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Faith In The Crucible
Fear and faith can drive a person to death or a divine life. The Crucible takes place in Salem during
the Salem witch trials. The Crucible makes a point to include that the population s main religion is
puritan. The puritan religion has many distinct rules. People that are puritan have extremely strong
faith and guidelines. Fear is another extremely strong force. The Crucible makes a point to include that
the people accused of witchcraft are very fearful of death and this element drives the entire play.
People get ear in their heads and start to lose their faith. The people want to live so when they are
accused of dancing with the devil, they disobey their faith and lie and confess until they are set free.
The smart people keep their word so ... Show more content on ...
People are faithful to their religion. The people s religion in Salem is puritan and this is a very pure
religion. These people do not do anything that could even be close to a sin. Dancing is even frowned
upon. The people that are accused are not allowed to lie or else they will be sent to hell for eternity.
Others know this and accuse others in order to save themselves and they know that the person they
accuse will be hung for something everyone knows is not true. This element drives the entire play in
this way because the accusation goes on from person to person for no reason except for revenge.
People annoy or bother each other and eventually they all die because the courts are broken. This leads
us into the next point of the trials and courts. The courts in Salem are supposed to be run under the
guidance of God or the people s godlike figure. The Salem courts are anything but that. The court
officials are blind to the fact that people are accusing other purely to the fact that they want to get
revenge. This angers people and when the people get angry all hell breaks loose and does nothing to
help the cause. The court officials are corrupt in the way that they follow whatever the crowed and
population wants. This is horrible for a government because people can lie right through their teeth
and if the population believes it, then they will be considered guilty no questions asked. That is how a
corrupt court
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Analysis Of Le Fabubeux Destin DAm�lie Poulain
The film Le Fabuleux Destin d Amélie Poulain, more commonly known as Amélie, was released in
2001 and became an instant success internationally. It portrays a unique style of film and is visually
different but exceptional. Directed by Jean Pierre Jeunet, Amélie contains many amazing
characteristics that made it into a hit. The plot, color scheme/special effects, particular camera
movements and jump cut editing make the film enjoyable and interesting. Amélie seems to relate more
to the French public but many people from other nations found it quite good. It was shown all
throughout commercial theaters and became a box office success. One could say due to the film s
romance aspect and female lead; the target audience ideally would be women in the age range of 18
25. These young audiences are a result of the French trend, cinéma du look, in which youth oriented
films were produced with high production values and flashy visual style. This trend was only one of
many during the 1980s and forward that changed the French film industry. With such innovations,
Amélie was able to capture the attention of viewers and bring them into an idiosyncratic and
fantastical world.
The story of Amélie Poulain is indeed out of the ordinary for she creates an alternative universe of her
own. Her parents are very odd and think she has a heart defect, therefore, she is home schooled and
raised with multiple restrictions. Due to this, she grows up having a huge imagination. After her
mother s
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Bad Debt Loans Essay
Bad Debt Loans To Enhance Your Odds and Financial record
Unfailingly, when you apply for any sort of loan, your money related records or financial record is
absolutely looked into. As indicated by that your loan application may be dismisses or acknowledged.
In the event that you offer great credit records, you might be qualified for a loan contract with
awesome terms, conditions and rates. Be that as it may, on the other hand, on the off chance that you
include bad FICO assessments or history, you may need to pick a bad credit loan. The bad debt loans
are the loans, which are intended for the people having a bad record as a consumer. Not all the
moneylender gives these loans. In this manner, you may need to look for the moneylenders who are
intrigued and willing to give these loans. since, an individual having a bad FICO rating is considered
to be a chancy element while profiting a loan, the loan suppliers will claim a much higher financing
cost. The end costs, the handling charges will likewise be somewhat higher when contrasted with the
ordinary loans. Nonetheless, the advantage that you benefit paying little heed to the high financing
cost on the bad debt loans is that the loan application will be authorized regardless of the possibility
that you claim most noticeably bad FICO rating.
You can recover ... Show more content on ...
Continuously keep your monetary proclamations, managing an account exchanges mistake free and
never sidestep any installments and afterward go for the loan. This demonstrates notwithstanding your
past bad financial record/records, your most recent example demonstrates that you are making sound
repayment propensities. For beyond any doubt it will do ponders for FICO rating also. You have to
consider that credit value is the main deciding perspective with regards to chances of your home loan
sum getting
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United States Government Regulation Analysis
When the forefathers of the republic of America fabricated The United States Government, they held
one principle ideology above all; a limited government that works to benefit and protect the people is
the best way to lead a nation. Regulations are necessary to keep citizens safe and allow for controlled
growth regardless of Libertarian belief; government regulation is an absolute necessity. The
government helps fund several organizations that the country and helps it thrive. For example, the
FDA, or the Food and Drug Administration, helps protect the citizens from harmful foods or drugs
that could lead to illness or even death (American). They create new medicine to help the sick which
can save lives. Without government funding, this organization would ... Show more content on ...
One of those various jobs is creating laws that help govern the nation. The law making process is a
tedious procedure that is exceptionally important. The executive branch such as the president, House
of Representatives and the Senate, will create laws that will better the nation. After the bill is written,
it will then move to the legislative branch who will either pass or deny the bill (American). For
instance, a law was passed that requires people to have proper safety while driving in the car. This
includes seatbelts and airbags. These will protect someone tremendously if they are in a car accident
(American). The government has also passed a bill to make the use of a cell phone or drinking while
driving illegal (American). This law protects not only the driver, but the rest of the people on the road.
Additionally, the government also creates the Social Security program; a program that provides
income for elderly people to help them keep their lives satisfactory (American). All of the jobs that the
government impacts the nation and allows for the country to run
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The Civil Rights Movement Of The United States Of America
Until the 19th century, no abortion laws existed in the United States of America. By the 1880s, most
states had banned abortion except in cases where it was necessary to save the mother s life. The cause
of this shift in attitude can largely be attributed to the American Medical Association, founded in
1847. The organization wanted to stop unlicensed abortions by forcing the people giving them out of
business. Religious leaders supported the American Medical Association s move and worked with
them to lead campaigns that would make abortions illegal. It was only in the 1960 s that these strict
laws were reconsidered. The civil rights movement seeking equal treatment for black Americans led to
women s rights organizations seeing ... Show more content on ...
Nowadays, the drug is only used for advanced cancers and severe complications of leprosy. Also, due
to the German measles (Rubella) epidemic in the United States in 1962, thousands of children were
born with birth defects. Sometimes, the pregnant women were also affected by these high risk
pregnancies. However, these women could not seek abortions due to the strict bans. (Supreme Court
Drama,, While women and women s rights activists supported this
movement, it also raised the question of whether or not abortions were merely a convenience. Also,
people against abortion believed that abortions were a cause of unprotected sex and women should
live with the consequences of their actions. However, it has been proven that all contraceptive
methods are not as effective as they claim to be Also, multiple abortion cases deal with pregnancy due
to rape or incest. Some people who are against normally against abortion allow it in these types of
cases, because they recognize that the woman was not responsible for the child. (Supreme Court
Drama) If a woman did not want a baby in the first place, it is highly unlikely that she (and her
partner, if she has one) would be able to provide for onethe baby and be able to give the baby a good
life. People who oppose abortion suggest adoption as an alternative. Another fear that goes along with
the previous idea of legalizing abortions was that women would rely on abortionuse them
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Should Music Be Censored Essay
Music is the science or art of ordering tones or sounds in succession, in combination, and in temporal
relationships to produce a composition having unity.Music provides a powerful form of expression
that at its most basic level helps to entertain while containing the power to cause revolutions. It is a
way for people to express themselves through beats, lyrics, pitches and ranges. Imagine owning a
music store, and a new album about police brutality is brought to your store for you to sell. An
undercover cop came in and bought the album, and told you that if you didn t take the albums off the
shelves you would be arrested and your store would be shut down. There are debates today on whether
the government should censor the music that we listen to.Some believe it has a negative effect on the
listeners and cause them to become the lyrics. Since music is a form of expression, censoring the
music would be a violation of our rights. While many believe censorship to be a necessity in certain
contexts, the idea of censorship is at fault in its attempt to control and stop the advance knowledge of
the world today.There is fear of ... Show more content on ...
Artist are protected through the first amendment to express their feelings through the art of music.
They use their songs to get an issue out to the world, to tell about something personal, for
entertainment, to relate to the world, or to make a statement. Censoring the music is discrimination
against the emotion the artist felt in their song. It s like taking the first amendment away from the
artist and listeners.The government can t limit expression just because of any listener, or a community
is offended by the content and characters of the song. We have a choice of what we listen to. We aren t
forced to listen to anything. If you feel a certain genre of music has too rated for you or children, don t
play it. We have a choice. We have a choice. We as Americans have a
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In the country of men
In the Country of Men as a National Allegory
Hisham Matar presents In the Country of Men as a national allegory. This is done through metaphors,
personification, and characters relationships. His purposes for writing this novel were political. A
national allegory is any attribution of human characteristics to other animals, non living things,
material states, objects or abstract concepts, such as organizations or governments1 of a nation or its
Fredric Jameson, with ideas more suitable for the novel than Aijaz Ahmad, was first to think of
national allegory.3 Jameson states that third world literature must be a national allegory because of the
state of its embattled culture and society. A political dimension is always present ... Show more
content on ...
When Ustath Rashid was hung the crowd responded; Like a wave rising, cheering became louder .8
The crowd flowed together in a solid movement, influenced by the revolutionary committee s actions.
Those who associated with writers against the revolution were suspected of treason. If the crowd of
the hanging did not cheer, they may be hung next. Suleiman and Mama were not allowed to talk to
Kareem s family when his father was accused. The revolution moved as one and like a wave,
gathering others as it moved forward. Suleiman finds a calming peace with the soft waves of the sea.
It was the only hope he could find in the revolution. I held the sea as my target, my paradise.....Low
wavelets curled their white foamy edges across the turquoise face of the water .9 He uses the sea to
escape from the heat of the day and the pressures of society. The edges are more subtle than the centre.
He stays on the edge of society so he can escape the movement of the revolution. The motions of the
sea can be unknown and dangerous, similar to the movement of the revolution.
Matar uses personification to dehumanize characters. This shows that this novel is a national allegory.
Baba becomes an object once the revolutionary committee release him. His eyes were described as
tomatoes 10 and his movements as mechanical .11 He was nothing but a figure 12 and a monster .13
Suleiman did not believe the man was
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Explain Why Killed Charles Monet Be Considered One Of The...
Part One The Shadow of Mount Elgon
1. The agent that killed Charles Monet could be considered one of the characters in The Hot Zone.
Describe what sort of character it is, what it looks like, and the role that it plays.
The agent that killed Charles Monet could be considered one of the characters in The Hot Zone. This
character would be a considered a virus. It s very small and it plays a huge role. It plays a huge role
because it is the one that started this book. If Marburg didn t exist then Ebola most likely wouldn t be
made. Also, we wouldn t know how to treat it better than we do now.
2. Preston goes to great lengths explaining exactly who Silverstein treats. What effect does this have
when Silverstein finds out that Muskoke might ... Show more content on ...
Why did Jahrling and Geisbert want to test their blood? What was Dalgard concerned about and why?
What discovery does Jahrling make after testing the blood serum and the cells from the monkey
culture? What horrifying conclusion does he make? What can we now infer about Dalgard as well?
Dalgard was concerned if anyone switched the samples so he tested them twice, Preston says, He
decided to do the test again. Jahrling discovers that she has been around Ebola. General Russell says,
No, Fred, we re not smoking dope. We ve got an Ebola like virus. We can infer that there is
something/someone in the lab that contains Ebola. We can also infer that Dalgard might have Ebola or
has been exposed.
3. Explain the issues between the CDC and the Army. How could this cause more problems with an
outbreak of the virus? Who was in charge of the mission ? What was the protocol? Cite evidence to
support your point.
CDC contains the virus while Army wants to protect and eliminate. This can cause problems with an
outbreak because both the CDC and the army use different strategies to eliminate/control the virus.
CDC did control it then they gave the mission over to the Army. The book states, He did not want the
meeting to turn into a power struggle between the Centers for Disease Control and the army. The
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Dithos And Pathos In Advertising
In society today, consumers decisions for buying products is heavily influenced by the marketing
strategies created by advertiser. The first ad presented is advertising certified pre owned BMWs, while
the second ad is marketing Lincoln MKZs. The BMW ad is targeted towards middle class people
looking for a luxury vehicle at a decent price. The Lincoln, however, is directed towards wealthy
upper class people looking for a luxury vehicle. Although the advertisements are appealing to two
different audiences, they both utilize ethos and pathos in an attempt to reach potential consumers. To
understand how advertisers attempt to influence audiences to promote a certain idea or purchase a
specific item, an explanation of the rhetorical devices used would be helpful. For that reason, the
emotional appeal, pathos, focuses on invoking an audiences emotions using elements such as humor,
sympathy, hatred, or fear (Lunsford and Ruszkiewicz 28). In addition, ethos, the character appeal,
intends to persuade an audience by establishing authority and credibility (Lunsford and Ruszkiewicz
40). While there are more rhetorical devices, ethos and pathos are the two that are prevalent in both
advertisement videos. Both seem to attempt to gain trust and invoke the audience to partake in a
specific action. To go in depth and understand the ad, one needs to know what it is exactly. The ad
consists of a man meticulously cleaning his BMW. To set the scene, soft and light piano music plays
in the
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The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Protective Packaging
Advantages of choosing Protective Packaging
In case your business specialises in product delivery, you might be evaluating the merits of techniques
used in delivering the products. Here are the top advantages of choosing protective packaging.
1. Broken goods may cost companies money, and that s why using use protective packaging can be
economically advantageous for your organisation.
2. And also gives protection against damage, it may also assist in avoiding items getting dirty be
responsible for dissatisfaction among clients.
3. From it, you ll no more want to use costly transit packaging adding yet further savings for your
main point here.
4. Broken products which are effectively shipped and have to be came back can inconvenience your ...
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The truly amazing factor about this kind of packaging is it could be re used, meaning you will have
less waste and greater savings.
7. This may also be far better for that atmosphere, so that your company s eco friendly qualifications
could be increased.
8. Should you operate a specialist delivery firm, the greater effective its history is, the much more
likely it will likely be to secure lengthy term contracts. Without packaging to safeguard it, this may be
something lose out on.
9. Regardless of what the dimensions and size of your products, this kind of packaging is going to be
10. Firms that supply protective packaging can tailor their items for your specifications, so you simply
need to buy the thing you need..
Protective packaging is important if you are involved with moving or handling items, manufacturing,
delivery or storage. While using wrong kind of packaging might be very harmful for your business.
Here s what you ought to consider.
1. While using right kind of protective packaging will significantly reduce the amount of orders which
are broken on the road. Therefore will reduce the amount of returns, and lower customer
2. As you will find less returns, you will see less assets and charges allocated to sourcing and changing
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Technology In Textile Industry
Present Technology that Represents the Country
TUFS was introduced back in 1999 to upgrade most of India s present technology in its textile
industry. Spinning mills availed to the maximum benefit from TUFS. Ring spinning system has long
been the oldest technology to spin any count of yarn with minimal changes to it in India. With TUFS,
air jet spinning has offered manufacturers the opportunity to produce yarn at a relatively high
production rate for a lower cost. The Air Jet Spinning Machine has been offered by Rieter India Pvt.
Ltd., in which the company has been a leading supplier of spinning machinery for India. The
significant reduction in the piecing cycles meant higher productivity as well as higher yarn quality
based on the ... Show more content on ...
Uniquely to Digjam, the company has early access to new DuPont technologies. DuPont has focused
on catering to the exponential environmental concerns through developing Bio PDO, a bio based
monomer, sourced ingredient for DuPont Sorona fiber (Digjam Company Profile). Through this
technology and producing Sorona fibers, it has attributed 30% less energy and 65% less greenhouse
gas emissions usage compared to producing a similar fabric nylon 6 (Carpet, Apparel and Textiles). As
the leading textile company, these advancements allows Digjam to promote superior product quality
that is equivalent to any other and environmentally friendly products.
