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Define The Term Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic "Define The Term Essay" may appear deceptively simple at first
glance, but it unravels into a labyrinth of complexities as one delves deeper. The inherent
challenge lies not in the abundance of information available, but rather in the task of distilling a
concise and comprehensive definition that encapsulates the essence of the essay itself.
To begin with, the very nature of defining a term presupposes a nuanced understanding of its
multifaceted dimensions. A well-crafted essay on this subject requires the writer to navigate
through the historical evolution of the term, tracing its origins and transformations over time.
This demands meticulous research and an adept ability to synthesize disparate sources to
construct a coherent narrative.
Furthermore, the challenge extends beyond mere historical analysis. A comprehensive definition
should encompass the various connotations and interpretations the term has garnered in different
contexts. This involves exploring the diverse perspectives and scholarly opinions that have
shaped the term's meaning, adding layers of complexity to the essay-writing process.
The linguistic intricacies associated with defining terms also pose a formidable hurdle.
Achieving precision in language is paramount, as the goal is not merely to present a vague
overview but to articulate a definition that is both lucid and all-encompassing. Striking the right
balance between clarity and depth requires a careful choice of words and a keen sensitivity to
the subtleties of language.
Moreover, an essay on defining the term "essay" demands a certain level of self-awareness from
the writer. It requires them to grapple with the irony of elucidating a concept while embodying it
in their own writing. This self-reflexivity adds an additional layer of challenge, as the writer
must navigate the fine line between didacticism and demonstration.
In conclusion, the seemingly straightforward task of defining the term "essay" unfolds into a
complex and multifaceted endeavor. It necessitates a deep dive into historical, contextual, and
linguistic dimensions, demanding a meticulous synthesis of information and a nuanced use of
language. Successfully navigating these challenges results in an essay that not only defines the
term but also reflects the writer's ability to engage with the subject in a sophisticated manner.
For those seeking assistance in crafting essays on a variety of topics, including nuanced
definitions and intricate analyses, there are platforms like where similar essays
and much more can be ordered to aid in the academic journey.
Define The Term EssayDefine The Term Essay
Reasons Human Trafficking Should Be Ended
Slavery occurs when one person controls another person, using violence or the threat
of violence to maintain that control, exploits them economically, pays them nothing
and they cannot walk away. In 1865, slavery was abolished here in the United States.
It states in the thirteenth amendment that, neither slavery, nor involuntary servitude,
except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted,
shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Even
though it states that slavery is illegal in the thirteenth amendment, human traffickingis
equivalent to modern slavery and it still exist today in the United States. Human
trafficking happens when someone owes money, is kidnapped,... Show more content
on ...
In 2005, the State Department surveyed that there are approximately 100,000
300,000 children who are being sexually exploited in the United States. In 2013,
the FBI had decided to do a three day bust on sexually exploited children. They
managed to arrest 150 pimps across the U.S. and save 105 children trapped in sexual
exploitation. Child pornography can be described as the same thing as prostitution
but in this situation, children are being photographed and filmed doing sexual
things against their will. After the photographers and film makers are satisfied
with their work the then, proceed to send it to paying clients and post it on the
internet for all to see for a small price. The United States are one of the largest
producers and consumers of child pornography. In 2005, study revealed that 83
percent of arrested child pornography offenders had images involving children
between the ages 6 and 12; 39 percent had images of children between ages 3 and 5;
and 19 percent had images of infants and toddlers under age 3. In the book, Girls
Like Us, Rachel Lloyd interviews a young girl by the name of Danielle who is only
eleven and she was controlled by a pimp. It tells of her experience and how her
pimp was beating her. She was only eleven. In fact, most of the children who are sex
trafficked in the United States are
Impact of Pulp Magazines on American Culture Essay
Impact of Pulp Magazines on American Culture
The story is worth more than the paper it is printed on. Frank Munsey s words
symbolized the history of the pulp magazine. Frank Munsey started the pulp
magazine craze with his first magazine, the Argosy, in 1896. The Argosy was a
revamping of his children s magazine, the Golden Argosy, shifting its focus from
children to adults. The Argosy offered large amounts of fiction for a low price,
because these stories would be printed on cheap pulpwood scraps, thus gaining the
name pulp magazine . The pulp magazine has been a part of American history for
well over a hundred years. During the late 1890 s, there was a period of high
immigration. These immigrants and other working poor had no ... Show more content
on ...
Pulp magazines mainly dealt with racy love stories, detective cases, western and war
fiction, thus they had gained a notorious reputation for quality. While this was true, it
was not always the case. Pulp magazines have had contributions from many different,
famous authors. These authors include: H.P. Lovecraft (author of the Cthulhu
Mythos), Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke (author of 2001: A Space Odyssey
), Ray
Bradbury (author of the Martian Chronicles), Edgar Rice Burroughs (author of the
Tarzan, Mars, and Pellicidar series), Lester Dent (author of the Doc Savage series),
Walter Gibson (author of the Shadow series), Erle Stanley Gardner (author of the
Perry Mason novels), Robert Heinlein (author of Starship Troopers, Stranger in a
Strange Land), Robert E. Howard (author of the Conan stories), Robert Heinlein,
Daishell Hammett (author of the Maltese Falcon and the Thin Man), Steven Crane,
and Tennessee Williams. Such famous authors of great American literature took their
roots from these supposedly tawdry magazines.
Pulp magazines faded for a combination of reasons. The first reason was the
development of comic books as an alternative to the pulp magazines, drawing away
the juvenile group from the pulps. World War II paper shortages almost halted the
printing of the pulps. The development of the paperback book offered the population
high quality writing at a cheap price. Because of these reasons, eventually all the
Lincoln-Douglas Debate Essay examples
Every single moment that takes place in history arguably leaves an effect that lasts
much longer than just the initial outcome. The Lincoln Douglas Debates are by far
one of the truest examples of this happening. The seven debates between Abraham
Lincoln and Stephen Douglas that took place in 1858 had extreme importance in
Illinois that created effects that decided the presidential election of 1860.
The Lincoln Douglas debates were a series of several debates that took place all
over the state of Illinois. In these debates, two men argued in order to express their
beliefs and standpoints on certain issues, primarily slavery, in an attempt to be elected
into a seat in the U.S. Senate. The two men that participated in these debates were ...
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Abraham Lincoln began as a lawyer born in Kentucky who gained attention to himself
through having contrasting beliefs to Douglas over the topic of slavery. Through the
Lincoln Douglas debates, Lincoln morphed into a candidate prepared to become an
unforgettable president (History).
On June 16, 1858 made the statement a house divided against itself cannot stand, in
a speech about slavery, deeply contrasting with Douglas s views and speaking about
the conspiracy of the democratic plot to get slavery legalized in every state. This
conspiracy, of course, was being partly conspired by Stephen Douglas. Three weeks
later, Stephen Douglas refuted these claims while also calling Abraham Lincoln a
dangerous abolitionist (Looking for Lincoln). Being an abolitionist at the time held a
very negative connotation because abolitionists were often irrational extremists
(Morel 4). The following evening, in the exact same place as Douglas had spoken,
Lincoln spoke once more.
The Lincoln Douglas debates all began due to the fact that Douglas had been
travelling all over the state of Illinois making speeches in order to increase the
likelihood of his chance to be reelected into the U.S. Senate. More often than not, less
than a week later, sometimes the very same night, the annoying Republican
candidate, Lincoln would follow suit and speak to the same group of
Jim Halpert Biography
Jim Halpert started up his blog in 2011, by then he had amassed a pretty large
following and had quite an active forum, with the blogs success he eventually
launched his own weekly podcast and chartroom all linked to his RSS (really
simple syndication) feed. The subjects he wrote about ranged from professional
development in the workplace to personal health and supplement tips. He found
writing to be his true passion second to that would be his love for technology. He
was a decent programmer and web designer but that didn t stop him from pursuing
his career with intensity. He started off his coding journey coming up with add ons
and skin designs for the open source browser Mozilla firefox. This worked out well
as he was pretty good at navigating... Show more content on ...
He would get practice by designing websites for his friends businesses, his good
friend David had a decent sized wiring manufacturing plant that would supply a lot
of electricians with their supplies. Jim was responsible for making a easy to use and
secure business to business purchasing interface. His interface was built so well that
one of the electricians asked for him by name so that he could design their companies
business to customer interface so that appointments and directions for electricians
could all be arranged from the website rather than having to make a phone call. Jim
made this interface even better for their business as he had built in hyperlinks that
once clicked on, brought the customer to a webpage bio of the electrician they
were contracting, listing the electricians experience and specialties to really allow
for a personalized experience for the client. One of the executives who utilized the
Electrician website enjoyed the user interface so much that he asked Jim to design
a E Commerce platform so that people involved in the industrial sector could
auction off excess materials all on one easy to use program. The program was
constructed in a way so that mom and pops to fortune 500 companies could utilize
it effectively and all on one even playing field The program was a huge success and
was raved about by companies like GE, Schneider
Analysis Of Spanking Isn T Child Abuse, It s Common Sense
Bringing Up A New Generation
Spanking Isn t Child Abuse, It s Common Sense, by Ruban Navarrette deals with
one of the biggest controversies in parenting ever since the twenty first century:
spanking your child. Ruban s main point in this article is that fear is essential to
respect and children won t do what we tell them to do unless they fear ... Show more
content on ...
He made a good point on how in today s society parents are resulting in becoming
their child s BFF (best friend forever) rather than a parent. He says parents are
losing control. He states, In some cases parents already stressed from long days at
work and having no desire to spend precious time squabbling with children. and
most importantly, They gave up on raising children in exchange for peace and
quiet on the home front. This rings true in some cases but spanking and using
physical punishment isn t the way to get your kids to stop arguing or resisting. I
take this experience first hand. I believe that the reason children these days are
fighting their parents is because it is a different world, society is changing. In
today s world you give respect to get respect. Many kids, like myself, won t listen
to the parent that says no just because but when they have an actual,
understandable reason why, then I understand and I listen. In today s world a child
wants to be treated like a person, we want to be able to make our own mistakes,
learn our own lessons, and control our own lives. Maybe we feel as if as we get
older that we know what is better for ourselves than our parents do. We are the
How Literacy Narrative Has Affected My Life
A literacy narrative is quite often thought of as a personal account as to how the
written word has affected one s life. My literacy narrative, however, embodies my
passion of art to define who I am and how it has determined who I have become.
Photography has been a dominant part of my life since I was born; my mom loved
to take pictures of me playing and she would get in pictures with me wherever we
traveled. She would buy these cheap, disposable cameras in bulk and just let us
kids play with them or she would take enough pictures of us that we felt like her
little models. Sometimes, she would even develop the film she thought might be
promising and add the photos to our baby albums she cherished so deeply. My mom
was my budding inspiration for photography, and she is still my biggest supporter
today. I have to thank the twenty first... Show more content on ...
I was, of course, too young to understand the attributes of a good photography at
age fourteen, but I would still flip out my phone at all times of the day and snap
pictures of anything that seemed interesting. As time went on, I started to
understand what made a good photo and what didn t. I learned to shoot people in
the shade on sunny days to avoid strong shadowing, to leave breathing room for
objects not facing directly towards the camera, to use grid lines in order to balance
a photo, and so on. Photography became the first passion I had for learning more
outside of school, and I longed to learned as much as I could. I soon became even
more excited about travelling because I knew there would be brand new
landscapes and cities to capture. I came to see that there was a specific patience to
taking pictures in new places. I would always be twelve steps behind my family as I
would continually pause to raise up my camera and quickly set up for a seemingly
Stereotypes On Zoos
The Zoo. A magical place for the young and old. A place where you can see animals
from far away places. Places that seem untouchable. Look behind the green plants in
the enclosure. Take a real look at the animals. Are they happy? No. You might think
that they are happy and safe, but they are not. They can develop Zoochosis, they are
killed even when they are healthy, and zoos are actually going against conservation
The first reason why animals should not be kept in a zoo is that they can develop
Zoochosis. Zoochosis is a stereotypical behaviour. Stereotypic behaviour is when a
animals repeats a pattern with no goal. Wild elephants walk 30 miles or more each
day. When bears aren t hibernating they are active for 18 hours a day. When these
animals don t have this type of freedom in zoos they develop Zoochosis. Symptoms
of Zoochosis are vomiting, excessive grooming, rocking, swaying and pacing. When
an animal has Zoochosis it is almost guaranteed that they will die. Do you really
want them to die just because you feel the need to go and gaze ... Show more content
on ...
Not animals who are so sick, it is healthier just kill them. Healthy animals. To give
an example, I ll tell you about Marius the Giraffe. Marius was a healthy 2 year old
giraffe who was killed because he was unsuitable for breeding. After being killed,
he was publicly dissected in front of adults and children alike. After they had
skinned and dissected Marius, he was fed to the giraffes. When Copenhagen zoo
released that they would be killing Marius, there was multiple protests and an online
petition which gained 27,000 signatures. Multiple zoos also offered to take Marius,
but Copenhagen Zoo went along with their original plan. Another Swedish zoo killed
9 healthy lion cubs because they were surplus animals. At this zoo, from different
litters only two out of 13 lion cubs survived last five years. If these animals had been
left alone in their natural habitat, this wouldn t have
My Happy Day
Surpriesed things usually make you happy but sometimes it also makes you sad.
Surprise makes you become full of emotion. You can feel sad and happy at the
same time. I felt that once. It was a goodbye party for me. I was going to go study
abroad so my friends hold a party for me. Only my best friend and me were there.
On that day, the sun was shining, the birds were singing. I had thought that it would
be a happy day. However, it wasn t. The party was on 3 July. At 3.00 pm, my friends
came to my house and then we went to the supermarket to buy food. When we came
back home, we started cooking. It was absolutely exhilarant to cook together. We
finished cooking at about 5.00 pm. Our menu included fried chicken,sushi, fried
taco with fish sauce. We enjoyed our food which we had cooked together.
Although the food wasn t as delicious as the restaurant, we adored them so much
because they was made by us, by memories between us. Then we were eating and
talking at the same time. We talked about what had happened in our lives, in our
school. After we had finished eating, we decided to go to karaoke. All my friends
and I were interested in singing. Therefore, karaoke was the best choice.
Each of us rode our own bike to karaoke. At the begining, all of us were excited to
choose the songs. We sang many songs about love. Suddenly, a song about friendship
started. I feel quite confused because we didn t often sing this kind of music.Then
two of my friends said that they needed to go to
Dental 101 Teeth Anatomy
Dental 101: Tooth Types And Anatomy
Did you know that no other substance in your body is harder than your teeth? Teeth
are as mighty as they are tiny and much more complex than you think. While the
appearance of your smile typically steals the spotlight, in order to efficiently carry out
essential processes such as chewing and speech, careful attention must be paid to
other aspects of your teeth. From form to function, find out about key tooth features
that play a critical role in your oral health.
Tooth Anatomy
Starting from well below the gumline and up, every tooth is made up of these basic
Serving as the anchor , it is buried deep into the sockets of the jawbone in order to
keep the tooth securely in place. Even though it is not visible to the naked eye, the
root actually makes ... Show more content on ...
Similar to the root, it is centrally located, and it can cause individuals pain if
exposed due to a cavity, crack or fracture.
Dentin is the porous layer that covers the pulp and sits below the outer tooth enamel.
Because it secretes a mineralized substance, and is soft and flexible, it provides tooth
enamel an added layer of support and helps prevent it from fracturing. If the enamel is
compromised and the dentin is exposed, however, it can cause tooth sensitivity.
Enamel is the hard, white exterior covering of the tooth. Comprised of calcium
phosphate, its hardness serves to protect the sensitive inner parts of the tooth, but it is
still vulnerable to wear and tear, injury and tooth decay.
Although diet and hygiene play important roles in keeping your teeth in good shape,
crowding, bite and/or alignment issues due to genetics can also have a big impact on
the condition of your teeth.
Types Of Teeth
Adults normally have a set of 32 teeth that are built to serve different purposes. In
general, teeth are classified into one of four functional
United Nations Framework Convention On Climate Change
From melting glaciers to devastating storms and stranded polar bears, the mascots of
climate change show how rapidly the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) are changing
the planet. Such examples, in addition with the rising price of energy, drive people to
want to reduce consumption and lower their personal shares of global emissions. In
the 1990s, almost every member state of the United Nations resolved to confront
global warmingand manage its consequences. Thus the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) international treaty recognized a unified
resolve to curb global warming. In 1997, the Kyoto Protocolstrengthened the
convention. The process of cutting the carbon is a complex business and not all
hybrid design would be a success in regard to uncertainties and political lobbying
involved. The regulation of the government, participation of the industry and other
participants can make the system effective over a certain time span.
Carbon trading, often called emissions trading (ET), is a market based tool to limit
GHG. The carbon market trades emissions under cap and trade schemes (CTS) or
with credits that pay for or offset GHG reductions. The scheme s governing body
begins by setting a cap on allowable emissions. It then distributes or auctions off
emissions allowances that total the cap. Member firms that do not have enough
allowances to cover their emissions must either make reductions or buy another firm
s spare credits. Members with extra
The Man Nobody Knows Essay
The Man Nobody Knows
The author of this book Bruce Barton was a partner in a successful advertising firm
during the 1920 s. This was a time when the industry of advertising was under going
some major changes. These changes had a lot to do with a number of factors the
first of which being the post war prosperity this meant people had more money than
they ever had before. Another one of these factors had to do with the high number of
teens who were now attending high school, this proved to be important because it
created a whole other market which hadn t existed before. One more factor was the
advances made in transportation and communication, these advances allowed goods,
people, and information to travel ... Show more content on ...
Barton goes on to describe how the teacher had repeatedly stressed the need for him
to love God and Jesus, and how the boy had grown to be fear God. He also told us
how the boy pictured Jesus as the Lamb of God , which reminded him of Mary had
a little lamb. This association between Jesus and a children s song had made the
boy think of Jesus as meek, and lowly and as a man of sorrows and acquainted with
grief (Barton prologue). Later in Barton s story the man grows up and becomes a
business man, and again finds him self confronted by Jesus, only now he is old
enough to read it for himself and this time he doesn t see Jesus as a weakling at all.
