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Conservation Of Nature Essay
Crafting an essay on the theme of nature conservation poses a multifaceted challenge that
extends beyond the mere act of putting words on paper. This task demands a delicate balance
between scientific precision, environmental advocacy, and a compelling narrative to engage the
reader. The intricacies of the topic require a nuanced understanding of ecological systems,
biodiversity, and the myriad ways in which human activities impact the delicate balance of the
natural world.
Moreover, addressing the urgency of conservation efforts adds another layer of complexity to
the writing process. It requires the author to navigate through the grim realities of environmental
degradation, habitat loss, and the looming threat of species extinction, while simultaneously
inspiring hope and encouraging proactive measures. Striking this balance is akin to walking a
tightrope, demanding a thoughtful choice of language and tone that is both informative and
Research plays a pivotal role in the creation of a comprehensive essay on nature conservation. A
thorough exploration of scientific literature, environmental reports, and case studies is essential
to provide a solid foundation for the arguments presented. The writer must delve into the
intricacies of global environmental issues, regional conservation challenges, and the evolving
strategies employed by environmentalists and policymakers.
In addition, the essay must transcend the boundaries of academic discourse and connect with a
wider audience. Bridging the gap between scientific jargon and accessible language is a
formidable task, requiring the writer to distill complex concepts into digestible information
without oversimplifying the subject matter. Achieving this balance ensures that the essay
resonates not only with experts but also with individuals from diverse backgrounds who may
not possess a deep understanding of ecological intricacies.
Furthermore, the essay on nature conservation necessitates a call to action, compelling readers to
reflect on their own roles in environmental stewardship. Encouraging behavioral change and
fostering a sense of collective responsibility requires a persuasive and motivational tone. It
demands that the writer goes beyond presenting facts and statistics to tap into the reader's
emotions, cultivating a sense of connection and responsibility towards the natural world.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the conservation of nature is an intricate task that goes beyond
the surface of academic discourse. It requires a delicate weaving of scientific knowledge,
environmental advocacy, and compelling storytelling to engage and motivate readers. Crafting
an essay that strikes the right balance between information, emotion, and a call to action is both
challenging and rewarding, reflecting the complex interplay between humanity and the natural
If you find yourself in need of assistance with such essays or similar writing tasks, consider
exploring resources like, where you can access professional support for a
variety of academic and creative writing needs.
Conservation Of Nature Essay Conservation Of Nature Essay
Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, And Religion
Article 18. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion;
this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone
or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief
in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
Focus countries: China, India
Religions in China: Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Islam, and Christianity
Buddhist 18.2%, Christian 5.1%, Muslim 1.8%, folk religion 21.9%, Hindu .1%,
Jewish .1%, other 0.7% (includes Daoist (Taoist)), unaffiliated 52.2% (14)
85 % of Chinese people are religious or did in the past, 15 % are true atheists (2)
31 % of non religious people have taken part in Buddhist actions, and around 17
million people have converted to Buddhism. This may be more accepted in part
because it is the most popular religion (2)
Atheism is the most popular religiously affiliated idea (4)
Church meetings in the province of Zhejiang are disrupted and stopped by the
government, the meetings are thought to be threats when tourists or media are
involved in them (4)
In January, the pastor of China s largest Protestant Church, Joseph Gu was arrested
after he protested the government s campaign to remove crosses from churches (11)
It s unprecedented persecution against the Church, where church leaders are going to
prison, are being sent to mental institutions, are being beaten and tortured and where
crosses have been forcibly removed from now over 1,800 churches
To Kill a Mockingbird Essay
There are many different types of symbols in our world today; in English literature
as well as all around us on a day to day basis. In Harper Lee s To Kill a Mockingbird
we follow a little girl, Scout, as she faces the truth about the world and its injustice.
The central and most obvious symbol of this novel, as well as the title of the book,
is the mockingbird. It represents the innocence and injustice in this story,
represented by Tom Robinson and the events surrounding the trial, but also sets the
theme of racial prejudice. Racial prejudice is a reoccurring theme of the book,
which is evident in Tom Robinson s trial, but also a good element of the setting
because the story is set in the southern United States, where there was much
prejudice against blacks. Old Mrs. Dubose is a very racist woman. You can tell
this by the quote she yells at the children on page 102 where she says, Your father s
no better than the niggers and trash he works for! Atticus has always told Jem and
Scout not to let Mrs. Dubose get to them in the comments and threats that she yells
at them from her porch, but this is the comment that sets Jem off. He takes Scout s
baton that she is playing with and destroys the perfectly white flowers in Mrs.
Dubose s yard; every last one of them, and then he breaks the baton as well. There
are two symbols at play here that work with each other to create the irony of this
scene. The first one is the flowers themselves; they are described as beautiful and
change in macbeth character
Macbeth s character shows us the tragedy of over ambitious people; it also shows us
that negative aspects can overwhelm the good side of our personality.
Throughout this piece of writing I will be showing the changes within Macbeths
character, which is the only character within the play that has visible changes in his
character. I will be describing these points by inspecting the asides and soliloquies,
which are both dramatic ironies that place the audience in a privileged position as
they are introduced to the characters thought pattern that gives them an insight to
how he may be feeling. All of which is unbeknown to other characters in the scene.
In Act I, Sc iii, when Macbeth is told that he is the Thane of Cawdor, he is ... Show
more content on ...
and this explains how double faced and furtive devious he becomes.
Act IV, Sc I shows how Macbeth believes only in the witches, he trusts them and
makes all his plans and arrangement according to their prophecies. This doesn t only
show us a mental change but also how Macbeth lost his morality, honesty, and
nobility and became more frenzied, no more mercy to be thought of or shown and
decides, The firstlings of my heart shall be
The firstling of my hand.
Comparing this to the first soliloquy in my piece of writing we perceive a
tremendous development of his personality and attitude. He is not hesitant about
killing any more and will do any thing to keep his throne and power.
Following his meeting with the witches they tell him to be ware Macduff and
macbeth acts upon this warning by sending murderers to kill His wife, his babes, and
all unfortunate souls this act shows in depth how immoral he becomes.
It didn t stop with killing the king, his friend, Lady Macduff and her children;
Macbeth has lost even the sense of what does love and family mean and becomes
more selfish. In Act V, Sc v, the servant informs Macbeth of the distressing sorrowful
news about the death of Lady Macbeth But he replies with cold nerves: She should
have died hereafter;
There would have been a time for such a word
His wife is not one of his main concerns; he does not even respect the sanctity
Review Of A Man Of No Importance
A Man of No Importance is a musical that takes place in Dublin in the 1960 s. It
follows the story of a young man, Alfie. Alfie is the director of a theater group, and
also a bus conductor. Throughout the musical, he is directing his latest musical, while
doing so, he not only uncovers new things about his actors and acrtresses, but himself
as well. He is constantly struggling with his inner demons, which Oscar Wilde, the
writer of the play Alfie is producing, helps Alfie sort through. Wilde is displayed as
a figure of Alfie s mind, helps him uncover. The first character I will be analyzing
is Alfie. In many aspects, Alfie doesn t live true to his authentic self. Throughout
the musical he is clearly struggling with the fact that he does not like women. His
sister often encourages girls, and questions why he doesn t seem interested. He
never explains to her that it s because he likes men, he simply brushes it off, or
claims it s because he is too focused on his plays. His best friend is the manwho
drives his bus, yet will barely admit to himself that he loves him. Based on Alfie s
circumstances, he feels that he must conceal his true identity, this leaves him
essentially living a lie. The society in this early time period played a large role in
Alfie concealing the gender that he likes. Most weren t accepting of gay people at
this time, this is demonstrated when Alfie later gets beaten up for openly showing
his affection or another male. His religion also plays a role in
The Life Of Frederick Douglass And Harriet Ann Jacobs
Frederick Douglass and Harriet Ann Jacobs
There are those in America who believe that it is time we move past the deep
complex feelings towards the cultural repercussions of slavery. Much like the modern
day, Germans feel in their association with the murders and tragedies after World War
II, many Americans especially white American want to feel an understandable
disassociation from the white Americans who propagated slavery. Thus calling this
unbearable reminder of the past white guilt and marginalizing slavery as a mistake
of a much more ignorant time. Many Americans object to the ongoing studies of
the conditions that caused slavery (Bardis, White Guilt). This is a tremendous
mistake, and the memoirs of Frederick Douglass and Harriet Ann Jacobs
exemplifies why it is essential that this time period is studied and be understood by
all current and future generations of Americans. Douglass s Narrative of the Life
of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave and Jacobs s Incidents in the Life of a
Slave Girl portray very different aspects of this shameful time in history. The life
of a slave was not a static or universal lifestyle, and those held in bondage led
extremely different lives. While much of this could be attributed to the region, work
available, or specific plantations, the biggest difference highlighted by comparing
Douglass and Jacobs, is the difference in experience based on gender. Both Douglass
and Jacobs are extremely expressive writers who
School Is An Important Part Of Our Lives
School is an important part of our lives. School help prepare our children for
college and later on life in the big world. Since school is such an important part of
our lives, there are many types for schools that have been developed with different
viewpoints and ways of teaching. First, you have our public schools. Next, is our
religious affiliated private schools and our non religion affiliated private schools.
Lastly, are the alternative schools. Public schools are schools that are funded by the
state. A majority of students in the U.S. attend public schools. My children attend
public schools and in a public schoolthere is no need to pay money to attend public
schools. The good things about public schools is that it s free to attend and they
provide their students with school buses for transportation. Although, a bad thing
would be if you want your child to attend a certain public school and you do not
live their district, then you would have to pay tuition. Private schools are very
common especially in foreign countries. In foreign countries schools are private
because usually the government does not have the money needed to fund a public
school. There are two types of private schools; religious and non religious private
schools. Firstly, private schools are simply schools that are not funded by the state,
that have the ability to make their own codes and rules, such as wearing a school
uniform. In a religion based private school, the school is based around a certain
Trudeau And The Importance Of The Official Languages
The Official Languages Act is an act that is also established by Pierre Elliott
Trudeau and significantly transitioned Canada effectively. The Official Languages
Act is a law that was established by the government in which gives both French and
English Canadians equal value in Canada. It allows both the English and French
languages to be officially spoken in Canada. The Official Languages Act also gives
citizens the right to express their culture freely. It is vital to me that [the constitution]
does give protection to the kind of linguistic equality that this government has put
into the statutes (The Official Languages Act.). The Canadian Constitution Act
accepts the Official Languages Act which makes it a part of the Canadian Charter...
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The Quebec Referendum first occurred during the Quebec Sovereignty. The Quebec
Sovereignty is the movement of Quebec declaring independence from Canada.
Throughout Canadian history, the province of Quebec has always wanted to become
independent from Canada. Most citizens of Quebec feel suppressed from Canada as
French is not commonly spoken outside by Canadians outside of Quebec. From the
fall of 1967, when, as federal minister of justice, he had clearly articulated his position
on these questions, to the 1980 referendum, his thinking and priorities had not
changed: they embodied patriation of the constitution, equality between francophones
and anglophones, a charter of rights, and an amending formula granting a right of
veto to Quebec. Pierre Trudeau had intentions in patriating the constitution with the
French and English Canadian s rights and freedoms. During the Quebec referendum
in the year of 1995, the Parti Quebecois asked voters to vote on whether Quebec
should become sovereign or not. As a result, the majority of voters voted against the
Quebec Sovereignty Referendum. Pierre Trudeau strived to defeat the sovereignty
movement and thus, established the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Trudeau was very passionate and ambitious in transforming Canada into an equal and
humble society.
A Writers Style
A Writers Style The Pulitzer Prize winning writer N. Scott Momaday has become
known as a very distinctive writer who depicts the stories of the Native American
life in almost poetic ways. He does an excellent job of transporting the reader from
the black and white pages of a book, to a world where every detail is pointed out and
every emotion felt when reading one of Momaday s books or other writings. This
style of writingthat Momaday uses is very evident in his work The Way to Rainy
Mountain, and made even more apparent by reading a review of the book House
Made of Dawn found on a web site run by HarperCollins Publishers. Throughout the
essay The Way to Rainy Mountain , Momaday uses very descriptive words, which
brings the places... Show more content on ...
This might have been avoided if Momaday had made it clearer that the focus of the
story was on the Kiowa people and not his journey back to see his grandmother s
grave. Once I understood this aspect though, I was able to completely appreciate
the story and imagery for what it was. This was a slight downside of Momaday s
writing, however he was able to pull it all together and make it less of a distraction
in the end. Another characteristic of Momaday s writings is how they involve
change. For example, in his essay of The Way to Rainy Mountain, the whole story
is based around him returning home to see his grandmothers grave. However, the
point of the story is to tell the history of his people, the Kiowa people, and how
they came to settle on the land known as Rainy Mountain. As he tells this story,
Momaday also shows how the present times have changed from what he
remembers of the past. How his grandmother s house would be alive when so
many of his people would be gathered there and now it lies so empty and quiet as
the times have changed. Momaday s book House Made of Dawn also talks about
change in the world for the Native Americans. The main character of the story, Abel,
faces the difficult challenge of deciding whether to leave his family and history
behind. So that he might find his place in the modernized post World War II country.
He decides to face the new
Propaganda In The Nazi And The Rwandan Genocide
Thee last couple of weeks we have been talking about genocide and the eight stages
to identify it. We have also talked about three or four cases of genocide for example
the Nazi genocide or the Rwandan genocide. And after looking over the stories and
comparing them they all have many commonalties either in their planning or in the
actions that they all took throughout the genocide. Some of these commonalties are
the usage of propaganda as recruitment, the planning of the genocides, and finally
hatred towards a certain race or religion. How propaganda was a major commonality
is in the Nazi and the Cambodian genocide both were very repetitive with sayings or
images using it as recruitment or a support method. Secondly the Nazis and the
Rwandan genocidewere similar because they both used their propaganda to
dehumanize the enemies, convince their soldiers who the enemy was, and that killing
the enemy was the only way to go. All the genocides on the other hand have the
commonality of using propaganda to build up hate for the group that they wished to
kill or wipe out.... Show more content on ...
A good example is the killings in all the genocides didn t just happen in one day
they were executed in small episodes. Another reason planning was a major part is
the Hutus nor did the Nazis just choose a random group of people to kill they
thought about who they wanted to attack. Finally planning is a major part in
genocide because you can t just go into a fight without a plan they had to
strategically plan out when and how they were going to attack the group they were
fighting against. For example the concentration camps weren t just randomly found
the Nazis built them certain ways for the different ways they were going to kill the
Speed Control of Linear Induction Motor Essay
Executive Summary
VVVF drives used to control the speed of LIM, many industrial automation
worldwide such as Trains drives, Automatic Screen Door, Moving Walkway, Lift and
Escalator, etc., varying the speed of the drive may save energy compared with other
techniques for flow control.
This mid term report prepared for detailing how to design and build the structure of
LabVIEW simulation for speed control of Linear induction motor and explaining the
characteristic of V/F Speed control for Induction motor obtain the data by LabVIEW.
The design and build of simulation has two parts, part one is simulation of LED
indicator for motor speed recognize and part 2 is simulation of V/F speed control of
Linear induction motor. Firstly, design... Show more content on ...
Thus, the relevant equipment for interior of MTR Station to dredge the passengers
crowd was important. Wherein the many equipment of Industrial Automation
worldwide were used the V/F Speed Control of Linear Induction Motor which the
Trains themselves, Automatic Screen Door, Moving Walkway, Lift and Escalator etc.
Moreover, the MTR would also produce energy in a much cleaner, more energy
saving, and more sustainable manner. The neglect of this energy source is restricting
the MTR from increasing its sustainability and accessibility.
Literature search
Methods of Achieving Sustainability In this project suggests several ways to make
the system more sustainable. (Variable speed appliance for energy saving included
curtain pullers, trains themselves, automatic screen door, moving walkway, lift and
escalator, compressors and pumps, catapults and launchers.) There are many
discussed with respect to their Efficiency of use and Conservation . These are
defined as follows:
пЃ¬Conservation: Changing policy and/or processes of the MTR system so that it
requires less energy to operate.
пЃ¬Efficiency of Use: Changing the nature of technologies within the MTR so that
they require less energy to operate. While both these approaches are valid ways of
increasing sustainability, it is important to tackle the problem of sustainability from
numerous angles. It can be assumed that developments will be made to achieve both
conservation and high
The Importance Of Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood, a nonprofit organization which provides affordable reproductive
care, currently receives government funding. Those in need of affordable health care
can go to PPFA for STI treatment, pap smears, and prevention of unintended
pregnancies. The problem arises in PPFA s prevention of unintended pregnancies,
particularly abortion. But abortion is not the only issue the public finds in the
organization. The public has recently questioned PPFA s integrity and motives as
their controversial actions are exposed. Government funded healthcare should be
easily accessible for all people, but Planned Parenthood is not the organization for
this. Instead, the government should push its funds towards organizations whose
practices are not controversial and still provide quality health care.
Although Planned Parenthood provides other affordable health care services for
men, women, and children, many people find their service of abortion
controversial and seek to defund them specifically for the discontinuation of this
practice. Abortion was legalized under the Roe vs Wade case in 1973 and soon
after, PPFA made it one of their available services so they could provide maximum
reproductive health care for all women. Since its legalization, abortion has taken the
lives of nearly sixty million children. Out of the sixty million, PPFA is responsible
for 7.7 million (Number of Abortions). Defunding the organization would cause 1) an
increase in birth rates, 2) an increase in
Ole Kirk Christiansen Research Paper
Ole Kirk Christiansen
I chose Ole Kirk Christiansen. I chose him because he made the most liked toy in the
world and if LEGO did not exist a lot of things would be different.My subtopics are
his childhood, teenage/young adult, and adulthood. First, Christiansen was born,1891
in Billund, Denmark.His parents were Neil Kirk
Christiansen and his wife is Kristin Kirk Christiansen. Was the tenth child of Neil
Christiansen and his wife Kristin Kirk Christiansen. He was trained under his brother
for carpentry and in his free time he made anything he could think of out of wood
and play games with his brothers and sisters. Second, He started a woodworking shop
and carpentry shop in 1916 after he came back from Germany.In the winter months he
made custom furniture and stone blocks.The Great ... Show more content on ...
