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Cool Ways To Write Your Name On Paper - Proofreadingx.Web.Fc2.Com Cool Ways To Write Your Name On
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Essay Honor versus Friendship in Becket
Honor versus Friendship in Becket
Anouilh s Becket offers the story of the relationship between Thomas Becket and Henry II, King of
England. The relationship begins with the two being fun loving and teasing friends, develops into a
rough and tumble relationship, and then ends in cold hatred. Because he will not give in to his
demands Henry has Becket executed in Canterbury Cathedral. Becket had been Henry s friend and
loyal supporter until he became Archbishop of Canterbury. At that point, he was determined his first
loyalty was due God and not Henry even though he had supported Henry against the church
previously. Becket fled to France in exile before returning to Canterbury where Henry had four barons
murder him. It was ... Show more content on ...
Becket: If I become Archbishop, I can no longer be your friend.
Officer: The church is now empty, my Lord. The Bishop and his clergy await your Highness good
King: Did you hear that, Becket? Pull yourself together. You have an odd way of taking good news.
Wake up! They say we can go in now.
Becket: This is madness, my Lord. Don t do it. I could not serve both God and you.
(Anouilh 71)
The problem with remaining friends once Becket is made Archbishop is that he takes his job too
seriously. He knows that politics and the church are corrupt, and he even admits that he used to laugh
at the foibles of both. However, once he becomes Archbishop he intends to pay homage to a higher
force than either the earthly king or the earthly church. While this may seem noble to some, he is
actually very naïve about the way politics works and the church was a participating member of politics
at this point in history. Instead, he tries to live up to some pure ideal of the church which is why he
refuses to allow Henry to go against what he believes to be moral action. Like Antigone, he may take
the moral high road but he will lose his life just like her because he refuses to play the political game
of his era. He even admits as much He is the
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Nova Centauri s Theory Of Lithium
When a massive star, outclassing our own sun by fiat, grows old enough that it s run out of fuel, it
sometimes explodes in a violent reaction releasing the elements necessary for new stars, new planets
and systems into the depths of space in a matter of minutes. This process is believed to resemble the
big bang itself, and astronomers have just discovered the presence of a chemical called lithium in a
nova, and this chemical s presence is helping us understand the concentration of lithium in stellar
phenomena. The nova was observed from two telescopes run by the European Southern Observatory
resting on the rolling mountains of Chile, and quickly pinpointed and identified as Nova Centauri, a
new member to the nova club, having exploded in 2013. Nova Centauri is the brightest nova as of yet
in the 21st century. This represents the first in what will be several major ... Show more content on ...
However, astronomers have for a good deal of time wondered if the question of younger stars higher
lithium content could be caused by older stars lithium content being expelled at wild speeds, seeding
stellar nurseries with lithium, giving baby stars the material before they are fully formed. But up until
now, there has been no evidence whatsoever of lithium in novae, super or nominal. This change took
the form of lithium being ejected from the exploding Nova Centauri at 1.24 million miles (2 million
kilometers) per hour. If the nova s peculiar qualities are extrapolated to the billions of other novae
whom have seen the face of death throughout the history of our Milky Way, we may finally be able to
explain the presence of lithium in the Milky Way. If we imagine the history of the chemical evolution
of the Milky Way as a big jigsaw, then lithium from novae was one of the most important and puzzling
missing pieces, commented Massimo Della Valle, who co authored the
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Analysis Of The Book The New Rules Of Retail By Lewis...
Book Review This paper is a review of the book The New Rules of Retail by Lewis and Dart, 2014.
The book was written on marketing and how organisations should change tactics of trade with time.
The reflections of the book will help us to find out how retail changes affect the market and trade. It
seems as if retail activities have gone through a circle of evolution; there is change in every practice.
There are distinct preferences that companies must meet both locally and internationally. Lewis and
Dart are retail gurus whose findings on the topic cannot easily be professionally assumed; the
submissions can help to advice a management about when and how to change trading plans. The aim
of this paper is to provide a professional review, evaluation and critical analysis of the book.
According to Lewis and Dart (2014), the world of retail is transforming by fundamentally each day.
There are quick technological shifts, globalisation as well as a tightly competitive market setting.
These changes have helped to bring consumers the desired products and services instantly. The
availability of market goods and services to consumers raises the expectations and demands. It is true
that availability of a variety of goods to consumers would change their behaviour. Individuals would
order for more new products which puts companies in competition for the best offer. Lewis and Dart
believe that the technological shifts may not be met by all companies; at least half will not meet the
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Emilie Prejudice
Plays take you to a new world and make you ask about life. They establish additional questions. These
enduring questions are never ending, but the amazingly make us think of our world in a newfangled,
exciting, and intimidating way. Plays tell stories of the people of the past or people from the writer
minds probably based off someone. Does social prejudice and expectations, cover up genius and
innovation, but that shows how great these individualities and other people of advancement are that
the genius shows through the prejudices and discrimination of the time.
There is Emilie: La Marquise Du Châtelet Defends Her Life Tonight by Lauren Gunderson, tells the
story of Emile de Chatelet. Emilie was an aristocratic woman, in the 18th century, France. Emilie was
a scientific genius, who published a few articles and is known for translating the Principia
Mathematica with edits. She did all this magnificent work, but this play focuses on her relationship ...
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The story concerns a mystery surrounding the death of a neighbor s dog that is investigated by young
Christopher Boone, who are on the spectrum of autism, and his relationships with his parents and
school mentor. This shows this Autist boy in England in a town near London, who is a mathematical
genius, struggling with life and his family. Nevertheless, this play is on a Christopher journey to
determine who murdered his neighbor s dog, Wellington. This plays tells a story of family and mental
disorder. This play portrays this autistic boy, in a very realistic and considerate way, so that you
sympathize with his struggles and emotions. This plays takes you through this mystery, showing not
just an answer to who murdered the dog, but a deep look at humanity and its stereotypes and
shortcoming through Christopher s eyes. All these great people fought social norms to
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James Fenimore Cooper s Impact On American Literature
James Fenimore Cooper had a very interesting life, molded American literature, and influenced many
popular authors, such as Herman Melville, Richard Henry Dana, Jr., Francis Parkman, and even Mark
Twain, through his literary offenses. (1) The experiences Cooper had throughout his life shaped his
rogue character and literary style. The evidence of Cooper s impact to American literature is well
James Fenimore Cooper was born on September 15, 1789 in Burlington, New Jersey to William
Cooper and Elizabeth Fenimore. James was the last of twelve children; only seven survived
childhood: Richard, Hannah, Isaac, Ann, William and Samuel. Within the first year of James birth, he
moved from New Jersey to the source of the Susquehanna ... Show more content on ...
At the age of 12, William Cooper resolved to send James to a Latin based boarding school run by
Reverend Thomas Ellison. James closest companion in boarding school was William Jay, the second
son of governor John Jay. They used to adventure around New York, especially in the excavated plot
of land which Saint Peter s Church would be built on, with other boys who would later become
business for the state. This foreshadowed James trickster attitude. By the age of thirteen, James
entered Yale College.
Some evidence to the claims of James rogue character surface during his time at Yale. Simply stated:
Cooper was a prankster. It is reported that he put a donkey in a teacher s classroom, and many other
tricks. James never got into large trouble until his biggest prank: he blew up another student s dorm
door with gunpowder. By the age of 16, James Fenimore Cooper was expelled from Yale College.
Shortly after James left Yale, he enrolled in the Navy. There is little to no information about this time
of his life other than it being a basis for his first book: Afloat and Ashore: A Sea Tale. On December
22, 1809, his father, William Cooper died from a blow to the back of the head delivered by a political
opponent; this was a devastating episode as James was at sea when his father passed. Shortly after,
James met Susan DeLancey, whom he married on on January 1, 1811. The DeLanceys were a wealthy
family related to
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Free Will In Sophocles Antigone
Sophocles Antigone is based on the idea of fate and the conflict if free will exists or not. While
Sophocles agrees that free will exists to a certain degree, morality plays a role in determining how
much fate can be changed. Unlike modern day American culture, which emphasizes individual
freedom of choices, the Ancient Greeks thought that life was predetermined by the Gods will and
laws. In Antigone, Sophocles uses the theme of a tragedy, to emphasize the limitations of human
knowledge and wisdom, and the cultural conflict of state laws and religion to show how much religion
played a part in everyday life and culture. In Ancient Greece, suicide was considered a controversial
issue as it represented a problem in free will. Sophocles represented ... Show more content on ...
According to Beauvoir, while the moralists are enamored with eternal principles, (1), and believe in
God and his sovereign, the realists who boasts in vain about his effective methods and the useful
results achieved (1) are practicalists. While moralists are preoccupied about how their actions
influence the future and afterlife, the realists are concerned with the present. The conflict between
moralists and realists, as a result, has always existed with neither side being able to convince the other
of the validity of its values each side is imprisoned its own value system in the name of which it
rejects the values of its adversary (1). In modern day society, the perception of morality has shifted
into what we known consider ethics. Unlike morality, which is defined by God and the Bible,
however, ethics is defined by people s perceptions of values and principles. Society, as a result,
evolved from one in which values and principles are defined by a preset based on a supernatural being
God and the Bible to a rational one in which people can influence and control. Because people define
what good or bad, man is capable of influencing how their actions play a role to their future, or fate,
emphasizing the idea of free will. Thus, reality and ethics are subject to human decisions and is always
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Women In Refrigerators
Green Lantern returning to his apartment to find his girlfriend, Alex DeWitt, murdered and stuffed in a
refrigerator by the villain, Major Force, soon became the name of a website created in 1999 by a
group of comic fans to discuss the abuse of female characters.
Women in Refrigerators, coined by writer Gail Simone, features a list of female comic book characters
that have been injured, killed, or depowered, as a plot device within various superhero comic books
and seeks to analyse why these are used disproportionately on female characters.
Harley Quinn is a classic example of increased sexualisation. First introduced in 1993, her classic
costume consisted of a red and black court jester s outfit, still an hourglass figure, but essentially ...
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But as it stands now, Harley Quinn as a Strong Female Character, for whom scanty clad clothing
equates power and evil, in Suicide Squad is not DC at its best. Catwoman, by contrast, is better
presented. Although not perfect, there is the sense that she is in a better mental state than HQ, and
more in charge of her
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Why Is Self Discipline Is Important, But Do We Really Need...
We already know that self discipline is important, but do we really need it?
We know about success tools, and we familiarize ourselves with many useful resources that lead us to
success, so why do we need self discipline?
We all have goals for many areas of our lives. Some of us want successful relationships, some like to
get more money, others want simply happiness in their lives and others seek better health with less
weight. These are common goals, and we sometimes fail or succeed in achieving them. The general
question is: Why we don t achieve those goals? Why we don t become successful in these goals?
The general answer is: Lack of self discipline.
Success needs time. It does not happen at once. What you do today will determine the results in your
future. If you change your present, you change your future. If you eat a lot of pizzas and delicious
food today, you will gain weight, and this will show in your future weight. If you spend more money
than what you earn today, you will have less money in the future.
Present steps determine future results.
Self discipline takes place in your present which will lead to your future.
You can learn many tips and tools for your goals, but unless you take action for these goals, you will
never become successful in reaching them. Almost all goals need efforts and continuity. Self discipline
will enable you to get required efforts and continuity. If you need to lose weight, you need self
discipline among other skills to eat
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The Study Of The Division Between Feminists
IB Extended Essay
Human Rights
The Study of the Division between Feminists
Research Question:
To What Extent is there a Racial/Cultural Divide within Feminism?
Sachiko Mahabeer
Word Count: 3,415
Table of Contents:
Title Page ......................................................... 1
Abstract ......................................................... 2
Table of Contents ......................................................... 3
What is feminism ......................................................... 4
Racial/Cultural Divide within Feminism ......................................................... 8
Discussion ......................................................... 11
Works Cited ......................................................... 13
What is Feminism?
Before jumping headfirst right away into What is Feminism , the topic of terminology will come first
due to the importance terminologies can play when conveying a message. Feminism isn t the only
term used to describe this yen for equality that will be spoken of; in fact, there are many reprehensible,
repugnant, distasteful terms being substituted, fortunately, there are also still many guarding ones.
Those considered reprehensible: misandry movement and feminazi movement. Those considered
guarding: womanism, women s liberation, and sisterhood movement. Of course, the list goes on,
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Rainbow Bridge History
If you want to brighten up a person s day. Give them a rainbow was said by Anthony T. Hincks. It is
true that many people like seeing the wonderful rainbow after a rainstorm but there is never one
rainbow that stays more than a few minutes at most. However there is a rainbow that has been
standing for over 50 years, it s called the Rainbow Bridge. The Rainbow Bridge provides a lot of great
history, many new cultures and interesting activities for tourists to take part in. Rainbow Bridge
contains many interesting historical features. A surveying party first found the Rainbow Bridge in
1909, the scientists were quickly able to find out how it was created. It was in fact created by erosion
of the sandstone by the flowing water (Rainbow Bridge). The president then in May of 1910 made it a
National Monument (History and Culture). ... Show more content on ...
Living around or near the monument there are 5 groups or tribes of Native Americans who see the
Rainbow Bridge as a sacred site. Actually, in 1974, the Navajo tribe filed suit and demanded that a
water storage tank should be placed near the Rainbow Bridge to help stop the flooding of their sacred
sites. Furthermore The Native Americans cause no problems with the rock climbers, but ask that they
be respectful of their land (History and Culture). There are many things to do, not just hiking at
Rainbow Bridge. Although you can hike at Rainbow Bridge, there are other things to do. Near the
monument is a lake called Lake Powell. At this lake, they provide fishing docks that are open for
everyone to try and Rainbow Bridge boat tours that lasts about an hour (James). But hiking is also
something to fun to do here. There are two different distance trails that are available for tourist to
climb the trail from the dock is only a 1.3 mile walk while the one from the welcome center is roughly
a 17.5 mile hike
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The Use Of Protective Lung Strategies And Effects On...
