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Business Paper: Extended Essay
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Business Paper: Extended Essay Structure Business Paper: Extended Essay Structure
The Characteristics Of Jeronimo And The Revenger s Tragedy
He that will swear Jeronimo [...] the best plays yet, shall pass unexpected at here as a man whose
judgement shows it is constant, and hath stood still these five and twenty, or thirty years
Ben Jonson (Bartholmew Fair, 1614)
Jonson, ever caustic, made no bones about his disdain for sensationalist tragedies that catered to the
bloodlust of the groundlings, yet even such an inveterate critic as he, was forced to admit that these
melodramas had withstood the test of time. I would like to discuss two plays for this question
Jeronimo or Thomas Kyd s The Spanish Tragedy performed in 1587 or 1588 and Middleton s The
Revenger s Tragedy, a play that appeared almost at the end of the period entitled the golden age of
revenge tragedy ... Show more content on ...
Both dramatists stick to the formula in that sense with Hieronimo and Vindice but also expend effort
in giving their protagonists, psychological depth, setting them apart from the one dimensional
avengers that one would expect from a formulaic play. Kyd carefully structures the process by which
Hieronimo, a tragic subject, comes into being, while in Vindice, that process has already taken place,
nine years ago. The frustrated fury of Hieronimo, a fury that arises in part from an inability to locate
justice in the universe, is depicted with understanding. For in revenge, he cries, my heart would find
relief. He is aware even before he carries out his vengeance, that it is the only act that will provide
some relief to his anguish. By contrast, in Vindice, Middleton creates a revenger with a past forgotten
by all but him. He is a figure that stays on the margins whether as Vindice or as Piato irony is central
to his manner and his view of life. His own sexual anxieties are evident, paradoxically enough,
especially in his test of Gratiana and Castiza and his exuberance and zest in his own actions are
reminiscent of a Volpone or Mosca. In the end though, both recognise the essential futility of their
actions even while acknowledging its inevitability. Tis time to die when we are ourselves our foes,
says Vindice, a phrase that beautifully captures the mental emptiness of revenge. Apart from the
protagonists, other characters too are finely sketched. Bel Imperia s character is an intriguing one she
is no uni dimensional puppet caught between a dynastic marriage and romantic love. It is clear that
she is far from being sexually innocent and in fact, the catalyst in Hieronimo s revenge. She has been
read in many different ways but what emerges at the end, is her strength of convictions and her desire
to control her own destiny. In The Revenger s Tragedy,
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Cost Of Privatization
Privatization is Not the Solution
I have to admit that I do not plan on working until I die, and I know I am not the only one who feels
this way. Although retirement might seem many years away for me and a significant portion of the
workforce, now is the time to start planning for retirement. Many companies offer private retirement
benefits such as 401k plans where a percentage of the employees wages (typically 15% or less) goes
to stocks and bonds. Even though many employees contribute to a private retirement plan, many
employees need additional retirement benefits. Moreover, many workplaces have no retirement
package, and the employees need a different form of retirement benefits. Luckily in 1935, President
Franklin Roosevelt implemented ... Show more content on ...
While allowing contributors to choose what to do with their money seems to be a great idea, most
people are not educated enough to make wise investments. For contributors to be informed investors,
it would require going over large amounts of information. Specifically, contributors would need to
know the historical averages of individual stocks, the rates of return on different types of bonds, and
the fees that go along with the stocks and bonds. The research that would be required would be
overwhelming for most contributors. For instance, my research on what a privatized system would
entail made me feel bewildered. Although my research discussed the historical averages of certain
stock indexes, I still do not believe I could make an informed decision. In addition, my research was
just a minuscule portion of the information out there, and for people to feel confident in their
investments would almost require a college degree. Moreover, if people were allowed to choose what
to do with their money they could use it for something that Social Security was not meant for. For
example, if Social Security was privatized today and I needed a vehicle I could just take all my money
that I saved to buy a car. Using benefits on whatever a contributor chooses might seem fair to some,
after all, it is the contributor s money. However, Social Security was not meant to allow a contributor
to choose
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Building A Montessori Trade School Essay
I have been super interested in Africa since I was a young child. I used to watch the National
Geographic channel and documentaries more than cartoon network or the Disney channel starting at
around the age of six years old. I believe this greatly contributed to my fascination for the cradle of
civilization and indigenous societies. Hopefully one day I plan to build a Montessori trade school
somewhere in Africa teaching aquaponics, organic farming, coding, CAD and other specialized trades.
Therefore, I chose the ancient ruins of the Great Zimbabwe to learn more about the people and history
of South Africa.
The city s name comes from the Shona term dzimbabwe which means houses of stone. The Great
Zimbabwe Ruins are made of hand hewn granite and are located five hundred miles north of Victoria
near the border of modern day Zimbabwe. The ruins span one thousand five hundred kilometers in
size which is equivalent to one thousand eight hundred acres. It is the largest ancient structure south of
the Sahara Desert. The ruins are made up of three main structures. The Hill Complex, The Great
Enclosure and The Valley Ruins. The people of Great Zimbabwe most likely worshipped Mwari the
most powerful god in the Shona religion. The Hill Complex is believed to have been the spiritual and
religious area of the city. It is two hundred sixty two feet above ground and extends three hundred
twenty eight feet by one hundred forty eight feet. The Great Enclosures outer wall is eight hundred
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Cabal Persuasive Speech
With more than 75% of all Americans believing in a conspericy, it is amazing to me that, even today,
after Five decades there are those still spreading disinformation and covering for the rat bastards that
were guilty of Murder. I suppose people have a price and they can justify the national betrail,
somehow in their own minds.
Even here today you spot those who are working for the cabal, probing and tracking, seeking those
whom might be a threat to the guilty! Assassins by night instead of armies by day
Those that seek the truth are not the enemy of the Nation, as those in the cabal would have the masses
believe, by disinformation and propaganda; it is Precisely those who have bastardized the very
meaning of the Declaration, the Constitution,
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Great Expectations Social Class Analysis
Social status and money play a big role in our society today. This tends to affect how many are treated.
For example, the wealthy tend to get more recognition, due to their extreme amount of money and the
things they have. Whereas the lower class tends to get a bad reputation of being known as uneducated,
poor and common. This is well applied to many of the characters in the book Great Expectations. In
fact, social class and money determine how characters in Great Expectations interact amongst each
other. When some of these characters experience a class that they are unfamiliar with, expecting great
things, they are oblivious to how they treat their peers. In the beginning of the book, we meet Pip and
are introduced to his perspective of life. Pip lives with his older sister, Mrs. Joe, and her husband, Joe
Gargery. They could be described as belonging to the lower end of the social class. ...Mrs. Joe
Gargery, who married a blacksmith (Dickens 1). Later on, as Pip evolves, he is hurt when he gets
called common by Estella. This changes Pip s perspective of himself and leads him to wanting to be
known as uncommon. When Pip later becomes wealthy, he changes into someone he is not. He begins
to strongly mistreat others, based on the contrast of social class between the different characters.
Biddy is one of the many characters influenced by social class. Have you ever considered that he may
be proud (Dickens 116). Biddy becomes angered at the result of Pip s sudden change
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Observation Paper On Child Development
Observation Paper A unique opportunity was presented to me as I prepared to complete the
observation or interview paper for HDFS 225. We have close friends who have a fourteen year old son
with Down syndrome and I was given permission to spend time with Jason (not his real name) over a
weekend and this enabled me to observe an adolescent male who happens to be a special needs child.
The adolescent period of human development interests me since this stage in life presents significant
changes and is considered to be some of the most critical and challenging years in human
development. The addition of the documented special need made the opportunity very intriguing and I
thought it created an excellent learning opportunity. Not only would I be digging into the development
of a 14 year old, I would also be gaining knowledge about the impact or effects of Down syndrome on
development. Jason is 14 years old, short but heavy set for his age and height. He is typically in a very
good mood and happy to have a friend to spend time with and this day as I visited him at his home
was no different. Down syndrome is a chromosomal disorder which occurs in 1 out of every 800 live
births ((T. Crandell, C. Crandell Vander Zanden, 2012, p.81). Most Down patients have a condition
called trisomy 21, or 3 copies of the 21st chromosome. This results in an individual with 47 total
chromosomes instead of 46 that are normal (Crandell et al., 2012, p.81). This extra chromosome alters
typical human
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King Lear Vs A Thousand Acres
Joseph Pecchia
A Comparison of King Lear versus A
Thousand Acres:
Lear in a Corn Field?
Who s Who?
1. Compare and contrast the characterization of Smiley s characters to Shakespeare s characters. (5
marks) King Lear A Thousand Acres Identify the Qualities about each character that are similar to
King Lear Larry Cook Father of three daughters.
Owns the farm, like how Lear was King of Britain.
Decides to divide up his farm in three, for his daughters.
Once Caroline does not quickly accept and appreciate his offer, he shuns her and gives his land to his
other daughters.
He is very ambitious and ignorant.
Realizes Caroline is his nicest daughter and his other two daughters do not care for him as much.
Rages ... Show more content on ...
In both characters, Lear and Larry banishes their daughter, Cordelia and Caroline, due to his pride and
blindness. However, in King Lear , Lear gave his power to his daughter who do not actually love him.
Afterword s Lear realizes he was wrong and his youngest daughter Cordelia was the good one. In A
Thousand Acres , Larry accuses Rose and Ginny even though it is wrong about treating him badly and
become blinder as the story goes on. Caroline and Cordelia both stick by their father, even after he
shuns them but Caroline is ignorant, as she does not see her father s true side that her sisters know of.
In King Lear , Goneril and Regan betray Lear by shutting him down after he gave them his power.
Unlike Goneril and Regan, Ginny and Rose only deny Larry s requests for his safety, not because they
are selfish. These motifs are similar but have been flipped around in the two works. Instead of Ginny
and Regan being selfish, Larry is the bad guy, who does not learn from his mistakes. Jess is also
similar to Edmund, as he did something not socially acceptable by leaving the farm and returning
years later. However, he never did anything extremely cruel or evil that causes death and havoc, like
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College Of Business At Auburn University
After nearly fifteen years of raising philanthropic funds in Birmingham for various nonprofit
organizations, I am thrilled to be applying for the director of development position at the Raymond J.
Harbert College of Business at Auburn University. I know I can make a strong impact right out of the
gate in this position and I am confident that Auburn is where I want to be.
As a development professional with a strong record of delivering measurable growth, I am skilled in
soliciting and securing major gifts. Results driven and relationship minded, I have a wealth of
experience in identifying donors, planning successful fundraising events, managing budgets,
motivating and coordinating staff, and strategic planning. People oriented, enthusiastic, and self
motivated, I thrive in challenging situations with aggressive deadlines. I also offer an unrivaled work
ethic, the ability to overcome unforeseen obstacles, and a commitment to delivering results.
Throughout my career, I have a history of uncovering and creating opportunities to increase giving to
unprecedented levels. These thoughtful, well planned engagements have involved friends and alumni
in philanthropy in a way that is meaningful to them. Creating a pipeline of prospects is crucial for any
successful development program, and today s savvy alums occasionally require a more out of the box
approach like the ones provided through my coordinated outreach.
I am also extremely proud of my ability to lead others, providing
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Narcissistic Parents Essay
Walking into a beauty pageant you may hear moms say something like, Fix your hair and makeup,
stand up straight, smile pretty, and copy everything I do . Pageant moms are prime examples of
narcissistic parent s living vicariously through their children. Unfortunately, many activities, such as
beauty pageants, are the parent s decision rather than the child s. Although the child may not enjoy
what they re doing, expressing their feelings often causes little to no change with a narcissistic parent.
