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Defense Intelligence Agency And Military Intelligence
The Defense Intelligence agency is a United States intelligence agency that provides foreign
military intelligence operating under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense. According to its
website it is "Department of Defense combat support agency that produces analyses and
disseminates military intelligence information." The foreign military intelligence like political
assessments, troop movements, diplomatic changes etc. are distributed among the policy makers,
defense officials, combat commanders and other intelligence agencies. The headquarters of the DIA
is situated at Joint Base Anacostia Building, Washington DC and was formed in 1961. It employs
approximately 7,500 staff worldwide. The Director of the DIA is at least a three star military
general. The DIA was formed with the intention of creating a centralized single point access to all
defense military intelligence information. Before the formation of the DIA the Department of
Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Military Intelligence board would do their own collection,
analysis and distribution of information using both military and civilian intelligence officers
(Defense Intelligence Agency, 2014). They would help in the deciding the defense intelligence
policy. The function of DIA encompasses five main operations:
1. Gather human source information
2. Analyze technical information (crunching of information using computers)
3. Distribution of intelligence/ reports to intelligence agencies
4. Provide
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The United States Should Not Be A Complete Failure
The United States have been sending numerous military units to different parts of the world to
sustain survivability of other nations that are American allies. Countries that are part of United
Nations have been combined force that if there is a situation around the world, all the nations
including the United States will meet up and decide what the corrective action to resolve the issue is.
The United States military has been in so many conflicts with other countries that to the point that
many of them becomes our allies. Many agencies ae trying to continue to gather information on
potential terrorist or attacks before they can happen and without the proper relationships between the
federal agencies, this will continue to be a complete failure. Terrorist attacks on the United States
have been going on for decades or since the 1980 's when the United States Embassy was bombed
that killed numerous Americans and civilian casualties. There was also the bombing at Khobar
Towers in Beirut which happened months after the embassy incident. This attack killed numerous
marines and injured many civilians that were present during that fateful day. This was long before
the likes of Al Qaida and ISIS. Both were surprise attacks and there was not any warning giving but
that was just the beginning of numerous attempts into the future years. Interesting fact is that many
of the people that were killed during the embassy attack were CIA agents. That goes to show that the
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The Central Intelligence Agency Defines Terrorism
Professor Williamson
November 13, 2015
Paper 2 – Question 2
The Central Intelligence Agency defines terrorism as "premeditated, politically motivated violence
perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents" (CIA). This
term was specifically created to differentiate terrorism between other acts of violence. These doings
of terrorism are not just any act but are specific acts of violence. A dominant reason behind terrorism
tends to fall upon religious beliefs and culture ties. Terrorism has been an important part of social
behavior for over 2,000 years. Between the years of 1980 and 1995, terroristic groups motivated by
religious beliefs had increased by 43% (Hoffman). Religious beliefs and culture are a main reason
groups and individuals resort to terrorism. Groups resort to terrorism as a consequence of seeing
their culture demolished, as well as religious motives. Terrorist groups have many intentions when it
comes to acts of terrorism. They main ones are they want to create fear globally, weaken the
government, and obtain universal recognition for what they have done. Religiously motivated
terrorist groups usually have high authority targets. These targets include government offices, banks,
and national airlines. From the group's perspective, terrorism is the only practical option. Groups are
formed centered on certain factors like culture and religion. Many terrorists will receive support
from their followers
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An Internal Central Intelligence Agency
After the September 11th terrorist attacks on U.S soil many gaps were identified in our domestic and
international intelligence programs. An internal Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) investigation
revealed that CIA Task Forces failed to share information with the FBI about two suspected
terrorists, Nawaf al–Hazmi and Khalid al–Mihdhar, as they entered the United States (9/11
Commission Report). The U.S Intelligence Community is made up of 15 different agencies, offices,
and organizations within the Executive branch. There are 8 components in the Department of
Defense, two in the department of Homeland Security, and one in each of the separate State, Energy,
Treasury, and Justice departments, and one independent agency, the CIA (COICUS, ... Show more
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The United States Intelligence community
Often referred to as "those three letter agencies", by boots on the ground door kickers who action the
intelligence they provide; the U.S Intelligence community is a vast collection of agencies,
departments within departments, organizations, specialty programs, and think tanks. There are X
components that make up the Federal Intelligence community;
1. Independent component: Solely comprised of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), this
independent component principally collects intelligence through human means. The CIA focuses on
analysis of topics related to national security and provides products and Intel to national
policymakers, defense planners, law enforcement officials, and the military services. The CIA the
U.S's overseas counterintelligence tool and undertakes special activities at the direction of the
President. (COICUS, 2005 APP C). 2. Department of Defense Components: The "alphabet soup"
that makes up
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Nt1310 Unit 3 Intelligence Agencies
1. Intelligence is all the information gathered by a country regarding political issues, both internal
and external. Intelligence is collected through spies, special agents, internet data collection, pictures
and many other sources.
2. The other two main intelligence agencies are the FBI and NSA. The FBI is more concerned with
domestic for the United States issues, whereas the NSA is more specialized in the gathering and
analysis of information, which was exemplified with the surveillance scandal couple of years ago.
3. Since all the agencies work independently form one another oftentimes is extremely difficult for
them to coordinate and cooperate with each other, due to the essence of their work and the fact that
they operate with highly
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The Cia ( Central Intelligence Agency
Summary of company (or government agency, etc)
The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) is an independent federal agency, it is responsible for
advancing national security intelligence to the United States policymakers. The Intelligence the CIA
acquires is used to provide strategic and tactical advantages to take action in order to prevent threats
and to advance the United States' National security goals. The CIA organizes covert activities and
objective analysis that seeks to provide the outcome of keeping our Nation safe.
Founded during World War II President Roosevelt appointed William Donovan the first coordinator
of the CIA. After the War ended, President Truman recognized the need for a Central Intelligence
Agency this led him to Sign the National Security Act of 1947. The most recent change came after
9/11 when President Bush signed the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act which
creamed a director over the Central Intelligence and National Intelligence. Both directors are
accountable for Counterterrorism and the Intelligence Community. The director of the CIA is
responsible for the budget, operations and personnel, of the CIA, is chosen by the President and
confirmed by the Senate. The CIA works as advisors regarding foreign intelligence to the president
and policy maker
Summary of company diversity plan
The CIA understands that to run an Intelligence agency nationally it is necessary to have very broad
perspectives which come from diversity of thought,
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Surveillance And Data Monitoring By Intelligence Agencies
Constant surveillance is something that we, as Americans, see and face every day of our lives. This
surveillance that we encounter everyday is for our personal protection, but what happens when this
protection is used for the wrong reasons or is abused? That is a concern that almost everyone has,
and that is if they have some sort of privacy in their daily lives. "Surveillance Abuse is the use of
police investigation methods or technology to supervise the activity of an individual or group of
individuals in a way which violates the social norms or laws of a society" (US Legal, Inc.). Citizens
of the U.S. worry whether their privacy is at risk or is being protected by our government. The topic
of Surveillance Abuse and Culture will be ... Show more content on ...
Its key feature is that people actively participate in an attempt to regulate their own surveillance and
the surveillance of others. There is growing evidence of patterns of perspectives, outlooks, or
mentalities on surveillance. The term "surveillance culture" has appeared before, but it has yet to be
treated as a broad phenomenon in its own right and theorized as a development distinct from others.
The culture of surveillance was becoming visible at the turn of the 21st century, especially after the
9/11 attacks on America and the advent of social media, and became even clearer after Edward
Snowden copied and released documents from the NSA in 2013. It is no longer merely something
external that imposes a threat on our lives. It is something that everyday citizens comply with–
willingly and wittingly, or not–negotiate, resist, engage with, and even initiate and desire. A key
transformation of surveillance after 9/11 involves the emphasis on the future. Rather than focusing
on the detection of past acts, law enforcement and security efforts are now geared toward the
prevention of future terrorist attacks. This move toward preemptive surveillance has also been
combined with a shift toward mass, generalized surveillance of everyday activities.
Also, in the wake of the Snowden disclosures in 2013, legislative reforms to surveillance practices
were considered necessary in order to restore public trust. A few months later in October 2013, the
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The National Security Agency ( Nsa ) Is An Intelligence...
Security is key for the advancement and stability of the United States, and spying is nothing new to
the world. With the advancement of technology, we are now able to stay connected with each other,
while having a plethora of information at our fingertips. This is phenomenal, but dangerous. With
the increasing amount of stored data online and the speed at which said data can be transferred, one
can only worry that maybe were sharing a little TOO much information. The National Security
Agency (NSA) is an intelligence organization created by the United States government. The NSA is
responsible for global monitoring, collection, and processing of information and data for foreign
intelligence and counterintelligence. Today, the NSA states that ... Show more content on ...
These countries were pretty successful at obtaining sensitive Intel. However, in the 21st century
surveillance is used in a different and more complicated way. Due to the drastic increase in crime
rates and recent terrorist attacks, governments around the world were forced to use electronic
surveillance to protect their own people. The electronic surveillance that each government conducts
is so complex and covert that you don't even know that you are the target. The US government has
become one of the biggest cases of this kind of surveillance. The US government has been
employing several forms of high level surveillance such as wiretapping, CCTV cameras (Closed
Circuit Televisions, aka street cameras) and now internet data by looking at the information
transferred between devices. The thought that the government was secretly watching their citizens
every move has been talked about for some time now. Although this talk was widespread and sort of
heard of, there was no definitive proof. However, suspicions were confirmed in 2013 due to a man
by the name of Edward Snowden leaking classified information from the NSA's archives. Amongst
the leaked information, evidence showed that the NSA had been spying on millions of innocent
people, and said monitoring is still being conducted. This shocking level of spying was without
warrant, making it illegal. Now, the US government has taken its bad
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Central Intelligence Agency Analysis
The Second half of the twentieth century was a period very serious political and military tension
between to two main superpowers, the United States and USSR. This rise of tension was called the
Cold War since no major wars occurred during this time, but both nations had the capacity and
power to start another World War, had they both declared war on each other. The Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA), was an organization created during the Cold War and had played a major
role in counter–espionage and other major duties during the time period. During the time period of
Cold War from 1950's to 1990's, the rise of the Central Intelligence Agency impacted the american
society in a dramatic way. The CIA impacted the society starting from the controversies ... Show
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Donovan, who was the head and director of OSS, believed that the US government should create a
new intelligence agency where the intelligence operation should not be controlled by other parties,
but by the President currently in the office. He says that this would be a vital part of the national
defense, and that the creation should be solely be in discretion for the President. The disbandment of
the OSS was only the start of a bigger plan of national defense for the United States, the foundation
and creation of the Central Intelligence Agency. After the end of the war and abolition of the OSS,
US leaders planned to create a foreign intelligence that was capable of supporting the country's new
role as a superpower in the world. One of the US leaders Donovan, proposed [during a campaign
between 1943 and 1945] for an establishment of a postwar peacetime intelligence that would report
directly to the president itself. Many people however were opposed to this idea for many reasons,
one being that many did not believe that the new organization should not report directly to the
president. Others also believed that a foreign intelligence agency was a waste of money and
resources. The creation of a new intelligence became a big problem in the US government since
many people had diverging opinions about the establishment of a new foreign intelligence. "There is
hereby established under the National Security Council a Central Intelligence Agency with a
Director of Central Intelligence, who shall be the head thereof. The Director shall be appointed by
the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, from among the commissioned
officers of the armed services or from among individuals in civilian life. The Director shall receive
compensation at the rate of $14,000 a year". Section 102 of the National Security Act states
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Military Intelligence Division (MID): Agency Analysis
Recent news, the thing that keeps us all thinking about what the issues are. Well one thing in the
recent news, that caught my attention, and related to this topic was the NSA, and the issues the
organization was having. Until the security scandal in mid 2013, I had really never even heard of the
NSA. So with this research I would like to better understand, what the NSA does, how they got
started, and how/why they can have problems like they did earlier this year, while also seeing what
they are going to do from here on out, to ensure the issue doesn't arise again. Begging with a
decryption unit at a telegraph station in 1917 during World War I. The what was once named the
Cipher Bureau of the Military Intelligence Division (MID), slowly ... Show more content on ...
