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Essay on Internal and External Conflict in Hamlet
In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare conflict plays a very significant role. The
play s main protagonist, Hamlet, possesses both internal and external conflict due to
the fact that he is fighting his inner conscience and suppressing his inner emotions,
and he is seeking revenge on and conflicting with many other characters in the play.
These internal and external conflicts this character is experiencing affect those
around him. They also shape the events that occur in the drama and contribute to the
overall outcome. Hamletexperiences a tremendous amount of internal conflict
throughout the play. He is constantly debating whether or not he should face his
troubles. This sense of uncertainty comes from a lack of self confidence,... Show
more content on ...
He fights his gut feelings and suppresses his emotions until he misses his chances
which he then hates himself for doing. These feelings of uncertainty stem from
another inner conflict he is experiencing which has to do with how angry he really
feels about his father s death, and how his mother marries the man who Hamlet
believes to have killed him. As a result of all of these inner conflicts, Hamlet shuts
out the people who love him, and shuts out all feelings of love. An example of this is
how Hamlet treats Ophelia. Hamlet really adores Ophelia, but the internal conflict he
is experiencing has left him feeling lost and frustrated causing him to take out his
anger on her. The external conflicts Hamlet experiences are a direct result of the
conflict he feels within himself. Many external conflicts occur in this play.
However, the main conflict is between Hamlet and Claudius. Hamlets anger
towards Claudius is being driven by his intense emotions and anxiety in the event
of losing his father. Hamlet believes Claudius has taken everything from him, and
he is on a mission to get revenge. Claudius is being driven by two things, his
naturally cynical and greedy nature, and his thirst for power. These are what drive
him to great lengths to ensure Hamlet never gets his way. Hamlet on the other hand,
is the exact opposite of Claudius in every other aspect except one. Hamlet, like
Claudius possesses the ability to be cold and calculative. Both characters can
The Importance Of Emergency Intervention And
Our University of Mary (UMary) EBP project team would like to acknowledge the
following people with a heartfelt and sincere Thank You. Without your guidance,
help, and assistance this project would not have been able to move forward and
touch the lives of those patients on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)
needing emergency intervention and management services. First, we would like to
express our thankfulness to Claudia Dietrich, University of Mary faculty and Project
Advisor. Her expertise in the capstone projects offered a higher level of assistance to
keep us going and on the right track. She has guided our teamthrough every step of
the process and answered many questions with a calming reassurance. The ECMO
team from... Show more content on ...
nizational planning process44
Implementation Plan45
Project Measurement Plan49
Human Subject Protection Statement51
Project Outcome Measurements ...........................................................................54
Hand off Plan ................................................................................................58
List of Tables
Table 1: External Data Number of Articles Found Per
Table 2: Matrix Grid of Highest Quality PICOT Relevant
Table 3: Internal Data.......................................................................................34
List of Figures
ECMO Example..............................................................................................64
List of Appendices
Appendix I: Project Action Plan............................................................................65
Appendix II: Simulation Scenarios........................................................................68
Appendix III: Five Why s..................................................................................101
Appendix IV: Multidisciplinary ECMO Pre Simulation
Appendix V: Multidisciplinary ECMO Post Simulation
Appendix VI: IRB Application............................................................................104
Appendix VII: Pre Survey Responses...................................................................114
Appendix VIII: Post Survey Responses.................................................................115
Appendix IX: Satisfaction with Current Simulation
Appendix X: Feedback Regarding Simulation.........................................................117
Appendix XI: Questions 1 10 T Test Analysis.........................................................118
Appendix XII: Cumulative Mean
Broad Construction Of The Constitution Essay
History is a major part of a country and its citizen s heritage. However, America s
heritage is a short yet confusing one with different events and opinions argued as its
true beginning as a sovereign nation. Although historians argue that the Spanish
settlement of St. Augustine in Florida marks the start of American History, the
written Constitution and development of a government more accurately reflects the
beginning because this shows the beginning of an organized, connected and strong
According to Albert P. Blaustein, It can easily be argued that America s most
important export has been the Constitution of the United States. (Blaustein). The
American Constitution is a building block to democracy and structure, studied by
many ... Show more content on ...
Milanich, In 1565 Spain established the earliest permanent European settlement in
North America at San AugustГn (present day St. Augustine) on the Atlantic coast of
the Florida peninsula. When the Spaniards anchored in Florida, they did not mean to
colonize or begin a new nation separated from Europe, or even their native Spain.
Instead, they chose to claim the area of land that they had settled on, for Spain. The
Spanish did not consider themselves Americans but as Spaniards, claiming new land
and protecting it for their country. To be a Spaniard, or African, living in San AgustГ
during the 1500s meant isolation from the outside world, inadequate supplies,
constant threat of attack from Indians or the French (which occurred in 1568), and a
lack of female companionship. (Milanich). Life at San Agustin was not meant to be a
chance at organizing a new country, but honoring their native one, and refusing to
discover the natural beauty and people of
The Sniper And The Man He Killed
Wars never hurt anybody except for the people who died Salvador Dali, leader of
the Surrealist Movement. In both stories men who are at war are described, both of
these men have killed a man who are known as their foes. Both of the men realize
that the man they killed could ve been a friend, and were someone who really wasn t
the enemy. The relationship between these two stories is that war can tear families
apart. In Liam O Flahertys The Sniper and The Man He Killed by Thomas Hardy
both show similarities and differences in plot, irony, and theme. There are
similarities of plot between both stories, for example, both of the men are soldiers at
war. As an example On a rooftop near O Connell Bridge, a republican sniper lay
watching ... Show more content on ...
The similar theme is that war changes people and tears them apart due to the pain
and suffering of the war. Cursing the war, cursing himself, cursing everybody (O
Flaherty 208). The quote helps show that the war may cause you to curse things
you never would ve before, like, yourself. And from the poem He thought he d list
perhaps/ Off hand like just as I/ Was out of work, had sold his traps/ No other
reason why (Hardy 16 20). This tells how war can force people to make erratic
decisions, it changes your attitude and morals about any situation including joining
the army and going to war. The differencebetween the two stories is that in The
Sniper it turns him against his family and in The Man He Killed it turned the
soldier against his friends. To prove this, Then the sniper turned over the dead
body and looked into his brother s face (O Flaherty, page 208). Again this tells of
the shock the sniper received when he saw it was his brother he had killed. But in
the opposing story Yes, quaint and curious war is!/ You shoot a fellow down/ You
d treat if met where any bar is/ Or help to half a crown (Hardy 17 20). It explains of
how he killed a man that the soldier would have befriended in any other situation. All
in all, you can see both the similarities and differences in both stories
Cons Of Eugenics
The idea that one can improve the human race by careful selection of those who
mate and produce offspring is called eugenics. It is better understood as the process
of selective breeding can improve human society. The term eugenics is from the
greek, meaning well born . The idea of eugenics is to have a society be abundant with
many wanted traits, during a movement called the melting pot where people tried to
solve their problems with the use of technology. Inquiries into HumanFaculty and Its
Development, is the book in which Sir Francis Galton first mentioned the term
eugenics. In the book he says that humans believe that humans were disrupting
evolution in maintaining the weak and sickly through social welfare programs, mental
... Show more content on ...
The way eugenics will be used is by correcting genetic problems in embryos. Soon
enough a parent will be able to find out the accurate view of their child s genes,
allowing any defects to be seen. If the child seems perfectly healthy no changes
will be made. On the other hand if a problem is spotted the parents may choose to
go through with gene therapy, also known as eugenics. This process will not only
be able to identify health problems, but also personality traits. It allows the baby to
be deigned to the parents desire. There are many pros and cons to this concept,
which is a reason why there are questions to whether the situation can be resolved
or not. One of the greatest benefits of eugenics is the possibility of fighting
illnesses and curing types of cancer. The chances of cancer or genetic illnesses is
when the persons genes are altered and the traits are passed on to their children. A
way to prevent genetic illness is when the doctor injects an artificial human
chromosome into the fertilized egg, which will cause the child to cancel the
effects of the illness as the child grows. A result of this would be that people will
be able to live longer and healthier lives. By using this method, there is a possibility
to creating the perfect child as it can possibly alter the behavioral and physical traits
as well. Although there are positive effects there can also be many drawbacks. In a
way eugenics can be compared to
Essay about Ur and Djoser
Ziggurat of Ur and Stepped Pyramid of Djoser: A Comparison Joseph Katz Art
History 100 26 Dr. Karl F. Schuler
Title: Ziggurat of Ur
Period: Neo Sumerian
Provenance: Ur, Iraq
Date: 2150 BC
The Ziggurat of Ur was built in 2150 BC by the Gutians. First, let s discuss what
exactly a ziggurat is. A ziggurat is a superstructure built on top and around a
mountain. On the very top was a temple. Ziggurats were made out of only mud
brick. One may ask, why use mud brick? Compared to other materials such as
limestone it is a terribly weak building material. The reason was because of the
location of Ur. Ur did not have limestone anywhere near it so mud brick was the
practical choice. Viewed from the outside, the giant mud... Show more content on ...
There were also tunnels leading to hundreds of rooms. This was not merely a tomb
but also a place where King Djoser could live in the afterlife. The pyramid was built
in the middle of a necropolis, which literally means, city of the dead in Greek.
Surrounding the necropolis is a limestone wall to keep out everyone except a very
select few. There were many other structures in the necropolis such as: Temples,
courtyards, and pavilions. However, most of the buildings were filled with rubble
or sand and were just for show. The building of pyramids kept all of the people in
the surrounding cities busy and working. These kinds of structures were great for
Egyptian economy. There are many similarities and differences between the Ziggurat
of Ur, and Stepped Pyramid of Djoser. Each level of the Stepped Pyramid bears a
structural resemblance to the Ziggurat of Ur. While the two structures may look
slightly a like they re purposes are very different. Stepped Pyramid of Djoser is a
tomb for the fallen King, and the Ziggurat of Ur in a temple. The Pyramid was set
in a necropolis with a big surrounding wall while the Ziggurat was built in the
center of a city and was very open and welcoming. Another big difference is the
building materials. The Pyramid was built out of durable limestone while the
Ziggurat was built out of flimsy mud brick. The Ziggurat temple was washed away
by years of sand abuse while the
William Faulkner s The Bear
After the Civil War, the American Southerners had a strong trauma that could not be
forgotten. Considering that William Faulkner was also one of these Southerners,
approaching to his texts through a psychoanalytic lens would be a meaningful
work. In fact, Faulkner is one of the rare writers who faced Southern racial taboo :
the miscegenation. In addition, a Southern Renaissance that what Faulkner does
with the South through his novels are very similar with what Freud did with the
European civilization after the World War I in his work about psychoanalytic
mourning (Lee 229). Actually, Faulkner went through the World War I just like
Freud did and he is one of the Lost Generations : a group of writers who were
strongly affected by the inhumanity of war. Thus, this essay will focus on analyzing
Faulkner s The Bear in psychoanalytical view. In The Bear, the wildernessis one of
the significant motifs. Issac and Faulkner saw the wilderness as gigantic, chaotic,
and fearful. It gets over the cultural differentiation of human and separation, which
are characteristics of the Symbolic Order of Lacan s theories (Dobie 71). In other
words, the chaotic wilderness alludes to the Real Order, which remains foreclosed
form the analytic experience (Dobie 70 71). Moreover, the wilderness is considered
as primitive chaos and part of semiotic. Actually, a description of Isaac s first entrance
into the wilderness shows how the passage conveys somewhat sexual impression.
...He entered
Idi Amin Research Paper
Idi Amin ruled Uganda from 1971 to 1979 during that time a lust for power, crippling
paranoia, and constant threats to his authority turned Amin into an authoritarian
leader who ultimately took the lives of over 300,000 Ugandans. Amin s quest for
power, egoism, and corruption was instrumental in Amin s creation of the Ugandan
state during his rule. Amin used common state building techniques such as the social
identity theory (SIT) and in/out group hypothesis. Amin used his Ugandan identity
and his poor upbringings to connect with the people of Uganda. Amin also vested
trust in a small number of advisors that he would confide in completely, those
people would become his most important allies. However, this group of advisors
ranged from those who would tell him their honest opinion to yes men who would
follow his every... Show more content on ...
Amin slowly surrounded himself with those who would do what he pleased with
no question. Amin was also able to act for the media and the cameras. Behind
closed doors Amin would crumble, full of anger and rage, but when it was time for
him to stand in front of the cameras or his people he could put on a smile and be the
charismatic leader his people, and the world, saw him as. This duality of his
personality hid the unhinged leader that he was from his people which helped him
create such a strong state. Furthermore, Amin often lied about the atrocities being
committed in Uganda helping people live in a state of blissful ignorance. Idi Amin
was an egotistical paranoid monster who only entrusted a small number of people,
and manipulated a country to follow in his footsteps. His corruption and quest for
power helped him craft Uganda
Philadelphia Art Museum Essay
The last time I ever visited The Philadelphia Art Museum was in the sixth grade. At
the time, I did not care much for art nor appreciated it. I was ignorant to how
beautiful and meaningful art actually is. Most importantly, I never recognized the
talented artists within the museum. However, as I grew older I became more
interested with art. I wanted to learn the different principles, techniques, and methods
on how to create art. Taking art classes throughout high school and now college, has
made me find a new value and love for art. Art is truly a treasure.
Re entering The Philadelphia Art Musuem almost a decade later, I entered the
museum with a fresh mind and pure admiration. I have always been more interested
in European Art and The Philadelphia ... Show more content on ...
The artist created every figure clearly to show the emotions of the different figures
faces. Also, he put time into the detail of the clothing to show more emphasis and
create a better work of art. All the figures in the painting are life sized and are to
scale with their
Teenage Dating in the 1950s Essay examples
Teenage Dating in the 1950s
Teenagers in the 1950 s are so iconic that, for some, they represent the last
generation of innocence before it is lost in the sixties. When asked to imagine this
lost group, images of bobbysoxers, letterman jackets, malt shops and sock hops
come instantly to mind. Images like these are so classic, they, for a number of
people, are as American as apple pie. They are produced and perpetuated by the
media, through films like Grease and Pleasantville and television shows like Happy
Days, The Donna Reed Show, and Leave It to Beaver. Because of these entertainment
forums, these images will continue to be a pop cultural symbol of the 1950 s. After
the second World War, teenagers became much more noticeable in... Show more
content on ...
She then is given the option of accepting his call by letting him in or rejecting it by
making up an excuse as to why she cannot see him. Refreshments were often served
(though not always), and the entertainment was primarily piano playing in the parlor.
But because the lower classes were not so well endowed so that they own pianos or
even parlors, they started their own form of courtship which soon became known as
dating. This practice was soon picked up by the upper classes, and from there it
progressed into the middle class, with which it is still inherently associated today
(Bailey 17).
Calling and dating are so intrinsically different it is hard to imagine how the
transition from one to another was even made. Firstly, calling was practiced with the
intention of finding a suitable husband for a young lady; whereas, in dating, this
was, and still is, not the primary goal. People date because it is enjoyable, pleasant,
and valuable (Merrill 62), and they thought that they could gain rewarding
experiences from it. In the fifties and surrounding decades, handbooks and other
books exploring relationships described dating as a fun activity in which teens are
allowed to meet and mingle with many members of the opposite sex. Besides, dating
allowed young people to be with each other without their parents interfering.
A And The American Dream
A Xicano and The American Dream Is the American Dream something that is
feasible for the son of two immigrant parents? Watching my parents try to climb up
the ranks of their job and society, in general, in the most honest way, only to just be
met with racist legislation, police brutality, racial profiling, and exploitation, I
have come to the conclusion that the American Dream is a fallacy. I ve seen too
many people beat and killed by the system; too many people of color systemically
beat down and killed. I have had too many friends fall victim to the prison system.
I have worked too many years in the strawberry, blackberry, and blueberry fields. I
am tired of seeing my people suffer; it is time for me to help. I want to become a
teacher and hopefully, someday, become a lawyer. The circumstances that led me
to the path that I am on started long before I was born. My father came to the U.S
when he was 14 years old. I wish I could say that he was still a kid, but he wasn t he
was treated like a man. He was expected to work the blazing hot summer fields and
the terribly cold winter fields like a grown man is expected to work. He was
expected to provide for his three brothers and three sisters like a grown man is
expected to provide for his family. There wasn t time to play outside with the other
children, paint, draw, or even go to school; there was only time to work and provide.
At age 19, he married my mother and they had my oldest sister. He undertook
What Measures Does Steinberg Use To Assess The Effects
Examining the Reading:
1. What measures does Steinberg use to assess the effects of employment on students
academic performance?
Throughout the article, Steinberg uses several measures to assess the effects of
employment on students academic performance. For example, he compared two
students; student 1 did not work outside of school, and student 2 did work outside of
school. From there, Steinberg compared the similarities and differences in academic
performance, through evaluation their success in school.
2. Does Steinberg s study conclude that working long hours is a cause of students
disinterest in school, an effect of their disinterest, or both?
Throughout the article, Steinberg concludes both, as working long hours outside of
school has the capability of negatively affecting your success in school. As a result of
working long hours in addition to school, students often show a lack of interest in the
classroom environment, putting them at risk for academic failure. Often times,
working long hours is a cause of students disinterest in school, and is an effect of
their disinterest as well.
3. According to Steinberg s study, what happens when students stop working twenty
or more hours per week?
