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Beauty Essays
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Beauty Essays" can be a challenging yet fascinating endeavor.
The difficulty lies in the subjective nature of beauty and the vast spectrum of perspectives
surrounding it. Beauty is a concept that transcends cultural, historical, and individual boundaries,
making it a complex and multifaceted subject to explore.
To begin with, defining beauty itself poses a significant challenge. Beauty is often said to be in
the eye of the beholder, reflecting the diversity of opinions on what constitutes attractiveness or
aesthetic appeal. Delving into the philosophical aspects of beauty adds another layer of
complexity, as thinkers throughout history have debated its essence, from Plato's ideal forms to
modern discussions on subjective relativism.
Furthermore, the societal influence on beauty standards complicates the analysis. Media, culture,
and social norms all play pivotal roles in shaping perceptions of beauty. Examining the impact of
these factors requires a nuanced understanding of the interplay between individual preferences
and external influences.
The historical evolution of beauty standards is another aspect that demands careful consideration.
What may have been considered beautiful in one era could be drastically different in another.
Exploring the shifts in these standards over time provides valuable insights into societal values
and changes.
Additionally, addressing the psychological and emotional dimensions of beauty adds depth to
the essay. The impact of beauty on self-esteem, body image, and mental well-being requires a
thoughtful exploration of psychological research and theories.
In conclusion, navigating the intricate layers of the "Beauty Essays" topic involves tackling
philosophical, cultural, historical, and psychological aspects. It demands a keen analytical mind
and the ability to synthesize diverse perspectives. The challenge, however, is met with the reward
of unraveling the complexities of a concept that has captivated human minds for centuries.
If you find yourself struggling with such an essay or similar academic tasks, consider seeking
assistance. Various resources, including professional writing services, offer
support in crafting well-researched and articulate essays on a wide range of topics.
Beauty Essays Beauty Essays
The High Initiate Of Isis Research Paper
What is interesting to hold as a perspective is that the world in which you currently
live struggles to be in a place of rhythm and a place of balance.
Devotees to the Divine Feminine did not struggle in their devotion.
They walked the path of their own enlightenment, ask about it, wonder how to have
time for it.
The High Initiates of Isis were trained from a young age to walk in rhythm with the
seasons and flow with the tides of the moon. It simply was, what was. It was the only
way of life they knew.
They were witnessed as living embodiments of the Goddess herself.
Those who witnessed the beauty of these women, referred them. These women were
the standards. They were beings of radiant light that inspired men to their greatness,
women to ... Show more content on ...
Temple start by walking through life from a place of presence, from mindfulness.
This will begin to place triggers in your awareness to find the beauty in the moment
and create space in the moments in between.
Notice your surroundings. Notice the beauty. Notice the magic. Notice the richness
that is swirling around you in each and every moment.
From there...
Honor the rising sun and the setting sun.
Observe the effects of the dark and fullness of the moon
Feel the pulse in the ebbs and flows of your own lunar cycles.
The more esoteric teachings were for the High Initiates...for the women who have
long standing Soul contracts dedicated to this work.
However all priestess and devotees to the Divine Feminine had established daily
practices linked to the Sun and weekly practices that were in rhythm with the moon.
Understand that you are a beacon of this work.
Yes, you do this for yourself. And that is the place to begin. But as you allow this
work to embody you, it is through your being, not your busyness, that your light
blossoms, your heart opens and the radiant body fuels the greatness of all men and
women kind.
As it is in love.
Regulate Use of Cell Phones on the Road
When a cell phone goes off in a classroom or at a concert, people are irritated, but at
least lives are not endangered. When on the road, however, irresponsible cell
phone users are more than irritating: They are putting our lives at risk. Many of us
have witnessed drivers so distracted by dialing and chatting that they resemble
drunk drivers, weaving between lanes, for example, or nearly running down
pedestrians in crosswalks. A number of bills to regulate use of cell phones on the
road have been introduced in state legislatures, and the time has come to push for
their passage. Regulation is needed because drivers using phones are seriously
impaired and because laws on negligent and reckless driving are not sufficient to
punish offenders... Show more content on ...
The latter statistic is interesting, for it suggests that those who carry phones in their
cars may tend to be more negligent or prone to distractions of all kinds than those
who do not. Some groups have argued that state traffic laws make legislation
regulating cell phone use unnecessary. Sadly, this is not true. Laws on traffic safety
vary from state to state, and drivers distracted by cell phones can get off with light
punishment even when they cause fatal accidents. Although the midshipman
mentioned earlier was charged with vehicular manslaughter for the deaths of John
and Carole Hall, the judge was unable to issue a verdict of guilty. Under Maryland
law, he could only find the defendant guilty of negligent driving and impose a $500
fine (Layton C1). Such a light sentence is not unusual. The driver who killed
Morgan Pena in Pennsylvania received two tickets and a $50 fine and retained his
driving privileges (Pena). In Georgia, a young woman distracted by her phone ran
down and killed a two year old; her sentence was ninety days in boot camp and five
hundred hours of community service (Ippolito J1). The families of the victims are
understandably distressed by laws that lead to such light sentences. When certain
kinds of driver behavior are shown to be especially dangerous, we wisely draft
special laws making them illegal and imposing specific punishments. Running red
lights, failing to stop for a school bus, and drunk driving are obvious
The Jacksonville Axemen Is A Semi Professional Rugby...
The Jacksonville Axemen is a semi professional rugby league team that competes
in the summer, out of the University of North Florida s Hodges Stadium. The
Axemen are one of fourteen teams that compete in the USA Rugby League,
USARL. It is a small organization with a staff of seven that saw its beginning in
2006, and has been one of the most competitive teams in its league. Based on my
research of the organization, I could not determine any policies that the
organization actually had in place. This is in part due to the small nature of the
staff so they do not have an employee handbook that would contain policies
regarding code of conduct. When I spoke with Drew Slover, the co founder/co
owner/General Manager of the Axemen, he said, because of the size of the
organization we do not have a set of policies. We do have an Emergency Action
Plan though (personal communication, 2015). An Emergency Action Plan is an
important piece to an organization, because it can save them from a lawsuit but it is
not the only necessity. In order for an organization to be successful as a business,
it is important for the leaders to set a variety of policies so that all reasonable and
foreseeable scenarios can have a plan of action. This is truer for sport organizations
than regular businesses because we open our business as entertainment for everyone
to see, which invites criticism of every action. Not having policies can be detrimental
to the image of the organization and bring on a
Meursault Justifies Murder
The emotionless anti hero, Monsieur Meursault, embarks on a distinct philosophical
journey through The Stranger. Confident in his ideas about the world, Meursault is
an unemotional protagonist who survives without expectations or even aspirations.
Because of his constant indifference and lack of opinions about the world, it can be
denoted that he undergoes a psychological detachment from the world and society. It
is through these characteristics that exist in Meursault that Camus expresses the
absurd. Starting from the very first sentence of the book, Maman died today. Or
maybe yesterday, I don t know. (Camus 1) The indifferent tone from these short
sentences convey a rather apathetic attitude from Meursault s part. Not only does he
not... Show more content on ...
Society was unable to comprehend Meursault s apathetic reasons for the murder and
attempts to rationalize with it through the trial to try to come to an understanding as
to what may have incited his actions.
Meursault experiences a philosophical triumph as his execution dates nears, due to
his acceptance of the absurd, which confirms his identity; much like the absurd world,
he doesn t acknowledge human experiences and relationships. He is content with this,
and welcomes the crowd, confident that nothing can take away his satisfaction. This
shows that while he gains philosophical peace, he still is unable to grapple with
interpersonal relationships and the role he was intended to play in society. Meursault
does not overcome society s judgment, but rather revels in the hatred. Through his
conversation with the chaplain, Meursault discovers happiness in the fact that the
absurd world mirrors his own indifference. Meursault compares his beliefs about life
to those the chaplain holds, and comes to some finality in his thought process. He
settled on a firm stance, sure about [himself], about everything, surer than [the
chaplain] could ever be, sure of my life and sure of the death waiting for me (Camus
108). Meursault becomes infatuated with the absurd world, rather than rejecting it in
disgust or horror. He strongly identifies with the absurdity, opening up to the gentle
indifference of the world (Camus
Loss Of The Ageing Adult Population
Losses and Grief in the Ageing Adult Population
Loss is defined as the experience of having something taken from you or destroyed
(Loss, 2016). In the senior population losses become more common and frequent due
to dwindling health circumstances, among other circumstances. Functional losses
experienced by the elderly include physical performance, balance, mobility, and
muscle strength (Nakano, Otonari, Takara, Carmo Tanaka, 2014, p. 583). Situational
or circumstantial losses may be the loss of a partner or the loss of a home due to
being transferred into a retirement home or health care facility. Losses are enhanced
by any diseases a person may have making it more difficult to deal with these
losses. Taking a look at diabetes; diabetes plays a key role in many individuals in
the older adult population lives, more than 25% of adults over the age of 65 in
America have been diagnosed with diabetes (Kirkman, 2012, p. 2650). This disease
alters the rate of which losses are experienced and in turn how the elderly grief over
the loss. Diabetic patients are more likely to experience depression and diabetic
patients are more likely to undergo amputation from limb loss (Spiess, McLemore,
Zinyemba, Ortiz Meyr, 2014, p. 1068). Being diagnosed with diabetes impacts every
aspect of one s life and creates difficulties in caring for oneself that need to be
dutifully addressed.
The Doe s, have been happily married for 65 years, Sue and Stan have lived a
successful life
A Study On Financial Derivatives With Special Reference
Derivatives are the contracts whose value is derived from the value of some
underlying assets such as equities, commodities or currencies. These contracts helps
the investor to reduce the risk of wearing down of his investments. The application of
derivatives can be observed as an opportunity to transfer the risk from the person who
wish to ignore it, to the person who is ready to accept it i.e. risk management hedging
through derivatives. In an environment, in which portfolio managers are pressured to
beat the indices, need to protect the investment gains in their portfolios from financial
risk. Different hedging strategies can be formulated to meet the particular hedging
requirements. Various studies on the outcomes of future and option listing on the
underlying asset (equity, commodity, currency market) have been done with a
view to study potential of financial derivatives and intensification of derivatives as
a hedging instrument. NSE traded derivatives have shown an exponential growth in
market turnover, it has grown from Rs 2365 cr. in 2000 2001 to Rs 22916531.92 cr.
in 2015 16. NSE can be considered as the one of the high flying exchanges amongst
the entire emerging markets in terms of equity derivatives. The following study tries
to make an understanding of operational concepts of F O mechanism. It encompasses
analysis of Nifty Index future options one month delivery contacts to get
Indian Tea Patterns
Oh no! The British started to tax the tea! What! I screamed, they put taxes on tea?
Yeb! my neighbor said. They ve already put taxes on paper document and sugar! I
exclaimed. You can t argue with the british! my other neighbor said. That made the us
colonists really angry. We gathered in courthouse quickly, we started to talk and talk.
Finally, we came up with the idea that the members of sons of liberty should dump
the tea. Everyone cheered. Hooray! Soon, midnight came, members of sons of
liberty were out, dressed as Mohawk Indians. The Mohawk indians slowly climb up
to the ship full of tea chest.
As you can tell from the excerpt above, the british put taxes on the tea. That s because
that the East India Company ... Show more content on ...
So they don t need many tools and needs. Some of the tools are, axes and sticks.
They use axes to open the tea boxes so they can dump the tea more easier. They
also used sticks to open the tea boxes. They also used torches so they can see in the
night. They also used ladders so they can climb up the boat. I think that it s great
because they can break the tea boxes easily. I wonder why did they made the tea
boxed so easy to open? I also think that they don t need many tools because since
they are so easy to open, can t they just open them by hands?
What Happened after?
After the boston tea party, the harbor was closed. The tea in the harbor smelled
really bad after a few days. The British closed the harbor until the tea were paid.
They have to pay for 342 chests of tea! The colonists abandoned even more of the
rules that the british made for the colonist. When this event happened, this made the
Boston Port Act. I think that this made the colonists even more mad that they don t
want to obey the British and the British king s rules. But I also think that the British
will be mad because the colonists won t obey the rules that the king made so I
think, both sides of the British and the colonists were angry at each other.I wonder if
the British made the colonists to clean up the tea boxes in the harbor, which like I
said, it smelled
The Legal Rights Of Mr. Bob Wheelie
The following document provides information for Mr. Bob Wheelie to help him
understand his legal rights and to help him resolve his conflict with Mr. Spoke.
This document will be offering knowledge on the following matters an overview or
guide on what false or misleading statements or claims are, what are the penalties
impacted with making false or misleading claims and statements, the laws and
regulations that comply with the situations such as information on contracts,
commonwealth laws and legislations and an overview of a similar court case that
has occurred with the outcome. A misrepresentation is a statement or a claim made
by one to another that can either be misleading or false. This can happen not only
is written contracts or contracts but also verbally, it can be as simple as when a
person is talking to another and has provided them with information that is incorrect.
For a business it is illegal or unlawful to be involved or make any statements in
matters that can be mislead or misinformed or is likely to be mislead or misinformed
to its customers or other businesses. The following can be classified as being
misleading, the failure to disclose relevant information, predictions, opinions and
promises. The conducts for the misleading or miss informing whether by action or
statement includes advertising, any form of statements, promotions, quotations and
by any representation made by a person.2 A form of misleading information or
deceptiveness can be in the form
Essay on Miles Franklin s My Brilliant Career
Miles Franklin s My Brilliant Career
Topic: Give a detailed analysis of a key scene or passage from My Brilliant Career by
Miles Franklin.
The focus and essence of My Brilliant Career by Miles Franklin is centred on the
relationships and interactions of Sybylla Melvyn (the key character of the novel),
towards other characters. The ways in which she reacts to different people and why
she reacts in a particular manner, are perhaps more crucial and intriguing to the
reader, than any distinct event throughout the novel. Sybylla s logic and thinking
about herself, others and life, have been moulded by her very influential relationships
with her mother and father. Her view on life and the roles of men and women has also
been ... Show more content on ...
In her childhood she is quite proud of her father as he owned successful properties
and was reasonably wealthy. He had a clear focus on life. However, as her father s
wealth and status dwindles and he becomes alcoholic, Sybylla is lost and is
inevitably always searching for the heroic father figure which is now absent in her
life, and that she so desperately needs for guidance, as she becomes a young woman.
This she finds in Harold Beecham. Therefore, Sybylla cannot bring herself to
become close or intimate with Harold as there is the feeling of verging on the edge
of incest. When he gets too close for comfort, she retaliates by hitting him.
Sybylla s relationship or view of herself also comes out in Chapter 20. Throughout
the novel, she has a superficial view of herself, constantly looking at herself as she
imagines others see her. She has low self esteem and endlessly insists that she is
ugly. Sybylla likes to compare herself to other women. In the beginning of Chapter
20, she compares herself to Miss Derrick, whom everyone comments on as being
beautiful. Sybylla is already somewhat jealous of Miss Derrick as she (Derrick)
spent most of that day with Harold Beecham (previous chapter). This also confirms
that she has feelings for Harold. Sybylla says of Miss Derrick She was a big
handsome woman (Franklin 136). Then she
Hungry Bird Short Story
The Hungry Bird
Good Morning ladies and gentlemen. May I have your attention please?
Passengers travelling on Emirates flight EK 547 flying to Dubai may proceed to
board the aircraft. The time is finally up! Excitement exploded as if an extinct
volcano erupted all of a sudden. I hurriedly walked through the boarding bridge
with each atom bomb erupting into excitement, as I took each step towards the
aircraft. Hello, and welcome aboard, may I see your boarding pass please? said a
beautiful looking angel in a sweet voice. I was ushered to my seat with my seat
belt fastened. Ladies and gentlemen, I kindly request you to take your seats and
fasten your seatbelts as we are preparing for take off. Cabin Crew prepare for take
off. Contentment reached to its highest peak but eventually turned into a moment of
stomping heartbeats as I felt myself go all the way up, up and above.
Cabin crew prepare for landing, and a few minutes later welcome to Dubai
International Airport, where the local time is in the morning and the outside
temperature is 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Hooray, it s finally here! My nerves charged
up and lit me bright from the inside like a fluorescent bulb. I went out of the airport
to the bus waiting outside. It felt like I was thrown into a planet outside of the
universe. What an exotic view! The tall buildings stared at me with their frightening
shadows casted over me like cops surrounding a criminal. An amazing fact was that
the authentic Arabian
Donald Trump s Rise To Power
Donald Trump was born in 1946, in Queens, New York. He was the fourth oldest
and has four other siblings. His parents are Fredrick C.,a builder and real estate
developer, and Mary MacLeod Trump. He grew up as a very energetic kid and at
age 13, Trump was sent to New York Military Academy by his parents in hope bring
his energy into something positive. At military school, he was very successful in
being a star athlete and student leader. Following graduation, he attended Fordham
University, and two years later transferred to Wharton School of Finance, at the
University of Pennsylvania. Where he graduated with a degree in economics in 1968.
