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Best Essays Written
Writing an essay on the topic "Best Essays Written" may seem deceptively simple at first glance,
but delving into the intricacies of this subject can quickly reveal its inherent challenges. The
difficulty lies not only in the vastness of the topic itself but also in the subjective nature of
determining what qualifies as the "best" essays.
Firstly, one must grapple with the sheer volume of literary works spanning diverse genres,
cultures, and time periods. Choosing a selection of essays that can be considered the epitome of
excellence requires extensive research and a keen understanding of various writing styles and
Moreover, the subjectivity involved in evaluating the quality of essays adds another layer of
complexity. What one person considers a masterpiece, another might perceive as mediocre. The
elusive nature of defining greatness in literature makes the task of identifying and analyzing the
best essays a subjective and challenging endeavor.
Additionally, the essay itself requires a delicate balance between personal interpretation and
objective analysis. A successful essay on this topic demands a thoughtful exploration of the
criteria used to determine greatness in writing, as well as an examination of the cultural and
historical contexts that shape these assessments.
The inherent challenges in navigating the vast landscape of literary excellence make writing an
essay on the topic of "Best Essays Written" a nuanced and demanding task. It necessitates a
deep understanding of literary criticism, a discerning eye for quality, and the ability to articulate
one's thoughts effectively.
In conclusion, crafting an essay on this particular subject requires more than just a surface-level
exploration of well-known works. It involves a rigorous examination of the criteria for greatness,
an appreciation of diverse literary traditions, and a skillful blend of objective analysis and
personal insight. The task is, undoubtedly, a formidable one, demanding both intellectual rigor
and a genuine passion for literature.
For those seeking assistance in navigating the challenges of essay writing, it's worth exploring the
services offered by Similar essays and a wealth of other writing resources can
be accessed, providing valuable support to those navigating the intricate world of academic
Best Essays Written Best Essays Written
Claude Debussy Essay
Claude Debussy (1862 1918)
Achille Claude Debussy or Claude Debussy was a French 20th century composer
known for his prominent role in impressionistic music. Debussy never described
his pieces as impressionism as he disliked the term when it was associated with his
music. Born in Saint Germain en Laye, he and his family left for Paris in 1867
only to move to Cannes in 1870 to escape the Franco Prussion war. Claude Debussy
learnt to play piano from an Italian violinist by the name Jean Cerutti and later
studied under a woman, by the name of Marie MautГ© de Fleurville, who claimed
to have been a pupil of FrГ©dГ©ric Chopin. In 1872 he was enrolled in the Paris
Conservatoire and remained there to develop musically over the next 11 years.
Debussy was infamous for his experimental nature breaking ... Show more content on ...
The piece is marked molto rubato con morbidezza meaning a very free rhythm with
extreme delicacy and softness. It starts in a major key before modulating to another
major key with chromatic phrasing before returning to the original key. The piece
contains numerous overlapping notes and unusual rhythms adding to the complexity
and sound quality. La plus que lente contains long musical phrases with notes played
in a smooth manner with very few breaks between the notes alluding to the waltz
itself. Within the piece, there is dramatic contrast between rhythms and volume in
various sections. The gradual crescendo from piano (soft) to fortissimo (very loud)
evokes a change of mood in the piece. The rhythmical contrast between sections
marked animez de peu (playing the music a little animated or playfully) to the en
serrant (pressing) and retenu (retained) evokes the flow of the dance. The increasing
and decreasing tempo allows for freedom of movement which flows effortlessly
before final indication marked morendo (dying or fading away) as the waltz comes
to an
Who Is Alexander The Great Dbq
Alexander the Great lived over 300 years before Jesus of Nazareth. Alexander the
Great was born in 356 B.C.E. His father was King Philip of Macedonia, so
Alexander grew up inheriting his father s fighting skills/warfare. Once his father
died, at age 20 Alexander took over the throne. Although he was still very young,
he soon went on to become a military commander. When he got on the battlefield,
he continuously won war after war. He lead his troops to victory; he was
determined to win every war, and train his army with intense labor. He was known
as the most powerful military commander to ever live. How Great was Alexander
the Great? Alexander the Great was a military genius, and he was an inspiring
leader to others. Alexander altered his followers with his military skills. Alexander
crossed from Macedonia to Asia with an army of about 40,000. (Doc.A). He had
pushed his army so they would beat their rivals. He trained them, and forced hard
work on the group. Even though it sounded challenging, it did bring his army to the
top. At night he would take most of his cavalry to various points along the river
bank where he would create a clamour. (Doc. B). As alexander lead his army, he also
took part in sneaky... Show more content on ...
Alexander, like everyone else, was tormented by by thirst, but he was nonetheless
marching one foot at his men. (Doc. D). Although Alexander was exhausted just
like the others, he still went out of his way to lead his army to greatness. The army
was crossing a desert of sand; the sun was already blazing down upon them, but they
were struggling on under the necessity of reaching water, which was still far away.
(Doc.D). Despite the fact that Alexander had to deal with the harsh conditions, he
was still determined to win. At no time would he let his army down, he was there to
support, and advise them. Alexander influenced his followers with his ways of
Toxicology Review Paper
Keisha Williams
October 23, 2017
Toxicology Review Paper
Due to the rapid economic development in three megacities in China, there has been a
significant increase in the amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) in
both the gaseous form and in the form of particulate matter( PM2.5 and PM10). On
account of the rise of concentrations of PAHs in the air, the amount of both seasonal
and annual pollution has increased well above the standard and national averages.
Researchers collected a number of samples from the three megacities including,
Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, and a reference city, Datong. They also collected
samples from four cities that are well outside the perimeter of the megacities to
adequately compare ... Show more content on ...
PAHs can be formed by incomplete combustion of carbon containing fuels such as
wood, coal, diesel, fat, tobacco, and incense(Zhang, Chen, Lv, 2016).This study is
seeking to determine the chemical constitution for major PAHs, observe and identify
the different seasonal variance in which there is the most pollution, and identify the
source of the PAH pollution in Beijing, Shijiazhuang, and Tianjin that are believed to
cause cancer, mutations and birth defects. In order to answer the questions of this
study multiple resources were deployed and experiments carried out. First air samples
were collected from the following cities, Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, and the
reference city, Datong. Air samples were also taken from four cities, Nanling,
Shennongjia, Pangquangou, and Changbaishan, that were all background sites. The
sample sizes are listed in the table below.
These samples were collected at varies times of the year including, spring, summer,
fall, and winter over twenty three hours for five to seven days for the three
megacities and the reference city. Samples for the background sites were collected
over thirty to thirty six hours on two occasions. A particulate sampler was used for
PM2.5 and PM10 sampling (Zhang et al., 2016). After samples were collected they
were stored at four degrees Celsius. Samples were then analyzed using certain
The Pros And Cons Of Cable
By end of 2017, over 15.4 million people in the US will cut their cable. Who can
blame them? Cable hasn t evolved in last 80 years and cost of keeping cable is
getting expensive every year. Nevertheless, many people are still paying for cable,
when we have streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon. Streaming
services are a better alternative to cable because they are cost effective, more
accessible, more convenient, customizable, smarter and they are no commercials.
Streaming services cost me about $12 a month including taxes and other fees. In
contrast, it cost me approximately $130 per month excluding taxes and other fees.
Cable is not getting cheaper any time soon. in this article Yes, Netflix and Hulu Are
Starting to Kill Cable Stenovec states The average cable TV bill, not including fees,
promotion or taxes, has increased by whopping a 97 percent over the past 14 years,
according to the media research firm SNL Kagan. That bill could reach whopping
$200 per month by 2020, one study found. Even after paying hundreds of dollars per
month, consumers can only watch TV in living room and if they want cable service
in other rooms, it will cost them additional money. On the other hand, consumers only
need internet to stream content from their favorite streaming site. Also, streaming
services are available on smartphones, smart TVs, computers, iPads, tablets and
gaming consoles. Which means consumers can stream content anywhere. In addition,
consumers can download TV
What Role Did Religion Play In The 1640s
Q: Why did the English king and Parliament quarrel in the 1640s? What were the
most important issues behind the war between them, and who bears more
responsibility for it? What was the Glorious Revolution, and why did it take place?
What role did religion play in the seventeenth century English politics? Do you think
the victory of Parliament over the monarchy in Englandwas inevitable?
A: King Charles I and Parliament quarreled because the king had been ignoring
Parliaments voice for some time. So once the king decided he needed money for
his war in Scotland, but tired of the king s bullying, Parliament refused to support
Charles until he resolved many political and religious offenses. King Charles I really
held a lot of the blame here because
Small Cap Diaphragm
In the recording session, listening to all the tracks, I chose two different microphones
from the MXL 800 series the large and the small caps diaphragm. Both microphones
were condenser microphones. Listening to both microphones at the track I discovered
few interesting facts between them. First, I mange to listen to the smaller cap both on
the recorded hammer part of the pianoand the recorded strings and I find that both
microphone had different sound. For the small cap that was recorded on the hammer
of the piano sound decent yet it sounded little muddy. It sounded like when it had
an insert plug in of a chorus or modulation that when the key was stroked the sound
was aggressively vibrating, the piano s sustain was little aggressive Picturing if
there was a lot of sound waves combined together. Also it sounded as if the piano
was played in a small room which the sound sounded much tied. Next, the smaller
cap on string recording, sounded much more balanced. It sounded tied yet the every
note on the piano sounded realistic. Moreover, the dynamic range was wide enough
that it was easy to listen to especially it had good amount of bass and harmonics of
the piano. The microphone sound more open rather than narrow sound like the
hammered one.
On the larger cap diaphragm condenser microphone on ... Show more content on ...
The microphones produced many important elements such as larger diaphragms
records more sound of highs and lows yet I learned it has a disadvantage if it records
too much sound for example on the strings of the piano, it can sound very muddy and
bombarded with different frequencies. Similarly with small caps on hammers can
cause trouble when concentrates too much on one area which it becomes a dominant
sound overall of the recording. Furthermore, this I came to acknowledge the fact that
Microphones compliment the artist when it position
Christianity In Today s Christian Bible
Finally, Christianity is the most prominent religion practiced throughout the world
with over 2 billion followers. Christianity is based upon the teachings of the said son
of God Jesus of Nazareth and his disciples. It is originally taught in Aramaic and later
Greek, and its teachings can be found in the modern Christian Bible. Today s
Christian Bible is divided in two parts, the Old Testament, written accounts and
teachings before the birth of Jesus, which is what Judaism uses, and then the New
Testament, which are stories and teachings that involve Jesus and his disciples. The
Christian faith establishes a Holy Trinity, where Godis embodied in three different
aspects, God himself, in his son Jesus and finally in the Holy Spirit. This core
Why I Choose Colombia
Colombia is my country, it is located in South America between Panama and the
Caribbean Sea. Many people are in constant disagreement about what religion should
be dominant in my country. As leader I have chose Christianity as my dominant
religion. The first reason I choose Christianity as our religion is because of their
rituals. The second reason is because sins can easily be forgiven and washed away.
The third reason I choose Christianityis because of their beliefs.
The first reason I choose Christianity is because of their rituals. The first ritual I
want to talk about is Sunday, the Christians day of worship. On Sundays Christians
go to church to and worship Jesus and God. Christians also worship a Bible. A Bible
is basically
Latino Population In America
An analysis was done on the large population of Latinos in America by The Pew
Research Center of U.S. Census Bureau. Results following the test showed that the
Dispersion and growth of the population has slowed since the Great Recession
happened in December of 2007. The Latino population had been on a steady
growth from 2000 to 2007 which was at an all time high of 4.4%, but has slowly
fallen to a mere 2.4% in the following years. A major factor as to why this is
happening is Immigration and birth rates in America shifting drastically. This is most
likely due to Border enforcement that has been put in effect in the past years. The
large Growth in population that started around 1990s was due to the fact that the
people immigrating ... Show more content on ...
Immigration is referred to people moving from one country to another.. While
migration is people moving from one area to a different area.The whole article is
discussing how the population of Latinos in America is slowly decreasing.
However, for this to even occur immigration had to have happened. Many Latinos
immigrated to America to find job opportunities to better the lives of themselves and
/or their families. But in recent years Border enforcement has been put into effect
very largely. This caused fertility rates to drop in Hispanic Women, with the addition
to the great recession happening, much of the population started to fall. Lastly, many
job opportunities were not present, which further turns away immigration to
America. I believe that the Latino population is absolutely vital in our society.
Whether it be that its providing an enriched culture, new job opportunities, and the
hard workers that are hispanics. They are a large part of what makes up our
society, and especially our economy. In sum, if I had to pick a feeling towards the
decline, it would definitely be a negative one. Because as I stated in this paragraph
latinos are much more complex than just a
Why Mitochondria And The Cell With Versatile Operating...
Although mitochondria and chloroplasts encodes handful of their own proteins,
however, majority of their required proteins have to be synthesized in the cytosol and
translocated into their correct destinations using specialized transporting networks:
TOM/TIM complexes in mitochondria and TOC/TIC complexes in chloroplasts.
Molecular chaperones play critical roles in facilitating functional competent protein
import from the cytosol to their correct destinations, utilizing catalytic motor
components and other transporting channels. Biogenesis of both mitochondria and
chloroplasts and their maintenances in terms of transcription, translation and protein
import into their various numerous compartments requires very tight coordination to
overcome energetic barriers, protein aggregation and protein degradation. This essay
describes molecular chaperones involvement in protein import from the cytosol into
these double membraned organelle compartments.
Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell with versatile operating systems (i.e.
converts energy derived from foods into cellular energy e.g. ATP, Amino Acid and
lipid metabolisms, iron sulphur clusters and haem biosynthesis, and also the
regulation of apoptosis) (Harbauer et al., 2014, Bolender et al., 2008, Wiedemann et
al., 2004). Equally, chloroplasts are also very versatile and operates several
metabolic and cellular processes (i.e. photosynthesis, amino acid and lipid metabolism
, cellular signalling and
The Persuasive Technique For Factory Work
One poster encourages factory workers not to waste time because it features an
image of a worker taking a break in front of a clock. The poster uses the persuasive
technique plain folks to connect to everyday people through the image of the factory
worker. Everyday factory workers can see themselves taking their own breaks when
they see the image. Through th eslogan Every minute counts! and the image of the
clock, the poster uses the persuasive tactic of fear fear that if factoryworkers take
breaks, the war will continue for longer thanb it would otherwise. These techniques
are effective at convincing the adience to work hard because no factory worker
would want to be the one worker who caused a delay to the end of the war. Another
What Does It Mean To You Essay
Everyone says things come and go so don t stress so much about what you can t
control. (Ha that kind of rhymed)
Anyways ... people never tell you what you ll experience when it does arrive and
when it eventually leaves. What I refer to as it is anything you want to substitute it
for. For me it refers to people.
If you will, join me and i ll take you on a tour of my own personal journey, enjoy :)
I understand what it feels like to have the world against you. Especially to the point
where you feel so trapped and you feel like you re just not good enough. I m pretty
sure you ve all heard people say I can be standing in a room full of people screaming
at the top of my lungs and yet nobody seems to hear me
Sadly, that s how I felt. I m a happy person, I genuinely love being positive. However,
for some odd reason I was drowning in my own sorrow.
In those moments not only was I looking for happiness .... I was looking for REAL
happiness because I wanted my positive attitude back.
I want all my viewers to know it s okay to feel sad but you need to brush it off, get
back up and keep pushing forward. I want you to acknowledge that there s nothing
wrong with you. Whatever loss you ve encountered understand that it s not your fault
and something great will come out of it. I want you to know that you re enough!
Truthfully, everyone will experience the pain of losing someone from time to time.
There s just no way to avoid it. You could say I lost a lot of people that I loved
Toyota Camry Research Paper
If you want a reliable, fun and safe sedan that can easily get your family around,
head over to Harr Toyota and check out a pre owned Toyota Camry. The Camry is
easy to drive and includes a comfortable interior that can make the commute easier
for the driver and all the passengers. For the best selection of pre owned Camrys,
head over to Harr Toyota. A Pre Owned Toyota Camry
for Sale in Worcester offers
outstanding interior amenities that can create a more comfortable and fun driving
experience. If you are a music fan, any model of the Camry should be able to
enhance your listening experience. The audio system often includes an AM/FM
stereo, CD MP3 playback and multiple speaker sound system. If your Camry is going
to be your office, consider upgrading to a model that includes Bluetooth wireless
connectivity. Several models of the Camry include voice recognition controls,
meaning you can monitor your entertainment features without taking your eyes off
the road.... Show more content on ...
