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Cultural Analysis Essay Topics
Writing a Cultural Analysis Essay can be a challenging yet rewarding task that requires a deep
understanding of cultural elements, critical thinking skills, and effective communication. The
difficulty lies not only in exploring diverse cultural aspects but also in analyzing them through a
thoughtful and nuanced lens.
One of the primary challenges is selecting a compelling and relevant topic for your Cultural
Analysis Essay. Cultural phenomena are vast and multifaceted, ranging from traditions and
rituals to language, art, and social norms. Narrowing down a specific aspect for analysis can be
daunting, as each cultural facet carries its own significance and complexity.
Moreover, delving into cultural analysis requires extensive research to gather accurate and diverse
information. This may involve studying historical contexts, engaging with scholarly works, and
exploring various perspectives to provide a well-rounded understanding of the chosen cultural
topic. Navigating through a plethora of sources and synthesizing information can be time-
consuming and demanding.
Crafting a coherent and insightful thesis statement is another crucial aspect of writing a Cultural
Analysis Essay. It should encapsulate the essence of your analysis, conveying a clear argument or
perspective that you will substantiate throughout the essay. Formulating a strong thesis demands
careful consideration of the cultural elements you plan to explore and the insights you aim to
Furthermore, addressing cultural sensitivity is imperative in cultural analysis. Writers must
approach their subjects with respect and cultural awareness, avoiding stereotypes or biased
viewpoints. Balancing objectivity and subjectivity can be a delicate task, as cultural analysis
often involves interpreting cultural practices through a subjective lens while maintaining an
academically rigorous tone.
In the writing process, structuring your essay effectively is crucial. Organizing ideas, arguments,
and supporting evidence in a logical sequence ensures clarity and coherence. Transitions between
paragraphs and sections must be seamless, guiding the reader through the intricate web of
cultural analysis without causing confusion.
In conclusion, crafting a Cultural Analysis Essay demands a multifaceted approach involving
meticulous research, critical thinking, and effective communication. It is a journey that challenges
writers to navigate through the complexities of culture, offering unique insights and fostering a
deeper understanding of diverse societies.
If you find yourself overwhelmed by the complexities of cultural analysis or face time
constraints, there are resources available to assist you. Professional writing services, such as, offer support in developing well-researched and articulate essays on various
topics, including cultural analysis. These services can provide valuable assistance, allowing you
to submit a polished and thought-provoking essay without the stress of navigating the intricacies
Cultural Analysis Essay TopicsCultural Analysis Essay Topics
Essay on The Presidency of James Knox Polks
He was the 11th president of the United States and was known as young hickory ,
and the first dark horse . James Knox Polk accomplished many things in his life. He
served in the House of Representative, became governor of Tennessee, and became
president of the United States. His achievements impacted the U.S and made it
what it is today. For example he annexed Texas, lowered tariffs, established an
independent Federal Treasury, went to war with Mexico, and added three states to
the union. If James Polk did not become president, then there is a possibility that
California, New Mexico and Oregon would not be a part of the United States. James
Knox Polk was born November 2, 1795 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.
James was the son of... Show more content on ...
With Sarah by his side he had many campaign victories. Being a supporter of
Andrew Jackson s democratic policies at age twenty nine he was elected to the
U.S. Congress. From 1825 39 James was a member of the U.S. House of
Representatives and was serving as its speaker (Evisum Inc). After serving as
speaker he became Governor of Tennessee in 1839 1841. In 1844 Democrats were
having a difficult time getting 2/3 of the vote to nominate a presidential candidate,
Polk who was running for the position of vice president, became nominated for the
presidential candidate (Kelly). The focus on the campaign was to annex Texas
which Polk was for the idea versus Clay who opposed the idea. Clay opposing the
idea led Polk to victory. Many problems had occurred with the state of Texas. Texans
thought it would be best to interest security and economic stability to petition to the
United States for annexation. In 1837 at the time President Martin Van Buren was
against the idea of having Texas annexed because of concerns that it would become
another slave state in the United States. Another reason why he did not want to
annex Texas was because he did not want to start any problems with Mexico. Things
changed in 1843 when President James Tyler examined the annexation issue again. A
treaty was sent to Senate but because of anti expansionist the treaty was denied.
When Polk became president he too was in favor of having Texas annexed
The Effect Of Aerobic Exercise On Patients With Chronic...
Literature review; The effect of aerobic exercise on VO2 max in patients with chronic
heart failure.
Patients suffering from chronic heart failure (CHF) often suffer from a decreased
aerobic exercise capacity and exercise intolerance, which leads to a progressive
deterioration in functional capacity (Belardinelli et al. 1999). This review will focus
on four controlled clinical studies which have examined the effect of exercise
training on VO2 max in patients with CHF.
Coats et al. (1992) compared a phase of normal activity to a training period in a group
of patients to assess if there was an improvement in VO2 max due to exercise
compared to rest. A group of seventeen men over 60 years of age with moderate to
severe chronic heart failure (NYHA class II III) and a left ventricular ejection fraction
of 19.6 В± 2.3% took part in a controlled crossover trial consisting of an exercise
phase and a resting phase. During the exercise phase the participants exercised for
8 weeks on a training bicycle at 50RPM for 20 minutes a day at 60 80% of their
maximum heart rate for five days per week. The patients undertook exercise testing
to calculate VO2 max before and after each phase. An overall mean compliance to
exercise was calculated to be 77.3% using a revolution counter installed on each
bike. The exercise phase showed a significant increase in VO2 max (13.2 В± 0.9 to
15.6 В± 1.0 ml/kg/min) when compared with controls in this study. No significant
difference was observed between
A Study on Non-Verbal Communication Strategies Used by...
This study seeks to investigate the non verbal communication strategies used by
doctors in doctor patient interactions during the initial consultation in a clinical
setting. Non verbal communication can be conceptualised as any form of
communication that does not use the written or spoken word. (Birdwhistell: 1990,
Melirabian: 1981).It is more than just body language since it includes, use of time,
space, clothing, furniture, features of the environment (temperature, lighting) how we
utter words (inflection, tone, volume) and it can occur in the absence of verbal
communication through symbols and physical contexts. This ... Show more content on ...
.The issues discussed in this research are relevant between a patient and a doctor
during the initial consultation, not because activities outside the consultation are of
lesser importance but because they are informed by the consultation. This research
has also been motivated by observations i made as a communication skills Lecturer in
the Faculty of medicine at the University of Zimbabwe where i observed that medical
students tend to concentrate on learning verbal communication skills while
relegating non verbal skills.
The researcher hopes that the research will be an invaluable contribution not only to
the field of doctor patient interaction but also to the field of applied linguistics where
it is becoming increasingly important to look at communication in the workplace so
as to meet the needs of a world that is becoming globalised.
The primary sources of data in this research are audio taped and video taped doctor
patient interactions which will be used to evaluate the actual medical encounter since
patients may have greater impact on their own outcomes than the doctor s and non
verbal behaviour since these perceptions are subjective to bias depending on factors
such as, patient health status and status of mind which might not actually reflect the
reality of the consultation. Formal and informal interviews and
Informative Speech Outline on Investing in the Stock
Chris S COMM 105 Informative Speech 02/07/11 Investing in the Stock Market
Introduction I. There is a smile on my face, a tingling feeling throughout my entire
body, my day has just turned from mediocre to marvelous as if I had won the Ohio
Lottery. II. This is the feeling I have when at 9 AM I check my stock portfolio to
see my money grow daily. III. During my deployment with the Army in 2008, I
decided that there was no better time to invest in the stock market, and I have been
doing so ever since. IV. Today I would like to inform you why to invest in stocks,
give you a brief history of recent stock market events, and explain why now is the
best time to invest. (Transition): First, I will explain why you should... Show more
content on ...
1) For example, if you were to buy 5000 shares of Citigroup stock today, it would
cost $24,200. a.) If you were to sell that same amount of stock in a few years at
$55.12 per share, you would profit a total of $251,400. Conclusion 1.) As I have
explained, stocks have the highest return of any investment. 2.) Fortunately, it is
not too late to buy in and make a substantial profit. 3.) In conclusion, buying stocks
now can make a poor person very wealthy in years to come given proper research
and the tools to do so. Bibliography 1. Anderson, T. M. (2008, November). Best of
the Online Brokers. OhioLinks . Academic Search Complete. 2. Davies, P. J.
(2008). Liquidity and Leverage: the old fashioned drivers of a very modern
meltdown. Critical Quarterly , 50 (4), 94 106. 3. Kantz, M. (2011). Some investors
miss bull s rewards . USA Today , 03b. 4. Keown, A. J. (2010). Personal Finance:
Turning Money into Wealth. Boston, MA: Prentice
Estimation of Production Function of Public Sector Banks
Economics I Project| Estimation of Production function of Public Sector Banks | |
1.INRODUCTION3 2.Methodology4 2.1General Approach:4 2.2Data Collection:4
2.3Data Processing:5 2.3.1Nature of Banks:5 2.3.2Nature of Variables:5
2.3.3Assumptions in the treatment of Variables:5 2.4Data Analysis:5 2.4.1Objective
of the Analysis5 2.4.2Production Function Relationship:5 2.5Limitation8 3.Data
analysis and Results9 4.Conclusion15 5.Bibliography16
The structure of the banking industry has undergone sweeping changes in the past
two decades. In response to heightened competition from non bank financial firms
enabled by technological progress among ... Show more content on ...
Also, only two input variable at a time is used, though several regression analysis
have been done for different combinations of input and output to get the most
reasonable and best approximate relationship. However, a bank uses any number of
variables as input simultaneously.
A bank measures its performance among other parameters on how much Loan or
Credit it has disbursed in a fiscal year or how much Deposit it has collected from
the customers etc. Though such data in isolation may not be a true estimate of the
efficiency of the business because unregulated disbursal of loans may cause Non
Performing Assets (NPAs) which will lower the Retained Earning of the Bank but
since the report is concerned only with the Production function of the PSBs hence no
comment will be made on this aspect. Similarly how competitively the Deposits have
been taken will not be a subject matter of this report. The Methodology of the report
is to be first gather relevant input/output data from authoritative source. The data so
obtained are processed and any assumptions made for their subsequent analysis is
clearly defined. In the next phase the data analysis is done wherein suitable regression
technique is used to generate the relationship between the input variables and the
Production output. Finally the Interpretation is done to assign the meaning to such
endeavor. 3.2 Data Collection: The data for the Public Sector Banks (PSB) in India
for the following
Manley Pointer Vs Misfit
The Manley Pointer and the Misfit
The Manley Pointer and the Misfit have many similarities and differences. They
both play the role of the bad guy, or the antagonist in the stories by Flannery O
Connor. They also leave the two main woman, the Grandma and Hulga dazed and
scared. The Grandmother s last words and actions were, Why you re one of my
babies. You re one of my own children! She reached out and touched him on the
shoulder. The Misfit sprang back as if a snake had bitten him and shot her three
times through the chest. This shows he s incapable of feeling or recieving contact or
love from another human. While, Hulga and Manley Pointer s last moments spent
together differed, and then the toast colored hat disappeared down the hole and the
girl was ... Show more content on ...
When she turned her churning face toward the opening, she saw his blue figure
struggling successfully over the green speckled lake. Even though they both play
the antagonist, the story ends differently for both women. The Grandmother was
shot and killed, while the Manley Pointer left Hulga alive, only leaving with her
wooden leg. Another comparison between the two is that they both have done this
before. This wasn t the Misfits first kill, and this wasn t Manley Pointer s first time
harassing a woman and taking a token. Pointer says, I ve gotten a lot of interesting
things, he said. One time I got a woman s glass eye this way. And you needn t to
think you‖ll catch me because Pointer ain t really my name. I use a different
name at every house I call at and don t stay nowhere long. While in A Good Man is
Hard to Find we learn in the beginning that the Misfit is a serial killer. The
Grandmother says, Here this fellow that calls himself The Misfit is aloose from
the Federal Pen and headed toward Florida and you read here what it says he did to
these people. Just you read it. I wouldn t take my children in any direction with a
criminal like that aloose in it. I
What I Learned New Imagery And Pedagogies Into My
I initially took Jazz III because it is required for my dance minor; I also hoped to
gain a better understanding of the Jazz Technique. Throughout this course I
achieved the goals that I set at the beginning of the semester. My goals were to be
very confident doing double pirouettes and comfortable doing triple pirouettes. I
also wanted to focus on being a more conscious turner and dancer. I pushed myself
to break my habit of just going for pirouette and hoped that it all worked out. Each
class I learned new imagery and pedagogies that have been extremely beneficial to
my dancecareer. A few images and pedagogies that resonated were the idea of my
pelvis being an elevator, taking my pelvis with me, especially when doing
battement s, and understanding the placement of a turned in passГ©. I have
already taken and applied the goals, imagery, and pedagogies into my dance career.
At first, I was concerned with such varied levels but throughout the course I felt
challenged in the Jazz III/I class. Jazz III is required for dance minors to complete.
I was excited to take this course because I wanted to expand my Jazz Technique.
Throughout the course I have learned a lot about the Jazz Technique and Vernacular.
Before this course I had never done a grand pГle in parallel. I also learned how to do
turns from second position, which was new to me. This course made me feel more
comfortable performing and having fun with Jazz Dance. In the past, I have felt timid
performing Jazz
The Impact Of Amazonia
Amazonia, a place that is of big significance in both culture and in diversity of
species. It covers most of South America in countries such as Bolivia, Brazil,
Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela, and a foreign possession
country called French Guiana. Amazonia has been a place in which people have
lived for 13,000 years (Amazonia, The Human Impact). Many things have happened
in this place which has caused many troubles to the environment and the people
surrounding the Amazonia such as Oil and Gas Production and Deforestation.
These things bring big problem to the Biodiversity of Species , as well as a Cultural
Crisis, in which the people see the Amazon as a beautiful place that has to be
protected for the sake of... Show more content on ...
Deforestation is clearing the land of trees in order to grow or the use of something.
Many thing contribute to deforestation and are ruining the home of thousands of
animals. The first road to be built is one that connects to the capital of Brazil called
Brasilla to the port city of Belem, that is in the north, runs 250 miles long and has
caused deforestation in order to build this road. Transcontinental Roads have been
built in this area since urbanization is on the rise and people need transport in order
to get from one place to another and since the Amazon is a huge chunk of land that
has to be crossed over, railroads began to develop for the people to travel and for
trade. A long railroad to connect from Brazil s Atlantic Coast and a Pacific port in
Peru has been proposed by Brazil, Peru, and China in order to speed up transport of
resources such a soy and phosphate rock (Amazonia, The Human Impact). This
railroad is 3,300 miles long and it is 10 billion dollars, this leads to a big
deforestation that can kill many species and can leave many people without homes.
As of now, there are many roads created that crisscross along the Brazilian Amazon
and many are illegal, about 95%. Fires are another thing that leads to deforestation.
Fires are used in order to clear the land and burn trees
Aids in the Bahamas
AIDS in Bahamians, ages 15 44
A major cause of death of Bahamians in the age group 15 to 44 is AIDS. This is a
result of unprotected sex, ignorance and the reluctancy to get tested and treated.
Many Bahamians engage in sexual intercourse without the use of contraceptives.
Ignorant to the dangers of AIDS, they believe that nothing will happen. When and if
there is a slight belief that one is infected with AIDS, Bahamians tend to hesitate to
get tested or treated because of appearances. However, as research, investment and
commitment into understanding HIV and AIDS increased, so the outcome of people
living with HIV improved around the world ( AVERTing HIV AIDS ). With
innovative and private methods many organizations have formed for ... Show more
content on ...
Moreover, 93% of females can transmit the AIDS virus to males during unprotected
sex. Furthermore, 94% of the combined sample recognized that the AIDS virus can
be transmitted through heterosexual relations. In addition, Rodgers and Rolle state
that only 32% of the sexually active combined sample ensured that they always
used condoms during sex. This means that 68% of the sexually active adolescents
in this survey are conducting in unprotected sex which can very well, lead to
AIDS. It is evident that in this age group, these is reckless and irresponsible
engagement in sexual activity which has led to the dangerous AIDS epidemic.
After interviewing Ms. Sandra Smith, age 21, it was found that she was a prime
example of a young Bahamian engaging in reckless unprotected sex adding to the
AIDS epidemic. Ms. Smith said, I was 20 when I found out I had AIDS. I have
about six serious partners before I got tested. I had sex with them all without using
protection . When Ms. Smith was asked why she did not use a condom she responded
by saying, I really do not know why I did not use a condom. I guess it was all in the
heat of the moment. It was all fun, at the time ! Ms. Smith ended the interview by
saying that, I regret doing what I did, my stupid actions, not using protection. It is
the reason that I have AIDS. I am not proud of my actions but it is the truth. I have
AIDS and I will probably live a short life because I had unprotected sex .
Wyclef Jean Research Paper
Unsung Features the Untold Story of Wyclef Jean Wyclef Jean is famously known
as the one of the members of the 90 s hit hip hop group, The Fugees, along with
their front woman, Lauryn Hill. Although many fans think they know a lot about
Jean s life, there is a lot more to know about the rapper and producer. With the new
season premiere of the TV show s Unsung, TV One s music bio series returns with
a feature on the most influential and talented artists in the past three decades. The
show delves into the personal struggles and accomplishments of music legends
including Wyclef Jean. Humble Beginnings It is the first time a show has
documented Jean s life. The documentary recounts his success story from eating red
clay dirt in Haiti to moving to US and living in Brooklyn. The biopic also follows his
success as a rapper, producer, and... Show more content on ...
He and his siblings were forbidden to listen to secular music. However, he learned
how to adapt modern songs and translate it to church music. He eventually changed
the way R B songs are traditionally produced by putting a spin to traditional music.
After Jean s family moved to New Jersey, he put up his hip hop group in high
school called the Tranzlator Crew along with three other members. They later on
decided to change their name to The Fugees which was a short term for refugees.
Because his father was displeased with his choice of music, he kicked Jean out of
his house. The group met and recorded their music at the basement of Jean s cousin
s house. Thanks to the help of a member of the popular group, Kool and the Gang,
they were signed in by Ruffhouse Records after being rejected by other labels. The
Fugees album debuted in 1944 with the title, Blunted on Reality. After a series of
hits, the group eventually disbanded due to personal affairs. Jean continued his solo
career by writing and producing songs for other music legends. Read the original
story via The
Companion Pet Population
Controlling the Companion Pet Population
There is an alarming amount of stray dogs on the street and the number only
increases due to the fact that these dogs were not fixed. These medical procedures
will help control overcrowding in dog shelters. Since these shelters do not have the
space or the funds to care for all of the unwanted dogs they end up euthanized. All pet
owners should be required to spay/neuter their pets unless the owner applies for
breeder rights if the pet is to be breed. Spay/neutering will not only help prevent the
population problems within the shelters but outside as well and it will help prevent
these pet from becoming euthanized.
First, a big issue that rises from the lack of spays and neuters is that it creates an ...
