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Degree Essays
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Degree Essays" can be a challenging endeavor that demands
a combination of research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. The complexity
arises from the need to delve into various aspects related to academic degrees, essays, and the
intersection of both.
Firstly, one must navigate through the intricate landscape of degree programs, considering the
diverse fields of study, academic requirements, and the evolving nature of higher education.
Research becomes paramount to grasp the nuances of different degrees, their significance, and
the broader context in which they exist.
Next, the essay should explore the multifaceted nature of essays themselves. From understanding
the fundamental structure and elements of a well-crafted essay to examining the various types
and purposes, the writer must delve into the art and science of effective academic writing.
Furthermore, addressing the specific challenges and expectations of degree-level essays adds an
additional layer of difficulty. This involves exploring the depth of analysis, synthesizing
information, and presenting original insights in a scholarly manner. The essay should not only
showcase a profound understanding of the topic but also demonstrate the writer's ability to
engage critically with academic content.
Moreover, tackling the subject of "Degree Essays" requires a thoughtful examination of the
evolving landscape of education, technology, and societal needs. The writer must navigate
through the dynamic factors influencing the role of essays in academic evaluation and their
contribution to the overall learning experience.
In conclusion, composing an essay on "Degree Essays" demands a thorough understanding of
academic structures, a keen grasp of essay writing principles, and an ability to critically analyze
the broader educational context. It is a task that necessitates time, dedication, and a commitment
to delivering a well-researched, insightful piece of academic writing.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing challenges, resources
such as can provide valuable support. Professional services can offer guidance,
expertise, and customized solutions to help navigate the complexities of academic writing and
achieve success in crafting high-quality essays.
Degree Essays Degree Essays
Disorder of Donnie Darko, choose a movie with a main...
Donnie Darko is an almost confusing film about time travel, schizophrenia and the
manipulation of one s fate. The film focuses on a teenage schoolboy named
Donnie Darko. Donnie is not mentally healthy but he is very intelligent and has
extremely high Iowa test scores. He also has a tendency to hallucinate and do
destructive things when sleepwalking, such as flooding his school and burning
down a house, due to this he is on strong medication and sees a therapist on a
regular basis. After a near death experience, Donnie starts seeing an imaginary
friend known as Frank. Frank is a seven foot tall, demonic looking rabbit, who tells
him about how the world is going to end and of the possibilities of time travel. Frank
saved Donnie from this... Show more content on ...
Donnie Darko s behavior is very abnormal, he is not like anybody else in his
environment. This can mostly be attributed to being a paranoid schizophrenic.
Paranoid schizophrenia is one of the most damaging of all mental disorders. It causes
it s victims to lose touch with reality as Donnie does with his ideas of time travel.
They often begin to hear, see, or feel things that aren t really there, or hallucinations
which Donnie often experiences. They also become convinced of things that
Brexit Disadvantages
UK farmers have resented several articles of 1107/2009, desiring a more risk based
approach that is science led, similar to the one carried out by the US Environmental
Protection Agency, where more actives and products would be available through a
faster and more pragmatic process. Nick von Westernholz, CEO of the Crop
Protection Association (CPA), believes that Brexit is the golden opportunity to
enforce pesticides regulations that support UK farmers and allow them to trade on a
global scale. Furthermore, Dr. Colin Ruscoe, President of the British Crop
Protection Council (BCPC) expresses his faith in Brexit as being the UK s time to
take back control (Loughlin, 2016). Farmers and the pesticideindustry believe that the
current hazard based approach is too stringent, placing the EU in a position of being
economically unattractive in respect of the development of new active substances
and new plant protection products (Chapman, 2014).
As a result, safer alternatives are emerging while many active substances are being
revoked with the ban on neonicotinoids being the most significant. This represents a
severe obstacle to European farmers and will endanger their ability to produce the
variety of plant produce to which consumers have become adapted (Chapman,
2014). Simultaneously, the reduction in plant production products generates a major
risk to UK trade and competitiveness, with the NFU manifesting its concerns over
UK crop production flatlining (House of Commons Library, 2016) and to food
security. On the other hand, it could also be contended that a closer affiliation to US
legislation could suspend UK trade with the EU as they would no longer conform to
their strict regulations (Baker and Knight, 2017). Thus, abolishing would offend
NGOs or international trading partners within the EU as the EU represents 60% of
UK agri food exports (Pesticide Action Network UK, 2017).
The UK has, at no time, implemented a policy intended to reduce the utilization of
pesticides in the agricultural sector. Instead, under 1107/2009, the principles of
acceptable risk have been ratified, focusing on mitigating the potential destruction of
pesticides by setting restrictions on the methods of application (PAN UK,
What Is Cromwell Good Or Evil
Cromwell is the villain in the play A Man For All Seasons because of his devious,
power hungry personality and immoral actions. Cromwell is out to get More
throughout the whole play and he does whatever s necessary (Bolt 70) to make
sure he is taken down. Cromwell acts in several negative ways including
manipulation, lying and corruption without feeling guilty or second guessing
himself. He seems to lack a conscience which makes him a dangerous villain to
More, he ruined his life without feeling any sort of remorse. His immoral actions
and evil nature are motivated by the power he seeks. He does anything for the King
because he would like a better place in the kingdom. His moral principles are lost
because of his selfish priorities to be
Dollar vs. Euro
1. Introduction Since the appearance of the EURO (ВЂ) in the international trading
system, the American dollar ($) has lost its domination and role in the financial
world. Consequently, there is not only a great disparity in the exchange rate
between the two currencies in favor of the EURO, but a growing problem in the
US economy as well. Table 1, which can be found in Appendix B, shows the course
and relationship of the exchange rates of the two currencies from 1999 until now.
The scope of this paper is to approach as best as possible the various reasons for this
disparity and try to predict the future of the two currencies based on accurate and up
to date information. At this point, the authors would like to make clear that they do not
... Show more content on ...
At this point we should clarify that the exchange rates are influenced by the
combination of the reasons mentioned above. Nevertheless, we will try to break
them down and examine them individually. 2.Interest Rates One of the most
important factors that affect and change the exchange rates is the interest rates,
which are announced by the FED and the ECB. With the terms FED and ECB, we
refer to the Federal Reserve System and to the European Central Bank. The former
is the central banking system of the United States, whereas the latter is one of the
world s most important central banks. However, both of them are responsible for
the monetary policies in the countries or states that they are consisted of, by setting
a wide variety of rates, in order to stabilize their economies. The two main and
general rates which affect the exchange rates are the borrowing rate and the
deposit rate. Currently, the rates for the United States are 5.25% and 5.25%
respectively, whereas for the Eurozone the rates are 5% and 4% respectively. This
means in simple and broad words that it might be more profitable for someone to
borrow money from the Eurozone, since he will have a gain of 0.25%, but it will be
more profitable if
DDG 1000, Bringing the New Age of Naval Technology The future of warfare and
intelligence is upon the american people today, and it is appears to be the size of a
small fishing boat. Massive yet small, the DDG 1000 Zumwalt class stealth destroyer
is cutting through naval regularity with innovative new offensive, stealth, and
information technology. The Zumwalt will be known as the harbinger of technology
and innovation in the upcoming years. Just as gunpowder and the machinegun have
changed warfare forever,the Zumwalt marks the beginning of a new era. At first
sight the DDG 1000 looks less like a destroyerand more like a low poly submarine
vessel thanks to its unique tumblehome hull. The angular shape of the destroyer gives
it a sonar... Show more content on ...
The LaWS uses a series of concentrated light beams in order to target, blind, and
destroy missiles, UAVs, and small watercraft. Unlike older, conventional, weapons
the LaWS is renowned for it s concentrated area of effect which will greatly reduce
the amount of collateral damage seen on the battlefield, saving countless lives.
With a LaWS augment the Zumwalt class destroyer will save millions, if not
billions of dollars through its significantly lower cost to operate compared to
traditional missiles. A missile needs to be paid for to build, transport, arm, and
maintained while the LaWS only requires the electrical energy to fire for a few
seconds to complete the same task as a missile. The LaWS also holds a variety of
modes to fill almost any task at hand. At a low power setting the laser can be used
to warn and ward off enemy or civilian ships with a beam powerful enough to blind
sailors or malcontents to cease their current actions and turn about. With slightly
higher amounts of power, the LaWS can fry electronics and disable targeting,
navigation, and video systems on board enemy crafts or missiles. On it s highest
setting the LaWS is capable of downing helicopters and remotely piloted aircraft in a
matter of seconds by burning through their outer plating and destroying engines or
State The Soul Theory Or Personal Identity
Makaela Jones (300409342) Topic: State the soul theory or personal identity, and
clearly explain one objection to the soul theory. Word count: 498 The soul theory
of personal identity states we are persons as long as we have an immaterial soul.
We cannot directly see a person s soul, but we can see the state of consciousness
produced. Souls are non physical, they occupy bodies but they are not limited to that
body, they have no solidity. A person s identity persists over time if they maintain
the sameness of soul. The person at time X is identical to the person at time Y iff the
same immaterial soul is present at both time X and time Y. However, If souls have no
attachment to a physical body, meaning they can theoretically move as they
Aristotle Function
Aristotle explains that anything that is living has a function, or something they re
meant to do. He says that what is good for X depends on the function of X. So the
function of a nose is to smell, a good nose smells well or that the nose is virtuous
when it smells things clearly because smelling well is the function of the nose.
Similar to the nose, humans also have a function that is specific to the species
because the species is alive and has something they re meant to do.
3.Explain what the specific proper function of humans is and how this leads to
happiness being a life lived accordance with virtue.
Aristotle questions what the function of man is; he concludes that it must be
something that is specific to human beings. Aristotle uses function to define a species;
each species has a different function that they re defined by because of this humans
function cannot be breathing because animals also breathe. He relieves that only
humans have reason, explaining this with the use of a drawing of the soul (which to ...
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Like all virtues discussed courage is the median, lying between the extremes of
rashness and cowardice (rashness being excess amounts of courage and cowardice
being the lake of courage). Due to human beings being different the mean is
different for each individual. Because of this one person s mean courage may be
closer to rashness while another persons could be closer to cowardice. It is also
important to know that no ones virtue can be rashness or cowardice. In order to
understand virtue context is necessary, who is the person, who is involved in the
situation, what is the situation, must all be answered because all these factors can
cause deviations. By knowing what can trigger the vices, rashness and cowardice we
can avoid people/ situations. By cultivating the mean, courage we begin to develop
virtue, which allows us the ability to think before acting, therefore acting with
Replacing Conventional Layer 2 Vpns
Numerous endeavors are considering replacing conventional Layer 2 VPNs, for
example, Frame Relay with MPLS based administrations. For giving virtual private
network (VPN) administrations, Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) turning into
a more across the board innovation, MPLS building design security is of expanding
concern to Service Providers (SPs) and VPN clients.
MPLS is being utilized to accomplish the accompanying results: to specialist the
core network all the more effortlessly and proficiently (customary MPLS and MPLS
activity building), to give VPN administrations (MPLS VPN), and to encourage
nature of administration (QoS) over a network core (MPLS DBP).
In this research paper, the principle aspect is about the ... Show more content on ...
пѓ VPN whichever is considered must have the capacity to utilize the same location
space same as the other VPN has.
пѓ VPN whichever is considered must have the capacity to utilize the same location
space as the MPLS core.
пѓ Between any two VPNs, routing must be free.
пѓ Between any VPN and the core routing must be independent.
MPLS permits distinct VPNs to utilize the same location space; the space can be
private address. By including a 64 bit route distinguisher for every IPv4 route this
can be accomplished, making VPN special addresses additionally exceptional in
the MPLS core. The word extended address is called as VPN IPv4 address and is
shown in Figure 1. In this way, clients of a MPLS administration don t have to
change current addressing in their networks. Figure 1: VPN IPV4 address
There is a way for Routing partitioning between the VPNs. For every associated VPN
each PE router keeps up a different Virtual Routing and Forwarding case (VRF).
Routes which are populated from one VPN for every VRF on PE router, the routes
are statically configured or run between the PE and CE router with help of routing
protocols. Since each VPN brings about a different VRF, there will be no impedances
between the VPNs on the PE router.
(ii)Process of hiding infrastructure core:
The main aspect is that internal structure of the MPLS core network (Provider edge
(PE) and Provider (P) components) must not be visible to outside networks (other
VPNs). This
Geographic Information Systems Used For Urban Master...
It is a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) widely used for urban master planning
for brown field. It is a spatial attribute of world co ordinate system. GIS is kind of
software in which you can see the entire world spatial map. It is a master plan for re
development of Jamshedpur. GIS is a geographic information system working with
maps. It is used for creating maps and compiling geographic data and analyzing
mapped information. This geographic information using maps and managing the
geographic information in a database. It includes spatial information and attribute
information. Spatial information is connection between the location, people and
activities. The information can graphically what is happening, where, how and why it
is happening show the insight and impact of the past, present and the future. This
spatial data is to define the location Attribute information is to specify the exact
location. This mapis using a connection between the wards, villages, plots in a
particular Jamshedpur town. If you take a closer look you can see where separate
wards, villages and plots. In this we come across two types:
Creation of unified geodatabase
Web based GIS application
Creation of unified geo database This demonstrates how to create a file geodatabase
in ArcGIS10. This is to how we import existing data into the geodatabase, and how to
create the relationship classes in geodatabase.
Web based GIS application Web based GIS application is to create the application
Whole Foods Company Analysis
Whole Food
Company History
With a $10,000 loan from his father, John Mackey started SaferWay Natural Foods
in Austin, Texas, in 1978. Two years later SaferWay merged with Clarksville
Natural Grocery, and Whole Foods Market was born. Seeking capital to expand
even more, the company raised $23 million by going public in early 1992 with 12
stores. Every competitor in the fragmented health foods industry became a potential
acquisition, and the chain began growing rapidly. In 1998 Whole Foodsopened its
first store in Boulder a 39,000 sq. ft. superstore with amenities such as a juice bar
and a prepared foods section. In 2000 Whole Foods merged its online operations
( with its direct marketing and nutritional ... Show more content on ...
In order to have certified U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) the product must
be at least 95% or 100% organic, and at least 70% organic will not have USDA
label. The industry also provides their customers with natural foods by not adding
these chemical such as: pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, synthetic chemical,
artificial fertilizes preservatives, dyes or additives, or genetic engineering. Another
company s key success factor is that they take great care of their employees by
provided them with stock option, health insurance, dental vision plan, and
employees will have 50% discount. By taking care of employees, the employees
will work harder, focus and employees feel comfortable and enjoyable at their work.
Foods Driving Forces в—Џ Products offered: Whole Food sales high quality natural
and organic Whole food products are fresh, clean, and nutritional. products. Whole
Food products include 30,000 natural, organic and gourmet product. Fresh
produce, organic meat and poultry, fresh seafood, daily baked foods, fine quality
cheeses, dried fruit and nuts, wines and beer, coffee and tea. In addition they offer
body care products, pet food. They sell healthy prepared food, fresh produces, variety
of cheeses, baked goods, wines, organic care products.( book pages C10 C11) в—Џ
Services offered: Depending on the location of the stores and they size of the stores,
Whole foods offer a variety of services. For
The Majestic Hotel Kuala Lumpur Housekeeping
Researched, analysed, and evaluated a specific system of operations of a hotel
The role of System Operation are plays as a very important function in a hotel in
order to run the operation system of the hotel for planning, coordinating and
controlling the resources and then it will be more easy to manage. In every hotel, they
have their own specific operation system. So that for this assignment, I would like to
choose The Majestic Hotel Kuala Lumpur housekeeping department. The function of
Housekeeping department is that to keep the venue cleaning and sanity. So that the
system operation s impact on the housekeeping department cannot be underrate in
order to scheduling and planning which rooms must be cleaned, assign the tasks and
check the work. (Robert C, 2012, pg1)
Provided a detailed discussion on the specific system of operations chosen. ... Show
more content on ...
To maintain the cleanliness standard of the rooms, they will go through the hospital
information system (HIS) by using the system operation in order to checking all the
room status which room must be cleaned. Besides, if the facilities of the rooms need
to repair, the housekeeping department will go through the environment management
system (EMS) by using the operation system and inform the maintenance department
to repairs. The housekeeping department also need to provide the clean environment
work place to staff in order to increase the efficient of the organization. Therefore, the
housekeeping department are plays as a very important role to the hotel that can
maintain between to the guests and staff. (Robert C, 2012,
The Works of Magritte Essay
Rene Magritte was an enigmatic and strange man who painted surrealism paintings.
Little is known about his childhood except that his mother, Regine Magritte took
her own life by drowning herself in the Sambre river. Young Magritte is thought to
have discovered her body floating with her night garment covering her face. There
is speculation that this trauma was an influence on many of Magritte s works.
When Rene Magritte took up his brushes, he created beautiful visual riddles that
delight and bewilder the viewer. His clean lines and highly detailed finishes made
his brush strokes nearly invisible; his paintings look as if they came from a printing
press. Magritte referred to his paintings as his labors. He did labor over the paintings
... Show more content on ...