Purchase of new machinery is the key growth driver of India s textile industry. The production of
processing machinery and production of spares have increased drastically. Think Global, Act Local
has contributed to India s manufacturing sector as well as promotion of machinery for textile
companies. As such, Yamuna Machine Works Pvt. Ltd. strives to produce top quality parts for higher
end fabrics. Its aim is to produce eco friendly textile processing equipments such as the hydraulic
jigger which has made bleaching and dyeing of fabrics much more accessible in the current industry. A
hydraulic jigger allows workers to automatically dye and bleach fabric without having to go through
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Summary Of A History Of The World In 6 Glasses
Every day we drink beverages without even stopping to think of the influence they have, in A History
of the World in 6 Glasses Tom Standage explores the idea that not only do beverages have an impact
on our diet they have shaped the world we know today. The book takes you through world history
chronologically and relates each time period to a different drink. The 6 drinks or glasses as referred to
in the title are beer, wine, spirits, coffee, tea, and cola. Beer corresponds with the agricultural
revolution in Egypt and Mesopotamia, wine corresponds to the age of enlightenment in Greece and
Rome, etc. While many of us consider learning about history through our diet a little strange, Tom
Standage has another book entitled An Edible History of Humanity which explored a similar concept.
I believe that while the book contains many interesting parallels between beverages and how mankind
has developed, it doesn t continue to hold your attention and in the end feels more like a textbook.
When man first walked the earth they were hunter gatherers, another words they moved around from
place to place to search for more ... Show more content on ...
A great example that has already been previously stated was the use of wine in the Roman social
system. In addition I liked the American Revolution story being tied in so closely with spirits. It was
interesting to hear the things textbooks reference put into the frame of beverages, such as taxation
without representation was tied to the American desire for more spirits because of the tax on molasses.
The best example is how wine in Greek culture was shared out of a communal vase. I have already
brought this up before but when you think of a Greek vase what do you think of? I immediately think
of the mostly black vases with the intricate red orange designs on them. This is the type of vase that
wine would ve been mixed in and gave me an interesting perspective on Greek
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Different Political Sysytems
In the vast majority of political systems, which have gone through the processes of federalisation or
decentralization, the courts have assumed a prominent role in resolving intergovernmental disputes.
However, academics, such as Alan Trench and Robert Hazel, agree, that courts role in the working of
devolution in the United Kingdom was limited. They name political congruence in the UK as a main
factor minimizing the role of the judiciary in the devolution process. There also is a number of
secondary factors adding to it. Such as the limited role accorded to lawyers and legal issues in the UK
s governmental system, the high degree of flexibility of the devolution settlements and a political
nature of the UK s constitution, which favours resolution of intergovernmental disputes by means
other than courts. Despite the chance that once devolution legislation comes into force, the case law
builds up and devolved legislatures become more active, courts role is more likely to become more
significant as a result of third party litigation, Alan Trench predicts that the role of courts in most
intergovernmental matters is unlikely to change due to hindering factors mentioned above. We will
elaborate on them further.
It was predicted before devolution process was started in 1999 that the courts will be called upon to
resolve numerous arising intergovernmental disputes on new constitutional agreements, as it happened
in ... Which will increase their role as policy makers and, as a
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Smoking In Pregnancy Essay
Boitumelo A Nkoane Kelaeng1, Claire M Lawley1,2, Gemma A Figtree1
Cardiovascular Research, Kolling Institute, Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, Australia
Clinical Population Perinatal Health Research, Kolling Institute, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW,
Corresponding Author:
Professor Gemma A Figtree MBBS DPhil (Oxon) FRACP FAHA North Shore Heart Research Group
Kolling Institute of Medical Research Royal North Shore Hospital
St Leonards, NSW 2065, AUSTRALIA Phone: +61299264915
Fax: +61299266521
Cigarette smoking in pregnancy is a universal problem that compels us to continuously explore
different strategies aimed at increasing high quit rates in this population group. Maternal smoking
during pregnancy has been linked to increased risk of obstetric and foetal adverse outcomes. Barriers
to quitting are multi factorial and the approach needs to be versatile and patient specific, taking into
consideration the dynamics of ethnicity, psychosocial and socioeconomic status.
The aim of this paper is to highlight the different strategies that have been evaluated looking at ways
of enabling pregnant women to quit smoking. Furthermore, smoking cessation in special population
groups and global initiatives on smoking regulations are discussed. A database search of Ovid
Medline, Pubmed, Embase and The Cochrane Library was undertaken to identify
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Schools In Coal Harbour
Schools in Coal Harbour
Coal Harbour is one of the premier neighbourhoods in Vancouver. With so many different services and
amenities available all within walking distance, this safe, welcoming community continues to be a
trend setter and a special place to call home. All of the condos for sale in Coal Harbour provide a wide
range of living options that take full advantage of the views, green space and walkability the district is
famous for. Coal Harbour really does offer everything including excellent school options. Here is a
breakdown of the public and private schooling choices in and around Coal Harbour.
School District # 39
All of the public schools in and around Coal Harbour are part of the Vancouver School Board or
School District ... Show more content on ...
Elsie Roy also provides a Kindergarten Grade 7 curriculum and offers an International Baccalaureate
program for Grades 6 and 7. This program continues on into High School and is linked to King
George. Elsie Roy also offers an iPad Project with a focus on personalized learning.
The newest addition to the downtown elementary family is Crosstown Elementary School. Crosstown
Elementary will open its doors to students in September 2017.
Public High Schools in Coal Harbour
King George High School is the only public high school in downtown Vancouver. It is conveniently
located just steps from Coal Harbour and is the feeder school for all of the previously mentioned
elementary schools. King George offers curriculum for Grades 8 12. Its mission statement is as
follows: King George Secondary School is dedicated to providing a safe, caring environment that
promotes the intellectual, cultural, physical and social development of all students. Our school
community encourages its members to be life long learners through ongoing commitment to
In addition to the regular curriculum, King George also offers a wide range of specialty programs for
its learners. Some of these programs
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War At The Best, Is Horrible, And This War Of Ours
David Leathers Professor Blanc US History 13 November 2014 Civil Warfare War at the best, is
terrible, and this war of ours, in its magnitude and in its duration, is one of the most terrible (Lincoln).
This war of ours is the American Civil War 1861 1865. It is one of the most significant wars ever
fought in American History. Many Americans lost their lives, some defending freedom, and others
defending the Union. The warfare was a major contributor to the casualties suffered during this
bloodbath. To fully understand this warfare, one must understand the individual factors involved and
how they affected the warfare. The five factors are: military strategy, worldview paradigm, weapons
and supplies, terrain, and climate. Military Strategy is important to understand because it is the way
that warfare is carried out. A historian named Kelly Snell writes, Old world tactics and training were
inefficient due to modern weaponry (Snell). There was pressure for a transition to new military
strategy because of the new weapons. The tactics used before the civil war are often referred to as
antebellum. Antebellum means existing before a war (Antebellum). Advances in weaponry caused for
a change of thought on how to approach warfare. All of the military thinking of the day was
influenced by Napoleon (Snell). This war therefore was set up for groundbreaking improvements in
strategy. Heidler explains how the Union was trying preserve its unity with the south, so in order to
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Fahrenheit 451 Mask Analysis
On the center of my art project is a mask. The mask is an a larger burn up photo of Clarisse McMellan
s things in her room. In that photo is a mask referencing the same mask that Montag referred to as his
happiness after he thought about Clarisse s question Are you happy? (Bradbury, Ray 10) . Montag
truly thinks about this question later after he goes into his bedroom ready to go to bed. He thinks about
the question and comes up with an answer, He was not happy... He wore his happiness like a mask and
the girl [Clarisse] had run off across the lawn with the mask and there was no way of getting it back
(12). So in this painting I thought about the mask that Clarisse had that belonged to Montag, I painted
a mask with a huge grin symbolizing Montag s happiness. He was searching for answers and
knowledge, for clarity, And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things
that are done under heaven: this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised
therewith (King James Bible Ecclesiastes 1 13). Searching for all the meanings of things and
knowledge is what eventually gave him happiness.
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Management at a Company
Management at a Company
Rasheta Haynes
MGT500 Modern Management
Robert Miller
In this paper we will examine the management style of Google Inc. We will also evaluate two key
changes in the selected company s management style from the company s inception to the current day.
Indicate whether or not you believe the company is properly managed. As well as explain senior
management s role in preparing the organization for its most recent change. Provide evidence of
whether the transition was seamless or problematic from a management perspective. Also we will
evaluate management s decision on its use of vendors and spokespersons. Indicate the organizational
impact of these decisions. And we will look ... Show more content on ...
When Google began, like any other company, management was very important. It was the baby of
Larry Page and Sergey Brin who were both students at Stanford during this time. The two had a
unique perspective on global information. Page and Brin rarely did things the conventional way but
there company was started on a basic structure. Google had added two new positions from 2004 but
even those additional positions aren t the major catalysts of Google s managerial success (Stross,
Page, in his first major reorganization since taking the reins as CEO earlier this week, placed
executives leading the groups directly under his supervision, eliminating management layers thought
to slow product development, according to sources familiar with the situation (Oreskovic. A 2011). By
bringing Gen Y ers into top management teams may provide the knowledge and energy to speed up
the renewal of American business leadership and American business. For startups, we already bring in
adult supervision to complement the skills and knowledge of entrepreneurial kid techies. For the
thousands of big companies lumbering along the 21st century, it s time to bring the little fockers into
shared power. At the moment, the world is just too complex for Boomer CEOs. We need B Y team
leadership. We need to follow the standard that Google has put forth.
Explain senior management s role in preparing the organization for its most recent change.
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A Comparison of the Techniques Employed in Portraying the...
A Comparison of the Techniques Employed in Portraying the Horror of War in Regeneration and
Journey s End
I chose the First World War because it s come to stand in for other wars… It s come to stand for the
pain of all wars. Pat Barker wrote Regeneration in the 1990 s and R.C. Sherriff Journey s End in 1927,
the quote is from Barker and illustrates the magnitude of the effect of the First World War, and
expresses the appeal of the subject. Both works use different techniques in their portrayal of horror,
and their effectiveness will be examined in turn. The authors chose different formats with one being a
novel the other a play, thus giving them contrasting ways of conveying soldiers ... Show more content
on ...
Both authors use techniques that introduce their main characters very carefully. Barker does this with
Sassoon s declaration and Rivers and Bryce discussing him, in Journey s End the audience learns
about Stanhope before he appears on stage through Hardy and Osborne discussing his drink problem
and then the audience is given the contrasting aspect to his character with Raleigh eulogising him.
Stanhope, a war hero, is driven to drink in a struggle to maintain the courage he needs to lead his
troops. Sherriff shows the severe effect the war has had on Stanhope D you ever get a sudden feeling
that everything s going farther and farther away till you re the only one in the world and then the
world begins to go away until you re the only thing in in the universe and you struggle to get back and
you can t? The use of a long sentence here is a method of conveying his confusion and trauma. War
has isolated Stanhope, he has come to realise his own mortality, and alcohol is a comfort helping to
dull the realities of it all. Much in the same way as being mute is to prior when he arrives at
Craiglockhart. It is a defence mechanism, almost as if by not talking about his experiences it would
mean they never took place. Prior exposes the reader to a different attitude to Rivers treatment by
being stubborn and defensive showing
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Examples Of Prejudices In Cathedral
Samantha Langert
Professor Jereb
English G110
18 September 2017
Prejudices in Cathedral
Prejudice comes in all forms; whether it is due to someone s skin color, religion, or disability, fear of
someone who is different than what you view as normal is apparent all around us. Miriam Webster
defines Prejudice as injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard
to one s rights . Although most people tend to associate prejudice with racism, that is not always the
case. In quite a few instances of everyday life, it is hate towards another person you consider to be
inferior and not normal. Prejudice implies a closed point of view, one that is not open to differences
and a prejudgment of a group of people you ... Show more content on ...
The Narrator s thoughts show us that he holds onto these prejudgements of blind people, believing
they have both physical and mental incapabilities, and has not made a point to try and fix this
perspective. The Narrator also feels he has an inherent superiority to Robert because of this, placing a
self centered twist onto everything. For all of the Narrators prejudice towards others, he is more than
happy to not place any of his critical and judgemental focus on himself.
It is shown in glimpses of the story how the Narrator dictates his world by only what he can actually
see, placing a limitation on himself that Robert does not have. It was beyond my understanding.
Hearing this, I felt sorry for the blind man for a little bit. And then I found myself thinking what a
pitiful life this woman must have led (139). The Narrator lacks what can be perceived as a sight into
both his own, and others, emotions. It is further on that we come to realize how much the Narrator
relies on his vision, thinking that Robert s wife, Beulah, could have worn anything she wanted to, not
because she felt like it, but because no one could appreciate how she beautiful or ugly she looks.
Although the Narrator can obviously see, he does not realize the restrictions he placed upon himself
and how those restrictions prevented him from wanting or doing anything greater with his own
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Top Mobile Travel Apps to Plan Amazing Trips Essay
Top mobile travel apps of 2014
Are you planning for some amazing trips in 2014? And do you want the best mobile travel apps to
make your trips safe, efficient and memorable in the coming months? Well, here we will give you
detailed information about the top mobile travel apps of 2014.
Technology at your service Living in a tech driven society, we can look forward to sophisticated travel
experiences, thanks to a variety of top notch mobile travel apps in 2014. They can be your best travel
guide whether you want to select any holiday spot, book hotels or flights, compare different travel
deals, accommodations or attractions and much more.
So, here we go
Flights With Friends If you love the idea of travelling in a group (either ... Show more content on ...
Then the answer is RouteHappy. It s a mobile travel app that can ensure making your travel happiest
by ensuring you stay entertained while enjoying a comfortable and nicer travelling facilities (like good
accommodations, bigger/better planes, bigger seats etc.).For this, you simply need to fill in the dates
and the destination of your planned travel. The website will provide you detailed information
regarding the available airline as well as the route for a happiest travelling experience.
AFAR Travel Guide App It s a free travel guide app to provide access to global travel locations along
with some wonderful trip suggestions too. And do you know that you get the facility of offline access?
So, now you can travel and plan too. Amazing!
Uber With Uber (iOS and Android), you can say goodbye to those over charging cabbies. How? Uber
lets you choose your ride within a couple of minutes. You simply need to make a request for a ride,
enter your destination and select a vehicle type.
City Guides This app lets you either use a pre built city guide or create your own. That s not all. You
can even ask your companions travelling with you to make a city guide along with you. And you can
always share it with your friends or anyone you like. You can know about your location once you set
up preferences. The best thing about this app is that you can access the various information offline
without paying any
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Manufacturing Methods For Producing Mass Production
MANUFACTURING METHODS Pistons have been used by man for 100 s of years now, for different
purposes (started with pumping). The concept of engine pistons came later, and that required the
piston s quality to change and hence the methods of manufacturing them had to be changed. Pistons
have been manufactured all these years for automobiles by the use of subtractive manufacturing
methods. A casted Aluminium or steel piston would be machined to the required surface finish,
followed by forging Aluminium or steel into rods which are cut into an approximate size and
machined thoroughly to give the shape and finish that was required. Figures As technology has
improved over the years at a rapid rate, the traditional manufacturing methods are ... Show more
content on ...
This method is considered mostly for the following reasons: When a specific material is needed, that
is not compatible with any of the additive manufacturing processes. The End use requirements of the
parts specifically requiring this method of production. Special cases where explicit tolerance are
demanded for the part which only be achieved by removing material. The types of subtractive
manufacturing processes are: 1) Stamping 2) Cutting and grinding 3) Settling 4) Filtering 5) Flaring 6)
Boiling off processes As the main focus of introducing this topic is about piston manufacturing,
following is the explanation of CNC machining which is the only method from the above used for
producing pistons. Computer Numerical Controlled Machining: It is an end to end component
manufacturing that is highly automated using CAD/CAM programs. CAD files are converted into the
commands needed to operate a particular machining center. These commands then dictate what tools
to use and when to use them in order to properly create the features of the desired part. Combining the
use of CNC with 3D CAD, the manufacturing turnaround time for the part has dropped from 4 6
weeks to 1 2 weeks in some instances.