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If spaying and neutering became mandatory it would keep the number of unwanted
dogs lowered. Other countries, like the United Kingdom, have a 63% drop in
euthanasia rates after implementing population control methods (Trends in Stray Dog
Numbers). The dogs are the ones that are suffering from the lack of initiative to
make this change. They deserve a good loving forever home without fear of being
sentenced to death at a shelter
Even though euthanizing can have its benefits using it to control the dog population
should not be an option. Euthanasia is not all bad in every instance that it is applied.
Health issues in dogs that are clearly suffering and will die shortly can benefit from
being euthanized and put out of their misery. Many dogs get injured past the point
where any surgery can mend and those dogs also benefit from euthanasia.
There are so many negative the arise from the lack of spays and neuters that could
be easily fixed by one law. Enforcing a spay/neuter law can prevent or at least
minimize the amount of stray dogs suffering in the streets that create overcrowded
shelters who euthanize these innocent dogs. Make the change and end the
unnecessary killing of these loyal
County Hospital Simulation
County Hospital Simulation Project
The paper offers a simulation model describing the X ray departments operations in
the county hospital. It can be used for testing various process scenarios, for allocation
of resources and also conduct activity based cost analysis. The simulation model is
used for demonstrating a new operational method that makes the operations at the X
ray department more effective. The operational method is referred to as Triage team
method. This method has been it is been studied from two view points. The results
showed that the method enhances the X ray department if properly implemented and
it incorporates all the required tasks.
County hospital simulation project
The department of ... Show more content on ...
First, a structural development was undertaken. The real design was used as the
background. This was because the entire operation of the x ray department and the
future alterations were easier to show the staff. The areas of treatment as well as
other operational areas, were defined in the layout by use of graphical SimQuick
graphical elements. Other graphical elements included counters for waiting areas and
utilization meters for areas of treatment. The counters were used for giving visual
information regarding the number of patients in the areas of waiting. On the other
side, the utilization meters were showing how much of the resources were been
After defining all the areas, it was time for defining the entities paths and resources
that are the staff. The network of the path comprises of all the probable paths that all
the entities, patients, and members of staff could utilize in moving from place to
place in the x ray department. After creating the paths, the structural definitions were
The needed information for the simulation model to be functional comprised of these
particulars: entities information, resources information, logic definitions and data use.
Definition of entities
The x ray department of the County Hospital has various departments, which include:
ultrasound, computed tomography, interventional radiology, nuclear medicine, and
magnetic resonance imaging. The five groups have partially their own processes
Analysis Of Quit Social Media
Living in a world where social media are highly incorporated into our daily lives is
associated with being detached from the things that matter, such as family, friends,
and even human relationships in general. Moreover, in 2016, Cal Newport pointed
out in his article, Quit Social Media. Your Career May Depend On It , from The
New York Times, that people are now beginning to believe that social mediamay
perhaps take a toll on their career. On the contrary, I find it ironic that people claim
to be victimized by social mediawhen they are giving it authority over them and
their lives by assuming they cannot stay in control of how they occupy their time.
If common people permit social media to drain valuable work time, then they are
one of two things; careless of their job, or they feel as though they are not in charge
of their life. I believe that social media cannot agonize a career unless the person
using it gives it the power to do so. On the other hand, Newport believes that social
media can hurt your career by making someone counterproductive.
The first point Newport makes in his paper is that social media can harm one s
career. Additionally, Newport explains in their article the many ways in which he
deems that social media can impact a career and work ethics. Newport
acknowledges social media is engineered to be addictive and goes further to
explain that it deteriorates the skill to focus on complex tasks without losing
concentration. Within his second point, he says that, The more you use social
media in the way it s designed to be used...the more your brain learns to crave a
quick hint of stimulus... This is supported by general knowledge that social media
is an addiction of sorts; once the brain becomes well acquainted with it, it will rely
on it to generate happiness. Newport then goes on to say the idea of introducing
social media into his life is as frightening as the idea of tobacco is to an athlete.
Another point he makes is that commitment to cultivating your social media brand is
a fundamentally passive approach to professional advancement. He asserts this view
by declaring it simply diverts time from work to personal fulfilment. Newport
concludes his paper by suggesting that in order to
Honolu Climate
Climate of honolulu
Honolulu is located on the island of Oahu in the Hawaiian archipelago. Honolulu s
climate is what most would consider ideal, contributing to Honolulu s popularity as a
tourist destination. The warmest month is August with an average high temperature
of 88.9F and a low of 74.7F. February the coldest months, has an average high
temperature of 80.7F and a low of 65.4F. The highest temperature ever recorded in
Honolulu was 96.1F and the lowest on record was 52F. Normally, Honolulu doesn t
experience a large range of temperatures, most days falling between the mid 60 s to
high 80 s all year long. The D.C. area experiences similar high temps to Honolulu but
in the winter months it becomes much colder. D.C. average temperature range is 60F
while honolulu s is 23.5F.
Being so near the ocean, many uninformed individuals may believe honolulu has a
wet climate, but it s actually the opposite. During its wettest months,October through
February, Honolulu receives barely more than 2 inches. December receives the most
rainfall with only an average of 2.85 ... Show more content on ...
Coal, gas and oil and are being consumed at an unsustainable rate. Additionally,
fossil fuels contribute to global warming, which has numerous, dangerous
repercussions. One alternative energy source is solar energy. Solar energy is a
great alternative because it is cost effective, low maintenance, renewable, and does
not produce pollution. An additional bonus is that extra solar energy produced can
be sold back to the general power grid. The only drawback is that solar panels only
work when the sun is out, which makes it unpractical for some climates. As
previously mentioned, Hawaii receives little rain due to mountains, and it receives
plenty of sunlight due to its latitude. Hawaii has the 6th highest solar potential rating
in America. Solar energy would not only save money and be highly practical, it
would benefit the
The Belief Of Organized Religion
The Belief of Organized Religion All over the world there is some kind of
conspiracy. One is the Organized Church Conspiracy or the Organized Religion
Conspiracy. Many people think that Organized Religion is a source of evil, however
it can be a source of wars, genocide and dogmatism but, An Organized Religionis a
faithsystem with an over arching structure worship practices, and administrate the
organization (What Is Organized Religion and Does the Bible Support It?). The
Organized Religion Conspiracy or Faith System is evidently proven by telling us
how religion is a form of mind control, how organized religion is affecting human
population, and how religions are in the world around us. In America there are many
people who have lots... Show more content on ...
Many people say that the government controls people s thoughts of organized
religion. Entering the Monastic life means renouncing your own will once and for
all, ready to do at every moment of the day for the rest of your life what you are
obligated to do by the monastic routine and the abbot of the community
(Andino).Organized Religion means a variety of things. When God showed himself
in some strange way, it left humans with some depositum of spiritual knowledge
from which all the knowledge of gods origin. If this was not a case, no human
institution could legitimately claim the authority to organize religion and promulgate
a normative set of propositions for the belief and forms of worship (Andino). Since
no one is perfect, God has to provide some ways of showing his depositum the part of
the humans to whom entrusted his revelation. This means that, God is always
working during hard times and is always trying to make everything better so people
can make the right choices in life. An organized religion must operate in time and in
human society, some sort of organizational structure would have to emerge to identify
the dwelling place of that truth, which allows us to identify that we are in
communion with those who believed that faith and that we are receiving the
authentic revelation, and not come corrupted or incomplete imitation (Andino).
Mainly everything we do requires faith. We can either believe that an organized
Inca Research Paper
The Incas were an amazing culture which existed from about 1300 CE to 1600 CE.
In a well developed paragraph, discuss the Inca s society, religion, and their most
incredible/architectural feat.
The Incas were in fact very intelligent people that lived in Mesoamerica an
developed around 1,000 years before the discovery of the New World by the Ancient
Europeans. They are among one of many of the diverse cultures of Native Americans.
According to the textbook, the Incas were predominantly in modern day Peru and
Bolivia (Benton et al 330). In addition, interestingly enough, these wise individuals
also had a hierarchical system of social groups. According to the textbook, these
individuals had developed a system of four main classes which were ... Show more
content on ...
When most individuals learn about the Ancient Greeks, they often associate the
words city state, democracy and art. But the subject that becomes most apparent to
the public and associated with the Ancient Greeks is perhaps philosophy.
According to the textbook, philosophy is defined as the word of wisdom (Benton
et al 66). Philosophy is vaguely not assimilated with religion even though they are
similar. There are several branches of philosophy. Two of which were very
common in Ancient Greece and they were Stoicism and Epicureanism. According
to the textbook, stoicism is defined as being less concerned with formulating a
systematic philosophy than with providing an approach to everyday living or in
other words, accepting the consequences of daily life s activities and accepting
them in a positive approach (102). These beliefs are also taught in the modern world
but most people do not know that these beliefs derived from the Ancient Greeks (or
what is still documented). In simple terms, stoicism is simply the perception of
individuals is what determines all other outcomes in life. Also, another branch of
philosophy is Epicureanism. According to the textbook, Epicureanism is defined as
the philosophy of self indulgence and pleasure seeking (102, 103). In simple terms, it
Overall Characteristics Of Selected Trials And Quality...
Results Overall Characteristics of Selected Trials and Quality Assessment A total
of 1736 articles were initially identified. Of these, 1687 were excluded according
to the exclusion criteria listed above. The 49 remaining articles with full texts that
met the inclusion criteria were assessed.11, 14, 17 19, 25 A total of 4 studies were
included in this review. One study compared aflibercept with bevacizumab and
ranibizumab for centre involved DMO using a standardized follow up and
retreatment regimen.17, 18 Due to there being only one study comparing
aflibercept with other anti VEGF agents, it was not included in the meta analysis.
Figure 1 provides a flow diagram of the search process. In total, there were 661
patients included in this meta analysis: 331 patients in the aflibercept group and
330 patients in the photocoagulation group. The characteristics of the studies
included and risk of bias assessment are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. The DA
VINCI study compared photocoagulation with monthly, bimonthly and as needed or
pro re nata (PRN) intravitreous aflibercept regimens. The PRN regimen was
selected for data extraction because this is the current practice with other anti
VEGF drugs. The VISTA and VIVID studies compared photocoagulation with 4
weekly intravitreous aflibercept (2q4) and a regimen of five initial 4 weekly
intravitreous aflibercept followed by 8 weekly injections (2q8). The 2q8 regimen
was selected for data extraction as the total number of injections in
Benefits Of Cover Letter
Cover Letters 101: 5 Top Tips to Get Your Cover Letter Noticed
Are you having a tough time securing job interviews? Do you submit your resume
and cover letter, yet never receive a call for an interview? It could be your cover
letter is standing between you and a new job. If you want to improve the
effectiveness of your cover letter, bear the following tips in mind.
Personalize your cover letter for each job employment opportunity. Recruiters
appreciate when you take the time to research their company.
A cover letter should be brief. This isn t your opportunity to write a long winded
summary of your employment history. Introduce yourself, reference your resume and
skill sets, and let your employment history speak for itself.
A Captive of Dragons
But mother, I am only eighteen, why must I be married, I whined in a most
unladylike fashion.
Emmaline, you are coming upon an eligible age and it is time to decide your
prospects. And is what a princess must do. I pouted at mother across the breakfast
table, unsatisfied by her reasoning.
Shouldn t I choose who I want, I questioned.
If you weren t so picky then yes you could. We need someone quickly though and
someone that will keep on with our pure blood. In fact, your father and I have perfect
a perfectly wonderful suitor, said mother.
Who, I asked with a cringe.
King Easton Vaun s son, Edward. I made a face, not truly knowing who she was
talking about.
I still don t get why it needs to happen so soon...
It s probably so ... Show more content on ...
I was led past an eclectic amount of flowers and an unnecessary amount of
fountains until I reached the bench that leaned against the outer wall of the castle.
This was the place I could truly be at ease and not have to worry about stupid
wedding plans. I was finally happy. I sat on the bench, leaned back and let the sun
wash over me. I eventually allowed it to lull me to sleep.
I awoke to the sounds of men shouting and a few screams from women. I sat
abruptly and looked around in confusion. I noticed it was still light out, when there
was a momentary shadow that loomed over me. I stared upwards as a huge burst of
wind hit me. My jaw dropped at what caused the wind. It was a dragon. The screams
and shouts behind the outer wall made sense now. I withheld the scream that was
boiling up in the back of my throat. So far I was pretty certain the dragon had not
seen me. I just had to make it back inside to safety. This would be a more difficult
task then sneaking past a few guards though. Getting caught by them wouldn t cost
me my life.
The dragon passed overhead again as I took my first shaky steps forward. I trailed
back to the castle staying as low as possible. I decided to increase my speed, finding
the anticipation to be painful. A shadow passed seemingly closer than the others and
it spooked me. I took off running. My sporadic movements caught the attention of the
dragon. It flew low to me, its large wings almost knocking me
Jackie Robinson Values
10 sentences В¶ I m not concerned with your liking or disliking me... All I ask is that
you respect me as a human . This is a quote from Jackie Robinson . Jackie Robinson
was the first Negro baseball player on a major league baseball team.He was recruited
by Branch Rickey. This was called a noble experiment because this was a time when
segregation was a procedure that did not exclude anyone. He played ten seasons and
won awards like rookie of the year. Jackie Robinsons Values of excellence, integrity
and persistence were most evident in the three texts .He tried his best to become a
player you couldn t undervalue. In fact, he did what was right because it was the
right thing to do, not because he wanted to do it and he could have given up on his
promise but he didn t.... Show more content on ...
Because they give many facts and accomplishments. The author of the article
Jackie Robinson states Two years later he led his league with .342 batting average
and won the Most Valuable Player Award. If you re awarded this it doesn t mean
you re good, it means you add to the value of your team which causes great
achievements. In the article written by Shannon Robinson About My Father she
states, As predicted my dad played baseball with amazing odds. He fought back with
perfectly timed bunts, hard line drives, and stolen bases. He tried his best and gave
dramatic results this shows the amount of excellence he puts in his work. This shows
the amount of effort he applied, which resulted in great outcomes and many
Development of Character in Cormac McCarthy s All the...
Development of Character in Cormac McCarthy s All the Pretty Horses
In a journey across the vast untamed country of Mexico, Cormac McCarthy
introduces All the Pretty Horses, a bittersweet and profoundly moving tale of love,
hate, disappointments, joy, and redemption. John Grady sets out on horseback to
Mexico with his best friend Lacey Rawlins in search of the cowboy lifestyle. His
journey leaves John wiser but saddened, yet out of this heartbreak comes the
resilience of a man who has claimed his place in the world as a true cowboy. In his
journey John s character changes and develops throughout the novel to have more of
a personal relationship with the horses and Mother Nature. He changes from a young
boy who knows nothing of the world ... Show more content on ...
However, he doesn t see beyond the repercussions of owning a ranch, the dedication
and responsibility associated with running a ranch. Mr. Franklin teaches him to look
beyond the fact that owning a ranch is a not as simple as it might seem especially for
a six teen year old boy.
In his journey across the landscape of Mexico, John s character in the novel begins
to transform. He is beginning to move away from that boyish and naive kind of
behavior and more towards the middle stage of between being a boy and a man;
adolescence. McCarthy spends a great deal in describing John s adolescent s stage in
this novel. Much of the time that McCarthy describes in this stage is when they
are out on the prairie with the horses connecting with nature. This connection
allows John to have and a clearer understanding that there is a divine line between
men and horses and that you can t apply the same characteristics that you would
apply to a horse to a man. In one instance, after a long day of riding John and
Rawlins decide to stop for the night and rest. As he rests he lays on his back
looking, out where the quartermoon lay cocked over the heel of the mountain s the
vision of the moon gives the reader a sense of time and how it can be different from
time on the prairie compared to time in a society.. Time on the prairie seems to be
cocked or suspended in time, a sense that time
Tuberculosis Research Paper
On May 2007, there was an international manhunt for Andrew Speaker. His face
was plastered all over the news and there was an urgency to capture him. For a brief
period he was the most wanted individual in the United States and finding his
location at that current time was of the upmost priority (Altman, 2007). The only
crime Andre had committed was that fact that he was in cohorts with Tuberculosis.
When they finally found him, they put him in quarantine. Why this grave
precaution? What had made him the most wanted man in the world and what is the
story behind Tuberculosis? Tuberculosis has been with us since ancient times
(Lawn Zumla, 2011). The earliest recorded date of its presence in humans have
been found in Egyptian mummies dating from 3000 2400BC (Zink, et al., 2003).
Also known as consumption or white plague, it ravaged the lives in North America
and Europe in the 18th and 19th century (McCarthy, 2009) . Finally the microbe
that caused the disease, tuberculosis was discovered by Dr. Robert Koch, a German
microbiologist, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine for his findings (Nobel
Prize).... Show more content on ...
Fortunately TB is curable with the right treatment regime. TB cases in the United
States have declined since 1993, but the disease is still a concern. Two third of
people will succumb to this disease and die, if not treated properly (WHO,
What Is Critical Infrastructure
I believe that the uncertainty as to what is critical infrastructure and what do we
protect comes with our differences as people and what we as individuals believe is
important to support daily living and what isn t. Is it transportation, if so which
mode; air, rail, maritime? I think we can all agree these are critical, and protection
of these should be a priority. How important is the power grid? An Electromagnetic
Pulse is considered a real threat, but there has been little to no preventive protection
measures implemented. Experts say that chances we will experience a devastating
solar storm in the next 15 years (Foster, 2008). Another example I can provide of a
critical infrastructure there is not agreement on regarding the level of protection
The Game Theory And Politics
Game Theory and Politics Whenever Game theory is taught at colleges, politics is
one area that is never touched upon as an application of game theory. Though game
theory in international relations and national politics has been a studied in detail in
the past, there has been a recent increase in the popularity of this study. An increasing
number of game models are extensively being used in informed studies of arms
control, preservation of international peace, disarmament policies, environmental
treaties, national politics, international trade negotiations and bargaining process etc.,
with all the studies sharing the assumption that all the players in the international
arena are rational with respect to the goals they seek to advance.... Show more content
on ...
Thus, governments will gain if they engage in international cooperation to limit
expenditure on military buildup. This problem of arms, and in general any
problem of cooperation, can be explained through the game of prisoners dilemma.
Prisoner s dilemma was conceptualized by Melvin Dresher and Merrill Flood in
195, and formalized and named by Albert Tucker. This game provides a basic
framework for the balance between cooperation and competition and therefore, is
used extensively in strategic decision making. Our example, arms race, can be
modeled through this game. Two governments, lets all them A and B decide
whether to build nuclear arms or not. Thus, each has two choices: build nuclear
arms (denote by w) and not build nuclear arms (denote by n) and their respective
choices give them certain payoff. The following 2x2 matrix describes the model:
B ABuild (W)Not Build (N) Build (W)(2,2)(4,1) Not Build (N)(1,4)(3,3) We can
see that if both countries agree to not build nuclear arms, they have a higher payoff
than they do if they both build. However, if they differ in their choices, then the
country that chooses to build will have a power advantage over the other and thus, a
higher payoff. In the above figure, if A chooses to build and if B
Striving For Perfection In The Birth-Mark By Nathaniel...