No matter which model you choose, the Camry can help you save at the pump.
The Camry can be built with a four cylinder engine that gets 35 miles per gallon, or
the V6 that gets 30 miles per gallon on the highway. The four cylinder has plenty of
power to go with the versatility, as it produces 178 horsepower and 170 pound feet
of torque .The Camry can easily get around slower traffic, as many models can go
from 0 60 in just about eight
Reflection Paper On A Material Library
On Friday October 20, 2017, I visited Interspace Limited, an interior design firm that
specializes in commercial interiors. Interspace Limited focuses on furniture
specifications, production and project management, team work, scheduling, and
budgeting to ensure that the clients needs are supported and granted. Furniture and
material finishes are their specialty so they are always update with current trends,
manufacture representatives, and business connections. During my firm visit, I
meet with the owner, Darlene Huffman, who kindly showed me around the firm
and materials library. Before and after the materials library, I took advantage of
making new connections and asking personal questions about the firm s unique
project process and internship opportunities. During my time within their materials
library, I asked a series of questions to understand the importance of Interspace
Limited s materials. How is there material library organized? How often do they
utilize the material lab? How do you use the material lab? At what point in the
project do they begin to think about materials and why? How do you stay informed
of material trends? What are some of your favorite manufactures and why? And
mostly importantly, what is a local interior space you think expresses good
applications and use of materials? Starting with the questions how is the materials
organized and how often do they utilize the materials library? The materials library is
composed of two rooms organized
Research Paper On How To Purchase Crossbows
How to Purchase Crossbows Crossbows have become one of the more preferred
choices by avid archers and outdoor sports enthusiasts. Just as there are a number of
different sports where crossbows can be used are there a different varieties of
crossbow designs to choose from. Some of these crossbows may be specific in
their usage while others can be rather flexible. If you are looking to purchase a
crossbow either in archery specialty stores in shopping malls or over the Internet,
here are a few things you may want to first consider: Purpose The first thing that
you would need to consider is first and foremost what will you be using your
crossbows for? Are you looking into simply getting into archery as a hobby and would
Asymmetric Synthesis Of 13 Diols And Chiral Sulfoxides
Chapter 1 Review on Asymmetric Synthesis of 1,3 Diols and Chiral Sulfoxides
1.1.Importance and applications of chiral 1,3 diols Optically active 1,3 diols are
very important compounds in asymmetric synthesis, since they represent chiral
building blocks for many polyketide derived natural products, and have frequently
been used as valuable intermediates in the synthesis of drugs and natural products
with important biological activity. Such diols have shown promise as chiral
derivatising agents and less frequently as chiral ligands. 1.1.1.As chiral ligands
Unlike 1,2 and 1,4 diols, 1,3 diols are less frequently encountered as chiral ligand.
A few C2 symmetric chiral 1,3 diols are known in the literature, none have proved
to be very good sources of chirality. It is important that the diol is conformationally
rigid for it to be an effective chiral auxiliary / ligand. Chiral 1,3 diols 20 21 were
obtained from the yeast reduction products of 2 oxocyclopentane and 2
oxocyclohexane carboxylates and excess MeLi, BuLi or PhLi. These ligands form
titanium complexes 22 with TiCl(i Pr0)3 which are effective catalysts for
enantioselective nucleophilic addition of MeMgCl to benzaldehyde and 1
naphthaldehyde yielding 1 phenyl ethanol and 1 naphthyl ethanol respectively in
good enantioselectivities. Recently Matsuo and coworkers have reported effective
use of a chiral 1,3 diol ligand for brГёnsted acid catalyzed asymmetric reduction of
ketones and acyl silanes. 1.1.2.As chiral
Superbowl Party Narrative
Superb Superbowl Party It was Sunday, February 16th, 2017, I was just starting to
get out of bed after a long night of preparing for the Superbowl party I was going to
have today. I walked out of my room just to see the ridiculous amount of Steelers
posters were up, I could only guess it was my dad. I smelled the fragrance of the
scented candle my mom had set up by the fireplace in the living room as I was
walking to open the door to the garage. I opened the door to expect the guests to be
here, but they were nowhere to be found. Hello? I said aloud, but no one replied. I
went to the kitchen to notice a helicopter outside the window with Donald Trump,
Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Jerry Seinfeld. After I let them in Arnold
Schwarzenegger asked... Show more content on ...
Don t you think that is a little too much money to bet with? Jerry Seinfeld questioned.
Nonsense, I m the president and I am rich. Donald Trump replied. Now I realized
that Trump is a billionaire and it won t really matter if he loses this bet.
I went to go get the food out for the guests, there was pizza, steak, cookies that
Arnold was already eating, and slugs which are for Shrek and only Shrek. Shrek
didn t arrive yet for some unknown reason so I watched the game for a little bit
while Donald Trump and Arnold Schwarzenegger were fighting over who should eat
the cookies. No, put the cookie down! Arnold yelled furiously.
I believe these cookies are for all the party guests Arnold! Donald Trump replied
angrily. They both grabbed a hold of the container of cookies, but since Arnold was
more muscular and he was basically a robot, he won the fight and he had all the
cookies for himself.
Yes, all the cookies are mine! Arnold exclaimed with joy.
After the fight for the cookies the door burst open and in came Shrek saying Oh hello
Police Brutality And Racial Profiling
The use of police brutality and racial profiling is an unfortunate part of today s
society that needs to be addressed. Blacks are being stopped and searched by police
officers in greater numbers compared to other races, and sometimes these
situations escalate into violence. In the essay Blue On Black Violence: Freddie
Gray, Baltimore, South Africa, the Quietism of Africana Christian Theology, author
Darryl Scriven, a Philosophy professor at Florida A M University, reports that,
CNN reported that May 2015 was the deadliest month for Baltimore, Maryland in
16 years with 35 recorded, civilian caused homicides (Scriven 2015). He then goes
on to say, Most of the victims were African American (Scriven 2015). This use of
unnecessary force is not new. Policehave employed the tactic of racial profiling to
unfairly stop and search people of color, and some of time, this turns violent. There
are several cases of police brutalitythat occurred in the past few years that show many
similarities with cases from the past in Macintosh County.
Ed Finch was standing outside of his house arguing with a woman when Officer
Hutchinson approached him, obviously annoyed by the loud yelling. Hutchinson
claimed he was disturbing the peace and asked him to be quiet. Ed refused, which
ended up with Hutchinson shooting Ed point blank in the face. He then dragged him
to jail where he was left in a cell with no medical attention. The Black community in
Macintosh gathered and marched on the court
The Effects Of Stress On Captive Zoo Animals
The effects of stress on captive zoo animals has been a major concern among
zoologists as well as zookeepers in recent years (Fernandez et al.2009). In previous
studies, one of the major factors inducing stress in captive animals that appears to
have been overlooked, are the noise levels created by the presence of zoo visitors and
the effectiveness of the design of indoor zoo exhibits in reducing the noise levels in
particular. While research exists showing that the presence of zoo visitors can be a
source of enrichment for captive animals, particularly those who are social by
nature, further investigations have indicated that visitor presence can in fact be a
source of stress in non social species including felids (Hosey 2000). ... Show more
content on ...
This study will look at the effectiveness of the exhibit design in preventing noise
pollution caused by the increased number of visitors to the Milwaukee County Zoo
jaguar exhibit. The exhibit which contains both an indoor portion which is
designed to resemble the jaguar s native jungle habitat as well as an outdoor
portion, currently houses three adult jaguars, Pat, Stella, and Francisco. Both Pat,
who is 16 years old and formally a Problem jaguar from Belize, and Stella who came
to the Milwaukee County Zoo in 2005, live together as a breeding pair (K. Kuhn in
conversation). Francisco is the 2 year old son of Pat and Stella and lives alone (K.
Kuhn in conversation). Over the course of six weeks, I will be collecting data using
Wensen WS1361C decibelmeters which are equipped with data loggers. The
decibel meters will be used both inside and outside the jaguar exhibit to determine
the effectiveness of the exhibit design. To analyze the zoo visitor effect, as well as
the frequency of stress related behavioral responses observed, data will be
collected during on three different days of the week both through observation of
the jaguars as well as later analysis of the data recorded by the decibel meters. Data
will be collected both on days where zoo visitation is predicted to increase, which
are designated as Family Free Days, where visitors receive free admission as well
as Non Family Free days and Thursday afternoons where a decrease in zoo
visitation is predicted for observation time totaling a minimum of 15 hours. The
recorded data will then be analyzed to determine if the increased noise pollution
created by an increase in zoo visitors will correlate with an increase in stress related
behavioral responses by the jaguars.
Greater Demons
How To Get To Greater Demons
Greater demons are comparatively physically powerful demonic life form found in
countless distant sites all through Run escape. As most other demons perform, they
go after the god Zamorak. Greater demons are the main associate of the normal
demon family, the additional two life form the imp lesser demon. Greater demons
are greater pedestal simply on the truth to they are, to be sure, larger and prevailing.
These monsters are a large amount often creates in seats to be by now hazardous,
such as the Wilderness, or far off setting such as the Brim sanctuary Dungeon.
The best move toward is to ring him with the mallet hit him anytime you be able to.
He attacks gradually so you preserve chunk, or still go out of ... Show more content
on ...
You require a smallest amount of 10, an utmost of 34. You will require a minimum
nimbleness of 12 to irritate the stepping stones greater than the lava pool to obtain
one additional into the dungeon than the moss giants will, 30 to annoy the log into
the red dragon vicinity. Brimhaven Dungeon is a hefty cave situated underneath the
humid city of Brimhaven, which preserve be found on Karajan Island. There is a
quantity of physically powerful monsters in, so it is extremely counsel that you
transport armor food with you when preparation.
Best Place To Kill Greater Demons
Players preserve merely kill better demons in this region if Kuradal or Morvan as a
Slayer job allocate them. It is optional to wear a Slayer helm fierce circle to make
the most of injure. If using melee, a blade is the most excellent option. The excellent
option is to use Ranged, as the demons are feeble to bolts. Another alternative is to
transport dark light.
Greater demons are usually fought monsters to preserve be allocate by Slayer
masters. They are well recognized for their rune full helm drop, as well as firm clue
scrolls. They preserve be safe spotted with variety or magic in the stranglehold Slayer
Cave at their northernmost site, just at the back the pillar that leads to the cut table
branch. Note that Krill Tsutsaroth, the Zamorak boss is a better
Group Development And Interaction Theory Essay
Group Development and Interaction Theory
Within the business setting, the shift from yesterday s singular culture to today s
team culture has brought about a new era of learning, development, and innovation.
However, this shift has also brought with it a certain amount of dissatisfaction,
conflict, and confusion. This paper will focus on the Tuckman Theory, and discuss
how Tuckman s five stages of group development and interaction applies to the work
environment and leadership effectiveness.
The Tuckman Theory
Tuckman s theory maintains that groups enter four foreseeable and elementary stages
of development, and each of these stages contain both task and maintenance
functions. These stages are Forming, Storming, Norming, and ... Show more content
on ...
Storming. When important issues are beginning to be addressed within the team, the
patience of some team members may begin to break down and confrontations begin.
The majority of these initial confrontations may relate to the work of the group itself,
or to roles and responsibilities within the group. However, most of these minor
confrontations will be taken lightly or dealt with promptly.
In order to progress to the next stage, group members must move from a testing and
proving mentality to a problem solving mentality. Hopefully, everyone will agree that
the most important thing is to finish the work and agree to work together to solve
their problems. It is important to note that to move on to the next stage group
members need the ability to listen to each other (MacLeod, 2002).
Some team members may welcome these minor squabbles in that they can reveal
the real issues among the team, while others will wish they were still in the
comfortable confines of forming. This is also the stage when team members will
look for ways to avoid or mediate conflicts more effectively.
Norming. With conflicts resolved, and the rules of the team established, and the
scope of the teams responsibilities and tasks clear and agreed upon, the team can get
to the business at hand. Team members are once again comfortable with each other
as well as his/her skills, knowledge, and abilities. These feelings
Synthesis Cobalt Compound
Overall, the experimental results were similar to the results needed to identify the
cobalt ammine halide coordination complex. The color of the compound was dark
purple and it looked just as expected as the experiments leading up to the collection
of the synthesized cobalt compound had little to no errors. The percent yield of the
compound was not 100% due to small errors throughout experiments such as losing
some of the compound during transferring, more liquid evaporating than desired,
and not measuring volume to exact accuracy and precision every time. For example,
when the graduated cylinder was filled with 100 mL deionized water and the liquid
was poured into a flask, the liquid measured over the 100 mL mark on the flask,
meaning that
Fice Of Fair Trading V Abbey National Lord Phillips Essay
In the case of the Office of Fair Trading v Abbey National Lord Phillips stated I
think personally I would have been quite in favour of the OFT looking into bank
charges, if I had complete freedom to decide.... but the statute said it was not
within their terms of reference Lord Phillips makes it very clear that decisions in
cases are tied to legal rules, however what is the role of legal rules in judicial
decision making? There are different schools of thought with regards to that
question. This essay will explore those differences. Firstly we shall consider the
perspectives of the formalists, what was their view of applying rules. Continuing
onto the American Legal Realists views, assumptions and looking at their two
main critiques of formalism, rule and fact scepticism. We shall also review the
theories of H.L.A. Hart regarding the application of legal rules. By analysing some
modern day cases and examples we will further compare and contrast formalism,
realism and Hart. Finally we shall review aspects of the essay and draw
conclusions. Formalists were legal theorists of the late 19th century. Formalism
was regarded as a way of a mechanical interpretation of the law. Using syllogism, a
logical process, judges selected an appropriate legal rule. This was applied
rationally to the facts of the case and from this a conclusion was objectively
deduced. This was regarded as a scientific process removing subjectivity where the
correct decisions were inherent
An Extraordinary Man From Demark
On October 7, 1885, an extraordinary man from Demark was born. A baby boy, who
was yet to find out the impact he would have on this world. This man was Niels Bohr,
and he made fundamental contributions in the way one can understand the atom s
structure. In addition to the structure, he also had an impact in the early development
in quantum mechanics. His impact not only made a change in history, but also
changed the way people looked at the atoms structure. We can now build and learn
from Niels Bohrand his foundations.
Originating from Denmark, reigns an intelligent man from a well educated family.
Neil s Bohr is the son of Christian Bohr, who was a professor of physiology at The
University of Copenhagen. Bohr s mother, Ellen, came ... Show more content on ...
With this remarkable paper, he was the recipient of the medal from the Royal Danish
Academy of Sciences. According to Oppenheim, his research topic was based on his
analysis of vibrations of water, due to surface tension. After this, he completed his
doctorate in 1911, under the physicist Christian Christiansen. For his post doctoral
education, Bohr moved to England. He conducted his experiments at Trinity College,
and then moved on to the University of Manchester. While at the University of
Manchester, he began his interest in the structure of the atoms. He wanted to know
what was going on inside an atom. Bohr studied the way atoms behaved and came up
with a model that gave an explanation.
In addition, Bohr studied the models of the atom that were already used by scientists
and improved on them with a new model. This model would give better explanations
on how atoms worked. His new model, Bohr, was named after him. In the Bohr
model, positively charged protons and neutral neutrons are securely detained in the
nucleus of the atom. Negatively charged electrons move around the nucleus in
defined orbits. The motion of the electrons in the Rutherford model was not reliable
due to the classical mechanics and electromagnetic theory. These theories state, any
charged particle moving on a curved path releases electromagnetic radiation.