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Family Loyalty In Montana 1948 By Larry Watson
Montana 1948 by Larry Watson displays family loyalty. Throughout the story the conflict of doing the
right thing versus loyalty was bestowed upon the characters. David and Wesley and Gail had a real big
problem on their hands, it was allegations that his uncle, Frank was molesting his female patients but
Wesley tried his best not to believe it and gave his brother the benefit of the doubt but in the back of
his mind he knew he was doing it. Wesley was the town s sheriff so it was his duty to get to the bottom
of what was going on. Wesley thought if he could have a real genuine talk with his brother he would
stop what had been doing. Frank admitted to what had happened and agreed to stop. These two shared
a real moment together and hugged. Frank s arms were spread wide, beseechingly, yet his movement
was so quick it seemed threatening (77). The next day Marie was found dead and Wesley was in shock
and didn t expect that his brother did it until David told his father that he seen his uncle leaving Marie
s house and Wesley knew after having that talk that Frank did it. He had long stopped being my father.
He was now my interrogator, my cross examiner.The sheriff (89). ... Show more content on ...
Frank was a doctor and Wesley and now the town s sheriff. Frank was favored by Julian, the
father/grandfather and David and Wesley knew. I felt sorry for my father. It was the way I always felt
when the two of them were together. (24). When Marie was killed, Wesley arrested Frank and put him
in the basement of his home and Julian was known in the town because he used to be the ex sheriff
tried to storm his own son s house to break his other son out and told Wesley he was just jealous of
Frank. Ever since Frank came home in a uniform and you stayed here, you ve been jealous, I saw
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My Experience As An Outsider
When people are growing up, being normal was the way to be cool. Everyone wants to be like
everybody else and that s the way it goes. What children and many adults still don t understand is that
being different and having diversity is a good thing. It is ok to be different, especially in today s
society. Being able to acknowledge that diversity and disability in everyday life and seeing the good in
it will help bring together our society. For my next three paragraphs i m going to discuss what it was
like to be an outsider, when I experienced diversity and an experience I have had with disability When
I was thinking about what I wanted to write about my experience as an outsider, all that came to my
head is my experience so far in ... Show more content on ...
I m scared to start over so maybe that s why I am not going out of my way to make new friends. I tell
myself that I should just focus on school, but I know it s my anxiety telling me that I won t be
accepted. I chose to talk about this experience because this is something i am experiencing now and I
knew once i talked about it, I could start making progress to being happy st this school. I don t really
understand why people don t seem to like but I think it s just because they don t know me yet. Ive
realized that friends aren t just going to fall into my lap and I ve already started to sign up for a few
clubs so hopefully some good will come from it. I m from cape cod and were definitely not know for
our diversity so whenever I go into an environment with lots of diversity I instantly notice it. For my
graduation present my mom surprised me with a mother daughter trip to California for a week. It was
my first time going and It was more amazing than I could ever imagine. My favorite place we visited
was Venice beach. We would go every day and I could never get sick of it. I loved walking up and
down the boardwalk and look at all the different people from all around the world just enjoying the
simple beauty of the beach and all it has to offer. Every shop had its own personality and the stories
behind the life of each owner made it even more interesting. My favorite shop was Egyptian themed
and sold beautiful novelties. It
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Graphic Design And Art And Design
Often times a painting has the same structure as a design. The details can be similar for both Graphic
Design and Fine Art. Paintings such as Son of Man by Magritte which has basics such as shadow,
highlight, simple composition, and a dull color palette. A design for Apple Laptops was created of a
decal of Son of Man. This design also had shadow, light, basic composition, and an achromatic color
palette. The structure is the same, but one is created digitally and one is a painting. The processes can
also be very similar. Many artists use technology in their artwork. They use Adobe Photoshop and
Adobe Illustrator, programs for designers and use it to create their artwork. Artists such as Jeff Koons
who manipulates images on Photoshop, prints it and paints hyper realistic paintings from those
images. The structure and process for art and design can be very similar. Can an artist be a designer or
vise versa? One argument that critics make is that artists are just artists or that a designer is not an
artist. However there are countless artists who are designers and vise versa. One famous designer
would be Eva Zeisel. Eva Zeisel is famous for creating a body of dinner sets which she created after
she was released in Russia. While imprisoned, Zeisel found inspiration in the curves of her own body
claiming it was the only art she had. Afterwards she created useful art which was her groundbreaking
design of minimalist dinnerware, (Eva Zeisel, groundbreaking designer, dies). Her
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Support Alone Essay
The usefulness of just using support alone will only tell you how many times each item appear
together based on the transactions in the bakery. The support values are smaller than I expected. The
highest support is 0.053 (Apricot Danish Cherry Tart). So the highest frequency an item in the bakery
appears together is only 5.3%. This might be the case because depending on a customer s sweet tooth
the purchase may be different or the bakery has a different special going each day. I do not believe we
can judge itemsets just on support alone, again because it is only base on when items appear together.
For transaction number 113, it supports if you buy, Coffee Éclair, Hot Coffee, and Almond Twist, it
would have a 99.8% confidence that you will also buy an Apple Pie. When we look at the lift, we see
that we are 13.462 times more likely (confident) that we ... Show more content on ...
The reason why I would choose these is based on the confidence and lift. These rules seem like they
would be actionable based on each of these items appear together 2% of the time in support data. The
bakery can use these rules to help make a decision on what is needed or stock in the store. It can also
have Number 114 the support is 2% that (Raspberry Cookie, Raspberry Lemonade, Lemon Lemonade,
Green Tea) will appear together with (Lemon Lemonade), with a 100% confidence that if the premises
being purchased the conclusion will also be purchased. To strengthen this to most likely happen is the
lift. This rule states 15.026 times more likely for this to happen. Number 115 the support is 2% that
(Raspberry Cookie, Lemon Cookie, Lemon Lemonade, Green Tea) will appear together with
(Raspberry Lemonade), with a 100% confidence that if the premises being purchased the conclusion
will also be purchased. To strengthen this to most likely happen is the lift. This rule states 14.609
times more likely for this to
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Hearing The Sweetest Songs Summary
The article Hearing the Sweetest Songs is very insightful. There are many events that take place,
however I will try to focus the events that try to get the author Nicolette Toussaint to accept that she is
disabled. The author is living with a hearing impairment that occurred when she was a baby. Nicolette
learned from her parents how she lost her hearing from getting pneumonia. She realizes that she can
not hear when she gets a hearing aid at thirty years old. The hearing aid took away her peace. The
hearing aid made her be able to hear every noise around her and it usually startled her. Nicolette s
coworkers thought she was rude at meetings because she would answer the wrong questions. Her
coworkers thought she was daydreaming and they ... Show more content on ...
Even though Nicolette tries to remain strong and continue to not label herself disabled, however there
are times she can not help but admit she has a hearing problem. Nicolette states, When I lived alone, I
felt helpless because I couldn t hear alarm clocks, vulnerable because I couldn t hear the front door
open and frightened because I wouldn t hear a burglar until it was too late. She did not want to be
labeled disabled because she was more than just a person with a hearing problem. Another quote that
displayed self doubt is when Nicolette explains, For the first time, I felt unequal, disadvantaged and
disabled[...] I knew that I had lost something: not just my hearing, but my independence and my sense
of wholeness. In addition, Nicolette also struggles with her identity. Not hearing should not change
how people perceive you. nicolette states, If I tell people may see only my disability. Once someone is
labeled deaf, crippled, mute or aged, that s too often all they are. Im a writer, a painter, a slapdash
housekeeper, a gardener who grows wondrous roses; my hearing is just part of my whole. Nicolette
wants to be treated like any other person without a hearing
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Analysis Of Ulysses By Tennyson
The Meaning Behind Ulysses
(An Analysis of Three Messages From Ulysses by Tennyson)
Alfred, Lord Tennyson lived from 1809 to 1892 during the victorian age. As a boy, he was very
sensitive and was charmed by the words far, far away. Due to his extremely bitter father, Tennyson
was eager to leave the house and attend the Cambridge University. In the poem Ulysses, Tennyson
extends the original story of the hero of Homer s epic the Odyssey. The poem entails details about the
hero growing restless, in need of a journey, but unfortunately old with age. In the poem Ulysses,
Alfred, Lord Tennyson implies three major messages.
In the poem Ulysses by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, the first major message is there is always a search for
adventure. In the poem, Ulysses is an old adventurer who is unwilling to accept that he is getting old
and will eventually no longer be able to explore. Since the old man once traveled the world, he would
like to continue on his quest of exploration. How dull it is to pause, to make an end. To rust
unburnished, not to shine in use! (22 23). Tennyson used key characteristic words in lines 22 and 23.
He is explaining how Ulysses realized how boring it is to sit at home. It also implies that Ulysses
essentially rust from lack of use. In Ulysses, a dramatic monologue detailing the Greek hero s
escapades, Tennyson succinctly offers his view that humans are shaped by a combination of all life s
experiences. (Shaw). This quote is explaining that us,
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Non Dog Parks Research Paper
Dog parks VS. Non dog parks
In my eyes I believe dog parks are a good idea. Dogs are great companions for people, and good for
people that are disabled.
Once you have a dog it becomes your best friend and he or she is there through everything right by
your side.If something happens and you have to move somewhere like a apartment ,of course your
dog will be there with you.
Dogs need alot of exercise, and its good for them to be around other dogs and people so they can be
comfortable with them being around.
I understand if you just have a cat and just have it litterbox trained,because they dont have to have
exercise like dogs do. So yes I do understand why a cat owner wouldnt want to use their tax money on
a dog park.
It is a fact
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Nba General Manager Essay
NBA General Manager One of the dream jobs of many people who love basketball is to be the general
manager of a NBA team. The general manager position is the captain of the ship as it puts together the
team roster and has to make the executive decisions of trades and other financial transactions. The
general manager also hires and fires the coaching staff. The only person the general manager answers
to is the owner of the team. A general manager s success is determined by how well the team
progressed throughout the season. A NBA general manager has to keep team morale up and make sure
every player s needs and wants are met. General Managers are also the public face of the team. Some
great general managers include Danny Aigne, R.C. Buford, ... Show more content on
When sporting event is successful, they have received media attention, which is often generated
through public relations. Market Representatives do variety of tasks such as track athlete
endorsements to things like market research. All these jobs require flexible hours and are able to
handle multiple tasks. Event Coordinator is not only a sports job, but more a broad job which requires
experience and one of the hardest to get entry level jobs. Account Coordinators will most likely work
at sports marketing firms and require good oral communication skills because they help maintain
strong relationships with firm s clients. The most common entry level is a floater, which is like a
temporary office assistants because when a job is vacant they typically work in that position until the
job is filled. Coach/ Scout Coaching sports can be volunteer work for most parents, but for others it
can be a paid job. Coaches assist athletes to develop their full potential and are responsible for training
athletes in a sport by analyzing their performances, instructing in relevant skills and by providing
encouragement. Coaches are a factor in an athlete s life because they can be that big influence that
changes their demeanor on how they go about life. I am interested in coaching at any level of
competition. I would not mind doing it at the high school because I want to prepare teenagers for that
college transition and
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A Haunting Memory Of Yellow Fever
Renee Wilda
Ms. Vyse
English II
15 April 2016
A Haunting Memory of Yellow Fever
The fever of 1793 had spread over Philadelphia like a dark depressing blanket. Laurie Halse Anderson
takes the audience on an emotional roller coaster as they explore Mattie Cook?s summer of 1793. The
summer of 1793 hit Mattie Cook, her family, and her family owned coffee shop very hard. As she
spends her days avoiding chores, she finds herself making plans to turn the coffee shop into one of
Philadelphia?s finest. Then, all of a sudden her summer takes a sharp turn towards Hell, and the fever
breaks out. Her and her grandpa know they must flee for a chance of survival. It does not take long
before they figure out the fever is everywhere and is destroying ... Show more content on ...
Yellow fever was carried by mosquitos that had bitten people containing yellow fever. The symptoms
of yellow fever consisted of Mild cases cause fever, headache, nausea, and vomiting. Serious cases
may cause fatal heart, liver, and kidney conditions (Mayo clinic). In the book Fever 1793 Mattie s
mother falls ill with the fever, as Mattie explains, mother flew off the pillows violently ill, vomiting
blood all over the bed and floor. Her eyes rolled back in her head. (Anderson) Mattie s mother has just
woken up ill in the middle of the night. Mattie knows that she is not safe sticking around so her and
her grandfather flee in search for a safer place. The description in the book of yellow fever helps
influence research and further studies to find a cure because not only does the reader and the audience
get a detailed description of the fever, they also see the emotional side. Mattie is scared and she tries
her best to take care of the mother all she can without becoming infected herself. Because of the
emotional effects it has on the readers, researchers take to account how damaging the virus really is
not only to the infected but to the bystanders. Between the years of 1793 and 2016, researchers have
come up with ways to lessen the intensity of the symptoms by prescribing, things such as aspirin or
other nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs, and taking the patients into places like hospitals where the
patients can and will be kept in a
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What Is A Synagogue
The biblical term for holiness is kodesb. The way to holiness, in other words, was for Israelites,
individually and collectively, to emulate God s attributes. The same interaction is evident in the
commandment to sanctify the Sabbath, with God and the Israelite people acting in tandem to realize
the holiness of this occasion. God shows the way and Israel follows. Synagogue is a holy place
dedicated to the glory of God. If prayers are to ascend to heaven, the synagogue must reflect sanctity
and humility. God has chosen Israel, both land and people, to be witnesses and a testing ground for
God to reveal His holiness in the world and through them the ultimate purpose of creation should be
unveiled and clarified.
Land of Israel allows the earth
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Descriptive Essay On A Day In The Forest
The bus took turn after turn as I admired the green wilderness. I never knew that such beauty existed
in the outskirts of the town. After going through a lot of twisted roads, the bus stopped in the end at
our destination the picnic spot. As soon as everyone came out of the bus, our guide greeted us. Please
don t wander off deep into the forest. It can prove to be very dangerous, cautioned the guide. Everyone
nodded in agreement but no one asked why. While everyone was busy making their tents; I was taking
a lot of pictures, mostly the pictures of the natural beauty. The tall, brown trees with long thin
branches were wrapped with green climbers which were the only shelter in here and the low
whisperings of the nearby stream sounded so pleasant. The beauty of the peacock, the merry monkeys
swinging from trees to trees, and the rabbits scurrying into hiding; the flock of ducks moving in and
out of the stream and the colourful birds that were flying high in the blue sky were a sight worth
admiring. As I wandered off deep into the forest, I witnessed the dark side of this natural beauty... irate
wild animals and the angry nature. The menacing howls of wild animals and the angry roar of the
lions made me sweat copiously. The sly foxes were closely keeping an eye on my movements. These
cruel animals were frightening the living daylight out of me. Looking here and there, I tried to find a
way back to my camp but in vain; in other words, I was L O S T! The shuddering fear of
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Existentialism In Antigone
During the mid 20th century, French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre coined the phrase existence
precedes essence . This is a central claim of existentialism. This philosophical theory stated that
humans have no predetermined purpose and that any purpose your life has is given to it by you.
Existentialism was a popular approach during and after World War II, which was when Anouilh wrote
this version of Antigone, that led many people to abandon any belief in an ordered world. Although
Jean Anouilh isn t an existentialist, in his play, Antigone, he writes Antigone as a character who shows
many characteristics that fit with a few ideas of existentialism to represent the indifference of the
universe to human concerns.
The central idea of existentialism is that human beings define themselves. We are put into this world
without a set path that we are supposed to follow. We must create our own ambitions and values. We
have to find our own reason for living. Antigone values the innocence of untainted beauty and has a
general love for life. We see this when she talks to the nurse about where she has been at the
beginning of the play, in which she says It was beautiful. The whole world was grey when I went out...
It s like a postcard (6). You can see here that she loves nature and the beauty of the world. When
Creon tries to explain to her how to attain happiness, she responds with, I want to be sure of
everything this very day; sure that everything will be as beautiful as when I
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Essay On Annotated Bibliographies
When first brainstorming what topic I was going to pick for each annotated bibliography, it took me a
while before I settled on a topic for each essay. While reflecting on my writing process, I came to the
conclusion that more time would have definitely benefited my argument for each of these annotated
bibliographies. If I had more time on each of these essays, I would have looked in more databases to
try and find a wider variety of sources to argue each point. Since I can not search across all the
databases at once, I picked out what looked to be the best database for each topic. For example, my
public argument is on abortion, so I went straight to the sociology database. My other argument was
about blockchain technology, so I went do my ... Show more content on ...
