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Commercial Law Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of Commercial Law is no small feat. It requires a comprehensive
understanding of intricate legal concepts, a nuanced awareness of the dynamic business
environment, and the ability to critically analyze and interpret legal statutes and precedents.
Commercial Law encompasses a broad range of topics, including contract law, business
organizations, intellectual property, and consumer protection, among others. As a result, the
writer must delve deep into each of these areas to present a well-rounded and informed
Moreover, staying abreast of the latest legal developments and case law is crucial, as
Commercial Law is subject to constant evolution. This necessitates extensive research, often
involving sifting through complex legal texts, court decisions, and scholarly articles. The ability
to synthesize this information and articulate it clearly and coherently in the essay is a demanding
task that requires both legal acumen and effective communication skills.
Structuring the essay poses another challenge. A well-crafted Commercial Law essay should have
a logical flow, with each section building upon the previous one. The introduction needs to
succinctly outline the scope and purpose of the essay, while the body should delve into the legal
principles and their applications. The conclusion should then tie together the various threads,
providing a concise summary and potentially suggesting avenues for further exploration.
In essence, writing a Commercial Law essay requires a combination of legal expertise, research
skills, and adept writing capabilities. It is not merely about regurgitating information but about
synthesizing complex concepts into a coherent and persuasive argument.
For those finding this task overwhelming, it's worth noting that assistance is available. Similar
essays and a wealth of academic support can be accessed on platforms like,
where experts can provide guidance, samples, and even custom essays tailored to specific
requirements. Such resources can be invaluable in navigating the challenges associated with
tackling a Commercial Law essay.
Commercial Law EssayCommercial Law Essay
Stand Your Ground Law
Stand Your Ground Law In recent years, the self defense doctrine in several
jurisdictions has been changing. Some jurisdictions have started using stand your
ground laws, which change the traditional requirement that the person being attacked
must retreat to the wall before using any kind of force. Proponents arguments include
that the law merely codifies an individual s deep rooted right to defend oneself.
Opponents arguments include that the law creates a license to kill and has negative
racial implications.Ochs (2013) In order for such a homicideto be deemed non
felonious by the English courts and result in a pardon, the slayer was required to do
all that he could to avoid using deadly force. As a result of this requirement,
fourteenth century English courts defined homicide committed in self defense as
slaying out of literally vital necessity . This definition marked the origins of the
modern day principle of the duty to retreatin traditional American self defense laws,
which requires individuals to attempt to withdraw from a conflict prior to resorting
to deadly force. (page 680). The law changed a few centuries later. The majority of
homicides committed in self defense were still recognized as excusable, but they
started to expand exceptions to the general rule. Ochs (2013) It was recognized that
in most circumstances homicide se defendendo homicide in self defense was still
considered excusable, but only when the slayer was
The Importance Of Social Work For Refugees And Asylum
Social Workers have a duty, professionally and morally to support refugee children
and asylum seekers.
Social workers have a professional and moral duty to ensure that services are
provided to those who most need it. The duty that Social workers have toward
Refugees and asylum seekers, particularly children is strong but not often met.
People s wellbeing is a key ideal within social work and is strongly represented
within the Care Act 2014, the earlier Children s Act 2004 is also clear on the
protection of children s rights in the UK. In the essay there will be a discussion on
how in some areas the statute is not strong enough to allow Social Workers to work
properly, but also how there needs to be changes regarding social work focus on
Recently, United Nations Children s Fund (UNICEF) has campaigns to help reform
the UK s current law on family. The law only recognises parents or spouses and civil
partners as family. A child refugeemay have an older sibling, or more extended
family such as an uncle but they would not be allowed into the country under the
Family Reunion rules. The dangers for children trying to reach family in the UK
are high and it leaves them at risk of exploitation, 78% of adolescents face some
form of exploitation whilst travelling the Central Mediterranean route to Europe,
UNICEF (2017). Social Workers have a duty here to protest the UK s laws, and the
decision of the Government not to join the EU s relocation scheme for Refugees.
They did
Autism And Heredity
The topic that I choose to discuss for my final project is Autism and the genetic
influence in developing this disease. I will be examining the genetic makeup of the
disorder and principles of heredity, genetic variation, bioethics, and molecular
genetics of autism. Autism is part of a neurological disorder called AutismSpectrum
Disorder or ASD. It is a developmental disorder which involves abnormal functioning
of the brain. Autism results in limited social communication skills, intellectual
disability, repetitive behavior, and difficulty with motor coordination. Autism is the
fastest growing developmental disability in the USA and statistics shows that more
children will be diagnosed with autism in the future than with AIDS, diabetes and
An Example Of The Cocktail Party And Inattentional
We think important objects and events in our world will automatically grab our
attention, but they often don t, particularly when our attention is focused on
something else. Cocktail Party Effect describes the ability to focus your hearing on
one specific thing even though noise is all around you. It is named such because this
occurs when you are at a party you can focus on the conversation you are having with
the person close to you and can ignore all the other noise and conversation going on
around you. Your brain helps you selectively focus on the person you are talking too
and mutes the other conversation, music, and general noise around you. Whereas, the
failure to notice unexpected objects or events when attentionis focused elsewhere is
now known as inattentional blindness. The interface between attention and
consciousness are examples of the Cocktail party and Inattentional blindness.
Per the website, Psychology.wikia, the cocktail party effectis an example of selective
attention and is the phenomenon of being able to focus one s auditory attention on a
stimulus while filtering out a range of other stimuli, much the same way that a
partygoer can focus on a single conversation in a noisy room. This effect is what
allows most people to tune in to a single voice and tune out all others. It may also
describe a similar phenomenon that occurs when one may immediately detect words
of importance originating from unattended stimuli, for instance hearing one s name in
MODULE 1: INTRODUCTION This module provides an overview on the subject
of art appreciation for those entirely new to the subject. This is a complex topic to
deal with and it is impossible to have a truly comprehensive discussion on the topic
in such a brief essay. The student is advised to consult more advanced texts to gain
further understanding of how to appreciate art more fully. HUMANITIES: What is
it? The term Humanities comes from the Latin word, humanitas It generally refers to
art, literature, music, architecture, dance and the theatre in which human subjectivity
is emphasized and individual expressiveness is dramatized. HOW IMPORTANT IS
HUMANITIES The fields of knowledge and study falling under... Show more content
on ...
Many people think art is subjective. The answer is: yes, it is. At the same time,
however, there are still yardsticks we can use to measure the quality of the art,
especially among works that belong to the same genre. To understand how this
works, let us use a simple analogy. If you come from a foreign land and have never
eaten char kway teow (fried flat rice noodles), the first time you try the dish, you
may not be able to tell whether it is good or bad. But after you ve tried the dish
from ten different stalls, you will probably be able to tell which is better, and you
probably would be able to define what qualities make for a good plate of char kway
teow. Therefore, in order to know good art when you see it, you need to have seen
a lot of art both good and bad in order to make the comparison. The fact is that
mankind has been producing art for so long that the overall body of knowledge on art
has become so complex that ordinary people cannot comprehend the scope of the
subject without some form of structured education. Most people, however, continue
to attempt to appraise art without investing the time and energy needed to understand
the subject first. The way to learn how to art appreciation is to look at more good art.
Using the Triage Assessment Essay
Running head: TRIAGE ASSESSMENTS Using the Triage Assessment Tisha
Lane COUN5238 Crisis Assessment and Intervention 15879 Willoughby Lane Ft.
Myers, FL 33905 239 694 4205 Professor: Dr.
Jamison Law Abstract This paper will discuss the case of Ariadne; it will
summarize the diagnostic skills and techniques used to screen for addiction,
aggression, and danger to self and others, as well as co occurring mental disorders
during a crisis, disaster, or other trauma causing event. It will evaluate the key
elements of the crisis, disaster, or trauma causing event to include the nature of the
crisis and associated risks, including client and counselor safety. This paper will
differentiate the... Show more content on ...
Ariadne has sought counseling but felt that it was not appropriate and would
rather speak to her friends. Ariadne has several close friends one of which she
close to is a male; however, they are not intimate with each other. Ariadne states
that her parents are too strict and ask too many questions and has begun to skip
school multiple times in the past week. Ariadne s mother found vodka and a bottle
of pills in Ariadne s room. For the crisis intake on Ariadne, the Triage Assessment
for Crisis Intervention was utilized in order to appropriately define Ariadne s
current mental, emotional, behavioral, and physical state. Factors have been
identified as an increased risk of suicidal ideation, which could be categorized as
inhibiting and/or protective processes CITATION Bet13 l 1033 (Bethel, 2013).
Research has shown that there has been attempted collation of risk factors and
behaviors for patient(s) that are delineated as low, moderate, or high risk. Utilizing
the risk assessments allows for the treating clinician to work within the parameters of
the assessment which offers them the ability to act effectively and adequately.
Ariadne previously exhibited emergent crises that were not identified and acted upon
as evidenced by her suicidal ideations, means, and implementation of action which
places her from a high moderate to a high risk. Presently, Ariadne
Babe Ruth Essay
In 1927, Babe Ruth and the New York Yankees changed the face of baseball by
setting numerous records and being arguably one of the greatest baseball teams of
all time. Behind the outstanding play of Babe Ruth, teammate Lou Gehrig was also
performing at an amazingly high level but was shadowed by Ruth s legendary
season. Lou Gehrig s play that season started to declined though due to his concern
for his mother while she was in surgery. His heart wasn t in the game. All he could
think about was his beloved momma (Bryson 778). And with Lou Gehrig s decline
that season, the spotlight was on Babe Ruthand his legendary season that players
today cannot even match. Babe Ruth was having a historic season and was seen as
an icon across the... Show more content on ...
Babe Ruth ended up hitting his fifty ninth home run off of a Paul Hopkins pitch, and
years later in a Sports Illustrated interview, Paul Hopkins said that Ruth . . . swung,
breaking his wrists as he came through it. which shows how bad he wanted it just to
get his 59th home run, putting him one away from the record. On September 30th,
1927, Babe Ruth hit the legendary sixtieth home run against pitcher Tom Zachary.
While Ruth and everyone in the stadium was excited, Ruth s teammates were not.
According to Pete Sheehy, the team equipment manager at the time, No one
expected Ruth to stop at 60. It was assumed that he would hit at least one more the
next day, and possibly reach even greater heights in years to come (Bryson 782).
With such a historic season, Babe Ruth did not hit any more home runs that year and
the record was set at sixty. The New York Yankeeswon 110 games during the 1927
season and broke many records along with Babe Ruth. Ruth s legendary record
held for 34 years until Roger Moris broke it by hitting sixty one home runs due to a
. . . longer season, which gave him 10 more games and 50 more at bats than Ruth in
1927 (Bryson 783). Babe Ruth s 1927 season was so legendary that even players
today who are . . . taking anabolic steroids (Bryson 783) cannot do what the Babe
Ruth did that year. The use of drugs as an aid to hitting is far beyond the scope of
this book, so let us just note in passing
Zanni In Commedia Dell Arte
Who is Zanni ?
Zanni is a character type of Commedia dell arte but he is best known as an astute
servant and trickster. Zanni comes from the Countryside. He is also known to be a
disappointed immigrant worker . Throughout the time he grew to be a popular figure
who was seen in commedia as early as the fourteenth century.
Origin of the name
Zanni is a name that is a Venetian variant of the name Gianni and was common in the
Lombard Venetian countryside which was provided to most of the servants to the
wealthy nobles and merchants of Venice. Although in Italian it is specifically a name
of someone whose identity is not of any importance. It is one of the oldest characters
of the Commedia dell arte but over the time it became subdivided into ... Show more
content on ...
This costume was similar to the dress of the peasants(poor farmer) and farm
workers of the time. A specific type of Zanni, was Brighella, wore accents of green
to indicate his tricky and devious nature. Arlecchino, however, was known for his
irregular colored patches that eventually became the essence of the entire outfit.
The Zanni is also known to be clothed in a peaked hat and a wooden sword. The
Zanni at first wore a full faced carnival mask, due to the need for dialogue between
Pantalone and Zanni, the bottom of the mask was hinged and eventually cut away
altogether. The longer the nose of the Zanni, the stupider he is said to be.
A Zanni is known to take and temporarily keep items that belong to someone else.
Some items that the Zanni would keep would be bags, letters, valuables, or food.
The posture of Zanni has a lowered centre of gravity either from the earth or from
carrying heavy bags and chairs. Zanni s back is arched when he stands up and his
knees are bent and apart with spread out and apart feet. The support knee is bent and
the other leg is extended with his toe pointed. He switches his feet a lot while
speaking or listening within the same position, and without his head moving up and
down. Zanni s elbows are usually bent and arms half lifted.
Zanni s speech is loud and his voice is rough due to manufacturing a living outdoors
and trying to be heard in a market or a busy
Considerations and Treatments of Glioblastomas
Malignant gliomas are the most common type of primary malignant brain tumor, and
glioblastoma accounts for 82% of cases of malignant glioma. Glioblastomas arise
from glial precursor cells and are characterized histologically by considerable
cellularity, mitotic activity, vascular proliferation, and necrosis. They are highly
invasive, infiltrating surrounding braintissues, yet they are typically confined to the
central nervous system and do not metastasize.1 From a molecular standpoint,
malignant glioblastomas are heterogeneous tumors, and genome studies have
demonstrated four transcriptional subclasses. These four classes display features of
distinct cell types: classical, mesenchymal, proneural, and neural.1 Patients with
glioblastoma experience a wide variety of complications from both the disease and
drug therapies. Current standard therapies for glioblastoma are maximal safe surgical
resection followed by temozolomide and radiotherapy. With these therapies the
median patient survival is less than 2 years due to common tumor recurrence.2
However, new therapies such as targeted vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors,
carmustine wafers, and gene therapies are promising in prolonging survival and
delaying progression of the disease.
Patients with glioblastoma experience clinical complications of the malignancy
including thromboembolic events, seizures, fluctuations in neurologic symptoms,
and visual field defects, in addition to adverse effects from
The Dynamic Character In The Crucible By Arthur Miller
No human being goes through life without changing in some way, whether these
changes are brought about by outside influences or a personal decision to change.
The most interesting character in every story is the dynamic character. The changes a
dynamic character go through in any story can make you love or hate them. In this
story John Proctor is the dynamic character. The drastic changes that John Proctor
goes through are evident from the beginning of the play to the end.
At the start of the play start of the play John Proctor is only concerned with keeping
the secret of his affair with Abigail. He doesn t care about the repercussions of this.
He puts his wife life in danger because of his actions. This is illustrated when Mary
Warren comes
Classical Conversations
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. (2
Timothy 4:7). This week I attended my cousins wedding in Boston, Massachusetts,
during this time I was asked many questions along the lines of What are you going
to do in college? What are you studying? Would you like some wine? etc... At first
it was really discouraging because I am only a freshman in highschool, I don t
know what I m doing, but they want you to know. After answering all those
questions (yes all of them, seriously) multiple times, I realized that i have grown and
changed a lot just in this past year. Then I remembered I had to write a paper about
that. After talking with my parents about it, I categorized all my areas of growth that
... Show more content on ...
This is the most significant change I have seen in my life in this past year. I have to
give a large majority of the credit for this to my Youth Leader, Greg Pellegrino. He
has helped me grow in Christ in so many ways and has been a huge source of
encouragement and guidance in my spiritual life. Before this year, I did not read the
word daily, and I did not think about God half as often as a do now. I now read the
bible and pray daily. I have also done many music cleanses this year, in which I go
through periods of time where I would listen to Christian music exclusively. It was
very refreshing and uplifting and it definitely made me more aware of my music and
media choices and helped me make sure I was honoring the Lord in every aspect of
my life. I have never been so on fire for Jesus as I have been recently and in this past
year, and I hope my faith only
The Renaissance and Italy s Decline
The Renaissance and Italy s Decline
Definition: The period in European civilization immediately following the Middle
Ages, conventionally held to have been characterized by a surge of interest in
classical learning and values. Set in the city states of Italy in the fourteenth, fifteenth
and sixteenth centuries, the constant uncertainty, both economic and political, and
extreme volatility of the historical situation provided the material for new intellectual,
cultural, and social experiments that would at their conclusion provide the means of
constructing a new European mono cultural identity, one focused on humanistic
studies, science, and the arts. This historical background is surprisingly volatile;
while one might assume that ... Show more content on ...
In Italy the Renaissance proper was preceded by an important proto renaissance in
the late 13th and early 14th centuries, which drew inspiration from Franciscan
radicalism. St. Francis had rejected the formal Scholasticism of the prevailing
Christian theology and gone out among the poor praising the beauties and spiritual
value of nature. His example inspired Italian artists and poets to take pleasure in
the world around them. The work of the most famous artist of the proto renaissance
period, Giotto (1266/67 or 1276 1337), reveals a new pictorial style that depends on
clear, simple structure and great psychological penetration rather than on the flat,
linear decorativeness and hierarchical compositions of his predecessors and
contemporaries. The great poet Dante lived at about the same time as Giotto, and his
poetry shows a similar concern with inward experience and the subtle shades and
variations of human nature. Although his Divine Comedy belongs to the Middle
Ages in its plan and ideas, its subjective spirit and power of expression look forward
to the Renaissance. Petrarch and Boccaccio also belong to this proto renaissance
period, both through their extensive studies of Latin literature and
The U.S. Mexican War was a violent and shattering event for Mexican citizens that
lasted from 1846 1848 in what is now the state of Texas. It drastically altered the
course of Mexican and American history for years to come. It occurred because of
the unsettled disputes about the borders of newly annexed Texas. Once the debilitating
battle ended, the United Statesemerged a world power having acquired more than
500,000 square miles of valuable territory. There are many potentially feasible
explanations on the cause of the war; including, fault laying with American
slaveholders for conquest of Mexico, the war as an American plot and responsibility
lying with President Polk of the United States. However, this paper focuses on the
three... Show more content on ...
The U.S. soon saw themselves masters of Louisiana, [ready to] spread their snares
at once for the rest of the Floridas, and the province of Texas. Mexico did not know
how to handle this migration from the U.S. as its citizens were still in the midst of
the Mexican Revolution. It was the insatiable ambition of the United States,
favored by [Mexican] weakness that was the principle cause of the U.S. Mexican
War. However, soon after the Mexican Republic was formed, it was realized that
the U.S. expansion into Mexico could become a real danger. Mexico had just
attained its freedom from Spain in the 1820s and as such, did not want to fall into
another malevolent trap with the U.S., leaving its citizens unsure on how to
proceed without starting a war. This is in part because not all migration was
unsolicited before the annexation of Texas. After Mexico declared its independence
from Spain it needed more settlers to populate the areas of Mexico without many
citizens living in its regions. Thus, in order to ease tensions between the countries a
proposal was created that involved U.S. citizens living in Texas to become citizens
of Mexico and pledge allegiance to the Mexican nation. They would become
Catholics and obey the laws of their new nation. However, what was decided on paper
and what the settlers actually did were inconsistent with each other. The settlers were
unhappy with the rules of their new government,
Essay On Oliver Lake Concert
Facing the bitter cold, we manage to stay a good half hour outdoors, in the line, to
get the free pass wristband for the awaited marathon.
