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Compare And Contrast Essays
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Compare and Contrast Essays" presents its own set of
challenges. Firstly, delving into the intricacies of this genre demands a deep understanding of the
subjects being compared. Researching and gathering relevant information to draw meaningful
parallels and distinctions requires time and effort.
Structuring such an essay poses another hurdle. Balancing the comparison and contrast elements
to ensure a coherent and logical flow is essential, yet it can be complex. Organizing ideas,
selecting a suitable structure, and maintaining a clear thesis throughout the essay can be a
demanding task for any writer.
Moreover, conveying insights effectively demands a refined skill in articulation. Crafting a
compelling introduction that captures the reader's attention and a conclusion that leaves a lasting
impression requires finesse. Ensuring that the essay remains focused on the chosen aspects of
comparison without becoming too convoluted is a persistent challenge.
Editing and revising play a crucial role in the essay-writing process. Reviewing the content for
clarity, coherence, and adherence to the chosen format demands a keen eye. Striking the right
balance between providing sufficient detail for understanding and avoiding unnecessary
information is a tightrope walk that requires careful consideration.
In conclusion, composing an essay on the theme of "Compare and Contrast Essays" is no small
feat. It necessitates a blend of research skills, organizational prowess, and linguistic finesse.
However, for those seeking assistance, various resources are available. Whether it be additional
guidance, examples, or even outsourcing the task, there are avenues to explore. Similar essays
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Compare And Contrast Essays Compare And Contrast Essays
Characteristics Of Slave Narratives
Slave Narratives were written by the slaves themselves or narrated by them and
written by a friend or a relative and some were even passed on orally. These
narratives depicted the difficult lives of the hardworking slaves; description of cruel
masters, whippings, difficulties encountered in learning to read and write, slave
auctions and their successful attempts to escape as well as foiled escape attempts.
One of the defining characteristics of the slave narrativeis the testimonial or letter of
authenticity generally written by a white editor or abolitionist friend of the narrator. In
order to be published, black authors had to be endorsed by whites who could testify to
their credibility and the authenticity of their stories. One of the defining... Show more
content on ...
Often slaves who attempted a secret education were penalised and this led to either
disfigurement or even death. Certain slave writers focused on the quest for literacy
which these slaves believed were in a way often linked with their personal quest
for freedom. Slaves who managed to learn to read and write were the ones who
were most likely to escape, because they could use their hard earned knowledge to
forge their own passes after having read about the successful escapes made by the
other similar slaves from the other plantations. Like the Negro spirituals religious
songs sung by the Negroes the slave narratives have had a profound impact on the
contemporary American literature scenario. And like the lively negro spirituals
which often contained secret codes and messages that were decipherable only by the
enslaved blacks the slave narratives were considered dangerous and subversive by
many of the slaveholders and these plantation owners feared that these narratives
might lead to slave revolts and
The Dazzling Life Of Josephine Baker Summary
Be Dazzled by the Life of Josephine Baker Children s picture books play a critical
role in teaching on the subjects of persons and events from the past. The biography
genre specifically provides a venue in which to bring important figures from the past
alive with relevance to young readers providing endless teaching opportunities in the
instructional setting. The attention grabbing visual formats of children s picture
books provide an unparalleled source of information and understanding. In the
Coretta Scott King Book Award honoree, Josephine: The Dazzling Life of Josephine
Baker written by Patricia Hruby Powell with illustrations by Christian Robinson,
readers are intimately drawn into the vibrant and spirited world of famed performer
and... Show more content on ...
The story captures the turbulent trials that she faced as she sang her way from the
segregated streets of a shantytown in East St. Louis to the glittering stages of Paris
all the way to Carnegie Hall. Reading and experiencing books within the biography
genre provides the learner with an authentic glimpse inside history and encourages
them to understand historical events from the perspective of the people who lived
it. Paired with the relationship to and relevance of past events to current events, this
provides the opportunity to address the segregation of the past relative to the issues
of racial bias and racism today that are distinguishable to even the young reader as a
part of our society and culture. Children s books provide an avenue for students to
learn about their own cultural heritage and the cultures of other people. It is crucial
for young learners to learn and understand these values in the early learning process
to ensure that they develop positive attitudes toward their own culture and the
cultures of others to
Forecasting and Demand Planning
Integrated Planning Module 2
Forecasting, Factors influencing Demand Basic Demand Patterns Basic Principles of
Forecasting Principles of Data Collection Basic Forecasting Techniques, Seasonality
Sources Types of Forecasting Errors
Forecasting can be conducted at various levels
Strategic Required for Product life cycle Long term capacity planning Capital asset
/equipment/ human resource management Examples Product line transitions Annual
volume out 3 5 years Buy/build/lease decisions
Budgeting Financial reporting Working capital management Production scheduling
Purchasing Resource planning Customer service management (product allocations)
Total ... Show more content on ...
Characteristics of demand
Factors influencing demand
General business and economic conditions Competitive factors Market trends
Firm‟s own plans Government regulations Technology changes Others...
Characteristics of demand
The History Of Tejano Music
This album was among the top ten best selling debuts for a musician, the fastest
selling U.S. album, and best selling debut by a female act of 1995. Since that time
it has been ranked among the most important and best recordings produced during
the Rock and roll era. Media outlets have ranked the recording one of the best
posthumous releases. Tejano music entered the mainstream market when Dreaming
of You peaked at number one. Music critics stated that the U.S. general population
would not have known about Tejano music if it had not been for Selena s Dreaming
of You. The album has sold five million copies worldwide as of January 2015, and
remains the best selling Latin album of all time in the United States. In 1989, A.B.
Quintanilla, Selena s
Trade in the Iron Age Essay
Distinguishing between the many diverse archaeological periods is typically done
in two ways. The first way to differentiate between two periods is to notice if there
is a clear boundary or separation among the archaeological remains. The second way
is by looking at the periods from a historical standpoint, and noting any major
historical event that led to a significant social and/or political change. Though there
are other ways to do this, these are the two most common and useful methods. Both of
these techniques make it possible to recognize the differences in archaeological time
In Palestine, the transition from the Late Bronze to the Iron I period is marked by a
noticeable widespread destruction of the Canaanite city states ... Show more content
on ...
The Iron Age was heavily influenced by the cultures of Egypt, which was seen
through the pottery and building styles found during that time. Egyptian culture and
Canaanite culture played a large role in the creation of pottery and architecture, as
well as the formation of cities, during the Iron Age and beyond.
The area now known as the Levant is a region consisting of Canaan, Transjordan, and
Syria Lebanon. International routes connecting Mesopotamia, Egypt, Asia Minor,
and the Aegean ran straight through this area. As a result of the ideal geographic
location, the Levant served as a crossroads for trade and exchange throughout a
great deal of antiquity. This area was repeatedly under the control of hostile
dictators, and it played host to foreign merchants as well as giving birth to native
traders who journeyed to far flung destination and returned with exotic goods (Cline
360). Although international exchanges of everyday and exotic materials had been
going on for hundreds of years before the reign of King Solomon, the most well
known period of trade and exchange is the period during the time of his reign. These
international exchanges continued for more than a millennium after his reign as well
(Cline 360).
Really significant international relations between the Levant and the outside world
began in the second millennium BCE. Some epigraphic and textual documentation
exists that complements the material goods and evidence from this period.
Dolmens Research Paper
In the Caucasus region, situated on both sides of the Caucasus Mountains, lie
thousands of lesser known paleolithic stone structures. Defined as Dolmens, they are
dated to range in age from 10,000 to 25,000 years old and were built using two or
more megaliths to support a large, horizontal capstone. No two Dolmens are alike,
since these structures were constructed in harmony with the surrounding
environment. Researches agree with the most probable theory about what purpose the
Dolmens might have served. The probable theory being they were used as shelters
and homes. The Dolmens are found in high concentrations on both the north and
south side of the Caucasus Mountains. The highest concentration of Dolmens are
built on the... Show more content on ...
The Plate Dolmens are essentially stone boxes. Constructed of 5 large sheets of
stone, they have 4 walls and 1 roof. The Plate construction is believed to be used by
92% of Dolmens. The Compound Dolmens are improvised Plate Dolmens; they are
constructed using smaller chunks or sheets of stone to form a lower quality
Dolmen. Trough shaped Dolmens were made by hollowing out an existing rock,
then covering it with a removable stone. The Monolithic Dolmens are made to
simulate the Plate Dolmens; they are also made from hollowing out a rock, but
they were carved to look almost exactly like a Plate Dolmen. The one element that
stays constant no matter the construction style are the porthole openings. Each
Dolmen has a circular opening either drilled or chipped out of the south facing
megalith. Found in almost every Dolmen were single stone spheres roughly the
same size as the porthole which were most likely used to plug the opening.
Researches suggest that the Dolmens were used as houses or shelters. Being built
in close proximity from each other and near a large body of water gives strong
evidence that the Dolmens were 3 used as shelters to form a town or a small tribes.
Further evidence found was inside the
The Pros And Cons Of Lead And Acid Battery
The lead/acid battery has been in common use in automobiles since 1915 or so. It
has plates of lead in sulphuric acid solution in water. One of the sets of lead plates is
coated with lead dioxide. As such a battery discharges it creates two chemical
reactions, one at the anode that ends up with an excess of electrons, and one at the
cathode that ends up short electrons.
Fuel combustion is the process of where fuel is burnt that releases heat and light
which is an exothermic reaction meaning it releases heat. The fuel is a hydrocarbon,
which reacts with oxygen to release energy however a small amount of heat energy
is needed to start fuel combustion. The products to the reaction are carbon dioxide
and water.
The car battery starts its engine it also gives power needed for stabilization as well as
... Show more content on ...
The positive side to fuel combustion is that complete combustion (taking place
where there is enough air) releases carbon dioxide instead of carbon monoxide
(which is harmful) is produced. As it may seem as a positive aspect it still can be
negative too much can cause environmental issues such as global warming. Also
carbon monoxide produced in incomplete combustion can cause smog and acid rain
which has a negative effect to the environment.
As for car batteries the energy density is twice of standard nickel cadmium. This
means battery pack design are only one cell whereas if it was nickel based it may
require 3 cells, which is more efficient. However the Lithium ion in car batteries is
flammable and producing the batteries require toxic materials such as nickel and
copper, which can cause cancer to respiratory problems. Not only it can be a health
problem but has an effect on the environment as well. The production of batteries
cause resource depletion and speed up global warming due to the dangerous gases it
releases when
Varsity Player Comparison
Our study, The Comparison between the Holistic Development of Engineering
Varsity Players and Engineering Non Varsity Players of Silliman University, aims to
compare the said varsity and non varsity students in terms of their mental health,
time management, physical health and social health and aims to conclude that the
varsity players are holistically well developed than the latter. Our conclusion is
proved by the following facts gathered by interviewing two credible people and
giving questionnaires to 617 respondents (60% of the total population=1029)
wherein we only received 603 answered survey questionnaires for the non varsity
players and a complete set of 23 questionnaires (60% of the total population=39) from
the varsity players, both... Show more content on ...
The survey proved that varsity players are better in coping up for upcoming tests
because they are able to maximize their time for studying. They are also able to
balance their leisure time outside the training walls. LHSAA s news (2011) said,
Being a varsity player opens doors and preparation for life because participating in
a college sport prepares you for life after graduation and can often open doors
enabling you participate in the professional world. The social networks that are
developed through athletics and the team building skills learned while playing a
college sport can give college athletes a head start in the business world. Having
been a good leader or a good team player in college prepares you for a professional
setting and makes for an attractive potential employee, not to mention the time
management skills learned as well. It is noted that increasingly, the business world
is focusing on creating a team environment in the workplace where people work
together effectively toward a common goal and a college athlete, who has practiced
this skill for years, could potentially be an ideal candidate. Overall, there is an
overwhelming amount of positive impact that the experience of being a college
athlete rewards. The life lessons, level of responsibility, skills learned, and
connections made are proof that you are
Bride And Prejudice Essay
Pride and Prejudice film plot is based on Jane Austen s novel about a humorous story
of love and life among English gentility during the Georgian era. Mr Bennet is an
English gentleman who live in Hartfordshire with his overbearing wife and 5
daughters; the eldest and beautiful Jane, the clever Elizabeth, the bookish Mary, the
immature Kitty and the youngest and wild Lydia. Unfortunately for the Bennets, if
Mr Bennet dies their house will be inherited by a distant cousin whom they have
never met, so the family s future happiness and security is dependent on the daughters
making good marriages. Life is uneventful until the arrival in the neighbourhood of
the rich gentleman Mr Bingley, who rents a large house so he can spend the summer
in the... Show more content on ...
This negative side of globalization may contribute to fuel social and cultural fears
and prejudices that prevent multicultural tolerance and hinder the freedom to choose
one s identity. Following Bollywood and Hollywood conventions of romantic
comedies and musical romances, the film offers an escapist fantasy in which love
triumphs and manages to do away with all kinds of prejudices. In the final wedding
scene, all the characters are reconciled in the double and interracial wedding. The
scene presenting Indian elephants with a Just Married sign comically provides the
conclusion of love in a multicultural context in which identities are plural and any
individual should be free to make his own choices and scale of priorities. As Amartya
Dionysus In Greek Mythology
Dionysus was the Greek god of wine, theater, fertility and ritual madness, and was
worshipped for centuries, but how he was depicted varied greatly throughout time.
The Dionysus Cup, (fig. 2) a black figure painted clay pot, was created by the
Athenian artist Exekias between 540 and 530 BCE, at the end of the Archaic
period. The Free standing Dionysos with a panther, (fig. 1) a marble statuette, was
sculpted by an unknown artist between 150 BCE and 100 CE, at the end of the
Hellenistic period, or up to the height of Roman dominance in the Mediterranean.
These two images of Dionysusare dramatically different in their composition and
content. The differences between these objects reflect the shifting role of Dionysus in
Greek mythology... Show more content on ...
This reflected the not only Dionysus s gift of wine, but the ritual structure that came
to surround its consumption as well. The statuette instead places the focus on the
sensual nature of the god, by depicting him as an androgynous youth cut in soft
marble. This shift reflected not only the material limitations of the mediums, but the
shift in Dionysus s role in Greek mythology as
Prison Camps
Shin and his mom live in one of the best parts of the camp. There is forty one story
buildings. One building holds four families. They only have one kitchen that all
the families have to share. There are no beds, chairs, tables, or running water. They
only have cabbage soup and corn porridge for the prisoners to eat. Shin eats the
food that his mother brings home. Whenever he eats the food that she brings home
he is beaten. Shin s mother was forced to marry his father and have a child. Sex is
not allowed unless the guards approve of it. The guards encourage Shin to snitch
on his peers. Shin catches rats, frogs, and bugs to feed himself. Shin learned how to
find wild berries. During school at Camp 14, Shin s teacher searches through the
students pockets. The teacher finds five kernels of corn in a girls pocket, so he
screams at the girl, then takes her outside and beats her in the head until she dies....
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Suddenly, the children of Camp 14 s guards begin throwing rocks at the prison
children. The only people allowed to work as guards in prison camps are the
relatives of government workers and other core elites. guards were allowed to rape
the prisoners, many of whom consented to sex because they thought it led to a
better life. An claimed that many guards beat prisoners simply because they were
bored. Shin is blindfolded and handcuffed, and then driven out of the camp. When
his blindfold is removed, Shin is sitting in the underground camp prison. He insisted
that he would never forgive himself for his role in his mother s death, but that he
wanted to talk about how the camp had warped his character. Shin s teacher tells
him that as a reward for good behavior, he can go eat dinner with his mother. Guards
arrive at school looking for Shin, blindfold and arrest him, and drive him
Metaphors In The Grasshopper
The Hangman (upon his Death bed) concerning his beheading his late Majesty,
Charles the first, King of Great Britain; and his Protestation and Vow touching the
same; the manner how he was terrified in Conscience (Brandon 1649). Literature such
as this introduction to the confessional of King Charles executioner, John Miltons
Lycidas, and Richard Lovelace s The Grasshopper prove that where there is social
unrest, there will be writing that responds to it, and mid seventeenth century England
had a lot of chaos to consider. War disagreements and corruption within England s
church were key occasions that censored and shaped the work of Milton and
Lovelace. Milton s repeated use of symbols, metaphors, and indirect allusions to the
clergy in his poem speaks volumes about the political control and religious tensions in
England. Lovelace s royalist themes, and careful juxtaposition of words and allusions
in his poem convey the leisure and political opposition of the Cavalier men to the
Puritans. The context and literary devices in both contribute to making them
skillfully crafted cultural references indicative of the rising tensions during which
they were composed.
In Lycidas, John Milton pays careful attention to detail while he commemorates the
death of Edward King, his old classmate, and discusses themes of pastoral life in his
pastoral elegy. He begins with a bitter tone in the first four lines:
Yet once more, O ye laurels, and once more
Ye myrtles brown, with ivy
Comparing Androidism And Hypothyroidism
Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism are in simple terms the exact opposite of each
other. Hyperthyroidism is the over activity of the thyroid gland, and Hypothyroidism
is the unusually low activity of the thyroid gland. Each of these conditions resulting
and affecting the thyroid gland in a different way. I found a few differences with my
research but I m here going to present the few that stood out to me the most.
One of the biggest defining factors was the hormone output differences.
Hypothyroidism does not produce enough hormones. Whereas Hyperthyroidism
produces too much hormones. This is very important because hormones secreted by
the thyroid gland help maintain the brain, heart, muscles, and other organs, and help
the body to use energy
United States Smart Power Essay
The United States Smart Power: Is It Effective?
The United States Smart Power: Is It Effective?
Power is a sophisticated issue in international relations. It is defined as the capacity or
ability to direct or influence the behaviour of others or the course of events
(oxforddictionary, n.d.). Traditionally, there used to two powers exists in
international relations. First is the hard power, usually it is associated with the realist
paradigm as its main focus are authority, force, violence and anarchic system which
resulted war. Second is the soft power, which is completely different with hard
power. In soft power, its focus are located on the exercise power without the use of
violence and ... Show more content on ...
