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Custom Writing Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Custom Writing Essay" is a task that demands a nuanced
understanding of the intricacies involved. The inherent paradox lies in the irony that, while
discussing custom writing, one must navigate through a sea of diverse perspectives and opinions.
The challenge begins with the necessity to strike a balance between advocating for the benefits
of custom writing services and acknowledging the potential ethical concerns surrounding them.
Addressing the complexity of this topic requires a thorough examination of the motivations
behind seeking custom writing assistance. Delving into the reasons individuals resort to these
services often unveils a spectrum of issues, including time constraints, academic pressures, and
the pursuit of higher grades. However, the ethical implications of outsourcing academic work
loom large, with concerns about plagiarism, authenticity, and the erosion of personal
Furthermore, the writer must navigate through the varying stances taken by educators,
institutions, and students themselves regarding the legitimacy of custom writing services. This
involves a delicate dance of presenting facts, statistics, and expert opinions without necessarily
endorsing or condemning the practice. Striking the right balance is akin to walking a tightrope,
as it requires a nuanced understanding of the academic landscape and a keen awareness of the
evolving dynamics surrounding custom writing.
Moreover, addressing the topic demands not only a critical analysis of the industry itself but also
a consideration of the broader implications for education and personal development. Essays on
this subject often necessitate a careful examination of the long-term effects on students'
intellectual growth, their ability to apply acquired knowledge, and the potential consequences
for academic integrity.
In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic of "Custom Writing Essay" requires a writer to
navigate through a maze of conflicting viewpoints and moral quandaries. It demands a delicate
touch to explore the intricacies surrounding custom writing services without overtly endorsing or
dismissing them. Achieving this balance necessitates a thorough understanding of the subject
matter, a nuanced approach to ethical considerations, and the ability to present a comprehensive
view that encourages critical thinking. If delving into such complexities seems overwhelming, it's
worth noting that help and support for essay writing tasks, on this topic or others, are readily
available. Similar essays and more can be ordered on, providing assistance
tailored to your academic needs.
Custom Writing EssayCustom Writing Essay
The Challenges Of Teaching English As A Second Language
Introduction: Traveling to another country to take a course which would certify
me to teach English as a second language is something I did not picture myself
doing. I always knew I wanted to work with students, but I was never certain as to
what career path I would take. Working with international students who were eager
to learn English helped me make my decision to teach English. Taking this course
has shown me that I have the ability to teach English. Throughout the course I saw
that it is not an easy task. There are many challenges that come with teaching
English, but I am ready to face these challenges. What is a good teacher? Knowing
that teaching English is going to be a challenge, a good teacher to me would be
someone who knows that although teaching requires lots of work, they are still
willing to teach. Being an English teacher or a teacher in general is not something
that you learn from one day to another. Teaching takes time, and even being a teacher
you learn something new every day whether it is from your colleagues or your
students. A good teacher knowing their position still is open to learning new things
even if they are already trained. As time goes by there are new things implemented in
the school system, so that means teaching techniques might change. One has to be
willing to imply these changes and do whatever they can to provide the best learning
environment they can for their students. A good teacher will make sure that students
feel comfortable in
Strep Throat Research Paper
he bacterial infection called strep throat is an infection that causes lots of
inflammation,swelling, and pain inside the throat and also tonsils. This bacterial
infection is caused by group A Streptococcus bacteria. (Which is a microorganism that
is often found in the throat and on the skin.) Strep Throat may occur in the throat but
may potentially travel to body parts.The transmission of strep throat can happen by
coughing, sneezing, or touching a surface with many pathogens. For an example,
when a person with this infection does either of the following: breathing, coughing,
or sneezing, tiny droplets containing
Cattle Domestication
The link between bovine and humans has existed for thousands of years, dating back
to Approximately 8500 years BC, after the domestications of sheep and goat. (Bos
primigenius, Helmer et al. 2005; Bollongino et al. 2012). Throughout the
domestication of cattle people have attempted to control animals to their advantage
and predict their actions. This experiment tests a theory of how cattle owners could
foresee the response of the cows being handled just by the placement of a hairpart on
their head. This hair part is commonly known as a whorl, and they usually are
found on the face of cattle and horses. A whorl is defined as a patch of hair that
grows in the opposite direction of the rest of the hair, and it usually turns like a
wheel. The... Show more content on ...
The set scale we will be using was created by Temple Grandin and it is a four point
rating scale. #1 calm, no movement, #2 restless, shifting weight, #3 head throwing,
squirming and occasionally shaking the squeeze chute, #4 lunging and
continuous, violent shaking of the squeeze chute (Grandin, 1995). These actions
can depend on many factors from previous handling all the way to the weather.
Which is why we will test this on different herds to have a non biased experiment.
We will watch the cattle before and after they enter the chute to see if there is a
difference in behavior. Then, we will check the whorl to see its placement and
record the data of each cow. We could also observe exit speed from the chute as a
viable way to measure the temperament as the more panicky cattle will exit the chute
more quickly after release. For this experiment to work more smoothly we will try
and use only one breed of cow, preferably Angus as it is most abundant that has
similar characteristics to each other.
The Kaufman Assessment Battery For Children
The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition (KABC II) is a
revision of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (KABC) (Braden
Thorndike, 2005). Alan S. Kaufman and Nadeen L. Kaufman authored both
renditions of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children. The KABC was
developed in 1970 1980 and published in 1983, whereas, the KABC II was published
in 2004 (Braden Thorndike, 2005). The major differences between the KABC and the
KABC II is that initially there were 16 subtests, but during the revision only eight of
those subtests remained while ten new subtests were added (McGill, 2015). In
addition, the revision included strengthening theoretical foundations, increasing the
number of constructs measured, enhancing test clinical utilities, developing tests that
fairly assess children from minority groups, and enhancing fair assessment of
preschoolers (Braden Thorndike, 2005). The focus of the assessment is to determine
children s learning abilities and provide insights into their problem solving strategies
(Dale, McIntosh, Rothlisberg, Ward, Bradley, 2011). The assessment is designed for
children age 3 18 years of age (Kaufman Kaufman, 2004). The test measures specific
constructs in learning (long term retrieval), sequential processing (short term
memory), simultaneous processing (visualization), planning (fluid ability), and
verbal knowledge (crystallized ability) (Braden Thorndike, 2005). The subtests
include Atlantis,
¬¬Explain the Nature, Character and Spatial
Explain the nature, character and spatial distribution of world cities
Closely associated with the process of globalisation is the notion of World cities .
World cities are those such as London, New York and Tokyo where urban function
has moved beyond the national scale to become a part of the international and global
system. They are centres of culture, economics, employment, tourism, transport and
communications and have been referred to as the command centres of the World s
borderless economy.
Nature and Character of World Cities
The nature of World cities is one of dominance and influence rather than just size.
They are powerful centres of economic and cultural authority within their region and
on the global stage. They are ... Show more content on ...
Typically today they are centres for technology, information and service based
industries rather than manufacturing. London for example has the Headquarters of
118 of Europe s top 500 and 64 of the Fortune 500, 75% of Fortune 500 companies
have offices in London.
World cities are centres of media and communications for global networks. New York
city is home to the world s largest global media companies NewsCorp, and Time
Warner. Sky TV is based in London and Fleet Street is home to some of the world s
most famous newspapers such as the Times and the Financial Times.
World cities have major international transport connections linking them to the rest
of the world. London s Heathrow airport is the world s busiest passenger airport
with 86 airlines serving 90 countries. Many world cities are also major international
ports such as Tokyo and New York.
World Cities are centres of cultural authority in areas such as sports, fashion and the
arts. Paris, New York, Milan and London are famous centres of fashion. London is
home to designers Stella McCartney Burberry and Alexander McQueen and has
world renowned shopping at Harrods and Bond Street. London and New York have
the most prestigious theatre districts in the world (the West End and Broadway) and
Los Angeles Cities is the home of the world dominant American film culture. Paris is
Rubio Rubio Research Paper
On the Eve of Florida Primary, it s Do or Die for Marco mentum
It s no secret that Senator Marco Rubio has put it all on the line in his own home
state of Florida but with Trump poised to seal the deal to give the fatal blow to
Rubio s presidential campaign, the stakes have never been higher.
The front runner is leading the Florida Senator by double digit, painting a dire
picture for Rubio, who has yet to lead in any survey unlike John Kasich who is
leading in some polls in his home state while others show him in a tie with the front
Fighting in his last hope to win Florida s primary before Florida decides his political
future, Rubio campaign through the I 95, making appearance in Melbourne, West
Palm Beach and West Miami, making the case that is seen to be potentially his last
day of his presidential campaign.
It all comes down to ... Show more content on ...
I think Rubio has a shot tomorrow, but the best is yet to come, Brandon told
PolitiChicks. If not, he might make a great Governor of Florida in 2018.
His final rally, coined a homecoming rally, Rubio spoke on top of a back flatbed
pick up truck parked in a playground, addressing his closest supporters and
neighbors using a bullhorn. Speaking mostly in Spanish, Rubio told supporters a
large turnout is a must or else he isn t sure he is going to win.
Rubio address the crowd in both English and Spanish with his comment that focus
on Tuesday s primary. If this community doesn t vote in historic numbers, I don t
know if I will be able to win, Rubio said in Spanish.
On the eve of the most important election in a generation, in the state that always
makes the difference, this community is going to take us over the top and we are
going to win this election, Rubio said putting a brave face on. It s an honor to be
here, in the neighborhood where I grew up and the park where I used to slam dunk
Young Frankenstein In The 1930 s
The film Frankenstein in the 1930 s was criticized because of its many
imperfections such as the reused settings, acting, and overall plot. The original film
is under the genre of horror, however Mel Brooks (director) creates a parody that
pokes fun of the cinematic and dramatic techniques. Young Frankenstein is a comedic
parody that is enjoyable for an audience regardless of whether they have viewed the
original or not. Young Frankensteins setting commences in New York where a
neurosurgeon by the name of Frederick Frankenstein (Gene Wilder), lives. He
receives the news that his infamous grandfather, whom he prefers to not affiliate
with, has left his castle for Frederick s inheritance. He then goes to the castle in
Transylvania, where he is introduced to Igor ( Marty Feldman)... Show more content
on ...
Young Frankenstein always believed his grandfather s work was inaccurate or not
accomplishable, is sooned proved wrong when he comes across his grandfather s
work. Following in his grandfather s footsteps, Frederick creates what he calls life,
but what others call a monster. Young Frankenstein of course is majorly different
from Frankenstein,however, has many similarities. For example, cinematically,
Young Frankenstein s dominating editing to transition between scenes was the fade
out fade in technique, which was the only editing technique used in the original.
This film as well as the original, did not have many special effects, except for the
excessive use of fog and lighting noises. Young Frankenstein uses more music,
mostly because of the monsters attraction to it, however, it gives the audience a
sense to what is to come. A recurring cinematic aspect was breaking the fourth fall.
Igor s character especially looked directly into the camera and spoke. Dramatically
speaking, the actors did an excellent job at conveying the humor meant for the film.
Aphrodite Of Liberated Woman Analysis
Portraitures and statuaries have always been a method of self representation, which
has played various roles throughout history. According to Rosemarie Trentinella from
the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Roman portraiture has shifted back and forth
between the two styles, realistic and idealized (Roman PortraitSculpture: The Stylistic
Cycle). In the Republic, military officials would have portraits taken of them
showing every wrinkle and flaw to display their devotion to the public and valor.
Then during the Imperial period, Augustus set a new style in his portraits focusing
on youth, beauty, and good nature. This style of portraiture was used to place an
importance of an emperor s loyalties to the lineage and establishing their rule by
resembling... Show more content on ...
For example, Kim Kardashian s sex tape was released by Vivid Entertainment
without her knowledge four years after it was made. Kim probably did not want
racy material of herself released. According to US weekly, Kim commented, You
know, I think that s how I was definitely introduced to the world ... I like to think I
m aware, I m not naive to that fact, she said of the sex tape. It was a negative way,
so I thought I really had to work ten times harder for people to see the real me ... I
felt humiliated, I felt like: Why would anyone put that humiliation on their family
like that? (Sensational New Book Claims Kris Jenner Leaked Kim Kardashian s
2003 Sex Tape With Ray J). In other words, Kim did not want to become famous
based on a negative image like that and felt humiliated because of this release. With
social media, we typically cannot control what is posted. If someone has an
embarrassing photo of you and posts it, we cannot take down the image unless that
person who posted it, deletes the image. Also, with all the cameras we have
available to us from our smartphones, anyone could snap a picture at anytime and
have it posted instantly afterwards, which is probably how magazines get their
material. In today s society, people do not get to choose what people see and how
they see
The True Effects Of A Living Wage
MANT 250
An Essay Discussing the True Effects of a Living Wage
Dylan Gallagher
Word Count: 1906
It has been 20 years since the first living wage was introduced in Baltimore,
Maryland. Long has it been argued that profitable organizations should have to pay a
living wage to its employees. A wage sufficient enough to allow the employee to
have a high enough standard of living to adequately take care of their family. The
gap between social statuses is increasing even more, and having a living wage in
place will help to reduce this gap in society, enabling those at the lower end of the
economic spectrum to enjoy more luxuries that they would not usually have access
to. Some key discussion points that need to be addressed are; possible job losses,
reduction of poverty level, the effect on crime, health care effects, reducing urban
poverty, and the varying costs of living that occur depending in different geographic
locations. In this essay I will be debating the thesis of profitable organizations should
be required to pay all their employees a living wage.
What is a Living Wage?
According to the Collins English Dictionary a living wage is a wage adequate to
permit a wage earner to live and support a family in reasonable comfort . The
Treasury Report released by the New Zealand government states this wage to be
$18.40 an hour. By their calculations this wage is what is required by a family of
two adults and two children. The living
LMER Case Analysis
This has been a busy week in LMER!! I spent the week gathering data for
interrogatories. An interrogatory is a legal term for a formal set of written
questions propounded by one litigant and required to be answered by an adversary
in order to clarify matters of fact and help to determine in advance what facts will
be presented at any trial in the case. The act of data gathering is pivotal in LMER
section, and as LMER Specialist, it s my duty to assist the legal team with the
request documents. The case is for an individual who feels they should have
received a higher graded position upon entering the agency. The organization posted
GS 12 and GS 13 positions within days of each other. They made a selection for the
GS 12 position. The GS 13... Show more content on ...