Well the agency has had issues with legality, and also may have misused some techniques to spy on
more than just troublesome, and threatening groups. Most recently, the NSA was questioned for its
over surveillance, of cell phones, emails, and internet activity of American citizens. This information
wasn't even know about, until 2013, when former NSA contractor, Edward Snowden leaked it to the
public. Mr. Snowden, told it all, he unveiled that the NSA had been tracking cell phone calls,
locations, and even looking into history from social media and internet use. The biggest issue in all
of this is that it is an invasion of American privacy. As written in the New Yorker by Amy Davidson,
in early 2013, it states, "the NSA. isn't supposed to be spying on Americans, not without a warrant
or court order premised on a specific link to a foreign terrorist." This is an issue that grabbed my
attention right away. Why was the NSA looking through this information anyway? What I
discovered was the NSA really had no reasoning behind why they were tracking all this information,
that they weren't supposed to be viewing anyway. Instead they seemed to have a more of a why not
do this excuse. The NSA looked at it, as though they were doing the right thing by tracking
everything we did. In their minds they were doing everything they could to ensure there was,
absolutely no signs of terrorism anywhere. Now it does
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Spy Ring in American Government: The Central Intelligence...
Spy ring in American government " Over 100 thousand private emails are viewed a day"(byman).
The National security agency and central intel lance agency are illegally viewing private documents
and private records. They have access to all of these items without the peoples consent. The NSA is
going through people's documents and they are giving them to other countries. The NSA and CIA
should not be allowed to do these things to private documents. The United States has the central
intelligence agency to monitor phone call of almost every person. The United States has had so
many phone call on record, they have made secretive deals with large phone company's like sprint,
Verizon , AT&T and many more. "President George w. Bush ... Show more content on ...
They are always getting into the American citizens computers and trying to get access to all of their
information. The national security agency has access to any camera any in any public place. They
can also access any live video feed without approval but Skype lets them do it any way.
The national security agency has been able to control what is put on the internet. "The national
security agency has taken down many of my websites..."(risen145). The National Security agency
has been taking down any websites that tries to go against them in any way. They have taken so
many web sites down, they could take a website down in the madder of minutes. The National
Security Agency has been control what has been position on social networking to, they can take
down anything of they find it to threaten them. The national security agency has been also spying on
the president at times. They have been so busy tring to spy on their own people there has been a
terrorist attack just a little over a year ago the Boston bombing."The government has commandeered
the Internet"(SCHNEIER). He has article that shows that the Government is taking over the internet.
The National Security agency has been giving private American citizens documents to other
counties.The Untied States has given over 100 thousand private phone calls to Brazil,and they have
went through them without peoples consent. The National security agency has
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Federal Bureau Of Investigations And The Central...
Abstract Upon analyzing 9/11 it was clear to focus on the limitations that the Federal Bureau of
Investigations and the Central Intelligence Agency had faced. Security breaches and poor
intelligence sharing were just some of the critical failures that were encountered. Moreover, the
main focus is pointed towards the miscommunication between these two agencies. Evidently, the
execution and tactical strategies went unnoticed despite the apparent red flags that presented
themselves, in addition to the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the Central Intelligence Agency
failure to pursue threats and establish a baseline of security resulted in the disaster of 9/11. In
conjunction to these mistakes, the restriction of shared information ... Show more content on ...
By disregarding cues of possible terrorist attacks and constant mistakes within the American
Intelligence for not planning ahead, the United States failed to achieve its number one goal as a
governing body: not keeping its citizens safe. It is important to dig into the issue of the disaster of
9/11 and completely understand the reason for failed prevention efforts. Moreover adding to these
issues was the lack of communication and information shared between the two agencies, the Federal
Bureau of Investigations and Central Intelligence Agency.
When something tragic, devastating even happens, you remember exactly where you were, who you
were with, what you were doing, and how old you were when it happened. Whether you want to
remember it or not is out of your control. It is tattooed in your brain for good. The moment everyone
in America shares in common is September 11, 2001 when the World Trade Centers were attacked
by 19 al– Qaeda terrorists. The entire nation went into an immediate state of mourning and panic as
they were discovering the victims of the attacks. Many often asked if there was something that could
have been done to maybe have prevented this from happening. Was there something on the federal
side that could have been done? What else went wrong other than a blatant attack on the United
States? When the United States was attacked on September 11, I was only 8 years old in
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Intelligence Agencies Privacy Analysis
The work conducted by intelligence agencies such as the Canadian Security Intelligence Service
(CSIS) and the United States' Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is strategically kept confidential
from the general public. These agencies rely on secrecy and opacity in order to attain information
relevant to national security in an attempt to minimize threats. Evidently, without this confidentiality
the system would not be successful. A consequence of this secrecy is reflected in the general public's
view of intelligence agencies. A lack of accurate information means individuals must make their
judgments based off of the limited information made available to them, which lead to assumptions,
skepticism, and pessimism regarding the efficacy and reliability ... Show more content on ...
The uncertainty of one author in his article is evident in the wording of the subheading: "Attack in
subway likely also known in advance" (Harel, 2016; emphasis added). Within days of these attacks,
the intelligence agencies of the respective countries were blamed and this was highly publicized,
negatively shaping the general public's view of intelligence agencies. As mentioned above, the
secrecy of intelligence agencies is maintained in times of success. As such, this disallows me from
countering the previous examples with known intelligence agency success stories. Nevertheless,
they do exist, and Dulles (1963) provided a few concrete examples from his personal experience
working for the CIA in his book. Reading his work is another unique method of attaining
information about intelligence agencies, though due to his extensive employment history with the
CIA, the information is also riddled with bias. Without complete knowledge of the inner workings
of these top–secret organizations, the public must base their opinions on information made available
to them, but the sources and context of this information must be taken into consideration and
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Central Intelligence Agency
The Central Intelligence Agency was developed in 1947 by the National Security Act under
President Truman. The CIA is responsible for "coordinating the nation's intelligence activities and
correlating, evaluating and disseminating intelligence affecting national security." Before the CIA
was developed President Franklin D. Roosevelt had the idea to create an agency that was
responsible for intelligence agencies. This agency became known as the Office of Strategic Services.
He hired New York lawyer and war veteran William J. Donovan to create a plan that outlined the
new intelligence service. In July of 1941 President Franklin Roosevelt approved the plan and
appointed William J. Donovan as the first Coordinator of Information. Once the ... Show more
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2,400 people were killed, 21 ships of the USS pacific fleet were either damaged or sunk, 188
aircrafts were destroyed and another 160 were damaged. Before the attack was carried out by
Japanese military forces, the Japanese had cut off all communications with the United States
Military and then broke off all negotiations with the United States. Tension between the US and
Japan can be traced back to the early nineteenth century. Japanese had been planning this attack on
the United States since early 1941. The goal of the attack was to prevent the US from entering
World Was 2 by weakening their Naval Base. In reality the attack only helped persuade American
people to go to war, where as before the attack most Americans were anti–war, they believed that it
was better to stay out of the war unless we had been attacked by another country first. In this case an
organized international intelligence agency stronger than the Office of Strategic Services like the
CIA would have been responsible for gathering information on a large scale about Japan and why
the US had had no communications with the Japanese for a significant amount of time. An agency
such as the CIA would could have saved all 2,400 lives that were lost in the bombing of Pearl
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Central Intelligence Agency Torture Analysis
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has used many different torture techniques to gain
information from its detainees since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and some of the
most common are stress positions, sleep deprivation, and waterboarding. These techniques, among
many others, were released in a report from the Senate Intelligence Committee on December 9,
2014. One of the most common methods of torture that was used by the CIA is stress positions. The
detainee was shackled to the floor or ceiling for up to three days at a time. This even happened in
intervals over a period of three months in some cases. The purpose of these stress positions was to
cause exhaustion, muscles fatigue, and discomfort. According to some detainees, they were forced
to urinate and defecate on themselves in these positions. Al– Nashiri was blindfolded and shackled
to the ceiling while an officer placed a handgun to his head and operated a cordless drill near ...
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Usually, detainees were shackled into a standing position while loud music and white noise were
played on loop for the entirety of the confinement. The agency was authorized to be keep detainees
awake for up to one hundred eighty hours at a time, but most were only forced to remain awake for
ninety–six hours maximum. The longest a human has ever gone without sleep is two hundred sixty–
four hours, but this was just for experimental purposes. Most humans begin losing their ability to
function normally at about seventy–two hours of without sleep, and at ninety–six hours they begin
to have hallucinations. Five detainees did, in fact, admit to having disturbing hallucinations. One
unnamed detainee said, "If I started to fall asleep, a guard would come and spray water in my
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Central Intelligence Agency And The Cold War
The Central Intelligence Agency and the Cold War
Two trillion dollars was the amount spent by the United States on the war with the Soviet Union,
which never seen the battlefield. Over four decades of US presidencies were committed to
containing communism within the Soviet Union, and existing establishments, driving US foreign
policy decisions across the globe. Armed forces, government officials, and US presidents, may have
been unable to contain communism on their own. In 1947, the first year of the Cold War, President
Harry Truman proposed a six–pronged defense strategy which included the National Security Act of
1947, giving birth to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (Roark, et al. 789). The consensus of the
Cold War was driven by ... Show more content on ...
Within that same year, Guatemala was being run by elected reformist Jacobo Arbenz, whom was
accepting support from a local Communist Party. Consequently, the CIA helped support an
opposition party who overthrew Arbenz and installed a dictatorship (Roark, et al. 818). Several
years later, in 1959, the Cuban Revolution, led by Fidel Castro, caught the attention of the US
government. When Castro asked the US for support, it was denied, and in result Castro turned to the
Soviet Union. Eisenhower responded to this by prompting the CIA to begin training Cuban exiles
for invasion. Additionally, in Iran, the CIA helped rid of an elected government to support a
dictatorship that would allow the US access to oil, this is the first piece of evidence showing the CIA
was in coordination to capitalist interests and there was a link between the CIA and oil industry.
Eisenhower authorized a coup which put Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlaui back in government over
Mohammad Mossadegh. Also in the Middle East, Eisenhower continued Truman's friendship with
Israel, but also attempted to build relationships with Arab nations to secure their oil. These foreign
decisions began to form a pattern of protecting US capitalist interests in countries that weren't an
immediate threat to the US and installing governments solely for the benefit to the US, and not the
citizens within those countries.
President John
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Central Intelligence Agency: Three Types Of Power In Politics
The Central Intelligence Agency has conducted secret missions all over the war. This paper will be
about how the Central Intelligence Agency has used three types of powers in politics to stop or
attempt to stop the spread of communism. The three types of power in politics are Strong, Soft, and
Sticky power. How has the Central Intelligence Agency use strong power to combat communism?
First, we have to define Strong power. Strong power in politics is the use of force to "convince"
someone that they're doing something wrong. An example of Strong power is the use of military to
commit assassinations, and "disappearances". The best example of Strong power in the fight to
combat communism was in the Secret war in Laos by the Central Intelligence ... Show more content
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What is sticky power? Sticky power is convincing someone of an idea or government type, then not
letting them change it. The most unique way the Central Intelligence Agency used sticky power was
in the coup in Guatemala in 1954. In 1954 the Central Intelligence Agency set up a radio station to
broadcast anti–communism propaganda. This is because the Guatemalan president was going to
trade with the Soviets for arms. The radio broadcasts convinced many Guatemalans that the
government was communist. The Central Intelligence Agency convinced the army led by Carlos
Castillo Arma to initiate a coup. The coup was a success and the government was overthrown. The
coup in Guatemala was a major success due to the use of sticky power by the Central Intelligence
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Edward Snowden: Central Intelligence Agency (NSA)
Introduction Edward Snowden was born on June 21, 1983 in North Carolina. He was a high school
and a community college dropout, who eventually obtained a GED. He was medically discharged
from the Army Reserves when he was badly injured in an accident. During his short stint attending
community college in Maryland, Snowden studied computers. He began working for the National
Security Administration (NSA) as a security guard and then secured a high paying IT position with
the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) as a federal contractor. Eventually he landed a job on a
classified program back at the NSA (Edward Snowden Biography, n.d.). Ultimately, to gain access
to exceptionally furtive programs and highly classified information, Snowden was granted ... Show
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He asserts that he gave them to Glenn Greenwald, a journalist in Hong Kong who initially leaked
the highly classified information at Snowden's request (Scheuerman, 2014). Furthermore, the New
York Times wrote that Snowden stated specifically that it would not have been good for anyone if
the documents were to fall in the hands of the Russians (Edward Snowden Biography, n.d.).