This exertion additionally brought a yearning to turn progressively towards America
s partners with Europe at the cutting edge who are to have an impact in its new smart
power strategies, both inside Europe and in
Unity In Divergent
Tris was forced to live in a dystopian society without knowing it. She grew up in
Abnegation, (one of the five factions). Tris thought that all there was in life was
being selfless, but there is more. Tris was tested to see what faction suits her. She
had no idea what she would be. Little did she know that she was Divergent. Tris
was a mix of three contrasting factions. Being Divergent is more divers than
everyone else it can be dangerous but can it also be helpful? When some people read
Divergent they think that it is about bravery or being selfless. I think it s about
something different. In Divergent Veronica Roth displays that the book is not just
about bravery. It s about being different and how being different can help you fit in.
Early in the story Tris was supposed to be selfless because her current faction was
based on selflessness. She never really felt that she was selfless. For example Tris
was miserable unlike the average Abnegation on page 2 Tris explains that, other
factions celebrate birthdays, we don t that would be self indulgent . Tris ... Show more
content on ...
Tris is more contradistinctive than everyone else Being distant can help you. Tris
was distinct because she tried harder and she had multiple traits. In my life I notice
that people have contrasting traits. They break into contracting groups , then there
are some that wander and do different things than just one specific subject. People
who do this are distinct they do multiple things and that is what makes them happy.
Tris dose multiple thing she is interested in being more than just being brave. She
wonders and that is what makes her happy. If you are one of those people who feel
that you are only part of one group you might benefit from reading this because
being split causes chaos and being together sharing our differences in peace is the
way I prefer to
Social Media And Its Effects On Society Essay
Nations around the globe rely on all types of media to address the general population
about occurring events or incidents in the country. Countries such as America and
China are well known for their excessive use of the media to cover important and
none important events around the nation. The general public is affected by the media
s control in many forms, which can include media marketing of consumerism and
social media. The Truman Showalludes the society in which compliance is forced,
due to the media s overwhelming control over the general public; and argues that
there is no actual media control can be broken free from, because it is a person s
choice to seek their own path to freedom. This theme is illustrated through the
symbolism of the characters of Christof, Truman s Wife Meryl, and Truman. The
claim is supported by the articles that include, 13 ways of looking at The Truman
Show by Yacowar , Mapping the culture of control by Wise J. Macgregor, and The
Staging of real life by Kilborn . The central argument that, We accept the reality of
the world with which we are presented (Wise), is supported in Mapping the culture
of control by Wise because the general public want what everyone wants due to their
need of fitting in with the so called social norm.
Christof s purpose is that of a symbolic character in which he supports the media s
control over the general public. In many parts throughout the film Christof displays
himself as overpowering and condescending
The Controversy Of Censorship
What would life be like without censorship? Though there might be upsides to it,
such as more freedom of speech, it could also cause some problems. Not only would
we be exposing children to many horrors of the world, we also would be doing
nothing to prevent offensive and oppressive content in the media. Therefore, some
censorshipis necessary for all people; however, in most cases, we should be allowed
access to most information in society.
Censorship is oft used to mute freedom of speech and self expression, which are
human rights. We need them to express individuality, to differentiate ourselves from
each other. There was a teenaged boy who came out as gay, and when he told his
story, it was censored from his school newspaper.... Show more content on ...
However, when it is abused to inflict distress upon other people, then censorship
becomes a priority. This is especially evident in the media and the Internet;
offensive and oppressive content is almost impossible to avoid. Some people
believe seeing racism or sexism, or etcetera in TV shows, or movies, or even video
games, won t hurt anyone as long as you can recognise it isn t real and shouldn t be
practiced in real life. Although this isn t quite true things that promote or even just
include oppressive content always add to oppression in society. Because it s so
normal to see in the media, it becomes something that s seen as socially acceptable
and okay. And again, especially with children; they re so impressionable, they grow
up with these sexist or violent or racist video games and movies; they become
accustomed to this sort of oppressive behaviour found in the media. Even if we say
we don t agree with it, because of how offensive it can be, continuing to support said
shows and movies only supports whatever content they hold. And that isn t okay:
oppression such as this contributes to inequality in society. Therefore, such offensive
content should be censored from the media, and our freedom of speech online should
be limited to our opinions and self expression, not spreading hatred and unrest
through bullying.
Whether something should be censored or not depends entirely on what is being
Forensic Pathologists And Autopsies
The Importance of Forensic Pathologists and Autopsies Death becomes a part of
every single person s life at some point in time, whether it is in the form of a close
relative, parent, spouse, or even one s own death. While it is not the most pleasant
subject, death is something that needs to be addressed to prepare those who will
have to manage it when the time comes. Depending on the situation at hand, certain
circumstances of demise may not be completely understood, and in these cases,
autopsies can provide families with closure by giving them answers needed to clarify
any questions that may have come along with the loss of their loved one ( American
Autopsy Services , np). With new advances in technology and new medical diagnostic
systems,... Show more content on ...
Having an answer regarding a loved one s death in cases of uncertainty is
psychologically beneficial to the family members, especially if they are concerned
that the death had occurred because of something they did. If there were any
genetic disorders that led to the death, those can be clarified and relayed to the
family as well. Clinicians and hospitals benefit from autopsies because they provide
reassurance of the diagnoses, treatments and the appropriateness of the medical care
received. Society experiences the benefits of autopsies through the evaluation of
diagnostic tests, drugs, and diagnostic techniques along with advanced medical
knowledge of new diseases as well as environmental, occupational, and existing
diseases. Mortality statistics are only able to be verified from autopsy data because
so often statistics are inaccurate with the lack of an autopsy (Stöppler,
Music Video Evaluation Essay
Music video evaluation
This is a group project which was to create any type of music video for a client.
First we had to contact a band, Byron contacted someone he knew which in the end
didn t go through so after a few weeks we was back to square one. We then started
contacting other bands and artist which we should have really done at the start of
the project. We did get a group willing to make a music video with us. However this
process took much longer than it should of.
After contacting the band we arranged a meeting to discuss ideas for the m7usic
video, what kind they would like and what song they would like to feature in the
video. This meeting was very productive loads o0f ideas were passed through which
then made the project to come along a bit more, we then arranged some dates to film,
this was rather difficult as we all had busy schedules however we got a couple of
dates that was suitable for all of us. The only thing that could of improved this
meeting ... Show more content on ...
I also learnt when working in a group you cannot rely on other people, and it is best
if you all have a copy of the footage so if someone is away you can still carry on and
work. In addition, i found that communication with in your group and with the client
is essential, as we lacked a lot of this and it did affect us. I also learnt a lot of editing
skills along the was such a adjusting the contrast and brightness which were new to
me. I also learnt about synchronizing all the audio up, which was quite difficult at
some points, as we did not always have the lips to synchronize it up to. The video
turned out good in the end it was slightly different as planned but our clients were
pleased with the outcome and were happy to work with us. We also worked well
with our clients, which was defiantly our strong
Dominican Republic Compare And Contrast
There are two sides to every story. For the Dominican Republic, they are two very
contrasting stories. One being the serene, white beaches where a person s every
need can be waited upon. The other side is where a person s most basic needs
cannot even be met. A story where a child has to worry about if they will even eat
tonight. Now, the majority of people would avoid the latter story. Not my mom,
she dives right into the middle of it. My mom grew up in small town, Illinois with
hopes of being a veterinarian. Growing up on a farm, she always learned to work
hard to get something. That lesson is what got her to where she is now. In college,
she changed course to become a doctor. Even through all the hardships and prejudice
of women doctors, she came out on top. Now, most of what she does is give back....
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The trip has spanned from an entire month, to about ten days. She does this out of
the good of her heart, not because she has to. Part of the trip is staying in the
community with the citizens. My mom immerses herself in the culture while she
provides relief for those in need. To meet the needs of the people, she sets up clinics
and administers care for the women of the community. Even when she comes back
home she s still helping people. She works at Oneworld Community Health Center in
Omaha. This clinic provides health services for anyone who cannot afford other
health care. Teaching is another form in which she provides help for those who want
to become doctors. She guides the students through their journey and assists them
with almost anything they
Accidental Death Of An Anarchist Analysis
31 OCTOBER 2014
QUESTION Discuss Accidental Death of an Anarchist as a political satire?
ANSWER Dario Fo has written and performed in many important and immediate
political causes of his time (malik 1)In his play Accidental Death of an Anarchist
Dario Fo has used the satire purposely to reveal the true picture of the Italian
government, which is corrupted by the people who make and safeguard the law that
is the judges and the police officers.
In this play there are many incidents which show how police officers and the judges
help each other in their fallacious activity. This incident portrays how the police
officers use their authority to manipulate the people and cause corruption in the
society. ... Show more content on ...
They don`t want the people to be aware about the wrong happening around them.
These things were very well portrayed in the play. In the play when the reporter
Miss Maria Feletti comes to meet the inspector and to interview him about the
suicide the inspector was so worried. He did not want any interview to take place as
it may reveal the true picture of the case .But when the mad man says that if they
refuse the reporter, she might be upset and may write some defamatory article about
him. This made the inspector to call the reporter and give her the interview. This also
shows the guilt, the inspector had on killing the anarchist. He doesn t want the
reporter to reveal the true incident that happened, in front of the public.
The act written by Dari Fo Accidental Death of an Anarchist have brilliantly portrayed
the political satire at that time. It has shown the corruptly working government of Italy
and how they manipulate the innocent public. It had sediment the feeling of anger in
public against the Italian government in a very dramatic
The Film Fiddler On The Roof
Fiddler on the Roof is a 3 hour musical film based on Sholom Aleichem s stories. In
the opening scene, Tevye discusses the traditions of his community. He says,
Tradition. Without our tradition, our lives would be as shaky as . . . as a fiddler
on the roof. Explain what Tevye means by this statement. Tevye states without
tradition people have not balance in life. The prayer shawl that the men wear is a
reminder of their constant devotion to God. Tevye sings about keeping their routes
in life for several years and every aspect of life tells something about who they are.
What is the role of Yente in the society? Why was marriage for a young woman so
important? ) Yente s role in the village is to be the matchmaker. She was entrusted
with finding husbands for the young ladies in the village. The Jewish people inside
of Russia were in jeopardy of being eliminated, so the... Show more content on ...
God was Tevye s counsel and Tevye was leader of the family unit. Golde was
second in line under Tevye and she submitted to his choices but played the puppet
master to a certain point. Then Tzeitel wad next because the other girls could not
consider marriage until she had married. And the son in law s would be adopted in
like sons once the girls were married. What is the significance of the discussion (in
song) between Tevye and Golde regarding their love for one another? Tevye and
Golde s did not meet until the day of their wedding so there was no love but an
arrangement. Total opposite of all his girls which married for love and rejected the
tradition arranged marriages. I m not too sure if they knew what being in love was
after twenty five years together and neither Tevye nor Golde thought much of telling
each other they loved each other over the years and that it was assumed. Tevye asks
Chava if she knows what this means, marrying outside the faith? What does it mean
to Tevye for one of his daughters to marry outside the
Analysis Of The Movie Violet s
The film is based on the lives and experiences of three women who work at a large
corporate office known as Consolidated Industries. The three women are Judy
Bernly (Jane Fonda), Violet Newstead (Lily Tomlin), and Doralee Rhodes (Dolly
Parton). The head of the corporate offices is Franklin Hart Jr. (Dabney Coleman), and
he is a chauvinistic tyrant who works everybody hard especially the women. He
believes that women are inferior to men and says so to Violet when she gets passed
over again for a promotion that she deserved. In the movie Violet is very gifted at her
job and has had a number of brilliant ideas, which Frank simply passed off as his
own. She is the supervisor of her department and is sick of being passed up by men
even... Show more content on ...
After he gets a concussion the girls think that they killed him and go to the hospital
to hide the evidence by stealing his body, which turns out to be another man s
body. When they get to work the next day and find that Frank isn t even hurt and
discuss what happened last night, they are overheard by Frank s friend Roz. When
Frank tries to use this information to force Doralee to finally sleep with him she
hog ties him with his phone cord and pulls a gun on him. Realizing that they are all
in serious trouble now they decide to hold Frank captive in his own home until
they can find enough blackmail on him to keep him quiet. While waiting for an
inventory list to prove that Frank has been stealing inventory, the three women
come up with many ideas about how to change the company for the better. So they
draft changes for the office and forge Frank s signature on the paper to make it
legitimate. After the many changes that the girls make the office is more
productive and efficient than ever before, and the employees are much happier.
The changes they make include part time work, a daycare, and allows for people to
have personal items at their desks. Three days before the invoice comes from the
corporate offices Frank escapes and is able to rectify all of the theft which he has
done without the girls knowing he was free. Frank,
Disadvantage Of Laparoscopic Surgery
Laparoscopy surgery is a minimally invasive type of surgery that is used to diagnose
and treat various forms of disorders. It is performed with the help of a remotely
controlled surgical device known as a Laparoscope.
What is Laparoscopic Surgery?
Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that uses a
laparoscope to diagnose, treat and perform various types of surgeries on many
medical disorders. Laparoscopic surgery is also known as Minimally Invasive Surgery
(MIS), keyhole surgery, band aid surgery among other names.
This technique consists of making very few and minute incisions far from the
affected area to insert a laparoscope into the body. The main part of this surgery is
the use of laparoscope which is a length of surgical grade fiber optic system that
allows a clear and ... Show more content on ...
In the Robotic minimally invasive surgical procedure the surgeon uses two master
controls to operate four robotic limbs. The surgeon operates from a distance with
the help of a video console that provides a high resolution 3 dimensional view of the
operation area inside the body. A distinct advantage of robotic laparoscopic surgery is
that it can be used to perform surgical procedures from a remote location without the
surgeon s presence in the operating room.
Gynecology Laparoscopy
Gynecology laparoscopy procedures are the new alternative to conventional
gynecology surgery. The doctor will be able to do a better diagnosis with a
laparoscope camera to determine the location and extent of the disorder. This
procedure also has miniature surgical instruments that allow the surgeon to perform
the required procedure.
Laparoscopic gynecology surgery can be used to perform delicate surgical procedures
such as ovarian cyst removal, hysterectomy, tubal ligations, etc.
Spiritual Food of the Baroque Period
The baroque period brought forth the most ornamented art of all time. The musical
field grew parallel to the fields of painting and sculpture, all three categories
experienced a dramatic increase in interest. Consequentially, the sudden flow of
finances allowed the musicians to examine, modify, and renew their standards and
methods. Baroque musicquickly developed into a very individual style. During the
nearly one hundred and fifty years that the Baroque period lasted the basic style did
not change, in fact it was simple built upon. Francis Schaeffer advises us that the arts
are ways to understand the society and politics of the past, given the distinct
correlation between the art world and musicworld we can tell that the Baroque period
was a time of peaceful renovation. The driving ideology of Baroque music was the
need to communicate.
Baroque music has many characteristics that set it apart. Early baroque music uses
extreme instrument contrast to create a dramatic emotional climax. Later musicians
developed a method of succinctly building a climax. The other noticeable difference
is the key instruments are tuned to. The quality of instruments has significantly
increased since the Baroque period, to mimic the original sound of baroque pieces
orchestras often tune their instruments down about half a key. Melody and harmony
were emphasized across the board instead of in individual genres. Another key
characteristic was the attitude of the composers, in desperation to
Crocodile Tears Book Theme
Crocodile Tears Book Report In the book Crocodile Tears by Anthony Horowitz,
the theme is looks can be deceiving, being shown by Alex Rider and Desmond
McCain. Alex Rider shows looks can be deceiving by his whole life. First, on page
16 it says, Alex Rider TOOK ONE last glance in the mirror, then stopped and
looked a second time. It was strange, but he wondered if he recognized the boy
looking back ... what did it all make him look like? He wondered as he straightened
the bow tie for the tenth time. A young James Bond. He hated the comparison, but
he couldn t avoid it (Horowitz, 16). Alex is a 15 year old English schoolboy from
England, but he doesn t recognize it. Second, on page 17 it says, Just two months
ago, he had been in Australia
Oma Else Research Paper
Oma Else was first and foremost my grandmother. That s all I ever knew of her
and, more importantly, that s all I ever cared to know growing up. At first, she was
the grandmother I would always see for Thanksgiving, along with Opa Dave. I d see
her in the summer, too. Then she became the grandmother who d come for
Christmas. She would appear for performances and graduations, too. And then she
was gone. Those are the memories I have of her. They are lovely, fond memories, but
they do not represent most of my life.
And yet, it feels like my childhood would have been so different without her. Oma
Else was the grandmother I was closest to. We visited her the most. And so to me,
Oma Else represented something different, new, and familiar. I mean, how exciting
was it to get into the Toyota Camry and drive for five hours to North Carolina?
Knowing me, I probably complained the whole way, but I also know I was excited.
Thanksgiving meant running around that wild, mysterious house. Thanksgiving
meant exploring the woods nearby. Thanksgiving meant trying to play with the fake
parrot on the back porch. Even in the summer, when my family would go to Hilton
Head in South Carolina, we d always spend the night at Oma Else s on the way. She
was the signpost indicating a vacation. She was a vacation herself. ... Show more
content on ...
My initial topic was going to be thinking about my family history (a topic I ve
never given much thought about) in relation to Oma Else. I got nowhere. My
writing was dull and uninspired and failed to be rooted in anything. I quickly
shifted to focusing on Oma Else, but again, I never reached far back into my
memories. It s like I settled on an idea of Oma Else and wrote about that, rather than
actually thinking about her and considering her as a person. I tried to write to
conform to my idea of poetry. This all changed after Spring
The Healthcare System And Samaritan Health System
Introduction Banner Health is considered one of the nations largest secular, non
profit health care organization operating 29 acute care facilities in seven western
states (Kash, 2016). It is known and recognized nationally. It unites with Lutheran
Health System and Samaritan Health System which started in 1991 with the mission
of making differences in people s lives such as rendering perfect patient care. This
exellent mission of health care earned them good standing that help the organization
to develop and manage 29 acute care facilities in seven states with the magnitude of
about 4,000 beds (BANNER HEALTH, 2016). These States of networking health care
of Banner in America are Arizona, Colorado,Wyoming,... Show more content on ...