The legal team requested information on 75 questions for this case. The LMER
section only have to respond to about six and the Staffing Specialist had about
eleven to answer, then I package it all and forwarded to the legal office. This week,
I got a better understanding how LMER works with the various other sections
(Classification and Staffing) of the CPAC. LMER is the last stop when an action
from the other sections goes wrong. One of my hardest lesson this week was time
management. It is vital in the preparation fact finding documents, our deadline from
the lawyer is Friday. I got a chance to put the packet together with the review from
my coach, which was exciting because this will be used in actual court cases. I also
put together a binder for Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), there is a pending
grievance against one of the organizations. So, we the CPAC, all need to be smarter
about FLSA. I drafted a letter of counseling of a couple of weeks ago, that was issued
to an employee. So, now the individual is wishing to file a
Medical Acupuncture
Acupuncture uses tiny, sterile needles to stimulate acupoints or areas of the body that
are believed to stimulate self healing (University of California San Diego Center for
Integrative Medicine [UCSD], 2017). Traditional Chinese medicine has used the
technique of acupuncture for over 3,000 years (UCSD, 2017). The scientific
explanation of the effects that acupuncturehas on the body relates to the needles
stimulating the nervous system to release chemicals that can either change the
experience of pain or influence the body s internal regulating system (American
Academy of Medical Acupuncture [AAMA], 2017). It is used to treat many different
conditions and is not considered to be very painful.
Providers must be sensitive to cultural diversity in medical treatment. While one may
consider acupuncture an alternative treatment, many races, religions, and cultures
may consider this treatment, along with many others, as conventional medical
treatment (Santa Clara University, 2000). ... Show more content on ...
177). Garcia Escamilla, Rodriguez Martin, and Martinez Vizcaino (2016) found that
some recent evidences support the benefits of acupuncture integration into
conventional medicine setting, particularly improvements in physical and emotional
symptoms, increased quality of life levels and reduction of drug side effects (p. 178).
Acupuncture can easily be considered supplemental or complementary to Western
medicine in that acupuncture provides a service that Western medicine does not offer
(Garcia Escamilla, Rodriguez Martin, Martinez Vizcaino, 2016, p. 195). Offering or
remaining open to alternative therapies may help improve relationships between
provider and patient by providing the feeling that the physician is not giving up and
is willing into look into a full breadth of treatment options (AAMA,
La Casa De La Musica Research Paper
Havana brims with Cuba s best nightlife, which hinges on music and dancing.. Bars
and clubs are aplenty, and some even throw a drink or two in with the cover. Kick
off the night with a daiquiri yes, they re so good you won t even feel (that) ashamed
ordering one at Madrigal, a swank but breezy bar that attracts artists and movie types.
One standout hotspot is La Zorra y el Cuervo, a subterranean club that churns out
great live jazznightly. For Havana s biggest and best party, La Casa de la Musica
(the Centro Habana location is the edgier of the two) draws scantily clad chicas
(both local and tourist) who salsa with reckless abandon to live tunes. And, to take a
preventative edge against a wicked hangover, be sure to kindly request no mucho
azГєcar (not much... Show more content on ...
But since the average Cuban local only earns about $30 per month, budgeting is of
major importance when planning a night out. Rather than going to a fancy bar,
disco or nightclub, Cubans have perfected the art of casual, free hangouts.
Between Avenida De Los Presidentes four lanes of traffic, there is a very wide
median with hundreds of benches and ornately trimmed trees. On most days,
people come to this area to relax, read or eat lunch. At night, this area really comes
alive. It is a popular meeting spot for young people who come to lounge on the
benches and relax on the grass, under the trees. Most of the revelers are university
students and artists who live in the Vedadoneighborhood. The largest crowds
gather close to the corner of Calle 23 (23 Street). There is a cheap, open air bar as
well as several cafes, restaurants and state run cafeterias which ensure everybody
has enough to eat and that the party goes on late into the night. La Rampa, also
called Ave 23, is a busy road which cuts across the Vedado neighborhood from east
to west. It is the most popular street in Havana, both for traffic and for shopping. Day
and night, there are
Thermodynamics Lab Essay
Thermodynamics Enthalpy of Reaction and Hess s Law
1.To calculate the heat of reaction of a given reaction using the concepts derived
from Hess s Law.
Pre lab Questions:
1.Define Heat of Reaction.
The enthalpy change associated with the completion of a chemical reaction.
2.Define Specific Heat.
The energy it takes to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance by one degree
3.Calculate the heat of reaction assuming no heat is lost to the calorimeter. Use
correct significant figures.
Q = c x m x t q = (4.18)(1.02 g/ml x 50ml )(3.9 oC) = 831 J
4.In problem 3 above, the calorimeter has a heat capacity of 8.20 J/goC. If a
correction is made to account for heat absorbed by the calorimeter, ... Show more
content on ...
What is meant by calorimetry?
Calorimetry is the science of measuring the heat of chemical reactions or physical
2.How does graphical analysis improve the accuracy of the data?
By precisely graphing data points, one is able to improve the accuracy of the data
due to being able to accurately calculate, not predict, the initial temperatures that the
solutions had at time 0 by extending the graph backwards 20 seconds.
3.What is the meaning of the negative sign in front of the brackets in the heat of
reaction equation?
The negative sign indicates that the given reaction is
Cardiac Muscles
The human body consist of 680 skeletal muscles. The name of a muscle can
distinguish its location, action, shape, and function. One such example is the biceps
brachii, which is commonly referred to as biceps. As the name implies, this is a two
headed muscle. The term biceps brachii is a Latin phrase that means, two headed
muscleof the arm. This is references to the fact that the muscle consists of two
bundles of muscles. Each of these bundles has its own origin and share a common
insertion point near the elbow joint. The biceps brachii muscle is the one that gave all
muscles their name because it comes from the Latin, musculus, meaning, little mouse.
. This originated because the appearance of the flexed biceps resembles the back of
the... Show more content on ...
The name of the muscle comes from Latin, meaning, Three headed arm muscle. This
muscle is sometimes called the three headed muscle because there are three bundles
of muscles and each has a different origin and join together at the elbow. The triceps
is an extensor muscle of the elbow and its function is to fixate the elbow joint when
the forearm and hand are used for fine movements, such as writing. The triceps can
function through either isolation or by compound extension movements.
The quadriceps femoris, most commonly referred to as quadriceps, comes from
Latin, which means, four headed muscle of the femur. These are large muscle groups
that include the four prevailing muscles on the front of the thigh. Quadriceps are also
divided into four portions, or heads, hence from the Latin origins. The quadriceps are
powerful extensors of the knee joint. These muscles are crucial for walking, running,
jumping, and squatting.
The skeletal muscles are one of three major muscles types. As the name implies,
these muscles are attached to bones by bundles o collagen fibers that are known as
tendons. Skeletal muscles are made up of individual components that are known as
muscle cells. These muscles have the appearance of long cylinders. The basic
function is responsible for skeletal muscles to
Archimedes Revealed Through Aeschylus
G. H. Hardy once said, Archimedes will be remembered when Aeschylus is forgotten,
because languages die and mathematical ideas do not. In other words, the
contributions that mathematicians make will forever be studied by mankind while
languages slowly die throughout the years. Archimedes, as we all know, made a great
contribution to mathematics. His mathematical calculations led him to later invent
machines and objects that help our everyday lives. Along with those inventions, he
also made breakthroughs is math. His formulas are still used to this very day and
will be used for many generations to come. To begin with, Archimedeswas born in
287 BC in Syracuse, Sicily, and he is the son of Phidias, who was an astronomer and
mathematician. Not much is known about his early life and family, but it is
believed that his family was in some way related to that of Hiero II, King of
Syracuse. Moreover, Archimedes developed his curiosity and penchant for problem
solving at a young age. When he couldn t learn anymore from his teachers, he
traveled to Egypt to study in Alexandria. Furthermore, the King would call upon
Archimedes when he needs his assistance. For instance, the King was unable to
empty rainwater from the hull of one of his ships. Archimedes created a machine that
consists of a hollow tube and a spiral which can... Show more content on ...
This is known as the Archimedes Screw. Another example of the King calling upon
Archimedes is when the king believed that his crown wasn t entirely gold. He
suspected his
The Reformation Of Corporate Governance
Reformation of Corporate Governance The importance of governance has emerged
only after the numerous corporate scandals witnessed globally during the past years.
The aftermath of these failures have driven most OECD nations towards continuous
reformation of their corporate governance practices. (OECD, 2003) The US follows
the Anglo American Corporate Governance System which is governed through
federal securities laws and regulations enforced by SEC, NYSE and NASDAQ. The
effectiveness of this system has been heavily criticized due to its massive failure in
preventing Enron, WorldCom, and Tyco corporate misconduct. Details of these
scandals evidenced that the optimal amount of independence and oversight was not
adequately practiced over the boards of U.S. companies. Thus, in 2002, SEC enacted
the Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX) intended to protect investor s interests by imposing
penalties for violating the provisions of SOX. The act mandated changes in corporate
governance principles related to executive compensation, shareholders oversight,
board independence and accountability (, n.d.). This reformation has
strengthen the corporate internal controls, however its implementation is deemed to
be inefficient in terms of costs. According to KING III report the total cost to the
American economy to comply with SOX is more than the total write off of Enron,
WorldCom and Tyco combined (KING III, 2009). In France, corporate governance is
a not an old issue, not enough
Suicidal Ideation Case Summary
The patient returned to the clinic after his admission to Johnson Memorial Hospital
twice. The first admission was from 10/31 11/3/2017 to address his major
depressive disorder and substance abuse. It was recommended for the patient to seek
a high level of care outpatient psychiatric services, PHP/IOP. Then the patient was
readmitted on 11/4/2017 11/06/2017 due to a bicycle accident and alcohol
consumption on 15 shots. Its also documented that part of his admission was for
suicidal ideation of which the patient denied having suicidal ideation during the
second admission, but admits to having sucidial ideation during the 1st admission.
The patient is scheduled to attend an appoinment through CHR tomorrow at 8:30am
to complete an assessment
Immigration Act Of 1924 Research Paper
SUBJECT: Immigration act of 1924 PROBLEM: In the early 1920s the United States
addressed the quick rising immigration population by creating the Immigration act of
1924. The immigration Act limited the number of European, African, and completely
ban the migration of Asians and Arab immigrants. The American people after World
War One had a strong patriotism for their country and did not easily accept new ethic
groups. The fear of Communism also contributed to the dislike of new immigrants
amongst the American people. The American people also felt that immigrants took
jobs away from American citizens and were uncomfortable with the idea of more job
competition. BACKGROUND The Red Scare Post war Recession New found
patriotism High
What Is Poe A Genius
Edgar Allan Poe was born January 19, 1809, and died October 7, 1849; he lived
only forty years, but during his brief lifetime, he made a permanent place for
himself in American literature and also in world literature. A few facts about Poe s
life are indisputable, but, unfortunately, almost everything else about Poe s life has
been falsified, romanticized, slanderously distorted, or subjected to grotesque
Freudian interpretations. Poe, it has been said at various times, was a manic
depressive, a dope addict, an epileptic, and an alcoholic; moreover, it has been
whispered that he was syphilitic, that he was impotent, and that he fathered at least
one illegitimate child. Hardly any of Poe s biographers have been content to write a
straight account... Show more content on ...
Poe and his foster father often quarreled during his adolescence and as soon as he
was able to leave home, Poe enrolled at the University of Virginia. While he was
there, he earned a good academic record, but Mr. Allan never allowed him the means
to live in the style his social status demanded. When Poe tried to keep up with his
high living classmates, he incurred so many gambling debts that the parsimonious
Mr. Allan prevented his returning for a second year of study.
Unhappy at home, Poe got money somehow (probably from Mrs. Allan) and went
to Boston, where he arranged for publication of his first volume of poetry,
Tamerlane and Other Poems (1827). He then joined the army. Two years later, when
he was a sergeant major, he received a discharge to enter West Point, to which he
was admitted with Mr. Allan s help. Again, however, he felt frustrated because of the
paltry allowance which his foster father doled out to him, so he arranged to be court
martialed and
The Hero on Fire
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is a book about a girl named Katniss
Everdeen who lives in the post apocalypse nation called Panam. There is an annual
event in which one boy and one girl from each of the 12 districts surrounding the
Capitol are selected randomly to compete in a televised battle to the death. Katniss
Everdeen volunteers in the place of her sister when she was chosen to compete in the
games. Throughout her journey she undergoes challenges but her courage, bravery,
and heroism help her to survive. For this, Katniss can be analyzed in a myth and
archetypical by being the heroin the novel. She takes on the roles of the male
archetype but also embodies female archetypal characteristics. Additionally, the fire
she symbolizes throughout the novel signifies her characterand what she represents to
the people of Panam.
Katniss is a hero because she risked and sacrificed her own life for her family,
friends, and district. An archetype hero is defined as a figure, often larger than life,
whose search for identity and/or fulfillment results in their quest. The hero typically
undergoes a journey or quest that begins when something traumatic happens in
their life forcing them to leave home, and is prepared to make sacrifices to make
sure that others are kept safe. This is shown when Katniss sacrifices herself by
taking her sister s place in the games to keep her safe. Even though it s hard because
she knows the consequences, she still yells, Prim! Prim! [Not]
Intimacy In Miller s Tale
Per the Middle English Dictionary, the word privetee has varying degrees of
meaning. The word privetee contains connotations of privacy, secrecy, and sexual
affairs. In the Miller s Tale, Chaucer explores the secret spheres of privacy and
intimacy. Within these secret spheres there lie three tiers of exploration: the mental,
emotional, and physical. In effect, the word privetee effortlessly weaves together the
actions of each character in relation to their respective pursuits of intimacy. Likewise,
it draws attention to the importance of private spaces within the Carpenter s home
and its impact on the story. The private spaces of the Carpenter s home are given
meaning by the inherent or attributed characteristics of its place of residency.
The Cost Instrument Of The Government
The government is not working with the aim that was actually defined. The
government is not functional proper. As stated by different journalists will be fizzled
will legislate the not for the genuine Furthermore genuine implying for
administration. There need aid not only health, pension, training Also nourishment
that administration recognized that these are recently requirement from claiming
people Also they need aid here done legislating forms on only give acceptable these
things. These legislating forms ought to define the legislating standards concerning
illustration for every spiritually Furthermore attitude from claiming organizations in
the nation individuals. The effectiveness impacts of a one task rely on upon its
associations... Show more content on ...
Administration must a chance to be kept tabs once welfare of the whole nation.