We started at the Bitter End with the Oliver Lake Organ Quartet.
Mr. Lake, sounding more discreet in terms of improvisation than in other times,
seemed more cerebral and less impulsive to me. Still, it was great to hear and see
one of the musicians who spiked my curiosity toward the free/avant garde current
many years ago, through his highlighted albums Heavy Spirits , Expandable
Language and Virtual Reality: Total Escapism .
The organist Jared Gold and the drummer Gene Lake (son of the bandleader), were
responsible for setting the mood, which kept oscillating between raucous, swinging,
and soulful, ... Show more content on ...
In turn, Wooley counterpoints in a higher register, expressing a multitude of colors
with the sometimes sweet, sometimes aggressive phrasings.
Whether in unison or using disparate melodic lines, they sounded great and
intriguing, providing us with a cutting edge experience.
This concert was performed inbetween the release of their albums East by Northwest
and All Directions Home .
Eivind Opsvick s Overseas, usually a quintet, was reduced to a quartet in their
appearance at the Players Theater. The absent was the super interactive pianist Jacob
Sacks who also plays harpsichord in this project, giving it a very personal sound.
Playing a type of jazz that moves away from expected boundaries, the adventurous
band frequently explores a sort of cinematic pieces with hints of pop/rock.
The musicians convey how comfortable they feel with the music and playing it
Tony Malaby was always stainless on the tenor saxophone, Brandon Seabrook shows
how frantic and daring his guitar can sound, the Norwegian bandleader Eivind
Opsvick insists in ostinatos and chamberlike atmospheres, and Kenny Wollesen s
fluttery percussion propels this boat toward pleasant
Essay on Houstons Land Use Policy
Priscilla Ortiz
Government 2306
Professor Andrew Teas
Houston Land Use Policy Houston is a large city with very unique qualities that most
cities cannot even begin to understand, but is this just Houstonian pride talking? No,
actually one of the unique qualities that Houston has is how we handle our land use
planning. Houston is well known for not having any zoning ordinances, which has
become a well known topic for a while now. People argue weather our lack of zoning
is chaotic, unorthodox, or independent and distinct. Another unique quality that we
have is where our political culture stands. Dr. Elazar s Individualistic Traditionalistic
study of political culture talks about three categories moralistic, ... Show more content
on ...
The broader picture to Houston is that it comes from the biggest state in the U.S,
Texas. Texas has a vast amount of people and within these people there are different
types of mindsets but there are also similar ones things like this are what describe are
Political culture which the book, Texas Politics 12th edition, defines it as a shared
system of values, beliefs and habits of behavior with regard about politics. Dr. Elazar
describes political culture as everyone being impacted by the beliefs and values of the
dominant groups in society; these groups can range in between three categories of
political culture moralistic, Individualistic, and traditionalistic. According to the
book, moralistic political culture is when citizens understand the state and the nation
as commonwealths designed to further the shared interest of everyone. In
Individualistic political culture, citizens understand the state and the nation as
marketplaces in which people strive to better their personal welfare, citizen
participation is encouraged. In Traditionalistic political culture, citizens technically
believe in democracy, but emphasize respect to elite rule within a hierarchal society
and citizen participation is not encouraged. Texas stands right in between
Individualistic and Traditionalistic in the scale of political culture.Texas is a midpoint
between individualistic and traditionalistic; some people think that there is a
The Things They Carried Persuasive Essay
Brittany A. Harris Veda Harris History 18 August 2015 How to survive the war
through the eyes of a solider During the Vietnam War, soldiers were not given the
opportunity to the modern coping mechanisms of our American culture today,
such as illustrated in Tim O Brien s The Things They Carried. These men were
required to learn and develop new ways to cope with the problems of war, using
only the resources they took with them, while in the Vietnamese jungle. It was not
likely for any soldier to carry many items or loads with them, but if something was
an essential, a way was found to take it with them, and coping mechanisms were a
necessity to survive in this war. American society today has a lot more options to
help them cope with the stress of life like anti depressants or psychiatrists. They have
the money and resources to pay for the medicine and the treatments that are so called
promised to give them a better life. During the Vietnam War, nonetheless, fighters
were not exposed to any of these... Show more content on ...
Because the romantic relationship between Martha and himself is not real, it lives
within his own fantasy world. This fantasy world seems to be the preferred mode
of survival for him and it was his necessary symbolic item for him to remember his
purpose in surviving the war, and therefore he needed them just as much as anyone
would need the ammunition for a gun, food to eat, or clothing on their backs, until
he believed his lack awareness of reality caused the death of a fellow man. After the
death of one of his men Cross decided to let Martha go, because she belonged to
another world, which was not quite real,... because she never loved him and never
would (O Brien
`` Pride `` By John Aquinas
When one hears the word pride , one would rarely imagine a modest person who
devotes their time to volunteer work and philanthropy. Typically, one would picture
an arrogant politician or a movie star, a person so self absorbed that they almost
entirely ignore the needs of those around them. However, even the humblest acts of
virtuecan arise from prideas well. The story of Icarus, the boy who became
entranced with his own pride and flew too close to the sun, is told time and time
again; however, there is another story of pride one hears less often, the person who
takes pride in their own humility. Rather than take pride in typical attributes such
as wealth, prestige, or even appearance, these people take pride in their modesty
and virtue. In this way, pride comes from an unexpected source and is difficult to
avoid since it takes occasion even from good deeds (Aquinas 7). While the other
six deadly sins present both helpful and harmful characteristics of the sin, pride is
complex in corrupting even the most well intentioned actions. At first, it would
seem that humility would be the opposite of pride since it is defined as, having a
lowly opinion of oneself ( Humility ). However, there are also occasions in which a
person corrupts the virtue by using it to enhance their image and view it as an
example of their own excellence. For example, although most of those volunteering at
the soup kitchen want to improve their community or provide to those less fortunate,
Matthew 9:35 38 (NIV) reads, Jesus went through all the towns and villages,
teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and
healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion
on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
Then he said to his disciples, The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask
the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.
Through the lens of this text God reveals to us the heart He has for His people in a
lost and suffering world. Jesus points out to his disciples what we should find
significant today, and that is ... Show more content on ...
The idea of spiritual formation has somehow gotten lost in the shuffle of going to
church versus retaining the understanding that we in fact are the church and we
carry within us the knowledge and the skill to be transformational. The role of
evangelism in Christian education is to aid in church growth and expansion, as
well as advancement toward the salvation of souls. Diane J. Hymans suggests that
evangelism and education suggests a variety of meanings and that it is a matter of
language that is clouding what the connotation of the definitions of evangelism,
discipleship, and education are (Hymans). She states that evangelism is making
the gospel known in church and world , while education invites people to
understand and claim their identity as baptized children of God and to clarify their
vocation as people called by God to live lives characterized by love of God and
neighbor (Hymans). Christian education is an intentional process in developing
relationship with God for the purpose of fulfilling the mandate to go and make
disciples of all nations, to preach and teach the good news of the gospel of Christ,
and to build the Kingdom of God. In developing and incorporating evangelism and
discipleship into a current Christian education program I believe that involvement of
the entire membership of the congregation should be employed (all age
I Interned For The Copa Shorts Film Festival Essay
I interned for the COPA shorts film festival from August to December. I was a film
reviewer, and my duties and responsibilities were to essentially review any short
films that were assigned to me, and then write a review and rate them accordingly.
I would be emailed whenever a new film was sent to me via a website called
FilmFreeway. Because my internship was primarily an online one, my schedule was
flexible, which gave me the opportunity to work at my own pace, rather than at a
fixed time every week.
I was work around 4 5 (maybe more, depending on how long the film is) hours a
week, reviewing any films that came my way. Shelley, my internship supervisor,
understood that I was a full time student and made sure that I was given ample
time to watch and review these films. The way the website operated was that I
would sign into my account, and all of the videos that are assigned to me would be
available for viewing. I would watch the films as many times as I felt necessary. If I
watched a film more than 4 5 times, that usually meant that I found it perplexing, and
difficult to understand.
After I am done viewing these films numerous times, I would take time to
contemplate what I wanted to say about this film. I would write down bullet points
about what I wanted to say for my review. I would then take these bullet points and
attempt to write a rough draft of a cohesive review. I would read over the draft, and
skim past the film to see if there s anything I missed. I would then
An Analysis of the Poem A Prayer for My Daughter by...
A Prayer for My Daughter is a poem written by William Butler Yeats in 1919. This
poem is a prayer like poem. And it generally tells about the poet s ideas about his
daughter who is sleeping at the same time while the poem is being told.
Throughout the poem Yeats reflects how he wants his daughter s future to be. This
essay will analyze the poem in three sections: 1 What does this poem mean?, 2 The
poetic devices, imagery, rhyming, figures of speech, used in the poem and mood,
diction, language, and the structure of the poem, 3 An essay in a feminist point of
view titled What does the poet want his daughter to become? . 1 WHAT DOES
THIS POEM MEAN? The poet is watching his infant daughter sleep. In the first
stanza he starts... Show more content on ...
Related with the third stanza, the fourth stanza refers to Helen herself, who being
chosen found life flat and dull, and also to Aphrodite, the goddess of love, who
chose her spouse the cripple, Hephaestus. Helen had much trouble from a fool , the
fool is Menelaus, the husband of Helen, whom she deserted in favor of Paris.
Whereas Aphrodite suffered from being fatherless , hence without a father to guide
her, Yeats intends to be a guiding father to his young daughter. The fifth stanza
describes the quality that Yeats came to see as at the very heart of civilized life:
courtesy. By courtesy he understands a means of being in the world that would
protect the best of human dignity, art and emotion. And in his prayer for his
daughter he wishes that she will learn to survive with grace and dignity in a world
turned horrific. He explains that many men have hopelessly loved beautiful women,
and they thought that the women loved them as well but they did not. In the sixth
stanza he hopes that his daughter will be a flourishing hidden tree , which is not
rebel but kind and happy, but contains her happiness within a particular place. And
additionally he wants his daughter to be not argumentative and aggressive, or
perhaps quite and secure, rooted in one dear perpetual place. When combined with
the previous line, the last line clearly defines his hope fro daughter to live in a
victorious life
A Comparison Of Marcel Duchamp s Fountain, And The...
According to Oxford Dictionary, the definition of perfection is The action or process
of improving something until it is faultless. In art, the striving for perfection has
always been changing back and forth in a continuous cycle between realism and
impressionism. Artworks that point to this idea include Marcel Duchamps Fountain,
and Damien Hirst s The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone
Living. Through Duchamp s work, the viewer gets a face to face interaction with
something that is not only unpleasant to see in a high status establishment, but is not
considered proper . He has imposed his artistic labor on this urinal. Additionally, with
R. Mutt being signed on the side, which symbolizes poverty, the name forces... Show
more content on ...
John Berger plays with this idea in his article Ways of Being. Essentially in that text
he makes the argument that duplicating an artwork, makes the original artwork have
less of an impact on the consumer than it would if it were not replicated. He gave an
example with the Mona Lisa and various other artworks. In seeing so many
variations of the Mona Lisa, such as in print, on television, in movies, printed on t
shirts, et cetera, there is a hype that is built up about the original artwork. However,
when gone to see in person, the piece essentially lets the viewer down because it
could not live up to the standards that the replicas set for it. However, there is still
the idea brought up in Berger s writing that states, One might argue that all
reproductions more or less distort, and that therefore the original painting is still in a
sense unique. This idea opens up the gap that Lacan introduces in his writing, The
Ideal I, between the original object and its other. In this case, the other being the
duplication. It is interesting that Berger s ideas connect to Lacan s ideas under this
umbrella. In searching for the perfect artwork, can the original be the one of true
perfection? This relationship between perfection, duplication, and idealization is very
tricky to concretely take a stance on because they are all so subjective. However, the
relationship is essentially that the way to connect the duplications to the
Wizard Of Oz Essay
The Wizard of Oz I ll get you my pretty, and your little dog too! is one of the most
famous quotes from The Wizard of Oz . I recently watched the Wizard of Oz two
weeks ago in my bedroom on my TV. I saw the Wizard of Oz seven times before
that because it is such an great movie. There some very interesting facts about the
Wizard of Oz, but I am going to tell you a few. One interesting fact about the Wizard
of Oz is that the Cowardly Lion s costume was made out of real lion skin. Another
interesting fact about this movie is Dorothy s slippers in the book were silver
instead of ruby. One last interesting fact about the movie is Toto the dog was
actually played by a female dog named Terry. The Genre of the... Show more content
on ...
But then an evil witch the wicked witch of the west sees that her sister was killed
and tries to get the ruby slippers from Dorothy, then she disappears. After that
Dorothy goes on her trip to Emerald city. Along her trip to Emerald city she finds
new people to take with her, the Scarecrow, the Tinman, and the Cowardly Lion.
They finally get to emerald city, and they had a bit of trouble getting to the wizard
but eventually got to him. After they went through all of this trouble with the
wicked witch and getting to the wizard, he tells them they have to get the wicked
witch of the west s broom from her. Then they go off to get the broomstick from
the witch but something terrible happens. The wicked witch sent flying monkeys
after dorothy to take her slippers. Then Dorothy got taken away to the witches
castle and Dorothy only had little time to live before the witch killed her. But
luckily Toto escaped and warned everyone to save Dorothy. They break into the
room Dorothy was in and saved her but then the witch and everyone chases after
them. They were running around the castle to try and escape but then they get
cornered. The wicked witch of the west sets the Scarecrow on fire, but then Dorothy
grabs a bucket of water and puts out the fire, and also kills the wicked witch. The
people reward Dorothy for killing the witch by giving them the witches broomstick
and head back to the wizard.
Data, Functionality, Infrastructure, And Cost Efficiency...
This report is designed to relay the information regarding the survey conducted on the
third floor of the Wallace Library at Rochester Institute of Technology. The survey
was implemented to analyze the conditions of the site in question with regard to its
current usage, functionality, infrastructure, and cost efficiency of its wireless
networks. In this report, pertinent data, such as: user statistics, configurations, heat
mapping, and frequency analysis, pertaining to the site is outlined and critically
analyzed for its fortitude and existing flaws. This paper also offers proposals for
improvement of the current configurations for the sake of heightened usability,
satisfaction and greater cost efficiency. One of the biggest concerns of... Show more
content on ...
Just as well, the displeasure from the students regarding the third floor itself has
very little to do with the quality of the networks. There existed few complaints
with the network s quality by the users. Ekahua software was used to get a
technical perspective of the infrastructure. The figure to the right is a heat map of
the library s third floor. The icons spread around the map are the access points of
the floor in their locations. It is worth noting that, toward the end of the map on
either side is a collection of APs from the floors below. At the edge of the third
floor there is likely less insolation, allowing the APs from the lower floors to be
picked up. Above each of the icons the ESSIDs and their level of security is detailed
in black print. Below, in the purple subscripts are the channels that each AP acts on.
There are two ESSIDs on each AP (all running 802.11n standard) out of a total of four
existing networks: rit_guest, rit, ritwpa2, and eduroam. The latter two networks are
both WPA2 authenticated while rit and rit_guest both being open networks for guest
usages. While unclear in the figure, each AP possesses one open network and another
WPA2 authentication network. The student body and faculty frequent ritwpa2
network and is likely the most congested of the networks on the floor. The shaded
areas indicate the range and signal strength with the deeper shades of green indicating
the strongest signals and
Competition Is The Cornerstone Of Capitalism
Competition is the cornerstone of capitalism. It creates rivalry among businesses to
produce quality goods and services at competitive prices. This gives consumers a
better sense of variety when making purchases. Competition in its purest form creates
small buyers and sellers none of which are too large to negatively affect the market as
a whole. Competitive markets can be dated back to ancient times when merchants
competed in foreign trade. In the 19th century economists considered competition as
a natural phenomenon in which growth of an operation was fueled by supply and
demand in a free market economy. They also believed that supply and demand
worked better in a laissez faire type environment. This was possible through freedom
to trade, transparent knowledge of market conditions, no government restrictions on
trade, and access to buyers and sellers. These conditions prevented any buyer or seller
to significantly affect the market price of a single commodity. After the mid 1800 s,
limitations to compete became evident during the industrial revolution. Corporations
achieved manufacturing capabilities that would surpass their competitors and would
allow them to fix prices and squeeze out their rivals. Eventually some businesses
became so large that they controlled enough market share to deceptively manipulate
prices in their industry. This activity created an atmosphere for President Theodore
Roosevelt to launch his famous trustbusting campaigns. The era of antitrust
Iran Nuclear Fuel Cycle Technology
Iran possesses nuclear fuel cycle technology, a capability which could be used
peaceful purposes or developing Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). Iran has
insisted that its uranium enrichment program is exclusively for peaceful purposes,
but the lack of transparency and integrity of Iran s nuclear program resulted in
disputes between the international community and Iran. The UN Security Council has
passed some resolutions and sanctions pressuring Iran to suspend its uranium
enrichment and reprocessing activities and comply with its International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) obligations and responsibilities.
The European Union, some individual countries, including the United States and
international financial bodies has imposed numerous of ... Show more content on ...
However, the Iranian nuclear program will be observed by the international
community, but no one can guarantee that Iran will not be a nuclear power in the
future. The world community had more access and closes friendship with Pakistan
and India, but we have failed to stop their nuclear program.
Space and Counterspace Capabilities
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology of the Islamic Republic of
Iran, headed by a US educated Minister, Dr. Mahmoud Vaezi is the backbone of Iran
s technology development. In November 2003 the minister established Iranian Space
Agency (ISA), is now reporting directly to the President of the Islamic Republic. ISA
coordinates all Iranian space activities. However, the agency describes its mission as
developing communication, astronomy research, remote sensing satellites and launch
vehicle technology. But the absence of transparency in Iran s space program concerns
other states and experts about the militarization of space by Iran.
ISA launched its first research and telecommunication satellite, in 2009. In 2010,
the agency launched living organisms into space onboard its experimental
biological capsule. The Agency is developing very rapidly. ISA enjoys stolen
technology from western allies and it reverse engineers s of other nations. Iran s
ongoing efforts to develop its missile delivery capabilities describes Iran s intention
to use space for offensive and defensive proposes and it remains a matter of
Informative Essay On Club Calves
With a combination of big bone, big toplines, big hair, long pretty clean necks, and
structure soundness on there feet and legs. They are cardboard cutout cattle. They are
not practical cattle. Based on appearance, they are extremely powerful and over the
top. Big boned and deep bodied yet still attractive through the front end. (Macarthur)
Gonnet, from Canada raises, shows sells and promotes club calves. He first got
involved by showing cattle himself in his local 4 H club in 1998. There he had seen
beauty queen calves which had intrigued him and in 2004 he teamed up with Dustin
Lamb to raise them (Macarthur).