According to the study, students often begin to become more engaged in the
classroom environment, therefore setting their self up for academic success.
Throughout the study, Steinberg studied the effect of working long hours outside of
school and concluded that working less
Effects Of The Stock Market Crash Of 1929
The 1920s went into American History as the most controversial decade (Geisst,
2012 p. 146). Nobody could have foreseen at the beginning of 1929 what importance
this year would have for the financial market (Wigmore, 1975 p. 4).
The booming 20s were drastically ended by the Stock Market crash of 1929. It went
down in history as one of the worst economic downturns (Termin, 1976 p. xi). The
panic at the stock market which led to many people trying to sell their stocks started
on Wednesday, October 23 (Geisst, 2012 p. 185). Thursday, October 24, 1929 has
gone into history as Black Thursday (Geisst, 2012 p. 185). The whole stock market
lost 30 percent of its value before the end of the year 1929 (McGrattan Prescott,
2001). Unfortunately, ... Show more content on ...
179). De Long and Shleifer (1990 p. 3) estimate that the stock market in 1929 was
one third overvalued. Common stocks seemed to be running out in 1929
(Galbraith, 1977 p. 69). Therefore because of the shortage of stocks, prices rose to
sky high levels (Galbraith, 1977 p 69). It cannot be proven that stocks were
overrated at the time of the crash. Yet there is prove that speculative gamblers are
not to be blamed for the crash. Knowledgeable investors were just too optimistic in
the stocks and therefore this led to the burst (Bierman, 1991 p 175). Laura Agadoni
supports this cause in her research paper (Agadoni, n.d). It was not seen at first hand
in October 1929 if stocks were overvalued. The market functioned well; investors and
speculators were buying stocks (Bierman, 1997 p.
Anova Testing of Atm Tranactions by Debit and Non-Debit...
Due to the latest technology in today s world nobody carries cash on them
anymore; everyone use credit cards or bankcards. Using the statistical data provide
by textbook: Lind, Marchal, and Wathen, (2008). Statistical Techniques in Business
Econimics, 13th edition. New York, NY: McGraw Hill. An ANOVA test of debit
bankcards is going to be done on whether people that have debit cards use the ATM
as much as people that don t have debit cards.
An ANOVA test comparing the use of ATM s by people with bank debit cards
versus people without bank debit cards. People with debit cards are less likely to
make ATM transaction because they can use their bank debit cards at stores to pay
for their items without having to go directly to their ... Show more content on ...
I was expecting to be correct in the assumption in the case of debit card holders
having to make less visits to ATM machines than non debit card holders, but I was
also prepared to be proven wrong in the same scenario should the study and
information we discovered shed light on the other side of the argument in this
case. Reasoning out the hypothesis statement that people with debit cards would
automatically no longer need to make as many trips to ATM machines does seem
to be the logical deduction, as it only makes sense that a person who can then have
access to his account and able to make withdrawals from any location that can
accept debit cards would then have little need to go directly to his or her banks own
ATM machine. On the other hand, what may make sense does not always happen to
be what occurs, and so we were ready to put our hypothesis to the test to prove our
reasoning and confirm or refute our case.
From the information gathered and the studies we researched, I was quite pleased
at the results I had found. In nearly every case in which I was able to document and
verify that the data came from a trusted source, I was discovering a near two to one
ATM visitation rate between non debit card holders and those that did possess debit
cards. The extremes of the test did prove to be fascinating in showing the disparity
of the data collected, and showed that even with room for error, my hypothesis was
well deserved. In one case,
Little Vail Iep Analysis
Little Avery mommy PCS and shows up for her first day at her new school. Due to
a delay in transfer paperwork Avery was permitted to start without the school
receiving her IEP (Individual Education Plan). IEP is a tool developed over the years
to assist educators, parents, and the student in making sure the children s strengths
and weaknesses are fostered and developed. The uniqueness of the process is every
year a meeting is held with the parent, principal, teacher, and every specialist involved
in the students unique journey. The beauty of this document is all short comings are
documented. Each section, describes the child s deficiency what measures will be
implemented to help the student. For example, Avery Littleton met previous goal of
Roles Of Women In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
Roles of Women What if women never established rights? The world would not be
the place it is today if that was the case. Women are able to do just as much as men
if not more.Women were regarded as the weaker sex , not just in terms of physical
strength, but emotionally too. The fact that women were not treated equally was
wrong in many ways, but that was the way of life during those times. In the British
culture, from the Anglo Saxon, the men were respected on a higher level than
women, and women were to always be subservient to men, which were demonstrated
throughout many works of literature. To point out, women unlike men had a more
submissive role in the Anglo Saxon era. In the story Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
shows a womanthat is seductive toward a man, which is not her husband, but only
because her husband orders her to. Thus validating that men had the authority over
their women. In the poem this is proven to be when, The lovely lady came
laughing sweetly, / Fell over his fair face and fondly kissed him; / Sir Gawain
welcomed her worthily and with pleasure; He found her so glorious, so
attractively dressed, so faultless in every feature, her colors so fine (Line 200
220). The Lady is trying to seduce Sir Gawain, but he rightfully declines her offer.
The fact that The Lady is looking so pleased and she is kissing him, that does not
seem to interfere with the way Sir Gawain feels about her at that moment. Sir
Gawain encounters multiple uncomfortable situations with The Lady when: For
that priceless princess pressed us here so hard... And drove him so close to the line
that she left him no choice... But to take the full pleasure she offered but refuses
her. (Line 240) Sir Gawain did not want to sleep with The Lady because he did not
want to violate the chivalric code. During that time period, men and women had to
obey the chivalric code, which was a system of ideas and social codes governing the
behavior of knights and gentlewomen. Chivalry brought about an idealized attitude
toward women, but it did little to improve their actual position. The chivalric code
brought a certain level of respect to the women of that time; even though it did not
necessarily change their positions in
Restructuring Debt
Restructuring of Debt Data | Long term debt consists of probable future sacrifices
of economic benefits arising from present obligations that are not payable within a
year or the operating cycle of the company, whichever is longer. Long term debt is
a way to finance and gain capital when the company cash flow is minimal. To name
a few types of long term debt: bonds payable, notes payable, mortgages payable,
pension liabilities, and lease liabilities. This assignment will define basic terms such
as long term debt, bonds, mortgage, and capital leases. In addition answer questions
in reference to the ABC Company journal entries, postretirement and note disclosure.
A bond arises from a contract known as a bond indenture. A bond is... Show more
content on ...
A) Step 1: Bk value for the land Fv of the land (2,400,000 1,950,000) = $450,000
which is a gain on disposition. Step 2: Subtract the fv of the asset from the total
loan obligation (3,000,000 2,400,000) = $600,000 which is the gain on
restructuring) Step 3: Compute the total gain and add the retained earnings to
derive at retained earnings after the restructuring. $3,000,000 $1,950,000=
1,050,000. ($639,180) + $1,050,000 = $410,820 Journal Entry Note Payable|
$3,000,000| | Gain on Restructuring| | $600,000| Land| | $1,950,000| Gain on
Disposition | | $450,000| (exchange of Land)| | | | | | B) SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY
(DEFICIT) = Defined Benefit| | Common stock, $.01 par value; authorized | |
500,000 shares; issued 231,000 shares | 2,310| Additional paid in capital | 731,090|
Accumulated other comprehensive loss | (113,500)| Retained earnings (deficit) |
(639,180)| Treasury stock | (60,580)| Total Shareholders Equity (Deficit) | (79,860)| | |
SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY Defined Contribution Plan | Common stock, $.01 par
value; authorized 500,000 shares; issued 231,000 shares | 2,310| Additional paid in
capital | 731,090| Accumulated other
Little Effort, Big Difference
Little Effort, Big Difference
Imagine a landfill. Trash scattering the ground, filth spewed across everything, a
terrible stench burning your nose. Now look up to the sky. Instead of of a clear blue
sky, with white fluffy clouds, you see thick green smog. Now imagine that this isn t a
landfill, but your home, your town, your state. your country, your world. It s a reality.
Every thing covered in waste. This is what our world would be like without the
Environmental Movement. It is important to fully develop a greater understanding of
the Environmental movement; and appreciate the impact this subculture has made on
society, the earth, and the political impact it has made overtime.
The environmental movement is a complex scientific, ... Show more content on ...
Today one hundred and ninety two observe earth day as a national holiday.
Although the environmental movement is considered a subculture, it has integrated
itself into modern day society and made a monumental impact. The call to reduce,
reuse, and recycle is seen everywhere you go. Schools all over the nation are
involved in teaching kids how to make the planet a cleaner place. According to an
informal survey, conducted by Waste360, a networking organization that serves solid
Larsen 3 waste, recycling, and conservation communities, It is estimated that
between 75 to 100 percent of the school districts implement some level of recycling
program. (Nester). Everyone doing their part can make a massive impact on our
communities cleanliness. People find satisfaction in doing there part for the earth
and the environmental movement provides plenty of ways for communities to join
the cause, and can be as simple as changing all your lightbulbs to LED to conserve
energy, or checking facuets for leaks to avoid wasting water. The environmental
movement not only helps the earth, but also the wallet. Saving gas by carpooling to
work keeps the earth cleaner, and also cuts down on gas payments. Small acts, can
transform the world. If everyone does there part, it makes the world that much better
of a place to be in.
Although many people do the small and simple things to keep
Human Motion Capture
Human motion capture is being used for more and more things. It is being used in
the clinical setting to define problems in gait or other athletic movements. Motion
capture is also being used in the field of entertainment to animate movies and video
games. We can track human movement through a variety of mechanisms. The
most common is to use cameras and reflective markers to track how the person is
completing a movement. There are downfalls within each of the ways to track
movement. For example, when using markers and cameras, each marker has to be
seen at all times by at least two cameras. Also, the markers need to be placed
directly on the skin otherwise they can move causing unnecessary data. And the
placement of markers can take an unnecessarily extended amount of time to
position. The goal of this paper is to address different ways and downfalls of each
way to capture human motion. This paper will also address new possible ways to
track human movement in a simple and time efficient manner.
Marker Based Motion Capture
Gait analysis has been used previously as a diagnostic tool in relation to
musculoskeletal diseases. More recently, it has been accepted as helpful in the
clinical setting when defining rehabilitation and preventative practices. The purpose
of gait analysis is to determine the cause or area of injury, to find the incorrect
MГјndermann, Corazza and Andriacchi published a paper in the Journal of
NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation titled The
Wayne Gretzky Research Paper
Don t be afraid to fail. Stop what you are doing, and think about your life. Do you
have a dream you want to accomplish? Maybe this dream requires so much effort
and work, it seem impossible. Perhaps, you are either too young or too old for the
demand for success. Just remember, there is a first time for everything. All you
need to do is try. And then try again. Wayne Gretzky is a great example of why you
shouldn t give up, but simply retry. He is one of the greatest National Hockey
players of all times. He has a successful career, but also knows about failing. His
advice in life is You miss 100% of the shots you don t take Wayne Gretzky. The
expert at anything has failed at one point in life. So we shouldn t expect successto be
The Death Of The Frog Croaks
When The Frog Croaks At five years old, most children have no specific group
they fit into. Everyone is their friend and their best friends change with the passing
days. It was much like that for me, but I decided to become best friends with
Martin (name changed to protect privacy) during the most coincidentally horrific
time. Martin was a boy with wavy brown hair, light brown eyes, and the spirit of an
adventurer. Nothing scared him, and as I d learn very quickly, there was a very
good reason for that. He and I happened to be by the fence at the same moment
when the animal caught our eye. It was a frog, but it was moving very strangely, it
s hop: more of a flop. It croaked, the sound startling both Martin and I, and we
looked up at each other. He was delighted to see the frog, but I was more concerned
about the horrible noise it was making. Martin reached down and picked it up, the
frog struggling in his tight grip. I warned him to be careful, and we both examined
the oddly bent back leg. We figured it was broken, and the frog was most likely in a
lot of pain. Martin put the frog on the ground and pet it gently. He told me that it
would be best if we killed the frog now, rather than allow it to suffer any further.
There was no way I was going to let him killthe frog; it was still alive. I offered that
we take care of it, at least until it got better. His argument went like this: If the frog
doesn t die, one of us will. He was reluctant, but eventually gave in. Yet,
Iago of William Shakespeare s Othello Essay
Iago of William Shakespeare s Othello
Who is Iago? Iago poisons people s thoughts, creating ideas in their heads without
implicating himself. His first victim is Roderigo. Roderigo remarks, That thou,
Iago, who hast had my purse as if the strings were thine. [Act I, Scene I, Line 2]
Throughout the play, Iago leads Roderigo, professing that . . . I do hate [the Moor] as
I do Hell pains. [Act I, Scene I, Line 152] He tells Roderigo to Put money in thy
purse [Act I, Scene III, Line 328] so that he can win Desdemona with gifts. Iago
keeps for himself those gifts that Roderigo intends for Desdemona.
Iago is smart. He is an excellent judge of people and their characters. He knows
Roderigo is in love with Desdemona and would do ... Show more content on ...
These fellows have some soul, and such a one do I profess myself. [Act I, Scene I,
Line 49] Ironically, Iago says of himself yet do I hold it very stuff o? the conscience
to do no contrived murder. I lack iniquity sometimes to do me service. [Act I, Scene
II, Line 2]
Iago s character abounds with amorality, extreme self love, and cynicism. He does
not value loyalty, love, honesty, or nobility. He declares to Roderigo: I am not what I
am (I 1 71), demonstrating that he is completely void of integrity, acting instead in a
duplicitous manner. Iago changes his personality entirely depending on whom he is
interacting with with Othello, Iago is valorous and noble; with Roderigo, he is harsh
and brusque. His frequent use of superficial actions is exemplified by his comment,
also to Roderigo: I must show out a sign and flag of love? (I 1 173).
Iago possesses remarkable intelligence and skillfully weaves the lethal web of
destruction among his victims. His ability to change face at will is undoubtedly an
indispensable part of his skill, and Iago easily fools his victims by appearing to
support someone while he is actually opposing him. Iago lusts for power, but his
sense of power is attained by manipulating and annihilating others in a cruel and
unusual way.
Iago undeniably has an unquenchable thirst for power and domination.
Critics such as M. R. Ridley believe that the ability to hurt is the most convincing
display of one s
Correlation Between Athletes And Athletes
The purpose of this study is to examine the Comparison between Athletes and Non
athletes on their academic success including their graduation rates and their growth
and a person. Also the disadvantages and advantages between being either, or within
the college program. The research was conducted at Abilene Christian University,
utilizing two groups, Strictly athletes and non athletes. A qualitative survey
questionnaire method was used to have a fair idea about how people feel about the
situation. INTRODUCTION There are numerous of myths that are going around in
society about the comparison of athletes and non athletes. Some say that non
athletes has a advantage over athletes, mainly because they may have a more less
demanding schedule and are not entitled to spend many hours training rigorously or
leaving almost every week to go away on sporting events. Also many say that
athletes have an advantage because of pass researches that was done, with athletes
and their performance in their academics; they mentioned that athletes are able to
function well based on what they are taught as a sports person. Another
disadvantage, they are claiming, is that athletes get their books and tuition fully
covered. They also have a free support staff to make sure that they excel, which
includes tutors, advisers for time management and also to make sure that you are put
into the right classes so that you can graduate on time just as everyone else. Within
this research we are going to explore
Intel Uses Total Quality Management
Intel, also known as Integrated Electronics, is a company that manufactures and
sells various types of electronic equipment and hardware. It was founded by
Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce in 1968 and has since grown to be a commonly
used consumer brand. Intel must ensure that its products are consistently well made,
especially when its products affect the consumer s experience with the technology
he or she is using. Because Intel must implement quality in a wide variety of
products, the best practice for the company is to have a physical separation between
its departments and to focus on the quality of each individual aspect of its product
creation; this will allow each department to specialize in their work functions and
allow the company to separate each task effectively.
Intel uses total quality management (TQM) to enhance the quality of its products,
particularly its microprocessors. TQM is a customer oriented philosophy which is
centered on quality to result in customer delight (Mystica, Bai 10). The overall goal
of TQM is to focus on the following three pillars: continuous improvement,
involvement of everyone, and achievement of customer satisfaction. The third pillar,
achievement of customer satisfaction, has allowed Intel to fully implement TQM. It
has helped to improve the communities around it by transferring its knowledge of the
total quality concept to local schools and helping them to apply those principles
(Anfuso). Because of Intel s quality management
Statute Of Limitations In Criminal Law
Across the United States, many criminal courts have created a rule known as statute
of limitations. Statute of limitations sets forth a time limit to raising a legal issue in
order to not only maintain the integrity of evidence gathered for the trial, but to also
protect people from being harassed about a crimethat was never tried a long time
ago. In order to begin a criminal case within statute of limitations, a prosecutor must
bring forth formal charges against a defendant within a specific amount of time after
a crime is first discovered by law enforcement. The amount of time that a prosecutor
can file criminal charges against a defendant depends on the crime s classification
under the federal or state criminal code. Because of the different classifications of
crimes in criminal codes, there are several forms of time limitations that prosecutors
should know before deciding to file criminal charges against a defendant.
