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Can You Write An Essay On A Tablet
Can You Write An Essay On A Tablet
How Failure Is Failure
Failure is an option Every successful entrepreneur must be have this traits which is failure is an
option . Failure is an option can be define as when you do something wrong, you learn from it,
and try to avoid damage and do your best. Normally people is try to escape for making a mistake
or avoid to fail while doing something. We should always prepare a plan B for doing anything
else, it is because instead of we are doing wrong at least we having a plan B. Learn from the
mistake and take it as a reference avoid to step the mistake again. Beside that, failure is not the
opposite of success, it s a stepping stone to success. Do not means that everybody is set out to
fail, but we should realize the possible to fail, and prepared to deal. Use the possible of failure as
motivation to be prepared for all possibilities. Sometimes failure is a platform for provide the
information to help us do things differently and by the next time you are taking risk more and more
intelligently. When we was a child, try to make more mistake,... Show more content on ...
To made a new star in this series, and he has created a new character named Oswald the Lucky
Rabbit. Within a year, Walt Disneywas made up to 26 of these Oswald cartoons, but later when he
tried to get some additional money from his distributor for continued the second year of the
cartoons, he found that the distributor had gone behind his back .The distributor make his own
studio and his signed up almost all of animators including Oswald cartoons who was making by
Walts, because he hope that the profit he earn become more if without share with Walts. When
Walts aware and he read back the contract signing with the distributor, he realized that he did not
own the rights of the animator Oswald. It was a painful lesson for the young cartoon producer to
learn. From then on, he saw to it that he owned everything that he
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Contributions to America Essay
Contributions to America Early American society was comprised of many different elements. The
biggest contributions to the society was the American Indians,
Africans, and, of course, the English, the biggest of the three. Their relationship together was far
different than what we have today. You wouldn t just see some African and view him as just
another American. It also didn t have a triangular connection, where everyone interacted in some
way with everyone else. Instead it was more along the lines of the Africans relationship with the
English, and the Indians relationship with the English, not the Africans and Indians relationship
together. To take a closer look at this we need to first look at each people separately. Native
Americans ... Show more content on ...
They were both hierarchical, but they their nature differed considerably. The English s hierarchy
was inherited through their father. But the authority of the some of the Indian leaders rested on
consensus. So when the English tried to negotiate treaties,
they overestimated to ability of chiefs to make independent decisions for their people. They also
had different views on the holdings of land. The Indian believed that know one owned the land, it
was just for everyone to work on. The English, however, was the exact opposite.
They insisted on having their own farms, and buying and selling land. Basically, above all, the
English settlers believed unwaveringly in the superiority of their civilization.
Because of this belief of superiority, the English settlers felt that they could do anything they
wanted to the land or the inferior Indians on it. They expanded and expanded to the point that the
Indians felt in danger. Because of this they would occasionally fight back. Opechancanough, a tribal
and war leader, launched several coordinated attacks on the settlers. By the end of the day, about
one quarter, or
347, lay dead. They only stayed alive because of a warning by two Christian converts. The
encroachment of the
Indians land is the primary cause of this war.3 Another major race that contributed to the early
American society was the Africans. They may not have been from the same culture, but the black
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Independent Travel And Flashpackers
The concepts of solo travel and independent travel are used throughout this section. Independent
traveller is a phrase to describe diverse tourists who are different from the mass, organised
tourists. They have different needs and motivations than mass tourists. It is known as fully
independent traveller (Wilson, 2004). Chai (1996) describes independent travellers as tourists
who do not travel via a fully inclusive package or in groups and the duration they stay compared
with other tourists is longer. According to Hyde and Lawson (2003) in a study entitled The
Nature of Independent Travel , three characteristics which has identified in the nature of
independent travel such as the experiences of a traveller is an itinerary, travellers are willing to
take risks in vacations and travellers possess a desire for the unplanned experiences. It can be...
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Despite the traditional term backpacker that is commonly known as independent traveller,
Hannam and Diekmann (2010) have introduced the term flashpackers . Flashpackers are the
contemporary key evolved from backpackers where it is defined as backpackers who travels
with an expensive backpack or troller type and stays in various types of accommodations. These
travellers are normally applied to older travellers where they have greater disposable income than
the traditional backpackers. On the other hand, solo travel is referred to the status of one s arrival
status (Foo, 1999). Solo travellers may arrive in the country alone, but it doesn t mean that they will
travel alone for the entire duration. They will be connected and communicate with other tourists or
locals people. Tourists using the holiday experience as single individuals. It means they book single
rooms, eat out alone, explore the
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Of Civil Disobedience In SophoclesAntigone And Martin...
While Antigone and Martin Luther King Jr. both believe a higher good requires them to disobey
specific laws, they carry out civil disobedience in different ways. Dr. King publicly fought for Civil
Rights through nonviolent protests, marches, and speeches, while Antigone opposed the law of her
uncle Kreon and buried her brother, knowing she would be killed. King s Letter from a
Birmingham Jail shows the difference between unjust and just laws and his public administration
led to a change in racial injustice still clear today, while Antigone attempts to show Kreon his unjust
ways instead of saving herself. Although Antigone died for her dedication to family, I sympathize
more with Martin Luther King Jr. because his letter and continuous engagement in civil
disobedienceled to a change for the higher good still present in America today.
In Sophocles Antigone, the character Antigone engages in civil disobedience by burying her
brother Polyneices and opposing the law of her uncle Kreon. She openly decides to obey the
gods and show dedication to her family, even if it meant leading to her death (Blondell). Instead
of fighting for her life, Antigone attempts to show Kreon that his law is against the gods and
unjust. Throughout the play, Antigone justifies her decision to bury her brother, despite other s
opinions. For example, when Antigone first decides to defy Kreon s law she states, what I shall
suffer will be far less dire than dying an ignoble death (Blondell 96 97).
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History of the Funeral Rule Essay
The roots of the Funeral Rule are found in two books that were published in the late 60 s Unsafe
At Any Speed by Ralph Nader and The American Way of Death by Jessica Midford. In the late
1960 s, the FTC was a paper tiger. Ralph Nader, who began the consumer protection movement in
this country with the publication of Unsafe At Any Speed, was a sharp critic of the Federal Trade
Commission for its lack of consumer protection. Specifically, the FTC was criticized because it
relied too heavily on consumer complaints and brought enforcement actions only on a case by case
basis. The consumer protection movement wanted the FTC to proceed against entire industries
rather than individual businesses. The ... Show more content on ...
In March, 1976, the FTC received over 9,000 comments on the proposed rulemaking. The Final
Notice of Rulemaking was published in 1976 and identified 30 disputed areas of fact. These were
the focus of six public hearings that were held from April through August of 1976. There were 315
witnesses, many of which provided anecdotal evidence. There was very little empirical data such
as surveys and valid economic studies. Following the hearings, the presiding officer issued his
report. Additional comments were submitted by the public and the Final Staff Report was delivered
to the Commission in 1979. The FTC tentatively approved the Funeral Rule in March, 1979. The
funeral industry went to Congress and was able to obtain some relief in the form of the FTC
Improvements Act of 1980. That statute imposed new procedural safeguards in the FTC
rulemaking process. It also required the FTC to republish the Funeral Rule and take additional
comments using the new procedural safeguards. In 1981, the FTC republished the Rule and began
a new proceeding. That led to the promulgation of the Funeral Rule in 1982. After the NFDA
unsuccessfully appealed the Rule to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, the Rule took effect on
January 1, 1984. The Funeral Rule which was finally adopted was less onerous then the one
originally proposed. NFDA was successful in having certain provisions deleted from the original
Rule such as a requirement to have written
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##hol s Meaning Of Barbiturach, 1962 By Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol s work, Marilyn Diptych, 1962 is a depiction of an image of Marilyn Monroe who
was a famous actress as well as a sex symbol but had a dark ending, dying of barbiturate overdose.
In this work, Warhol captures both the life and tragic death of the superstar by recreating a publicity
photo of her. In the painting, the actress s face is portrayed fifty times, twenty five times in color
on the right and the same number of times in black and white on the left. One way to understand
how this specific work should be interpreted is by examining it as an expressionist theorist. To
experience this work properly I will act as an expressionist theorist and make sure to recognize my
feelings transmitted as I interpret the work, be aware of how it expresses emotion, and grasp the
uniqueness of the work.
As an expressionist theorist, I recognize that the use of color can express the artist s emotion.
Warhol used a warm color mix of bright yellow, orange, and turquoise on the right section and a
dull color mix of black and white tints on the left. By using mixed media that represents a slow
fade of the photos towards the end, Warhol captures life s transition from the bright and youthful
days when one is full of energy to the tragic halt caused by death, which is also signified by the
dull colors. Here, the artist provides a form of experience of life and death that the viewer can
relate to. The use of acrylic on canvas and screen painting shows a transition in life from the
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Single Parent Families Case Study
As many families in today s society suffer to make ends meet, it is important to remember, Parents
with meager means have the same aspirations for their children as other parents. Children from
poor families have the same needs as other children as Mark Sanford (2015) once said. In every
family scenario, the basic life can be affected based on the economic situation each family is in.
Each family, when put in various scenarios deals with certain circumstances differently. The family
scenario that will be applied throughout this essay was based in a single parent household, where
the father had just passed away; there were also two children which the mother had to support
on a low wage job. Within this type of family, it was noticed how it may become difficult for
single parents to conquer all the issues going on in their lives . (Statistics Canada, 2017)
Throughout the many families across Canada, 17% of children live below the poverty line
(Stats.Can 2017). When analyzing the mother s income of $3,146 a month, 37,750 a year, it
becomes obvious how easily it can become to fall into poverty with only one income, at a close to
minimum wage position. Due to the many children in these situations living in a single parent
household (Rothman, 2007), the government chose to reach out to these families and provide extra
support (Statistics Canada, 2017 2). It is important to give these families an opportunity to succeed
and to further their chances of getting
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Sandy Hook Promise Ethos Pathos Logos
Sandy Hook Promise s 2016 public service announcement (PSA) garnered attention for showing
how clear warning signs for gun violence could be easily missed. The foundation was established
after the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. It is led mainly by people who have lost
loved ones in the shooting or other instances of gunviolence (Sandy Hook Promise). The
foundation s mission is to prevent gun related deaths due to crime, suicide, and accidental
discharge so that no other parent experiences the senseless, horrific loss of their child (Sandy Hook
Promise). Sandy Hook Promise s PSA Evan utilizes pathos, ethos, and logos to demonstrate the
potential warning signs of gun violence. Pathos involves appealing to an audience s emotions....
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The Sandy Hook Promise foundation was created by people who had lost loved ones to gun
violence (Sandy Hook Promise). This supports their credibility because they have experienced first
hand what they are intending to prevent. The foundation also uses the name of a famous, recent
mass shooting. Many people were greatly affected by the news of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary
School Shooting, and using the name of it conjures up feelings that people may have had when the
event occured. The commercial, and subsequently, the foundation, avoids taking a political stance.
The foundation s website states, SHP is a moderate voice that attracts and engages the sensible
center (Sandy Hook Promise). By remaining in the center of the political spectrum, the foundation
avoids the risk of alienating potential
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Democracy Vs Representative Democracy
Abraham Lincoln (2005) defined modern democracy in three part as government of the people ,
government by the people and government for the people . Democracy started in Greek around
500 B.C. with the simple meaning of people with power, nowadays democracy could be separate
into two forms the direct democracyand the representative democracy. In this essay, I will argue
that democracy is in crisis from the following aspect, fail of the direct democracy, the decline of
representative democracy and the eroded right.
Firstly, democracy is in crisis due to fail examples of direct democracy. Referendum a primary for
of a direct democracy when people are directly consulted for government decision making and give
the decision through a vote. ... Show more content on ...
Other than representative democracy, liberal democracy has an additional liberal feature, the
freedom. In the Belmarsh case in 2001 ,for example, the freedom has been eroded. In this case,
nine men have been put in jail without trial due to UK parliament respond to the 9/11 attack in
the USA. After the judicial review, the Crime and Security Act has been changed from the
government have the power to detain anyone who was suspected without trial into the suspected
terrorist can only be held without trial up to 28 days. Human right has been eroded and people s
freedom are therefore not secure anymore (Ginsburg, 2005). Freedom of religion, another feature
of liberal democracy becomes controversial under Huntington s view of the clash of civilizations.
According to Huntington s point of view that the fundamental source of conflict in this new
world will not be primarily ideological or primarily economic, the great division among
humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural (1996), therefore, the freedom
of religion would have a possibility leads to conflict. As this brings the question to choices
between either freedom or conflict, some country chooses to abandon freedom of religion. For
example, in China government forbids the beliefs to Fa Lun Gong as it partly clashes with the
communist ideology. From the side of liberal democracy, democracy is decreasing because of the
fact that freedom is been
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Essay On Deckard In David Desser s Blade Runner
Hard boiled detective fiction and film noir are extremely prevalent in the 1982 film Blade
Runner. In his article Blade Runner. Science Fiction and Transcendence, David Desser gives
multiple examples of elements of the hard boiled universe in Blade Runner: Deckard is an ex
cop, an ex blade runner, doubtless in part because of the corruption of the system as seen in
Captain Bryant, who calls replicants skin jobs (the equivalent of calling black people niggers),
and in Gaff, who dresses like a dandy. Most importantly, however, Deckard is alienated from his
fellow man, divorced that is, not only from his wife (who he tells us, thought of him as sushi cold
fish ), but from all of humanity. It is ironic and significant that when Deckard does finally fall in
love, does finally make a genuine emotional commitment, it is with a replicant a woman who is not
a human. In order to completely understand what makes this an element of the hard boiled universe,
one must understand what hard boiled even means. In the case of... Show more content on ...
Without them, the film would be dry and wouldn t have anything for the viewers to relate to.
Deckard seems like an ordinary retired person going through the similar issue of finding himself.
An issue in which many people face in real life. Although his way of discovering himself occurs
in a much different way than it does for us because we don t have replicants that have escaped
from Off World colonies that we have to track down and eliminate. We do, however, have tasks to
complete ourselves and some do turn out to have a soul searching event that changes the way you
feel about yourself and who you are. Without the dreary setting of Los Angeles, we wouldn t be able
to empathize with the characters in the film for having to endure such poor living conditions. Hard
boiled fiction and film noir are definitely necessary components that are artfully distributed
throughout the
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Analysis Of The Poem Ceres
Two whole months; that was how long it had been since Ceres had seen here daughter Proserpina
after she left to go spend some time by the seaside while her mother worked. Ceres was tanned
with gray hair and some wrinkles from working out in the sun, tending to crops. Proserpina had
promised to be home within a month and a half to spend some time with her mother but Cereshad
not seen nor heard from her. This causes Ceres worry that her daughter had not listened to her
warnings and wandered into the dangerous forest all alone; so Ceres sets out on a journey to find
her. After her journey to the seaside, Ceres finds the sea nymphs which her daughter had traveled
with and ask them, My daughter, Proserpina, has not returned home to me would... Show more
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The sound is loud and wakes the mastiff up causing him to run towards it, away from Ceres. As
swiftly as she can, Ceres runs through the gates and away from where the mastiff stays. She quickly
runs past River Lethe and straight to King Pluto s Castle.