They re designed to get you interested to get you interested in showing cattle. A
plain jane from your neighbor s pasture is not exited as the named calves. Named
calves come from club calf sires and can make bull owners millions of dollars. Last
years winner of the Calgary Stampede, was from the bull Eye Candy. A popular club
calf bull can easily sell 10,000 to 20,000 straws of semen at $25 to $250 a straw. Your
making bankroll , ... Show more content on ...
Today s competitions heifers and steers are specifically bred for shows. More than
likely they are from breeders of club cattle. There is obviously a huge difference in
club calves and commercial cattle. We are trying to put basically most of the traits
you need in good commercial cattle, but then you add a little show ring pizzazz in
them. They need that extra balance,quality, and eye appeal. The difference is the
hair and muscle they have in them, said Jerry Riley of JDR cattle. For breeding
purposes I am going after that hair, that muscle, that bone that it takes to be a club
calve compared to just a commercial cow. Mark Beauprez of Beauprez cattle stated,
There is a lot more of a show cattle look to these cattle. The lines are a lot straighter
and they are prettier fronted, bigger boned, and a lot thicker of an animal
Quietness In To Kill A Mockingbird
Quietness is not to be mistaken as shyness. In fact the exact definition of quiet is to
make no noise or sound, especially no disturbing sound ( While
shyness is defined as, being reserved or having or showing nervousness, timidity in
the company of other people ( You cannot group the shy within
the quiet. Nicholas Christenfeld, a psychologyprofessor at the University of
California, San Diego stated, There are people who wish to talk, but are too timid
to do so as well, there are those who, simply choose not to say much (Weeks). The
quiet hold a presence of unknown power, they can quiet a whole room with one sound
and make you admit your deep secrets just fill one second of silence.
Not every quiet person ... Show more content on ...
It seems that the most remembered of our leaders are those who stood with the
smallest of personalities, the ones who had few words to say. But the words they
did speak changed our worldviews forever. Take Rosa Parks, an American Civil
Rights Activist, she did not use anything but her words to speak for her. When
refused to give up her bus seat for a white passenger she unknowingly started an
uprise towards the bus system of Montgomery, Alabama. As Professor Mia Bay of
Rutgers University aptly summarized, Rosa Parks story tells us you don t have to
always have been a leader to do something important and to make an impact, and
you don t have to be a big a personality or a loud person to take a stand. You can be a
quiet person of principles, and these quiet people who work behind the scenes are
important to social change. (Van Luling). There are many more examples set
throughout history of people who gained power from their quiet
Polyphenylene Vinylene Lab Report
PPV, otherwise known as polyphenylene vinylene are electric conductors that
processed into tiny films which emit a bright fluorescent yellow light which could
potentially be a replacement for LEDS in electronics. PPV is prepared from p xylene
bis and the addition of acetonitrile tetrabutylammonium tetrafluoroborate and from
there, the product is treated with heat to eliminate diethyl sulfide, HCL, and ethyl
sulfide to form the final product, PPV. Similarly, another method, called direct
chemical polymerization, formed PPV but it was only in the form of powder which
could not be turned into tiny films for commercial use. In lab, we learned that PPV
precursor can be synthesized in a one step reaction from p xylene using NBs. In the
reaction with... Show more content on ...
The process can be done with NBs, FeCl3, and Cl2. NBs would add the Br to the
benzylic carbons while FeCl3 and Cl2 is a friedel crafts alkylation and the Cls are
added to the compound ortho directing since it can not attack para because there is
already a molecule there. PPV can emit light because of its molecular diagram. To
illustrate, the cathode and anode, 1,3 butadiene and 1,3,5 hexatriene s molecular
orbital diagram are shown below. These diagrams show that the gap between the
homo and lumo for 1,3,5 hexatriene is small which means the energy that is emitted
would be lower than 1,3 butadiene but the wavelength for 1,3,5 hexatriene is higher.
At higher wavelengths, there is less energy which is directly related to if PPV has
electron withdrawing or donating groups. For example, BEH PPV, which emits
orange red light, has two OR groups (which is an electron donating group) attached to
it thus creating lower energy and higher wavelength values. On the other hand, BuEH
PPV , a compound that emits a yellow green light, has two carbon chains attached to
it, which although is still an electron donating group, is much weaker than OR so the
wavelength value is less than BEH PPV, so the energy must be higher. To further
increase energy, it is necessary to give PPV more electron withdrawing groups, such
as a halogen. Halogens are useful in this reaction because although they are electron
withdrawing groups, they still attack ortho/para which allows the electron
withdrawing groups to enter in a spot with the least
There Will Be Blood Movie Relations to Environmental
Environmental Law and Policy
Third Assignment
There Will Be Blood Environmental Issues and ConnectionsThere Will Be Blood
by Paul Thomas Anderson starring Daniel Day Lewis reproduces the early 1900s oil
boom in southern California. Daniel Day Lewis plays a man named Daniel
Plainview, the very serious boss of a drilling company. After adopting a son early on
in the movie for purely business reasons he leads us on the path of innovation and
growth within a new industry. His depictions of oil drilling in the turn of the 20th
century present endless environmental law issues. These issues have resulted in the
regulation of an industry, countless strains on the environment and the contributing
factors to many of the ... Show more content on ...
Along with the rising population is always a strain on the environment. This has been
true about agriculture for hundreds of years. Without the oil, the town would not have
grown to be agriculturally fit.
The oil industry was a new industry in the setting of the film. However a few times
throughout we see causalities in the workplace, including the deafening of Plainview
s son H.W. Because the industry was new it was not regulated. For the various
depictions in the film are why regulation is vital today. The accidents in the movie
are the results for laws like the Occupational Safety and Health Act. This law ensures
that all employees are subject to safe working conditions. The oil industry is not the
only reasons for this law, it covers a lot of industries health and safety rules. Various
administrations would make sure equipment is safe enough so we can avoid
accidents like the ones that happened in the wells to the men. When Oil is burned so
we can use it for energy it emits a lot of toxic gases including CO2. Burning oil
pollutes our air and is a harm to our environment. The Environmental Protection
Agency, a federal agency to protect human health and the environment must enforce
the Clean Air Act. Burning oil and other dirty energy sources like coal can deplete
the ozone but also put
Urban Regeneration in the London Docklands Essay
Urban Regeneration in the London Docklands
The London Docklands Development Corporation is located along the River Thames
2.a) The London Docklands had to close for many reasons. The main reason was
the Second World War. The area suffered substantial bomb damage in the Second
World War, which lead to the need for a substantial rebuilding programme. In the
first 20 years after the Second World War, many buildings came to the end of their
usefulness. A number of factors contributed to the decline in the importance of the
Docklands. London was no longer the centre of world trade and so much of the dock
space and warehousing was no longer needed. Some manufacturing activities were ...
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These responsibilities included the reclamation of land, the provision of transport
infrastructure, environmental improvement and the attraction of private sector
investment. The LDDC acquired land and promoted transport development in the
form of the Docklands Light Railway and London City Airport to attract
development and fill up the Isle of Dogs. The LDDC had four aims that they
wanted to achieve in the Docklands. They were basically to improve the economic,
social and physical aspects of the area. To improve the economic aspect of the
area, they had to create jobs for the unemployed who were living in the Docklands.
To do this, they had to bring in major companies. The LDDC decided to provide a
good infrastructure to the area. They provided the gas, electric and roads. Transport
was a main problem, so ВЈ600 million was spent on transport, and another ВЈ300
million on just the Docklands Railway.
3. a) Many office buildings were built, including Canary Wharf. Large newspaper
companies were attracted to the Docklands, away from Fleet Street because of the
new Canary Wharf building. This is one of the tallest buildings in England, at 800ft
high and boasting 50 stories. Companies were attracted to Canary Wharf because of
the quality of it with air conditioning, deep floors, and open office space. Building
space in London was short and expensive.
Light Me Up
Louis your break ended 5 minutes ago, get back to work.
Louis screamed from the back room, slamming his phone down defeatedly, Zayn I
hope you know you re the reason I didn t beat my record on flappy bird, I hope you
know you re the reason all my dreams are shattered and my poor, poor, lonely did I
say poor? heart is shattered on the floor because I will never feel the success o
Jesus Christ Lou, shut the fuck up and get back to work, Zayn rolled his eyes, adding,
and will you delete that shit game its brainwashing you.
Louis gasped, Excuse me Za
Louis! Code three! Code three! Louis stood up abruptly, stumbling over the diner
chair and ignoring Zayn.
Code three, shit, shit. Perrie! he yelled, straightening out his apron and flipping his
fringe, Perrie! Perrie! Quick how do I look?
Code three? Whats code three? Liam and Zayn mumbled at the same time, giving
each other confused looks as Perrie ran past them and into the back room where a
distressed Louis was fixing his hair and straightening his outfit.
Hair looks good, eyes look good, oh wait Perrie licked her thumb, wiping the sauce
off that was crusted in the corner of his mouth, alright teeth check.
Louis smiled, flashing his teeth, murmuring through them, Hurry! Hurry!
Okay, okay god Louis, do the turn around.
Louis quickly spun around, shaking his hands. Am I good? How does the bum look?
Zayn popped in the door, What the hell is code three?
Zayn go away we re busy! Louis
Westlake Research Paper
Westlake Research Hospital A hospital is conducting a double blind test of a new
depression drug. It will involve about 20 doctors and about 400 patients. Half of
the patients will get the new drug and half will get traditional Prozac. Neither the
doctors nor the patients will know who is getting which drug. Only two test
supervisors will know who is getting what. These tests will last about 18 months.
Each doctor will see 20 patients initially, though it is expected some patients will
drop out over time. Each patient will be be coming in twice a month for a checkup
and interviews with their doctor. The drugs will be dispersed in a generic bottle by
the two supervisors one of whom is a pharmacist. To track this study, the hospital
will need a database. It will need to track patients information from their first
screening through each of their interviews. In particular, they are looking at
whether the patient seems more depressed or less, what their appetite is like, are
they sleeping, and what kind of activities they are engaged in, if any. Also, they will
be looking for specific physical side effects such as rashes, high blood pressure,
irregular heart rhythms, or liver or kidney problems.... Show more content on ...
They also need to be able to enter blood pressures, blood test results, the depression
indicators, their own notes, and so on for each session. Patients should be able to
see their own medical profile, the doctor s notes, and nothing else. Only the two
researchers should be able to see everything: all patient information, all doctors notes,
and which drug each patient is being given. There is always some danger of spying
by other companies interested in similar drugs,so in addition to the security of the
blind test, the database needs to be secured against outside intrusion as
Essay on Causes of Mass Murder
Causes of Mass Murder Crime
Alvenia Gregory
Argosy University
This paper examines the act of mass murder. If society can find a valid answer as to
what causes a person to commit mass murders, then the possibility of preventing the
act would be great because it would be probable to recognize the psychotic behavior
that is associated with mass murder. Occurrences of mass murder for instance the
shootings at Sandy Hook, Aurora Colorado theatre; Columbine and Virginia Tech
over and over again dominate much of society s attention not only for weeks but
often for months following the incident. The research question I have selected is:
What are the sociological and psychological causes for unforeseen criminal actions of
Mass ... Show more content on ...
The triggering event may be a loss of job, being spurned by a woman, or something
similar (usually an economic or academic crisis of some sort). On the other hand,
there may be no triggering event other than what is going on inside the mind of the
offender. It is difficult to determine motives in these incidents as they seem to be
based on psychologically rewards known only to the offender.
Typology of mass murderers
The following typology of mass murderers was presented by Turvey (2008:510).
The types were grouped according to the variables of motivation, crime scene types,
and victim selection by Fox and Levin (2005), who used the five categories of
power, revenge, loyalty, terror, and profit.
1. The mass murderer has a thirst for power and control, often dresses in battle
fatigues and has a passion for symbols of power, including assault weapons.
2. The mass killer seeks revenge against either against specific individuals,
particular categories or groups of individuals, or society at large. Most commonly,
he seeks to get even with people he knows such as family or the boss and other
3. The mass murderer kills due to a warped sense of love and loyalty, a desire to
save their loved ones from misery and hardship. Typically it is a husband/father who
is despondent over the fate of the family unit. Sometimes, as in the case of the
Manson family, the murders are done by a cult group being obedient to their
charismatic leader.
Scientific Knowledge Changes Over Time Essay
Discoveries are being made all the time, but how would you feel if dinosaurs had
feathers? Scientific knowledge changes over time through improved access to
information, changes in society, and new discoveries. Scientific advancements don
t just change how people think of the subject it changes the worlds perspective.
Remember that clunky food pyramid that s 2 decades old? Get ready to see that go
bye bye because it just got upgraded and guess what now you can understand it. On
source 2 some evidence leading this change is that Obama administration is about to
ditch the food pyramid . They wanted to remove it because it was outdated and had
no significant information some evidence pointing to why they are removing it is on
source 2 line 32 the... Show more content on ...
You see scientists are discovering new things and one day we may discover how
to fight off aids, cancer, and other diseases. Discoveries help keep our world
spinning, without discoveries we could be dead from diseases. Did you know
Scientists have only discovered 15% of the animals on this plant not including
bacterias or anemone s. An example is from source 3, about 85% of species on
Earth are still undiscovered! Another example is when scientists discovered tens
of thousands of bacteria living in a spoonful of dirt. Here is some evidence from
source 3, a spoonful of soil may contain as many as ten thousand different species
of bacteria . The impact of new discoveries impacts how we live because new
discoveries lead to new medicine to prevent diseases from killing people.
Discoveries impact us in many ways and take shape or form into something new.
Furthermore scientific knowledge changes over time through improved access to
information, changes in society, and new discoveries.Some key points I talk about
include how scientific advancements impacts the world, how changes in society
affect us, and finally how new discoveries affect the
Understanding the Debate Over the Origins of Life Essay...
When addressing the origins of life, an unwavering dedication to the theories behind
creationism evolutionary and abiogenesis theories makes itself present. It is in this
realm of debate, Darwin challenges the dogmatic approach to understanding made by
religious doctrine with science and evolutionary precedent. The ongoing debate
between evolutionary and abiogenesis biologists and religious leaders is the ultimate
contest between science pseudoscience. Evolutionary biology bases its claims behind
the idea that a gene is a hereditary unit that can be passed generation to generation.
Through this change in the genetic composition of a population during successive
generations, natural selectionacts upon the genetic variation of... Show more content
on ...
Often times, a derogatory attitude accompanies the idea of Creationism. The belief in
creation by an almighty being is not a supplemental belief attached only to the Bible;
instead, creation is the definitive deduction of a clear reading and understanding of
Genesis in its intended form as a purely historical narrative. This historical narrative,
given to humanity by a supreme being, is the basis and foundation upon which a
biblical worldview is based. A myriad of interpretations of creationism conclude that
an intelligent, all knowing demiurge, not natural selection or natural influences,
created the universe and all the life found within. Creationism distinguishes those
who reject naturalism as a credible explanation for how the universe and all the life
within it came into existence. However, creationism includes a varying number of
fields, including theology, astronomy, biology, geology, and physics. Creationism is
not a scientific or theological discipline in and of itself, but is instead a theologically
based framework through which empirical and substantial data is interpreted.
We find various forms of creationism throughout ancient history in an innumerable
number of civilizations and antiquated societies. Greek mythology dictates that the
world was created by Erebus and Gaia, Norse mythology points to Ymir as the
almighty creator, and Christian doctrine finds its
Characteristics Of Heroes
Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary (Gerard Way). This
statement is a clear statement that clearly says, heroes do not wear capes in real
life , they are just normal people who allow themselves to go up and beyond in life.
Heroes are people that we all strive to be like for one reason or another, whether
that reason is a greedy one like money or fame, or for a much nobler cause, such as
helping out and making the world better, that does not stop us from trying our best
to be one. Heroes come in all shapes and sizes from a small 6 year old, to an adult
who gives away everything for the right thing in life, and because of their everyday
natural appearance we tend to overlook them as one and this seems a bit unfair.
Because people everyday are sacrificing their wants for the right thing, persevering
through their hardships, and show great amounts of determination, they are referred
to as one single thing: a hero.
Now people everywhere sacrifice a lot to do necessary things, some of these people
sacrifice a lot in order to protect others, they sacrifice things like time, limbs, and in
some cases their own lives. Somebody who has a very personal experience with
this is Corporal Tristan Segers. Sergers is a veterinarian who lost his leg due to a
mining incident in Afghanistan while he was driving a war vehicle. The explosion
caused his body severe wound that resulted in his leg needing to be amputated. Mr.
Segers is a hero for two reasons: He
Faith Coggin Research Paper
Faith Coggin
It all started with the loud shriek of a smoke detector. When my older sister raced
into the kitchen that morning, she found me standing over the stove with a flaming
pancake in the pan in front of me. And while she was able to smother out the fire
with the lid of a nearby pan, I think she remained nervous about my cooking skills
ever after. Me, I was hooked from that day forward.
I was only ten years old the first time I tried to make myself a pancake, but that was
the day my love of cooking began. I became one of those kids who would tear
recipes out of Better Homes and Holiday Baking and became pathologically addicted
to watching the Food Network. Over the course of time, my cooking began to
improve, and I was eventually ... Show more content on ...
I was hurt and humiliated by my failure on the show and, for a while, considered
never venturing back into the kitchen again. But something inside of me wouldn t
allow me to quit. Somehow I knew that, despite the disappointing outcome on
MasterChef, I still had a talent inside worth believing in, worth not giving up on. I
began building back my confidence slowly, by preparing dishes for my family like
I used to. Each holiday that came around after the show, I insisted on baking some
dish to share with others, so that I could regain the passion I d felt before things
had gone wrong. Slowly, bit by bit, I became the chef I d once been before, simply
because I refused to believe that any setback, even one as humiliating as the one I
d suffered, had the power to discourage me from the thing that I love. If anything, I
feel as though I ve become a better, more innovative chef since my television
setback, because I know what it s like now to fail and it doesn t scare me
Monomythic In Mulan
Monomythic elements can be found in many stories and movies today. Campbell s
idea of the monomyth are describe in five stages such as the mundane or the original
world, the call to adventure, crossing the threshold between the new and old world,
the path of trials and the mastering of two worlds. My character Mulan goes through
this challenge all throughout the movie. This essay will talk in detail about the
monomythic elements that are found in Disney s movie Mulan such as the
separation, the initiation and the return.
One of the monomythic categories is the separation of the hero from the normal
world. The elements of separation are the call to adventure, refusal of the call,
supernatural aid, crossing the first threshold and entering the ... Show more content on ...
The elements of initiation are the road of trials, the meeting of goddess, the woman
as a temptress, atonement with the father, the apotheosis and the ultimate boon.
