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Birthday Writing Paper | Have Fun Teaching Birthday Writing Paper | Have Fun Teaching
European Competition Policy And The European Union
In order to avoid such cases of economic loss and the businesses or consumers be protecting in their
transactions, the European Commission has set certain rules and values that exist fluently functions in
between European states and ensure unrestrained competition. The second part evaluates why we need
a European competition policy and what European competition policy is about. European competition
policy occupies a prominent in the work of the European Union since its inception of the Treaty of
Rome in 1957. This Treaty established a system ensuring undistorted competition within the common
market. The aim was to create a set of robust and efficient competition rules for the proper functioning
of European market and benefit consumers of ... Show more content on ...
Moreover for best quality of the products. The competition encourages companies to improve the
quality of goods and selling services to attract more customers and increase their market share. The
quality may relate to various aspects of a product or service, such as longer life or better operation of
the product, the best service after sales or technical support, provide better services to consumers.
Equally important is the plenty of option. In a competitive market companies try to differentiate their
products by the other, leading to providing consumers more options to choose the product in their
opinion offers the right relationship between price and quality. Furthermore the innovation. To be able
to provide more options and produce better products, businesses need to innovate on the type and
design product, production methods, provided the services . Finally, likewise the stronger competitors
in international markets helps European businesses to be stronger and outside the EU and therefore be
can survive in conditions of global competition.
In cases where violations of rules competition for each country, the situation usually deal with the
national competition authorities. However, enlargement of the internal market and globalization, the
impact of any illegal practices, such as cartels, are usually felt many other countries within and outside
the Union. The Commission normally has adequate means to handle
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Triumph of the Will and Jud Suess as Nazi Propaganda...
Triumph of the Will and Jud Suess as Nazi Propaganda
It has been readily admitted that propaganda has little to do with the truth. Why then is it so
convincing? Why does the demagogic appeal of propaganda triumph over reason and truth? The
answer is that the power of our emotions and our prejudices clouds our reasoning; and even more,
propaganda uses our emotions against us by manipulating them. We are shown what the propagandist
wants us to see; we feel what the propagandist wants us to feel. And in that way, propaganda becomes
a tool for exploiting the masses, for shaping public opinion and turning ordinary people into
supporters, participants and onlookers of genocide. Both Triumph of the Will and Jud Suess function
... Show more content on ...
In that sense, the numbers amount to a bandwagon approach all those people have joined up, why
haven t you?
In addition to manipulating people s sense of nationalism, the film seeks to manipulate people s
religious beliefs; it uses common religious themes and images to imply an endorsement of Hitler and
the Nazis. In the opening scene, Hitler s plane flies above the clouds, high up in the sky; and then
descends to earth to land. Here Hitler is portrayed as coming from Heaven; he alone can restore order
to the chaos, he alone can save Germany and her people.The Nazi motto One People, One Empire,
One Leader is a perversion of the Holy Trinity, encompassed and personified in Hitler.
The release date of Jud Suess (Jud Süß, Veit Harlan, Germany, 1940)2 reflects the goals of the film.In
1940, Hitler had already legitimized his power, and now needed to accrue overwhelming public
support for his one sided crusade against European Jewry. The makers of the film decided they could
get overwhelming public support by showing a historical film , which would serve as an example for
the kind of danger the Jews represented towards Germany a didactic film, in the Nazi tradition, of
In showing the Jews as the enemy, the film takes a great deal of care to show the ordinary Jew.Dirty,
lazy, cunning, hyper sexual these are the traits Jud Suess assigns to the Jewish people. In the
synagogue, the Jews sing in a wild and
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Analysis Of A Thousand Splendid Suns
On the other hand, Khaled Hosseini employs an open plot structure in A Thousand Splendid Suns in
order to comment on the effect of assiduity on the possibility of escaping an oppressive environment.
In A Thousand Splendid Suns, Hosseini illustrates his narrative through the parallel plotline of his two
protagonists Mariam and Laila to design an open, chronological plot structure. Through the first
sentence of A Thousand Splendid Suns, Hosseini establishes that Mariam was five years old the first
time she heard the word harami (Hosseini 3). Hosseini s purposeful decision of introducing his main
character before all other elements such as the setting and supporting characters illustrates his
protagonists significance in the construction of the plot structure s foundation. In order to establish an
open, chronological plot structure, Hosseini constantly reminds the readers of the progression of time
through the inclusion of the year and Mariam s age. For instance, in the exposition of chapter five,
Hosseini declares, It was the spring of 1974, the year Mariam turned fifteen (Hosseini 25). Then in
chapter fifteen the last chapter of the first part Hosseini once again states, On April 17, 1978, the year
Mariam turned nineteen... (Hosseini 97). Hosseini purposely includes the date along with Mariam s
increasing age throughout the chapters for the readers to become cognizant of the novel s
chronological format. In addition to illustrating the progression of time through Mariam, Hosseini also
mirrors the same structure for his second protagonist, Laila. In the second part of A Thousand
Splendid Suns, Hosseini prefaces the chapter with the header Kabul, Spring 1987. Immediately below
the header, Hosseini begins the chapter by stating, Nine year old Laila rose from bed, as she did most
morning, hungry for the sight of her friend Tariq (Hosseini 107). By introducing Laila through the
identical structure utilized when first presenting Mariam, Hosseini provides hints of his wish for
readers to juxtapose the two females. Furthermore, by introducing nine year old Laila twenty three
years after the introduction of five year old Mariam, Hosseini was able to illustrate Laila s plotline in
relation to Mariam s
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Agriculture Is The Foundation Of A Country s Economic...
Agriculture is the foundation of a country s economic strength. Growth of the agricultural industry
increases national income, sustains the livelihood of growing populations, maintains a trade balance
for all goods and encourages further motivation for the economic development in a country. The
agricultural industry represents 32.4 % of global income. In the U.S, agriculture contributes 3% to
national income and in Japan, 6% contributes to national income. Increasing U.S. agricultural exports
to other developed countries such as Japan, would provide beneficial opportunities for agricultural
expansion for the U.S. and other countries. Furthermore, Japan is one of the world s largest countries
in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing ... Show more content on ...
Following Japan s unprecedented economic growth during the postwar period, Japan s agricultural
comparative advantage has significantly declined. In response, Japan, over the last two decades,
implemented protectionist policies to soften the impact of declining comparative advantage. These
policies included; border protection, support of agricultural product prices, subsidies on agricultural
inputs and quantitative restrictions on imports of certain agricultural commodities. However, the
majority of quantitative restrictions were lifted after the GATT multinational panel declared it illegal
in 1988. The implementation of protections is attributed to Japan s rapid industrial growth in the 1980
s, which further deteriorated comparative advantage. Although Japan s economy has slowed in the
recent years, the agricultural sector still has not caught up with the population boom. Furthermore, the
inability to reallocate resources resulted in the strengthening of protectionist policies and widened the
gap of international agricultural trade. Additionally, the farming sector was able to retain strong
political influence which increased the reluctance of the Japanese government to lift protections.
Ultimately, the longer Japan keeps agricultural protectionist policies in place, it will become more
difficult for Japan to reallocate resources to accommodate free trade. There are several ways in which
the elimination of Japan s protectionist policies would
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Geothermal Energy is the Solution to the Energy Crisis Essay
Geothermal Energy: A Solution to the Energy Crisis
So far, scientists have not found a successful substitute for fossil fuels that can handle both the large
demand for energy and solve the global warming problem. I propose that geothermal energy is a clean,
widely available, and renewable alternative to the usage of fossil fuels. In this paper, I will explain
how use of geothermal resources can be energy efficient, environmentally clean, and cost effective. I
believe that the US government should increase funding for geothermal energy research. This may be
the solution to our present energy crisis and global warming.
There is a call of action to solve today s energy crisis. What we need urgently is a clean, ... Show more
content on ...
Fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural gas) take up about 80 % of total energy consumed. Fossil fuels cause
pollution and global warming yet we continue to use them. Our demand for fossil fuels has become so
great that according to current projections, Earth s reserves will be depleted within the next 200 years.
But we do not actually have 200 years to wait. Our run away consumption of fossil fuel not only
endangers our ability to meet our future energy needs but also the environment. Fossil fuels cause
significant pollution and global warming. This in turn compromises wildlife habitats and can even
lead to extinction of animal and plant species. By looking at new sources such as geothermal energy,
we can move towards a source that is not extremely harmful and yet still effective.
Geothermal Energy
Geothermal energy is heat energy that is stored underneath Earth s surface. It is mainly found at
volcanoes, hot springs, or geysers. Heat stored in the hot water and steam found at these locations is
captured and can be used to heat buildings or generate electricity. This energy source is renewable
because heat from the earth is continuously produced. To obtain energy, you must either use hot water
or steam from the source. The most common way of capturing the energy from geothermal sources is
to tap into naturally occurring hydrothermal convection systems where cooler water seeps into Earth s
crust, is heated up, and then rises to the
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My Life After The Medical Field
Choosing this field is something that has a deep connection with my personal life. Becoming a
Diagnostic Medical sonographer would mean that I have accomplished what I have promised someone
who is very dear to me. Ever since I was a little, I always wanted to be in the medical field. I always
had a big heart and wanted to help people so when I saw the important role that sonographers play in
the medical field, it became clear to me that, being a sonographer was exactly what I want to do with
my life. In 2007 someone who was very important to me passed away due to gastric cancer. When my
grandmother, who was a mother, father, and a friend to me was diagnosed with gastric cancer my
world collapsed. It was devastating news not only for me, but also for the whole family. At the time
my grandmother didn t speak English, so it was very hard for her to understand what the doctors and
the stuff were saying. During the endoscopy procedure to determine the stage of her cancer, she said it
was the sonographer who made her feel calm and treated her with dignity, even though she did not
understand her language, that did not stop the sonographer from showing compassion to her patients.
So it was that great care and sense of compassion that made me greatly appreciate what sonographers
do to help their patients. Seeing the important role that sonographers play in the medical field made
me realize that, becoming a sonographer would be fulfilling profession for me that would absolutely
fit my
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Metastasis Term Paper
Metastasis is a hallmark of caner and leading to reduced survival rates of cancer patients. The ability
of a cancer cell to undergo migration and invasion allows it to change position within the tissues.
Metastasis consists of five steps which are termed the metastatic cascade (Fig. 1). These five steps of
cascade are invasion and migration, intravastion, circulation, extravasation, Colonization, proliferation
and angiogenesis. Various cellular processes like de regulated cell growth, loss of cell cell adhesion,
migration through the underlying interstitial stroma, altered survival signaling which support
metastatic spread, therapy resistance and unrestricted tumor growth, facilitate these five step of
metastatic cascade. Massive metastatic ... Show more content on ...
The factors limiting the growth of malignant neoplasm include the basal membrane and various
components of the surrounding stroma, increased interstitial pressure, limited oxygen supply to tumor
cells and the formation of active oxygen forms, hypoxia conditions, and permanent exposure to
immune system cells. Given the intra tumoral heterogeneity, in the struggle for survival, some tumor
cells may be subjected to regression and death, while other cells, which resist powerful, counteracting
micro environmental factors, gain an aggressive phenotype and the ability of metastatic progression.
Invasive tumor growth is enabled by the detachment of malignant cells from the tumor mass due to a
reduction in or complete loss of intercellular adhesion molecules, and, therefore, the cells gain the
ability of anomalously high motility enabling penetration through the stiff structural elements of the
surrouss means the ability to thrust aside adjacent tissues, and also to actively invade and, therefore,
destroy these
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My Personal Experience With The Product
My Personal Experience with the Product
I experienced my first taste of Miller Lite when I was an undergraduate student in college. The first
time I ever purchased it was at a sports bar called O Rielys in Chicago. Miller Lite is a light lager style
beer that has a taste of graininess with hints of grain husk, sweetness, light toasted malt and a trace of
citrus and pine. Miller Lite is a crystal clear, light golden yellow color liquid. The aroma smells like
hoppy bread and it is served cold. I quickly grew partial to the brand because it was cost effective, it
didn t taste as watered down as other cost efficient beers did. I liked the marketing behind the brand,
because being from the college and sports driven city that I am from ... Show more content on ...
I bought Miller Lite almost every weekend when I was in college and now that I am not working and I
am in graduate school, living on a tight budget again, I buy Miller Lite at least once when I go out on
the weekends. Miller Lite is not the brand I go to for a crafted, hearty beer, but it s what I go to when I
want to have an enjoyable, relaxing night with a few friends and when I m not looking to spend a lot
of money. A unique benefit that I appreciate that the brand offers me is the low price for quality beer.
Like stated before, although Miller Lite is not the beer I would go to if I was looking for a crafted
brew, it is the beer I go to that never fails to show me a good time for a low price. I have always
enjoyed their marketing campaigns and Super Bowl commercials, which is another feature I
appreciate. Along with delivering a good product, they make it fun and enjoyable for consumers, from
a marketing standpoint. I am a brand loyalist because Miller Lite provides me with a product that has
never let me down; I have never had a problem with the beverage. The product has never let me down
because it continually has good deals and promotions, it consistently tastes good, and I associate the
drink with the good times I have had in the past, which makes me want to continue experiencing those
good times and create new memories.
Company and Marketplace
It s football
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How and to What Extent Did War and Violence Contribute to...
How and to what extent did war and violence contribute to the definition of chivalry as both an
historical and social phenomenon?
It is largely acknowledged by historians that, while it is difficult to be definitive in the meaning of
chivalry with Maurice Keen believing it to be a word elusive of definition it came to denote the
culture of a martial estate which regarded war as its hereditary profession . Thus, it could be
considered that the violence of war had large implications on what people began to perceive to be
chivalry. Additionally, the focus on violence such as the participating in tournaments and jousts further
emphasises the close link between carrying out violent acts and the idea that a knight was being
chivalrous. ... Show more content on ...
The historian Richard Kaeuper notes that prowess being crucial to honor may have contributed as
much to the problem of violence as it provided a solution . Therefore, this appears to convey why the
concept of chivalry began to be associated with violence and warfare as knights, in the pursuit of
honor, became reliant on violence and battle to prove their aptitude. This idea is supported by a
medieval knight Sir John Chandos, who stated that men brought up for martial calling cannot live
without war and do not know how to . Maurice Keen argues that chivalry was quintessentially
bellicose as it presented those who fought has having a pinnacle of honor . As a result, the use of force
by knights as a way of denoting their gallantry led to the belief that violence was intrinsic to the notion
of chivalry.