Nathaniel Hawthorne s short story The Birth Mark shows the thoughtlessness of
creating a perfect being. Hawthorne conveys this message through the tale of the
scientist Aylmer and his wife Georgiana, who has hand shaped birthmark on her
cheek. Aylmer becomes engrossed with Georgiana birthmark that keeps his wife from
becoming perfect and decides to remove the birthmark through his science. In The
Birth MarkNathaniel Hawthorneutilizes Georgiana weak self conscious, the
birthmark, and the concoction to emphasize the theme of striving for perfection.
Aylmer critical perception of Georgiana birthmark hinders her self confidence. Aylmer
constant glances at his wife s birthmark caused extreme discomfort for Georgiana.
She begins to question ... Show more content on ...
In this scene, Aylmer at last succeeds in perfecting the concoction to cure her flaw.
Aylmer is confident in his scientific abilities that the concoction will remove
Georgiana of her birthmark. His expression for perfecting the concoction is
revealed: Aylmer was pale; but it seemed rather the consequence of a highly
wrought state of mind and tension to spirit than of fear or doubt (Hawthorne 300
). The birthmark on Georgiana s cheek does fade away. However, he sees his
awake for a short moment. After Georgiana awakes from the sounds of Aylmer
success, Georgiana can only appreciate this moment for a brief period of time. The
birthmark represents the difference between life and death for Georgiana. Once it
disappears away, so does Georgiana from the physical world. Aylmer does
successfully remove the birthmark, but ultimately fails to notice the significance of
the birthmark concerning Georgiana life. This all happened because Aylmer places
the importance of obtaining perfection over his love for Georgiana, and in doing so,
commits a disastrous
12 Hour Flight Case Study
Woman Contracts Rare Bacterial Infection on 12 Hour Flight
While on a 12 hour flight from Japan to Germany a woman contracted a rare
bacterial infection called meningococcal disease. This is a serious illness caused by
the bacteria Neisseria meningitidis, which can cause death or disability. People can
get it from being in close contact with someone who is sick.
Neisseria meningitidis is found in people s nose and throat of about 10 percent of the
population. This bacteria can get into the blood and the brain and cause severe
illness. When the bacteria is found in the blood it can cause sepsis, an infection.
When it is found in the brain it can cause meningitis, which is the swelling of the
membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord.
The Romance Of Three Kingdom Summary
The Romance of three kingdom It was a common proverb said that hero come
from chaos period, during this state of turbulence people would use their
intelligence to create a new world, it was full of bloods, tricks, steel. When one
hero was fell down, after that a new hero was raise up, it was endless like surging
river. the author of the Romance of three kingdom, Luo Guanzhong also came from
chaos, he saw and feel what was verified of this society, how the peasants rebelled to
the centre government, the insurgent militaries were infighting each other, the
complex political conflicts of the royal courts. he was not as a spectator to wrote this
novel, a plenty of plots were himself experience because he was a military counsellor
to help his monarch Zhang Shicheng(еј еЈ«иЇљпј‰ to defeat Zhu Yuanzhang s
attacking. However Zhang was defeated by Yuan, he join the army of Zhu Yuanzhang
and help him to defeat his final... Show more content on ...
The novel covers one hundred and thirteen years of Chinese history, starting in 168
A.D. and ending with the reunification of the land in 280 A.D.[4]Three Kingdoms
describes a fascinating dynastic cycle: the fall of the Han Dynasty under Emperor
Ling due to the Yellow Scarves rebellion, the division of the Empire into the three
kingdoms Shu, Wei, and Wu and the reunification of the empire by the Jin Dynasty.
In the late of Eastern Han dynasty, the emperor was very naive, and the center
authority was controlled by eunuchs and the status of politic was waved.
Furthermore, there were many disasters conducted that people had not enough grain
to deal with the problem of starve so that the government added the tax to peasants.
The peasants did not satisfy that the government deals with anything useless. So they
rebelled the governments in a large group, in history, it was called Yellow Turban
Rebellion. This is the background of the Romance of the three
Lydia s Loyalty In The Longest Memory
A number of character s actions and naivety in The Longest Memory contribute to
the death of Chapel, but none more so than the plantation owner s daughter, Lydia.
Lydia lacks in most life experiences which causes an error in judgement leading to
the death of Chapel, who she loved dearly. However there are other factors involved
in Chapel s death including those of Whitechapel, his father, which majorly
contributes. Both women and slaves cannot claim any true responsibility due to the
era in which this noveltakes place. None the less the actions and naivety of these two
characters and the actions of other characters such as Sanders Junior directly or
indirectly lead to the whipping of Chapel, in which he dies from.
Lydia s naivety is one ... Show more content on ...
Whitechapel made the decision, when Chapel ran away, that he would tell his
Master that his son had taken the river path rather than taking the usual straight
north path. Whitechapel believed that if he gave up his son s whereabouts he
would be saving his son s life. Whitechapel overestimated the master s respect for
himself. This could be due to his thinking that slaves who respect and listens to the
overseers and master s orders earn the small kindness of the overseer and master .
It will never be known if Chapel would have made it all the way north if his father
had never unzipped his lips but we do know that Whitechapel telling his master the
whereabouts of Chapel definitely made the chances of him making it north very
slim. If Whitechapel s reasons for telling the master were solely to save Chapel s
life for his own good then his intentions were good and it was simply just a
misjudgement. However Whitechapel also had a selfish reason for wanting Chapel
to return. Whitechapel wanted Chapel to return so that when he died Chapel would
be by his side. Whitechapel realises his part in Chapel s death saying that he killed
his son because [he] wanted him next to [his] side when [he] died . Whitechapel
telling his master the whereabouts did the opposite of what he believed would
happen and put his son in danger rather than keeping him safe. These actions
ultimately put Chapel into a situation where the odds of his
The Sweatshop Industry and Child Labour in NIC s Essay
The Sweatshop Industry and Child Labour in NIC s
This report is aimed at investigating if the two major TNC s Nike and Gap
manufacture their products according to their code of vendor conduct. Both
companies code of vendor conduct clearly states that no workers are employed under
the legal minimum age and sweatshops don t exist in their factories.
A sweatshop is a factory where employees are subject to extreme exploitation; they
work in dreadful conditions with health and safety hazards, for little pay and long
hours. Child labour is, as the word suggests, when children under the legal minimum
age are employed to work
When we hear brand names such as Nike and Gap, most of us will ... Show more
content on ...
This excuse hinders outsiders knowing exactly what is happening inside the
factory. People didn t want to tell us about the factories whereabouts either, as they
were scared of getting physically assaulted by the security men surrounding the
factory. At last we found a factory called June Textiles, which manufactured
products for both Nike and Gap, but no one would tell us more than that. Checking
treatment of workers here was going to be a huge task. The factory was well
guarded and looked like any ordinary factory from the outside, but at that time we
didn t know what harsh realities workers were facing inside the factory.
We needed to talk to the workers on home turf, away from the security men
surrounding the factory. Late at night we got a call from a couple of workers who
said they were prepared to speak to us, if we met them after their shift, at their home.
For them to talk openly about the conditions in the factory was a big step.
This was the one of our first big surprises, 8 women were living together in a tiny
little room which on a regularly basis had power cuts and was without running
water. As we interviewed them they told us that Nike and Gap treat them as dirt,
they work 16 hours a day, which is 112 hours a week. This contradicts with Nike and
Gap s code of vendor conduct, which says ВґВґOn a regularly scheduled basis
requires no more than 60 hours of work per
My Statement Of Purpose For Computer Engineering can be much broder once you discover one simple fact: Everything around you
that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can
change it, you can influence it. Once you learn that, you ll never be the same again.
When I heard these words by the late Steve Jobs in a video that was just 1 minute
42 seconds long, it left a big impact and changed the way how I looked at the world.
Following closely the rivalry between the companies Microsoft and Apple and their
growths, despite each other, has fascinated me with the world of technology. The fact
that the economy and employment opportunities in the tech industry has beed
substantially strong despite the weaker, broader economy, makes it even more
compelling ... Show more content on ...
A recent survey showed that companies like Facebook and Google have just over
15% women employees. Combining these figures with a Forbes forecast that there s
going to be an increase in computer science employment by 19% through 2020, I see
a tremendous opportunity for women in the realm of computer science. I also believe
that this field will be grow faster if it can convince the younger generation to be a
part of it as they are the ones who spend most of the time using the gadgets and new
innovations. It s the younger generation that will indubitably bring disruptive
innovations and my long term goal is to educate and encourage an entire generation
of ambitious women to pursue education in computer
Personal Narrative Essay On The Crucible
I was a dark person and anyone could tell you that. How do I know that everyone
thinks that about me? Well I m currently burning my classmates at my school in
Salem and the whole town is watching it happen. You are probably wondering why
nobody is trying to stop me, but I know magic. I used a spell to possess them into
making them obey me and to not move at all. You are also probably wondering how
I know magic so I ll tell you. My ancestors were witches here in Salem,
Massachusetts so I have inherited my family s evil witch traits. Turning back to the
school after watching the community, I saw half my classmates were struggling to
get out but the other half were now ashes. Old parchment started shooting out of the
school as the flames
Seize The Day Memo
Carpe diem! Seize the day! Iaino ny andro anio! Profiter du prГ©sent! The first
statement is written in Latin, the second in English, the third in Malagasy and the
last is written in French. French and Malagasy are the national languages of the
island country of Madagascar. There is a program through my church, the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, that sends young adults all over the
world to serve and I hope to be apart of it one day. If there is one thing that I aspire to
make sure I do before I turn 35 is to be a missionary and serve others internationally,
preferably in Madagascar. I wantto serve in Madagascar of all places because I would
love to be able to make a positive impact in the lives of people that need it there.
How Social History Has Given Voice Of The Voiceless
When studying history, historians see how social history has given voice to the
voiceless. There have been countless ways and instances when social history has
exposed the histories of ancient, medieval, as well as early modern peoples that
had previously not been investigated. Many great individuals throughout history,
with their writings have given the people of their time a great voice. While these
writings and actions have given these individuals a voice, these voices continue
with the history of their people throughout their time as well as after their time.
The Loyalist Teaching , is an ancient Egyptian set of texts with a series of
instructions, in the text it is set as a father speaking to his children. In the texts, it
gives details about loyalty, more importantly, obedience and loyalty to the pharaoh
as well as how members of society must be respectful to the citizens and continue
to participate in their civic duty. In the texts, it is said, The king is Sustenance; his
speech is Plenty. The man he makes is someone who always exist. He is the heir of
every god, the protector of his creators. They strike his opponents for him.
(Unknown 27) While in this text, it does not seem to be giving a direct voice to
those who do not have one, it gives a clear picture of how individuals in that
respective society were expected to praise their pharaoh, or they in return, they would
ultimately die. These teachings help historians to gain a clear picture of how this
society ran
The Importance Of Paying Student Athletes
This opinion article is written for students enrolled in the University of Texas (UT)
who believe that student athletes should not be paid because athletes are already
compensated enough through scholarships. This article will be published in The
Daily Texan which is a student run newspaper. Since the newspaper is recognized by
students, they will be able to be informed about the reasons why athletes should be
paid and how their payment will be monitored.
Paying Student Athletes and Monitoring Payment
Patrick Hudson, a University of Texas (UT) football player, struggles in his daily life
to balance his athletic and academic demands from waking up early in the morning,
to attending study hall sessions, and completing training. Football players, ... Show
more content on ...
Even though student athletes are perceived as students enrolled in a higher education
institution, like everyone else, they must develop a balance between their academic
and athletic demands. From my own research, Patrick Hudson explains how those
demands are extremely difficult to manage, especially when you have over 30 hours
of commitments to football (Personal Interview). This real example is important
because it describes that athletes live a hectic lifestyle with countless of hours of
work. In addition to their demands, UT s student athlete manual determines an athlete
s lifestyle. This manual list the academic and athletic requirements student athletes
must uphold to continue their athletic vocation. They include: enrolling in 12 hours,
fulfilling coursework that is applicable to a course degree, satisfy coaches with their
performance, maintain a 2.0 GPA, and compete for four seasons ( Student Athlete
Manual pg. 36). Furthermore, the previous requirements entail that sports are not like
most extracurricular organizations where participation and membership renewal is
optional. Athletes participation in a sport requires dedication and time commitment
to prove their consistency to the team. Most of us are considered full time students,
can you imagine adding over 30 hours of long workout routines after a tiring day
from attending classes and doing homework (Hudson)?
Dugway Proving Ground
QA Gone Wrong: Level 3 Military Lab Mistakenly Ships Live Anthrax Spores
The Dugway Proving Ground is a US Military Level 3 biodefence laboratory that
was opened in 1942 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. It was opened after the
attack on Pearl Harbour for the purpose of testing chemical and biological warfare
weapons. In 2001, after the 9/11 attacks and the anthrax mail attacks it was assigned
the task of researching anthrax (Burns McCombs, 2015).
In 2015 it was found that the lab mistakenly shipped live anthrax samples to 52
different labs throughout the United States, Canada, Australia and South Korea. All
52 of these labs were expecting to receive samples which should have been
sterilized. Due to this mistake 41 people were potentially exposed to the live bacteria
and ... Show more content on ...
(2015, 05 28). Anthrax error latest in Dugway s history of incidents. Retrieved from
Standard: chief Human error
likely not cause of anthrax mistake
Defence, U. D. (2016, 01 15). News Transcript Department of Defense Press Briefing
by Army Officials in the Pentagon Briefing Room on the Investigation into the
Inadvertent Shipment from Dugway Proving Ground of Live Anthrax Spores.
Retrieved from U.S. Department of Defence:
Transcripts/Transcript View/Article/643396/department of defense press briefing by
army officials in the pentagon briefing
Reardon, S. (2014, 07 11). US Disease agency suspends pathogen shipments.
Retrieved from Nature: disease agency suspends
pathogen shipments 1.15544
Roosenberg, M. (2016, 07 23). Procedures Faulted in Army Lab s Shipment of
Anthrax. Retrieved from NY Times:
/procedures faulted in army labs shipment of anthrax.html
Trevan, T. (2015, 11 11). Biological research: Rethink biosafety. Retrieved from
Arguments Against Socrates
Will you choose to stick with your values and principals when facing death? It has
been a month since Socrates was put in prison waiting for his execution. Socrates s
execution took long because a state galley had set out on a religious mission that took
place annually, and the law was to never allow any executions until the state galley
returns. Socrateswas sentenced to death after he was found guilty in not believing in
the Gods and also corrupting the young children. When the ship was about to arrive,
Crito, Socrates s old faithful friend, arrives early to where they held Socrates. The
guard allows Crito to see Socrates because he offered them a bribe. Crito becomes
surprised on how Socrates remains calm even when facing a death sentence.... Show
more content on ...
First, Crito made it clear to Socrates that he should not be worried about the risk or
financial costs to his friends as they are willing to pay. Also, Crito said that they
would be justified in helping Socrates escaping from prison if they are caught.
Aside from not worrying about Crito and his friends who are helping Socrates
escape prison, there is one major motivation for Crito to help Socrates, which is no
one would believe that Socrates had willingly faced execution. Instead, Crito would
be accused of not having helped Socrates, and of valuing his money more than his
friend s life.
On a more ethical level, Crito presents two reasons for why Socrates should escape
prison. Crito thinks that it is not just for Socrates to give up his life when he can
save it. If he stayed, he would be aiding his enemies in wronging him unjustly, and
would thus be acting unjustly himself. Secondly, accepting death means that
Socrates is showing no concerns for his family s fate, and by escaping, he could live
in exile and raise and educate his sons. Those reasons are what made Crito believe
that Socrates should not give up his life and should escape and live in
Persuasive Essay On Cruelty To Animals
Some people think that dog fights are okay. However, think that is it wrong and
the dogs should not be put through that. It makes them aggressive and makes it to
where they cannot find a home. Not finding a home for a dog can be very sad. Only
because if they do not find a home they can possibly be put down. Seeing a dogget put
down is really heartbreaking. Charges can be very bad depending on what you do.
Inn California, cruelty to animalsis defined as Maliciously and intentionally maims,
mutilates, tortures, or wounds a living animal, or maliciously and intentionally
kills an animal; or overdrives, overloads, drives when overloaded, overworks,
tortures, torments, deprives of necessary sustenance, drink, or shelter, cruelly
beats, mutilates, or cruelly kills any animal or causes or procures any animal to be
so treated. Animals shall be seized and impounded and ownership forfeited. These
crimes may be charged as either a misdemeanor or felony, with punishment of a
fine up to $20,000 and/or imprisonment up to 1 year. If a defendant is granted
probation for a conviction, the defendant must pay for and successfully complete
counseling as determined by the court. It is also a misdemeanor to carry or causes
to be carried in or upon any vehicle or otherwise any domestic animal in a cruel or
inhumane manner. Exemptions are made for farming, hunting and research. The
different types of animal abuse varies but the main one that everyone knows of is
dog fights. People think that dog fights are fun, exciting, or just a thrill, but when
you start fighting the dogs and making them aggressive, that prevents them from
finding a loving caring home. When a dog fight gets busted and they get all the
dogs out of there it would be hard to find them a home because of their aggression.
This is sad because this more than likely means that they will have to put the dog
down. I honestly do not agree with putting the dog down. Sometimes they do not
want to put in the effort to make the dog better so they just take the easy way out
and just put the dog down. Animal abuse is a serious topic that occurs every day.
This happens every day, everywhere. Together people could change the world.
Animal abuse is a major cause all around
Physics Of The Future
Michio Kaku s, Physics of the Future (2011) is about the forthcoming technology and
the beneficial uses we will have for them. Nanotechnology is one of the technologies
Kaku illustrates. The government s National Science Foundation Nanotechnology
Report states: Nanotechnology has the potential to enhance human performance, to
bring sustainable development for materials, water, energy, and foods, to protect
against unknown bacteria and viruses.... (p. 200). Nanotechnologywill be a huge
factor in the advancements that will occur in the future and that will improve
human lives. Kaku compares nanotechnology with the Pandora box. The Pandora
box was opened because of the strength of curiosity and unleashed chaos, misery,
and suffering; we are creating these machines, but we do not know if they will
create chaos or content us with our knowledge (pg. 199). This paper will focus on
Nanotechnology being beneficial toward finding a cure for canceras many
experiments with mice have shown a positive result, numerous inventions are
developing and making great progress and its many possibilities in the future.
Countless experiments are in the works for a cure for cancer; these experiments are
being done on mice as subjects and have been successful. One experiment was done
by Jinwoo Cheon, a chemist at Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea who had
been developing nanoparticles made of iron oxide with the intention to make a
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that would be able to locate
Mexico Essay
Mexico is bordered by the United States on the north, the Pacific Ocean on the west,
the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea on the east, and Guatemala and Belize on
the south. It is characterized by an extraordinary diversity in topography and climate
and is crossed by two major mountain chains, the SierraMadre Occidental and the
Sierra Madre Oriental. The high central plateau between these two mountain ranges
historicallyfunneled most of the human population toward the center of this region.
Mexico features volcanic peaks, snow capped mountains, tropical rain forests, and
internationally famous beaches. Mexico City is an enormous metropolitan area and
dominates the rest of the country s culture, economy, and politics. Nearly... Show
more content on ...