With the help from her guardian Mushu, she was able to hide her identity as man.
The trials that she faced was hiding her identity as a woman, going through the
training and fighting the Huns. She meets her goddess at the training camp which
was Captain Lee Shang. The captain was a hard mentor and training teacher.
Mulan had a hard time catching up with the other soldiers since she wasn t used to
that type of work. The temptation was when Shang saw that Mulan was having a
hard time catching up with the others and order her to go back home. Mulan rejects
the offer and tries hard to prove herself to the Captain. Her atonement to her father
is when she was improving in her training and succeeds in impressing him. Her
apotheosis is when she was finally discovered after getting hurt during combat. This
brings about the death of the solider named Ping and the rebirth of the woman
named Mulan. The Ultimate Boon was when Mulan makes a comeback by saving
the emperor and China. She also kills the leader of the Hun army and wins the war
which finally bring honor to her
The Play Antigone By Sophocles
The play Antigone by Sophocles provides multiple themes to the reader. One of
which is Individual vs State as Antigone goes against Creon s rule. This act of
defiance is due to the feeling by an individual that what they believe is correct over
that of a states law. This theme when applied to modern times can be interpreted as
government vs personal freedoms. A person will always act on the values that they
have and on those values souly, even when that is against the laws set in place. This
idea of personal freedom is not only something that was evident in the play but is an
key element of human nature. Ever since the creation of organized governement
people have always felt like their personal freedoms have been oppressed. Whenever a
... Show more content on ...
In Antigone, Sophocles creates Antigone as a character that holds her core values
and beliefs very highly. He does this because it provides the reader with someone
that they can aspire to be because Antigone has her life in check. She knows that
her values are not something that can be messed with and that she holds them
higher than that of the law. Antigone s response to Creon s ruling was what Creon
says is quite irrelevant. He is my brother. I will bury him (Sophocles 42 43). This is
very important because it means that although the law says that Antigone should
not doing anything for her brother she knows that this is wrong and that she does
not need to follow it. She is going to do what she knows is right for her brother and
doesn t care about the consequences that are going to follow. An example of this in
modern times is the response that Kim Davis had when she was told to issue same
sex marriage licenses. Kim Davis was a county clerk in Kentucky and was in
charge of issuing mariage licenses. Once Kentuky had approved same sex mariage
she was going to be required to issue them. This would be an issue for her because
this would go against Davis s beliefs. In response to Kentucky s ruling on issuing
Hollywood Influence On Hollywood
Movies and celebrities are a very important part of our culture today. Around the
world, Hollywood is known to be the leading industry in filmmaking along with
Bollywood and Nollywood. However, let s focus on the American movie industry
Hollywood. Globally, Hollywood is used as an inspiration for other filmmaking
industries. As influential as Hollywood is, there are always going to be opinions of
other nations in which many believe that Hollywood has created a sense of anti
Americanism . Many believe Hollywood is a perpetrator of this, but that is not true.
Hollywood portrays who Americans are and what their culture is inspiring many
countries to mimic them in; the anti Americanism that exists in many foreign
countries is caused... Show more content on ...
Around the world today, everything is influenced by popular culture, and popular
culture is greatly influenced by the United States. It s no surprise that Hollywood
is well known globally because the best way to share popular culture is through
movies and music. As previously stated, popular culture has been disliked at times,
which also means Hollywood is disliked as well. The reason for this is because
many countries think there s too much nudity and too much violence in the movies
that are made in Hollywood. However, America has persevered because in order to
be the best, one has to deal with criticism. American media continues to do very
well abroad, especially Hollywood products that are known to be a key engine of
our economy . Without it, our economy probably would not be on the top (Bronk).
In order for Hollywood products to do well abroad they need to be liked, and
according to our economy people around the world like Hollywood a lot. It s not the
dislike for American cultures that causes countries to ban American films from their
countries. For many, it s because of the huge cultural gap that exists. According to
Iranian National Media Council, the theme of the film does not fit with our cultural
values . For example, in Iran, some of the aspects of a Hollywood movie do not fit
their cultural values, especially sex, and nudity
Land Art History
When it emerged in the sixties among the crush of several other art movements (Pop
Art, Minimalism, among others) Land Art came to be an anti gallery artistic offshoot
that straddled the domain between architecture and sculpture. It had no manifestos
nor schools nor leaders and it was not quite a movement; the artists who were
involved with it were also involved in other types of arts. Land artwas labelled as
modern sculpture but its versatility and introduction of new concepts and visual
materials made it difficult to ascribe it to one field or term. Later on, the term Earth
Works, coined by Robert Smithsoncame to use but Earth Works only refers to works
that use earth while Land Art is an all encompassing umbrella that includes works...
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Smithson s work Broken Circle Spiral Hill is two different works situated near
each other. It is actually not in America but was commissioned for an exhibition in
the Netherlands near Emmen. Spiral Hill is an earth mound that coils clockwise
unto itself, like a sleeping snake. When it was completed it was just shaped earth
but in current day it is covered in green grass. Situated nearby on the edge of the
shore and into the water is the Broken Circle; its site was actually a functioning
sand and gravel quarry which was filled with green water. Smithson played with
the negative and positive space in such a way that the broken circle whose
alternating arms are shaped with white and yellow sand, recalls the Chinese Yin
Yang symbol. In the middle of the positive space half circle sits a boulder and this
is yet again another allusion to monumental works of the past, this one
appropriately native to Dutch lands. Yet the center boulder in fact significantly
expands the associative levels of this work because it offers a direct tie to
prehistory. . . . In the Bronze Age they [this type of large rock] were used to make
huge dolmens and
Toni Morrison s Beloved And The Bluest Eye
Jada Warner
Ap Lit 5
8 December 2016
Author/Work Literary Analysis Paper
Toni Morrison s Beloved and The Bluest Eye
Toni Morrison is known for her use of poetic language. In many of her writings
Morrison captures the pursuit of African Americans identities(Parnell). Considering
Morrison never experienced the horrific tragedies she writes about, she is a witness to
many identities that were destroyed by society depiction of them. The themes that
Toni Morrison illustrates in her works Beloved and The Bluest Eye demonstrates how
Toni Morrison works show individuals struggling with self shattered identities that
stem from society s distorted expectations of them.
Born February 18,1931 in Lorain, Ohio, Chloe Ardelia Wofford later known as
Toni Morrison is a Novelist, editor, play writer and literary critic( Toni ).
Toni Morrison won Pulitzer Prize for fiction and American Book Award(1988),
Nobel Prize in Literature(1993), National Humanities Medal(2000) and The
Presidential Medal of Freedom(2012)( Toni Morrison is the second of four
children in a working class family(Dreifus). Morrison s parents moved to Ohio to
escape the southern culture but also to teach their children their African American
Heritage through traditional African American folktales(Mote). In 1949 Morrison
attended Howard University graduating in 1953 with a B.A in English. While
attending Howard University Morrison began writing fiction in a group with poets
and writers(Mote).
Walt Disney Case Study
Walt Disney is the largest amusement park operator in the world. The park was
founded by Walt and Roy Disney in 1923 as the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio.
The name changed to Disney in 1986. The organization has 5 other theme parks
outside of the USA: Tokyo Disneyland, Tokyo DisneySea, Disneyland Paris, Hong
Kong Disneyland and Walt DisneyStudios (Leibacher, 2017). Anytime a company
pursue to expand globally, the company should expect some form of challenges.
Global expansion for any organization can be challenging. Walt Disney through its
global expansion encountered its share of issue. Economic, legal, political, social and
cultural barriers were challenges Walt Disney encountered through its global
expansion (Ferrell, Hirt, Ferrell, 2009).
Before opening its first theme park in France, the people of France were against the
theme park s opening in belief that an American Icon and culture would become a
focal point in France. After opening its first theme park in France, the organization
faced many challenges. French citizens protested and opposed the park opening. The
theme park faced financial difficulties but later were able to turn the negative into a
positive with a few changes. Through financial restructuring the company was able to
bring new attractions and lower admission prices. Through massive marketing
campaigns and a name change to Disneyland Paris, the theme park saw an increase in
attendance and became the number 1 tourist attraction in Europe (Ferrell,
Communication Disorders
What is Communication Disorder?
a speech, language and hearing disorder which refers to problems in communication
and in related areas such as oral motor function. The symptoms vary depending on the
particular type of communication disorder, but they generally center around problems
Children with communication disorders have deficits in their ability to exchange
information with others.
a multidimensional dynamic process that allows human beings to interact with their
environment. Communication also includes cues such as intonation, pace of speech,
and stress (emphasis), as well as nonverbal information such as gestures, facial
expressions, and eye contact. The ... Show more content on ...
Other names for receptive language disorder include central auditory processing
disorder and comprehension deficit.
They have a problem in language processing which is half of language. Language
processing is essentially listening to and interpreting the spoken language.
In most cases, the child with a receptive language problem also has an expressive
language disorder, which means they have trouble using spoken language.
Receptive Language Disorder
It is estimated that between three and five percent of preschool children have a
receptive or expressive language disorder and 3% of school age children but is
probably less common than Expressive Language Disorder, or a mixture of both.
Receptive Language Disorder
There is no standard set of symptoms that
Healthsouth Theoretical Model Of Fraud
I. Theoretical Model of Fraud A. Appropriate Fraud Model The best theoretical model
of fraud to describe why HealthSouth committed fraud is the fraud diamond not the
fraud triangle. Both methods require that these three elements are present for
committing fraud: perceived pressure, perceived opportunity, and rationalization.
Understanding what motivated HealthSouth s Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Richard Scrushy to commit fraud, how the accounting staff committed and concealed
the fraud, and how the staff justified their participation are crucial. However, anti
fraud professionals believe that changes in social behavior require the addition of a
fourth element called capability. Capability includes personal traits and abilities that
play a major role in whether fraud will actually occur (Fighting Fraud in the
Government n.d.). For example, Scrushy s persuasiveness and Cathy Edward s
position as Michael Vines boss increased their capabilities to commit fraud. If capable
employees refused to participate, fraud occurrences decrease (Fighting Fraud in the
Government n.d.) (Hamilton n.d.). B. Fraud Scheme Committing fraud requires
motivation from perceived pressures like greed or meeting expectations. With the
shift in investor focus and the need to meet analyst expectations, Scrushy and the
family manipulated earnings to make HealthSouth appear more successful. Perceived
opportunity establishes how an individual s position enables fraud to be committed
Sexism In The Bride Of Frankenstein
In Erin Hawley s article The Bride and Her Afterlife: Female Frankenstein Monster
on Page and Screen she makes the main point of the sexism that is within The Bride
of Frankenstein . She supports this argument with the main point that since the
bride is not able to talk stands for women s silence itself. She also uses other points
to make this such as the fact that she only in the movie for a short period of time
and that she were just created for looks. While this could be a strong argument, she
seems to be trying too hard to make these connections in the movie; she sees these
points as sexism, but they all have reasonable explanations.
Hawley acknowledges the fact that the bride being created is a big step, but still
think she does not have a voice; although the film gives life and image to the female
monster, is does not give her a voice: she is still marginal; she is literally unable to
speak... (Hawley 222). She makes the argument that the bride s silence stands for
silence itself and women being unable to make their own decisions. Although the
bride not taking is just due to the fact that the bride was just created. In the first
movie, Frankenstein, the monster himself could not speak throughout the whole
movie. Then when The Bride of Frankenstein came out Frankenstein was taught
how to speak by the blind man. Therefor since the bride was never taught how to
talk she does not talk. She seems to be brighter than the male monster, due to the
fact that the male monster did not make any noise or move soon after his creation
and the bride did. Even though the female monster could not talk, she was still
able to make her own decisions. When presented with the male monster,
Frankenstein, she began to grunt and push away from him making the decision to
not be with him. Both of the movies help to show that the Bride of Frankenstein is
not silenced to show women s silence but because she was just created. Also,
Hawley discusses how the Bride was not in the film for long showing how the film
was sexist by having most of the screen time be men only. Even though she was
only in the film for a short period, the Bride was the main focus of the film. The
whole movie was about her creation and centered on her;
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
First of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear
itself. In his Inaugural Address, Franklin Delano Roosevelt spoke these words to
ensure America that he would end the Depression. He no longer wanted Americans
to be afraid of the failing economy and unemployment that was causing them to
suffer. He immediately wanted to gain their trust and give them hope that their
struggles would soon be over. Not only did he make Americans believe that things
could get better, but he actually did make things better. As soon as FDR entered
office, he got to work and began lifting America out of the Depression within only a
few days of being president. From these first few days of his presidency, to the
twelfth year,... Show more content on ...
Without Social Security, many Americans could not have survived the Depression
and many Americans today could not survive. Social Security provides protection
for Americans so if they ever cannot work, they know they will be to survive.
Roosevelt is responsible for helping to create Social Security which helped to pull
America out of the depression. He helped struggling Americans get back on their
feet in one of the worst economic time periods in history, and for that he deserves to
be recognized with a presidential rating of 4 out of 5.
Overall, Franklin D. Roosevelt was a hardworking, excellent president who helped
America through a terrible time period. However, like many presidents, he did make
some mistakes. One of his greatest known mistakes was known as Court Packing.
This issue started because the Supreme Court did not support many parts of
Roosevelt s New Deal. The court began to declare several acts, including Social
Security, as unconstitutional which infuriated FDR. He noticed that there was a
specific group of elderly men that was against most of his ideas and policies, and
they were causing his acts not to be approved. In order to fix this, FDR created what
became known as the Court Packing Policy. This policy declared that if any member
of the court did not retire within six months after turning 70, a new member could be
added to the court. With this
Vimax Research Paper
Vimax tablets are rated 1 penis expansion capsules available on the market. This
revision of the truth Vimax tablets would make you remember whether or not you
really see a metamorphosis within the dimensions of your penis after utilizing the
Vimax pill. It is going to assessment the speak of taking Vimax drugs. Hold on
reading to find out the way it s possible for you to get what you need while you buy
the Vimax pill.
The penis growth Vimax pill was once manufactured by using a reliable staff of
doctors. It is created from a novel formula that not simplest seriously increases the
scale of your penis but in addition improves your sexual want, intensifies your
orgasm and offers you more patience in the course of intercourse.
You ll be able to to see a significant alternate within the dimension of your penis
within the first weeks of relentless making use of Vimax tablets. The Vimax tablet
can enlarge your penis by 3.4 inches in length and twenty 5% of the width of the
penis. In the first four weeks probably the most obvious trade would be the width of
your penis and longer duration of penile erection. ... Show more content on ...
After most effective 2 months, you are going to see a very robust obvious trade
within the size of your penis it s more difficult and superior than ever.
The essential predicament of the Vimax pill is the price, but we re make certain you
get what you pay for with regards to penis growth capsules.
A further component to suppose about is that you just have got to take the Vimax
tablets each day ( early ) to get higher results if you are havin troubles together with
your memory, you can also want a process to place in place to assurance that you
ingest the Vimax tablet on an everyday
Gender Wage Gap Research
In this paper we have conducted research of the gender wage gap in Europe and the
US. The aim of this paper was to analyze the gender wage in the US and European
countries and describe the current situation regarding this issue as well as provide
some evidence that gender wage gap exists in these countries.
Nowadays the gender wage gap is an important issue that affects the status of woman
in our modern society. Since the middle of the twentieth century, women have not
only joined the economically active labor force in ever increasing numbers but also
improved their education and occupational status, and economic rewards. More
specifically, during the last decades, women have surpassed men in overall rates of
college graduation and have almost
Body Ritual Among the Nacirema Essay
Body Ritual Among the Nacirema
What is the precise geographical location of this strange tribe, the
The Nacirema is a North American group living in the territory between the Canadian
Cree, the Yaqui and Tarahumare of Mexico, and the Carib and Arawak of the Antilles.
Little is known of their origin, though tradition states that they came from the east.
What are the private and secret shrines of the Nacirema?
In the Nacirema, the belief is that the human body is ugly and that its natural
tendency is to debility and disease. Every household has one or more shrines devoted
to the hope that mans body will be changed through the use of the powerful influences
of ritual and ceremony.
Each family has at least on such ... Show more content on ...
The Nacirema believe if they did not perform such rituals their teeth would fall out,
their gums bleed, their jaws shrink, their friends desert them, and their lovers reject
them. The Nacirema seek out a holy mouth man once or twice a year. The holy mouth
man opens the client s mouth and, using a variety of augers, awls, probes, and prods,
enlarges any holes which decay may have created in the teeth. Magical materials are
put into these holes. The extremely sacred and traditional character of the rite is
evident in the fact that the natives return to the holy mouth men year after year,
despite the fact that their teeth continue to decay.
What is the latipso used by Nacireman medicine men?
The medicine men have an imposing temple, or latipso, in every community of any
size. The latipso ceremonies are so harsh that it is phenomenal that a fair proportion
of the really sick natives who enter the temple ever recover. Sick adults are not only
willing but eager to undergo the protracted ritual purification, if they can afford to do
so. The daily ceremonies, like the rites of the holy mouth men, involve discomfort and
torture. With ritual precision, the vestals awaken their miserable charges each dawn
and roll them about on their beds of pain while performing ablutions, in the formal
movements of which the maidens are highly trained. At other
The Seven Deadly Sins In The Canterbury Tales
The Canterbury Tales, just as the title outlines is the literacy work of pilgrims and
their tales during a trip to and from Canterbury. The tales and characters in the
works of Chaucer all differ in many ways, however, we can link them by relating
the tales to the seven deadly sins. The seven deadly sins include; pride, lust, greed,
sloth, wrath, envy, and gluttony. Huberd the Friar, is a man of begging. Through
him, we find the first sin; pride. Pride is the excessive view of one s self without
regard to others. The Friar makes his living by begging and receiving. He takes
from those of more wealth and scorns money from companies of other beggars by
spreading the word of God (Rossignol, The Friar ). Portraying to the audience that
he is more focused on his own wealth and not necessarily on spreading the word,
representing one s self with no regards to others. The Wife of Bath, a woman
named Alison who has been married five times. In this character, we find the
second sin; lust. Lust is the desire to fulfill a certain action, sexual desires. The
wife laughs about how she had to work hard to keep her older husbands sexually
active in her favor of satisfaction (Bloom, The Canterbury Tales ). Her lust is most
shown when she shares the story of meeting her fifth husband. She found her fifth
husband at her fourth husband s funeral, she fell into a lust spell at the sight of his
legs as he stood behind her deceased husband s casket (Bloom, The Canterbury
Tales). The wife s
ect114 Essay
RAW: _______ /63 pts
1. Explain the operation of an encoder. (1 point)
Encoding is used to generate a coded output (such as BCD or binary) from a singular
active numeric input line.
2. What does it mean when an encoder is a priority encoder? (1 point)
A priority encoder is when two or more inputs are active simultaneously, and the input
with the highest priority is represented on the output, with input line I7 having the
highest priority.