Around the extreme limits that need aid incidental for bureaucratic oversaw economy
Of so many public functions are:
For the purpose of incentive the buying and purchasing rates are different, there are
no rules and regulations about this
A person who pay tax to government while the purchasing has no benefit while who
is selling earn an intense benefit,
The buyers and sellers should be in gain situation. A kind of technique must be
introduced by the governing bodies.
There should be surprising control on all these kind of things.
One of the primary things the government should do is to set cyclical fiscal deficit
targets. This will help that administration stretch or shorten that monetary deficiency
as stated by those state of the economy. A standout amongst the greatest steps that
that legislature could take may be to determinedly push to upgrading that
straightforwardness of finishing business. A standout amongst those offers of a
market economy framework is that choice making is decentralized i. E. There will be
no absolute form answerable for choosing the thing that is with a chance to be
prepared Also in what amounts. This will be
Computed Tomography
Computed tomography is used in the emergency setting, but it is not useful in
predicting short or long term outcomes in sports related concussion. Magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) is more sensitive than CT, but the correlation between focal
structural lesions detected by conventional MRI is controversial since T1 or T2
weighted MRI images may not be sensitive to the neuropathology of milder injuries
There has been increasing interest in diagnosing and prognosticating after
concussions using susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI), diffusion tensor imaging
(DTI), magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI). SWI has been used to detect microbleeds after mTBI as a marker of
diffuse axonal injury(DAI)... Show more content on ...
Measurements of diffusivity include fractional anisotropy and radial diffusivity.
Fractional anisotropy (FA) and radial diffusivity (RD) are measurements of
directionality of diffusion. A FA value of 0 represents unrestricted diffusion in all
directions (isotropic) while a value of 1 represents diffusion along only one axis
(anisotropic). Increased radial diffusivity is thought to represent a loss of myelin.
Abnormalities on DTI are thought to reflect loss of white matter microstructural
integrity, as seen in traumatic axonal injury. DTI is more sensitive for DAI than
conventional MRI. DTI has shown that mTBI can be associated with widespread
structural changes in cortical white matter tracts and the integrity of those have been
shown to correlate with behavioral and cognitive measures. Changes in diffusivity
indexes may indicate different types of white matter abnormality and different
stages post injury after mTBI. Kou et al. reported that DTI fractional anisotropy
(FA) can either decrease or increase in the acute setting. DTI FA values normally
increase, and/or radial diffusivity (RD) decrease and/or apparent diffusion coefficient
(ADC) decrease in the first week post injury. Octavian et al. showed reduced FA on
diffusion tensor imaging in the right superior longitudinal fasciculus in participants
with mTBI31(Figure) More than 2 weeks post injury, either a
Essay On Hawaii Vacation
The short film Hawaii Vacation is an intriguing film created that sends a message
understandable by all ages. Hawaii Vacation cost about 5,000 dollars to produce and
took about 2 years to produce. Why did Pixar put so much time and effort into this
film? As a result of the message it provides, they took the time to create it.. The
cunning message of this filmis that even though your plans might not turn out how
you wanted, you can still generate the best of it even if it may be noxious. When
situations carry out wrong, People tend to give up instead of making the best of the
situation. Especially rarely will situations carry out exactly how you plan so you just
have to work through the setbacks.
The movie while being bizarre and silly,
Comparing Life Of Pi And The Tyger By William Blake
Life of Pi by Yann Martel, and The Tyger by William Blake can be seen as
comparable from numerous viewpoints.
Though one is a novel and the other is a short poem, the two pieces of writing can be
thoroughly analyzed on their perspectives and themes to highlight important aspects
in each.
The stories contain a similar animal theme and both question God, yet they differ in
their views on God.
A similar aspect in the two stories is the animal theme.
When Pi is trapped on a lifeboat, his only company is a Bengal Tiger. It was in this
circumstance that Pi understood the animal need for survival. Pi says of his
transformation from a strict vegetarian into someone who expected to kill to
survive, that, I descended to a level of savagery I never imagined possible. (218).
Everyday, Pi felt like he was at a crucial point in his life, since he didn t know
whether he would live to see tomorrow, especially with Richard Parker on the
lifeboat. This is when Pi s animal instincts kicked in and mirrored that of the tiger s.
The animal inside of him, and his survival instincts ended up plainly evident in his
battle for survival.
In the poem The Tyger, the animal theme is exhibited through the narrator s
relentless questions of the tiger. In the poem it says, What immortal hand or eye,
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry? (23 24). This happens to be the narrator s way of
asking who would dare to create an animal so vicious and dangerous. Throughout the
poem, the speaker asks various questions about the ferocity of the creature. Be that as
it may, this is the nature of a tiger. They are wild animals that are dangerous, and act
on instinct.
In the two stories, the animal theme depicted conflicts with civilization. Pi was
forced to abandon his knowledge and behaviour from the civilized life he once led,
in order to embrace his animal instincts and survive. In The Tyger , we can see the
contempt of the speaker while considering the behaviours of the wild animal. By
looking at this similar element from the two stories, it is easier to perceive how the
two cases may be seen. Pi could be looked upon like the tiger, in that they were
similar in their animal ways. Many individuals would not have the strength to do
what Pi
Science Engineering, And Biomedical Applications
Nanotechnology has been fast expanding in the past decade. This field comprises of
technologies that largely involve materials of sizes ranging from 1 to 100 nm. These
minute materials may display distinct characteristics as compared to the same
material of a larger form. Due to the smaller size, altered shape, arrangement, or
increased surface area, these nanomaterialsmay exhibit unique properties like
enhanced strength, flexibility, reactivity, or improved electrical conductivity and
absorption.1 As advanced nano materials are produced and commercialized for
extensive use in research areas like electronics, materials science engineering, and
biomedical applications, there is also an increasing need to develop an effective
environmental health and safety (EHS) risk management system for nanoscale
particles. Therefore, an accurate determination of EHS risks of nanomaterials could
be achieved by understanding nanoparticle interaction with other systems as well as
integrating nanomaterials hazard and exposure datasets.
Since nanoscale particles are orders of magnitude smaller than many larger organic
molecules which are transported through cellular membranes and barriers, these
particles are not subjected to the same degree of regulation and thus have far more
potential to enter cells and tissues to cause damage. Nanoparticles can indeed exhibit
greater toxicity than a larger sized particle of the same toxicant.2 There are several
known mechanisms for nanoparticle toxicity,
Evaluate The Biological Approach
The biological approach which is the oldest approach, stems from the study of
biology and the work of Charles Darwin (1809). It wasn t until the 20th century that
biological psychology occurred as a science, prior to this the connection between the
brain, mind and body was not understood. The biological approach focuses on
geneticsand how they affect an individual s behaviour and the brain and nervous
system, primarily the central nervous system. The brain has three main parts the
Cerebrum which is split into two halves which determines thoughts and memories,
the cerebellum which is responsible for actions and movement and the brain stem
which governs basic functions such as breathing. The central nervous system is a
part of the nervous system which is located in the brain and spinal cord and all
information sent here is acted upon.
Darwin ... Show more content on ...
The phenotype, a result of the genotype and the environment combined can alter
throughout life depending on many environmental factors including illness.
The biological approach suggests that all illness is inherited or caused by some sort
of damage to the brain caused by either trauma, infection or some sort of hormone
imbalance. Illnesses such as depression are believed to be caused by low levels of
the neurotransmitter, serotonin. Prozac can be used to treat depression by sorting
chemical imbalances which have occurred.
The biological approach is backed up by evidence which suggests that illness can be
directly linked to brain trauma or infection and the clinical proof that medicine can
help to improve the symptoms of illness such as depression if not cure the illness.
Weaknesses in the approach are it doesn t consider the effect of environment on the
mood. The approach is also deterministic and suggest that individuals are a product of
their biology, everything is determined by the genes passed to
Romeo And Juliet Gender Roles Essay
In the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare defines
gender roles as traditional, however he challenges it by making the main characters
non traditional. He writes all the men , like capulet, and the kingsmen in the play as
traditional male gender role. All except for Romeo, who he writes as a non male like
genderrole. For the women in the play; the nurse, lady capulet, and juliet, he writes
them as non typical gender roles. Lady Capulet and the nurse are some form of
housewife, but their personalities are all independent. They both have their jobs to
take care of the men, but are seemingly independent. Capulet and the kingsmen are all
distinguished as strong, powerful characters. They are leaders, and fight with those
they hate, which Shakespeare writes as a traditional male trait. All except for Romeo.
Romeo is the character with gender roles... Show more content on ...
They all are strong women. Although the women aren t really independent, their
personalities are. Lady Capulet has no job, and only serves as the wife of Capulet,
she still is independent with her own thoughts. She doesn t ask anything from
Capulet when she talks about marriage to Juliet. She is really seen as a
independent character. The Nurse works for the Capulet family. She is
independent in that she single handedly raised Juliet. She has no husband and
helped raise Juliet to the women she became. She always has her own opinion and
says it, despite being a servant. Juliet is just a girl, but still makes her own
decisions. She goes against her family and does what she believes. She didn t tell
anyone about Romeo and dates him even though their families have a fued. She
doesn t want to be like all the other women and just get married. She gives herself
her own voice. All the women have their own mindset and self sufficiency, while
living their lives as stereotypical women
The Dead of the Night
The best novels stand the test of time, providing the reader with an interesting story
as well as conveying important themes and ideas
In John Marsden s sequel to Tomorrow When the War Began , set in rural modern
day Australia, comes his second novel of seven The Dead of the Night . John
Marsden s TDOTN has stood the test of time, by providing the readers with an
interesting story as well as conveying important themes and ideas. The themes and
ideas of Death and Destruction , Relationships and Friendships and Warfare and
Survival , are used to convey important messages to the readers, by relating back to
the teenagers life, and teenage audience. Using narrative told in first person narration
by teenager Ellie, Marsden reinforces ... Show more content on ...
The teenagers before they attack the convoy of soldiers sit down and play their
tactics and discuss what will happen and the procedures if something goes terribly
wrong. Their dialogue and speech also shows their fear of the war and their
survival instincts. And suppose a patrol had jumped us? Suppose we d been
caught with sawn off shot guns? We d all be put up against a tree and shot and you
d have 5 peoples blood on your hands pg 92. Ellie is yelling at Homer, because he
had gone against the group and what they d agreed upon and brought the shot guns
anyway, this jeopardising their own survival. In addition to this Homer has broken
their trust and put their survival at stake, this relates back to teenagers for the reason
that friendships are built on trust. This is how Marsden uses the theme of Warfare
and Survival to convey important themes and ideas, and provide the readers, with an
interesting story, thus making TDOTN stand the test of time. In TDOTN Marsden
uses the narrative structure of first person narration to effectively provide the reader
with an interesting story, as well as allowing TDOTN to stand the test of time.
Marsden uses Ellie s own words and experiences to convey her feelings and
emotions to the readers by using the authentic voice of a seventeen year old female.
Ellie uses I, we and slang and colloquial languages, to tell her story. A good example
of this is when Ellie is bringing everything up to date at the end of the novel
Essay My experience at the Riverside Metropolitan Museum
INTRODUCTION Some say that it is better not to dwell on the past because it cannot
be changed. To these people, it is not necessarily bad to reminisce on what has
happened throughout the years, but it is better to focus on what is taking place right
now. They believe that the present is another chance to start fresh and anew without
letting past experiences burden them. However, what they do not seem to realize is
that the past, present, and future are interrelated. The present is a result of the past,
while the future depends entirely on the choices, (and course of action for those
choices), that are made in the present. With that being said, studying humanity and
past cultures are significant to society. Attempting to understand why... Show more
content on ...
The collections of this museum include displays for the Natural History,
Anthropology, and History departments. Although not all of the exhibits are shown
year round, the display for the Native Americans of Southern California is. It
features the Chumash, Tongva, Serrano, Luiseno, Cahuilla, and Kumeyaay tribes.
There are also some exhibits for non Californian tribes such as the Navajo and
Pueblo peoples. Out of all of the aforementioned tribes, this paper mainly focuses
on the Luiseno, Kumeyaay, and Navajo. These three stood out the most because of
the contents within each of the exhibits. The artifacts associated with each culture
were unique and eye catching. MUSEUM EXHIBIT 1) Artifact Display The three
departments mentioned earlier were divided into distinct sections and subsections.
The exhibits for the Natural History collection were located on the left side of the
museum. It included different displays for perfectly preserved animal specimens,
minerals, fossils of plants, and desert findings by American biologist, Edmund C.
Jaeger. Located directly across from this segment was the History section, which
consisted of artifacts relating to tools and equipment as well as pictures of early
residents in order to show how Riverside developed over time. In addition to this,
different time periods in American history were displayed such as the Civil War. It
contained personal portraits, old models of weapons, and replicas of
Samuel Barber Piano
Noted to be one of Samuel Barber s most popular piano works, acclaimed pianist
Vladimir Horowitz called Sonata for Piano, op. 26 the first truly great native work
in the form and premiered the sonata, sparking it s rise to fame. Barber was a friend
and fan of Horowitz, and found compositional inspiration through Horowitz s
playing by implementing wide pallets of color, flexible tempo changes, and huge
sonorities. In addition, Horowitz found Barber to be one of the few American
composers who knows how to write for the piano. Composed during the late 1940 s,
this sonata is very emblematic of some of the many unconventional 20th Century
composing techniques, through the usage of 12 tone technique, unconventional
harmonies, and chromaticism and... Show more content on ...
The dynamic and energetic first movement starts in a different key than it s home
key of E flat minor, and was woven in sonata form. It is known for having many
staggering several key and time signature changes and rhythmic figurations that
mostly consist of dotted 8ths and 16ths, triplets, and groups of 16ths while
contrasting with very mysterious sounding lyrical themes in between. These
alternations are very unpredictable and constantly keep the listener guessing. The
second movement, which is in rondo form, maintains the mysteriousness of the first
movement, but maintains a very playful and mischievous attitude, rather than an
intense and fiery one. It keeps flowing and flowing like water without stopping to
slow down once, all while maneuvering between double and triple meter and skipping
around the range of the keyboard. The third movement s aesthetic is one of heart
wrenching lament through lots of sobbing chromaticism, dissonant shades, and dark,
tempestuous chords. Stylistically, it is the most modern sounding movement of all
and employs the 12 tone technique like the first
Free Strength Machine Exercise
Pros and cons of training modalities remain apparent regardless of preference;
whether one favours safety due to injuries, or heavy weight to increase the amount
of skeletal muscle mass. This meta analysis seeks to compare and relate the
differences between the two, by comparing results of 1RMs and 3RMs across three
separate studies. Each study typically identified a separate facet, from the levels of
muscle activation during a press, to the correlations between machine exercise and the
free weight counterparts. Although, not all sourced information remained relevant,
the nature of the studies gave relative data regarding repetition maximums across the
differing ... Show more content on ...