All surplus made in this organization is used in maintaining the copany making then
up to date by purchasing the most contemporary equipment, preserving the facilities,
buying most recent technologies, get more physician services, widening current
physisian services, after all these, whatever money is left goes to the charities. The
medical screening only (MSO) of Banner Health is only meant to exclude life
frightening situation. This procedure is followed up with a discussion by financial
services that notify the patients of the copays needed by their insurance companies
before moving to a comprehensive care at the emergency departments. Banner
healthy has come up with organizational efforts of approaching health care quality
and safety, reduction of patient errors, and patients contentments while continuoesly
rolling its operating cost (Kirkman Liff, 2004). In the facilty that I work, Patients
care depents on the type of insurance they have. Some pay copay out of pocket,
some are not. The type of room a patient stays on admission depends on the type of
insurance. Strategic plan for network growth The Banner Health system is addressing
network growth by increasing the size of health care distribution places all over their
regions. They are preparing for future healthcare desired suply of the communities by
starting many critical care,
Theodore Roosevelt, President Of New York
Born in New York City on October 27, 1858, Theodore Roosevelt was governor of
New York before becoming U.S. vice president. At age 42, Teddy Roosevelt
became the youngest man to assume the U.S. presidency after President William
McKinley was assassinated in 1901. He won a second term in 1904. Known for his
anti monopoly policies and ecological conservationism, Roosevelt won the Nobel
Peace Prize for his part in ending the Russo Japanese War. He died in New York on
January 6, 1919.
Theodore Roosevelt Jr. was born on October 27, 1858, in New York City, to
Theodore Roosevelt Sr., of Dutch heritage, and Martha Mittie Bulloch, a Southern
belle rumored to have been a prototype for the Gone with the Wind character Scarlett
O Hara. His family owned a successful plate glass import business.
As a young boy, Theodore Roosevelt as he was known to his family members Teddy
, spent a lot of time inside his family s handsome brownstone, home schooled due to
his illnesses and asthma. This gave him the opportunity to nurse his passion for
animal life, but by his teens, with the encouragement of his father, whom he revered,
Theodore developed a rigorous physical routine that included weightlifting and
When his father died during his second year at Harvard College, Roosevelt
channeled his grief into working even harder: After graduating magna cum laude in
1880, he enrolled at Columbia Law School and got married to Alice Hathaway Lee of
Roosevelt didn t stay long
Taking a Look at the Pauline Epistles
The Pauline epistles are very crucial to the understanding of how a church and a
Christian should act. Throughout all the letters, different subjects have been
touched creating almost a guide of how to s . The farewell is especially important
as noted in Second Corinthians 13 explains the depth of God s love to the people
and the wrath of doubtfulness. since you are demanding proof that Christ is
speaking though me. He is not weak in dealing with you, but is powerful among
you (13:3). With corrections in the beginning of the letter, or a defense towards
Paul s teachings, shows the continuation of the struggle of Corinth, yet they were
doing better as spoken by Titus. Paul s final request towards the people of Corinth
is found in his second letter (2 Corinthians). The last chapter however is similarly a
conclusion, or overview of the letter. Although there are some differences throughout
the translations, Paul s final message/warning is evident and clear. The passage is
split up into two or three sections, depending on the translation used. Within the New
King James Version (NKJ), the breakdown is evident by how the paragraphs are
structured to set apart main ideas. Verses 1 4 are thought of as the reminder of what s
Paul s message entailed. No matter the translation Paul quotes Deuteronomy 19:15,
One witness shall not rise against a man concerning any iniquity or any sin that he
commits; by the mouth of two or three witnesses the matter shall be established
(NKJ; 2
Medieval Humanism Research Paper
The medieval era of Europe considered the ancient Greeks and Roman worlds as
pagan societies and should be considered immoral. Humanists viewed the ancient
Greek and Latin works as a lost world to rediscovered, preserved and to change the
way they produced literature and art. This challenged medieval scholars view on
history and of art. Many medieval scholars divided history into era darkness and an
era of light. The Old Testament was seen to be the age of darkness and after Christ,
the age of light. Others observed Saint Augustine s City of God as a way to show
history. Humanist rejected this observation and divided history into two. The first
was ancient history; also known as the dark ages. The second varied but they were
all recent during their time. No longer would Humanist consider the ancients as
darkness, but as a light. Humanist viewed themselves as the founders of a new era
of light after the dark ages (Rice 79). Humanist also rejected the medieval ideology in
which men were separate from God due to the lack of righteousness. Humanist
believed God created man in His own image and concentrate on the positive
attributions that men can give. They examined... Show more content on ...
Humanist educated individuals to adapt a sense of culture. They concentrated on
three areas including Latin and Greek literature, history, and ethics. Medieval
scholars would dismiss Greek and Latin literature due to those writings being treated
as dark and immortal. Humanist would read ancient ethics and philosophy to study
science and mathematics. A humanist educator called the need for liberal education
because they make men free (Rice 104 105). Humanist also studied the human body
and form; meanwhile, medieval scholars did not. Beauty and health were
emphasized as important qualities of people to Humanist. Vergerio descried the
necessity for liberal studies as worthy of a free man (King
Jawaharlal Nehru s Plan Based On Policies Of The Soviet...
2.3Nehru Plan Nehru s period was known by extended economic development
plans that organized as five year plans based on policies of the Soviet Union.
Given the colonial conditions that India had been through; these plans were
particularly admirable for them. By 1970s, regulatory policy regime of India
became gradually restrictive and inward oriented. For Nehru Period; Indian
economic framework was summarized as follows (Narang, 2012): 1.State will
provide straight financing starting with most critical industrial divisions 2.State will
enhance balanced supply and demand in the household market. 3.State will
eliminate unfair competition 4.State will secure best utilization methods of social
assets. Nonetheless, these procurements were perceived as limitative that led to
generation of handicaps on industrial improvements in order to achieve those
goals. As a case in point, under this act, a preceding authorization was mandatory
in order to; 1)Institute a novel industrial cooperative; 2)Enlarge yielding s by more
than 5 % per year; 3)Enlarge yielding s by more than 25% over a period of five
years. For this reason, state was not just entitled as a provider of assistance and
supervision for industrialization as it was manifested in Japan, South Korea and
Taiwan; but its role was protracted as an authority on all operational settlements
including technological improvements or adaptations and position and spectrum of
the operation itself (Narang, 2012). 2.4Foreign
Justinian I Essay
Justinian I Justinian had a very significant role in world history. There are many
things that are overlooked when speaking of Justinian. For instance,
Justinian was a great architect. Many times we overlook the little characteristics of
Justinian and we focus on the code of Justinian. Justinian was born a barbarian,
probably born of Slavic parents in
Illyia. We know nothing of his early years except that his uncle adopted him. His
uncle was Justin I, the emperor of Constantinople. Then in
527 A.D., Justin made Justinian a co ruler. Four monthslater, when Justin died,
Justinian became the sole emperor. This was the beginning of Justinian s famous rule,
which lasted from 527 A.D. through 565 A.D. (The Reignof Justinian). The reign of
... Show more content on ...
During this time of war Justinian had to raise the taxes in order to pay for the war,
and rebuild the burnt city as fire was set to the city in the Nika Revolt.
There were great losses due to the wars. Italy laid in ruins and residents lived in
poverty for centuries after this tragedy. Along with this, much of Rome s great
buildings could have survived if
Justinian had left the Ostrogoths in Italy. Even though
Justinian s reconquests in the west were not permanent, his destruction or weakening
of civilized Germanic tribes was. The only tribe untouched by Justinian was the
Burgundians who had too few people to exercise any real power. Easterners didn t
stop the new invaders in the west when Justinian died.
The Persians recognized the weakness, and after Justinian s death, they attacked the
Byzantine Empire. After all this, the
Eastern and Westerners wanted to restore the empire. Finally, in 632 AD, the
Byzantine s were victorious over the Persians but because both of the groups of
people were so weak, it was easy for the Muslim armies to overthrow them (The
Reign of
Justinian) Justinian felt many of the laws of
Byzantium were very confusing. many were out of date, some contradicting others,
and not in one place did a complete collection of the laws exist. To solve this
problem, Justinian assigned a commission to study the problem. Their work resulted
in the publication of the Code of Justinian.
Sumerians, Egyptians, and Chinese Contributions
Did you know that Sumerians developed the world s first form of writing? That many
of today s household objects were invented or used by the ancient Egyptians (lock and
keys, combs, scissors, wigs, makeup, deodorants, toothbrush and toothpaste)? Or that
for the last 4,000 years China has been the oldest continuous civilization on Earth?
The Sumerians, Egyptians, and Chinese created flourishing civilizations filled with
many achievements in writing, architecture, and technology that made lasting
contributions to humankind.
Sumer is referred to as the cradle of civilization because there were many important
inventions. Writing was one of Sumerians most important invention. Sumerians
developed the world s first known writing, cuneiform, ... Show more content on ...
Only a small, educated elite had the time to master this system. Despite some changes
made through the years, the fundamental principles of the Chinese system still
endures today. As a result, the legacy of the Chinese system is that people speaking
essentially different languages, such as Mandarin and Cantonese, can read and
understand the same text. The Chinese had a very unique form of architecture. A
Chinese structure is based on the principle of balance and symmetry. Office
buildings, residences, temples, and palaces all follow the principle that the main
structure is the axis. Other structures are positioned as two wings on either side to
form the main room and the yard. The distribution of interior space reflects Chinese
social and ethical values. China had a very advanced technology development. Bronze
and iron played a major role. Weapons, chariot fittings, musical instruments, and
religious ritual vessels were made from it. One of the most important contributions
China made to humankind was its writing system that united all parts of China. Other
contributions include paper making, printing, gunpowder, and the mariner s compass.
Small inventions like these have made a huge difference in our society today. Ancient
civilizations all around have contributed something to the world we live in today.
Sumer, Egypt and China have had many
Death Penalty and Life in Prison
CWV 301 Christian Worldview
Characteristics of God
Worksheet amp; Essay
For Part I of this assignment, you will look up the following passages in the Bible to
learn about certain characteristics of God and how they shape the Christian
Worldview. This is a brainstorming exercise, in which the listing of ideas is more
important than writing. Consider using a bullet list or outline to discuss elements and
sub elements. For Part II of this assignment, you will write an essay that summarizes
what you have learned in Part One.
Submit the Worksheet to the instructor by the end of Module 2.
Part I
Omniscience: The God of the Bible ... Show more content on ...
And that there are three that bear record in heaven, which is the father the son and
the Holy Spirit. Eternal life is in his son.
Psalm 145:8 9, 15 amp; 16: It tells how the Lord is gracious full of compassion. He
is a patient God, he is good to all and how he sent his commandments on things that
needed to be obeyed.
Immutability: The Bible states that God is eternal and complete in every way.
Because of this, He never changes. God is not subject to growth or improvement or
failure. He cannot become anything more or less than what He already is.
In the following passages, how is God described? What are the characteristics listed?
Malachi 3:6: It tells how God describe himself as Lord, he confess he do not change.
He is always the same God.
Numbers 23:19: It describe God as a person that do not lie, he is someone of truth.
1 Samuel 15:29: It describe Jonathan Saul s son went to David in the woods how God
The Hunger Games And Catching Fire
Many today would watch The Hunger Games and Catching Fire and think to
themselves; it is just a story, two oppressed teenagers rise to become the heroes and
star crossed lovers of their dystopian society. If you look deeper, you can see how
much more that their districts are like modern society than we would like to believe.
Before understanding how poverty in The Hunger Games and Catching Fire affects
the citizens of Panem (the country in The Hunger Games and Catching Fire) you
must first realize how the government and country of Panem works. The capital of
Panem; which is the richest of all the territories (but is not considered a district), is
powered by the labor mandated upon the populations that make up districts one
through twelve. Each year a reaping is held in order to find one boy and one girl
from the ages of twelve to eighteen from each of the districts to enter The Hunger
Games. By Panem law your name goes into the reaping once at the age of twelve,
twice at the age of thirteen, ending with seven times on your eighteenth birthday.
As for both of the movies The Hunger Games and Catching Fire along with our
American modern society, poverty is an issue that is relevant in everyday lives.
Whether walking either the long dusty, oppressive roads of Panem or the bustling
streets full of harried businesses in downtown Dallas you will find many poverty
stricken individuals, who don t need individuals to feel sorry for them, but to show a
kind loving heart and help
Essay on Chicanos
With the advancements in technology today, the process of learning has become
easier. Instead of just reading, one can look at video documentaries or web sites to
acquire information they need or want. In my Latinos in the U.S. class, we have
access to all types of information in our quest to learn about Mexican American
history. By reading Zaragosa Vargas= Problems in Mexican American History,
looking at the Chicano Park web site and viewing part one of the Chicano! video
documentary, I have encountered a variety of representations of Mexican American
history. However they are not all of the same quality for the video and web site do
not give as much information as the readings in Vargas= book or the class lectures...
Show more content on ...
is of better quality than the web site. It talks in great detail of the history that
proceeded World War II including the Chicano Civil Rights Movement, the Chicano
Youth Conference, and the Chicano Moratorium March showing footage of the actual
events. It also talks more about Mexican American history throughout the United
States. Yet, similar to the web site it does not talk about the very beginning of the
Mexican American history.
The history of Mexican Americans began with the colonization of Mexico by the
Spaniards around 1492. At this time, there were approximately eighteen million
people living in Mexico as compared to the 250,000 Spaniards that came to the
ANew World.@ This is shocking because these 250,000 Spaniards were able to
conquer and gain control of Mexico. Many believe this was done because the
Spaniards brought disease which killed off the majority of the natives and because
the Spaniards were militarily superior. Although this may be true, the Spaniards were
smart and knew they would not be able to conquer so many people by themselves.
With this being the case, they acted as friends to the natives, joined their
communities, learned about their culture, learned the language, and eventually turned
the different tribes of natives against each other. Two examples of this include:
Cortes, who recruited a native woman to be his slave, impregnated her and had the
first Mestizo (half Indian, half Spanish) or Mexican child, and Alvar Nunez
Consulting Case Interview Preparation Guide
2005 2006 Recruiting Season 2nd EditionDecember 5, 2005
2005 Michigan Consulting Club
Editor s note Introduction to cases Administering cases Receiving cases
The case list The cases
2005 Michigan Consulting Club
Editor s Note
Dear Michigan Consulting Club Member, If you are reading this, then it is likely you
are interested in pursuing a consulting career upon graduation from business school.
In order to increase your familiarity with the consulting interview format, the
Michigan Consulting Club has established a multilateral training program ... Show
more content on ...
Before discounting questions as wrong, ask the candidate for their thinking... if it
makes sense, go with it Consider what a consultant would be looking for in the
candidate Presentation: can I put this person in front of a client? Aptitude: Can this
person accurately do the work? Interest: Does this person like what they are doing?
After interview
Provide feedback This is possibly the most critical step of the case interview process
Honestly let the candidate know strengths, but more importantly areas for
improvement Without honest feedback and constructive criticism, it is very difficult
to improve
With these steps in mind, you should be able to With these steps in mind, you should
be able to conduct a concise and rewarding case interview. conduct a concise and
rewarding case interview.
2005 Michigan Consulting Club
Editor s note Introduction to cases Administering cases Receiving cases
The case list The cases
2005 Michigan Consulting Club
Receiving Cases
You will have a lot of instruction about general conduct and how to receive specific
types of cases during the Consulting Club s training program, however there are
several things to always keep in mind to maximize the value of
The Earth Has Never Stopped Revolving Ever Since It Had...
The Earth has never stopped revolving ever since it had existed. About 2.5 billion
years ago during the Proterozoic Eon to the Cenozoic era in which we live in today,
a single celled organism was able to evolve into many cells, which led to dinosaurs,
mammals, primates, and many other organisms. Not only did the animals evolved,
our ancestors did too! They had passed on their genes and traits as well as new ones
to create the humanbeing we are today. We didn t start out like this. Millions of
years ago, the human s ancestors were not bipedal because fossils have showed that
their legs were too far apart, which meant that they would be all wobbly if they had
stood and walked upright. A primate would need to have their legs closer... Show
more content on ...
Donald Johanson, a paleoanthropologist, found a 3.2 million year old fossil in Africa
Ethiopia. Lucy, an Australopithecus afarensis, was believed to be the first human like
ancestor who died at the age of three. According to Johanson, Lucy was a biped. We
know that she walked upright because the shaft of her leg is angled, which is
similar to a human s knee joints. Why did our ancestors evolve from walking on
four legs to walking on two? One theory was about the climate. Some scientists
believe that because our ancestor s homes in the trees were being destroyed due to
the climate change, our ancestors had to walk more to get to their destination. If
they didn t walk fast enough, they would become a prey. With that, our ancestors
developed the trait to walk on two legs. That theory is proven wrong, thanks to a
recent discovery of a 4.4 million year old fossil. Ardi, an Ardipithecusramidus, was a
human like ancestor before Lucy s time. According to her fossils, Ardi was bipedal
because she had feet both great for grasping and walking. Her knuckles or wrist
showed no signs of her walking on four. The upper part of her pelvis, in which the
hip bone is short and broad, is similar to a human s, but the lower part is longer than
a human s, which was more useful for climbing. According to that fact, we know that
Ardi was a biped and a tree climber. Because her
It is a beautiful September morning. The sky is blue and cloudless, although it feels
like it should rain. Hundreds of people gather in small, tight knit groups at Ground
Zero, holding tightly to the person beside them. Shoulders shake as they stand in
the place where their loved ones died; not a word is uttered. Silence. That s how
they choose to remember 2,296 souls (Plumer, 2013). Complete and utter silence.
