150,000 to 300,000 cases of lower respiratory illness, such as bronchitis and
pneumonia, in infants to children aged 18 months, are reportedly caused by
exposure to secondhand smoke. Of those cases, approximately 7,500 to 15,000 are
reportedly hospitalized (ANR). There is a 56% higher risk of hospitalization of an
infant with a lower respiratory illness if their mother smokes in the same room. A
car is a much smaller space than a room. Asthma is one of the most common known
effects of secondhand smoke. Asthma is more prevalent in children who have been
exposed to secondhand smoke and causes attacks to become more severe and
frequent. The EPA estimates that 200,000 to 1,000,000 asthmatic children have their
condition worsened by exposure to secondhand smoke (ANR). Secondhand smoke
exposure as a child can have lasting effects into adulthood. The respiratory illnesses
last throughout ones lifetime. Poor lung function and underdeveloped lungs due to
early exposure in the womb is responsible for many respiratory diseases in adults.
Exposure to secondhand smoke as a child can lead to metabolic disorders that cause
heart disease, stroke, and type II diabetes. Women have a 68% greater chance of
having difficulty conceiving when
How Did The Indio Are Innately Indolent
1.Did Rizal agree with the typical European accusation that the Indios are indeed
innately indolent or lazy?
Personally, I believe that this essay poses two arguments about the indolence of the
Filipinos, Rizal, in the beginning of his essay alleged that Indios are indolent, but
only in the sense of little love for work or lack of energy, and not indolence as in the
context of laziness. With this belief, he even attributed to climate the indolence of the
natives. However, as I read through the essay, there were lines which I believe
presents the idea that the natives were not indolent. According to the line, certain
unsubdued tribes have been cultivating beautiful fields and working energetically. In
addition to that, it also points out the idea that in spite of the climate and the few
needs that natives have during that time, since if we compare their needs with the
needs of the modern times we have more needs and sometimes complicated wants
than before, were not indolent. Thus, I think that Rizal ... Show more content on ...
Due to the lack of training and education of the natives, they were limited to aim for
a better life and not to excel in their own fields nor to do other jobs aside from
farming, fishing, etc. Without independence to decide on their own, they are being
enslaved by their own inhibitions and fears, which were then taken advantage by
those who have greater power.
Thus, education plays a very vital role in every aspect of the life of an Indio.
Because of the lack of knowledge and strong faith and hope in miracles, most of
our Indios were becoming dependent on the wonderful things of the Church. They
pray for good faith, and let God do what is best for them and provide their needs. If
only natives were educated about how life should be and how they should do. Once
educated, people would not be blinded by the false promises and glittery words of
those who have greater power than
Athena Goddess Of War
Athena, or Athene, is the Goddess of Wisdom and War ( Athena ). Known for her
grace and mercy, all the other gods highly respected her (Pontikis). Although she is
the goddess of war, her true personality might be a surprise.
Athena s Roman name is Minerva, and the two are very similar (L. Roman and M.
Roman 90). Athena actually does not like fighting at all, but instead enjoys the
strategy involved in battle (Pontikis). This goddess is not only in charge of war, but
rules over outdoor activities and chores done inside the house like weaving,
spinning, and cooking (Pontikis). She rules over the city of Athens, which was
rewarded to her because she helped the people by planting the olive tree (L. Roman
and M. Roman 91). Also, her most important temple is called the Parthenon ( Athena
Athena can always be found with her helmet and spear, making her one of the
easiest goddesses to identify (Pontikis). Athena is also easy to spot because of her
special shield. On her shield is Medusa s head, which Perseus had given to her (L.
Roman and M. Roman 91). She hardly uses her spear however, because she likes to
handle things in a peaceful manner (Pontikis). Surprisingly, Athena has a manly
figure with broad shoulders (Pontikis). Her ... Show more content on
One of those battles was defeating Typhon, the most feared and dangerous monster
in existence. Long ago, Typhon decided to try and take over Mount Olympus, the
home of all the gods and goddesses. When he arrived, all the gods hid among the
mortals, taking the shape of various animals. Well, all but Athena. She stood her
ground. She was not going to let someone, or something, take her home away. Her
father, Zeus, saw her facing the beast, and he decided that he didn t want his
daughter doing his job for him. His job was to protect his people, so that s what he
did. Gathering the courage and stepping up, he was able to defeat Typhon, and all
the gods were able to return home safely
Brock Osweiler Research Paper
Almost four years into his career, Denver Broncos quarterback Brock Osweiler now
has two starts and two wins on his resume . Osweiler was the Broncos second round
draft pick in the 2012 NFL Draft, and is expected to be the future of the Broncos
Peyton Manning will miss significant time due to a partially torn plantar fascia near
his left heel. The formerly known understudy of Manning, Osweiler has thrown for
250 and 270 yards in his two wins. The most impressive win though, came on Sunday
Night Football against the then undefeated New England Patriots. But, how good is
Brock Osweiler?
Osweiler appeared to be very clutch in the overtime win over the Patriots. Looking
back at the 39 yard completion to Emmanuel Sanders on the ... Show more content on ...
On second and goal, Patriots safety Patrick Chung was flagged for holding
Demaryius Thomas on a play where Osweiler was sacked for a huge loss. If that
flag wasn t thrown, the Broncos were looking at 3rd and goal from the 19 yard line.
Just like that the game could have been over. Instead, due to the penalty it was first
and goal on the 4 yard line.
Also, the inconsistent play of Broncos running back C.J. Anderson finally came to an
end. This season was expected to be a breakout year for him, and he hasn t met those
expectations thus far. Finally, he had the breakout game against the Patriots finishing
with 113 yards, and 2 touchdown performance. Anderson was the one who sealed the
game in overtime with a 49 yard touchdown run. One could argue that it was the
running game that defeated the Patriots, not Osweiler.
Taking nothing from him, he at the very least doesn t turn the ball over. Only one
interception is his two starts. One of the biggest concerns many people have noticed
with him is at times he holds on to the ball a little longer than necessary in the pocket
which causes him to get sacked more than he should. Although, he improved that
much more in the game against New England than he did against the Chicago Bears
the prior
Case Study Of Tao Wang
Tao Wang, the man changed the situation of drone industry
The DJI innovations was established in 2006. Within the 10 year, its global market
share of the drones industry has quickly increased to 70 percent, and its total annual
turnover has grown to3 billion. With the excellent business performance, the DJI
innovations become the leader of the drones industry. For thisreason ,people become
interested in a question that how the young but low profile CEO of DJI makes his
company so successful. I was wondering about this question too, so in this
assignment Im going to talk about Tao Wang, the founder and CEO of the DJI
innovations. The First Section: Who is Tao Wang? (Background Experience
Tao Wang was born in Hangzhou, 1980. He became interested in drone when he was
only ten ... Show more content on ...
He use his wisdom and capacity to make the DJI world famed, it is undeniable that
he is an out standing CEO with many valuable qualities. However, Tao Wang is a
young CEO without any experience of management before, so he is facing some
challenges now.
Firstly, Tao Wang is not only the CEO, but also the CTO in DJI, so his time conflict
seriously .sometimes, he has no time to do some more important things and feels that
he is lack of energy. Additionally, some staff in DJI think that Tao Wangs
perfectionistic characteristic bring them lots of pressure ,so they choose to leave DJI.
From my perspective, Tao Wang should hire some experienced managers to assistant
him to manage his employees as well as some specific but less important things.
Afterwards, he can have enough time to focus on planning the further development of
DJI. Also, it is suggestive for Tao Wang to engaged some technical advisers ,so that
the DJI can have the better products.
I am firmly convinced that Tao Wang would be more successful if he can improve
The Structure Of The Skeletal System
The skeletal system, while appearing inert at first glance, is a dynamic organ
responsible for a number of vital functions in the body; including but not limited to
providing protection and support to other organ systems, as well as permitting
movement through collaboration with the muscular system. At the cellular level, bone
provides a reservoir of growth factors and cytokines, maintains the acid base balance
and mineral homeostasis, and is the site of hematopoeisis. Like other connective
tissue, bone has both a cellular and an extracellular matrix component. The matrix is
made up of collagen fibers and noncollagenous proteins, with type I collagen
accounting for ~90% of total protein, and the noncollagenous osteocalcin,
osteopontin, and bone sialoprotein, and others making up the other 10%. In contrast
with other connective tissue, the extracellular matrix of bone is mineralized
physiologically, though the deposition of layers of carbonated hydroxyapatite. This
mineral component, making up 50 70% of bone, provides bone s characteristic
mechanical rigidity and strength (Clarke 2008). Elasticity and flexibility are due to
the organic matrix, which makes up another 20 40%, lending bone incredible
resilience without compromising its strength, and another 5 10% of bone is water.
There are two major types of bone; trabecular (also called cancellous or spongy),
and cortical (also called compact). Cortical bone is denser and hard, whereas
trabecular bone is a honeycomb network
Independence Day Speech
Filipinos are worth dying for. this is the famous line of the late senator Noynoy
Aquino. Maybe our fellow Filipino who fought for the freedom of the Filipinos from
the invaders of our country will also agree with what Noynoy Aquino has said. An
Independence Day is an annual celebration commemorating the anniversary of a
nation s assumption of independent statehood, usually after ceasing to be a colony or
part of another state, more rarely after the end of a military occupation. Most
countries honor their respective independence day as a national holiday and some
countries or nations independence date honors are contested. Independence Day is
the day to commemorate all the works of certain people or individuals who
contributed much... Show more content on ...
Yes we are free, free from the manipulation of other country ,but in our country I
can say that we are definitely not free. Because we are chained into these different
problems. It seems like we are in a battle towards our country problems for us to be
totally called free. If only everyone of us were doing our duties and responsibilities
as a responsible citizen of our country, and if everything were all in places, can you
imagine how beautiful our country is? And through this everyone of us can proudly
say that Filipino s are really worth dying for
Aristotle Vs. Aristotle s Rhetoric And Dialectic
In Rhetoric, Aristotle states, Let rhetoric be [defined as] an ability, in each
[particular case], to see the available means of persuasion (Kennedy, 2007, p. 37).
Aristotle is saying that rhetoric is not just the art of persuasion through speech. He
was saying that rhetoric is the art of discovering the methods of persuasion
available in all situations. This relates to the goal of many figures in the current
day political climate. This goal is to discover methods of persuading as many people
as possible as often as possible. A politician s use or rhetoriccan be compared to
Aristotle s study of rhetoric in that both utilize the artistic proofs and practice the
three species of rhetoric. Aristotle s definition of rhetoric closely matches the goals
of modern politicians, and so rhetoric has become ingrained into our modern day
political process.
Aristotle views rhetoric as the counterpart to dialectic, and points out several key
differences. Aristotle says that both rhetoric and dialectic begin with endoxa , or
reasoning from a commonly held belief or opinion (Herrick, 2016, p. 71). Both
rhetoric and dialectic must be based on a logical argument. Rhetoric takes that
argument and adds elements of the speaker s character and emotions, creating a
more diverse method of persuading an audience. Dialectic favors a fact based
dialogue and does not rely on the speaker s character and emotions. Rhetoric and
dialectic are both methods of addressing questions. These questions do
Foucault Dimension Of Power
Power is usually defined as the ability to achieve a desired outcome, i.e. to do
something. The concept of power is normally defined of by the legislature in a
rational sense, having power over others. There are three dimensions of power:
decision making power, non decision making power and power as thought control
(Buse et al 2005). Foucault s view on power is one which extends across several
different sites; gender, race and sexuality. Observing power in contemporary society
as disciplinary incorporates hierarchical observation, normalizing judgement, and
examination to measure every individual s deviation from a societal norm. For
Foucault power in contemporary society manifests itself on an individual level
characterized by the techniques of bio and disciplinary power, in a... Show more
content on ...