During the summer he worked for his father, then later joined the company Elizabeth
Trump and Son. Then in 1971, Donald Trumpwas given control of the company
which he later renamed The Trump Organization. Trump married New York
fashion model Ivana Zelnickova Winklmayr, which he had three kids with. In the
time being Trump got involved in a profitable casino gambling business and was
invested in places like Atlanta City, New Jersey, and Las Vegas. Trump was married
two more times, and had one more kid with his third wife. In 2004, Trump began
starring in the NBC TV series, The Apprentice. Which he had... Show more content
on ...
embassy in Libya. Four Americans were killed, resulting from failures and
leadership and management problems in the State Department. And this was
under Hillary Clinton s leadership. There was military only a mile away yet after
someone called for help nothing was done. Hillary first emailed her daughter: Two
of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an al Qaeda like group: The Ambassador,
whom I handpicked and a young communications officer on temporary duty with a
wife and two young children. Very hard day and I fear more of the same tomorrow.
what is hard to understand about this is that she feared what was going to happen
instead of doing something about
Flu Pandemic 1918
In 1918, World War I was coming to an end; the condition of warfare was a
breeding ground of diseases and unhealthy conditions. The trenches were cold, wet,
dirty, and smelly and infested with rats and lice. This could only be one of the
contributions to the pandemic. Another possible contribution of the spreading on
the illness was the transportation of Chinese workers to Canada in 1917; where
many of the workers displayed flu like symptoms (Vergano). During the war, troops
were returning home and most likely brought this illness back, but it is only
speculation with no definite evidence. The first reported case in the United States
was at Fort Riley, Kansas on March 11, 1918 when a soldier went to the infirmary
with a fever (Vergano).... Show more content on ...
The remedies did not help improve things either and other measures were taken in
order to try reducing the spread of the illness. Many medical personnel were
overseas healing sick and injured soldiers and the lack of staff in the hospitals led to
nursing and medical students having to step up. Even the hospitals were overrun with
patients that ordered, community centers and local schools be transformed into
emergency hospitals (Influenza Strikes). Schools were not the only thing closed
down, stores, restaurants, and other businesses were shut down as well. In addition
to those, other interventions were put in place like masks since they knew it was
spread through the air. The masks were made of gauze and distributed by the Public
The Centrality of Gender, Sexuality, Race, Sociability and...
In Slumming by Chad Heap the author describes the true reality of slumming, and
how it was more wide spread than what it appear just in the surface. Heap defines
slumming, as he concentrate on cities like Chicago and New York, that were provide
with entertainment. This entertainment would come from immigrants, blacks, gays
and bohemians during a period of large scale immigration in this cities. The author
explains in detail the culture of slumming, as well as how it helps to produce the sex
/gender/racial system. Heap also argues how the different participants in slumming
affect one another. The impact between the different interactions among different
races, classes and gender was as well discussed in detail by the author. Finally Heap...
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Thanks to slumming the middle class was provided with a new way to define its
own social and moral superiority. It also created reformers that were against
slumming, but this produced more amusement as it created more seekers. the
presence of reformers especially female reformers on the streets and in the
tenements and dives of these districts paradoxically suggested that such spaces were
safe for popular congregation, and reformers activities in the cities slums and red
light districts were often remarkably similar to those of their pleasure seeking
compatriots (18). As more people were attracted to slumming it created a mix of
social classes that broke the social bounties and chains that keep society in a
hierarchy. Heap argues that slumming promoted social mixing and change the racial
and sexual system. Many opportunities for slum residents as whites interest more in
slumming culture grow. Some slums stated to offer tours of the slums to attract more
customers. Slumming gave the opportunities to cross over class lines as well as ethic
boundaries; but more importantly it gave the opportunity to explore ones sexual
The slums were a place for sexual exploration in where people were not judge for
trying to discover ones sexuality. Sexual norms were different in the slum, for
example men who were consider to be straight could have a sexual relationship with
fairies in the slums. Fairies were
History Of Ebola
The Fear that Drives Innovation
Society does not learn and grow through age alone, knowledge is cultivated through
curiosity and mistakes. Caveman at first did not understand that fire was not only a
source of light, but also for intense heat. When the first caveman discovered fire and
the elusive light that came from the source, he had to touch. Consequently, he
learned that the fire was hot, and if he got too close he would be burned to a crisp.
Medicine has also taken this concept and used it for their own teachings as well. At
first, people did not understand the origin of Ebola, but through devastation and mass
panic, scientists have learned more about modern medicine than they ever had before.
This knowledge has led to the improvement ... Show more content on
Ebola was, at first, very hard to label due to the many striking similarities it holds
with another disease named Marburg. Both viruses show very similar traits and
symptoms, and can only be pinpointed at a microscopic scale, which makes it hard
to differentiate between the two (Altman 103). Although Ebola has shown to be a
very difficult virus to resolve, modern science has researched and found some
information about it. Scientists now know that there are a total of four strains of the
virus, with three affecting humans while only one affects primates (Frey 333). All
of Ebola s strains, along with the other similar disease known as Marburg, all are in
the same virus family dubbed as Filoviridae ( Ebola Virus 368). Ever since Ebola was
found in Africa, scientists have been working diligently to find a vaccination and
hopefully a cure, but their efforts have gone unsuccessful. Ebola can code the
infection into a host with only twelve proteins, which is a significantly smaller
amount than many illnesses today (369). This complication with the virus has
contributed to the reason why there is no cure. Although this is a great detriment to
the scientific community, this has not deterred the search. This has in fact motivated
the community to help aid the infected with supplies and educate villages as to how
to be clean and
Compare And Contrast The Killers And The Darling
Different Cutlers
The Killers and The Darling are the two stories I decided to compare and contrast to
the contemporary Kurdistan because they implicitly and explicitly reveal so much
about the culture, existed in both US and Russia during late 19th century and early
20th century. The killers was written by Ernest Hemingway and takes place in US
during the 1920s, during Prohibition. The story starts when two strike men, who do
not behave properly, walk into a lunch room after several dialogues between
characters; it becomes clear that the two men are there to kill someone. Even though
the target is warned after several scenes, he does not react; accept for telling the one
who warned him not to do anything. Therefore, they no longer ... Show more content
on ...
To illustrate, when Kukin hisses angrily on the other hand, the public is ignorant,
savage. I give them the best in operetta, fairy pageants, excellent music hall singers,
but is that what they want? Do they understand anything about it they want
buffoonery! Give them banality! How he describes public proves that 19th century
Russian were not so concerned with art and literature, and the reason for this is
because people at that time were not educated. Thus, they could not understand plays
and enjoy them. This is similar and different to present Kurdistan at the same time.
In Kurdistan people seldom go to watch a play because some Kurds think that plays
are only for some intellectual people who can understand what is going on in the
play. Another reason is because children from the first levels of school are not taught
to love art and literature. And luck of having good theaters and artists is another
reason. Therefore, In both 19th century Russian and contemporary Kurdistan there is
some kinds of ignorance towards art and literature for different reasons as mentioned
In conclusion, there were many cultural differences and similarities between the two
worlds of these to stories and present Kurdistan. Nevertheless, in this essay I
compared the most important cultural theme existed within these works, such as
racism, parent s roles in generating new
Social Influences In Mean Girls, Directed By Cady Herron
The 2004 movie Mean Girls explores many concepts of social influences in your
typical high school setting. Cady Herron, the main character, was raised in African
bush country by her zoologist parents. Unaware to the social rules that teenage girls
face in todays society, her parents decided she needs to get socialised , and moved
her to a public high school. Being directly placed in the middle of the school clique
problem, by her new found friends; Damian and Janice, Cady Sets out to ruin
Regina Georges life, the leader of the Plastic clique, with help of her new friends.
The social influence concepts Conformity and Deindividuation Causes the girls to act
in way they would usually not, and will be explored more in my next two paragraphs.
... Show more content on ...
This is because being part of the group reduces our sense of responsibility and
personal identity. In the scene where Regina George post the burn book for the
rest of the School girls to find, Deindividuation is taking place with all of the girls
present in this scene. The girls are acting like animals which they would usually
not do if they were on their own. This is because there has been a shift in attention,
and the girls are focusing on the actions of the group in the external environment.
Causing the girls to have fewer opportunities to focus on their internal thoughts,
and no time for reflection about their actions. Cady Herron compares the girls
behaviour, to something she would see back in the african jungle. The severity of
this scene is quite extreme and could of caused the girls to have serious physical
damages, and mental damages. To counteract this scene, The principle and teachers
could of brought the girls on a personal level, by addressing the girls personally,
which would of made the girls not feel part of the group, giving their personal
identity and sense of responsibility back. Or they could of removed the girls from the
group, separating them and giving them their identity and responsibility
Unit 4 Health And Social Care Case Study
1.1.The Appellant gave birth to a baby on 1 October 1999 at the Respondent s
Hospital. As a result of complications during the delivery, the baby was born with
severe disabilities. 1.2.The Appellant sought damages from the Respondent for the
injuries sustained at the baby s birth as a result of the negligence of Dr McLellan,
employed by the Respondent. 1.3.The Appellant alleged negligence on the basis
that the Appellant ought to have been given advice 1.3.1.about the risk of shoulder
dystocia which would be involved in vaginal birth; and 1.3.2.of the alternative
possibility of delivery by elective caesarean section. 1.4.The Lord Ordinary rejected
the claims by following the approach in Sidaway v Board of Governors of the
Bethlem Royal Hospital and the... Show more content on ...
Bolam Test extent of the duty to advise is decided by reference to
accepted medical practice in the form of an identified body of responsible medical
opinion (Bolam, 586). have been raised on whether the same
approach should be applied in relation to a failure to advise a patient of risks.
Although Sidaway approves the application, the society has been developed. The
test should have no place in advice and warning cases. 4.1.2.Whether the Court s
dealing with disclosure of risk should be distinct from that with cases of diagnosis
and treatment. cases of the diagnosis and treatment, responsible
professional opinion will have an influential role to play in determining the
appropriate standard of care; in cases of the risk disclosure, it is not a question the
answer to which depends upon medical standards of practices. (Mason CJ, Brennan,
Dawson, Toohey and McHugh JJ in Rogers v Whitaker (1992) 175 CLR 479, 489
490). application of the Bolam test to this question will result in the
sanctioning of differences in practice which are attributable merely to divergent
attitudes among doctors as to the degree of respect owed to their
Gmo Harmful Effects
Another reason for the labeling of GMOs in food products is that very little is
known about them; they have the possibility of harming those that eat them. To
begin, this technology has only existed for a few decades, and something as
revolutionary as genetic modification is going to take years to perfect. While this
tech is still in it s experimental phases, it can cause certain side effects that harm
people all around the planet. One of such side effects is the unintended spread of
allergens, Researchers at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln produce evidence that
genetic engineeringof crops can spread allergens, which is potentially dangerous for
those with food allergies, (Staff). These allergens would cause much harm, creating
unsafe... Show more content on ...
Many vouch for the importance of GMOs in the world today and the greater
importance to come, and claim that labeling products containing them will only hurt
this budding, and possibly extremely fruitful, technology. However, the claims they
make to support this controversial method of food alteration hold little proven truth,
as very little is known about how effective GMOs really are. On the other hand, one
thing that is known are the dangers that the growth and consumption of GMOs
present, to both the safety and health of individuals and the world s environment.
Don t people deserve to know what they are eating, especially if what they are
eating may cause harm to them? If people choose to take the risk and eat this
experimental technology, then let them, but those who care about their health and
the environment should have the choice to avoid GMOs. That is all that labeling
does, provide the consumer with the choice to eat GMOs or not. Big Agra
companies like Monsanto do not want the consumer to have the choice, or the public
to be informed past what propaganda they release in support of their own products.
This is where the government must step in, it has a responsibility to protect it s
citizens. Once labeling has been instituted in America, the public will not only feel
safer and more secure about their food with the
Colorado Buffaloes Research Paper
This early in the football season, it s still difficult to get a clear idea about the
strength of any given team. Most of major conference teams have been playing
against lesser competition, making it precarious to pinpoint exactly where the
team sits as far as talent is concerned. It s kind of like doing a 5 Dimes review
without ever visiting the website. The Colorado Buffaloes After last year s 4 8
debacle, the Colorado Buffaloes have looked extraordinary so far this year. With a
record of 2 0, they have absolutely destroyed the competition, beating Colorado
State 44 7 and Idaho St. 56 7. In the process, they have average 587.5 YPG to rank
#9 in the nation for total offense. With that said, one has to wonder whether or not the
Buffaloes... Show more content on ...
Michigan fans with a long memory will certainly remember how Colorado stunned
Michigan in 1994 on a Hail Mary pass that created the legend of the Miracle at
Michigan. Could revenge be a factor since this is the first meeting between these
two teams in Michigan since 1994? The Wolverines have a balanced offensive
attack led by QB Wilton Speight, who has completed 70% of his passes for 457
yards and 7 TDs while only playing 5 quarters. They also have a real nice running
back in Chris Evans, who has 147 yards rushing and 2 TDs with only 17 carries.
The defense is currently ranked #11 in the nation for scoring defense, giving up
just over 8 PPG. The Buffaloes will counter the top ranked defense in the nation,
giving up a mere 160 YPG. However, the two teams they played are among the
worst in the nation on offense. Plus, Michigan is no Idaho State. They are loaded
for bear with some of the best blue chip players in the nation. With Michigan having
home field advantage, a revenge motive and superior talent, Colorado is going to be
hard pressed to stay close enough in this game to get the chance to heave another Hail
Mary. Taking everything into consideration, the final score figures to somewhere
Age Of The Fetus Essay
Introduction The first and foremost thing here in this case study is that the age of
the fetus is not clear at all as it is told that Jessica finds herself pregnant six months
before moving to their private quarters. Later it is told that four months later that
they went to the clinic. So there is a natural doubt when did Jessica and Marco go to
hospital for the tests? I proceed in this paper with an assumption that it is after four
months/seventeen weeks of her pregnancythat Jessica went to hospital.
The Theory / Theories The case is that of fetus abnormality where the fetus is seen
in the scan as deformed or specifically without arms and also a possibility of having
Down syndrome. It is true that the parents don t want such a child in ... Show more
content on ...
Rarely were the rights of the prospective mother, much less the prospective child,
taken into consideration. Although generally legal, the morality of abortion, birth
control and child abandonment (as a form of infanticide) was sometimes
discussed. Then, as now, these discussions often concerned the nature of man, the
existence of a soul, the beginning of life, and the beginning of human personhood.
If a fetus is a person, it is a person in very special circumstances it exists entirely
within the body of another much larger person and usually cannot be the object of
direct action by another person. The position Marco and her wife is not that clear
from the available case study. But the position of Aunt Maria is very clear. She
holds the view or the theory that of the pro life movement. Here the emphasize is
on the right of the embryo or fetus to gestate to term and be born. She is very clear
about the status of the fetus as it is human life and that is to be protected by all
means. The fetus has the right to be germinated and to be born and grow in to its
maturity. Nobody has the right to terminate a life that God has created.
The Simpsons Reflection
Whether you love them, or hate them, The Simpsons a key piece to young adulthood
in many homes around the world. From depicting things such as struggling with
disorders, problems with the boss, or average family life, most North American
families are able to relate to the The Simpsons and that is why we keep crawling
back each Sunday night. In the episode Mypods and Boomsticks, Bart Simpsonmeets
a new friend from Jordan named Bashir. After learning they share many common
interest, especially coming to food, Bart and Bashir become such good friends,
Bart learns that Bashir is a muslim. After learning this, Marge is proud of Bart for
meeting new people and stepping outside a comfort zone to meet and share new
experiences. Homer s reaction is quite the opposite. Once word gets out that
Homer s son has befriended a muslim, Homer s friends begin to spit stereotypes in
Homer s face about muslims and the culture behind Islam. After long, persuasive
conversations, half witted Homer decides to invite Bashir and his family to a
dinner in an attempt to Assimilate them to American culture, this includes offering
them Pork Back Ribs and a large american flag cake that Homer later states is
Poisonous. This shows Homer s apparent inability to make decisions for himself
and for the sake of his family. After this assimilation attempt, Bashir s family
realizes it is best if they leave. Upon leaving, Homer recognizes the mistakes and
decides to go to Bashir s home to apologize for his
Critically Evaluate The Role Of Investment Banks In The
Critically evaluate the role of investment banks in the process of financial
intermediation. Your analysis should consider the users and providers of funds. You
should support your analysis by using academic sources as well as relevant data and
charts taken from Bloomberg.
Consider how valid and reliable the research is: what are its strengths and
Appendix A
An overview of the financial intermediation process
Source: Allen, Chui, and Maddaloni (2004)
Lenders (issuers of financial securities) can supply funds to the borrowers (investors
in financial securities), who are mainly firms, governments and households, either
through financial markets, or through banks and other financial intermediaries such
as mutual funds. ... Show more content on ...
Another graph, displayed below, supports the idea of economies of scale achieved by
investment banks:
Source: rct=j q= esrc=s source=web cd=1
usg=AFQjCNHY1gXKe5t6yydmFT0EpEwEe6EP A bvm=bv.149093890,d.ZGg
We can clearly observe a negative relationship between the number of trades and the
cost per trade, implying that banks can benefit from economies of scale by engaging
more in trading activities (up to a certain point, where the function becomes more or
less constant).
