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Conservation Of Natural Resources Essay
Writing an essay on the conservation of natural resources is both challenging and rewarding. The
difficulty lies in the multifaceted nature of the topic, which requires a comprehensive
understanding of environmental science, economics, policy-making, and the intricate interplay
between human activities and the natural world. Crafting a well-rounded essay involves delving
into complex issues such as climate change, deforestation, water scarcity, and biodiversity loss.
To begin with, one must conduct extensive research to grasp the nuances of each aspect of
natural resource conservation. The writer needs to sift through scientific studies, policy
documents, and statistical data to form a solid foundation for their arguments. Moreover,
addressing the global scale of the problem requires an awareness of diverse cultural,
geographical, and socio-economic contexts.
The challenge extends beyond research, as structuring the essay in a coherent and engaging
manner is crucial. The writer must carefully organize the information, present compelling
arguments, and seamlessly transition between different subtopics to maintain the reader's
interest. Additionally, striking the right balance between optimism and realism is essential, as the
topic often involves discussing the dire consequences of resource depletion while also
emphasizing potential solutions and individual responsibilities.
Moreover, finding a unique perspective or angle to stand out in a sea of conservation essays adds
another layer of complexity. Originality and creativity are key to capturing the reader's attention
and making a lasting impact. Crafting a compelling introduction and conclusion that succinctly
encapsulate the essence of the essay further contributes to the difficulty.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the conservation of natural resources demands a thorough
understanding of the subject, effective research skills, and the ability to present complex
information in a clear and engaging manner. Despite the challenges, the process offers an
opportunity to contribute to the discourse on environmental issues and inspire positive change.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, various platforms like provide professional services to guide and support writers in their academic
Conservation Of Natural Resources Essay Conservation Of Natural Resources Essay
The Relationship Of Duddy Kravitz
The Apprenticeship of Life
The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz by Mordecai Richler is the story of a boy
who goes through life, learning the ways in which the world works while
endeavoring to gain prosperity. Duddy s resoluteness to be prosperous is at the very
core fuelled by the over reverence of his brother Lennie by his father and his uncle.
Duddy spends his life endeavoring to enhance the relationships in his life, but
eventually hurts them as he cerebrates that at the terminus, mazuma is the only thing
that will buy him bliss. The ultimate edification that Duddy has an arduous time
learning throughout the novel is genuinely discovering who he is as a person. He
endeavors to be sundry variants of people as he transitions from a poor boy ... Show
more content on ...
Duddy is a crooked businessman since all of his deals involve ruthless
manipulation, relentless pursuit and corruptness. When Duddy s grandfather
implemented this vision into his head, he learns valuable lessons about life that he
never in a million years would have guessed that it would of turned him into the
arrogant, conniving person he became. He learns a couple amazing lessons from
his grandfather. A very defining moment for Duddy is when Simcha goes and sits
in the vehicle after he shows simcha the land. Simcha is embarrassed that his words
created the monster of Duddy s morals and Duddy truly comes into realization that
he has failed his apprenticeship when his greatest and most looked up to teacher is
ashamed of him. Instead of earning the land, Duddy took advantage of a
handicapped, vulnerable and emotionally weak Virgil, he sold people terrible
looking films, and scammed his way through other business ventures. Simcha is
the one person that Duddy wants to to please at all costs and with the loss of his
own respec he loses the test of life. Respect is a huge lesson, as he did notsee ahead
of time that by instilling the idea of A man without land is nobody, (Richler 108)
Duddy would continue living life by trying to accumulate more money and not by
respect. Rather than becoming a popular, loved and respected businessman, Duddy
becomes a lonesome, and crooked individual. Duddy choses the wrong path in life to
Indira Gandhi Analysis
Rough draft This is a document explaining why indira gandhi was a good prime
minister and why her assassination was unjust. Indira gandhi was the first woman
leader of india and came to be the prime minister and a very successful leader. she
lead india in a way that many of india s citizens would only dream of she was very
brave and did some things very little have achieved like settling disputes between
certain government parties. As well as she helped with the countries famine and
food shortages but there were some who believed that she was reckless and was
unfit to be prime minister so the assassination of indira gandhi unjust because she
was a very thought leader and cared very much for her citizens she also was very
good at politics and knew when to do certain things but there were people who
disliked her and believed she wasn t a good prime minister her to body guards
were the ones who killed her using there submachine guns to kill her at the time she
was walking through her palace garden when she was assassinated the reason they
assassinated her was because they had hopes that a better leader could be chosen.
Indira gandhi was a very successful leader and achieved many things throughout her
three terms she had various ties to different government members. Her father would
take her to his office and while he worked she got to meet her fathers friends and as
she got older and more into politics she then relied on these adults as mentors. Then
when she became prime
Classic American Literature Analysis
Childhood a time of innocence and ignorance to reality at least to most children.
While most individuals can look back on their childhood as graceful and
memorable, some perceive childhood experiences as traumatic and fearful.
Regardless of one s childhood, the time period shapes individuals similar to how
childhood adversities shape the meanings of classic American literature. Lord of the
Flies by William Goldingand I Stood upon a High Place by Stephen Crane represent
childhood adversities to shape their meanings by their themes of comradeship, power,
and the lossof innocence. As shown in Lord of the Flies, Ralph and Piggy stick
together from the beginning of the noveland become an alliance with the help of
Simon, Sam, and Eric throughout the novel against Jack and his hunters. Ralph
and Piggy feel that they should keep a consistent fire ablaze on the island in order
to increase their chances of getting noticed and eventually rescued. However, Jack
and his hunters believe that hunting in order to have food should serve as the top
priority amongst the boys on the island. The struggle of prioritizing leads to a near
war on the island in which Jack and his hunters go on a hunt for Ralph, since Piggy
was crushed by a boulder and Jack acquired Sam and Eric as his allies. The sense of
comradeship amongst Ralph, Piggy, Sam, and Eric proves the motto, Keep your
friends close and your enemies closer , as a legitimate statement. As for the poem,
I Stood upon a High Place by Stephen Crane, the narrator refers to those below him
as Devils running, leaping, and carousing in sin , yet one of the devils looks up at
the narrator and says Comrade! Brother! , showing a sense of obvious
comradeship. The sense of comradeship through hardships conveys that readers
should keep their friends close and their enemies closer as Ralph and the poem s
narrator display. Although the novel and poem advocate keeping friends close and
enemies closer, both works of literature display an evident power struggle . As
shown in Lord of the Flies, Ralph and Jack often disagree on how their mock
government they established should work. The boys often fight over who has the
conch, which grants each boy permission to speak, as well as
Ancient Mariner
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, is one of the most
powerful and strong poems in the English language. It is also a supernatural poem.
The Pirates of the Caribbean, produced by Jerry Bruckheimer is a very famous film
series that started in 2003. Both The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and The Pirates of
the Caribbean have many similarities and differences in the settings, themes,
imageries, and many other resources. The main idea of The Rime of the Ancient
Marineris a moral message, and warning against uncaring and imprudent actions, such
as when the Mariner killed the albatrosswhich symbolizes a blessing. The Pirates of
the Caribbean talks about the curse of the black pearl.
In the Pirates of the Caribbean, ... Show more content on ...
The poem starts in a middle of a wedding were an old Mariner stopped them, no one
from the wedding guests stayed, just one of them did. The Mariner tells the guy
his story about his dangerous ship, but an albatross appeared suddenly on the ship
which was a symbol of positivity and a blessing from God. This albatross protected
him and his ship. Suddenly, the Mariner tells the guy that he killed the albatross
and how guilty he is for killing this blessing. His shipmates blamed him for the
curse and made him wear the albatross around his neck like a cross. The Mariner
and his shipmates were cursed and went through a lot during this journey after the
albatross was killed, they all had to accept the curse they have received, because of
his foolish action by killing this blessing. They had to appreciate this creature, this
blessing. Since the Mariner killed the albatross, known as a blessing from God, he
and his shipmates are cursed until he learned to appreciate all kinds of creatures.
Also, in The Pirates of the Caribbean, when the crew of the Black Pearl steals ancient
gold, they become cursed until they can return all the stolen pieces. Basically, both
stories learn from their careless and thoughtless actions which led them to become
The Day Of A Bus
It was September 20th of 2011 when I stepped aboard a bus heading to Recruit
Training Command in Great Lakes, Illinois. It was rather dark in the bus as I sat
there next to other young men looking just as nervous and scared as I was since
none of us knew what our ordeal would be for the upcoming 2 months. I was
thinking to myself man what the hell am I even doing here? and then without me
even paying attention to where we were outside; the bus came to a halt. As soon as
the bus stopped this man came aboard and said to all us get the fuck out the bus
right now! and all of us got up as quickly as humanly possible and started exciting
the bus double time. As we were heading into the building at a rather spry pace, the
man kept screaming and swearing at us making us even more nervous for none of
us had a clue on what would really be happening in the upcoming months. Line up
against the wall recruits is what a man started screaming over and over again as he
walked out of this room at the corner of the hall. This man kept screaming and
yelling things at us, but I barely got word of what he was actually saying since I
was in another world. What is going on? and am I going to get to talk to my parents
at all? were all common thoughts that kept going through my head as this was all
happening. However I was soon brought back into the world of reality when he
started saying things that I actually cared about. Alright recruits you ll have 10
minutes to call you folks to tell
Compare And Contrast Andrew Jackson s Motives For
defeated and 800 of their warriors were killed at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend. In
the First Seminole War, General Andrew Jackson earned the name Sharp Knife due
to his violent nature. He killed many people in the Seminole Indian Tribe. Several of
them, military prisoners, did not receive fair sentencing and were hanged without due
process. Even though the Americans lost the First Seminole War in 1817, Jackson
remained steadfast when he became President in 1829 to remove the Seminoles from
the acquired Florida territory. Andrew Jacksons motives for Indian Removal began
with the events leading up to his election in 1828 as President of the United States.
Andrew Jackson was an everyman, seen by the people as one of them and his
Jacksonian... Show more content on ...
Most of the thirteen colonies owned land that extended to the pacific ocean because
no white Americans lived in the land and so the states let their borders extend as far
west as they could on the continent. Georgia was one of these states. There was a
huge scandal in the Georgian government following the American Revolution called
the Yazoo Land Act in which the government signed legislation that allowed land
prospectors to buy 35 million acres of Georgia s western lands for about 1 ВЅ cents
an acre. In 1802, Georgia ceded its western lands to the federal government in
exchange for three things. The first thing was to assume responsibility for the
Yazoo land claims. The second was to pay Georgia $1,250,000 and the last thing
was that the United States shall at their own expense extinguish the for the use of
Georgia, as early as the same can be peaceably obtained on reasonable terms, the
Indian title to...all...lands within the State of Georgia. In this agreement, nearly a
quarter of a century before Cherokee removal was a major issue, the inevitable
removal of the tribe was already established. No Cherokee was told of this agreement
nor did they approve it. After the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, the removal of the
Cherokees to the West was possible however public support was not with the
government. Since the Cherokee s had fought with the United States against the
Creek Indians, the
Residential Schools Essay
Furthermore, when the fundamental ideology behind residential schools is deeply
analyzed, the core idea behind these schools can be partially justified to a very
limited extent, as the idea had made sense and may have even benefited the
aboriginals, had it been executed differently, and not as extreme and radical as the
way it was. Humanity at the time was rapidly developing socially, economically,
and technologically, along with mankind entering a new millenium, as the majority
of the residential schools were built in the late 1800 s and early 1900 s. Especially
during this time, as advancements and inventions were being made in all areas of
civilization, residential schools in essence can be interpreted as a way to help aid the
aboriginals with the transition into this new era. This is because the inevitable truth...
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As sad as it is to admit, many indigenous groups are slowly disappearing all around
the world as humanity further develops, such as the Kazakh tribes in Mongolia,
the Mursi tribe in Ethiopia, and many more fading indigenous groups. Many
people from these rural locations all around the world are leaving their homes for
a life in the city filled with technology, along with their traditions being forgotten as
the new generation of youth loses interest in these long time treasured traditions.
The goal of residential schools was to speed up this process, creating a
revolutionary change, compared to a evolutionary change. In a few cases, they
were able to successfully help aid residential school students with preparing them
for the rapidly developing world, with Tomson Highway being a notable example
of a student who had a positive experience, There are many very successful people
today that went to those schools and have brilliant careers and are very functional
people, very happy people like
Compare And Contrast The Minority Report
The text The Minority Report by Philip K. Dick is a commentary on the concept of
innocence and one s freedom of choice. It is often said that stories change
significantly when becoming movies. The movie by the same name Minority
Report directed by Steven Spielberg is based off the same ideas and concept the
unpredictability of life and choices. It is a prime example of how the short storyand
movie differ even if the basic concepts remain unchanged. The movie and short story
share many similarities. Some of the similarities include the themes of morality with
their legal system precrime, security and access to information, crime and
punishment, and fate verse free will. Other similarities in the style of the narrative
include the fact that
Marketing Analysis for Meantime Brewery
MARK1161: Marketing Practice
Sherif Saad
Beer is an alcoholic beverage that is considered the most widely used alcoholic
beverage worldwide. Production and distribution of beer is not an easy task. As for
the UK industry, it has four large organizations that enjoy an oligopoly with 85% of
the market volume. The Meantime Brewery has to identify the most suitable and
profitable ways to hit the market. The report analyses the market s situation using the
Four P s, SWOT Analysis, Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning of the Meantime
Brewery, then finally analyse the industry through Porter s Five Forces. (Dinkhoff,
15.4%19.4% ... Show more content on ...
The places where Meantime sells it s products are convenient and appropriate,
customers can find their products in: vпЃ¶ Retail chains such as Sainsbury s,
Waitrose, Marks and Spencer. vпЃ¶ On trade establishments (B2B) vпЃ¶ Website
vпЃ¶ Self owned pubs
The location of Meantime next to Cutty sark and Greenwich University is an
immense advantage, it s in the right place for customers to recognize, their products
are available at the right time with quality for tourists, students, locals and workers to
experience an incredible experience during their break. However, some retail shops
do not stock their products. As a result, it is unavailable for many consumers, which
can be an unnecessarily loss/lost profit.
Promotion is a method/tactic from the company to show the customers what it can
offer customers through a consistent message; this message has to be appealing in
order to offer the customer a worthy reason to buy their product.
Londoners Campaign
Meantime launched their first above the line campaign on the 6th of June 2012 that
was called Londoners in evening and time out standard, different creative white and
black portrayed shots were applied to several pictures with one word Londoner , the
reason for calling it so it reflects those who travelled to the city and chose London as
their home, as it illustrates/conveys/displays Meantime s passion for
Untwined By Janice Theme
1. The main character of the novel Untwined is Giselle, she was the narrator of the
story. She had a twin and they were both tall, her best friend was called Tina
(Danticat 10). They made an accident she survived but her twin sister, Isabelle,
died. They were christians but not religious, on the margins, between belief and
disbelief (Danticat 10). she was thinking to either give up like her sister or to
survive. Giselle was a survivor. 2. One theme from Untwined is death and grief.
