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College Essay : An Ideal College
An Essay on An Ideal College
Everyone has or should have an ideal; something which he can look forward to, of which he may
dream, and for which he may strive. In our colleges we come across many defects or limitations.
We often discuss these among ourselves. And in course of these discussions, and as a result of
them, we come to cherish a vague notion of what would be an ideal college, at last, what we would
regard as an ideal. Here of course I speak mostly for myself.
An ideal college, in my opinion, should consist of a building with well–lighted and spacious rooms,
an extensive playground, well–equipped libraries and laboratories, and learned teachers. These are
essential, and so I will discuss these first.
On the academic side an ideal college should have two kinds of rooms: lecture–rooms and tutorial
rooms. Lecture–rooms should be large enough to accommodate even two to three hundred students
without crowding. In these days of amplifiers, large classes should offer no real difficulty. Only
three must be plenty of light and air to prevent stuffiness. The acoustic arrangements must be such
as to put no undue strain on a lecturer's voice. Tutorial rooms should be spacious enough to
accommodate small classes of ten or fifteen students. Too many lectures are apt to become
monotonous and boring. It would be deal if the ground covered by a lecture broadly is once again
reviewed in the tutorial classes in greater detail and with an eye to individual difficulties of students.
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Why I Chose When Attending A Small College
Most colleges/universities in the world are overpriced and it takes not only a lot of money, but
also perfect grades and exceptional extracurriculars to be able to get into them and pursue the
career you want. Smaller colleges are expensive as well, but not as overpriced like all the big
colleges. I would prefer to attend a small college in a small town. For example, I chose to attend
West Hills Coalinga because I thought it would be a great experience since it is a small college; I
come from a small town, therefore I would fit in better there than in a big school. West Hills
Coalinga has the same opportunities all colleges have, but not only that, you can save yourself
many personal and financial expenses as well. Going to a college in a big city is going to be
overpriced because in a big city everything is really expensive including housing, but if I were to more content...
It is proven that there is less probability of crimes in a small town that in a big city. I would want to
live somewhere safe because with the probability of attending evening classes, I would feel better
knowing the town I live in is safe. I could get to know everyone. I would not feel like an outsider or
feel as though I did not belong like I would in the big city. I would feel more comfortable attending a
small college coming directly from a small high school. A lot of people say that you have better
opportunities going to a big college than going to a small college, but I believe attending a small
town college is better at least for me. There would be less distractions, less, expenses, less problems,
and I would not feel as far from home. You can still meets new people, make friends faster, and get
to know them better. Attending a small college and living in a small town would save me a lot of
stress and I would also save a lot of money than if I were to attend a big college and live in a big
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Intellectual Diversity In Liberal Arts
Traditional Diversity
At UC–Berkeley, the course description for "Politics and Poetics" (Fall Course 2002) stated that
"conservative thinkers are encouraged to seek other sections." (SAF 1). Though the instructor later
apologized for the description, this is the sort of encouragement conservative–minded students are
greeted with many times during their college experience. It is said that in class, students are taught
that their country –– and Western culture in general –– is tainted by racism, sexism, and oppression
(Stearn 2).
Outside class, students are forced into consciousness–raising exercises that heighten tensions and
bolster radical pressure groups (Stearn 2). For example, at Brown University, an organized coalition more content...
The hope for cultural improvement in problem areas, even on a global scale, lies primarily in the
critical forums of our nation's classrooms, where young, motivated minds are preparing to jump
into the world with both feet. Because academic success is measured not only by what is learned,
but also by what is taught, it is imperative that all perspectives be provided (Fish 3). 'Intellectual
diversity' is used to describe those differing perspectives. Once used to portray an educational
tradition that celebrates and nurtures human freedom, it is now used to name exactly what is lacking
in Liberal Arts programs today.
Further immersed in this controversy, the word liberal in liberal arts has been embraced by both
ends of the political spectrum, and can scarcely be uttered without turning the conversation into a
verbal duel between conservative reformists on one side, and liberal traditionalist on the other.
However clear we present the term, the thrust and parry continues as the nation's leading academia
and political activists attempt to separate liberal education from an education that indoctrinates
students in the values of political liberalism (Horowitz, In Defense, 3).
For the sake of clarity, two distinct 'sides' prevail within our higher education system today. Although
the terms "Republican" and "Democrat" (referred to herein in as liberal and conservative) may seem
inappropriate in the context of academic pursuits, they serve an advantage here
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Perseverance Essay
What is perseverance? Perseverance is the ability to go on when things seem hopeless. It is also a
measure of success, or at least how much sacrifice one is willing to make in the name of success.