The exploration of the mind and the way our conscious mind perceives the
symbols of our subconscious minds was new ground and it gave art a new voice
with which to sing. The surrealist artists believed the dream state and subconscious
mind to be an untapped and very fertile creative fount of inspiration. The
symbolism of dreams and the expressive images generated by the subconscious
were far more thought provoking than the representational, logical images of the
conscious mind. The surrealist artists were creating art out of what others thought
to be garbled and unintelligible. They were in effect taking a concept created to
heal and using it to create art instead. They were on to something with this. No
matter what the medium or the style used, a bit of the self becomes visible and
evident in the result. Art therapy is one of the modern descendants of this
movement. The movement spread and soon there were surrealist groups cropping
up in the metro areas of the world. It was around this same time that Rene Magritte
was shown a painting by Giorgio de Chirico and soon became member of the
surrealist group. Today, the name Magritte has come to be synonymous with
Surrealism. It may have been that Magritte felt attraction to the surrealist movement
because of its ability to convey an idea with great eloquence as well as its focus on
the deeply meaningful rather than the superficial. His statement about the works of
Giorgio de Chirico supports this
Examples Of Integrity In Goodnight And Goodluck
After watching the movie Goodnight and Goodluck directed by George Clooney I
think the most important aspect for present day communicators to carry into their
work is integrity. I think integrity is important because it is a value that shows your
character and personality. During the movie Murrow developed his character by
consistently being honest with others and himself. Edward Murrow shows integrity
quite often. For example, when McCathy starts making false accusations, Murrow
stands up in front of the camera and defends himself by stating facts to prove his
innocence. McCarthy claimed that Murrow had ties to communism saying that he
was on the soviet pay role in 1932 and that he is a card carrying member for the
international industrial
Anti Missile Anti American Rhetoric
and the output amount designated by the U.N. as safe. It also calls for unrestricted
inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency or IAEA on all of Iran s
nuclear sites, for use and production output. The argument for this potential purchase
and the countries defensive anti American rhetoric could be looked at as a matter of
self defense and nationalist pride. As the P5+1 talks have come to agreement, Israel
Prime Minister Netanyahu has openly threatened to conduct airstrikes against Iranif
an agreement was reached. These threats by Israel against Iran would in fact give
them plausible reasoning to seek anti missile technology in the case that they were
attacked by Israel. Similarly, the rhetoric as argued by Middle East hmm
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbeye journalist and Director of Communications for the
American Iranian Council argues, Islamic Republic s leaders must reconcile their
revolutionary anti Americanism with their unprecedented public diplomatic
engagement with the US . This argument is stating that the Supreme ruler Ayatollah
Khamenei must continue to use condemning and often threating rhetoric to appease
the Iranian people while they negotiate with that same country http:/
/ s anti american rhetoric good sign nuclear
negotiations 1883514815#sthash.JUCSZySG.dpuf Even if the purchase of equipment
from Russia is realized, there have been concerns that the purchase occurs soon after
the P5+1 agreement were reached and
Societal Values In Homer s Iliad And Women In Genesis
The women in Homer s Iliad and the women in Genesis both exhibit the accepted
societal values in a woman through their duties as wives, which typically consisted of
obedience and the ability to sustain their husband s lineage. Rebekah and
Andromache both assume their roles as wives, but sometimes act in ways outside of
the what was considered normal in their society. Though both Rebekah and
Andromache maintain the classic role of a wife, they occasionally contradict the
expectations of how a womanshould behave by making decisions traditionally made
by men. Through revolutionary behaviors demonstrated by both women, they grant
themselves more authority and power in decision making, which in turn affects the
fate of each woman s family. Both Andromache and Rebekah share a parallel in terms
of their roles in carrying out the fate of their families, however what ultimately
distinguishes one from the other is how successful they are at sustaining those roles.
In the Iliad, Homer displays societal norms placed for wives through the actions of
Andromache, yet at the same time, conveys her as having more power and
involvement in the family than what was expected for a woman at the time to have.
In her encounter with her husband, Hector, Andromache establishes one of her main
roles of trying to manipulate fate (moira) through attempting to prevent him from
returning to the war and facing his inevitable death. She pleas for him to show some
pity and stay here by the tower, don t
Violence In Leadership
Did you know that violence accounts for more than 1.6 million deaths every year?
Violence has been around us our whole lives and is something that will never come
to a stop. Violence will continue through the rest of our lives and the lives to come
in the future if someone doesn t step up and try to take a stand. Society s leading
problem is violence and can only be helped through the kind of leadership that
demonstrates Trust and Integrity, Confidence, and a good communication. First,
trust and integrity are one of my three most important qualities that every leader
needs to have if they are gonna try to stop violence within our society. Trust and
integrity is a key quality on how we can try to stop the problem of violence in our
society. Talking about integrity, Oprah Winfrey said: Real integrity is doing the
right, knowing that nobody s going to know whether you did it or not. What she
said kinda ties into to trust as well because everyone is gonna know that you re
going to do it and do well. Trust and Integrity would be important for a leader to stop
the violence because it shows a sense of trust and shows that the leader will do the
right thing. ... Show more content on ...
Confidence is very important because when you make decisions and you aren t
confident about them. Then your followers are gonna realize that you have no clue
what you are doing and they won t trust you. Henry David Thoreau once said Public
opinion is a weak tyrant compared with our own private opinion. What man thinks of
himself, that is which determines, or rather indicates, his fate. What he is trying to
say is that, if you don t have enough confidence in yourself then you will not
Emily Bronte Research Paper
Emily Jane Bronte was a well known author born in Yorkshire,England, born on July
30,1818. The bronte family was not big at all. Emily lived with her father Patrick
Bronte;brother Branwell Bronte and her sisters Charlotte,Maria,Elizabeth and Anne
Bronte. The Bronte family was well known for writing poetry and soon became well
at it. Emily Bronte wrote in the romanticism movement.Romanticism is the arts and
literature that originated in the 18th century,emphasizing inspiration,subjectivity,and
the primary of the individual. Emily Bronte most famous work was Wuthering
Heights. It is distinguished from all comments and its unusual structure.
Emily Bronte grew up without a mother figure. Her mother died on September
15,1821 from cancer.
Mastering Your Communication Skills
With Mastering Your Communication Skills Will Come Great success. Even though
every human being has the ability to communicate, but still many fail to understand
the real meaning behind the use and proper application of communication. A
successful communication means, when the receiver understands exact the same
information as the sender was planning to bring over. Most people don t
communicate correctly and this could lead to failure in life, love and careers. To be
successful in life you need to master your Communicationskills. They are two kinds
of communications, verbal and non verbal communication. Verbal communication is
using words to express your feelings and thoughts or information s. Non verbal
communications... Show more content on ...
What if you have good intentions but are not correctly projecting your thoughts?
There are many setbacks that can occur in our lives because of it. We can lose on
many opportunities at work, we can lose people who are close to us and lose out
on many different opportunities in our lifetime. Much like anything else in life in
order to be good at anything, one requires to put in a great deal of effort and hard
work in order to accomplish their desired goals. In order to master effective
communication and become proficient in its everyday use one must do only one
thing and that is practice. Just like the saying Practice makes perfect we must keep
in mind and try to incorporate its proper use in our everyday lives weather is at
home, at work or any public environment. Learning to communicate is a must for
every human being that wants to be successful at all times.
Clark, D. (1997). Communication Leadership. Performance, Learning, Leadership,
Knowledge. Retrieved June 24, 2007, from
Lehavi, D. Ph.D. (2005). Top ten ways to improve your communication skills.
Writing and Speaking. Retrieved June 24, 2007, from
African Colonization Of Africa
Colonization of Africa
In 1870 the beginning of African s colonization commenced. The country faced
aggression, Military invasion, and colonization. Natives made an effort to resist
foreign influence but were unsuccessful. In the early twentieth century, most of
Africa was conquered excluding Ethiopia and Liberia. European imperialist push into
Africa was motivated by three main factors, economic, political, and social
(Iweriebor, 2002). Was the canalization of Africa beneficial to the continent? Foreign
influence from Western Countries was not an advantage to Africa since this influence
affected the nation s education, conviction and created division.
Stolen natural resources
Africa s relatively weak economic and human development has stood in stark
contrast to its tremendous endowment of natural resources. Contrary to what is
reflected by its dismal economic performance on the surface, Africa has the world s
richest concentration of minerals and gems under the ground. It contains 40 percent
of the world s diamond reserves. In some regions of the continent such as the
Democratic Republic of the Congo., mineral wealth is so abundant that it has
sometimes been referred to as a geological miracle. Africa is endowed with resources
of high strategic value (Habiyaremye, 2011). The mining industry of the Democratic
Republic of the Congo is an 81.4 billion dollar industry that is owned by Western
corporations (Baker, 2015). It is fascinating that a continent with such an
Corruption In Ralph Ellison s Invisible Man
Can a sleepwalker ever wake up to the reality of the world around them? In
Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison the unnamed protagonist struggles to fully wake up
to the harsh reality of the world. As the novel progress, the narrator faces betrayal
from noble figures and corruption of leaders in power. The book is about a young
African American man that finds himself being used for the welfare of others in
power, although his intentions are notable he fails to detect the true intentions of
those he chooses to look up to. A pivotal moment is when the narrator realizes that
those in power took away his manhood but not his sight of knowledge, the most
powerful weapon to wake those that are sleeping. In the very beginning of the
novel, the narrator most fight and a battle royal in order to give a speech to obtain
a scholarship to college. He is pinned against other African American men, in order
to give his speech. He is black and blue however the only thing he can think about
is giving his speech. His manhood is stripped away, by him allowing himself to be
treated as an animal; however, the blindfold placed over his eyes do not strip him
from his... Show more content on ...
The men cut off his genitalia, taking his manhood away leaving him barren; however,
they never touch his eyes. The men start to laugh, the pivotal moment happens when
the narrator realize what the people in power fail to touch. The narrator sees a
glittering butterfly circle his castrate genitalia three times. Butterflies symbolize
change, which occurred psychologically when he is freed from the illusion that
power lies behind changing society. The men strip him from his manhood; however,
they fail to take away his eyes, his sight of knowledge. The narrator comes to the
realization that the only thing that he has been stripped of is his manhood, but no one
can take away the knowledge that one has with
Analysis Of The Novel Life Of Pi
Life Of Pi Despite the fact that the story hops over and over again in time, the
novel follows Pi s advancement and development in a customary bildungsroman, or
transitioning story. Pi is a willing, cordial, and volatile kid, reliant on his family for
assurance and direction. In school, his essential concerns include keeping his
classmates from misspeaking his name and adapting to the extent that he can about
religion and zoology. However when the boat sinks, Pi is torn from his family and
left alone on a raft with wild creatures. The catastrophe serves as the impetus in his
enthusiastic development; he should now get to be independent. Despite the fact that
he grieves the loss of his family and apprehensions for his life, he meets... Show more
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Propelled to take in more, Pi begins honing Christianity and Islam, understanding
these religions all have the same establishment: faith in an adoring higher force.
His thriving requirement for profound association develops while adrift. In his first
days on the raft, he practically surrenders, not able to hold up under the loss of his
family and unwilling to face the troubles that still anticipate him. By then, in any
case, he understands that the certainty he is still alive implies that God is with
him; he has been given a marvel. This thought provides for him quality, and he
chooses to battle to stay alive. All through his experience, he begs customarily,
which gives him comfort, a feeling of association with something more noteworthy,
and an approach to relax. Of focal vitality to this novel is the topic of survival, even
in apparently incomprehensible and antagonistic conditions. For Pi, the test of
surviving works on a few levels. In the first place, there is the need of physical
survival: he must keep his body alive. This obliges nourishment and water, both in
short supply, and additionally security from the components. Pi knows he must guard
himself from the quick danger, Richard Parker, however he is likewise mindful that
there is an entire host of dangers holding up to destroy him. Sea storms, enormous
waves, sharks, sunstroke, drying out, suffocating any of these things represent a
danger to his life. Pi s imaginativeness and creativity (he blankets
Charles Dickens Oliver Twist, And The Parish Boy s...
Many critics today consider Charles Dickens novel Oliver Twist, or, The Parish
Boy s Progress, as being a commentary of both society s treatment and view of the
lower class in the 19th century. In the early 1800 s a Poor Law was put in place,
saying that each parish was required to care for their poor within the area. Many
viewed this as the lower class being lazy and lacking ambition. Dickens uses irony
to comment on the society s belief that the lower class were fated to remain in that
manner. The use of irony occurs throughout the novel, becoming present in the
beginning of the story when Oliver s mother is in labour. Upon his birth Oliver is
described as being unequally poised amid this world and the next (1). In this
passage Dickens juxtaposes Oliver between living the life he has just been born into,
and death, assuming to be reincarnated and born into the next , presumably better,
life. He then furthers this contrast by comparing the situation Oliver found himself
in, being birthed by a woman who was rendered rather misty and a parish surgeon
who he notes worked by contract (1). The alliteration used in the former brings
emphasis to the company Oliver is in during such a crucial time, with a woman who
is drunk and a surgeon who is there as he has no other choice. The author again
juxtaposes Oliver s lonesome and melancholic situation to the ideal situation of
childbirth, with careful grandmothers, anxious aunts, experienced nurses, and doctors
of profound
Ocean Hunter Case Study
Introduction Ocean Hunter is a dedicated Freediving and Spearfishing company that
is one of the leading companies within the Freediving and Spearfishing industry in
New Zealand. Ocean Hunter was established in June 2007 and is a family business.
The Managing Director/instructor/owner (Mike Smith) founded the company based
on Mike s passion and strong passion revolving around the ocean. Mike quickly
realised there was more to the options available than what the industry had to offer in
New Zealand. Greater education and a willingness to share knowledge and
techniques were the missing links in the industry, Mike took advantage of this and
Ocean Hunter Ltd was founded. Ocean Hunter is the largest online dealer of
Freediving and Spearfishing... Show more content on ...
Blue Ocean assessment Ocean Hunter has a very blue oceans approach compared
to others in the industry. They were one of the first to embrace the technological
advancements and the first to utilise this to their benefit by bringing a unique
niche market to the World Wide Web. Ocean Hunter has a state of the art website
that follows a simple layout that is extremely informative on products. The option
for a live chat with a representative at the store is handy to clear up any confusion
regarding products. Positioned in Auckland s CBD enables walk in sales as well as
online sales. The majority of Ocean Hunters sales are from online with free shipping
included and a points redeeming system which enables discounts off next purchases
to attract customers to complete transactions (every $100 spent you get $5 off your
next purchase). Ocean Hunters business model is considerably different to their main
rival Wettie. Wettie is considerably cheaper than Ocean Hunter, Wettie creates their
own wetsuits in Indonesia with cheap labour and has a reputation for poor quality
products that don t last as long as Ocean Hunters high quality products that are
sourced from around the world (as well as Ocean Hunters own wetsuits Moray).
Ocean Hunter does offer them in house brand Moray which is a cost effective wetsuit
mainly built in the commercial sector,
Stereotypes In South Park
South Park is a fictionalized animated account of a group of grade school friends
who live in Colorado. The show is what s known as an equal opportunity offender.
It takes no prisoners when it comes to stereotypes of religion, sex, race and gender.
An abundance of sociological concepts and social issues are present. Since its start
in 1989 it has taken on social issues with unparalleled bravery, one of them gender.
Many episodes pit the guys against the girls and the battle of the sexes and break
ups ensue. In the episode Marjorine, a male character named Butters infiltrates a girl
s sleepover to retrieve a device that tells the future (it s really just a paper fortune
teller) and hilarity and social high jinks ensue. He has to endure... Show more content
on ...
Many religions are mocked and torn apart by the show s creators Matt Stone and
Trey Parker. They mock Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Scientology. One example
of South Park mocking the Jewish faith is the names of the two boys who are
brothers and belong to the Jewish faith. Their names, Kyle and Ike, when put
together, form the word Kike, a derogatory name for Jews. Religion is portrayed
literally with its figureheads walking the streets of South Park. For example,
Muhammad, the prophet of the Islamic faith, cannot be insulted without becoming
enraged, much like radical Islamic terrorists today. The story of Scientology is
told frankly and with embarrassing detail in the episode titled, The Return of
Chef. For example, they mock L. Ron Hubbard s version of a spaceship hovering
above Earth by portraying the vessel as a golden Boeing 747 that came from outer
space to Earth. The shows characters are amazed and bamboozled by this ridiculous
story, yet some of them foolishly, like certain people and high profile stars, buy into
it as
Russian Ballet History
The Russian National Ballet was founded in 1989 by Sergei Radchenko, former star
of the Bolshoi Ballet. Radchenko and his wife, who run the company together,
decided to tour in smaller groups, to reach audiences in smaller cities around the
globe and bring beautiful ballet to everyone. Founded when Russia was known as the
USSR, the company was government owned, but allowed Sergei, an honored artist,
to start and operate the company. Sergei and his wife, Elena found success with this
company, and opened The Moscow Festival Ballet, allowing them to tour and
perform all over the world. Some of their repertoire includes Don Quixote,
Cinderella, Coppelia, and of course, Sleeping Beauty, performed March 4, 2017 at
the State Theatre of New... Show more content on ...
Bluebird, my favorite part of Sleeping Beauty was cut too short. When one thinks
of Bluebird, they might imagine quick petit allegro and sharp feet, and fun. Here,
this was not the case, and I was quite underwhelmed. However, the other pairs
(White cat and Puss In Boots and Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf) made up
for this. It seemed that the performers enjoyed acting out these roles, similar to the
witch. When Aurora and the Prince, who was quite a beautiful and powerful
leaper, finally got married, there was no kiss, but rather a disappointing closeness
of the faces. I m not sure if this was an artistic choice or if she had fallen off her shoe
so decided to end it early, but without the kiss, is it even Sleeping Beauty?
However, while the rest of the show had a low energy to it, the finale, where
everyone was on stage, had a new life to it. I suppose it s always best to end stronger
Special Education Reform
Special Education Reform The past century standards and expectations for students
has increased as well as the qualifications mandated for educators. The educational
system continues to change as new ideas, policies, court cases, ethics, and
inadequacies challenge the exsisting procedures or methods of educating students
worldwide. Each new change within the system has had both positive and negative
results for diverse learners. The most influential changes can be noted as being the
Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), No Child Left Behind (NCLB), and School
Choice. This paper will discuss the role of each of these adaptations within the special
educationand how it has been helpful and harmful to diverse learners. This paper will
... Show more content on ...
It has identified how to improve the growth of students. In order to keep moving
progressively forward law must be put in place which can develop more effective
and efficient approaches to prevention/intervention in special education (Hardman,
2006, p. 8) The laws and mandates of special education must not be left to
interpretation. If the nation would like to see the full potential reached of policies
that has come before there must be a clear and concise place in place which
addresses a way to fund new ideas and concepts. Finally, it should reflect a re
conceptualized understanding of the purpose of education and the role of the teacher
in ensuring the development of the whole child (Shealey, Lue, Brooks, McCray,
2005, p.
Twilight Essay
The Myth of the Vampire in Twilight
The myth of the vampire existed in a multitude of civilizations and cultures under
various names such is strigoi (for the Romanian territory), Apotamkin, etc. But no
matter the name, vampires will always refer to gothic creatures that drain the blood
of humans, thus being monstrous.