This theme emerged when the car slammed into us (Danticat 1) Giselle s family
made a car accident and all of them got injured and Isabella died. This event made
the whole family sticking to each other more as the two parents decided to separate
before... Show more content on ...
One complex character is Tina. She is Giselle s best friend. when Giselle lost her
sister, she helped her out with their other friend, Jean Michel, they both helped her
to know information about who smashed their car during the accident. Tina told
her that Jean Michel loved her, he liked you. He still likes you (Danticat 297). Tina
also became her untwined sister not just a friend. The theme of the story changed
from sadness and grief to satisfaction snd happiness. (Danticat 303). 4. We are late,
we are late, no time to say goodbye, we are late (Danticat п Ћ. this repetition shows
that Giselle made the whole family 15 minutes late which caused them to have an
accident that resulted in Isabella s death. The tone of the story changed it to death
and grief of the whole family due to Isabella s death. 5. The most important scene
in the story was the car accident. As a result of the car accident, both parents got
injured, Giselle was unable to move or speak, and Isabella lost her life. The order of
the events were harsh to bear the grief when the family knew they lost their daughter.
On the other hand, they started supporting each other and sticking to each other
more. There was also misunderstanding and confusion, everyone thought that Isabelle
survived and Giselle died, I AM NOT ISABELLE. I AM GISELLE (Danticat
The First Generation Of The Family
Mike had given a speech to Bodnar about the hardships that the men went through
in the mills. He wondered if God had put him on his earth was to be worked in the
furnaces. Once I used to ask myself, Is this what the good God put me on earth for, to
work my life away in Carnegie s blast furnaces, to live and die in Braddock s alleys? I
couldn t believe it. Now I know that God had nothing to do with it. Chance rules the
world (Bell, 197). Mike felt everyone should lovethe job they work in and shouldn t
feel as if they re not appreciated. I don t mind work. But a man should be allowed to
love his work and take pride in it (Bell, 196).
The third generation of the family seemed to be the strongest willed. Mike and Mary
s son, Dobie, did everything George wouldn t do and was against not standing up to
anyone. He created the birth of labor unionism during his time working at the steel
mills. It was against the law to join this labor unionism act. Many of the mills were
go into protests about how they were getting treating working at the mills and they
weren t afraid to speak their mind. This interest Dobie that something needed to be
done and he started to met with lawyers and investigators. Eventually he was able to
get the steel corporation to sign a contract to end the hardships with the steel mills.
The steel corporation signed a contract with the S.W.O.C. and the most important job
ever undertaken by organized labor in America ended with victory for the union (Bell,
Diverse Workforce
1. What changes are occurring in our workforce today and are likely to continue into
the future?
Workforce diversity is increasing. There are more women, minority men and
immigrants entering the workforce.
2. What is meant by affirmative action, and how does it tie in with EEO legislation?
Affirmative action is an in company program designed to remedy current and future
inequities in employment of minorities. EEO legislation was designed to protect
minority groups of any definition from discrimination.
3. In seeking to ensure conformance to EEO laws, what evidence of discrimination
does the EEOC look for? In which areas of management is this most likely to occur?
They look for differential treatment, disparate effect ... Show more content on ...
I would say allowing him to take the keys home as that shows you put a lot of trust
and faith in him.
7. The men in Jane s work group repeatedly but jokingly and admiringly address her
as Pam, an obvious reference to her physical resemblance to Pamela Anderson. Jane
doesn t particularly like this and complains to her supervisor. What should the
supervisor do?
This is a sexual harassment claim. The supervisor must follow the company s
policies. An investigation must be conducted and in the end it must be made clear the
company s standards for this type of behavior.
8. If 19 year old Pete is dissatisfied with his job and blames his unrest on the
meaninglessness of his work, what is the possibility of this charge being justified?
What might Pete s supervisor do about this situation?
This is a definite possibility. Younger employees tend to need to know why a job
must be done a certain way, why it must be done at all, and how it relates to what is
going on around them.
9. Why might an employee who works at a computer keyboard object to the number
of her keystrokes being counted electronically as a measure of her performance? Do
you believe that her employer has a right to make these measurements?
I do believe they have a right to monitor keystrokes. The employee may object
because she might not be
Barack Obama Legacy
Throughout the history of the United States, we have had presidents from all
walks of life. Some good, some not. All have left behind a legacy. Some were more
memorable then others, and some just down right horrendous. Barack Obama has
been the United States President for the last seven years. He has spent almost 2
terms in office passing bills, creating new policies, and bettering the lives of
Americans. While not everybody loves him, it would be a hard to argue that he
hasn t gotten a lot done while he s been in office. For example, he has started the
process of creating affordable health care that is accessibly available to all
Americans. He has helped restore the economy after one of the biggest recessions the
U.S. Has ever seen. He has... Show more content on ...
Not only has Obama helped them to find a voice, he has helped them fight for rights
in equality and justice for all. A great example of this would be the African Americans
of the United States. As a fellow African American, Mr. Obama has been a leading
figure in the fight, and has shown people that there is a better way that doesn t
involve fighting to get your point across. Mr. Obama has also helped in the fight for
homosexuals and gaining equality for this minority group. He has supported court
cases in the fight, and has passed bills that help fight for the
Meaning to Life Essay
Meaning to Life
Is there a meaning to life? First, to clear up any misunderstandings in the next few
paragraphs you are about to read, I shall explain a few things. I am not talking about
the individual people in our lives, that mean so much to us, or individual lives. That
is a whole other matter. What I mean by the meaning of life , is the greater picture.
There are people all over the world, doing their own thing, living their own lives, in
their own areas. Is there a point to this? The people themselves, benefit from
learning and having experiences while they re alive, but then they die, and all they
have accomplished, ends. Then the process begins all over again with the next
generation. So one purpose for life is established. ... Show more content on ...
We respect his wishes and act accordingly, as to how we believe he would like us
to act. Then, it is thought, he looks after us and takes care of us. I find this theory
hard to grasp...God, usually, is seen as this great celestial being, that is far more
advanced and powerful than any person here on Earth. He has these talents and
powers by simply...not being one of us. So, there s God....Way up there, looking
down upon us. Earth must seem like a little ant farm to him. If he s up there,
looking down and watching over us, how is it so many horrible things happen in
the world? Some of you may say it s because the people that these things happened
to, weren t behaving how they should have been, how God would have liked them
to. Or that God allows us to make choices, good or bad. Ok, then that would mean
to me that God is an unforgiving and unsympathetic, celestial meanie. Why should
he watch us create misery, see wars break out, while he remains aloof, superior and
more powerful than us? I say that s unfair. Perhaps one reason for him would be,
because it s more fun to us be so handicapped in the celestial scheme of things. It
provides more entertainment, more adventure, and it s harder. And because it s
harder, he knows there will be more rewards for us when we succeed in being good .
Something is obviously amiss with this plan, since we continue to do the same things
over and over again through the generations, and centuries.
The Social Work Field Work Performance
According to CNN Money the social work field is the one of Americas most
overworked and underpaid professions. Essentially, they work hard and do more
with very little resources. When the Great Recession occurred in 2007 the tax
revenue declined. States have made spending cuts, drained reserves, and reduce
necessary services. Majority of the programs targeted was that of much need social
workers and nurses. Usually in lower income areas where families are affected the
most. How can we help fix this issue? Over worked employees can lead to high
stress and high turnover rates. When an employee is stressed their work suffers. In
the social work field work performance is very important. The child welfare worker
or child protective services social worker provides assistance to improve the
functioning of children and their families. Time management is very important when
it comes to caseload and workload in particular to the field of Child Protective
Services. Due to understaffing in large caseloads, there can be a tremendous amount
of pressure for people who choose this line of work.
We all have or know someone who has or currently is experiencing being
overworked and underpaid. Now we ask ourselves is this because of the lack of
assistance in the workplace or is it due to miss management of time. One of the best
methods in improving high caseloads and high workloads is having better time
management. Managing time appropriately allows for each task to be
Similarities Between 1984 And The Handmaid s Tale
The novels Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell, and The Handmaid s Tale by
Margaret Atwood, both are social commentaries explored through the lens of a citizen
in a dystopian, totalitarian society. While Orwell articulates his anti socialist political
agenda, he also draws conclusions about the nature of humanity and spins a
cautionary tale to warn about the dangers of dictatorships. On the other hand, Atwood
uses a misogynistic, theocratic ruling party to convey a similar message. However,
both authors share the same controlling idea about tyrannical regimes which use
information control, loss of autonomy, and extreme punishment, to maintain their
power. The novels are each warnings that left unchecked, such governments put the
future of... Show more content on ...
Information is controlled by the Party by creating Newspeak, Doublethink, and
mutability of the past. The language control instrument called Newspeak reduces
both the number of, as well as the type of permitted words accessible to its citizens.
The entire purpose of Newspeak, is to eliminate the ability for the population to
have rebellious thoughts, by means of limiting language. Since Ingsoc leadership
believes it is a crime to merely think thoughts counter to its principles, by
controlling words permitted to be used, Ingsoc believes it can eliminate the
transgression of thoughtcrime. The character Syme says to Winston Smith, Don t
you see the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end,
we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, as there will be no words in which
to express it (Orwell, 52). Furthermore, the language control instrument called
Doublespeak changes the meaning of existing words in order to indoctrinate citizens
through propaganda. The motto of Ingsoc is ironic, as the Party uses formerly
conflicting synonyms and antonyms as part of its brainwashing strategy.
Specifically, the Ingsoc slogan, WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY,
IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH, is repeated throughout the novel (Orwell, 4). The
slogan shows how previously nonsensical or contradictory meanings are redefined by
the Party to omit any undesirable
Measuring A Computational Prediction Method For Fast
In general, the gap is broadening rapidly between the number of known protein
sequences and the number of known protein structural classes. To overcome this
crisis, it is essential to develop a computational prediction method for fast and
precisely determining the protein structural class. Based on the predicted secondary
structure information, the proteinstructural classes are predicted. To evaluate the
performance of the proposed algorithm with the existing algorithms, four datasets,
namely 25PDB, 1189, D640 and FC699 are used. In this work, an Improved Support
Vector Machine (ISVM) is proposed to predict the protein structural classes. The
comparison of results indicates that Improved Support Vector Machine (ISVM)
predicts more accurate protein structural class than the existing algorithms.
Keywords Protein structural class, Support Vector Machine (SVM), NaГЇve Bayes,
Improved Support Vector Machine (ISVM), 25PDB, 1189, D640 and FC699.
Usually, the proteins are classified into one of the four structural classes such as, all
О±, all ОІ, О±+ОІ, О±/ОІ. So far, several algorithms and efforts have been made to
deal with this problem. There are two steps involved in predicting protein structural
classes. They are, i) Protein feature representation and ii) Design of algorithm for
classification. In earlier studies, the protein sequence features can be represented in
different ways such as, Functional Domain Composition (Chou And Cai, 2004),
Amino Acids
The Natchitoches Declaration On Cultural Landscapes
A cultural landscape is fashioned from a natural landscape by a culture group. Culture
is the agent, the natural area is the medium. The cultural landscape the result.
Carl Sauer 1
Landscape is never simply a natural space, a feature of the natural
environment.[E]very landscape is the place where we establish our own human
organization of space and time
John B. Jackson 2 Landscapes are complex phenomena. In addition to the assemblage
of physical features on which geographers and others focused until the last thirty
years or so, it is now widely accepted that landscapes reflect human activity and are
imbued with cultural values. They combine elements of space and time, and represent
political as well as social and cultural constructs. ... Show more content on ...
Shaped by ideological discourse, landscapes can also be understood as texts
susceptible to analysis by means similar to those in which literary and other texts
are analysed. Poetry, prose, painting and film represent landscapes in different
textual forms. The eye of each writer, painter or filmmaker selects and frames
images in a singular way. Their views can become part of a society s image of
itself, as they are reproduced or influence others. The paintings of Heysen, Drysdale,
Nolan, and the Indigenous artists of the Western Desert and the Hermannsburg
school have all interpreted the arid inland of Australia. Their images have become
part of the national myth of the Outback and have themselves influenced the way
that others see that space. In a similar way, different social groups and individuals
will look at the same place through different eyes, and perceive its meaning in
different ways. [Rick Hosking to add something about landscape and writing here]
Indigenous people, European explorers, missionaries, pastoralists, international and
domestic travellers all looked or look at similar landscapes and experience different
versions of
Advantages Of Object Oriented Languages
Object oriented programming language is a high level programming language based
on the object. Data hiding, Inheritance, and polymorphism such basic features of this
programming languages. this method is not used for computer programming Until
the early 1990s. But, mostly use this language for modern computer programming.
Very Successful object oriented languages are in present. object oriented languages
are include on Python, C++, Delphi, Java, PHP, Swift, Perl, Ruby and C# Those are
can be used as object oriented languages.
Smalltalk developed by Xerox PARC research group, was coined in the early 1970s,
the programming language. However, the University of Oslo in 1967 was developed
further ... Show more content on ...
This relationship is structural, because it specifies that objects of one kind are
connected to objects of another and does not represent behavior.
The objects that are related via the association are considered to act in a role with
respect to the association, if object s current state in the active situation allows the
other associated objects to use the object in the manner specified by the role. A role
can be used to distinguish two objects of the same class when describing its use in
the context of the association. A role describes the public aspects of an object with
respect to an association.
Example: Student and teacher, where multiple students can associate with single
teacher and single student can associate with multiple teachers. Both can be added
and removed
Contiki Speech
Katrine Ornejas
Good morning everyone today I am going to talk to you about how Contiki was
created and how the company became a success. Contiki began from John s own
desire to see Europe cheaply. He is the man who was behind all the successes of
Contiki and came up with the idea of this tour company. To make this happen, there
were guides that he went through to help establish this tourism business. I will also
talk to you about how he grows the business and make it a success and of course the
traps to watch out when running a business.
First of all, John Anderson was a 23 year old man who was born in New Zealand. He
grew up with his mum while his dad was in Europe. One day he went to Europe for a
couple days and he just fell in love in ... Show more content on ...
One of the very important techniques that I learned on this book was the power of
word of mouth. Basically when a group young adults went for a trip, they makes sure
that everyone will have an awesome trip and when they came back they will tell
their friends and relatives about their experience. They will spread the word on
how amazing the experience they had on the trip. They will talk about what
attractions they ve seen or where they went in Europe or what activities they did.