When she enters the castle she neither sees nor hears anyone so she decides to sneakily make
her way up the jeweled staircase. She reaches the hallway at the top of the stairs and instantly
hears a familiar voice singing in one of the rooms. She runs towards it, her heart beating as fast as
it can from joy. She opens the door to the room and gasp as she sees her Proserpina sitting in the
window. Proserpina stops singing and turns to see her mother; her heart instantly filling with
happiness. She runs towards her and hugs her while saying, Oh mother, I m so sorry I should have
listened to you!
I am just so glad I found you, I don t know what I would ve done if I couldn t find you, Ceres
chokes out through her sobbing.
Proserpina pulls away and looks her mother in the eyes, Mother we have to get out of here; King
Pluto wants to keep me here forever.
Okay, let s hurry down the staircase and get out of the castle.
They both run as fast as possible down the staircase and make it into King Pluto s garden when
they hear him say, Where do you think you are going with my dear Proserpina!
They look up to see him
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Federal Agencies
Federal Agencies 1. Determining where each agency lies within the administrative structure of the
federal government. . Objective of this paper is to discuss where the following agencies lie in the
administrative structure of the federal government: U.S. Army Corps Engineers U.S. Bureau Land
Management U.S. Coast Guard U.S. Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Geological Survey
The (USACE) United States Army Corps of Engineers is a U.S federal agency operating under the
Department of Defense. Major army command is made up of 37,000 civilians and military
personnel. The USACE supports Federal Emergency Management Agency and Department of
Homeland Security to implement the security planning, disaster preparedness efforts, and force
protection. On the other hand, U.S. Bureau Land Management (BLM) is a federal government
agency under the U.S Department of the Interior. The agency administers 253 million acres of
America s public land. Moreover, BLM manages 700 million acres of subsurface mineral estates,
which is underlying federal, state, and private lands. Moreover, the USGS (United States
Geological Survey) is a federal government agency under the U.S Department of the Interior. The
agency was created to protect human life and environment. Typically, the Geological Survey
Agency also performs survey, research and investigations covering geology, topography, hydrology,
mineral, biology and water resources for the U. S government. U.S. Environmental
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A Brief Look at Climate Change
The global climate system is complex and its response to future anthropogenic greenhouse gases
and to climate change adaptation, is often poorly understood. Climate change is an area where
modeling in the framework of complex adaptive systems can improve our knowledge both with
respect to the internal structure and adaptive mechanisms of climateand our capacity for designing
efficient climate adaptation policies. Modeling of these systems includes a dynamic system
consisting of transition equations describing the evolution of state variables characterizing the
natural system, such as CO2 concentrations in the upper and lower atmosphere and in the oceans,
and state variables characterizing the economic systems, such as physical capital and knowledge.
The complex adaptive character of the system implies that the dynamic system will be nonlinear
and nonconvex, will allow for nonlinear feedbacks and multiple basins of attraction, will evolve
both in the temporal and spatial dimension, and will be influenced by forward looking optimizing
economic agents (Xepapadeas, 2010). Moreover, any rational policy choice must consider the
uncertainty about the magnitude and timing of climate changes impact on economic productivity
(Cai et al., 2013).
The majority of the literature, including the recent U.S. Government Interagency Working Group
on the Social Cost of Carbon (IWG, 2013) does not model the stochastic nature of the climate and
economic systems. Recent work, such as that of Cai
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Positive Benefits Of Service Learning
Community service involvement is generally seen as having a positive impact on adolescents by
counselors and educators, but it is important to identify potential issues with effective service
learning. (Middleton Kelly, 1996). One of the biggest issues stems from a lack of facilitation on the
larger social issues involved with communityservice. When there is a proper forum to discuss the
experiences they receive while volunteering, students are given a chance to understand how
policies and civic involvement play a direct role in the lives of people in their communities. (Lakin
Mahoney, 2006).
Another issue is content involved in the community service activities. If teenagers are thrust into a
volunteer situation they don t understand or feel that they are simply being assigned made up work,
it can actually have a detrimental effect (Tugend, 2010). One way to make the most of volunteer
opportunities is to specifically design the content around areas of student development. By focusing
on key content areas, students learn how to use their current skill set to navigate new experiences
and difficult situations. (Lakin Mahoney, 2006).
A well organized and thoughtful volunteer opportunity has proven time and time again to be a
positive experience for youth. There are many studies that discuss the character building benefits of
service learning. Students who participate have higher academic achievements, develop critical
thinking, problem solving, decision making, planning
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The Company s Attrition Rate Essay
III. Staffing Strategy The company s attrition rate is steadily rising. Even with the higher
attrition rate, the marketing and sales teams continue to push sales in an expanding market. Due
to higher demand, the output needs to be heavily increased. All of these factors have lead
Motors and More Inc. to look into what their exact hiring needs are across the organization.
Motors and More Inc. does not currently have a HR department to assist with any of the hiring
requirements, including planning, recruiting. Having a recruiting team that can build a
relationship with the technical school and community college in the area will help draw
qualified talent. It will also help to diversify the employee pool, by reaching out to a growing
population of Kurdish and Hispanic in the area. The department will also help in the aid of having
a career succession plan in place when attrition occurs for each level of employee from entry level
up through senior management. Core Competencies Research suggests that some individuals may
be 20 times more productive than others. Clearly, any CEO would welcome as many of these
individuals into an organization as could be mass produced. Matching individual competencies
with job competency models puts individuals in positions where they can contribute most
(Rothwell 2011). Since, Motors and More, Inc. is in need of increasing their output by 96%, this
would be greatly beneficial for the company. Core competencies help a company become
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The Vietnam War By Nyguyen Thi Vinh
It is my believe that most civil wars are unnecessary and horrible. Civil wars divide families, and
can make friends have to meet on the battlefield as foes. They also ruin innocent lives, and can
uproot people from their homes. Civil wars are terrible, and make even the strongest of people
lose faith. Because of reasons like these three, I believe civil wars should not be fought. One of the
greatest crimes of civils wars is how they can make friends into enemies. The poet Nyguyen Thi
Vinh reflects this in her poems about the Vietnam War
. In one she writes about how two friends,
who used to play together, might end up fighting each other. The poem show how friends and even
brothers may be forced to killeach other. Civil wars should not
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Humanities 112 Assignment
Assignment 2: Project Paper Due Week 8 and worth 200 points The Project Paper focuses on a
suggested topic related to art, architecture, history, music, or literature. The project will reflect
your views and interpretation of the topic. This project is designed to help you stretch your
mind and your abilities to be the creative, innovative, and critical thinker you already are!
Choose one (1) of the topics from the list of topic choices below. Read the topic carefully. Write
a three to four (3 4) page paper (750 1,000 words) that responds to each of the items described in
the topic. For the topic you choose: 1. Support your ideas with specific, illustrative examples. If
there are questions or points associated with your chosen... Show more content on ...
Explain how the six pieces of art fall into these two styles. 2. In a memo, describe the appearance
of your six choices to your CEO so he or she will know what the art looks like and where it would
be placed in the corporate offices. 3. Explain why each piece is considered to be historically
significant. 4. Explain how each piece fits your company s overall (or desired) corporate image.
Keep in mind that a piece of art is supposed to say something about the owner, so describe what
would these pieces of art say about your company. New Composition. Speech. Your uncle s
birthday is in two months, and everyone knows that he loves almost all kinds of music. As a
birthday gift for him, you want to have a special piece of music composed in his honor which
will be played at a family birthday celebration. Write a speech that you will make to the
composer s agent. Include the following: 1. Narrow your choices down to three composers you
ve studied in this course. Choose one of the composers and explain why you want him to write the
birthday present music. 2. Explain why the other two composers were ultimately not selected. 3.
Specifically identify the musical elements in the composer s style that you would like to be
included in the new music written for your uncle. 4. Describe what sort of emotion is generated by
listening to the works of your selected composer; in other words, what do you want your
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Supersequences Of Discussion And Interpretance Of...
6.0Discussion and Interpretation 6.1Source Rock The major source units modelled for both
transects include the blue whale supersequence, the upper white point supersequence and the tiger
supersequences, these three units are considered to have the highest potential of having sourced
hydrocarbons that we preserved in traps. 6.2Reservoir Fluviodeltaic sandstones of the Potoroo
Formation have excellent reservoir potential (net to gross ratio of more than 70% and porosities
over 35% in Potoroo 1, and well over 20% in Gnarlyknots 1A even below 3000 m), but they may
lack an adequate regional seal. However, thick and laterally extensive claystone units within the
Hammerhead Supersequence are likely to be present and provide... Show more content on ...
Other principal reservoir candidates are deltaic sandstones of the Ceduna and Platypus formations,
where porosities of up to 30% have been encountered. Locally, marine sandstones of the Tiger
Supersequence (Wigunda and Potoroo formations) also have excellent reservoir quality. Away from
regional highs, prodelta mudstone of the Wigunda Formation provides an effective seal for these
highly porous intervals. Of secondary interest are fluviolacustrine lithologies intersected within the
Loongana and lower Borda formations. Although of highly variable reservoir quality, these
intervals have poor to moderate overall porosity, mainly due to the high depth of burial. Shales of
the Madura and Toondi formations and intraformational shale of the Loongana Formation can
provide adequate seal for these potential reservoirs. Major cap rocks exist in the Borda and
Neptune formations. Excellent quality reservoir rocks have been encountered in the overlying
Eucla Basin, within the marine Wobbegong Supersequence (Pidinga Formation and Hampton
Sandstone). 6.4Timing of Maturation and Migration Present day maturity levels, based on the
constraints described above, are shown in Figure 16. On the northern transect (Fig. 16a), the oil
window is typically reached at depths between 2.0 and 2.5 km below sea surface. Thus, along this
transect, the lower Tiger Supersequence is mature for oil generation in the central part of the
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Analysis Of The Dream Of The Rood
It is well known that the way a story is written has an impact on how the reader understands it.
There are certain aspects of a story where the author has the ability to control how it is
interpreted. The Dream of the Rood is written so that it makes it difficult for the reader to see
the difference between a savior and a warrior. If a story was written simply stating the individual
s goal rather than how that goal was achieved it would be easy to see them as a savior but it
could be difficult to see them as a warrior. Presenting literary analysis from different sources will
explain how the author portrayed the protagonists as both saviors and warriors and by comparing
characteristics of both will explain why they were portrayed this way.... Show more content on ...
In The Dream of the Rood if Christ was presented the same way, while he would still be
considered a savior, one would find it difficult to convince others to view him as warrior as well.
But, because Christ is presented as a confident hero, the poet displays his willingness and
selflessness to follow through with the crucifixion because he knows it is for the benefit of all
In the poem, the rood, or cross, is depicted as the individual telling the story of the crucifixion. The
poet writes the story so it is understood that the cross is, like Jesus, a warrior. If the cross can tell a
tale it is assumed that it would possess the ability to experience feelings. By explaining the cross
experience in the way the poet does it is easy to see how the cross possesses warrior like
I trembled when the man embraced me; I dared not bow down to earth, stoop to the surface of the
ground, but I had to stand fast.
I was reared a rood; I raised up a mighty king, the heaven s lord; I dared not bow in homage.
(Dream of the Rood, 41 45)
The poem explains the feelings of the cross throughout the crucifixion and after. Because the cross
knows what the future holds when Christ is approaching and is able to withstand the torture and
remain strong, for it knows it is fighting alongside Christ throughout the ordeal, the cross is
deserving of being considered a warrior. If the cross was taken out of this story and replaced with a
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JCPOA Argumentative Analysis
The plan has drawn bipartisan concern for many reasons, as of late the Senate Foreign Affairs
Committee held a hearing to address how Congress should respond to the JCPOA and what this
plan means post implementation day. The hearing primarily focused on concerns that are resonating
now with the JCPOA which entitle: ballistic missiles, selling of Russian military equipment to Iran,
national security threats, safety of Israel and Iran s desire to acquire a nuclear weapon.
The White House s information page clearly states that sanctions will be re imposed on Iran if they
engage in the following: development of ballistic missiles, continued support of terror, the action of
de stabilizing regions (Syria), and converting Iran currency into the US
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The Impact of Population Aging
1.1: Study Background
The population aging, in other words, the greying of the population is major concern all over the
world. Many factors are leading to population aging, namely, unwillingness to marry, late marriage,
fertility control, low birth rate and longer life span. All these factors are also related to developing
status of the country. The more the country is developing, the more the factors have stronger effect
on aging population and the age population problems of the country is more serious.
If there is no solution for the population aging, many countries, especially developing countries,
will face the problems regarding old age care. The Government of the many countries will be facing
huge ... Show more content on ...
The research questions that we prepared are as follows:
1) Discuss Age Population
2) What is population ratio in Singapore?
3) What is the effect of Age Population in Singapore?
4) How does Singapore respond to Age Population?
5) Discuss what Singapore should do to overcome to Age Population and its problems?
From the analysis of the above research questions, following research objectives are derived:
1) To describe Age Population
2) To investigate the seriousness of Age Population from the ratio
3) To understand the effect of Age Population in Singapore
4) To illustrate Singapore and Singaporean reaction to Age Population
5) To establish solutions to Age Population.
1.4: Research Structure
We will further discuss on Literature review and Research Methodology.
2.1: Age Population
Age Population means the population is mainly with older aged group (65 years and over). In
another way, it was explained as age structure of a population shifted towards older ages, Gavrilov
and Heuveline: 2003. When the majority population of a country or a region age 65 and above, its
population is aging. Population aging is mainly favoured in industrialized countries, and slower in
less developed countries.
2.2: Population ratio in Singapore
According to Singapore Population Census 2010, Singapore s current population is recorded as
5.08 million at the end of June this year. Out of 5.08 million populations,
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Lorelei The Siren Research Paper
Sirens have been known as hazardous creatures that lure sailors into a death caused by a
shipwreck, according to the website, Greek Mythology. She is Lorelei the Siren, and her life s
story is unfortunate. Her name means River of Doom , her beauty and golden hair will get any
sailors attention. More importantly is Lorelei s life as a Siren. She hides during the day, under a
bolder and comes out at night, sitting upon the rock combing her golden hair and singing her
captivating song. Lorelei lures in sailors to a death that was not even expected.
The Lorelei takes place in St. Goarshausen, Germany, on the Rhine river. According to the website
Loreley Info, she was already prominent during the middle ages. The area where the Lorelei is ...
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She has heard of this story, since it is so popular in Germany. She heard this story about sixty
years ago when she was little, her parents told her the story of Lorelei. Two years ago we took a
trip to Germany and we got to see the Lorelei rock beside the Rhine river. As were approaching
the Lorelei rock, our cruise director had told us the story about the Lorelei. The rock is large and it
measures one hundred and twenty meters above the waterline. I thought doing my myth on the
Lorelei, I would have a greater understanding since I have seen her rock by the
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The World Population Aging
Think of the world population aging
Abstract: Population aging is one of the world s population development tendency. Of the world s
population aging and the aging of the population in developed countries the same time.,China s
aging population has intensified. The aging of the population have is social progress and economic
development. This paper will analysis about Chinese and American population ageing. But, the
aging of the population has led to the burden of the working population growing problems affecting
social and economic development, legal system and other material and the spirit of building the
new requirements.So the 21 st century the aging of population across the world.
Key worlds: Population old age Population burden Sustainable development
Abstract (Chinese English)
1 . What is poplution aging?
1.1 Introduction Chinese aging problem
1.2 Introduction American aging problem
2 . Reason
2.1 The reason about Chinese aging problem
2.2 The reason about American aging problem
3.1 China solution
3.2 American solution
4. Conclusion
1.What is poplution aging?
