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Call To Action In A Persuasive Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Call to Action in a Persuasive Essay" can be both challenging
and rewarding. The difficulty lies in the delicate balance required to effectively persuade the
reader to take a specific course of action. It demands a keen understanding of rhetorical
strategies, a solid grasp of the subject matter, and the ability to articulate compelling arguments
that resonate with the audience.
Firstly, one must delve into the intricacies of persuasive writing, exploring the various techniques
employed to influence and convince. This includes mastering the art of ethos, pathos, and logos
– the three pillars of persuasive communication. Aligning these elements seamlessly within the
essay is a nuanced task that requires finesse and a deep understanding of human psychology.
Moreover, constructing a compelling call to action involves not only convincing the reader of the
validity of the argument but also inspiring them to take tangible steps. This necessitates a
strategic approach in selecting persuasive language, structuring the essay effectively, and
anticipating and addressing potential counterarguments. Crafting a powerful conclusion that
reinforces the call to action is equally crucial.
The difficulty intensifies when considering the diversity of audiences and their varying
perspectives. Balancing the need for a universal appeal while acknowledging and respecting
differing viewpoints adds an extra layer of complexity to the writing process.
However, despite these challenges, the task of writing an essay on this topic is ultimately
rewarding. It offers an opportunity to sharpen one's persuasive writing skills, develop a nuanced
understanding of effective communication, and contribute to the broader discourse on issues that
For those seeking assistance or wishing to explore similar essays, resources such as provide a valuable platform. Expert guidance can prove instrumental in
navigating the complexities of persuasive writing, ensuring that your call to action resonates with
impact and effectiveness.
Call To Action In A Persuasive EssayCall To Action In A Persuasive Essay
Descriptive Essay On A Summer Camp
Bill come on time to go! Tom s mom screamed. Every summer Tom has to go to
summer camp. His parents are traveling all the time because of work. Bill really
doesn t like to go, he s not the athletic type. Tom does not have a lot of friends and
keeps to himself. As bill walks down the stairs to the car he feels a little
overwhelmed. Bill has gone to the campthree summers in a row and feels weirded
out when he s near the woods. The camp counselors don t like it when kids go to the
woods by themselves, apparently kids have disappeared but the counselors don t talk
about it too much.
The car ride there is long. To get there you have to go far from town. You could see
huge trees swaying back and forth as you pass by, it s a little creepy. Bill arrived to
the eerie camp, he saw all the kids with their parents trying to check in and get to
know the grounds. The car came to a stop and Bill and his mom got out the car. It
was a long ride there so it took Bill a minute to stretch out. Bill and his mom walk up
to the front desk, there was a young man at the desk looked like he was not in a good
mood. The man began to speak Hello and welcome to camp, do you need a room? the
man said angrily. Um yes please. Bill s mom said, but Bill zoend out the rest of the
conversation. Bill I have to go now, Bill s mom said I love you and please don t get
in trouble your room number is 122. Ok mom love you too. Bill said. His mom
gave him a kiss on the cheek, gave him his room number and bags and left.
Bill walked through the huge camp and looked for his room number. Bill has been
at the camp multiply times so it was not hard to find. 122 must be mine room Bill
said out loud. The room was not in the best condition, moss was on the outside and
the grass was a little dead. Bill walk up slowly to the door and knocked three times,
Hello is anyone home. You usually get a room mate. Come in! the other person
yelled from inside. Great, Bill was hoping no one would be home. Bill opened the
creaking door slowly. When he entered he saw a boy around 14 his age sitting on one
of the two beds. Hi my names Tom, what s your name? The boy said. I m Bill. Bill
does not have friends and he keeps to himself, so he a little shy.
How Is Cassie Courageous
If you have courage then you can do anything, and nothing will get in your way.
Throughout the book Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry the Author Mildred D. Taylor
uses Cassie as a young person to stand up for her decisions, even though there is a
lot of conflict and tension against her family. Cassie proves that she is courageous
by standing up for her siblings, facing her rival Lillian Jean, and stand up for her
papa when she heard out who shot him. All of these actions prove that Cassie is
courageous because Cassie stands up for her convictions, even though there is a
lot of conflict and tension against her family. Are you willing to stand up for your
siblings even though you may get in trouble or worse? Cassie Logan was not afraid
to stand up for her siblings even though she would probably get whipped or worse.
Cassie Logan stood up for little man when he got in trouble for saying that book was
dirty. She ended up getting whipped to because she stood up for little man, and put
her book on Mrs Crockers desk. n page 26 and 27 said Miz Crocker please don t! I
cried I know why he done it. Miz Crocker I said, I don t want my book neither. Now
you know how Cassie stands up for her siblings, and shows how courageous she is....
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The challenge that Cassie faced was she stood up to a white girl named Lillian
Jean Simms. What happened was she was mad at Mr Burnett for letting white
folks go first, and she nudged Lillian Jean on the sidewalk and Lillian Jeans dad
came out and pushed Cassie down and made her apologize. I flailed into her,
tackling her with such force that we both fell. After the first shock of my actually
laying hands on her, she fought as best she could,but she was no match for me. (Pg
181) This shows that Cassie was really courageous for standing up to Lillian Jean
Biography of Photographer Dorothea Lange Essay
Through out the Great Depression there were many photographers, but one of the
best was Dorothea Lange. Lange was born on the 25th of May in 1895 in
Hoboken, New Jersey as the first child of Joan and Henry Nutzhorn. She decided to
become a photographer at the age of 18. She studied photography at Columbia
University in New York. At the age of 20 she began to travel the world. Later in
life she settled down in San Francisco, California, where she met her first husband,
artist Maynard Dixon. She had had to children Daniel (1925) and John (1928). She
died on the 11th of October in 1916. Even Though some people believe Dorothea
Langewas not a great photographer, Dorothea was because she caused great
inspiration of those going through the hard... Show more content on ...
Her most well know piece Migrant Mother which was of Florence Owens
Thompson. The photograph shows a worn out mother with her two children s heads
in her shoulders, and a baby in her lap.
Dorothea Lange s pictures of the homeless during the Great Depression got the
attention of the Federal Resettlement Administration. She began to work for them
taking pictures and capturing the publics attention of the poor. She also worked for
the US Farm Security Administration before World War Two. She investigated the
conditions of farm workers in many Western states. Many of the people she
photographed during this time had came to escape the Dust Bowl (a drought which
devastated millions of acres of farm land in midwestern states).
When the United States joined WWII in 1941 here was a relocation of the Japanese
Americans. Dorothea Lange was hired shortly after this took place by the War
Relocation Authority (WRA). She was hired to show there new living styles in there
new there new living quarters. The photographs she took showed there new
neighborhoods, processing centers, and there whole camp facilities. So Lange could
capture the spirit of the camps, she made it so her images showed courage and
dignity. Most of the photos she took here were censored by the federal government.
Dorothea Lange put some the photographs she took in to her books. Her book
Dorothea Lange s Ireland, published in 1996,explores the world of the rural Irish
families. It shows there
Examples Of Christ Quotes In The Great Gatsby
The Christ Gatsby
When you think of the wealthy and marvelous Jay Gatsby, one wouldn t dare to
think of him to symbolize Christ. However, throughout the novel The Great Gatsby,
F. Scott Fitzgerald was successfully able to represent such a character to be a
somewhat grotesque version of Christ himself. The novel takes a religious angle
where quotes and evidence from bibles are evidential and parallel to the book and
the character of Jay Gatsby.
Father s Business
The first connection we came upon, relates to Gatsby s corrupted dreams and
choices he had made in the past to make his happiness worth while. Even though
the love of his life was long gone, he still decided to strive for her and even commit
illegal regards to satisfy the emptiness he had inside. Referring to religious terms,
this situation falls under a category of being a business . All of Gatsby s malice
decisions comes only to be a product of redemption just as any other person would
act. In the ... Show more content on ...
When the wine runs out leaving everyone without something to drink, Jesus
delivers a sign of his glory and turns water into wine; this event is known as the
Marriage at Cana. The same could go for Jay Gatsby and the various miracles he
was able to perform with his wealth as his parties. In chapter three, when describing
the cocktails served at Gatsby s parties, Nick says, ...and floating rounds of
cocktails permeate the garden outside, (pg 40) and, Suddenly one of these gypsies,
in trembling opal, seizes a cocktail out of the air, dumps it down for courage and,
moving her hands like Frisco, dances out alone on the canvas platform. (pg 41)
Aside from the cocktails, Gatsby used his money to ensure that his guests would
always be entertained at his parties. Just like with Jesus and how he transformed
water in wine, Gatsby was able to perform dozen of miracles with his
Textual Analysis Essay example
The text, Writing on Demand: Best Practices and Strategies for Success is designed
specifically for teachers by teachers. With a quote on the cover of the text that is
highlighted by a bright orange background and explicitly states that this book is
Ideal for SAT, ACT, AP, and State Assessment Exams , the text quickly announces
that its core audience is going to be teachers within the middle school to high school
range. Given the aim of this text, it proves to be a highly beneficial work for aiding
teachers in understanding how to adequately prepare their students for the rigors of
writing on demand, be it for regular classroom assignments or standardized tests.
After a thorough analysis of the text I found many of ... Show more content on ...
Context for Usage: The grade levels this text is designed to prepare educators for
teaching is evidenced first in its overall discussion of properly preparing students to
be able to write on demand for state assessment tests. Given that such tests do not
regularly take place until students are out of elementary education it is apparent that
this text is directed towards teachers working with a higher age bracket. This is
also further revealed in instances where teachers are directed to help students think
backwards, a skill that is not highly promoted in elementary education as most
children at this age level have not yet developed the capacity to think backwards.
The process described for enabling students to analyze prompts is also one that
would be dominantly used beyond the beginning years of education. Considering
each of these factors, the aim of this text is to be utilized by teachers working with a
middle school to high school age bracket.
Learning Objectives: Learning objectives promoted in the college level class on
teaching writing that this text was handed out in, strongly emphasize the importance
of group work, as revealed in the writing theory handout and the scholarly overview
handout (see attached).
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Database
Under those circumstances on what really the definition of repository is and what it
contains, the report entitled Digital Repositories Review conducted by JISC (2005)
emphasizes the definition of repository as follows:
Content is deposited in a repository, whether by the content creator, owner or third
party on their behalf.
The repository architecture manages content as well as metadata
The repository offers a minimum set of basic services e.g. put, get, search, access
The repository must be sustainable and trusted, well supported and well managed.
And yet, because of rapid advancement of technology and accessing data all over the
world, the question what really the repository is and what it contains are not constant
and ... Show more content on ...
Microsoft Word
Obtain on line help
However, regardless of the usefulness and advantages of Microsoft Access on
building software project, it has also its own disadvantages which some developers
experienced before, during as well as after using this database management system as
being discussed on the web as shown below:
Finite Microsoft Access is useful for individual departments or small to medium
business sectors. Any sector whose usage goes beyond 2 GB will hit a wall and
discover limitations.
Structure Query Language (SQL) SQL for MS Access is not as robust as MS SQL
Server or Oracle, to just name a few.
One file All the information from your database is saved into one file. This limits
options and how you choose utilize data; slowing down reports, queries, and forms.
Its performance becomes slow as the user scales data size. Multimedia data can use
up MS Access limited space quickly.
Static Friendly It s difficult to publish files a part from static files.
Multi user limited Technical limit is 255 concurrent users, but real world limit is 10
to 80 (depending on type of
The Ethical Issues Of Darby s Whistle Blowing Decision
Question 4 1.The ethical issues outlined in this case are whether Spc. Darby s
whistle blowing decision was correct and if Spc. Sivits s claims of obedience and
rule following are sufficient for his decision to not blow the whistle. 2.The fear of
repercussions of disobeying military orders should not be an allowable excuse for
not whistle blowing. From the utilitarian perspective actions are right insofar as
they promote happiness and wrong as they bring the reverse of happiness: pain
(Mill, 1910.) The repercussions of disobeying orders would be wrong because it
would bring produce the reverse of happiness via pain and privation of pleasure.
However, one also assess the situation from the view of Kant that maxims should
only be acted on when they can become a universal law (Kant, 1898.) Should
everyone not act for of disobeying orders, we can presume that other heinous
crimes would go unreported. Returning to Mill we can see how this situation
would lead to more pain and privation of pleasure for all of humanity as opposed to
a single officer. Therefore, both the utilitarian and deontological perspectives
prevent the fear of repercussions from being an allowable excuse for not whistle
blowing. 3.Whistleblowing should be praised. From the utilitarian point of view,
whistleblowing poses a unique challenge. In either the action to blow the whistle or
not there is some reverse happiness or pain produced. In the case of Spc. Darby his
decision to seven members of the company
Essay On Air Pollution
Energy is essential to life. Without it, billions of people would be left cold and
hungry. The major source of energy comes from fossil fuels, and the dominant fossil
fuels used today by most industrialized and developing countries are oil, coal, and
natural gas. This burning of fossil fuels is causing several health and environmental
The first issue is air pollution. As many of you already know, burning fossil fuels
emits several air pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide
and the most common pollutant, carbon dioxide. These harmful gases are toxic to
both the environment and public health.
Another issue associated with air pollution is acid rain. Acid rain is formed when
sulfur dioxide and nitrogen ... Show more content on ...
Nevertheless, there is one simple solution to this global crisis:
The hydrogen fuel cell.
Fuel cells are used in a wide range of portable, stationary and transport applications,
such as battery chargers and home heating, but the fuel cell is best known for
powering cars. Fuel cells are quite possibly the most versatile energy solution ever
The fuel cell seems like the perfect energy source: Quiet, clean and independent of
gasoline. In a fuel cell vehicle, the fuel cell transforms hydrogen and oxygen into
electricity, and the left over heat and water is all that it emits. Most importantly, the
fuel cell is environmentally friendly.
Take NASA as an example. NASA is a world known space program, and their
technology expands the frontiers of knowledge and capabilities in aeronautics,
science, and space. NASA develops the latest innovative technology and has the best
scientists and engineers from around the world working for them.
Quote from NASA
Producing power without damaging our environment is a continuing challenge.
Fossil fuels like gasoline, coal, and jet fuel are non renewable, and burning these
fuels is increasing air pollution and harms the environment. Batteries have limited
lifetimes and need to be disposed of in hazardous waste landfills. Many
environmentally friendly alternatives (solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal
power) can only be used in specific environments. In contrast, hydrogen fuel cells
have near zero
Nt1310 Unit 3 Record Analysis
Please update the initials and date column for each section you have completed.
Date= completion date. Please add header, objective, and source to workpaper. I
do not see the sample being selected on R 300 1. It looks like it was selected on R
300 on the Records Created by Dept Tab. Please indicate in the sample selection
that the sample was selected from that tab. On the tab (Created by...) indicate the
objective and source (R 300 2). Please add a tickmark for the highlighted cells
indicated that these items were selected for testing on the Audit Cover Sheet tab.
Please add to the tickmark why the duplicate record would have been made for
PDPS purposes and define PDPS. Please add documents were pulled using DISR,
Query by Image ID 1 as either a comment next to the column where it was used or in
the audit procedures. Also add the information regarding the dashes to the date and
the selecting of DRD. I can see how this will be useful information for the next time
the testing is done.... Show more content on ...
Please see track changes. Feel free to revise. I added a lot of the error rate
information. Please add header, objective, and source to workpaper. I do not see
the sample being selected on R 301 1. It looks like it was selected on R 301 on the
STARS Court Return Tab. Please indicate in the sample selection that the sample
was selected from that tab. On the tab (STARS Court...) indicate the objective and
source (R 301 1). Please add a tickmark for the highlighted cells indicated that these
items were selected for testing on the Audit Cover Sheet tab. Please see track
changes. Feel free to revise. I added a lot of the error rate information. Please create
a separate issue for STARS cutting off DHA comments. This seems like a separate
issue that needs its own
L Beckham Narrative
Darkness hides a multitude of sins. It unleashes transgression onto the world under
cover of night. It reveals the creed of the sinful that creep into the night to loose their
collective demons upon the infirmed, easily defeated denizens that innocently stray
into its dimension, its point in space and time to be sucked into bottomless voids with
no way to return to the surface... L Beckham
As thick black smoke swirls heavily over a young light skinned slave girl, she squats
in a smoldering, charred canebrake. With no eyes upon her, other than an unjust God
and the night creatures that have stopped to watch the nativity, mother and child
become separate beings.
I was born in a canebrake in the Bayous of Southern Louisiana during a pre harvest ...
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However, some men are more honorable than that. These men want a woman that
enjoys the sexual act. That is why they seek a willing partner, a placeГ©, when they
want to set up a second home a second marriage one that placates their sexual needs
and desires.
These PlaceГ©s or Comfort Women as some prefer to call them, are by no means
prostitutes; that is why a marriage is arranged. In return for their sexual favors, they,
and the children born of these marriages, are assured a secure future.
It is a Creole tradition that freed Quadroons and Octoroons have an annual gala, a ball
where upon their sixteenth birthday, their daughters are introduced into society.
Paraded throughout the city in search of suitable matches, the young Creoles are
introduced much the same as when young white women are introduced as they
become of marriageable age.
Placage is the legally binding marriage between a white man and a free woman of
color, a Quadroon or an Octoroon. Some Mulattoes enter into these marriages as
well, but only if their skin is a shade that is light enough to be pleasing to the
Junk Mail And The Art Of Hype Essay example
The art of hype pervades advertising of all kinds. You can see it everywhere you go.
It s characterized by its extensive use of exclamation points, big words, powerful
colors, and giant pictures. You re sure to see several trademark symbols and
percentages that they claim you will save. What they hide are the detailswhich are
quite often exceptions to their claims and end up rendering their savings miniscule.
These details are usually confined to quot;fine print quot; which they expect no one
to read.No where is hype more prevalent, and indeed necessary, than in junk mail.
The very fact that hype is so prevalent says a lot about the reader of junk mail. It
implies that they have a short attention span and are unconcerned and ... Show more
content on ...
In a shopping mall, for example, the shoppers are seeking commodities, and that is
their purpose for going. They want to find something that they will enjoy consuming.
The shopper and the seller are in it together.