Foucault noted development in the nature of punishment, a change in the content of
punishment and he also noted a wider change taking place in the context of
widespread social order. As aforementioned, Foucault noticed a development in the
nature of punishment, this is underlined by his understanding that punishment passed
on from torture to imprisonment. The shift in the content of punishment is
symbolized by Bentham s vision of a panopticon because it s an example where
prisoners are aware they are unsure whether they are always under surveillance and
spend the day duly in their cells; isolation is torture of the soul, and lastly Foucault
also notes a broader change in the social order, (1997, pp. 216 217.) Mathiesen
argued that, the movement towards the panoptical form was not only a characteristic
feature of the modern prison. A new kind of society was implied in the transformation
(p. 217). The change in social order being exemplified by the
How Did Islam Change Over Time
Paper 4 Islam changed in many ways over time, and these alterations led to one of
the most evolved, developed, and influential religions to this day. Islam
materialized in 610 B.C by the prophet Muhammad, a boy raised by an uncle in
Mecca since his parents passed early in his childhood. He matured and married at
the age of twenty five and bore six children. As he grew older he retreated into the
Arid Mountains to meditate daily and find peace within himself. A life changing
moment occurred when he received a message from Allah, the God of Islam, while
meditating in one of the various caves in the Arid Mountains. Allah then told
Muhammadto bring a scripture to the Arabs in the Arabian language. This spiritual
moment was the marking of the birth of Islam, which has over many years spread
and changed around the world. Over the years Islam s practices changed and who
practiced Islam also changed. Islam first started out as a small religion based in
Medina. It then rapidly grew throughout Arabia by first spreading through small
Arabian tribes.... Show more content on ...
Islam spread between merchants traveling various trade routes running along the vast
empire of Arabia. Trade was a non violent method the Arabians used to spread Islam.
As Muslim traders traveled along the Sahara Islam migrated with them slowly
adapting to the West African states. It then grew as more people adopted it and saw
the benefits of associating themselves with Islamic culture. For example, West
African merchants saw the necessity of having to associate themselves with Muslim
merchants. This emergence of Islamic culture in North and West Africa led to
multiple African societies and communities becoming centers of Islamic religion and
education, these centers gravitated scholars from around the globe. These are
examples of how trade led to the adoption of the Islamic religion throughout Africa
yet again spreading Islam wider and further than the eye could
Irregular Warfare (IW)
Intro: Though conventional and irregular warfare (IW) are both forms of warfare
with the desired objective of affecting the opposition s government, the means by
which they achieve that objective differ greatly. A major war against a near peer
competitor would likely place the Marine Corps against another military superpower.
Preparation for such a conflict would ideally focus on tactics suited for a
conventional military. Meanwhile, preparing for success against an irregular threat
would conversely focus on non traditional and indirect means and skills intended to
earn or degrade trust and support from the target population. As state and non state
actors place more emphasis on IW, preparation for success against irregular threats
increases rather than undermines the Marine Corps ability to fight and win a major
war against near peer competitors. Point 1: It s the future... because... Show more
content on ...
The expected progression of forthcoming combat operations involves a significant
rise of IW as highlighted in the Irregular Warfare Joint Operating Concept v1.0,
The future security environment includes a mix of military and non military
challenges by state and non state actors to US national security, with IW as the
favored form of warfare of those who would be our adversaries. The rise of
political, religious, and ethnic extremist ideologies fuels conflicts worldwide (DoD,
pg. 9). This is not to say that irregular means are used exclusively by small, militant
fringe groups, as stated in the Irregular Warfare Joint Operating Concept v2.0 while
violent extremist organizations and other non state adversaries have turned to
irregular forms of warfare as effective ways to counter traditional military powers,
such methods are not limited to use by non state actors (DoD, pg.
Tulsa Community College Student Analysis
What is the main thing that students look at before attending a school? Tuition
fees. Everyone have a tendency of looking at the tuition fee and setting there life
goal if they should spend that much just to attend school. On a Tulsa Community
College site, the publisher of Cost of Attendance asserts that TCC offers the
cheapest fee s. As the publisher of the site, they state That the Tuitions fees are
$2,800 the Book and Supplies are $1,560 the Rooms are $8,694 the Boards are
$2,367 and Transportation is $1,178 . These are by far the lowest prices to be
observed for a high schoolsenior. TulsaCommunity Collegeis really doing it s best to
help and support their students. You save a lot of money with these kinds of prices.
Now turning... Show more content on ...
From history of the college, description, diversity, academics, tuitions, and to the
financial aid and scholars, these two colleges really has spoken for itself. Though
Rogers State University offers greater advantage in the beginning the real college
that offers a bit more better courses and all would be Tulsa Community College.
With TCC having the cheapest fees to easy access of all the schools around the
Tulsa area. Of these two colleges Tulsa Community College would be the college I
would choose to attend with their great
Sequencing Deficits Are Not Discriminatory Of Any Age
Sequencing refers to the ability to carry out an activity in a logical, timely, and
orderly manner (Early, 2006). Sequencing deficits are not discriminatory of any age
and are commonly found in individuals with developmental disabilities, learning
disabilities, cognitive perceptual disorders, and mental health disorders. Some
diagnoses that are tied to sequencing deficits are CVA, TBI, Autism, ADHD, and
dementia, to name a few (Occupational Therapys Role in Cognitive Disorders, 2011).
Sequencing deficits may range from minor to severe and require occupational therapy
to increase successful completion of everyday activities by providing techniques that
improve tasksequencing. Sequencing comes as automatic thought for most
individuals when performing a simple task, such as making a bed or brushing teeth.
For instance, individuals whose sequencing abilities are intact will know that a
fitted sheet must be placed onto a bed before a comforter, but for some with
cognitive deficits or learning disabilities, this task may be confusing and difficult to
remember. Due to cognitive decline, individuals that once had the ability to perform
tasks in correct sequences may now have difficulty doing so. These difficulties are
common in patients with dementia as memory declines (Clark et al., 2012).
Individuals with sequencing deficits require some form of visual aid or verbal
cueing to complete a task correctly. If an individual who has difficulty sequencing
Who Is The Sexist In The Little Mermaid
Swimming Against the Current
Disney s film The Little Mermaid (1989) is the earliest most significant transition
into portraying a strong female protagonist after a history of purposeless princesses
who never demonstrated personality attributes other than delicateness. Nevertheless
among Disney s critics, Roberta Trites responds in her essay Disney s Sub/Version of
Andersen s The Little Mermaid that characters, images, and conflicts of the film rob
women of integrity, making the movie even more sexist than the original story by
Andersen. Disney s film industry used to be notable for their depictions of weak
minded and superficial princesses that taught the young generations, especially girls
to be submissive to men and exclusively pretty. ... Show more content on ...
As an example, Roberta Trites illuminates how even though the mermaid has
suffered much more at the hands of the sea witch than the prince has, it is the prince
who kills the witch (Trites, 137). In her logic, this misattribution of power promotes
sexist values that teach young girls that they shouldn t possess such might; to leave
that to men. A matter that remains unaddressed is that in this film, robbing Ariel the
right to overcome the antagonist is not to implement the sexist value of female
helplessness; In this case, it is more to balance or reciprocate the fact that Ariel had
previously been the hero. In the film The Little Mermaid, Ariel saved Prince Eric
first (Clements 24:43). Contrary to popular sexist norms that men rescue the girl,
Prince Eric is the damsel in distress. A sexist film would never portray a male as
vulnerable and dependent on a woman unless said male was being ridiculed.
Therefore, it is evident how the sexist value of women being submissive to men is
not encouraged in the film, for Ariel held the empowerment that comes from being
the determinant factor in a man s life. Supplementary, the film highlights women
empowerment and disfavors sexism against women when Ariel takes over the
carriage where Prince Eric and she are traveling (Clements, 58:24 58:43). What is
important is that the Prince does not repress Ariel for doing so. In fact, it is shown
that the prince is impressed with Ariel maneuvering the carriage successfully and
even sits back and relaxes while Ariel continues to drive. Ariel is admired by the
Prince for this display of power and most importantly trusted to go on. If The Little
Mermaid was a sexist film Ariel would have been portrayed as too delicate to control
the carriage and drive it

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Earth Day Essay. Earth Day Essay Propaganda Oppidan Library

  • 1. Earth Day Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of "Earth Day" presents its own set of challenges. Firstly, the topic itself is vast, covering a broad spectrum of environmental issues, initiatives, and perspectives. Narrowing down the focus while still addressing the significance of Earth Day can be daunting. Moreover, the subject matter often requires extensive research to understand the historical context of Earth Day, its evolution over time, and its current relevance in the face of environmental challenges. This research process can be time-consuming and demanding, especially when trying to find credible sources and data to support arguments. Additionally, conveying the importance of Earth Day in a compelling and impactful manner requires a delicate balance between factual information and emotive language to engage readers effectively. Striking this balance while maintaining a coherent structure and flow within the essay can be challenging for writers. Furthermore, addressing the urgency of environmental issues without succumbing to despair or hopelessness poses another obstacle. Balancing the portrayal of the gravity of the situation with messages of hope, empowerment, and actionable solutions is essential to inspire readers to take positive action. In summary, crafting an essay on the topic of Earth Day demands thorough research, careful planning, and skillful execution to effectively convey its significance and inspire action towards environmental conservation and sustainability. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Earth Day Essay Earth Day Essay
  • 2. War Of The Roses Essay The outcome of the battle of Bosworth Field on August 22nd, 1485, has long been one of great controversy. It marked the end of one of the bloodiest civil wars in England s history, and the dawning of the much acclaimed Tudor era. Bosworth raises many a question regarding the ideas of loyalty and honour in the latter years of the medieval age. Upon which side of the battle field, if either, did true betrayal lie? The infamous War of the Roses saw families torn apart and brother turn against brother in a mad scramble to claim the English throne. How much did those years of bloodshed effect the decisions value of loyalty to one s king or lineage? This paper will discuss the evolution of the concepts of loyalty formed during the War of the Roses... Show more content on ... Over the course of his lifetime he changed his loyalties at least four times. Each time could easily be construed as purely for personal advantages. Like his father and namesake, Lord Thomas seemed to prefer waiting out conflict in order to emerge on the winning side. He did this not once, but twice during Yorkist rule. Familial ties with Warwick did not stop him from siding with Edward IV, nor did rewards from Richard III keep him from sitting out for the king s final battle. Lord Thomas was motivated by personal gain and this strategy served him well. He was well rewarded by a grateful, and possibly insecure, Henry VII with lands and offices that included the much coveted properties of the now deceased Yorkist Harringtons (Horrox, p.