The problem of old age is known as one of the most serious problem in today s world. The old
people can be seen everywhere. As is shown in the graph, the number of people in the world over
the age of sixty will have increased to 600 million by the end of this century. And by the time,
there will also be twice as many people over the age of eighty. In the ten
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It Is Time to Replace the Electoral College Essay
It Is Time to Replace the Electoral College In 1787, the framers of the constitution assembled and
decided how the new nation would elect its president. It took the framers little less than a month to
accomplish this task. During that month they considered various methods ranging from direct
election of the president, to selection by legislators, to selection by electors. Finally, they settled on
selection by electors, most commonly known as Electoral College. There were various reasons why
Electoral College ultimately won out. We will explore some of the reason later in this essay. I
believe that the reasons which were legitimate at the time are no longer valid and the time has
come for us to replace the Electoral College with a system... Show more content on
Before we talk about replacing the Electoral College, we must understand how it works. The
Electoral College consists of total 538 electoral votes. Of the 538, 425 votes go to the House of
Representatives, 100 votes to the Senate, and 3 go to District of Columbia, granted to them by the
Twenty third Amendment to the constitution. In the Electoral College system, each state is given a
set number of electoral votes. The number of electoral votes a state receives is determined by the
state population from the latest census records. On Election Day we are voting directly for the
electors, not the presidential candidates. So who are these elector that choose our president and
how are they selected? An elector can be any person except for a Senator or Representative or any
person holding federal office (Edwards III 3). Each state has its own method of selecting an elector.
The most common procedure used in thirty four states is for state conventions of the parties to
nominate the electors. In ten other states and the District of Columbia, the statue party s central
committee makes the nominations. One state, Arizona, authorizes nomination of the electors in
primary elections. The remaining five states use a combination of methods. The most unusual
nomination law is Pennsylvania s, which authorizes each party s presidential nominee to select
electors on his behalf. (Edwards III 2 3)
The framers idea of an elector was someone who would be
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Ap Literature Open Response Questions
2011: In a novel by William Styron, a father tells his son that life is a search for justice. Choose a
character from a novel or play who responds in some significant way to justice or injustice. Then
write a well developed essay in which you analyze the character s understanding of justice, the
degree to which the character s search for justice is successful, and the significance of this search
for the work as a whole. 2010: Palestinian American literary theorist and cultural critic Edward Said
has written that Exile is strangely compelling to think about but terrible to experience. It is the
unhealable rift forced between a human being and a native place, between the self and its true
home: its ... Show more content on ...
Conductors may of course be instruments as well as victims of the divine lightning. Select a novel
or play in which a tragic figure functions as an instrument of the suffering of others. Then write
an essay in which you explain how the suffering brought upon others by that figure contributes to
the tragic vision of the work as a whole. 2002: Morally ambiguous characters characters whose
behavior discourages readers from identifying them as purely evil or purely good are at the heart
of many works of literature. Choose a novel or play in which a morally ambiguous characters
plays a pivotal role. Then write an essay in which you explain how the character can be viewed
as morally ambiguous and why his or her moral ambiguity is significant to the work as a whole.
Avoid mere plot summary. 2001: One definition of madness is mental delusion or the eccentric
behavior arising from it. But Emily Dickinson wrote Much Madness is divinest Sense To a
discerning Eye Novelists and playwrights have often seen madness with a discerning
Eye. Select a novel or play in which a character s apparent madness or irrational behavior plays
an important role. Then write a well organized essay in which you explain what this delusion or
eccentric behavior consists of and how it might be judged reasonable. Explain the significance of
the madness to the work as a whole. Do not merely summarize the plot. 2000: Many works of
literature not
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Roanoke Voyage Research Paper
The Roanoke Voyages were England s first attempt at settling in North America. Sir Walter
Raleigh asked for Queen Elizabeth s permission to begin exploration and she agreed to let him
organize the expedition. However, he was not allowed to be physically involved in the actual
voyages because she believed he was a valuable asset to her and did not want him travelling far
away. The first expedition, in 1584, was an exploratory venture. Sir Walter Raleigharranged for two
ships to begin the exploration. The two captains of the ships were Arthur Barlowe and Philip
Amadas. They discovered fertile land with plenty of game. The area, near the Pamlico and
Currituck, would be a great place to begin settlement. In addition to their own accounts of the
journey, they also brought back two native Americans, named Manteo and Wanchese, to help the
English learn more about the land they may eventually colonize.... Show more content on ...
This voyage was more of a military venture. It has since been named the Lane Settlement , after the
veteran Ralph who helped command the voyage and was later named governor of the settlement.
During his time in the New World , Lane directed parties to the North and West, to find more
information about potential places for settlement. Natives told tales of potential Gold mines and
calmer waters for better ship harbors. Hostility and violences between Lane s men and their
primary food and supply source, the Secotan tribe, forced the settlers to return to England.
Fortunately, they returned with detailed accounts of their experiences. Two major contributors of
this information were Thomas Harriot and John White. Harriot returned with descriptions of local
plants, animals, and people while White had drawn drawn useful maps along with watercolors of
landscapes and natives he had seen during his time spent at the Lane
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Separtion of Church and State Essay
The Constitution of the United States was written to give citizens certain privileges and rights in
the way of free thought and freedom. The Establishment Clause was one way that civilians were
protecting religious liberty by the separation of church and state. Within our political and school
systems there have been a number of controversial issues to include religious holidays, school
prayer, teaching evolution and aid to church based schools. The Supreme Court has ruled in many
cases in regards to these religious controversial issues. The First Amendment states Congress shall
make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or
abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the... Show more content on ...
The wall of separation that maintains between state and church in the Constitution was viewed and
the Blacks questioned the state s interest in expeditiously and safely getting the kids to the
schools needed. In the end it was ruled to get the kids to school safely. Often in parochial schools
parents are given vouchers to help pay for private schools. Some say this is an issue regarding the
Establishment clause. In 1973 Committee for Public Education v. Nyquist, the high court
invalidated a New York state program that provided tuition reimbursements to poor parents whose
children attended private schools, 85% of which were religious (Leaming, n.d.). The courts ruled
that New York had a primary effect of advancing religion. Since Nyquist the voucher programs are
one step closer to being recognized as constitutional through the Supreme Court. The Constitution
permits vouchers to be available for both religious and private schools through the government.
School vouchers also raised arguments from opponents and proponents. Opponents raised concern
that talented students were pulled from public schools which lowered their quality of learning
while the proponents claimed their children would receive a much better education. In 1962 Engel
Et Al v. Vitale Et Al case were Prayer in the Public schools was a violation of the First Amendment s
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Controlling The Borders Of The United States And Mexico
Controlling the borders of the United States and Mexico has always been a dilemma that seeks
attention and needs a new, innovative way to reduce the amount of immigrants crossing the
border illegally. Many attempts have been made by current presidents as well as previous
presidents who have had different views from each other and are still unable to solve the hurdles
of controlling the border. Mai Ngai makes the struggle known by stating that the previous
attempted laws that have been put in place to solve the problem will end in another failure. She
calls them inhumane and hopes to give immigrants a chance for citizenship. Although I Agree with
Mae Ngai s Idea of putting in a system that stresses the principles of flexibility and fairness,
however I see faults in her view point of welcoming immigrants to the country to work. On the other
hand I do not think that all immigrationshould be cut off entirely, as that may cause negative
effects on the America s economy. Mai Ngai mentions that the United States One size fits all rule
favors northern and western European immigration and is a restriction on densely populated
countries like Mexico. If this law were to allow a higher percentage of immigrants to be
documented and allowed in the United States, then negative effects would ensue in places near the
border like Texas. When the population increases rapidly it will be harder for police enforcement
and may cause an increase in pollution and poverty. This is something UTA
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Evaluation Of An E File System
Painters Case Study This is a thought provoking case study which, like most of the effort in
Sociotechnical Theory, is concentrated on a certain type of production system , in this case an E
File system. Socio Technical Theory is an intellectual model that helps us recognize patterns in the
way technology is used. How well businesses can utilize this model can make or break the success
or failure of an organization as they change the way they do business or introduce new technology
to their workforce. In looking at the case study by Painter B he mentions the renovation of a paper
method to an electronic E file system. Reasons standing behind these changes were noted;
Claims from injured
Delayed payment on claims
Rising costs of disability benefits. According to Painter (NA), The Electronic Claim File system
was customized for the assertion of reimbursement and compensation division of an insurance
conglomerate, Workers Compensation Board (p.2). The firm had huge client database and hence
the main task was to collect data, weigh evidence, and relate specified information in making
difficult decisions about workers injury compensation entitlements in an assortment of businesses.
Painter, the author of this study executed a sequence of before and after evaluations and
comprehensive consultations, approved and developed by labor and executives, to aid them closely
with the effects of E File transition on the employees, during the periods of pilot testing
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Causes Of The Tiananmen Square Massacre
In 1989 Beijing, China at the Forbidden City, an event happened on June 4th at the Tiananmen
Square. There was a massacre caused by the government at the Tiananmen Square, due to the
actions of the university students protesting for democracy. But thousands of university students
along with Chinese citizens were slayed and arrested that night including my friends Lao Xu and
Xin Hua. Well, my dad was also part of the event, but he did not die. Instead he was arrested by the
soldiers at the Tiananmen Square, while I was still stuck there watching the massacre. The students
wanted democracy because they wanted to choose what they wanted to do with their lives, so the
government don t tell them what to do. After the massacre that took place
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Pros And Cons Of Gun Control On A College Campus
Gun control is a major topic in today s society and It is broken into many subcategories that all
have different arguments and views. A few examples are The Second Amendment is not an
unlimited right to own guns, more gun control laws would reduce gun deaths and more gun control
leads to fewer suicides in the United States. The guncontrol category I am focusing on in this essay
is, should teachers and students be able to carry firearmson a college campus. I chose this since I
am currently attending college and this could have an effect directly on me or ASU. The idea of
teachers and staff being able to carry firearms on a college campus has come up many times in
the media recently due to the rise in mass shootings. Many states are now looking at this
problem and voting on it. This topic is always heavily debated due to the many different sides
and varying beliefs on gun control and safety. The NRA (National Rifle Association) has a
heavy influence on the united states and who should be allowed guns and what legislation is
passed. The gun control topic of firearms on a college campus has become politicized and is
commonly drawn into political debates and has become a political tool for winning elections.
Some states have already voted and taken action on this new idea and have allowed staff to carry
guns on campuses and in cars parked and locked in secure parking lots. Another major idea that is
constantly brought up with campus carry and firearms on campuses is student
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Impact Of The Smartphone On Students, Teachers, And...
The relatively recent escalation of smartphones across the world has brought about many
circumstances that no one had imagined prior to the 21st century. One potentially major impact of
the smartphone is its effect on students, teachers, and educational facilities. In this paper, I will
explore the impact of the rhetorical devices used by the authors of two scholarly articles from
different academic fields. Using Smartphones to Supplement Classroom Reading by Karen Bromley
is written in the applied field of education; and, You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make
him learn: Smartphone use in higher educationby Chad C. Tossell and his team of authors
originates from the academic field of the social sciences. Although Bromley and Tossell are both
writing on the impact of smartphones in education, their differing uses of rhetorical devices allows
Tossell to effectively reach a scholarly audience, while Bromley s article is appealing to the general
1. Overview of Each Article
In Using Smartphones to Supplement Classroom Reading, Karen Bromley, a professor at
Binghamton University in New York, investigates a how the use of a smartphone to read affects
herself and how it might impact students. She emphasizes the aspect of using a smartphone to
perform minor research tasks while reading, such as searching for definitions of words or additional
context. Continuing to examine the exploratory side of smartphones, Bromley suggests that having
easy access
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Tata Steel Project
Tata Steel, formerly known as TISCO and Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited, is the world s
sixth largest steel company, with an annual crude steel capacity of 31 million tonnes. It is the
largest private sector steel company in India in terms of domestic production. Ranked 258th on
Fortune Global 500, it is based in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India. It is part of Tata Group of
companies. Tata Steel is also India s second largest and second most profitable company in private
sector with consolidated revenues of Rs 1,32,110 crore and net profit of over Rs 12,350 crore
during the year ended March 31, 2008. Backed by 100 glorious years of experience in steel
making, Tata Steel is among the top ten steel producers in the world ... Show more content on ...
In 1973, the Steel Authority of India Ltd. (SAIL) was created as a holding company to oversee
most of India s iron and steel production.
Established in 1907, it is the first integrated steel plant in Asia and is now the world`s second
most geographically diversified steel producer and a Fortune 500 Company. Its main plant is
located in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, with its recent acquisitions; the company has become a
multinational with operations in various countries. The Jamshedpur plant contains the DCS
supplied by Honeywell. The registered office of Tata Steel is in Mumbai. The company was also
recognized as the world s best steel producer by World Steel Dynamics in 2005. The company is
listed on Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange of India, and employs about
82,700 people (as of 2007). Tata Steel has a balanced global presence in over 50 developed
European and fast growing Asian markets, with manufacturing units in 26 countries. It was the
vision of the founder; Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata., that on 27th February, 1908, the first stake
was driven into the soil of Sakchi. His vision helped Tata Steel overcome several periods of
adversity and strive to improve against all odds. Tata Steel`s Jamshedpur (India) Works has a crude
steel production capacity of 6.8 MTPA which is slated to increase to 10 MTPA by 2010. The
Company also has proposed three Greenfield steel projects in the
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Is The Rational Actor Hypothesis Used Throughout The...
We can usefully predict the behaviour of others in group contexts by assuming that they are acting
rationally. This is the rational actor hypothesis used throughout the social sciences. To usefully
apply this idea we need a definition of rationality; the one we will analyze is that people maximize
some utilityin deciding on an action. To understand what is meant by utility consider the following
concept. A payoff is a reward in a game that has a definite expected worth (e.g. money) that is
known to both players of a game. A utility is then something which causes payoff maximization, the
maximization of such payoffs by players, given the information available to them plus the
assumption that other players are playing to maximize their payoffs. A key assumption of the
model is that maximizing a utility leads to a fixed set of preferences, in order for any sort of
uniqueness to be present in predictions. This idea of rationality through payoff maximization rests
on the Von Neumann Morgenstern utility theorem. This theorem says that given four axioms
(defined in the Glossary): completeness, transitivity, continuity, and independence, there always
exists a utility function which a player in a game maximizes when making a decision. My
contention in this paper is that utility maximization and therefore the rational actor hypothesis is
too broad of an idea to be of practical use.
While the axioms of payoff rationality clearly imply consistency of behaviour, since transitivity and
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Archetypes In The Hobbit
The Hobbit is a novel that is actually a prequel to the Lord of the Rings trilogy. How to Read
Literature like a Professor explained a vast amount of archetypes that could be compared to Bilbo
s journey in The Hobbit . A hero s quest and communion will be up for discussion and compared to
certain parts of Bilbo Bagginsjourney.
Bilbo is a timid hobbit. He is also comfortable and compact in his secure little hole at Bag End.
One day Gandalf persuaded him into going on a quest with Thorin s dwarves. Bilbo got scared so
he fainted. As the story goes on, Bilbo prevails in the face of danger and adversity, justifying a
claim that Gandalf brought up that there is more to the little hobbit than what he thought. What is a
quest? A quest is
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Egyptian Creation Myth Vs Greek Mythology
Myths are clearly important to a mythology, and there always seems to be two very important
myths one needs to know about in a mythology. How they believe the earth and the gods came to
be and the afterlife for the mortals. The Egyptian creation myth is not very detailed, most likely
due to how it was originally written and years of being told and retold. According to Donald A.