3. Describe one practical application that uses encoder. (1 point)
An encoder is used in most wireless devices such as garage door openers to help
filter out interference from other devices.
4. Explain the operation of a decoder. (1 point)
Decoding is the process of converting some code (Such ... Show more content on ...
Off corresponds to a logic low. (10 points)
12. Compare the results of your table from the eSOC encoder to that of the data sheet
and identify what line(s) are incorrect. (5 points)
It seems that the encoder was programmed strangely and got a lot of various lines
incorrect in different places.
13. Find a truth table for the 74138 decoder. You can use the one in your textbook or
download a datasheet from a manufacturer. Use the datasheet to fill in the Output
columns in the table below. Depending on the source of your datasheet, you may
need to cross reference the pin names. (5 points)
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Commercial Law Essay. Commercial Law essay and problem question - sale of goods etc - SECTION ...

  • 1. Commercial Law Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of Commercial Law is no small feat. It requires a comprehensive understanding of intricate legal concepts, a nuanced awareness of the dynamic business environment, and the ability to critically analyze and interpret legal statutes and precedents. Commercial Law encompasses a broad range of topics, including contract law, business organizations, intellectual property, and consumer protection, among others. As a result, the writer must delve deep into each of these areas to present a well-rounded and informed perspective. Moreover, staying abreast of the latest legal developments and case law is crucial, as Commercial Law is subject to constant evolution. This necessitates extensive research, often involving sifting through complex legal texts, court decisions, and scholarly articles. The ability to synthesize this information and articulate it clearly and coherently in the essay is a demanding task that requires both legal acumen and effective communication skills. Structuring the essay poses another challenge. A well-crafted Commercial Law essay should have a logical flow, with each section building upon the previous one. The introduction needs to succinctly outline the scope and purpose of the essay, while the body should delve into the legal principles and their applications. The conclusion should then tie together the various threads, providing a concise summary and potentially suggesting avenues for further exploration. In essence, writing a Commercial Law essay requires a combination of legal expertise, research skills, and adept writing capabilities. It is not merely about regurgitating information but about synthesizing complex concepts into a coherent and persuasive argument. For those finding this task overwhelming, it's worth noting that assistance is available. Similar essays and a wealth of academic support can be accessed on platforms like, where experts can provide guidance, samples, and even custom essays tailored to specific requirements. Such resources can be invaluable in navigating the challenges associated with tackling a Commercial Law essay. Commercial Law EssayCommercial Law Essay
  • 2. Stand Your Ground Law Stand Your Ground Law In recent years, the self defense doctrine in several jurisdictions has been changing. Some jurisdictions have started using stand your ground laws, which change the traditional requirement that the person being attacked must retreat to the wall before using any kind of force. Proponents arguments include that the law merely codifies an individual s deep rooted right to defend oneself. Opponents arguments include that the law creates a license to kill and has negative racial implications.Ochs (2013) In order for such a homicideto be deemed non felonious by the English courts and result in a pardon, the slayer was required to do all that he could to avoid using deadly force. As a result of this requirement, fourteenth century English courts defined homicide committed in self defense as slaying out of literally vital necessity . This definition marked the origins of the modern day principle of the duty to retreatin traditional American self defense laws, which requires individuals to attempt to withdraw from a conflict prior to resorting to deadly force. (page 680). The law changed a few centuries later. The majority of homicides committed in self defense were still recognized as excusable, but they started to expand exceptions to the general rule. Ochs (2013) It was recognized that in most circumstances homicide se defendendo homicide in self defense was still considered excusable, but only when the slayer was
  • 3. The Importance Of Social Work For Refugees And Asylum Seekers Social Workers have a duty, professionally and morally to support refugee children and asylum seekers. Social workers have a professional and moral duty to ensure that services are provided to those who most need it. The duty that Social workers have toward Refugees and asylum seekers, particularly children is strong but not often met. People s wellbeing is a key ideal within social work and is strongly represented within the Care Act 2014, the earlier Children s Act 2004 is also clear on the protection of children s rights in the UK. In the essay there will be a discussion on how in some areas the statute is not strong enough to allow Social Workers to work properly, but also how there needs to be changes regarding social work focus on refugees. Recently, United Nations Children s Fund (UNICEF) has campaigns to help reform the UK s current law on family. The law only recognises parents or spouses and civil partners as family. A child refugeemay have an older sibling, or more extended family such as an uncle but they would not be allowed into the country under the Family Reunion rules. The dangers for children trying to reach family in the UK are high and it leaves them at risk of exploitation, 78% of adolescents face some form of exploitation whilst travelling the Central Mediterranean route to Europe, UNICEF (2017). Social Workers have a duty here to protest the UK s laws, and the decision of the Government not to join the EU s relocation scheme for Refugees. They did
  • 4. Autism And Heredity The topic that I choose to discuss for my final project is Autism and the genetic influence in developing this disease. I will be examining the genetic makeup of the disorder and principles of heredity, genetic variation, bioethics, and molecular genetics of autism. Autism is part of a neurological disorder called AutismSpectrum Disorder or ASD. It is a developmental disorder which involves abnormal functioning of the brain. Autism results in limited social communication skills, intellectual disability, repetitive behavior, and difficulty with motor coordination. Autism is the fastest growing developmental disability in the USA and statistics shows that more children will be diagnosed with autism in the future than with AIDS, diabetes and
  • 5. An Example Of The Cocktail Party And Inattentional Blindness We think important objects and events in our world will automatically grab our attention, but they often don t, particularly when our attention is focused on something else. Cocktail Party Effect describes the ability to focus your hearing on one specific thing even though noise is all around you. It is named such because this occurs when you are at a party you can focus on the conversation you are having with the person close to you and can ignore all the other noise and conversation going on around you. Your brain helps you selectively focus on the person you are talking too and mutes the other conversation, music, and general noise around you. Whereas, the failure to notice unexpected objects or events when attentionis focused elsewhere is now known as inattentional blindness. The interface between attention and consciousness are examples of the Cocktail party and Inattentional blindness. Per the website, Psychology.wikia, the cocktail party effectis an example of selective attention and is the phenomenon of being able to focus one s auditory attention on a stimulus while filtering out a range of other stimuli, much the same way that a partygoer can focus on a single conversation in a noisy room. This effect is what allows most people to tune in to a single voice and tune out all others. It may also describe a similar phenomenon that occurs when one may immediately detect words of importance originating from unattended stimuli, for instance hearing one s name in
  • 6. Humanities MODULE 1: INTRODUCTION This module provides an overview on the subject of art appreciation for those entirely new to the subject. This is a complex topic to deal with and it is impossible to have a truly comprehensive discussion on the topic in such a brief essay. The student is advised to consult more advanced texts to gain further understanding of how to appreciate art more fully. HUMANITIES: What is it? The term Humanities comes from the Latin word, humanitas It generally refers to art, literature, music, architecture, dance and the theatre in which human subjectivity is emphasized and individual expressiveness is dramatized. HOW IMPORTANT IS HUMANITIES The fields of knowledge and study falling under... Show more content on ... Many people think art is subjective. The answer is: yes, it is. At the same time, however, there are still yardsticks we can use to measure the quality of the art, especially among works that belong to the same genre. To understand how this works, let us use a simple analogy. If you come from a foreign land and have never eaten char kway teow (fried flat rice noodles), the first time you try the dish, you may not be able to tell whether it is good or bad. But after you ve tried the dish from ten different stalls, you will probably be able to tell which is better, and you probably would be able to define what qualities make for a good plate of char kway teow. Therefore, in order to know good art when you see it, you need to have seen a lot of art both good and bad in order to make the comparison. The fact is that mankind has been producing art for so long that the overall body of knowledge on art has become so complex that ordinary people cannot comprehend the scope of the subject without some form of structured education. Most people, however, continue to attempt to appraise art without investing the time and energy needed to understand the subject first. The way to learn how to art appreciation is to look at more good art. In
  • 7. Using the Triage Assessment Essay Running head: TRIAGE ASSESSMENTS Using the Triage Assessment Tisha Lane COUN5238 Crisis Assessment and Intervention 15879 Willoughby Lane Ft. Myers, FL 33905 239 694 4205 Professor: Dr. Jamison Law Abstract This paper will discuss the case of Ariadne; it will summarize the diagnostic skills and techniques used to screen for addiction, aggression, and danger to self and others, as well as co occurring mental disorders during a crisis, disaster, or other trauma causing event. It will evaluate the key elements of the crisis, disaster, or trauma causing event to include the nature of the crisis and associated risks, including client and counselor safety. This paper will differentiate the... Show more content on ... Ariadne has sought counseling but felt that it was not appropriate and would rather speak to her friends. Ariadne has several close friends one of which she close to is a male; however, they are not intimate with each other. Ariadne states that her parents are too strict and ask too many questions and has begun to skip school multiple times in the past week. Ariadne s mother found vodka and a bottle of pills in Ariadne s room. For the crisis intake on Ariadne, the Triage Assessment for Crisis Intervention was utilized in order to appropriately define Ariadne s current mental, emotional, behavioral, and physical state. Factors have been identified as an increased risk of suicidal ideation, which could be categorized as inhibiting and/or protective processes CITATION Bet13 l 1033 (Bethel, 2013). Research has shown that there has been attempted collation of risk factors and behaviors for patient(s) that are delineated as low, moderate, or high risk. Utilizing the risk assessments allows for the treating clinician to work within the parameters of the assessment which offers them the ability to act effectively and adequately. Ariadne previously exhibited emergent crises that were not identified and acted upon as evidenced by her suicidal ideations, means, and implementation of action which places her from a high moderate to a high risk. Presently, Ariadne
  • 8. Babe Ruth Essay In 1927, Babe Ruth and the New York Yankees changed the face of baseball by setting numerous records and being arguably one of the greatest baseball teams of all time. Behind the outstanding play of Babe Ruth, teammate Lou Gehrig was also performing at an amazingly high level but was shadowed by Ruth s legendary season. Lou Gehrig s play that season started to declined though due to his concern for his mother while she was in surgery. His heart wasn t in the game. All he could think about was his beloved momma (Bryson 778). And with Lou Gehrig s decline that season, the spotlight was on Babe Ruthand his legendary season that players today cannot even match. Babe Ruth was having a historic season and was seen as an icon across the... Show more content on ... Babe Ruth ended up hitting his fifty ninth home run off of a Paul Hopkins pitch, and years later in a Sports Illustrated interview, Paul Hopkins said that Ruth . . . swung, breaking his wrists as he came through it. which shows how bad he wanted it just to get his 59th home run, putting him one away from the record. On September 30th, 1927, Babe Ruth hit the legendary sixtieth home run against pitcher Tom Zachary. While Ruth and everyone in the stadium was excited, Ruth s teammates were not. According to Pete Sheehy, the team equipment manager at the time, No one expected Ruth to stop at 60. It was assumed that he would hit at least one more the next day, and possibly reach even greater heights in years to come (Bryson 782). With such a historic season, Babe Ruth did not hit any more home runs that year and the record was set at sixty. The New York Yankeeswon 110 games during the 1927 season and broke many records along with Babe Ruth. Ruth s legendary record held for 34 years until Roger Moris broke it by hitting sixty one home runs due to a . . . longer season, which gave him 10 more games and 50 more at bats than Ruth in 1927 (Bryson 783). Babe Ruth s 1927 season was so legendary that even players today who are . . . taking anabolic steroids (Bryson 783) cannot do what the Babe Ruth did that year. The use of drugs as an aid to hitting is far beyond the scope of this book, so let us just note in passing
  • 9. Zanni In Commedia Dell Arte Who is Zanni ? Zanni is a character type of Commedia dell arte but he is best known as an astute servant and trickster. Zanni comes from the Countryside. He is also known to be a disappointed immigrant worker . Throughout the time he grew to be a popular figure who was seen in commedia as early as the fourteenth century. Origin of the name Zanni is a name that is a Venetian variant of the name Gianni and was common in the Lombard Venetian countryside which was provided to most of the servants to the wealthy nobles and merchants of Venice. Although in Italian it is specifically a name of someone whose identity is not of any importance. It is one of the oldest characters of the Commedia dell arte but over the time it became subdivided into ... Show more content on ... This costume was similar to the dress of the peasants(poor farmer) and farm workers of the time. A specific type of Zanni, was Brighella, wore accents of green to indicate his tricky and devious nature. Arlecchino, however, was known for his irregular colored patches that eventually became the essence of the entire outfit. The Zanni is also known to be clothed in a peaked hat and a wooden sword. The Zanni at first wore a full faced carnival mask, due to the need for dialogue between Pantalone and Zanni, the bottom of the mask was hinged and eventually cut away altogether. The longer the nose of the Zanni, the stupider he is said to be. Props A Zanni is known to take and temporarily keep items that belong to someone else. Some items that the Zanni would keep would be bags, letters, valuables, or food. Posture The posture of Zanni has a lowered centre of gravity either from the earth or from carrying heavy bags and chairs. Zanni s back is arched when he stands up and his knees are bent and apart with spread out and apart feet. The support knee is bent and the other leg is extended with his toe pointed. He switches his feet a lot while speaking or listening within the same position, and without his head moving up and down. Zanni s elbows are usually bent and arms half lifted. Speech Zanni s speech is loud and his voice is rough due to manufacturing a living outdoors and trying to be heard in a market or a busy
  • 10. Considerations and Treatments of Glioblastomas Malignant gliomas are the most common type of primary malignant brain tumor, and glioblastoma accounts for 82% of cases of malignant glioma. Glioblastomas arise from glial precursor cells and are characterized histologically by considerable cellularity, mitotic activity, vascular proliferation, and necrosis. They are highly invasive, infiltrating surrounding braintissues, yet they are typically confined to the central nervous system and do not metastasize.1 From a molecular standpoint, malignant glioblastomas are heterogeneous tumors, and genome studies have demonstrated four transcriptional subclasses. These four classes display features of distinct cell types: classical, mesenchymal, proneural, and neural.1 Patients with glioblastoma experience a wide variety of complications from both the disease and drug therapies. Current standard therapies for glioblastoma are maximal safe surgical resection followed by temozolomide and radiotherapy. With these therapies the median patient survival is less than 2 years due to common tumor recurrence.2 However, new therapies such as targeted vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors, carmustine wafers, and gene therapies are promising in prolonging survival and delaying progression of the disease. Patients with glioblastoma experience clinical complications of the malignancy including thromboembolic events, seizures, fluctuations in neurologic symptoms, and visual field defects, in addition to adverse effects from
  • 11. The Dynamic Character In The Crucible By Arthur Miller No human being goes through life without changing in some way, whether these changes are brought about by outside influences or a personal decision to change. The most interesting character in every story is the dynamic character. The changes a dynamic character go through in any story can make you love or hate them. In this story John Proctor is the dynamic character. The drastic changes that John Proctor goes through are evident from the beginning of the play to the end. At the start of the play start of the play John Proctor is only concerned with keeping the secret of his affair with Abigail. He doesn t care about the repercussions of this. He puts his wife life in danger because of his actions. This is illustrated when Mary Warren comes
  • 12. Classical Conversations I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. (2 Timothy 4:7). This week I attended my cousins wedding in Boston, Massachusetts, during this time I was asked many questions along the lines of What are you going to do in college? What are you studying? Would you like some wine? etc... At first it was really discouraging because I am only a freshman in highschool, I don t know what I m doing, but they want you to know. After answering all those questions (yes all of them, seriously) multiple times, I realized that i have grown and changed a lot just in this past year. Then I remembered I had to write a paper about that. After talking with my parents about it, I categorized all my areas of growth that ... Show more content on ... This is the most significant change I have seen in my life in this past year. I have to give a large majority of the credit for this to my Youth Leader, Greg Pellegrino. He has helped me grow in Christ in so many ways and has been a huge source of encouragement and guidance in my spiritual life. Before this year, I did not read the word daily, and I did not think about God half as often as a do now. I now read the bible and pray daily. I have also done many music cleanses this year, in which I go through periods of time where I would listen to Christian music exclusively. It was very refreshing and uplifting and it definitely made me more aware of my music and media choices and helped me make sure I was honoring the Lord in every aspect of my life. I have never been so on fire for Jesus as I have been recently and in this past year, and I hope my faith only