Now he sees him as a successful carpenter who is both mentally and physically
strong as well as a great leader. He also realizes the great feat Jesus has
accomplished as well as the methods he used to accomplish this feat. Methods
Barton felt every business man should know about. Barton concludes this
explanation by telling us how he waited for someone to write a book relating Jesus
work to modern day business, and how when no one did he decided to write it
himself. And with that he set out to write what he called the story of the founder of
modern business Jesus Christ.
At first glance Barton use of a parable seemed un important but as I read on I
realized his intent in using this
Facilitators Observation
expressive art, the facilitator was well prepared and knew the topic very well. This
made the participants feel confident and more engaged in the session. I believed this
helped the facilitator achieved the desired outcomes.
Cadence and Tone: Another lesson I learned, when observing the facilitators, is to be
conscious of the cadence of your voice and avoid repeated words; both can be
distracting and cause the participants to be disengaged.
Check Ins: Both facilitators did check ins by stopping midway way in the
intervention to check and see how the participants were doing. For example, the
facilitator Is everyone okay? Do you all understand? . It is important to have a
balance between being too assertive and not assertive enough. Having this balance
provides reassure to the ... Show more content on ...
The two facilitators validated the participants thoughts/expressions. As a participant,
this made me feel welcomed and happy. For example, during the expression art
presentation, the facilitator commented on a participant s remarks. The participant
mentioned she was involved in a glee club and the facilitator recalled that remark and
made a comment to the participant. Another example is the other facilitator made a
conscious effort to call each participant by their name and thank them for
commenting. After the sessions, the participants comment on how they felt heard and
connected to the facilitator which increased their participation level.
Peer reviewed Research Paper
As a participant and an observer, I did not notice either facilitator link the key
outcomes to a peer reviewed research paper nor did they describe the process of their
research strategy. I never thought of stating the research component into my leisure
education presentations. After reviewing the rubric for TREC 3100, I realize it
would be beneficial to support the education session with research.
Benefits Of Your Son Becoming A Boy Scout
The Benefits of Your Son Becoming a Boy Scout
The Boy Scouts of America have been around for over a century and continue to be
popular today. There are many reasons for this, but above all them are the benefits
that boys learn during their time as a Boy Scout. The following are only a few of the
things that kids learn from scouting.
Learning team work
Boys do activities together in the Scouts, and much of the time success depends upon
working as a team. Preteen and teenage boys often have difficulty learning to put the
success of a group before their own success, but in the Boy Scouts, this is something
that your son will learn. As an adult, working with others as a team in the world of
business or government is common. Those who have been
All Possible World Concert Report
On Tuesday, Feb 28, the NMSU The Statesmen, Women s Chorale, Chamber Choir,
and University Singers presented a show called The Best of All Possible World,
conducted by Christa Fredrickson. They performed various works:
MADRIGALS, pieces from musicals, an ORGANUM piece, arranged by
Fredrickson herself, as well as sacred text compositions and folk songs. To begin
the concert, the NMSU Statesmen sang It s a Grand Night for Singing (from the
musical State Fair ), followed by Come again, sweet love, Think on Me, and Bonse
Aba (A traditional Zambian Song). Bonse Aba had a percussion accompaniment by
Joseph Baca, with several solos by Kenton Baker, Paul Bernstein, Caleb Birkhauser,
Maximilian Contreras, Elijah Estrada, Jesse Galinda, Spenderg Gilbert, Jeremy
Licano, David Poloney, and Myles Woods Brown.... Show more content on ...
Next, they performed O virtus Sapientiae, which was a lovely NEUMATIC piece,
with a solo by Emma Rosenthal. The last song performed by the Women s Chorale
was Five Hebrew Love Songs, dedicated to the late pianist Shane Summers, was
one of my favorite performances of the night. The song was accompanied by Ray
Arreola on the Viola and had a couple solos performed by Rosenthal. This was, in
my opinion, one of the best performances of the night, the HARMONY of the voices
and viola, and the alternating TEMPOS, creating deep emotion. After these
performances it was apparent that Ms. Rosenthal is extremely talented and a
seasoned performer. Rosenthal executed her solos with grace and
Granger Vs Weasley
The Harry Potter books are acclaimed for a long list of attributes that make them
such impeccable literature, among these includes a collection of strong female
characters. Two such characters are Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley, both of
whom have had an important impact on the series s hero, Harry Potter. While they
both play a prominent role, they are extremely different. One is a pureblood, the
other a muggleborn. One is part of a large family, one is an only child. One is
bookish, while the other is more athletically inclined. While Rowling s female
characters are each a sum of their different backgrounds, relationships, and abilities,
they can still stand side by side in battle, demonstrating their diverse, yet equally
strong characters.
Hermione Granger is an only child, born to married dentists, and has never had to
worry about affording food or other materials. Much like her friend Harry, she grew
up going to a regular school, that is, until her Hogwarts letter came in the mail. While
her parents may have been ... Show more content on ...
Aside from being shy around Harry for a couple years, Ginny found it easy to talk
to and hang around most people. This is due, in part, to her large family. Growing
up with multiple siblings tends to make someone an outgoing person, but having
brothers so close in age opens up possibilities for friendships outside their grade or
age. In the case of Ginny, this is especially true. While she maintained many
relationships within her year at Hogwarts, having Ron, a brother only a year older,
made it easy to interact and get along with his friends, opening up a larger social
circle than Hermione ever had. Ginny also engages in more romantic relationships
than Hermione. Within the span of 3 years, Ginny participates in romantic
relationships with Michael Corner, Dean Thomas, and finally Harry Potter. Each of
these are passionate relationships, and with the exception of Harry Potter, fairly
Elbert Frank Cox
Elbert Frank Cox was born December 5, 1895 in Evansville, Indiana He grew up
with his parents, maternal grandmother and two brothers. Elbert F. Cox was born
and raised in a college town in a racially mixed neighborhood, but at segregated
schools. In fact, his father, a school principal, had graduated from EvansvilleCollege
and had done graduate work at IndianaUniversity. Raised in a close knit and
religious family, Cox learned the importance of education and fostered a talent in
mathematics. During his life, he overcame various difficulties which arose because
of racism. When young Elbert demonstrated unusual ability in high school
mathematics and physics, he was directed toward Indiana University. With all the
separation and hardship and strife around him at the time it inspired him to strive
for a better education. At high school Elbert showed talents which made his choice
of career a difficult one. He was a talented violinist but also showed remarkable
talents in mathematics and physics. Cox was awarded a music scholarship which
would have enabled him to travel to Europe to study at the Prague Conservatory of
Music. His love of mathematics won and he entered Indiana University.
In 1917 ... Show more content on ...
While Cox did not live to see the inauguration of the Ph.D. program at Howard, it is
believed by many that Cox did much to make it possible. Cox helped to build up the
department to the point that the Ph.D. program became a practical next step. He gave
the department a great deal of credibility; primarily because of this personal prestige
as a mathematician, as being the first Black to receive a Ph.D. in mathematics,
because of the nature and kinds of appointments to the faculty that were made while
he chaired the Department, and because of the kinds of students that he attracted to
Howard to study mathematics at both the undergraduate and master s
Essay About Yorvinn
I m never going to fucking drink again. Holy shit, my head is fucking throbbing.
A half hour ago, Opa Vuu gave me a liquid that tasted like dragon piss. Supposedly,
it s supposed to help cure my hangover, but I m not feeling any different quite yet.
I don t know when I pass out, but I wake up late in the night.
I stumble over to Opa Vuu s room, where they re still up waiting for me.
You feeling all better? They ask.
Yeah... What did you want to talk about? I ask.
Listen, Cynthia, you re a master, now. As such, you ve got some responsibility to
take on. It s hard to say this, but... Well, what happened with Yorvinn, that might not
be a one time thing. I don t know what Eeskan Yu... I don t know what I could do. I
don t want to harm ... Show more content on ...
He lands on the rock, and melts into it.
Place your hands on him. Opa Vuu tells me.
I do as I m told, and seem to go into a different world.
All of the old masters of the weather are there. Rain runs over and hugs me.
Cynthia! I m so proud of you! She shouts.
Proud of me? You should be proud of Opa Vuu! They defeated Yorvinn!
Cynthia, you played your part in the fight, and now you ve risen to the rank of a
master. I m proud of you, and I m proud of everything you ve done. I m incredibly
proud to see that you re the new master of the weather.
I m still the newest master. I think I ve got a lot to prove, but... Well, I ll do my best
to live up to your name.
The only name you need is your own. She smiles at me. Also, I have a request for you.
What is it?
My son, Kah Djan... You ve gotten to know him pretty well, and I would like for
you to take care of him for me. When you go away, Zimma can take care of him,
but she has her own things to do and can t be looking after him constantly. Between
you two, and maybe your little sister, if she wants to help, I feel like he ll be in good
Don t worry, we ll take good care of him.
Good, good. Zimma will fill you in on the rest. Now, how about we go meet
somebody important to you? She knew your father.
Oh? I ask.
Yes, I knew him quite well. A muscular old lady says, stepping towards me. In fact, I
changed his diapers! He was my son. To think, my youngest baby had such an
Satire In South Park
The Misconception of Satire in South Park
South Park turns important political ideologies regarding race, gender and sexuality
into a spectacle, desensitizing its viewers to the social injustices the show raises,
marginalizing and trivializing minorities and ultimately, contributing to outrage
culture. But before the viewer has time to process the political incorrectness of the
show, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the writers of South Park have made a mockery
of the scene dousing the potential outrage and placating the viewer s opposition. Yet
although a handful of viewers observe South Park intellectually the remaining
majority does not. In theory South Park is a cleverly planned out show meant to raise
awareness to the ignorance of people through satire. However, South Park
deconstructs satire, and in turn employs the use of pseudo satire. Further ... Show
more content on ...
By South Park remaining passive to any ideology it discourages viewers from
asserting political agency (Frim, 2014). The lack of agency results in espousal of
an emergent cynicism. As explained in Pseudo Satire and Evasion of Ideological
Meaning in South Park, by Daniel Frim. Frim explains, South Park s refusal to
accept or reject ideology is an assertive ideology in and of itself, one that is harmful
(Frim, 2014). Because South Park refuses to take a clear ideology or point of view it
leaves the viewer to interpret the meaning themselves. Though, with the shows use of
pseudo satire, it can complicate the message. South Park style of storytelling is nearly
incoherent and exaggerated when dealing with controversial subjects, (Mark,
Sienkiewicz, 2009). The lack of obvious intended meaning encourages the viewer to
interpret from a shallow understanding, removing political opinions and emphasizing
the lack of substance behind them (Mark, Sienkiewicz,
Southern Gothic Writing Style
Benjamin McCarthy
Ms. Myszkowski
English 1102
3 December 2017
Southern Gothic Literature: A Comprehensive Analysis Southern Gothic literature is
a writing style that emphasizes the use of macabre and irony to expose social
problems in the south. The Southern Gothic writing style aims to expose the
ignorance and moral blindness of the American South (Bjerre). Southern Gothic
literature uses the writing style to enhance the message of the author. In other words,
the author uses Southern Gothic elements to place emphasis on their critical views of
the south. The authors use macabre and irony to emotionally influence the reader so
that the message has the greatest impact. This essay will explore the use of this
writing style as presented in A ... Show more content on ...
O Conner uses the grandmother and the Misift to illustrate society s attitudes
towards family relationships (Fite). The senseless violence is used to create an
emotional shock to the reader. With the shock in place, the author utilizes irony to
make it clear to the reader that Southern societal views are illogical to any
competent person. Furthermore, O Conner uses the development of the characters
to support her critical view of the South. Through the use of macabre and irony, the
author clearly employs the elements of Southern Gothic literature to emphasizes
the moral blindness of the grandmother. Flannery O Conner utilizes the elements of
macabre and irony in Good Country People to criticize her view of religious
principals in the South. The story focuses on a girl named Joy Hopewell who
strives to gain her mother s approval. When she does not get it, Joy believes she is
not worthy of admiration from anyone. Joy changes her name to Hulga thinking
she had hit upon the ugliest name in any language as a direct result of her mother s
disapproval (O Conner 223). Joy goes on to meet a bible salesman, Manley Pointer
who ultimately tricks her into having sex with him by telling her she is beautiful.
Joy immediately falls for Pointer as she has never been admired by anyone before.
Pointer goes as far as to ask Joy to remove her wooden leg, a request that would be
emotionally shocking to
Harpsichord (Italian cembalo; French clavecin), stringed keyboard instrument in
which the strings are plucked to produce sound. It was developed in Europe in the
14th or 15th century and was widely used from the 16th to the early 19th century,
when it was superseded by the piano. In the 20th century the harpsichord was revived
for performance of music of the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries, as well as for new
compositions. The incisive sound quality of the plucked metal strings adds clarity to
melodic lines. The harpsichord is particularly effective in performing contrapuntal
music that is, music that consists of two or more melodies played at the same time,
such as that of the German ... Show more content on ...
A typical two manual harpsichord of the 18th century had strings at normal and
octave high pitch playable on the lower manual, strings at normal pitch controlled by
the upper manual, and a coupling mechanism. Early History The earliest school of
harpsichord building developed in Italy in the 16th and 17th centuries. Italian
harpsichords differed from others in that they normally were made of extremely thin
wood and then placed in a stronger outer case of the same shape. A second important
school of building developed in the 16th and 17th centuries in Flanders, centered
around the influential Ruckers family of builders. These schools gave way in the
18th century to distinctive styles of building that developed in France (the Blachet
family), Germany (the Hass family), and England (Jacob Kirkman). Harpsichords of
the different national schools varied in details of their proportions and construction,
resulting in slight, although characteristic differences in tone color. Modern
Developments In the 20th century, two broad approaches to harpsichord building
emerged. The first utilized recent principles of construction, such as are found in
present day pianos. Stimulated by the Polish harpsichordist Wanda Landowska, this
style was exemplified by the French piano firms of Pleyel and Г‰rard. Their
harpsichords relied on heavy strings under high tension in a heavily braced case.
Contributions Of Jacque Rousseau
Jean Jacque Rousseau was born in the city state of Geneva, Switzerland in 1772.
Rousseau is primarily known for major works like The Social Contract, Emile,
Discourse on the origin of Inequality, the Constitutional Project for Corsica, and
Consideration on the Government of Poland. What makes Rousseau such an
important figure in the history of philosophyis because of his contribution to both
political and moral philosophies and his concept of general will , which also gained
him a lot of criticism. Apart from his philosophical and political contribution, he was
also a novelist, an autobiographer, botanist, composer and also a music theorist.
Rousseau s his political philosophies flows through his moral philosophies. In order
to understand... Show more content on ...
Rousseau fearing the emergence of a similar situation tries to set an alternative to
this by trying to merge the individual s freedom with the authority of the state.
Consequently, as claimed in his Social Contract, individual remain free by being
subject to their own wills. Alongside General will, the Social Contract also talks
about other three kinds of will individual will, where individuals have their own
will in accordance to their own private interests. Secondly it tells us about what
Rousseau meant by collective will, where individuals identifies themselves as a
part of a collective and try to keep aside their selfish motives. Finally it tells about a
third kind of will, i.e. the corporate will, which according to Rousseau is a bit
problematic because it occurs whenever an individual identifies himself as a subset
of the whole populace. He believes that in a well ordered society, there does not
exists any kind tension because individuals in a well ordered society surrender to the
law and the law in return safeguards their freedom from any kind of control from
A Character Analysis Of George In Seinfeld s The Pitch
On July 5th 1989, a sitcom was born into this world that would lead television into
a revolution in comedy. Seinfeld was a television sitcom that ran for about nine
seasons hosted by NBC. It was unique in a couple of ways. One of, if not, the best
way it was unique was its entire premise. In the episode, The Pitch, the character
called George sums up the shows premise in one sentence, Everybody s doing
something, we ll do nothing. All the sitcoms around this time, such as the Fresh
Prince of Bel air, all had a very formulaic idea about how the main character, Will,
would hang out with his family and his classmates at school. Also, it followed a strict,
introduce the characters, and introduce the problem(s), wrapped up with a solution at
... Show more content on ...
In the show, there are non stop references to food. In fact, there are about fifty five
plus episodes dedicated to food alone, that it about four to five seasons worth. With
such a big episode count, why is food such a big aspect? There is an old saying that
generally goes that food brings everyone together, especially around thanksgiving and
Christmas. I think it is interesting that the show takes this idea of getting together one
step forward and applies that idea to a common cookie, the black and white
Determination of % Composition of Pennies Using...
Determination of % Composition of Pennies Using Redox and Double Displacement
(Precipitation) Reactions
Oxidation involves the gain of electrons of hydrogen or the loss of oxygen or
decrease in oxidation state. If zinc completely reacts with HCL, then the theoretical
yield of copper should be equivalent to the actual yield.
In this lab, we will determine the percent composition of a modern (post 1982)
penny by using a strong acid to react and dissolve the zinc core, leaving only the
copper coating. Once only copper remains, we will compare its mass to the entire
mass of the penny to determine how much of a penny is copper and how much is zinc.
1. Obtain one 50.0 mL beaker, and label the beaker with ... Show more content on ...
How many moles of copper and zinc are in post 1982 pennies?
5. Write a balanced reaction of zinc with HCl. Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g).
6. How many moles of HCl are needed to react completely with all of the zinc in a
post 1982 penny?
7. In a procedure developed to determine the percent zinc in post 1982 pennies, 50
ml of an HCl solution was used to react (dissolve) all of the zinc in the penny. To
ensure complete reaction, the solution contains twice as many moles of HCl that is
actually needed. What concentration of HCl should be used?
In the scenario described in problem 7, what is the amount (in moles) of excess
(unreacted) HCl in solution?
9. How many moles of NaOH would be needed to completely react with all of the
excess HCl determined in problem 8? 10. As described in problem 7, a procedure
was developed to determine the percent zinc in post 1982 pennies. In that
procedure 50 ml of an HCl was used to react (dissolve) all of the zinc in the penny.
To ensure complete reaction, the solution contains twice as many moles of HCl that
is actually needed. To determine the percent zinc in the penny, the excess (unreacted)
HCl was titrated with NaOH. Determine the concentration of NaOH needed if you
want to use approximately 25 mL of NaOH to titrate the excess HCl. 11. Write the
balanced chemical reaction of zinc with HCl (same as problem 5). Is the product of
Analysis Of The Chrysanthemums And The Yellow...