Third, In 1931 he started the Lego company and that is when the Great Depression
started so he lost all his money and barely had a house.His store did not recover
until 1940 s but that is when Denmark was invaded by the Nazis.After World War 2
they had enough money to get a plastic making machine.IN 1946 his son Godtfred
Christiansen was old enough to take over the
Lego company and they were happy and had a good business until his father died and
that took him by a hard hit and he though a bough shutting down but he didn t. In
conclusion, I chose Ole Kirk Christian because he invented the most beloved toy and
made much more than toys. He made hand made furniture, was a carpenter, and was a
woodworker.My topicks are hicchildhood, teenager/ young adulthood, and
Human Waste And Body Waste
1. Introduction
As has been asserted in a lot of research, how to handle human waste could be a
major issue. Human waste including food waste and body waste. The human body
waste will be focused in this report. According to GENECO, there are 75 million
m3 of human sewage have been creating every year in Bristol. The human body
waste could contaminate water system and lead disease if they haven t been treat
appropriately. As Tearfund and WaterAid(2002) has pointed out, four out of ten
people, 2.4 billion, are suffering from the disease caused by the issue of poor
sanitation. Therefore, action on sanitation and re think how to use the human body
waste will make work more effective. In order to address the research question is it
possible that human body waste could be use as renewable energy , the technology of
composting human body waste will be investigated, data and case study will be
analyzed in terms of energy consumption, water use and air pollution, finally, how to
make human body waste as a useful substance and achieve sustainable lifestyle will
be answer.
2. Background
Human feces including differently complex composition, which depend on the diet.
Most of them consist by 65% moisture and 35% solid. There are 50% of
microorganism and bacteria, as well as low methanogenic bacteria, 2 30% of
nitrogenous substances in the solid part. There are several ways to reuse the human
waste, a case in point, dry it, burn it and make them into fertilizer. However, this
Moving Out On My Own Essay
People often hear or maybe seen on the news of houses being broken into. We do
our best to protect ourselves and our families from the unenviable happening. We
have locks, we purchase alarm systems and other forms of defense to keep
strangers out and our possessions in. When I woke up on Tuesday, April 6th,
2011, I never imagined someone would come inside of my home and ramble
through my things and take from me whatever they wanted. If I could have seen
into the future, I would attempt to change the minds of the guys who broke into
my apartment. Moving out on my own was a very scary task. I finally made up my
mind to obtain a place for my daughter and myself; I was twenty five years old.
Previously, I was living with my mother and father... Show more content on ...
My daughter immediately began packing her stuff; she was going back to her
Nana s house. After packing what I felt was important and securing the backdoor
as well as we could, we left and went back to my mom s house. The next day I
called the owner and told him I was moving back home. I felt defeated and taken
advantage of. Not taken advantage of by the owner, but just in general, by life. I
asked the two neighbors closest to me if they had notice anyone around my place
the day before, but no one saw anything. The elderly man that was normally sitting
outside by his fence was at the hospital with his wife all day. The male who lived
directly next door stated he worked all night so he was sleeping the majority of the
day. So we packed what was left of our items and just like that we were back home,
back in my childhood room. We were going back to where we felt secure and
protected. It was a short experience, but it showed me how looks can be deceiving
and sometimes we don t always make the right choices at the right time. I felt so
vulnerable, but at the same time I felt I was meant to go through that situation so
that I could appreciate what I had. It wasn t about being an adult or being on my
own, but being able to protect what I loved and cared the most about. I loved my
shoes, especially my Nike Air Jordan s to be
Dundas Square Gardens
Nothing beats the energy being given by the dazzling city lights and the activities
happening within its canopy. True that many of us would dream of living in a place
wherein tranquility is at its finest but now that the population being younger as we
move through time, this is a concept slowly changing. With many professionals on
their mid 20s, the business of real estateis being patronized by young achievers who
craves the life in an urban setting. More and more establishments are built within
each square meter, all comprised of workplaces and corporate buildings which in turn
would increase the demand for residential spaces on its immediate proximity.
If you re one of the many who works for companies within the downtown Toronto
neighborhood, then you should be delighted to know that this area is now a melting
pot of pre selling condominiums and real estate projects. With the need to cope up
with the competition, the resounding Dundas Square Gardens would certainly suit
your craving for a comfortable home amidst the seemingly chaotic urban landscape.
Donned in a modern physique through its well thought of architecture, Dundas
Square Gardens would wow you at first sight. Developed by the infamous Easton s
Group, Dundas Square Gardens would offer you all of its best assets and features to
make your urban life spiced up. ... Show more content on ...
Rumor has it that the building s concept would be comprised of an impressive
dramatic lantern atop which will glitter magnificently in the Toronto skyline. People
should not worry of not being able to cap a unit as Dundas Square Gardens would
be housing a total of 968 rooms due to their strong and high anticipation of future
clients. Specifically, Dundas Square Gardens would be having the address of 200
Dundas Street and is now advocating its grand plans through social media sites such
as Facebook and Twitter.
Should Students Grades in Gym Class Effect Their Gpa
Should Students Grades in Gym Class Affect Their GPA?
I personally do not agree with grades in gym classes affecting students grade point
averages. I believe that gym class should be strictly for fun. There are many students
who are not very athletic. Many females do not enjoy playing sports or running a
mile. I do not think it is fair that schools make their students run a full mile, time them
on it, and grade them on their times. Certain students are not great runners and the
fact that they can fail because they did not finish running a mile in the right amount
of time is horrible. There is no right amount of time to run a mile. Everybody is
different and no two people can run a mile in the same number of seconds. So why are
... Show more content on ...
Some kids have side effects on the lack of their skill like height, weight, mental
disability, etc. When you are applying for the college or job you have wanted, they re
looking at your past grades. Some colleges/jobs are strict and they are not going to
take you if you don t have a perfect GPA. Well, that requires a perfect grade in your
PE classes too!
This can be a big effect on your future careers. You could have been the smartest
person in
You Screwy Rabbit Compare And Contrast
Aw! You screwy rabbit, said Elmer Fudd from Looney Tunes. I am similar to
Elmer Fudd from my childhood, because I do what he does. First, Elmer and I
have a lot in common we both act like each other. Second, both of us like many
thing of a rabbit. Last, Elmer is very persistent, and he never gives up, I am the
same way. We have a lot in common. First of all, Elmer is just exactly like me in
every way possible. He is kind of dumb like me he also does not think before he
does something like, he trips over his feet a lot trying to catch that rabbit. Another
thing we got in common is he gets mad easy like if Buggs Bunny is messing with
him and telling him to shoot him that gets him mad the most. Also when he shoots
BOOM! POW! He misses the rabbit and the rabbit acts like he got shot but he did not
kill it. After all, that is a few of the many reasons why Elmer is like me.... Show more
content on ...
But, despite all of that they will still taste good Elmer thinks that too. They re also
hard to hunt without the dogs. We just chase them and shoot at them, most of the
time I miss and he misses all the time no matter what. When I am hunting them they
make me and him both mad because we miss. All in all, we both enjoy hunting
rabbits so very
Domestic And Foreign Laws And Regulations Regarding
One of the most difficult obstacles that international companies face is the proper
following of the different domestic and foreign laws and regulations concerning their
business operations. Each country has its own government and legal bodies that
produce different legislation and direction that the companies, domestic and foreign
based, working within that country have to obey. Uber is an example of one of those
global companies. Uber runs in over five hundred cities in several countries, meaning
it frequently has to address these regulation issues. The three biggest problems that
Uber deals with involve combating protest from taxi/limousine companies, complaints
about its surge pricing, and its independent contractoridentification for their drivers.
Legal forces play a key role in the undertaking and resolving of all three of these
major issues for the technology firm.
From Uber s beginning, it has faced opposition from traditional taxi and limousine
companies who feel that the tech company should be required to follow the same
kind of regulations they do, with regards to background checks and licenses,
because of its transportation activities. These companies have lobbied for increased
regulation for Uber, especially in cities like New York City and Los Angeles where
taxi companies have the most work. The way that Uber has been able to combat these
charges is through litigation. Litigation is a legal proceeding conducted in order to
determine and enforce
How To Graduate High School
When I was in high school I didn t feel like doing any work because I used to see it
as a waste of time so in high school freshmen year I had almost all f s on my report
card. My teachers told me that I wasn t going to be anything in life and my family
would joke around and tell me I would work for minimum wage. So I told everyone
that I was going to change my life around and graduate high schoolbut the way I was
going they didn t believe that I could ever change. No one really believed me and
they thought I was just trying to make myself feel better.
I ignored everyone who thought that I couldn t do it and started taking school serious
in my sophomore year. I would start showing up early to all of my classes which
never happened before. ... Show more content on ...
I went to talk to my counselor s, and asked them what I needed to graduate high
school. They gave me the requirements to graduate but I was behind in a lot of
senior classes. I asked them if they had any online courses where I could take a class
faster and catch up with the seniors. they let me stay after school and use the
computer at the library to take the online courses.
After a couple of months of online courses and hard work. I was all caught up with
the seniors. The end of the school year was close and it was the moment I was
waiting for. When I was walking that stage all my teachers, friends, and even some
of my family was surprised. My family knew that I was graduating one day ahead
only because I gave them the tickets to show up.
This experience changed my whole life around. Before I went through this
accomplishment in my life. I was lazy, angry, and I didn t really have any goals in
life I didn t have anything to look forward to. I was an angry person because I
always blamed other people for my mistakes, and I thought everyone was against me
because they don t want to see me succeed. I realized that at the end of day no one
actually cares about your life more than yourself. I became motivated and interested
in my education. Now I have attainable goals that I want to accomplish and have a
Beautiful Boy Summary Sparknotes
Beautiful Boy is a memoir told through the eyes of a father, David Sheff, whose
son, Nic, struggles with a serious drug addiction throughout his late teens and
early twenties. As Nic was growing up he was clearly a very intelligent child. He
won prizes for his writing at school and was involved in sports. Nic was destined
for great things ahead of him until he started smoking pot at the age of eleven. His
father let him off with more or less of a warning because as a teen Sheff himself
has experimented with it as well. His father begins to notice that it may be a bigger
problem than he thought when Nic starts slacking in school. Skipping class,
dropping grades, things that were out of character for Nic. When he was seventeen
his father became aware that he was abusing alcohol as well as much more harmful
drugs such as meth. Sheff, his late wife, Karen, and Nic s mother, Vicki, put
everything on the line to get Nic into various facilities throughout the course of
several years. Sheff and the rest of Nics familybegin to find it increasingly difficult to
deal with Nics addiction. David Sheff informs people the hardships of being the
parent of an addict who struggles to get his life back on track. He explains that not
only is it a financial battle but an emotional battle as well.
David Sheff s purpose is to illustrate what it is like to live the life of a parent who is
not only taking care of is addicted son but who has to learn to take care of himself
and the rest of his
Hearing Loss Simulation Essay
Emilee Pflueger
SPPA325 001
Hearing Loss Simulation In order to gain a better understanding of the difficulties
faced by people with hearing loss I wore ear plugs for an entire day in a variety of
settings. The hearing loss simulation made relatively simple parts of my day much
more difficult and really showed how much hearing loss can impact daily life. As
discussed in class the shift from being able bodied to disabled , was quite difficult
to cope with. My day started with driving to class, I usually enjoy listening to
music on my drive however the music sounded quite muffled and was not pleasant
to listen to. I then stopped to get a coffee, the coffee shop was quite busy and noisy
as it was very early in the morning. I found myself asking for clarification from the
cashier several times before I pretended to understand what he was saying. I could
tell that he was getting frustrated when I asked for clarification twice so I was too
embarrassed to ask a third time. The noisy environment of the coffee shop was the
most difficult to hear in. ... Show more content on ...
I struggled to listen to the instructor and found myself having to work very hard to
understand her then about an hour into class I began to lose focus and stopped
paying attention. In this instance, I empathized with the children who have an
unidentified hearing loss and struggle to pay attention in school. These children are
often identified as having attention and behavior issues when in reality their hearing
is the problem. This further emphasized the importance of services such as hearing
aids, FM systems or other amplification methods to ensure that these children do not
have to work so hard to understand
Active Hybrid Noise Cancelling System Block Diagram
2.2 Methodology2.2.1 Active Hybrid Noise Cancelling System Block Diagram
Figure 1. Hybrid ANC structure As illustrated above, a hybrid active noise
cancelling system is a constitution of feedforward and feedback mechanism with
adaptive filters. The red area in block diagram is the feedforward section and the
green is the feedback section. To understand this system more thoroughly, we will
need to look at the feedforward and the feedback system individually. 2.2.2
Feedforward ANC System Block Diagram Figure 2. Standard Feedforward LMS
ANCFigure 3. Feedforward FxLMS ANC Figure 2 is the general feedforward
ANC block diagram with Least Mean Square (LMS) adaptive filter. The adaptive
filter assists to filter the filter coefficient according to an adaptive algorithm.
However, standard LMS algorithm tends to cause instability issue [13], since the
error signal is not properly aligned in time in time with the reference signal due to
the presence of the secondary path transfer function S(z). To solve the problem, it
is necessary to find a different LMS filter or a different ANC system. There are
several ANC filter algorithms and systems can be chosen as the solution.
1.recursive filtered least mean square (FxRLS); 2. fast transversal filter (FxFTF); 3.
Lattice ANC systems; 4. frequency domain ANC systems; 4. Filtered u recursive
LMS filter based on IIR; 5. FxLMS filter[14].
Susan Glaspell Gender Roles
A World Dominated by Men: The Conflict of Gender Roles in Trifles by Susan
Glaspell One issue that seems to have been prevalent throughout history is that of
strict gender roles. Issues involving gender are no exception in the play Trifles by
Susan Glaspell. Strict gender roles create a conflict that is not only revealed through
the division of labor, but is also shown through the men s expectations and limitations
for the women in their society. The conflict in this play is expressed through the
theme, the dialogue, and the setting.
Oppressive gender roles are expressed first through the title Trifles itself. By
definition, a trifle is a thing of little value or importance. Whenever the women were
talking about Mrs. Wright s preserves, Hale laughs, Well, women are used to
worrying over trifles (Glaspell 598). Using the word trifles as the title indicates that
the play contains a shallow, meaningless theme or concept, but the truths found in the
theme of the title are actually very far from insignificant. The trifles, although
perceived by the men as trivial, ... Show more content on ...
The men s word choice and tone when speaking to Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale
comes across as demeaning and belittling. For example, when the men walk in on
the women talking about Mrs. Wright s quilt, the sheriff scoffs, They wonder if she
was going to quilt it or knot it! (Glaspell 601). Although the men limit the women to
the trifles of housework and childcare, they still continue to mock them for delighting
in those few things they are allowed. By continuously ridiculing their character and
intelligence, the men are creating an oppressive state for the women to live in. They
abuse their roles in the lives of their wives and ultimately spoil the concept of a happy
marriage, creating tension and conflict between the men and women of their
The Importance Of Choosing My Life In College
The college process can be one that is very long and difficult, especially for student
athletes. Choosing the right school is a huge decision that will have a big affect
on your future with many factors to consider throughout the process. For me, the
three big factors that contributed to my decision to attend Miami were my swim
career, my academic goals, and the amazing people and staff that make up Miami
University. Swimming has been a part of my life since I was six years old, and it
has only become a bigger part of my life as I got older. Interestingly enough, I hated
swimming during the first couple years and if it wasn t for my parents forcing me
to stick with it, I would have quit. But, I started to grow an appreciation for the
sport as I made some of my best friends through my team and having a lot of fun
competing in meets. Today, I have made my best friends through swimming and
have had some of my greatest memories through competitions such as the state meet
my senior year when my team won the state meet. My team got a National record
and numerous state records and it was one of the greatest moment of my life and is
a big reason why I decided to continue my swim career in college. During my
recruiting trip to Miami, I knew almost instantly that it was the place for me. The
swim team was very close knit and I knew it was an environment where I could
continue to make some of my closest friends. The coaches and facilities proved to me
that this was a team that was
Who Was Responsible For Joseph s Father In Genesis 1-36
In Genesis 37 1 36. The circumstances that led to Joseph s brother s treatment
towards him were the following: his father loved him more than his older son s,
because he was born to him in old age. Joseph s brothers hated him and could not
speak a kind word to him. (Genesis 37:3 4 NIV) Now Israel loved Joseph more
than any of his other sons, because he had been born to him in his old age; and he
made an ornate[a] robe for him. 4 When his brothers saw that their father loved
him more than any of them, they hated him and could not speak a kind word to
him. In chapter 39 the character traits I saw emerge in Joseph encounter with
Potiphar s wife were the following: loyalty, respect and grateful. He was not only
loyal to God, but a loyal servant to his earthly master as well. He was grateful for the
confidence his master had in him and the respectful of the... Show more content on ...
(Genesis 39:21 23 NIV) 21 the Lord was with him; he showed him kindness and
granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden. 22 So the warden put Joseph in
charge of all those held in the prison, and he was made responsible for all that was
done there. 23 The warden paid no attention to anything under Joseph s care,
because the Lord was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did.
Management skills / wise: Joseph demonstrates some amazing management skills
and very wise guidance deliverance. (Genesis 41: 35 40 NIV) 35 They should
collect all the food of these good years that are coming and store up the grain under
the authority of Pharaoh, to be kept in the cities for food. 36 This food should be
held in reserve for the country, to be used during the seven years of famine that
will come upon Egypt, so that the country may not be ruined by the famine. 37 The
plan seemed good to Pharaoh and to all his officials. 38 So Pharaoh asked them, Can
we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the spirit of
Biblical Words Related On Counseling
Biblical Words Related to Counseling This portion of the presented literature
examines three Biblical words related to counseling. The words being examined in
this portion consist of counsel, wisdom, and help. These words will be examined
using Blue Letter Bible (2012), Strong s Concordance, and Vine s Expository
Dictionary of New Testament Words. The theme associated with Biblical words
related to counseling unified in concept. This concept is the liberation, or victory,
from troubles and sin to becoming wise through counsel from God, or spiritually
mature counselees.
According to, the word counsel appears 74 times in the New
American Standard Bible (Blue Letter Bible, 2012). However, due to several
translations, the word counsel can be found in the Bible over 200 times (Blue
Letter Bible, 2012). In the other fourteen versions of the Bible listed on, the primary word counsel can be seen from twenty four times
to one hundred and thirty nine times (Blue Letter Bible, 2012). The New American
Standard Bible holds seventeen Hebraic version of the word counsel (Blue Letter
Bible, 2012). Strong s Number matches the most frequent Hebraic translation of
counsel, ya`ats, eighty eight times in seventy four verses in the Hebrew concordance
of the New American Standard Bible (Blue Letter Bible, 2012). The word ya tas is
commonly used as a verb, yet frequently translates to counsel, counselor, and consult
(Blue Letter Bible,
Immigration Issues in the News
H. R. 2604 (2012): Help Separated Families Act of 2013 is a Federal bill
introduced by Representative Lucille Roybal Allard, a Democrat in California s
40th District. After the introduction of this Federal bill it was referred to the
Committee on Ways and Means: 113th Congress, 2013 2015. The bill, (H. R. 2604)
was introduced to the Senate floor as of Jun 28, 2013 (, 2013). This bill
would ensure that immigrationstatus alone does not disqualify a relative from being
a placement for a child whose parent (s) has been deported.
