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Compare And Contrast Topics For An Essay
Writing an essay on the topic "Compare and Contrast Topics for an Essay" can be both
challenging and intriguing. The difficulty lies in the need to carefully analyze and identify the
similarities and differences between two or more subjects, and then present these findings in a
coherent and organized manner. The process involves thorough research, critical thinking, and
effective writing skills to ensure that the essay is not only informative but also engaging for the
One of the challenges is selecting appropriate topics that lend themselves well to a meaningful
comparison. This requires a keen understanding of the subjects being compared and a thoughtful
consideration of the aspects that will be contrasted. Additionally, maintaining a balance between
the comparison and contrast elements is crucial to avoid a one-sided or biased presentation.
Organizing the essay is another aspect that can be demanding. Striking the right balance between
presenting the information logically and ensuring a smooth flow of ideas requires careful
planning and structuring. Writers must decide whether to adopt a block method, where one
subject is discussed in its entirety before moving on to the next, or a point-by-point method,
which alternates between the subjects for each aspect being compared.
Furthermore, crafting a compelling introduction and conclusion that frame the essay effectively
can be challenging. The introduction should grab the reader's attention, provide context, and
present a clear thesis statement, while the conclusion should summarize the main points and
leave a lasting impression on the reader.
In conclusion, tackling an essay on "Compare and Contrast Topics for an Essay" demands a
combination of research, critical thinking, and effective writing skills. While it may pose
challenges, overcoming them can lead to a rewarding and insightful piece of writing that
contributes to a deeper understanding of the subjects being compared. If you find the process
daunting, remember that assistance is available. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on, where professional writers can help you navigate the complexities of compare
and contrast essays.
Compare And Contrast Topics For An EssayCompare And Contrast Topics For An Essay
V2 Rocket Research Paper
Title spot
If you were to ask someone about rockets or rocketry they would probably talk
about rocket ships or satellites and the good they do for mankind, few would speak
of the darker side of rockets the side that started them all. Most wouldn t think that
the age of rocketry started in the middle of the Second World War but it did, and the
amount of destruction that came from the earliest of the rockets was devastating and
highly unexpected. The V2 Rocket was the first in a long lineage of weapons that
would change the way war was fought for many years. Despite the terrible things that
came from the development of the V2 Rockets they were a very necessary
technological advancement.
The concept of a weapon that traveled faster than the speed of sound in 1944 was
science fiction to even to some of the most advanced minds at the time, but it didn t
take very long for one man, Wernher von Braun, to start developing this new
weapon. The V2 rocket was the first man made object to nearly make it to the fringe
of space, specifically the V2 rockets went up 52 60 miles with the ... Show more
content on ...
пїјoxygen fuel.The two liquids were delivered to the thrust chamber by two rotary
pumps, driven by a steam turbine. The steam turbine operated at 5,000 rpm on two
auxiliary fuels, namely hydrogen peroxide (80 %) and a mixture of 66% sodium
permanganate with water 33%. This system generated about 55,000 lbs (24,947 kg)
of thrust at the start, which increased to 160,000 lbs (72,574 kg) when the maximum
speed was reached (V2ROCKET.COM).
The V2 Rocket was design as a weapon of war in nazi Germany, designed to cause
massive destruction and end lives, but as it did advance the weaponry of the world
and influence new forms of combat and possibly the Cold Warin shape or form; it
also came to influence and help produce the technology of the world plunging the
human race into the space age and giving the human race ability and the potential to
reach the stars and the far reaches of the
Greek And The Modern Culture Of The Ancient Greek
There are a couple of ways in which a given cultural period has influenced the
modern world. In my opinion if you look at today compared to the Ancient Greece
time period looking back about 2500 years ago a lot of things they have created
and started evolved into great things for an example. Sports and the Olympics,
Architecture, and even the Greek arts. I personally feel like these subjects hit home
when we are talking about influential changes from the past to todays culture. You
actually might just be as surprised finding out some of this information just like me.
You might be surprised but although looking back about 2500 years ago they also
played sports just like we do to this day. As a matter of fact the Ancient Greeks were
the inventors of the Olympics believe it or not the Olympics has been around for that
long. Although it was a little different back then. The ancient Olympic Gameswere
initially a one day event until 684 BC, when they were extended to three days. In the
5th century B.C., the Games were extended again to cover five days. The ancient
Games included running, long jump, shot put, javelin, boxing, pankration and
equestrian events. ( They even often performed nude to demonstrate
the performance of the human body. ( . The running contest
included the Stade race (200m foot race) , The Diaulos (two stades 400m foot race)
, Dolichos ( ranging between 7and 24 stades). The next event was the jumping
Athletes used stone or lead weights called halteres to increase the distance of a
jump. They held onto the weights until the end of their flight, and then jettisoned
them backwards. ( There s also boxing and wrestling which is still
like modern days boxing and wrestling. But with the both were way more brutal
boxers back then would sometimes even disfigure there own opponents. Wrestling
matches would not stop until there opponent admitting call for defeat. As you can
tell our modern day Olympics have grew but the start has come from the ancient
Greek. Who would have know ? That a couple of games would turn into something
as big as the Olympics that today brings the best from all around the world to
participate in these following events that
Monogamy And Polygamy Case Study
Chapter 1 : Introduction
Marriage can be defined as a socially acknowledged and approved sexual union
between two adult individuals. When two people marry, they become kin to one
another. The marriage bond also links together a broader range of people. Parents,
brothers, sisters and other blood relatives become relatives of the partner through
Marriage is an important social institution, and The exclusive commitment of two
individuals to each other nurtures love and mutual support; it brings stability to our
society This was the definition given by Chief Justice Margaret H. Marshall of the
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court.
The institution of marriage is used to control heterosexual behaviour and the resulting
proliferation, ... Show more content on ...
These forms can be branded on the basis of the number of partners and rules
controlling who can marry whom. In terms of the number of partners that can
rightfully enter into wedlock, we have two forms of marriage, namely, monogamy
and polygamy
Polygamy means marriage to more than one mate at one time . It can further
classified into
a. Polygyny one husband with two or more wives
b. Polyandry one wife with two or more husbands.
Usually, polyandry is a result of harsh economic conditions . Since in such
circumstances a single man cannot sufficiently support a wife and children . Also in
severe poverty conditions pressurise a group to limit its population.
Monogamy limits the individual to one spouse at a time. In this system, at any
time a man can have only one wife and a woman can have only one husband. Even
where polygamy is permitted, in actual practice, monogamy is more widely
dominant. In many societies, individuals are allowed to marry again, often on the
demise of the first spouse or after divorce. But they cannot have more than one
spouse at one and the same time. Such monogamous marriages are called serial
monogamy. Remarriages on the demise of a wife have been a norm for men for the
most part.
Endogamy and
Essay on Mexico Pest Analysis
Mexico PEST Analysis
Executive Summary
Mexico has resulted in recent years as one of the most promising emerging
economics nevertheless the downturn occurred in 2009 under the influence of the
crisis in the United States. In 2010 the economy has restarted its growth trend, which
according to the forecast will bring the Country among the elites of world economy.
This short paper explains the fundamental factors determining Mexico economic
growth using the PEST Analysis Framework. In particular it focus on how
International Business activities has contributed to economic development of the
Country, offering also an once over on the main industry involved in this process.
Mexico PEST Analysis
Approaching the research ... Show more content on ...
economy, following its cycles and trends since NAFTA agreement signed in 1994 by
United States, Mexico and Canada as established a strong economical and political
cooperation between these countries.
Exhibit 3 shows that Mexican GDP at PPP has had a constant growth since 2001,
except for 2009 when it fell down suffering the effect of the crisis that affected the
U.S. since 2008. From 2001 to 2009 the CAGR for GDP at PPP resulted around
5.5%, and after a 6.5% loss in 2009 the economy has returned to grow at around 5%
annually and the GDP is expected to increase in the future at an higher rate, allowing
Mexico to overcome Italy in the G20 ranking (Euromonitor International, January
The strong influence of U.S. economy on Mexican one is confirmed analyzing
Exhibit 3 with respect to foreign direct investment and exports. United States
accounts for more than 45% of total FDI inflows in Mexico and, even if the
Country is actually the largest host of FDI in Latin America, it s undeniable that
accordingly with economic downturns in the U.S. the figure of FDI in Mexico
declines significantly (Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, December 2010) like
happened from 2007 to 2009 (Exhibit 4). The same mechanism act also with exports
because U.S. attracts almost 80% of Mexican exports thus during periods of crisis in
the U.S. Mexico suffers slowdown in foreign trade (Exhibit 5).
Information Systems For The Isms Scope
Information Systems There are several information systems that should apply to the
ISMS scope. This includes the SHGTS information systems that is housed on the
JINX server, the RAS, user workstations, VPN and modem devices, the switches,
firewall, and router. The SHGTS information system. The SHGTS is a database that
is housed on the Windows application JINX server. The SGTS is a MicrosoftAccess
database that runs on the Windows JINX server. It is used to track delivery of
grant funds, grant users input their grant evaluations in the database, and weekly
status reports are generated for an executive officer. This system should be
included in the ISMS as the SHGTS is the tracking system used by the Office of
Grants Giveaway of the HBWC. The system is within the defined scope of the
ISMS and as such should be part of the ISMS as this system is used to track and
disburse grants that the HBWC manages. A breach of this system would carry a
strong risk to both tangible and intangible resources governed by the organization.
The remote access server (RAS) is a Windows NT server that exists for users that
require remote access to the SHGTS. To RAS server enables users to gain access to
the SHGTS servers on the LAN from a remote site. This requires access through
either dial up networking, or a VPN solution. The RAS phone number is currently
limited to users with essential need. This server should be within the scope as it
gives users direct access to the SHGTS from an
Five Forces Of Barclays Bank
According to Porter, in any industry or sector competition, there is in which
Outcome of five forces of competition , where the use of these powers to develops a
competitive advantage for the organization in order to help it outperform those of
companies in the same industry. and with the following explanation of these forces
and application in the banking industry at Barclays Bank.
The threat of entry of new competitors :
The Depends threat of entry of new competitors depends on the high barriers and the
extent of its power, Entrants New Have the desire to control on the market share, so
should every organization to address these new competitors potential identified and
deterred by placing barriers that prevent them from entering, the ... Show more
content on ...
Threats of new entrants potential entrants: banks with microfinance pose a threat to
Barclays Bank because of the targeting of these banks the owners of little income
and owners of small businesses and that prevent the arrival of these customers to
Barclays Bank because of the high cost of transactions , in contrast , it made
Barclays Bank for over many years of working a capital large base than at that. will
make the entry of new entrants is very difficult because the banking sector needs
huge capital .
Threats alternatives : Barclays Bank Provided products different from the rest of the
banks that offer similar products in order to maintain the survival of the bank at the
forefront among its competitors , by providing securities fixed income , mutual funds
and insurance , in contrast there is a significant threat to Barclays Bank in
sustainability with the existence of institutions Non banking that provides financial
services Such as that provided by the
History of Cellphone
History of Cell Phones The history of mobile phones records the development of
interconnection between the public switched telephone systems to radio transceivers.
From the earliest days of transmitting speech by radio, connection of the radio
system to the telephone network had obvious benefits of eliminating the wires. Early
systems used bulky, high power consuming equipment and supported only a few
conversations at a time, with required manual set up of the interconnection. Today
cellular technology and microprocessor control systems allow automatic and
pervasive use of mobile phones for voice and data. The transmission of speech by
radio has a long and varied history going back to Reginald Fessenden s invention and
shore to ship... Show more content on ...
In 1969 Amtrak equipped commuter trains along the 225 mile New York
Washington route with special pay phones that allowed passengers to place
telephone calls while the train was moving. The system re used six frequencies in
the 450 MHZ band in nine sites, a precursor of the concept later applied in cellular
telephones. [2] In December 1971, AT T submitted a proposal for cellular service
to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). After years of hearings, the
FCC approved the proposal in 1982 forAdvanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS)
and allocated frequencies in the 824 894 MHz band.[6] Analog AMPS was
eventually superseded by Digital AMPS in 1990. A cellular telephone switching
plan was described by Fluhr and Nussbaum in 1973,[7] and a cellular telephone
data signaling system was described in 1977 by Hachenburg et al.[8] In 1979 a
U.S. Patent 4,152,647 was issued to Charles A. Gladden and Martin H. Parelman,
of Las Vegas for an emergency cellular system for rapid deployment in areas where
there was no cellular service. Emergence of commercial mobile phone service
Alongside the early developments outlined above, a different technology was also
growing in popularity. Two way mobile radios (known as mobile rigs) were used in
vehicles such as taxicabs, police cruisers, and ambulances, but were not mobile
phones, because they were not connected to the telephone network. The first fully
automated mobile phone system for vehicles was launched in Sweden in 1960. Named
The Hero s Journey In Star Wars
The ideas presented in the Star Wars Documentary relate to my journey when it
comes to the hero s journey, the good and evil choice, and the uncontrollable event
that sets life in motion. For starters, the hero s journey, which is based off
mythology and history, represents the transition between one identity to another.
For my life this is represented from when I was a little kid to now. Going from a
child, who has fun and nothing else to worry about, to a teen in high school who
has to worry about grades, relationships, and careers. Secondly, the good and evil
choice is seen in my life, just not as literally as in Star Wars. My good and evil choice
was made in middle school. I could have chosen to slack off, never do work, but I
chose to
Drake s Passage Is The Worst Ocean On The World
The ocean that had chased them back and made them flee for the shelter of the ice
pack is the worst ocean on the globe. (82) Drake s Passage can be considered to be
the worst ocean on the globe (82) by many. This treacherous ocean is an 800
kilometer wide gap between South america s Cape Horn and South Shetland Island of
Antarctica. What makes Drakes passage considered to be the worst on the globe?
Sailing through this passage is incredibly dangerous because of its insane winds. On
the Beaufort scale is has known to have winds from category 10 123. Drakes passage
is extremely deep. The Average depth being 11,000 feet and the deepest trench going
all the way down 15,400 feet4. Drakes passage is known to have two different
moods. The first one is the drake Lake it is when the ocean is a clear as a lake with
no windor waves just nice sailing. Normally it s the second mood the drake shake,
this is when the passage has ferocious roaring winds which creates enormous waves,
not a fun time. In 1578 there was an Explorer named Sir Francis Drake that went
through the Strait of Magellan. When he went through the Strait of Magellan he lost
4 ships. After his last ship made it through it got pushed farther south and that s when
drake realized that there is a another route for ships further south. Then the bottleneck
was named Drake Passage after him.
The southern ocean carries strange that often run against the prevailing winds,causing
a broken, turbulent surface and stirring up
Black Female Consciousness Essay
Caroline Chavatel
Dr. Joyce Garay
11 May 2017
Knowing The Plurality of Black Female Consciousness: An Epistemological
Investigation in 21st Century Black Literature
Epistemology, specifically knowledge construction, is fundamental to the function of
a population and their experiences. How, though, is the line between knowledge and
story demarcated in regards to power? Accordingly, how does power/do power
relations regulate whose experiences are knowledge and whose are simply story?
Which questions are granted further merit and who s believed or not believed? It s
not unlikely for Black writers to have their work written off as anecdote for the
purpose of entertainment and not considered evidence, truth, or knowledge. However,
this ... Show more content on ...
In Black Feminist Thought, specifically the chapter Black Feminist Epistemology,
Hill Collins argues that Black female experiences are often not regarded as
knowledge and one can witness this phenomenon within these three texts. Hill Collins
chapter opens with: A small girl and her mother passed a statue depicting a European
man who had bare handedly subdued a ferocious lion. The little girl stopped, looked
puzzled and asked, Mama, something s wrong with that statue. Everybody knows that
a man can t whip a lion. But darling, her mother replied, you must remember that the
man made the statue (251). At the core of this delightful anecdote is the central
argument of power in regards to knowledge production who has the power to make
truth? She argues that Black female experiences are typically regarded as subjugated
knowledge and that traditionally, the suppression of Black women s ideas within
White male controlled social institutions led African American women to use music,
literature, daily conversations, and everyday behavior as important locations for
Black female consciousness (252). One must question then, how do traditions of
storytelling and conversation become othered when attached to racial
Principles of Project Management
Table of Contents
The principles of project management2
Viability of Project s Success/Failure Criteria4
Additional standard for the project s success/failure6 Calvert Social Index success
/failure criteria7
Principles behind project management systems and procedures7
Human and material resources to achieve successful projects8
Information Security Audit System and Procedures 9
Key elements involved in terminating projects and conducting post project appraisals
9 key elements involved in terminating projects 10 Situations where a terminated
project can still be considered again10
Investigate Project Management principles
A. Discuss the principles of project management (1.1)
1. The Commitment Principle
An ... Show more content on ...
There are always problems with this approach, but the profit of doing so is significant.
3. Poor or No Requirements poor requirements are probably one of the most
difficult issue that can be faced by a project. The incapacity to identify good
requirements has also led to other project delivery problems such as the desire to
narrow the scope of the project so as to minimize the requirements workload and
risk. Users should understand what it is they want, and be able to identify it
specifically. if you don t get the business requirements right, however well you deliver
the project, the client/business will be dissatisfied.
4. Scope Creep
Scope creep is a risk in most projects. it is the change or growth of project scope.
Scope creep more frequently occurs during the later stages of a project, such as
programming and testing, than during the earlier stages, such as design. This can
occur when the scope of a project is not properly defined, documented, or controlled.
This is a management issue similar to change control. Management should be able to
figure it all out at the start. A project manager often tries to manage scope creep. The
goal in managing scope creep is to try to minimize the impact of any changes on the
project, such as on the timeline and cost.
5. No Change Control System
Business needs are
Chinoiserie s Influence On American Architecture
Chinoiserie arose as a movement in response to the strict restraints of the Baroque
style. More broadly, this public reaction is characterized as the Rococo style, which
Louis introduced in his court in France around 1750. The Rococo style played with
the imagination; whimsy, asymmetry and high contrast in both scale and color
exemplify the art and architecture of the style. Chinoiserie grew out of the Rococo
style as European became fascinated with the Far East, specifically intrigued by
Chinese ceramics. The blue and white luster glaze pottery depicting imaginative
accounts of Chinese life became incredibly popular in the late 18th century. And,
while Chinoiserie s influence on architecture was present at Versailles as early as
1670, the... Show more content on ...
Scientific exploration continues: modern plant houses have been added and improved
upon every few years and the herbarium, which contains over 300,000 plany
specimens, is one of the largest in the world. The Princess of Wales Conservatory
(fig.), named for Princess Augusta, was built in 1987 with state of the art technology.
The conservatory has 10 computer controlled climactic zones under one roof,
improving upon the first glass house, yet paying homage to the original form and
purpose. In 2006, a third version of an alpine house was developed, the Davis Alpine
House (fig.), with an advanced system to control temperature, ventilation, and
moisture to simulate the environment of being 2000 feet in the air. Engagement and
education with the general public, particularly children, is another priority of Kew
Gardens today. In 2004, Climbers and Creepers , an interactive learning environment
encourages children to discover botany, ecology, animals, and the environment.