Furthermore, within the medieval period there was the development of certain traditions and rewards
associated with the concept of chivalry. The partaking in tournaments and jousting is argued by Keen
to have been a step on the scale of chivalrous perfection . In these activities acts of violence were
glorified and those who were successful were rewarded, thus endorsing and entrenching the belief that
violence and success in war were the main premises on which chivalry was based. The extent to which
violence contributed to what came to define chivalry is
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Business Merger Between Lenovo And Motorola Mobility
Business Combination between Lenovo and Motorola Mobility Details of company acquired Lenovo
is a Chinese multinational computer technology company operating in more than 60 countries and
selling its products in around 160 countries. Motorola, an American company, focus on making cell
phones and other electronics. In recent years, Motorola has experienced a bad financial situation and
in 2011 Motorola split into two separate companies, Motorola Mobility and Motorola Solutions. In
August 2011, Google acquired Motorola Mobility using about US$12.5 billion. In 2014, October 30,
Lenovo announced that they have already finished the acquisition of Motorola Mobility from Google
and they will operate the Motorola as a wholly owned subsidiary. Lenovo paid Google about US$2.9
billion to complete this transaction which included approximately US$660 million in cash and
US$750 million ordinary stock issued by Lenovo. The remaining US$1.5 billion will be paid to
Google by using three year promissory note. In this paper, we just consider the transaction between
Lenovo and Motorola Mobility. Allocation of acquisition differential (see Exhibit 1) The purchase
consideration paid for 100% of Motorola Mobility was $3.09 billion, including cash paid,
consideration shares, deferred consideration and share based compensation obligation assumed by the
company. The acquisition differential is therefore $1.224 billion. We calculated it by finding the
difference between the purchase
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Arterial Blood Gas Analysis Essay
At 0400 hours on a weekday in a rural suburb, a 911 call is placed for an eight month old female
patient with persistent diarrhea, sunken fontanels, and severe respiratory distress. The local ambulance
service responds to the call and transports the patient to a specialized emergency department for
further evaluation. The mother accompanies the crew with the patient, nervously holding her daughter
s hand and stroking her head. Despite the tense ride, both the patient and mother are delivered to their
destination without incident. The paramedic gives report and rushes to forget the call, while the patient
is whisked into the ED for further testing. An ABG analysis (Arterial Blood Gas analysis) is
performed on the child, revealing vital values ... Show more content on ...
A short term compensatory response for respiratory acidosis might include an immediate slight
increase in bicarbonate levels. Another example of compensation would be hyperventilation as a
response to metabolic acidosis. The compensatory response for respiratory alkalosis is a fall in the
bicarbonate level in chronic respiratory alkalosis this is achieved through renal excretion over time,
while in an acute state, lower levels of CO2 produce a slight decrease of HCO3 . The compensatory
response for metabolic alkalosis is hypoventilation. If all three values are abnormal, the patient is in a
partially compensated state because the buffer is actively working to push the equation to equilibrium
to obtain a normal pH value. If the pH is normal and the CO2 and HCO3 are both abnormal, the
patient is in a fully compensated state. If the pH is abnormal and either the CO2 or HCO3 are
abnormal, the patient is in an uncompensated state. The overall goal of compensation is to push the
above equation as close to equilibrium as
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Superheroes Impact On American Culture Essay
Superheroes, Comics and Their Impact On American Media and Culture
The Start of Something New
Everybody knows what comics are, they ve been the focus of many major motion pictures, but comics
weren t always around, in fact the first modern comic book was created in 1933, a little less than a
century ago, but they had a major influence on American culture and revolutionized the media and
The Golden age of Media
The Bias
Comics allowed Americans to forget about the impending crisis of war in Europe (WW2), when I say
comic you probably think of aliens in tights fighting crime and protecting the world from evil, but in
fact the first modern comic printed was a spinoff of newspaper humor comic strips. Comics made their
first rise in the early and late 1930s, the consumption of comics boomed in the ... Show more content
on ...
But Marvel and DC made their reign with super heroes, there were many comics about dragons and
already film comics about universes like Star Wars, Alien, Predator, these specific few were obtained
by Dark Horse Comics. Image comics were popular in the 1990 s but lost steam after infighting and
arguments, they to were another Superhero, Supervillain genre industry, similar to Marvel and DC yet
on a much smaller scale. In fact Marvel and DC practically invented and revolutionized the superhero
archetype, before the 1930s superheroes and supervillains were practically unheard of, and it s thanks
to this burst in popularity from the 1930s to circa 1950s that superheroes came about.
As for American society, comics were a newform of media, cheap and easy to acquire, you could
practically go to any store and bu a few comicds for 10xc a piece and read them for as long and as
many times as you wanted, this raised the overall standard of like, oepeing up new jobs as plushi
publishing companies comic compaines artissts and excetcre
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The Shoe Horn Sonata
Module A: The Shoe Horn Sonata and Immigrants at Central Station Dreams of war encapsulating
bravery, suffering and endurance of the human spirit are evident throughout history and marked
through commemoration. However the wartime experience of women, civilians and many migrants
have never been acknowledged creating significant gaps and silences in our perception of the past.
John Misto in his drama The Shoe Horn Sonata pays tribute to women POWs through distinctively
visual techniques that incorporate music, images and dialogue, compelling the audience to recognise
the injustice of their plight and to continue the pursuit for reconciliation. Similarly Peter Skrzynecki in
his poem Immigrants at Central Station presents images of displaced ... Show more content on ...
Both Bridie and Sheila were exposed to war time atrocities where indifference to their plight is
reflected through the war time Prime Minister Curtain s anecdotal message to female POWs to just
keep smiling , reinforced through the non diagetic accompaniment of Judy Garland s song When You
re Smiling . Bridie s beating from Lipstick Larry is presented through a voice over re enactment in
which a savage yell...ugly thumps and Sheila s exclamations Bridie! Bridie! conveys the brutality, yet
also the shared suffering that unites the women. It is ironic that Bridie describes this as the best
moment of the war , worthy retribution for the pin sown into Lipstick Larry s loincloth. Music and its
ability to humanise becomes paramount to the women s survival when the non diagetic sounds of
Christmas Carols foreground Bridie s revelation of deep male voices not the shrieks of Japanese , as a
cathartic moment in her life. Visions of hairy legs , skinny , starving men in slouch hats is analogous
with the Aussie Digger providing an exhilarating and morale boosting moment for the women where
Bridie later reveals she married the soldier who winked at her. The symbolic piece of caramel that had
been used so sparingly shared becomes an indulgence to mark this moment of sheer pleasure. The
audience, like the women are momentarily
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Pupils With ASC
Pupils with ASC mainly struggles with social understanding, communication, and repetitive routines
or behaviours (Hartman, 2013).They all share similar symptoms, but the term spectrum indicate there
s a range of severity levels (Prior et al. 1998) and adequately does the level of support needed
(Volkmer, 2008). Pupils with ASC are faced with numerous academic challenges, they may display
difficulty with the changes, distractions, and constant interaction on a daily basis, they often
experience difficulty in executing and staying on a task (Goodman William, 2007). It is essential to
understand the learning characteristics of autism so that these children have the best chance of support
success in the classroom. Temple Grandin, Ph.D., a college ... Show more content on
Without cognitive flexibility we cannot change our minds, shift attention or perspective, flexibly
adjust to changes, see another point of view, resolve problems or be creative. The ability to inhibit or
subdue our impulses involves the skill to stop and think and not act on our first instinct, but, instead,
do what is needed or most appropriate. It allows us to direct our attention and be disciplined enough to
stay on task even in the face of temptation and distraction, instead of being controlled by habit,
feelings and external cues (Zelazo, 2010).
EF skills begin to develop in infancy and continue to improve and change through to adulthood.
Research with students with autism has showed that older students perform better than younger
students on measures of EF (Happe et al., 2006).It is important to note, however, EF difficulties might
not be obvious in early childhood or during the early years of school, but may become more
problematic in upper primary and high school when teachers are less likely to provide scaffolds and
structure for students throughout the
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The Standards Of The Standard Oil Company
In the 1870 s through the 1900 s, the Standard Oil Company (SOC) has been the largest company in
one of the most rich industries in the world. The Standard Oil Company held a monopoly over the
entire industry, which meant that their wide variety of products must have been essential to many
types of people and industries. The SOC s ability to spread awareness of their company and their
products is a main reason why they became so powerful. The Standard Oil Company would not be
nearly as successful as it was if not for its widespread consumer base, the company became one of the
largest in history. This success lead it s CEO and founder, John D. Rockefeller, to become one of the
most rich people to ever live; he also gave away an extremely large portion of his wealth and make the
world a better place. Another way that the company s massive amount of various customers allowed
them to succeed is because oil has numerous uses and their products appealed to a wide variety of
people. This fact is important because oil s many different uses made it extremely appealing and
marketable to numerous and various audiences, thus allowing the company that controlled the industry
to skyrocket and create a monopoly. A monopoly had never really been done before in history and
with the huge amount of wealth it created for certain individuals, the wealthy were able to change the
world. Oil also led the world to many technological advancements and because of the current decrease
in the world s
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The Obligatory Elements For Establishing Fraudulent...
The following essay will discuss the obligatory elements for establishing fraudulent misrepresentation.
This explicit area of business law is reinforced by precedent cases which encapsulate and clarify the
elements required to establish an argument for damages based on fraudulent misrepresentation. In
light of this, the essay will argue in favour of Bob Wheelie, with support of relevant case law, that the
reckless actions of Mr Spokes constitute the grounds for an action for fraud and damages to the other
party (Bob Wheelie). The sufficient evidence validates that: Mr Spokes held prior knowledge about
the business claiming a false statement of fact; Mr Spokes provided the statement in order to induce
Bob into entering the contract; Mr Spokes employed the use of misrepresentation knowing that such
representation was false and would cause detrimental repercussions; and as a result Bob Wheelie
suffered economic loss. Therefore, these findings indicate that Bob Wheelie can claim damages
against Mr Spokes on the basis of fraudulent misrepresentation.
The statutory prohibition of misleading or deceptive conduct under section 18(1) of the Australian
Consumer Law provides:
A person must not, in trade or commerce, engage in conduct that is misleading or deceptive or is likely
to mislead or deceive.
The grounds of fraudulent misrepresentation were established in the case of Derry v Peek (1889) 14
App Cas 337 . Lord Herschell stated that fraudulent misrepresentation arises when a
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Scotland s Great Boundary In Brave By Pixar
Welcome to Scotland! In the movie, Brave by Pixar, the story of a mother and daughter s struggling to
communicate is infused with Scottish traditional clothing. Striving to preserve many Scottish
traditions, Pixar showcases Scotland s great symbol the tartan and masters the art of the great kilt.
Capturing some of the essences of Scotland s culture, Brave allows us a peek into a part of Scotland s
past and its family s histories. Following the tale of a mother and daughter that struggle to see eye to
eye, Pixar uses a storyline that crosses every culture boundary. In Brave, the daughter Merida is a
strong willed young girl, determined to make it on her own. Running wild in the forest surround her
castle with her bow and arrow, Merida does not want to grow up and receive responsibility, but she
just happens to be a princess. The Queen, Elinor, is caring, loving, and only wants what is best for her
family. She is ... Show more content on ...
A great kilt is a thick woolen cloth made up of two loom pieces sewn into a width of 60 inch and up to
590 inch long. Left as an unaltered garment that would be gathered into pleats and secured by a wide
belt on the bottom and the top half was draped over your left shoulder. The kilt could be used for
protection against the weather and even used as a blanket if needed. Under the kilt, the men could
either wear a shirt or not. The pattern that decorates the kilt can be arranged in different colors and a
variety of strips of different widths, known as Tartan. In America, a tartan is known as the pattern,
plaid. Evidence suggest that tartan and kilts have been around since the 5th or 6th Century, but didn t
come into common use until the 1500 or so. Each clan creates their pattern of tartan to help identify
themselves. Tartan is one of the most important symbols of Scotland, and many wear it in many styles
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Autism- Developmental Disability
Autism is a developmental disability that significantly affect a person s verbal and nonverbal
communication, social interaction, and educational performance. This developmental disability affects
the brain, communication and interaction with others. People with this disability often have trouble
relating and forming relationships with other people. Autism occurs very early on in the development
of the brain. The most obvious signs can be found at the ages of two or three years old.
There is no known single cause of autism. however, it is generally accepted that autism is caused by
abnormalities in the brain. Autism has been linked to genetic and environmental factors. Researchers
have identified a number of genes associated with the disorder.
There are six main characteristics of autism. They include: atypical language and development,
atypical social development, repetitive behavior, problem behavior, sensory and movement disorder,
and differences in intellectual functioning. People with autism have a broad range of language abilities
ranging from no verbal communication to quite complex communication.
Autism causes atypical social behaviors such as social interaction and social skills. people with autism
have a lack of reciprocity and they do not share enjoyments, achievements, and interests with others.
Sometimes they can have difficulty making friends. People with autism are often confused about the
appropriate social behaviors.
Another characteristic of autism is
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How I Met Myself
How I Met Myself
Q: Based on the novel above, describe the main character. Answer with evidence.
Ans: The main character in the novel How I Met Myself is John Taylor. He is a 34 year old
Englishman living and working in Hungary. He is 2 meters tall with light brown hair and eyes and a
moustache. Taylor is adventurous and eager to try something new. He is a computer programmer who
takes a job in another country, especially in one which he has never visited before, because he thinks it
will be interesting. He takes Hungarian lessons from a girl named Andrea. They fall in love and get
married. Later, they also have a daughter whom they name Kati. Taylor is also curious and determined
to understand the strange meeting that took place on 18 ... Show more content on ...
Ans: In the novel How l Met Myself conflict arises between Taylor and his wife, Andrea, because of
the strange events that happened to Taylor that turned his life upside down. Andrea is first unhappy
with Taylor s change in attitude. Once she knows what is troubling him, she helps to investigate.
However, Taylor continues to dream about the strange meeting and wants to know the truth. In doing
so, he spends less time with Andrea and his daughter He also does not tell her that he goes to the
library to read old newspapers to find clues that can help him make sense of his strange meeting.
When she finds out, she is angry and does not want to help him anymore. Andrea fails to understand
that her husband wants to be free of the dreams. The story of the doppelganger may seem impossible
in the normal world so she finds it hard to believe her husband. She grows tired of his doppelganger
story and wants him to think about taking care of his family. The doppelganger and Taylor s quest to
find answers seem to drive a wedge between Taylor and Andrea. Later, she even thinks he is ill and
needs a doctor s help.
Q: Based on the novel above, write about an important event/s in one of the character s life, answer
with evidence.
Ans: In the novel How l Met Myself the most important event occurs when John Taylor discovers
more about what happened to him one cold January evening when he met himself. It is called a
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Antisocial Personality Disorder ( Ocd )
Introductory Psychology
PSYC 1101 Fall Semester 2014
Mr. Moser
October 23, 2014
Taylor B. Hart Abstract
Antisocial Personality Disorder is a very rare disorder. The criteria to be diagnosed with Antisocial
Personality Disorder has been changed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
throughout many years. The rareness of this disorder can be considered beneficial in the world
because of the way people diagnosed with it become and what they do to others. Many people
diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder find their self in prison. A variety of causes pertain to
this disorder. Very few treatments of this disorder seem to work of this that has been tested.