Appendix D
Post crisis regulations effect on trading assets
Source: may pay price for
regulators risk reduction goals/
The regulations caused banks to face larger capital costs, therefore cutting
profitability and the willingness to hold bond inventories. This led to a 10% fall in
the trading assets of the six largest American banks since 2009.
Appendix E
Some limits on the role of investment banks as intermediaries
A number of authors have
The Sorrowful Woman By Gail Godwin
When it comes to marriage, we expect the fairy tale story that we grew up watching
on tv and reading in books; stories such as Cinderella, Snow White, or Aladdin. We
re convinced that marriage will solve our problems. We have the false conception
that marriage will bring us the perfect white picket fence, 2.4 kids and a nice dog;
that our husband/wife will be ideal, and that we ll live happily ever after. In the
story The Sorrowful Woman by Gail Godwin; modern marriage is portrayed as the
perfect fairytale that went horribly wrong. Godwin s protagonist The wife and
mother can be described as selfish and self centered due to her unwillingness to
conform to the fairytale that she finds herself resenting.
In a structured family each person has their own role in order for the family as a
whole to function properly. The wife is often referred to as the Angel in the house
. Her designated role is to be the nurturer. A good mother is expected to contribute
her whole life to her family. Mothers are expected to be the glue that holds a family
together. It is their responsibility to provide the loving care and support needed for
raising children, making her husband feel loved, and taking care of household
chores and preparing daily meals. In the household the father also has a fundamental
role. They play the breadwinner , their position in the marriage/ family is to care for
the needs of their family by providing shelter, food, and safety. Neither the wife nor
husband is
Implementation of the Provisions of the Foreign Arbitration
1 Implementation of the Provisions of the Foreign Arbitration In many states laws are
controlling the issue of implementation of the arbitral awards which are issued in that
state. But when the decision is taken to a foreigner who is in a country other than the
state, It must be noted in this regard that when it comes to the implementation of the
decision of a foreigner must search in how to recognize and implement these
decisions in the texts of international conventions that deal with this topic such as the
Convention of New York in 1958 and the Geneva Convention 1927. Because the
implementation of resolution which is on the face of difficulties arising from
different legal systems and procedures to be followed for the recognition and
implementation of those decisions. In a recognition and enforcement of foreign
arbitral awards in unity with the rules that govern these matters, which can be divided
into rules that define those procedures for foreign arbitral decisions as it will be
mentioned in the following: Collective international conventions. Bilateral
international agreements. National laws. Implementation of arbitral decisions
under international conventions collective: In order to unify the rules of the
implementation of foreign arbitral awards, many attempts has been held at the
international level. Several international conventions show how the recognition and
implementation of those decisions is the most
The Impact Of The Allies In World War II
World War II, the second time of the world war, lasted from September 1th, 1939 to
September 2th 1945. There were two difference alliances in the WWII, the Axis and
Anti fascist Alliance. The winner of the WWII was Allies, and there are many
reasons that can explain why Allies can win it. The most important reason is that
Allies gained most support from the public and citizens because Allies represented
the justice side. However, there is also a crucial factor that helps the Allies to win
the WWII which is the new invention and technology. Inventors made new weapons
such as tanks, proximity fuses and atom bomb. The impacts of these weapons were
positive to Allies in WWII and those new inventions make a big step of human
progress. Tanks were... Show more content on ...
Atom bomb is a new bomb invention during the WWII. Begin in 1944, some
young Japanese men chose to become kamikaze pilots who undertook suicide
missions, crashing their explosive laden airplanes into American warships (Ellis
Esler 588). Because of this team, Japan won a lot of battles and it made the United
States angry. Some scientists offered a new way to end of the war. They invented
a new bomb, this new bomb was super powerful than any bomb before, and this
project is called the Manhattan Project. In July 1945, American successfully tested
the first atom bomb in Alamogordo, New Mexico. Then they told president about
this project, during that time, the president of America is Harry Truman. And he
found that atom bomb was a really useful weapon to end the war, so he decided to
use it to against Japan. They gave Japan a warning about that surrender or complete
destruction and utter devastation . But Japan even didn t care about this. Then, the
hell was coming. On August6, 1945, American dropped the first atom bomb little
boy over the city of Hiroshima. The bomb flattened four square miles and instantly
killed more than 70,000 people (Ellis Esler 589). We can find that the atom bomb
was a definitely destruct weapon, it killed 70,000 people at the same time. We turned
back to look at Hiroshima. The city was hidden by that awful cloud...
A Thin Layer Of Fiction Are Looking Backward By
Throughout the years, literature has often been used as a means to spread social
critique. When it unfavorable or even dangerous to publicly speak out against the
society of the time, the written word can act as a shield. Adding a mask of fiction
to these novels allows the author to get their message out to the public who
otherwise would not take the time for such issues. Two novels that exemplify this
social critique behind a thin layer of fiction are Looking Backward by Edward
Bellamy and Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Both of these novels offer a
critique to certain aspects of American society during the time period, and do so in
very similar ways. Each of these novels, Looking Backward and Herland, depict
utopian societies in order to fully illustrate the issues that the authors see in their
current society. Although the issues being addressed may be different, the way
Bellamy and Gilman discuss them contain numerous parallels. Ranging from the
cause of these utopian societies, to the mindset of the individuals living in them, both
novels are very similar in their approach to social critique of America. Even the
differences between the two are caused by common reasons. These parallels show the
underlying format used by both Bellamy and Gilman that allowed them to identify
the flaws in American society and offer solutions to them. One such parallel found
within the novels is the cause of the utopian societies. Both Looking Backward and
Herland depict communities
Mark Antony Rhetorical Analysis
Mark Antony s use of rhetorical devices helped turn the crowd against the
conspirators in multiple ways in the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare.
Mark Antony was Caesar s best friend and right hand man. Caesar was killed by the
conspirators because they thought he was ambitious and was trying to take all the
power and become king. The conspirators gave Antony specific rules for what he
could and could not say when he gave his speech at Caesar s funeral. Mark Antonys
use of motifs, personality traits, and rhetorical devices such as the appeal to ethos,
logos, and pathos, and repetition in Julius Caesarhelp convince the crowd to rebel
against the conspirators. Mark Antony s appeal to the crowd s ethos, logos, and
pathos, helps him... Show more content on ...
Mark Antony says, Yet Brutus says he [Caesar] was ambitious. This quote was
used a grand total of three times in act 1 scene 2 on lines 95, 107, and 102. This
excerpt is used to show that Caesar was not determined to take the crown and rule
Rome. Each time this quote was used, Antony gave examples of how Caesar really
wasn t ambitious, such as when he says, I thrice presented him the kingly crown,
which he did thrice refuse (3.2.105 106). This quote shows that if Caesar really was
ambitious, then he would have taken the crown and become king, but instead he
refused. Not only did he refuse once, but three times. These examples shows many
examples as to why Caesar was not ambitious did not want to be king. Antony
repeats the phrase, And Brutus is an honorable man. This quote was repeated in
act one scene two in lines 96, 103, and 108. Each time this quote is said, Antony
had recently described why Brutus is honorable, such as when he says, He hath
brought many captives home to Rome (3.2.97). This quote paints Brutus as a hero
for bringing Roman people held in foreign lands home. The quote also brings to
question Brutus s own motives, questioning if he performed these gallant acts
because he himself is ambitious. The quote also questions why Brutus conspired
against his best friend if he is so honorable. Antony talks a lot about Honorable men
or Honorable man. He uses the quotes for a collective total of seven times. The
quotes are used in act one scene two in lines 91, 92, 103, 108, 136, 149, 163.
Antony was given a set of specific rules before giving his speech, one of which was
that he can not talk bad about the conspirators. Antony uses the word honorable to
make it seem as though the truthful and possibly bad things he says about the
conspirators was not as bad since they were still honorable, but none the less, Antony
Bellagio Casino Resort Case
Case 3: Controls at the Bellagio Casino Resort Bas Bodes0177784GroupA9 Odmar
Hannink s0169536Datum23 September 2011 Niels Wifbolds0171719 The Bellagio
Casino Resort (BCR) is one of the 23 properties of MGM MIRAGE and widely
recognized as one of the premier casino resorts in the world. Beside entertainments
options like an expansive pool and a world class spa there is a large casino area
which contains 2,409 coin operated gaming devices and 143 game tables. Just as
in most companies in this industry the casino area is leaded as a separated profit
centre (Merchant, Van der Stede, 2007, P.153 155) In this case we ll discuss the
control systems used in the BCR. 1. Prepare a list of all controls applied to the table
games in... Show more content on ...
After being released, the drop boxes are directly stored into so called carts which
again are being secured in a padlock. Once secured in these padlocks nor the pit
boss nor the security have access to the drop boxes anymore. This is clearly a type
of behavioural (physical) constraints which makes this type of control very tight
(because behaviour constraints can be considered as the tightest form on control).
Next to these examples there are multiple other standard procedures mentioned in
the case. Just as the Blackjack dealers these actions are controlled by all the
cameras (action tracking system) which tightens the control. However, comparing
the tightness of control with the blackjack dealers, pit bosses are a little bit more
loose controlled. This is mainly because a part of their work also consist of
paperwork which isn t controlled directly, whereas all of the actions of the
blackjack dealers are physical actions which are monitored and controlled all the
time. Vice president of table games As mentioned in the case the vice president
main task is to control everything which has anything to do with the table games. In
practice on of the biggest parts of his work consist of making unhappy customers
happy and keep satisfied customers satisfied. Because of the daily variation of this
task it s hard to dictate standard procedures and goals. This again makes it hard to
review and control his results and actions. Because
What Does Water Mean To You Essay
To someone I loved, My heart skips a beat, and my mind forgets to tell me to
breathe. My legs become paralyzed, and my mind becomes frozen. Can you tell
when I felt this way? As clichГ© as it may seem, that s how I felt when I saw you
during the earlier days of my growing crush. You took my breath away. I had no
words to describe what I saw. I hoped you were the only reason I would ever lose
my breath, but you weren t. Sometimes I can t breathe because I m exhausted from
all the work I ve done. Sometimes I can t breathe because I m holding my breath
for something exciting. Sometimes I can t breathe because I have been laughing
too much to catch my breath. But unfortunately, sometimes I can t breathe because
I m being pushed under the water. I m unable to come up for a breath. So
sometimes it s not that I can t breathe. In some situations, it s that I am drowning.
While I ve learned how to swim, I m drowning in everything that is thrown on me.
The weights drag me down deeper into the water. The water becomes more murky
and it becomes harder to see the daylight above me. As more weights are put on
me, the deeper I dive into the water. My arms are unable to flail around and bring
myself back up. My life may seem simple and particularly easy but in truth, it s...
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No one will ever have the exact same one as anyone else. I don t know your journey,
so I cannot judge you for that. And even though I say that, there are times when I still
judge a book by its cover. I m trying to remove the weights from my shoulders. I need
to take another breath before I go under again. The process would be quicker if I had
help, but it is my responsibility to bring myself up. I m slowly coming back up. I don
t know if I ll make it to the surface of the water before more weights are dropped on
me, but I m going to keep trying. As hard as it may seem, I know that I can reach the
surface for a breath, but I am unaware of how long it will take me before I
The Theological Doctrine Of The Holy Trinity
The Holy Trinity is, according to the Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, the
theological doctrine that God consists of three persons (Audi, 928). Those persons
are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Each within the religion of Christianity
are considered omnipotent and omniscient (IEP, URL). This theory validates the
actions of the religion s savior JesusChrist, who as the Son of God(and part of the
Holy Trinity) died a painful death of suffering for the sins of humans. This offers
reasoning for the worship of different God s within the monotheistic religion. The
concept of the Holy Trinity creates a paradoxical puzzle that many philosophers and
theologians are still trying to explain to this day. However, during medieval times
philosophers may have gone through greater lengths to explain the trinitarian view
than any other era in philosophical history. The Catholic Church s council carries
forth hearings relative to those of the United States judicial system, and has
maintained this method since medieval times. However, during those times it was
much easier to get charged for heresy, which caused a shared viewpoint in most of the
writings of the time, based largely on the groundwork put forth initially by Saint
Augustine of Hippo. This viewpoint, like many others that are somewhat
misunderstood, morphed into what is written by those philosophers playing it safe ,
but still carry the essence of Augustine s primary influence, Plotinus.
Business Functions Of A Business
Identify the business functions MWS will need in order to operate effectively.
MWS needs a variety of business functions in order to operate effectively. Identifying
the business functions for any organization serves as a starting point in developing its
mission statement. As the business of the company is over the internet, therefore, It
needs to determine that how the internet will further the information and efforts for
communication of the company and with whom the information will be shared? The
company needs to know about its statement of purpose. The way an organization or a
business uses information is linked to what the organization does. MWS needs to
identify the statement of purpose, mission and vision statement in order to bring
awareness among people about the organization s core functions and objectives, that
can help the company increase sales.
State the objectives of each business function in relation to e commerce.
As a new venture, the first step for getting success in e commerce is to set the goals.
The objectives may include the plan to increase the revenues from existing customers,
gaining new customers, increasing the number of orders on daily basis, selling of the
products through new and different channels and lowering the prices (Arline, 2015).
Once an organization is able to identify its goals it is the time for the company to
formulate the plan. SWOT analysis can help the firms to know about the strengths,
weakness, opportunities and threats of
Time And Time Again We Witness Minorities Fall Victim To
Time and time again we witness minorities fall victim to the cycle of poverty and
violence. As each generation passes by, they are unable to release themselves of the
conditions they grew up with and are familiar with. Based on a 2016 survey, it
revealed that there were nearly three times as many blacks and Latinos living in
povertyin the U.S compared to whites (Poverty Rate by Race/Ethnicity). With
statistics like these, it leads me to wonder why minorities are more likely to live a
life of poverty and violence. Although some may say that it is purely due to a lack of
motivation to improve their lives, they ignore the reality of institutional racism and
the psychological affects which play a role in enforcing the longevity of the poverty...
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The government also tends to forget about cities plunged into poverty and choose to
fund housing projects in more affluent parts to increase their potential revenue.
There have been reports showing that Segregation levels rose with levels of black
population growth, suggesting that public housing policies were a response from
white elites in government to isolate blacks into certain areas, away from high
paying business districts (Bickford and Massey 1991). This form of racism allows
minority groups to suffer while whites prosper.
Hand in hand with the lack of affordable and livable housing conditions, minorities
face difficulties with employment opportunities in these areas. Those who live in
poor cities are automatically disadvantaged because many employers migrate from
these cities to prosperous ones to increase their income. If they were to stay in
poverty ridden towns, they could potentially file for bankruptcy because their
consumers are unable to afford what employers have to offer. As more businesses
move away, the less opportunities citizens have to pull themselves out of poverty. A
lack of revenue flowing through the city also contributes to its increase of poor
citizens. Topdog/underdog exemplifies this through Booth s unemployment and
Lincoln s low wage job. When it comes to Booth, he resorts to theft rather than
searching for employment. The lack of opportunities led this man to believe that
stealing was his only option to obtain possessions. Along with
Symptoms Affect My Performance At Work
While the migraine and preceding symptoms affect my performance at work, this
condition has also affected my personality as well as my personal life. Having
surprise migraine attacks more days than not has unquestionably changed who I am.
By nature, I am a friendly, outgoing, energetic, happy person with a sense of humor.
With migraines, I am a crabby, depressed, frustrated, emotional person. My headaches
dictate my moods and character. When I wake in the morning with swollen fingers
and a tight neck, my mood is instantly that of worry because those are signs that a
migraine will soon arrive. I start thinking of all the things I will not be able to do
and plans that I may have to cancel. I will not be able to walk my dogs, work in my
garden, go to Zumba, clean the house, socialize with friends or cook dinner for my
family. Sometimes I avoid making plans at all because I know I will eventually be
sick. I withdraw from my friends and family. My mood shifts to anger. Angry
because I cannot enjoy my life as I want. Then I am grouchy and sad. I worry that
others will think I am weak or dramatic. Many days I try not to let the migraine
take over my life. I fight to continue to go about my day; but I am usually irritable
with my friends, family, and co workers. My frustration level increases. There are
limitations of what I can do because most of the time I can barely move my head
without experiencing unbearable painor vomiting. I try to fake through so I do not
Advantage And Disadvantage Of Uwb
In the recent pass, both academia and industry field have shown a substantial general
interested in wireless medium communications, Ultra wideband (UWB) transmission
applications [1, 2]. Having numerous advantages such as high data rate on very low
power and short distance range technology makes UWB as a fascinating technology.
Those benefits placed UWB as an interesting technology for military and medical
applications that uses radar and information sensing.
Figure 1.1: Example of direct conversion transceiver
Figure 1.1 shows the example of direct conversion transceiver. It is to give brief
picture that power amplifier (PA) is a critical component that is capable to deliver
high power for UWB transmitter. However, the implementation of Radio Frequency
(RF) power amplifier is one of the challenging aspects in emerging ... Show more
content on ...
In this chapter, the topic included was project overview, problem statements,
objectives, project scope and report outline.