Further, in 2008, Marks Barfield architects, the masterminds behind the London Eye
(fig), built the Treetop Walkway (fig). The architectural firm, known for creating
innovative forms to maximize visibility, constructed the Treetop Walkway over the
Arboretum to be level with the treetops. The rusted steel pathway blends with the
environment to provide a new perspective at looking at the gardens. The actual design
of the steel is based on the Fibonacci numerical sequence (fig.) engaging intellects and
Importance Of Gait Analysis Essay
Because running is a very high impact sport, it can lead to long term damage to the
feet, legs, hips, and joints. However, it is also a sport that can help improve
cardiovascular health, circulation, and will lead to a longer, healthier life. Many
people, including me, believe that the good outweighs the bad. Because of this
common belief, it is important to have runningshoes that can improve gait, offer
support and impact reduction, and reduce the risk of injury. Many shoes are made to
fix over pronation or supination. There is massive amounts of research and funding
that goes towards running shoe development and design. There are countless numbers
of gait studies. A gait analysis can show where the majority of a runner s weight
lands in the feet.... Show more content on ...
Gait analyses are also able to indicate muscle activity and determine if a runner is
using their body to its full potential or if they are overcompensating for an aching
limb. In many ways this type of human analysis is a wonderful tool to runners.
Shoe designers also use the tool as a way of creating new running shoes. A sports
engineer could use trends from gait analysis data to determine a general need for
common people and integrate that into a pair of running shoes. As sports medicine
experts and trainers continue to learn new training techniques and create new
technology to improve physical activity, new shoes must be created in order to
allow the athlete to perform at higher levels. I am conducting research on how each
layer of a running shoe the insole, midsole, and outsole is designed in order to
absorb ground reaction force and prevent
Samurai Professional Warriors
The samurai were the professional warriors that ruled Japan for about 700 years,
from the end of the 12th century until the middle of the 19th century. The term
samurai originates from the verb saburau, meaning to serve as attendant to a person
of nobility (Mcgee 1). In the Heian era, (ca. 792 1192), samuraireferred to the
warriors guarding the Emperor and court nobles, but later the term started to be used
to refer to all professional warriors. From the end of the Heian era, the samurai were
men who transformed into local feudal lords and came to combine forces with the
landlords. By the beginning of the 12th century, the Japanese Imperial court were
hiring these men and delegating military responsibilities to them, and the samurai
Heart Disease Of Jersey City
Heart Disease in Jersey City
Ayva Rodriguez
Felician College
Heart Disease in Jersey City
Individuals from Jersey City aged 65 years and older are more likely to die from
heart diseases such as heart attacks, stroke and hypertension in comparison to all
New Jersey residents ( Stats, 2013). These are the leading cause of death in the
United States that can be prevented by controlling or preventing modifiable risk
factors such as high blood pressure, cigarette smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol,
poor diet and physical inactivity, overweight and obesity ( Healthy People, n.d.).
Heart diseases are among of the many known health problems that are needed to be
addressed in the Jersey City community ( Stats, 2013). Healthy people 2020 goal is
to prevent, detect and treat the risk factors that are associated with heart attack and
stroke ( Healthy People, n.d.). And by early detection, heart diseases can be treated
and repeated cardiovascular events can be prevented ( Healthy People, n.d.).
The dedication of the Jersey City Department of Health and Human Services in
providing the residents of all ages the health and social services through numerous
programs aids in the promotion of the community s health that will lead to decrease
mortality rate of individuals affected with heart disease ( HHS, n.d.). And with the
help of political influence where Jersey City mayor s wellness campaign in helping
Jersey City residents to have a healthy lives and decrease
The Cartesian Theory Of Mind
RenГ© Descartes was a French philosopher responsible for many ideas and theories
still used in the philosophical world today. He earned the nickname Father of
modern philosophy for his work. One of his most in depth and lasting legacies is his
mind body dualism thesis also known as the Cartesian theory of mind.
The Cartesian theory states that there are two different types of existence, physical
and mental. Whatever exists must fall into only one of these existences and they
cannot be both. This could be compared to the two faces of a coin, where when you
flip a coin it has to be either heads or tails, when looking at the world it is either in
the physical world or the mental world. Another example is how animals are either
male or ... Show more content on ...
So a body s life is a public affair, much like the lives of animals and plants.
Minds, however, are different from bodies. Minds are not in space, since they do
not occupy space like a body does. Minds are part of mental existence. The
processes of the mind are not subject to mechanical laws like bodies are. Also the
workings of someone s minds are not able to be witnessed by other people, like a
human body is able to be. When you use your mind and you think, imagine or feel
an emotion, other people cannot see what is going on in your mind. Since the
workings of one s mind are not able to be observed, this makes the minds life a
private affair. This means that a person lives two lives. The first is what happens to
his body and the other is what happens in his mind. What happens to the body is in
the physical world while what happens in the mind is in the mental world (Ryle).
The view that physical objects are in a common field (space) and mental processes
occur in a isolated field known as the mind, is the ontological way, while the way
that only our bodies can meet and we cannot interact with each other s minds is the
epistemological way. Gilbert Ryle sees that Descartes divides a person s life into two
halves, one being external and the other being internal. Every physical thing,
including the body, belong to the external half and physical world, while the
Reflection On The Book Night
What would it do to a person to go to a concentration camp, see the horrible things,
and come out alive? This book, Night, is about Eliezer Wiesel, who is both the
main character and the author. Elie s book is a memorial about his experience in
Hitler s concentration camps, what he went through, and how he survived. This
paper is going to be about Eliezer s horrific experience and the ways that it changed
him. One of the horrific moments that Eliezer went through is the time the small boy
got hung and it took half an hour for him to die. But the third rope was still moving:
the child, too light, was still breathing... And so remained for more than half an
hour... (Weisel 65) This changed him a lot because he knew how brutal the world...
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An event very related to his feeling after his father s death was when he saw the
mob of people fighting over the bread and he saw a child kill his own father just
for a piece of bread: His eyes lit up, a smile, like a grimace, illuminated his ashen
face. And was immediately extinguished. A shadow had lain down beside him.
And this shadow threw itself over him. Stunned by the blows, the old man was
crying: Mier, my little Mier! Don t you recognize me... You re killing your father...
I have bread... for you too... for you too... He collapsed. But his fist was still
clutching a small crust. He wanted to raise it to his mouth. But the other threw
himself on him. The old man mumbled something, groaned, and died. Nobody
cared. His son searched him, took the crust of bread, and began to devour it.
(Weisel 101) The boy killed his father without any sign of grief or hesitation just so
that he could have a simple piece of bread. Eliezer knew he could never do
something like this to his father, but he was thinking about just letting him die, so
that he wouldn t have to deal with him. Even with this thought he was able to resist
the urge, unlike the Rabbi s son. ...Separation to free himself of a burden... (Weisel
91) The Rabbi s son had left his father so that he would have better chances of
survival. These events led Eliezer to realize how people, including himself, could
change while trying to survive inside one of Hitler s concentration camps. These three
Who Is Responsible For Macbeths Downfall
Reasons for Macbeths Downfall Foul is fair and fair is foul (I.i.12), this quote is
spoken by the three witches in the beginning of Shakespeare s Macbeth. In this story
Macbeth commits murder multiple times in order to secure the crown. Macbeth was
not completely at fault for these sins however. One party responsible for Macbeths
sins are the three witches, these hags are seen multiple times throughout the story and
give Macbethinformation that they had gained through they re visions. Had Macbeth
not been told this information by the witches then he wouldn t have had the reason
to do the crimes that he did. Without the witch s prophesy then he never would have
killed King Duncan for the throne because without the promise of the throne there
was no incentive. He was a loyal servant of the kingdom and previously wouldn t
have even dreamt of killing Duncan. It s obvious that he was a loyal servant to the
throne because in the war it is mentioned that he was a brave and valiant fighter for
the king.... Show more content on ...
When Macbeth told her about the witch s prophesy about his eventual fortune she
encouraged him to take the life of Duncan who was at the time a guest at her and
Macbeths home. At the times that Macbeth was struggling to find the conviction to
kill his ruler Lady Macbeth was always there to wear away his morals. This starts
the process of Macbeths moral degradation which eventually lead him to become a
monster who killed multiple people. This makes sense because people rarely will do
something against their values without outside
Social Injustice In The American Revolution
Throughout our cake, we had two major themes that were evident, social injustice and
political grievances. To demonstrate social injustice, we used medals for the Latin
American Revolution, Chains for the American Revolution, and a tennis ball for the
French Revolution. To represent economic inequality, we used teabags for the
American revolution, bread for the French revolution and money for the Latin
American Revolution.
For the American Revolution, The chains represented the role African American
slaves played in the revolution. The revolution motivated African American resistance
against slavery. The tea bags were symbolic to the Boston Tea Partywhen
Massachusetts colonist protested against the Tea Act of 1773 or more specifically
Taxation without Representation by dumping chests of tea into the Boston Harbor....
Show more content on ...
The gold medal represented the criollos and peninsulares which were the highest
classes in the social system. There, men who were born in either Spain or portugal
held the highest offices and military/political position. The silver medal represented
the Mestizos/Mulattos. This position consisted of mixed Europeans and Indians
who served the peninsulares/criollos. Lastly the gold medal portrayed the lowest
class, the Africans/natives. This class was not only the lowest but also the largest.
The people in this class were not identified as citizens but did do most of the labor.
To demonstrate economic inequality, money was put on the cake to show
mercantilism. Spain used mercantilism when they took goods from Latin America
and sold those goods to make their own profits. Latin America, on the other hand did
not gain any money except goods that Spain decided to give
The Importance Of Lowering The Drinking Age
Fun Fact!: You only have to be 18 to die for your country in the military, but you
can t buy a beer. In the United States, the legal drinking age, as many of you know,
is 21 years old. Now it wasn t always like this as the original drinking age was 18.
However, it was moved up to 21 when an organization known as MADD (Mothers
Against Drunk Driving) became well known amongst societies in the USA. This
organization was created after a 13 year old girl died due to a 46 year old drunk
driver. With help from the US Congress, the National Minimum Drinking Age Act
passed, and it stated that you had to be at least 21 in order to legally drink and
purchase alcohol. The goal of this was to lower the rates of DUI s by allowing
more mature individuals to be able to handle alcohol. What s ironic is that MADD
used underage drinking and driving to justify passing that law, when the original
drunk driver was 46 years old; someone clearly not underage (Doman). There are
many reasons as to why the drinking age should be lowered to 18, including
teaching responsible drinking and lowering the frenzy around alcohol, and the
level of significance of other rights granted at eighteen compared to the drinking
law. By lowering the drinking age to 18, it allows for parents to oversee and teach
their child about how to drink responsibly before going away to college. Under their
watchful eye, they can make sure that their kid is fully educated on the do s and don
ts of alcohol consumption. In
Characteristics Of Jordan Baker In The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby
The novel The Great Gatsby has many different characters, and all of them are
different and unique. Daisy Buchanan is egocentric, selfish and uncaring. Jordan
Baker is careless, nosey and reckless. Nick Carraway is trusting, calm and
considerate, throughout the story Nick trusted that the characters could and would
become better people. Jordan Baker is careless, nosey and reckless throughout the
novel and this behavior throughout the novel causes Nick Carraway to break off
communication with her. A subdued impassioned murmur was audible in the room
beyond and Miss Baker leaned forward, unashamed, trying to hear. (19), in this scene
Jordan Baker and Nick Carraway have just met, and she is being nosey by snooping
into the ... Show more content on ...
By Nick Carraway reserving judgment he is forced to see the best in people and to
trust that they will change. They re a rotten crowd... You re worth the whole damn
bunch put together (162), this scene shows how considerate Nick Carraway is,
Nick disregarded his father s advice of never judging people to make Gatsby feel
better. I lived at west egg... My house was at the very tip of the egg, only fifty
yards from the sound, and squeezed between two huge places that rented for
twelve or fifteen thousand a season (9), Nick Carraway rented a small cabin that is
in the shadow of two great mansions, he did not want an extravagant vacation
home, Nick just wanted a calm place to relax. Nick doesn t lead an extravagant life,
this separates Nick Carraway from the other characters. Since Nick is calm he is able
to be more considerate and trusting of
Technology And The Digital Revolution
Cultural heritage sites are spaces full of rich culture and innovation, providing
abundant opportunities for visitors to learn and explore. They are valued for their
ability to broaden knowledge, expand minds and deliver new experiences to sites of
cultural and historical value. Digital technology is being used to combat some of the
main problems that cultural heritage sites face, including inaccessibility, the lack of
connection between visitors and objects, and the safety of objects during travelling
exhibitions. No longer bound to a specific site or to physical limitations, technology
is allowing modern museums to create unique experiences and encourage visitor
participation in unprecedented ways. Increased access to the internet has the benefit
of online sources being instantly available to anyone, anywhere, giving entertainment,
higher levels of connectivity, shared knowledge, and the ability to attract younger and
more diverse audiences. Spaces of cultural heritage have always shown the changes
and developments of human history, and as the digital revolution has changed what it
means to be a human being, it is natural that such spaces are utilising digital
technology. As Sarah Kenderdine, the director of the Laboratory for Innovation in
Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums, suggests; tradition must be re discovered
and re invented by each generation, and this is being done by the creation of digital,
interactive, multi sensory experiences that have the power
Privacy Policy Analysis
What This Privacy Policy Covers
This policy covers how (PaperRater) treats content you submit to us
as well as personal information that we collect and receive, including information
related to your past use of our products and services. Personal information is
information about you that is personally identifiable like your name, address, email
address, or phone number and that is not otherwise publicly available, like your
PaperRater username and password.
This policy does not apply to the practices of companies that PaperRater does not
own or control, or to people that PaperRater does not employ or manage, which
means this policy does not cover the practices of organizations with links or
advertisements on ... Show more content on ...
Information Sharing and Disclosure
PaperRater does not rent, sell, or share personal information about you with other
people or nonaffiliated companies except to provide products or services you ve
requested, when we have your permission, or under the following circumstances:
We provide the information to companies who work with us or on our behalf to
communicate with you about offers from and our marketing partners.
These companies are not permitted to share your information.
We respond to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process, or to establish or exercise
our legal rights or defend against legal claims.
If we believe it is necessary to share information in order to investigate, prevent, or
take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential
threats to the physical safety of any person, violations of PaperRater s Terms of
Service, or as otherwise required by law.
We may transfer information about you if PaperRater is acquired by or merged with
another company. In this event, PaperRater will notify you before information about
you is transferred and becomes subject to a different privacy policy.
Globalization And Its Discontents By Joseph E. Stiglitz
Globalization is defined as a worldwide development, the process of spreading ideas.
More recently, globalization has become more focused on economics, the spreading
of capitalism and opening international trade. Globalization through the past 50 years
has developed a bad reputation, one that does not benefit countries the way people
thought it would. Joseph E. Stiglitz, in his book, Globalization and Its Discontents,
stresses that modern globalization is a good thing, but has not been done correctly in
the past few decades. The ideas behind globalization have the potential to benefit the
world, specifically developing countries. Stiglitz goes into detail about how the
problem falls with the misguided attempts of the international economic institutions
to solve developing countries economic problems. Something has gone very wrong
with globalization, and the purpose of this book is to shed some light on where it
went wrong. Stiglitz presents the problems with the international economic
institutions damaging policies and their effects using ethnographic field work and
historically comparative methods.
The three major international economic institutions are the International Monetary
Fund (IMF), the World Bank and the World Trade Organization; this book mainly
focuses on the IMF and the World Bank, due to the author s first hand experience
with both institutions. The IMF, a public institution built as a guiding hand for
economic stability around the world, has brought false
Life Poem Analysis
The author Paul Laurence Dunbar wants the readers to acknowledge how he uses
concrete and abstract in his poem called Life . Throughout his poem he uses
concrete to make us feel how sadness takes over happiness most of the time,
another strategy the author uses is abstract he uses it in a deep matter, he makes
you think something that isn t normal that you can t visualize, he uses it a lot but
also combines it with concrete as well. As a matter a fact this connects with
something about my personal point of view so far because I also feel that I can t
enjoy life as much as I would want but there s always another bad side and it s the
problems that make you fall in depression and other stuff that has to do with
sadness. However in the poem Life the writer expresses his poem by using concrete
and abstract images, he tells us how life is too ironic to fully understand how you
truly feel, but in his perspective sadness lasts more than being happy as well.
In other words the author uses concrete to express how in the poem Life you can
feel sadness and can imagine it, during the poem he mentioned with a smile to
warm and the tears to refresh us this was an example of concrete when the author
said a smile to warm you can actually feel a smile you can actually feel when you re
warm, it also goes with the same thing when it says and the tears to refresh us you
can feel when you cry also feel the tears like it s refreshing your face as saying
happiness gets erased by the tears when you re getting refreshed. Another well done
example the author used is when he said in his poem A pintof joy to a peck of trouble
the author basically just mentioned how a pint of joy goes by so fast and when
trouble comes, it comes in a matter of seconds and sometimes it can happen keep
happening instantly, therefore it s concrete because you can feel the pint of joy
where you actually feel the happiness but then he said peck means your conflicts
start showing up rapidly. Additionally, he used the same strategy when author said
And never a laugh, but the moans come double; this one is pretty straightforward
when he said And never a laugh you know when you laugh you feel the happiness.
However, if you laugh it s
Analysis Of International Business Expansion Into Canada
Spokane Community College
Analysis of International Business Expansion into Canada for a U.S. Based Hotel
James Murphy
International Business BUS120
Diana Osborne
16 June 2015
Summary Recommendation
As a growing American hotel company, establishing a permanent place in local and
national markets is our primary goal, and we wish to become nationally and
internationally renowned as a business and tourist destination within the next 5 years.
Our main mission is to provide high quality accommodations, and associated
amenities and services at competitive prices to our targeted markets. Our basic
business objectives are reflected in everything that we do, which is to contribute to
the enrichment of the quality of lives for ... Show more content on ...
Our pre market research has shown the intended market to have plenty of room for a
hotel such as ours. We will successfully brand our hotel as a 4 star quality hotel,
which will be inspected and listed as such by all major travel agents and hotel
associations nationally and internationally. We will continuously develop associations
with the world travel, business and tourist organizations, and expect these alliances to
further enhance our reputation as a quality destination.
Our hotel will differentiate and position its business from competitors by offering a
secure and pleasurable stay, providing high quality services, a state of the art security
system, and professionally trained staff. Our concern for the environment and our
level of no fuss service and accountability will set us apart from other, more
expensive, similarly positioned hotels in the area. Porter s Diamond
Factor Conditions
Education and Training
Canada spends the most amount of money, as a percentage of GDP, on education
than any other country in the world. This is of course one of the reasons why the
country has one of the highest educated populations. The level of skills within
Canada s workforce are ranked as one of the
Differences Among Source Oriented Records, Problem...