A research study can be broken out into 4 different parts: topic, problem, purpose and questions.
Aligning these components will make the article cohesive in its content and guarantee that the author
is staying on track. I examined three scholarly articles that describe studies related to the field of
Respiratory Therapy. I reviewed each article to determine the topic, problem, purpose and question to
see if the authors were able to maintain alignment throughout the article.
Article 1
Effect of a Protective Ventilation Strategy on Mortality in the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
(Amato et al.,). The topic of the article is the use of protective lung strategies and the effects they have
on mortality rate for patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). The problem the
authors, and practitioners around the world, face is that traditional methods for mechanical ventilation
damage already diseased lungs which increases the mortality rate of patients with ARDS. The purpose
of this study is to define what lung protective strategies are comprised of and to determine if using
these strategies will reduce pulmonary complications which will ultimately decrease mortality rates.
The questions the authors focused on were:
What are the components of a lung protective strategy.
Will lung protective strategies decrease pulmonary complications in patients with ARDS?
Will decreasing pulmonary complications in this group decrease mortality rates?
The authors did a
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Freud And Erikson Essay
Introduction: When we are living in the human society, the issue of human developmental has been
related to one within the human society. As we know there are several developmental theories
forwarded by the world s most famous psychologists. But the two main theories which we concern are
Sigmund Freud s psychosexual and Erik Erikson s psychosocial theory. Sigmund Freud was a
supporter of Erikson s psychosocial theory. The human s development occurs in a series of
predetermined stages, this believed by the two psychologists.
Erikson s theory of psychosocial development: Erik Erikson s ideas have become the best known,
because his model of psychosocial development is a very significant, ... Show more content on ...
In this stage children start sucking, feeding from mother and biting. Erikson called this stage of
development as trust versus mistrust. Infant is utterly depend, on the development of trust is based on
the dependability and quality of the child s caregivers.
Both believe that child develops their sense of trust at this stage.
Next, Freud called the anal stage of development, and Erikson called this stage as autonomy versus
shame and doubt. Children at this stage develop their sense of independence and toilet training is an
important focus of this independence. Erikson believes that learning to control one s body leads to a
feeling of control and a sense of independence. Freud says the success of the stage is based on the how
caregivers successfully manage.
As in the ages three to six Freud called this stage as the phallic stage and the Erikson called initiative
versus guilt. Freud says in this stage, boys are influenced by sexual attachment to their mothers and
girls are influenced by their fathers and children identify with same sex parent. During this stage
according to Erikson, children start to assert their authority and control over their areas of
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Internal Environment and External Environment
Section 1 Internal environment and external environment
Internal environment Manager:
On one hand, in order to understand a management situation of a company, the organization structure
is the key issues which should be involved. Xin hua bookstore is being a traditional organization has
the traditional structure that functional organization structure. This type of organization always has
many layers including senior management, middle management and base management level in the
pyramid. Similarly as the IBM, the management layers up to 18. Xin hua bookstore used this type of
organization structure have found much more problems. The information transition is appeared too
slowly and the manager s decision always being distortion. ... Show more content on
Students being a specific group is have a great number of needs from all kinds of books. The company
should focus on requirement of this group of people. Moreover, other group such as doctor and lawyer
is a market selling component element, so their s requirement is not be ignored.
Meanwhile the Xinhua bookstore paid much attention on teaching materials which reverse the
expectation of the customer.
Most part of teaching material is help student to cope exams after the examination, the books were lost
value. Although the books may be paid much more money, the students would throw it to the corner of
the bookcase. Many students claim that they need more interest book rater than teaching material.
However, Xin hua bookstore is lack of this type of books which contains encouraging success
involved books, youth novel and so on. There are other disparities that the expected types and present
types, in particular extracurricular books. The need of extracurricular book is up to 61 units, but the
supply of this type of book only in 4 units. The histogram to demonstrate the students need a large
number of extracurricular books. The bookstore should recognized this problems and improve the
supply numbers of extracurricular books. On other hand, students are being main customers that have
more right to give suggestions. We should grab their psychological mind. Specific speaking, we
should stock the books rounding their actually
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The Effect Of Temperature On Ants
Ants are one of the small sized insects from the family of formicidae which consist of high diversity
on earth. They are found everywhere on earth except in Antarctica, and they have immense impact on
terrestrial ecosystems (Heatwole and Muir, 1989). They are vital in moving and recycling soil and
nutrients. They live in colonies ranging from tens to hundreds of millions in a colony. They
communicate and control their colony by chemical messages.
Animals including, birds and insects occupy different temporal niches by being active during different
specific periods of the year and at specific times of the day (Jayatilaka P et al., 2011). The
maintenance of this seasonal and daily activity patterns also allows animals to avoid their predators, to
reduce conflict due to food competitors and to extremely exploit food resources. To determine suitable
times of activity, animals may monitor environmental variables such as light and ... Show more
content on ...
As a result, they must control their environment in order to maintain optimal temperatures which will
allow them to be active and alive (Cerda, 2001). The aim of the project was to examine the effect of
temperature on the ant s activity, hypothesized that their activity will decrease as the temperature
increases. Placing the same species of ants in different temperatures was the objective.
The ants were found to be active almost at the same times of the day, even though they were exposed
into different temperatures. I was thinking that the ants that were placed under colder temperatures
were going to be active at night, but then the ants were all showing to be diurnal. There was an
increase in walking speed of the ants that were exposed to higher temperatures. The ants were even
struggling to leave the container. There was higher activity due to the high ambient temperature
leading to higher body temperature of the ants in the
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Advantages Of Flameless Candles
For many years, candles have been used to create a calming and relaxing mood. Over the last few
years, flameless candles have become increasingly popular as a replacement for regular candles. These
new battery operated candles look practically identical to regular candles. They even have that same
flickering, glowing light that everyone loves. However, these breakthrough candles have several
advantages over the old fashioned ones. Here are some of the reasons why flameless candles beat
regular candles.
Flameless Candles Are Safe.
The best reason to use flameless candles is due to safety. Since these candles operate without a flame,
there is no fire danger like there is with the regular kind. With a candle that is flameless you don t
have to worry ... Show more content on ...
This is because there is no flame and no danger with these astonishing candles.
Do you need a little extra light in a nursery or child s room? Need a nightlight, and there s no outlet in
the right place? Would you like to put a candle near a curtain, wall, plant, or decoration? Maybe you
would like to put a candle in a bookshelf. Do you need light under a cabinet? Maybe on top of a
As you can see, the places that you can put these remarkable candles are endless. As you think about
it, you can see just how useful flameless candles can be and why they ve become so popular.
Flameless candles last a long time.
Flameless candles are battery operated, so they will last a long time without having to even touch
them. The length of time that your candle will operate on a set of batteries varies. Usually, it will be
between 100 hours and 1,000 hours. Some newer models extend this time even longer. Most regular
candles will burn down to the point that they are unusable after this amount of time. However, these
fantastic candles will continue to glow. When the battery runs down, you just pop in a new set and
they are operating
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The Beauty Myth By Naomi Wolf
The Beauty Myth, written by Naomi Wolf, is a study of how ideas of beauty oppress and restrict
women from fully realising their potential. Published in 1990, many of the battles of second wave
feminism had been won, which left many women in Wolf s position confused as to why women were
still struggling. Wolf argues that as women have shed traditional values of purity and submission, they
have instead become obsessed with the beauty myth. The more legal and material hindrances which
women have broken through, the more strictly and heavily and gruelling images of female beauty
have come to weigh upon us (Wolf 1990). As women have gained power and freedom, society has
instead forced them to waste their new found freedom and resources on ... Show more content on ...
Wolf argues that women as a whole could achieve much more personally, and further the causes of
feminism politically, if they were not so preoccupied with the obsession of their attractiveness, their
youth, and their ability to remain thin.
Another key element of Wolf s work is her focus on the deliberate and pervasive harm that women are
suffering due to the beauty myth. This included the increased rates and severity of eating disorders and
strict dieting, which inhibits women s strength both physically and mentally. Dieting is the most potent
political sedative in women s history; a quietly mad population is a tractable one (Wolf 1990).
Starvation inhibits the brain from thinking of anything other than one s one survival, and therefore
food, and this is a state that significant proportions of modern women exist in. Eating disorders can
also lead to other mental and physical health issues, reducing women s abilities to succeed in the
outside world, all because they are too good at what society is pressuring them to do. Another key way
in which Wolf sees the physical harm of the beauty myth is in cosmetic surgery. The United States
cosmetic surgical industry was worth $300 million when Wolf first published this book in 1991,
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Susan B Anthony Dares To Compare And Contrast Essay
In the two stories, Susan B Anthony Dares to Vote and Don t give up the fight the theme is likewise.
The theme of the stories is being different. The reason the theme of the stories is being different is
because it clearly states that in both passages. In Don t Give Up the Fight Ava is the only girl on the
track team. Also in Susan B Anthony Dares to Vote, Susan wants to stand up for women s rights when
no one else does. The way the two passages are different are the characters. In the first passage Ava
lets people shoot her down at times and in the second passage, Susan B Anthony never lets anyone get
in her way. A common theme in Susan B Anthony Dares To Vote to be different. Because she sticks up
for her gender when no other women ... Show more content on ...
Anthony Dares to Vote and Don t Give up the Fight. The way it is shown in the first story is it is
shown n a more serious matter rather than being the only girl on the track team. Susan B Anthony is
strong and doesn t challenge other to prove them wrong and solved her problem peacefully instead of
challenging someone like Ava challenged the one boy to a race. That did not go peacefully, she hurt
her arm. The two stories are also different because Susan B Anthony let people know what she was
thinking the whole time whereas, in Don t Give up the Fight Ava holds back that she is hurting until
the end when she spills it all out to her best friend Lindsay. That is how the two stories, Susan B
Anthony Dares to Vote and Don t Give up the Fight, are different in many
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Correlation Between Aerobic And Aerobic Fitness Levels
The analysis of the results of the current study demonstrated a significant difference between mean
change in pulse rate of subjects able to complete less than and greater than than 25 push ups (p 0.05).
The null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the alternate hypothesis (Ha) retained. This suggests a
correlation between aerobic and anaerobic fitness levels in completing high intensity exercise
In tests of endurance, aerobic glycolysis is the major source of energy to the body. The body requires
energy at a less intense rate; so slower aerobic glycolysis processes are sufficient to provide ATP over
an extended time period (Ghosh 2004). Aerobic fitness depends upon many physiological factors,
including density of capillary vessels surrounding lung alveoli, number of mitochondria (site of ATP
production) in cells and lung capacity (Bogdanis et al. 1996; Tomlin and Wenger 2002; Ghosh 2004).
A greater level of aerobic fitness will result in more efficient oxygen use, so oxygenated blood will not
need to be circulated at a much higher rate and pulse rate will not increase significantly. Pulse rate is
proportional to the energy required by the body (intensity of exercise) in regards to the aerobic
capacity of an individual, so heart rate will increase in accordance to the body s increasing energy
demand during exercise (Åstrand and Ryhming 1954).
In the current study participants undertook a step up endurance activity, in which a pulse rate change
was recorded for all
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The Preparation Plan for Redesigning Gadgets INC. Network
The purpose of this paper is to start redesigning the network for the small company. They are
requesting that the budget is kept as minimal as possible. The company Gadgets INC. has many file
and print servers that they would like to remain online in the newly done network. This network has
100 workstations. With the workstations they have 20 Windows 8 computers, 60 Windows 7
computers, 20 Windows XP computers and four Windows Server 2003 machines. We have been told
from the ISP our internet access will be configured for us on the site. The ISP has routers and will be
giving us a static IP address. The agreement is that we have only one leased line from our site to the
ISP, the provided address is
The newly configured network will have more capability and advantages to allow the servers to get
the data where needed quicker. With the new changes we will roll out a new IP addressing scheme and
it will not be static, it will be DHCP. This network will have static IP s only addressed to servers and
printers. We are going to have DNS, WINS roles put onto some of the servers. We plan on delegating
the group policies where needed, any group policy that will be implemented will be stated in the
Group Policy section.
The advantages of this network will be to provide faster intranetworking, faster speeds and allow the
servers to delegate the permissions in a more efficient manner. There are going to be exclusions, and
reservations made for select
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John Howard s Argumentative Analysis
Former prime minister, John Howard s contentious statement that Australians of this generation should
not be required to accept blame for the past actions and policies over which they had no control
(Howard statement, human rights report) contradicts Australia s character. This destructive comment
has deepened old wounds that are present from the genocide committed towards Aboriginals of the
Stolen Generation. Australia must accept liability for past policies as they have inflicted life long
impacts towards the victims, Australia continues to suffer division unless an apology is stated and
Australia has previously apologised for the past policies of former governments. If the nation
continues to deny its history, Australia will never close ... Show more content on ...
Australia has stalled the process of addressing the issues of former governments as the nation
possesses a narrow mindset of not being responsible for other people s actions. Many continue to deny
the existence of the Stolen Generation as Howard stated, I didn t believe genocide had taken place,
and I still don t. (Howard s statement, the Guardian) Due to the failure to act in a just and sympathetic
manner, it has resulted in 16,846 Aboriginal children in out of home care in 2016, in comparison to
2,785 Aboriginal children in 1997. Australia must remove the finger from the national pause button to
provide comfort for the deserving Aborigines who were exposed to prolonged suffering, abuse and
persecution. The past, present and future generations need to apologise as it is a continuous lifelong
struggle for Aborigines as it never goes away. Just cause we re not walking around on crutches, doesn
t mean we re not hurting. (Confidential Evidence 580, Queensland Bringing Them Home Report.)
Australia s patriotic society lacks nationalistic sorrow towards the victims affected by these policies.
This proves that Australians of this generation are obligated to feel remorse as the insensitivity
towards Aboriginals
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Forecasting Best Practices
Forecasting Best Practices
Effective demand planning and sales forecasting across the supply chain can bring a host of benefits.