The void that is too often filled, the thing that is too often forgotten. Today s
society has been trained to avoid silence. In a world where our senses are
constantly assaulted by sound, silence has become awkward, uncomfortable, and
sometimes, even downright terrifying. We fill our world with sound, from the
moment we wake up in the morning to the moment we fall asleep at night. The
loud, insistent beep of the alarm clock, the ringing of cell phones, the slamming of
doors, and the hum of the radio invade every sphere of our lives. By taking a step
back, and looking at the world from a different point of view, we will see that
silence is a powerful tool that transforms our lives. Our generation is no longer
taught to spend time contemplating who we are as individuals. Rather, our focused
energy is on the distractions that are so easily available to us. We look for every
possible way to run from solitude instead of turning inward and spending time alone
with our own thoughts and emotions. Though it is frequently overlooked, silence is
an influential resource available
Using Data From The British Election Study
This paper is a research project that uses data from the British Election Study. The
study has responses from 2987 participants selected at random for the survey. The
survey asks a variety of questions regarding the elections and the perceptions of
the participants. The questions include responses for voting preferences, issues
faced in the elections of 2015, inclination of the voter towards left or right, taxation
and spending views, views of respondents regarding immigration, economic status
and so forth. The response scales used are close ended with multiple choice and
Likert scale questions on a scale of one to ten being used. Due to the large amount
of data and the variety of information asked, this report will restrict itself to testing
a few hypotheses, which will be targeted towards specific areas, and which can be
proved or disproved through use of cross tabulation analysis based on data obtained
in the survey. It has been noted that the economic status of a voter tends to impact
the political leanings of the voter. It was noted in a survey carried out in the USA
that wage levels were an indicator of voter preferences where people who earned less
than $70,000 noted to lean towards the liberal, Democratic Party, while those who
earned more tended to be more conservative in leaning towards the Republican Party
(Thompson, 2012). Another study conducted in Malaysia concluded that voters
consider the economic conditions of the country before voting for a government, and
Modern Culture And Culture Of The Ancient Greek Theater
Ancient Greek Theater Greece is the protГ©gГ© of theatre and in turn stands as the
basis of Western theatrical tradition; as a large part of the broader culture of
theatricality and performance. In classical Greece included festivals, religious rituals,
politics, law, athletics and gymnastics, music, poetry, weddings, funerals, and
symposiums. In the original culture of the Greek theatre they stressed the
importance of the twelve Olympian gods, advanced technology, theatrical stage,
first actor, and rise of different genres. Due to these ideals and stresses, Greek style
theatre is still prevalent today; we are very privileged to see the growth theater had
since it first started out and to see that the old ways still persist today. Back in the
Classical period, 500 to 200 B.C., theatre served solely and mostly dealt with honoring
their Dodekatheon (twelve gods) rather than entertaining the crowd and provoking
thought for future analysis. Arguably the theatre was the most important part of the
Athenian religious and social culture where everyone who worked extremely hard
throughout the year would look forward to the month that was dedicated to one of
their most venerated gods, Dionysus. Imagine living in 400 B.C. or around there, and
celebrating life for an entire month during the summer without having any obligations
towards yourself, or anyone around you. Literally this is the pursuit of happiness in
people my age, working extremely hard, during the cold and tough
Essay On Cervical Cancer
The cells in our bodies all have certain jobs to do. Normal cells divide in an orderly
way. They die when they are damaged, and new cells take their place. Cancer is
when the cells start to growth out of control, meanly know as malignancy. The
cancer cells keep on growing and making new cells. They crowd out normal cells.
This causes problems in the part of the body where the cancer started. Cancer is not
just one disease. There are many types of cancer. Cancer can start in the lungs, the
breast, the colon, or even in the blood. Cancers are alike in some ways, but they are
different in the ways they grow and spread. The most common types of cancer in the
U.S are; Bladder cancer, Breast cancer, Cervical cancer, ... Show more content on ...
Start a sexual active life at an early age, and have sex with different sexual partners
follows as a risk factor. HIV, multiple pregnancy, and the birth control pills, are
others risk factors associated to the cervical cancer. Smoking is an important risk
factor, nicotine has been found in the cervical mucus; it increases the possibilities
to develop cervical cancer by weakening the immune system and the person is
more susceptible to be infected by HPV (American Society for Colposcopy and
Cervical Pathology, 2010). In thinking about risk factors, it helps to focus on those
you can change or avoid (like smoking or human papilloma virus infection), rather
than those you cannot (such as your age and family history). However, it is still
important to know about risk factors that cannot be changed, because it s even more
important for women who have these factors to get regular Pap tests to detect
cervical cancer early.
The NHS (National Health Service) Cervical Screening Program began in 1988, the
rate of women diagnosed with cervical cancer in the United Kingdom has halved
from 16 per 100,000 in 1988 to 8 per 100,000. (See image 1A, page
Little Miss Sunshine Belonging Analysis
In an environment plagued by incessant consumerism and perpetual egocentrism, one
can easily begin to feel disconnected from other members of society. It is becoming
exceedingly difficult to have truly meaningful relationships with anyone by cause of
the cold, systematic, and covetous fashion in which our world is governed. Due to
the lack of feeling a common unity, many families become disjointed and
dysfunctional. There is, however, a way in which people can once again sense
profound interconnectedness. Through distinct and intimate experiences with others,
an individual s sense of societal separation is replaced with an intense perception of
harmony. A film that perfectly encapsulates this phenomenon is the Academy Award
winning comedy, Little Miss Sunshine (Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris, 2006). The
film tells the story of an idiosyncratic family which travels across the country in order
get Olive (Abigail Breslin), an aspiring beauty queen, to the Little Miss Sunshine
pageant. Through a series of conflicts, the family undergoes many transformative and
significant experiences. As a result, important messages can be discerned from the
film. Little Miss Sunshine follows Hollywood s typical three act structure of set up,
confrontation, and resolution in order to develop the notion that direct, human
experiences lead to the... Show more content on ...
As the family finishes eating, Olive learns that she has been invited to the Little Miss
Sunshine Beauty Pageant. Utterly exultant, Olive races around the house as the
family evaluates how to travel to the pageant. Through this news, the premise is
created. The audience learns that the trip to Little Miss Sunshine will be what the
film will be about while the family s initial confusion as to how to get there is the
dramatic situation. The audience realizes that the family will be subjected to
numerous obstacles during their
The Effects Of Listening On Different Types Of Music
Effects of listening to different types of music one week prior to midterm exam on
student s result in a randomized classroom clinical trial
Dating back to 1973 was one of the earliest studies done on music and memory. The
study done by Mowsesian and Heyer involves 15 year old students listening to music
while taking their exam. The researchers found out that music does not have a huge
impact on student s performance (Hallam, Price, Katsarou, 2002). In contrast, there
is also one study done by Fogelson in 1973 which stated there are positive effect of
music while studying on children s exam performance (Bloor, 2009). Therefore,
Hallam suggested that early studies are done poorly and not set up in a practical
framework, this is why the results of the studies produced are not consistent (Hallam,
Price, Katsarou, 2002).
However, there are also several studies in the 20 s century that shown music actually
does improve information retention. One of the studies done involves 13 students
from third grade which are required to study on a vibroacoustic music chair for 23
minutes three times a week for 23 weeks. Before the study starts, student are tested
on their reading and word recognition ability, another similar test is also done
towards the end of the study and the pre and posttest results are being compared. As a
result, the use of vibroacoustic music chair has a positive impact on the student s
reading ability (Carlson, Hoffman, Gray, Thompson,
Sociology Imagination
Sociologists differ in their understanding of the concept, but the range suggests
several important commonalities.
Mills defined sociological imagination as the vivid awareness of the relationship
between experience and the wider society.
The sociological imagination is the capacity to shift from one perspective to another:
from the political to the psychological; from examination of a single family to
comparative assessment of the national budgets of the world; from the theological
school to the military establishment; from considerations of an oil industry to studies
of contemporary poetry.[1]
Sociological Imagination: The application of imaginative thought to the asking and
answering of sociological questions. Someone using ... Show more content on ...
In some introductory sociology classes, the sociological imagination is brought up,
along with Mills and how he characterized the sociological imagination as a critical
quality of mind that would help men and women to use information and to develop
reason in order to achieve lucid summations of what is going on in the world and of
what may be happening within themselves. [4]
[edit] Uses of sociological imagination in filmsThe advantages of using popular
films to enhance students comprehension of sociological topics is widely
recognized. Those who teach courses in social problems report using films to teach
about war, to aid students in adopting a global perspective and to confront issues of
race relations. There are benefits of using film as part of a multimedia approach to
teaching courses in popular culture. It also provides students of medical sociology
with case studies for hands on observational experiences. It acknowledges the value
of films as historical documentation of changes in cultural ideas, materials, and
Feature films are used in introductory sociology courses to demonstrate the current
relevance of sociological thinking and to show how the sociological imagination
helps us make sense of our social world. The underlying assumption is that the
sociological imagination is best developed and exercised in the
Mesopotamia Cuneiform
Writing is the physical manifestation of a spoken language. Between 50,000 and
30,000, evidence of language appeared with cave paintings. However, it wasn t until
3500 BCE when Sumerian people of Mesopotamia started writing called cuneiform.
This writing used specific marks in wet clay with a reed implement. These scripts
were based on pictorial symbols and later mixed with phonetic elements.
The Sumerians were a commercial people and writing was developed to record
quantities of goods. Clay tokens of a distinctive shape and size were used to
represent quantities of commodities such as grain, livestock, labor, and land. Each
token represented both a quantity and type of commodity. Alphabetic writing began
with scripts by the Semitic people ... Show more content on ...
The Greek phonetic writing system came from Phoenicia and was quite different
from that of Mesopotamia, yet it still owes its development to the Sumerians and
their advances in the written word. With the rise of the cities in Mesopotamia, and
the need for resources which were lacking in the region, long distance trade
developed and, with it, the need to be able to communicate across the expanses
between cities or regions. In order to express more complex terms, Phonograms were
created. These phonograms were symbols that represented sounds which gave more
meaning. With this, they had a dynamic means of conveying motion to and from a
location. By the Third Millennium B.C, cuneiform was used for a vast array of
economic, religious, political, literary, and scholarly documents.
One of the first writers known by name was priestess Enheduanna who wrote her
hymns to the goddess Inanna and signed them with her name. Literature is at first
words rather than letters. It arises as clerical chants or magic charms, usually recited
by the priests. Carmina, Romans poetry, meant both verses and charms; ode meant a
magic spell to the Greeks. Some were developed to preserve, transmit, and enhance
the magic incantations of their
The Deeper Meaning Of The Color Purple
The Color Purple by Alice Walker is about a girl named Celie who gets sold off to
another man by her father because she is ugly. She deals with rape from her father
who had already impregnated her twice and sold one child and killed the other,
abuse, and slavery. Her sister on the other hand, got to go to school and become an
educated womanbecause she was beautiful . All throughout the story, Celie thinks
that she was isolated and forgotten because her sister moved away to Africa to
preach, but little does she know, her sister had been writing letters to her the whole
time but Mr. ___ (that s the name of her new owner ) had been keeping them from
her. Celie went on to fight for her rights, express her inner beauty and found her
children. She escaped from Mr. ___ and became a loving mom and great business
women. The deeper meaning of this book is to never give up no matter how hard
the situation is. Celie kept going and fought for her rights even though she would
get abused and neglected. The deeper meaning of this book is to never give up
because even when she got set back, Celie still escaped. For example, her father
would call her ugly and say that she would never become anything in life but later on
she worked hard and... Show more content on ...
In the book, when Nettle moved away to Africa, Celie thought she was alone. She
believed that her sister wanted nothing to do with her because that s what Mr.
____told her. The whole time, Nettle was trying to get in touch with Celie by letter
but Mr.____ was hiding them so Celie could never find them. This proves that
Nettle never gave up because she could ve stopped writing letters within the first
few times she didn t receive but she had set her mind on reaching out to Celie so that
s what she did and she would stop at
Teaching English As A Foreign Language
My major Teaching English as a foreign language has always been of paramount
importance for me. Although I have been practicing English for ten years, I need to
be in a real English speaking world. This would account for my success as an
English teacher. Since I have specific plans to implement during the academic year, I
would like to explain them in detail.
Firstly, I intend to broaden my horizons. In addition, my main aim is to conduct
several researches in the most important features of the English Language and
Teaching English as a Foreign Language. These topics are among my favorite ones:
The interesting features of euphemism in English , Idioms, phrasal verbs and their
importance , Teaching techniques and also The role of... Show more content on ...
There are some reasons for it, such as globalization or the popularity of the Internet,
which have made English as an important subject in my country as well.
As far as the knowledge and expertise I will gain is concerned, hopefully, I am
convinced that it will be beneficial in many ways for the development of my country.
Looking at the facts, for instance, almost anybody needs to communicate effectively
in English at the moment. For instance, our sportsmen have to know English if they
want to attend world sports competitions. Doctors need it to work together with other
overseas doctors. Travelling to a different country requires tourists to know English.
Even historians need to learn English. Therefore, as Uzbekistan is developing
rapidly the demand for highly skilled personnel in the field of teaching English as a
foreign language will continue to be in demand.
All things considered, I firmly believe that my one year academic non degree study
will be so fruitful. Only then, I think, to be more realistic, I can organize better
English speaking clubs and that makes it possible for everybody to learn English and
travel and study abroad in the future. I hopefully intend to implement what I learned
to develop friendship and mutual understanding among world nations.
As far as my contributions are concerned, I firmly believe that they
Accounts Receivable and Extermination Services Revenue
Bug Off Exterminators provides pest control services and sells extermination
products manufactured by other companies. The following six column table contains
the company s unadjusted trial balance as of December 31, 2011.
December 31, 2011
Unadjusted Trial Balance
Cash 17,000
Accounts receivable 4,000
Allowance for doubtful accounts 828
Merchandise inventory 11,700
Trucks 32,000
Accum. depreciation Trucks
Equipment 45,000
Accum. depreciation Equipment 12,200
Accounts payable 5,000
Estimated warranty liability 1,400
Unearned services revenue
Interest payable
Long term notes payable 15,000
D. Buggs, Capital 59,700
D. Buggs, Withdrawals 10,000
Extermination services revenue 60,000
Interest ... Show more content on ...
Original cost 32,000
Expected salvage value 8,000
Useful life (years) 4
d. Two items of equipment (a sprayer and an injector) were purchased and put into
service in early January 2009. They are being depreciated with the straight line
method using these facts and estimates.
Sprayer Injector
Original cost 27,000 18,000
Expected salvage value 3,000 2,500
Useful life (years) 8 5
e. On August 1, 2011, the company is paid $3,840 cash in advance to provide
monthly service for an apartment complex for one year. The company began
providing the services in August. When the cash was received, the full amount was
credited to the Extermination Services Revenue account. f. The company offers a
warranty for the services it sells. The expected cost of providing warranty service
is 2.5% of the extermination services revenue of $57,760 for 2011. No warranty
expense has been recorded for 2011. All costs of servicing warranties in 2011 were
properly debited to the Estimated Warranty Liability account.
g. The $15,000 long term note is an 8%, 5 year, interest bearing note with interest
payable annually on December 31. The note was signed with First National Bank on
December 31, 2011.
h. The ending inventory of merchandise is counted and determined to have a cost of
$11,700. Bug Off uses a perpetual inventory system.
1. Use the preceding information to determine amounts for the following items.
a. Correct (reconciled) ending balance of Cash, and the amount of
Persecution Of The Puritans
During the late 16th and 17th centuries, the Puritans, or sometimes referred to as
precisionists , were members of a religious reform who cast away the religious
ideals of the Church of England under Queen Elizabeth s rule. The Puritans planned
to regulate a different way to worship, along with censorious moral beliefs, often
disregarding the beliefs of the entire English nation in order to instill their own,
leading to their persecution. A blog dated 2008 on the topic of the Puritanpersecution
states: They were forced out because they wanted to reform human civilization
through religion, to wipe out poverty, and to make a heaven on Earth in which
everyone was free to discover God s will for themselves . It is evident that the
Puritans, who believed in a more Protestant variation of the Anglican Church, were
persecuted and fled, but the exact reasons for this are often disputed. The most
popular trail of thought is that due to the backlash they received, the Puritans could
not be maintained and thus escaped. Other people are entertained by the thought that
the Puritans had been banished but in result, had only a sole thought in mind to
reform human civilization through religion somewhere else, as stated in the blog
above.... Show more content on ...
They complained of that the recent application of the Anglican Church, was still too
similar to the Catholic Church, despite it being a substitution to the Catholic Church
with slight modifications due to King Henry VIII. The Protestants who thought as
such had been deeply influenced by John Calvin, who revolutionized against bishops
holding too much power within the Church. The
RSPCA and the Rolls Royce Group
RSPCA and Rolls Royce Group plc
Financial Statement Analysis for RSPCA and Rolls Royce
This essay analyses the financial statements of the RSPCA and Rolls Royce Group
plc. The analysis reviews important information derived from their statements and
discusses the implications for performance measurements. This analysis also
discusses financial statement differences between charity and for profit companies,
as well as considers what additional information would facilitate financial analysis.