Characters are an important literary aspect an author uses to communicate their
message to their audience. There are multiple strategies an author uses to make their
story more compelling and thought provoking. One strategy an author uses is to
incorporate a dynamic character into their written work. A dynamic character is a
character that changes overtime throughout a story due to conflicts that they
encounter. Dynamic characters in a short story serve a purpose. Just the use of a
dynamic character can change the way an audience perceives a story. It is also
common that a dynamic character will be a protagonist in the story. Two great
literary works, The Chrysanthemums written by John Steinbeck and The Yellow
Wallpaper written by Charlotte Perkins Gilmanboth contain a dynamic character.
Elisa Allen, a typical farmer in The Chrysanthemums and the narrator, who suffers
from depression in The Yellow Wallpaper both experience obstacles that shift their
mind set and idea of self worth in society. Elisa Allen and the narrator are both
dynamic characters whose journeys bring to the realization their loss of identity.
In The Chrysanthemums , Steinbeck writes in third person however, he focuses
entirely on Elisa s point of view. He sets the stage in the winter in the Salinas Valley
where there is fog that covers the foothill ranches. Steinbeck description of Henry
Allen s foothill ranch, where Elisa and Henry reside sets the tone of the story.
Steinbeck describes the
Christine Mitchell s When Living Is A Fate Worse Than
Imagine having your child taken away from you due to an illness. There was
nothing more to do for them, but you just have to let them go. People start feeling
upset and feel like they could have done more. In the story, When Living Is a Fate
Worse Than Death by Christine Mitchell explains to us how people felt after
Charlotte has died. She made this very persuasive due to her taking the side of the
doctors. Through the story the narrator starts with explain how charlotte died from
few brain cells. This caused her to stop breathing and pull away from pain. The next
thing we know is that the doctors where worried about why the parents chose to put
their child and them through pain of the death. The parents asked them to do cruel
stuff to keep their child alive. The doctors refused to do it. They wanted to have a
rule where if the baby was dying again they would resuscitate her. The hospital was
also worried about the parents suing them due to previous cases.This helped other
familydecide on sustaining life or prolonging life.... Show more content on ...
She explains how they felt after the death of charlotte. For example, she says, We
tried to resuscitate her for over an hour. It s the worse thin I ve ever done. I
actually felt sick (Paragraph 7). This is how one of the doctors felt after the death of
this baby. Another strength is she explains the problems that charlotte had and how
they tried to resuscitate her. In the beginning of the story Christine Mitchell says,
Little Charlotte lay on a high white bed, surrounded by nurses and doctors pushing
drugs into her veins, tubes into her trachea and needles into her heart, trying as hard
as they could to take over for her failing body and brains. (Paragraph
The Effects of the Writing in Margaret Atwood s Cat s Eye
The Effects of the Writing in Margaret Atwood s Cat s Eye
Margaret Atwood, Cat s Eye, Discuss the methods and effects of the writing, with
particular attention to the way the narrator presents herself to the reader, in the
extract and in the novel as a whole
Throughout the novel, Cat s Eye, the narrator discusses the details of her life in an
extremely detached and abstract style. She invites us to travel with her, back into
her past, where both the reader and the narrator watch the unravelling of her past
experiences. The narrator acts as a spectator to her own past, she does not re enact,
but instead replays the details, as if re winding an old video. Each individual
experience contains ... Show more content on ...
Another important issue which is raised is the idea of disguise. The narrator is
extremely attracted to this idea, and it is brought up many times. I pull on my
powder blue sweatsuit, my disguise as a non artist, here she shows her
embarrassment over expressing her artistic self, and prefers to remain anonymous.
When a poster of her is defaced, rather than becoming angry, she is pleased, The
moustache is like a costume. She appears to be jealous of men s opportunity of
using facial hair as a disguise, which seems a very strange thing to consider. After
entering a clothes shop, she comments on her desire for transformation, Disguise is
easier when you re young. This suggests that she was an expert on disguise in her
past years, which makes the reader very curious as to whether we are ever shown
the real story behind the narrator, or whether it is simply all a make believe life.
The description of the narrator s current home environment and surroundings is
equally negative. Again, these negative implications are subtly inserted, so a
seemingly idyllic mountain side home becomes a fake, ridiculous film set. She uses
words such as, Unreality, sloppy, overdone, to
Marlboro Commercials
Marlboro, a big international company launched by Philip Morris in 1904. A
company widely famous, and recognized. Everyone knows smoking is bad. In
spite of this the company is making huge profits. This is why I chose two Marlboro
cigarettes commercials. One of them was in 1955, and the second was relatively
recent. There is a huge shift in the way the company represented their product back
then and now. This intrigues me in a certain way, and makes me wonder what made
the company shift from their usual approach to a whole new one. The two
commercials had one similarity, which is a man smokinga Marlboro cigaretteand I
think this is pretty consistent in most Marlboro commercials.
The first commercial, which was in 1955 shows, a man working
Informative Speech On Hypnotism
Specific Purpose: As a result of my speech, my audience will know the background
and realistic uses of hypnotism today.
Central Idea: Hypnotism is not just a cool magic trick but an effect psychological
(Attention getter) Picture someone waving a pocket watch back and forth in front of
someone s face, your first thought is that that person is being hypnotized, right? That
s because that s what we all grew up seeing in cartoons and cheesy movies. Most
people don t expect that hypnotism is more than a performance act involving a
pocket watch or magician. (Credibility) But according to the APA (American
Psychology Association) hypnosis is a form of treatment for a number of
psychological and medical conditions with the most researched area being in pain
relief. (central idea) Hypnotism is not just a cool stage trick but an effect form of
psychological therapy. (preview statement) Today, I will explain to you what
hypnotism is, how it came to be, and the practical uses of it today. ... Show more
content on ...
I.The history of hypnotism had evolved greatly since the concept was first introduced.
A.Franz Mesmer was the first person to introduce the idea of hypnosis in the 18th
1.His idea of hypnosis centered around magnetism which was later disproven but
essentially, he believed a magnetic force flowed through the hypnotist to the person
being hypnotized. Coined the term mesmerize
B.James Braid coined the term hypnosis hypnotism
1.He coined this term after the Greek god Hypnos of sleep.
2.Developed that hypnosis was a
C.The phenomenon of hypnotism interested many physicians.
1.Hypnotism became accepted as a combination of psychologically mediated
responses to suggestions.
Transition: Now that we ve laid a foundation down with the history, let s talk about
what hypnosis really
The Threat of Human Cloning Essay
The human genome is constructed of four simple chromosomes, each of which is
represented by a single capital letter; G, A, C, and T. These simple chemicals are the
building blocks of life, and act as the blueprints for one of the most complicated
biological structures in the known universe; the human. Strands of these
chromosomes billions of letters long provide a uniqueness that guarantees
individuality in a swiftly growing world. Is not individuality after all one of the most
highly acclaimed American ideals? Does it not compose the backbone of freedom,
our country s founding doctrine? It most assuredly does, and individuality therefore,
is one of the most integral parts of humansociety. The importance of this ideal dictates
that... Show more content on ...
Cloning cannot be tolerated in society anywhere, not because of the ramifications on
the individual countries and their cultures, but more importantly because of the
mental state that a clone would inevitably have to cope with. The ability to clone
humans is in essence the ability to steal a piece of someone s individuality, which
we have already closely associated as being a prime evil. The ancient philosopher
Rene Descartes stated That in order to understand the passions of the soul its
functions must be distinguished from those of the body (Hallman, 40). That is, the
soul and body must have distinctions, and this I agree with for the sake of
understanding the mechanics and interactions of the two. However after this has
been established the line must be drawn.
George Johnson, believes that each person, whether they be a clone or not, should
understandably have his own soul created by the composition of previous thoughts
and experiences (Nussbaum, Sunstein 69). The example we are provided with
references the unique nature of twins. According to this reasoning, twins grow up
together, composed of the same genetic makeup, but because of personal
experiences result in different persons (69). If this truly is the case then cloning
does not accomplish what it is intended for in the first place. Likewise he argues,
clones who share exact genome matches will also become different people as a
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Airplanes
Before airplanes were invented, journeys were tiring and extremely time
consuming. People would have to travel for weeks by ship to reach other
countries. This became a problem because people were often tired and frustrated at
how inconvenient travelling was. For example, it takes around 11 to 12 hours to
travel from London to New York by plane, but if you travel by ship / boat, it takes an
average of 4 to 5 days. It could take two weeks to reach somewhere that took a plane
two days to travel.
Exporting goods by boat / ship was extremely expensive; even though there was
still a lot of trade, airplanes have made trade much easier and faster therefore there
is much more trade now. Trade is good because it helps the economy, provides jobs
for ... Show more content on ...
It is the fastest form of transport and therefore is very useful when time is an
important factor. Along with the quick and efficient service, there are comfortable
cushioned seats so longer flights aren t too difficult. The average occupancy of an
aircraft is around 80% greater than other forms of transport. (Statistics from Air
Transport Action Group ATAG)
In terms of the route of travel, there are no physical barriers so it follows the
shortest and most direct route to the intended destination; connecting flights are
provided for places like Kochi (in India) that don t have direct flights. Air transport
can also be very easily accessed and can be used to transport goods to rural areas or
places that can t be accessed by any other means of transport. In the case of a natural
disaster e.g. floods or earthquakes, airplanes will still be operating and is the only
mode of transport which can be used for relief work or to provide essential necessities
in life. Airplanes are often used to carry fragile goods that require fast delivery
over long distances. They carry goods that are over 35% value (many are perishable
goods). Deliveries from Africa to UK support the livelihoods of 1.5 million people.
(Statistics from Air Transport Action Group
Decisions In The Book Lyddie, By Katherine Paterson
Decisions are something we face constantly every day, whether its choosing what
to say, which way to go, or even what your gonna eat. We all make decisions some
can be hard and so simple. In the book Lyddie written by Katherine Paterson it talks
about a 13 year old girl named Lyddie who left her home to go work at a tavern to
pay off her father s debt. But soon after she got fired and went to go work at a mill.
The book takes place during the Industrial revolution. Most most of the story takes
place at the mill bur in some rare cases she goes home to visit. The story is
important, and the story is important because it talks about the struggle that was
going on, and to teach in a fictional way about the Industrial revolution. Now Lyddie
... Show more content on ...
On page 100 it talks about Lyddie it says She could not fall behind in her
production . Else her pay would drop... So no matter how long the girls worked
what matters is their production which is how much material they make. So they
could have been working for a full 24 hours and they could still get little pay if
they did not make much material. On page 139 Lyddie had just gotten back to
work because she was feeling better now it says The money was going again. She
had nearly caught up with the wages lost by her less... Lyddie had been ill so she
could not work but once she was well enough she was to, but she went at as lower
pace because she was still kind of heeling, and since she she was going at a slower
pace she was not getting much money. On page 89 Lyddie was starting to look
harder and it says she only had two looms to tend instead of the four she had during
the summer. She needed the money. She had to have the money. Lyddie was
working twice as hard in the summer and even worked for the same time it wouldn
t matter because what she needed was the cloth to get the money. Lyddie was
working over hours for under pay and it s unfair for the workers. That s why I feel
that Lyddie should sign the petition for the pay of time instead of
Tom Standage s Impact On The Newspaper Industry
The Victorian Internet, takes us on a journey back to the old days of how people
use to communicate with horses and ships. Tom Standage shows us how people use
to contact each other in the 1800 s before the telegraph was invented in 1837. The
author describes the positives and negatives on the telegraph being invented, in the
beginning of the book the author shows how people received an update on current
events, but by the time the news was received, it was about four weeks old.
Throughout the rest of the novel, the author wrote about the impact the telegraph had
on the newspaper industry and how the United States along with Europe incorporated
the telegraph in different ways. Tom Standage is a journalist and author out of
England. He is a... Show more content on ...
The semaphore was the telegraphs predecessor. The semaphore was extremely
limited. It was not able to go over long distances. There were many factors when it
came to establishing semaphore lines. Many things were dependent on the
geography, the weather, and other things that may affect sight. They were also not
very private, everyone and anyone could see what message you were sending
across to the other tower if they knew how to decipher it. It wasn t jaw dropping as
the electrical telegraph, yeah sure they could get messages across from one place to
another, but it wasn t as fast or expansive as the electrical telegraph. It did not
completely revolutionize the way Europe worked.
The title is fitting. As previously stated, the telegraph revolutionized the world. It is
akin to the internet. Our generation doesn t know the significance of the telegraph,
and again believes it to be an obsolete method of communication. If you tell them that
it had the same effect that the internet has had on us then you can truly paint the
picture. More so, we are able to paint the bigger picture and realize that the internet is
not the pinnacle of
Essay On Claude Bernard
The Scientist Claude Bernard There are many scientists throughout time that has
impacted science and mankind in a positive matter. One scientist that stuck out to
me the most is Claude Bernard. Claude Bernard was a successful scientist that has
studied a lot, had spent a lot of time in school, and has impacted many human lives
because of his discoveries. Claude Bernard was a biologist who was born in Saint
Julien, Rhône, France on July 12, 1813. Claude s parents Jean François Bernard
and Jeanne Saunier both lived in Saint Julien for most of their lives (Sabbatini).
Claude Bernard passed away on February 10, 1878 in Paris, France. Claude s funeral
was the first public funeral in Paris (Virtanen). Claude... Show more content on ...
He decided to get a medical degree because he was interested in blood and how the
human organs worked (Sabbatani). There are many different reasons why Claude
was interested and inspired to find his discoveries. Claude was interested in the
mechanics of digestion, which he tended to really enjoy. His favorite part of being a
biologist involved exploring the insides of an animal s stomach. He put most of his
work into finding the correct process of digestion, and how exactly a human or
animal digestive system actually works. After awhile he would experiment on
humans that are dead, so he could look for anything he had never seen before (
Claude Bernard ). There were plenty of other discoveries going on while Claude
was doing his work. John William Draper was working on making the first ever
detailed photograph of the moon. John William Draper finally was able to take the
photo in 1840 ( The First Photograph of The Moon ). Another scientist at the time
was Robert Bunsen. Robert Bunsen invented the zinc carbon cell also known as the
Bunsen battery. The Bunsen battery was the first battery to use a carbon electrode.
The battery was invented in 1843 ( Home ). Louis Agassiz had discovered the Ice
Age . He had discovered the Ice Age by studying underneath another scientists. The
Ice Age was a time when there was severe cooling which caused glaciers to cover the
The Psychology Behind the Serial Killer Essay
The Psychology Behind the Serial Killer Creeping around the shadowy house, the
predator found its prey waking to strange sounds. The victim lay facedown, with a
sweating forehead pressed fearfully into the pillow, silently praying the noises
would just go away. Suddenly the victim found himself straddled and pinned to the
bed. He was unable to scream for help due to the pressure of the handle of a pick
axe against his throat, preventing any breath from escaping, much less any sound.
The victim struggled beneath the weight of the assailant. The scant light from the
sodium arc street light outside cast a peculiar silhouette on the walls of the darkened
room, projecting an image that looked oddly like that of a cowboy saddled upon...
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Definition: What What is a serial killer? Retired Special Agent Robert Ressler, a
twenty two year veteran of the FBI s Behavioral Sciences Unit in Quantico,
Virginia, is responsible for creating the term serial killer. He defines this person as
one who commits a series of murders, usually three or more, the victims most often
being strangers, and usually with a cooling off period in between each kill
(Kelleher Kelleher, 1998; Pearson, 1998; Ressler and Shactman, 1997). This
precise definition is necessary to distinguish this type of predator from the mass
murderer (who kills many simultaneously), mercenaries, war criminals, or mafia hit
men. Profiling: Who and How Though serial killer may have a fairly specific
definition, there is no single precise profile for the serial killer. Each has a unique
identity, set of motives and methods, and a unique psychopathology that would
attempt to explain the mens rea, that is, the purpose or intent of the murder.
Psychological profiling is an investigative tool used strictly to answer the how of
the crime, not the why (Severence et al, 1992; Lanier and Henry, 1998). By
examining the psychological make up of the serial killer, it is often possible to
explain the behavior, which might make it a useful tool in solving crimes. Theories
of Criminal Behavior Many theories have been
Magna Carta Analysis
First, the Magna Carta is a legal document that was written in 1215. It was written to
acknowledge the carelessness of the kings doing in England to abuse his power
while watching the other English people suffer, and to also enforce a set of rules that
everyone, including himself, would have to follow.
Dating back to about 1772 BCE the Amorite King Hammurabi issued a set of laws
after conquering Mesopotamia, by the name of law codes of Hammurabi(source
2.1). It was to place boundaries and penalties on people due to their choice of
action. In source 2.1 of our book it says that, Hammurabi did it in order to cause
justice to prevail in the land and to further the welfare of the people which supports
that idea. Just like the Magna Carta the Hammurabi law codes were put in place so
that people with a higher power could not take advantage of the people that was
not in a high social rank. An example from the Hammurabi s code is, if a man
accuse a man, and charge him with murder, but cannot convict him the accuser
shall be put to death, in other words you cannot falsely accuse someone of a crime
without liable evidence(clause 1). An example from the Magna Carta that
supports this idea is from clause 40 and it states, no one will we sell, to no one
deny or delay right or justice . This means that everybody has a right to a equal and
fair trial without someone being bribed, paid off, or just being held in prison. Each
example from the Hammurabi s law codes and the Magna Carta
Fostering Diversity On School Campuses
Diversity is how we are all different in our own unique way. The concept of diversity
encompasses acceptance and respect. It is about recognizing our individual
differences, and working together to forge a better future. Colleges should aim to
establish a climate of diversity and inclusion on school campuses, so that every
student, regardless of background, race, religion or language feel safe and a sense of
belonging. Colleges with a diverse student body helps improve the academic
performance of students and better student collaboration. Queens fostering a diverse
community of students, will help in creating a conducive learningenvironment for
students and staff. It will improve the overall performance of students and create a
more collaborative... Show more content on ...