This often causes the child to become codependent, making them feel it s necessary to put others
needs before their own and feeling the need please their parent in exchange for validation. Control
over someone else is the ultimate jackpot every narcissist works so hard to win (Meyers). Narcissistic
people thrive off of relationships where everything is adjusted to fit their needs. They tend to be
entitled, brag about about their achievements, fish for compliments, and always feel a need to be the
center of attention (Rosenberg). Egotistical people often show jealously towards their child s growing
independence and believe that their child is there to fulfill their wishes instead of his or her own wants
and needs (Meyers). It s estimated that up to 6% of the US population has narcissistic personality
disorder (Johnson). While about, 96 Percent of Americans Suffer from Codependency (Kaminer).
While narcissistic parenting is shown to be a main cause codependency, they go hand to
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How Does Depression Affect Emily Dickinson s Poetry
Throughout time we have seen many plenty of geniuses who suffered from mental conditions,
especially depression. Some examples include Beethoven, Edgar Allan Poe, and Van Gogh. Another is
Emily Dickinson, undoubtedly one of the most influential poets in American history. Her emotional
poetry with its unconventional style changed poetry forever. However, it seems such genius did not
come without a price. Biographical and physiatrist evidence, as well as subtleties in her poetry, show
that she was mentally unstable. It is generally thought that she suffered depression, severe anxiety,
agoraphobia, or some combination of the three at different times. Perhaps one of the most important
perspectives to examine Dickinson from is that of Thomas Wentworth Higginson. Higginson, a
prominent figure in literature at the time, received his first letter from Dickinson on April 16, 1862.
The letter contained four poems and a request for criticism. Higginson was intrigued by the raw,
unconventional ... Show more content on ...
He recalls waiting for her in her father s large brick mansion. He describes her approach as an
extremely faint and pattering footstep like that of a child . When he first sees her, he describes her as
small, shy, and plain; except for her eyes and hair. Her shyness aside, her physical appearance seems
to be a stark contrast to her raw, vibrant poetry. While he doesn t mention it specifically, I think
Higginson picked up on her mental state. He talks about how, with some prodding, she began talking
and thenceforth continued almost constantly . He specifically mentioned that it seemed like she talked
almost for her own sake. This definitely sounds like a symptom of her condition. Was she so lonely
that just talking with another person was a relief? If so, then how much did Higginson s opinion mean
to her if she came to meet him when she remained isolated from even her
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What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Green...
The human people population is constantly growing and the demand for natural resources thus grows
with it. Food is a limited resource which is essential for survival, currently some parts of the world are
under food shortage due to famines, draught war and poor agricultural skills. Throughout history we
depended on agriculture for the production of food. Agriculture got a burst in the 1950s during the
green revolution were lots of chemical for pest, weeds control were discovered. The green revolution
did not largely benefited developing countries due to high priced chemicals, most countries resulted to
deforestation to clear land for farming Agricultural skills alone are not enough to support the human
people population, it is predicted that by 2050 the would not be enough land for farming to feed the
population. The green revolution caused a lot of people due to the improper use of chemical and their
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Favourable traits which genetically modified crops possess are resistance to disease and insects
infestation which are usually responsible for crops loss, resistance to harsh conditions (draught,
extreme temperature, high salt content in soil) and resistance to herbicide. Resistance to herbicide
enable farmers to used herbicide on fields to kill weeds without harming the crops.
Farmers do not need to hire more labour to spray pesticides, remove weeds since crops are resistant to
insects and herbicides are used to kill off weed without harming the cop thus the farmers save money.
The production of higher yield, production of crops under harsh condition enables farmers to utilise
land which was previous unusable e.g. land with high salt concentration thus increase the overall farm
income. Genetically modified organism also help keep food affordable since less money is used in
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Essay on Balfour Beatty Pestle and Swot Analysis
Unilever Financial Analysis
Thuy Tran Tania Vaswani Pardis Anvari Taran Kandhari
13981068 14042506 14105445 14008599
Table of Contents
1 Executive summary ......................................................................................................................... 3 2
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1
About FMCG Industry................................................................................................................ 4 2.2
Unilever Overview ..................................................................................................................... 5 2.3
Unilever Key ... Show more content on ...
1 Executive summary
This report aims to analyse the financial position of Unilever PLC within its daily operating activities
and it also compares the company s performance with its key competitor, the Proctor and Gamble
Company (P G). The report also includes background of both the companies and an industry overview.
To better understand the performance of both the companies, the segmental analyses have been done
for both region and products. Due to the global crisis, Unilever and P G both are facing price rise and
inflation pressures, also instability in the Eurozone. All these factors are strongly impacting their
operation activity and long term growth decision plan. Finally After a careful examination of the
financial ratios of both the companies, we recommend Unilever as a good company to invest as
compared to P G .The reasons for the following can be seen in the report below.
2 Introduction 2.1 About FMCG Industry Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry is one of
the fastest growing industries in the world, which consists of food as well as non food consumable
products. The volume purchased by end users is usually on a small scales and everyday use basis. This
industry had suffered immensely during the global financial crises however, most of the companies
conquered profitability and sales growth by 2010. These products are mostly available at
supermarkets, chain stores, hypermarkets, grocery stores, etc. The
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Summary Of Clean Sweep By Joan Buhel
In the non fiction short story, Clean Sweep by Joan Bauer, Bauer presents a story about a 16 year old
girl named Katie and her life in the family business, Clean Sweep. Bauer also tells about the conflicts
the people around her have. For instance, the first conflict that happens to Katie is her family versus
survival after her father dies and they have to sort out all of his papers because they received no
insurance from his death. The second conflict that arises in the story to Katie is Katie versus her
brother when he doesn t want to work and she has to take on his job and her job. The third conflict that
was presented to Katie in the story is Katie versus Mrs.Leonardo when Mrs. Leonardo begins getting
mad because Katie keeps suggesting the different things she should do with the items she has in her
attic. The fourth conflict that occurs in the story is Katie versus herself when she gets reminded of her
father s death. The fifth and last affair in the story is Mrs.Leonardo versus her sister, which is when
Mrs.Leonardo realizes she never gave her sister the book she asked for when her mother died.
In the first conflict, Katie has an external conflict, character vs. fate/luck, where Kate and her family
have to deal with her father s death. When Mrs.Leonardo says she won t throw away her IRS tax
forms dating to 1955, Katie begins reminiscing memories of her dad before he died because she and
her family had to sort through all his documents, received no insurance(since he was behind on paying
his life insurance premiums), and they found it very difficult to stay on their feet. This was when her
mother decided to create the new family business, Clean Sweep. Although it was a family business,
Katie was the main person working in the family. It is extremely hard for Katie to do the work of
several people when she has yet to fully digest her father s death. Katie feels like she is overworked
and wishes her mother had another business so she wouldn t be so overworked all the time.
In the second conflict, Katie faces an external conflict with her brother because he doesn t work as
much as she does and she considers it unfair. Benjamin is allergic to dust, is a hypochondriac, and
Katie considers him a devoted
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Why Is Jimi Hendrix Greatest Instrumentalist
James Marshall Hendrix it is recognized as one of the best and influential electric guitarists, being also
a singer and songwriter. Even thought his career only last four years his influences regarded in the
history music. He has been so influential that even The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame describes him as;
arguably the greatest instrumentalist in the history of rock music . He was born in Seattle and began
playing guitar at the age of fifteen, also he was inspired by he American Rock and Roll and electric
blues. In this video he is playing the electric guitar and singing Fire , accompanied with a drum and a
bass. The guitar and the bass are both chord instruments, but the drum, instead it is percussion
instrument. This melody it is easy to remember since it catch the attention of the public with its
rhythm. The harmony in this song is dissonant since it has a lack of harmony. In a dissonant chord,
however, some of the notes and their harmonics are so close together that two notes will stimulate the
same set of auditory nerve fibers. The harmony determines how we perceive music since ... Show
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Even thought he is a great influencer, he did not create this techniques, the roots are in the African
American blues and R B traditions. This song makes me feel absent, like if I could forget all my
problems and just enjoy. Also, he makes it feel so natural since he is playing like if it was really easy
and calm. In the colors of music for me it would be a mix of red and yellow, since it is has self
identity, personal power, self fulfillment and also aliveness, adventure, danger, challenge, vitality,
courage and strength. Moreover, the texture is thick since includes solid chords, many instruments in
this case the guitar, bass and drum, also it is heavy, dense, rich, solid, and loud
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Turkey Tail Research Paper
The Turkey Tail is a polypore fungus and reproduces by sexual reproduction. It is heterothallic,
meaning there are haploid (n) mycelia of different types that must participate in the sexual process.
Sexual fruiting bodies (basidiocarps) can only be formed when two mycelia of different mating type
come together to undergo plasmogamy. The matched mycelia undergo plasmogamy but their nuclei
remain unfused, a dikaryotic state, for most of the fungal life. As the fungus develops, and goes
through karyogamy, it will eventually produce haploid spores from the spore producing basidia.
Below, the general basidiocota lifecycle chart from the class textbook has been modified to show a
conk fruiting body and a poroid hymenium in place of the mushroom fruiting
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A Battle Of Endings By James Cameron
Sundiata Short Essay Andrew Davis Professor Benander Topics in Literature 4 November 2012 A
Battle of Endings It is widely believed that the ending makes the story. What would Titanic, the movie
by James Cameron, be without its ending? In the epics of Kirikou and Sundiata, we see two distinctly
different endings that would cause different responses from different audiences. The Treatment of the
villain is significant in the end because it brings into question the judgment of the hero. Examining
how others respond to the shadow is important because it allows people to examine what they would
do to treat the shadow who wronged others. A modern teenage Disney audience would be more
satisfied with the treatment Sundiata gave to his enemies, because Sundiata tries his best to satisfy the
people who were affected by the rule of the shadow. Sundiata s treatment of the enemies should be
established before getting into the argument. Sundiata just wants the shadow out of the way of the
goal of the conquering Mali, but he tries to please his people, the maiden, in serving justice to the
Shadow. Some may argue that Sundiata really wanted to kill Soumaoro because of the treachery he
brought upon Mali. However, Sundiata proves that defeating Mali is more important than killing the
shadow when the book by D.T. Niane of the Longman African Writers states, Straight away the son of
Sogolon sent some of them towards the river to completely guard the mountain (67), notice he did not
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Essay about Pop Art’s Response to Mass Consumerism
Part One: Introduction to Pop Art The Pop Art movement uses elements of popular culture, such as
magazines, movies, ... and even [brand name] bottles and cans to convey a message about the artist s
views on society. Using bold coloured paintings, soft sculptures, and printmaking, artists would create
facsimiles, similar reproductions of popular merchandise and collages. The purpose was to emphasize
the banality of any given mass culture. This was a response the post war conservative society which
focused on consumerism and the consumption of name brand products. The American economy had
significantly risen for the first time in 30 years which lead to the mass consumption of goods and
conformity of the majority. Acrylic paint was first ... Show more content on ...
Arguably one of his most famous pieces of art, Whamm! displays this method of painting. Those
methods make the panels look different from the original panels but remarkably similar at the same
time. By designing his subjects the way the mass media portrayed them, rather than attempting to
accurately reproduce the subject Lichtenstein helped define the Pop Art movement. David Hockney
was an English artist who worked in Los Angeles. Hockney was well trained in many different
studios, including lithography, painting and photocollage. Hockney experimented with all sorts of
ideas, including an entire painting in mainly warm colours and done in reverse perspective. A lot of his
older work also dealt with issues that were previously shunned by most of society and made slight
references to his homosexuality. However, it is the fact that his painting Typhoo Tea was one of the
first to incorporate a brand named product, which shows Hockney helped inspire the movement to
become as large as it became globally. Andy Warhol is probably the most infamous artists to emerge
from this time period. Not only was Warhol a painter, he was also a commercial illustrator, avant
garde filmmaker, record producer, and author. His affection for consumerism and pop culture led him
to create pieces of controversial art that is still popular today. Warhol was infatuated by
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To Autumn
To Autumn The Final Season In the Life of a Poet
The years between 1818 and 1821 mark the final stage in John Keat s life. During this time period,
Keats created some of his best poetry. These works would forever elevate Keats as a brilliant and
talented poet whose mark would be left on the literary world forever. The last years of Keat s life were
met with many challenges as well as inspirations. It was a combination of these which not only
influenced, but inspired Keats to write such poems as, The Eve of St. Agnes, Lamia, The Fall of
Hyperion, and To Autumn. To Autumn exemplifies maturity, resolution, perfection, and unification of
a poem, a season, a day, and a poet.