  • 13. The Renaissance and Italy s Decline The Renaissance and Italy s Decline Definition: The period in European civilization immediately following the Middle Ages, conventionally held to have been characterized by a surge of interest in classical learning and values. Set in the city states of Italy in the fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the constant uncertainty, both economic and political, and extreme volatility of the historical situation provided the material for new intellectual, cultural, and social experiments that would at their conclusion provide the means of constructing a new European mono cultural identity, one focused on humanistic studies, science, and the arts. This historical background is surprisingly volatile; while one might assume that ... Show more content on ... In Italy the Renaissance proper was preceded by an important proto renaissance in the late 13th and early 14th centuries, which drew inspiration from Franciscan radicalism. St. Francis had rejected the formal Scholasticism of the prevailing Christian theology and gone out among the poor praising the beauties and spiritual value of nature. His example inspired Italian artists and poets to take pleasure in the world around them. The work of the most famous artist of the proto renaissance period, Giotto (1266/67 or 1276 1337), reveals a new pictorial style that depends on clear, simple structure and great psychological penetration rather than on the flat, linear decorativeness and hierarchical compositions of his predecessors and contemporaries. The great poet Dante lived at about the same time as Giotto, and his poetry shows a similar concern with inward experience and the subtle shades and variations of human nature. Although his Divine Comedy belongs to the Middle Ages in its plan and ideas, its subjective spirit and power of expression look forward to the Renaissance. Petrarch and Boccaccio also belong to this proto renaissance period, both through their extensive studies of Latin literature and
  • 14. US-MEXICAN WAR Essay The U.S. Mexican War was a violent and shattering event for Mexican citizens that lasted from 1846 1848 in what is now the state of Texas. It drastically altered the course of Mexican and American history for years to come. It occurred because of the unsettled disputes about the borders of newly annexed Texas. Once the debilitating battle ended, the United Statesemerged a world power having acquired more than 500,000 square miles of valuable territory. There are many potentially feasible explanations on the cause of the war; including, fault laying with American slaveholders for conquest of Mexico, the war as an American plot and responsibility lying with President Polk of the United States. However, this paper focuses on the three... Show more content on ... The U.S. soon saw themselves masters of Louisiana, [ready to] spread their snares at once for the rest of the Floridas, and the province of Texas. Mexico did not know how to handle this migration from the U.S. as its citizens were still in the midst of the Mexican Revolution. It was the insatiable ambition of the United States, favored by [Mexican] weakness that was the principle cause of the U.S. Mexican War. However, soon after the Mexican Republic was formed, it was realized that the U.S. expansion into Mexico could become a real danger. Mexico had just attained its freedom from Spain in the 1820s and as such, did not want to fall into another malevolent trap with the U.S., leaving its citizens unsure on how to proceed without starting a war. This is in part because not all migration was unsolicited before the annexation of Texas. After Mexico declared its independence from Spain it needed more settlers to populate the areas of Mexico without many citizens living in its regions. Thus, in order to ease tensions between the countries a proposal was created that involved U.S. citizens living in Texas to become citizens of Mexico and pledge allegiance to the Mexican nation. They would become Catholics and obey the laws of their new nation. However, what was decided on paper and what the settlers actually did were inconsistent with each other. The settlers were unhappy with the rules of their new government,
  • 15. Essay On Oliver Lake Concert Facing the bitter cold, we manage to stay a good half hour outdoors, in the line, to get the free pass wristband for the awaited marathon. We started at the Bitter End with the Oliver Lake Organ Quartet. Mr. Lake, sounding more discreet in terms of improvisation than in other times, seemed more cerebral and less impulsive to me. Still, it was great to hear and see one of the musicians who spiked my curiosity toward the free/avant garde current many years ago, through his highlighted albums Heavy Spirits , Expandable Language and Virtual Reality: Total Escapism . The organist Jared Gold and the drummer Gene Lake (son of the bandleader), were responsible for setting the mood, which kept oscillating between raucous, swinging, and soulful, ... Show more content on ... In turn, Wooley counterpoints in a higher register, expressing a multitude of colors with the sometimes sweet, sometimes aggressive phrasings. Whether in unison or using disparate melodic lines, they sounded great and intriguing, providing us with a cutting edge experience. This concert was performed inbetween the release of their albums East by Northwest and All Directions Home . Eivind Opsvick s Overseas, usually a quintet, was reduced to a quartet in their appearance at the Players Theater. The absent was the super interactive pianist Jacob Sacks who also plays harpsichord in this project, giving it a very personal sound. Playing a type of jazz that moves away from expected boundaries, the adventurous band frequently explores a sort of cinematic pieces with hints of pop/rock. The musicians convey how comfortable they feel with the music and playing it together. Tony Malaby was always stainless on the tenor saxophone, Brandon Seabrook shows how frantic and daring his guitar can sound, the Norwegian bandleader Eivind Opsvick insists in ostinatos and chamberlike atmospheres, and Kenny Wollesen s fluttery percussion propels this boat toward pleasant
  • 16. Essay on Houstons Land Use Policy Priscilla Ortiz Government 2306 Professor Andrew Teas Houston Land Use Policy Houston is a large city with very unique qualities that most cities cannot even begin to understand, but is this just Houstonian pride talking? No, actually one of the unique qualities that Houston has is how we handle our land use planning. Houston is well known for not having any zoning ordinances, which has become a well known topic for a while now. People argue weather our lack of zoning is chaotic, unorthodox, or independent and distinct. Another unique quality that we have is where our political culture stands. Dr. Elazar s Individualistic Traditionalistic study of political culture talks about three categories moralistic, ... Show more content on ... The broader picture to Houston is that it comes from the biggest state in the U.S, Texas. Texas has a vast amount of people and within these people there are different types of mindsets but there are also similar ones things like this are what describe are Political culture which the book, Texas Politics 12th edition, defines it as a shared system of values, beliefs and habits of behavior with regard about politics. Dr. Elazar describes political culture as everyone being impacted by the beliefs and values of the dominant groups in society; these groups can range in between three categories of political culture moralistic, Individualistic, and traditionalistic. According to the book, moralistic political culture is when citizens understand the state and the nation as commonwealths designed to further the shared interest of everyone. In Individualistic political culture, citizens understand the state and the nation as marketplaces in which people strive to better their personal welfare, citizen participation is encouraged. In Traditionalistic political culture, citizens technically believe in democracy, but emphasize respect to elite rule within a hierarchal society and citizen participation is not encouraged. Texas stands right in between Individualistic and Traditionalistic in the scale of political culture.Texas is a midpoint between individualistic and traditionalistic; some people think that there is a
  • 17. The Things They Carried Persuasive Essay Brittany A. Harris Veda Harris History 18 August 2015 How to survive the war through the eyes of a solider During the Vietnam War, soldiers were not given the opportunity to the modern coping mechanisms of our American culture today, such as illustrated in Tim O Brien s The Things They Carried. These men were required to learn and develop new ways to cope with the problems of war, using only the resources they took with them, while in the Vietnamese jungle. It was not likely for any soldier to carry many items or loads with them, but if something was an essential, a way was found to take it with them, and coping mechanisms were a necessity to survive in this war. American society today has a lot more options to help them cope with the stress of life like anti depressants or psychiatrists. They have the money and resources to pay for the medicine and the treatments that are so called promised to give them a better life. During the Vietnam War, nonetheless, fighters were not exposed to any of these... Show more content on ... Because the romantic relationship between Martha and himself is not real, it lives within his own fantasy world. This fantasy world seems to be the preferred mode of survival for him and it was his necessary symbolic item for him to remember his purpose in surviving the war, and therefore he needed them just as much as anyone would need the ammunition for a gun, food to eat, or clothing on their backs, until he believed his lack awareness of reality caused the death of a fellow man. After the death of one of his men Cross decided to let Martha go, because she belonged to another world, which was not quite real,... because she never loved him and never would (O Brien
  • 18. `` Pride `` By John Aquinas When one hears the word pride , one would rarely imagine a modest person who devotes their time to volunteer work and philanthropy. Typically, one would picture an arrogant politician or a movie star, a person so self absorbed that they almost entirely ignore the needs of those around them. However, even the humblest acts of virtuecan arise from prideas well. The story of Icarus, the boy who became entranced with his own pride and flew too close to the sun, is told time and time again; however, there is another story of pride one hears less often, the person who takes pride in their own humility. Rather than take pride in typical attributes such as wealth, prestige, or even appearance, these people take pride in their modesty and virtue. In this way, pride comes from an unexpected source and is difficult to avoid since it takes occasion even from good deeds (Aquinas 7). While the other six deadly sins present both helpful and harmful characteristics of the sin, pride is complex in corrupting even the most well intentioned actions. At first, it would seem that humility would be the opposite of pride since it is defined as, having a lowly opinion of oneself ( Humility ). However, there are also occasions in which a person corrupts the virtue by using it to enhance their image and view it as an example of their own excellence. For example, although most of those volunteering at the soup kitchen want to improve their community or provide to those less fortunate, there
  • 19. EVANGELISM AND DISCIPLESHIP EVANGELISM AND DISCIPLESHIP PAPER Matthew 9:35 38 (NIV) reads, Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Through the lens of this text God reveals to us the heart He has for His people in a lost and suffering world. Jesus points out to his disciples what we should find significant today, and that is ... Show more content on ... The idea of spiritual formation has somehow gotten lost in the shuffle of going to church versus retaining the understanding that we in fact are the church and we carry within us the knowledge and the skill to be transformational. The role of evangelism in Christian education is to aid in church growth and expansion, as well as advancement toward the salvation of souls. Diane J. Hymans suggests that evangelism and education suggests a variety of meanings and that it is a matter of language that is clouding what the connotation of the definitions of evangelism, discipleship, and education are (Hymans). She states that evangelism is making the gospel known in church and world , while education invites people to understand and claim their identity as baptized children of God and to clarify their vocation as people called by God to live lives characterized by love of God and neighbor (Hymans). Christian education is an intentional process in developing relationship with God for the purpose of fulfilling the mandate to go and make disciples of all nations, to preach and teach the good news of the gospel of Christ, and to build the Kingdom of God. In developing and incorporating evangelism and discipleship into a current Christian education program I believe that involvement of the entire membership of the congregation should be employed (all age
  • 20. I Interned For The Copa Shorts Film Festival Essay I interned for the COPA shorts film festival from August to December. I was a film reviewer, and my duties and responsibilities were to essentially review any short films that were assigned to me, and then write a review and rate them accordingly. I would be emailed whenever a new film was sent to me via a website called FilmFreeway. Because my internship was primarily an online one, my schedule was flexible, which gave me the opportunity to work at my own pace, rather than at a fixed time every week. I was work around 4 5 (maybe more, depending on how long the film is) hours a week, reviewing any films that came my way. Shelley, my internship supervisor, understood that I was a full time student and made sure that I was given ample time to watch and review these films. The way the website operated was that I would sign into my account, and all of the videos that are assigned to me would be available for viewing. I would watch the films as many times as I felt necessary. If I watched a film more than 4 5 times, that usually meant that I found it perplexing, and difficult to understand. After I am done viewing these films numerous times, I would take time to contemplate what I wanted to say about this film. I would write down bullet points about what I wanted to say for my review. I would then take these bullet points and attempt to write a rough draft of a cohesive review. I would read over the draft, and skim past the film to see if there s anything I missed. I would then
  • 21. An Analysis of the Poem A Prayer for My Daughter by... A Prayer for My Daughter is a poem written by William Butler Yeats in 1919. This poem is a prayer like poem. And it generally tells about the poet s ideas about his daughter who is sleeping at the same time while the poem is being told. Throughout the poem Yeats reflects how he wants his daughter s future to be. This essay will analyze the poem in three sections: 1 What does this poem mean?, 2 The poetic devices, imagery, rhyming, figures of speech, used in the poem and mood, diction, language, and the structure of the poem, 3 An essay in a feminist point of view titled What does the poet want his daughter to become? . 1 WHAT DOES THIS POEM MEAN? The poet is watching his infant daughter sleep. In the first stanza he starts... Show more content on ... Related with the third stanza, the fourth stanza refers to Helen herself, who being chosen found life flat and dull, and also to Aphrodite, the goddess of love, who chose her spouse the cripple, Hephaestus. Helen had much trouble from a fool , the fool is Menelaus, the husband of Helen, whom she deserted in favor of Paris. Whereas Aphrodite suffered from being fatherless , hence without a father to guide her, Yeats intends to be a guiding father to his young daughter. The fifth stanza describes the quality that Yeats came to see as at the very heart of civilized life: courtesy. By courtesy he understands a means of being in the world that would protect the best of human dignity, art and emotion. And in his prayer for his daughter he wishes that she will learn to survive with grace and dignity in a world turned horrific. He explains that many men have hopelessly loved beautiful women, and they thought that the women loved them as well but they did not. In the sixth stanza he hopes that his daughter will be a flourishing hidden tree , which is not rebel but kind and happy, but contains her happiness within a particular place. And additionally he wants his daughter to be not argumentative and aggressive, or perhaps quite and secure, rooted in one dear perpetual place. When combined with the previous line, the last line clearly defines his hope fro daughter to live in a victorious life
  • 22. A Comparison Of Marcel Duchamp s Fountain, And The... According to Oxford Dictionary, the definition of perfection is The action or process of improving something until it is faultless. In art, the striving for perfection has always been changing back and forth in a continuous cycle between realism and impressionism. Artworks that point to this idea include Marcel Duchamps Fountain, and Damien Hirst s The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living. Through Duchamp s work, the viewer gets a face to face interaction with something that is not only unpleasant to see in a high status establishment, but is not considered proper . He has imposed his artistic labor on this urinal. Additionally, with R. Mutt being signed on the side, which symbolizes poverty, the name forces... Show more content on ... John Berger plays with this idea in his article Ways of Being. Essentially in that text he makes the argument that duplicating an artwork, makes the original artwork have less of an impact on the consumer than it would if it were not replicated. He gave an example with the Mona Lisa and various other artworks. In seeing so many variations of the Mona Lisa, such as in print, on television, in movies, printed on t shirts, et cetera, there is a hype that is built up about the original artwork. However, when gone to see in person, the piece essentially lets the viewer down because it could not live up to the standards that the replicas set for it. However, there is still the idea brought up in Berger s writing that states, One might argue that all reproductions more or less distort, and that therefore the original painting is still in a sense unique. This idea opens up the gap that Lacan introduces in his writing, The Ideal I, between the original object and its other. In this case, the other being the duplication. It is interesting that Berger s ideas connect to Lacan s ideas under this umbrella. In searching for the perfect artwork, can the original be the one of true perfection? This relationship between perfection, duplication, and idealization is very tricky to concretely take a stance on because they are all so subjective. However, the relationship is essentially that the way to connect the duplications to the
  • 23. Wizard Of Oz Essay The Wizard of Oz I ll get you my pretty, and your little dog too! is one of the most famous quotes from The Wizard of Oz . I recently watched the Wizard of Oz two weeks ago in my bedroom on my TV. I saw the Wizard of Oz seven times before that because it is such an great movie. There some very interesting facts about the Wizard of Oz, but I am going to tell you a few. One interesting fact about the Wizard of Oz is that the Cowardly Lion s costume was made out of real lion skin. Another interesting fact about this movie is Dorothy s slippers in the book were silver instead of ruby. One last interesting fact about the movie is Toto the dog was actually played by a female dog named Terry. The Genre of the... Show more content on ... But then an evil witch the wicked witch of the west sees that her sister was killed and tries to get the ruby slippers from Dorothy, then she disappears. After that Dorothy goes on her trip to Emerald city. Along her trip to Emerald city she finds new people to take with her, the Scarecrow, the Tinman, and the Cowardly Lion. They finally get to emerald city, and they had a bit of trouble getting to the wizard but eventually got to him. After they went through all of this trouble with the wicked witch and getting to the wizard, he tells them they have to get the wicked witch of the west s broom from her. Then they go off to get the broomstick from the witch but something terrible happens. The wicked witch sent flying monkeys after dorothy to take her slippers. Then Dorothy got taken away to the witches castle and Dorothy only had little time to live before the witch killed her. But luckily Toto escaped and warned everyone to save Dorothy. They break into the room Dorothy was in and saved her but then the witch and everyone chases after them. They were running around the castle to try and escape but then they get cornered. The wicked witch of the west sets the Scarecrow on fire, but then Dorothy grabs a bucket of water and puts out the fire, and also kills the wicked witch. The people reward Dorothy for killing the witch by giving them the witches broomstick and head back to the wizard.