I realize that i had a lot to contribute to Queens to interest in fostering a diverse
student body. My diversity is not simply limited to my race, but rather my
language, religion, origin and cultural background. I am from a tiny west African
country called The Gambia . Although English should be the official language of
The Gambia, Majority of the population cannot speak it. Our native languages are
the widely spoken languages. When I came to the US, I speak very little English,
people couldn t understand me when I speak. They would often tell me that you
have a strong African accent we don t understand anything that you saying. This
makes me feel left out and lonely. The only time I feel a sense of belonging is
when I go to the park to play soccer, Normally before we play, we divide the teams
into two 4 v 4 . All of my teammates used to be Hispanics and White, I have never
seen a black person of African playing soccer at the park. Most of my teammates
don t understand me when I speak, but that doesn t stop us from winning. We won
most of the games. I community to my team mates using sign languages usually
with my hands. I observe their body movements to effect my passes. I communicate
with them without even talking, and all our other differences fade away. After
going to the park for so long and meeting with different teammates every single day,
I always find a way to move past what makes us different, finding that something that
makes us the same. Whether on the soccer field, in the classroom, on campus, in
dorms , dining halls or on the street. It is the only way to live peacefully and build a
better future
The Importance Of Alarm Fatigue And Its Effects On The...
Chapter Four: Evaluation
The purpose of this project was to determine if traditional education had a greater
impact on the number of false and non actionable alarms over presenting education in
an online educational format. Evidence supports that alarm fatigue is a nursing
problem that puts patients at risk for ham. Reducing the number of nuisance alarms
decreases the occurrence of alarm fatigue among registered nurses. Evidence also
supports patient harm is lessened when alarm fatigue is reduced (Sendelbach, S.,
Funk, M. 2013). Nurses are ethically obligated to reduce and remove the risk of
patient harm. Patients are at a greater risk for harm when nurse do not appropriately
manage nuisance alarms. Nurses are ethically obligated to reduce this risk of hazard
to patients by following evidence based strategies to reduce these nuisance alarms.
This chapter includes the implementation for this project, and step by step details
will be outlined. The project s results will be discussed as well as the evaluation of
the findings. Also in this chapter, evaluation of the project s design and evaluation of
the project s implementation will be examined.
The project was designed to compare false, non actionable alarms prior to education
on the evidence based strategies to reduce alarm fatigue, after online education and
then again after traditional face to face education. The project included nurses in the
14 bed cardiac intensive care unit, within a 456 bed, not for profit
Survival Is The Key Struggle
Survival is the key struggle in The Shawshank Redemption. This film takes place in
the corrupt Shawshank State Penitentiary where mental and physical abuses inflicted
upon prisoners are the hard realities of the system. For the prisoners of Shawshank,
life is often bleak and violent. However, the will to survive is what keeps the
characters motivated to retain their humanity and challenge the institutionalization of
Shawshank. In particular, the film s main protagonists, Andy Dufresne and Ellis
Red Redding, exemplify the struggle for survival in the face of a corrupt,
frightening, and oppressive prison system. In order to survive the harsh realities of
the world, people adapt with personal traits like courage and resourcefulness in
addition to forming community with other people. Without a doubt, courage is a
crucial element for survival in The Shawshank Redemption because courage is the
trait that the prisoners develop in order to overcome their fears in the prison setting.
Of course, fear is the natural instinct people have when they enter the unknown. In
any frightening situation, individuals, like Andy and his fellow new inmates when
they first arrive at Shawshank, must succumb to fear or find the courage to
persevere. At first, it might be difficult for people to find courage in frightening
times, but many individuals still manage to find courage from sources like religious
faith and hope. For example, religious faith is important for courage because faith can
Essay on Walker s Message of Personal Heritage in...
Alice Walker s Everyday Use is a short story about a mother and two very different
daughters set in rural Georgia during the late 1960 s. The plot is centered around
on the two daughters, Dee and Maggie, and focusing on the differences between
the two and who will gain possession of two hand made quilts that are seen as a
coveted trophy by Dee and are viewed as everyday items Maggie. The final
decision of which daughter ultimately receives the quilts will be made by Momma
Johnson. Momma, who is never given a first name in the story, is a strong black
woman with many man like qualities. In real life I am a large, big boned woman
with rough, man working hands. In the winter I wear flannel nightgowns to bed and
overalls during the... Show more content on ...
I will be focusing this paper on the reasons why Maggie should be given the quilts,
reasons why Dee should not be allowed to take them, and what this tell us about
Alice Walker s sense of what it means to be in touch with one s heritage. Maggie
deserves the quilts because she appreciates the practical value of the items and
would naturally use them as they were intended. Like her grandmother, Maggie is
a person who values the quilts more as a practical solution for staying warm at
night than as folk art which should be displayed in a museum. Dee s thoughts of
her simple minded sister come into full light during a conversation with Momma
when her request for the quilts is denied. Maggie can t appreciate these quilts! She
d probably be backward enough to put them the everyday use. I reckon she would,
Momma replied, God knows I been saving em long enough with nobody using em.
I hope she will. (DiYanni 748) With little or no money during tough times, poorer
families have often had to be more self reliant where learning to sew was a skill
that was valued and passed down to the younger generation. Maggie embraced this
skill while her more ambitious sister did not see the value in learning such an
ordinary task. She can always make more, Momma said, Maggie knows how to
An Analysis of A Forest Hymn by William Cullen Bryant
A Forest Hymn by William Cullen Bryant The poem A Forest Hymn talk of the
origin of all the nature that surrounds humanity and the activities of these naturally
found objects. It gives an indication that the source of all the nature that we see is
God and He is the one who controls their actions in all aspects and as to that, the
poet implores the entire humanity to humble itself before the creator and
controller of nature and worship him, not necessarily in houses or in crowds as
both of these are weak and cannot stand before the might of the creator, but in
natural settings. This poem is therefore widely a statement of pantheism, which is
a position that god and nature are the same. According to Matt Slick, (2011) the
word pantheism is derived from Greek words Pan meaning all and the other
section from theos meaning God. This then implies that all nature found in the
universe, from the stars, mountains, planets, wind, rain, storms are all part of what
God is hence pantheists contest that God is all and all nature is part of God. This
should not be confused with the Christian perspective that God created all nature
but these are inferior to him and are in no way equal to him. This poem is
generally a pantheism statement exemplified since it equates nature to be having
the same powers as God. The poet indeed starts off by stating clearly that The
groves were God s first temples. Ere man learned an indication that if man is inferior
to God, yet God used nature
Different Types Of Conflict In Shakespeare s Romeo And
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, / Where civil blood makes civil hands
unclean. / From forth the fatal loins of these two foes / A pair of star crossed
lovers take their life; ( Prologue). Those are the words involved in a play called
Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare. That quote explains how two
families can cause a tremendous problem for not being allies. Shakespeare believes
that different types of conflict can create more conflict.
The very first common type of conflict is fighting with enemies. In Act 3 Scene 1
Mercutio starts fighting Tybalt. Romeo is trying to break up the fight and when he
gets between them, Tybalt quickly stabs Mercutio and Mercutio slowly dies. Romeo
with angrily starts a quarrel with Tybalt, ... Show more content on ...
In Romeo and Juliet,both families have a beastly family history. At the end of Act
5 we know that Romeo and Juliet both die for love. They killed themselves because
of their family s conflict not wanting to get along. With their families being
enemies it was hard for them to be together, but when Romeo and Juliet both past
away it affected their families. At the end, both families decide that they should
stop their feud because their feud cost them their own kid. A movie of today that
represents that example is Our Family Wedding. Our Family Wedding is a movie
where a couple is in love with each other and want to get married, but the two
families don t like each other and argue all the time. With so much disagreement
between the families the couple decide to break away, which makes the families
both upset that they gave up their marriage over them arguing. They decide to get
along and the couple gets back together and have their dream wedding. Things that
are similar in the examples are that the families break up the lovers apart because
of their feud. Romeo and Juliet die because of their family feuds and the couple
breaks up because of their families arguing all the time. Some difference is that the
end of the play it was too late for Montague and Capulet to make things right and
letting Romeo and Juliet be with each other. Another difference is the movie is about
a wedding and the lovers getting stress
Compare And Contrast Jamestown And Plymouth
After the failure of Roanoke in 1587, the English decided once again to try to
establish a permanent colony in North America. Major changes in the social and
economic life in England caused more people to want to come to America. After
new, more nutritious crops, were brought back from the Americas, the population of
England doubled. This increased the demand for more food, clothing, and other
goods. The gap between the rich and the poor also increased, leaving those with
little land in poverty. Religious freedom was also becoming an issue for people in
England, as the Reformation began in 1533. Those who wanted to break away from
the Catholic Church could not when divine right monarchs believed they had the
power to enforce a particular religionon their people. It was these factors that caused
the first settlers of Chesapeake and Plymouthto leave in search for a better life and to
find new opportunities. The early English settlements of Chesapeake and Plymouth
differed as well as resembled each other in trade and work, government, and
communal and family structure, which affected the quality of life in these colonies.
The basis of the economies in Plymouth and Chesapeake differed, as Plymouth
supported their colony through cod fishing and Chesapeake through tobacco... Show
more content on ...
They resembled each other most in their governmental systems, and differed a lot in
work and in family and communal structures. Each colony had a different life to
offer, so one settlement was not necessarily superior to the other. *Chesapeake s
economy could not have been possible without the Columbian Exchange, when this
crop was first introduced the Europeans and popularized. *Like Jamestown, Plymouth
colonist needed the help of the Natives for foodstuffs. There were components of
each that made them succeed, and others that took away from the quality of
Forgiveness Vs. Condemnation In Dante Alighieri s The...
As the second part of Dante Alighieri s Divine Comedy, The Purgatorio serves as
an allegorical bridge between the two other works, much like Purgatory serves as a
bridge into Heaven. Purgatory is characterized by repentance as sinners here are
given the chance to work towards redemption, as opposed to Hellwhere sinners are
punished for eternity with no hope for forgiveness. The idea of forgiveness versus
condemnation can be seen in the comparison of Cato and Virgil, a man forgiven and a
man condemned. Cato, like Virgil, died before the birth of Christ but repented in the
final moments of his life and was given a place in Purgatory, despite being a pagan
and committing suicide. Cato s story proves that choosing repentance is the key and
Virgil,... Show more content on ...
The psychological implications of nature versus nurture in one s later life and
development have been contested for years, and I have a tendency to stick very
close to the middle; I believe Dante would as well. He gives a very clear answer as
to whose responsibility it is (our own) to make decisions and gain entrance into
Purgatory, while also making some concessions for circumstance and nature, for
Virgil says the only road I could have taken was the road I took, (I 62 63)
emphasising how he was constrained by the options available. But this
constrainment does not, in any way, alleviate the responsibility we have for our
own souls, but instead teaches us that we should act the best we can, given our
lives and histories, in order to be the most virtuous people we can be. The view is
also somewhat more forgiving than other interpretations, as it is always possible
to return to the path and Goodness has arms so wide that It accepts whoever would
return (III 122 123). This belief in redemption mimics my own belief in the human
ability to change and become better than we were before by choice. Dante
repeatedly states that we must chose the path of goodness for ourselves and can be
guided but never forced, something I agree with wholeheartedly, for is a forced
repentance really repentance at all? The discussion of the afterlives of Cato and
Virgil show the importance of choice, given Cato s
Many People, Whether A Canadian Citizen Or Not, Have...
Many people, whether a Canadian citizen or not, have different opinions on the
Canadian government. These opinions can be strictly positive or negative, but
looking at certain aspects of the government may lead to mixed views depending
on what policies and programs are being evaluated. With this being said, there is
no concrete right or wrong answer to how well the Canadian government is doing
as they excel in some of the programs they implement, but also fail in others. With
the recent election of the Liberal party after almost 10 years of being governed by
the Conservative partyi , it is safe to say that there are and will continue to be
changes in government policies and programs in the years to come. Looking at the
Canadian government... Show more content on ...
This would include those who are already educated by Canadian universities, and are
English speaking, but have yet to immigrate. However, the government is failing to
do this. In order for this to be made possible, it is necessary to provide incentive for
international students to stay in permanent residency after graduation. In addition,
providing further incentive for international students to become entrepreneurs results
in economic growth as entrepreneurship is one of the major inputs necessary to raise
economic potential (Pg84). As a result, these graduates will better integrate in the
Canadian workforce and therefore be less likely to become unemployed. With this
being said, the Canadian government is failing to keep international students in
permanent residency as the Express Entry program has such a difficult criterion to
meet, but is necessary to pass in order for international students to stay in Canada.
Needing a job offer from an employer who has found that no Canadian meets their job
requirements, needing to pass characteristics such as age, education, experience in the
workforce and language, and needing a sponsorship by a provincial governmentiii
provides almost no incentive for international students to remain in Canada thus
lowering the
Azithromy (Cocci Bacilli)
Cats are adorable family pets, but pet owner should be cautioned as these little
animal ca cause severe infections. A bite, a lick or a scratch can be serious. With
this case a looked at the symptoms this 66 year old was exhibiting after being
bitten by a cat. The pain, redness chills fever, axillary tenderness the two puncture
wound and so forth. With her gram stain showing that she has a gram negative
coccobacillus, that grows well on the blood agar as also on the MacConkey agar. I
concluded that the organism that she is infected with is the Pasteurella Multocida.
According to my research this organism is gran negative cocci bacilli, it is a natural
inhabitant of the skin, digestive tract and oral cavity and respiratory tract of cat. As...
Show more content on ...
The usual treatment for this infection is with antibiotics. According to research
penicillin and amoxicillin are the first line for treatment. If a patient is allergic to
penicillin the Physician may order doxycline, minocycline, azithromycin. Pt are
normally treated with antibiotics for one to two weeks depending on deep tissue
infection. In this case I feel this lady will need to be admitted for intravenous
antibiotic for a few days. Regarding the abscess as I have seen being working in the
hospital setting a physician will make an incision and drain the abscess. Other clinical
symptoms not mentioned in the case that can occur from this organism include
decreased range of motion, hoarseness, neurological deficits, abdominal tenderness,
vision problems, cardiovascular problems including hypotension and tachycardia.
Preventing cat bites is a way to avoid being infected with this organism. This include
learning about a cat s body language and recognizing the signs of petting induced
aggression. These include dilating pupils, a low growl, stiffening of the body,
twitching of the tail and flattening the ears backward against the head. Maintain good
oral hygiene of cats, consult a vet and promptly treat infections of your cat can and
respiratory tract and so
Taqa Unit 401
Unit 401 Understanding the Principles and Practice of Internally Assuring the Quality
of Assessment 1.1 Explain the functions of internal quality assurance in learning and
development. At Business the functions of internal quality assurance cover a diverse
spectrum. However, from the start I must ensure that the candidates are at a level and
position to carry out the assignments to meet the criteria involved. I ensure that the
employer is involved from the outset and is fully aware of the work and support the
candidate will need and be expected to submit. This is done through discussions with
the employer and learners and by the completion of a pre enrolment form. This
information is required to ensure consistency with the... Show more content on ...
1.2 Explain the key concepts and principles of internal quality assurance of
assessment. Our process for internal quality assurance involves planning the units
that will be sampled for each student. This is planned on an internal verification
sampling plan (Evidence index 5) and we use the alphabetical listings and diagonal
lines that cross the units to be sampled. If however, the units are infrequently
selected then I will ensure that they are sampled and also with the new NVQ
specification that has recently taken place then I would carry out a 100% check.
We also like to carry out formative assessment as this is good practice and aids to
our standardisation process in supporting all our assessors. Regarding support I
always liaise with our more senior assessors and the external verifier to ensure I
am continually meeting the quality standards required and they are always
available to offer their assistance and advice. If we have a very inexperienced
assessor or new assessor then the NVQ s they assess would be sampled far deeper
and more support would be given to them. I would ensure that I assess a variety of
evidence ranging from Observations, Recorded discussions, Reflective accounts,
Witness statements and Work products to list a few. I ensure that the levels and
quantities of these are consistent, authentic, valid, and reliable especially regarding
new standards.
Horse Over Weight Analysis Method
* Darwin Reynoso Febuary 29, 2016 Program to calculate if your horse is
overweight or not. */ #include using namespace std; int main() { int lightHorse =
840, largeHorse = 1110, draftHorse = 1500, horseType, horseWeight, maxWeight1
= 1200, maxWeight2 = 1300, maxWeight3 = 2200; // The amount of pounds to feed
to the horse depending on there weight double feed1 = 3.3, feed2 = 3.0, feed3 = 2.5;
cout Tess s Horse Stable endl
endl; cout Horse Type Minimum Optimum Weight Maximum Optimum Weight endl;
Pathophysiology Of Chronic Asthma And Acute Asthma
Respiratory disorder, mostly affect the upper or lower respiratory tract, however
bacterial or viral infection are the causative agent and the disease is common in all
ages. In addition, the lungs and the bronchi can also be affected, causing
inflammation and obstruction of the airflow resulting in wheezing, chest tightness,
stridor, low grade fever, cough, and hemoptysis due severe damage to the lung tissues.
Most common diseases of the respiratory system include; pneumonia, croup, asthma,
bronchitis, laryngitis, and tuberculosis, affected disease location determines the signs
and symptoms. Hereditary and environmental factors such as allergens and other
irritants can be a contributory factor, especially in children. However, respiratory
compromise occur as a result of incomplete airway development among this
vulnerable population predisposing them to chronic asthma (Huether McCance, 2012).
The purpose of this paper is to describe the pathophysiology of chronic asthma and
acute asthma exacerbation, with explanation of arterial blood gas pattern during an
asthma exacerbation. Also, explain how ethnicity might impact pathophysiology of
asthma and asthma exacerbation. The diagnosis and treatment plan needed to relieve
the presented signs and symptoms will be reviewed. Lastly, constructs two mind
maps for chronic asthma and asthma exacerbation including its epidemiology,
pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment.
History of Malaysian Cooperation
A.Case Study
Tense ambivalence under Mahathir
During Mahathir s premiership (1981 2003), Malaysia enjoyed a cooperative
relationship with the US on economic and security fronts. Politically, however, there
has been much tension between the two states.
On the economic front, the US has been one of Malaysia s most important trading
partners. In Mahathir s final year as prime minister, the volume of two way trade
amounted to US$34,352.5 million , with the balance of trade in Malaysia s favour.
Additionally, Malaysia has traditionally relied on US foreign investments,
particularly during the former state s rapid economic mobilisation from the 1970s
to the end of the 1990s. Malaysia, a former colonial state which inherited a
dwindling, natural resource dependent economy from the British, achieved
unprecedented rate of growth under Mahathir s developmental strategy. Malaysia s
economic development achieved its zenith in the 1990s, hailed by the World Bank
as an `economic miracle in the developing world. During this course of
development, the US played a pivotal role via its foreign investments. For instance,
US investments in Malaysia tripled between 1990 and 2000, from US$1.5 billion to
US$6 billion, of which 57% was in manufacturing, 21% in petroleum and natural
resources, and 22% in services and related industries.