The first writer to introduce the vampire in literature was Lord Byron in the
eighteenth century, but the most significant writer to develop the myth was Bram
Stoker. He is the „father of the vampire as he gave a complete description of the
vampire in his most famous book Dracula . After the release of the book, the myth of
the vampire became extremely popular amongst writers and as a consequence the
books whose main ... Show more content on ...
Another particularity of the eyes of a vampire is that they show whether a
vampire feeds on human or animal blood. This is best shown in the baseball scene
when James and the other vampires come and disrupt the Cullen s game. The
camera focuses on the eyes of every new vampire( which , as we were previously
shown, attacked humans) and we can clearly notice that their eyes are scarlet red. So
the redness of the eyes is an indicative of the fact that these vampires are not
vegetarians .
The similarities stop here. There are definitely very few elements which are kept
from all the previous books that present vampires, and to sum everything up we
know that they have cold and pale skin, the fact that they drink blood and the fact that
they are very fast and strong.
The differences are way more numerous that the similarities and in this part of the
essay we are going to present just that.
Stephenie Meyer also introduces a lot of new elements. For instance the most
important entirely new element is that blood has a distinguished smell, a smell which
can trigger the vampires hunting instinct. Edward calls the smell of Bella s blood
„ a drug and „his personal brand of heroin .
First of all there is nothing that indicates Edward as a vampire apart from his cold
and white skin( and the fact that he shines like diamonds but only in the sun). But if
this were a novel written by let s say Anne Rice, the vampire would definitely have
fangs. Stephenie
La Sagrada Mexico Riot
That February also marks the first violent action against the Catholic Church. On the
23rd, just down from the U.S. Embassy, Mexico City government agents took control
of La Sagrada Familia Church, claiming that it had not complied with regulations. A
riot ensued when government agents tried to take survey of the church s inventory.
When the rioting escalated, seven of the protestors were killed. In response, the
government issued orders to enforce the constitution at all cost and Calles announced
that the government would be inflexible. He reiterated that they would use every
capability the law provided in dealing with problems that arise from the populace.
This assault on the Church was considered the beginning of the Cristero Rebellion....
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The law enforced the anticlerical codes that had been previously established over
fifty years ago and newly enacted by the 1917 Constitution. Lesser punishments
included fines from 50 to 500 pesos and jailtime of fifteen days. With harsher
castigations with steeper fines, removal from office and even years of
imprisonment. The law was debated for two weeks before it was finally passed by
Congress on July 2, 1926 and would begin being enforced on August 1st. When
news of the law s creation made it to Rome, that waited to see the intentions of
Congress and Calles. The Vatican and the bishops were hopeful they would be able
to make some type of compromise with the Mexican government. After the law was
ratified Calles suffered from scrutiny from the supporters of the Catholic faith
claiming that he was persecuting Catholicism. He defended this saying that all
Mexican citizens were required to follow the laws and the Constitution. However,
some stipulations, such as the ban on priest celibacy and monastic life, directly
related to the Catholic as Protestants did not follow these religious
Analysis Of The Sum Of Our Follies
The Sum of Our Follies (2014) is a recent Malaysian fictional work written by Shih
Li Kow. It is a regional piece a addressing the most conspicuous thrillers of place s
meaning and literary imagination. The story hinges upon several episodes in a small
town called Lubok Sayong and other replaces. Furthermore, the plot includes a
number of perennial actions which perpetuate the token of proximity shared by the
lives of Lubok Sayong s inhabitants who reciprocate their visions in an agnate
perspective on life. It is an inherent call for the common sense of human individuality
in a collective place uniting different ways of life. These people are the authentic
human phenomenon in a fictional setting. In fact, the story depicts real life images,
such as contemporary Malaysian peripheries; and challenged once again by socio
cultural apathy, the specter of the story s fictional pluralism and the affectionate
buoyancy of Shih Li Kow who seems particularly instructive (Cross, 2006: 49).
The novel tells the story of a middle aged man called Auyong, or the narrator, and an
orphan girl Mary Anne. Auyong leaves his city and job as a supermarket manger in
order to work in the town s lychee canning factory. This circulates his destitution as a
human being seeking perfection ... Show more content on ...
The traditional confines among regional places fade away and the human boundary
demarcation substitutes each other in successive waves. This demarcation is brought
about the memento of departure of the enormous technological advancement
sweeping through any civilization. More specifically, this essay examines the
ambulatory, or mobile, populations, cyber culture and technological advancement.
This is because The Sum of Our Follies is a riveting story which pulls the reader
into a world which is at once particular and universal (Leon, 2014:
Cover Thickness Matter Research Paper
The cover is an important part of your hot tub as it protects against damages from
debris, and replacing your cover with one that is the correct thickness is vital. At The
Cover Guys, we have three different cover thickness to accommodate hot tubs
through out the country s multiple climates.
Why Does Cover Thickness Matter?
It all boils down to how well the cover will keep the hot tub insulated: the thicker the
cover, the better the insulation. This is particularly important for colder areas or
when you want to keep your hot tub heated throughout the year. The covers thickness
can help reduce heat loss and energy consumption, allowing you to operate your hot
tub cheaper than otherwise. Cover thickness isn t the only consideration you need to
keep in mind when buying a replacement cover, you also need to consider the ... Show
more content on ...
To reduce our negative impact on the environment, our CFC free foams are
manufactured using stream instead of the more traditional but harmful freon agents.
The Standard 4 x 2 Hot Tub Cover
The Standard 4 x 2 provides a tapered cover that is 4 inches thick at its peak. When
used indoors, it protects the hot tub from damages caused by children or pets
climbing onto the cover, as well as debris that could get knocked onto the hot tub.
The standard thickness is ideal for indoor use to reduce energy loss and for outdoor
use in areas with milder climates.
The Deluxe 5 x 3 Hot Tub Cover
Think of the Deluxe 5 x 3 cover as similar to the all season tire. They work well in
all areas and locations, inside or out. The tapered 5 inch thick foam core provides
ample insulation to maintain the proper temperature and keep the hot tub protected.
The Cover Guy s Deluxe Cover provides the best overall value.
As with our other models, the Deluxe includes:
Childproof Locking Tie downs
Commercial Quality Double Stitched with Polymatic UVR
Reflection Of John Wesley s Theology Of Healing
When Jesus healed the paralyzed man, Jesus said to him that Take heart, son; your
sins are forgiven. (Matthew 9:2b) Whenever I read this scripture verse, I wondered
why he said this way in this healing moment and how forgiveness of sins is related to
healing. John Wesley s theology of healing completes my understanding of salvation.
It used to be focused on Wesley s order of salvation when salvation comes up as a
topic in the seminary. It starts with prevenient grace and ends with glorification. In
this process of salvation, I didn t think about the relationship between healingand
salvation. His understanding of salvation based on holistic health and healing was
something new I learned in this class. It was interesting to see how Wesley was
passionate about holistic healing for the people in the world.
As a consequence of his efforts on holistic healing, he was able to publish Primitive
Physick , a collection of advice for preserving health and treating diseases. Wesley
s interest in heath and healing was a central dimension of his ministry and of the
mission of early Methodism. According to Randy Maddox, Wesley s life long
study of medical works was derived by Anglican clergy s tradition to offer medical
care as part of their overall ministry. Wesley valued Thomas a Kempis The Imitation
of Christ as a guide of spiritual health and the Primitive Physick as a guide of
physical health. However, he didn t consider medicine as the only way to cure the
people. In his book
James E. Porter’s Idea of Originality in
Since I arrived in the United States one of the first concepts that was introduced to
me was the concept of plagiarism and the severity of its consequences. Since that
moment I see myself focusing much more on paraphrasing and not committing
plagiarism than the quality of the ideas that I am writing. However, I have noted
that most of my ideas and opinions are probably based on somebody else s work I
might have read before. Therefore, is it not plagiarism? In the article Intertextuality
and the Discourse Community, James E. Porter challenges the ideaof what plagiarism
truly is. He states that it is almost impossible to write without committing some sort
of plagiarism. Instead, Porter introduces the concept of intertextuality, which he...
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What he describes as originality is to take somebody else s ideas and create new
perspectives and opinions based on those points of view. In other words, Porter
suggests that creativity is a matter of interpretation and that anything we write is the
result of what we interpret when we read. That is why taking other s ideas to draw
knew opinions should not be called plagiarism because inevitable all writing contains
some sort of intertextuality. One can say that intertextuality is necessary for a writer
to have a better understanding of what they read. As an international student
myself, paraphrasing is one of the aspects that turns writing into a nightmare for
me. Since my vocabulary is somewhat reduced, I have to focus more on making my
sentences look as different as possible to the original texts. I was so scared of
committing plagiarism that I did not even consider the aspect of using the author s
ideas and creating my own opinions. Instead I preferred to follow the norm and
paraphrase as much as possible. Sometimes I felt my professors paid much more
attention to what I might have plagiarized rather than the quality of my own ideas.
That is why writing turned into a systematic process in which I would only have to
know how to rephrase sentences and I would be fine. In the moment I read Porter s
essay I thought it was contradictory to all
The Concept Of Silence In Maxine Hong Kingston s No
The concept of silence and the right to public speech has always been aborted in
different ways depending on the culture. American and Chinese culture differ in their
interpretation of what is acceptable or not in terms of behaviours in their respective
societies. Regarding silence, American women are much more encouraged to state
their opinion than Chinese women. With that idea in mind, Maxine Hong Kingston
shares her aunt s story and hers in No Name Woman, a nonfiction piece recalling the
author s personal experiences and reflections on traditional Chinese family. Silence is
present in many ways and has different purposes all throughout the story. In No
Name Woman, silence is used as a way to control behaviour.
The mother s emphasis on keeping this story a secret demonstrates how the aunt is
being punished for her impregnation. The story starts with a warning not to tell
anyone, setting an atmosphere of shameful secret even before learning about the
aunt s story. Punishing someone is a form of control over the individual being
punished, usually a way of diminishing a certain behavior by adding a negative
stimulus. By committing a spite suicide, the aunt tries to punish her family by
ruining their drinking water. Her choice of manner and location for the suicide has
an important signification in Chinese culture: The Chinese are always very
frightened of the drowned ones, whose weeping ghost [...] waits silently by the
water to pull down a substitute (464). This passage shows how the family silence is
their way of protecting themselves from the aunt s ghost by continuing to punish
her, not only for her impregnation but also for her suicide. Her revenge was well
chosen as her final attempt at preserving some sense of control over her faith. Given
that the aunt didn t get to have a proper funeral and offends, her punishment
continues after her death and remains as long as her existence falls into oblivion. As
the daughter later understands, the aunt remains forever hungry, since the family s
silence didn t offer her a proper way of passing through (464). Because her family,
including Maxine s father and the aunt s own brother, have deliberately forgotten her,
she can never truly rest in peace. The aunt
Left Foot Surgery Paper
There were only three surgery appointed during rotation. One surgery already started,
so there were only two surgeries available. These two surgeries were on a clavicle and
a foot. A surgical assistant went to patients with surgery appointment in order to find
out whether student could attend their surgery. The patient with clavicle surgery
denied the approval, but thankfully a foot surgery was available. The patient for the
foot surgery was a male with plantar fasciitis on his left foot, and he was about to
have tenex procedure. The surgery was slow to have efficient result, but the surgery
was not as slow as other surgeries because the healthcare workers were quick in
response to many instructions. After the surgery was done, the patient was moved to
recovery unit until his consciousness became alert. The procedure itself was very
interesting to see. The surgeon made a clean cut, inserted ultrasonic device to clean
scar tissues, and patched the cut as if nothing happened. The process was seen
through ultrasound device, and the device was very helpful in showing where the
scar tissue is located and the progress the surgeon was making inside of foot. At first,
I didn t understand why the surgeon was moving around inside patient s... Show more
content on ...
The surgeon was very familiar with his fellow surgical assistants, and he brought
out many unrelated topics to the procedure, but he was able to receive attentions
from his coworkers. To be flank, I was surprised by the fact that the surgeon and the
surgical assistants were efficient and precise in their job while enjoying spending
time together in a surgery room. In my opinion, that was the best environment to
work in because enjoying occupation while doing job is hard to find. I also found
their communication very fun, and I would like to find a working environment where
I can actually have fun rather than stressing out every
arizona Essay
Arizona became the 48th state February 14, 1912. This state is very populated. It
has over 5 million people. Arizona has something that is known as the four corners.
One person can be in four states at one time. You can stand in Arizona, Colorado,
Utah, and New Mexico. Arizona leads the nation in copper production. The amount
of copper on the roof of the capitol building is equivalent to 4,800,000 pennies. In
1953 after the copper mines closed there was as few as 50 people in Arizona.
The Palo verde is the official state tree. The name means green stick. It blooms
yellow/gold in April or May. The cactus wren is Arizona s state bird. This bird likes
to build its nests in giant saquaro cactus so that it has protection. This bird ... Show
more content on ...
Phoenix Arizona became Phoenix is 1866 because it supplied hay for camp
The Grand Canyon Flaming Gorge got its name because the walls are red and
orange and look likes flames. The grand canyon was formed by mostly water, ice
and wind. Nobody really knows because the grand canyon is located in the desert. In
the desert you don t find much water or ice. The plants that grow in the Grand
Canyon their roots are right below the soil because when it rains the roots have to get
as much water as possible to grow. When it rains the water comes down in torrents,
which also means violently rushing streams. It can move just about anything out of
its way.
When this is happening it can take out cars, trucks, buses and sometimes small
houses. All this water flows down to the Colorado River. This is more like a fast
flowing concrete because after all the raining and water flow the ground gets so hot
that it just hardens into one block like concrete.
The second most destructive thing is ice. When it gets cold out especially towards
the northern part of the Grand Canyon the rain seeps in between the rock and
freezes. Once the water freezes the rocks split apart and causing the them to fall. The
rocks fall down the mountainside hitting other rocks and whatever gets in the way.
When this happens it causes the rocks to hit other rocks and have a wall of rocks
come tumbling down. The rocks that are found here are
The Rational Decision Making Model Essay
The purpose of this report is to provide feedback on administrative and public policy
violation issues in the city of Crestview located in Okaloosa County, Florida. The
report analyzes public policy violations, City Council member adjudication,
transparency, and leadership issues in the City of Crestview. The report uses various
research methods to gather data to help formulate the conclusion and
recommendations of the report.
The rational decision making model is utilized to make the best decision possible.
The rational decision making model is the best known prescriptive model; the model
involves several sequential steps: identifying the problem, determining the goals and
objectives, identifying and evaluating alternative policies, choosing from the
alternatives, recommending actions, implementation, and evaluation (Smith, 2014).
The use of this model is justified as it provides structure and sequence to the choices
of the decision maker. The model helps ensure key indicators can be fully considered
in a logical manner.
It is recommended that the administration create new procedures and implement
trainings or classes to educate City Council members, employees and other city
officials on new public policies as well as the Sunshine Law. These trainings will
outline laws, policies and ordinances as well as target times for legislators to move
any issue from the systemic agenda to the formal agenda; this policy should allow
for research on Crestview s
Predictive Analysis Method
Dividing it by home price was an attempt take into consideration the cost of living per
state. Other than tedious formatting, I did not have any other challenges.
Analysis Method The method I chose to analyze my data with was SAS Enterprise
Guide s Rapid Predictive Modeler. This method provides predictive models quick
and accurately and provides easy to understand graphs, charts, and reports. The
Modeler will look at the data and try different predictive models and make a final
choice on which model is the best one. This method will also automatically take care
of outliers, missing values, rare target events, skewness. It will select the variables
that are most important for the data model it choices to provide the best results. This
... Show more content on ...
The model chosen was a Decision Tree. The ROC Plot looks great as it is far from
the baseline and close to the top edge of the chart. This means that the model
performed well at classifying my variable. An important statistic, in this case, is the
misclassification rate. In this week, the training misclassification rate was 0.2679
and the validation miscalculation rate was 0.3182. There is not much difference
between the train and validation rates which means this model is useful. The ROC
for validation is 0.872 which is good. It would be nice to see this number about 0.9,
but this is acceptable. I have also provided the output of this model in the Excel sheet
that will show the models predictions for each of the states.
For the second week, December 10 16, the important variables were CY48,
VaccinationRate, AverIncome, WinterAfterHumidity. The best model was also a
decision tree. In this week, the training misclassification rate was 0.3158 and the
validation miscalculation rate was 0.4651. The difference in the rates is noticeable
and I would declare this model as useless. The model fell apart during the validation
process and I would not trust it prediction future events.
For the week of December 17 23, the important variables were CY48,
AverageHousePrice, Annual Precipitation, 2015_2016, and 2016_2017. The final
two variables are binary variables that determines what year the record is able, 1
being yes and 0
Autonomous Vehicles Essay
One of the touted benefits of autonomous vehicles is that it will reduce the need for
parking in urban areas, where parking is often a premium. By 2035, it is estimated
that the need for parking space should decline more than 5.7 billion square meters
as a result of driverless cars. Experts speculate that individual car ownership will
become a thing of the past, and that individuals will purchase a subscription service
or buy into a cardominium where an autonomous vehicle, that no longer needs to be
parked on site, will arrive and take an individual to their desired destination.
For condominiums that are located in densely populated urban areas, parking spaces
are often sold between co owners at a premium. In most cases, onsite parking spaces
are limited common elements that are associated with an individual unit. The
Michigan Condominium Act, specifically MCL 559.139, allows for limited common
element parking spaces to be transferred as follows:
(1) Assignments and reassignments of limited common elements shall be reflected by
the original master deed or an amendment to the ... Show more content on ...