1. CheckPoint: Record Formats * Resource: Ch. 4 of Essentials of Health
Information Management: Principles and Practices 1. Summarize, in 250 to 300
words, the differences among source oriented records, problem oriented records, and
integrated records. 2. Include how you think the advantages and disadvantages of
each record format affect everyday work remember to think about retrieving records
as well as filing them. 3. Post your CheckPoint in your Assignment Section as an MS
Word document.
Patient Records
Many facilities and physician offices maintain patient records in a paper format
known as a manual record. A variety of formats are used to maintain manual records,
including the source oriented records (SOR), ... Show more content on ...
2. Problem list: The problem list is kept in the front of the record and can be
likened to a table of contents in a book. Another conceptual characteristic of the
POR is problems are expressed at the level of the writer s understanding and do not
include diagnostic impressions which are considered as part of the treatment plan. 3.
Initial Plan: Development of a care plan The initial plan should be considered in 3
I. Diagnostic (Dx) that is plans for collecting more information II. Therapeutic (Rx)
plans for treatment and, III. Patient Education plans for informing the patient as to
what is to be done. 4. Progress notes: Should indicate what has happened to the
patient, what is planned for the patient, and how the patient is responding to therapy.
Progress notes should contain four component parts: I. Subjective part written in the
patient s own words about his problem II. Objective part the doctors observation and
test results. III. Assessment is the diagnostic opinion of the health care provider IV.
Plan for continued treatment. Contains diagnostic and therapeutic and educational
plans to resolve the problem.
In PORs, each
Fundamental of Laws
INTENTION We would first need to establish if there is a valid and legally binding
contract formation between Iris ( the offeror ) before deciding on the likely
outcomes for the parties. A proper contract constitutes an offer, an acceptance, the
provision of a consideration of value and parties intention to legal relations. There
was no depute as to the presence of a valid offer because Iris did indeed make an
offer to sell the piano for a specific price and its terms i.e. keeping the offer open for
Diana till noon on Saturday, were communicated to Diana. In return, Diana had also
put up her consideration towards the formation of the contract by making an effort to
raise the money needed to buy the aforementioned piano from Iris.... Show more
content on ...
Therefore, Iris promise to hold the piano till Saturday was not legally binding.
Thus, the offer was invalid. ACCEPTANCE There are two elements for acceptance
to be valid. At law, acceptance must be Final and Unqualified. The general rule is
that acceptance is effective only when is communicated to the offeror. Diana s
acceptance is final and unqualified as she phoned and left a message with Iris s
daughter, Athena, saying that she got the money and would collect the piano on
Saturday morning. However, the acceptance was not communicated to Iris as
Athena forgot to pass the message to Iris. Thus, Diana s acceptance of offer is
invalid as it does not fulfill the requirements for the acceptance to be effective. The
acceptance was not communicated to the offeror. REVOCATION At law, offeror
may revoke an offer at any time prior to the offer being accepted even if the offeror
has promised not to revoke it Routledge v Grant Notice of revocation is crucial; it
is not effective unless the offeree knows it. Offeror are entitled to change their
minds and withdraw offers at any time right up to the moment of acceptance. An
offer can be revoked by the offeror any time before it is accepted. This is analogous
to the case of Byrne amp; Co v Leon Tienhoven amp; Co (1880) Personal
notification is usual, but is not essential as long as the offeree knew or reasonably
The Wilmington Riots Of 1898
Inspired by the Wilmington Riots of 1898, Charles Chesnutt delves deep into the
racial tensions of the South in his novel On the Marrow of Tradition. Despite being
set well after the end of the Civil War, the struggle between the black and white races
is far from over. The white race insists on maintaining complete control in every
aspect of society, including personal matters. They are constantly demanding that the
black community serve them. On the other end, the black raceis struggling to survive
the harsh conditions the white dominated society imposes on them. Throughout the
novel, Chesnutt reminds us of the ongoing battle between the two races. At the
same time, Chesnutt explores the effect this has on various members in society.
The youngest two characters in the novel, Dodie and Doctor Miller s son,
exemplify the conditions and consequences for the black and white races. Although
they seem to be secondary characters in On the Marrow of Tradition, both Dodie
and Doctor Miller s son play a crucial role in the representation of their respective
races. It does not take long to ascertain the striking resemblance between the two
children in the novel. The novel opens with the birth of Dodie, the only son of one of
the most successful white characters in the novel, Major Carteret. As the founder of
the Morning Chronicle...the leading organ of his party and the most influential paper
in the State, Major Carteret could easily be crowned the leader of the white
Different Versions Of Linux Operating Systems And...
Zones operates on a few different versions of Linux operating systems and
Microsoft Windows 7, 8, and 10. Their servers consist of Apache Tomcat, IBM
iSeries, Microsoft BizTalk Server, Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS),
Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Their databases
consist of MicrosoftSQL Server, and Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS).
Zones data is stored with HPE 3PAR StoreServ Storage, NetApp Network Attached
Storage (NAS), and AWS S3, and their virtual machines are powered by Citrix, VCE
vBlock, and VMware. For networking, Vivek has implemented ConnectWise
Automate a single solution that provides a GUI/Command Center for IT management
functions together in one interface. This allows for... Show more content on ...
The SA is the principal promoter for global software development It s members
adhere to strict ethical standards and is among the world s most innovative
companies, creating reliable software solutions that are safe and ignite the economy
and promote the flourishing of modern life. The BSA operates in more than sixty
countries and advocates for legal software and productive technology use. Once this
makes design makes it to the roadmap, they run it against BSA tests to ensure that it
complies. Collaboration and responsibilities are incredibly important in this process.
Commitments, timeliness, and communication are benchmarks. Inputs are necessary,
we expect everyone to contribute because no person will contribute a 100% solution.
Vivek is very passionate about software and systems development. We asked him how
his previous background in computer science comes into play in this specific area.
He excitedly answered, I have definitely had a competitive advantage among my
peers who do not have a history of CS. It is very valuable for a leader to not be
reliant on someone else s knowledge for answers to your practical technical
problems . Vivek knows how to systems architecture, can code and follow systems
logic well; he feels the company benefits from those skills also. He told us that
sometimes these skills bite him and that it is the nature of the beast. He finds it
problematic when he wants to get into the nitty gritty on too many
Day Care Essay example
Submitted by
Larone R. Daniels
December 06, 2004
Dr. Diana Otto
The number of parents entering the workforce continues to grow. However, the
amount of available, affordable, and quality childcare facilities in the United States
remains inadequate. Employees using inadequate childcare are more likely to be late
for work, absent, or distracted on the job. High rates of turnover, absenteeism, and
low productivity cost employers money. This researcher proposes to formulate a
study designed to analyze the problems associated with inadequate childcare and
parents who ... Show more content on ...
When childcare problems are chronic, parents don t just miss work; they may leave
their jobs altogether. Finding childcare is especially difficult for employees who
work evening or weekend hours or for those who have rotating shifts. More and
more U.S. workers find themselves working nontraditional hours as the trend toward
a global, service based economy intensifies. Most child care providers offer day care
during the traditional working hours of nine to five. Now, only 1 out of 3 mothers
stays at home and provides full time care for her children. About half of all
preschoolers spend at least part of the day in some type of facility outside of the
home (DOL, 1998). Dual career families are now the most predominant types of
family in the American workforce. Because so many parents face the same
problems, childcare is no longer a strictly private matter; it is an urgent public
concern. Parents, therefore, have a special role to play in ensuring that early care and
education become a high priority on the national agenda.
The Statement of the Problem
This researcher proposes to examine and evaluate current problems associated with
inadequate childcare for parents who work
Short Story Of Chaser
Chaser s attack on the the church, nobality, and the woman rights was a bad
subject to talk bad about in his time and age. But when he did talk bad about it he
said that he heard it from diffrent people and he didn t say it. First was the wife of
bath when the guy rapes the girl then the old lady helps him. Next was when a guy
does anything for the girl. Lastly was when he asked us if we would do the same
thing for a girl.
In the wife of bath the night see s a good looking girl and said that he wanted to
have sex with her and she said no. Then he said that she had to and rapes her. The
king found out about it and said that he had to be punished for what he did. The
kings wife said that they should give him a chance but he had to tell her ... Show more
content on ...
He bought her gift and blow all of his money on her. The only thing that he had left
was was a hawk. Then the girl that he like married a guy and had a kid but the guy
died because he got sick. Then her son got sick and then he want the other guys
hawk so she went and seen him and wanted to have a meal with him and talk about
the hawk but he didnt know that. So he thought that she desived a good meal and
killed the hawk and gave it to her to eat. The kid of hers died and she got a lot of
money. So at the end of the story he got the girl and money.
When the teacher asked us if we would give up our favorite hunting rifle i said no.
the gun i have has been in ower family for 3 generation and there is no way im
going to give that up to have some girl that will probely treat me like crap. I like my
hunting guns way to much to just give them up. But the teacher said that i say that
now because i havent meet the right girl.
The poems that we have read are kinda diffrent because they were many wrote to
make people look bad. It help the country because they made people start ask them
selves about what the truly belived in and if they were going to listen to every
people told them. First was the wife of bath and it was kinda true. Next was the
story about killing the bird.and lastly was about me and what i would give up to
have the girl of my
1. Assess The Importance Of Homeostasis
Homeostasis is a self regulating process of equilibrium where the internal conditions
of an environment are kept constant to maintain its normal functions. Homeostasis
exists to primarily help your body control body temperatures and fluids at stable
levels. If homeostasis cannot be sustained within limitations, our body cannot
function properly.
The urinary system is an example of how homeostasis works in the body in the way
that it regulates fluids through excretion. The kidneys deal with the excretion of
excess salts, toxins and metabolic wastes as well as regulating blood pressure,
water balance, acid base balance and maintaining a homeostatic pH of 7.35 to 7.45.
When the kidneys stop working either from acute or chronic failure it leads to
disruption in homeostasis. Many things such as toxic drugs, cancer, high blood
pressure or diabetes can cause renal failure. The body is so greatly affected as a
result because urine production is disrupted and water, salts and metabolic wastes are
retained in the body, which causes the homeostatic ... Show more content on ...
Body temperature is a controlled condition upheld by a negative feedback loop
where the hypothalamus receives information from your sensory receptors in
relation to your body temperature. Typical body temperature is maintained around
a range of 36.5 37.5 degrees Celsius. An example of homeostasis and temperature
control would be, when your body s temperature rises to high the hypothalamus can
trigger the sweat glands to help cool the body. Hyperthermia can occur when the
body s homeostatic mechanisms have failed to control your temperature, and can
result in heat stroke. Heat stroke causes your heart rate to rapidly increase and your
body stops sweating, leaving the skin dry and hot. Provided once homeostatic
balance is disrupted it is hard to cool down and your temperatures rise rapidly and
can lead to a coma or death if not
Romeo And Juliet Alternate Ending
Jake rolled to his side, stretched his cramped leg muscles, and kicked his feet
against the arm of the settee. He had to sleep with sleep came escape from the day s
failures. His vengeance would never die, but it made no sense to go any further. Kat
would miss the reward, but he wouldn t leave her destitute. With money and decent
clothes, she d catch a mans attention.
Shifting again, he jerked his shirt over his head and threw it against the wall. The
thought of her with another man bothered him more than he cared to admit. He laid
back and still couldn t relax, especially with his neck on a damn pillow. Frustrated,
he pitched it and flopped back against the settee s wooden molding, earning a thunk to
his head.
Kat lit the candle on the nightstand. Its muted glow offered enough light for him to
see her push off the blanket and slide her feet to the floor. She ... Show more content
on ...
Instead of retreating, she moved closer until their legs touched and only the gown
separated them. She slid a hand to his face and pressed a trail of breathy kisses
along the edge of his jaw. Her golden hair fell in disarray off one shoulder, exposing
her tanned neck. His breath caught, and he found her earlobe, kissing and teasing,
lowering his lips little by little to the pulsing in her throat.
She turned her gaze to the bed and back to him, her eyelashes fluttering to her cheeks.
He wanted to ease her onto that bed, kiss her senseless, and make her beg for more.
From her response, she d let him, too, but his actions would come with a price the
marriage she d want no, expect. For a pulse pounding second, he saw them with a
future together, the Kansas girl and the Texas Ranger. He thought about long nights
with her in his bed.
But he believed in duty, and he d sworn his life to the Rangers. Duvall escaped on
his watch. He owed it to Harrison to fight for justice and maybe, somehow, someday,
he d make it right.
He released his grip and stepped back. I m sorry,
Impact Of Natural Resources On Economic Development
Natural resource and its effect on economic growth and dynamics of conflicts.
1.0 Introduction
Natural resources are raw materials extracted from the earth. They are useful in many
different ways for its diversified opportunity of benefit and profit for economic
development. Examples of natural resources are mineral, oil, waterways, land, timber,
diamonds, coals, coltan and genetic. Majority of developing countries, distributions
of natural resources vary from one geographic location to another. The variability of
location has caused greed and grievances in economic development. This was
attributed to more risk of conflict, weak governance, and poor economic performance.
2.0 Effect of natural resources on economic growth.
According to Collier and Hoeffer (2003), there are three major factors that depend on
the primary commodity exports such as income per capita, rate of economic growth,
and structure of the economy, the higher the rate of primary commodities exports the
higher the level of risk of conflict. Developing countries that are dependent on natural
resources are more liable to terms of trade shocks, which lead to instability and
dissatisfaction within the groups that suffer the shocks. Since natural resources are
wealth and unevenly distributed causes the rebel groups ventures in various forms of
extortion, exploitation, and trade of primary commodity. The best known types of
conflict are the diamond of Angola and Sierra Leone and various
Controlling Images of Black Womanhood
In Patricia Hill Collins Mammies, Matriarchs, and Other Controlling Images, she
illustrates four main stereotypes that Black women face. The first controlling image
applied to African American women is The Mammy. The mammy is the faithful,
obedient servant to the white family and the stereotype attempts to hide the fact that
black women who work for white families are being exploited. By loving and caring
for her white children more than her own, the mammy symbolizes the dominant
group s perceptions of the ideal black female relationship to elite white male power.
The smiling mammy signals her agreement with the situation, seemingly accepting
her subordination (Collins, 71). Next is the image of the Black matriarch (Collins,
73). According to the stereotype, they spend too much time away from home, are
overly aggressive and unfeminine, and allegedly emasculate their lovers and
husbands. This stereotype attempts to control conduct by punishing black women for
assertiveness and hides the oppression by making it seem that black women are
naturally this way (Collins, 74 75). The third controlling image of Black womanhood
is that of the welfare mother, which is linked to Black women s increasing
dependence on the welfare state (Collins, 76). This time, the punishment is for failing
to work. Rather than being a bad mother for deserting the children, now the concern is
being with the children too much and not working. Again, by pinpointing the Welfare
Mother as the cause,
Outline On Hypertension
Hypertension: the facts Hypertension is very common especially as you get older
Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a major public health problem that affects
more than one billion people worldwide. In the UK, 31.5 per cent of all men and 29
per cent of all women have high blood pressure. One in three adults with hypertension
is not receiving treatment, as hypertension is not always diagnosed.
One in two people with hypertension do not have adequate blood pressure con trol.
The proportion of the population who have hypertension rises with increasing age;
while only 10 20 per cent of people aged 35 44 years have hypertension, 60 70 per
cent of people aged 65 74 years have it.
Men and women who live until they are
Pan Arabism Research Paper
Pan Arabism was a movement that reached its high point in the 60 s and 70 s that
called for the unification of countries from North Africa and Asia to create a national
Arabic identity. Although Pan Arabism was its own movement, it closely was tied
with Arab Nationalism, which basically wanted a unified Arab country with lesser
western political intervention. In this paper I will talk about what lead to Pan
Arabism and how it came to become an actual movement. I will also cover Arab
Nationalismbecause of its close relation to Pan Arabism. After I talk about Pan
Arabism, I will talk about the importance of Arabic language to the actual Arabic
identity and the efforts that are taken to prevent the downfall of this language. I will
also cover the Politics of the time period of Pan Arabism talking about Nasserisim
and the Bath Party. Lastly, and most Importantly, I will talk about unity in Pan
Arabism covering the United Arab Republic, the Islamist Arabic Union, Maghreb
Union, and many more. Basically, I will talk about what time frame these unions
were introduced, what caused them, what their intent was, and why they failed if they
did so. I also intend on presenting the case as to whether a true Arab identity exists
and what makes it up. Initially, what caused the movements of Pan Arabism and Arab
Nationalism to fail is inevitable political intervention of western nations. I also
believe that language and geographic positions were not enough for nations to unify.
That is what
Challenges and Strategies of Matrix
Challenges and Strategies of Matrix Organizations: Top Level and Mid Level
Managers Perspectives Thomas Sy, College of Business Administration, California
State University, Long Beach; Laura Sue D Annunzio, A.T. Kearney Inc. U sing
surveys, inter views, and workshops with 294 toplevel and mid level managers from
seven major multinational corporations in six industries, we identified the top five
contemporary challenges of the matrix organizational form: (1) misaligned goals, (2)
unclear roles and responsibilities, (3) ambiguous authority, (4) lack of a matrix
guardian, and (5) silo focused employees. We also provide managers with the best
practices that will improve their matrix organizations. Interest in... Show more content
on ...
The matrix also can require more managerial and administrative support at a time
when companies appear to be cutting back. Although all matrix forms have inherent
flaws, CEOs adopt the matrix because they believe the strengths outweigh the flaws.
Matrix organizations are adopted for four primary reasons (Burns Wholey, EXHIBIT
2 Matrix Strengths and Weaknesses STRENGTHS businesses as evidenced by its
proliferation in a variety of industries, such as aerospace, automotive, banking,
chemical, communications, computer, defense, electronics, financial, energy (Davis
Lawrence, 1977; Galbraith, 2000). The continued proliferation associated with the use
of the matrix confirms a need for information on the challenges and best practices. In
this article, we report the findings of our research on contemporary issues of the
matrix. To date, few studies have examined the human side of the matrix (some
exceptions are Bartlett Ghoshal, 1990; Lawrence, et al., 1977). Most topics on the
matrix focus on its structure and its variant forms (e.g., Goold Campbell, 2002),
rather than the human side issues concerned with managing and operating in the
matrix. In this study, we focused on the human side of the matrix as the findings
provide actionable steps that managers can implement to improve the functioning of
their organizations. We begin with a brief overview of the matrix. We then identify
the top five challenges
Plea Bargaining Definition
Instead, networks based on personal connections serve to organize market oriented
economic behavior according to informal norms reflecting the private expectations of
entrepreneur sand politicians. Workers who consistently conformed to the informal
output norm enjoyed higher informal rank, reflected in social approval from fellow
workers and a position of centrality in the network structure, while those who
regularly violated the output norm were ostracized. Although these examples are
drawn from very different institutional environments, there is a common thread. In
both kinds of contexts, the formal constraints have established the parameters of
legitimate action, providing the institutional mold within which emergent norms and
networks... Show more content on ...