Mackenzie, in the book Egyptian Myth and Legend, Ra was the first god and was the one who
created or helped created the original eight deities. Shu (god of wind and air), Tefnut (goddess of
rain), Seb (god of the earth or ground), and Nut (goddess of firmament) where the first four gods,
then Seb and Nut created Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys (1 2). Though in some tellings... Show
more content on ...
Alexander Eliot, who wrote the book Myth, states that in the creation of the begin with Gaea,
who is considered the goddess of the earth and is the earth itself (82). Gaea and her husband,
Uranus (who was the god of the sky) filled the lands with their children. But Uranus did not love
his kids, in fact, he hated them so much that he had them locked away within Gaea. Among
these children were the Titans, and Gaea begged for them to get rid of Uranus so that they could
roam free. The youngest Titan named Cronus agreed to get rid of his father and took sickle from
his mother before heading above ground. Once he found Uranus, Cronus chopped him into small
pieces and scattered him around the earth, which sprouted furies from his blood and Aphrodite
from his testicles. Before he died though, Uranus told Cronus that Cronus s own son would take
down Cronus. Due to his father s words, Cronus would eat his kids as soon as they were born in
order to remain in power. However, Rhea, Cronus s wife, tricked him into eating a rock wrapped in
a blanket instead of devouring Zeus and years later Zeus overthrew Cronus (82). Now, there are
clear differences between the two myths such as one being much more detailed than the other and
in the Egyptian myth the gods were created and there was nothing before them. But there is one
theme that connects the Greek s myth about creation and the Egyptian myth about Isis, Ra, and
the Snake. The idea of power and doing anything to get it. Isis was more than willing to almost
kill her grandfather and/or her creator to be more powerful. Uranus locked away his kids, then
Cronus ate his kids to stop from being overthrown. Ironically, the underworld and judgment is not
as harsh as the creation of the world, granted it is not the particularly great either. The book was
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Brian L. Roberts Case Analysis
Brian L. Roberts is an American businessman, and is chairman and CEO of Comcast
Corporation, an American company providing cable entertainment, and communication products.
Brian has worked at Comcast since graduating from The Wharton School of the University of
Pennsylvania. He was named President of Comcast Corporation in 1990 when the company had
$657 million in annual revenue. Comcast Corporation s annual revenue has since grown to nearly
$69 billion.
Roberts was born into a Jewish family in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The son of Suzanne
Fleisher , and Ralph J. Roberts. Roberts served as the President of Jones Intercable Inc. since
April 7, 1999. Prior thereto, he served as an Executive Vice President of Comcast since June
1987 and ... Show more content on ...
He studied all aspects of business management while he attended the university.
Work History:
Brian has worked at Comcast since graduating from The Wharton School of the
University of Pennsylvania. Under his leadership, Comcast has grown into a global Fortune 50
company uniquely positioned at the intersection of media and technology with two primary
businesses, Comcast Cable and NBCUniversal. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the
National Cable Telecommunications Association (NCTA), where he served as Chairman for two
consecutive terms. Brian is also Director Emeritus of CableLabs, the research and development
consortium for the cable industry, where he served three terms as Chairman.
Leadership Highlights Characteristic:
Brian has done so much work that has made him one of the best leaders. Brian has won numerous
business and industry honors for his leadership. Most recently, he was recognized by fortune
magazine as a Businessperson of the Year and named one of America s top CEOs by institutional
investor magazine for the eighth time. He also received the Humanitarian award from the Simon
Wiesenthal Center.
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Consequentialist Theory Of Virtue Ethics
Virtue ethics is a theory that usually has a role of character and virtue in the world of moral
philosophy rather than either doing one s duty or acting in order to bring about good consequences.
In some article they said that some people that give professional advice about moral are called
virtue ethicist. When talking about virtueethicstheories, you need to understand that it came from
Aristotle who declared that, a virtuous person is someone who has ideal character traits. He also
said that these traits are originated from natural internal tendencies, but need to be cherished;
however, once established, they will become stable.
One example would be, a virtuous person is someone who is always kind in any situation over a
lifetime because that is her or his personal character and not because she wants to maximize self
value or gain favors but simply do her or his duty. In the other hand, deontological and
consequentialist theories (that are in the same category) are theories of virtue ethics that do not help
primarily to identify universal principles that can be applied in any moral situation. When talking
about virtue ethics ... Show more content on ...
It may initially be identified as the one that emphasizes the virtues, or moral character, in
contrast to the approach that emphasizes duties or rules or that emphasizes the consequences of
actions. Here are some examples of these normative ethics. A person is in need and it is clear
that this person needs to be helped. A utilitarian will go to help this person to the fact that the
outcome of doing so will maximize well being, in the other hand the deontologist would go and
help this person to the fact that, in doing so the agent will be acting in accordance with a moral
rule such as Do unto others as you would be done by and the last one, a virtue ethicist would go
and help this person to the fact that helping the person would be helpful or
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Founding Fathers Hypocritical
The founding fathers may have been smart but they were lacking of important human qualities.
Compared to some of the world leaders we have today, that s no question. Despite being that smart,
you would think they would try not to be hypocritical, when writing one of the most important
document in the history of the United States. The constitution s preamble is hypocritical, it was
then and it is now, but more so in 1789. The Preamble was hypocritical in 1789 because of the
votingsystem that the US had, when the Preamble says Insure domestic Tranquility , and when the
Preamble says We the people.
The founding fathers brought in a system of voting for their leader, this system was very corrupt
at the time of 1789, and made the preamble look even more hypocritical. The major reason that
this made the Preamble look bad is because the Preamble said We the people, the word people,
means ... group of human beings (men or women or children) collectively The main word in the
definition is human, this means everyone. The last time I checked, only rich property owning
white guys could vote in the US states in 1789, excluding Virginia where women could vote. There
are also other reasons for the voting system making the Preamble hypocritical, like the fact that the
Preamble says they will secure the Blessings of Liberty for ourselves... this is hypocritical because
the voting system only let some people secure their blessings, like bankers and merchants, the other
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Burj Khalif An Embodiment Of Islamic Architecture
Burj Khalifa is the largest megatall skyscraper in the world, standing at an astounding 828 meters
(2716.5 feet). It serves as the centerpiece for downtown Dubai, one of the seven emirates that make
up its country, and was designed by Adrian Smith, then representing Skidmore, Owings Merrill. It
was under construction from January of 2004, until December of 2009, finally opening its doors on
January 4th of 2010. The building is an embodiment of Islamic architecture, incorporating both
cultural and historical elements of the region into the visage of the building. This style was chosen
very deliberately, meant to enrich the, at the time, recently developed downtown Dubai. The
building has since received widespread international attention for various reasons. Some laud the
records that the building shattered and the many awards it has received, while others commend the
manner in which it has elevated the city of Dubai.
The Dubai government decided to build the Burj Khalifa as a way to diversify their economic
portfolio. Their economy had long been based solely on oil and they decided that they wanted to
generate more interest and international recognition for Dubai, thus increasing tourism and overall
improving the emirate s economy. The skyscraper served its purpose and drew a lot of additional
interest towards Dubai, receiving many awards. For example, the Burj Khalifa is recognized as the
tallest existing, or ever built, free standing structure. It is also the building
... Get more on ...
What Does Fire Symbolize In Jane Eyre
Fire, the red room and the splintered chestnut tree are all very powerful and symbolic objects
that play a big role in the story of Jane Eyre; and it also symbolizes Jane as a person who has many
disadvantages in life. The following paragraphs will explain in detail why this objects represent
Jane and how it all ties together as a story.
A candle is a very accurate representation of fire. I chose a candle as an object that represents Jane
because of the passion and fury that she demonstrates in the first stage of her life, at Gateshead.
Fire is symbolic of her emotions and how she truly feels. The following quotes will represent much
of her internal conflicts and her emotional issues.
Wicked and cruel! I said. You are a like a murderer you are like a slave driver you are like the
Roman emperors! .... Dear! dear! What fury to fly at master John!... Did ever anybody see such
a picture of passion! (pg 8). In this quote, Jane is exploding with anger at her cousin John Reed.
She is super mad at him and calls him cruel and a murderer . The way in which she goes off on
him is very emotional and frowned upon because of her gender and social class. Bessie and Miss
Abbot claim Jane to be a picture of passion and exclaim that Jane must have been in a massive fury
attack to act ... Show more content on ...
I shall remember how you trust me back roughly and violently into the red room, and locked me up
there, to my dying day; though I was in agony... (pg 42) In this quote, Jane exhibits angry and
passionate emotions towards her aunt, Mrs. Reed, she exclaims that she cannot live without love
and kindness and that her aunt has no pity . This quote exhibits the most hatred that Jane has felt
throughout this whole novel and shows her need for powerful emotions, such as love. Both of these
quotes give an accurate representation of how Jane s emotions resemble
... Get more on ...
Analysis Of Bob Dylan s Song George Jackson
In the document called George Jackson the author is Bob Dylan. Bob Dylan is an American
song writer who wrote this song and many others. Bob Dylan was born in May 1941 and is still
alive today (Wikipedia, 2018). He was born in Duluth, Minnesota. Bob Dylan was born with the
name Robert Allen Zimmerman (Wikipedia, 2018). Bob Dylan was known for talking about his
generation and singing in his songs about how they feel. That he was called the finger pointin
songs (Arnove Zinn, pg. 493). This song was written in 1971. It was delivered in song format in
1971 And sung by Bob Dylan in 1971 to tell how he felt about George Jackson death.
Use at the time it was created:
The purpose of this documents was to play tribute to the black ... Show more content on ...
Bob Dylan said I woke up this mornin There were tears in my bed They killed a man I really
loved Shot him through the head (Arnove Zinn, pg. 492). This is the beginning showing his
tribute to George and how sad it was for a man to die that he really loved. The next point he
makes is trying to say he is innocent and should not have been lock up and had the key thrown
away. Bob Dylan said, Sent him off to prison For a seventy dollar robbery Closed the door
behind him And they threw away the key (Arnove Zinn, pg. 492). This is showing how he is
using the first time he was arrested to make him look innocent when the time he was killed in
jail was when he been convicted of killing a guard. Dylan said Prison guards, they cursed him As
they watched him from above But they were frightened of his power They were scared of his
love. Lord, Lord, So they cut George Jackson down. Lord, Lord, They laid him in the ground.
(Arnove Zinn, pg. 493). This the point he is showing that the guards killed him because they
were scared of his power that he had and the love that he could give and that they had to get rid
of him from taken over them from all of the people reading his book. That after he was killed it
started revolution in other prisons because of his book that everyone read and from him being
killed. That this is showing how the government was losing control and that they had to get rid
of him, so he would not take power away from the government anymore. This just shows how
Bob Dylan main points was to play tribute to him and to make look innocent and to be a very
powerful and loving man that will be missed. You can use this in argument to show how much he
will be missed. You can also use it show how power he was that it made Bobo Dylan write a song
about the guy. You could also use it in a history paper to tell about different time of the government
... Get more on ...
Essay on Christians and Marriage
Christians and Marriage
= Religions (Myrtle Langley)
= Beliefs, Values and Traditions (Ann Lovelace Joy White)
= WGGS Resource Sheet
= WGGS Notes
= Daily Express November 2000
= Milestones (Celia Collinson Campbell Miller)
= From the Cradle (Kevin O Donnell)
a) Describe and explain the Christians teaching about marriage (be sure to include
Biblical evidence). (24 marks)
Marriage is an important ritual in the life of a Christian. The Old Testament talks about marriage in
the Creation story, showing it has been important since the beginning of time. When God created
the world and ... Show more content on ...
They talk about how the couple will always be together. From this day forward… til death do
us part; according to God s holy vow (Milestones). The commitment is from now on, it is for life
and the only way it can be discontinued is when God takes a life if we live; we live to the Lord. If
we die, we die to the Lord. But whether we live or die we belong to the Lord (Bible). They explain
how the couple will always be there for each other for richer for poorer…for better for
worse…in sickness and in health (Milestones). Through the easier times and the hard ones, to
enjoy the fun, but help strengthen the relationship through the tougher times. These three vows
describe how the are together as one flesh (Bible) and it also suggest sexual intimacy as an
expression of love. The marriage vows describe all the aspects of marriage.
Marriages are based on love, they talk about love for one another as Jesus said I give you a new
commandment: love one another; as I have loved you, so you are to love one another . To love
someone one must be able to completely forgive them, just as Jesus forgave Peter for denying him
three times. Love goes deeper and means more than just on the surface. The ring in marriage
symbolises how the couple s love will be everlasting as the ring has no beginning and no end.
There are a lot of purposes to marriage as well. Some Christian s consider
... Get more on ...
Why Is Othello Black In The Play
In the play Othello I believe the character Othello should be played by a black man for many
reasons, One being in the play they describe Othello as a black in many different ways, most
being derogatory, Othello in the play we watch was a white man that painted himself black
because they didn t want a black actor on stage another reason is letting the character have an
actor more true for the part it would make no sense to have a black actor painted white for a play
and vise versa.
Othello in the play was described as a black man mostly in derogatory terms such as thick lips,
African horse, a noble brave man. The man is black in the book he should be in the acting play,
it is so incredibly offensive that they have a white person painted black, because they don t want
to hire a black man. They way I see it is if the whole play they talk about a black man wouldn t it
make the most sense to have the actor be a black man. I think regardless of the hate and
discrimination of a black actor the acting team should have swallowed their racist pride and let an
African American play ... Show more content on ...
They said in the video that the man who was white and painted himself black to be Othello
would take three hours getting ready trying to act like a black man how ridiculous does that
sound? An actor should not have to spend hours in a room trying to fit into a black mans
persona. Would it not make the most sense to hire a black man who doesn t have to act like a black
guy. In London a black man played Othello his name was Paul Robinson he played Othello part so
well a reviewer said No white man should ever dare play the part again this is proving even in the
1930s people still believed the part was best portrayed with a black
... Get more on ...
Treating Long-term Elderly Patents with Pressure Ulcers
Serial Sharp Debridement and Formulated Collagen Gel to Treat Pressure Ulcers in Elderly Long
term Care Patients: A Case Study
Patients at Long Term Care Facilities are generally debilitated and elderly people who have
incontinence problems. Incontinence makes treating pressure ulcers very difficult because it alters
tissue tolerance and reapplying products becomes very costly. Usually negative pressure wound
therapy (NPWT) is used to treat pressure ulcers but it is also very costly and does not match with
some wound locations. Collagen plays a vital role in the wound healing process by creating a
framework for the adhesion, movement, and production of new cells. This study determined the
effects and uses of Type 1 formulated collagen on granulation tissue formation and
reepithreelialization in chronic pressure ulcers.
Eligible participants for the application of Type 1 formulated collagen gel must 1) have an open
pressure ulcer at least 2.0 cm in diameter that did not heal after using NPWT and 2) have no
symptoms of and wound or bone infection. The three patients in the study had a wound of at least
18 months and had showed no signs of improvement during 4 weeks of NPWT. The patients
received the standard care including the treatment of moist wound healing and debridement,
prevention of additional skin breakdown, and maintenance of functional abilities. Before beginning
the use of collagen gel, sharp debridement was performed with additional sharp debridement
performed at
... Get more on ...
Mainstreaming Of National Australia Bank
Mainstreaming of National Australia Bank: The most widely used the perspective of cultural
change and can reflect very tangible and visible across the organization (Schultz, 1994). There must
be a consensus across the organization and that can be reflected through different media
organizations such as performance targets and metrics, formal and informal rules, business
strategies and management practices governing the stories.