Researchers are still working on a better way to treat this disorder. The defense mechanisms associated
with antisocial personality disorder are quite common and the same during the course of diagnosis.
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Antisocial personality disorder (APD or ASPD) is a mental disorder in which a person s approach in
any given situation as well as his style of thinking is neglecting towards others. People with this
disorder are commonly known as psychopaths or sociopaths. An individual with APD shows empathy
and disregards people s thoughts and feelings. Those with APD can be characterized as morally
reprehensible. They are the ones that seem to say all of the right things. Antisocial personality
disorder, in contrary to
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Needs Assessment for Worksite Health Promotion Program
FNH 8613 Design amp; Administration of Health Promotion Programs
Mississippi State University
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Food Science, Nutrition, and Health Promotion
Needs Assessment Guidelines A. Identification of the Setting Identify the setting in which your
program will take place. Be specific in describing the setting by including as much information as
a. Name of the community, school, etc Mississippi Care Center of Alcorn Co
b. Subpopulations of interest____Employees at the facility______________
c. Identify three primary health outcomes of interest. These are based on your perceptions of the
conditions affecting your population. As your needs assessment ... Show more content on ...
Be sure that the remainder of your needs assessment steps reflects the type selected here.
Due to the lack of data collected in the past, action/participatory research will work the best for this
needs assessment. I will have more luck collecting data by participation and interviews. Observation,
surveys, and interviews will be the best way to collect information and determined the needs and
wants of the target audience.
C. Gathering Data
h. Data from scientific literature Depending on the population and behaviors being studied, it is
possible to identify some of the health priorities of a population by reviewing literature. Although
there may not be published data on your specific population, studies completed within similar settings
may provide useful information. Identify five published studies that may be of use in your needs
assessment. 5. Machen, R., Cuddihy, T., Reaburn, P., amp; Higgins, H. (2010).
Development of a workplace wellness promotion pilot framework: A case study of the blue care staff
wellness program.
Asia Pacific Journal of Health, Sport, and Physical Education, 1(2), 8 13.
Workplace wellness programs are currently unreflective of the multidimensional and holistic nature of
the wellness construct. There exists an opportunity for health promoters to move toward models of
workplace wellness promotion that more
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Conquest And The Start Of Colonialism
Conquest In the era preceding the age of conquest and the start of colonialism around the late 1400s
was a dark time in Europe both socially and economically. Under the feudalist system, there was strict
social classes which made upward mobility nearly impossible, even for those born into lower level
nobility. Morale was also waning as pestilence and war persisted. The bubonic plague in the mid
1300s ravaged Europe and by some estimates, cut the population by half. France and England fought
in the Hundred Years War that quite literally meant that the region was in a state of war for a century,
between 1337 to 1453. Additionally, one of the last vestiges of the Christian Eastern Roman Empire,
Constantinople, fell to the Muslim Ottomans in 1453. This event not only hurt western esteem, but
also cut off the major trade route from Europe to Asia. All of this meant that Europe, both the courts
and the Church were seeking a way to increase prestige and wealth. Conquest was the response, by
allowing nations to find new land to possess, and new resources to exploit, and especially new
enemies to defeat. The period in the late 1400s is sometimes euphemistically called, The Age of
Exploration, connoting ideas of discovery, knowledge building, and awe. In Amerigo Vespucci s (1454
1512) first letter to Lorenzo Di Pierfrancesco De Medici, Vespucci spends more than half the letter
describing the land of the Americas, often commenting on flora and fauna as a marvel (Vespucci,
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Capital Punishment In Canada
Capital punishment, within the Canadian context, has enjoyed a long and controversial history. First
enacted as a punishment for the act of murder, its use and subsequent abolition have been the source
of significant legislative debates that have contributed to a shift in penal philosophy. Moving away
from the principle of lex talionis, the Canadian government between 1957 and 1967 began to
commute death sentences across the nation. This desire to limit the use of capital punishment would
finally culminate in its removal form legislation in 1976. It is my opinion that Canada should not
return to the principles of lex talionis and reinstate capital punishment. For submission, I offer the
following arguments:
[1] Capital punishment is not ... Show more content on ...
Justice, as properly understood within western legal tradition, must, as necessary condition, seek to
establish truth, ensure the protection of liberties and have in place procedural safeguards to ensure that
only those who are guilty of a crime are punished. While this may seem to be only an ideal in the
broadest sense justice cannot, and indeed must not, stray to far from these principles. Yes, it is
acknowledged that in some instances there will be individuals and cases that fall through the cracks
however, it is precisely for this reason that capital punishment must not be reinstated.
In the interest of justice that is reputable, it is my opinion that the reinstatement of capital punishment
poses to great of a risk as it relates to an innocent individual being sentenced to death. When this
unfortunate event occurs, the justice in its entirety is brought into question and is ill equipped to
provide sufficient remedies.
Canada s international role in furthering the abolition of the death
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Descriptive Morality
For each individual human being, there are six states for a human life on a normative scale from best
to worst: first is divine which exceeds the merely human on the one extreme, second is virtuous which
is absence of wrongful desire, third is strong willed which is the ability to overcome one s wrongful
desire, fourth is weak willed which is the opposite and so the inability to overcome wrongful desire,
fifth is vicious and bestial which exceeds the merely human on the other extreme and are often found
among barbarians. Another journal from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy on The Definition of
Morality explains that morality can be used in two broad senses which are descriptively to refer to
certain codes of conduct put forward by a society or a group (such as religion), or accepted by an
individual for his or her own behavior, secondly, normatively to refer to a code of conduct that, given
specified conditions, would be put forward by all rational persons there is a tricky part to morality
which are not all codes that are put forward by societies or groups are moral codes in the descriptive
sense of morality, and not all codes that would be accepted by all moral agents are moral codes in the
normative sense of morality (The Definition of Morality, 2016).
Descriptive morality focuses on the rules of etiquette as well as attitudes of an individual. These small
morals are referred to decency and appropriate in behavior, as how one man should salute or treat
another or
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Facebook s Influence On Social Networking
An obvious slogan on the homepage to the popular social networking website Facebook is the phrase
Connect with friends and the world you on Facebook (Facebook n.p). The idea of needing social
networking sites to connect with everyone else one knows or may meet has become embedded in
American culture throughout recent years, especially among the teenage population. Facebook is
easily the most popular sites, to the point where it would be considered unusual for someone attending
high school to not have a profile on the site. However, does the Facebook actually create a stronger
connection between people, or does it simply create the illusion of a healthy social life, while really
creating distance a distance between them? According to the Will Reader, a researcher who works at
Sheffield Hallam University in the UK, people generally have five people they would consider their
close friend, in striking contrast to the vast amounts they may have on Facebook (Szumski Karson
26). This finding seems to suggest that one s amount of Facebook reflects how popular one wishes to
appear online more than how healthy one s friendship truly are. Bill Keller, an executive for the
magazine The New York Times, asserts that constant usage of Facebook allows user to potentially feel
like [they] have a meaningful social life, when in reality, [they are missing] something (26). Indeed,
Facebook can function as a placebo for some users in the place of genuine, healthy social life. Users
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Choosing The Middle Ages
Ever since 7th grade I ve been astonished with history. The way people solved conflict to the way
people improved technology over the years. But there is one specific part of history, I thoroughly
enjoy. The Middle Ages, you, might be wondering, Why the Middle Ages? There are tones of different
parts of history you could do; Egypt, Qin dynasty of China, Renaissance, Inca, Aztec s, or you could
have done the Mayans. But why did you choose The Middle Ages?
The Reason I enjoy The Middle Age, time period, so much is it goes over interesting topics. Such as
Constantinople is founded as the capital of the Roman Empire, Justinian the 1st begins rule of Eastern
Roman empire, and even the Fall of Constantinople. Yes, the Middle Age wasn t the best
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Bowling For Columbine
Bowling for Columbine is a documentary made by the filmmaker, Michael Moore in 2002. This
documentary looks into the mysterious circumstances leading to the Columbine massacre in 1999, in
which, 2 students, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, aged 17 and 18 years, in their final year of high
school, had killed 13 (12 students and 1 teachers), injuring many, before turning the gun on
themselves. By utilising satirical, but persuasive dialogue and visuals, Michael Moore delves within
the reasons of America s high gun violence using the Columbine massacre at its base.
Throughout the documentary, Michael Moore retains quite the neutral perspective, but, having been
born in Michigan (A gun loving state), Michael has a history with guns, having won ... Show more
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Moore also illustrates how America tends to use force instead of dialogue and how, they re quite
offensive in their foreign policies, by showing all the archived footage of America having their hands
in foreign relations, like, in 1963 to 1975 Americans had killed 4 million people in Southeast Asia.
Moore had made one generalisation, where he states that American news had favoured negative stores,
whereas, Canadian news had covered positive ones, where we don t actually know if Canadian news is
positive 24/7. To guard against media paranoia, we have to analyse the probability of the story
happening to us or someone we know and read between the lines to uncover the facts of the story.
Even after the film, many questions are still left unanswered, Why are there so many gun related
deaths in America? Why do so many students shoot up schools in America? and Why is Canadian
society so different to America? these are just a few of the unanswered questions left behind by
Michael Moore after he suggests some ideas, Moore as well didn t give any solutions to the problem
of the high gun related violence in America. Another voice we didn t get to hear was the parents of the
victims or shooters of Columbine, so we don t know if parenting was the problem that had caused so
much of the outrage and sadness of gun violence in
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Geography In The Movie Matewan
Matewan, the 1987 movie directed by John Sayles, is a movie about loyalty and betrayal, war and
freedom, fighting for job and coming together, and most importantly about defeat and independance.
The movie takes place in the 1920 s in the small mining town of Matewan, West Virginia. The movie
not only shows the hardships that small town people face, but the corruption of big business owns. Joe
Kenehan, the main character of this film, who is a Union organizer, comes to the small mining town to
get the mine workers to join the union. But the Stone Mountain Coal Company who owns the town
announces that anyone who is to join the union will be replaced with workers. Old and new works
then come together to join the union and fight against the Stone Mountain Coal Company by going on
a labor strike. And ending with the unfortunate and heart breaking demise of Kenehan himself. One
might think what does geography have to do with films? Geography is much more than just the
location of the film. According the Merriam Webster online dictionary, the definition of geography is,
a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical,
biological, and cultural features of the earth s surface . Geography can be found all throughout entirety
of the film. From the location of the film, the people in the film, the clothes the people wear, to even
the interactions and behavior of the people towards one another. Some geographical elements
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The Use Of Subliminal Messages In Fairy Tales
What are Subliminal Messages that Convey to Girls?
As part of my Research I discovered articles and journals that reveal hidden message in fairy tales.
Many authors published their work on original versions of fairytales, the importance of beauty, white
supremacy in fairy tales, and teachings of adulthood. In some of the journals I selected were authors
who gave their own opinion on fairytales, and they used many sources from books and other articles.
This topic is very interesting because its unrecognized and fairytales is something children grow up
watching. Some of the sources I used speak upon the historical Grim brothers version tale and
classical tales. My objective is to expose fairytales and show their true meanings.
To accomplish my objective, I organized my paper into sections from eighteenth and nineteenth ...
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The wolf has a sexual appetite when he sees little red riding hood in the woods. Later on, the wolf
disguised himself as her grandmother. Then the wolf waits for little red riding hood in her
grandmothers bed. The wolf told Little Red Riding hood Come and lie down and she undressed
herself and got in bed with him. When the wolf swallows the girl the theme of the story appears, the
dangers of sex. Little red riding hood gets a warning form the wolf not to run off the path and it
clearly states that he wants to take her virginity. The male in little red riding hood is portrayed as
Erich Fromm introduced the real meaning of the classic Little Red Riding Hood. Grimm brothers
wrote very dark tales and it inspired the Little Red Riding Hood we read today. Many children read
this story in school. What they don t know is what Grimm actually portrayed in the story. They are
many hidden messages in fairy tales, and Erich Fromm just revealed one for the community. Grimm
also inspired Disney s version of Cinderella and this one also has many subliminal
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The Importance Of Western Imperialism In East Asia
Eastern Superiority The most populated region in the world, number one in global manufacturing,
East Asia is very prosperous. The prosperity comes from a long line of success in India and in China.
Governments of both areas has been defending itself from western invaders. Some argue that east asia
did not resist western imperialism;however others say East Asia was very effective at resisting western
imperialism because the geography made the area hard to conquer. Furthermore for span of 3,000
years Easter Asia has prevented the western onslaught due to their advanced government. East Asia
was mainly ruled through dynasties which had successfully driven away conquering armies, which
caused proved successful in preventing western imperialism. From beginning of the chinese dynasties
(Shang Qing) and the empires of India the governments of East Asia stressed the upkeep and strength
of their armies. The Shang Dynasty was the first of many dynasties, they controlled Eastern Asia from
1766 to around 1122 BCE (Marsh). The shang ruled over a small piece of land and prevent invasions
from the north. The government was a king with a close knit aristocracy, which lead to fast and
efficient orders to be carried out. During the time of the shang Dynasty Mesopotamia and Egypt were
just developing, so there were no real threats and empires were starting to form. The biggest issue that
the Shang had were some small barbaric tribes and their successors the Zhou dynasty. The Zhou
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Son Therapy Case Study
After completing ten session with the son, his mother informs me that their insurance panel did not
approve further treatment. Keeping in mind of the principle 1.11 from the AAMFT Code of ethics I
would not abandonment the client. Unless the client mother come up with alternative means of
payment for her son therapy, I would take the action of making reasonable arrangement for
continuation of treatment (Caldwell, 2015). But, due to the fact that insurance panel will approve
further treatment, I would not be able to space out other session.
The action that I would take based on my client circumstances with their insurance panel not
providing anymore treatment, would not be anything that would constitute client abandonment or
neglect ... Show more content on ...
Once the therapist has made the determination of termination she/he must prepare the client for
termination by explaining the process and listen how the client feel about the termination process
(Shaw, 2015). Also, the therapist should include some benefits of the new service that has been
recommended through referral. This would help the client to transition to a new service in a more
healthy and therapeutic way (Caldwell, 2015).
After having one year of therapy with the mother son, I received a subpoena from the mother lawyer
asking me to be part of the court proceeding, with the mother asking the court to grant her sole
custody of her child. The subpoena was asking me to provide information concerning the divorce and
child custody as addressed in the previous therapy and that I will be called to testify. The action that I
would take is first thing that would probably do in my current dilemma dealing with the subpoena
would be to lawyer up myself seeking and obtaining legal advice from an attorney (Shaw, 2015). Also,
I would review the AAMFT Code of Ethics to see what it entail in reference to the concerns about
subpoena as well as finding out what the local, state, and federal laws about subpoena (Caldwell,
The son is the only one that was receiving therapy but the son is ten years old which constitute the son
as being a minor child by law. Therefore the minor child which is son must have the
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The Use Of Pathos And Adverts In The Samsung Commercial
People are constantly searching for the newest and most advanced technology. Phones are a
predominant mobile device. The advertisements publicize different brands of smartphones. The Apple
Commercial shows Dwayne Johnson using Siri on the iPhone 7 to get through his active day. The
Samsung commercial shows Christoph Waltz using the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 to display the
busyness of the American lifestyle. These commercials use pathos, ethos, and logos.