Nevertheless, the global impact from Snowden's actions should not be understated. His actions
could hurt foreign relations for many years to come (Finn & Horwitz,
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The Cold War: The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
The Central Intelligence Agency that is known now as the CIA. This configuration began in the
beginning of the Cold War. The CIA is one of the United States foreign intellectual agencies. The
CIA is responsible for gaining and analyzing information about including but not limited to foreign
governments, corporations, and individuals. The department reports political, economic, and
military information from more than 150 nations and asses it for other United States government
The CIA employs many foreign agents to gather information about their natal countries. They can
also gain information from listening to other countries radios and television broadcasts. The CIA
works by spying on a country, organization, movement, and
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The Evolution Of Competing Secret Intelligence Agencies
The evolution of competing secret intelligence agencies only began to occur during world war one
when developing technologies meant gathering information on the enemy was entering new phases
of complexity. The need for information became an increasingly more desperate pursuit as new
devastating weapons were created which could inflict widespread and catastrophic damage,
escalating from chemical weapons, to nuclear warheads. But as the 20th century proved conflicts
became increasingly focused on the clash of political ideologies, while the two world wars managed
to quash right wing fascism, a new perceived threat came from the opposite side of the political
spectrum, communism. Here was an ideology to threaten and challenge the sacred ideals of
American capitalist democracy, and those in the US who had climbed to power through this system
saw the possible undoing of this in communism. As the US–soviet Union cold war developed, the
national security council advised the president for the creation of a central intelligence agency
whose task would be to 'correlate and evaluate intelligence relating to the national security, but not
to have any police, subpoena, law enforcing powers or internal security functions'. Its duties mainly
involved to advise the NSC, to make recommendations, to correlate and evaluate intelligence, in
effect it was a tool of the NSC. However two years later it was further empowered its secrecy
allowing it to hide names, spending and allow it to have
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The Cia Intelligence Agency ( Cia )
The CIA in Our Daily Lives Ethically we would think that the police or any similar organizations to
the police are meant to help us, correct? But now we have the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
and there is one question, where does the CIA fit in with the people of the United States? They aren't
there to enforce any laws on the streets or teach us the dos and don'ts, so where exactly do they
come in? Defined by, "The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is an independent
federal agency responsible for providing national security intelligence to our nation's policymakers.
The foreign intelligence the CIA gathers is used to provide tactical and strategic advantages so as to
preempt threats and further U.S. national security objectives. The covert activities and the objective
analyses that result are used to keep the nation "safe." Now to exactly what extent they take our
safety into their own hands, and why do they restrict us from learning about events that are going on
in our country, let alone other countries, that can and most likely will heavily impact our day to day
lives. This lead us to a very interesting question, why has the CIA been censoring so much
information form us about thing that are occurring and affecting our lives? Although the CIA may
think that they are protecting us by hiding all this information and secrets, in reality they are
impacting our lives in such a negative way that no one would even realize. Let's start with all the
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Intelligence Agencies In The Department Of Homeland...
Intelligence Agencies
The events of September 11, which are partly associated with errors in the work of the Department
of Homeland Security (DHS), raised the issue of reforming the agency both in the countries of the
old democracy and in the countries of the new democracy. Most of the discussions about reforming
the work of the special services in the fight against terrorism are reduced to the exchange of
information between the structures of power. However, it is only by understanding the nature of the
tasks of the special services in combating terrorism that it is possible to develop the necessary
"architecture" or organizational structure suitable for the solution of the task. The task of the special
services at this stage ... Show more content on ...
Unlike special services, law enforcement structures exist completely in another system of rules and
traditions. In a democracy, the most important rule is when, before the state can use its power of
coercion or punishment, it must provide evidence to an impartial body – the judicial branch of
government. Before a state can use information against its own citizens, a proper legal procedure
should be applied, presupposing a certain degree of openness. The ideal application of criminal law
in an open, democratic society is that the authorities that are tasked with this task should focus on
establishing a measure of responsibility after the supposition of the crime. They should more engage
in collecting information in the forms provided for by the criminal justice system, information that is
used either to investigate after the conclusion of a crime, or as evidence in a formal, individualized
procedure for adjudicating a specific, proven offense. The more law enforcement agencies are in line
with democratic and constitutional processes, the more attention is paid to the law enforcement
agencies involved in investigative work and to how legally they use the information they collect, as
well as the responsibility of law enforcement agencies to society and constitutionally determined
political power. Following these principles should be at the center of attention when reforming law
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Analysis of Defense Intelligence Agency
The DIA started in 1958. The organizational structure of the DoD and U.S. foreign intelligence
came to a new shape with the establishment of DIA. It was Robert McNamara, then Secretary of
Defense, who came up with the concept of DIA in 1961. DIA gathers human source intelligence,
analyzes technical intelligence, distributes intelligence/reports to the intelligence agencies, provides
advice and support to the Joint Chiefs of Staff with foreign military intelligence, and provides
military intelligence to combatant commands as its operational functions. A DIA director is
supposed to be a three–star military general and DIA is believed to have employed at least 7,500
staff worldwide today. The DIA is a defense intelligence agency that prevents ... Show more content
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spying on Islamist militants). According to another source, even today, DIA provides important
information on foreign military intelligence, political assessments, troop movement, weapons
distribution, military capabilities, diplomatic changes, economic issues, and more. These
informations are distributed to policymakers, defense officials, combat commanders, and others in
the intelligence community and thus, U.S. foreign policies are drafted. While talking about the
DIA's oversight, as one news source says, the DIA congressional oversight sight is difficult as DIA
activities are controlled by Pentagon. Like CIA, which acts on its own without congressional
knowledge or approval, DIA is the second one to act on its free will. Lack of budget maybe there,
congressional oversight may not exist––DIA however still carries a significant meaning and plays an
important role in the US national security even today. The Tet Offensive in Vietnam, the taking of
American hostages in Iran, the overthrow of Idi Amin in Uganda, and North Korea's nuclear
proliferation are some few examples that speaks great volume about DIA being important, not
redundant. It is said the Defense Department planned to expand its DIA operatives to 1,600 people
and go beyond from DIA's intelligence gathering to covert operations as well. The Obama
administration's consideration, which came out in recent years (according to the
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Central Intelligence Agency Analysis
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has proved its worth throughout the world. The organization
was able to push past all prejudice in order to protect the people of the United States. Today it is a
very respected and sought after agency that many rely on for their safety and income. The CIA is a
powerful and organized bureau that has asserted its dominance and altered the face of society
throughout the entire world since its beginning in 1947. The United States has since become an even
more authoritative and respected country worldwide thanks to this organization.
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was a much needed addition to the U.S. government.
President Truman created the CIA as part of the National Security Act in 1947. The Agency, ... Show
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Originally, Bill Donovan was in control of the OSS, which was created in the early 1940s by
President Franklin Roosevelt. Roosevelt created the OSS because with World War II approaching
the U.S., he needed information on the other countries' plans. Later though, after Roosevelt died,
Truman came to power and because he did not know Donovan and had received negative reports on
the OSS, he shut it down on October 1, 1945. Two years later, however, Truman recognized the need
for the organization and was willing to recreate it, just not with Donovan and his OSS leading it
(Walker, 2015). In 1947 he created the CIA in order to better handle the challenges found in the
Cold War. The changing from the OSS to the CIA left a huge impact on America in the future. As
the CIA began standing up with its own beliefs against the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),
the organization was able to change America's views on communism and the Soviet Union entirely.
Due to the conflict between the FBI and the CIA, the propaganda from the CIA overemphasized its
role in the Cold War to enhance its prestige and power to the United States (Walker,
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Anna Chapman Research Paper
Anna Chapman is a Russian who also held a British citizenship as a result of her marriage to Alex
Chapman. She is the daughter of a former Soviet diplomat who was based in Nairobi, Kenya and is
one of the top officials in the Russian ministry of foreign affairs. According to reports, Anna's father
was once a top official at the KGB. Reports indicate that Anna Chapman studied at the Moscow
University and earned her degree in Masters in Economics and passed with a first class honors.
Other sources point that she got her degree at The People's Friendship University of Russia.
Anna Chapman moved to Britain after getting married to Alex Chapman in Moscow. She also got
her British citizenship as well as a passport as a result of the union with Mr. Chapman. In Britain,
Anna worked at a few companies, notably, Netjets and Barclays among a few others. However, she
only worked at these businesses for short periods of time as she moved from one company to ...
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According to reports, the handler, by the name of Alexander Poteyev, was the one responsible for
the exposure of the spy ring (Lucas, 2012). In essence, while he gave instructions to Anna and her
colleagues, he provided information to the FBI at the same time. As a result, the FBI was able to
keep a close look at the activities and movements of the agents, including Chapman.
When the FBI was close to getting the case investigation done and have a warrant for the arrest of
Anna and her colleague, Alexander Poteyev fled Moscow. Primarily, this act raised suspicions
within the Russian inner circles. Later, the Russian government found him guilty of sabotaging their
mission in America, and he was court–marshaled in absentia for high–level treason and running
away from duty (Lucas, 2012). He was sentenced to twenty–five years in
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The Cia And Central Intelligence Agency
The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) in the United States has been involved in several operations
with drug trafficking. Some of these reports claim that the evidence of the Congress indicates that
the CIA worked with groups that were known to be involved in drug trafficking. The deals mainly
include providing the CIA with useful information and support material, in exchange for allowing
their criminal activities to continue, and impede or prevent the arrest, prosecution and imprisonment
from United States law enforcement agencies. This "war on drugs" was used as an easy way to
increase repression in inner cities and confiscate millions of dollars in private assets through
unconstitutional forfeiture laws. These assets were used to fund police burgeoning, and as an active
participant in the illegal drug trade, public resources were used to bring heroin and cocaine into
American inner cities since the 1960 's.
The most controversial public episode was when the report of the Kerry Committee came to the
conclusion that the members of the Department of State of the United States of America "those who
had provided support for the contras, were involved in drug trafficking [ ... ] and the own elements
of the contras, were received with his consent financial and material assistance from drug
In 1996 Gary Webb wrote a series of articles published in the San Jose Mercury News, as a result of
an investigation to the Nicaraguan contras linked to the backed by the CIA
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The FBI (FBI) And The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
Of all the governmantal protective services there are two that stand out among others. They are
filled with secrets and mystery. Many do not even know the differences of the two. However when it
comes to the country's security, there are none better. Though they may seem alike, the FBI (Federal
Bureau of Investigation) and the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) are very different.
The FBI is a threat–based and intelligence–driven national security organization centered in
Washington, D.C.. They have the mission to protect and defend the United States against terrorist
and foreign intelligence threats, to uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the United States, and to
provide leadership and criminal justice services to federal,
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Sound Strategic Research And Analytical Skills
Sound strategic research and analytical skills
I have advanced research skills, demonstrated by the body of research I have contributed to over the
course of my Honours thesis and my Masters. I have developed upon existing areas of research,
such as when I applied existing theories and models of strategic intelligence to a new context – that
of the late Roman Empire. This required knowledge of the overall research direction of the field of
strategic intelligence, as well as am understanding of existing gaps in research. I took modern
conceptions of intelligence practices and models used them to explore how the late Roman Empire
performed intelligence work and if there were any implications for the modern world, particularly in
reference to area control and strategic security. This project expanded on and contributed to the
overall direction of the field in a unique manner.
I have also performed original research, such as when I developed a new sociological conception of
counter–terrorism practices in my thesis. An important consideration in this project was identifying
and responding to gaps in research that had direct relevance for a range of parties, including
government security agencies. I created a qualitative criteria in which the effectiveness of special
mission counter–terrorist tactical units could be evaluated, particularly in reference to wider societal
and cultural priorities. In doing this, I referred to a wide range of research, from sociological and
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Defense Intelligence Agency: Are They Redundant?
American Military University
Defense Intelligence Agency: Are they Redundant?
Reinaldo Ortiz
Intelligence 301
Professor Robert Bier
September 7, 2014
Introduction The Defense Intelligence Agency is headquartered in Washington, D.C. on Joint Base
Anacostia–Bolling, with major operational activities at the Pentagon, at each Unified Combatant
Command, as well as in more than a hundred U.S. Embassies around the world, where it deploys
alongside other government partners (i.e. Central Intelligence Agency) and also operates the U.S.
Defense Attaché Offices. Due to DIA's designation as a combat support agency, the agency has
special responsibilities in meeting intelligence requirements specifically for the Secretary of
Defense and the ... Show more content on ...