John Keats was born on ... Show more content on ...
A year later Keats gave up medicine. In the fall of this same year, Keat s younger brother died of
tuberculosis. This indeed exposed the young poet to the dreaded disease. Also, at this time, he met the
love of his life, Fanny Brawne. By 1819, Keats was already showing signs of the dreaded disease,
tuberculosis. He suffered a hemorrhage of his lungs but recovered. It was during this time period, near
the end of his life, that Keats created some of his best poetry which put him among the great English
poets. He wrote, Ode to Psyche, Ode to Melancholy, Ode on a Grecian Urn, Ode on Indolence, The
Eve of St. Agnes, Lamia, and what is considered by many to be his most perfect poem, To Autumn
(Nylander). By 1820, Keats moved in with his friend, Leigh Hunt, after suffering a hemorrhage. On
the advice of his doctor he set sail for Italy, a trip often taken as a last resort when one was stricken
with tuberculosis. He died peacefully in 1821 in Rome at the age of only twenty four.
To Autumn is often referred to as an Ode. It was written on a Sunday afternoon in 1819. It was the last
poem that Keats ever wrote. It is his most perfection. At a time in Keat s life when he knew he was not
long for the physical world, it is ironic that he produced a poem of such perfection. To fully
comprehend the beauty of this irony, one must be aware of the summation of
his poetic maturity epitomized in To Autumn, and the reluctant acceptance of
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Case Analysis For Bridgestone
11.2 My Suggestions for Bridgestone: after global hydraulic hoses analysis to improve its market
positions and growth, highly suggest that Bridgestone choose a niche market such as Europe with high
economic growth potential for the hydraulic hoses in countries, regions to fuel the demand for
different machinery sectors, agricultural machinery sector in particular, we recommended having
corporation business with target company Liebherr who produce different machinery and other
hydraulic products but not hydraulic hoses, with strong market position in the region and high
exception of growth in the future. 12. LIEBHERR LIEBHERR Corporation is a German Company,
founded in 1949 by Hans Liebherr, focusing its Producing in Construction and agriculture ... Show
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Earning per share(EPS) will increase by 1.1% and that show a strong fundamental in the short term
perspective and higher profitability. The price earning ratio (P/E ration) is decreasing by 1%, which
make the stock attractive regarding the earrings, multiple (4 trade, 2017). (Figure 5) The projection for
sales revenues for the diversified products for Bridgestone from 2017 to 2019 showed a positive
number increasing in the sales profit by 1% however from 2018 the projection estimate that the sales
will show a negative number a decrees in sales revenues by 1%, however the decreases continue as
well after 2019 which mean profitability for the company is
... Get more on ...
Blessed Magnificent Chapel Study Guide
CHAPELS LOCATED BEHIND THE SANCTUARY (Numbered 1 to 7 on the drawing of the outline
of the Cathedral)
Visit each of the chapels using the below as a guide.
1. Blessed Sacrament Chapel
Look at the mosaic floor, the windows and the altar
The window depicts the sacrifice of Malchisedech and the Last Supper
2. Holy Souls
Archbishop Goold rests here along with Dean Fitzpatrick it s his house that is part of our school
Look at the windows and the altar
3. St Joseph
Look at the altar
What three scenes from St Joseph s life do you see depicted here?
Three scenes from St Joseph s life that I see depicted here are: The flight into Egypt, The finding of
the Child Jesus in the Temple and The Holy family at work.
4. Lady Chapel
This chapel ... Show more content on ...
This is evident when John the Baptist referred to Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of
the world (John 1:29).
Complete the verse from the Book of Revelation:
The angel showed me a river whose water gives life;
It flows as clear as crystal from the throne of God and of the Lamb.
At the fountain, water flows out and down the steps. How many steps are there? What might they
There are seven steps in total, representing the seven deadly sins that are washed away through
Baptism. The seven deadly sins include pride, envy, wrath, gluttony, lust, sloth and greed.
Read the two pieces of text as you walk along the flow of water. Write them down:
1. The lord leads me by quiet waters to revive my drooping spirit.
2. Anyone who drinks the water that I shall give will never be thirsty again.
Complete the text at the end of the waterway.
Incarnate word in whom all nature lives, cast flame upon the earth, rise up contemplatives among us;
men, women who walk with
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The Use Of Rggt Inhibitors Doesn t Exhibit Any Toxicity...
The use of RGGT inhibitors doesn t exhibit any toxicity in mouse models (Taylor et al., 2011). This is
supported by comparison to gunmetal mice that harbour a RGGT mutation leading to 80% reduction
of RGGT function. There are mild dysfunctional phenotypes such as hypopigmentation and altered
platelet synthesis. This suggests that a decreased RGGT activity, such that Rab proteins would be
hypoprenylated, would not be lethal if targeted (Recchi and Seabra, 2012). The decrease in RGGT
activity is only specific to certain tissues, leading to the idea that this mutation does not affect all Rabs
equally (Hume, et al. 2001).
NE10790 is a phosphonocarboxylate analogue of the more potent bisphosphonate risedronate (BP
RIS), and contains a carboxylate group instead of a phosphonate group. NE10790 is a specific
inhibitor of RGGT, whereas BPs are non specific inhibitors of Rab prenylation. They act on farnesyl
diphosphate synthase to inhibit prenylation of a variety of proteins such as Rho and Ras, seen in
Figure 9 (Gong, Altman and Klein, 2011). The use of BPs in clinical trials has been successful in
decreasing mortality from lytic bone disease in multiple myeloma. There is also evidence of anti
tumour effects, such as apoptosis and arresting the cell cycle, as well as in other tumour cell types
associated with bone. BPs have also been investigated in vitro on breast and prostate cancers, as they
commonly metastasise to bone. Studies show inhibition of invasion and adhesion to bone,
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The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster And Its Effects On The World
On April 26th, 1986, at 1:23 A.M., the world s worst nuclear disaster to date occurred. It has affected
millions of people in Eastern Europe, and it has caused more than 360,000 people to evacuate their
homes and leave their belongings behind. It has also set a dangerous precedent to the safety and
operating procedures of other nuclear power plants around the world. Thirty years later, people in
Eastern Europe are still feeling the effects of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. The causes, the
effects on animals and the environment, and the effects on humans of the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
are still being debated by scientists today. The causes of the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster involve the
analysis of views, design deficiencies, operator errors, and the cleanup of the disaster. When the
accident happened, there were many different views and ideas of what happened. One idea was that
there was damage to the cooling system, and too much pressure built up in the shell of the reactor,
causing the hydrogen that was leaving and the air that coming in to mix and cause the explosion (
Causes and Impact 18). The other view on the accident, was human error due to tests and experiments
( Causes and Impact 18). It was determined that it was the operator s errors and the design of the
reactor, which had a safety features, which caused the disaster ( Causes and Impact 17). The
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant used a different design compared to other nuclear plants around the
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Ethical Behavior And The Business Community
During the 2008 economic crisis there were a lot of questions about ethical behavior in the business
community. The result of the behavior led to questions about how and when the practice of unethical
behavior began and if it was related to practices students learned while in business school. Rocky
University has commissioned a group to review the data provided from an anonymous survey to find
if there is a culture and history of cheating in the school of business. Business ethics is the study of
proper business policies and practices regarding potentially controversial issues (Investopedia, 2016).
This definition is relatable to the ethics in business school studies. The use of non approved material
or assistance can lead to questions about the collection and validity of the results in any student s
submissions. How does the two relate, and is there a correlation between cheating in school and
unethical behavior in the business community? By understanding more about what is being allowed in
the university, it may provide us with insight into when this type of behavior starts and how can the
university community can combat it at an introductory level. Rocky University provided a sample of
90 graduating business students with responses to three questions regarding academic improprieties.
This report will evaluate the data and provide answers to the following questions, the total of students
who are considered cheating, proportion of students that copied off the
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Essay about The n-word
The n word is considered one of the most vicious racial slurs in the English language today. True that
the n word is closely associated with slavery and the oppression of blacks. Even after the abolition of
slavery the word still haunted African Americans, especially in more segregated areas; where blacks
were viewed as inferior to whites. In recent years the n word has become less of a malicious slur in
parts of our country. Public figures who use the n word run the risk of losing their jobs. However,
since the 1960s African Americans have coined the term nigga , when addressing one another. The rise
of hip hop culture also enhanced the use of the word they felt as though they are using the word as a
term of endearment. Critics of the ... Show more content on ...
His compelling argument led me to believe in what he was saying. He makes several interesting
points. One is that most black people don t care about the word and has no meaning to them. He says
that if they heard another black person use that word, it wouldn t even phase them; but if a white man
used it they would be ready to march. He uses current examples which i found effective. He brings up
that in 2007 Duane the bounty hunter was suspended from his TV show for using the word in a private
phone conversation. Peterson also mentions Kramer (Michael Richards), from Seinfeld. When he used
the n word at a comedy club in an angry way, he was blacklisted and sued. The most recent event he
mentions Don Imus and his reference to the Rutger s Basketball Team as nappy headed hoes. I ve
found out that all of them made public apologies but they were reprimanded and their punishment was
severe. This article gives me some headway into the question, why do some black Americans think it
is ok to use the word nigger, but find it offensive if a white Americans use it? He sums up that
problem by saying that white people need to start taking advantage of themselves and stop being taken
advantage of, and also blacks need to stop trying to use their advantage to punish people who don t
have anything to so with their problems. His says that if we can achieve that the we will; naturally
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Examples Of Being Extrovert
My friends in school think that I am just a normal with no life at all. However, outside of school, I
have a whole different kind of personality which is being extroverted. I disagree with my friends in
school that I have no life and have not many friends. In my friends perspective, being extroverted
means being very famous and is the kind of person who stands out from the rest, but for me, it just
means that I can relate to other people by having a kind heart and an open mind. The word extrovert
came from the Latin word extro meaning extra and vertere meaning turn. Having said this, the real
meaning of the word is if the person has an attitude of being friendly, sociable, and talkative.
However, people who are extroverted have a different ... Show more content on ...
Our vice president told us that you should vote me as vice president. So that day, we voted him as VP.
However, we already doubted his capability of leading the class because of his feeling cool attitude,
rude, and boastful attitude. Having officers like this would not even lead us to nothing. He was a type
of person that will just pass out the fault to other people. He says that its not my fault, it s the class
fault. Obviously, this affects us because we did not do anything then he blames us. There was one time
wherein almost every Chinese class, we would be noisy. When our class advisers knew about this, he
would suspect the people who is very noisy all the time. However, these are the one that are noisy,
even the officers are noisy. Sometimes, the officers or the leaders cannot admit that they did this
because they are afraid to be impeached or such. Having said the points that my friends in school, my
perspective of being extroverted is when a person has an attitude of relating into the conversations and
experiences of others. This also includes having a kind heart and openness of mind. For me, I can act
more freely and more independently outside of school rather than in school. Me and my teammates
bond is very strong. Often, we converse for about half an hour, talking about our experiences in school
and our experiences in the past competitions. This helps us know more about each other. To make our
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How Poetry Makes Nothing Happen
1. Introduction
W.H Auden famously wrote poetry makes nothing happen. Do you think this accurately describes the
political and social place of poetry in the twentieth century and/or the twenty first century? Explain
why you agree or disagree in the case of your chosen poet, justifying your answer with close reference
to your poet s work and its reception and interpretation.