Differentiation Perspective: Culture is considered as an amalgam of different cultures combined or
picked up that bind within the limits of the organization as a whole (Martin, 2002). Since it is more
focused on the contradictions at the core of the culture that gives the organization the opportunity
to correct these inconsistencies best culture background. If inconsistencies are identified various
cultural initiators can be identified within the organization, both internally and externally.
Ambiguity Perspective: This perspective does not follow the opinion of integration and
differentiation of cultural perspective, it suggests that the relationship between cultural
manifestations do not have adequate clarity but lack clarity (Martin, 2002). Individuals in an
organization may have views and shared values with each other, but in certain views or values
may be different. It is seen as the most realistic perspective on culture, allowing employees to bring
forth the issues with which they do not agree with their line managers (Frost et al., 1991). Once
... Get more on ...

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Can You Write An Essay On A Tablet

  • 1. Can You Write An Essay On A Tablet 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Can You Write An Essay On A Tablet Can You Write An Essay On A Tablet
  • 2. How Failure Is Failure Failure is an option Every successful entrepreneur must be have this traits which is failure is an option . Failure is an option can be define as when you do something wrong, you learn from it, and try to avoid damage and do your best. Normally people is try to escape for making a mistake or avoid to fail while doing something. We should always prepare a plan B for doing anything else, it is because instead of we are doing wrong at least we having a plan B. Learn from the mistake and take it as a reference avoid to step the mistake again. Beside that, failure is not the opposite of success, it s a stepping stone to success. Do not means that everybody is set out to fail, but we should realize the possible to fail, and prepared to deal. Use the possible of failure as motivation to be prepared for all possibilities. Sometimes failure is a platform for provide the information to help us do things differently and by the next time you are taking risk more and more intelligently. When we was a child, try to make more mistake,... Show more content on ... To made a new star in this series, and he has created a new character named Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. Within a year, Walt Disneywas made up to 26 of these Oswald cartoons, but later when he tried to get some additional money from his distributor for continued the second year of the cartoons, he found that the distributor had gone behind his back .The distributor make his own studio and his signed up almost all of animators including Oswald cartoons who was making by Walts, because he hope that the profit he earn become more if without share with Walts. When Walts aware and he read back the contract signing with the distributor, he realized that he did not own the rights of the animator Oswald. It was a painful lesson for the young cartoon producer to learn. From then on, he saw to it that he owned everything that he ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Contributions to America Essay Contributions to America Early American society was comprised of many different elements. The biggest contributions to the society was the American Indians, Africans, and, of course, the English, the biggest of the three. Their relationship together was far different than what we have today. You wouldn t just see some African and view him as just another American. It also didn t have a triangular connection, where everyone interacted in some way with everyone else. Instead it was more along the lines of the Africans relationship with the English, and the Indians relationship with the English, not the Africans and Indians relationship together. To take a closer look at this we need to first look at each people separately. Native Americans ... Show more content on ... They were both hierarchical, but they their nature differed considerably. The English s hierarchy was inherited through their father. But the authority of the some of the Indian leaders rested on consensus. So when the English tried to negotiate treaties, they overestimated to ability of chiefs to make independent decisions for their people. They also had different views on the holdings of land. The Indian believed that know one owned the land, it was just for everyone to work on. The English, however, was the exact opposite. They insisted on having their own farms, and buying and selling land. Basically, above all, the English settlers believed unwaveringly in the superiority of their civilization. Because of this belief of superiority, the English settlers felt that they could do anything they wanted to the land or the inferior Indians on it. They expanded and expanded to the point that the Indians felt in danger. Because of this they would occasionally fight back. Opechancanough, a tribal and war leader, launched several coordinated attacks on the settlers. By the end of the day, about one quarter, or 347, lay dead. They only stayed alive because of a warning by two Christian converts. The encroachment of the Indians land is the primary cause of this war.3 Another major race that contributed to the early American society was the Africans. They may not have been from the same culture, but the black Africans ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Independent Travel And Flashpackers The concepts of solo travel and independent travel are used throughout this section. Independent traveller is a phrase to describe diverse tourists who are different from the mass, organised tourists. They have different needs and motivations than mass tourists. It is known as fully independent traveller (Wilson, 2004). Chai (1996) describes independent travellers as tourists who do not travel via a fully inclusive package or in groups and the duration they stay compared with other tourists is longer. According to Hyde and Lawson (2003) in a study entitled The Nature of Independent Travel , three characteristics which has identified in the nature of independent travel such as the experiences of a traveller is an itinerary, travellers are willing to take risks in vacations and travellers possess a desire for the unplanned experiences. It can be... Show more content on ... Despite the traditional term backpacker that is commonly known as independent traveller, Hannam and Diekmann (2010) have introduced the term flashpackers . Flashpackers are the contemporary key evolved from backpackers where it is defined as backpackers who travels with an expensive backpack or troller type and stays in various types of accommodations. These travellers are normally applied to older travellers where they have greater disposable income than the traditional backpackers. On the other hand, solo travel is referred to the status of one s arrival status (Foo, 1999). Solo travellers may arrive in the country alone, but it doesn t mean that they will travel alone for the entire duration. They will be connected and communicate with other tourists or locals people. Tourists using the holiday experience as single individuals. It means they book single rooms, eat out alone, explore the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Of Civil Disobedience In SophoclesAntigone And Martin... While Antigone and Martin Luther King Jr. both believe a higher good requires them to disobey specific laws, they carry out civil disobedience in different ways. Dr. King publicly fought for Civil Rights through nonviolent protests, marches, and speeches, while Antigone opposed the law of her uncle Kreon and buried her brother, knowing she would be killed. King s Letter from a Birmingham Jail shows the difference between unjust and just laws and his public administration led to a change in racial injustice still clear today, while Antigone attempts to show Kreon his unjust ways instead of saving herself. Although Antigone died for her dedication to family, I sympathize more with Martin Luther King Jr. because his letter and continuous engagement in civil disobedienceled to a change for the higher good still present in America today. In Sophocles Antigone, the character Antigone engages in civil disobedience by burying her brother Polyneices and opposing the law of her uncle Kreon. She openly decides to obey the gods and show dedication to her family, even if it meant leading to her death (Blondell). Instead of fighting for her life, Antigone attempts to show Kreon that his law is against the gods and unjust. Throughout the play, Antigone justifies her decision to bury her brother, despite other s opinions. For example, when Antigone first decides to defy Kreon s law she states, what I shall suffer will be far less dire than dying an ignoble death (Blondell 96 97). ... Get more on ...
  • 6. History of the Funeral Rule Essay HISTORY OF THE FUNERAL RULE The roots of the Funeral Rule are found in two books that were published in the late 60 s Unsafe At Any Speed by Ralph Nader and The American Way of Death by Jessica Midford. In the late 1960 s, the FTC was a paper tiger. Ralph Nader, who began the consumer protection movement in this country with the publication of Unsafe At Any Speed, was a sharp critic of the Federal Trade Commission for its lack of consumer protection. Specifically, the FTC was criticized because it relied too heavily on consumer complaints and brought enforcement actions only on a case by case basis. The consumer protection movement wanted the FTC to proceed against entire industries rather than individual businesses. The ... Show more content on ... In March, 1976, the FTC received over 9,000 comments on the proposed rulemaking. The Final Notice of Rulemaking was published in 1976 and identified 30 disputed areas of fact. These were the focus of six public hearings that were held from April through August of 1976. There were 315 witnesses, many of which provided anecdotal evidence. There was very little empirical data such as surveys and valid economic studies. Following the hearings, the presiding officer issued his report. Additional comments were submitted by the public and the Final Staff Report was delivered to the Commission in 1979. The FTC tentatively approved the Funeral Rule in March, 1979. The funeral industry went to Congress and was able to obtain some relief in the form of the FTC Improvements Act of 1980. That statute imposed new procedural safeguards in the FTC rulemaking process. It also required the FTC to republish the Funeral Rule and take additional comments using the new procedural safeguards. In 1981, the FTC republished the Rule and began a new proceeding. That led to the promulgation of the Funeral Rule in 1982. After the NFDA unsuccessfully appealed the Rule to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, the Rule took effect on January 1, 1984. The Funeral Rule which was finally adopted was less onerous then the one originally proposed. NFDA was successful in having certain provisions deleted from the original Rule such as a requirement to have written ... Get more on ...
  • 7. ##hol s Meaning Of Barbiturach, 1962 By Andy Warhol Andy Warhol s work, Marilyn Diptych, 1962 is a depiction of an image of Marilyn Monroe who was a famous actress as well as a sex symbol but had a dark ending, dying of barbiturate overdose. In this work, Warhol captures both the life and tragic death of the superstar by recreating a publicity photo of her. In the painting, the actress s face is portrayed fifty times, twenty five times in color on the right and the same number of times in black and white on the left. One way to understand how this specific work should be interpreted is by examining it as an expressionist theorist. To experience this work properly I will act as an expressionist theorist and make sure to recognize my feelings transmitted as I interpret the work, be aware of how it expresses emotion, and grasp the uniqueness of the work. As an expressionist theorist, I recognize that the use of color can express the artist s emotion. Warhol used a warm color mix of bright yellow, orange, and turquoise on the right section and a dull color mix of black and white tints on the left. By using mixed media that represents a slow fade of the photos towards the end, Warhol captures life s transition from the bright and youthful days when one is full of energy to the tragic halt caused by death, which is also signified by the dull colors. Here, the artist provides a form of experience of life and death that the viewer can relate to. The use of acrylic on canvas and screen painting shows a transition in life from the ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Single Parent Families Case Study Introduction: As many families in today s society suffer to make ends meet, it is important to remember, Parents with meager means have the same aspirations for their children as other parents. Children from poor families have the same needs as other children as Mark Sanford (2015) once said. In every family scenario, the basic life can be affected based on the economic situation each family is in. Each family, when put in various scenarios deals with certain circumstances differently. The family scenario that will be applied throughout this essay was based in a single parent household, where the father had just passed away; there were also two children which the mother had to support on a low wage job. Within this type of family, it was noticed how it may become difficult for single parents to conquer all the issues going on in their lives . (Statistics Canada, 2017) Throughout the many families across Canada, 17% of children live below the poverty line (Stats.Can 2017). When analyzing the mother s income of $3,146 a month, 37,750 a year, it becomes obvious how easily it can become to fall into poverty with only one income, at a close to minimum wage position. Due to the many children in these situations living in a single parent household (Rothman, 2007), the government chose to reach out to these families and provide extra support (Statistics Canada, 2017 2). It is important to give these families an opportunity to succeed and to further their chances of getting ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Sandy Hook Promise Ethos Pathos Logos Sandy Hook Promise s 2016 public service announcement (PSA) garnered attention for showing how clear warning signs for gun violence could be easily missed. The foundation was established after the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. It is led mainly by people who have lost loved ones in the shooting or other instances of gunviolence (Sandy Hook Promise). The foundation s mission is to prevent gun related deaths due to crime, suicide, and accidental discharge so that no other parent experiences the senseless, horrific loss of their child (Sandy Hook Promise). Sandy Hook Promise s PSA Evan utilizes pathos, ethos, and logos to demonstrate the potential warning signs of gun violence. Pathos involves appealing to an audience s emotions.... Show more content on ... The Sandy Hook Promise foundation was created by people who had lost loved ones to gun violence (Sandy Hook Promise). This supports their credibility because they have experienced first hand what they are intending to prevent. The foundation also uses the name of a famous, recent mass shooting. Many people were greatly affected by the news of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting, and using the name of it conjures up feelings that people may have had when the event occured. The commercial, and subsequently, the foundation, avoids taking a political stance. The foundation s website states, SHP is a moderate voice that attracts and engages the sensible center (Sandy Hook Promise). By remaining in the center of the political spectrum, the foundation avoids the risk of alienating potential ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Democracy Vs Representative Democracy Abraham Lincoln (2005) defined modern democracy in three part as government of the people , government by the people and government for the people . Democracy started in Greek around 500 B.C. with the simple meaning of people with power, nowadays democracy could be separate into two forms the direct democracyand the representative democracy. In this essay, I will argue that democracy is in crisis from the following aspect, fail of the direct democracy, the decline of representative democracy and the eroded right. Firstly, democracy is in crisis due to fail examples of direct democracy. Referendum a primary for of a direct democracy when people are directly consulted for government decision making and give the decision through a vote. ... Show more content on ... Other than representative democracy, liberal democracy has an additional liberal feature, the freedom. In the Belmarsh case in 2001 ,for example, the freedom has been eroded. In this case, nine men have been put in jail without trial due to UK parliament respond to the 9/11 attack in the USA. After the judicial review, the Crime and Security Act has been changed from the government have the power to detain anyone who was suspected without trial into the suspected terrorist can only be held without trial up to 28 days. Human right has been eroded and people s freedom are therefore not secure anymore (Ginsburg, 2005). Freedom of religion, another feature of liberal democracy becomes controversial under Huntington s view of the clash of civilizations. According to Huntington s point of view that the fundamental source of conflict in this new world will not be primarily ideological or primarily economic, the great division among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural (1996), therefore, the freedom of religion would have a possibility leads to conflict. As this brings the question to choices between either freedom or conflict, some country chooses to abandon freedom of religion. For example, in China government forbids the beliefs to Fa Lun Gong as it partly clashes with the communist ideology. From the side of liberal democracy, democracy is decreasing because of the fact that freedom is been ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Essay On Deckard In David Desser s Blade Runner Hard boiled detective fiction and film noir are extremely prevalent in the 1982 film Blade Runner. In his article Blade Runner. Science Fiction and Transcendence, David Desser gives multiple examples of elements of the hard boiled universe in Blade Runner: Deckard is an ex cop, an ex blade runner, doubtless in part because of the corruption of the system as seen in Captain Bryant, who calls replicants skin jobs (the equivalent of calling black people niggers), and in Gaff, who dresses like a dandy. Most importantly, however, Deckard is alienated from his fellow man, divorced that is, not only from his wife (who he tells us, thought of him as sushi cold fish ), but from all of humanity. It is ironic and significant that when Deckard does finally fall in love, does finally make a genuine emotional commitment, it is with a replicant a woman who is not a human. In order to completely understand what makes this an element of the hard boiled universe, one must understand what hard boiled even means. In the case of... Show more content on ... Without them, the film would be dry and wouldn t have anything for the viewers to relate to. Deckard seems like an ordinary retired person going through the similar issue of finding himself. An issue in which many people face in real life. Although his way of discovering himself occurs in a much different way than it does for us because we don t have replicants that have escaped from Off World colonies that we have to track down and eliminate. We do, however, have tasks to complete ourselves and some do turn out to have a soul searching event that changes the way you feel about yourself and who you are. Without the dreary setting of Los Angeles, we wouldn t be able to empathize with the characters in the film for having to endure such poor living conditions. Hard boiled fiction and film noir are definitely necessary components that are artfully distributed throughout the ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Analysis Of The Poem Ceres Two whole months; that was how long it had been since Ceres had seen here daughter Proserpina after she left to go spend some time by the seaside while her mother worked. Ceres was tanned with gray hair and some wrinkles from working out in the sun, tending to crops. Proserpina had promised to be home within a month and a half to spend some time with her mother but Cereshad not seen nor heard from her. This causes Ceres worry that her daughter had not listened to her warnings and wandered into the dangerous forest all alone; so Ceres sets out on a journey to find her. After her journey to the seaside, Ceres finds the sea nymphs which her daughter had traveled with and ask them, My daughter, Proserpina, has not returned home to me would... Show more content on ... The sound is loud and wakes the mastiff up causing him to run towards it, away from Ceres. As swiftly as she can, Ceres runs through the gates and away from where the mastiff stays. She quickly runs past River Lethe and straight to King Pluto s Castle. When she enters the castle she neither sees nor hears anyone so she decides to sneakily make her way up the jeweled staircase. She reaches the hallway at the top of the stairs and instantly hears a familiar voice singing in one of the rooms. She runs towards it, her heart beating as fast as it can from joy. She opens the door to the room and gasp as she sees her Proserpina sitting in the window. Proserpina stops singing and turns to see her mother; her heart instantly filling with happiness. She runs towards her and hugs her while saying, Oh mother, I m so sorry I should have listened to you! I am just so glad I found you, I don t know what I would ve done if I couldn t find you, Ceres chokes out through her sobbing. Proserpina pulls away and looks her mother in the eyes, Mother we have to get out of here; King Pluto wants to keep me here forever. Okay, let s hurry down the staircase and get out of the castle. They both run as fast as possible down the staircase and make it into King Pluto s garden when they hear him say, Where do you think you are going with my dear Proserpina! They look up to see him ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Federal Agencies Federal Agencies 1. Determining where each agency lies within the administrative structure of the federal government. . Objective of this paper is to discuss where the following agencies lie in the administrative structure of the federal government: U.S. Army Corps Engineers U.S. Bureau Land Management U.S. Coast Guard U.S. Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Geological Survey The (USACE) United States Army Corps of Engineers is a U.S federal agency operating under the Department of Defense. Major army command is made up of 37,000 civilians and military personnel. The USACE supports Federal Emergency Management Agency and Department of Homeland Security to implement the security planning, disaster preparedness efforts, and force protection. On the other hand, U.S. Bureau Land Management (BLM) is a federal government agency under the U.S Department of the Interior. The agency administers 253 million acres of America s public land. Moreover, BLM manages 700 million acres of subsurface mineral estates, which is underlying federal, state, and private lands. Moreover, the USGS (United States Geological Survey) is a federal government agency under the U.S Department of the Interior. The agency was created to protect human life and environment. Typically, the Geological Survey Agency also performs survey, research and investigations covering geology, topography, hydrology, mineral, biology and water resources for the U. S government. U.S. Environmental ... Get more on ...