As students, it is impossible to achieve personal success without having a goal, or direction. The
goal and direction that often propels us to achieve is perseverance. Perseverance is the ability to
forge ahead despite setbacks that threaten to undermine all efforts to succeed.
We are high school students and that means that the sense of urgency to strive for and to achieve
personal success is now. With this urgency comes the expectation of having to persevere. This year
has not been as easy one for us as a school body. We have more content...
There is no shame in falling; the shame is in accepting the the fall as defeat. Nelson Mandella once
said, "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time you fall." That is
the essence of persevering––finding the will to get up even though you know you are being counted
Each day is a challenge for some of us. Some of you struggle to get up each morning and make it
to school. But you find it within yourself to do because the hope of a better tomorrow compels
you to do so. It is not easy to explain to teachers or other students that there was no one to wake
you up and see that you were ready for school. The moment you leave your house and step on the
bus, you are one step closer to realizing your dream, to fulfilling your purpose. That is what
perseverance is. It is the finding the strength to do the impossible because you know that all
things are possible. It is understanding that your tomorrow has great possibilities because of the
steps you take today. I had a neighbor whose parents were divorced, but it seems like both parents
divorced her. Her mother had custody, but she was seldom around. My friend raised herself. She
gave a whole new meaning to the phrase "putting yourself through school", but she was in middle
school. However, she had a dream of something better and it was evident that it required
self–motivation and determination.
We have all been called upon
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My Personal Study Habits
Introduction This paper will be an examination of my personal study habits as a college freshman,
and an effort to discover techniques to improve my ability to learn and remember the information I
need to successfully graduate from college.
I have learned most of my study habits by watching my very successful daughter, a high school
junior with a rigorous course load making high honors, and attempting to mimic her. She has a very
strong work ethic; generally, once she arrives home she takes a short break to change clothes and
pet a cat, and then dives in to her homework. She knows when to give herself a breather to check
her social media accounts, and she is very clear that since she always studies hard and does her
best, she never fails, even if she gets a D or F on a test or quiz. I quite admire that. And her. We have
homework time together most nights.
Current Status I am in my second semester of college now, and thus far I have been able to attend to
my homework and studying to the degree that I have received near–perfect marks on everything I
have turned in. I am quite proud of this, and at the same time concerned that as the course–work
becomes more difficult I will both be unable to keep up with the amount of effort required and also
be unable to synthesize the information well enough to continue to receive those high grades. To
give myself the best possible chance at success, I have a study space adjacent to my child at the
kitchen table, with adequate lighting and
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Four Year College
Junior College vs. A four year university When you become a junior in high school, it is important
that you begin looking for a school that will be the right fit for you and your long–term goals. One
of the first steps in this decision making process should be duration of time you chose to attend
college. At this point, it is critical that you decide whether a junior college or a four year university
best fits your needs. There are a number of large variations between these options. Three of them
being, job placement, cost, and convenience. The main objective of attending college is to obtain a
position that you desire. If your long–term goal is to secure an Associate's Degree, diploma, or
certificate, then a junior college may be the best fit for more content...
Two year institutions allow students with less–than–desirable grade point averages, to attend and
improve their academic status. Junior Colleges are often closer to home than four year
universities, because they are more abundant. This often gives students the option of living at
home and commuting to class, as opposed to living on campus. Professors will be more accessible
and the class sizes may be smaller. If you plan to transfer to a four year university after graduation,
there is a possibility that not all of your course credits will transfer to your school.
The conveniences of a four year colleges differ from those of a two year institution. If you start
your college career at a major university, there is no need to worry about transferring. On campus
living provides pros. When you live in the dorms you develop social independence as well as
academic independence and responsibility. When staying on campus you have many resources at
your fingertips, such as, the library, study groups, and tutors. Another plus is that you will not have
to factor in commute time, so that time may be used to sleep, study, or
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Getting Into Elite Colleges
All high schoolers who had graduated across America were receiving the best college decision
letters of acceptance and rejection. So many of their parents think that where they go to college will
outstandingly affect their employment future. Getting into an elite college is becoming more and
more harder, and many students and their parents place intensive stress on themselves to try to do
all they can to get into one of the many prestigious colleges there are. They believe that graduating
from a top college will allow them to have a more successful in future. There is definitely an
argument to be made that where you go to college is unimportant. The most important factors that an
employer takes into account are your skills, experience, more content...