At this point, when other people heard about their great feedback for the trip, it
will give a huge interest to other people. For me personally, if my friend went to
that trip and told me that she had a really great time on the trip, I would definitely
book on that trip too if I want to travel. It will give me an interest and it shows that
I can trust the company because they had a really great customer feedback.
Another thing is to treat the passenger s complaints seriously no matter how big or
small it is because you ll never know what could happen and it could possibly
affect the whole company. Make sure you identify and diffuse any issue before it
becomes a major. Because if you didn t solve the problem, it doesn t only affect the
company but also the customer s loyalty and trust which is very important for a
business. When you make sure that you satisfied their needs even though you made
a mistake, you can solve it earlier or later before it gets
Advantages Of Rolling Bags For Nursing School
Best rolling bag for nursing students What are the best rolling bags for nursing
students? To be honest, nursing books are heavy and numerous. Although it might
not be necessary to carry all books along to school, there will surely be times when
you must tote several of them at once. Moreover, while on campus, you will
probably do a lot of walking and it will not be easy toting heavy books. Research
shows, carrying heavy books in small back packs on a constant basis can lead to
long term back ache. I doubt if anyone will want to begin a nursing career with
prolong back pain issues. This unnecessary pain can simply be avoided by using
the proper tote bag. Although there are a lot of choices in tote bags for nursing
student, not all bags are equal. Thus, when purchasing a rolling bag for nursing
school, functionality should be the first thing to consider. You should ask yourself
the following questions; will the bag hold a reasonable number of books? is there
enough space for other stuffs such as laptops, tablets and nursing materials? You
really need to consider these questions because most rolling bags available in the
market do not have enough space to hold laptops and tablets. In addition, you must
check if there are side pockets and areas of storage for extras such as keys,
smartphones and water bottles. Another important quality to watch out for is
durability. Some more things to think about. Is the bag made of high quality material
that will serve you throughout
Maynard And Maynard High School Essay
Maynard High School is located in rural Randolph County northeastern Arkansas.
Randolph County is a majority rural county with Pocahontas (population under
7,000) being its largest city and Maynard (population under 500) being its second
largest city. In 2013, the population was estimated to be 17,692 for the entire county
(Randolph County, Arkansas, 2014). Over half the population lives in rural areas.
The county is comprised of 96.9% White, 1% African American, 1.8% Hispanic or
Latino, and less than 1% of Asian American and Native American (Randolph County,
Arkansas, 2014). Maynard School District is the second largest school district in
Randolph County. In the 2013 2014 school year, the district enrolled 460 students K
12 (ESEA Report, 2014). The high school(grades 7 12) comprised 213 of the 460
students with an attendance rate of 94.9% and a dropout rate of 0.47%. The high
school is consists of 97.7% White, 1.4% Hispanic or Latino, and less than 1%
mixed race. Low income students make up 69% of the student population and
students that can receive special education comprises 11% (School Performance
Report Card, 2013). Maynard High School has a class average size of 10 students per
teacher. Teachers on average have 10 years of experience with 25% holding a
Bachelor s degree and 75% holding a Master s degree. Teachers teaching core
academic subjects are all considered to be highly qualified teachers (School
Performance Report Card). Maynard High School is a focus school
Summary Of Jones And Butman s Psychodynamic Theory
Jones and Butman (2012) in the text explain that cognitive therapy is a popular and
extensively studied theory of understanding human personality. Cognitive therapies
theorize that behavior is determined by internal or mental events. Initially the theory
focused on identifying and changing maladaptive thoughts. However, recent models
of the theory seek to help people evaluate, and change their thoughts, beliefs, and
assumptions. In addition, newer models of the theory seek to help clients and
understand the interactional nature of their thoughts and behaviors. Jones and
Butman acknowledge that cognitive therapymodels lack a theory of personality
development (Jones Butman, 2012).
Jones and Butman addresses four approaches of cognitive therapy; social cognitive
approaches, information processing, clinical pragmatism, and a constructivist
approach, which are used to explain personality development from a cognitive
perspective. Jones and Butman points out that Walter Mischel s view of personality
based on a social cognitive model, proposes that each individual s personality is
unique, thus, people have different ways of viewing the world, making sense of their
perceptions, different values, learning processes, and motivations. Ellis REBT model
suggests that people s thoughts and beliefs affect their behavioral and ... Show more
content on ...
Beck views distorted thinking patterns as causes of the presenting problem. In
addition, Beck argues that people have schemas or automatic thoughts or core beliefs,
which affect how they view the world. These schemas can be activated or deactivated
by different life circumstances. Steven Hayes acceptance and commitment model
focuses on examining irrational thoughts and shifts of external context, and how the
problematic aspects of these concepts can be normalized and accepted (Jones Butman,
Gender Roles In James Fenimore Cooper s The Last Of
In the book, Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper, the views of racial
and gender bias are seen. Many articles and books discuss the topic at hand, such as
Laura George s The Native and the Fop: Primitivism and Fashion in Romantic
Rhetoric, Lindsey Claire Smith s Cross Cultural Hybridity in James Fenimore Cooper
s The Last of the Mohicans, Leonard Unger s American Writers: A Collection of
Literary Biographies, and James L. Coby s Crisis Dictated GenderRoles in James
Fenimore Cooper s THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS. These critics each take their
own views on either race or gender in the book. Race and gender are two huge topics
in this book and in real life. Hawkeye is a great example of the overcoming of racial
bias. Hawkeye, whose real... Show more content on ...
Hawkeye faces a racial crisis and Alice and Cora are seen under gender biases.
Hawkeye Can never really find a place amongst society. He is a white man who is
trying to abandon his culture norms. Hawkeye wants to be seen as equal with the
America Indians. Even though Hawkeye is trying to leave his culture behind, he
still shows the civility and nobility of a white man. Hawkeye has the skill of and
Indian, but his behavior is a mixture of both culture. Hawkeye has the reverence for
nature like the Indians and the nobleness of a white man. Hawkeye is respectful to
all walks of life and always sees the good in people. Alice is a victim of gender bias.
Alice is seen in an archaic way of thinking. Alice is portrayed as a stereotypical
woman in books. Woman in books are usually seen as inferior to men in books.
Alice has a somewhat pneumatic personality. Alice does not think for her own.
When Cora asks Alice how she should proceed with a certain task Alice gives a non
answer. This shows how incapable she is when it comes to handling herself. This
also gives a sharp contrast to her sister, Cora. Cora is a strong female character.
Cora is capable of thinking and acting quickly. She has a take charge attitude and is
not afraid to speak her mind. We see this in Chapter 29. In this scene, Cora runs to the
Delaware chief, Tamenund, and tells him that Magua has been feeding him lies.
Tamenund does question Magua considering these
Assignment On Void And Void
using namespace std;
void options(); void getnameFile(char nameFile[]); void readFile(int row, char
column, int number, char input, char nameFile[], int board[][9]); void
displayBoard(int board[][9]); void editBoard(int row, char column, int number, int
board[][9]); void getCompute(int row, char column, int number, int board[][9]); void
computeValues(int row, char column, int number, int board[][9]); void saveBoard(int
board[][9]); void interact(int row, char column, int number, char input, char
nameFile[], int board[][9]);
int main() { char input; char nameFile[256]; int board[9][9]; int row = 0; char
column; int number = 0; readFile(row, column, number, input, nameFile, board);
options(); cout endl; displayBoard(board); interact(row, column, number, input,
nameFile, board); return 0;
void interact(int row, char column, int number, char input, char nameFile[], int
board[][9]) { cout endl; cout ; cin input; if (input == ? ) { options(); cout endl;
interact(row, column, number, input, nameFile, board); } else if (input == d or input
== D ) { displayBoard(board); interact(row, column, number, input, nameFile, board);
} else if (input == e or input == E ) { editBoard(row, column, number, board);
interact(row, column, number, input,
Culture In Colombia
Culture in Colombia All across the globe, there are many different people, with
vastly different ways of life. The way that these different people are in this manner of
thinking comes from a basis off many factors that all interlock together. In South
America, Colombia, is deriving and functioning still today, from a deep historical,
ancestral grip and the adaptation to time. This interlocking of factors within
Colombia, allow it to operate with one of the most diverse cultures in the world.
There are many definitions of culture. All definitions have the same general meaning
but each having its own detailed difference. Department of the Army Headquarters
(HQs), defines culture as, a web of meaning shared by members of a particular society
... Show more content on ...
While differing through all of Colombia, the overall weather contributes to the
exports and economy directly. In the southern part of Colombia remains in a
tropical climate that is unmarked by seasons (Britannica, 2015). The temperature
here remains constant and the rainfall reliant on the wind patterns. The average
temperature in the southern areas is 74В°F (Britannica, 2015). Off the Caribbean
Sea, the Atlantic Lowlands weather alternates with a dry and wet seasons. Being
very similar, the Low Plains of Colombia going along the Caribbean to the Gulf of
Morrosquillo, in the northeastern tip, see a much dryer climatic experience
(Britannica, 2015). The mountainous region of Colombia remains directly in effect
with the elevation and temperate zones: tierra templada (3,000 6,500 ft.), tierra fria
(6,500 10,000) and paramos (10,000 15,000ft) (Britannica, 2015). The capital city of
Bogota is located in the tierra fria and has an average temperature of 57В°F
(Britannica, 2015). With the overall climate being tropical, being near the equator
influences how the economy is in reflection with Colombia s
Religious wars in the Middle East (Holy Land)
There were many conflicts that lead to religious wars in the Middle East or the
Holy Land. History gives no valid claim to any piece of land; someone else was
always there earlier. This gives reason that the Arabs and Israelis are not fighting
about religion due to the fact that they are not trying to promote their faith. Many
religions peoplehood are rooted in the Holy Land, such as Judaism and
Christianity. The ancient Hebrews were almost continually at war and were
conquered by Assyria, Persia, Alexander the Great, and Rome. The Jews became a
dispersed people but preserved a sense of their nationhood through the books of the
Bible. Over time many of the Jews were converted; whether it was forced or
voluntary, they assimilated into local life. Jews became so intertwined in the lives
of people all around the world. The Jews had a psychological connection to the land
rather than a blood connection. This allowed the Jews to spread spatially while still
developing a strong connection to God. The peaceful spread of Jews, though, caused
religious carnages and expulsions. The Enlightenment of the eighteenth century
brought back religious intolerance and brought Jews out of the ghetto and into
citizenship in West Europe. This was a slow process done in backward Russia
where most Jews lived. Earlier outbursts against the Jews were connected to the fight
to convert them. The new nationalism of Europe saw Jews as a racially distinct and
impure people. Nationalism is an
The Importance Of The Honor Code In Schools
There are always going to be those being, who abuse a system that is created for
trusted people, for a good reason. At South Portland a system called The Honor Code
which is intended for students in the building to get the privilege of getting some
freedom. Including the use of phones and iPads at the appropriate times, leaving the
classroom without a hall pass, and more. The schoolmakes sure, that for the students
who do not follow the Honor Code can easily have their privileges taken away from
The South Portland high school community will exhibit trust and openness. (Red
riots honor code) The biggest part of the honor code is trust. The teachers must have
trust in students,to do what is told of them, and that student are doing ... Show more
content on ...
Just due to as mentioned earlier, those who take advantage of a good thing meant
for all, and essentially ruin it for all. Thankfully we have students in this school who
fight hard to make sure the code can stay standing for those who do deserve it and
follow it, without those certain students who made their voices heard, there would
not still be a code. South Portland is lucky to have such have
Descriptive Essay About Six Flags
About seven years ago, I went to Six Flags for the first time ever. I was only about
ten years old at the time, and of course I was extremely nervous. I had a lot of
questions about it because of course it was all new to me with it being my first
time going to an amusement park. I had asked about the big rides they have of
course, the really popular water park they have at Six Flags, and of course I had to
ask about the good amusement parkfood. As soon as I got there, my heart instantly
I was at the park, and it was me and my family taking a trip to the best amusement
park in missouri. We took off from the house, in Fulton, Missouri. It was about an
hour and a half drive to get to Six Flags in St. Louis. We finally got there, the lines
were super long, and the park was packed already at about eleven in the morning.
Me and my little sister were both extremely excited to get past the long line, since
it was both of our first time being there. We walk through the gate, and my heart
instantly dropped on spot. The rides were super big. With loops and corkscrews, and
that made me go from excited to scared quick.I was only about ten years old;
therefore, I was not able to ride that many rides, and I was kind of relieved to hear
that from my family. Since I was too young and too short to ride any rides, me and
my sister went to the water park. The rides were still really big and scary, but also
very fun at the same time, there was quite a few cool water slides that I
Mike Tyson Ethical Dilemmas
A public error causes for a public apology. In athletics, ethical errors are made and
must be apologized for as shown by Mike Tyson. On June 28th in 1997, Mike
Tyson bit two chunks of Evander Holyfield s ears off in a title boxing match in the
MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada (Weinberg). Tyson publicly
apologized two days later in a news conference and on October 16th in 2009 in an
interview with Oprah Winfrey and Evander Holyfield(Fonzy Foo, On the
June 30th 1997 news conference, Mike Tysonread off of a paper. Tyson thanked
everybody for the opportunity to apologize and said that the event was the worst in
his professional boxingcareer. Tyson said that he snapped and had never done
anything like this before and would never do it again. Tyson apologized to his
family; to the regulators of the fight, the Nevada State Athletic Commission; to his
rape case judge, Patricia Gifford; the place the fight occurred, MGM; the channel that
broadcasted the fight, Showtime; his promoter, Don King; his boxing team; and the
city of Las Vegas. Tyson explained that when Evander Holyfield head butted him, he
thought that he might lose the fight due to the severity of the cut above his eye, so
he snapped. Fistfights in basketball, riots in baseball, and spitting on officials were
some examples Tyson listed of athletes losing it. Tyson explained that these athletes
were forgiven and... Show more content on ...
Tyson stated that his apology was insincere and would like to sincerely apologize to
Evander Holyfield in person (Public Apology Central). Four days later, Tyson and
Winfrey had another interview with Holyfield joining after Holyfield reached out to
them both. Tyson said that Holyfield is a beautiful person, they both come from
rough neighborhoods, and that Holyfield is an established and esteemed fighter.
Tyson then shook Holyfield s hand and said that it was good being acquainted with
Case Study Of Zantel Mobile Telecommunication
The study assesses customer satisfaction on the services delivery by Zantel mobile
telecommunication. Urban West Region being as a case study .This chapter focuses
on the background of the study, a statement of the problem, objectives and scope of
the study. This study will attempt to explore the customer s satisfaction on the
services delivering by Zantel mobile telecommunication in Zanzibar.
1.1Background of the Study
The initial introduction of mobile telecommunication was made during 1980s in
Europe and Finland was the first European country that adopted mobile cellular
network, followed by Sweden, Norway and Denmark (ITU, 2009). It was only in
1986 that the first mobile network was launched in France by France TГ©lГ©come
... Show more content on ...