Specifically, it can help improve labor productivity, reduce head count, cut inventories, and speed up
production flows, and increase revenues and profits. Edward J. Marien
To find the best practices for forecasting, our team researched many cases of forecasting success, and
found five companies with a common theme. Rayovac, the Coca Cola Bottling Company, AAi.
FosterGrant, the Sara Lee Corporation, and the Scotts Company all had major problems with
forecasting, some of them very similar. To address and solve these problems each of these companies
made major improvements to their forecasting ... Show more content on ...
Sara Lee
Sara Lee has also seen improvements thanks to an updated forecasting system. Professional demand
planners and updated software tools has allowed them to progress. Previously, marketing had control
of sales and financial forecasts and little attention was paid to them. Therefore, high amounts of safety
stock and high amounts of stockouts ensued. By developing a demand planning group Sara Lee was
able to get the appropriate people resources needed for good forecasting. They also were careful not to
involve new technology that would disrupt the process already in place. With the new technology and
demand planners in place, the company was able to get inputs from product managers and field sales
people. With their incoming data automatically integrated into the demand planning software, they can
forecast from the SKU level up to the family level. Field sales people are now being asked to forecast
for the next four months for the largest customer because they have immediate access to the people
and therefore, the best view of the marketplace. Forecast accuracy is up approximately 51%, and
perfect order fill rates are in around 93%. Continuous improvements are now much easier to attain as
they now have good metrics and can see current trends. Scotts
In 1999, the Scotts Company was dominating the lawn and garden industry. The company was already
leading the U.S. market, and after making a number of
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A Short Note On The De Los Datos
El trabajo de campo de la primera fase comprendió aproximadamente un total de siete meses.
Comenzamos con la fase conceptual preparatoria e inserción, incluyendo revisión bibliográfica,
descripción del fenómeno a estudiar, y estructuración del modelo de análisis de la información; la
primera fase de nuestro estudio se dio por finalizada con la realización de la última entrevista.
Una vez elaborado el trabajo de campo y grabadas todas las entrevistas, la transcripción de éstas debía
hacerse lo antes posible, sobre todo para intentar integrar las notas del cuaderno de campo y las
percepciones de la observación, para que se comenzasen a generar resultados. Era fundamental que las
emociones y las percepciones del investigador, así como las reflexiones de lo observado y las
anotaciones realizadas se plasmasen cuanto antes, para evitar que la memoria nos traicionase y
perdiéramos el contacto con la realidad social por el lapso de tiempo de por medio.
Compartimos con González y Villegas (2011), la opinión sobre el comienzo del análisis de datos: no
se debe esperar a haber recabado toda la información para iniciar el análisis de los datos, se puede ir
haciendo de manera parcial, y luego total e íntegramente cuando se tenga toda la información
Carl Rogers (1985), reconocía que aunque la ciencia es lenta y tosca, representa el mejor camino para
llegar a la verdad, y también señalaba que representa un carácter esencialmente
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Northern Ireland s Funeral Traditions
Northern Ireland s Funeral Traditions in Literature One of the most telling parts of a society is how
they handle the traditions that surround one of the hardest things that humans experience: death.
Northern Ireland is a prime example of how a group of people can build up a set of traditions that help
the morning process and how those traditions can be a healing experience that helps a family and
community celebrate the life of the deceased. Washing and preparing the body is an important part of
the process that has been mentioned in several works of poetry. The traditional Irish Wake is also
extremely important in celebrating the life of the dead and all they accomplished, complete with
drinking and laughter and being with family and ... Show more content on ...
He describes it as, They had been laid out/ in tainted rooms,/ their eyelids glistening,/ their dough
white hands/ shackled in rosary beads. Through this depiction of the dead we can see the preparation
that went into the body, it had been washed and laid out in a very traditional way, the way hat it had
been done for centuries. This sense of tradition can, in a lot of ways, help ease some of the pain from
the loss, the sense of belonging to a community of people with a set of traditions that even the dead
have a right to. We also see how important the rosary is to the Catholics that this is describing, so
important that Heaney mentioned it in his description, symbolizing that the rosary beads and the
religion that they belong to still trap the body that they are attached to, even in death. Daniel Hoffheins
from UC Davis says in his literary analysis says Heaney slyly adds at the end of the second and third
stanzas that the corpses rosaries act as shackles, fettering their obediently sloped wrists. Such
intentional observations echo Heaney s initial qualifying statement and lace his courteous admiration
with a hint of sarcasm, lending the tableau of the hovering women around the open coffins a bathetic
quality, like moths hovering around an open flame. . Hoffheins makes the same point that their
religion and their sympathies make them slaves to the idea of a united Catholic Ireland. Heaney
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Advantages Of Viral Marketing
Technology and information have growing rapidly in recent decades led to the increasing number of
new media that support the means to communicate. It is considered as a new era of communication
and information. The massive scale of development gradually continued to be used by many parties,
especially in the process of dissemination of information via internet. Everyone use the internet to
distribute information and news to other people. The phenomenon of Internet usage is evidenced by
the increasing number of internet users in the world, especially in developing countries. Based on data
obtained from the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the internet user in the developing
countries is almost 2.5 billion users compared ... Show more content on ...
Then, according to Dahan (2012) quoted by Snyder (2004), viral marketing is a type of word of mouth
marketing technique used on the internet . Viral marketing can encourage customers to communicate
with each other in order to offer product or brand under consideration. Viral marketing concept, which
was first used by Steve Jurvetson and Tim Draper, is defined as a word of mouth marketing technique
used in relation to a brand, product or service similar to the spread of viruses on social networks on
electronic media (Comet, 2006; Dahan, 2012; cited in Akyol, 2013). In conclusion, viral marketing
can be defined as a word of mouth marketing technique that use internet as a social networks media to
spread information related to our products or brands.
Viral marketing is different with other marketing strategies. The difference is that it has an authentic
content that provokes individuals. Individuals share this creative content due to its authenticity on
electronic social networks and thus, this content reaches millions of people by being communicated
from one individual to another on social networks (Wilson, 2005; cited in Dahan, 2012). This content,
which spreads like a virus very fast from one individual to another, increases awareness even if it does
not affect the sales of the related brand, product or service instantly (Dahan 2012, cited in Akyol,
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Metallic Copper Lab
Metallic copper and its compounds have played an important role in history, from ancient civilizations
to today s economy. It also has biological and environmental significance. In this experiment, we
explored copper in its metallic and ionic forms and examined the reactions which form metallic
copper and copper compounds as well as calculated percentage yield of final metallic copper product.
Materials and Methods:
In this experiment, 5 different chemical reactions took place before the final percentage yield of
metallic copper was calculated. For the first reaction, a fume hood made up of a funnel and some
rubber tubing attached to a tap was set up above a 50 ml beaker. Next, 0.2574 g of copper turnings
were measured out and ... Show more content on ...
The solution went from being black and cloudy to green and transparent, indicating that there is no
longer a precipitate in the solution.
In the fifth chemical reaction copper sulfate reacted with zinc resulting in this equation:
CuSO₄(aq) + Zn(s) → Cu(s) + ZnSO₄(aq)
This is a single displacement, redox reaction as zinc replaces the copper cation in copper sulfate
resulting in metallic copper solid and zinc sulfate. This is evident from the observations as initially a
black solid formed in the solution but as the hydrochloric acid was added and it reacted away the
excess zinc a reddish brown solid formed, which is copper, indicating that zinc displaced the copper
cation. It is a redox reaction as copper is reduced as its oxidation number decreases from +2 to 0 and
zinc is oxidized as its oxidation number increases from 0 to
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Nt1330 Unit 3 Assignment 1 Language Analysis
In Game Name: NatorDeSwag Where are you from ? (E.g US or EU timezone): US Age: 14
(Male/Female): Male Do you have Slack/Teamspeak/Skype?: ( A working Mic are required) I have
both and a working microphone! Please provide Skype: NatorDeSwag Have you been staff on any
other server?: Yes I have been and if you want me to list the names of those servers they are (Incidious
Head Admin) (My Server x5 I have owned a server 5 times xD) (AuraHCF Helper then got promoted
to Moderator Resigned) I am no longer staff on any server. Can you record?: Yes I can record I have
Action full version and Fraps! Past Experience: My past experience was mentioned in Have you been
staff on any other server so here the names of those servers they ... Show more content on ...
Staff handle things fast and it all around seems like a happy staff team to be apart. I have been wanting
be staff again because I miss the old days of being staff on other server s and just handling things
correctly and doing my job. I never abuse which is always a common issue with some servers but
doesn t seem to be a major one on this server. I do watch 2 of the server s youtuber s which is the
Owner and MackemYT which is an old friend of mines I am zak mackem if you are reading this sorry
but I had to say that. Anyway s this server seems like a good place for me to handle my staff duties on
and play on basically. I like to make my applications original so if somethings arent things you hear on
the daily it s because i m diffrent yea i m diffrent. I honestly think being apart of the team I can help
out a lot of people because I am usually in the teamspeak at all times and on the server when I can be
on the server. I know being staff is a lot of responsibility and there is some drama involved at some
points but I do not like to get my self into the drama I rather just continue working and trying to get
those promotions! Being staff can be difficult some times because of the amount of issues that go on at
once but I can help out with that along with
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The Impact Of Abraham Lincoln s Emancipation Proclamation
President Abraham Lincoln, sometimes called The Great Emancipator , is best remembered today for
his Emancipation Proclamation. This proclamation, issued in September 1862 and enacted at the start
of 1863, freed all slaves in rebelling states in the Confederacy and had a dramatic impact on the
outcome of the Civil War. However, even though Lincoln was morally against the concept of slavery,
he had previously stated that he had no intention of abolishing it. Why did he explicitly violate his
own word? Multiple factors played a part in Lincoln s decision to emancipate the slaves. Firstly, as the
conflict progressed from a minor rebellion to a full blown civil war, Lincoln felt that the Emancipation
Proclamation would strengthen the Union s ... Show more content on ...
As the war progressed, however, it became clear that the war was not just a short rebellion and that
there was no hope of keeping the country from outright Civil War. At that point, it was clear that the
war was built on the issue of slavery, and Lincoln saw that by clarifying the Union s position on
slavery, he would strengthen their position in the war.
Although Lincoln might not have initially seen the Civil War as war about slavery, but the slaves in
the South disagreed they immediately took the war as an opportunity to gain freedom. Another reason
Lincoln issued the Emancipation proclamation was that by 1862, the emancipation of the slaves would
only benefit the Union while hurting the Confederacy. Upon the start of the fighting, numerous slaves
escaped to Union lines, assuming that the army would give them protection. This presented a dilemma
for the Union. The Fugitive Slave Act was still in place, which meant that any general that
encountered an escaped slave should have return them to their masters. Although some generals did
this, many others welcomed slaves into their armies, calling them contrabands of war . Lincoln, who
was sure that these defiant actions would further enrage the Confederacy yet had no intention of
returning the slaves to their masters, presented a number of alternative plans for the slaves, including
colonization (freed slaves would be delivered to Central
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On Gold Mountain by Lisa See Essay
Can you imagine moving to a different country and trying to raise a family in a country that is not
your homeland? Many people make this decision on a daily basis. However, which traditions and
values would you choose to teach your children? Would you teach your children their homeland
traditions or their new country traditions? In the book, On Gold Mountain by Lisa See, Fong See
struggled in being accepted publicly as a member of American Society and he also struggled with
trying to keep his Chinese traditions and values with his families. In his second marriage, he
succeeded in being accepted by the American society, but was not as successful with his Chinese
traditions. However, in his third marriage, he was successful in maintaining ... Show more content on ...
For example, they celebrated Thanksgiving, but Letticie made sure to add special ingredients like
water chestnuts and fresh ginger to the certain meal items. The See s celebrated Chinese New Year
with firecrackers and Chinese rituals. By this example, you can see that Letticie did put some effort
into helping Fong See keep his Chinese traditions alive, however it seems that she was the one in the
end who had the final say in just how much Chinese traditions Fong See was able to teach his
children. This also proves how Fong See was unsuccessful in maintaining his Chinese traditions with
his family. In his business life, Fong See was very successful and he dressed like a business man in his
three pieces tailored suits like most successful American business men did. Both he and Letticie had
an eye for Chinese antiques. He sold antiques to American people and even rented out pieces of
Chinese furniture to film studios for movies. His antiques is what made him wealthy and in return he
was accepted by American society. American s accepting a non American into their society was
unheard of at that time, however because Fong See became wealthy, he used that to his advantage. The
things he did in business and publically was all done, so that American society would accept him and
embrace him as if he was one of their own. Fong See would make trips to China to buy Chinese
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Bilingual And Bilingualism
The world is unique and big. There are many different states, countries, and cities. Countries can have
a lot in common like relationships, food, and education. Countries can also have a lot of differences
like religions, beliefs, and languages. Languages may vary but is also very important in
communication and understanding. A huge epidemic that is becoming more common is bilingualism
also known as bilingual. Language is a cognitive function that takes place in the brain, bilingualism
can improve brain function.
Broca s and Wernicke s area is located in the left hemisphere. Broca is responsible for the muscles
involved in word pronunciation within the frontal lobe. Wernicke is located in the temporal lobe and is
associated with a person s language compensation. Brain imaging MRI studies have been conducted to
view the activity of the brain during speech and hearing. Studies that heard their native language being
their first or primary language showed activation in the left hemisphere as according to Broca s and
Wernicke s area. People who knew American Sign Language (ASL) or a second language had greater
activity in the right hemisphere and sometimes even the left and the right (Wilson, J., 2013). Children
develop language according to an invariant sequence of steps or stages (Shriner Shriner, 2014, 6.2
Infants par 2). At 12 months an infant will begin echolalia and intonation then evolving to a
vocabulary with over thirty words by 24 months. In early childhood
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A Manifesto For Cyborgs By Donna Haraway
In A Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology, and Socialist Feminism in the 1980s, Donna
Haraway gives an introduction to cyberfeminism and argues that there should be a new way to view
the world and the issues that are currently faced The ironic political myth faithful to feminism,
socialism, and materialism would ultimately be the cyborg (2190). The cyborg has no origin,
therefore, it can understand the world without bias. Haraway discusses three important boundaries that
support her main ideas throughout her essay.