Many students, parents, and counselors are aggravating themselves because they are questioning
whether it really matters which college these students attend. I personally feel like it does not
matter because its prestigious ranking alone doesn't make a successful graduate. A prestigious
college may provide students with a great network that helps both while students are on campus
and in the future as a former student. However, someone with plenty of connections may be able
to go in to any school of their choice. Many studies have shown that most students who have
college degrees have a greater chance of finding a job, so going to college isn't a waste of time.
Most programs that require students to work hard may teach students valuable, a new environment,
and experiences that the will learn from. According to Dr. Tim Jordan, on his blog he wrote, "In
addition to education and experience, an employer may require abilities that do not necessarily fall
under either category, language skills, non–academic background knowledge." (Does it matter...)
This is necessarily true because an employer isn't going to just look at your degree; An employer
wants to know if your able to accomplish the task at hand. A persons experience may be the most
important part of a job application just because they lack the proper education needed for the
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College Professors Essay
College Professors
The first day of class for a college student is like drawing cards in a poker game. Just as the cards
that one receives determines their outcome in poker, the types of professors a student gets on the
first day will determine the success of their year. The difference between a helpful and a harmful
professor can easily result in a much lower grade. College professors have a wide range of
personalities and backgrounds. However, professors fall into one of 3 categories: helpful, malicious,
or uncaring.
One type of professor in the college system is the helpful professor. This professor can be
recognized right away by their smile and joyfulness in the classroom. These professors give upbeat more content...
This professor has a sour attitude toward life in general; therefore they want the students to be
miserable as well. Their lectures are never to the point and usually stray off to make some negative
point about life. They encourage students to ask questions, but only so that they can make the
person with the question feel incompetent for asking it. They are willing to talk with a student after
class, but unlike the helpful professor, the malicious professor is only there to criticize. They will
emphasize the student's faults but never point out their strengths, thus lowering the self–esteem of
the student. The tests given by the malicious professor are vague, full of trickery, and composed
of the most difficult material. These tests are not designed to survey the student's knowledge of
the subject, but rather to trip them up and make them fail. If one works really hard it is possible to
earn a good grade in this type of professor's class, but in general the grades will be as low as the
malicious professor can make them.
The third type of professor is the uncaring professor. This type of instructor has lost interest in
teaching; therefore, they do not put any effort into it. This professor can be recognized by their
monotonous tone of voice and lack of interest of the subject. Their lectures only cover the basics of
the material. They make no effort to appeal to the students' interests; consequently, most students can
hardly pay
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Best College Essays

  • 1. College Essay : An Ideal College An Essay on An Ideal College Everyone has or should have an ideal; something which he can look forward to, of which he may dream, and for which he may strive. In our colleges we come across many defects or limitations. We often discuss these among ourselves. And in course of these discussions, and as a result of them, we come to cherish a vague notion of what would be an ideal college, at last, what we would regard as an ideal. Here of course I speak mostly for myself. An ideal college, in my opinion, should consist of a building with well–lighted and spacious rooms, an extensive playground, well–equipped libraries and laboratories, and learned teachers. These are essential, and so I will discuss these first. On the academic side an ideal college should have two kinds of rooms: lecture–rooms and tutorial rooms. Lecture–rooms should be large enough to accommodate even two to three hundred students without crowding. In these days of amplifiers, large classes should offer no real difficulty. Only three must be plenty of light and air to prevent stuffiness. The acoustic arrangements must be such as to put no undue strain on a lecturer's voice. Tutorial rooms should be spacious enough to accommodate small classes of ten or fifteen students. Too many lectures are apt to become monotonous and boring. It would be deal if the ground covered by a lecture broadly is once again reviewed in the tutorial classes in greater detail and with an eye to individual difficulties of students. Get more content on
  • 2. Why I Chose When Attending A Small College Most colleges/universities in the world are overpriced and it takes not only a lot of money, but also perfect grades and exceptional extracurriculars to be able to get into them and pursue the career you want. Smaller colleges are expensive as well, but not as overpriced like all the big colleges. I would prefer to attend a small college in a small town. For example, I chose to attend West Hills Coalinga because I thought it would be a great experience since it is a small college; I come from a small town, therefore I would fit in better there than in a big school. West Hills Coalinga has the same opportunities all colleges have, but not only that, you can save yourself many personal and financial expenses as well. Going to a college in a big city is going to be overpriced because in a big city everything is really expensive including housing, but if I were to more content... It is proven that there is less probability of crimes in a small town that in a big city. I would want to live somewhere safe because with the probability of attending evening classes, I would feel better knowing the town I live in is safe. I could get to know everyone. I would not feel like an outsider or feel as though I did not belong like I would in the big city. I would feel more comfortable attending a small college coming directly from a small high school. A lot of people say that you have better opportunities going to a big college than going to a small college, but I believe attending a small town college is better at least for me. There would be less distractions, less, expenses, less problems, and I would not feel as far from home. You can still meets new people, make friends faster, and get to know them better. Attending a small college and living in a small town would save me a lot of stress and I would also save a lot of money than if I were to attend a big college and live in a big Get more content on