We deploy globally alongside war fighters and interagency partners to defend America's national
security interests." [4] The Defense Intelligence Agency is always represented no matter where the
military presence is located. They work side by side with military soldiers ensuring assisting with
analysis and helping soldiers out in any way they are able to help out. The agency is often confused
with law enforcement agencies, but they are not the only agencies this occurs too. Other foreign
intelligence organizations have the same issue as well. The Department of Defense (DoD) who is
over the Defense Intelligence Agency is in the public eye. Now that the public has much more
awareness of their existence, the friction between the organizations is more prominently. "Defense
Intelligence Agency is an all–source defense agency designed to prevent strategic surprise and
deliver a decision advantage to war fighters, defense planners, and policymakers." [5] The agency
has multiple roles they are responsible for. Some of those roles include collection and analysis of
defense–related foreign political, economic, industrial, geographic and medical and health
intelligence. [6] Being able to be aggressive during the collection process and being analytically
precise, it provides an advantage when making tough decisions for war fighters and the
policymakers. This will allow the counter intelligence to be aggressive as well. By counter
intelligence being aggressive policymakers along with the war fighters will be confident that the
right decisions are being made on time and producing results. This is a critical part for the soldiers
on the ground having to conduct these missions the Defense Intelligence Agency come up with and
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Cia:Central Intelligence Agency. The Cia Is Responsible
CIA: Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA is responsible in providing nation–wide security in the
FRG: Federal Republic Germany. The FDR is known as West Germany. This is due to fact that after
World War II, Germany was separated into four areas.
GDR: Germany Democratic Republic. GDR is known as East Germany. This is the response by the
Soviet Union, after tension with the western powers to administrate their inhabited zone.
ICBM: Inter–Continental Ballistic Missile. The ICBM's were first introduced into battle in 1959, the
United States and remain a vital nuclear arsenal in the present. They have a velocity of 6–7 km per
KGB: The Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti (in English: Committee for State Security) is
like the ... Show more content on ...
Cold War: The decades–long conflict between the US and The Soviet Union, which began in the late
1940's to early 1990's. The reason it is called the 'cold' war was due to the fact that the battle never
intensified to direct military hostility.
Deterrence: Deterrence, as the name implies, is the idea to imply a strategic concept to bring a battle
to a stalemate. This psychological power would prevent the enemies from striking each other due to
the fear, or otherwise known as, MAD. This mind–game remains a major part of defence policies in
Russia and the United States. Moreover, during the Cold War, the Soviet Union and the United
States each constructed an accumulation of nuclear weapons. The Soviet Union believed that in a
nuclear war, that they could succeed and win.
Nuclear Winter: During the climax of the infamous cold war, the Soviet Union and the United States
amassed destructive collections of nuclear weapons. Carl Sagan, who held many titles in science,
warned the world about the possibility of a 'nuclear winter' along with its devastating consequences.
With the nuclear weapons containing dangerous such as Uranium–235 and Plutonium–239 and
many other chemicals, Sagan reported that "Beneath the clouds, virtually all domesticated and wild
sources of food would be
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Intelligence Agency Partners Case Study
Special Operations Forces (SOF) and interagency partners have become interdependent in today's
operational environment. Future Special Forces Warrant Officers (SFWO) need to a have clear
understanding of authorities with the ability to articulate their activities. The article, "Demystifying
the Title 10–Title 50 Debate," highlights underlining tensions between the military and intelligence
partners. A common question asked by intelligence agency partners is, "What authorities are you
working under?" A simple title 10 response will not suffice. What the intelligence partners are really
asking is: who is paying, who has oversight, and who is responsible for your activities? A senior
official described to me that to be effective in the
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Intelligence Agencies Operating around the Globe
In my last research assignment I explained what the Special Operations executive was and the role
and mandate that they served, this time around I plan to explore the impact after the war and even to
the present, many of the current intelligence agencies operating today have all in some degree some
commonality and structure and have similar ways of approaching threats, In comparison from World
War Two to now with the ever emergence of the terrorist threats around the globe, but with every
intelligence agency history always had some kind of blunders, mistakes and embarrassment, and the
ever increasing demand in wartime for "surgical action", in addition I will highlight how these
tactics serve current agencies and SOF units today and how the SOE really set in stone the trade
craft of special tactics.
We first have to understand that every intelligence agency and SOF unit is not without its faults
(both past and present) but with the SOE it had it fair share of blunders, but more importantly it
already some key troubles in the past, One of the articles I chosen to highlight the SOE turbulent
relationship with the other services and its confusing structure within itself, In James Crossland
article titled, The mutiny that never was: The Special Operations executive and the failure of
Operation 'Kitchenmaid' showed a few key examples where this SOE operating area and in this case
in the Balkans and the Middle East, (HQ is in Cairo) had some trouble following the British
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GCHQ Police And Intelligence Agency Snooping Analysis
GCHQ, police and intelligence agency snooping illustrates a clear erosion of our rights to privacy;
such noticeable infringement of our liberty begs the question of whether it is justifiable. One of the
strongest arguments for state snooping is that of innocence and having nothing to hide. This
argument stipulates that government surveillance programmes do not threaten a person's privacy
unless they uncover illegal activities and if illegal activities are uncovered, the person committing
said activities does not have the right to keep them private. William Hague, former Foreign
Secretary and former leader of the Conservative Party said on the Andrew Marr Show on the 9th of
June 2013, "If you are a law abiding citizen of this country going about
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The Pros And Cons Of Edward Snowden's Intelligence Agency
The interactions between privacy and national security has been a widely discussed topic since the
statements made by Edward Snowden, and is largely criticized by the public regarding private
information and cellphone privacy. Over the years, intelligence agency has gained an outstanding
reputation because they successfully track down Osama bin Laden, however, four years after this
positive event, the policy image of intelligence agency is been questioned by the general public. One
of the most controversial issues regarding our intelligence agency is the consolidation of the nation's
16 intelligence agencies in a massive post 9/11 overhaul, this policy problem is about how to
restructure our current intelligence system for a better national security. A number of critics and
public polls stated that this act could add potential a large amount of unnecessary cost to
bureaucracy, on the contrary, supporters claim that this help the agencies share information and
work on the same goal. ... Show more content on ...
Bush back in 2002, which means that humane treatment was no longer required towards al Qaeda
terrorists. It was widely criticized for its efficiency and reliability. One of the major problem by
merging all the intelligence agencies as a whole is that it adds additional cost to the federal
government and taxes in the short term. As Jervis says, "there are a lot of disadvantages, too – layers
of organization and paperwork, [lack of] coordination, and tremendous overlap and friction. (CQ
Press, 460) Many government officials believed that the negativities of this program outweighs the
advantages, however, after this policy passed, agencies claim their cooperation is smoother and
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Security Enforcement And Intelligence Agencies Essay
Ever since the events of September 11, 2001, when terrorists used commercial airliners to attack the
homeland and kill nearly 3,000 people, Americans have been faced with a conundrum. How does a
nation of free people balance an individual's right to privacy with the transparency necessary to
secure the safety of the citizenry? Typically this debate has been waged regarding things such as
full–body security scanners, National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance programs, and increased
investigation powers granted to local police. However, recently the debate has struck far closer to
home; into the purses and back pockets of nearly every American. Consumers are demanding that
manufacturers and software developers do everything possible to provide the best communication
security possible. This has led to an explosion of encrypted communication methods and secure
devices which in turn poses an issue for law enforcement and intelligence agencies. How does the
nation reconcile these two needs; on one hand, Americans expect their communications to be
completely private, while the government requires a means to review the communications of
criminal and terrorist suspects for investigations. Do technology developers have an obligation to
build in backdoors for government exploitation or provide decryption keys to law enforcement?
Does the government have the right to hack those security measures if companies don't comply with
requests for assistance? How will these two differing
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Today's Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Executive Summary
CIA – Central Intelligence Agency
Today's Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is centered on the same basic principles as the Office of
Strategic Services (OSS) in the 1940's but with some significant changes, specifically in its
organization and methods. The OSS, the world's first global intelligence organization, was organized
and overseen by "Wild Bill Donovan" and expanded at an unprecedented pace throughout World
War II. The OSS was the foundation for today's CIA. It was because of the successes and failures of
the OSS that the CIA has been able to grow and develop.
As is made clear by the detailed descriptions of Bill Donovan's routine and procedures in the
biography "Wild Bill Donovan" by Douglas Waller, the leadership and management of the CIA
today is drastically different from the original OSS. Donovan was appointed by FDR, in the same
way the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency is today. Yet Donovan's duties were extremely
vague and up to interpretation, including performing "unspecified 'supplementary activities'" for the
president." While the overall mission of the CIA today is open ended which means it needs only the
approval of the National Security Council to embark on new, possibly unprecedented missions, the
functions of the ... Show more content on ...
intelligence apparatus. Once the Central Intelligence Agency was established, it proved to be a great
source of America's information during the Cold War with the Soviet Union. The CIA received
$46million from then President Eisenhower (1955) to build they headquarters in Langley, Virginia.
In 1961 the CIA helped support the invasion of Cuba by providing the Cuban exiles with weapons
and training. During the Cold War the CIA played the biggest role in counter–espionage ever, but
once the Cold War began thaw the focus fell on the CIA
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Intelligence Agency : The Intelligence Bureau ( Ib ) And...
Intelligence philosophers such as Sun Tzu, Kautilya and Machiavelli have stressed on the
importance of strategic intelligence for the security of a nation and the history across the world is
evident with its prime examples. Such is also the case of India and in this presentation we will be
examining some key historic Indian events and their impact on the country's two foremost
intelligence agencies – the Intelligence Bureau (IB) and the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW).
Towards the end we will also consider the influence of such events on the future of Indian
Established in 1887, branded as the Central Special Branch up to 1903 and then as the Department
of Intelligence until 1920, the IB's primary function back then was to provide political and religious
intelligence across British India (Mahadevan, 2012, p. 28). The British assigned its British–Indian
military intelligence agencies with external intelligence but interestingly, post India's independence
in 1947, the IB was entrusted with this duty therefore making it the country's foreign and national
intelligence agency between 1947 and 1968 (Melson, 2006).
Unable to meet the inflated demands by policy makers back in the 1960's, IB was accused of
intelligence failure as India faced an awkward loss at the Sino–Indian War of 1962 against China
followed by Pakistan's surprise intrusion in 1965 over the disputed region of Kashmir. Given the
defensive personality of the country's national security system, the
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Why Intelligence Agencies And Analysts Exist
One of the four primary reasons why intelligence agencies and analysts exist is to support the policy
process, which consequently impacts national security decisions. As a result, intelligence
community analysts and decision makers must maintain a relationship with policy makers.
However, there is an ongoing debate within the intelligence community, academic institutions, and
the public regarding the distant and proximate models of this relationship. In an effort to determine
the best possible relationship model between intelligence analysts and policy makers, the roots of
both the distant and proximate models will be discussed; then, a stance will be taken on what the
preferred model should be and supported based off the evidence ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, the distant relationship model enables analysts to work on a problem set of their choice
as long as it is within the bounds set by their intelligence manager. While enabling analysts to have
such freedoms is perceived as a positive it can also be a negative. Intelligence analysts own agenda
can take the forefront while their consumers ' needs lose the necessary precedence. Also as a result
of being too distant from the policy maker, the needs of the policy maker may not be known;
therefore, intelligence may not be produced on a problem set of interest to the policy world.
According to Johnson and Wirtz, the second school of thought, the proximate model, receives its
origins from Robert Gates, former Director of Central Intelligence and Secretary Of Defense. In the
mid–1980s Robert Gates, while serving as the Deputy Director for Analysis at the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA), spearheaded the notion of actionable intelligence, when he became upset
with the agency 's analysts, who blatantly disregarded request to fulfill policy makers' needs. Gates
argued that by producing actionable intelligence, intelligence analysts must remain cognizant of
policy maker needs, resulting in a more relevant finished intelligence product. Thus, the proximate
relationship model between intelligence analysts and policy makers was formed.
As is the case with any model, the
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Cia's Role In The CIA
For my Media Article, I interviewed one of my fellow delegates from our school Singapore School
Manila. Miss Erin Cochanco, like me this is the first time that Erin will be attending the HMCA and
she plays the role as a Deputy Inspector General in the Central Intelligence Agency or the CIA.
The Central Intelligence Agency or known as the CIA is an agency that is responsible in providing
national security and intelligence. What the CIA gathers is used to provide strategies and
intelligence to help in preventing threats and provide national security in the USA. The CIA's
mission is to collect, analyse, evaluate and disseminate information to assist the President and US
government policymakers in making decisions that is related to the national security of America.
The CIA also assists the ... Show more content on ...
Question: What is the Deputy Inspector General?