For example Etsalat has a long time experience in the industry all over the word.
Zantel is using a collaborative strategy to create value to its customers by
collaborating with national and international institution with common interests in
communication services (Zeithaml, 2000). Currently the company has a roaming
agreement that allows it to use Vodacom s masts on mainland Tanzania to
supplement its own. This is strength since Vodacom has good and reliable network
coverage all over the country compared to Tigo which has a limited coverage
(Ndukwe, 2004). This saves cost and time and increase efficiency.
Management ability The ability of the management to identify its competitors and
come up with the right strategies is strength (Elisante G, 2012).ZANTEL has got
only four years of experience in Tanzania mainland but it has strived to increase its
market shares and compete with more experienced companies (Suhail Sh. 2007).
ZANTEL to provide a qualitable communication service is strength since customers
are sure of the quality they expect when they are into
Quiz 1 Essay
The general manager of the grocery store Wegmans in Canandaigua, NY, wants to
know the average (typical) amount of time it takes for a customer to check out of
his grocery store. Last Saturday between the hours of 8 am and noon the manager,
along with a team of helpers, measured the amount of time it took the first 200
customers to check out at each of its open registers. The helpers recorded the time
(in minutes) using a stop watch, starting when a customer first arrived at a line and
ending when they had paid and received their receipt. The average time for the
sample was 6.5 minutes. Answer each of the following questions pertaining to the
above paragraph. (40 points) a) Identify the population being targeted by this study. a.
The... Show more content on ...
h) What s your best estimate for the value of the parameter? Explain how accurate
this estimate is. a. I think the average check out time would be somewhere about 8
9 minutes because there are some lurking variables that may not have been taken
into consideration with the original sample. Even though it is an educated
estimate, it s still not entirely accurate. 2. Consider each of the variables below.
For each variable: (20 points) 1) Identify whether each is quantitative or
qualitative. 2) For each variable that you identify as quantitative, state whether it is
discrete or continuous. a) The number of career runs batted in (RBI s) by Derek
Jeter of the New York Yankees. Quantitative, discrete b) Types of vehicles
produced by Ford Motor Company. Qualitative c) The amount of soda in a 16
ounce bottle of Coca Cola. Quantitative, d) The age of an FLCC faculty member.
Qualitative, continuous 3. Identify each as a random sample, stratified sample,
systematic sample, cluster sample or convenience sample. Use each type only once.
(20 points) a) To determine his DSL Internet connection speed, George divides the
day into morning, midday, evening, and late night. He then measures his Internet
connection speed at 5 randomly selected times during each of the four parts of the
day. 1. Stratified sample b) A group of lobbyists has a list of the 100 U.S. Senators.
In order to determine the Senate s position on a particular issue, they decide to talk
with every 10th
Hmong Textiles Essay
The Hmong people are well known for their survival antics from their silent war
with China and their migration from the Vietnam War. Hmong is a term many have
never even heard of but their culture it is known as free people. Hmong textiles has
survived just like their whole culture. The attractive handcrafted designs have been in
their history for over two centuries, and their embroideries are popular among the
Asian countries as well as the United States. Hmong textiles includes a variety of
embroideries on their Flower cloths, story cloths, and their New Year dress. All
fabrics have powerful importance in their customs to bring prosperity and good
fortunes. Needlework is a substantial skill in their community that can not be
forgotten,... Show more content on ...
The Flower cloth is intriguingly designed by hand. Hmong women were
responsible for sewing the cloth and the beautiful embroideries. Several Hmong
women use a rare method of reverse appliqu #233;, designs made by sewing on a
patch to the underside of a fabric and then cutting away and turning under the edge
of the top fabric (Fadiman ). The design is extremely difficult and takes years to
acquire this skill. Hmong dresses are elaborated with trimmings, coins, and a variety
of colorful yarns. The dresses were highly decorative and added bulk to the man or
woman wearing the dress. However, the Rooster hat is a modernized tradition when
the Hmong people came to the United States. The base of the hat was normally
purchased and decorated with the coins and trimmings.
The materials used to create these different Hmong textiles range from silk to the
nylon and polyester, the American synthetic fibers (Fadiman). In Laos, a part of
Indochina, Hmong women often used Vietnamese silk to create their twelve foot
long turban. With silks great absorbency properties it was then dyed in a dark color
usually maroon or a navy blue. When the large population of Hmong population
migrated to the United States, the modernization of the turban headdress became a
rooster hat. The rooster hat was fabricated of cotton and synthetic fibers.
Separation In Lord Of The Flies
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you put a bunch of civilized little
boys into an island without adults guiding them? Goldings novel, Lord of the Flies,
describes unfortunate English boys who got stranded on an unknown island when
their plane was shot down by another plane during the events of World War II. The
very eager boys tried to civilize themselves by electing a leader, while also finding a
way to communicate and signal the community that they were unfortunately
separated from. Throughout the novel, Jack who was the unfortunate other who didn
t get elected to be the leader of the group rebelled against Ralphs way of running the
pack with his followers that believed in Jack more than Ralph. This caused separation
between the
Eisenhower Interstate Highway Industry
Questions: Explain the structures of the road and rail cargo industries and the current
issues facing the industries. Answer: One of the significant issue is the making of
new advancements. Interests in new advancements hold the guarantee of extra
changes in efficiency and security. Two of the most critical open doors accessible
today are Positive Train Control (PTC) and Electronically Controlled Pneumatic
(ECP) brakes. The business and Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) have
examined each broadly. With PTC, upgraded interchanges and continuous data
diminish degrees of progress and enhance train rates and security. The data gave by
PTC will allow more compelling administration of train developments over the
influenced framework. These... Show more content on ...
(n.d.). Retrieved from highway system The
1980 Motor Carrier Act significantly diminished controls over section into the
regular and contract transporter fields, and gifts of power got to be less demanding
to acquire notwithstanding for a current private engine bearer . Retrieved from:
(Coyle, Novack, Gibson, Bardi, 2011, p432) Reference: Coyle, J. J., Novack, R. A.,
Gibson, B. J., amp; Bardi, E. J. (2011). Transportation: A supply chain perspective.
Mason, OH: South Western Cengage
What Does The Forest Symbolize In The Scarlet Letter
Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts July 4, 1804 (The Editors). While Hawthorne was attending college, he missed his
family very much so he returned home for a 12 year stay. While he was home, he
began to write and soon found his voice (The Editors). When a
different president was elected, Hawthorne lost his love for politics and this dismissal
turned into a blessing, giving him the ability to write The Scarlet Letter (The Editors). Symbolism is when an author uses symbolic images to
express mystical ideas, states of mind, and emotions ( Hawthorne
frequently used symbolism in The Scarlet Letter, Young Goodman Brown, and The
Minister s Black Veil. The Scarlet Letter... Show more content on ...
The woods could also symbolize young Goodman brown fears, a picture of dark
feelings that he doesn t normally acknowledge. Hawthorne said, There ma be a
devilish Indian behind every tree... What id the devil himself should be at my very
elbow (Hawthorne, 179). My Faith is gone! cried he, after one stupefied moment.
There is no good on earth; and sin is but a name. Come, devil! For to thee is this
world give (Hawthorne, 184). Another symbolic object in Young Goodman Brown
is, the evil assembly (Shmoop Editorial Team). Welcome my children. Said the dark
figure, to the communion of your race! Ye have found, thus young, your nature and
your destiny. My children, look behind you (Hawthorne 186). The assembly located
in the novel does not have the welcome Devils sign but it basically means that.
There, resumed the sable form, are all whom ye have reverenced from youth. Ye
deemed them holier than youselves, and shrank from you own sin, contrasting it with
their lives of righteousness, and prayerful aspiration heavenward. Yet, here are they
all, in my worshipping assembly (Hawthorne, 186 187). The assembly has its own
sacramental basin, preacher, and its own altar (Shmoop Editorial Team). Hawthorne s
last novel, The Ministers Black Veil also frequently shows symbolism located in
Thesis Of The Bechdel Test
I know we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling, but
someday someone will and hopefully sooner than we might think right now. This
was one of the most memorable lines from Hillary Clinton s concession speech to
Donald Trump. It highlights the state of women in society today, as they are
somehow still viewed as incapable of handling such a high position of leadership.
But this problem goes beyond simply politics; it boils down to everyday
circumstances of genderstereotyping and underrepresentation. With women being
denied opportunities every day and young girls growing up believing they don t
have a place in society as a leader or anything more than a supporting character to a
man, this is particularly reflected... Show more content on ...
This is evident in how movies often reduce women to stereotypes, portraying them as
two dimensional characters and undeveloped female supporting characters, primarily
created as accessories to male characters stories. What the Bechdel test does is
highlight this, drawing attention to the gender disparity that exists in the majority of
Andrew Jackson Reform Dbq
The age of Jackson was a time of tremendous reform within the American society and
the political establishment. Andrew Jackson s tenure as president lasted only from
1829 1837, and still many historians have attached his name to the entire period of
1825 1850. This just shows how great and impactful the reform that took place during
this time period was. During this period, social and political reform movements
dominated the American landscape. While conservatism did exist, this period of time
was one in which the democratic ideals of America came to greater fruition than ever
before. The impulse of reform that provided this era with its foundation was a
political one. Before the early nineteenth century, American males could not vote
unless... Show more content on ...
But they did not neglect their own aspirations in American society. Property less
males gained the right to vote around this time, but were left without political
representation. Reformers like Margaret Fuller, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady
Stanton, Lucretia Mott, and others attempted to change that. Many women began to
publish weekly ladies books for the female audience. And in 1848, the most prominent
members of the movement met in the Seneca Falls convention. In the declaration of
the conference (Document I) Stanton writes: We are assembled to protest against a
form of government, existing without the consent of the governed...We now demand
our right to vote according to the declaration of the government under which we live.
The women s rights movement, although its real success came in the early to mid
19th century, is another great example of this time s democratic
Analyzing Same-Sex Marriage
Imagine if you had a child love someone who has same sex and wanted you to
accept their love for each other by being at their wedding. Would you attend the
wedding? Some would say yes; however, others would say no. Why would they say
No ? Because marriage has been traditionally defined as a religious and legal
commitment between a man and a woman. As we know, same sex marriagehas been a
prominent issue that has so many arguments not just in the United States, but
around the world over many years now. There is absolutely nothing more
controversial than same sex marriage in gay rights topic. Everyone has different
opinions about same sex marriage whether it should be legal or not. We now have
to consider two aspects that are moral and religious. These two form a fundamental
belief that same sex couples and opposite sex couples are different. Based on the
definition of marriage, the view of religion, bad effects to children, and the lifestyle
that should not be encouraged; therefore, the government should not legalize the
same sex marriage. Same sex marriage is also used as a synonym for gay marriage.
It is the union between two people of the same sex in a marital relationship. Same
sex marriage are obtaining acceptance in some countries, but some others still do not
give permission to gay couples to marry. In 2001, Netherlands was the first country
that legalized same sex marriage. In the United States, Massachusetts was the first
state that legalized same sex marriage in
Unhealthy Food Habits
Many adults today are being faced with an unstoppable flood of unhealthy eating,
and the next generation of adults is at a far higher risk of being obese and
unhealthy than ever before. Although this may be the case, it is possible to halt
the spread of obesity as well as the amount of unhealthy food being consumed by
people. By first encouraging students to eat healthier meals, it is possible to ensure
that the next generation of adults will be much healthier than those now. Many
schools offer a multitude of different foods during breakfast and lunch; however,
these meals are not always healthy. By creating healthier fresh meals, it is possible
to change a student s diet on campus as well as improve their learning and
education. Instead of offering a greased up tray of food that encourages
unhealthiness, providing fresh fruits and vegetables will allow students to live
healthier lives altogether. In order to improve the quality of all people s lives, we
must first attempt to change the lives and diets of students. By focusing on
students, we reduce the likelihood of future obesity epidemics, so as a society, we
should look for healthier options for a student s school meal. One proposal to
address the unhealthy eating habits of students in school is to create more campus
grown vegetation. Creating more vegetation on campus allows for healthy options
to be on hand at any moment as long as it is in season. By having vegetables and
fruits readily available on campus, it is also
Essay on The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
*Works Cited Not Included Chernobyl is a popular nuclear disaster it was a terrible
technological disaster. Chernobyl is a small town in the Ukraine. The closest
major city is Kiev. Kiev is the capital of the Ukraine. It is made up of 2.4 million
people. In 1986 April 26 Chernobyl experienced an unforgettable nuclear disaster. At
the time, the USSR was responsible for roughly 10% of the world s nuclear power.
The year of the accident Chernobyl nuclear power plant was using four of the most
modern soviet reactors, the RBMK type.
The cause of this tragedy was due to operator error. The nuclear operators were
running a test to observe how the ... Show more content on ...
The Soviets put only the bottom pipes in containment because this was easier. The
main weakness was in shutting the reactor down. As a result of inadequacy the
shutdown rods are part of the normal plant control system rather than being a
separate emergency system. Again a fault in the control system also makes the
emergency shutdown unable to function. Another weakness was that Chernobyl
had only partial containment. Because of the partial containment the radiation
went out the top of the reactor where there were no leak tight boxes. The hot fuel
and graphite were exposed to air when they went out the top of the reactor. If there
had been a completed containment, then the water and steam from the broken
pipes would have dissolved almost all of the cesium and radioactive iodine that
escaped. Even if the containment leaked the cesium and the iodine would not get
out. Because the hot fuel and graphite were exposed to air this chemical reaction
did occur. The operators had removed all of the control rods except for six. This
action is against procedures. It is not safe for any reactor to operate with so many
control rods removed. Besides the RBMK reactor was not designed to operate at
such low power. The power generators of this reactor were run by steam forced
through turbines. By the time the reactor exploded none of the turbines were turning
and all of the steam was building.
The Grasshopper and the Bell Cricket
The Grasshopper and the Bell Cricket
Written by Yasunari Kawabata
The Grasshopper and the Bell Cricket is very philosophical, using a lot of
euphemisms and symbols suggested in its economic writing. A visual piece of
literary work The Grasshopper and The Cricket . Rich in content yet concise in
expression, Yasunari Kawabataleads us into a whole new culture in which we have
never experienced before. At first glance, it seems simple enough, until you realize
that it goes on a deeper level. The author also illustrates the love for Japanese
tradition by referring to that of making lanterns. The author s use of euphemism and
symbolism is shown at once in the opening paragraphs. The narrator saw a group of
children on an insect chase ... Show more content on ...
However, his words are a key element to the story because they reflect valuable
lessons that the children may need for future reference. The narrator wants to save the
children from heartache and disappointment; however he fails to realize that all
children must experience these emotions for themselves in order to become mature.