  • 3. Gay And Lesbian, Gay, And Homosexual Marriages Recent estimates suggest that between 2.0 and 3.7 million children are being raised by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender adults in the United States, according to the 2013 National Health Interview Survey and Gallup Poll data (Gates, 2014). The battle of equal right in many aspects for gay and lesbian couples have been going on for years, and although significant progress has been made, there are many aspects within their relationships that are not yet equal to heterosexual couples in similar situations. Gay and lesbian couples have to deal with daily discrimination within issues such as marriage, legal issues, medical issues, and mamy forms for homophobia. Adoption has been a big question and fight for gay and lesbian couples for many years, one that is still being found today. Questions of whether or not a gay or lesbian couple can properly raise a healthy child, if the child s psychological development would be compromised, any many other arguments have been proposed in disapproval of adoption for these couples. Adoption is a tedious process for a heterosexual married couple and the challenges and hoops needed to be jumped through to finalize the process can be even more difficult for homosexual couples and single gay or lesbian individuals. Gay and lesbian couples have faced many challenges through the course of time, and adoption is just another part of that challenge. Just as it is legal for men and women of the same sex to marry, so is adopting a child. However, there is great prejudice over the issue and the power of opinion often stunts, and sometimes terminates, the couples process and success of being able to adopt a child of their own all because of the judges, biological parents, or spectators personal opinions. In 2004 the American Psychological Association declared the no difference theory that states, no scientific evidence that parenting effectiveness is related to parental sexual orientation: lesbian and gay parents are as likely as heterosexual parents to provide supportive and healthy environments for their children, . Certain studies show a difference in childhood development between children of same sex marriage and biological parents, but none that deem gay or
  • 4. Massasoit Research Paper Massasoit was one of the people at the first Thanksgiving. Massasoit is the chief of the Wampanoag. Massasoit was born in 1590 near Bristol, Rhode Island and he died 1661 near Bristol, Rhode Island. Massasoit actually means Great Sachem or leader. His children are three sons and two daughters. There is a photo showing a Profile Rock in Assonet, Massachusettsin the 1902. Massasoit forged critical political and personal have tied with the colonial leaders John Carver, Stephen Hopkins, Edward Winslow, William Bradford, and Miles Standish. They ties which grew out of a talking peace treaty on March 22, 1621. Massasoit league verifies that the Wampanoag last neutral during the Pequot War in 1636. Massasoit stopped the dead loss of Plymouth Colonyand the almost certainty of lack of food that On 22 March 1620/1, Massasoit decided to pay his first visit to the Plymouth Plantation at the invitation of Tisquantum. Who had first visited with the Pilgrims shortly before. Thomas Dermer ... Show more content on ... The Wampanoags had to build their own, the Pilgrims weren t trying to be rude because they could hardly build their own house. And for some of the Wampanoags it was a two day walk back to their villages. Between their meals, they play games and the Wampanoags might have taught the English the Pin Game and the Blind Man s Bluff as well. The English was shooting a target and was trying to see was the best at shooting. On top of sports, they were also singing and dancing among the Wampanoag and the Pilgrims. In conclusion, this was about Massasoit and how they had the first Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims. What they did at the first Thanksgiving was eaten for several days,they played games, and the singed and danced together. I also wrote about Massasoit and his life. And about Massasoit children s and where Massasoit was born and where he
  • 5. Every Body Is A Masterpiece Every body is a Masterpiece Fat. Ugly. Skinny. Obese. Slim. Plump. Anorexic. Flabby. Thin. Scrawny. These are just a few terms that are used when people humiliate others on their appearance or body shape; in other words, body shaming. I am very passionate about the topic of body shaming. I believe that society needs to stop sending out images to young girls of the perfect body or the idea of body goals. Everyday, people see tweets or posts on various social networking sites harassing others, like Instagram,, Facebook, and Twitter. These sites give people access to comment on another person s picture if they are following them or if they are not. They will go to any extreme to humiliate others and say things like, Shut up you re fat or What s up with girls nowadays getting too damn skinny? Get some meat on your bones, YOU DON T LOOK HEALTHY!! . Anywhere you look you will see someone embarrassing another person on their weight or size. Studies show that adolescent girls are more fearful of gaining weight than getting cancer or having a nuclear war ( To think that girls are more frightened of gaining weight than being involved in a war is unperceivable! Another study showed that an average US woman is 5 4 tall weighing 140 pounds and the average US model is 5 11 weighing 117 pounds. How are women suppose to feel confident about their body when models are almost 30 pounds lighter than an average woman s weight? I think most girls fears
  • 6. Herpes B Research Paper Herpes B Virus and sources of transmission Herpes viruses have a history of infecting different animals in the past. The herpes b virus is carried by numerous species of macaque monkeys, which are believed to be a natural host for the virus. An increasing population of drifting monkeys in Florida takes a herpes virus that is deadly to people. The herpes B infection is sporadic in individuals, but if it does happen, it could lead to serious brain injury or death when the individual is not treated immediately. Signs and Symptoms Genital herpes infections frequently don t have any symptoms or moderate symptoms which go unrecognized. Most of the infected men and women are unaware they have the disease. Typically, about 10 20 percent of individuals with HSV 2 infection report a previous identification of yeast. Diagnosis This sort of virus is ... Show more content on ... It looks like pretty necessary but useful information, particularly today that scientists have discovered that over a quarter of those cute, feral invaders take the deadly herpes B virus. These macaques can be witnessed wandering the area adjacent to the park. It can cause a severe disease in people that if untreated may be fatal in over 70% of the scenarios, inducing an encephalomyelitis. Scientists are analyzing an increase of rhesus monkeys in Silver Springs State Park state. It is suspected that monkeys are carrying herpes virus which can cause severe health and security problems for the human health as well as the animals of the park. From a healthcare perspective, it is quite common that certain monkey species might be the career of herpes virus. The infected monkeys might transmit the virus through their saliva and other bodily fluids. Individual visitors to the park are likely to be vulnerable through contact with saliva in macaque bites and scrapes or by contact with viral drop through feces and
  • 7. Jesus As the Son of God Essay Jesus As the Son of God When Jesus rose from the dead the disciples realized that they needed new ways of describing him to reflect his amazing power and holiness. They scoured the Hebrew and Jewish scriptures looking for something appropriate to call him by and came up with titles such as Messiah , Son of Man , Son of David and Son of God . In the end Son of God became the most popular of these titles so that is what he became best known as. It is therefore the subject of my coursework. What Does It Mean When Christians Talk About JesusAs Son of God In the Old Testament, the words Son of God often meant someone who had a special relationship with God. However, Mark was also much ... Show more content on ... Mark certainly brings together the ideas of God the Father, Jesus the Son of God and the Holy Spirit in the story of Jesus Baptism. Son of God can be interpreted in three different ways. It can mean the king; in many ancient Mediterranean societies, kings were thought to be descended from Gods E.g. Pharaohs, Romulus and Remus and Greek heroes. Secondly all Jews were Sons of God because they are beloved of God . Finally it can literally mean God s son which means that only Jesus is the Son of God. Fundamentalists literally believe Jesus is the Son of God and therefore he is God, the second person in the Trinity. They have a literal interpretation of everything Jesus said in the bible, therefore it affects the way they live their lives. If they believe Jesus is God they will pray to him as God and worship him as God. Fundamentalists believe that Jesus teaching is always right and non negotiable because Jesus word is God s word and God is never wrong. On divorce for instance Jesus says: No human being must separate what God has joined together (Mark 10:9) The vast majority of people nowadays believe that divorce is acceptable if the couple are unhappy. Fundamentalists, however, believe that divorce is never acceptable under any circumstances because Jesus said so and he is always right. Liberals believe that Jesus is the Son of God by adoption and
  • 8. Why Did Portugal Gain The Independence Of Brazil In September of 1822, Brazil broke away from Portugal and became its own nation. Although this was difficult for Brazil gain independence which led to revolts and deaths of thousands. Brazil has proven that it is a strong and independent nation, which we must not overlook. Firstly, in the eyes of Portugal Brazilhad little to no importance. Portugalwas mostly focused on the slave trade from Africa to India. In the middle of the 16th century, France threatened to overtake Brazil from Portugal, which made Portugal start to focus on populating and defending Brazil. Brazil had little exporting so in order for Portugal to gain any profit from Brazil, Portugal became very strict on Brazil and would not allow them to print press under their rule. In addition, Brazil was forbidden to trade with any other country besides the motherland. This insured that all profit... Show more content on ... Dom Pedro I was the emperor of Brazil at this is time. Sadly, he was ordered to return to Portugal and any courts he made while in power were taken away from the people of Brazil. This had enraged Brazilians and caused them to revolt against Cortes; Brazilians formed two groups to take action the Bonificans whom were led by led by BonifГЎcio de Andrade, and the Liberals who were led by Joaquim GonГ§alves Ledo and supported by Freemasons. However, these two groups had very different ideas on how Brazil should function as a nation but they both agreed they wanted to stay united with Portugal as a monarchy. During this time Dom Pedro started to trust Brazil more than his homeland, he soon left Portugal and declared his alliance to Brazil allegedly proclaiming Independence or Death! (Colin M. Snider). Hearing about the declaration, Portugal made no resistance. Making Brazil the only Latin American country to have peacefully gained independence, and to have kept the monarchy status meanwhile other Latin American countries
  • 9. Essay on The Book That Really Did Change My Life Periodically while surfing the internet I encounter a page entitled Books That Changed My Life , with a list of books that purportedly changed the life of the author. I am always irritated by these pages, because I never see any evidence that the books had actually changed the life of the author. In fact, for most of these pages a more appropriate title would have been Books that I really, really liked a lot. Occasionally, it might have been called Books that influenced my thinking, but I m reluctant to refer to that as having changed one s life. I suppose I am irritated because I have my own list of books, and each one of them had effected a concrete, specific change in my life. It s not very long maybe three books but even ... Show more content on ... In junior high school I bought How to Read a Book, read it, was mightily impressed by it, acknowledged to myself that the techniques it described were important and valuable ... and then put the book on the shelf and didn t think about it again. But in high school, for reasons that I only vaguely remember now, I came to realize that I wasn t a very effective reader; my reading was scattershot, shallow, and didn t have a lasting effect on me. As I wrestled with that, I remembered Adler s book (but nothing of what it had said), and decided to read it again. This time it took; I understood what he was saying and why, and I knew I had to become the kind of reader he was describing. Perhaps more important: somewhere in the book Adler mentions Great Books discussion groups. I looked into it and found that, during the 50s and early 60s there was a fad bordering on a movement, where groups of average people would actually convene to discuss readings from the classics of Western literature. Imagine! Next, I found out that an organization had been formed to support and propagate these groups, the Great Books Foundation, that it still exists, and that it publishes collections of readings from the Great Books for use by discussion groups. So I gathered together five other friends, and throughout high school we
  • 10. Beloved Husband Vs Beloved Husband For item number 7, as I searched for picture of gravestones online, I noticed that it s more common for gravestones to have Beloved wife of... , rather than Beloved husband of... . I think that is phrase goes back to the idea of traditional marriage and the roles females took in the relationship. For a very long time, females were described as in being in the shadows of the husbandor being dependent on them. I think that Beloved wifeof... demonstrates that that person did have a husband, and someone to care for. Even after death, it demonstrates her loyalty to her partner. For males, I actually noticed that some commonly said, Beloved husband, and father , and not necessarily address a wife s name. The last few times that I have visited
  • 11. The College Admissions Process Too often, today s culture sends young people messages that emphasize personal success rather than concern for others and the common good (Konrath, O Brien, Hsing, 2011; Putnam, 2005; Putnam, 2014; Weissbourd Jones, 2014). And too often the college admissions process a process that involves admissions offices, guidance counselors, parents and many other stakeholders contributes to this problem. As a rite of passage for many students and a major focus for many parents, the college admissions process is powerfully positioned to send different messages that help young people become more generous and humane in ways that benefit not only society but students themselves. Yet high schoolstudents often perceive colleges as simply valuing their