Under plea bargaining the foundation for conviction need only include a factual
basis for the plea and the guilty plea itself. The Presumptive Fairness of Voluntary
Settlement Negotiated settlement of civil litigation does not seem prima facie
suspect because we assume that the interested parties usually can make rational
estimates of the costs of litigation and the expected gains from success at trial. By
tailoring each plea offer to the expected costs of trial, the likelihood of success, and
the expected trial sentence, the prosecutor can maximize the deterrence obtainable
from the finite resources at her disposal. Of course, a defendant remains free to
avoid the inconvenience of trial if he is willing to enter a non negotiated guilty plea
and accept the punishment called for by the facts alleged Plea Bargaining as
Disaster that should be at the center of an economic analysis of the welfare
implications of plea bargaining. The essence of the Scott Stunt proposal no judicial
interference with low sentence plea agreements is already widely followed in
practice, but theory continues to insist that the judge must approve the adequacy of
the plea agreement and
Essay On Athletic Director Duties
When comparing the list of athletic duties across the four schools, we found more
similarities than differences. In our group we have two public schools which
consist of Scoggins Middle School in McKinney, TX with 1,100 students and 7
sports teams, and Lakin High School in Lakin, Kansas with 400 students and 15
sports teams. We also have two private schools; Loyola Academy located in
Wilmette, IL has 2,000 students with 24 sports teams, and Cary Academy (Middle
and High School) located in Cary, NC has 800 students and 49 sports teams.
A key similarity between the four schools is scheduling. One of the main athletic
director duties is the scheduling of both home and away games, scheduling referees,
and scheduling transportation for away games. This important duty for any athletic
director can take up a large part of their time depending on how many teams they
have per season.
Another area where we saw similarities is in staff management. In our four schools, it
is the role of the athletic director to hire the coaching staff, provide the necessary
training, provide feedback and guidance, and to help mediate conflicts with parents
and student athletes. The ... Show more content on ...
One of the differences we observed was in budget management. Although every
school s athletic director is responsible for creating and managing a budget; where
they get the funds to run the program differs. Fundraising in the private schools does
not always fall on the athletic director. For instance, in one of the private schools
listed, the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is responsible for raising money to help
fund the athletic program. In this case, the athletic director does not need to allocate
any funds for fundraising events or marketing. In the public schools, athletic directors
are responsible for raising money through fundraising events, booster clubs, and
parent fees to help pay for equipment, facilities, coaches,
Feudalism In Song Of Roland Analysis
Feudalism in Song of Roland
Song of Roland, the oldest major surviving work of French literature, is an epic
poem based on the Battle of Roncevaux Pass in 778 C.E. between the Franks and
the Basques. It is believed that the epic circulated in song form before it was
written down between 1040 and 1115 by Turoldus, a Norman poet. The epic
served a political role in inspiring the Frank Christian warriors during the Crusades
of the 1100 s, a series of wars against the Islamic world over the control of
Jerusalem. The center of the story is Count Roland, a Christian knight from King
Charles army, and the fight against King Marsilion and the Muslims of Saragossa of
modern Spain. Due to the time in which it was written, the epic features the social,
political, and economic system of feudalism. Feudalism was based on the exchange
of land for military service (Alchin 1) between the king and his vassals. This system
was used in Christian medieval Europe between the 9th and 15th centuries. In Song
of Roland, feudalism is portrayed through the concepts of hierarchy, rights and
obligations, and the perfect knight.
Feudalism works through a socioeconomic hierarchy that is reflected in the epic. In
Christian medieval Europe, feudalism...resembles a pyramid, with the lowest
peasants at its base and the lines of authority flowing up to the peak of the
structure, the king (Alchin 1). However, the pyramid does not stop there, as God
and the Pope, in that order, occupy positions at the top. The king claimed
ownership of all the land in the country, but he sometimes granted areas of land
called fiefs. The recipients of these areas were lords, who were men of high office.
In the pyramid, these lords were below the king and pledged their loyalty by
swearing to serve and protect [him] (Alchin 1). The lords gave some of this same
land to the subordinate rank, the vassals. The vassals, also called dukes and counts,
were men who provided allegiance and services to the lords and the king in return
for fiefs. Among the vassals were the knights, who were less powerful military men
(Alchin 1) who fought for the lords and the king. Lastly, at the bottom of the
pyramid were the peasants, who belonged to the [vassal s] land and
American Intervention in WWII Essay
World War II is generally viewed to be a moral war, or, as Howard Zinn would put
it, a good war. This conventional impression of World War II results from American
propaganda, along with misinterpretations of related events. Quite the contrary, the
United States foreign policy, especially during World War II, was driven by
imperialist goals rather than humanitarian concern. These foreign interventions are
usually justified using political ideologies that advocate the spread of democracy but
the United Statesgovernment fails to act in the interests of the common people in
other countries; instead, the US government intervened in foreign countries to protect
its own needs and those of its private corporations. In addition, the... Show more
content on ...
To top it off, the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor gave the Americans a legitimate
reason to join the war and to portray their intervention as a strictly defensive and
protective one. Claiming to spread democracy and stunt the spread of fascism, the
United States managed to build its reputation as a protector of the weak, despite its
subtle plans to build an American empire. East Asia was an important region of
American influence; its strategic location, with its trade routes, for example, had
the potential to offer the US a strong foothold in the Pacific region and the upper
hand over the Soviet Union. As a result, the use of the atomic weapons in Japan
was a significant issue between Russia and the United States; as put in A People s
History of the World, the American decision to use the nuclear bomb against Japan
in August 1945 was clearly motivated, at least in part, by a desire to show Stalin
the enormity of the destructive power at its disposal. The US had already developed
the technology yet the decision to use the weapon was a debatable one, despite
President Truman s statements justifying the decision on the basis that a Japanese
invasion would cost less American lives. Right next to Japan, the Open Door policy
in China was important to American investors and proved to be very profitable, too.
As long as Japan and the United States shared the exploitation of
Violence In Ancient Sports
While investigating my topic of violence in sports, I decided to start at the basics of
how sports began, with the ancient olympics. The first Olympics consisted of the;
Penthalon, a combination of running, jumping, and throwing; wrestling; boxing;
pankraction; and equestrian events. Somewhat consists of violence and not a lot of
rules. In Olympia, Greecethese athletes performed to to showcase their own
physical features and their talent. As well as pre outing peace and serenity between
the cities in the area. These athletes were admired upon. I found quite a lot of
similarities between ancient olympics and modern day sports. First, the ancient
Olympics were the first competitive sports competed and largely publicized.
Second, the athletes are held up to a pedestal. Third, they are admired and honored
for anything positive they do. Back in times of ancient times they may have not
had the issue of violence in sports being taken off the field but it is a major
problem for modern day people and it will be investigated in this paper. My thesis is
that there is something wrong with the coaching because kids are being taught how
to be violent, not competitive. The ancient olympics were considered largely
publicized, but the 2012... Show more content on ...
In an article by Live Science it is discussed how violence is all apart of football and
that is how they shine on the field. The excuse is made in the article, it s difficult
for athletes to turn that off when they go back to their regular lives A popular topic
in the past years has been NFL players and violence. In my research it came upon
me of a case that starts before any sort of professional career. In Wayland,
Massachusetts a football star Nathaniel Fujiti is sentenced to life at age 20 for
murdering his ex girlfriend Lauren Astley. Lauren went to his house where he beat,
strangled, and slashed her. It waves some red flags if footballs violent culture had to
do with an innocent girls
Abraham Lincoln s Stance On Slavery
Abraham Lincoln s Stance on Slavery Abraham Lincoln was a politician in a time
where slavery was a issue that was pulling the United States apart. Lincoln was
consistent with his stance on slavery. He believed it to be unjust. In Abraham
Lincoln s early years as a politician, he believed that slavery was very wrong but he
didn t really speak to change anything about it. In Abraham Lincolns Letter to
Williamson Durly, he wrote, I hold it to be equally clear, that we should never
knowingly lend ourselves directly or indirectly, to prevent that slavery from dying a
natural death . Lincoln is saying that they shouldn t do anything to stop or continue
slavery because it will eventually end at some point. It will die a natural death . In the
... Show more content on ...
In Lincoln s speech at Cincinnati, Ohio in 1859, he says, I think slavery is wrong,
morally, and politically. I desire that it should be no further spread in these United
States, and I should not object if it should gradually terminate in the whole Union.
In this quote, Lincoln is saying that slavery is wrong on all levels and it should no
longer be in the United States. He would not say no if slavery started to go away
gradually. In addition to this, In a Speech at Chicago, Illinois in 1859, Lincoln
says, But I say that the spread and strengthening and perpetuation of it is an
entirely different proposition. There we should in every way resist it as a wrong,
treating it as a wrong, with the fixed idea that it must and will come to an end. In
this quote, Lincoln talks about how slavery is strengthening and is showing that it
could last an indefinite amount of time if no one trys to put a stop to it. And
because of that, everyone should resist it entirely until it comes to an end. In
another speech, the House Divided Speech , Abraham Lincoln says, A house
divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure
permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved I do
not expect the house to fall but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become
all one
Description And Scope Of The Problem
Section I: Description and Scope of the Problem Universally, across international
acute care organizations with a vested interest in healthcare safety, there is
recognition that clinical alarm systems pose a hazard to patient safety (TJC, 2014;
Lukasewicz Anderson, 2015). The Joint Commission (TJC) issued a Sentinel Event
Alert in 2013 on device alarmsafetywhich subsequently led to the creation of the
National Patient Safety Goal 06.01.01 (TJC, 2014). The alert and goal was
published with an aim at acute care hospitals because of reported adverse and sentinel
patient events and data that related to the nature of these events, indicating there is
significant risk related to clinical alarm systems. The NPSG 06.01.01 is a requirement
... Show more content on ...
Lukasewicz Anderson (2015) state there is literature that supports major themes
which have been linked to clinical alarm events as studied by various patient safety
organizations, some of which include: The Joint Commission, ECRI Institute, and
The Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, all of which
noted the problem to be complex. According to TJC (2014), the purpose of clinical
alarm systems is to give a warning to caregivers that a problem exists. If the alarm
warning is not provided, not perceived or is mismanaged, the consequence can lead to
an adverse and/or sentinel event. There is a plethora of contributing factors for alarm
mismanagement, making the problem complex to understand and solve. Alarm
failure can result from decreased detectability, excessive alarms, desensitization
causing missed or ignored alarms, default and alarm parameter settings that are not
appropriate for the clinical context and device design flaws (TJC, 2014; Lukasewicz
Anderson, 2015; XXX).
In order to address the multitude of clinical alarm hazards, many organizations
recognize that nurses are most directly impacted by clinical alarms, which include
expectations for responses to alarms, attitude and behavior in response to alarms,
administrative support, all of which have been studied extensively by various
organizations involved in patient safety and by medical researchers throughout the
world (XXXX). As a result of this
Silver In The 18th Century Dbq
Silver in the 16th century and early 18th century was a product that was widely
used and traded across the world both as a currency and a feature in households and
stores. The trade of silver included large scale social and economic effects that
spread around the world, impacting large centralized governments such as the
chinese, to smaller, less organized areas in the americas. Silverallowed the early
modern age to flourish, and grow economically, socially, and in global trade. Silver
had a profound effect on the global economy, for example, silver backed nearly all of
Chinas economy back in the day and silver quickly became the core of China s
economic life. This is shown in documents 2,3,4,6, and 8 For example, in document 2,
a Spanish... Show more content on ...
For example, silver began to be an important part of everyday dealings. Jobs were
focused towards silver production, foods and goods could be bought with silver
coins, etc. This is mainly shown in documents 1,5, and 7. For example on
document 1 it shows the social effects of the usage of silver in this time period.
However I believe that the point of view in this passage is slightly swayed by the
fact that the author is a county official who is most likely wealthy and he may
simply be referring to his own greed. In document 5 it shows how silver was
eventually used as a currency and people were no longer able to keep tabs as they
had to pay with silver up front. I believe the purpose of this document is important
due to the growing use of silver and how it was affecting the cities that began to use
it. In document 7 silver can clearly be seen affecting social lives through the
increased demand for foreign products. With a higher demand for these products
there is a much higher demand for the silver to purchase the goods. I believe the
purpose of this document is important because it shows the relationship between the
different countries in terms of trade for
Case Study Of Tata Docomo
Tata DoCoMo launched its operations on June 24th, 2009 in Chennai, its unique
selling proposition was the one paisa per second billing plan for telephone calls. Anil
Sardana who was the then managing director at TTL, made the first call under the
new tariff system that day to telecom minister Adimuthu Raja. Ratan Tata, Tata Group
s chairman at that time, said at the launch that the per second tariff plan will create a
paradigm shift for the phone users.
Sandhu studied various markets and similar tariff schemes before launching per
second plan. One such scheme was by the Emirates Integrated Telecommunications
Co., which operated under the Du brand in Middle East. But this had not achieved
much success due to lack of adequate marketing support system.
The company launched TV and print advertisements with catchy taglines such as
Second is the new minute . Within five months of the launch Tata DoCoMoattracted
10 million customers. Three fourths of them came from other operators. Soon, all
operators including market leaders Bharti Airtel, Vodafone and Idea Cellular launched
per second plans and a major tariff war erupted in the telecom industry that had far
reaching effects.
Here Tata Docomo was at an expanding stage. The offers it provided gave them good
feedbacks and it flourished in the market.
From about 500 million subscribers in 2009, the ... Show more content on ...
Turn around strategy came into effect.A turn around strategy is the financial
recovery of a company that has been performing poorly for an extended time. To
effect a turnaround, a company must acknowledge and identify its problems,
consider changes in management, and develop and implement a problem solving
strategy. Tata Docomo was performing poorly as compared to other telecom service
companies. So hence, they decided to identify where they are lacing. What is that
element which led to a huge downfall of their company, reason why they are
performing poorly in comparison to other
Perseverance In The Alchemist
One is to typically ask themselves what they want in life. But does that one thing
you want coincide with your personal legend? The novel that is being referred to in
this essay is called The Alchemist, written by Paulo Coelho. The two topics that
will be used is one s personal legend and perseverance. Despite all the obstacles
given to can only achieve their personal legend with a great amount of
perseverance because once their personal legend is achieved they receive a
rewarding satisfaction of what they were born into this world to do. Everyone in
this world a given a different personal legend. When a person really desires
something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream.
(pg.114; Paulo
Warren Buffet Essay
Warren Buffett Warren Edward Buffett is known for being a famous American
investor. He was born in Omaha, Nebraska on August 30, 1930. Warren was born
to Leila and Howard Buffett. His father, Howard, was a stockbroker and also
became a member of congress. Warren showed early signs of being entrepreneurial
through being involved in various business dealings as a child. He also made his first
investment in the stock market when he was just 11 years old. In his teen years he
began studying at the Wharton school of finance at University of Pennsylvania. He
then went on to Columbia University to receive his master s degree. While going to
school there he met an influential value investor Benjamin Graham. Buffett was
influenced... Show more content on ...
Before the end of the year the company became worth over 300,000 dollars. By this
time in his life he had three children, a beautiful wife, and a new house. The next
few years of the partner ship earned around 251.0%. By 1962 the partnership had a
capital of 7.2 million. This partnership continued to grow over the new decade. Ten
years after founding the Buffett Associates the assets were up more than 1,156%.
Warren s personal stake was worth a cool 7 million. In may 1969 he liquidated the
partnership informing his partners that he was unable to find bargains in the current
market. Buffett s intentions were to keep his 29% of the company, but his intentions
weren t revealed. On May 10, 1965, after accumulating 49% of the common stock,
Warren named himself Director. Terrible management had run the company nearly
into the ground. After this the company continued doing well and Buffett appointed
someone else to head the company. In the coming years Buffett s value rose
immensely. In the late sixties and early seventies Warren invested in several
companies which paid off. A company by the name of See s candy became a great
investment. He bought the company for 25 million. The chocolate company came to
be known as the best investment he ever made. Benjamin Graham died in the early
seventies leaving Buffett with millions. Later on in the year Susan
My Favorite Career
Hello my name is Haiden and today i will be telling you about my favorite career.
My favorite career is the auto mechanic. The auto mechanic works on cars correct .
Well to me i love cars. Cars are just awesome machines. Cars can get us from point
A to point B. Unless you break down. That s where i come in. If you break down or
get stuck i can come and help you get out of that pickle. Shure auto mechanics do
more than just fix cars we also modify cars for example. From what i just told you
is sounds pretty fun but there are also the times where all you get to do for a day is
sit in a workshop and just inspect cars, But when you get someone who hates doing it
themselves the you can have some fun installing parts and other stuff like a turbo or
two. That is why i like the mechanic career. What would i be doing in this career
you might ask well like i said in the last paragraph. If you break down or get stuck i
can come and help you get out of that pickle. Shure auto mechanics do more than
just fix cars we also modify cars for example. From what i just told you is sounds
pretty fun but there are also the times where all you get to do for a day is sit in a
workshop and just inspect cars, But when you get someone who hates doing it
themselves the you can have some fun installing parts and other stuff like a turbo or
two. That is what we do in the mechanic bizz. The education needed for this career
examples. Some high schools offer adequate training programs. though most
How Roman Art Became Christian Art
When Christianity was introduced as a successor to Judaism, Roman Empire s
official religion was still Paganism. As a result Christianity was a mystery religion
in Roman Empire before it became an official Religion. In this period we do not
see any churches, and people used to gather in a secret place in order to pray.
These places were like ordinary homes, but they changed inside, so it could be used
for religion purposes. A really good example of it is Dura Europos house church. It
has a simple architecture, as we can see they even broke the wall inside the house to
make it bigger as to serve gatherings. After Constantine declared Christianityas an
official religion, everything changed. In this essay I aim to discuss how Roman art
became Christian Art. In other words, I will explain how Romans used their art and
style as a formula to create art based on Christianity principals.
This essay starts with the use of Roman architecture to practice Christianity. Then I
will write about how the image of the Roman emperors became the inspiration for
the image of the Jesus. Finally I will discuss the way Romans used the same
iconography and narrative they already had as a formula to image the bible.
As we know, Romans were so religious, and they paid homage to their gods with
building gigantic temples and statues, which now we may know many of them as
wonders of the ancient world. Constantine was going to build churches in his empire
as a place to practice Christianity; they
Descent Of Amida And Twenty Analysis
Two different artists share the same canvas. As trade increases between many
countries, the flow of ideas becomes inevitable to limit. Therefore beliefs and values
intertwine from the
Europe and Asia continent. If we focus on the central figures of each painting, we
are given two examples of the interweaving of ideas in art, specifically in religion;
Welcoming Descent of
Amida and Twenty five Bodhisattvas (ca. 1336) and Diptych with Crucifixion and
Madonna and
Child Enthroned (ca. 1315). Each work was created thousands of miles in distance,
with separate beliefs, and within the century; however, these two works are parallel in
structure. Welcoming
Descent of Amida and Twenty five Bodhisattvas, a Buddhist handscroll, and Diptych
with ... Show more content on ...