Understanding the Problem Immigration issues have been in the news; and have
been debated by politicians. Political parties over the years have been vocal in
voicing their concerns about American immigration (Russit, 2013). The problem is if
you are an undocumented immigrant and you are stopped by an arresting agency
you will be detained and deported according to the current immigration policy
(Russit, 2013). Russit (2013) explains the judicial branch of our Supreme Court has
ruled over this issue for over four decades. They have determined the federal
government has the exclusive power of regulating immigration. These powers are
based on the Commerce Clause, Naturalization Clause, Migration and Importation
Clause and the War Power Clause of Article I of the US Constitution. The courts have
ruled that any state or local law that attempts to regulate immigration is in violation of
the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution and is
Eyewitness In The Criminal Justice System
Human memory is a complex system that encodes, stores, and retrieves information.
Encoding involves two types of rehearsal: maintenance rehearsal, which is reciting
the information, and relational or elaborative rehearsal, which is thinking about what
the information means and how it relates to what you already know (Reisberg, 2016).
Active encoding helps short termmemorytransfer to long term memory. Next, storage
involves holding the information until it is needed, which brings us to retrieval.
Retrieval happens when you remember the information; it requires first finding the
information in storage and then bringing it to the surface. Errors in any one of these
processes can result in error in memory which has large implications for eyewitness
identification in the criminal justice system. During a criminal investigation, the
police seek out eyewitnesses to better understand what happened and who committed
the crime. The eyewitness may assist in making a sketch of the assailant and might
be asked to look... Show more content on ...
The questionnaire consisted of three sections: the first asked participants about their
interrogator using 11 descriptive categories. The second section were open ended
questions about both emotional (uniforms, weapons) and emotionally neutral
(glasses, telephone) topics. The third and final section of the questionnaire was an 8
ВЅ x 11 inch sheet of paper that had a nine 2 inch x 2 inch mug shot color
photographs of former instructors and interrogators of the Survival School printed on
it. Participants were informed that the photo array may not contain a picture of their
interrogator (it did not) and were asked to place an X on the photograph that they
believed was their interrogator or to write not present . After completion of the
questionnaire, the participants sat quietly with their head down until everyone was
The Battle Of The War On The State, And Post Cold War
Introduction: Ever since the Napoleonic Wars, war was a concept that was
considered to be under the purview of the State, however this belief is inherently
wrong. In all of history, warfare has been engaged by private actors as opposed to
the State. In fact, the State as the dominant actor in warfare should be understood as
the exception, rather than the norm. Even though the State has not been the dominant
actor in warfare, there were certainly multiple attempts by the State to control, or
have governance over warfare as a whole. For the purposes of understanding
governance over privatized warfare, there are three major time periods that should be
reviewed: The Middle Ages, the Rise of the State, and Post Cold War society. In an...
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Even though there has not been global governance over the Private Military
Corporation, there were some attempts at global governance over privatized violence
as a whole. Two major international documents which contribute to the discussion on
global governance over privatized war happen to be: The United Nation s
International Convention against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of
Mercenaries and the International Committee of the Red Cross s Montreux
Document. The creation of these documents have also been impacted by non state
actors such as committees or regional groups.
Governance of the Mercenary Mercenaries have existed for years before the Middle
Ages, and have continued well into the 20th century. During the Middle Ages, the
political system of feudalism, and the economies contributed greatly to the
prominence and strength of Mercenaries. It is also worth noting that because of the
strength and prominence of Mercenaries, it was hard to have governance over these
entities. The rise of the State fundamentally shifted the way privatized war was
looked at. With the rise of the State, warfare shifted from the private sector into the
Professional Skepticism and Auditors Workpaper
Professional Skepticism and Auditors Workpaper Review
Kathy Hurtt
University of Wisconsin
Martha Eining and David Plumlee
University of Utah
Draft version
March, 2001
February, 2002
Please do not quote without permission of the authors. Comments are welcome.
We thank the workshop participants at Arizona State University, University of Utah,
University of Wisconsin and Bentley College for their comments on earlier versions
of this paper.
Professional Skepticism and Auditors Workpaper Review
Professional Skepticism and Auditors Workpaper Review
Review of subordinates workpapers by more experienced auditors consumes a
significant portion of the effort on an ... Show more content on ...
Research on SEC Enforcement Actions (1987 1997) by Beasley, Carcello and
Hermanson concurred with this assessment, indicating that 60% of the enforcement
actions were related to a lack of professional skepticism (AICPA 2000). and that
people failure is the most common cause of audit failures (Choo and Tan 1998). In
response to the SEC s concern about the quality of financial audits, the Public
Oversight Board established a panel that recommends recommended to audit firms
that they provide guidance to their audit personnel about the concept of professional
skepticism (POB 2000). Thus, understanding the role of professional skepticism in
workpaper review may provide important insight into a recognized problem within the
audit profession.
A critical step in conducting research involving professional skepticism is a means
of identifying individuals who can be characterized as skeptical. Recent research
by Hurtt (2001) has resulted in a 30 item psychological scale that measures the
degree of skepticism possessed by an individual. In addition, a model linking an
auditor s degree of skepticism and certain behaviors has been proposed (Hurtt,
Eining and Plumlee 2001). The model of skepticism, developed from surveys of
professional accountants as well as literatures from
The Renaissance And Its Influence On The Arts And
The Renaissance acutely influenced the revival and rehabilitation of enthusiasm for
the arts and learning succeeding the Dark ages. The Dark Ages was a time that
consisted of barbarian attacks, whose sole intent was to erase the ancient teachings.
The Middle Ages differed from the time in which the Renaissanceoccurred. There are
some main characteristics the Renaissance possessed. Galileo and Leonardo Da
Vinci were pivotal to this time and their contributions were crucial to the
achievement of the objective of the Renaissance. The Renaissance served as a time
for rehabilitation of all that had been lost. The Dark Ages was a time preceding the
Renaissance. It was a time containing nothing but turmoil, continuous fighting,
horrible sickness, and a cultural standstill. The Renaissance was the Age that came
directly after all this trouble. People began to think for themselves and actually
voice their thoughts that were just completely outside of the church s realm of
comprehension. This Age was one in which people began to realize the importance
of studying the past not only to learn from the mistakes but to learn about all the
good. People saw the importance of looking back not just to the previous age, but at
civilizations from hundreds thousands of years prior to their time for wisdom,
inventiveness, and creativity. The people looked all the way back to ancient Greek
and Romans for ideas of how to rebuild their world. On the completely opposite side
of the spectrum people
What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Data
Grouping of IT resources such as servers , databases ,networking and communication
devices in close with each other rather than having them geographically dispersed.
Advantages of data center :
1. It allows for power sharing 2. Higher efficiency in usage shared IT resources 3.
Improved accessibility for IT personnel(less management team is required)
suppression, lightning ,security etc.
2 .DATA CENTER INFRASTRUCTURE : power ,cooling racks ,management,
physical security, fire suppression etc.
3. IT INFRASTRUCTURE : IT ASSESTS servers ,storage ,hypervisor etc.
4. NETWORK ... Show more content on ...
Operating system based virtualization
The host operating system consumes CPU, memory and other hardware IT
resources. Licenses are usually required for host OS, in addition to individual
licenses for each of their guest OS.
It is grouping of identical IT resources and maintained by system that kept
synchronization of resources.
There could be four types of pools:
1.Physical server pools: It is composed of rack mounted servers with operating
2.Virtual server pools: It is composed of virtual server with different OS and RAM.
3.Storage pools: it is composed of different storage devices/containers.
4.Network pools: It is composed of physical connectivity devices such as routers
,switches or firewall devices.
Workload distribution
It is the distribution/(scaling) of IT resources according to the workload. there could
be two ways to scaling:
1.Vertical scaling: Replacement of existing IT resources with the resources which
have higher capacity.
2.Horizontal scaling: Addition of the same type of IT
Stela of Mentuwoser Essay
An Analysis of Stela of Mentuwoser The Stela of Mentuwoser is a piece of
funerary art from the Middle Kingdom period that was given to Mentuwoser by
King Senwosret for his loyal services. Mentuwoser had many accomplishments and
was thought to be a man of the people. The Stela of Mentuwoser displays the
respect people had for him and what he had done for the people of his nation. It
also gives us a look into some of the traditions of his time. The Stela clearly
expresses the amount of accomplishments Mentuwoser had achieved. The majority
of the Stela of Mentuwoser is taken up by hieroglyphics. These hieroglyphics have
been interpreted to be about all of the deeds he did for the people of Egypt. Some of
the included accomplishments... Show more content on ...
Needless to say, the artist makes it pretty clear that the Stela is a tribute to
Mentuwoser by making him the undeniable focal point of the image. The image
shown also gives the viewer a glimpse into some of the traditions of the days of the
Middle Kingdom. The food served in the image is displayed vertically in order of
the meal s courses from bottom to top. It included many different food items
including bread, ribs, and squash among a few more. It is likely that these items
were common for feasts of this importance, giving us an idea of what foods were
likely to be valuable or desired back in the Middle Kingdom. Secondly, in the
inscriptions, the Stela makes it clear that the visual of Mentuwoser and the prayers
that are written on the Stela are to give him nourishment and rebirth during annual
festivals that honor Osiris. At these festivals, family members would visit and
honor the stelae in the chapels they were displayed in. By using both visual and
written commemoration, the Stela is able to reach those who were unable to read.
Both factors give the viewer an enormous look into Egyptian tradition and religion,
showing the importance of the afterlife in their culture and the respect they have for
the dead. There are many features the artist uses to display the views the people of
Mentuwoser s time had for him. The last line of the inscriptions on the stela reads as
follows: you love life and hate death, as you want Foremost of
The Vaccine Of Autism Connection
The Vaccine to Autism Connection
It is amazing how much Americans trust doctors and more shocking, vaccines.
Vaccines are injections we receive from the moment we are born and throughout
our lives that are meant to keep our bodies from contracting various. A baby born
in a hospital today can be given up to six shots before the mother is even in a place
where she can conciously tell the doctor whether she is okay with that or not. It can
take years to become aware of, but the early exposure to the unnatural substances that
make up vaccines can lead to a disorder called autism. While many
Americans view vaccines positively for their adequate ability to prevent illness, the
rise of autism in the nation and its link to vaccines is reason enough to try to change
our tactics for trying to stay healthy.
Autism is a developmental disorder with symptoms including defects in coordination
and motor skills, visual disturbances, and immune suppression. What researchers like
Larry Trivieri
Jr. have realized over the last decade is these symptoms are extremely similar to the
effects of mercury poisoning. Mercury makes up 50% of Thimersal, a preservative
found in vaccines; The increases in the occurrence of autism are closely linked to the
widespread use of thimersalcontaining vaccines, says Trivieri. While the possible link
between autism and vaccines is clear, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) claim there is no link but have yet to thoroughly investigate the issue
The Technology Into Our Nursing World
In the nursing profession there is constantly changes in how we practice, whether
it be evidence based practice or innovating the latest technology into our nursing
world. I have been with UPMC for eight years now and have seen many changes
occur. Some of the changes within the organization have made an impact on my
nursing practice and others not so much. Anytime we are involved with a project
going live there is a lot of planning that goes into the project and so many people
are involved in making it a success. One example that I can use is the building of
the new entrance way at Presby and all that has went into the process so far. This
directly affected my unit and the lab that was housed in the old Children s
Hospital South Tower section. Our unit was moved over the South Tower in June
of 2011 in order to renovate our previous unit and an additional unit that was
needed to hold our patients. When we moved over to the South Tower it was to be
a temporary move and it was anticipated that we should only be there for about a
year because renovations were being done on the entrance way of the main hospital
and the South Tower was going to be tore down. The lab was also in the South
Tower and needed to be moved to a building down the street. There was a lot of
strategic planning involved with the labs move because the tube station that sent our
specimens needed to extend from Presby/Montefiore to the new lab building. This
planning involved construction and people
The Principles Of Professionalism And Professionalism
In this essay the principles of professionalism will be discussed including its
importance to education as a whole, and as a practitioner. The following will be
discussed; assessing the different understandings of professionalism, demonstrating
factors such as self awareness, personal qualities and skills. Then examine how these
may impact a practitioner
Professionalism means different things to different people as suggest by Fox (1992,
p. 2). Examining the different meanings of professionalism Hanlon 1998 would agree
with Fox stating professionalism is what people think at a certain point in time. For
example some may argue that professionalism places its importance on belonging to a
profession. This includes an individual having ... Show more content on ...
This has led to challenges in the workforce whereby the views of practitioners, and
their ability to behave professional have contradicted each other. For example some
practitioners view their qualifications and training as most important, whereby other
practitioners may disagree with this view stating their attitude, and values are just as
important. This can cause issues in a workforce, such as team work, and creating a
positive environment. Being a professional working with young children according to
the samples of EYEs, in my research is not just about having qualifications,
training..... but also about attitudes and values, .....interpret the best for children and
families, commitment, enjoyment and passion for working with children Brock A
2006. This statement is essential to understanding that outside qualification and
teaching the characteristics of a practitioner is crucial. Therefore a professional is a
practitioner that maintains standards according to education however understanding
that their views, beliefs and qualities implicate them, and also need to be
incorporated in their approach in a positive way.
In order to do this, a practitioner needs to develop self awareness whereby
understanding their own attitudes, values and where these may arise from,
consequently understanding the implication
Analysis Of Ex-Husband s Wife
The wife seems to be the most capable of intimacy. Probably because she is a
woman, it is easier for her to confine. She reaches out to Robert, first, after for a
year stop working for him. They communicate mainly through tapes. It goes on for
many years. Of course, the wife has other friends too. Yet, she cannot keep contact
with them for long as she had to move constantly due to her ex husband s job.
However, her blind friend Robert is a special one because they have been around
together for almost ten years. She tells Robert almost everything: her first marriage,
her life, her loneliness, etc. She even mentions about her failed suicide attempt. It is
not easy for many people to talk about the difficult moments in their life like she
could.... Show more content on ...
He seems like an interval person. He carefully watches his wife and Robert, and
keeps his thoughts to himself. He loves his wife. He gets jealous when knowing
Robert touched his wife s face and neck before she quitted the job. His jealousy
also presents when he talks about his wife s ex husband. He never mentions his
name Why should he have a name? He was the childhood sweetheart, and what
more does he want . He is neither as sympathy as the wife nor as open as the blind
man. He is racist, rude, and close minded. He is flawed. He has a disgust view about
Robert s death wife Beulah! That s a name for a colored woman Was his wife a
Negro? (715). He does not like people with disabilities. His concept about disability
is stereotype The blind moved slowly and never laughed. Sometimes they were led
by sight seeing dog (713). He also makes himself clears that A blind man in my
house is not something I look forward to (713). The narrator is somewhere between
mean and curious when having silly comments, thoughts May be I could take him to
the bowling (715) or the blind didn t smoke, because they couldn t see the smoke
they exhaled (717). He is a little bit childish to turn on the TV while his wife and
Robert are talking as he just cannot join the conversation. The narrator does not feel
comfortable to let other people understand him. Probably that is why he does not
have any friends. The narrator seems to be nervous when he has to talk to Robert
all by himself I wish my wife hadn t pooped out . When his wife falls asleep, he
feels uncomfortable as he knows now he has to talk to Robert. It can be seen that
the narrator is nervous to talk to Robert, partly because of his insecure feeling
toward Robert Say my life was being threaten by an insane guy who said I had to
do it or else . It is only when the narrator participates in drawing the Cathedral with
Robert, he can invade in a part of the blind man s world, and he
Alarm Fatigue And Alarm Management Essay
Assumption and Limitations The assumption of this study is that one methodology
of educating the registered nurses to alarm fatigue and alarm management will be
more effective over the other in reducing the number of false and non actionable
alarms. The expectation is to determine which educational methodology, online or
traditional, will have a greater impact on the alarm management behavior of the
nursing staff in the cardiac intensive care unit. This will be evident if the number of
nuisance alarms are affected by one or the other educational methodology of
presenting the education. The expectation is one mode of education will result in a
greater reduction in the number of false and non actionable alarms over the other.
Reduction in the number of false and non actionable alarms has been directly related
to a reduction of alarm fatigue in registered nurses (Sendelbach Funk, 2013).
Evidence supports that a reduction in alarm fatigue improves patient safety and
reduces the risk of patient adverse events (Sendelbach Funk, 2013). There are factors
that could impact the results of this project. One circumstance that could have an
impact on the study is the patient census. The number of alarms could potentially be
greater if the unit that was at capacity with 14 patient as opposed to a lower patient
census. A second factor that could have an effect on the project is untrained staff.
Cardiac Intensive Care nursing staff, who for some reason could not, or did not
Demetrius And Helena In A Midsummer Night s Dream By...
In A Midsummer Night s Dream, William Shakespeare heavily expresses the distinct
characteristics of Demetrius and Helena through the direct and indirect
characterizations that affect them in the play.
Demetrius character is best emphasized, directly and indirectly, through the dialogue
and actions of himself and those around him. In Act One, Scene One, after Egeus
explains to King Theseus that he wants his daughter, Hermia, to marry Demetrius
instead of Lysander, Demetrius demands that Lysander relinquish his loveand control
over Hermia because marrying her is his certain right . After the demand, King
Theseus is reminded that Demetrius made love to...Helena and won her soul and that
Helena still devoutly dotes over him. In this scene, ... Show more content on ...
Helena is first introduced storming past Hermia and Lysander, being quick to
accuse Hermia of stealing Demetrius love from her. Helena s lengthy response, use
of exclamations, sarcastic and whiney tone, and admitted jealousy, portray her
perfectly. In fact, the audience better comes to understand the character in her
following monologue containing phrases such as: happy some o er other
some can be! Through Athens I am thought to be as fair as she ; ...he hailed down
oaths that he was only mine... heat from Hermia...dissolved, and showers of oaths
did melt ; I will go tell him of fair Hermia s flight...if I have thanks, it is a dear
expense. This shows that Helena isn t just a jealous friend, but a hurt girl with low
self esteem; she is desperate to have love and happiness again to extent of giving
Demetrius what he wants at the expense of her friends wellbeing. Despite the late
hours, dangers of the night, and Demetrius annoyance with her, Hermia expresses
her desperation and relentless love for him by proclaiming [Demetrius]
draw me, you hard hearted adamant , I love you the more , and ... spurn me, strike
me...only give me leave... to follow you . Humorously enough, even when
Demetrius does not grant Helena permission, she still devotedly follows him. Due
to the constant flow of insults and abuses from Demetrius, Helena s character is
pushed to the point where she wallows in self pity and despair as well as further
compare her darker, less attractive complexion to Hermia s. When Lysander
awakens under a love spell and professes his undying love for her, she runs away in
distress believing he is implementing a cruel joke on her. When Demetrius follows in
the same love struck manner, she becomes exasperated and falls further into her self
pity. Helena s tone even become satirical towards the two men and Hermia which not
only offends
Analysis of You Just Don t Understand, Men and Women in...