This essay examines the effects that poetry has on society, both socially and politically. Poetry has
been around for centuries, and it is a common misconception that it serves no purpose. One critic in
particular, W.H Auden claimed, poetry makes nothing happen . However poetry awakens the reader s
eyes and gives an insight to the society in which we live in today, and which has been before us. As
evident in Ezra Pound s work, as he explored the use of imagism to critique modernism and twentieth
century, forcing the readers to think more about society as a whole. The purpose of this essay is to
show that poetry does make something happen and can have instrumental effects on society, whether it
is a poet critiquing society, or simply providing another interpretation. Poetry is a code than needs to
be cracked, it is a riddle that makes the reader bring out their true creativity, which is why I disagree
with W.H Auden in saying, poetry makes nothing happen.
2. Approach
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley I chose to analyse this poem as it provides a finely chiseled portrait of one
aspect of British literary
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How Did Woodrow Wilson s 14 Point Plan
President Woodrow Wilson addressed Congress with a proposed 14 point plan before the end of World
War I. The President did not want to fight in the war only to protect England and France, instead he
wanted to end all wars. These fourteen points were made specifically to provide peace that would last
forever and prevent another World War from happening. Wilson plan was to create peace throughout
the world with his fourteen point system; however, after discussing with the other Allied powers it
became evident that his 14 point plan would not be put into action without a lot of compromising. The
allied powers did not agree with Wilson s idealism of world peace. British Prime Minister, David
Lloyd George, French Premier, George Clemenceau and US President, Woodrow Wilson, also known
as the Big Three met with each other on a daily basis to discuss the treaty. After ... Show more content
on ...
Germany was treated harshly by the decisions negotiated by the Allied Powers. The United States did
not want harsh treatment for Germany. France wanted an extremely harsh treaty for Germany simply
because they wanted them to pay for everything they had done to France. The British Prime Minister
did not want to be too harsh on Germany, but his nation did. So, he agreed for a harsh treaty because
he was afraid of causing another war in the future. Ultimately, all the nations associated with this
peace treated came to the conference with different aims. Each country had suffered differently in the
war; therefor, their desires were dictated by the extent of their suffering. Ultimately, the Treaty of
Versailles was created to make Germany obligated to pay for the damage they caused in the war, give
up their colonies and its armed forces. The treaty also abolished Germany s air forces and practically
redrew the map of Europe. This peace treaty was biased against Germany and caused anger and
humiliation throughout their
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Society s Understanding Of The World Operates Around Them
In one discourse we may find benign an public spirited expert administrators. Another discourse might
portray the same people as selfish bureaucrats. Still others might ignore the presence of government
officials altogether. Many other kinds of agents and motives put in appearances. They include
enlightened elites, rational consumers, ignorant and shortsighted populations, virtualizes, rational
consumers, ignorant and shortsighted populations, virtuous ordinary citizens, a Gaia that may be tough
and forgiving or fragile and punishing, among others(Dryzek). Environmental discourses are a social
navigation that mediates knowledge by building a meaning through re occurring patterns within
symbolic communication. They help guide society s understanding of how the world operates around
them. In order to understand certain discourses, one must analyze how symbols and language shape
social constructs and behaviors. Discourses construct meanings and relationships, helping define
common sense and legitimate knowledge. Each discourse rests on assumptions, judgments, and
contentions that provide the basic terms of analysis, debates, agreements, and disagreements(Dryzek).
One also must understand their historical context and institutional encasements in order to fully
comprehend the discourse. All discourses have key tropes, metaphors, symbols, and genres that help
make up its properties. For example, spaceships (the idea of spaceship Earth ), the tragedy of the
commons , war
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Ethics And Code Of Ethics
a. Felipe was concerned about many issues when he visited the Chinese factories. The ethical filter of
self spoke words to him, as he felt uncomfortable about continuing to outsource his company s
products from a factory with such rough conditions. The employment of young girls, long working
hours, lack of appropriate gears for employees to perform their work safely, high temperatures inside
the factories, danger respiratory conditions, and also the living conditions the workforce was exposed
to including no windows or running water were against his personal definition of right, good and fair.
Even though the case study does not describe clearly, one could easily assume that these practices do
not comply with the key values and the code of ethics and conduct that Felipe s company is likely to
have. The fact that Felipe was immediately shocked with the labor conditions shows that it goes
against what his company practices in his home country, triggering the filters of policies and universal
b. For Felipe s company and other competitors that also have their products manufactured by the
Chinese factory, what was at stake was the cost of goods, which was important for the overall
competitiveness. Felipe s boss was very direct in pointing out that he believed that any change in the
factory s policy would increase costs, which would impact in the purchase price of the merchandise
they were sourcing from China. Therefore, in order not to raise prices, it was not in
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Hi Zorana Research Paper
HI Zorana,
I am fine, how are you? I miss living in Hawaii, attending UH Hilo and discussing stuff with you,
along with other things. My new life in Houston is quite complicated however manageable. My
graduate classes and the calculus classes that I am teaching are keeping me busy. I have made some
good friends (locals as well as foreigners) and I am slowly adapting to the new city environment.
Texas in general is okay, but I wouldn t want to live here permanently. Despite the train and bus
services that go through UH, it s hard to get around without a car . The city is so big and spread out
everything is miles and miles away.Most of the people that I have met here are nice, but I despise the
fact that the conservative ideals are very
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Essay On The Curses
James blocks them with his sword as Jocelyn limps to the side holding her side. Simultaneously We
neg FIRES at him as she waves her hand at James sword. It zooms toward the wizard.
We neg s blast cracks James sword, ricochets off it and strikes his ring. The force sends the wizard
crashing to the floor.
Nothing will stop my parents from receiving this past due package!
Jocelyn retrieves her dagger, throws it toward the wizard. It zooms toward his head, curves toward
James. He becomes frantic.
Jocelyn, what s going ?
James runs toward the pit as her dagger follows him. He jumps into it. A Troll makes a hurtful, eerie
death cry. Others growl. Jocelyn makes a jerky motion to wave her hand at the wizard.
We neg FIRES, ... Show more content on ...
I can tell hearts, are covering your face, but is she also your, Too Good To Be True?
(rubs his pants fast)
Don t worry if she s my 2GTBT or not because you forgot to borrow, one of your mate s limbs!
James quickly squeezes the right wizard s thigh. He screams and then James jump kicks his head.
The force sends We neg crashing to the floor. James motions to run towards the wizard. A human size
clawed handed Troll jumps from the pit, lands behind James. It scratches his back.
James screams. He turns around and strikes the beast twice with the chain. The Troll wails.
James moves to strike the Troll again. The Troll grabs the chain and scratches James chest. He
The Troll slaps James twice. He drops the chain. It motions to harm James again. James runs toward a
The Troll runs after him. James launches himself from the wall. He grabs the Troll s neck and slams it
to the floor.
James holds his chest as he crosses toward a chandelier. It grabs James, throws him on a table. They
struggle violently.
The Troll chokes James. He gags. It motions to scratch James face. James immediately grabs its hand.
They roll to the floor.
James wraps his legs around the Troll s head, squeezes it. The Troll releases its grip as James gives it 3
5 punches.
The beast becomes dizzy, falls backward. James grabs a chair and smashes the Troll s face. It makes
eerie sounds.
Contagious bumps appear on James body. He holds his head, staggers.
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How To Write An Essay On The Alchemist
The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho, is a fictional story about a shepherd boy named Santiago and his
journey to find his personal legend. Throughout the story, he goes through many obstacles and omens
to just find the treasure to his personal legend, which was back at his starting point. The story ended
with Santiago back at the church, finding the treasure and saying that he was going to come back to
Fatima, a girl he met at an oasis. The story should ve ended with Santiago going back to find Fatima
and something about the crystal merchant because she is part of his personal legend and he had an
effect on Santiago, the story s ending was abrupt and overall, it was not a well written ending. Fatima
is the girl Santiago and the alchemist met at the oasis. When Santiago first met Fatima, he was in love
with her. Fatima said that Santiago was her own personal legend. Even though Fatima wasn t
completely his personal legend, she was part of it. So we should able to see how Fatima affected
Santiago on his journey to find her again. The crystal merchant had left an impact on Santiago greatly.
The crystal merchant helped Santiago go after his personal legend. The crystal merchant was a
Muslim whose personal legend was to go to Mecca, but was afraid to go and leave his shop in
someone else s hand. That made Santiago see that if he let something hold him back, he ... Show more
content on ...
The ending is well respected, but it could ve left some sort of closure for the reader. There is a lot of
questions that run through a reader s mind when they read the ending. Some people are left in wonder
in regards to Santiago. Readers wonder if Santiago even goes back to Fatima or what happens to the
merchant s daughter. She was important to Santiago and then she was dropped from the story after
that. Other questions are: Does Santiago see the Alchemist or the Englishman ever again? It s the
closure that every book needs so the readers aren t in
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Public Display of Affection in Upis
University of the Philippines Integrated School
Diliman, Quezon City
Public Display of Affection
Billones, Cysteine Babe
Cammayo, Pristine Mae
Lava, Jose Noel
Palomeno, Irish Paullen
Yabes, Jemima Grace
10 Lauan
CA English 10
Prof. Ma. Lourdes Vargas
March 2012
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature
Chapter 3: Methodology
Chapter 4: Data Presentation and Analysis
Chapter 5: Conclusion
Appendix A: Research Proposal
Appendix B: Outline
Appendix C: Survey Questionnaire
Appendix D: List of Respondents
Appendix E: Tally Sheet
Appendix F: Transcriptions
Display of affection in public is an unacceptable act but still observed and practiced in the ... Show
more content on ...
On the other side, PDA has already become natural and merely accepted for most of the young adults
according to Cheryl Wittier s article posted last April 2011.
Showing affection in public can be determined by different acts of intimacy. It can be anywhere from
a whisper to a shout. It can also range anywhere from a touch of hands to a touch of somewhere else
(Wu, 2001).
PDA is very common, but still an unaccepted act. According to, there are
different degrees of showing affection which are commonly observed in public. There are acts that
have been observed by the society without being neither offended nor disgusted. On the other hand,
there are also types of PDA which easily annoy people.
Soenarie and Fehr Snyder (2008) listed the accepted acts of PDA in the society. Talking in the
hallways is accepted as long no one is disturbed. It is okay to shakehands, give a man hug by patting
someone on the back and place an arm around one s shoulder or hook hug . They can also hold hands
and link arms in public. Giving hugs no longer than two seconds is acceptable as respecting one s
point of view.