While doing this, I found out that some of the sources were not what I thought they were going to be.
For example, one of the sources for my public argument seemed like it was against abortion, but once
I got to the end, I found out that the author was actually for abortion. I had this problem while writing
both of my essays, so I had to go back to the databases to find new sources. I think the most important
change I made during the writing process was changing a few of my sources to ones that would better
validate the arguments in each annotated bibliography. After searching within the database for a while,
I was able to find other articles that gave me a wider range of information and statistics to choose
from. If I would have not taken the time to go back and find sources that would better fit my
argument, I would have needed to do it later in the writing process of each essay. Because of this, I
went back for both of my annotated bibliographies and replaced some of the sources that I thought
were good at first, but after reading more into them I found that they did not provide me with the
evidence I
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Examples Of Selfishness In An Enemy Of The People
In Henrik Ibsen s An Enemy of the People, he showcases and explores theme of naivety and
selfishness lead to the wrong decisions throughout his play with the use of both detail and diction.
With these in mind, he demonstrates the significant value and importance of properly understanding
the truth and relevance in this play. The play begins in an unnamed town, in southern Norway.
In the play, Ibsen often portrays the main character, Dr. Thomas Stockmann, as an individual who is
not only naive and childish, but out of touch with his own reality. This allows the reader to perceive
these characteristics through his giddy actions and tone of voice. In Act I, Scene I, Dr. Stockmann
returns with company and says, Look here here is another guest for you, Katherine. Isn t that jolly!
(5). The readers very first impression of a man who is presumed to be professional and will end up
taking care of the town, is of a grown man who has just returned home and is more excited to
showcase the large amount of meat he has with due respect as they finally have the money to share
their meat. Later, he continues to showcase his newfound wealth by saying, ...and we have got a lamp
shade too. Do you see? All out of Katherine s savings! (7). While it is clear that Stockmann is still
excited to show off that he has money, he goes about this in a childish and condescending way. This is
one of the many consequences that can result from naivety. Although, that s not to say that he shouldn
t be
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Network and Computer Systems Administrator
I am proposing to write about becoming a network and computer systems administrator, one of the
reasons I chose this field to do my final project on is I am already in this field of work and feel that I
have a fairly good background and plenty of information to share with others. I started in the
Information Technology field in 2000 as a System Support Specialist for a fairly good sized Insurance
Company. I have always like computer and figuring out what makes them work so when I had the
chance to apply for a job in this field I jumped at it. The internet plays a large part of every company s
day to day business. I performed research in the form of a survey on how individuals chose their
career choice and their field of study.
In ... Show more content on ...
The benefits of certifications can be looked at from the perspective of the job seeker and from the
employer looking to better the skill of themselves or for their staff. There is however the conflict of
employers and employees over whether or not the company should pay for the certification. Some
employers feel that paying for the certification will give the employee more ammunition to negotiate
raises and promotions with little benefit to the company. The employee and the employer need to find
the right fit for individuals wishing to obtain an IT Certification that will benefit both of them justly.
Keston, Geoff (2007). IT Certification Options, Faulkner Information Services. The pay scale that you
can expect to receive will depend on the degree that you obtain but can range anywhere from about
$45,000. To about $80,000 per year.
You are at a point in your life where you begin to think about a career choice, what College you want
to attend and what you are going to need to achieve before you can start applying for jobs in your
chosen career filed. So now you have chosen a career choice of Information Technology but you have
several choices to make within this field.
When you decide that you want a job in the field of Information Technology you first need to figure
out what side of the field you want to be on there is the Network side and then there is the Computer
Hardware side. These are two totally different
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Synopsis Of Gatsby
Tℎℯrℯ is a finℯ linℯ bℯtwℯℯn lovℯ and lust. If lovℯ is only a will to possℯss, it is not lovℯ. To lovℯ
somℯonℯ is to ℎold tℎℯm dℯar to onℯ s ℎℯart. In Tℎℯ grℯat gatsby, tℎℯ cℎaractℯrs, Jay gatsby and Daisy
Bucℎanan arℯ said to bℯ in lovℯ, but in rℯality, tℎis sℯℯms to bℯ a misconcℯption. In Tℎℯ grℯat gatsby,
Fitzgℯrald portrays tℎℯ tℎℯmℯs of lovℯ, lust and obsℯssion, tℎrougℎ tℎℯ cℎaractℯr of Jay gatsby, wℎo
confusℯs lust and obsℯssion witℎ lovℯ. By tℎℯ ℯnd of tℎℯ novℯl ℎowℯvℯr, Jay gatsby is dℯniℯd ℎis lovℯ
and suffℯrs an untimℯly dℯatℎ. Tℎℯ autℎor intℯrconnℯcts tℎℯ rℯlationsℎips of tℎℯ various prominℯnt
cℎaractℯrs to support tℎℯsℯ idℯas.
Tℎℯ cℎaractℯr of Jay gatsby was a wℯaltℎy businℯss man, wℎo tℎℯ autℎor dℯvℯlopℯd as arrogant and
tastℯlℯss. gatsby s lovℯ intℯrℯst, Daisy Bucℎanan, was a subduℯd socialitℯ wℎo was marriℯd to tℎℯ dim
wittℯd Tom Bucℎanan. Sℎℯ is tℎℯ pℯrfℯct ℯxamplℯ of ℎow womℯn of ℎℯr lℯvℯl of sociℯty wℯrℯ supposℯd
to act in ℎℯr day. Tℎℯ circumstancℯs surrounding gatsby and Daisy s rℯlationsℎip kℯpt tℎℯm ℯtℯrnally
apart. For Daisy to ℎavℯ bℯℯn witℎ gatsby would ℎavℯ bℯℯn forbiddℯn, duℯ to tℎℯ fact tℎat sℎℯ was
marriℯd. Tℎat vℯry concℯpt of tℎℯir lovℯ bℯing forbiddℯn, also madℯ it all tℎℯ morℯ intℯnsℯ, for tℎℯ idℯa
of ℎaving a proℎibitℯd lovℯ, likℯ William Sℎakℯspℯarℯ s Romℯo and Juliℯt, madℯ it all tℎℯ morℯ
dℯsirablℯ. gatsby was rℯmℯmbℯring back fivℯ yℯars to wℎℯn Daisy was not marriℯd and tℎℯy wℯrℯ
ℎis ℎℯart bℯgan to bℯat fastℯr as Daisy
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Human Trafficking Is The Second Largest Form Of Organized...
Human Trafficking in Oklahoma
Individuals all over the world are at risk of being abducted and sold into some form of human
trafficking or forced prostitution. Worldwide, human trafficking is the second largest form of
organized crime. This is especially true in Oklahoma. Interstate Highways Forty, Thirty five, and
Forty four all three run through Oklahoma, stretching from coast to coast, and from Mexico to
Canada. These highways make Oklahoma an ideal crossroads for human trafficking. Because of these
highways, new cases of this epidemic emerge in Oklahoma every day. For example, in June of 2015,
five residents of Oklahoma City were indicted by a federal grand jury for operating an escort service,
providing underage females to men in exchange for money (Justice News). Everyone is at risk of
becoming a victim of human trafficking, especially females. I am particularly concerned about this
ever increasing trend for the safety of my wife and other members of my family. There are steps,
however, that we as Oklahomans can take to protect ourselves, and those we care about to reduce this
despicable crime. The first step we must take is to increase public awareness of the problem. Like so
many other problems, people assume that such a tragedy could never happen to them. Second,
Oklahoma State Legislature must increase the penalty upon conviction of human trafficking. Finally,
Oklahoma Legislature must prohibit gentleman s clubs statewide. The society we live in views
females as
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The Vysys
Nineteen Thirty Eight Regardless of the despondency at the prospect of war with Germany generated
throughout the country at large, the Vyses annual show opened as scheduled at Walker s Galleries on
Wednesday, 30th November 1938. It was the Vyses eleventh successive exhibition and although they
did not envisage such a far reaching event, it proved to be their final joint exhibition. Writing in
Walker s Monthly magazine, J L Naimaster reinforcing the mood of the time: Though international
crises may threaten us, and vogues may change and novelties may date, but Pottery that is
fundamentally well balanced remains static and real in an unstable, hysterical world. It was Nell Vyse
s opinion that in such uncertain times that no one could remain sane without using a liberal amount of
imagination, only a few of us can materialise our fantasies. The Vyses, ever optimistic, exhibited one
hundred and sixty pieces of stoneware pottery. Nell Vyse had the difficult task of teaming Art with
Science, to produce extravagant and delicate glazes in a variety of hues. It was the Vyses complete
control of the atmosphere within the kiln chamber produced such subtle glazes as the blues and
purples Chüns, the varied greens of the Celadon. Without such precise control, potters in rare and
happy accidents produce such glazes. No photograph, however detailed, can illustrate the rosy purples
that suffused the delicate blue Chün glazes (Fig. 149 p.186). Acceding to popular demand, the Vyses
introduced two new figurative works, which collectors could approve from monochrome photographs
of the original clay maquettes, published in Walker s Monthly. ... Show more content on ...
The Vyses were well acquainted with a particular Indian gentleman, known to all thereabouts as The
Walking Bazaar of Petticoat
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Hyper Normalization Adam Curtiss
The video HyperNormalization by Adam Curtis is a documentary looking at the world around us, how
it has evolved over the past 50 years, and how individuals have reacted and responded to the changes.
To engage the viewer and develop a more expansive view of the issue society faces, Adam Curtis
incorporates many major events and political and social trends that have molded and are continuing to
mold and shape the world today; trends such as the endless migrant crisis and major events such as the
bombing of the world trade center. In this film, the documentarian focuses on this idea of hyper
normalization. This is the idea that leaders in society have created this new, fake world which they live
in; a sort of over exaggerated normal. They ... Show more content on ...
They train their brains through perception manipulation, causing reality to be viewed as unimportant
in their minds. With the new inventions in technology it has become simpler and easier to escape to
another version of the world and be distracted with a virtual reality or even pornography. Many people
still choose flight over fight; they choose to retract into themselves rather than persist in the fight
manning up to the problems facing
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Epiphary In Katherine Mansfield s The Garden Party
There are many reasons behind an author s story. Mainly it is to portray a message, give a good laugh,
or explain a purpose, but the author will get their point across to their readers. In Katherine Mansfield
s, The Garden Party, she focuses on a young, upperclass girl, with the name of Laura Sheridan. During
the story, the Sheridan family is preparing to host a very lively garden party. Unfortunately for the
circumstance, there has been a death in their community. The Scott family, who is of the middle class,
had just lost their husband and their father. The wake for Mr. Scott just so happens to be during the
time of the garden party. The separation of classes causes an unsettling act of sympathy from Laura.
She can not decide whether to be on the right side or the wrong side of the situation. The death of Mr.
Scott allows Laura Sheridan to experience an epiphany, as she encounters the difference s between the
upper and middle classes, life and death, and a new perspective of life. Many people are often judged
by their appearances, living arrangements, or income status. That is how the world views and
classifies people to place them in a hierarchical stature.
There were a few middle class workers hired to set up a marquee at the Sheridan house. Since Laura
was considered to be the artistic one (EastoftheWeb 2) of her siblings, she was chosen to conduct the
hired workers on where to set up the marquee. During her time as supervisor, she overhears a tragic
story one of
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Mass Media And Co-Viewing Research
Mass media consumption is rarely in a social vacuum. Television and movies are often watched with
family and friends, books are passed along and discussed between friends, and newer media naturally
implement mediated conversations with people from across the world. Communication scholars have
known for a long time that the consumption of media is rarely an isolated experience, and is instead
typically social in nature (Katz Lazarsfeld, 1955) However, while many of the foundational research
in the field explored how media effects are intertwined with interpersonal influences (e.g., two step
flow; Katz, 1957), few current media effect researchers incorporate the social aspects of media
consumption into their studies. This is unfortunate as the social factors such as co viewing can play a
great role in attitude formation and emotional effects (Nathanson, 2001, Tal Or, 2016).
One of the gaps in the co viewing literature is how individual differences and motivations might play a
role in enjoyment of entertainment. This study attempts to explore this gap by analyzing the effects of
two individual traits in tangent with individual uses of media have on how one may conform to other s
enjoyment expression and attitudes. More specifically, this study will explored how tendency to
conform and sociability are associated with using movies for either entertainment or socializing, and
how these motivations relate to group conformity.
Literature Review
Entertainment scholars have had a
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The Effectiveness Of A Connection
The Effectiveness of a Connection in Relation to a Tragedy As art becomes more prevalent, intricate,
and sophisticated in culture so does its impact on a viewer. A viewer must experience a work of art
and connect to it in order for it to be considered effective. Ajax by Sophocles can be considered a
work of art because of its ability to connect to an audience. Sophocles play follows a warrior named
Ajax who was threatening to kill Odysseus to obtain the armor he believed was rightfully his, which
causes the goddess Athena to cast a curse leaving him blind with rage and in a state where he
slaughters hordes of animals believing that they are his enemies. Ajax later becomes distraught to the
point of suicide. Bryan Doerries produced a version of Ajax to relate to veterans through his company,
Theater of War. This company s specific purpose is to de stigmatize psychological injury, increase
awareness of post deployment psychological health issues, disseminate information regarding
available resources, and foster greater family community, and troop resilience through the
performance of Ancient Greek plays to military and civilian communities (Outside the Wire). Because
of this purpose, the audience is able to form an intense connection with Ajax and fulfill the purpose of
art. While looking at Aristotle s Theory of Tragedy and the six most important features of a tragedy, it
becomes apparent that connection through all six features is the only way to create effective art.
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Essay on The Invention of the Telescope
The microscope which is invented and developed by much different scientist overtime is one of the
most important tools a scientist especially in the biology and chemistry study can use. It made an
impact in how we view life and learn more about the nature of diseases that had plague mankind for
years. The microscope is mainly a tool biologist use but it has many uses for those studying chemistry.
Life before the microscope may not seem as different as life with the microscope. But if you look at
the bigger picture the microscope made an impact to the way humanity lives like other technology
such as the printing press, and guns. The microscope at first was only use for scientist curiosity of
what is beyond the sight of the human ... Show more content on ...
Most modern day microscopes used in labs outside of the school uses electricity and use light to help
function the microscope. A scientist in Canada actually used an iPhone to see through a woman s
There was technology before the invention of the microscope in 1590, like the spectacles or the
glasses, that uses lenses. There was the reading stone that helped people read reading material in the
2nd century. There are also the spectacles also known as glasses that are still used today. The first
spectacle was invented by an Italian named Salvino D Armate. The spectacle was a major invention
that helped people sees well. The first actual microscope was invented by Zaccharias Janssen and his
son Hand Janssen two Dutch eye glass makers. They invented both the telescope and the first
microscope. Then in the 1600 s Anton van Leeuwenhoek a Dutch scientist made a microscope that
allowed him to see objects one millionth of a meter. This microscope is known as the first modern
microscope. This allowed Leeuwenhoek to be the first person to describe bacteria. After Leeuwenhoek
invention of the microscope a couple of centuries went by without any major advancement of the
microscope. But there was new discoveries made by the microscope like Robert Hooke s discovery of
the cells by studying cork using a microscope. It wasn t till the late 1800 s where the microscope made
more advances and started using new technology such as electricity. Charles A.
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Substance Dualism
According to the ancient theory, the mind is an nonphysical object, which is called as substance
dualism. According to this theory, the mind is a different item from that of the body. The body is a
physical object that is located in the space, whereas the mind is nonphysical object is not located in the
space. Also the body is made up of atoms which has some height and weight, while the mind is not.
According to the substance dualism the mind and body are the two different substances in the world, i)
mental substance and ii) physical substance.
According to the property dualism, there is only one kind of substance exist, but the properties of the
substance varies that gives rise to property dualism. Thus, we should only think about one thing, ...
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Minds are not physical objects.
Arugment 1: Could a physical object use language?
By filling the gaps in 1 2 we end up with
1. Minds can use language.
2. No physical object can use language.
3. Minds are not physical objects.
According to Descartes the syntax and symantics of the language are developed inside a nonphysical
objects called mind and it according to him there seems to be a little reason to doubt that a physical
object could use language meaningfully which can be constructed within a physical object. Therefore,
the mind is a nonphysical object that contains language.