  • 12. Tesco Porter Value Chlain and Environmental Analysis 1. Porter s Value Chain is a chain of activities for a firm operating in a specific industry. According to Lynch (2003) it can defined as the links between key value adding activities and their interface with the support activities. The five primary activities namely inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales and service are more important in value adding process than support activities: firm infrastructure, human resources, technology development and procurement, so focus will be given to primary activities as they are crucial for distinguishing the strengths and weaknesses of Tesco s performance. The overall cost leadership strategic management of Tesco is exhibited in its lean and agile inbound... Show more content on ... 2 Tesco is one of the largest food and grocery retailer in the world operating around 4,400 stores (Tesco, 2010). The business environment in which company operates is a highly turbulent competitive segment, which according to political, social events, performance of global economy and technology developments is constantly changing. Pestel, SWOT, Porter s Five Forces are frameworks that can be used to discuss and evaluate recent changes in Tesco external environment. The waves of globalisation and privatisation have a great impact upon retailing sector, which changed radically over last two decades. In the past Tesco could be content to sell to a local or regional market and make a decent income. In today s world all successful businesses are going global in order to maximise profits and take advantage of untapped markets. The changes, except of globalisation aspects involve advancements in technology, rise in competitive rivalry, political, legal issues and marketing. Technology is playing a vital role in the expansion of global retail. Consumers can find most of the products they buy online, through various retailers, compare prices, thus choose the best offer. Companies like Tesco must have a large online presence if they want to be successful over a long period of time. Tesco must compete with other retailers on price and/or try to provide benefits in other ways. This lead to
  • 13. My Experience in the Military Marcus Pennie Written Communication September 9, 2012 My darkest hour was also the moment I became a man. When all my years of training, all the blood, sweat, and tears of running, aiming, skills training, and hand to hand combat had finally been put to the test. My first kill. It wasn t a proud moment but it was one on necessity and choice that I ve played over and over again and I still get the same result. It would have gone exactly the same. September 21st 1999, 1327 Zulu time. We were flying over Almaty, Kazakhstan. The rattling of the POS tin can they call an airplane was really making me queasy. Man less than an hour before we land. It s not coming soon enough. I thought. Then came the dreaded command that started the... Show more content on ... I was holding up until the pain from the slice began to overwhelm me and I felt woozy. I felt like this was it, I am going to lose my grip and this knife was about to go into my face. I quickly thought of everything that would follow and everything that has happened to me up to that point in an instance. Then as if a blessing from God, the door burst open and I redirected my focus to the door. So did he, which was his mistake. I quick glanced back at him and noticed two things. His eyes were off of me and his push weakened just for a second. The only second I needed. I pivoted my upper half to my right and pulled his arm towards where my head once was, jamming the knife into the hardwood floor. I brought my right elbow into his head and he toppled over. I reached for my side arm, rolled away, up on to one side, aimed and fired twice. My pistol and eyes both rose up and to the left to the doorway and fired three more times. Both enemies, cancelled. I took what seemed like an eternity to curse, catch my breath and regroup myself. I stood up and realized the fight wasn t over. I still had to make it to my unit. I made my way through the apartment I earlier crashed into, out into the hallway and back up to the roof. I noticed insurgents on the rooftop directly behind me making half ass shots at me. I leapt to the next
  • 14. Essay on Contrast Between Catholic and Baptist Religion Ask most people today if they have heard of Baptist and Catholic religion and most would say yes. In many ways the two are very similar. For instance, both are based on the Christian faith, belief in the trinity, and that God is the one true God. The two religions agree that Jesus died on the cross and rose again to atone for our sins. They share a 27 book New Testament and insist that salvation comes from Christ alone. On the other hand, while the Baptist and Catholic religions do have similarities, they also have differences, such as their services, communion, and views regarding salvation. The first difference between the two religions is their services. Roman Catholic services are held in sanctuaries that are richly decorated... Show more content on ... Baptists offer prayer to God through Christ during the service and reject the practice of praying to Mary and the saints. The services are not nearly as laid out and ordered, with much less participation by the church members during the service. . The second difference evident between the religions is the partaking of Communion. In the Catholic Church, Communion is a very sacred act, and the members are encouraged to receive it frequently. Communion is offered at each service and is always presided over by the priest. The members believe that they are consuming the actual body and blood of Christ during Communion, and are required to fast at least one hour prior to receiving it out of respect. Communion is believed to be the most important of the seven sacraments by the church and required to obtain salvation. On the other hand, Baptists rarely partake of Communion, and is usually reserved for special occasions like Easter and Christmas. Some Baptist churches may partake every few months or quarterly. Although, the pastor of the church normally presides over Communion, any member designated by the church can do so. Baptist religion does not support the rule of fasting prior to Communion, and believe it to be a symbolic reverence to Christ. It is not believed that the actual body and blood of Christ are consumed during Communion. The
  • 15. Basketball Game Essay As Seth came running out of the locker room the crowd went wild, it was his senior year and he already had all the college scouts after him. He has been the starting point guard for the Bozeman Hawks since his freshman year and has averaged more points and assists throughout his career than any other player to go to Bozeman. They are 6 0 and tonight is the night they play their rivals, the Livingston Rangers. Seth and the rest of the team would have to been on there A game if they wanted to beat the Rangers, who are also 6 0. Seth was not feeling like himself as he was warming up, but figured it was just his nerves and tried to ignore it. It was time for tip off and the Hawks got the ball; right away seth passed it to his best friend,... Show more content on ... Later the doctor came in and said we are going to have to run some more tests on Seth to be sure of what is going on. Seth replied I do not need anymore tests, I am fine and want to go home! however the doctor insisted and said Seth I know that you are upset, but what happened to you is very serious and we need to find out what is wrong . After they took test after test, the doctors were unable to find anything wrong with Seth and sent him home. Seth was relieved to be able to go home and to get back to playing. Seth was back at school the following day, his mom wanted him to stay home, but Seth insisted he go and not miss another day of practice. Everyone was ecstatic to see him, especially Conner who kept quizzing him about what had happened and if he was alright. Seth told Conner the doctor could not find anything, so I am good to go. Conner was glowing with joy and said Thank goodness, I could not imagine playing this season without you man . Throughout the day Seth had headaches and was dizzy but figured he was still shaken up a bit from the game. After school when they were getting ready to practice Seth s coach, Kameron came over and told Seth I am glad to have you back, however you need to take it easy until you are back to normal. I am back to normal coach! I feel great and I am ready to get back to playing. replied Seth. Kameron looked at Seth with a serious face and said I am not joking Seth, take it easy or you
  • 16. The Importance Of Screen Acting Screen Acting Assignment. There are many skills in the performing arts world, and as a professional actor, you will need to acquire these skills in order to become the best actor you can be. To start with, it is important that an actor follows the next two professional acting rules. The first rule is to punctual. It is important to be punctual, as you may be needed on the set to perform or rehearse lines before shooting. It could be argued that being punctual is one of the most important rules an actor should follow, and without punctuality, an actor or performer won t be cast in performances or hired. Therefore, punctuality is a key skill an actor should learn, with techniques helping to keep punctuality. For example, setting multiple alarms, or resetting your sleep schedule have been proven to help people maintain their punctuality. The second rule is being professional. As an actor, you may be needed to inspire or empower others, and by not acting professional or being immature, you are letting down your own work, the people who got you where you are now, but you are also letting down yourself, in the sense that you aren t living to your full potential. It could be argued that being professional increases the rate of employability as casting agents will be more impressed with the attitude and behavior the actor is expressing. Finally, it is important to act professional as you can promote respect, therefore losing the lack of gender and sexual equality, and reducing the stigma around certain character roles. You will need to learn about the specific techniques known as technical skills. An example of technical skills would be stage left and stage right. These skills are the technical name for the sides of a stage. Actors use this term as they believe it is a more technical and professional than the sides of a stage. Therefore, the technical terms are skills that should be used on stage as it will make the actor sound a lot more professional. It could be argued that knowing the technical terms stage left and stage right allow the actor to act in a completely better manner, therefore resulting in acting and looking more professional. Always remember that stage left and right are from the actor s point
  • 17. Compaq Essay ntroduction A brand is what differentiates one s product from those of the competitors. In a market where there is not much product differentiation it s the brand name that drives the business for the company. Laptop Industry in India is no different. Today Laptop industry is proliferated by many brands but almost 70% of the market is shared among HP, Dell Lenovo. So what makes these brands tick? If you see a decade ago these brands were not so popular. While many brands have come up in recent past many have lost their value and have faded away. Compaq was one such brand. It was a well known brand once but has faded away in the face of rising stiffing competition. Brand: Compaq Compaq was a brand that was very well known in the 1980 s. ... Show more content on ... Also the design or the Aesthetics aspect was very poor and so was the customer service. The Technology of the laptopwas also outdated. All these factors contributed to the downfall of Compaq brand. Segmentation Analysis The laptop industry could be categorized in to two segments. Consumer segment Commercial Segment. Compaq in 2000 s focused on both the segments. But rise of Dell, Lenovo forced Compaq to shift its focus on consumer segment. HP was also targeting the same segment. So Compaq was concentrated on the lower income group of the consumer segment. Compaq therefore was targeted mainly towards the college going students. But this group was a group where performance, aesthetics as well as technology was of the utmost importance. From the survey it was observed that the Age Group 20 30 years have rated Compaq bad in terms of Style/Design, Specifications, and Customer Service Overall Product Appeal. From the survey it was also observed that Compaq was rated highly by this group in terms of Price. But was rated low in terms of the performance. Many of the other variables in which it was rated highly were Hangs too much, Laptop was slow, Battery backup was bad and configurations outdated i.e. the performance of the
  • 18. Financial Crisis Across The World Since Currency Essay There has been a financial crisis across the world since currency came about. It started with the barter system which allowed people to trade goods and services, but this sometimes proved to be more difficult than beneficial. Then around 600 B.C., coins and currency came about. Since then currency went from being precious metals to paper money. With the development of currency, came international trade. Banks and the ruling classes started buying currencies from other nations and created the first currency market. The stability of a particular monarchy or government affected the value of the country s currency and the ability for that country to trade on an increasingly international market. The competition between countries often led to currency wars, where competing countries would try to affect the value of the competitor s currency by driving it up and making the enemy s goods too expensive, by driving it down and reducing the enemy s buying power (and ability to pay for a war), or by eliminating the currency completely (Beattie, 2007). Money gets its value by being a medium of exchange, a unit of measurement and a storehouse for wealth. Money allows people to trade goods and services indirectly and understand the price of goods. We can see the evidence of financial crisis throughout time with the credit crisis of 2007 2008 and the Russian Crisis of 1998 and its global impact. Although Russia was experiencing economic growth in 1997 ...the country s fixed
  • 19. The Lost Leprechaun Analysis The lost leprechaun Once upon a time there lived a leprechaun.He was a good leprechaun and rarely did anything bad. But he was a very poor leprechaun. So one day he met puss in boots. Puss in boots was not the best role model he liked to break the rules and so he tricked the leprechaun. He said that their is a millon air and he gives away free money. So the leprechaun trusted puss in boots and he went to find the millon air. So he started to go on his journey to find the millon air. But on the way he ran into a bear this bear was purple and the leprechaun got scared and started to run but the bear just kept running after him. He ran for he thought hours which was only a few minutes. Finally the leprechaun had to stop running and the purple bear caught up to him and... Show more content on ... The leprechaun was frustrated with the purple bear which he found out his name was( lots I hug bear ). But after a little while the lots I hug bear said where you going and the leprechaun said that he is going the get money from the millon air. And that s just when the lots o hug bear went crazy and said if he could come along. The leprechaun said sure and the leprechaun and lots o hug bear went on the journey to find the millon air to get money. So they started to walk and walk and walk until they walked into this super sand place they did not know what this place was because they were so used to the grass. Lots o hug bear was so scared of it that he jumped into the air and was holding onto the leprechaun head. The leprechaun threw the bear into the sand and said stop being CRAZY!!! So the lots o hug bear said he will so they began to walk and walk and walk until they could not walk any longer and then lots o hug bear saw a snake and he said I am done and left the leprechaun alone through the