The first type of offense is known as an infraction. In the criminal code, infractions
are crimes that carry a punishment of paying a fine ( Felonies, Misdemeanors and
Infractions: The Differences , n.d.). Once law enforcement discovers this type of
offense, the prosecutor is given exactly six months to file charges against the
defendant ( Time Limits for Charges: State Criminal Statutes of Limitations , n.d.).
Some examples of infractions can include citations for parking violations, running a
red light, and speeding.
The next type of offense is known as
Susan Botti, Jennifer Higdon, and Cindy McTee
This paper will discuss the works of Susan Botti, Jennifer Higdon and Cindy McTee,
three women composers of the 21st Century, and how they influenced composition
with their tonal structures, melodic inventions, unique compositional techniques,
along with innovations in notation, and rhythmic intricacy. I will be analyzing
Concerto for Orchestraby Higdon and Echo Tempo by Botti. Singer and composer,
Susan Botti, studied musicat a rather young age. Her musical training officially
started when she entered the Cleveland Institute of Music as a high school student
(Slayton 54). She then graduated with a bachelor of music degree from Berklee
College of Music (Boston, MA) in 1984 (Slayton 54). Once graduating from
Berklee, Botti continued her studies at the Manhattan School of Music (New York,
NY), where she received a master of music degree in composition in 1990 (Slayton
54). In 2000, she received an offer as the associate professor of music composition
at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (Slayton 54). While at Michigan, she
taught with William Bolcom, Michael Daugherty and Bright Sheng. In 2007, Susan
Botti left her position at Michigan to move back to New York City, and began
teaching, as a member of the composition faculty, at the Manhattan School of Music
(Slayton 55). Susan Botti s Echo Tempo, is a double concerto for soprano voice,
percussion, and orchestra. Botti s program notes for this piece state, Echo Tempo is a
setting of Native American translations for
Why Did Beowulf Survive In Anglo Saxon Time
During the Anglo Saxon time period loyalty and bravery were necessary
characteristics of a man. During this time period, where surviving was difficult only
the strongest survived. Beowulf was one of the warriors that lived in this time
period. Monsters, warring armies, dragons, and creatures of the sea made life
perilous. Society was looking for an epic hero. Beowulfwas the answer to society s
search. Strength, bravery, and the desire for glory were three qualities that make
Beowulf an epic hero.
The Anglo Saxon time period was a time where survival of the fittest was one of
the largest aspects of society. The text states Beowulf, /A prince of the Geats, had
killed Grendel, /Ended the grief, the sorrow, the suffering /Forced on Hrothgar s
helpless people /By a bloodthirsty fiend. No Dane doubted /The victory, for the
proof, hanging high /From the rafters where Beowulf had hung it, was the monster
s /Arm, claw and shoulder and all (352 359). Beowulf was one that survived
because he was one of the fittest. By defeating Grendel, he saved the village of Herot
from the monster. In Beowulf s Last Battle, the text states None of his comrades
/Came ... Show more content on ...
The text states He twisted in pain, /And the bleeding sinews deep in his shoulder
/Snapped, muscle and bone split and broke (338 342). Beowulf has super human
strength and is able to rip a monster s arm off. The text says Grendel snatched at the
first Geat /He came to, ripped him apart, cut /His body to bits with powerful jaws,
/Drank the blood from his veins and bolted /Him down, hands and feet; death /And
Grendel s great teeth came together, /Snapping life shut. Then he stepped to
another /Still body, clutched at Beowulf with his claws /Grasped at a strong hearted
wakeful sleeper (262 270). Beowulf risks his life in order to have the upper hand on
Grendel and could have died but used his heroic qualities to defeat the
Mtv Arabian Challenge
BSTR/294 ICMR Center for Management Research
MTV Networks: The Arabian Challenge
This case was written by Debapratim Purkayastha, ICMR Center for Management
Research. It was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a
basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective
handling of a management situation.
For use by students of Icfai Flexible Learning programs. Not to be reproduced or
distributed in any form or by any means.
2008, ICMR. All rights reserved. To order copies, call 0091 40 2343 0462/63 or write
to ICMR, Plot # 49, Nagarjuna Hills, Hyderabad 500 082, India or email
MTV Networks: The Arabian Challenge
[...] ... Show more content on ...
While launching MTV Arabia, William H. Roedy (Roedy), Vice Chairman for MTV
Networks and President of MTVI, said, Tonight‟s [November 16, 2007] MTV
Arabia launch show celebrates one of the most important landmarks in MTV‟s 25
year history. MTV Arabia will reach the largest potential audience of any MTV
channel outside the United States. MTV is proud to celebrate the voice of the Arab
youth and through our global network we can showcase what this rich and diverse
culture is all about to new audiences around the world. 5
MTV (short for Music Television), which pioneered the concept of a cable music
channel, was launched on August 1, 1981, and marked the commencement of the
cable TV revolution. It was promoted by Warner Amex Satellite Entertainment
Company, a joint venture between Warner Communications and American Express.
In 1984, the company was renamed MTV Networks (MTVN) with its operations
confined to the US. At the time of its launch, the MTV channel primarily catered to
those in the 12 to 24 age group, airing heavy metal and rap music. However, over
the years, it also launched many sister channels such as VH 1(short for video hits
one) which was formed in 1985 to play light popular music; Rhythm and Blues (R B,
Debt In College
The number one student in college is obtaining too many credit cards. While
charging it can provide them instant relief in times of need, many students
exaggerate while in college. This turns out to be harmful in the long term for a
college student. Let s be honest, the interest is added up quickly and I do not know
any credit card that accedes it until after graduation as federal student loans. In my
opinion, it is a bad idea to use a credit card in every situation that a student can
escape. Finally, this debtcan increase and force a student to divert their educational
focus to focus on paying the debt that they owed. The college student must know how
to manage their student loan or get help manage the financial goal. Borrow the student
... Show more content on ...
With having an excellent credit score of 750 or above would have an APR of 3.240%
for 60 months. If my 2013 Toyota Camry (trade in) is valued at $10,200. If we pay
around $4000 as down payment. The amount we borrow will reduce from $27470 to
$13,270. If we finance that amount for 60 months at 3.240%, the monthly
payment on the car would be at $240. If my annual salary is around $80,000 after
tax, and my mortgage and utilities of $3010 monthly. I would be able to afford the
2018 Nisan Altima. I could still be able to save some money on the side with this
expense. The insurance on the car would cost me around $70 monthly and gas bill
with my use would be at $120 monthly. The car would cost me $430. My monthly
income after tax is $6,660. My mortgage and car would cost me around $4,369. I
would still able to able to save my income before lifestyle
Bergen-Belsen Quote Analysis
Three quotes that are significant are If she could find four pebbles of almost
exactly the same size and shape, it meant that her family would remain whole.
Mama and Papa and she and Albert would survive Bergen Belsen. page 8, We knew
then that after six and a half years that this was the day of our liberation from the
Nazis. It was exactly two weeks since we had boarded the death train in Bergen
Belsen... page 83 and 84, and One of the most frightening ordeals at Bergen Belsen
was being taken once a month to the showers... Even though we had been told,
Marion said, that there were no gas chambers at Bergen Belsen, how could we ever
be sure?... page 66. These quotes show how Marion was trying to have hope in her
family surviving,... Show more content on ...
page 66. This is a significant quote because it is an example of how the Holocaust
had such harsh ways to kill people that weren t considered a superior race . The Jews
at Bergen Belsen had heard of the gas chambers and how they looked like normal
showers so they began to get scared. They were told to take a shower once a month
and thinking about the chambers can make them anxious. All they were told was
that they were to get undressed and to take a shower but they didn t know what was
going to come out of the shower head. It was either water like they were being told,
or it could ve been Zyklon B, the poisonous gas used to kill hundreds of Jews. This
is important to know because many mass amounts of people were killed by the
place they were told to take a shower in. Having this happen at other concentration
camps scares Marion and her family because they don t truly know if Bergen Belsen
is one of the very few places that doesn t have gas
The French Religious Wars Of France
In this paper, I will be discussing the French Religious Wars that took place on
March 1582 and lasted till April 1598. This war was fought between the Roman
Catholics or Catholic League and the Huguenots. These wars started with a French
protestant by the name of John Calvin started to become suspicious of the Roman
Catholic churches and their corruption within their government. Calvin believed that
the two should be separated and created a doctrine with a different form of
Protestantism. Higher up religious figures that were fed up with the dominance of
the Catholic churches decided to stand behind this doctrine. Eventually, Calvinism
was being accepted and taught throughout the local civilians and spread like
wildfire throughout Europe. As Catholic churches started to fall victim to this
movement, King Henrii II of France decided to attempt to end this movement as it
was a threat to his reign and control. Thus, divided the country and started what is
known as the French Religious Wars. As tensions became to rise, so did the
Conspiracy of Ambroise. This is which the Huguenots and the House of Bourbon
plotted to usurp the power of the Guise family . (lllll) The Guise family was the
family in charge of most of the French government at the time. After the family
started to realize what was happening, they became to kill hundreds of conspirators.
Trying to ease all of this hostility, Catherine de Medici issued a doctrine known as
the Edict of Tolerance in 1562. This
Technology And Religion
Technology surrounds our daily lives, so much so we have grown numb to the
idea of ever not having access to it. However, people have become more aware of
the use of technology and in some cases have tried eliminating it from their lives as
a whole. This method seems flawless at first, but technology has become so
integrated into our communities that by disconnecting from technology, we also
disconnect from our community. This integration has even been made in the
church, which has allowed access to services that were not ever possible before. By
allowing the church and its members to modernize, we allow its members to grow in
numbers, and for their members to have access to ways in which to grow in their
faith anywhere they go. So for those... Show more content on ...
When dealing with technology in the church, we must realize that it is not always
bad, and by integrating it into our services and daily lives is okay. We must become
open to this technological world, and allow it access to make our lives easier. It
allows for spiritual growth both inside and outside of the church. The simplicity of
this allows others to want to join the church which is needed. So for those reasons, we
should allow our community to integrate technology inside and outside of church
Compare And Contrast First They Killed My Father By
Hunger is a feeling of discomfort or weakness caused by lack of food, coupled
with the desire to eat. Hunger affects every region of the world. Loung Ung, author
of First They Killed My Father, and Kamala Markandaya, author of Nectar In A
Sieve, chronicled the devastating effects of starvation in Cambodia and India. Both
Ung and Markandaya illustrate the daily struggles of not having access to food
through vivid descriptions of what it takes to not die.
Ung writes about how her family worked to survive. They roamed the fields for
grasshoppers, beetles, and crickets, just for a bite to eat. Ung had the unthinkable
challenge of trying to stay afloat. She writes, I would have thrown up if someone told
me I would have to eat those things. ... Show more content on ...
However, Markandaya differs from Ung some of the time. Markandaya and her
family were in such a desperate time that, some time from sheer rebellion we ate
grass. This is similar to how Ung would eat horrendous foods like animal hides,
brains, and blood. At such desperate times they both had to do what they had to do.
They both gave vivid depictions to show the hardships they encountered while trying
to survive. Ung would not have eaten insects if she had not faced starvation. This is
similar to Markandaya because she knows that eating grass gives her stomach
cramps and would force her to vomit. Markandaya focuses a large part of her
passage to what it feels like to be hungry. She describes the feeling as if, your vitals
were being devoured. That depiction is beyond any feeling anyone wants to even
consider. Unlike Markandaya, Ung focuses on the effects of what is happening to
her body. Ung writes, My body is like a balloon. This insulates how she perceives
how she looks due to the lack of nutrition. She depicts herself as a balloon without
saying how it makes her feel. The authors points work together in painting a picture
of starvation. Markandaya focuses on how starvation made her feel and Ung focuses
on how starvation made her
The Logical Problem Of Evil Essay
In this paper I will discuss the logical problem of evil and how it seems to reject the
existence of God as an omni 3 being. I will first layout the logical problem of evil,
and then I will explain why it succeeds in disproving the existence of God. I do this
through pointing out the contradictions between the definition of Godas an omni 3
being and the problem of redeemed and unredeemed evil. As well as by proving
that admittance of evil in any way when in reference to the choices of God
invalidates the omni 3 definition of God. I will address claims from those who
believe in God about justification of evil as well as the concept and depth of human
The logical problem of evil is almost as old as the concept of an omni 3 being as the
one true God. God in this context being a mix of the Judeo Christian belief that God
is the Greatest Conceivable Being (GCB). Being the GCB implies 3 things: God is all
good (Omnibenevolent), all knowing (Omniscient), and all powerful (Omnipotent),
this is commonly referred to as omni 3. This argument boils down to a simple three
part argument structure:
1. If God, as an omni 3 being, exists then evil can not exist at all.
2. Evil clearly exists.
3. As a result, God as omni 3 can not exist.
This is a very simple argument; premise, interference, implied contradiction, and a
conclusion. It is simply through an application of modus ponens that, some believe,
we are able to disprove the existence of God as an Omni 3 being.
Chapter 1 Listo Systems
Listo Systems is a graphic service agency with a long history of success. In the early
1990s, the company quickly grew into one of the top graphic service companies in
the world.
The rapid growth of technology in recent years has both helped and hindered the
company. Advancements in technologyhave allowed Listo Systems to provide
quality services and products faster and more efficiently. However, new technology
has also been beneficial for Listo Systems competitors. The competition has grown
significantly in number and in the quality of services and products that they provide.
The increase in technology has also led to an increase in customer demands and
expectations. Customers want services and products ... Show more content on ...
4. Become the customer. The most radical move of all is to buy your largest
customer. To generate value, make this move just before power starts shifting to
customers, not after it has progressed. Purchasing of a distribution channel lets you
join rather than fight the rise in customer power.
2. What external environmental factors are affecting Listo Systems?
External environment consists of forces that directly or indirectly influence
organization s business activities. The actors and forces outside marketing that affect
management s ability to build and maintain successful relationship with target
Changes are often quick and unpredictable and offers both opportunities and threats
Company must use its research and marketing intelligence systems to monitor the
changing environment.
Systematic environmental scanning helps Listo System to revise and adapt business
strategies to meet new challenges and opportunities in the marketplace.
Technology can reduce costs, improve quality and lead to innovation. These
developments can benefit consumers as well as the organizations providing the
Every company faces a wide range of competitors and Listo System is also not apart
from this fact. Listo System must secure a strategic advantage over competitors by
positioning their offerings to be successful in the marketplace.
A PESTLE analysis for Listo must consider all the important external factors
impacting on the company. These factors
Jimmy Carter Jr
James E. Carter Jr also known as Jimmy, was born October 1,1924 in Plains,
Georgia. His father was James Earl Carter Sr., he was a peanut farmer who owned
a small acre of land.. His mother name was Bessie Lillian Gordy, she was a
registered nurse who crossed racial divides to counsel black women on health care
issues in the 1920 s. Jimmy had one brother and two sisters, William Alton, Ruth
Carter Stapleton and Gloria Carter Spann. Jimmy attended an all white high school.
He was the first person from his father s side of the familyto graduate high school..
He studied engineering at Georgia Southwestern Junior College. He then joined the
Naval ROTC program at Georgia Southwestern Junior College. Later on in 1924 he
applied for Naval Academy... Show more content on ...
He served from January 20,1977 January 20,1981.
Walter Mondale was vice president when Jimmy was president.By Jimmy
expanding the park system it protected 103 million acres of Alaskan lands. Jimmy
created the Department of Education so it could help out human and social services.
He helped bring peace between two major countries. The Soriet invasion of
Afghanistan caused the suspension of plans of the SALT. Iran held 52 American
hostages for up to 14 months.. When Jimmy left office in 1980 Iran released the 52
Americans that exact same day. After presidency Jimmy went back to his old
hometown Plains, Georgia.He wrote many books a couple of them are called
Keeping Faith: Memoirs of a President , Turning Point and An Hour Before Daylight.
After presidency Jimmy started doing more great things, in Atlanta, Georgia he
founded the Carter Presidential Center. Jimmy continued to help out different
organizations including an organization that helped underprivileged kids get a home,
it s called the Habitat for Humanity International. When Jimmy was president he took
the opportunities to share his knowledge with the entire world.Jimmy is not dead he
is still living to this day. Jimmy is still very well known, he still is mostly seen on
television speaking about his organizations and the accomplishments he s been
achieving while out of
Futures Contract and Commodity Exchange
COMMODITY MARKET [pic] INDEX |Chapter No |Topic |Page No. | |1
|Introduction to Commodity Market |04 | |2 |History of Evolution of Commodity
Markets |08 | |3 |India and the Commodity Market |10 | |4 |International Commodity
Exchanges |15 | |5... Show more content on ...
This can especially noticed in agricultural commodities where the weather plays a
major role in affecting the fortunes of people involved in this industry. The futures
market has evolved to neutralize such risks through a mechanism; namely hedging.
The objectives of Commodity futures: Hedging with the objective of transferring risk
related to the possession of physical assets through any adverse moments in price.