All the seller has to do is make the package look appealing and the shopper will be
curious about it (qtd. in Maasik 46). But in junk mail, the sender knows that no one
wants to read their sales pitch, and that, in fact, most of their mail goes straight into
the trash can without much more than a glance. Therefore, junk mail must sell itself
in that one, vital glance.Do Americans have such a short attention span that
advertisers are required to resort to such hype? That s what everything about the junk
mail seems to imply.
If any of us had the patience to read carefully through every ad, we would certainly
be more informed consumers, and we would happily dish over money for something
that we truly need. But these ads seem to be
Mise En Scene Essay
Introduction of Mise en Scene
Mise en Scene are used in every aspects of filmmaking. The term refers to the
overall look and feel of a film. It is what the viewers sees, hears and experiences
while watching a film. A film s Mise en Scene subtly influences viewer s mood as
they watch a film, much like decor, lighting, smells and sounds can influence our
emotional response to an actual place. In Film Art: An Introduction, Bordwell
(2001), explained that in Mise en Scene, realism can be achieved by giving the
settings an accurate and convincing look or letting actors express their emotions
through performance as naturally as possible. This paper will discuss and analyse
the significance of Mise en Scene in Wong Kar Wai s In The Mood For Love... Show
more content on ...
A major key element in the film comprises of settings. It is where the actions takes
place and helps viewers to understand where and when the film is set. Settings not
only create mood, it has social, psychological, emotional and cultural significance
in which the film are able to portray. Settings used in the film are very rarely just
backgrounds to the characters dialogue. Viewers are often seen shots of places,
without any action taking place. They can be used to influence viewers by
building certain expectations and then the actions takes a different turn. Gibbs
(2002) mention that, Mise en scene therefore encompasses both what the audience
can see and the way in which we are invited to see it . For example, the scene where
Mrs. Chan goes to get noodles where she is seen to be walking along a dark alley
down the stairs, gives viewers a certain expectation to emphasize the character s
emotional state. Viewers are also made to see Mr. Chow going down the same
stairs as Mrs. Chan walks back up without any conversation taking place. This tells
viewers what they see suggesting the lost in their daily routine of doing the same
thing over and over again, going to work, getting noodles and accepting the
unfaithfulness of their spouses. It also gives viewers a sense of developing bond
between the two characters over
Relaxer Analysis
Once again, the polarizing British trio Alt J find themselves treading upon
uncharted regions of sound and style in their latest record Relaxer. It explores
themes of romantic entanglement, desolation and sexual desire by means of
coercive storytelling pinioned by bold production and sweltering, multi layered
melodies. Relaxer draws from the best qualities of Alt J s previous work and
expounds upon it, maximizing on a brief sub 40 minute runtime. The varied styles
explored in their latest is a paramount feat considering there are only eight tracks to
delve into. 3WW initiates Relaxer with immersive slow burn profoundness aided
by Ellie Rowsell s (Wolf Alice) guest vocals. This track layers into intimate breadth
and emotional fragility, escalating it into a tangible world where a warm and
crackling bonfire exists at its core. 3WW signals a more mature Alt J attentive to the
intricacies of acute songwriting. As it turns out, 3WW s pseudo folk nature sets sonic
precedence for the remainder of the album with the exception of a few raucous
curveballs.... Show more content on ...
This track pulls in smooth, brooding horn sections to contrast its uproarious
percussion and synthesized organ sound in order to manifest into a familiar climax
that has made their music worthwhile in the
Australian Identity in Film
Australian Identity in Film How a country is designed and subsequently populated
will have an indelible impression on the joint psychology of that country s population.
The people s understanding of themselves as a country will also affect how that
nation presents itself to the rest of the world. Much of this will have to do with the
country s concepts of nation, nationalism, and community. A nation is a socially
constructed concept dealing with the country itself as well as the population in the
lands of that country. Nationalism, on the other hand, is a political principle which
deals with the joint consciousness of that nation, including their shared targets of
antagonism and satisfaction (Gelner 2006). All countries are affected by their
concepts of nation and nationalism, and also by their sense of constancy and
community. The history of any given nation will have an indelible impact on the way
that the nation constructs itself and develops in the present and also into the future.
This is particularly true of a nation which has a history filled with negative perception
and has tried to evolve from that primary function. Every nation will invariably
develop a unique culturewhich will be born of the ethnicity and religion of the people
who inhabit a given community. Australiahas become linked to the concept of an
imagined community. Social critic Benedict Anderson coined this phrase by defining
an imagined community as one in which there is not innate sense of
Blockbuster, Netflix, And The Media, Entertainment
My paper on Blockbuster, Netflix, and the Media, Entertainment Rental Industry, in
2011. (Summary).
With this paper I am proposing to discuss Blockbuster s issues and/or problems, as
far as, gaining and retaining profitability, and well needed success. Why in 2010 the
company s losses continued to rise? And the reason, they were eventually required to
enter Chapter Eleven bankruptcy in Sept 10. In addition to, Netflix, which at the time
had over 17 million subscribers in 2010, gaining profits, and a climbing stock price
that exceeded $300 by June 2011, which was because of them introducing its own
entertainment streaming service as a part of its DVD service for a low cost of $10,
charged monthly. However, this case studyis ... Show more content on ...
The remaining 1,500 was liquidated. DISH announced, in Sept 2011, it would
provide its subscribers a media download rental system similar to Netflix s, but at a
discount price.
So, with all that being said, when we discuss concerning the world s top leading
online streaming media company, Netflix first comes to mind because we know they
committed in to distributing/circulating movies and TV shows for years by way of
the internet or online services, as it has the required license and agreement with some
of the world s largest, and most important, content providers, film studios, and TV
channels as well.
Furthermore, they charge minimal from the subscribers to watch videos from the
stored videos by using the computer network.
When, we also discuss concerning the existence, Netflix has over 50 million
subscribers from across the globe, with 30 million of them from domestic
partnerships and marketplaces.
Description of the case study (summary) .
Personalized or individualized user experience: The lesson learned from Netflix and
Blockbuster success and failure to provide this service. As such, depending on the
customer s choice and interest for which they can view videos.
The shared evidence of observing how Neflix uses personalized and individualization
as a competitive advantage in engaging and retaining users, and planning content
Integration or combining of streaming
History Of Haunted Trails Family Amusement Park
For decades, Haunted Trails Family Amusement Park remains as the main destination
for all family members throughout Chicago, thanks to its massive arrays entertaining
features. This is the place where families can have such warm and welcoming
celebrations like birthdays or other kinds of family gatherings. With special offers for
certain packages, Haunted Trails FamilyAmusement Parkalways entertains everyone,
at all ages.
The owner, J. Richard Oltmann is very much different, as compared to other
amusement park owners. Before it was launched in 1975, all the games that visitors
can find here at this moment, were evaluated thoroughly before they were launched
publicly. All of those games, which were his brainchild, were sold worldwide. One
The Importance and History of the Steam Engine Essay
The wonderful progress of the present century is, in a very great degree, due to the
invention and improvement of the steam engine, and to the ingenious application of
its power to kinds of work that formerly taxed the physical energies of the human
race. ~Robert H. Thurston
The steam engine can easily be considered the single most important invention of the
entire industrial revolution. There is not one part of industry present in today s
society that can be examined without coming across some type of reference or
dependence upon the steam engine. But, who deserves the credit for this great
invention? Some give the credit to James Watt while others claim that Thomas
Newcomen was the original inventor. However, the idea of the ... Show more content
on ...
The idea using the power of steam to our advantage goes back nearly twenty one
centuries. A learned writer in ancient Alexandria, named Hero, wrote a manuscript
describing various devices and ideas of the time. Although it is not proven that
Hero was the inventor of any of these devices, he is given credit for the earliest
mention of steam power. Hero describes a method to open the doors of a temple
with the action of a fire on the alter at the front of the temple. A series of pipes runs
between the alter and the temple doors. The force of the steam created by the fire
on the alter is strong enough to open the temple doors. The essential principle that
Hero used was to change heat energy into mechanical energy or work. Supposedly,
Hero continued his work and ended up creating what is often called the First
Steam Engine. Hero s engine is featured on below on the right. The cauldron or
bowl like portion AB holds water. There is a steam tight cover place over top of
the cauldron. Two pipes extend from the lid and suspend a globe directly above the
cauldron. The water is heated, causing steam to be created and forced through the
pipes. The globe then fills with steam. Pipes K and H are located on opposite sides
of the globe and allow the steam to escape when the pressure becomes uneven. The
escaping steam then causes the globe to spin on its axis.
The power
Matthew Shepard
Matthew Shepard was just one of many people who had been targeted by Fred Phelps
and his church. Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church became known
internationally for preaching and protesting against homosexuals. He had been
known to align himself with dictators and terrorist groups. Church members traveled
to various cities around the country to protest the funerals of gay people, military
personnel who had died in battle serving their country, and many others. According to
members of the church, soldiers were dying because Godhated America for its
tolerance of homosexuality. Phelps and his congregants believed that anyone who
didn t align themselves with Westboro Baptist Church would burn in hell.
Unfortunately, since Westboro Baptist... Show more content on ...
What do you mean it s not for you to judge? If God doesn t hate fags, why does he
put em in hell?...You see the barrenness and sterility of your silly arguments when
set over against some solid gospel truth? (1636). I think it s profane that he s just
taken parts of the Bible that he can use and discarded the rest. Phelps has gotten
away with wasting tax payer money for years filing frivolous law suits. He uses
his law degree like he uses the Bible, as a way to cause pain and misery to others.
His own funeral was private, which shows that even in death he was a coward. I
think Fred Phelps had an impact on people s beliefs, but in a good way. Over the
years, many of his congregants left the church because of the abuse he had inflicted
on them. I think he created such a circus, many people were outraged, which
probably only helped to bolster the gay rights movement. Phelps and his church
probably created sympathy for others in the LGBT community. Even people opposed
to gay marriage thought that the pastor s contemptuous tactics made debate over
these issues difficult when discussing policy or faith. Maybe his legacy will be to
bring people together instead of driving them
Tramps Ship Essay
1.0 Classification of ship
1.1 Tramps Tramps ship provides the service that only operate wherever the market
dictates. Tramps ship does not have a fixed schedule, published port of call and
irregular shipping, mainly over nonstandard routes, with no definite schedule. Tramps
ship involve trading all part of the world for searching cargo to transfer. Tramps ship
usually carried the bulk cargo and break bulk cargo that do not require fast
delivery. It s speed is very slow and can transport a variety of cargo. The tramps
ship carry 1 kind of cargo per trip for 1 shipper. The value of cargo on tramps ship
is low intrinsic value and homogeneous cargo. For example the cargo is coal, grain,
sugar, oil and gas. Beside that, tramp ship also known as general trading vessel. The
purpose of tramp ships is to provide efficient, convenient and economical
transportation required by the many kinds of goods that needed for industrialized
society. In other hand, the contract of tramps ship is considered as negotiated contract
because the rate of shipping and ... Show more content on ...
The operation of liner ships is between 2 ports or between region. The liner ships
will sail on schedule no matter the cargo is full or not. In addition, the punctuality
depart and arrival date to the determined port is important because the image and
prestige of company will be declined if they are not reach the destination port on
time. The punctuality of liner ships is to improve the efficiency and overall transit
time and confirm the cargo can be sent to the destination port on time. The liner
ships also considered as the common carrier or public carrier because it required by
law to accept without any discrimination. The liner ships require the minimum
quantity of cargo must be presented by shippers to move to other places or
Copper Silver Nitrate Reaction Lab
The purpose of the lab copper silver nitrate reaction is to find the mole relationships
between reactants and products. My hypothesis was that the mole relationship
between silver and copper will be 2 mol Cu: 1 mol Ag ratio. My hypothesis is
supported by the data I found during the lab. First evidence, in the beginning of my
calculation I have to determine the mass of copper that reacted during the
experiment and converted to moles of copper and got .0033 moles of Cu. Next, I
determined the mass of silver produced during the experiment and converted into
moles of silver and got .0063 moles of Ag. After I found the moles of copper and
silver, I determined the value of the ratio of .0063 moles Ag /.0033 moles Cu and got
1.90 moles. 1.90 mol
Tory Higgins Argumentative Essay
E. Tory Higgins proposed that individuals have three selves that they compare
themselves to Actual self representation of the attributes you believe you actually
possess, Ideal self attributes you would ideally like to possess (hopes, aspiration,
what motivates you to change/improve), Ought self attributes you believe you should
possess (duties, obligations, responsibilities when these self guides are contradictory
they result in emotional discomfort. Individuals are motivated to reduce self
discrepancy (the gap between two self guides). There has been a great deal of
research into cognitive dissonance, providing some interesting and sometimes
unexpected findings. It is a theory with very broad applications, showing that we aim
for a
Elapsed Time In The Classroom
The math lesson that my practicum partner and I performed in our classroom was
a review of elapsed time. The topic of our lesson was telling and writing time to the
nearest minute and to solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of
time intervals in minutes. The concept of elapsed time is actually a relatively hard
topic, especially at eight years old and having remembering it after returning from
spring break with pre PARCC anxiety. That being said, this review was beneficial for
the class. We began our lesson by facilitating a carpet discussion about the different
strategies that students prefer to figure out how much timehas passed between events.
I was very satisfied with how the discussion went, the class that I am placed in loves
carpet discussion and... Show more content on ...
I was happy with the pair sharing because the students can explain ideas in ways that
I may have never considered, and their explanation may help other students
understanding. In addition, there is a great sense of classroom community discourse
that occurs with this specific class, their level of respect for each other is incredible.
Our lesson activity had the students rotating around the room and performing
different word problems for about 4 minutes at each station. I think the students liked
that they were able to move around. Also the amount of time we gave them was
challenging and fun, without making it too intense like a drill. When we went over
the answers to the problems we had students come demonstrate how they got their
answer on the whiteboard and discuss why they chose the method/strategy they did,
which was good because some other students were able to observe and learn. My
main regret from this lesson is having the activity answers discussed and displayed
with students at their desks and not the carpet. With this specific group they are so
much more engaged when they sit at the
The Presidential Election Of Florida Essay
Florida is a popular state when discussing political controversy. The media rushes to
Florida during congressional and presidential elections due to its reputation as a
conflicted state. Here we find the southern regions to be rather liberal and voting
democratically, and on the other hand, we see the northern regions votingmostly
conservatively. This creates controversy in the United Statesbecause Florida is a
major determining factor of what kind of outcome we are going to get for a
presidential election. This can be especially stressful for those running for office
either presidentially or for the state specifically because they are unaware of their
chances of gaining the states support and being elected into office. Florida has
been being a large impact on the outcome of presidential campaigns in past
elections. One of these years in history was 1876 between Democrat Samuel J.
Tilden and Republican Rutherford B. Hayes. During this election, Tilden and the
Democrats were accused of winning southern states through violence and fraud
causing Republicans to demand vote recounts. After recounts, Republicans were
accused of throwing out Democratic votes so Hayes would gain support from
states that were once Tilden s (Morris 2003). For this election, Florida played a key
role along with a few other states because of the electoral votes that were key in
determining who would win this entire presidential election for that year. More
recently in 2000, Florida had another
Greek Sex Art
The idea of sex, whether it be biological or romantic, has always been shown in art
throughout the history of man. The idea of sex is sensual in paintings all
throughout the world. In ancient Greek, they viewed love as Eros. This Eros could
be physical and spiritual, similarly to Nepalis who worship Hinduism (Sayre). Not
only was sex seen as something purely physically but rather was something that
displayed power and desire. In paintings like Delacroix s Odalisque , where it showed
a womanlying on a bed with a Turkish sword lying beneath her showed a symbol of
male power (Sayre). This gaze is what made these sensual images powerful. Although
one figure wanted to break the stereotypical genderroles that were emplaced into art.
Elaine de... Show more content on ...
If society did not have artists that fought against the norm, then society would still
be majorly oppressive and disallow free thought on one s own originality. This
oppressive stance can be shown in the Third Reich were degenerate artwork was
not allowed due to how the artwork did not show the ideal man and woman ( Nazi
Approved Art ). If this status quo was not kept, then the state s ideal image could
not be obtained. States such as the Third Reich viewed women more as objects of
desire and how women need to keep family values of purity. Men were viewed as
the sexual prowess of the state and were shown to be in strict guidelines of
masculinity and power. These roles do not allow society to grow and forces a
stalemate in creativity. Elaine de Kooning wanted to show how male privilege of
gaze could be changed and proved this through her expressionist
Pursuing A Bachelor s Degree In Nursing
Nursing is a very complicated topic in my opinion, because there are many
different directions you can take it from it and many ways you can go. You can be
many different types of nurses and get different degrees from your Bachelors degree
to your Masters in nursing. I do not know much about which path I want to take
because I have only heard about the bachelor s degreein science which is also known
as the BSN. I think this one is the path I want to take primarily because it is
available at San Juan through UNM and I have heard it is a really good program.
What I know is that the Bachelor s degree in science is a four year career. However,
I do not know much on how to get there, what I need and what kind of duties
/responsibilities these type... Show more content on ...
I got to talk to my San Juan advisor Tanisha Sam and she was really helpful on
providing me with all the information I needed. She gave me a sheet that showed
all the courses required for the ADN and as well as for the BSN. Then, she helped
me compare both of them and I was able to see the differences and similarities
between the both degrees. The total credits for the ADN degree would be 71
credits and for the BSN it would come out to 128 132 credits. I soon found that
talking with my advisor was the best choice I made because I believe everything I
wanted to know was practically answered. I also did some research on the wages
for both jobs. State government wage report show that BSN educated nurses
receive significantly higher salaries than ADN educated nurses in New Mexico. In
2013, ADN nurses earned an average annual salary of $51,400 and an average hourly
wage of $24.71. However, BSN educated nurses were more generously compensated
with an average annual salary of $71,650 and an average hourly wage of
Dbq 4 The Jewish People
Q8. The first picture that had stood out to me was the one where the Jewish people
were standing in two lines in front of the officers. The men, women, and children all
stood awaiting the officers who stood in front of them. The Jewish people stood
there unaware of what was to come. In this picture, the Jewish people are still seen
wearing their clothes, coats, hats, etc. wearing what they had brought with them.