Therefore, the electrons would lose energy and coil into the nucleus. Bohr modified
the Rutherford model and stated that the electrons move in
Critical Thinking In Today s Society
Critical thinking in today s world is hampered by the quick fix mentality when
problems arise (Paul Elder, 2017). Society that is constantly changing, facing
difficult situations on a daily basis, and increasing dangers from outside sources
such as ISIS, internet hackers, environmental changes, health related issues,
violence, as well as others require each of us to make decisions regarding safety of
ourselves, our families, and our co workers on a daily basis (Paul Elder, 2017).
Many believe that taking time to research situations or gather information will
hamper their quick fix solution. Other influences hampering critical thinkers in
today s society are prejudices, hypocrisy, arrogance, biased opinions, selfish
thinking, as well as the rest of the opposite values of a fair minded thinker. In today
s society, critical thinking is not a social value (Paul Elder, 2017).... Show more
content on ...
Having the ability to reason through problems, see alternative viewpoints, and
change the initial beliefs are characteristics of a fair minded critical thinker and are
necessary to the changing society that we live in today (Elder Paul, 2012).
Changing our views of the world and situations that arise is better accomplished
through asking questions and continually evaluating our lack of knowledge thus
becoming a more disciplined thinker (Paul Elder, 2017). Growing as a critical
thinker will give us a stronger foundation to face problems and make knowledgeable
decisions in all things (Paul Elder,
How To Be An Example Of Social Stratification Essay
Social Stratification In our society today we have system of social stratification.
Social stratification is a system in which groups of people are divided into layers
according to their relative property, power, and prestige. Sometimes as humans we
find it challenging to keep up with the person next to us who has nicer materialistic
items; being a young woman who lives in a prestigious college town I notice
everyone seems to have a ridiculous amount of money and/or nice cars and at times,
this makes me feel out of place. This would be an example of social stratification, by
showing how some groups within the college student community have power and
prestige. Some of their parents work for the school, or work for a large corporate
businesses and have the money to give to their children. Social stratification links
society together in many aspects. When it comes to treating people within a society
differently from others shows social inequality; which is unequal sharing of societal
resources, education, power, health, etc. Other types of social stratification that
influences me directly are social stratification of wealth, social class, and sex. One
social stratification that I run into on a constant basis, especially here lately, is
wealth. In todays society we revolve around money, meaning we work for it to
ultimately survive. An example of how social inequality works when it comes to
being divided into layers within this category is your basics, the wealthy and
The Themes In The Shawl By Cynthia Othick
The Short Story named The Shawl by Cynthia Othick narrates the survival of a
mother, daughter and a niece, during the Holocaust, them being in a concentration
camp and participating in death marches. It fits the theme of survival of the fittest
as the daughter, named Magda, was forced to adapt to her needs after the mother
was not able to do it. Stella, the niece, is a third wheel in the story, she is most of
the time ignored by Rosa as she fully concentrates in taking care of Magda, or at
least attempting to, and Stella is just left their as somewhat of filling character. The
obscurity of Stella is also stated by the author when she says Stella, cold, cold, the
coldness of hell (1980) Cynthia Othick, with this information it can be... Show more
content on ...
A simple shawl it was what would become Magda s new mom, before Rosa s
deterioration, the shawl was the closest thing Magda had after her mother, once
she breaks down the only thing left for Magda is The Shawl, which takes the
mother s role Magda took the corner of the shawl and milked it instead. She sucked
and sucked, flooding the threads with wetness. The shawl s good flavor, milk of
linen. (1980) Cynthia Othick, This the part where the shawl accomplishes this, it
becomes somewhat of a food source for Magda, keeps her warm and gives her
comfort, all qualities that the ideal mother should
Summary Of How Should One Read A Book By Virginia
At the beginning of How Should One Read a Book? , Virginia Woolf introduces
her piece by saying that a person must read a book by following their own instincts
and that the essay is her opinion, suggestions and ideas. Woolf offers the readers of
the essay several suggestions to how they should read a book. Her first suggestion is
that the reader shouldn t jump into diverse genres with preconceived beliefs on what
that specific genre has to offer. Instead, the reader should let their imagination take
over and guide them through the book. Virginia also advises the reader to attempt to
put themselves in the position of the author, to comprehend their endeavor. Towards
the middle of the essay, Virginia s reminds the reader that biographies
Romanticism In The Awakening
Romanticism can be characterized by its emphasis on emotion and individualism
as well as glorification of all the past and nature. There was a strong recourse to
historical and natural inevitability, a Zeitgeist, in the representation of its ideas.
That there is this spirit that All people aim for freedom and most fall short to reach
their ultimate goal of total freedom. I will argue that Edna Pontellier and Hegel are
trying to find freedom during their era, but are unable to reach it. In The
Awakening, by Kate Chopin, we find our main character Edna who has this
longing for freedom and no matter what she tries she feels trapped in a society that
she feels intrudes on her freedom. During this time in age, Edna is expected to
perform her domestic duties and care for the health and happiness of her family. In
this time of the Zeitgeist, victorian women were prevented from seeking the
satisfaction of their own wants and needs. During Edna s gradual awakening, she
discovers her own identity and acknowledges her emotions and desires actually are.
The water symbolizes freedom, escape, independence. Edna s awakening truly
begins in the water, because this is where she learned how to swim. This was
something she has always previously been afraid of and after this incident, her mind
begins to turn with new possibilities of independence and the future. As she swam,
she seemed to be reaching out for the unlimited in which to lose herself (Chopin, p.
32). This event in her life
The Mind Brain Identity Theory
Marguerite Mitchell
Intro to Philosophy
October 29, 2015
In this paper, I will argue that the Mind Brain Identity Theory provides sufficient
grounds to accept Epicurus argument for death being annihilation. I will argue my
thesis by referring to Peter Carruthers The Mind Is the Brain to establish that one s
mental states are in fact brain states and will also refer to Epicurus Death is Nothing to
Us. Next, I will explain that if one accepts the Identity Theory then one should also
accept, as Epicurus argues, that death should not be feared, for it is annihilation. I
will conclude by refuting objections to the Identity Theory and the Epicurean
argument on death.
In order to accept the validity of the Identity Theory, one must have a thorough
understanding of it. It is a form of materialism which asserts that all mental states
and events are in fact physical states and events (Carruthers 301). For example, if I
were to put my hand on a hot stove, I would have a conscious awareness of the pain
of my burning flesh and it would provoke physical actions such as immediately
drawing back my hand and screaming. This instance illustrates Carruthers first
premise in the Identity Theory argument that conscious states and events, or my
awareness of the pain of burning my hand, is a causal condition for the occurrence
of physical states and events, which would be exemplified by me drawing back my
hand and screaming (Carruthers 302).
The second premise of the argument indicates
David Suzuki Diversity Is Strength
Pluralistic superiority is a pervasive concept existing in a significant portion of the
Westernized world, enforcing the notion that multi cultural, multi ethnic, and multi
national ideologies are inextricably related with societal and economic progress,
exemplified by the myopic and unsubstantiated quotation Diversity is Strength from
the current incumbent of Canada s position of prime minister. The fundamental issue
with this perspective is its inability to properly process anterior information related to
alternate states, and the orthodox prerequisites involved in the ascension of relevant
nation states by creating such an axiomatic statement which purportedly embodies the
quixotic goals of a state. As a method of responding to the notion... Show more
content on ...
An intrinsic issue related to David Suzuki s postulation that diversity of all variants is
useful to the perpetuation of the is his intentional disregard for the biological notion
of conflict within ecosystems, specifically pertaining to invasive species and the
ecosystems (and entities inhabiting the ecosystem) which are the recipients of said
invasion; if a species is relocated to an ecosystem and possesses traits which
fundamentally do not align with the synergistic and symbiotic nature of the
ecosystem , there exists a ubiquitous consequence for the denizens who are
accustomed to the relatively static nature of their environment. The socio cultural
correlation, related to the biological notion of ecosystem equilibrium, is the
introduction of individuals who possess fundamental disagreements with the
predominant ethical and moral perspectives of the majority of inhabitants; this,
historically, results in the amplifications of tension between the two groups (primary
inhabitants and incompatibly invasive) and the inexorable suppression (this has a
propensity to manifest in both active and passive assimilation or the relocation of the
minority into a specific region) of the incompatibly invasive or the disintegration of
the primary inhabitants social structure . Present within both a biological and socio
cultural structure is compatibility within an ecosystem, and operating within the
confines of such permits a higher degree of success when approaching multi
culturalism, but attempting to implement the unrestricted proliferation of any species
or culture within an environment, as proselytized by David Suzuki, is not functional.
An example of such would be introducing the Andean bear into the environment of
the Asiatic black bear, in
The Reasons that Led to the Attack on the World Trade
I was only 6 years old at the time when the 9/11 happened, and I didn t find out until
a few weeks later when my parents showed me the video. I have never seen
anything like that but in movies, so the first thought that came up in my mind when
I saw the video was what movie is that. My parents tried to explain what was
happening, but at the time, I couldn t process what had happened or really
understand what they explained. 12 years later I m 18 now, during that period of time
I immigrated to the United States, in school on the extended date of September 11
we always have the moment of silence, and I didn t understand why we do the
moment of silence, so I did some research about 9/11. Now I clearly understand
that the United States encounter the largest terrorist attack in history, and the
reason why the United States is involved in war with Afghanistan. United States
involvements in Afghanistan is one of the longest wars in our history. Rajiv
Chandrasekaran editor of the Washington post, describes the involvement as we ve
asked them to do a lot more, in a smaller serving force, in some of the longest wars
in our history (2014. Para. 14). U.S. involvement in Afghanistan has been going on
for many years, and for the first time ever, our involvement was a mistake. The main
reason why U.S. is involved in Afghanistan it s for the attack on 9/11. As the Unite
Nations charter s collective security frame work in the 21st century describes, In
1996, following decades of
Social Reforms, India
The reform activities united people and the attack on institutions like caste which
hampered social unity created a sense of oneness in the people. But most of these
reform movements had certain limitations. The questions to which they gave primacy
concerned only small sections of Indian society. Some of them failed to emphasize or
even recognize that colonial rule was inimical to the interests of the Indian people.
Most of them worked within the framework of their respective communities in a way
tended to promote identities based on religion or caste. Many of these limitations
were sought to be overcome during the course of the national movement with which
many social and religious reformers were closely associated. Indian nationalism...
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Swami Dayananda Saraswati, the founder of the Arya Samaj was one of the maker
of Modern India. His Arya Samaj gave emphasis on the liberation of the Hindu
Society. He called people Go back to the Veda created consciousness among the
He strongly opposed Idol worship, ritualism, practice of animal sacrifice, the idea of
Heaven etc. This movement also challenged the Christian Missionaries who tried to
convert the uneducated, poor and depressed classes of the Hindus.
6. Annie Besant
Annie Besant was of Irish origin and made India her second home. She fought for the
rights of Indian and was the first woman president of Indian National Congress. In
1893, she left for India having been influenced by the Indian culture and civilization.
She was famous as a social worker, educationalist, journalist, prominent Theosophist,
social reformer, political leader, women s rights activist, writer and orator. She fought
for the Human Rights of Indian women.
7. Dr.Bhimrao Ambedkar
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was born on April 14, 1891 in Mhow (presently in Madhya
Pradesh). Dr. B.R. Ambedkar is viewed as messiah of dalits and downtrodden in
India. He was the chairman of the drafting committee in 1947. Bhimrao Ambedkar
experienced caste discrimination right from the childhood.he was the first who
reduce the bridge between tribal non tribal.
8. Medha Patkar
Medha Patkar was born in Mumbai. On 28 March 2006,
Sezeme Character Analysis
Byond Key: Unraveller Character Name: Sezeme Race: Makyan Alignment:
Lawful Neutral Bio: Wise, honorable, compassionate. These are all words that
describe Sezeme, the timbre of his raspy voice truly does little to hide his love of
planet Earth, his home. Sezeme is a man of his word and holds promises as
unbreakable laws that must never be crossed. Don t let his diminutive size or
middling age fool you, while much of his strength lies in his wisdom, there is still
plenty of fight in this Makyan. Born, like the great majority of Makyans living on
Earth today, on the Makyo Star to a horrid and tyrannical province. Life was tough
on all of those considered peasants by their horrendous overlord, endless toiling work,
torturous living... Show more content on ...
He lay upon a bed intricate and elegant in design, the room was equally as
beautiful. We both know that I haven t got much time left. The elder stroked his
lusciously long beard and reached out from the bedside, eyes squinting. Straining
to see his assistant, a diminutive creature of pale blue skin and pointed ears. Listen
to me! The ancient man roared yet again as he placed a limp hand upon his
compatriot s shoulder. Those vile creatures will reach the tower soon, and will
find their way here to the lookout. And I don t think I can last. A grim expression
crawled upon the gnomish creature s face, Don t say that! You re here to defend
Earth, you re here to defend our home! He replied in kind, a stray tear rolling done
his cheek. Unfortunately, he knew that the elder was correct. Silence squirt! the
older man s serious expression transitioned to a smile, You may not have the blood
of an Earthling, but your spirit is more in tune with our home than any other. You
must take my place Sezeme. He added. The Makyan knew this was coming, but he
simply couldn t bear it, You have to keep on living, I m not ready for this! The poor
creature could not hold back his
FГўte Foraine De Baie St-Paul Fair
Imagine men on stilts who juggle, performing mimes, and dancing fire breathers
who performed for the streets of Baie Saint Paul in Quebec, Canada. These
performers would later become known as Cirque du Soleil (Cirque du Soleil).
However, these performers would not be known by this name until much later in
time. Originating on the streets Cirque du Soleilstarted out as a group of street
performers called, Club des Talons Hauts, or the, High Heels Club, since most of its
members performed on stilts (Encyclopedia). Soon the club wanted to branch out and
learn more about street performances, and thus organized a festival where people
could learn new techniques called: FГўte Foraine de Baie St Paul ( Baie St Paul Fair).
This would be the
Adivasi In India
Adivasis are the indigenous population of India who predominantly depend on
forests for their livelihood and identity (references). India has the largest Adivasi
(indigenous) population in the world accounting to 104 million (8.2% of the national
population), yet it took government of India nearly 60 years to acknowledge the
historical relevance of forests for Adivasicommunities through ForestRights
Act,2006 (references). The disregard for Adivasi societies is sometimes reflective
even on community name assigned by the mainstream non Adivasis. For example,
one of the tribal groups in Kerala are known by the name Adiyas (ആദിമ root
word which in Malayalam means slave). Assigning such community names by the
non Adivasis were some of the linguistic illustrations of Adivasi subjugation and
dominance (references). Adivasi are primarily forest dwellers, grazers, agriculturists,
laborers and reside mountain and hilly areas adjoining forest areas (references).
Contrary to the mainstream Hindu communities, Adivasi are egalitarian group
however, they are known to have strict gender roles and responsibilities. Women in
Adivasi communities share accounts of a mutualistic relationship with forests and
natural resources developed through their material and non material pursuits
(references). However, colonial exploitation and historical alienation from ancestral
land has impacted the socio economic balance of the community with many of the
human development indicators spiraling downward
4-H Positive Youth Development Paper
There are many student programs from which schools can choose to implement in
a school year. Each program provides a different focus and different results. One of
these programs is the 4 H Afterschool program. 4 H programs are nation wide and
can be offered through schools and clubs and are supported by universities in each
area. 4 Hoffers four main after school, in school, or club programs based around
science, citizenship, healthy living, and mentoring ( 4 H Positive YouthDevelopment ,
n.d.). According to the 4 H website , 4 H Positive Youth Development
, each program
offers the potential for positive youth development and growth in a learn by doing
atmosphere led by trained volunteers (n.d.). 4 H is a positive youth development
(PYD)... Show more content on ...
20). Within a 4 H program, health needs are addressed and taught to students. Some
of the habits and ideas that are addressed include: healthy eating, physical activity,
injury prevention, social emotional health, and the prevention of alcohol, tobacco,
and other drug use (Downey, et al., 2014, p. 14). By teaching these topics to the
youth, they are better able to apply them to their lives and the decisions they will
make concerning their health and well being.