31 trained (minimum 3 months of resistance training) subjects (gender not
mentioned) were used. Means of study was quasieperimental due to lack of true
random sampling. Subjects underwent three testing sessions to gather a total of 6
1RM tests, (machine chest press, machine shoulder press, machine bicep curl, free
weight bench press, free weight overhead press, and free weight preacher curls)
with a recovery time of at least 48 72 hours for recovery. Researchers observed
significant disparities between the 1RMs. Exercises performed on the machines
proved significantly higher 1RMs. According to the study, it is believed that the
machine counterpart would cause a higher 1RM as it has a reduced need for core
activation and stabiliser recruitment, which could in turn allow a greater production
of force being applied to the linear path of the machine. Discrepancies in the range of
motion and movement patterns were also noted, because although the muscle being
activated may be the same, the neurological stimulation may
Breastfeeding Critique
The article I chose to critique deals with breastfeeding and cognitive development,
and if breastfeeding plays a significant role in cognitive development. The article
being critiqued was written by Boutwell, Beaver, and Barnes, and is titled Role of
Breastfeeding in Childhood Cognitive Development: A Propensity Score Matching
Analysis. With the article, the authors conduct research while using confounding
variables to determine how much of an impact breastfeedinghas on cognitive
development. The authors stress the difference with their research, as they use PSM
(Propensity Score Matching), while some others do not. With their research, they
were able to find out just how much breastfeeding played a part, regarding cognitive
development, and if it increased brain functioning, or not.
With the article, the researchers used previous research, conducted by other
researchers. The difference with the study at hand is ... Show more content on ...
After the study was conducted, they learned that, while breastfeeding can play a
part in cognitive development, they realized more research would need to be done.
The reason being is, many factors come into play, regarding cognitive development
and signs of increase, such as the roles parents play in their child s life, how the
child plays/learns on a daily basis, and so on, making it harder to pinpoint what
exactly is causing the increase in cognitive development. Other sources, such as
Martorell, G., Papalia, D. E., Feldman, R. D. (2014) and Gibbs, B. G., Forste, R.
(2014) agree that, while there are some signs of increase in cognitive functioning
while breastfeeding, one must not go off of breastfeeding, alone, as a key factor in
cognitive functioning. More research must be done, in order to find out just how
much breastfeeding influences cognitive
The God Of Small Things, By Assata
They took our identity, put chains on our body in attempts to put chains on our
mind. Post colonialism as a term refers to a relationship between the oppressed and
oppressor, the colonizer and colonized. When it comes to our identity, we are
accountable for the shaping of who we want to be and how to choose to develop it
our decision. Being colonized removed this decision, observing the post colonized
countries you will be able to analyze the drastic effects of coloniality in a post
colonialized world. This paper I will explore postcoloniality in the context of the
cultural and mental effects of European colonization and the effects modernity have
on the construction of identity, specifically those in the novel The God of Small
Things, Assata... Show more content on ...
She emphasized her role in the Black Liberation party, its impact on her life and
how she perceived herself. Throughout the novel Assata used a lowercase I , I
think she used this technique to show readers that this movement is bigger than
her. I am about life, i said to myself. I m gonna live as hard as i can and as full as i
can until i die. And i m not letting these parasites, these oppressors, these greedy
racist swine make me kill my children in my mind, before they are even born.
(Shakur 93). Assata went on to describe how some people in the black community
accepted the European standards of beauty, thus disregarding their own identity.
But behind our fights, self hatred was clearly visible. (Shakur 30). Assata then
says that the history they have taught us were all lies and she had to find facts
herself. Moreover, this novel discussed black people accepting the Europeans
standard of beauty and not their own. There were quite a few girls who tried to
bleach their skin white with bleaching cream and who got pimples instead. And, of
course we went to the beauty parlor and got our hair straightened. I couldn t wait to
go to the beauty parlor and get my hair all fried up. I wanted Shirley Temple curls
just like Shirley Temple...Everybody knew you had to be crazy to walk the streets
with nappy hair sticking out. (Shakur 31). It was a problem to love you hair
because you had people telling you it was nappy, it s not professional and untamed.
Society s interpretation of beauty has changed every century. Beginning with
women during war time and them only being able to wear a certain type of style
due to the shortage of materials and colored cloth. By the 1950 s the upswing of
Marilyn Monroe had just began. Throughout the 19th century women who wore make
up were seen as a prostitute. Over the years women adapted to their cosmetics and
The Conflict Of War And Peace
In todays society there are many conflicts,or disagreements these conflicts and
disagreements need to be solved. Some can be felt with by simply talking it out but
others are on a global scale, and these will need more than talking to settle. Some
conflicts on a global scale can lead to war, and others can be negotiated using peace.
If you believe in only peace then you are a pacifist. Today s society has war and
peace as a solution to conflict but it is in everyones beliefs and values that will
help them to form their own opinion on weather they are a pacifist or they believe
in only war or bits of both, it is different for everyone .
P1 war
War is a large scaled, deadly, serious and emotional battle of conflict between two
or more sides. War involves weapons that kill, so the survivors are honoured
especially if they are high up in the ranks. War is good for few, bad for most Latuff.
If you are fighting in war then your time is precious as you only have one life.
There are many dangers whilst fighting in war, there are risks of gas,bombs,
surprise attacks, snipers and shooting. If you are fighting then you are most likely
going to be sent out onto no mans land. Before and during the troops sending of on
their attack a bagpipe is played to block out the noise of men dying as they sprint.
One man is left in the trench to kill those who flee and turn around as this shows
cowardliness. if anyone turns to retreat, shoot them War Horse. Some are shot and
left to
The Ethics of Sexual Orientation-Based Discrimination in...
Tangibly speaking, discrimination occurring on the basis of sexual orientation, while
small in aggregate numbers, reaches the same rates as gendered discrimination
against women in the workplace, when measured at a per capita rate, and creates a
situation in which homosexual and transgendered individuals typically earn 10 or
more percent less income than their heterosexual peers (Croteau, 1996). With this,
sexual orientation based discriminationis a significant problem in American society.
In a broad sense, the pervasiveness of this discrimination is facilitated by the
significant permeation of religious bias into America s ostensibly secular democracy
and civil society. Tangibly, large religious organizations such as the Catholic and
Show more content on ...
Furthermore, throughout the civil rights struggle that began in the mid 20th century,
and which led to the drafting of significant anti discrimination legislation in the
United States, neither legislation or judicial precedent has specifically designated the
LGBT community as a protected class at the federal level, in contrast to the
protections of this type provided to ethnic and racial minorities as well as the
disabled, amongst other minorities (Wintermute, 2002, 38 39). With this, there is no
overarching federal protection for LGBT individuals suffering from discrimination in
either the public sphere or the workplace. While some states, notably California, New
York, Vermont, and a few others have adopted legislation protecting LGBT
individuals from discrimination in the workplace, all of this legislation suffers from
inconsistent enforcement (Cavico et al., 2012, 3). With this, it is apparent that the
anti LGBT sentiment that permeates the American public sphere, buttressed by the
country s intense political polarization on socio religious issues, has led to an
inadequate protection of the LGBT minority from discrimination in the workplace.
STATES Moving to the business context of this anti LGBT discrimination itself, the
continuously changing nature of mores, norms,
Human Resources And The Human Resource Department
Human Resources are concerned with the management of people within an
organization, not only to minimize internal issues but to also ensure a highly
functional workforce. The department is responsible for recruiting suitable
candidates, identifying and meeting the training needs of existing staff, ensuring
employees welfare and safety, and raising awareness of current workplace legislation
(BBC, 2014).
In addition to the above responsibilities, the Human Resources Department also
covers five key roles. Firstly, the executive role requires the human resource
professionals to be specialized in the areas which encompass people management.
Secondly is the audit role where the department follows up with other corporate areas
to ... Show more content on ...
In some firms, due to their size, a human resource department may not even exist
leading to significant issues both from a business and employee development
standpoint. The following paper will explore and discuss human resource issues
within the United Kingdom along with what has been done to rectify the problems.
Human Resource Challenges
One of the most significant human resource issues in the United Kingdom is the all
together absence of a dedicated human resource department within a business.
Approximately 94% of businesses in the United Kingdom employ fewer than 10
people, therefore they are not large enough to support or justify an HR function (Lee,
2004). This means that human resource activities are being looked after by others
within the business that do not specialize in managing people or legislation. This
lack of knowledge can negatively impact a business, both by not paying attention to
employees needs as well as not abiding by government legislation.
A second issue affecting businesses is a lack of internal training for continual
development of employees. The Federation of Small Businesses in the United
Kingdom found that training planning was a major problem in organizations. Only
19% of firms were satisfied with their training plans, a significantly low number. The
survey also found that 44% of small businesses had no training at all. Time constraints
and cost were the factors most inhibiting to the
Writing An Argumentative Analysis
We evaluate books, what we watch, what the news says, and so much more. We do
this every day. What is important is are we justifying our evaluation? I tend to say,
Oh, I don t like that movie . Well, why do I not like that movie is the question I
should be asking myself. If I do not justify my answer for why I do or do not like
something, then I am not able to provide reasoning for why someone else should or
should not dislike the same movie. Justifying an evaluation was the topic covered
this past week. A definition for an evaluation essay could be the following, an essay,
which the write chooses a subject then use appropriate criteria to support your
judgement (Axelrod, Cooper 336). Like any other essay there are important factors
we should think about when writing.... Show more content on ...
By knowing the main purpose you will be able to influence the readers judgement
and actions, inspire to think critically, and potentially look at the subject in a new
way. With knowing who the audience is you assume the readers will accept
judgement, will also make their own judgment, are set on what they think, and have
objections to your argument. Along with these important factors come basic
features, which help writing an evaluation. An important feature is to have cues,
which help follow the logic of your argument (Axelrod, Cooper 340). For example,
in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: A Hell of a Ride, William Akana uses cues like
finally, shortly before, from this point, and after an extended battle to help the
readers follow the time line of what is happening and get a clear picture of the events
The Causes for the Conflict between Palestinians and
Conflict Between Palestinians and Israelis;The Cause
Against a backdrop of an ever increasing number of internal conflicts and the crash
of conventional means of conflict resolution to attain a resilient peace in divided
societies, this paper presents a two track approach to peacekeeping and conflict
resolution. One track is represented by peacemaking, defined as endeavors at finding
a resolution to the issues in conflict at the political leadership level. The other track,
peacebuilding, refers to contact proposals at the grassroots level targeting at the
enhancement of intergroup relations. After a conversation of role of grassroots
peacebuilding in a peace process some groundwork findings on the bond between
peacemaking and peacebuilding in two divided societies, Palestine and Israel, will be
War is not a common phenomenon anymore after the post cold war era. According
a research conducted on active armed conflict across the world at the Uppsala
University in Sweden, of all the 101 active armed conflicted between the late 80s
and mid 90s, only six were actually between two different states (Solenberg
Wallensteen, 1997). These statistics clearly indicates that the conflict in today s world
is more internal and ethnic based.
The majority of the states are ethnically diverse. Nation state is a loosely used term
since according to one survey conducted in the early 70s indicated that out of 132
nations only 12 were truly nation states. Similarly in 1983 out of
Cult Of Gods Research Paper
As hinted above, devotion, iconoclasm, and preservation efforts are intricately
entwined with processes that happen before, during, and after the performances that
the perspective party participates in. In each environment, the object takes on new
meanings and significances due to the discourses surrounding it and the
subjectivities of the people who possess it. Moreover, preservation often engages in
the same processes that religious iconoclasts did and do by creating new narratives
of the objects and relegating necessary performances with the object. Apart from just
merely the smashing of objects or gods, by removing these objects out of their
original socio historical contexts, the objects are destroyed, literally and/or
figuratively,... Show more content on ...
Moreover, instead of religious narratives, moderns have modern narratives based on
specific conceptualizations of history, humanism, and secularism. No longer about a
history of a particular group of people as with the Jewish or Islamic narratives,
modern discourse is often developed in terms of human history, human civilization,
and human progress. In A Secular Age, Charles Taylor argues that modern secularity
was a parallel development of a purely self sufficient humanism for the first time in
history, clarifying I mean by this a humanism accepting no final goals beyond human
flourishing, nor any allegiance to anything else beyond this flourishing. Of no
previous society was this true (18). Before the modern era, Taylor argues, human
beings were never on top; gods were the ones who were dominant and worthy of
devotion, for only with their benefice would humans be able to flourish (Taylor 18).
However, secularity now places humans on the pedestal, further intensifying the
disenchantment of the secular age by displacing
Sludge Test Lab Report
Sludge Test Conclusion Zoey Xeros and Lauren Head
A clear, colorless liquid was separated using fractional distillation. The identity of
this unknown liquid was found by the characteristic properties of flammability,
density, sugar solubility, boiling point, and odor. The liquid ended up being
flammable, and the density was below the average 0.79 g/cm3. Instead, we found
0.69 g/cm3. For the sugar solubility, it was found to be insoluble. The boiling was
found to be higher than the average is 57C. We found the boiling point to be 66C.
Lastly, the odor was found to be like nail polish remover, which is similar to or
known as Acetone. Therefore, our first liquid was found to be Acetone.
A clear, colorless liquid using fractional distillation. The identity of this unknown
liquid was found by the characteristic properties of flammability, density, sugar
solubility, boiling point, and odor. The liquid ended up looking flammable, because
of the Acetone. In reality, the liquid was not flammable. The density was 1.20 g
/cm3, and was higher than the average 1.00 g/cm3. The sugar solubility was
soluble. The boiling point we found was 99C, but the actual boiling point is 100C.
The odor was mimicked to smell like alcohol, but it really should have not had any
odor. Looking at those characteristics, we found this liquid to be Water.... Show more
content on ...
The identity of this unknown solid was confirmed by obtaining data for different
characteristic properties: solubility and density. The density that we found was 11.21
g/cm3, and that was below the actual density of 11.40 g/cm3. The solid was not
soluble in any liquids. Looking at these characteristics, we found the solid to be
Sowbug Report
OUTLINE. Introduction to the Question:
A subclass of pheromones is necromones, which contain oleic acid as a primary
Some pheromones trigger aggregation between organisms, others can trigger
Necromones trigger necrophoric (organisms remove their dead) or necrophobic
(organisms avoid their dead) behavior.
