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Compare And Contrast Essay About High
School And College
Crafting a compare and contrast essay on the topic of high school and college can be a
challenging task, as it requires a comprehensive understanding of both educational phases and
the ability to highlight their similarities and differences effectively. The complexity arises from
the need to delve into various aspects such as academic structure, social dynamics, freedom,
responsibilities, and overall experiences.
One of the difficulties lies in navigating through the myriad of nuances that distinguish high
school and college life. High school is often characterized by a more structured curriculum, a
fixed schedule, and a closely monitored environment. On the other hand, college introduces a
greater degree of flexibility, diverse course options, and a more independent learning approach.
Balancing these differences while maintaining a coherent and organized essay structure poses a
writing challenge.
Furthermore, addressing the diverse experiences of students in both settings can be intricate. The
essay must capture the essence of the social dynamics, extracurricular activities, and the overall
atmosphere in high school versus college. Articulating these variations requires keen
observational skills and the ability to provide insightful analysis without generalizing or
Additionally, conveying the unique challenges and opportunities that arise from the transition
between high school and college demands a nuanced approach. Discussing the impact on
personal growth, academic expectations, and the development of critical skills requires a careful
exploration of the individual experiences that shape these transitions.
In conclusion, writing a compare and contrast essay about high school and college involves
navigating through a multitude of complexities. The writer must seamlessly blend insights into
the academic, social, and personal aspects of both educational phases. Despite the difficulties, a
well-crafted essay can offer valuable perspectives on the transformative journey from high
school to college.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, various resources are
available. Online platforms like provide a range of writing services to help
individuals tackle complex essay topics and assignments effectively.
Compare And Contrast Essay About High School And CollegeCompare And Contrast Essay
About High School And College
My Love For Reading And Writing
I am no gluttonous reader, but a lazy English student who finds the process of
reading and writing to be quite tedious. Months at a stretch where I don t flip a page
is uncommon. My displeasure from books was driven off of how much interest I
have and the content I choose to read. A lack of interest makes it difficult to initiate
and finish the reading. It also makes me less attentive as I am prone to distractions.
Consequently, I wound up not understanding a single thing I just read and my writing
becomes unorganized, not knowing where I left off. After all, interest sparks
motivation, and no motivation equals zero attention for the book, hence I m unable
to follow the storyline. When deficient in inspiration, I m restrained from writing
passionately. Furthermore, my interest plays a role in choosing a content I enjoy
reading. Not all texts are equally challenging, so the selection of my content declines
improving in English.
Subtitles from shows in another language are what I relish because I appreciate the
storyline from animations and dramas. I prefer reading subtitles over listening to the
English dubbed (having the show translated), because I have a harder time listening
than reading. I find that my love for reading subtitles helped me read a lot faster,
making that my strength. In addition to my strengths, when stumbling upon words
that I have no understanding of, I have a good habit of using context clues to define
troublesome words. Conversely, my enjoyment does
How To Fix Water Damage Drywall
How To Fix Water Damaged Drywall If a water leak damaged your drywall, you ll
want to repair or replace it. Otherwise, mold may grow on the drywall before it has
a chance to dry out completely. Plus, you don t want to look at an ugly water stain.
You might be able to fix the problem yourself, or you may be better off calling a
contractor if you re not handy with tools. The first step is to determine the extent
of damage. Inspect The Drywall Water damage takes different forms. If you re
lucky, you ll only have to deal with an ugly surface stain. However, since drywall is
so porous, there s a good chance the water will have soaked into the drywall
material and caused some damage. In addition to looking for water stains, look for
bubbles and... Show more content on ...
If you just seal the stain, the wall will look bumpy when you paint it. The bumps
appear because the drywall expands when it soaks up water. Then when the water
dries up, the bumps get hard. If the bumps are confined to the surface, you might
be able to shave them off with a paint scraper and smooth over the top before you
seal the stain. If the damage extends to deeper layers of the drywall, then the only
way to get a smooth surface again is to cut out the damage. Cut out a portion that s
a little larger than the damaged area. The cut out a piece the same size from a new
sheet of drywall. Fit the new piece into the hole and hold in it place with drywall
tape. Next, apply joint compound, or drywall mud, over the tape and repaired
area. Use a straight edge to stretch the mud out and make it level with the
surrounding drywall. You ll need to act quickly before the mud dries and gets too
hard to work with. If you have several sections of damaged drywall, or if there is a
lot of mold growth, you may want to call a contractor for help. You ll have to be
meticulous in your work or the wall will not look smooth once you ve applied a
coat of paint. The last thing you want is to do all that work only to see the repairs
showing through the paint when you re
The Inventions Of The Late Nineteenth And Early
There were many inventions that were created in the late nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries that had a huge impact on life in the United States. Some of these
inventions were the telephone, the electric light bulb, and the airplane. The telephone
was created by Alexander Graham Bell, the light bulb by Thomas Edison, and the
airplane by Wilbur and Orville Wright. The telephonecompletely changed how we
communicate. Alexander Bell was a professor at Boston University when he built a
device that allowed people to see speech in the form of sound wave vibrations. This
made Mr. Bell believe that somehow he could make sound waves turn into an
electrical current and back into sound waves. After lots of studying electricityand
conducting lots
Organizational Culture at Lincoln Electric
Motley Fool (2013), a multimedia financial company named Lincoln Electric to be
the eight best companies in America. It is a phenomenal achievement to maintain the
company s ranking for several years. This implies that the organizational structure and
culture should play a tremendous role in the Company s continuous success and
progress. This essay assess the assess the culture and different trends followed at
Lincoln Electric
Organizational Culture:
Business dictionary defines Organizational Culture as the values and behaviors that
contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization . It
can also be seen as the values that show people what is appropriate and what is not
(Becker, 2006).
Lincoln Electric:
Founded in 1865 by John C. Lincoln, the company is known in today s world for its
high worker productivity. The secret behind this extra ordinary success lies in the
company s founding philosophies and established policies over the year. The term
Organizational Culture was not even in practice when the company established its
unique policies like reducing working hours, paid up life insurance, health benefits,
social activities, paid vacations, and the pension plans. These measures not only
motivated the employees but also helped build trust and partisanship. In Charles G.
Herbruck s words ... these were expressions of mutual respect for each person s
importance for the job to be done. It can be assumed that Lincoln Electric
Men’s Conflict With Food, Weight, Shape Appearance
Why does the general public believe only women are victims of body image and
eating disorders? Adolescent to adult males are dangerously preoccupied with the
appearance of their bodies. The difference between men and women are men almost
never talk openly about this problem. Society has taught them that they shouldn t be
concerned about how they look. But countless numbers of men are sacrificing
important aspectsof their lives to working out compulsively. This leads to distorted
body images, which ties together with eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia
(Adonis Complex.) The general public usually categorizes these disorders with
women only. Women aren t the only victims; men are suffering too, but just silently.
According ... Show more content on ...
Their perception of the male body becomes skewed. On television these days, it
seems as if the models stick together. It is rare to see an over weight person with a
lean and muscular person. From my observation, women on television are usually
tall and skinny with voluptuous curves. The men are tone with unrealistic chiseled
features. I grew up spending a lot of time in front of the television, unaware that I
was being subliminally brainwashed. Television is causing young males and
females to develop a negative perception on what is seen as normal. During the
earlier part of November, NBC broadcasted the 2001 Victoria Secret Fashion Show:
The Sexiest Night on Television. This one hour event was broadcasted in prime time
that featured tall, incredibly skinny, full featured women elegantly modeling lingerie.
But in reality, it was just a tacky peepshow of emaciated women pumped full of
silicone flaunting their bodies. It was a full hour of sugarcoated pornography, an hour
of women whoring themselves to photographers. According to The View, a talk show,
more than half of people who tuned were teenage girls. They were interested in what
the general public deemed as beautiful. What was on television that night was nothing
close to realistic. Imagine all the teenage girls who are completely mesmerized these
women. To achieve that look, those models have to go through rigorous diets and
dehydration. The lighting has
Essay About Etiquette
Etiquette and Introductions: Jane Austen s Survival Guide
Alejandro Somarriba, Joey Haneine, Alexis Sein
Literature: Aaron Horton
Eton School
Etiquette and Introductions
Proper etiquette is the acceptable ways in which a person behaves in public. These
rules have a long time existing and have showed in all cultures. Depending on the
geographic location, these etiquettes have changed. For example: if you live in
Germany, it s totally normal to drink beer at any time of the day. On the contrary
English people would think of these as an insult. They drink only tea, and it shall be
done at specific times, like on a meeting.
The manners and ways of the nineteenth century were quite different from those of
today (as anyone ... Show more content on ...
As men were the principal gender during these time, they didn t have the rules that
ladies have, in a way, yes, they had more freedom. Anyway, they did have some
manners and actions they should follow:
When the street, while greeting, the man must bow and tip his hat, while the woman
grabs her dress bows. The man won t speak to the woman unless she speaks first.
When a man is appointed on a date with a girl, he has to invite her to walk down the
sidewalk while they talk.
While going up stairs, the man should go before the woman, when going down, he
should go after.
While on a carriage, he must not seat next to a woman unless he is a person from her
family. He must leave the carriage first and help the woman out.
When at a public event, the man must go first to find the woman a seat. If there are
elder, he has to take his hat off.
Men are introduced to women.
Men cannot smoke when ladies are around.
Although, there are some actions that one must never make. Here are some examples
(for men):
Refer to another person by their first name in public
Curse while ladies are present (also smoke)
Leave a lady you know unattended, except with
Essay On Discrimination In America
Throughout time, racism has controlled the way people treat each other, and despite
many Americans believing that they have resolved their racist ways, many people
still face discrimination.
The government started to try abolish slavery when over one hundred fifty years ago
when it was a bigger issue, however many American s still treat African Americans
with the disrespectful mentality used in the 1800 s.
History of slavery (In 1865, the Thirteenth Amendment was passed which formally
abolished slavery in the United States.)
TKAM (almost 100 years later, some people still treating African Americans with the
disrespect and abuse of a slave, refusing change)
Despite having opportunities to learn from the past such as the Holocaust, countless
Americans continue to let stereotypes ... Show more content on ...
Everyday American s, and even presidential figures have faced issues with racism
and segregation despite slavery being outlawed over 150 years ago. (rebel, delinquent)
Abraham Lincoln (Assassination by a man who was against the thirteenth
Barack Obama ( Says He Absolutely Faced Racism In Office )
People in America can be greatly influenced by celebrities such as Donald Trump,
the president of the United States; Trump s racial opinions are having a negative
influence on people world wide.
Donald Trump (Influences America greatly, and by being racist, it shows Americans
that it is ok to be racist and sexist.)
Hate crimes in Trump s name (many accounts of hate crimes such as graffiti in
Trump s name occurred within days of being elected.)
As well as being destructive, the stereotypes that surround African Americans and
other races have proven to cloud good judgement and are therefore considered
Stereotypes (Cloud judgement and cause people to jump to conclusions.)
Lynchings in Duluth (Because the men were black, it caused people to jump to
conclusions, in the end it being proven that they were most likely
Cooperation And The Requirement Of Stronger
cooperation and the requirement of stronger enforcement or more systematic dispute
settlement mechanism. My second hypothesis is that international institutions or
treaties of members of significantly asymmetric national capability will have a
stronger dispute settlement mechanism. That is to say, In other words, an institution
that contains asymmetry of power in terms of national capacity, military capacity,
economic capability, and legal resources should have stronger DSMs. In this
situation, powerful states might seek for stronger DSMs for gaining advantage
within institutions. The underlying logic of this idea, based on Allee and Elsig is that
many DSMs allow for both diplomatic and legal dispute settlement, so powerful states
can benefit from having a menu of dispute settlement options that allows them to
forum shop even within treaties. (Allee 97) Also, for weaker countries, stronger
DSMs can give weaker countries the equal chance to argue with more powerful
countries under certain framework. Strong DSMs provide relatively weaker countries
such as Mexico has more capability to confront with more powerful countries and
boost their chance to win the confrontation. To prove this hypothesis, I will find
asymmetric countries in size and compare the agreements of these asymmetric
countries to some symmetric countries. The expected conclusion should be that
agreement with more heterogeneous countries would have stronger DSM. There are
many existing cases can prove this
Young Adults ( Ages 15-17 )
C. Unescorted Young Adults (Ages 15 17):
1.Unescorted Young Adults are defined as passengers, ages 15 to 17, who may fly
independently without the companionship of a legal adult (age 18 or older).
2.Allegiant Air does not accept reservations for unescorted children under the age of
15 years.
a.Children 14 years of age and under must be accompanied by a traveling customer
15 years or older.
3.Agents must add pad comments cross referencing itineraries for those adult
passengers 15 years of age and older who take responsibility for any traveler under 15
a.An SSR must be added to both itineraries for manifest identification.
4.Unescorted Young Adults may travel at no additional cost however there are
restrictions and exceptions regarding their transport.
i.Young Adults under the age of 18 traveling with an adult are not required to show
ID at time of check in. ii. Unescorted Young Adults under the age of 18 traveling
alone are not required to show ID at time of check in, unless their age is questionable.
b.Weather Advised Flights
i.When a weather advisory is issued for either the departure or arrival city, and/or
the potential for a flight to be diverted en route, Allegiant will not permit anyone
under the age of 18 traveling alone to travel on the affected flight. ii. When
Unescorted Young Adults are denied travel, the passenger will be advised to see an
agent or contact Customer Care for information on all options, including rebooking at
Gender Roles Essay
Gender Roles The affects of gender roles on people greatly change the way the
society runs. According to the Webster s dictionary the definition of gender are the
behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex, and
the definition of role is a character assigned or assumed. The key word in this
definition is assumed; therefore, whether you are male or female, you know what
role you must play in society. Traditional gender roles are beneficial to society. They
benefit society in many ways including keeping stability, order and generally making
life easier. Women have to work two jobs: outside the home and within the home,
taking care of the children. Children that... Show more content on ...
However after work they must go home and take care of the kids. A new national
survey found that after a generation of sharing the work place, most men and
woman believe that the strains of this relatively new work place have made having
relationships, marriages, raising children and in general making life more difficult
(Morin, Richard, and Megan Rosenfeld. Washington Post. 22 Mar. 1998. 07 Apr.
.). In another survey, a majority of working men and women said they feel guilty
about leaving their family for others to take care of them. They also wished that
they could devote more time to their families and themselves (The Family: At
Home is a Heartless World. Vol. 1. N.p.: Harper Collins, 1995.). Surveys say that
some people have resentment, nostalgia and fatigue due to their workload. In most
countries woman work longer hours than men, and they also work most of the
unpaid work. For example, some of the unpaid work is done in the household, and in
taking care of the children (Anderson, Porter. CNN. 1998. 08 Apr. 2002 http:/
/ .). Maternity leaves have shortened and in the United States the
amount of working mothers with children under three years of age has increased
twenty three percent in the last twenty five years. In 1998, the 53.6% of
Calculus Program Entry Essay
There is a metaphor about math education which posits that doing math is like
painting, and yet most students focus on whitewashing fences rather than
examining pieces by the great masters of art. Up until taking calculus in high
school, my thoughts about math rarely strayed beyond fence painting. However, I
was lucky enough to get a passionate high school calculus teacher who made it a
goal to introduce us to Van Gogh, Salvador Dali, and the like. From such
introductions I began to build my own sense of mathematical curiosity and build
internal motivation to explore deeper problems than fence painting. As a result, I
have come to a place in life where I believe that making a career of math research
will be the true path to my own eudaimonia. Through my conversations with the
aforementioned calculus teacher I was shown work in real analysis and
probability. I understood none of it at the time, but was able to take away that the
work I was doing in my calculus and statistics classes were merely the tips of
icebergs that I am glad to be descending upon now. I was also introduced to more
exotic fields like knot theory and chaos theory. Chaos theory was the field that
interested me the most, and so we would often talk about this during class downtime.
What got me seriously interested was the notion of non integer dimensions.... Show
more content on ...
At the end of this I will take stock of my current situation and if all is well I plan to
proceed to pursue a PhD and continue onward to becoming a research
mathematician. Moreover, I have no qualms with other associated duties. That is, I
have had positive experiences as a grader for university math classes and I also
believe that I would in turn enjoy teaching. This is because of the commonly held
belief that the best way to learn is to teach and that I believe teaching to be one of the
most noble
Important Writing Skills in the Workplace
The Importance of Writing Skills in the Workplace What are the words you write
revealing about you? Are they saying I am a well educated and smart business
person or are they screaming that I am an ignoramus? The way you write reveals
so much about you and your business skills. Your writing tells the reader about your
educational background, whether you have pride in your work and your level of
business expertise. Any company with employees who write clearly and concisely
has a competitive edge over other companies whose employees are still struggling to
communicate. The lack of good writingskills in the business place can lead to
excessive turnovers, loss of profits and high costs unless remedies are established. In
our... Show more content on ...