After learning healthy habits in the program, students tend to go home and share
what they have learned with their parents and family. The knowledge that is taught
to the youth goes well beyond their own minds and bodies, but benefits the people
around them as well. The 4 H Afterschool programs seek to not only help the
individuals, but their lives as they increase knowledge and skills necessary for
improving physical activity practices and to improve the habits and behaviors of
children, youth, and families (Downey, et al., 2014, p. 14). The goals that have been
set forth should ultimately reduce the health risks that are seen in communities such
as obesity and illnesses (Downey, et al., 2014, p.
Foundation Chemistry Past Paper
kirsty jones 32251 8151 Edexcel GCSE Chemistry/Science Unit C1: Chemistry in
our World Foundation Tier Sample Assessment Material Time: 1 hour You do not
need any other materials. Paper Reference 5CH1F/01 Total Marks Instructions Use
black ink or ball point pen. Fill in the boxes at the top of this page with your name,
centre number and candidate number. Answer all questions. Answer the questions in
the spaces provided there may be more space than you need. Information The total
mark for this paper is 60. The marks for each question are shown in brackets use this
as a guide as to how much time to spend on each question. Questions labelled with an
asterisk (*) are ones where the quality of your written communication will be... Show
more content on ...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (d) (i) Chlorine can be obtained from seawater by using
electricity. What is the name of this process? (1) . . . . . . . . . . .
................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (ii) Explain why you have to ensure there is good ventilation
when you prepare chlorine in the laboratory. (2) . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . .............
SAT Preparation Habits
Many students and parents may believe that investing a lot of time, money, and
energy in preparation for the SAT helps students get accepted into their dream
colleges, thus leading to a successful career. Despite that belief, students may spend
hundreds of dollars and countless hours on test prep and take the SATmultiple times,
and still not receive a score that reflects their achievement in school (Vitale). To
refute the notion that the SAT leading students into a successful career, Professor
Harvey Gilmore inputs his personal experience with the SAT. Gilmore compared
his SAT scores to how they have affected him in the long run. He received a 830 out
of 1600 on the SAT, which is equivalent to a 1245 out of a maximum score of 2400
today... Show more content on ...
Relating to college level standardized tests, the costs of these required tests are
ridiculous, especially for a student who works part time; registering for one of these
tests would consume [an] entire two week paycheck (Vitale). In order to pursue an
advanced degree, most programs, such as the Law School Admission Test (LSAT),
Graduate Record Exam (GRE), and Medical College Admission Test (MCAT),
require their applicants to take a timed, standardized test. The LSAT costs $170, the
GRE costs $195, and the
How Does Dickens Present Struggles
la Gonzalez Mrs.Weber/Mrs.Robertazzi English 11, Period 2 March 20, 2018
Research Paper How Great Expectations Displays Adolescent Struggles In the
novel, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, struggles with adolescence are
shown as Pip comes of age. Charles Dickens was born in 1812, in Portsmouth,
England. He was raised by a family obtaining modest means, but who suffered
financially. Dickens s father, John Dickens went through a major financial crisis,
and was imprisoned due to debts he couldn t pay (Great). Dickens was only twelve
years old at the time and because of this, he was taken out of school and started
working in a factory so he could support himself. Later, he and his family moved to
London, where he started his... Show more content on ...
For instance, as a young boy, Pip s parents were both deceased and he was brought
up by hand by his sister, Mrs. Joe Gargery. His sister was very tough on Pip and he
had to endure her abuses growing up. She has brought me up by hand. Having at
that time to find out for myself what the expression meant, and knowing her to
have a hard and heavy hand, and to be much in the habit of laying it upon her
husband as well as upon me. (Dickens 6). As a young boy, this type of childhood
was something Pip was used to and was an everyday thing to him. Being an
orphan, Pip knew nothing more than being raised by someone other than his
parents, so he didn t have the luxury of learning true values and simple manners
that every other kid his age had. One of those kids being Estella, a fellow orphan
who lived in the Satis house next to Pip. Estella was an orphan adopted and raised
by a wealthy and eccentric woman who wanted her to become a lady, Miss
Havisham. She was an orphan like myself; like me, too had been brought up by
hand (Dickens 43). Unlike Pip, Estella was raised with good morals and standards
that Pip lacked all of his childhood. These differences starting at a very young age
made Pip realize he had to learn things on his own and that he was very
The Treaty Of South Africa Kyoto Protocol Under The
2.0. Introduction The Republic of South Africa signed the Kyoto Protocol under
the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on 31
July, 2002 as a non annex I party. Therefore, South Africa, like all other developing
countries has not been allocated specific targets to commit to under the protocol.
At the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP) negotiations that took place in
Copenhagen in 2009 (UNFCC, 2009), South Africa took the responsibility to carry
out mitigation actions to reduce their emissions 34% by the year 2020, and 42%
by the year 2025, below the business as usual trajectory (Voster, Winkler and
Meagan, 2011 p.243). However, this pledge is subject to the provision and
assistance of adequate, capacity building, financial and technological support from
other developed countries. These targets were officially submitted to the
Copenhagen Accord on 29 January, 2010. Furthermore, South Africa is said to be a
participant of the World Bank s Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR). This is a
capacity building program supporting the development of market based policies.
South Africa s exposure to the carbon market has mainly been through the Clean
Development Mechanism (CDM). There are projects that are submitted to the
Designated National Authority (DNA) for initial review and approval. They cover
the following project types; bio fuels, energy efficiency, waste management,
cogeneration, fuel switching and hydro power, and cover sectors like
Carl Sandburg Research Paper
Carl Sandburg was a poet and writer as well as an editor. Sandburg was famous for
works such as Chicago Poems and The People, Yes. He was an American man who
wrote poetry about the places around him, people he admired, and many other
sources of creativity. Sandburg was also famous for not only writing in the
perspective or about the life of himself, the writing for and about the people of the
world. Not only was Sandburg a poet, but he also did some folk singing along with
everything else. Carl Sandburg was born in Illinois in 1878 to his Swedish parents.
His family was very poor and Sandburg dropped out of school to work and support
his family. He was never known for being school smart due to his dropping around
the age of 13. Sandburg worked many jobs before starting to write professionally and
attending college. He even volunteered for the military, but never actually fought in a
battle.... Show more content on ...
The Pulitzer Prize is an award given each year to artist and authors on subjects
relating to literature, photography and music. The Pulitzer Prize is given to the
works the foundation considers the best in their field that year. His first Pulitzer
Prize was a poetry one which he won for Cornhuskers in 1919. His second Pulitzer
Prize was awarded in 1940 for a biography of Abraham Lincoln called Abraham
Lincoln: The War Years, the second part of his Lincoln biography series. His third
and final Pulitzer Prize was given for Complete Poems in 1950. Not many people
have ever received three Pulitzer Prizes, so it is a great accomplishment for
Sandburg. The Robert Frost medal was awarded to Sandburg in 1952, a prestigious
award given to authors for being a great
Baby Hats
This semester I made 4 newborn baby hats in 8 hours with Mrs. Llewellyn. Mrs.
Llewellyn taught me to crochet last semester but since then I have been able to
know about the families that receive these baby hats. She told me about how some
of the families can t afford things they need so making baby hats for their new baby
makes them happy because they know someone is thinking about them. This made
me interested in doing more service work not just making baby hats but visiting the
nursing home and shoveling snow for my neighbors. After doing these things I felt
very good about myself for helping others. The only thing that surprised me was
how little of time to make a baby hat. Even when I had some spare time I could get a
couple of rows done.... Show more content on ...
I learned that not all people can afford to buy new stuff for their newborn babies.
Many families in our community are struggling to make ends meet. There is a big
difference between those who have more than they need and those that don t. I hope
that by giving a baby hat, that a family can buy something else they will need for
the baby like diapers. This project address those needs because it gives that family
something they might need but can not afford. Other work to address this need is
happening at Goodwill and the Clothes Bank. They also help people that don t have
a lot of money get the clothes they need. I can apply this learning in my life by
making baby hats and donating the clothes I don t wear, need, or don t fit to
Goodwill or The Clothes Bank. I learned more about the Clothes Bank and how
they help people in need from my aunt Nancy. I could also help address this need by
asking my parents or peers if they would want to help make baby hats or ask if we
could go to the Clothes Bank and see what we could do to help. I could tell them
that many people can t afford their own clothes and that we need to give back
because we have so much more than the people in need. I will make more baby
hats this summer and I would like to tell my family and friends more about it the
need for clothes in our community. This activity was a lot of fun but it also helped
me learn about the people who can not
Social Media Intelligence Paper
Open source intelligence based on social media in the 21st century is a vital
component of the intelligence collection process. As people around the world use
social media more it will become integral to the intelligence collection process. The
advent of social media is significant to Military Intelligence because it provides
access to literally billions of people providing information on events, people, and
locations in real time at a low cost. Social media, Facebook specifically, has
become one of the most successful forms of websites on the Internet. According to
Facebook Company statistics (Info, 2016) there are over 1.65 billion monthly active
users as of March 31, 2016. Additionally there are 1.09 billion daily active users for...
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Threat groups know intelligence agencies use social media to collect. Threat
groups could then post incorrect information on social media to guide collection
away from their true intent. As social media is not monitored for quality control, it
will become imperative for intelligence professionals to be able to check the
validity of social media intelligence through other resources. Checking social media
intelligence through other resources will reduce the timeliness of the reporting as
validity is confirmed or denied. In conclusion social media offers billions of
opportunities to collect intelligence daily. Social media allows real time intelligence
collection at low cost. The downside is the validity of the intelligence needs to be
confirmed, and our adversaries can use social media platforms for denial and
deception. Regardless of the negatives social media offers immeasurable
opportunities for intelligence collection in the near and long term if utilized properly
and with an understanding of its
Safest Exercise Analysis
When working out one can choose many exercises that will strengthen muscle and
burn fat. The IDEA website has many videos that will provide exercises to define
and build muscles for yourself or those you may coach. The exercise I chose is the
wide reverse grip barbell deadlift. This exercise has many benefits including fat
burning; it is one of the safest exercises. So many multiple muscles are stimulated in
the process, and you will obtain better posture, and it increases hormones for growth
in your body. This exercisegives more benefits than a squat or a hamstring curl,
which are both exercises that work the lower body like this deadlift except this one
targets more muscles.
Now let s take a deeper look at what makes the deadlift an effective
Customer Based Brand Equity Model (CBBE)
Customer Based Brand Equity Model (CBBE)
The CBBE model approaches brand equity from the perspective of the customer
whether customer is an individual or an organization. The CBBE model provides a
unique point of view as to what brand equity is and how it should best be built,
measured and managed. The power of a brand lies in what customers have learned,
felt, seen and heard about the brand as a result of their experiences over time. The
big challenge for marketers is to ensure that customers have the right type of
experiences with their products and services. In order to do this, marketers must
develop marketing programs in way that best fit into customers mind and linked the
brand to the desire customers feelings, ... Show more content on ...
Customers usually make four types of judgements as:
Brand Quality; brand attitudes generally depend on specific attributes and benefits of
the brand.
Brand Credibility; judgements about the company or organization behind the brand.
Customers may seen that wether the brand is competitive, innovative and market
leader. The company always consider customers priorities in mind and create interest
and fun so that customers enjoying while consuming the brand.
Brand Consideration; customers think or consider the brand while making purchase
Brand Superiority; customers view the brand as unique and better that other.
Brand Feelings:
These are customers emotional responses and reactions to the brand. The emotions
evoked by a brand can become so strongly associated that they are accessible during
product consumption or use. The following are six important types of brand building
Warmth; the brand makes consumers feel a sense of calm or peacefulness.
Fun; makes cosumers feel amused, lighthearted, joyous, playful, cheerful, and so on.
makes consumers feel energised and they feel something special.
Security; the brand produces a feeling of safety, comfort, and self assurance.
Social approval; consumers feel that
Reflection About Anxiety
Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom. What can be at first a seemingly random chain
of auditory reverberations has had the most profound effect on who I am. To hear
the frequency and timbre of this string of vibrations hit my cochlea, or to play it in
my mind using my auditory loop, elicits the exact same autonomic arousal that hit
me the first time I grasp its meaning. This quote has been with me everywhere. The
first moment I gave speech to a crowd for over a hundred (Osher Foundation
scholarship), the words were dancing in the back of my mind. The first time I met
my principle investigator and mentor Karen Dobkins, the quote was on the tip of
my tongue. Even, the exact moment my eyes met my future wife for the first time
I whispered it under my breath. To feel the effects of the sympathetic nervous
system, the biting cold of a cortisol rush, is to know the cursed taste of freedom of
being human. Anxiety simply means that you are alive. I recall the first time I had
heard the words. It was a cold Californian evening in October. I was sitting up the
bench, alone, overlooking the idyllic suburban highways. Soren Kierkegaard s The
Concept of anxiety has and always will be my favorite book. I suffer from
depression and anxiety. Although never fully diagnosed, I did take prescription
medicine for a while. Somehow, I convinced myself that my elevated levels of
anxiety was a hinderance. I had always been a gifted student, being placed in
advanced math courses and reading at a
Ownership Risks Assessment And Recommendation
MEMORANDUM A1 Ownership Structures
To:Mike Jackson and Alan Prentice
From:Elliot Chan
Date:15 September 2016
Subject:Ownership Risks Assessment and Recommendation
I have received your invitation to invest in the bakery. Firsts offering a sale at
$50,000 for purchase. We have to reform the business between 3 structures such as
sole trader, partnership and a private company. After studying these ownership
structures, I would like to give you my advice and hear from your considerations.
Comparison between Ownership Structures
In a sole trader structure, the owner keeps all the profit since he provides all capital
for the business. A partnership structured business shares its revenue with every
single partner under the calculations. However, it might be beneficial because
splitting up the revenue means that tax payment will also be shared (Department of
State Growth [DSG] 2015 a). On the contrary, private company shares its profit
according to equity of the shareholders. For example, A holds 2% of shares while B
holds 15% when profit sharing occurs A could only get 2 % and B would receive
15% of the profit share.
While discussing mandatory and legislation requirements, sole trader and
partnerships shares most necessities. Crawford (2007) states that both business
structure does not require any mandatory audits, the only business license is
required. According to Crawford (2007), a company that has 50 or more employees
are qualified to audit legislation
Adult Relationships And Same Sex Marriage
It is unclear what percentages of adult relationships are polyamorous in America, as
there is limited research with this population. However, it is evident that many
Americans find this alternative to monogamy beneficial. When compared to
monogamous individuals, polyamorous individuals experience greater levels of
intimacy in their relationships (Morrison, Beaulieu, Brockman, Beaglaoich, 2013).
Per the research, polyamory is potentially a fulfilling alternative to traditional
monogamous relationships for those who choose polyamory in place of monogamy.
Historically, there is limited evidence for cultures that that relied on same sex
marriage as a primary relationship structure. However, currently there is growing
cultural acceptance of same sex marriage and gay affirming communities in which
same sex relationships and same sex marriages experience support (Baunach, 2012).
According to the 2010 United States Census, same sex households¬¬ also called
unmarried same sex partner households grew by 80.4% between the 2000 and 2010
US Census. One June 26th of 2015, the American Supreme Court ruled that banning
same sex marriage in any U.S. state was unconstitutional (Pew Research, 2015). This
new occurrence will offer an opportunity for more research regarding same sex
marriage culture. In addition to this, attitudes regarding same sex relationship have
changed. Between 1988 and 2010, research shows that attitudes toward same sex
marriage demonstrate a cultural
The Notion Of Lex Sportiva
The notion of Lex Sportiva in many ways mirrors the nature of the debate regarding
its subject matter. Two academic schools of thought have debated since the 1980 s
as to to the role of national legal systems within sporting contexts. More recently
however, the debate has changed to one which questions the validity of Lex Sportiva
or global sports as a genuinely distinguishable, and unique branch of law. As Gianni
Infantino has suggested both politicians and legal scholars have discussed the much
vexed question of the so called sporting exception. Academic Ken Foster has claimed
that Lex Sportiva is even more niche, arguing that legal principles applied to sporting
circumstances do not necessarily amount to the formation of Lex... Show more
content on ...
As Siekmann and Soek have suggested the CAS is responsible for the development
of a new and useful jurisprudence derived from its awards . One could justifiably
argue that the CAS fills the gap between sporting governing bodies and traditional
legal systems in the sense it will hear matters of purely sporting significance.