Segna di Bonaventura stresses the ropes by the use of texture we see the angels
are holding their garments showing a certain weight they bear. Also, the ropes of
the Virgin Mary can be seen tugging at her legs, again, the use of texture within her
ropes to show the silk in the cloth in a two dimensional realm. The similarities and
the differences in both of these works are things that could be discussed by many
different people for numerous hours. Hopefully the examples put forth are sufficient
in proving how these similar works are obviously created by different artists who
lived in diverse countries with similar ideologies; to obtain eternal bless for ones
self. Thus, the artists perceived this bless in their work with the use of iconography,
hierarchical scale, and the icons being use; Jesus, halos, mandalas, and mudra. Also,
there are differences with both works such as, spacing and the use of texture. We can
speculate that the worship of idols in both works can be derived from the romans, in
which they idolized their gods with sculptures and figurines.
Therefore, the world however grant, can still be seen as a small place. As both these

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Compare And Contrast Topics For An Essay

  • 1. Compare And Contrast Topics For An Essay Writing an essay on the topic "Compare and Contrast Topics for an Essay" can be both challenging and intriguing. The difficulty lies in the need to carefully analyze and identify the similarities and differences between two or more subjects, and then present these findings in a coherent and organized manner. The process involves thorough research, critical thinking, and effective writing skills to ensure that the essay is not only informative but also engaging for the reader. One of the challenges is selecting appropriate topics that lend themselves well to a meaningful comparison. This requires a keen understanding of the subjects being compared and a thoughtful consideration of the aspects that will be contrasted. Additionally, maintaining a balance between the comparison and contrast elements is crucial to avoid a one-sided or biased presentation. Organizing the essay is another aspect that can be demanding. Striking the right balance between presenting the information logically and ensuring a smooth flow of ideas requires careful planning and structuring. Writers must decide whether to adopt a block method, where one subject is discussed in its entirety before moving on to the next, or a point-by-point method, which alternates between the subjects for each aspect being compared. Furthermore, crafting a compelling introduction and conclusion that frame the essay effectively can be challenging. The introduction should grab the reader's attention, provide context, and present a clear thesis statement, while the conclusion should summarize the main points and leave a lasting impression on the reader. In conclusion, tackling an essay on "Compare and Contrast Topics for an Essay" demands a combination of research, critical thinking, and effective writing skills. While it may pose challenges, overcoming them can lead to a rewarding and insightful piece of writing that contributes to a deeper understanding of the subjects being compared. If you find the process daunting, remember that assistance is available. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on, where professional writers can help you navigate the complexities of compare and contrast essays. Compare And Contrast Topics For An EssayCompare And Contrast Topics For An Essay
  • 2. V2 Rocket Research Paper Title spot If you were to ask someone about rockets or rocketry they would probably talk about rocket ships or satellites and the good they do for mankind, few would speak of the darker side of rockets the side that started them all. Most wouldn t think that the age of rocketry started in the middle of the Second World War but it did, and the amount of destruction that came from the earliest of the rockets was devastating and highly unexpected. The V2 Rocket was the first in a long lineage of weapons that would change the way war was fought for many years. Despite the terrible things that came from the development of the V2 Rockets they were a very necessary technological advancement. The concept of a weapon that traveled faster than the speed of sound in 1944 was science fiction to even to some of the most advanced minds at the time, but it didn t take very long for one man, Wernher von Braun, to start developing this new weapon. The V2 rocket was the first man made object to nearly make it to the fringe of space, specifically the V2 rockets went up 52 60 miles with the ... Show more content on ... пїј пїјoxygen fuel.The two liquids were delivered to the thrust chamber by two rotary pumps, driven by a steam turbine. The steam turbine operated at 5,000 rpm on two auxiliary fuels, namely hydrogen peroxide (80 %) and a mixture of 66% sodium permanganate with water 33%. This system generated about 55,000 lbs (24,947 kg) of thrust at the start, which increased to 160,000 lbs (72,574 kg) when the maximum speed was reached (V2ROCKET.COM). The V2 Rocket was design as a weapon of war in nazi Germany, designed to cause massive destruction and end lives, but as it did advance the weaponry of the world and influence new forms of combat and possibly the Cold Warin shape or form; it also came to influence and help produce the technology of the world plunging the human race into the space age and giving the human race ability and the potential to reach the stars and the far reaches of the
  • 3. Greek And The Modern Culture Of The Ancient Greek Culture There are a couple of ways in which a given cultural period has influenced the modern world. In my opinion if you look at today compared to the Ancient Greece time period looking back about 2500 years ago a lot of things they have created and started evolved into great things for an example. Sports and the Olympics, Architecture, and even the Greek arts. I personally feel like these subjects hit home when we are talking about influential changes from the past to todays culture. You actually might just be as surprised finding out some of this information just like me. You might be surprised but although looking back about 2500 years ago they also played sports just like we do to this day. As a matter of fact the Ancient Greeks were the inventors of the Olympics believe it or not the Olympics has been around for that long. Although it was a little different back then. The ancient Olympic Gameswere initially a one day event until 684 BC, when they were extended to three days. In the 5th century B.C., the Games were extended again to cover five days. The ancient Games included running, long jump, shot put, javelin, boxing, pankration and equestrian events. ( They even often performed nude to demonstrate the performance of the human body. ( . The running contest included the Stade race (200m foot race) , The Diaulos (two stades 400m foot race) , Dolichos ( ranging between 7and 24 stades). The next event was the jumping Athletes used stone or lead weights called halteres to increase the distance of a jump. They held onto the weights until the end of their flight, and then jettisoned them backwards. ( There s also boxing and wrestling which is still like modern days boxing and wrestling. But with the both were way more brutal boxers back then would sometimes even disfigure there own opponents. Wrestling matches would not stop until there opponent admitting call for defeat. As you can tell our modern day Olympics have grew but the start has come from the ancient Greek. Who would have know ? That a couple of games would turn into something as big as the Olympics that today brings the best from all around the world to participate in these following events that
  • 4. Monogamy And Polygamy Case Study Chapter 1 : Introduction Marriage can be defined as a socially acknowledged and approved sexual union between two adult individuals. When two people marry, they become kin to one another. The marriage bond also links together a broader range of people. Parents, brothers, sisters and other blood relatives become relatives of the partner through marriage. Marriage is an important social institution, and The exclusive commitment of two individuals to each other nurtures love and mutual support; it brings stability to our society This was the definition given by Chief Justice Margaret H. Marshall of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. The institution of marriage is used to control heterosexual behaviour and the resulting proliferation, ... Show more content on ... These forms can be branded on the basis of the number of partners and rules controlling who can marry whom. In terms of the number of partners that can rightfully enter into wedlock, we have two forms of marriage, namely, monogamy and polygamy Polygamy means marriage to more than one mate at one time . It can further classified into a. Polygyny one husband with two or more wives b. Polyandry one wife with two or more husbands. Usually, polyandry is a result of harsh economic conditions . Since in such circumstances a single man cannot sufficiently support a wife and children . Also in severe poverty conditions pressurise a group to limit its population. Monogamy limits the individual to one spouse at a time. In this system, at any time a man can have only one wife and a woman can have only one husband. Even where polygamy is permitted, in actual practice, monogamy is more widely dominant. In many societies, individuals are allowed to marry again, often on the demise of the first spouse or after divorce. But they cannot have more than one spouse at one and the same time. Such monogamous marriages are called serial monogamy. Remarriages on the demise of a wife have been a norm for men for the most part. Endogamy and
  • 5. Essay on Mexico Pest Analysis Mexico PEST Analysis Executive Summary Mexico has resulted in recent years as one of the most promising emerging economics nevertheless the downturn occurred in 2009 under the influence of the crisis in the United States. In 2010 the economy has restarted its growth trend, which according to the forecast will bring the Country among the elites of world economy. This short paper explains the fundamental factors determining Mexico economic growth using the PEST Analysis Framework. In particular it focus on how International Business activities has contributed to economic development of the Country, offering also an once over on the main industry involved in this process. Mexico PEST Analysis Introduction Approaching the research ... Show more content on ... economy, following its cycles and trends since NAFTA agreement signed in 1994 by United States, Mexico and Canada as established a strong economical and political cooperation between these countries. Exhibit 3 shows that Mexican GDP at PPP has had a constant growth since 2001, except for 2009 when it fell down suffering the effect of the crisis that affected the U.S. since 2008. From 2001 to 2009 the CAGR for GDP at PPP resulted around 5.5%, and after a 6.5% loss in 2009 the economy has returned to grow at around 5% annually and the GDP is expected to increase in the future at an higher rate, allowing Mexico to overcome Italy in the G20 ranking (Euromonitor International, January 2011). The strong influence of U.S. economy on Mexican one is confirmed analyzing Exhibit 3 with respect to foreign direct investment and exports. United States accounts for more than 45% of total FDI inflows in Mexico and, even if the Country is actually the largest host of FDI in Latin America, it s undeniable that accordingly with economic downturns in the U.S. the figure of FDI in Mexico declines significantly (Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, December 2010) like happened from 2007 to 2009 (Exhibit 4). The same mechanism act also with exports because U.S. attracts almost 80% of Mexican exports thus during periods of crisis in the U.S. Mexico suffers slowdown in foreign trade (Exhibit 5).
  • 6. Information Systems For The Isms Scope Information Systems There are several information systems that should apply to the ISMS scope. This includes the SHGTS information systems that is housed on the JINX server, the RAS, user workstations, VPN and modem devices, the switches, firewall, and router. The SHGTS information system. The SHGTS is a database that is housed on the Windows application JINX server. The SGTS is a MicrosoftAccess database that runs on the Windows JINX server. It is used to track delivery of grant funds, grant users input their grant evaluations in the database, and weekly status reports are generated for an executive officer. This system should be included in the ISMS as the SHGTS is the tracking system used by the Office of Grants Giveaway of the HBWC. The system is within the defined scope of the ISMS and as such should be part of the ISMS as this system is used to track and disburse grants that the HBWC manages. A breach of this system would carry a strong risk to both tangible and intangible resources governed by the organization. The remote access server (RAS) is a Windows NT server that exists for users that require remote access to the SHGTS. To RAS server enables users to gain access to the SHGTS servers on the LAN from a remote site. This requires access through either dial up networking, or a VPN solution. The RAS phone number is currently limited to users with essential need. This server should be within the scope as it gives users direct access to the SHGTS from an
  • 7. Five Forces Of Barclays Bank According to Porter, in any industry or sector competition, there is in which Outcome of five forces of competition , where the use of these powers to develops a competitive advantage for the organization in order to help it outperform those of companies in the same industry. and with the following explanation of these forces and application in the banking industry at Barclays Bank. The threat of entry of new competitors : The Depends threat of entry of new competitors depends on the high barriers and the extent of its power, Entrants New Have the desire to control on the market share, so should every organization to address these new competitors potential identified and deterred by placing barriers that prevent them from entering, the ... Show more content on ... Threats of new entrants potential entrants: banks with microfinance pose a threat to Barclays Bank because of the targeting of these banks the owners of little income and owners of small businesses and that prevent the arrival of these customers to Barclays Bank because of the high cost of transactions , in contrast , it made Barclays Bank for over many years of working a capital large base than at that. will make the entry of new entrants is very difficult because the banking sector needs huge capital . Threats alternatives : Barclays Bank Provided products different from the rest of the banks that offer similar products in order to maintain the survival of the bank at the forefront among its competitors , by providing securities fixed income , mutual funds and insurance , in contrast there is a significant threat to Barclays Bank in sustainability with the existence of institutions Non banking that provides financial services Such as that provided by the
  • 8. History of Cellphone History of Cell Phones The history of mobile phones records the development of interconnection between the public switched telephone systems to radio transceivers. From the earliest days of transmitting speech by radio, connection of the radio system to the telephone network had obvious benefits of eliminating the wires. Early systems used bulky, high power consuming equipment and supported only a few conversations at a time, with required manual set up of the interconnection. Today cellular technology and microprocessor control systems allow automatic and pervasive use of mobile phones for voice and data. The transmission of speech by radio has a long and varied history going back to Reginald Fessenden s invention and shore to ship... Show more content on ... In 1969 Amtrak equipped commuter trains along the 225 mile New York Washington route with special pay phones that allowed passengers to place telephone calls while the train was moving. The system re used six frequencies in the 450 MHZ band in nine sites, a precursor of the concept later applied in cellular telephones. [2] In December 1971, AT T submitted a proposal for cellular service to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). After years of hearings, the FCC approved the proposal in 1982 forAdvanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS) and allocated frequencies in the 824 894 MHz band.[6] Analog AMPS was eventually superseded by Digital AMPS in 1990. A cellular telephone switching plan was described by Fluhr and Nussbaum in 1973,[7] and a cellular telephone data signaling system was described in 1977 by Hachenburg et al.[8] In 1979 a U.S. Patent 4,152,647 was issued to Charles A. Gladden and Martin H. Parelman, of Las Vegas for an emergency cellular system for rapid deployment in areas where there was no cellular service. Emergence of commercial mobile phone service Alongside the early developments outlined above, a different technology was also growing in popularity. Two way mobile radios (known as mobile rigs) were used in vehicles such as taxicabs, police cruisers, and ambulances, but were not mobile phones, because they were not connected to the telephone network. The first fully automated mobile phone system for vehicles was launched in Sweden in 1960. Named
  • 9. The Hero s Journey In Star Wars The ideas presented in the Star Wars Documentary relate to my journey when it comes to the hero s journey, the good and evil choice, and the uncontrollable event that sets life in motion. For starters, the hero s journey, which is based off mythology and history, represents the transition between one identity to another. For my life this is represented from when I was a little kid to now. Going from a child, who has fun and nothing else to worry about, to a teen in high school who has to worry about grades, relationships, and careers. Secondly, the good and evil choice is seen in my life, just not as literally as in Star Wars. My good and evil choice was made in middle school. I could have chosen to slack off, never do work, but I chose to
  • 10. Drake s Passage Is The Worst Ocean On The World The ocean that had chased them back and made them flee for the shelter of the ice pack is the worst ocean on the globe. (82) Drake s Passage can be considered to be the worst ocean on the globe (82) by many. This treacherous ocean is an 800 kilometer wide gap between South america s Cape Horn and South Shetland Island of Antarctica. What makes Drakes passage considered to be the worst on the globe? Sailing through this passage is incredibly dangerous because of its insane winds. On the Beaufort scale is has known to have winds from category 10 123. Drakes passage is extremely deep. The Average depth being 11,000 feet and the deepest trench going all the way down 15,400 feet4. Drakes passage is known to have two different moods. The first one is the drake Lake it is when the ocean is a clear as a lake with no windor waves just nice sailing. Normally it s the second mood the drake shake, this is when the passage has ferocious roaring winds which creates enormous waves, not a fun time. In 1578 there was an Explorer named Sir Francis Drake that went through the Strait of Magellan. When he went through the Strait of Magellan he lost 4 ships. After his last ship made it through it got pushed farther south and that s when drake realized that there is a another route for ships further south. Then the bottleneck was named Drake Passage after him. The southern ocean carries strange that often run against the prevailing winds,causing a broken, turbulent surface and stirring up
  • 11. Black Female Consciousness Essay Caroline Chavatel Dr. Joyce Garay ENGL559 11 May 2017 Knowing The Plurality of Black Female Consciousness: An Epistemological Investigation in 21st Century Black Literature Epistemology, specifically knowledge construction, is fundamental to the function of a population and their experiences. How, though, is the line between knowledge and story demarcated in regards to power? Accordingly, how does power/do power relations regulate whose experiences are knowledge and whose are simply story? Which questions are granted further merit and who s believed or not believed? It s not unlikely for Black writers to have their work written off as anecdote for the purpose of entertainment and not considered evidence, truth, or knowledge. However, this ... Show more content on ... In Black Feminist Thought, specifically the chapter Black Feminist Epistemology, Hill Collins argues that Black female experiences are often not regarded as knowledge and one can witness this phenomenon within these three texts. Hill Collins chapter opens with: A small girl and her mother passed a statue depicting a European man who had bare handedly subdued a ferocious lion. The little girl stopped, looked puzzled and asked, Mama, something s wrong with that statue. Everybody knows that a man can t whip a lion. But darling, her mother replied, you must remember that the man made the statue (251). At the core of this delightful anecdote is the central argument of power in regards to knowledge production who has the power to make truth? She argues that Black female experiences are typically regarded as subjugated knowledge and that traditionally, the suppression of Black women s ideas within White male controlled social institutions led African American women to use music, literature, daily conversations, and everyday behavior as important locations for Black female consciousness (252). One must question then, how do traditions of storytelling and conversation become othered when attached to racial