The boundary between human and animal is Haraway s way of saying that humans and animals are
the same and should not be put into separate categories. The cyborg can think beyond the thought of
humans and animals separately and view them as one species. The boundary between animal human
and machine is used to describe the way Haraway views machines. Machines were lifeless.
Nevertheless, machines have advanced beyond belief and there is no longer a distinction between
humans and machines. Lastly, Haraway discusses the boundary between the physical and the non
physical with an example of televisions. Televisions use light. Nonetheless, no one can actually touch
light so therefore the line between the physical and non physical is distorted. ... Show more content on ...
Our beliefs and ideologies are not necessarily formed with independence, yet it is history and the
people before us who cause us view the world as they saw it originally. Haraway discusses science
and technology as she wants readers to realize just like science and technology, people were also
constructed along with their ideas, views, and relationships with
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The House of Mirth and the Gilded Age
Novelist Edith Wharton wrote her defining work, 1905 s the House of Mirth, on a subject she knew all
too well: the style over substance realm of New York s upper crust society during the Gilded Age.
Having been raised in this fashionable society, Wharton knew both its intricacies and cruelties
firsthand. The triumphant rise and tragic fall of protagonist Lily Bart demonstrate both the sunshine
and shadow of the Gilded Age. The House of Mirth not only exposes the reality of how the other half
live, but also satirizes and condemns their elitist existence. Historians refer to the 1870s, 1880s, and
1890s as America s Gilded Age. This was essentially a time when stock market trading and industrial
expansion widened the chasm ... Show more content on ...
Wharton never reveals whether or not Lily s death was intentional. Regardless, she is finally free of
the chains of wealth and politics that bound her on Earth. Analyzing the characters in the House of
Mirth also assists the reader in uncovering the author s intent. The only truly content character is
Lawrence Selden, who is not rich, but is self sufficient and comfortable. Lily s incredible outer beauty
cannot mask the internal suffering which she endures. This is Wharton s way of revealing the
emptiness and greed behind the glittering exterior of elite society. The Dorsets, despite their fabulous
wealth, are the most unhappy characters in the novel. Bertha is a cruel and bitter antagonist, and her
husband is a lonely, pathetic old man. Edith Wharton spent her entire life rubbing elbows with the
upper crust, yet still believed that money cannot buy happiness. The House of Mirth may be
categorized as a novel of manners, a literary genre which explores the struggle of the individual in
society, and most commonly, the way in which that struggle effects women and Lucas 4 marriage.
This genre is meant to expose the absurdities of popular convention and encourage the reader to
challenge the existing social edifice. In the most convenient definitions, Wharton s the House of Mirth
is a cautionary tale which warns of the consequences of valuing monetary wealth over emotional and
spiritual wealth,
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Brief Review Of The Sacrifice Of Isaac By Peter Paul Rubens
Touring at the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, I got to see many paintings from different eras. The area
that interested me the most was the Baroque style. Specifically, the painting called The Sacrifice of
Isaac by Peter Paul Rubens which stands around 55 ½ x 43 ½ inches (Zarling, 2014). It is an oil
painting on wood panel was made in 1612 1613 Baroque period ( Peter Paul , n.d.). Since the Counter
Reformation, the style of paintings has become more realistic and dramatic with light, color and space.
The Sacrifice of Isaac painting fits the baroque style because of the drama represented. Therefore, the
body positions of the characters makes it more theatrical. Such as, Abraham in the red cloak is hunch
over slightly looking up with a knife
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Qualitative Study
Shortcomings in Carrying out the design It is a time demanding design given that is a qualitative
study. In order to manage, there will be research assistants that will help especially in collection of
data from the respondents. The data analysis is complex and need time and finance. The thematic
approach will be used in addition to prudent coding data (Li, Chen, Zhu, 2014). Systematic
observation methodology will be used to carefully observe one or more specific behaviors in a
particular setting. In this naturalistic observation research the researcher is interested in only a few
specific behaviors that are quantifiable, and in this particular research there are prior developed
hypotheses about the behavior. In this case the sample ... Show more content on ...
Unless you live in an isolated enclosure most of your waking hours are spent observing activities
around us. The systematic observation methodology will only observe selected situation that are
recorder, coded into a meaningful units that will be measured descriptively into exploratory statistics
(Dane, 2011). The content analysis is the systematic analysis of existing documents. Content analysis
is a research technique used to replicate inferences by interpreting coding and written information that
requires researchers to devise coding systems that raters can use to quantify the information in the
documents. For instance, researchers may use systematic observation used in coding to determine if
applicants on marriage license applications are the same or different. Other examples would be used in
studies examining speeches, magazines articles, television shows or article published over the internet
i.e. blogs or comments. You can never be 100 percent certain information collected by someone else
stored in an archival database for a long time is accurate (Cozby Bates, 2014). Measurement [The
action research contains quantitative and qualitative data measurements acquired from local internal
helpdesk records containing problems related to network security, viruses, operating system
performance from unapproved software s installations will be used as additional research data. More
specifically the data collected from the monthly ticket
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Fluss AG Case Study
Fluss AG was established in 1947, and was the Swiss parent company of Fluss Washer and Dryer
(FWD). At the time, Fluss s biggest competitor was RiverTech, a Korean appliance company. Both
companies made a strategic decision to go green with their entire product lines because their
customers wanted energy efficient and environmentally friendly products, to save time and money,
and lastly there were government incentives to go green . In 2004, Hans Kehrer the CEO of Fluss AG,
appointed Johannes Linden as the Director of FWD; who was the former COO of Fluss s European
division. Linden was eager to drive FDW to new heights and foster a more open, collaborative, yet
aggressive culture to be able to act fast to the changing conditions of the economy. Although Linden
was known to be open to ideas and suggestions , he was also known to be impatient . When Linden
firmly believes in a course of action, he can be what I might call a smooth dictator. Very likable, very
persuasive, but very determined to get where he wants to go. Under Linden s leadership, FWD s
organizational structure changed from a geographical structured company to a product oriented
company. In 2006, Linden changed FWD s worldwide regional structure from three regions
worldwide to six regions worldwide. The worldwide regions were originally broken up into Asia, the
Americas, and Europe; but Linden wanted six regions worldwide; mature and developing Asian
countries, Europe, Africa, and the Americas were
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Analyse Key Elements
1. Identify: I would list our key elements of the festival: Alexandria Choral Society, choral festival,
youth, $3,500, and so on. After list the key elements, I would find out the potential donors. 2.
Research: First, I would find our organization s previous data to find out who are interested in a choral
festival, like youth, and have the $3,500. Second, I would ask the Prospect Research workers to help
me collect more potential donors who may like coral and young people as well as the donors income.
Finally, I find out Mrs. Winona Wealthy is one of our target donors because she had gave a donation to
Virginia Choral Festival in the past and she also is our current donor. 3. Plan: In this step, I would
email and call her phone and persuade ... Show more content on ...
Engage: When Mrs. Winona Wealthy come to our concert, I would say hello, welcome and enjoying
the concert. After the concert, I would say thank you to her for participating the concert and make sure
she likes our music. 5. Ask: Continually, I would introduce the Alexandria Choral Society will have a
choral festival next year and ask if she feel free to have a coffee meeting with me next week to talk
more about the choral festival and would she consider support us. 6. Close: Before our coffee meeting,
I would send her a Solicitation letter and remind that we will have coffee meeting. In addition, I would
prepare all detail information about the choral festival. During the coffee meeting, I would say thank
to her past support to us and try to persuade her how our choral festival is interesting for her. Also, I
would mention we need her $3,500 support; therefore, we will reach more youth people who like to
sing in a choral and make more benefits for the Alexandria, which is our organization s mission. 7.
Thank You: When she promises to give us the $3,500 support, I am appreciated for her. I would write
a thank you letter for her and ask my tax department co worker to connect to her in order to help her
deduction the
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Bill C-51 Research Paper
CSIS to Act as a Police Force Leading to Self Monitoring Amendments to Bill C 51 allows CSIS, the
Canadian Security Intelligence Service, to act like police force. The bill states, if there are reasonable
grounds to believe a particular activity constitutes a threat to the security of Canada, the service takes
measures, within or outside of Canada, to reduce the threat (Government of Canada, Bill C 51, Section
42, 1). Previously, the role of CSIS was to collect information. Now however, if CSIS believes
someone poses a threat to national security, they are given the right to ask a judge for a warrant for
each threat of security (1). Although the bill states the measures shall be reasonable and proportional
in the circumstances, it does ... Show more content on ...
The objective with this amendment to the bill is to remove terrorist propaganda by allowing CSIS to
have a more policing function. This will allow terrorist propaganda to be stopped a source that is
common in today s society the internet. I believe the second prong is invalid. Allowing CSIS to have
control over all information with warrants whenever they like is extremely excessive in proportion to
the vast amounts of people and information that is posted online on any given medium. The third
prong is also invalid. I believe this measure greatly impairs the freedom of expression for citizens.
Individuals police themselves and regulate their behaviours because they know they are being
watched. These severely limits discussions of public interested that should be allowed to take place in
a public sphere such as the internet. Finally, I believe the fourth prong which asks whether the
measures taken are proportional the objective is invalid. The new role that CSIS has seriously
undermines the privacy of citizens. This new power and lack of privacy can ultimately restrict the
expression, posting and arguably the thinking of citizens. Three of the four prongs of the Oakes Test
prove to be invalid; thus, this particular amendment to Bill C 51 seriously undermines the freedom of
expression, not to mention privacy, of
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Female Victims Case Study
Furthermore, female murder fatalities may be alleged as engaging in less disreputable or contributing
conduct associated with their own victimization compared with male victims (Baumer, Messner, and
Felson 290; Farrell and Swigert 352; Sundby 347). Similarly, sexual assault is an aggravating factor
both statutorily and de facto as a contemporaneous felony for a felony murder charge in most
jurisdictions (Snell). Stauffer et al find that juries are more likely to impose death sentences in
homicides involving rape. Although rare Pierce and Radelet forty two report that less than two percent
of first degree murder convictions in their 10 year Illinois sample included a contemporaneous sexual
assault, perceptions about the particular heinousness ... Show more content on ...
They show that the apparent independent effects of victim race and gender on death sentences in Ohio
actually are a product of the strong association between one victim race gender group of cases and the
imposition of a death sentence. The comparison of specific race gender victim combinations reveals
that white female victim cases are the only victim race gender combination in which the odds of
receiving a death sentence are significantly different from any other reference group (i.e., white male,
black female, or black male victims). They argue that the observed white female effect is consistent
with the historically increased concern and ruthless response to the victimization of white females in
American culture (Holcomb, Williams, and Demuth 886). The perceived victimization of white
females, especially by nonwhite offenders, has considerable symbolic power in the United States and
has been used to support a variety of social and political goals (Langum; Morgan 55). Perhaps related
to this cultural history, white females may be perceived as the group most in need of protection from
violence and least likely to be responsible for their victimization. Conversely, homicides with other
victim groups may affect the focal concerns of decision makers in a manner that encourages a more
lenient response compared with the victimization of white females. Unlike black females and males in
general, for whom violence may be perceived as a more familiar experience (Hawkins 723); Spohn,
violence against white females may represent a more serious threat because of the harm to perceived
innocent victims a major factor in capital jury decision making (Sundby
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Role Of Human Resource Management For Bank Al- Habib Pvt...
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 4
i. History 5 ii. Present Day 6 iii. Hierarchy 7
2. Human Resource Management 8
3. Role of Human Resource Manager 9
i. Line Functions 9 ii. Coordinative Function 9 iii. Staff Functions 9
4. Training Methods Adopted by Bank Al Habib 9
i. Relevant Department Training 9 ii. Job Instruction Training 9 iii. Lectures 9
5. Development Methods Adopted by Bank Al Habib 10
i. Job Rotation 10 ii. Senior Guidance 10 iii. Off the Job Development 10
6. Job Analysis of Three Positions 10
i. Cash Officer 10 ii. Account Opening Officer 11 iii. Operations Manager 13
7. Job Advertisement Comments 15
8. Proposed Job Advertisement for Bank Al Habib Pvt. Ltd. 15
1. Introduction
i. History
ii. Present Day
iii. Hierarchy
2. Human Resource Management
3. Role of Human Resource Manager
The key role of human resource manager is to offer assistance in an organization by performing three
distinct functions that are discussed as follows:
i. Line Functions
The human resource manager directs the activities of the people in his or her department and perhaps
in related areas also.
ii. Coordinative Function
He also coordinates personnel activities and ensures that line managers are implementing the firm s
human resource
... Get more on ...
Problems In Ancient Greece Essay
Many problems had occurred in Ancient Greece. There were also many great minds that were able to
overcome these problems and rise above the struggles. The people in Greece were not responding to
the historical forces that may have been upon them, and out of their control. Rather, they were the
people who had ideas and acted upon them. Therefore, changing history into what we know it as
In 570 BCE, Cleisthenes set up the first democratic government in Athens. In 483 BCE, the people of
Athens had found silver in the Laurion Mines. Since Athens was a democracy, the citizens decided
that they wanted to split up the money between themselves. However, a man named Themistocles
suggested that they used the money to build ships, ... Show more content on ...
Themistocles wanted to fight the Persians in the Strait of Salamis. Many people thought that he was
crazy for this. However, his plan worked. Athens achieved victory and broke up the Persian navy,
destroying nearly 200 ships. After this strategy was victorious, Themistocles was declared a
militaristic genius.