Pathos is an appeal that creates an emotional response from viewers. The use of pathos in the Apple
commercial induces an amusing atmosphere. At the beginning of the advertisement, Dwayne Johnson
is lifting weights, trimming a bonsai tree, reading movie lines, and having his head shaved while a
news reporter on the television questions his ability to balance an impossible schedule. Dwayne
Johnson participates in several dramatized scenes such as taking a selfie while floating in space in his
astronaut attire ( iPhone 7 The Rock x Siri Dominate the Day Apple internet). Dwayne Johnson has a
nonchalant demeanor that contrasts with the frantic people around him. This creates an episode of
laughter because he engages in such unusual activities in an effort to refute the reporter s doubt. The
exaggeration of the various events in his day and Dwayne Johnson s interaction with other people
throughout the commercial creates a comical reaction from viewers. The use of pathos in the Samsung
commercial creates a light hearted but
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Releasing Protected Health Information Rebecca Bratcher HCR/210 07/18/12 The Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability act of 1996 or HIPAA, was put in place as an attempt to reform health
care during the Clinton administration by making it possible for workers, of any profession, to change
jobs regardless if the worker, or any member of their family, have a pre existing medical condition,
decreasing paperwork which is associated with the processing of health claims, and by reducing health
care abuse and fraud, and by assuring the privacy and security of health information. HIPAA s
standards for privacy of individually identifiable health information or privacy rule includes
restrictions which protect the ... Show more content on ...
PHI information can be identified by a patients name, telephone number, address, and Medicaid ID
number, date of birth, name of employer or social security number. (Green amp; Bowie, 2005).
However, there are many situations in which agencies or covered entities have the right or legal
obligation to access or obtain PHI. Some examples of instances where a government agency may
disclose this private health information are (not limited to): * for public health purposes such as
investigations, surveillance, and interventions, PHI may be disclosed to public health authorities and
their authorized agents * PHI may be disclosed to report abuse, neglect, or domestic violence. *
Covered entities may, under specified conditions pursuant to a court order, subpoena, or other legal
order discloses PHI to law enforcement. Disclosure information to the government typically do not
require an individual authorization (Highmark 2007) Medicaid, Medicare, veteran s activities, national
security and intelligence activities, presidential protective services do not require authorization, they
must all receive protected information without the consent of the person. Government agencies
including but not limited to the Bureau of disability determination and the department of Social
Services have to receive the individual s authorization prior to receiving his and her PHI (Green ad
Bowie 2005) Attorneys almost always have to
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Time Value Practice Problems
MBA/MFM 253 TVM Practice Problems 2 Fall 2011
1. You are considering buying a new car. The current price of the car is $25,000. The dealer has
offered you a special nominal interest rate of 3% each year for the next 3 years if you finance through
the dealership.
a) What is your monthly car payment?
PV = 25,000 I = 0.25 N = 36 FV = 0 PMT =? = $727.03
25,000 = PMT (1 (1/(1.0025)36))/.0025
b) You are considering putting a $5,000 down payment on the car, what would your payment be if you
did this assuming you could still get the special interest rate? $581.62
c) In either case what is the effective rate of interest you paid on the car?
1.002512=1.030416 3.0416%
2. A given rate is quoted at an effective annual rate of ... Show more content on ...
She has estimated that the cost of 1 year of college (tuition, room, and board) is currently $60,000 a
year. The cost of college is estimated to increase at an annual rate of 5%. She would like you to figure
out how much she would need to deposit at the end of each month for the next 18 years to cover her
daughter s tuition assuming her deposits will earn 12% each year (1 % a month) (Note your account
will earn interest a 1% a month even if you are not making monthly payments after you stop paying in
at the end of the 18th year).
a) What is the monthly payment $687.67
b) What if your parents want to make a $20,000 contribution to the account today? How much would
each monthly payment need to be? $461.28
7. Your parents are saving for the college education of your younger sister who just turned 10. Your
parents are planning on making eight payments at the end of each year of $1,500 each. Starting at the
beginning of the ninth year (the end of the eighth year), your sister will then be allowed to make four
equal withdraws from the account to finance her college education each year. How much will she have
for books and tuition each year? Use 10% as your required return. PMT = $4,919.57
8. Your rich Aunt Oprah has recently decided that she wants to invest in your future. She has decided
that for your 25th birthday she is going to open a trust account in your name. She is going to make a
one time
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Unemployment Participation Rate
Participation rates in the comprehensive measure of the level of active section of the economic labor
force that are looking for employment or are employed. The index of measure indicates the average
variance between the available job slots in the country versus the available labor force to fit the slots
(Krueger, 2017). Participate rates represents a measure of the country s labor force available and
productivity in employment sector. The primary aim of participation rate is to identify the level of
unemployment in the country by understanding the overall number of actively searching potential
employees versus the available slots. The difference in this two variance indicates the unemployment
levels in a country (Krueger, 2017). ... Show more content on ...
The key trends exhibited by the country s participation rates pf the workforce depicts the following
(Krueger, 2017): a changing pattern that indicates the female participation rates going up while the
male participation rate significantly dropping for the past 3 decades, the increasing changes in the age
bracket of the workforce where the workforce is increasing becoming the matured population instead
of the young people and the positive landmark in producing a better educated, skilled and diversified
workforce. Since time immemorial, the greatest share of s country s workforce has always been men.
The changing trends for the past decades indicates a realignment of this notion and increasing
indicating the female population upping employment opportunities on a greater scale than men (
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, 2017). The past few decades has resulted to myriad of formal sector
realignment where women are becoming more competitive career wise, go getters in skill orientation
and better approach to employment responsibilities and entrepreneurial skills (Krueger, 2017). A
number of cofactors has significantly affected his situation. The key factors include: the wake of
civilization, human rights, equality and female championship for equal treatment has led to penning
up of the workforce to fully absorb the female population due to attempts to
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Catcher In The Rye Symbolism Essay
Catcher in the Rye essay Essay question: Analyse how symbolism was used to develop the key ideas
in the written text. In the novel Catcher in the Rye , author J.D Salinger uses symbolism to create and
portray key idea to us as the readers. The key ideas he portrays are; Holden Caulfield is the guardian
of youth and that Holden is a broken record that no one wants to listen to. Throughout the novel,
author J.D Salinger often mentions a red hunting hat worn by Holden and the way in which Holden
wear is it backwards. Now to me this reminds me of a backstop in baseball, the guy that stands behind
the batter and catches what the bowler throws at him. I say this because players in this position often
wear their caps backwards. I feel as ... Show more content on ...
The book is him with the pieces glued back together, his record glued together, spinning and making a
noise that people want to hear, the noise he wants to make. This idea of Holden being a broken record
or someone that no one wants to listen is further portrayed throughout the book. An example of this is
in the hotel room when Holden is with a prostitute. Even though she is getting paid she still doesn t
want to just sit down and listen to Holden talk, she s not up there to listen to a broken record. I feel
that this moment in the book is where I see the two key ideas Salinger is trying to portray finally link
together. In this part of the book we have Holden in a situation where he is meant to be doing adult
things but instead all he wants to is talk because as much as he wants to take part in these activities he
can t bring himself to do it because he is that catcher in the rye, the guardian of youth. At the same
time he is once again being portrayed by Salinger as a broken record because he wants to talk but the
girl doesn t want to listen. Overall I think that author J.D Salinger uses many different forms of
symbolism such as the hunting hat, the broken record and the description of Holden being the catcher
in the rye to portray key ideas to us the readers. These key ideas are; Holden Caulfield is the guardian
of youth and Holden is a broken record
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Pyramids Research Paper
Pyramids A pyramid, by definition, is a type of ancient structure that is massive in scale and has a
square base with four sides that form a triangular shape. These pyramids were constructed thousands
of years ago and still stand strong. They were built by the ancient Egyptians, by basically piling loads
and loads of materials on top of each other in the shape of a pyramid. It seems like a simple process
but it was very time consuming and required a lot of analyzing to make sure the pyramids turned out
symmetrical. Since these pyramids are still in decent shape, it shows how well they were built. The
materials used to build these pyramids consisted of mostly stone, wood, and copper. The egyptians
were very limited when it came to supplies. The ... Show more content on ...
These pharaohs were believed to live forever, even after death. The pyramids were supposed to help
them in be able to live in the afterlife. The dead pharaohs were mummified and then stored in tombs
inside the pyramids. Since the egyptians spent a great deal of time and effort into making these
pyramids, it shows how important the afterlife was to them. Building these pyramids was a very
important part of their life. Ziggurats, on the other hand, were not used to store dead bodies, they was
used for more religious and ceremonial purposes. Other pyramids, like the Aztec stepped pyramid
called the Templo Mayor, was used for rituals and was used to perform sacrifices. These magnificent
structures called pyramids, have had many purposes and importance to many. Not only did they serve
as tombs for important pharaohs, but they were a place for religious practice, ceremony, and rituals.
These structures hold great significance because they give us an insight as to what the egyptians
viewed as important in their lifetime. It gives us some history on ancient egyptians and their abilities.
The time and effort put into these structures show how significant they
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What Is The Difference Between Norma Jeane Mortenson And...
Norma Jeane Mortenson and Marilyn Monroe She was a very Intelligent and achieving person that
was born on June 1, 1926, she didn t know who her father was and her mother Gladys Baker
Mortenson had left her in an orphanage when she was 5 years old lived in Los Angeles, California.
Gladys Baker Mortenson had named her Norma Jeane Mortenson. In 1937 Gladys Baker Mortenson
had paid a family friend and her husband, Grace and Doc Goddard to take care of Norma and to raise
her. she would pay them $25 weekly. But when Doc s job had to be transferred in 1942 to East Coast
they couldn t bring her with them. When Norma would ask them for anything they would say no like
for instance if she asked permission to go to the movies they wouldn t let her. Norma s ... Show more
content on ...
she explained to him why she was taking them and said, I m taking them because sometimes I get
Headaches and I take the sleeping pills so I wouldn t feel the pain when I would sleep. Later Monroe
was being dismissed from the days that she had been absent when she had to work on a movie film
called Something s got to give and they were due to illnesses that she supposably had.
Marilyn got sued for breach of contract from the 20th Century fox that she has not been going to work
on her filming they tried contacting her but no responses from her in any way no address no nothing.
On August 5th, 1962 their laid Marilyn s death in her home which was in Los Angeles California. An
empty bottle of sleeping pills was laying next to her where she was laid also. Everyone started talking
about her and everyone was surprised by her death.
Monroe didn t own a house until the last year of her life. Today she is still considered as the world s
most popular and famous and amazingly woman that achieved in her dreams without anyone helping
her out, there s been a lot of admiration for Marilyn Monroe and there s a lot of people that just want
to be like
... Get more on ...
Student Loan
In this essay, using the S.M.A.R.T. planning model (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic,
and timely), I will evaluate the Alice s goals of paying off student loan, buying a house and
saving for children s education, accumulating assets, retiring, and traveling around the world in
a sailboat. I will complete my evaluation with a comment.
To achieve these goals, Alice has to identify the timing of her goals. For example paying off
student loan is a short term goal, but accumulating assets is an intermediate goal and then buying
a house (paying off the house completely) and saving for children, along with the retiring plan
are long term goals.
To consider the S.M.A.R.T. model, Alice has to be realistic. Alice has $5,250 assets ... Show more
content on ...
If she chooses the second job option, she will preserves any alternative that she would consider
in the future, because there is no risks involved. However, if she chooses the trip to Vegas, if she
loses, all her alternatives will be eliminated since she would go deeper in debts. Here we realize
that a risk is not just an option, but also a cost, and any available choice that someone might
preserve is a benefit.
In conclusion, when we consider Alice s feasible choices, and then we calculate the benefits,
explicit, implicit and strategic costs of each of her choices, we realize that Alice in general is not
in a bad shape. In my opinion, she should continue the way she is without any further action till
she pays off her student loan completely. Also, she does not have to buy a new car till then. The
second job will put too much pressure on her health that may affect her ability to continue her
current carrier path. Also the Vegas trip for winning money because of the high risk involved is
completely out of the question. After a few years when she gets rid of student loan, she can
easily plan for her intermediate and long term goals. After all, she is in better position than
... Get more on ...
Herzberg Two Factor Theory
1. Job satisfaction:
Job satisfaction can be explained as a feeling of pleasure that one feels with his work, it is fulfillment
of one s needs and desires from his or her work and the environment of work. There are several
theories from past, which tries to explain the job satisfaction one of these theories is the Herzberg s
two factor theory. According to his theory, there are two basic types of work motivators one is the
intrinsic motivator and the other is the extrinsic motivator.
Intrinsic satisfaction is linked with the actual task of the job that is whether the person likes or enjoys
what he or she is actually doing. Does the task make him or her feel been utilized of do they feel the
work they do is helping them grow. The extrinsic motivation is more about the non job factors such as
the environment of the workplace, the attitude of the colleagues the ... Show more content on ...
Several factors were considered as contributors for the job satisfaction. Aiken in his research work of
2001 found out that:
Job dissatisfaction among nurses was highest in the United States (41%) followed by Scotland (38%),
England (36%), Canada (33%) and Germany (17%). One third of nurses in England and Scotland and
more than one fifth in the United States planned on leaving their job within 12 months of data
collection. (Job satisfaction among nurses: a literature review, 2005)
Why is it important to study a nurse s job satisfaction?
An increase in the studies related to the job satisfaction of nurses has been witnessed (PIETERSEN,
2005) there are several reasons for this such as:
1. Several studies had shown a decrease in the job satisfaction of nurses in particular.
2. The decrease in the number of nurses worldwide, this decrease in the number of nurses is because
of several factors such as work environment, pressure of the work
... Get more on ...
How Does Heathcliff Change In Wuthering Heights
In Wuthering Heights author Emily Brontë crafts a harrowing death for Catherine as well as a funeral
scene that serves to communicate her true love; all things natural. Heathcliff is frequently described as
an extension of nature throughout the novel due to his strength, impulsivity, and the manner in which
he confronts his problems. By handling his issues directly and forcefully, Heathcliff is a force to be
reckoned with, just like nature itself. However, on the day of Catherine s funeral, he handles his
emotions passively like the civilized families. Heathcliff suppresses his nature with the aid of alcohol,
[swallowing] the tumblerfuls, a stark contrast to many of his past decisions where he
adamantly refuted to succumb to societal normalcies, content with his rough demeanor (Brontë 169).