  • 14. A Brief Look at Climate Change The global climate system is complex and its response to future anthropogenic greenhouse gases and to climate change adaptation, is often poorly understood. Climate change is an area where modeling in the framework of complex adaptive systems can improve our knowledge both with respect to the internal structure and adaptive mechanisms of climateand our capacity for designing efficient climate adaptation policies. Modeling of these systems includes a dynamic system consisting of transition equations describing the evolution of state variables characterizing the natural system, such as CO2 concentrations in the upper and lower atmosphere and in the oceans, and state variables characterizing the economic systems, such as physical capital and knowledge. The complex adaptive character of the system implies that the dynamic system will be nonlinear and nonconvex, will allow for nonlinear feedbacks and multiple basins of attraction, will evolve both in the temporal and spatial dimension, and will be influenced by forward looking optimizing economic agents (Xepapadeas, 2010). Moreover, any rational policy choice must consider the uncertainty about the magnitude and timing of climate changes impact on economic productivity (Cai et al., 2013). The majority of the literature, including the recent U.S. Government Interagency Working Group on the Social Cost of Carbon (IWG, 2013) does not model the stochastic nature of the climate and economic systems. Recent work, such as that of Cai ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Positive Benefits Of Service Learning Community service involvement is generally seen as having a positive impact on adolescents by counselors and educators, but it is important to identify potential issues with effective service learning. (Middleton Kelly, 1996). One of the biggest issues stems from a lack of facilitation on the larger social issues involved with communityservice. When there is a proper forum to discuss the experiences they receive while volunteering, students are given a chance to understand how policies and civic involvement play a direct role in the lives of people in their communities. (Lakin Mahoney, 2006). Another issue is content involved in the community service activities. If teenagers are thrust into a volunteer situation they don t understand or feel that they are simply being assigned made up work, it can actually have a detrimental effect (Tugend, 2010). One way to make the most of volunteer opportunities is to specifically design the content around areas of student development. By focusing on key content areas, students learn how to use their current skill set to navigate new experiences and difficult situations. (Lakin Mahoney, 2006). A well organized and thoughtful volunteer opportunity has proven time and time again to be a positive experience for youth. There are many studies that discuss the character building benefits of service learning. Students who participate have higher academic achievements, develop critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, planning ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Company s Attrition Rate Essay III. Staffing Strategy The company s attrition rate is steadily rising. Even with the higher attrition rate, the marketing and sales teams continue to push sales in an expanding market. Due to higher demand, the output needs to be heavily increased. All of these factors have lead Motors and More Inc. to look into what their exact hiring needs are across the organization. Motors and More Inc. does not currently have a HR department to assist with any of the hiring requirements, including planning, recruiting. Having a recruiting team that can build a relationship with the technical school and community college in the area will help draw qualified talent. It will also help to diversify the employee pool, by reaching out to a growing population of Kurdish and Hispanic in the area. The department will also help in the aid of having a career succession plan in place when attrition occurs for each level of employee from entry level up through senior management. Core Competencies Research suggests that some individuals may be 20 times more productive than others. Clearly, any CEO would welcome as many of these individuals into an organization as could be mass produced. Matching individual competencies with job competency models puts individuals in positions where they can contribute most (Rothwell 2011). Since, Motors and More, Inc. is in need of increasing their output by 96%, this would be greatly beneficial for the company. Core competencies help a company become ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Vietnam War By Nyguyen Thi Vinh It is my believe that most civil wars are unnecessary and horrible. Civil wars divide families, and can make friends have to meet on the battlefield as foes. They also ruin innocent lives, and can uproot people from their homes. Civil wars are terrible, and make even the strongest of people lose faith. Because of reasons like these three, I believe civil wars should not be fought. One of the greatest crimes of civils wars is how they can make friends into enemies. The poet Nyguyen Thi Vinh reflects this in her poems about the Vietnam War . In one she writes about how two friends, who used to play together, might end up fighting each other. The poem show how friends and even brothers may be forced to killeach other. Civil wars should not ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Humanities 112 Assignment Assignment 2: Project Paper Due Week 8 and worth 200 points The Project Paper focuses on a suggested topic related to art, architecture, history, music, or literature. The project will reflect your views and interpretation of the topic. This project is designed to help you stretch your mind and your abilities to be the creative, innovative, and critical thinker you already are! Choose one (1) of the topics from the list of topic choices below. Read the topic carefully. Write a three to four (3 4) page paper (750 1,000 words) that responds to each of the items described in the topic. For the topic you choose: 1. Support your ideas with specific, illustrative examples. If there are questions or points associated with your chosen... Show more content on ... Explain how the six pieces of art fall into these two styles. 2. In a memo, describe the appearance of your six choices to your CEO so he or she will know what the art looks like and where it would be placed in the corporate offices. 3. Explain why each piece is considered to be historically significant. 4. Explain how each piece fits your company s overall (or desired) corporate image. Keep in mind that a piece of art is supposed to say something about the owner, so describe what would these pieces of art say about your company. New Composition. Speech. Your uncle s birthday is in two months, and everyone knows that he loves almost all kinds of music. As a birthday gift for him, you want to have a special piece of music composed in his honor which will be played at a family birthday celebration. Write a speech that you will make to the composer s agent. Include the following: 1. Narrow your choices down to three composers you ve studied in this course. Choose one of the composers and explain why you want him to write the birthday present music. 2. Explain why the other two composers were ultimately not selected. 3. Specifically identify the musical elements in the composer s style that you would like to be included in the new music written for your uncle. 4. Describe what sort of emotion is generated by listening to the works of your selected composer; in other words, what do you want your ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Supersequences Of Discussion And Interpretance Of... 6.0Discussion and Interpretation 6.1Source Rock The major source units modelled for both transects include the blue whale supersequence, the upper white point supersequence and the tiger supersequences, these three units are considered to have the highest potential of having sourced hydrocarbons that we preserved in traps. 6.2Reservoir Fluviodeltaic sandstones of the Potoroo Formation have excellent reservoir potential (net to gross ratio of more than 70% and porosities over 35% in Potoroo 1, and well over 20% in Gnarlyknots 1A even below 3000 m), but they may lack an adequate regional seal. However, thick and laterally extensive claystone units within the Hammerhead Supersequence are likely to be present and provide... Show more content on ... Other principal reservoir candidates are deltaic sandstones of the Ceduna and Platypus formations, where porosities of up to 30% have been encountered. Locally, marine sandstones of the Tiger Supersequence (Wigunda and Potoroo formations) also have excellent reservoir quality. Away from regional highs, prodelta mudstone of the Wigunda Formation provides an effective seal for these highly porous intervals. Of secondary interest are fluviolacustrine lithologies intersected within the Loongana and lower Borda formations. Although of highly variable reservoir quality, these intervals have poor to moderate overall porosity, mainly due to the high depth of burial. Shales of the Madura and Toondi formations and intraformational shale of the Loongana Formation can provide adequate seal for these potential reservoirs. Major cap rocks exist in the Borda and Neptune formations. Excellent quality reservoir rocks have been encountered in the overlying Eucla Basin, within the marine Wobbegong Supersequence (Pidinga Formation and Hampton Sandstone). 6.4Timing of Maturation and Migration Present day maturity levels, based on the constraints described above, are shown in Figure 16. On the northern transect (Fig. 16a), the oil window is typically reached at depths between 2.0 and 2.5 km below sea surface. Thus, along this transect, the lower Tiger Supersequence is mature for oil generation in the central part of the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Analysis Of The Dream Of The Rood It is well known that the way a story is written has an impact on how the reader understands it. There are certain aspects of a story where the author has the ability to control how it is interpreted. The Dream of the Rood is written so that it makes it difficult for the reader to see the difference between a savior and a warrior. If a story was written simply stating the individual s goal rather than how that goal was achieved it would be easy to see them as a savior but it could be difficult to see them as a warrior. Presenting literary analysis from different sources will explain how the author portrayed the protagonists as both saviors and warriors and by comparing characteristics of both will explain why they were portrayed this way.... Show more content on ... In The Dream of the Rood if Christ was presented the same way, while he would still be considered a savior, one would find it difficult to convince others to view him as warrior as well. But, because Christ is presented as a confident hero, the poet displays his willingness and selflessness to follow through with the crucifixion because he knows it is for the benefit of all mankind. In the poem, the rood, or cross, is depicted as the individual telling the story of the crucifixion. The poet writes the story so it is understood that the cross is, like Jesus, a warrior. If the cross can tell a tale it is assumed that it would possess the ability to experience feelings. By explaining the cross experience in the way the poet does it is easy to see how the cross possesses warrior like characteristics. I trembled when the man embraced me; I dared not bow down to earth, stoop to the surface of the ground, but I had to stand fast. I was reared a rood; I raised up a mighty king, the heaven s lord; I dared not bow in homage. (Dream of the Rood, 41 45) The poem explains the feelings of the cross throughout the crucifixion and after. Because the cross knows what the future holds when Christ is approaching and is able to withstand the torture and remain strong, for it knows it is fighting alongside Christ throughout the ordeal, the cross is deserving of being considered a warrior. If the cross was taken out of this story and replaced with a man ... Get more on ...
  • 21. JCPOA Argumentative Analysis The plan has drawn bipartisan concern for many reasons, as of late the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee held a hearing to address how Congress should respond to the JCPOA and what this plan means post implementation day. The hearing primarily focused on concerns that are resonating now with the JCPOA which entitle: ballistic missiles, selling of Russian military equipment to Iran, national security threats, safety of Israel and Iran s desire to acquire a nuclear weapon. The White House s information page clearly states that sanctions will be re imposed on Iran if they engage in the following: development of ballistic missiles, continued support of terror, the action of de stabilizing regions (Syria), and converting Iran currency into the US ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Impact of Population Aging CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1: Study Background The population aging, in other words, the greying of the population is major concern all over the world. Many factors are leading to population aging, namely, unwillingness to marry, late marriage, fertility control, low birth rate and longer life span. All these factors are also related to developing status of the country. The more the country is developing, the more the factors have stronger effect on aging population and the age population problems of the country is more serious. If there is no solution for the population aging, many countries, especially developing countries, will face the problems regarding old age care. The Government of the many countries will be facing huge ... Show more content on ... The research questions that we prepared are as follows: 1) Discuss Age Population 2) What is population ratio in Singapore? 3) What is the effect of Age Population in Singapore? 4) How does Singapore respond to Age Population? 5) Discuss what Singapore should do to overcome to Age Population and its problems? From the analysis of the above research questions, following research objectives are derived: 1) To describe Age Population 2) To investigate the seriousness of Age Population from the ratio 3) To understand the effect of Age Population in Singapore 4) To illustrate Singapore and Singaporean reaction to Age Population 5) To establish solutions to Age Population. 1.4: Research Structure We will further discuss on Literature review and Research Methodology. CHAPTER 2 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1: Age Population Age Population means the population is mainly with older aged group (65 years and over). In another way, it was explained as age structure of a population shifted towards older ages, Gavrilov
  • 23. and Heuveline: 2003. When the majority population of a country or a region age 65 and above, its population is aging. Population aging is mainly favoured in industrialized countries, and slower in less developed countries. 2.2: Population ratio in Singapore According to Singapore Population Census 2010, Singapore s current population is recorded as 5.08 million at the end of June this year. Out of 5.08 million populations, ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Lorelei The Siren Research Paper Sirens have been known as hazardous creatures that lure sailors into a death caused by a shipwreck, according to the website, Greek Mythology. She is Lorelei the Siren, and her life s story is unfortunate. Her name means River of Doom , her beauty and golden hair will get any sailors attention. More importantly is Lorelei s life as a Siren. She hides during the day, under a bolder and comes out at night, sitting upon the rock combing her golden hair and singing her captivating song. Lorelei lures in sailors to a death that was not even expected. The Lorelei takes place in St. Goarshausen, Germany, on the Rhine river. According to the website Loreley Info, she was already prominent during the middle ages. The area where the Lorelei is ... Show more content on ... She has heard of this story, since it is so popular in Germany. She heard this story about sixty years ago when she was little, her parents told her the story of Lorelei. Two years ago we took a trip to Germany and we got to see the Lorelei rock beside the Rhine river. As were approaching the Lorelei rock, our cruise director had told us the story about the Lorelei. The rock is large and it measures one hundred and twenty meters above the waterline. I thought doing my myth on the Lorelei, I would have a greater understanding since I have seen her rock by the ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The World Population Aging Think of the world population aging Abstract: Population aging is one of the world s population development tendency. Of the world s population aging and the aging of the population in developed countries the same time.,China s aging population has intensified. The aging of the population have is social progress and economic development. This paper will analysis about Chinese and American population ageing. But, the aging of the population has led to the burden of the working population growing problems affecting social and economic development, legal system and other material and the spirit of building the new requirements.So the 21 st century the aging of population across the world. Key worlds: Population old age Population burden Sustainable development Outline Abstract (Chinese English) 1 . What is poplution aging? 1.1 Introduction Chinese aging problem 1.2 Introduction American aging problem 2 . Reason 2.1 The reason about Chinese aging problem 2.2 The reason about American aging problem 3.Solution 3.1 China solution 3.2 American solution 4. Conclusion 1.What is poplution aging? The problem of old age is known as one of the most serious problem in today s world. The old people can be seen everywhere. As is shown in the graph, the number of people in the world over the age of sixty will have increased to 600 million by the end of this century. And by the time, there will also be twice as many people over the age of eighty. In the ten ... Get more on ...