Chapter 2 is covered by literature review. It is an overview about UWB
technologies as it stated it s the benefits of UWB in terms of its characteristics
features and applications. This chapter is also concern about the concepts of CMOS
technology. Fundamentals of power amplifier are also included in Chapter 2 such as
the specification of the power amplifier performance, the linear and switching mode
classes, and the its topology,. Not to mention the previous works related to CMOS
power amplifier for UWB applications are at the last part of the chapter.
Chapter 3 covers the design methodology that is proposed for this low band UWB
CMOS power amplifier project. It consists of project design stages, project flow
chart process and project planning timeline on completing this final year project. It
also dwells with the proposed power amplifier design specification and expected
outcome for this
Book Report On Ravens Gate By Anthony Horowitz
The whole area seemed deserted and forgotten. At least that s what Matt thought
before breaking and entering into the place in which Kelvin, his one and only friend
was to attempt murder. (I chose that quote for it expresses my feeling towards this
book quite well.) Raven s Gate, by Anthony Horowitz was not nearly as exciting,
suspenseful, and entertaining as I originally thought. Though it does have its
moments, with a hard to follow plot twists, vague explanations, and unclear scientific
references, this book was not an especially easy read.
The novel revolves around 14 year Matthew Freeman, one of five children who
saved the world once before and are destined to did it again. After getting arrested,
he is sent to live with Mrs. Deverill
Similarities Between Aslan And God
The Chronicles of Narnia, by C.S. Lewis, uses analogy to tell about God`s
interactions with his creation and how great and loving God is. This analogy
represents different things in the
Bible many times, from Aslan taking Edmund`s place at the Stone Table to making a
new world, with a recognizable England and Narnia but better, in The Last Battle.
Aslan is God in Narnia, or is he? I believe Aslan represents God, because they share
some similarities, but they do have some differences.
In this essay, I compared God and Aslan as seen in the Bibleand The Magician`s
Nephew, and have similarities and differences between Aslan and God. In the next
section, the third paragraph, I have similarities, in the fourth paragraph I have ... Show
more content on ...
However, when Aslan was creating Narnia, he sang, and when God created, He
just spoke (Lewis 107 and Genesis 1). In Genesis 1, God said many times It was
good for He was talking about His creation (Genesis 1). It also says: And God said,
Let there be light, and there was light (Genesis 1). There is a difference between
singing and speaking. God created humans different from everything else he had
created, molded in His image and likeness (Genesis 2), but
Aslan made a cabby and his wife the first king and queen, but he did not create them
(Lewis 149
152). The Magician`s Nephew says: Aslan threw up his shaggy head, opened his
mouth, and uttered a long, single note...when all of a sudden a young woman...and
stood beside her
(Polly)...the cabby`s wife (Lewis, 149). In other words, Aslan summoned the cabby`s
wife to
Narnia (Lewis 149). When Aslan created the animals, they grew out of the ground in
Narnia, but not in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 1 2 and Lewis 122 123). Wait, this is
interesting. In Genesis
2: 19, it says, Now the Lord had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and
birds of the sky (Genesis 2:19) . Does the Bible mean it literally, or does it mean
something else and C.S.
Lewis used it as a parallel in The Magician s Nephew? Aslan sang while God spoke to
create a world, and only God created humans in His image.
I view Aslan as Jesus in Narnia! They created worlds and inhabitants (Lewis 107 and
Genesis 1)! They know
The Natural Radioactivity Of Soil Samples
Abstract The concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K are measured in the material
collected from two locations. The collected materials are tested using gamma ray
spectrometry. The activity concentration of the naturally occurring radionuclides
226Ra, 232Th and 40K in building material it varies from 12.6 to 121.4, 13.6 to 142
and from 69.5 to 620.6 Bqkg_1, respectively. The radium equivalent activity, the
absorbed dose rate, annual effective dose and hazard index is also calculated
Keywords Radionuclides, radiological hazard, building material radioactive 1.
Introduction Natural sources exist in several geological formations such as soils,
rocks, sediments, vegetation, water and air emit radiation. While 4% is of artificial
origin (Chougan kar et al., 2003; El Daly and Hussein, 2008) [1]. The natural
radioactivity of soil samples determined from the 226Ra, 232Th and40K contents.
Rocks and soils contribute considerably to indoor and outdoor exposure to the
environmental radioactivity by gamma radiation emitting mainly from 226Ra, 232Th
and 40K contents, and beta radiation. The soil radioactivity is a good indicator of the
distribution and accumulation of radioactivity in the environment and knowledge of
these concentrations provides useful information in the monitoring of environment
radioactivity (kessaratikoon and Awaekechi, 2008) [2]. Even though these
radionuclides are extensively distributed, their concentrations have been proven to
depend on the local geological
Essay on Brian Friel s Translations
Brian Friel s Translations
Brian Friel s play Translations was the first production of the Field Day Theatre
Company in Derry in 1980, which Friel co founded with Stephen Rea. It describes
the beginning of the process of Anglicization in a relatively remote Gaelic speaking
area during the 1833 Survey of Ireland, in which the English mapped Ireland, both
culturally and geographically. Years of concerted anglicizing of the Irish by the
British early in the 19th century led to the widespread fall into disuse of the native
Gaelic tongue. National schools teaching exclusively in English began to open during
the Survey of Ireland, and English culture encroached rapidly into Ireland. William
Butler Yeats and Douglas Hyde write from the... Show more content on ...
Hyde s speech argues that the Irish had by that point indiscriminately adopted all that
was English with little thought as to its value, that the Irish had [ceased] to be Irish
without becoming English. 2 He criticizes those Irish who claim to hate British
dominance, yet speak only English, anglicize their Irish names, and remain ignorant
of Gaelic literature. His central view is that the Gaelic language is the most important
aspect of an Irish identity distinct to that of the British, and that only a return to
Ireland s native language can halt the process of Anglicization. However, he is careful
not to make the claim that nothing English is of value, but emphasizes the necessity
of not neglecting that which is essentially Irish.
The history of Ireland is one of early scholasticism and rich culture in times when
the rest of Europe had less of a literary and artistic tradition. By the time of Hyde s
speech, the nation had become one of the least studious and most un literary 3
countries of the area, and he claims that the fault lies in a divergence from the right
path. 4 Progressive Anglicization has led the Irish to forget their own culture and its
traditions. The British claim that because the Irish have forgotten much of their
language and customs, they should be content as an integral part of the United
Kingdom, and
Racial Tension In Do The Right Thing
In the finals scenes of Do the Right Thing, there is a bountiful amount of escalating
conflict that leads to Mookie s ultimate decision to throw a metal garbage can
through the shop window of Sal s pizzeria, which in turn leads to the entire
neighborhood in uproar over the racial tension that is established throughout the rest
of the movie. Before Mookie makes any kind of movement, the neighborhood is
yelling over the lack of respect from him and his sons toward the other members of
the neighborhood (specifically the non white members). Mookie throws the garbage
bag away on the floor so that can carry the empty can to the front window and throw
it inside. The neighborhood reacts by charging in through the broken window and the
front door. Once
Enervation In The Triumph Of Death Essay
Drizelle Baluyot
Enervation in The Triumph of Death
In a perfect world, sickness and death no longer exist. Ideally, there would be
wholesome bodies, pure souls, and a transcendence that takes human beings beyond
the limits of their imagination. Although Giorgio Aurispa longs for this kind of
transcendence, he has found that life was but a seething mass of impurity (104).
Human beings have managed to find purpose in the midst of life s endless scheme of
enervation through work, religion, responsibility, and community. However, this is
not always the case for the privileged, which Gabriele D Annunzio blatantly
addresses in his novel The Triumph of Death through Giorgio Aurispa, a 20 year old
man who has become wealthy through inheritance from his uncle who has just
committed suicide. Giorgio begins his journey towards enervation after no longer
having need of these different spheres of life and instead, immerses himself with
sensuality, materialism, and whatever pleasures his heart desires. Gabriele D
Annunzio used Giorgio s ambivalence to demonstrate how his journey of enervation
was birthed out of privilege. ... Show more content on ...
With sickness and death constantly surrounding Giorgio, he wasn t able to get
through life by focusing on other aspects, such as work, community, or love. Giorgio
s tendency towards privilege led him to a prideful man, an unmoved Nietzsche
superman who would not settle for less than the ideal. D Annunzio used The Triumph
of Death as a pessimistic warning to the privileged that the obsessive pursuit of
transcendence will only lead to a disappointment that has the potential to destroy a
person s soul. Life is not meant to be experienced through an idealized lens, but
through hard work, dedication, responsibility, community, and everything that gives
life the fullness of
Essay about Preventing Plagiarism in Writing
Plagiarism is a act of imprinting another person s writing, conversation, or even ideas.
This even includes the information one gets from WebPages, the published papers
online and even articles
Paraphrasing is also considered plagiarism if done without proper internal citation.
Plagiarism stays still unclear because often the boundary between plagiarism and
research is unclear. Plagiarism is also considered as academic dishonesty and breach
of ethics. It s not a crime though which must have a legal action but in academy and
organizations or industries it is considered to be a serious offence. In educational
institutions plagiarism is defined in multiple ways. They ... Show more content on ...
General knowledge or some points related to common sense of a person do not
require any credits to be given as these are factual. Some examples of general
knowledge include birth dates , political or other historical events. This
information can be considered as public domain. Field Specific common
knowledge is also common within a particular field. To be more precise whenever
there is a inclusion of facts theories or methods that are not known to the people of a
particular discipline, citation can be avoided or any credit to the source can be
In the discussion over plagiarism factors responsible for it , methods to avoid
plagiarism and proper difference between a material which is plagiarized and one
which is mistaken to be plagiarized is understood. As often there is a confusion
over this. Plagiarism is a important concept to know and the ways to avoid them
must also be learned. It is very important to give proper credit to the contributions
of other people. It shows that there is due regard and recognition to their hard work.
Plagiarism is more common in academic world. There is a increasing lure among
the students and professors job complicates. Learning a concept and the ability to
portray what was learned earns due respect . Here is a famous quote which depicts
the importance of learning and gaining knowledge rather than just copying other
persons views
The principal mark of genius is not perfection but originality, which marks the
The Importance Of A Good Society Is Not Achieved By
The quantitative analysis of the merit of a society is one very multifaceted and
complex task; however, one truth remains certain: a good society is not achieved by
chance or by default. Each and every successful society has succeeded because at a
certain point, members of the society acted collectively to create structure and
organization. Universities and institutions, transportation networks, and public
healthcare, are all structures that have been put in place to help individuals succeed
in various areas. From Travels of a T shirt in the Global Economy, it is evident that
without necessary trade, negotiations, and boundaries, the millions of T shirts
produced would not be able to flow across global communities, bringing alongside
them countless job opportunities, more effective governance systems, and enhanced
research and innovations. Clearly, one of the key aspects of a good functioning
society is the establishment of good and effective structures. While the best form of
that structure can be debated, the fact that a good society needs structure and
organization is a fixed and fundamental condition. In order for this structure to
provide a foundation of a good society, there are a few other conditions that must
follow among them are attentiveness to all members of the society, commitment to
universal values, and flexibility to change and adapt. In addition to structure, a good
society is one that works to help all members thrive, especially individuals at the
The Rhetorical Analysis Of Against Music By Mo Tzu
Against Music
Mo Tzu s Against Music Has a strange opinion on music, he believes that music
should be condemned, and not be listened to. When he was alive from (470 391
BCE) Mo Tzu was not like all the other philosophers of his time in ancient China. He
believed that music was only good for a very small number of people, the rich which
conflicted with Confucianism which said it was a force of good. In the essay he uses
various examples of why music in not good and should be condemned. One of Mo
Tzu s many reasons for condemning music includes, that it does not benefit the
common people and only looks to entertain the rich. Mo Tzu also talks about taxing
people for music is a waste of resources and asks why the common people should pay
for ... Show more content on ...
I believe he is wrong, in the essay he states Their music making interferes to such
an extent with peoples efforts to produce food and clothing . I disagree with this
statement everyday people listen to music and get things done an example of this
is listening to music and doing homework I can personally relate to this one.
People in college like me use music as a way to focus ourselves. Sometimes in
some situations it can be distracting, I find especially if the music has lots of
singing it can be distracting as opposed to music with only instruments. He also
speaks as if music is some sort of drug that prevents us from reaching our goals
because it distracts us. He is wrong as I stated before sometimes music can be a
distraction, but to say it stops us from reaching our goals, and doing our basic tasks
is just wrong. I listen to music everyday it is a part of my life just as much as
eating, and sleeping. And I have done many great things and am on a path to a
productive life as an adult. Music has helped me along the way to get through some
rough times and some good ones. I disagree with what Mo Tzu says about music.
Although one can argue that music can sometimes cause a distraction. Music is
mostly a +hobby for people not a career or something that you are required to do. If
someone is distracted by music it s their fault not the music they should know when
they can listen to music and when they
Geographic Information Science And Systems
Joseph Crain
GPHY 384 Term Paper
Geographic information science and systems can be an extremely powerful tool
when properly applied to real world situations. GIS is commonly thought of as map
making because it deals with spatial analysis, but data can be managed and
manipulated to create a vast array of different outputs including charts and graphs.
There are several software programs capable of dealing with GIS synthesis and
analysis. The focus of this paper applies to use of ArcMap 10.1 GIS software for data
management and output creation. GIS can provide several key benefits: cost savings
from better efficiency, better decision making, improved communication, better
record keeping, and understanding changes in geographic ... Show more content on ...
Providing updated geographic or spatial information is a primary responsibility of
many government organization. GIS provides the structure for maintaining,
updating, and organizing all of these records. ROI on Montana s GIS based
statewide cadastral system is more than $9 million annually. GIS is becoming
essential to understanding what is happening and what will happen in geographic
space. Once we understand, we can prescribe action. is gis
The general area of focus for this assignment is in the field of geology. My specific
interests in this field include mineral exploration (locating) and exploitation
(recovery). My career goal is to work for an exploration company location potential
resources. GIS is essential for success in both of these processes. GIS programs are
used to map geologic formations, provide topological information, display
watersheds, and show vital spatial relationships between outcrops in the field.
Knowing the location of specific formations will help in finding potential payload
sources. Topographical information can be used to provide planning information
for roads and other forms of access to the payload. Cost analysis can be modeled in
a $ per distance format by knowing the type of terrain being crossed. Cadastral data
can be used to display parcel ownership information. This can be very useful when
beginning to negotiate for mineral rights. Water is the main method of
Evaluate The Impact Of Human Capital Disclosure On...
The paper ascertained the impact of human capital disclosure on shareholders
value using panel pool, fixed and random models in Nigeria oil and gas companies
from 2004 to 2016. The work uses secondary source of data in an attempt to
achieve the set objective of the study and to solve the problem under study. The
secondary data were obtained from the annual financial reports of selected listed oil
and gas companies as released by the Nigerian Stock Exchange over the period 2005
2014. Measurement of Variables
The dependent variable; Shareholders value as used in this study was measured
similarly to the one used by Olayiwola, (2016) which have been widely embraced in
the literature as shareholders value and is measured ... Show more content on ...
DPS= Dividend Per Share (proxy for shareholders value)
HCD= Human Capital Disclosure/Costs (In aggregate)
U= error term
HCR .................... +/
Human capital costs comprises of Salaries and Wages, Training Cost, Retirement
Benefits, Medical/Health and Labour Turnover
The aggregate of the indices for measuring human capital disclosure shall be
regressed against the dividend per share of companies to determine the impact of
labour cost accounting information disclosure on the profitability potential of oil and
gas companies.
Relationship between dividend per share and shareholders value of oil and gas
Dependent Variable: DPS
Method: Panel Least Squares
Date: 06/22/17 Time: 05:19
Sample: 2004 2016
Periods included: 13
Cross sections included: 9
Total panel (balanced) observations: 117
VariableCoefficientStd. Errort StatisticProb.
Salaries Wages (N 000)0.3335280.1052313.1694810.0020
Training Cost (N 000)0.2427600.0981472.4734360.0149
Retirement benefits (N 000)0.1716640.1978110.8678150.3874
Pension Provident Fund (N 000)0.0157870.1191440.1325080.8948
Medical/Health (N 000)0.1794970.0953141.8832110.0623
Labour Turnover Ratio0.0142910.0756410.1889300.8505
R squared0.416917Mean dependent var2.334626
Adjusted R squared0.385112S.D. dependent var0.611377
S.E. of regression0.479410Akaike info criterion
Double Bass Drumming Research Paper
The evolution of drumming is quite an interesting story. Many occurrences have
contributed to the changes the kit style of drumming. Traveling through time the
drum has become a major part of any modern day band. Beginning with double
drumming, into the invention of the double bass drumming, and ending with the
invention of the modern drumstick. After the civil war, around the 1900 s, marching
drummers tried to figure of how one person could play the whole percussion section.
Double drumming allowed someone to do that; by having one player play both a
bass drumbeat and snare drum beat. One popular rhythm that was used in double
drumming was a four in a bar bass drum, while doing a close roll on snare. By 1876,
theater orchestras and dance bands had adopted the technique of drumming into their
music.... Show more content on ...