... Show more content on ...
Like Heathcliff, she was also a wild spirit, intrinsically inclined toward Wuthering Heights, yet
capable of adapting to high society living. However, she could not continue to ignore her inherent
affinity for both Heathcliff and the natural world. Only as she approached death did she finally admit
that she [didn t] want...Edgar or Thrushcross Grange to be her home (Brontë 127). Catherine s frantic
love for Heathcliff and Wuthering Heights manifested as the brain fever that led to her death,
symbolizing the conflict between her effort to fit into society and her longing for a life free of
constraints with Heathcliff (Brontë 132). Despite his newfound suffering, Heathcliff continues to love
Catherine, even after her
... Get more on ...

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What is Digital Literacy? A guest blog from Andy McLaughlin, University of Ab...What is Digital Literacy? A guest blog from Andy McLaughlin, University of Ab...
What is Digital Literacy? A guest blog from Andy McLaughlin, University of Ab...
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Birthday Writing Paper Have Fun Teaching

  • 1. Birthday Writing Paper | Have Fun Teaching 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Birthday Writing Paper | Have Fun Teaching Birthday Writing Paper | Have Fun Teaching
  • 2. European Competition Policy And The European Union In order to avoid such cases of economic loss and the businesses or consumers be protecting in their transactions, the European Commission has set certain rules and values that exist fluently functions in between European states and ensure unrestrained competition. The second part evaluates why we need a European competition policy and what European competition policy is about. European competition policy occupies a prominent in the work of the European Union since its inception of the Treaty of Rome in 1957. This Treaty established a system ensuring undistorted competition within the common market. The aim was to create a set of robust and efficient competition rules for the proper functioning of European market and benefit consumers of ... Show more content on ... Moreover for best quality of the products. The competition encourages companies to improve the quality of goods and selling services to attract more customers and increase their market share. The quality may relate to various aspects of a product or service, such as longer life or better operation of the product, the best service after sales or technical support, provide better services to consumers. Equally important is the plenty of option. In a competitive market companies try to differentiate their products by the other, leading to providing consumers more options to choose the product in their opinion offers the right relationship between price and quality. Furthermore the innovation. To be able to provide more options and produce better products, businesses need to innovate on the type and design product, production methods, provided the services . Finally, likewise the stronger competitors in international markets helps European businesses to be stronger and outside the EU and therefore be can survive in conditions of global competition. In cases where violations of rules competition for each country, the situation usually deal with the national competition authorities. However, enlargement of the internal market and globalization, the impact of any illegal practices, such as cartels, are usually felt many other countries within and outside the Union. The Commission normally has adequate means to handle ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Triumph of the Will and Jud Suess as Nazi Propaganda... Triumph of the Will and Jud Suess as Nazi Propaganda It has been readily admitted that propaganda has little to do with the truth. Why then is it so convincing? Why does the demagogic appeal of propaganda triumph over reason and truth? The answer is that the power of our emotions and our prejudices clouds our reasoning; and even more, propaganda uses our emotions against us by manipulating them. We are shown what the propagandist wants us to see; we feel what the propagandist wants us to feel. And in that way, propaganda becomes a tool for exploiting the masses, for shaping public opinion and turning ordinary people into supporters, participants and onlookers of genocide. Both Triumph of the Will and Jud Suess function ... Show more content on ... In that sense, the numbers amount to a bandwagon approach all those people have joined up, why haven t you? In addition to manipulating people s sense of nationalism, the film seeks to manipulate people s religious beliefs; it uses common religious themes and images to imply an endorsement of Hitler and the Nazis. In the opening scene, Hitler s plane flies above the clouds, high up in the sky; and then descends to earth to land. Here Hitler is portrayed as coming from Heaven; he alone can restore order to the chaos, he alone can save Germany and her people.The Nazi motto One People, One Empire, One Leader is a perversion of the Holy Trinity, encompassed and personified in Hitler. The release date of Jud Suess (Jud Süß, Veit Harlan, Germany, 1940)2 reflects the goals of the film.In 1940, Hitler had already legitimized his power, and now needed to accrue overwhelming public support for his one sided crusade against European Jewry. The makers of the film decided they could get overwhelming public support by showing a historical film , which would serve as an example for the kind of danger the Jews represented towards Germany a didactic film, in the Nazi tradition, of course. In showing the Jews as the enemy, the film takes a great deal of care to show the ordinary Jew.Dirty, lazy, cunning, hyper sexual these are the traits Jud Suess assigns to the Jewish people. In the synagogue, the Jews sing in a wild and ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Analysis Of A Thousand Splendid Suns On the other hand, Khaled Hosseini employs an open plot structure in A Thousand Splendid Suns in order to comment on the effect of assiduity on the possibility of escaping an oppressive environment. In A Thousand Splendid Suns, Hosseini illustrates his narrative through the parallel plotline of his two protagonists Mariam and Laila to design an open, chronological plot structure. Through the first sentence of A Thousand Splendid Suns, Hosseini establishes that Mariam was five years old the first time she heard the word harami (Hosseini 3). Hosseini s purposeful decision of introducing his main character before all other elements such as the setting and supporting characters illustrates his protagonists significance in the construction of the plot structure s foundation. In order to establish an open, chronological plot structure, Hosseini constantly reminds the readers of the progression of time through the inclusion of the year and Mariam s age. For instance, in the exposition of chapter five, Hosseini declares, It was the spring of 1974, the year Mariam turned fifteen (Hosseini 25). Then in chapter fifteen the last chapter of the first part Hosseini once again states, On April 17, 1978, the year Mariam turned nineteen... (Hosseini 97). Hosseini purposely includes the date along with Mariam s increasing age throughout the chapters for the readers to become cognizant of the novel s chronological format. In addition to illustrating the progression of time through Mariam, Hosseini also mirrors the same structure for his second protagonist, Laila. In the second part of A Thousand Splendid Suns, Hosseini prefaces the chapter with the header Kabul, Spring 1987. Immediately below the header, Hosseini begins the chapter by stating, Nine year old Laila rose from bed, as she did most morning, hungry for the sight of her friend Tariq (Hosseini 107). By introducing Laila through the identical structure utilized when first presenting Mariam, Hosseini provides hints of his wish for readers to juxtapose the two females. Furthermore, by introducing nine year old Laila twenty three years after the introduction of five year old Mariam, Hosseini was able to illustrate Laila s plotline in relation to Mariam s ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Agriculture Is The Foundation Of A Country s Economic... Agriculture is the foundation of a country s economic strength. Growth of the agricultural industry increases national income, sustains the livelihood of growing populations, maintains a trade balance for all goods and encourages further motivation for the economic development in a country. The agricultural industry represents 32.4 % of global income. In the U.S, agriculture contributes 3% to national income and in Japan, 6% contributes to national income. Increasing U.S. agricultural exports to other developed countries such as Japan, would provide beneficial opportunities for agricultural expansion for the U.S. and other countries. Furthermore, Japan is one of the world s largest countries in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing ... Show more content on ... Following Japan s unprecedented economic growth during the postwar period, Japan s agricultural comparative advantage has significantly declined. In response, Japan, over the last two decades, implemented protectionist policies to soften the impact of declining comparative advantage. These policies included; border protection, support of agricultural product prices, subsidies on agricultural inputs and quantitative restrictions on imports of certain agricultural commodities. However, the majority of quantitative restrictions were lifted after the GATT multinational panel declared it illegal in 1988. The implementation of protections is attributed to Japan s rapid industrial growth in the 1980 s, which further deteriorated comparative advantage. Although Japan s economy has slowed in the recent years, the agricultural sector still has not caught up with the population boom. Furthermore, the inability to reallocate resources resulted in the strengthening of protectionist policies and widened the gap of international agricultural trade. Additionally, the farming sector was able to retain strong political influence which increased the reluctance of the Japanese government to lift protections. Ultimately, the longer Japan keeps agricultural protectionist policies in place, it will become more difficult for Japan to reallocate resources to accommodate free trade. There are several ways in which the elimination of Japan s protectionist policies would ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Geothermal Energy is the Solution to the Energy Crisis Essay Geothermal Energy: A Solution to the Energy Crisis Abstract So far, scientists have not found a successful substitute for fossil fuels that can handle both the large demand for energy and solve the global warming problem. I propose that geothermal energy is a clean, widely available, and renewable alternative to the usage of fossil fuels. In this paper, I will explain how use of geothermal resources can be energy efficient, environmentally clean, and cost effective. I believe that the US government should increase funding for geothermal energy research. This may be the solution to our present energy crisis and global warming. Introduction There is a call of action to solve today s energy crisis. What we need urgently is a clean, ... Show more content on ... Fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural gas) take up about 80 % of total energy consumed. Fossil fuels cause pollution and global warming yet we continue to use them. Our demand for fossil fuels has become so great that according to current projections, Earth s reserves will be depleted within the next 200 years. But we do not actually have 200 years to wait. Our run away consumption of fossil fuel not only endangers our ability to meet our future energy needs but also the environment. Fossil fuels cause significant pollution and global warming. This in turn compromises wildlife habitats and can even lead to extinction of animal and plant species. By looking at new sources such as geothermal energy, we can move towards a source that is not extremely harmful and yet still effective. Geothermal Energy Geothermal energy is heat energy that is stored underneath Earth s surface. It is mainly found at volcanoes, hot springs, or geysers. Heat stored in the hot water and steam found at these locations is captured and can be used to heat buildings or generate electricity. This energy source is renewable because heat from the earth is continuously produced. To obtain energy, you must either use hot water or steam from the source. The most common way of capturing the energy from geothermal sources is to tap into naturally occurring hydrothermal convection systems where cooler water seeps into Earth s crust, is heated up, and then rises to the ... Get more on ...
  • 7. My Life After The Medical Field Choosing this field is something that has a deep connection with my personal life. Becoming a Diagnostic Medical sonographer would mean that I have accomplished what I have promised someone who is very dear to me. Ever since I was a little, I always wanted to be in the medical field. I always had a big heart and wanted to help people so when I saw the important role that sonographers play in the medical field, it became clear to me that, being a sonographer was exactly what I want to do with my life. In 2007 someone who was very important to me passed away due to gastric cancer. When my grandmother, who was a mother, father, and a friend to me was diagnosed with gastric cancer my world collapsed. It was devastating news not only for me, but also for the whole family. At the time my grandmother didn t speak English, so it was very hard for her to understand what the doctors and the stuff were saying. During the endoscopy procedure to determine the stage of her cancer, she said it was the sonographer who made her feel calm and treated her with dignity, even though she did not understand her language, that did not stop the sonographer from showing compassion to her patients. So it was that great care and sense of compassion that made me greatly appreciate what sonographers do to help their patients. Seeing the important role that sonographers play in the medical field made me realize that, becoming a sonographer would be fulfilling profession for me that would absolutely fit my ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Metastasis Term Paper Metastasis is a hallmark of caner and leading to reduced survival rates of cancer patients. The ability of a cancer cell to undergo migration and invasion allows it to change position within the tissues. Metastasis consists of five steps which are termed the metastatic cascade (Fig. 1). These five steps of cascade are invasion and migration, intravastion, circulation, extravasation, Colonization, proliferation and angiogenesis. Various cellular processes like de regulated cell growth, loss of cell cell adhesion, migration through the underlying interstitial stroma, altered survival signaling which support metastatic spread, therapy resistance and unrestricted tumor growth, facilitate these five step of metastatic cascade. Massive metastatic ... Show more content on ... The factors limiting the growth of malignant neoplasm include the basal membrane and various components of the surrounding stroma, increased interstitial pressure, limited oxygen supply to tumor cells and the formation of active oxygen forms, hypoxia conditions, and permanent exposure to immune system cells. Given the intra tumoral heterogeneity, in the struggle for survival, some tumor cells may be subjected to regression and death, while other cells, which resist powerful, counteracting micro environmental factors, gain an aggressive phenotype and the ability of metastatic progression. Invasive tumor growth is enabled by the detachment of malignant cells from the tumor mass due to a reduction in or complete loss of intercellular adhesion molecules, and, therefore, the cells gain the ability of anomalously high motility enabling penetration through the stiff structural elements of the surrouss means the ability to thrust aside adjacent tissues, and also to actively invade and, therefore, destroy these ... Get more on ...
  • 9. My Personal Experience With The Product My Personal Experience with the Product I experienced my first taste of Miller Lite when I was an undergraduate student in college. The first time I ever purchased it was at a sports bar called O Rielys in Chicago. Miller Lite is a light lager style beer that has a taste of graininess with hints of grain husk, sweetness, light toasted malt and a trace of citrus and pine. Miller Lite is a crystal clear, light golden yellow color liquid. The aroma smells like hoppy bread and it is served cold. I quickly grew partial to the brand because it was cost effective, it didn t taste as watered down as other cost efficient beers did. I liked the marketing behind the brand, because being from the college and sports driven city that I am from ... Show more content on ... I bought Miller Lite almost every weekend when I was in college and now that I am not working and I am in graduate school, living on a tight budget again, I buy Miller Lite at least once when I go out on the weekends. Miller Lite is not the brand I go to for a crafted, hearty beer, but it s what I go to when I want to have an enjoyable, relaxing night with a few friends and when I m not looking to spend a lot of money. A unique benefit that I appreciate that the brand offers me is the low price for quality beer. Like stated before, although Miller Lite is not the beer I would go to if I was looking for a crafted brew, it is the beer I go to that never fails to show me a good time for a low price. I have always enjoyed their marketing campaigns and Super Bowl commercials, which is another feature I appreciate. Along with delivering a good product, they make it fun and enjoyable for consumers, from a marketing standpoint. I am a brand loyalist because Miller Lite provides me with a product that has never let me down; I have never had a problem with the beverage. The product has never let me down because it continually has good deals and promotions, it consistently tastes good, and I associate the drink with the good times I have had in the past, which makes me want to continue experiencing those good times and create new memories. Company and Marketplace It s football ... Get more on ...