  • 26. It Is Time to Replace the Electoral College Essay It Is Time to Replace the Electoral College In 1787, the framers of the constitution assembled and decided how the new nation would elect its president. It took the framers little less than a month to accomplish this task. During that month they considered various methods ranging from direct election of the president, to selection by legislators, to selection by electors. Finally, they settled on selection by electors, most commonly known as Electoral College. There were various reasons why Electoral College ultimately won out. We will explore some of the reason later in this essay. I believe that the reasons which were legitimate at the time are no longer valid and the time has come for us to replace the Electoral College with a system... Show more content on ... Before we talk about replacing the Electoral College, we must understand how it works. The Electoral College consists of total 538 electoral votes. Of the 538, 425 votes go to the House of Representatives, 100 votes to the Senate, and 3 go to District of Columbia, granted to them by the Twenty third Amendment to the constitution. In the Electoral College system, each state is given a set number of electoral votes. The number of electoral votes a state receives is determined by the state population from the latest census records. On Election Day we are voting directly for the electors, not the presidential candidates. So who are these elector that choose our president and how are they selected? An elector can be any person except for a Senator or Representative or any person holding federal office (Edwards III 3). Each state has its own method of selecting an elector. The most common procedure used in thirty four states is for state conventions of the parties to nominate the electors. In ten other states and the District of Columbia, the statue party s central committee makes the nominations. One state, Arizona, authorizes nomination of the electors in primary elections. The remaining five states use a combination of methods. The most unusual nomination law is Pennsylvania s, which authorizes each party s presidential nominee to select electors on his behalf. (Edwards III 2 3) The framers idea of an elector was someone who would be ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Ap Literature Open Response Questions AP LITERATURE OPEN RESPONSE QUESTIONS 2011: In a novel by William Styron, a father tells his son that life is a search for justice. Choose a character from a novel or play who responds in some significant way to justice or injustice. Then write a well developed essay in which you analyze the character s understanding of justice, the degree to which the character s search for justice is successful, and the significance of this search for the work as a whole. 2010: Palestinian American literary theorist and cultural critic Edward Said has written that Exile is strangely compelling to think about but terrible to experience. It is the unhealable rift forced between a human being and a native place, between the self and its true home: its ... Show more content on ... Conductors may of course be instruments as well as victims of the divine lightning. Select a novel or play in which a tragic figure functions as an instrument of the suffering of others. Then write an essay in which you explain how the suffering brought upon others by that figure contributes to the tragic vision of the work as a whole. 2002: Morally ambiguous characters characters whose behavior discourages readers from identifying them as purely evil or purely good are at the heart of many works of literature. Choose a novel or play in which a morally ambiguous characters plays a pivotal role. Then write an essay in which you explain how the character can be viewed as morally ambiguous and why his or her moral ambiguity is significant to the work as a whole. Avoid mere plot summary. 2001: One definition of madness is mental delusion or the eccentric behavior arising from it. But Emily Dickinson wrote Much Madness is divinest Sense To a discerning Eye Novelists and playwrights have often seen madness with a discerning Eye. Select a novel or play in which a character s apparent madness or irrational behavior plays an important role. Then write a well organized essay in which you explain what this delusion or eccentric behavior consists of and how it might be judged reasonable. Explain the significance of the madness to the work as a whole. Do not merely summarize the plot. 2000: Many works of literature not ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Roanoke Voyage Research Paper The Roanoke Voyages were England s first attempt at settling in North America. Sir Walter Raleigh asked for Queen Elizabeth s permission to begin exploration and she agreed to let him organize the expedition. However, he was not allowed to be physically involved in the actual voyages because she believed he was a valuable asset to her and did not want him travelling far away. The first expedition, in 1584, was an exploratory venture. Sir Walter Raleigharranged for two ships to begin the exploration. The two captains of the ships were Arthur Barlowe and Philip Amadas. They discovered fertile land with plenty of game. The area, near the Pamlico and Currituck, would be a great place to begin settlement. In addition to their own accounts of the journey, they also brought back two native Americans, named Manteo and Wanchese, to help the English learn more about the land they may eventually colonize.... Show more content on ... This voyage was more of a military venture. It has since been named the Lane Settlement , after the veteran Ralph who helped command the voyage and was later named governor of the settlement. During his time in the New World , Lane directed parties to the North and West, to find more information about potential places for settlement. Natives told tales of potential Gold mines and calmer waters for better ship harbors. Hostility and violences between Lane s men and their primary food and supply source, the Secotan tribe, forced the settlers to return to England. Fortunately, they returned with detailed accounts of their experiences. Two major contributors of this information were Thomas Harriot and John White. Harriot returned with descriptions of local plants, animals, and people while White had drawn drawn useful maps along with watercolors of landscapes and natives he had seen during his time spent at the Lane ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Separtion of Church and State Essay The Constitution of the United States was written to give citizens certain privileges and rights in the way of free thought and freedom. The Establishment Clause was one way that civilians were protecting religious liberty by the separation of church and state. Within our political and school systems there have been a number of controversial issues to include religious holidays, school prayer, teaching evolution and aid to church based schools. The Supreme Court has ruled in many cases in regards to these religious controversial issues. The First Amendment states Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the... Show more content on ... The wall of separation that maintains between state and church in the Constitution was viewed and the Blacks questioned the state s interest in expeditiously and safely getting the kids to the schools needed. In the end it was ruled to get the kids to school safely. Often in parochial schools parents are given vouchers to help pay for private schools. Some say this is an issue regarding the Establishment clause. In 1973 Committee for Public Education v. Nyquist, the high court invalidated a New York state program that provided tuition reimbursements to poor parents whose children attended private schools, 85% of which were religious (Leaming, n.d.). The courts ruled that New York had a primary effect of advancing religion. Since Nyquist the voucher programs are one step closer to being recognized as constitutional through the Supreme Court. The Constitution permits vouchers to be available for both religious and private schools through the government. School vouchers also raised arguments from opponents and proponents. Opponents raised concern that talented students were pulled from public schools which lowered their quality of learning while the proponents claimed their children would receive a much better education. In 1962 Engel Et Al v. Vitale Et Al case were Prayer in the Public schools was a violation of the First Amendment s ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Controlling The Borders Of The United States And Mexico Controlling the borders of the United States and Mexico has always been a dilemma that seeks attention and needs a new, innovative way to reduce the amount of immigrants crossing the border illegally. Many attempts have been made by current presidents as well as previous presidents who have had different views from each other and are still unable to solve the hurdles of controlling the border. Mai Ngai makes the struggle known by stating that the previous attempted laws that have been put in place to solve the problem will end in another failure. She calls them inhumane and hopes to give immigrants a chance for citizenship. Although I Agree with Mae Ngai s Idea of putting in a system that stresses the principles of flexibility and fairness, however I see faults in her view point of welcoming immigrants to the country to work. On the other hand I do not think that all immigrationshould be cut off entirely, as that may cause negative effects on the America s economy. Mai Ngai mentions that the United States One size fits all rule favors northern and western European immigration and is a restriction on densely populated countries like Mexico. If this law were to allow a higher percentage of immigrants to be documented and allowed in the United States, then negative effects would ensue in places near the border like Texas. When the population increases rapidly it will be harder for police enforcement and may cause an increase in pollution and poverty. This is something UTA ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Evaluation Of An E File System Painters Case Study This is a thought provoking case study which, like most of the effort in Sociotechnical Theory, is concentrated on a certain type of production system , in this case an E File system. Socio Technical Theory is an intellectual model that helps us recognize patterns in the way technology is used. How well businesses can utilize this model can make or break the success or failure of an organization as they change the way they do business or introduce new technology to their workforce. In looking at the case study by Painter B he mentions the renovation of a paper method to an electronic E file system. Reasons standing behind these changes were noted; Claims from injured Delayed payment on claims Rising costs of disability benefits. According to Painter (NA), The Electronic Claim File system was customized for the assertion of reimbursement and compensation division of an insurance conglomerate, Workers Compensation Board (p.2). The firm had huge client database and hence the main task was to collect data, weigh evidence, and relate specified information in making difficult decisions about workers injury compensation entitlements in an assortment of businesses. Painter, the author of this study executed a sequence of before and after evaluations and comprehensive consultations, approved and developed by labor and executives, to aid them closely with the effects of E File transition on the employees, during the periods of pilot testing ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Causes Of The Tiananmen Square Massacre In 1989 Beijing, China at the Forbidden City, an event happened on June 4th at the Tiananmen Square. There was a massacre caused by the government at the Tiananmen Square, due to the actions of the university students protesting for democracy. But thousands of university students along with Chinese citizens were slayed and arrested that night including my friends Lao Xu and Xin Hua. Well, my dad was also part of the event, but he did not die. Instead he was arrested by the soldiers at the Tiananmen Square, while I was still stuck there watching the massacre. The students wanted democracy because they wanted to choose what they wanted to do with their lives, so the government don t tell them what to do. After the massacre that took place ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Pros And Cons Of Gun Control On A College Campus Gun control is a major topic in today s society and It is broken into many subcategories that all have different arguments and views. A few examples are The Second Amendment is not an unlimited right to own guns, more gun control laws would reduce gun deaths and more gun control leads to fewer suicides in the United States. The guncontrol category I am focusing on in this essay is, should teachers and students be able to carry firearmson a college campus. I chose this since I am currently attending college and this could have an effect directly on me or ASU. The idea of teachers and staff being able to carry firearms on a college campus has come up many times in the media recently due to the rise in mass shootings. Many states are now looking at this problem and voting on it. This topic is always heavily debated due to the many different sides and varying beliefs on gun control and safety. The NRA (National Rifle Association) has a heavy influence on the united states and who should be allowed guns and what legislation is passed. The gun control topic of firearms on a college campus has become politicized and is commonly drawn into political debates and has become a political tool for winning elections. Some states have already voted and taken action on this new idea and have allowed staff to carry guns on campuses and in cars parked and locked in secure parking lots. Another major idea that is constantly brought up with campus carry and firearms on campuses is student ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Impact Of The Smartphone On Students, Teachers, And... The relatively recent escalation of smartphones across the world has brought about many circumstances that no one had imagined prior to the 21st century. One potentially major impact of the smartphone is its effect on students, teachers, and educational facilities. In this paper, I will explore the impact of the rhetorical devices used by the authors of two scholarly articles from different academic fields. Using Smartphones to Supplement Classroom Reading by Karen Bromley is written in the applied field of education; and, You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him learn: Smartphone use in higher educationby Chad C. Tossell and his team of authors originates from the academic field of the social sciences. Although Bromley and Tossell are both writing on the impact of smartphones in education, their differing uses of rhetorical devices allows Tossell to effectively reach a scholarly audience, while Bromley s article is appealing to the general public. 1. Overview of Each Article In Using Smartphones to Supplement Classroom Reading, Karen Bromley, a professor at Binghamton University in New York, investigates a how the use of a smartphone to read affects herself and how it might impact students. She emphasizes the aspect of using a smartphone to perform minor research tasks while reading, such as searching for definitions of words or additional context. Continuing to examine the exploratory side of smartphones, Bromley suggests that having easy access ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Tata Steel Project INTRODUCTION Tata Steel, formerly known as TISCO and Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited, is the world s sixth largest steel company, with an annual crude steel capacity of 31 million tonnes. It is the largest private sector steel company in India in terms of domestic production. Ranked 258th on Fortune Global 500, it is based in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India. It is part of Tata Group of companies. Tata Steel is also India s second largest and second most profitable company in private sector with consolidated revenues of Rs 1,32,110 crore and net profit of over Rs 12,350 crore during the year ended March 31, 2008. Backed by 100 glorious years of experience in steel making, Tata Steel is among the top ten steel producers in the world ... Show more content on ... In 1973, the Steel Authority of India Ltd. (SAIL) was created as a holding company to oversee most of India s iron and steel production. COMPANY PROFILE Established in 1907, it is the first integrated steel plant in Asia and is now the world`s second most geographically diversified steel producer and a Fortune 500 Company. Its main plant is located in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, with its recent acquisitions; the company has become a multinational with operations in various countries. The Jamshedpur plant contains the DCS supplied by Honeywell. The registered office of Tata Steel is in Mumbai. The company was also recognized as the world s best steel producer by World Steel Dynamics in 2005. The company is listed on Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange of India, and employs about 82,700 people (as of 2007). Tata Steel has a balanced global presence in over 50 developed European and fast growing Asian markets, with manufacturing units in 26 countries. It was the vision of the founder; Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata., that on 27th February, 1908, the first stake was driven into the soil of Sakchi. His vision helped Tata Steel overcome several periods of adversity and strive to improve against all odds. Tata Steel`s Jamshedpur (India) Works has a crude steel production capacity of 6.8 MTPA which is slated to increase to 10 MTPA by 2010. The Company also has proposed three Greenfield steel projects in the ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Is The Rational Actor Hypothesis Used Throughout The... We can usefully predict the behaviour of others in group contexts by assuming that they are acting rationally. This is the rational actor hypothesis used throughout the social sciences. To usefully apply this idea we need a definition of rationality; the one we will analyze is that people maximize some utilityin deciding on an action. To understand what is meant by utility consider the following concept. A payoff is a reward in a game that has a definite expected worth (e.g. money) that is known to both players of a game. A utility is then something which causes payoff maximization, the maximization of such payoffs by players, given the information available to them plus the assumption that other players are playing to maximize their payoffs. A key assumption of the model is that maximizing a utility leads to a fixed set of preferences, in order for any sort of uniqueness to be present in predictions. This idea of rationality through payoff maximization rests on the Von Neumann Morgenstern utility theorem. This theorem says that given four axioms (defined in the Glossary): completeness, transitivity, continuity, and independence, there always exists a utility function which a player in a game maximizes when making a decision. My contention in this paper is that utility maximization and therefore the rational actor hypothesis is too broad of an idea to be of practical use. While the axioms of payoff rationality clearly imply consistency of behaviour, since transitivity and ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Archetypes In The Hobbit The Hobbit is a novel that is actually a prequel to the Lord of the Rings trilogy. How to Read Literature like a Professor explained a vast amount of archetypes that could be compared to Bilbo s journey in The Hobbit . A hero s quest and communion will be up for discussion and compared to certain parts of Bilbo Bagginsjourney. Bilbo is a timid hobbit. He is also comfortable and compact in his secure little hole at Bag End. One day Gandalf persuaded him into going on a quest with Thorin s dwarves. Bilbo got scared so he fainted. As the story goes on, Bilbo prevails in the face of danger and adversity, justifying a claim that Gandalf brought up that there is more to the little hobbit than what he thought. What is a quest? A quest is ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Egyptian Creation Myth Vs Greek Mythology Myths are clearly important to a mythology, and there always seems to be two very important myths one needs to know about in a mythology. How they believe the earth and the gods came to be and the afterlife for the mortals. The Egyptian creation myth is not very detailed, most likely due to how it was originally written and years of being told and retold. According to Donald A. Mackenzie, in the book Egyptian Myth and Legend, Ra was the first god and was the one who created or helped