Analysis of You Just Don t Understand, Men and Women in Conversation by
Deborah Tannen In the first chapter of her book, You Just Don t Understand, Men
and Women in Conversation, Deborah Tannen quotes, ...studies have shown that
married couples that live together spend less than half an hour a week talking to
each other... . (24) This book is a wonderful tool for couples to use for help in
understanding each other. The two things it stresses most is to listen, and to make
yourself heard. This book opened my eyes to the relationship I am in now, with a
wonderful person, for about four years. It made me realize that most of our little
squabble like fights could have been avoided, if one or the other of us could sit down
and... Show more content on ...
Josh got a call at work from an old high school friend that would be in town that
month, and Josh invited him to stay at his house for the weekend, without first
checking with Linda. Linda was upset when she heard this news because she was
away on business the week before and that Friday was to be her first night home.
Linda was less upset by that fact, and more upset that Josh had made plans without
checking with her first, she would never make plans with anyone without checking
with Josh, and didn t understand why he couldn t show her the same courtesy. This
conflict affected Linda and Josh perhaps more so than another couple because it hit
their primary concerns. Linda was hurt because she felt Josh didn t care as much
about her as she did for him. And Josh was hurt because he felt that Linda was trying
to control him, and limit his freedom. Many women feel that it is expected for them
to consult with their partners at every turn, while men automatically make more
decisions without asking their partners. Women may try to initiate a relaxed
conversation by asking What do you think? while men may feel that they are being
forced to decide. Tannen states that communication is a continual balancing act,
juggling the conflicting needs for intimacy and independence. To survive we need to
act with concern for others but also survive for ourselves. There has always been a
common stereotype that women talk too
What Is Elizabeth I s Pragmatic Plan
Throughout modern European history, Elizabeth I s pragmatic reign over her
nation, Bismarck s aggressive yet sly tactics to unify Germany, and Hitler s
expeditious rise to power and its continuation show the development of politics
from Machiavelli s The Prince. With England torn apart by religious unrest brought
about by Henry VIII, Edward VI, and Mary I, Elizabeth I employed a pragmatic
plan during the 1500s in order to bring about peace. In introducing a religious policy,
she devised a compromise between the theological beliefs of Protestantism and
Catholicism. Firstly, she adjusted her predecessors title of the only supreme head of
the church to only supreme governor of this realm (Spielvogel 407). Though the
alteration did... Show more content on ...
When Mary was the monarch of Scotland, the Calvinist nobles deposed of her, and
she fled to England for safety (Spielvogel 408). Since she was the daughter of
Henry VIII s sister, Mary held a legitimate claim to the throne after Elizabeth. In
fact, many Catholics saw Henry s second marriage to Anne Boleyn as improper,
making Mary the more fitting queen for England (Sifakis 1). Seeing opportunity in
this woman who had no intention of altering her faith, the Catholics plotted to
place her on the English throne (Black 68). They took part in many failed
assassination plots on Elizabeth, one of them being the Babington Plot of 1586.
This nefarious plan held Mary s controversial involvement, leading to her trial,
conviction, and execution (Sifakis 2). With a resolve to end the threats to her
regime, Elizabeth ended her cousin s life through a beheading (Spielvogel 408).
Both Elizabeth s decision to get rid of Mary and the construction of religious
compromise were Machiavellian because of her pragmatic way of thinking to ensure
a successful reign. Elizabeth s religious settlement was practical because it ignored
moral values, displaying itself as a Machiavellian plan. By creating an Anglican
religion based on compromise,
Customer Is Not Always Right
An Analysis on How to Handle Dysfunctional Customers
And how they affect on Food Servers in selected
Restaurants at Eastwood City
A Method of Research and Thesis Paper
Presented to the Faculty of the Hotel and Restaurant
Management Arellano University Pasig
In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the
Degree in Bachelor of Science in
Hotel and Restaurant Management
Presented By:
Calinao, Loreinn G.
Tierra, Alyssa Marie G.
Encio, Mary Bless
Estrada, Erik E.
Romero, Jerry
Arellano University Pasig
Pag Asa St. Brgy. Caniogan Pasig City
Approval Sheet
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for ... Show more content on
What is not acceptable is for the customer to be demanding, insulting and irate. The
real issue is lack of respect people today.
This study has an important contribution to the understanding that there are
Dysfunctional Customers , and that their behaviours equate serious consequences,
and in the new era the number of them is increasing. Those customers always wish
payless or to not pay, those who doesn t obey rules of the company, use to abuse
employees verbally or even physically, customers who gets in detailed arguments
with other employees about company and they are customers who always makes
hurdle for company and so on and so forth, and we might encounter some of them
that will scream at you or some will just be okay. Some of them will down your
principle, even your personality or we can say that some of them are just over
reacting to the point that they are already below their belt. They misbehave because
they know that the management does not want to lose them. Customers are used to
tell the famous slogan in any business that the customer is always right . A
customer knows when they are wrong or right but they will still try to get
something out of it because it does not matter if they are right or wrong, in fact, in
their world they are always right and they like to do whatever they want. [By
dzavdica/August 2010]. Is there any clichГ© more
How Did The Holocaust Use Poison Gases
Poison gases were used primarily used to demoralize, injure, and kill entrenched
defenders. There were different types of poison gases like, Tear gas, Mustard gas,
etc. These were very harsh killings in my opinion, because it lasted a while with
pain then they were dead. These gases were traumatizing to the people they used
the gas to. Theses people were scared to go into the rooms and didn t know what
was going to happen to them just like The boy in the striped pajamas and like The
Holocaust . These people during the holocaust experimented on people for the
purpose of mass murder which is killing more than one person. They used this mass
murder killing for killing patients with mental and physical disabilities. The killing
Summary Of The Rough Rider
One of the lasting impacts of the Spanish American War was the influence of new
mass media on the conflict and the rhetoric utilized to rouse support for the war.
Theodore Roosevelt s Rough Riders cavalry regiment serve as a model for how
public perception of the war was shaped by Rough Riders that was purported to
represent American ideals. Christine Bold argues that popular culture and appeals to
national identity allowed the Rough Rider ideal to serve as a justification for the
conflict, while Gail Bederman asserts that this topic is more usefully interpreted
through the understanding of Theodore Roosevelts ideal man as ideology of
masculinity. Specifically, Bederman claims that the historical significance of the
popularity of the ideal of the Western man is that it represents a Darwinist belief in
racial superiority, while Bold argues that the Rough Riders ideal served to justify the
Spanish American War. Christine Bold s article, The Rough Riders at Home and
Abroad: Cody, Roosevelt, Remington, and the Imperialist Hero, tracks the
contributions of three important historical figures: William Cody, Theodore
Roosevelt, and Frederic Remington, to the image of the Rough Riders and the
packaged version of the American West and its influence during the Spanish
American War (Bold, 324). After offering background on the conflict, she first
considers the contributions of William Cody and his Wild West Show to the Rough
Riders. She details how Cody constructed a narrative
The Reality Of The Universe
Our lives are limited, the majority of them ending just before becoming a century
old. Our collective age as a species is also miniscule, lasting only the hour before
New Year s if the existence of our universe was shrunk into a calendar year. This puts
not only time, but our limitations into perspective. Such vast numbers cannot be
comprehended by our minds, hence the popular calendar metaphor. Studying
astronomy makes aware to us our limitations and thus reveals an awe inspiring new
realm that we could not have grasped even a glimpse of before.
Neil deGrasse Tyson begins us on our journey through the universeby giving us our
cosmic address where we are in our vast universe. It goes from as close to home as
our planet, Earth, and as far out as the observable universe, with the solar system,
Milky Way galaxy, Local Group, and Virgo Supercluster in between. Finding our
place in the universe like this takes us through clusters of stars separated by
unimaginable amounts of empty space. Looking at ourselves in this way puts
everything into perspective and shows how small we are and how little we have
truly explored. Not only have we explored an amount so small that rounding it would
equate to zero, our existence itself has lasted an irrelevant duration in the history of
the universe.
As far as we know, our universe is about 14 billion years old... we ourselves might
live to be between 80 and 100 on average. All of humanity has existed for only about
200,000 years. Viewing
Poeques Alliteration In A Red, Red Rose
A Red, Red Rose Analysis.
Stanza1: Lines 1 2 The poet compares his lover like a red rose that newly bloom in
June is a month during the rainy season. When thinking of the rainy season, we will
think about lush or fresh. So, his love is new and fresh.
O from O my Luve s like a Red, Red Rose is technique apostrophe.
Luve is the old word of love .
s an abbreviation of is .
O my Luve s like a Red, Red Rose is technique metaphor.
Red, Red Rose is technique alliteration.
Stanza1: Lines 3 4 The poet compares his lover like the melodie that very sweet.
O from O my Luve s like the melodie is technique apostrophe.
melodie from O my Luve s like the melodie is the word from melody .
O my Luve s like the melodie is ... Show more content on ...
mean you (objective) refer to my only Luve
! from And fare thee weel a while! is technique apostrophe.
Stanza4: Lines 15 16 The poet says he will come back to his lover again. Although it
were far ten thousand mile.
Tho from Tho it were ten thousand mile. is the word from though and It is a
technique syncope.
The poet compares his lover like a red rose and the melodie. He loves her until the
sea dry
In Defense Of Animals Research Paper
Introduction: Circuses are a magical place where families take their children to watch
the performances, right? Wrong. Elephants held in circuses against their will, are
beaten, starved and forced to stand on their head for the enjoyment of children. Does
that still sound magical? The same things happen in zoos
Big Picture: Circuses have been around since the 1700 s and were called Circles,
later becoming the ring, which is the center of the circle where the animals are
performing against their will. In the beginning a circus was just a man and a horse
performing in a ring. Over the years it has grown into a huge production and lasts
several hours. Zoos have also been around for a long time. Animals held in fake
wilderness while people watch them from behind metal bars. Elephants in my
opinion are in the most serious trouble. These 6000 to 15,000 pound creatures who
are forced to stand on their heads or stand in a little sanctuary only allowed to walk
1.5 to 2 miles a day. When in the wild they walk 40 miles plus in one day. Since they
weigh so much they should not be standing on hard dry surfaces that prevents normal
exercise and forces them to stand on hard, dry, compacted surfaces, causing arthritis
and foot disease. ... Show more content on ...
Number one zoo being The San Antonio Zoo and it is the 6th time the zoo has
made this list. It is at the top of the list for keeping its elephants separated from
each other when in the wild they travel in packs. This zoo has also put 8 million
dollars into a centennial plaza to make the place more fun for visitors, while the
animals suffer in
Nt1330 Unit 3 Types Of Dngs
1.URL Type
The first step is to identify whether the URL is of http or https. In the beginning,
network administrators had to figure out how to share the information they put out
on the Internet. It is agreed on a procedure for exchanging information and called it
HyperText Transfer Protocol. Using HTTPS, the computers agree on a code between
them, and then they scramble the messages using that code so that no one in
between can read them. This keeps your information safe from hackers. It uses the
code on a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), sometimes called Transport Layer Security
(TLS) to send the information back and forth.
2. DNS Operation
The next step is to obtain the IP address from the domain name. This is performed
by DNS. A DNS lookup, in a general sense, is the process by which a DNS record is
returned from a DNS server. Interconnected computers, servers and smart phones
need to know how to translate the email addresses and domain names people use into
meaningful numerical addresses. A DNS lookup performs this function.
The two types of DNS lookups are forward DNS lookups and reverse DNS lookups.
Forward DNS is a type of DNS request in which a domain name is used to obtain its
corresponding IP address. A DNS server is said to resolve a domain name when it
returns its IP address. A forward DNS... Show more content on ...
A Web crawler, sometimes called a spider, is an Internetbot that systematically
browses the World Wide Web, typically for the purpose of Web indexing. Crawlers
can validate hyperlinks and HTML code. They can also be used for web scraping.
Crawlers consume resources on the systems they visit and often visit sites without
approval. Issues of schedule, load, and politeness come into play when large
collections of pages are accessed. Mechanisms exist for public sites not wishing to be
crawled to make this known to the crawling
Mark Twain Satire
Satire can be used in many ways, although it is not always done in a convincing
manner. Only a knowledgeable and creative writer can influence people through this
device. Satire often uses humor to show a current problem, and in most cases, it does
not provide a solution but is the catalyst for it. Emotions on the topic are prompted
and in turn the audience connects with the writer and the conflict at hand.
Throughout history authors have wielded the literary devices of satireto convey a
message; mockery, irony, overstatement, and understatement can be the most
effective by shedding light on an issue in an unusual way. The most common and
effective device of satire is mockery. In Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark
Twain, the author uses satire as the foundation of the novel, utilizing mockery the
most often. Early on in the novel, when Huck and Jim meet, Huck is questioning
Jim about what his plan is to do with his money and Jim responds with his idea that
his friend Balum came up with, In church he hear de preacher say dat whoever
give to de po len to de Lord, en boun to git his money back a hund d times (Twain
49). This mockery is effective because it is talking directly about an issue. Twain is
mocking the old Catholic church and also the people that sometimes blindly
followed it. In the 1500s the church was accused of offering its people the right to
buy their way to heaven. In Jim s case, the church is saying that if anyone donates
money, they will in return
Two Major Unions in America Essay
Two Major Unions in America
Unions in America were created to improve the working conditions of its labor
force. These labor force consisted of the men, women, and children that were
employed by the owners of industry. Many unions were established in the early
1800s, but due to the widespread fear of socialism and the repression from the courts,
the majority of them eventually failed. Most capitalist, at the time, felt there was no
need to share with its employees the profits of their businesses (Murrin et al.
2002:685 702). Management, for the most part, paid little attention to salary and
provided few, if any, safety measures and health protection for the people actually
doing the work. Employees worked long hours weekly, often ... Show more content
on ...
Supreme Court, repeatedly found unions in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act,
even though that act had been intended to control corporations, not unions (Murrin et
al. 2002:701).
Later in their careers some of these men became humanitarians. But instead of
providing social reform in the work place with better wages and other benefits, they
distributed large quantities of their wealth instead to colleges and libraries; now they
were looked at as heroes by society.
Consequently, due to abuses from employers to the people under them, laws and
regulations to protect workers were established and are now enforced by the U.S.
Department of Labor. These laws protect over 10 million employers and about 125
million employees (2003). As written in the Department of Labors General
Information website, it says
In carrying out this mission, the Department administers a variety of Federal labor
laws including those that guarantee workers rights to safe and healthful working
conditions; a minimum hourly wage and overtime pay; freedom from employment
discrimination; unemployment insurance; and other income support (2003).
The involvement of the federal government helped curb or eliminate conditions as
those found in sweatshops and other places. These jobsites usually were where people
had to put in long hours under unsafe working conditions.
The Industrial Workersof the World Union (IWW), unlike the Department of Labor,
is mainly concerned with the labor
Analysis of Rhetorical Strategies in The Company Man
Analysis of Rhetorical Strategies in The Company Man
In The Company Man by Ellen Goodman, throughout the passage Goodman
illustrates her feelings of distaste and anger toward Phil, as he in her mind represents
Corporate America: routine, indifferent, almost robotic. Goodman uses numerous
rhetorical strategies to convey her attitude toward Phil, including tone, repetition, the
use of statistics, sarcasm, anecdotes, differing syntax, and irony. From the beginning,
Goodman creates a very impersonal tone, letting characters remain nameless and
unimportant, identifying them primarily by their age Phil, fifty one years
old...Helen, forty eight years old... . This mirrors the corporate mindset that everyone
has an expiration ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, Phil s youngest son said about his father, My father and I only board here.
. This further conveys the amount of time Phil spent at the office rather than at home;
his own family didn t even consider him in permanent residence at his own home.
Other than anecdotes, Goodman additionally uses varying syntax to illustrate her
annoyance at Phil s choice of lifestyle. When describing Phil s daily routine, her
sentences are short, definitive, showing her distaste for Phil. To Phil, it was work.
He always ate egg salad sandwiches at his desk....On Saturdays, Phil wore a sports
jacket to the office instead of a suit, because it was the weekend. Goodman
contrastingly uses lengthy, detailed sentences and phrases when describing Phil s
family, to convey her pity for them and show that Phil should have been spending
more time at home rather than at work. The youngest is twenty, a boy, a high
school graduate who has spent the last couple of years, like a lot of his friends,
doing enough odd jobs to stay in grass and food. He was the one who tried to grab
at his father, and tried to mean enough to him to keep the man at home. Although
Goodman describes Phil s family with sympathy and care, she does use sarcasm as a
means to criticize the obituary s description of the family. She would be well taken
care of . , Goodman quotes from the obituary, in reference to Phil s wife, and she says
His dearly beloved eldest of the dearly beloved
Lord Of The Flies By William Golding Essay
Short intro for Lord of the Flies
Short intro on Gangs
The bullying and group mentality demonstrated in gangs has resemblances to the
characters in Lord of the Flies. II. Bullying/Group mentality
Drugs/Loyalty B. Lord of the flies
Jack kills the pig/Jack and Ralph fight
III. Effects B. Lord of the flies
Jack killing the pig aftermath
IV. Conclusion
Gangs are considered a group of people that have a common link together. Gangs
are typically ethnically, racially, economically or geographically based. In William
Golding s Lord of the Flies, gangs rise up within the group of boys. William Golding
gives us a glimpse of the savagery that underlies even the most civilized human
beings. The bullying and group mentality demonstrated in gangs has resemblances to
the characters in Lord of the Flies.
Lord of the Flies demonstrates the difference between civilization and savagery.
This novel follows a group of British schoolboys stranded on an island after a plane
crash, which killed the pilot, as well as passengers. The boys are left without an
adult figure to guide them. The main characters consist of Jack, Ralph and Piggy
and in the beginning, Ralph is the boy that takes control. However, Jack soon strays
from the group and convinces most of the young boys to follow him and encourages
barbaric acts.
In Lord of the Flies, Jack creates a gang of the young boys. To solidify their place in
Jack s
Bravery In The Play Iphigenia By Euripides
In the play Iphigenia written by Euripides, the theme that is expressed is bravery.
The play showed bravery because the daughter of Agamemnon, Iphigenia, was
brave enough to offer her own life as a sacrifice so that the Greek army can invade
Troy. A quote that represents Iphigenia s courage is My death will save the women
of my people they will bless my name I will be called The womanwho set Greece
free! Life is not so sweet that I can shrink from my duties . Here Iphigenia talks
about how as the princess of Greece she mustn t run from her duties to save
Greece; therefore she offers her life and shows her bravery and willingness to die
for Greece. The goddess needs my blood; how can I refuse? No take me! this
second quote again just like the first quote, shows how Iphigenia is willing to
sacrifice herself, showing the theme bravery. A different story that can connect to the
play Iphigenia is the film Rwanda Hotel . Both of the main... Show more content on ...