Response: The Deputy Inspector General is nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate
as an independent oversight for the CIA.
Question: What is the Deputy Inspector General's role in the CIA?
Response: The Deputy Inspector General helps promote the economy, efficiency, effectiveness and
accountability in the management of CIA activities by performing independent audits, inspections,
investigations and reviews the CIA programs and operations. The Office of the Inspector General
also seeks to detect and deter fraud, abuse and mismanagement. Basically it is there to see if the
people working in the CIA are doing things properly and things are in order, if they're not he/she has
to report to the CIA director.
Question: What is its importance to the CIA?
Response: Its importance to the CIA is since they are the "whistle–blowers" of the agency, they let
the directors know embezzlement, fraud, abuse and waste issues inside the federal agency. This
allows them to take immediate action to any issues or problems happening in the agency.
Question: How do you feel about playing the role as the Inspector
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Defense Intelligence Agency And Military Intelligence

  • 1. Defense Intelligence Agency And Military Intelligence The Defense Intelligence agency is a United States intelligence agency that provides foreign military intelligence operating under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense. According to its website it is "Department of Defense combat support agency that produces analyses and disseminates military intelligence information." The foreign military intelligence like political assessments, troop movements, diplomatic changes etc. are distributed among the policy makers, defense officials, combat commanders and other intelligence agencies. The headquarters of the DIA is situated at Joint Base Anacostia Building, Washington DC and was formed in 1961. It employs approximately 7,500 staff worldwide. The Director of the DIA is at least a three star military general. The DIA was formed with the intention of creating a centralized single point access to all defense military intelligence information. Before the formation of the DIA the Department of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Military Intelligence board would do their own collection, analysis and distribution of information using both military and civilian intelligence officers (Defense Intelligence Agency, 2014). They would help in the deciding the defense intelligence policy. The function of DIA encompasses five main operations: 1. Gather human source information 2. Analyze technical information (crunching of information using computers) 3. Distribution of intelligence/ reports to intelligence agencies 4. Provide ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. The United States Should Not Be A Complete Failure The United States have been sending numerous military units to different parts of the world to sustain survivability of other nations that are American allies. Countries that are part of United Nations have been combined force that if there is a situation around the world, all the nations including the United States will meet up and decide what the corrective action to resolve the issue is. The United States military has been in so many conflicts with other countries that to the point that many of them becomes our allies. Many agencies ae trying to continue to gather information on potential terrorist or attacks before they can happen and without the proper relationships between the federal agencies, this will continue to be a complete failure. Terrorist attacks on the United States have been going on for decades or since the 1980 's when the United States Embassy was bombed that killed numerous Americans and civilian casualties. There was also the bombing at Khobar Towers in Beirut which happened months after the embassy incident. This attack killed numerous marines and injured many civilians that were present during that fateful day. This was long before the likes of Al Qaida and ISIS. Both were surprise attacks and there was not any warning giving but that was just the beginning of numerous attempts into the future years. Interesting fact is that many of the people that were killed during the embassy attack were CIA agents. That goes to show that the United ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The Central Intelligence Agency Defines Terrorism Professor Williamson November 13, 2015 Paper 2 – Question 2 The Central Intelligence Agency defines terrorism as "premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents" (CIA). This term was specifically created to differentiate terrorism between other acts of violence. These doings of terrorism are not just any act but are specific acts of violence. A dominant reason behind terrorism tends to fall upon religious beliefs and culture ties. Terrorism has been an important part of social behavior for over 2,000 years. Between the years of 1980 and 1995, terroristic groups motivated by religious beliefs had increased by 43% (Hoffman). Religious beliefs and culture are a main reason groups and individuals resort to terrorism. Groups resort to terrorism as a consequence of seeing their culture demolished, as well as religious motives. Terrorist groups have many intentions when it comes to acts of terrorism. They main ones are they want to create fear globally, weaken the government, and obtain universal recognition for what they have done. Religiously motivated terrorist groups usually have high authority targets. These targets include government offices, banks, and national airlines. From the group's perspective, terrorism is the only practical option. Groups are formed centered on certain factors like culture and religion. Many terrorists will receive support from their followers ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. An Internal Central Intelligence Agency After the September 11th terrorist attacks on U.S soil many gaps were identified in our domestic and international intelligence programs. An internal Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) investigation revealed that CIA Task Forces failed to share information with the FBI about two suspected terrorists, Nawaf al–Hazmi and Khalid al–Mihdhar, as they entered the United States (9/11 Commission Report). The U.S Intelligence Community is made up of 15 different agencies, offices, and organizations within the Executive branch. There are 8 components in the Department of Defense, two in the department of Homeland Security, and one in each of the separate State, Energy, Treasury, and Justice departments, and one independent agency, the CIA (COICUS, ... Show more content on ... The United States Intelligence community Often referred to as "those three letter agencies", by boots on the ground door kickers who action the intelligence they provide; the U.S Intelligence community is a vast collection of agencies, departments within departments, organizations, specialty programs, and think tanks. There are X components that make up the Federal Intelligence community; 1. Independent component: Solely comprised of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), this independent component principally collects intelligence through human means. The CIA focuses on analysis of topics related to national security and provides products and Intel to national policymakers, defense planners, law enforcement officials, and the military services. The CIA the U.S's overseas counterintelligence tool and undertakes special activities at the direction of the President. (COICUS, 2005 APP C). 2. Department of Defense Components: The "alphabet soup" that makes up ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Nt1310 Unit 3 Intelligence Agencies 1. Intelligence is all the information gathered by a country regarding political issues, both internal and external. Intelligence is collected through spies, special agents, internet data collection, pictures and many other sources. 2. The other two main intelligence agencies are the FBI and NSA. The FBI is more concerned with domestic for the United States issues, whereas the NSA is more specialized in the gathering and analysis of information, which was exemplified with the surveillance scandal couple of years ago. 3. Since all the agencies work independently form one another oftentimes is extremely difficult for them to coordinate and cooperate with each other, due to the essence of their work and the fact that they operate with highly ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Cia ( Central Intelligence Agency Summary of company (or government agency, etc) The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) is an independent federal agency, it is responsible for advancing national security intelligence to the United States policymakers. The Intelligence the CIA acquires is used to provide strategic and tactical advantages to take action in order to prevent threats and to advance the United States' National security goals. The CIA organizes covert activities and objective analysis that seeks to provide the outcome of keeping our Nation safe. Founded during World War II President Roosevelt appointed William Donovan the first coordinator of the CIA. After the War ended, President Truman recognized the need for a Central Intelligence Agency this led him to Sign the National Security Act of 1947. The most recent change came after 9/11 when President Bush signed the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act which creamed a director over the Central Intelligence and National Intelligence. Both directors are accountable for Counterterrorism and the Intelligence Community. The director of the CIA is responsible for the budget, operations and personnel, of the CIA, is chosen by the President and confirmed by the Senate. The CIA works as advisors regarding foreign intelligence to the president and policy maker Summary of company diversity plan The CIA understands that to run an Intelligence agency nationally it is necessary to have very broad perspectives which come from diversity of thought, ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Surveillance And Data Monitoring By Intelligence Agencies Constant surveillance is something that we, as Americans, see and face every day of our lives. This surveillance that we encounter everyday is for our personal protection, but what happens when this protection is used for the wrong reasons or is abused? That is a concern that almost everyone has, and that is if they have some sort of privacy in their daily lives. "Surveillance Abuse is the use of police investigation methods or technology to supervise the activity of an individual or group of individuals in a way which violates the social norms or laws of a society" (US Legal, Inc.). Citizens of the U.S. worry whether their privacy is at risk or is being protected by our government. The topic of Surveillance Abuse and Culture will be ... Show more content on ... Its key feature is that people actively participate in an attempt to regulate their own surveillance and the surveillance of others. There is growing evidence of patterns of perspectives, outlooks, or mentalities on surveillance. The term "surveillance culture" has appeared before, but it has yet to be treated as a broad phenomenon in its own right and theorized as a development distinct from others. The culture of surveillance was becoming visible at the turn of the 21st century, especially after the 9/11 attacks on America and the advent of social media, and became even clearer after Edward Snowden copied and released documents from the NSA in 2013. It is no longer merely something external that imposes a threat on our lives. It is something that everyday citizens comply with– willingly and wittingly, or not–negotiate, resist, engage with, and even initiate and desire. A key transformation of surveillance after 9/11 involves the emphasis on the future. Rather than focusing on the detection of past acts, law enforcement and security efforts are now geared toward the prevention of future terrorist attacks. This move toward preemptive surveillance has also been combined with a shift toward mass, generalized surveillance of everyday activities. Also, in the wake of the Snowden disclosures in 2013, legislative reforms to surveillance practices were considered necessary in order to restore public trust. A few months later in October 2013, the USA FREEDOM Bill was ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The National Security Agency ( Nsa ) Is An Intelligence... Security is key for the advancement and stability of the United States, and spying is nothing new to the world. With the advancement of technology, we are now able to stay connected with each other, while having a plethora of information at our fingertips. This is phenomenal, but dangerous. With the increasing amount of stored data online and the speed at which said data can be transferred, one can only worry that maybe were sharing a little TOO much information. The National Security Agency (NSA) is an intelligence organization created by the United States government. The NSA is responsible for global monitoring, collection, and processing of information and data for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence. Today, the NSA states that ... Show more content on ... These countries were pretty successful at obtaining sensitive Intel. However, in the 21st century surveillance is used in a different and more complicated way. Due to the drastic increase in crime rates and recent terrorist attacks, governments around the world were forced to use electronic surveillance to protect their own people. The electronic surveillance that each government conducts is so complex and covert that you don't even know that you are the target. The US government has become one of the biggest cases of this kind of surveillance. The US government has been employing several forms of high level surveillance such as wiretapping, CCTV cameras (Closed Circuit Televisions, aka street cameras) and now internet data by looking at the information transferred between devices. The thought that the government was secretly watching their citizens every move has been talked about for some time now. Although this talk was widespread and sort of heard of, there was no definitive proof. However, suspicions were confirmed in 2013 due to a man by the name of Edward Snowden leaking classified information from the NSA's archives. Amongst the leaked information, evidence showed that the NSA had been spying on millions of innocent people, and said monitoring is still being conducted. This shocking level of spying was without warrant, making it illegal. Now, the US government has taken its bad ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Central Intelligence Agency Analysis The Second half of the twentieth century was a period very serious political and military tension between to two main superpowers, the United States and USSR. This rise of tension was called the Cold War since no major wars occurred during this time, but both nations had the capacity and power to start another World War, had they both declared war on each other. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), was an organization created during the Cold War and had played a major role in counter–espionage and other major duties during the time period. During the time period of Cold War from 1950's to 1990's, the rise of the Central Intelligence Agency impacted the american society in a dramatic way. The CIA impacted the society starting from the controversies ... Show more content on ... Donovan, who was the head and director of OSS, believed that the US government should create a new intelligence agency where the intelligence operation should not be controlled by other parties, but by the President currently in the office. He says that this would be a vital part of the national defense, and that the creation should be solely be in discretion for the President. The disbandment of the OSS was only the start of a bigger plan of national defense for the United States, the foundation and creation of the Central Intelligence Agency. After the end of the war and abolition of the OSS, US leaders planned to create a foreign intelligence that was capable of supporting the country's new role as a superpower in the world. One of the US leaders Donovan, proposed [during a campaign between 1943 and 1945] for an establishment of a postwar peacetime intelligence that would report directly to the president itself. Many people however were opposed to this idea for many reasons, one being that many did not believe that the new organization should not report directly to the president. Others also believed that a foreign intelligence agency was a waste of money and resources. The creation of a new intelligence became a big problem in the US government since many people had diverging opinions about the establishment of a new foreign intelligence. "There is hereby established under the National Security Council a Central Intelligence Agency with a Director of Central Intelligence, who shall be the head thereof. The Director shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, from among the commissioned officers of the armed services or from among individuals in civilian life. The Director shall receive compensation at the rate of $14,000 a year". Section 102 of the National Security Act states ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Military Intelligence Division (MID): Agency Analysis Recent news, the thing that keeps us all thinking about what the issues are. Well one thing in the recent news, that caught my attention, and related to this topic was the NSA, and the issues the organization was having. Until the security scandal in mid 2013, I had really never even heard of the NSA. So with this research I would like to better understand, what the NSA does, how they got started, and how/why they can have problems like they did earlier this year, while also seeing what they are going to do from here on out, to ensure the issue doesn't arise again. Begging with a decryption unit at a telegraph station in 1917 during World War I. The what was once named the Cipher Bureau of the Military Intelligence Division (MID), slowly ... Show more content on ... Well the agency has had issues with legality, and also may have misused some techniques to spy on more than just troublesome, and threatening groups. Most recently, the NSA was questioned for its over surveillance, of cell phones, emails, and internet activity of American citizens. This information wasn't even know about, until 2013, when former NSA contractor, Edward Snowden leaked it to the public. Mr. Snowden, told it all, he unveiled that the NSA had been tracking cell phone calls, locations, and even looking into history from social media and internet use. The biggest issue in all of this is that it is an invasion of American privacy. As written in the New Yorker by Amy Davidson, in early 2013, it states, "the NSA. isn't supposed to be spying on Americans, not without a warrant or court order premised on a specific link to a foreign terrorist." This is an issue that grabbed my attention right away. Why was the NSA looking through this information anyway? What I discovered was the NSA really had no reasoning behind why they were tracking all this information, that they weren't supposed to be viewing anyway. Instead they seemed to have a more of a why not do this excuse. The NSA looked at it, as though they were doing the right thing by tracking everything we did. In their minds they were doing everything they could to ensure there was, absolutely no signs of terrorism anywhere. Now it does ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Spy Ring in American Government: The Central Intelligence... Spy ring in American government " Over 100 thousand private emails are viewed a day"(byman). The National security agency and central intel lance agency are illegally viewing private documents and private records. They have access to all of these items without the peoples consent. The NSA is going through people's documents and they are giving them to other countries. The NSA and CIA should not be allowed to do these things to private documents. The United States has the central intelligence agency to monitor phone call of almost every person. The United States has had so many phone call on record, they have made secretive deals with large phone company's like sprint, Verizon , AT&T and many more. "President George w. Bush ... Show more content on ... They are always getting into the American citizens computers and trying to get access to all of their information. The national security agency has access to any camera any in any public place. They can also access any live video feed without approval but Skype lets them do it any way. The national security agency has been able to control what is put on the internet. "The national security agency has taken down many of my websites..."(risen145). The National Security agency has been taking down any websites that tries to go against them in any way. They have taken so many web sites down, they could take a website down in the madder of minutes. The National Security Agency has been control what has been position on social networking to, they can take down anything of they find it to threaten them. The national security agency has been also spying on the president at times. They have been so busy tring to spy on their own people there has been a terrorist attack just a little over a year ago the Boston bombing."The government has commandeered the Internet"(SCHNEIER). He has article that shows that the Government is taking over the internet. The National Security agency has been giving private American citizens documents to other counties.The Untied States has given over 100 thousand private phone calls to Brazil,and they have went through them without peoples consent. The National security agency has ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Federal Bureau Of Investigations And The Central... Abstract Upon analyzing 9/11 it was clear to focus on the limitations that the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the Central Intelligence Agency had faced. Security breaches and poor intelligence sharing were just some of the critical failures that were encountered. Moreover, the main focus is pointed towards the miscommunication between these two agencies. Evidently, the execution and tactical strategies went unnoticed despite the apparent red flags that presented themselves, in addition to the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the Central Intelligence Agency failure to pursue threats and establish a baseline of security resulted in the disaster of 9/11. In conjunction to these mistakes, the restriction of shared information ... Show more content on ... By disregarding cues of possible terrorist attacks and constant mistakes within the American Intelligence for not planning ahead, the United States failed to achieve its number one goal as a governing body: not keeping its citizens safe. It is important to dig into the issue of the disaster of 9/11 and completely understand the reason for failed prevention efforts. Moreover adding to these issues was the lack of communication and information shared between the two agencies, the Federal Bureau of Investigations and Central Intelligence Agency. When something tragic, devastating even happens, you remember exactly where you were, who you were with, what you were doing, and how old you were when it happened. Whether you want to remember it or not is out of your control. It is tattooed in your brain for good. The moment everyone in America shares in common is September 11, 2001 when the World Trade Centers were attacked by 19 al– Qaeda terrorists. The entire nation went into an immediate state of mourning and panic as they were discovering the victims of the attacks. Many often asked if there was something that could have been done to maybe have prevented this from happening. Was there something on the federal side that could have been done? What else went wrong other than a blatant attack on the United States? When the United States was attacked on September 11, I was only 8 years old in ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Intelligence Agencies Privacy Analysis The work conducted by intelligence agencies such as the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and the United States' Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is strategically kept confidential from the general public. These agencies rely on secrecy and opacity in order to attain information relevant to national security in an attempt to minimize threats. Evidently, without this confidentiality the system would not be successful. A consequence of this secrecy is reflected in the general public's view of intelligence agencies. A lack of accurate information means individuals must make their judgments based off of the limited information made available to them, which lead to assumptions, skepticism, and pessimism regarding the efficacy and reliability ... Show more content on ... The uncertainty of one author in his article is evident in the wording of the subheading: "Attack in subway likely also known in advance" (Harel, 2016; emphasis added). Within days of these attacks, the intelligence agencies of the respective countries were blamed and this was highly publicized, negatively shaping the general public's view of intelligence agencies. As mentioned above, the secrecy of intelligence agencies is maintained in times of success. As such, this disallows me from countering the previous examples with known intelligence agency success stories. Nevertheless, they do exist, and Dulles (1963) provided a few concrete examples from his personal experience working for the CIA in his book. Reading his work is another unique method of attaining information about intelligence agencies, though due to his extensive employment history with the CIA, the information is also riddled with bias. Without complete knowledge of the inner workings of these top–secret organizations, the public must base their opinions on information made available to them, but the sources and context of this information must be taken into consideration and evaluated ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Central Intelligence Agency The Central Intelligence Agency was developed in 1947 by the National Security Act under President Truman. The CIA is responsible for "coordinating the nation's intelligence activities and correlating, evaluating and disseminating intelligence affecting national security." Before the CIA was developed President Franklin D. Roosevelt had the idea to create an agency that was responsible for intelligence agencies. This agency became known as the Office of Strategic Services. He hired New York lawyer and war veteran William J. Donovan to create a plan that outlined the new intelligence service. In July of 1941 President Franklin Roosevelt approved the plan and appointed William J. Donovan as the first Coordinator of Information. Once the ... Show more content on ... 2,400 people were killed, 21 ships of the USS pacific fleet were either damaged or sunk, 188 aircrafts were destroyed and another 160 were damaged. Before the attack was carried out by Japanese military forces, the Japanese had cut off all communications with the United States Military and then broke off all negotiations with the United States. Tension between the US and Japan can be traced back to the early nineteenth century. Japanese had been planning this attack on the United States since early 1941. The goal of the attack was to prevent the US from entering World Was 2 by weakening their Naval Base. In reality the attack only helped persuade American people to go to war, where as before the attack most Americans were anti–war, they believed that it was better to stay out of the war unless we had been attacked by another country first. In this case an organized international intelligence agency stronger than the Office of Strategic Services like the CIA would have been responsible for gathering information on a large scale about Japan and why the US had had no communications with the Japanese for a significant amount of time. An agency such as the CIA would could have saved all 2,400 lives that were lost in the bombing of Pearl ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Central Intelligence Agency Torture Analysis The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has used many different torture techniques to gain information from its detainees since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and some of the most common are stress positions, sleep deprivation, and waterboarding. These techniques, among many others, were released in a report from the Senate Intelligence Committee on December 9, 2014. One of the most common methods of torture that was used by the CIA is stress positions. The detainee was shackled to the floor or ceiling for up to three days at a time. This even happened in intervals over a period of three months in some cases. The purpose of these stress positions was to cause exhaustion, muscles fatigue, and discomfort. According to some detainees, they were forced to urinate and defecate on themselves in these positions. Al– Nashiri was blindfolded and shackled to the ceiling while an officer placed a handgun to his head and operated a cordless drill near ... Show more content on ... Usually, detainees were shackled into a standing position while loud music and white noise were played on loop for the entirety of the confinement. The agency was authorized to be keep detainees awake for up to one hundred eighty hours at a time, but most were only forced to remain awake for ninety–six hours maximum. The longest a human has ever gone without sleep is two hundred sixty– four hours, but this was just for experimental purposes. Most humans begin losing their ability to function normally at about seventy–two hours of without sleep, and at ninety–six hours they begin to have hallucinations. Five detainees did, in fact, admit to having disturbing hallucinations. One unnamed detainee said, "If I started to fall asleep, a guard would come and spray water in my ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Central Intelligence Agency And The Cold War The Central Intelligence Agency and the Cold War Two trillion dollars was the amount spent by the United States on the war with the Soviet Union, which never seen the battlefield. Over four decades of US presidencies were committed to containing communism within the Soviet Union, and existing establishments, driving US foreign policy decisions across the globe. Armed forces, government officials, and US presidents, may have been unable to contain communism on their own. In 1947, the first year of the Cold War, President Harry Truman proposed a six–pronged defense strategy which included the National Security Act of 1947, giving birth to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (Roark, et al. 789). The consensus of the Cold War was driven by ... Show more content on ... Within that same year, Guatemala was being run by elected reformist Jacobo Arbenz, whom was accepting support from a local Communist Party. Consequently, the CIA helped support an opposition party who overthrew Arbenz and installed a dictatorship (Roark, et al. 818). Several years later, in 1959, the Cuban Revolution, led by Fidel Castro, caught the attention of the US government. When Castro asked the US for support, it was denied, and in result Castro turned to the Soviet Union. Eisenhower responded to this by prompting the CIA to begin training Cuban exiles for invasion. Additionally, in Iran, the CIA helped rid of an elected government to support a dictatorship that would allow the US access to oil, this is the first piece of evidence showing the CIA was in coordination to capitalist interests and there was a link between the CIA and oil industry. Eisenhower authorized a coup which put Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlaui back in government over Mohammad Mossadegh. Also in the Middle East, Eisenhower continued Truman's friendship with Israel, but also attempted to build relationships with Arab nations to secure their oil. These foreign decisions began to form a pattern of protecting US capitalist interests in countries that weren't an immediate threat to the US and installing governments solely for the benefit to the US, and not the citizens within those countries. President John ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Central Intelligence Agency: Three Types Of Power In Politics The Central Intelligence Agency has conducted secret missions all over the war. This paper will be about how the Central Intelligence Agency has used three types of powers in politics to stop or attempt to stop the spread of communism. The three types of power in politics are Strong, Soft, and Sticky power. How has the Central Intelligence Agency use strong power to combat communism? First, we have to define Strong power. Strong power in politics is the use of force to "convince" someone that they're doing something wrong. An example of Strong power is the use of military to commit assassinations, and "disappearances". The best example of Strong power in the fight to combat communism was in the Secret war in Laos by the Central Intelligence ... Show more content on ... What is sticky power? Sticky power is convincing someone of an idea or government type, then not letting them change it. The most unique way the Central Intelligence Agency used sticky power was in the coup in Guatemala in 1954. In 1954 the Central Intelligence Agency set up a radio station to broadcast anti–communism propaganda. This is because the Guatemalan president was going to trade with the Soviets for arms. The radio broadcasts convinced many Guatemalans that the government was communist. The Central Intelligence Agency convinced the army led by Carlos Castillo Arma to initiate a coup. The coup was a success and the government was overthrown. The coup in Guatemala was a major success due to the use of sticky power by the Central Intelligence ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Edward Snowden: Central Intelligence Agency (NSA) Introduction Edward Snowden was born on June 21, 1983 in North Carolina. He was a high school and a community college dropout, who eventually obtained a GED. He was medically discharged from the Army Reserves when he was badly injured in an accident. During his short stint attending community college in Maryland, Snowden studied computers. He began working for the National Security Administration (NSA) as a security guard and then secured a high paying IT position with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) as a federal contractor. Eventually he landed a job on a classified program back at the NSA (Edward Snowden Biography, n.d.). Ultimately, to gain access to exceptionally furtive programs and highly classified information, Snowden was granted ... Show more content on ... He asserts that he gave them to Glenn Greenwald, a journalist in Hong Kong who initially leaked the highly classified information at Snowden's request (Scheuerman, 2014). Furthermore, the New York Times wrote that Snowden stated specifically that it would not have been good for anyone if the documents were to fall in the hands of the Russians (Edward Snowden Biography, n.d.). Nevertheless, the global impact from Snowden's actions should not be understated. His actions could hurt foreign relations for many years to come (Finn & Horwitz, ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Cold War: The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) The