Important Information from Statements
A review of the RSPCA 2010 consolidated statement of financial activities (SOFA),
the income statement for charities, shows a decrease in incoming resources when
compared with fiscal year 2009. Specifically, income from unrestricted, restricted, and
endowment funds declined by ВЈ13.96m or 10.8 percent (RSPCA, p. 19). Existing
and potential funders consider this decrease in assessing the impact to RSPCA
operations and would likely believe the decline indicates a serious challenge that must
be addressed by Society management. The Chief Executive and Chairman discussed
the drop in legacy income in their joint foreword, citing it as the primary reason for
the reduction in total income. In response to this challenge, the Society planned to
implement a new income generation programme in an attempt to diversify their
income generation efforts. The new programme was intended to decrease their
reliance on legacy income, given that the competition
Multicultural Issues In Multicultural Education
Multicultural Issues Raquel mentions she failed the seventh grade; as a result she
was placed in special classes. She also stated she does not see the point of going to
school. Brammer (2004) mentions language barriers is a hindrance among Latin
American while in school. Many Latin Americans are bilingual; however, the will
speak little English outside of the school setting. This causes complications due to
their primary language is Spanish which is spoken by familyand friends (Brammer,
2004). Additionally, Latin American endures a vast amount of peer pressure to do
poorly in school or to drop out. One method to reduce the dropout rate of Latin
Americans is teachers can make reasonable accommodation to their lesson plan to the
address the students needs. Also involving the child s parents in their educations with
the use of interpreters can assist the child to thrive educationally (Amy Buttler,
personal communication, November 7, 2017). It is mentioned that Raquel s family
has strong ethnicity rooted in the Costa Rican lineage. Latin Americans tend to have
strong family ties that rely on the support and strength of each other. Familismo is a
part of their cultural placing high value on the family that extends past the nuclear
family (e.g. grandparents and extended familymembers) (Brammer, 2004). It is
beneficial to be close with one s family; however, Brammer (2004) mentions the
family bonds can lead to sexual exploitation of children by family members. He

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Compare And Contrast Essays

  • 1. Compare And Contrast Essays Crafting an essay on the topic of "Compare and Contrast Essays" presents its own set of challenges. Firstly, delving into the intricacies of this genre demands a deep understanding of the subjects being compared. Researching and gathering relevant information to draw meaningful parallels and distinctions requires time and effort. Structuring such an essay poses another hurdle. Balancing the comparison and contrast elements to ensure a coherent and logical flow is essential, yet it can be complex. Organizing ideas, selecting a suitable structure, and maintaining a clear thesis throughout the essay can be a demanding task for any writer. Moreover, conveying insights effectively demands a refined skill in articulation. Crafting a compelling introduction that captures the reader's attention and a conclusion that leaves a lasting impression requires finesse. Ensuring that the essay remains focused on the chosen aspects of comparison without becoming too convoluted is a persistent challenge. Editing and revising play a crucial role in the essay-writing process. Reviewing the content for clarity, coherence, and adherence to the chosen format demands a keen eye. Striking the right balance between providing sufficient detail for understanding and avoiding unnecessary information is a tightrope walk that requires careful consideration. In conclusion, composing an essay on the theme of "Compare and Contrast Essays" is no small feat. It necessitates a blend of research skills, organizational prowess, and linguistic finesse. However, for those seeking assistance, various resources are available. Whether it be additional guidance, examples, or even outsourcing the task, there are avenues to explore. Similar essays and more can be ordered on, a platform that offers support for various writing needs. Compare And Contrast Essays Compare And Contrast Essays
  • 2. Characteristics Of Slave Narratives Slave Narratives were written by the slaves themselves or narrated by them and written by a friend or a relative and some were even passed on orally. These narratives depicted the difficult lives of the hardworking slaves; description of cruel masters, whippings, difficulties encountered in learning to read and write, slave auctions and their successful attempts to escape as well as foiled escape attempts. One of the defining characteristics of the slave narrativeis the testimonial or letter of authenticity generally written by a white editor or abolitionist friend of the narrator. In order to be published, black authors had to be endorsed by whites who could testify to their credibility and the authenticity of their stories. One of the defining... Show more content on ... Often slaves who attempted a secret education were penalised and this led to either disfigurement or even death. Certain slave writers focused on the quest for literacy which these slaves believed were in a way often linked with their personal quest for freedom. Slaves who managed to learn to read and write were the ones who were most likely to escape, because they could use their hard earned knowledge to forge their own passes after having read about the successful escapes made by the other similar slaves from the other plantations. Like the Negro spirituals religious songs sung by the Negroes the slave narratives have had a profound impact on the contemporary American literature scenario. And like the lively negro spirituals which often contained secret codes and messages that were decipherable only by the enslaved blacks the slave narratives were considered dangerous and subversive by many of the slaveholders and these plantation owners feared that these narratives might lead to slave revolts and
  • 3. The Dazzling Life Of Josephine Baker Summary Be Dazzled by the Life of Josephine Baker Children s picture books play a critical role in teaching on the subjects of persons and events from the past. The biography genre specifically provides a venue in which to bring important figures from the past alive with relevance to young readers providing endless teaching opportunities in the instructional setting. The attention grabbing visual formats of children s picture books provide an unparalleled source of information and understanding. In the Coretta Scott King Book Award honoree, Josephine: The Dazzling Life of Josephine Baker written by Patricia Hruby Powell with illustrations by Christian Robinson, readers are intimately drawn into the vibrant and spirited world of famed performer and... Show more content on ... The story captures the turbulent trials that she faced as she sang her way from the segregated streets of a shantytown in East St. Louis to the glittering stages of Paris all the way to Carnegie Hall. Reading and experiencing books within the biography genre provides the learner with an authentic glimpse inside history and encourages them to understand historical events from the perspective of the people who lived it. Paired with the relationship to and relevance of past events to current events, this provides the opportunity to address the segregation of the past relative to the issues of racial bias and racism today that are distinguishable to even the young reader as a part of our society and culture. Children s books provide an avenue for students to learn about their own cultural heritage and the cultures of other people. It is crucial for young learners to learn and understand these values in the early learning process to ensure that they develop positive attitudes toward their own culture and the cultures of others to
  • 4. Forecasting and Demand Planning Integrated Planning Module 2 1 Agenda Forecasting, Factors influencing Demand Basic Demand Patterns Basic Principles of Forecasting Principles of Data Collection Basic Forecasting Techniques, Seasonality Sources Types of Forecasting Errors Forecasting can be conducted at various levels Strategic Required for Product life cycle Long term capacity planning Capital asset /equipment/ human resource management Examples Product line transitions Annual volume out 3 5 years Buy/build/lease decisions Financial Budgeting Financial reporting Working capital management Production scheduling Purchasing Resource planning Customer service management (product allocations) Total ... Show more content on ... Characteristics of demand Factors influencing demand General business and economic conditions Competitive factors Market trends Firm‟s own plans Government regulations Technology changes Others... Characteristics of demand Components
  • 5. The History Of Tejano Music This album was among the top ten best selling debuts for a musician, the fastest selling U.S. album, and best selling debut by a female act of 1995. Since that time it has been ranked among the most important and best recordings produced during the Rock and roll era. Media outlets have ranked the recording one of the best posthumous releases. Tejano music entered the mainstream market when Dreaming of You peaked at number one. Music critics stated that the U.S. general population would not have known about Tejano music if it had not been for Selena s Dreaming of You. The album has sold five million copies worldwide as of January 2015, and remains the best selling Latin album of all time in the United States. In 1989, A.B. Quintanilla, Selena s
  • 6. Trade in the Iron Age Essay Distinguishing between the many diverse archaeological periods is typically done in two ways. The first way to differentiate between two periods is to notice if there is a clear boundary or separation among the archaeological remains. The second way is by looking at the periods from a historical standpoint, and noting any major historical event that led to a significant social and/or political change. Though there are other ways to do this, these are the two most common and useful methods. Both of these techniques make it possible to recognize the differences in archaeological time periods. In Palestine, the transition from the Late Bronze to the Iron I period is marked by a noticeable widespread destruction of the Canaanite city states ... Show more content on ... The Iron Age was heavily influenced by the cultures of Egypt, which was seen through the pottery and building styles found during that time. Egyptian culture and Canaanite culture played a large role in the creation of pottery and architecture, as well as the formation of cities, during the Iron Age and beyond. The area now known as the Levant is a region consisting of Canaan, Transjordan, and Syria Lebanon. International routes connecting Mesopotamia, Egypt, Asia Minor, and the Aegean ran straight through this area. As a result of the ideal geographic location, the Levant served as a crossroads for trade and exchange throughout a great deal of antiquity. This area was repeatedly under the control of hostile dictators, and it played host to foreign merchants as well as giving birth to native traders who journeyed to far flung destination and returned with exotic goods (Cline 360). Although international exchanges of everyday and exotic materials had been going on for hundreds of years before the reign of King Solomon, the most well known period of trade and exchange is the period during the time of his reign. These international exchanges continued for more than a millennium after his reign as well (Cline 360). Really significant international relations between the Levant and the outside world began in the second millennium BCE. Some epigraphic and textual documentation exists that complements the material goods and evidence from this period.
  • 7. Dolmens Research Paper In the Caucasus region, situated on both sides of the Caucasus Mountains, lie thousands of lesser known paleolithic stone structures. Defined as Dolmens, they are dated to range in age from 10,000 to 25,000 years old and were built using two or more megaliths to support a large, horizontal capstone. No two Dolmens are alike, since these structures were constructed in harmony with the surrounding environment. Researches agree with the most probable theory about what purpose the Dolmens might have served. The probable theory being they were used as shelters and homes. The Dolmens are found in high concentrations on both the north and south side of the Caucasus Mountains. The highest concentration of Dolmens are built on the... Show more content on ... The Plate Dolmens are essentially stone boxes. Constructed of 5 large sheets of stone, they have 4 walls and 1 roof. The Plate construction is believed to be used by 92% of Dolmens. The Compound Dolmens are improvised Plate Dolmens; they are constructed using smaller chunks or sheets of stone to form a lower quality Dolmen. Trough shaped Dolmens were made by hollowing out an existing rock, then covering it with a removable stone. The Monolithic Dolmens are made to simulate the Plate Dolmens; they are also made from hollowing out a rock, but they were carved to look almost exactly like a Plate Dolmen. The one element that stays constant no matter the construction style are the porthole openings. Each Dolmen has a circular opening either drilled or chipped out of the south facing megalith. Found in almost every Dolmen were single stone spheres roughly the same size as the porthole which were most likely used to plug the opening. Researches suggest that the Dolmens were used as houses or shelters. Being built in close proximity from each other and near a large body of water gives strong evidence that the Dolmens were 3 used as shelters to form a town or a small tribes. Further evidence found was inside the
  • 8. The Pros And Cons Of Lead And Acid Battery The lead/acid battery has been in common use in automobiles since 1915 or so. It has plates of lead in sulphuric acid solution in water. One of the sets of lead plates is coated with lead dioxide. As such a battery discharges it creates two chemical reactions, one at the anode that ends up with an excess of electrons, and one at the cathode that ends up short electrons. Fuel combustion is the process of where fuel is burnt that releases heat and light which is an exothermic reaction meaning it releases heat. The fuel is a hydrocarbon, which reacts with oxygen to release energy however a small amount of heat energy is needed to start fuel combustion. The products to the reaction are carbon dioxide and water. The car battery starts its engine it also gives power needed for stabilization as well as ... Show more content on ... The positive side to fuel combustion is that complete combustion (taking place where there is enough air) releases carbon dioxide instead of carbon monoxide (which is harmful) is produced. As it may seem as a positive aspect it still can be negative too much can cause environmental issues such as global warming. Also carbon monoxide produced in incomplete combustion can cause smog and acid rain which has a negative effect to the environment. As for car batteries the energy density is twice of standard nickel cadmium. This means battery pack design are only one cell whereas if it was nickel based it may require 3 cells, which is more efficient. However the Lithium ion in car batteries is flammable and producing the batteries require toxic materials such as nickel and copper, which can cause cancer to respiratory problems. Not only it can be a health problem but has an effect on the environment as well. The production of batteries cause resource depletion and speed up global warming due to the dangerous gases it releases when
  • 9. Varsity Player Comparison Our study, The Comparison between the Holistic Development of Engineering Varsity Players and Engineering Non Varsity Players of Silliman University, aims to compare the said varsity and non varsity students in terms of their mental health, time management, physical health and social health and aims to conclude that the varsity players are holistically well developed than the latter. Our conclusion is proved by the following facts gathered by interviewing two credible people and giving questionnaires to 617 respondents (60% of the total population=1029) wherein we only received 603 answered survey questionnaires for the non varsity players and a complete set of 23 questionnaires (60% of the total population=39) from the varsity players, both... Show more content on ... The survey proved that varsity players are better in coping up for upcoming tests because they are able to maximize their time for studying. They are also able to balance their leisure time outside the training walls. LHSAA s news (2011) said, Being a varsity player opens doors and preparation for life because participating in a college sport prepares you for life after graduation and can often open doors enabling you participate in the professional world. The social networks that are developed through athletics and the team building skills learned while playing a college sport can give college athletes a head start in the business world. Having been a good leader or a good team player in college prepares you for a professional setting and makes for an attractive potential employee, not to mention the time management skills learned as well. It is noted that increasingly, the business world is focusing on creating a team environment in the workplace where people work together effectively toward a common goal and a college athlete, who has practiced this skill for years, could potentially be an ideal candidate. Overall, there is an overwhelming amount of positive impact that the experience of being a college athlete rewards. The life lessons, level of responsibility, skills learned, and connections made are proof that you are
  • 10. Bride And Prejudice Essay Pride and Prejudice film plot is based on Jane Austen s novel about a humorous story of love and life among English gentility during the Georgian era. Mr Bennet is an English gentleman who live in Hartfordshire with his overbearing wife and 5 daughters; the eldest and beautiful Jane, the clever Elizabeth, the bookish Mary, the immature Kitty and the youngest and wild Lydia. Unfortunately for the Bennets, if Mr Bennet dies their house will be inherited by a distant cousin whom they have never met, so the family s future happiness and security is dependent on the daughters making good marriages. Life is uneventful until the arrival in the neighbourhood of the rich gentleman Mr Bingley, who rents a large house so he can spend the summer in the... Show more content on ... This negative side of globalization may contribute to fuel social and cultural fears and prejudices that prevent multicultural tolerance and hinder the freedom to choose one s identity. Following Bollywood and Hollywood conventions of romantic comedies and musical romances, the film offers an escapist fantasy in which love triumphs and manages to do away with all kinds of prejudices. In the final wedding scene, all the characters are reconciled in the double and interracial wedding. The scene presenting Indian elephants with a Just Married sign comically provides the conclusion of love in a multicultural context in which identities are plural and any individual should be free to make his own choices and scale of priorities. As Amartya Sen
  • 11. Dionysus In Greek Mythology Dionysus was the Greek god of wine, theater, fertility and ritual madness, and was worshipped for centuries, but how he was depicted varied greatly throughout time. The Dionysus Cup, (fig. 2) a black figure painted clay pot, was created by the Athenian artist Exekias between 540 and 530 BCE, at the end of the Archaic period. The Free standing Dionysos with a panther, (fig. 1) a marble statuette, was sculpted by an unknown artist between 150 BCE and 100 CE, at the end of the Hellenistic period, or up to the height of Roman dominance in the Mediterranean. These two images of Dionysusare dramatically different in their composition and content. The differences between these objects reflect the shifting role of Dionysus in Greek mythology... Show more content on ... This reflected the not only Dionysus s gift of wine, but the ritual structure that came to surround its consumption as well. The statuette instead places the focus on the sensual nature of the god, by depicting him as an androgynous youth cut in soft marble. This shift reflected not only the material limitations of the mediums, but the shift in Dionysus s role in Greek mythology as
  • 12. Prison Camps Shin and his mom live in one of the best parts of the camp. There is forty one story buildings. One building holds four families. They only have one kitchen that all the families have to share. There are no beds, chairs, tables, or running water. They only have cabbage soup and corn porridge for the prisoners to eat. Shin eats the food that his mother brings home. Whenever he eats the food that she brings home he is beaten. Shin s mother was forced to marry his father and have a child. Sex is not allowed unless the guards approve of it. The guards encourage Shin to snitch on his peers. Shin catches rats, frogs, and bugs to feed himself. Shin learned how to find wild berries. During school at Camp 14, Shin s teacher searches through the students pockets. The teacher finds five kernels of corn in a girls pocket, so he screams at the girl, then takes her outside and beats her in the head until she dies.... Show more content on ... Suddenly, the children of Camp 14 s guards begin throwing rocks at the prison children. The only people allowed to work as guards in prison camps are the relatives of government workers and other core elites. guards were allowed to rape the prisoners, many of whom consented to sex because they thought it led to a better life. An claimed that many guards beat prisoners simply because they were bored. Shin is blindfolded and handcuffed, and then driven out of the camp. When his blindfold is removed, Shin is sitting in the underground camp prison. He insisted that he would never forgive himself for his role in his mother s death, but that he wanted to talk about how the camp had warped his character. Shin s teacher tells him that as a reward for good behavior, he can go eat dinner with his mother. Guards arrive at school looking for Shin, blindfold and arrest him, and drive him
  • 13. Metaphors In The Grasshopper The Hangman (upon his Death bed) concerning his beheading his late Majesty, Charles the first, King of Great Britain; and his Protestation and Vow touching the same; the manner how he was terrified in Conscience (Brandon 1649). Literature such as this introduction to the confessional of King Charles executioner, John Miltons Lycidas, and Richard Lovelace s The Grasshopper prove that where there is social unrest, there will be writing that responds to it, and mid seventeenth century England had a lot of chaos to consider. War disagreements and corruption within England s church were key occasions that censored and shaped the work of Milton and Lovelace. Milton s repeated use of symbols, metaphors, and indirect allusions to the clergy in his poem speaks volumes about the political control and religious tensions in England. Lovelace s royalist themes, and careful juxtaposition of words and allusions in his poem convey the leisure and political opposition of the Cavalier men to the Puritans. The context and literary devices in both contribute to making them skillfully crafted cultural references indicative of the rising tensions during which they were composed. In Lycidas, John Milton pays careful attention to detail while he commemorates the death of Edward King, his old classmate, and discusses themes of pastoral life in his pastoral elegy. He begins with a bitter tone in the first four lines: Yet once more, O ye laurels, and once more Ye myrtles brown, with ivy