As with any new technology, the law is typically slow to evolve and the regulation of
autonomous vehicles in community associations will largely be dependent on the
governing documents. Given that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,
condominium and homeowner associations should be proactive in amending their
governing documents and making decisions about whether to allow autonomous
vehicles and what conditions to impose on autonomous vehicle use before problems
arise in the next couple of years. Additionally, community associations that have
parking issues may want to consider the possibility of acquiring additional land or
planning to re develop unused parking spaces in the
Evolution Of The Human Genome Project
While many diseases and viruses are caused by outside sources, some diseases occur
from within the human body. Regular ailments can be cured with medicine, or
fought off overtime by getting a vaccine, but certain diseases and anomalies cannot
be directly treated. This is because they are genetically inherited by certain parts of
one s DNA. DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid, and is inherited from the
parents of a person. These strands, found within the nucleus of all cells, determine
the appearance and genetic structure of a person. Through one s DNA, there may be
diseases inherited from the parents, such as sickle cell anemia, Gaucher s disease
and Parkinson s disease. In order to heal and fix patients, doctors needed to learn
more about the Human Genome. In 1990 work began on the Human Genome Project,
which would map the entirety of the genes in the human species. However, the
participants would not have been able to work without the discoveries made by those
before them. In order for The Human Genome Project to exist, the background of
geneticsmust be known, for the discoveries made in the field would be what
eventually led the project itself. Genetics in itself is a fairly new concept, which
officially began in 1865 in central Europe. A monk named Gregor Mendel learned
about heredity and inheritance through breeding pea plants. After retiring from his
teaching and scientific life, he became the abbot of his church. Unfortunately, the
importance of his discovery was
Double Muscling
Selective breeding
Selective breeding is a process where animal and plant breeders select individuals
with desirable traits and breed them to produce offspring with these desirable traits,
which are determined by desirable alleles in the selected organism s genotype. This
produces offspring with favourable traits. (3) The animal that will be discussed is
the Belgian blue cattle. The Belgian blue cattle has the characteristic of what is
called double muscling. Double muscling is caused by the recessive mutation of the
myostatin gene, and naturally occurs. (12) The myostatin sequence present in
Belgian blue cattle is an 11 nucleotide deletion in the third exon which causes a
frame shift that eliminates virtually all of the mature, active region of the molecule
.(14) It prevents the control of muscle growth, and causes there to be more muscle
fibres. However, it is with sacrificing other important body functions such as
reproductions, and normal fat and bone deposition. (12) This creates cattle that have
up to 40% more muscle mass than other normal cattle. Most of the extra muscle is
lean meat. The Belgian blue cattle was created for the dairy and meat industry, but
now is generally for meat.(17) The Belgian ... Show more content on
Sometimes, prognathism is also seen. Both of these features means that the calves
find it harder to suckle when young. (12) This means they do not get enough
nutrients from their mother s milk as a calf. This means that they have a lower
ability to survive to an adult, and to the reproductive age. This means that there will
be fewer cows and bulls that are able to breed, to produce Belgian blue calves. This
means that the survival of the Belgian blue cattle population
The History Of 1960s Music In The 1960s
Music in 1960s
Music has been a part of the human race for as long as it has been existing. Its
various forms and genres categorizes and divides the music country wise, ranging
from initially Folk music as the base, moving on to Country music as a regions
identity. The music gained enormous name and fame because of its hypnotizing
effect on the singer and the listener. From Rock n Roll, evolving towards British
invasion, music in 1960 s played a major role in evolution of UK.This evolution was
brought up by the introduction of rock and roll, collaborating different races and
changing the lifestyle thus transforming UK from a conservative country into the
capital of the world.
Before rock and roll hit the Great Britain, blues and jazz were the genres of the era.
Singers from various nations like the US or Africa, started working solo or as
bands and increased the impact of music on people slive. Before the 50 s, various
controversies arose regarding the style of Jazz and Blues, and their effect on the
local residents and The British Invasion also began around 1963 with the arrival of
The Beatles on the music scene and the type of rabid fandom that followed them
would change the way people would view and interact with me and musicians forever.
(The People History). Although rock and roll began influencing Britain in the 1950s,
it wasn t until the early Sixties and the emergence of British Invasion groups like The
Beatles, that music truly began its revolutionary changes
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Juan Cabrillo Research Paper
1.Hook: A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor Franklin D Roosevelt. Introduce
Topic: Juan Cabrillo had mapped out the California coasts, discovered a port and
named it San Miguel until it was named San Diego later on. Background info:
Cabrillo was a Portuguese soldier who lived in Spain and later explored the coasts of
California. The point of Cabrillo s exploration was to find treasures on the California
coasts and to claim land for the Spanish Government. Thesis: Cabrillo accomplished
three things; discovering San Diego bay, mapping the coasts of California, and
claiming land for Spain.
2.Hook: Did you think you could discover something without knowing it? Point:
Cabrillo accidentally discovered San Diego Bay as he was trying to map out coasts of
California. He called it a very good enclosed port . Example: On September 28, after
three months of sailing, Cabrillo brought his ships into a bay which he called a
very good enclosed port. He named it San Miguel, and claimed the land for Spain.
Today it is San Diego Bay. Cabrillo s was the first known landing of a ship on the
coast of Alta (Upper) California. (Social Studies Fact Cards, 2006, pg.1) Explain:
Since Cabrillo was mapping out California coasts and trying to find treasure on the
coasts, bad weather caused ... Show more content on ...
Restate: Cabrillo was a successful explorer who accomplished a lot of things in his
103 days of exploration. He discovered the San Diego Bay, mapped out the coasts
of California and claimed it for the Spanish Empire. Discuss: When Cabrillo was
exploring the Californian Coasts, he accidentally found an unclaimed very good
port and named it San Miguel. His original plan was to find land for the Spanish
Government however his main goal was to find treasures and gold on the coats of
California. Evaluate: Overall, Cabrillo was a successful explorer. Even with extreme
weather conditions, he still managed to map out all of the California Coasts and
even managed to discover a port for
Personal Integrity In The Blue Hotel And Tennessee s
There are many themes evident in both Stephen Crane s The Blue Hotel and Bret
Harte s Tennessee s Partner; some of these themes are easily recognizable while
recognition of the others depends on the perception of the reader. The two stories
share the theme of personal integrity and that all actions have consequences;
however, there are several themes that are unique to each story that the readercan latch
on to. The plotand storyline of Tennessee s Partner are straightforward, but after
reading Crane s The Blue Hotel, one can imagine many different plots that could have
taken place throughout the story. Through imagery, the reader can take what each
author presents and let his or her imagination run wild; there is not a set feeling or
reaction that either author intends for the reader to have after reading.
Personal integrity can be seen in both stories between the characters Tennessee s
Partner and The Easterner. Tennessee s partner is integral because he never left his
friend behind, even after he had done him wrong. He was always there for
Tennessee and never betrayed him. The Easterner shows his integrity when he tells
the truth about Johnnie and feels guilty about the situation with the Swede; most
people would have shrugged it off so that they did not have to deal with it but he
chose to speak up. Both of these forms of integrity show the true moral values of
each character, each example gives us a better idea of what it s like to be integrin.
The two
Blindly Obeying Authority Essay
Introduction Individuals often yield to conformity when they are forced to discard
their individual freedom in order to benefit the larger group. Despite the fact that it is
important to obey the authority, obeying the authority can sometimes be hazardous
especially when morals and autonomous thought are suppressed to an extent that the
other person is harmed. Obedience usually involves doing what a rule or a person
tells you to but negative consequences can result from displaying obedience to
authority for example; the people who obeyed the orders of Adolph Hitler ended up
killing innocent people during the Holocaust. In the same way, Stanley Milgram
noted in his article Perils of Obedience of how individuals obeyed authority and...
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Stanley Milgram versus Diana Baumrind In Stanley Milgram s The Perils of
Obedience , Milgram reports from his studies of how far an individual can go in
obedience to instructions and he pointed out that individuals can go as far as
causing serious harm to the other people. Basically, the experiments are meant to
test the choice that an individual would make when faced with the conflict of
choosing between obedience to authority and obedience to one s conscience. From
the tests, it was found out that a number of people would go against their own
conscience of choosing between what is wrong and what is right so as to please the
individual in authority (Milgram 317). However, the experiments conducted by
Milgram caused a wide range of controversy for instance; according to Diana
Baumrind, the experiments were immoral. Baumrind notes in Review of Stanley
Milgram s Experiments on Obedience that Milgram did not only entrap his subjects,
but he also potentially caused harm to his subjects (Baumrind 329). Based on the
arguments that have been presented by the two authors, it is apparent that the two
authors are concerned with real life situations, authority and ethics but the difference
is that they both view these perspectives from different points of view as indicated
by their writings. By and large, they also tend to show the importance or the
insignificance of the experiments. Real Life
Summary Of Forks Over Knives
The Effectiveness of Forks Over Knives In his documentary Forks Over Knives,
Lee Fulkerson sheds a light on the main cause to heart diseases and diabetes
through the help of Dr. Colin Campbell and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn who have spent
many years researching the negative effects of consuming refined, processed, and
animal based foods. Fulkerson also seeks guidance from Dr. Lederman and Dr. Pulde
to show, through example, what a whole food, plant based diet can do from people
who are struck with these life threatening diseases as well as someone, like
Fulkerson, who lives life without any major diseases but can still benefit greatly
from the diet switch. With the use of statistics, research and science, real life
examples, and visual aids Fulkerson... Show more content on ...
He uses Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn s patient study as well as himself to show these
benefits and by doing so, he effectively gets his point across. Dr. Caldwell
Esselstyn shows credibility through successfully treating over 250 patients with
heart disease by mainly using a whole food, plant based diet and shares some of his
patient s stories (Forks 00:36:58). Dr. Esselstyn was given 24 patients, who were
very sick. Six of his patients dropped out in the first year, leaving him with only 18
to carry on and after five years of eating the plant based diet, 11 patient s heart
diseases halted and the rest and slowed (Forks 00:43:49). This report should
something that expensive medicine and surgeries never have and is thought to be
ground breaking for the study and is a very important detail of the documentary that
Fulkerson uses to, again, prove his argument. To add on top of that, Fulkerson, an
average joe, gets initial blood tests and starts the diet himself and finds that he is
more alert, active, and feels better in general (Forks 00:47:33). Fulkerson
demonstrates to himself and the audience that diet change is the answer through
these real life
The Internet and Academic Dishonesty
Term paper mills are not a new development, and neither is dishonesty. However, the
rise of the internet into an information hivemind has made commiting academic
dishonesty easier, faster, and more clandestine than ever. In the case of higher
education, the number of paper mills is rising at an alarming rate. []
Most paper services fall under one of two categories: editing sites and paper mills.
Editin sites seem harmless from an academic standpoint: students can have their
papers proofread at any time, with quick turnovers in the case of looming
deadlines. The students write their own papers and the editors merely mark areas
that need improvement and give general guidelines for grammar and stylistic
changes. Of course, most people would be unwilling to pay $6.95[1] for
proofreading. It is more likely that these sites heavily alter the essays they receive
for editing , making them more of a co writer of the paper rather than just a reader.
Paper mills are the more common online paper service: they usually keep many
essays in stock with small excerpts available on their website. Buying a paper from
these websites is not unethical, and there are cases where using another student s work
to find primary sources and integrate such essay in one s own would be beneficial.
In fact, most paper mill websites usually include a disclaimer stating that all papers
they sell must be used as a reference. The following is an example disclaimer
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European Union Foreign Policy In A Changing World
The second edition of Karen E Smith s book European Union Foreign Policy in a
Changing World is another installation of the series started in 2003. The second
installation is an update and expansion in which she offers a crisp and different
outlook on the intricacies of the contemporaneous European Union s foreign policy.
Karen expounds on EU foreign policy by not only examining what the European
Unionis but also what it does. The book has nine chapters that delve into different
aspects of the European Union policy but all focusing on the union s foreign policy
In the introduction chapter, Karen introduces the five pivotal foreign policy
objectives that the European Union strives to achieve. These are:
i.Advocacy for regional ... Show more content on ...
The European Coal and Steel Community body was created post war second world
war not only to achieve peace but also to solve the economic difficulties that the
countries were facing. To achieve this, six countries agreed t the Treaty of Paris in
effect forming an area of free trade. The book also looks at the the European
Economic Community, a body created in 1958 to build a common market that had no
tariffs or bottlenecks to the movement of goods and labor. This chapter looks at the
transformation of the European Union through a number of political reforms and is
depicted through the evolution of three distinct pillars:the European Communities,
The Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and the The Justice and Home
Affairs (JHA) Council. This evolution is tracked to what Smith describes as the world
s largest unified market and trading bloc that conducts economic and trading relations
with virtually every country (Smith, 21).
The next chapter looks at the policy instruments that are available to the European
Union. These policy instruments are economic, diplomatic and military. In the
evaluation of each of these policy instruments Smith looks at certain policy tools are
assessed. Some of the policy tools that are evaluated under economic instruments are
trade and cooperation agreements with third world countries, development aid to
those countries is evaluated, regional associations are also presented coupled with
their share in the 2007 European Union
Like Water For Chocolate
Abstract This paper was influenced through Laura Esquivel s, Like Water for
Chocolate, a tragic romance novel that is denied of love by family tradition. The key
topics of this paper that analysis will be touching on are over main characters, theme,
and symbolism. This paper explains the importance and the analysis of each main
characterby their description the author is providing a visual image for the readers to
picture. Tradition is not only the theme of the novelbut it shows how Mexican
tradition is a hard and sensitive subject to deal with back in the revolutionary days.
Finally, how symbolism plays a huge part in this novel and the different meanings.
With much research the reader can see that the author uses her own experience to
influence this story.
Whisking Love
In the novel Like Water for Chocolateby Laura Esquivel, food is a major part of the
story. The novel carries many of the traditions that Mexicans find very important in
their culture. Mexican women play a big role in domestic life and must know how
to prepare food. The ability of women to create a dish for every occasion is one of
many great traditions in Mexico. This novel is divided into twelve chapters, each
representing the months of the year. The importance of the way it is written is that
each chapter begins with new recipes, which are used to tell Tita s life story. Author
Esquivel uses her own life experiences of growing up in Mexico, her strong family
Inflammation and Infection Caused by Diverticulitis Essay
Diverticulitis is an aliment of the colon that affects the inner lining. Approximately
50% of all Americans will experience diverticulitis by the time they reach age 60.
Pouches or bulging sacs in the lining become inflamed or infected. The most
common site of diverticulitis is the large intestine. A low fiber diet is believed to be
responsible for most cases of diverticulitis. Small pieces of feces can become trapped
in the pouches and bulging sacs, which then cause the inflammationand/or infection.
Diverticulitis normally responds well to treatment, some patients will have repeated
bouts of diverticulitis, very few patients will require surgery to remove the effective
section of bowel. (Fox Stollman, 2010)
Patients with ... Show more content on ...
The inflammation in diverticulitis is believed to be the result of fecal material that
gets trapped in a diverticulum. The resulting fecal stone, or fecalith, causes pressure
and necrosis of the diverticulum. The inflammation progresses and perforates into the
mucosa of the colon. A small perforation is easily treated with antibiotics. A large
perforation may wall off and create an abscess which can erode into nearby
structures such as the small bowel or bladder, anterior abdominal wall, and fecal
peritonitis can occur. (textbook)
Patients present with left lower quadrant pain, reiterating the tendency for
diverticulitis to affect the sigmoid colon in western countries. The pain can be
constant or intermittent, and lack of appetite, or nausea and vomiting can be present.
Physical examination of the abdomen reveals localized tenderness but frank rebound
or guarding should be negative. Bowel sounds are frequently distant or depressed,
if bowel sounds are very active an obstruction may be present, in mild cases the
bowel sounds may be normal. The WBC may be elevated and the patient may
present with a fever. Occasionally a palpable mass may be felt and may be very
painful. Eating exacerbated the pain of left sided diverticulitis and pain can be
lessened with the passage of feces or flatus. Patients may complain of a feeling of
being bloated.
Differential diagnoses for diverticulitis include colon cancer, colitis, crohn s
Response To The Raven
Letting go Our loved ones may be gone, but will never be forgotten. As we dive
into the astonishing poem of The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe, we learn about the
protagonist whose life was drastically changed after losing his dearly beloved,
Lenore. As the protagonist hears a rapping at his chamber door, a raven enters. The
protagonist believes Lenoreis incarcerated into the ghastly bird. The protagonist
becomes annoyed,furious,and frustrated at the creature. As the reader, the poem of
The Raven, leaves me feeling melancholy. I feel this because of the gloomy setting,
unsettling characters, and the twisted theme. If you ve seen the hit television show
Stranger Things, there are many very dark and creepy settings, just like the setting in
the poem The Raven . As we read this... Show more content on ...
For example, ... And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door,
That i scarce was sure I heard you here i opened wide the door Darkness there and
nothing more (Poe 182). While reading this stanza of the poem I had seem to dig
deeply into my thoughts. Thinking of a chamber door, we are reminded of a
chamber. Chambers are creepy. It sounds almost as if once you come through his
door, your locked in for good. Which I believe is what Poe was trying to discreetly
say. There are many teeth chattering characters in the world of entertainment that
make chills tingle down your spine. At least that s the feeling when the raven enters
the plot. Edgar Allan Poe has many pieces of writing and most of them have very
bizarre characters. Including, the Raven. Not even the Raven as much as the
Protagonist! Towards the ending of the poem the protagonist goes absolutely insane
feeling as if the bird has been torturing him during his uninvited visit. Leave the
ADHD In Childhood
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder has a complicated and interesting history
and because of that it is important to understands this disorders implications and
comorbidity to better treat and diagnose it. Research done by the Centers of
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that 11% of the US population
between the ages of 4 17 are affected with ADHD; that s 6.4 million children and
the prevalence of diagnosis is only increasing (2016). It was generally assumed that
ADHD was something children would grow out of but new studies show that
approximately 4% of the adult population in the US are still suffering from ADHD
or have developed ADHD (Breyer, J. L., Lee, S., Winters, K. C., August, G. J.,
Realmuto, G. M. 2014). ADHD is... Show more content on ...
In a study published by Hung Pollock and Karalunas, they created an experiment
that tested children with and without ADHD s working memory (WM) to better
understand how their executive functioning (EF) developed (2010). In order for an
individual to use and learn an executive function, that individual must first use WM
to remember and practice that function until it becomes automatic. Hung Pollock
and Karalunas used two types of test to measure reaction time (RT) and apply that
data to WM. The first test was alphabet arithmetic (AA), a computer program that
would present a question with a number and a letter (i.e A+1=?) (Hung Pollock C.
L., Karalunas S. L. 2010). Children were expected to replace the letter with the
number associated with its position in the alphabet (i.e. A=1, B=2, C=3) and solve.