In terms of security, Malaysia under Mahathir has seen much cooperation with the US
in matters of counter terrorism. Malaysia had become a vital partner in
The Role Of Factory Workers During The Industrial
Through the industrial revolution great britain was not great and am going to say
how. During the industrial revolution people lives were harsh. They barely got any
money to buy house and barely had money to eat. Regular adults would work about
fourteen to sixteen hours a day and only make 10 cents each hour. Not only were
there working terrible but they also had to live in tenements which were in bad
conditions. It was also so crowded that a family of ten would have to live in those
tenements which is not fun. The worst part of working in the factories is that if the
worker got injured they would get fired and replaced them with someone else. Also
not only the tenements were bad but the outside of them were horrible. Trash would
be on

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Define The Term Essay. Define the term essay. Definition Essay Topics. 2019-02-28

  • 1. Define The Term Essay Crafting an essay on the topic "Define The Term Essay" may appear deceptively simple at first glance, but it unravels into a labyrinth of complexities as one delves deeper. The inherent challenge lies not in the abundance of information available, but rather in the task of distilling a concise and comprehensive definition that encapsulates the essence of the essay itself. To begin with, the very nature of defining a term presupposes a nuanced understanding of its multifaceted dimensions. A well-crafted essay on this subject requires the writer to navigate through the historical evolution of the term, tracing its origins and transformations over time. This demands meticulous research and an adept ability to synthesize disparate sources to construct a coherent narrative. Furthermore, the challenge extends beyond mere historical analysis. A comprehensive definition should encompass the various connotations and interpretations the term has garnered in different contexts. This involves exploring the diverse perspectives and scholarly opinions that have shaped the term's meaning, adding layers of complexity to the essay-writing process. The linguistic intricacies associated with defining terms also pose a formidable hurdle. Achieving precision in language is paramount, as the goal is not merely to present a vague overview but to articulate a definition that is both lucid and all-encompassing. Striking the right balance between clarity and depth requires a careful choice of words and a keen sensitivity to the subtleties of language. Moreover, an essay on defining the term "essay" demands a certain level of self-awareness from the writer. It requires them to grapple with the irony of elucidating a concept while embodying it in their own writing. This self-reflexivity adds an additional layer of challenge, as the writer must navigate the fine line between didacticism and demonstration. In conclusion, the seemingly straightforward task of defining the term "essay" unfolds into a complex and multifaceted endeavor. It necessitates a deep dive into historical, contextual, and linguistic dimensions, demanding a meticulous synthesis of information and a nuanced use of language. Successfully navigating these challenges results in an essay that not only defines the term but also reflects the writer's ability to engage with the subject in a sophisticated manner. For those seeking assistance in crafting essays on a variety of topics, including nuanced definitions and intricate analyses, there are platforms like where similar essays and much more can be ordered to aid in the academic journey. Define The Term EssayDefine The Term Essay
  • 2. Reasons Human Trafficking Should Be Ended Slavery occurs when one person controls another person, using violence or the threat of violence to maintain that control, exploits them economically, pays them nothing and they cannot walk away. In 1865, slavery was abolished here in the United States. It states in the thirteenth amendment that, neither slavery, nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Even though it states that slavery is illegal in the thirteenth amendment, human traffickingis equivalent to modern slavery and it still exist today in the United States. Human trafficking happens when someone owes money, is kidnapped,... Show more content on ... In 2005, the State Department surveyed that there are approximately 100,000 300,000 children who are being sexually exploited in the United States. In 2013, the FBI had decided to do a three day bust on sexually exploited children. They managed to arrest 150 pimps across the U.S. and save 105 children trapped in sexual exploitation. Child pornography can be described as the same thing as prostitution but in this situation, children are being photographed and filmed doing sexual things against their will. After the photographers and film makers are satisfied with their work the then, proceed to send it to paying clients and post it on the internet for all to see for a small price. The United States are one of the largest producers and consumers of child pornography. In 2005, study revealed that 83 percent of arrested child pornography offenders had images involving children between the ages 6 and 12; 39 percent had images of children between ages 3 and 5; and 19 percent had images of infants and toddlers under age 3. In the book, Girls Like Us, Rachel Lloyd interviews a young girl by the name of Danielle who is only eleven and she was controlled by a pimp. It tells of her experience and how her pimp was beating her. She was only eleven. In fact, most of the children who are sex trafficked in the United States are
  • 3. Impact of Pulp Magazines on American Culture Essay Impact of Pulp Magazines on American Culture The story is worth more than the paper it is printed on. Frank Munsey s words symbolized the history of the pulp magazine. Frank Munsey started the pulp magazine craze with his first magazine, the Argosy, in 1896. The Argosy was a revamping of his children s magazine, the Golden Argosy, shifting its focus from children to adults. The Argosy offered large amounts of fiction for a low price, because these stories would be printed on cheap pulpwood scraps, thus gaining the name pulp magazine . The pulp magazine has been a part of American history for well over a hundred years. During the late 1890 s, there was a period of high immigration. These immigrants and other working poor had no ... Show more content on ... Pulp magazines mainly dealt with racy love stories, detective cases, western and war fiction, thus they had gained a notorious reputation for quality. While this was true, it was not always the case. Pulp magazines have had contributions from many different, famous authors. These authors include: H.P. Lovecraft (author of the Cthulhu Mythos), Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke (author of 2001: A Space Odyssey ), Ray Bradbury (author of the Martian Chronicles), Edgar Rice Burroughs (author of the Tarzan, Mars, and Pellicidar series), Lester Dent (author of the Doc Savage series), Walter Gibson (author of the Shadow series), Erle Stanley Gardner (author of the Perry Mason novels), Robert Heinlein (author of Starship Troopers, Stranger in a Strange Land), Robert E. Howard (author of the Conan stories), Robert Heinlein, Daishell Hammett (author of the Maltese Falcon and the Thin Man), Steven Crane, and Tennessee Williams. Such famous authors of great American literature took their roots from these supposedly tawdry magazines. Pulp magazines faded for a combination of reasons. The first reason was the development of comic books as an alternative to the pulp magazines, drawing away the juvenile group from the pulps. World War II paper shortages almost halted the printing of the pulps. The development of the paperback book offered the population high quality writing at a cheap price. Because of these reasons, eventually all the pulps
  • 4. Lincoln-Douglas Debate Essay examples Every single moment that takes place in history arguably leaves an effect that lasts much longer than just the initial outcome. The Lincoln Douglas Debates are by far one of the truest examples of this happening. The seven debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas that took place in 1858 had extreme importance in Illinois that created effects that decided the presidential election of 1860. The Lincoln Douglas debates were a series of several debates that took place all over the state of Illinois. In these debates, two men argued in order to express their beliefs and standpoints on certain issues, primarily slavery, in an attempt to be elected into a seat in the U.S. Senate. The two men that participated in these debates were ... Show more content on ... Abraham Lincoln began as a lawyer born in Kentucky who gained attention to himself through having contrasting beliefs to Douglas over the topic of slavery. Through the Lincoln Douglas debates, Lincoln morphed into a candidate prepared to become an unforgettable president (History). On June 16, 1858 made the statement a house divided against itself cannot stand, in a speech about slavery, deeply contrasting with Douglas s views and speaking about the conspiracy of the democratic plot to get slavery legalized in every state. This conspiracy, of course, was being partly conspired by Stephen Douglas. Three weeks later, Stephen Douglas refuted these claims while also calling Abraham Lincoln a dangerous abolitionist (Looking for Lincoln). Being an abolitionist at the time held a very negative connotation because abolitionists were often irrational extremists (Morel 4). The following evening, in the exact same place as Douglas had spoken, Lincoln spoke once more. The Lincoln Douglas debates all began due to the fact that Douglas had been travelling all over the state of Illinois making speeches in order to increase the likelihood of his chance to be reelected into the U.S. Senate. More often than not, less than a week later, sometimes the very same night, the annoying Republican candidate, Lincoln would follow suit and speak to the same group of
  • 5. Jim Halpert Biography Jim Halpert started up his blog in 2011, by then he had amassed a pretty large following and had quite an active forum, with the blogs success he eventually launched his own weekly podcast and chartroom all linked to his RSS (really simple syndication) feed. The subjects he wrote about ranged from professional development in the workplace to personal health and supplement tips. He found writing to be his true passion second to that would be his love for technology. He was a decent programmer and web designer but that didn t stop him from pursuing his career with intensity. He started off his coding journey coming up with add ons and skin designs for the open source browser Mozilla firefox. This worked out well as he was pretty good at navigating... Show more content on ... He would get practice by designing websites for his friends businesses, his good friend David had a decent sized wiring manufacturing plant that would supply a lot of electricians with their supplies. Jim was responsible for making a easy to use and secure business to business purchasing interface. His interface was built so well that one of the electricians asked for him by name so that he could design their companies business to customer interface so that appointments and directions for electricians could all be arranged from the website rather than having to make a phone call. Jim made this interface even better for their business as he had built in hyperlinks that once clicked on, brought the customer to a webpage bio of the electrician they were contracting, listing the electricians experience and specialties to really allow for a personalized experience for the client. One of the executives who utilized the Electrician website enjoyed the user interface so much that he asked Jim to design a E Commerce platform so that people involved in the industrial sector could auction off excess materials all on one easy to use program. The program was constructed in a way so that mom and pops to fortune 500 companies could utilize it effectively and all on one even playing field The program was a huge success and was raved about by companies like GE, Schneider
  • 6. Analysis Of Spanking Isn T Child Abuse, It s Common Sense Bringing Up A New Generation Spanking Isn t Child Abuse, It s Common Sense, by Ruban Navarrette deals with one of the biggest controversies in parenting ever since the twenty first century: spanking your child. Ruban s main point in this article is that fear is essential to respect and children won t do what we tell them to do unless they fear ... Show more content on ... He made a good point on how in today s society parents are resulting in becoming their child s BFF (best friend forever) rather than a parent. He says parents are losing control. He states, In some cases parents already stressed from long days at work and having no desire to spend precious time squabbling with children. and most importantly, They gave up on raising children in exchange for peace and quiet on the home front. This rings true in some cases but spanking and using physical punishment isn t the way to get your kids to stop arguing or resisting. I take this experience first hand. I believe that the reason children these days are fighting their parents is because it is a different world, society is changing. In today s world you give respect to get respect. Many kids, like myself, won t listen to the parent that says no just because but when they have an actual, understandable reason why, then I understand and I listen. In today s world a child wants to be treated like a person, we want to be able to make our own mistakes, learn our own lessons, and control our own lives. Maybe we feel as if as we get older that we know what is better for ourselves than our parents do. We are the independent
  • 7. How Literacy Narrative Has Affected My Life A literacy narrative is quite often thought of as a personal account as to how the written word has affected one s life. My literacy narrative, however, embodies my passion of art to define who I am and how it has determined who I have become. Photography has been a dominant part of my life since I was born; my mom loved to take pictures of me playing and she would get in pictures with me wherever we traveled. She would buy these cheap, disposable cameras in bulk and just let us kids play with them or she would take enough pictures of us that we felt like her little models. Sometimes, she would even develop the film she thought might be promising and add the photos to our baby albums she cherished so deeply. My mom was my budding inspiration for photography, and she is still my biggest supporter today. I have to thank the twenty first... Show more content on ... I was, of course, too young to understand the attributes of a good photography at age fourteen, but I would still flip out my phone at all times of the day and snap pictures of anything that seemed interesting. As time went on, I started to understand what made a good photo and what didn t. I learned to shoot people in the shade on sunny days to avoid strong shadowing, to leave breathing room for objects not facing directly towards the camera, to use grid lines in order to balance a photo, and so on. Photography became the first passion I had for learning more outside of school, and I longed to learned as much as I could. I soon became even more excited about travelling because I knew there would be brand new landscapes and cities to capture. I came to see that there was a specific patience to taking pictures in new places. I would always be twelve steps behind my family as I would continually pause to raise up my camera and quickly set up for a seemingly good
  • 8. Stereotypes On Zoos The Zoo. A magical place for the young and old. A place where you can see animals from far away places. Places that seem untouchable. Look behind the green plants in the enclosure. Take a real look at the animals. Are they happy? No. You might think that they are happy and safe, but they are not. They can develop Zoochosis, they are killed even when they are healthy, and zoos are actually going against conservation efforts. The first reason why animals should not be kept in a zoo is that they can develop Zoochosis. Zoochosis is a stereotypical behaviour. Stereotypic behaviour is when a animals repeats a pattern with no goal. Wild elephants walk 30 miles or more each day. When bears aren t hibernating they are active for 18 hours a day. When these animals don t have this type of freedom in zoos they develop Zoochosis. Symptoms of Zoochosis are vomiting, excessive grooming, rocking, swaying and pacing. When an animal has Zoochosis it is almost guaranteed that they will die. Do you really want them to die just because you feel the need to go and gaze ... Show more content on ... Not animals who are so sick, it is healthier just kill them. Healthy animals. To give an example, I ll tell you about Marius the Giraffe. Marius was a healthy 2 year old giraffe who was killed because he was unsuitable for breeding. After being killed, he was publicly dissected in front of adults and children alike. After they had skinned and dissected Marius, he was fed to the giraffes. When Copenhagen zoo released that they would be killing Marius, there was multiple protests and an online petition which gained 27,000 signatures. Multiple zoos also offered to take Marius, but Copenhagen Zoo went along with their original plan. Another Swedish zoo killed 9 healthy lion cubs because they were surplus animals. At this zoo, from different litters only two out of 13 lion cubs survived last five years. If these animals had been left alone in their natural habitat, this wouldn t have
  • 9. My Happy Day Surpriesed things usually make you happy but sometimes it also makes you sad. Surprise makes you become full of emotion. You can feel sad and happy at the same time. I felt that once. It was a goodbye party for me. I was going to go study abroad so my friends hold a party for me. Only my best friend and me were there. On that day, the sun was shining, the birds were singing. I had thought that it would be a happy day. However, it wasn t. The party was on 3 July. At 3.00 pm, my friends came to my house and then we went to the supermarket to buy food. When we came back home, we started cooking. It was absolutely exhilarant to cook together. We finished cooking at about 5.00 pm. Our menu included fried chicken,sushi, fried taco with fish sauce. We enjoyed our food which we had cooked together. Although the food wasn t as delicious as the restaurant, we adored them so much because they was made by us, by memories between us. Then we were eating and talking at the same time. We talked about what had happened in our lives, in our school. After we had finished eating, we decided to go to karaoke. All my friends and I were interested in singing. Therefore, karaoke was the best choice. Each of us rode our own bike to karaoke. At the begining, all of us were excited to choose the songs. We sang many songs about love. Suddenly, a song about friendship started. I feel quite confused because we didn t often sing this kind of music.Then two of my friends said that they needed to go to
  • 10. Dental 101 Teeth Anatomy Dental 101: Tooth Types And Anatomy Did you know that no other substance in your body is harder than your teeth? Teeth are as mighty as they are tiny and much more complex than you think. While the appearance of your smile typically steals the spotlight, in order to efficiently carry out essential processes such as chewing and speech, careful attention must be paid to other aspects of your teeth. From form to function, find out about key tooth features that play a critical role in your oral health. Tooth Anatomy Starting from well below the gumline and up, every tooth is made up of these basic parts: Root Serving as the anchor , it is buried deep into the sockets of the jawbone in order to keep the tooth securely in place. Even though it is not visible to the naked eye, the root actually makes ... Show more content on ... Similar to the root, it is centrally located, and it can cause individuals pain if exposed due to a cavity, crack or fracture. Dentin Dentin is the porous layer that covers the pulp and sits below the outer tooth enamel. Because it secretes a mineralized substance, and is soft and flexible, it provides tooth enamel an added layer of support and helps prevent it from fracturing. If the enamel is compromised and the dentin is exposed, however, it can cause tooth sensitivity. Enamel Enamel is the hard, white exterior covering of the tooth. Comprised of calcium phosphate, its hardness serves to protect the sensitive inner parts of the tooth, but it is still vulnerable to wear and tear, injury and tooth decay. Although diet and hygiene play important roles in keeping your teeth in good shape, crowding, bite and/or alignment issues due to genetics can also have a big impact on the condition of your teeth. Types Of Teeth Adults normally have a set of 32 teeth that are built to serve different purposes. In general, teeth are classified into one of four functional
  • 11. United Nations Framework Convention On Climate Change From melting glaciers to devastating storms and stranded polar bears, the mascots of climate change show how rapidly the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) are changing the planet. Such examples, in addition with the rising price of energy, drive people to want to reduce consumption and lower their personal shares of global emissions. In the 1990s, almost every member state of the United Nations resolved to confront global warmingand manage its consequences. Thus the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) international treaty recognized a unified resolve to curb global warming. In 1997, the Kyoto Protocolstrengthened the convention. The process of cutting the carbon is a complex business and not all hybrid design would be a success in regard to uncertainties and political lobbying involved. The regulation of the government, participation of the industry and other participants can make the system effective over a certain time span. Carbon trading, often called emissions trading (ET), is a market based tool to limit GHG. The carbon market trades emissions under cap and trade schemes (CTS) or with credits that pay for or offset GHG reductions. The scheme s governing body begins by setting a cap on allowable emissions. It then distributes or auctions off emissions allowances that total the cap. Member firms that do not have enough allowances to cover their emissions must either make reductions or buy another firm s spare credits. Members with extra
  • 12. The Man Nobody Knows Essay The Man Nobody Knows The author of this book Bruce Barton was a partner in a successful advertising firm during the 1920 s. This was a time when the industry of advertising was under going some major changes. These changes had a lot to do with a number of factors the first of which being the post war prosperity this meant people had more money than they ever had before. Another one of these factors had to do with the high number of teens who were now attending high school, this proved to be important because it created a whole other market which hadn t existed before. One more factor was the advances made in transportation and communication, these advances allowed goods, people, and information to travel ... Show more content on ... Barton goes on to describe how the teacher had repeatedly stressed the need for him to love God and Jesus, and how the boy had grown to be fear God. He also told us how the boy pictured Jesus as the Lamb of God , which reminded him of Mary had a little lamb. This association between Jesus and a children s song had made the boy think of Jesus as meek, and lowly and as a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief (Barton prologue). Later in Barton s story the man grows up and becomes a business man, and again finds him self confronted by Jesus, only now he is old enough to read it for himself and this time he doesn t see Jesus as a weakling at all. Now he sees him as a successful carpenter who is both mentally and physically strong as well as a great leader. He also realizes the great feat Jesus has accomplished as well as the methods he used to accomplish this feat. Methods Barton felt every business man should know about. Barton concludes this explanation by telling us how he waited for someone to write a book relating Jesus work to modern day business, and how when no one did he decided to write it himself. And with that he set out to write what he called the story of the founder of modern business Jesus Christ. At first glance Barton use of a parable seemed un important but as I read on I realized his intent in using this
  • 13. Facilitators Observation expressive art, the facilitator was well prepared and knew the topic very well. This made the participants feel confident and more engaged in the session. I believed this helped the facilitator achieved the desired outcomes. Cadence and Tone: Another lesson I learned, when observing the facilitators, is to be conscious of the cadence of your voice and avoid repeated words; both can be distracting and cause the participants to be disengaged. Check Ins: Both facilitators did check ins by stopping midway way in the intervention to check and see how the participants were doing. For example, the facilitator Is everyone okay? Do you all understand? . It is important to have a balance between being too assertive and not assertive enough. Having this balance provides reassure to the ... Show more content on ... The two facilitators validated the participants thoughts/expressions. As a participant, this made me feel welcomed and happy. For example, during the expression art presentation, the facilitator commented on a participant s remarks. The participant mentioned she was involved in a glee club and the facilitator recalled that remark and made a comment to the participant. Another example is the other facilitator made a conscious effort to call each participant by their name and thank them for commenting. After the sessions, the participants comment on how they felt heard and connected to the facilitator which increased their participation level. Peer reviewed Research Paper As a participant and an observer, I did not notice either facilitator link the key outcomes to a peer reviewed research paper nor did they describe the process of their research strategy. I never thought of stating the research component into my leisure education presentations. After reviewing the rubric for TREC 3100, I realize it would be beneficial to support the education session with research.