  • 10. How and to What Extent Did War and Violence Contribute to... How and to what extent did war and violence contribute to the definition of chivalry as both an historical and social phenomenon? It is largely acknowledged by historians that, while it is difficult to be definitive in the meaning of chivalry with Maurice Keen believing it to be a word elusive of definition it came to denote the culture of a martial estate which regarded war as its hereditary profession . Thus, it could be considered that the violence of war had large implications on what people began to perceive to be chivalry. Additionally, the focus on violence such as the participating in tournaments and jousts further emphasises the close link between carrying out violent acts and the idea that a knight was being chivalrous. ... Show more content on ... The historian Richard Kaeuper notes that prowess being crucial to honor may have contributed as much to the problem of violence as it provided a solution . Therefore, this appears to convey why the concept of chivalry began to be associated with violence and warfare as knights, in the pursuit of honor, became reliant on violence and battle to prove their aptitude. This idea is supported by a medieval knight Sir John Chandos, who stated that men brought up for martial calling cannot live without war and do not know how to . Maurice Keen argues that chivalry was quintessentially bellicose as it presented those who fought has having a pinnacle of honor . As a result, the use of force by knights as a way of denoting their gallantry led to the belief that violence was intrinsic to the notion of chivalry. Furthermore, within the medieval period there was the development of certain traditions and rewards associated with the concept of chivalry. The partaking in tournaments and jousting is argued by Keen to have been a step on the scale of chivalrous perfection . In these activities acts of violence were glorified and those who were successful were rewarded, thus endorsing and entrenching the belief that violence and success in war were the main premises on which chivalry was based. The extent to which violence contributed to what came to define chivalry is ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Business Merger Between Lenovo And Motorola Mobility Business Combination between Lenovo and Motorola Mobility Details of company acquired Lenovo is a Chinese multinational computer technology company operating in more than 60 countries and selling its products in around 160 countries. Motorola, an American company, focus on making cell phones and other electronics. In recent years, Motorola has experienced a bad financial situation and in 2011 Motorola split into two separate companies, Motorola Mobility and Motorola Solutions. In August 2011, Google acquired Motorola Mobility using about US$12.5 billion. In 2014, October 30, Lenovo announced that they have already finished the acquisition of Motorola Mobility from Google and they will operate the Motorola as a wholly owned subsidiary. Lenovo paid Google about US$2.9 billion to complete this transaction which included approximately US$660 million in cash and US$750 million ordinary stock issued by Lenovo. The remaining US$1.5 billion will be paid to Google by using three year promissory note. In this paper, we just consider the transaction between Lenovo and Motorola Mobility. Allocation of acquisition differential (see Exhibit 1) The purchase consideration paid for 100% of Motorola Mobility was $3.09 billion, including cash paid, consideration shares, deferred consideration and share based compensation obligation assumed by the company. The acquisition differential is therefore $1.224 billion. We calculated it by finding the difference between the purchase ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Arterial Blood Gas Analysis Essay At 0400 hours on a weekday in a rural suburb, a 911 call is placed for an eight month old female patient with persistent diarrhea, sunken fontanels, and severe respiratory distress. The local ambulance service responds to the call and transports the patient to a specialized emergency department for further evaluation. The mother accompanies the crew with the patient, nervously holding her daughter s hand and stroking her head. Despite the tense ride, both the patient and mother are delivered to their destination without incident. The paramedic gives report and rushes to forget the call, while the patient is whisked into the ED for further testing. An ABG analysis (Arterial Blood Gas analysis) is performed on the child, revealing vital values ... Show more content on ... A short term compensatory response for respiratory acidosis might include an immediate slight increase in bicarbonate levels. Another example of compensation would be hyperventilation as a response to metabolic acidosis. The compensatory response for respiratory alkalosis is a fall in the bicarbonate level in chronic respiratory alkalosis this is achieved through renal excretion over time, while in an acute state, lower levels of CO2 produce a slight decrease of HCO3 . The compensatory response for metabolic alkalosis is hypoventilation. If all three values are abnormal, the patient is in a partially compensated state because the buffer is actively working to push the equation to equilibrium to obtain a normal pH value. If the pH is normal and the CO2 and HCO3 are both abnormal, the patient is in a fully compensated state. If the pH is abnormal and either the CO2 or HCO3 are abnormal, the patient is in an uncompensated state. The overall goal of compensation is to push the above equation as close to equilibrium as ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Superheroes Impact On American Culture Essay Superheroes, Comics and Their Impact On American Media and Culture The Start of Something New Everybody knows what comics are, they ve been the focus of many major motion pictures, but comics weren t always around, in fact the first modern comic book was created in 1933, a little less than a century ago, but they had a major influence on American culture and revolutionized the media and literature. The Golden age of Media The Bias Comics allowed Americans to forget about the impending crisis of war in Europe (WW2), when I say comic you probably think of aliens in tights fighting crime and protecting the world from evil, but in fact the first modern comic printed was a spinoff of newspaper humor comic strips. Comics made their first rise in the early and late 1930s, the consumption of comics boomed in the ... Show more content on ... But Marvel and DC made their reign with super heroes, there were many comics about dragons and already film comics about universes like Star Wars, Alien, Predator, these specific few were obtained by Dark Horse Comics. Image comics were popular in the 1990 s but lost steam after infighting and arguments, they to were another Superhero, Supervillain genre industry, similar to Marvel and DC yet on a much smaller scale. In fact Marvel and DC practically invented and revolutionized the superhero archetype, before the 1930s superheroes and supervillains were practically unheard of, and it s thanks to this burst in popularity from the 1930s to circa 1950s that superheroes came about. As for American society, comics were a newform of media, cheap and easy to acquire, you could practically go to any store and bu a few comicds for 10xc a piece and read them for as long and as many times as you wanted, this raised the overall standard of like, oepeing up new jobs as plushi publishing companies comic compaines artissts and excetcre ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Shoe Horn Sonata Module A: The Shoe Horn Sonata and Immigrants at Central Station Dreams of war encapsulating bravery, suffering and endurance of the human spirit are evident throughout history and marked through commemoration. However the wartime experience of women, civilians and many migrants have never been acknowledged creating significant gaps and silences in our perception of the past. John Misto in his drama The Shoe Horn Sonata pays tribute to women POWs through distinctively visual techniques that incorporate music, images and dialogue, compelling the audience to recognise the injustice of their plight and to continue the pursuit for reconciliation. Similarly Peter Skrzynecki in his poem Immigrants at Central Station presents images of displaced ... Show more content on ... Both Bridie and Sheila were exposed to war time atrocities where indifference to their plight is reflected through the war time Prime Minister Curtain s anecdotal message to female POWs to just keep smiling , reinforced through the non diagetic accompaniment of Judy Garland s song When You re Smiling . Bridie s beating from Lipstick Larry is presented through a voice over re enactment in which a savage yell...ugly thumps and Sheila s exclamations Bridie! Bridie! conveys the brutality, yet also the shared suffering that unites the women. It is ironic that Bridie describes this as the best moment of the war , worthy retribution for the pin sown into Lipstick Larry s loincloth. Music and its ability to humanise becomes paramount to the women s survival when the non diagetic sounds of Christmas Carols foreground Bridie s revelation of deep male voices not the shrieks of Japanese , as a cathartic moment in her life. Visions of hairy legs , skinny , starving men in slouch hats is analogous with the Aussie Digger providing an exhilarating and morale boosting moment for the women where Bridie later reveals she married the soldier who winked at her. The symbolic piece of caramel that had been used so sparingly shared becomes an indulgence to mark this moment of sheer pleasure. The audience, like the women are momentarily ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Pupils With ASC Pupils with ASC mainly struggles with social understanding, communication, and repetitive routines or behaviours (Hartman, 2013).They all share similar symptoms, but the term spectrum indicate there s a range of severity levels (Prior et al. 1998) and adequately does the level of support needed (Volkmer, 2008). Pupils with ASC are faced with numerous academic challenges, they may display difficulty with the changes, distractions, and constant interaction on a daily basis, they often experience difficulty in executing and staying on a task (Goodman William, 2007). It is essential to understand the learning characteristics of autism so that these children have the best chance of support success in the classroom. Temple Grandin, Ph.D., a college ... Show more content on ... Without cognitive flexibility we cannot change our minds, shift attention or perspective, flexibly adjust to changes, see another point of view, resolve problems or be creative. The ability to inhibit or subdue our impulses involves the skill to stop and think and not act on our first instinct, but, instead, do what is needed or most appropriate. It allows us to direct our attention and be disciplined enough to stay on task even in the face of temptation and distraction, instead of being controlled by habit, feelings and external cues (Zelazo, 2010). EF skills begin to develop in infancy and continue to improve and change through to adulthood. Research with students with autism has showed that older students perform better than younger students on measures of EF (Happe et al., 2006).It is important to note, however, EF difficulties might not be obvious in early childhood or during the early years of school, but may become more problematic in upper primary and high school when teachers are less likely to provide scaffolds and structure for students throughout the ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Standards Of The Standard Oil Company In the 1870 s through the 1900 s, the Standard Oil Company (SOC) has been the largest company in one of the most rich industries in the world. The Standard Oil Company held a monopoly over the entire industry, which meant that their wide variety of products must have been essential to many types of people and industries. The SOC s ability to spread awareness of their company and their products is a main reason why they became so powerful. The Standard Oil Company would not be nearly as successful as it was if not for its widespread consumer base, the company became one of the largest in history. This success lead it s CEO and founder, John D. Rockefeller, to become one of the most rich people to ever live; he also gave away an extremely large portion of his wealth and make the world a better place. Another way that the company s massive amount of various customers allowed them to succeed is because oil has numerous uses and their products appealed to a wide variety of people. This fact is important because oil s many different uses made it extremely appealing and marketable to numerous and various audiences, thus allowing the company that controlled the industry to skyrocket and create a monopoly. A monopoly had never really been done before in history and with the huge amount of wealth it created for certain individuals, the wealthy were able to change the world. Oil also led the world to many technological advancements and because of the current decrease in the world s ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Obligatory Elements For Establishing Fraudulent... The following essay will discuss the obligatory elements for establishing fraudulent misrepresentation. This explicit area of business law is reinforced by precedent cases which encapsulate and clarify the elements required to establish an argument for damages based on fraudulent misrepresentation. In light of this, the essay will argue in favour of Bob Wheelie, with support of relevant case law, that the reckless actions of Mr Spokes constitute the grounds for an action for fraud and damages to the other party (Bob Wheelie). The sufficient evidence validates that: Mr Spokes held prior knowledge about the business claiming a false statement of fact; Mr Spokes provided the statement in order to induce Bob into entering the contract; Mr Spokes employed the use of misrepresentation knowing that such representation was false and would cause detrimental repercussions; and as a result Bob Wheelie suffered economic loss. Therefore, these findings indicate that Bob Wheelie can claim damages against Mr Spokes on the basis of fraudulent misrepresentation. The statutory prohibition of misleading or deceptive conduct under section 18(1) of the Australian Consumer Law provides: A person must not, in trade or commerce, engage in conduct that is misleading or deceptive or is likely to mislead or deceive. The grounds of fraudulent misrepresentation were established in the case of Derry v Peek (1889) 14 App Cas 337 . Lord Herschell stated that fraudulent misrepresentation arises when a ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Scotland s Great Boundary In Brave By Pixar Welcome to Scotland! In the movie, Brave by Pixar, the story of a mother and daughter s struggling to communicate is infused with Scottish traditional clothing. Striving to preserve many Scottish traditions, Pixar showcases Scotland s great symbol the tartan and masters the art of the great kilt. Capturing some of the essences of Scotland s culture, Brave allows us a peek into a part of Scotland s past and its family s histories. Following the tale of a mother and daughter that struggle to see eye to eye, Pixar uses a storyline that crosses every culture boundary. In Brave, the daughter Merida is a strong willed young girl, determined to make it on her own. Running wild in the forest surround her castle with her bow and arrow, Merida does not want to grow up and receive responsibility, but she just happens to be a princess. The Queen, Elinor, is caring, loving, and only wants what is best for her family. She is ... Show more content on ... A great kilt is a thick woolen cloth made up of two loom pieces sewn into a width of 60 inch and up to 590 inch long. Left as an unaltered garment that would be gathered into pleats and secured by a wide belt on the bottom and the top half was draped over your left shoulder. The kilt could be used for protection against the weather and even used as a blanket if needed. Under the kilt, the men could either wear a shirt or not. The pattern that decorates the kilt can be arranged in different colors and a variety of strips of different widths, known as Tartan. In America, a tartan is known as the pattern, plaid. Evidence suggest that tartan and kilts have been around since the 5th or 6th Century, but didn t come into common use until the 1500 or so. Each clan creates their pattern of tartan to help identify themselves. Tartan is one of the most important symbols of Scotland, and many wear it in many styles ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Autism- Developmental Disability Autism is a developmental disability that significantly affect a person s verbal and nonverbal communication, social interaction, and educational performance. This developmental disability affects the brain, communication and interaction with others. People with this disability often have trouble relating and forming relationships with other people. Autism occurs very early on in the development of the brain. The most obvious signs can be found at the ages of two or three years old. There is no known single cause of autism. however, it is generally accepted that autism is caused by abnormalities in the brain. Autism has been linked to genetic and environmental factors. Researchers have identified a number of genes associated with the disorder. There are six main characteristics of autism. They include: atypical language and development, atypical social development, repetitive behavior, problem behavior, sensory and movement disorder, and differences in intellectual functioning. People with autism have a broad range of language abilities ranging from no verbal communication to quite complex communication. Autism causes atypical social behaviors such as social interaction and social skills. people with autism have a lack of reciprocity and they do not share enjoyments, achievements, and interests with others. Sometimes they can have difficulty making friends. People with autism are often confused about the appropriate social behaviors. Another characteristic of autism is ... Get more on ...