The children were told to press that enter button with would record their RT and then
say their answer aloud to the research assistant who then recorded answers (Hung
Pollock C. L., Karalunas S. L. 2010). The second test, called finger math (FM), was
another computer program that presented children with the same math problems as
the AA (Hung Pollock C. L., Karalunas S. L.

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Degree Essays. Master Degree Statement Of Purpose Sample Essays Master of Template ...

  • 1. Degree Essays Crafting an essay on the subject of "Degree Essays" can be a challenging endeavor that demands a combination of research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. The complexity arises from the need to delve into various aspects related to academic degrees, essays, and the intersection of both. Firstly, one must navigate through the intricate landscape of degree programs, considering the diverse fields of study, academic requirements, and the evolving nature of higher education. Research becomes paramount to grasp the nuances of different degrees, their significance, and the broader context in which they exist. Next, the essay should explore the multifaceted nature of essays themselves. From understanding the fundamental structure and elements of a well-crafted essay to examining the various types and purposes, the writer must delve into the art and science of effective academic writing. Furthermore, addressing the specific challenges and expectations of degree-level essays adds an additional layer of difficulty. This involves exploring the depth of analysis, synthesizing information, and presenting original insights in a scholarly manner. The essay should not only showcase a profound understanding of the topic but also demonstrate the writer's ability to engage critically with academic content. Moreover, tackling the subject of "Degree Essays" requires a thoughtful examination of the evolving landscape of education, technology, and societal needs. The writer must navigate through the dynamic factors influencing the role of essays in academic evaluation and their contribution to the overall learning experience. In conclusion, composing an essay on "Degree Essays" demands a thorough understanding of academic structures, a keen grasp of essay writing principles, and an ability to critically analyze the broader educational context. It is a task that necessitates time, dedication, and a commitment to delivering a well-researched, insightful piece of academic writing. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing challenges, resources such as can provide valuable support. Professional services can offer guidance, expertise, and customized solutions to help navigate the complexities of academic writing and achieve success in crafting high-quality essays. Degree Essays Degree Essays
  • 2. Disorder of Donnie Darko, choose a movie with a main... Donnie Darko is an almost confusing film about time travel, schizophrenia and the manipulation of one s fate. The film focuses on a teenage schoolboy named Donnie Darko. Donnie is not mentally healthy but he is very intelligent and has extremely high Iowa test scores. He also has a tendency to hallucinate and do destructive things when sleepwalking, such as flooding his school and burning down a house, due to this he is on strong medication and sees a therapist on a regular basis. After a near death experience, Donnie starts seeing an imaginary friend known as Frank. Frank is a seven foot tall, demonic looking rabbit, who tells him about how the world is going to end and of the possibilities of time travel. Frank saved Donnie from this... Show more content on ... Donnie Darko s behavior is very abnormal, he is not like anybody else in his environment. This can mostly be attributed to being a paranoid schizophrenic. Paranoid schizophrenia is one of the most damaging of all mental disorders. It causes it s victims to lose touch with reality as Donnie does with his ideas of time travel. They often begin to hear, see, or feel things that aren t really there, or hallucinations which Donnie often experiences. They also become convinced of things that
  • 3. Brexit Disadvantages UK farmers have resented several articles of 1107/2009, desiring a more risk based approach that is science led, similar to the one carried out by the US Environmental Protection Agency, where more actives and products would be available through a faster and more pragmatic process. Nick von Westernholz, CEO of the Crop Protection Association (CPA), believes that Brexit is the golden opportunity to enforce pesticides regulations that support UK farmers and allow them to trade on a global scale. Furthermore, Dr. Colin Ruscoe, President of the British Crop Protection Council (BCPC) expresses his faith in Brexit as being the UK s time to take back control (Loughlin, 2016). Farmers and the pesticideindustry believe that the current hazard based approach is too stringent, placing the EU in a position of being economically unattractive in respect of the development of new active substances and new plant protection products (Chapman, 2014). As a result, safer alternatives are emerging while many active substances are being revoked with the ban on neonicotinoids being the most significant. This represents a severe obstacle to European farmers and will endanger their ability to produce the variety of plant produce to which consumers have become adapted (Chapman, 2014). Simultaneously, the reduction in plant production products generates a major risk to UK trade and competitiveness, with the NFU manifesting its concerns over UK crop production flatlining (House of Commons Library, 2016) and to food security. On the other hand, it could also be contended that a closer affiliation to US legislation could suspend UK trade with the EU as they would no longer conform to their strict regulations (Baker and Knight, 2017). Thus, abolishing would offend NGOs or international trading partners within the EU as the EU represents 60% of UK agri food exports (Pesticide Action Network UK, 2017). Modify The UK has, at no time, implemented a policy intended to reduce the utilization of pesticides in the agricultural sector. Instead, under 1107/2009, the principles of acceptable risk have been ratified, focusing on mitigating the potential destruction of pesticides by setting restrictions on the methods of application (PAN UK,
  • 4. What Is Cromwell Good Or Evil Cromwell is the villain in the play A Man For All Seasons because of his devious, power hungry personality and immoral actions. Cromwell is out to get More throughout the whole play and he does whatever s necessary (Bolt 70) to make sure he is taken down. Cromwell acts in several negative ways including manipulation, lying and corruption without feeling guilty or second guessing himself. He seems to lack a conscience which makes him a dangerous villain to More, he ruined his life without feeling any sort of remorse. His immoral actions and evil nature are motivated by the power he seeks. He does anything for the King because he would like a better place in the kingdom. His moral principles are lost because of his selfish priorities to be
  • 5. Dollar vs. Euro 1. Introduction Since the appearance of the EURO (ВЂ) in the international trading system, the American dollar ($) has lost its domination and role in the financial world. Consequently, there is not only a great disparity in the exchange rate between the two currencies in favor of the EURO, but a growing problem in the US economy as well. Table 1, which can be found in Appendix B, shows the course and relationship of the exchange rates of the two currencies from 1999 until now. The scope of this paper is to approach as best as possible the various reasons for this disparity and try to predict the future of the two currencies based on accurate and up to date information. At this point, the authors would like to make clear that they do not ... Show more content on ... At this point we should clarify that the exchange rates are influenced by the combination of the reasons mentioned above. Nevertheless, we will try to break them down and examine them individually. 2.Interest Rates One of the most important factors that affect and change the exchange rates is the interest rates, which are announced by the FED and the ECB. With the terms FED and ECB, we refer to the Federal Reserve System and to the European Central Bank. The former is the central banking system of the United States, whereas the latter is one of the world s most important central banks. However, both of them are responsible for the monetary policies in the countries or states that they are consisted of, by setting a wide variety of rates, in order to stabilize their economies. The two main and general rates which affect the exchange rates are the borrowing rate and the deposit rate. Currently, the rates for the United States are 5.25% and 5.25% respectively, whereas for the Eurozone the rates are 5% and 4% respectively. This means in simple and broad words that it might be more profitable for someone to borrow money from the Eurozone, since he will have a gain of 0.25%, but it will be more profitable if
  • 6. Ddg-1000 DDG 1000, Bringing the New Age of Naval Technology The future of warfare and intelligence is upon the american people today, and it is appears to be the size of a small fishing boat. Massive yet small, the DDG 1000 Zumwalt class stealth destroyer is cutting through naval regularity with innovative new offensive, stealth, and information technology. The Zumwalt will be known as the harbinger of technology and innovation in the upcoming years. Just as gunpowder and the machinegun have changed warfare forever,the Zumwalt marks the beginning of a new era. At first sight the DDG 1000 looks less like a destroyerand more like a low poly submarine vessel thanks to its unique tumblehome hull. The angular shape of the destroyer gives it a sonar... Show more content on ... The LaWS uses a series of concentrated light beams in order to target, blind, and destroy missiles, UAVs, and small watercraft. Unlike older, conventional, weapons the LaWS is renowned for it s concentrated area of effect which will greatly reduce the amount of collateral damage seen on the battlefield, saving countless lives. With a LaWS augment the Zumwalt class destroyer will save millions, if not billions of dollars through its significantly lower cost to operate compared to traditional missiles. A missile needs to be paid for to build, transport, arm, and maintained while the LaWS only requires the electrical energy to fire for a few seconds to complete the same task as a missile. The LaWS also holds a variety of modes to fill almost any task at hand. At a low power setting the laser can be used to warn and ward off enemy or civilian ships with a beam powerful enough to blind sailors or malcontents to cease their current actions and turn about. With slightly higher amounts of power, the LaWS can fry electronics and disable targeting, navigation, and video systems on board enemy crafts or missiles. On it s highest setting the LaWS is capable of downing helicopters and remotely piloted aircraft in a matter of seconds by burning through their outer plating and destroying engines or
  • 7. State The Soul Theory Or Personal Identity Makaela Jones (300409342) Topic: State the soul theory or personal identity, and clearly explain one objection to the soul theory. Word count: 498 The soul theory of personal identity states we are persons as long as we have an immaterial soul. We cannot directly see a person s soul, but we can see the state of consciousness produced. Souls are non physical, they occupy bodies but they are not limited to that body, they have no solidity. A person s identity persists over time if they maintain the sameness of soul. The person at time X is identical to the person at time Y iff the same immaterial soul is present at both time X and time Y. However, If souls have no attachment to a physical body, meaning they can theoretically move as they
  • 8. Aristotle Function Aristotle explains that anything that is living has a function, or something they re meant to do. He says that what is good for X depends on the function of X. So the function of a nose is to smell, a good nose smells well or that the nose is virtuous when it smells things clearly because smelling well is the function of the nose. Similar to the nose, humans also have a function that is specific to the species because the species is alive and has something they re meant to do. 3.Explain what the specific proper function of humans is and how this leads to happiness being a life lived accordance with virtue. Aristotle questions what the function of man is; he concludes that it must be something that is specific to human beings. Aristotle uses function to define a species; each species has a different function that they re defined by because of this humans function cannot be breathing because animals also breathe. He relieves that only humans have reason, explaining this with the use of a drawing of the soul (which to ... Show more content on ... Like all virtues discussed courage is the median, lying between the extremes of rashness and cowardice (rashness being excess amounts of courage and cowardice being the lake of courage). Due to human beings being different the mean is different for each individual. Because of this one person s mean courage may be closer to rashness while another persons could be closer to cowardice. It is also important to know that no ones virtue can be rashness or cowardice. In order to understand virtue context is necessary, who is the person, who is involved in the situation, what is the situation, must all be answered because all these factors can cause deviations. By knowing what can trigger the vices, rashness and cowardice we can avoid people/ situations. By cultivating the mean, courage we begin to develop virtue, which allows us the ability to think before acting, therefore acting with
  • 9. Replacing Conventional Layer 2 Vpns I.Introduction: Numerous endeavors are considering replacing conventional Layer 2 VPNs, for example, Frame Relay with MPLS based administrations. For giving virtual private network (VPN) administrations, Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) turning into a more across the board innovation, MPLS building design security is of expanding concern to Service Providers (SPs) and VPN clients. MPLS is being utilized to accomplish the accompanying results: to specialist the core network all the more effortlessly and proficiently (customary MPLS and MPLS activity building), to give VPN administrations (MPLS VPN), and to encourage nature of administration (QoS) over a network core (MPLS DBP). In this research paper, the principle aspect is about the ... Show more content on ... Briefly: пѓ VPN whichever is considered must have the capacity to utilize the same location space same as the other VPN has. пѓ VPN whichever is considered must have the capacity to utilize the same location space as the MPLS core. пѓ Between any two VPNs, routing must be free. пѓ Between any VPN and the core routing must be independent. MPLS permits distinct VPNs to utilize the same location space; the space can be private address. By including a 64 bit route distinguisher for every IPv4 route this can be accomplished, making VPN special addresses additionally exceptional in the MPLS core. The word extended address is called as VPN IPv4 address and is shown in Figure 1. In this way, clients of a MPLS administration don t have to change current addressing in their networks. Figure 1: VPN IPV4 address There is a way for Routing partitioning between the VPNs. For every associated VPN each PE router keeps up a different Virtual Routing and Forwarding case (VRF). Routes which are populated from one VPN for every VRF on PE router, the routes are statically configured or run between the PE and CE router with help of routing protocols. Since each VPN brings about a different VRF, there will be no impedances between the VPNs on the PE router. (ii)Process of hiding infrastructure core: The main aspect is that internal structure of the MPLS core network (Provider edge (PE) and Provider (P) components) must not be visible to outside networks (other VPNs). This
  • 10. Geographic Information Systems Used For Urban Master... It is a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) widely used for urban master planning for brown field. It is a spatial attribute of world co ordinate system. GIS is kind of software in which you can see the entire world spatial map. It is a master plan for re development of Jamshedpur. GIS is a geographic information system working with maps. It is used for creating maps and compiling geographic data and analyzing mapped information. This geographic information using maps and managing the geographic information in a database. It includes spatial information and attribute information. Spatial information is connection between the location, people and activities. The information can graphically what is happening, where, how and why it is happening show the insight and impact of the past, present and the future. This spatial data is to define the location Attribute information is to specify the exact location. This mapis using a connection between the wards, villages, plots in a particular Jamshedpur town. If you take a closer look you can see where separate wards, villages and plots. In this we come across two types: Creation of unified geodatabase Web based GIS application Creation of unified geo database This demonstrates how to create a file geodatabase in ArcGIS10. This is to how we import existing data into the geodatabase, and how to create the relationship classes in geodatabase. Web based GIS application Web based GIS application is to create the application
  • 11. Whole Foods Company Analysis Whole Food Company History With a $10,000 loan from his father, John Mackey started SaferWay Natural Foods in Austin, Texas, in 1978. Two years later SaferWay merged with Clarksville Natural Grocery, and Whole Foods Market was born. Seeking capital to expand even more, the company raised $23 million by going public in early 1992 with 12 stores. Every competitor in the fragmented health foods industry became a potential acquisition, and the chain began growing rapidly. In 1998 Whole Foodsopened its first store in Boulder a 39,000 sq. ft. superstore with amenities such as a juice bar and a prepared foods section. In 2000 Whole Foods merged its online operations ( with its direct marketing and nutritional ... Show more content on ... In order to have certified U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) the product must be at least 95% or 100% organic, and at least 70% organic will not have USDA label. The industry also provides their customers with natural foods by not adding these chemical such as: pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, synthetic chemical, artificial fertilizes preservatives, dyes or additives, or genetic engineering. Another company s key success factor is that they take great care of their employees by provided them with stock option, health insurance, dental vision plan, and employees will have 50% discount. By taking care of employees, the employees will work harder, focus and employees feel comfortable and enjoyable at their work. Foods Driving Forces в—Џ Products offered: Whole Food sales high quality natural and organic Whole food products are fresh, clean, and nutritional. products. Whole Food products include 30,000 natural, organic and gourmet product. Fresh produce, organic meat and poultry, fresh seafood, daily baked foods, fine quality cheeses, dried fruit and nuts, wines and beer, coffee and tea. In addition they offer body care products, pet food. They sell healthy prepared food, fresh produces, variety of cheeses, baked goods, wines, organic care products.( book pages C10 C11) в—Џ Services offered: Depending on the location of the stores and they size of the stores, Whole foods offer a variety of services. For
  • 12. The Majestic Hotel Kuala Lumpur Housekeeping Department Researched, analysed, and evaluated a specific system of operations of a hotel department The role of System Operation are plays as a very important function in a hotel in order to run the operation system of the hotel for planning, coordinating and controlling the resources and then it will be more easy to manage. In every hotel, they have their own specific operation system. So that for this assignment, I would like to choose The Majestic Hotel Kuala Lumpur housekeeping department. The function of Housekeeping department is that to keep the venue cleaning and sanity. So that the system operation s impact on the housekeeping department cannot be underrate in order to scheduling and planning which rooms must be cleaned, assign the tasks and check the work. (Robert C, 2012, pg1) Provided a detailed discussion on the specific system of operations chosen. ... Show more content on ... To maintain the cleanliness standard of the rooms, they will go through the hospital information system (HIS) by using the system operation in order to checking all the room status which room must be cleaned. Besides, if the facilities of the rooms need to repair, the housekeeping department will go through the environment management system (EMS) by using the operation system and inform the maintenance department to repairs. The housekeeping department also need to provide the clean environment work place to staff in order to increase the efficient of the organization. Therefore, the housekeeping department are plays as a very important role to the hotel that can maintain between to the guests and staff. (Robert C, 2012,
  • 13. The Works of Magritte Essay Rene Magritte was an enigmatic and strange man who painted surrealism paintings. Little is known about his childhood except that his mother, Regine Magritte took her own life by drowning herself in the Sambre river. Young Magritte is thought to have discovered her body floating with her night garment covering her face. There is speculation that this trauma was an influence on many of Magritte s works. When Rene Magritte took up his brushes, he created beautiful visual riddles that delight and bewilder the viewer. His clean lines and highly detailed finishes made his brush strokes nearly invisible; his paintings look as if they came from a printing press. Magritte referred to his paintings as his labors. He did labor over the paintings ... Show more content on ... The exploration of the mind and the way our conscious mind perceives the symbols of our subconscious minds was new ground and it gave art a new voice with which to sing. The surrealist artists believed the dream state and subconscious mind to be an untapped and very fertile creative fount of inspiration. The symbolism of dreams and the expressive images generated by the subconscious were far more thought provoking than the representational, logical images of the conscious mind. The surrealist artists were creating art out of what others thought to be garbled and unintelligible. They were in effect taking a concept created to heal and using it to create art instead. They were on to something with this. No matter what the medium or the style used, a bit of the self becomes visible and evident in the result. Art therapy is one of the modern descendants of this movement. The movement spread and soon there were surrealist groups cropping up in the metro areas of the world. It was around this same time that Rene Magritte was shown a painting by Giorgio de Chirico and soon became member of the surrealist group. Today, the name Magritte has come to be synonymous with Surrealism. It may have been that Magritte felt attraction to the surrealist movement because of its ability to convey an idea with great eloquence as well as its focus on the deeply meaningful rather than the superficial. His statement about the works of Giorgio de Chirico supports this
  • 14. Examples Of Integrity In Goodnight And Goodluck After watching the movie Goodnight and Goodluck directed by George Clooney I think the most important aspect for present day communicators to carry into their work is integrity. I think integrity is important because it is a value that shows your character and personality. During the movie Murrow developed his character by consistently being honest with others and himself. Edward Murrow shows integrity quite often. For example, when McCathy starts making false accusations, Murrow stands up in front of the camera and defends himself by stating facts to prove his innocence. McCarthy claimed that Murrow had ties to communism saying that he was on the soviet pay role in 1932 and that he is a card carrying member for the international industrial
  • 15. Anti Missile Anti American Rhetoric and the output amount designated by the U.N. as safe. It also calls for unrestricted inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency or IAEA on all of Iran s nuclear sites, for use and production output. The argument for this potential purchase and the countries defensive anti American rhetoric could be looked at as a matter of self defense and nationalist pride. As the P5+1 talks have come to agreement, Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu has openly threatened to conduct airstrikes against Iranif an agreement was reached. These threats by Israel against Iran would in fact give them plausible reasoning to seek anti missile technology in the case that they were attacked by Israel. Similarly, the rhetoric as argued by Middle East hmm bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbeye journalist and Director of Communications for the American Iranian Council argues, Islamic Republic s leaders must reconcile their revolutionary anti Americanism with their unprecedented public diplomatic engagement with the US . This argument is stating that the Supreme ruler Ayatollah Khamenei must continue to use condemning and often threating rhetoric to appease the Iranian people while they negotiate with that same country http:/ / s anti american rhetoric good sign nuclear negotiations 1883514815#sthash.JUCSZySG.dpuf Even if the purchase of equipment from Russia is realized, there have been concerns that the purchase occurs soon after the P5+1 agreement were reached and
  • 16. Societal Values In Homer s Iliad And Women In Genesis The women in Homer s Iliad and the women in Genesis both exhibit the accepted societal values in a woman through their duties as wives, which typically consisted of obedience and the ability to sustain their husband s lineage. Rebekah and Andromache both assume their roles as wives, but sometimes act in ways outside of the what was considered normal in their society. Though both Rebekah and Andromache maintain the classic role of a wife, they occasionally contradict the expectations of how a womanshould behave by making decisions traditionally made by men. Through revolutionary behaviors demonstrated by both women, they grant themselves more authority and power in decision making, which in turn affects the fate of each woman s family. Both Andromache and Rebekah share a parallel in terms of their roles in carrying out the fate of their families, however what ultimately distinguishes one from the other is how successful they are at sustaining those roles. In the Iliad, Homer displays societal norms placed for wives through the actions of Andromache, yet at the same time, conveys her as having more power and involvement in the family than what was expected for a woman at the time to have. In her encounter with her husband, Hector, Andromache establishes one of her main roles of trying to manipulate fate (moira) through attempting to prevent him from returning to the war and facing his inevitable death. She pleas for him to show some pity and stay here by the tower, don t
  • 17. Violence In Leadership Did you know that violence accounts for more than 1.6 million deaths every year? Violence has been around us our whole lives and is something that will never come to a stop. Violence will continue through the rest of our lives and the lives to come in the future if someone doesn t step up and try to take a stand. Society s leading problem is violence and can only be helped through the kind of leadership that demonstrates Trust and Integrity, Confidence, and a good communication. First, trust and integrity are one of my three most important qualities that every leader needs to have if they are gonna try to stop violence within our society. Trust and integrity is a key quality on how we can try to stop the problem of violence in our society. Talking about integrity, Oprah Winfrey said: Real integrity is doing the right, knowing that nobody s going to know whether you did it or not. What she said kinda ties into to trust as well because everyone is gonna know that you re going to do it and do well. Trust and Integrity would be important for a leader to stop the violence because it shows a sense of trust and shows that the leader will do the right thing. ... Show more content on ... Confidence is very important because when you make decisions and you aren t confident about them. Then your followers are gonna realize that you have no clue what you are doing and they won t trust you. Henry David Thoreau once said Public opinion is a weak tyrant compared with our own private opinion. What man thinks of himself, that is which determines, or rather indicates, his fate. What he is trying to say is that, if you don t have enough confidence in yourself then you will not
  • 18. Emily Bronte Research Paper Emily Jane Bronte was a well known author born in Yorkshire,England, born on July 30,1818. The bronte family was not big at all. Emily lived with her father Patrick Bronte;brother Branwell Bronte and her sisters Charlotte,Maria,Elizabeth and Anne Bronte. The Bronte family was well known for writing poetry and soon became well at it. Emily Bronte wrote in the romanticism movement.Romanticism is the arts and literature that originated in the 18th century,emphasizing inspiration,subjectivity,and the primary of the individual. Emily Bronte most famous work was Wuthering Heights. It is distinguished from all comments and its unusual structure. Emily Bronte grew up without a mother figure. Her mother died on September 15,1821 from cancer.