  • 14. Benefits Of Your Son Becoming A Boy Scout The Benefits of Your Son Becoming a Boy Scout The Boy Scouts of America have been around for over a century and continue to be popular today. There are many reasons for this, but above all them are the benefits that boys learn during their time as a Boy Scout. The following are only a few of the things that kids learn from scouting. Learning team work Boys do activities together in the Scouts, and much of the time success depends upon working as a team. Preteen and teenage boys often have difficulty learning to put the success of a group before their own success, but in the Boy Scouts, this is something that your son will learn. As an adult, working with others as a team in the world of business or government is common. Those who have been
  • 15. All Possible World Concert Report On Tuesday, Feb 28, the NMSU The Statesmen, Women s Chorale, Chamber Choir, and University Singers presented a show called The Best of All Possible World, conducted by Christa Fredrickson. They performed various works: MADRIGALS, pieces from musicals, an ORGANUM piece, arranged by Fredrickson herself, as well as sacred text compositions and folk songs. To begin the concert, the NMSU Statesmen sang It s a Grand Night for Singing (from the musical State Fair ), followed by Come again, sweet love, Think on Me, and Bonse Aba (A traditional Zambian Song). Bonse Aba had a percussion accompaniment by Joseph Baca, with several solos by Kenton Baker, Paul Bernstein, Caleb Birkhauser, Maximilian Contreras, Elijah Estrada, Jesse Galinda, Spenderg Gilbert, Jeremy Licano, David Poloney, and Myles Woods Brown.... Show more content on ... Next, they performed O virtus Sapientiae, which was a lovely NEUMATIC piece, with a solo by Emma Rosenthal. The last song performed by the Women s Chorale was Five Hebrew Love Songs, dedicated to the late pianist Shane Summers, was one of my favorite performances of the night. The song was accompanied by Ray Arreola on the Viola and had a couple solos performed by Rosenthal. This was, in my opinion, one of the best performances of the night, the HARMONY of the voices and viola, and the alternating TEMPOS, creating deep emotion. After these performances it was apparent that Ms. Rosenthal is extremely talented and a seasoned performer. Rosenthal executed her solos with grace and
  • 16. Granger Vs Weasley The Harry Potter books are acclaimed for a long list of attributes that make them such impeccable literature, among these includes a collection of strong female characters. Two such characters are Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley, both of whom have had an important impact on the series s hero, Harry Potter. While they both play a prominent role, they are extremely different. One is a pureblood, the other a muggleborn. One is part of a large family, one is an only child. One is bookish, while the other is more athletically inclined. While Rowling s female characters are each a sum of their different backgrounds, relationships, and abilities, they can still stand side by side in battle, demonstrating their diverse, yet equally strong characters. Hermione Granger is an only child, born to married dentists, and has never had to worry about affording food or other materials. Much like her friend Harry, she grew up going to a regular school, that is, until her Hogwarts letter came in the mail. While her parents may have been ... Show more content on ... Aside from being shy around Harry for a couple years, Ginny found it easy to talk to and hang around most people. This is due, in part, to her large family. Growing up with multiple siblings tends to make someone an outgoing person, but having brothers so close in age opens up possibilities for friendships outside their grade or age. In the case of Ginny, this is especially true. While she maintained many relationships within her year at Hogwarts, having Ron, a brother only a year older, made it easy to interact and get along with his friends, opening up a larger social circle than Hermione ever had. Ginny also engages in more romantic relationships than Hermione. Within the span of 3 years, Ginny participates in romantic relationships with Michael Corner, Dean Thomas, and finally Harry Potter. Each of these are passionate relationships, and with the exception of Harry Potter, fairly
  • 17. Elbert Frank Cox Elbert Frank Cox was born December 5, 1895 in Evansville, Indiana He grew up with his parents, maternal grandmother and two brothers. Elbert F. Cox was born and raised in a college town in a racially mixed neighborhood, but at segregated schools. In fact, his father, a school principal, had graduated from EvansvilleCollege and had done graduate work at IndianaUniversity. Raised in a close knit and religious family, Cox learned the importance of education and fostered a talent in mathematics. During his life, he overcame various difficulties which arose because of racism. When young Elbert demonstrated unusual ability in high school mathematics and physics, he was directed toward Indiana University. With all the separation and hardship and strife around him at the time it inspired him to strive for a better education. At high school Elbert showed talents which made his choice of career a difficult one. He was a talented violinist but also showed remarkable talents in mathematics and physics. Cox was awarded a music scholarship which would have enabled him to travel to Europe to study at the Prague Conservatory of Music. His love of mathematics won and he entered Indiana University. In 1917 ... Show more content on ... While Cox did not live to see the inauguration of the Ph.D. program at Howard, it is believed by many that Cox did much to make it possible. Cox helped to build up the department to the point that the Ph.D. program became a practical next step. He gave the department a great deal of credibility; primarily because of this personal prestige as a mathematician, as being the first Black to receive a Ph.D. in mathematics, because of the nature and kinds of appointments to the faculty that were made while he chaired the Department, and because of the kinds of students that he attracted to Howard to study mathematics at both the undergraduate and master s
  • 18. Essay About Yorvinn I m never going to fucking drink again. Holy shit, my head is fucking throbbing. A half hour ago, Opa Vuu gave me a liquid that tasted like dragon piss. Supposedly, it s supposed to help cure my hangover, but I m not feeling any different quite yet. I don t know when I pass out, but I wake up late in the night. I stumble over to Opa Vuu s room, where they re still up waiting for me. You feeling all better? They ask. Yeah... What did you want to talk about? I ask. Listen, Cynthia, you re a master, now. As such, you ve got some responsibility to take on. It s hard to say this, but... Well, what happened with Yorvinn, that might not be a one time thing. I don t know what Eeskan Yu... I don t know what I could do. I don t want to harm ... Show more content on ... He lands on the rock, and melts into it. Place your hands on him. Opa Vuu tells me. I do as I m told, and seem to go into a different world. All of the old masters of the weather are there. Rain runs over and hugs me. Cynthia! I m so proud of you! She shouts. Proud of me? You should be proud of Opa Vuu! They defeated Yorvinn! Cynthia, you played your part in the fight, and now you ve risen to the rank of a master. I m proud of you, and I m proud of everything you ve done. I m incredibly proud to see that you re the new master of the weather. I m still the newest master. I think I ve got a lot to prove, but... Well, I ll do my best to live up to your name. The only name you need is your own. She smiles at me. Also, I have a request for you. What is it? My son, Kah Djan... You ve gotten to know him pretty well, and I would like for you to take care of him for me. When you go away, Zimma can take care of him, but she has her own things to do and can t be looking after him constantly. Between you two, and maybe your little sister, if she wants to help, I feel like he ll be in good hands. Don t worry, we ll take good care of him. Good, good. Zimma will fill you in on the rest. Now, how about we go meet somebody important to you? She knew your father. Oh? I ask. Yes, I knew him quite well. A muscular old lady says, stepping towards me. In fact, I changed his diapers! He was my son. To think, my youngest baby had such an amazing
  • 19. Satire In South Park The Misconception of Satire in South Park South Park turns important political ideologies regarding race, gender and sexuality into a spectacle, desensitizing its viewers to the social injustices the show raises, marginalizing and trivializing minorities and ultimately, contributing to outrage culture. But before the viewer has time to process the political incorrectness of the show, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the writers of South Park have made a mockery of the scene dousing the potential outrage and placating the viewer s opposition. Yet although a handful of viewers observe South Park intellectually the remaining majority does not. In theory South Park is a cleverly planned out show meant to raise awareness to the ignorance of people through satire. However, South Park deconstructs satire, and in turn employs the use of pseudo satire. Further ... Show more content on ... By South Park remaining passive to any ideology it discourages viewers from asserting political agency (Frim, 2014). The lack of agency results in espousal of an emergent cynicism. As explained in Pseudo Satire and Evasion of Ideological Meaning in South Park, by Daniel Frim. Frim explains, South Park s refusal to accept or reject ideology is an assertive ideology in and of itself, one that is harmful (Frim, 2014). Because South Park refuses to take a clear ideology or point of view it leaves the viewer to interpret the meaning themselves. Though, with the shows use of pseudo satire, it can complicate the message. South Park style of storytelling is nearly incoherent and exaggerated when dealing with controversial subjects, (Mark, Sienkiewicz, 2009). The lack of obvious intended meaning encourages the viewer to interpret from a shallow understanding, removing political opinions and emphasizing the lack of substance behind them (Mark, Sienkiewicz,
  • 20. Southern Gothic Writing Style Benjamin McCarthy Ms. Myszkowski English 1102 3 December 2017 Southern Gothic Literature: A Comprehensive Analysis Southern Gothic literature is a writing style that emphasizes the use of macabre and irony to expose social problems in the south. The Southern Gothic writing style aims to expose the ignorance and moral blindness of the American South (Bjerre). Southern Gothic literature uses the writing style to enhance the message of the author. In other words, the author uses Southern Gothic elements to place emphasis on their critical views of the south. The authors use macabre and irony to emotionally influence the reader so that the message has the greatest impact. This essay will explore the use of this writing style as presented in A ... Show more content on ... O Conner uses the grandmother and the Misift to illustrate society s attitudes towards family relationships (Fite). The senseless violence is used to create an emotional shock to the reader. With the shock in place, the author utilizes irony to make it clear to the reader that Southern societal views are illogical to any competent person. Furthermore, O Conner uses the development of the characters to support her critical view of the South. Through the use of macabre and irony, the author clearly employs the elements of Southern Gothic literature to emphasizes the moral blindness of the grandmother. Flannery O Conner utilizes the elements of macabre and irony in Good Country People to criticize her view of religious principals in the South. The story focuses on a girl named Joy Hopewell who strives to gain her mother s approval. When she does not get it, Joy believes she is not worthy of admiration from anyone. Joy changes her name to Hulga thinking she had hit upon the ugliest name in any language as a direct result of her mother s disapproval (O Conner 223). Joy goes on to meet a bible salesman, Manley Pointer who ultimately tricks her into having sex with him by telling her she is beautiful. Joy immediately falls for Pointer as she has never been admired by anyone before. Pointer goes as far as to ask Joy to remove her wooden leg, a request that would be emotionally shocking to
  • 21. HISTORY AND ORIGINATORS OF KEYBOARD Essay HISTORY AND ORIGINATORS OF KEYBOARD BAROQUE PERIOD Harpsichord (Italian cembalo; French clavecin), stringed keyboard instrument in which the strings are plucked to produce sound. It was developed in Europe in the 14th or 15th century and was widely used from the 16th to the early 19th century, when it was superseded by the piano. In the 20th century the harpsichord was revived for performance of music of the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries, as well as for new compositions. The incisive sound quality of the plucked metal strings adds clarity to melodic lines. The harpsichord is particularly effective in performing contrapuntal music that is, music that consists of two or more melodies played at the same time, such as that of the German ... Show more content on ... A typical two manual harpsichord of the 18th century had strings at normal and octave high pitch playable on the lower manual, strings at normal pitch controlled by the upper manual, and a coupling mechanism. Early History The earliest school of harpsichord building developed in Italy in the 16th and 17th centuries. Italian harpsichords differed from others in that they normally were made of extremely thin wood and then placed in a stronger outer case of the same shape. A second important school of building developed in the 16th and 17th centuries in Flanders, centered around the influential Ruckers family of builders. These schools gave way in the 18th century to distinctive styles of building that developed in France (the Blachet family), Germany (the Hass family), and England (Jacob Kirkman). Harpsichords of the different national schools varied in details of their proportions and construction, resulting in slight, although characteristic differences in tone color. Modern Developments In the 20th century, two broad approaches to harpsichord building emerged. The first utilized recent principles of construction, such as are found in present day pianos. Stimulated by the Polish harpsichordist Wanda Landowska, this style was exemplified by the French piano firms of Pleyel and Г‰rard. Their harpsichords relied on heavy strings under high tension in a heavily braced case. Many
  • 22. Contributions Of Jacque Rousseau Jean Jacque Rousseau was born in the city state of Geneva, Switzerland in 1772. Rousseau is primarily known for major works like The Social Contract, Emile, Discourse on the origin of Inequality, the Constitutional Project for Corsica, and Consideration on the Government of Poland. What makes Rousseau such an important figure in the history of philosophyis because of his contribution to both political and moral philosophies and his concept of general will , which also gained him a lot of criticism. Apart from his philosophical and political contribution, he was also a novelist, an autobiographer, botanist, composer and also a music theorist. Rousseau s his political philosophies flows through his moral philosophies. In order to understand... Show more content on ... Rousseau fearing the emergence of a similar situation tries to set an alternative to this by trying to merge the individual s freedom with the authority of the state. Consequently, as claimed in his Social Contract, individual remain free by being subject to their own wills. Alongside General will, the Social Contract also talks about other three kinds of will individual will, where individuals have their own will in accordance to their own private interests. Secondly it tells us about what Rousseau meant by collective will, where individuals identifies themselves as a part of a collective and try to keep aside their selfish motives. Finally it tells about a third kind of will, i.e. the corporate will, which according to Rousseau is a bit problematic because it occurs whenever an individual identifies himself as a subset of the whole populace. He believes that in a well ordered society, there does not exists any kind tension because individuals in a well ordered society surrender to the law and the law in return safeguards their freedom from any kind of control from
  • 23. A Character Analysis Of George In Seinfeld s The Pitch On July 5th 1989, a sitcom was born into this world that would lead television into a revolution in comedy. Seinfeld was a television sitcom that ran for about nine seasons hosted by NBC. It was unique in a couple of ways. One of, if not, the best way it was unique was its entire premise. In the episode, The Pitch, the character called George sums up the shows premise in one sentence, Everybody s doing something, we ll do nothing. All the sitcoms around this time, such as the Fresh Prince of Bel air, all had a very formulaic idea about how the main character, Will, would hang out with his family and his classmates at school. Also, it followed a strict, introduce the characters, and introduce the problem(s), wrapped up with a solution at ... Show more content on ... In the show, there are non stop references to food. In fact, there are about fifty five plus episodes dedicated to food alone, that it about four to five seasons worth. With such a big episode count, why is food such a big aspect? There is an old saying that generally goes that food brings everyone together, especially around thanksgiving and Christmas. I think it is interesting that the show takes this idea of getting together one step forward and applies that idea to a common cookie, the black and white
  • 24. Determination of % Composition of Pennies Using... Determination of % Composition of Pennies Using Redox and Double Displacement (Precipitation) Reactions Introduction: Oxidation involves the gain of electrons of hydrogen or the loss of oxygen or decrease in oxidation state. If zinc completely reacts with HCL, then the theoretical yield of copper should be equivalent to the actual yield. Purpose: In this lab, we will determine the percent composition of a modern (post 1982) penny by using a strong acid to react and dissolve the zinc core, leaving only the copper coating. Once only copper remains, we will compare its mass to the entire mass of the penny to determine how much of a penny is copper and how much is zinc. 1. Obtain one 50.0 mL beaker, and label the beaker with ... Show more content on ... How many moles of copper and zinc are in post 1982 pennies? 5. Write a balanced reaction of zinc with HCl. Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g). 6. How many moles of HCl are needed to react completely with all of the zinc in a post 1982 penny? 2.5 7. In a procedure developed to determine the percent zinc in post 1982 pennies, 50 ml of an HCl solution was used to react (dissolve) all of the zinc in the penny. To ensure complete reaction, the solution contains twice as many moles of HCl that is actually needed. What concentration of HCl should be used? In the scenario described in problem 7, what is the amount (in moles) of excess (unreacted) HCl in solution? 9. How many moles of NaOH would be needed to completely react with all of the excess HCl determined in problem 8? 10. As described in problem 7, a procedure was developed to determine the percent zinc in post 1982 pennies. In that procedure 50 ml of an HCl was used to react (dissolve) all of the zinc in the penny. To ensure complete reaction, the solution contains twice as many moles of HCl that is actually needed. To determine the percent zinc in the penny, the excess (unreacted) HCl was titrated with NaOH. Determine the concentration of NaOH needed if you want to use approximately 25 mL of NaOH to titrate the excess HCl. 11. Write the balanced chemical reaction of zinc with HCl (same as problem 5). Is the product of
  • 25. Analysis Of The Chrysanthemums And The Yellow... Characters are an important literary aspect an author uses to communicate their message to their audience. There are multiple strategies an author uses to make their story more compelling and thought provoking. One strategy an author uses is to incorporate a dynamic character into their written work. A dynamic character is a character that changes overtime throughout a story due to conflicts that they encounter. Dynamic characters in a short story serve a purpose. Just the use of a dynamic character can change the way an audience perceives a story. It is also common that a dynamic character will be a protagonist in the story. Two great literary works, The Chrysanthemums written by John Steinbeck and The Yellow Wallpaper written by Charlotte Perkins Gilmanboth contain a dynamic character. Elisa Allen, a typical farmer in The Chrysanthemums and the narrator, who suffers from depression in The Yellow Wallpaper both experience obstacles that shift their mind set and idea of self worth in society. Elisa Allen and the narrator are both dynamic characters whose journeys bring to the realization their loss of identity. In The Chrysanthemums , Steinbeck writes in third person however, he focuses entirely on Elisa s point of view. He sets the stage in the winter in the Salinas Valley where there is fog that covers the foothill ranches. Steinbeck description of Henry Allen s foothill ranch, where Elisa and Henry reside sets the tone of the story. Steinbeck describes the
  • 26. Christine Mitchell s When Living Is A Fate Worse Than Death Imagine having your child taken away from you due to an illness. There was nothing more to do for them, but you just have to let them go. People start feeling upset and feel like they could have done more. In the story, When Living Is a Fate Worse Than Death by Christine Mitchell explains to us how people felt after Charlotte has died. She made this very persuasive due to her taking the side of the doctors. Through the story the narrator starts with explain how charlotte died from few brain cells. This caused her to stop breathing and pull away from pain. The next thing we know is that the doctors where worried about why the parents chose to put their child and them through pain of the death. The parents asked them to do cruel stuff to keep their child alive. The doctors refused to do it. They wanted to have a rule where if the baby was dying again they would resuscitate her. The hospital was also worried about the parents suing them due to previous cases.This helped other familydecide on sustaining life or prolonging life.... Show more content on ... She explains how they felt after the death of charlotte. For example, she says, We tried to resuscitate her for over an hour. It s the worse thin I ve ever done. I actually felt sick (Paragraph 7). This is how one of the doctors felt after the death of this baby. Another strength is she explains the problems that charlotte had and how they tried to resuscitate her. In the beginning of the story Christine Mitchell says, Little Charlotte lay on a high white bed, surrounded by nurses and doctors pushing drugs into her veins, tubes into her trachea and needles into her heart, trying as hard as they could to take over for her failing body and brains. (Paragraph