As the narrator stares into the lives of the children, it seems as though he is reliving
his own life. His
Explain How To Create A Supportive Environment
To create a supportive environment that fosters our children s healthy, of course,
teachers must provide active play/activities every day whether it occurs indoor or
outdoor. Outdoor physical play, for example, the playground that has slides and
swings should be appropriate for the children s age, which means slides should
touch the ground to reduce the hazard of falls for younger children. Any broken
toys should be removed immediately for both outdoor and indoor play. Play
equipment that is properly designed, well maintained, and correctly placed can help
minimize risk and provide greater protection from serious injury. The space for the
indoor environment is vital as well because we want to keep the environment as free
from stress as possible,

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Conservation Of Natural Resources Essay. Conservation essay. Conservation of natural resources Essay Example ...

  • 1. Conservation Of Natural Resources Essay Writing an essay on the conservation of natural resources is both challenging and rewarding. The difficulty lies in the multifaceted nature of the topic, which requires a comprehensive understanding of environmental science, economics, policy-making, and the intricate interplay between human activities and the natural world. Crafting a well-rounded essay involves delving into complex issues such as climate change, deforestation, water scarcity, and biodiversity loss. To begin with, one must conduct extensive research to grasp the nuances of each aspect of natural resource conservation. The writer needs to sift through scientific studies, policy documents, and statistical data to form a solid foundation for their arguments. Moreover, addressing the global scale of the problem requires an awareness of diverse cultural, geographical, and socio-economic contexts. The challenge extends beyond research, as structuring the essay in a coherent and engaging manner is crucial. The writer must carefully organize the information, present compelling arguments, and seamlessly transition between different subtopics to maintain the reader's interest. Additionally, striking the right balance between optimism and realism is essential, as the topic often involves discussing the dire consequences of resource depletion while also emphasizing potential solutions and individual responsibilities. Moreover, finding a unique perspective or angle to stand out in a sea of conservation essays adds another layer of complexity. Originality and creativity are key to capturing the reader's attention and making a lasting impact. Crafting a compelling introduction and conclusion that succinctly encapsulate the essence of the essay further contributes to the difficulty. In conclusion, writing an essay on the conservation of natural resources demands a thorough understanding of the subject, effective research skills, and the ability to present complex information in a clear and engaging manner. Despite the challenges, the process offers an opportunity to contribute to the discourse on environmental issues and inspire positive change. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, various platforms like provide professional services to guide and support writers in their academic endeavors. Conservation Of Natural Resources Essay Conservation Of Natural Resources Essay
  • 2. The Relationship Of Duddy Kravitz The Apprenticeship of Life The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz by Mordecai Richler is the story of a boy who goes through life, learning the ways in which the world works while endeavoring to gain prosperity. Duddy s resoluteness to be prosperous is at the very core fuelled by the over reverence of his brother Lennie by his father and his uncle. Duddy spends his life endeavoring to enhance the relationships in his life, but eventually hurts them as he cerebrates that at the terminus, mazuma is the only thing that will buy him bliss. The ultimate edification that Duddy has an arduous time learning throughout the novel is genuinely discovering who he is as a person. He endeavors to be sundry variants of people as he transitions from a poor boy ... Show more content on ... Duddy is a crooked businessman since all of his deals involve ruthless manipulation, relentless pursuit and corruptness. When Duddy s grandfather implemented this vision into his head, he learns valuable lessons about life that he never in a million years would have guessed that it would of turned him into the arrogant, conniving person he became. He learns a couple amazing lessons from his grandfather. A very defining moment for Duddy is when Simcha goes and sits in the vehicle after he shows simcha the land. Simcha is embarrassed that his words created the monster of Duddy s morals and Duddy truly comes into realization that he has failed his apprenticeship when his greatest and most looked up to teacher is ashamed of him. Instead of earning the land, Duddy took advantage of a handicapped, vulnerable and emotionally weak Virgil, he sold people terrible looking films, and scammed his way through other business ventures. Simcha is the one person that Duddy wants to to please at all costs and with the loss of his own respec he loses the test of life. Respect is a huge lesson, as he did notsee ahead of time that by instilling the idea of A man without land is nobody, (Richler 108) Duddy would continue living life by trying to accumulate more money and not by respect. Rather than becoming a popular, loved and respected businessman, Duddy becomes a lonesome, and crooked individual. Duddy choses the wrong path in life to
  • 3. Indira Gandhi Analysis Rough draft This is a document explaining why indira gandhi was a good prime minister and why her assassination was unjust. Indira gandhi was the first woman leader of india and came to be the prime minister and a very successful leader. she lead india in a way that many of india s citizens would only dream of she was very brave and did some things very little have achieved like settling disputes between certain government parties. As well as she helped with the countries famine and food shortages but there were some who believed that she was reckless and was unfit to be prime minister so the assassination of indira gandhi unjust because she was a very thought leader and cared very much for her citizens she also was very good at politics and knew when to do certain things but there were people who disliked her and believed she wasn t a good prime minister her to body guards were the ones who killed her using there submachine guns to kill her at the time she was walking through her palace garden when she was assassinated the reason they assassinated her was because they had hopes that a better leader could be chosen. Indira gandhi was a very successful leader and achieved many things throughout her three terms she had various ties to different government members. Her father would take her to his office and while he worked she got to meet her fathers friends and as she got older and more into politics she then relied on these adults as mentors. Then when she became prime
  • 4. Classic American Literature Analysis Childhood a time of innocence and ignorance to reality at least to most children. While most individuals can look back on their childhood as graceful and memorable, some perceive childhood experiences as traumatic and fearful. Regardless of one s childhood, the time period shapes individuals similar to how childhood adversities shape the meanings of classic American literature. Lord of the Flies by William Goldingand I Stood upon a High Place by Stephen Crane represent childhood adversities to shape their meanings by their themes of comradeship, power, and the lossof innocence. As shown in Lord of the Flies, Ralph and Piggy stick together from the beginning of the noveland become an alliance with the help of Simon, Sam, and Eric throughout the novel against Jack and his hunters. Ralph and Piggy feel that they should keep a consistent fire ablaze on the island in order to increase their chances of getting noticed and eventually rescued. However, Jack and his hunters believe that hunting in order to have food should serve as the top priority amongst the boys on the island. The struggle of prioritizing leads to a near war on the island in which Jack and his hunters go on a hunt for Ralph, since Piggy was crushed by a boulder and Jack acquired Sam and Eric as his allies. The sense of comradeship amongst Ralph, Piggy, Sam, and Eric proves the motto, Keep your friends close and your enemies closer , as a legitimate statement. As for the poem, I Stood upon a High Place by Stephen Crane, the narrator refers to those below him as Devils running, leaping, and carousing in sin , yet one of the devils looks up at the narrator and says Comrade! Brother! , showing a sense of obvious comradeship. The sense of comradeship through hardships conveys that readers should keep their friends close and their enemies closer as Ralph and the poem s narrator display. Although the novel and poem advocate keeping friends close and enemies closer, both works of literature display an evident power struggle . As shown in Lord of the Flies, Ralph and Jack often disagree on how their mock government they established should work. The boys often fight over who has the conch, which grants each boy permission to speak, as well as
  • 5. Ancient Mariner The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, is one of the most powerful and strong poems in the English language. It is also a supernatural poem. The Pirates of the Caribbean, produced by Jerry Bruckheimer is a very famous film series that started in 2003. Both The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and The Pirates of the Caribbean have many similarities and differences in the settings, themes, imageries, and many other resources. The main idea of The Rime of the Ancient Marineris a moral message, and warning against uncaring and imprudent actions, such as when the Mariner killed the albatrosswhich symbolizes a blessing. The Pirates of the Caribbean talks about the curse of the black pearl. In the Pirates of the Caribbean, ... Show more content on ... The poem starts in a middle of a wedding were an old Mariner stopped them, no one from the wedding guests stayed, just one of them did. The Mariner tells the guy his story about his dangerous ship, but an albatross appeared suddenly on the ship which was a symbol of positivity and a blessing from God. This albatross protected him and his ship. Suddenly, the Mariner tells the guy that he killed the albatross and how guilty he is for killing this blessing. His shipmates blamed him for the curse and made him wear the albatross around his neck like a cross. The Mariner and his shipmates were cursed and went through a lot during this journey after the albatross was killed, they all had to accept the curse they have received, because of his foolish action by killing this blessing. They had to appreciate this creature, this blessing. Since the Mariner killed the albatross, known as a blessing from God, he and his shipmates are cursed until he learned to appreciate all kinds of creatures. Also, in The Pirates of the Caribbean, when the crew of the Black Pearl steals ancient gold, they become cursed until they can return all the stolen pieces. Basically, both stories learn from their careless and thoughtless actions which led them to become
  • 6. The Day Of A Bus It was September 20th of 2011 when I stepped aboard a bus heading to Recruit Training Command in Great Lakes, Illinois. It was rather dark in the bus as I sat there next to other young men looking just as nervous and scared as I was since none of us knew what our ordeal would be for the upcoming 2 months. I was thinking to myself man what the hell am I even doing here? and then without me even paying attention to where we were outside; the bus came to a halt. As soon as the bus stopped this man came aboard and said to all us get the fuck out the bus right now! and all of us got up as quickly as humanly possible and started exciting the bus double time. As we were heading into the building at a rather spry pace, the man kept screaming and swearing at us making us even more nervous for none of us had a clue on what would really be happening in the upcoming months. Line up against the wall recruits is what a man started screaming over and over again as he walked out of this room at the corner of the hall. This man kept screaming and yelling things at us, but I barely got word of what he was actually saying since I was in another world. What is going on? and am I going to get to talk to my parents at all? were all common thoughts that kept going through my head as this was all happening. However I was soon brought back into the world of reality when he started saying things that I actually cared about. Alright recruits you ll have 10 minutes to call you folks to tell
  • 7. Compare And Contrast Andrew Jackson s Motives For Indian... defeated and 800 of their warriors were killed at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend. In the First Seminole War, General Andrew Jackson earned the name Sharp Knife due to his violent nature. He killed many people in the Seminole Indian Tribe. Several of them, military prisoners, did not receive fair sentencing and were hanged without due process. Even though the Americans lost the First Seminole War in 1817, Jackson remained steadfast when he became President in 1829 to remove the Seminoles from the acquired Florida territory. Andrew Jacksons motives for Indian Removal began with the events leading up to his election in 1828 as President of the United States. Andrew Jackson was an everyman, seen by the people as one of them and his Jacksonian... Show more content on ... Most of the thirteen colonies owned land that extended to the pacific ocean because no white Americans lived in the land and so the states let their borders extend as far west as they could on the continent. Georgia was one of these states. There was a huge scandal in the Georgian government following the American Revolution called the Yazoo Land Act in which the government signed legislation that allowed land prospectors to buy 35 million acres of Georgia s western lands for about 1 ВЅ cents an acre. In 1802, Georgia ceded its western lands to the federal government in exchange for three things. The first thing was to assume responsibility for the Yazoo land claims. The second was to pay Georgia $1,250,000 and the last thing was that the United States shall at their own expense extinguish the for the use of Georgia, as early as the same can be peaceably obtained on reasonable terms, the Indian title to...all...lands within the State of Georgia. In this agreement, nearly a quarter of a century before Cherokee removal was a major issue, the inevitable removal of the tribe was already established. No Cherokee was told of this agreement nor did they approve it. After the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, the removal of the Cherokees to the West was possible however public support was not with the government. Since the Cherokee s had fought with the United States against the Creek Indians, the
  • 8. Residential Schools Essay Furthermore, when the fundamental ideology behind residential schools is deeply analyzed, the core idea behind these schools can be partially justified to a very limited extent, as the idea had made sense and may have even benefited the aboriginals, had it been executed differently, and not as extreme and radical as the way it was. Humanity at the time was rapidly developing socially, economically, and technologically, along with mankind entering a new millenium, as the majority of the residential schools were built in the late 1800 s and early 1900 s. Especially during this time, as advancements and inventions were being made in all areas of civilization, residential schools in essence can be interpreted as a way to help aid the aboriginals with the transition into this new era. This is because the inevitable truth... Show more content on ... As sad as it is to admit, many indigenous groups are slowly disappearing all around the world as humanity further develops, such as the Kazakh tribes in Mongolia, the Mursi tribe in Ethiopia, and many more fading indigenous groups. Many people from these rural locations all around the world are leaving their homes for a life in the city filled with technology, along with their traditions being forgotten as the new generation of youth loses interest in these long time treasured traditions. The goal of residential schools was to speed up this process, creating a revolutionary change, compared to a evolutionary change. In a few cases, they were able to successfully help aid residential school students with preparing them for the rapidly developing world, with Tomson Highway being a notable example of a student who had a positive experience, There are many very successful people today that went to those schools and have brilliant careers and are very functional people, very happy people like
  • 9. Compare And Contrast The Minority Report The text The Minority Report by Philip K. Dick is a commentary on the concept of innocence and one s freedom of choice. It is often said that stories change significantly when becoming movies. The movie by the same name Minority Report directed by Steven Spielberg is based off the same ideas and concept the unpredictability of life and choices. It is a prime example of how the short storyand movie differ even if the basic concepts remain unchanged. The movie and short story share many similarities. Some of the similarities include the themes of morality with their legal system precrime, security and access to information, crime and punishment, and fate verse free will. Other similarities in the style of the narrative include the fact that
  • 10. Marketing Analysis for Meantime Brewery MARK1161: Marketing Practice Report Sherif Saad Introduction Beer is an alcoholic beverage that is considered the most widely used alcoholic beverage worldwide. Production and distribution of beer is not an easy task. As for the UK industry, it has four large organizations that enjoy an oligopoly with 85% of the market volume. The Meantime Brewery has to identify the most suitable and profitable ways to hit the market. The report analyses the market s situation using the Four P s, SWOT Analysis, Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning of the Meantime Brewery, then finally analyse the industry through Porter s Five Forces. (Dinkhoff, 2010) BeerSales13.7% 29.6% 15.4%19.4% ... Show more content on ... Place The places where Meantime sells it s products are convenient and appropriate, customers can find their products in: vпЃ¶ Retail chains such as Sainsbury s, Waitrose, Marks and Spencer. vпЃ¶ On trade establishments (B2B) vпЃ¶ Website vпЃ¶ Self owned pubs The location of Meantime next to Cutty sark and Greenwich University is an immense advantage, it s in the right place for customers to recognize, their products are available at the right time with quality for tourists, students, locals and workers to experience an incredible experience during their break. However, some retail shops 4 do not stock their products. As a result, it is unavailable for many consumers, which can be an unnecessarily loss/lost profit. Promotion Promotion is a method/tactic from the company to show the customers what it can offer customers through a consistent message; this message has to be appealing in order to offer the customer a worthy reason to buy their product. Londoners Campaign Meantime launched their first above the line campaign on the 6th of June 2012 that was called Londoners in evening and time out standard, different creative white and black portrayed shots were applied to several pictures with one word Londoner , the reason for calling it so it reflects those who travelled to the city and chose London as their home, as it illustrates/conveys/displays Meantime s passion for