Affection is not for public exhibition. Charlene Wu, on the other hand, listed some of the unaccepted
acts of PDA in the chapter 5 of her article in public display of affection. Kissing is fine as long as it is
not more than a peck on the lip. Passionate kissing and beyond in public is not acceptable. Sitting on
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The Most Famous Astronaut Commander Of Apollo 13
James Arthur also known as Jim Lovell, Jr was born in March 25, 1928 in Cleveland Ohio. During in
his lifetime career he launched four different missions into space. First mission was Gemini 7, the
second mission was Gemini 12, the third mission was Apollo 8, and the last mission he took was
Apollo 13. Jim lovell was in command of his third mission which was Apollo 8, one of the first to
enter the lunar orbit. He was selected as an astronaut by NASA in September 1962 in the mission of
Apollo 13 he became the first man to journey twice to the moon. Jim Lovell was ranked as captain in
the United States Navy he was the main leader in the mission apollo 13. He was one of the most
famous astronaut commander of Apollo 13. April 11, 1970 Apollo 13 was created and one of the well
sertified mission for the U.S. Around the time of the mission being held, Jim lovell was ranked as
captain of Apollo 13. Jim was not alone for his mission Apollo 13, he was accompanied by astronauts,
Fred Haise and Jack Swigert. On april 11, 1970 apollo 13 was launched. It was launched from the
Kennedy space center in Florida. During the 1950 s and 60 s the US was involved in the cold war a
cultural conflict between the Soviet union and other communists nations. In October 1957 Soviet
union launched Sputnik 1 first artificial satellite to orbit the earth. Meaning that marked the beginning
of a space race meaning an informal competition between the superpowers to see
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Business Paper Extended Essay Structure

  • 1. Business Paper: Extended Essay Structure 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Business Paper: Extended Essay Structure Business Paper: Extended Essay Structure
  • 2. The Characteristics Of Jeronimo And The Revenger s Tragedy He that will swear Jeronimo [...] the best plays yet, shall pass unexpected at here as a man whose judgement shows it is constant, and hath stood still these five and twenty, or thirty years Ben Jonson (Bartholmew Fair, 1614) Jonson, ever caustic, made no bones about his disdain for sensationalist tragedies that catered to the bloodlust of the groundlings, yet even such an inveterate critic as he, was forced to admit that these melodramas had withstood the test of time. I would like to discuss two plays for this question Jeronimo or Thomas Kyd s The Spanish Tragedy performed in 1587 or 1588 and Middleton s The Revenger s Tragedy, a play that appeared almost at the end of the period entitled the golden age of revenge tragedy ... Show more content on ... Both dramatists stick to the formula in that sense with Hieronimo and Vindice but also expend effort in giving their protagonists, psychological depth, setting them apart from the one dimensional avengers that one would expect from a formulaic play. Kyd carefully structures the process by which Hieronimo, a tragic subject, comes into being, while in Vindice, that process has already taken place, nine years ago. The frustrated fury of Hieronimo, a fury that arises in part from an inability to locate justice in the universe, is depicted with understanding. For in revenge, he cries, my heart would find relief. He is aware even before he carries out his vengeance, that it is the only act that will provide some relief to his anguish. By contrast, in Vindice, Middleton creates a revenger with a past forgotten by all but him. He is a figure that stays on the margins whether as Vindice or as Piato irony is central to his manner and his view of life. His own sexual anxieties are evident, paradoxically enough, especially in his test of Gratiana and Castiza and his exuberance and zest in his own actions are reminiscent of a Volpone or Mosca. In the end though, both recognise the essential futility of their actions even while acknowledging its inevitability. Tis time to die when we are ourselves our foes, says Vindice, a phrase that beautifully captures the mental emptiness of revenge. Apart from the protagonists, other characters too are finely sketched. Bel Imperia s character is an intriguing one she is no uni dimensional puppet caught between a dynastic marriage and romantic love. It is clear that she is far from being sexually innocent and in fact, the catalyst in Hieronimo s revenge. She has been read in many different ways but what emerges at the end, is her strength of convictions and her desire to control her own destiny. In The Revenger s Tragedy, ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Cost Of Privatization Privatization is Not the Solution I have to admit that I do not plan on working until I die, and I know I am not the only one who feels this way. Although retirement might seem many years away for me and a significant portion of the workforce, now is the time to start planning for retirement. Many companies offer private retirement benefits such as 401k plans where a percentage of the employees wages (typically 15% or less) goes to stocks and bonds. Even though many employees contribute to a private retirement plan, many employees need additional retirement benefits. Moreover, many workplaces have no retirement package, and the employees need a different form of retirement benefits. Luckily in 1935, President Franklin Roosevelt implemented ... Show more content on ... While allowing contributors to choose what to do with their money seems to be a great idea, most people are not educated enough to make wise investments. For contributors to be informed investors, it would require going over large amounts of information. Specifically, contributors would need to know the historical averages of individual stocks, the rates of return on different types of bonds, and the fees that go along with the stocks and bonds. The research that would be required would be overwhelming for most contributors. For instance, my research on what a privatized system would entail made me feel bewildered. Although my research discussed the historical averages of certain stock indexes, I still do not believe I could make an informed decision. In addition, my research was just a minuscule portion of the information out there, and for people to feel confident in their investments would almost require a college degree. Moreover, if people were allowed to choose what to do with their money they could use it for something that Social Security was not meant for. For example, if Social Security was privatized today and I needed a vehicle I could just take all my money that I saved to buy a car. Using benefits on whatever a contributor chooses might seem fair to some, after all, it is the contributor s money. However, Social Security was not meant to allow a contributor to choose ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Building A Montessori Trade School Essay I have been super interested in Africa since I was a young child. I used to watch the National Geographic channel and documentaries more than cartoon network or the Disney channel starting at around the age of six years old. I believe this greatly contributed to my fascination for the cradle of civilization and indigenous societies. Hopefully one day I plan to build a Montessori trade school somewhere in Africa teaching aquaponics, organic farming, coding, CAD and other specialized trades. Therefore, I chose the ancient ruins of the Great Zimbabwe to learn more about the people and history of South Africa. The city s name comes from the Shona term dzimbabwe which means houses of stone. The Great Zimbabwe Ruins are made of hand hewn granite and are located five hundred miles north of Victoria near the border of modern day Zimbabwe. The ruins span one thousand five hundred kilometers in size which is equivalent to one thousand eight hundred acres. It is the largest ancient structure south of the Sahara Desert. The ruins are made up of three main structures. The Hill Complex, The Great Enclosure and The Valley Ruins. The people of Great Zimbabwe most likely worshipped Mwari the most powerful god in the Shona religion. The Hill Complex is believed to have been the spiritual and religious area of the city. It is two hundred sixty two feet above ground and extends three hundred twenty eight feet by one hundred forty eight feet. The Great Enclosures outer wall is eight hundred ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Cabal Persuasive Speech With more than 75% of all Americans believing in a conspericy, it is amazing to me that, even today, after Five decades there are those still spreading disinformation and covering for the rat bastards that were guilty of Murder. I suppose people have a price and they can justify the national betrail, somehow in their own minds. Even here today you spot those who are working for the cabal, probing and tracking, seeking those whom might be a threat to the guilty! Assassins by night instead of armies by day Those that seek the truth are not the enemy of the Nation, as those in the cabal would have the masses believe, by disinformation and propaganda; it is Precisely those who have bastardized the very meaning of the Declaration, the Constitution, ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Great Expectations Social Class Analysis Social status and money play a big role in our society today. This tends to affect how many are treated. For example, the wealthy tend to get more recognition, due to their extreme amount of money and the things they have. Whereas the lower class tends to get a bad reputation of being known as uneducated, poor and common. This is well applied to many of the characters in the book Great Expectations. In fact, social class and money determine how characters in Great Expectations interact amongst each other. When some of these characters experience a class that they are unfamiliar with, expecting great things, they are oblivious to how they treat their peers. In the beginning of the book, we meet Pip and are introduced to his perspective of life. Pip lives with his older sister, Mrs. Joe, and her husband, Joe Gargery. They could be described as belonging to the lower end of the social class. ...Mrs. Joe Gargery, who married a blacksmith (Dickens 1). Later on, as Pip evolves, he is hurt when he gets called common by Estella. This changes Pip s perspective of himself and leads him to wanting to be known as uncommon. When Pip later becomes wealthy, he changes into someone he is not. He begins to strongly mistreat others, based on the contrast of social class between the different characters. Biddy is one of the many characters influenced by social class. Have you ever considered that he may be proud (Dickens 116). Biddy becomes angered at the result of Pip s sudden change ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Observation Paper On Child Development Observation Paper A unique opportunity was presented to me as I prepared to complete the observation or interview paper for HDFS 225. We have close friends who have a fourteen year old son with Down syndrome and I was given permission to spend time with Jason (not his real name) over a weekend and this enabled me to observe an adolescent male who happens to be a special needs child. The adolescent period of human development interests me since this stage in life presents significant changes and is considered to be some of the most critical and challenging years in human development. The addition of the documented special need made the opportunity very intriguing and I thought it created an excellent learning opportunity. Not only would I be digging into the development of a 14 year old, I would also be gaining knowledge about the impact or effects of Down syndrome on development. Jason is 14 years old, short but heavy set for his age and height. He is typically in a very good mood and happy to have a friend to spend time with and this day as I visited him at his home was no different. Down syndrome is a chromosomal disorder which occurs in 1 out of every 800 live births ((T. Crandell, C. Crandell Vander Zanden, 2012, p.81). Most Down patients have a condition called trisomy 21, or 3 copies of the 21st chromosome. This results in an individual with 47 total chromosomes instead of 46 that are normal (Crandell et al., 2012, p.81). This extra chromosome alters typical human ... Get more on ...
  • 8. King Lear Vs A Thousand Acres Joseph Pecchia ENG 3U1 A Comparison of King Lear versus A Thousand Acres: Lear in a Corn Field? Who s Who? 1. Compare and contrast the characterization of Smiley s characters to Shakespeare s characters. (5 marks) King Lear A Thousand Acres Identify the Qualities about each character that are similar to Lear King Lear Larry Cook Father of three daughters. Owns the farm, like how Lear was King of Britain. Decides to divide up his farm in three, for his daughters. Once Caroline does not quickly accept and appreciate his offer, he shuns her and gives his land to his other daughters. He is very ambitious and ignorant. Realizes Caroline is his nicest daughter and his other two daughters do not care for him as much. Rages ... Show more content on ... In both characters, Lear and Larry banishes their daughter, Cordelia and Caroline, due to his pride and blindness. However, in King Lear , Lear gave his power to his daughter who do not actually love him. Afterword s Lear realizes he was wrong and his youngest daughter Cordelia was the good one. In A Thousand Acres , Larry accuses Rose and Ginny even though it is wrong about treating him badly and become blinder as the story goes on. Caroline and Cordelia both stick by their father, even after he shuns them but Caroline is ignorant, as she does not see her father s true side that her sisters know of. In King Lear , Goneril and Regan betray Lear by shutting him down after he gave them his power. Unlike Goneril and Regan, Ginny and Rose only deny Larry s requests for his safety, not because they are selfish. These motifs are similar but have been flipped around in the two works. Instead of Ginny and Regan being selfish, Larry is the bad guy, who does not learn from his mistakes. Jess is also similar to Edmund, as he did something not socially acceptable by leaving the farm and returning years later. However, he never did anything extremely cruel or evil that causes death and havoc, like ... Get more on ...
  • 9. College Of Business At Auburn University After nearly fifteen years of raising philanthropic funds in Birmingham for various nonprofit organizations, I am thrilled to be applying for the director of development position at the Raymond J. Harbert College of Business at Auburn University. I know I can make a strong impact right out of the gate in this position and I am confident that Auburn is where I want to be. As a development professional with a strong record of delivering measurable growth, I am skilled in soliciting and securing major gifts. Results driven and relationship minded, I have a wealth of experience in identifying donors, planning successful fundraising events, managing budgets, motivating and coordinating staff, and strategic planning. People oriented, enthusiastic, and self motivated, I thrive in challenging situations with aggressive deadlines. I also offer an unrivaled work ethic, the ability to overcome unforeseen obstacles, and a commitment to delivering results. Throughout my career, I have a history of uncovering and creating opportunities to increase giving to unprecedented levels. These thoughtful, well planned engagements have involved friends and alumni in philanthropy in a way that is meaningful to them. Creating a pipeline of prospects is crucial for any successful development program, and today s savvy alums occasionally require a more out of the box approach like the ones provided through my coordinated outreach. I am also extremely proud of my ability to lead others, providing ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Narcissistic Parents Essay Walking into a beauty pageant you may hear moms say something like, Fix your hair and makeup, stand up straight, smile pretty, and copy everything I do . Pageant moms are prime examples of narcissistic parent s living vicariously through their children. Unfortunately, many activities, such as beauty pageants, are the parent s decision rather than the child s. Although the child may not enjoy what they re doing, expressing their feelings often causes little to no change with a narcissistic parent. This often causes the child to become codependent, making them feel it s necessary to put others needs before their own and feeling the need please their parent in exchange for validation. Control over someone else is the ultimate jackpot every narcissist works so hard to win (Meyers). Narcissistic people thrive off of relationships where everything is adjusted to fit their needs. They tend to be entitled, brag about about their achievements, fish for compliments, and always feel a need to be the center of attention (Rosenberg). Egotistical people often show jealously towards their child s growing independence and believe that their child is there to fulfill their wishes instead of his or her own wants and needs (Meyers). It s estimated that up to 6% of the US population has narcissistic personality disorder (Johnson). While about, 96 Percent of Americans Suffer from Codependency (Kaminer). While narcissistic parenting is shown to be a main cause codependency, they go hand to ... Get more on ...