Argument 2: Could a physical object reason? Descartes not only doubt that a physical object an
possess a language but also he doubt whether a physical object can engage in reasoning,
Hence the statements 1 2 become,
1. Minds can engage in reasoning.
2. No physical object can engage in reasoning.
3. Minds are not physical objects.
According to this argument it is very difficult to derive the fact that any physical object can engage in
reasoning. Considering mathemetical reasoning, no computers/machines are capable of reasoning or
manipulate something on it own, it is programmed in such a manner to work in such way. Similary,
the brain is a physical object which is programmed by the mind to engage in reasoning. Hence, it says
that the mind is not a physical
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  • 1. Cool Ways To Write Your Name On Paper - Reportz725.Web.Fc2.Com 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Cool Ways To Write Your Name On Paper - Reportz725.Web.Fc2.Com Cool Ways To Write Your Name On Paper - Reportz725.Web.Fc2.Com
  • 2. Faith In The Crucible Fear and faith can drive a person to death or a divine life. The Crucible takes place in Salem during the Salem witch trials. The Crucible makes a point to include that the population s main religion is puritan. The puritan religion has many distinct rules. People that are puritan have extremely strong faith and guidelines. Fear is another extremely strong force. The Crucible makes a point to include that the people accused of witchcraft are very fearful of death and this element drives the entire play. People get ear in their heads and start to lose their faith. The people want to live so when they are accused of dancing with the devil, they disobey their faith and lie and confess until they are set free. The smart people keep their word so ... Show more content on ... People are faithful to their religion. The people s religion in Salem is puritan and this is a very pure religion. These people do not do anything that could even be close to a sin. Dancing is even frowned upon. The people that are accused are not allowed to lie or else they will be sent to hell for eternity. Others know this and accuse others in order to save themselves and they know that the person they accuse will be hung for something everyone knows is not true. This element drives the entire play in this way because the accusation goes on from person to person for no reason except for revenge. People annoy or bother each other and eventually they all die because the courts are broken. This leads us into the next point of the trials and courts. The courts in Salem are supposed to be run under the guidance of God or the people s godlike figure. The Salem courts are anything but that. The court officials are blind to the fact that people are accusing other purely to the fact that they want to get revenge. This angers people and when the people get angry all hell breaks loose and does nothing to help the cause. The court officials are corrupt in the way that they follow whatever the crowed and population wants. This is horrible for a government because people can lie right through their teeth and if the population believes it, then they will be considered guilty no questions asked. That is how a corrupt court ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Analysis Of Le Fabubeux Destin DAm�lie Poulain The film Le Fabuleux Destin d Amélie Poulain, more commonly known as Amélie, was released in 2001 and became an instant success internationally. It portrays a unique style of film and is visually different but exceptional. Directed by Jean Pierre Jeunet, Amélie contains many amazing characteristics that made it into a hit. The plot, color scheme/special effects, particular camera movements and jump cut editing make the film enjoyable and interesting. Amélie seems to relate more to the French public but many people from other nations found it quite good. It was shown all throughout commercial theaters and became a box office success. One could say due to the film s romance aspect and female lead; the target audience ideally would be women in the age range of 18 25. These young audiences are a result of the French trend, cinéma du look, in which youth oriented films were produced with high production values and flashy visual style. This trend was only one of many during the 1980s and forward that changed the French film industry. With such innovations, Amélie was able to capture the attention of viewers and bring them into an idiosyncratic and fantastical world. The story of Amélie Poulain is indeed out of the ordinary for she creates an alternative universe of her own. Her parents are very odd and think she has a heart defect, therefore, she is home schooled and raised with multiple restrictions. Due to this, she grows up having a huge imagination. After her mother s ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Bad Debt Loans Essay Bad Debt Loans To Enhance Your Odds and Financial record Unfailingly, when you apply for any sort of loan, your money related records or financial record is absolutely looked into. As indicated by that your loan application may be dismisses or acknowledged. In the event that you offer great credit records, you might be qualified for a loan contract with awesome terms, conditions and rates. Be that as it may, on the other hand, on the off chance that you include bad FICO assessments or history, you may need to pick a bad credit loan. The bad debt loans are the loans, which are intended for the people having a bad record as a consumer. Not all the moneylender gives these loans. In this manner, you may need to look for the moneylenders who are intrigued and willing to give these loans. since, an individual having a bad FICO rating is considered to be a chancy element while profiting a loan, the loan suppliers will claim a much higher financing cost. The end costs, the handling charges will likewise be somewhat higher when contrasted with the ordinary loans. Nonetheless, the advantage that you benefit paying little heed to the high financing cost on the bad debt loans is that the loan application will be authorized regardless of the possibility that you claim most noticeably bad FICO rating. You can recover ... Show more content on ... Continuously keep your monetary proclamations, managing an account exchanges mistake free and never sidestep any installments and afterward go for the loan. This demonstrates notwithstanding your past bad financial record/records, your most recent example demonstrates that you are making sound repayment propensities. For beyond any doubt it will do ponders for FICO rating also. You have to consider that credit value is the main deciding perspective with regards to chances of your home loan sum getting ... Get more on ...
  • 5. United States Government Regulation Analysis When the forefathers of the republic of America fabricated The United States Government, they held one principle ideology above all; a limited government that works to benefit and protect the people is the best way to lead a nation. Regulations are necessary to keep citizens safe and allow for controlled growth regardless of Libertarian belief; government regulation is an absolute necessity. The government helps fund several organizations that the country and helps it thrive. For example, the FDA, or the Food and Drug Administration, helps protect the citizens from harmful foods or drugs that could lead to illness or even death (American). They create new medicine to help the sick which can save lives. Without government funding, this organization would ... Show more content on ... One of those various jobs is creating laws that help govern the nation. The law making process is a tedious procedure that is exceptionally important. The executive branch such as the president, House of Representatives and the Senate, will create laws that will better the nation. After the bill is written, it will then move to the legislative branch who will either pass or deny the bill (American). For instance, a law was passed that requires people to have proper safety while driving in the car. This includes seatbelts and airbags. These will protect someone tremendously if they are in a car accident (American). The government has also passed a bill to make the use of a cell phone or drinking while driving illegal (American). This law protects not only the driver, but the rest of the people on the road. Additionally, the government also creates the Social Security program; a program that provides income for elderly people to help them keep their lives satisfactory (American). All of the jobs that the government impacts the nation and allows for the country to run ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Civil Rights Movement Of The United States Of America Until the 19th century, no abortion laws existed in the United States of America. By the 1880s, most states had banned abortion except in cases where it was necessary to save the mother s life. The cause of this shift in attitude can largely be attributed to the American Medical Association, founded in 1847. The organization wanted to stop unlicensed abortions by forcing the people giving them out of business. Religious leaders supported the American Medical Association s move and worked with them to lead campaigns that would make abortions illegal. It was only in the 1960 s that these strict laws were reconsidered. The civil rights movement seeking equal treatment for black Americans led to women s rights organizations seeing ... Show more content on ... Nowadays, the drug is only used for advanced cancers and severe complications of leprosy. Also, due to the German measles (Rubella) epidemic in the United States in 1962, thousands of children were born with birth defects. Sometimes, the pregnant women were also affected by these high risk pregnancies. However, these women could not seek abortions due to the strict bans. (Supreme Court Drama,, While women and women s rights activists supported this movement, it also raised the question of whether or not abortions were merely a convenience. Also, people against abortion believed that abortions were a cause of unprotected sex and women should live with the consequences of their actions. However, it has been proven that all contraceptive methods are not as effective as they claim to be Also, multiple abortion cases deal with pregnancy due to rape or incest. Some people who are against normally against abortion allow it in these types of cases, because they recognize that the woman was not responsible for the child. (Supreme Court Drama) If a woman did not want a baby in the first place, it is highly unlikely that she (and her partner, if she has one) would be able to provide for onethe baby and be able to give the baby a good life. People who oppose abortion suggest adoption as an alternative. Another fear that goes along with the previous idea of legalizing abortions was that women would rely on abortionuse them ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Should Music Be Censored Essay Music is the science or art of ordering tones or sounds in succession, in combination, and in temporal relationships to produce a composition having unity.Music provides a powerful form of expression that at its most basic level helps to entertain while containing the power to cause revolutions. It is a way for people to express themselves through beats, lyrics, pitches and ranges. Imagine owning a music store, and a new album about police brutality is brought to your store for you to sell. An undercover cop came in and bought the album, and told you that if you didn t take the albums off the shelves you would be arrested and your store would be shut down. There are debates today on whether the government should censor the music that we listen to.Some believe it has a negative effect on the listeners and cause them to become the lyrics. Since music is a form of expression, censoring the music would be a violation of our rights. While many believe censorship to be a necessity in certain contexts, the idea of censorship is at fault in its attempt to control and stop the advance knowledge of the world today.There is fear of ... Show more content on ... Artist are protected through the first amendment to express their feelings through the art of music. They use their songs to get an issue out to the world, to tell about something personal, for entertainment, to relate to the world, or to make a statement. Censoring the music is discrimination against the emotion the artist felt in their song. It s like taking the first amendment away from the artist and listeners.The government can t limit expression just because of any listener, or a community is offended by the content and characters of the song. We have a choice of what we listen to. We aren t forced to listen to anything. If you feel a certain genre of music has too rated for you or children, don t play it. We have a choice. We have a choice. We as Americans have a ... Get more on ...
  • 8. In the country of men In the Country of Men as a National Allegory Hisham Matar presents In the Country of Men as a national allegory. This is done through metaphors, personification, and characters relationships. His purposes for writing this novel were political. A national allegory is any attribution of human characteristics to other animals, non living things, material states, objects or abstract concepts, such as organizations or governments1 of a nation or its people.2 Fredric Jameson, with ideas more suitable for the novel than Aijaz Ahmad, was first to think of national allegory.3 Jameson states that third world literature must be a national allegory because of the state of its embattled culture and society. A political dimension is always present ... Show more content on ... When Ustath Rashid was hung the crowd responded; Like a wave rising, cheering became louder .8 The crowd flowed together in a solid movement, influenced by the revolutionary committee s actions. Those who associated with writers against the revolution were suspected of treason. If the crowd of the hanging did not cheer, they may be hung next. Suleiman and Mama were not allowed to talk to Kareem s family when his father was accused. The revolution moved as one and like a wave, gathering others as it moved forward. Suleiman finds a calming peace with the soft waves of the sea. It was the only hope he could find in the revolution. I held the sea as my target, my paradise.....Low wavelets curled their white foamy edges across the turquoise face of the water .9 He uses the sea to escape from the heat of the day and the pressures of society. The edges are more subtle than the centre. He stays on the edge of society so he can escape the movement of the revolution. The motions of the sea can be unknown and dangerous, similar to the movement of the revolution. Matar uses personification to dehumanize characters. This shows that this novel is a national allegory. Baba becomes an object once the revolutionary committee release him. His eyes were described as tomatoes 10 and his movements as mechanical .11 He was nothing but a figure 12 and a monster .13 Suleiman did not believe the man was ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Explain Why Killed Charles Monet Be Considered One Of The... Part One The Shadow of Mount Elgon 1. The agent that killed Charles Monet could be considered one of the characters in The Hot Zone. Describe what sort of character it is, what it looks like, and the role that it plays. The agent that killed Charles Monet could be considered one of the characters in The Hot Zone. This character would be a considered a virus. It s very small and it plays a huge role. It plays a huge role because it is the one that started this book. If Marburg didn t exist then Ebola most likely wouldn t be made. Also, we wouldn t know how to treat it better than we do now. 2. Preston goes to great lengths explaining exactly who Silverstein treats. What effect does this have when Silverstein finds out that Muskoke might ... Show more content on ... Why did Jahrling and Geisbert want to test their blood? What was Dalgard concerned about and why? What discovery does Jahrling make after testing the blood serum and the cells from the monkey culture? What horrifying conclusion does he make? What can we now infer about Dalgard as well? Dalgard was concerned if anyone switched the samples so he tested them twice, Preston says, He decided to do the test again. Jahrling discovers that she has been around Ebola. General Russell says, No, Fred, we re not smoking dope. We ve got an Ebola like virus. We can infer that there is something/someone in the lab that contains Ebola. We can also infer that Dalgard might have Ebola or has been exposed. 3. Explain the issues between the CDC and the Army. How could this cause more problems with an outbreak of the virus? Who was in charge of the mission ? What was the protocol? Cite evidence to support your point. CDC contains the virus while Army wants to protect and eliminate. This can cause problems with an outbreak because both the CDC and the army use different strategies to eliminate/control the virus. CDC did control it then they gave the mission over to the Army. The book states, He did not want the meeting to turn into a power struggle between the Centers for Disease Control and the army. The ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Dithos And Pathos In Advertising In society today, consumers decisions for buying products is heavily influenced by the marketing strategies created by advertiser. The first ad presented is advertising certified pre owned BMWs, while the second ad is marketing Lincoln MKZs. The BMW ad is targeted towards middle class people looking for a luxury vehicle at a decent price. The Lincoln, however, is directed towards wealthy upper class people looking for a luxury vehicle. Although the advertisements are appealing to two different audiences, they both utilize ethos and pathos in an attempt to reach potential consumers. To understand how advertisers attempt to influence audiences to promote a certain idea or purchase a specific item, an explanation of the rhetorical devices used would be helpful. For that reason, the emotional appeal, pathos, focuses on invoking an audiences emotions using elements such as humor, sympathy, hatred, or fear (Lunsford and Ruszkiewicz 28). In addition, ethos, the character appeal, intends to persuade an audience by establishing authority and credibility (Lunsford and Ruszkiewicz 40). While there are more rhetorical devices, ethos and pathos are the two that are prevalent in both advertisement videos. Both seem to attempt to gain trust and invoke the audience to partake in a specific action. To go in depth and understand the ad, one needs to know what it is exactly. The ad consists of a man meticulously cleaning his BMW. To set the scene, soft and light piano music plays in the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Protective Packaging Advantages of choosing Protective Packaging In case your business specialises in product delivery, you might be evaluating the merits of techniques used in delivering the products. Here are the top advantages of choosing protective packaging. 1. Broken goods may cost companies money, and that s why using use protective packaging can be economically advantageous for your organisation. 2. And also gives protection against damage, it may also assist in avoiding items getting dirty be responsible for dissatisfaction among clients. 3. From it, you ll no more want to use costly transit packaging adding yet further savings for your main point here. 4. Broken products which are effectively shipped and have to be came back can inconvenience your ... Show more content on ... The truly amazing factor about this kind of packaging is it could be re used, meaning you will have less waste and greater savings. 7. This may also be far better for that atmosphere, so that your company s eco friendly qualifications could be increased. 8. Should you operate a specialist delivery firm, the greater effective its history is, the much more likely it will likely be to secure lengthy term contracts. Without packaging to safeguard it, this may be something lose out on. 9. Regardless of what the dimensions and size of your products, this kind of packaging is going to be adaptable. 10. Firms that supply protective packaging can tailor their items for your specifications, so you simply need to buy the thing you need.. Protective packaging is important if you are involved with moving or handling items, manufacturing, delivery or storage. While using wrong kind of packaging might be very harmful for your business. Here s what you ought to consider. 1. While using right kind of protective packaging will significantly reduce the amount of orders which are broken on the road. Therefore will reduce the amount of returns, and lower customer