Central Intelligence Agency that is known now as the CIA. This configuration began in the beginning of the Cold War. The CIA is one of the United States foreign intellectual agencies. The CIA is responsible for gaining and analyzing information about including but not limited to foreign governments, corporations, and individuals. The department reports political, economic, and military information from more than 150 nations and asses it for other United States government corporations. The CIA employs many foreign agents to gather information about their natal countries. They can also gain information from listening to other countries radios and television broadcasts. The CIA works by spying on a country, organization, movement, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. The Evolution Of Competing Secret Intelligence Agencies The evolution of competing secret intelligence agencies only began to occur during world war one when developing technologies meant gathering information on the enemy was entering new phases of complexity. The need for information became an increasingly more desperate pursuit as new devastating weapons were created which could inflict widespread and catastrophic damage, escalating from chemical weapons, to nuclear warheads. But as the 20th century proved conflicts became increasingly focused on the clash of political ideologies, while the two world wars managed to quash right wing fascism, a new perceived threat came from the opposite side of the political spectrum, communism. Here was an ideology to threaten and challenge the sacred ideals of American capitalist democracy, and those in the US who had climbed to power through this system saw the possible undoing of this in communism. As the US–soviet Union cold war developed, the national security council advised the president for the creation of a central intelligence agency whose task would be to 'correlate and evaluate intelligence relating to the national security, but not to have any police, subpoena, law enforcing powers or internal security functions'. Its duties mainly involved to advise the NSC, to make recommendations, to correlate and evaluate intelligence, in effect it was a tool of the NSC. However two years later it was further empowered its secrecy allowing it to hide names, spending and allow it to have ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. The Cia Intelligence Agency ( Cia ) The CIA in Our Daily Lives Ethically we would think that the police or any similar organizations to the police are meant to help us, correct? But now we have the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and there is one question, where does the CIA fit in with the people of the United States? They aren't there to enforce any laws on the streets or teach us the dos and don'ts, so where exactly do they come in? Defined by, "The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is an independent federal agency responsible for providing national security intelligence to our nation's policymakers. The foreign intelligence the CIA gathers is used to provide tactical and strategic advantages so as to preempt threats and further U.S. national security objectives. The covert activities and the objective analyses that result are used to keep the nation "safe." Now to exactly what extent they take our safety into their own hands, and why do they restrict us from learning about events that are going on in our country, let alone other countries, that can and most likely will heavily impact our day to day lives. This lead us to a very interesting question, why has the CIA been censoring so much information form us about thing that are occurring and affecting our lives? Although the CIA may think that they are protecting us by hiding all this information and secrets, in reality they are impacting our lives in such a negative way that no one would even realize. Let's start with all the ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Intelligence Agencies In The Department Of Homeland... Intelligence Agencies Introduction The events of September 11, which are partly associated with errors in the work of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), raised the issue of reforming the agency both in the countries of the old democracy and in the countries of the new democracy. Most of the discussions about reforming the work of the special services in the fight against terrorism are reduced to the exchange of information between the structures of power. However, it is only by understanding the nature of the tasks of the special services in combating terrorism that it is possible to develop the necessary "architecture" or organizational structure suitable for the solution of the task. The task of the special services at this stage ... Show more content on ... Unlike special services, law enforcement structures exist completely in another system of rules and traditions. In a democracy, the most important rule is when, before the state can use its power of coercion or punishment, it must provide evidence to an impartial body – the judicial branch of government. Before a state can use information against its own citizens, a proper legal procedure should be applied, presupposing a certain degree of openness. The ideal application of criminal law in an open, democratic society is that the authorities that are tasked with this task should focus on establishing a measure of responsibility after the supposition of the crime. They should more engage in collecting information in the forms provided for by the criminal justice system, information that is used either to investigate after the conclusion of a crime, or as evidence in a formal, individualized procedure for adjudicating a specific, proven offense. The more law enforcement agencies are in line with democratic and constitutional processes, the more attention is paid to the law enforcement agencies involved in investigative work and to how legally they use the information they collect, as well as the responsibility of law enforcement agencies to society and constitutionally determined political power. Following these principles should be at the center of attention when reforming law enforcement ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Analysis of Defense Intelligence Agency The DIA started in 1958. The organizational structure of the DoD and U.S. foreign intelligence came to a new shape with the establishment of DIA. It was Robert McNamara, then Secretary of Defense, who came up with the concept of DIA in 1961. DIA gathers human source intelligence, analyzes technical intelligence, distributes intelligence/reports to the intelligence agencies, provides advice and support to the Joint Chiefs of Staff with foreign military intelligence, and provides military intelligence to combatant commands as its operational functions. A DIA director is supposed to be a three–star military general and DIA is believed to have employed at least 7,500 staff worldwide today. The DIA is a defense intelligence agency that prevents ... Show more content on ... spying on Islamist militants). According to another source, even today, DIA provides important information on foreign military intelligence, political assessments, troop movement, weapons distribution, military capabilities, diplomatic changes, economic issues, and more. These informations are distributed to policymakers, defense officials, combat commanders, and others in the intelligence community and thus, U.S. foreign policies are drafted. While talking about the DIA's oversight, as one news source says, the DIA congressional oversight sight is difficult as DIA activities are controlled by Pentagon. Like CIA, which acts on its own without congressional knowledge or approval, DIA is the second one to act on its free will. Lack of budget maybe there, congressional oversight may not exist––DIA however still carries a significant meaning and plays an important role in the US national security even today. The Tet Offensive in Vietnam, the taking of American hostages in Iran, the overthrow of Idi Amin in Uganda, and North Korea's nuclear proliferation are some few examples that speaks great volume about DIA being important, not redundant. It is said the Defense Department planned to expand its DIA operatives to 1,600 people and go beyond from DIA's intelligence gathering to covert operations as well. The Obama administration's consideration, which came out in recent years (according to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Central Intelligence Agency Analysis The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has proved its worth throughout the world. The organization was able to push past all prejudice in order to protect the people of the United States. Today it is a very respected and sought after agency that many rely on for their safety and income. The CIA is a powerful and organized bureau that has asserted its dominance and altered the face of society throughout the entire world since its beginning in 1947. The United States has since become an even more authoritative and respected country worldwide thanks to this organization. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was a much needed addition to the U.S. government. President Truman created the CIA as part of the National Security Act in 1947. The Agency, ... Show more content on ... Originally, Bill Donovan was in control of the OSS, which was created in the early 1940s by President Franklin Roosevelt. Roosevelt created the OSS because with World War II approaching the U.S., he needed information on the other countries' plans. Later though, after Roosevelt died, Truman came to power and because he did not know Donovan and had received negative reports on the OSS, he shut it down on October 1, 1945. Two years later, however, Truman recognized the need for the organization and was willing to recreate it, just not with Donovan and his OSS leading it (Walker, 2015). In 1947 he created the CIA in order to better handle the challenges found in the Cold War. The changing from the OSS to the CIA left a huge impact on America in the future. As the CIA began standing up with its own beliefs against the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the organization was able to change America's views on communism and the Soviet Union entirely. Due to the conflict between the FBI and the CIA, the propaganda from the CIA overemphasized its role in the Cold War to enhance its prestige and power to the United States (Walker, ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Anna Chapman Research Paper Anna Chapman is a Russian who also held a British citizenship as a result of her marriage to Alex Chapman. She is the daughter of a former Soviet diplomat who was based in Nairobi, Kenya and is one of the top officials in the Russian ministry of foreign affairs. According to reports, Anna's father was once a top official at the KGB. Reports indicate that Anna Chapman studied at the Moscow University and earned her degree in Masters in Economics and passed with a first class honors. Other sources point that she got her degree at The People's Friendship University of Russia. Anna Chapman moved to Britain after getting married to Alex Chapman in Moscow. She also got her British citizenship as well as a passport as a result of the union with Mr. Chapman. In Britain, Anna worked at a few companies, notably, Netjets and Barclays among a few others. However, she only worked at these businesses for short periods of time as she moved from one company to ... Show more content on ... According to reports, the handler, by the name of Alexander Poteyev, was the one responsible for the exposure of the spy ring (Lucas, 2012). In essence, while he gave instructions to Anna and her colleagues, he provided information to the FBI at the same time. As a result, the FBI was able to keep a close look at the activities and movements of the agents, including Chapman. When the FBI was close to getting the case investigation done and have a warrant for the arrest of Anna and her colleague, Alexander Poteyev fled Moscow. Primarily, this act raised suspicions within the Russian inner circles. Later, the Russian government found him guilty of sabotaging their mission in America, and he was court–marshaled in absentia for high–level treason and running away from duty (Lucas, 2012). He was sentenced to twenty–five years in ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. The Cia And Central Intelligence Agency The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) in the United States has been involved in several operations with drug trafficking. Some of these reports claim that the evidence of the Congress indicates that the CIA worked with groups that were known to be involved in drug trafficking. The deals mainly include providing the CIA with useful information and support material, in exchange for allowing their criminal activities to continue, and impede or prevent the arrest, prosecution and imprisonment from United States law enforcement agencies. This "war on drugs" was used as an easy way to increase repression in inner cities and confiscate millions of dollars in private assets through unconstitutional forfeiture laws. These assets were used to fund police burgeoning, and as an active participant in the illegal drug trade, public resources were used to bring heroin and cocaine into American inner cities since the 1960 's. The most controversial public episode was when the report of the Kerry Committee came to the conclusion that the members of the Department of State of the United States of America "those who had provided support for the contras, were involved in drug trafficking [ ... ] and the own elements of the contras, were received with his consent financial and material assistance from drug traffickers". In 1996 Gary Webb wrote a series of articles published in the San Jose Mercury News, as a result of an investigation to the Nicaraguan contras linked to the backed by the CIA ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. The FBI (FBI) And The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) Of all the governmantal protective services there are two that stand out among others. They are filled with secrets and mystery. Many do not even know the differences of the two. However when it comes to the country's security, there are none better. Though they may seem alike, the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) are very different. The FBI is a threat–based and intelligence–driven national security organization centered in Washington, D.C.. They have the mission to protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats, to uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the United States, and to provide leadership and criminal justice services to federal, ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Sound Strategic Research And Analytical Skills Sound strategic research and analytical skills I have advanced research skills, demonstrated by the body of research I have contributed to over the course of my Honours thesis and my Masters. I have developed upon existing areas of research, such as when I applied existing theories and models of strategic intelligence to a new context – that of the late Roman Empire. This required knowledge of the overall research direction of the field of strategic intelligence, as well as am understanding of existing gaps in research. I took modern conceptions of intelligence practices and models used them to explore how the late Roman Empire performed intelligence work and if there were any implications for the modern world, particularly in reference to area control and strategic security. This project expanded on and contributed to the overall direction of the field in a unique manner. I have also performed original research, such as when I developed a new sociological conception of counter–terrorism practices in my thesis. An important consideration in this project was identifying and responding to gaps in research that had direct relevance for a range of parties, including government security agencies. I created a qualitative criteria in which the effectiveness of special mission counter–terrorist tactical units could be evaluated, particularly in reference to wider societal and cultural priorities. In doing this, I referred to a wide range of research, from sociological and security ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Defense Intelligence Agency: Are They Redundant? American Military University Defense Intelligence Agency: Are they Redundant? Reinaldo Ortiz Intelligence 301 Professor Robert Bier September 7, 2014 Introduction The Defense Intelligence Agency is headquartered in Washington, D.C. on Joint Base Anacostia–Bolling, with major operational activities at the Pentagon, at each Unified Combatant Command, as well as in more than a hundred U.S. Embassies around the world, where it deploys alongside other government partners (i.e. Central Intelligence Agency) and also operates the U.S. Defense Attaché Offices. Due to DIA's designation as a combat support agency, the agency has special responsibilities in meeting intelligence requirements specifically for the Secretary of Defense and the ... Show more content on ... We deploy globally alongside war fighters and interagency partners to defend America's national security interests." [4] The Defense Intelligence Agency is always represented no matter where the military presence is located. They work side by side with military soldiers ensuring assisting with analysis and helping soldiers out in any way they are able to help out. The agency is often confused with law enforcement agencies, but they are not the only agencies this occurs too. Other foreign intelligence organizations have the same issue as well. The Department of Defense (DoD) who is over the Defense Intelligence Agency is in the public eye. Now that the public has much more awareness of their existence, the friction between the organizations is more prominently. "Defense Intelligence Agency is an all–source defense agency designed to prevent strategic surprise and deliver a decision advantage to war fighters, defense planners, and policymakers." [5] The agency has multiple roles they are responsible for. Some of those roles include collection and analysis of defense–related foreign political, economic, industrial, geographic and medical and health intelligence. [6] Being able to be aggressive during the collection process and being analytically precise, it provides an advantage when making tough decisions for war fighters and the policymakers. This will allow the counter intelligence to be aggressive as well. By counter intelligence being aggressive policymakers along with the war fighters will be confident that the