  • 20. How I Met Myself How I Met Myself Q: Based on the novel above, describe the main character. Answer with evidence. Ans: The main character in the novel How I Met Myself is John Taylor. He is a 34 year old Englishman living and working in Hungary. He is 2 meters tall with light brown hair and eyes and a moustache. Taylor is adventurous and eager to try something new. He is a computer programmer who takes a job in another country, especially in one which he has never visited before, because he thinks it will be interesting. He takes Hungarian lessons from a girl named Andrea. They fall in love and get married. Later, they also have a daughter whom they name Kati. Taylor is also curious and determined to understand the strange meeting that took place on 18 ... Show more content on ... Ans: In the novel How l Met Myself conflict arises between Taylor and his wife, Andrea, because of the strange events that happened to Taylor that turned his life upside down. Andrea is first unhappy with Taylor s change in attitude. Once she knows what is troubling him, she helps to investigate. However, Taylor continues to dream about the strange meeting and wants to know the truth. In doing so, he spends less time with Andrea and his daughter He also does not tell her that he goes to the library to read old newspapers to find clues that can help him make sense of his strange meeting. When she finds out, she is angry and does not want to help him anymore. Andrea fails to understand that her husband wants to be free of the dreams. The story of the doppelganger may seem impossible in the normal world so she finds it hard to believe her husband. She grows tired of his doppelganger story and wants him to think about taking care of his family. The doppelganger and Taylor s quest to find answers seem to drive a wedge between Taylor and Andrea. Later, she even thinks he is ill and needs a doctor s help. Q: Based on the novel above, write about an important event/s in one of the character s life, answer with evidence. Ans: In the novel How l Met Myself the most important event occurs when John Taylor discovers more about what happened to him one cold January evening when he met himself. It is called a ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Antisocial Personality Disorder ( Ocd ) ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER Introductory Psychology PSYC 1101 Fall Semester 2014 Mr. Moser October 23, 2014 Taylor B. Hart Abstract Antisocial Personality Disorder is a very rare disorder. The criteria to be diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder has been changed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders throughout many years. The rareness of this disorder can be considered beneficial in the world because of the way people diagnosed with it become and what they do to others. Many people diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder find their self in prison. A variety of causes pertain to this disorder. Very few treatments of this disorder seem to work of this that has been tested. Researchers are still working on a better way to treat this disorder. The defense mechanisms associated with antisocial personality disorder are quite common and the same during the course of diagnosis. Antisocial Personality Disorder Antisocial personality disorder (APD or ASPD) is a mental disorder in which a person s approach in any given situation as well as his style of thinking is neglecting towards others. People with this disorder are commonly known as psychopaths or sociopaths. An individual with APD shows empathy and disregards people s thoughts and feelings. Those with APD can be characterized as morally reprehensible. They are the ones that seem to say all of the right things. Antisocial personality disorder, in contrary to ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Needs Assessment for Worksite Health Promotion Program FNH 8613 Design amp; Administration of Health Promotion Programs Mississippi State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Department of Food Science, Nutrition, and Health Promotion Needs Assessment Guidelines A. Identification of the Setting Identify the setting in which your program will take place. Be specific in describing the setting by including as much information as possible. a. Name of the community, school, etc Mississippi Care Center of Alcorn Co b. Subpopulations of interest____Employees at the facility______________ c. Identify three primary health outcomes of interest. These are based on your perceptions of the conditions affecting your population. As your needs assessment ... Show more content on ... Be sure that the remainder of your needs assessment steps reflects the type selected here. Due to the lack of data collected in the past, action/participatory research will work the best for this needs assessment. I will have more luck collecting data by participation and interviews. Observation, surveys, and interviews will be the best way to collect information and determined the needs and wants of the target audience. C. Gathering Data h. Data from scientific literature Depending on the population and behaviors being studied, it is possible to identify some of the health priorities of a population by reviewing literature. Although there may not be published data on your specific population, studies completed within similar settings may provide useful information. Identify five published studies that may be of use in your needs assessment. 5. Machen, R., Cuddihy, T., Reaburn, P., amp; Higgins, H. (2010). Development of a workplace wellness promotion pilot framework: A case study of the blue care staff wellness program. Asia Pacific Journal of Health, Sport, and Physical Education, 1(2), 8 13. Workplace wellness programs are currently unreflective of the multidimensional and holistic nature of the wellness construct. There exists an opportunity for health promoters to move toward models of workplace wellness promotion that more ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Conquest And The Start Of Colonialism Conquest In the era preceding the age of conquest and the start of colonialism around the late 1400s was a dark time in Europe both socially and economically. Under the feudalist system, there was strict social classes which made upward mobility nearly impossible, even for those born into lower level nobility. Morale was also waning as pestilence and war persisted. The bubonic plague in the mid 1300s ravaged Europe and by some estimates, cut the population by half. France and England fought in the Hundred Years War that quite literally meant that the region was in a state of war for a century, between 1337 to 1453. Additionally, one of the last vestiges of the Christian Eastern Roman Empire, Constantinople, fell to the Muslim Ottomans in 1453. This event not only hurt western esteem, but also cut off the major trade route from Europe to Asia. All of this meant that Europe, both the courts and the Church were seeking a way to increase prestige and wealth. Conquest was the response, by allowing nations to find new land to possess, and new resources to exploit, and especially new enemies to defeat. The period in the late 1400s is sometimes euphemistically called, The Age of Exploration, connoting ideas of discovery, knowledge building, and awe. In Amerigo Vespucci s (1454 1512) first letter to Lorenzo Di Pierfrancesco De Medici, Vespucci spends more than half the letter describing the land of the Americas, often commenting on flora and fauna as a marvel (Vespucci, ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Capital Punishment In Canada Capital punishment, within the Canadian context, has enjoyed a long and controversial history. First enacted as a punishment for the act of murder, its use and subsequent abolition have been the source of significant legislative debates that have contributed to a shift in penal philosophy. Moving away from the principle of lex talionis, the Canadian government between 1957 and 1967 began to commute death sentences across the nation. This desire to limit the use of capital punishment would finally culminate in its removal form legislation in 1976. It is my opinion that Canada should not return to the principles of lex talionis and reinstate capital punishment. For submission, I offer the following arguments: [1] Capital punishment is not ... Show more content on ... Justice, as properly understood within western legal tradition, must, as necessary condition, seek to establish truth, ensure the protection of liberties and have in place procedural safeguards to ensure that only those who are guilty of a crime are punished. While this may seem to be only an ideal in the broadest sense justice cannot, and indeed must not, stray to far from these principles. Yes, it is acknowledged that in some instances there will be individuals and cases that fall through the cracks however, it is precisely for this reason that capital punishment must not be reinstated. In the interest of justice that is reputable, it is my opinion that the reinstatement of capital punishment poses to great of a risk as it relates to an innocent individual being sentenced to death. When this unfortunate event occurs, the justice in its entirety is brought into question and is ill equipped to provide sufficient remedies. Canada s international role in furthering the abolition of the death ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Descriptive Morality For each individual human being, there are six states for a human life on a normative scale from best to worst: first is divine which exceeds the merely human on the one extreme, second is virtuous which is absence of wrongful desire, third is strong willed which is the ability to overcome one s wrongful desire, fourth is weak willed which is the opposite and so the inability to overcome wrongful desire, fifth is vicious and bestial which exceeds the merely human on the other extreme and are often found among barbarians. Another journal from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy on The Definition of Morality explains that morality can be used in two broad senses which are descriptively to refer to certain codes of conduct put forward by a society or a group (such as religion), or accepted by an individual for his or her own behavior, secondly, normatively to refer to a code of conduct that, given specified conditions, would be put forward by all rational persons there is a tricky part to morality which are not all codes that are put forward by societies or groups are moral codes in the descriptive sense of morality, and not all codes that would be accepted by all moral agents are moral codes in the normative sense of morality (The Definition of Morality, 2016). Descriptive morality focuses on the rules of etiquette as well as attitudes of an individual. These small morals are referred to decency and appropriate in behavior, as how one man should salute or treat another or ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Facebook s Influence On Social Networking An obvious slogan on the homepage to the popular social networking website Facebook is the phrase Connect with friends and the world you on Facebook (Facebook n.p). The idea of needing social networking sites to connect with everyone else one knows or may meet has become embedded in American culture throughout recent years, especially among the teenage population. Facebook is easily the most popular sites, to the point where it would be considered unusual for someone attending high school to not have a profile on the site. However, does the Facebook actually create a stronger connection between people, or does it simply create the illusion of a healthy social life, while really creating distance a distance between them? According to the Will Reader, a researcher who works at Sheffield Hallam University in the UK, people generally have five people they would consider their close friend, in striking contrast to the vast amounts they may have on Facebook (Szumski Karson 26). This finding seems to suggest that one s amount of Facebook reflects how popular one wishes to appear online more than how healthy one s friendship truly are. Bill Keller, an executive for the magazine The New York Times, asserts that constant usage of Facebook allows user to potentially feel like [they] have a meaningful social life, when in reality, [they are missing] something (26). Indeed, Facebook can function as a placebo for some users in the place of genuine, healthy social life. Users with ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Choosing The Middle Ages Ever since 7th grade I ve been astonished with history. The way people solved conflict to the way people improved technology over the years. But there is one specific part of history, I thoroughly enjoy. The Middle Ages, you, might be wondering, Why the Middle Ages? There are tones of different parts of history you could do; Egypt, Qin dynasty of China, Renaissance, Inca, Aztec s, or you could have done the Mayans. But why did you choose The Middle Ages? The Reason I enjoy The Middle Age, time period, so much is it goes over interesting topics. Such as Constantinople is founded as the capital of the Roman Empire, Justinian the 1st begins rule of Eastern Roman empire, and even the Fall of Constantinople. Yes, the Middle Age wasn t the best ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Bowling For Columbine Bowling for Columbine is a documentary made by the filmmaker, Michael Moore in 2002. This documentary looks into the mysterious circumstances leading to the Columbine massacre in 1999, in which, 2 students, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, aged 17 and 18 years, in their final year of high school, had killed 13 (12 students and 1 teachers), injuring many, before turning the gun on themselves. By utilising satirical, but persuasive dialogue and visuals, Michael Moore delves within the reasons of America s high gun violence using the Columbine massacre at its base. Throughout the documentary, Michael Moore retains quite the neutral perspective, but, having been born in Michigan (A gun loving state), Michael has a history with guns, having won ... Show more content on ... Moore also illustrates how America tends to use force instead of dialogue and how, they re quite offensive in their foreign policies, by showing all the archived footage of America having their hands in foreign relations, like, in 1963 to 1975 Americans had killed 4 million people in Southeast Asia. Moore had made one generalisation, where he states that American news had favoured negative stores, whereas, Canadian news had covered positive ones, where we don t actually know if Canadian news is positive 24/7. To guard against media paranoia, we have to analyse the probability of the story happening to us or someone we know and read between the lines to uncover the facts of the story. Even after the film, many questions are still left unanswered, Why are there so many gun related deaths in America? Why do so many students shoot up schools in America? and Why is Canadian society so different to America? these are just a few of the unanswered questions left behind by Michael Moore after he suggests some ideas, Moore as well didn t give any solutions to the problem of the high gun related violence in America. Another voice we didn t get to hear was the parents of the victims or shooters of Columbine, so we don t know if parenting was the problem that had caused so much of the outrage and sadness of gun violence in ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Geography In The Movie Matewan Matewan, the 1987 movie directed by John Sayles, is a movie about loyalty and betrayal, war and freedom, fighting for job and coming together, and most importantly about defeat and independance. The movie takes place in the 1920 s in the small mining town of Matewan, West Virginia. The movie not only shows the hardships that small town people face, but the corruption of big business owns. Joe Kenehan, the main character of this film, who is a Union organizer, comes to the small mining town to get the mine workers to join the union. But the Stone Mountain Coal Company who owns the town announces that anyone who is to join the union will be replaced with workers. Old and new works then come together to join the union and fight against the Stone Mountain Coal Company by going on a labor strike. And ending with the unfortunate and heart breaking demise of Kenehan himself. One might think what does geography have to do with films? Geography is much more than just the location of the film. According the Merriam Webster online dictionary, the definition of geography is, a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth s surface . Geography can be found all throughout entirety of the film. From the location of the film, the people in the film, the clothes the people wear, to even the interactions and behavior of the people towards one another. Some geographical elements specifically ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Use Of Subliminal Messages In Fairy Tales What are Subliminal Messages that Convey to Girls? As part of my Research I discovered articles and journals that reveal hidden message in fairy tales. Many authors published their work on original versions of fairytales, the importance of beauty, white supremacy in fairy tales, and teachings of adulthood. In some of the journals I selected were authors who gave their own opinion on fairytales, and they used many sources from books and other articles. This topic is very interesting because its unrecognized and fairytales is something children grow up watching. Some of the sources I used speak upon the historical Grim brothers version tale and classical tales. My objective is to expose fairytales and show their true meanings. To accomplish my objective, I organized my paper into sections from eighteenth and nineteenth ... Show more content on ... The wolf has a sexual appetite when he sees little red riding hood in the woods. Later on, the wolf disguised himself as her grandmother. Then the wolf waits for little red riding hood in her grandmothers bed. The wolf told Little Red Riding hood Come and lie down and she undressed herself and got in bed with him. When the wolf swallows the girl the theme of the story appears, the dangers of sex. Little red riding hood gets a warning form the wolf not to run off the path and it clearly states that he wants to take her virginity. The male in little red riding hood is portrayed as ruthless. Erich Fromm introduced the real meaning of the classic Little Red Riding Hood. Grimm brothers wrote very dark tales and it inspired the Little Red Riding Hood we read today. Many children read this story in school. What they don t know is what Grimm actually portrayed in the story. They are many hidden messages in fairy tales, and Erich Fromm just revealed one for the community. Grimm also inspired Disney s version of Cinderella and this one also has many subliminal ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Importance Of Western Imperialism In East Asia Eastern Superiority The most populated region in the world, number one in global manufacturing, East Asia is very prosperous. The prosperity comes from a long line of success in India and in China. Governments of both areas has been defending itself from western invaders. Some argue that east asia did not resist western imperialism;however others say East Asia was very effective at resisting western imperialism because the geography made the area hard to conquer. Furthermore for span of 3,000 years Easter Asia has prevented the western onslaught due to their advanced government. East Asia was mainly ruled through dynasties which had successfully driven away conquering armies, which caused proved successful in preventing western imperialism. From beginning of the chinese dynasties (Shang Qing) and the empires of India the governments of East Asia stressed the upkeep and strength of their armies. The Shang Dynasty was the first of many dynasties, they controlled Eastern Asia from 1766 to around 1122 BCE (Marsh). The shang ruled over a small piece of land and prevent invasions from the north. The government was a king with a close knit aristocracy, which lead to fast and efficient orders to be carried out. During the time of the shang Dynasty Mesopotamia and Egypt were just developing, so there were no real threats and empires were starting to form. The biggest issue that the Shang had were some small barbaric tribes and their successors the Zhou dynasty. The Zhou dynasty ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Son Therapy Case Study After completing ten session with the son, his mother informs me that their insurance panel did not approve further treatment. Keeping in mind of the principle 1.11 from the AAMFT Code of ethics I would not abandonment the client. Unless the client mother come up with alternative means of payment for her son therapy, I would take the action of making reasonable arrangement for continuation of treatment (Caldwell, 2015). But, due to the fact that insurance panel will approve further treatment, I would not be able to space out other session. The action that I would take based on my client circumstances with their insurance panel not providing anymore treatment, would not be anything that would constitute client abandonment or neglect ... Show more content on ... Once the therapist has made the