  • 12. dissatisfaction. 2. As you will find less returns, you will see less assets and charges allocated to sourcing and changing broken ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Technology In Textile Industry Present Technology that Represents the Country TUFS was introduced back in 1999 to upgrade most of India s present technology in its textile industry. Spinning mills availed to the maximum benefit from TUFS. Ring spinning system has long been the oldest technology to spin any count of yarn with minimal changes to it in India. With TUFS, air jet spinning has offered manufacturers the opportunity to produce yarn at a relatively high production rate for a lower cost. The Air Jet Spinning Machine has been offered by Rieter India Pvt. Ltd., in which the company has been a leading supplier of spinning machinery for India. The significant reduction in the piecing cycles meant higher productivity as well as higher yarn quality based on the ... Show more content on ... Uniquely to Digjam, the company has early access to new DuPont technologies. DuPont has focused on catering to the exponential environmental concerns through developing Bio PDO, a bio based monomer, sourced ingredient for DuPont Sorona fiber (Digjam Company Profile). Through this technology and producing Sorona fibers, it has attributed 30% less energy and 65% less greenhouse gas emissions usage compared to producing a similar fabric nylon 6 (Carpet, Apparel and Textiles). As the leading textile company, these advancements allows Digjam to promote superior product quality that is equivalent to any other and environmentally friendly products. Purchase of new machinery is the key growth driver of India s textile industry. The production of processing machinery and production of spares have increased drastically. Think Global, Act Local has contributed to India s manufacturing sector as well as promotion of machinery for textile companies. As such, Yamuna Machine Works Pvt. Ltd. strives to produce top quality parts for higher end fabrics. Its aim is to produce eco friendly textile processing equipments such as the hydraulic jigger which has made bleaching and dyeing of fabrics much more accessible in the current industry. A hydraulic jigger allows workers to automatically dye and bleach fabric without having to go through the ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Summary Of A History Of The World In 6 Glasses Every day we drink beverages without even stopping to think of the influence they have, in A History of the World in 6 Glasses Tom Standage explores the idea that not only do beverages have an impact on our diet they have shaped the world we know today. The book takes you through world history chronologically and relates each time period to a different drink. The 6 drinks or glasses as referred to in the title are beer, wine, spirits, coffee, tea, and cola. Beer corresponds with the agricultural revolution in Egypt and Mesopotamia, wine corresponds to the age of enlightenment in Greece and Rome, etc. While many of us consider learning about history through our diet a little strange, Tom Standage has another book entitled An Edible History of Humanity which explored a similar concept. I believe that while the book contains many interesting parallels between beverages and how mankind has developed, it doesn t continue to hold your attention and in the end feels more like a textbook. When man first walked the earth they were hunter gatherers, another words they moved around from place to place to search for more ... Show more content on ... A great example that has already been previously stated was the use of wine in the Roman social system. In addition I liked the American Revolution story being tied in so closely with spirits. It was interesting to hear the things textbooks reference put into the frame of beverages, such as taxation without representation was tied to the American desire for more spirits because of the tax on molasses. The best example is how wine in Greek culture was shared out of a communal vase. I have already brought this up before but when you think of a Greek vase what do you think of? I immediately think of the mostly black vases with the intricate red orange designs on them. This is the type of vase that wine would ve been mixed in and gave me an interesting perspective on Greek ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Different Political Sysytems In the vast majority of political systems, which have gone through the processes of federalisation or decentralization, the courts have assumed a prominent role in resolving intergovernmental disputes. However, academics, such as Alan Trench and Robert Hazel, agree, that courts role in the working of devolution in the United Kingdom was limited. They name political congruence in the UK as a main factor minimizing the role of the judiciary in the devolution process. There also is a number of secondary factors adding to it. Such as the limited role accorded to lawyers and legal issues in the UK s governmental system, the high degree of flexibility of the devolution settlements and a political nature of the UK s constitution, which favours resolution of intergovernmental disputes by means other than courts. Despite the chance that once devolution legislation comes into force, the case law builds up and devolved legislatures become more active, courts role is more likely to become more significant as a result of third party litigation, Alan Trench predicts that the role of courts in most intergovernmental matters is unlikely to change due to hindering factors mentioned above. We will elaborate on them further. It was predicted before devolution process was started in 1999 that the courts will be called upon to resolve numerous arising intergovernmental disputes on new constitutional agreements, as it happened in ... Which will increase their role as policy makers and, as a ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Smoking In Pregnancy Essay SMOKING CESSATION IN PREGNANCY: REVIEW OF CURRENT STRATEGIES Boitumelo A Nkoane Kelaeng1, Claire M Lawley1,2, Gemma A Figtree1 Cardiovascular Research, Kolling Institute, Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, Australia Clinical Population Perinatal Health Research, Kolling Institute, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia Corresponding Author: Professor Gemma A Figtree MBBS DPhil (Oxon) FRACP FAHA North Shore Heart Research Group Kolling Institute of Medical Research Royal North Shore Hospital St Leonards, NSW 2065, AUSTRALIA Phone: +61299264915 Fax: +61299266521 Email: 7 ABSTRACT: Cigarette smoking in pregnancy is a universal problem that compels us to continuously explore different strategies aimed at increasing high quit rates in this population group. Maternal smoking during pregnancy has been linked to increased risk of obstetric and foetal adverse outcomes. Barriers to quitting are multi factorial and the approach needs to be versatile and patient specific, taking into consideration the dynamics of ethnicity, psychosocial and socioeconomic status. The aim of this paper is to highlight the different strategies that have been evaluated looking at ways of enabling pregnant women to quit smoking. Furthermore, smoking cessation in special population groups and global initiatives on smoking regulations are discussed. A database search of Ovid Medline, Pubmed, Embase and The Cochrane Library was undertaken to identify ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Schools In Coal Harbour Schools in Coal Harbour Coal Harbour is one of the premier neighbourhoods in Vancouver. With so many different services and amenities available all within walking distance, this safe, welcoming community continues to be a trend setter and a special place to call home. All of the condos for sale in Coal Harbour provide a wide range of living options that take full advantage of the views, green space and walkability the district is famous for. Coal Harbour really does offer everything including excellent school options. Here is a breakdown of the public and private schooling choices in and around Coal Harbour. School District # 39 All of the public schools in and around Coal Harbour are part of the Vancouver School Board or School District ... Show more content on ... Elsie Roy also provides a Kindergarten Grade 7 curriculum and offers an International Baccalaureate program for Grades 6 and 7. This program continues on into High School and is linked to King George. Elsie Roy also offers an iPad Project with a focus on personalized learning. The newest addition to the downtown elementary family is Crosstown Elementary School. Crosstown Elementary will open its doors to students in September 2017. Public High Schools in Coal Harbour King George High School is the only public high school in downtown Vancouver. It is conveniently located just steps from Coal Harbour and is the feeder school for all of the previously mentioned elementary schools. King George offers curriculum for Grades 8 12. Its mission statement is as follows: King George Secondary School is dedicated to providing a safe, caring environment that promotes the intellectual, cultural, physical and social development of all students. Our school community encourages its members to be life long learners through ongoing commitment to improvement. In addition to the regular curriculum, King George also offers a wide range of specialty programs for its learners. Some of these programs ... Get more on ...
  • 18. War At The Best, Is Horrible, And This War Of Ours David Leathers Professor Blanc US History 13 November 2014 Civil Warfare War at the best, is terrible, and this war of ours, in its magnitude and in its duration, is one of the most terrible (Lincoln). This war of ours is the American Civil War 1861 1865. It is one of the most significant wars ever fought in American History. Many Americans lost their lives, some defending freedom, and others defending the Union. The warfare was a major contributor to the casualties suffered during this bloodbath. To fully understand this warfare, one must understand the individual factors involved and how they affected the warfare. The five factors are: military strategy, worldview paradigm, weapons and supplies, terrain, and climate. Military Strategy is important to understand because it is the way that warfare is carried out. A historian named Kelly Snell writes, Old world tactics and training were inefficient due to modern weaponry (Snell). There was pressure for a transition to new military strategy because of the new weapons. The tactics used before the civil war are often referred to as antebellum. Antebellum means existing before a war (Antebellum). Advances in weaponry caused for a change of thought on how to approach warfare. All of the military thinking of the day was influenced by Napoleon (Snell). This war therefore was set up for groundbreaking improvements in strategy. Heidler explains how the Union was trying preserve its unity with the south, so in order to ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Fahrenheit 451 Mask Analysis On the center of my art project is a mask. The mask is an a larger burn up photo of Clarisse McMellan s things in her room. In that photo is a mask referencing the same mask that Montag referred to as his happiness after he thought about Clarisse s question Are you happy? (Bradbury, Ray 10) . Montag truly thinks about this question later after he goes into his bedroom ready to go to bed. He thinks about the question and comes up with an answer, He was not happy... He wore his happiness like a mask and the girl [Clarisse] had run off across the lawn with the mask and there was no way of getting it back (12). So in this painting I thought about the mask that Clarisse had that belonged to Montag, I painted a mask with a huge grin symbolizing Montag s happiness. He was searching for answers and knowledge, for clarity, And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven: this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith (King James Bible Ecclesiastes 1 13). Searching for all the meanings of things and knowledge is what eventually gave him happiness. ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Management at a Company Management at a Company Rasheta Haynes MGT500 Modern Management Robert Miller 5/25/2015 Abstract In this paper we will examine the management style of Google Inc. We will also evaluate two key changes in the selected company s management style from the company s inception to the current day. Indicate whether or not you believe the company is properly managed. As well as explain senior management s role in preparing the organization for its most recent change. Provide evidence of whether the transition was seamless or problematic from a management perspective. Also we will evaluate management s decision on its use of vendors and spokespersons. Indicate the organizational impact of these decisions. And we will look ... Show more content on ... When Google began, like any other company, management was very important. It was the baby of Larry Page and Sergey Brin who were both students at Stanford during this time. The two had a unique perspective on global information. Page and Brin rarely did things the conventional way but there company was started on a basic structure. Google had added two new positions from 2004 but even those additional positions aren t the major catalysts of Google s managerial success (Stross, 2008). Page, in his first major reorganization since taking the reins as CEO earlier this week, placed executives leading the groups directly under his supervision, eliminating management layers thought to slow product development, according to sources familiar with the situation (Oreskovic. A 2011). By bringing Gen Y ers into top management teams may provide the knowledge and energy to speed up the renewal of American business leadership and American business. For startups, we already bring in adult supervision to complement the skills and knowledge of entrepreneurial kid techies. For the thousands of big companies lumbering along the 21st century, it s time to bring the little fockers into shared power. At the moment, the world is just too complex for Boomer CEOs. We need B Y team leadership. We need to follow the standard that Google has put forth. Explain senior management s role in preparing the organization for its most recent change.
  • 21. ... Get more on ...
  • 22. A Comparison of the Techniques Employed in Portraying the... A Comparison of the Techniques Employed in Portraying the Horror of War in Regeneration and Journey s End I chose the First World War because it s come to stand in for other wars… It s come to stand for the pain of all wars. Pat Barker wrote Regeneration in the 1990 s and R.C. Sherriff Journey s End in 1927, the quote is from Barker and illustrates the magnitude of the effect of the First World War, and expresses the appeal of the subject. Both works use different techniques in their portrayal of horror, and their effectiveness will be examined in turn. The authors chose different formats with one being a novel the other a play, thus giving them contrasting ways of conveying soldiers ... Show more content on ... Both authors use techniques that introduce their main characters very carefully. Barker does this with Sassoon s declaration and Rivers and Bryce discussing him, in Journey s End the audience learns about Stanhope before he appears on stage through Hardy and Osborne discussing his drink problem and then the audience is given the contrasting aspect to his character with Raleigh eulogising him. Stanhope, a war hero, is driven to drink in a struggle to maintain the courage he needs to lead his troops. Sherriff shows the severe effect the war has had on Stanhope D you ever get a sudden feeling that everything s going farther and farther away till you re the only one in the world and then the world begins to go away until you re the only thing in in the universe and you struggle to get back and you can t? The use of a long sentence here is a method of conveying his confusion and trauma. War has isolated Stanhope, he has come to realise his own mortality, and alcohol is a comfort helping to dull the realities of it all. Much in the same way as being mute is to prior when he arrives at Craiglockhart. It is a defence mechanism, almost as if by not talking about his experiences it would mean they never took place. Prior exposes the reader to a different attitude to Rivers treatment by being stubborn and defensive showing ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Examples Of Prejudices In Cathedral Samantha Langert Professor Jereb English G110 18 September 2017 Prejudices in Cathedral Prejudice comes in all forms; whether it is due to someone s skin color, religion, or disability, fear of someone who is different than what you view as normal is apparent all around us. Miriam Webster defines Prejudice as injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard to one s rights . Although most people tend to associate prejudice with racism, that is not always the case. In quite a few instances of everyday life, it is hate towards another person you consider to be inferior and not normal. Prejudice implies a closed point of view, one that is not open to differences and a prejudgment of a group of people you ... Show more content on ... The Narrator s thoughts show us that he holds onto these prejudgements of blind people, believing they have both physical and mental incapabilities, and has not made a point to try and fix this perspective. The Narrator also feels he has an inherent superiority to Robert because of this, placing a self centered twist onto everything. For all of the Narrators prejudice towards others, he is more than happy to not place any of his critical and judgemental focus on himself. It is shown in glimpses of the story how the Narrator dictates his world by only what he can actually see, placing a limitation on himself that Robert does not have. It was beyond my understanding. Hearing this, I felt sorry for the blind man for a little bit. And then I found myself thinking what a pitiful life this woman must have led (139). The Narrator lacks what can be perceived as a sight into both his own, and others, emotions. It is further on that we come to realize how much the Narrator relies on his vision, thinking that Robert s wife, Beulah, could have worn anything she wanted to, not because she felt like it, but because no one could appreciate how she beautiful or ugly she looks. Although the Narrator can obviously see, he does not realize the restrictions he placed upon himself and how those restrictions prevented him from wanting or doing anything greater with his own ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Top Mobile Travel Apps to Plan Amazing Trips Essay Top mobile travel apps of 2014 Are you planning for some amazing trips in 2014? And do you want the best mobile travel apps to make your trips safe, efficient and memorable in the coming months? Well, here we will give you detailed information about the top mobile travel apps of 2014. Technology at your service Living in a tech driven society, we can look forward to sophisticated travel experiences, thanks to a variety of top notch mobile travel apps in 2014. They can be your best travel guide whether you want to select any holiday spot, book hotels or flights, compare different travel deals, accommodations or attractions and much more. So, here we go Flights With Friends If you love the idea of travelling in a group (either ... Show more content on ... Then the answer is RouteHappy. It s a mobile travel app that can ensure making your travel happiest by ensuring you stay entertained while enjoying a comfortable and nicer travelling facilities (like good accommodations, bigger/better planes, bigger seats etc.).For this, you simply need to fill in the dates and the destination of your planned travel. The website will provide you detailed information regarding the available airline as well as the route for a happiest travelling experience. AFAR Travel Guide App It s a free travel guide app to provide access to global travel locations along with some wonderful trip suggestions too. And do you know that you get the facility of offline access? So, now you can travel and plan too. Amazing! Uber With Uber (iOS and Android), you can say goodbye to those over charging cabbies. How? Uber lets you choose your ride within a couple of minutes. You simply need to make a request for a ride, enter your destination and select a vehicle type. City Guides This app lets you either use a pre built city guide or create your own. That s not all. You can even ask your companions travelling with you to make a city guide along with you. And you can always share it with your friends or anyone you like. You can know about your location once you set up preferences. The best thing about this app is that you can access the various information offline without paying any ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Manufacturing Methods For Producing Mass Production MANUFACTURING METHODS Pistons have been used by man for 100 s of years now, for different purposes (started with pumping). The concept of engine pistons came later, and that required the piston s quality to change and hence the methods of manufacturing them had to be changed. Pistons have been manufactured all these years for automobiles by the use of subtractive manufacturing methods. A casted Aluminium or steel piston would be machined to the required surface finish, followed by forging Aluminium or steel into rods which are cut into an approximate size and machined thoroughly to give the shape and finish that was required. Figures As technology has improved over the years at a rapid rate, the traditional manufacturing methods are ... Show more content on ... This method is considered mostly for the following reasons: When a specific material is needed, that is not compatible with any of the additive manufacturing processes. The End use requirements of the parts specifically requiring this method of production. Special cases where explicit tolerance are demanded for the part which only be achieved by removing material. The types of subtractive manufacturing processes are: 1) Stamping 2) Cutting and grinding 3) Settling 4) Filtering 5) Flaring 6) Boiling off processes As the main focus of introducing this topic is about piston manufacturing, following is the explanation of CNC machining which is the only method from the above used for producing pistons. Computer Numerical Controlled Machining: It is an end to end component manufacturing that is highly automated using CAD/CAM programs. CAD files are converted into the commands needed to operate a particular machining center. These commands then dictate what tools to use and when to use them in order to properly create the features of the desired part. Combining the use of CNC with 3D CAD, the manufacturing turnaround time for the part has dropped from 4 6 weeks to 1 2 weeks in some instances. ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Family Loyalty In Montana 1948 By Larry Watson Montana 1948 by Larry Watson displays family loyalty. Throughout the story the conflict of doing the right thing versus loyalty was bestowed upon the characters. David and Wesley and Gail had a real big problem on their hands, it was allegations that his uncle, Frank was molesting his female patients but Wesley tried his best not to believe it and gave his brother the benefit of the doubt but in the back of his mind he knew he was doing it. Wesley was the town s sheriff so it was his duty to get to the bottom of what was going on. Wesley thought if he could have a real genuine talk with his brother he would stop what had been doing. Frank admitted to what had happened and agreed to stop. These two shared a real moment together and hugged. Frank s arms were spread wide, beseechingly, yet his movement was so quick it seemed threatening (77). The next day Marie was found dead and Wesley was in shock and didn t expect that his brother did it until David told his father that he seen his uncle leaving Marie s house and Wesley knew after having that talk that Frank did it. He had long stopped being my father. He was now my interrogator, my cross examiner.The sheriff (89). ... Show more content on ... Frank was a doctor and Wesley and now the town s sheriff. Frank was favored by Julian, the father/grandfather and David and Wesley knew. I felt sorry for my father. It was the way I always felt when the two of them were together. (24). When Marie was killed, Wesley arrested Frank and put him in the basement of his home and Julian was known in the town because he used to be the ex sheriff tried to storm his own son s house to break his other son out and told Wesley he was just jealous of Frank. Ever since Frank came home in a uniform and you stayed here, you ve been jealous, I saw ... Get more on ...