Arthropods use pheromones, this includes sowbugs and cockroaches. Chemical
signals are picked up by antennae.
II. Hypothesis:
When given a choice between two identical shelters, sowbugs will display
necrophobic behavior by aggregating in the shelter that does not contain oleic acid.
III. Biological Rationale:
C.D. Rollo study showed that cockroaches display necrophobic behavior around
oleic acid (dead ... Show more content on ...
II Experimental Design and Methods:
Part 1.
A. Procedure:
1. Obtain 3 large tin bowls, 1 spoon, 1 pair scissors, 6 ketchup containers, 1 pipet,
3mL oleic acid, 6mL distilled water, 6 filter papers, and 30 sowbugs.
2. Place 10 randomly selected sowbugs in each of the 3 empty tin bowls for 3
minutes to allow them to acclimate to the environment.
3. During the 3 minute period, soak each filter paper with 1mL of distilled water,
because sowbugs have been shown to prefer moist environments.
4. Add 1mL of oleic acid to three of the wet filter papers, this creates the independent
variable. One will go in each tin.
5. Using the scissors, cut two small doors in each ketchup container on opposite
sides, so that when the container is placed upside down, the sowbugs may enter it.
Having 2 doors in each increases the chance of sowbugs finding an entrance.
6. After 3 minutes, quickly place the wet filter papers on opposite sides of the tin
(noting which one contains oleic acid) and cover them with the ketchup containers.
The doors should face away from the center, towards the edges of the tin. The
placement of the oleic acid containing paper should be random, no preference for
either side of the tin.
7. Wait 20 minutes, observing the sowbug s behavior. This 20 minute period gives
them time to find each shelter and determine a preference. Do not disturb them during
this time. Keep track

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  • 2. The Challenges Of Teaching English As A Second Language Introduction: Traveling to another country to take a course which would certify me to teach English as a second language is something I did not picture myself doing. I always knew I wanted to work with students, but I was never certain as to what career path I would take. Working with international students who were eager to learn English helped me make my decision to teach English. Taking this course has shown me that I have the ability to teach English. Throughout the course I saw that it is not an easy task. There are many challenges that come with teaching English, but I am ready to face these challenges. What is a good teacher? Knowing that teaching English is going to be a challenge, a good teacher to me would be someone who knows that although teaching requires lots of work, they are still willing to teach. Being an English teacher or a teacher in general is not something that you learn from one day to another. Teaching takes time, and even being a teacher you learn something new every day whether it is from your colleagues or your students. A good teacher knowing their position still is open to learning new things even if they are already trained. As time goes by there are new things implemented in the school system, so that means teaching techniques might change. One has to be willing to imply these changes and do whatever they can to provide the best learning environment they can for their students. A good teacher will make sure that students feel comfortable in
  • 3. Strep Throat Research Paper he bacterial infection called strep throat is an infection that causes lots of inflammation,swelling, and pain inside the throat and also tonsils. This bacterial infection is caused by group A Streptococcus bacteria. (Which is a microorganism that is often found in the throat and on the skin.) Strep Throat may occur in the throat but may potentially travel to body parts.The transmission of strep throat can happen by coughing, sneezing, or touching a surface with many pathogens. For an example, when a person with this infection does either of the following: breathing, coughing, or sneezing, tiny droplets containing
  • 4. Cattle Domestication The link between bovine and humans has existed for thousands of years, dating back to Approximately 8500 years BC, after the domestications of sheep and goat. (Bos primigenius, Helmer et al. 2005; Bollongino et al. 2012). Throughout the domestication of cattle people have attempted to control animals to their advantage and predict their actions. This experiment tests a theory of how cattle owners could foresee the response of the cows being handled just by the placement of a hairpart on their head. This hair part is commonly known as a whorl, and they usually are found on the face of cattle and horses. A whorl is defined as a patch of hair that grows in the opposite direction of the rest of the hair, and it usually turns like a wheel. The... Show more content on ... The set scale we will be using was created by Temple Grandin and it is a four point rating scale. #1 calm, no movement, #2 restless, shifting weight, #3 head throwing, squirming and occasionally shaking the squeeze chute, #4 lunging and continuous, violent shaking of the squeeze chute (Grandin, 1995). These actions can depend on many factors from previous handling all the way to the weather. Which is why we will test this on different herds to have a non biased experiment. We will watch the cattle before and after they enter the chute to see if there is a difference in behavior. Then, we will check the whorl to see its placement and record the data of each cow. We could also observe exit speed from the chute as a viable way to measure the temperament as the more panicky cattle will exit the chute more quickly after release. For this experiment to work more smoothly we will try and use only one breed of cow, preferably Angus as it is most abundant that has similar characteristics to each other.
  • 5. The Kaufman Assessment Battery For Children The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition (KABC II) is a revision of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (KABC) (Braden Thorndike, 2005). Alan S. Kaufman and Nadeen L. Kaufman authored both renditions of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children. The KABC was developed in 1970 1980 and published in 1983, whereas, the KABC II was published in 2004 (Braden Thorndike, 2005). The major differences between the KABC and the KABC II is that initially there were 16 subtests, but during the revision only eight of those subtests remained while ten new subtests were added (McGill, 2015). In addition, the revision included strengthening theoretical foundations, increasing the number of constructs measured, enhancing test clinical utilities, developing tests that fairly assess children from minority groups, and enhancing fair assessment of preschoolers (Braden Thorndike, 2005). The focus of the assessment is to determine children s learning abilities and provide insights into their problem solving strategies (Dale, McIntosh, Rothlisberg, Ward, Bradley, 2011). The assessment is designed for children age 3 18 years of age (Kaufman Kaufman, 2004). The test measures specific constructs in learning (long term retrieval), sequential processing (short term memory), simultaneous processing (visualization), planning (fluid ability), and verbal knowledge (crystallized ability) (Braden Thorndike, 2005). The subtests include Atlantis,
  • 6. ¬¬Explain the Nature, Character and Spatial Distribution... Explain the nature, character and spatial distribution of world cities Closely associated with the process of globalisation is the notion of World cities . World cities are those such as London, New York and Tokyo where urban function has moved beyond the national scale to become a part of the international and global system. They are centres of culture, economics, employment, tourism, transport and communications and have been referred to as the command centres of the World s borderless economy. Nature and Character of World Cities The nature of World cities is one of dominance and influence rather than just size. They are powerful centres of economic and cultural authority within their region and on the global stage. They are ... Show more content on ... Typically today they are centres for technology, information and service based industries rather than manufacturing. London for example has the Headquarters of 118 of Europe s top 500 and 64 of the Fortune 500, 75% of Fortune 500 companies have offices in London. World cities are centres of media and communications for global networks. New York city is home to the world s largest global media companies NewsCorp, and Time Warner. Sky TV is based in London and Fleet Street is home to some of the world s most famous newspapers such as the Times and the Financial Times. World cities have major international transport connections linking them to the rest of the world. London s Heathrow airport is the world s busiest passenger airport with 86 airlines serving 90 countries. Many world cities are also major international ports such as Tokyo and New York. World Cities are centres of cultural authority in areas such as sports, fashion and the arts. Paris, New York, Milan and London are famous centres of fashion. London is home to designers Stella McCartney Burberry and Alexander McQueen and has world renowned shopping at Harrods and Bond Street. London and New York have the most prestigious theatre districts in the world (the West End and Broadway) and Los Angeles Cities is the home of the world dominant American film culture. Paris is
  • 7. Rubio Rubio Research Paper On the Eve of Florida Primary, it s Do or Die for Marco mentum It s no secret that Senator Marco Rubio has put it all on the line in his own home state of Florida but with Trump poised to seal the deal to give the fatal blow to Rubio s presidential campaign, the stakes have never been higher. The front runner is leading the Florida Senator by double digit, painting a dire picture for Rubio, who has yet to lead in any survey unlike John Kasich who is leading in some polls in his home state while others show him in a tie with the front runner. Fighting in his last hope to win Florida s primary before Florida decides his political future, Rubio campaign through the I 95, making appearance in Melbourne, West Palm Beach and West Miami, making the case that is seen to be potentially his last day of his presidential campaign. It all comes down to ... Show more content on ... I think Rubio has a shot tomorrow, but the best is yet to come, Brandon told PolitiChicks. If not, he might make a great Governor of Florida in 2018. His final rally, coined a homecoming rally, Rubio spoke on top of a back flatbed pick up truck parked in a playground, addressing his closest supporters and neighbors using a bullhorn. Speaking mostly in Spanish, Rubio told supporters a large turnout is a must or else he isn t sure he is going to win. Rubio address the crowd in both English and Spanish with his comment that focus on Tuesday s primary. If this community doesn t vote in historic numbers, I don t know if I will be able to win, Rubio said in Spanish. On the eve of the most important election in a generation, in the state that always makes the difference, this community is going to take us over the top and we are going to win this election, Rubio said putting a brave face on. It s an honor to be here, in the neighborhood where I grew up and the park where I used to slam dunk
  • 8. Young Frankenstein In The 1930 s The film Frankenstein in the 1930 s was criticized because of its many imperfections such as the reused settings, acting, and overall plot. The original film is under the genre of horror, however Mel Brooks (director) creates a parody that pokes fun of the cinematic and dramatic techniques. Young Frankenstein is a comedic parody that is enjoyable for an audience regardless of whether they have viewed the original or not. Young Frankensteins setting commences in New York where a neurosurgeon by the name of Frederick Frankenstein (Gene Wilder), lives. He receives the news that his infamous grandfather, whom he prefers to not affiliate with, has left his castle for Frederick s inheritance. He then goes to the castle in Transylvania, where he is introduced to Igor ( Marty Feldman)... Show more content on ... Young Frankenstein always believed his grandfather s work was inaccurate or not accomplishable, is sooned proved wrong when he comes across his grandfather s work. Following in his grandfather s footsteps, Frederick creates what he calls life, but what others call a monster. Young Frankenstein of course is majorly different from Frankenstein,however, has many similarities. For example, cinematically, Young Frankenstein s dominating editing to transition between scenes was the fade out fade in technique, which was the only editing technique used in the original. This film as well as the original, did not have many special effects, except for the excessive use of fog and lighting noises. Young Frankenstein uses more music, mostly because of the monsters attraction to it, however, it gives the audience a sense to what is to come. A recurring cinematic aspect was breaking the fourth fall. Igor s character especially looked directly into the camera and spoke. Dramatically speaking, the actors did an excellent job at conveying the humor meant for the film.