Many managers are unaware of the legal liability that e mail plays in our
courtrooms. Some ways that companies can avoid litigations in court are; writing
with accuracy and precision, know your topic, be consistent, and avoid negative
comments. Recently, General Motors was hit with a $4.9 billion verdict. That
verdict was based largely upon an internal memo. One researcher reports in Every
Word Counts from Patricia S Eyres concludes, the fact is that during a trial, the
courts will review and analyze everything from informal memos to performance
appraisals to marketing plans, all of which may be turned against the company
(80). Another high cost for businesses today is illiteracy. Per this quotation, the
U.S. Department of Labor estimates that illiteracy accounts for about $225 billion
each year in lost productivity (Donovan E mail 15). Most companies today don t
track that cost, however their overall profit will reflect it. Several published articles
referenced companies that were hit with heavy penalties relating back to their
employees writing skill levels. This cost is needless and unbearable for many
companies to carry. Companies are also faced with excessive employee turnover or
loss of manpower. Writing skills should be part of the interview process for most
companies. Thereby avoiding numerous turnovers and retraining cost. Several
companies are faced with the termination of colleagues due to their writing
Bilbo Baggins as a Hero
Bilbo Baggins as a Hero
What is this character we call a hero ? A hero is being of abundant power, defiance,
and intrepidity that conquer evil despite of impregnable obstacle to rescue the breath
of inculpable lives that cannot defend for themselves. However, hero gives an
exclusively altered significance in J.R.R Tolkien s fictional tale The Hobbit, as our
hero is a selfish, lazy hobbit named Bilbo Baggins. Conflicting to our meaning of a
hero, Mr. Baggins life and stability isn t evaluated aside the authority of his weapon,
or the expanse of enemies he has overcome. Instead, his capability and bravery is
built on his hidden sneaks, courage and bravery, and his trustworthiness to his
Mr. Baggins hidden sneaks and quick thinking is one of his qualities in his
transformation. Arranged in the story, Bilbo challenges a creepy, glutinous being
called Gollum whose purpose was to demolish him. In intention to carry out time,
Bilbo played a riddle game with the creature, approving if Bilbo held the victory,
Gollum will companion him outside. Nonetheless, if Gollum held the victory, Bilbo s
significance is enclosed as Gollum s next meal. After discontinuous uncountable
riddles, its Bilbo s saying that dominated. Challenging What have I got in my
pockets? (Tolkien 78). This left Gollum speechless making him to discharge Bilbo.
Similar to Bilbo s encounter with Gollum is his hostility with Smaug. Unexpected to
Bilbo s agreement with Gollum is with Smaug. Yet,
Cinema 111 Class Analysis
I am taking Cinema 111 because it is a requirement to fulfill for my minor in
Communications for Media. The skills that I had before taking this class in the
spring was taking pictures and recording videos on an iPhone as well as a digital
camera. I also know a little about the iMovie program on the MacBook Pro. I had
to make a video using the program for one of my classes in the past as well as help
a friend out to create her movie for a class recently. iMovie allowed me to learn a
little bit about editing videos. I learned how to include background music with the
dialogue playing after the shots were recorded. I learned how to crop out parts of
the video that was not needed. I learned how to enter text within the video. I learned
how to make a smooth transition from one scene to another. Finally, I learned how
to put an introduction and an ending scene to the video. In high school, I was a part
of the drama club; however I was working with the stage crew instead of the... Show
more content on ...
After doing the tutoring, getting the certification and using the cameras during class
time, helped me to be more confrontable with using the equipment including the
microphones and the tota lights. I believe with even more practice I will be fully
comfortable with using them. So far, cinema 111 has showed me that there is a lot of
effort and time put into film making. I didn t realize how much needs to be done
before shooting, during shooting and then after shooting. I was taught that if
everything isn t written down before you go to the area of where you are going to
film, you will forget something important. You need to come prepared. Every little
detail matters in film. I also learned that there are three different types of film:
documentary, experimental and narrative. Cinema also taught me that you must be
patience with everyone that you work
The Risks Of Long Distance Human Spaceflight
Upon the consideration of long distance human spaceflight, the risk management plan
in correspondence must prepare the crew members before and during the mission,
for risks which may or may not occur, in the isolated confines of space. Specifically,
the risks of meteoroid impacts, malnutrition, and contamination were observed and
their effects on the psychological and physical health of the crew members was
detailed. Only meteoroid impacts are singularly and in transit risk, while both
malnutrition and contamination are constant risks due to the human factor. Out the
three risks listed, the most harmful risk would be of malnutrition due to the extensive
consequences which can compound other problems. The main risk management
method would... Show more content on ...
Meteoroid impacts, although a common obstacle in science fiction movies, do not
rank very highly on a problem for a crew on spacecraft due to the very high
dispersity of streams of meteoroids, their very small size, and the very small size of
a spacecraft in comparison to the vastness of space. Even the ISS has a 1 in a 10
billion chance to hit by predictable meteoroid streams while in a very small orbit
(David, L. 2014). However, due to the large distance any communication signals
would have to traverse, in an emergency situation the astronauts would need to be
able to act according to protocol. To prepare for even this unlikely situation, crew
members should undergo pre flight and routine in flight simulations which involve
safety measures of a breached hull, compromised oxygen supply, damaged thrusters,
or other mechanical failures (Phillips, T. 2002). Although considering that this risk
only pertains to the in transit portion of the mission and a meteoroid that penetrates
the shell of the spacecraft in living quarters would most likely result in the immediate
lack of oxygen due to the immense vacuum in space which would limit any
opportunty to mediate the situation.
Nutrition, although taken care of since the introduction of multiple day missions, is
the most important risk factor to consider as it directly relates the health and ability
of the crew member to perform their duties. The lack of proper nutrients and vitamins
can lead to increased bone
Similarities Between Gwendolyn Brooks And The
Born in Topeka, Kansas 1917, Gwendolyn Brooks lived through many changes in
American history, until her death in 2000. A Nobel prize winning poet, most of
her work focused on portraits of the poor urban Black community. Two poems,
following this theme, will be focused on in this essay and by the use of compare
and contrast. Although it may seem that progression and follow the path of the
majority (Irony) seems like the responsible way to live, in these two poems, it is
the people who go out of the social norm and take what they want that ends up most
happy. Each poem provides examples of how following the societal norms does not
necessarily mean happiness. Tone, irony, and symbolism are used in in these
examples, will explain how you must go after your dreams as they come and not
worry about the aftermath of societal judgment.... Show more content on ...
In The Ballad of Chocolate Mabbie, Brooks uses a lemon hued lynx to describe the
young girl who is now escorting Mabbie s crush. Early on in the poem, Brooks
describes Mabbie as coming from a piece of chocolate, symbolizing a sweet girl
that is a treat for others to behold. Whereas she uses the preface lemon hued to
describe the new girlfriend. This is not only for the paleness of her skin, but the
bitterness at which she beholds. Chocolate is often used a warm and comforting
color, in contrast, yellow is brash and they are bitter on the inside. Likewise, In
Sadie and Maud, an animal is used as a symbol, however, the thin brown mouse is
set to describe Maud, the woman who is without love. Again the color of brown is
used here to say that she has the capability to be warm and loving, however, that skill
has been unnourished and she is timid and afraid of contact with others. Although
symbolism is used in contrast as we describe both the protagonist and the antagonist,
the fates of loneliness for both women are the
Profies in Courage by Former President John F. Kennedy
Advanced Government
In the novel Profiles in Courage, by former President John F. Kennedy, politicians
are recognized for their bravery on the job. These politicians spoke out against what
they believed was wrong, and didn t simply conform into what their party wanted
them to be. A recent politician, who has showed immense bravery, is Gabrielle
Giffords. She is a democrat from Arizona, who was shot in the head in 2011. It was
most likely she would die. However, miraculously Giffords pulled through, and
make a remarkable recovery. I believe that Gifford s story would make an excellent
chapter in Profiles in Courage.
Gabrielle Dee Giffords was born and raised in Tucson Arizona on June 8, 1970.
Her parents were Gloria Kay Giffords and Spencer J. Giffords. Her father was a
Jewish man, and her mother practiced Christian Science, therefore she was free to
choose her beliefs. However, she decided to identify as Jewish. This made her
Arizona s first ever Jewish congresswoman. Giffords graduated from University
High School in Tucson Arizona. Then, she went on to attend Acripps College
where she received her Bachelor of Arts degree in both Sociology and Latin
American History. Next, she earned her Master s degree in Regional Planning from
Cornell University. Her first job was at Price Waterhouse in New York City, were she
worked as an associate for regional economic development. In 2007, Giffords married
Mark Kelly, who is a former U.S. Navy Captain and an astronaut for NASA on
Case Study Of Deficiencies At Societe Generale
The three most serious control deficiencies at Societe Generale is lack of deep
identification on the problem, lack of security control and just focus on net trading
Lack of deep identification on the problem
According to the internal inspection report of the Societe Generale, certain control
was absented throughout a period of time. This absent of certain control indicated that
a fraud is occurred and alerted the company about it. However, even though Societe
Generale is able to identify the problem, the compliance inspector of the company
only conducted a routine reviews and did not have a deep detail checking on issues.
Besides, the compliance inspector did not asking for any additional information
from Kerviel and simply accepted Kerviel s claims without putting any effort to
validate it. Due to this, its shows that the compliance inspector of the bank is failed
to identify the cause of the problems occurred which caused by the lack of ... Show
more content on ...
Focus on net trading positions
Based on the case given, the bank controllers were only instructed to monitor the net
trading positions, but not the Dalta One traders gross exposure. The bank controllers
did not inform their supervisors when they had noticed that Kerviel s transactions
were irregularities which involved an abnormally high amounts in his transactions as
that was not the specifically part of their job. Thus, Kerviel able to use his
knowledge of the company control procedures to hide his fake trades with his false
documents and emails.
This control deficiency can be categorised as a poor design effectiveness. This is
due to the bank controllers of the company lacked of focus on the other trading
position and also didn t inform their supervisors when they had noticed the abnormal
transactions as that are not the specifically part of their
The Cedar Bend Trip Essay Essay
When I heard about the Cedar Bend trip, the first thought that came into my mind
was that I have to avoid this trip. I tried a lot of things to get away from this trip,
but every person. But now I think about i wish i can go again. All the
activities,songs, scary stories. Everything we did would be memorable forever. The
bus ride, cutting the chickens, makesulters, ice cream ,to say goodbye to cedar bend.
I talked to said it is required and you will love it. I then started thinking about the trip
and reading the description about Cedar Bend. Now I am so glad I went and didn t
back out. I never had experience camping, being in the woods, or learning how to
survive. I believe going to cedar bend was one of the best decision I made.
On the way to Cedar Bend I wasn t that excited . I was nervous and card to the whole
trip. How will the people be, how will everyone react. I had a lot of different stories
from friends good and bad. Some Said the food doesn t taste good. The dogs are
not friendly, the place where we stay is comfortable. But going there I realized
everything was wrong. It depends on the person point of view and how their
comfort level stand. Some people appetize the hard work of everyone and how
welcome everyone was.
I learned that I can adapt to any environment or situation if I have support from my
friends. I was very scared, even uncomfortable at first. I wondered if I would be able
to fit in with my core group? Then when we were in the valley, Liv gave us
Nonverbal Communication Paper
Undeniably, presentations give individuals an opportunity to connect with your
clients, colleagues, and other contacts. Presentations are a rich two way
communication environment. However, it is essential that you build credibility
before, during, and after your presentation. In addition, authenticity is of the utmost
importance; even if you plan and rehearse, authenticity must be maintained. With
presentations, nervousness and fear can be overcome by numerous strategies to
ensure that your presentationis effective. Moreover, it is crucial that your nonverbal
behavior displays confidence, strength, and concern. Enhancing these strategies can
assist you in delivering a spectacular presentation (Cardon, 2013).
Establishing credibility is essential for presentations. For internal presentations,
utilize the presentation to ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, using the SOFTEN model of nonverbal communication will assist you in
displaying confidence, concern, warmth, and strength during your presentation. First,
smile, use your facial expressions to connect to the audience and show them your
enthusiasm for the topic you are covering. Next, maintain an open stance. An open
stance is warm and inviting. Then, lean forward, facing the audience with a slight
forward lean and upright posture displays confidence. Next, your tone is crucial,
utilize your voice to express enthusiasm or other emotions. Next, is eye contact,
maintaining eye contact is one of the most important nonverbal communication skills
you can possess. Eye contact creates an immediate sense of connectivity with your
audience members. Last, nod, utilize gestures to show acceptance and affirmation to
your audience members (Cardon, 2013). Enhancing and practicing these strategies
can assist you in delivering an effective presentation while gaining the credibility you
Comparing Sweat And The Garden Party
How many things can a story about a washerwoman in the South have in common
with a story about a girl from a high class society? There is plenty. The short stories
Sweat and The Garden Party are both different and similar in more than one way.
Although the use of structure and symbolism are different, but the tones in these
stories are quite similar. First of all the use tones. In both Sweat and The Garden
Party , the attitudes the authors have about the topics are sympathetic and caring,
some may even think they are worried or frustrated. Sweat focuses on the idea of
feminism, and The Garden Party is centered around class. Both of the authors are
expressing their feelings about these topics and it shows through their writing.
Neither of them are fond of their story s theme, and they want the readers to see that.
... Show more content on ...
The two selections are both in chronological order with climaxes at the end, the
two main characters are female, and their oppositions are both members of their
own family, in Sweat , Delia s opposition is her husband, while Laura from The
Garden Party is against her family s ideas and beliefs. Sweat does use a lot of
dialect when depicting what the townspeople are talking, and it uses more
dialogue than The Garden Party . There are multiple plots in The Garden Party ,
including Laura s family, the Sheridans, and the family of the man who dies while
Sweat focuses mainly on Delia and her life. In Sweat , the cause of Syke s death is
him getting a snake to scare Delia, his wife; the cause in The Garden Party is the
villager dying, which led to Laura learning about living in a high society
Perseverance Research Paper
insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. is a
quote often attributed to Albert Einstein. I have also heard it said that
Perseverance: doing the same thing over and over again, but aiming just a little to
the right. It is remarkable how accurate that was for me. Perseverance is just one
step away from insanity, but virtually all successful people can contribute parts of
their success to it. Realizing this, I can proudly contribute the success of my past
and the success of my future to my perseverance in even the toughest of situations.
Hockey is a sport where you need to use perseverance on a daily basis. it is not a
sport for the light of heart. It is fast, brutal, and you have a bunch of neanderthals
running around with clubs. You get knocked down a lot, I have had plenty
experiences myself where I have been taken out and it seems easier to just lay there
then getting back up. There will be times where you will not make the team, you will
lose games you should have won, and miss out on opportunities in the blink of an eye.
... Show more content on ...
I made the varsity hockey team as a freshman after working hard to get there. I
started off thinking I would split the games with the other goalie... That did not
happen, my coach said I would be backup. I went home and I was furious I
thought, what does he know? I have been pushing myself to make it and he is just
going to throw me away. I was not going to let this happen, I was going to prove
him wrong. I began doing whatever I could to prove that I am good enough, from
working out to skating more. Alas I stayed backup for the entirety of my freshman
year continuing on into my sophomore
Recommendation Process Strategy Of E Bike And The
This report includes the recommendation process strategy which will be appropriate
for the Peddle and Power: E Bike and the risks using it. The chosen strategy is job
shop strategy and the issues are high variable cost on hiring skilled staff and
expensive equipment. The report moves onto the process design, which provides
explanation of the companies assumed flow chart, which are customer purchase order
, sales order, determine the quantity, create a work order, assemble the bike, package
the bike, create packaging slip and invoice and final stage is ship to the customer and
the value stream map, which both can be viewed at the appendices and The capacity discusses the future capacity requirements over next five years
the company should consider, how much they need to produce, and think if they have
the capability to meet the production goals. Furthermore the suggested expansion
strategy is match capacity strategy. For location for the assembly plant and
warehouses the company should consider: the infrastructure of the building and its
area, cost of labour, and location of the most attracted customer locations and the
overall recommendation is the Mt Wellington near the motorway. The reason behind
the designed factory layout (refer to 1.9.3 in appendices) was the time efficiency to
design the different departments close together as possible also added staff room
for the workers to take a break. For the location of finished goods storage room
Recruitment And Retention Of Nontraditional Students
Recruitment and Retention of Nontraditional Students
The reality for career technical educators with regard to broadening representation of
both men and women in nontraditional careers is that there needs to be a creative
recruitment strategy designed that utilizes the enthusiasm and talents of successful
role models (Lucci Jr., W., 2007). Effective recruitment and teaching practices can
help educators create learning situations that are conducive for all students to learn,
especially those nontraditional students in career clusters. Suggestions for recruiting
nontraditional students include creating career technical programs to reach all
students, presenting career clusters in a way that shows how career pathways can
align with interests, giving students multiple opportunities to explore both traditional
and nontraditional careers. Educators should market career technical programs to
reach all students, making a concerted effort to attract nontraditional students through
the use of photos and graphics that show both genders and various races in careers at
the technical and professional levels (Clark, P., Ohio State Univ., C. y., 2000).
In recruiting nontraditional students, intentionality and good planning are important.
Unfortunately, lingering stereotypes often make the first step of signing up for a
class in a nontraditional area difficult. Strategies which are effective are those that
understand and consider the target audience, provide information in a way in which
Death of Woman Wang
death of woman Wang a picture of real lives The death of woman Wang is written
by Jonathan D. Spence, a famous scholar of East Asian studies. This book is focus
on the early days of Qing dynasty, when Qing dynasty had only been established for
about 20 years, the government, even though the whole society, are in their infancies.
The author discusses issues of a small county in northeastern China T an ch eng,
which is in the province of Shantung. The genre of this book is difficult to be
identified; it consists of a component of fiction, since the author describes a large
number of stories; as well as a component of historical reconstruction, since the author
introduces the county s environment and events according to reliable... Show more
content on ...