created the original eight deities. Shu (god of wind and air), Tefnut (goddess of rain), Seb (god of the earth or ground), and Nut (goddess of firmament) where the first four gods, then Seb and Nut created Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys (1 2). Though in some tellings... Show more content on ... Alexander Eliot, who wrote the book Myth, states that in the creation of the begin with Gaea, who is considered the goddess of the earth and is the earth itself (82). Gaea and her husband, Uranus (who was the god of the sky) filled the lands with their children. But Uranus did not love his kids, in fact, he hated them so much that he had them locked away within Gaea. Among these children were the Titans, and Gaea begged for them to get rid of Uranus so that they could roam free. The youngest Titan named Cronus agreed to get rid of his father and took sickle from his mother before heading above ground. Once he found Uranus, Cronus chopped him into small pieces and scattered him around the earth, which sprouted furies from his blood and Aphrodite from his testicles. Before he died though, Uranus told Cronus that Cronus s own son would take down Cronus. Due to his father s words, Cronus would eat his kids as soon as they were born in order to remain in power. However, Rhea, Cronus s wife, tricked him into eating a rock wrapped in a blanket instead of devouring Zeus and years later Zeus overthrew Cronus (82). Now, there are clear differences between the two myths such as one being much more detailed than the other and in the Egyptian myth the gods were created and there was nothing before them. But there is one theme that connects the Greek s myth about creation and the Egyptian myth about Isis, Ra, and the Snake. The idea of power and doing anything to get it. Isis was more than willing to almost kill her grandfather and/or her creator to be more powerful. Uranus locked away his kids, then Cronus ate his kids to stop from being overthrown. Ironically, the underworld and judgment is not as harsh as the creation of the world, granted it is not the particularly great either. The book was ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Brian L. Roberts Case Analysis Brian L. Roberts is an American businessman, and is chairman and CEO of Comcast Corporation, an American company providing cable entertainment, and communication products. Brian has worked at Comcast since graduating from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He was named President of Comcast Corporation in 1990 when the company had $657 million in annual revenue. Comcast Corporation s annual revenue has since grown to nearly $69 billion. Background: Roberts was born into a Jewish family in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The son of Suzanne Fleisher , and Ralph J. Roberts. Roberts served as the President of Jones Intercable Inc. since April 7, 1999. Prior thereto, he served as an Executive Vice President of Comcast since June 1987 and ... Show more content on ... He studied all aspects of business management while he attended the university. Work History: Brian has worked at Comcast since graduating from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Under his leadership, Comcast has grown into a global Fortune 50 company uniquely positioned at the intersection of media and technology with two primary businesses, Comcast Cable and NBCUniversal. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the National Cable Telecommunications Association (NCTA), where he served as Chairman for two consecutive terms. Brian is also Director Emeritus of CableLabs, the research and development consortium for the cable industry, where he served three terms as Chairman. Leadership Highlights Characteristic: Brian has done so much work that has made him one of the best leaders. Brian has won numerous business and industry honors for his leadership. Most recently, he was recognized by fortune magazine as a Businessperson of the Year and named one of America s top CEOs by institutional investor magazine for the eighth time. He also received the Humanitarian award from the Simon Wiesenthal Center. Personal ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Consequentialist Theory Of Virtue Ethics Virtue ethics is a theory that usually has a role of character and virtue in the world of moral philosophy rather than either doing one s duty or acting in order to bring about good consequences. In some article they said that some people that give professional advice about moral are called virtue ethicist. When talking about virtueethicstheories, you need to understand that it came from Aristotle who declared that, a virtuous person is someone who has ideal character traits. He also said that these traits are originated from natural internal tendencies, but need to be cherished; however, once established, they will become stable. One example would be, a virtuous person is someone who is always kind in any situation over a lifetime because that is her or his personal character and not because she wants to maximize self value or gain favors but simply do her or his duty. In the other hand, deontological and consequentialist theories (that are in the same category) are theories of virtue ethics that do not help primarily to identify universal principles that can be applied in any moral situation. When talking about virtue ethics ... Show more content on ... It may initially be identified as the one that emphasizes the virtues, or moral character, in contrast to the approach that emphasizes duties or rules or that emphasizes the consequences of actions. Here are some examples of these normative ethics. A person is in need and it is clear that this person needs to be helped. A utilitarian will go to help this person to the fact that the outcome of doing so will maximize well being, in the other hand the deontologist would go and help this person to the fact that, in doing so the agent will be acting in accordance with a moral rule such as Do unto others as you would be done by and the last one, a virtue ethicist would go and help this person to the fact that helping the person would be helpful or ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Founding Fathers Hypocritical The founding fathers may have been smart but they were lacking of important human qualities. Compared to some of the world leaders we have today, that s no question. Despite being that smart, you would think they would try not to be hypocritical, when writing one of the most important document in the history of the United States. The constitution s preamble is hypocritical, it was then and it is now, but more so in 1789. The Preamble was hypocritical in 1789 because of the votingsystem that the US had, when the Preamble says Insure domestic Tranquility , and when the Preamble says We the people. The founding fathers brought in a system of voting for their leader, this system was very corrupt at the time of 1789, and made the preamble look even more hypocritical. The major reason that this made the Preamble look bad is because the Preamble said We the people, the word people, means ... group of human beings (men or women or children) collectively The main word in the definition is human, this means everyone. The last time I checked, only rich property owning white guys could vote in the US states in 1789, excluding Virginia where women could vote. There are also other reasons for the voting system making the Preamble hypocritical, like the fact that the Preamble says they will secure the Blessings of Liberty for ourselves... this is hypocritical because the voting system only let some people secure their blessings, like bankers and merchants, the other people ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Burj Khalif An Embodiment Of Islamic Architecture Burj Khalifa is the largest megatall skyscraper in the world, standing at an astounding 828 meters (2716.5 feet). It serves as the centerpiece for downtown Dubai, one of the seven emirates that make up its country, and was designed by Adrian Smith, then representing Skidmore, Owings Merrill. It was under construction from January of 2004, until December of 2009, finally opening its doors on January 4th of 2010. The building is an embodiment of Islamic architecture, incorporating both cultural and historical elements of the region into the visage of the building. This style was chosen very deliberately, meant to enrich the, at the time, recently developed downtown Dubai. The building has since received widespread international attention for various reasons. Some laud the records that the building shattered and the many awards it has received, while others commend the manner in which it has elevated the city of Dubai. The Dubai government decided to build the Burj Khalifa as a way to diversify their economic portfolio. Their economy had long been based solely on oil and they decided that they wanted to generate more interest and international recognition for Dubai, thus increasing tourism and overall improving the emirate s economy. The skyscraper served its purpose and drew a lot of additional interest towards Dubai, receiving many awards. For example, the Burj Khalifa is recognized as the tallest existing, or ever built, free standing structure. It is also the building ... Get more on ...
  • 43. What Does Fire Symbolize In Jane Eyre Fire, the red room and the splintered chestnut tree are all very powerful and symbolic objects that play a big role in the story of Jane Eyre; and it also symbolizes Jane as a person who has many disadvantages in life. The following paragraphs will explain in detail why this objects represent Jane and how it all ties together as a story. A candle is a very accurate representation of fire. I chose a candle as an object that represents Jane because of the passion and fury that she demonstrates in the first stage of her life, at Gateshead. Fire is symbolic of her emotions and how she truly feels. The following quotes will represent much of her internal conflicts and her emotional issues. Wicked and cruel! I said. You are a like a murderer you are like a slave driver you are like the Roman emperors! .... Dear! dear! What fury to fly at master John!... Did ever anybody see such a picture of passion! (pg 8). In this quote, Jane is exploding with anger at her cousin John Reed. She is super mad at him and calls him cruel and a murderer . The way in which she goes off on him is very emotional and frowned upon because of her gender and social class. Bessie and Miss Abbot claim Jane to be a picture of passion and exclaim that Jane must have been in a massive fury attack to act ... Show more content on ... I shall remember how you trust me back roughly and violently into the red room, and locked me up there, to my dying day; though I was in agony... (pg 42) In this quote, Jane exhibits angry and passionate emotions towards her aunt, Mrs. Reed, she exclaims that she cannot live without love and kindness and that her aunt has no pity . This quote exhibits the most hatred that Jane has felt throughout this whole novel and shows her need for powerful emotions, such as love. Both of these quotes give an accurate representation of how Jane s emotions resemble ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Analysis Of Bob Dylan s Song George Jackson Origin: In the document called George Jackson the author is Bob Dylan. Bob Dylan is an American song writer who wrote this song and many others. Bob Dylan was born in May 1941 and is still alive today (Wikipedia, 2018). He was born in Duluth, Minnesota. Bob Dylan was born with the name Robert Allen Zimmerman (Wikipedia, 2018). Bob Dylan was known for talking about his generation and singing in his songs about how they feel. That he was called the finger pointin songs (Arnove Zinn, pg. 493). This song was written in 1971. It was delivered in song format in 1971 And sung by Bob Dylan in 1971 to tell how he felt about George Jackson death. Use at the time it was created: The purpose of this documents was to play tribute to the black ... Show more content on ... Bob Dylan said I woke up this mornin There were tears in my bed They killed a man I really loved Shot him through the head (Arnove Zinn, pg. 492). This is the beginning showing his tribute to George and how sad it was for a man to die that he really loved. The next point he makes is trying to say he is innocent and should not have been lock up and had the key thrown away. Bob Dylan said, Sent him off to prison For a seventy dollar robbery Closed the door behind him And they threw away the key (Arnove Zinn, pg. 492). This is showing how he is using the first time he was arrested to make him look innocent when the time he was killed in jail was when he been convicted of killing a guard. Dylan said Prison guards, they cursed him As they watched him from above But they were frightened of his power They were scared of his love. Lord, Lord, So they cut George Jackson down. Lord, Lord, They laid him in the ground. (Arnove Zinn, pg. 493). This the point he is showing that the guards killed him because they were scared of his power that he had and the love that he could give and that they had to get rid of him from taken over them from all of the people reading his book. That after he was killed it started revolution in other prisons because of his book that everyone read and from him being killed. That this is showing how the government was losing control and that they had to get rid of him, so he would not take power away from the government anymore. This just shows how Bob Dylan main points was to play tribute to him and to make look innocent and to be a very powerful and loving man that will be missed. You can use this in argument to show how much he will be missed. You can also use it show how power he was that it made Bobo Dylan write a song about the guy. You could also use it in a history paper to tell about different time of the government ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Essay on Christians and Marriage Christians and Marriage Bibliography = Religions (Myrtle Langley) = Beliefs, Values and Traditions (Ann Lovelace Joy White) = WGGS Resource Sheet = WGGS Notes = Daily Express November 2000 = Milestones (Celia Collinson Campbell Miller) = From the Cradle (Kevin O Donnell) = = a) Describe and explain the Christians teaching about marriage (be sure to include Biblical evidence). (24 marks) Marriage is an important ritual in the life of a Christian. The Old Testament talks about marriage in the Creation story, showing it has been important since the beginning of time. When God created the world and ... Show more content on ... They talk about how the couple will always be together. From this day forward… til death do us part; according to God s holy vow (Milestones). The commitment is from now on, it is for life and the only way it can be discontinued is when God takes a life if we live; we live to the Lord. If we die, we die to the Lord. But whether we live or die we belong to the Lord (Bible). They explain how the couple will always be there for each other for richer for poorer…for better for worse…in sickness and in health (Milestones). Through the easier times and the hard ones, to enjoy the fun, but help strengthen the relationship through the tougher times. These three vows describe how the are together as one flesh (Bible) and it also suggest sexual intimacy as an expression of love. The marriage vows describe all the aspects of marriage. Marriages are based on love, they talk about love for one another as Jesus said I give you a new commandment: love one another; as I have loved you, so you are to love one another . To love
  • 46. someone one must be able to completely forgive them, just as Jesus forgave Peter for denying him three times. Love goes deeper and means more than just on the surface. The ring in marriage symbolises how the couple s love will be everlasting as the ring has no beginning and no end. There are a lot of purposes to marriage as well. Some Christian s consider ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Why Is Othello Black In The Play In the play Othello I believe the character Othello should be played by a black man for many reasons, One being in the play they describe Othello as a black in many different ways, most being derogatory, Othello in the play we watch was a white man that painted himself black because they didn t want a black actor on stage another reason is letting the character have an actor more true for the part it would make no sense to have a black actor painted white for a play and vise versa. Othello in the play was described as a black man mostly in derogatory terms such as thick lips, African horse, a noble brave man. The man is black in the book he should be in the acting play, it is so incredibly offensive that they have a white person painted black, because they don t want to hire a black man. They way I see it is if the whole play they talk about a black man wouldn t it make the most sense to have the actor be a black man. I think regardless of the hate and discrimination of a black actor the acting team should have swallowed their racist pride and let an African American play ... Show more content on ... They said in the video that the man who was white and painted himself black to be Othello would take three hours getting ready trying to act like a black man how ridiculous does that sound? An actor should not have to spend hours in a room trying to fit into a black mans persona. Would it not make the most sense to hire a black man who doesn t have to act like a black guy. In London a black man played Othello his name was Paul Robinson he played Othello part so well a reviewer said No white man should ever dare play the part again this is proving even in the 1930s people still believed the part was best portrayed with a black ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Treating Long-term Elderly Patents with Pressure Ulcers Serial Sharp Debridement and Formulated Collagen Gel to Treat Pressure Ulcers in Elderly Long term Care Patients: A Case Study Patients at Long Term Care Facilities are generally debilitated and elderly people who have incontinence problems. Incontinence makes treating pressure ulcers very difficult because it alters tissue tolerance and reapplying products becomes very costly. Usually negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) is used to treat pressure ulcers but it is also very costly and does not match with some wound locations. Collagen plays a vital role in the wound healing process by creating a framework for the adhesion, movement, and production of new cells. This study determined the effects and uses of Type 1 formulated collagen on granulation tissue formation and reepithreelialization in chronic pressure ulcers. Eligible participants for the application of Type 1 formulated collagen gel must 1) have an open pressure ulcer at least 2.0 cm in diameter that did not heal after using NPWT and 2) have no symptoms of and wound or bone infection. The three patients in the study had a wound of at least 18 months and had showed no signs of improvement during 4 weeks of NPWT. The patients received the standard care including the treatment of moist wound healing and debridement, prevention of additional skin breakdown, and maintenance of functional abilities. Before beginning the use of collagen gel, sharp debridement was performed with additional sharp debridement performed at ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Mainstreaming Of National Australia Bank Mainstreaming of National Australia Bank: The most widely used the perspective of cultural change and can reflect very tangible and visible across the organization (Schultz, 1994). There must be a consensus across the organization and that can be reflected through different media organizations such as performance targets and metrics, formal and informal rules, business strategies and management practices governing the stories. Differentiation Perspective: Culture is considered as an amalgam of different cultures combined or picked up that bind within the limits of the organization as a whole (Martin, 2002). Since it is more focused on the contradictions at the core of the culture that gives the organization the opportunity to correct these inconsistencies best culture background. If inconsistencies are identified various cultural initiators can be identified within the organization, both internally and externally. Ambiguity Perspective: This perspective does not follow the opinion of integration and differentiation of cultural perspective, it suggests that the relationship between cultural manifestations do not have adequate clarity but lack clarity (Martin, 2002). Individuals in an organization may have views and shared values with each other, but in certain views or values may be different. It is seen as the most realistic perspective on culture, allowing employees to bring forth the issues with which they do not agree with their line managers (Frost et al., 1991). Once ... Get more on ...