They all still had their shoes on and their hair was still upon their heads. The reason I
bring these points up is because shortly after this photo would be taken, their lives
would surely be changed forever. I can t help but think that in a few minutes they
would no longer possess their clothes, shoes, hair, golden teeth, or anything... Show
more content on ...
This photo may look like it just shows a large group of people standing in a line, it
shows so much beyond that. This photo contains Jewish men, women, and children
awaiting a horrible fate. The officers in the photo would be the ones who would
decided rather someone would live or die. The worst part about that, is that most
of the officers would not lose a single night of sleep no matter how many families
they separated or how many people they had condemned to death that day. The
Jewish people s fate would be decided by one man s decision to send them left or
right, that is what it came down to. This thought had a huge impact on me, by
looking at this photo, I would be looking at people who were minutes away from
their gruesome deaths. Many of them had no idea what was about to happen. In a
few short minutes, they would be torn away from their family members, stripped of
all of their belongings and clothing, they would be stripped of their dignity. Some of
the Jews would be sent off to work if the generals had picked them to, the rest would
be burned to death in the ovens. In my opinion, this photo has a lot more meaning to
it then people would originally
Assistive Technology for Computing Essay
Assistive Technology for Computing
One thing that programmers generally don t take into account when they re typing
out code is How accessible is my program or website going to be for someone who
s impaired in some way? Unfortunately, this has become a problem in our society
which many people are hoping to fix. Already, there s a huge assortment of products
software, hardware, accessories, etc. to accommodate those with impairments or
disabilities of every sort. Here, we will see the technology in current use that is
making computing more universal.
Why Do We Need AssistiveTechnology?
If you can imagine being an impaired person trying to use a computer, you might
imagine that life could become very difficult. People with ... Show more content on ...
For this, there needs to be some alternate means of typing, and selecting files via the
mouse cursor. Overall, it s imperative to people with disabilities, whom are using
computers, to have these issues addressed so that there may be adequate technology
allowing them to further communicate with the rest of the world.
What Is Assistive Technology
Assistive technology (or adaptive technology) is specialized hardware and software
applications that enable [disabled] individuals to use a computer. ( Hyatt, Glenda
Watson, pg. 5) It s a pretty simple theory as to what assistive technology actually is,
however what goes into actually accommodating someone with disabilities is a rather
complicated process. There are many problems, one important one being the need of
equipment that can be mounted on a wheelchair. Aside from these problems, there are
currently products out which can help PWD s use their computers.
Products Available Today
When looking at assistive technology, there are four different categories for usage
by people with different disabilities: Screen readers, Refreshable Braille Displays,
Screen Magnifiers, and Voice Recognition Applications. (Hyatt, 5) There is
currently a myriad of different products available to satisfy each of these categories.
Also, there are a few different products for people with other types of disabilities as
First there are products like screen readers, and screen magnifiers. Two of the types
of screen
Hr421 Lit Review
Running Head: Employee Development
Employee Development and the
Park University
In today s competitive business world, it is important to have fully trained and
well versed employees, which can help make or break an organization. By having
an employee development plan, or career path if you will, it allows employees to
set career goals. This allows companies to ensure employees are fully capable of
performing their assigned duties. The following chapter, Chapter 9, discussed
methods of employee development. This chapter covered current trends associated
with formal education, effective development strategies, as well as how to design a ...
Show more content on ...
This premise is so important that many companies now use web based matching
systems to help match mentors and protГ©gГ©s (Noe, 2010). Companies can also
utilize software to also build development plans, set goals and track the mentors and
protГ©gГ©s progress. Wyndham s hotel chain found that their mentorship program
participation tripled once they introduced the web based matching system (Noe,
Coaching, normally utilized at the managerial level, provides employees with
resources that they might not normally have access to, such as mentors, courses and
job experiences (Noe, 2010). It is imperative that the right coaches are selected for
these developmental programs. The best coaches are those that are empathetic,
supportive, practical, and self confident while appearing to not know it all or want to
tell others what to do (Noe, 2010). By providing coaching to new managers, it
teaches them how to deal with a variety of situations in the workplace while
maintaining professionalism and the corporate goals.
In conclusion, while conducting this review, I found that this chapter offered many
tools that can be utilized to develop an effective training plan. While any form of
employee development is beneficial, mentoring and coaching have proven to be very
effective. By offering these volunteer programs, it allows all parties involved, the
The Pros And Cons Of Joining The United States Air Force...
Have you ever thought about joining the Air Force? Well , if you haven t, just
imagine the respect you d get for serving our country, the pride you d feel for helping
keep America safe. Imagine flying all around the world and meeting so many
varieties of people, seeing lots of different cultures. (Lieutenant Colonel Jerry Quincy)
Although the USAFA has its disadvantages, it teaches future service men and women
many qualities that they can use in their lives. It also shapes these cadets for the
military by teaching them discipline, responsibility, and good work ethic. The United
States Air Force Academyis a campus located in Colorado where future service men
and women go to school to gain knowledge and experience before committing to
the Air Force. Cadets go to classes and training everyday to prepare for their future
jobs. (Wood, Air Force Leadership Problem) The Academy enforces discipline by
having a policy that strictly... Show more content on ...
Thanks to the Air Force s Community College, everyday a cadet shows up to class
they are earning credits that go towards an Associate of Applied Science degree.
(Excellence in all we do) There are also a college called American Military University
that allows anyone in the military to take classes for free. (Educating those who
serve) So even in the military, you can get your degree. The Air Force Academy is
not easy to be accepted into. In fact, only about eight percent of people who applied
in 2017 were accepted. The cadets who were accepted into the academy scored very
well on SATand ACT tests. The average scores of people accepted are: 642 on
SAT Verbal, 669 on SAT Math, 30.0 on ACT English, 30.4 on ACT Reading, 30.3 on
ACT Math, and 29.8 on ACT Science Reasoning. People accepted also had to score
well on multiple fitness tests. These tests included: a basketball throw, pull ups,
flexed arm hang, shuttle run, crunches, push ups, and a one mile
Analysis Of The Borden War Measures Act
The Borden War Measures Act The War Measures Act was introduced in 1914 as a
way to give unlimited authority to the government as a way to protect the populace
during the First World War. However the idea of protecting the populace did not
come to be. Both civilians and the federal government in some way acted against the
civil rights of others using the War Measures Act. It enabled war profiteering and the
unfair treatment of those classified as Enemy Aliens . Abuse of the War Measures
Act by the Canadian government showed that the act itself was unnecessary
The War Measures Act goals were to give the Canadian government complete control
over the country. Primarily by bypassing elements of democracy that could harm the
war effort. Such ... Show more content on ...
The reason why such a poorly made weapon was made standard issue in the
Canadian military was because of Sam Hughes the Minister of Militia and Defence
who drew serious criticism when he defended it against growing evidence of its
deficiencies in combat (8). But the War Measures Act was also to blame since it
enabled the government to control, exportation, importation, production and
manufacture; (9). Had the War Measures Act not been in place better quality
products for soldiers could have been produced. But it would also be ignorant to not
acknowledge that industry in Canada had grown because of the war. The war called
for vast quantities of shells for artillery and Canadian factories produced a large
majority of shells. However at the start of production, Sam Hughes, initially
established a Shell Committee to coordinate production, but its failure to deliver on
contracts led to angry recriminations between Canada and Britain and widespread
rumours of corruption. (10). It was not until a new production company, the Imperial
Munitions Board, was established under toronto businessman Joseph Flavelle did
production start to pick up. Since the board was organized according to sound
business practices and hired professional managers to oversee its operations (11).
This displays that under civilian control, production in factories would run smoother
than compared to the format of the government. While under control of the
Unbroken By Laura Hillenbrand Analysis
Hillenbrand and the author of the text about Mine Okubo explain how
perseverance and resilience are essential for surviving difficult times. Throughout
both texts, the authors use several methods to develop this central idea. Unbroken
by Laura Hillenbrand provides a detailed description of how Louie Zamperini
survives being a prisoner of war. The author uses several ways to develop the
central idea of resilience and perseverance. One way the author develops this main
idea is by giving vivid descriptions. During the bombings of Wake Atoll, the author
uses graphic and vivid phrases like The islands were now a blaze of garish light. This
quote is just one instance where the author highlights how much resilience was
needed to survive this dangerous situation. Secondly, the author develops the main
idea by using problem and solution to show the resilience, grit, and perseverance
needed for this difficult situation. The text states Phil was fighting to get out and...
Show more content on ...
Then the text illustrates He had survived. This second quote explains the solution
to the plane s crash, which required the crew to demonstrate resilience. Thirdly, the
text develops the central idea by using cause and effect. The cause was that the
plane made a watery crash, and there were many effects to follow. The text
demonstrates, Phil s mind was woozy and Blood spouted in rhythmic arcs from Phil
s head and washed in sheets down his face. These two quotes demonstrate just two
of the effects of the plane crash, all of which required extreme resilience to be put
forth by the crew. These three ways of central idea development show that resilience
can truly make the difference in surviving difficult
Tom Osborne Character Description
The Nebraska Cornhuskers football program had just won the national
championship, with the historical head coach Tom Osborne. Osborne was head
coach of the Cornhuskers from 1973 1997, for a total of 25 years as head coach.
And has won a total of 13 conference championships and 3 national championships.
Osborne was the most influential coach nebraska has ever had, and has inspired
countless people. There is no doubt that Tom Osborne has qualities of a hero, and
many people look up to him. Tom Osborne has many hero qualities, which are his
strive for greatness,he also shares and expresses his beliefs to the Husker football
team. Tom Osborne has many qualities of a hero. These are just a few of them, his
strive for greatness, religious life, And road to glory. These are just of few of
them. First of all, Tom Osborne had many ups and downs while coaching the
Nebraska Cornhuskers. But eventually he has become one of the most famous
Nebraska head coaches in history. Osborne and his strive for greatness was
amazing. He has a goal to win a National Championship winning a National
Championship would be nice, but it is not a matter of life or death. During Tom
Osborne s coaching career was and hard, but it would eventually turn Nebraska
football around. He coaches different from many other coaches, which is why they
had such an amazing team. When he started at head coach, the Huskers were not
very successful, and many fans didn t like him as a coach. Eventually Osborne had
Frau Grubach Case Analysis
Frau Grubach s role in K. s case helps enforce his sense of superiority towards
women. While she appears for a brief time, she develops and enables K. to believe
he is making the correct choices. As explained by Boa, she is suitably self
denigrating, doing her best to restore K. s ego and claiming his case to be a special,
intellectual matter beyond her comprehension (Boa 191). By restoring and further
developing his ego, K. allows himself to treat the trialas an inconvenience or
irrationality which does not do him justice, only sullying him in his case. Moreover,
with Frau Grubach claiming his case to be unique to others in a way she does not
need to understand it only proves her aim to restore his ego (Kafka 23). The fact that
he... Show more content on ...
It is only when he loses her to the student, he realizes he has been deceived . (Kafka
65). Her role as a helper is merely a disguise to her being an enabler to his guilt and
shame. Despite realizing her role as a liar, he is still filled with the belief of being
in the right. Hence why, even after falling for the first obstacle in his trial, he
allows himself to be tempted again by Leni. Leni s character serves as another
seductress, successfully distracting him from concentrating on his trial and instead
furthering the guilt he is accused of. From the moment their eyes meet, K. is
compelled by her, as if put in a spell. Even though he is in a meeting with the
lawyer and a court official, his mind drifts instead to the nurse (Kafka 103). When
she offers a chance to escape the room of men, he does not hesitate to take it,
choosing a woman over his trial. This action suggests how he cannot fight back
against his guilt and is overcome by it. As Leni reveals her dual role as the nurse
to the lawyer and an insider of the court, he readily accepts her aid. Notably this
acceptance is demonstrated as an intimate moment. However, when his uncle
reprimands him for never returning to the lawyer s room and choosing to be with
Leni, he mentions how he has damaged [his] case (Kafka 108). Leni has
successfully pulled K. away from his trial and worsening his case. The damage he
The Importance Of Border Security In The United States
Nowadays, the illegal immigration into the United States has increasing rapidly
because of the problem of border security and dangerous circumstance in the national
foreign. However, while the population of the United States increasing that lead to the
economics of this nation become more effective and wealthy. Otherwise, with this
situation people access to another national border that violates to the immigrationlaw
and going to make the nation become more negative, isolate and decrease the quality
of life of all people living in United States. Moreover, illegal immigration that
increasing both migration and terrorism that lead to the dangerous issue to threat the
life of all people around the nation. Finally, in the way to make our nation become
more efficient and success our political need to increase more security at the border
and throughout the nation. The U.S should increase restriction on the current border
security system. According to nation reported, that exist a lot of gaps in the nation
border of security system to keep people stay away immigrant to the U.S. Hence, that
effects to the life of everyone around all states such as lost jobs, lower wage and
increased the number of crimes and terrorisms. Last year, more than ten million
undocumented aliens reside to the United States; that lead the population in our
country increasing 700,000 per year. Within this situation, millions of people lost their
... Show more content on ...
That make our economy system increase such as GDP; however, but that shift the
society of our country to a different direction that may cause of harms to the people.
Hence, in the way to keep our nation become stronger without social issues; we need
to keep our border safe and not allow the illegal immigrants. Finally, our political
system need to prepare and promote the restrictions on its current border security
policy throughout the United
Comparison Between City Life and Country Life
Essay question: city life and country life Final draft
Everyone has a different lifestyle. People sometimes have to decide where they
want to live. Some people prefer to live in the city while other people choose to live
in the countryside. Their choice depends upon their bachground. City lifestyle and
country lifestyle are two different types of living. Although, these two types of
living differ from each other by environment, job opportunities and cost of living;
they also have similar features such as daily routine, values and people live and work
in these areas.
The most notable difference between life in a countryside and life in a city is
environment. There are less pollution, fewer cars and factories in the countryside. The
... Show more content on ...
Another two differences between these places of living are job opportunities and
cost of living. There are more job opportunities in the city. People in the
countryside have their farms. They grow different vegetables, fruits and make
money on it. For instance, In Mekong delta farmers make two crops a year. They
are Summer Autumn yield and Winter Spring yield ( What s the difference , n.d.).
Between these seasons of crop there is a distance. They do not do anything during
this period. In contrast, most people move to the city in order to find a job because
it is easier there. For person who has a good education, the city is the best way to
earn money because different offices, companies, factories are located in cities (
What s the difference , n.d.). For example, there are ChoRay hospital, Sacombank,
Vietnam Airlines, National University in Ho Chi Minh city and these companies
usually hire masters, doctors, engineers ( What s the difference , n.d.). Also another
difference between them is a cost of living. The cost of living in the city is higher
than the countryside, for instance goods are more expensive there ( Rural area , n.d.).
In the country, most people have the sufficient economy. They can grow plants and
breed animals so expenditures are lower and they can live on their own. The country
life is simple and comfortable. Nevertheless, to rent a house, to buy food and to use a
transport is more expensive in the city but the
African American Interpersonal Communication Essay
African American Interpersonal Communication African American Interpersonal
Communication through Body Art
Tattoos make an individual s self definition more complete by visually
communicating gang membership, status, rank and personal accomplishment (Phelan
Tattooing and body piercing has been practiced in almost every culture around the
world, and for thousands of years. (Greif, Hewitt 367) The African American culture
use body art as a method of nonverbal interpersonal communication. The word tattoo
became part of the English vocabulary in 1769 when James Cook visited the Pacific
Island of Tahiti.
Both sexes, he wrote, paint their bodies. Tattow as it is called in their language, this
is done by ... Show more content on ...
It is this sort of strictly prescribed, highly ritualistic decoration that Beckwith and
Fisher depict in African ceremonies. We have tried to show how body art is
relevant to every stage of development, from birth to death , says Fisher. But while
the traditional, often spiritually based versions of bod mod are quickly
disappearing among indigenous peoples, the impulses behind personal adornment
remain unchanged: attracting a mate, signaling status, declaring allegiance to a
group( Lemonick 75). For men, the tattoo is a public identity symbol, and their
first is usually on their arm. Women reserve their tattoo for a more intimate
audience, and they usually choose their breast. For most, the tattoo is symbolic of
their individuality and having withstood a painful and exciting event. Tattooees
enjoy being noticed, although they reveal their tattoos selectively ( Davis 471).
Anthropologists describe body art or modification as a way of identifying oneself as
being a part of a group, a tribe, or a gang: of denoting one s financial status or marital
status: or even as a way of beautifying the body (Grief, Hewitt 368).
Implicit here is the theme of deliverance the redemptive passage from pain and
uncertainty wherein the tattoo serves as both silent witness and lucky charm. Yet
sailors and navel men have long applied symbols to their bodies, in an almost
magical way, to guide their vessels and protect themselves, to
Mechanical And Transport Properties Of Cellular Solids
Abstract This work presents a novel formulation for a Voronoi type cellular
material with in plane anisotropic behaviour, showing global positive and negative
Poisson s ratio effects under uniaxial tensile loading. The effects of the cell
geometry and relative density over the global stiffness, equivalent in plane Poisson s
ratios and shear modulus of the Voronoi type structure are evaluated with a
parametric analysis. Empirical formulas are identified to reproduce the mechanical
trends of the equivalent homogeneous orthotropic material representing the Voronoi
type structure and its geometry parameters. Keywords Lattice structures; Elastic
behaviour; Simulation; Finite element analysis 1. Introduction The mechanical and
transport properties of cellular solids have been traditionally modeled using
periodic unit cells representative volumes. Examples of these unit cell topologies
are the hexagonal prismatic and quadrilateral centrosymmetric ones (Gibson and
Ashby, 1997), Kelvin lattices (Choi and Lakes, 1995, Zhu et al., 1997, Warren and
Kraynik, 1997, Mills, 2005, Gong et al., 2005 and Weaire, 2008). The level of
disorder associated to the shape and orientation of cells belonging to real open cell
foams has been described numerically by making use of Voronoi diagrams (Kraynik
et al., 2003). Voronoi tessellations create one to one optimal (i.e., minimum distance)
correspondence between a point in the space and polytopes (a geometric entity
delimited by segments in 2D) to
Eatonville Dialectical Journal
Passage: It was the meanest moment of eternity. A minute before she was just a
scared human being fighting for its life. Now she was her sacrificing self with Tea
Cake s head in her lap. She had wanted him to live so much and he was dead. No
hour is ever eternity, but it has its right to weep. Janie held his head tightly to her
breast and wept and thanked him wordlessly for giving her the chance for loving
service. She had to hug him tight for soon he would be gone, and she had to tell him
for the last time. Then the grief of outer darkness descended (Hurston 184).