Themistocles was raised poor, with no typical aristocratic upbringing. He was nothing special, just a
typical Athenian citizen. He wasn t born into a rich, popular family. He simply worked with what he
had available to him at the time. Historical forces were not mysteriously working away in his mind,
giving him direction, inspiring him to be brilliant. He strategized on his own, and came up with a plan
that saved Athens from being pulverized by the Persian army. In 447 BCE, Pericles promoted a
massive reconstruction plan on a part of Athens that the Persians had destroyed in their savage of the
city state. He proposed the building of the Parthenon on the remains of an earlier temple on the
Acropolis. The proposal of the Parthenon pleased the citizens of Athens because it was a celebration
of Athenians achievements. It also pleased them because it served as a place of worship to the goddess
Athena. Except for the timber roof supports, the entire Parthenon was built with marble from the
quarries of Mt. Pentelicon. Not only did Pericles want to build this structure for the purpose of a
temple, he wanted people to remember him for generations to
... Get more on ...

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  • 2. Essay Honor versus Friendship in Becket Honor versus Friendship in Becket Anouilh s Becket offers the story of the relationship between Thomas Becket and Henry II, King of England. The relationship begins with the two being fun loving and teasing friends, develops into a rough and tumble relationship, and then ends in cold hatred. Because he will not give in to his demands Henry has Becket executed in Canterbury Cathedral. Becket had been Henry s friend and loyal supporter until he became Archbishop of Canterbury. At that point, he was determined his first loyalty was due God and not Henry even though he had supported Henry against the church previously. Becket fled to France in exile before returning to Canterbury where Henry had four barons murder him. It was ... Show more content on ... Becket: If I become Archbishop, I can no longer be your friend. Officer: The church is now empty, my Lord. The Bishop and his clergy await your Highness good pleasure. King: Did you hear that, Becket? Pull yourself together. You have an odd way of taking good news. Wake up! They say we can go in now. Becket: This is madness, my Lord. Don t do it. I could not serve both God and you. (Anouilh 71) The problem with remaining friends once Becket is made Archbishop is that he takes his job too seriously. He knows that politics and the church are corrupt, and he even admits that he used to laugh at the foibles of both. However, once he becomes Archbishop he intends to pay homage to a higher force than either the earthly king or the earthly church. While this may seem noble to some, he is actually very naïve about the way politics works and the church was a participating member of politics at this point in history. Instead, he tries to live up to some pure ideal of the church which is why he refuses to allow Henry to go against what he believes to be moral action. Like Antigone, he may take the moral high road but he will lose his life just like her because he refuses to play the political game of his era. He even admits as much He is the ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Nova Centauri s Theory Of Lithium When a massive star, outclassing our own sun by fiat, grows old enough that it s run out of fuel, it sometimes explodes in a violent reaction releasing the elements necessary for new stars, new planets and systems into the depths of space in a matter of minutes. This process is believed to resemble the big bang itself, and astronomers have just discovered the presence of a chemical called lithium in a nova, and this chemical s presence is helping us understand the concentration of lithium in stellar phenomena. The nova was observed from two telescopes run by the European Southern Observatory resting on the rolling mountains of Chile, and quickly pinpointed and identified as Nova Centauri, a new member to the nova club, having exploded in 2013. Nova Centauri is the brightest nova as of yet in the 21st century. This represents the first in what will be several major ... Show more content on ... However, astronomers have for a good deal of time wondered if the question of younger stars higher lithium content could be caused by older stars lithium content being expelled at wild speeds, seeding stellar nurseries with lithium, giving baby stars the material before they are fully formed. But up until now, there has been no evidence whatsoever of lithium in novae, super or nominal. This change took the form of lithium being ejected from the exploding Nova Centauri at 1.24 million miles (2 million kilometers) per hour. If the nova s peculiar qualities are extrapolated to the billions of other novae whom have seen the face of death throughout the history of our Milky Way, we may finally be able to explain the presence of lithium in the Milky Way. If we imagine the history of the chemical evolution of the Milky Way as a big jigsaw, then lithium from novae was one of the most important and puzzling missing pieces, commented Massimo Della Valle, who co authored the ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Analysis Of The Book The New Rules Of Retail By Lewis... Book Review This paper is a review of the book The New Rules of Retail by Lewis and Dart, 2014. The book was written on marketing and how organisations should change tactics of trade with time. The reflections of the book will help us to find out how retail changes affect the market and trade. It seems as if retail activities have gone through a circle of evolution; there is change in every practice. There are distinct preferences that companies must meet both locally and internationally. Lewis and Dart are retail gurus whose findings on the topic cannot easily be professionally assumed; the submissions can help to advice a management about when and how to change trading plans. The aim of this paper is to provide a professional review, evaluation and critical analysis of the book. According to Lewis and Dart (2014), the world of retail is transforming by fundamentally each day. There are quick technological shifts, globalisation as well as a tightly competitive market setting. These changes have helped to bring consumers the desired products and services instantly. The availability of market goods and services to consumers raises the expectations and demands. It is true that availability of a variety of goods to consumers would change their behaviour. Individuals would order for more new products which puts companies in competition for the best offer. Lewis and Dart believe that the technological shifts may not be met by all companies; at least half will not meet the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Emilie Prejudice Plays take you to a new world and make you ask about life. They establish additional questions. These enduring questions are never ending, but the amazingly make us think of our world in a newfangled, exciting, and intimidating way. Plays tell stories of the people of the past or people from the writer minds probably based off someone. Does social prejudice and expectations, cover up genius and innovation, but that shows how great these individualities and other people of advancement are that the genius shows through the prejudices and discrimination of the time. There is Emilie: La Marquise Du Châtelet Defends Her Life Tonight by Lauren Gunderson, tells the story of Emile de Chatelet. Emilie was an aristocratic woman, in the 18th century, France. Emilie was a scientific genius, who published a few articles and is known for translating the Principia Mathematica with edits. She did all this magnificent work, but this play focuses on her relationship ... Show more content on ... The story concerns a mystery surrounding the death of a neighbor s dog that is investigated by young Christopher Boone, who are on the spectrum of autism, and his relationships with his parents and school mentor. This shows this Autist boy in England in a town near London, who is a mathematical genius, struggling with life and his family. Nevertheless, this play is on a Christopher journey to determine who murdered his neighbor s dog, Wellington. This plays tells a story of family and mental disorder. This play portrays this autistic boy, in a very realistic and considerate way, so that you sympathize with his struggles and emotions. This plays takes you through this mystery, showing not just an answer to who murdered the dog, but a deep look at humanity and its stereotypes and shortcoming through Christopher s eyes. All these great people fought social norms to ... Get more on ...
  • 6. James Fenimore Cooper s Impact On American Literature James Fenimore Cooper had a very interesting life, molded American literature, and influenced many popular authors, such as Herman Melville, Richard Henry Dana, Jr., Francis Parkman, and even Mark Twain, through his literary offenses. (1) The experiences Cooper had throughout his life shaped his rogue character and literary style. The evidence of Cooper s impact to American literature is well documented. James Fenimore Cooper was born on September 15, 1789 in Burlington, New Jersey to William Cooper and Elizabeth Fenimore. James was the last of twelve children; only seven survived childhood: Richard, Hannah, Isaac, Ann, William and Samuel. Within the first year of James birth, he moved from New Jersey to the source of the Susquehanna ... Show more content on ... At the age of 12, William Cooper resolved to send James to a Latin based boarding school run by Reverend Thomas Ellison. James closest companion in boarding school was William Jay, the second son of governor John Jay. They used to adventure around New York, especially in the excavated plot of land which Saint Peter s Church would be built on, with other boys who would later become business for the state. This foreshadowed James trickster attitude. By the age of thirteen, James entered Yale College. Some evidence to the claims of James rogue character surface during his time at Yale. Simply stated: Cooper was a prankster. It is reported that he put a donkey in a teacher s classroom, and many other tricks. James never got into large trouble until his biggest prank: he blew up another student s dorm door with gunpowder. By the age of 16, James Fenimore Cooper was expelled from Yale College. Shortly after James left Yale, he enrolled in the Navy. There is little to no information about this time of his life other than it being a basis for his first book: Afloat and Ashore: A Sea Tale. On December 22, 1809, his father, William Cooper died from a blow to the back of the head delivered by a political opponent; this was a devastating episode as James was at sea when his father passed. Shortly after, James met Susan DeLancey, whom he married on on January 1, 1811. The DeLanceys were a wealthy family related to ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Free Will In Sophocles Antigone Sophocles Antigone is based on the idea of fate and the conflict if free will exists or not. While Sophocles agrees that free will exists to a certain degree, morality plays a role in determining how much fate can be changed. Unlike modern day American culture, which emphasizes individual freedom of choices, the Ancient Greeks thought that life was predetermined by the Gods will and laws. In Antigone, Sophocles uses the theme of a tragedy, to emphasize the limitations of human knowledge and wisdom, and the cultural conflict of state laws and religion to show how much religion played a part in everyday life and culture. In Ancient Greece, suicide was considered a controversial issue as it represented a problem in free will. Sophocles represented ... Show more content on ... According to Beauvoir, while the moralists are enamored with eternal principles, (1), and believe in God and his sovereign, the realists who boasts in vain about his effective methods and the useful results achieved (1) are practicalists. While moralists are preoccupied about how their actions influence the future and afterlife, the realists are concerned with the present. The conflict between moralists and realists, as a result, has always existed with neither side being able to convince the other of the validity of its values each side is imprisoned its own value system in the name of which it rejects the values of its adversary (1). In modern day society, the perception of morality has shifted into what we known consider ethics. Unlike morality, which is defined by God and the Bible, however, ethics is defined by people s perceptions of values and principles. Society, as a result, evolved from one in which values and principles are defined by a preset based on a supernatural being God and the Bible to a rational one in which people can influence and control. Because people define what good or bad, man is capable of influencing how their actions play a role to their future, or fate, emphasizing the idea of free will. Thus, reality and ethics are subject to human decisions and is always dynamic; ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Women In Refrigerators Green Lantern returning to his apartment to find his girlfriend, Alex DeWitt, murdered and stuffed in a refrigerator by the villain, Major Force, soon became the name of a website created in 1999 by a group of comic fans to discuss the abuse of female characters. Women in Refrigerators, coined by writer Gail Simone, features a list of female comic book characters that have been injured, killed, or depowered, as a plot device within various superhero comic books and seeks to analyse why these are used disproportionately on female characters. Harley Quinn is a classic example of increased sexualisation. First introduced in 1993, her classic costume consisted of a red and black court jester s outfit, still an hourglass figure, but essentially ... Show more content on ... But as it stands now, Harley Quinn as a Strong Female Character, for whom scanty clad clothing equates power and evil, in Suicide Squad is not DC at its best. Catwoman, by contrast, is better presented. Although not perfect, there is the sense that she is in a better mental state than HQ, and more in charge of her ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Why Is Self Discipline Is Important, But Do We Really Need... We already know that self discipline is important, but do we really need it? We know about success tools, and we familiarize ourselves with many useful resources that lead us to success, so why do we need self discipline? We all have goals for many areas of our lives. Some of us want successful relationships, some like to get more money, others want simply happiness in their lives and others seek better health with less weight. These are common goals, and we sometimes fail or succeed in achieving them. The general question is: Why we don t achieve those goals? Why we don t become successful in these goals? The general answer is: Lack of self discipline. Success needs time. It does not happen at once. What you do today will determine the results in your future. If you change your present, you change your future. If you eat a lot of pizzas and delicious food today, you will gain weight, and this will show in your future weight. If you spend more money than what you earn today, you will have less money in the future. Present steps determine future results. Self discipline takes place in your present which will lead to your future. You can learn many tips and tools for your goals, but unless you take action for these goals, you will never become successful in reaching them. Almost all goals need efforts and continuity. Self discipline will enable you to get required efforts and continuity. If you need to lose weight, you need self discipline among other skills to eat ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Study Of The Division Between Feminists IB Extended Essay Subject: Human Rights Title: The Study of the Division between Feminists Research Question: To What Extent is there a Racial/Cultural Divide within Feminism? Sachiko Mahabeer Word Count: 3,415 Abstract: Table of Contents: Title Page ......................................................... 1 Abstract ......................................................... 2 Table of Contents ......................................................... 3 What is feminism ......................................................... 4 Racial/Cultural Divide within Feminism ......................................................... 8 Discussion ......................................................... 11 Works Cited ......................................................... 13 What is Feminism? Before jumping headfirst right away into What is Feminism , the topic of terminology will come first due to the importance terminologies can play when conveying a message. Feminism isn t the only term used to describe this yen for equality that will be spoken of; in fact, there are many reprehensible, repugnant, distasteful terms being substituted, fortunately, there are also still many guarding ones. Those considered reprehensible: misandry movement and feminazi movement. Those considered guarding: womanism, women s liberation, and sisterhood movement. Of course, the list goes on, ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Rainbow Bridge History If you want to brighten up a person s day. Give them a rainbow was said by Anthony T. Hincks. It is true that many people like seeing the wonderful rainbow after a rainstorm but there is never one rainbow that stays more than a few minutes at most. However there is a rainbow that has been standing for over 50 years, it s called the Rainbow Bridge. The Rainbow Bridge provides a lot of great history, many new cultures and interesting activities for tourists to take part in. Rainbow Bridge contains many interesting historical features. A surveying party first found the Rainbow Bridge in 1909, the scientists were quickly able to find out how it was created. It was in fact created by erosion of the sandstone by the flowing water (Rainbow Bridge). The president then in May of 1910 made it a National Monument (History and Culture). ... Show more content on ... Living around or near the monument there are 5 groups or tribes of Native Americans who see the Rainbow Bridge as a sacred site. Actually, in 1974, the Navajo tribe filed suit and demanded that a water storage tank should be placed near the Rainbow Bridge to help stop the flooding of their sacred sites. Furthermore The Native Americans cause no problems with the rock climbers, but ask that they be respectful of their land (History and Culture). There are many things to do, not just hiking at Rainbow Bridge. Although you can hike at Rainbow Bridge, there are other things to do. Near the monument is a lake called Lake Powell. At this lake, they provide fishing docks that are open for everyone to try and Rainbow Bridge boat tours that lasts about an hour (James). But hiking is also something to fun to do here. There are two different distance trails that are available for tourist to climb the trail from the dock is only a 1.3 mile walk while the one from the welcome center is roughly a 17.5 mile hike ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Use Of Protective Lung Strategies And Effects On... A research study can be broken out into 4 different parts: topic, problem, purpose and questions. Aligning these components will make the article cohesive in its content and guarantee that the author is staying on track. I examined three scholarly articles that describe studies related to the field of Respiratory Therapy. I reviewed each article to determine the topic, problem, purpose and question to see if the authors were able to maintain alignment throughout the article. Article 1 Effect of a Protective Ventilation Strategy on Mortality in the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (Amato et al.,). The topic of the article is the use of protective lung strategies and the effects they have on mortality rate for patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). The problem the authors, and practitioners around the world, face is that traditional methods for mechanical ventilation damage already diseased lungs which increases the mortality rate of patients with ARDS. The purpose of this study is to define what lung protective strategies are comprised of and to determine if using these strategies will reduce pulmonary complications which will ultimately decrease mortality rates. The questions the authors focused on were: What are the components of a lung protective strategy. Will lung protective strategies decrease pulmonary complications in patients with ARDS? Will decreasing pulmonary complications in this group decrease mortality rates? The authors did a ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Freud And Erikson Essay Introduction: When we are living in the human society, the issue of human developmental has been related to one within the human society. As we know there are several developmental theories forwarded by the world s most famous psychologists. But the two main theories which we concern are Sigmund Freud s psychosexual and Erik Erikson s psychosocial theory. Sigmund Freud was a supporter of Erikson s psychosocial theory. The human s development occurs in a series of predetermined stages, this believed by the two psychologists. Erikson s theory of psychosocial development: Erik Erikson s ideas have become the best known, because his model of psychosocial development is a very significant, ... Show more content on ... In this stage children start sucking, feeding from mother and biting. Erikson called this stage of development as trust versus mistrust. Infant is utterly depend, on the development of trust is based on the dependability and quality of the child s caregivers. Both believe that child develops their sense of trust at this stage. Next, Freud called the anal stage of development, and Erikson called this stage as autonomy versus shame and doubt. Children at this stage develop their sense of independence and toilet training is an important focus of this independence. Erikson believes that learning to control one s body leads to a feeling of control and a sense of independence. Freud says the success of the stage is based on the how caregivers successfully manage. As in the ages three to six Freud called this stage as the phallic stage and the Erikson called initiative versus guilt. Freud says in this stage, boys are influenced by sexual attachment to their mothers and girls are influenced by their fathers and children identify with same sex parent. During this stage according to Erikson, children start to assert their authority and control over their areas of ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Internal Environment and External Environment Section 1 Internal environment and external environment Internal environment Manager: On one hand, in order to understand a management situation of a company, the organization structure is the key issues which should be involved. Xin hua bookstore is being a traditional organization has the traditional structure that functional organization structure. This type of organization always has many layers including senior management, middle management and base management level in the pyramid. Similarly as the IBM, the management layers up to 18. Xin hua bookstore used this type of organization structure have found much more problems. The information transition is appeared too slowly and the manager s decision always being distortion. ... Show more content on ... Students being a specific group is have a great number of needs from all kinds of books. The company should focus on requirement of this group of people. Moreover, other group such as doctor and lawyer is a market selling component element, so their s requirement is not be ignored. Meanwhile the Xinhua bookstore paid much attention on teaching materials which reverse the expectation of the customer. [pic] Most part of teaching material is help student to cope exams after the examination, the books were lost value. Although the books may be paid much more money, the students would throw it to the corner of the bookcase. Many students claim that they need more interest book rater than teaching material. However, Xin hua bookstore is lack of this type of books which contains encouraging success involved books, youth novel and so on. There are other disparities that the expected types and present types, in particular extracurricular books. The need of extracurricular book is up to 61 units, but the supply of this type of book only in 4 units. The histogram to demonstrate the students need a large number of extracurricular books. The bookstore should recognized this problems and improve the supply numbers of extracurricular books. On other hand, students are being main customers that have more right to give suggestions. We should grab their psychological mind. Specific speaking, we should stock the books rounding their actually ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Effect Of Temperature On Ants Ants are one of the small sized insects from the family of formicidae which consist of high diversity on earth. They are found everywhere on earth except in Antarctica, and they have immense impact on terrestrial ecosystems (Heatwole and Muir, 1989). They are vital in moving and recycling soil and nutrients. They live in colonies ranging from tens to hundreds of millions in a colony. They communicate and control their colony by chemical messages. Animals including, birds and insects occupy different temporal niches by being active during different specific periods of the year and at specific times of the day (Jayatilaka P et al., 2011). The maintenance of this seasonal and daily activity patterns also allows animals to avoid their predators, to reduce conflict due to food competitors and to extremely exploit food resources. To determine suitable times of activity, animals may monitor environmental variables such as light and ... Show more content on ... As a result, they must control their environment in order to maintain optimal temperatures which will allow them to be active and alive (Cerda, 2001). The aim of the project was to examine the effect of temperature on the ant s activity, hypothesized that their activity will decrease as the temperature increases. Placing the same species of ants in different temperatures was the objective. The ants were found to be active almost at the same times of the day, even though they were exposed into different temperatures. I was thinking that the ants that were placed under colder temperatures were going to be active at night, but then the ants were all showing to be diurnal. There was an increase in walking speed of the ants that were exposed to higher temperatures. The ants were even struggling to leave the container. There was higher activity due to the high ambient temperature leading to higher body temperature of the ants in the ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Advantages Of Flameless Candles For many years, candles have been used to create a calming and relaxing mood. Over the last few years, flameless candles have become increasingly popular as a replacement for regular candles. These new battery operated candles look practically identical to regular candles. They even have that same flickering, glowing light that everyone loves. However, these breakthrough candles have several advantages over the old fashioned ones. Here are some of the reasons why flameless candles beat regular candles. Flameless Candles Are Safe. The best reason to use flameless candles is due to safety. Since these candles operate without a flame, there is no fire danger like there is with the regular kind. With a candle that is flameless you don t have to worry ... Show more content on ... This is because there is no flame and no danger with these astonishing candles. Do you need a little extra light in a nursery or child s room? Need a nightlight, and there s no outlet in the right place? Would you like to put a candle near a curtain, wall, plant, or decoration? Maybe you would like to put a candle in a bookshelf. Do you need light under a cabinet? Maybe on top of a cabinet? As you can see, the places that you can put these remarkable candles are endless. As you think about it, you can see just how useful flameless candles can be and why they ve become so popular. Flameless candles last a long time. Flameless candles are battery operated, so they will last a long time without having to even touch them. The length of time that your candle will operate on a set of batteries varies. Usually, it will be between 100 hours and 1,000 hours. Some newer models extend this time even longer. Most regular candles will burn down to the point that they are unusable after this amount of time. However, these fantastic candles will continue to glow. When the battery runs down, you just pop in a new set and they are operating ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Beauty Myth By Naomi Wolf The Beauty Myth, written by Naomi Wolf, is a study of how ideas of beauty oppress and restrict women from fully realising their potential. Published in 1990, many of the battles of second wave feminism had been won, which left many women in Wolf s position confused as to why women were still struggling. Wolf argues that as women have shed traditional values of purity and submission, they have instead become obsessed with the beauty myth. The more legal and material hindrances which women have broken through, the more strictly and heavily and gruelling images of female beauty have come to weigh upon us (Wolf 1990). As women have gained power and freedom, society has instead forced them to waste their new found freedom and resources on ... Show more content on ... Wolf argues that women as a whole could achieve much more personally, and further the causes of feminism politically, if they were not so preoccupied with the obsession of their attractiveness, their youth, and their ability to remain thin. Another key element of Wolf s work is her focus on the deliberate and pervasive harm that women are suffering due to the beauty myth. This included the increased rates and severity of eating disorders and strict dieting, which inhibits women s strength both physically and mentally. Dieting is the most potent political sedative in women s history; a quietly mad population is a tractable one (Wolf 1990). Starvation inhibits the brain from thinking of anything other than one s one survival, and therefore food, and this is a state that significant proportions of modern women exist in. Eating disorders can also lead to other mental and physical health issues, reducing women s abilities to succeed in the outside world, all because they are too good at what society is pressuring them to do. Another key way in which Wolf sees the physical harm of the beauty myth is in cosmetic surgery. The United States cosmetic surgical industry was worth $300 million when Wolf first published this book in 1991, ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Susan B Anthony Dares To Compare And Contrast Essay In the two stories, Susan B Anthony Dares to Vote and Don t give up the fight the theme is likewise. The theme of the stories is being different. The reason the theme of the stories is being different is because it clearly states that in both passages. In Don t Give Up the Fight Ava is the only girl on the track team. Also in Susan B Anthony Dares to Vote, Susan wants to stand up for women s rights when no one else does. The way the two passages are different are the characters. In the first passage Ava lets people shoot her down at times and in the second passage, Susan B Anthony never lets anyone get in her way. A common theme in Susan B Anthony Dares To Vote to be different. Because she sticks up for her gender when no other women ... Show more content on ... Anthony Dares to Vote and Don t Give up the Fight. The way it is shown in the first story is it is shown n a more serious matter rather than being the only girl on the track team. Susan B Anthony is strong and doesn t challenge other to prove them wrong and solved her problem peacefully instead of challenging someone like Ava challenged the one boy to a race. That did not go peacefully, she hurt her arm. The two stories are also different because Susan B Anthony let people know what she was thinking the whole time whereas, in Don t Give up the Fight Ava holds back that she is hurting until the end when she spills it all out to her best friend Lindsay. That is how the two stories, Susan B Anthony Dares to Vote and Don t Give up the Fight, are different in many ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Correlation Between Aerobic And Aerobic Fitness Levels The analysis of the results of the current study demonstrated a significant difference between mean change in pulse rate of subjects able to complete less than and greater than than 25 push ups (p 0.05). The null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the alternate hypothesis (Ha) retained. This suggests a correlation between aerobic and anaerobic fitness levels in completing high intensity exercise In tests of endurance, aerobic glycolysis is the major source of energy to the body. The body requires energy at a less intense rate; so slower aerobic glycolysis processes are sufficient to provide ATP over an extended time period (Ghosh 2004). Aerobic fitness depends upon many physiological factors, including density of capillary vessels surrounding lung alveoli, number of mitochondria (site of ATP production) in cells and lung capacity (Bogdanis et al. 1996; Tomlin and Wenger 2002; Ghosh 2004). A greater level of aerobic fitness will result in more efficient oxygen use, so oxygenated blood will not need to be circulated at a much higher rate and pulse rate will not increase significantly. Pulse rate is proportional to the energy required by the body (intensity of exercise) in regards to the aerobic capacity of an individual, so heart rate will increase in accordance to the body s increasing energy demand during exercise (Åstrand and Ryhming 1954). In the current study participants undertook a step up endurance activity, in which a pulse rate change was recorded for all ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Preparation Plan for Redesigning Gadgets INC. Network Introduction The purpose of this paper is to start redesigning the network for the small company. They are requesting that the budget is kept as minimal as possible. The company Gadgets INC. has many file and print servers that they would like to remain online in the newly done network. This network has 100 workstations. With the workstations they have 20 Windows 8 computers, 60 Windows 7 computers, 20 Windows XP computers and four Windows Server 2003 machines. We have been told from the ISP our internet access will be configured for us on the site. The ISP has routers and will be giving us a static IP address. The agreement is that we have only one leased line from our site to the ISP, the provided address is The newly configured network will have more capability and advantages to allow the servers to get the data where needed quicker. With the new changes we will roll out a new IP addressing scheme and it will not be static, it will be DHCP. This network will have static IP s only addressed to servers and printers. We are going to have DNS, WINS roles put onto some of the servers. We plan on delegating the group policies where needed, any group policy that will be implemented will be stated in the Group Policy section. The advantages of this network will be to provide faster intranetworking, faster speeds and allow the servers to delegate the permissions in a more efficient manner. There are going to be exclusions, and reservations made for select ... Get more on ...
  • 21. John Howard s Argumentative Analysis Former prime minister, John Howard s contentious statement that Australians of this generation should not be required to accept blame for the past actions and policies over which they had no control (Howard statement, human rights report) contradicts Australia s character. This destructive comment has deepened old wounds that are present from the genocide committed towards Aboriginals of the Stolen Generation. Australia must accept liability for past policies as they have inflicted life long impacts towards the victims, Australia continues to suffer division unless an apology is stated and Australia has previously apologised for the past policies of former governments. If the nation continues to deny its history, Australia will never close ... Show more content on ... Australia has stalled the process of addressing the issues of former governments as the nation possesses a narrow mindset of not being responsible for other people s actions. Many continue to deny the existence of the Stolen Generation as Howard stated, I didn t believe genocide had taken place, and I still don t. (Howard s statement, the Guardian) Due to the failure to act in a just and sympathetic manner, it has resulted in 16,846 Aboriginal children in out of home care in 2016, in comparison to 2,785 Aboriginal children in 1997. Australia must remove the finger from the national pause button to provide comfort for the deserving Aborigines who were exposed to prolonged suffering, abuse and persecution. The past, present and future generations need to apologise as it is a continuous lifelong struggle for Aborigines as it never goes away. Just cause we re not walking around on crutches, doesn t mean we re not hurting. (Confidential Evidence 580, Queensland Bringing Them Home Report.) Australia s patriotic society lacks nationalistic sorrow towards the victims affected by these policies. This proves that Australians of this generation are obligated to feel remorse as the insensitivity towards Aboriginals ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Forecasting Best Practices Forecasting Best Practices Effective demand planning and sales forecasting across the supply chain can bring a host of benefits. Specifically, it can help improve labor productivity, reduce head count, cut inventories, and speed up production flows, and increase revenues and profits. Edward J. Marien To find the best practices for forecasting, our team researched many cases of forecasting success, and found five companies with a common theme. Rayovac, the Coca Cola Bottling Company, AAi. FosterGrant, the Sara Lee Corporation, and the Scotts Company all had major problems with forecasting, some of them very similar. To address and solve these problems each of these companies made major improvements to their forecasting ... Show more content on ... Sara Lee Sara Lee has also seen improvements thanks to an updated forecasting system. Professional demand planners and updated software tools has allowed them to progress. Previously, marketing had control of sales and financial forecasts and little attention was paid to them. Therefore, high amounts of safety stock and high amounts of stockouts ensued. By developing a demand planning group Sara Lee was able to get the appropriate people resources needed for good forecasting. They also were careful not to involve new technology that would disrupt the process already in place. With the new technology and demand planners in place, the company was able to get inputs from product managers and field sales people. With their incoming data automatically integrated into the demand planning software, they can forecast from the SKU level up to the family level. Field sales people are now being asked to forecast for the next four months for the largest customer because they have immediate access to the people and therefore, the best view of the marketplace. Forecast accuracy is up approximately 51%, and perfect order fill rates are in around 93%. Continuous improvements are now much easier to attain as they now have good metrics and can see current trends. Scotts In 1999, the Scotts Company was dominating the lawn and garden industry. The company was already leading the U.S. market, and after making a number of ... Get more on ...