Simply, those cases that do not fall within the remit of traditional legal judgements.
This somewhat intermediary role is illustrated in Football Association of Serbia v.
UEFA, in which the Serbian football association wished to contest the awarding of
a point sanction during qualifying for the 2016 European Championships. Clearly
in this case there is no breach of European community law. Yet, the CAS enables a
bespoke service to challenge sporting judgements regardless of the opinion of
traditional legal systems. Therefore one may justifiably argue that the CAS is a
quasi judicial body that successfully provides a reference on the unique nature of
sporting regulation and codification. However as James has suggested The UK has
no formal definition of sport and consequently no formal definition of sports law
perhaps meaning that lex Sportiva is a not as clearly defined as previously
assumed. As late as the 1980 s the laws relationship with sporting contexts was
typified by a piece meal, ad hoc approach to legislation

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Best Essays Written. Essay writing tips and examples

  • 1. Best Essays Written Writing an essay on the topic "Best Essays Written" may seem deceptively simple at first glance, but delving into the intricacies of this subject can quickly reveal its inherent challenges. The difficulty lies not only in the vastness of the topic itself but also in the subjective nature of determining what qualifies as the "best" essays. Firstly, one must grapple with the sheer volume of literary works spanning diverse genres, cultures, and time periods. Choosing a selection of essays that can be considered the epitome of excellence requires extensive research and a keen understanding of various writing styles and themes. Moreover, the subjectivity involved in evaluating the quality of essays adds another layer of complexity. What one person considers a masterpiece, another might perceive as mediocre. The elusive nature of defining greatness in literature makes the task of identifying and analyzing the best essays a subjective and challenging endeavor. Additionally, the essay itself requires a delicate balance between personal interpretation and objective analysis. A successful essay on this topic demands a thoughtful exploration of the criteria used to determine greatness in writing, as well as an examination of the cultural and historical contexts that shape these assessments. The inherent challenges in navigating the vast landscape of literary excellence make writing an essay on the topic of "Best Essays Written" a nuanced and demanding task. It necessitates a deep understanding of literary criticism, a discerning eye for quality, and the ability to articulate one's thoughts effectively. In conclusion, crafting an essay on this particular subject requires more than just a surface-level exploration of well-known works. It involves a rigorous examination of the criteria for greatness, an appreciation of diverse literary traditions, and a skillful blend of objective analysis and personal insight. The task is, undoubtedly, a formidable one, demanding both intellectual rigor and a genuine passion for literature. For those seeking assistance in navigating the challenges of essay writing, it's worth exploring the services offered by Similar essays and a wealth of other writing resources can be accessed, providing valuable support to those navigating the intricate world of academic writing. Best Essays Written Best Essays Written
  • 2. Claude Debussy Essay Claude Debussy (1862 1918) Achille Claude Debussy or Claude Debussy was a French 20th century composer known for his prominent role in impressionistic music. Debussy never described his pieces as impressionism as he disliked the term when it was associated with his music. Born in Saint Germain en Laye, he and his family left for Paris in 1867 only to move to Cannes in 1870 to escape the Franco Prussion war. Claude Debussy learnt to play piano from an Italian violinist by the name Jean Cerutti and later studied under a woman, by the name of Marie MautГ© de Fleurville, who claimed to have been a pupil of FrГ©dГ©ric Chopin. In 1872 he was enrolled in the Paris Conservatoire and remained there to develop musically over the next 11 years. Debussy was infamous for his experimental nature breaking ... Show more content on ... The piece is marked molto rubato con morbidezza meaning a very free rhythm with extreme delicacy and softness. It starts in a major key before modulating to another major key with chromatic phrasing before returning to the original key. The piece contains numerous overlapping notes and unusual rhythms adding to the complexity and sound quality. La plus que lente contains long musical phrases with notes played in a smooth manner with very few breaks between the notes alluding to the waltz itself. Within the piece, there is dramatic contrast between rhythms and volume in various sections. The gradual crescendo from piano (soft) to fortissimo (very loud) evokes a change of mood in the piece. The rhythmical contrast between sections marked animez de peu (playing the music a little animated or playfully) to the en serrant (pressing) and retenu (retained) evokes the flow of the dance. The increasing and decreasing tempo allows for freedom of movement which flows effortlessly before final indication marked morendo (dying or fading away) as the waltz comes to an
  • 3. Who Is Alexander The Great Dbq Alexander the Great lived over 300 years before Jesus of Nazareth. Alexander the Great was born in 356 B.C.E. His father was King Philip of Macedonia, so Alexander grew up inheriting his father s fighting skills/warfare. Once his father died, at age 20 Alexander took over the throne. Although he was still very young, he soon went on to become a military commander. When he got on the battlefield, he continuously won war after war. He lead his troops to victory; he was determined to win every war, and train his army with intense labor. He was known as the most powerful military commander to ever live. How Great was Alexander the Great? Alexander the Great was a military genius, and he was an inspiring leader to others. Alexander altered his followers with his military skills. Alexander crossed from Macedonia to Asia with an army of about 40,000. (Doc.A). He had pushed his army so they would beat their rivals. He trained them, and forced hard work on the group. Even though it sounded challenging, it did bring his army to the top. At night he would take most of his cavalry to various points along the river bank where he would create a clamour. (Doc. B). As alexander lead his army, he also took part in sneaky... Show more content on ... Alexander, like everyone else, was tormented by by thirst, but he was nonetheless marching one foot at his men. (Doc. D). Although Alexander was exhausted just like the others, he still went out of his way to lead his army to greatness. The army was crossing a desert of sand; the sun was already blazing down upon them, but they were struggling on under the necessity of reaching water, which was still far away. (Doc.D). Despite the fact that Alexander had to deal with the harsh conditions, he was still determined to win. At no time would he let his army down, he was there to support, and advise them. Alexander influenced his followers with his ways of
  • 4. Toxicology Review Paper Keisha Williams Toxicology October 23, 2017 Toxicology Review Paper Due to the rapid economic development in three megacities in China, there has been a significant increase in the amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) in both the gaseous form and in the form of particulate matter( PM2.5 and PM10). On account of the rise of concentrations of PAHs in the air, the amount of both seasonal and annual pollution has increased well above the standard and national averages. Researchers collected a number of samples from the three megacities including, Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, and a reference city, Datong. They also collected samples from four cities that are well outside the perimeter of the megacities to adequately compare ... Show more content on ... PAHs can be formed by incomplete combustion of carbon containing fuels such as wood, coal, diesel, fat, tobacco, and incense(Zhang, Chen, Lv, 2016).This study is seeking to determine the chemical constitution for major PAHs, observe and identify the different seasonal variance in which there is the most pollution, and identify the source of the PAH pollution in Beijing, Shijiazhuang, and Tianjin that are believed to cause cancer, mutations and birth defects. In order to answer the questions of this study multiple resources were deployed and experiments carried out. First air samples were collected from the following cities, Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, and the reference city, Datong. Air samples were also taken from four cities, Nanling, Shennongjia, Pangquangou, and Changbaishan, that were all background sites. The sample sizes are listed in the table below. These samples were collected at varies times of the year including, spring, summer, fall, and winter over twenty three hours for five to seven days for the three megacities and the reference city. Samples for the background sites were collected over thirty to thirty six hours on two occasions. A particulate sampler was used for PM2.5 and PM10 sampling (Zhang et al., 2016). After samples were collected they were stored at four degrees Celsius. Samples were then analyzed using certain
  • 5. The Pros And Cons Of Cable By end of 2017, over 15.4 million people in the US will cut their cable. Who can blame them? Cable hasn t evolved in last 80 years and cost of keeping cable is getting expensive every year. Nevertheless, many people are still paying for cable, when we have streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon. Streaming services are a better alternative to cable because they are cost effective, more accessible, more convenient, customizable, smarter and they are no commercials. Streaming services cost me about $12 a month including taxes and other fees. In contrast, it cost me approximately $130 per month excluding taxes and other fees. Cable is not getting cheaper any time soon. in this article Yes, Netflix and Hulu Are Starting to Kill Cable Stenovec states The average cable TV bill, not including fees, promotion or taxes, has increased by whopping a 97 percent over the past 14 years, according to the media research firm SNL Kagan. That bill could reach whopping $200 per month by 2020, one study found. Even after paying hundreds of dollars per month, consumers can only watch TV in living room and if they want cable service in other rooms, it will cost them additional money. On the other hand, consumers only need internet to stream content from their favorite streaming site. Also, streaming services are available on smartphones, smart TVs, computers, iPads, tablets and gaming consoles. Which means consumers can stream content anywhere. In addition, consumers can download TV
  • 6. What Role Did Religion Play In The 1640s Q: Why did the English king and Parliament quarrel in the 1640s? What were the most important issues behind the war between them, and who bears more responsibility for it? What was the Glorious Revolution, and why did it take place? What role did religion play in the seventeenth century English politics? Do you think the victory of Parliament over the monarchy in Englandwas inevitable? A: King Charles I and Parliament quarreled because the king had been ignoring Parliaments voice for some time. So once the king decided he needed money for his war in Scotland, but tired of the king s bullying, Parliament refused to support Charles until he resolved many political and religious offenses. King Charles I really held a lot of the blame here because
  • 7. Small Cap Diaphragm In the recording session, listening to all the tracks, I chose two different microphones from the MXL 800 series the large and the small caps diaphragm. Both microphones were condenser microphones. Listening to both microphones at the track I discovered few interesting facts between them. First, I mange to listen to the smaller cap both on the recorded hammer part of the pianoand the recorded strings and I find that both microphone had different sound. For the small cap that was recorded on the hammer of the piano sound decent yet it sounded little muddy. It sounded like when it had an insert plug in of a chorus or modulation that when the key was stroked the sound was aggressively vibrating, the piano s sustain was little aggressive Picturing if there was a lot of sound waves combined together. Also it sounded as if the piano was played in a small room which the sound sounded much tied. Next, the smaller cap on string recording, sounded much more balanced. It sounded tied yet the every note on the piano sounded realistic. Moreover, the dynamic range was wide enough that it was easy to listen to especially it had good amount of bass and harmonics of the piano. The microphone sound more open rather than narrow sound like the hammered one. On the larger cap diaphragm condenser microphone on ... Show more content on ... The microphones produced many important elements such as larger diaphragms records more sound of highs and lows yet I learned it has a disadvantage if it records too much sound for example on the strings of the piano, it can sound very muddy and bombarded with different frequencies. Similarly with small caps on hammers can cause trouble when concentrates too much on one area which it becomes a dominant sound overall of the recording. Furthermore, this I came to acknowledge the fact that Microphones compliment the artist when it position
  • 8. Christianity In Today s Christian Bible Finally, Christianity is the most prominent religion practiced throughout the world with over 2 billion followers. Christianity is based upon the teachings of the said son of God Jesus of Nazareth and his disciples. It is originally taught in Aramaic and later Greek, and its teachings can be found in the modern Christian Bible. Today s Christian Bible is divided in two parts, the Old Testament, written accounts and teachings before the birth of Jesus, which is what Judaism uses, and then the New Testament, which are stories and teachings that involve Jesus and his disciples. The Christian faith establishes a Holy Trinity, where Godis embodied in three different aspects, God himself, in his son Jesus and finally in the Holy Spirit. This core
  • 9. Why I Choose Colombia Colombia is my country, it is located in South America between Panama and the Caribbean Sea. Many people are in constant disagreement about what religion should be dominant in my country. As leader I have chose Christianity as my dominant religion. The first reason I choose Christianity as our religion is because of their rituals. The second reason is because sins can easily be forgiven and washed away. The third reason I choose Christianityis because of their beliefs. The first reason I choose Christianity is because of their rituals. The first ritual I want to talk about is Sunday, the Christians day of worship. On Sundays Christians go to church to and worship Jesus and God. Christians also worship a Bible. A Bible is basically
  • 10. Latino Population In America Summary: An analysis was done on the large population of Latinos in America by The Pew Research Center of U.S. Census Bureau. Results following the test showed that the Dispersion and growth of the population has slowed since the Great Recession happened in December of 2007. The Latino population had been on a steady growth from 2000 to 2007 which was at an all time high of 4.4%, but has slowly fallen to a mere 2.4% in the following years. A major factor as to why this is happening is Immigration and birth rates in America shifting drastically. This is most likely due to Border enforcement that has been put in effect in the past years. The large Growth in population that started around 1990s was due to the fact that the people immigrating ... Show more content on ... Immigration is referred to people moving from one country to another.. While migration is people moving from one area to a different area.The whole article is discussing how the population of Latinos in America is slowly decreasing. However, for this to even occur immigration had to have happened. Many Latinos immigrated to America to find job opportunities to better the lives of themselves and /or their families. But in recent years Border enforcement has been put into effect very largely. This caused fertility rates to drop in Hispanic Women, with the addition to the great recession happening, much of the population started to fall. Lastly, many job opportunities were not present, which further turns away immigration to America. I believe that the Latino population is absolutely vital in our society. Whether it be that its providing an enriched culture, new job opportunities, and the hard workers that are hispanics. They are a large part of what makes up our society, and especially our economy. In sum, if I had to pick a feeling towards the decline, it would definitely be a negative one. Because as I stated in this paragraph latinos are much more complex than just a
  • 11. Why Mitochondria And The Cell With Versatile Operating... Abstract: Although mitochondria and chloroplasts encodes handful of their own proteins, however, majority of their required proteins have to be synthesized in the cytosol and translocated into their correct destinations using specialized transporting networks: TOM/TIM complexes in mitochondria and TOC/TIC complexes in chloroplasts. Molecular chaperones play critical roles in facilitating functional competent protein import from the cytosol to their correct destinations, utilizing catalytic motor components and other transporting channels. Biogenesis of both mitochondria and chloroplasts and their maintenances in terms of transcription, translation and protein import into their various numerous compartments requires very tight coordination to overcome energetic barriers, protein aggregation and protein degradation. This essay describes molecular chaperones involvement in protein import from the cytosol into these double membraned organelle compartments. Introduction: Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell with versatile operating systems (i.e. converts energy derived from foods into cellular energy e.g. ATP, Amino Acid and lipid metabolisms, iron sulphur clusters and haem biosynthesis, and also the regulation of apoptosis) (Harbauer et al., 2014, Bolender et al., 2008, Wiedemann et al., 2004). Equally, chloroplasts are also very versatile and operates several metabolic and cellular processes (i.e. photosynthesis, amino acid and lipid metabolism , cellular signalling and
  • 12. The Persuasive Technique For Factory Work One poster encourages factory workers not to waste time because it features an image of a worker taking a break in front of a clock. The poster uses the persuasive technique plain folks to connect to everyday people through the image of the factory worker. Everyday factory workers can see themselves taking their own breaks when they see the image. Through th eslogan Every minute counts! and the image of the clock, the poster uses the persuasive tactic of fear fear that if factoryworkers take breaks, the war will continue for longer thanb it would otherwise. These techniques are effective at convincing the adience to work hard because no factory worker would want to be the one worker who caused a delay to the end of the war. Another poster
  • 13. What Does It Mean To You Essay Everyone says things come and go so don t stress so much about what you can t control. (Ha that kind of rhymed) Anyways ... people never tell you what you ll experience when it does arrive and when it eventually leaves. What I refer to as it is anything you want to substitute it for. For me it refers to people. If you will, join me and i ll take you on a tour of my own personal journey, enjoy :) I understand what it feels like to have the world against you. Especially to the point where you feel so trapped and you feel like you re just not good enough. I m pretty sure you ve all heard people say I can be standing in a room full of people screaming at the top of my lungs and yet nobody seems to hear me Sadly, that s how I felt. I m a happy person, I genuinely love being positive. However, for some odd reason I was drowning in my own sorrow. In those moments not only was I looking for happiness .... I was looking for REAL happiness because I wanted my positive attitude back. I want all my viewers to know it s okay to feel sad but you need to brush it off, get back up and keep pushing forward. I want you to acknowledge that there s nothing wrong with you. Whatever loss you ve encountered understand that it s not your fault and something great will come out of it. I want you to know that you re enough! Truthfully, everyone will experience the pain of losing someone from time to time. There s just no way to avoid it. You could say I lost a lot of people that I loved