  • 19. Mastering Your Communication Skills With Mastering Your Communication Skills Will Come Great success. Even though every human being has the ability to communicate, but still many fail to understand the real meaning behind the use and proper application of communication. A successful communication means, when the receiver understands exact the same information as the sender was planning to bring over. Most people don t communicate correctly and this could lead to failure in life, love and careers. To be successful in life you need to master your Communicationskills. They are two kinds of communications, verbal and non verbal communication. Verbal communication is using words to express your feelings and thoughts or information s. Non verbal communications... Show more content on ... What if you have good intentions but are not correctly projecting your thoughts? There are many setbacks that can occur in our lives because of it. We can lose on many opportunities at work, we can lose people who are close to us and lose out on many different opportunities in our lifetime. Much like anything else in life in order to be good at anything, one requires to put in a great deal of effort and hard work in order to accomplish their desired goals. In order to master effective communication and become proficient in its everyday use one must do only one thing and that is practice. Just like the saying Practice makes perfect we must keep in mind and try to incorporate its proper use in our everyday lives weather is at home, at work or any public environment. Learning to communicate is a must for every human being that wants to be successful at all times. References Clark, D. (1997). Communication Leadership. Performance, Learning, Leadership, Knowledge. Retrieved June 24, 2007, from Lehavi, D. Ph.D. (2005). Top ten ways to improve your communication skills. Writing and Speaking. Retrieved June 24, 2007, from
  • 20. African Colonization Of Africa Colonization of Africa In 1870 the beginning of African s colonization commenced. The country faced aggression, Military invasion, and colonization. Natives made an effort to resist foreign influence but were unsuccessful. In the early twentieth century, most of Africa was conquered excluding Ethiopia and Liberia. European imperialist push into Africa was motivated by three main factors, economic, political, and social (Iweriebor, 2002). Was the canalization of Africa beneficial to the continent? Foreign influence from Western Countries was not an advantage to Africa since this influence affected the nation s education, conviction and created division. Stolen natural resources Africa s relatively weak economic and human development has stood in stark contrast to its tremendous endowment of natural resources. Contrary to what is reflected by its dismal economic performance on the surface, Africa has the world s richest concentration of minerals and gems under the ground. It contains 40 percent of the world s diamond reserves. In some regions of the continent such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo., mineral wealth is so abundant that it has sometimes been referred to as a geological miracle. Africa is endowed with resources of high strategic value (Habiyaremye, 2011). The mining industry of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is an 81.4 billion dollar industry that is owned by Western corporations (Baker, 2015). It is fascinating that a continent with such an
  • 21. Corruption In Ralph Ellison s Invisible Man Can a sleepwalker ever wake up to the reality of the world around them? In Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison the unnamed protagonist struggles to fully wake up to the harsh reality of the world. As the novel progress, the narrator faces betrayal from noble figures and corruption of leaders in power. The book is about a young African American man that finds himself being used for the welfare of others in power, although his intentions are notable he fails to detect the true intentions of those he chooses to look up to. A pivotal moment is when the narrator realizes that those in power took away his manhood but not his sight of knowledge, the most powerful weapon to wake those that are sleeping. In the very beginning of the novel, the narrator most fight and a battle royal in order to give a speech to obtain a scholarship to college. He is pinned against other African American men, in order to give his speech. He is black and blue however the only thing he can think about is giving his speech. His manhood is stripped away, by him allowing himself to be treated as an animal; however, the blindfold placed over his eyes do not strip him from his... Show more content on ... The men cut off his genitalia, taking his manhood away leaving him barren; however, they never touch his eyes. The men start to laugh, the pivotal moment happens when the narrator realize what the people in power fail to touch. The narrator sees a glittering butterfly circle his castrate genitalia three times. Butterflies symbolize change, which occurred psychologically when he is freed from the illusion that power lies behind changing society. The men strip him from his manhood; however, they fail to take away his eyes, his sight of knowledge. The narrator comes to the realization that the only thing that he has been stripped of is his manhood, but no one can take away the knowledge that one has with
  • 22. Analysis Of The Novel Life Of Pi Life Of Pi Despite the fact that the story hops over and over again in time, the novel follows Pi s advancement and development in a customary bildungsroman, or transitioning story. Pi is a willing, cordial, and volatile kid, reliant on his family for assurance and direction. In school, his essential concerns include keeping his classmates from misspeaking his name and adapting to the extent that he can about religion and zoology. However when the boat sinks, Pi is torn from his family and left alone on a raft with wild creatures. The catastrophe serves as the impetus in his enthusiastic development; he should now get to be independent. Despite the fact that he grieves the loss of his family and apprehensions for his life, he meets... Show more content on ... Propelled to take in more, Pi begins honing Christianity and Islam, understanding these religions all have the same establishment: faith in an adoring higher force. His thriving requirement for profound association develops while adrift. In his first days on the raft, he practically surrenders, not able to hold up under the loss of his family and unwilling to face the troubles that still anticipate him. By then, in any case, he understands that the certainty he is still alive implies that God is with him; he has been given a marvel. This thought provides for him quality, and he chooses to battle to stay alive. All through his experience, he begs customarily, which gives him comfort, a feeling of association with something more noteworthy, and an approach to relax. Of focal vitality to this novel is the topic of survival, even in apparently incomprehensible and antagonistic conditions. For Pi, the test of surviving works on a few levels. In the first place, there is the need of physical survival: he must keep his body alive. This obliges nourishment and water, both in short supply, and additionally security from the components. Pi knows he must guard himself from the quick danger, Richard Parker, however he is likewise mindful that there is an entire host of dangers holding up to destroy him. Sea storms, enormous waves, sharks, sunstroke, drying out, suffocating any of these things represent a danger to his life. Pi s imaginativeness and creativity (he blankets
  • 23. Charles Dickens Oliver Twist, And The Parish Boy s... Many critics today consider Charles Dickens novel Oliver Twist, or, The Parish Boy s Progress, as being a commentary of both society s treatment and view of the lower class in the 19th century. In the early 1800 s a Poor Law was put in place, saying that each parish was required to care for their poor within the area. Many viewed this as the lower class being lazy and lacking ambition. Dickens uses irony to comment on the society s belief that the lower class were fated to remain in that manner. The use of irony occurs throughout the novel, becoming present in the beginning of the story when Oliver s mother is in labour. Upon his birth Oliver is described as being unequally poised amid this world and the next (1). In this passage Dickens juxtaposes Oliver between living the life he has just been born into, and death, assuming to be reincarnated and born into the next , presumably better, life. He then furthers this contrast by comparing the situation Oliver found himself in, being birthed by a woman who was rendered rather misty and a parish surgeon who he notes worked by contract (1). The alliteration used in the former brings emphasis to the company Oliver is in during such a crucial time, with a woman who is drunk and a surgeon who is there as he has no other choice. The author again juxtaposes Oliver s lonesome and melancholic situation to the ideal situation of childbirth, with careful grandmothers, anxious aunts, experienced nurses, and doctors of profound
  • 24. Ocean Hunter Case Study Introduction Ocean Hunter is a dedicated Freediving and Spearfishing company that is one of the leading companies within the Freediving and Spearfishing industry in New Zealand. Ocean Hunter was established in June 2007 and is a family business. The Managing Director/instructor/owner (Mike Smith) founded the company based on Mike s passion and strong passion revolving around the ocean. Mike quickly realised there was more to the options available than what the industry had to offer in New Zealand. Greater education and a willingness to share knowledge and techniques were the missing links in the industry, Mike took advantage of this and Ocean Hunter Ltd was founded. Ocean Hunter is the largest online dealer of Freediving and Spearfishing... Show more content on ... Blue Ocean assessment Ocean Hunter has a very blue oceans approach compared to others in the industry. They were one of the first to embrace the technological advancements and the first to utilise this to their benefit by bringing a unique niche market to the World Wide Web. Ocean Hunter has a state of the art website that follows a simple layout that is extremely informative on products. The option for a live chat with a representative at the store is handy to clear up any confusion regarding products. Positioned in Auckland s CBD enables walk in sales as well as online sales. The majority of Ocean Hunters sales are from online with free shipping included and a points redeeming system which enables discounts off next purchases to attract customers to complete transactions (every $100 spent you get $5 off your next purchase). Ocean Hunters business model is considerably different to their main rival Wettie. Wettie is considerably cheaper than Ocean Hunter, Wettie creates their own wetsuits in Indonesia with cheap labour and has a reputation for poor quality products that don t last as long as Ocean Hunters high quality products that are sourced from around the world (as well as Ocean Hunters own wetsuits Moray). Ocean Hunter does offer them in house brand Moray which is a cost effective wetsuit mainly built in the commercial sector,
  • 25. Stereotypes In South Park South Park is a fictionalized animated account of a group of grade school friends who live in Colorado. The show is what s known as an equal opportunity offender. It takes no prisoners when it comes to stereotypes of religion, sex, race and gender. An abundance of sociological concepts and social issues are present. Since its start in 1989 it has taken on social issues with unparalleled bravery, one of them gender. Many episodes pit the guys against the girls and the battle of the sexes and break ups ensue. In the episode Marjorine, a male character named Butters infiltrates a girl s sleepover to retrieve a device that tells the future (it s really just a paper fortune teller) and hilarity and social high jinks ensue. He has to endure... Show more content on ... Many religions are mocked and torn apart by the show s creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker. They mock Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Scientology. One example of South Park mocking the Jewish faith is the names of the two boys who are brothers and belong to the Jewish faith. Their names, Kyle and Ike, when put together, form the word Kike, a derogatory name for Jews. Religion is portrayed literally with its figureheads walking the streets of South Park. For example, Muhammad, the prophet of the Islamic faith, cannot be insulted without becoming enraged, much like radical Islamic terrorists today. The story of Scientology is told frankly and with embarrassing detail in the episode titled, The Return of Chef. For example, they mock L. Ron Hubbard s version of a spaceship hovering above Earth by portraying the vessel as a golden Boeing 747 that came from outer space to Earth. The shows characters are amazed and bamboozled by this ridiculous story, yet some of them foolishly, like certain people and high profile stars, buy into it as
  • 26. Russian Ballet History The Russian National Ballet was founded in 1989 by Sergei Radchenko, former star of the Bolshoi Ballet. Radchenko and his wife, who run the company together, decided to tour in smaller groups, to reach audiences in smaller cities around the globe and bring beautiful ballet to everyone. Founded when Russia was known as the USSR, the company was government owned, but allowed Sergei, an honored artist, to start and operate the company. Sergei and his wife, Elena found success with this company, and opened The Moscow Festival Ballet, allowing them to tour and perform all over the world. Some of their repertoire includes Don Quixote, Cinderella, Coppelia, and of course, Sleeping Beauty, performed March 4, 2017 at the State Theatre of New... Show more content on ... Bluebird, my favorite part of Sleeping Beauty was cut too short. When one thinks of Bluebird, they might imagine quick petit allegro and sharp feet, and fun. Here, this was not the case, and I was quite underwhelmed. However, the other pairs (White cat and Puss In Boots and Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf) made up for this. It seemed that the performers enjoyed acting out these roles, similar to the witch. When Aurora and the Prince, who was quite a beautiful and powerful leaper, finally got married, there was no kiss, but rather a disappointing closeness of the faces. I m not sure if this was an artistic choice or if she had fallen off her shoe so decided to end it early, but without the kiss, is it even Sleeping Beauty? However, while the rest of the show had a low energy to it, the finale, where everyone was on stage, had a new life to it. I suppose it s always best to end stronger than
  • 27. Special Education Reform Special Education Reform The past century standards and expectations for students has increased as well as the qualifications mandated for educators. The educational system continues to change as new ideas, policies, court cases, ethics, and inadequacies challenge the exsisting procedures or methods of educating students worldwide. Each new change within the system has had both positive and negative results for diverse learners. The most influential changes can be noted as being the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), No Child Left Behind (NCLB), and School Choice. This paper will discuss the role of each of these adaptations within the special educationand how it has been helpful and harmful to diverse learners. This paper will ... Show more content on ... It has identified how to improve the growth of students. In order to keep moving progressively forward law must be put in place which can develop more effective and efficient approaches to prevention/intervention in special education (Hardman, 2006, p. 8) The laws and mandates of special education must not be left to interpretation. If the nation would like to see the full potential reached of policies that has come before there must be a clear and concise place in place which addresses a way to fund new ideas and concepts. Finally, it should reflect a re conceptualized understanding of the purpose of education and the role of the teacher in ensuring the development of the whole child (Shealey, Lue, Brooks, McCray, 2005, p.