  • 9. Aphrodite Of Liberated Woman Analysis Portraitures and statuaries have always been a method of self representation, which has played various roles throughout history. According to Rosemarie Trentinella from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Roman portraiture has shifted back and forth between the two styles, realistic and idealized (Roman PortraitSculpture: The Stylistic Cycle). In the Republic, military officials would have portraits taken of them showing every wrinkle and flaw to display their devotion to the public and valor. Then during the Imperial period, Augustus set a new style in his portraits focusing on youth, beauty, and good nature. This style of portraiture was used to place an importance of an emperor s loyalties to the lineage and establishing their rule by resembling... Show more content on ... For example, Kim Kardashian s sex tape was released by Vivid Entertainment without her knowledge four years after it was made. Kim probably did not want racy material of herself released. According to US weekly, Kim commented, You know, I think that s how I was definitely introduced to the world ... I like to think I m aware, I m not naive to that fact, she said of the sex tape. It was a negative way, so I thought I really had to work ten times harder for people to see the real me ... I felt humiliated, I felt like: Why would anyone put that humiliation on their family like that? (Sensational New Book Claims Kris Jenner Leaked Kim Kardashian s 2003 Sex Tape With Ray J). In other words, Kim did not want to become famous based on a negative image like that and felt humiliated because of this release. With social media, we typically cannot control what is posted. If someone has an embarrassing photo of you and posts it, we cannot take down the image unless that person who posted it, deletes the image. Also, with all the cameras we have available to us from our smartphones, anyone could snap a picture at anytime and have it posted instantly afterwards, which is probably how magazines get their material. In today s society, people do not get to choose what people see and how they see
  • 10. The True Effects Of A Living Wage MANT 250 An Essay Discussing the True Effects of a Living Wage Dylan Gallagher 8136645 Word Count: 1906 Introduction It has been 20 years since the first living wage was introduced in Baltimore, Maryland. Long has it been argued that profitable organizations should have to pay a living wage to its employees. A wage sufficient enough to allow the employee to have a high enough standard of living to adequately take care of their family. The gap between social statuses is increasing even more, and having a living wage in place will help to reduce this gap in society, enabling those at the lower end of the economic spectrum to enjoy more luxuries that they would not usually have access to. Some key discussion points that need to be addressed are; possible job losses, reduction of poverty level, the effect on crime, health care effects, reducing urban poverty, and the varying costs of living that occur depending in different geographic locations. In this essay I will be debating the thesis of profitable organizations should be required to pay all their employees a living wage. What is a Living Wage? According to the Collins English Dictionary a living wage is a wage adequate to permit a wage earner to live and support a family in reasonable comfort . The Treasury Report released by the New Zealand government states this wage to be $18.40 an hour. By their calculations this wage is what is required by a family of two adults and two children. The living
  • 11. LMER Case Analysis This has been a busy week in LMER!! I spent the week gathering data for interrogatories. An interrogatory is a legal term for a formal set of written questions propounded by one litigant and required to be answered by an adversary in order to clarify matters of fact and help to determine in advance what facts will be presented at any trial in the case. The act of data gathering is pivotal in LMER section, and as LMER Specialist, it s my duty to assist the legal team with the request documents. The case is for an individual who feels they should have received a higher graded position upon entering the agency. The organization posted GS 12 and GS 13 positions within days of each other. They made a selection for the GS 12 position. The GS 13... Show more content on ... The legal team requested information on 75 questions for this case. The LMER section only have to respond to about six and the Staffing Specialist had about eleven to answer, then I package it all and forwarded to the legal office. This week, I got a better understanding how LMER works with the various other sections (Classification and Staffing) of the CPAC. LMER is the last stop when an action from the other sections goes wrong. One of my hardest lesson this week was time management. It is vital in the preparation fact finding documents, our deadline from the lawyer is Friday. I got a chance to put the packet together with the review from my coach, which was exciting because this will be used in actual court cases. I also put together a binder for Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), there is a pending grievance against one of the organizations. So, we the CPAC, all need to be smarter about FLSA. I drafted a letter of counseling of a couple of weeks ago, that was issued to an employee. So, now the individual is wishing to file a
  • 12. Medical Acupuncture Acupuncture uses tiny, sterile needles to stimulate acupoints or areas of the body that are believed to stimulate self healing (University of California San Diego Center for Integrative Medicine [UCSD], 2017). Traditional Chinese medicine has used the technique of acupuncture for over 3,000 years (UCSD, 2017). The scientific explanation of the effects that acupuncturehas on the body relates to the needles stimulating the nervous system to release chemicals that can either change the experience of pain or influence the body s internal regulating system (American Academy of Medical Acupuncture [AAMA], 2017). It is used to treat many different conditions and is not considered to be very painful. Providers must be sensitive to cultural diversity in medical treatment. While one may consider acupuncture an alternative treatment, many races, religions, and cultures may consider this treatment, along with many others, as conventional medical treatment (Santa Clara University, 2000). ... Show more content on ... 177). Garcia Escamilla, Rodriguez Martin, and Martinez Vizcaino (2016) found that some recent evidences support the benefits of acupuncture integration into conventional medicine setting, particularly improvements in physical and emotional symptoms, increased quality of life levels and reduction of drug side effects (p. 178). Acupuncture can easily be considered supplemental or complementary to Western medicine in that acupuncture provides a service that Western medicine does not offer (Garcia Escamilla, Rodriguez Martin, Martinez Vizcaino, 2016, p. 195). Offering or remaining open to alternative therapies may help improve relationships between provider and patient by providing the feeling that the physician is not giving up and is willing into look into a full breadth of treatment options (AAMA,
  • 13. La Casa De La Musica Research Paper Havana brims with Cuba s best nightlife, which hinges on music and dancing.. Bars and clubs are aplenty, and some even throw a drink or two in with the cover. Kick off the night with a daiquiri yes, they re so good you won t even feel (that) ashamed ordering one at Madrigal, a swank but breezy bar that attracts artists and movie types. One standout hotspot is La Zorra y el Cuervo, a subterranean club that churns out great live jazznightly. For Havana s biggest and best party, La Casa de la Musica (the Centro Habana location is the edgier of the two) draws scantily clad chicas (both local and tourist) who salsa with reckless abandon to live tunes. And, to take a preventative edge against a wicked hangover, be sure to kindly request no mucho azГєcar (not much... Show more content on ... But since the average Cuban local only earns about $30 per month, budgeting is of major importance when planning a night out. Rather than going to a fancy bar, disco or nightclub, Cubans have perfected the art of casual, free hangouts. Between Avenida De Los Presidentes four lanes of traffic, there is a very wide median with hundreds of benches and ornately trimmed trees. On most days, people come to this area to relax, read or eat lunch. At night, this area really comes alive. It is a popular meeting spot for young people who come to lounge on the benches and relax on the grass, under the trees. Most of the revelers are university students and artists who live in the Vedadoneighborhood. The largest crowds gather close to the corner of Calle 23 (23 Street). There is a cheap, open air bar as well as several cafes, restaurants and state run cafeterias which ensure everybody has enough to eat and that the party goes on late into the night. La Rampa, also called Ave 23, is a busy road which cuts across the Vedado neighborhood from east to west. It is the most popular street in Havana, both for traffic and for shopping. Day and night, there are
  • 14. Thermodynamics Lab Essay Thermodynamics Enthalpy of Reaction and Hess s Law Objectives: 1.To calculate the heat of reaction of a given reaction using the concepts derived from Hess s Law. Pre lab Questions: 1.Define Heat of Reaction. The enthalpy change associated with the completion of a chemical reaction. 2.Define Specific Heat. The energy it takes to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance by one degree Celsius. 3.Calculate the heat of reaction assuming no heat is lost to the calorimeter. Use correct significant figures. Q = c x m x t q = (4.18)(1.02 g/ml x 50ml )(3.9 oC) = 831 J 4.In problem 3 above, the calorimeter has a heat capacity of 8.20 J/goC. If a correction is made to account for heat absorbed by the calorimeter, ... Show more content on ... What is meant by calorimetry? Calorimetry is the science of measuring the heat of chemical reactions or physical changes 2.How does graphical analysis improve the accuracy of the data? By precisely graphing data points, one is able to improve the accuracy of the data due to being able to accurately calculate, not predict, the initial temperatures that the solutions had at time 0 by extending the graph backwards 20 seconds. 3.What is the meaning of the negative sign in front of the brackets in the heat of reaction equation? The negative sign indicates that the given reaction is
  • 15. Cardiac Muscles The human body consist of 680 skeletal muscles. The name of a muscle can distinguish its location, action, shape, and function. One such example is the biceps brachii, which is commonly referred to as biceps. As the name implies, this is a two headed muscle. The term biceps brachii is a Latin phrase that means, two headed muscleof the arm. This is references to the fact that the muscle consists of two bundles of muscles. Each of these bundles has its own origin and share a common insertion point near the elbow joint. The biceps brachii muscle is the one that gave all muscles their name because it comes from the Latin, musculus, meaning, little mouse. . This originated because the appearance of the flexed biceps resembles the back of the... Show more content on ... The name of the muscle comes from Latin, meaning, Three headed arm muscle. This muscle is sometimes called the three headed muscle because there are three bundles of muscles and each has a different origin and join together at the elbow. The triceps is an extensor muscle of the elbow and its function is to fixate the elbow joint when the forearm and hand are used for fine movements, such as writing. The triceps can function through either isolation or by compound extension movements. The quadriceps femoris, most commonly referred to as quadriceps, comes from Latin, which means, four headed muscle of the femur. These are large muscle groups that include the four prevailing muscles on the front of the thigh. Quadriceps are also divided into four portions, or heads, hence from the Latin origins. The quadriceps are powerful extensors of the knee joint. These muscles are crucial for walking, running, jumping, and squatting. The skeletal muscles are one of three major muscles types. As the name implies, these muscles are attached to bones by bundles o collagen fibers that are known as tendons. Skeletal muscles are made up of individual components that are known as muscle cells. These muscles have the appearance of long cylinders. The basic function is responsible for skeletal muscles to
  • 16. Archimedes Revealed Through Aeschylus G. H. Hardy once said, Archimedes will be remembered when Aeschylus is forgotten, because languages die and mathematical ideas do not. In other words, the contributions that mathematicians make will forever be studied by mankind while languages slowly die throughout the years. Archimedes, as we all know, made a great contribution to mathematics. His mathematical calculations led him to later invent machines and objects that help our everyday lives. Along with those inventions, he also made breakthroughs is math. His formulas are still used to this very day and will be used for many generations to come. To begin with, Archimedeswas born in 287 BC in Syracuse, Sicily, and he is the son of Phidias, who was an astronomer and mathematician. Not much is known about his early life and family, but it is believed that his family was in some way related to that of Hiero II, King of Syracuse. Moreover, Archimedes developed his curiosity and penchant for problem solving at a young age. When he couldn t learn anymore from his teachers, he traveled to Egypt to study in Alexandria. Furthermore, the King would call upon Archimedes when he needs his assistance. For instance, the King was unable to empty rainwater from the hull of one of his ships. Archimedes created a machine that consists of a hollow tube and a spiral which can... Show more content on ... This is known as the Archimedes Screw. Another example of the King calling upon Archimedes is when the king believed that his crown wasn t entirely gold. He suspected his
  • 17. The Reformation Of Corporate Governance Reformation of Corporate Governance The importance of governance has emerged only after the numerous corporate scandals witnessed globally during the past years. The aftermath of these failures have driven most OECD nations towards continuous reformation of their corporate governance practices. (OECD, 2003) The US follows the Anglo American Corporate Governance System which is governed through federal securities laws and regulations enforced by SEC, NYSE and NASDAQ. The effectiveness of this system has been heavily criticized due to its massive failure in preventing Enron, WorldCom, and Tyco corporate misconduct. Details of these scandals evidenced that the optimal amount of independence and oversight was not adequately practiced over the boards of U.S. companies. Thus, in 2002, SEC enacted the Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX) intended to protect investor s interests by imposing penalties for violating the provisions of SOX. The act mandated changes in corporate governance principles related to executive compensation, shareholders oversight, board independence and accountability (, n.d.). This reformation has strengthen the corporate internal controls, however its implementation is deemed to be inefficient in terms of costs. According to KING III report the total cost to the American economy to comply with SOX is more than the total write off of Enron, WorldCom and Tyco combined (KING III, 2009). In France, corporate governance is a not an old issue, not enough
  • 18. Suicidal Ideation Case Summary The patient returned to the clinic after his admission to Johnson Memorial Hospital twice. The first admission was from 10/31 11/3/2017 to address his major depressive disorder and substance abuse. It was recommended for the patient to seek a high level of care outpatient psychiatric services, PHP/IOP. Then the patient was readmitted on 11/4/2017 11/06/2017 due to a bicycle accident and alcohol consumption on 15 shots. Its also documented that part of his admission was for suicidal ideation of which the patient denied having suicidal ideation during the second admission, but admits to having sucidial ideation during the 1st admission. The patient is scheduled to attend an appoinment through CHR tomorrow at 8:30am to complete an assessment
  • 19. Immigration Act Of 1924 Research Paper SUBJECT: Immigration act of 1924 PROBLEM: In the early 1920s the United States addressed the quick rising immigration population by creating the Immigration act of 1924. The immigration Act limited the number of European, African, and completely ban the migration of Asians and Arab immigrants. The American people after World War One had a strong patriotism for their country and did not easily accept new ethic groups. The fear of Communism also contributed to the dislike of new immigrants amongst the American people. The American people also felt that immigrants took jobs away from American citizens and were uncomfortable with the idea of more job competition. BACKGROUND The Red Scare Post war Recession New found patriotism High
  • 20. What Is Poe A Genius Edgar Allan Poe was born January 19, 1809, and died October 7, 1849; he lived only forty years, but during his brief lifetime, he made a permanent place for himself in American literature and also in world literature. A few facts about Poe s life are indisputable, but, unfortunately, almost everything else about Poe s life has been falsified, romanticized, slanderously distorted, or subjected to grotesque Freudian interpretations. Poe, it has been said at various times, was a manic depressive, a dope addict, an epileptic, and an alcoholic; moreover, it has been whispered that he was syphilitic, that he was impotent, and that he fathered at least one illegitimate child. Hardly any of Poe s biographers have been content to write a straight account... Show more content on ... Poe and his foster father often quarreled during his adolescence and as soon as he was able to leave home, Poe enrolled at the University of Virginia. While he was there, he earned a good academic record, but Mr. Allan never allowed him the means to live in the style his social status demanded. When Poe tried to keep up with his high living classmates, he incurred so many gambling debts that the parsimonious Mr. Allan prevented his returning for a second year of study. Unhappy at home, Poe got money somehow (probably from Mrs. Allan) and went to Boston, where he arranged for publication of his first volume of poetry, Tamerlane and Other Poems (1827). He then joined the army. Two years later, when he was a sergeant major, he received a discharge to enter West Point, to which he was admitted with Mr. Allan s help. Again, however, he felt frustrated because of the paltry allowance which his foster father doled out to him, so he arranged to be court martialed and
  • 21. The Hero on Fire The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is a book about a girl named Katniss Everdeen who lives in the post apocalypse nation called Panam. There is an annual event in which one boy and one girl from each of the 12 districts surrounding the Capitol are selected randomly to compete in a televised battle to the death. Katniss Everdeen volunteers in the place of her sister when she was chosen to compete in the games. Throughout her journey she undergoes challenges but her courage, bravery, and heroism help her to survive. For this, Katniss can be analyzed in a myth and archetypical by being the heroin the novel. She takes on the roles of the male archetype but also embodies female archetypal characteristics. Additionally, the fire she symbolizes throughout the novel signifies her characterand what she represents to the people of Panam. Katniss is a hero because she risked and sacrificed her own life for her family, friends, and district. An archetype hero is defined as a figure, often larger than life, whose search for identity and/or fulfillment results in their quest. The hero typically undergoes a journey or quest that begins when something traumatic happens in their life forcing them to leave home, and is prepared to make sacrifices to make sure that others are kept safe. This is shown when Katniss sacrifices herself by taking her sister s place in the games to keep her safe. Even though it s hard because she knows the consequences, she still yells, Prim! Prim! [Not]
  • 22. Intimacy In Miller s Tale Per the Middle English Dictionary, the word privetee has varying degrees of meaning. The word privetee contains connotations of privacy, secrecy, and sexual affairs. In the Miller s Tale, Chaucer explores the secret spheres of privacy and intimacy. Within these secret spheres there lie three tiers of exploration: the mental, emotional, and physical. In effect, the word privetee effortlessly weaves together the actions of each character in relation to their respective pursuits of intimacy. Likewise, it draws attention to the importance of private spaces within the Carpenter s home and its impact on the story. The private spaces of the Carpenter s home are given meaning by the inherent or attributed characteristics of its place of residency.