  • 27. The Effects of the Writing in Margaret Atwood s Cat s Eye The Effects of the Writing in Margaret Atwood s Cat s Eye Margaret Atwood, Cat s Eye, Discuss the methods and effects of the writing, with particular attention to the way the narrator presents herself to the reader, in the extract and in the novel as a whole Throughout the novel, Cat s Eye, the narrator discusses the details of her life in an extremely detached and abstract style. She invites us to travel with her, back into her past, where both the reader and the narrator watch the unravelling of her past experiences. The narrator acts as a spectator to her own past, she does not re enact, but instead replays the details, as if re winding an old video. Each individual experience contains ... Show more content on ... Another important issue which is raised is the idea of disguise. The narrator is extremely attracted to this idea, and it is brought up many times. I pull on my powder blue sweatsuit, my disguise as a non artist, here she shows her embarrassment over expressing her artistic self, and prefers to remain anonymous. When a poster of her is defaced, rather than becoming angry, she is pleased, The moustache is like a costume. She appears to be jealous of men s opportunity of using facial hair as a disguise, which seems a very strange thing to consider. After entering a clothes shop, she comments on her desire for transformation, Disguise is easier when you re young. This suggests that she was an expert on disguise in her past years, which makes the reader very curious as to whether we are ever shown the real story behind the narrator, or whether it is simply all a make believe life. The description of the narrator s current home environment and surroundings is equally negative. Again, these negative implications are subtly inserted, so a seemingly idyllic mountain side home becomes a fake, ridiculous film set. She uses words such as, Unreality, sloppy, overdone, to
  • 28. Marlboro Commercials Marlboro, a big international company launched by Philip Morris in 1904. A company widely famous, and recognized. Everyone knows smoking is bad. In spite of this the company is making huge profits. This is why I chose two Marlboro cigarettes commercials. One of them was in 1955, and the second was relatively recent. There is a huge shift in the way the company represented their product back then and now. This intrigues me in a certain way, and makes me wonder what made the company shift from their usual approach to a whole new one. The two commercials had one similarity, which is a man smokinga Marlboro cigaretteand I think this is pretty consistent in most Marlboro commercials. The first commercial, which was in 1955 shows, a man working
  • 29. Informative Speech On Hypnotism Specific Purpose: As a result of my speech, my audience will know the background and realistic uses of hypnotism today. Central Idea: Hypnotism is not just a cool magic trick but an effect psychological therapy. Introduction: (Attention getter) Picture someone waving a pocket watch back and forth in front of someone s face, your first thought is that that person is being hypnotized, right? That s because that s what we all grew up seeing in cartoons and cheesy movies. Most people don t expect that hypnotism is more than a performance act involving a pocket watch or magician. (Credibility) But according to the APA (American Psychology Association) hypnosis is a form of treatment for a number of psychological and medical conditions with the most researched area being in pain relief. (central idea) Hypnotism is not just a cool stage trick but an effect form of psychological therapy. (preview statement) Today, I will explain to you what hypnotism is, how it came to be, and the practical uses of it today. ... Show more content on ... Body: I.The history of hypnotism had evolved greatly since the concept was first introduced. A.Franz Mesmer was the first person to introduce the idea of hypnosis in the 18th century. 1.His idea of hypnosis centered around magnetism which was later disproven but essentially, he believed a magnetic force flowed through the hypnotist to the person being hypnotized. Coined the term mesmerize 2. B.James Braid coined the term hypnosis hypnotism 1.He coined this term after the Greek god Hypnos of sleep. 2.Developed that hypnosis was a C.The phenomenon of hypnotism interested many physicians. 1.Hypnotism became accepted as a combination of psychologically mediated responses to suggestions. 2. Transition: Now that we ve laid a foundation down with the history, let s talk about what hypnosis really
  • 30. The Threat of Human Cloning Essay The human genome is constructed of four simple chromosomes, each of which is represented by a single capital letter; G, A, C, and T. These simple chemicals are the building blocks of life, and act as the blueprints for one of the most complicated biological structures in the known universe; the human. Strands of these chromosomes billions of letters long provide a uniqueness that guarantees individuality in a swiftly growing world. Is not individuality after all one of the most highly acclaimed American ideals? Does it not compose the backbone of freedom, our country s founding doctrine? It most assuredly does, and individuality therefore, is one of the most integral parts of humansociety. The importance of this ideal dictates that... Show more content on ... Cloning cannot be tolerated in society anywhere, not because of the ramifications on the individual countries and their cultures, but more importantly because of the mental state that a clone would inevitably have to cope with. The ability to clone humans is in essence the ability to steal a piece of someone s individuality, which we have already closely associated as being a prime evil. The ancient philosopher Rene Descartes stated That in order to understand the passions of the soul its functions must be distinguished from those of the body (Hallman, 40). That is, the soul and body must have distinctions, and this I agree with for the sake of understanding the mechanics and interactions of the two. However after this has been established the line must be drawn. George Johnson, believes that each person, whether they be a clone or not, should understandably have his own soul created by the composition of previous thoughts and experiences (Nussbaum, Sunstein 69). The example we are provided with references the unique nature of twins. According to this reasoning, twins grow up together, composed of the same genetic makeup, but because of personal experiences result in different persons (69). If this truly is the case then cloning does not accomplish what it is intended for in the first place. Likewise he argues, clones who share exact genome matches will also become different people as a
  • 31. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Airplanes Before airplanes were invented, journeys were tiring and extremely time consuming. People would have to travel for weeks by ship to reach other countries. This became a problem because people were often tired and frustrated at how inconvenient travelling was. For example, it takes around 11 to 12 hours to travel from London to New York by plane, but if you travel by ship / boat, it takes an average of 4 to 5 days. It could take two weeks to reach somewhere that took a plane two days to travel. Exporting goods by boat / ship was extremely expensive; even though there was still a lot of trade, airplanes have made trade much easier and faster therefore there is much more trade now. Trade is good because it helps the economy, provides jobs for ... Show more content on ... It is the fastest form of transport and therefore is very useful when time is an important factor. Along with the quick and efficient service, there are comfortable cushioned seats so longer flights aren t too difficult. The average occupancy of an aircraft is around 80% greater than other forms of transport. (Statistics from Air Transport Action Group ATAG) In terms of the route of travel, there are no physical barriers so it follows the shortest and most direct route to the intended destination; connecting flights are provided for places like Kochi (in India) that don t have direct flights. Air transport can also be very easily accessed and can be used to transport goods to rural areas or places that can t be accessed by any other means of transport. In the case of a natural disaster e.g. floods or earthquakes, airplanes will still be operating and is the only mode of transport which can be used for relief work or to provide essential necessities in life. Airplanes are often used to carry fragile goods that require fast delivery over long distances. They carry goods that are over 35% value (many are perishable goods). Deliveries from Africa to UK support the livelihoods of 1.5 million people. (Statistics from Air Transport Action Group
  • 32. Decisions In The Book Lyddie, By Katherine Paterson Decisions are something we face constantly every day, whether its choosing what to say, which way to go, or even what your gonna eat. We all make decisions some can be hard and so simple. In the book Lyddie written by Katherine Paterson it talks about a 13 year old girl named Lyddie who left her home to go work at a tavern to pay off her father s debt. But soon after she got fired and went to go work at a mill. The book takes place during the Industrial revolution. Most most of the story takes place at the mill bur in some rare cases she goes home to visit. The story is important, and the story is important because it talks about the struggle that was going on, and to teach in a fictional way about the Industrial revolution. Now Lyddie ... Show more content on ... On page 100 it talks about Lyddie it says She could not fall behind in her production . Else her pay would drop... So no matter how long the girls worked what matters is their production which is how much material they make. So they could have been working for a full 24 hours and they could still get little pay if they did not make much material. On page 139 Lyddie had just gotten back to work because she was feeling better now it says The money was going again. She had nearly caught up with the wages lost by her less... Lyddie had been ill so she could not work but once she was well enough she was to, but she went at as lower pace because she was still kind of heeling, and since she she was going at a slower pace she was not getting much money. On page 89 Lyddie was starting to look harder and it says she only had two looms to tend instead of the four she had during the summer. She needed the money. She had to have the money. Lyddie was working twice as hard in the summer and even worked for the same time it wouldn t matter because what she needed was the cloth to get the money. Lyddie was working over hours for under pay and it s unfair for the workers. That s why I feel that Lyddie should sign the petition for the pay of time instead of
  • 33. Tom Standage s Impact On The Newspaper Industry The Victorian Internet, takes us on a journey back to the old days of how people use to communicate with horses and ships. Tom Standage shows us how people use to contact each other in the 1800 s before the telegraph was invented in 1837. The author describes the positives and negatives on the telegraph being invented, in the beginning of the book the author shows how people received an update on current events, but by the time the news was received, it was about four weeks old. Throughout the rest of the novel, the author wrote about the impact the telegraph had on the newspaper industry and how the United States along with Europe incorporated the telegraph in different ways. Tom Standage is a journalist and author out of England. He is a... Show more content on ... The semaphore was the telegraphs predecessor. The semaphore was extremely limited. It was not able to go over long distances. There were many factors when it came to establishing semaphore lines. Many things were dependent on the geography, the weather, and other things that may affect sight. They were also not very private, everyone and anyone could see what message you were sending across to the other tower if they knew how to decipher it. It wasn t jaw dropping as the electrical telegraph, yeah sure they could get messages across from one place to another, but it wasn t as fast or expansive as the electrical telegraph. It did not completely revolutionize the way Europe worked. The title is fitting. As previously stated, the telegraph revolutionized the world. It is akin to the internet. Our generation doesn t know the significance of the telegraph, and again believes it to be an obsolete method of communication. If you tell them that it had the same effect that the internet has had on us then you can truly paint the picture. More so, we are able to paint the bigger picture and realize that the internet is not the pinnacle of
  • 34. Essay On Claude Bernard The Scientist Claude Bernard There are many scientists throughout time that has impacted science and mankind in a positive matter. One scientist that stuck out to me the most is Claude Bernard. Claude Bernard was a successful scientist that has studied a lot, had spent a lot of time in school, and has impacted many human lives because of his discoveries. Claude Bernard was a biologist who was born in Saint Julien, RhГґne, France on July 12, 1813. Claude s parents Jean FranГ§ois Bernard and Jeanne Saunier both lived in Saint Julien for most of their lives (Sabbatini). Claude Bernard passed away on February 10, 1878 in Paris, France. Claude s funeral was the first public funeral in Paris (Virtanen). Claude... Show more content on ... He decided to get a medical degree because he was interested in blood and how the human organs worked (Sabbatani). There are many different reasons why Claude was interested and inspired to find his discoveries. Claude was interested in the mechanics of digestion, which he tended to really enjoy. His favorite part of being a biologist involved exploring the insides of an animal s stomach. He put most of his work into finding the correct process of digestion, and how exactly a human or animal digestive system actually works. After awhile he would experiment on humans that are dead, so he could look for anything he had never seen before ( Claude Bernard ). There were plenty of other discoveries going on while Claude was doing his work. John William Draper was working on making the first ever detailed photograph of the moon. John William Draper finally was able to take the photo in 1840 ( The First Photograph of The Moon ). Another scientist at the time was Robert Bunsen. Robert Bunsen invented the zinc carbon cell also known as the Bunsen battery. The Bunsen battery was the first battery to use a carbon electrode. The battery was invented in 1843 ( Home ). Louis Agassiz had discovered the Ice Age . He had discovered the Ice Age by studying underneath another scientists. The Ice Age was a time when there was severe cooling which caused glaciers to cover the entire
  • 35. The Psychology Behind the Serial Killer Essay The Psychology Behind the Serial Killer Creeping around the shadowy house, the predator found its prey waking to strange sounds. The victim lay facedown, with a sweating forehead pressed fearfully into the pillow, silently praying the noises would just go away. Suddenly the victim found himself straddled and pinned to the bed. He was unable to scream for help due to the pressure of the handle of a pick axe against his throat, preventing any breath from escaping, much less any sound. The victim struggled beneath the weight of the assailant. The scant light from the sodium arc street light outside cast a peculiar silhouette on the walls of the darkened room, projecting an image that looked oddly like that of a cowboy saddled upon... Show more content on ... Definition: What What is a serial killer? Retired Special Agent Robert Ressler, a twenty two year veteran of the FBI s Behavioral Sciences Unit in Quantico, Virginia, is responsible for creating the term serial killer. He defines this person as one who commits a series of murders, usually three or more, the victims most often being strangers, and usually with a cooling off period in between each kill (Kelleher Kelleher, 1998; Pearson, 1998; Ressler and Shactman, 1997). This precise definition is necessary to distinguish this type of predator from the mass murderer (who kills many simultaneously), mercenaries, war criminals, or mafia hit men. Profiling: Who and How Though serial killer may have a fairly specific definition, there is no single precise profile for the serial killer. Each has a unique identity, set of motives and methods, and a unique psychopathology that would attempt to explain the mens rea, that is, the purpose or intent of the murder. Psychological profiling is an investigative tool used strictly to answer the how of the crime, not the why (Severence et al, 1992; Lanier and Henry, 1998). By examining the psychological make up of the serial killer, it is often possible to explain the behavior, which might make it a useful tool in solving crimes. Theories of Criminal Behavior Many theories have been
  • 36. Magna Carta Analysis First, the Magna Carta is a legal document that was written in 1215. It was written to acknowledge the carelessness of the kings doing in England to abuse his power while watching the other English people suffer, and to also enforce a set of rules that everyone, including himself, would have to follow. Dating back to about 1772 BCE the Amorite King Hammurabi issued a set of laws after conquering Mesopotamia, by the name of law codes of Hammurabi(source 2.1). It was to place boundaries and penalties on people due to their choice of action. In source 2.1 of our book it says that, Hammurabi did it in order to cause justice to prevail in the land and to further the welfare of the people which supports that idea. Just like the Magna Carta the Hammurabi law codes were put in place so that people with a higher power could not take advantage of the people that was not in a high social rank. An example from the Hammurabi s code is, if a man accuse a man, and charge him with murder, but cannot convict him the accuser shall be put to death, in other words you cannot falsely accuse someone of a crime without liable evidence(clause 1). An example from the Magna Carta that supports this idea is from clause 40 and it states, no one will we sell, to no one deny or delay right or justice . This means that everybody has a right to a equal and fair trial without someone being bribed, paid off, or just being held in prison. Each example from the Hammurabi s law codes and the Magna Carta
  • 37. Fostering Diversity On School Campuses Diversity is how we are all different in our own unique way. The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It is about recognizing our individual differences, and working together to forge a better future. Colleges should aim to establish a climate of diversity and inclusion on school campuses, so that every student, regardless of background, race, religion or language feel safe and a sense of belonging. Colleges with a diverse student body helps improve the academic performance of students and better student collaboration. Queens fostering a diverse community of students, will help in creating a conducive learningenvironment for students and staff. It will improve the overall performance of students and create a more collaborative... Show more content on ... I realize that i had a lot to contribute to Queens to interest in fostering a diverse student body. My diversity is not simply limited to my race, but rather my language, religion, origin and cultural background. I am from a tiny west African country called The Gambia . Although English should be the official language of The Gambia, Majority of the population cannot speak it. Our native languages are the widely spoken languages. When I came to the US, I speak very little English, people couldn t understand me when I speak. They would often tell me that you have a strong African accent we don t understand anything that you saying. This makes me feel left out and lonely. The only time I feel a sense of belonging is when I go to the park to play soccer, Normally before we play, we divide the teams into two 4 v 4 . All of my teammates used to be Hispanics and White, I have never seen a black person of African playing soccer at the park. Most of my teammates don t understand me when I speak, but that doesn t stop us from winning. We won most of the games. I community to my team mates using sign languages usually with my hands. I observe their body movements to effect my passes. I communicate with them without even talking, and all our other differences fade away. After going to the park for so long and meeting with different teammates every single day, I always find a way to move past what makes us different, finding that something that makes us the same. Whether on the soccer field, in the classroom, on campus, in dorms , dining halls or on the street. It is the only way to live peacefully and build a better future
  • 38. The Importance Of Alarm Fatigue And Its Effects On The... Chapter Four: Evaluation The purpose of this project was to determine if traditional education had a greater impact on the number of false and non actionable alarms over presenting education in an online educational format. Evidence supports that alarm fatigue is a nursing problem that puts patients at risk for ham. Reducing the number of nuisance alarms decreases the occurrence of alarm fatigue among registered nurses. Evidence also supports patient harm is lessened when alarm fatigue is reduced (Sendelbach, S., Funk, M. 2013). Nurses are ethically obligated to reduce and remove the risk of patient harm. Patients are at a greater risk for harm when nurse do not appropriately manage nuisance alarms. Nurses are ethically obligated to reduce this risk of hazard to patients by following evidence based strategies to reduce these nuisance alarms. This chapter includes the implementation for this project, and step by step details will be outlined. The project s results will be discussed as well as the evaluation of the findings. Also in this chapter, evaluation of the project s design and evaluation of the project s implementation will be examined. The project was designed to compare false, non actionable alarms prior to education on the evidence based strategies to reduce alarm fatigue, after online education and then again after traditional face to face education. The project included nurses in the 14 bed cardiac intensive care unit, within a 456 bed, not for profit