  • 11. How Does Depression Affect Emily Dickinson s Poetry Throughout time we have seen many plenty of geniuses who suffered from mental conditions, especially depression. Some examples include Beethoven, Edgar Allan Poe, and Van Gogh. Another is Emily Dickinson, undoubtedly one of the most influential poets in American history. Her emotional poetry with its unconventional style changed poetry forever. However, it seems such genius did not come without a price. Biographical and physiatrist evidence, as well as subtleties in her poetry, show that she was mentally unstable. It is generally thought that she suffered depression, severe anxiety, agoraphobia, or some combination of the three at different times. Perhaps one of the most important perspectives to examine Dickinson from is that of Thomas Wentworth Higginson. Higginson, a prominent figure in literature at the time, received his first letter from Dickinson on April 16, 1862. The letter contained four poems and a request for criticism. Higginson was intrigued by the raw, unconventional ... Show more content on ... He recalls waiting for her in her father s large brick mansion. He describes her approach as an extremely faint and pattering footstep like that of a child . When he first sees her, he describes her as small, shy, and plain; except for her eyes and hair. Her shyness aside, her physical appearance seems to be a stark contrast to her raw, vibrant poetry. While he doesn t mention it specifically, I think Higginson picked up on her mental state. He talks about how, with some prodding, she began talking and thenceforth continued almost constantly . He specifically mentioned that it seemed like she talked almost for her own sake. This definitely sounds like a symptom of her condition. Was she so lonely that just talking with another person was a relief? If so, then how much did Higginson s opinion mean to her if she came to meet him when she remained isolated from even her ... Get more on ...
  • 12. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Green... Introduction The human people population is constantly growing and the demand for natural resources thus grows with it. Food is a limited resource which is essential for survival, currently some parts of the world are under food shortage due to famines, draught war and poor agricultural skills. Throughout history we depended on agriculture for the production of food. Agriculture got a burst in the 1950s during the green revolution were lots of chemical for pest, weeds control were discovered. The green revolution did not largely benefited developing countries due to high priced chemicals, most countries resulted to deforestation to clear land for farming Agricultural skills alone are not enough to support the human people population, it is predicted that by 2050 the would not be enough land for farming to feed the population. The green revolution caused a lot of people due to the improper use of chemical and their ... Show more content on ... Favourable traits which genetically modified crops possess are resistance to disease and insects infestation which are usually responsible for crops loss, resistance to harsh conditions (draught, extreme temperature, high salt content in soil) and resistance to herbicide. Resistance to herbicide enable farmers to used herbicide on fields to kill weeds without harming the crops. Farmers do not need to hire more labour to spray pesticides, remove weeds since crops are resistant to insects and herbicides are used to kill off weed without harming the cop thus the farmers save money. The production of higher yield, production of crops under harsh condition enables farmers to utilise land which was previous unusable e.g. land with high salt concentration thus increase the overall farm income. Genetically modified organism also help keep food affordable since less money is used in crop ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Essay on Balfour Beatty Pestle and Swot Analysis Unilever Financial Analysis Thuy Tran Tania Vaswani Pardis Anvari Taran Kandhari 13981068 14042506 14105445 14008599 1 Table of Contents 1 Executive summary ......................................................................................................................... 3 2 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 About FMCG Industry................................................................................................................ 4 2.2 Unilever Overview ..................................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Unilever Key ... Show more content on ... 35 2 1 Executive summary This report aims to analyse the financial position of Unilever PLC within its daily operating activities and it also compares the company s performance with its key competitor, the Proctor and Gamble Company (P G). The report also includes background of both the companies and an industry overview. To better understand the performance of both the companies, the segmental analyses have been done for both region and products. Due to the global crisis, Unilever and P G both are facing price rise and inflation pressures, also instability in the Eurozone. All these factors are strongly impacting their operation activity and long term growth decision plan. Finally After a careful examination of the financial ratios of both the companies, we recommend Unilever as a good company to invest as compared to P G .The reasons for the following can be seen in the report below. 3 2 Introduction 2.1 About FMCG Industry Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, which consists of food as well as non food consumable products. The volume purchased by end users is usually on a small scales and everyday use basis. This industry had suffered immensely during the global financial crises however, most of the companies conquered profitability and sales growth by 2010. These products are mostly available at supermarkets, chain stores, hypermarkets, grocery stores, etc. The
  • 14. ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Summary Of Clean Sweep By Joan Buhel In the non fiction short story, Clean Sweep by Joan Bauer, Bauer presents a story about a 16 year old girl named Katie and her life in the family business, Clean Sweep. Bauer also tells about the conflicts the people around her have. For instance, the first conflict that happens to Katie is her family versus survival after her father dies and they have to sort out all of his papers because they received no insurance from his death. The second conflict that arises in the story to Katie is Katie versus her brother when he doesn t want to work and she has to take on his job and her job. The third conflict that was presented to Katie in the story is Katie versus Mrs.Leonardo when Mrs. Leonardo begins getting mad because Katie keeps suggesting the different things she should do with the items she has in her attic. The fourth conflict that occurs in the story is Katie versus herself when she gets reminded of her father s death. The fifth and last affair in the story is Mrs.Leonardo versus her sister, which is when Mrs.Leonardo realizes she never gave her sister the book she asked for when her mother died. In the first conflict, Katie has an external conflict, character vs. fate/luck, where Kate and her family have to deal with her father s death. When Mrs.Leonardo says she won t throw away her IRS tax forms dating to 1955, Katie begins reminiscing memories of her dad before he died because she and her family had to sort through all his documents, received no insurance(since he was behind on paying his life insurance premiums), and they found it very difficult to stay on their feet. This was when her mother decided to create the new family business, Clean Sweep. Although it was a family business, Katie was the main person working in the family. It is extremely hard for Katie to do the work of several people when she has yet to fully digest her father s death. Katie feels like she is overworked and wishes her mother had another business so she wouldn t be so overworked all the time. In the second conflict, Katie faces an external conflict with her brother because he doesn t work as much as she does and she considers it unfair. Benjamin is allergic to dust, is a hypochondriac, and Katie considers him a devoted ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Why Is Jimi Hendrix Greatest Instrumentalist JIMI HENDRIX James Marshall Hendrix it is recognized as one of the best and influential electric guitarists, being also a singer and songwriter. Even thought his career only last four years his influences regarded in the history music. He has been so influential that even The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame describes him as; arguably the greatest instrumentalist in the history of rock music . He was born in Seattle and began playing guitar at the age of fifteen, also he was inspired by he American Rock and Roll and electric blues. In this video he is playing the electric guitar and singing Fire , accompanied with a drum and a bass. The guitar and the bass are both chord instruments, but the drum, instead it is percussion instrument. This melody it is easy to remember since it catch the attention of the public with its rhythm. The harmony in this song is dissonant since it has a lack of harmony. In a dissonant chord, however, some of the notes and their harmonics are so close together that two notes will stimulate the same set of auditory nerve fibers. The harmony determines how we perceive music since ... Show more content on ... Even thought he is a great influencer, he did not create this techniques, the roots are in the African American blues and R B traditions. This song makes me feel absent, like if I could forget all my problems and just enjoy. Also, he makes it feel so natural since he is playing like if it was really easy and calm. In the colors of music for me it would be a mix of red and yellow, since it is has self identity, personal power, self fulfillment and also aliveness, adventure, danger, challenge, vitality, courage and strength. Moreover, the texture is thick since includes solid chords, many instruments in this case the guitar, bass and drum, also it is heavy, dense, rich, solid, and loud ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Turkey Tail Research Paper The Turkey Tail is a polypore fungus and reproduces by sexual reproduction. It is heterothallic, meaning there are haploid (n) mycelia of different types that must participate in the sexual process. Sexual fruiting bodies (basidiocarps) can only be formed when two mycelia of different mating type come together to undergo plasmogamy. The matched mycelia undergo plasmogamy but their nuclei remain unfused, a dikaryotic state, for most of the fungal life. As the fungus develops, and goes through karyogamy, it will eventually produce haploid spores from the spore producing basidia. Below, the general basidiocota lifecycle chart from the class textbook has been modified to show a conk fruiting body and a poroid hymenium in place of the mushroom fruiting ... Get more on ...
  • 18. A Battle Of Endings By James Cameron Sundiata Short Essay Andrew Davis Professor Benander Topics in Literature 4 November 2012 A Battle of Endings It is widely believed that the ending makes the story. What would Titanic, the movie by James Cameron, be without its ending? In the epics of Kirikou and Sundiata, we see two distinctly different endings that would cause different responses from different audiences. The Treatment of the villain is significant in the end because it brings into question the judgment of the hero. Examining how others respond to the shadow is important because it allows people to examine what they would do to treat the shadow who wronged others. A modern teenage Disney audience would be more satisfied with the treatment Sundiata gave to his enemies, because Sundiata tries his best to satisfy the people who were affected by the rule of the shadow. Sundiata s treatment of the enemies should be established before getting into the argument. Sundiata just wants the shadow out of the way of the goal of the conquering Mali, but he tries to please his people, the maiden, in serving justice to the Shadow. Some may argue that Sundiata really wanted to kill Soumaoro because of the treachery he brought upon Mali. However, Sundiata proves that defeating Mali is more important than killing the shadow when the book by D.T. Niane of the Longman African Writers states, Straight away the son of Sogolon sent some of them towards the river to completely guard the mountain (67), notice he did not ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Essay about Pop Art’s Response to Mass Consumerism Part One: Introduction to Pop Art The Pop Art movement uses elements of popular culture, such as magazines, movies, ... and even [brand name] bottles and cans to convey a message about the artist s views on society. Using bold coloured paintings, soft sculptures, and printmaking, artists would create facsimiles, similar reproductions of popular merchandise and collages. The purpose was to emphasize the banality of any given mass culture. This was a response the post war conservative society which focused on consumerism and the consumption of name brand products. The American economy had significantly risen for the first time in 30 years which lead to the mass consumption of goods and conformity of the majority. Acrylic paint was first ... Show more content on ... Arguably one of his most famous pieces of art, Whamm! displays this method of painting. Those methods make the panels look different from the original panels but remarkably similar at the same time. By designing his subjects the way the mass media portrayed them, rather than attempting to accurately reproduce the subject Lichtenstein helped define the Pop Art movement. David Hockney was an English artist who worked in Los Angeles. Hockney was well trained in many different studios, including lithography, painting and photocollage. Hockney experimented with all sorts of ideas, including an entire painting in mainly warm colours and done in reverse perspective. A lot of his older work also dealt with issues that were previously shunned by most of society and made slight references to his homosexuality. However, it is the fact that his painting Typhoo Tea was one of the first to incorporate a brand named product, which shows Hockney helped inspire the movement to become as large as it became globally. Andy Warhol is probably the most infamous artists to emerge from this time period. Not only was Warhol a painter, he was also a commercial illustrator, avant garde filmmaker, record producer, and author. His affection for consumerism and pop culture led him to create pieces of controversial art that is still popular today. Warhol was infatuated by ... Get more on ...