Much of northwest Mexico including Baja California and the northern regions of
the Pacific Coast lowlands is quite arid, receiving less than 130 mm (5 in) of rain
per year. The northern Gulf Coast plains are semiarid, receiving about 250 to 560
mm (about 10 to 22 in) of rainfall annually. As on the central plateau, rainfall
increases toward the south on both the western and eastern coasts.
The tropic of Cancer, which marks the northern limits of the tropics, passes through
the southern tip of Baja California and crosses central Mexico. Much of southern
Mexico has a tropical climate with distinct rainy and dry seasons; the Gulf Coast
has more regular and abundant rainfall than the southern regions of the Pacific
Coast. Temperatures in these coastal regions range between 21 and 27В°C (70 and
80В°F) during the year. Annual rainfall, which generally ranges between 1,500 and
2,000 mm (60 and 80 in), comes mainly during the rainy season of May to October.
Mexico s Gulf Coast is subject to hurricanes that pass through the region and often
cause extensive damage.
The northern YucatГЎn Peninsula is hot and semiarid. Annual rainfall ranges between
500 and 1,000 mm (20 and 40 in). The extreme southern part of Mexico, including the
Chiapas Highlands and the southern regions of the YucatГЎn
Occ Is A Maryland Corporation
OCC is a Maryland corporation that exists to serve utility companies and process
telephone calls from individual who intend to undertake excavation projects. OCC
maintains contracts for its services in a number of states across the county. At the
time OCC was incorporated, it was completely owned by Thomas Hoff ( Hoff ).
Volkman was hired by OCC in 1984. When Volkman was hired she held the title of
Director of Operation. In 1993, Volkman entered into an employment agreement
whereby Volkman would serve as vice president of OCC at its corporate office in
Minnesota. Under this agreement, Volkman could only be terminated for Good
Cause, or upon fifteen days prior notice. Volkman s responsibilities as vice
president of OCC included, but were not limited to, facilitating acquisitions,
making hiring decisions, and establishing policies and procedures. Additionally,
Volkman was tasked with maintaining a contract in Minnesota with Gopher State
One Call ( GSOC ). Indeed, Volkman was a longtime employee of OCC who had
worked her way up through the organization and was highly valued. She was also
highly compensated, earning in excess of $400,000 per year.In or around 2007,
Hoff expressed an intent to divest himself of his interest in OCC and retire. In
recognition that much of OCC s value is derived from Hoff s association with the
company, Hoff created Hanover as a holding company that existed for the only
purpose of owning shares of OCC. Under this arrangement, Hoff
Civil War In Anil s Ghost
Sri Lanka is more than meets the eye. It can be perceived as a place with golden
beaches, rising waves, misty mountains... and many sites (10 Good Reasons).
Outside of these golden beaches , and deep within the heart of Sri Lanka is a place
where the truth is hidden from the public by the government. In Michael Ondaatje s
Anil s Ghost, Sri Lankais the setting of the book and where the protagonist, Anil tries
to prove the truth of government murders. Although, this righteous act is constantly
being delayed because of the civil war, lack of technology, and poor emergency
services in Sri Lanka. For starters, the Sri Lankan civil war has a major impact on
Anil trying to prove the truth of government assassinations. Since the country is in a
civil war, the government can be very sensitive to what is... Show more content on ...
Anil and Sarath realize that they do not have the technology to completely analyze
the skeleton body, so they go to Palipana for advice, where he redirects them to
Ananda Udugma...a recreate the face of Sailor (Ondaatje 91). They
then take the recreation around Sri Lanka, and finally identifying him as Ruwan
Kumara... at the third plumbago village (Ondaagtje 269). The time it takes Anil
and Sarath to travel from the site they found the skeleton to discovering Sailor s
identity could easily have been a week long. During this time, hundreds of lives
could have been taken away from the government and no one would know or do
anything because there was no solid evidence proving that it was actually happening.
If Sri Lanka had the technology to identify the body quicker, it could have only taken
several hours, making a huge difference compared to the week it originally took
them. Those several hours would bring up this controversy open to the public, scaring
the Sri Lankan government and ending the doing of government
What Is The Critical Lens Of Hybridity
Post colonialism is defined as the study of texts to discover themes and reasoning
that were prevalent during the post colonial period of literature. The way one
observes these texts is by using a specific critical lens. This essay will focus on the
critical lens of hybridity. Hybridity is the mixture of two equal cultures that evolve
together contrary to viewing them as separate. The lessons the characters undergo
help the reader to understand the change or conflict and how to resolve it. The
reader will be able to understand what the characters will experience to solve
similar conflicts in the future. The Tempest, The Epic of Gilgamesh, and Heart of
Darkness will be reviewed using the lens of hybridity. There are various cultures
exemplified in these texts, including uncivilized natives, godlike men, royalty,
powerful people, powerless people, people of color, and people whose color is
dominant. All of these cultures create a power struggle for one of the opposing
parties. Overall this power struggle between cultures creates the struggle and new
formation of hybridity. The first example of hybridity is found in the epic of
Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh was his name from the day he was born, two thirds of him
god and one third human ... Show more content on ...
He allowed his boy an overfed young Negro from the coast to treat the white men,
under his very eyes, with provoking insolence. (Conrad, 1902). This boy is
mentioned because this is unusual to have a black person rule over white people.
During this time period, this behavior is viewed as unacceptable. Marlow mentions
this act because it is out of the ordinary. This is also showing how the culture of the
white men has changed this boy. The boy mistreat others because of the power he
obtained from the white men. He is viewed as possessing higher power than other
white and black men. This boy is no longer a part of both original culture
Child Labour and Ethics Essay
We have all heard that child labour is a bad thing, however, lets try and think В– is
it, really?
By introducing child labour companies save millions of dollars which are passed to
the consumer as a cheaper price on products they buy from our firm, if there are
more profits there are more taxes paid to the Government. By having better profit
margins our company is able to pay bigger dividends to shareholders thus giving them
a better return on their investment and making them richer.
And to top it off, the children are not being forced to work В– they are working out
of their free will В– what our company does is give children the opportunity to earn
some extra money if they feel like it.
In the end, every ... Show more content on ...
Imagine yourself living in China and being poor or single parent with a child or being
a child without parents В– there is little support for the poor from the Government
and if are a child with no parents you will most likely be living on the streets with
the dogs.
I can say with great pride that our company, or in fact any company that uses child
labour helps poor people in these kind of situation. A child that has no parents will
have his chance to make his own living, which otherwise would have been minimal
В– children in these circumstances either die or turn to a life of crime which ends
them in prison.
Our company gives alternative choice to children in need when the governments
cannot support them.
And if your family or if you are a single parent struggling to put food on the table and
have a place where to live В– why not let your child help you do that? Why shouldn
t he be able to help if you are really struggling?
And the good thing is В– children become mature at younger age, they begin to
understand the cost of living and that nothing in life is free, which in turn will help
them become better, more hard working and appreciative individuals in the future.
So, yes В– I do think that our company is doing Good to societies that really need
An Actor Prepares
An Actor Prepares by Constantin Stanislavski
Because I m usually immersed in web stuff, it s interesting to read a text whose
ideas are still relevant to its target profession 70 years on. It was mostly a more
enjoyable read than I expected it s written as if by a student of acting, reporting on
a year of training. It makes clear how much more there can be to acting than just
pretending to be someone else . Unfortunately I kind of lost it around two thirds of
the way through, when he starts talking about transmitting rays to each other, and
things get a bit hazy and repetitive. Maybe that stuff makes more sense when the
preceding chapters have been properly absorbed and used. (Also see my notes on
Sanford Meisner on Acting and Uta ... Show more content on ...
35 7 Whatever happens on stage must be for a purpose, even if you outwardly appear
to be doing nothing. You must act either outwardly or inwardly.
40 41 Never simply try to act emotions emotions are caused by something that has
gone before, and it s this that you should think of. The result will produce itself.
46 If acts as a lever to lift us out of the world of actuality into the realm of
4. Imagination
70 The actor must use his imagination to be able to answer all questions (when,
where, why, how). Make the make believer existence more definite.
71 If you do or say anything on stage without fully realising who you are, what you
re doing, how you got there, etc, you re not using your imagination. If someone asks
is it cold outside? you should remember what it was like when you were last out the
sights, sensations, etc before answering.
5. Concentration of Attention
75 An actor must have a point of attention, and this point of attention must not be in
the auditorium.
82 Solitude in Public : when you are in public (e.g., on stage) but have a small circle
of attention and feel alone within it.
83 5 Your focus of attention can be larger areas, but this is harder to maintain if it
begins to slip, withdraw the attention to a smaller circle or single object/point, then
gradually enlarge the circle of attention again.
88 At the end of
Women And Courtship In The Taming Of The Shrew By
How would a modern audience view this play in a different way to an audience in
Shakespeare s time, particularly in relation to the role and status of women and
attitudes to marriage and courtship?
Elizabethan society was created on the belief the woman had no right or control
over their own lives. Women had no choice in what their profession would be, as a
matter of fact they weren t allowed to have a profession such as medicine, politics
and law. The only places they were allowed to work were in domestic areas. This
essay will be focusing on the taming of the shrew with the role of status of women
and attitudes towards marriage and courtship during the Elizabethan era. In
Elizabethan society, all that women were considered of was the lower end of men
and the weaker gender.
Women and men s role in Elizabethan society is completely different to modern
society. The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeareshows exactly what the
attitudes were like. For example, the scene when Katherina is fighting with her
sister because Bianca has a number of suitors waiting for her but she refuses to tell
Katherina which one she prefers. Katherina gets angry and aggressive towards
Bianca because she doesn t give her an answer, Katherina starts to attack Bianca.
Their father enters into the room and says For shame, thou hilding of a devilish
spirit! Why dost thou wrong her that did ne er wrong thee? When did she cross thee
with a bitter word? Baptista is expressing why Katherina would
Advantages And Definitions Of A Database Management
Fundamentals of Database Management System
Before we talk about Fundamentals of database management system, we need to
know what is a Data . Data is a something which has an implicit meaning and that can
be deduced to new facts which can be recorded too.
Then we have to know what is a Database . Database is known as organized,
structured and centralized set of data collection which are stored in a computer
system. That can be managed, updated and accessed.
Now we have to know what is Database Management System . Database Management
System is a software package for store, manipulate, retrieve, update, maintain and data
analyze in database. Database Management System s are communicating with users
and other software applications. MYSQL, Microsoft ... Show more content on ...
Advantages Limitations Data independence. Lacks structural independence. Database
security. Difficult to manage because of Less redundant data. Many relationships.
Efficient searching. Complex implementation.
Network data model
It was a first attempt of using data into databases, same time as the hierarchical data
model were developing. In the network data model data is represented as
collections of records and relationships are represented by sets. The most popular
network DBMS is computer associates IDMS/R. network data model were used for
large databases. In network model files are related as owners and members like in
hierarchical model. But member file can have more than one owner in network data
model. So it was very complex. Lets see a example diagram for network data model.
Relational model based
Mass Shootings And Terrorist Attacks
Nous Sommes tous Unis The Introduction The topic of mass shootings and terrorists
attacks has been of particular attention to the American public this year. But the huge
event that has truly shocked Americans was the November 13th attacks on Paris. In
just a half hour gunmen and suicide bombers hit a concert hall, a major stadium,
restaurants and bars, and left 130 people dead and almost four hundred wounded.
The attacks on Paris monopolized the media, and soon no one found themselves
ignorant of the events that occurred on that Friday the 13th. Immediately the world
turned to France, and for the first time Americans were able to repay the French for
their empathy shown after the tragedies on 9/11. In a method previously reserved for
... Show more content on ...
slacktivism. Slacktivism, a common communication term used to describe taking
action on the Internet in support of a cause that requires little time or involvement,
is currently a huge topic in today s media. Many believe that millennials like
myself have no concept of performing anything other than slacktivism. Indeed,
many feel that while slacktivism has no immediate danger, it encourages the
decline of actual progress on issues (Penney, 2015). Terrorism, also all too familiar
for millennials, festered and opened up again in way most Americans had not
anticipated. Seeing the devastation and quick responses of these attacks led me to
analyze American responses to this tragedy. The question But this leads me to my
question of why? Why did the Facebook community cover their profile pictures
with a French flag? While this question seems like an easily answered one, it was
not easy to arrive at. Following the November 13th attacks I found myself at awe
of the new media we see in our world today. The way that news covers tragedy is
different, and even where people go to for reliable news has changed. I began my
search for information at these topics. Later, my mind marveled at social media in
the form of YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. These websites were often
the source of public opinion on this event. I wondered if there was any pressure to
participate in Parisian support. Finally, after looking at social media, I arrived at my
final inquiry,
Statement of Purpose for Education Leading to a Career as...
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The future belongs to those who believe in the
beauty of their dreams Eleanor Roosevelt I believe it is the combination of
knowledge, leadership skills and certitude that will help bridge the gap between
dreams and reality. It is my aspiration to lead a successful construction based firm
and to be a one of the top entrepreneurs of my country. Without proper intellectual
and practical skills and their suitable implementation, it is difficult to achieve such
a high profile position. My pursuit for the above encouraged me to apply to the
Construction Engineering and Management program. My decision to opt for Civil
Engineering was result of my desire to contribute something advantageous to the
society since Civil Engineering directly has an impact on every individual s life as
well as all things, living or non living, around them and it provides most
practicable and real time approach to tackling nature as well as human problems.
Further, it plays a very crucial role in the infrastructural development of a country.
I had high academic profile in the course of my schooling. A year after opting Civil
Engineering in M.J. College of Engineering and Technology, I realized the
importance of two major aspects of study practicality of knowledge and work skill.
Since then, the former aspect was explored by reinforcing my theoretical knowledge
with the help of frequent visits to construction sites in my country as well as in
Middle East.
Orion Research Paper
The constellation I have chosen to write about is Orion. This is one of the most
famous constellations in the night sky. I chose this one because as I stated, it is
very famous, and because it is one of those constellations that I have seen many
times. Orion is a hunter, so the constellation shows a man holding a club and
shield. It is easily recognized by the three stars in a line that form the hunter s belt.
The myth of Orion is an interesting one. Orion was known as a hunter in Greek
mythology, and he boasted that he could defeat and kill any animal on Earth. This
greatly angered Gaea, the earth goddess, so she sent a small scorpion to kill Orion.
Unable to shoot his arrows through the scorpion s armor, he ran into the sea to
escape. During
Single Sex School
Why Single Sex School?
Single sex schools are the best way of education and vital for our children in order
for them to be taught in an environment that is away from distractions and to be
more successful, focused and emotionally stable. There are several reasons which
shows that single sex schools are important and why it s the best way for good
The first reason is that boys and girls are not equal and develop at different times and
speeds; therefore they should be taught separately. Acording to Gilbert (2007),
Aacademic planners and school superintendents in the 1960 s had this foundamental
assumption; they used to think that separate means unequal, so fearing that they
would be unfair, provoking inequality and sexual ... Show more content on ...
The second reason why single sex schools are the way to go is that boys and girls
distract each other from their education, especially in adolescence as their sexual and
emotional sides develop. They spend too much time trying to impress or sexually
harassing each other especially boys toward girls. Academic competition between the
sexes is unhealthy and only adds to the unhappiness and anxiety among weaker
students. As Trichia Kelleher, a school principle, argues rather than girls defining
themselves by their interests, they define themselves by what the boys think of them
or what other girls think boys think of them . Furthermore, John Silber (2002),
President of Boston University, declared that his university would prioritize male
applications in order to even up the student composition and ensure the male
population did not become ungentlemanly towards women due to their numerical
inferiority. John as a preident of Boston saw how females can be a sexual distraction
towarad males in class rooms and tried to slove that by admitting more males to the
university. A single sex environment is therefore a space where (children) can learn
without feeling pressurized by the other sex.
As odd it may sound, some people argues that children need to be exposed to the
opposite sex in preparation for later life; this fact should be further evaluated and
analysed logically. Nobody in this world comes without parents, and as children we
can get
Three Educational Implications Of Mexican American
Three educational implications that teachers should apply to improve educational
experiences for Mexican American students are coming up with scholarship options,
getting to know what the student expects or what they think is the norm in a
classroom, and having an aid in the room for those who may not speak English very
well. The teachers should find a way to make more scholarship options for Mexican
Americans only so that more of them have the chance to become successful in life.
They should not have to be left out of higher educationjust because they cannot afford
it. Getting to know what the studentthinks is a norm in the classroom is another good
way to improve the educational experience in many ways. For example, a child could
Against the Monarchy of the Roman Catholic Church in
The French Revolution was a civil revolt that broke out in France against the absolute
monarchy and the Roman Catholic Church, which lasted from 1789 1799. This
resulted in the establishment of France as a republic, democratic government and
caused the Roman Catholic Church s necessity, as well as its power to be questioned.
The French Revolutionended the thousand year rule of the monarchy in France and
began when King Louis XVI gathered representatives from the 3 social groups called
the Clergy, the Nobilities and the Commoners to solve a great national debt and
economic crisis France was experiencing.
The American Revolution is believed to have greatly influenced the French, and may
have inspired the French Revolution. As the French ... Show more content on ...
The French commoners from the third estate proclaimed themselves as the National
Assembly as they disliked the way King Louis XVI was dealing with their financial
The King gradually acknowledged the National Assembly s constitution and their
laws that stated all men would be treated as equals when more nobles and clergy
joined the third estate. As time passed, food became very scarce in France due to
poor harvests and it was feared that the King would end the existence of the
National Assembly. Then on the 14th of July 1789, the French rebelled against the
King, the nobles and the church by attacking the Bastille, a prison were weapons
were stored. This prison was the symbol of power for the nobility and the King,
therefore as a result; attacking it would rebel against all that the monarchy
represented. The National Assembly besieged the Bastille, killed the Governor of
the prison, and freed seven prisoners. The Storming of the Bastille was known as the
first significant action of the French Revolution and is still commemorated today in
France. As well as this, the French citizens also formed their own military forces,
known as the National Guard to aid the National Assembly and its ideals.
During the months of August 1789 and September 1790, French society was
reorganized. Feudalism, and advantages that that nobility and the clergy had
Close Reading of Dr. Faustus
Paper 1: Evaluation of Faustus s internal conflict Faust. My heart s so hard ned I
cannot repent.| 20| Scarce can I name salvation, faith, or heaven,| | But fearful
echoes thunder in mine ears| | Faustus, thou art damn d! Then swords and knives,| |
Poison, gun, halters, and envenom d steel| | Are laid before me to despatch
myself,| 25| And long ere this I should have slain myself,| | Had not sweet pleasure
conquer d deep despair.| | Have I not made blind Homer sing to me| | Of Alexander s
love and Oenon s death?| | And hath not he that built the walls of Thebes| 30| With
ravishing sound of his melodious harp,| | Made music with my Mephistophilis?| |
Why should... Show more content on ...