Liquidity and Price discovery to ensure base minimum volume in trading of a
commodity through market information and demand supply factors that facilitates a
regular and authentic price discovery mechanism. Maintaining buffer stock and better
allocation of resources as it augments reduction in inventory requirement and thus the
exposure to risks related with price fluctuation declines. Resources can thus be
diversified for investments. Price stabilization along with balancing demand and
supply position. Futures trading leads to predictability in assessing the domestic
prices, which maintains stability, thus safeguarding against any short term adverse
price movements. Liquidity in Contracts of the commodities traded also ensures in
maintaining the equilibrium between demand and supply. Flexibility, certainty and
transparency in purchasing commodities facilitate bank financing. Predictability in
prices of commodity would lead to stability, which in turn would eliminate the risks
associated with running the
Grey s Anatomy Character Analysis
Sex, Gore, and Bad Behavior
Grey s Anatomy is the best television shows that ABC has to offer. Starring Ellen
Pompeo as Meredith Grey, the narrator. Her mother is a world renowned, award
winning surgeon and Meredith is trying to follow in her footsteps. The show
follows Meredith and her coworkers throughout their careers as surgeons, who are
trying to balance their personal life with their hectic work schedule. Grey s
Anatomy focuses on friendship, family issues, and moral dilemmas the doctors deal
with on a daily basis. The plot, characters, and cinematography make this soap opera
addicting. Grey s Anatomy is a medical drama that follows the lives of surgeons in
Seattle Grace Hospital. The soap opera revolves around Meredith Grey (Ellen
Pompeo) and her life as a doctor in the hospital. She is married to Derek Shephard
(Patrick Dempsey) who is a neurosurgeon and her best friend is Christina Yang
(Sandra Oh) who is a Cardiothoracic surgeon. The show also explores Meredith s
relationships with her coworkers and family. Each episode is focused on different
medical cases that range from complex traumas to simple simple, routine procedures.
... Show more content on ...
Shona created a show that was fast paced and full of love triangles. This show is
jam packed with plot twisted and unexpected twists and turns. She does a good job
of blending workplace drama with person relationship drama and that is what
makes this show highly addictive. The audience never knows what is going to
come through the hospital doors and they also never know who is sleeping with
who in the on call room down the hall. In fact, this soap opera is unpredictable and
that is what the audience loves about it. In the article Dissecting Grey s Anatomy,
Dave Hoskins reports that the show is unique because Grey s Anatomy isn t trying to
rewrite the paradigm of TV or even its
Perception Of Perception And Presentation
1.A relatively famous, but unattributed quote is, Perception is Reality. Do you agree
with this? What implications does this concept have on managing others? View the
short video posted and comment on the impact of perception and presentation. How
might this impact the way in which managers present tasks/rewards, etc. to
I completely agree with the quote perception is reality . The Oxford Dictionary
definition of reality: a thing that is actually experienced or seen . Reality is based
on experiences and personality which shape perception. Perception creates
algorithms for the brain to filter, as well as contextualize, data. When receiving data,
the brain uses filters the data using reference points based on previous experiences
to interpret, understand, and store data. The same happens when the brain is
filtering outgoing data, such as during a conversation the brain uses previous
experiences to filter and shape the way data is delivered. This plays into perception
being reality because one person s output may not match another person s input. As
mentioned in, perceptions are also based personality. For example if one is an
introvert or extroverts (Susan Cain: The Power of Introverts).
It is very possible that two people in the same situation perceive it very differently.
For example, Janet and Julie are going shopping. Julie tries on a pair of jeans and
asks Janet for her thoughts. Janet replies, those jeans don t look good on you .
Approaching Nathaniel Hawthorne Insight
Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote one of the most studied short story in literature, Young
Goodman Brown . This short story is widely use because of the deep meaning and
strong internal attachment it has with the reader. Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in
Salem, Massachusetts his family had been early settlers, one of his great grandfather
was a judge during the Salem witch trials and had twenty five women killed. Hearing
his great grandfather talk about this subject made Hawthorne both obsessed and a
little ashamed for what his family has done during the Salem witch trials. Hawthorne
put those feelings into his stories which in reality explore what the events that
happened in the puritans life style. As stated before Nathaniel Hawthornewas born in
Salem, Massachusetts1804, and his family were original settlers to Salem since
colonial times. Hawthorne s father died when he was four, (Approaching literature
1388) Hawthorne then was raised by his mother until his gift was discovered. Later
his relatives recognized Hawthorne s literature talent and financed his education at
Bowdoin College. At Bowdoin College Hawthorne met Henry Wadswort, who would
go to be a famous poet, and Franklin Pierce, who would later on be the President of
the United States. After graduating, Hawthorne lived at home writing short tales and
a novel, which he self published in 1828... (Approaching literature 1388). When
Hawthorne wrote the story Young Goodman Brownhe attempted to set it in the
Advertising for 4G Technology with Sprint
One of the most heavily advertised areas of technology in the United States currently
is 4G technology. Every commercial and advertisement promises fast speeds, great
coverage, and exceptional service altogether. However, the competition proves to be
extreme and unbalanced. Since its introduction on Sprint s network, 4G, or fourth
generation cellular technology, has revolutionized both the telecommunication arena
while spilling into other technological fields. There is no end in sight for the
relentless competition of expanding 4G technologies as coverage and network
speeds continue to increase. Currently, 4G technology is offered by all major
telecommunication carriers in the United States: Verizon, AT T, T Mobile, and
Sprint. However, the term 4G has been loosely used. The best example of this can
be associated with Sprint. The initial 4G technology Sprint offered was based of
WiMAX technology. WiMAX proved to be fast technology, but lackluster in its
performance and capabilities in regards to LTE. LTE has become the primary 4G
technology in the United States while development of WiMAX has ceased. In
addition, Sprint s 4G vision has switched to LTE. The question is raised Why did
LTE win over WiMAX? . From many perspectives, LTE proved to be the superior
The Power of Networking One can easily argue that one of the greatest things that
developed in the latter half of the twentieth century was the internet. By combining
networks of networks
Edward Malt s The Lindisfarne Gospels
A medieval minister takes up a plume pen, designed from a goose quill, and
plunges it into a rich, dark ink produced using ash. Situated on a wooden seat in the
scriptorium of Lindisfarne, an island off the shore of Northumberland in England,
he gazes hard at the words from a composition made in Italy. This book is his
model, a bound book, produced using sheets of paper or material, the codex, from
which he is to duplicate the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. For about the
following six years, he will duplicate this Latin.
The Lindisfarne Gospels, a standout amongst the greatest compositions of the early
medieval times, was composed and enhanced toward the end of the seventh century
by the monk Eadfrith, who got to be Bishop of Lindisfarne in 698 and passed on in
721. Its unique calfskin tying, was made by Ethelwald, who succeeded Eadfrith as
leader, and was enriched with gems and valuable metals later in the eighth century by
Billfrith the Anchorite. Today the composition is still bound in silver and gems, in
spreads made in 1852 to the detriment of Edward Maltby, bishop of Durham. The
configuration depends on themes drawn from the enrichment of the composition
itself. Approximately 365 Г— 275 mm in size, it was produced in the British Isles
between ... Show more content on ...
The Lindisfarne Gospels, a gospel book, is a spectacular example of Insular or
Hiberno Saxon art. It was created during a time of devastating invasions and
political upheavals. Monks read from it during rituals at their Lindisfarne Convent
on Holy Island, a Christian group that defended the sanctum of St Cuthbert, a cleric
who passed on in 687 and whose relics were thought to have corrective and
supernatural occurrence working forces. The original copy was utilized for stately
purposes to advance and commend the Christian religion and the expression of
Proton Holdings Berhad Case Statement
Competitor is being defined as any person or entity which is a rival against another .
In the automotive industry , companies would normally encounter the presence of
one of more competitors since they offer a similar product or service . Therefore , a
company would require a new strategy in order to stay ahead in the race to become
the dominant manufacturing of automobiles . This has not been the case for local
automotive manufactures in Malaysia . Proton Holdings Berhad has been receiving
an uproar of issues , including its inability to compete with other automotive industry .
Proton was established in 1983 as the national automobile manufacturer in Malaysia .
At first, the company decided to joint venture with Japans ... Show more content on ...
With its lack of experiences in competing with other giant auto carmakers , Proton
has been facing countless of losses. Proton has been losing market share year after
year ever since the establishment of the policy . According to statistic within the
first half of 2016 by the Malaysian Automotive Association , the market share has
dropped to 13% on sales of 35, 727 units compared with a market share of 15.6%
and 50,205 units sold in the previous corresponding period . In the Audited
financial statement for financial year 2015 , the company s net loss widened to RM
646.3 million from RM 461.6 million previously . Its distribution cost of RM260.7
million was more than its gross profit of RM147.9 million in 2015
Man Ray Research Paper
Selected Man Ray Artworks
Man Ray s Biography
Man Ray Quotes
Man Ray
Paintings, Photography, and Quotes
Sponsored Links
Man Ray and his artworks
Man Ray Portrait
Man Ray, born Emmanuel Radnitzky in 1890 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was a
renowned representative of avant garde photography in the 20th century and is
considered as the pioneer of Surrealist photography. Ray s artistic work is very
diverse. He was a painter, object artist, and a film maker. He was the very first artist
whose images were more valuable to collectors than his artistic work. He therefore ...
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There he was an influential member of the international Dada and Surrealist circles of
artists and writers, which included Max Ernst, Dali, Paul Eluard, Picasso and AndrГ©
His popular works
Ray Man became popular for the representations of his artistic works. He went on
to develop a career as a fashion photographer, capturing images for popular
magazines in Paris. While in France, he produced brilliant art works which are
today known as Rayogrammes images created on a piece of photographic paper
without a camera; the subject is placed directly on a piece of paper, light is exposed
then the image is produced. The shadow of the object is what produces the image,
which emphasizes the influence of the light and shadow instead of the importance of
the picture itself.
Another popular work from this period was Violin d Ingres in 1924. This
photograph featured the naked back of his lover, an actor known as Kiki, styled
after the painting by a French artist called Jean August Dominique. In a witty twist,
Man Ray drew two black shapes on her back to make it appear like musical
instruments. Ray made a number of short films between 1923 and 1929, creating
classic Surrealistic works like L Etoile de Mer, Emak Bakia, as well as Les Mysteres
du chateau de. He also experimented with the method known as the Sabatier effect,
which adds a silvery quality to the
Kroger s Module Analysis
The cereal aisle analysis took place at Consumer Square West Shopping Center at
the Kroger s located on Soldano Blvd in Columbus, Ohio. The analysis was
completed on Saturday, July 11, 2015 from 12:19 p.m. until 1:10 p.m. The cereal
aisle was located in the middle of the store and was 6ft by 30ft. The store carried four
brands of cereal. A brand is a type of product manufactured by a particular company
under a particular name (Merriam Webster, Incorporated, 2015). The three brands
offered at Kroger s were Kellogg, General Mills, Quaker and Kroger. The Kellogg
brand had 18 different types of cereal with each cereal having 1 to 10 different
varieties. The General Mills brand had 14 different brands with 1 to 12 different
varieties. ... Show more content on ...
Reviewing the consumer purchases history through their individual Kroger reward
cards and the individual customer payment type could verify this hypothesis. If
this hypothesis is proven, Kroger s should adjust its sale items to include more of
a variety of cereals. Offering more cereals that are not sugar filled cereals and are
more designed toward older customers give those consumers that purchases that are
influenced by their income, lifestyle and life stage a better selection to purchase
more cereals. Offering more items in the sale items gives Kroger s a better chance of
influencing their customers to make the decision to purchase more items while still
feeling they are getting a good value for their money.
There are questions that need to be answered in order to prove this hypothesis.
These questions are: What is the average income of the customers that shop at
Kroger s?; What is the ratio between the older customers and the younger customers
who shop at Kroger s?; What are the types of sales at other Kroger s?; How satisfied
are customers in the selection of cereals and their prices in
Canvasing Program Research Paper
A common thing on the minds of students throughout high school and college is
money. As a result most look for a summer job to earn money. One of the most
popular jobs for Adventist youth is canvassing. It can be a very rewarding
experience and can be fun; however, canvassing can also be difficult, emotionally
draining, and downright awful for introverted people. I joined a summer long
canvasing program that I thought would be fun and it was but not at first. Surviving
a summer long canvasing program turned out to be much more difficult than I had
imagined; in fact, I learned the only way to survive was making friends in the
program, taking breaks when needed, and embracing the canvasing experience.
One social reason that I was excited about joining the summer program was because
some of my friends from school were going as ... Show more content on ...
So I decided to do something that I did not do the first have of the program,
embrace the experience. By this I mean that during the first half of the program I
would do the bare minimum. I never did any of the extra activities and spent any
time I wasn t working or eating by myself. I always complained and was stubborn
about the fact that I didn t want to be there that I wouldn t let anybody change my
mind. I decided to stop doing that and choose to have fun and that s what I did. I
went to all the activities, never complained, and let myself have fun. This was the
final thing that made the second half of that summer one of the best of my life. All it
took was me wanting to do it.
Those are the steps to surviving a summer of canvasing. It may seem pretty straight
forward but most things in life usually are. Canvasing can be one of the greatest
experiences of your life if you allow it to be. So if you are considering going
canvasing I would recommend it. Just know that it will not be easy but it will be worth
Intel, A Small Computer Electronics Firm
Intel was set up on 18th July 1968 by Gordon Moore, Robert Noyce and Andrew
Grove as a small computer electronics firm. Over 40 years on the company is still
going and is making vast amounts of money every year with their net income for
2015 being $11.4bn (Revenue $55.9bn) . Intel was first formed in Mountain View
California 1968 by Gorden E. Moore a chemist, Robert Noyce a physicist and Arthur
Rock who was an investor and venture capitalist. Moor and Noyce used to work at
Fairchild Semiconductor but eventually left that company to form Intel. Intel had a
total initial investment was $2.5 million in debentures and $10,000 from Arthur
Rock. At first the company was called NM Electronics, it was then renamed to
Integrated ... Show more content on ...
A SWOT analysis will be used to analyse Intel. A SWOT analysis will identify the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a business so that a plan of
action can be taken in order to improve its market share which in this case will be
within the computing market . This report will be based on the results of the SWOT
analysis will be used to identify improvements that Intel could make in order to
increase their market share within the computing market. The advantage of using a
SWOT analysis is that it identifies areas that the business can improve on as well as
areas that they need to watch. See Appendix 1 for the SWOT analysis of Intel.
Methods of Research
Research Method 1:
The first source of information used was Intel s own website which is secondary
information. This source was beneficial because it came from the company s website
and so therefore the information was up to date and should be accurate about the
statistics of the company. The website also shows the latest products that Intel is
producing as well as the many research products that they fund to advance computer
technology. The downside however of this source of information is that the
information on the website could be biased because they will want to project their
organisation in the best light possible so are therefore unlikely to post anything
negative about the company. The Intel website did however show the different
The Importance Of Gaston s Hoarding In America
What I summarized from the introduction was that the Gaston s had been trapped
by there own trash that they had gathered over the years. it was tons of items from
coke bottles to news papers to other daily item that they had kept over the years
and where unable to part with. The Gaston s hoarding grew with them, which left
unable, to part with their trash and trapped inside the there home. Today in
America anywhere from 3 and 6 million people are thought to be hoarders. Most of
us are not like the Gaston s instead of hoarding in our homes we hoard in the
landfills of America instead. The average American produces 7.1 pounds of trash
per day just for there self. Across a lifetime each person has the ability to create 102
tons of trash in our
The Structure and Underlining Meanings of Rapunzel by...
The Structure and Underlining Meanings of Rapunzel by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
The story of Rapunzel, by the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, has the same
basic structure as all other fairy tales born from the oral tradition; what is commonly
referred to as the opening, main part and ending, is the foundation of the tale.
It is around this clearly defined three part structure of the plot, that invisible layers of
meaning exist often very different for each reader. Between the clever design of the
plot which allows several stories to surface within a seeming individual tale and
multiple layers underneath the literal action, exists a limitless journey of personal
exploration. A fairy talesuch as Rapunzel has many possible ... Show more content on ...
The forest, which symbolizing nature and wilderness, signifies an entry into
discovery, growth and often, change. Correspondingly, Rapunzel grows up and at
the age of twelve her sexual maturity is locked away by the witch in a tower. The
main part has a task to be completed too, like in the first part of the story: the prince
has a mission to free his beloved Rapunzel from the restricting tower and make her
his wife. The end of the main part of the tale is indicated by transformations of the
two major characters, Rapunzel and the prince; Rapunzel loses her long, beautiful
hair, which was an important tool in not only her relationship with her lover but also
with her lifelong caretaker, and the prince loses his ability to see.
Like the introduction, the main part of the tale is also composed of three distinct
parts which form a short story on their own. A clear beginning, a central story, and an
ending exists. The opening of the main part is concluded after the prince, although
enchanted by Rapunzel s singing, gives up his plan to pursue her when faced with
a barrier: no entryway to the tower in which Rapunzel lives. When the prince enters
the forest a second time, he is a changed person he now has a motivation to act on
his desires for Rapunzel. The prince is no longer a man who easily gives up; he is
eager to form a plan for entry into the tower, and at the same time, the life of the
sheltered Rapunzel. She too undergoes a
How Can We Distinguish Clooney From Other Famous
What distinguishes Clooney from other famous people is that he reliably acts as you
wish other famous people would act and does what you wish other famous people
would do: which is the right thing.
Now I would call Clooney a throwback. He is a throwback to what they suppose
was a different time that created a different kind of celebrity. I would even call him
the closest thing we have to Clark Gable, a mantle he has accepted to the extent that
he replicated Gable s rhythms and timing for O Brother, Where Art Thou? But there
are a lot of throwbacks in this world. George Clooney is the only throwback who
lives in Clark Gable s house.