After reading this part, it is easy to conclude that, the policies, especially the tax
collecting policy, plays a key role on people s destitution. The chapter the Widow
addresses a topic on widows struggles on protecting their children and heritages. This
builds a foundation for realizing woman s status and people s moral believes. The
chapter the feud describes a crisis which breaks the harmony between different
groups of people and poses a threat to the socirty. These three parts are bases of
understanding and analyzing the story of the woman Wang, and Wang s story
involves the crises that are presented before. This arrangement gives reader a clear
picture of T an Ch eng; readers can get sufficient information to do their further
investigation. There are three main sources of the materials: the Local History of
T an ch eng, a personal memoir and handbook written by Huang Liu hung, and the
works of P u Sung ling. Among them, the Local History of T an ch eng and the
work by Huang Liu hung were focus on describing villagers daily lives, they are
made of descriptions of local events and characters portions; while P u Sung ling s
works were in the category of literature, the stories were collected when he travelled
around or came up by himself. Although the book is lack of accurate records, the three
Chuck E Cheese Segmentation and Target Market by Kimberly D. Stewart
Marketing 571 Professor John Mullin Introduction Chuck E. Cheese s Pizza Time
Theatre was founded by Nolan Bushnell in 1977, officially being labeled as the first
family restaurant to integrate food, animated entertainment, and an indoor
arcade.CEC Entertainment, Inc. participates in the food and entertainment industry,
as it sells fast food and provides places for family to stay and play together. The
food and entertainment industry has been facing challenges. The industry is in a
decline. This is because people may be enjoying cooking at home or other ways,
which is a cheaper choice. Also, competitors are everywhere, ranging from... Show
more content on ...
The company prepares games, prizes, rides, food and entertainment which are
suitable for children whose ages range from toddlers to big kids. These things can
meet children s needs both in physically and mentally. Chuck E Cheese also
satisfies family by delicious pizzas and other food. Families have found an ideal
place to have fun and improve relationships through birthday parties, playing games
and fundraising events for school. Chuck E Cheese emphasizes that everyone
needs to have a place where they get some relief from the stresses of life. Chuck E
Cheese is the ideal place, where kids and their family can laugh and play in the
harmony environment. Chuck E Cheese s hopes that families can be encouraged
to spend more time together and place family values first. Geographic
Characteristics For Chuck E Cheese, Papa John s international, Inc. and California
Pizza Kitchen, Inc. are major competitors. Chuck E Cheese opened 545 stores in
the USA and six foreign countries. The number of stores is much more than
California Pizza Kitchen, Inc. which has 266 stores in the USA and eleven foreign
countries. Chuck E Cheese celebrates its found and success in the food and
entertainment industry for 30 years in 2007 while California Pizza Kitchen, Inc.
operates 25 years history. Compared to Chuck E Cheese, Inc. and California Pizza
Kitchen, Inc., Papa John s international, Inc. operates more efficiently. Papa John s
has been operating well since 1984. There are over
A Project Manager For Monitor And Control The Execution
Once a project is begun, it is important for a project manager to monitor and control
the execution of the endeavor. A project manager must observe and examine how the
work is progressing, the costs, application of the resources required, and if the
schedule is being sustained with the overall project plan. This is especially important
when a project manageruses the earned value management(EVM) system to track and
monitor an undertaking. EVM and variance management must have accurate material
and labor costs accounted in order to be an effective tool.
Labor and Material Costs
Resources are essential for completion for any project, but must be managed
differently because of the constraints and accounting each specifically demands.
Labor, materials, and equipment fall under the definition of resources and how
they are managed within a project will greatly impact the endeavor (Larson Gray,
2014). An important resource for a project is the human resource or labor and the
skills that each individual brings to the project team. Ordinarily, direct labor is
classified by skills and the costs related to provide those skills to complete the work.
Direct labor costs are normally calculated by multiplying the hours required to
complete the task by the salary scale designated for the task. Indirect labor costs
encompass any support staff that is not directly involved within the project, like
human resource, administrative, and other ancillary staff (Webb, 2016). Even though
Philosophy Vs Religion Research Paper
Reading a chapter from a book based on how philosophy differs from science and
religion. In a way it does not, they are really the same. They just use different
terminology in how they discipline is expressed. For example, the scientific method
is how the scientist comes to a conclusion, just how philosophers ask certain
questions to prove their debates or theories. Religion, on the other hand, is more
closely related to philosophybecause both deal with beliefs and faith base systems.
In the early days of philosophy, philosophers like galileo, Socrates, and Plato were
they early scientist of their day. Philosophy and science differ in many aspects.
Science more based on morality. When scientists take on a scientific endeavor their
interest ... Show more content on ...
Religion, on the other hand, looks at philosophy as it prodigy and also its own
personal antagonist. Religion is more about should searching, and not empirical
investigations. if someone wants to know more about god, there most meaningful
insight will come through prayer, meditation, and self revelation. Science cannot deal
with the idea of incarnation that god became Jesus, and philosophy has yet to debate
it. Science and philosophy can t deal with the methods of religious issues. Religion,
however, possess the answer to understanding the reality of philosophy and science.
Philosophy and religion do have something in common that neither has a method
for searching out god. Both disciplines are cognitive endeavors in how they reach
their end goal. Through the existence of man philosophy, science, and religion have
changed through the centuries. We can t be blinded by the principal of discipline
but most remember that science is not philosophy or religion, and religion is not
science or philosophy. How we have our own ways of looking at the world. The
disciplines themselves have their own ways of viewing the world and how the world
U.s. Health Care System
The U.S. health care system is perhaps one of the most complex and plastic
industries present within the current world economy. With a projected market sector
value of $3,455.1 billion by the end of 2016 the U.S. health care providers market
represents a significant portion of the economy ( Research and Markets; Healthcare
Providers in the United States, 2012). For someone that finds themselves in the
position of management it is certainly an orthodox presumption that they incorporate
into their repertoire the tools necessary to survive in a constantly evolving
workplace. The purpose of this paper is to examine several emerging influences on
the U.S. healthcare system and what they mean for managers in the workplace.
Specifically,... Show more content on ...
Statistically better risk adjusted outcomes for the elderly are associated with better
performing teams with regard to interdisciplinary health care management when
considering a program. This of course means that implementing such teams is not as
much of a principle importance as making sure those teams are performing well. This
includes providing a robust program with diverse services in place at elderly care
centers to meet the many multifaceted healthcare demands of the elderly population.
While less progressive, PACE programs when compared to less restrictive designs are
associated with significantly less utilization of hospitals and emergency rooms
(Mukamel et al., 2007). Simply put, if a healthcare organization utilizes PACE as part
of their healthcare management for the elderly population they will reduce healthcare
costs on their health system by reducing the number of admissions to the emergency
room and hospital respectfully. This saves money by reducing the likelihood of null
reimbursement for hospital acquired conditions in elderly patients that may occur
during their hospital stay. Recently, Medicare stopped reimbursing hospitals for
avoidable conditions that can occur while a patient is admitted to a hospital. This can
include things like foreign objects left inside patients after surgery, various infections,
falls, pressure ulcers, and traumas.
The Fight For Erectile Dysfunction Medicines
A gradual and regular revolution is sweeping the marketplace for erectile dysfunction
medicines Cialis. Most men and women would possibly not even be conscious of it.
Lilly ICOS, the pharmaceutical alliance, which launched the blockbuster drug Cialis,
announced that the drug has executed 1 billion bucks in international revenue when
you consider that launching in Europe less than two years back.
Correctly Cialis has end up the top Erectile Dysfunction healing in France, because
January 2005, centered on the latst market information, quite simply overtaking
Viagra, the primary brand to be launched in this market. It s also doing very well in
united kingdom, Italy, Germany, usa, Canada, Australia, Mexico and Brazil.
So much so that a ... Show more content on ...
In line with Paul Clark, Chairman and Chief executive Officer of ICOS organization.
Passing the $1 billion mark is an fundamental milestone for Lilly ICOS and a high
quality accomplishment for the Cialis group. Because 2003, guys with erectile
dysfunction have had a choice of oral cures for his or her situation a situation which
can impact on relationships and every day lifestyles.
beyond all the hype and the jubilation is the sheer superiority of Cialis over all the
different medicinal drugs available in this indication. To fully grasp the advantages
of Cialis, we have to firstly realise this elaborate condition.
Erectile Dysfunction or Impotence is outlined because the lack of ability to make
sure and hold an erection adequate for sexual intercourse. ED affects an estimated a
hundred and eighty million men global . 90 percentage of ED instances are involving
a bodily or scientific condition, corresponding to diabetes, cardiovascular illnesses,
and prostate melanoma medication, even as 10 percent are due to psychological
motives . In lots of circumstances, nevertheless, both psychological and bodily
reasons make contributions to the condition.
Where bodily aspect play an predominant function PDE 5( Phosphodiaterase)
inhibitors have a enormous role to play. These comprise medications like Sildenafil
(Viagra) and Vardenafil(Levitra).
Sodomy In Seventeenth-Century England
In seventeenth century England, the crime of sodomy was considered to be a
heinous sin. In a time when religion governed law, homosexuality was not tolerated.
The case against Lord Audley, Earl of Castlehaven, represents the treatment of those
convicted in engaging in sexual behavior with men. Not only was sodomy frowned
upon because it went against Gods laws, but it was also considered a crimeagainst
honor. LordAudley s trial shows that a crime of deviance is worse than a crime
against another human being in seventeenth century England.
The Tryal and Condemnation of Mervin, Lord Audley Earl of Castle Haven At
Westminster, April the 5th 1631 and The Arraignment and Conviction of Mervin
Lord Audley, Earle of Castlehaven detail the proceedings... Show more content on ...
The charge of prevaricating with his religion obviously weighed heavily against
Castlehaven as it received the blame for his sinful ways. The Lord High Steward
stated that if there were false accusations made, God will put it into th Hearts of
these Noble Lords to find it out but their hearts had been tainted with the fear of
sodomy. Homosexuality was not recognized but was attributed to deviant
behavior. This deviance was feared so much that those who committed it would be
sentenced to death. It is referred to as something so abominable and vile a nature
and a Crime not to be named among Christians . In Cynthia Herrup s article The
Patriarch at Home: The Trial of the 2nd Earl of Castlehaven for Rape and Sodomy ,
she updates Bingham s analysis of the trial and brings it into the modern world.
She writes that he was convicted of these crimes in defiance of the power
delineations of early modern society Herrup supports Bingham s theory that she
understood the trial to be primarily about the fear of sodomy rather than the crimes
themselves. The fact that he encouraged the raping of his wife and daughter are
surpassed as the crime of sodomy comes to light. Whether the crime was
punishable by death because it was a crime against God s commands or because of
society s fear is questioned in the trial. However, the evidence points to the latter. He
allowed his wife to
Random Errors
Random errors
During this investigation individuals were asked to lift the weight and lower it
down and repeat the cycle at their peak performance. There is a possibility that some
individuals did not perform at their peak performance at all times. This could impact
the number of cycles performed each time. Therefore, this error could affect the
measurements and the correlation which was concluded from the data. However this
error was inevitable, but to minimise its effect shortening the period of weight lifting
could be suggested. This could promote participants to actually perform at their best
rate. Also, selecting a larger sample size could minimise the effect of this random
error by averaging.
The second error could be caused by not doing the cycle of weight lifting correctly.
This could impact the number of cycles counted and ... Show more content on ...
This could interfere with the results and might have introduced a new variable. To
minimise this error and keep all other factors constant, the participants could be asked
to keep their hand on the counter in the L shape position. This could improve the
consistency and also ensures that the position of the arm during the resting period did
not interfere with the muscle fatigue. Moreover, having a greater sample size could be
Systematic errors
Possible calibration errors of the equipments could have influenced the results. For
instance, inaccuracy in the calibration of the stopwatch could have caused zero error,
even though this seemed unlikely. However, to mitigate the calibration error using a
different stopwatch to ensure that the stopwatch used previously was calibrated
appropriately could be recommended. It was difficult to discuss the impact of
systematic errors especially when only one stopwatch was used. But to identify a
possible systematic error, using a different stopwatch and repeating the same
experiment could be
Female Immigrant Subjectivities And The Politics Of Voice
During the decade of the eighties in El Salvador, the government would armed
forces and recruit children that are approximately twelve years old out of their
schools. Since Chava is only eleven years old, he still has a year of innocence, which
means a year before he is conscripted to fight against the rebels of Farabundo MarГi
National Liberation Front (FMLN). Chava s life becomes at risk since it is a game
of survival and he carries negative effects with violence. Although with the love of his
mother and with a classmate, Chava finds the bravery to keep positive understandings
and stay alert against time before he might get recruited. According to Yahaira Padilla,
in Hermanas lejanas? Female Immigrant Subjectivities and the Politics of... Show
more content on ...
This film was taken place before by Oscar Torres; the person who co wrote the
script was once situated before becoming a teenager. Torres wanted to parallel his
ending when he landed to the United States at the same time when Chava left El
Salvador. On the other hand, Luis Mandoki, a Mexican film director that enjoys
putting real life situations in a movie. While reading Re membering the Nation: Gap
and Reckoning within Biographical Accounts of Salvadoran Г‰migrГ©s by Susan
Bibler Coutin compares and contrast the narratives of after the Civil War in El
Salvador. During those twelve years of war, majority of people were separated
because of international emigration and violence (Coutin 2011). In contrast, Coutin
argues to the audience that Central American minorities narrate their personal
experience just to relink their historical events, just as Torres. There are many war
films that can relate to Voces Inocentes , but unfortunately it is rare that a twelve year
old kid tells the story throughout his own experience. I guarantee that most people
would not want to live around a barrio that is around with death like the one in this
film. On the other hand, Mandoki prefers to show the brutal that military soldiers
would do at the time to the children; death and terror. The film tends to bring
different tones such like having its humor once in a while and how
Terror Of The Sea Research Paper
Terrors of the Sea Mom! Come on. We re gonna be late! Anxiously, I sprint upstairs
to see what is taking so long. Mom, you can do you makeup in the car, we need to
go right now. Good grief, Josh, keep your pants on, Mom replies. In frustration, I
grab the keys. Rushing to the car, I lunge into the driver s seat. As Mom takes her
time adjusting her luggage in the trunk, I glance behind me at my siblings,
Everyone ready? YES! Let s go! Slamming on the gas, hurling down the driveway,
the fun adventure begins. Sprinting up the gangplank, we make it on board the Sea
Bear with seconds to spare. Bright sun gleaming in our eyes and a cloudless sky, all
signal a glorious day. As our feet adjust to the rough planking, my eyes take in the...
Show more content on ...
I get back up and grab him and drag him to safety. I rush back to the engine room,
being careful to watch my surroundings. So many gadgets and gizmos stare back at
me. When I find the steering wheel, attempt to turn it, it won t budge. The captain
passed out on the floor is no help. Panicking, I try again and again to drive us out of
this terrible storm. Out of nowhere, another pair of hands grip the wheel. Never
have I been so glad to see Sean in my life. Using all of our strength combined, we
somehow manage to turn the wheel. Unfortunately, we can t let go because the wheel
will straighten out again. Grunting in pain we manage to break away from the storm.
As our bodies relax a tiny bit, the pain and exhaustion seep in. Exiting the triangle,
the creature tosses one more bomb but thankfully, it falls short. Wailing in frustration,
the demon fades into the mist. Gazing into each other s eyes, we thank God. Ow, the
captain moans, What happened? We were caught in a crazy storm! You hit your head
and got knocked out. Luckily, we managed to turn the boat around all by ourselves!
Sean gasps. Bewildered, the captain rises, taking the wheel. Picking up his
communications device, he requests port at the dock. Permission granted. comes the
Week Assignment Review 1 Substance Abuse Class
Brian Edwards
Professor Haley Nunn
11, January 2015 Chapter Review Assignment 6,7,8,9 Week 1
Chapter 6
1. At about what periods in history did cocaine reach its first and second peaks of
popularity, and when was amphetamine s popularity at its highest? Cocaine late 19th
century and early 20th amphetamine 1960s (Hart Ksir, p. 125)
2. How did Mariani, Freud Halsted popularize the use of cocaine? Psychiatric use
(Hart Ksir, p. 126)
3. How are coca paste, freebase, crack, and ice similar? Heated and they use home
4. What similarities and what differences are there in the toxic effects of cocaine and
amphetamine relate to the behavioral effects of the two drugs? Cocaine: CNS
stimulations or convulsions and maybe ... Show more content on ...
(Hart Ksir, p. 170)
4. What type of drug is chlorpromazine, and where was it first tested on patients?
Antipsychotic, A new phenothiazine drug, chlorpromazine, was synthesized in
France in 1950 and was tested on such patients. In 1952, two French psychiatrists,
Delay and Deniker, announced that the drug exerted a specific effect in diminishing
the symptoms and signs of psychosis in patients with severe mental illnesses. (Hart
Ksir, p. 171)
5. What is tardive dyskinesia, and how does it respond to a reduction in the dose of
an antipsychotic drug? Rhythmic, repetitive sucking and smacking of the lips and
thrusting of the tongue in and out; movement of arms, fingers and toes, reversal is
possible if lower dose is given immediately. (Hart Ksir, p. 173)
6. Which type of drug was discovered while testing an antituberculosis? MAO
monoamine oxidase inhibitors (Hart Ksir, p. 174) 7. How do the selective reuptake
inhibitors differ from the older tricyclics in terms of their action in the brain?
Reuptake inhibitors serotonin and norepinephrine, but are more selective, have
fewer other actions than the tricyclics (Hart Ksir, p. 176) 8. What were two of the
three reasons it took so long for lithium to be available for use in the United States?
Lithium was originally used as a salt substitute and because its use was not controlled
there were several deaths. 2.) Mania was not
William Faulkner s As I Lay Dying Essay
In As I Lay Dying, William Faulkner uses the characters Anse and Cash, and a
motif/symbol in My mother is a fish, to reveal the psychological and societal
problems of the twenties and thirties. Written as soon as the panic surrounding the
stock market in 1929 started, Faulkner is reported as having, took one of these
[onion] sheets, unscrewed the cap from his fountain pen, and wrote at the top in blue
ink, As I Lay Dying. Then he underlined it twice and wrote the date in the upper
right hand corner (Atkinson 15) We must take care to recognize Faulkner not as a
man of apathy, but one of great compassion and indignation at the collapse of the
economic foundation of the U.S. This is central in appreciating the great care with
which he... Show more content on ...