Though, they were twins, they had different skills and attitudes. Zethus was the
strongest man at the time, and enjoyed manly actions that required physical strength,
such as fighting and hunting. Zethus couldn t understand Amphion s love for music,
who excelled with the lyre and singing. It was Amphion and Zethus who had built the
walls and the seven gates of Thebes. When the wall of Thebes was under
construction, Zethus carried the heavy stones to build the wall from the mountains of
Cithaeron. Here, Amphion showed what his music could do. While playing his lyre,
the stones were charmed by the music that they followed Amphion. The statement:
And hath not he that built the walls of Thebes With ravishing sound of his melodious
harp Made music with my Mephistophilis? compares the seductive power of
Mephistophilis to that of Amphion and his harp. Before Mephistophilis, Faustus tries
to attain his life goal under his own power similar to Zethus building the wall of
Thebe s in the traditional manner. Mephistophilis then came and was able to give
Faustus what he wanted through his pact in a manner very similar to Amphion
charming the stone into place. The danger is the difference between Amphion and
Mephistophilis and the ambition of Faustus. Amphion s music was meant as a
metaphor to show that a city is nothing but a bunch of rocks without the defining
culture of its citizens to hold it together, Mephistophilis music
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Cultural Analysis Essay Topics. Essay on Culture Understanding

  • 1. Cultural Analysis Essay Topics Writing a Cultural Analysis Essay can be a challenging yet rewarding task that requires a deep understanding of cultural elements, critical thinking skills, and effective communication. The difficulty lies not only in exploring diverse cultural aspects but also in analyzing them through a thoughtful and nuanced lens. One of the primary challenges is selecting a compelling and relevant topic for your Cultural Analysis Essay. Cultural phenomena are vast and multifaceted, ranging from traditions and rituals to language, art, and social norms. Narrowing down a specific aspect for analysis can be daunting, as each cultural facet carries its own significance and complexity. Moreover, delving into cultural analysis requires extensive research to gather accurate and diverse information. This may involve studying historical contexts, engaging with scholarly works, and exploring various perspectives to provide a well-rounded understanding of the chosen cultural topic. Navigating through a plethora of sources and synthesizing information can be time- consuming and demanding. Crafting a coherent and insightful thesis statement is another crucial aspect of writing a Cultural Analysis Essay. It should encapsulate the essence of your analysis, conveying a clear argument or perspective that you will substantiate throughout the essay. Formulating a strong thesis demands careful consideration of the cultural elements you plan to explore and the insights you aim to present. Furthermore, addressing cultural sensitivity is imperative in cultural analysis. Writers must approach their subjects with respect and cultural awareness, avoiding stereotypes or biased viewpoints. Balancing objectivity and subjectivity can be a delicate task, as cultural analysis often involves interpreting cultural practices through a subjective lens while maintaining an academically rigorous tone. In the writing process, structuring your essay effectively is crucial. Organizing ideas, arguments, and supporting evidence in a logical sequence ensures clarity and coherence. Transitions between paragraphs and sections must be seamless, guiding the reader through the intricate web of cultural analysis without causing confusion. In conclusion, crafting a Cultural Analysis Essay demands a multifaceted approach involving meticulous research, critical thinking, and effective communication. It is a journey that challenges writers to navigate through the complexities of culture, offering unique insights and fostering a deeper understanding of diverse societies. If you find yourself overwhelmed by the complexities of cultural analysis or face time constraints, there are resources available to assist you. Professional writing services, such as, offer support in developing well-researched and articulate essays on various topics, including cultural analysis. These services can provide valuable assistance, allowing you to submit a polished and thought-provoking essay without the stress of navigating the intricacies alone. Cultural Analysis Essay TopicsCultural Analysis Essay Topics
  • 2. Essay on The Presidency of James Knox Polks He was the 11th president of the United States and was known as young hickory , and the first dark horse . James Knox Polk accomplished many things in his life. He served in the House of Representative, became governor of Tennessee, and became president of the United States. His achievements impacted the U.S and made it what it is today. For example he annexed Texas, lowered tariffs, established an independent Federal Treasury, went to war with Mexico, and added three states to the union. If James Polk did not become president, then there is a possibility that California, New Mexico and Oregon would not be a part of the United States. James Knox Polk was born November 2, 1795 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. James was the son of... Show more content on ... With Sarah by his side he had many campaign victories. Being a supporter of Andrew Jackson s democratic policies at age twenty nine he was elected to the U.S. Congress. From 1825 39 James was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives and was serving as its speaker (Evisum Inc). After serving as speaker he became Governor of Tennessee in 1839 1841. In 1844 Democrats were having a difficult time getting 2/3 of the vote to nominate a presidential candidate, Polk who was running for the position of vice president, became nominated for the presidential candidate (Kelly). The focus on the campaign was to annex Texas which Polk was for the idea versus Clay who opposed the idea. Clay opposing the idea led Polk to victory. Many problems had occurred with the state of Texas. Texans thought it would be best to interest security and economic stability to petition to the United States for annexation. In 1837 at the time President Martin Van Buren was against the idea of having Texas annexed because of concerns that it would become another slave state in the United States. Another reason why he did not want to annex Texas was because he did not want to start any problems with Mexico. Things changed in 1843 when President James Tyler examined the annexation issue again. A treaty was sent to Senate but because of anti expansionist the treaty was denied. When Polk became president he too was in favor of having Texas annexed
  • 3. The Effect Of Aerobic Exercise On Patients With Chronic... Literature review; The effect of aerobic exercise on VO2 max in patients with chronic heart failure. Patients suffering from chronic heart failure (CHF) often suffer from a decreased aerobic exercise capacity and exercise intolerance, which leads to a progressive deterioration in functional capacity (Belardinelli et al. 1999). This review will focus on four controlled clinical studies which have examined the effect of exercise training on VO2 max in patients with CHF. Coats et al. (1992) compared a phase of normal activity to a training period in a group of patients to assess if there was an improvement in VO2 max due to exercise compared to rest. A group of seventeen men over 60 years of age with moderate to severe chronic heart failure (NYHA class II III) and a left ventricular ejection fraction of 19.6 В± 2.3% took part in a controlled crossover trial consisting of an exercise phase and a resting phase. During the exercise phase the participants exercised for 8 weeks on a training bicycle at 50RPM for 20 minutes a day at 60 80% of their maximum heart rate for five days per week. The patients undertook exercise testing to calculate VO2 max before and after each phase. An overall mean compliance to exercise was calculated to be 77.3% using a revolution counter installed on each bike. The exercise phase showed a significant increase in VO2 max (13.2 В± 0.9 to 15.6 В± 1.0 ml/kg/min) when compared with controls in this study. No significant difference was observed between
  • 4. A Study on Non-Verbal Communication Strategies Used by... A STUDY ON NON VERBAL COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES USED BY DOCTORS IN DOCTOR PATIENT INTERACTION. AREA OF INVESTIGATION This study seeks to investigate the non verbal communication strategies used by doctors in doctor patient interactions during the initial consultation in a clinical setting. Non verbal communication can be conceptualised as any form of communication that does not use the written or spoken word. (Birdwhistell: 1990, Melirabian: 1981).It is more than just body language since it includes, use of time, space, clothing, furniture, features of the environment (temperature, lighting) how we utter words (inflection, tone, volume) and it can occur in the absence of verbal communication through symbols and physical contexts. This ... Show more content on ... .The issues discussed in this research are relevant between a patient and a doctor during the initial consultation, not because activities outside the consultation are of lesser importance but because they are informed by the consultation. This research has also been motivated by observations i made as a communication skills Lecturer in the Faculty of medicine at the University of Zimbabwe where i observed that medical students tend to concentrate on learning verbal communication skills while relegating non verbal skills. The researcher hopes that the research will be an invaluable contribution not only to the field of doctor patient interaction but also to the field of applied linguistics where it is becoming increasingly important to look at communication in the workplace so as to meet the needs of a world that is becoming globalised. METHODOLOGY DATA GATHERING The primary sources of data in this research are audio taped and video taped doctor patient interactions which will be used to evaluate the actual medical encounter since patients may have greater impact on their own outcomes than the doctor s and non verbal behaviour since these perceptions are subjective to bias depending on factors such as, patient health status and status of mind which might not actually reflect the reality of the consultation. Formal and informal interviews and
  • 5. Informative Speech Outline on Investing in the Stock Market Chris S COMM 105 Informative Speech 02/07/11 Investing in the Stock Market Introduction I. There is a smile on my face, a tingling feeling throughout my entire body, my day has just turned from mediocre to marvelous as if I had won the Ohio Lottery. II. This is the feeling I have when at 9 AM I check my stock portfolio to see my money grow daily. III. During my deployment with the Army in 2008, I decided that there was no better time to invest in the stock market, and I have been doing so ever since. IV. Today I would like to inform you why to invest in stocks, give you a brief history of recent stock market events, and explain why now is the best time to invest. (Transition): First, I will explain why you should... Show more content on ... 1) For example, if you were to buy 5000 shares of Citigroup stock today, it would cost $24,200. a.) If you were to sell that same amount of stock in a few years at $55.12 per share, you would profit a total of $251,400. Conclusion 1.) As I have explained, stocks have the highest return of any investment. 2.) Fortunately, it is not too late to buy in and make a substantial profit. 3.) In conclusion, buying stocks now can make a poor person very wealthy in years to come given proper research and the tools to do so. Bibliography 1. Anderson, T. M. (2008, November). Best of the Online Brokers. OhioLinks . Academic Search Complete. 2. Davies, P. J. (2008). Liquidity and Leverage: the old fashioned drivers of a very modern meltdown. Critical Quarterly , 50 (4), 94 106. 3. Kantz, M. (2011). Some investors miss bull s rewards . USA Today , 03b. 4. Keown, A. J. (2010). Personal Finance: Turning Money into Wealth. Boston, MA: Prentice
  • 6. Estimation of Production Function of Public Sector Banks Economics I Project| Estimation of Production function of Public Sector Banks | | | Contents 1.INRODUCTION3 2.Methodology4 2.1General Approach:4 2.2Data Collection:4 2.3Data Processing:5 2.3.1Nature of Banks:5 2.3.2Nature of Variables:5 2.3.3Assumptions in the treatment of Variables:5 2.4Data Analysis:5 2.4.1Objective of the Analysis5 2.4.2Production Function Relationship:5 2.5Limitation8 3.Data analysis and Results9 4.Conclusion15 5.Bibliography16 1. INRODUCTION The structure of the banking industry has undergone sweeping changes in the past two decades. In response to heightened competition from non bank financial firms enabled by technological progress among ... Show more content on ... Also, only two input variable at a time is used, though several regression analysis have been done for different combinations of input and output to get the most reasonable and best approximate relationship. However, a bank uses any number of variables as input simultaneously. A bank measures its performance among other parameters on how much Loan or Credit it has disbursed in a fiscal year or how much Deposit it has collected from the customers etc. Though such data in isolation may not be a true estimate of the efficiency of the business because unregulated disbursal of loans may cause Non Performing Assets (NPAs) which will lower the Retained Earning of the Bank but since the report is concerned only with the Production function of the PSBs hence no comment will be made on this aspect. Similarly how competitively the Deposits have been taken will not be a subject matter of this report. The Methodology of the report is to be first gather relevant input/output data from authoritative source. The data so obtained are processed and any assumptions made for their subsequent analysis is clearly defined. In the next phase the data analysis is done wherein suitable regression technique is used to generate the relationship between the input variables and the Production output. Finally the Interpretation is done to assign the meaning to such endeavor. 3.2 Data Collection: The data for the Public Sector Banks (PSB) in India for the following
  • 7. Manley Pointer Vs Misfit The Manley Pointer and the Misfit The Manley Pointer and the Misfit have many similarities and differences. They both play the role of the bad guy, or the antagonist in the stories by Flannery O Connor. They also leave the two main woman, the Grandma and Hulga dazed and scared. The Grandmother s last words and actions were, Why you re one of my babies. You re one of my own children! She reached out and touched him on the shoulder. The Misfit sprang back as if a snake had bitten him and shot her three times through the chest. This shows he s incapable of feeling or recieving contact or love from another human. While, Hulga and Manley Pointer s last moments spent together differed, and then the toast colored hat disappeared down the hole and the girl was ... Show more content on ... When she turned her churning face toward the opening, she saw his blue figure struggling successfully over the green speckled lake. Even though they both play the antagonist, the story ends differently for both women. The Grandmother was shot and killed, while the Manley Pointer left Hulga alive, only leaving with her wooden leg. Another comparison between the two is that they both have done this before. This wasn t the Misfits first kill, and this wasn t Manley Pointer s first time harassing a woman and taking a token. Pointer says, I ve gotten a lot of interesting things, he said. One time I got a woman s glass eye this way. And you needn t to think you‖ll catch me because Pointer ain t really my name. I use a different name at every house I call at and don t stay nowhere long. While in A Good Man is Hard to Find we learn in the beginning that the Misfit is a serial killer. The Grandmother says, Here this fellow that calls himself The Misfit is aloose from the Federal Pen and headed toward Florida and you read here what it says he did to these people. Just you read it. I wouldn t take my children in any direction with a criminal like that aloose in it. I
  • 8. What I Learned New Imagery And Pedagogies Into My Dance... I initially took Jazz III because it is required for my dance minor; I also hoped to gain a better understanding of the Jazz Technique. Throughout this course I achieved the goals that I set at the beginning of the semester. My goals were to be very confident doing double pirouettes and comfortable doing triple pirouettes. I also wanted to focus on being a more conscious turner and dancer. I pushed myself to break my habit of just going for pirouette and hoped that it all worked out. Each class I learned new imagery and pedagogies that have been extremely beneficial to my dancecareer. A few images and pedagogies that resonated were the idea of my pelvis being an elevator, taking my pelvis with me, especially when doing battement s, and understanding the placement of a turned in passГ©. I have already taken and applied the goals, imagery, and pedagogies into my dance career. At first, I was concerned with such varied levels but throughout the course I felt challenged in the Jazz III/I class. Jazz III is required for dance minors to complete. I was excited to take this course because I wanted to expand my Jazz Technique. Throughout the course I have learned a lot about the Jazz Technique and Vernacular. Before this course I had never done a grand pГle in parallel. I also learned how to do turns from second position, which was new to me. This course made me feel more comfortable performing and having fun with Jazz Dance. In the past, I have felt timid performing Jazz
  • 9. The Impact Of Amazonia Amazonia, a place that is of big significance in both culture and in diversity of species. It covers most of South America in countries such as Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela, and a foreign possession country called French Guiana. Amazonia has been a place in which people have lived for 13,000 years (Amazonia, The Human Impact). Many things have happened in this place which has caused many troubles to the environment and the people surrounding the Amazonia such as Oil and Gas Production and Deforestation. These things bring big problem to the Biodiversity of Species , as well as a Cultural Crisis, in which the people see the Amazon as a beautiful place that has to be protected for the sake of... Show more content on ... Deforestation is clearing the land of trees in order to grow or the use of something. Many thing contribute to deforestation and are ruining the home of thousands of animals. The first road to be built is one that connects to the capital of Brazil called Brasilla to the port city of Belem, that is in the north, runs 250 miles long and has caused deforestation in order to build this road. Transcontinental Roads have been built in this area since urbanization is on the rise and people need transport in order to get from one place to another and since the Amazon is a huge chunk of land that has to be crossed over, railroads began to develop for the people to travel and for trade. A long railroad to connect from Brazil s Atlantic Coast and a Pacific port in Peru has been proposed by Brazil, Peru, and China in order to speed up transport of resources such a soy and phosphate rock (Amazonia, The Human Impact). This railroad is 3,300 miles long and it is 10 billion dollars, this leads to a big deforestation that can kill many species and can leave many people without homes. As of now, there are many roads created that crisscross along the Brazilian Amazon and many are illegal, about 95%. Fires are another thing that leads to deforestation. Fires are used in order to clear the land and burn trees
  • 10. Aids in the Bahamas AIDS in Bahamians, ages 15 44 A major cause of death of Bahamians in the age group 15 to 44 is AIDS. This is a result of unprotected sex, ignorance and the reluctancy to get tested and treated. Many Bahamians engage in sexual intercourse without the use of contraceptives. Ignorant to the dangers of AIDS, they believe that nothing will happen. When and if there is a slight belief that one is infected with AIDS, Bahamians tend to hesitate to get tested or treated because of appearances. However, as research, investment and commitment into understanding HIV and AIDS increased, so the outcome of people living with HIV improved around the world ( AVERTing HIV AIDS ). With innovative and private methods many organizations have formed for ... Show more content on ... Moreover, 93% of females can transmit the AIDS virus to males during unprotected sex. Furthermore, 94% of the combined sample recognized that the AIDS virus can be transmitted through heterosexual relations. In addition, Rodgers and Rolle state that only 32% of the sexually active combined sample ensured that they always used condoms during sex. This means that 68% of the sexually active adolescents in this survey are conducting in unprotected sex which can very well, lead to AIDS. It is evident that in this age group, these is reckless and irresponsible engagement in sexual activity which has led to the dangerous AIDS epidemic. After interviewing Ms. Sandra Smith, age 21, it was found that she was a prime example of a young Bahamian engaging in reckless unprotected sex adding to the AIDS epidemic. Ms. Smith said, I was 20 when I found out I had AIDS. I have about six serious partners before I got tested. I had sex with them all without using protection . When Ms. Smith was asked why she did not use a condom she responded by saying, I really do not know why I did not use a condom. I guess it was all in the heat of the moment. It was all fun, at the time ! Ms. Smith ended the interview by saying that, I regret doing what I did, my stupid actions, not using protection. It is the reason that I have AIDS. I am not proud of my actions but it is the truth. I have AIDS and I will probably live a short life because I had unprotected sex .