  • 11. Untwined By Janice Theme 1. The main character of the novel Untwined is Giselle, she was the narrator of the story. She had a twin and they were both tall, her best friend was called Tina (Danticat 10). They made an accident she survived but her twin sister, Isabelle, died. They were christians but not religious, on the margins, between belief and disbelief (Danticat 10). she was thinking to either give up like her sister or to survive. Giselle was a survivor. 2. One theme from Untwined is death and grief. This theme emerged when the car slammed into us (Danticat 1) Giselle s family made a car accident and all of them got injured and Isabella died. This event made the whole family sticking to each other more as the two parents decided to separate before... Show more content on ... One complex character is Tina. She is Giselle s best friend. when Giselle lost her sister, she helped her out with their other friend, Jean Michel, they both helped her to know information about who smashed their car during the accident. Tina told her that Jean Michel loved her, he liked you. He still likes you (Danticat 297). Tina also became her untwined sister not just a friend. The theme of the story changed from sadness and grief to satisfaction snd happiness. (Danticat 303). 4. We are late, we are late, no time to say goodbye, we are late (Danticat п Ћ. this repetition shows that Giselle made the whole family 15 minutes late which caused them to have an accident that resulted in Isabella s death. The tone of the story changed it to death and grief of the whole family due to Isabella s death. 5. The most important scene in the story was the car accident. As a result of the car accident, both parents got injured, Giselle was unable to move or speak, and Isabella lost her life. The order of the events were harsh to bear the grief when the family knew they lost their daughter. On the other hand, they started supporting each other and sticking to each other more. There was also misunderstanding and confusion, everyone thought that Isabelle survived and Giselle died, I AM NOT ISABELLE. I AM GISELLE (Danticat
  • 12. The First Generation Of The Family Mike had given a speech to Bodnar about the hardships that the men went through in the mills. He wondered if God had put him on his earth was to be worked in the furnaces. Once I used to ask myself, Is this what the good God put me on earth for, to work my life away in Carnegie s blast furnaces, to live and die in Braddock s alleys? I couldn t believe it. Now I know that God had nothing to do with it. Chance rules the world (Bell, 197). Mike felt everyone should lovethe job they work in and shouldn t feel as if they re not appreciated. I don t mind work. But a man should be allowed to love his work and take pride in it (Bell, 196). The third generation of the family seemed to be the strongest willed. Mike and Mary s son, Dobie, did everything George wouldn t do and was against not standing up to anyone. He created the birth of labor unionism during his time working at the steel mills. It was against the law to join this labor unionism act. Many of the mills were go into protests about how they were getting treating working at the mills and they weren t afraid to speak their mind. This interest Dobie that something needed to be done and he started to met with lawyers and investigators. Eventually he was able to get the steel corporation to sign a contract to end the hardships with the steel mills. The steel corporation signed a contract with the S.W.O.C. and the most important job ever undertaken by organized labor in America ended with victory for the union (Bell,
  • 13. Diverse Workforce 1. What changes are occurring in our workforce today and are likely to continue into the future? Workforce diversity is increasing. There are more women, minority men and immigrants entering the workforce. 2. What is meant by affirmative action, and how does it tie in with EEO legislation? Affirmative action is an in company program designed to remedy current and future inequities in employment of minorities. EEO legislation was designed to protect minority groups of any definition from discrimination. 3. In seeking to ensure conformance to EEO laws, what evidence of discrimination does the EEOC look for? In which areas of management is this most likely to occur? They look for differential treatment, disparate effect ... Show more content on ... Why? I would say allowing him to take the keys home as that shows you put a lot of trust and faith in him. 7. The men in Jane s work group repeatedly but jokingly and admiringly address her as Pam, an obvious reference to her physical resemblance to Pamela Anderson. Jane doesn t particularly like this and complains to her supervisor. What should the supervisor do? This is a sexual harassment claim. The supervisor must follow the company s policies. An investigation must be conducted and in the end it must be made clear the company s standards for this type of behavior. 8. If 19 year old Pete is dissatisfied with his job and blames his unrest on the meaninglessness of his work, what is the possibility of this charge being justified? What might Pete s supervisor do about this situation? This is a definite possibility. Younger employees tend to need to know why a job must be done a certain way, why it must be done at all, and how it relates to what is going on around them. 9. Why might an employee who works at a computer keyboard object to the number of her keystrokes being counted electronically as a measure of her performance? Do you believe that her employer has a right to make these measurements? I do believe they have a right to monitor keystrokes. The employee may object
  • 15. Barack Obama Legacy Throughout the history of the United States, we have had presidents from all walks of life. Some good, some not. All have left behind a legacy. Some were more memorable then others, and some just down right horrendous. Barack Obama has been the United States President for the last seven years. He has spent almost 2 terms in office passing bills, creating new policies, and bettering the lives of Americans. While not everybody loves him, it would be a hard to argue that he hasn t gotten a lot done while he s been in office. For example, he has started the process of creating affordable health care that is accessibly available to all Americans. He has helped restore the economy after one of the biggest recessions the U.S. Has ever seen. He has... Show more content on ... Not only has Obama helped them to find a voice, he has helped them fight for rights in equality and justice for all. A great example of this would be the African Americans of the United States. As a fellow African American, Mr. Obama has been a leading figure in the fight, and has shown people that there is a better way that doesn t involve fighting to get your point across. Mr. Obama has also helped in the fight for homosexuals and gaining equality for this minority group. He has supported court cases in the fight, and has passed bills that help fight for the
  • 16. Meaning to Life Essay Meaning to Life Is there a meaning to life? First, to clear up any misunderstandings in the next few paragraphs you are about to read, I shall explain a few things. I am not talking about the individual people in our lives, that mean so much to us, or individual lives. That is a whole other matter. What I mean by the meaning of life , is the greater picture. There are people all over the world, doing their own thing, living their own lives, in their own areas. Is there a point to this? The people themselves, benefit from learning and having experiences while they re alive, but then they die, and all they have accomplished, ends. Then the process begins all over again with the next generation. So one purpose for life is established. ... Show more content on ... We respect his wishes and act accordingly, as to how we believe he would like us to act. Then, it is thought, he looks after us and takes care of us. I find this theory hard to grasp...God, usually, is seen as this great celestial being, that is far more advanced and powerful than any person here on Earth. He has these talents and powers by simply...not being one of us. So, there s God....Way up there, looking down upon us. Earth must seem like a little ant farm to him. If he s up there, looking down and watching over us, how is it so many horrible things happen in the world? Some of you may say it s because the people that these things happened to, weren t behaving how they should have been, how God would have liked them to. Or that God allows us to make choices, good or bad. Ok, then that would mean to me that God is an unforgiving and unsympathetic, celestial meanie. Why should he watch us create misery, see wars break out, while he remains aloof, superior and more powerful than us? I say that s unfair. Perhaps one reason for him would be, because it s more fun to us be so handicapped in the celestial scheme of things. It provides more entertainment, more adventure, and it s harder. And because it s harder, he knows there will be more rewards for us when we succeed in being good . Something is obviously amiss with this plan, since we continue to do the same things over and over again through the generations, and centuries.
  • 17. The Social Work Field Work Performance Introduction According to CNN Money the social work field is the one of Americas most overworked and underpaid professions. Essentially, they work hard and do more with very little resources. When the Great Recession occurred in 2007 the tax revenue declined. States have made spending cuts, drained reserves, and reduce necessary services. Majority of the programs targeted was that of much need social workers and nurses. Usually in lower income areas where families are affected the most. How can we help fix this issue? Over worked employees can lead to high stress and high turnover rates. When an employee is stressed their work suffers. In the social work field work performance is very important. The child welfare worker or child protective services social worker provides assistance to improve the functioning of children and their families. Time management is very important when it comes to caseload and workload in particular to the field of Child Protective Services. Due to understaffing in large caseloads, there can be a tremendous amount of pressure for people who choose this line of work. Methods We all have or know someone who has or currently is experiencing being overworked and underpaid. Now we ask ourselves is this because of the lack of assistance in the workplace or is it due to miss management of time. One of the best methods in improving high caseloads and high workloads is having better time management. Managing time appropriately allows for each task to be
  • 18. Similarities Between 1984 And The Handmaid s Tale The novels Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell, and The Handmaid s Tale by Margaret Atwood, both are social commentaries explored through the lens of a citizen in a dystopian, totalitarian society. While Orwell articulates his anti socialist political agenda, he also draws conclusions about the nature of humanity and spins a cautionary tale to warn about the dangers of dictatorships. On the other hand, Atwood uses a misogynistic, theocratic ruling party to convey a similar message. However, both authors share the same controlling idea about tyrannical regimes which use information control, loss of autonomy, and extreme punishment, to maintain their power. The novels are each warnings that left unchecked, such governments put the future of... Show more content on ... Information is controlled by the Party by creating Newspeak, Doublethink, and mutability of the past. The language control instrument called Newspeak reduces both the number of, as well as the type of permitted words accessible to its citizens. The entire purpose of Newspeak, is to eliminate the ability for the population to have rebellious thoughts, by means of limiting language. Since Ingsoc leadership believes it is a crime to merely think thoughts counter to its principles, by controlling words permitted to be used, Ingsoc believes it can eliminate the transgression of thoughtcrime. The character Syme says to Winston Smith, Don t you see the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end, we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, as there will be no words in which to express it (Orwell, 52). Furthermore, the language control instrument called Doublespeak changes the meaning of existing words in order to indoctrinate citizens through propaganda. The motto of Ingsoc is ironic, as the Party uses formerly conflicting synonyms and antonyms as part of its brainwashing strategy. Specifically, the Ingsoc slogan, WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH, is repeated throughout the novel (Orwell, 4). The slogan shows how previously nonsensical or contradictory meanings are redefined by the Party to omit any undesirable
  • 19. Measuring A Computational Prediction Method For Fast And... In general, the gap is broadening rapidly between the number of known protein sequences and the number of known protein structural classes. To overcome this crisis, it is essential to develop a computational prediction method for fast and precisely determining the protein structural class. Based on the predicted secondary structure information, the proteinstructural classes are predicted. To evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm with the existing algorithms, four datasets, namely 25PDB, 1189, D640 and FC699 are used. In this work, an Improved Support Vector Machine (ISVM) is proposed to predict the protein structural classes. The comparison of results indicates that Improved Support Vector Machine (ISVM) predicts more accurate protein structural class than the existing algorithms. Keywords Protein structural class, Support Vector Machine (SVM), NaГЇve Bayes, Improved Support Vector Machine (ISVM), 25PDB, 1189, D640 and FC699. I.INTRODUCTION (HEADING 1) Usually, the proteins are classified into one of the four structural classes such as, all О±, all ОІ, О±+ОІ, О±/ОІ. So far, several algorithms and efforts have been made to deal with this problem. There are two steps involved in predicting protein structural classes. They are, i) Protein feature representation and ii) Design of algorithm for classification. In earlier studies, the protein sequence features can be represented in different ways such as, Functional Domain Composition (Chou And Cai, 2004), Amino Acids
  • 20. The Natchitoches Declaration On Cultural Landscapes A cultural landscape is fashioned from a natural landscape by a culture group. Culture is the agent, the natural area is the medium. The cultural landscape the result. Carl Sauer 1 Landscape is never simply a natural space, a feature of the natural environment.[E]very landscape is the place where we establish our own human organization of space and time John B. Jackson 2 Landscapes are complex phenomena. In addition to the assemblage of physical features on which geographers and others focused until the last thirty years or so, it is now widely accepted that landscapes reflect human activity and are imbued with cultural values. They combine elements of space and time, and represent political as well as social and cultural constructs. ... Show more content on ... Shaped by ideological discourse, landscapes can also be understood as texts susceptible to analysis by means similar to those in which literary and other texts are analysed. Poetry, prose, painting and film represent landscapes in different textual forms. The eye of each writer, painter or filmmaker selects and frames images in a singular way. Their views can become part of a society s image of itself, as they are reproduced or influence others. The paintings of Heysen, Drysdale, Nolan, and the Indigenous artists of the Western Desert and the Hermannsburg school have all interpreted the arid inland of Australia. Their images have become part of the national myth of the Outback and have themselves influenced the way that others see that space. In a similar way, different social groups and individuals will look at the same place through different eyes, and perceive its meaning in different ways. [Rick Hosking to add something about landscape and writing here] Indigenous people, European explorers, missionaries, pastoralists, international and domestic travellers all looked or look at similar landscapes and experience different versions of
  • 21. Advantages Of Object Oriented Languages OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES Object oriented programming language is a high level programming language based on the object. Data hiding, Inheritance, and polymorphism such basic features of this programming languages. this method is not used for computer programming Until the early 1990s. But, mostly use this language for modern computer programming. Very Successful object oriented languages are in present. object oriented languages are include on Python, C++, Delphi, Java, PHP, Swift, Perl, Ruby and C# Those are can be used as object oriented languages. History Smalltalk developed by Xerox PARC research group, was coined in the early 1970s, the programming language. However, the University of Oslo in 1967 was developed further ... Show more content on ... This relationship is structural, because it specifies that objects of one kind are connected to objects of another and does not represent behavior. The objects that are related via the association are considered to act in a role with respect to the association, if object s current state in the active situation allows the other associated objects to use the object in the manner specified by the role. A role can be used to distinguish two objects of the same class when describing its use in the context of the association. A role describes the public aspects of an object with respect to an association. Example: Student and teacher, where multiple students can associate with single teacher and single student can associate with multiple teachers. Both can be added and removed
  • 22. Contiki Speech Katrine Ornejas Good morning everyone today I am going to talk to you about how Contiki was created and how the company became a success. Contiki began from John s own desire to see Europe cheaply. He is the man who was behind all the successes of Contiki and came up with the idea of this tour company. To make this happen, there were guides that he went through to help establish this tourism business. I will also talk to you about how he grows the business and make it a success and of course the traps to watch out when running a business. First of all, John Anderson was a 23 year old man who was born in New Zealand. He grew up with his mum while his dad was in Europe. One day he went to Europe for a couple days and he just fell in love in ... Show more content on ... One of the very important techniques that I learned on this book was the power of word of mouth. Basically when a group young adults went for a trip, they makes sure that everyone will have an awesome trip and when they came back they will tell their friends and relatives about their experience. They will spread the word on how amazing the experience they had on the trip. They will talk about what attractions they ve seen or where they went in Europe or what activities they did. At this point, when other people heard about their great feedback for the trip, it will give a huge interest to other people. For me personally, if my friend went to that trip and told me that she had a really great time on the trip, I would definitely book on that trip too if I want to travel. It will give me an interest and it shows that I can trust the company because they had a really great customer feedback. Another thing is to treat the passenger s complaints seriously no matter how big or small it is because you ll never know what could happen and it could possibly affect the whole company. Make sure you identify and diffuse any issue before it becomes a major. Because if you didn t solve the problem, it doesn t only affect the company but also the customer s loyalty and trust which is very important for a business. When you make sure that you satisfied their needs even though you made a mistake, you can solve it earlier or later before it gets
  • 23. Advantages Of Rolling Bags For Nursing School Best rolling bag for nursing students What are the best rolling bags for nursing students? To be honest, nursing books are heavy and numerous. Although it might not be necessary to carry all books along to school, there will surely be times when you must tote several of them at once. Moreover, while on campus, you will probably do a lot of walking and it will not be easy toting heavy books. Research shows, carrying heavy books in small back packs on a constant basis can lead to long term back ache. I doubt if anyone will want to begin a nursing career with prolong back pain issues. This unnecessary pain can simply be avoided by using the proper tote bag. Although there are a lot of choices in tote bags for nursing student, not all bags are equal. Thus, when purchasing a rolling bag for nursing school, functionality should be the first thing to consider. You should ask yourself the following questions; will the bag hold a reasonable number of books? is there enough space for other stuffs such as laptops, tablets and nursing materials? You really need to consider these questions because most rolling bags available in the market do not have enough space to hold laptops and tablets. In addition, you must check if there are side pockets and areas of storage for extras such as keys, smartphones and water bottles. Another important quality to watch out for is durability. Some more things to think about. Is the bag made of high quality material that will serve you throughout