(E) Janie had finally found and experienced true love with Tea Cake. During a
moment of panic Janie had shot and killed Tea Cake. Unlike when her other husbands
died Janie felt ... Show more content on ...
Tea Cake and Mrs. Mayor Starks! All the men that she could get, and fooling with
somebody like Tea Cake! Another thing, Joe Starks hadn t been dead but nine
months and here she goes sashay ing off to a picnic in pink linen. Done quit
attending church, like she used to. Gone off to Sanford in a car with Tea Cake and
her all dressed in blue! It was a shame. (Hurston 110)
(C)Their eyes were watching god was set in a period where sexism is prevalent. Janie
after the death of Joe began falling in love with Tea Cake. The town was appalled to
her behavior because back than marriage had a divine meaning. Her short termed
grievance reflected the amount of love she had for her husband and by moving on
quickly to Tea Cake Janie clearly didn t value her relationships and marriage with
Joe. Back then if a man had done what Janie had done it would have been accepted
but because she was a women society frowned upon her behavior. Janie s audacity to
go against the sexist norms of society can be constituted to women during the roaring
twenties. Many women during the roaring twenties had broken social standards
bringing a change to woman s culture. Women began wearing short dresses, smoking
and drinking in bars, things that were once frowned upon by society. These women
similar to Janie did whatever made them happy and ignored the judgments of
The Chocolate War And An Absolute Diary Of A Part Time
When people think about tribalism, they usually associate it with a strong possession
of a cultural or ethnical identity. Tribalism can take many forms. For example, it can
refer to popular culture in which people are exhibiting loyalty to their social group.
Certainly, there are positive and negative perspectives to either side. When reading
The Chocolate War and An AbsoluteDiary of A Part Time Indian, I experienced both
sides of tribalism. When, reading An Absolute Diary of A Part Time Indian, by
Sherman Alexie, I saw how the protagonist Arnold was able to gain support from his
tribes while discovering strengths inside of himself that he never knew existed. In
comparison, I discovered while reading The Chocolate War, by Robert Cormier, the
protagonist Jerry had the foundations of support, but it ended up crumbling when he
needed the support the most. Why was Arnold able to become an individual while
being a member of numerous tribes, when Jerry s tribes didn t support him for being
an individual?
Jerry, a freshman who comes into Trinity and is able to throw off its balance. He is
able to defy the Vigils and that action alone is huge, because no one has ever dared
to defy them before because the Vigils are their own tribe at Trinity. Jerry is able to
disturb the tribe and almost rally supporters behind him, but it doesn t last very
long and Jerry is singled out by the Vigils. Jerry had the football team as his tribe
early on before he was assigned to not sell the
Willie Lynch Theory
Jasmine Kennedy Lee
English Pd. 3
The Psychological Breakdown of a Black Man.
ADULATION, RESPECT OR ADMIRATION. Willie LynchWilliam Willie Lynch
is a British slave owner in the West Indies, who came to the United States to advise
American slave owners on how to keep their slaves restrained. Lynching or Lynch
law is actually attributed to him since it derives from his last name. Lynching
initially referred to the hanging of the black man. His main purpose in life is to
teach white society how to convert a man into a slave.Willie Lynch s theory is
classified by different categories such as, the economy, Keep the body, Take the mind
, and Negro ... Show more content on ...
Sally is trained as a lady s maid, and in addition is tutored in the French language.
Some of Sally s duties includes waiting on Jefferson s daughter, Martha and seeing
to the needs of young Maria. She is paid the equivalent of $2.00 per month for her
services. She attends Martha in public society and is accordingly dressed. These
examples of her life are relevant to Lynch s theory because this shows how mixed
women slaves get better treatment than regular slaves. If she did not physically
show any signs on being mulatto and being beautiful, she would have been treated
inhumane. What slave gets paid to do slave work? Slaves are enslaved against their
will and they shed blood, sweat and tears without being reimbursed with profit.Given
these facts, one can conclude that based on today s events, this theory is both tragic
but yet there is improvement. It is tragic because, white society still has that negative
and stereotypical view of black people being ignorant, criminals and self degrading.
For example, there are tendencies of authorities and the media in general to take the
conception of black criminality to demonize young black men and racial profile
them. Blacks are always put in a negative light because of history, so the mindset of
white people will never change. As far as the improvement, like today, the black
community is still dragged in the same way that the Lynch s doctrine
10 Thing I Hate About You Character Analysis
Laws of women have consider and encourage in gender relations. Since the arrival of
women s rights movement in mid 19th century, there has been amount of changes in
the law that affect women forming giving their full property rights. The film 10
Thing I Hate About You, is a typical teen drama, and romance story. That involve
two sisters with unique characteristics, one that s naive and the other stubborn. Kat
Stratford is an interesting character that isn t well liked by others due to her
personality which is referred as a shrew. She isn t your typical girl that needrescuing
from an awful home or protected. She stands on her own and knows what she is
capable. For that Kat explains through her actions and words that there are women
who are... Show more content on ...
Patrick refuses, but Joey offers him more money. Later on Kat confessed her past
to Bianca about her dating Joey and from then on she vowed to never do anything
just because everyone else was doing it. Bianca explained that she wants to make
her own choices, and both decide to go to prom. At prom Bianca finds out about
Joeys plans. Joey angry that Bianca went out with Cameron, Joey reveals his
agreement with Patrick, which breaks Kat s heart and leaves. Bianca then beats up
Joey for hurting her sister, Cameron, and her. In the end, Bianca begins dating
Cameron. Kat reads her poem to the class, revealing her love for Patrick. Patrick
surprises her with a guitar brought with the money Joey gave him, and confesses his
feeling for her. Kat forgave him and the two made up with a kiss. The First quality
Kat showed was independence, and that no one can decide things for her.
Being independent is key to survive in the world and not everyone possesses it. Its
empowering that one is in control of one s life and choices. Many hope to learn to
support one s fundamentals for any success one hopes to achieve. Kat shows that
she s independent, and wants to do things her way, even though her father wants her
to stay close to home. She expects him to trust and support her on what she deiced
to do with her life. In this scene, Mr. Stratford asks Kat if she is punishing him
because he wants her close to home. Kat
The United States Postal Service Ecommerce Stratagem
The United States Postal Service eCommerce Stratagem Abstract With Centuries of
History to reflect on, the United States Postal Service has continuously strived to be
the leader in the delivery and production of U.S. Consumer postal needs. Over time,
delivery modes have significantly changed; consumer supply and demand has
wavered; and new challenges and opportunities emerge as the cyber world evolves.
The U. S. Postal Service will look to strategize though eCommerce and embrace
technological invents to remain the pacesetter despite any encroaching competition.
Table of Contents Getting to Where They Are Now4 Postal Services Humble Start4
Thinking of it by Zones5 The Postage Stamp6 The Shift from Manual Labor to...
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Thinking of it by Zones Figure 1. 1960 s ZIP Code Propaganda Figure 1. 1960 s
ZIP Code Propaganda There is evidence that as far back as 1943 the United States
Post Office Department used a basic form of today postal zones system but it only
covered the scope of a few certain large cities, The Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP)
Code was officially launched in 1963; it s a system of a postal district/zone
numbers established to better handle increasing volumes of mail. The basic format
consists of five decimal numerical digits. The first number in the code represents
general geographic area of the nation, 0 in the East, moving to 9 in the West. The
next two numbers represent regional areas, and the final two identify specific Post
Offices. In 1983 the system was expanded to ZIP+4. Now mail is read by a
multiline optical character reader (OCR); these are cameras that can almost
instantly determine the correct ZIP+4 code from the written address and additional
specific delivery point information as well. Once the code is determined, it prays
an Intelligent Mail barcode on the face of the mail piece that corresponds to 11
digits; nine for the ZIP+4 codes and two for the delivery point. Some mail must be
sorted in a specific scheme. The Postage Stamp In its beginning, the concept of a
Stamp indicating postage cost was to generate monies when
Entry Level Camera
Entry level camera Strategy
With the entry level cameras, our strategy was to produce them with very minimal
cost to ourselves. Furthermore, by having the entry level cameras relatively low cost
this will potentially lead to mass production, which was our intended goal for these
cameras. These cameras were envisioned where any average customer could
purchase it comfortably to use on a daily basis. With that being said, we figured that
many other companies would attempt to tackle the same price adjustment strategy that
we were operating with. We reckoned that many companies were attempting to raise
their prices for entry level cameras, having said that we altered by maintaining a
fairly lower price to raise profits. Unfortunately, we realize that this isn t working out
for our company, and decided to modify the prices, however we preformed this
adjustment a bit to late for any major outcomes.
Production operations played a huge role on whether to allow more production in
North America, or more in Europe Africa. After many decisions, we begun to notice
that North America, and Europe Africa were our main consumers and had stronger
demands for our products, we suddenly realized that we should offer the other more
compensation to raise the production. We than decided to offer Asia Pacific, and
Latin America a larger discounts, and longer return dates, to increase the demands.
As the years progressed we decided to gradually raise the prices, and increase the
number of models
The Scaled Equation Of State
The scaled equation of state is (2.66)
Coordinate transformation
In rare case may be done a numerical solution in a Cartesian coordinate system.
For numerical simulations is used usually a curve coordinate system. In order to
prevent of geometric errors in solutions in finite volume methods, is necessary to the
precise determinationof Surface vector.As an example of an airfoilwhich can be
describedwith difficulty the curve of airfoil by Cartesian grid point and points lie
within the airfoil. Figure 1.2) grid system
Therefore it is better to select a curve coordinate system. As is shown in figure1 2.
Due to this coordinate transformation increase indeed complexity of equation with
respect to Cartesian form but has many advantageous like improvement of efficient
and accuracy in numerical method.
In the transformation from the physical domain to the computational domain, a one
to onetransformation is assumed.That is, a point in thephysical domain, say point A,
corresponds to oneand only one point in the computational domain, point B, and vice
versa. Figure 2.2) Grid configuration in physical domain (left) and computational
domain (right)
Due to the transformation the transition from a curvilinear non orthogonal physical
domain is carried out on an orthogonal computational domain (Figure2 2).
Almost infinitely complex body boundaries in physical space are converted to
rectangular plane in the computational space.
Metrics of Transformation
The physical domain and the
Swot Analysis Of Ford
4. Threats
Economic Instability Because of the label of a luxury good the stability of the
economy is detrimental to the increase of sales. Economic instability is sometimes
linked to political instability and in the international market both are highly volatile.
Large Number of Competitors There are many competitors in the automotive industry
and many of them are ranked higher than Ford, in recent polls, due to the growing
global reach and recognition by consumers.
Political instability With Ford s dependencies on foreign markets due to expansion
beyond the capacity of the U.S. market, political stability in markets outside the U.S.
could pose a risk for Ford. Recently relationships between the U.S. and Mexico has
weakened and according to Ford s annual report employee voluntary resignation is
among the highest in Mexico and China.
Highly Competitive Market As stated earlier, the market that Ford operates in is
highly competitive and Ford must maintain its ability to analyze what competitors are
doing so it can stay competitive and gain more market share.
Growth of Competitors With growing competition in the market, Ford must find a
way to regain its market share and rebound from the recent decline from the top 3 in
the industry. Toyota is leading the way as is Renault Nissan per recent polls, Ford
has dropped to fifth in World automobile production. Growth in alternative mobility
platforms has also allowed for new competitors to enter the market such as Tesla. As
Analysis Of Mad Shadows
Does every family treat each other with love and respect? Are all families in a
healthy relationship with one another? In the book Mad Shadows, the answer to
these questions are clearly displayed. Mad shadows, is a fictional novel written by
Marie Claire Blair. It tells the story of an unusual family who have been in a prolong
feud with one another, which is the by product of their illusions. The character,
Louise, is the mother of the familyin this story. Her superficial view and denial of
truth is the root cause of the dysfunction, misery, and jealousy in her family,
consequently fueling her own death and destruction by the end of her tragic life. All
of Louise s illusions had a beginning stage when they in entered her life. One of these
delusions is the fact that she views the world in a superficial manner, connection self
worth only to beauty. An example of this could be seen when she is given the
symbolic representation of a prostitute, seducing her husband by using her beauty and
charm. This provides background information about her illusion, stating it has been a
part of her life from the beginning. This twisted view also feeds into her other
misconception which is that her son, Patrice, must be intelligent because of his
beautifully sculpted face and body, but nonetheless is dumb. In the quote Louise did
not question the intelligence of her ten year old Adonis. He spoke very little, but she
attributed this speechlessness, like the silence of the gods, to
Eumenides As Critique Of The Polis Summary
Austin Barrow Dr. Vella AP English Literature; Period 1 6 October 2017 :
Eumenides as Critique of the Polis Athens functions as the polis or the pinnacle
city state of the time, and in Eumenides, it takes on the role as the birthplace of
modern civic justice, leading the progression of humanity s ability to determine
morality in contrast to past models of vengeance in order to avoid anarchy and
tyranny. However, Aeschylus story of the trial of Orestes implicates many of the
imperfections of the Athenian justice system. In Eumenides, Aeschylus uses the
Furies, persuasive language, and dark and light imagery to critique the polis, or the
pinnacle city state of Athens, through the emphasis its flaws of sexual bias, the
illusion of justice tied to the illusion of free will, and the continued presence of
political absolutism. The curse on the house of Atreus and Apollo s persuasive
language emphasizes the bias in the new civic court system of the polis due to the
blatant sexism present and the use of persuasion as a manipulative tool that can
bypass the discovery of truth. Apollo instances the superiority of the generative male
sex from Athena herself, daughter of Zeus but borne by no mother all of which
Athena accepts in revealing her preference for Orestes (Collard xxxvi). Apollo s
argument had no basis on the delegation of Justice and only implied feminine
inferiority relative to the superior male, yet his persuasive language in relation to
Athena s upbringing is
Jimmy John Surgery Persuasive Speech
Wouldn t you like to know the wonders of arm injuries?
There are a few pitchers who have to undergo Tommy John surgery. Most of the
time after Tommy John surgery the pitcher is out for a year or two. There is a
growing belief, though, that recovery time isn t sufficient after many Tommy John
procedures, thanks to an erroneous idea that crept into the sport in recent years
that pitchers need only 10 18 months to come back from a UCL replacement,
whereas accepted standard time to return from a Tommy John procedure in
medical circles is 16 20 months. Many pitchers come back before they are
assigned. That is why they have so many arm injuries in the long run. There are
more guys going through this and it s better to err on the side of giving more time.
Even with a first Tommy John, people expect a 100 percent success rate, and while
the odds are very good, it s not 100 percent. They come in expecting to able to be the
way they were before the surgery. Pitchers need to slow down after they ... Show
more content on ...
More pitchers are going through the procedure a second time, and aside from the
mental and physical toll it takes on players. They still try to pitch through the pain
an end up getting hurt again. It s a one percent rate in the literature, one out of 100
Tommy Johns requires a second surgery. Most surgeons do a good job on their
arms. Pitchers have the worst trouble after the first surgery when their arms hurt
bad enough so they have to have a second surgery. Pitchers don t see the struggle
your arm is going through when they keep pitching through it. It really was a battle
every time out. There was a string of games where I had to give some extra effort
late. He was pitching through the pain. As a pitcher in the big leagues you re dealing
with minute aches all the time. Your arm usually hurts when you pitch without a
break. Pitchers should rest when their arms are giving them
Spatial Frequency Gratings
The development of the visual system is studied very widely in the world today for
medical use and scientific challenge. It is important to analyse what infants can see
and how they are developing for medical implications; to assess critical periods and
as a chance to pick up on amblyopia. There are many ways of accurately testing infant
s colour vision such as preferential looking, VEPS and optokinetic nystagmus tests.
Preferential looking uses the principle that infants fix on and follow objects. Two
spatial frequency gratings are presented to the infant with varying contrasts. The
infant will follow that grating with a higher contrast. A blind observer will follow
where the child fixates and record the results. Using this technique, you can detect
what the infant can see. Visual Evoked Potentials is another method of measuring
infants vision where a cap with 200 electrodes is fixed onto the infants head and the...
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Most of the development of the post retina occurs between twenty four weeks of
pregnancy and three to four months of age, due to myelination in the nerve fibres not
being complete at birth, but developing at around four months of age. Myelin around
nerve cells allows impulses to travel down the nerve quickly which is essential for
effective colour vision.
In conclusion, colour vision is one of our most important and complex processes
which is wholly essential to human life. Most people cannot imagine a life without
colour vision. Despite the critical period for visual development being 3months to 8
years, I believe after having evaluated the research the most important period of
infancy towards colour vision development is from birth to about 6 months of age.
Having said this, it is clear that any environmental deficiencies throughout the whole
of the critical period could lead to a number of visual
Parental Divorce
Parental divorce has had adverse consequences on adolescents and this issue has
over a period of time been of concern. This research is aimed at establishing the
impacts of divorce on the developmental stage of adolescents. In this paper, a
proposal based on determining the exact effects will be keenly underlined. The
study will fundamentally be based on data that will be obtained from a survey that
will be carried out among students in high school and college. In the process, the two
groups are to be established depending on the experience with divorce. One group
will have parental contact, and the other group will be made up of teenagers without
parental contact. In the analysis, the frequencies of the divorce experiences will be
determined... Show more content on ...
Emotional upheaval, as well as stress, can impair the quality of child rearing skills of
a parent, and this can easily result in negative consequences on children and
adolescents (O Brien, 1992). According to a few studies, after a divorce, most parents
become anxious, depressed, self doubting and angry more than the married people.
Thus, the depressed parents express less affection for their children, communicate
less to the adolescents and often punish
Reflective Essay On Becoming A Teacher
I never wanted to be the line leader in Kindergarten. I was happy with following
everyone else. All throughout growing up I would do whatever my friends did.