  • 23. A Short Note On The De Los Datos 4.4. ANÁLISIS DE LOS DATOS. El trabajo de campo de la primera fase comprendió aproximadamente un total de siete meses. Comenzamos con la fase conceptual preparatoria e inserción, incluyendo revisión bibliográfica, descripción del fenómeno a estudiar, y estructuración del modelo de análisis de la información; la primera fase de nuestro estudio se dio por finalizada con la realización de la última entrevista. Una vez elaborado el trabajo de campo y grabadas todas las entrevistas, la transcripción de éstas debía hacerse lo antes posible, sobre todo para intentar integrar las notas del cuaderno de campo y las percepciones de la observación, para que se comenzasen a generar resultados. Era fundamental que las emociones y las percepciones del investigador, así como las reflexiones de lo observado y las anotaciones realizadas se plasmasen cuanto antes, para evitar que la memoria nos traicionase y perdiéramos el contacto con la realidad social por el lapso de tiempo de por medio. Compartimos con González y Villegas (2011), la opinión sobre el comienzo del análisis de datos: no se debe esperar a haber recabado toda la información para iniciar el análisis de los datos, se puede ir haciendo de manera parcial, y luego total e íntegramente cuando se tenga toda la información recopilada. Carl Rogers (1985), reconocía que aunque la ciencia es lenta y tosca, representa el mejor camino para llegar a la verdad, y también señalaba que representa un carácter esencialmente ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Northern Ireland s Funeral Traditions Northern Ireland s Funeral Traditions in Literature One of the most telling parts of a society is how they handle the traditions that surround one of the hardest things that humans experience: death. Northern Ireland is a prime example of how a group of people can build up a set of traditions that help the morning process and how those traditions can be a healing experience that helps a family and community celebrate the life of the deceased. Washing and preparing the body is an important part of the process that has been mentioned in several works of poetry. The traditional Irish Wake is also extremely important in celebrating the life of the dead and all they accomplished, complete with drinking and laughter and being with family and ... Show more content on ... He describes it as, They had been laid out/ in tainted rooms,/ their eyelids glistening,/ their dough white hands/ shackled in rosary beads. Through this depiction of the dead we can see the preparation that went into the body, it had been washed and laid out in a very traditional way, the way hat it had been done for centuries. This sense of tradition can, in a lot of ways, help ease some of the pain from the loss, the sense of belonging to a community of people with a set of traditions that even the dead have a right to. We also see how important the rosary is to the Catholics that this is describing, so important that Heaney mentioned it in his description, symbolizing that the rosary beads and the religion that they belong to still trap the body that they are attached to, even in death. Daniel Hoffheins from UC Davis says in his literary analysis says Heaney slyly adds at the end of the second and third stanzas that the corpses rosaries act as shackles, fettering their obediently sloped wrists. Such intentional observations echo Heaney s initial qualifying statement and lace his courteous admiration with a hint of sarcasm, lending the tableau of the hovering women around the open coffins a bathetic quality, like moths hovering around an open flame. . Hoffheins makes the same point that their religion and their sympathies make them slaves to the idea of a united Catholic Ireland. Heaney ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Advantages Of Viral Marketing INTRODUCTION Technology and information have growing rapidly in recent decades led to the increasing number of new media that support the means to communicate. It is considered as a new era of communication and information. The massive scale of development gradually continued to be used by many parties, especially in the process of dissemination of information via internet. Everyone use the internet to distribute information and news to other people. The phenomenon of Internet usage is evidenced by the increasing number of internet users in the world, especially in developing countries. Based on data obtained from the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the internet user in the developing countries is almost 2.5 billion users compared ... Show more content on ... Then, according to Dahan (2012) quoted by Snyder (2004), viral marketing is a type of word of mouth marketing technique used on the internet . Viral marketing can encourage customers to communicate with each other in order to offer product or brand under consideration. Viral marketing concept, which was first used by Steve Jurvetson and Tim Draper, is defined as a word of mouth marketing technique used in relation to a brand, product or service similar to the spread of viruses on social networks on electronic media (Comet, 2006; Dahan, 2012; cited in Akyol, 2013). In conclusion, viral marketing can be defined as a word of mouth marketing technique that use internet as a social networks media to spread information related to our products or brands. Viral marketing is different with other marketing strategies. The difference is that it has an authentic content that provokes individuals. Individuals share this creative content due to its authenticity on electronic social networks and thus, this content reaches millions of people by being communicated from one individual to another on social networks (Wilson, 2005; cited in Dahan, 2012). This content, which spreads like a virus very fast from one individual to another, increases awareness even if it does not affect the sales of the related brand, product or service instantly (Dahan 2012, cited in Akyol, ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Metallic Copper Lab Introduction: Metallic copper and its compounds have played an important role in history, from ancient civilizations to today s economy. It also has biological and environmental significance. In this experiment, we explored copper in its metallic and ionic forms and examined the reactions which form metallic copper and copper compounds as well as calculated percentage yield of final metallic copper product. Materials and Methods: In this experiment, 5 different chemical reactions took place before the final percentage yield of metallic copper was calculated. For the first reaction, a fume hood made up of a funnel and some rubber tubing attached to a tap was set up above a 50 ml beaker. Next, 0.2574 g of copper turnings were measured out and ... Show more content on ... The solution went from being black and cloudy to green and transparent, indicating that there is no longer a precipitate in the solution. In the fifth chemical reaction copper sulfate reacted with zinc resulting in this equation: CuSO₄(aq) + Zn(s) → Cu(s) + ZnSO₄(aq) This is a single displacement, redox reaction as zinc replaces the copper cation in copper sulfate resulting in metallic copper solid and zinc sulfate. This is evident from the observations as initially a black solid formed in the solution but as the hydrochloric acid was added and it reacted away the excess zinc a reddish brown solid formed, which is copper, indicating that zinc displaced the copper cation. It is a redox reaction as copper is reduced as its oxidation number decreases from +2 to 0 and zinc is oxidized as its oxidation number increases from 0 to ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Nt1330 Unit 3 Assignment 1 Language Analysis In Game Name: NatorDeSwag Where are you from ? (E.g US or EU timezone): US Age: 14 (Male/Female): Male Do you have Slack/Teamspeak/Skype?: ( A working Mic are required) I have both and a working microphone! Please provide Skype: NatorDeSwag Have you been staff on any other server?: Yes I have been and if you want me to list the names of those servers they are (Incidious Head Admin) (My Server x5 I have owned a server 5 times xD) (AuraHCF Helper then got promoted to Moderator Resigned) I am no longer staff on any server. Can you record?: Yes I can record I have Action full version and Fraps! Past Experience: My past experience was mentioned in Have you been staff on any other server so here the names of those servers they ... Show more content on ... Staff handle things fast and it all around seems like a happy staff team to be apart. I have been wanting be staff again because I miss the old days of being staff on other server s and just handling things correctly and doing my job. I never abuse which is always a common issue with some servers but doesn t seem to be a major one on this server. I do watch 2 of the server s youtuber s which is the Owner and MackemYT which is an old friend of mines I am zak mackem if you are reading this sorry but I had to say that. Anyway s this server seems like a good place for me to handle my staff duties on and play on basically. I like to make my applications original so if somethings arent things you hear on the daily it s because i m diffrent yea i m diffrent. I honestly think being apart of the team I can help out a lot of people because I am usually in the teamspeak at all times and on the server when I can be on the server. I know being staff is a lot of responsibility and there is some drama involved at some points but I do not like to get my self into the drama I rather just continue working and trying to get those promotions! Being staff can be difficult some times because of the amount of issues that go on at once but I can help out with that along with ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Impact Of Abraham Lincoln s Emancipation Proclamation President Abraham Lincoln, sometimes called The Great Emancipator , is best remembered today for his Emancipation Proclamation. This proclamation, issued in September 1862 and enacted at the start of 1863, freed all slaves in rebelling states in the Confederacy and had a dramatic impact on the outcome of the Civil War. However, even though Lincoln was morally against the concept of slavery, he had previously stated that he had no intention of abolishing it. Why did he explicitly violate his own word? Multiple factors played a part in Lincoln s decision to emancipate the slaves. Firstly, as the conflict progressed from a minor rebellion to a full blown civil war, Lincoln felt that the Emancipation Proclamation would strengthen the Union s ... Show more content on ... As the war progressed, however, it became clear that the war was not just a short rebellion and that there was no hope of keeping the country from outright Civil War. At that point, it was clear that the war was built on the issue of slavery, and Lincoln saw that by clarifying the Union s position on slavery, he would strengthen their position in the war. Although Lincoln might not have initially seen the Civil War as war about slavery, but the slaves in the South disagreed they immediately took the war as an opportunity to gain freedom. Another reason Lincoln issued the Emancipation proclamation was that by 1862, the emancipation of the slaves would only benefit the Union while hurting the Confederacy. Upon the start of the fighting, numerous slaves escaped to Union lines, assuming that the army would give them protection. This presented a dilemma for the Union. The Fugitive Slave Act was still in place, which meant that any general that encountered an escaped slave should have return them to their masters. Although some generals did this, many others welcomed slaves into their armies, calling them contrabands of war . Lincoln, who was sure that these defiant actions would further enrage the Confederacy yet had no intention of returning the slaves to their masters, presented a number of alternative plans for the slaves, including colonization (freed slaves would be delivered to Central ... Get more on ...
  • 29. On Gold Mountain by Lisa See Essay Can you imagine moving to a different country and trying to raise a family in a country that is not your homeland? Many people make this decision on a daily basis. However, which traditions and values would you choose to teach your children? Would you teach your children their homeland traditions or their new country traditions? In the book, On Gold Mountain by Lisa See, Fong See struggled in being accepted publicly as a member of American Society and he also struggled with trying to keep his Chinese traditions and values with his families. In his second marriage, he succeeded in being accepted by the American society, but was not as successful with his Chinese traditions. However, in his third marriage, he was successful in maintaining ... Show more content on ... For example, they celebrated Thanksgiving, but Letticie made sure to add special ingredients like water chestnuts and fresh ginger to the certain meal items. The See s celebrated Chinese New Year with firecrackers and Chinese rituals. By this example, you can see that Letticie did put some effort into helping Fong See keep his Chinese traditions alive, however it seems that she was the one in the end who had the final say in just how much Chinese traditions Fong See was able to teach his children. This also proves how Fong See was unsuccessful in maintaining his Chinese traditions with his family. In his business life, Fong See was very successful and he dressed like a business man in his three pieces tailored suits like most successful American business men did. Both he and Letticie had an eye for Chinese antiques. He sold antiques to American people and even rented out pieces of Chinese furniture to film studios for movies. His antiques is what made him wealthy and in return he was accepted by American society. American s accepting a non American into their society was unheard of at that time, however because Fong See became wealthy, he used that to his advantage. The things he did in business and publically was all done, so that American society would accept him and embrace him as if he was one of their own. Fong See would make trips to China to buy Chinese ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Bilingual And Bilingualism The world is unique and big. There are many different states, countries, and cities. Countries can have a lot in common like relationships, food, and education. Countries can also have a lot of differences like religions, beliefs, and languages. Languages may vary but is also very important in communication and understanding. A huge epidemic that is becoming more common is bilingualism also known as bilingual. Language is a cognitive function that takes place in the brain, bilingualism can improve brain function. Broca s and Wernicke s area is located in the left hemisphere. Broca is responsible for the muscles involved in word pronunciation within the frontal lobe. Wernicke is located in the temporal lobe and is associated with a person s language compensation. Brain imaging MRI studies have been conducted to view the activity of the brain during speech and hearing. Studies that heard their native language being their first or primary language showed activation in the left hemisphere as according to Broca s and Wernicke s area. People who knew American Sign Language (ASL) or a second language had greater activity in the right hemisphere and sometimes even the left and the right (Wilson, J., 2013). Children develop language according to an invariant sequence of steps or stages (Shriner Shriner, 2014, 6.2 Infants par 2). At 12 months an infant will begin echolalia and intonation then evolving to a vocabulary with over thirty words by 24 months. In early childhood ... Get more on ...