  • 14. Comparing Androidism And Hypothyroidism Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism are in simple terms the exact opposite of each other. Hyperthyroidism is the over activity of the thyroid gland, and Hypothyroidism is the unusually low activity of the thyroid gland. Each of these conditions resulting and affecting the thyroid gland in a different way. I found a few differences with my research but I m here going to present the few that stood out to me the most. One of the biggest defining factors was the hormone output differences. Hypothyroidism does not produce enough hormones. Whereas Hyperthyroidism produces too much hormones. This is very important because hormones secreted by the thyroid gland help maintain the brain, heart, muscles, and other organs, and help the body to use energy
  • 15. United States Smart Power Essay The United States Smart Power: Is It Effective? FINAL EXAMINATION PAPER The United States Smart Power: Is It Effective? Introduction Power is a sophisticated issue in international relations. It is defined as the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behaviour of others or the course of events (oxforddictionary, n.d.). Traditionally, there used to two powers exists in international relations. First is the hard power, usually it is associated with the realist paradigm as its main focus are authority, force, violence and anarchic system which resulted war. Second is the soft power, which is completely different with hard power. In soft power, its focus are located on the exercise power without the use of violence and ... Show more content on ... This exertion additionally brought a yearning to turn progressively towards America s partners with Europe at the cutting edge who are to have an impact in its new smart power strategies, both inside Europe and in
  • 16. Unity In Divergent Tris was forced to live in a dystopian society without knowing it. She grew up in Abnegation, (one of the five factions). Tris thought that all there was in life was being selfless, but there is more. Tris was tested to see what faction suits her. She had no idea what she would be. Little did she know that she was Divergent. Tris was a mix of three contrasting factions. Being Divergent is more divers than everyone else it can be dangerous but can it also be helpful? When some people read Divergent they think that it is about bravery or being selfless. I think it s about something different. In Divergent Veronica Roth displays that the book is not just about bravery. It s about being different and how being different can help you fit in. Early in the story Tris was supposed to be selfless because her current faction was based on selflessness. She never really felt that she was selfless. For example Tris was miserable unlike the average Abnegation on page 2 Tris explains that, other factions celebrate birthdays, we don t that would be self indulgent . Tris ... Show more content on ... Tris is more contradistinctive than everyone else Being distant can help you. Tris was distinct because she tried harder and she had multiple traits. In my life I notice that people have contrasting traits. They break into contracting groups , then there are some that wander and do different things than just one specific subject. People who do this are distinct they do multiple things and that is what makes them happy. Tris dose multiple thing she is interested in being more than just being brave. She wonders and that is what makes her happy. If you are one of those people who feel that you are only part of one group you might benefit from reading this because being split causes chaos and being together sharing our differences in peace is the way I prefer to
  • 17. Social Media And Its Effects On Society Essay Nations around the globe rely on all types of media to address the general population about occurring events or incidents in the country. Countries such as America and China are well known for their excessive use of the media to cover important and none important events around the nation. The general public is affected by the media s control in many forms, which can include media marketing of consumerism and social media. The Truman Showalludes the society in which compliance is forced, due to the media s overwhelming control over the general public; and argues that there is no actual media control can be broken free from, because it is a person s choice to seek their own path to freedom. This theme is illustrated through the symbolism of the characters of Christof, Truman s Wife Meryl, and Truman. The claim is supported by the articles that include, 13 ways of looking at The Truman Show by Yacowar , Mapping the culture of control by Wise J. Macgregor, and The Staging of real life by Kilborn . The central argument that, We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented (Wise), is supported in Mapping the culture of control by Wise because the general public want what everyone wants due to their need of fitting in with the so called social norm. Christof s purpose is that of a symbolic character in which he supports the media s control over the general public. In many parts throughout the film Christof displays himself as overpowering and condescending
  • 18. The Controversy Of Censorship What would life be like without censorship? Though there might be upsides to it, such as more freedom of speech, it could also cause some problems. Not only would we be exposing children to many horrors of the world, we also would be doing nothing to prevent offensive and oppressive content in the media. Therefore, some censorshipis necessary for all people; however, in most cases, we should be allowed access to most information in society. Censorship is oft used to mute freedom of speech and self expression, which are human rights. We need them to express individuality, to differentiate ourselves from each other. There was a teenaged boy who came out as gay, and when he told his story, it was censored from his school newspaper.... Show more content on ... However, when it is abused to inflict distress upon other people, then censorship becomes a priority. This is especially evident in the media and the Internet; offensive and oppressive content is almost impossible to avoid. Some people believe seeing racism or sexism, or etcetera in TV shows, or movies, or even video games, won t hurt anyone as long as you can recognise it isn t real and shouldn t be practiced in real life. Although this isn t quite true things that promote or even just include oppressive content always add to oppression in society. Because it s so normal to see in the media, it becomes something that s seen as socially acceptable and okay. And again, especially with children; they re so impressionable, they grow up with these sexist or violent or racist video games and movies; they become accustomed to this sort of oppressive behaviour found in the media. Even if we say we don t agree with it, because of how offensive it can be, continuing to support said shows and movies only supports whatever content they hold. And that isn t okay: oppression such as this contributes to inequality in society. Therefore, such offensive content should be censored from the media, and our freedom of speech online should be limited to our opinions and self expression, not spreading hatred and unrest through bullying. Whether something should be censored or not depends entirely on what is being questioned;
  • 19. Forensic Pathologists And Autopsies The Importance of Forensic Pathologists and Autopsies Death becomes a part of every single person s life at some point in time, whether it is in the form of a close relative, parent, spouse, or even one s own death. While it is not the most pleasant subject, death is something that needs to be addressed to prepare those who will have to manage it when the time comes. Depending on the situation at hand, certain circumstances of demise may not be completely understood, and in these cases, autopsies can provide families with closure by giving them answers needed to clarify any questions that may have come along with the loss of their loved one ( American Autopsy Services , np). With new advances in technology and new medical diagnostic systems,... Show more content on ... Having an answer regarding a loved one s death in cases of uncertainty is psychologically beneficial to the family members, especially if they are concerned that the death had occurred because of something they did. If there were any genetic disorders that led to the death, those can be clarified and relayed to the family as well. Clinicians and hospitals benefit from autopsies because they provide reassurance of the diagnoses, treatments and the appropriateness of the medical care received. Society experiences the benefits of autopsies through the evaluation of diagnostic tests, drugs, and diagnostic techniques along with advanced medical knowledge of new diseases as well as environmental, occupational, and existing diseases. Mortality statistics are only able to be verified from autopsy data because so often statistics are inaccurate with the lack of an autopsy (StГ¶ppler,
  • 20. Music Video Evaluation Essay Music video evaluation This is a group project which was to create any type of music video for a client. First we had to contact a band, Byron contacted someone he knew which in the end didn t go through so after a few weeks we was back to square one. We then started contacting other bands and artist which we should have really done at the start of the project. We did get a group willing to make a music video with us. However this process took much longer than it should of. After contacting the band we arranged a meeting to discuss ideas for the m7usic video, what kind they would like and what song they would like to feature in the video. This meeting was very productive loads o0f ideas were passed through which then made the project to come along a bit more, we then arranged some dates to film, this was rather difficult as we all had busy schedules however we got a couple of dates that was suitable for all of us. The only thing that could of improved this meeting ... Show more content on ... I also learnt when working in a group you cannot rely on other people, and it is best if you all have a copy of the footage so if someone is away you can still carry on and work. In addition, i found that communication with in your group and with the client is essential, as we lacked a lot of this and it did affect us. I also learnt a lot of editing skills along the was such a adjusting the contrast and brightness which were new to me. I also learnt about synchronizing all the audio up, which was quite difficult at some points, as we did not always have the lips to synchronize it up to. The video turned out good in the end it was slightly different as planned but our clients were pleased with the outcome and were happy to work with us. We also worked well with our clients, which was defiantly our strong
  • 21. Dominican Republic Compare And Contrast There are two sides to every story. For the Dominican Republic, they are two very contrasting stories. One being the serene, white beaches where a person s every need can be waited upon. The other side is where a person s most basic needs cannot even be met. A story where a child has to worry about if they will even eat tonight. Now, the majority of people would avoid the latter story. Not my mom, she dives right into the middle of it. My mom grew up in small town, Illinois with hopes of being a veterinarian. Growing up on a farm, she always learned to work hard to get something. That lesson is what got her to where she is now. In college, she changed course to become a doctor. Even through all the hardships and prejudice of women doctors, she came out on top. Now, most of what she does is give back.... Show more content on ... The trip has spanned from an entire month, to about ten days. She does this out of the good of her heart, not because she has to. Part of the trip is staying in the community with the citizens. My mom immerses herself in the culture while she provides relief for those in need. To meet the needs of the people, she sets up clinics and administers care for the women of the community. Even when she comes back home she s still helping people. She works at Oneworld Community Health Center in Omaha. This clinic provides health services for anyone who cannot afford other health care. Teaching is another form in which she provides help for those who want to become doctors. She guides the students through their journey and assists them with almost anything they
  • 22. Accidental Death Of An Anarchist Analysis DOLVI OSWAL CATHERINE THOMAS ENGLISH 31 OCTOBER 2014 QUESTION Discuss Accidental Death of an Anarchist as a political satire? ANSWER Dario Fo has written and performed in many important and immediate political causes of his time (malik 1)In his play Accidental Death of an Anarchist Dario Fo has used the satire purposely to reveal the true picture of the Italian government, which is corrupted by the people who make and safeguard the law that is the judges and the police officers. In this play there are many incidents which show how police officers and the judges help each other in their fallacious activity. This incident portrays how the police officers use their authority to manipulate the people and cause corruption in the society. ... Show more content on ... They don`t want the people to be aware about the wrong happening around them. These things were very well portrayed in the play. In the play when the reporter Miss Maria Feletti comes to meet the inspector and to interview him about the suicide the inspector was so worried. He did not want any interview to take place as it may reveal the true picture of the case .But when the mad man says that if they refuse the reporter, she might be upset and may write some defamatory article about him. This made the inspector to call the reporter and give her the interview. This also shows the guilt, the inspector had on killing the anarchist. He doesn t want the reporter to reveal the true incident that happened, in front of the public. The act written by Dari Fo Accidental Death of an Anarchist have brilliantly portrayed the political satire at that time. It has shown the corruptly working government of Italy and how they manipulate the innocent public. It had sediment the feeling of anger in public against the Italian government in a very dramatic
  • 23. The Film Fiddler On The Roof Fiddler on the Roof is a 3 hour musical film based on Sholom Aleichem s stories. In the opening scene, Tevye discusses the traditions of his community. He says, Tradition. Without our tradition, our lives would be as shaky as . . . as a fiddler on the roof. Explain what Tevye means by this statement. Tevye states without tradition people have not balance in life. The prayer shawl that the men wear is a reminder of their constant devotion to God. Tevye sings about keeping their routes in life for several years and every aspect of life tells something about who they are. What is the role of Yente in the society? Why was marriage for a young woman so important? ) Yente s role in the village is to be the matchmaker. She was entrusted with finding husbands for the young ladies in the village. The Jewish people inside of Russia were in jeopardy of being eliminated, so the... Show more content on ... God was Tevye s counsel and Tevye was leader of the family unit. Golde was second in line under Tevye and she submitted to his choices but played the puppet master to a certain point. Then Tzeitel wad next because the other girls could not consider marriage until she had married. And the son in law s would be adopted in like sons once the girls were married. What is the significance of the discussion (in song) between Tevye and Golde regarding their love for one another? Tevye and Golde s did not meet until the day of their wedding so there was no love but an arrangement. Total opposite of all his girls which married for love and rejected the tradition arranged marriages. I m not too sure if they knew what being in love was after twenty five years together and neither Tevye nor Golde thought much of telling each other they loved each other over the years and that it was assumed. Tevye asks Chava if she knows what this means, marrying outside the faith? What does it mean to Tevye for one of his daughters to marry outside the
  • 24. Analysis Of The Movie Violet s The film is based on the lives and experiences of three women who work at a large corporate office known as Consolidated Industries. The three women are Judy Bernly (Jane Fonda), Violet Newstead (Lily Tomlin), and Doralee Rhodes (Dolly Parton). The head of the corporate offices is Franklin Hart Jr. (Dabney Coleman), and he is a chauvinistic tyrant who works everybody hard especially the women. He believes that women are inferior to men and says so to Violet when she gets passed over again for a promotion that she deserved. In the movie Violet is very gifted at her job and has had a number of brilliant ideas, which Frank simply passed off as his own. She is the supervisor of her department and is sick of being passed up by men even... Show more content on ... After he gets a concussion the girls think that they killed him and go to the hospital to hide the evidence by stealing his body, which turns out to be another man s body. When they get to work the next day and find that Frank isn t even hurt and discuss what happened last night, they are overheard by Frank s friend Roz. When Frank tries to use this information to force Doralee to finally sleep with him she hog ties him with his phone cord and pulls a gun on him. Realizing that they are all in serious trouble now they decide to hold Frank captive in his own home until they can find enough blackmail on him to keep him quiet. While waiting for an inventory list to prove that Frank has been stealing inventory, the three women come up with many ideas about how to change the company for the better. So they draft changes for the office and forge Frank s signature on the paper to make it legitimate. After the many changes that the girls make the office is more productive and efficient than ever before, and the employees are much happier. The changes they make include part time work, a daycare, and allows for people to have personal items at their desks. Three days before the invoice comes from the corporate offices Frank escapes and is able to rectify all of the theft which he has done without the girls knowing he was free. Frank,
  • 25. Disadvantage Of Laparoscopic Surgery LAPAROSCOPY Laparoscopy surgery is a minimally invasive type of surgery that is used to diagnose and treat various forms of disorders. It is performed with the help of a remotely controlled surgical device known as a Laparoscope. What is Laparoscopic Surgery? Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that uses a laparoscope to diagnose, treat and perform various types of surgeries on many medical disorders. Laparoscopic surgery is also known as Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS), keyhole surgery, band aid surgery among other names. This technique consists of making very few and minute incisions far from the affected area to insert a laparoscope into the body. The main part of this surgery is the use of laparoscope which is a length of surgical grade fiber optic system that allows a clear and ... Show more content on ... In the Robotic minimally invasive surgical procedure the surgeon uses two master controls to operate four robotic limbs. The surgeon operates from a distance with the help of a video console that provides a high resolution 3 dimensional view of the operation area inside the body. A distinct advantage of robotic laparoscopic surgery is that it can be used to perform surgical procedures from a remote location without the surgeon s presence in the operating room. Gynecology Laparoscopy Gynecology laparoscopy procedures are the new alternative to conventional gynecology surgery. The doctor will be able to do a better diagnosis with a laparoscope camera to determine the location and extent of the disorder. This procedure also has miniature surgical instruments that allow the surgeon to perform the required procedure. Laparoscopic gynecology surgery can be used to perform delicate surgical procedures such as ovarian cyst removal, hysterectomy, tubal ligations, etc. Pelvic
  • 26. Spiritual Food of the Baroque Period The baroque period brought forth the most ornamented art of all time. The musical field grew parallel to the fields of painting and sculpture, all three categories experienced a dramatic increase in interest. Consequentially, the sudden flow of finances allowed the musicians to examine, modify, and renew their standards and methods. Baroque musicquickly developed into a very individual style. During the nearly one hundred and fifty years that the Baroque period lasted the basic style did not change, in fact it was simple built upon. Francis Schaeffer advises us that the arts are ways to understand the society and politics of the past, given the distinct correlation between the art world and musicworld we can tell that the Baroque period was a time of peaceful renovation. The driving ideology of Baroque music was the need to communicate. Baroque music has many characteristics that set it apart. Early baroque music uses extreme instrument contrast to create a dramatic emotional climax. Later musicians developed a method of succinctly building a climax. The other noticeable difference is the key instruments are tuned to. The quality of instruments has significantly increased since the Baroque period, to mimic the original sound of baroque pieces orchestras often tune their instruments down about half a key. Melody and harmony were emphasized across the board instead of in individual genres. Another key characteristic was the attitude of the composers, in desperation to
  • 27. Crocodile Tears Book Theme Crocodile Tears Book Report In the book Crocodile Tears by Anthony Horowitz, the theme is looks can be deceiving, being shown by Alex Rider and Desmond McCain. Alex Rider shows looks can be deceiving by his whole life. First, on page 16 it says, Alex Rider TOOK ONE last glance in the mirror, then stopped and looked a second time. It was strange, but he wondered if he recognized the boy looking back ... what did it all make him look like? He wondered as he straightened the bow tie for the tenth time. A young James Bond. He hated the comparison, but he couldn t avoid it (Horowitz, 16). Alex is a 15 year old English schoolboy from England, but he doesn t recognize it. Second, on page 17 it says, Just two months ago, he had been in Australia
  • 28. Oma Else Research Paper Oma Else was first and foremost my grandmother. That s all I ever knew of her and, more importantly, that s all I ever cared to know growing up. At first, she was the grandmother I would always see for Thanksgiving, along with Opa Dave. I d see her in the summer, too. Then she became the grandmother who d come for Christmas. She would appear for performances and graduations, too. And then she was gone. Those are the memories I have of her. They are lovely, fond memories, but they do not represent most of my life. And yet, it feels like my childhood would have been so different without her. Oma Else was the grandmother I was closest to. We visited her the most. And so to me, Oma Else represented something different, new, and familiar. I mean, how exciting was it to get into the Toyota Camry and drive for five hours to North Carolina? Knowing me, I probably complained the whole way, but I also know I was excited. Thanksgiving meant running around that wild, mysterious house. Thanksgiving meant exploring the woods nearby. Thanksgiving meant trying to play with the fake parrot on the back porch. Even in the summer, when my family would go to Hilton Head in South Carolina, we d always spend the night at Oma Else s on the way. She was the signpost indicating a vacation. She was a vacation herself. ... Show more content on ... My initial topic was going to be thinking about my family history (a topic I ve never given much thought about) in relation to Oma Else. I got nowhere. My writing was dull and uninspired and failed to be rooted in anything. I quickly shifted to focusing on Oma Else, but again, I never reached far back into my memories. It s like I settled on an idea of Oma Else and wrote about that, rather than actually thinking about her and considering her as a person. I tried to write to conform to my idea of poetry. This all changed after Spring