This technique changed the drum kit to have two bass drums instead of just the
average one bass drum kit. Louie Bellson was the first drummer to record a double
bass drum part. The recording was the song, Skin Deep by the Duke Ellington
Orchestra. Many drummers practiced double bass drumming after Louie Bellson,
making the technique popular. Double bass drumming opened the door to many
different kinds of music. Different forms of double bass drumming can be found in
early rock or modern day metal. Today s modern day form of double bass drumming
is the use of a double bass pedal. I use double drumming when I preform drum solos
and in my everyday playing. Making the use of a single bass drum capable to make a
double bass sound. Some of the legends of the double bass are Lars Ulrich, Neil
Peart, and James the Rev
Franklin Delano Roosevelt And The Populist Movement
The late nineteenth century and early twentieth century marked a period of industrial
revolution in America. The growing industrial labor force significantly widened the
gap between the needs of urban, industrial America, and rural, farming America.
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt s New Plan was successful in addressing the
United State s economic and social needs by integrating the desires of both the rural
Populist agenda and the urban Progressivist agenda.
During his time in office, there were many reasons as to why Roosevelt needed to
make changes. Citizens of the US began wanting reform with the beginning of the
populist movement in the 1870s. The need for reform continued with the beginning
of the progressive movement in the 1890s. ... Show more content on
Franklin Delano Roosevelt s creation of the New Deal was positively influenced by
Populism as the US did not feel threatened by other countries as well as
experiencing a growth of steadiness in the US economy. The purpose creating the
New Deal was to resolve the economic problems after the Great Depression.
Populism, a political philosophy supporting the rights and power of people who
were disadvantaged from the wealthy, was a positive movement that help create
success for the New Deal. Examples of Populist Movement is the Granger
Movement, also known as the National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry, and
Farmers Alliance. The Granger Movement was created to advance methods of
agriculture, as well as to promote the social and economic needs of farmers in the
United States (Gilder). The main focus of the Granger Movement was to assist
farmers because railroads owned many grain elevators, so along other laborers, they
charged farmers for storage as well. The movement allowed farmers to fight for their
desires and not allow the government to constantly only focus on the wealthy. The
Grange had ways to combat the federal government s economic policies, which
heavily favored industry over agriculture ( Not only did the movement
benefit farmers, but it also helped shape America s farmland. Although the Granger
Movement was successful, it was also linked with the Farmers Alliance, which was a
more political party. The Farmers Alliance, including the Southern Alliance and
Agriculture Wheel, grew rapidly. Although it was difficult for these agricultural
groups to unite, they all had similar beliefs that the nation s financial system needed
reform because agricultural prices were low and transportation prices were high.
Therefore, the goal of the populist party was to unite the farmers of America for their
protection against class legislation and the
The Ten Item Personality Inventory Exercise
The Ten Item Personality Inventory exercise is implemented with a participant. The
participant was asked to answer 10 questions about how she
INTRO (5pages)
Each and every one of us is different in a unique way; in today s time a person s
personality is seen as their own unique code or pattern that tends to define who they
are in terms of emotions and behavior. With the help of the Big Five Personality
Traits Theory we can actually determin a person s personality.
The first factor of the theory is openness to experience which tends to deal with
insight and imagination as well as having many interests including a wide variety in
taste of music, books or artwork. Other opinions and critiques tend to believe that
openness also includes an emotional aspect as well as unusual ideas and curiosity.
Factor two, conscientiousness, refers to the idea that one can act with self
discipline and acts in a way that is more measured out rather than spontaneous and
in one way or another efficient and dependable. Many critiques believe that this
factor also refers to people have a strong work ethic, are focused as well as
disciplined which leads to a sense of organization. Many psychologists nowadays
agree that people falling under this category will always believe that they are
prepared for any give task through using the method of following a strict ... Show
more content on ...
As the name suggests these people are extroverts and they enjoy being with those
around them. Many psychologists believe that people falling in this category, when
finding themselves in a group, will tend to assert themselves in attempt to make
themselves seen and heard, thus drawing major attention to one s self. Some go as
far as to say that an extraversionist would say that he/she is the life of the party and
enjoys experiencing positivity from those around
Tristan And Isolde Essay
In Tristan, by Gottfried Von Strassburg, Tristan and Isolde s love is best
characterized as being moral and immoral at the same time. This paradoxical
feature is indivisible to their relationship and it appears in various incidents, for
example, when Isolde receives the ordeal of hot red iron and when Isolde and
Tristan lie together in a cave with a sword between them.
In Chapter 23, in order to prove her innocence and to end the rumor in the court,
Isolde has to accept Bishop s suggestion for an ordeal of hot red iron. She fears her
reputation and honor will be ruined at once and she is also troubled by the fact that
she needs to come up with a plot to whitewash her falseness (246). She confides all
these secret struggles to God and she finds her way through praying and fasting.
Isolde does not feel bad about her immoral love with Tristan; ... Show more content
on ...
Tristan and Isolde are banished because Mark, King of Cornwall, is suspicious
again. Led by the master huntsman, Mark discovers the cave where the two live in
and, with deep suspicion in his heart, he believes this is the chance to discover the
truth. Through the window, he finds his wife and nephew well away from each
other, one on one side, the other on the other, with the naked sword between them
(272). Tristan and Isolde seem to be so innocent, however, they hide their guilt in
deep as this is another plot to cover their immoral love. The virtuous act is indeed
immoral because it hides their intimate relationship. Tristan proposes this plan out
of constant fear that someone might discover their relationship. Isolde adopts the
plan as neither does she want it to happen. In fact, the two enjoy their time together
very much. The cave they live in is called the Cave of Lovers, with a bed in the
center which is engraved along its sides with letters, announcing that the bed was
dedicated to the Goddess of Love (261). It is like the all knowing God prepares this
cave for
Persuasive Essay On Soda
Introduction: According to the, last updated January 17, 2017, In
2013, the average American drank just over 38 gallons of soda a year... Most of us
could agree that we ve indulged on a cold refreshing coca cola, for that matter any
other soda. Throughout the years soda has became a staple in our lives, it
completes our dinners, and goes great with popcorn at the movies. However,
consuming soda has far more serious health risks than we may realize. For that
reason, I invite you all to limit the amount of soda you in take. Today I will discuss
the ingredients found in soda, the health risks of drinking soda, and alternatives to
drinking soda.
Ingredients of a Soda
Essentially soda is made of water, sugar, and other detrimental ingredients that
provide zero nutritional value to our bodies.
According to, last accessed November 1, 2017, high fructose corn
syrup is an artificial sweetener made from cornstarch. High fructose corn syrup is
cheap, therefore it is commonly used in the U.S., last updated in
2008, reports that high fructose corn syrup was popularized in the 70 s replacing
sugar. High fructose corn syrup is widely used because it is cheaper and comes in
liquid form making the transporting process quicker. Although this ingredient may
taste delicious in our soda, several studies show that the overconsumption of HFCS is
linked to diabetes, heart diseases, and obesity.
According to, last
Essay On Augustine Of Hippo
Augustine of Hippo Aurelius Augustinus was born in 354 AD and is better known as
Augustine of Hippo, or rather Saint Augustine. He is still today regarded as an
influential individual who contributed immensely to western theology and
philosophy, Augustine was the Bishop of Hippo Regius which is located in Africa
and formed part of the Roman Empire. He was an early church father and his writings
contributed to western theology which in addition shaped values and influence, these
famous writings include: The City of God, Confessions and The Trinity. Augustine s
upbringing Augustine was born into the honourable and wealthy family, Aurelius,
who formed a part of the upper class of citizens in Roman Africa. His father only
converted to Christianity... Show more content on ...
He described this relationship as a marriage of the body soul unity, where the body
constituted being the wife. The two substances should be in perfect harmony,
however, they are two entirely different things, one you can see, while the other can
be seen as a spiritual aspect. The metaphysics of Plato and Descartes were similar to
that of Augustine s, however, Augustine did not give too much depth when
explaining the metaphysics of the soul and body. One s body is intricate which is
made up of four elements and the soul is a single unified state, the soul can be seen
as conducting reason and operating the body. The soul is ultimately superior to the
body, which contributes to our intelligence and reason. Augustine s work: In the City
of God, his interpretation of Genesis suggested that God created everything in the
universe not in seven calendar days but rather simultaneously. The structure of
creation in Genesis signifies a logical framework and it should rather be seen as a
spiritual than a literal meaning. He comments that once new information surfaces we
should be open minded as the interpretation Genesis one is problematic in some
aspects. (Johnson, L J. 2009. P
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Beauty Essays

  • 1. Beauty Essays Crafting an essay on the topic of "Beauty Essays" can be a challenging yet fascinating endeavor. The difficulty lies in the subjective nature of beauty and the vast spectrum of perspectives surrounding it. Beauty is a concept that transcends cultural, historical, and individual boundaries, making it a complex and multifaceted subject to explore. To begin with, defining beauty itself poses a significant challenge. Beauty is often said to be in the eye of the beholder, reflecting the diversity of opinions on what constitutes attractiveness or aesthetic appeal. Delving into the philosophical aspects of beauty adds another layer of complexity, as thinkers throughout history have debated its essence, from Plato's ideal forms to modern discussions on subjective relativism. Furthermore, the societal influence on beauty standards complicates the analysis. Media, culture, and social norms all play pivotal roles in shaping perceptions of beauty. Examining the impact of these factors requires a nuanced understanding of the interplay between individual preferences and external influences. The historical evolution of beauty standards is another aspect that demands careful consideration. What may have been considered beautiful in one era could be drastically different in another. Exploring the shifts in these standards over time provides valuable insights into societal values and changes. Additionally, addressing the psychological and emotional dimensions of beauty adds depth to the essay. The impact of beauty on self-esteem, body image, and mental well-being requires a thoughtful exploration of psychological research and theories. In conclusion, navigating the intricate layers of the "Beauty Essays" topic involves tackling philosophical, cultural, historical, and psychological aspects. It demands a keen analytical mind and the ability to synthesize diverse perspectives. The challenge, however, is met with the reward of unraveling the complexities of a concept that has captivated human minds for centuries. If you find yourself struggling with such an essay or similar academic tasks, consider seeking assistance. Various resources, including professional writing services, offer support in crafting well-researched and articulate essays on a wide range of topics. Beauty Essays Beauty Essays
  • 2. The High Initiate Of Isis Research Paper What is interesting to hold as a perspective is that the world in which you currently live struggles to be in a place of rhythm and a place of balance. Devotees to the Divine Feminine did not struggle in their devotion. They walked the path of their own enlightenment, ask about it, wonder how to have time for it. The High Initiates of Isis were trained from a young age to walk in rhythm with the seasons and flow with the tides of the moon. It simply was, what was. It was the only way of life they knew. They were witnessed as living embodiments of the Goddess herself. Those who witnessed the beauty of these women, referred them. These women were the standards. They were beings of radiant light that inspired men to their greatness, women to ... Show more content on ... Temple start by walking through life from a place of presence, from mindfulness. This will begin to place triggers in your awareness to find the beauty in the moment and create space in the moments in between. Notice your surroundings. Notice the beauty. Notice the magic. Notice the richness that is swirling around you in each and every moment. From there... Honor the rising sun and the setting sun. Observe the effects of the dark and fullness of the moon Feel the pulse in the ebbs and flows of your own lunar cycles. The more esoteric teachings were for the High Initiates...for the women who have long standing Soul contracts dedicated to this work. However all priestess and devotees to the Divine Feminine had established daily practices linked to the Sun and weekly practices that were in rhythm with the moon. Understand that you are a beacon of this work. Yes, you do this for yourself. And that is the place to begin. But as you allow this work to embody you, it is through your being, not your busyness, that your light blossoms, your heart opens and the radiant body fuels the greatness of all men and women kind. As it is in love.
  • 3. Regulate Use of Cell Phones on the Road When a cell phone goes off in a classroom or at a concert, people are irritated, but at least lives are not endangered. When on the road, however, irresponsible cell phone users are more than irritating: They are putting our lives at risk. Many of us have witnessed drivers so distracted by dialing and chatting that they resemble drunk drivers, weaving between lanes, for example, or nearly running down pedestrians in crosswalks. A number of bills to regulate use of cell phones on the road have been introduced in state legislatures, and the time has come to push for their passage. Regulation is needed because drivers using phones are seriously impaired and because laws on negligent and reckless driving are not sufficient to punish offenders... Show more content on ... The latter statistic is interesting, for it suggests that those who carry phones in their cars may tend to be more negligent or prone to distractions of all kinds than those who do not. Some groups have argued that state traffic laws make legislation regulating cell phone use unnecessary. Sadly, this is not true. Laws on traffic safety vary from state to state, and drivers distracted by cell phones can get off with light punishment even when they cause fatal accidents. Although the midshipman mentioned earlier was charged with vehicular manslaughter for the deaths of John and Carole Hall, the judge was unable to issue a verdict of guilty. Under Maryland law, he could only find the defendant guilty of negligent driving and impose a $500 fine (Layton C1). Such a light sentence is not unusual. The driver who killed Morgan Pena in Pennsylvania received two tickets and a $50 fine and retained his driving privileges (Pena). In Georgia, a young woman distracted by her phone ran down and killed a two year old; her sentence was ninety days in boot camp and five hundred hours of community service (Ippolito J1). The families of the victims are understandably distressed by laws that lead to such light sentences. When certain kinds of driver behavior are shown to be especially dangerous, we wisely draft special laws making them illegal and imposing specific punishments. Running red lights, failing to stop for a school bus, and drunk driving are obvious
  • 4. The Jacksonville Axemen Is A Semi Professional Rugby... The Jacksonville Axemen is a semi professional rugby league team that competes in the summer, out of the University of North Florida s Hodges Stadium. The Axemen are one of fourteen teams that compete in the USA Rugby League, USARL. It is a small organization with a staff of seven that saw its beginning in 2006, and has been one of the most competitive teams in its league. Based on my research of the organization, I could not determine any policies that the organization actually had in place. This is in part due to the small nature of the staff so they do not have an employee handbook that would contain policies regarding code of conduct. When I spoke with Drew Slover, the co founder/co owner/General Manager of the Axemen, he said, because of the size of the organization we do not have a set of policies. We do have an Emergency Action Plan though (personal communication, 2015). An Emergency Action Plan is an important piece to an organization, because it can save them from a lawsuit but it is not the only necessity. In order for an organization to be successful as a business, it is important for the leaders to set a variety of policies so that all reasonable and foreseeable scenarios can have a plan of action. This is truer for sport organizations than regular businesses because we open our business as entertainment for everyone to see, which invites criticism of every action. Not having policies can be detrimental to the image of the organization and bring on a
  • 5. Meursault Justifies Murder The emotionless anti hero, Monsieur Meursault, embarks on a distinct philosophical journey through The Stranger. Confident in his ideas about the world, Meursault is an unemotional protagonist who survives without expectations or even aspirations. Because of his constant indifference and lack of opinions about the world, it can be denoted that he undergoes a psychological detachment from the world and society. It is through these characteristics that exist in Meursault that Camus expresses the absurd. Starting from the very first sentence of the book, Maman died today. Or maybe yesterday, I don t know. (Camus 1) The indifferent tone from these short sentences convey a rather apathetic attitude from Meursault s part. Not only does he not... Show more content on ... Society was unable to comprehend Meursault s apathetic reasons for the murder and attempts to rationalize with it through the trial to try to come to an understanding as to what may have incited his actions. Meursault experiences a philosophical triumph as his execution dates nears, due to his acceptance of the absurd, which confirms his identity; much like the absurd world, he doesn t acknowledge human experiences and relationships. He is content with this, and welcomes the crowd, confident that nothing can take away his satisfaction. This shows that while he gains philosophical peace, he still is unable to grapple with interpersonal relationships and the role he was intended to play in society. Meursault does not overcome society s judgment, but rather revels in the hatred. Through his conversation with the chaplain, Meursault discovers happiness in the fact that the absurd world mirrors his own indifference. Meursault compares his beliefs about life to those the chaplain holds, and comes to some finality in his thought process. He settled on a firm stance, sure about [himself], about everything, surer than [the chaplain] could ever be, sure of my life and sure of the death waiting for me (Camus 108). Meursault becomes infatuated with the absurd world, rather than rejecting it in disgust or horror. He strongly identifies with the absurdity, opening up to the gentle indifference of the world (Camus
  • 6. Loss Of The Ageing Adult Population Losses and Grief in the Ageing Adult Population Loss is defined as the experience of having something taken from you or destroyed (Loss, 2016). In the senior population losses become more common and frequent due to dwindling health circumstances, among other circumstances. Functional losses experienced by the elderly include physical performance, balance, mobility, and muscle strength (Nakano, Otonari, Takara, Carmo Tanaka, 2014, p. 583). Situational or circumstantial losses may be the loss of a partner or the loss of a home due to being transferred into a retirement home or health care facility. Losses are enhanced by any diseases a person may have making it more difficult to deal with these losses. Taking a look at diabetes; diabetes plays a key role in many individuals in the older adult population lives, more than 25% of adults over the age of 65 in America have been diagnosed with diabetes (Kirkman, 2012, p. 2650). This disease alters the rate of which losses are experienced and in turn how the elderly grief over the loss. Diabetic patients are more likely to experience depression and diabetic patients are more likely to undergo amputation from limb loss (Spiess, McLemore, Zinyemba, Ortiz Meyr, 2014, p. 1068). Being diagnosed with diabetes impacts every aspect of one s life and creates difficulties in caring for oneself that need to be dutifully addressed. Situation The Doe s, have been happily married for 65 years, Sue and Stan have lived a successful life