  • 23. The Cost Instrument Of The Government The government is not working with the aim that was actually defined. The government is not functional proper. As stated by different journalists will be fizzled will legislate the not for the genuine Furthermore genuine implying for administration. There need aid not only health, pension, training Also nourishment that administration recognized that these are recently requirement from claiming people Also they need aid here done legislating forms on only give acceptable these things. These legislating forms ought to define the legislating standards concerning illustration for every spiritually Furthermore attitude from claiming organizations in the nation individuals. The effectiveness impacts of a one task rely on upon its associations... Show more content on ... Administration must a chance to be kept tabs once welfare of the whole nation. Around the extreme limits that need aid incidental for bureaucratic oversaw economy Of so many public functions are: For the purpose of incentive the buying and purchasing rates are different, there are no rules and regulations about this A person who pay tax to government while the purchasing has no benefit while who is selling earn an intense benefit, The buyers and sellers should be in gain situation. A kind of technique must be introduced by the governing bodies. There should be surprising control on all these kind of things. One of the primary things the government should do is to set cyclical fiscal deficit targets. This will help that administration stretch or shorten that monetary deficiency as stated by those state of the economy. A standout amongst the greatest steps that that legislature could take may be to determinedly push to upgrading that straightforwardness of finishing business. A standout amongst those offers of a market economy framework is that choice making is decentralized i. E. There will be no absolute form answerable for choosing the thing that is with a chance to be prepared Also in what amounts. This will be
  • 24. Computed Tomography Computed tomography is used in the emergency setting, but it is not useful in predicting short or long term outcomes in sports related concussion. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is more sensitive than CT, but the correlation between focal structural lesions detected by conventional MRI is controversial since T1 or T2 weighted MRI images may not be sensitive to the neuropathology of milder injuries There has been increasing interest in diagnosing and prognosticating after concussions using susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). SWI has been used to detect microbleeds after mTBI as a marker of diffuse axonal injury(DAI)... Show more content on ... Measurements of diffusivity include fractional anisotropy and radial diffusivity. Fractional anisotropy (FA) and radial diffusivity (RD) are measurements of directionality of diffusion. A FA value of 0 represents unrestricted diffusion in all directions (isotropic) while a value of 1 represents diffusion along only one axis (anisotropic). Increased radial diffusivity is thought to represent a loss of myelin. Abnormalities on DTI are thought to reflect loss of white matter microstructural integrity, as seen in traumatic axonal injury. DTI is more sensitive for DAI than conventional MRI. DTI has shown that mTBI can be associated with widespread structural changes in cortical white matter tracts and the integrity of those have been shown to correlate with behavioral and cognitive measures. Changes in diffusivity indexes may indicate different types of white matter abnormality and different stages post injury after mTBI. Kou et al. reported that DTI fractional anisotropy (FA) can either decrease or increase in the acute setting. DTI FA values normally increase, and/or radial diffusivity (RD) decrease and/or apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) decrease in the first week post injury. Octavian et al. showed reduced FA on diffusion tensor imaging in the right superior longitudinal fasciculus in participants with mTBI31(Figure) More than 2 weeks post injury, either a
  • 25. Essay On Hawaii Vacation The short film Hawaii Vacation is an intriguing film created that sends a message understandable by all ages. Hawaii Vacation cost about 5,000 dollars to produce and took about 2 years to produce. Why did Pixar put so much time and effort into this film? As a result of the message it provides, they took the time to create it.. The cunning message of this filmis that even though your plans might not turn out how you wanted, you can still generate the best of it even if it may be noxious. When situations carry out wrong, People tend to give up instead of making the best of the situation. Especially rarely will situations carry out exactly how you plan so you just have to work through the setbacks. The movie while being bizarre and silly,
  • 26. Comparing Life Of Pi And The Tyger By William Blake Life of Pi by Yann Martel, and The Tyger by William Blake can be seen as comparable from numerous viewpoints. Though one is a novel and the other is a short poem, the two pieces of writing can be thoroughly analyzed on their perspectives and themes to highlight important aspects in each. The stories contain a similar animal theme and both question God, yet they differ in their views on God. A similar aspect in the two stories is the animal theme. When Pi is trapped on a lifeboat, his only company is a Bengal Tiger. It was in this circumstance that Pi understood the animal need for survival. Pi says of his transformation from a strict vegetarian into someone who expected to kill to survive, that, I descended to a level of savagery I never imagined possible. (218). Everyday, Pi felt like he was at a crucial point in his life, since he didn t know whether he would live to see tomorrow, especially with Richard Parker on the lifeboat. This is when Pi s animal instincts kicked in and mirrored that of the tiger s. The animal inside of him, and his survival instincts ended up plainly evident in his battle for survival. In the poem The Tyger, the animal theme is exhibited through the narrator s relentless questions of the tiger. In the poem it says, What immortal hand or eye, Dare frame thy fearful symmetry? (23 24). This happens to be the narrator s way of asking who would dare to create an animal so vicious and dangerous. Throughout the poem, the speaker asks various questions about the ferocity of the creature. Be that as it may, this is the nature of a tiger. They are wild animals that are dangerous, and act on instinct. In the two stories, the animal theme depicted conflicts with civilization. Pi was forced to abandon his knowledge and behaviour from the civilized life he once led, in order to embrace his animal instincts and survive. In The Tyger , we can see the contempt of the speaker while considering the behaviours of the wild animal. By looking at this similar element from the two stories, it is easier to perceive how the two cases may be seen. Pi could be looked upon like the tiger, in that they were similar in their animal ways. Many individuals would not have the strength to do what Pi
  • 27. Science Engineering, And Biomedical Applications Nanotechnology has been fast expanding in the past decade. This field comprises of technologies that largely involve materials of sizes ranging from 1 to 100 nm. These minute materials may display distinct characteristics as compared to the same material of a larger form. Due to the smaller size, altered shape, arrangement, or increased surface area, these nanomaterialsmay exhibit unique properties like enhanced strength, flexibility, reactivity, or improved electrical conductivity and absorption.1 As advanced nano materials are produced and commercialized for extensive use in research areas like electronics, materials science engineering, and biomedical applications, there is also an increasing need to develop an effective environmental health and safety (EHS) risk management system for nanoscale particles. Therefore, an accurate determination of EHS risks of nanomaterials could be achieved by understanding nanoparticle interaction with other systems as well as integrating nanomaterials hazard and exposure datasets. Since nanoscale particles are orders of magnitude smaller than many larger organic molecules which are transported through cellular membranes and barriers, these particles are not subjected to the same degree of regulation and thus have far more potential to enter cells and tissues to cause damage. Nanoparticles can indeed exhibit greater toxicity than a larger sized particle of the same toxicant.2 There are several known mechanisms for nanoparticle toxicity,
  • 28. Evaluate The Biological Approach The biological approach which is the oldest approach, stems from the study of biology and the work of Charles Darwin (1809). It wasn t until the 20th century that biological psychology occurred as a science, prior to this the connection between the brain, mind and body was not understood. The biological approach focuses on geneticsand how they affect an individual s behaviour and the brain and nervous system, primarily the central nervous system. The brain has three main parts the Cerebrum which is split into two halves which determines thoughts and memories, the cerebellum which is responsible for actions and movement and the brain stem which governs basic functions such as breathing. The central nervous system is a part of the nervous system which is located in the brain and spinal cord and all information sent here is acted upon. Darwin ... Show more content on ... The phenotype, a result of the genotype and the environment combined can alter throughout life depending on many environmental factors including illness. The biological approach suggests that all illness is inherited or caused by some sort of damage to the brain caused by either trauma, infection or some sort of hormone imbalance. Illnesses such as depression are believed to be caused by low levels of the neurotransmitter, serotonin. Prozac can be used to treat depression by sorting chemical imbalances which have occurred. The biological approach is backed up by evidence which suggests that illness can be directly linked to brain trauma or infection and the clinical proof that medicine can help to improve the symptoms of illness such as depression if not cure the illness. Weaknesses in the approach are it doesn t consider the effect of environment on the mood. The approach is also deterministic and suggest that individuals are a product of their biology, everything is determined by the genes passed to
  • 29. Romeo And Juliet Gender Roles Essay In the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare defines gender roles as traditional, however he challenges it by making the main characters non traditional. He writes all the men , like capulet, and the kingsmen in the play as traditional male gender role. All except for Romeo, who he writes as a non male like genderrole. For the women in the play; the nurse, lady capulet, and juliet, he writes them as non typical gender roles. Lady Capulet and the nurse are some form of housewife, but their personalities are all independent. They both have their jobs to take care of the men, but are seemingly independent. Capulet and the kingsmen are all distinguished as strong, powerful characters. They are leaders, and fight with those they hate, which Shakespeare writes as a traditional male trait. All except for Romeo. Romeo is the character with gender roles... Show more content on ... They all are strong women. Although the women aren t really independent, their personalities are. Lady Capulet has no job, and only serves as the wife of Capulet, she still is independent with her own thoughts. She doesn t ask anything from Capulet when she talks about marriage to Juliet. She is really seen as a independent character. The Nurse works for the Capulet family. She is independent in that she single handedly raised Juliet. She has no husband and helped raise Juliet to the women she became. She always has her own opinion and says it, despite being a servant. Juliet is just a girl, but still makes her own decisions. She goes against her family and does what she believes. She didn t tell anyone about Romeo and dates him even though their families have a fued. She doesn t want to be like all the other women and just get married. She gives herself her own voice. All the women have their own mindset and self sufficiency, while living their lives as stereotypical women
  • 30. The Dead of the Night The best novels stand the test of time, providing the reader with an interesting story as well as conveying important themes and ideas In John Marsden s sequel to Tomorrow When the War Began , set in rural modern day Australia, comes his second novel of seven The Dead of the Night . John Marsden s TDOTN has stood the test of time, by providing the readers with an interesting story as well as conveying important themes and ideas. The themes and ideas of Death and Destruction , Relationships and Friendships and Warfare and Survival , are used to convey important messages to the readers, by relating back to the teenagers life, and teenage audience. Using narrative told in first person narration by teenager Ellie, Marsden reinforces ... Show more content on ... The teenagers before they attack the convoy of soldiers sit down and play their tactics and discuss what will happen and the procedures if something goes terribly wrong. Their dialogue and speech also shows their fear of the war and their survival instincts. And suppose a patrol had jumped us? Suppose we d been caught with sawn off shot guns? We d all be put up against a tree and shot and you d have 5 peoples blood on your hands pg 92. Ellie is yelling at Homer, because he had gone against the group and what they d agreed upon and brought the shot guns anyway, this jeopardising their own survival. In addition to this Homer has broken their trust and put their survival at stake, this relates back to teenagers for the reason that friendships are built on trust. This is how Marsden uses the theme of Warfare and Survival to convey important themes and ideas, and provide the readers, with an interesting story, thus making TDOTN stand the test of time. In TDOTN Marsden uses the narrative structure of first person narration to effectively provide the reader with an interesting story, as well as allowing TDOTN to stand the test of time. Marsden uses Ellie s own words and experiences to convey her feelings and emotions to the readers by using the authentic voice of a seventeen year old female. Ellie uses I, we and slang and colloquial languages, to tell her story. A good example of this is when Ellie is bringing everything up to date at the end of the novel
  • 31. Essay My experience at the Riverside Metropolitan Museum INTRODUCTION Some say that it is better not to dwell on the past because it cannot be changed. To these people, it is not necessarily bad to reminisce on what has happened throughout the years, but it is better to focus on what is taking place right now. They believe that the present is another chance to start fresh and anew without letting past experiences burden them. However, what they do not seem to realize is that the past, present, and future are interrelated. The present is a result of the past, while the future depends entirely on the choices, (and course of action for those choices), that are made in the present. With that being said, studying humanity and past cultures are significant to society. Attempting to understand why... Show more content on ... The collections of this museum include displays for the Natural History, Anthropology, and History departments. Although not all of the exhibits are shown year round, the display for the Native Americans of Southern California is. It features the Chumash, Tongva, Serrano, Luiseno, Cahuilla, and Kumeyaay tribes. There are also some exhibits for non Californian tribes such as the Navajo and Pueblo peoples. Out of all of the aforementioned tribes, this paper mainly focuses on the Luiseno, Kumeyaay, and Navajo. These three stood out the most because of the contents within each of the exhibits. The artifacts associated with each culture were unique and eye catching. MUSEUM EXHIBIT 1) Artifact Display The three departments mentioned earlier were divided into distinct sections and subsections. The exhibits for the Natural History collection were located on the left side of the museum. It included different displays for perfectly preserved animal specimens, minerals, fossils of plants, and desert findings by American biologist, Edmund C. Jaeger. Located directly across from this segment was the History section, which consisted of artifacts relating to tools and equipment as well as pictures of early residents in order to show how Riverside developed over time. In addition to this, different time periods in American history were displayed such as the Civil War. It contained personal portraits, old models of weapons, and replicas of
  • 32. Samuel Barber Piano Noted to be one of Samuel Barber s most popular piano works, acclaimed pianist Vladimir Horowitz called Sonata for Piano, op. 26 the first truly great native work in the form and premiered the sonata, sparking it s rise to fame. Barber was a friend and fan of Horowitz, and found compositional inspiration through Horowitz s playing by implementing wide pallets of color, flexible tempo changes, and huge sonorities. In addition, Horowitz found Barber to be one of the few American composers who knows how to write for the piano. Composed during the late 1940 s, this sonata is very emblematic of some of the many unconventional 20th Century composing techniques, through the usage of 12 tone technique, unconventional harmonies, and chromaticism and... Show more content on ... The dynamic and energetic first movement starts in a different key than it s home key of E flat minor, and was woven in sonata form. It is known for having many staggering several key and time signature changes and rhythmic figurations that mostly consist of dotted 8ths and 16ths, triplets, and groups of 16ths while contrasting with very mysterious sounding lyrical themes in between. These alternations are very unpredictable and constantly keep the listener guessing. The second movement, which is in rondo form, maintains the mysteriousness of the first movement, but maintains a very playful and mischievous attitude, rather than an intense and fiery one. It keeps flowing and flowing like water without stopping to slow down once, all while maneuvering between double and triple meter and skipping around the range of the keyboard. The third movement s aesthetic is one of heart wrenching lament through lots of sobbing chromaticism, dissonant shades, and dark, tempestuous chords. Stylistically, it is the most modern sounding movement of all and employs the 12 tone technique like the first
  • 33. Free Strength Machine Exercise WHICH PROVES GREATER STRENGTH RESULTS: MACHINE OR FREE WEIGHT RESISTANCE TRAINING? Pros and cons of training modalities remain apparent regardless of preference; whether one favours safety due to injuries, or heavy weight to increase the amount of skeletal muscle mass. This meta analysis seeks to compare and relate the differences between the two, by comparing results of 1RMs and 3RMs across three separate studies. Each study typically identified a separate facet, from the levels of muscle activation during a press, to the correlations between machine exercise and the free weight counterparts. Although, not all sourced information remained relevant, the nature of the studies gave relative data regarding repetition maximums across the differing ... Show more content on ... 31 trained (minimum 3 months of resistance training) subjects (gender not mentioned) were used. Means of study was quasieperimental due to lack of true random sampling. Subjects underwent three testing sessions to gather a total of 6 1RM tests, (machine chest press, machine shoulder press, machine bicep curl, free weight bench press, free weight overhead press, and free weight preacher curls) with a recovery time of at least 48 72 hours for recovery. Researchers observed significant disparities between the 1RMs. Exercises performed on the machines proved significantly higher 1RMs. According to the study, it is believed that the machine counterpart would cause a higher 1RM as it has a reduced need for core activation and stabiliser recruitment, which could in turn allow a greater production of force being applied to the linear path of the machine. Discrepancies in the range of motion and movement patterns were also noted, because although the muscle being activated may be the same, the neurological stimulation may