  • 14. Toyota Camry Research Paper If you want a reliable, fun and safe sedan that can easily get your family around, head over to Harr Toyota and check out a pre owned Toyota Camry. The Camry is easy to drive and includes a comfortable interior that can make the commute easier for the driver and all the passengers. For the best selection of pre owned Camrys, head over to Harr Toyota. A Pre Owned Toyota Camry for Sale in Worcester offers outstanding interior amenities that can create a more comfortable and fun driving experience. If you are a music fan, any model of the Camry should be able to enhance your listening experience. The audio system often includes an AM/FM stereo, CD MP3 playback and multiple speaker sound system. If your Camry is going to be your office, consider upgrading to a model that includes Bluetooth wireless connectivity. Several models of the Camry include voice recognition controls, meaning you can monitor your entertainment features without taking your eyes off the road.... Show more content on ... No matter which model you choose, the Camry can help you save at the pump. The Camry can be built with a four cylinder engine that gets 35 miles per gallon, or the V6 that gets 30 miles per gallon on the highway. The four cylinder has plenty of power to go with the versatility, as it produces 178 horsepower and 170 pound feet of torque .The Camry can easily get around slower traffic, as many models can go from 0 60 in just about eight
  • 15. Reflection Paper On A Material Library On Friday October 20, 2017, I visited Interspace Limited, an interior design firm that specializes in commercial interiors. Interspace Limited focuses on furniture specifications, production and project management, team work, scheduling, and budgeting to ensure that the clients needs are supported and granted. Furniture and material finishes are their specialty so they are always update with current trends, manufacture representatives, and business connections. During my firm visit, I meet with the owner, Darlene Huffman, who kindly showed me around the firm and materials library. Before and after the materials library, I took advantage of making new connections and asking personal questions about the firm s unique project process and internship opportunities. During my time within their materials library, I asked a series of questions to understand the importance of Interspace Limited s materials. How is there material library organized? How often do they utilize the material lab? How do you use the material lab? At what point in the project do they begin to think about materials and why? How do you stay informed of material trends? What are some of your favorite manufactures and why? And mostly importantly, what is a local interior space you think expresses good applications and use of materials? Starting with the questions how is the materials organized and how often do they utilize the materials library? The materials library is composed of two rooms organized
  • 16. Research Paper On How To Purchase Crossbows How to Purchase Crossbows Crossbows have become one of the more preferred choices by avid archers and outdoor sports enthusiasts. Just as there are a number of different sports where crossbows can be used are there a different varieties of crossbow designs to choose from. Some of these crossbows may be specific in their usage while others can be rather flexible. If you are looking to purchase a crossbow either in archery specialty stores in shopping malls or over the Internet, here are a few things you may want to first consider: Purpose The first thing that you would need to consider is first and foremost what will you be using your crossbows for? Are you looking into simply getting into archery as a hobby and would
  • 17. Asymmetric Synthesis Of 13 Diols And Chiral Sulfoxides Chapter 1 Review on Asymmetric Synthesis of 1,3 Diols and Chiral Sulfoxides 1.1.Importance and applications of chiral 1,3 diols Optically active 1,3 diols are very important compounds in asymmetric synthesis, since they represent chiral building blocks for many polyketide derived natural products, and have frequently been used as valuable intermediates in the synthesis of drugs and natural products with important biological activity. Such diols have shown promise as chiral derivatising agents and less frequently as chiral ligands. 1.1.1.As chiral ligands Unlike 1,2 and 1,4 diols, 1,3 diols are less frequently encountered as chiral ligand. A few C2 symmetric chiral 1,3 diols are known in the literature, none have proved to be very good sources of chirality. It is important that the diol is conformationally rigid for it to be an effective chiral auxiliary / ligand. Chiral 1,3 diols 20 21 were obtained from the yeast reduction products of 2 oxocyclopentane and 2 oxocyclohexane carboxylates and excess MeLi, BuLi or PhLi. These ligands form titanium complexes 22 with TiCl(i Pr0)3 which are effective catalysts for enantioselective nucleophilic addition of MeMgCl to benzaldehyde and 1 naphthaldehyde yielding 1 phenyl ethanol and 1 naphthyl ethanol respectively in good enantioselectivities. Recently Matsuo and coworkers have reported effective use of a chiral 1,3 diol ligand for brГёnsted acid catalyzed asymmetric reduction of ketones and acyl silanes. 1.1.2.As chiral
  • 18. Superbowl Party Narrative Superb Superbowl Party It was Sunday, February 16th, 2017, I was just starting to get out of bed after a long night of preparing for the Superbowl party I was going to have today. I walked out of my room just to see the ridiculous amount of Steelers posters were up, I could only guess it was my dad. I smelled the fragrance of the scented candle my mom had set up by the fireplace in the living room as I was walking to open the door to the garage. I opened the door to expect the guests to be here, but they were nowhere to be found. Hello? I said aloud, but no one replied. I went to the kitchen to notice a helicopter outside the window with Donald Trump, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Jerry Seinfeld. After I let them in Arnold Schwarzenegger asked... Show more content on ... Don t you think that is a little too much money to bet with? Jerry Seinfeld questioned. Nonsense, I m the president and I am rich. Donald Trump replied. Now I realized that Trump is a billionaire and it won t really matter if he loses this bet. I went to go get the food out for the guests, there was pizza, steak, cookies that Arnold was already eating, and slugs which are for Shrek and only Shrek. Shrek didn t arrive yet for some unknown reason so I watched the game for a little bit while Donald Trump and Arnold Schwarzenegger were fighting over who should eat the cookies. No, put the cookie down! Arnold yelled furiously. I believe these cookies are for all the party guests Arnold! Donald Trump replied angrily. They both grabbed a hold of the container of cookies, but since Arnold was more muscular and he was basically a robot, he won the fight and he had all the cookies for himself. Yes, all the cookies are mine! Arnold exclaimed with joy. After the fight for the cookies the door burst open and in came Shrek saying Oh hello
  • 19. Police Brutality And Racial Profiling The use of police brutality and racial profiling is an unfortunate part of today s society that needs to be addressed. Blacks are being stopped and searched by police officers in greater numbers compared to other races, and sometimes these situations escalate into violence. In the essay Blue On Black Violence: Freddie Gray, Baltimore, South Africa, the Quietism of Africana Christian Theology, author Darryl Scriven, a Philosophy professor at Florida A M University, reports that, CNN reported that May 2015 was the deadliest month for Baltimore, Maryland in 16 years with 35 recorded, civilian caused homicides (Scriven 2015). He then goes on to say, Most of the victims were African American (Scriven 2015). This use of unnecessary force is not new. Policehave employed the tactic of racial profiling to unfairly stop and search people of color, and some of time, this turns violent. There are several cases of police brutalitythat occurred in the past few years that show many similarities with cases from the past in Macintosh County. Ed Finch was standing outside of his house arguing with a woman when Officer Hutchinson approached him, obviously annoyed by the loud yelling. Hutchinson claimed he was disturbing the peace and asked him to be quiet. Ed refused, which ended up with Hutchinson shooting Ed point blank in the face. He then dragged him to jail where he was left in a cell with no medical attention. The Black community in Macintosh gathered and marched on the court
  • 20. The Effects Of Stress On Captive Zoo Animals Introduction. The effects of stress on captive zoo animals has been a major concern among zoologists as well as zookeepers in recent years (Fernandez et al.2009). In previous studies, one of the major factors inducing stress in captive animals that appears to have been overlooked, are the noise levels created by the presence of zoo visitors and the effectiveness of the design of indoor zoo exhibits in reducing the noise levels in particular. While research exists showing that the presence of zoo visitors can be a source of enrichment for captive animals, particularly those who are social by nature, further investigations have indicated that visitor presence can in fact be a source of stress in non social species including felids (Hosey 2000). ... Show more content on ... This study will look at the effectiveness of the exhibit design in preventing noise pollution caused by the increased number of visitors to the Milwaukee County Zoo jaguar exhibit. The exhibit which contains both an indoor portion which is designed to resemble the jaguar s native jungle habitat as well as an outdoor portion, currently houses three adult jaguars, Pat, Stella, and Francisco. Both Pat, who is 16 years old and formally a Problem jaguar from Belize, and Stella who came to the Milwaukee County Zoo in 2005, live together as a breeding pair (K. Kuhn in conversation). Francisco is the 2 year old son of Pat and Stella and lives alone (K. Kuhn in conversation). Over the course of six weeks, I will be collecting data using Wensen WS1361C decibelmeters which are equipped with data loggers. The decibel meters will be used both inside and outside the jaguar exhibit to determine the effectiveness of the exhibit design. To analyze the zoo visitor effect, as well as the frequency of stress related behavioral responses observed, data will be collected during on three different days of the week both through observation of the jaguars as well as later analysis of the data recorded by the decibel meters. Data will be collected both on days where zoo visitation is predicted to increase, which are designated as Family Free Days, where visitors receive free admission as well as Non Family Free days and Thursday afternoons where a decrease in zoo visitation is predicted for observation time totaling a minimum of 15 hours. The recorded data will then be analyzed to determine if the increased noise pollution created by an increase in zoo visitors will correlate with an increase in stress related behavioral responses by the jaguars.
  • 21. Greater Demons How To Get To Greater Demons Greater demons are comparatively physically powerful demonic life form found in countless distant sites all through Run escape. As most other demons perform, they go after the god Zamorak. Greater demons are the main associate of the normal demon family, the additional two life form the imp lesser demon. Greater demons are greater pedestal simply on the truth to they are, to be sure, larger and prevailing. These monsters are a large amount often creates in seats to be by now hazardous, such as the Wilderness, or far off setting such as the Brim sanctuary Dungeon. The best move toward is to ring him with the mallet hit him anytime you be able to. He attacks gradually so you preserve chunk, or still go out of ... Show more content on ... You require a smallest amount of 10, an utmost of 34. You will require a minimum nimbleness of 12 to irritate the stepping stones greater than the lava pool to obtain one additional into the dungeon than the moss giants will, 30 to annoy the log into the red dragon vicinity. Brimhaven Dungeon is a hefty cave situated underneath the humid city of Brimhaven, which preserve be found on Karajan Island. There is a quantity of physically powerful monsters in, so it is extremely counsel that you transport armor food with you when preparation. Best Place To Kill Greater Demons Players preserve merely kill better demons in this region if Kuradal or Morvan as a Slayer job allocate them. It is optional to wear a Slayer helm fierce circle to make the most of injure. If using melee, a blade is the most excellent option. The excellent option is to use Ranged, as the demons are feeble to bolts. Another alternative is to transport dark light. Greater demons are usually fought monsters to preserve be allocate by Slayer masters. They are well recognized for their rune full helm drop, as well as firm clue scrolls. They preserve be safe spotted with variety or magic in the stranglehold Slayer Cave at their northernmost site, just at the back the pillar that leads to the cut table branch. Note that Krill Tsutsaroth, the Zamorak boss is a better
  • 22. Group Development And Interaction Theory Essay Group Development and Interaction Theory Within the business setting, the shift from yesterday s singular culture to today s team culture has brought about a new era of learning, development, and innovation. However, this shift has also brought with it a certain amount of dissatisfaction, conflict, and confusion. This paper will focus on the Tuckman Theory, and discuss how Tuckman s five stages of group development and interaction applies to the work environment and leadership effectiveness. The Tuckman Theory Tuckman s theory maintains that groups enter four foreseeable and elementary stages of development, and each of these stages contain both task and maintenance functions. These stages are Forming, Storming, Norming, and ... Show more content on ... Storming. When important issues are beginning to be addressed within the team, the patience of some team members may begin to break down and confrontations begin. The majority of these initial confrontations may relate to the work of the group itself, or to roles and responsibilities within the group. However, most of these minor confrontations will be taken lightly or dealt with promptly. In order to progress to the next stage, group members must move from a testing and proving mentality to a problem solving mentality. Hopefully, everyone will agree that the most important thing is to finish the work and agree to work together to solve their problems. It is important to note that to move on to the next stage group members need the ability to listen to each other (MacLeod, 2002). Some team members may welcome these minor squabbles in that they can reveal the real issues among the team, while others will wish they were still in the comfortable confines of forming. This is also the stage when team members will look for ways to avoid or mediate conflicts more effectively. Norming. With conflicts resolved, and the rules of the team established, and the scope of the teams responsibilities and tasks clear and agreed upon, the team can get to the business at hand. Team members are once again comfortable with each other as well as his/her skills, knowledge, and abilities. These feelings
  • 23. Synthesis Cobalt Compound Overall, the experimental results were similar to the results needed to identify the cobalt ammine halide coordination complex. The color of the compound was dark purple and it looked just as expected as the experiments leading up to the collection of the synthesized cobalt compound had little to no errors. The percent yield of the compound was not 100% due to small errors throughout experiments such as losing some of the compound during transferring, more liquid evaporating than desired, and not measuring volume to exact accuracy and precision every time. For example, when the graduated cylinder was filled with 100 mL deionized water and the liquid was poured into a flask, the liquid measured over the 100 mL mark on the flask, meaning that
  • 24. Fice Of Fair Trading V Abbey National Lord Phillips Essay In the case of the Office of Fair Trading v Abbey National Lord Phillips stated I think personally I would have been quite in favour of the OFT looking into bank charges, if I had complete freedom to decide.... but the statute said it was not within their terms of reference Lord Phillips makes it very clear that decisions in cases are tied to legal rules, however what is the role of legal rules in judicial decision making? There are different schools of thought with regards to that question. This essay will explore those differences. Firstly we shall consider the perspectives of the formalists, what was their view of applying rules. Continuing onto the American Legal Realists views, assumptions and looking at their two main critiques of formalism, rule and fact scepticism. We shall also review the theories of H.L.A. Hart regarding the application of legal rules. By analysing some modern day cases and examples we will further compare and contrast formalism, realism and Hart. Finally we shall review aspects of the essay and draw conclusions. Formalists were legal theorists of the late 19th century. Formalism was regarded as a way of a mechanical interpretation of the law. Using syllogism, a logical process, judges selected an appropriate legal rule. This was applied rationally to the facts of the case and from this a conclusion was objectively deduced. This was regarded as a scientific process removing subjectivity where the correct decisions were inherent
  • 25. An Extraordinary Man From Demark On October 7, 1885, an extraordinary man from Demark was born. A baby boy, who was yet to find out the impact he would have on this world. This man was Niels Bohr, and he made fundamental contributions in the way one can understand the atom s structure. In addition to the structure, he also had an impact in the early development in quantum mechanics. His impact not only made a change in history, but also changed the way people looked at the atoms structure. We can now build and learn from Niels Bohrand his foundations. Originating from Denmark, reigns an intelligent man from a well educated family. Neil s Bohr is the son of Christian Bohr, who was a professor of physiology at The University of Copenhagen. Bohr s mother, Ellen, came ... Show more content on ... With this remarkable paper, he was the recipient of the medal from the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences. According to Oppenheim, his research topic was based on his analysis of vibrations of water, due to surface tension. After this, he completed his doctorate in 1911, under the physicist Christian Christiansen. For his post doctoral education, Bohr moved to England. He conducted his experiments at Trinity College, and then moved on to the University of Manchester. While at the University of Manchester, he began his interest in the structure of the atoms. He wanted to know what was going on inside an atom. Bohr studied the way atoms behaved and came up with a model that gave an explanation. In addition, Bohr studied the models of the atom that were already used by scientists and improved on them with a new model. This model would give better explanations on how atoms worked. His new model, Bohr, was named after him. In the Bohr model, positively charged protons and neutral neutrons are securely detained in the nucleus of the atom. Negatively charged electrons move around the nucleus in defined orbits. The motion of the electrons in the Rutherford model was not reliable due to the classical mechanics and electromagnetic theory. These theories state, any charged particle moving on a curved path releases electromagnetic radiation. Therefore, the electrons would lose energy and coil into the nucleus. Bohr modified the Rutherford model and stated that the electrons move in