  • 24. Maynard And Maynard High School Essay Maynard High School is located in rural Randolph County northeastern Arkansas. Randolph County is a majority rural county with Pocahontas (population under 7,000) being its largest city and Maynard (population under 500) being its second largest city. In 2013, the population was estimated to be 17,692 for the entire county (Randolph County, Arkansas, 2014). Over half the population lives in rural areas. The county is comprised of 96.9% White, 1% African American, 1.8% Hispanic or Latino, and less than 1% of Asian American and Native American (Randolph County, Arkansas, 2014). Maynard School District is the second largest school district in Randolph County. In the 2013 2014 school year, the district enrolled 460 students K 12 (ESEA Report, 2014). The high school(grades 7 12) comprised 213 of the 460 students with an attendance rate of 94.9% and a dropout rate of 0.47%. The high school is consists of 97.7% White, 1.4% Hispanic or Latino, and less than 1% mixed race. Low income students make up 69% of the student population and students that can receive special education comprises 11% (School Performance Report Card, 2013). Maynard High School has a class average size of 10 students per teacher. Teachers on average have 10 years of experience with 25% holding a Bachelor s degree and 75% holding a Master s degree. Teachers teaching core academic subjects are all considered to be highly qualified teachers (School Performance Report Card). Maynard High School is a focus school
  • 25. Summary Of Jones And Butman s Psychodynamic Theory Jones and Butman (2012) in the text explain that cognitive therapy is a popular and extensively studied theory of understanding human personality. Cognitive therapies theorize that behavior is determined by internal or mental events. Initially the theory focused on identifying and changing maladaptive thoughts. However, recent models of the theory seek to help people evaluate, and change their thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions. In addition, newer models of the theory seek to help clients and understand the interactional nature of their thoughts and behaviors. Jones and Butman acknowledge that cognitive therapymodels lack a theory of personality development (Jones Butman, 2012). Jones and Butman addresses four approaches of cognitive therapy; social cognitive approaches, information processing, clinical pragmatism, and a constructivist approach, which are used to explain personality development from a cognitive perspective. Jones and Butman points out that Walter Mischel s view of personality based on a social cognitive model, proposes that each individual s personality is unique, thus, people have different ways of viewing the world, making sense of their perceptions, different values, learning processes, and motivations. Ellis REBT model suggests that people s thoughts and beliefs affect their behavioral and ... Show more content on ... Beck views distorted thinking patterns as causes of the presenting problem. In addition, Beck argues that people have schemas or automatic thoughts or core beliefs, which affect how they view the world. These schemas can be activated or deactivated by different life circumstances. Steven Hayes acceptance and commitment model focuses on examining irrational thoughts and shifts of external context, and how the problematic aspects of these concepts can be normalized and accepted (Jones Butman,
  • 26. Gender Roles In James Fenimore Cooper s The Last Of The... In the book, Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper, the views of racial and gender bias are seen. Many articles and books discuss the topic at hand, such as Laura George s The Native and the Fop: Primitivism and Fashion in Romantic Rhetoric, Lindsey Claire Smith s Cross Cultural Hybridity in James Fenimore Cooper s The Last of the Mohicans, Leonard Unger s American Writers: A Collection of Literary Biographies, and James L. Coby s Crisis Dictated GenderRoles in James Fenimore Cooper s THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS. These critics each take their own views on either race or gender in the book. Race and gender are two huge topics in this book and in real life. Hawkeye is a great example of the overcoming of racial bias. Hawkeye, whose real... Show more content on ... Hawkeye faces a racial crisis and Alice and Cora are seen under gender biases. Hawkeye Can never really find a place amongst society. He is a white man who is trying to abandon his culture norms. Hawkeye wants to be seen as equal with the America Indians. Even though Hawkeye is trying to leave his culture behind, he still shows the civility and nobility of a white man. Hawkeye has the skill of and Indian, but his behavior is a mixture of both culture. Hawkeye has the reverence for nature like the Indians and the nobleness of a white man. Hawkeye is respectful to all walks of life and always sees the good in people. Alice is a victim of gender bias. Alice is seen in an archaic way of thinking. Alice is portrayed as a stereotypical woman in books. Woman in books are usually seen as inferior to men in books. Alice has a somewhat pneumatic personality. Alice does not think for her own. When Cora asks Alice how she should proceed with a certain task Alice gives a non answer. This shows how incapable she is when it comes to handling herself. This also gives a sharp contrast to her sister, Cora. Cora is a strong female character. Cora is capable of thinking and acting quickly. She has a take charge attitude and is not afraid to speak her mind. We see this in Chapter 29. In this scene, Cora runs to the Delaware chief, Tamenund, and tells him that Magua has been feeding him lies. Tamenund does question Magua considering these
  • 27. Assignment On Void And Void #include #include using namespace std; void options(); void getnameFile(char nameFile[]); void readFile(int row, char column, int number, char input, char nameFile[], int board[][9]); void displayBoard(int board[][9]); void editBoard(int row, char column, int number, int board[][9]); void getCompute(int row, char column, int number, int board[][9]); void computeValues(int row, char column, int number, int board[][9]); void saveBoard(int board[][9]); void interact(int row, char column, int number, char input, char nameFile[], int board[][9]); int main() { char input; char nameFile[256]; int board[9][9]; int row = 0; char column; int number = 0; readFile(row, column, number, input, nameFile, board); options(); cout endl; displayBoard(board); interact(row, column, number, input, nameFile, board); return 0; } void interact(int row, char column, int number, char input, char nameFile[], int board[][9]) { cout endl; cout ; cin input; if (input == ? ) { options(); cout endl; interact(row, column, number, input, nameFile, board); } else if (input == d or input == D ) { displayBoard(board); interact(row, column, number, input, nameFile, board); } else if (input == e or input == E ) { editBoard(row, column, number, board); interact(row, column, number, input,
  • 28. Culture In Colombia Culture in Colombia All across the globe, there are many different people, with vastly different ways of life. The way that these different people are in this manner of thinking comes from a basis off many factors that all interlock together. In South America, Colombia, is deriving and functioning still today, from a deep historical, ancestral grip and the adaptation to time. This interlocking of factors within Colombia, allow it to operate with one of the most diverse cultures in the world. There are many definitions of culture. All definitions have the same general meaning but each having its own detailed difference. Department of the Army Headquarters (HQs), defines culture as, a web of meaning shared by members of a particular society ... Show more content on ... While differing through all of Colombia, the overall weather contributes to the exports and economy directly. In the southern part of Colombia remains in a tropical climate that is unmarked by seasons (Britannica, 2015). The temperature here remains constant and the rainfall reliant on the wind patterns. The average temperature in the southern areas is 74В°F (Britannica, 2015). Off the Caribbean Sea, the Atlantic Lowlands weather alternates with a dry and wet seasons. Being very similar, the Low Plains of Colombia going along the Caribbean to the Gulf of Morrosquillo, in the northeastern tip, see a much dryer climatic experience (Britannica, 2015). The mountainous region of Colombia remains directly in effect with the elevation and temperate zones: tierra templada (3,000 6,500 ft.), tierra fria (6,500 10,000) and paramos (10,000 15,000ft) (Britannica, 2015). The capital city of Bogota is located in the tierra fria and has an average temperature of 57В°F (Britannica, 2015). With the overall climate being tropical, being near the equator influences how the economy is in reflection with Colombia s
  • 29. Religious wars in the Middle East (Holy Land) There were many conflicts that lead to religious wars in the Middle East or the Holy Land. History gives no valid claim to any piece of land; someone else was always there earlier. This gives reason that the Arabs and Israelis are not fighting about religion due to the fact that they are not trying to promote their faith. Many religions peoplehood are rooted in the Holy Land, such as Judaism and Christianity. The ancient Hebrews were almost continually at war and were conquered by Assyria, Persia, Alexander the Great, and Rome. The Jews became a dispersed people but preserved a sense of their nationhood through the books of the Bible. Over time many of the Jews were converted; whether it was forced or voluntary, they assimilated into local life. Jews became so intertwined in the lives of people all around the world. The Jews had a psychological connection to the land rather than a blood connection. This allowed the Jews to spread spatially while still developing a strong connection to God. The peaceful spread of Jews, though, caused religious carnages and expulsions. The Enlightenment of the eighteenth century brought back religious intolerance and brought Jews out of the ghetto and into citizenship in West Europe. This was a slow process done in backward Russia where most Jews lived. Earlier outbursts against the Jews were connected to the fight to convert them. The new nationalism of Europe saw Jews as a racially distinct and impure people. Nationalism is an
  • 30. The Importance Of The Honor Code In Schools There are always going to be those being, who abuse a system that is created for trusted people, for a good reason. At South Portland a system called The Honor Code which is intended for students in the building to get the privilege of getting some freedom. Including the use of phones and iPads at the appropriate times, leaving the classroom without a hall pass, and more. The schoolmakes sure, that for the students who do not follow the Honor Code can easily have their privileges taken away from them. The South Portland high school community will exhibit trust and openness. (Red riots honor code) The biggest part of the honor code is trust. The teachers must have trust in students,to do what is told of them, and that student are doing ... Show more content on ... Just due to as mentioned earlier, those who take advantage of a good thing meant for all, and essentially ruin it for all. Thankfully we have students in this school who fight hard to make sure the code can stay standing for those who do deserve it and follow it, without those certain students who made their voices heard, there would not still be a code. South Portland is lucky to have such have
  • 31. Descriptive Essay About Six Flags About seven years ago, I went to Six Flags for the first time ever. I was only about ten years old at the time, and of course I was extremely nervous. I had a lot of questions about it because of course it was all new to me with it being my first time going to an amusement park. I had asked about the big rides they have of course, the really popular water park they have at Six Flags, and of course I had to ask about the good amusement parkfood. As soon as I got there, my heart instantly dropped. I was at the park, and it was me and my family taking a trip to the best amusement park in missouri. We took off from the house, in Fulton, Missouri. It was about an hour and a half drive to get to Six Flags in St. Louis. We finally got there, the lines were super long, and the park was packed already at about eleven in the morning. Me and my little sister were both extremely excited to get past the long line, since it was both of our first time being there. We walk through the gate, and my heart instantly dropped on spot. The rides were super big. With loops and corkscrews, and that made me go from excited to scared quick.I was only about ten years old; therefore, I was not able to ride that many rides, and I was kind of relieved to hear that from my family. Since I was too young and too short to ride any rides, me and my sister went to the water park. The rides were still really big and scary, but also very fun at the same time, there was quite a few cool water slides that I
  • 32. Mike Tyson Ethical Dilemmas A public error causes for a public apology. In athletics, ethical errors are made and must be apologized for as shown by Mike Tyson. On June 28th in 1997, Mike Tyson bit two chunks of Evander Holyfield s ears off in a title boxing match in the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada (Weinberg). Tyson publicly apologized two days later in a news conference and on October 16th in 2009 in an interview with Oprah Winfrey and Evander Holyfield(Fonzy Foo, On the June 30th 1997 news conference, Mike Tysonread off of a paper. Tyson thanked everybody for the opportunity to apologize and said that the event was the worst in his professional boxingcareer. Tyson said that he snapped and had never done anything like this before and would never do it again. Tyson apologized to his family; to the regulators of the fight, the Nevada State Athletic Commission; to his rape case judge, Patricia Gifford; the place the fight occurred, MGM; the channel that broadcasted the fight, Showtime; his promoter, Don King; his boxing team; and the city of Las Vegas. Tyson explained that when Evander Holyfield head butted him, he thought that he might lose the fight due to the severity of the cut above his eye, so he snapped. Fistfights in basketball, riots in baseball, and spitting on officials were some examples Tyson listed of athletes losing it. Tyson explained that these athletes were forgiven and... Show more content on ... Tyson stated that his apology was insincere and would like to sincerely apologize to Evander Holyfield in person (Public Apology Central). Four days later, Tyson and Winfrey had another interview with Holyfield joining after Holyfield reached out to them both. Tyson said that Holyfield is a beautiful person, they both come from rough neighborhoods, and that Holyfield is an established and esteemed fighter. Tyson then shook Holyfield s hand and said that it was good being acquainted with Holyfield
  • 33. Case Study Of Zantel Mobile Telecommunication Introduction The study assesses customer satisfaction on the services delivery by Zantel mobile telecommunication. Urban West Region being as a case study .This chapter focuses on the background of the study, a statement of the problem, objectives and scope of the study. This study will attempt to explore the customer s satisfaction on the services delivering by Zantel mobile telecommunication in Zanzibar. 1.1Background of the Study The initial introduction of mobile telecommunication was made during 1980s in Europe and Finland was the first European country that adopted mobile cellular network, followed by Sweden, Norway and Denmark (ITU, 2009). It was only in 1986 that the first mobile network was launched in France by France TГ©lГ©come ... Show more content on ... For example Etsalat has a long time experience in the industry all over the word. Zantel is using a collaborative strategy to create value to its customers by collaborating with national and international institution with common interests in communication services (Zeithaml, 2000). Currently the company has a roaming agreement that allows it to use Vodacom s masts on mainland Tanzania to supplement its own. This is strength since Vodacom has good and reliable network coverage all over the country compared to Tigo which has a limited coverage (Ndukwe, 2004). This saves cost and time and increase efficiency. Management ability The ability of the management to identify its competitors and come up with the right strategies is strength (Elisante G, 2012).ZANTEL has got only four years of experience in Tanzania mainland but it has strived to increase its market shares and compete with more experienced companies (Suhail Sh. 2007). ZANTEL to provide a qualitable communication service is strength since customers are sure of the quality they expect when they are into
  • 34. Quiz 1 Essay The general manager of the grocery store Wegmans in Canandaigua, NY, wants to know the average (typical) amount of time it takes for a customer to check out of his grocery store. Last Saturday between the hours of 8 am and noon the manager, along with a team of helpers, measured the amount of time it took the first 200 customers to check out at each of its open registers. The helpers recorded the time (in minutes) using a stop watch, starting when a customer first arrived at a line and ending when they had paid and received their receipt. The average time for the sample was 6.5 minutes. Answer each of the following questions pertaining to the above paragraph. (40 points) a) Identify the population being targeted by this study. a. The... Show more content on ... h) What s your best estimate for the value of the parameter? Explain how accurate this estimate is. a. I think the average check out time would be somewhere about 8 9 minutes because there are some lurking variables that may not have been taken into consideration with the original sample. Even though it is an educated estimate, it s still not entirely accurate. 2. Consider each of the variables below. For each variable: (20 points) 1) Identify whether each is quantitative or qualitative. 2) For each variable that you identify as quantitative, state whether it is discrete or continuous. a) The number of career runs batted in (RBI s) by Derek Jeter of the New York Yankees. Quantitative, discrete b) Types of vehicles produced by Ford Motor Company. Qualitative c) The amount of soda in a 16 ounce bottle of Coca Cola. Quantitative, d) The age of an FLCC faculty member. Qualitative, continuous 3. Identify each as a random sample, stratified sample, systematic sample, cluster sample or convenience sample. Use each type only once. (20 points) a) To determine his DSL Internet connection speed, George divides the day into morning, midday, evening, and late night. He then measures his Internet connection speed at 5 randomly selected times during each of the four parts of the day. 1. Stratified sample b) A group of lobbyists has a list of the 100 U.S. Senators. In order to determine the Senate s position on a particular issue, they decide to talk with every 10th
  • 35. Hmong Textiles Essay The Hmong people are well known for their survival antics from their silent war with China and their migration from the Vietnam War. Hmong is a term many have never even heard of but their culture it is known as free people. Hmong textiles has survived just like their whole culture. The attractive handcrafted designs have been in their history for over two centuries, and their embroideries are popular among the Asian countries as well as the United States. Hmong textiles includes a variety of embroideries on their Flower cloths, story cloths, and their New Year dress. All fabrics have powerful importance in their customs to bring prosperity and good fortunes. Needlework is a substantial skill in their community that can not be forgotten,... Show more content on ... The Flower cloth is intriguingly designed by hand. Hmong women were responsible for sewing the cloth and the beautiful embroideries. Several Hmong women use a rare method of reverse appliqu #233;, designs made by sewing on a patch to the underside of a fabric and then cutting away and turning under the edge of the top fabric (Fadiman ). The design is extremely difficult and takes years to acquire this skill. Hmong dresses are elaborated with trimmings, coins, and a variety of colorful yarns. The dresses were highly decorative and added bulk to the man or woman wearing the dress. However, the Rooster hat is a modernized tradition when the Hmong people came to the United States. The base of the hat was normally purchased and decorated with the coins and trimmings. The materials used to create these different Hmong textiles range from silk to the nylon and polyester, the American synthetic fibers (Fadiman). In Laos, a part of Indochina, Hmong women often used Vietnamese silk to create their twelve foot long turban. With silks great absorbency properties it was then dyed in a dark color usually maroon or a navy blue. When the large population of Hmong population migrated to the United States, the modernization of the turban headdress became a rooster hat. The rooster hat was fabricated of cotton and synthetic fibers.