Conflict reflects to bravery because in the play, both Iphigenia and Agamemnon
had a conflict; man vs himself. Agamemnon had to choose to sacrifice his beloved
daughter to save his people but his wife won t ever look at him the same or to not
and leave his people in a blood bath, and through bravery he had chosen to sacrifice
his daughter for this sake of his people. Iphigenia had to choose to die or to not,
which leads to the army fighting amongst themselves, which would result into a
nightmare, she chose to die for her people which shows bravery. Symbolism reflects
bravery because the symbol in this story is the deer s blood. The deer s blood is
proof of Iphigenia s bravery; the gods recognized Iphigenia s honor and courage
and swapped her with a deer. Both symbolism and conflict reflect back to the theme
bravery; the courage to choose an extremely difficult decision and the proof of one s
bravery to die for her
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Conservation Of Nature Essay. Paragraph on Nature Conservation in English for Students and Children

  • 1. Conservation Of Nature Essay Crafting an essay on the theme of nature conservation poses a multifaceted challenge that extends beyond the mere act of putting words on paper. This task demands a delicate balance between scientific precision, environmental advocacy, and a compelling narrative to engage the reader. The intricacies of the topic require a nuanced understanding of ecological systems, biodiversity, and the myriad ways in which human activities impact the delicate balance of the natural world. Moreover, addressing the urgency of conservation efforts adds another layer of complexity to the writing process. It requires the author to navigate through the grim realities of environmental degradation, habitat loss, and the looming threat of species extinction, while simultaneously inspiring hope and encouraging proactive measures. Striking this balance is akin to walking a tightrope, demanding a thoughtful choice of language and tone that is both informative and emotive. Research plays a pivotal role in the creation of a comprehensive essay on nature conservation. A thorough exploration of scientific literature, environmental reports, and case studies is essential to provide a solid foundation for the arguments presented. The writer must delve into the intricacies of global environmental issues, regional conservation challenges, and the evolving strategies employed by environmentalists and policymakers. In addition, the essay must transcend the boundaries of academic discourse and connect with a wider audience. Bridging the gap between scientific jargon and accessible language is a formidable task, requiring the writer to distill complex concepts into digestible information without oversimplifying the subject matter. Achieving this balance ensures that the essay resonates not only with experts but also with individuals from diverse backgrounds who may not possess a deep understanding of ecological intricacies. Furthermore, the essay on nature conservation necessitates a call to action, compelling readers to reflect on their own roles in environmental stewardship. Encouraging behavioral change and fostering a sense of collective responsibility requires a persuasive and motivational tone. It demands that the writer goes beyond presenting facts and statistics to tap into the reader's emotions, cultivating a sense of connection and responsibility towards the natural world. In conclusion, writing an essay on the conservation of nature is an intricate task that goes beyond the surface of academic discourse. It requires a delicate weaving of scientific knowledge, environmental advocacy, and compelling storytelling to engage and motivate readers. Crafting an essay that strikes the right balance between information, emotion, and a call to action is both challenging and rewarding, reflecting the complex interplay between humanity and the natural world. If you find yourself in need of assistance with such essays or similar writing tasks, consider exploring resources like, where you can access professional support for a variety of academic and creative writing needs. Conservation Of Nature Essay Conservation Of Nature Essay
  • 2. Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, And Religion Article 18. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Focus countries: China, India China: Religions in China: Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Islam, and Christianity Buddhist 18.2%, Christian 5.1%, Muslim 1.8%, folk religion 21.9%, Hindu .1%, Jewish .1%, other 0.7% (includes Daoist (Taoist)), unaffiliated 52.2% (14) 85 % of Chinese people are religious or did in the past, 15 % are true atheists (2) 31 % of non religious people have taken part in Buddhist actions, and around 17 million people have converted to Buddhism. This may be more accepted in part because it is the most popular religion (2) Atheism is the most popular religiously affiliated idea (4) Church meetings in the province of Zhejiang are disrupted and stopped by the government, the meetings are thought to be threats when tourists or media are involved in them (4) In January, the pastor of China s largest Protestant Church, Joseph Gu was arrested after he protested the government s campaign to remove crosses from churches (11) It s unprecedented persecution against the Church, where church leaders are going to prison, are being sent to mental institutions, are being beaten and tortured and where crosses have been forcibly removed from now over 1,800 churches
  • 3. To Kill a Mockingbird Essay There are many different types of symbols in our world today; in English literature as well as all around us on a day to day basis. In Harper Lee s To Kill a Mockingbird we follow a little girl, Scout, as she faces the truth about the world and its injustice. The central and most obvious symbol of this novel, as well as the title of the book, is the mockingbird. It represents the innocence and injustice in this story, represented by Tom Robinson and the events surrounding the trial, but also sets the theme of racial prejudice. Racial prejudice is a reoccurring theme of the book, which is evident in Tom Robinson s trial, but also a good element of the setting because the story is set in the southern United States, where there was much prejudice against blacks. Old Mrs. Dubose is a very racist woman. You can tell this by the quote she yells at the children on page 102 where she says, Your father s no better than the niggers and trash he works for! Atticus has always told Jem and Scout not to let Mrs. Dubose get to them in the comments and threats that she yells at them from her porch, but this is the comment that sets Jem off. He takes Scout s baton that she is playing with and destroys the perfectly white flowers in Mrs. Dubose s yard; every last one of them, and then he breaks the baton as well. There are two symbols at play here that work with each other to create the irony of this scene. The first one is the flowers themselves; they are described as beautiful and
  • 4. change in macbeth character Macbeth s character shows us the tragedy of over ambitious people; it also shows us that negative aspects can overwhelm the good side of our personality. Throughout this piece of writing I will be showing the changes within Macbeths character, which is the only character within the play that has visible changes in his character. I will be describing these points by inspecting the asides and soliloquies, which are both dramatic ironies that place the audience in a privileged position as they are introduced to the characters thought pattern that gives them an insight to how he may be feeling. All of which is unbeknown to other characters in the scene. In Act I, Sc iii, when Macbeth is told that he is the Thane of Cawdor, he is ... Show more content on ... and this explains how double faced and furtive devious he becomes. Act IV, Sc I shows how Macbeth believes only in the witches, he trusts them and makes all his plans and arrangement according to their prophecies. This doesn t only show us a mental change but also how Macbeth lost his morality, honesty, and nobility and became more frenzied, no more mercy to be thought of or shown and decides, The firstlings of my heart shall be The firstling of my hand. Comparing this to the first soliloquy in my piece of writing we perceive a tremendous development of his personality and attitude. He is not hesitant about killing any more and will do any thing to keep his throne and power. Following his meeting with the witches they tell him to be ware Macduff and macbeth acts upon this warning by sending murderers to kill His wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls this act shows in depth how immoral he becomes. It didn t stop with killing the king, his friend, Lady Macduff and her children; Macbeth has lost even the sense of what does love and family mean and becomes more selfish. In Act V, Sc v, the servant informs Macbeth of the distressing sorrowful news about the death of Lady Macbeth But he replies with cold nerves: She should have died hereafter; There would have been a time for such a word His wife is not one of his main concerns; he does not even respect the sanctity
  • 5. Review Of A Man Of No Importance A Man of No Importance is a musical that takes place in Dublin in the 1960 s. It follows the story of a young man, Alfie. Alfie is the director of a theater group, and also a bus conductor. Throughout the musical, he is directing his latest musical, while doing so, he not only uncovers new things about his actors and acrtresses, but himself as well. He is constantly struggling with his inner demons, which Oscar Wilde, the writer of the play Alfie is producing, helps Alfie sort through. Wilde is displayed as a figure of Alfie s mind, helps him uncover. The first character I will be analyzing is Alfie. In many aspects, Alfie doesn t live true to his authentic self. Throughout the musical he is clearly struggling with the fact that he does not like women. His sister often encourages girls, and questions why he doesn t seem interested. He never explains to her that it s because he likes men, he simply brushes it off, or claims it s because he is too focused on his plays. His best friend is the manwho drives his bus, yet will barely admit to himself that he loves him. Based on Alfie s circumstances, he feels that he must conceal his true identity, this leaves him essentially living a lie. The society in this early time period played a large role in Alfie concealing the gender that he likes. Most weren t accepting of gay people at this time, this is demonstrated when Alfie later gets beaten up for openly showing his affection or another male. His religion also plays a role in
  • 6. The Life Of Frederick Douglass And Harriet Ann Jacobs Frederick Douglass and Harriet Ann Jacobs There are those in America who believe that it is time we move past the deep complex feelings towards the cultural repercussions of slavery. Much like the modern day, Germans feel in their association with the murders and tragedies after World War II, many Americans especially white American want to feel an understandable disassociation from the white Americans who propagated slavery. Thus calling this unbearable reminder of the past white guilt and marginalizing slavery as a mistake of a much more ignorant time. Many Americans object to the ongoing studies of the conditions that caused slavery (Bardis, White Guilt). This is a tremendous mistake, and the memoirs of Frederick Douglass and Harriet Ann Jacobs exemplifies why it is essential that this time period is studied and be understood by all current and future generations of Americans. Douglass s Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave and Jacobs s Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl portray very different aspects of this shameful time in history. The life of a slave was not a static or universal lifestyle, and those held in bondage led extremely different lives. While much of this could be attributed to the region, work available, or specific plantations, the biggest difference highlighted by comparing Douglass and Jacobs, is the difference in experience based on gender. Both Douglass and Jacobs are extremely expressive writers who
  • 7. School Is An Important Part Of Our Lives School is an important part of our lives. School help prepare our children for college and later on life in the big world. Since school is such an important part of our lives, there are many types for schools that have been developed with different viewpoints and ways of teaching. First, you have our public schools. Next, is our religious affiliated private schools and our non religion affiliated private schools. Lastly, are the alternative schools. Public schools are schools that are funded by the state. A majority of students in the U.S. attend public schools. My children attend public schools and in a public schoolthere is no need to pay money to attend public schools. The good things about public schools is that it s free to attend and they provide their students with school buses for transportation. Although, a bad thing would be if you want your child to attend a certain public school and you do not live their district, then you would have to pay tuition. Private schools are very common especially in foreign countries. In foreign countries schools are private because usually the government does not have the money needed to fund a public school. There are two types of private schools; religious and non religious private schools. Firstly, private schools are simply schools that are not funded by the state, that have the ability to make their own codes and rules, such as wearing a school uniform. In a religion based private school, the school is based around a certain
  • 8. Trudeau And The Importance Of The Official Languages Act... The Official Languages Act is an act that is also established by Pierre Elliott Trudeau and significantly transitioned Canada effectively. The Official Languages Act is a law that was established by the government in which gives both French and English Canadians equal value in Canada. It allows both the English and French languages to be officially spoken in Canada. The Official Languages Act also gives citizens the right to express their culture freely. It is vital to me that [the constitution] does give protection to the kind of linguistic equality that this government has put into the statutes (The Official Languages Act.). The Canadian Constitution Act accepts the Official Languages Act which makes it a part of the Canadian Charter... Show more content on ... The Quebec Referendum first occurred during the Quebec Sovereignty. The Quebec Sovereignty is the movement of Quebec declaring independence from Canada. Throughout Canadian history, the province of Quebec has always wanted to become independent from Canada. Most citizens of Quebec feel suppressed from Canada as French is not commonly spoken outside by Canadians outside of Quebec. From the fall of 1967, when, as federal minister of justice, he had clearly articulated his position on these questions, to the 1980 referendum, his thinking and priorities had not changed: they embodied patriation of the constitution, equality between francophones and anglophones, a charter of rights, and an amending formula granting a right of veto to Quebec. Pierre Trudeau had intentions in patriating the constitution with the French and English Canadian s rights and freedoms. During the Quebec referendum in the year of 1995, the Parti Quebecois asked voters to vote on whether Quebec should become sovereign or not. As a result, the majority of voters voted against the Quebec Sovereignty Referendum. Pierre Trudeau strived to defeat the sovereignty movement and thus, established the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Trudeau was very passionate and ambitious in transforming Canada into an equal and humble society.
  • 9. A Writers Style A Writers Style The Pulitzer Prize winning writer N. Scott Momaday has become known as a very distinctive writer who depicts the stories of the Native American life in almost poetic ways. He does an excellent job of transporting the reader from the black and white pages of a book, to a world where every detail is pointed out and every emotion felt when reading one of Momaday s books or other writings. This style of writingthat Momaday uses is very evident in his work The Way to Rainy Mountain, and made even more apparent by reading a review of the book House Made of Dawn found on a web site run by HarperCollins Publishers. Throughout the essay The Way to Rainy Mountain , Momaday uses very descriptive words, which brings the places... Show more content on ... This might have been avoided if Momaday had made it clearer that the focus of the story was on the Kiowa people and not his journey back to see his grandmother s grave. Once I understood this aspect though, I was able to completely appreciate the story and imagery for what it was. This was a slight downside of Momaday s writing, however he was able to pull it all together and make it less of a distraction in the end. Another characteristic of Momaday s writings is how they involve change. For example, in his essay of The Way to Rainy Mountain, the whole story is based around him returning home to see his grandmothers grave. However, the point of the story is to tell the history of his people, the Kiowa people, and how they came to settle on the land known as Rainy Mountain. As he tells this story, Momaday also shows how the present times have changed from what he remembers of the past. How his grandmother s house would be alive when so many of his people would be gathered there and now it lies so empty and quiet as the times have changed. Momaday s book House Made of Dawn also talks about change in the world for the Native Americans. The main character of the story, Abel, faces the difficult challenge of deciding whether to leave his family and history behind. So that he might find his place in the modernized post World War II country. He decides to face the new
  • 10. Propaganda In The Nazi And The Rwandan Genocide Thee last couple of weeks we have been talking about genocide and the eight stages to identify it. We have also talked about three or four cases of genocide for example the Nazi genocide or the Rwandan genocide. And after looking over the stories and comparing them they all have many commonalties either in their planning or in the actions that they all took throughout the genocide. Some of these commonalties are the usage of propaganda as recruitment, the planning of the genocides, and finally hatred towards a certain race or religion. How propaganda was a major commonality is in the Nazi and the Cambodian genocide both were very repetitive with sayings or images using it as recruitment or a support method. Secondly the Nazis and the Rwandan genocidewere similar because they both used their propaganda to dehumanize the enemies, convince their soldiers who the enemy was, and that killing the enemy was the only way to go. All the genocides on the other hand have the commonality of using propaganda to build up hate for the group that they wished to kill or wipe out.... Show more content on ... A good example is the killings in all the genocides didn t just happen in one day they were executed in small episodes. Another reason planning was a major part is the Hutus nor did the Nazis just choose a random group of people to kill they thought about who they wanted to attack. Finally planning is a major part in genocide because you can t just go into a fight without a plan they had to strategically plan out when and how they were going to attack the group they were fighting against. For example the concentration camps weren t just randomly found the Nazis built them certain ways for the different ways they were going to kill the
  • 11. Speed Control of Linear Induction Motor Essay Executive Summary VVVF drives used to control the speed of LIM, many industrial automation worldwide such as Trains drives, Automatic Screen Door, Moving Walkway, Lift and Escalator, etc., varying the speed of the drive may save energy compared with other techniques for flow control. This mid term report prepared for detailing how to design and build the structure of LabVIEW simulation for speed control of Linear induction motor and explaining the characteristic of V/F Speed control for Induction motor obtain the data by LabVIEW. The design and build of simulation has two parts, part one is simulation of LED indicator for motor speed recognize and part 2 is simulation of V/F speed control of Linear induction motor. Firstly, design... Show more content on ... Thus, the relevant equipment for interior of MTR Station to dredge the passengers crowd was important. Wherein the many equipment of Industrial Automation worldwide were used the V/F Speed Control of Linear Induction Motor which the Trains themselves, Automatic Screen Door, Moving Walkway, Lift and Escalator etc. Moreover, the MTR would also produce energy in a much cleaner, more energy saving, and more sustainable manner. The neglect of this energy source is restricting the MTR from increasing its sustainability and accessibility. Literature search Methods of Achieving Sustainability In this project suggests several ways to make the system more sustainable. (Variable speed appliance for energy saving included curtain pullers, trains themselves, automatic screen door, moving walkway, lift and escalator, compressors and pumps, catapults and launchers.) There are many discussed with respect to their Efficiency of use and Conservation . These are defined as follows: пЃ¬Conservation: Changing policy and/or processes of the MTR system so that it requires less energy to operate. пЃ¬Efficiency of Use: Changing the nature of technologies within the MTR so that they require less energy to operate. While both these approaches are valid ways of increasing sustainability, it is important to tackle the problem of sustainability from numerous angles. It can be assumed that developments will be made to achieve both conservation and high
  • 12. The Importance Of Planned Parenthood Planned Parenthood, a nonprofit organization which provides affordable reproductive care, currently receives government funding. Those in need of affordable health care can go to PPFA for STI treatment, pap smears, and prevention of unintended pregnancies. The problem arises in PPFA s prevention of unintended pregnancies, particularly abortion. But abortion is not the only issue the public finds in the organization. The public has recently questioned PPFA s integrity and motives as their controversial actions are exposed. Government funded healthcare should be easily accessible for all people, but Planned Parenthood is not the organization for this. Instead, the government should push its funds towards organizations whose practices are not controversial and still provide quality health care. Although Planned Parenthood provides other affordable health care services for men, women, and children, many people find their service of abortion controversial and seek to defund them specifically for the discontinuation of this practice. Abortion was legalized under the Roe vs Wade case in 1973 and soon after, PPFA made it one of their available services so they could provide maximum reproductive health care for all women. Since its legalization, abortion has taken the lives of nearly sixty million children. Out of the sixty million, PPFA is responsible for 7.7 million (Number of Abortions). Defunding the organization would cause 1) an increase in birth rates, 2) an increase in
  • 13. Ole Kirk Christiansen Research Paper Ole Kirk Christiansen By:Gavin I chose Ole Kirk Christiansen. I chose him because he made the most liked toy in the world and if LEGO did not exist a lot of things would be different.My subtopics are his childhood, teenage/young adult, and adulthood. First, Christiansen was born,1891 in Billund, Denmark.His parents were Neil Kirk Christiansen and his wife is Kristin Kirk Christiansen. Was the tenth child of Neil Kirk Christiansen and his wife Kristin Kirk Christiansen. He was trained under his brother for carpentry and in his free time he made anything he could think of out of wood and play games with his brothers and sisters. Second, He started a woodworking shop and carpentry shop in 1916 after he came back from Germany.In the winter months he made custom furniture and stone blocks.The Great ... Show more content on ... Third, In 1931 he started the Lego company and that is when the Great Depression started so he lost all his money and barely had a house.His store did not recover until 1940 s but that is when Denmark was invaded by the Nazis.After World War 2 they had enough money to get a plastic making machine.IN 1946 his son Godtfred Christiansen was old enough to take over the Lego company and they were happy and had a good business until his father died and that took him by a hard hit and he though a bough shutting down but he didn t. In conclusion, I chose Ole Kirk Christian because he invented the most beloved toy and made much more than toys. He made hand made furniture, was a carpenter, and was a woodworker.My topicks are hicchildhood, teenager/ young adulthood, and
  • 14. Human Waste And Body Waste 1. Introduction As has been asserted in a lot of research, how to handle human waste could be a major issue. Human waste including food waste and body waste. The human body waste will be focused in this report. According to GENECO, there are 75 million m3 of human sewage have been creating every year in Bristol. The human body waste could contaminate water system and lead disease if they haven t been treat appropriately. As Tearfund and WaterAid(2002) has pointed out, four out of ten people, 2.4 billion, are suffering from the disease caused by the issue of poor sanitation. Therefore, action on sanitation and re think how to use the human body waste will make work more effective. In order to address the research question is it possible that human body waste could be use as renewable energy , the technology of composting human body waste will be investigated, data and case study will be analyzed in terms of energy consumption, water use and air pollution, finally, how to make human body waste as a useful substance and achieve sustainable lifestyle will be answer. 2. Background Human feces including differently complex composition, which depend on the diet. Most of them consist by 65% moisture and 35% solid. There are 50% of microorganism and bacteria, as well as low methanogenic bacteria, 2 30% of nitrogenous substances in the solid part. There are several ways to reuse the human waste, a case in point, dry it, burn it and make them into fertilizer. However, this process
  • 15. Moving Out On My Own Essay People often hear or maybe seen on the news of houses being broken into. We do our best to protect ourselves and our families from the unenviable happening. We have locks, we purchase alarm systems and other forms of defense to keep strangers out and our possessions in. When I woke up on Tuesday, April 6th, 2011, I never imagined someone would come inside of my home and ramble through my things and take from me whatever they wanted. If I could have seen into the future, I would attempt to change the minds of the guys who broke into my apartment. Moving out on my own was a very scary task. I finally made up my mind to obtain a place for my daughter and myself; I was twenty five years old. Previously, I was living with my mother and father... Show more content on ... My daughter immediately began packing her stuff; she was going back to her Nana s house. After packing what I felt was important and securing the backdoor as well as we could, we left and went back to my mom s house. The next day I called the owner and told him I was moving back home. I felt defeated and taken advantage of. Not taken advantage of by the owner, but just in general, by life. I asked the two neighbors closest to me if they had notice anyone around my place the day before, but no one saw anything. The elderly man that was normally sitting outside by his fence was at the hospital with his wife all day. The male who lived directly next door stated he worked all night so he was sleeping the majority of the day. So we packed what was left of our items and just like that we were back home, back in my childhood room. We were going back to where we felt secure and protected. It was a short experience, but it showed me how looks can be deceiving and sometimes we don t always make the right choices at the right time. I felt so vulnerable, but at the same time I felt I was meant to go through that situation so that I could appreciate what I had. It wasn t about being an adult or being on my own, but being able to protect what I loved and cared the most about. I loved my shoes, especially my Nike Air Jordan s to be
  • 16. Dundas Square Gardens Nothing beats the energy being given by the dazzling city lights and the activities happening within its canopy. True that many of us would dream of living in a place wherein tranquility is at its finest but now that the population being younger as we move through time, this is a concept slowly changing. With many professionals on their mid 20s, the business of real estateis being patronized by young achievers who craves the life in an urban setting. More and more establishments are built within each square meter, all comprised of workplaces and corporate buildings which in turn would increase the demand for residential spaces on its immediate proximity. (2) If you re one of the many who works for companies within the downtown Toronto neighborhood, then you should be delighted to know that this area is now a melting pot of pre selling condominiums and real estate projects. With the need to cope up with the competition, the resounding Dundas Square Gardens would certainly suit your craving for a comfortable home amidst the seemingly chaotic urban landscape. Donned in a modern physique through its well thought of architecture, Dundas Square Gardens would wow you at first sight. Developed by the infamous Easton s Group, Dundas Square Gardens would offer you all of its best assets and features to make your urban life spiced up. ... Show more content on ... Rumor has it that the building s concept would be comprised of an impressive dramatic lantern atop which will glitter magnificently in the Toronto skyline. People should not worry of not being able to cap a unit as Dundas Square Gardens would be housing a total of 968 rooms due to their strong and high anticipation of future clients. Specifically, Dundas Square Gardens would be having the address of 200 Dundas Street and is now advocating its grand plans through social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.