  • 28. Twilight Essay The Myth of the Vampire in Twilight The myth of the vampire existed in a multitude of civilizations and cultures under various names such is strigoi (for the Romanian territory), Apotamkin, etc. But no matter the name, vampires will always refer to gothic creatures that drain the blood of humans, thus being monstrous. The first writer to introduce the vampire in literature was Lord Byron in the eighteenth century, but the most significant writer to develop the myth was Bram Stoker. He is the „father of the vampire as he gave a complete description of the vampire in his most famous book Dracula . After the release of the book, the myth of the vampire became extremely popular amongst writers and as a consequence the books whose main ... Show more content on ... Another particularity of the eyes of a vampire is that they show whether a vampire feeds on human or animal blood. This is best shown in the baseball scene when James and the other vampires come and disrupt the Cullen s game. The camera focuses on the eyes of every new vampire( which , as we were previously shown, attacked humans) and we can clearly notice that their eyes are scarlet red. So the redness of the eyes is an indicative of the fact that these vampires are not vegetarians . The similarities stop here. There are definitely very few elements which are kept from all the previous books that present vampires, and to sum everything up we know that they have cold and pale skin, the fact that they drink blood and the fact that they are very fast and strong. The differences are way more numerous that the similarities and in this part of the essay we are going to present just that. Stephenie Meyer also introduces a lot of new elements. For instance the most important entirely new element is that blood has a distinguished smell, a smell which can trigger the vampires hunting instinct. Edward calls the smell of Bella s blood „ a drug and „his personal brand of heroin . First of all there is nothing that indicates Edward as a vampire apart from his cold and white skin( and the fact that he shines like diamonds but only in the sun). But if this were a novel written by let s say Anne Rice, the vampire would definitely have fangs. Stephenie
  • 29. La Sagrada Mexico Riot That February also marks the first violent action against the Catholic Church. On the 23rd, just down from the U.S. Embassy, Mexico City government agents took control of La Sagrada Familia Church, claiming that it had not complied with regulations. A riot ensued when government agents tried to take survey of the church s inventory. When the rioting escalated, seven of the protestors were killed. In response, the government issued orders to enforce the constitution at all cost and Calles announced that the government would be inflexible. He reiterated that they would use every capability the law provided in dealing with problems that arise from the populace. This assault on the Church was considered the beginning of the Cristero Rebellion.... Show more content on ... The law enforced the anticlerical codes that had been previously established over fifty years ago and newly enacted by the 1917 Constitution. Lesser punishments included fines from 50 to 500 pesos and jailtime of fifteen days. With harsher castigations with steeper fines, removal from office and even years of imprisonment. The law was debated for two weeks before it was finally passed by Congress on July 2, 1926 and would begin being enforced on August 1st. When news of the law s creation made it to Rome, that waited to see the intentions of Congress and Calles. The Vatican and the bishops were hopeful they would be able to make some type of compromise with the Mexican government. After the law was ratified Calles suffered from scrutiny from the supporters of the Catholic faith claiming that he was persecuting Catholicism. He defended this saying that all Mexican citizens were required to follow the laws and the Constitution. However, some stipulations, such as the ban on priest celibacy and monastic life, directly related to the Catholic as Protestants did not follow these religious
  • 30. Analysis Of The Sum Of Our Follies The Sum of Our Follies (2014) is a recent Malaysian fictional work written by Shih Li Kow. It is a regional piece a addressing the most conspicuous thrillers of place s meaning and literary imagination. The story hinges upon several episodes in a small town called Lubok Sayong and other replaces. Furthermore, the plot includes a number of perennial actions which perpetuate the token of proximity shared by the lives of Lubok Sayong s inhabitants who reciprocate their visions in an agnate perspective on life. It is an inherent call for the common sense of human individuality in a collective place uniting different ways of life. These people are the authentic human phenomenon in a fictional setting. In fact, the story depicts real life images, such as contemporary Malaysian peripheries; and challenged once again by socio cultural apathy, the specter of the story s fictional pluralism and the affectionate buoyancy of Shih Li Kow who seems particularly instructive (Cross, 2006: 49). The novel tells the story of a middle aged man called Auyong, or the narrator, and an orphan girl Mary Anne. Auyong leaves his city and job as a supermarket manger in order to work in the town s lychee canning factory. This circulates his destitution as a human being seeking perfection ... Show more content on ... The traditional confines among regional places fade away and the human boundary demarcation substitutes each other in successive waves. This demarcation is brought about the memento of departure of the enormous technological advancement sweeping through any civilization. More specifically, this essay examines the ambulatory, or mobile, populations, cyber culture and technological advancement. This is because The Sum of Our Follies is a riveting story which pulls the reader into a world which is at once particular and universal (Leon, 2014:
  • 31. Cover Thickness Matter Research Paper The cover is an important part of your hot tub as it protects against damages from debris, and replacing your cover with one that is the correct thickness is vital. At The Cover Guys, we have three different cover thickness to accommodate hot tubs through out the country s multiple climates. Why Does Cover Thickness Matter? It all boils down to how well the cover will keep the hot tub insulated: the thicker the cover, the better the insulation. This is particularly important for colder areas or when you want to keep your hot tub heated throughout the year. The covers thickness can help reduce heat loss and energy consumption, allowing you to operate your hot tub cheaper than otherwise. Cover thickness isn t the only consideration you need to keep in mind when buying a replacement cover, you also need to consider the ... Show more content on ... To reduce our negative impact on the environment, our CFC free foams are manufactured using stream instead of the more traditional but harmful freon agents. The Standard 4 x 2 Hot Tub Cover The Standard 4 x 2 provides a tapered cover that is 4 inches thick at its peak. When used indoors, it protects the hot tub from damages caused by children or pets climbing onto the cover, as well as debris that could get knocked onto the hot tub. The standard thickness is ideal for indoor use to reduce energy loss and for outdoor use in areas with milder climates. The Deluxe 5 x 3 Hot Tub Cover Think of the Deluxe 5 x 3 cover as similar to the all season tire. They work well in all areas and locations, inside or out. The tapered 5 inch thick foam core provides ample insulation to maintain the proper temperature and keep the hot tub protected. The Cover Guy s Deluxe Cover provides the best overall value. As with our other models, the Deluxe includes: Childproof Locking Tie downs Commercial Quality Double Stitched with Polymatic UVR
  • 32. Reflection Of John Wesley s Theology Of Healing When Jesus healed the paralyzed man, Jesus said to him that Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven. (Matthew 9:2b) Whenever I read this scripture verse, I wondered why he said this way in this healing moment and how forgiveness of sins is related to healing. John Wesley s theology of healing completes my understanding of salvation. It used to be focused on Wesley s order of salvation when salvation comes up as a topic in the seminary. It starts with prevenient grace and ends with glorification. In this process of salvation, I didn t think about the relationship between healingand salvation. His understanding of salvation based on holistic health and healing was something new I learned in this class. It was interesting to see how Wesley was passionate about holistic healing for the people in the world. As a consequence of his efforts on holistic healing, he was able to publish Primitive Physick , a collection of advice for preserving health and treating diseases. Wesley s interest in heath and healing was a central dimension of his ministry and of the mission of early Methodism. According to Randy Maddox, Wesley s life long study of medical works was derived by Anglican clergy s tradition to offer medical care as part of their overall ministry. Wesley valued Thomas a Kempis The Imitation of Christ as a guide of spiritual health and the Primitive Physick as a guide of physical health. However, he didn t consider medicine as the only way to cure the people. In his book
  • 33. James E. Porter’s Idea of Originality in Intertextuality... Since I arrived in the United States one of the first concepts that was introduced to me was the concept of plagiarism and the severity of its consequences. Since that moment I see myself focusing much more on paraphrasing and not committing plagiarism than the quality of the ideas that I am writing. However, I have noted that most of my ideas and opinions are probably based on somebody else s work I might have read before. Therefore, is it not plagiarism? In the article Intertextuality and the Discourse Community, James E. Porter challenges the ideaof what plagiarism truly is. He states that it is almost impossible to write without committing some sort of plagiarism. Instead, Porter introduces the concept of intertextuality, which he... Show more content on ... What he describes as originality is to take somebody else s ideas and create new perspectives and opinions based on those points of view. In other words, Porter suggests that creativity is a matter of interpretation and that anything we write is the result of what we interpret when we read. That is why taking other s ideas to draw knew opinions should not be called plagiarism because inevitable all writing contains some sort of intertextuality. One can say that intertextuality is necessary for a writer to have a better understanding of what they read. As an international student myself, paraphrasing is one of the aspects that turns writing into a nightmare for me. Since my vocabulary is somewhat reduced, I have to focus more on making my sentences look as different as possible to the original texts. I was so scared of committing plagiarism that I did not even consider the aspect of using the author s ideas and creating my own opinions. Instead I preferred to follow the norm and paraphrase as much as possible. Sometimes I felt my professors paid much more attention to what I might have plagiarized rather than the quality of my own ideas. That is why writing turned into a systematic process in which I would only have to know how to rephrase sentences and I would be fine. In the moment I read Porter s essay I thought it was contradictory to all
  • 34. The Concept Of Silence In Maxine Hong Kingston s No Name... The concept of silence and the right to public speech has always been aborted in different ways depending on the culture. American and Chinese culture differ in their interpretation of what is acceptable or not in terms of behaviours in their respective societies. Regarding silence, American women are much more encouraged to state their opinion than Chinese women. With that idea in mind, Maxine Hong Kingston shares her aunt s story and hers in No Name Woman, a nonfiction piece recalling the author s personal experiences and reflections on traditional Chinese family. Silence is present in many ways and has different purposes all throughout the story. In No Name Woman, silence is used as a way to control behaviour. The mother s emphasis on keeping this story a secret demonstrates how the aunt is being punished for her impregnation. The story starts with a warning not to tell anyone, setting an atmosphere of shameful secret even before learning about the aunt s story. Punishing someone is a form of control over the individual being punished, usually a way of diminishing a certain behavior by adding a negative stimulus. By committing a spite suicide, the aunt tries to punish her family by ruining their drinking water. Her choice of manner and location for the suicide has an important signification in Chinese culture: The Chinese are always very frightened of the drowned ones, whose weeping ghost [...] waits silently by the water to pull down a substitute (464). This passage shows how the family silence is their way of protecting themselves from the aunt s ghost by continuing to punish her, not only for her impregnation but also for her suicide. Her revenge was well chosen as her final attempt at preserving some sense of control over her faith. Given that the aunt didn t get to have a proper funeral and offends, her punishment continues after her death and remains as long as her existence falls into oblivion. As the daughter later understands, the aunt remains forever hungry, since the family s silence didn t offer her a proper way of passing through (464). Because her family, including Maxine s father and the aunt s own brother, have deliberately forgotten her, she can never truly rest in peace. The aunt
  • 35. Left Foot Surgery Paper There were only three surgery appointed during rotation. One surgery already started, so there were only two surgeries available. These two surgeries were on a clavicle and a foot. A surgical assistant went to patients with surgery appointment in order to find out whether student could attend their surgery. The patient with clavicle surgery denied the approval, but thankfully a foot surgery was available. The patient for the foot surgery was a male with plantar fasciitis on his left foot, and he was about to have tenex procedure. The surgery was slow to have efficient result, but the surgery was not as slow as other surgeries because the healthcare workers were quick in response to many instructions. After the surgery was done, the patient was moved to recovery unit until his consciousness became alert. The procedure itself was very interesting to see. The surgeon made a clean cut, inserted ultrasonic device to clean scar tissues, and patched the cut as if nothing happened. The process was seen through ultrasound device, and the device was very helpful in showing where the scar tissue is located and the progress the surgeon was making inside of foot. At first, I didn t understand why the surgeon was moving around inside patient s... Show more content on ... The surgeon was very familiar with his fellow surgical assistants, and he brought out many unrelated topics to the procedure, but he was able to receive attentions from his coworkers. To be flank, I was surprised by the fact that the surgeon and the surgical assistants were efficient and precise in their job while enjoying spending time together in a surgery room. In my opinion, that was the best environment to work in because enjoying occupation while doing job is hard to find. I also found their communication very fun, and I would like to find a working environment where I can actually have fun rather than stressing out every
  • 36. arizona Essay Arizona Arizona became the 48th state February 14, 1912. This state is very populated. It has over 5 million people. Arizona has something that is known as the four corners. One person can be in four states at one time. You can stand in Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico. Arizona leads the nation in copper production. The amount of copper on the roof of the capitol building is equivalent to 4,800,000 pennies. In 1953 after the copper mines closed there was as few as 50 people in Arizona. The Palo verde is the official state tree. The name means green stick. It blooms yellow/gold in April or May. The cactus wren is Arizona s state bird. This bird likes to build its nests in giant saquaro cactus so that it has protection. This bird ... Show more content on ... Phoenix Arizona became Phoenix is 1866 because it supplied hay for camp McDowell. The Grand Canyon Flaming Gorge got its name because the walls are red and orange and look likes flames. The grand canyon was formed by mostly water, ice and wind. Nobody really knows because the grand canyon is located in the desert. In the desert you don t find much water or ice. The plants that grow in the Grand Canyon their roots are right below the soil because when it rains the roots have to get as much water as possible to grow. When it rains the water comes down in torrents, which also means violently rushing streams. It can move just about anything out of its way. When this is happening it can take out cars, trucks, buses and sometimes small houses. All this water flows down to the Colorado River. This is more like a fast flowing concrete because after all the raining and water flow the ground gets so hot that it just hardens into one block like concrete. The second most destructive thing is ice. When it gets cold out especially towards the northern part of the Grand Canyon the rain seeps in between the rock and freezes. Once the water freezes the rocks split apart and causing the them to fall. The rocks fall down the mountainside hitting other rocks and whatever gets in the way. When this happens it causes the rocks to hit other rocks and have a wall of rocks come tumbling down. The rocks that are found here are
  • 37. The Rational Decision Making Model Essay EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to provide feedback on administrative and public policy violation issues in the city of Crestview located in Okaloosa County, Florida. The report analyzes public policy violations, City Council member adjudication, transparency, and leadership issues in the City of Crestview. The report uses various research methods to gather data to help formulate the conclusion and recommendations of the report. The rational decision making model is utilized to make the best decision possible. The rational decision making model is the best known prescriptive model; the model involves several sequential steps: identifying the problem, determining the goals and objectives, identifying and evaluating alternative policies, choosing from the alternatives, recommending actions, implementation, and evaluation (Smith, 2014). The use of this model is justified as it provides structure and sequence to the choices of the decision maker. The model helps ensure key indicators can be fully considered in a logical manner. It is recommended that the administration create new procedures and implement trainings or classes to educate City Council members, employees and other city officials on new public policies as well as the Sunshine Law. These trainings will outline laws, policies and ordinances as well as target times for legislators to move any issue from the systemic agenda to the formal agenda; this policy should allow for research on Crestview s
  • 38. Predictive Analysis Method Dividing it by home price was an attempt take into consideration the cost of living per state. Other than tedious formatting, I did not have any other challenges. Analysis Method The method I chose to analyze my data with was SAS Enterprise Guide s Rapid Predictive Modeler. This method provides predictive models quick and accurately and provides easy to understand graphs, charts, and reports. The Modeler will look at the data and try different predictive models and make a final choice on which model is the best one. This method will also automatically take care of outliers, missing values, rare target events, skewness. It will select the variables that are most important for the data model it choices to provide the best results. This ... Show more content on ... The model chosen was a Decision Tree. The ROC Plot looks great as it is far from the baseline and close to the top edge of the chart. This means that the model performed well at classifying my variable. An important statistic, in this case, is the misclassification rate. In this week, the training misclassification rate was 0.2679 and the validation miscalculation rate was 0.3182. There is not much difference between the train and validation rates which means this model is useful. The ROC for validation is 0.872 which is good. It would be nice to see this number about 0.9, but this is acceptable. I have also provided the output of this model in the Excel sheet that will show the models predictions for each of the states. For the second week, December 10 16, the important variables were CY48, VaccinationRate, AverIncome, WinterAfterHumidity. The best model was also a decision tree. In this week, the training misclassification rate was 0.3158 and the validation miscalculation rate was 0.4651. The difference in the rates is noticeable and I would declare this model as useless. The model fell apart during the validation process and I would not trust it prediction future events. For the week of December 17 23, the important variables were CY48, AverageHousePrice, Annual Precipitation, 2015_2016, and 2016_2017. The final two variables are binary variables that determines what year the record is able, 1 being yes and 0
  • 39. Autonomous Vehicles Essay One of the touted benefits of autonomous vehicles is that it will reduce the need for parking in urban areas, where parking is often a premium. By 2035, it is estimated that the need for parking space should decline more than 5.7 billion square meters as a result of driverless cars. Experts speculate that individual car ownership will become a thing of the past, and that individuals will purchase a subscription service or buy into a cardominium where an autonomous vehicle, that no longer needs to be parked on site, will arrive and take an individual to their desired destination. For condominiums that are located in densely populated urban areas, parking spaces are often sold between co owners at a premium. In most cases, onsite parking spaces are limited common elements that are associated with an individual unit. The Michigan Condominium Act, specifically MCL 559.139, allows for limited common element parking spaces to be transferred as follows: (1) Assignments and reassignments of limited common elements shall be reflected by the original master deed or an amendment to the ... Show more content on ... As with any new technology, the law is typically slow to evolve and the regulation of autonomous vehicles in community associations will largely be dependent on the governing documents. Given that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, condominium and homeowner associations should be proactive in amending their governing documents and making decisions about whether to allow autonomous vehicles and what conditions to impose on autonomous vehicle use before problems arise in the next couple of years. Additionally, community associations that have parking issues may want to consider the possibility of acquiring additional land or planning to re develop unused parking spaces in the
  • 40. Evolution Of The Human Genome Project While many diseases and viruses are caused by outside sources, some diseases occur from within the human body. Regular ailments can be cured with medicine, or fought off overtime by getting a vaccine, but certain diseases and anomalies cannot be directly treated. This is because they are genetically inherited by certain parts of one s DNA. DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid, and is inherited from the parents of a person. These strands, found within the nucleus of all cells, determine the appearance and genetic structure of a person. Through one s DNA, there may be diseases inherited from the parents, such as sickle cell anemia, Gaucher s disease and Parkinson s disease. In order to heal and fix patients, doctors needed to learn more about the Human Genome. In 1990 work began on the Human Genome Project, which would map the entirety of the genes in the human species. However, the participants would not have been able to work without the discoveries made by those before them. In order for The Human Genome Project to exist, the background of geneticsmust be known, for the discoveries made in the field would be what eventually led the project itself. Genetics in itself is a fairly new concept, which officially began in 1865 in central Europe. A monk named Gregor Mendel learned about heredity and inheritance through breeding pea plants. After retiring from his teaching and scientific life, he became the abbot of his church. Unfortunately, the importance of his discovery was