  • 29. The Healthcare System And Samaritan Health System Introduction Banner Health is considered one of the nations largest secular, non profit health care organization operating 29 acute care facilities in seven western states (Kash, 2016). It is known and recognized nationally. It unites with Lutheran Health System and Samaritan Health System which started in 1991 with the mission of making differences in people s lives such as rendering perfect patient care. This exellent mission of health care earned them good standing that help the organization to develop and manage 29 acute care facilities in seven states with the magnitude of about 4,000 beds (BANNER HEALTH, 2016). These States of networking health care of Banner in America are Arizona, Colorado,Wyoming,... Show more content on ... All surplus made in this organization is used in maintaining the copany making then up to date by purchasing the most contemporary equipment, preserving the facilities, buying most recent technologies, get more physician services, widening current physisian services, after all these, whatever money is left goes to the charities. The medical screening only (MSO) of Banner Health is only meant to exclude life frightening situation. This procedure is followed up with a discussion by financial services that notify the patients of the copays needed by their insurance companies before moving to a comprehensive care at the emergency departments. Banner healthy has come up with organizational efforts of approaching health care quality and safety, reduction of patient errors, and patients contentments while continuoesly rolling its operating cost (Kirkman Liff, 2004). In the facilty that I work, Patients care depents on the type of insurance they have. Some pay copay out of pocket, some are not. The type of room a patient stays on admission depends on the type of insurance. Strategic plan for network growth The Banner Health system is addressing network growth by increasing the size of health care distribution places all over their regions. They are preparing for future healthcare desired suply of the communities by starting many critical care,
  • 30. Theodore Roosevelt, President Of New York Born in New York City on October 27, 1858, Theodore Roosevelt was governor of New York before becoming U.S. vice president. At age 42, Teddy Roosevelt became the youngest man to assume the U.S. presidency after President William McKinley was assassinated in 1901. He won a second term in 1904. Known for his anti monopoly policies and ecological conservationism, Roosevelt won the Nobel Peace Prize for his part in ending the Russo Japanese War. He died in New York on January 6, 1919. Theodore Roosevelt Jr. was born on October 27, 1858, in New York City, to Theodore Roosevelt Sr., of Dutch heritage, and Martha Mittie Bulloch, a Southern belle rumored to have been a prototype for the Gone with the Wind character Scarlett O Hara. His family owned a successful plate glass import business. As a young boy, Theodore Roosevelt as he was known to his family members Teddy , spent a lot of time inside his family s handsome brownstone, home schooled due to his illnesses and asthma. This gave him the opportunity to nurse his passion for animal life, but by his teens, with the encouragement of his father, whom he revered, Theodore developed a rigorous physical routine that included weightlifting and boxing. When his father died during his second year at Harvard College, Roosevelt channeled his grief into working even harder: After graduating magna cum laude in 1880, he enrolled at Columbia Law School and got married to Alice Hathaway Lee of Massachusetts. Roosevelt didn t stay long
  • 31. Taking a Look at the Pauline Epistles The Pauline epistles are very crucial to the understanding of how a church and a Christian should act. Throughout all the letters, different subjects have been touched creating almost a guide of how to s . The farewell is especially important as noted in Second Corinthians 13 explains the depth of God s love to the people and the wrath of doubtfulness. since you are demanding proof that Christ is speaking though me. He is not weak in dealing with you, but is powerful among you (13:3). With corrections in the beginning of the letter, or a defense towards Paul s teachings, shows the continuation of the struggle of Corinth, yet they were doing better as spoken by Titus. Paul s final request towards the people of Corinth is found in his second letter (2 Corinthians). The last chapter however is similarly a conclusion, or overview of the letter. Although there are some differences throughout the translations, Paul s final message/warning is evident and clear. The passage is split up into two or three sections, depending on the translation used. Within the New King James Version (NKJ), the breakdown is evident by how the paragraphs are structured to set apart main ideas. Verses 1 4 are thought of as the reminder of what s Paul s message entailed. No matter the translation Paul quotes Deuteronomy 19:15, One witness shall not rise against a man concerning any iniquity or any sin that he commits; by the mouth of two or three witnesses the matter shall be established (NKJ; 2
  • 32. Medieval Humanism Research Paper The medieval era of Europe considered the ancient Greeks and Roman worlds as pagan societies and should be considered immoral. Humanists viewed the ancient Greek and Latin works as a lost world to rediscovered, preserved and to change the way they produced literature and art. This challenged medieval scholars view on history and of art. Many medieval scholars divided history into era darkness and an era of light. The Old Testament was seen to be the age of darkness and after Christ, the age of light. Others observed Saint Augustine s City of God as a way to show history. Humanist rejected this observation and divided history into two. The first was ancient history; also known as the dark ages. The second varied but they were all recent during their time. No longer would Humanist consider the ancients as darkness, but as a light. Humanist viewed themselves as the founders of a new era of light after the dark ages (Rice 79). Humanist also rejected the medieval ideology in which men were separate from God due to the lack of righteousness. Humanist believed God created man in His own image and concentrate on the positive attributions that men can give. They examined... Show more content on ... Humanist educated individuals to adapt a sense of culture. They concentrated on three areas including Latin and Greek literature, history, and ethics. Medieval scholars would dismiss Greek and Latin literature due to those writings being treated as dark and immortal. Humanist would read ancient ethics and philosophy to study science and mathematics. A humanist educator called the need for liberal education because they make men free (Rice 104 105). Humanist also studied the human body and form; meanwhile, medieval scholars did not. Beauty and health were emphasized as important qualities of people to Humanist. Vergerio descried the necessity for liberal studies as worthy of a free man (King
  • 33. Jawaharlal Nehru s Plan Based On Policies Of The Soviet... 2.3Nehru Plan Nehru s period was known by extended economic development plans that organized as five year plans based on policies of the Soviet Union. Given the colonial conditions that India had been through; these plans were particularly admirable for them. By 1970s, regulatory policy regime of India became gradually restrictive and inward oriented. For Nehru Period; Indian economic framework was summarized as follows (Narang, 2012): 1.State will provide straight financing starting with most critical industrial divisions 2.State will enhance balanced supply and demand in the household market. 3.State will eliminate unfair competition 4.State will secure best utilization methods of social assets. Nonetheless, these procurements were perceived as limitative that led to generation of handicaps on industrial improvements in order to achieve those goals. As a case in point, under this act, a preceding authorization was mandatory in order to; 1)Institute a novel industrial cooperative; 2)Enlarge yielding s by more than 5 % per year; 3)Enlarge yielding s by more than 25% over a period of five years. For this reason, state was not just entitled as a provider of assistance and supervision for industrialization as it was manifested in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan; but its role was protracted as an authority on all operational settlements including technological improvements or adaptations and position and spectrum of the operation itself (Narang, 2012). 2.4Foreign
  • 34. Justinian I Essay Justinian I Justinian had a very significant role in world history. There are many things that are overlooked when speaking of Justinian. For instance, Justinian was a great architect. Many times we overlook the little characteristics of Justinian and we focus on the code of Justinian. Justinian was born a barbarian, probably born of Slavic parents in Illyia. We know nothing of his early years except that his uncle adopted him. His uncle was Justin I, the emperor of Constantinople. Then in 527 A.D., Justin made Justinian a co ruler. Four monthslater, when Justin died, Justinian became the sole emperor. This was the beginning of Justinian s famous rule, which lasted from 527 A.D. through 565 A.D. (The Reignof Justinian). The reign of ... Show more content on ... During this time of war Justinian had to raise the taxes in order to pay for the war, and rebuild the burnt city as fire was set to the city in the Nika Revolt. There were great losses due to the wars. Italy laid in ruins and residents lived in poverty for centuries after this tragedy. Along with this, much of Rome s great buildings could have survived if Justinian had left the Ostrogoths in Italy. Even though Justinian s reconquests in the west were not permanent, his destruction or weakening of civilized Germanic tribes was. The only tribe untouched by Justinian was the Burgundians who had too few people to exercise any real power. Easterners didn t stop the new invaders in the west when Justinian died. The Persians recognized the weakness, and after Justinian s death, they attacked the Byzantine Empire. After all this, the Eastern and Westerners wanted to restore the empire. Finally, in 632 AD, the Byzantine s were victorious over the Persians but because both of the groups of people were so weak, it was easy for the Muslim armies to overthrow them (The Reign of Justinian) Justinian felt many of the laws of Byzantium were very confusing. many were out of date, some contradicting others, and not in one place did a complete collection of the laws exist. To solve this problem, Justinian assigned a commission to study the problem. Their work resulted in the publication of the Code of Justinian.
  • 35. Sumerians, Egyptians, and Chinese Contributions Did you know that Sumerians developed the world s first form of writing? That many of today s household objects were invented or used by the ancient Egyptians (lock and keys, combs, scissors, wigs, makeup, deodorants, toothbrush and toothpaste)? Or that for the last 4,000 years China has been the oldest continuous civilization on Earth? The Sumerians, Egyptians, and Chinese created flourishing civilizations filled with many achievements in writing, architecture, and technology that made lasting contributions to humankind. Sumer is referred to as the cradle of civilization because there were many important inventions. Writing was one of Sumerians most important invention. Sumerians developed the world s first known writing, cuneiform, ... Show more content on ... Only a small, educated elite had the time to master this system. Despite some changes made through the years, the fundamental principles of the Chinese system still endures today. As a result, the legacy of the Chinese system is that people speaking essentially different languages, such as Mandarin and Cantonese, can read and understand the same text. The Chinese had a very unique form of architecture. A Chinese structure is based on the principle of balance and symmetry. Office buildings, residences, temples, and palaces all follow the principle that the main structure is the axis. Other structures are positioned as two wings on either side to form the main room and the yard. The distribution of interior space reflects Chinese social and ethical values. China had a very advanced technology development. Bronze and iron played a major role. Weapons, chariot fittings, musical instruments, and religious ritual vessels were made from it. One of the most important contributions China made to humankind was its writing system that united all parts of China. Other contributions include paper making, printing, gunpowder, and the mariner s compass. Small inventions like these have made a huge difference in our society today. Ancient civilizations all around have contributed something to the world we live in today. Sumer, Egypt and China have had many
  • 36. Death Penalty and Life in Prison CWV 301 Christian Worldview Characteristics of God Worksheet amp; Essay For Part I of this assignment, you will look up the following passages in the Bible to learn about certain characteristics of God and how they shape the Christian Worldview. This is a brainstorming exercise, in which the listing of ideas is more important than writing. Consider using a bullet list or outline to discuss elements and sub elements. For Part II of this assignment, you will write an essay that summarizes what you have learned in Part One. Submit the Worksheet to the instructor by the end of Module 2. Part I Omniscience: The God of the Bible ... Show more content on ... And that there are three that bear record in heaven, which is the father the son and the Holy Spirit. Eternal life is in his son. Psalm 145:8 9, 15 amp; 16: It tells how the Lord is gracious full of compassion. He is a patient God, he is good to all and how he sent his commandments on things that needed to be obeyed. Immutability: The Bible states that God is eternal and complete in every way. Because of this, He never changes. God is not subject to growth or improvement or failure. He cannot become anything more or less than what He already is. In the following passages, how is God described? What are the characteristics listed? Malachi 3:6: It tells how God describe himself as Lord, he confess he do not change. He is always the same God. Numbers 23:19: It describe God as a person that do not lie, he is someone of truth. 1 Samuel 15:29: It describe Jonathan Saul s son went to David in the woods how God
  • 37. The Hunger Games And Catching Fire Many today would watch The Hunger Games and Catching Fire and think to themselves; it is just a story, two oppressed teenagers rise to become the heroes and star crossed lovers of their dystopian society. If you look deeper, you can see how much more that their districts are like modern society than we would like to believe. Before understanding how poverty in The Hunger Games and Catching Fire affects the citizens of Panem (the country in The Hunger Games and Catching Fire) you must first realize how the government and country of Panem works. The capital of Panem; which is the richest of all the territories (but is not considered a district), is powered by the labor mandated upon the populations that make up districts one through twelve. Each year a reaping is held in order to find one boy and one girl from the ages of twelve to eighteen from each of the districts to enter The Hunger Games. By Panem law your name goes into the reaping once at the age of twelve, twice at the age of thirteen, ending with seven times on your eighteenth birthday. As for both of the movies The Hunger Games and Catching Fire along with our American modern society, poverty is an issue that is relevant in everyday lives. Whether walking either the long dusty, oppressive roads of Panem or the bustling streets full of harried businesses in downtown Dallas you will find many poverty stricken individuals, who don t need individuals to feel sorry for them, but to show a kind loving heart and help
  • 38. Essay on Chicanos Chicanos With the advancements in technology today, the process of learning has become easier. Instead of just reading, one can look at video documentaries or web sites to acquire information they need or want. In my Latinos in the U.S. class, we have access to all types of information in our quest to learn about Mexican American history. By reading Zaragosa Vargas= Problems in Mexican American History, looking at the Chicano Park web site and viewing part one of the Chicano! video documentary, I have encountered a variety of representations of Mexican American history. However they are not all of the same quality for the video and web site do not give as much information as the readings in Vargas= book or the class lectures... Show more content on ... is of better quality than the web site. It talks in great detail of the history that proceeded World War II including the Chicano Civil Rights Movement, the Chicano Youth Conference, and the Chicano Moratorium March showing footage of the actual events. It also talks more about Mexican American history throughout the United States. Yet, similar to the web site it does not talk about the very beginning of the Mexican American history. The history of Mexican Americans began with the colonization of Mexico by the Spaniards around 1492. At this time, there were approximately eighteen million people living in Mexico as compared to the 250,000 Spaniards that came to the ANew World.@ This is shocking because these 250,000 Spaniards were able to conquer and gain control of Mexico. Many believe this was done because the Spaniards brought disease which killed off the majority of the natives and because the Spaniards were militarily superior. Although this may be true, the Spaniards were smart and knew they would not be able to conquer so many people by themselves. With this being the case, they acted as friends to the natives, joined their communities, learned about their culture, learned the language, and eventually turned the different tribes of natives against each other. Two examples of this include: Cortes, who recruited a native woman to be his slave, impregnated her and had the first Mestizo (half Indian, half Spanish) or Mexican child, and Alvar Nunez
  • 39. Consulting Case Interview Preparation Guide CONSULTING CASE INTERVIEW PREPARATION GUIDE 2005 2006 Recruiting Season 2nd EditionDecember 5, 2005 BUSINESS SCHOOL CONSULTING CLUB 2005 Michigan Consulting Club Contents Editor s note Introduction to cases Administering cases Receiving cases The case list The cases 2005 2006 MICHIGAN CONSULTING CASE INTERVIEWPREPARATION GUIDE 1 2005 Michigan Consulting Club Editor s Note Dear Michigan Consulting Club Member, If you are reading this, then it is likely you are interested in pursuing a consulting career upon graduation from business school. In order to increase your familiarity with the consulting interview format, the Michigan Consulting Club has established a multilateral training program ... Show more content on ... Before discounting questions as wrong, ask the candidate for their thinking... if it makes sense, go with it Consider what a consultant would be looking for in the candidate Presentation: can I put this person in front of a client? Aptitude: Can this person accurately do the work? Interest: Does this person like what they are doing? After interview Provide feedback This is possibly the most critical step of the case interview process Honestly let the candidate know strengths, but more importantly areas for improvement Without honest feedback and constructive criticism, it is very difficult to improve With these steps in mind, you should be able to With these steps in mind, you should be able to conduct a concise and rewarding case interview. conduct a concise and rewarding case interview. 2005 2006 MICHIGAN CONSULTING CASE INTERVIEW PREPARATION GUIDE 4
  • 40. 2005 Michigan Consulting Club Contents Editor s note Introduction to cases Administering cases Receiving cases The case list The cases 2005 2006 MICHIGAN CONSULTING CASE INTERVIEW PREPARATION GUIDE 5 2005 Michigan Consulting Club Receiving Cases You will have a lot of instruction about general conduct and how to receive specific types of cases during the Consulting Club s training program, however there are several things to always keep in mind to maximize the value of
  • 41. The Earth Has Never Stopped Revolving Ever Since It Had... The Earth has never stopped revolving ever since it had existed. About 2.5 billion years ago during the Proterozoic Eon to the Cenozoic era in which we live in today, a single celled organism was able to evolve into many cells, which led to dinosaurs, mammals, primates, and many other organisms. Not only did the animals evolved, our ancestors did too! They had passed on their genes and traits as well as new ones to create the humanbeing we are today. We didn t start out like this. Millions of years ago, the human s ancestors were not bipedal because fossils have showed that their legs were too far apart, which meant that they would be all wobbly if they had stood and walked upright. A primate would need to have their legs closer... Show more content on ... Donald Johanson, a paleoanthropologist, found a 3.2 million year old fossil in Africa Ethiopia. Lucy, an Australopithecus afarensis, was believed to be the first human like ancestor who died at the age of three. According to Johanson, Lucy was a biped. We know that she walked upright because the shaft of her leg is angled, which is similar to a human s knee joints. Why did our ancestors evolve from walking on four legs to walking on two? One theory was about the climate. Some scientists believe that because our ancestor s homes in the trees were being destroyed due to the climate change, our ancestors had to walk more to get to their destination. If they didn t walk fast enough, they would become a prey. With that, our ancestors developed the trait to walk on two legs. That theory is proven wrong, thanks to a recent discovery of a 4.4 million year old fossil. Ardi, an Ardipithecusramidus, was a human like ancestor before Lucy s time. According to her fossils, Ardi was bipedal because she had feet both great for grasping and walking. Her knuckles or wrist showed no signs of her walking on four. The upper part of her pelvis, in which the hip bone is short and broad, is similar to a human s, but the lower part is longer than a human s, which was more useful for climbing. According to that fact, we know that Ardi was a biped and a tree climber. Because her
  • 42. Silence It is a beautiful September morning. The sky is blue and cloudless, although it feels like it should rain. Hundreds of people gather in small, tight knit groups at Ground Zero, holding tightly to the person beside them. Shoulders shake as they stand in the place where their loved ones died; not a word is uttered. Silence. That s how they choose to remember 2,296 souls (Plumer, 2013). Complete and utter silence. The void that is too often filled, the thing that is too often forgotten. Today s society has been trained to avoid silence. In a world where our senses are constantly assaulted by sound, silence has become awkward, uncomfortable, and sometimes, even downright terrifying. We fill our world with sound, from the moment we wake up in the morning to the moment we fall asleep at night. The loud, insistent beep of the alarm clock, the ringing of cell phones, the slamming of doors, and the hum of the radio invade every sphere of our lives. By taking a step back, and looking at the world from a different point of view, we will see that silence is a powerful tool that transforms our lives. Our generation is no longer taught to spend time contemplating who we are as individuals. Rather, our focused energy is on the distractions that are so easily available to us. We look for every possible way to run from solitude instead of turning inward and spending time alone with our own thoughts and emotions. Though it is frequently overlooked, silence is an influential resource available