  • 12. Principles of Project Management Table of Contents The principles of project management2 Viability of Project s Success/Failure Criteria4 Additional standard for the project s success/failure6 Calvert Social Index success /failure criteria7 Principles behind project management systems and procedures7 Human and material resources to achieve successful projects8 Information Security Audit System and Procedures 9 Key elements involved in terminating projects and conducting post project appraisals 9 key elements involved in terminating projects 10 Situations where a terminated project can still be considered again10 References11 Investigate Project Management principles A. Discuss the principles of project management (1.1) 1. The Commitment Principle An ... Show more content on ... There are always problems with this approach, but the profit of doing so is significant. 3. Poor or No Requirements poor requirements are probably one of the most difficult issue that can be faced by a project. The incapacity to identify good requirements has also led to other project delivery problems such as the desire to narrow the scope of the project so as to minimize the requirements workload and risk. Users should understand what it is they want, and be able to identify it specifically. if you don t get the business requirements right, however well you deliver the project, the client/business will be dissatisfied. 4. Scope Creep Scope creep is a risk in most projects. it is the change or growth of project scope. Scope creep more frequently occurs during the later stages of a project, such as programming and testing, than during the earlier stages, such as design. This can occur when the scope of a project is not properly defined, documented, or controlled. This is a management issue similar to change control. Management should be able to figure it all out at the start. A project manager often tries to manage scope creep. The goal in managing scope creep is to try to minimize the impact of any changes on the project, such as on the timeline and cost. 5. No Change Control System Business needs are
  • 13. Chinoiserie s Influence On American Architecture Chinoiserie arose as a movement in response to the strict restraints of the Baroque style. More broadly, this public reaction is characterized as the Rococo style, which Louis introduced in his court in France around 1750. The Rococo style played with the imagination; whimsy, asymmetry and high contrast in both scale and color exemplify the art and architecture of the style. Chinoiserie grew out of the Rococo style as European became fascinated with the Far East, specifically intrigued by Chinese ceramics. The blue and white luster glaze pottery depicting imaginative accounts of Chinese life became incredibly popular in the late 18th century. And, while Chinoiserie s influence on architecture was present at Versailles as early as 1670, the... Show more content on ... Scientific exploration continues: modern plant houses have been added and improved upon every few years and the herbarium, which contains over 300,000 plany specimens, is one of the largest in the world. The Princess of Wales Conservatory (fig.), named for Princess Augusta, was built in 1987 with state of the art technology. The conservatory has 10 computer controlled climactic zones under one roof, improving upon the first glass house, yet paying homage to the original form and purpose. In 2006, a third version of an alpine house was developed, the Davis Alpine House (fig.), with an advanced system to control temperature, ventilation, and moisture to simulate the environment of being 2000 feet in the air. Engagement and education with the general public, particularly children, is another priority of Kew Gardens today. In 2004, Climbers and Creepers , an interactive learning environment encourages children to discover botany, ecology, animals, and the environment. Further, in 2008, Marks Barfield architects, the masterminds behind the London Eye (fig), built the Treetop Walkway (fig). The architectural firm, known for creating innovative forms to maximize visibility, constructed the Treetop Walkway over the Arboretum to be level with the treetops. The rusted steel pathway blends with the environment to provide a new perspective at looking at the gardens. The actual design of the steel is based on the Fibonacci numerical sequence (fig.) engaging intellects and adventurers
  • 14. Importance Of Gait Analysis Essay Because running is a very high impact sport, it can lead to long term damage to the feet, legs, hips, and joints. However, it is also a sport that can help improve cardiovascular health, circulation, and will lead to a longer, healthier life. Many people, including me, believe that the good outweighs the bad. Because of this common belief, it is important to have runningshoes that can improve gait, offer support and impact reduction, and reduce the risk of injury. Many shoes are made to fix over pronation or supination. There is massive amounts of research and funding that goes towards running shoe development and design. There are countless numbers of gait studies. A gait analysis can show where the majority of a runner s weight lands in the feet.... Show more content on ... Gait analyses are also able to indicate muscle activity and determine if a runner is using their body to its full potential or if they are overcompensating for an aching limb. In many ways this type of human analysis is a wonderful tool to runners. Shoe designers also use the tool as a way of creating new running shoes. A sports engineer could use trends from gait analysis data to determine a general need for common people and integrate that into a pair of running shoes. As sports medicine experts and trainers continue to learn new training techniques and create new technology to improve physical activity, new shoes must be created in order to allow the athlete to perform at higher levels. I am conducting research on how each layer of a running shoe the insole, midsole, and outsole is designed in order to absorb ground reaction force and prevent
  • 15. Samurai Professional Warriors The samurai were the professional warriors that ruled Japan for about 700 years, from the end of the 12th century until the middle of the 19th century. The term samurai originates from the verb saburau, meaning to serve as attendant to a person of nobility (Mcgee 1). In the Heian era, (ca. 792 1192), samuraireferred to the warriors guarding the Emperor and court nobles, but later the term started to be used to refer to all professional warriors. From the end of the Heian era, the samurai were men who transformed into local feudal lords and came to combine forces with the landlords. By the beginning of the 12th century, the Japanese Imperial court were hiring these men and delegating military responsibilities to them, and the samurai became
  • 16. Heart Disease Of Jersey City Heart Disease in Jersey City Ayva Rodriguez Felician College Heart Disease in Jersey City Individuals from Jersey City aged 65 years and older are more likely to die from heart diseases such as heart attacks, stroke and hypertension in comparison to all New Jersey residents ( Stats, 2013). These are the leading cause of death in the United States that can be prevented by controlling or preventing modifiable risk factors such as high blood pressure, cigarette smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol, poor diet and physical inactivity, overweight and obesity ( Healthy People, n.d.). Heart diseases are among of the many known health problems that are needed to be addressed in the Jersey City community ( Stats, 2013). Healthy people 2020 goal is to prevent, detect and treat the risk factors that are associated with heart attack and stroke ( Healthy People, n.d.). And by early detection, heart diseases can be treated and repeated cardiovascular events can be prevented ( Healthy People, n.d.). The dedication of the Jersey City Department of Health and Human Services in providing the residents of all ages the health and social services through numerous programs aids in the promotion of the community s health that will lead to decrease mortality rate of individuals affected with heart disease ( HHS, n.d.). And with the help of political influence where Jersey City mayor s wellness campaign in helping Jersey City residents to have a healthy lives and decrease
  • 17. The Cartesian Theory Of Mind RenГ© Descartes was a French philosopher responsible for many ideas and theories still used in the philosophical world today. He earned the nickname Father of modern philosophy for his work. One of his most in depth and lasting legacies is his mind body dualism thesis also known as the Cartesian theory of mind. The Cartesian theory states that there are two different types of existence, physical and mental. Whatever exists must fall into only one of these existences and they cannot be both. This could be compared to the two faces of a coin, where when you flip a coin it has to be either heads or tails, when looking at the world it is either in the physical world or the mental world. Another example is how animals are either male or ... Show more content on ... So a body s life is a public affair, much like the lives of animals and plants. Minds, however, are different from bodies. Minds are not in space, since they do not occupy space like a body does. Minds are part of mental existence. The processes of the mind are not subject to mechanical laws like bodies are. Also the workings of someone s minds are not able to be witnessed by other people, like a human body is able to be. When you use your mind and you think, imagine or feel an emotion, other people cannot see what is going on in your mind. Since the workings of one s mind are not able to be observed, this makes the minds life a private affair. This means that a person lives two lives. The first is what happens to his body and the other is what happens in his mind. What happens to the body is in the physical world while what happens in the mind is in the mental world (Ryle). The view that physical objects are in a common field (space) and mental processes occur in a isolated field known as the mind, is the ontological way, while the way that only our bodies can meet and we cannot interact with each other s minds is the epistemological way. Gilbert Ryle sees that Descartes divides a person s life into two halves, one being external and the other being internal. Every physical thing, including the body, belong to the external half and physical world, while the
  • 18. Reflection On The Book Night What would it do to a person to go to a concentration camp, see the horrible things, and come out alive? This book, Night, is about Eliezer Wiesel, who is both the main character and the author. Elie s book is a memorial about his experience in Hitler s concentration camps, what he went through, and how he survived. This paper is going to be about Eliezer s horrific experience and the ways that it changed him. One of the horrific moments that Eliezer went through is the time the small boy got hung and it took half an hour for him to die. But the third rope was still moving: the child, too light, was still breathing... And so remained for more than half an hour... (Weisel 65) This changed him a lot because he knew how brutal the world... Show more content on ... An event very related to his feeling after his father s death was when he saw the mob of people fighting over the bread and he saw a child kill his own father just for a piece of bread: His eyes lit up, a smile, like a grimace, illuminated his ashen face. And was immediately extinguished. A shadow had lain down beside him. And this shadow threw itself over him. Stunned by the blows, the old man was crying: Mier, my little Mier! Don t you recognize me... You re killing your father... I have bread... for you too... for you too... He collapsed. But his fist was still clutching a small crust. He wanted to raise it to his mouth. But the other threw himself on him. The old man mumbled something, groaned, and died. Nobody cared. His son searched him, took the crust of bread, and began to devour it. (Weisel 101) The boy killed his father without any sign of grief or hesitation just so that he could have a simple piece of bread. Eliezer knew he could never do something like this to his father, but he was thinking about just letting him die, so that he wouldn t have to deal with him. Even with this thought he was able to resist the urge, unlike the Rabbi s son. ...Separation to free himself of a burden... (Weisel 91) The Rabbi s son had left his father so that he would have better chances of survival. These events led Eliezer to realize how people, including himself, could change while trying to survive inside one of Hitler s concentration camps. These three events,
  • 19. Who Is Responsible For Macbeths Downfall Reasons for Macbeths Downfall Foul is fair and fair is foul (I.i.12), this quote is spoken by the three witches in the beginning of Shakespeare s Macbeth. In this story Macbeth commits murder multiple times in order to secure the crown. Macbeth was not completely at fault for these sins however. One party responsible for Macbeths sins are the three witches, these hags are seen multiple times throughout the story and give Macbethinformation that they had gained through they re visions. Had Macbeth not been told this information by the witches then he wouldn t have had the reason to do the crimes that he did. Without the witch s prophesy then he never would have killed King Duncan for the throne because without the promise of the throne there was no incentive. He was a loyal servant of the kingdom and previously wouldn t have even dreamt of killing Duncan. It s obvious that he was a loyal servant to the throne because in the war it is mentioned that he was a brave and valiant fighter for the king.... Show more content on ... When Macbeth told her about the witch s prophesy about his eventual fortune she encouraged him to take the life of Duncan who was at the time a guest at her and Macbeths home. At the times that Macbeth was struggling to find the conviction to kill his ruler Lady Macbeth was always there to wear away his morals. This starts the process of Macbeths moral degradation which eventually lead him to become a monster who killed multiple people. This makes sense because people rarely will do something against their values without outside
  • 20. Social Injustice In The American Revolution Throughout our cake, we had two major themes that were evident, social injustice and political grievances. To demonstrate social injustice, we used medals for the Latin American Revolution, Chains for the American Revolution, and a tennis ball for the French Revolution. To represent economic inequality, we used teabags for the American revolution, bread for the French revolution and money for the Latin American Revolution. For the American Revolution, The chains represented the role African American slaves played in the revolution. The revolution motivated African American resistance against slavery. The tea bags were symbolic to the Boston Tea Partywhen Massachusetts colonist protested against the Tea Act of 1773 or more specifically Taxation without Representation by dumping chests of tea into the Boston Harbor.... Show more content on ... The gold medal represented the criollos and peninsulares which were the highest classes in the social system. There, men who were born in either Spain or portugal held the highest offices and military/political position. The silver medal represented the Mestizos/Mulattos. This position consisted of mixed Europeans and Indians who served the peninsulares/criollos. Lastly the gold medal portrayed the lowest class, the Africans/natives. This class was not only the lowest but also the largest. The people in this class were not identified as citizens but did do most of the labor. To demonstrate economic inequality, money was put on the cake to show mercantilism. Spain used mercantilism when they took goods from Latin America and sold those goods to make their own profits. Latin America, on the other hand did not gain any money except goods that Spain decided to give
  • 21. The Importance Of Lowering The Drinking Age Fun Fact!: You only have to be 18 to die for your country in the military, but you can t buy a beer. In the United States, the legal drinking age, as many of you know, is 21 years old. Now it wasn t always like this as the original drinking age was 18. However, it was moved up to 21 when an organization known as MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) became well known amongst societies in the USA. This organization was created after a 13 year old girl died due to a 46 year old drunk driver. With help from the US Congress, the National Minimum Drinking Age Act passed, and it stated that you had to be at least 21 in order to legally drink and purchase alcohol. The goal of this was to lower the rates of DUI s by allowing more mature individuals to be able to handle alcohol. What s ironic is that MADD used underage drinking and driving to justify passing that law, when the original drunk driver was 46 years old; someone clearly not underage (Doman). There are many reasons as to why the drinking age should be lowered to 18, including teaching responsible drinking and lowering the frenzy around alcohol, and the level of significance of other rights granted at eighteen compared to the drinking law. By lowering the drinking age to 18, it allows for parents to oversee and teach their child about how to drink responsibly before going away to college. Under their watchful eye, they can make sure that their kid is fully educated on the do s and don ts of alcohol consumption. In
  • 22. Characteristics Of Jordan Baker In The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby The novel The Great Gatsby has many different characters, and all of them are different and unique. Daisy Buchanan is egocentric, selfish and uncaring. Jordan Baker is careless, nosey and reckless. Nick Carraway is trusting, calm and considerate, throughout the story Nick trusted that the characters could and would become better people. Jordan Baker is careless, nosey and reckless throughout the novel and this behavior throughout the novel causes Nick Carraway to break off communication with her. A subdued impassioned murmur was audible in the room beyond and Miss Baker leaned forward, unashamed, trying to hear. (19), in this scene Jordan Baker and Nick Carraway have just met, and she is being nosey by snooping into the ... Show more content on ... By Nick Carraway reserving judgment he is forced to see the best in people and to trust that they will change. They re a rotten crowd... You re worth the whole damn bunch put together (162), this scene shows how considerate Nick Carraway is, Nick disregarded his father s advice of never judging people to make Gatsby feel better. I lived at west egg... My house was at the very tip of the egg, only fifty yards from the sound, and squeezed between two huge places that rented for twelve or fifteen thousand a season (9), Nick Carraway rented a small cabin that is in the shadow of two great mansions, he did not want an extravagant vacation home, Nick just wanted a calm place to relax. Nick doesn t lead an extravagant life, this separates Nick Carraway from the other characters. Since Nick is calm he is able to be more considerate and trusting of
  • 23. Technology And The Digital Revolution Cultural heritage sites are spaces full of rich culture and innovation, providing abundant opportunities for visitors to learn and explore. They are valued for their ability to broaden knowledge, expand minds and deliver new experiences to sites of cultural and historical value. Digital technology is being used to combat some of the main problems that cultural heritage sites face, including inaccessibility, the lack of connection between visitors and objects, and the safety of objects during travelling exhibitions. No longer bound to a specific site or to physical limitations, technology is allowing modern museums to create unique experiences and encourage visitor participation in unprecedented ways. Increased access to the internet has the benefit of online sources being instantly available to anyone, anywhere, giving entertainment, higher levels of connectivity, shared knowledge, and the ability to attract younger and more diverse audiences. Spaces of cultural heritage have always shown the changes and developments of human history, and as the digital revolution has changed what it means to be a human being, it is natural that such spaces are utilising digital technology. As Sarah Kenderdine, the director of the Laboratory for Innovation in Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums, suggests; tradition must be re discovered and re invented by each generation, and this is being done by the creation of digital, interactive, multi sensory experiences that have the power
  • 24. Privacy Policy Analysis What This Privacy Policy Covers This policy covers how (PaperRater) treats content you submit to us as well as personal information that we collect and receive, including information related to your past use of our products and services. Personal information is information about you that is personally identifiable like your name, address, email address, or phone number and that is not otherwise publicly available, like your PaperRater username and password. This policy does not apply to the practices of companies that PaperRater does not own or control, or to people that PaperRater does not employ or manage, which means this policy does not cover the practices of organizations with links or advertisements on ... Show more content on ... Information Sharing and Disclosure PaperRater does not rent, sell, or share personal information about you with other people or nonaffiliated companies except to provide products or services you ve requested, when we have your permission, or under the following circumstances: We provide the information to companies who work with us or on our behalf to communicate with you about offers from and our marketing partners. These companies are not permitted to share your information. We respond to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process, or to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims. If we believe it is necessary to share information in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, violations of PaperRater s Terms of Service, or as otherwise required by law. We may transfer information about you if PaperRater is acquired by or merged with another company. In this event, PaperRater will notify you before information about you is transferred and becomes subject to a different privacy policy.