  • 114. right decisions are being made on time and producing results. This is a critical part for the soldiers on the ground having to conduct these missions the Defense Intelligence Agency come up with and believe ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. Cia:Central Intelligence Agency. The Cia Is Responsible CIA: Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA is responsible in providing nation–wide security in the US. FRG: Federal Republic Germany. The FDR is known as West Germany. This is due to fact that after World War II, Germany was separated into four areas. GDR: Germany Democratic Republic. GDR is known as East Germany. This is the response by the Soviet Union, after tension with the western powers to administrate their inhabited zone. ICBM: Inter–Continental Ballistic Missile. The ICBM's were first introduced into battle in 1959, the United States and remain a vital nuclear arsenal in the present. They have a velocity of 6–7 km per second. KGB: The Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti (in English: Committee for State Security) is like the ... Show more content on ... Cold War: The decades–long conflict between the US and The Soviet Union, which began in the late 1940's to early 1990's. The reason it is called the 'cold' war was due to the fact that the battle never intensified to direct military hostility. Deterrence: Deterrence, as the name implies, is the idea to imply a strategic concept to bring a battle to a stalemate. This psychological power would prevent the enemies from striking each other due to the fear, or otherwise known as, MAD. This mind–game remains a major part of defence policies in Russia and the United States. Moreover, during the Cold War, the Soviet Union and the United States each constructed an accumulation of nuclear weapons. The Soviet Union believed that in a nuclear war, that they could succeed and win. Nuclear Winter: During the climax of the infamous cold war, the Soviet Union and the United States amassed destructive collections of nuclear weapons. Carl Sagan, who held many titles in science, warned the world about the possibility of a 'nuclear winter' along with its devastating consequences. With the nuclear weapons containing dangerous such as Uranium–235 and Plutonium–239 and many other chemicals, Sagan reported that "Beneath the clouds, virtually all domesticated and wild sources of food would be ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. Intelligence Agency Partners Case Study Special Operations Forces (SOF) and interagency partners have become interdependent in today's operational environment. Future Special Forces Warrant Officers (SFWO) need to a have clear understanding of authorities with the ability to articulate their activities. The article, "Demystifying the Title 10–Title 50 Debate," highlights underlining tensions between the military and intelligence partners. A common question asked by intelligence agency partners is, "What authorities are you working under?" A simple title 10 response will not suffice. What the intelligence partners are really asking is: who is paying, who has oversight, and who is responsible for your activities? A senior official described to me that to be effective in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Intelligence Agencies Operating around the Globe In my last research assignment I explained what the Special Operations executive was and the role and mandate that they served, this time around I plan to explore the impact after the war and even to the present, many of the current intelligence agencies operating today have all in some degree some commonality and structure and have similar ways of approaching threats, In comparison from World War Two to now with the ever emergence of the terrorist threats around the globe, but with every intelligence agency history always had some kind of blunders, mistakes and embarrassment, and the ever increasing demand in wartime for "surgical action", in addition I will highlight how these tactics serve current agencies and SOF units today and how the SOE really set in stone the trade craft of special tactics. We first have to understand that every intelligence agency and SOF unit is not without its faults (both past and present) but with the SOE it had it fair share of blunders, but more importantly it already some key troubles in the past, One of the articles I chosen to highlight the SOE turbulent relationship with the other services and its confusing structure within itself, In James Crossland article titled, The mutiny that never was: The Special Operations executive and the failure of Operation 'Kitchenmaid' showed a few key examples where this SOE operating area and in this case in the Balkans and the Middle East, (HQ is in Cairo) had some trouble following the British ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. GCHQ Police And Intelligence Agency Snooping Analysis GCHQ, police and intelligence agency snooping illustrates a clear erosion of our rights to privacy; such noticeable infringement of our liberty begs the question of whether it is justifiable. One of the strongest arguments for state snooping is that of innocence and having nothing to hide. This argument stipulates that government surveillance programmes do not threaten a person's privacy unless they uncover illegal activities and if illegal activities are uncovered, the person committing said activities does not have the right to keep them private. William Hague, former Foreign Secretary and former leader of the Conservative Party said on the Andrew Marr Show on the 9th of June 2013, "If you are a law abiding citizen of this country going about ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. The Pros And Cons Of Edward Snowden's Intelligence Agency The interactions between privacy and national security has been a widely discussed topic since the statements made by Edward Snowden, and is largely criticized by the public regarding private information and cellphone privacy. Over the years, intelligence agency has gained an outstanding reputation because they successfully track down Osama bin Laden, however, four years after this positive event, the policy image of intelligence agency is been questioned by the general public. One of the most controversial issues regarding our intelligence agency is the consolidation of the nation's 16 intelligence agencies in a massive post 9/11 overhaul, this policy problem is about how to restructure our current intelligence system for a better national security. A number of critics and public polls stated that this act could add potential a large amount of unnecessary cost to bureaucracy, on the contrary, supporters claim that this help the agencies share information and work on the same goal. ... Show more content on ... Bush back in 2002, which means that humane treatment was no longer required towards al Qaeda terrorists. It was widely criticized for its efficiency and reliability. One of the major problem by merging all the intelligence agencies as a whole is that it adds additional cost to the federal government and taxes in the short term. As Jervis says, "there are a lot of disadvantages, too – layers of organization and paperwork, [lack of] coordination, and tremendous overlap and friction. (CQ Press, 460) Many government officials believed that the negativities of this program outweighs the advantages, however, after this policy passed, agencies claim their cooperation is smoother and ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Security Enforcement And Intelligence Agencies Essay Ever since the events of September 11, 2001, when terrorists used commercial airliners to attack the homeland and kill nearly 3,000 people, Americans have been faced with a conundrum. How does a nation of free people balance an individual's right to privacy with the transparency necessary to secure the safety of the citizenry? Typically this debate has been waged regarding things such as full–body security scanners, National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance programs, and increased investigation powers granted to local police. However, recently the debate has struck far closer to home; into the purses and back pockets of nearly every American. Consumers are demanding that manufacturers and software developers do everything possible to provide the best communication security possible. This has led to an explosion of encrypted communication methods and secure devices which in turn poses an issue for law enforcement and intelligence agencies. How does the nation reconcile these two needs; on one hand, Americans expect their communications to be completely private, while the government requires a means to review the communications of criminal and terrorist suspects for investigations. Do technology developers have an obligation to build in backdoors for government exploitation or provide decryption keys to law enforcement? Does the government have the right to hack those security measures if companies don't comply with requests for assistance? How will these two differing ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Today's Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Executive Summary CIA – Central Intelligence Agency Today's Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is centered on the same basic principles as the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in the 1940's but with some significant changes, specifically in its organization and methods. The OSS, the world's first global intelligence organization, was organized and overseen by "Wild Bill Donovan" and expanded at an unprecedented pace throughout World War II. The OSS was the foundation for today's CIA. It was because of the successes and failures of the OSS that the CIA has been able to grow and develop. As is made clear by the detailed descriptions of Bill Donovan's routine and procedures in the biography "Wild Bill Donovan" by Douglas Waller, the leadership and management of the CIA today is drastically different from the original OSS. Donovan was appointed by FDR, in the same way the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency is today. Yet Donovan's duties were extremely vague and up to interpretation, including performing "unspecified 'supplementary activities'" for the president." While the overall mission of the CIA today is open ended which means it needs only the approval of the National Security Council to embark on new, possibly unprecedented missions, the functions of the ... Show more content on ... intelligence apparatus. Once the Central Intelligence Agency was established, it proved to be a great source of America's information during the Cold War with the Soviet Union. The CIA received $46million from then President Eisenhower (1955) to build they headquarters in Langley, Virginia. In 1961 the CIA helped support the invasion of Cuba by providing the Cuban exiles with weapons and training. During the Cold War the CIA played the biggest role in counter–espionage ever, but once the Cold War began thaw the focus fell on the CIA ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Intelligence Agency : The Intelligence Bureau ( Ib ) And... Intelligence philosophers such as Sun Tzu, Kautilya and Machiavelli have stressed on the importance of strategic intelligence for the security of a nation and the history across the world is evident with its prime examples. Such is also the case of India and in this presentation we will be examining some key historic Indian events and their impact on the country's two foremost intelligence agencies – the Intelligence Bureau (IB) and the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW). Towards the end we will also consider the influence of such events on the future of Indian intelligence. Established in 1887, branded as the Central Special Branch up to 1903 and then as the Department of Intelligence until 1920, the IB's primary function back then was to provide political and religious intelligence across British India (Mahadevan, 2012, p. 28). The British assigned its British–Indian military intelligence agencies with external intelligence but interestingly, post India's independence in 1947, the IB was entrusted with this duty therefore making it the country's foreign and national intelligence agency between 1947 and 1968 (Melson, 2006). Unable to meet the inflated demands by policy makers back in the 1960's, IB was accused of intelligence failure as India faced an awkward loss at the Sino–Indian War of 1962 against China followed by Pakistan's surprise intrusion in 1965 over the disputed region of Kashmir. Given the defensive personality of the country's national security system, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Why Intelligence Agencies And Analysts Exist One of the four primary reasons why intelligence agencies and analysts exist is to support the policy process, which consequently impacts national security decisions. As a result, intelligence community analysts and decision makers must maintain a relationship with policy makers. However, there is an ongoing debate within the intelligence community, academic institutions, and the public regarding the distant and proximate models of this relationship. In an effort to determine the best possible relationship model between intelligence analysts and policy makers, the roots of both the distant and proximate models will be discussed; then, a stance will be taken on what the preferred model should be and supported based off the evidence ... Show more content on ... Additionally, the distant relationship model enables analysts to work on a problem set of their choice as long as it is within the bounds set by their intelligence manager. While enabling analysts to have such freedoms is perceived as a positive it can also be a negative. Intelligence analysts own agenda can take the forefront while their consumers ' needs lose the necessary precedence. Also as a result of being too distant from the policy maker, the needs of the policy maker may not be known; therefore, intelligence may not be produced on a problem set of interest to the policy world. According to Johnson and Wirtz, the second school of thought, the proximate model, receives its origins from Robert Gates, former Director of Central Intelligence and Secretary Of Defense. In the mid–1980s Robert Gates, while serving as the Deputy Director for Analysis at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), spearheaded the notion of actionable intelligence, when he became upset with the agency 's analysts, who blatantly disregarded request to fulfill policy makers' needs. Gates argued that by producing actionable intelligence, intelligence analysts must remain cognizant of policy maker needs, resulting in a more relevant finished intelligence product. Thus, the proximate relationship model between intelligence analysts and policy makers was formed. As is the case with any model, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Cia's Role In The CIA For my Media Article, I interviewed one of my fellow delegates from our school Singapore School Manila. Miss Erin Cochanco, like me this is the first time that Erin will be attending the HMCA and she plays the role as a Deputy Inspector General in the Central Intelligence Agency or the CIA. The Central Intelligence Agency or known as the CIA is an agency that is responsible in providing national security and intelligence. What the CIA gathers is used to provide strategies and intelligence to help in preventing threats and provide national security in the USA. The CIA's mission is to collect, analyse, evaluate and disseminate information to assist the President and US government policymakers in making decisions that is related to the national security of America. The CIA also assists the ... Show more content on ... Question: What is the Deputy Inspector General? Response: The Deputy Inspector General is nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate as an independent oversight for the CIA. 2. Question: What is the Deputy Inspector General's role in the CIA? Response: The Deputy Inspector General helps promote the economy, efficiency, effectiveness and accountability in the management of CIA activities by performing independent audits, inspections, investigations and reviews the CIA programs and operations. The Office of the Inspector General also seeks to detect and deter fraud, abuse and mismanagement. Basically it is there to see if the people working in the CIA are doing things properly and things are in order, if they're not he/she has to report to the CIA director. 3. Question: What is its importance to the CIA? Response: Its importance to the CIA is since they are the "whistle–blowers" of the agency, they let the directors know embezzlement, fraud, abuse and waste issues inside the federal agency. This allows them to take immediate action to any issues or problems happening in the agency. 4. Question: How do you feel about playing the role as the Inspector ... Get more on ...