  • 43. Using Data From The British Election Study This paper is a research project that uses data from the British Election Study. The study has responses from 2987 participants selected at random for the survey. The survey asks a variety of questions regarding the elections and the perceptions of the participants. The questions include responses for voting preferences, issues faced in the elections of 2015, inclination of the voter towards left or right, taxation and spending views, views of respondents regarding immigration, economic status and so forth. The response scales used are close ended with multiple choice and Likert scale questions on a scale of one to ten being used. Due to the large amount of data and the variety of information asked, this report will restrict itself to testing a few hypotheses, which will be targeted towards specific areas, and which can be proved or disproved through use of cross tabulation analysis based on data obtained in the survey. It has been noted that the economic status of a voter tends to impact the political leanings of the voter. It was noted in a survey carried out in the USA that wage levels were an indicator of voter preferences where people who earned less than $70,000 noted to lean towards the liberal, Democratic Party, while those who earned more tended to be more conservative in leaning towards the Republican Party (Thompson, 2012). Another study conducted in Malaysia concluded that voters consider the economic conditions of the country before voting for a government, and
  • 44. Modern Culture And Culture Of The Ancient Greek Theater Ancient Greek Theater Greece is the protГ©gГ© of theatre and in turn stands as the basis of Western theatrical tradition; as a large part of the broader culture of theatricality and performance. In classical Greece included festivals, religious rituals, politics, law, athletics and gymnastics, music, poetry, weddings, funerals, and symposiums. In the original culture of the Greek theatre they stressed the importance of the twelve Olympian gods, advanced technology, theatrical stage, first actor, and rise of different genres. Due to these ideals and stresses, Greek style theatre is still prevalent today; we are very privileged to see the growth theater had since it first started out and to see that the old ways still persist today. Back in the Classical period, 500 to 200 B.C., theatre served solely and mostly dealt with honoring their Dodekatheon (twelve gods) rather than entertaining the crowd and provoking thought for future analysis. Arguably the theatre was the most important part of the Athenian religious and social culture where everyone who worked extremely hard throughout the year would look forward to the month that was dedicated to one of their most venerated gods, Dionysus. Imagine living in 400 B.C. or around there, and celebrating life for an entire month during the summer without having any obligations towards yourself, or anyone around you. Literally this is the pursuit of happiness in people my age, working extremely hard, during the cold and tough
  • 45. Essay On Cervical Cancer Introduction The cells in our bodies all have certain jobs to do. Normal cells divide in an orderly way. They die when they are damaged, and new cells take their place. Cancer is when the cells start to growth out of control, meanly know as malignancy. The cancer cells keep on growing and making new cells. They crowd out normal cells. This causes problems in the part of the body where the cancer started. Cancer is not just one disease. There are many types of cancer. Cancer can start in the lungs, the breast, the colon, or even in the blood. Cancers are alike in some ways, but they are different in the ways they grow and spread. The most common types of cancer in the U.S are; Bladder cancer, Breast cancer, Cervical cancer, ... Show more content on ... Start a sexual active life at an early age, and have sex with different sexual partners follows as a risk factor. HIV, multiple pregnancy, and the birth control pills, are others risk factors associated to the cervical cancer. Smoking is an important risk factor, nicotine has been found in the cervical mucus; it increases the possibilities to develop cervical cancer by weakening the immune system and the person is more susceptible to be infected by HPV (American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology, 2010). In thinking about risk factors, it helps to focus on those you can change or avoid (like smoking or human papilloma virus infection), rather than those you cannot (such as your age and family history). However, it is still important to know about risk factors that cannot be changed, because it s even more important for women who have these factors to get regular Pap tests to detect cervical cancer early. The NHS (National Health Service) Cervical Screening Program began in 1988, the rate of women diagnosed with cervical cancer in the United Kingdom has halved from 16 per 100,000 in 1988 to 8 per 100,000. (See image 1A, page
  • 46. Little Miss Sunshine Belonging Analysis In an environment plagued by incessant consumerism and perpetual egocentrism, one can easily begin to feel disconnected from other members of society. It is becoming exceedingly difficult to have truly meaningful relationships with anyone by cause of the cold, systematic, and covetous fashion in which our world is governed. Due to the lack of feeling a common unity, many families become disjointed and dysfunctional. There is, however, a way in which people can once again sense profound interconnectedness. Through distinct and intimate experiences with others, an individual s sense of societal separation is replaced with an intense perception of harmony. A film that perfectly encapsulates this phenomenon is the Academy Award winning comedy, Little Miss Sunshine (Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris, 2006). The film tells the story of an idiosyncratic family which travels across the country in order get Olive (Abigail Breslin), an aspiring beauty queen, to the Little Miss Sunshine pageant. Through a series of conflicts, the family undergoes many transformative and significant experiences. As a result, important messages can be discerned from the film. Little Miss Sunshine follows Hollywood s typical three act structure of set up, confrontation, and resolution in order to develop the notion that direct, human experiences lead to the... Show more content on ... As the family finishes eating, Olive learns that she has been invited to the Little Miss Sunshine Beauty Pageant. Utterly exultant, Olive races around the house as the family evaluates how to travel to the pageant. Through this news, the premise is created. The audience learns that the trip to Little Miss Sunshine will be what the film will be about while the family s initial confusion as to how to get there is the dramatic situation. The audience realizes that the family will be subjected to numerous obstacles during their
  • 47. The Effects Of Listening On Different Types Of Music Title: Effects of listening to different types of music one week prior to midterm exam on student s result in a randomized classroom clinical trial Introduction: Dating back to 1973 was one of the earliest studies done on music and memory. The study done by Mowsesian and Heyer involves 15 year old students listening to music while taking their exam. The researchers found out that music does not have a huge impact on student s performance (Hallam, Price, Katsarou, 2002). In contrast, there is also one study done by Fogelson in 1973 which stated there are positive effect of music while studying on children s exam performance (Bloor, 2009). Therefore, Hallam suggested that early studies are done poorly and not set up in a practical framework, this is why the results of the studies produced are not consistent (Hallam, Price, Katsarou, 2002). However, there are also several studies in the 20 s century that shown music actually does improve information retention. One of the studies done involves 13 students from third grade which are required to study on a vibroacoustic music chair for 23 minutes three times a week for 23 weeks. Before the study starts, student are tested on their reading and word recognition ability, another similar test is also done towards the end of the study and the pre and posttest results are being compared. As a result, the use of vibroacoustic music chair has a positive impact on the student s reading ability (Carlson, Hoffman, Gray, Thompson,
  • 48. Sociology Imagination Sociologists differ in their understanding of the concept, but the range suggests several important commonalities. Mills defined sociological imagination as the vivid awareness of the relationship between experience and the wider society. The sociological imagination is the capacity to shift from one perspective to another: from the political to the psychological; from examination of a single family to comparative assessment of the national budgets of the world; from the theological school to the military establishment; from considerations of an oil industry to studies of contemporary poetry.[1] Sociological Imagination: The application of imaginative thought to the asking and answering of sociological questions. Someone using ... Show more content on ... In some introductory sociology classes, the sociological imagination is brought up, along with Mills and how he characterized the sociological imagination as a critical quality of mind that would help men and women to use information and to develop reason in order to achieve lucid summations of what is going on in the world and of what may be happening within themselves. [4] [edit] Uses of sociological imagination in filmsThe advantages of using popular films to enhance students comprehension of sociological topics is widely recognized. Those who teach courses in social problems report using films to teach about war, to aid students in adopting a global perspective and to confront issues of race relations. There are benefits of using film as part of a multimedia approach to teaching courses in popular culture. It also provides students of medical sociology with case studies for hands on observational experiences. It acknowledges the value of films as historical documentation of changes in cultural ideas, materials, and institutions. Feature films are used in introductory sociology courses to demonstrate the current relevance of sociological thinking and to show how the sociological imagination helps us make sense of our social world. The underlying assumption is that the sociological imagination is best developed and exercised in the
  • 49. Mesopotamia Cuneiform Writing is the physical manifestation of a spoken language. Between 50,000 and 30,000, evidence of language appeared with cave paintings. However, it wasn t until 3500 BCE when Sumerian people of Mesopotamia started writing called cuneiform. This writing used specific marks in wet clay with a reed implement. These scripts were based on pictorial symbols and later mixed with phonetic elements. The Sumerians were a commercial people and writing was developed to record quantities of goods. Clay tokens of a distinctive shape and size were used to represent quantities of commodities such as grain, livestock, labor, and land. Each token represented both a quantity and type of commodity. Alphabetic writing began with scripts by the Semitic people ... Show more content on ... The Greek phonetic writing system came from Phoenicia and was quite different from that of Mesopotamia, yet it still owes its development to the Sumerians and their advances in the written word. With the rise of the cities in Mesopotamia, and the need for resources which were lacking in the region, long distance trade developed and, with it, the need to be able to communicate across the expanses between cities or regions. In order to express more complex terms, Phonograms were created. These phonograms were symbols that represented sounds which gave more meaning. With this, they had a dynamic means of conveying motion to and from a location. By the Third Millennium B.C, cuneiform was used for a vast array of economic, religious, political, literary, and scholarly documents. One of the first writers known by name was priestess Enheduanna who wrote her hymns to the goddess Inanna and signed them with her name. Literature is at first words rather than letters. It arises as clerical chants or magic charms, usually recited by the priests. Carmina, Romans poetry, meant both verses and charms; ode meant a magic spell to the Greeks. Some were developed to preserve, transmit, and enhance the magic incantations of their
  • 50. The Deeper Meaning Of The Color Purple The Color Purple by Alice Walker is about a girl named Celie who gets sold off to another man by her father because she is ugly. She deals with rape from her father who had already impregnated her twice and sold one child and killed the other, abuse, and slavery. Her sister on the other hand, got to go to school and become an educated womanbecause she was beautiful . All throughout the story, Celie thinks that she was isolated and forgotten because her sister moved away to Africa to preach, but little does she know, her sister had been writing letters to her the whole time but Mr. ___ (that s the name of her new owner ) had been keeping them from her. Celie went on to fight for her rights, express her inner beauty and found her children. She escaped from Mr. ___ and became a loving mom and great business women. The deeper meaning of this book is to never give up no matter how hard the situation is. Celie kept going and fought for her rights even though she would get abused and neglected. The deeper meaning of this book is to never give up because even when she got set back, Celie still escaped. For example, her father would call her ugly and say that she would never become anything in life but later on she worked hard and... Show more content on ... In the book, when Nettle moved away to Africa, Celie thought she was alone. She believed that her sister wanted nothing to do with her because that s what Mr. ____told her. The whole time, Nettle was trying to get in touch with Celie by letter but Mr.____ was hiding them so Celie could never find them. This proves that Nettle never gave up because she could ve stopped writing letters within the first few times she didn t receive but she had set her mind on reaching out to Celie so that s what she did and she would stop at
  • 51. Teaching English As A Foreign Language My major Teaching English as a foreign language has always been of paramount importance for me. Although I have been practicing English for ten years, I need to be in a real English speaking world. This would account for my success as an English teacher. Since I have specific plans to implement during the academic year, I would like to explain them in detail. Firstly, I intend to broaden my horizons. In addition, my main aim is to conduct several researches in the most important features of the English Language and Teaching English as a Foreign Language. These topics are among my favorite ones: The interesting features of euphemism in English , Idioms, phrasal verbs and their importance , Teaching techniques and also The role of... Show more content on ... There are some reasons for it, such as globalization or the popularity of the Internet, which have made English as an important subject in my country as well. As far as the knowledge and expertise I will gain is concerned, hopefully, I am convinced that it will be beneficial in many ways for the development of my country. Looking at the facts, for instance, almost anybody needs to communicate effectively in English at the moment. For instance, our sportsmen have to know English if they want to attend world sports competitions. Doctors need it to work together with other overseas doctors. Travelling to a different country requires tourists to know English. Even historians need to learn English. Therefore, as Uzbekistan is developing rapidly the demand for highly skilled personnel in the field of teaching English as a foreign language will continue to be in demand. All things considered, I firmly believe that my one year academic non degree study will be so fruitful. Only then, I think, to be more realistic, I can organize better English speaking clubs and that makes it possible for everybody to learn English and travel and study abroad in the future. I hopefully intend to implement what I learned to develop friendship and mutual understanding among world nations. As far as my contributions are concerned, I firmly believe that they
  • 52. Accounts Receivable and Extermination Services Revenue Essay Bug Off Exterminators provides pest control services and sells extermination products manufactured by other companies. The following six column table contains the company s unadjusted trial balance as of December 31, 2011. BUG OFF EXTERMINATORS December 31, 2011 Unadjusted Trial Balance Cash 17,000 Accounts receivable 4,000 Allowance for doubtful accounts 828 Merchandise inventory 11,700 Trucks 32,000 Accum. depreciation Trucks Equipment 45,000 Accum. depreciation Equipment 12,200 Accounts payable 5,000 Estimated warranty liability 1,400 Unearned services revenue Interest payable Long term notes payable 15,000 D. Buggs, Capital 59,700 D. Buggs, Withdrawals 10,000 Extermination services revenue 60,000 Interest ... Show more content on ... Original cost 32,000 Expected salvage value 8,000 Useful life (years) 4 d. Two items of equipment (a sprayer and an injector) were purchased and put into service in early January 2009. They are being depreciated with the straight line method using these facts and estimates. Sprayer Injector Original cost 27,000 18,000 Expected salvage value 3,000 2,500 Useful life (years) 8 5 e. On August 1, 2011, the company is paid $3,840 cash in advance to provide monthly service for an apartment complex for one year. The company began providing the services in August. When the cash was received, the full amount was credited to the Extermination Services Revenue account. f. The company offers a warranty for the services it sells. The expected cost of providing warranty service is 2.5% of the extermination services revenue of $57,760 for 2011. No warranty expense has been recorded for 2011. All costs of servicing warranties in 2011 were properly debited to the Estimated Warranty Liability account. g. The $15,000 long term note is an 8%, 5 year, interest bearing note with interest
  • 53. payable annually on December 31. The note was signed with First National Bank on December 31, 2011. h. The ending inventory of merchandise is counted and determined to have a cost of $11,700. Bug Off uses a perpetual inventory system. Required: 1. Use the preceding information to determine amounts for the following items. a. Correct (reconciled) ending balance of Cash, and the amount of
  • 54. Persecution Of The Puritans During the late 16th and 17th centuries, the Puritans, or sometimes referred to as precisionists , were members of a religious reform who cast away the religious ideals of the Church of England under Queen Elizabeth s rule. The Puritans planned to regulate a different way to worship, along with censorious moral beliefs, often disregarding the beliefs of the entire English nation in order to instill their own, leading to their persecution. A blog dated 2008 on the topic of the Puritanpersecution states: They were forced out because they wanted to reform human civilization through religion, to wipe out poverty, and to make a heaven on Earth in which everyone was free to discover God s will for themselves . It is evident that the Puritans, who believed in a more Protestant variation of the Anglican Church, were persecuted and fled, but the exact reasons for this are often disputed. The most popular trail of thought is that due to the backlash they received, the Puritans could not be maintained and thus escaped. Other people are entertained by the thought that the Puritans had been banished but in result, had only a sole thought in mind to reform human civilization through religion somewhere else, as stated in the blog above.... Show more content on ... They complained of that the recent application of the Anglican Church, was still too similar to the Catholic Church, despite it being a substitution to the Catholic Church with slight modifications due to King Henry VIII. The Protestants who thought as such had been deeply influenced by John Calvin, who revolutionized against bishops holding too much power within the Church. The
  • 55. RSPCA and the Rolls Royce Group RSPCA and Rolls Royce Group plc Financial Statement Analysis for RSPCA and Rolls Royce This essay analyses the financial statements of the RSPCA and Rolls Royce Group plc. The analysis reviews important information derived from their statements and discusses the implications for performance measurements. This analysis also discusses financial statement differences between charity and for profit companies, as well as considers what additional information would facilitate financial analysis. Important Information from Statements RSPCA A review of the RSPCA 2010 consolidated statement of financial activities (SOFA), the income statement for charities, shows a decrease in incoming resources when compared with fiscal year 2009. Specifically, income from unrestricted, restricted, and endowment funds declined by ВЈ13.96m or 10.8 percent (RSPCA, p. 19). Existing and potential funders consider this decrease in assessing the impact to RSPCA operations and would likely believe the decline indicates a serious challenge that must be addressed by Society management. The Chief Executive and Chairman discussed the drop in legacy income in their joint foreword, citing it as the primary reason for the reduction in total income. In response to this challenge, the Society planned to implement a new income generation programme in an attempt to diversify their income generation efforts. The new programme was intended to decrease their reliance on legacy income, given that the competition
  • 56. Multicultural Issues In Multicultural Education Multicultural Issues Raquel mentions she failed the seventh grade; as a result she was placed in special classes. She also stated she does not see the point of going to school. Brammer (2004) mentions language barriers is a hindrance among Latin American while in school. Many Latin Americans are bilingual; however, the will speak little English outside of the school setting. This causes complications due to their primary language is Spanish which is spoken by familyand friends (Brammer, 2004). Additionally, Latin American endures a vast amount of peer pressure to do poorly in school or to drop out. One method to reduce the dropout rate of Latin Americans is teachers can make reasonable accommodation to their lesson plan to the address the students needs. Also involving the child s parents in their educations with the use of interpreters can assist the child to thrive educationally (Amy Buttler, personal communication, November 7, 2017). It is mentioned that Raquel s family has strong ethnicity rooted in the Costa Rican lineage. Latin Americans tend to have strong family ties that rely on the support and strength of each other. Familismo is a part of their cultural placing high value on the family that extends past the nuclear family (e.g. grandparents and extended familymembers) (Brammer, 2004). It is beneficial to be close with one s family; however, Brammer (2004) mentions the family bonds can lead to sexual exploitation of children by family members. He