  • 25. Globalization And Its Discontents By Joseph E. Stiglitz Essay Globalization is defined as a worldwide development, the process of spreading ideas. More recently, globalization has become more focused on economics, the spreading of capitalism and opening international trade. Globalization through the past 50 years has developed a bad reputation, one that does not benefit countries the way people thought it would. Joseph E. Stiglitz, in his book, Globalization and Its Discontents, stresses that modern globalization is a good thing, but has not been done correctly in the past few decades. The ideas behind globalization have the potential to benefit the world, specifically developing countries. Stiglitz goes into detail about how the problem falls with the misguided attempts of the international economic institutions to solve developing countries economic problems. Something has gone very wrong with globalization, and the purpose of this book is to shed some light on where it went wrong. Stiglitz presents the problems with the international economic institutions damaging policies and their effects using ethnographic field work and historically comparative methods. The three major international economic institutions are the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and the World Trade Organization; this book mainly focuses on the IMF and the World Bank, due to the author s first hand experience with both institutions. The IMF, a public institution built as a guiding hand for economic stability around the world, has brought false
  • 26. Life Poem Analysis The author Paul Laurence Dunbar wants the readers to acknowledge how he uses concrete and abstract in his poem called Life . Throughout his poem he uses concrete to make us feel how sadness takes over happiness most of the time, another strategy the author uses is abstract he uses it in a deep matter, he makes you think something that isn t normal that you can t visualize, he uses it a lot but also combines it with concrete as well. As a matter a fact this connects with something about my personal point of view so far because I also feel that I can t enjoy life as much as I would want but there s always another bad side and it s the problems that make you fall in depression and other stuff that has to do with sadness. However in the poem Life the writer expresses his poem by using concrete and abstract images, he tells us how life is too ironic to fully understand how you truly feel, but in his perspective sadness lasts more than being happy as well. In other words the author uses concrete to express how in the poem Life you can feel sadness and can imagine it, during the poem he mentioned with a smile to warm and the tears to refresh us this was an example of concrete when the author said a smile to warm you can actually feel a smile you can actually feel when you re warm, it also goes with the same thing when it says and the tears to refresh us you can feel when you cry also feel the tears like it s refreshing your face as saying happiness gets erased by the tears when you re getting refreshed. Another well done example the author used is when he said in his poem A pintof joy to a peck of trouble the author basically just mentioned how a pint of joy goes by so fast and when trouble comes, it comes in a matter of seconds and sometimes it can happen keep happening instantly, therefore it s concrete because you can feel the pint of joy where you actually feel the happiness but then he said peck means your conflicts start showing up rapidly. Additionally, he used the same strategy when author said And never a laugh, but the moans come double; this one is pretty straightforward when he said And never a laugh you know when you laugh you feel the happiness. However, if you laugh it s
  • 27. Analysis Of International Business Expansion Into Canada Spokane Community College Analysis of International Business Expansion into Canada for a U.S. Based Hotel Chain James Murphy International Business BUS120 Diana Osborne 16 June 2015 Summary Recommendation As a growing American hotel company, establishing a permanent place in local and national markets is our primary goal, and we wish to become nationally and internationally renowned as a business and tourist destination within the next 5 years. Our main mission is to provide high quality accommodations, and associated amenities and services at competitive prices to our targeted markets. Our basic business objectives are reflected in everything that we do, which is to contribute to the enrichment of the quality of lives for ... Show more content on ... Our pre market research has shown the intended market to have plenty of room for a hotel such as ours. We will successfully brand our hotel as a 4 star quality hotel, which will be inspected and listed as such by all major travel agents and hotel associations nationally and internationally. We will continuously develop associations with the world travel, business and tourist organizations, and expect these alliances to further enhance our reputation as a quality destination. Our hotel will differentiate and position its business from competitors by offering a secure and pleasurable stay, providing high quality services, a state of the art security system, and professionally trained staff. Our concern for the environment and our level of no fuss service and accountability will set us apart from other, more expensive, similarly positioned hotels in the area. Porter s Diamond Factor Conditions Education and Training Canada spends the most amount of money, as a percentage of GDP, on education than any other country in the world. This is of course one of the reasons why the country has one of the highest educated populations. The level of skills within Canada s workforce are ranked as one of the
  • 28. Differences Among Source Oriented Records, Problem... 1. CheckPoint: Record Formats * Resource: Ch. 4 of Essentials of Health Information Management: Principles and Practices 1. Summarize, in 250 to 300 words, the differences among source oriented records, problem oriented records, and integrated records. 2. Include how you think the advantages and disadvantages of each record format affect everyday work remember to think about retrieving records as well as filing them. 3. Post your CheckPoint in your Assignment Section as an MS Word document. Patient Records Many facilities and physician offices maintain patient records in a paper format known as a manual record. A variety of formats are used to maintain manual records, including the source oriented records (SOR), ... Show more content on ... 2. Problem list: The problem list is kept in the front of the record and can be likened to a table of contents in a book. Another conceptual characteristic of the POR is problems are expressed at the level of the writer s understanding and do not include diagnostic impressions which are considered as part of the treatment plan. 3. Initial Plan: Development of a care plan The initial plan should be considered in 3 parts: I. Diagnostic (Dx) that is plans for collecting more information II. Therapeutic (Rx) plans for treatment and, III. Patient Education plans for informing the patient as to what is to be done. 4. Progress notes: Should indicate what has happened to the patient, what is planned for the patient, and how the patient is responding to therapy. Progress notes should contain four component parts: I. Subjective part written in the patient s own words about his problem II. Objective part the doctors observation and test results. III. Assessment is the diagnostic opinion of the health care provider IV. Plan for continued treatment. Contains diagnostic and therapeutic and educational plans to resolve the problem. In PORs, each
  • 29. Fundamental of Laws INTENTION We would first need to establish if there is a valid and legally binding contract formation between Iris ( the offeror ) before deciding on the likely outcomes for the parties. A proper contract constitutes an offer, an acceptance, the provision of a consideration of value and parties intention to legal relations. There was no depute as to the presence of a valid offer because Iris did indeed make an offer to sell the piano for a specific price and its terms i.e. keeping the offer open for Diana till noon on Saturday, were communicated to Diana. In return, Diana had also put up her consideration towards the formation of the contract by making an effort to raise the money needed to buy the aforementioned piano from Iris.... Show more content on ... Therefore, Iris promise to hold the piano till Saturday was not legally binding. Thus, the offer was invalid. ACCEPTANCE There are two elements for acceptance to be valid. At law, acceptance must be Final and Unqualified. The general rule is that acceptance is effective only when is communicated to the offeror. Diana s acceptance is final and unqualified as she phoned and left a message with Iris s daughter, Athena, saying that she got the money and would collect the piano on Saturday morning. However, the acceptance was not communicated to Iris as Athena forgot to pass the message to Iris. Thus, Diana s acceptance of offer is invalid as it does not fulfill the requirements for the acceptance to be effective. The acceptance was not communicated to the offeror. REVOCATION At law, offeror may revoke an offer at any time prior to the offer being accepted even if the offeror has promised not to revoke it Routledge v Grant Notice of revocation is crucial; it is not effective unless the offeree knows it. Offeror are entitled to change their minds and withdraw offers at any time right up to the moment of acceptance. An offer can be revoked by the offeror any time before it is accepted. This is analogous to the case of Byrne amp; Co v Leon Tienhoven amp; Co (1880) Personal notification is usual, but is not essential as long as the offeree knew or reasonably
  • 30. The Wilmington Riots Of 1898 Inspired by the Wilmington Riots of 1898, Charles Chesnutt delves deep into the racial tensions of the South in his novel On the Marrow of Tradition. Despite being set well after the end of the Civil War, the struggle between the black and white races is far from over. The white race insists on maintaining complete control in every aspect of society, including personal matters. They are constantly demanding that the black community serve them. On the other end, the black raceis struggling to survive the harsh conditions the white dominated society imposes on them. Throughout the novel, Chesnutt reminds us of the ongoing battle between the two races. At the same time, Chesnutt explores the effect this has on various members in society. The youngest two characters in the novel, Dodie and Doctor Miller s son, exemplify the conditions and consequences for the black and white races. Although they seem to be secondary characters in On the Marrow of Tradition, both Dodie and Doctor Miller s son play a crucial role in the representation of their respective races. It does not take long to ascertain the striking resemblance between the two children in the novel. The novel opens with the birth of Dodie, the only son of one of the most successful white characters in the novel, Major Carteret. As the founder of the Morning Chronicle...the leading organ of his party and the most influential paper in the State, Major Carteret could easily be crowned the leader of the white community
  • 31. Different Versions Of Linux Operating Systems And... Zones operates on a few different versions of Linux operating systems and Microsoft Windows 7, 8, and 10. Their servers consist of Apache Tomcat, IBM iSeries, Microsoft BizTalk Server, Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Their databases consist of MicrosoftSQL Server, and Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS). Zones data is stored with HPE 3PAR StoreServ Storage, NetApp Network Attached Storage (NAS), and AWS S3, and their virtual machines are powered by Citrix, VCE vBlock, and VMware. For networking, Vivek has implemented ConnectWise Automate a single solution that provides a GUI/Command Center for IT management functions together in one interface. This allows for... Show more content on ... The SA is the principal promoter for global software development It s members adhere to strict ethical standards and is among the world s most innovative companies, creating reliable software solutions that are safe and ignite the economy and promote the flourishing of modern life. The BSA operates in more than sixty countries and advocates for legal software and productive technology use. Once this makes design makes it to the roadmap, they run it against BSA tests to ensure that it complies. Collaboration and responsibilities are incredibly important in this process. Commitments, timeliness, and communication are benchmarks. Inputs are necessary, we expect everyone to contribute because no person will contribute a 100% solution. Vivek is very passionate about software and systems development. We asked him how his previous background in computer science comes into play in this specific area. He excitedly answered, I have definitely had a competitive advantage among my peers who do not have a history of CS. It is very valuable for a leader to not be reliant on someone else s knowledge for answers to your practical technical problems . Vivek knows how to systems architecture, can code and follow systems logic well; he feels the company benefits from those skills also. He told us that sometimes these skills bite him and that it is the nature of the beast. He finds it problematic when he wants to get into the nitty gritty on too many
  • 32. Day Care Essay example A STUDY OF CURRENT PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH INADEQUATE CHILDCARE FOR PARENTS WHO WORK NONTRADITIONAL HOURS PROPOSAL FOR MSA 685 PROJECT Submitted by Larone R. Daniels December 06, 2004 Instructor Dr. Diana Otto ABSTRACT The number of parents entering the workforce continues to grow. However, the amount of available, affordable, and quality childcare facilities in the United States remains inadequate. Employees using inadequate childcare are more likely to be late for work, absent, or distracted on the job. High rates of turnover, absenteeism, and low productivity cost employers money. This researcher proposes to formulate a study designed to analyze the problems associated with inadequate childcare and parents who ... Show more content on ... When childcare problems are chronic, parents don t just miss work; they may leave their jobs altogether. Finding childcare is especially difficult for employees who work evening or weekend hours or for those who have rotating shifts. More and more U.S. workers find themselves working nontraditional hours as the trend toward a global, service based economy intensifies. Most child care providers offer day care during the traditional working hours of nine to five. Now, only 1 out of 3 mothers stays at home and provides full time care for her children. About half of all preschoolers spend at least part of the day in some type of facility outside of the home (DOL, 1998). Dual career families are now the most predominant types of family in the American workforce. Because so many parents face the same problems, childcare is no longer a strictly private matter; it is an urgent public concern. Parents, therefore, have a special role to play in ensuring that early care and education become a high priority on the national agenda. The Statement of the Problem This researcher proposes to examine and evaluate current problems associated with inadequate childcare for parents who work
  • 33. Short Story Of Chaser Chaser s attack on the the church, nobality, and the woman rights was a bad subject to talk bad about in his time and age. But when he did talk bad about it he said that he heard it from diffrent people and he didn t say it. First was the wife of bath when the guy rapes the girl then the old lady helps him. Next was when a guy does anything for the girl. Lastly was when he asked us if we would do the same thing for a girl. In the wife of bath the night see s a good looking girl and said that he wanted to have sex with her and she said no. Then he said that she had to and rapes her. The king found out about it and said that he had to be punished for what he did. The kings wife said that they should give him a chance but he had to tell her ... Show more content on ... He bought her gift and blow all of his money on her. The only thing that he had left was was a hawk. Then the girl that he like married a guy and had a kid but the guy died because he got sick. Then her son got sick and then he want the other guys hawk so she went and seen him and wanted to have a meal with him and talk about the hawk but he didnt know that. So he thought that she desived a good meal and killed the hawk and gave it to her to eat. The kid of hers died and she got a lot of money. So at the end of the story he got the girl and money. When the teacher asked us if we would give up our favorite hunting rifle i said no. the gun i have has been in ower family for 3 generation and there is no way im going to give that up to have some girl that will probely treat me like crap. I like my hunting guns way to much to just give them up. But the teacher said that i say that now because i havent meet the right girl. The poems that we have read are kinda diffrent because they were many wrote to make people look bad. It help the country because they made people start ask them selves about what the truly belived in and if they were going to listen to every people told them. First was the wife of bath and it was kinda true. Next was the story about killing the bird.and lastly was about me and what i would give up to have the girl of my
  • 34. 1. Assess The Importance Of Homeostasis Homeostasis is a self regulating process of equilibrium where the internal conditions of an environment are kept constant to maintain its normal functions. Homeostasis exists to primarily help your body control body temperatures and fluids at stable levels. If homeostasis cannot be sustained within limitations, our body cannot function properly. The urinary system is an example of how homeostasis works in the body in the way that it regulates fluids through excretion. The kidneys deal with the excretion of excess salts, toxins and metabolic wastes as well as regulating blood pressure, water balance, acid base balance and maintaining a homeostatic pH of 7.35 to 7.45. When the kidneys stop working either from acute or chronic failure it leads to disruption in homeostasis. Many things such as toxic drugs, cancer, high blood pressure or diabetes can cause renal failure. The body is so greatly affected as a result because urine production is disrupted and water, salts and metabolic wastes are retained in the body, which causes the homeostatic ... Show more content on ... Body temperature is a controlled condition upheld by a negative feedback loop where the hypothalamus receives information from your sensory receptors in relation to your body temperature. Typical body temperature is maintained around a range of 36.5 37.5 degrees Celsius. An example of homeostasis and temperature control would be, when your body s temperature rises to high the hypothalamus can trigger the sweat glands to help cool the body. Hyperthermia can occur when the body s homeostatic mechanisms have failed to control your temperature, and can result in heat stroke. Heat stroke causes your heart rate to rapidly increase and your body stops sweating, leaving the skin dry and hot. Provided once homeostatic balance is disrupted it is hard to cool down and your temperatures rise rapidly and can lead to a coma or death if not
  • 35. Romeo And Juliet Alternate Ending Jake rolled to his side, stretched his cramped leg muscles, and kicked his feet against the arm of the settee. He had to sleep with sleep came escape from the day s failures. His vengeance would never die, but it made no sense to go any further. Kat would miss the reward, but he wouldn t leave her destitute. With money and decent clothes, she d catch a mans attention. Shifting again, he jerked his shirt over his head and threw it against the wall. The thought of her with another man bothered him more than he cared to admit. He laid back and still couldn t relax, especially with his neck on a damn pillow. Frustrated, he pitched it and flopped back against the settee s wooden molding, earning a thunk to his head. Kat lit the candle on the nightstand. Its muted glow offered enough light for him to see her push off the blanket and slide her feet to the floor. She ... Show more content on ... Instead of retreating, she moved closer until their legs touched and only the gown separated them. She slid a hand to his face and pressed a trail of breathy kisses along the edge of his jaw. Her golden hair fell in disarray off one shoulder, exposing her tanned neck. His breath caught, and he found her earlobe, kissing and teasing, lowering his lips little by little to the pulsing in her throat. She turned her gaze to the bed and back to him, her eyelashes fluttering to her cheeks. He wanted to ease her onto that bed, kiss her senseless, and make her beg for more. From her response, she d let him, too, but his actions would come with a price the marriage she d want no, expect. For a pulse pounding second, he saw them with a future together, the Kansas girl and the Texas Ranger. He thought about long nights with her in his bed. But he believed in duty, and he d sworn his life to the Rangers. Duvall escaped on his watch. He owed it to Harrison to fight for justice and maybe, somehow, someday, he d make it right. He released his grip and stepped back. I m sorry,
  • 36. Impact Of Natural Resources On Economic Development Natural resource and its effect on economic growth and dynamics of conflicts. 1.0 Introduction Natural resources are raw materials extracted from the earth. They are useful in many different ways for its diversified opportunity of benefit and profit for economic development. Examples of natural resources are mineral, oil, waterways, land, timber, diamonds, coals, coltan and genetic. Majority of developing countries, distributions of natural resources vary from one geographic location to another. The variability of location has caused greed and grievances in economic development. This was attributed to more risk of conflict, weak governance, and poor economic performance. 2.0 Effect of natural resources on economic growth. According to Collier and Hoeffer (2003), there are three major factors that depend on the primary commodity exports such as income per capita, rate of economic growth, and structure of the economy, the higher the rate of primary commodities exports the higher the level of risk of conflict. Developing countries that are dependent on natural resources are more liable to terms of trade shocks, which lead to instability and dissatisfaction within the groups that suffer the shocks. Since natural resources are wealth and unevenly distributed causes the rebel groups ventures in various forms of extortion, exploitation, and trade of primary commodity. The best known types of conflict are the diamond of Angola and Sierra Leone and various
  • 37. Controlling Images of Black Womanhood In Patricia Hill Collins Mammies, Matriarchs, and Other Controlling Images, she illustrates four main stereotypes that Black women face. The first controlling image applied to African American women is The Mammy. The mammy is the faithful, obedient servant to the white family and the stereotype attempts to hide the fact that black women who work for white families are being exploited. By loving and caring for her white children more than her own, the mammy symbolizes the dominant group s perceptions of the ideal black female relationship to elite white male power. The smiling mammy signals her agreement with the situation, seemingly accepting her subordination (Collins, 71). Next is the image of the Black matriarch (Collins, 73). According to the stereotype, they spend too much time away from home, are overly aggressive and unfeminine, and allegedly emasculate their lovers and husbands. This stereotype attempts to control conduct by punishing black women for assertiveness and hides the oppression by making it seem that black women are naturally this way (Collins, 74 75). The third controlling image of Black womanhood is that of the welfare mother, which is linked to Black women s increasing dependence on the welfare state (Collins, 76). This time, the punishment is for failing to work. Rather than being a bad mother for deserting the children, now the concern is being with the children too much and not working. Again, by pinpointing the Welfare Mother as the cause,
  • 38. Outline On Hypertension 1 Hypertension: the facts Hypertension is very common especially as you get older Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a major public health problem that affects more than one billion people worldwide. In the UK, 31.5 per cent of all men and 29 per cent of all women have high blood pressure. One in three adults with hypertension is not receiving treatment, as hypertension is not always diagnosed. One in two people with hypertension do not have adequate blood pressure con trol. The proportion of the population who have hypertension rises with increasing age; while only 10 20 per cent of people aged 35 44 years have hypertension, 60 70 per cent of people aged 65 74 years have it. Men and women who live until they are
  • 39. Pan Arabism Research Paper Pan Arabism was a movement that reached its high point in the 60 s and 70 s that called for the unification of countries from North Africa and Asia to create a national Arabic identity. Although Pan Arabism was its own movement, it closely was tied with Arab Nationalism, which basically wanted a unified Arab country with lesser western political intervention. In this paper I will talk about what lead to Pan Arabism and how it came to become an actual movement. I will also cover Arab Nationalismbecause of its close relation to Pan Arabism. After I talk about Pan Arabism, I will talk about the importance of Arabic language to the actual Arabic identity and the efforts that are taken to prevent the downfall of this language. I will also cover the Politics of the time period of Pan Arabism talking about Nasserisim and the Bath Party. Lastly, and most Importantly, I will talk about unity in Pan Arabism covering the United Arab Republic, the Islamist Arabic Union, Maghreb Union, and many more. Basically, I will talk about what time frame these unions were introduced, what caused them, what their intent was, and why they failed if they did so. I also intend on presenting the case as to whether a true Arab identity exists and what makes it up. Initially, what caused the movements of Pan Arabism and Arab Nationalism to fail is inevitable political intervention of western nations. I also believe that language and geographic positions were not enough for nations to unify. That is what