  • 24. Data, Functionality, Infrastructure, And Cost Efficiency... This report is designed to relay the information regarding the survey conducted on the third floor of the Wallace Library at Rochester Institute of Technology. The survey was implemented to analyze the conditions of the site in question with regard to its current usage, functionality, infrastructure, and cost efficiency of its wireless networks. In this report, pertinent data, such as: user statistics, configurations, heat mapping, and frequency analysis, pertaining to the site is outlined and critically analyzed for its fortitude and existing flaws. This paper also offers proposals for improvement of the current configurations for the sake of heightened usability, satisfaction and greater cost efficiency. One of the biggest concerns of... Show more content on ... Just as well, the displeasure from the students regarding the third floor itself has very little to do with the quality of the networks. There existed few complaints with the network s quality by the users. Ekahua software was used to get a technical perspective of the infrastructure. The figure to the right is a heat map of the library s third floor. The icons spread around the map are the access points of the floor in their locations. It is worth noting that, toward the end of the map on either side is a collection of APs from the floors below. At the edge of the third floor there is likely less insolation, allowing the APs from the lower floors to be picked up. Above each of the icons the ESSIDs and their level of security is detailed in black print. Below, in the purple subscripts are the channels that each AP acts on. There are two ESSIDs on each AP (all running 802.11n standard) out of a total of four existing networks: rit_guest, rit, ritwpa2, and eduroam. The latter two networks are both WPA2 authenticated while rit and rit_guest both being open networks for guest usages. While unclear in the figure, each AP possesses one open network and another WPA2 authentication network. The student body and faculty frequent ritwpa2 network and is likely the most congested of the networks on the floor. The shaded areas indicate the range and signal strength with the deeper shades of green indicating the strongest signals and
  • 25. Competition Is The Cornerstone Of Capitalism Competition is the cornerstone of capitalism. It creates rivalry among businesses to produce quality goods and services at competitive prices. This gives consumers a better sense of variety when making purchases. Competition in its purest form creates small buyers and sellers none of which are too large to negatively affect the market as a whole. Competitive markets can be dated back to ancient times when merchants competed in foreign trade. In the 19th century economists considered competition as a natural phenomenon in which growth of an operation was fueled by supply and demand in a free market economy. They also believed that supply and demand worked better in a laissez faire type environment. This was possible through freedom to trade, transparent knowledge of market conditions, no government restrictions on trade, and access to buyers and sellers. These conditions prevented any buyer or seller to significantly affect the market price of a single commodity. After the mid 1800 s, limitations to compete became evident during the industrial revolution. Corporations achieved manufacturing capabilities that would surpass their competitors and would allow them to fix prices and squeeze out their rivals. Eventually some businesses became so large that they controlled enough market share to deceptively manipulate prices in their industry. This activity created an atmosphere for President Theodore Roosevelt to launch his famous trustbusting campaigns. The era of antitrust
  • 26. Iran Nuclear Fuel Cycle Technology Iran possesses nuclear fuel cycle technology, a capability which could be used peaceful purposes or developing Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). Iran has insisted that its uranium enrichment program is exclusively for peaceful purposes, but the lack of transparency and integrity of Iran s nuclear program resulted in disputes between the international community and Iran. The UN Security Council has passed some resolutions and sanctions pressuring Iran to suspend its uranium enrichment and reprocessing activities and comply with its International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) obligations and responsibilities. The European Union, some individual countries, including the United States and international financial bodies has imposed numerous of ... Show more content on ... However, the Iranian nuclear program will be observed by the international community, but no one can guarantee that Iran will not be a nuclear power in the future. The world community had more access and closes friendship with Pakistan and India, but we have failed to stop their nuclear program. Space and Counterspace Capabilities Ministry of Communications and Information Technology of the Islamic Republic of Iran, headed by a US educated Minister, Dr. Mahmoud Vaezi is the backbone of Iran s technology development. In November 2003 the minister established Iranian Space Agency (ISA), is now reporting directly to the President of the Islamic Republic. ISA coordinates all Iranian space activities. However, the agency describes its mission as developing communication, astronomy research, remote sensing satellites and launch vehicle technology. But the absence of transparency in Iran s space program concerns other states and experts about the militarization of space by Iran. ISA launched its first research and telecommunication satellite, in 2009. In 2010, the agency launched living organisms into space onboard its experimental biological capsule. The Agency is developing very rapidly. ISA enjoys stolen technology from western allies and it reverse engineers s of other nations. Iran s ongoing efforts to develop its missile delivery capabilities describes Iran s intention to use space for offensive and defensive proposes and it remains a matter of
  • 27. Informative Essay On Club Calves With a combination of big bone, big toplines, big hair, long pretty clean necks, and structure soundness on there feet and legs. They are cardboard cutout cattle. They are not practical cattle. Based on appearance, they are extremely powerful and over the top. Big boned and deep bodied yet still attractive through the front end. (Macarthur) Gonnet, from Canada raises, shows sells and promotes club calves. He first got involved by showing cattle himself in his local 4 H club in 1998. There he had seen beauty queen calves which had intrigued him and in 2004 he teamed up with Dustin Lamb to raise them (Macarthur). They re designed to get you interested to get you interested in showing cattle. A plain jane from your neighbor s pasture is not exited as the named calves. Named calves come from club calf sires and can make bull owners millions of dollars. Last years winner of the Calgary Stampede, was from the bull Eye Candy. A popular club calf bull can easily sell 10,000 to 20,000 straws of semen at $25 to $250 a straw. Your making bankroll , ... Show more content on ... Today s competitions heifers and steers are specifically bred for shows. More than likely they are from breeders of club cattle. There is obviously a huge difference in club calves and commercial cattle. We are trying to put basically most of the traits you need in good commercial cattle, but then you add a little show ring pizzazz in them. They need that extra balance,quality, and eye appeal. The difference is the hair and muscle they have in them, said Jerry Riley of JDR cattle. For breeding purposes I am going after that hair, that muscle, that bone that it takes to be a club calve compared to just a commercial cow. Mark Beauprez of Beauprez cattle stated, There is a lot more of a show cattle look to these cattle. The lines are a lot straighter and they are prettier fronted, bigger boned, and a lot thicker of an animal
  • 28. Quietness In To Kill A Mockingbird Quietness is not to be mistaken as shyness. In fact the exact definition of quiet is to make no noise or sound, especially no disturbing sound ( While shyness is defined as, being reserved or having or showing nervousness, timidity in the company of other people ( You cannot group the shy within the quiet. Nicholas Christenfeld, a psychologyprofessor at the University of California, San Diego stated, There are people who wish to talk, but are too timid to do so as well, there are those who, simply choose not to say much (Weeks). The quiet hold a presence of unknown power, they can quiet a whole room with one sound and make you admit your deep secrets just fill one second of silence. Not every quiet person ... Show more content on ... It seems that the most remembered of our leaders are those who stood with the smallest of personalities, the ones who had few words to say. But the words they did speak changed our worldviews forever. Take Rosa Parks, an American Civil Rights Activist, she did not use anything but her words to speak for her. When refused to give up her bus seat for a white passenger she unknowingly started an uprise towards the bus system of Montgomery, Alabama. As Professor Mia Bay of Rutgers University aptly summarized, Rosa Parks story tells us you don t have to always have been a leader to do something important and to make an impact, and you don t have to be a big a personality or a loud person to take a stand. You can be a quiet person of principles, and these quiet people who work behind the scenes are important to social change. (Van Luling). There are many more examples set throughout history of people who gained power from their quiet
  • 29. Polyphenylene Vinylene Lab Report PPV, otherwise known as polyphenylene vinylene are electric conductors that processed into tiny films which emit a bright fluorescent yellow light which could potentially be a replacement for LEDS in electronics. PPV is prepared from p xylene bis and the addition of acetonitrile tetrabutylammonium tetrafluoroborate and from there, the product is treated with heat to eliminate diethyl sulfide, HCL, and ethyl sulfide to form the final product, PPV. Similarly, another method, called direct chemical polymerization, formed PPV but it was only in the form of powder which could not be turned into tiny films for commercial use. In lab, we learned that PPV precursor can be synthesized in a one step reaction from p xylene using NBs. In the reaction with... Show more content on ... The process can be done with NBs, FeCl3, and Cl2. NBs would add the Br to the benzylic carbons while FeCl3 and Cl2 is a friedel crafts alkylation and the Cls are added to the compound ortho directing since it can not attack para because there is already a molecule there. PPV can emit light because of its molecular diagram. To illustrate, the cathode and anode, 1,3 butadiene and 1,3,5 hexatriene s molecular orbital diagram are shown below. These diagrams show that the gap between the homo and lumo for 1,3,5 hexatriene is small which means the energy that is emitted would be lower than 1,3 butadiene but the wavelength for 1,3,5 hexatriene is higher. At higher wavelengths, there is less energy which is directly related to if PPV has electron withdrawing or donating groups. For example, BEH PPV, which emits orange red light, has two OR groups (which is an electron donating group) attached to it thus creating lower energy and higher wavelength values. On the other hand, BuEH PPV , a compound that emits a yellow green light, has two carbon chains attached to it, which although is still an electron donating group, is much weaker than OR so the wavelength value is less than BEH PPV, so the energy must be higher. To further increase energy, it is necessary to give PPV more electron withdrawing groups, such as a halogen. Halogens are useful in this reaction because although they are electron withdrawing groups, they still attack ortho/para which allows the electron withdrawing groups to enter in a spot with the least
  • 30. There Will Be Blood Movie Relations to Environmental Law... 4/26/2012 Environmental Law and Policy Third Assignment There Will Be Blood Environmental Issues and ConnectionsThere Will Be Blood by Paul Thomas Anderson starring Daniel Day Lewis reproduces the early 1900s oil boom in southern California. Daniel Day Lewis plays a man named Daniel Plainview, the very serious boss of a drilling company. After adopting a son early on in the movie for purely business reasons he leads us on the path of innovation and growth within a new industry. His depictions of oil drilling in the turn of the 20th century present endless environmental law issues. These issues have resulted in the regulation of an industry, countless strains on the environment and the contributing factors to many of the ... Show more content on ... Along with the rising population is always a strain on the environment. This has been true about agriculture for hundreds of years. Without the oil, the town would not have grown to be agriculturally fit. The oil industry was a new industry in the setting of the film. However a few times throughout we see causalities in the workplace, including the deafening of Plainview s son H.W. Because the industry was new it was not regulated. For the various depictions in the film are why regulation is vital today. The accidents in the movie are the results for laws like the Occupational Safety and Health Act. This law ensures that all employees are subject to safe working conditions. The oil industry is not the only reasons for this law, it covers a lot of industries health and safety rules. Various administrations would make sure equipment is safe enough so we can avoid accidents like the ones that happened in the wells to the men. When Oil is burned so we can use it for energy it emits a lot of toxic gases including CO2. Burning oil pollutes our air and is a harm to our environment. The Environmental Protection Agency, a federal agency to protect human health and the environment must enforce the Clean Air Act. Burning oil and other dirty energy sources like coal can deplete the ozone but also put
  • 31. Urban Regeneration in the London Docklands Essay Urban Regeneration in the London Docklands The London Docklands Development Corporation is located along the River Thames Estuary 2.a) The London Docklands had to close for many reasons. The main reason was the Second World War. The area suffered substantial bomb damage in the Second World War, which lead to the need for a substantial rebuilding programme. In the first 20 years after the Second World War, many buildings came to the end of their usefulness. A number of factors contributed to the decline in the importance of the Docklands. London was no longer the centre of world trade and so much of the dock space and warehousing was no longer needed. Some manufacturing activities were ... Show more content on ... These responsibilities included the reclamation of land, the provision of transport infrastructure, environmental improvement and the attraction of private sector investment. The LDDC acquired land and promoted transport development in the form of the Docklands Light Railway and London City Airport to attract development and fill up the Isle of Dogs. The LDDC had four aims that they wanted to achieve in the Docklands. They were basically to improve the economic, social and physical aspects of the area. To improve the economic aspect of the area, they had to create jobs for the unemployed who were living in the Docklands. To do this, they had to bring in major companies. The LDDC decided to provide a good infrastructure to the area. They provided the gas, electric and roads. Transport was a main problem, so ВЈ600 million was spent on transport, and another ВЈ300 million on just the Docklands Railway. 3. a) Many office buildings were built, including Canary Wharf. Large newspaper companies were attracted to the Docklands, away from Fleet Street because of the new Canary Wharf building. This is one of the tallest buildings in England, at 800ft high and boasting 50 stories. Companies were attracted to Canary Wharf because of the quality of it with air conditioning, deep floors, and open office space. Building space in London was short and expensive.
  • 32. Light Me Up Louis your break ended 5 minutes ago, get back to work. Louis screamed from the back room, slamming his phone down defeatedly, Zayn I hope you know you re the reason I didn t beat my record on flappy bird, I hope you know you re the reason all my dreams are shattered and my poor, poor, lonely did I say poor? heart is shattered on the floor because I will never feel the success o Jesus Christ Lou, shut the fuck up and get back to work, Zayn rolled his eyes, adding, and will you delete that shit game its brainwashing you. Louis gasped, Excuse me Za Louis! Code three! Code three! Louis stood up abruptly, stumbling over the diner chair and ignoring Zayn. Code three, shit, shit. Perrie! he yelled, straightening out his apron and flipping his fringe, Perrie! Perrie! Quick how do I look? Code three? Whats code three? Liam and Zayn mumbled at the same time, giving each other confused looks as Perrie ran past them and into the back room where a distressed Louis was fixing his hair and straightening his outfit. Hair looks good, eyes look good, oh wait Perrie licked her thumb, wiping the sauce off that was crusted in the corner of his mouth, alright teeth check. Louis smiled, flashing his teeth, murmuring through them, Hurry! Hurry! Okay, okay god Louis, do the turn around. Louis quickly spun around, shaking his hands. Am I good? How does the bum look? Zayn popped in the door, What the hell is code three? Zayn go away we re busy! Louis
  • 33. Westlake Research Paper Westlake Research Hospital A hospital is conducting a double blind test of a new depression drug. It will involve about 20 doctors and about 400 patients. Half of the patients will get the new drug and half will get traditional Prozac. Neither the doctors nor the patients will know who is getting which drug. Only two test supervisors will know who is getting what. These tests will last about 18 months. Each doctor will see 20 patients initially, though it is expected some patients will drop out over time. Each patient will be be coming in twice a month for a checkup and interviews with their doctor. The drugs will be dispersed in a generic bottle by the two supervisors one of whom is a pharmacist. To track this study, the hospital will need a database. It will need to track patients information from their first screening through each of their interviews. In particular, they are looking at whether the patient seems more depressed or less, what their appetite is like, are they sleeping, and what kind of activities they are engaged in, if any. Also, they will be looking for specific physical side effects such as rashes, high blood pressure, irregular heart rhythms, or liver or kidney problems.... Show more content on ... They also need to be able to enter blood pressures, blood test results, the depression indicators, their own notes, and so on for each session. Patients should be able to see their own medical profile, the doctor s notes, and nothing else. Only the two researchers should be able to see everything: all patient information, all doctors notes, and which drug each patient is being given. There is always some danger of spying by other companies interested in similar drugs,so in addition to the security of the blind test, the database needs to be secured against outside intrusion as
  • 34. Essay on Causes of Mass Murder Causes of Mass Murder Crime Alvenia Gregory Argosy University Abstract This paper examines the act of mass murder. If society can find a valid answer as to what causes a person to commit mass murders, then the possibility of preventing the act would be great because it would be probable to recognize the psychotic behavior that is associated with mass murder. Occurrences of mass murder for instance the shootings at Sandy Hook, Aurora Colorado theatre; Columbine and Virginia Tech over and over again dominate much of society s attention not only for weeks but often for months following the incident. The research question I have selected is: What are the sociological and psychological causes for unforeseen criminal actions of Mass ... Show more content on ... The triggering event may be a loss of job, being spurned by a woman, or something similar (usually an economic or academic crisis of some sort). On the other hand, there may be no triggering event other than what is going on inside the mind of the offender. It is difficult to determine motives in these incidents as they seem to be based on psychologically rewards known only to the offender. Typology of mass murderers The following typology of mass murderers was presented by Turvey (2008:510). The types were grouped according to the variables of motivation, crime scene types, and victim selection by Fox and Levin (2005), who used the five categories of power, revenge, loyalty, terror, and profit. 1. The mass murderer has a thirst for power and control, often dresses in battle fatigues and has a passion for symbols of power, including assault weapons. 2. The mass killer seeks revenge against either against specific individuals, particular categories or groups of individuals, or society at large. Most commonly, he seeks to get even with people he knows such as family or the boss and other employees. 3. The mass murderer kills due to a warped sense of love and loyalty, a desire to save their loved ones from misery and hardship. Typically it is a husband/father who is despondent over the fate of the family unit. Sometimes, as in the case of the Manson family, the murders are done by a cult group being obedient to their charismatic leader.
  • 35. Scientific Knowledge Changes Over Time Essay Discoveries are being made all the time, but how would you feel if dinosaurs had feathers? Scientific knowledge changes over time through improved access to information, changes in society, and new discoveries. Scientific advancements don t just change how people think of the subject it changes the worlds perspective. Remember that clunky food pyramid that s 2 decades old? Get ready to see that go bye bye because it just got upgraded and guess what now you can understand it. On source 2 some evidence leading this change is that Obama administration is about to ditch the food pyramid . They wanted to remove it because it was outdated and had no significant information some evidence pointing to why they are removing it is on source 2 line 32 the... Show more content on ... You see scientists are discovering new things and one day we may discover how to fight off aids, cancer, and other diseases. Discoveries help keep our world spinning, without discoveries we could be dead from diseases. Did you know Scientists have only discovered 15% of the animals on this plant not including bacterias or anemone s. An example is from source 3, about 85% of species on Earth are still undiscovered! Another example is when scientists discovered tens of thousands of bacteria living in a spoonful of dirt. Here is some evidence from source 3, a spoonful of soil may contain as many as ten thousand different species of bacteria . The impact of new discoveries impacts how we live because new discoveries lead to new medicine to prevent diseases from killing people. Discoveries impact us in many ways and take shape or form into something new. Furthermore scientific knowledge changes over time through improved access to information, changes in society, and new discoveries.Some key points I talk about include how scientific advancements impacts the world, how changes in society affect us, and finally how new discoveries affect the
  • 36. Understanding the Debate Over the Origins of Life Essay... When addressing the origins of life, an unwavering dedication to the theories behind creationism evolutionary and abiogenesis theories makes itself present. It is in this realm of debate, Darwin challenges the dogmatic approach to understanding made by religious doctrine with science and evolutionary precedent. The ongoing debate between evolutionary and abiogenesis biologists and religious leaders is the ultimate contest between science pseudoscience. Evolutionary biology bases its claims behind the idea that a gene is a hereditary unit that can be passed generation to generation. Through this change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, natural selectionacts upon the genetic variation of... Show more content on ... Often times, a derogatory attitude accompanies the idea of Creationism. The belief in creation by an almighty being is not a supplemental belief attached only to the Bible; instead, creation is the definitive deduction of a clear reading and understanding of Genesis in its intended form as a purely historical narrative. This historical narrative, given to humanity by a supreme being, is the basis and foundation upon which a biblical worldview is based. A myriad of interpretations of creationism conclude that an intelligent, all knowing demiurge, not natural selection or natural influences, created the universe and all the life found within. Creationism distinguishes those who reject naturalism as a credible explanation for how the universe and all the life within it came into existence. However, creationism includes a varying number of fields, including theology, astronomy, biology, geology, and physics. Creationism is not a scientific or theological discipline in and of itself, but is instead a theologically based framework through which empirical and substantial data is interpreted. We find various forms of creationism throughout ancient history in an innumerable number of civilizations and antiquated societies. Greek mythology dictates that the world was created by Erebus and Gaia, Norse mythology points to Ymir as the almighty creator, and Christian doctrine finds its
  • 37. Characteristics Of Heroes Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary (Gerard Way). This statement is a clear statement that clearly says, heroes do not wear capes in real life , they are just normal people who allow themselves to go up and beyond in life. Heroes are people that we all strive to be like for one reason or another, whether that reason is a greedy one like money or fame, or for a much nobler cause, such as helping out and making the world better, that does not stop us from trying our best to be one. Heroes come in all shapes and sizes from a small 6 year old, to an adult who gives away everything for the right thing in life, and because of their everyday natural appearance we tend to overlook them as one and this seems a bit unfair. Because people everyday are sacrificing their wants for the right thing, persevering through their hardships, and show great amounts of determination, they are referred to as one single thing: a hero. Now people everywhere sacrifice a lot to do necessary things, some of these people sacrifice a lot in order to protect others, they sacrifice things like time, limbs, and in some cases their own lives. Somebody who has a very personal experience with this is Corporal Tristan Segers. Sergers is a veterinarian who lost his leg due to a mining incident in Afghanistan while he was driving a war vehicle. The explosion caused his body severe wound that resulted in his leg needing to be amputated. Mr. Segers is a hero for two reasons: He