He also seems grateful to his family now grateful, in particular, to his father, for being
the guy who tells

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  • 1. Buy College Essays Crafting an essay on the topic of "Buy College Essays" can be a challenging endeavor, requiring a delicate balance of presenting objective information while navigating ethical considerations. This subject demands a nuanced exploration of various perspectives, as it involves both the academic world and the ethical implications of purchasing essays. One must tread carefully to avoid promoting or endorsing any unethical practices, as buying essays raises questions about academic integrity and the purpose of education itself. It requires a thorough examination of the potential consequences for both the students involved and the educational institutions. Additionally, the writer needs to delve into the reasons behind the growing trend of purchasing college essays. Is it driven by a lack of time, understanding, or the pressures of academic performance? Unraveling the motives behind such actions requires a deep dive into the challenges faced by students and the education system. Moreover, the essay should explore the consequences of buying college essays, not only on the individual level but also on the broader educational landscape. This might involve investigating whether it undermines the learning process, diminishes the value of education, or contributes to a culture of shortcuts. Balancing the exploration of these complex issues with maintaining a clear and coherent narrative poses an additional challenge. The writer must provide a well-structured and logically sound essay that engages the reader while respecting diverse opinions on the matter. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Buy College Essays" demands a careful consideration of ethical implications, an exploration of underlying motives, and a thorough analysis of the consequences. It requires a writer to navigate a complex landscape, presenting a comprehensive view without compromising on the clarity and coherence of the essay. If you find yourself struggling with this task, similar essays and much more can be ordered on Buy College Essays Buy College Essays
  • 2. Essay on Internal and External Conflict in Hamlet In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare conflict plays a very significant role. The play s main protagonist, Hamlet, possesses both internal and external conflict due to the fact that he is fighting his inner conscience and suppressing his inner emotions, and he is seeking revenge on and conflicting with many other characters in the play. These internal and external conflicts this character is experiencing affect those around him. They also shape the events that occur in the drama and contribute to the overall outcome. Hamletexperiences a tremendous amount of internal conflict throughout the play. He is constantly debating whether or not he should face his troubles. This sense of uncertainty comes from a lack of self confidence,... Show more content on ... He fights his gut feelings and suppresses his emotions until he misses his chances which he then hates himself for doing. These feelings of uncertainty stem from another inner conflict he is experiencing which has to do with how angry he really feels about his father s death, and how his mother marries the man who Hamlet believes to have killed him. As a result of all of these inner conflicts, Hamlet shuts out the people who love him, and shuts out all feelings of love. An example of this is how Hamlet treats Ophelia. Hamlet really adores Ophelia, but the internal conflict he is experiencing has left him feeling lost and frustrated causing him to take out his anger on her. The external conflicts Hamlet experiences are a direct result of the conflict he feels within himself. Many external conflicts occur in this play. However, the main conflict is between Hamlet and Claudius. Hamlets anger towards Claudius is being driven by his intense emotions and anxiety in the event of losing his father. Hamlet believes Claudius has taken everything from him, and he is on a mission to get revenge. Claudius is being driven by two things, his naturally cynical and greedy nature, and his thirst for power. These are what drive him to great lengths to ensure Hamlet never gets his way. Hamlet on the other hand, is the exact opposite of Claudius in every other aspect except one. Hamlet, like Claudius possesses the ability to be cold and calculative. Both characters can
  • 3. The Importance Of Emergency Intervention And Management... Our University of Mary (UMary) EBP project team would like to acknowledge the following people with a heartfelt and sincere Thank You. Without your guidance, help, and assistance this project would not have been able to move forward and touch the lives of those patients on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) needing emergency intervention and management services. First, we would like to express our thankfulness to Claudia Dietrich, University of Mary faculty and Project Advisor. Her expertise in the capstone projects offered a higher level of assistance to keep us going and on the right track. She has guided our teamthrough every step of the process and answered many questions with a calming reassurance. The ECMO team from... Show more content on ... nizational planning process44 Implementation Plan45 Project Measurement Plan49 Human Subject Protection Statement51 Implementation...............................................................................................52 Project Outcome Measurements ...........................................................................54 Hand off Plan ................................................................................................58 Conclusions59 References61 List of Tables Table 1: External Data Number of Articles Found Per Database....................................16 Table 2: Matrix Grid of Highest Quality PICOT Relevant Articles...................................18 Table 3: Internal Data.......................................................................................34 List of Figures ECMO Example..............................................................................................64 List of Appendices Appendix I: Project Action Plan............................................................................65 Appendix II: Simulation Scenarios........................................................................68
  • 4. Appendix III: Five Why s..................................................................................101 Appendix IV: Multidisciplinary ECMO Pre Simulation Survey.....................................102 Appendix V: Multidisciplinary ECMO Post Simulation Survey.....................................103 Appendix VI: IRB Application............................................................................104 Appendix VII: Pre Survey Responses...................................................................114 Appendix VIII: Post Survey Responses.................................................................115 Appendix IX: Satisfaction with Current Simulation Format..........................................116 Appendix X: Feedback Regarding Simulation.........................................................117 Appendix XI: Questions 1 10 T Test Analysis.........................................................118 Appendix XII: Cumulative Mean
  • 5. Broad Construction Of The Constitution Essay History is a major part of a country and its citizen s heritage. However, America s heritage is a short yet confusing one with different events and opinions argued as its true beginning as a sovereign nation. Although historians argue that the Spanish settlement of St. Augustine in Florida marks the start of American History, the written Constitution and development of a government more accurately reflects the beginning because this shows the beginning of an organized, connected and strong nation. According to Albert P. Blaustein, It can easily be argued that America s most important export has been the Constitution of the United States. (Blaustein). The American Constitution is a building block to democracy and structure, studied by many ... Show more content on ... Milanich, In 1565 Spain established the earliest permanent European settlement in North America at San AugustГn (present day St. Augustine) on the Atlantic coast of the Florida peninsula. When the Spaniards anchored in Florida, they did not mean to colonize or begin a new nation separated from Europe, or even their native Spain. Instead, they chose to claim the area of land that they had settled on, for Spain. The Spanish did not consider themselves Americans but as Spaniards, claiming new land and protecting it for their country. To be a Spaniard, or African, living in San AgustГ n during the 1500s meant isolation from the outside world, inadequate supplies, constant threat of attack from Indians or the French (which occurred in 1568), and a lack of female companionship. (Milanich). Life at San Agustin was not meant to be a chance at organizing a new country, but honoring their native one, and refusing to discover the natural beauty and people of
  • 6. The Sniper And The Man He Killed Wars never hurt anybody except for the people who died Salvador Dali, leader of the Surrealist Movement. In both stories men who are at war are described, both of these men have killed a man who are known as their foes. Both of the men realize that the man they killed could ve been a friend, and were someone who really wasn t the enemy. The relationship between these two stories is that war can tear families apart. In Liam O Flahertys The Sniper and The Man He Killed by Thomas Hardy both show similarities and differences in plot, irony, and theme. There are similarities of plot between both stories, for example, both of the men are soldiers at war. As an example On a rooftop near O Connell Bridge, a republican sniper lay watching ... Show more content on ... The similar theme is that war changes people and tears them apart due to the pain and suffering of the war. Cursing the war, cursing himself, cursing everybody (O Flaherty 208). The quote helps show that the war may cause you to curse things you never would ve before, like, yourself. And from the poem He thought he d list perhaps/ Off hand like just as I/ Was out of work, had sold his traps/ No other reason why (Hardy 16 20). This tells how war can force people to make erratic decisions, it changes your attitude and morals about any situation including joining the army and going to war. The differencebetween the two stories is that in The Sniper it turns him against his family and in The Man He Killed it turned the soldier against his friends. To prove this, Then the sniper turned over the dead body and looked into his brother s face (O Flaherty, page 208). Again this tells of the shock the sniper received when he saw it was his brother he had killed. But in the opposing story Yes, quaint and curious war is!/ You shoot a fellow down/ You d treat if met where any bar is/ Or help to half a crown (Hardy 17 20). It explains of how he killed a man that the soldier would have befriended in any other situation. All in all, you can see both the similarities and differences in both stories
  • 7. Cons Of Eugenics The idea that one can improve the human race by careful selection of those who mate and produce offspring is called eugenics. It is better understood as the process of selective breeding can improve human society. The term eugenics is from the greek, meaning well born . The idea of eugenics is to have a society be abundant with many wanted traits, during a movement called the melting pot where people tried to solve their problems with the use of technology. Inquiries into HumanFaculty and Its Development, is the book in which Sir Francis Galton first mentioned the term eugenics. In the book he says that humans believe that humans were disrupting evolution in maintaining the weak and sickly through social welfare programs, mental ... Show more content on ... The way eugenics will be used is by correcting genetic problems in embryos. Soon enough a parent will be able to find out the accurate view of their child s genes, allowing any defects to be seen. If the child seems perfectly healthy no changes will be made. On the other hand if a problem is spotted the parents may choose to go through with gene therapy, also known as eugenics. This process will not only be able to identify health problems, but also personality traits. It allows the baby to be deigned to the parents desire. There are many pros and cons to this concept, which is a reason why there are questions to whether the situation can be resolved or not. One of the greatest benefits of eugenics is the possibility of fighting illnesses and curing types of cancer. The chances of cancer or genetic illnesses is when the persons genes are altered and the traits are passed on to their children. A way to prevent genetic illness is when the doctor injects an artificial human chromosome into the fertilized egg, which will cause the child to cancel the effects of the illness as the child grows. A result of this would be that people will be able to live longer and healthier lives. By using this method, there is a possibility to creating the perfect child as it can possibly alter the behavioral and physical traits as well. Although there are positive effects there can also be many drawbacks. In a way eugenics can be compared to
  • 8. Essay about Ur and Djoser Ziggurat of Ur and Stepped Pyramid of Djoser: A Comparison Joseph Katz Art History 100 26 Dr. Karl F. Schuler 10/6/11 Title: Ziggurat of Ur Period: Neo Sumerian Provenance: Ur, Iraq Date: 2150 BC The Ziggurat of Ur was built in 2150 BC by the Gutians. First, let s discuss what exactly a ziggurat is. A ziggurat is a superstructure built on top and around a mountain. On the very top was a temple. Ziggurats were made out of only mud brick. One may ask, why use mud brick? Compared to other materials such as limestone it is a terribly weak building material. The reason was because of the location of Ur. Ur did not have limestone anywhere near it so mud brick was the practical choice. Viewed from the outside, the giant mud... Show more content on ... There were also tunnels leading to hundreds of rooms. This was not merely a tomb but also a place where King Djoser could live in the afterlife. The pyramid was built in the middle of a necropolis, which literally means, city of the dead in Greek. Surrounding the necropolis is a limestone wall to keep out everyone except a very select few. There were many other structures in the necropolis such as: Temples, courtyards, and pavilions. However, most of the buildings were filled with rubble or sand and were just for show. The building of pyramids kept all of the people in the surrounding cities busy and working. These kinds of structures were great for Egyptian economy. There are many similarities and differences between the Ziggurat of Ur, and Stepped Pyramid of Djoser. Each level of the Stepped Pyramid bears a structural resemblance to the Ziggurat of Ur. While the two structures may look slightly a like they re purposes are very different. Stepped Pyramid of Djoser is a tomb for the fallen King, and the Ziggurat of Ur in a temple. The Pyramid was set in a necropolis with a big surrounding wall while the Ziggurat was built in the center of a city and was very open and welcoming. Another big difference is the building materials. The Pyramid was built out of durable limestone while the Ziggurat was built out of flimsy mud brick. The Ziggurat temple was washed away by years of sand abuse while the
  • 9. William Faulkner s The Bear After the Civil War, the American Southerners had a strong trauma that could not be forgotten. Considering that William Faulkner was also one of these Southerners, approaching to his texts through a psychoanalytic lens would be a meaningful work. In fact, Faulkner is one of the rare writers who faced Southern racial taboo : the miscegenation. In addition, a Southern Renaissance that what Faulkner does with the South through his novels are very similar with what Freud did with the European civilization after the World War I in his work about psychoanalytic mourning (Lee 229). Actually, Faulkner went through the World War I just like Freud did and he is one of the Lost Generations : a group of writers who were strongly affected by the inhumanity of war. Thus, this essay will focus on analyzing Faulkner s The Bear in psychoanalytical view. In The Bear, the wildernessis one of the significant motifs. Issac and Faulkner saw the wilderness as gigantic, chaotic, and fearful. It gets over the cultural differentiation of human and separation, which are characteristics of the Symbolic Order of Lacan s theories (Dobie 71). In other words, the chaotic wilderness alludes to the Real Order, which remains foreclosed form the analytic experience (Dobie 70 71). Moreover, the wilderness is considered as primitive chaos and part of semiotic. Actually, a description of Isaac s first entrance into the wilderness shows how the passage conveys somewhat sexual impression. ...He entered
  • 10. Idi Amin Research Paper Idi Amin ruled Uganda from 1971 to 1979 during that time a lust for power, crippling paranoia, and constant threats to his authority turned Amin into an authoritarian leader who ultimately took the lives of over 300,000 Ugandans. Amin s quest for power, egoism, and corruption was instrumental in Amin s creation of the Ugandan state during his rule. Amin used common state building techniques such as the social identity theory (SIT) and in/out group hypothesis. Amin used his Ugandan identity and his poor upbringings to connect with the people of Uganda. Amin also vested trust in a small number of advisors that he would confide in completely, those people would become his most important allies. However, this group of advisors ranged from those who would tell him their honest opinion to yes men who would follow his every... Show more content on ... Amin slowly surrounded himself with those who would do what he pleased with no question. Amin was also able to act for the media and the cameras. Behind closed doors Amin would crumble, full of anger and rage, but when it was time for him to stand in front of the cameras or his people he could put on a smile and be the charismatic leader his people, and the world, saw him as. This duality of his personality hid the unhinged leader that he was from his people which helped him create such a strong state. Furthermore, Amin often lied about the atrocities being committed in Uganda helping people live in a state of blissful ignorance. Idi Amin was an egotistical paranoid monster who only entrusted a small number of people, and manipulated a country to follow in his footsteps. His corruption and quest for power helped him craft Uganda
  • 11. Philadelphia Art Museum Essay The last time I ever visited The Philadelphia Art Museum was in the sixth grade. At the time, I did not care much for art nor appreciated it. I was ignorant to how beautiful and meaningful art actually is. Most importantly, I never recognized the talented artists within the museum. However, as I grew older I became more interested with art. I wanted to learn the different principles, techniques, and methods on how to create art. Taking art classes throughout high school and now college, has made me find a new value and love for art. Art is truly a treasure. Re entering The Philadelphia Art Musuem almost a decade later, I entered the museum with a fresh mind and pure admiration. I have always been more interested in European Art and The Philadelphia ... Show more content on ... The artist created every figure clearly to show the emotions of the different figures faces. Also, he put time into the detail of the clothing to show more emphasis and create a better work of art. All the figures in the painting are life sized and are to scale with their
  • 12. Teenage Dating in the 1950s Essay examples Teenage Dating in the 1950s Teenagers in the 1950 s are so iconic that, for some, they represent the last generation of innocence before it is lost in the sixties. When asked to imagine this lost group, images of bobbysoxers, letterman jackets, malt shops and sock hops come instantly to mind. Images like these are so classic, they, for a number of people, are as American as apple pie. They are produced and perpetuated by the media, through films like Grease and Pleasantville and television shows like Happy Days, The Donna Reed Show, and Leave It to Beaver. Because of these entertainment forums, these images will continue to be a pop cultural symbol of the 1950 s. After the second World War, teenagers became much more noticeable in... Show more content on ... She then is given the option of accepting his call by letting him in or rejecting it by making up an excuse as to why she cannot see him. Refreshments were often served (though not always), and the entertainment was primarily piano playing in the parlor. But because the lower classes were not so well endowed so that they own pianos or even parlors, they started their own form of courtship which soon became known as dating. This practice was soon picked up by the upper classes, and from there it progressed into the middle class, with which it is still inherently associated today (Bailey 17). Calling and dating are so intrinsically different it is hard to imagine how the transition from one to another was even made. Firstly, calling was practiced with the intention of finding a suitable husband for a young lady; whereas, in dating, this was, and still is, not the primary goal. People date because it is enjoyable, pleasant, and valuable (Merrill 62), and they thought that they could gain rewarding experiences from it. In the fifties and surrounding decades, handbooks and other books exploring relationships described dating as a fun activity in which teens are allowed to meet and mingle with many members of the opposite sex. Besides, dating allowed young people to be with each other without their parents interfering. Secondly,
  • 13. A And The American Dream A Xicano and The American Dream Is the American Dream something that is feasible for the son of two immigrant parents? Watching my parents try to climb up the ranks of their job and society, in general, in the most honest way, only to just be met with racist legislation, police brutality, racial profiling, and exploitation, I have come to the conclusion that the American Dream is a fallacy. I ve seen too many people beat and killed by the system; too many people of color systemically beat down and killed. I have had too many friends fall victim to the prison system. I have worked too many years in the strawberry, blackberry, and blueberry fields. I am tired of seeing my people suffer; it is time for me to help. I want to become a teacher and hopefully, someday, become a lawyer. The circumstances that led me to the path that I am on started long before I was born. My father came to the U.S when he was 14 years old. I wish I could say that he was still a kid, but he wasn t he was treated like a man. He was expected to work the blazing hot summer fields and the terribly cold winter fields like a grown man is expected to work. He was expected to provide for his three brothers and three sisters like a grown man is expected to provide for his family. There wasn t time to play outside with the other children, paint, draw, or even go to school; there was only time to work and provide. At age 19, he married my mother and they had my oldest sister. He undertook
  • 14. What Measures Does Steinberg Use To Assess The Effects Of... Examining the Reading: 1. What measures does Steinberg use to assess the effects of employment on students academic performance? Throughout the article, Steinberg uses several measures to assess the effects of employment on students academic performance. For example, he compared two students; student 1 did not work outside of school, and student 2 did work outside of school. From there, Steinberg compared the similarities and differences in academic performance, through evaluation their success in school. 2. Does Steinberg s study conclude that working long hours is a cause of students disinterest in school, an effect of their disinterest, or both? Throughout the article, Steinberg concludes both, as working long hours outside of school has the capability of negatively affecting your success in school. As a result of working long hours in addition to school, students often show a lack of interest in the classroom environment, putting them at risk for academic failure. Often times, working long hours is a cause of students disinterest in school, and is an effect of their disinterest as well. 3. According to Steinberg s study, what happens when students stop working twenty or more hours per week? According to the study, students often begin to become more engaged in the classroom environment, therefore setting their self up for academic success. Throughout the study, Steinberg studied the effect of working long hours outside of school and concluded that working less
  • 15. Effects Of The Stock Market Crash Of 1929 The 1920s went into American History as the most controversial decade (Geisst, 2012 p. 146). Nobody could have foreseen at the beginning of 1929 what importance this year would have for the financial market (Wigmore, 1975 p. 4). The booming 20s were drastically ended by the Stock Market crash of 1929. It went down in history as one of the worst economic downturns (Termin, 1976 p. xi). The panic at the stock market which led to many people trying to sell their stocks started on Wednesday, October 23 (Geisst, 2012 p. 185). Thursday, October 24, 1929 has gone into history as Black Thursday (Geisst, 2012 p. 185). The whole stock market lost 30 percent of its value before the end of the year 1929 (McGrattan Prescott, 2001). Unfortunately, ... Show more content on ... 179). De Long and Shleifer (1990 p. 3) estimate that the stock market in 1929 was one third overvalued. Common stocks seemed to be running out in 1929 (Galbraith, 1977 p. 69). Therefore because of the shortage of stocks, prices rose to sky high levels (Galbraith, 1977 p 69). It cannot be proven that stocks were overrated at the time of the crash. Yet there is prove that speculative gamblers are not to be blamed for the crash. Knowledgeable investors were just too optimistic in the stocks and therefore this led to the burst (Bierman, 1991 p 175). Laura Agadoni supports this cause in her research paper (Agadoni, n.d). It was not seen at first hand in October 1929 if stocks were overvalued. The market functioned well; investors and speculators were buying stocks (Bierman, 1997 p.