We played the same sports, joined the same clubs, had the same classes, and even
wore the same clothes. Even though I was content with being a follower and
doing what everyone else was doing, I knew something was missing. I wanted to
be my own person and I had so many ideas and thoughts to share, yet no one wanted
to hear them from someone who wasn t loud and outgoing. As I entered my teen
years I wanted people to hear me, so I made it my goal to give myself a voice and
become the leader rather than the follower. Learninghow to lead others helped create
many opportunities for me and I finally found what was missing in my life. My
ideas were finally heard and used, and I could not be more pleased. I grew into a
strong, creative, and hard working woman.
Learning how to become a leader was grueling. It didn t happen overnight like I had
hoped. There were many steps I had to take like learning how to open myself up to
people. I was always a simple person who never shared how they felt with people. I
needed to learn how to open up to people more, so I started being honest when
someone would ask how I was doing. I also started telling people about the good
and bad things that happened to me like the good grade I got on a hard test, or how
I slipped and fell in front of an enormous crowd of people. Sharing little things

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Call To Action In A Persuasive Essay

  • 1. Call To Action In A Persuasive Essay Crafting an essay on the topic of "Call to Action in a Persuasive Essay" can be both challenging and rewarding. The difficulty lies in the delicate balance required to effectively persuade the reader to take a specific course of action. It demands a keen understanding of rhetorical strategies, a solid grasp of the subject matter, and the ability to articulate compelling arguments that resonate with the audience. Firstly, one must delve into the intricacies of persuasive writing, exploring the various techniques employed to influence and convince. This includes mastering the art of ethos, pathos, and logos – the three pillars of persuasive communication. Aligning these elements seamlessly within the essay is a nuanced task that requires finesse and a deep understanding of human psychology. Moreover, constructing a compelling call to action involves not only convincing the reader of the validity of the argument but also inspiring them to take tangible steps. This necessitates a strategic approach in selecting persuasive language, structuring the essay effectively, and anticipating and addressing potential counterarguments. Crafting a powerful conclusion that reinforces the call to action is equally crucial. The difficulty intensifies when considering the diversity of audiences and their varying perspectives. Balancing the need for a universal appeal while acknowledging and respecting differing viewpoints adds an extra layer of complexity to the writing process. However, despite these challenges, the task of writing an essay on this topic is ultimately rewarding. It offers an opportunity to sharpen one's persuasive writing skills, develop a nuanced understanding of effective communication, and contribute to the broader discourse on issues that matter. For those seeking assistance or wishing to explore similar essays, resources such as provide a valuable platform. Expert guidance can prove instrumental in navigating the complexities of persuasive writing, ensuring that your call to action resonates with impact and effectiveness. Call To Action In A Persuasive EssayCall To Action In A Persuasive Essay
  • 2. Descriptive Essay On A Summer Camp Bill come on time to go! Tom s mom screamed. Every summer Tom has to go to summer camp. His parents are traveling all the time because of work. Bill really doesn t like to go, he s not the athletic type. Tom does not have a lot of friends and keeps to himself. As bill walks down the stairs to the car he feels a little overwhelmed. Bill has gone to the campthree summers in a row and feels weirded out when he s near the woods. The camp counselors don t like it when kids go to the woods by themselves, apparently kids have disappeared but the counselors don t talk about it too much. The car ride there is long. To get there you have to go far from town. You could see huge trees swaying back and forth as you pass by, it s a little creepy. Bill arrived to the eerie camp, he saw all the kids with their parents trying to check in and get to know the grounds. The car came to a stop and Bill and his mom got out the car. It was a long ride there so it took Bill a minute to stretch out. Bill and his mom walk up to the front desk, there was a young man at the desk looked like he was not in a good mood. The man began to speak Hello and welcome to camp, do you need a room? the man said angrily. Um yes please. Bill s mom said, but Bill zoend out the rest of the conversation. Bill I have to go now, Bill s mom said I love you and please don t get in trouble your room number is 122. Ok mom love you too. Bill said. His mom gave him a kiss on the cheek, gave him his room number and bags and left. Bill walked through the huge camp and looked for his room number. Bill has been at the camp multiply times so it was not hard to find. 122 must be mine room Bill said out loud. The room was not in the best condition, moss was on the outside and the grass was a little dead. Bill walk up slowly to the door and knocked three times, Hello is anyone home. You usually get a room mate. Come in! the other person yelled from inside. Great, Bill was hoping no one would be home. Bill opened the creaking door slowly. When he entered he saw a boy around 14 his age sitting on one of the two beds. Hi my names Tom, what s your name? The boy said. I m Bill. Bill does not have friends and he keeps to himself, so he a little shy.
  • 3. How Is Cassie Courageous If you have courage then you can do anything, and nothing will get in your way. Throughout the book Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry the Author Mildred D. Taylor uses Cassie as a young person to stand up for her decisions, even though there is a lot of conflict and tension against her family. Cassie proves that she is courageous by standing up for her siblings, facing her rival Lillian Jean, and stand up for her papa when she heard out who shot him. All of these actions prove that Cassie is courageous because Cassie stands up for her convictions, even though there is a lot of conflict and tension against her family. Are you willing to stand up for your siblings even though you may get in trouble or worse? Cassie Logan was not afraid to stand up for her siblings even though she would probably get whipped or worse. Cassie Logan stood up for little man when he got in trouble for saying that book was dirty. She ended up getting whipped to because she stood up for little man, and put her book on Mrs Crockers desk. n page 26 and 27 said Miz Crocker please don t! I cried I know why he done it. Miz Crocker I said, I don t want my book neither. Now you know how Cassie stands up for her siblings, and shows how courageous she is.... Show more content on ... The challenge that Cassie faced was she stood up to a white girl named Lillian Jean Simms. What happened was she was mad at Mr Burnett for letting white folks go first, and she nudged Lillian Jean on the sidewalk and Lillian Jeans dad came out and pushed Cassie down and made her apologize. I flailed into her, tackling her with such force that we both fell. After the first shock of my actually laying hands on her, she fought as best she could,but she was no match for me. (Pg 181) This shows that Cassie was really courageous for standing up to Lillian Jean
  • 4. Biography of Photographer Dorothea Lange Essay Through out the Great Depression there were many photographers, but one of the best was Dorothea Lange. Lange was born on the 25th of May in 1895 in Hoboken, New Jersey as the first child of Joan and Henry Nutzhorn. She decided to become a photographer at the age of 18. She studied photography at Columbia University in New York. At the age of 20 she began to travel the world. Later in life she settled down in San Francisco, California, where she met her first husband, artist Maynard Dixon. She had had to children Daniel (1925) and John (1928). She died on the 11th of October in 1916. Even Though some people believe Dorothea Langewas not a great photographer, Dorothea was because she caused great inspiration of those going through the hard... Show more content on ... Her most well know piece Migrant Mother which was of Florence Owens Thompson. The photograph shows a worn out mother with her two children s heads in her shoulders, and a baby in her lap. Dorothea Lange s pictures of the homeless during the Great Depression got the attention of the Federal Resettlement Administration. She began to work for them taking pictures and capturing the publics attention of the poor. She also worked for the US Farm Security Administration before World War Two. She investigated the conditions of farm workers in many Western states. Many of the people she photographed during this time had came to escape the Dust Bowl (a drought which devastated millions of acres of farm land in midwestern states). When the United States joined WWII in 1941 here was a relocation of the Japanese Americans. Dorothea Lange was hired shortly after this took place by the War Relocation Authority (WRA). She was hired to show there new living styles in there new there new living quarters. The photographs she took showed there new neighborhoods, processing centers, and there whole camp facilities. So Lange could capture the spirit of the camps, she made it so her images showed courage and dignity. Most of the photos she took here were censored by the federal government. Dorothea Lange put some the photographs she took in to her books. Her book Dorothea Lange s Ireland, published in 1996,explores the world of the rural Irish families. It shows there
  • 5. Examples Of Christ Quotes In The Great Gatsby The Christ Gatsby When you think of the wealthy and marvelous Jay Gatsby, one wouldn t dare to think of him to symbolize Christ. However, throughout the novel The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald was successfully able to represent such a character to be a somewhat grotesque version of Christ himself. The novel takes a religious angle where quotes and evidence from bibles are evidential and parallel to the book and the character of Jay Gatsby. Father s Business The first connection we came upon, relates to Gatsby s corrupted dreams and choices he had made in the past to make his happiness worth while. Even though the love of his life was long gone, he still decided to strive for her and even commit illegal regards to satisfy the emptiness he had inside. Referring to religious terms, this situation falls under a category of being a business . All of Gatsby s malice decisions comes only to be a product of redemption just as any other person would act. In the ... Show more content on ... When the wine runs out leaving everyone without something to drink, Jesus delivers a sign of his glory and turns water into wine; this event is known as the Marriage at Cana. The same could go for Jay Gatsby and the various miracles he was able to perform with his wealth as his parties. In chapter three, when describing the cocktails served at Gatsby s parties, Nick says, ...and floating rounds of cocktails permeate the garden outside, (pg 40) and, Suddenly one of these gypsies, in trembling opal, seizes a cocktail out of the air, dumps it down for courage and, moving her hands like Frisco, dances out alone on the canvas platform. (pg 41) Aside from the cocktails, Gatsby used his money to ensure that his guests would always be entertained at his parties. Just like with Jesus and how he transformed water in wine, Gatsby was able to perform dozen of miracles with his
  • 6. Textual Analysis Essay example Overview: The text, Writing on Demand: Best Practices and Strategies for Success is designed specifically for teachers by teachers. With a quote on the cover of the text that is highlighted by a bright orange background and explicitly states that this book is Ideal for SAT, ACT, AP, and State Assessment Exams , the text quickly announces that its core audience is going to be teachers within the middle school to high school range. Given the aim of this text, it proves to be a highly beneficial work for aiding teachers in understanding how to adequately prepare their students for the rigors of writing on demand, be it for regular classroom assignments or standardized tests. After a thorough analysis of the text I found many of ... Show more content on ... Context for Usage: The grade levels this text is designed to prepare educators for teaching is evidenced first in its overall discussion of properly preparing students to be able to write on demand for state assessment tests. Given that such tests do not regularly take place until students are out of elementary education it is apparent that this text is directed towards teachers working with a higher age bracket. This is also further revealed in instances where teachers are directed to help students think backwards, a skill that is not highly promoted in elementary education as most children at this age level have not yet developed the capacity to think backwards. The process described for enabling students to analyze prompts is also one that would be dominantly used beyond the beginning years of education. Considering each of these factors, the aim of this text is to be utilized by teachers working with a middle school to high school age bracket. Learning Objectives: Learning objectives promoted in the college level class on teaching writing that this text was handed out in, strongly emphasize the importance of group work, as revealed in the writing theory handout and the scholarly overview handout (see attached).
  • 7. The Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Database Management... Under those circumstances on what really the definition of repository is and what it contains, the report entitled Digital Repositories Review conducted by JISC (2005) emphasizes the definition of repository as follows: Content is deposited in a repository, whether by the content creator, owner or third party on their behalf. The repository architecture manages content as well as metadata The repository offers a minimum set of basic services e.g. put, get, search, access control The repository must be sustainable and trusted, well supported and well managed. And yet, because of rapid advancement of technology and accessing data all over the world, the question what really the repository is and what it contains are not constant and ... Show more content on ... Microsoft Word Obtain on line help However, regardless of the usefulness and advantages of Microsoft Access on building software project, it has also its own disadvantages which some developers experienced before, during as well as after using this database management system as being discussed on the web as shown below: Finite Microsoft Access is useful for individual departments or small to medium business sectors. Any sector whose usage goes beyond 2 GB will hit a wall and discover limitations. Structure Query Language (SQL) SQL for MS Access is not as robust as MS SQL Server or Oracle, to just name a few. One file All the information from your database is saved into one file. This limits options and how you choose utilize data; slowing down reports, queries, and forms. Its performance becomes slow as the user scales data size. Multimedia data can use up MS Access limited space quickly. Static Friendly It s difficult to publish files a part from static files. Multi user limited Technical limit is 255 concurrent users, but real world limit is 10 to 80 (depending on type of
  • 8. The Ethical Issues Of Darby s Whistle Blowing Decision Question 4 1.The ethical issues outlined in this case are whether Spc. Darby s whistle blowing decision was correct and if Spc. Sivits s claims of obedience and rule following are sufficient for his decision to not blow the whistle. 2.The fear of repercussions of disobeying military orders should not be an allowable excuse for not whistle blowing. From the utilitarian perspective actions are right insofar as they promote happiness and wrong as they bring the reverse of happiness: pain (Mill, 1910.) The repercussions of disobeying orders would be wrong because it would bring produce the reverse of happiness via pain and privation of pleasure. However, one also assess the situation from the view of Kant that maxims should only be acted on when they can become a universal law (Kant, 1898.) Should everyone not act for of disobeying orders, we can presume that other heinous crimes would go unreported. Returning to Mill we can see how this situation would lead to more pain and privation of pleasure for all of humanity as opposed to a single officer. Therefore, both the utilitarian and deontological perspectives prevent the fear of repercussions from being an allowable excuse for not whistle blowing. 3.Whistleblowing should be praised. From the utilitarian point of view, whistleblowing poses a unique challenge. In either the action to blow the whistle or not there is some reverse happiness or pain produced. In the case of Spc. Darby his decision to seven members of the company
  • 9. Essay On Air Pollution Energy is essential to life. Without it, billions of people would be left cold and hungry. The major source of energy comes from fossil fuels, and the dominant fossil fuels used today by most industrialized and developing countries are oil, coal, and natural gas. This burning of fossil fuels is causing several health and environmental issues. The first issue is air pollution. As many of you already know, burning fossil fuels emits several air pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide and the most common pollutant, carbon dioxide. These harmful gases are toxic to both the environment and public health. Another issue associated with air pollution is acid rain. Acid rain is formed when sulfur dioxide and nitrogen ... Show more content on ... Nevertheless, there is one simple solution to this global crisis: The hydrogen fuel cell. Fuel cells are used in a wide range of portable, stationary and transport applications, such as battery chargers and home heating, but the fuel cell is best known for powering cars. Fuel cells are quite possibly the most versatile energy solution ever invented. The fuel cell seems like the perfect energy source: Quiet, clean and independent of gasoline. In a fuel cell vehicle, the fuel cell transforms hydrogen and oxygen into electricity, and the left over heat and water is all that it emits. Most importantly, the fuel cell is environmentally friendly. Take NASA as an example. NASA is a world known space program, and their technology expands the frontiers of knowledge and capabilities in aeronautics, science, and space. NASA develops the latest innovative technology and has the best scientists and engineers from around the world working for them. Quote from NASA Producing power without damaging our environment is a continuing challenge. Fossil fuels like gasoline, coal, and jet fuel are non renewable, and burning these fuels is increasing air pollution and harms the environment. Batteries have limited lifetimes and need to be disposed of in hazardous waste landfills. Many environmentally friendly alternatives (solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal power) can only be used in specific environments. In contrast, hydrogen fuel cells have near zero
  • 10. Nt1310 Unit 3 Record Analysis Please update the initials and date column for each section you have completed. Date= completion date. Please add header, objective, and source to workpaper. I do not see the sample being selected on R 300 1. It looks like it was selected on R 300 on the Records Created by Dept Tab. Please indicate in the sample selection that the sample was selected from that tab. On the tab (Created by...) indicate the objective and source (R 300 2). Please add a tickmark for the highlighted cells indicated that these items were selected for testing on the Audit Cover Sheet tab. Please add to the tickmark why the duplicate record would have been made for PDPS purposes and define PDPS. Please add documents were pulled using DISR, Query by Image ID 1 as either a comment next to the column where it was used or in the audit procedures. Also add the information regarding the dashes to the date and the selecting of DRD. I can see how this will be useful information for the next time the testing is done.... Show more content on ... Please see track changes. Feel free to revise. I added a lot of the error rate information. Please add header, objective, and source to workpaper. I do not see the sample being selected on R 301 1. It looks like it was selected on R 301 on the STARS Court Return Tab. Please indicate in the sample selection that the sample was selected from that tab. On the tab (STARS Court...) indicate the objective and source (R 301 1). Please add a tickmark for the highlighted cells indicated that these items were selected for testing on the Audit Cover Sheet tab. Please see track changes. Feel free to revise. I added a lot of the error rate information. Please create a separate issue for STARS cutting off DHA comments. This seems like a separate issue that needs its own
  • 11. L Beckham Narrative Darkness hides a multitude of sins. It unleashes transgression onto the world under cover of night. It reveals the creed of the sinful that creep into the night to loose their collective demons upon the infirmed, easily defeated denizens that innocently stray into its dimension, its point in space and time to be sucked into bottomless voids with no way to return to the surface... L Beckham One As thick black smoke swirls heavily over a young light skinned slave girl, she squats in a smoldering, charred canebrake. With no eyes upon her, other than an unjust God and the night creatures that have stopped to watch the nativity, mother and child become separate beings. В» I was born in a canebrake in the Bayous of Southern Louisiana during a pre harvest ... Show more content on ... However, some men are more honorable than that. These men want a woman that enjoys the sexual act. That is why they seek a willing partner, a placeГ©, when they want to set up a second home a second marriage one that placates their sexual needs and desires. These PlaceГ©s or Comfort Women as some prefer to call them, are by no means prostitutes; that is why a marriage is arranged. In return for their sexual favors, they, and the children born of these marriages, are assured a secure future. It is a Creole tradition that freed Quadroons and Octoroons have an annual gala, a ball where upon their sixteenth birthday, their daughters are introduced into society. Paraded throughout the city in search of suitable matches, the young Creoles are introduced much the same as when young white women are introduced as they become of marriageable age. Placage is the legally binding marriage between a white man and a free woman of color, a Quadroon or an Octoroon. Some Mulattoes enter into these marriages as well, but only if their skin is a shade that is light enough to be pleasing to the