  • 27. My Experience As An Outsider When people are growing up, being normal was the way to be cool. Everyone wants to be like everybody else and that s the way it goes. What children and many adults still don t understand is that being different and having diversity is a good thing. It is ok to be different, especially in today s society. Being able to acknowledge that diversity and disability in everyday life and seeing the good in it will help bring together our society. For my next three paragraphs i m going to discuss what it was like to be an outsider, when I experienced diversity and an experience I have had with disability When I was thinking about what I wanted to write about my experience as an outsider, all that came to my head is my experience so far in ... Show more content on ... I m scared to start over so maybe that s why I am not going out of my way to make new friends. I tell myself that I should just focus on school, but I know it s my anxiety telling me that I won t be accepted. I chose to talk about this experience because this is something i am experiencing now and I knew once i talked about it, I could start making progress to being happy st this school. I don t really understand why people don t seem to like but I think it s just because they don t know me yet. Ive realized that friends aren t just going to fall into my lap and I ve already started to sign up for a few clubs so hopefully some good will come from it. I m from cape cod and were definitely not know for our diversity so whenever I go into an environment with lots of diversity I instantly notice it. For my graduation present my mom surprised me with a mother daughter trip to California for a week. It was my first time going and It was more amazing than I could ever imagine. My favorite place we visited was Venice beach. We would go every day and I could never get sick of it. I loved walking up and down the boardwalk and look at all the different people from all around the world just enjoying the simple beauty of the beach and all it has to offer. Every shop had its own personality and the stories behind the life of each owner made it even more interesting. My favorite shop was Egyptian themed and sold beautiful novelties. It ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Graphic Design And Art And Design Often times a painting has the same structure as a design. The details can be similar for both Graphic Design and Fine Art. Paintings such as Son of Man by Magritte which has basics such as shadow, highlight, simple composition, and a dull color palette. A design for Apple Laptops was created of a decal of Son of Man. This design also had shadow, light, basic composition, and an achromatic color palette. The structure is the same, but one is created digitally and one is a painting. The processes can also be very similar. Many artists use technology in their artwork. They use Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, programs for designers and use it to create their artwork. Artists such as Jeff Koons who manipulates images on Photoshop, prints it and paints hyper realistic paintings from those images. The structure and process for art and design can be very similar. Can an artist be a designer or vise versa? One argument that critics make is that artists are just artists or that a designer is not an artist. However there are countless artists who are designers and vise versa. One famous designer would be Eva Zeisel. Eva Zeisel is famous for creating a body of dinner sets which she created after she was released in Russia. While imprisoned, Zeisel found inspiration in the curves of her own body claiming it was the only art she had. Afterwards she created useful art which was her groundbreaking design of minimalist dinnerware, (Eva Zeisel, groundbreaking designer, dies). Her ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Support Alone Essay The usefulness of just using support alone will only tell you how many times each item appear together based on the transactions in the bakery. The support values are smaller than I expected. The highest support is 0.053 (Apricot Danish Cherry Tart). So the highest frequency an item in the bakery appears together is only 5.3%. This might be the case because depending on a customer s sweet tooth the purchase may be different or the bakery has a different special going each day. I do not believe we can judge itemsets just on support alone, again because it is only base on when items appear together. For transaction number 113, it supports if you buy, Coffee Éclair, Hot Coffee, and Almond Twist, it would have a 99.8% confidence that you will also buy an Apple Pie. When we look at the lift, we see that we are 13.462 times more likely (confident) that we ... Show more content on ... The reason why I would choose these is based on the confidence and lift. These rules seem like they would be actionable based on each of these items appear together 2% of the time in support data. The bakery can use these rules to help make a decision on what is needed or stock in the store. It can also have Number 114 the support is 2% that (Raspberry Cookie, Raspberry Lemonade, Lemon Lemonade, Green Tea) will appear together with (Lemon Lemonade), with a 100% confidence that if the premises being purchased the conclusion will also be purchased. To strengthen this to most likely happen is the lift. This rule states 15.026 times more likely for this to happen. Number 115 the support is 2% that (Raspberry Cookie, Lemon Cookie, Lemon Lemonade, Green Tea) will appear together with (Raspberry Lemonade), with a 100% confidence that if the premises being purchased the conclusion will also be purchased. To strengthen this to most likely happen is the lift. This rule states 14.609 times more likely for this to ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Hearing The Sweetest Songs Summary The article Hearing the Sweetest Songs is very insightful. There are many events that take place, however I will try to focus the events that try to get the author Nicolette Toussaint to accept that she is disabled. The author is living with a hearing impairment that occurred when she was a baby. Nicolette learned from her parents how she lost her hearing from getting pneumonia. She realizes that she can not hear when she gets a hearing aid at thirty years old. The hearing aid took away her peace. The hearing aid made her be able to hear every noise around her and it usually startled her. Nicolette s coworkers thought she was rude at meetings because she would answer the wrong questions. Her coworkers thought she was daydreaming and they ... Show more content on ... Even though Nicolette tries to remain strong and continue to not label herself disabled, however there are times she can not help but admit she has a hearing problem. Nicolette states, When I lived alone, I felt helpless because I couldn t hear alarm clocks, vulnerable because I couldn t hear the front door open and frightened because I wouldn t hear a burglar until it was too late. She did not want to be labeled disabled because she was more than just a person with a hearing problem. Another quote that displayed self doubt is when Nicolette explains, For the first time, I felt unequal, disadvantaged and disabled[...] I knew that I had lost something: not just my hearing, but my independence and my sense of wholeness. In addition, Nicolette also struggles with her identity. Not hearing should not change how people perceive you. nicolette states, If I tell people may see only my disability. Once someone is labeled deaf, crippled, mute or aged, that s too often all they are. Im a writer, a painter, a slapdash housekeeper, a gardener who grows wondrous roses; my hearing is just part of my whole. Nicolette wants to be treated like any other person without a hearing ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Analysis Of Ulysses By Tennyson The Meaning Behind Ulysses (An Analysis of Three Messages From Ulysses by Tennyson) Alfred, Lord Tennyson lived from 1809 to 1892 during the victorian age. As a boy, he was very sensitive and was charmed by the words far, far away. Due to his extremely bitter father, Tennyson was eager to leave the house and attend the Cambridge University. In the poem Ulysses, Tennyson extends the original story of the hero of Homer s epic the Odyssey. The poem entails details about the hero growing restless, in need of a journey, but unfortunately old with age. In the poem Ulysses, Alfred, Lord Tennyson implies three major messages. In the poem Ulysses by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, the first major message is there is always a search for adventure. In the poem, Ulysses is an old adventurer who is unwilling to accept that he is getting old and will eventually no longer be able to explore. Since the old man once traveled the world, he would like to continue on his quest of exploration. How dull it is to pause, to make an end. To rust unburnished, not to shine in use! (22 23). Tennyson used key characteristic words in lines 22 and 23. He is explaining how Ulysses realized how boring it is to sit at home. It also implies that Ulysses essentially rust from lack of use. In Ulysses, a dramatic monologue detailing the Greek hero s escapades, Tennyson succinctly offers his view that humans are shaped by a combination of all life s experiences. (Shaw). This quote is explaining that us, ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Non Dog Parks Research Paper Dog parks VS. Non dog parks In my eyes I believe dog parks are a good idea. Dogs are great companions for people, and good for people that are disabled. Once you have a dog it becomes your best friend and he or she is there through everything right by your side.If something happens and you have to move somewhere like a apartment ,of course your dog will be there with you. Dogs need alot of exercise, and its good for them to be around other dogs and people so they can be comfortable with them being around. I understand if you just have a cat and just have it litterbox trained,because they dont have to have exercise like dogs do. So yes I do understand why a cat owner wouldnt want to use their tax money on a dog park. It is a fact ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Nba General Manager Essay NBA General Manager One of the dream jobs of many people who love basketball is to be the general manager of a NBA team. The general manager position is the captain of the ship as it puts together the team roster and has to make the executive decisions of trades and other financial transactions. The general manager also hires and fires the coaching staff. The only person the general manager answers to is the owner of the team. A general manager s success is determined by how well the team progressed throughout the season. A NBA general manager has to keep team morale up and make sure every player s needs and wants are met. General Managers are also the public face of the team. Some great general managers include Danny Aigne, R.C. Buford, ... Show more content on ... When sporting event is successful, they have received media attention, which is often generated through public relations. Market Representatives do variety of tasks such as track athlete endorsements to things like market research. All these jobs require flexible hours and are able to handle multiple tasks. Event Coordinator is not only a sports job, but more a broad job which requires experience and one of the hardest to get entry level jobs. Account Coordinators will most likely work at sports marketing firms and require good oral communication skills because they help maintain strong relationships with firm s clients. The most common entry level is a floater, which is like a temporary office assistants because when a job is vacant they typically work in that position until the job is filled. Coach/ Scout Coaching sports can be volunteer work for most parents, but for others it can be a paid job. Coaches assist athletes to develop their full potential and are responsible for training athletes in a sport by analyzing their performances, instructing in relevant skills and by providing encouragement. Coaches are a factor in an athlete s life because they can be that big influence that changes their demeanor on how they go about life. I am interested in coaching at any level of competition. I would not mind doing it at the high school because I want to prepare teenagers for that college transition and ... Get more on ...
  • 34. A Haunting Memory Of Yellow Fever Renee Wilda Ms. Vyse English II 15 April 2016 A Haunting Memory of Yellow Fever The fever of 1793 had spread over Philadelphia like a dark depressing blanket. Laurie Halse Anderson takes the audience on an emotional roller coaster as they explore Mattie Cook?s summer of 1793. The summer of 1793 hit Mattie Cook, her family, and her family owned coffee shop very hard. As she spends her days avoiding chores, she finds herself making plans to turn the coffee shop into one of Philadelphia?s finest. Then, all of a sudden her summer takes a sharp turn towards Hell, and the fever breaks out. Her and her grandpa know they must flee for a chance of survival. It does not take long before they figure out the fever is everywhere and is destroying ... Show more content on ... Yellow fever was carried by mosquitos that had bitten people containing yellow fever. The symptoms of yellow fever consisted of Mild cases cause fever, headache, nausea, and vomiting. Serious cases may cause fatal heart, liver, and kidney conditions (Mayo clinic). In the book Fever 1793 Mattie s mother falls ill with the fever, as Mattie explains, mother flew off the pillows violently ill, vomiting blood all over the bed and floor. Her eyes rolled back in her head. (Anderson) Mattie s mother has just woken up ill in the middle of the night. Mattie knows that she is not safe sticking around so her and her grandfather flee in search for a safer place. The description in the book of yellow fever helps influence research and further studies to find a cure because not only does the reader and the audience get a detailed description of the fever, they also see the emotional side. Mattie is scared and she tries her best to take care of the mother all she can without becoming infected herself. Because of the emotional effects it has on the readers, researchers take to account how damaging the virus really is not only to the infected but to the bystanders. Between the years of 1793 and 2016, researchers have come up with ways to lessen the intensity of the symptoms by prescribing, things such as aspirin or other nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs, and taking the patients into places like hospitals where the patients can and will be kept in a ... Get more on ...