Rippetoe is referring to the condition that Anse has acquired through the heat stroke,
anhidrosis, which would destroy hypothalamus cells and render the body s ability to
maintain its internal temperature through measures such as sweating, impossible.
Anse then, through fear of death would abstain from staying in extreme heat and
from working much, if at all. The consequence of this is the morally decadent,
emotionally dead character bringing, . . . Her coming around from behind pa,
looking at us like she dared ere a man. . . Meet Mrs. Bundren, he says. Faulkner
symbolizes the determination and productivity of the late 1930s and during WWII
under FDR through Cash s determination to not stop working on Addie s coffin.
Furthermore, Cash s desire to complete Addie s coffin becomes more than just the
making of a coffin, it symbolizes the maternal bond that everyone shares. Throughout
the novel Cash is portrayed as an extremely hard working individual, one that
contrasts the inability to work on Anse s end. Cash represents the unceasing work of
machines, a relevant allusion given with the advancement of technology throughout
the early 1900s, Yet the motion of
Owning A Pit Bull Essay
Owning A Pit Bull
Own a Good Dog Own A Pit Bull
There are many different qualities to consider when choosing a dog. Pit Bulls have
all the qualities needed to become a great companion. Although, if you treat them
wrong when they re growing up there is a good chance they will get out of control. If
you raise them right you will have one of the best dogs ever. For example my friend
had a Pit Bull that he would hit for no reason and one day the dog attacked him and
hurt him pretty bad. This is a good example of why you should treat your dog right.
From my experience raising a Pit Bull I have come to believe they are the best
bread of dog. As with any dog you need to raise and treat them right. Naturally they
are loyal, smart, ... Show more content on ...
They were breed to be strong fighting dogs. They originated from Ireland. They
mixed a Bulldog and a Terrier, so they had the strength of a Bulldog and the speed
of a Terrier. Pit Bulls were fought in pits so that is were they got the name Pit Bull.
Pits also have amassing jaw strength. They can smash these dog toys called kongs
with their jaws. I can t even smash one by stepping on it. They are so strong that
you can hang a rope from a tree and they will lock their jaws on the rope and swing
from it. They can also jump very high. My Pit can already jump onto my bed and
that is almost double his height. Some Pit Bulls can even learn to climb trees. Pits
are also known for being very and muscular. My dog already weighs forty five
pounds at four months old.
The third characteristic of a good dog is courage. Courage is an important
characteristic of a good dog because they are more play full and fun to be around.
This also means that they won t be afraid of anything or any one. This is important
for a good guard dog. Pit Bulls are also very courageous. One example of how
courageous Pit Bulls are, is when my Pit was twelve pounds he was trying to
wrestle a one hundred and sixty five pound Rottwiller. Whenever he is around
dogs his own weight or close to it, he always is the dominant dog. Another way he
shows his dominance is whenever he is in a car he will want to sit on the driver s
lap. The vet told me that this is a sign of dominance in dogs. Even
Populist Party Analysis
From 1880 to 1925, opinions on whether or not immigrants should be allowed in the
United States of America shifted majorly. As time progressed, the American people
became disillusioned with the idea of immigrants in America. Different specific time
periods showed the majority opinion, and how it changed United Statescitizens
reactions to immigrants from a smile of acceptance to a scowl of distrust. Between
the years 1880 and 1890, the American people was generally either accepting or at
least tolerant of foreign citizens immigrating to the United States and beginning their
new lives. An 1880 political cartoon published in Puck magazine shows Uncle Sam,
representing America, welcoming immigrants of many different apparent
backgrounds aboard... Show more content on ...
Sociologist Edward Ross wrote a 1914 article in Century Magazine titled
:Immigrants in Politics , in which he tells the story of Bostonians who return to their
home town to find that many government officials were of Irish descent, as
illustrated in this passage, greeted by Mayor Fitzgerald and the following members
of congress: O Connell, Kelihar, Sullivan, and McNary... It should be noted that all
five surnames listed in this segment have roots in Ireland. This article shows why
many citizens of the United States were afraid of immigrants, as they believed that
outsiders would overtake their government. In 1916, anthropologist Madison Grant
published The Passing of the Great Race, which was a major book in the genre of
scientific racism, a field where scientist look for biological reasons to support their
theories on racial bias. Most of the book is dedicated to proving Grant s racism
correct; however, there is a section that highlights his belief very well. In no other
human there displayed the unanimity of heart, mind and action which is
now being displayed by the descendants of the blue eyed, fair haired peoples
of...Europe. This perspective gives insight to what many educated Americans thought
Federal Fund Rate Analysis
The federal fund rate is the essential tool that the Federal Open Market Committee
uses to impact interest rates and the economy. Changes in the federal assets rate have
broad impacts by affecting the acquiring expense of banks in the overnight loaning
business sector, and in this way the profits offered on bankdeposit items, for example,
declarations of deposit, investment accounts and currency business sector accounts.
Changes in the federal assets rate and the markdown rate additionally manage
changes in The Wall Street Journal prime rate, which is of interest to borrowers. The
prime rate is the basic record for most Visas, home value advances and credit
extensions, automobile advances, and individual advances. Numerous little business...
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Rather, income are come back to our individuals as lower loan rates, higher interest
on stores, lower charges, upgraded administration, and financial strength. Dissimilar
to banks, credit unions are represented by a volunteer board of directors, chose by the
credit union s membership. Genesis board individuals serve intentionally with no
compensation for their administration. Credit unions are tax exempt because they are
non profit making, democratic, monetary cooperatives, claimed by their individuals.
Their board of governors serve as unpaid volunteers, chose by individuals. They have
constraints on who they can serve and confinements on items and administrations
additionally have a social mission to give administration to individuals of unassuming
means as a major aspect of their part.
Beth Federal credit union has no an account yield while the Teacher Federal Credit
Union has an account yield of 0.05. Minimum fee to open for BFCU is 0.0$ while
that of TFCU is 0.0$. The same applies to the monthly service fee for the two credit
unions that they have same figure. For nun sufficient fund fee, BFCU has a figure
of 30$ the as that of TFCU. The range of rates on personal car loans (new and used)
and on a 30 yr mortgage is 2.5%.
Fil-A And Chipotle s Theory Of Naturalistic Observation
Our group has decided to do a naturalistic observation, observing and recording
behavior in naturally occurring situations without trying to manipulate and control
the situation, and a survey, a technique for ascertaining the self reported attitudes or
behaviors of a particular group, project. For naturalistic observationwe decided to
observe the amount of people that when in a restaurant decide to get on their phones
instead of talking to one another. Our theory, an explanation using an integrated set of
principles that organize observations and predicts behaviors or events, is that people
who tend to communicate better at home are less likely to use their phones in a
restaurant, and our hypothesis, a testable prediction often implied by... Show more
content on ...
Then we graphed a scatterplot, graphed clusters of dots, which represented the
values of the two variables, on the ratings people gave for eating at home verse
ones eating out. We got the mean, the arithmetic average of a distribution, median,
the middle score in a distribution, mode, the value in the set that occurs most often,
range, the difference between the highest and lowest scores in a distribution, and
standard deviation, a computed measure of how much scores vary around the
mean score, for the data we collected. For communication at home we were given
the scores, respectively: 9,4,4,2,2,7,2,5,4,9,2,8,6,7,4,3,9,9. For communication
eating out we were given the respective scores:
7,3,6,2,2,6,1,5,6,8,3,7,6,3,7,6,5,4,5,6. So for communication at home, we got a
median of 4.5, a standard deviation of 2.74, a range of 7, a mean of 5.4, and a mode
of 9. For communication eating out, we got a mean of 4.9, a standard deviation of
1.97, a range of 7, a median of 5.5, and a mode of 4. Then when you reached a
correlation, a measure of the extent to which two favorites vary together, and thus of
how well either factors predicts the
Diego Rivera Research Paper
In spite of the fact that Diego Rivera was a Mexican painter, impacted much of his
authentic roots in Mexico, his commitments to American culture all through the
primary portion of the twentieth century were incredible. Rivera needed his
specialty to impact the sufficient world to transform it. Amid a period of upheavals
in both technological innovation and political issues, Rivera was one of the
numerous roused to make work that was socially radical at the time. His perspectives
of help for Socialism, his attitude toward Capitalism, and his depictions of the
industrial revolution around the globe got the consideration and eyes of whole
countries. Rivera s work appeared as though it was driving straightforwardly to the
present social/cultural... Show more content on ...
The Rockefeller family in New York had employed Diego Rivera to create a wall
painting in Radio City at the Rockefeller Center in New York City. Issues and
struggle emerged when a picture of John Lenin, the principal pioneer of the
Communist supporting Soviet Union, showed up in the wall painting. Mobs and
challenges were high closes by as the Rockefeller family requested Rivera to expel
that piece of his wall painting. At the point when Rivera cannot, the painting was
chipped off the wall and annihilated. Be that as it may, Rivera was resolved to finish
the painting, however clearly in a better place. Subsequent to finishing his paintings
at the New Laborers School, which incorporated the acclaimed Laborers/Workers of
the World Unite panel, Rivera left the United States and returned indeed to Mexico.
There, at the Palace of Fine Arts in Mexico City, he made another form out of the
Crossroads wall painting, now entitled Man, Controller of the Universe. The two
works are named as having a Latin American modernism setting, the artistic creations
both occurring in the development of Mexican Muralism, the medium titled as
Analysis Of Upton Sinclair s The Flivver King
Flivver King Writing Assignment
Zack Seymour
US 102/ Professor Ward
The Flivver King by Upton Sinclair tackles many social issues that were coming to
be in the early 1900 s. Upton Sinclair used fictional characters in his book to depict
how society viewed the rise of Ford and other enterprises. As a muckraker Sinclair
had meaning behind every character and action in this book. His goal was to expose
corporate enterprises for the crimes (no socialism or unionization) they had been
committing. Based upon his book, Upton Sinclair would have had many answers
why there was no socialism or unionization in the United States. His first answer
would be corporate corruption. Big enterprises at this time only cared about their own
profits not ... Show more content on ...
Upton Sinclair felt that our nation at this time needed to establish a strong union
where the workers can actually get help from a stronger organization when going
against the corporations. Sinclair wanted a strong Union to help workers get what
he feels they deserve, instead of terrible jobs. The reason why there is no strong
presence of a labor union in this country is because of the risk that it presented for
workers at the time. In the Flivver King, Henry Ford used thugs and goons to
intimidate people from not bringing the any kind of union into his company.
Upton Sinclair said this in the book, as a beleaguered American socialist in a
society that is generally unsympathetic to the plight of the less fortunate, Sinclair
pondered the question of why Socialism did not gain a foothold in the minds of the
American workers. (Sinclair, Preface viii, xi) This passage shows the mindsets of
the factory workers at the time prevented a chance and at a strong labor union.
Sinclair feels that if the American workforce could have embraced a more socialist
mindset, there could have been some kind of organization to protect them from
being exploited and possibly fired just by mentioning the very idea of trying to start
or join anything like a union. Other issues pointed out by Sinclair were workers
being killed by various factors like poor or unsafe work
Compare And Contrast Le Morte DArthur And Malhur
Student Name: Shard e Grady
Professor s Name:
Course Details: LITR210
Due Date: November 26, 2017
Compare and Contrast Excalibur to Malory:
Le Morte d Arthur is the cautiously assembled fable of the fluctuation of this
legendary English monarchy. Which like most kingdoms in that era; are suspect
to fall due to domestic and foreign forces that pledge to destroy them. This myth s
power come from Malory s electoral allusion s, such as the introduction of Arthur s
rule and Henry s rule over the kingdom. The relevance for any civilization or the
focus of which forces are necessary to end the kingdom s reign by way of Malory s
uninviting perspective. The fable is held together by its undeviating philosophy of
doom and terror as well as the portrayal of complex personalities. Compare
Arthur, is the son of King Uther and is raised by another family. Who soon takes his
rightful place as king. As a young lad, Arthur extracts the magical sword Excalibur
from the stone and rules his kingdom wisely. He also seeks and utilizes counsel from
Merlin the magician. He is considered a great king, but is often caught in battles or
at war with other Kings. Once Arthur marries Genevere and is given the Round Table
, which seats 150 merry men. Genevere s honorable mannerism acts as a moral
compass for the men at the Round Table. She was fair and impartial when
compensating or penalizing the knights. However, just like most fables the treachery
comes from within the kingdom. With
Wally Diwali Religion
Hindu is the oldest religion on earth. Hinduism doesn t have a single founder, a
single holy text, or a central religious authority. Most forms of Hinduism view other
Gods and Goddesses as manifestations or aspects of that supreme God or Goddess.
About 14% of the world s population is Hindu. According to the yearbook of
American and Canadian churches they were about 1.5 million Hindus in the US
during 1999. There are many different kinds of celebrations. They re about apes
holidays in the Hindureligion. List I went to Wally Diwali is the Festival of Lights
for Hindus and Sikhs the celebration last for 5 days and a smart buy sweets
fireworks and lights. It celebrates the truth of a good light and knowledge over evil
darkness and ignorance they celebrating and k is a full moon. There s actually takes
place on August raksha means protection and Bandhan means to die . There s also
the tantric sex. There s two forms to it. Tantra is found in advanced Hindu, Vajrayana
Buddhist , and other religious practices throughout Asia. It is an ancient ritual
involving extensive preparation and prior education by the practitioners under the
close direction of their guru (teacher). Neotantra was recently imported into the West
and is at least partly divorced from its religious roots. It is also known as modern
tantra, or by the somewhat derogatory term... Show more content on
But for still unknown reasons, the valley s inhabitants appear to have moved out
rather suddenly. They resettled among new neighbors in northwestern India and
encountered a group of people from central Asia who brought with them warrior
ethics and a religion called Vedism. Hinduismstands apart from all other religions for
several reasons. It has no single founder, no single book of theological law and truth,
no central religious organization, and no definition of absolute beginning and
The Theological Arguments For and Against the
The Theological Arguments For and Against the Ordination of Women to the
Women should be kept silent in the churches, for they are not allowed to speak, but
should be subordinate, as even the law says . (Corinthians 14: 34 35.)
Does St.Paul give an interpretation of the culturally conditioned views of his period,
or that of Jesus Christ, the Son of God? This question emphasises the ongoing debate
over women s ordination within the Roman Catholic Church and Orthodox churches.
A person ordained to act as a mediator between God and human beings administering
the sacraments and preaching is the more simplified definition of a priest. For the
purposes of this essay a far more ... Show more content on ...
To theologically examine the arguments we have to understand the historical and
theological Christ. Jesus was the Son of God, the incarnation and human form of
God. Therefore God s teachings represent Jesus and vice versa. In Genesis 2: 18 23
God specifically made a woman out of a man, apparently implying male supremacy.
Yet Genesis 1:27 reads
God created human beings, making them to be like himself. He created them male
and female.
Backed up with further passages(Galatians 3:28 and Acts 10:34) we can see the first
theological belief in equality. However this also shows that the Bible can be a
questionable source for issues such as ordination considering these Genesis passages
are reasonably inconsistent. This statement of equality can be questioned as God
incarnated himself as a male, Jesus, and resulted in an important argument to signify
why only men should fulfil the requirements for Priesthood. However, it seems
conservative Catholicism may have misinterpreted the distinction God purposely
made between men and women. Catholic and Orthodox churches argue God
incarnated himself as a male because when acting in the person of Christ, must carry
a natural resemblance to him. Yet God should neither be pictured in
The Time Machine by H.G. Wells Essays
The Time Machine by H.G. Wells
In this essay I am going to discuss Wells use of contrast in the Time Machine. This
will include contrast from the Victorian era to the future era, but also contrast in
other sections. During a lot of the book contrast is based on revealing intelligence
and general lack of it. It is also shown as what the time traveller thinks will happen
and what actually does happen. A lot of these contrasts are quite regularly compared
to the contrast of dark and light.
From the first page of the book we can even get a hint that the time traveller is quite
arrogant, he thinks his intelligence is better than the others in his presence,
Expounding a recondite matter to us. ... Show more content on ...
To relish beliefs of trickery he uses the psychologists finger to press the button. As
the machine went into the future or past it blew a candle out. This is another
reference to fire. There is also imagery involved of light and darkness as well as
there been foreshadowing irony. This chapter also contains contrast of knowledge
and ignorance. Knowledge of the time traveller understanding what is going on and
ignorance of the people watching refusing to believe.
lights a spill at the fire. This is how Wells has shown that the audience believe what
he is saying. When he takes the audience to look at the real version of the time
machine he takes a lamp with him, this once again shows a positive status of
intelligence in that the time traveller knows what he is talking about, although on the
way down the dark corridor it does flicker which shows some doubtfulness.
We see some foreshadowing irony almost straight away in chapter three. As soon as
the time traveller returns the first thing he asks is for them to save a bit of mutton.
He s starving for some meat. As we find out this is quite ironic as when he travels
into the future he does not eat any meat. This is because no one but eloi and morlock
roam the Earth and the eloi only eat fruit. The morlocks eat eloi. This is also contrast
as the time traveller does not agree with how the morlock s harvest the eloi and
Analyzing Brayden s Psycho-Social Development
When I asked Brayden questions to gauge his Psycho Social development his
responded in ways that promote pro social ideas, relating to children his age. I
asked What makes a kid your age happy? His response was ice cream, and friends.
Brayden s answer correlated with my observation of friendships being important to
him. I also asked, How do you know a kid is happy? His response was if they are
smirking, smiling, or laughing. How do you know a kid is sad? He stated, if they
are frowning or crying. Erikson s theory focuses on psychosocial development and
states that we go thru eight stages of psycho social development in our lives. When
one stage is not accomplished it can influence our social and emotional development
Participative Leadership And Human Resource
Management Essay
The aim of this report is to present the findings of how a Participative Leadership (PL)
style could work in the Hospitality industry. This will also include research on the
advantages and challenges of implementing this style; and how it would aid effective
kitchen communication and human resource management.