  • 41. Double Muscling Selective breeding Selective breeding is a process where animal and plant breeders select individuals with desirable traits and breed them to produce offspring with these desirable traits, which are determined by desirable alleles in the selected organism s genotype. This produces offspring with favourable traits. (3) The animal that will be discussed is the Belgian blue cattle. The Belgian blue cattle has the characteristic of what is called double muscling. Double muscling is caused by the recessive mutation of the myostatin gene, and naturally occurs. (12) The myostatin sequence present in Belgian blue cattle is an 11 nucleotide deletion in the third exon which causes a frame shift that eliminates virtually all of the mature, active region of the molecule .(14) It prevents the control of muscle growth, and causes there to be more muscle fibres. However, it is with sacrificing other important body functions such as reproductions, and normal fat and bone deposition. (12) This creates cattle that have up to 40% more muscle mass than other normal cattle. Most of the extra muscle is lean meat. The Belgian blue cattle was created for the dairy and meat industry, but now is generally for meat.(17) The Belgian ... Show more content on ... Sometimes, prognathism is also seen. Both of these features means that the calves find it harder to suckle when young. (12) This means they do not get enough nutrients from their mother s milk as a calf. This means that they have a lower ability to survive to an adult, and to the reproductive age. This means that there will be fewer cows and bulls that are able to breed, to produce Belgian blue calves. This means that the survival of the Belgian blue cattle population
  • 42. The History Of 1960s Music In The 1960s Music in 1960s Music has been a part of the human race for as long as it has been existing. Its various forms and genres categorizes and divides the music country wise, ranging from initially Folk music as the base, moving on to Country music as a regions identity. The music gained enormous name and fame because of its hypnotizing effect on the singer and the listener. From Rock n Roll, evolving towards British invasion, music in 1960 s played a major role in evolution of UK.This evolution was brought up by the introduction of rock and roll, collaborating different races and changing the lifestyle thus transforming UK from a conservative country into the capital of the world. Before rock and roll hit the Great Britain, blues and jazz were the genres of the era. Singers from various nations like the US or Africa, started working solo or as bands and increased the impact of music on people slive. Before the 50 s, various controversies arose regarding the style of Jazz and Blues, and their effect on the local residents and The British Invasion also began around 1963 with the arrival of The Beatles on the music scene and the type of rabid fandom that followed them would change the way people would view and interact with me and musicians forever. (The People History). Although rock and roll began influencing Britain in the 1950s, it wasn t until the early Sixties and the emergence of British Invasion groups like The Beatles, that music truly began its revolutionary changes
  • 43. Ladbroke Swot Analysis Ladbrokes is one of the oldest bookmakers in the world, which means it has years of professional experience, guaranteeing the best, most trusted experience. Ladbrokes is indeed a pioneer in everything sports betting and was one of the first bookies to open betting shops in the UK. Since then they have continued to expand to become the online betting sensation they are today. Ladbrokes operates in many countries throughout the world, but does not accept residents of the United States, Denmark, France, Italy and Switzerland. In addition to sports betting, punters can also enjoy the Ladbrokes online casino, poker and lottery options. Ladbrokes boast an excellent reputation in the online sports betting industry thanks to its longevity, spectacular odds, fast payouts, smooth and user friendly interface and software, top notch features and promotions like price boosts and money back options, an abundance of markets and so much more. Online Sportsbook Promotions When you make your first deposit or wager at Ladbrokes, you will receive a free bet of up to ВЈ50. Simply use the promo code available to claim your free bet. Other promotions are also frequently available and regularly updated. One of the most common promos is the daily price boosts, which are generally focused on high profile matches or events. The Cash Out feature ... Show more content on ... The interface and layout is functional and user friendly. The betting markets are impressive, with markets available for many of the most popular sports in the UK and beyond. Ladbrokes offers some of the best horse racing and grey hound racing odds around. Football and other high profile sports have strong odds. There is also a host of props for each sporting event to go along with traditional markets. Ladbrokes currently has odds on American football, baseball, basketball, horse racing and greyhound , ice hockey, MMA, golf, rugby, tennis and much
  • 44. Juan Cabrillo Research Paper 1.Hook: A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor Franklin D Roosevelt. Introduce Topic: Juan Cabrillo had mapped out the California coasts, discovered a port and named it San Miguel until it was named San Diego later on. Background info: Cabrillo was a Portuguese soldier who lived in Spain and later explored the coasts of California. The point of Cabrillo s exploration was to find treasures on the California coasts and to claim land for the Spanish Government. Thesis: Cabrillo accomplished three things; discovering San Diego bay, mapping the coasts of California, and claiming land for Spain. 2.Hook: Did you think you could discover something without knowing it? Point: Cabrillo accidentally discovered San Diego Bay as he was trying to map out coasts of California. He called it a very good enclosed port . Example: On September 28, after three months of sailing, Cabrillo brought his ships into a bay which he called a very good enclosed port. He named it San Miguel, and claimed the land for Spain. Today it is San Diego Bay. Cabrillo s was the first known landing of a ship on the coast of Alta (Upper) California. (Social Studies Fact Cards, 2006, pg.1) Explain: Since Cabrillo was mapping out California coasts and trying to find treasure on the coasts, bad weather caused ... Show more content on ... Restate: Cabrillo was a successful explorer who accomplished a lot of things in his 103 days of exploration. He discovered the San Diego Bay, mapped out the coasts of California and claimed it for the Spanish Empire. Discuss: When Cabrillo was exploring the Californian Coasts, he accidentally found an unclaimed very good port and named it San Miguel. His original plan was to find land for the Spanish Government however his main goal was to find treasures and gold on the coats of California. Evaluate: Overall, Cabrillo was a successful explorer. Even with extreme weather conditions, he still managed to map out all of the California Coasts and even managed to discover a port for
  • 45. Personal Integrity In The Blue Hotel And Tennessee s Partner There are many themes evident in both Stephen Crane s The Blue Hotel and Bret Harte s Tennessee s Partner; some of these themes are easily recognizable while recognition of the others depends on the perception of the reader. The two stories share the theme of personal integrity and that all actions have consequences; however, there are several themes that are unique to each story that the readercan latch on to. The plotand storyline of Tennessee s Partner are straightforward, but after reading Crane s The Blue Hotel, one can imagine many different plots that could have taken place throughout the story. Through imagery, the reader can take what each author presents and let his or her imagination run wild; there is not a set feeling or reaction that either author intends for the reader to have after reading. Personal integrity can be seen in both stories between the characters Tennessee s Partner and The Easterner. Tennessee s partner is integral because he never left his friend behind, even after he had done him wrong. He was always there for Tennessee and never betrayed him. The Easterner shows his integrity when he tells the truth about Johnnie and feels guilty about the situation with the Swede; most people would have shrugged it off so that they did not have to deal with it but he chose to speak up. Both of these forms of integrity show the true moral values of each character, each example gives us a better idea of what it s like to be integrin. The two
  • 46. Blindly Obeying Authority Essay Introduction Individuals often yield to conformity when they are forced to discard their individual freedom in order to benefit the larger group. Despite the fact that it is important to obey the authority, obeying the authority can sometimes be hazardous especially when morals and autonomous thought are suppressed to an extent that the other person is harmed. Obedience usually involves doing what a rule or a person tells you to but negative consequences can result from displaying obedience to authority for example; the people who obeyed the orders of Adolph Hitler ended up killing innocent people during the Holocaust. In the same way, Stanley Milgram noted in his article Perils of Obedience of how individuals obeyed authority and... Show more content on ... Stanley Milgram versus Diana Baumrind In Stanley Milgram s The Perils of Obedience , Milgram reports from his studies of how far an individual can go in obedience to instructions and he pointed out that individuals can go as far as causing serious harm to the other people. Basically, the experiments are meant to test the choice that an individual would make when faced with the conflict of choosing between obedience to authority and obedience to one s conscience. From the tests, it was found out that a number of people would go against their own conscience of choosing between what is wrong and what is right so as to please the individual in authority (Milgram 317). However, the experiments conducted by Milgram caused a wide range of controversy for instance; according to Diana Baumrind, the experiments were immoral. Baumrind notes in Review of Stanley Milgram s Experiments on Obedience that Milgram did not only entrap his subjects, but he also potentially caused harm to his subjects (Baumrind 329). Based on the arguments that have been presented by the two authors, it is apparent that the two authors are concerned with real life situations, authority and ethics but the difference is that they both view these perspectives from different points of view as indicated by their writings. By and large, they also tend to show the importance or the insignificance of the experiments. Real Life
  • 47. Summary Of Forks Over Knives The Effectiveness of Forks Over Knives In his documentary Forks Over Knives, Lee Fulkerson sheds a light on the main cause to heart diseases and diabetes through the help of Dr. Colin Campbell and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn who have spent many years researching the negative effects of consuming refined, processed, and animal based foods. Fulkerson also seeks guidance from Dr. Lederman and Dr. Pulde to show, through example, what a whole food, plant based diet can do from people who are struck with these life threatening diseases as well as someone, like Fulkerson, who lives life without any major diseases but can still benefit greatly from the diet switch. With the use of statistics, research and science, real life examples, and visual aids Fulkerson... Show more content on ... He uses Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn s patient study as well as himself to show these benefits and by doing so, he effectively gets his point across. Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn shows credibility through successfully treating over 250 patients with heart disease by mainly using a whole food, plant based diet and shares some of his patient s stories (Forks 00:36:58). Dr. Esselstyn was given 24 patients, who were very sick. Six of his patients dropped out in the first year, leaving him with only 18 to carry on and after five years of eating the plant based diet, 11 patient s heart diseases halted and the rest and slowed (Forks 00:43:49). This report should something that expensive medicine and surgeries never have and is thought to be ground breaking for the study and is a very important detail of the documentary that Fulkerson uses to, again, prove his argument. To add on top of that, Fulkerson, an average joe, gets initial blood tests and starts the diet himself and finds that he is more alert, active, and feels better in general (Forks 00:47:33). Fulkerson demonstrates to himself and the audience that diet change is the answer through these real life
  • 48. The Internet and Academic Dishonesty Term paper mills are not a new development, and neither is dishonesty. However, the rise of the internet into an information hivemind has made commiting academic dishonesty easier, faster, and more clandestine than ever. In the case of higher education, the number of paper mills is rising at an alarming rate. [] Most paper services fall under one of two categories: editing sites and paper mills. Editin sites seem harmless from an academic standpoint: students can have their papers proofread at any time, with quick turnovers in the case of looming deadlines. The students write their own papers and the editors merely mark areas that need improvement and give general guidelines for grammar and stylistic changes. Of course, most people would be unwilling to pay $6.95[1] for proofreading. It is more likely that these sites heavily alter the essays they receive for editing , making them more of a co writer of the paper rather than just a reader. Paper mills are the more common online paper service: they usually keep many essays in stock with small excerpts available on their website. Buying a paper from these websites is not unethical, and there are cases where using another student s work to find primary sources and integrate such essay in one s own would be beneficial. In fact, most paper mill websites usually include a disclaimer stating that all papers they sell must be used as a reference. The following is an example disclaimer Can I Turn Your Paper In As My Own ?
  • 49. European Union Foreign Policy In A Changing World Summary The second edition of Karen E Smith s book European Union Foreign Policy in a Changing World is another installation of the series started in 2003. The second installation is an update and expansion in which she offers a crisp and different outlook on the intricacies of the contemporaneous European Union s foreign policy. Karen expounds on EU foreign policy by not only examining what the European Unionis but also what it does. The book has nine chapters that delve into different aspects of the European Union policy but all focusing on the union s foreign policy objectives. In the introduction chapter, Karen introduces the five pivotal foreign policy objectives that the European Union strives to achieve. These are: i.Advocacy for regional ... Show more content on ... The European Coal and Steel Community body was created post war second world war not only to achieve peace but also to solve the economic difficulties that the countries were facing. To achieve this, six countries agreed t the Treaty of Paris in effect forming an area of free trade. The book also looks at the the European Economic Community, a body created in 1958 to build a common market that had no tariffs or bottlenecks to the movement of goods and labor. This chapter looks at the transformation of the European Union through a number of political reforms and is depicted through the evolution of three distinct pillars:the European Communities, The Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and the The Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Council. This evolution is tracked to what Smith describes as the world s largest unified market and trading bloc that conducts economic and trading relations with virtually every country (Smith, 21). The next chapter looks at the policy instruments that are available to the European Union. These policy instruments are economic, diplomatic and military. In the evaluation of each of these policy instruments Smith looks at certain policy tools are assessed. Some of the policy tools that are evaluated under economic instruments are trade and cooperation agreements with third world countries, development aid to those countries is evaluated, regional associations are also presented coupled with their share in the 2007 European Union
  • 50. Like Water For Chocolate Abstract This paper was influenced through Laura Esquivel s, Like Water for Chocolate, a tragic romance novel that is denied of love by family tradition. The key topics of this paper that analysis will be touching on are over main characters, theme, and symbolism. This paper explains the importance and the analysis of each main characterby their description the author is providing a visual image for the readers to picture. Tradition is not only the theme of the novelbut it shows how Mexican tradition is a hard and sensitive subject to deal with back in the revolutionary days. Finally, how symbolism plays a huge part in this novel and the different meanings. With much research the reader can see that the author uses her own experience to influence this story. Whisking Love In the novel Like Water for Chocolateby Laura Esquivel, food is a major part of the story. The novel carries many of the traditions that Mexicans find very important in their culture. Mexican women play a big role in domestic life and must know how to prepare food. The ability of women to create a dish for every occasion is one of many great traditions in Mexico. This novel is divided into twelve chapters, each representing the months of the year. The importance of the way it is written is that each chapter begins with new recipes, which are used to tell Tita s life story. Author Esquivel uses her own life experiences of growing up in Mexico, her strong family
  • 51. Inflammation and Infection Caused by Diverticulitis Essay Diverticulitis is an aliment of the colon that affects the inner lining. Approximately 50% of all Americans will experience diverticulitis by the time they reach age 60. Pouches or bulging sacs in the lining become inflamed or infected. The most common site of diverticulitis is the large intestine. A low fiber diet is believed to be responsible for most cases of diverticulitis. Small pieces of feces can become trapped in the pouches and bulging sacs, which then cause the inflammationand/or infection. Diverticulitis normally responds well to treatment, some patients will have repeated bouts of diverticulitis, very few patients will require surgery to remove the effective section of bowel. (Fox Stollman, 2010) Patients with ... Show more content on ... ( The inflammation in diverticulitis is believed to be the result of fecal material that gets trapped in a diverticulum. The resulting fecal stone, or fecalith, causes pressure and necrosis of the diverticulum. The inflammation progresses and perforates into the mucosa of the colon. A small perforation is easily treated with antibiotics. A large perforation may wall off and create an abscess which can erode into nearby structures such as the small bowel or bladder, anterior abdominal wall, and fecal peritonitis can occur. (textbook) Patients present with left lower quadrant pain, reiterating the tendency for diverticulitis to affect the sigmoid colon in western countries. The pain can be constant or intermittent, and lack of appetite, or nausea and vomiting can be present. Physical examination of the abdomen reveals localized tenderness but frank rebound or guarding should be negative. Bowel sounds are frequently distant or depressed, if bowel sounds are very active an obstruction may be present, in mild cases the bowel sounds may be normal. The WBC may be elevated and the patient may present with a fever. Occasionally a palpable mass may be felt and may be very painful. Eating exacerbated the pain of left sided diverticulitis and pain can be lessened with the passage of feces or flatus. Patients may complain of a feeling of being bloated. Differential diagnoses for diverticulitis include colon cancer, colitis, crohn s
  • 52. Response To The Raven Letting go Our loved ones may be gone, but will never be forgotten. As we dive into the astonishing poem of The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe, we learn about the protagonist whose life was drastically changed after losing his dearly beloved, Lenore. As the protagonist hears a rapping at his chamber door, a raven enters. The protagonist believes Lenoreis incarcerated into the ghastly bird. The protagonist becomes annoyed,furious,and frustrated at the creature. As the reader, the poem of The Raven, leaves me feeling melancholy. I feel this because of the gloomy setting, unsettling characters, and the twisted theme. If you ve seen the hit television show Stranger Things, there are many very dark and creepy settings, just like the setting in the poem The Raven . As we read this... Show more content on ... For example, ... And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door, That i scarce was sure I heard you here i opened wide the door Darkness there and nothing more (Poe 182). While reading this stanza of the poem I had seem to dig deeply into my thoughts. Thinking of a chamber door, we are reminded of a chamber. Chambers are creepy. It sounds almost as if once you come through his door, your locked in for good. Which I believe is what Poe was trying to discreetly say. There are many teeth chattering characters in the world of entertainment that make chills tingle down your spine. At least that s the feeling when the raven enters the plot. Edgar Allan Poe has many pieces of writing and most of them have very bizarre characters. Including, the Raven. Not even the Raven as much as the Protagonist! Towards the ending of the poem the protagonist goes absolutely insane feeling as if the bird has been torturing him during his uninvited visit. Leave the loneliness
  • 53. ADHD In Childhood Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder has a complicated and interesting history and because of that it is important to understands this disorders implications and comorbidity to better treat and diagnose it. Research done by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that 11% of the US population between the ages of 4 17 are affected with ADHD; that s 6.4 million children and the prevalence of diagnosis is only increasing (2016). It was generally assumed that ADHD was something children would grow out of but new studies show that approximately 4% of the adult population in the US are still suffering from ADHD or have developed ADHD (Breyer, J. L., Lee, S., Winters, K. C., August, G. J., Realmuto, G. M. 2014). ADHD is... Show more content on ... In a study published by Hung Pollock and Karalunas, they created an experiment that tested children with and without ADHD s working memory (WM) to better understand how their executive functioning (EF) developed (2010). In order for an individual to use and learn an executive function, that individual must first use WM to remember and practice that function until it becomes automatic. Hung Pollock and Karalunas used two types of test to measure reaction time (RT) and apply that data to WM. The first test was alphabet arithmetic (AA), a computer program that would present a question with a number and a letter (i.e A+1=?) (Hung Pollock C. L., Karalunas S. L. 2010). Children were expected to replace the letter with the number associated with its position in the alphabet (i.e. A=1, B=2, C=3) and solve. The children were told to press that enter button with would record their RT and then say their answer aloud to the research assistant who then recorded answers (Hung Pollock C. L., Karalunas S. L. 2010). The second test, called finger math (FM), was another computer program that presented children with the same math problems as the AA (Hung Pollock C. L., Karalunas S. L.