  • 20. Examples Of Phenomenal Concepts Phenomenal concepts are concepts about our conscious experience that we form introspectively. They too are necessary in order for someone to attend to her own feelings, one needs some degree of conceptualization, or else one would be blind to their own feelings just like children are blind to numbers. Phenomenal concept *red* is the concept of the specific type of sensation someone has typically upon looking at red things. It is drastically different from the concept *red*, for this concept refers to red things. It is also different from the concept *the sensation caused by red things* for one can feel red upon looking at green things, for example. Phenomenal concepts are also distinct from psychological concepts. The latter is characterized in terms of a functional analysis of the concept, that is, in terms of causal functional relations with other states. Consider the psychological concept of *sweetness* and the phenomenal concept of *sweetness*p. The psychological concept can be... Show more content on ... The physicalist that employs such strategy needs the phenomenal concepts to be essentially different from ordinary physical concepts, but nevertheless to co refer to physical properties. One candidate to play the special role of phenomenal concepts vis Г vis physical concepts is the so called experience thesis , that is, the thesis these concepts are experience dependent: *one can only possess a phenomenal concept C if one undergoes the relevant experience about what the concept is about*. Besides the experience thesis, a second candidate to play the special feature in phenomenal concepts are their different *reference fixing mechanisms*. Now we want to explore both of those features. I will begin by exploring the experience thesis, for it seems to be a general commitment shared by some of the phenomenal concept
  • 21. Persuasive Essay On Genetically Modified Crops World population projections currently expect another 2 billion people in the world by 2050, and simultaneously, there isn t expected to be any measurable change in the quantity of arable land to match this level of growth. Already, the United Nations is grappling with the realities of a global food shortage crisis, meaning that, even without the next 2 billion people added to the global population, world leaders are struggling to feed the mouths we presently have. Experts are turning everywhere for solutions, including the already realized prospect of genetically modified (GM) crops that are uniquely resistant to pesticides, harsh winters and other threats as a means to create more food sources and consolidate them. GM crops are only... Show more content on ... Essentially, crops are raised in a glasshouse under incessant, low cost LEDs whose light is emitted at very specific wavelengths to catalyze photosynthesis. The far red spectrum is important for triggering the reproductive growth and also light intensity for healthy robust plants, according to Lee Hickey, a senior research fellow at the University of Queensland and a co author on the new study. In the glasshouse, we currently use high pressure sodium vapor lamps, and these are quite expensive in terms of the electricity demand, Hickey explains. In our paper, we demonstrate that wheat and barley populations can be grown at a density of about 900 plants per square meter, thus in combination with LED light systems, this presents an exciting opportunity to scale up the operation for industry use. This comes on the heels of a fairly significant panel report from Parliament in India coming out against genetically modified crops. The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science and Technology, Environment and Forests in New Delhi concluded that no GM crops should be brought into the country without thorough evaluation of the probable effects. The committee suggested that the government conduct this evaluation in collaboration with several pertinent agencies,
  • 22. Rhetorical Analysis Of Lemuel GulliverBy William Swift As Lemuel Gulliver decides to go to sea again, a major storm hits causing most of his crew to die. Lemuel makes it to shore and passes out. At this point, he is being searched by two tiny people (Lilliputians). I chose this quote because it is demonstrating the satirical element in Swift s writing. The irony of the small people becoming flustered by thes size of Lemuel s belongings leaves readers wanting to laugh, but also makes them have human like qualities (like being confused). This quote also illustrates the theme of no matter where you go and who you meet, you can t get away from the social aspect of life. The kingdom is arranged by social class with soldiers and an emperor. These particular soldiers were ordered by the emperor to... Show more content on ... In the end, he sticks by his beliefs and accepts that the emperor won t forgive him. A group of advisors from Blefuscu came to visit Lemuel. They made a treaty with him and invited him back to their kingdom. Lemuel is just getting back to Lilliput. I chose this quote because it gives detail about Lemuel s character. It shows how he does not know how making alliances with the Blefuscu will affect his relationship with the Lilliputian emperor. After Lemuel gets back to Lilliput, the emperor treats him in a very cold manner. (Swift, 52) He was confused why the emperor was acting this way towards him until someone told him about how he should not have talked to the Blefuscu. Also, this quote shows how Lemuel finally understands the flawed idea of monarchy. The two monarchies, Lilliput and Blefuscu, both are sneaky and persuasive to outsiders, like Lemuel. The Blefuscu emperor got Lemuel s attention, which he knew would annoy the Lilliputian emperor. Lemuel has just arrived in Brobdingnag, a land of giants. As he observes the people around him, he realizes how disgusting they look. He is missing Lilliput where everyone were physically appealing. I chose this quote because it shows how Lemuel has different perspectives of humans. The Lilliputians appeared to him as the best looking people in the world. However, in Brobdingnag, everyone appears revolting to him since he can see close up of what they look like. This is also ironic because that is exactly what the
  • 23. How A Fetus Changes Into A Baby In this chapter it talks about the development of how a fetus changes into a baby. The first part of the chapter starts out by talking about how the zygote divides into the two cells. With another 36 hours the zygote becomes 32 cells. This time period of conception is call germinal stage. In the first few days in the germinal stage the cell mass takes the form of a fluid filled ball called a blastocyst. The dividing cells cell moves through the fallopian tube, then they go throw to the uterus. This chapter also talks about how although humans are not chickens their babies are formed in the same way. Like in a chickens egg the yoke develops into a baby chicken, and in a human the embryobecomes a fetus. Then the chapter starts to talk about the different things bleeding while being pregnant can mean. Although a majority of people believe that if a woman bleeds while pregnant mans that she has had a miscarriage, it can mean many of different things. Miscarriages can be caused by many different things, and can cause many different types of problems. Such as a high risk of having anxiety and it also puts relationships at a higher percentage of ending. One third of percent end in a miscarriage. Miscarriages happed within the first three months of pregnancy. Woman who are over the age of thirty are more likely to have a miscarriage. Miscarriages can be cause from many things such as chromosomal problems, substance use, or hormonal problems. The next thing that this chapter
  • 24. Revolutions In The Cuban Revolution Why do revolutions occur? What actors are usually involved? This are the two central questions that both Charles Tilley and Samuel Huntington attempt to answer by examining the reoccurring patterns of armed resistance and collective violence. Huntington and Chase both claim that revolutions are rare events which occur because of modernization. However, Chase and Huntington both have very different definitions of modernization, along with different models of revolutions. Chase points to gender ideas as central to various opposition movements within the Cuban Revolution, and she highlights the road to a revolutionary moment in which women were pivotal (Stevens 9/18/17). Huntington s model of revolution involves a sudden explosion of political participation due to modernization, and revolution occurs when the established order is unable to keep up with the demands of the newly integrated groups. I feel that Tilley provides the best model of revolutions because he does not simply attribute armed revolutions to the undefined term of modernization, but instead focuses on the roles of omnipresent actors involved in these revolutions (these actors being; the government, the various contenders of power, and the polity). I would argue that his argument is more logically sound because he points to a tangible sources of power, such as a government s coercive apparatuses, as a revolutionary barrier which must be overcome with armed resistance and a strong support base in order for
  • 25. The Muslims Of Medieval Italy By Alex M Essay The Muslims of Medieval Italy by Alex Metcalfe Less than two hundred years after the death of the prophet Muhammad the rule of Islam had spread from the Arab Peninsula to Italy after the Roman Empire had crumbled away; eventually it spread all the way to Iberia. The book The Muslims of Medieval Italy by Alex Metcalfe focuses on the Muslim Christian dynamic and the respective ruling entities by examining the chronological timeline of events and more cultural history of the dynamic in the region. The first half of the book is more obviously focused on the chronological explanation of events and delving into the reasons for why things happened the way they did. As the book progresses, it noticeably starts to focus on the more cultural... Show more content on ... There is an examination of Agrigento in its disputes and how the leadership functions. When the Kharijites overthrow the Fatimids in North Africa. This gave the rebellion of Palermo a backdrop to start an insurrection which was led by the Banu I Tabari. The Byzantine resurgence of 960 s caused a sparing between the remaining Christian city states. The book takes some time to explain urban development in the region as well as the trade, commerce, and the economy. The book moves into a description of civil war and the ta ifa period. The restructuring of the army in Sicily and Ali s ibn Ja far unsuccessful revolt. The Byzantines started several attempts to reclaim parts of Italy. In roughly 1038 George Maniakes launches the Byzantine campaign to reclaim Sicily. Though the forces eventually split, this weakened Muslim Sicily for the coming Norman invasion. The Normans rolled across south Italy in the 1060 s where they eventually made allies with the Ibn al Thumna so that they could launch a campaign to take Sicily where they were successful. The Muslim resistance final pitched battle on Sicily was that of the battle of Misilmeri which was followed by the fall of Muslim Palermo in 1072, bringing about Muslim surrender and a new era of Christian rule for the region. The book continues with a glimpse into the Muslim community under early Norman rule relating to religion and
  • 26. What Is The Tone Of The Elephant Man The Elephant Man, by Bernard Pomerance was about a man, John Merrick, who lived in the Victorian Era with many physical disabilities. When portraying Merrick in the movie adaptation, the actor would have lots of makeup on to match the descriptions of him. In the play s adaptation of this story, the actor would not have any makeup or special effects, but would instead have a natural appearance, and contort their body in ways that portrayed Merrick s physical challenges. Based on the short excerpt read, the movie s version of showcasing John Merrick s appearance through the use of makeup was more effective in staying true to the author s tone. The addition of prosthetic makeup to the body adds to the scientific and mysterious tone, as it was
  • 27. Unit 4222 211 Unit 4222 211Provide Support for Mobility Outcome 1 Question 1 Mobility means being able to move or be moved freely. Individuals with disabilities or deformities may have restricted mobility as some parts of their body may not being able to move freely Outcome 1 Question 2 Many health conditions can affect mobility, from physical deformities to neurological conditions (ie Multiple Sclerosis). Somebody that is unable to physically move their arms or legs due an disability (such as juvenile arthritis) will have restricted mobility, where they may not be able to carry out day to day tasks and may need assistance. Multiple Sclerosis can affect a number of functions that would ultimately affect mobility, changes in vision could make it ... Show more content on ... Outcome 2 Question 4 Before using mobility equipment and/or appliances it is important to visually check that the equipment is safe and clean. Mobility equipment is serviced and inspected regularly by qualified individuals but it is still important to carry out visual checks yourself just in case there is damage to the equipment. It is important that mobility equipment and/or appliances is clean before every use as
  • 28. Animals Save The Environment Animals play key roles in the environment. They help keep natural process running smoothly. Insects help in pollinating diverse plants around the world. Scavengers clean up the carcasses of dead animals everywhere. There are also many different animals that help the environment by recycling various human and animalproducts. Carnivores, omnivores, and herbivores also keep each other with in the proper population limit. Many of these animals are part of each other s food supplies as well. Since all of these animals help one another and us, why would we not want to protect them? Some people might say that protecting animals waste money. The government spends thousands of dollars on preserving habitats for animals all across our nation. They would say this money could be better put to use. The schools need better equipment, roads are in awful conditions, and our government is already in enough debt that they should not be spending any more than necessary. The animal s welfare should be one of the last concerns the government has. They argue that the animalsonly take up space in the world. With the human population always increasing, this is space we could use to house people. The bigger cities are over filled as they are. If we could have some people move out of those cities and build new ones. They could move to the places where the national habitats are and create new, cleaner cities there. There are many more arguments that people may make to stop the animal