  • 12. Junk Mail And The Art Of Hype Essay example The art of hype pervades advertising of all kinds. You can see it everywhere you go. It s characterized by its extensive use of exclamation points, big words, powerful colors, and giant pictures. You re sure to see several trademark symbols and percentages that they claim you will save. What they hide are the detailswhich are quite often exceptions to their claims and end up rendering their savings miniscule. These details are usually confined to quot;fine print quot; which they expect no one to read.No where is hype more prevalent, and indeed necessary, than in junk mail. The very fact that hype is so prevalent says a lot about the reader of junk mail. It implies that they have a short attention span and are unconcerned and ... Show more content on ... In a shopping mall, for example, the shoppers are seeking commodities, and that is their purpose for going. They want to find something that they will enjoy consuming. The shopper and the seller are in it together. All the seller has to do is make the package look appealing and the shopper will be curious about it (qtd. in Maasik 46). But in junk mail, the sender knows that no one wants to read their sales pitch, and that, in fact, most of their mail goes straight into the trash can without much more than a glance. Therefore, junk mail must sell itself in that one, vital glance.Do Americans have such a short attention span that advertisers are required to resort to such hype? That s what everything about the junk mail seems to imply. If any of us had the patience to read carefully through every ad, we would certainly be more informed consumers, and we would happily dish over money for something that we truly need. But these ads seem to be
  • 13. Mise En Scene Essay Introduction of Mise en Scene Mise en Scene are used in every aspects of filmmaking. The term refers to the overall look and feel of a film. It is what the viewers sees, hears and experiences while watching a film. A film s Mise en Scene subtly influences viewer s mood as they watch a film, much like decor, lighting, smells and sounds can influence our emotional response to an actual place. In Film Art: An Introduction, Bordwell (2001), explained that in Mise en Scene, realism can be achieved by giving the settings an accurate and convincing look or letting actors express their emotions through performance as naturally as possible. This paper will discuss and analyse the significance of Mise en Scene in Wong Kar Wai s In The Mood For Love... Show more content on ... A major key element in the film comprises of settings. It is where the actions takes place and helps viewers to understand where and when the film is set. Settings not only create mood, it has social, psychological, emotional and cultural significance in which the film are able to portray. Settings used in the film are very rarely just backgrounds to the characters dialogue. Viewers are often seen shots of places, without any action taking place. They can be used to influence viewers by building certain expectations and then the actions takes a different turn. Gibbs (2002) mention that, Mise en scene therefore encompasses both what the audience can see and the way in which we are invited to see it . For example, the scene where Mrs. Chan goes to get noodles where she is seen to be walking along a dark alley down the stairs, gives viewers a certain expectation to emphasize the character s emotional state. Viewers are also made to see Mr. Chow going down the same stairs as Mrs. Chan walks back up without any conversation taking place. This tells viewers what they see suggesting the lost in their daily routine of doing the same thing over and over again, going to work, getting noodles and accepting the unfaithfulness of their spouses. It also gives viewers a sense of developing bond between the two characters over
  • 14. Relaxer Analysis Once again, the polarizing British trio Alt J find themselves treading upon uncharted regions of sound and style in their latest record Relaxer. It explores themes of romantic entanglement, desolation and sexual desire by means of coercive storytelling pinioned by bold production and sweltering, multi layered melodies. Relaxer draws from the best qualities of Alt J s previous work and expounds upon it, maximizing on a brief sub 40 minute runtime. The varied styles explored in their latest is a paramount feat considering there are only eight tracks to delve into. 3WW initiates Relaxer with immersive slow burn profoundness aided by Ellie Rowsell s (Wolf Alice) guest vocals. This track layers into intimate breadth and emotional fragility, escalating it into a tangible world where a warm and crackling bonfire exists at its core. 3WW signals a more mature Alt J attentive to the intricacies of acute songwriting. As it turns out, 3WW s pseudo folk nature sets sonic precedence for the remainder of the album with the exception of a few raucous curveballs.... Show more content on ... This track pulls in smooth, brooding horn sections to contrast its uproarious percussion and synthesized organ sound in order to manifest into a familiar climax that has made their music worthwhile in the
  • 15. Australian Identity in Film Australian Identity in Film How a country is designed and subsequently populated will have an indelible impression on the joint psychology of that country s population. The people s understanding of themselves as a country will also affect how that nation presents itself to the rest of the world. Much of this will have to do with the country s concepts of nation, nationalism, and community. A nation is a socially constructed concept dealing with the country itself as well as the population in the lands of that country. Nationalism, on the other hand, is a political principle which deals with the joint consciousness of that nation, including their shared targets of antagonism and satisfaction (Gelner 2006). All countries are affected by their concepts of nation and nationalism, and also by their sense of constancy and community. The history of any given nation will have an indelible impact on the way that the nation constructs itself and develops in the present and also into the future. This is particularly true of a nation which has a history filled with negative perception and has tried to evolve from that primary function. Every nation will invariably develop a unique culturewhich will be born of the ethnicity and religion of the people who inhabit a given community. Australiahas become linked to the concept of an imagined community. Social critic Benedict Anderson coined this phrase by defining an imagined community as one in which there is not innate sense of
  • 16. Blockbuster, Netflix, And The Media, Entertainment Rental... My paper on Blockbuster, Netflix, and the Media, Entertainment Rental Industry, in 2011. (Summary). Introduction With this paper I am proposing to discuss Blockbuster s issues and/or problems, as far as, gaining and retaining profitability, and well needed success. Why in 2010 the company s losses continued to rise? And the reason, they were eventually required to enter Chapter Eleven bankruptcy in Sept 10. In addition to, Netflix, which at the time had over 17 million subscribers in 2010, gaining profits, and a climbing stock price that exceeded $300 by June 2011, which was because of them introducing its own entertainment streaming service as a part of its DVD service for a low cost of $10, charged monthly. However, this case studyis ... Show more content on ... The remaining 1,500 was liquidated. DISH announced, in Sept 2011, it would provide its subscribers a media download rental system similar to Netflix s, but at a discount price. So, with all that being said, when we discuss concerning the world s top leading online streaming media company, Netflix first comes to mind because we know they committed in to distributing/circulating movies and TV shows for years by way of the internet or online services, as it has the required license and agreement with some of the world s largest, and most important, content providers, film studios, and TV channels as well. Furthermore, they charge minimal from the subscribers to watch videos from the stored videos by using the computer network. When, we also discuss concerning the existence, Netflix has over 50 million subscribers from across the globe, with 30 million of them from domestic partnerships and marketplaces. Description of the case study (summary) . Personalized or individualized user experience: The lesson learned from Netflix and Blockbuster success and failure to provide this service. As such, depending on the customer s choice and interest for which they can view videos. The shared evidence of observing how Neflix uses personalized and individualization as a competitive advantage in engaging and retaining users, and planning content purchases. Integration or combining of streaming
  • 17. History Of Haunted Trails Family Amusement Park For decades, Haunted Trails Family Amusement Park remains as the main destination for all family members throughout Chicago, thanks to its massive arrays entertaining features. This is the place where families can have such warm and welcoming celebrations like birthdays or other kinds of family gatherings. With special offers for certain packages, Haunted Trails FamilyAmusement Parkalways entertains everyone, at all ages. The owner, J. Richard Oltmann is very much different, as compared to other amusement park owners. Before it was launched in 1975, all the games that visitors can find here at this moment, were evaluated thoroughly before they were launched publicly. All of those games, which were his brainchild, were sold worldwide. One
  • 18. The Importance and History of the Steam Engine Essay The wonderful progress of the present century is, in a very great degree, due to the invention and improvement of the steam engine, and to the ingenious application of its power to kinds of work that formerly taxed the physical energies of the human race. ~Robert H. Thurston The steam engine can easily be considered the single most important invention of the entire industrial revolution. There is not one part of industry present in today s society that can be examined without coming across some type of reference or dependence upon the steam engine. But, who deserves the credit for this great invention? Some give the credit to James Watt while others claim that Thomas Newcomen was the original inventor. However, the idea of the ... Show more content on ... Thurston. The idea using the power of steam to our advantage goes back nearly twenty one centuries. A learned writer in ancient Alexandria, named Hero, wrote a manuscript describing various devices and ideas of the time. Although it is not proven that Hero was the inventor of any of these devices, he is given credit for the earliest mention of steam power. Hero describes a method to open the doors of a temple with the action of a fire on the alter at the front of the temple. A series of pipes runs between the alter and the temple doors. The force of the steam created by the fire on the alter is strong enough to open the temple doors. The essential principle that Hero used was to change heat energy into mechanical energy or work. Supposedly, Hero continued his work and ended up creating what is often called the First Steam Engine. Hero s engine is featured on below on the right. The cauldron or bowl like portion AB holds water. There is a steam tight cover place over top of the cauldron. Two pipes extend from the lid and suspend a globe directly above the cauldron. The water is heated, causing steam to be created and forced through the pipes. The globe then fills with steam. Pipes K and H are located on opposite sides of the globe and allow the steam to escape when the pressure becomes uneven. The escaping steam then causes the globe to spin on its axis. The power
  • 19. Matthew Shepard Matthew Shepard was just one of many people who had been targeted by Fred Phelps and his church. Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church became known internationally for preaching and protesting against homosexuals. He had been known to align himself with dictators and terrorist groups. Church members traveled to various cities around the country to protest the funerals of gay people, military personnel who had died in battle serving their country, and many others. According to members of the church, soldiers were dying because Godhated America for its tolerance of homosexuality. Phelps and his congregants believed that anyone who didn t align themselves with Westboro Baptist Church would burn in hell. Unfortunately, since Westboro Baptist... Show more content on ... What do you mean it s not for you to judge? If God doesn t hate fags, why does he put em in hell?...You see the barrenness and sterility of your silly arguments when set over against some solid gospel truth? (1636). I think it s profane that he s just taken parts of the Bible that he can use and discarded the rest. Phelps has gotten away with wasting tax payer money for years filing frivolous law suits. He uses his law degree like he uses the Bible, as a way to cause pain and misery to others. His own funeral was private, which shows that even in death he was a coward. I think Fred Phelps had an impact on people s beliefs, but in a good way. Over the years, many of his congregants left the church because of the abuse he had inflicted on them. I think he created such a circus, many people were outraged, which probably only helped to bolster the gay rights movement. Phelps and his church probably created sympathy for others in the LGBT community. Even people opposed to gay marriage thought that the pastor s contemptuous tactics made debate over these issues difficult when discussing policy or faith. Maybe his legacy will be to bring people together instead of driving them
  • 20. Tramps Ship Essay 1.0 Classification of ship 1.1 Tramps Tramps ship provides the service that only operate wherever the market dictates. Tramps ship does not have a fixed schedule, published port of call and irregular shipping, mainly over nonstandard routes, with no definite schedule. Tramps ship involve trading all part of the world for searching cargo to transfer. Tramps ship usually carried the bulk cargo and break bulk cargo that do not require fast delivery. It s speed is very slow and can transport a variety of cargo. The tramps ship carry 1 kind of cargo per trip for 1 shipper. The value of cargo on tramps ship is low intrinsic value and homogeneous cargo. For example the cargo is coal, grain, sugar, oil and gas. Beside that, tramp ship also known as general trading vessel. The purpose of tramp ships is to provide efficient, convenient and economical transportation required by the many kinds of goods that needed for industrialized society. In other hand, the contract of tramps ship is considered as negotiated contract because the rate of shipping and ... Show more content on ... The operation of liner ships is between 2 ports or between region. The liner ships will sail on schedule no matter the cargo is full or not. In addition, the punctuality depart and arrival date to the determined port is important because the image and prestige of company will be declined if they are not reach the destination port on time. The punctuality of liner ships is to improve the efficiency and overall transit time and confirm the cargo can be sent to the destination port on time. The liner ships also considered as the common carrier or public carrier because it required by law to accept without any discrimination. The liner ships require the minimum quantity of cargo must be presented by shippers to move to other places or
  • 21. Copper Silver Nitrate Reaction Lab The purpose of the lab copper silver nitrate reaction is to find the mole relationships between reactants and products. My hypothesis was that the mole relationship between silver and copper will be 2 mol Cu: 1 mol Ag ratio. My hypothesis is supported by the data I found during the lab. First evidence, in the beginning of my calculation I have to determine the mass of copper that reacted during the experiment and converted to moles of copper and got .0033 moles of Cu. Next, I determined the mass of silver produced during the experiment and converted into moles of silver and got .0063 moles of Ag. After I found the moles of copper and silver, I determined the value of the ratio of .0063 moles Ag /.0033 moles Cu and got 1.90 moles. 1.90 mol
  • 22. Tory Higgins Argumentative Essay E. Tory Higgins proposed that individuals have three selves that they compare themselves to Actual self representation of the attributes you believe you actually possess, Ideal self attributes you would ideally like to possess (hopes, aspiration, what motivates you to change/improve), Ought self attributes you believe you should possess (duties, obligations, responsibilities when these self guides are contradictory they result in emotional discomfort. Individuals are motivated to reduce self discrepancy (the gap between two self guides). There has been a great deal of research into cognitive dissonance, providing some interesting and sometimes unexpected findings. It is a theory with very broad applications, showing that we aim for a
  • 23. Elapsed Time In The Classroom The math lesson that my practicum partner and I performed in our classroom was a review of elapsed time. The topic of our lesson was telling and writing time to the nearest minute and to solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes. The concept of elapsed time is actually a relatively hard topic, especially at eight years old and having remembering it after returning from spring break with pre PARCC anxiety. That being said, this review was beneficial for the class. We began our lesson by facilitating a carpet discussion about the different strategies that students prefer to figure out how much timehas passed between events. I was very satisfied with how the discussion went, the class that I am placed in loves carpet discussion and... Show more content on ... I was happy with the pair sharing because the students can explain ideas in ways that I may have never considered, and their explanation may help other students understanding. In addition, there is a great sense of classroom community discourse that occurs with this specific class, their level of respect for each other is incredible. Our lesson activity had the students rotating around the room and performing different word problems for about 4 minutes at each station. I think the students liked that they were able to move around. Also the amount of time we gave them was challenging and fun, without making it too intense like a drill. When we went over the answers to the problems we had students come demonstrate how they got their answer on the whiteboard and discuss why they chose the method/strategy they did, which was good because some other students were able to observe and learn. My main regret from this lesson is having the activity answers discussed and displayed with students at their desks and not the carpet. With this specific group they are so much more engaged when they sit at the
  • 24. The Presidential Election Of Florida Essay Florida is a popular state when discussing political controversy. The media rushes to Florida during congressional and presidential elections due to its reputation as a conflicted state. Here we find the southern regions to be rather liberal and voting democratically, and on the other hand, we see the northern regions votingmostly conservatively. This creates controversy in the United Statesbecause Florida is a major determining factor of what kind of outcome we are going to get for a presidential election. This can be especially stressful for those running for office either presidentially or for the state specifically because they are unaware of their chances of gaining the states support and being elected into office. Florida has been being a large impact on the outcome of presidential campaigns in past elections. One of these years in history was 1876 between Democrat Samuel J. Tilden and Republican Rutherford B. Hayes. During this election, Tilden and the Democrats were accused of winning southern states through violence and fraud causing Republicans to demand vote recounts. After recounts, Republicans were accused of throwing out Democratic votes so Hayes would gain support from states that were once Tilden s (Morris 2003). For this election, Florida played a key role along with a few other states because of the electoral votes that were key in determining who would win this entire presidential election for that year. More recently in 2000, Florida had another
  • 25. Greek Sex Art The idea of sex, whether it be biological or romantic, has always been shown in art throughout the history of man. The idea of sex is sensual in paintings all throughout the world. In ancient Greek, they viewed love as Eros. This Eros could be physical and spiritual, similarly to Nepalis who worship Hinduism (Sayre). Not only was sex seen as something purely physically but rather was something that displayed power and desire. In paintings like Delacroix s Odalisque , where it showed a womanlying on a bed with a Turkish sword lying beneath her showed a symbol of male power (Sayre). This gaze is what made these sensual images powerful. Although one figure wanted to break the stereotypical genderroles that were emplaced into art. Elaine de... Show more content on ... If society did not have artists that fought against the norm, then society would still be majorly oppressive and disallow free thought on one s own originality. This oppressive stance can be shown in the Third Reich were degenerate artwork was not allowed due to how the artwork did not show the ideal man and woman ( Nazi Approved Art ). If this status quo was not kept, then the state s ideal image could not be obtained. States such as the Third Reich viewed women more as objects of desire and how women need to keep family values of purity. Men were viewed as the sexual prowess of the state and were shown to be in strict guidelines of masculinity and power. These roles do not allow society to grow and forces a stalemate in creativity. Elaine de Kooning wanted to show how male privilege of gaze could be changed and proved this through her expressionist
  • 26. Pursuing A Bachelor s Degree In Nursing Nursing is a very complicated topic in my opinion, because there are many different directions you can take it from it and many ways you can go. You can be many different types of nurses and get different degrees from your Bachelors degree to your Masters in nursing. I do not know much about which path I want to take because I have only heard about the bachelor s degreein science which is also known as the BSN. I think this one is the path I want to take primarily because it is available at San Juan through UNM and I have heard it is a really good program. What I know is that the Bachelor s degree in science is a four year career. However, I do not know much on how to get there, what I need and what kind of duties /responsibilities these type... Show more content on ... I got to talk to my San Juan advisor Tanisha Sam and she was really helpful on providing me with all the information I needed. She gave me a sheet that showed all the courses required for the ADN and as well as for the BSN. Then, she helped me compare both of them and I was able to see the differences and similarities between the both degrees. The total credits for the ADN degree would be 71 credits and for the BSN it would come out to 128 132 credits. I soon found that talking with my advisor was the best choice I made because I believe everything I wanted to know was practically answered. I also did some research on the wages for both jobs. State government wage report show that BSN educated nurses receive significantly higher salaries than ADN educated nurses in New Mexico. In 2013, ADN nurses earned an average annual salary of $51,400 and an average hourly wage of $24.71. However, BSN educated nurses were more generously compensated with an average annual salary of $71,650 and an average hourly wage of