  • 20. To Autumn To Autumn The Final Season In the Life of a Poet The years between 1818 and 1821 mark the final stage in John Keat s life. During this time period, Keats created some of his best poetry. These works would forever elevate Keats as a brilliant and talented poet whose mark would be left on the literary world forever. The last years of Keat s life were met with many challenges as well as inspirations. It was a combination of these which not only influenced, but inspired Keats to write such poems as, The Eve of St. Agnes, Lamia, The Fall of Hyperion, and To Autumn. To Autumn exemplifies maturity, resolution, perfection, and unification of a poem, a season, a day, and a poet. John Keats was born on ... Show more content on ... A year later Keats gave up medicine. In the fall of this same year, Keat s younger brother died of tuberculosis. This indeed exposed the young poet to the dreaded disease. Also, at this time, he met the love of his life, Fanny Brawne. By 1819, Keats was already showing signs of the dreaded disease, tuberculosis. He suffered a hemorrhage of his lungs but recovered. It was during this time period, near the end of his life, that Keats created some of his best poetry which put him among the great English poets. He wrote, Ode to Psyche, Ode to Melancholy, Ode on a Grecian Urn, Ode on Indolence, The Eve of St. Agnes, Lamia, and what is considered by many to be his most perfect poem, To Autumn (Nylander). By 1820, Keats moved in with his friend, Leigh Hunt, after suffering a hemorrhage. On the advice of his doctor he set sail for Italy, a trip often taken as a last resort when one was stricken with tuberculosis. He died peacefully in 1821 in Rome at the age of only twenty four. To Autumn is often referred to as an Ode. It was written on a Sunday afternoon in 1819. It was the last poem that Keats ever wrote. It is his most perfection. At a time in Keat s life when he knew he was not long for the physical world, it is ironic that he produced a poem of such perfection. To fully comprehend the beauty of this irony, one must be aware of the summation of his poetic maturity epitomized in To Autumn, and the reluctant acceptance of ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Case Analysis For Bridgestone 11.2 My Suggestions for Bridgestone: after global hydraulic hoses analysis to improve its market positions and growth, highly suggest that Bridgestone choose a niche market such as Europe with high economic growth potential for the hydraulic hoses in countries, regions to fuel the demand for different machinery sectors, agricultural machinery sector in particular, we recommended having corporation business with target company Liebherr who produce different machinery and other hydraulic products but not hydraulic hoses, with strong market position in the region and high exception of growth in the future. 12. LIEBHERR LIEBHERR Corporation is a German Company, founded in 1949 by Hans Liebherr, focusing its Producing in Construction and agriculture ... Show more content on ... Earning per share(EPS) will increase by 1.1% and that show a strong fundamental in the short term perspective and higher profitability. The price earning ratio (P/E ration) is decreasing by 1%, which make the stock attractive regarding the earrings, multiple (4 trade, 2017). (Figure 5) The projection for sales revenues for the diversified products for Bridgestone from 2017 to 2019 showed a positive number increasing in the sales profit by 1% however from 2018 the projection estimate that the sales will show a negative number a decrees in sales revenues by 1%, however the decreases continue as well after 2019 which mean profitability for the company is ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Blessed Magnificent Chapel Study Guide CHAPELS LOCATED BEHIND THE SANCTUARY (Numbered 1 to 7 on the drawing of the outline of the Cathedral) Visit each of the chapels using the below as a guide. 1. Blessed Sacrament Chapel Look at the mosaic floor, the windows and the altar The window depicts the sacrifice of Malchisedech and the Last Supper 2. Holy Souls Archbishop Goold rests here along with Dean Fitzpatrick it s his house that is part of our school Look at the windows and the altar 3. St Joseph Look at the altar What three scenes from St Joseph s life do you see depicted here? Three scenes from St Joseph s life that I see depicted here are: The flight into Egypt, The finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple and The Holy family at work. 4. Lady Chapel This chapel ... Show more content on ... This is evident when John the Baptist referred to Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world (John 1:29). Complete the verse from the Book of Revelation: The angel showed me a river whose water gives life; It flows as clear as crystal from the throne of God and of the Lamb. At the fountain, water flows out and down the steps. How many steps are there? What might they represent? There are seven steps in total, representing the seven deadly sins that are washed away through Baptism. The seven deadly sins include pride, envy, wrath, gluttony, lust, sloth and greed. Read the two pieces of text as you walk along the flow of water. Write them down: 1. The lord leads me by quiet waters to revive my drooping spirit. 2. Anyone who drinks the water that I shall give will never be thirsty again. Complete the text at the end of the waterway. Incarnate word in whom all nature lives, cast flame upon the earth, rise up contemplatives among us; men, women who walk with ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Use Of Rggt Inhibitors Doesn t Exhibit Any Toxicity... The use of RGGT inhibitors doesn t exhibit any toxicity in mouse models (Taylor et al., 2011). This is supported by comparison to gunmetal mice that harbour a RGGT mutation leading to 80% reduction of RGGT function. There are mild dysfunctional phenotypes such as hypopigmentation and altered platelet synthesis. This suggests that a decreased RGGT activity, such that Rab proteins would be hypoprenylated, would not be lethal if targeted (Recchi and Seabra, 2012). The decrease in RGGT activity is only specific to certain tissues, leading to the idea that this mutation does not affect all Rabs equally (Hume, et al. 2001). NE10790 is a phosphonocarboxylate analogue of the more potent bisphosphonate risedronate (BP RIS), and contains a carboxylate group instead of a phosphonate group. NE10790 is a specific inhibitor of RGGT, whereas BPs are non specific inhibitors of Rab prenylation. They act on farnesyl diphosphate synthase to inhibit prenylation of a variety of proteins such as Rho and Ras, seen in Figure 9 (Gong, Altman and Klein, 2011). The use of BPs in clinical trials has been successful in decreasing mortality from lytic bone disease in multiple myeloma. There is also evidence of anti tumour effects, such as apoptosis and arresting the cell cycle, as well as in other tumour cell types associated with bone. BPs have also been investigated in vitro on breast and prostate cancers, as they commonly metastasise to bone. Studies show inhibition of invasion and adhesion to bone, ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster And Its Effects On The World On April 26th, 1986, at 1:23 A.M., the world s worst nuclear disaster to date occurred. It has affected millions of people in Eastern Europe, and it has caused more than 360,000 people to evacuate their homes and leave their belongings behind. It has also set a dangerous precedent to the safety and operating procedures of other nuclear power plants around the world. Thirty years later, people in Eastern Europe are still feeling the effects of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. The causes, the effects on animals and the environment, and the effects on humans of the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster are still being debated by scientists today. The causes of the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster involve the analysis of views, design deficiencies, operator errors, and the cleanup of the disaster. When the accident happened, there were many different views and ideas of what happened. One idea was that there was damage to the cooling system, and too much pressure built up in the shell of the reactor, causing the hydrogen that was leaving and the air that coming in to mix and cause the explosion ( Causes and Impact 18). The other view on the accident, was human error due to tests and experiments ( Causes and Impact 18). It was determined that it was the operator s errors and the design of the reactor, which had a safety features, which caused the disaster ( Causes and Impact 17). The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant used a different design compared to other nuclear plants around the world. ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Ethical Behavior And The Business Community During the 2008 economic crisis there were a lot of questions about ethical behavior in the business community. The result of the behavior led to questions about how and when the practice of unethical behavior began and if it was related to practices students learned while in business school. Rocky University has commissioned a group to review the data provided from an anonymous survey to find if there is a culture and history of cheating in the school of business. Business ethics is the study of proper business policies and practices regarding potentially controversial issues (Investopedia, 2016). This definition is relatable to the ethics in business school studies. The use of non approved material or assistance can lead to questions about the collection and validity of the results in any student s submissions. How does the two relate, and is there a correlation between cheating in school and unethical behavior in the business community? By understanding more about what is being allowed in the university, it may provide us with insight into when this type of behavior starts and how can the university community can combat it at an introductory level. Rocky University provided a sample of 90 graduating business students with responses to three questions regarding academic improprieties. This report will evaluate the data and provide answers to the following questions, the total of students who are considered cheating, proportion of students that copied off the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Essay about The n-word The n word is considered one of the most vicious racial slurs in the English language today. True that the n word is closely associated with slavery and the oppression of blacks. Even after the abolition of slavery the word still haunted African Americans, especially in more segregated areas; where blacks were viewed as inferior to whites. In recent years the n word has become less of a malicious slur in parts of our country. Public figures who use the n word run the risk of losing their jobs. However, since the 1960s African Americans have coined the term nigga , when addressing one another. The rise of hip hop culture also enhanced the use of the word they felt as though they are using the word as a term of endearment. Critics of the ... Show more content on ... His compelling argument led me to believe in what he was saying. He makes several interesting points. One is that most black people don t care about the word and has no meaning to them. He says that if they heard another black person use that word, it wouldn t even phase them; but if a white man used it they would be ready to march. He uses current examples which i found effective. He brings up that in 2007 Duane the bounty hunter was suspended from his TV show for using the word in a private phone conversation. Peterson also mentions Kramer (Michael Richards), from Seinfeld. When he used the n word at a comedy club in an angry way, he was blacklisted and sued. The most recent event he mentions Don Imus and his reference to the Rutger s Basketball Team as nappy headed hoes. I ve found out that all of them made public apologies but they were reprimanded and their punishment was severe. This article gives me some headway into the question, why do some black Americans think it is ok to use the word nigger, but find it offensive if a white Americans use it? He sums up that problem by saying that white people need to start taking advantage of themselves and stop being taken advantage of, and also blacks need to stop trying to use their advantage to punish people who don t have anything to so with their problems. His says that if we can achieve that the we will; naturally ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Examples Of Being Extrovert My friends in school think that I am just a normal with no life at all. However, outside of school, I have a whole different kind of personality which is being extroverted. I disagree with my friends in school that I have no life and have not many friends. In my friends perspective, being extroverted means being very famous and is the kind of person who stands out from the rest, but for me, it just means that I can relate to other people by having a kind heart and an open mind. The word extrovert came from the Latin word extro meaning extra and vertere meaning turn. Having said this, the real meaning of the word is if the person has an attitude of being friendly, sociable, and talkative. However, people who are extroverted have a different ... Show more content on ... Our vice president told us that you should vote me as vice president. So that day, we voted him as VP. However, we already doubted his capability of leading the class because of his feeling cool attitude, rude, and boastful attitude. Having officers like this would not even lead us to nothing. He was a type of person that will just pass out the fault to other people. He says that its not my fault, it s the class fault. Obviously, this affects us because we did not do anything then he blames us. There was one time wherein almost every Chinese class, we would be noisy. When our class advisers knew about this, he would suspect the people who is very noisy all the time. However, these are the one that are noisy, even the officers are noisy. Sometimes, the officers or the leaders cannot admit that they did this because they are afraid to be impeached or such. Having said the points that my friends in school, my perspective of being extroverted is when a person has an attitude of relating into the conversations and experiences of others. This also includes having a kind heart and openness of mind. For me, I can act more freely and more independently outside of school rather than in school. Me and my teammates bond is very strong. Often, we converse for about half an hour, talking about our experiences in school and our experiences in the past competitions. This helps us know more about each other. To make our ... Get more on ...