  • 34. Breastfeeding Critique The article I chose to critique deals with breastfeeding and cognitive development, and if breastfeeding plays a significant role in cognitive development. The article being critiqued was written by Boutwell, Beaver, and Barnes, and is titled Role of Breastfeeding in Childhood Cognitive Development: A Propensity Score Matching Analysis. With the article, the authors conduct research while using confounding variables to determine how much of an impact breastfeedinghas on cognitive development. The authors stress the difference with their research, as they use PSM (Propensity Score Matching), while some others do not. With their research, they were able to find out just how much breastfeeding played a part, regarding cognitive development, and if it increased brain functioning, or not. With the article, the researchers used previous research, conducted by other researchers. The difference with the study at hand is ... Show more content on ... After the study was conducted, they learned that, while breastfeeding can play a part in cognitive development, they realized more research would need to be done. The reason being is, many factors come into play, regarding cognitive development and signs of increase, such as the roles parents play in their child s life, how the child plays/learns on a daily basis, and so on, making it harder to pinpoint what exactly is causing the increase in cognitive development. Other sources, such as Martorell, G., Papalia, D. E., Feldman, R. D. (2014) and Gibbs, B. G., Forste, R. (2014) agree that, while there are some signs of increase in cognitive functioning while breastfeeding, one must not go off of breastfeeding, alone, as a key factor in cognitive functioning. More research must be done, in order to find out just how much breastfeeding influences cognitive
  • 35. The God Of Small Things, By Assata They took our identity, put chains on our body in attempts to put chains on our mind. Post colonialism as a term refers to a relationship between the oppressed and oppressor, the colonizer and colonized. When it comes to our identity, we are accountable for the shaping of who we want to be and how to choose to develop it our decision. Being colonized removed this decision, observing the post colonized countries you will be able to analyze the drastic effects of coloniality in a post colonialized world. This paper I will explore postcoloniality in the context of the cultural and mental effects of European colonization and the effects modernity have on the construction of identity, specifically those in the novel The God of Small Things, Assata... Show more content on ... She emphasized her role in the Black Liberation party, its impact on her life and how she perceived herself. Throughout the novel Assata used a lowercase I , I think she used this technique to show readers that this movement is bigger than her. I am about life, i said to myself. I m gonna live as hard as i can and as full as i can until i die. And i m not letting these parasites, these oppressors, these greedy racist swine make me kill my children in my mind, before they are even born. (Shakur 93). Assata went on to describe how some people in the black community accepted the European standards of beauty, thus disregarding their own identity. But behind our fights, self hatred was clearly visible. (Shakur 30). Assata then says that the history they have taught us were all lies and she had to find facts herself. Moreover, this novel discussed black people accepting the Europeans standard of beauty and not their own. There were quite a few girls who tried to bleach their skin white with bleaching cream and who got pimples instead. And, of course we went to the beauty parlor and got our hair straightened. I couldn t wait to go to the beauty parlor and get my hair all fried up. I wanted Shirley Temple curls just like Shirley Temple...Everybody knew you had to be crazy to walk the streets with nappy hair sticking out. (Shakur 31). It was a problem to love you hair because you had people telling you it was nappy, it s not professional and untamed. Society s interpretation of beauty has changed every century. Beginning with women during war time and them only being able to wear a certain type of style due to the shortage of materials and colored cloth. By the 1950 s the upswing of Marilyn Monroe had just began. Throughout the 19th century women who wore make up were seen as a prostitute. Over the years women adapted to their cosmetics and
  • 36. The Conflict Of War And Peace Intro In todays society there are many conflicts,or disagreements these conflicts and disagreements need to be solved. Some can be felt with by simply talking it out but others are on a global scale, and these will need more than talking to settle. Some conflicts on a global scale can lead to war, and others can be negotiated using peace. If you believe in only peace then you are a pacifist. Today s society has war and peace as a solution to conflict but it is in everyones beliefs and values that will help them to form their own opinion on weather they are a pacifist or they believe in only war or bits of both, it is different for everyone . P1 war War is a large scaled, deadly, serious and emotional battle of conflict between two or more sides. War involves weapons that kill, so the survivors are honoured especially if they are high up in the ranks. War is good for few, bad for most Latuff. If you are fighting in war then your time is precious as you only have one life. There are many dangers whilst fighting in war, there are risks of gas,bombs, surprise attacks, snipers and shooting. If you are fighting then you are most likely going to be sent out onto no mans land. Before and during the troops sending of on their attack a bagpipe is played to block out the noise of men dying as they sprint. One man is left in the trench to kill those who flee and turn around as this shows cowardliness. if anyone turns to retreat, shoot them War Horse. Some are shot and left to
  • 37. The Ethics of Sexual Orientation-Based Discrimination in... Tangibly speaking, discrimination occurring on the basis of sexual orientation, while small in aggregate numbers, reaches the same rates as gendered discrimination against women in the workplace, when measured at a per capita rate, and creates a situation in which homosexual and transgendered individuals typically earn 10 or more percent less income than their heterosexual peers (Croteau, 1996). With this, sexual orientation based discriminationis a significant problem in American society. In a broad sense, the pervasiveness of this discrimination is facilitated by the significant permeation of religious bias into America s ostensibly secular democracy and civil society. Tangibly, large religious organizations such as the Catholic and ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, throughout the civil rights struggle that began in the mid 20th century, and which led to the drafting of significant anti discrimination legislation in the United States, neither legislation or judicial precedent has specifically designated the LGBT community as a protected class at the federal level, in contrast to the protections of this type provided to ethnic and racial minorities as well as the disabled, amongst other minorities (Wintermute, 2002, 38 39). With this, there is no overarching federal protection for LGBT individuals suffering from discrimination in either the public sphere or the workplace. While some states, notably California, New York, Vermont, and a few others have adopted legislation protecting LGBT individuals from discrimination in the workplace, all of this legislation suffers from inconsistent enforcement (Cavico et al., 2012, 3). With this, it is apparent that the anti LGBT sentiment that permeates the American public sphere, buttressed by the country s intense political polarization on socio religious issues, has led to an inadequate protection of the LGBT minority from discrimination in the workplace. BUSINESS DIMENSIONS OF ANTI LGBT DISCRIMINATION IN THE UNITED STATES Moving to the business context of this anti LGBT discrimination itself, the continuously changing nature of mores, norms,
  • 38. Human Resources And The Human Resource Department Introduction Human Resources are concerned with the management of people within an organization, not only to minimize internal issues but to also ensure a highly functional workforce. The department is responsible for recruiting suitable candidates, identifying and meeting the training needs of existing staff, ensuring employees welfare and safety, and raising awareness of current workplace legislation (BBC, 2014). In addition to the above responsibilities, the Human Resources Department also covers five key roles. Firstly, the executive role requires the human resource professionals to be specialized in the areas which encompass people management. Secondly is the audit role where the department follows up with other corporate areas to ... Show more content on ... In some firms, due to their size, a human resource department may not even exist leading to significant issues both from a business and employee development standpoint. The following paper will explore and discuss human resource issues within the United Kingdom along with what has been done to rectify the problems. Human Resource Challenges One of the most significant human resource issues in the United Kingdom is the all together absence of a dedicated human resource department within a business. Approximately 94% of businesses in the United Kingdom employ fewer than 10 people, therefore they are not large enough to support or justify an HR function (Lee, 2004). This means that human resource activities are being looked after by others within the business that do not specialize in managing people or legislation. This lack of knowledge can negatively impact a business, both by not paying attention to employees needs as well as not abiding by government legislation. A second issue affecting businesses is a lack of internal training for continual development of employees. The Federation of Small Businesses in the United Kingdom found that training planning was a major problem in organizations. Only 19% of firms were satisfied with their training plans, a significantly low number. The survey also found that 44% of small businesses had no training at all. Time constraints and cost were the factors most inhibiting to the
  • 39. Writing An Argumentative Analysis We evaluate books, what we watch, what the news says, and so much more. We do this every day. What is important is are we justifying our evaluation? I tend to say, Oh, I don t like that movie . Well, why do I not like that movie is the question I should be asking myself. If I do not justify my answer for why I do or do not like something, then I am not able to provide reasoning for why someone else should or should not dislike the same movie. Justifying an evaluation was the topic covered this past week. A definition for an evaluation essay could be the following, an essay, which the write chooses a subject then use appropriate criteria to support your judgement (Axelrod, Cooper 336). Like any other essay there are important factors we should think about when writing.... Show more content on ... By knowing the main purpose you will be able to influence the readers judgement and actions, inspire to think critically, and potentially look at the subject in a new way. With knowing who the audience is you assume the readers will accept judgement, will also make their own judgment, are set on what they think, and have objections to your argument. Along with these important factors come basic features, which help writing an evaluation. An important feature is to have cues, which help follow the logic of your argument (Axelrod, Cooper 340). For example, in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: A Hell of a Ride, William Akana uses cues like finally, shortly before, from this point, and after an extended battle to help the readers follow the time line of what is happening and get a clear picture of the events
  • 40. The Causes for the Conflict between Palestinians and Israelis Conflict Between Palestinians and Israelis;The Cause Against a backdrop of an ever increasing number of internal conflicts and the crash of conventional means of conflict resolution to attain a resilient peace in divided societies, this paper presents a two track approach to peacekeeping and conflict resolution. One track is represented by peacemaking, defined as endeavors at finding a resolution to the issues in conflict at the political leadership level. The other track, peacebuilding, refers to contact proposals at the grassroots level targeting at the enhancement of intergroup relations. After a conversation of role of grassroots peacebuilding in a peace process some groundwork findings on the bond between peacemaking and peacebuilding in two divided societies, Palestine and Israel, will be discussed. War is not a common phenomenon anymore after the post cold war era. According a research conducted on active armed conflict across the world at the Uppsala University in Sweden, of all the 101 active armed conflicted between the late 80s and mid 90s, only six were actually between two different states (Solenberg Wallensteen, 1997). These statistics clearly indicates that the conflict in today s world is more internal and ethnic based. The majority of the states are ethnically diverse. Nation state is a loosely used term since according to one survey conducted in the early 70s indicated that out of 132 nations only 12 were truly nation states. Similarly in 1983 out of
  • 41. Cult Of Gods Research Paper As hinted above, devotion, iconoclasm, and preservation efforts are intricately entwined with processes that happen before, during, and after the performances that the perspective party participates in. In each environment, the object takes on new meanings and significances due to the discourses surrounding it and the subjectivities of the people who possess it. Moreover, preservation often engages in the same processes that religious iconoclasts did and do by creating new narratives of the objects and relegating necessary performances with the object. Apart from just merely the smashing of objects or gods, by removing these objects out of their original socio historical contexts, the objects are destroyed, literally and/or figuratively,... Show more content on ... Moreover, instead of religious narratives, moderns have modern narratives based on specific conceptualizations of history, humanism, and secularism. No longer about a history of a particular group of people as with the Jewish or Islamic narratives, modern discourse is often developed in terms of human history, human civilization, and human progress. In A Secular Age, Charles Taylor argues that modern secularity was a parallel development of a purely self sufficient humanism for the first time in history, clarifying I mean by this a humanism accepting no final goals beyond human flourishing, nor any allegiance to anything else beyond this flourishing. Of no previous society was this true (18). Before the modern era, Taylor argues, human beings were never on top; gods were the ones who were dominant and worthy of devotion, for only with their benefice would humans be able to flourish (Taylor 18). However, secularity now places humans on the pedestal, further intensifying the disenchantment of the secular age by displacing
  • 42. Sludge Test Lab Report Sludge Test Conclusion Zoey Xeros and Lauren Head A clear, colorless liquid was separated using fractional distillation. The identity of this unknown liquid was found by the characteristic properties of flammability, density, sugar solubility, boiling point, and odor. The liquid ended up being flammable, and the density was below the average 0.79 g/cm3. Instead, we found 0.69 g/cm3. For the sugar solubility, it was found to be insoluble. The boiling was found to be higher than the average is 57C. We found the boiling point to be 66C. Lastly, the odor was found to be like nail polish remover, which is similar to or known as Acetone. Therefore, our first liquid was found to be Acetone. A clear, colorless liquid using fractional distillation. The identity of this unknown liquid was found by the characteristic properties of flammability, density, sugar solubility, boiling point, and odor. The liquid ended up looking flammable, because of the Acetone. In reality, the liquid was not flammable. The density was 1.20 g /cm3, and was higher than the average 1.00 g/cm3. The sugar solubility was soluble. The boiling point we found was 99C, but the actual boiling point is 100C. The odor was mimicked to smell like alcohol, but it really should have not had any odor. Looking at those characteristics, we found this liquid to be Water.... Show more content on ... The identity of this unknown solid was confirmed by obtaining data for different characteristic properties: solubility and density. The density that we found was 11.21 g/cm3, and that was below the actual density of 11.40 g/cm3. The solid was not soluble in any liquids. Looking at these characteristics, we found the solid to be
  • 43. Sowbug Report OUTLINE. Introduction to the Question: A subclass of pheromones is necromones, which contain oleic acid as a primary component. Some pheromones trigger aggregation between organisms, others can trigger separation. Necromones trigger necrophoric (organisms remove their dead) or necrophobic (organisms avoid their dead) behavior. Arthropods use pheromones, this includes sowbugs and cockroaches. Chemical signals are picked up by antennae. II. Hypothesis: When given a choice between two identical shelters, sowbugs will display necrophobic behavior by aggregating in the shelter that does not contain oleic acid. III. Biological Rationale: C.D. Rollo study showed that cockroaches display necrophobic behavior around oleic acid (dead ... Show more content on ... II Experimental Design and Methods: Part 1. A. Procedure: 1. Obtain 3 large tin bowls, 1 spoon, 1 pair scissors, 6 ketchup containers, 1 pipet, 3mL oleic acid, 6mL distilled water, 6 filter papers, and 30 sowbugs. 2. Place 10 randomly selected sowbugs in each of the 3 empty tin bowls for 3 minutes to allow them to acclimate to the environment. 3. During the 3 minute period, soak each filter paper with 1mL of distilled water, because sowbugs have been shown to prefer moist environments. 4. Add 1mL of oleic acid to three of the wet filter papers, this creates the independent variable. One will go in each tin. 5. Using the scissors, cut two small doors in each ketchup container on opposite sides, so that when the container is placed upside down, the sowbugs may enter it. Having 2 doors in each increases the chance of sowbugs finding an entrance. 6. After 3 minutes, quickly place the wet filter papers on opposite sides of the tin (noting which one contains oleic acid) and cover them with the ketchup containers. The doors should face away from the center, towards the edges of the tin. The placement of the oleic acid containing paper should be random, no preference for either side of the tin. 7. Wait 20 minutes, observing the sowbug s behavior. This 20 minute period gives them time to find each shelter and determine a preference. Do not disturb them during this time. Keep track