  • 26. Critical Thinking In Today s Society Critical thinking in today s world is hampered by the quick fix mentality when problems arise (Paul Elder, 2017). Society that is constantly changing, facing difficult situations on a daily basis, and increasing dangers from outside sources such as ISIS, internet hackers, environmental changes, health related issues, violence, as well as others require each of us to make decisions regarding safety of ourselves, our families, and our co workers on a daily basis (Paul Elder, 2017). Many believe that taking time to research situations or gather information will hamper their quick fix solution. Other influences hampering critical thinkers in today s society are prejudices, hypocrisy, arrogance, biased opinions, selfish thinking, as well as the rest of the opposite values of a fair minded thinker. In today s society, critical thinking is not a social value (Paul Elder, 2017).... Show more content on ... Having the ability to reason through problems, see alternative viewpoints, and change the initial beliefs are characteristics of a fair minded critical thinker and are necessary to the changing society that we live in today (Elder Paul, 2012). Changing our views of the world and situations that arise is better accomplished through asking questions and continually evaluating our lack of knowledge thus becoming a more disciplined thinker (Paul Elder, 2017). Growing as a critical thinker will give us a stronger foundation to face problems and make knowledgeable decisions in all things (Paul Elder,
  • 27. How To Be An Example Of Social Stratification Essay Social Stratification In our society today we have system of social stratification. Social stratification is a system in which groups of people are divided into layers according to their relative property, power, and prestige. Sometimes as humans we find it challenging to keep up with the person next to us who has nicer materialistic items; being a young woman who lives in a prestigious college town I notice everyone seems to have a ridiculous amount of money and/or nice cars and at times, this makes me feel out of place. This would be an example of social stratification, by showing how some groups within the college student community have power and prestige. Some of their parents work for the school, or work for a large corporate businesses and have the money to give to their children. Social stratification links society together in many aspects. When it comes to treating people within a society differently from others shows social inequality; which is unequal sharing of societal resources, education, power, health, etc. Other types of social stratification that influences me directly are social stratification of wealth, social class, and sex. One social stratification that I run into on a constant basis, especially here lately, is wealth. In todays society we revolve around money, meaning we work for it to ultimately survive. An example of how social inequality works when it comes to being divided into layers within this category is your basics, the wealthy and
  • 28. The Themes In The Shawl By Cynthia Othick The Short Story named The Shawl by Cynthia Othick narrates the survival of a mother, daughter and a niece, during the Holocaust, them being in a concentration camp and participating in death marches. It fits the theme of survival of the fittest as the daughter, named Magda, was forced to adapt to her needs after the mother was not able to do it. Stella, the niece, is a third wheel in the story, she is most of the time ignored by Rosa as she fully concentrates in taking care of Magda, or at least attempting to, and Stella is just left their as somewhat of filling character. The obscurity of Stella is also stated by the author when she says Stella, cold, cold, the coldness of hell (1980) Cynthia Othick, with this information it can be... Show more content on ... A simple shawl it was what would become Magda s new mom, before Rosa s deterioration, the shawl was the closest thing Magda had after her mother, once she breaks down the only thing left for Magda is The Shawl, which takes the mother s role Magda took the corner of the shawl and milked it instead. She sucked and sucked, flooding the threads with wetness. The shawl s good flavor, milk of linen. (1980) Cynthia Othick, This the part where the shawl accomplishes this, it becomes somewhat of a food source for Magda, keeps her warm and gives her comfort, all qualities that the ideal mother should
  • 29. Summary Of How Should One Read A Book By Virginia Woolf At the beginning of How Should One Read a Book? , Virginia Woolf introduces her piece by saying that a person must read a book by following their own instincts and that the essay is her opinion, suggestions and ideas. Woolf offers the readers of the essay several suggestions to how they should read a book. Her first suggestion is that the reader shouldn t jump into diverse genres with preconceived beliefs on what that specific genre has to offer. Instead, the reader should let their imagination take over and guide them through the book. Virginia also advises the reader to attempt to put themselves in the position of the author, to comprehend their endeavor. Towards the middle of the essay, Virginia s reminds the reader that biographies
  • 30. Romanticism In The Awakening Romanticism can be characterized by its emphasis on emotion and individualism as well as glorification of all the past and nature. There was a strong recourse to historical and natural inevitability, a Zeitgeist, in the representation of its ideas. That there is this spirit that All people aim for freedom and most fall short to reach their ultimate goal of total freedom. I will argue that Edna Pontellier and Hegel are trying to find freedom during their era, but are unable to reach it. In The Awakening, by Kate Chopin, we find our main character Edna who has this longing for freedom and no matter what she tries she feels trapped in a society that she feels intrudes on her freedom. During this time in age, Edna is expected to perform her domestic duties and care for the health and happiness of her family. In this time of the Zeitgeist, victorian women were prevented from seeking the satisfaction of their own wants and needs. During Edna s gradual awakening, she discovers her own identity and acknowledges her emotions and desires actually are. The water symbolizes freedom, escape, independence. Edna s awakening truly begins in the water, because this is where she learned how to swim. This was something she has always previously been afraid of and after this incident, her mind begins to turn with new possibilities of independence and the future. As she swam, she seemed to be reaching out for the unlimited in which to lose herself (Chopin, p. 32). This event in her life
  • 31. The Mind Brain Identity Theory Marguerite Mitchell Intro to Philosophy October 29, 2015 In this paper, I will argue that the Mind Brain Identity Theory provides sufficient grounds to accept Epicurus argument for death being annihilation. I will argue my thesis by referring to Peter Carruthers The Mind Is the Brain to establish that one s mental states are in fact brain states and will also refer to Epicurus Death is Nothing to Us. Next, I will explain that if one accepts the Identity Theory then one should also accept, as Epicurus argues, that death should not be feared, for it is annihilation. I will conclude by refuting objections to the Identity Theory and the Epicurean argument on death. In order to accept the validity of the Identity Theory, one must have a thorough understanding of it. It is a form of materialism which asserts that all mental states and events are in fact physical states and events (Carruthers 301). For example, if I were to put my hand on a hot stove, I would have a conscious awareness of the pain of my burning flesh and it would provoke physical actions such as immediately drawing back my hand and screaming. This instance illustrates Carruthers first premise in the Identity Theory argument that conscious states and events, or my awareness of the pain of burning my hand, is a causal condition for the occurrence of physical states and events, which would be exemplified by me drawing back my hand and screaming (Carruthers 302). The second premise of the argument indicates
  • 32. David Suzuki Diversity Is Strength Pluralistic superiority is a pervasive concept existing in a significant portion of the Westernized world, enforcing the notion that multi cultural, multi ethnic, and multi national ideologies are inextricably related with societal and economic progress, exemplified by the myopic and unsubstantiated quotation Diversity is Strength from the current incumbent of Canada s position of prime minister. The fundamental issue with this perspective is its inability to properly process anterior information related to alternate states, and the orthodox prerequisites involved in the ascension of relevant nation states by creating such an axiomatic statement which purportedly embodies the quixotic goals of a state. As a method of responding to the notion... Show more content on ... An intrinsic issue related to David Suzuki s postulation that diversity of all variants is useful to the perpetuation of the is his intentional disregard for the biological notion of conflict within ecosystems, specifically pertaining to invasive species and the ecosystems (and entities inhabiting the ecosystem) which are the recipients of said invasion; if a species is relocated to an ecosystem and possesses traits which fundamentally do not align with the synergistic and symbiotic nature of the ecosystem , there exists a ubiquitous consequence for the denizens who are accustomed to the relatively static nature of their environment. The socio cultural correlation, related to the biological notion of ecosystem equilibrium, is the introduction of individuals who possess fundamental disagreements with the predominant ethical and moral perspectives of the majority of inhabitants; this, historically, results in the amplifications of tension between the two groups (primary inhabitants and incompatibly invasive) and the inexorable suppression (this has a propensity to manifest in both active and passive assimilation or the relocation of the minority into a specific region) of the incompatibly invasive or the disintegration of the primary inhabitants social structure . Present within both a biological and socio cultural structure is compatibility within an ecosystem, and operating within the confines of such permits a higher degree of success when approaching multi culturalism, but attempting to implement the unrestricted proliferation of any species or culture within an environment, as proselytized by David Suzuki, is not functional. An example of such would be introducing the Andean bear into the environment of the Asiatic black bear, in
  • 33. The Reasons that Led to the Attack on the World Trade Center I was only 6 years old at the time when the 9/11 happened, and I didn t find out until a few weeks later when my parents showed me the video. I have never seen anything like that but in movies, so the first thought that came up in my mind when I saw the video was what movie is that. My parents tried to explain what was happening, but at the time, I couldn t process what had happened or really understand what they explained. 12 years later I m 18 now, during that period of time I immigrated to the United States, in school on the extended date of September 11 we always have the moment of silence, and I didn t understand why we do the moment of silence, so I did some research about 9/11. Now I clearly understand that the United States encounter the largest terrorist attack in history, and the reason why the United States is involved in war with Afghanistan. United States involvements in Afghanistan is one of the longest wars in our history. Rajiv Chandrasekaran editor of the Washington post, describes the involvement as we ve asked them to do a lot more, in a smaller serving force, in some of the longest wars in our history (2014. Para. 14). U.S. involvement in Afghanistan has been going on for many years, and for the first time ever, our involvement was a mistake. The main reason why U.S. is involved in Afghanistan it s for the attack on 9/11. As the Unite Nations charter s collective security frame work in the 21st century describes, In 1996, following decades of
  • 34. Social Reforms, India The reform activities united people and the attack on institutions like caste which hampered social unity created a sense of oneness in the people. But most of these reform movements had certain limitations. The questions to which they gave primacy concerned only small sections of Indian society. Some of them failed to emphasize or even recognize that colonial rule was inimical to the interests of the Indian people. Most of them worked within the framework of their respective communities in a way tended to promote identities based on religion or caste. Many of these limitations were sought to be overcome during the course of the national movement with which many social and religious reformers were closely associated. Indian nationalism... Show more content on ... Swami Dayananda Saraswati, the founder of the Arya Samaj was one of the maker of Modern India. His Arya Samaj gave emphasis on the liberation of the Hindu Society. He called people Go back to the Veda created consciousness among the people. He strongly opposed Idol worship, ritualism, practice of animal sacrifice, the idea of Heaven etc. This movement also challenged the Christian Missionaries who tried to convert the uneducated, poor and depressed classes of the Hindus. 6. Annie Besant Annie Besant was of Irish origin and made India her second home. She fought for the rights of Indian and was the first woman president of Indian National Congress. In 1893, she left for India having been influenced by the Indian culture and civilization. She was famous as a social worker, educationalist, journalist, prominent Theosophist, social reformer, political leader, women s rights activist, writer and orator. She fought for the Human Rights of Indian women. 7. Dr.Bhimrao Ambedkar Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was born on April 14, 1891 in Mhow (presently in Madhya Pradesh). Dr. B.R. Ambedkar is viewed as messiah of dalits and downtrodden in India. He was the chairman of the drafting committee in 1947. Bhimrao Ambedkar experienced caste discrimination right from the childhood.he was the first who reduce the bridge between tribal non tribal. 8. Medha Patkar Medha Patkar was born in Mumbai. On 28 March 2006,
  • 35. Sezeme Character Analysis Byond Key: Unraveller Character Name: Sezeme Race: Makyan Alignment: Lawful Neutral Bio: Wise, honorable, compassionate. These are all words that describe Sezeme, the timbre of his raspy voice truly does little to hide his love of planet Earth, his home. Sezeme is a man of his word and holds promises as unbreakable laws that must never be crossed. Don t let his diminutive size or middling age fool you, while much of his strength lies in his wisdom, there is still plenty of fight in this Makyan. Born, like the great majority of Makyans living on Earth today, on the Makyo Star to a horrid and tyrannical province. Life was tough on all of those considered peasants by their horrendous overlord, endless toiling work, torturous living... Show more content on ... He lay upon a bed intricate and elegant in design, the room was equally as beautiful. We both know that I haven t got much time left. The elder stroked his lusciously long beard and reached out from the bedside, eyes squinting. Straining to see his assistant, a diminutive creature of pale blue skin and pointed ears. Listen to me! The ancient man roared yet again as he placed a limp hand upon his compatriot s shoulder. Those vile creatures will reach the tower soon, and will find their way here to the lookout. And I don t think I can last. A grim expression crawled upon the gnomish creature s face, Don t say that! You re here to defend Earth, you re here to defend our home! He replied in kind, a stray tear rolling done his cheek. Unfortunately, he knew that the elder was correct. Silence squirt! the older man s serious expression transitioned to a smile, You may not have the blood of an Earthling, but your spirit is more in tune with our home than any other. You must take my place Sezeme. He added. The Makyan knew this was coming, but he simply couldn t bear it, You have to keep on living, I m not ready for this! The poor creature could not hold back his
  • 36. FГўte Foraine De Baie St-Paul Fair Imagine men on stilts who juggle, performing mimes, and dancing fire breathers who performed for the streets of Baie Saint Paul in Quebec, Canada. These performers would later become known as Cirque du Soleil (Cirque du Soleil). However, these performers would not be known by this name until much later in time. Originating on the streets Cirque du Soleilstarted out as a group of street performers called, Club des Talons Hauts, or the, High Heels Club, since most of its members performed on stilts (Encyclopedia). Soon the club wanted to branch out and learn more about street performances, and thus organized a festival where people could learn new techniques called: FГўte Foraine de Baie St Paul ( Baie St Paul Fair). This would be the
  • 37. Adivasi In India Adivasis are the indigenous population of India who predominantly depend on forests for their livelihood and identity (references). India has the largest Adivasi (indigenous) population in the world accounting to 104 million (8.2% of the national population), yet it took government of India nearly 60 years to acknowledge the historical relevance of forests for Adivasicommunities through ForestRights Act,2006 (references). The disregard for Adivasi societies is sometimes reflective even on community name assigned by the mainstream non Adivasis. For example, one of the tribal groups in Kerala are known by the name Adiyas (ആദിമ root word which in Malayalam means slave). Assigning such community names by the non Adivasis were some of the linguistic illustrations of Adivasi subjugation and dominance (references). Adivasi are primarily forest dwellers, grazers, agriculturists, laborers and reside mountain and hilly areas adjoining forest areas (references). Contrary to the mainstream Hindu communities, Adivasi are egalitarian group however, they are known to have strict gender roles and responsibilities. Women in Adivasi communities share accounts of a mutualistic relationship with forests and natural resources developed through their material and non material pursuits (references). However, colonial exploitation and historical alienation from ancestral land has impacted the socio economic balance of the community with many of the human development indicators spiraling downward
  • 38. 4-H Positive Youth Development Paper There are many student programs from which schools can choose to implement in a school year. Each program provides a different focus and different results. One of these programs is the 4 H Afterschool program. 4 H programs are nation wide and can be offered through schools and clubs and are supported by universities in each area. 4 Hoffers four main after school, in school, or club programs based around science, citizenship, healthy living, and mentoring ( 4 H Positive YouthDevelopment , n.d.). According to the 4 H website , 4 H Positive Youth Development , each program offers the potential for positive youth development and growth in a learn by doing atmosphere led by trained volunteers (n.d.). 4 H is a positive youth development (PYD)... Show more content on ... 20). Within a 4 H program, health needs are addressed and taught to students. Some of the habits and ideas that are addressed include: healthy eating, physical activity, injury prevention, social emotional health, and the prevention of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use (Downey, et al., 2014, p. 14). By teaching these topics to the youth, they are better able to apply them to their lives and the decisions they will make concerning their health and well being. After learning healthy habits in the program, students tend to go home and share what they have learned with their parents and family. The knowledge that is taught to the youth goes well beyond their own minds and bodies, but benefits the people around them as well. The 4 H Afterschool programs seek to not only help the individuals, but their lives as they increase knowledge and skills necessary for improving physical activity practices and to improve the habits and behaviors of children, youth, and families (Downey, et al., 2014, p. 14). The goals that have been set forth should ultimately reduce the health risks that are seen in communities such as obesity and illnesses (Downey, et al., 2014, p.