What is Participative Leadership?
Participative Style is where decisions are made with the most feasible amount of
participation from those who are affected by the leaders decision (Grimsley,
Participative Leadership Style: Definition, Theory Examples, 2015). It requires the
leader to ask on the team to share ideas and observations in order to come to a
decision. Although the team has input into the decision, the leader ultimately has the
task of the final decision. Participative leadership can be divided into three subtypes
because it encompasses so many forms of behaviours.
Consultative leaders use skills, ideas and experiences of others, although the leader
still retains the final decision making power (Brown, 2007). Consensus leaders
strive for consensus. All team members who will be involved in the consequences of
the final decision have the ability to provide input. A decision is not made final until
all team members at least support it. Democratic leaders being one of the most used
style of leadership around the world, confer final authority on the group. It
redistributes the power and authority to the group by taking a vote on the final
decision (Grimsley,

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Compare And Contrast Essay About High School And College

  • 1. Compare And Contrast Essay About High School And College Crafting a compare and contrast essay on the topic of high school and college can be a challenging task, as it requires a comprehensive understanding of both educational phases and the ability to highlight their similarities and differences effectively. The complexity arises from the need to delve into various aspects such as academic structure, social dynamics, freedom, responsibilities, and overall experiences. One of the difficulties lies in navigating through the myriad of nuances that distinguish high school and college life. High school is often characterized by a more structured curriculum, a fixed schedule, and a closely monitored environment. On the other hand, college introduces a greater degree of flexibility, diverse course options, and a more independent learning approach. Balancing these differences while maintaining a coherent and organized essay structure poses a writing challenge. Furthermore, addressing the diverse experiences of students in both settings can be intricate. The essay must capture the essence of the social dynamics, extracurricular activities, and the overall atmosphere in high school versus college. Articulating these variations requires keen observational skills and the ability to provide insightful analysis without generalizing or oversimplifying. Additionally, conveying the unique challenges and opportunities that arise from the transition between high school and college demands a nuanced approach. Discussing the impact on personal growth, academic expectations, and the development of critical skills requires a careful exploration of the individual experiences that shape these transitions. In conclusion, writing a compare and contrast essay about high school and college involves navigating through a multitude of complexities. The writer must seamlessly blend insights into the academic, social, and personal aspects of both educational phases. Despite the difficulties, a well-crafted essay can offer valuable perspectives on the transformative journey from high school to college. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, various resources are available. Online platforms like provide a range of writing services to help individuals tackle complex essay topics and assignments effectively. Compare And Contrast Essay About High School And CollegeCompare And Contrast Essay About High School And College
  • 2. My Love For Reading And Writing I am no gluttonous reader, but a lazy English student who finds the process of reading and writing to be quite tedious. Months at a stretch where I don t flip a page is uncommon. My displeasure from books was driven off of how much interest I have and the content I choose to read. A lack of interest makes it difficult to initiate and finish the reading. It also makes me less attentive as I am prone to distractions. Consequently, I wound up not understanding a single thing I just read and my writing becomes unorganized, not knowing where I left off. After all, interest sparks motivation, and no motivation equals zero attention for the book, hence I m unable to follow the storyline. When deficient in inspiration, I m restrained from writing passionately. Furthermore, my interest plays a role in choosing a content I enjoy reading. Not all texts are equally challenging, so the selection of my content declines improving in English. Subtitles from shows in another language are what I relish because I appreciate the storyline from animations and dramas. I prefer reading subtitles over listening to the English dubbed (having the show translated), because I have a harder time listening than reading. I find that my love for reading subtitles helped me read a lot faster, making that my strength. In addition to my strengths, when stumbling upon words that I have no understanding of, I have a good habit of using context clues to define troublesome words. Conversely, my enjoyment does
  • 3. How To Fix Water Damage Drywall How To Fix Water Damaged Drywall If a water leak damaged your drywall, you ll want to repair or replace it. Otherwise, mold may grow on the drywall before it has a chance to dry out completely. Plus, you don t want to look at an ugly water stain. You might be able to fix the problem yourself, or you may be better off calling a contractor if you re not handy with tools. The first step is to determine the extent of damage. Inspect The Drywall Water damage takes different forms. If you re lucky, you ll only have to deal with an ugly surface stain. However, since drywall is so porous, there s a good chance the water will have soaked into the drywall material and caused some damage. In addition to looking for water stains, look for bubbles and... Show more content on ... If you just seal the stain, the wall will look bumpy when you paint it. The bumps appear because the drywall expands when it soaks up water. Then when the water dries up, the bumps get hard. If the bumps are confined to the surface, you might be able to shave them off with a paint scraper and smooth over the top before you seal the stain. If the damage extends to deeper layers of the drywall, then the only way to get a smooth surface again is to cut out the damage. Cut out a portion that s a little larger than the damaged area. The cut out a piece the same size from a new sheet of drywall. Fit the new piece into the hole and hold in it place with drywall tape. Next, apply joint compound, or drywall mud, over the tape and repaired area. Use a straight edge to stretch the mud out and make it level with the surrounding drywall. You ll need to act quickly before the mud dries and gets too hard to work with. If you have several sections of damaged drywall, or if there is a lot of mold growth, you may want to call a contractor for help. You ll have to be meticulous in your work or the wall will not look smooth once you ve applied a coat of paint. The last thing you want is to do all that work only to see the repairs showing through the paint when you re
  • 4. The Inventions Of The Late Nineteenth And Early Twentieth... There were many inventions that were created in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that had a huge impact on life in the United States. Some of these inventions were the telephone, the electric light bulb, and the airplane. The telephone was created by Alexander Graham Bell, the light bulb by Thomas Edison, and the airplane by Wilbur and Orville Wright. The telephonecompletely changed how we communicate. Alexander Bell was a professor at Boston University when he built a device that allowed people to see speech in the form of sound wave vibrations. This made Mr. Bell believe that somehow he could make sound waves turn into an electrical current and back into sound waves. After lots of studying electricityand conducting lots
  • 5. Organizational Culture at Lincoln Electric Introduction: Motley Fool (2013), a multimedia financial company named Lincoln Electric to be the eight best companies in America. It is a phenomenal achievement to maintain the company s ranking for several years. This implies that the organizational structure and culture should play a tremendous role in the Company s continuous success and progress. This essay assess the assess the culture and different trends followed at Lincoln Electric Organizational Culture: Business dictionary defines Organizational Culture as the values and behaviors that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization . It can also be seen as the values that show people what is appropriate and what is not (Becker, 2006). Lincoln Electric: Founded in 1865 by John C. Lincoln, the company is known in today s world for its high worker productivity. The secret behind this extra ordinary success lies in the company s founding philosophies and established policies over the year. The term Organizational Culture was not even in practice when the company established its unique policies like reducing working hours, paid up life insurance, health benefits, social activities, paid vacations, and the pension plans. These measures not only motivated the employees but also helped build trust and partisanship. In Charles G. Herbruck s words ... these were expressions of mutual respect for each person s importance for the job to be done. It can be assumed that Lincoln Electric
  • 6. Men’s Conflict With Food, Weight, Shape Appearance Essay Why does the general public believe only women are victims of body image and eating disorders? Adolescent to adult males are dangerously preoccupied with the appearance of their bodies. The difference between men and women are men almost never talk openly about this problem. Society has taught them that they shouldn t be concerned about how they look. But countless numbers of men are sacrificing important aspectsof their lives to working out compulsively. This leads to distorted body images, which ties together with eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia (Adonis Complex.) The general public usually categorizes these disorders with women only. Women aren t the only victims; men are suffering too, but just silently. According ... Show more content on ... Their perception of the male body becomes skewed. On television these days, it seems as if the models stick together. It is rare to see an over weight person with a lean and muscular person. From my observation, women on television are usually tall and skinny with voluptuous curves. The men are tone with unrealistic chiseled features. I grew up spending a lot of time in front of the television, unaware that I was being subliminally brainwashed. Television is causing young males and females to develop a negative perception on what is seen as normal. During the earlier part of November, NBC broadcasted the 2001 Victoria Secret Fashion Show: The Sexiest Night on Television. This one hour event was broadcasted in prime time that featured tall, incredibly skinny, full featured women elegantly modeling lingerie. But in reality, it was just a tacky peepshow of emaciated women pumped full of silicone flaunting their bodies. It was a full hour of sugarcoated pornography, an hour of women whoring themselves to photographers. According to The View, a talk show, more than half of people who tuned were teenage girls. They were interested in what the general public deemed as beautiful. What was on television that night was nothing close to realistic. Imagine all the teenage girls who are completely mesmerized these women. To achieve that look, those models have to go through rigorous diets and dehydration. The lighting has
  • 7. Essay About Etiquette Etiquette and Introductions: Jane Austen s Survival Guide Alejandro Somarriba, Joey Haneine, Alexis Sein 9В°D Literature: Aaron Horton Eton School Etiquette and Introductions Proper etiquette is the acceptable ways in which a person behaves in public. These rules have a long time existing and have showed in all cultures. Depending on the geographic location, these etiquettes have changed. For example: if you live in Germany, it s totally normal to drink beer at any time of the day. On the contrary English people would think of these as an insult. They drink only tea, and it shall be done at specific times, like on a meeting. The manners and ways of the nineteenth century were quite different from those of today (as anyone ... Show more content on ... As men were the principal gender during these time, they didn t have the rules that ladies have, in a way, yes, they had more freedom. Anyway, they did have some manners and actions they should follow: When the street, while greeting, the man must bow and tip his hat, while the woman grabs her dress bows. The man won t speak to the woman unless she speaks first. When a man is appointed on a date with a girl, he has to invite her to walk down the sidewalk while they talk. While going up stairs, the man should go before the woman, when going down, he should go after. While on a carriage, he must not seat next to a woman unless he is a person from her family. He must leave the carriage first and help the woman out. When at a public event, the man must go first to find the woman a seat. If there are elder, he has to take his hat off. Men are introduced to women. Men cannot smoke when ladies are around. Although, there are some actions that one must never make. Here are some examples (for men): Refer to another person by their first name in public Curse while ladies are present (also smoke) Leave a lady you know unattended, except with
  • 8. Essay On Discrimination In America Throughout time, racism has controlled the way people treat each other, and despite many Americans believing that they have resolved their racist ways, many people still face discrimination. The government started to try abolish slavery when over one hundred fifty years ago when it was a bigger issue, however many American s still treat African Americans with the disrespectful mentality used in the 1800 s. History of slavery (In 1865, the Thirteenth Amendment was passed which formally abolished slavery in the United States.) TKAM (almost 100 years later, some people still treating African Americans with the disrespect and abuse of a slave, refusing change) Despite having opportunities to learn from the past such as the Holocaust, countless Americans continue to let stereotypes ... Show more content on ... Everyday American s, and even presidential figures have faced issues with racism and segregation despite slavery being outlawed over 150 years ago. (rebel, delinquent) Abraham Lincoln (Assassination by a man who was against the thirteenth amendment) Barack Obama ( Says He Absolutely Faced Racism In Office ) People in America can be greatly influenced by celebrities such as Donald Trump, the president of the United States; Trump s racial opinions are having a negative influence on people world wide. Donald Trump (Influences America greatly, and by being racist, it shows Americans that it is ok to be racist and sexist.) Hate crimes in Trump s name (many accounts of hate crimes such as graffiti in Trump s name occurred within days of being elected.) As well as being destructive, the stereotypes that surround African Americans and other races have proven to cloud good judgement and are therefore considered dangerous. Stereotypes (Cloud judgement and cause people to jump to conclusions.) Lynchings in Duluth (Because the men were black, it caused people to jump to conclusions, in the end it being proven that they were most likely
  • 9. Cooperation And The Requirement Of Stronger Enforcement cooperation and the requirement of stronger enforcement or more systematic dispute settlement mechanism. My second hypothesis is that international institutions or treaties of members of significantly asymmetric national capability will have a stronger dispute settlement mechanism. That is to say, In other words, an institution that contains asymmetry of power in terms of national capacity, military capacity, economic capability, and legal resources should have stronger DSMs. In this situation, powerful states might seek for stronger DSMs for gaining advantage within institutions. The underlying logic of this idea, based on Allee and Elsig is that many DSMs allow for both diplomatic and legal dispute settlement, so powerful states can benefit from having a menu of dispute settlement options that allows them to forum shop even within treaties. (Allee 97) Also, for weaker countries, stronger DSMs can give weaker countries the equal chance to argue with more powerful countries under certain framework. Strong DSMs provide relatively weaker countries such as Mexico has more capability to confront with more powerful countries and boost their chance to win the confrontation. To prove this hypothesis, I will find asymmetric countries in size and compare the agreements of these asymmetric countries to some symmetric countries. The expected conclusion should be that agreement with more heterogeneous countries would have stronger DSM. There are many existing cases can prove this
  • 10. Young Adults ( Ages 15-17 ) C. Unescorted Young Adults (Ages 15 17): 1.Unescorted Young Adults are defined as passengers, ages 15 to 17, who may fly independently without the companionship of a legal adult (age 18 or older). 2.Allegiant Air does not accept reservations for unescorted children under the age of 15 years. a.Children 14 years of age and under must be accompanied by a traveling customer 15 years or older. 3.Agents must add pad comments cross referencing itineraries for those adult passengers 15 years of age and older who take responsibility for any traveler under 15 years. a.An SSR must be added to both itineraries for manifest identification. 4.Unescorted Young Adults may travel at no additional cost however there are restrictions and exceptions regarding their transport. a.Identification i.Young Adults under the age of 18 traveling with an adult are not required to show ID at time of check in. ii. Unescorted Young Adults under the age of 18 traveling alone are not required to show ID at time of check in, unless their age is questionable. b.Weather Advised Flights i.When a weather advisory is issued for either the departure or arrival city, and/or the potential for a flight to be diverted en route, Allegiant will not permit anyone under the age of 18 traveling alone to travel on the affected flight. ii. When Unescorted Young Adults are denied travel, the passenger will be advised to see an agent or contact Customer Care for information on all options, including rebooking at no
  • 11. Gender Roles Essay Gender Roles The affects of gender roles on people greatly change the way the society runs. According to the Webster s dictionary the definition of gender are the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex, and the definition of role is a character assigned or assumed. The key word in this definition is assumed; therefore, whether you are male or female, you know what role you must play in society. Traditional gender roles are beneficial to society. They benefit society in many ways including keeping stability, order and generally making life easier. Women have to work two jobs: outside the home and within the home, taking care of the children. Children that... Show more content on ... However after work they must go home and take care of the kids. A new national survey found that after a generation of sharing the work place, most men and woman believe that the strains of this relatively new work place have made having relationships, marriages, raising children and in general making life more difficult (Morin, Richard, and Megan Rosenfeld. Washington Post. 22 Mar. 1998. 07 Apr. 2002 .). In another survey, a majority of working men and women said they feel guilty about leaving their family for others to take care of them. They also wished that they could devote more time to their families and themselves (The Family: At Home is a Heartless World. Vol. 1. N.p.: Harper Collins, 1995.). Surveys say that some people have resentment, nostalgia and fatigue due to their workload. In most countries woman work longer hours than men, and they also work most of the unpaid work. For example, some of the unpaid work is done in the household, and in taking care of the children (Anderson, Porter. CNN. 1998. 08 Apr. 2002 http:/ / .). Maternity leaves have shortened and in the United States the amount of working mothers with children under three years of age has increased twenty three percent in the last twenty five years. In 1998, the 53.6% of
  • 12. Calculus Program Entry Essay There is a metaphor about math education which posits that doing math is like painting, and yet most students focus on whitewashing fences rather than examining pieces by the great masters of art. Up until taking calculus in high school, my thoughts about math rarely strayed beyond fence painting. However, I was lucky enough to get a passionate high school calculus teacher who made it a goal to introduce us to Van Gogh, Salvador Dali, and the like. From such introductions I began to build my own sense of mathematical curiosity and build internal motivation to explore deeper problems than fence painting. As a result, I have come to a place in life where I believe that making a career of math research will be the true path to my own eudaimonia. Through my conversations with the aforementioned calculus teacher I was shown work in real analysis and probability. I understood none of it at the time, but was able to take away that the work I was doing in my calculus and statistics classes were merely the tips of icebergs that I am glad to be descending upon now. I was also introduced to more exotic fields like knot theory and chaos theory. Chaos theory was the field that interested me the most, and so we would often talk about this during class downtime. What got me seriously interested was the notion of non integer dimensions.... Show more content on ... At the end of this I will take stock of my current situation and if all is well I plan to proceed to pursue a PhD and continue onward to becoming a research mathematician. Moreover, I have no qualms with other associated duties. That is, I have had positive experiences as a grader for university math classes and I also believe that I would in turn enjoy teaching. This is because of the commonly held belief that the best way to learn is to teach and that I believe teaching to be one of the most noble