  • 7. A Study On Financial Derivatives With Special Reference Essay A STUDY ON FINANCIAL DERIVATIVES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO NIFTY F O ABSTRACT Derivatives are the contracts whose value is derived from the value of some underlying assets such as equities, commodities or currencies. These contracts helps the investor to reduce the risk of wearing down of his investments. The application of derivatives can be observed as an opportunity to transfer the risk from the person who wish to ignore it, to the person who is ready to accept it i.e. risk management hedging through derivatives. In an environment, in which portfolio managers are pressured to beat the indices, need to protect the investment gains in their portfolios from financial risk. Different hedging strategies can be formulated to meet the particular hedging requirements. Various studies on the outcomes of future and option listing on the underlying asset (equity, commodity, currency market) have been done with a view to study potential of financial derivatives and intensification of derivatives as a hedging instrument. NSE traded derivatives have shown an exponential growth in market turnover, it has grown from Rs 2365 cr. in 2000 2001 to Rs 22916531.92 cr. in 2015 16. NSE can be considered as the one of the high flying exchanges amongst the entire emerging markets in terms of equity derivatives. The following study tries to make an understanding of operational concepts of F O mechanism. It encompasses analysis of Nifty Index future options one month delivery contacts to get
  • 8. Indian Tea Patterns Oh no! The British started to tax the tea! What! I screamed, they put taxes on tea? Yeb! my neighbor said. They ve already put taxes on paper document and sugar! I exclaimed. You can t argue with the british! my other neighbor said. That made the us colonists really angry. We gathered in courthouse quickly, we started to talk and talk. Finally, we came up with the idea that the members of sons of liberty should dump the tea. Everyone cheered. Hooray! Soon, midnight came, members of sons of liberty were out, dressed as Mohawk Indians. The Mohawk indians slowly climb up to the ship full of tea chest. Background As you can tell from the excerpt above, the british put taxes on the tea. That s because that the East India Company ... Show more content on ... So they don t need many tools and needs. Some of the tools are, axes and sticks. They use axes to open the tea boxes so they can dump the tea more easier. They also used sticks to open the tea boxes. They also used torches so they can see in the night. They also used ladders so they can climb up the boat. I think that it s great because they can break the tea boxes easily. I wonder why did they made the tea boxed so easy to open? I also think that they don t need many tools because since they are so easy to open, can t they just open them by hands? What Happened after? After the boston tea party, the harbor was closed. The tea in the harbor smelled really bad after a few days. The British closed the harbor until the tea were paid. They have to pay for 342 chests of tea! The colonists abandoned even more of the rules that the british made for the colonist. When this event happened, this made the Boston Port Act. I think that this made the colonists even more mad that they don t want to obey the British and the British king s rules. But I also think that the British will be mad because the colonists won t obey the rules that the king made so I think, both sides of the British and the colonists were angry at each other.I wonder if the British made the colonists to clean up the tea boxes in the harbor, which like I said, it smelled
  • 9. The Legal Rights Of Mr. Bob Wheelie The following document provides information for Mr. Bob Wheelie to help him understand his legal rights and to help him resolve his conflict with Mr. Spoke. This document will be offering knowledge on the following matters an overview or guide on what false or misleading statements or claims are, what are the penalties impacted with making false or misleading claims and statements, the laws and regulations that comply with the situations such as information on contracts, commonwealth laws and legislations and an overview of a similar court case that has occurred with the outcome. A misrepresentation is a statement or a claim made by one to another that can either be misleading or false. This can happen not only is written contracts or contracts but also verbally, it can be as simple as when a person is talking to another and has provided them with information that is incorrect. For a business it is illegal or unlawful to be involved or make any statements in matters that can be mislead or misinformed or is likely to be mislead or misinformed to its customers or other businesses. The following can be classified as being misleading, the failure to disclose relevant information, predictions, opinions and promises. The conducts for the misleading or miss informing whether by action or statement includes advertising, any form of statements, promotions, quotations and by any representation made by a person.2 A form of misleading information or deceptiveness can be in the form
  • 10. Essay on Miles Franklin s My Brilliant Career Miles Franklin s My Brilliant Career Topic: Give a detailed analysis of a key scene or passage from My Brilliant Career by Miles Franklin. The focus and essence of My Brilliant Career by Miles Franklin is centred on the relationships and interactions of Sybylla Melvyn (the key character of the novel), towards other characters. The ways in which she reacts to different people and why she reacts in a particular manner, are perhaps more crucial and intriguing to the reader, than any distinct event throughout the novel. Sybylla s logic and thinking about herself, others and life, have been moulded by her very influential relationships with her mother and father. Her view on life and the roles of men and women has also been ... Show more content on ... In her childhood she is quite proud of her father as he owned successful properties and was reasonably wealthy. He had a clear focus on life. However, as her father s wealth and status dwindles and he becomes alcoholic, Sybylla is lost and is inevitably always searching for the heroic father figure which is now absent in her life, and that she so desperately needs for guidance, as she becomes a young woman. This she finds in Harold Beecham. Therefore, Sybylla cannot bring herself to become close or intimate with Harold as there is the feeling of verging on the edge of incest. When he gets too close for comfort, she retaliates by hitting him. Sybylla s relationship or view of herself also comes out in Chapter 20. Throughout the novel, she has a superficial view of herself, constantly looking at herself as she imagines others see her. She has low self esteem and endlessly insists that she is ugly. Sybylla likes to compare herself to other women. In the beginning of Chapter 20, she compares herself to Miss Derrick, whom everyone comments on as being beautiful. Sybylla is already somewhat jealous of Miss Derrick as she (Derrick) spent most of that day with Harold Beecham (previous chapter). This also confirms that she has feelings for Harold. Sybylla says of Miss Derrick She was a big handsome woman (Franklin 136). Then she
  • 11. Hungry Bird Short Story The Hungry Bird Good Morning ladies and gentlemen. May I have your attention please? Passengers travelling on Emirates flight EK 547 flying to Dubai may proceed to board the aircraft. The time is finally up! Excitement exploded as if an extinct volcano erupted all of a sudden. I hurriedly walked through the boarding bridge with each atom bomb erupting into excitement, as I took each step towards the aircraft. Hello, and welcome aboard, may I see your boarding pass please? said a beautiful looking angel in a sweet voice. I was ushered to my seat with my seat belt fastened. Ladies and gentlemen, I kindly request you to take your seats and fasten your seatbelts as we are preparing for take off. Cabin Crew prepare for take off. Contentment reached to its highest peak but eventually turned into a moment of stomping heartbeats as I felt myself go all the way up, up and above. Cabin crew prepare for landing, and a few minutes later welcome to Dubai International Airport, where the local time is in the morning and the outside temperature is 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Hooray, it s finally here! My nerves charged up and lit me bright from the inside like a fluorescent bulb. I went out of the airport to the bus waiting outside. It felt like I was thrown into a planet outside of the universe. What an exotic view! The tall buildings stared at me with their frightening shadows casted over me like cops surrounding a criminal. An amazing fact was that the authentic Arabian
  • 12. Donald Trump s Rise To Power Donald Trump was born in 1946, in Queens, New York. He was the fourth oldest and has four other siblings. His parents are Fredrick C.,a builder and real estate developer, and Mary MacLeod Trump. He grew up as a very energetic kid and at age 13, Trump was sent to New York Military Academy by his parents in hope bring his energy into something positive. At military school, he was very successful in being a star athlete and student leader. Following graduation, he attended Fordham University, and two years later transferred to Wharton School of Finance, at the University of Pennsylvania. Where he graduated with a degree in economics in 1968. During the summer he worked for his father, then later joined the company Elizabeth Trump and Son. Then in 1971, Donald Trumpwas given control of the company which he later renamed The Trump Organization. Trump married New York fashion model Ivana Zelnickova Winklmayr, which he had three kids with. In the time being Trump got involved in a profitable casino gambling business and was invested in places like Atlanta City, New Jersey, and Las Vegas. Trump was married two more times, and had one more kid with his third wife. In 2004, Trump began starring in the NBC TV series, The Apprentice. Which he had... Show more content on ... embassy in Libya. Four Americans were killed, resulting from failures and leadership and management problems in the State Department. And this was under Hillary Clinton s leadership. There was military only a mile away yet after someone called for help nothing was done. Hillary first emailed her daughter: Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an al Qaeda like group: The Ambassador, whom I handpicked and a young communications officer on temporary duty with a wife and two young children. Very hard day and I fear more of the same tomorrow. what is hard to understand about this is that she feared what was going to happen instead of doing something about
  • 13. Flu Pandemic 1918 In 1918, World War I was coming to an end; the condition of warfare was a breeding ground of diseases and unhealthy conditions. The trenches were cold, wet, dirty, and smelly and infested with rats and lice. This could only be one of the contributions to the pandemic. Another possible contribution of the spreading on the illness was the transportation of Chinese workers to Canada in 1917; where many of the workers displayed flu like symptoms (Vergano). During the war, troops were returning home and most likely brought this illness back, but it is only speculation with no definite evidence. The first reported case in the United States was at Fort Riley, Kansas on March 11, 1918 when a soldier went to the infirmary with a fever (Vergano).... Show more content on ... The remedies did not help improve things either and other measures were taken in order to try reducing the spread of the illness. Many medical personnel were overseas healing sick and injured soldiers and the lack of staff in the hospitals led to nursing and medical students having to step up. Even the hospitals were overrun with patients that ordered, community centers and local schools be transformed into emergency hospitals (Influenza Strikes). Schools were not the only thing closed down, stores, restaurants, and other businesses were shut down as well. In addition to those, other interventions were put in place like masks since they knew it was spread through the air. The masks were made of gauze and distributed by the Public Health
  • 14. The Centrality of Gender, Sexuality, Race, Sociability and... In Slumming by Chad Heap the author describes the true reality of slumming, and how it was more wide spread than what it appear just in the surface. Heap defines slumming, as he concentrate on cities like Chicago and New York, that were provide with entertainment. This entertainment would come from immigrants, blacks, gays and bohemians during a period of large scale immigration in this cities. The author explains in detail the culture of slumming, as well as how it helps to produce the sex /gender/racial system. Heap also argues how the different participants in slumming affect one another. The impact between the different interactions among different races, classes and gender was as well discussed in detail by the author. Finally Heap... Show more content on ... Thanks to slumming the middle class was provided with a new way to define its own social and moral superiority. It also created reformers that were against slumming, but this produced more amusement as it created more seekers. the presence of reformers especially female reformers on the streets and in the tenements and dives of these districts paradoxically suggested that such spaces were safe for popular congregation, and reformers activities in the cities slums and red light districts were often remarkably similar to those of their pleasure seeking compatriots (18). As more people were attracted to slumming it created a mix of social classes that broke the social bounties and chains that keep society in a hierarchy. Heap argues that slumming promoted social mixing and change the racial and sexual system. Many opportunities for slum residents as whites interest more in slumming culture grow. Some slums stated to offer tours of the slums to attract more customers. Slumming gave the opportunities to cross over class lines as well as ethic boundaries; but more importantly it gave the opportunity to explore ones sexual identity. The slums were a place for sexual exploration in where people were not judge for trying to discover ones sexuality. Sexual norms were different in the slum, for example men who were consider to be straight could have a sexual relationship with fairies in the slums. Fairies were
  • 15. History Of Ebola The Fear that Drives Innovation Society does not learn and grow through age alone, knowledge is cultivated through curiosity and mistakes. Caveman at first did not understand that fire was not only a source of light, but also for intense heat. When the first caveman discovered fire and the elusive light that came from the source, he had to touch. Consequently, he learned that the fire was hot, and if he got too close he would be burned to a crisp. Medicine has also taken this concept and used it for their own teachings as well. At first, people did not understand the origin of Ebola, but through devastation and mass panic, scientists have learned more about modern medicine than they ever had before. This knowledge has led to the improvement ... Show more content on ... Ebola was, at first, very hard to label due to the many striking similarities it holds with another disease named Marburg. Both viruses show very similar traits and symptoms, and can only be pinpointed at a microscopic scale, which makes it hard to differentiate between the two (Altman 103). Although Ebola has shown to be a very difficult virus to resolve, modern science has researched and found some information about it. Scientists now know that there are a total of four strains of the virus, with three affecting humans while only one affects primates (Frey 333). All of Ebola s strains, along with the other similar disease known as Marburg, all are in the same virus family dubbed as Filoviridae ( Ebola Virus 368). Ever since Ebola was found in Africa, scientists have been working diligently to find a vaccination and hopefully a cure, but their efforts have gone unsuccessful. Ebola can code the infection into a host with only twelve proteins, which is a significantly smaller amount than many illnesses today (369). This complication with the virus has contributed to the reason why there is no cure. Although this is a great detriment to the scientific community, this has not deterred the search. This has in fact motivated the community to help aid the infected with supplies and educate villages as to how to be clean and
  • 16. Compare And Contrast The Killers And The Darling Different Cutlers The Killers and The Darling are the two stories I decided to compare and contrast to the contemporary Kurdistan because they implicitly and explicitly reveal so much about the culture, existed in both US and Russia during late 19th century and early 20th century. The killers was written by Ernest Hemingway and takes place in US during the 1920s, during Prohibition. The story starts when two strike men, who do not behave properly, walk into a lunch room after several dialogues between characters; it becomes clear that the two men are there to kill someone. Even though the target is warned after several scenes, he does not react; accept for telling the one who warned him not to do anything. Therefore, they no longer ... Show more content on ... To illustrate, when Kukin hisses angrily on the other hand, the public is ignorant, savage. I give them the best in operetta, fairy pageants, excellent music hall singers, but is that what they want? Do they understand anything about it they want buffoonery! Give them banality! How he describes public proves that 19th century Russian were not so concerned with art and literature, and the reason for this is because people at that time were not educated. Thus, they could not understand plays and enjoy them. This is similar and different to present Kurdistan at the same time. In Kurdistan people seldom go to watch a play because some Kurds think that plays are only for some intellectual people who can understand what is going on in the play. Another reason is because children from the first levels of school are not taught to love art and literature. And luck of having good theaters and artists is another reason. Therefore, In both 19th century Russian and contemporary Kurdistan there is some kinds of ignorance towards art and literature for different reasons as mentioned above. In conclusion, there were many cultural differences and similarities between the two worlds of these to stories and present Kurdistan. Nevertheless, in this essay I compared the most important cultural theme existed within these works, such as racism, parent s roles in generating new
  • 17. Social Influences In Mean Girls, Directed By Cady Herron The 2004 movie Mean Girls explores many concepts of social influences in your typical high school setting. Cady Herron, the main character, was raised in African bush country by her zoologist parents. Unaware to the social rules that teenage girls face in todays society, her parents decided she needs to get socialised , and moved her to a public high school. Being directly placed in the middle of the school clique problem, by her new found friends; Damian and Janice, Cady Sets out to ruin Regina Georges life, the leader of the Plastic clique, with help of her new friends. The social influence concepts Conformity and Deindividuation Causes the girls to act in way they would usually not, and will be explored more in my next two paragraphs. ... Show more content on ... This is because being part of the group reduces our sense of responsibility and personal identity. In the scene where Regina George post the burn book for the rest of the School girls to find, Deindividuation is taking place with all of the girls present in this scene. The girls are acting like animals which they would usually not do if they were on their own. This is because there has been a shift in attention, and the girls are focusing on the actions of the group in the external environment. Causing the girls to have fewer opportunities to focus on their internal thoughts, and no time for reflection about their actions. Cady Herron compares the girls behaviour, to something she would see back in the african jungle. The severity of this scene is quite extreme and could of caused the girls to have serious physical damages, and mental damages. To counteract this scene, The principle and teachers could of brought the girls on a personal level, by addressing the girls personally, which would of made the girls not feel part of the group, giving their personal identity and sense of responsibility back. Or they could of removed the girls from the group, separating them and giving them their identity and responsibility
  • 18. Unit 4 Health And Social Care Case Study 1.1.The Appellant gave birth to a baby on 1 October 1999 at the Respondent s Hospital. As a result of complications during the delivery, the baby was born with severe disabilities. 1.2.The Appellant sought damages from the Respondent for the injuries sustained at the baby s birth as a result of the negligence of Dr McLellan, employed by the Respondent. 1.3.The Appellant alleged negligence on the basis that the Appellant ought to have been given advice 1.3.1.about the risk of shoulder dystocia which would be involved in vaginal birth; and 1.3.2.of the alternative possibility of delivery by elective caesarean section. 1.4.The Lord Ordinary rejected the claims by following the approach in Sidaway v Board of Governors of the Bethlem Royal Hospital and the... Show more content on ... Bolam Test extent of the duty to advise is decided by reference to accepted medical practice in the form of an identified body of responsible medical opinion (Bolam, 586). have been raised on whether the same approach should be applied in relation to a failure to advise a patient of risks. Although Sidaway approves the application, the society has been developed. The test should have no place in advice and warning cases. 4.1.2.Whether the Court s dealing with disclosure of risk should be distinct from that with cases of diagnosis and treatment. cases of the diagnosis and treatment, responsible professional opinion will have an influential role to play in determining the appropriate standard of care; in cases of the risk disclosure, it is not a question the answer to which depends upon medical standards of practices. (Mason CJ, Brennan, Dawson, Toohey and McHugh JJ in Rogers v Whitaker (1992) 175 CLR 479, 489 490). application of the Bolam test to this question will result in the sanctioning of differences in practice which are attributable merely to divergent attitudes among doctors as to the degree of respect owed to their
  • 19. Gmo Harmful Effects Another reason for the labeling of GMOs in food products is that very little is known about them; they have the possibility of harming those that eat them. To begin, this technology has only existed for a few decades, and something as revolutionary as genetic modification is going to take years to perfect. While this tech is still in it s experimental phases, it can cause certain side effects that harm people all around the planet. One of such side effects is the unintended spread of allergens, Researchers at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln produce evidence that genetic engineeringof crops can spread allergens, which is potentially dangerous for those with food allergies, (Staff). These allergens would cause much harm, creating unsafe... Show more content on ... Many vouch for the importance of GMOs in the world today and the greater importance to come, and claim that labeling products containing them will only hurt this budding, and possibly extremely fruitful, technology. However, the claims they make to support this controversial method of food alteration hold little proven truth, as very little is known about how effective GMOs really are. On the other hand, one thing that is known are the dangers that the growth and consumption of GMOs present, to both the safety and health of individuals and the world s environment. Don t people deserve to know what they are eating, especially if what they are eating may cause harm to them? If people choose to take the risk and eat this experimental technology, then let them, but those who care about their health and the environment should have the choice to avoid GMOs. That is all that labeling does, provide the consumer with the choice to eat GMOs or not. Big Agra companies like Monsanto do not want the consumer to have the choice, or the public to be informed past what propaganda they release in support of their own products. This is where the government must step in, it has a responsibility to protect it s citizens. Once labeling has been instituted in America, the public will not only feel safer and more secure about their food with the