  • 17. Should Students Grades in Gym Class Effect Their Gpa Should Students Grades in Gym Class Affect Their GPA? I personally do not agree with grades in gym classes affecting students grade point averages. I believe that gym class should be strictly for fun. There are many students who are not very athletic. Many females do not enjoy playing sports or running a mile. I do not think it is fair that schools make their students run a full mile, time them on it, and grade them on their times. Certain students are not great runners and the fact that they can fail because they did not finish running a mile in the right amount of time is horrible. There is no right amount of time to run a mile. Everybody is different and no two people can run a mile in the same number of seconds. So why are ... Show more content on ... Some kids have side effects on the lack of their skill like height, weight, mental disability, etc. When you are applying for the college or job you have wanted, they re looking at your past grades. Some colleges/jobs are strict and they are not going to take you if you don t have a perfect GPA. Well, that requires a perfect grade in your PE classes too! This can be a big effect on your future careers. You could have been the smartest person in
  • 18. You Screwy Rabbit Compare And Contrast Aw! You screwy rabbit, said Elmer Fudd from Looney Tunes. I am similar to Elmer Fudd from my childhood, because I do what he does. First, Elmer and I have a lot in common we both act like each other. Second, both of us like many thing of a rabbit. Last, Elmer is very persistent, and he never gives up, I am the same way. We have a lot in common. First of all, Elmer is just exactly like me in every way possible. He is kind of dumb like me he also does not think before he does something like, he trips over his feet a lot trying to catch that rabbit. Another thing we got in common is he gets mad easy like if Buggs Bunny is messing with him and telling him to shoot him that gets him mad the most. Also when he shoots BOOM! POW! He misses the rabbit and the rabbit acts like he got shot but he did not kill it. After all, that is a few of the many reasons why Elmer is like me.... Show more content on ... But, despite all of that they will still taste good Elmer thinks that too. They re also hard to hunt without the dogs. We just chase them and shoot at them, most of the time I miss and he misses all the time no matter what. When I am hunting them they make me and him both mad because we miss. All in all, we both enjoy hunting rabbits so very
  • 19. Domestic And Foreign Laws And Regulations Regarding Their... One of the most difficult obstacles that international companies face is the proper following of the different domestic and foreign laws and regulations concerning their business operations. Each country has its own government and legal bodies that produce different legislation and direction that the companies, domestic and foreign based, working within that country have to obey. Uber is an example of one of those global companies. Uber runs in over five hundred cities in several countries, meaning it frequently has to address these regulation issues. The three biggest problems that Uber deals with involve combating protest from taxi/limousine companies, complaints about its surge pricing, and its independent contractoridentification for their drivers. Legal forces play a key role in the undertaking and resolving of all three of these major issues for the technology firm. From Uber s beginning, it has faced opposition from traditional taxi and limousine companies who feel that the tech company should be required to follow the same kind of regulations they do, with regards to background checks and licenses, because of its transportation activities. These companies have lobbied for increased regulation for Uber, especially in cities like New York City and Los Angeles where taxi companies have the most work. The way that Uber has been able to combat these charges is through litigation. Litigation is a legal proceeding conducted in order to determine and enforce
  • 20. How To Graduate High School When I was in high school I didn t feel like doing any work because I used to see it as a waste of time so in high school freshmen year I had almost all f s on my report card. My teachers told me that I wasn t going to be anything in life and my family would joke around and tell me I would work for minimum wage. So I told everyone that I was going to change my life around and graduate high schoolbut the way I was going they didn t believe that I could ever change. No one really believed me and they thought I was just trying to make myself feel better. I ignored everyone who thought that I couldn t do it and started taking school serious in my sophomore year. I would start showing up early to all of my classes which never happened before. ... Show more content on ... I went to talk to my counselor s, and asked them what I needed to graduate high school. They gave me the requirements to graduate but I was behind in a lot of senior classes. I asked them if they had any online courses where I could take a class faster and catch up with the seniors. they let me stay after school and use the computer at the library to take the online courses. After a couple of months of online courses and hard work. I was all caught up with the seniors. The end of the school year was close and it was the moment I was waiting for. When I was walking that stage all my teachers, friends, and even some of my family was surprised. My family knew that I was graduating one day ahead only because I gave them the tickets to show up. This experience changed my whole life around. Before I went through this accomplishment in my life. I was lazy, angry, and I didn t really have any goals in life I didn t have anything to look forward to. I was an angry person because I always blamed other people for my mistakes, and I thought everyone was against me because they don t want to see me succeed. I realized that at the end of day no one actually cares about your life more than yourself. I became motivated and interested in my education. Now I have attainable goals that I want to accomplish and have a successful
  • 21. Beautiful Boy Summary Sparknotes Beautiful Boy is a memoir told through the eyes of a father, David Sheff, whose son, Nic, struggles with a serious drug addiction throughout his late teens and early twenties. As Nic was growing up he was clearly a very intelligent child. He won prizes for his writing at school and was involved in sports. Nic was destined for great things ahead of him until he started smoking pot at the age of eleven. His father let him off with more or less of a warning because as a teen Sheff himself has experimented with it as well. His father begins to notice that it may be a bigger problem than he thought when Nic starts slacking in school. Skipping class, dropping grades, things that were out of character for Nic. When he was seventeen his father became aware that he was abusing alcohol as well as much more harmful drugs such as meth. Sheff, his late wife, Karen, and Nic s mother, Vicki, put everything on the line to get Nic into various facilities throughout the course of several years. Sheff and the rest of Nics familybegin to find it increasingly difficult to deal with Nics addiction. David Sheff informs people the hardships of being the parent of an addict who struggles to get his life back on track. He explains that not only is it a financial battle but an emotional battle as well. David Sheff s purpose is to illustrate what it is like to live the life of a parent who is not only taking care of is addicted son but who has to learn to take care of himself and the rest of his
  • 22. Hearing Loss Simulation Essay Emilee Pflueger SPPA325 001 Hearing Loss Simulation In order to gain a better understanding of the difficulties faced by people with hearing loss I wore ear plugs for an entire day in a variety of settings. The hearing loss simulation made relatively simple parts of my day much more difficult and really showed how much hearing loss can impact daily life. As discussed in class the shift from being able bodied to disabled , was quite difficult to cope with. My day started with driving to class, I usually enjoy listening to music on my drive however the music sounded quite muffled and was not pleasant to listen to. I then stopped to get a coffee, the coffee shop was quite busy and noisy as it was very early in the morning. I found myself asking for clarification from the cashier several times before I pretended to understand what he was saying. I could tell that he was getting frustrated when I asked for clarification twice so I was too embarrassed to ask a third time. The noisy environment of the coffee shop was the most difficult to hear in. ... Show more content on ... I struggled to listen to the instructor and found myself having to work very hard to understand her then about an hour into class I began to lose focus and stopped paying attention. In this instance, I empathized with the children who have an unidentified hearing loss and struggle to pay attention in school. These children are often identified as having attention and behavior issues when in reality their hearing is the problem. This further emphasized the importance of services such as hearing aids, FM systems or other amplification methods to ensure that these children do not have to work so hard to understand
  • 23. Active Hybrid Noise Cancelling System Block Diagram 2.2 Methodology2.2.1 Active Hybrid Noise Cancelling System Block Diagram Figure 1. Hybrid ANC structure As illustrated above, a hybrid active noise cancelling system is a constitution of feedforward and feedback mechanism with adaptive filters. The red area in block diagram is the feedforward section and the green is the feedback section. To understand this system more thoroughly, we will need to look at the feedforward and the feedback system individually. 2.2.2 Feedforward ANC System Block Diagram Figure 2. Standard Feedforward LMS ANCFigure 3. Feedforward FxLMS ANC Figure 2 is the general feedforward ANC block diagram with Least Mean Square (LMS) adaptive filter. The adaptive filter assists to filter the filter coefficient according to an adaptive algorithm. However, standard LMS algorithm tends to cause instability issue [13], since the error signal is not properly aligned in time in time with the reference signal due to the presence of the secondary path transfer function S(z). To solve the problem, it is necessary to find a different LMS filter or a different ANC system. There are several ANC filter algorithms and systems can be chosen as the solution. 1.recursive filtered least mean square (FxRLS); 2. fast transversal filter (FxFTF); 3. Lattice ANC systems; 4. frequency domain ANC systems; 4. Filtered u recursive LMS filter based on IIR; 5. FxLMS filter[14].
  • 24. Susan Glaspell Gender Roles A World Dominated by Men: The Conflict of Gender Roles in Trifles by Susan Glaspell One issue that seems to have been prevalent throughout history is that of strict gender roles. Issues involving gender are no exception in the play Trifles by Susan Glaspell. Strict gender roles create a conflict that is not only revealed through the division of labor, but is also shown through the men s expectations and limitations for the women in their society. The conflict in this play is expressed through the theme, the dialogue, and the setting. Oppressive gender roles are expressed first through the title Trifles itself. By definition, a trifle is a thing of little value or importance. Whenever the women were talking about Mrs. Wright s preserves, Hale laughs, Well, women are used to worrying over trifles (Glaspell 598). Using the word trifles as the title indicates that the play contains a shallow, meaningless theme or concept, but the truths found in the theme of the title are actually very far from insignificant. The trifles, although perceived by the men as trivial, ... Show more content on ... The men s word choice and tone when speaking to Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale comes across as demeaning and belittling. For example, when the men walk in on the women talking about Mrs. Wright s quilt, the sheriff scoffs, They wonder if she was going to quilt it or knot it! (Glaspell 601). Although the men limit the women to the trifles of housework and childcare, they still continue to mock them for delighting in those few things they are allowed. By continuously ridiculing their character and intelligence, the men are creating an oppressive state for the women to live in. They abuse their roles in the lives of their wives and ultimately spoil the concept of a happy marriage, creating tension and conflict between the men and women of their
  • 25. The Importance Of Choosing My Life In College The college process can be one that is very long and difficult, especially for student athletes. Choosing the right school is a huge decision that will have a big affect on your future with many factors to consider throughout the process. For me, the three big factors that contributed to my decision to attend Miami were my swim career, my academic goals, and the amazing people and staff that make up Miami University. Swimming has been a part of my life since I was six years old, and it has only become a bigger part of my life as I got older. Interestingly enough, I hated swimming during the first couple years and if it wasn t for my parents forcing me to stick with it, I would have quit. But, I started to grow an appreciation for the sport as I made some of my best friends through my team and having a lot of fun competing in meets. Today, I have made my best friends through swimming and have had some of my greatest memories through competitions such as the state meet my senior year when my team won the state meet. My team got a National record and numerous state records and it was one of the greatest moment of my life and is a big reason why I decided to continue my swim career in college. During my recruiting trip to Miami, I knew almost instantly that it was the place for me. The swim team was very close knit and I knew it was an environment where I could continue to make some of my closest friends. The coaches and facilities proved to me that this was a team that was
  • 26. Who Was Responsible For Joseph s Father In Genesis 1-36 In Genesis 37 1 36. The circumstances that led to Joseph s brother s treatment towards him were the following: his father loved him more than his older son s, because he was born to him in old age. Joseph s brothers hated him and could not speak a kind word to him. (Genesis 37:3 4 NIV) Now Israel loved Joseph more than any of his other sons, because he had been born to him in his old age; and he made an ornate[a] robe for him. 4 When his brothers saw that their father loved him more than any of them, they hated him and could not speak a kind word to him. In chapter 39 the character traits I saw emerge in Joseph encounter with Potiphar s wife were the following: loyalty, respect and grateful. He was not only loyal to God, but a loyal servant to his earthly master as well. He was grateful for the confidence his master had in him and the respectful of the... Show more content on ... (Genesis 39:21 23 NIV) 21 the Lord was with him; he showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden. 22 So the warden put Joseph in charge of all those held in the prison, and he was made responsible for all that was done there. 23 The warden paid no attention to anything under Joseph s care, because the Lord was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did. Management skills / wise: Joseph demonstrates some amazing management skills and very wise guidance deliverance. (Genesis 41: 35 40 NIV) 35 They should collect all the food of these good years that are coming and store up the grain under the authority of Pharaoh, to be kept in the cities for food. 36 This food should be held in reserve for the country, to be used during the seven years of famine that will come upon Egypt, so that the country may not be ruined by the famine. 37 The plan seemed good to Pharaoh and to all his officials. 38 So Pharaoh asked them, Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the spirit of
  • 27. Biblical Words Related On Counseling Biblical Words Related to Counseling This portion of the presented literature examines three Biblical words related to counseling. The words being examined in this portion consist of counsel, wisdom, and help. These words will be examined using Blue Letter Bible (2012), Strong s Concordance, and Vine s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words. The theme associated with Biblical words related to counseling unified in concept. This concept is the liberation, or victory, from troubles and sin to becoming wise through counsel from God, or spiritually mature counselees. Counsel According to, the word counsel appears 74 times in the New American Standard Bible (Blue Letter Bible, 2012). However, due to several translations, the word counsel can be found in the Bible over 200 times (Blue Letter Bible, 2012). In the other fourteen versions of the Bible listed on, the primary word counsel can be seen from twenty four times to one hundred and thirty nine times (Blue Letter Bible, 2012). The New American Standard Bible holds seventeen Hebraic version of the word counsel (Blue Letter Bible, 2012). Strong s Number matches the most frequent Hebraic translation of counsel, ya`ats, eighty eight times in seventy four verses in the Hebrew concordance of the New American Standard Bible (Blue Letter Bible, 2012). The word ya tas is commonly used as a verb, yet frequently translates to counsel, counselor, and consult (Blue Letter Bible,
  • 28. Immigration Issues in the News H. R. 2604 (2012): Help Separated Families Act of 2013 is a Federal bill introduced by Representative Lucille Roybal Allard, a Democrat in California s 40th District. After the introduction of this Federal bill it was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means: 113th Congress, 2013 2015. The bill, (H. R. 2604) was introduced to the Senate floor as of Jun 28, 2013 (, 2013). This bill would ensure that immigrationstatus alone does not disqualify a relative from being a placement for a child whose parent (s) has been deported. Understanding the Problem Immigration issues have been in the news; and have been debated by politicians. Political parties over the years have been vocal in voicing their concerns about American immigration (Russit, 2013). The problem is if you are an undocumented immigrant and you are stopped by an arresting agency you will be detained and deported according to the current immigration policy (Russit, 2013). Russit (2013) explains the judicial branch of our Supreme Court has ruled over this issue for over four decades. They have determined the federal government has the exclusive power of regulating immigration. These powers are based on the Commerce Clause, Naturalization Clause, Migration and Importation Clause and the War Power Clause of Article I of the US Constitution. The courts have ruled that any state or local law that attempts to regulate immigration is in violation of the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution and is
  • 29. Eyewitness In The Criminal Justice System Human memory is a complex system that encodes, stores, and retrieves information. Encoding involves two types of rehearsal: maintenance rehearsal, which is reciting the information, and relational or elaborative rehearsal, which is thinking about what the information means and how it relates to what you already know (Reisberg, 2016). Active encoding helps short termmemorytransfer to long term memory. Next, storage involves holding the information until it is needed, which brings us to retrieval. Retrieval happens when you remember the information; it requires first finding the information in storage and then bringing it to the surface. Errors in any one of these processes can result in error in memory which has large implications for eyewitness identification in the criminal justice system. During a criminal investigation, the police seek out eyewitnesses to better understand what happened and who committed the crime. The eyewitness may assist in making a sketch of the assailant and might be asked to look... Show more content on ... The questionnaire consisted of three sections: the first asked participants about their interrogator using 11 descriptive categories. The second section were open ended questions about both emotional (uniforms, weapons) and emotionally neutral (glasses, telephone) topics. The third and final section of the questionnaire was an 8 ВЅ x 11 inch sheet of paper that had a nine 2 inch x 2 inch mug shot color photographs of former instructors and interrogators of the Survival School printed on it. Participants were informed that the photo array may not contain a picture of their interrogator (it did not) and were asked to place an X on the photograph that they believed was their interrogator or to write not present . After completion of the questionnaire, the participants sat quietly with their head down until everyone was
  • 30. The Battle Of The War On The State, And Post Cold War Introduction: Ever since the Napoleonic Wars, war was a concept that was considered to be under the purview of the State, however this belief is inherently wrong. In all of history, warfare has been engaged by private actors as opposed to the State. In fact, the State as the dominant actor in warfare should be understood as the exception, rather than the norm. Even though the State has not been the dominant actor in warfare, there were certainly multiple attempts by the State to control, or have governance over warfare as a whole. For the purposes of understanding governance over privatized warfare, there are three major time periods that should be reviewed: The Middle Ages, the Rise of the State, and Post Cold War society. In an... Show more content on ... Even though there has not been global governance over the Private Military Corporation, there were some attempts at global governance over privatized violence as a whole. Two major international documents which contribute to the discussion on global governance over privatized war happen to be: The United Nation s International Convention against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries and the International Committee of the Red Cross s Montreux Document. The creation of these documents have also been impacted by non state actors such as committees or regional groups. Governance of the Mercenary Mercenaries have existed for years before the Middle Ages, and have continued well into the 20th century. During the Middle Ages, the political system of feudalism, and the economies contributed greatly to the prominence and strength of Mercenaries. It is also worth noting that because of the strength and prominence of Mercenaries, it was hard to have governance over these entities. The rise of the State fundamentally shifted the way privatized war was looked at. With the rise of the State, warfare shifted from the private sector into the hands