  • 3. Intellectual Diversity In Liberal Arts Traditional Diversity At UC–Berkeley, the course description for "Politics and Poetics" (Fall Course 2002) stated that "conservative thinkers are encouraged to seek other sections." (SAF 1). Though the instructor later apologized for the description, this is the sort of encouragement conservative–minded students are greeted with many times during their college experience. It is said that in class, students are taught that their country –– and Western culture in general –– is tainted by racism, sexism, and oppression (Stearn 2). Outside class, students are forced into consciousness–raising exercises that heighten tensions and bolster radical pressure groups (Stearn 2). For example, at Brown University, an organized coalition more content... The hope for cultural improvement in problem areas, even on a global scale, lies primarily in the critical forums of our nation's classrooms, where young, motivated minds are preparing to jump into the world with both feet. Because academic success is measured not only by what is learned, but also by what is taught, it is imperative that all perspectives be provided (Fish 3). 'Intellectual diversity' is used to describe those differing perspectives. Once used to portray an educational tradition that celebrates and nurtures human freedom, it is now used to name exactly what is lacking in Liberal Arts programs today. Further immersed in this controversy, the word liberal in liberal arts has been embraced by both ends of the political spectrum, and can scarcely be uttered without turning the conversation into a verbal duel between conservative reformists on one side, and liberal traditionalist on the other. However clear we present the term, the thrust and parry continues as the nation's leading academia and political activists attempt to separate liberal education from an education that indoctrinates students in the values of political liberalism (Horowitz, In Defense, 3). For the sake of clarity, two distinct 'sides' prevail within our higher education system today. Although the terms "Republican" and "Democrat" (referred to herein in as liberal and conservative) may seem inappropriate in the context of academic pursuits, they serve an advantage here Get more content on
  • 4. Perseverance Essay What is perseverance? Perseverance is the ability to go on when things seem hopeless. It is also a measure of success, or at least how much sacrifice one is willing to make in the name of success. As students, it is impossible to achieve personal success without having a goal, or direction. The goal and direction that often propels us to achieve is perseverance. Perseverance is the ability to forge ahead despite setbacks that threaten to undermine all efforts to succeed. We are high school students and that means that the sense of urgency to strive for and to achieve personal success is now. With this urgency comes the expectation of having to persevere. This year has not been as easy one for us as a school body. We have more content... There is no shame in falling; the shame is in accepting the the fall as defeat. Nelson Mandella once said, "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time you fall." That is the essence of persevering––finding the will to get up even though you know you are being counted out. Each day is a challenge for some of us. Some of you struggle to get up each morning and make it to school. But you find it within yourself to do because the hope of a better tomorrow compels you to do so. It is not easy to explain to teachers or other students that there was no one to wake you up and see that you were ready for school. The moment you leave your house and step on the bus, you are one step closer to realizing your dream, to fulfilling your purpose. That is what perseverance is. It is the finding the strength to do the impossible because you know that all things are possible. It is understanding that your tomorrow has great possibilities because of the steps you take today. I had a neighbor whose parents were divorced, but it seems like both parents divorced her. Her mother had custody, but she was seldom around. My friend raised herself. She gave a whole new meaning to the phrase "putting yourself through school", but she was in middle school. However, she had a dream of something better and it was evident that it required self–motivation and determination. We have all been called upon Get more content on
  • 5. My Personal Study Habits Introduction This paper will be an examination of my personal study habits as a college freshman, and an effort to discover techniques to improve my ability to learn and remember the information I need to successfully graduate from college. I have learned most of my study habits by watching my very successful daughter, a high school junior with a rigorous course load making high honors, and attempting to mimic her. She has a very strong work ethic; generally, once she arrives home she takes a short break to change clothes and pet a cat, and then dives in to her homework. She knows when to give herself a breather to check her social media accounts, and she is very clear that since she always studies hard and does her best, she never fails, even if she gets a D or F on a test or quiz. I quite admire that. And her. We have homework time together most nights. Current Status I am in my second semester of college now, and thus far I have been able to attend to my homework and studying to the degree that I have received near–perfect marks on everything I have turned in. I am quite proud of this, and at the same time concerned that as the course–work becomes more difficult I will both be unable to keep up with the amount of effort required and also be unable to synthesize the information well enough to continue to receive those high grades. To give myself the best possible chance at success, I have a study space adjacent to my child at the kitchen table, with adequate lighting and Get more content on