  • 13. Important Writing Skills in the Workplace The Importance of Writing Skills in the Workplace What are the words you write revealing about you? Are they saying I am a well educated and smart business person or are they screaming that I am an ignoramus? The way you write reveals so much about you and your business skills. Your writing tells the reader about your educational background, whether you have pride in your work and your level of business expertise. Any company with employees who write clearly and concisely has a competitive edge over other companies whose employees are still struggling to communicate. The lack of good writingskills in the business place can lead to excessive turnovers, loss of profits and high costs unless remedies are established. In our... Show more content on ... Many managers are unaware of the legal liability that e mail plays in our courtrooms. Some ways that companies can avoid litigations in court are; writing with accuracy and precision, know your topic, be consistent, and avoid negative comments. Recently, General Motors was hit with a $4.9 billion verdict. That verdict was based largely upon an internal memo. One researcher reports in Every Word Counts from Patricia S Eyres concludes, the fact is that during a trial, the courts will review and analyze everything from informal memos to performance appraisals to marketing plans, all of which may be turned against the company (80). Another high cost for businesses today is illiteracy. Per this quotation, the U.S. Department of Labor estimates that illiteracy accounts for about $225 billion each year in lost productivity (Donovan E mail 15). Most companies today don t track that cost, however their overall profit will reflect it. Several published articles referenced companies that were hit with heavy penalties relating back to their employees writing skill levels. This cost is needless and unbearable for many companies to carry. Companies are also faced with excessive employee turnover or loss of manpower. Writing skills should be part of the interview process for most companies. Thereby avoiding numerous turnovers and retraining cost. Several companies are faced with the termination of colleagues due to their writing
  • 14. Bilbo Baggins as a Hero Bilbo Baggins as a Hero What is this character we call a hero ? A hero is being of abundant power, defiance, and intrepidity that conquer evil despite of impregnable obstacle to rescue the breath of inculpable lives that cannot defend for themselves. However, hero gives an exclusively altered significance in J.R.R Tolkien s fictional tale The Hobbit, as our hero is a selfish, lazy hobbit named Bilbo Baggins. Conflicting to our meaning of a hero, Mr. Baggins life and stability isn t evaluated aside the authority of his weapon, or the expanse of enemies he has overcome. Instead, his capability and bravery is built on his hidden sneaks, courage and bravery, and his trustworthiness to his acquaintances. Mr. Baggins hidden sneaks and quick thinking is one of his qualities in his transformation. Arranged in the story, Bilbo challenges a creepy, glutinous being called Gollum whose purpose was to demolish him. In intention to carry out time, Bilbo played a riddle game with the creature, approving if Bilbo held the victory, Gollum will companion him outside. Nonetheless, if Gollum held the victory, Bilbo s significance is enclosed as Gollum s next meal. After discontinuous uncountable riddles, its Bilbo s saying that dominated. Challenging What have I got in my pockets? (Tolkien 78). This left Gollum speechless making him to discharge Bilbo. Similar to Bilbo s encounter with Gollum is his hostility with Smaug. Unexpected to Bilbo s agreement with Gollum is with Smaug. Yet,
  • 15. Cinema 111 Class Analysis I am taking Cinema 111 because it is a requirement to fulfill for my minor in Communications for Media. The skills that I had before taking this class in the spring was taking pictures and recording videos on an iPhone as well as a digital camera. I also know a little about the iMovie program on the MacBook Pro. I had to make a video using the program for one of my classes in the past as well as help a friend out to create her movie for a class recently. iMovie allowed me to learn a little bit about editing videos. I learned how to include background music with the dialogue playing after the shots were recorded. I learned how to crop out parts of the video that was not needed. I learned how to enter text within the video. I learned how to make a smooth transition from one scene to another. Finally, I learned how to put an introduction and an ending scene to the video. In high school, I was a part of the drama club; however I was working with the stage crew instead of the... Show more content on ... After doing the tutoring, getting the certification and using the cameras during class time, helped me to be more confrontable with using the equipment including the microphones and the tota lights. I believe with even more practice I will be fully comfortable with using them. So far, cinema 111 has showed me that there is a lot of effort and time put into film making. I didn t realize how much needs to be done before shooting, during shooting and then after shooting. I was taught that if everything isn t written down before you go to the area of where you are going to film, you will forget something important. You need to come prepared. Every little detail matters in film. I also learned that there are three different types of film: documentary, experimental and narrative. Cinema also taught me that you must be patience with everyone that you work
  • 16. The Risks Of Long Distance Human Spaceflight Upon the consideration of long distance human spaceflight, the risk management plan in correspondence must prepare the crew members before and during the mission, for risks which may or may not occur, in the isolated confines of space. Specifically, the risks of meteoroid impacts, malnutrition, and contamination were observed and their effects on the psychological and physical health of the crew members was detailed. Only meteoroid impacts are singularly and in transit risk, while both malnutrition and contamination are constant risks due to the human factor. Out the three risks listed, the most harmful risk would be of malnutrition due to the extensive consequences which can compound other problems. The main risk management method would... Show more content on ... 2013). Meteoroid impacts, although a common obstacle in science fiction movies, do not rank very highly on a problem for a crew on spacecraft due to the very high dispersity of streams of meteoroids, their very small size, and the very small size of a spacecraft in comparison to the vastness of space. Even the ISS has a 1 in a 10 billion chance to hit by predictable meteoroid streams while in a very small orbit (David, L. 2014). However, due to the large distance any communication signals would have to traverse, in an emergency situation the astronauts would need to be able to act according to protocol. To prepare for even this unlikely situation, crew members should undergo pre flight and routine in flight simulations which involve safety measures of a breached hull, compromised oxygen supply, damaged thrusters, or other mechanical failures (Phillips, T. 2002). Although considering that this risk only pertains to the in transit portion of the mission and a meteoroid that penetrates the shell of the spacecraft in living quarters would most likely result in the immediate lack of oxygen due to the immense vacuum in space which would limit any opportunty to mediate the situation. Nutrition, although taken care of since the introduction of multiple day missions, is the most important risk factor to consider as it directly relates the health and ability of the crew member to perform their duties. The lack of proper nutrients and vitamins can lead to increased bone
  • 17. Similarities Between Gwendolyn Brooks And The Chocolate... Born in Topeka, Kansas 1917, Gwendolyn Brooks lived through many changes in American history, until her death in 2000. A Nobel prize winning poet, most of her work focused on portraits of the poor urban Black community. Two poems, following this theme, will be focused on in this essay and by the use of compare and contrast. Although it may seem that progression and follow the path of the majority (Irony) seems like the responsible way to live, in these two poems, it is the people who go out of the social norm and take what they want that ends up most happy. Each poem provides examples of how following the societal norms does not necessarily mean happiness. Tone, irony, and symbolism are used in in these examples, will explain how you must go after your dreams as they come and not worry about the aftermath of societal judgment.... Show more content on ... In The Ballad of Chocolate Mabbie, Brooks uses a lemon hued lynx to describe the young girl who is now escorting Mabbie s crush. Early on in the poem, Brooks describes Mabbie as coming from a piece of chocolate, symbolizing a sweet girl that is a treat for others to behold. Whereas she uses the preface lemon hued to describe the new girlfriend. This is not only for the paleness of her skin, but the bitterness at which she beholds. Chocolate is often used a warm and comforting color, in contrast, yellow is brash and they are bitter on the inside. Likewise, In Sadie and Maud, an animal is used as a symbol, however, the thin brown mouse is set to describe Maud, the woman who is without love. Again the color of brown is used here to say that she has the capability to be warm and loving, however, that skill has been unnourished and she is timid and afraid of contact with others. Although symbolism is used in contrast as we describe both the protagonist and the antagonist, the fates of loneliness for both women are the
  • 18. Profies in Courage by Former President John F. Kennedy Advanced Government In the novel Profiles in Courage, by former President John F. Kennedy, politicians are recognized for their bravery on the job. These politicians spoke out against what they believed was wrong, and didn t simply conform into what their party wanted them to be. A recent politician, who has showed immense bravery, is Gabrielle Giffords. She is a democrat from Arizona, who was shot in the head in 2011. It was most likely she would die. However, miraculously Giffords pulled through, and make a remarkable recovery. I believe that Gifford s story would make an excellent chapter in Profiles in Courage. Gabrielle Dee Giffords was born and raised in Tucson Arizona on June 8, 1970. Her parents were Gloria Kay Giffords and Spencer J. Giffords. Her father was a Jewish man, and her mother practiced Christian Science, therefore she was free to choose her beliefs. However, she decided to identify as Jewish. This made her Arizona s first ever Jewish congresswoman. Giffords graduated from University High School in Tucson Arizona. Then, she went on to attend Acripps College where she received her Bachelor of Arts degree in both Sociology and Latin American History. Next, she earned her Master s degree in Regional Planning from Cornell University. Her first job was at Price Waterhouse in New York City, were she worked as an associate for regional economic development. In 2007, Giffords married Mark Kelly, who is a former U.S. Navy Captain and an astronaut for NASA on
  • 19. Case Study Of Deficiencies At Societe Generale The three most serious control deficiencies at Societe Generale is lack of deep identification on the problem, lack of security control and just focus on net trading position. Lack of deep identification on the problem According to the internal inspection report of the Societe Generale, certain control was absented throughout a period of time. This absent of certain control indicated that a fraud is occurred and alerted the company about it. However, even though Societe Generale is able to identify the problem, the compliance inspector of the company only conducted a routine reviews and did not have a deep detail checking on issues. Besides, the compliance inspector did not asking for any additional information from Kerviel and simply accepted Kerviel s claims without putting any effort to validate it. Due to this, its shows that the compliance inspector of the bank is failed to identify the cause of the problems occurred which caused by the lack of ... Show more content on ... Focus on net trading positions Based on the case given, the bank controllers were only instructed to monitor the net trading positions, but not the Dalta One traders gross exposure. The bank controllers did not inform their supervisors when they had noticed that Kerviel s transactions were irregularities which involved an abnormally high amounts in his transactions as that was not the specifically part of their job. Thus, Kerviel able to use his knowledge of the company control procedures to hide his fake trades with his false documents and emails. This control deficiency can be categorised as a poor design effectiveness. This is due to the bank controllers of the company lacked of focus on the other trading position and also didn t inform their supervisors when they had noticed the abnormal transactions as that are not the specifically part of their
  • 20. The Cedar Bend Trip Essay Essay When I heard about the Cedar Bend trip, the first thought that came into my mind was that I have to avoid this trip. I tried a lot of things to get away from this trip, but every person. But now I think about i wish i can go again. All the activities,songs, scary stories. Everything we did would be memorable forever. The bus ride, cutting the chickens, makesulters, ice cream ,to say goodbye to cedar bend. I talked to said it is required and you will love it. I then started thinking about the trip and reading the description about Cedar Bend. Now I am so glad I went and didn t back out. I never had experience camping, being in the woods, or learning how to survive. I believe going to cedar bend was one of the best decision I made. On the way to Cedar Bend I wasn t that excited . I was nervous and card to the whole trip. How will the people be, how will everyone react. I had a lot of different stories from friends good and bad. Some Said the food doesn t taste good. The dogs are not friendly, the place where we stay is comfortable. But going there I realized everything was wrong. It depends on the person point of view and how their comfort level stand. Some people appetize the hard work of everyone and how welcome everyone was. I learned that I can adapt to any environment or situation if I have support from my friends. I was very scared, even uncomfortable at first. I wondered if I would be able to fit in with my core group? Then when we were in the valley, Liv gave us
  • 21. Nonverbal Communication Paper Undeniably, presentations give individuals an opportunity to connect with your clients, colleagues, and other contacts. Presentations are a rich two way communication environment. However, it is essential that you build credibility before, during, and after your presentation. In addition, authenticity is of the utmost importance; even if you plan and rehearse, authenticity must be maintained. With presentations, nervousness and fear can be overcome by numerous strategies to ensure that your presentationis effective. Moreover, it is crucial that your nonverbal behavior displays confidence, strength, and concern. Enhancing these strategies can assist you in delivering a spectacular presentation (Cardon, 2013). Establishing credibility is essential for presentations. For internal presentations, utilize the presentation to ... Show more content on ... Moreover, using the SOFTEN model of nonverbal communication will assist you in displaying confidence, concern, warmth, and strength during your presentation. First, smile, use your facial expressions to connect to the audience and show them your enthusiasm for the topic you are covering. Next, maintain an open stance. An open stance is warm and inviting. Then, lean forward, facing the audience with a slight forward lean and upright posture displays confidence. Next, your tone is crucial, utilize your voice to express enthusiasm or other emotions. Next, is eye contact, maintaining eye contact is one of the most important nonverbal communication skills you can possess. Eye contact creates an immediate sense of connectivity with your audience members. Last, nod, utilize gestures to show acceptance and affirmation to your audience members (Cardon, 2013). Enhancing and practicing these strategies can assist you in delivering an effective presentation while gaining the credibility you
  • 22. Comparing Sweat And The Garden Party How many things can a story about a washerwoman in the South have in common with a story about a girl from a high class society? There is plenty. The short stories Sweat and The Garden Party are both different and similar in more than one way. Although the use of structure and symbolism are different, but the tones in these stories are quite similar. First of all the use tones. In both Sweat and The Garden Party , the attitudes the authors have about the topics are sympathetic and caring, some may even think they are worried or frustrated. Sweat focuses on the idea of feminism, and The Garden Party is centered around class. Both of the authors are expressing their feelings about these topics and it shows through their writing. Neither of them are fond of their story s theme, and they want the readers to see that. ... Show more content on ... The two selections are both in chronological order with climaxes at the end, the two main characters are female, and their oppositions are both members of their own family, in Sweat , Delia s opposition is her husband, while Laura from The Garden Party is against her family s ideas and beliefs. Sweat does use a lot of dialect when depicting what the townspeople are talking, and it uses more dialogue than The Garden Party . There are multiple plots in The Garden Party , including Laura s family, the Sheridans, and the family of the man who dies while Sweat focuses mainly on Delia and her life. In Sweat , the cause of Syke s death is him getting a snake to scare Delia, his wife; the cause in The Garden Party is the villager dying, which led to Laura learning about living in a high society
  • 23. Perseverance Research Paper insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. is a quote often attributed to Albert Einstein. I have also heard it said that Perseverance: doing the same thing over and over again, but aiming just a little to the right. It is remarkable how accurate that was for me. Perseverance is just one step away from insanity, but virtually all successful people can contribute parts of their success to it. Realizing this, I can proudly contribute the success of my past and the success of my future to my perseverance in even the toughest of situations. Hockey is a sport where you need to use perseverance on a daily basis. it is not a sport for the light of heart. It is fast, brutal, and you have a bunch of neanderthals running around with clubs. You get knocked down a lot, I have had plenty experiences myself where I have been taken out and it seems easier to just lay there then getting back up. There will be times where you will not make the team, you will lose games you should have won, and miss out on opportunities in the blink of an eye. ... Show more content on ... I made the varsity hockey team as a freshman after working hard to get there. I started off thinking I would split the games with the other goalie... That did not happen, my coach said I would be backup. I went home and I was furious I thought, what does he know? I have been pushing myself to make it and he is just going to throw me away. I was not going to let this happen, I was going to prove him wrong. I began doing whatever I could to prove that I am good enough, from working out to skating more. Alas I stayed backup for the entirety of my freshman year continuing on into my sophomore
  • 24. Recommendation Process Strategy Of E Bike And The Risks... 1.0Introduction This report includes the recommendation process strategy which will be appropriate for the Peddle and Power: E Bike and the risks using it. The chosen strategy is job shop strategy and the issues are high variable cost on hiring skilled staff and expensive equipment. The report moves onto the process design, which provides explanation of the companies assumed flow chart, which are customer purchase order , sales order, determine the quantity, create a work order, assemble the bike, package the bike, create packaging slip and invoice and final stage is ship to the customer and the value stream map, which both can be viewed at the appendices and The capacity discusses the future capacity requirements over next five years the company should consider, how much they need to produce, and think if they have the capability to meet the production goals. Furthermore the suggested expansion strategy is match capacity strategy. For location for the assembly plant and warehouses the company should consider: the infrastructure of the building and its area, cost of labour, and location of the most attracted customer locations and the overall recommendation is the Mt Wellington near the motorway. The reason behind the designed factory layout (refer to 1.9.3 in appendices) was the time efficiency to design the different departments close together as possible also added staff room for the workers to take a break. For the location of finished goods storage room
  • 25. Recruitment And Retention Of Nontraditional Students Recruitment and Retention of Nontraditional Students The reality for career technical educators with regard to broadening representation of both men and women in nontraditional careers is that there needs to be a creative recruitment strategy designed that utilizes the enthusiasm and talents of successful role models (Lucci Jr., W., 2007). Effective recruitment and teaching practices can help educators create learning situations that are conducive for all students to learn, especially those nontraditional students in career clusters. Suggestions for recruiting nontraditional students include creating career technical programs to reach all students, presenting career clusters in a way that shows how career pathways can align with interests, giving students multiple opportunities to explore both traditional and nontraditional careers. Educators should market career technical programs to reach all students, making a concerted effort to attract nontraditional students through the use of photos and graphics that show both genders and various races in careers at the technical and professional levels (Clark, P., Ohio State Univ., C. y., 2000). In recruiting nontraditional students, intentionality and good planning are important. Unfortunately, lingering stereotypes often make the first step of signing up for a class in a nontraditional area difficult. Strategies which are effective are those that understand and consider the target audience, provide information in a way in which