  • 38. Faith Coggin Research Paper Faith Coggin It all started with the loud shriek of a smoke detector. When my older sister raced into the kitchen that morning, she found me standing over the stove with a flaming pancake in the pan in front of me. And while she was able to smother out the fire with the lid of a nearby pan, I think she remained nervous about my cooking skills ever after. Me, I was hooked from that day forward. I was only ten years old the first time I tried to make myself a pancake, but that was the day my love of cooking began. I became one of those kids who would tear recipes out of Better Homes and Holiday Baking and became pathologically addicted to watching the Food Network. Over the course of time, my cooking began to improve, and I was eventually ... Show more content on ... I was hurt and humiliated by my failure on the show and, for a while, considered never venturing back into the kitchen again. But something inside of me wouldn t allow me to quit. Somehow I knew that, despite the disappointing outcome on MasterChef, I still had a talent inside worth believing in, worth not giving up on. I began building back my confidence slowly, by preparing dishes for my family like I used to. Each holiday that came around after the show, I insisted on baking some dish to share with others, so that I could regain the passion I d felt before things had gone wrong. Slowly, bit by bit, I became the chef I d once been before, simply because I refused to believe that any setback, even one as humiliating as the one I d suffered, had the power to discourage me from the thing that I love. If anything, I feel as though I ve become a better, more innovative chef since my television setback, because I know what it s like now to fail and it doesn t scare me
  • 39. Monomythic In Mulan Monomythic elements can be found in many stories and movies today. Campbell s idea of the monomyth are describe in five stages such as the mundane or the original world, the call to adventure, crossing the threshold between the new and old world, the path of trials and the mastering of two worlds. My character Mulan goes through this challenge all throughout the movie. This essay will talk in detail about the monomythic elements that are found in Disney s movie Mulan such as the separation, the initiation and the return. One of the monomythic categories is the separation of the hero from the normal world. The elements of separation are the call to adventure, refusal of the call, supernatural aid, crossing the first threshold and entering the ... Show more content on ... The elements of initiation are the road of trials, the meeting of goddess, the woman as a temptress, atonement with the father, the apotheosis and the ultimate boon. With the help from her guardian Mushu, she was able to hide her identity as man. The trials that she faced was hiding her identity as a woman, going through the training and fighting the Huns. She meets her goddess at the training camp which was Captain Lee Shang. The captain was a hard mentor and training teacher. Mulan had a hard time catching up with the other soldiers since she wasn t used to that type of work. The temptation was when Shang saw that Mulan was having a hard time catching up with the others and order her to go back home. Mulan rejects the offer and tries hard to prove herself to the Captain. Her atonement to her father is when she was improving in her training and succeeds in impressing him. Her apotheosis is when she was finally discovered after getting hurt during combat. This brings about the death of the solider named Ping and the rebirth of the woman named Mulan. The Ultimate Boon was when Mulan makes a comeback by saving the emperor and China. She also kills the leader of the Hun army and wins the war which finally bring honor to her
  • 40. The Play Antigone By Sophocles The play Antigone by Sophocles provides multiple themes to the reader. One of which is Individual vs State as Antigone goes against Creon s rule. This act of defiance is due to the feeling by an individual that what they believe is correct over that of a states law. This theme when applied to modern times can be interpreted as government vs personal freedoms. A person will always act on the values that they have and on those values souly, even when that is against the laws set in place. This idea of personal freedom is not only something that was evident in the play but is an key element of human nature. Ever since the creation of organized governement people have always felt like their personal freedoms have been oppressed. Whenever a ... Show more content on ... In Antigone, Sophocles creates Antigone as a character that holds her core values and beliefs very highly. He does this because it provides the reader with someone that they can aspire to be because Antigone has her life in check. She knows that her values are not something that can be messed with and that she holds them higher than that of the law. Antigone s response to Creon s ruling was what Creon says is quite irrelevant. He is my brother. I will bury him (Sophocles 42 43). This is very important because it means that although the law says that Antigone should not doing anything for her brother she knows that this is wrong and that she does not need to follow it. She is going to do what she knows is right for her brother and doesn t care about the consequences that are going to follow. An example of this in modern times is the response that Kim Davis had when she was told to issue same sex marriage licenses. Kim Davis was a county clerk in Kentucky and was in charge of issuing mariage licenses. Once Kentuky had approved same sex mariage she was going to be required to issue them. This would be an issue for her because this would go against Davis s beliefs. In response to Kentucky s ruling on issuing
  • 41. Hollywood Influence On Hollywood Movies and celebrities are a very important part of our culture today. Around the world, Hollywood is known to be the leading industry in filmmaking along with Bollywood and Nollywood. However, let s focus on the American movie industry Hollywood. Globally, Hollywood is used as an inspiration for other filmmaking industries. As influential as Hollywood is, there are always going to be opinions of other nations in which many believe that Hollywood has created a sense of anti Americanism . Many believe Hollywood is a perpetrator of this, but that is not true. Hollywood portrays who Americans are and what their culture is inspiring many countries to mimic them in; the anti Americanism that exists in many foreign countries is caused... Show more content on ... Around the world today, everything is influenced by popular culture, and popular culture is greatly influenced by the United States. It s no surprise that Hollywood is well known globally because the best way to share popular culture is through movies and music. As previously stated, popular culture has been disliked at times, which also means Hollywood is disliked as well. The reason for this is because many countries think there s too much nudity and too much violence in the movies that are made in Hollywood. However, America has persevered because in order to be the best, one has to deal with criticism. American media continues to do very well abroad, especially Hollywood products that are known to be a key engine of our economy . Without it, our economy probably would not be on the top (Bronk). In order for Hollywood products to do well abroad they need to be liked, and according to our economy people around the world like Hollywood a lot. It s not the dislike for American cultures that causes countries to ban American films from their countries. For many, it s because of the huge cultural gap that exists. According to Iranian National Media Council, the theme of the film does not fit with our cultural values . For example, in Iran, some of the aspects of a Hollywood movie do not fit their cultural values, especially sex, and nudity
  • 42. Land Art History When it emerged in the sixties among the crush of several other art movements (Pop Art, Minimalism, among others) Land Art came to be an anti gallery artistic offshoot that straddled the domain between architecture and sculpture. It had no manifestos nor schools nor leaders and it was not quite a movement; the artists who were involved with it were also involved in other types of arts. Land artwas labelled as modern sculpture but its versatility and introduction of new concepts and visual materials made it difficult to ascribe it to one field or term. Later on, the term Earth Works, coined by Robert Smithsoncame to use but Earth Works only refers to works that use earth while Land Art is an all encompassing umbrella that includes works... Show more content on ... Smithson s work Broken Circle Spiral Hill is two different works situated near each other. It is actually not in America but was commissioned for an exhibition in the Netherlands near Emmen. Spiral Hill is an earth mound that coils clockwise unto itself, like a sleeping snake. When it was completed it was just shaped earth but in current day it is covered in green grass. Situated nearby on the edge of the shore and into the water is the Broken Circle; its site was actually a functioning sand and gravel quarry which was filled with green water. Smithson played with the negative and positive space in such a way that the broken circle whose alternating arms are shaped with white and yellow sand, recalls the Chinese Yin Yang symbol. In the middle of the positive space half circle sits a boulder and this is yet again another allusion to monumental works of the past, this one appropriately native to Dutch lands. Yet the center boulder in fact significantly expands the associative levels of this work because it offers a direct tie to prehistory. . . . In the Bronze Age they [this type of large rock] were used to make huge dolmens and
  • 43. Toni Morrison s Beloved And The Bluest Eye Jada Warner Razor Ap Lit 5 8 December 2016 Author/Work Literary Analysis Paper Toni Morrison s Beloved and The Bluest Eye Toni Morrison is known for her use of poetic language. In many of her writings Morrison captures the pursuit of African Americans identities(Parnell). Considering Morrison never experienced the horrific tragedies she writes about, she is a witness to many identities that were destroyed by society depiction of them. The themes that Toni Morrison illustrates in her works Beloved and The Bluest Eye demonstrates how Toni Morrison works show individuals struggling with self shattered identities that stem from society s distorted expectations of them. Born February 18,1931 in Lorain, Ohio, Chloe Ardelia Wofford later known as Toni Morrison is a Novelist, editor, play writer and literary critic( Toni ). Toni Morrison won Pulitzer Prize for fiction and American Book Award(1988), Nobel Prize in Literature(1993), National Humanities Medal(2000) and The Presidential Medal of Freedom(2012)( Toni Morrison is the second of four children in a working class family(Dreifus). Morrison s parents moved to Ohio to escape the southern culture but also to teach their children their African American Heritage through traditional African American folktales(Mote). In 1949 Morrison attended Howard University graduating in 1953 with a B.A in English. While attending Howard University Morrison began writing fiction in a group with poets and writers(Mote).
  • 44. Walt Disney Case Study Walt Disney is the largest amusement park operator in the world. The park was founded by Walt and Roy Disney in 1923 as the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio. The name changed to Disney in 1986. The organization has 5 other theme parks outside of the USA: Tokyo Disneyland, Tokyo DisneySea, Disneyland Paris, Hong Kong Disneyland and Walt DisneyStudios (Leibacher, 2017). Anytime a company pursue to expand globally, the company should expect some form of challenges. Global expansion for any organization can be challenging. Walt Disney through its global expansion encountered its share of issue. Economic, legal, political, social and cultural barriers were challenges Walt Disney encountered through its global expansion (Ferrell, Hirt, Ferrell, 2009). Before opening its first theme park in France, the people of France were against the theme park s opening in belief that an American Icon and culture would become a focal point in France. After opening its first theme park in France, the organization faced many challenges. French citizens protested and opposed the park opening. The theme park faced financial difficulties but later were able to turn the negative into a positive with a few changes. Through financial restructuring the company was able to bring new attractions and lower admission prices. Through massive marketing campaigns and a name change to Disneyland Paris, the theme park saw an increase in attendance and became the number 1 tourist attraction in Europe (Ferrell,
  • 45. Communication Disorders COMMUNICATION DISORDERS What is Communication Disorder? a speech, language and hearing disorder which refers to problems in communication and in related areas such as oral motor function. The symptoms vary depending on the particular type of communication disorder, but they generally center around problems communicating. Children with communication disorders have deficits in their ability to exchange information with others. COMMUNICATION a multidimensional dynamic process that allows human beings to interact with their environment. Communication also includes cues such as intonation, pace of speech, and stress (emphasis), as well as nonverbal information such as gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact. The ... Show more content on ... Other names for receptive language disorder include central auditory processing disorder and comprehension deficit. They have a problem in language processing which is half of language. Language processing is essentially listening to and interpreting the spoken language. In most cases, the child with a receptive language problem also has an expressive language disorder, which means they have trouble using spoken language. Receptive Language Disorder Prevalence It is estimated that between three and five percent of preschool children have a receptive or expressive language disorder and 3% of school age children but is probably less common than Expressive Language Disorder, or a mixture of both. Receptive Language Disorder Symptoms There is no standard set of symptoms that
  • 46. Healthsouth Theoretical Model Of Fraud I. Theoretical Model of Fraud A. Appropriate Fraud Model The best theoretical model of fraud to describe why HealthSouth committed fraud is the fraud diamond not the fraud triangle. Both methods require that these three elements are present for committing fraud: perceived pressure, perceived opportunity, and rationalization. Understanding what motivated HealthSouth s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Richard Scrushy to commit fraud, how the accounting staff committed and concealed the fraud, and how the staff justified their participation are crucial. However, anti fraud professionals believe that changes in social behavior require the addition of a fourth element called capability. Capability includes personal traits and abilities that play a major role in whether fraud will actually occur (Fighting Fraud in the Government n.d.). For example, Scrushy s persuasiveness and Cathy Edward s position as Michael Vines boss increased their capabilities to commit fraud. If capable employees refused to participate, fraud occurrences decrease (Fighting Fraud in the Government n.d.) (Hamilton n.d.). B. Fraud Scheme Committing fraud requires motivation from perceived pressures like greed or meeting expectations. With the shift in investor focus and the need to meet analyst expectations, Scrushy and the family manipulated earnings to make HealthSouth appear more successful. Perceived opportunity establishes how an individual s position enables fraud to be committed and
  • 47. Sexism In The Bride Of Frankenstein In Erin Hawley s article The Bride and Her Afterlife: Female Frankenstein Monster on Page and Screen she makes the main point of the sexism that is within The Bride of Frankenstein . She supports this argument with the main point that since the bride is not able to talk stands for women s silence itself. She also uses other points to make this such as the fact that she only in the movie for a short period of time and that she were just created for looks. While this could be a strong argument, she seems to be trying too hard to make these connections in the movie; she sees these points as sexism, but they all have reasonable explanations. Hawley acknowledges the fact that the bride being created is a big step, but still think she does not have a voice; although the film gives life and image to the female monster, is does not give her a voice: she is still marginal; she is literally unable to speak... (Hawley 222). She makes the argument that the bride s silence stands for silence itself and women being unable to make their own decisions. Although the bride not taking is just due to the fact that the bride was just created. In the first movie, Frankenstein, the monster himself could not speak throughout the whole movie. Then when The Bride of Frankenstein came out Frankenstein was taught how to speak by the blind man. Therefor since the bride was never taught how to talk she does not talk. She seems to be brighter than the male monster, due to the fact that the male monster did not make any noise or move soon after his creation and the bride did. Even though the female monster could not talk, she was still able to make her own decisions. When presented with the male monster, Frankenstein, she began to grunt and push away from him making the decision to not be with him. Both of the movies help to show that the Bride of Frankenstein is not silenced to show women s silence but because she was just created. Also, Hawley discusses how the Bride was not in the film for long showing how the film was sexist by having most of the screen time be men only. Even though she was only in the film for a short period, the Bride was the main focus of the film. The whole movie was about her creation and centered on her;
  • 48. Franklin Delano Roosevelt First of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. In his Inaugural Address, Franklin Delano Roosevelt spoke these words to ensure America that he would end the Depression. He no longer wanted Americans to be afraid of the failing economy and unemployment that was causing them to suffer. He immediately wanted to gain their trust and give them hope that their struggles would soon be over. Not only did he make Americans believe that things could get better, but he actually did make things better. As soon as FDR entered office, he got to work and began lifting America out of the Depression within only a few days of being president. From these first few days of his presidency, to the twelfth year,... Show more content on ... Without Social Security, many Americans could not have survived the Depression and many Americans today could not survive. Social Security provides protection for Americans so if they ever cannot work, they know they will be to survive. Roosevelt is responsible for helping to create Social Security which helped to pull America out of the depression. He helped struggling Americans get back on their feet in one of the worst economic time periods in history, and for that he deserves to be recognized with a presidential rating of 4 out of 5. Overall, Franklin D. Roosevelt was a hardworking, excellent president who helped America through a terrible time period. However, like many presidents, he did make some mistakes. One of his greatest known mistakes was known as Court Packing. This issue started because the Supreme Court did not support many parts of Roosevelt s New Deal. The court began to declare several acts, including Social Security, as unconstitutional which infuriated FDR. He noticed that there was a specific group of elderly men that was against most of his ideas and policies, and they were causing his acts not to be approved. In order to fix this, FDR created what became known as the Court Packing Policy. This policy declared that if any member of the court did not retire within six months after turning 70, a new member could be added to the court. With this
  • 49. Vimax Research Paper Vimax tablets are rated 1 penis expansion capsules available on the market. This revision of the truth Vimax tablets would make you remember whether or not you really see a metamorphosis within the dimensions of your penis after utilizing the Vimax pill. It is going to assessment the speak of taking Vimax drugs. Hold on reading to find out the way it s possible for you to get what you need while you buy the Vimax pill. The penis growth Vimax pill was once manufactured by using a reliable staff of doctors. It is created from a novel formula that not simplest seriously increases the scale of your penis but in addition improves your sexual want, intensifies your orgasm and offers you more patience in the course of intercourse. You ll be able to to see a significant alternate within the dimension of your penis within the first weeks of relentless making use of Vimax tablets. The Vimax tablet can enlarge your penis by 3.4 inches in length and twenty 5% of the width of the penis. In the first four weeks probably the most obvious trade would be the width of your penis and longer duration of penile erection. ... Show more content on ... After most effective 2 months, you are going to see a very robust obvious trade within the size of your penis it s more difficult and superior than ever. The essential predicament of the Vimax pill is the price, but we re make certain you get what you pay for with regards to penis growth capsules. A further component to suppose about is that you just have got to take the Vimax tablets each day ( early ) to get higher results if you are havin troubles together with your memory, you can also want a process to place in place to assurance that you ingest the Vimax tablet on an everyday
  • 50. Gender Wage Gap Research In this paper we have conducted research of the gender wage gap in Europe and the US. The aim of this paper was to analyze the gender wage in the US and European countries and describe the current situation regarding this issue as well as provide some evidence that gender wage gap exists in these countries. Nowadays the gender wage gap is an important issue that affects the status of woman in our modern society. Since the middle of the twentieth century, women have not only joined the economically active labor force in ever increasing numbers but also improved their education and occupational status, and economic rewards. More specifically, during the last decades, women have surpassed men in overall rates of college graduation and have almost
  • 51. Body Ritual Among the Nacirema Essay Body Ritual Among the Nacirema What is the precise geographical location of this strange tribe, the Nacirema? The Nacirema is a North American group living in the territory between the Canadian Cree, the Yaqui and Tarahumare of Mexico, and the Carib and Arawak of the Antilles. Little is known of their origin, though tradition states that they came from the east. What are the private and secret shrines of the Nacirema? In the Nacirema, the belief is that the human body is ugly and that its natural tendency is to debility and disease. Every household has one or more shrines devoted to the hope that mans body will be changed through the use of the powerful influences of ritual and ceremony. Each family has at least on such ... Show more content on ... The Nacirema believe if they did not perform such rituals their teeth would fall out, their gums bleed, their jaws shrink, their friends desert them, and their lovers reject them. The Nacirema seek out a holy mouth man once or twice a year. The holy mouth man opens the client s mouth and, using a variety of augers, awls, probes, and prods, enlarges any holes which decay may have created in the teeth. Magical materials are put into these holes. The extremely sacred and traditional character of the rite is evident in the fact that the natives return to the holy mouth men year after year, despite the fact that their teeth continue to decay. What is the latipso used by Nacireman medicine men? The medicine men have an imposing temple, or latipso, in every community of any size. The latipso ceremonies are so harsh that it is phenomenal that a fair proportion of the really sick natives who enter the temple ever recover. Sick adults are not only willing but eager to undergo the protracted ritual purification, if they can afford to do so. The daily ceremonies, like the rites of the holy mouth men, involve discomfort and torture. With ritual precision, the vestals awaken their miserable charges each dawn and roll them about on their beds of pain while performing ablutions, in the formal movements of which the maidens are highly trained. At other
  • 52. The Seven Deadly Sins In The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales, just as the title outlines is the literacy work of pilgrims and their tales during a trip to and from Canterbury. The tales and characters in the works of Chaucer all differ in many ways, however, we can link them by relating the tales to the seven deadly sins. The seven deadly sins include; pride, lust, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and gluttony. Huberd the Friar, is a man of begging. Through him, we find the first sin; pride. Pride is the excessive view of one s self without regard to others. The Friar makes his living by begging and receiving. He takes from those of more wealth and scorns money from companies of other beggars by spreading the word of God (Rossignol, The Friar ). Portraying to the audience that he is more focused on his own wealth and not necessarily on spreading the word, representing one s self with no regards to others. The Wife of Bath, a woman named Alison who has been married five times. In this character, we find the second sin; lust. Lust is the desire to fulfill a certain action, sexual desires. The wife laughs about how she had to work hard to keep her older husbands sexually active in her favor of satisfaction (Bloom, The Canterbury Tales ). Her lust is most shown when she shares the story of meeting her fifth husband. She found her fifth husband at her fourth husband s funeral, she fell into a lust spell at the sight of his legs as he stood behind her deceased husband s casket (Bloom, The Canterbury Tales). The wife s
  • 53. ect114 Essay RAW: _______ /63 pts 1. Explain the operation of an encoder. (1 point) Encoding is used to generate a coded output (such as BCD or binary) from a singular active numeric input line. 2. What does it mean when an encoder is a priority encoder? (1 point) A priority encoder is when two or more inputs are active simultaneously, and the input with the highest priority is represented on the output, with input line I7 having the highest priority. 3. Describe one practical application that uses encoder. (1 point) An encoder is used in most wireless devices such as garage door openers to help filter out interference from other devices. 4. Explain the operation of a decoder. (1 point) Decoding is the process of converting some code (Such ... Show more content on ... Off corresponds to a logic low. (10 points) INPUTS OUTPUTS 7N 6N 5N 4N 3N 2N 1N 0N EIN GSN EON A2N A1N A0N X X X X X X X X H H H H H
  • 56. H H L L H L H L H L H H H H H H L L H L L H L H H H H H H H L L H L L L 12. Compare the results of your table from the eSOC encoder to that of the data sheet and identify what line(s) are incorrect. (5 points) It seems that the encoder was programmed strangely and got a lot of various lines incorrect in different places. 13. Find a truth table for the 74138 decoder. You can use the one in your textbook or download a datasheet from a manufacturer. Use the datasheet to fill in the Output columns in the table below. Depending on the source of your datasheet, you may
  • 57. need to cross reference the pin names. (5 points) INPUTS OUTPUTS G1 G2AN G2BN C B A Y0N Y1N Y2N Y3N Y4N Y5N Y6N Y7N X H X X X X H H H H H H H H X X H X X X H H H H H H H H