  • 11. Wyclef Jean Research Paper Unsung Features the Untold Story of Wyclef Jean Wyclef Jean is famously known as the one of the members of the 90 s hit hip hop group, The Fugees, along with their front woman, Lauryn Hill. Although many fans think they know a lot about Jean s life, there is a lot more to know about the rapper and producer. With the new season premiere of the TV show s Unsung, TV One s music bio series returns with a feature on the most influential and talented artists in the past three decades. The show delves into the personal struggles and accomplishments of music legends including Wyclef Jean. Humble Beginnings It is the first time a show has documented Jean s life. The documentary recounts his success story from eating red clay dirt in Haiti to moving to US and living in Brooklyn. The biopic also follows his success as a rapper, producer, and... Show more content on ... He and his siblings were forbidden to listen to secular music. However, he learned how to adapt modern songs and translate it to church music. He eventually changed the way R B songs are traditionally produced by putting a spin to traditional music. After Jean s family moved to New Jersey, he put up his hip hop group in high school called the Tranzlator Crew along with three other members. They later on decided to change their name to The Fugees which was a short term for refugees. Because his father was displeased with his choice of music, he kicked Jean out of his house. The group met and recorded their music at the basement of Jean s cousin s house. Thanks to the help of a member of the popular group, Kool and the Gang, they were signed in by Ruffhouse Records after being rejected by other labels. The Fugees album debuted in 1944 with the title, Blunted on Reality. After a series of hits, the group eventually disbanded due to personal affairs. Jean continued his solo career by writing and producing songs for other music legends. Read the original story via The
  • 12. Companion Pet Population Controlling the Companion Pet Population There is an alarming amount of stray dogs on the street and the number only increases due to the fact that these dogs were not fixed. These medical procedures will help control overcrowding in dog shelters. Since these shelters do not have the space or the funds to care for all of the unwanted dogs they end up euthanized. All pet owners should be required to spay/neuter their pets unless the owner applies for breeder rights if the pet is to be breed. Spay/neutering will not only help prevent the population problems within the shelters but outside as well and it will help prevent these pet from becoming euthanized. First, a big issue that rises from the lack of spays and neuters is that it creates an ... Show more content on ... If spaying and neutering became mandatory it would keep the number of unwanted dogs lowered. Other countries, like the United Kingdom, have a 63% drop in euthanasia rates after implementing population control methods (Trends in Stray Dog Numbers). The dogs are the ones that are suffering from the lack of initiative to make this change. They deserve a good loving forever home without fear of being sentenced to death at a shelter Even though euthanizing can have its benefits using it to control the dog population should not be an option. Euthanasia is not all bad in every instance that it is applied. Health issues in dogs that are clearly suffering and will die shortly can benefit from being euthanized and put out of their misery. Many dogs get injured past the point where any surgery can mend and those dogs also benefit from euthanasia. There are so many negative the arise from the lack of spays and neuters that could be easily fixed by one law. Enforcing a spay/neuter law can prevent or at least minimize the amount of stray dogs suffering in the streets that create overcrowded shelters who euthanize these innocent dogs. Make the change and end the unnecessary killing of these loyal
  • 13. County Hospital Simulation County Hospital Simulation Project Abstract The paper offers a simulation model describing the X ray departments operations in the county hospital. It can be used for testing various process scenarios, for allocation of resources and also conduct activity based cost analysis. The simulation model is used for demonstrating a new operational method that makes the operations at the X ray department more effective. The operational method is referred to as Triage team method. This method has been it is been studied from two view points. The results showed that the method enhances the X ray department if properly implemented and it incorporates all the required tasks. County hospital simulation project Introduction The department of ... Show more content on ... First, a structural development was undertaken. The real design was used as the background. This was because the entire operation of the x ray department and the future alterations were easier to show the staff. The areas of treatment as well as other operational areas, were defined in the layout by use of graphical SimQuick graphical elements. Other graphical elements included counters for waiting areas and utilization meters for areas of treatment. The counters were used for giving visual information regarding the number of patients in the areas of waiting. On the other side, the utilization meters were showing how much of the resources were been utilized. After defining all the areas, it was time for defining the entities paths and resources that are the staff. The network of the path comprises of all the probable paths that all the entities, patients, and members of staff could utilize in moving from place to place in the x ray department. After creating the paths, the structural definitions were made. The needed information for the simulation model to be functional comprised of these particulars: entities information, resources information, logic definitions and data use. Definition of entities The x ray department of the County Hospital has various departments, which include: ultrasound, computed tomography, interventional radiology, nuclear medicine, and magnetic resonance imaging. The five groups have partially their own processes
  • 14. Analysis Of Quit Social Media Living in a world where social media are highly incorporated into our daily lives is associated with being detached from the things that matter, such as family, friends, and even human relationships in general. Moreover, in 2016, Cal Newport pointed out in his article, Quit Social Media. Your Career May Depend On It , from The New York Times, that people are now beginning to believe that social mediamay perhaps take a toll on their career. On the contrary, I find it ironic that people claim to be victimized by social mediawhen they are giving it authority over them and their lives by assuming they cannot stay in control of how they occupy their time. If common people permit social media to drain valuable work time, then they are one of two things; careless of their job, or they feel as though they are not in charge of their life. I believe that social media cannot agonize a career unless the person using it gives it the power to do so. On the other hand, Newport believes that social media can hurt your career by making someone counterproductive. The first point Newport makes in his paper is that social media can harm one s career. Additionally, Newport explains in their article the many ways in which he deems that social media can impact a career and work ethics. Newport acknowledges social media is engineered to be addictive and goes further to explain that it deteriorates the skill to focus on complex tasks without losing concentration. Within his second point, he says that, The more you use social media in the way it s designed to be used...the more your brain learns to crave a quick hint of stimulus... This is supported by general knowledge that social media is an addiction of sorts; once the brain becomes well acquainted with it, it will rely on it to generate happiness. Newport then goes on to say the idea of introducing social media into his life is as frightening as the idea of tobacco is to an athlete. Another point he makes is that commitment to cultivating your social media brand is a fundamentally passive approach to professional advancement. He asserts this view by declaring it simply diverts time from work to personal fulfilment. Newport concludes his paper by suggesting that in order to
  • 15. Honolu Climate Climate of honolulu Honolulu is located on the island of Oahu in the Hawaiian archipelago. Honolulu s climate is what most would consider ideal, contributing to Honolulu s popularity as a tourist destination. The warmest month is August with an average high temperature of 88.9F and a low of 74.7F. February the coldest months, has an average high temperature of 80.7F and a low of 65.4F. The highest temperature ever recorded in Honolulu was 96.1F and the lowest on record was 52F. Normally, Honolulu doesn t experience a large range of temperatures, most days falling between the mid 60 s to high 80 s all year long. The D.C. area experiences similar high temps to Honolulu but in the winter months it becomes much colder. D.C. average temperature range is 60F while honolulu s is 23.5F. Being so near the ocean, many uninformed individuals may believe honolulu has a wet climate, but it s actually the opposite. During its wettest months,October through February, Honolulu receives barely more than 2 inches. December receives the most rainfall with only an average of 2.85 ... Show more content on ... Coal, gas and oil and are being consumed at an unsustainable rate. Additionally, fossil fuels contribute to global warming, which has numerous, dangerous repercussions. One alternative energy source is solar energy. Solar energy is a great alternative because it is cost effective, low maintenance, renewable, and does not produce pollution. An additional bonus is that extra solar energy produced can be sold back to the general power grid. The only drawback is that solar panels only work when the sun is out, which makes it unpractical for some climates. As previously mentioned, Hawaii receives little rain due to mountains, and it receives plenty of sunlight due to its latitude. Hawaii has the 6th highest solar potential rating in America. Solar energy would not only save money and be highly practical, it would benefit the
  • 16. The Belief Of Organized Religion The Belief of Organized Religion All over the world there is some kind of conspiracy. One is the Organized Church Conspiracy or the Organized Religion Conspiracy. Many people think that Organized Religion is a source of evil, however it can be a source of wars, genocide and dogmatism but, An Organized Religionis a faithsystem with an over arching structure worship practices, and administrate the organization (What Is Organized Religion and Does the Bible Support It?). The Organized Religion Conspiracy or Faith System is evidently proven by telling us how religion is a form of mind control, how organized religion is affecting human population, and how religions are in the world around us. In America there are many people who have lots... Show more content on ... Many people say that the government controls people s thoughts of organized religion. Entering the Monastic life means renouncing your own will once and for all, ready to do at every moment of the day for the rest of your life what you are obligated to do by the monastic routine and the abbot of the community (Andino).Organized Religion means a variety of things. When God showed himself in some strange way, it left humans with some depositum of spiritual knowledge from which all the knowledge of gods origin. If this was not a case, no human institution could legitimately claim the authority to organize religion and promulgate a normative set of propositions for the belief and forms of worship (Andino). Since no one is perfect, God has to provide some ways of showing his depositum the part of the humans to whom entrusted his revelation. This means that, God is always working during hard times and is always trying to make everything better so people can make the right choices in life. An organized religion must operate in time and in human society, some sort of organizational structure would have to emerge to identify the dwelling place of that truth, which allows us to identify that we are in communion with those who believed that faith and that we are receiving the authentic revelation, and not come corrupted or incomplete imitation (Andino). Mainly everything we do requires faith. We can either believe that an organized religion
  • 17. Inca Research Paper The Incas were an amazing culture which existed from about 1300 CE to 1600 CE. In a well developed paragraph, discuss the Inca s society, religion, and their most incredible/architectural feat. The Incas were in fact very intelligent people that lived in Mesoamerica an developed around 1,000 years before the discovery of the New World by the Ancient Europeans. They are among one of many of the diverse cultures of Native Americans. According to the textbook, the Incas were predominantly in modern day Peru and Bolivia (Benton et al 330). In addition, interestingly enough, these wise individuals also had a hierarchical system of social groups. According to the textbook, these individuals had developed a system of four main classes which were ... Show more content on ... When most individuals learn about the Ancient Greeks, they often associate the words city state, democracy and art. But the subject that becomes most apparent to the public and associated with the Ancient Greeks is perhaps philosophy. According to the textbook, philosophy is defined as the word of wisdom (Benton et al 66). Philosophy is vaguely not assimilated with religion even though they are similar. There are several branches of philosophy. Two of which were very common in Ancient Greece and they were Stoicism and Epicureanism. According to the textbook, stoicism is defined as being less concerned with formulating a systematic philosophy than with providing an approach to everyday living or in other words, accepting the consequences of daily life s activities and accepting them in a positive approach (102). These beliefs are also taught in the modern world but most people do not know that these beliefs derived from the Ancient Greeks (or what is still documented). In simple terms, stoicism is simply the perception of individuals is what determines all other outcomes in life. Also, another branch of philosophy is Epicureanism. According to the textbook, Epicureanism is defined as the philosophy of self indulgence and pleasure seeking (102, 103). In simple terms, it
  • 18. Overall Characteristics Of Selected Trials And Quality... Results Overall Characteristics of Selected Trials and Quality Assessment A total of 1736 articles were initially identified. Of these, 1687 were excluded according to the exclusion criteria listed above. The 49 remaining articles with full texts that met the inclusion criteria were assessed.11, 14, 17 19, 25 A total of 4 studies were included in this review. One study compared aflibercept with bevacizumab and ranibizumab for centre involved DMO using a standardized follow up and retreatment regimen.17, 18 Due to there being only one study comparing aflibercept with other anti VEGF agents, it was not included in the meta analysis. Figure 1 provides a flow diagram of the search process. In total, there were 661 patients included in this meta analysis: 331 patients in the aflibercept group and 330 patients in the photocoagulation group. The characteristics of the studies included and risk of bias assessment are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. The DA VINCI study compared photocoagulation with monthly, bimonthly and as needed or pro re nata (PRN) intravitreous aflibercept regimens. The PRN regimen was selected for data extraction because this is the current practice with other anti VEGF drugs. The VISTA and VIVID studies compared photocoagulation with 4 weekly intravitreous aflibercept (2q4) and a regimen of five initial 4 weekly intravitreous aflibercept followed by 8 weekly injections (2q8). The 2q8 regimen was selected for data extraction as the total number of injections in
  • 19. Benefits Of Cover Letter Cover Letters 101: 5 Top Tips to Get Your Cover Letter Noticed Are you having a tough time securing job interviews? Do you submit your resume and cover letter, yet never receive a call for an interview? It could be your cover letter is standing between you and a new job. If you want to improve the effectiveness of your cover letter, bear the following tips in mind. Personalize your cover letter for each job employment opportunity. Recruiters appreciate when you take the time to research their company. A cover letter should be brief. This isn t your opportunity to write a long winded summary of your employment history. Introduce yourself, reference your resume and skill sets, and let your employment history speak for itself.
  • 20. A Captive of Dragons But mother, I am only eighteen, why must I be married, I whined in a most unladylike fashion. Emmaline, you are coming upon an eligible age and it is time to decide your prospects. And is what a princess must do. I pouted at mother across the breakfast table, unsatisfied by her reasoning. Shouldn t I choose who I want, I questioned. If you weren t so picky then yes you could. We need someone quickly though and someone that will keep on with our pure blood. In fact, your father and I have perfect a perfectly wonderful suitor, said mother. Who, I asked with a cringe. King Easton Vaun s son, Edward. I made a face, not truly knowing who she was talking about. I still don t get why it needs to happen so soon... It s probably so ... Show more content on ... I was led past an eclectic amount of flowers and an unnecessary amount of fountains until I reached the bench that leaned against the outer wall of the castle. This was the place I could truly be at ease and not have to worry about stupid wedding plans. I was finally happy. I sat on the bench, leaned back and let the sun wash over me. I eventually allowed it to lull me to sleep. I awoke to the sounds of men shouting and a few screams from women. I sat abruptly and looked around in confusion. I noticed it was still light out, when there was a momentary shadow that loomed over me. I stared upwards as a huge burst of wind hit me. My jaw dropped at what caused the wind. It was a dragon. The screams and shouts behind the outer wall made sense now. I withheld the scream that was boiling up in the back of my throat. So far I was pretty certain the dragon had not seen me. I just had to make it back inside to safety. This would be a more difficult task then sneaking past a few guards though. Getting caught by them wouldn t cost me my life. The dragon passed overhead again as I took my first shaky steps forward. I trailed back to the castle staying as low as possible. I decided to increase my speed, finding the anticipation to be painful. A shadow passed seemingly closer than the others and it spooked me. I took off running. My sporadic movements caught the attention of the dragon. It flew low to me, its large wings almost knocking me
  • 21. Jackie Robinson Values 10 sentences В¶ I m not concerned with your liking or disliking me... All I ask is that you respect me as a human . This is a quote from Jackie Robinson . Jackie Robinson was the first Negro baseball player on a major league baseball team.He was recruited by Branch Rickey. This was called a noble experiment because this was a time when segregation was a procedure that did not exclude anyone. He played ten seasons and won awards like rookie of the year. Jackie Robinsons Values of excellence, integrity and persistence were most evident in the three texts .He tried his best to become a player you couldn t undervalue. In fact, he did what was right because it was the right thing to do, not because he wanted to do it and he could have given up on his promise but he didn t.... Show more content on ... Because they give many facts and accomplishments. The author of the article Jackie Robinson states Two years later he led his league with .342 batting average and won the Most Valuable Player Award. If you re awarded this it doesn t mean you re good, it means you add to the value of your team which causes great achievements. In the article written by Shannon Robinson About My Father she states, As predicted my dad played baseball with amazing odds. He fought back with perfectly timed bunts, hard line drives, and stolen bases. He tried his best and gave dramatic results this shows the amount of excellence he puts in his work. This shows the amount of effort he applied, which resulted in great outcomes and many
  • 22. Development of Character in Cormac McCarthy s All the... Development of Character in Cormac McCarthy s All the Pretty Horses In a journey across the vast untamed country of Mexico, Cormac McCarthy introduces All the Pretty Horses, a bittersweet and profoundly moving tale of love, hate, disappointments, joy, and redemption. John Grady sets out on horseback to Mexico with his best friend Lacey Rawlins in search of the cowboy lifestyle. His journey leaves John wiser but saddened, yet out of this heartbreak comes the resilience of a man who has claimed his place in the world as a true cowboy. In his journey John s character changes and develops throughout the novel to have more of a personal relationship with the horses and Mother Nature. He changes from a young boy who knows nothing of the world ... Show more content on ... However, he doesn t see beyond the repercussions of owning a ranch, the dedication and responsibility associated with running a ranch. Mr. Franklin teaches him to look beyond the fact that owning a ranch is a not as simple as it might seem especially for a six teen year old boy. In his journey across the landscape of Mexico, John s character in the novel begins to transform. He is beginning to move away from that boyish and naive kind of behavior and more towards the middle stage of between being a boy and a man; adolescence. McCarthy spends a great deal in describing John s adolescent s stage in this novel. Much of the time that McCarthy describes in this stage is when they are out on the prairie with the horses connecting with nature. This connection allows John to have and a clearer understanding that there is a divine line between men and horses and that you can t apply the same characteristics that you would apply to a horse to a man. In one instance, after a long day of riding John and Rawlins decide to stop for the night and rest. As he rests he lays on his back looking, out where the quartermoon lay cocked over the heel of the mountain s the vision of the moon gives the reader a sense of time and how it can be different from time on the prairie compared to time in a society.. Time on the prairie seems to be cocked or suspended in time, a sense that time
  • 23. Tuberculosis Research Paper On May 2007, there was an international manhunt for Andrew Speaker. His face was plastered all over the news and there was an urgency to capture him. For a brief period he was the most wanted individual in the United States and finding his location at that current time was of the upmost priority (Altman, 2007). The only crime Andre had committed was that fact that he was in cohorts with Tuberculosis. When they finally found him, they put him in quarantine. Why this grave precaution? What had made him the most wanted man in the world and what is the story behind Tuberculosis? Tuberculosis has been with us since ancient times (Lawn Zumla, 2011). The earliest recorded date of its presence in humans have been found in Egyptian mummies dating from 3000 2400BC (Zink, et al., 2003). Also known as consumption or white plague, it ravaged the lives in North America and Europe in the 18th and 19th century (McCarthy, 2009) . Finally the microbe that caused the disease, tuberculosis was discovered by Dr. Robert Koch, a German microbiologist, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine for his findings (Nobel Prize).... Show more content on ... Fortunately TB is curable with the right treatment regime. TB cases in the United States have declined since 1993, but the disease is still a concern. Two third of people will succumb to this disease and die, if not treated properly (WHO,
  • 24. What Is Critical Infrastructure I believe that the uncertainty as to what is critical infrastructure and what do we protect comes with our differences as people and what we as individuals believe is important to support daily living and what isn t. Is it transportation, if so which mode; air, rail, maritime? I think we can all agree these are critical, and protection of these should be a priority. How important is the power grid? An Electromagnetic Pulse is considered a real threat, but there has been little to no preventive protection measures implemented. Experts say that chances we will experience a devastating solar storm in the next 15 years (Foster, 2008). Another example I can provide of a critical infrastructure there is not agreement on regarding the level of protection