  • 27. Dbq 4 The Jewish People Q8. The first picture that had stood out to me was the one where the Jewish people were standing in two lines in front of the officers. The men, women, and children all stood awaiting the officers who stood in front of them. The Jewish people stood there unaware of what was to come. In this picture, the Jewish people are still seen wearing their clothes, coats, hats, etc. wearing what they had brought with them. They all still had their shoes on and their hair was still upon their heads. The reason I bring these points up is because shortly after this photo would be taken, their lives would surely be changed forever. I can t help but think that in a few minutes they would no longer possess their clothes, shoes, hair, golden teeth, or anything... Show more content on ... This photo may look like it just shows a large group of people standing in a line, it shows so much beyond that. This photo contains Jewish men, women, and children awaiting a horrible fate. The officers in the photo would be the ones who would decided rather someone would live or die. The worst part about that, is that most of the officers would not lose a single night of sleep no matter how many families they separated or how many people they had condemned to death that day. The Jewish people s fate would be decided by one man s decision to send them left or right, that is what it came down to. This thought had a huge impact on me, by looking at this photo, I would be looking at people who were minutes away from their gruesome deaths. Many of them had no idea what was about to happen. In a few short minutes, they would be torn away from their family members, stripped of all of their belongings and clothing, they would be stripped of their dignity. Some of the Jews would be sent off to work if the generals had picked them to, the rest would be burned to death in the ovens. In my opinion, this photo has a lot more meaning to it then people would originally
  • 28. Assistive Technology for Computing Essay Assistive Technology for Computing One thing that programmers generally don t take into account when they re typing out code is How accessible is my program or website going to be for someone who s impaired in some way? Unfortunately, this has become a problem in our society which many people are hoping to fix. Already, there s a huge assortment of products software, hardware, accessories, etc. to accommodate those with impairments or disabilities of every sort. Here, we will see the technology in current use that is making computing more universal. Why Do We Need AssistiveTechnology? If you can imagine being an impaired person trying to use a computer, you might imagine that life could become very difficult. People with ... Show more content on ... For this, there needs to be some alternate means of typing, and selecting files via the mouse cursor. Overall, it s imperative to people with disabilities, whom are using computers, to have these issues addressed so that there may be adequate technology allowing them to further communicate with the rest of the world. What Is Assistive Technology Assistive technology (or adaptive technology) is specialized hardware and software applications that enable [disabled] individuals to use a computer. ( Hyatt, Glenda Watson, pg. 5) It s a pretty simple theory as to what assistive technology actually is, however what goes into actually accommodating someone with disabilities is a rather complicated process. There are many problems, one important one being the need of equipment that can be mounted on a wheelchair. Aside from these problems, there are currently products out which can help PWD s use their computers. Products Available Today When looking at assistive technology, there are four different categories for usage by people with different disabilities: Screen readers, Refreshable Braille Displays, Screen Magnifiers, and Voice Recognition Applications. (Hyatt, 5) There is currently a myriad of different products available to satisfy each of these categories. Also, there are a few different products for people with other types of disabilities as well. First there are products like screen readers, and screen magnifiers. Two of the types of screen
  • 29. Hr421 Lit Review Running Head: Employee Development Employee Development and the Park University In today s competitive business world, it is important to have fully trained and well versed employees, which can help make or break an organization. By having an employee development plan, or career path if you will, it allows employees to set career goals. This allows companies to ensure employees are fully capable of performing their assigned duties. The following chapter, Chapter 9, discussed methods of employee development. This chapter covered current trends associated with formal education, effective development strategies, as well as how to design a ... Show more content on ... This premise is so important that many companies now use web based matching systems to help match mentors and protГ©gГ©s (Noe, 2010). Companies can also utilize software to also build development plans, set goals and track the mentors and protГ©gГ©s progress. Wyndham s hotel chain found that their mentorship program participation tripled once they introduced the web based matching system (Noe, 2010). Coaching, normally utilized at the managerial level, provides employees with resources that they might not normally have access to, such as mentors, courses and job experiences (Noe, 2010). It is imperative that the right coaches are selected for these developmental programs. The best coaches are those that are empathetic, supportive, practical, and self confident while appearing to not know it all or want to tell others what to do (Noe, 2010). By providing coaching to new managers, it teaches them how to deal with a variety of situations in the workplace while maintaining professionalism and the corporate goals. In conclusion, while conducting this review, I found that this chapter offered many tools that can be utilized to develop an effective training plan. While any form of employee development is beneficial, mentoring and coaching have proven to be very effective. By offering these volunteer programs, it allows all parties involved, the mentor,
  • 30. The Pros And Cons Of Joining The United States Air Force... Have you ever thought about joining the Air Force? Well , if you haven t, just imagine the respect you d get for serving our country, the pride you d feel for helping keep America safe. Imagine flying all around the world and meeting so many varieties of people, seeing lots of different cultures. (Lieutenant Colonel Jerry Quincy) Although the USAFA has its disadvantages, it teaches future service men and women many qualities that they can use in their lives. It also shapes these cadets for the military by teaching them discipline, responsibility, and good work ethic. The United States Air Force Academyis a campus located in Colorado where future service men and women go to school to gain knowledge and experience before committing to the Air Force. Cadets go to classes and training everyday to prepare for their future jobs. (Wood, Air Force Leadership Problem) The Academy enforces discipline by having a policy that strictly... Show more content on ... Thanks to the Air Force s Community College, everyday a cadet shows up to class they are earning credits that go towards an Associate of Applied Science degree. (Excellence in all we do) There are also a college called American Military University that allows anyone in the military to take classes for free. (Educating those who serve) So even in the military, you can get your degree. The Air Force Academy is not easy to be accepted into. In fact, only about eight percent of people who applied in 2017 were accepted. The cadets who were accepted into the academy scored very well on SATand ACT tests. The average scores of people accepted are: 642 on SAT Verbal, 669 on SAT Math, 30.0 on ACT English, 30.4 on ACT Reading, 30.3 on ACT Math, and 29.8 on ACT Science Reasoning. People accepted also had to score well on multiple fitness tests. These tests included: a basketball throw, pull ups, flexed arm hang, shuttle run, crunches, push ups, and a one mile
  • 31. Analysis Of The Borden War Measures Act The Borden War Measures Act The War Measures Act was introduced in 1914 as a way to give unlimited authority to the government as a way to protect the populace during the First World War. However the idea of protecting the populace did not come to be. Both civilians and the federal government in some way acted against the civil rights of others using the War Measures Act. It enabled war profiteering and the unfair treatment of those classified as Enemy Aliens . Abuse of the War Measures Act by the Canadian government showed that the act itself was unnecessary The War Measures Act goals were to give the Canadian government complete control over the country. Primarily by bypassing elements of democracy that could harm the war effort. Such ... Show more content on ... The reason why such a poorly made weapon was made standard issue in the Canadian military was because of Sam Hughes the Minister of Militia and Defence who drew serious criticism when he defended it against growing evidence of its deficiencies in combat (8). But the War Measures Act was also to blame since it enabled the government to control, exportation, importation, production and manufacture; (9). Had the War Measures Act not been in place better quality products for soldiers could have been produced. But it would also be ignorant to not acknowledge that industry in Canada had grown because of the war. The war called for vast quantities of shells for artillery and Canadian factories produced a large majority of shells. However at the start of production, Sam Hughes, initially established a Shell Committee to coordinate production, but its failure to deliver on contracts led to angry recriminations between Canada and Britain and widespread rumours of corruption. (10). It was not until a new production company, the Imperial Munitions Board, was established under toronto businessman Joseph Flavelle did production start to pick up. Since the board was organized according to sound business practices and hired professional managers to oversee its operations (11). This displays that under civilian control, production in factories would run smoother than compared to the format of the government. While under control of the government,
  • 32. Unbroken By Laura Hillenbrand Analysis Hillenbrand and the author of the text about Mine Okubo explain how perseverance and resilience are essential for surviving difficult times. Throughout both texts, the authors use several methods to develop this central idea. Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand provides a detailed description of how Louie Zamperini survives being a prisoner of war. The author uses several ways to develop the central idea of resilience and perseverance. One way the author develops this main idea is by giving vivid descriptions. During the bombings of Wake Atoll, the author uses graphic and vivid phrases like The islands were now a blaze of garish light. This quote is just one instance where the author highlights how much resilience was needed to survive this dangerous situation. Secondly, the author develops the main idea by using problem and solution to show the resilience, grit, and perseverance needed for this difficult situation. The text states Phil was fighting to get out and... Show more content on ... Then the text illustrates He had survived. This second quote explains the solution to the plane s crash, which required the crew to demonstrate resilience. Thirdly, the text develops the central idea by using cause and effect. The cause was that the plane made a watery crash, and there were many effects to follow. The text demonstrates, Phil s mind was woozy and Blood spouted in rhythmic arcs from Phil s head and washed in sheets down his face. These two quotes demonstrate just two of the effects of the plane crash, all of which required extreme resilience to be put forth by the crew. These three ways of central idea development show that resilience can truly make the difference in surviving difficult
  • 33. Tom Osborne Character Description The Nebraska Cornhuskers football program had just won the national championship, with the historical head coach Tom Osborne. Osborne was head coach of the Cornhuskers from 1973 1997, for a total of 25 years as head coach. And has won a total of 13 conference championships and 3 national championships. Osborne was the most influential coach nebraska has ever had, and has inspired countless people. There is no doubt that Tom Osborne has qualities of a hero, and many people look up to him. Tom Osborne has many hero qualities, which are his strive for greatness,he also shares and expresses his beliefs to the Husker football team. Tom Osborne has many qualities of a hero. These are just a few of them, his strive for greatness, religious life, And road to glory. These are just of few of them. First of all, Tom Osborne had many ups and downs while coaching the Nebraska Cornhuskers. But eventually he has become one of the most famous Nebraska head coaches in history. Osborne and his strive for greatness was amazing. He has a goal to win a National Championship winning a National Championship would be nice, but it is not a matter of life or death. During Tom Osborne s coaching career was and hard, but it would eventually turn Nebraska football around. He coaches different from many other coaches, which is why they had such an amazing team. When he started at head coach, the Huskers were not very successful, and many fans didn t like him as a coach. Eventually Osborne had
  • 34. Frau Grubach Case Analysis Frau Grubach s role in K. s case helps enforce his sense of superiority towards women. While she appears for a brief time, she develops and enables K. to believe he is making the correct choices. As explained by Boa, she is suitably self denigrating, doing her best to restore K. s ego and claiming his case to be a special, intellectual matter beyond her comprehension (Boa 191). By restoring and further developing his ego, K. allows himself to treat the trialas an inconvenience or irrationality which does not do him justice, only sullying him in his case. Moreover, with Frau Grubach claiming his case to be unique to others in a way she does not need to understand it only proves her aim to restore his ego (Kafka 23). The fact that he... Show more content on ... It is only when he loses her to the student, he realizes he has been deceived . (Kafka 65). Her role as a helper is merely a disguise to her being an enabler to his guilt and shame. Despite realizing her role as a liar, he is still filled with the belief of being in the right. Hence why, even after falling for the first obstacle in his trial, he allows himself to be tempted again by Leni. Leni s character serves as another seductress, successfully distracting him from concentrating on his trial and instead furthering the guilt he is accused of. From the moment their eyes meet, K. is compelled by her, as if put in a spell. Even though he is in a meeting with the lawyer and a court official, his mind drifts instead to the nurse (Kafka 103). When she offers a chance to escape the room of men, he does not hesitate to take it, choosing a woman over his trial. This action suggests how he cannot fight back against his guilt and is overcome by it. As Leni reveals her dual role as the nurse to the lawyer and an insider of the court, he readily accepts her aid. Notably this acceptance is demonstrated as an intimate moment. However, when his uncle reprimands him for never returning to the lawyer s room and choosing to be with Leni, he mentions how he has damaged [his] case (Kafka 108). Leni has successfully pulled K. away from his trial and worsening his case. The damage he
  • 35. The Importance Of Border Security In The United States Nowadays, the illegal immigration into the United States has increasing rapidly because of the problem of border security and dangerous circumstance in the national foreign. However, while the population of the United States increasing that lead to the economics of this nation become more effective and wealthy. Otherwise, with this situation people access to another national border that violates to the immigrationlaw and going to make the nation become more negative, isolate and decrease the quality of life of all people living in United States. Moreover, illegal immigration that increasing both migration and terrorism that lead to the dangerous issue to threat the life of all people around the nation. Finally, in the way to make our nation become more efficient and success our political need to increase more security at the border and throughout the nation. The U.S should increase restriction on the current border security system. According to nation reported, that exist a lot of gaps in the nation border of security system to keep people stay away immigrant to the U.S. Hence, that effects to the life of everyone around all states such as lost jobs, lower wage and increased the number of crimes and terrorisms. Last year, more than ten million undocumented aliens reside to the United States; that lead the population in our country increasing 700,000 per year. Within this situation, millions of people lost their ... Show more content on ... That make our economy system increase such as GDP; however, but that shift the society of our country to a different direction that may cause of harms to the people. Hence, in the way to keep our nation become stronger without social issues; we need to keep our border safe and not allow the illegal immigrants. Finally, our political system need to prepare and promote the restrictions on its current border security policy throughout the United
  • 36. Comparison Between City Life and Country Life Essay question: city life and country life Final draft Everyone has a different lifestyle. People sometimes have to decide where they want to live. Some people prefer to live in the city while other people choose to live in the countryside. Their choice depends upon their bachground. City lifestyle and country lifestyle are two different types of living. Although, these two types of living differ from each other by environment, job opportunities and cost of living; they also have similar features such as daily routine, values and people live and work in these areas. The most notable difference between life in a countryside and life in a city is environment. There are less pollution, fewer cars and factories in the countryside. The ... Show more content on ... Another two differences between these places of living are job opportunities and cost of living. There are more job opportunities in the city. People in the countryside have their farms. They grow different vegetables, fruits and make money on it. For instance, In Mekong delta farmers make two crops a year. They are Summer Autumn yield and Winter Spring yield ( What s the difference , n.d.). Between these seasons of crop there is a distance. They do not do anything during this period. In contrast, most people move to the city in order to find a job because it is easier there. For person who has a good education, the city is the best way to earn money because different offices, companies, factories are located in cities ( What s the difference , n.d.). For example, there are ChoRay hospital, Sacombank, Vietnam Airlines, National University in Ho Chi Minh city and these companies usually hire masters, doctors, engineers ( What s the difference , n.d.). Also another difference between them is a cost of living. The cost of living in the city is higher than the countryside, for instance goods are more expensive there ( Rural area , n.d.). In the country, most people have the sufficient economy. They can grow plants and breed animals so expenditures are lower and they can live on their own. The country life is simple and comfortable. Nevertheless, to rent a house, to buy food and to use a transport is more expensive in the city but the
  • 37. African American Interpersonal Communication Essay African American Interpersonal Communication African American Interpersonal Communication through Body Art Tattoos make an individual s self definition more complete by visually communicating gang membership, status, rank and personal accomplishment (Phelan 277). Tattooing and body piercing has been practiced in almost every culture around the world, and for thousands of years. (Greif, Hewitt 367) The African American culture use body art as a method of nonverbal interpersonal communication. The word tattoo became part of the English vocabulary in 1769 when James Cook visited the Pacific Island of Tahiti. Both sexes, he wrote, paint their bodies. Tattow as it is called in their language, this is done by ... Show more content on ... It is this sort of strictly prescribed, highly ritualistic decoration that Beckwith and Fisher depict in African ceremonies. We have tried to show how body art is relevant to every stage of development, from birth to death , says Fisher. But while the traditional, often spiritually based versions of bod mod are quickly disappearing among indigenous peoples, the impulses behind personal adornment remain unchanged: attracting a mate, signaling status, declaring allegiance to a group( Lemonick 75). For men, the tattoo is a public identity symbol, and their first is usually on their arm. Women reserve their tattoo for a more intimate audience, and they usually choose their breast. For most, the tattoo is symbolic of their individuality and having withstood a painful and exciting event. Tattooees enjoy being noticed, although they reveal their tattoos selectively ( Davis 471). Anthropologists describe body art or modification as a way of identifying oneself as being a part of a group, a tribe, or a gang: of denoting one s financial status or marital status: or even as a way of beautifying the body (Grief, Hewitt 368). Implicit here is the theme of deliverance the redemptive passage from pain and uncertainty wherein the tattoo serves as both silent witness and lucky charm. Yet sailors and navel men have long applied symbols to their bodies, in an almost magical way, to guide their vessels and protect themselves, to
  • 38. Mechanical And Transport Properties Of Cellular Solids Abstract This work presents a novel formulation for a Voronoi type cellular material with in plane anisotropic behaviour, showing global positive and negative Poisson s ratio effects under uniaxial tensile loading. The effects of the cell geometry and relative density over the global stiffness, equivalent in plane Poisson s ratios and shear modulus of the Voronoi type structure are evaluated with a parametric analysis. Empirical formulas are identified to reproduce the mechanical trends of the equivalent homogeneous orthotropic material representing the Voronoi type structure and its geometry parameters. Keywords Lattice structures; Elastic behaviour; Simulation; Finite element analysis 1. Introduction The mechanical and transport properties of cellular solids have been traditionally modeled using periodic unit cells representative volumes. Examples of these unit cell topologies are the hexagonal prismatic and quadrilateral centrosymmetric ones (Gibson and Ashby, 1997), Kelvin lattices (Choi and Lakes, 1995, Zhu et al., 1997, Warren and Kraynik, 1997, Mills, 2005, Gong et al., 2005 and Weaire, 2008). The level of disorder associated to the shape and orientation of cells belonging to real open cell foams has been described numerically by making use of Voronoi diagrams (Kraynik et al., 2003). Voronoi tessellations create one to one optimal (i.e., minimum distance) correspondence between a point in the space and polytopes (a geometric entity delimited by segments in 2D) to