  • 28. How Poetry Makes Nothing Happen 1. Introduction W.H Auden famously wrote poetry makes nothing happen. Do you think this accurately describes the political and social place of poetry in the twentieth century and/or the twenty first century? Explain why you agree or disagree in the case of your chosen poet, justifying your answer with close reference to your poet s work and its reception and interpretation. This essay examines the effects that poetry has on society, both socially and politically. Poetry has been around for centuries, and it is a common misconception that it serves no purpose. One critic in particular, W.H Auden claimed, poetry makes nothing happen . However poetry awakens the reader s eyes and gives an insight to the society in which we live in today, and which has been before us. As evident in Ezra Pound s work, as he explored the use of imagism to critique modernism and twentieth century, forcing the readers to think more about society as a whole. The purpose of this essay is to show that poetry does make something happen and can have instrumental effects on society, whether it is a poet critiquing society, or simply providing another interpretation. Poetry is a code than needs to be cracked, it is a riddle that makes the reader bring out their true creativity, which is why I disagree with W.H Auden in saying, poetry makes nothing happen. 2. Approach Hugh Selwyn Mauberley I chose to analyse this poem as it provides a finely chiseled portrait of one aspect of British literary ... Get more on ...
  • 29. How Did Woodrow Wilson s 14 Point Plan President Woodrow Wilson addressed Congress with a proposed 14 point plan before the end of World War I. The President did not want to fight in the war only to protect England and France, instead he wanted to end all wars. These fourteen points were made specifically to provide peace that would last forever and prevent another World War from happening. Wilson plan was to create peace throughout the world with his fourteen point system; however, after discussing with the other Allied powers it became evident that his 14 point plan would not be put into action without a lot of compromising. The allied powers did not agree with Wilson s idealism of world peace. British Prime Minister, David Lloyd George, French Premier, George Clemenceau and US President, Woodrow Wilson, also known as the Big Three met with each other on a daily basis to discuss the treaty. After ... Show more content on ... Germany was treated harshly by the decisions negotiated by the Allied Powers. The United States did not want harsh treatment for Germany. France wanted an extremely harsh treaty for Germany simply because they wanted them to pay for everything they had done to France. The British Prime Minister did not want to be too harsh on Germany, but his nation did. So, he agreed for a harsh treaty because he was afraid of causing another war in the future. Ultimately, all the nations associated with this peace treated came to the conference with different aims. Each country had suffered differently in the war; therefor, their desires were dictated by the extent of their suffering. Ultimately, the Treaty of Versailles was created to make Germany obligated to pay for the damage they caused in the war, give up their colonies and its armed forces. The treaty also abolished Germany s air forces and practically redrew the map of Europe. This peace treaty was biased against Germany and caused anger and humiliation throughout their ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Society s Understanding Of The World Operates Around Them In one discourse we may find benign an public spirited expert administrators. Another discourse might portray the same people as selfish bureaucrats. Still others might ignore the presence of government officials altogether. Many other kinds of agents and motives put in appearances. They include enlightened elites, rational consumers, ignorant and shortsighted populations, virtualizes, rational consumers, ignorant and shortsighted populations, virtuous ordinary citizens, a Gaia that may be tough and forgiving or fragile and punishing, among others(Dryzek). Environmental discourses are a social navigation that mediates knowledge by building a meaning through re occurring patterns within symbolic communication. They help guide society s understanding of how the world operates around them. In order to understand certain discourses, one must analyze how symbols and language shape social constructs and behaviors. Discourses construct meanings and relationships, helping define common sense and legitimate knowledge. Each discourse rests on assumptions, judgments, and contentions that provide the basic terms of analysis, debates, agreements, and disagreements(Dryzek). One also must understand their historical context and institutional encasements in order to fully comprehend the discourse. All discourses have key tropes, metaphors, symbols, and genres that help make up its properties. For example, spaceships (the idea of spaceship Earth ), the tragedy of the commons , war ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Ethics And Code Of Ethics 1. a. Felipe was concerned about many issues when he visited the Chinese factories. The ethical filter of self spoke words to him, as he felt uncomfortable about continuing to outsource his company s products from a factory with such rough conditions. The employment of young girls, long working hours, lack of appropriate gears for employees to perform their work safely, high temperatures inside the factories, danger respiratory conditions, and also the living conditions the workforce was exposed to including no windows or running water were against his personal definition of right, good and fair. Even though the case study does not describe clearly, one could easily assume that these practices do not comply with the key values and the code of ethics and conduct that Felipe s company is likely to have. The fact that Felipe was immediately shocked with the labor conditions shows that it goes against what his company practices in his home country, triggering the filters of policies and universal . b. For Felipe s company and other competitors that also have their products manufactured by the Chinese factory, what was at stake was the cost of goods, which was important for the overall competitiveness. Felipe s boss was very direct in pointing out that he believed that any change in the factory s policy would increase costs, which would impact in the purchase price of the merchandise they were sourcing from China. Therefore, in order not to raise prices, it was not in ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Hi Zorana Research Paper HI Zorana, I am fine, how are you? I miss living in Hawaii, attending UH Hilo and discussing stuff with you, along with other things. My new life in Houston is quite complicated however manageable. My graduate classes and the calculus classes that I am teaching are keeping me busy. I have made some good friends (locals as well as foreigners) and I am slowly adapting to the new city environment. Texas in general is okay, but I wouldn t want to live here permanently. Despite the train and bus services that go through UH, it s hard to get around without a car . The city is so big and spread out everything is miles and miles away.Most of the people that I have met here are nice, but I despise the fact that the conservative ideals are very ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Essay On The Curses James blocks them with his sword as Jocelyn limps to the side holding her side. Simultaneously We neg FIRES at him as she waves her hand at James sword. It zooms toward the wizard. We neg s blast cracks James sword, ricochets off it and strikes his ring. The force sends the wizard crashing to the floor. JOCELYN Nothing will stop my parents from receiving this past due package! Jocelyn retrieves her dagger, throws it toward the wizard. It zooms toward his head, curves toward James. He becomes frantic. JAMES Jocelyn, what s going ? James runs toward the pit as her dagger follows him. He jumps into it. A Troll makes a hurtful, eerie death cry. Others growl. Jocelyn makes a jerky motion to wave her hand at the wizard. We neg FIRES, ... Show more content on ... WE NEG (laughs) I can tell hearts, are covering your face, but is she also your, Too Good To Be True? JAMES (rubs his pants fast) Don t worry if she s my 2GTBT or not because you forgot to borrow, one of your mate s limbs! James quickly squeezes the right wizard s thigh. He screams and then James jump kicks his head. The force sends We neg crashing to the floor. James motions to run towards the wizard. A human size clawed handed Troll jumps from the pit, lands behind James. It scratches his back. James screams. He turns around and strikes the beast twice with the chain. The Troll wails. James moves to strike the Troll again. The Troll grabs the chain and scratches James chest. He screams. The Troll slaps James twice. He drops the chain. It motions to harm James again. James runs toward a wall.
  • 34. The Troll runs after him. James launches himself from the wall. He grabs the Troll s neck and slams it to the floor. James holds his chest as he crosses toward a chandelier. It grabs James, throws him on a table. They struggle violently. The Troll chokes James. He gags. It motions to scratch James face. James immediately grabs its hand. They roll to the floor. James wraps his legs around the Troll s head, squeezes it. The Troll releases its grip as James gives it 3 5 punches. The beast becomes dizzy, falls backward. James grabs a chair and smashes the Troll s face. It makes eerie sounds. Contagious bumps appear on James body. He holds his head, staggers. ... Get more on ...
  • 35. How To Write An Essay On The Alchemist The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho, is a fictional story about a shepherd boy named Santiago and his journey to find his personal legend. Throughout the story, he goes through many obstacles and omens to just find the treasure to his personal legend, which was back at his starting point. The story ended with Santiago back at the church, finding the treasure and saying that he was going to come back to Fatima, a girl he met at an oasis. The story should ve ended with Santiago going back to find Fatima and something about the crystal merchant because she is part of his personal legend and he had an effect on Santiago, the story s ending was abrupt and overall, it was not a well written ending. Fatima is the girl Santiago and the alchemist met at the oasis. When Santiago first met Fatima, he was in love with her. Fatima said that Santiago was her own personal legend. Even though Fatima wasn t completely his personal legend, she was part of it. So we should able to see how Fatima affected Santiago on his journey to find her again. The crystal merchant had left an impact on Santiago greatly. The crystal merchant helped Santiago go after his personal legend. The crystal merchant was a Muslim whose personal legend was to go to Mecca, but was afraid to go and leave his shop in someone else s hand. That made Santiago see that if he let something hold him back, he ... Show more content on ... The ending is well respected, but it could ve left some sort of closure for the reader. There is a lot of questions that run through a reader s mind when they read the ending. Some people are left in wonder in regards to Santiago. Readers wonder if Santiago even goes back to Fatima or what happens to the merchant s daughter. She was important to Santiago and then she was dropped from the story after that. Other questions are: Does Santiago see the Alchemist or the Englishman ever again? It s the closure that every book needs so the readers aren t in ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Public Display of Affection in Upis University of the Philippines Integrated School Diliman, Quezon City Public Display of Affection (PDA) in UPIS Billones, Cysteine Babe Cammayo, Pristine Mae Lava, Jose Noel Palomeno, Irish Paullen Yabes, Jemima Grace 10 Lauan CA English 10 Prof. Ma. Lourdes Vargas March 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature Chapter 3: Methodology Chapter 4: Data Presentation and Analysis Chapter 5: Conclusion Appendix A: Research Proposal Appendix B: Outline Appendix C: Survey Questionnaire Appendix D: List of Respondents Appendix E: Tally Sheet Appendix F: Transcriptions Bibliography ABSTRACT Display of affection in public is an unacceptable act but still observed and practiced in the ... Show
  • 37. more content on ... On the other side, PDA has already become natural and merely accepted for most of the young adults according to Cheryl Wittier s article posted last April 2011. Showing affection in public can be determined by different acts of intimacy. It can be anywhere from a whisper to a shout. It can also range anywhere from a touch of hands to a touch of somewhere else (Wu, 2001). PDA is very common, but still an unaccepted act. According to, there are different degrees of showing affection which are commonly observed in public. There are acts that have been observed by the society without being neither offended nor disgusted. On the other hand, there are also types of PDA which easily annoy people. Soenarie and Fehr Snyder (2008) listed the accepted acts of PDA in the society. Talking in the hallways is accepted as long no one is disturbed. It is okay to shakehands, give a man hug by patting someone on the back and place an arm around one s shoulder or hook hug . They can also hold hands and link arms in public. Giving hugs no longer than two seconds is acceptable as respecting one s point of view. Affection is not for public exhibition. Charlene Wu, on the other hand, listed some of the unaccepted acts of PDA in the chapter 5 of her article in public display of affection. Kissing is fine as long as it is not more than a peck on the lip. Passionate kissing and beyond in public is not acceptable. Sitting on ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Most Famous Astronaut Commander Of Apollo 13 James Arthur also known as Jim Lovell, Jr was born in March 25, 1928 in Cleveland Ohio. During in his lifetime career he launched four different missions into space. First mission was Gemini 7, the second mission was Gemini 12, the third mission was Apollo 8, and the last mission he took was Apollo 13. Jim lovell was in command of his third mission which was Apollo 8, one of the first to enter the lunar orbit. He was selected as an astronaut by NASA in September 1962 in the mission of Apollo 13 he became the first man to journey twice to the moon. Jim Lovell was ranked as captain in the United States Navy he was the main leader in the mission apollo 13. He was one of the most famous astronaut commander of Apollo 13. April 11, 1970 Apollo 13 was created and one of the well sertified mission for the U.S. Around the time of the mission being held, Jim lovell was ranked as captain of Apollo 13. Jim was not alone for his mission Apollo 13, he was accompanied by astronauts, Fred Haise and Jack Swigert. On april 11, 1970 apollo 13 was launched. It was launched from the Kennedy space center in Florida. During the 1950 s and 60 s the US was involved in the cold war a cultural conflict between the Soviet union and other communists nations. In October 1957 Soviet union launched Sputnik 1 first artificial satellite to orbit the earth. Meaning that marked the beginning of a space race meaning an informal competition between the superpowers to see ... Get more on ...