determination of termination she/he must prepare the client for termination by explaining the process and listen how the client feel about the termination process (Shaw, 2015). Also, the therapist should include some benefits of the new service that has been recommended through referral. This would help the client to transition to a new service in a more healthy and therapeutic way (Caldwell, 2015). After having one year of therapy with the mother son, I received a subpoena from the mother lawyer asking me to be part of the court proceeding, with the mother asking the court to grant her sole custody of her child. The subpoena was asking me to provide information concerning the divorce and child custody as addressed in the previous therapy and that I will be called to testify. The action that I would take is first thing that would probably do in my current dilemma dealing with the subpoena would be to lawyer up myself seeking and obtaining legal advice from an attorney (Shaw, 2015). Also, I would review the AAMFT Code of Ethics to see what it entail in reference to the concerns about subpoena as well as finding out what the local, state, and federal laws about subpoena (Caldwell, 2015). The son is the only one that was receiving therapy but the son is ten years old which constitute the son as being a minor child by law. Therefore the minor child which is son must have the ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Use Of Pathos And Adverts In The Samsung Commercial People are constantly searching for the newest and most advanced technology. Phones are a predominant mobile device. The advertisements publicize different brands of smartphones. The Apple Commercial shows Dwayne Johnson using Siri on the iPhone 7 to get through his active day. The Samsung commercial shows Christoph Waltz using the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 to display the busyness of the American lifestyle. These commercials use pathos, ethos, and logos. Pathos is an appeal that creates an emotional response from viewers. The use of pathos in the Apple commercial induces an amusing atmosphere. At the beginning of the advertisement, Dwayne Johnson is lifting weights, trimming a bonsai tree, reading movie lines, and having his head shaved while a news reporter on the television questions his ability to balance an impossible schedule. Dwayne Johnson participates in several dramatized scenes such as taking a selfie while floating in space in his astronaut attire ( iPhone 7 The Rock x Siri Dominate the Day Apple internet). Dwayne Johnson has a nonchalant demeanor that contrasts with the frantic people around him. This creates an episode of laughter because he engages in such unusual activities in an effort to refute the reporter s doubt. The exaggeration of the various events in his day and Dwayne Johnson s interaction with other people throughout the commercial creates a comical reaction from viewers. The use of pathos in the Samsung commercial creates a light hearted but ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Hipaa Releasing Protected Health Information Rebecca Bratcher HCR/210 07/18/12 The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability act of 1996 or HIPAA, was put in place as an attempt to reform health care during the Clinton administration by making it possible for workers, of any profession, to change jobs regardless if the worker, or any member of their family, have a pre existing medical condition, decreasing paperwork which is associated with the processing of health claims, and by reducing health care abuse and fraud, and by assuring the privacy and security of health information. HIPAA s standards for privacy of individually identifiable health information or privacy rule includes restrictions which protect the ... Show more content on ... PHI information can be identified by a patients name, telephone number, address, and Medicaid ID number, date of birth, name of employer or social security number. (Green amp; Bowie, 2005). However, there are many situations in which agencies or covered entities have the right or legal obligation to access or obtain PHI. Some examples of instances where a government agency may disclose this private health information are (not limited to): * for public health purposes such as investigations, surveillance, and interventions, PHI may be disclosed to public health authorities and their authorized agents * PHI may be disclosed to report abuse, neglect, or domestic violence. * Covered entities may, under specified conditions pursuant to a court order, subpoena, or other legal order discloses PHI to law enforcement. Disclosure information to the government typically do not require an individual authorization (Highmark 2007) Medicaid, Medicare, veteran s activities, national security and intelligence activities, presidential protective services do not require authorization, they must all receive protected information without the consent of the person. Government agencies including but not limited to the Bureau of disability determination and the department of Social Services have to receive the individual s authorization prior to receiving his and her PHI (Green ad Bowie 2005) Attorneys almost always have to ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Time Value Practice Problems MBA/MFM 253 TVM Practice Problems 2 Fall 2011 1. You are considering buying a new car. The current price of the car is $25,000. The dealer has offered you a special nominal interest rate of 3% each year for the next 3 years if you finance through the dealership. a) What is your monthly car payment? PV = 25,000 I = 0.25 N = 36 FV = 0 PMT =? = $727.03 25,000 = PMT (1 (1/(1.0025)36))/.0025 b) You are considering putting a $5,000 down payment on the car, what would your payment be if you did this assuming you could still get the special interest rate? $581.62 c) In either case what is the effective rate of interest you paid on the car? 1.002512=1.030416 3.0416% 2. A given rate is quoted at an effective annual rate of ... Show more content on ... She has estimated that the cost of 1 year of college (tuition, room, and board) is currently $60,000 a year. The cost of college is estimated to increase at an annual rate of 5%. She would like you to figure out how much she would need to deposit at the end of each month for the next 18 years to cover her daughter s tuition assuming her deposits will earn 12% each year (1 % a month) (Note your account will earn interest a 1% a month even if you are not making monthly payments after you stop paying in at the end of the 18th year). a) What is the monthly payment $687.67 b) What if your parents want to make a $20,000 contribution to the account today? How much would each monthly payment need to be? $461.28 7. Your parents are saving for the college education of your younger sister who just turned 10. Your parents are planning on making eight payments at the end of each year of $1,500 each. Starting at the beginning of the ninth year (the end of the eighth year), your sister will then be allowed to make four equal withdraws from the account to finance her college education each year. How much will she have for books and tuition each year? Use 10% as your required return. PMT = $4,919.57 8. Your rich Aunt Oprah has recently decided that she wants to invest in your future. She has decided that for your 25th birthday she is going to open a trust account in your name. She is going to make a one time ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Unemployment Participation Rate Participation rates in the comprehensive measure of the level of active section of the economic labor force that are looking for employment or are employed. The index of measure indicates the average variance between the available job slots in the country versus the available labor force to fit the slots (Krueger, 2017). Participate rates represents a measure of the country s labor force available and productivity in employment sector. The primary aim of participation rate is to identify the level of unemployment in the country by understanding the overall number of actively searching potential employees versus the available slots. The difference in this two variance indicates the unemployment levels in a country (Krueger, 2017). ... Show more content on ... The key trends exhibited by the country s participation rates pf the workforce depicts the following (Krueger, 2017): a changing pattern that indicates the female participation rates going up while the male participation rate significantly dropping for the past 3 decades, the increasing changes in the age bracket of the workforce where the workforce is increasing becoming the matured population instead of the young people and the positive landmark in producing a better educated, skilled and diversified workforce. Since time immemorial, the greatest share of s country s workforce has always been men. The changing trends for the past decades indicates a realignment of this notion and increasing indicating the female population upping employment opportunities on a greater scale than men ( Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, 2017). The past few decades has resulted to myriad of formal sector realignment where women are becoming more competitive career wise, go getters in skill orientation and better approach to employment responsibilities and entrepreneurial skills (Krueger, 2017). A number of cofactors has significantly affected his situation. The key factors include: the wake of civilization, human rights, equality and female championship for equal treatment has led to penning up of the workforce to fully absorb the female population due to attempts to ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Catcher In The Rye Symbolism Essay Catcher in the Rye essay Essay question: Analyse how symbolism was used to develop the key ideas in the written text. In the novel Catcher in the Rye , author J.D Salinger uses symbolism to create and portray key idea to us as the readers. The key ideas he portrays are; Holden Caulfield is the guardian of youth and that Holden is a broken record that no one wants to listen to. Throughout the novel, author J.D Salinger often mentions a red hunting hat worn by Holden and the way in which Holden wear is it backwards. Now to me this reminds me of a backstop in baseball, the guy that stands behind the batter and catches what the bowler throws at him. I say this because players in this position often wear their caps backwards. I feel as ... Show more content on ... The book is him with the pieces glued back together, his record glued together, spinning and making a noise that people want to hear, the noise he wants to make. This idea of Holden being a broken record or someone that no one wants to listen is further portrayed throughout the book. An example of this is in the hotel room when Holden is with a prostitute. Even though she is getting paid she still doesn t want to just sit down and listen to Holden talk, she s not up there to listen to a broken record. I feel that this moment in the book is where I see the two key ideas Salinger is trying to portray finally link together. In this part of the book we have Holden in a situation where he is meant to be doing adult things but instead all he wants to is talk because as much as he wants to take part in these activities he can t bring himself to do it because he is that catcher in the rye, the guardian of youth. At the same time he is once again being portrayed by Salinger as a broken record because he wants to talk but the girl doesn t want to listen. Overall I think that author J.D Salinger uses many different forms of symbolism such as the hunting hat, the broken record and the description of Holden being the catcher in the rye to portray key ideas to us the readers. These key ideas are; Holden Caulfield is the guardian of youth and Holden is a broken record ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Pyramids Research Paper Pyramids A pyramid, by definition, is a type of ancient structure that is massive in scale and has a square base with four sides that form a triangular shape. These pyramids were constructed thousands of years ago and still stand strong. They were built by the ancient Egyptians, by basically piling loads and loads of materials on top of each other in the shape of a pyramid. It seems like a simple process but it was very time consuming and required a lot of analyzing to make sure the pyramids turned out symmetrical. Since these pyramids are still in decent shape, it shows how well they were built. The materials used to build these pyramids consisted of mostly stone, wood, and copper. The egyptians were very limited when it came to supplies. The ... Show more content on ... These pharaohs were believed to live forever, even after death. The pyramids were supposed to help them in be able to live in the afterlife. The dead pharaohs were mummified and then stored in tombs inside the pyramids. Since the egyptians spent a great deal of time and effort into making these pyramids, it shows how important the afterlife was to them. Building these pyramids was a very important part of their life. Ziggurats, on the other hand, were not used to store dead bodies, they was used for more religious and ceremonial purposes. Other pyramids, like the Aztec stepped pyramid called the Templo Mayor, was used for rituals and was used to perform sacrifices. These magnificent structures called pyramids, have had many purposes and importance to many. Not only did they serve as tombs for important pharaohs, but they were a place for religious practice, ceremony, and rituals. These structures hold great significance because they give us an insight as to what the egyptians viewed as important in their lifetime. It gives us some history on ancient egyptians and their abilities. The time and effort put into these structures show how significant they ... Get more on ...
  • 39. What Is The Difference Between Norma Jeane Mortenson And... Norma Jeane Mortenson and Marilyn Monroe She was a very Intelligent and achieving person that was born on June 1, 1926, she didn t know who her father was and her mother Gladys Baker Mortenson had left her in an orphanage when she was 5 years old lived in Los Angeles, California. Gladys Baker Mortenson had named her Norma Jeane Mortenson. In 1937 Gladys Baker Mortenson had paid a family friend and her husband, Grace and Doc Goddard to take care of Norma and to raise her. she would pay them $25 weekly. But when Doc s job had to be transferred in 1942 to East Coast they couldn t bring her with them. When Norma would ask them for anything they would say no like for instance if she asked permission to go to the movies they wouldn t let her. Norma s ... Show more content on ... she explained to him why she was taking them and said, I m taking them because sometimes I get Headaches and I take the sleeping pills so I wouldn t feel the pain when I would sleep. Later Monroe was being dismissed from the days that she had been absent when she had to work on a movie film called Something s got to give and they were due to illnesses that she supposably had. Marilyn got sued for breach of contract from the 20th Century fox that she has not been going to work on her filming they tried contacting her but no responses from her in any way no address no nothing. On August 5th, 1962 their laid Marilyn s death in her home which was in Los Angeles California. An empty bottle of sleeping pills was laying next to her where she was laid also. Everyone started talking about her and everyone was surprised by her death. Monroe didn t own a house until the last year of her life. Today she is still considered as the world s most popular and famous and amazingly woman that achieved in her dreams without anyone helping her out, there s been a lot of admiration for Marilyn Monroe and there s a lot of people that just want to be like ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Student Loan In this essay, using the S.M.A.R.T. planning model (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely), I will evaluate the Alice s goals of paying off student loan, buying a house and saving for children s education, accumulating assets, retiring, and traveling around the world in a sailboat. I will complete my evaluation with a comment. To achieve these goals, Alice has to identify the timing of her goals. For example paying off student loan is a short term goal, but accumulating assets is an intermediate goal and then buying a house (paying off the house completely) and saving for children, along with the retiring plan are long term goals. To consider the S.M.A.R.T. model, Alice has to be realistic. Alice has $5,250 assets ... Show more content on ... If she chooses the second job option, she will preserves any alternative that she would consider in the future, because there is no risks involved. However, if she chooses the trip to Vegas, if she loses, all her alternatives will be eliminated since she would go deeper in debts. Here we realize that a risk is not just an option, but also a cost, and any available choice that someone might preserve is a benefit. In conclusion, when we consider Alice s feasible choices, and then we calculate the benefits, explicit, implicit and strategic costs of each of her choices, we realize that Alice in general is not in a bad shape. In my opinion, she should continue the way she is without any further action till she pays off her student loan completely. Also, she does not have to buy a new car till then. The second job will put too much pressure on her health that may affect her ability to continue her current carrier path. Also the Vegas trip for winning money because of the high risk involved is
  • 41. completely out of the question. After a few years when she gets rid of student loan, she can easily plan for her intermediate and long term goals. After all, she is in better position than ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Herzberg Two Factor Theory 1. Job satisfaction: Job satisfaction can be explained as a feeling of pleasure that one feels with his work, it is fulfillment of one s needs and desires from his or her work and the environment of work. There are several theories from past, which tries to explain the job satisfaction one of these theories is the Herzberg s two factor theory. According to his theory, there are two basic types of work motivators one is the intrinsic motivator and the other is the extrinsic motivator. Intrinsic satisfaction is linked with the actual task of the job that is whether the person likes or enjoys what he or she is actually doing. Does the task make him or her feel been utilized of do they feel the work they do is helping them grow. The extrinsic motivation is more about the non job factors such as the environment of the workplace, the attitude of the colleagues the ... Show more content on ... Several factors were considered as contributors for the job satisfaction. Aiken in his research work of 2001 found out that: Job dissatisfaction among nurses was highest in the United States (41%) followed by Scotland (38%), England (36%), Canada (33%) and Germany (17%). One third of nurses in England and Scotland and more than one fifth in the United States planned on leaving their job within 12 months of data collection. (Job satisfaction among nurses: a literature review, 2005) Why is it important to study a nurse s job satisfaction? An increase in the studies related to the job satisfaction of nurses has been witnessed (PIETERSEN, 2005) there are several reasons for this such as: 1. Several studies had shown a decrease in the job satisfaction of nurses in particular. 2. The decrease in the number of nurses worldwide, this decrease in the number of nurses is because of several factors such as work environment, pressure of the work ... Get more on ...
  • 43. How Does Heathcliff Change In Wuthering Heights In Wuthering Heights author Emily Brontë crafts a harrowing death for Catherine as well as a funeral scene that serves to communicate her true love; all things natural. Heathcliff is frequently described as an extension of nature throughout the novel due to his strength, impulsivity, and the manner in which he confronts his problems. By handling his issues directly and forcefully, Heathcliff is a force to be reckoned with, just like nature itself. However, on the day of Catherine s funeral, he handles his emotions passively like the civilized families. Heathcliff suppresses his nature with the aid of alcohol, [swallowing] the tumblerfuls, a stark contrast to many of his past decisions where he adamantly refuted to succumb to societal normalcies, content with his rough demeanor (Brontë 169). ... Show more content on ... Like Heathcliff, she was also a wild spirit, intrinsically inclined toward Wuthering Heights, yet capable of adapting to high society living. However, she could not continue to ignore her inherent affinity for both Heathcliff and the natural world. Only as she approached death did she finally admit that she [didn t] want...Edgar or Thrushcross Grange to be her home (Brontë 127). Catherine s frantic love for Heathcliff and Wuthering Heights manifested as the brain fever that led to her death, symbolizing the conflict between her effort to fit into society and her longing for a life free of constraints with Heathcliff (Brontë 132). Despite his newfound suffering, Heathcliff continues to love Catherine, even after her ... Get more on ...