  • 29. Mesothelioma Litigation The Issues with Mesothelioma Litigation The individual who has created mesothelioma through introduction to asbestos can look for the legitimate help for the pay. Mesothelioma litigation has created in expansive numbers. This is on account of a few organizations permit representatives to work with asbestos the reason for this deadliest infection without advising the laborers. For the wrongful passing of the general population who have created mesothelioma by these untrustworthy firms, claims can be petitioned for legitimate remuneration for the sufferer or for the advantage of the gang. This is alluded to as mesothelioma litigation. Low levels of assurance and the absence of push to control the introduction of people to asbestos has created mesothelioma litigation, prompting harm. The unawareness of the laborers of the asbestos introduction causes them to defer the important therapeutic treatment. The treatment of mesothelioma is extremely costly. One can t pay for it in at their own cost. The individual who has created mesothelioma through presentation to asbestos can look for prompt legitimate help for greatest pay. 40 years back when the primary Mesothelioma litigation happened, the result, for that time period, was extraordinary. A couple... Show more content on ... Another explanation behind the expansion in these Mesothelioma litigation cases could be on account of numerous individuals who have been determined to have Mesothelioma or lung cancer because of asbestos introduction don t understand when or where they were presented to this unsafe synthetic, making it troublesome and to a great degree tedious to locate the definite guilty party of the
  • 30. Nt1310 Unit 3 Assignment 3 Counters We all use counters every day. Whether it be in our watches, or even something like our washing machines, digital counters are found in nearly anything that involves timing (Electronics Hub, 2015). Counters have come a very long way over the years, increasing in both efficiency and complexity. One example of an early counter is the counter developed by Paul Stillman in 1854. This design had a small manual crank which would turn a dial by one digit each time it was cranked. Once the first dial had turned by ten digits, it would then turn the next dial by one digit (in a gradual motion). In 1920, the Veeder Manufacturing Company made a counter that replaced this manual crank, which would only allow for turning the dials one digit at a time, ... Show more content on ... As these flip flops have a positive edge trigger for the clock input, this means every time the clock input goes from LOW to HIGH, it triggers the flip flop, updating the Q output to whatever the D input is, assuming the SET and RESET inputs of the flip flop are both inactive, which they are in this circuit (Digital Electronics, 2014). At the start, the D input will be HIGH, because D is connected to the inverted Q output (PyroElectro, 2013). However, the 555 timer has a HIGH output at the start, but due to the fact the flip flop triggers when the clock input goes from LOW to HIGH, the counter still starts off counting from 0, because it takes one count for the clock to go back to LOW then to HIGH again. As the clock counts, every second count of the previous flip flop will cause the next flip flop to change state. Thinking back to simple binary theory, this makes sense. As a digit in binary is double the previous one, every second time the previous digit changes state, the next digit should change state once. As this is a four bit counter, once the fourth digit changes state from HIGH to LOW, the counter resets, and counts from zero
  • 31. The Pressure To Read I remember being pressured to experience another world, the world of books. I remember late nights, trying to read the last 30 pages before the next day, so I could take a test. It wasn t always like that. I used to enjoy reading before then. The struggle came, when I started reading because of peer pressure, and reading assignments. The burden of reading for others made me consider, more, the reward of reading for myself. I had wonderful memories of reading and writing in my early childhood. My mother was the one who first taught me how to read. She would teach my brother, and I would just catch on. My mother pushed me to do good, but that wasn t hard, because I had always liked a challenge. I enjoyed reading any kid s genre, because nothing was inappropriate at that age. My favorite books were the Berenstain Bears and books by Dr. Seuss. I would flip through the pages and giggle at the stories, comparing them to reality. The book Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss is a book I remember having an impact on me. It might have been a little impact, but it taught me try things out before I judge them. I liked reading so much that I wrote my own book and read it to the class, who enjoyed it. In middle school, I began to read for others, and that s when the... Show more content on ... Reading expands my horizons and helps me become open minded to how others think and feel, which can help me become a good writer. Reading is a big part of writing. I used to think I could pull it off, when really, I couldn t. Also, I can expand my vocabulary with reading. My vocabulary was getting worse when I wasn t reading. My spelling began to fail me. When I told my sister that I wanted to expand my vocabulary to sound smart, she told me not to sound smart. She told me to be smart. Reading helps you become smart, and I will need that intelligence because I don t want to walk around in a new city, or professional setting sounding like I am
  • 32. Tim Hortons Coffee Is A Brand Named After Its Founder Tim Hortons coffee is a brand named after its founder Tim Horton and Jim Charade. Tim Horton is the Canadian fast casual restaurant where the first store opened in Hamilton Ontario. This corporation has been making trust among people by serving them the products and services since 1964. It has been more than 50 years that Tim Hortonshave proved honesty towards its customers. Its target audience is almost everybody such as people from all ages, backgrounds and religions, would love to go to the Tim Hortons as it offers a wide variety of food and beverage choices to its customers. Tim Hortons faces high intensive competition with other reputed corporations. Starbucks, McDonalds or Waves Coffee is rival competitors in the market. Even though having such a big competitor, the company has been succeeding in keeping up with the competition and other changing elements in the market place. Tim Hortons offers a wide variety of menu to its customers. Its menu contains of course coffee, sandwiches, doughnuts, muffins and cookies, but as the market place and people preferences are changing every day. Therefore, they introduce new types of products to satisfied customers need. Tim Hortons had a total of 2,148 corporate employees across the Canada and USA and Steve Whuthman is one of the executive vice presidents of corporation and human resources. (2013 sustainability and responsibility, 2013) Training and Development Milhem, Abushamsieh, and PГ©rez (2014) argue that the
  • 33. Bettye Morris Hero Hard times don t create heroes. It is during the hard times when the hero within us is revealed. ( Bob Riley).This quote truly describes what it means to be a hero because a hero never gives up. A hero is always optimistic, even during hard times, and a hero is fearless and steps up to the challenge. Although being a hero may seem impossible, we never know when the hero within us could be revealed. My grandmother, Bettye Morris, truly resembles a hero because she never gave up. Two summers ago, she was diagnosed with cancerand had to endure many treatments. Sadly, she lost the battle, but that does not mean she did not put up a fight. She went through countless treatments of radiation and chemotherapy. Even when she was tired and did not feel like going on, she fought back and proved doctors wrong many times. She lived longer than anybody thought she would. She will forever live on as a legacy in my familybecause of how determined she was and how she never gave up. ... Show more content on ... When my grandmother was diagnosed with cancer, we were all very sad, but she believed that she could win. There are five stages of grief, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. She never got to the stage of acceptance because she knew she was strong enough to fight this rigorous battle. Although she knew the cancer was inside of her, she never let it change her life. She always looked on the bright side of things and saw this illness as an opportunity to live life to the fullest and be with family more. Being optimistic makes her a hero because thinking on the bright side gave her a positive attitude and gave her the strength to fight against
  • 34. The Cross Pollination Religious Customs And Material Culture The cross pollination religious customs and material culture in the Cuban Diaspora has provided a wealth of indigenous and assimilative sources (Gordon, 2014: 53), and this has afforded Mendive a rich abundance of inherited iconography of fauna, flora and otherworldly phenomena to consume and use in the process of creating his artworks. Mendive is able to animate the pantheon of Orishas, depicted as either interacting with or sometimes assimilating human postures and gestures. Such representations of the SanterГa cosmic beings investigate concepts of hybridity, New Word practices of syncretism, and notions of a perceived combining of different and seemingly contradictory beliefs through the blending of customs and traditions of different schools of thought and discourse (Turner, 2014). The earliest mention of syncretism appeared in the philosophy of Plutarch as the act or system of blending, combining or reconciling inharmonious elements... to forget dissensions and to unite in the face of common danger (Showerman, 1910 11: 292 93). In The Creation of Afro Caribbean Religions and their Incorporation of Catholic Elements Bettina Schmidt maintains that syncretism is too simple a term to use in attempting to encapsulate the full meaning behind the creation process of SanterГa. According to her, it upholds the belief that the Cuban religion was formed by the sheer mixing of the dominant Catholicism doctrine with the suppressed religious practices of the Yoruba people
  • 35. A History And Stance For Benjamin Bloom s Theory A History and Stance for Benjamin Bloom s Theory Benjamin Samuel Bloom was an educational psychologist from America who is remembered for his creation of Bloom s Taxonomy. This included the theory of mastery learning and the development of the exceptional talent. All of his research and findings lead to this foundational and vital element within the educational system. History Benjamin Bloom was born on February 21, 1913 in Langsford, Pennsylvania. He received a bachelor s and master s degree from Pennsylvania State University in 1935, and a Ph.D. in Education from the University of Chicago in 1942. In 1943 Bloom started to serve as a University examiner, which is a job where he developed tests to determine undergraduate s mastery of ... Show more content on ... Also, in 1964, Bloom published the book, Stability and Change in Human Characteristics. This was based on many studies that lead to an interest of early childhood education, which included the beginning of Head Start. All Bloom s research predicted that many physical and mental characteristics of adults are somewhat present during the younger stages. Finally, Bloom made a final summary of his work in 1980 in the book, All Our Children Learning. This showed evidence that virtually all students can learn and function at a higher level if the appropriate measures are taken at home and in school (Contributors, 2013). The Taxonomy Bloom s taxonomy was created so that students would exhibit higher thinking during instruction, like evaluating concepts, processes, procedures, and principles, rather than remembering facts and just learning to a test. There are three domains within this learning theory and they are cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Cognitive domain is a person s mental skills or knowledge. Affective domain is the growth in feeling and emotional areas or attitude. Psychomotor domain is manual and physical skills (Benjamin S. Bloom, 1956). Bloom s theory is a way to set the goals of the learning process. In a sense, this means that a student should acquire a new skill, piece of knowledge, and/or a new type of attitude (Paul, 1985). Originally, only the
  • 36. Social Network and Its Effect on Poor Students Academic... SOCIAL NETWORK AND ITS EFFECT ON POOR STUDENTS ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are the example famous social network that becomes the best choice among the students, especially university students. Social network can defines as site of grouping of individuals into specific groups, like small rural communities or a neighbourhood subdivision. Nowadays, the social network is a necessary communication tool that has emerged in the field of information and communication technology and has positively impacted almost all aspects of human life (Audrey, Gerald, Tai, 2012 as cited in CBSNews, 2008). Apart from that, addiction of using social network can becomes negative effects overweight the positive ones. These sites ... Show more content on ... When students go to outside world, they will face much kind of people. Sometime, this people were followed the new trend language in this modern time. So, when students spoke with them, students will influenced with their trend. This will be problem to student how to know that language is true or not. If they can not to recognize, they will bring this language to their writing and can cause the writing to be false. In conclusion, there are many causes that can give an impact mostly is negative effects to student academic performance. Social networking is becoming increasingly popular and is a trend among young adults nowadays. Hence, there should be a study to find out whether is there any form of addiction that attracts the frequent visits and usage of social networking sites. To sum up, students should have to realise that social network is not gave 100% a positive effect to them for success in academic performance. So, as a student we need to step forward thinking about our future and make a move to get success in academic. (744 words) REFERENCES Bloxham, A. (2010, November 18). Social networking: teachers blame Facebook and Twitter for pupils poor grades. The Telegraph. Retrieved July 10, 2013 from http:/ / networking