  • 25. The Game Theory And Politics Game Theory and Politics Whenever Game theory is taught at colleges, politics is one area that is never touched upon as an application of game theory. Though game theory in international relations and national politics has been a studied in detail in the past, there has been a recent increase in the popularity of this study. An increasing number of game models are extensively being used in informed studies of arms control, preservation of international peace, disarmament policies, environmental treaties, national politics, international trade negotiations and bargaining process etc., with all the studies sharing the assumption that all the players in the international arena are rational with respect to the goals they seek to advance.... Show more content on ... Thus, governments will gain if they engage in international cooperation to limit expenditure on military buildup. This problem of arms, and in general any problem of cooperation, can be explained through the game of prisoners dilemma. Prisoner s dilemma was conceptualized by Melvin Dresher and Merrill Flood in 195, and formalized and named by Albert Tucker. This game provides a basic framework for the balance between cooperation and competition and therefore, is used extensively in strategic decision making. Our example, arms race, can be modeled through this game. Two governments, lets all them A and B decide whether to build nuclear arms or not. Thus, each has two choices: build nuclear arms (denote by w) and not build nuclear arms (denote by n) and their respective choices give them certain payoff. The following 2x2 matrix describes the model: B ABuild (W)Not Build (N) Build (W)(2,2)(4,1) Not Build (N)(1,4)(3,3) We can see that if both countries agree to not build nuclear arms, they have a higher payoff than they do if they both build. However, if they differ in their choices, then the country that chooses to build will have a power advantage over the other and thus, a higher payoff. In the above figure, if A chooses to build and if B
  • 26. Striving For Perfection In The Birth-Mark By Nathaniel... Nathaniel Hawthorne s short story The Birth Mark shows the thoughtlessness of creating a perfect being. Hawthorne conveys this message through the tale of the scientist Aylmer and his wife Georgiana, who has hand shaped birthmark on her cheek. Aylmer becomes engrossed with Georgiana birthmark that keeps his wife from becoming perfect and decides to remove the birthmark through his science. In The Birth MarkNathaniel Hawthorneutilizes Georgiana weak self conscious, the birthmark, and the concoction to emphasize the theme of striving for perfection. Aylmer critical perception of Georgiana birthmark hinders her self confidence. Aylmer constant glances at his wife s birthmark caused extreme discomfort for Georgiana. She begins to question ... Show more content on ... In this scene, Aylmer at last succeeds in perfecting the concoction to cure her flaw. Aylmer is confident in his scientific abilities that the concoction will remove Georgiana of her birthmark. His expression for perfecting the concoction is revealed: Aylmer was pale; but it seemed rather the consequence of a highly wrought state of mind and tension to spirit than of fear or doubt (Hawthorne 300 ). The birthmark on Georgiana s cheek does fade away. However, he sees his awake for a short moment. After Georgiana awakes from the sounds of Aylmer success, Georgiana can only appreciate this moment for a brief period of time. The birthmark represents the difference between life and death for Georgiana. Once it disappears away, so does Georgiana from the physical world. Aylmer does successfully remove the birthmark, but ultimately fails to notice the significance of the birthmark concerning Georgiana life. This all happened because Aylmer places the importance of obtaining perfection over his love for Georgiana, and in doing so, commits a disastrous
  • 27. 12 Hour Flight Case Study Woman Contracts Rare Bacterial Infection on 12 Hour Flight While on a 12 hour flight from Japan to Germany a woman contracted a rare bacterial infection called meningococcal disease. This is a serious illness caused by the bacteria Neisseria meningitidis, which can cause death or disability. People can get it from being in close contact with someone who is sick. Neisseria meningitidis is found in people s nose and throat of about 10 percent of the population. This bacteria can get into the blood and the brain and cause severe illness. When the bacteria is found in the blood it can cause sepsis, an infection. When it is found in the brain it can cause meningitis, which is the swelling of the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. The
  • 28. The Romance Of Three Kingdom Summary The Romance of three kingdom It was a common proverb said that hero come from chaos period, during this state of turbulence people would use their intelligence to create a new world, it was full of bloods, tricks, steel. When one hero was fell down, after that a new hero was raise up, it was endless like surging river. the author of the Romance of three kingdom, Luo Guanzhong also came from chaos, he saw and feel what was verified of this society, how the peasants rebelled to the centre government, the insurgent militaries were infighting each other, the complex political conflicts of the royal courts. he was not as a spectator to wrote this novel, a plenty of plots were himself experience because he was a military counsellor to help his monarch Zhang Shicheng(еј еЈ«иЇљпј‰ to defeat Zhu Yuanzhang s attacking. However Zhang was defeated by Yuan, he join the army of Zhu Yuanzhang and help him to defeat his final... Show more content on ... The novel covers one hundred and thirteen years of Chinese history, starting in 168 A.D. and ending with the reunification of the land in 280 A.D.[4]Three Kingdoms describes a fascinating dynastic cycle: the fall of the Han Dynasty under Emperor Ling due to the Yellow Scarves rebellion, the division of the Empire into the three kingdoms Shu, Wei, and Wu and the reunification of the empire by the Jin Dynasty. In the late of Eastern Han dynasty, the emperor was very naive, and the center authority was controlled by eunuchs and the status of politic was waved. Furthermore, there were many disasters conducted that people had not enough grain to deal with the problem of starve so that the government added the tax to peasants. The peasants did not satisfy that the government deals with anything useless. So they rebelled the governments in a large group, in history, it was called Yellow Turban Rebellion. This is the background of the Romance of the three
  • 29. Lydia s Loyalty In The Longest Memory A number of character s actions and naivety in The Longest Memory contribute to the death of Chapel, but none more so than the plantation owner s daughter, Lydia. Lydia lacks in most life experiences which causes an error in judgement leading to the death of Chapel, who she loved dearly. However there are other factors involved in Chapel s death including those of Whitechapel, his father, which majorly contributes. Both women and slaves cannot claim any true responsibility due to the era in which this noveltakes place. None the less the actions and naivety of these two characters and the actions of other characters such as Sanders Junior directly or indirectly lead to the whipping of Chapel, in which he dies from. Lydia s naivety is one ... Show more content on ... Whitechapel made the decision, when Chapel ran away, that he would tell his Master that his son had taken the river path rather than taking the usual straight north path. Whitechapel believed that if he gave up his son s whereabouts he would be saving his son s life. Whitechapel overestimated the master s respect for himself. This could be due to his thinking that slaves who respect and listens to the overseers and master s orders earn the small kindness of the overseer and master . It will never be known if Chapel would have made it all the way north if his father had never unzipped his lips but we do know that Whitechapel telling his master the whereabouts of Chapel definitely made the chances of him making it north very slim. If Whitechapel s reasons for telling the master were solely to save Chapel s life for his own good then his intentions were good and it was simply just a misjudgement. However Whitechapel also had a selfish reason for wanting Chapel to return. Whitechapel wanted Chapel to return so that when he died Chapel would be by his side. Whitechapel realises his part in Chapel s death saying that he killed his son because [he] wanted him next to [his] side when [he] died . Whitechapel telling his master the whereabouts did the opposite of what he believed would happen and put his son in danger rather than keeping him safe. These actions ultimately put Chapel into a situation where the odds of his
  • 30. The Sweatshop Industry and Child Labour in NIC s Essay The Sweatshop Industry and Child Labour in NIC s This report is aimed at investigating if the two major TNC s Nike and Gap manufacture their products according to their code of vendor conduct. Both companies code of vendor conduct clearly states that no workers are employed under the legal minimum age and sweatshops don t exist in their factories. A sweatshop is a factory where employees are subject to extreme exploitation; they work in dreadful conditions with health and safety hazards, for little pay and long hours. Child labour is, as the word suggests, when children under the legal minimum age are employed to work When we hear brand names such as Nike and Gap, most of us will ... Show more content on ... This excuse hinders outsiders knowing exactly what is happening inside the factory. People didn t want to tell us about the factories whereabouts either, as they were scared of getting physically assaulted by the security men surrounding the factory. At last we found a factory called June Textiles, which manufactured products for both Nike and Gap, but no one would tell us more than that. Checking treatment of workers here was going to be a huge task. The factory was well guarded and looked like any ordinary factory from the outside, but at that time we didn t know what harsh realities workers were facing inside the factory. We needed to talk to the workers on home turf, away from the security men surrounding the factory. Late at night we got a call from a couple of workers who said they were prepared to speak to us, if we met them after their shift, at their home. For them to talk openly about the conditions in the factory was a big step. This was the one of our first big surprises, 8 women were living together in a tiny little room which on a regularly basis had power cuts and was without running water. As we interviewed them they told us that Nike and Gap treat them as dirt, they work 16 hours a day, which is 112 hours a week. This contradicts with Nike and Gap s code of vendor conduct, which says ВґВґOn a regularly scheduled basis requires no more than 60 hours of work per
  • 31. My Statement Of Purpose For Computer Engineering can be much broder once you discover one simple fact: Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it, you can influence it. Once you learn that, you ll never be the same again. When I heard these words by the late Steve Jobs in a video that was just 1 minute 42 seconds long, it left a big impact and changed the way how I looked at the world. Following closely the rivalry between the companies Microsoft and Apple and their growths, despite each other, has fascinated me with the world of technology. The fact that the economy and employment opportunities in the tech industry has beed substantially strong despite the weaker, broader economy, makes it even more compelling ... Show more content on ... A recent survey showed that companies like Facebook and Google have just over 15% women employees. Combining these figures with a Forbes forecast that there s going to be an increase in computer science employment by 19% through 2020, I see a tremendous opportunity for women in the realm of computer science. I also believe that this field will be grow faster if it can convince the younger generation to be a part of it as they are the ones who spend most of the time using the gadgets and new innovations. It s the younger generation that will indubitably bring disruptive innovations and my long term goal is to educate and encourage an entire generation of ambitious women to pursue education in computer
  • 32. Personal Narrative Essay On The Crucible Burned I was a dark person and anyone could tell you that. How do I know that everyone thinks that about me? Well I m currently burning my classmates at my school in Salem and the whole town is watching it happen. You are probably wondering why nobody is trying to stop me, but I know magic. I used a spell to possess them into making them obey me and to not move at all. You are also probably wondering how I know magic so I ll tell you. My ancestors were witches here in Salem, Massachusetts so I have inherited my family s evil witch traits. Turning back to the school after watching the community, I saw half my classmates were struggling to get out but the other half were now ashes. Old parchment started shooting out of the school as the flames
  • 33. Seize The Day Memo Carpe diem! Seize the day! Iaino ny andro anio! Profiter du prГ©sent! The first statement is written in Latin, the second in English, the third in Malagasy and the last is written in French. French and Malagasy are the national languages of the island country of Madagascar. There is a program through my church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, that sends young adults all over the world to serve and I hope to be apart of it one day. If there is one thing that I aspire to make sure I do before I turn 35 is to be a missionary and serve others internationally, preferably in Madagascar. I wantto serve in Madagascar of all places because I would love to be able to make a positive impact in the lives of people that need it there. There
  • 34. How Social History Has Given Voice Of The Voiceless When studying history, historians see how social history has given voice to the voiceless. There have been countless ways and instances when social history has exposed the histories of ancient, medieval, as well as early modern peoples that had previously not been investigated. Many great individuals throughout history, with their writings have given the people of their time a great voice. While these writings and actions have given these individuals a voice, these voices continue with the history of their people throughout their time as well as after their time. The Loyalist Teaching , is an ancient Egyptian set of texts with a series of instructions, in the text it is set as a father speaking to his children. In the texts, it gives details about loyalty, more importantly, obedience and loyalty to the pharaoh as well as how members of society must be respectful to the citizens and continue to participate in their civic duty. In the texts, it is said, The king is Sustenance; his speech is Plenty. The man he makes is someone who always exist. He is the heir of every god, the protector of his creators. They strike his opponents for him. (Unknown 27) While in this text, it does not seem to be giving a direct voice to those who do not have one, it gives a clear picture of how individuals in that respective society were expected to praise their pharaoh, or they in return, they would ultimately die. These teachings help historians to gain a clear picture of how this society ran
  • 35. The Importance Of Paying Student Athletes This opinion article is written for students enrolled in the University of Texas (UT) who believe that student athletes should not be paid because athletes are already compensated enough through scholarships. This article will be published in The Daily Texan which is a student run newspaper. Since the newspaper is recognized by students, they will be able to be informed about the reasons why athletes should be paid and how their payment will be monitored. Paying Student Athletes and Monitoring Payment Patrick Hudson, a University of Texas (UT) football player, struggles in his daily life to balance his athletic and academic demands from waking up early in the morning, to attending study hall sessions, and completing training. Football players, ... Show more content on ... Even though student athletes are perceived as students enrolled in a higher education institution, like everyone else, they must develop a balance between their academic and athletic demands. From my own research, Patrick Hudson explains how those demands are extremely difficult to manage, especially when you have over 30 hours of commitments to football (Personal Interview). This real example is important because it describes that athletes live a hectic lifestyle with countless of hours of work. In addition to their demands, UT s student athlete manual determines an athlete s lifestyle. This manual list the academic and athletic requirements student athletes must uphold to continue their athletic vocation. They include: enrolling in 12 hours, fulfilling coursework that is applicable to a course degree, satisfy coaches with their performance, maintain a 2.0 GPA, and compete for four seasons ( Student Athlete Manual pg. 36). Furthermore, the previous requirements entail that sports are not like most extracurricular organizations where participation and membership renewal is optional. Athletes participation in a sport requires dedication and time commitment to prove their consistency to the team. Most of us are considered full time students, can you imagine adding over 30 hours of long workout routines after a tiring day from attending classes and doing homework (Hudson)?
  • 36. Dugway Proving Ground QA Gone Wrong: Level 3 Military Lab Mistakenly Ships Live Anthrax Spores The Dugway Proving Ground is a US Military Level 3 biodefence laboratory that was opened in 1942 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. It was opened after the attack on Pearl Harbour for the purpose of testing chemical and biological warfare weapons. In 2001, after the 9/11 attacks and the anthrax mail attacks it was assigned the task of researching anthrax (Burns McCombs, 2015). In 2015 it was found that the lab mistakenly shipped live anthrax samples to 52 different labs throughout the United States, Canada, Australia and South Korea. All 52 of these labs were expecting to receive samples which should have been sterilized. Due to this mistake 41 people were potentially exposed to the live bacteria and ... Show more content on ... (2015, 05 28). Anthrax error latest in Dugway s history of incidents. Retrieved from Standard: chief Human error likely not cause of anthrax mistake Defence, U. D. (2016, 01 15). News Transcript Department of Defense Press Briefing by Army Officials in the Pentagon Briefing Room on the Investigation into the Inadvertent Shipment from Dugway Proving Ground of Live Anthrax Spores. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Defence: Transcripts/Transcript View/Article/643396/department of defense press briefing by army officials in the pentagon briefing Reardon, S. (2014, 07 11). US Disease agency suspends pathogen shipments. Retrieved from Nature: disease agency suspends pathogen shipments 1.15544 Roosenberg, M. (2016, 07 23). Procedures Faulted in Army Lab s Shipment of Anthrax. Retrieved from NY Times: /procedures faulted in army labs shipment of anthrax.html Trevan, T. (2015, 11 11). Biological research: Rethink biosafety. Retrieved from Nature:
  • 37. Arguments Against Socrates Will you choose to stick with your values and principals when facing death? It has been a month since Socrates was put in prison waiting for his execution. Socrates s execution took long because a state galley had set out on a religious mission that took place annually, and the law was to never allow any executions until the state galley returns. Socrateswas sentenced to death after he was found guilty in not believing in the Gods and also corrupting the young children. When the ship was about to arrive, Crito, Socrates s old faithful friend, arrives early to where they held Socrates. The guard allows Crito to see Socrates because he offered them a bribe. Crito becomes surprised on how Socrates remains calm even when facing a death sentence.... Show more content on ... First, Crito made it clear to Socrates that he should not be worried about the risk or financial costs to his friends as they are willing to pay. Also, Crito said that they would be justified in helping Socrates escaping from prison if they are caught. Aside from not worrying about Crito and his friends who are helping Socrates escape prison, there is one major motivation for Crito to help Socrates, which is no one would believe that Socrates had willingly faced execution. Instead, Crito would be accused of not having helped Socrates, and of valuing his money more than his friend s life. On a more ethical level, Crito presents two reasons for why Socrates should escape prison. Crito thinks that it is not just for Socrates to give up his life when he can save it. If he stayed, he would be aiding his enemies in wronging him unjustly, and would thus be acting unjustly himself. Secondly, accepting death means that Socrates is showing no concerns for his family s fate, and by escaping, he could live in exile and raise and educate his sons. Those reasons are what made Crito believe that Socrates should not give up his life and should escape and live in
  • 38. Persuasive Essay On Cruelty To Animals Some people think that dog fights are okay. However, think that is it wrong and the dogs should not be put through that. It makes them aggressive and makes it to where they cannot find a home. Not finding a home for a dog can be very sad. Only because if they do not find a home they can possibly be put down. Seeing a dogget put down is really heartbreaking. Charges can be very bad depending on what you do. Inn California, cruelty to animalsis defined as Maliciously and intentionally maims, mutilates, tortures, or wounds a living animal, or maliciously and intentionally kills an animal; or overdrives, overloads, drives when overloaded, overworks, tortures, torments, deprives of necessary sustenance, drink, or shelter, cruelly beats, mutilates, or cruelly kills any animal or causes or procures any animal to be so treated. Animals shall be seized and impounded and ownership forfeited. These crimes may be charged as either a misdemeanor or felony, with punishment of a fine up to $20,000 and/or imprisonment up to 1 year. If a defendant is granted probation for a conviction, the defendant must pay for and successfully complete counseling as determined by the court. It is also a misdemeanor to carry or causes to be carried in or upon any vehicle or otherwise any domestic animal in a cruel or inhumane manner. Exemptions are made for farming, hunting and research. The different types of animal abuse varies but the main one that everyone knows of is dog fights. People think that dog fights are fun, exciting, or just a thrill, but when you start fighting the dogs and making them aggressive, that prevents them from finding a loving caring home. When a dog fight gets busted and they get all the dogs out of there it would be hard to find them a home because of their aggression. This is sad because this more than likely means that they will have to put the dog down. I honestly do not agree with putting the dog down. Sometimes they do not want to put in the effort to make the dog better so they just take the easy way out and just put the dog down. Animal abuse is a serious topic that occurs every day. This happens every day, everywhere. Together people could change the world. Animal abuse is a major cause all around
  • 39. Physics Of The Future Michio Kaku s, Physics of the Future (2011) is about the forthcoming technology and the beneficial uses we will have for them. Nanotechnology is one of the technologies Kaku illustrates. The government s National Science Foundation Nanotechnology Report states: Nanotechnology has the potential to enhance human performance, to bring sustainable development for materials, water, energy, and foods, to protect against unknown bacteria and viruses.... (p. 200). Nanotechnologywill be a huge factor in the advancements that will occur in the future and that will improve human lives. Kaku compares nanotechnology with the Pandora box. The Pandora box was opened because of the strength of curiosity and unleashed chaos, misery, and suffering; we are creating these machines, but we do not know if they will create chaos or content us with our knowledge (pg. 199). This paper will focus on Nanotechnology being beneficial toward finding a cure for canceras many experiments with mice have shown a positive result, numerous inventions are developing and making great progress and its many possibilities in the future. Countless experiments are in the works for a cure for cancer; these experiments are being done on mice as subjects and have been successful. One experiment was done by Jinwoo Cheon, a chemist at Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea who had been developing nanoparticles made of iron oxide with the intention to make a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that would be able to locate