  • 39. Foundation Chemistry Past Paper kirsty jones 32251 8151 Edexcel GCSE Chemistry/Science Unit C1: Chemistry in our World Foundation Tier Sample Assessment Material Time: 1 hour You do not need any other materials. Paper Reference 5CH1F/01 Total Marks Instructions Use black ink or ball point pen. Fill in the boxes at the top of this page with your name, centre number and candidate number. Answer all questions. Answer the questions in the spaces provided there may be more space than you need. Information The total mark for this paper is 60. The marks for each question are shown in brackets use this as a guide as to how much time to spend on each question. Questions labelled with an asterisk (*) are ones where the quality of your written communication will be... Show more content on ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ ............................................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (d) (i) Chlorine can be obtained from seawater by using electricity. What is the name of this process? (1) . . . . . . . . . . . ................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. ............................................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ ............................................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (ii) Explain why you have to ensure there is good ventilation when you prepare chlorine in the laboratory. (2) . . . . . . . . . . . ................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............
  • 40. SAT Preparation Habits Many students and parents may believe that investing a lot of time, money, and energy in preparation for the SAT helps students get accepted into their dream colleges, thus leading to a successful career. Despite that belief, students may spend hundreds of dollars and countless hours on test prep and take the SATmultiple times, and still not receive a score that reflects their achievement in school (Vitale). To refute the notion that the SAT leading students into a successful career, Professor Harvey Gilmore inputs his personal experience with the SAT. Gilmore compared his SAT scores to how they have affected him in the long run. He received a 830 out of 1600 on the SAT, which is equivalent to a 1245 out of a maximum score of 2400 today... Show more content on ... Relating to college level standardized tests, the costs of these required tests are ridiculous, especially for a student who works part time; registering for one of these tests would consume [an] entire two week paycheck (Vitale). In order to pursue an advanced degree, most programs, such as the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), Graduate Record Exam (GRE), and Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), require their applicants to take a timed, standardized test. The LSAT costs $170, the GRE costs $195, and the
  • 41. How Does Dickens Present Struggles la Gonzalez Mrs.Weber/Mrs.Robertazzi English 11, Period 2 March 20, 2018 Research Paper How Great Expectations Displays Adolescent Struggles In the novel, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, struggles with adolescence are shown as Pip comes of age. Charles Dickens was born in 1812, in Portsmouth, England. He was raised by a family obtaining modest means, but who suffered financially. Dickens s father, John Dickens went through a major financial crisis, and was imprisoned due to debts he couldn t pay (Great). Dickens was only twelve years old at the time and because of this, he was taken out of school and started working in a factory so he could support himself. Later, he and his family moved to London, where he started his... Show more content on ... For instance, as a young boy, Pip s parents were both deceased and he was brought up by hand by his sister, Mrs. Joe Gargery. His sister was very tough on Pip and he had to endure her abuses growing up. She has brought me up by hand. Having at that time to find out for myself what the expression meant, and knowing her to have a hard and heavy hand, and to be much in the habit of laying it upon her husband as well as upon me. (Dickens 6). As a young boy, this type of childhood was something Pip was used to and was an everyday thing to him. Being an orphan, Pip knew nothing more than being raised by someone other than his parents, so he didn t have the luxury of learning true values and simple manners that every other kid his age had. One of those kids being Estella, a fellow orphan who lived in the Satis house next to Pip. Estella was an orphan adopted and raised by a wealthy and eccentric woman who wanted her to become a lady, Miss Havisham. She was an orphan like myself; like me, too had been brought up by hand (Dickens 43). Unlike Pip, Estella was raised with good morals and standards that Pip lacked all of his childhood. These differences starting at a very young age made Pip realize he had to learn things on his own and that he was very
  • 42. The Treaty Of South Africa Kyoto Protocol Under The United... 2.0. Introduction The Republic of South Africa signed the Kyoto Protocol under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on 31 July, 2002 as a non annex I party. Therefore, South Africa, like all other developing countries has not been allocated specific targets to commit to under the protocol. At the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP) negotiations that took place in Copenhagen in 2009 (UNFCC, 2009), South Africa took the responsibility to carry out mitigation actions to reduce their emissions 34% by the year 2020, and 42% by the year 2025, below the business as usual trajectory (Voster, Winkler and Meagan, 2011 p.243). However, this pledge is subject to the provision and assistance of adequate, capacity building, financial and technological support from other developed countries. These targets were officially submitted to the Copenhagen Accord on 29 January, 2010. Furthermore, South Africa is said to be a participant of the World Bank s Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR). This is a capacity building program supporting the development of market based policies. South Africa s exposure to the carbon market has mainly been through the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). There are projects that are submitted to the Designated National Authority (DNA) for initial review and approval. They cover the following project types; bio fuels, energy efficiency, waste management, cogeneration, fuel switching and hydro power, and cover sectors like
  • 43. Carl Sandburg Research Paper Carl Sandburg was a poet and writer as well as an editor. Sandburg was famous for works such as Chicago Poems and The People, Yes. He was an American man who wrote poetry about the places around him, people he admired, and many other sources of creativity. Sandburg was also famous for not only writing in the perspective or about the life of himself, the writing for and about the people of the world. Not only was Sandburg a poet, but he also did some folk singing along with everything else. Carl Sandburg was born in Illinois in 1878 to his Swedish parents. His family was very poor and Sandburg dropped out of school to work and support his family. He was never known for being school smart due to his dropping around the age of 13. Sandburg worked many jobs before starting to write professionally and attending college. He even volunteered for the military, but never actually fought in a battle.... Show more content on ... The Pulitzer Prize is an award given each year to artist and authors on subjects relating to literature, photography and music. The Pulitzer Prize is given to the works the foundation considers the best in their field that year. His first Pulitzer Prize was a poetry one which he won for Cornhuskers in 1919. His second Pulitzer Prize was awarded in 1940 for a biography of Abraham Lincoln called Abraham Lincoln: The War Years, the second part of his Lincoln biography series. His third and final Pulitzer Prize was given for Complete Poems in 1950. Not many people have ever received three Pulitzer Prizes, so it is a great accomplishment for Sandburg. The Robert Frost medal was awarded to Sandburg in 1952, a prestigious award given to authors for being a great
  • 44. Baby Hats This semester I made 4 newborn baby hats in 8 hours with Mrs. Llewellyn. Mrs. Llewellyn taught me to crochet last semester but since then I have been able to know about the families that receive these baby hats. She told me about how some of the families can t afford things they need so making baby hats for their new baby makes them happy because they know someone is thinking about them. This made me interested in doing more service work not just making baby hats but visiting the nursing home and shoveling snow for my neighbors. After doing these things I felt very good about myself for helping others. The only thing that surprised me was how little of time to make a baby hat. Even when I had some spare time I could get a couple of rows done.... Show more content on ... I learned that not all people can afford to buy new stuff for their newborn babies. Many families in our community are struggling to make ends meet. There is a big difference between those who have more than they need and those that don t. I hope that by giving a baby hat, that a family can buy something else they will need for the baby like diapers. This project address those needs because it gives that family something they might need but can not afford. Other work to address this need is happening at Goodwill and the Clothes Bank. They also help people that don t have a lot of money get the clothes they need. I can apply this learning in my life by making baby hats and donating the clothes I don t wear, need, or don t fit to Goodwill or The Clothes Bank. I learned more about the Clothes Bank and how they help people in need from my aunt Nancy. I could also help address this need by asking my parents or peers if they would want to help make baby hats or ask if we could go to the Clothes Bank and see what we could do to help. I could tell them that many people can t afford their own clothes and that we need to give back because we have so much more than the people in need. I will make more baby hats this summer and I would like to tell my family and friends more about it the need for clothes in our community. This activity was a lot of fun but it also helped me learn about the people who can not
  • 45. Social Media Intelligence Paper Open source intelligence based on social media in the 21st century is a vital component of the intelligence collection process. As people around the world use social media more it will become integral to the intelligence collection process. The advent of social media is significant to Military Intelligence because it provides access to literally billions of people providing information on events, people, and locations in real time at a low cost. Social media, Facebook specifically, has become one of the most successful forms of websites on the Internet. According to Facebook Company statistics (Info, 2016) there are over 1.65 billion monthly active users as of March 31, 2016. Additionally there are 1.09 billion daily active users for... Show more content on ... Threat groups know intelligence agencies use social media to collect. Threat groups could then post incorrect information on social media to guide collection away from their true intent. As social media is not monitored for quality control, it will become imperative for intelligence professionals to be able to check the validity of social media intelligence through other resources. Checking social media intelligence through other resources will reduce the timeliness of the reporting as validity is confirmed or denied. In conclusion social media offers billions of opportunities to collect intelligence daily. Social media allows real time intelligence collection at low cost. The downside is the validity of the intelligence needs to be confirmed, and our adversaries can use social media platforms for denial and deception. Regardless of the negatives social media offers immeasurable opportunities for intelligence collection in the near and long term if utilized properly and with an understanding of its
  • 46. Safest Exercise Analysis When working out one can choose many exercises that will strengthen muscle and burn fat. The IDEA website has many videos that will provide exercises to define and build muscles for yourself or those you may coach. The exercise I chose is the wide reverse grip barbell deadlift. This exercise has many benefits including fat burning; it is one of the safest exercises. So many multiple muscles are stimulated in the process, and you will obtain better posture, and it increases hormones for growth in your body. This exercisegives more benefits than a squat or a hamstring curl, which are both exercises that work the lower body like this deadlift except this one targets more muscles. Now let s take a deeper look at what makes the deadlift an effective
  • 47. Customer Based Brand Equity Model (CBBE) Customer Based Brand Equity Model (CBBE) The CBBE model approaches brand equity from the perspective of the customer whether customer is an individual or an organization. The CBBE model provides a unique point of view as to what brand equity is and how it should best be built, measured and managed. The power of a brand lies in what customers have learned, felt, seen and heard about the brand as a result of their experiences over time. The big challenge for marketers is to ensure that customers have the right type of experiences with their products and services. In order to do this, marketers must develop marketing programs in way that best fit into customers mind and linked the brand to the desire customers feelings, ... Show more content on ... Customers usually make four types of judgements as: Brand Quality; brand attitudes generally depend on specific attributes and benefits of the brand. Brand Credibility; judgements about the company or organization behind the brand. Customers may seen that wether the brand is competitive, innovative and market leader. The company always consider customers priorities in mind and create interest and fun so that customers enjoying while consuming the brand. Brand Consideration; customers think or consider the brand while making purchase decisions. Brand Superiority; customers view the brand as unique and better that other. Brand Feelings: These are customers emotional responses and reactions to the brand. The emotions evoked by a brand can become so strongly associated that they are accessible during product consumption or use. The following are six important types of brand building feelings. Warmth; the brand makes consumers feel a sense of calm or peacefulness. Fun; makes cosumers feel amused, lighthearted, joyous, playful, cheerful, and so on. Excitement; makes consumers feel energised and they feel something special.
  • 48. Security; the brand produces a feeling of safety, comfort, and self assurance. Social approval; consumers feel that
  • 49. Reflection About Anxiety Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom. What can be at first a seemingly random chain of auditory reverberations has had the most profound effect on who I am. To hear the frequency and timbre of this string of vibrations hit my cochlea, or to play it in my mind using my auditory loop, elicits the exact same autonomic arousal that hit me the first time I grasp its meaning. This quote has been with me everywhere. The first moment I gave speech to a crowd for over a hundred (Osher Foundation scholarship), the words were dancing in the back of my mind. The first time I met my principle investigator and mentor Karen Dobkins, the quote was on the tip of my tongue. Even, the exact moment my eyes met my future wife for the first time I whispered it under my breath. To feel the effects of the sympathetic nervous system, the biting cold of a cortisol rush, is to know the cursed taste of freedom of being human. Anxiety simply means that you are alive. I recall the first time I had heard the words. It was a cold Californian evening in October. I was sitting up the bench, alone, overlooking the idyllic suburban highways. Soren Kierkegaard s The Concept of anxiety has and always will be my favorite book. I suffer from depression and anxiety. Although never fully diagnosed, I did take prescription medicine for a while. Somehow, I convinced myself that my elevated levels of anxiety was a hinderance. I had always been a gifted student, being placed in advanced math courses and reading at a
  • 50. Ownership Risks Assessment And Recommendation MEMORANDUM A1 Ownership Structures To:Mike Jackson and Alan Prentice From:Elliot Chan Date:15 September 2016 Subject:Ownership Risks Assessment and Recommendation I have received your invitation to invest in the bakery. Firsts offering a sale at $50,000 for purchase. We have to reform the business between 3 structures such as sole trader, partnership and a private company. After studying these ownership structures, I would like to give you my advice and hear from your considerations. Comparison between Ownership Structures In a sole trader structure, the owner keeps all the profit since he provides all capital for the business. A partnership structured business shares its revenue with every single partner under the calculations. However, it might be beneficial because splitting up the revenue means that tax payment will also be shared (Department of State Growth [DSG] 2015 a). On the contrary, private company shares its profit according to equity of the shareholders. For example, A holds 2% of shares while B holds 15% when profit sharing occurs A could only get 2 % and B would receive 15% of the profit share. While discussing mandatory and legislation requirements, sole trader and partnerships shares most necessities. Crawford (2007) states that both business structure does not require any mandatory audits, the only business license is required. According to Crawford (2007), a company that has 50 or more employees are qualified to audit legislation
  • 51. Adult Relationships And Same Sex Marriage It is unclear what percentages of adult relationships are polyamorous in America, as there is limited research with this population. However, it is evident that many Americans find this alternative to monogamy beneficial. When compared to monogamous individuals, polyamorous individuals experience greater levels of intimacy in their relationships (Morrison, Beaulieu, Brockman, Beaglaoich, 2013). Per the research, polyamory is potentially a fulfilling alternative to traditional monogamous relationships for those who choose polyamory in place of monogamy. Historically, there is limited evidence for cultures that that relied on same sex marriage as a primary relationship structure. However, currently there is growing cultural acceptance of same sex marriage and gay affirming communities in which same sex relationships and same sex marriages experience support (Baunach, 2012). According to the 2010 United States Census, same sex households¬¬ also called unmarried same sex partner households grew by 80.4% between the 2000 and 2010 US Census. One June 26th of 2015, the American Supreme Court ruled that banning same sex marriage in any U.S. state was unconstitutional (Pew Research, 2015). This new occurrence will offer an opportunity for more research regarding same sex marriage culture. In addition to this, attitudes regarding same sex relationship have changed. Between 1988 and 2010, research shows that attitudes toward same sex marriage demonstrate a cultural
  • 52. The Notion Of Lex Sportiva The notion of Lex Sportiva in many ways mirrors the nature of the debate regarding its subject matter. Two academic schools of thought have debated since the 1980 s as to to the role of national legal systems within sporting contexts. More recently however, the debate has changed to one which questions the validity of Lex Sportiva or global sports as a genuinely distinguishable, and unique branch of law. As Gianni Infantino has suggested both politicians and legal scholars have discussed the much vexed question of the so called sporting exception. Academic Ken Foster has claimed that Lex Sportiva is even more niche, arguing that legal principles applied to sporting circumstances do not necessarily amount to the formation of Lex... Show more content on ... As Siekmann and Soek have suggested the CAS is responsible for the development of a new and useful jurisprudence derived from its awards . One could justifiably argue that the CAS fills the gap between sporting governing bodies and traditional legal systems in the sense it will hear matters of purely sporting significance. Simply, those cases that do not fall within the remit of traditional legal judgements. This somewhat intermediary role is illustrated in Football Association of Serbia v. UEFA, in which the Serbian football association wished to contest the awarding of a point sanction during qualifying for the 2016 European Championships. Clearly in this case there is no breach of European community law. Yet, the CAS enables a bespoke service to challenge sporting judgements regardless of the opinion of traditional legal systems. Therefore one may justifiably argue that the CAS is a quasi judicial body that successfully provides a reference on the unique nature of sporting regulation and codification. However as James has suggested The UK has no formal definition of sport and consequently no formal definition of sports law perhaps meaning that lex Sportiva is a not as clearly defined as previously assumed. As late as the 1980 s the laws relationship with sporting contexts was typified by a piece meal, ad hoc approach to legislation