  • 36. Separation In Lord Of The Flies Have you ever wondered what would happen if you put a bunch of civilized little boys into an island without adults guiding them? Goldings novel, Lord of the Flies, describes unfortunate English boys who got stranded on an unknown island when their plane was shot down by another plane during the events of World War II. The very eager boys tried to civilize themselves by electing a leader, while also finding a way to communicate and signal the community that they were unfortunately separated from. Throughout the novel, Jack who was the unfortunate other who didn t get elected to be the leader of the group rebelled against Ralphs way of running the pack with his followers that believed in Jack more than Ralph. This caused separation between the
  • 37. Eisenhower Interstate Highway Industry Questions: Explain the structures of the road and rail cargo industries and the current issues facing the industries. Answer: One of the significant issue is the making of new advancements. Interests in new advancements hold the guarantee of extra changes in efficiency and security. Two of the most critical open doors accessible today are Positive Train Control (PTC) and Electronically Controlled Pneumatic (ECP) brakes. The business and Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) have examined each broadly. With PTC, upgraded interchanges and continuous data diminish degrees of progress and enhance train rates and security. The data gave by PTC will allow more compelling administration of train developments over the influenced framework. These... Show more content on ... (n.d.). Retrieved from highway system The 1980 Motor Carrier Act significantly diminished controls over section into the regular and contract transporter fields, and gifts of power got to be less demanding to acquire notwithstanding for a current private engine bearer . Retrieved from: (Coyle, Novack, Gibson, Bardi, 2011, p432) Reference: Coyle, J. J., Novack, R. A., Gibson, B. J., amp; Bardi, E. J. (2011). Transportation: A supply chain perspective. Mason, OH: South Western Cengage
  • 38. What Does The Forest Symbolize In The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts July 4, 1804 (The Editors). While Hawthorne was attending college, he missed his family very much so he returned home for a 12 year stay. While he was home, he began to write and soon found his voice (The Editors). When a different president was elected, Hawthorne lost his love for politics and this dismissal turned into a blessing, giving him the ability to write The Scarlet Letter (The Editors). Symbolism is when an author uses symbolic images to express mystical ideas, states of mind, and emotions ( Hawthorne frequently used symbolism in The Scarlet Letter, Young Goodman Brown, and The Minister s Black Veil. The Scarlet Letter... Show more content on ... The woods could also symbolize young Goodman brown fears, a picture of dark feelings that he doesn t normally acknowledge. Hawthorne said, There ma be a devilish Indian behind every tree... What id the devil himself should be at my very elbow (Hawthorne, 179). My Faith is gone! cried he, after one stupefied moment. There is no good on earth; and sin is but a name. Come, devil! For to thee is this world give (Hawthorne, 184). Another symbolic object in Young Goodman Brown is, the evil assembly (Shmoop Editorial Team). Welcome my children. Said the dark figure, to the communion of your race! Ye have found, thus young, your nature and your destiny. My children, look behind you (Hawthorne 186). The assembly located in the novel does not have the welcome Devils sign but it basically means that. There, resumed the sable form, are all whom ye have reverenced from youth. Ye deemed them holier than youselves, and shrank from you own sin, contrasting it with their lives of righteousness, and prayerful aspiration heavenward. Yet, here are they all, in my worshipping assembly (Hawthorne, 186 187). The assembly has its own sacramental basin, preacher, and its own altar (Shmoop Editorial Team). Hawthorne s last novel, The Ministers Black Veil also frequently shows symbolism located in
  • 39. Thesis Of The Bechdel Test I know we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling, but someday someone will and hopefully sooner than we might think right now. This was one of the most memorable lines from Hillary Clinton s concession speech to Donald Trump. It highlights the state of women in society today, as they are somehow still viewed as incapable of handling such a high position of leadership. But this problem goes beyond simply politics; it boils down to everyday circumstances of genderstereotyping and underrepresentation. With women being denied opportunities every day and young girls growing up believing they don t have a place in society as a leader or anything more than a supporting character to a man, this is particularly reflected... Show more content on ... This is evident in how movies often reduce women to stereotypes, portraying them as two dimensional characters and undeveloped female supporting characters, primarily created as accessories to male characters stories. What the Bechdel test does is highlight this, drawing attention to the gender disparity that exists in the majority of cinematic
  • 40. Andrew Jackson Reform Dbq The age of Jackson was a time of tremendous reform within the American society and the political establishment. Andrew Jackson s tenure as president lasted only from 1829 1837, and still many historians have attached his name to the entire period of 1825 1850. This just shows how great and impactful the reform that took place during this time period was. During this period, social and political reform movements dominated the American landscape. While conservatism did exist, this period of time was one in which the democratic ideals of America came to greater fruition than ever before. The impulse of reform that provided this era with its foundation was a political one. Before the early nineteenth century, American males could not vote unless... Show more content on ... But they did not neglect their own aspirations in American society. Property less males gained the right to vote around this time, but were left without political representation. Reformers like Margaret Fuller, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, and others attempted to change that. Many women began to publish weekly ladies books for the female audience. And in 1848, the most prominent members of the movement met in the Seneca Falls convention. In the declaration of the conference (Document I) Stanton writes: We are assembled to protest against a form of government, existing without the consent of the governed...We now demand our right to vote according to the declaration of the government under which we live. The women s rights movement, although its real success came in the early to mid 19th century, is another great example of this time s democratic
  • 41. Analyzing Same-Sex Marriage Imagine if you had a child love someone who has same sex and wanted you to accept their love for each other by being at their wedding. Would you attend the wedding? Some would say yes; however, others would say no. Why would they say No ? Because marriage has been traditionally defined as a religious and legal commitment between a man and a woman. As we know, same sex marriagehas been a prominent issue that has so many arguments not just in the United States, but around the world over many years now. There is absolutely nothing more controversial than same sex marriage in gay rights topic. Everyone has different opinions about same sex marriage whether it should be legal or not. We now have to consider two aspects that are moral and religious. These two form a fundamental belief that same sex couples and opposite sex couples are different. Based on the definition of marriage, the view of religion, bad effects to children, and the lifestyle that should not be encouraged; therefore, the government should not legalize the same sex marriage. Same sex marriage is also used as a synonym for gay marriage. It is the union between two people of the same sex in a marital relationship. Same sex marriage are obtaining acceptance in some countries, but some others still do not give permission to gay couples to marry. In 2001, Netherlands was the first country that legalized same sex marriage. In the United States, Massachusetts was the first state that legalized same sex marriage in
  • 42. Unhealthy Food Habits Many adults today are being faced with an unstoppable flood of unhealthy eating, and the next generation of adults is at a far higher risk of being obese and unhealthy than ever before. Although this may be the case, it is possible to halt the spread of obesity as well as the amount of unhealthy food being consumed by people. By first encouraging students to eat healthier meals, it is possible to ensure that the next generation of adults will be much healthier than those now. Many schools offer a multitude of different foods during breakfast and lunch; however, these meals are not always healthy. By creating healthier fresh meals, it is possible to change a student s diet on campus as well as improve their learning and education. Instead of offering a greased up tray of food that encourages unhealthiness, providing fresh fruits and vegetables will allow students to live healthier lives altogether. In order to improve the quality of all people s lives, we must first attempt to change the lives and diets of students. By focusing on students, we reduce the likelihood of future obesity epidemics, so as a society, we should look for healthier options for a student s school meal. One proposal to address the unhealthy eating habits of students in school is to create more campus grown vegetation. Creating more vegetation on campus allows for healthy options to be on hand at any moment as long as it is in season. By having vegetables and fruits readily available on campus, it is also
  • 43. Essay on The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster *Works Cited Not Included Chernobyl is a popular nuclear disaster it was a terrible technological disaster. Chernobyl is a small town in the Ukraine. The closest major city is Kiev. Kiev is the capital of the Ukraine. It is made up of 2.4 million people. In 1986 April 26 Chernobyl experienced an unforgettable nuclear disaster. At the time, the USSR was responsible for roughly 10% of the world s nuclear power. The year of the accident Chernobyl nuclear power plant was using four of the most modern soviet reactors, the RBMK type. The cause of this tragedy was due to operator error. The nuclear operators were running a test to observe how the ... Show more content on ... The Soviets put only the bottom pipes in containment because this was easier. The main weakness was in shutting the reactor down. As a result of inadequacy the shutdown rods are part of the normal plant control system rather than being a separate emergency system. Again a fault in the control system also makes the emergency shutdown unable to function. Another weakness was that Chernobyl had only partial containment. Because of the partial containment the radiation went out the top of the reactor where there were no leak tight boxes. The hot fuel and graphite were exposed to air when they went out the top of the reactor. If there had been a completed containment, then the water and steam from the broken pipes would have dissolved almost all of the cesium and radioactive iodine that escaped. Even if the containment leaked the cesium and the iodine would not get out. Because the hot fuel and graphite were exposed to air this chemical reaction did occur. The operators had removed all of the control rods except for six. This action is against procedures. It is not safe for any reactor to operate with so many control rods removed. Besides the RBMK reactor was not designed to operate at such low power. The power generators of this reactor were run by steam forced through turbines. By the time the reactor exploded none of the turbines were turning and all of the steam was building.
  • 44. The Grasshopper and the Bell Cricket The Grasshopper and the Bell Cricket Written by Yasunari Kawabata The Grasshopper and the Bell Cricket is very philosophical, using a lot of euphemisms and symbols suggested in its economic writing. A visual piece of literary work The Grasshopper and The Cricket . Rich in content yet concise in expression, Yasunari Kawabataleads us into a whole new culture in which we have never experienced before. At first glance, it seems simple enough, until you realize that it goes on a deeper level. The author also illustrates the love for Japanese tradition by referring to that of making lanterns. The author s use of euphemism and symbolism is shown at once in the opening paragraphs. The narrator saw a group of children on an insect chase ... Show more content on ... However, his words are a key element to the story because they reflect valuable lessons that the children may need for future reference. The narrator wants to save the children from heartache and disappointment; however he fails to realize that all children must experience these emotions for themselves in order to become mature. As the narrator stares into the lives of the children, it seems as though he is reliving his own life. His
  • 45. Explain How To Create A Supportive Environment To create a supportive environment that fosters our children s healthy, of course, teachers must provide active play/activities every day whether it occurs indoor or outdoor. Outdoor physical play, for example, the playground that has slides and swings should be appropriate for the children s age, which means slides should touch the ground to reduce the hazard of falls for younger children. Any broken toys should be removed immediately for both outdoor and indoor play. Play equipment that is properly designed, well maintained, and correctly placed can help minimize risk and provide greater protection from serious injury. The space for the indoor environment is vital as well because we want to keep the environment as free from stress as possible,