  • 39. Survival Is The Key Struggle Survival is the key struggle in The Shawshank Redemption. This film takes place in the corrupt Shawshank State Penitentiary where mental and physical abuses inflicted upon prisoners are the hard realities of the system. For the prisoners of Shawshank, life is often bleak and violent. However, the will to survive is what keeps the characters motivated to retain their humanity and challenge the institutionalization of Shawshank. In particular, the film s main protagonists, Andy Dufresne and Ellis Red Redding, exemplify the struggle for survival in the face of a corrupt, frightening, and oppressive prison system. In order to survive the harsh realities of the world, people adapt with personal traits like courage and resourcefulness in addition to forming community with other people. Without a doubt, courage is a crucial element for survival in The Shawshank Redemption because courage is the trait that the prisoners develop in order to overcome their fears in the prison setting. Of course, fear is the natural instinct people have when they enter the unknown. In any frightening situation, individuals, like Andy and his fellow new inmates when they first arrive at Shawshank, must succumb to fear or find the courage to persevere. At first, it might be difficult for people to find courage in frightening times, but many individuals still manage to find courage from sources like religious faith and hope. For example, religious faith is important for courage because faith can make
  • 40. Essay on Walker s Message of Personal Heritage in... Alice Walker s Everyday Use is a short story about a mother and two very different daughters set in rural Georgia during the late 1960 s. The plot is centered around on the two daughters, Dee and Maggie, and focusing on the differences between the two and who will gain possession of two hand made quilts that are seen as a coveted trophy by Dee and are viewed as everyday items Maggie. The final decision of which daughter ultimately receives the quilts will be made by Momma Johnson. Momma, who is never given a first name in the story, is a strong black woman with many man like qualities. In real life I am a large, big boned woman with rough, man working hands. In the winter I wear flannel nightgowns to bed and overalls during the... Show more content on ... I will be focusing this paper on the reasons why Maggie should be given the quilts, reasons why Dee should not be allowed to take them, and what this tell us about Alice Walker s sense of what it means to be in touch with one s heritage. Maggie deserves the quilts because she appreciates the practical value of the items and would naturally use them as they were intended. Like her grandmother, Maggie is a person who values the quilts more as a practical solution for staying warm at night than as folk art which should be displayed in a museum. Dee s thoughts of her simple minded sister come into full light during a conversation with Momma when her request for the quilts is denied. Maggie can t appreciate these quilts! She d probably be backward enough to put them the everyday use. I reckon she would, Momma replied, God knows I been saving em long enough with nobody using em. I hope she will. (DiYanni 748) With little or no money during tough times, poorer families have often had to be more self reliant where learning to sew was a skill that was valued and passed down to the younger generation. Maggie embraced this skill while her more ambitious sister did not see the value in learning such an ordinary task. She can always make more, Momma said, Maggie knows how to
  • 41. An Analysis of A Forest Hymn by William Cullen Bryant A Forest Hymn by William Cullen Bryant The poem A Forest Hymn talk of the origin of all the nature that surrounds humanity and the activities of these naturally found objects. It gives an indication that the source of all the nature that we see is God and He is the one who controls their actions in all aspects and as to that, the poet implores the entire humanity to humble itself before the creator and controller of nature and worship him, not necessarily in houses or in crowds as both of these are weak and cannot stand before the might of the creator, but in natural settings. This poem is therefore widely a statement of pantheism, which is a position that god and nature are the same. According to Matt Slick, (2011) the word pantheism is derived from Greek words Pan meaning all and the other section from theos meaning God. This then implies that all nature found in the universe, from the stars, mountains, planets, wind, rain, storms are all part of what God is hence pantheists contest that God is all and all nature is part of God. This should not be confused with the Christian perspective that God created all nature but these are inferior to him and are in no way equal to him. This poem is generally a pantheism statement exemplified since it equates nature to be having the same powers as God. The poet indeed starts off by stating clearly that The groves were God s first temples. Ere man learned an indication that if man is inferior to God, yet God used nature
  • 42. Different Types Of Conflict In Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, / Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. / From forth the fatal loins of these two foes / A pair of star crossed lovers take their life; ( Prologue). Those are the words involved in a play called Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare. That quote explains how two families can cause a tremendous problem for not being allies. Shakespeare believes that different types of conflict can create more conflict. The very first common type of conflict is fighting with enemies. In Act 3 Scene 1 Mercutio starts fighting Tybalt. Romeo is trying to break up the fight and when he gets between them, Tybalt quickly stabs Mercutio and Mercutio slowly dies. Romeo with angrily starts a quarrel with Tybalt, ... Show more content on ... In Romeo and Juliet,both families have a beastly family history. At the end of Act 5 we know that Romeo and Juliet both die for love. They killed themselves because of their family s conflict not wanting to get along. With their families being enemies it was hard for them to be together, but when Romeo and Juliet both past away it affected their families. At the end, both families decide that they should stop their feud because their feud cost them their own kid. A movie of today that represents that example is Our Family Wedding. Our Family Wedding is a movie where a couple is in love with each other and want to get married, but the two families don t like each other and argue all the time. With so much disagreement between the families the couple decide to break away, which makes the families both upset that they gave up their marriage over them arguing. They decide to get along and the couple gets back together and have their dream wedding. Things that are similar in the examples are that the families break up the lovers apart because of their feud. Romeo and Juliet die because of their family feuds and the couple breaks up because of their families arguing all the time. Some difference is that the end of the play it was too late for Montague and Capulet to make things right and letting Romeo and Juliet be with each other. Another difference is the movie is about a wedding and the lovers getting stress
  • 43. Compare And Contrast Jamestown And Plymouth After the failure of Roanoke in 1587, the English decided once again to try to establish a permanent colony in North America. Major changes in the social and economic life in England caused more people to want to come to America. After new, more nutritious crops, were brought back from the Americas, the population of England doubled. This increased the demand for more food, clothing, and other goods. The gap between the rich and the poor also increased, leaving those with little land in poverty. Religious freedom was also becoming an issue for people in England, as the Reformation began in 1533. Those who wanted to break away from the Catholic Church could not when divine right monarchs believed they had the power to enforce a particular religionon their people. It was these factors that caused the first settlers of Chesapeake and Plymouthto leave in search for a better life and to find new opportunities. The early English settlements of Chesapeake and Plymouth differed as well as resembled each other in trade and work, government, and communal and family structure, which affected the quality of life in these colonies. The basis of the economies in Plymouth and Chesapeake differed, as Plymouth supported their colony through cod fishing and Chesapeake through tobacco... Show more content on ... They resembled each other most in their governmental systems, and differed a lot in work and in family and communal structures. Each colony had a different life to offer, so one settlement was not necessarily superior to the other. *Chesapeake s economy could not have been possible without the Columbian Exchange, when this crop was first introduced the Europeans and popularized. *Like Jamestown, Plymouth colonist needed the help of the Natives for foodstuffs. There were components of each that made them succeed, and others that took away from the quality of
  • 44. Forgiveness Vs. Condemnation In Dante Alighieri s The... As the second part of Dante Alighieri s Divine Comedy, The Purgatorio serves as an allegorical bridge between the two other works, much like Purgatory serves as a bridge into Heaven. Purgatory is characterized by repentance as sinners here are given the chance to work towards redemption, as opposed to Hellwhere sinners are punished for eternity with no hope for forgiveness. The idea of forgiveness versus condemnation can be seen in the comparison of Cato and Virgil, a man forgiven and a man condemned. Cato, like Virgil, died before the birth of Christ but repented in the final moments of his life and was given a place in Purgatory, despite being a pagan and committing suicide. Cato s story proves that choosing repentance is the key and Virgil,... Show more content on ... The psychological implications of nature versus nurture in one s later life and development have been contested for years, and I have a tendency to stick very close to the middle; I believe Dante would as well. He gives a very clear answer as to whose responsibility it is (our own) to make decisions and gain entrance into Purgatory, while also making some concessions for circumstance and nature, for Virgil says the only road I could have taken was the road I took, (I 62 63) emphasising how he was constrained by the options available. But this constrainment does not, in any way, alleviate the responsibility we have for our own souls, but instead teaches us that we should act the best we can, given our lives and histories, in order to be the most virtuous people we can be. The view is also somewhat more forgiving than other interpretations, as it is always possible to return to the path and Goodness has arms so wide that It accepts whoever would return (III 122 123). This belief in redemption mimics my own belief in the human ability to change and become better than we were before by choice. Dante repeatedly states that we must chose the path of goodness for ourselves and can be guided but never forced, something I agree with wholeheartedly, for is a forced repentance really repentance at all? The discussion of the afterlives of Cato and Virgil show the importance of choice, given Cato s
  • 45. Many People, Whether A Canadian Citizen Or Not, Have... Many people, whether a Canadian citizen or not, have different opinions on the Canadian government. These opinions can be strictly positive or negative, but looking at certain aspects of the government may lead to mixed views depending on what policies and programs are being evaluated. With this being said, there is no concrete right or wrong answer to how well the Canadian government is doing as they excel in some of the programs they implement, but also fail in others. With the recent election of the Liberal party after almost 10 years of being governed by the Conservative partyi , it is safe to say that there are and will continue to be changes in government policies and programs in the years to come. Looking at the Canadian government... Show more content on ... This would include those who are already educated by Canadian universities, and are English speaking, but have yet to immigrate. However, the government is failing to do this. In order for this to be made possible, it is necessary to provide incentive for international students to stay in permanent residency after graduation. In addition, providing further incentive for international students to become entrepreneurs results in economic growth as entrepreneurship is one of the major inputs necessary to raise economic potential (Pg84). As a result, these graduates will better integrate in the Canadian workforce and therefore be less likely to become unemployed. With this being said, the Canadian government is failing to keep international students in permanent residency as the Express Entry program has such a difficult criterion to meet, but is necessary to pass in order for international students to stay in Canada. Needing a job offer from an employer who has found that no Canadian meets their job requirements, needing to pass characteristics such as age, education, experience in the workforce and language, and needing a sponsorship by a provincial governmentiii provides almost no incentive for international students to remain in Canada thus lowering the
  • 46. Azithromy (Cocci Bacilli) Cats are adorable family pets, but pet owner should be cautioned as these little animal ca cause severe infections. A bite, a lick or a scratch can be serious. With this case a looked at the symptoms this 66 year old was exhibiting after being bitten by a cat. The pain, redness chills fever, axillary tenderness the two puncture wound and so forth. With her gram stain showing that she has a gram negative coccobacillus, that grows well on the blood agar as also on the MacConkey agar. I concluded that the organism that she is infected with is the Pasteurella Multocida. According to my research this organism is gran negative cocci bacilli, it is a natural inhabitant of the skin, digestive tract and oral cavity and respiratory tract of cat. As... Show more content on ... The usual treatment for this infection is with antibiotics. According to research penicillin and amoxicillin are the first line for treatment. If a patient is allergic to penicillin the Physician may order doxycline, minocycline, azithromycin. Pt are normally treated with antibiotics for one to two weeks depending on deep tissue infection. In this case I feel this lady will need to be admitted for intravenous antibiotic for a few days. Regarding the abscess as I have seen being working in the hospital setting a physician will make an incision and drain the abscess. Other clinical symptoms not mentioned in the case that can occur from this organism include decreased range of motion, hoarseness, neurological deficits, abdominal tenderness, vision problems, cardiovascular problems including hypotension and tachycardia. Preventing cat bites is a way to avoid being infected with this organism. This include learning about a cat s body language and recognizing the signs of petting induced aggression. These include dilating pupils, a low growl, stiffening of the body, twitching of the tail and flattening the ears backward against the head. Maintain good oral hygiene of cats, consult a vet and promptly treat infections of your cat can and respiratory tract and so
  • 47. Taqa Unit 401 Unit 401 Understanding the Principles and Practice of Internally Assuring the Quality of Assessment 1.1 Explain the functions of internal quality assurance in learning and development. At Business the functions of internal quality assurance cover a diverse spectrum. However, from the start I must ensure that the candidates are at a level and position to carry out the assignments to meet the criteria involved. I ensure that the employer is involved from the outset and is fully aware of the work and support the candidate will need and be expected to submit. This is done through discussions with the employer and learners and by the completion of a pre enrolment form. This information is required to ensure consistency with the... Show more content on ... 1.2 Explain the key concepts and principles of internal quality assurance of assessment. Our process for internal quality assurance involves planning the units that will be sampled for each student. This is planned on an internal verification sampling plan (Evidence index 5) and we use the alphabetical listings and diagonal lines that cross the units to be sampled. If however, the units are infrequently selected then I will ensure that they are sampled and also with the new NVQ specification that has recently taken place then I would carry out a 100% check. We also like to carry out formative assessment as this is good practice and aids to our standardisation process in supporting all our assessors. Regarding support I always liaise with our more senior assessors and the external verifier to ensure I am continually meeting the quality standards required and they are always available to offer their assistance and advice. If we have a very inexperienced assessor or new assessor then the NVQ s they assess would be sampled far deeper and more support would be given to them. I would ensure that I assess a variety of evidence ranging from Observations, Recorded discussions, Reflective accounts, Witness statements and Work products to list a few. I ensure that the levels and quantities of these are consistent, authentic, valid, and reliable especially regarding new standards.
  • 48. Horse Over Weight Analysis Method * Darwin Reynoso Febuary 29, 2016 Program to calculate if your horse is overweight or not. */ #include using namespace std; int main() { int lightHorse = 840, largeHorse = 1110, draftHorse = 1500, horseType, horseWeight, maxWeight1 = 1200, maxWeight2 = 1300, maxWeight3 = 2200; // The amount of pounds to feed to the horse depending on there weight double feed1 = 3.3, feed2 = 3.0, feed3 = 2.5; cout Tess s Horse Stable endl __________________________________________________________________________ endl; cout Horse Type Minimum Optimum Weight Maximum Optimum Weight endl; cout __________________________________________________________________________ endl;
  • 49. Pathophysiology Of Chronic Asthma And Acute Asthma Introduction Respiratory disorder, mostly affect the upper or lower respiratory tract, however bacterial or viral infection are the causative agent and the disease is common in all ages. In addition, the lungs and the bronchi can also be affected, causing inflammation and obstruction of the airflow resulting in wheezing, chest tightness, stridor, low grade fever, cough, and hemoptysis due severe damage to the lung tissues. Most common diseases of the respiratory system include; pneumonia, croup, asthma, bronchitis, laryngitis, and tuberculosis, affected disease location determines the signs and symptoms. Hereditary and environmental factors such as allergens and other irritants can be a contributory factor, especially in children. However, respiratory compromise occur as a result of incomplete airway development among this vulnerable population predisposing them to chronic asthma (Huether McCance, 2012). The purpose of this paper is to describe the pathophysiology of chronic asthma and acute asthma exacerbation, with explanation of arterial blood gas pattern during an asthma exacerbation. Also, explain how ethnicity might impact pathophysiology of asthma and asthma exacerbation. The diagnosis and treatment plan needed to relieve the presented signs and symptoms will be reviewed. Lastly, constructs two mind maps for chronic asthma and asthma exacerbation including its epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment.
  • 50. History of Malaysian Cooperation A.Case Study Tense ambivalence under Mahathir During Mahathir s premiership (1981 2003), Malaysia enjoyed a cooperative relationship with the US on economic and security fronts. Politically, however, there has been much tension between the two states. On the economic front, the US has been one of Malaysia s most important trading partners. In Mahathir s final year as prime minister, the volume of two way trade amounted to US$34,352.5 million , with the balance of trade in Malaysia s favour. Additionally, Malaysia has traditionally relied on US foreign investments, particularly during the former state s rapid economic mobilisation from the 1970s to the end of the 1990s. Malaysia, a former colonial state which inherited a dwindling, natural resource dependent economy from the British, achieved unprecedented rate of growth under Mahathir s developmental strategy. Malaysia s economic development achieved its zenith in the 1990s, hailed by the World Bank as an `economic miracle in the developing world. During this course of development, the US played a pivotal role via its foreign investments. For instance, US investments in Malaysia tripled between 1990 and 2000, from US$1.5 billion to US$6 billion, of which 57% was in manufacturing, 21% in petroleum and natural resources, and 22% in services and related industries. In terms of security, Malaysia under Mahathir has seen much cooperation with the US in matters of counter terrorism. Malaysia had become a vital partner in
  • 51. The Role Of Factory Workers During The Industrial Revolution Through the industrial revolution great britain was not great and am going to say how. During the industrial revolution people lives were harsh. They barely got any money to buy house and barely had money to eat. Regular adults would work about fourteen to sixteen hours a day and only make 10 cents each hour. Not only were there working terrible but they also had to live in tenements which were in bad conditions. It was also so crowded that a family of ten would have to live in those tenements which is not fun. The worst part of working in the factories is that if the worker got injured they would get fired and replaced them with someone else. Also not only the tenements were bad but the outside of them were horrible. Trash would be on