  • 16. Anova Testing of Atm Tranactions by Debit and Non-Debit... Due to the latest technology in today s world nobody carries cash on them anymore; everyone use credit cards or bankcards. Using the statistical data provide by textbook: Lind, Marchal, and Wathen, (2008). Statistical Techniques in Business Econimics, 13th edition. New York, NY: McGraw Hill. An ANOVA test of debit bankcards is going to be done on whether people that have debit cards use the ATM as much as people that don t have debit cards. An ANOVA test comparing the use of ATM s by people with bank debit cards versus people without bank debit cards. People with debit cards are less likely to make ATM transaction because they can use their bank debit cards at stores to pay for their items without having to go directly to their ... Show more content on ... I was expecting to be correct in the assumption in the case of debit card holders having to make less visits to ATM machines than non debit card holders, but I was also prepared to be proven wrong in the same scenario should the study and information we discovered shed light on the other side of the argument in this case. Reasoning out the hypothesis statement that people with debit cards would automatically no longer need to make as many trips to ATM machines does seem to be the logical deduction, as it only makes sense that a person who can then have access to his account and able to make withdrawals from any location that can accept debit cards would then have little need to go directly to his or her banks own ATM machine. On the other hand, what may make sense does not always happen to be what occurs, and so we were ready to put our hypothesis to the test to prove our reasoning and confirm or refute our case. From the information gathered and the studies we researched, I was quite pleased at the results I had found. In nearly every case in which I was able to document and verify that the data came from a trusted source, I was discovering a near two to one ATM visitation rate between non debit card holders and those that did possess debit cards. The extremes of the test did prove to be fascinating in showing the disparity of the data collected, and showed that even with room for error, my hypothesis was well deserved. In one case,
  • 17. Little Vail Iep Analysis Little Avery mommy PCS and shows up for her first day at her new school. Due to a delay in transfer paperwork Avery was permitted to start without the school receiving her IEP (Individual Education Plan). IEP is a tool developed over the years to assist educators, parents, and the student in making sure the children s strengths and weaknesses are fostered and developed. The uniqueness of the process is every year a meeting is held with the parent, principal, teacher, and every specialist involved in the students unique journey. The beauty of this document is all short comings are documented. Each section, describes the child s deficiency what measures will be implemented to help the student. For example, Avery Littleton met previous goal of
  • 18. Roles Of Women In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Roles of Women What if women never established rights? The world would not be the place it is today if that was the case. Women are able to do just as much as men if not more.Women were regarded as the weaker sex , not just in terms of physical strength, but emotionally too. The fact that women were not treated equally was wrong in many ways, but that was the way of life during those times. In the British culture, from the Anglo Saxon, the men were respected on a higher level than women, and women were to always be subservient to men, which were demonstrated throughout many works of literature. To point out, women unlike men had a more submissive role in the Anglo Saxon era. In the story Sir Gawain and the Green Knight shows a womanthat is seductive toward a man, which is not her husband, but only because her husband orders her to. Thus validating that men had the authority over their women. In the poem this is proven to be when, The lovely lady came laughing sweetly, / Fell over his fair face and fondly kissed him; / Sir Gawain welcomed her worthily and with pleasure; He found her so glorious, so attractively dressed, so faultless in every feature, her colors so fine (Line 200 220). The Lady is trying to seduce Sir Gawain, but he rightfully declines her offer. The fact that The Lady is looking so pleased and she is kissing him, that does not seem to interfere with the way Sir Gawain feels about her at that moment. Sir Gawain encounters multiple uncomfortable situations with The Lady when: For that priceless princess pressed us here so hard... And drove him so close to the line that she left him no choice... But to take the full pleasure she offered but refuses her. (Line 240) Sir Gawain did not want to sleep with The Lady because he did not want to violate the chivalric code. During that time period, men and women had to obey the chivalric code, which was a system of ideas and social codes governing the behavior of knights and gentlewomen. Chivalry brought about an idealized attitude toward women, but it did little to improve their actual position. The chivalric code brought a certain level of respect to the women of that time; even though it did not necessarily change their positions in
  • 19. Restructuring Debt Restructuring of Debt Data | Long term debt consists of probable future sacrifices of economic benefits arising from present obligations that are not payable within a year or the operating cycle of the company, whichever is longer. Long term debt is a way to finance and gain capital when the company cash flow is minimal. To name a few types of long term debt: bonds payable, notes payable, mortgages payable, pension liabilities, and lease liabilities. This assignment will define basic terms such as long term debt, bonds, mortgage, and capital leases. In addition answer questions in reference to the ABC Company journal entries, postretirement and note disclosure. A bond arises from a contract known as a bond indenture. A bond is... Show more content on ... A) Step 1: Bk value for the land Fv of the land (2,400,000 1,950,000) = $450,000 which is a gain on disposition. Step 2: Subtract the fv of the asset from the total loan obligation (3,000,000 2,400,000) = $600,000 which is the gain on restructuring) Step 3: Compute the total gain and add the retained earnings to derive at retained earnings after the restructuring. $3,000,000 $1,950,000= 1,050,000. ($639,180) + $1,050,000 = $410,820 Journal Entry Note Payable| $3,000,000| | Gain on Restructuring| | $600,000| Land| | $1,950,000| Gain on Disposition | | $450,000| (exchange of Land)| | | | | | B) SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY (DEFICIT) = Defined Benefit| | Common stock, $.01 par value; authorized | | 500,000 shares; issued 231,000 shares | 2,310| Additional paid in capital | 731,090| Accumulated other comprehensive loss | (113,500)| Retained earnings (deficit) | (639,180)| Treasury stock | (60,580)| Total Shareholders Equity (Deficit) | (79,860)| | | | | | | | | TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY | $ 7,835,730| * * SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY Defined Contribution Plan | Common stock, $.01 par value; authorized 500,000 shares; issued 231,000 shares | 2,310| Additional paid in capital | 731,090| Accumulated other
  • 20. Little Effort, Big Difference Little Effort, Big Difference Imagine a landfill. Trash scattering the ground, filth spewed across everything, a terrible stench burning your nose. Now look up to the sky. Instead of of a clear blue sky, with white fluffy clouds, you see thick green smog. Now imagine that this isn t a landfill, but your home, your town, your state. your country, your world. It s a reality. Every thing covered in waste. This is what our world would be like without the Environmental Movement. It is important to fully develop a greater understanding of the Environmental movement; and appreciate the impact this subculture has made on society, the earth, and the political impact it has made overtime. The environmental movement is a complex scientific, ... Show more content on ... Today one hundred and ninety two observe earth day as a national holiday. Although the environmental movement is considered a subculture, it has integrated itself into modern day society and made a monumental impact. The call to reduce, reuse, and recycle is seen everywhere you go. Schools all over the nation are involved in teaching kids how to make the planet a cleaner place. According to an informal survey, conducted by Waste360, a networking organization that serves solid Larsen 3 waste, recycling, and conservation communities, It is estimated that between 75 to 100 percent of the school districts implement some level of recycling program. (Nester). Everyone doing their part can make a massive impact on our communities cleanliness. People find satisfaction in doing there part for the earth and the environmental movement provides plenty of ways for communities to join the cause, and can be as simple as changing all your lightbulbs to LED to conserve energy, or checking facuets for leaks to avoid wasting water. The environmental movement not only helps the earth, but also the wallet. Saving gas by carpooling to work keeps the earth cleaner, and also cuts down on gas payments. Small acts, can transform the world. If everyone does there part, it makes the world that much better of a place to be in. Although many people do the small and simple things to keep
  • 21. Human Motion Capture Human motion capture is being used for more and more things. It is being used in the clinical setting to define problems in gait or other athletic movements. Motion capture is also being used in the field of entertainment to animate movies and video games. We can track human movement through a variety of mechanisms. The most common is to use cameras and reflective markers to track how the person is completing a movement. There are downfalls within each of the ways to track movement. For example, when using markers and cameras, each marker has to be seen at all times by at least two cameras. Also, the markers need to be placed directly on the skin otherwise they can move causing unnecessary data. And the placement of markers can take an unnecessarily extended amount of time to position. The goal of this paper is to address different ways and downfalls of each way to capture human motion. This paper will also address new possible ways to track human movement in a simple and time efficient manner. Marker Based Motion Capture Gait analysis has been used previously as a diagnostic tool in relation to musculoskeletal diseases. More recently, it has been accepted as helpful in the clinical setting when defining rehabilitation and preventative practices. The purpose of gait analysis is to determine the cause or area of injury, to find the incorrect movement. MГјndermann, Corazza and Andriacchi published a paper in the Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation titled The
  • 22. Wayne Gretzky Research Paper Don t be afraid to fail. Stop what you are doing, and think about your life. Do you have a dream you want to accomplish? Maybe this dream requires so much effort and work, it seem impossible. Perhaps, you are either too young or too old for the demand for success. Just remember, there is a first time for everything. All you need to do is try. And then try again. Wayne Gretzky is a great example of why you shouldn t give up, but simply retry. He is one of the greatest National Hockey players of all times. He has a successful career, but also knows about failing. His advice in life is You miss 100% of the shots you don t take Wayne Gretzky. The expert at anything has failed at one point in life. So we shouldn t expect successto be
  • 23. The Death Of The Frog Croaks When The Frog Croaks At five years old, most children have no specific group they fit into. Everyone is their friend and their best friends change with the passing days. It was much like that for me, but I decided to become best friends with Martin (name changed to protect privacy) during the most coincidentally horrific time. Martin was a boy with wavy brown hair, light brown eyes, and the spirit of an adventurer. Nothing scared him, and as I d learn very quickly, there was a very good reason for that. He and I happened to be by the fence at the same moment when the animal caught our eye. It was a frog, but it was moving very strangely, it s hop: more of a flop. It croaked, the sound startling both Martin and I, and we looked up at each other. He was delighted to see the frog, but I was more concerned about the horrible noise it was making. Martin reached down and picked it up, the frog struggling in his tight grip. I warned him to be careful, and we both examined the oddly bent back leg. We figured it was broken, and the frog was most likely in a lot of pain. Martin put the frog on the ground and pet it gently. He told me that it would be best if we killed the frog now, rather than allow it to suffer any further. There was no way I was going to let him killthe frog; it was still alive. I offered that we take care of it, at least until it got better. His argument went like this: If the frog doesn t die, one of us will. He was reluctant, but eventually gave in. Yet,
  • 24. Iago of William Shakespeare s Othello Essay Iago of William Shakespeare s Othello Who is Iago? Iago poisons people s thoughts, creating ideas in their heads without implicating himself. His first victim is Roderigo. Roderigo remarks, That thou, Iago, who hast had my purse as if the strings were thine. [Act I, Scene I, Line 2] Throughout the play, Iago leads Roderigo, professing that . . . I do hate [the Moor] as I do Hell pains. [Act I, Scene I, Line 152] He tells Roderigo to Put money in thy purse [Act I, Scene III, Line 328] so that he can win Desdemona with gifts. Iago keeps for himself those gifts that Roderigo intends for Desdemona. Iago is smart. He is an excellent judge of people and their characters. He knows Roderigo is in love with Desdemona and would do ... Show more content on ... These fellows have some soul, and such a one do I profess myself. [Act I, Scene I, Line 49] Ironically, Iago says of himself yet do I hold it very stuff o? the conscience to do no contrived murder. I lack iniquity sometimes to do me service. [Act I, Scene II, Line 2] Iago s character abounds with amorality, extreme self love, and cynicism. He does not value loyalty, love, honesty, or nobility. He declares to Roderigo: I am not what I am (I 1 71), demonstrating that he is completely void of integrity, acting instead in a duplicitous manner. Iago changes his personality entirely depending on whom he is interacting with with Othello, Iago is valorous and noble; with Roderigo, he is harsh and brusque. His frequent use of superficial actions is exemplified by his comment, also to Roderigo: I must show out a sign and flag of love? (I 1 173). Iago possesses remarkable intelligence and skillfully weaves the lethal web of destruction among his victims. His ability to change face at will is undoubtedly an indispensable part of his skill, and Iago easily fools his victims by appearing to support someone while he is actually opposing him. Iago lusts for power, but his sense of power is attained by manipulating and annihilating others in a cruel and unusual way. Iago undeniably has an unquenchable thirst for power and domination. Critics such as M. R. Ridley believe that the ability to hurt is the most convincing display of one s
  • 25. Correlation Between Athletes And Athletes The purpose of this study is to examine the Comparison between Athletes and Non athletes on their academic success including their graduation rates and their growth and a person. Also the disadvantages and advantages between being either, or within the college program. The research was conducted at Abilene Christian University, utilizing two groups, Strictly athletes and non athletes. A qualitative survey questionnaire method was used to have a fair idea about how people feel about the situation. INTRODUCTION There are numerous of myths that are going around in society about the comparison of athletes and non athletes. Some say that non athletes has a advantage over athletes, mainly because they may have a more less demanding schedule and are not entitled to spend many hours training rigorously or leaving almost every week to go away on sporting events. Also many say that athletes have an advantage because of pass researches that was done, with athletes and their performance in their academics; they mentioned that athletes are able to function well based on what they are taught as a sports person. Another disadvantage, they are claiming, is that athletes get their books and tuition fully covered. They also have a free support staff to make sure that they excel, which includes tutors, advisers for time management and also to make sure that you are put into the right classes so that you can graduate on time just as everyone else. Within this research we are going to explore