  • 37. Gulf Stream Research Paper The Gulf Stream is a warm ocean current that originates at the tip of Florida and travels along the coast of the eastern most United States before crossing through the Atlantic Ocean. This powerful current has a strong northward accelerating current that at a point ends up slitting the direction of the stream into two: a northern stream that crosses to northern Europe and a southern stream that circulates off West Africa. Due to these properties the Gulf Stream has a major affect on the western coast of Europe and the eastern coast of North America. Prior to understanding the benefits the Gulf Stream has it is important to first look at the rich history involved within the Gulf Stream. The Gulf Stream was discovered in 1513 during an... Show more content on ... Looking deeper though, the Gulf Stream has important effects that can be analyzed at a smaller scale. For instance, the effects the Gulf Stream has on the Florida peninsula. The water that on the eastern coast of Florida is referred to as the Florida current and even in winter months keeps a temperature of roughly 77 degrees Farenheit. The reason the water is able to do that is due to the winds passing the warm water and taking air that flows along the current and spreading it along the coastline. This has the ability to keep the temperatures in Florida much milder across the state than in most places in the Southeast during the winter months. On the flip side of things in the upper most part of the gulf in Europe the warm air from the currents help raise the temperature on the Western coast of Great Britain and Ireland a few degrees. This also affects Norway where the coasts never receive ice or snow while the Northern parts are covered year round due to the Arctic zone. These different systems of weather have differences based on location but are affect from coast to coast by the strong and powerful current and temperature of the Gulf
  • 38. Real Life Influences In John Steinbeck s East Of Eden East of Eden is a novel with many real life influences. One of the biggest influences in East of Eden is religion, it parallels stories from the bible and it is the inspiration for some of the characters. It also works to help illustrate an important life lesson that is the ultimate goal of the novel. FFFFFFFFFFFF To truly understand the religious themes and influences in the book, it is best to see how religion played into the author John Steinbeck s life. John Steinbeck was born in the Salinas Valley of California (which is where narrator of the novel is born). He was born to John Ernst Steinbeck and Olive Hamilton (also a character in the book) who were both of Episcopalian faith. Not much can be said about Steinbeck s religious beliefs... Show more content on ... The greatest lesson that the novel teaches and the lesson that should be picked up is one that is hard to swallow. Ultimately every human being is like Cain and every human being inherits his sin but ultimately like Caleb does in the novel, human beings all have the potential to redeem themselves for timshel. Steinbeck uses the Hebrew word in a unique way to sum up his story. The word he uses appears in a passage in which God discusses sin with Cain. The word timshel means Thou mayest rule over him which ultimately represents the idea of
  • 39. Erickson s Theory Of Human Growth And Development Theory of Human Growth and Development Erickson s theory of psychosocial development has eight stages. That range from birth to adulthood. First stage happens on the first year of life, which includes Trust vs. Mistrust. During this stage the infant not knowing and or being uncertain of their surroundings looks for the caregivers being the parents to provide and or guide them through their first year of life. Parents will provide stability and or providing the adequate care for the infant, which will develop trust and therefore lead to hope. If the trust is not there due to the infant not feeling secure and there s no stability for the child therefore developing mistrust leading to the infant having fear instead of hope. A specific memory I have of this stage will be with my own children. I come from a culture that believes if a baby cries let him cry because if you pick him up he will get used to you holding him. In another situation when my son was only a couple days old my grandmother said let him cry it expands his lungs and will help him breath better. Thankfully I had taken a psychology class before I even had kids and was aware of Erickson s theories which lead to me telling my family everything they say is a Mexican myth and I wont be applying such actions with my children. The second stage Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt includes the ages of 18 months to 3 years old. During this stage children are moving more and trying to become a little more independent. This is
  • 40. Formal And Informal Place Setting Chances are you ve been taught some form of dining etiquette beginning at a young age. You probably remember your parents telling you, Don t eat with your mouth full, Keep your elbows off of the table, or Don t play with grandpa s teeth at the dinner table! What you probably didn t realize is your parents were conditioning you on how to act at the dinner table in social situations, and possibly most important, in the business world. If you re planning on a career in business, the probability of being invited to an informal lunch interview or a formal dinner is likely. In the following paragraphs, I will describe the differences between a formal and informal place setting, and explain some of the do s and do not s of proper dining etiquette in a business setting. First of all, arrive to the dinner on time, always dress for the occasion, and remember the host is in charge. If seating is assigned, look for the place card with your name on it. The place card is typically located at the center of the dinner plate, or just above it on the table. If there are no place cards, wait for the host to direct you to your assigned seat. Let the host sit down before you unless they tell you to first. Once seated, pick up your napkin, fold it in half, and lay it across your lap. Make sure the napkin fold is away from you so when you use it any crumbs on the napkin will fall to the floor and not on you. Second, take notice of the place setting. It s a good indicator whether the dinner
  • 41. The Right to Breath With Ease Secondhand smoke is a combination of the smoke produced at the end of a burning cigarette and that that a smoker exhales. It can easily be identified by its distinct odor and is retained in clothing, furniture, hair, and curtains. Secondhand smoke contains over 4000 chemicals with more than 50 of these known to cause cancer (Report of the Surgeon General). It contains numerous toxic metals including lead, cadmium, nickel, beryllium, radioactive polonium 210, and arsenic, found in many pesticides (Report of the Surgeon General). A child s body is still developing and highly susceptible to the harmful effects of their environments. Exposure to the poisons in secondhand smoke puts them at risk of severe respiratory diseases and can hinder... Show more content on ... Respiratory problems pose the greatest harmful effect of secondhand smoke exposure. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that between 150,000 to 300,000 cases of lower respiratory illness, such as bronchitis and pneumonia, in infants to children aged 18 months, are reportedly caused by exposure to secondhand smoke. Of those cases, approximately 7,500 to 15,000 are reportedly hospitalized (ANR). There is a 56% higher risk of hospitalization of an infant with a lower respiratory illness if their mother smokes in the same room. A car is a much smaller space than a room. Asthma is one of the most common known effects of secondhand smoke. Asthma is more prevalent in children who have been exposed to secondhand smoke and causes attacks to become more severe and frequent. The EPA estimates that 200,000 to 1,000,000 asthmatic children have their condition worsened by exposure to secondhand smoke (ANR). Secondhand smoke exposure as a child can have lasting effects into adulthood. The respiratory illnesses last throughout ones lifetime. Poor lung function and underdeveloped lungs due to early exposure in the womb is responsible for many respiratory diseases in adults. Exposure to secondhand smoke as a child can lead to metabolic disorders that cause heart disease, stroke, and type II diabetes. Women have a 68% greater chance of having difficulty conceiving when
  • 42. How Did The Indio Are Innately Indolent 1.Did Rizal agree with the typical European accusation that the Indios are indeed innately indolent or lazy? Personally, I believe that this essay poses two arguments about the indolence of the Filipinos, Rizal, in the beginning of his essay alleged that Indios are indolent, but only in the sense of little love for work or lack of energy, and not indolence as in the context of laziness. With this belief, he even attributed to climate the indolence of the natives. However, as I read through the essay, there were lines which I believe presents the idea that the natives were not indolent. According to the line, certain unsubdued tribes have been cultivating beautiful fields and working energetically. In addition to that, it also points out the idea that in spite of the climate and the few needs that natives have during that time, since if we compare their needs with the needs of the modern times we have more needs and sometimes complicated wants than before, were not indolent. Thus, I think that Rizal ... Show more content on ... Due to the lack of training and education of the natives, they were limited to aim for a better life and not to excel in their own fields nor to do other jobs aside from farming, fishing, etc. Without independence to decide on their own, they are being enslaved by their own inhibitions and fears, which were then taken advantage by those who have greater power. Thus, education plays a very vital role in every aspect of the life of an Indio. Because of the lack of knowledge and strong faith and hope in miracles, most of our Indios were becoming dependent on the wonderful things of the Church. They pray for good faith, and let God do what is best for them and provide their needs. If only natives were educated about how life should be and how they should do. Once educated, people would not be blinded by the false promises and glittery words of those who have greater power than
  • 43. Athena Goddess Of War Athena, or Athene, is the Goddess of Wisdom and War ( Athena ). Known for her grace and mercy, all the other gods highly respected her (Pontikis). Although she is the goddess of war, her true personality might be a surprise. Athena s Roman name is Minerva, and the two are very similar (L. Roman and M. Roman 90). Athena actually does not like fighting at all, but instead enjoys the strategy involved in battle (Pontikis). This goddess is not only in charge of war, but rules over outdoor activities and chores done inside the house like weaving, spinning, and cooking (Pontikis). She rules over the city of Athens, which was rewarded to her because she helped the people by planting the olive tree (L. Roman and M. Roman 91). Also, her most important temple is called the Parthenon ( Athena ). Athena can always be found with her helmet and spear, making her one of the easiest goddesses to identify (Pontikis). Athena is also easy to spot because of her special shield. On her shield is Medusa s head, which Perseus had given to her (L. Roman and M. Roman 91). She hardly uses her spear however, because she likes to handle things in a peaceful manner (Pontikis). Surprisingly, Athena has a manly figure with broad shoulders (Pontikis). Her ... Show more content on ... One of those battles was defeating Typhon, the most feared and dangerous monster in existence. Long ago, Typhon decided to try and take over Mount Olympus, the home of all the gods and goddesses. When he arrived, all the gods hid among the mortals, taking the shape of various animals. Well, all but Athena. She stood her ground. She was not going to let someone, or something, take her home away. Her father, Zeus, saw her facing the beast, and he decided that he didn t want his daughter doing his job for him. His job was to protect his people, so that s what he did. Gathering the courage and stepping up, he was able to defeat Typhon, and all the gods were able to return home safely
  • 44. Brock Osweiler Research Paper Almost four years into his career, Denver Broncos quarterback Brock Osweiler now has two starts and two wins on his resume . Osweiler was the Broncos second round draft pick in the 2012 NFL Draft, and is expected to be the future of the Broncos organization. Peyton Manning will miss significant time due to a partially torn plantar fascia near his left heel. The formerly known understudy of Manning, Osweiler has thrown for 250 and 270 yards in his two wins. The most impressive win though, came on Sunday Night Football against the then undefeated New England Patriots. But, how good is Brock Osweiler? Osweiler appeared to be very clutch in the overtime win over the Patriots. Looking back at the 39 yard completion to Emmanuel Sanders on the ... Show more content on ... On second and goal, Patriots safety Patrick Chung was flagged for holding Demaryius Thomas on a play where Osweiler was sacked for a huge loss. If that flag wasn t thrown, the Broncos were looking at 3rd and goal from the 19 yard line. Just like that the game could have been over. Instead, due to the penalty it was first and goal on the 4 yard line. Also, the inconsistent play of Broncos running back C.J. Anderson finally came to an end. This season was expected to be a breakout year for him, and he hasn t met those expectations thus far. Finally, he had the breakout game against the Patriots finishing with 113 yards, and 2 touchdown performance. Anderson was the one who sealed the game in overtime with a 49 yard touchdown run. One could argue that it was the running game that defeated the Patriots, not Osweiler. Taking nothing from him, he at the very least doesn t turn the ball over. Only one interception is his two starts. One of the biggest concerns many people have noticed with him is at times he holds on to the ball a little longer than necessary in the pocket which causes him to get sacked more than he should. Although, he improved that much more in the game against New England than he did against the Chicago Bears the prior
  • 45. Case Study Of Tao Wang Tao Wang, the man changed the situation of drone industry The DJI innovations was established in 2006. Within the 10 year, its global market share of the drones industry has quickly increased to 70 percent, and its total annual turnover has grown to3 billion. With the excellent business performance, the DJI innovations become the leader of the drones industry. For thisreason ,people become interested in a question that how the young but low profile CEO of DJI makes his company so successful. I was wondering about this question too, so in this assignment Im going to talk about Tao Wang, the founder and CEO of the DJI innovations. The First Section: Who is Tao Wang? (Background Experience Achievement) Tao Wang was born in Hangzhou, 1980. He became interested in drone when he was only ten ... Show more content on ... He use his wisdom and capacity to make the DJI world famed, it is undeniable that he is an out standing CEO with many valuable qualities. However, Tao Wang is a young CEO without any experience of management before, so he is facing some challenges now. Firstly, Tao Wang is not only the CEO, but also the CTO in DJI, so his time conflict seriously .sometimes, he has no time to do some more important things and feels that he is lack of energy. Additionally, some staff in DJI think that Tao Wangs perfectionistic characteristic bring them lots of pressure ,so they choose to leave DJI. From my perspective, Tao Wang should hire some experienced managers to assistant him to manage his employees as well as some specific but less important things. Afterwards, he can have enough time to focus on planning the further development of DJI. Also, it is suggestive for Tao Wang to engaged some technical advisers ,so that the DJI can have the better products. I am firmly convinced that Tao Wang would be more successful if he can improve these