  • 31. Professional Skepticism and Auditors Workpaper Professional Skepticism and Auditors Workpaper Review Kathy Hurtt University of Wisconsin Martha Eining and David Plumlee University of Utah Draft version March, 2001 February, 2002 Please do not quote without permission of the authors. Comments are welcome. We thank the workshop participants at Arizona State University, University of Utah, University of Wisconsin and Bentley College for their comments on earlier versions of this paper. Professional Skepticism and Auditors Workpaper Review Professional Skepticism and Auditors Workpaper Review Review of subordinates workpapers by more experienced auditors consumes a significant portion of the effort on an ... Show more content on ... Research on SEC Enforcement Actions (1987 1997) by Beasley, Carcello and Hermanson concurred with this assessment, indicating that 60% of the enforcement actions were related to a lack of professional skepticism (AICPA 2000). and that people failure is the most common cause of audit failures (Choo and Tan 1998). In response to the SEC s concern about the quality of financial audits, the Public Oversight Board established a panel that recommends recommended to audit firms that they provide guidance to their audit personnel about the concept of professional skepticism (POB 2000). Thus, understanding the role of professional skepticism in workpaper review may provide important insight into a recognized problem within the audit profession. A critical step in conducting research involving professional skepticism is a means of identifying individuals who can be characterized as skeptical. Recent research by Hurtt (2001) has resulted in a 30 item psychological scale that measures the degree of skepticism possessed by an individual. In addition, a model linking an auditor s degree of skepticism and certain behaviors has been proposed (Hurtt, Eining and Plumlee 2001). The model of skepticism, developed from surveys of professional accountants as well as literatures from
  • 32. The Renaissance And Its Influence On The Arts And Learning... The Renaissance acutely influenced the revival and rehabilitation of enthusiasm for the arts and learning succeeding the Dark ages. The Dark Ages was a time that consisted of barbarian attacks, whose sole intent was to erase the ancient teachings. The Middle Ages differed from the time in which the Renaissanceoccurred. There are some main characteristics the Renaissance possessed. Galileo and Leonardo Da Vinci were pivotal to this time and their contributions were crucial to the achievement of the objective of the Renaissance. The Renaissance served as a time for rehabilitation of all that had been lost. The Dark Ages was a time preceding the Renaissance. It was a time containing nothing but turmoil, continuous fighting, horrible sickness, and a cultural standstill. The Renaissance was the Age that came directly after all this trouble. People began to think for themselves and actually voice their thoughts that were just completely outside of the church s realm of comprehension. This Age was one in which people began to realize the importance of studying the past not only to learn from the mistakes but to learn about all the good. People saw the importance of looking back not just to the previous age, but at civilizations from hundreds thousands of years prior to their time for wisdom, inventiveness, and creativity. The people looked all the way back to ancient Greek and Romans for ideas of how to rebuild their world. On the completely opposite side of the spectrum people
  • 33. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Data Center Grouping of IT resources such as servers , databases ,networking and communication devices in close with each other rather than having them geographically dispersed. Advantages of data center : 1. It allows for power sharing 2. Higher efficiency in usage shared IT resources 3. Improved accessibility for IT personnel(less management team is required) DIFFERNET TYPES OF INFRASTURUCTURE INSIDE DATA CENTER 1 .BUILDING INFRASTRUCTURE: BUILDING SYSTEM electrical system, fire suppression, lightning ,security etc. 2 .DATA CENTER INFRASTRUCTURE : power ,cooling racks ,management, physical security, fire suppression etc. 3. IT INFRASTRUCTURE : IT ASSESTS servers ,storage ,hypervisor etc. 4. NETWORK ... Show more content on ... Operating system based virtualization в—€ALLOCATION OF THE PHYSICAL IT RESOURCES в—€INSTALLATION OF THE DIFFERNET OS в—€INSTALLATION OF HYPERVISIOR в—€VM HAVE THEIR OWN OS The host operating system consumes CPU, memory and other hardware IT resources. Licenses are usually required for host OS, in addition to individual licenses for each of their guest OS. RESOURCE POOLING It is grouping of identical IT resources and maintained by system that kept synchronization of resources. There could be four types of pools: 1.Physical server pools: It is composed of rack mounted servers with operating system. 2.Virtual server pools: It is composed of virtual server with different OS and RAM. 3.Storage pools: it is composed of different storage devices/containers. 4.Network pools: It is composed of physical connectivity devices such as routers ,switches or firewall devices. Workload distribution It is the distribution/(scaling) of IT resources according to the workload. there could be two ways to scaling: 1.Vertical scaling: Replacement of existing IT resources with the resources which have higher capacity. 2.Horizontal scaling: Addition of the same type of IT
  • 34. Stela of Mentuwoser Essay An Analysis of Stela of Mentuwoser The Stela of Mentuwoser is a piece of funerary art from the Middle Kingdom period that was given to Mentuwoser by King Senwosret for his loyal services. Mentuwoser had many accomplishments and was thought to be a man of the people. The Stela of Mentuwoser displays the respect people had for him and what he had done for the people of his nation. It also gives us a look into some of the traditions of his time. The Stela clearly expresses the amount of accomplishments Mentuwoser had achieved. The majority of the Stela of Mentuwoser is taken up by hieroglyphics. These hieroglyphics have been interpreted to be about all of the deeds he did for the people of Egypt. Some of the included accomplishments... Show more content on ... Needless to say, the artist makes it pretty clear that the Stela is a tribute to Mentuwoser by making him the undeniable focal point of the image. The image shown also gives the viewer a glimpse into some of the traditions of the days of the Middle Kingdom. The food served in the image is displayed vertically in order of the meal s courses from bottom to top. It included many different food items including bread, ribs, and squash among a few more. It is likely that these items were common for feasts of this importance, giving us an idea of what foods were likely to be valuable or desired back in the Middle Kingdom. Secondly, in the inscriptions, the Stela makes it clear that the visual of Mentuwoser and the prayers that are written on the Stela are to give him nourishment and rebirth during annual festivals that honor Osiris. At these festivals, family members would visit and honor the stelae in the chapels they were displayed in. By using both visual and written commemoration, the Stela is able to reach those who were unable to read. Both factors give the viewer an enormous look into Egyptian tradition and religion, showing the importance of the afterlife in their culture and the respect they have for the dead. There are many features the artist uses to display the views the people of Mentuwoser s time had for him. The last line of the inscriptions on the stela reads as follows: you love life and hate death, as you want Foremost of
  • 35. The Vaccine Of Autism Connection The Vaccine to Autism Connection It is amazing how much Americans trust doctors and more shocking, vaccines. Vaccines are injections we receive from the moment we are born and throughout our lives that are meant to keep our bodies from contracting various. A baby born in a hospital today can be given up to six shots before the mother is even in a place where she can conciously tell the doctor whether she is okay with that or not. It can take years to become aware of, but the early exposure to the unnatural substances that make up vaccines can lead to a disorder called autism. While many Americans view vaccines positively for their adequate ability to prevent illness, the rise of autism in the nation and its link to vaccines is reason enough to try to change our tactics for trying to stay healthy. Autism is a developmental disorder with symptoms including defects in coordination and motor skills, visual disturbances, and immune suppression. What researchers like Larry Trivieri Jr. have realized over the last decade is these symptoms are extremely similar to the effects of mercury poisoning. Mercury makes up 50% of Thimersal, a preservative found in vaccines; The increases in the occurrence of autism are closely linked to the widespread use of thimersalcontaining vaccines, says Trivieri. While the possible link between autism and vaccines is clear, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claim there is no link but have yet to thoroughly investigate the issue
  • 36. The Technology Into Our Nursing World In the nursing profession there is constantly changes in how we practice, whether it be evidence based practice or innovating the latest technology into our nursing world. I have been with UPMC for eight years now and have seen many changes occur. Some of the changes within the organization have made an impact on my nursing practice and others not so much. Anytime we are involved with a project going live there is a lot of planning that goes into the project and so many people are involved in making it a success. One example that I can use is the building of the new entrance way at Presby and all that has went into the process so far. This directly affected my unit and the lab that was housed in the old Children s Hospital South Tower section. Our unit was moved over the South Tower in June of 2011 in order to renovate our previous unit and an additional unit that was needed to hold our patients. When we moved over to the South Tower it was to be a temporary move and it was anticipated that we should only be there for about a year because renovations were being done on the entrance way of the main hospital and the South Tower was going to be tore down. The lab was also in the South Tower and needed to be moved to a building down the street. There was a lot of strategic planning involved with the labs move because the tube station that sent our specimens needed to extend from Presby/Montefiore to the new lab building. This planning involved construction and people
  • 37. The Principles Of Professionalism And Professionalism In this essay the principles of professionalism will be discussed including its importance to education as a whole, and as a practitioner. The following will be discussed; assessing the different understandings of professionalism, demonstrating factors such as self awareness, personal qualities and skills. Then examine how these may impact a practitioner Professionalism means different things to different people as suggest by Fox (1992, p. 2). Examining the different meanings of professionalism Hanlon 1998 would agree with Fox stating professionalism is what people think at a certain point in time. For example some may argue that professionalism places its importance on belonging to a profession. This includes an individual having ... Show more content on ... This has led to challenges in the workforce whereby the views of practitioners, and their ability to behave professional have contradicted each other. For example some practitioners view their qualifications and training as most important, whereby other practitioners may disagree with this view stating their attitude, and values are just as important. This can cause issues in a workforce, such as team work, and creating a positive environment. Being a professional working with young children according to the samples of EYEs, in my research is not just about having qualifications, training..... but also about attitudes and values, .....interpret the best for children and families, commitment, enjoyment and passion for working with children Brock A 2006. This statement is essential to understanding that outside qualification and teaching the characteristics of a practitioner is crucial. Therefore a professional is a practitioner that maintains standards according to education however understanding that their views, beliefs and qualities implicate them, and also need to be incorporated in their approach in a positive way. In order to do this, a practitioner needs to develop self awareness whereby understanding their own attitudes, values and where these may arise from, consequently understanding the implication
  • 38. Analysis Of Ex-Husband s Wife The wife seems to be the most capable of intimacy. Probably because she is a woman, it is easier for her to confine. She reaches out to Robert, first, after for a year stop working for him. They communicate mainly through tapes. It goes on for many years. Of course, the wife has other friends too. Yet, she cannot keep contact with them for long as she had to move constantly due to her ex husband s job. However, her blind friend Robert is a special one because they have been around together for almost ten years. She tells Robert almost everything: her first marriage, her life, her loneliness, etc. She even mentions about her failed suicide attempt. It is not easy for many people to talk about the difficult moments in their life like she could.... Show more content on ... He seems like an interval person. He carefully watches his wife and Robert, and keeps his thoughts to himself. He loves his wife. He gets jealous when knowing Robert touched his wife s face and neck before she quitted the job. His jealousy also presents when he talks about his wife s ex husband. He never mentions his name Why should he have a name? He was the childhood sweetheart, and what more does he want . He is neither as sympathy as the wife nor as open as the blind man. He is racist, rude, and close minded. He is flawed. He has a disgust view about Robert s death wife Beulah! That s a name for a colored woman Was his wife a Negro? (715). He does not like people with disabilities. His concept about disability is stereotype The blind moved slowly and never laughed. Sometimes they were led by sight seeing dog (713). He also makes himself clears that A blind man in my house is not something I look forward to (713). The narrator is somewhere between mean and curious when having silly comments, thoughts May be I could take him to the bowling (715) or the blind didn t smoke, because they couldn t see the smoke they exhaled (717). He is a little bit childish to turn on the TV while his wife and Robert are talking as he just cannot join the conversation. The narrator does not feel comfortable to let other people understand him. Probably that is why he does not have any friends. The narrator seems to be nervous when he has to talk to Robert all by himself I wish my wife hadn t pooped out . When his wife falls asleep, he feels uncomfortable as he knows now he has to talk to Robert. It can be seen that the narrator is nervous to talk to Robert, partly because of his insecure feeling toward Robert Say my life was being threaten by an insane guy who said I had to do it or else . It is only when the narrator participates in drawing the Cathedral with Robert, he can invade in a part of the blind man s world, and he
  • 39. Alarm Fatigue And Alarm Management Essay Assumption and Limitations The assumption of this study is that one methodology of educating the registered nurses to alarm fatigue and alarm management will be more effective over the other in reducing the number of false and non actionable alarms. The expectation is to determine which educational methodology, online or traditional, will have a greater impact on the alarm management behavior of the nursing staff in the cardiac intensive care unit. This will be evident if the number of nuisance alarms are affected by one or the other educational methodology of presenting the education. The expectation is one mode of education will result in a greater reduction in the number of false and non actionable alarms over the other. Reduction in the number of false and non actionable alarms has been directly related to a reduction of alarm fatigue in registered nurses (Sendelbach Funk, 2013). Evidence supports that a reduction in alarm fatigue improves patient safety and reduces the risk of patient adverse events (Sendelbach Funk, 2013). There are factors that could impact the results of this project. One circumstance that could have an impact on the study is the patient census. The number of alarms could potentially be greater if the unit that was at capacity with 14 patient as opposed to a lower patient census. A second factor that could have an effect on the project is untrained staff. Cardiac Intensive Care nursing staff, who for some reason could not, or did not
  • 40. Demetrius And Helena In A Midsummer Night s Dream By... In A Midsummer Night s Dream, William Shakespeare heavily expresses the distinct characteristics of Demetrius and Helena through the direct and indirect characterizations that affect them in the play. Demetrius character is best emphasized, directly and indirectly, through the dialogue and actions of himself and those around him. In Act One, Scene One, after Egeus explains to King Theseus that he wants his daughter, Hermia, to marry Demetrius instead of Lysander, Demetrius demands that Lysander relinquish his loveand control over Hermia because marrying her is his certain right . After the demand, King Theseus is reminded that Demetrius made love to...Helena and won her soul and that Helena still devoutly dotes over him. In this scene, ... Show more content on ... Helena is first introduced storming past Hermia and Lysander, being quick to accuse Hermia of stealing Demetrius love from her. Helena s lengthy response, use of exclamations, sarcastic and whiney tone, and admitted jealousy, portray her perfectly. In fact, the audience better comes to understand the character in her following monologue containing phrases such as: happy some o er other some can be! Through Athens I am thought to be as fair as she ; ...he hailed down oaths that he was only mine... heat from Hermia...dissolved, and showers of oaths did melt ; I will go tell him of fair Hermia s flight...if I have thanks, it is a dear expense. This shows that Helena isn t just a jealous friend, but a hurt girl with low self esteem; she is desperate to have love and happiness again to extent of giving Demetrius what he wants at the expense of her friends wellbeing. Despite the late hours, dangers of the night, and Demetrius annoyance with her, Hermia expresses her desperation and relentless love for him by proclaiming [Demetrius] draw me, you hard hearted adamant , I love you the more , and ... spurn me, strike me...only give me leave... to follow you . Humorously enough, even when Demetrius does not grant Helena permission, she still devotedly follows him. Due to the constant flow of insults and abuses from Demetrius, Helena s character is pushed to the point where she wallows in self pity and despair as well as further compare her darker, less attractive complexion to Hermia s. When Lysander awakens under a love spell and professes his undying love for her, she runs away in distress believing he is implementing a cruel joke on her. When Demetrius follows in the same love struck manner, she becomes exasperated and falls further into her self pity. Helena s tone even become satirical towards the two men and Hermia which not only offends
  • 41. Analysis of You Just Don t Understand, Men and Women in... Analysis of You Just Don t Understand, Men and Women in Conversation by Deborah Tannen In the first chapter of her book, You Just Don t Understand, Men and Women in Conversation, Deborah Tannen quotes, ...studies have shown that married couples that live together spend less than half an hour a week talking to each other... . (24) This book is a wonderful tool for couples to use for help in understanding each other. The two things it stresses most is to listen, and to make yourself heard. This book opened my eyes to the relationship I am in now, with a wonderful person, for about four years. It made me realize that most of our little squabble like fights could have been avoided, if one or the other of us could sit down and... Show more content on ... Josh got a call at work from an old high school friend that would be in town that month, and Josh invited him to stay at his house for the weekend, without first checking with Linda. Linda was upset when she heard this news because she was away on business the week before and that Friday was to be her first night home. Linda was less upset by that fact, and more upset that Josh had made plans without checking with her first, she would never make plans with anyone without checking with Josh, and didn t understand why he couldn t show her the same courtesy. This conflict affected Linda and Josh perhaps more so than another couple because it hit their primary concerns. Linda was hurt because she felt Josh didn t care as much about her as she did for him. And Josh was hurt because he felt that Linda was trying to control him, and limit his freedom. Many women feel that it is expected for them to consult with their partners at every turn, while men automatically make more decisions without asking their partners. Women may try to initiate a relaxed conversation by asking What do you think? while men may feel that they are being forced to decide. Tannen states that communication is a continual balancing act, juggling the conflicting needs for intimacy and independence. To survive we need to act with concern for others but also survive for ourselves. There has always been a common stereotype that women talk too