  • 26. Death of Woman Wang death of woman Wang a picture of real lives The death of woman Wang is written by Jonathan D. Spence, a famous scholar of East Asian studies. This book is focus on the early days of Qing dynasty, when Qing dynasty had only been established for about 20 years, the government, even though the whole society, are in their infancies. The author discusses issues of a small county in northeastern China T an ch eng, which is in the province of Shantung. The genre of this book is difficult to be identified; it consists of a component of fiction, since the author describes a large number of stories; as well as a component of historical reconstruction, since the author introduces the county s environment and events according to reliable... Show more content on ... After reading this part, it is easy to conclude that, the policies, especially the tax collecting policy, plays a key role on people s destitution. The chapter the Widow addresses a topic on widows struggles on protecting their children and heritages. This builds a foundation for realizing woman s status and people s moral believes. The chapter the feud describes a crisis which breaks the harmony between different groups of people and poses a threat to the socirty. These three parts are bases of understanding and analyzing the story of the woman Wang, and Wang s story involves the crises that are presented before. This arrangement gives reader a clear picture of T an Ch eng; readers can get sufficient information to do their further investigation. There are three main sources of the materials: the Local History of T an ch eng, a personal memoir and handbook written by Huang Liu hung, and the works of P u Sung ling. Among them, the Local History of T an ch eng and the work by Huang Liu hung were focus on describing villagers daily lives, they are made of descriptions of local events and characters portions; while P u Sung ling s works were in the category of literature, the stories were collected when he travelled around or came up by himself. Although the book is lack of accurate records, the three
  • 27. Essay CHUCK E CHEESE SEGMENTATION AND TARGET MARKET Chuck E Cheese Segmentation and Target Market by Kimberly D. Stewart Marketing 571 Professor John Mullin Introduction Chuck E. Cheese s Pizza Time Theatre was founded by Nolan Bushnell in 1977, officially being labeled as the first family restaurant to integrate food, animated entertainment, and an indoor arcade.CEC Entertainment, Inc. participates in the food and entertainment industry, as it sells fast food and provides places for family to stay and play together. The food and entertainment industry has been facing challenges. The industry is in a decline. This is because people may be enjoying cooking at home or other ways, which is a cheaper choice. Also, competitors are everywhere, ranging from... Show more content on ... The company prepares games, prizes, rides, food and entertainment which are suitable for children whose ages range from toddlers to big kids. These things can meet children s needs both in physically and mentally. Chuck E Cheese also satisfies family by delicious pizzas and other food. Families have found an ideal place to have fun and improve relationships through birthday parties, playing games and fundraising events for school. Chuck E Cheese emphasizes that everyone needs to have a place where they get some relief from the stresses of life. Chuck E Cheese is the ideal place, where kids and their family can laugh and play in the harmony environment. Chuck E Cheese s hopes that families can be encouraged to spend more time together and place family values first. Geographic Characteristics For Chuck E Cheese, Papa John s international, Inc. and California Pizza Kitchen, Inc. are major competitors. Chuck E Cheese opened 545 stores in the USA and six foreign countries. The number of stores is much more than California Pizza Kitchen, Inc. which has 266 stores in the USA and eleven foreign countries. Chuck E Cheese celebrates its found and success in the food and entertainment industry for 30 years in 2007 while California Pizza Kitchen, Inc. operates 25 years history. Compared to Chuck E Cheese, Inc. and California Pizza Kitchen, Inc., Papa John s international, Inc. operates more efficiently. Papa John s has been operating well since 1984. There are over
  • 28. A Project Manager For Monitor And Control The Execution Of... Once a project is begun, it is important for a project manager to monitor and control the execution of the endeavor. A project manager must observe and examine how the work is progressing, the costs, application of the resources required, and if the schedule is being sustained with the overall project plan. This is especially important when a project manageruses the earned value management(EVM) system to track and monitor an undertaking. EVM and variance management must have accurate material and labor costs accounted in order to be an effective tool. Labor and Material Costs Resources are essential for completion for any project, but must be managed differently because of the constraints and accounting each specifically demands. Labor, materials, and equipment fall under the definition of resources and how they are managed within a project will greatly impact the endeavor (Larson Gray, 2014). An important resource for a project is the human resource or labor and the skills that each individual brings to the project team. Ordinarily, direct labor is classified by skills and the costs related to provide those skills to complete the work. Direct labor costs are normally calculated by multiplying the hours required to complete the task by the salary scale designated for the task. Indirect labor costs encompass any support staff that is not directly involved within the project, like human resource, administrative, and other ancillary staff (Webb, 2016). Even though these
  • 29. Philosophy Vs Religion Research Paper Reading a chapter from a book based on how philosophy differs from science and religion. In a way it does not, they are really the same. They just use different terminology in how they discipline is expressed. For example, the scientific method is how the scientist comes to a conclusion, just how philosophers ask certain questions to prove their debates or theories. Religion, on the other hand, is more closely related to philosophybecause both deal with beliefs and faith base systems. In the early days of philosophy, philosophers like galileo, Socrates, and Plato were they early scientist of their day. Philosophy and science differ in many aspects. Science more based on morality. When scientists take on a scientific endeavor their interest ... Show more content on ... Religion, on the other hand, looks at philosophy as it prodigy and also its own personal antagonist. Religion is more about should searching, and not empirical investigations. if someone wants to know more about god, there most meaningful insight will come through prayer, meditation, and self revelation. Science cannot deal with the idea of incarnation that god became Jesus, and philosophy has yet to debate it. Science and philosophy can t deal with the methods of religious issues. Religion, however, possess the answer to understanding the reality of philosophy and science. Philosophy and religion do have something in common that neither has a method for searching out god. Both disciplines are cognitive endeavors in how they reach their end goal. Through the existence of man philosophy, science, and religion have changed through the centuries. We can t be blinded by the principal of discipline but most remember that science is not philosophy or religion, and religion is not science or philosophy. How we have our own ways of looking at the world. The disciplines themselves have their own ways of viewing the world and how the world views
  • 30. U.s. Health Care System The U.S. health care system is perhaps one of the most complex and plastic industries present within the current world economy. With a projected market sector value of $3,455.1 billion by the end of 2016 the U.S. health care providers market represents a significant portion of the economy ( Research and Markets; Healthcare Providers in the United States, 2012). For someone that finds themselves in the position of management it is certainly an orthodox presumption that they incorporate into their repertoire the tools necessary to survive in a constantly evolving workplace. The purpose of this paper is to examine several emerging influences on the U.S. healthcare system and what they mean for managers in the workplace. Specifically,... Show more content on ... Statistically better risk adjusted outcomes for the elderly are associated with better performing teams with regard to interdisciplinary health care management when considering a program. This of course means that implementing such teams is not as much of a principle importance as making sure those teams are performing well. This includes providing a robust program with diverse services in place at elderly care centers to meet the many multifaceted healthcare demands of the elderly population. While less progressive, PACE programs when compared to less restrictive designs are associated with significantly less utilization of hospitals and emergency rooms (Mukamel et al., 2007). Simply put, if a healthcare organization utilizes PACE as part of their healthcare management for the elderly population they will reduce healthcare costs on their health system by reducing the number of admissions to the emergency room and hospital respectfully. This saves money by reducing the likelihood of null reimbursement for hospital acquired conditions in elderly patients that may occur during their hospital stay. Recently, Medicare stopped reimbursing hospitals for avoidable conditions that can occur while a patient is admitted to a hospital. This can include things like foreign objects left inside patients after surgery, various infections, falls, pressure ulcers, and traumas.
  • 31. The Fight For Erectile Dysfunction Medicines A gradual and regular revolution is sweeping the marketplace for erectile dysfunction medicines Cialis. Most men and women would possibly not even be conscious of it. Lilly ICOS, the pharmaceutical alliance, which launched the blockbuster drug Cialis, announced that the drug has executed 1 billion bucks in international revenue when you consider that launching in Europe less than two years back. Correctly Cialis has end up the top Erectile Dysfunction healing in France, because January 2005, centered on the latst market information, quite simply overtaking Viagra, the primary brand to be launched in this market. It s also doing very well in united kingdom, Italy, Germany, usa, Canada, Australia, Mexico and Brazil. So much so that a ... Show more content on ... In line with Paul Clark, Chairman and Chief executive Officer of ICOS organization. Passing the $1 billion mark is an fundamental milestone for Lilly ICOS and a high quality accomplishment for the Cialis group. Because 2003, guys with erectile dysfunction have had a choice of oral cures for his or her situation a situation which can impact on relationships and every day lifestyles. beyond all the hype and the jubilation is the sheer superiority of Cialis over all the different medicinal drugs available in this indication. To fully grasp the advantages of Cialis, we have to firstly realise this elaborate condition. Erectile Dysfunction or Impotence is outlined because the lack of ability to make sure and hold an erection adequate for sexual intercourse. ED affects an estimated a hundred and eighty million men global . 90 percentage of ED instances are involving a bodily or scientific condition, corresponding to diabetes, cardiovascular illnesses, and prostate melanoma medication, even as 10 percent are due to psychological motives . In lots of circumstances, nevertheless, both psychological and bodily reasons make contributions to the condition. Where bodily aspect play an predominant function PDE 5( Phosphodiaterase) inhibitors have a enormous role to play. These comprise medications like Sildenafil (Viagra) and Vardenafil(Levitra).
  • 32. Sodomy In Seventeenth-Century England In seventeenth century England, the crime of sodomy was considered to be a heinous sin. In a time when religion governed law, homosexuality was not tolerated. The case against Lord Audley, Earl of Castlehaven, represents the treatment of those convicted in engaging in sexual behavior with men. Not only was sodomy frowned upon because it went against Gods laws, but it was also considered a crimeagainst honor. LordAudley s trial shows that a crime of deviance is worse than a crime against another human being in seventeenth century England. The Tryal and Condemnation of Mervin, Lord Audley Earl of Castle Haven At Westminster, April the 5th 1631 and The Arraignment and Conviction of Mervin Lord Audley, Earle of Castlehaven detail the proceedings... Show more content on ... The charge of prevaricating with his religion obviously weighed heavily against Castlehaven as it received the blame for his sinful ways. The Lord High Steward stated that if there were false accusations made, God will put it into th Hearts of these Noble Lords to find it out but their hearts had been tainted with the fear of sodomy. Homosexuality was not recognized but was attributed to deviant behavior. This deviance was feared so much that those who committed it would be sentenced to death. It is referred to as something so abominable and vile a nature and a Crime not to be named among Christians . In Cynthia Herrup s article The Patriarch at Home: The Trial of the 2nd Earl of Castlehaven for Rape and Sodomy , she updates Bingham s analysis of the trial and brings it into the modern world. She writes that he was convicted of these crimes in defiance of the power delineations of early modern society Herrup supports Bingham s theory that she understood the trial to be primarily about the fear of sodomy rather than the crimes themselves. The fact that he encouraged the raping of his wife and daughter are surpassed as the crime of sodomy comes to light. Whether the crime was punishable by death because it was a crime against God s commands or because of society s fear is questioned in the trial. However, the evidence points to the latter. He allowed his wife to
  • 33. Random Errors Random errors During this investigation individuals were asked to lift the weight and lower it down and repeat the cycle at their peak performance. There is a possibility that some individuals did not perform at their peak performance at all times. This could impact the number of cycles performed each time. Therefore, this error could affect the measurements and the correlation which was concluded from the data. However this error was inevitable, but to minimise its effect shortening the period of weight lifting could be suggested. This could promote participants to actually perform at their best rate. Also, selecting a larger sample size could minimise the effect of this random error by averaging. The second error could be caused by not doing the cycle of weight lifting correctly. This could impact the number of cycles counted and ... Show more content on ... This could interfere with the results and might have introduced a new variable. To minimise this error and keep all other factors constant, the participants could be asked to keep their hand on the counter in the L shape position. This could improve the consistency and also ensures that the position of the arm during the resting period did not interfere with the muscle fatigue. Moreover, having a greater sample size could be recommended. Systematic errors Possible calibration errors of the equipments could have influenced the results. For instance, inaccuracy in the calibration of the stopwatch could have caused zero error, even though this seemed unlikely. However, to mitigate the calibration error using a different stopwatch to ensure that the stopwatch used previously was calibrated appropriately could be recommended. It was difficult to discuss the impact of systematic errors especially when only one stopwatch was used. But to identify a possible systematic error, using a different stopwatch and repeating the same experiment could be
  • 34. Female Immigrant Subjectivities And The Politics Of Voice During the decade of the eighties in El Salvador, the government would armed forces and recruit children that are approximately twelve years old out of their schools. Since Chava is only eleven years old, he still has a year of innocence, which means a year before he is conscripted to fight against the rebels of Farabundo MarГi National Liberation Front (FMLN). Chava s life becomes at risk since it is a game of survival and he carries negative effects with violence. Although with the love of his mother and with a classmate, Chava finds the bravery to keep positive understandings and stay alert against time before he might get recruited. According to Yahaira Padilla, in Hermanas lejanas? Female Immigrant Subjectivities and the Politics of... Show more content on ... This film was taken place before by Oscar Torres; the person who co wrote the script was once situated before becoming a teenager. Torres wanted to parallel his ending when he landed to the United States at the same time when Chava left El Salvador. On the other hand, Luis Mandoki, a Mexican film director that enjoys putting real life situations in a movie. While reading Re membering the Nation: Gap and Reckoning within Biographical Accounts of Salvadoran Г‰migrГ©s by Susan Bibler Coutin compares and contrast the narratives of after the Civil War in El Salvador. During those twelve years of war, majority of people were separated because of international emigration and violence (Coutin 2011). In contrast, Coutin argues to the audience that Central American minorities narrate their personal experience just to relink their historical events, just as Torres. There are many war films that can relate to Voces Inocentes , but unfortunately it is rare that a twelve year old kid tells the story throughout his own experience. I guarantee that most people would not want to live around a barrio that is around with death like the one in this film. On the other hand, Mandoki prefers to show the brutal that military soldiers would do at the time to the children; death and terror. The film tends to bring different tones such like having its humor once in a while and how
  • 35. Terror Of The Sea Research Paper Terrors of the Sea Mom! Come on. We re gonna be late! Anxiously, I sprint upstairs to see what is taking so long. Mom, you can do you makeup in the car, we need to go right now. Good grief, Josh, keep your pants on, Mom replies. In frustration, I grab the keys. Rushing to the car, I lunge into the driver s seat. As Mom takes her time adjusting her luggage in the trunk, I glance behind me at my siblings, Everyone ready? YES! Let s go! Slamming on the gas, hurling down the driveway, the fun adventure begins. Sprinting up the gangplank, we make it on board the Sea Bear with seconds to spare. Bright sun gleaming in our eyes and a cloudless sky, all signal a glorious day. As our feet adjust to the rough planking, my eyes take in the... Show more content on ... I get back up and grab him and drag him to safety. I rush back to the engine room, being careful to watch my surroundings. So many gadgets and gizmos stare back at me. When I find the steering wheel, attempt to turn it, it won t budge. The captain passed out on the floor is no help. Panicking, I try again and again to drive us out of this terrible storm. Out of nowhere, another pair of hands grip the wheel. Never have I been so glad to see Sean in my life. Using all of our strength combined, we somehow manage to turn the wheel. Unfortunately, we can t let go because the wheel will straighten out again. Grunting in pain we manage to break away from the storm. As our bodies relax a tiny bit, the pain and exhaustion seep in. Exiting the triangle, the creature tosses one more bomb but thankfully, it falls short. Wailing in frustration, the demon fades into the mist. Gazing into each other s eyes, we thank God. Ow, the captain moans, What happened? We were caught in a crazy storm! You hit your head and got knocked out. Luckily, we managed to turn the boat around all by ourselves! Sean gasps. Bewildered, the captain rises, taking the wheel. Picking up his communications device, he requests port at the dock. Permission granted. comes the quick
  • 36. Week Assignment Review 1 Substance Abuse Class Brian Edwards Professor Haley Nunn SOCL4273 11, January 2015 Chapter Review Assignment 6,7,8,9 Week 1 Chapter 6 1. At about what periods in history did cocaine reach its first and second peaks of popularity, and when was amphetamine s popularity at its highest? Cocaine late 19th century and early 20th amphetamine 1960s (Hart Ksir, p. 125) 2. How did Mariani, Freud Halsted popularize the use of cocaine? Psychiatric use (Hart Ksir, p. 126) 3. How are coca paste, freebase, crack, and ice similar? Heated and they use home products 4. What similarities and what differences are there in the toxic effects of cocaine and amphetamine relate to the behavioral effects of the two drugs? Cocaine: CNS stimulations or convulsions and maybe ... Show more content on ... (Hart Ksir, p. 170) 4. What type of drug is chlorpromazine, and where was it first tested on patients? Antipsychotic, A new phenothiazine drug, chlorpromazine, was synthesized in France in 1950 and was tested on such patients. In 1952, two French psychiatrists, Delay and Deniker, announced that the drug exerted a specific effect in diminishing the symptoms and signs of psychosis in patients with severe mental illnesses. (Hart Ksir, p. 171) 5. What is tardive dyskinesia, and how does it respond to a reduction in the dose of an antipsychotic drug? Rhythmic, repetitive sucking and smacking of the lips and thrusting of the tongue in and out; movement of arms, fingers and toes, reversal is possible if lower dose is given immediately. (Hart Ksir, p. 173) 6. Which type of drug was discovered while testing an antituberculosis? MAO monoamine oxidase inhibitors (Hart Ksir, p. 174) 7. How do the selective reuptake inhibitors differ from the older tricyclics in terms of their action in the brain? Reuptake inhibitors serotonin and norepinephrine, but are more selective, have fewer other actions than the tricyclics (Hart Ksir, p. 176) 8. What were two of the three reasons it took so long for lithium to be available for use in the United States? Lithium was originally used as a salt substitute and because its use was not controlled there were several deaths. 2.) Mania was not
  • 37. William Faulkner s As I Lay Dying Essay In As I Lay Dying, William Faulkner uses the characters Anse and Cash, and a motif/symbol in My mother is a fish, to reveal the psychological and societal problems of the twenties and thirties. Written as soon as the panic surrounding the stock market in 1929 started, Faulkner is reported as having, took one of these [onion] sheets, unscrewed the cap from his fountain pen, and wrote at the top in blue ink, As I Lay Dying. Then he underlined it twice and wrote the date in the upper right hand corner (Atkinson 15) We must take care to recognize Faulkner not as a man of apathy, but one of great compassion and indignation at the collapse of the economic foundation of the U.S. This is central in appreciating the great care with which he... Show more content on ... Rippetoe is referring to the condition that Anse has acquired through the heat stroke, anhidrosis, which would destroy hypothalamus cells and render the body s ability to maintain its internal temperature through measures such as sweating, impossible. Anse then, through fear of death would abstain from staying in extreme heat and from working much, if at all. The consequence of this is the morally decadent, emotionally dead character bringing, . . . Her coming around from behind pa, looking at us like she dared ere a man. . . Meet Mrs. Bundren, he says. Faulkner symbolizes the determination and productivity of the late 1930s and during WWII under FDR through Cash s determination to not stop working on Addie s coffin. Furthermore, Cash s desire to complete Addie s coffin becomes more than just the making of a coffin, it symbolizes the maternal bond that everyone shares. Throughout the novel Cash is portrayed as an extremely hard working individual, one that contrasts the inability to work on Anse s end. Cash represents the unceasing work of machines, a relevant allusion given with the advancement of technology throughout the early 1900s, Yet the motion of