  • 20. Colorado Buffaloes Research Paper This early in the football season, it s still difficult to get a clear idea about the strength of any given team. Most of major conference teams have been playing against lesser competition, making it precarious to pinpoint exactly where the team sits as far as talent is concerned. It s kind of like doing a 5 Dimes review without ever visiting the website. The Colorado Buffaloes After last year s 4 8 debacle, the Colorado Buffaloes have looked extraordinary so far this year. With a record of 2 0, they have absolutely destroyed the competition, beating Colorado State 44 7 and Idaho St. 56 7. In the process, they have average 587.5 YPG to rank #9 in the nation for total offense. With that said, one has to wonder whether or not the Buffaloes... Show more content on ... Michigan fans with a long memory will certainly remember how Colorado stunned Michigan in 1994 on a Hail Mary pass that created the legend of the Miracle at Michigan. Could revenge be a factor since this is the first meeting between these two teams in Michigan since 1994? The Wolverines have a balanced offensive attack led by QB Wilton Speight, who has completed 70% of his passes for 457 yards and 7 TDs while only playing 5 quarters. They also have a real nice running back in Chris Evans, who has 147 yards rushing and 2 TDs with only 17 carries. The defense is currently ranked #11 in the nation for scoring defense, giving up just over 8 PPG. The Buffaloes will counter the top ranked defense in the nation, giving up a mere 160 YPG. However, the two teams they played are among the worst in the nation on offense. Plus, Michigan is no Idaho State. They are loaded for bear with some of the best blue chip players in the nation. With Michigan having home field advantage, a revenge motive and superior talent, Colorado is going to be hard pressed to stay close enough in this game to get the chance to heave another Hail Mary. Taking everything into consideration, the final score figures to somewhere around
  • 21. Age Of The Fetus Essay Introduction The first and foremost thing here in this case study is that the age of the fetus is not clear at all as it is told that Jessica finds herself pregnant six months before moving to their private quarters. Later it is told that four months later that they went to the clinic. So there is a natural doubt when did Jessica and Marco go to hospital for the tests? I proceed in this paper with an assumption that it is after four months/seventeen weeks of her pregnancythat Jessica went to hospital. The Theory / Theories The case is that of fetus abnormality where the fetus is seen in the scan as deformed or specifically without arms and also a possibility of having Down syndrome. It is true that the parents don t want such a child in ... Show more content on ... Rarely were the rights of the prospective mother, much less the prospective child, taken into consideration. Although generally legal, the morality of abortion, birth control and child abandonment (as a form of infanticide) was sometimes discussed. Then, as now, these discussions often concerned the nature of man, the existence of a soul, the beginning of life, and the beginning of human personhood. If a fetus is a person, it is a person in very special circumstances it exists entirely within the body of another much larger person and usually cannot be the object of direct action by another person. The position Marco and her wife is not that clear from the available case study. But the position of Aunt Maria is very clear. She holds the view or the theory that of the pro life movement. Here the emphasize is on the right of the embryo or fetus to gestate to term and be born. She is very clear about the status of the fetus as it is human life and that is to be protected by all means. The fetus has the right to be germinated and to be born and grow in to its maturity. Nobody has the right to terminate a life that God has created.
  • 22. The Simpsons Reflection Whether you love them, or hate them, The Simpsons a key piece to young adulthood in many homes around the world. From depicting things such as struggling with disorders, problems with the boss, or average family life, most North American families are able to relate to the The Simpsons and that is why we keep crawling back each Sunday night. In the episode Mypods and Boomsticks, Bart Simpsonmeets a new friend from Jordan named Bashir. After learning they share many common interest, especially coming to food, Bart and Bashir become such good friends, Bart learns that Bashir is a muslim. After learning this, Marge is proud of Bart for meeting new people and stepping outside a comfort zone to meet and share new experiences. Homer s reaction is quite the opposite. Once word gets out that Homer s son has befriended a muslim, Homer s friends begin to spit stereotypes in Homer s face about muslims and the culture behind Islam. After long, persuasive conversations, half witted Homer decides to invite Bashir and his family to a dinner in an attempt to Assimilate them to American culture, this includes offering them Pork Back Ribs and a large american flag cake that Homer later states is Poisonous. This shows Homer s apparent inability to make decisions for himself and for the sake of his family. After this assimilation attempt, Bashir s family realizes it is best if they leave. Upon leaving, Homer recognizes the mistakes and decides to go to Bashir s home to apologize for his
  • 23. Critically Evaluate The Role Of Investment Banks In The Critically evaluate the role of investment banks in the process of financial intermediation. Your analysis should consider the users and providers of funds. You should support your analysis by using academic sources as well as relevant data and charts taken from Bloomberg. Consider how valid and reliable the research is: what are its strengths and weaknesses? Appendix A An overview of the financial intermediation process Source: Allen, Chui, and Maddaloni (2004) Lenders (issuers of financial securities) can supply funds to the borrowers (investors in financial securities), who are mainly firms, governments and households, either through financial markets, or through banks and other financial intermediaries such as mutual funds. ... Show more content on ... Another graph, displayed below, supports the idea of economies of scale achieved by investment banks: Source: rct=j q= esrc=s source=web cd=1 ved=0ahUKEwje1PHUjMjSAhXKJcAKHTWjA IQFggaMAA usg=AFQjCNHY1gXKe5t6yydmFT0EpEwEe6EP A bvm=bv.149093890,d.ZGg cad=rja` We can clearly observe a negative relationship between the number of trades and the cost per trade, implying that banks can benefit from economies of scale by engaging more in trading activities (up to a certain point, where the function becomes more or less constant). Appendix D Post crisis regulations effect on trading assets Source: may pay price for regulators risk reduction goals/ The regulations caused banks to face larger capital costs, therefore cutting profitability and the willingness to hold bond inventories. This led to a 10% fall in the trading assets of the six largest American banks since 2009. Appendix E Some limits on the role of investment banks as intermediaries A number of authors have
  • 24. The Sorrowful Woman By Gail Godwin When it comes to marriage, we expect the fairy tale story that we grew up watching on tv and reading in books; stories such as Cinderella, Snow White, or Aladdin. We re convinced that marriage will solve our problems. We have the false conception that marriage will bring us the perfect white picket fence, 2.4 kids and a nice dog; that our husband/wife will be ideal, and that we ll live happily ever after. In the story The Sorrowful Woman by Gail Godwin; modern marriage is portrayed as the perfect fairytale that went horribly wrong. Godwin s protagonist The wife and mother can be described as selfish and self centered due to her unwillingness to conform to the fairytale that she finds herself resenting. In a structured family each person has their own role in order for the family as a whole to function properly. The wife is often referred to as the Angel in the house . Her designated role is to be the nurturer. A good mother is expected to contribute her whole life to her family. Mothers are expected to be the glue that holds a family together. It is their responsibility to provide the loving care and support needed for raising children, making her husband feel loved, and taking care of household chores and preparing daily meals. In the household the father also has a fundamental role. They play the breadwinner , their position in the marriage/ family is to care for the needs of their family by providing shelter, food, and safety. Neither the wife nor husband is
  • 25. Implementation of the Provisions of the Foreign Arbitration 1 Implementation of the Provisions of the Foreign Arbitration In many states laws are controlling the issue of implementation of the arbitral awards which are issued in that state. But when the decision is taken to a foreigner who is in a country other than the state, It must be noted in this regard that when it comes to the implementation of the decision of a foreigner must search in how to recognize and implement these decisions in the texts of international conventions that deal with this topic such as the Convention of New York in 1958 and the Geneva Convention 1927. Because the implementation of resolution which is on the face of difficulties arising from different legal systems and procedures to be followed for the recognition and implementation of those decisions. In a recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in unity with the rules that govern these matters, which can be divided into rules that define those procedures for foreign arbitral decisions as it will be mentioned in the following: Collective international conventions. Bilateral international agreements. National laws. Implementation of arbitral decisions under international conventions collective: In order to unify the rules of the implementation of foreign arbitral awards, many attempts has been held at the international level. Several international conventions show how the recognition and implementation of those decisions is the most
  • 26. The Impact Of The Allies In World War II World War II, the second time of the world war, lasted from September 1th, 1939 to September 2th 1945. There were two difference alliances in the WWII, the Axis and Anti fascist Alliance. The winner of the WWII was Allies, and there are many reasons that can explain why Allies can win it. The most important reason is that Allies gained most support from the public and citizens because Allies represented the justice side. However, there is also a crucial factor that helps the Allies to win the WWII which is the new invention and technology. Inventors made new weapons such as tanks, proximity fuses and atom bomb. The impacts of these weapons were positive to Allies in WWII and those new inventions make a big step of human progress. Tanks were... Show more content on ... Atom bomb is a new bomb invention during the WWII. Begin in 1944, some young Japanese men chose to become kamikaze pilots who undertook suicide missions, crashing their explosive laden airplanes into American warships (Ellis Esler 588). Because of this team, Japan won a lot of battles and it made the United States angry. Some scientists offered a new way to end of the war. They invented a new bomb, this new bomb was super powerful than any bomb before, and this project is called the Manhattan Project. In July 1945, American successfully tested the first atom bomb in Alamogordo, New Mexico. Then they told president about this project, during that time, the president of America is Harry Truman. And he found that atom bomb was a really useful weapon to end the war, so he decided to use it to against Japan. They gave Japan a warning about that surrender or complete destruction and utter devastation . But Japan even didn t care about this. Then, the hell was coming. On August6, 1945, American dropped the first atom bomb little boy over the city of Hiroshima. The bomb flattened four square miles and instantly killed more than 70,000 people (Ellis Esler 589). We can find that the atom bomb was a definitely destruct weapon, it killed 70,000 people at the same time. We turned back to look at Hiroshima. The city was hidden by that awful cloud...
  • 27. A Thin Layer Of Fiction Are Looking Backward By Edward... Throughout the years, literature has often been used as a means to spread social critique. When it unfavorable or even dangerous to publicly speak out against the society of the time, the written word can act as a shield. Adding a mask of fiction to these novels allows the author to get their message out to the public who otherwise would not take the time for such issues. Two novels that exemplify this social critique behind a thin layer of fiction are Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy and Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Both of these novels offer a critique to certain aspects of American society during the time period, and do so in very similar ways. Each of these novels, Looking Backward and Herland, depict utopian societies in order to fully illustrate the issues that the authors see in their current society. Although the issues being addressed may be different, the way Bellamy and Gilman discuss them contain numerous parallels. Ranging from the cause of these utopian societies, to the mindset of the individuals living in them, both novels are very similar in their approach to social critique of America. Even the differences between the two are caused by common reasons. These parallels show the underlying format used by both Bellamy and Gilman that allowed them to identify the flaws in American society and offer solutions to them. One such parallel found within the novels is the cause of the utopian societies. Both Looking Backward and Herland depict communities
  • 28. Mark Antony Rhetorical Analysis Mark Antony s use of rhetorical devices helped turn the crowd against the conspirators in multiple ways in the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. Mark Antony was Caesar s best friend and right hand man. Caesar was killed by the conspirators because they thought he was ambitious and was trying to take all the power and become king. The conspirators gave Antony specific rules for what he could and could not say when he gave his speech at Caesar s funeral. Mark Antonys use of motifs, personality traits, and rhetorical devices such as the appeal to ethos, logos, and pathos, and repetition in Julius Caesarhelp convince the crowd to rebel against the conspirators. Mark Antony s appeal to the crowd s ethos, logos, and pathos, helps him... Show more content on ... Mark Antony says, Yet Brutus says he [Caesar] was ambitious. This quote was used a grand total of three times in act 1 scene 2 on lines 95, 107, and 102. This excerpt is used to show that Caesar was not determined to take the crown and rule Rome. Each time this quote was used, Antony gave examples of how Caesar really wasn t ambitious, such as when he says, I thrice presented him the kingly crown, which he did thrice refuse (3.2.105 106). This quote shows that if Caesar really was ambitious, then he would have taken the crown and become king, but instead he refused. Not only did he refuse once, but three times. These examples shows many examples as to why Caesar was not ambitious did not want to be king. Antony repeats the phrase, And Brutus is an honorable man. This quote was repeated in act one scene two in lines 96, 103, and 108. Each time this quote is said, Antony had recently described why Brutus is honorable, such as when he says, He hath brought many captives home to Rome (3.2.97). This quote paints Brutus as a hero for bringing Roman people held in foreign lands home. The quote also brings to question Brutus s own motives, questioning if he performed these gallant acts because he himself is ambitious. The quote also questions why Brutus conspired against his best friend if he is so honorable. Antony talks a lot about Honorable men or Honorable man. He uses the quotes for a collective total of seven times. The quotes are used in act one scene two in lines 91, 92, 103, 108, 136, 149, 163. Antony was given a set of specific rules before giving his speech, one of which was that he can not talk bad about the conspirators. Antony uses the word honorable to make it seem as though the truthful and possibly bad things he says about the conspirators was not as bad since they were still honorable, but none the less, Antony got
  • 29. Bellagio Casino Resort Case Case 3: Controls at the Bellagio Casino Resort Bas Bodes0177784GroupA9 Odmar Hannink s0169536Datum23 September 2011 Niels Wifbolds0171719 The Bellagio Casino Resort (BCR) is one of the 23 properties of MGM MIRAGE and widely recognized as one of the premier casino resorts in the world. Beside entertainments options like an expansive pool and a world class spa there is a large casino area which contains 2,409 coin operated gaming devices and 143 game tables. Just as in most companies in this industry the casino area is leaded as a separated profit centre (Merchant, Van der Stede, 2007, P.153 155) In this case we ll discuss the control systems used in the BCR. 1. Prepare a list of all controls applied to the table games in... Show more content on ... After being released, the drop boxes are directly stored into so called carts which again are being secured in a padlock. Once secured in these padlocks nor the pit boss nor the security have access to the drop boxes anymore. This is clearly a type of behavioural (physical) constraints which makes this type of control very tight (because behaviour constraints can be considered as the tightest form on control). Next to these examples there are multiple other standard procedures mentioned in the case. Just as the Blackjack dealers these actions are controlled by all the cameras (action tracking system) which tightens the control. However, comparing the tightness of control with the blackjack dealers, pit bosses are a little bit more loose controlled. This is mainly because a part of their work also consist of paperwork which isn t controlled directly, whereas all of the actions of the blackjack dealers are physical actions which are monitored and controlled all the time. Vice president of table games As mentioned in the case the vice president main task is to control everything which has anything to do with the table games. In practice on of the biggest parts of his work consist of making unhappy customers happy and keep satisfied customers satisfied. Because of the daily variation of this task it s hard to dictate standard procedures and goals. This again makes it hard to review and control his results and actions. Because
  • 30. What Does Water Mean To You Essay To someone I loved, My heart skips a beat, and my mind forgets to tell me to breathe. My legs become paralyzed, and my mind becomes frozen. Can you tell when I felt this way? As clichГ© as it may seem, that s how I felt when I saw you during the earlier days of my growing crush. You took my breath away. I had no words to describe what I saw. I hoped you were the only reason I would ever lose my breath, but you weren t. Sometimes I can t breathe because I m exhausted from all the work I ve done. Sometimes I can t breathe because I m holding my breath for something exciting. Sometimes I can t breathe because I have been laughing too much to catch my breath. But unfortunately, sometimes I can t breathe because I m being pushed under the water. I m unable to come up for a breath. So sometimes it s not that I can t breathe. In some situations, it s that I am drowning. While I ve learned how to swim, I m drowning in everything that is thrown on me. The weights drag me down deeper into the water. The water becomes more murky and it becomes harder to see the daylight above me. As more weights are put on me, the deeper I dive into the water. My arms are unable to flail around and bring myself back up. My life may seem simple and particularly easy but in truth, it s... Show more content on ... No one will ever have the exact same one as anyone else. I don t know your journey, so I cannot judge you for that. And even though I say that, there are times when I still judge a book by its cover. I m trying to remove the weights from my shoulders. I need to take another breath before I go under again. The process would be quicker if I had help, but it is my responsibility to bring myself up. I m slowly coming back up. I don t know if I ll make it to the surface of the water before more weights are dropped on me, but I m going to keep trying. As hard as it may seem, I know that I can reach the surface for a breath, but I am unaware of how long it will take me before I
  • 31. The Theological Doctrine Of The Holy Trinity The Holy Trinity is, according to the Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, the theological doctrine that God consists of three persons (Audi, 928). Those persons are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Each within the religion of Christianity are considered omnipotent and omniscient (IEP, URL). This theory validates the actions of the religion s savior JesusChrist, who as the Son of God(and part of the Holy Trinity) died a painful death of suffering for the sins of humans. This offers reasoning for the worship of different God s within the monotheistic religion. The concept of the Holy Trinity creates a paradoxical puzzle that many philosophers and theologians are still trying to explain to this day. However, during medieval times philosophers may have gone through greater lengths to explain the trinitarian view than any other era in philosophical history. The Catholic Church s council carries forth hearings relative to those of the United States judicial system, and has maintained this method since medieval times. However, during those times it was much easier to get charged for heresy, which caused a shared viewpoint in most of the writings of the time, based largely on the groundwork put forth initially by Saint Augustine of Hippo. This viewpoint, like many others that are somewhat misunderstood, morphed into what is written by those philosophers playing it safe , but still carry the essence of Augustine s primary influence, Plotinus.