  • 42. What Is Elizabeth I s Pragmatic Plan Throughout modern European history, Elizabeth I s pragmatic reign over her nation, Bismarck s aggressive yet sly tactics to unify Germany, and Hitler s expeditious rise to power and its continuation show the development of politics from Machiavelli s The Prince. With England torn apart by religious unrest brought about by Henry VIII, Edward VI, and Mary I, Elizabeth I employed a pragmatic plan during the 1500s in order to bring about peace. In introducing a religious policy, she devised a compromise between the theological beliefs of Protestantism and Catholicism. Firstly, she adjusted her predecessors title of the only supreme head of the church to only supreme governor of this realm (Spielvogel 407). Though the alteration did... Show more content on ... When Mary was the monarch of Scotland, the Calvinist nobles deposed of her, and she fled to England for safety (Spielvogel 408). Since she was the daughter of Henry VIII s sister, Mary held a legitimate claim to the throne after Elizabeth. In fact, many Catholics saw Henry s second marriage to Anne Boleyn as improper, making Mary the more fitting queen for England (Sifakis 1). Seeing opportunity in this woman who had no intention of altering her faith, the Catholics plotted to place her on the English throne (Black 68). They took part in many failed assassination plots on Elizabeth, one of them being the Babington Plot of 1586. This nefarious plan held Mary s controversial involvement, leading to her trial, conviction, and execution (Sifakis 2). With a resolve to end the threats to her regime, Elizabeth ended her cousin s life through a beheading (Spielvogel 408). Both Elizabeth s decision to get rid of Mary and the construction of religious compromise were Machiavellian because of her pragmatic way of thinking to ensure a successful reign. Elizabeth s religious settlement was practical because it ignored moral values, displaying itself as a Machiavellian plan. By creating an Anglican religion based on compromise,
  • 43. Customer Is Not Always Right An Analysis on How to Handle Dysfunctional Customers And how they affect on Food Servers in selected Restaurants at Eastwood City A Method of Research and Thesis Paper Presented to the Faculty of the Hotel and Restaurant Management Arellano University Pasig In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Degree in Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management Presented By: Calinao, Loreinn G. Tierra, Alyssa Marie G. Encio, Mary Bless Estrada, Erik E. Romero, Jerry Arellano University Pasig Pag Asa St. Brgy. Caniogan Pasig City Approval Sheet In partial fulfillment of the requirements for ... Show more content on ... What is not acceptable is for the customer to be demanding, insulting and irate. The real issue is lack of respect people today. This study has an important contribution to the understanding that there are Dysfunctional Customers , and that their behaviours equate serious consequences, and in the new era the number of them is increasing. Those customers always wish payless or to not pay, those who doesn t obey rules of the company, use to abuse employees verbally or even physically, customers who gets in detailed arguments with other employees about company and they are customers who always makes hurdle for company and so on and so forth, and we might encounter some of them that will scream at you or some will just be okay. Some of them will down your principle, even your personality or we can say that some of them are just over reacting to the point that they are already below their belt. They misbehave because they know that the management does not want to lose them. Customers are used to tell the famous slogan in any business that the customer is always right . A customer knows when they are wrong or right but they will still try to get something out of it because it does not matter if they are right or wrong, in fact, in
  • 44. their world they are always right and they like to do whatever they want. [By dzavdica/August 2010]. Is there any clichГ© more
  • 45. How Did The Holocaust Use Poison Gases Poison gases were used primarily used to demoralize, injure, and kill entrenched defenders. There were different types of poison gases like, Tear gas, Mustard gas, etc. These were very harsh killings in my opinion, because it lasted a while with pain then they were dead. These gases were traumatizing to the people they used the gas to. Theses people were scared to go into the rooms and didn t know what was going to happen to them just like The boy in the striped pajamas and like The Holocaust . These people during the holocaust experimented on people for the purpose of mass murder which is killing more than one person. They used this mass murder killing for killing patients with mental and physical disabilities. The killing centers
  • 46. Summary Of The Rough Rider One of the lasting impacts of the Spanish American War was the influence of new mass media on the conflict and the rhetoric utilized to rouse support for the war. Theodore Roosevelt s Rough Riders cavalry regiment serve as a model for how public perception of the war was shaped by Rough Riders that was purported to represent American ideals. Christine Bold argues that popular culture and appeals to national identity allowed the Rough Rider ideal to serve as a justification for the conflict, while Gail Bederman asserts that this topic is more usefully interpreted through the understanding of Theodore Roosevelts ideal man as ideology of masculinity. Specifically, Bederman claims that the historical significance of the popularity of the ideal of the Western man is that it represents a Darwinist belief in racial superiority, while Bold argues that the Rough Riders ideal served to justify the Spanish American War. Christine Bold s article, The Rough Riders at Home and Abroad: Cody, Roosevelt, Remington, and the Imperialist Hero, tracks the contributions of three important historical figures: William Cody, Theodore Roosevelt, and Frederic Remington, to the image of the Rough Riders and the packaged version of the American West and its influence during the Spanish American War (Bold, 324). After offering background on the conflict, she first considers the contributions of William Cody and his Wild West Show to the Rough Riders. She details how Cody constructed a narrative
  • 47. The Reality Of The Universe Our lives are limited, the majority of them ending just before becoming a century old. Our collective age as a species is also miniscule, lasting only the hour before New Year s if the existence of our universe was shrunk into a calendar year. This puts not only time, but our limitations into perspective. Such vast numbers cannot be comprehended by our minds, hence the popular calendar metaphor. Studying astronomy makes aware to us our limitations and thus reveals an awe inspiring new realm that we could not have grasped even a glimpse of before. Neil deGrasse Tyson begins us on our journey through the universeby giving us our cosmic address where we are in our vast universe. It goes from as close to home as our planet, Earth, and as far out as the observable universe, with the solar system, Milky Way galaxy, Local Group, and Virgo Supercluster in between. Finding our place in the universe like this takes us through clusters of stars separated by unimaginable amounts of empty space. Looking at ourselves in this way puts everything into perspective and shows how small we are and how little we have truly explored. Not only have we explored an amount so small that rounding it would equate to zero, our existence itself has lasted an irrelevant duration in the history of the universe. As far as we know, our universe is about 14 billion years old... we ourselves might live to be between 80 and 100 on average. All of humanity has existed for only about 200,000 years. Viewing
  • 48. Poeques Alliteration In A Red, Red Rose A Red, Red Rose Analysis. Stanza1: Lines 1 2 The poet compares his lover like a red rose that newly bloom in June. June is a month during the rainy season. When thinking of the rainy season, we will think about lush or fresh. So, his love is new and fresh. O from O my Luve s like a Red, Red Rose is technique apostrophe. Luve is the old word of love . s an abbreviation of is . O my Luve s like a Red, Red Rose is technique metaphor. Red, Red Rose is technique alliteration. Stanza1: Lines 3 4 The poet compares his lover like the melodie that very sweet. O from O my Luve s like the melodie is technique apostrophe. melodie from O my Luve s like the melodie is the word from melody . O my Luve s like the melodie is ... Show more content on ... mean you (objective) refer to my only Luve ! from And fare thee weel a while! is technique apostrophe. Stanza4: Lines 15 16 The poet says he will come back to his lover again. Although it were far ten thousand mile. Tho from Tho it were ten thousand mile. is the word from though and It is a technique syncope. Summary The poet compares his lover like a red rose and the melodie. He loves her until the sea dry
  • 49. In Defense Of Animals Research Paper Introduction: Circuses are a magical place where families take their children to watch the performances, right? Wrong. Elephants held in circuses against their will, are beaten, starved and forced to stand on their head for the enjoyment of children. Does that still sound magical? The same things happen in zoos Big Picture: Circuses have been around since the 1700 s and were called Circles, later becoming the ring, which is the center of the circle where the animals are performing against their will. In the beginning a circus was just a man and a horse performing in a ring. Over the years it has grown into a huge production and lasts several hours. Zoos have also been around for a long time. Animals held in fake wilderness while people watch them from behind metal bars. Elephants in my opinion are in the most serious trouble. These 6000 to 15,000 pound creatures who are forced to stand on their heads or stand in a little sanctuary only allowed to walk 1.5 to 2 miles a day. When in the wild they walk 40 miles plus in one day. Since they weigh so much they should not be standing on hard dry surfaces that prevents normal exercise and forces them to stand on hard, dry, compacted surfaces, causing arthritis and foot disease. ... Show more content on ... Number one zoo being The San Antonio Zoo and it is the 6th time the zoo has made this list. It is at the top of the list for keeping its elephants separated from each other when in the wild they travel in packs. This zoo has also put 8 million dollars into a centennial plaza to make the place more fun for visitors, while the animals suffer in
  • 50. Nt1330 Unit 3 Types Of Dngs 1.URL Type The first step is to identify whether the URL is of http or https. In the beginning, network administrators had to figure out how to share the information they put out on the Internet. It is agreed on a procedure for exchanging information and called it HyperText Transfer Protocol. Using HTTPS, the computers agree on a code between them, and then they scramble the messages using that code so that no one in between can read them. This keeps your information safe from hackers. It uses the code on a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), sometimes called Transport Layer Security (TLS) to send the information back and forth. 2. DNS Operation The next step is to obtain the IP address from the domain name. This is performed by DNS. A DNS lookup, in a general sense, is the process by which a DNS record is returned from a DNS server. Interconnected computers, servers and smart phones need to know how to translate the email addresses and domain names people use into meaningful numerical addresses. A DNS lookup performs this function. The two types of DNS lookups are forward DNS lookups and reverse DNS lookups. Forward DNS is a type of DNS request in which a domain name is used to obtain its corresponding IP address. A DNS server is said to resolve a domain name when it returns its IP address. A forward DNS... Show more content on ... A Web crawler, sometimes called a spider, is an Internetbot that systematically browses the World Wide Web, typically for the purpose of Web indexing. Crawlers can validate hyperlinks and HTML code. They can also be used for web scraping. Crawlers consume resources on the systems they visit and often visit sites without approval. Issues of schedule, load, and politeness come into play when large collections of pages are accessed. Mechanisms exist for public sites not wishing to be crawled to make this known to the crawling
  • 51. Mark Twain Satire Satire can be used in many ways, although it is not always done in a convincing manner. Only a knowledgeable and creative writer can influence people through this device. Satire often uses humor to show a current problem, and in most cases, it does not provide a solution but is the catalyst for it. Emotions on the topic are prompted and in turn the audience connects with the writer and the conflict at hand. Throughout history authors have wielded the literary devices of satireto convey a message; mockery, irony, overstatement, and understatement can be the most effective by shedding light on an issue in an unusual way. The most common and effective device of satire is mockery. In Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, the author uses satire as the foundation of the novel, utilizing mockery the most often. Early on in the novel, when Huck and Jim meet, Huck is questioning Jim about what his plan is to do with his money and Jim responds with his idea that his friend Balum came up with, In church he hear de preacher say dat whoever give to de po len to de Lord, en boun to git his money back a hund d times (Twain 49). This mockery is effective because it is talking directly about an issue. Twain is mocking the old Catholic church and also the people that sometimes blindly followed it. In the 1500s the church was accused of offering its people the right to buy their way to heaven. In Jim s case, the church is saying that if anyone donates money, they will in return
  • 52. Two Major Unions in America Essay Two Major Unions in America Unions in America were created to improve the working conditions of its labor force. These labor force consisted of the men, women, and children that were employed by the owners of industry. Many unions were established in the early 1800s, but due to the widespread fear of socialism and the repression from the courts, the majority of them eventually failed. Most capitalist, at the time, felt there was no need to share with its employees the profits of their businesses (Murrin et al. 2002:685 702). Management, for the most part, paid little attention to salary and provided few, if any, safety measures and health protection for the people actually doing the work. Employees worked long hours weekly, often ... Show more content on ... Supreme Court, repeatedly found unions in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act, even though that act had been intended to control corporations, not unions (Murrin et al. 2002:701). Later in their careers some of these men became humanitarians. But instead of providing social reform in the work place with better wages and other benefits, they distributed large quantities of their wealth instead to colleges and libraries; now they were looked at as heroes by society. Consequently, due to abuses from employers to the people under them, laws and regulations to protect workers were established and are now enforced by the U.S. Department of Labor. These laws protect over 10 million employers and about 125 million employees (2003). As written in the Department of Labors General Information website, it says In carrying out this mission, the Department administers a variety of Federal labor laws including those that guarantee workers rights to safe and healthful working conditions; a minimum hourly wage and overtime pay; freedom from employment discrimination; unemployment insurance; and other income support (2003). The involvement of the federal government helped curb or eliminate conditions as those found in sweatshops and other places. These jobsites usually were where people had to put in long hours under unsafe working conditions. The Industrial Workersof the World Union (IWW), unlike the Department of Labor, is mainly concerned with the labor
  • 53. Analysis of Rhetorical Strategies in The Company Man Essays Analysis of Rhetorical Strategies in The Company Man In The Company Man by Ellen Goodman, throughout the passage Goodman illustrates her feelings of distaste and anger toward Phil, as he in her mind represents Corporate America: routine, indifferent, almost robotic. Goodman uses numerous rhetorical strategies to convey her attitude toward Phil, including tone, repetition, the use of statistics, sarcasm, anecdotes, differing syntax, and irony. From the beginning, Goodman creates a very impersonal tone, letting characters remain nameless and unimportant, identifying them primarily by their age Phil, fifty one years old...Helen, forty eight years old... . This mirrors the corporate mindset that everyone has an expiration ... Show more content on ... Moreover, Phil s youngest son said about his father, My father and I only board here. . This further conveys the amount of time Phil spent at the office rather than at home; his own family didn t even consider him in permanent residence at his own home. Other than anecdotes, Goodman additionally uses varying syntax to illustrate her annoyance at Phil s choice of lifestyle. When describing Phil s daily routine, her sentences are short, definitive, showing her distaste for Phil. To Phil, it was work. He always ate egg salad sandwiches at his desk....On Saturdays, Phil wore a sports jacket to the office instead of a suit, because it was the weekend. Goodman contrastingly uses lengthy, detailed sentences and phrases when describing Phil s family, to convey her pity for them and show that Phil should have been spending more time at home rather than at work. The youngest is twenty, a boy, a high school graduate who has spent the last couple of years, like a lot of his friends, doing enough odd jobs to stay in grass and food. He was the one who tried to grab at his father, and tried to mean enough to him to keep the man at home. Although Goodman describes Phil s family with sympathy and care, she does use sarcasm as a means to criticize the obituary s description of the family. She would be well taken care of . , Goodman quotes from the obituary, in reference to Phil s wife, and she says His dearly beloved eldest of the dearly beloved
  • 54. Lord Of The Flies By William Golding Essay Outline Introduction Short intro for Lord of the Flies Short intro on Gangs The bullying and group mentality demonstrated in gangs has resemblances to the characters in Lord of the Flies. II. Bullying/Group mentality Gangs Drugs/Loyalty B. Lord of the flies Jack kills the pig/Jack and Ralph fight III. Effects B. Lord of the flies Jack killing the pig aftermath Violence IV. Conclusion Gangs are considered a group of people that have a common link together. Gangs are typically ethnically, racially, economically or geographically based. In William Golding s Lord of the Flies, gangs rise up within the group of boys. William Golding gives us a glimpse of the savagery that underlies even the most civilized human beings. The bullying and group mentality demonstrated in gangs has resemblances to the characters in Lord of the Flies. Lord of the Flies demonstrates the difference between civilization and savagery. This novel follows a group of British schoolboys stranded on an island after a plane crash, which killed the pilot, as well as passengers. The boys are left without an adult figure to guide them. The main characters consist of Jack, Ralph and Piggy and in the beginning, Ralph is the boy that takes control. However, Jack soon strays from the group and convinces most of the young boys to follow him and encourages barbaric acts. In Lord of the Flies, Jack creates a gang of the young boys. To solidify their place in Jack s
  • 55. Bravery In The Play Iphigenia By Euripides In the play Iphigenia written by Euripides, the theme that is expressed is bravery. The play showed bravery because the daughter of Agamemnon, Iphigenia, was brave enough to offer her own life as a sacrifice so that the Greek army can invade Troy. A quote that represents Iphigenia s courage is My death will save the women of my people they will bless my name I will be called The womanwho set Greece free! Life is not so sweet that I can shrink from my duties . Here Iphigenia talks about how as the princess of Greece she mustn t run from her duties to save Greece; therefore she offers her life and shows her bravery and willingness to die for Greece. The goddess needs my blood; how can I refuse? No take me! this second quote again just like the first quote, shows how Iphigenia is willing to sacrifice herself, showing the theme bravery. A different story that can connect to the play Iphigenia is the film Rwanda Hotel . Both of the main... Show more content on ... Conflict reflects to bravery because in the play, both Iphigenia and Agamemnon had a conflict; man vs himself. Agamemnon had to choose to sacrifice his beloved daughter to save his people but his wife won t ever look at him the same or to not and leave his people in a blood bath, and through bravery he had chosen to sacrifice his daughter for this sake of his people. Iphigenia had to choose to die or to not, which leads to the army fighting amongst themselves, which would result into a nightmare, she chose to die for her people which shows bravery. Symbolism reflects bravery because the symbol in this story is the deer s blood. The deer s blood is proof of Iphigenia s bravery; the gods recognized Iphigenia s honor and courage and swapped her with a deer. Both symbolism and conflict reflect back to the theme bravery; the courage to choose an extremely difficult decision and the proof of one s bravery to die for her