  • 6. Four Year College Junior College vs. A four year university When you become a junior in high school, it is important that you begin looking for a school that will be the right fit for you and your long–term goals. One of the first steps in this decision making process should be duration of time you chose to attend college. At this point, it is critical that you decide whether a junior college or a four year university best fits your needs. There are a number of large variations between these options. Three of them being, job placement, cost, and convenience. The main objective of attending college is to obtain a position that you desire. If your long–term goal is to secure an Associate's Degree, diploma, or certificate, then a junior college may be the best fit for more content... Two year institutions allow students with less–than–desirable grade point averages, to attend and improve their academic status. Junior Colleges are often closer to home than four year universities, because they are more abundant. This often gives students the option of living at home and commuting to class, as opposed to living on campus. Professors will be more accessible and the class sizes may be smaller. If you plan to transfer to a four year university after graduation, there is a possibility that not all of your course credits will transfer to your school. The conveniences of a four year colleges differ from those of a two year institution. If you start your college career at a major university, there is no need to worry about transferring. On campus living provides pros. When you live in the dorms you develop social independence as well as academic independence and responsibility. When staying on campus you have many resources at your fingertips, such as, the library, study groups, and tutors. Another plus is that you will not have to factor in commute time, so that time may be used to sleep, study, or Get more content on
  • 7. Getting Into Elite Colleges All high schoolers who had graduated across America were receiving the best college decision letters of acceptance and rejection. So many of their parents think that where they go to college will outstandingly affect their employment future. Getting into an elite college is becoming more and more harder, and many students and their parents place intensive stress on themselves to try to do all they can to get into one of the many prestigious colleges there are. They believe that graduating from a top college will allow them to have a more successful in future. There is definitely an argument to be made that where you go to college is unimportant. The most important factors that an employer takes into account are your skills, experience, more content... Many students, parents, and counselors are aggravating themselves because they are questioning whether it really matters which college these students attend. I personally feel like it does not matter because its prestigious ranking alone doesn't make a successful graduate. A prestigious college may provide students with a great network that helps both while students are on campus and in the future as a former student. However, someone with plenty of connections may be able to go in to any school of their choice. Many studies have shown that most students who have college degrees have a greater chance of finding a job, so going to college isn't a waste of time. Most programs that require students to work hard may teach students valuable, a new environment, and experiences that the will learn from. According to Dr. Tim Jordan, on his blog he wrote, "In addition to education and experience, an employer may require abilities that do not necessarily fall under either category, language skills, non–academic background knowledge." (Does it matter...) This is necessarily true because an employer isn't going to just look at your degree; An employer wants to know if your able to accomplish the task at hand. A persons experience may be the most important part of a job application just because they lack the proper education needed for the Get more content on
  • 8. College Professors Essay College Professors The first day of class for a college student is like drawing cards in a poker game. Just as the cards that one receives determines their outcome in poker, the types of professors a student gets on the first day will determine the success of their year. The difference between a helpful and a harmful professor can easily result in a much lower grade. College professors have a wide range of personalities and backgrounds. However, professors fall into one of 3 categories: helpful, malicious, or uncaring. One type of professor in the college system is the helpful professor. This professor can be recognized right away by their smile and joyfulness in the classroom. These professors give upbeat more content... This professor has a sour attitude toward life in general; therefore they want the students to be miserable as well. Their lectures are never to the point and usually stray off to make some negative point about life. They encourage students to ask questions, but only so that they can make the person with the question feel incompetent for asking it. They are willing to talk with a student after class, but unlike the helpful professor, the malicious professor is only there to criticize. They will emphasize the student's faults but never point out their strengths, thus lowering the self–esteem of the student. The tests given by the malicious professor are vague, full of trickery, and composed of the most difficult material. These tests are not designed to survey the student's knowledge of the subject, but rather to trip them up and make them fail. If one works really hard it is possible to earn a good grade in this type of professor's class, but in general the grades will be as low as the malicious professor can make them. The third type of professor is the uncaring professor. This type of instructor has lost interest in teaching; therefore, they do not put any effort into it. This professor can be recognized by their monotonous tone of voice and lack of interest of the subject. Their lectures only cover the basics of the material. They make no effort to appeal to the students' interests; consequently, most students can hardly pay Get more content on