  • 46. The Structure Of The Skeletal System The skeletal system, while appearing inert at first glance, is a dynamic organ responsible for a number of vital functions in the body; including but not limited to providing protection and support to other organ systems, as well as permitting movement through collaboration with the muscular system. At the cellular level, bone provides a reservoir of growth factors and cytokines, maintains the acid base balance and mineral homeostasis, and is the site of hematopoeisis. Like other connective tissue, bone has both a cellular and an extracellular matrix component. The matrix is made up of collagen fibers and noncollagenous proteins, with type I collagen accounting for ~90% of total protein, and the noncollagenous osteocalcin, osteopontin, and bone sialoprotein, and others making up the other 10%. In contrast with other connective tissue, the extracellular matrix of bone is mineralized physiologically, though the deposition of layers of carbonated hydroxyapatite. This mineral component, making up 50 70% of bone, provides bone s characteristic mechanical rigidity and strength (Clarke 2008). Elasticity and flexibility are due to the organic matrix, which makes up another 20 40%, lending bone incredible resilience without compromising its strength, and another 5 10% of bone is water. There are two major types of bone; trabecular (also called cancellous or spongy), and cortical (also called compact). Cortical bone is denser and hard, whereas trabecular bone is a honeycomb network
  • 47. Independence Day Speech Filipinos are worth dying for. this is the famous line of the late senator Noynoy Aquino. Maybe our fellow Filipino who fought for the freedom of the Filipinos from the invaders of our country will also agree with what Noynoy Aquino has said. An Independence Day is an annual celebration commemorating the anniversary of a nation s assumption of independent statehood, usually after ceasing to be a colony or part of another state, more rarely after the end of a military occupation. Most countries honor their respective independence day as a national holiday and some countries or nations independence date honors are contested. Independence Day is the day to commemorate all the works of certain people or individuals who contributed much... Show more content on ... Yes we are free, free from the manipulation of other country ,but in our country I can say that we are definitely not free. Because we are chained into these different problems. It seems like we are in a battle towards our country problems for us to be totally called free. If only everyone of us were doing our duties and responsibilities as a responsible citizen of our country, and if everything were all in places, can you imagine how beautiful our country is? And through this everyone of us can proudly say that Filipino s are really worth dying for
  • 48. Aristotle Vs. Aristotle s Rhetoric And Dialectic In Rhetoric, Aristotle states, Let rhetoric be [defined as] an ability, in each [particular case], to see the available means of persuasion (Kennedy, 2007, p. 37). Aristotle is saying that rhetoric is not just the art of persuasion through speech. He was saying that rhetoric is the art of discovering the methods of persuasion available in all situations. This relates to the goal of many figures in the current day political climate. This goal is to discover methods of persuading as many people as possible as often as possible. A politician s use or rhetoriccan be compared to Aristotle s study of rhetoric in that both utilize the artistic proofs and practice the three species of rhetoric. Aristotle s definition of rhetoric closely matches the goals of modern politicians, and so rhetoric has become ingrained into our modern day political process. Aristotle views rhetoric as the counterpart to dialectic, and points out several key differences. Aristotle says that both rhetoric and dialectic begin with endoxa , or reasoning from a commonly held belief or opinion (Herrick, 2016, p. 71). Both rhetoric and dialectic must be based on a logical argument. Rhetoric takes that argument and adds elements of the speaker s character and emotions, creating a more diverse method of persuading an audience. Dialectic favors a fact based dialogue and does not rely on the speaker s character and emotions. Rhetoric and dialectic are both methods of addressing questions. These questions do
  • 49. Foucault Dimension Of Power Power is usually defined as the ability to achieve a desired outcome, i.e. to do something. The concept of power is normally defined of by the legislature in a rational sense, having power over others. There are three dimensions of power: decision making power, non decision making power and power as thought control (Buse et al 2005). Foucault s view on power is one which extends across several different sites; gender, race and sexuality. Observing power in contemporary society as disciplinary incorporates hierarchical observation, normalizing judgement, and examination to measure every individual s deviation from a societal norm. For Foucault power in contemporary society manifests itself on an individual level characterized by the techniques of bio and disciplinary power, in a... Show more content on ... Foucault noted development in the nature of punishment, a change in the content of punishment and he also noted a wider change taking place in the context of widespread social order. As aforementioned, Foucault noticed a development in the nature of punishment, this is underlined by his understanding that punishment passed on from torture to imprisonment. The shift in the content of punishment is symbolized by Bentham s vision of a panopticon because it s an example where prisoners are aware they are unsure whether they are always under surveillance and spend the day duly in their cells; isolation is torture of the soul, and lastly Foucault also notes a broader change in the social order, (1997, pp. 216 217.) Mathiesen argued that, the movement towards the panoptical form was not only a characteristic feature of the modern prison. A new kind of society was implied in the transformation (p. 217). The change in social order being exemplified by the
  • 50. How Did Islam Change Over Time Paper 4 Islam changed in many ways over time, and these alterations led to one of the most evolved, developed, and influential religions to this day. Islam materialized in 610 B.C by the prophet Muhammad, a boy raised by an uncle in Mecca since his parents passed early in his childhood. He matured and married at the age of twenty five and bore six children. As he grew older he retreated into the Arid Mountains to meditate daily and find peace within himself. A life changing moment occurred when he received a message from Allah, the God of Islam, while meditating in one of the various caves in the Arid Mountains. Allah then told Muhammadto bring a scripture to the Arabs in the Arabian language. This spiritual moment was the marking of the birth of Islam, which has over many years spread and changed around the world. Over the years Islam s practices changed and who practiced Islam also changed. Islam first started out as a small religion based in Medina. It then rapidly grew throughout Arabia by first spreading through small Arabian tribes.... Show more content on ... Islam spread between merchants traveling various trade routes running along the vast empire of Arabia. Trade was a non violent method the Arabians used to spread Islam. As Muslim traders traveled along the Sahara Islam migrated with them slowly adapting to the West African states. It then grew as more people adopted it and saw the benefits of associating themselves with Islamic culture. For example, West African merchants saw the necessity of having to associate themselves with Muslim merchants. This emergence of Islamic culture in North and West Africa led to multiple African societies and communities becoming centers of Islamic religion and education, these centers gravitated scholars from around the globe. These are examples of how trade led to the adoption of the Islamic religion throughout Africa yet again spreading Islam wider and further than the eye could
  • 51. Irregular Warfare (IW) Intro: Though conventional and irregular warfare (IW) are both forms of warfare with the desired objective of affecting the opposition s government, the means by which they achieve that objective differ greatly. A major war against a near peer competitor would likely place the Marine Corps against another military superpower. Preparation for such a conflict would ideally focus on tactics suited for a conventional military. Meanwhile, preparing for success against an irregular threat would conversely focus on non traditional and indirect means and skills intended to earn or degrade trust and support from the target population. As state and non state actors place more emphasis on IW, preparation for success against irregular threats increases rather than undermines the Marine Corps ability to fight and win a major war against near peer competitors. Point 1: It s the future... because... Show more content on ... The expected progression of forthcoming combat operations involves a significant rise of IW as highlighted in the Irregular Warfare Joint Operating Concept v1.0, The future security environment includes a mix of military and non military challenges by state and non state actors to US national security, with IW as the favored form of warfare of those who would be our adversaries. The rise of political, religious, and ethnic extremist ideologies fuels conflicts worldwide (DoD, pg. 9). This is not to say that irregular means are used exclusively by small, militant fringe groups, as stated in the Irregular Warfare Joint Operating Concept v2.0 while violent extremist organizations and other non state adversaries have turned to irregular forms of warfare as effective ways to counter traditional military powers, such methods are not limited to use by non state actors (DoD, pg.
  • 52. Tulsa Community College Student Analysis What is the main thing that students look at before attending a school? Tuition fees. Everyone have a tendency of looking at the tuition fee and setting there life goal if they should spend that much just to attend school. On a Tulsa Community College site, the publisher of Cost of Attendance asserts that TCC offers the cheapest fee s. As the publisher of the site, they state That the Tuitions fees are $2,800 the Book and Supplies are $1,560 the Rooms are $8,694 the Boards are $2,367 and Transportation is $1,178 . These are by far the lowest prices to be observed for a high schoolsenior. TulsaCommunity Collegeis really doing it s best to help and support their students. You save a lot of money with these kinds of prices. Now turning... Show more content on ... From history of the college, description, diversity, academics, tuitions, and to the financial aid and scholars, these two colleges really has spoken for itself. Though Rogers State University offers greater advantage in the beginning the real college that offers a bit more better courses and all would be Tulsa Community College. With TCC having the cheapest fees to easy access of all the schools around the Tulsa area. Of these two colleges Tulsa Community College would be the college I would choose to attend with their great
  • 53. Sequencing Deficits Are Not Discriminatory Of Any Age Sequencing refers to the ability to carry out an activity in a logical, timely, and orderly manner (Early, 2006). Sequencing deficits are not discriminatory of any age and are commonly found in individuals with developmental disabilities, learning disabilities, cognitive perceptual disorders, and mental health disorders. Some diagnoses that are tied to sequencing deficits are CVA, TBI, Autism, ADHD, and dementia, to name a few (Occupational Therapys Role in Cognitive Disorders, 2011). Sequencing deficits may range from minor to severe and require occupational therapy to increase successful completion of everyday activities by providing techniques that improve tasksequencing. Sequencing comes as automatic thought for most individuals when performing a simple task, such as making a bed or brushing teeth. For instance, individuals whose sequencing abilities are intact will know that a fitted sheet must be placed onto a bed before a comforter, but for some with cognitive deficits or learning disabilities, this task may be confusing and difficult to remember. Due to cognitive decline, individuals that once had the ability to perform tasks in correct sequences may now have difficulty doing so. These difficulties are common in patients with dementia as memory declines (Clark et al., 2012). Individuals with sequencing deficits require some form of visual aid or verbal cueing to complete a task correctly. If an individual who has difficulty sequencing activities
  • 54. Who Is The Sexist In The Little Mermaid Swimming Against the Current Disney s film The Little Mermaid (1989) is the earliest most significant transition into portraying a strong female protagonist after a history of purposeless princesses who never demonstrated personality attributes other than delicateness. Nevertheless among Disney s critics, Roberta Trites responds in her essay Disney s Sub/Version of Andersen s The Little Mermaid that characters, images, and conflicts of the film rob women of integrity, making the movie even more sexist than the original story by Andersen. Disney s film industry used to be notable for their depictions of weak minded and superficial princesses that taught the young generations, especially girls to be submissive to men and exclusively pretty. ... Show more content on ... As an example, Roberta Trites illuminates how even though the mermaid has suffered much more at the hands of the sea witch than the prince has, it is the prince who kills the witch (Trites, 137). In her logic, this misattribution of power promotes sexist values that teach young girls that they shouldn t possess such might; to leave that to men. A matter that remains unaddressed is that in this film, robbing Ariel the right to overcome the antagonist is not to implement the sexist value of female helplessness; In this case, it is more to balance or reciprocate the fact that Ariel had previously been the hero. In the film The Little Mermaid, Ariel saved Prince Eric first (Clements 24:43). Contrary to popular sexist norms that men rescue the girl, Prince Eric is the damsel in distress. A sexist film would never portray a male as vulnerable and dependent on a woman unless said male was being ridiculed. Therefore, it is evident how the sexist value of women being submissive to men is not encouraged in the film, for Ariel held the empowerment that comes from being the determinant factor in a man s life. Supplementary, the film highlights women empowerment and disfavors sexism against women when Ariel takes over the carriage where Prince Eric and she are traveling (Clements, 58:24 58:43). What is important is that the Prince does not repress Ariel for doing so. In fact, it is shown that the prince is impressed with Ariel maneuvering the carriage successfully and even sits back and relaxes while Ariel continues to drive. Ariel is admired by the Prince for this display of power and most importantly trusted to go on. If The Little Mermaid was a sexist film Ariel would have been portrayed as too delicate to control the carriage and drive it