  • 31. A Manifesto For Cyborgs By Donna Haraway In A Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology, and Socialist Feminism in the 1980s, Donna Haraway gives an introduction to cyberfeminism and argues that there should be a new way to view the world and the issues that are currently faced The ironic political myth faithful to feminism, socialism, and materialism would ultimately be the cyborg (2190). The cyborg has no origin, therefore, it can understand the world without bias. Haraway discusses three important boundaries that support her main ideas throughout her essay. The boundary between human and animal is Haraway s way of saying that humans and animals are the same and should not be put into separate categories. The cyborg can think beyond the thought of humans and animals separately and view them as one species. The boundary between animal human and machine is used to describe the way Haraway views machines. Machines were lifeless. Nevertheless, machines have advanced beyond belief and there is no longer a distinction between humans and machines. Lastly, Haraway discusses the boundary between the physical and the non physical with an example of televisions. Televisions use light. Nonetheless, no one can actually touch light so therefore the line between the physical and non physical is distorted. ... Show more content on ... Our beliefs and ideologies are not necessarily formed with independence, yet it is history and the people before us who cause us view the world as they saw it originally. Haraway discusses science and technology as she wants readers to realize just like science and technology, people were also constructed along with their ideas, views, and relationships with ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The House of Mirth and the Gilded Age Novelist Edith Wharton wrote her defining work, 1905 s the House of Mirth, on a subject she knew all too well: the style over substance realm of New York s upper crust society during the Gilded Age. Having been raised in this fashionable society, Wharton knew both its intricacies and cruelties firsthand. The triumphant rise and tragic fall of protagonist Lily Bart demonstrate both the sunshine and shadow of the Gilded Age. The House of Mirth not only exposes the reality of how the other half live, but also satirizes and condemns their elitist existence. Historians refer to the 1870s, 1880s, and 1890s as America s Gilded Age. This was essentially a time when stock market trading and industrial expansion widened the chasm ... Show more content on ... Wharton never reveals whether or not Lily s death was intentional. Regardless, she is finally free of the chains of wealth and politics that bound her on Earth. Analyzing the characters in the House of Mirth also assists the reader in uncovering the author s intent. The only truly content character is Lawrence Selden, who is not rich, but is self sufficient and comfortable. Lily s incredible outer beauty cannot mask the internal suffering which she endures. This is Wharton s way of revealing the emptiness and greed behind the glittering exterior of elite society. The Dorsets, despite their fabulous wealth, are the most unhappy characters in the novel. Bertha is a cruel and bitter antagonist, and her husband is a lonely, pathetic old man. Edith Wharton spent her entire life rubbing elbows with the upper crust, yet still believed that money cannot buy happiness. The House of Mirth may be categorized as a novel of manners, a literary genre which explores the struggle of the individual in society, and most commonly, the way in which that struggle effects women and Lucas 4 marriage. This genre is meant to expose the absurdities of popular convention and encourage the reader to challenge the existing social edifice. In the most convenient definitions, Wharton s the House of Mirth is a cautionary tale which warns of the consequences of valuing monetary wealth over emotional and spiritual wealth, ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Brief Review Of The Sacrifice Of Isaac By Peter Paul Rubens Touring at the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, I got to see many paintings from different eras. The area that interested me the most was the Baroque style. Specifically, the painting called The Sacrifice of Isaac by Peter Paul Rubens which stands around 55 ½ x 43 ½ inches (Zarling, 2014). It is an oil painting on wood panel was made in 1612 1613 Baroque period ( Peter Paul , n.d.). Since the Counter Reformation, the style of paintings has become more realistic and dramatic with light, color and space. The Sacrifice of Isaac painting fits the baroque style because of the drama represented. Therefore, the body positions of the characters makes it more theatrical. Such as, Abraham in the red cloak is hunch over slightly looking up with a knife ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Qualitative Study Shortcomings in Carrying out the design It is a time demanding design given that is a qualitative study. In order to manage, there will be research assistants that will help especially in collection of data from the respondents. The data analysis is complex and need time and finance. The thematic approach will be used in addition to prudent coding data (Li, Chen, Zhu, 2014). Systematic observation methodology will be used to carefully observe one or more specific behaviors in a particular setting. In this naturalistic observation research the researcher is interested in only a few specific behaviors that are quantifiable, and in this particular research there are prior developed hypotheses about the behavior. In this case the sample ... Show more content on ... Unless you live in an isolated enclosure most of your waking hours are spent observing activities around us. The systematic observation methodology will only observe selected situation that are recorder, coded into a meaningful units that will be measured descriptively into exploratory statistics (Dane, 2011). The content analysis is the systematic analysis of existing documents. Content analysis is a research technique used to replicate inferences by interpreting coding and written information that requires researchers to devise coding systems that raters can use to quantify the information in the documents. For instance, researchers may use systematic observation used in coding to determine if applicants on marriage license applications are the same or different. Other examples would be used in studies examining speeches, magazines articles, television shows or article published over the internet i.e. blogs or comments. You can never be 100 percent certain information collected by someone else stored in an archival database for a long time is accurate (Cozby Bates, 2014). Measurement [The action research contains quantitative and qualitative data measurements acquired from local internal helpdesk records containing problems related to network security, viruses, operating system performance from unapproved software s installations will be used as additional research data. More specifically the data collected from the monthly ticket ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Fluss AG Case Study Fluss AG was established in 1947, and was the Swiss parent company of Fluss Washer and Dryer (FWD). At the time, Fluss s biggest competitor was RiverTech, a Korean appliance company. Both companies made a strategic decision to go green with their entire product lines because their customers wanted energy efficient and environmentally friendly products, to save time and money, and lastly there were government incentives to go green . In 2004, Hans Kehrer the CEO of Fluss AG, appointed Johannes Linden as the Director of FWD; who was the former COO of Fluss s European division. Linden was eager to drive FDW to new heights and foster a more open, collaborative, yet aggressive culture to be able to act fast to the changing conditions of the economy. Although Linden was known to be open to ideas and suggestions , he was also known to be impatient . When Linden firmly believes in a course of action, he can be what I might call a smooth dictator. Very likable, very persuasive, but very determined to get where he wants to go. Under Linden s leadership, FWD s organizational structure changed from a geographical structured company to a product oriented company. In 2006, Linden changed FWD s worldwide regional structure from three regions worldwide to six regions worldwide. The worldwide regions were originally broken up into Asia, the Americas, and Europe; but Linden wanted six regions worldwide; mature and developing Asian countries, Europe, Africa, and the Americas were ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Analyse Key Elements 1. Identify: I would list our key elements of the festival: Alexandria Choral Society, choral festival, youth, $3,500, and so on. After list the key elements, I would find out the potential donors. 2. Research: First, I would find our organization s previous data to find out who are interested in a choral festival, like youth, and have the $3,500. Second, I would ask the Prospect Research workers to help me collect more potential donors who may like coral and young people as well as the donors income. Finally, I find out Mrs. Winona Wealthy is one of our target donors because she had gave a donation to Virginia Choral Festival in the past and she also is our current donor. 3. Plan: In this step, I would email and call her phone and persuade ... Show more content on ... Engage: When Mrs. Winona Wealthy come to our concert, I would say hello, welcome and enjoying the concert. After the concert, I would say thank you to her for participating the concert and make sure she likes our music. 5. Ask: Continually, I would introduce the Alexandria Choral Society will have a choral festival next year and ask if she feel free to have a coffee meeting with me next week to talk more about the choral festival and would she consider support us. 6. Close: Before our coffee meeting, I would send her a Solicitation letter and remind that we will have coffee meeting. In addition, I would prepare all detail information about the choral festival. During the coffee meeting, I would say thank to her past support to us and try to persuade her how our choral festival is interesting for her. Also, I would mention we need her $3,500 support; therefore, we will reach more youth people who like to sing in a choral and make more benefits for the Alexandria, which is our organization s mission. 7. Thank You: When she promises to give us the $3,500 support, I am appreciated for her. I would write a thank you letter for her and ask my tax department co worker to connect to her in order to help her deduction the ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Bill C-51 Research Paper CSIS to Act as a Police Force Leading to Self Monitoring Amendments to Bill C 51 allows CSIS, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, to act like police force. The bill states, if there are reasonable grounds to believe a particular activity constitutes a threat to the security of Canada, the service takes measures, within or outside of Canada, to reduce the threat (Government of Canada, Bill C 51, Section 42, 1). Previously, the role of CSIS was to collect information. Now however, if CSIS believes someone poses a threat to national security, they are given the right to ask a judge for a warrant for each threat of security (1). Although the bill states the measures shall be reasonable and proportional in the circumstances, it does ... Show more content on ... The objective with this amendment to the bill is to remove terrorist propaganda by allowing CSIS to have a more policing function. This will allow terrorist propaganda to be stopped a source that is common in today s society the internet. I believe the second prong is invalid. Allowing CSIS to have control over all information with warrants whenever they like is extremely excessive in proportion to the vast amounts of people and information that is posted online on any given medium. The third prong is also invalid. I believe this measure greatly impairs the freedom of expression for citizens. Individuals police themselves and regulate their behaviours because they know they are being watched. These severely limits discussions of public interested that should be allowed to take place in a public sphere such as the internet. Finally, I believe the fourth prong which asks whether the measures taken are proportional the objective is invalid. The new role that CSIS has seriously undermines the privacy of citizens. This new power and lack of privacy can ultimately restrict the expression, posting and arguably the thinking of citizens. Three of the four prongs of the Oakes Test prove to be invalid; thus, this particular amendment to Bill C 51 seriously undermines the freedom of expression, not to mention privacy, of ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Female Victims Case Study Furthermore, female murder fatalities may be alleged as engaging in less disreputable or contributing conduct associated with their own victimization compared with male victims (Baumer, Messner, and Felson 290; Farrell and Swigert 352; Sundby 347). Similarly, sexual assault is an aggravating factor both statutorily and de facto as a contemporaneous felony for a felony murder charge in most jurisdictions (Snell). Stauffer et al find that juries are more likely to impose death sentences in homicides involving rape. Although rare Pierce and Radelet forty two report that less than two percent of first degree murder convictions in their 10 year Illinois sample included a contemporaneous sexual assault, perceptions about the particular heinousness ... Show more content on ... They show that the apparent independent effects of victim race and gender on death sentences in Ohio actually are a product of the strong association between one victim race gender group of cases and the imposition of a death sentence. The comparison of specific race gender victim combinations reveals that white female victim cases are the only victim race gender combination in which the odds of receiving a death sentence are significantly different from any other reference group (i.e., white male, black female, or black male victims). They argue that the observed white female effect is consistent with the historically increased concern and ruthless response to the victimization of white females in American culture (Holcomb, Williams, and Demuth 886). The perceived victimization of white females, especially by nonwhite offenders, has considerable symbolic power in the United States and has been used to support a variety of social and political goals (Langum; Morgan 55). Perhaps related to this cultural history, white females may be perceived as the group most in need of protection from violence and least likely to be responsible for their victimization. Conversely, homicides with other victim groups may affect the focal concerns of decision makers in a manner that encourages a more lenient response compared with the victimization of white females. Unlike black females and males in general, for whom violence may be perceived as a more familiar experience (Hawkins 723); Spohn, violence against white females may represent a more serious threat because of the harm to perceived innocent victims a major factor in capital jury decision making (Sundby ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Role Of Human Resource Management For Bank Al- Habib Pvt... GROUP MEMBERS SYED MUHAMMAD ZULFIQUAR FARRUKH SHEHZAD MUHAMMAD ZOHAIB FIZA MURGHOOB AQSA Table of Contents 1. Introduction 4 i. History 5 ii. Present Day 6 iii. Hierarchy 7 2. Human Resource Management 8 3. Role of Human Resource Manager 9 i. Line Functions 9 ii. Coordinative Function 9 iii. Staff Functions 9 4. Training Methods Adopted by Bank Al Habib 9 i. Relevant Department Training 9 ii. Job Instruction Training 9 iii. Lectures 9 5. Development Methods Adopted by Bank Al Habib 10 i. Job Rotation 10 ii. Senior Guidance 10 iii. Off the Job Development 10 6. Job Analysis of Three Positions 10 i. Cash Officer 10 ii. Account Opening Officer 11 iii. Operations Manager 13 7. Job Advertisement Comments 15 8. Proposed Job Advertisement for Bank Al Habib Pvt. Ltd. 15 1. Introduction i. History ii. Present Day iii. Hierarchy 2. Human Resource Management 3. Role of Human Resource Manager The key role of human resource manager is to offer assistance in an organization by performing three distinct functions that are discussed as follows: i. Line Functions The human resource manager directs the activities of the people in his or her department and perhaps
  • 40. in related areas also. ii. Coordinative Function He also coordinates personnel activities and ensures that line managers are implementing the firm s human resource ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Problems In Ancient Greece Essay Many problems had occurred in Ancient Greece. There were also many great minds that were able to overcome these problems and rise above the struggles. The people in Greece were not responding to the historical forces that may have been upon them, and out of their control. Rather, they were the people who had ideas and acted upon them. Therefore, changing history into what we know it as today. In 570 BCE, Cleisthenes set up the first democratic government in Athens. In 483 BCE, the people of Athens had found silver in the Laurion Mines. Since Athens was a democracy, the citizens decided that they wanted to split up the money between themselves. However, a man named Themistocles suggested that they used the money to build ships, ... Show more content on ... Themistocles wanted to fight the Persians in the Strait of Salamis. Many people thought that he was crazy for this. However, his plan worked. Athens achieved victory and broke up the Persian navy, destroying nearly 200 ships. After this strategy was victorious, Themistocles was declared a militaristic genius. Themistocles was raised poor, with no typical aristocratic upbringing. He was nothing special, just a typical Athenian citizen. He wasn t born into a rich, popular family. He simply worked with what he had available to him at the time. Historical forces were not mysteriously working away in his mind, giving him direction, inspiring him to be brilliant. He strategized on his own, and came up with a plan that saved Athens from being pulverized by the Persian army. In 447 BCE, Pericles promoted a massive reconstruction plan on a part of Athens that the Persians had destroyed in their savage of the city state. He proposed the building of the Parthenon on the remains of an earlier temple on the Acropolis. The proposal of the Parthenon pleased the citizens of Athens because it was a celebration of Athenians achievements. It also pleased them because it served as a place of worship to the goddess Athena. Except for the timber roof supports, the entire Parthenon was built with marble from the quarries of Mt. Pentelicon. Not only did Pericles want to build this structure for the purpose of a temple, he wanted people to remember him for generations to ... Get more on ...