  • 40. Challenges and Strategies of Matrix Challenges and Strategies of Matrix Organizations: Top Level and Mid Level Managers Perspectives Thomas Sy, College of Business Administration, California State University, Long Beach; Laura Sue D Annunzio, A.T. Kearney Inc. U sing surveys, inter views, and workshops with 294 toplevel and mid level managers from seven major multinational corporations in six industries, we identified the top five contemporary challenges of the matrix organizational form: (1) misaligned goals, (2) unclear roles and responsibilities, (3) ambiguous authority, (4) lack of a matrix guardian, and (5) silo focused employees. We also provide managers with the best practices that will improve their matrix organizations. Interest in... Show more content on ... The matrix also can require more managerial and administrative support at a time when companies appear to be cutting back. Although all matrix forms have inherent flaws, CEOs adopt the matrix because they believe the strengths outweigh the flaws. Matrix organizations are adopted for four primary reasons (Burns Wholey, EXHIBIT 2 Matrix Strengths and Weaknesses STRENGTHS businesses as evidenced by its proliferation in a variety of industries, such as aerospace, automotive, banking, chemical, communications, computer, defense, electronics, financial, energy (Davis Lawrence, 1977; Galbraith, 2000). The continued proliferation associated with the use of the matrix confirms a need for information on the challenges and best practices. In this article, we report the findings of our research on contemporary issues of the matrix. To date, few studies have examined the human side of the matrix (some exceptions are Bartlett Ghoshal, 1990; Lawrence, et al., 1977). Most topics on the matrix focus on its structure and its variant forms (e.g., Goold Campbell, 2002), rather than the human side issues concerned with managing and operating in the matrix. In this study, we focused on the human side of the matrix as the findings provide actionable steps that managers can implement to improve the functioning of their organizations. We begin with a brief overview of the matrix. We then identify the top five challenges
  • 41. Plea Bargaining Definition Instead, networks based on personal connections serve to organize market oriented economic behavior according to informal norms reflecting the private expectations of entrepreneur sand politicians. Workers who consistently conformed to the informal output norm enjoyed higher informal rank, reflected in social approval from fellow workers and a position of centrality in the network structure, while those who regularly violated the output norm were ostracized. Although these examples are drawn from very different institutional environments, there is a common thread. In both kinds of contexts, the formal constraints have established the parameters of legitimate action, providing the institutional mold within which emergent norms and networks... Show more content on ... Under plea bargaining the foundation for conviction need only include a factual basis for the plea and the guilty plea itself. The Presumptive Fairness of Voluntary Settlement Negotiated settlement of civil litigation does not seem prima facie suspect because we assume that the interested parties usually can make rational estimates of the costs of litigation and the expected gains from success at trial. By tailoring each plea offer to the expected costs of trial, the likelihood of success, and the expected trial sentence, the prosecutor can maximize the deterrence obtainable from the finite resources at her disposal. Of course, a defendant remains free to avoid the inconvenience of trial if he is willing to enter a non negotiated guilty plea and accept the punishment called for by the facts alleged Plea Bargaining as Disaster that should be at the center of an economic analysis of the welfare implications of plea bargaining. The essence of the Scott Stunt proposal no judicial interference with low sentence plea agreements is already widely followed in practice, but theory continues to insist that the judge must approve the adequacy of the plea agreement and
  • 42. Essay On Athletic Director Duties When comparing the list of athletic duties across the four schools, we found more similarities than differences. In our group we have two public schools which consist of Scoggins Middle School in McKinney, TX with 1,100 students and 7 sports teams, and Lakin High School in Lakin, Kansas with 400 students and 15 sports teams. We also have two private schools; Loyola Academy located in Wilmette, IL has 2,000 students with 24 sports teams, and Cary Academy (Middle and High School) located in Cary, NC has 800 students and 49 sports teams. A key similarity between the four schools is scheduling. One of the main athletic director duties is the scheduling of both home and away games, scheduling referees, and scheduling transportation for away games. This important duty for any athletic director can take up a large part of their time depending on how many teams they have per season. Another area where we saw similarities is in staff management. In our four schools, it is the role of the athletic director to hire the coaching staff, provide the necessary training, provide feedback and guidance, and to help mediate conflicts with parents and student athletes. The ... Show more content on ... One of the differences we observed was in budget management. Although every school s athletic director is responsible for creating and managing a budget; where they get the funds to run the program differs. Fundraising in the private schools does not always fall on the athletic director. For instance, in one of the private schools listed, the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is responsible for raising money to help fund the athletic program. In this case, the athletic director does not need to allocate any funds for fundraising events or marketing. In the public schools, athletic directors are responsible for raising money through fundraising events, booster clubs, and parent fees to help pay for equipment, facilities, coaches,
  • 43. Feudalism In Song Of Roland Analysis Feudalism in Song of Roland Song of Roland, the oldest major surviving work of French literature, is an epic poem based on the Battle of Roncevaux Pass in 778 C.E. between the Franks and the Basques. It is believed that the epic circulated in song form before it was written down between 1040 and 1115 by Turoldus, a Norman poet. The epic served a political role in inspiring the Frank Christian warriors during the Crusades of the 1100 s, a series of wars against the Islamic world over the control of Jerusalem. The center of the story is Count Roland, a Christian knight from King Charles army, and the fight against King Marsilion and the Muslims of Saragossa of modern Spain. Due to the time in which it was written, the epic features the social, political, and economic system of feudalism. Feudalism was based on the exchange of land for military service (Alchin 1) between the king and his vassals. This system was used in Christian medieval Europe between the 9th and 15th centuries. In Song of Roland, feudalism is portrayed through the concepts of hierarchy, rights and obligations, and the perfect knight. Feudalism works through a socioeconomic hierarchy that is reflected in the epic. In Christian medieval Europe, feudalism...resembles a pyramid, with the lowest peasants at its base and the lines of authority flowing up to the peak of the structure, the king (Alchin 1). However, the pyramid does not stop there, as God and the Pope, in that order, occupy positions at the top. The king claimed ownership of all the land in the country, but he sometimes granted areas of land called fiefs. The recipients of these areas were lords, who were men of high office. In the pyramid, these lords were below the king and pledged their loyalty by swearing to serve and protect [him] (Alchin 1). The lords gave some of this same land to the subordinate rank, the vassals. The vassals, also called dukes and counts, were men who provided allegiance and services to the lords and the king in return for fiefs. Among the vassals were the knights, who were less powerful military men (Alchin 1) who fought for the lords and the king. Lastly, at the bottom of the pyramid were the peasants, who belonged to the [vassal s] land and
  • 44. American Intervention in WWII Essay World War II is generally viewed to be a moral war, or, as Howard Zinn would put it, a good war. This conventional impression of World War II results from American propaganda, along with misinterpretations of related events. Quite the contrary, the United States foreign policy, especially during World War II, was driven by imperialist goals rather than humanitarian concern. These foreign interventions are usually justified using political ideologies that advocate the spread of democracy but the United Statesgovernment fails to act in the interests of the common people in other countries; instead, the US government intervened in foreign countries to protect its own needs and those of its private corporations. In addition, the... Show more content on ... To top it off, the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor gave the Americans a legitimate reason to join the war and to portray their intervention as a strictly defensive and protective one. Claiming to spread democracy and stunt the spread of fascism, the United States managed to build its reputation as a protector of the weak, despite its subtle plans to build an American empire. East Asia was an important region of American influence; its strategic location, with its trade routes, for example, had the potential to offer the US a strong foothold in the Pacific region and the upper hand over the Soviet Union. As a result, the use of the atomic weapons in Japan was a significant issue between Russia and the United States; as put in A People s History of the World, the American decision to use the nuclear bomb against Japan in August 1945 was clearly motivated, at least in part, by a desire to show Stalin the enormity of the destructive power at its disposal. The US had already developed the technology yet the decision to use the weapon was a debatable one, despite President Truman s statements justifying the decision on the basis that a Japanese invasion would cost less American lives. Right next to Japan, the Open Door policy in China was important to American investors and proved to be very profitable, too. As long as Japan and the United States shared the exploitation of
  • 45. Violence In Ancient Sports While investigating my topic of violence in sports, I decided to start at the basics of how sports began, with the ancient olympics. The first Olympics consisted of the; Penthalon, a combination of running, jumping, and throwing; wrestling; boxing; pankraction; and equestrian events. Somewhat consists of violence and not a lot of rules. In Olympia, Greecethese athletes performed to to showcase their own physical features and their talent. As well as pre outing peace and serenity between the cities in the area. These athletes were admired upon. I found quite a lot of similarities between ancient olympics and modern day sports. First, the ancient Olympics were the first competitive sports competed and largely publicized. Second, the athletes are held up to a pedestal. Third, they are admired and honored for anything positive they do. Back in times of ancient times they may have not had the issue of violence in sports being taken off the field but it is a major problem for modern day people and it will be investigated in this paper. My thesis is that there is something wrong with the coaching because kids are being taught how to be violent, not competitive. The ancient olympics were considered largely publicized, but the 2012... Show more content on ... In an article by Live Science it is discussed how violence is all apart of football and that is how they shine on the field. The excuse is made in the article, it s difficult for athletes to turn that off when they go back to their regular lives A popular topic in the past years has been NFL players and violence. In my research it came upon me of a case that starts before any sort of professional career. In Wayland, Massachusetts a football star Nathaniel Fujiti is sentenced to life at age 20 for murdering his ex girlfriend Lauren Astley. Lauren went to his house where he beat, strangled, and slashed her. It waves some red flags if footballs violent culture had to do with an innocent girls
  • 46. Abraham Lincoln s Stance On Slavery Abraham Lincoln s Stance on Slavery Abraham Lincoln was a politician in a time where slavery was a issue that was pulling the United States apart. Lincoln was consistent with his stance on slavery. He believed it to be unjust. In Abraham Lincoln s early years as a politician, he believed that slavery was very wrong but he didn t really speak to change anything about it. In Abraham Lincolns Letter to Williamson Durly, he wrote, I hold it to be equally clear, that we should never knowingly lend ourselves directly or indirectly, to prevent that slavery from dying a natural death . Lincoln is saying that they shouldn t do anything to stop or continue slavery because it will eventually end at some point. It will die a natural death . In the ... Show more content on ... In Lincoln s speech at Cincinnati, Ohio in 1859, he says, I think slavery is wrong, morally, and politically. I desire that it should be no further spread in these United States, and I should not object if it should gradually terminate in the whole Union. In this quote, Lincoln is saying that slavery is wrong on all levels and it should no longer be in the United States. He would not say no if slavery started to go away gradually. In addition to this, In a Speech at Chicago, Illinois in 1859, Lincoln says, But I say that the spread and strengthening and perpetuation of it is an entirely different proposition. There we should in every way resist it as a wrong, treating it as a wrong, with the fixed idea that it must and will come to an end. In this quote, Lincoln talks about how slavery is strengthening and is showing that it could last an indefinite amount of time if no one trys to put a stop to it. And because of that, everyone should resist it entirely until it comes to an end. In another speech, the House Divided Speech , Abraham Lincoln says, A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved I do not expect the house to fall but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one
  • 47. Description And Scope Of The Problem Section I: Description and Scope of the Problem Universally, across international acute care organizations with a vested interest in healthcare safety, there is recognition that clinical alarm systems pose a hazard to patient safety (TJC, 2014; Lukasewicz Anderson, 2015). The Joint Commission (TJC) issued a Sentinel Event Alert in 2013 on device alarmsafetywhich subsequently led to the creation of the National Patient Safety Goal 06.01.01 (TJC, 2014). The alert and goal was published with an aim at acute care hospitals because of reported adverse and sentinel patient events and data that related to the nature of these events, indicating there is significant risk related to clinical alarm systems. The NPSG 06.01.01 is a requirement ... Show more content on ... Lukasewicz Anderson (2015) state there is literature that supports major themes which have been linked to clinical alarm events as studied by various patient safety organizations, some of which include: The Joint Commission, ECRI Institute, and The Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, all of which noted the problem to be complex. According to TJC (2014), the purpose of clinical alarm systems is to give a warning to caregivers that a problem exists. If the alarm warning is not provided, not perceived or is mismanaged, the consequence can lead to an adverse and/or sentinel event. There is a plethora of contributing factors for alarm mismanagement, making the problem complex to understand and solve. Alarm failure can result from decreased detectability, excessive alarms, desensitization causing missed or ignored alarms, default and alarm parameter settings that are not appropriate for the clinical context and device design flaws (TJC, 2014; Lukasewicz Anderson, 2015; XXX). In order to address the multitude of clinical alarm hazards, many organizations recognize that nurses are most directly impacted by clinical alarms, which include expectations for responses to alarms, attitude and behavior in response to alarms, administrative support, all of which have been studied extensively by various organizations involved in patient safety and by medical researchers throughout the world (XXXX). As a result of this
  • 48. Silver In The 18th Century Dbq Silver in the 16th century and early 18th century was a product that was widely used and traded across the world both as a currency and a feature in households and stores. The trade of silver included large scale social and economic effects that spread around the world, impacting large centralized governments such as the chinese, to smaller, less organized areas in the americas. Silverallowed the early modern age to flourish, and grow economically, socially, and in global trade. Silver had a profound effect on the global economy, for example, silver backed nearly all of Chinas economy back in the day and silver quickly became the core of China s economic life. This is shown in documents 2,3,4,6, and 8 For example, in document 2, a Spanish... Show more content on ... For example, silver began to be an important part of everyday dealings. Jobs were focused towards silver production, foods and goods could be bought with silver coins, etc. This is mainly shown in documents 1,5, and 7. For example on document 1 it shows the social effects of the usage of silver in this time period. However I believe that the point of view in this passage is slightly swayed by the fact that the author is a county official who is most likely wealthy and he may simply be referring to his own greed. In document 5 it shows how silver was eventually used as a currency and people were no longer able to keep tabs as they had to pay with silver up front. I believe the purpose of this document is important due to the growing use of silver and how it was affecting the cities that began to use it. In document 7 silver can clearly be seen affecting social lives through the increased demand for foreign products. With a higher demand for these products there is a much higher demand for the silver to purchase the goods. I believe the purpose of this document is important because it shows the relationship between the different countries in terms of trade for
  • 49. Case Study Of Tata Docomo Tata DoCoMo launched its operations on June 24th, 2009 in Chennai, its unique selling proposition was the one paisa per second billing plan for telephone calls. Anil Sardana who was the then managing director at TTL, made the first call under the new tariff system that day to telecom minister Adimuthu Raja. Ratan Tata, Tata Group s chairman at that time, said at the launch that the per second tariff plan will create a paradigm shift for the phone users. Sandhu studied various markets and similar tariff schemes before launching per second plan. One such scheme was by the Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Co., which operated under the Du brand in Middle East. But this had not achieved much success due to lack of adequate marketing support system. The company launched TV and print advertisements with catchy taglines such as Second is the new minute . Within five months of the launch Tata DoCoMoattracted 10 million customers. Three fourths of them came from other operators. Soon, all operators including market leaders Bharti Airtel, Vodafone and Idea Cellular launched per second plans and a major tariff war erupted in the telecom industry that had far reaching effects. Here Tata Docomo was at an expanding stage. The offers it provided gave them good feedbacks and it flourished in the market. From about 500 million subscribers in 2009, the ... Show more content on ... Turn around strategy came into effect.A turn around strategy is the financial recovery of a company that has been performing poorly for an extended time. To effect a turnaround, a company must acknowledge and identify its problems, consider changes in management, and develop and implement a problem solving strategy. Tata Docomo was performing poorly as compared to other telecom service companies. So hence, they decided to identify where they are lacing. What is that element which led to a huge downfall of their company, reason why they are performing poorly in comparison to other
  • 50. Perseverance In The Alchemist One is to typically ask themselves what they want in life. But does that one thing you want coincide with your personal legend? The novel that is being referred to in this essay is called The Alchemist, written by Paulo Coelho. The two topics that will be used is one s personal legend and perseverance. Despite all the obstacles given to can only achieve their personal legend with a great amount of perseverance because once their personal legend is achieved they receive a rewarding satisfaction of what they were born into this world to do. Everyone in this world a given a different personal legend. When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream. (pg.114; Paulo
  • 51. Warren Buffet Essay Warren Buffett Warren Edward Buffett is known for being a famous American investor. He was born in Omaha, Nebraska on August 30, 1930. Warren was born to Leila and Howard Buffett. His father, Howard, was a stockbroker and also became a member of congress. Warren showed early signs of being entrepreneurial through being involved in various business dealings as a child. He also made his first investment in the stock market when he was just 11 years old. In his teen years he began studying at the Wharton school of finance at University of Pennsylvania. He then went on to Columbia University to receive his master s degree. While going to school there he met an influential value investor Benjamin Graham. Buffett was influenced... Show more content on ... Before the end of the year the company became worth over 300,000 dollars. By this time in his life he had three children, a beautiful wife, and a new house. The next few years of the partner ship earned around 251.0%. By 1962 the partnership had a capital of 7.2 million. This partnership continued to grow over the new decade. Ten years after founding the Buffett Associates the assets were up more than 1,156%. Warren s personal stake was worth a cool 7 million. In may 1969 he liquidated the partnership informing his partners that he was unable to find bargains in the current market. Buffett s intentions were to keep his 29% of the company, but his intentions weren t revealed. On May 10, 1965, after accumulating 49% of the common stock, Warren named himself Director. Terrible management had run the company nearly into the ground. After this the company continued doing well and Buffett appointed someone else to head the company. In the coming years Buffett s value rose immensely. In the late sixties and early seventies Warren invested in several companies which paid off. A company by the name of See s candy became a great investment. He bought the company for 25 million. The chocolate company came to be known as the best investment he ever made. Benjamin Graham died in the early seventies leaving Buffett with millions. Later on in the year Susan
  • 52. My Favorite Career Hello my name is Haiden and today i will be telling you about my favorite career. My favorite career is the auto mechanic. The auto mechanic works on cars correct . Well to me i love cars. Cars are just awesome machines. Cars can get us from point A to point B. Unless you break down. That s where i come in. If you break down or get stuck i can come and help you get out of that pickle. Shure auto mechanics do more than just fix cars we also modify cars for example. From what i just told you is sounds pretty fun but there are also the times where all you get to do for a day is sit in a workshop and just inspect cars, But when you get someone who hates doing it themselves the you can have some fun installing parts and other stuff like a turbo or two. That is why i like the mechanic career. What would i be doing in this career you might ask well like i said in the last paragraph. If you break down or get stuck i can come and help you get out of that pickle. Shure auto mechanics do more than just fix cars we also modify cars for example. From what i just told you is sounds pretty fun but there are also the times where all you get to do for a day is sit in a workshop and just inspect cars, But when you get someone who hates doing it themselves the you can have some fun installing parts and other stuff like a turbo or two. That is what we do in the mechanic bizz. The education needed for this career examples. Some high schools offer adequate training programs. though most
  • 53. How Roman Art Became Christian Art When Christianity was introduced as a successor to Judaism, Roman Empire s official religion was still Paganism. As a result Christianity was a mystery religion in Roman Empire before it became an official Religion. In this period we do not see any churches, and people used to gather in a secret place in order to pray. These places were like ordinary homes, but they changed inside, so it could be used for religion purposes. A really good example of it is Dura Europos house church. It has a simple architecture, as we can see they even broke the wall inside the house to make it bigger as to serve gatherings. After Constantine declared Christianityas an official religion, everything changed. In this essay I aim to discuss how Roman art became Christian Art. In other words, I will explain how Romans used their art and style as a formula to create art based on Christianity principals. This essay starts with the use of Roman architecture to practice Christianity. Then I will write about how the image of the Roman emperors became the inspiration for the image of the Jesus. Finally I will discuss the way Romans used the same iconography and narrative they already had as a formula to image the bible. As we know, Romans were so religious, and they paid homage to their gods with building gigantic temples and statues, which now we may know many of them as wonders of the ancient world. Constantine was going to build churches in his empire as a place to practice Christianity; they
  • 54. Descent Of Amida And Twenty Analysis Two different artists share the same canvas. As trade increases between many countries, the flow of ideas becomes inevitable to limit. Therefore beliefs and values intertwine from the Europe and Asia continent. If we focus on the central figures of each painting, we are given two examples of the interweaving of ideas in art, specifically in religion; Welcoming Descent of Amida and Twenty five Bodhisattvas (ca. 1336) and Diptych with Crucifixion and Madonna and Child Enthroned (ca. 1315). Each work was created thousands of miles in distance, with separate beliefs, and within the century; however, these two works are parallel in structure. Welcoming Descent of Amida and Twenty five Bodhisattvas, a Buddhist handscroll, and Diptych with ... Show more content on ... Segna di Bonaventura stresses the ropes by the use of texture we see the angels are holding their garments showing a certain weight they bear. Also, the ropes of the Virgin Mary can be seen tugging at her legs, again, the use of texture within her ropes to show the silk in the cloth in a two dimensional realm. The similarities and the differences in both of these works are things that could be discussed by many different people for numerous hours. Hopefully the examples put forth are sufficient in proving how these similar works are obviously created by different artists who lived in diverse countries with similar ideologies; to obtain eternal bless for ones self. Thus, the artists perceived this bless in their work with the use of iconography, hierarchical scale, and the icons being use; Jesus, halos, mandalas, and mudra. Also, there are differences with both works such as, spacing and the use of texture. We can speculate that the worship of idols in both works can be derived from the romans, in which they idolized their gods with sculptures and figurines. Therefore, the world however grant, can still be seen as a small place. As both these