  • 26. Intel Uses Total Quality Management Intel, also known as Integrated Electronics, is a company that manufactures and sells various types of electronic equipment and hardware. It was founded by Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce in 1968 and has since grown to be a commonly used consumer brand. Intel must ensure that its products are consistently well made, especially when its products affect the consumer s experience with the technology he or she is using. Because Intel must implement quality in a wide variety of products, the best practice for the company is to have a physical separation between its departments and to focus on the quality of each individual aspect of its product creation; this will allow each department to specialize in their work functions and allow the company to separate each task effectively. Intel uses total quality management (TQM) to enhance the quality of its products, particularly its microprocessors. TQM is a customer oriented philosophy which is centered on quality to result in customer delight (Mystica, Bai 10). The overall goal of TQM is to focus on the following three pillars: continuous improvement, involvement of everyone, and achievement of customer satisfaction. The third pillar, achievement of customer satisfaction, has allowed Intel to fully implement TQM. It has helped to improve the communities around it by transferring its knowledge of the total quality concept to local schools and helping them to apply those principles (Anfuso). Because of Intel s quality management
  • 27. Statute Of Limitations In Criminal Law Across the United States, many criminal courts have created a rule known as statute of limitations. Statute of limitations sets forth a time limit to raising a legal issue in order to not only maintain the integrity of evidence gathered for the trial, but to also protect people from being harassed about a crimethat was never tried a long time ago. In order to begin a criminal case within statute of limitations, a prosecutor must bring forth formal charges against a defendant within a specific amount of time after a crime is first discovered by law enforcement. The amount of time that a prosecutor can file criminal charges against a defendant depends on the crime s classification under the federal or state criminal code. Because of the different classifications of crimes in criminal codes, there are several forms of time limitations that prosecutors should know before deciding to file criminal charges against a defendant. The first type of offense is known as an infraction. In the criminal code, infractions are crimes that carry a punishment of paying a fine ( Felonies, Misdemeanors and Infractions: The Differences , n.d.). Once law enforcement discovers this type of offense, the prosecutor is given exactly six months to file charges against the defendant ( Time Limits for Charges: State Criminal Statutes of Limitations , n.d.). Some examples of infractions can include citations for parking violations, running a red light, and speeding. The next type of offense is known as
  • 28. Susan Botti, Jennifer Higdon, and Cindy McTee This paper will discuss the works of Susan Botti, Jennifer Higdon and Cindy McTee, three women composers of the 21st Century, and how they influenced composition with their tonal structures, melodic inventions, unique compositional techniques, along with innovations in notation, and rhythmic intricacy. I will be analyzing Concerto for Orchestraby Higdon and Echo Tempo by Botti. Singer and composer, Susan Botti, studied musicat a rather young age. Her musical training officially started when she entered the Cleveland Institute of Music as a high school student (Slayton 54). She then graduated with a bachelor of music degree from Berklee College of Music (Boston, MA) in 1984 (Slayton 54). Once graduating from Berklee, Botti continued her studies at the Manhattan School of Music (New York, NY), where she received a master of music degree in composition in 1990 (Slayton 54). In 2000, she received an offer as the associate professor of music composition at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (Slayton 54). While at Michigan, she taught with William Bolcom, Michael Daugherty and Bright Sheng. In 2007, Susan Botti left her position at Michigan to move back to New York City, and began teaching, as a member of the composition faculty, at the Manhattan School of Music (Slayton 55). Susan Botti s Echo Tempo, is a double concerto for soprano voice, percussion, and orchestra. Botti s program notes for this piece state, Echo Tempo is a setting of Native American translations for
  • 29. Why Did Beowulf Survive In Anglo Saxon Time During the Anglo Saxon time period loyalty and bravery were necessary characteristics of a man. During this time period, where surviving was difficult only the strongest survived. Beowulf was one of the warriors that lived in this time period. Monsters, warring armies, dragons, and creatures of the sea made life perilous. Society was looking for an epic hero. Beowulfwas the answer to society s search. Strength, bravery, and the desire for glory were three qualities that make Beowulf an epic hero. The Anglo Saxon time period was a time where survival of the fittest was one of the largest aspects of society. The text states Beowulf, /A prince of the Geats, had killed Grendel, /Ended the grief, the sorrow, the suffering /Forced on Hrothgar s helpless people /By a bloodthirsty fiend. No Dane doubted /The victory, for the proof, hanging high /From the rafters where Beowulf had hung it, was the monster s /Arm, claw and shoulder and all (352 359). Beowulf was one that survived because he was one of the fittest. By defeating Grendel, he saved the village of Herot from the monster. In Beowulf s Last Battle, the text states None of his comrades /Came ... Show more content on ... The text states He twisted in pain, /And the bleeding sinews deep in his shoulder /Snapped, muscle and bone split and broke (338 342). Beowulf has super human strength and is able to rip a monster s arm off. The text says Grendel snatched at the first Geat /He came to, ripped him apart, cut /His body to bits with powerful jaws, /Drank the blood from his veins and bolted /Him down, hands and feet; death /And Grendel s great teeth came together, /Snapping life shut. Then he stepped to another /Still body, clutched at Beowulf with his claws /Grasped at a strong hearted wakeful sleeper (262 270). Beowulf risks his life in order to have the upper hand on Grendel and could have died but used his heroic qualities to defeat the
  • 30. Mtv Arabian Challenge BSTR/294 ICMR Center for Management Research MTV Networks: The Arabian Challenge This case was written by Debapratim Purkayastha, ICMR Center for Management Research. It was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. For use by students of Icfai Flexible Learning programs. Not to be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means. 2008, ICMR. All rights reserved. To order copies, call 0091 40 2343 0462/63 or write to ICMR, Plot # 49, Nagarjuna Hills, Hyderabad 500 082, India or email BSTR/294 MTV Networks: The Arabian Challenge [...] ... Show more content on ... While launching MTV Arabia, William H. Roedy (Roedy), Vice Chairman for MTV Networks and President of MTVI, said, Tonight‟s [November 16, 2007] MTV Arabia launch show celebrates one of the most important landmarks in MTV‟s 25 year history. MTV Arabia will reach the largest potential audience of any MTV channel outside the United States. MTV is proud to celebrate the voice of the Arab youth and through our global network we can showcase what this rich and diverse culture is all about to new audiences around the world. 5 BACKGROUND NOTE MTV (short for Music Television), which pioneered the concept of a cable music channel, was launched on August 1, 1981, and marked the commencement of the cable TV revolution. It was promoted by Warner Amex Satellite Entertainment Company, a joint venture between Warner Communications and American Express. In 1984, the company was renamed MTV Networks (MTVN) with its operations confined to the US. At the time of its launch, the MTV channel primarily catered to those in the 12 to 24 age group, airing heavy metal and rap music. However, over the years, it also launched many sister channels such as VH 1(short for video hits one) which was formed in 1985 to play light popular music; Rhythm and Blues (R B,
  • 31. Debt In College The number one student in college is obtaining too many credit cards. While charging it can provide them instant relief in times of need, many students exaggerate while in college. This turns out to be harmful in the long term for a college student. Let s be honest, the interest is added up quickly and I do not know any credit card that accedes it until after graduation as federal student loans. In my opinion, it is a bad idea to use a credit card in every situation that a student can escape. Finally, this debtcan increase and force a student to divert their educational focus to focus on paying the debt that they owed. The college student must know how to manage their student loan or get help manage the financial goal. Borrow the student ... Show more content on ... With having an excellent credit score of 750 or above would have an APR of 3.240% for 60 months. If my 2013 Toyota Camry (trade in) is valued at $10,200. If we pay around $4000 as down payment. The amount we borrow will reduce from $27470 to $13,270. If we finance that amount for 60 months at 3.240%, the monthly payment on the car would be at $240. If my annual salary is around $80,000 after tax, and my mortgage and utilities of $3010 monthly. I would be able to afford the 2018 Nisan Altima. I could still be able to save some money on the side with this expense. The insurance on the car would cost me around $70 monthly and gas bill with my use would be at $120 monthly. The car would cost me $430. My monthly income after tax is $6,660. My mortgage and car would cost me around $4,369. I would still able to able to save my income before lifestyle
  • 32. Bergen-Belsen Quote Analysis Three quotes that are significant are If she could find four pebbles of almost exactly the same size and shape, it meant that her family would remain whole. Mama and Papa and she and Albert would survive Bergen Belsen. page 8, We knew then that after six and a half years that this was the day of our liberation from the Nazis. It was exactly two weeks since we had boarded the death train in Bergen Belsen... page 83 and 84, and One of the most frightening ordeals at Bergen Belsen was being taken once a month to the showers... Even though we had been told, Marion said, that there were no gas chambers at Bergen Belsen, how could we ever be sure?... page 66. These quotes show how Marion was trying to have hope in her family surviving,... Show more content on ... page 66. This is a significant quote because it is an example of how the Holocaust had such harsh ways to kill people that weren t considered a superior race . The Jews at Bergen Belsen had heard of the gas chambers and how they looked like normal showers so they began to get scared. They were told to take a shower once a month and thinking about the chambers can make them anxious. All they were told was that they were to get undressed and to take a shower but they didn t know what was going to come out of the shower head. It was either water like they were being told, or it could ve been Zyklon B, the poisonous gas used to kill hundreds of Jews. This is important to know because many mass amounts of people were killed by the place they were told to take a shower in. Having this happen at other concentration camps scares Marion and her family because they don t truly know if Bergen Belsen is one of the very few places that doesn t have gas
  • 33. The French Religious Wars Of France In this paper, I will be discussing the French Religious Wars that took place on March 1582 and lasted till April 1598. This war was fought between the Roman Catholics or Catholic League and the Huguenots. These wars started with a French protestant by the name of John Calvin started to become suspicious of the Roman Catholic churches and their corruption within their government. Calvin believed that the two should be separated and created a doctrine with a different form of Protestantism. Higher up religious figures that were fed up with the dominance of the Catholic churches decided to stand behind this doctrine. Eventually, Calvinism was being accepted and taught throughout the local civilians and spread like wildfire throughout Europe. As Catholic churches started to fall victim to this movement, King Henrii II of France decided to attempt to end this movement as it was a threat to his reign and control. Thus, divided the country and started what is known as the French Religious Wars. As tensions became to rise, so did the Conspiracy of Ambroise. This is which the Huguenots and the House of Bourbon plotted to usurp the power of the Guise family . (lllll) The Guise family was the family in charge of most of the French government at the time. After the family started to realize what was happening, they became to kill hundreds of conspirators. Trying to ease all of this hostility, Catherine de Medici issued a doctrine known as the Edict of Tolerance in 1562. This
  • 34. Technology And Religion Technology surrounds our daily lives, so much so we have grown numb to the idea of ever not having access to it. However, people have become more aware of the use of technology and in some cases have tried eliminating it from their lives as a whole. This method seems flawless at first, but technology has become so integrated into our communities that by disconnecting from technology, we also disconnect from our community. This integration has even been made in the church, which has allowed access to services that were not ever possible before. By allowing the church and its members to modernize, we allow its members to grow in numbers, and for their members to have access to ways in which to grow in their faith anywhere they go. So for those... Show more content on ... When dealing with technology in the church, we must realize that it is not always bad, and by integrating it into our services and daily lives is okay. We must become open to this technological world, and allow it access to make our lives easier. It allows for spiritual growth both inside and outside of the church. The simplicity of this allows others to want to join the church which is needed. So for those reasons, we should allow our community to integrate technology inside and outside of church
  • 35. Compare And Contrast First They Killed My Father By Kamala... Hunger is a feeling of discomfort or weakness caused by lack of food, coupled with the desire to eat. Hunger affects every region of the world. Loung Ung, author of First They Killed My Father, and Kamala Markandaya, author of Nectar In A Sieve, chronicled the devastating effects of starvation in Cambodia and India. Both Ung and Markandaya illustrate the daily struggles of not having access to food through vivid descriptions of what it takes to not die. Ung writes about how her family worked to survive. They roamed the fields for grasshoppers, beetles, and crickets, just for a bite to eat. Ung had the unthinkable challenge of trying to stay afloat. She writes, I would have thrown up if someone told me I would have to eat those things. ... Show more content on ... However, Markandaya differs from Ung some of the time. Markandaya and her family were in such a desperate time that, some time from sheer rebellion we ate grass. This is similar to how Ung would eat horrendous foods like animal hides, brains, and blood. At such desperate times they both had to do what they had to do. They both gave vivid depictions to show the hardships they encountered while trying to survive. Ung would not have eaten insects if she had not faced starvation. This is similar to Markandaya because she knows that eating grass gives her stomach cramps and would force her to vomit. Markandaya focuses a large part of her passage to what it feels like to be hungry. She describes the feeling as if, your vitals were being devoured. That depiction is beyond any feeling anyone wants to even consider. Unlike Markandaya, Ung focuses on the effects of what is happening to her body. Ung writes, My body is like a balloon. This insulates how she perceives how she looks due to the lack of nutrition. She depicts herself as a balloon without saying how it makes her feel. The authors points work together in painting a picture of starvation. Markandaya focuses on how starvation made her feel and Ung focuses on how starvation made her
  • 36. The Logical Problem Of Evil Essay In this paper I will discuss the logical problem of evil and how it seems to reject the existence of God as an omni 3 being. I will first layout the logical problem of evil, and then I will explain why it succeeds in disproving the existence of God. I do this through pointing out the contradictions between the definition of Godas an omni 3 being and the problem of redeemed and unredeemed evil. As well as by proving that admittance of evil in any way when in reference to the choices of God invalidates the omni 3 definition of God. I will address claims from those who believe in God about justification of evil as well as the concept and depth of human understanding. The logical problem of evil is almost as old as the concept of an omni 3 being as the one true God. God in this context being a mix of the Judeo Christian belief that God is the Greatest Conceivable Being (GCB). Being the GCB implies 3 things: God is all good (Omnibenevolent), all knowing (Omniscient), and all powerful (Omnipotent), this is commonly referred to as omni 3. This argument boils down to a simple three part argument structure: 1. If God, as an omni 3 being, exists then evil can not exist at all. 2. Evil clearly exists. 3. As a result, God as omni 3 can not exist. This is a very simple argument; premise, interference, implied contradiction, and a conclusion. It is simply through an application of modus ponens that, some believe, we are able to disprove the existence of God as an Omni 3 being.