  • 39. Eatonville Dialectical Journal Passage: It was the meanest moment of eternity. A minute before she was just a scared human being fighting for its life. Now she was her sacrificing self with Tea Cake s head in her lap. She had wanted him to live so much and he was dead. No hour is ever eternity, but it has its right to weep. Janie held his head tightly to her breast and wept and thanked him wordlessly for giving her the chance for loving service. She had to hug him tight for soon he would be gone, and she had to tell him for the last time. Then the grief of outer darkness descended (Hurston 184). (E) Janie had finally found and experienced true love with Tea Cake. During a moment of panic Janie had shot and killed Tea Cake. Unlike when her other husbands died Janie felt ... Show more content on ... Tea Cake and Mrs. Mayor Starks! All the men that she could get, and fooling with somebody like Tea Cake! Another thing, Joe Starks hadn t been dead but nine months and here she goes sashay ing off to a picnic in pink linen. Done quit attending church, like she used to. Gone off to Sanford in a car with Tea Cake and her all dressed in blue! It was a shame. (Hurston 110) (C)Their eyes were watching god was set in a period where sexism is prevalent. Janie after the death of Joe began falling in love with Tea Cake. The town was appalled to her behavior because back than marriage had a divine meaning. Her short termed grievance reflected the amount of love she had for her husband and by moving on quickly to Tea Cake Janie clearly didn t value her relationships and marriage with Joe. Back then if a man had done what Janie had done it would have been accepted but because she was a women society frowned upon her behavior. Janie s audacity to go against the sexist norms of society can be constituted to women during the roaring twenties. Many women during the roaring twenties had broken social standards bringing a change to woman s culture. Women began wearing short dresses, smoking and drinking in bars, things that were once frowned upon by society. These women similar to Janie did whatever made them happy and ignored the judgments of
  • 40. The Chocolate War And An Absolute Diary Of A Part Time Indian When people think about tribalism, they usually associate it with a strong possession of a cultural or ethnical identity. Tribalism can take many forms. For example, it can refer to popular culture in which people are exhibiting loyalty to their social group. Certainly, there are positive and negative perspectives to either side. When reading The Chocolate War and An AbsoluteDiary of A Part Time Indian, I experienced both sides of tribalism. When, reading An Absolute Diary of A Part Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie, I saw how the protagonist Arnold was able to gain support from his tribes while discovering strengths inside of himself that he never knew existed. In comparison, I discovered while reading The Chocolate War, by Robert Cormier, the protagonist Jerry had the foundations of support, but it ended up crumbling when he needed the support the most. Why was Arnold able to become an individual while being a member of numerous tribes, when Jerry s tribes didn t support him for being an individual? Jerry, a freshman who comes into Trinity and is able to throw off its balance. He is able to defy the Vigils and that action alone is huge, because no one has ever dared to defy them before because the Vigils are their own tribe at Trinity. Jerry is able to disturb the tribe and almost rally supporters behind him, but it doesn t last very long and Jerry is singled out by the Vigils. Jerry had the football team as his tribe early on before he was assigned to not sell the
  • 41. Willie Lynch Theory Jasmine Kennedy Lee 1.18.11 English Pd. 3 The Psychological Breakdown of a Black Man. DISTRUST IS STRONGER THAN TRUST AND ENVY STRONGER THAN ADULATION, RESPECT OR ADMIRATION. Willie LynchWilliam Willie Lynch is a British slave owner in the West Indies, who came to the United States to advise American slave owners on how to keep their slaves restrained. Lynching or Lynch law is actually attributed to him since it derives from his last name. Lynching initially referred to the hanging of the black man. His main purpose in life is to teach white society how to convert a man into a slave.Willie Lynch s theory is classified by different categories such as, the economy, Keep the body, Take the mind , and Negro ... Show more content on ... Sally is trained as a lady s maid, and in addition is tutored in the French language. Some of Sally s duties includes waiting on Jefferson s daughter, Martha and seeing to the needs of young Maria. She is paid the equivalent of $2.00 per month for her services. She attends Martha in public society and is accordingly dressed. These examples of her life are relevant to Lynch s theory because this shows how mixed women slaves get better treatment than regular slaves. If she did not physically show any signs on being mulatto and being beautiful, she would have been treated inhumane. What slave gets paid to do slave work? Slaves are enslaved against their will and they shed blood, sweat and tears without being reimbursed with profit.Given these facts, one can conclude that based on today s events, this theory is both tragic but yet there is improvement. It is tragic because, white society still has that negative and stereotypical view of black people being ignorant, criminals and self degrading. For example, there are tendencies of authorities and the media in general to take the conception of black criminality to demonize young black men and racial profile them. Blacks are always put in a negative light because of history, so the mindset of white people will never change. As far as the improvement, like today, the black community is still dragged in the same way that the Lynch s doctrine
  • 42. 10 Thing I Hate About You Character Analysis Laws of women have consider and encourage in gender relations. Since the arrival of women s rights movement in mid 19th century, there has been amount of changes in the law that affect women forming giving their full property rights. The film 10 Thing I Hate About You, is a typical teen drama, and romance story. That involve two sisters with unique characteristics, one that s naive and the other stubborn. Kat Stratford is an interesting character that isn t well liked by others due to her personality which is referred as a shrew. She isn t your typical girl that needrescuing from an awful home or protected. She stands on her own and knows what she is capable. For that Kat explains through her actions and words that there are women who are... Show more content on ... Patrick refuses, but Joey offers him more money. Later on Kat confessed her past to Bianca about her dating Joey and from then on she vowed to never do anything just because everyone else was doing it. Bianca explained that she wants to make her own choices, and both decide to go to prom. At prom Bianca finds out about Joeys plans. Joey angry that Bianca went out with Cameron, Joey reveals his agreement with Patrick, which breaks Kat s heart and leaves. Bianca then beats up Joey for hurting her sister, Cameron, and her. In the end, Bianca begins dating Cameron. Kat reads her poem to the class, revealing her love for Patrick. Patrick surprises her with a guitar brought with the money Joey gave him, and confesses his feeling for her. Kat forgave him and the two made up with a kiss. The First quality Kat showed was independence, and that no one can decide things for her. Being independent is key to survive in the world and not everyone possesses it. Its empowering that one is in control of one s life and choices. Many hope to learn to support one s fundamentals for any success one hopes to achieve. Kat shows that she s independent, and wants to do things her way, even though her father wants her to stay close to home. She expects him to trust and support her on what she deiced to do with her life. In this scene, Mr. Stratford asks Kat if she is punishing him because he wants her close to home. Kat
  • 43. The United States Postal Service Ecommerce Stratagem The United States Postal Service eCommerce Stratagem Abstract With Centuries of History to reflect on, the United States Postal Service has continuously strived to be the leader in the delivery and production of U.S. Consumer postal needs. Over time, delivery modes have significantly changed; consumer supply and demand has wavered; and new challenges and opportunities emerge as the cyber world evolves. The U. S. Postal Service will look to strategize though eCommerce and embrace technological invents to remain the pacesetter despite any encroaching competition. Table of Contents Getting to Where They Are Now4 Postal Services Humble Start4 Thinking of it by Zones5 The Postage Stamp6 The Shift from Manual Labor to... Show more content on ... Thinking of it by Zones Figure 1. 1960 s ZIP Code Propaganda Figure 1. 1960 s ZIP Code Propaganda There is evidence that as far back as 1943 the United States Post Office Department used a basic form of today postal zones system but it only covered the scope of a few certain large cities, The Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) Code was officially launched in 1963; it s a system of a postal district/zone numbers established to better handle increasing volumes of mail. The basic format consists of five decimal numerical digits. The first number in the code represents general geographic area of the nation, 0 in the East, moving to 9 in the West. The next two numbers represent regional areas, and the final two identify specific Post Offices. In 1983 the system was expanded to ZIP+4. Now mail is read by a multiline optical character reader (OCR); these are cameras that can almost instantly determine the correct ZIP+4 code from the written address and additional specific delivery point information as well. Once the code is determined, it prays an Intelligent Mail barcode on the face of the mail piece that corresponds to 11 digits; nine for the ZIP+4 codes and two for the delivery point. Some mail must be sorted in a specific scheme. The Postage Stamp In its beginning, the concept of a Stamp indicating postage cost was to generate monies when
  • 44. Entry Level Camera Entry level camera Strategy With the entry level cameras, our strategy was to produce them with very minimal cost to ourselves. Furthermore, by having the entry level cameras relatively low cost this will potentially lead to mass production, which was our intended goal for these cameras. These cameras were envisioned where any average customer could purchase it comfortably to use on a daily basis. With that being said, we figured that many other companies would attempt to tackle the same price adjustment strategy that we were operating with. We reckoned that many companies were attempting to raise their prices for entry level cameras, having said that we altered by maintaining a fairly lower price to raise profits. Unfortunately, we realize that this isn t working out for our company, and decided to modify the prices, however we preformed this adjustment a bit to late for any major outcomes. Production operations played a huge role on whether to allow more production in North America, or more in Europe Africa. After many decisions, we begun to notice that North America, and Europe Africa were our main consumers and had stronger demands for our products, we suddenly realized that we should offer the other more compensation to raise the production. We than decided to offer Asia Pacific, and Latin America a larger discounts, and longer return dates, to increase the demands. As the years progressed we decided to gradually raise the prices, and increase the number of models
  • 45. The Scaled Equation Of State The scaled equation of state is (2.66) Coordinate transformation In rare case may be done a numerical solution in a Cartesian coordinate system. For numerical simulations is used usually a curve coordinate system. In order to prevent of geometric errors in solutions in finite volume methods, is necessary to the precise determinationof Surface vector.As an example of an airfoilwhich can be describedwith difficulty the curve of airfoil by Cartesian grid point and points lie within the airfoil. Figure 1.2) grid system Therefore it is better to select a curve coordinate system. As is shown in figure1 2. Due to this coordinate transformation increase indeed complexity of equation with respect to Cartesian form but has many advantageous like improvement of efficient and accuracy in numerical method. In the transformation from the physical domain to the computational domain, a one to onetransformation is assumed.That is, a point in thephysical domain, say point A, corresponds to oneand only one point in the computational domain, point B, and vice versa. Figure 2.2) Grid configuration in physical domain (left) and computational domain (right) Due to the transformation the transition from a curvilinear non orthogonal physical domain is carried out on an orthogonal computational domain (Figure2 2). Almost infinitely complex body boundaries in physical space are converted to rectangular plane in the computational space. Metrics of Transformation The physical domain and the
  • 46. Swot Analysis Of Ford 4. Threats Economic Instability Because of the label of a luxury good the stability of the economy is detrimental to the increase of sales. Economic instability is sometimes linked to political instability and in the international market both are highly volatile. Large Number of Competitors There are many competitors in the automotive industry and many of them are ranked higher than Ford, in recent polls, due to the growing global reach and recognition by consumers. Political instability With Ford s dependencies on foreign markets due to expansion beyond the capacity of the U.S. market, political stability in markets outside the U.S. could pose a risk for Ford. Recently relationships between the U.S. and Mexico has weakened and according to Ford s annual report employee voluntary resignation is among the highest in Mexico and China. Highly Competitive Market As stated earlier, the market that Ford operates in is highly competitive and Ford must maintain its ability to analyze what competitors are doing so it can stay competitive and gain more market share. Growth of Competitors With growing competition in the market, Ford must find a way to regain its market share and rebound from the recent decline from the top 3 in the industry. Toyota is leading the way as is Renault Nissan per recent polls, Ford has dropped to fifth in World automobile production. Growth in alternative mobility platforms has also allowed for new competitors to enter the market such as Tesla. As
  • 47. Analysis Of Mad Shadows Does every family treat each other with love and respect? Are all families in a healthy relationship with one another? In the book Mad Shadows, the answer to these questions are clearly displayed. Mad shadows, is a fictional novel written by Marie Claire Blair. It tells the story of an unusual family who have been in a prolong feud with one another, which is the by product of their illusions. The character, Louise, is the mother of the familyin this story. Her superficial view and denial of truth is the root cause of the dysfunction, misery, and jealousy in her family, consequently fueling her own death and destruction by the end of her tragic life. All of Louise s illusions had a beginning stage when they in entered her life. One of these delusions is the fact that she views the world in a superficial manner, connection self worth only to beauty. An example of this could be seen when she is given the symbolic representation of a prostitute, seducing her husband by using her beauty and charm. This provides background information about her illusion, stating it has been a part of her life from the beginning. This twisted view also feeds into her other misconception which is that her son, Patrice, must be intelligent because of his beautifully sculpted face and body, but nonetheless is dumb. In the quote Louise did not question the intelligence of her ten year old Adonis. He spoke very little, but she attributed this speechlessness, like the silence of the gods, to
  • 48. Eumenides As Critique Of The Polis Summary Austin Barrow Dr. Vella AP English Literature; Period 1 6 October 2017 : Eumenides as Critique of the Polis Athens functions as the polis or the pinnacle city state of the time, and in Eumenides, it takes on the role as the birthplace of modern civic justice, leading the progression of humanity s ability to determine morality in contrast to past models of vengeance in order to avoid anarchy and tyranny. However, Aeschylus story of the trial of Orestes implicates many of the imperfections of the Athenian justice system. In Eumenides, Aeschylus uses the Furies, persuasive language, and dark and light imagery to critique the polis, or the pinnacle city state of Athens, through the emphasis its flaws of sexual bias, the illusion of justice tied to the illusion of free will, and the continued presence of political absolutism. The curse on the house of Atreus and Apollo s persuasive language emphasizes the bias in the new civic court system of the polis due to the blatant sexism present and the use of persuasion as a manipulative tool that can bypass the discovery of truth. Apollo instances the superiority of the generative male sex from Athena herself, daughter of Zeus but borne by no mother all of which Athena accepts in revealing her preference for Orestes (Collard xxxvi). Apollo s argument had no basis on the delegation of Justice and only implied feminine inferiority relative to the superior male, yet his persuasive language in relation to Athena s upbringing is
  • 49. Jimmy John Surgery Persuasive Speech Wouldn t you like to know the wonders of arm injuries? There are a few pitchers who have to undergo Tommy John surgery. Most of the time after Tommy John surgery the pitcher is out for a year or two. There is a growing belief, though, that recovery time isn t sufficient after many Tommy John procedures, thanks to an erroneous idea that crept into the sport in recent years that pitchers need only 10 18 months to come back from a UCL replacement, whereas accepted standard time to return from a Tommy John procedure in medical circles is 16 20 months. Many pitchers come back before they are assigned. That is why they have so many arm injuries in the long run. There are more guys going through this and it s better to err on the side of giving more time. Even with a first Tommy John, people expect a 100 percent success rate, and while the odds are very good, it s not 100 percent. They come in expecting to able to be the way they were before the surgery. Pitchers need to slow down after they ... Show more content on ... More pitchers are going through the procedure a second time, and aside from the mental and physical toll it takes on players. They still try to pitch through the pain an end up getting hurt again. It s a one percent rate in the literature, one out of 100 Tommy Johns requires a second surgery. Most surgeons do a good job on their arms. Pitchers have the worst trouble after the first surgery when their arms hurt bad enough so they have to have a second surgery. Pitchers don t see the struggle your arm is going through when they keep pitching through it. It really was a battle every time out. There was a string of games where I had to give some extra effort late. He was pitching through the pain. As a pitcher in the big leagues you re dealing with minute aches all the time. Your arm usually hurts when you pitch without a break. Pitchers should rest when their arms are giving them
  • 50. Spatial Frequency Gratings The development of the visual system is studied very widely in the world today for medical use and scientific challenge. It is important to analyse what infants can see and how they are developing for medical implications; to assess critical periods and as a chance to pick up on amblyopia. There are many ways of accurately testing infant s colour vision such as preferential looking, VEPS and optokinetic nystagmus tests. Preferential looking uses the principle that infants fix on and follow objects. Two spatial frequency gratings are presented to the infant with varying contrasts. The infant will follow that grating with a higher contrast. A blind observer will follow where the child fixates and record the results. Using this technique, you can detect what the infant can see. Visual Evoked Potentials is another method of measuring infants vision where a cap with 200 electrodes is fixed onto the infants head and the... Show more content on ... Most of the development of the post retina occurs between twenty four weeks of pregnancy and three to four months of age, due to myelination in the nerve fibres not being complete at birth, but developing at around four months of age. Myelin around nerve cells allows impulses to travel down the nerve quickly which is essential for effective colour vision. In conclusion, colour vision is one of our most important and complex processes which is wholly essential to human life. Most people cannot imagine a life without colour vision. Despite the critical period for visual development being 3months to 8 years, I believe after having evaluated the research the most important period of infancy towards colour vision development is from birth to about 6 months of age. Having said this, it is clear that any environmental deficiencies throughout the whole of the critical period could lead to a number of visual
  • 51. Parental Divorce Parental divorce has had adverse consequences on adolescents and this issue has over a period of time been of concern. This research is aimed at establishing the impacts of divorce on the developmental stage of adolescents. In this paper, a proposal based on determining the exact effects will be keenly underlined. The study will fundamentally be based on data that will be obtained from a survey that will be carried out among students in high school and college. In the process, the two groups are to be established depending on the experience with divorce. One group will have parental contact, and the other group will be made up of teenagers without parental contact. In the analysis, the frequencies of the divorce experiences will be determined... Show more content on ... Emotional upheaval, as well as stress, can impair the quality of child rearing skills of a parent, and this can easily result in negative consequences on children and adolescents (O Brien, 1992). According to a few studies, after a divorce, most parents become anxious, depressed, self doubting and angry more than the married people. Thus, the depressed parents express less affection for their children, communicate less to the adolescents and often punish
  • 52. Reflective Essay On Becoming A Teacher I never wanted to be the line leader in Kindergarten. I was happy with following everyone else. All throughout growing up I would do whatever my friends did. We played the same sports, joined the same clubs, had the same classes, and even wore the same clothes. Even though I was content with being a follower and doing what everyone else was doing, I knew something was missing. I wanted to be my own person and I had so many ideas and thoughts to share, yet no one wanted to hear them from someone who wasn t loud and outgoing. As I entered my teen years I wanted people to hear me, so I made it my goal to give myself a voice and become the leader rather than the follower. Learninghow to lead others helped create many opportunities for me and I finally found what was missing in my life. My ideas were finally heard and used, and I could not be more pleased. I grew into a strong, creative, and hard working woman. Learning how to become a leader was grueling. It didn t happen overnight like I had hoped. There were many steps I had to take like learning how to open myself up to people. I was always a simple person who never shared how they felt with people. I needed to learn how to open up to people more, so I started being honest when someone would ask how I was doing. I also started telling people about the good and bad things that happened to me like the good grade I got on a hard test, or how I slipped and fell in front of an enormous crowd of people. Sharing little things