  • 38. Owning A Pit Bull Essay Owning A Pit Bull Own a Good Dog Own A Pit Bull There are many different qualities to consider when choosing a dog. Pit Bulls have all the qualities needed to become a great companion. Although, if you treat them wrong when they re growing up there is a good chance they will get out of control. If you raise them right you will have one of the best dogs ever. For example my friend had a Pit Bull that he would hit for no reason and one day the dog attacked him and hurt him pretty bad. This is a good example of why you should treat your dog right. From my experience raising a Pit Bull I have come to believe they are the best bread of dog. As with any dog you need to raise and treat them right. Naturally they are loyal, smart, ... Show more content on ... They were breed to be strong fighting dogs. They originated from Ireland. They mixed a Bulldog and a Terrier, so they had the strength of a Bulldog and the speed of a Terrier. Pit Bulls were fought in pits so that is were they got the name Pit Bull. Pits also have amassing jaw strength. They can smash these dog toys called kongs with their jaws. I can t even smash one by stepping on it. They are so strong that you can hang a rope from a tree and they will lock their jaws on the rope and swing from it. They can also jump very high. My Pit can already jump onto my bed and that is almost double his height. Some Pit Bulls can even learn to climb trees. Pits are also known for being very and muscular. My dog already weighs forty five pounds at four months old. The third characteristic of a good dog is courage. Courage is an important characteristic of a good dog because they are more play full and fun to be around. This also means that they won t be afraid of anything or any one. This is important for a good guard dog. Pit Bulls are also very courageous. One example of how courageous Pit Bulls are, is when my Pit was twelve pounds he was trying to wrestle a one hundred and sixty five pound Rottwiller. Whenever he is around dogs his own weight or close to it, he always is the dominant dog. Another way he shows his dominance is whenever he is in a car he will want to sit on the driver s lap. The vet told me that this is a sign of dominance in dogs. Even
  • 39. Populist Party Analysis From 1880 to 1925, opinions on whether or not immigrants should be allowed in the United States of America shifted majorly. As time progressed, the American people became disillusioned with the idea of immigrants in America. Different specific time periods showed the majority opinion, and how it changed United Statescitizens reactions to immigrants from a smile of acceptance to a scowl of distrust. Between the years 1880 and 1890, the American people was generally either accepting or at least tolerant of foreign citizens immigrating to the United States and beginning their new lives. An 1880 political cartoon published in Puck magazine shows Uncle Sam, representing America, welcoming immigrants of many different apparent backgrounds aboard... Show more content on ... Sociologist Edward Ross wrote a 1914 article in Century Magazine titled :Immigrants in Politics , in which he tells the story of Bostonians who return to their home town to find that many government officials were of Irish descent, as illustrated in this passage, greeted by Mayor Fitzgerald and the following members of congress: O Connell, Kelihar, Sullivan, and McNary... It should be noted that all five surnames listed in this segment have roots in Ireland. This article shows why many citizens of the United States were afraid of immigrants, as they believed that outsiders would overtake their government. In 1916, anthropologist Madison Grant published The Passing of the Great Race, which was a major book in the genre of scientific racism, a field where scientist look for biological reasons to support their theories on racial bias. Most of the book is dedicated to proving Grant s racism correct; however, there is a section that highlights his belief very well. In no other human there displayed the unanimity of heart, mind and action which is now being displayed by the descendants of the blue eyed, fair haired peoples of...Europe. This perspective gives insight to what many educated Americans thought back
  • 40. Federal Fund Rate Analysis The federal fund rate is the essential tool that the Federal Open Market Committee uses to impact interest rates and the economy. Changes in the federal assets rate have broad impacts by affecting the acquiring expense of banks in the overnight loaning business sector, and in this way the profits offered on bankdeposit items, for example, declarations of deposit, investment accounts and currency business sector accounts. Changes in the federal assets rate and the markdown rate additionally manage changes in The Wall Street Journal prime rate, which is of interest to borrowers. The prime rate is the basic record for most Visas, home value advances and credit extensions, automobile advances, and individual advances. Numerous little business... Show more content on ... Rather, income are come back to our individuals as lower loan rates, higher interest on stores, lower charges, upgraded administration, and financial strength. Dissimilar to banks, credit unions are represented by a volunteer board of directors, chose by the credit union s membership. Genesis board individuals serve intentionally with no compensation for their administration. Credit unions are tax exempt because they are non profit making, democratic, monetary cooperatives, claimed by their individuals. Their board of governors serve as unpaid volunteers, chose by individuals. They have constraints on who they can serve and confinements on items and administrations additionally have a social mission to give administration to individuals of unassuming means as a major aspect of their part. 4 Beth Federal credit union has no an account yield while the Teacher Federal Credit Union has an account yield of 0.05. Minimum fee to open for BFCU is 0.0$ while that of TFCU is 0.0$. The same applies to the monthly service fee for the two credit unions that they have same figure. For nun sufficient fund fee, BFCU has a figure of 30$ the as that of TFCU. The range of rates on personal car loans (new and used) and on a 30 yr mortgage is 2.5%.
  • 41. Fil-A And Chipotle s Theory Of Naturalistic Observation Our group has decided to do a naturalistic observation, observing and recording behavior in naturally occurring situations without trying to manipulate and control the situation, and a survey, a technique for ascertaining the self reported attitudes or behaviors of a particular group, project. For naturalistic observationwe decided to observe the amount of people that when in a restaurant decide to get on their phones instead of talking to one another. Our theory, an explanation using an integrated set of principles that organize observations and predicts behaviors or events, is that people who tend to communicate better at home are less likely to use their phones in a restaurant, and our hypothesis, a testable prediction often implied by... Show more content on ... Then we graphed a scatterplot, graphed clusters of dots, which represented the values of the two variables, on the ratings people gave for eating at home verse ones eating out. We got the mean, the arithmetic average of a distribution, median, the middle score in a distribution, mode, the value in the set that occurs most often, range, the difference between the highest and lowest scores in a distribution, and standard deviation, a computed measure of how much scores vary around the mean score, for the data we collected. For communication at home we were given the scores, respectively: 9,4,4,2,2,7,2,5,4,9,2,8,6,7,4,3,9,9. For communication eating out we were given the respective scores: 7,3,6,2,2,6,1,5,6,8,3,7,6,3,7,6,5,4,5,6. So for communication at home, we got a median of 4.5, a standard deviation of 2.74, a range of 7, a mean of 5.4, and a mode of 9. For communication eating out, we got a mean of 4.9, a standard deviation of 1.97, a range of 7, a median of 5.5, and a mode of 4. Then when you reached a correlation, a measure of the extent to which two favorites vary together, and thus of how well either factors predicts the
  • 42. Diego Rivera Research Paper In spite of the fact that Diego Rivera was a Mexican painter, impacted much of his authentic roots in Mexico, his commitments to American culture all through the primary portion of the twentieth century were incredible. Rivera needed his specialty to impact the sufficient world to transform it. Amid a period of upheavals in both technological innovation and political issues, Rivera was one of the numerous roused to make work that was socially radical at the time. His perspectives of help for Socialism, his attitude toward Capitalism, and his depictions of the industrial revolution around the globe got the consideration and eyes of whole countries. Rivera s work appeared as though it was driving straightforwardly to the present social/cultural... Show more content on ... The Rockefeller family in New York had employed Diego Rivera to create a wall painting in Radio City at the Rockefeller Center in New York City. Issues and struggle emerged when a picture of John Lenin, the principal pioneer of the Communist supporting Soviet Union, showed up in the wall painting. Mobs and challenges were high closes by as the Rockefeller family requested Rivera to expel that piece of his wall painting. At the point when Rivera cannot, the painting was chipped off the wall and annihilated. Be that as it may, Rivera was resolved to finish the painting, however clearly in a better place. Subsequent to finishing his paintings at the New Laborers School, which incorporated the acclaimed Laborers/Workers of the World Unite panel, Rivera left the United States and returned indeed to Mexico. There, at the Palace of Fine Arts in Mexico City, he made another form out of the Crossroads wall painting, now entitled Man, Controller of the Universe. The two works are named as having a Latin American modernism setting, the artistic creations both occurring in the development of Mexican Muralism, the medium titled as
  • 43. Analysis Of Upton Sinclair s The Flivver King Flivver King Writing Assignment Zack Seymour US 102/ Professor Ward The Flivver King by Upton Sinclair tackles many social issues that were coming to be in the early 1900 s. Upton Sinclair used fictional characters in his book to depict how society viewed the rise of Ford and other enterprises. As a muckraker Sinclair had meaning behind every character and action in this book. His goal was to expose corporate enterprises for the crimes (no socialism or unionization) they had been committing. Based upon his book, Upton Sinclair would have had many answers why there was no socialism or unionization in the United States. His first answer would be corporate corruption. Big enterprises at this time only cared about their own profits not ... Show more content on ... Upton Sinclair felt that our nation at this time needed to establish a strong union where the workers can actually get help from a stronger organization when going against the corporations. Sinclair wanted a strong Union to help workers get what he feels they deserve, instead of terrible jobs. The reason why there is no strong presence of a labor union in this country is because of the risk that it presented for workers at the time. In the Flivver King, Henry Ford used thugs and goons to intimidate people from not bringing the any kind of union into his company. Upton Sinclair said this in the book, as a beleaguered American socialist in a society that is generally unsympathetic to the plight of the less fortunate, Sinclair pondered the question of why Socialism did not gain a foothold in the minds of the American workers. (Sinclair, Preface viii, xi) This passage shows the mindsets of the factory workers at the time prevented a chance and at a strong labor union. Sinclair feels that if the American workforce could have embraced a more socialist mindset, there could have been some kind of organization to protect them from being exploited and possibly fired just by mentioning the very idea of trying to start or join anything like a union. Other issues pointed out by Sinclair were workers being killed by various factors like poor or unsafe work
  • 44. Compare And Contrast Le Morte DArthur And Malhur Student Name: Shard e Grady Professor s Name: Course Details: LITR210 Due Date: November 26, 2017 Compare and Contrast Excalibur to Malory: Introduction Le Morte d Arthur is the cautiously assembled fable of the fluctuation of this legendary English monarchy. Which like most kingdoms in that era; are suspect to fall due to domestic and foreign forces that pledge to destroy them. This myth s power come from Malory s electoral allusion s, such as the introduction of Arthur s rule and Henry s rule over the kingdom. The relevance for any civilization or the focus of which forces are necessary to end the kingdom s reign by way of Malory s uninviting perspective. The fable is held together by its undeviating philosophy of doom and terror as well as the portrayal of complex personalities. Compare Arthur, is the son of King Uther and is raised by another family. Who soon takes his rightful place as king. As a young lad, Arthur extracts the magical sword Excalibur from the stone and rules his kingdom wisely. He also seeks and utilizes counsel from Merlin the magician. He is considered a great king, but is often caught in battles or at war with other Kings. Once Arthur marries Genevere and is given the Round Table , which seats 150 merry men. Genevere s honorable mannerism acts as a moral compass for the men at the Round Table. She was fair and impartial when compensating or penalizing the knights. However, just like most fables the treachery comes from within the kingdom. With
  • 45. Wally Diwali Religion Hindu is the oldest religion on earth. Hinduism doesn t have a single founder, a single holy text, or a central religious authority. Most forms of Hinduism view other Gods and Goddesses as manifestations or aspects of that supreme God or Goddess. About 14% of the world s population is Hindu. According to the yearbook of American and Canadian churches they were about 1.5 million Hindus in the US during 1999. There are many different kinds of celebrations. They re about apes holidays in the Hindureligion. List I went to Wally Diwali is the Festival of Lights for Hindus and Sikhs the celebration last for 5 days and a smart buy sweets fireworks and lights. It celebrates the truth of a good light and knowledge over evil darkness and ignorance they celebrating and k is a full moon. There s actually takes place on August raksha means protection and Bandhan means to die . There s also the tantric sex. There s two forms to it. Tantra is found in advanced Hindu, Vajrayana Buddhist , and other religious practices throughout Asia. It is an ancient ritual involving extensive preparation and prior education by the practitioners under the close direction of their guru (teacher). Neotantra was recently imported into the West and is at least partly divorced from its religious roots. It is also known as modern tantra, or by the somewhat derogatory term... Show more content on ... But for still unknown reasons, the valley s inhabitants appear to have moved out rather suddenly. They resettled among new neighbors in northwestern India and encountered a group of people from central Asia who brought with them warrior ethics and a religion called Vedism. Hinduismstands apart from all other religions for several reasons. It has no single founder, no single book of theological law and truth, no central religious organization, and no definition of absolute beginning and
  • 46. The Theological Arguments For and Against the Ordination... The Theological Arguments For and Against the Ordination of Women to the Priesthood Women should be kept silent in the churches, for they are not allowed to speak, but should be subordinate, as even the law says . (Corinthians 14: 34 35.) Does St.Paul give an interpretation of the culturally conditioned views of his period, or that of Jesus Christ, the Son of God? This question emphasises the ongoing debate over women s ordination within the Roman Catholic Church and Orthodox churches. A person ordained to act as a mediator between God and human beings administering the sacraments and preaching is the more simplified definition of a priest. For the purposes of this essay a far more ... Show more content on ... To theologically examine the arguments we have to understand the historical and theological Christ. Jesus was the Son of God, the incarnation and human form of God. Therefore God s teachings represent Jesus and vice versa. In Genesis 2: 18 23 God specifically made a woman out of a man, apparently implying male supremacy. Yet Genesis 1:27 reads God created human beings, making them to be like himself. He created them male and female. Backed up with further passages(Galatians 3:28 and Acts 10:34) we can see the first theological belief in equality. However this also shows that the Bible can be a questionable source for issues such as ordination considering these Genesis passages are reasonably inconsistent. This statement of equality can be questioned as God incarnated himself as a male, Jesus, and resulted in an important argument to signify why only men should fulfil the requirements for Priesthood. However, it seems conservative Catholicism may have misinterpreted the distinction God purposely made between men and women. Catholic and Orthodox churches argue God incarnated himself as a male because when acting in the person of Christ, must carry a natural resemblance to him. Yet God should neither be pictured in
  • 47. The Time Machine by H.G. Wells Essays The Time Machine by H.G. Wells In this essay I am going to discuss Wells use of contrast in the Time Machine. This will include contrast from the Victorian era to the future era, but also contrast in other sections. During a lot of the book contrast is based on revealing intelligence and general lack of it. It is also shown as what the time traveller thinks will happen and what actually does happen. A lot of these contrasts are quite regularly compared to the contrast of dark and light. From the first page of the book we can even get a hint that the time traveller is quite arrogant, he thinks his intelligence is better than the others in his presence, Expounding a recondite matter to us. ... Show more content on ... To relish beliefs of trickery he uses the psychologists finger to press the button. As the machine went into the future or past it blew a candle out. This is another reference to fire. There is also imagery involved of light and darkness as well as there been foreshadowing irony. This chapter also contains contrast of knowledge and ignorance. Knowledge of the time traveller understanding what is going on and ignorance of the people watching refusing to believe. lights a spill at the fire. This is how Wells has shown that the audience believe what he is saying. When he takes the audience to look at the real version of the time machine he takes a lamp with him, this once again shows a positive status of intelligence in that the time traveller knows what he is talking about, although on the way down the dark corridor it does flicker which shows some doubtfulness. We see some foreshadowing irony almost straight away in chapter three. As soon as the time traveller returns the first thing he asks is for them to save a bit of mutton. He s starving for some meat. As we find out this is quite ironic as when he travels into the future he does not eat any meat. This is because no one but eloi and morlock roam the Earth and the eloi only eat fruit. The morlocks eat eloi. This is also contrast as the time traveller does not agree with how the morlock s harvest the eloi and
  • 48. Analyzing Brayden s Psycho-Social Development When I asked Brayden questions to gauge his Psycho Social development his responded in ways that promote pro social ideas, relating to children his age. I asked What makes a kid your age happy? His response was ice cream, and friends. Brayden s answer correlated with my observation of friendships being important to him. I also asked, How do you know a kid is happy? His response was if they are smirking, smiling, or laughing. How do you know a kid is sad? He stated, if they are frowning or crying. Erikson s theory focuses on psychosocial development and states that we go thru eight stages of psycho social development in our lives. When one stage is not accomplished it can influence our social and emotional development throughout
  • 49. Participative Leadership And Human Resource Management Essay The aim of this report is to present the findings of how a Participative Leadership (PL) style could work in the Hospitality industry. This will also include research on the advantages and challenges of implementing this style; and how it would aid effective kitchen communication and human resource management. What is Participative Leadership? Participative Style is where decisions are made with the most feasible amount of participation from those who are affected by the leaders decision (Grimsley, Participative Leadership Style: Definition, Theory Examples, 2015). It requires the leader to ask on the team to share ideas and observations in order to come to a decision. Although the team has input into the decision, the leader ultimately has the task of the final decision. Participative leadership can be divided into three subtypes because it encompasses so many forms of behaviours. Consultative leaders use skills, ideas and experiences of others, although the leader still retains the final decision making power (Brown, 2007). Consensus leaders strive for consensus. All team members who will be involved in the consequences of the final decision have the ability to provide input. A decision is not made final until all team members at least support it. Democratic leaders being one of the most used style of leadership around the world, confer final authority on the group. It redistributes the power and authority to the group by taking a vote on the final decision (Grimsley,