  • 37. Gauli Chapter 1 Listo Systems Listo Systems is a graphic service agency with a long history of success. In the early 1990s, the company quickly grew into one of the top graphic service companies in the world. The rapid growth of technology in recent years has both helped and hindered the company. Advancements in technologyhave allowed Listo Systems to provide quality services and products faster and more efficiently. However, new technology has also been beneficial for Listo Systems competitors. The competition has grown significantly in number and in the quality of services and products that they provide. The increase in technology has also led to an increase in customer demands and expectations. Customers want services and products ... Show more content on ... 4. Become the customer. The most radical move of all is to buy your largest customer. To generate value, make this move just before power starts shifting to customers, not after it has progressed. Purchasing of a distribution channel lets you join rather than fight the rise in customer power. 2. What external environmental factors are affecting Listo Systems? External environment consists of forces that directly or indirectly influence organization s business activities. The actors and forces outside marketing that affect management s ability to build and maintain successful relationship with target customers. Changes are often quick and unpredictable and offers both opportunities and threats Company must use its research and marketing intelligence systems to monitor the changing environment. Systematic environmental scanning helps Listo System to revise and adapt business strategies to meet new challenges and opportunities in the marketplace. Technology can reduce costs, improve quality and lead to innovation. These developments can benefit consumers as well as the organizations providing the products. Every company faces a wide range of competitors and Listo System is also not apart from this fact. Listo System must secure a strategic advantage over competitors by positioning their offerings to be successful in the marketplace. A PESTLE analysis for Listo must consider all the important external factors impacting on the company. These factors
  • 38. Jimmy Carter Jr James E. Carter Jr also known as Jimmy, was born October 1,1924 in Plains, Georgia. His father was James Earl Carter Sr., he was a peanut farmer who owned a small acre of land.. His mother name was Bessie Lillian Gordy, she was a registered nurse who crossed racial divides to counsel black women on health care issues in the 1920 s. Jimmy had one brother and two sisters, William Alton, Ruth Carter Stapleton and Gloria Carter Spann. Jimmy attended an all white high school. He was the first person from his father s side of the familyto graduate high school.. He studied engineering at Georgia Southwestern Junior College. He then joined the Naval ROTC program at Georgia Southwestern Junior College. Later on in 1924 he applied for Naval Academy... Show more content on ... He served from January 20,1977 January 20,1981. Walter Mondale was vice president when Jimmy was president.By Jimmy expanding the park system it protected 103 million acres of Alaskan lands. Jimmy created the Department of Education so it could help out human and social services. He helped bring peace between two major countries. The Soriet invasion of Afghanistan caused the suspension of plans of the SALT. Iran held 52 American hostages for up to 14 months.. When Jimmy left office in 1980 Iran released the 52 Americans that exact same day. After presidency Jimmy went back to his old hometown Plains, Georgia.He wrote many books a couple of them are called Keeping Faith: Memoirs of a President , Turning Point and An Hour Before Daylight. After presidency Jimmy started doing more great things, in Atlanta, Georgia he founded the Carter Presidential Center. Jimmy continued to help out different organizations including an organization that helped underprivileged kids get a home, it s called the Habitat for Humanity International. When Jimmy was president he took the opportunities to share his knowledge with the entire world.Jimmy is not dead he is still living to this day. Jimmy is still very well known, he still is mostly seen on television speaking about his organizations and the accomplishments he s been achieving while out of
  • 39. Futures Contract and Commodity Exchange COMMODITY MARKET [pic] INDEX |Chapter No |Topic |Page No. | |1 |Introduction to Commodity Market |04 | |2 |History of Evolution of Commodity Markets |08 | |3 |India and the Commodity Market |10 | |4 |International Commodity Exchanges |15 | |5... Show more content on ... This can especially noticed in agricultural commodities where the weather plays a major role in affecting the fortunes of people involved in this industry. The futures market has evolved to neutralize such risks through a mechanism; namely hedging. The objectives of Commodity futures: Hedging with the objective of transferring risk related to the possession of physical assets through any adverse moments in price. Liquidity and Price discovery to ensure base minimum volume in trading of a commodity through market information and demand supply factors that facilitates a regular and authentic price discovery mechanism. Maintaining buffer stock and better allocation of resources as it augments reduction in inventory requirement and thus the exposure to risks related with price fluctuation declines. Resources can thus be diversified for investments. Price stabilization along with balancing demand and supply position. Futures trading leads to predictability in assessing the domestic prices, which maintains stability, thus safeguarding against any short term adverse price movements. Liquidity in Contracts of the commodities traded also ensures in maintaining the equilibrium between demand and supply. Flexibility, certainty and transparency in purchasing commodities facilitate bank financing. Predictability in prices of commodity would lead to stability, which in turn would eliminate the risks associated with running the
  • 40. Grey s Anatomy Character Analysis Sex, Gore, and Bad Behavior Grey s Anatomy is the best television shows that ABC has to offer. Starring Ellen Pompeo as Meredith Grey, the narrator. Her mother is a world renowned, award winning surgeon and Meredith is trying to follow in her footsteps. The show follows Meredith and her coworkers throughout their careers as surgeons, who are trying to balance their personal life with their hectic work schedule. Grey s Anatomy focuses on friendship, family issues, and moral dilemmas the doctors deal with on a daily basis. The plot, characters, and cinematography make this soap opera addicting. Grey s Anatomy is a medical drama that follows the lives of surgeons in Seattle Grace Hospital. The soap opera revolves around Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) and her life as a doctor in the hospital. She is married to Derek Shephard (Patrick Dempsey) who is a neurosurgeon and her best friend is Christina Yang (Sandra Oh) who is a Cardiothoracic surgeon. The show also explores Meredith s relationships with her coworkers and family. Each episode is focused on different medical cases that range from complex traumas to simple simple, routine procedures. ... Show more content on ... Shona created a show that was fast paced and full of love triangles. This show is jam packed with plot twisted and unexpected twists and turns. She does a good job of blending workplace drama with person relationship drama and that is what makes this show highly addictive. The audience never knows what is going to come through the hospital doors and they also never know who is sleeping with who in the on call room down the hall. In fact, this soap opera is unpredictable and that is what the audience loves about it. In the article Dissecting Grey s Anatomy, Dave Hoskins reports that the show is unique because Grey s Anatomy isn t trying to rewrite the paradigm of TV or even its
  • 41. Perception Of Perception And Presentation 1.A relatively famous, but unattributed quote is, Perception is Reality. Do you agree with this? What implications does this concept have on managing others? View the short video posted and comment on the impact of perception and presentation. How might this impact the way in which managers present tasks/rewards, etc. to subordinates? I completely agree with the quote perception is reality . The Oxford Dictionary definition of reality: a thing that is actually experienced or seen . Reality is based on experiences and personality which shape perception. Perception creates algorithms for the brain to filter, as well as contextualize, data. When receiving data, the brain uses filters the data using reference points based on previous experiences to interpret, understand, and store data. The same happens when the brain is filtering outgoing data, such as during a conversation the brain uses previous experiences to filter and shape the way data is delivered. This plays into perception being reality because one person s output may not match another person s input. As mentioned in, perceptions are also based personality. For example if one is an introvert or extroverts (Susan Cain: The Power of Introverts). It is very possible that two people in the same situation perceive it very differently. For example, Janet and Julie are going shopping. Julie tries on a pair of jeans and asks Janet for her thoughts. Janet replies, those jeans don t look good on you . Unfortunately,
  • 42. Approaching Nathaniel Hawthorne Insight Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote one of the most studied short story in literature, Young Goodman Brown . This short story is widely use because of the deep meaning and strong internal attachment it has with the reader. Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts his family had been early settlers, one of his great grandfather was a judge during the Salem witch trials and had twenty five women killed. Hearing his great grandfather talk about this subject made Hawthorne both obsessed and a little ashamed for what his family has done during the Salem witch trials. Hawthorne put those feelings into his stories which in reality explore what the events that happened in the puritans life style. As stated before Nathaniel Hawthornewas born in Salem, Massachusetts1804, and his family were original settlers to Salem since colonial times. Hawthorne s father died when he was four, (Approaching literature 1388) Hawthorne then was raised by his mother until his gift was discovered. Later his relatives recognized Hawthorne s literature talent and financed his education at Bowdoin College. At Bowdoin College Hawthorne met Henry Wadswort, who would go to be a famous poet, and Franklin Pierce, who would later on be the President of the United States. After graduating, Hawthorne lived at home writing short tales and a novel, which he self published in 1828... (Approaching literature 1388). When Hawthorne wrote the story Young Goodman Brownhe attempted to set it in the
  • 43. Advertising for 4G Technology with Sprint Introduction One of the most heavily advertised areas of technology in the United States currently is 4G technology. Every commercial and advertisement promises fast speeds, great coverage, and exceptional service altogether. However, the competition proves to be extreme and unbalanced. Since its introduction on Sprint s network, 4G, or fourth generation cellular technology, has revolutionized both the telecommunication arena while spilling into other technological fields. There is no end in sight for the relentless competition of expanding 4G technologies as coverage and network speeds continue to increase. Currently, 4G technology is offered by all major telecommunication carriers in the United States: Verizon, AT T, T Mobile, and Sprint. However, the term 4G has been loosely used. The best example of this can be associated with Sprint. The initial 4G technology Sprint offered was based of WiMAX technology. WiMAX proved to be fast technology, but lackluster in its performance and capabilities in regards to LTE. LTE has become the primary 4G technology in the United States while development of WiMAX has ceased. In addition, Sprint s 4G vision has switched to LTE. The question is raised Why did LTE win over WiMAX? . From many perspectives, LTE proved to be the superior technology. The Power of Networking One can easily argue that one of the greatest things that developed in the latter half of the twentieth century was the internet. By combining networks of networks
  • 44. Edward Malt s The Lindisfarne Gospels A medieval minister takes up a plume pen, designed from a goose quill, and plunges it into a rich, dark ink produced using ash. Situated on a wooden seat in the scriptorium of Lindisfarne, an island off the shore of Northumberland in England, he gazes hard at the words from a composition made in Italy. This book is his model, a bound book, produced using sheets of paper or material, the codex, from which he is to duplicate the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. For about the following six years, he will duplicate this Latin. The Lindisfarne Gospels, a standout amongst the greatest compositions of the early medieval times, was composed and enhanced toward the end of the seventh century by the monk Eadfrith, who got to be Bishop of Lindisfarne in 698 and passed on in 721. Its unique calfskin tying, was made by Ethelwald, who succeeded Eadfrith as leader, and was enriched with gems and valuable metals later in the eighth century by Billfrith the Anchorite. Today the composition is still bound in silver and gems, in spreads made in 1852 to the detriment of Edward Maltby, bishop of Durham. The configuration depends on themes drawn from the enrichment of the composition itself. Approximately 365 Г— 275 mm in size, it was produced in the British Isles between ... Show more content on ... The Lindisfarne Gospels, a gospel book, is a spectacular example of Insular or Hiberno Saxon art. It was created during a time of devastating invasions and political upheavals. Monks read from it during rituals at their Lindisfarne Convent on Holy Island, a Christian group that defended the sanctum of St Cuthbert, a cleric who passed on in 687 and whose relics were thought to have corrective and supernatural occurrence working forces. The original copy was utilized for stately purposes to advance and commend the Christian religion and the expression of
  • 45. Proton Holdings Berhad Case Statement 2.0HIGHLIGHT ISSUE Competitor is being defined as any person or entity which is a rival against another . In the automotive industry , companies would normally encounter the presence of one of more competitors since they offer a similar product or service . Therefore , a company would require a new strategy in order to stay ahead in the race to become the dominant manufacturing of automobiles . This has not been the case for local automotive manufactures in Malaysia . Proton Holdings Berhad has been receiving an uproar of issues , including its inability to compete with other automotive industry . Proton was established in 1983 as the national automobile manufacturer in Malaysia . At first, the company decided to joint venture with Japans ... Show more content on ... With its lack of experiences in competing with other giant auto carmakers , Proton has been facing countless of losses. Proton has been losing market share year after year ever since the establishment of the policy . According to statistic within the first half of 2016 by the Malaysian Automotive Association , the market share has dropped to 13% on sales of 35, 727 units compared with a market share of 15.6% and 50,205 units sold in the previous corresponding period . In the Audited financial statement for financial year 2015 , the company s net loss widened to RM 646.3 million from RM 461.6 million previously . Its distribution cost of RM260.7 million was more than its gross profit of RM147.9 million in 2015
  • 46. Man Ray Research Paper Home Selected Man Ray Artworks Man Ray s Biography Man Ray Quotes . Man Ray Paintings, Photography, and Quotes Sponsored Links Man Ray and his artworks Man Ray Portrait Man Ray, born Emmanuel Radnitzky in 1890 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was a renowned representative of avant garde photography in the 20th century and is considered as the pioneer of Surrealist photography. Ray s artistic work is very diverse. He was a painter, object artist, and a film maker. He was the very first artist whose images were more valuable to collectors than his artistic work. He therefore ... Show more content on ... There he was an influential member of the international Dada and Surrealist circles of artists and writers, which included Max Ernst, Dali, Paul Eluard, Picasso and AndrГ© Breton His popular works Ray Man became popular for the representations of his artistic works. He went on to develop a career as a fashion photographer, capturing images for popular magazines in Paris. While in France, he produced brilliant art works which are today known as Rayogrammes images created on a piece of photographic paper without a camera; the subject is placed directly on a piece of paper, light is exposed then the image is produced. The shadow of the object is what produces the image, which emphasizes the influence of the light and shadow instead of the importance of the picture itself. Another popular work from this period was Violin d Ingres in 1924. This photograph featured the naked back of his lover, an actor known as Kiki, styled after the painting by a French artist called Jean August Dominique. In a witty twist, Man Ray drew two black shapes on her back to make it appear like musical instruments. Ray made a number of short films between 1923 and 1929, creating classic Surrealistic works like L Etoile de Mer, Emak Bakia, as well as Les Mysteres
  • 47. du chateau de. He also experimented with the method known as the Sabatier effect, which adds a silvery quality to the
  • 48. Kroger s Module Analysis Introduction The cereal aisle analysis took place at Consumer Square West Shopping Center at the Kroger s located on Soldano Blvd in Columbus, Ohio. The analysis was completed on Saturday, July 11, 2015 from 12:19 p.m. until 1:10 p.m. The cereal aisle was located in the middle of the store and was 6ft by 30ft. The store carried four brands of cereal. A brand is a type of product manufactured by a particular company under a particular name (Merriam Webster, Incorporated, 2015). The three brands offered at Kroger s were Kellogg, General Mills, Quaker and Kroger. The Kellogg brand had 18 different types of cereal with each cereal having 1 to 10 different varieties. The General Mills brand had 14 different brands with 1 to 12 different varieties. ... Show more content on ... Reviewing the consumer purchases history through their individual Kroger reward cards and the individual customer payment type could verify this hypothesis. If this hypothesis is proven, Kroger s should adjust its sale items to include more of a variety of cereals. Offering more cereals that are not sugar filled cereals and are more designed toward older customers give those consumers that purchases that are influenced by their income, lifestyle and life stage a better selection to purchase more cereals. Offering more items in the sale items gives Kroger s a better chance of influencing their customers to make the decision to purchase more items while still feeling they are getting a good value for their money. There are questions that need to be answered in order to prove this hypothesis. These questions are: What is the average income of the customers that shop at Kroger s?; What is the ratio between the older customers and the younger customers who shop at Kroger s?; What are the types of sales at other Kroger s?; How satisfied are customers in the selection of cereals and their prices in
  • 49. Canvasing Program Research Paper A common thing on the minds of students throughout high school and college is money. As a result most look for a summer job to earn money. One of the most popular jobs for Adventist youth is canvassing. It can be a very rewarding experience and can be fun; however, canvassing can also be difficult, emotionally draining, and downright awful for introverted people. I joined a summer long canvasing program that I thought would be fun and it was but not at first. Surviving a summer long canvasing program turned out to be much more difficult than I had imagined; in fact, I learned the only way to survive was making friends in the program, taking breaks when needed, and embracing the canvasing experience. One social reason that I was excited about joining the summer program was because some of my friends from school were going as ... Show more content on ... So I decided to do something that I did not do the first have of the program, embrace the experience. By this I mean that during the first half of the program I would do the bare minimum. I never did any of the extra activities and spent any time I wasn t working or eating by myself. I always complained and was stubborn about the fact that I didn t want to be there that I wouldn t let anybody change my mind. I decided to stop doing that and choose to have fun and that s what I did. I went to all the activities, never complained, and let myself have fun. This was the final thing that made the second half of that summer one of the best of my life. All it took was me wanting to do it. Those are the steps to surviving a summer of canvasing. It may seem pretty straight forward but most things in life usually are. Canvasing can be one of the greatest experiences of your life if you allow it to be. So if you are considering going canvasing I would recommend it. Just know that it will not be easy but it will be worth
  • 50. Intel, A Small Computer Electronics Firm Introduction Intel was set up on 18th July 1968 by Gordon Moore, Robert Noyce and Andrew Grove as a small computer electronics firm. Over 40 years on the company is still going and is making vast amounts of money every year with their net income for 2015 being $11.4bn (Revenue $55.9bn) . Intel was first formed in Mountain View California 1968 by Gorden E. Moore a chemist, Robert Noyce a physicist and Arthur Rock who was an investor and venture capitalist. Moor and Noyce used to work at Fairchild Semiconductor but eventually left that company to form Intel. Intel had a total initial investment was $2.5 million in debentures and $10,000 from Arthur Rock. At first the company was called NM Electronics, it was then renamed to Integrated ... Show more content on ... A SWOT analysis will be used to analyse Intel. A SWOT analysis will identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a business so that a plan of action can be taken in order to improve its market share which in this case will be within the computing market . This report will be based on the results of the SWOT analysis will be used to identify improvements that Intel could make in order to increase their market share within the computing market. The advantage of using a SWOT analysis is that it identifies areas that the business can improve on as well as areas that they need to watch. See Appendix 1 for the SWOT analysis of Intel. Methods of Research Research Method 1: The first source of information used was Intel s own website which is secondary information. This source was beneficial because it came from the company s website and so therefore the information was up to date and should be accurate about the statistics of the company. The website also shows the latest products that Intel is producing as well as the many research products that they fund to advance computer technology. The downside however of this source of information is that the information on the website could be biased because they will want to project their organisation in the best light possible so are therefore unlikely to post anything negative about the company. The Intel website did however show the different
  • 51. The Importance Of Gaston s Hoarding In America What I summarized from the introduction was that the Gaston s had been trapped by there own trash that they had gathered over the years. it was tons of items from coke bottles to news papers to other daily item that they had kept over the years and where unable to part with. The Gaston s hoarding grew with them, which left unable, to part with their trash and trapped inside the there home. Today in America anywhere from 3 and 6 million people are thought to be hoarders. Most of us are not like the Gaston s instead of hoarding in our homes we hoard in the landfills of America instead. The average American produces 7.1 pounds of trash per day just for there self. Across a lifetime each person has the ability to create 102 tons of trash in our
  • 52. The Structure and Underlining Meanings of Rapunzel by... The Structure and Underlining Meanings of Rapunzel by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm The story of Rapunzel, by the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, has the same basic structure as all other fairy tales born from the oral tradition; what is commonly referred to as the opening, main part and ending, is the foundation of the tale. It is around this clearly defined three part structure of the plot, that invisible layers of meaning exist often very different for each reader. Between the clever design of the plot which allows several stories to surface within a seeming individual tale and multiple layers underneath the literal action, exists a limitless journey of personal exploration. A fairy talesuch as Rapunzel has many possible ... Show more content on ... The forest, which symbolizing nature and wilderness, signifies an entry into discovery, growth and often, change. Correspondingly, Rapunzel grows up and at the age of twelve her sexual maturity is locked away by the witch in a tower. The main part has a task to be completed too, like in the first part of the story: the prince has a mission to free his beloved Rapunzel from the restricting tower and make her his wife. The end of the main part of the tale is indicated by transformations of the two major characters, Rapunzel and the prince; Rapunzel loses her long, beautiful hair, which was an important tool in not only her relationship with her lover but also with her lifelong caretaker, and the prince loses his ability to see. Like the introduction, the main part of the tale is also composed of three distinct parts which form a short story on their own. A clear beginning, a central story, and an ending exists. The opening of the main part is concluded after the prince, although enchanted by Rapunzel s singing, gives up his plan to pursue her when faced with a barrier: no entryway to the tower in which Rapunzel lives. When the prince enters the forest a second time, he is a changed person he now has a motivation to act on his desires for Rapunzel. The prince is no longer a man who easily gives up; he is eager to form a plan for entry into the tower, and at the same time, the life of the sheltered Rapunzel. She too undergoes a
  • 53. How Can We Distinguish Clooney From Other Famous People What distinguishes Clooney from other famous people is that he reliably acts as you wish other famous people would act and does what you wish other famous people would do: which is the right thing. Now I would call Clooney a throwback. He is a throwback to what they suppose was a different time that created a different kind of celebrity. I would even call him the closest thing we have to Clark Gable, a mantle he has accepted to the extent that he replicated Gable s rhythms and timing for O Brother, Where Art Thou? But there are a lot of throwbacks in this world. George Clooney is the only throwback who lives in Clark Gable s house. He also seems grateful to his family now grateful, in particular, to his father, for being the guy who tells