  • 40. Mexico Essay Mexico is bordered by the United States on the north, the Pacific Ocean on the west, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea on the east, and Guatemala and Belize on the south. It is characterized by an extraordinary diversity in topography and climate and is crossed by two major mountain chains, the SierraMadre Occidental and the Sierra Madre Oriental. The high central plateau between these two mountain ranges historicallyfunneled most of the human population toward the center of this region. Mexico features volcanic peaks, snow capped mountains, tropical rain forests, and internationally famous beaches. Mexico City is an enormous metropolitan area and dominates the rest of the country s culture, economy, and politics. Nearly... Show more content on ... Much of northwest Mexico including Baja California and the northern regions of the Pacific Coast lowlands is quite arid, receiving less than 130 mm (5 in) of rain per year. The northern Gulf Coast plains are semiarid, receiving about 250 to 560 mm (about 10 to 22 in) of rainfall annually. As on the central plateau, rainfall increases toward the south on both the western and eastern coasts. The tropic of Cancer, which marks the northern limits of the tropics, passes through the southern tip of Baja California and crosses central Mexico. Much of southern Mexico has a tropical climate with distinct rainy and dry seasons; the Gulf Coast has more regular and abundant rainfall than the southern regions of the Pacific Coast. Temperatures in these coastal regions range between 21 and 27В°C (70 and 80В°F) during the year. Annual rainfall, which generally ranges between 1,500 and 2,000 mm (60 and 80 in), comes mainly during the rainy season of May to October. Mexico s Gulf Coast is subject to hurricanes that pass through the region and often cause extensive damage. The northern YucatГЎn Peninsula is hot and semiarid. Annual rainfall ranges between 500 and 1,000 mm (20 and 40 in). The extreme southern part of Mexico, including the Chiapas Highlands and the southern regions of the YucatГЎn
  • 41. Occ Is A Maryland Corporation OCC is a Maryland corporation that exists to serve utility companies and process telephone calls from individual who intend to undertake excavation projects. OCC maintains contracts for its services in a number of states across the county. At the time OCC was incorporated, it was completely owned by Thomas Hoff ( Hoff ). Volkman was hired by OCC in 1984. When Volkman was hired she held the title of Director of Operation. In 1993, Volkman entered into an employment agreement whereby Volkman would serve as vice president of OCC at its corporate office in Minnesota. Under this agreement, Volkman could only be terminated for Good Cause, or upon fifteen days prior notice. Volkman s responsibilities as vice president of OCC included, but were not limited to, facilitating acquisitions, making hiring decisions, and establishing policies and procedures. Additionally, Volkman was tasked with maintaining a contract in Minnesota with Gopher State One Call ( GSOC ). Indeed, Volkman was a longtime employee of OCC who had worked her way up through the organization and was highly valued. She was also highly compensated, earning in excess of $400,000 per year.In or around 2007, Hoff expressed an intent to divest himself of his interest in OCC and retire. In recognition that much of OCC s value is derived from Hoff s association with the company, Hoff created Hanover as a holding company that existed for the only purpose of owning shares of OCC. Under this arrangement, Hoff
  • 42. Civil War In Anil s Ghost Sri Lanka is more than meets the eye. It can be perceived as a place with golden beaches, rising waves, misty mountains... and many sites (10 Good Reasons). Outside of these golden beaches , and deep within the heart of Sri Lanka is a place where the truth is hidden from the public by the government. In Michael Ondaatje s Anil s Ghost, Sri Lankais the setting of the book and where the protagonist, Anil tries to prove the truth of government murders. Although, this righteous act is constantly being delayed because of the civil war, lack of technology, and poor emergency services in Sri Lanka. For starters, the Sri Lankan civil war has a major impact on Anil trying to prove the truth of government assassinations. Since the country is in a civil war, the government can be very sensitive to what is... Show more content on ... Anil and Sarath realize that they do not have the technology to completely analyze the skeleton body, so they go to Palipana for advice, where he redirects them to Ananda Udugma...a recreate the face of Sailor (Ondaatje 91). They then take the recreation around Sri Lanka, and finally identifying him as Ruwan Kumara... at the third plumbago village (Ondaagtje 269). The time it takes Anil and Sarath to travel from the site they found the skeleton to discovering Sailor s identity could easily have been a week long. During this time, hundreds of lives could have been taken away from the government and no one would know or do anything because there was no solid evidence proving that it was actually happening. If Sri Lanka had the technology to identify the body quicker, it could have only taken several hours, making a huge difference compared to the week it originally took them. Those several hours would bring up this controversy open to the public, scaring the Sri Lankan government and ending the doing of government
  • 43. What Is The Critical Lens Of Hybridity Post colonialism is defined as the study of texts to discover themes and reasoning that were prevalent during the post colonial period of literature. The way one observes these texts is by using a specific critical lens. This essay will focus on the critical lens of hybridity. Hybridity is the mixture of two equal cultures that evolve together contrary to viewing them as separate. The lessons the characters undergo help the reader to understand the change or conflict and how to resolve it. The reader will be able to understand what the characters will experience to solve similar conflicts in the future. The Tempest, The Epic of Gilgamesh, and Heart of Darkness will be reviewed using the lens of hybridity. There are various cultures exemplified in these texts, including uncivilized natives, godlike men, royalty, powerful people, powerless people, people of color, and people whose color is dominant. All of these cultures create a power struggle for one of the opposing parties. Overall this power struggle between cultures creates the struggle and new formation of hybridity. The first example of hybridity is found in the epic of Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh was his name from the day he was born, two thirds of him god and one third human ... Show more content on ... He allowed his boy an overfed young Negro from the coast to treat the white men, under his very eyes, with provoking insolence. (Conrad, 1902). This boy is mentioned because this is unusual to have a black person rule over white people. During this time period, this behavior is viewed as unacceptable. Marlow mentions this act because it is out of the ordinary. This is also showing how the culture of the white men has changed this boy. The boy mistreat others because of the power he obtained from the white men. He is viewed as possessing higher power than other white and black men. This boy is no longer a part of both original culture
  • 44. Child Labour and Ethics Essay Utilitarianism We have all heard that child labour is a bad thing, however, lets try and think В– is it, really? By introducing child labour companies save millions of dollars which are passed to the consumer as a cheaper price on products they buy from our firm, if there are more profits there are more taxes paid to the Government. By having better profit margins our company is able to pay bigger dividends to shareholders thus giving them a better return on their investment and making them richer. And to top it off, the children are not being forced to work В– they are working out of their free will В– what our company does is give children the opportunity to earn some extra money if they feel like it. In the end, every ... Show more content on ... Imagine yourself living in China and being poor or single parent with a child or being a child without parents В– there is little support for the poor from the Government and if are a child with no parents you will most likely be living on the streets with the dogs. I can say with great pride that our company, or in fact any company that uses child labour helps poor people in these kind of situation. A child that has no parents will have his chance to make his own living, which otherwise would have been minimal В– children in these circumstances either die or turn to a life of crime which ends them in prison. Our company gives alternative choice to children in need when the governments cannot support them. And if your family or if you are a single parent struggling to put food on the table and have a place where to live В– why not let your child help you do that? Why shouldn t he be able to help if you are really struggling? And the good thing is В– children become mature at younger age, they begin to understand the cost of living and that nothing in life is free, which in turn will help them become better, more hard working and appreciative individuals in the future. So, yes В– I do think that our company is doing Good to societies that really need
  • 45. An Actor Prepares An Actor Prepares by Constantin Stanislavski Because I m usually immersed in web stuff, it s interesting to read a text whose ideas are still relevant to its target profession 70 years on. It was mostly a more enjoyable read than I expected it s written as if by a student of acting, reporting on a year of training. It makes clear how much more there can be to acting than just pretending to be someone else . Unfortunately I kind of lost it around two thirds of the way through, when he starts talking about transmitting rays to each other, and things get a bit hazy and repetitive. Maybe that stuff makes more sense when the preceding chapters have been properly absorbed and used. (Also see my notes on Sanford Meisner on Acting and Uta ... Show more content on ... Action 35 7 Whatever happens on stage must be for a purpose, even if you outwardly appear to be doing nothing. You must act either outwardly or inwardly. 40 41 Never simply try to act emotions emotions are caused by something that has gone before, and it s this that you should think of. The result will produce itself. 46 If acts as a lever to lift us out of the world of actuality into the realm of imagination. 4. Imagination 70 The actor must use his imagination to be able to answer all questions (when, where, why, how). Make the make believer existence more definite. 71 If you do or say anything on stage without fully realising who you are, what you re doing, how you got there, etc, you re not using your imagination. If someone asks is it cold outside? you should remember what it was like when you were last out the sights, sensations, etc before answering. 5. Concentration of Attention 75 An actor must have a point of attention, and this point of attention must not be in the auditorium. 82 Solitude in Public : when you are in public (e.g., on stage) but have a small circle of attention and feel alone within it. 83 5 Your focus of attention can be larger areas, but this is harder to maintain if it begins to slip, withdraw the attention to a smaller circle or single object/point, then gradually enlarge the circle of attention again. 88 At the end of
  • 46. Women And Courtship In The Taming Of The Shrew By William... How would a modern audience view this play in a different way to an audience in Shakespeare s time, particularly in relation to the role and status of women and attitudes to marriage and courtship? Elizabethan society was created on the belief the woman had no right or control over their own lives. Women had no choice in what their profession would be, as a matter of fact they weren t allowed to have a profession such as medicine, politics and law. The only places they were allowed to work were in domestic areas. This essay will be focusing on the taming of the shrew with the role of status of women and attitudes towards marriage and courtship during the Elizabethan era. In Elizabethan society, all that women were considered of was the lower end of men and the weaker gender. Women and men s role in Elizabethan society is completely different to modern society. The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeareshows exactly what the attitudes were like. For example, the scene when Katherina is fighting with her sister because Bianca has a number of suitors waiting for her but she refuses to tell Katherina which one she prefers. Katherina gets angry and aggressive towards Bianca because she doesn t give her an answer, Katherina starts to attack Bianca. Their father enters into the room and says For shame, thou hilding of a devilish spirit! Why dost thou wrong her that did ne er wrong thee? When did she cross thee with a bitter word? Baptista is expressing why Katherina would
  • 47. Advantages And Definitions Of A Database Management System Fundamentals of Database Management System Before we talk about Fundamentals of database management system, we need to know what is a Data . Data is a something which has an implicit meaning and that can be deduced to new facts which can be recorded too. Then we have to know what is a Database . Database is known as organized, structured and centralized set of data collection which are stored in a computer system. That can be managed, updated and accessed. Now we have to know what is Database Management System . Database Management System is a software package for store, manipulate, retrieve, update, maintain and data analyze in database. Database Management System s are communicating with users and other software applications. MYSQL, Microsoft ... Show more content on ... Advantages Limitations Data independence. Lacks structural independence. Database security. Difficult to manage because of Less redundant data. Many relationships. Efficient searching. Complex implementation. Network data model It was a first attempt of using data into databases, same time as the hierarchical data model were developing. In the network data model data is represented as collections of records and relationships are represented by sets. The most popular network DBMS is computer associates IDMS/R. network data model were used for large databases. In network model files are related as owners and members like in hierarchical model. But member file can have more than one owner in network data model. So it was very complex. Lets see a example diagram for network data model. Relational model based
  • 48. Mass Shootings And Terrorist Attacks Nous Sommes tous Unis The Introduction The topic of mass shootings and terrorists attacks has been of particular attention to the American public this year. But the huge event that has truly shocked Americans was the November 13th attacks on Paris. In just a half hour gunmen and suicide bombers hit a concert hall, a major stadium, restaurants and bars, and left 130 people dead and almost four hundred wounded. The attacks on Paris monopolized the media, and soon no one found themselves ignorant of the events that occurred on that Friday the 13th. Immediately the world turned to France, and for the first time Americans were able to repay the French for their empathy shown after the tragedies on 9/11. In a method previously reserved for ... Show more content on ... slacktivism. Slacktivism, a common communication term used to describe taking action on the Internet in support of a cause that requires little time or involvement, is currently a huge topic in today s media. Many believe that millennials like myself have no concept of performing anything other than slacktivism. Indeed, many feel that while slacktivism has no immediate danger, it encourages the decline of actual progress on issues (Penney, 2015). Terrorism, also all too familiar for millennials, festered and opened up again in way most Americans had not anticipated. Seeing the devastation and quick responses of these attacks led me to analyze American responses to this tragedy. The question But this leads me to my question of why? Why did the Facebook community cover their profile pictures with a French flag? While this question seems like an easily answered one, it was not easy to arrive at. Following the November 13th attacks I found myself at awe of the new media we see in our world today. The way that news covers tragedy is different, and even where people go to for reliable news has changed. I began my search for information at these topics. Later, my mind marveled at social media in the form of YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. These websites were often the source of public opinion on this event. I wondered if there was any pressure to participate in Parisian support. Finally, after looking at social media, I arrived at my final inquiry,
  • 49. Statement of Purpose for Education Leading to a Career as... STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams Eleanor Roosevelt I believe it is the combination of knowledge, leadership skills and certitude that will help bridge the gap between dreams and reality. It is my aspiration to lead a successful construction based firm and to be a one of the top entrepreneurs of my country. Without proper intellectual and practical skills and their suitable implementation, it is difficult to achieve such a high profile position. My pursuit for the above encouraged me to apply to the Construction Engineering and Management program. My decision to opt for Civil Engineering was result of my desire to contribute something advantageous to the society since Civil Engineering directly has an impact on every individual s life as well as all things, living or non living, around them and it provides most practicable and real time approach to tackling nature as well as human problems. Further, it plays a very crucial role in the infrastructural development of a country. I had high academic profile in the course of my schooling. A year after opting Civil Engineering in M.J. College of Engineering and Technology, I realized the importance of two major aspects of study practicality of knowledge and work skill. Since then, the former aspect was explored by reinforcing my theoretical knowledge with the help of frequent visits to construction sites in my country as well as in Middle East.
  • 50. Orion Research Paper The constellation I have chosen to write about is Orion. This is one of the most famous constellations in the night sky. I chose this one because as I stated, it is very famous, and because it is one of those constellations that I have seen many times. Orion is a hunter, so the constellation shows a man holding a club and shield. It is easily recognized by the three stars in a line that form the hunter s belt. The myth of Orion is an interesting one. Orion was known as a hunter in Greek mythology, and he boasted that he could defeat and kill any animal on Earth. This greatly angered Gaea, the earth goddess, so she sent a small scorpion to kill Orion. Unable to shoot his arrows through the scorpion s armor, he ran into the sea to escape. During
  • 51. Single Sex School Why Single Sex School? Single sex schools are the best way of education and vital for our children in order for them to be taught in an environment that is away from distractions and to be more successful, focused and emotionally stable. There are several reasons which shows that single sex schools are important and why it s the best way for good education. The first reason is that boys and girls are not equal and develop at different times and speeds; therefore they should be taught separately. Acording to Gilbert (2007), Aacademic planners and school superintendents in the 1960 s had this foundamental assumption; they used to think that separate means unequal, so fearing that they would be unfair, provoking inequality and sexual ... Show more content on ... The second reason why single sex schools are the way to go is that boys and girls distract each other from their education, especially in adolescence as their sexual and emotional sides develop. They spend too much time trying to impress or sexually harassing each other especially boys toward girls. Academic competition between the sexes is unhealthy and only adds to the unhappiness and anxiety among weaker students. As Trichia Kelleher, a school principle, argues rather than girls defining themselves by their interests, they define themselves by what the boys think of them or what other girls think boys think of them . Furthermore, John Silber (2002), President of Boston University, declared that his university would prioritize male applications in order to even up the student composition and ensure the male population did not become ungentlemanly towards women due to their numerical inferiority. John as a preident of Boston saw how females can be a sexual distraction towarad males in class rooms and tried to slove that by admitting more males to the university. A single sex environment is therefore a space where (children) can learn without feeling pressurized by the other sex. As odd it may sound, some people argues that children need to be exposed to the opposite sex in preparation for later life; this fact should be further evaluated and analysed logically. Nobody in this world comes without parents, and as children we can get
  • 52. Three Educational Implications Of Mexican American Education Three educational implications that teachers should apply to improve educational experiences for Mexican American students are coming up with scholarship options, getting to know what the student expects or what they think is the norm in a classroom, and having an aid in the room for those who may not speak English very well. The teachers should find a way to make more scholarship options for Mexican Americans only so that more of them have the chance to become successful in life. They should not have to be left out of higher educationjust because they cannot afford it. Getting to know what the studentthinks is a norm in the classroom is another good way to improve the educational experience in many ways. For example, a child could think
  • 53. Against the Monarchy of the Roman Catholic Church in the... The French Revolution was a civil revolt that broke out in France against the absolute monarchy and the Roman Catholic Church, which lasted from 1789 1799. This resulted in the establishment of France as a republic, democratic government and caused the Roman Catholic Church s necessity, as well as its power to be questioned. The French Revolutionended the thousand year rule of the monarchy in France and began when King Louis XVI gathered representatives from the 3 social groups called the Clergy, the Nobilities and the Commoners to solve a great national debt and economic crisis France was experiencing. The American Revolution is believed to have greatly influenced the French, and may have inspired the French Revolution. As the French ... Show more content on ... The French commoners from the third estate proclaimed themselves as the National Assembly as they disliked the way King Louis XVI was dealing with their financial crisis. The King gradually acknowledged the National Assembly s constitution and their laws that stated all men would be treated as equals when more nobles and clergy joined the third estate. As time passed, food became very scarce in France due to poor harvests and it was feared that the King would end the existence of the National Assembly. Then on the 14th of July 1789, the French rebelled against the King, the nobles and the church by attacking the Bastille, a prison were weapons were stored. This prison was the symbol of power for the nobility and the King, therefore as a result; attacking it would rebel against all that the monarchy represented. The National Assembly besieged the Bastille, killed the Governor of the prison, and freed seven prisoners. The Storming of the Bastille was known as the first significant action of the French Revolution and is still commemorated today in France. As well as this, the French citizens also formed their own military forces, known as the National Guard to aid the National Assembly and its ideals. During the months of August 1789 and September 1790, French society was reorganized. Feudalism, and advantages that that nobility and the clergy had
  • 54. Close Reading of Dr. Faustus Paper 1: Evaluation of Faustus s internal conflict Faust. My heart s so hard ned I cannot repent.| 20| Scarce can I name salvation, faith, or heaven,| | But fearful echoes thunder in mine ears| | Faustus, thou art damn d! Then swords and knives,| | Poison, gun, halters, and envenom d steel| | Are laid before me to despatch myself,| 25| And long ere this I should have slain myself,| | Had not sweet pleasure conquer d deep despair.| | Have I not made blind Homer sing to me| | Of Alexander s love and Oenon s death?| | And hath not he that built the walls of Thebes| 30| With ravishing sound of his melodious harp,| | Made music with my Mephistophilis?| | Why should... Show more content on ... Though, they were twins, they had different skills and attitudes. Zethus was the strongest man at the time, and enjoyed manly actions that required physical strength, such as fighting and hunting. Zethus couldn t understand Amphion s love for music, who excelled with the lyre and singing. It was Amphion and Zethus who had built the walls and the seven gates of Thebes. When the wall of Thebes was under construction, Zethus carried the heavy stones to build the wall from the mountains of Cithaeron. Here, Amphion showed what his music could do. While playing his lyre, the stones were charmed by the music that they followed Amphion. The statement: And hath not he that built the walls of Thebes With ravishing sound of his melodious harp Made music with my Mephistophilis? compares the seductive power of Mephistophilis to that of Amphion and his harp. Before Mephistophilis, Faustus tries to attain his life goal under his own power similar to Zethus building the wall of Thebe s in the traditional manner. Mephistophilis then came and was able to give Faustus what he wanted through his pact in a manner very similar to Amphion charming the stone into place. The danger is the difference between Amphion and Mephistophilis and the ambition of Faustus. Amphion s music was meant as a metaphor to show that a city is nothing but a bunch of rocks without the defining culture of its citizens to hold it together, Mephistophilis music