  • 35. What Is A Synagogue The biblical term for holiness is kodesb. The way to holiness, in other words, was for Israelites, individually and collectively, to emulate God s attributes. The same interaction is evident in the commandment to sanctify the Sabbath, with God and the Israelite people acting in tandem to realize the holiness of this occasion. God shows the way and Israel follows. Synagogue is a holy place dedicated to the glory of God. If prayers are to ascend to heaven, the synagogue must reflect sanctity and humility. God has chosen Israel, both land and people, to be witnesses and a testing ground for God to reveal His holiness in the world and through them the ultimate purpose of creation should be unveiled and clarified. Land of Israel allows the earth ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Descriptive Essay On A Day In The Forest The bus took turn after turn as I admired the green wilderness. I never knew that such beauty existed in the outskirts of the town. After going through a lot of twisted roads, the bus stopped in the end at our destination the picnic spot. As soon as everyone came out of the bus, our guide greeted us. Please don t wander off deep into the forest. It can prove to be very dangerous, cautioned the guide. Everyone nodded in agreement but no one asked why. While everyone was busy making their tents; I was taking a lot of pictures, mostly the pictures of the natural beauty. The tall, brown trees with long thin branches were wrapped with green climbers which were the only shelter in here and the low whisperings of the nearby stream sounded so pleasant. The beauty of the peacock, the merry monkeys swinging from trees to trees, and the rabbits scurrying into hiding; the flock of ducks moving in and out of the stream and the colourful birds that were flying high in the blue sky were a sight worth admiring. As I wandered off deep into the forest, I witnessed the dark side of this natural beauty... irate wild animals and the angry nature. The menacing howls of wild animals and the angry roar of the lions made me sweat copiously. The sly foxes were closely keeping an eye on my movements. These cruel animals were frightening the living daylight out of me. Looking here and there, I tried to find a way back to my camp but in vain; in other words, I was L O S T! The shuddering fear of ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Existentialism In Antigone During the mid 20th century, French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre coined the phrase existence precedes essence . This is a central claim of existentialism. This philosophical theory stated that humans have no predetermined purpose and that any purpose your life has is given to it by you. Existentialism was a popular approach during and after World War II, which was when Anouilh wrote this version of Antigone, that led many people to abandon any belief in an ordered world. Although Jean Anouilh isn t an existentialist, in his play, Antigone, he writes Antigone as a character who shows many characteristics that fit with a few ideas of existentialism to represent the indifference of the universe to human concerns. The central idea of existentialism is that human beings define themselves. We are put into this world without a set path that we are supposed to follow. We must create our own ambitions and values. We have to find our own reason for living. Antigone values the innocence of untainted beauty and has a general love for life. We see this when she talks to the nurse about where she has been at the beginning of the play, in which she says It was beautiful. The whole world was grey when I went out... It s like a postcard (6). You can see here that she loves nature and the beauty of the world. When Creon tries to explain to her how to attain happiness, she responds with, I want to be sure of everything this very day; sure that everything will be as beautiful as when I ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Essay On Annotated Bibliographies When first brainstorming what topic I was going to pick for each annotated bibliography, it took me a while before I settled on a topic for each essay. While reflecting on my writing process, I came to the conclusion that more time would have definitely benefited my argument for each of these annotated bibliographies. If I had more time on each of these essays, I would have looked in more databases to try and find a wider variety of sources to argue each point. Since I can not search across all the databases at once, I picked out what looked to be the best database for each topic. For example, my public argument is on abortion, so I went straight to the sociology database. My other argument was about blockchain technology, so I went do my ... Show more content on ... While doing this, I found out that some of the sources were not what I thought they were going to be. For example, one of the sources for my public argument seemed like it was against abortion, but once I got to the end, I found out that the author was actually for abortion. I had this problem while writing both of my essays, so I had to go back to the databases to find new sources. I think the most important change I made during the writing process was changing a few of my sources to ones that would better validate the arguments in each annotated bibliography. After searching within the database for a while, I was able to find other articles that gave me a wider range of information and statistics to choose from. If I would have not taken the time to go back and find sources that would better fit my argument, I would have needed to do it later in the writing process of each essay. Because of this, I went back for both of my annotated bibliographies and replaced some of the sources that I thought were good at first, but after reading more into them I found that they did not provide me with the evidence I ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Examples Of Selfishness In An Enemy Of The People In Henrik Ibsen s An Enemy of the People, he showcases and explores theme of naivety and selfishness lead to the wrong decisions throughout his play with the use of both detail and diction. With these in mind, he demonstrates the significant value and importance of properly understanding the truth and relevance in this play. The play begins in an unnamed town, in southern Norway. In the play, Ibsen often portrays the main character, Dr. Thomas Stockmann, as an individual who is not only naive and childish, but out of touch with his own reality. This allows the reader to perceive these characteristics through his giddy actions and tone of voice. In Act I, Scene I, Dr. Stockmann returns with company and says, Look here here is another guest for you, Katherine. Isn t that jolly! (5). The readers very first impression of a man who is presumed to be professional and will end up taking care of the town, is of a grown man who has just returned home and is more excited to showcase the large amount of meat he has with due respect as they finally have the money to share their meat. Later, he continues to showcase his newfound wealth by saying, ...and we have got a lamp shade too. Do you see? All out of Katherine s savings! (7). While it is clear that Stockmann is still excited to show off that he has money, he goes about this in a childish and condescending way. This is one of the many consequences that can result from naivety. Although, that s not to say that he shouldn t be ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Network and Computer Systems Administrator I am proposing to write about becoming a network and computer systems administrator, one of the reasons I chose this field to do my final project on is I am already in this field of work and feel that I have a fairly good background and plenty of information to share with others. I started in the Information Technology field in 2000 as a System Support Specialist for a fairly good sized Insurance Company. I have always like computer and figuring out what makes them work so when I had the chance to apply for a job in this field I jumped at it. The internet plays a large part of every company s day to day business. I performed research in the form of a survey on how individuals chose their career choice and their field of study. In ... Show more content on ... The benefits of certifications can be looked at from the perspective of the job seeker and from the employer looking to better the skill of themselves or for their staff. There is however the conflict of employers and employees over whether or not the company should pay for the certification. Some employers feel that paying for the certification will give the employee more ammunition to negotiate raises and promotions with little benefit to the company. The employee and the employer need to find the right fit for individuals wishing to obtain an IT Certification that will benefit both of them justly. Keston, Geoff (2007). IT Certification Options, Faulkner Information Services. The pay scale that you can expect to receive will depend on the degree that you obtain but can range anywhere from about $45,000. To about $80,000 per year. You are at a point in your life where you begin to think about a career choice, what College you want to attend and what you are going to need to achieve before you can start applying for jobs in your chosen career filed. So now you have chosen a career choice of Information Technology but you have several choices to make within this field. When you decide that you want a job in the field of Information Technology you first need to figure out what side of the field you want to be on there is the Network side and then there is the Computer Hardware side. These are two totally different ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Synopsis Of Gatsby Tℎℯrℯ is a finℯ linℯ bℯtwℯℯn lovℯ and lust. If lovℯ is only a will to possℯss, it is not lovℯ. To lovℯ somℯonℯ is to ℎold tℎℯm dℯar to onℯ s ℎℯart. In Tℎℯ grℯat gatsby, tℎℯ cℎaractℯrs, Jay gatsby and Daisy Bucℎanan arℯ said to bℯ in lovℯ, but in rℯality, tℎis sℯℯms to bℯ a misconcℯption. In Tℎℯ grℯat gatsby, Fitzgℯrald portrays tℎℯ tℎℯmℯs of lovℯ, lust and obsℯssion, tℎrougℎ tℎℯ cℎaractℯr of Jay gatsby, wℎo confusℯs lust and obsℯssion witℎ lovℯ. By tℎℯ ℯnd of tℎℯ novℯl ℎowℯvℯr, Jay gatsby is dℯniℯd ℎis lovℯ and suffℯrs an untimℯly dℯatℎ. Tℎℯ autℎor intℯrconnℯcts tℎℯ rℯlationsℎips of tℎℯ various prominℯnt cℎaractℯrs to support tℎℯsℯ idℯas. Tℎℯ cℎaractℯr of Jay gatsby was a wℯaltℎy businℯss man, wℎo tℎℯ autℎor dℯvℯlopℯd as arrogant and tastℯlℯss. gatsby s lovℯ intℯrℯst, Daisy Bucℎanan, was a subduℯd socialitℯ wℎo was marriℯd to tℎℯ dim wittℯd Tom Bucℎanan. Sℎℯ is tℎℯ pℯrfℯct ℯxamplℯ of ℎow womℯn of ℎℯr lℯvℯl of sociℯty wℯrℯ supposℯd to act in ℎℯr day. Tℎℯ circumstancℯs surrounding gatsby and Daisy s rℯlationsℎip kℯpt tℎℯm ℯtℯrnally apart. For Daisy to ℎavℯ bℯℯn witℎ gatsby would ℎavℯ bℯℯn forbiddℯn, duℯ to tℎℯ fact tℎat sℎℯ was marriℯd. Tℎat vℯry concℯpt of tℎℯir lovℯ bℯing forbiddℯn, also madℯ it all tℎℯ morℯ intℯnsℯ, for tℎℯ idℯa of ℎaving a proℎibitℯd lovℯ, likℯ William Sℎakℯspℯarℯ s Romℯo and Juliℯt, madℯ it all tℎℯ morℯ dℯsirablℯ. gatsby was rℯmℯmbℯring back fivℯ yℯars to wℎℯn Daisy was not marriℯd and tℎℯy wℯrℯ togℯtℎℯr: ℎis ℎℯart bℯgan to bℯat fastℯr as Daisy ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Human Trafficking Is The Second Largest Form Of Organized... Human Trafficking in Oklahoma Individuals all over the world are at risk of being abducted and sold into some form of human trafficking or forced prostitution. Worldwide, human trafficking is the second largest form of organized crime. This is especially true in Oklahoma. Interstate Highways Forty, Thirty five, and Forty four all three run through Oklahoma, stretching from coast to coast, and from Mexico to Canada. These highways make Oklahoma an ideal crossroads for human trafficking. Because of these highways, new cases of this epidemic emerge in Oklahoma every day. For example, in June of 2015, five residents of Oklahoma City were indicted by a federal grand jury for operating an escort service, providing underage females to men in exchange for money (Justice News). Everyone is at risk of becoming a victim of human trafficking, especially females. I am particularly concerned about this ever increasing trend for the safety of my wife and other members of my family. There are steps, however, that we as Oklahomans can take to protect ourselves, and those we care about to reduce this despicable crime. The first step we must take is to increase public awareness of the problem. Like so many other problems, people assume that such a tragedy could never happen to them. Second, Oklahoma State Legislature must increase the penalty upon conviction of human trafficking. Finally, Oklahoma Legislature must prohibit gentleman s clubs statewide. The society we live in views females as ... Get more on ...
  • 43. The Vysys Nineteen Thirty Eight Regardless of the despondency at the prospect of war with Germany generated throughout the country at large, the Vyses annual show opened as scheduled at Walker s Galleries on Wednesday, 30th November 1938. It was the Vyses eleventh successive exhibition and although they did not envisage such a far reaching event, it proved to be their final joint exhibition. Writing in Walker s Monthly magazine, J L Naimaster reinforcing the mood of the time: Though international crises may threaten us, and vogues may change and novelties may date, but Pottery that is fundamentally well balanced remains static and real in an unstable, hysterical world. It was Nell Vyse s opinion that in such uncertain times that no one could remain sane without using a liberal amount of imagination, only a few of us can materialise our fantasies. The Vyses, ever optimistic, exhibited one hundred and sixty pieces of stoneware pottery. Nell Vyse had the difficult task of teaming Art with Science, to produce extravagant and delicate glazes in a variety of hues. It was the Vyses complete control of the atmosphere within the kiln chamber produced such subtle glazes as the blues and purples Chüns, the varied greens of the Celadon. Without such precise control, potters in rare and happy accidents produce such glazes. No photograph, however detailed, can illustrate the rosy purples that suffused the delicate blue Chün glazes (Fig. 149 p.186). Acceding to popular demand, the Vyses introduced two new figurative works, which collectors could approve from monochrome photographs of the original clay maquettes, published in Walker s Monthly. ... Show more content on ... The Vyses were well acquainted with a particular Indian gentleman, known to all thereabouts as The Walking Bazaar of Petticoat ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Hyper Normalization Adam Curtiss The video HyperNormalization by Adam Curtis is a documentary looking at the world around us, how it has evolved over the past 50 years, and how individuals have reacted and responded to the changes. To engage the viewer and develop a more expansive view of the issue society faces, Adam Curtis incorporates many major events and political and social trends that have molded and are continuing to mold and shape the world today; trends such as the endless migrant crisis and major events such as the bombing of the world trade center. In this film, the documentarian focuses on this idea of hyper normalization. This is the idea that leaders in society have created this new, fake world which they live in; a sort of over exaggerated normal. They ... Show more content on ... They train their brains through perception manipulation, causing reality to be viewed as unimportant in their minds. With the new inventions in technology it has become simpler and easier to escape to another version of the world and be distracted with a virtual reality or even pornography. Many people still choose flight over fight; they choose to retract into themselves rather than persist in the fight manning up to the problems facing ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Epiphary In Katherine Mansfield s The Garden Party There are many reasons behind an author s story. Mainly it is to portray a message, give a good laugh, or explain a purpose, but the author will get their point across to their readers. In Katherine Mansfield s, The Garden Party, she focuses on a young, upperclass girl, with the name of Laura Sheridan. During the story, the Sheridan family is preparing to host a very lively garden party. Unfortunately for the circumstance, there has been a death in their community. The Scott family, who is of the middle class, had just lost their husband and their father. The wake for Mr. Scott just so happens to be during the time of the garden party. The separation of classes causes an unsettling act of sympathy from Laura. She can not decide whether to be on the right side or the wrong side of the situation. The death of Mr. Scott allows Laura Sheridan to experience an epiphany, as she encounters the difference s between the upper and middle classes, life and death, and a new perspective of life. Many people are often judged by their appearances, living arrangements, or income status. That is how the world views and classifies people to place them in a hierarchical stature. There were a few middle class workers hired to set up a marquee at the Sheridan house. Since Laura was considered to be the artistic one (EastoftheWeb 2) of her siblings, she was chosen to conduct the hired workers on where to set up the marquee. During her time as supervisor, she overhears a tragic story one of ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Mass Media And Co-Viewing Research Mass media consumption is rarely in a social vacuum. Television and movies are often watched with family and friends, books are passed along and discussed between friends, and newer media naturally implement mediated conversations with people from across the world. Communication scholars have known for a long time that the consumption of media is rarely an isolated experience, and is instead typically social in nature (Katz Lazarsfeld, 1955) However, while many of the foundational research in the field explored how media effects are intertwined with interpersonal influences (e.g., two step flow; Katz, 1957), few current media effect researchers incorporate the social aspects of media consumption into their studies. This is unfortunate as the social factors such as co viewing can play a great role in attitude formation and emotional effects (Nathanson, 2001, Tal Or, 2016). One of the gaps in the co viewing literature is how individual differences and motivations might play a role in enjoyment of entertainment. This study attempts to explore this gap by analyzing the effects of two individual traits in tangent with individual uses of media have on how one may conform to other s enjoyment expression and attitudes. More specifically, this study will explored how tendency to conform and sociability are associated with using movies for either entertainment or socializing, and how these motivations relate to group conformity. Literature Review Entertainment scholars have had a ... Get more on ...
  • 47. The Effectiveness Of A Connection The Effectiveness of a Connection in Relation to a Tragedy As art becomes more prevalent, intricate, and sophisticated in culture so does its impact on a viewer. A viewer must experience a work of art and connect to it in order for it to be considered effective. Ajax by Sophocles can be considered a work of art because of its ability to connect to an audience. Sophocles play follows a warrior named Ajax who was threatening to kill Odysseus to obtain the armor he believed was rightfully his, which causes the goddess Athena to cast a curse leaving him blind with rage and in a state where he slaughters hordes of animals believing that they are his enemies. Ajax later becomes distraught to the point of suicide. Bryan Doerries produced a version of Ajax to relate to veterans through his company, Theater of War. This company s specific purpose is to de stigmatize psychological injury, increase awareness of post deployment psychological health issues, disseminate information regarding available resources, and foster greater family community, and troop resilience through the performance of Ancient Greek plays to military and civilian communities (Outside the Wire). Because of this purpose, the audience is able to form an intense connection with Ajax and fulfill the purpose of art. While looking at Aristotle s Theory of Tragedy and the six most important features of a tragedy, it becomes apparent that connection through all six features is the only way to create effective art. ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Essay on The Invention of the Telescope The microscope which is invented and developed by much different scientist overtime is one of the most important tools a scientist especially in the biology and chemistry study can use. It made an impact in how we view life and learn more about the nature of diseases that had plague mankind for years. The microscope is mainly a tool biologist use but it has many uses for those studying chemistry. Life before the microscope may not seem as different as life with the microscope. But if you look at the bigger picture the microscope made an impact to the way humanity lives like other technology such as the printing press, and guns. The microscope at first was only use for scientist curiosity of what is beyond the sight of the human ... Show more content on ... Most modern day microscopes used in labs outside of the school uses electricity and use light to help function the microscope. A scientist in Canada actually used an iPhone to see through a woman s intestine. There was technology before the invention of the microscope in 1590, like the spectacles or the glasses, that uses lenses. There was the reading stone that helped people read reading material in the 2nd century. There are also the spectacles also known as glasses that are still used today. The first spectacle was invented by an Italian named Salvino D Armate. The spectacle was a major invention that helped people sees well. The first actual microscope was invented by Zaccharias Janssen and his son Hand Janssen two Dutch eye glass makers. They invented both the telescope and the first microscope. Then in the 1600 s Anton van Leeuwenhoek a Dutch scientist made a microscope that allowed him to see objects one millionth of a meter. This microscope is known as the first modern microscope. This allowed Leeuwenhoek to be the first person to describe bacteria. After Leeuwenhoek invention of the microscope a couple of centuries went by without any major advancement of the microscope. But there was new discoveries made by the microscope like Robert Hooke s discovery of the cells by studying cork using a microscope. It wasn t till the late 1800 s where the microscope made more advances and started using new technology such as electricity. Charles A. ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Substance Dualism According to the ancient theory, the mind is an nonphysical object, which is called as substance dualism. According to this theory, the mind is a different item from that of the body. The body is a physical object that is located in the space, whereas the mind is nonphysical object is not located in the space. Also the body is made up of atoms which has some height and weight, while the mind is not. According to the substance dualism the mind and body are the two different substances in the world, i) mental substance and ii) physical substance. According to the property dualism, there is only one kind of substance exist, but the properties of the substance varies that gives rise to property dualism. Thus, we should only think about one thing, ... Show more content on ... Minds are not physical objects. Arugment 1: Could a physical object use language? By filling the gaps in 1 2 we end up with 1. Minds can use language. 2. No physical object can use language. Therefore, 3. Minds are not physical objects. According to Descartes the syntax and symantics of the language are developed inside a nonphysical objects called mind and it according to him there seems to be a little reason to doubt that a physical object could use language meaningfully which can be constructed within a physical object. Therefore, the mind is a nonphysical object that contains language. Argument 2: Could a physical object reason? Descartes not only doubt that a physical object an possess a language but also he doubt whether a physical object can engage in reasoning, Hence the statements 1 2 become, 1. Minds can engage in reasoning. 2. No physical object can engage in reasoning. Therefore, 3. Minds are not physical objects. According to this argument it is very difficult to derive the fact that any physical object can engage in reasoning. Considering mathemetical reasoning, no computers/machines are capable of reasoning or manipulate something on it own, it is programmed in such a manner to work in such way. Similary, the brain is a physical object which is programmed by the mind to engage in reasoning. Hence, it says that the mind is not a physical
  • 50. ... Get more on ...