  • 32. Business Functions Of A Business Identify the business functions MWS will need in order to operate effectively. MWS needs a variety of business functions in order to operate effectively. Identifying the business functions for any organization serves as a starting point in developing its mission statement. As the business of the company is over the internet, therefore, It needs to determine that how the internet will further the information and efforts for communication of the company and with whom the information will be shared? The company needs to know about its statement of purpose. The way an organization or a business uses information is linked to what the organization does. MWS needs to identify the statement of purpose, mission and vision statement in order to bring awareness among people about the organization s core functions and objectives, that can help the company increase sales. State the objectives of each business function in relation to e commerce. As a new venture, the first step for getting success in e commerce is to set the goals. The objectives may include the plan to increase the revenues from existing customers, gaining new customers, increasing the number of orders on daily basis, selling of the products through new and different channels and lowering the prices (Arline, 2015). Once an organization is able to identify its goals it is the time for the company to formulate the plan. SWOT analysis can help the firms to know about the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats of
  • 33. Time And Time Again We Witness Minorities Fall Victim To Time and time again we witness minorities fall victim to the cycle of poverty and violence. As each generation passes by, they are unable to release themselves of the conditions they grew up with and are familiar with. Based on a 2016 survey, it revealed that there were nearly three times as many blacks and Latinos living in povertyin the U.S compared to whites (Poverty Rate by Race/Ethnicity). With statistics like these, it leads me to wonder why minorities are more likely to live a life of poverty and violence. Although some may say that it is purely due to a lack of motivation to improve their lives, they ignore the reality of institutional racism and the psychological affects which play a role in enforcing the longevity of the poverty... Show more content on ... The government also tends to forget about cities plunged into poverty and choose to fund housing projects in more affluent parts to increase their potential revenue. There have been reports showing that Segregation levels rose with levels of black population growth, suggesting that public housing policies were a response from white elites in government to isolate blacks into certain areas, away from high paying business districts (Bickford and Massey 1991). This form of racism allows minority groups to suffer while whites prosper. Hand in hand with the lack of affordable and livable housing conditions, minorities face difficulties with employment opportunities in these areas. Those who live in poor cities are automatically disadvantaged because many employers migrate from these cities to prosperous ones to increase their income. If they were to stay in poverty ridden towns, they could potentially file for bankruptcy because their consumers are unable to afford what employers have to offer. As more businesses move away, the less opportunities citizens have to pull themselves out of poverty. A lack of revenue flowing through the city also contributes to its increase of poor citizens. Topdog/underdog exemplifies this through Booth s unemployment and Lincoln s low wage job. When it comes to Booth, he resorts to theft rather than searching for employment. The lack of opportunities led this man to believe that stealing was his only option to obtain possessions. Along with
  • 34. Symptoms Affect My Performance At Work While the migraine and preceding symptoms affect my performance at work, this condition has also affected my personality as well as my personal life. Having surprise migraine attacks more days than not has unquestionably changed who I am. By nature, I am a friendly, outgoing, energetic, happy person with a sense of humor. With migraines, I am a crabby, depressed, frustrated, emotional person. My headaches dictate my moods and character. When I wake in the morning with swollen fingers and a tight neck, my mood is instantly that of worry because those are signs that a migraine will soon arrive. I start thinking of all the things I will not be able to do and plans that I may have to cancel. I will not be able to walk my dogs, work in my garden, go to Zumba, clean the house, socialize with friends or cook dinner for my family. Sometimes I avoid making plans at all because I know I will eventually be sick. I withdraw from my friends and family. My mood shifts to anger. Angry because I cannot enjoy my life as I want. Then I am grouchy and sad. I worry that others will think I am weak or dramatic. Many days I try not to let the migraine take over my life. I fight to continue to go about my day; but I am usually irritable with my friends, family, and co workers. My frustration level increases. There are limitations of what I can do because most of the time I can barely move my head without experiencing unbearable painor vomiting. I try to fake through so I do not
  • 35. Advantage And Disadvantage Of Uwb CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1Introduction In the recent pass, both academia and industry field have shown a substantial general interested in wireless medium communications, Ultra wideband (UWB) transmission applications [1, 2]. Having numerous advantages such as high data rate on very low power and short distance range technology makes UWB as a fascinating technology. Those benefits placed UWB as an interesting technology for military and medical applications that uses radar and information sensing. Figure 1.1: Example of direct conversion transceiver Figure 1.1 shows the example of direct conversion transceiver. It is to give brief picture that power amplifier (PA) is a critical component that is capable to deliver high power for UWB transmitter. However, the implementation of Radio Frequency (RF) power amplifier is one of the challenging aspects in emerging ... Show more content on ... In this chapter, the topic included was project overview, problem statements, objectives, project scope and report outline. Chapter 2 is covered by literature review. It is an overview about UWB technologies as it stated it s the benefits of UWB in terms of its characteristics features and applications. This chapter is also concern about the concepts of CMOS technology. Fundamentals of power amplifier are also included in Chapter 2 such as the specification of the power amplifier performance, the linear and switching mode classes, and the its topology,. Not to mention the previous works related to CMOS power amplifier for UWB applications are at the last part of the chapter. Chapter 3 covers the design methodology that is proposed for this low band UWB CMOS power amplifier project. It consists of project design stages, project flow chart process and project planning timeline on completing this final year project. It also dwells with the proposed power amplifier design specification and expected outcome for this
  • 36. Book Report On Ravens Gate By Anthony Horowitz The whole area seemed deserted and forgotten. At least that s what Matt thought before breaking and entering into the place in which Kelvin, his one and only friend was to attempt murder. (I chose that quote for it expresses my feeling towards this book quite well.) Raven s Gate, by Anthony Horowitz was not nearly as exciting, suspenseful, and entertaining as I originally thought. Though it does have its moments, with a hard to follow plot twists, vague explanations, and unclear scientific references, this book was not an especially easy read. The novel revolves around 14 year Matthew Freeman, one of five children who saved the world once before and are destined to did it again. After getting arrested, he is sent to live with Mrs. Deverill
  • 37. Similarities Between Aslan And God The Chronicles of Narnia, by C.S. Lewis, uses analogy to tell about God`s interactions with his creation and how great and loving God is. This analogy represents different things in the Bible many times, from Aslan taking Edmund`s place at the Stone Table to making a new world, with a recognizable England and Narnia but better, in The Last Battle. Aslan is God in Narnia, or is he? I believe Aslan represents God, because they share some similarities, but they do have some differences. In this essay, I compared God and Aslan as seen in the Bibleand The Magician`s Nephew, and have similarities and differences between Aslan and God. In the next section, the third paragraph, I have similarities, in the fourth paragraph I have ... Show more content on ... However, when Aslan was creating Narnia, he sang, and when God created, He just spoke (Lewis 107 and Genesis 1). In Genesis 1, God said many times It was good for He was talking about His creation (Genesis 1). It also says: And God said, Let there be light, and there was light (Genesis 1). There is a difference between singing and speaking. God created humans different from everything else he had created, molded in His image and likeness (Genesis 2), but Aslan made a cabby and his wife the first king and queen, but he did not create them (Lewis 149 152). The Magician`s Nephew says: Aslan threw up his shaggy head, opened his mouth, and uttered a long, single note...when all of a sudden a young woman...and stood beside her (Polly)...the cabby`s wife (Lewis, 149). In other words, Aslan summoned the cabby`s wife to Narnia (Lewis 149). When Aslan created the animals, they grew out of the ground in Narnia, but not in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 1 2 and Lewis 122 123). Wait, this is interesting. In Genesis 2: 19, it says, Now the Lord had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and birds of the sky (Genesis 2:19) . Does the Bible mean it literally, or does it mean something else and C.S. Lewis used it as a parallel in The Magician s Nephew? Aslan sang while God spoke to create a world, and only God created humans in His image. . I view Aslan as Jesus in Narnia! They created worlds and inhabitants (Lewis 107 and Genesis 1)! They know
  • 38. The Natural Radioactivity Of Soil Samples Abstract The concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K are measured in the material collected from two locations. The collected materials are tested using gamma ray spectrometry. The activity concentration of the naturally occurring radionuclides 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in building material it varies from 12.6 to 121.4, 13.6 to 142 and from 69.5 to 620.6 Bqkg_1, respectively. The radium equivalent activity, the absorbed dose rate, annual effective dose and hazard index is also calculated Keywords Radionuclides, radiological hazard, building material radioactive 1. Introduction Natural sources exist in several geological formations such as soils, rocks, sediments, vegetation, water and air emit radiation. While 4% is of artificial origin (Chougan kar et al., 2003; El Daly and Hussein, 2008) [1]. The natural radioactivity of soil samples determined from the 226Ra, 232Th and40K contents. Rocks and soils contribute considerably to indoor and outdoor exposure to the environmental radioactivity by gamma radiation emitting mainly from 226Ra, 232Th and 40K contents, and beta radiation. The soil radioactivity is a good indicator of the distribution and accumulation of radioactivity in the environment and knowledge of these concentrations provides useful information in the monitoring of environment radioactivity (kessaratikoon and Awaekechi, 2008) [2]. Even though these radionuclides are extensively distributed, their concentrations have been proven to depend on the local geological
  • 39. Essay on Brian Friel s Translations Brian Friel s Translations Brian Friel s play Translations was the first production of the Field Day Theatre Company in Derry in 1980, which Friel co founded with Stephen Rea. It describes the beginning of the process of Anglicization in a relatively remote Gaelic speaking area during the 1833 Survey of Ireland, in which the English mapped Ireland, both culturally and geographically. Years of concerted anglicizing of the Irish by the British early in the 19th century led to the widespread fall into disuse of the native Gaelic tongue. National schools teaching exclusively in English began to open during the Survey of Ireland, and English culture encroached rapidly into Ireland. William Butler Yeats and Douglas Hyde write from the... Show more content on ... Hyde s speech argues that the Irish had by that point indiscriminately adopted all that was English with little thought as to its value, that the Irish had [ceased] to be Irish without becoming English. 2 He criticizes those Irish who claim to hate British dominance, yet speak only English, anglicize their Irish names, and remain ignorant of Gaelic literature. His central view is that the Gaelic language is the most important aspect of an Irish identity distinct to that of the British, and that only a return to Ireland s native language can halt the process of Anglicization. However, he is careful not to make the claim that nothing English is of value, but emphasizes the necessity of not neglecting that which is essentially Irish. The history of Ireland is one of early scholasticism and rich culture in times when the rest of Europe had less of a literary and artistic tradition. By the time of Hyde s speech, the nation had become one of the least studious and most un literary 3 countries of the area, and he claims that the fault lies in a divergence from the right path. 4 Progressive Anglicization has led the Irish to forget their own culture and its traditions. The British claim that because the Irish have forgotten much of their language and customs, they should be content as an integral part of the United Kingdom, and
  • 40. Racial Tension In Do The Right Thing In the finals scenes of Do the Right Thing, there is a bountiful amount of escalating conflict that leads to Mookie s ultimate decision to throw a metal garbage can through the shop window of Sal s pizzeria, which in turn leads to the entire neighborhood in uproar over the racial tension that is established throughout the rest of the movie. Before Mookie makes any kind of movement, the neighborhood is yelling over the lack of respect from him and his sons toward the other members of the neighborhood (specifically the non white members). Mookie throws the garbage bag away on the floor so that can carry the empty can to the front window and throw it inside. The neighborhood reacts by charging in through the broken window and the front door. Once
  • 41. Enervation In The Triumph Of Death Essay Drizelle Baluyot Enervation in The Triumph of Death In a perfect world, sickness and death no longer exist. Ideally, there would be wholesome bodies, pure souls, and a transcendence that takes human beings beyond the limits of their imagination. Although Giorgio Aurispa longs for this kind of transcendence, he has found that life was but a seething mass of impurity (104). Human beings have managed to find purpose in the midst of life s endless scheme of enervation through work, religion, responsibility, and community. However, this is not always the case for the privileged, which Gabriele D Annunzio blatantly addresses in his novel The Triumph of Death through Giorgio Aurispa, a 20 year old man who has become wealthy through inheritance from his uncle who has just committed suicide. Giorgio begins his journey towards enervation after no longer having need of these different spheres of life and instead, immerses himself with sensuality, materialism, and whatever pleasures his heart desires. Gabriele D Annunzio used Giorgio s ambivalence to demonstrate how his journey of enervation was birthed out of privilege. ... Show more content on ... With sickness and death constantly surrounding Giorgio, he wasn t able to get through life by focusing on other aspects, such as work, community, or love. Giorgio s tendency towards privilege led him to a prideful man, an unmoved Nietzsche superman who would not settle for less than the ideal. D Annunzio used The Triumph of Death as a pessimistic warning to the privileged that the obsessive pursuit of transcendence will only lead to a disappointment that has the potential to destroy a person s soul. Life is not meant to be experienced through an idealized lens, but through hard work, dedication, responsibility, community, and everything that gives life the fullness of
  • 42. Essay about Preventing Plagiarism in Writing TITLE : PREVENTING PLAGIARISM Plagiarism is a act of imprinting another person s writing, conversation, or even ideas. This even includes the information one gets from WebPages, the published papers online and even articles Paraphrasing is also considered plagiarism if done without proper internal citation. Plagiarism stays still unclear because often the boundary between plagiarism and research is unclear. Plagiarism is also considered as academic dishonesty and breach of ethics. It s not a crime though which must have a legal action but in academy and organizations or industries it is considered to be a serious offence. In educational institutions plagiarism is defined in multiple ways. They ... Show more content on ... General knowledge or some points related to common sense of a person do not require any credits to be given as these are factual. Some examples of general knowledge include birth dates , political or other historical events. This information can be considered as public domain. Field Specific common knowledge is also common within a particular field. To be more precise whenever there is a inclusion of facts theories or methods that are not known to the people of a particular discipline, citation can be avoided or any credit to the source can be avoided. In the discussion over plagiarism factors responsible for it , methods to avoid plagiarism and proper difference between a material which is plagiarized and one which is mistaken to be plagiarized is understood. As often there is a confusion over this. Plagiarism is a important concept to know and the ways to avoid them must also be learned. It is very important to give proper credit to the contributions of other people. It shows that there is due regard and recognition to their hard work. Plagiarism is more common in academic world. There is a increasing lure among the students and professors job complicates. Learning a concept and the ability to portray what was learned earns due respect . Here is a famous quote which depicts the importance of learning and gaining knowledge rather than just copying other persons views The principal mark of genius is not perfection but originality, which marks the
  • 43. The Importance Of A Good Society Is Not Achieved By Chance... The quantitative analysis of the merit of a society is one very multifaceted and complex task; however, one truth remains certain: a good society is not achieved by chance or by default. Each and every successful society has succeeded because at a certain point, members of the society acted collectively to create structure and organization. Universities and institutions, transportation networks, and public healthcare, are all structures that have been put in place to help individuals succeed in various areas. From Travels of a T shirt in the Global Economy, it is evident that without necessary trade, negotiations, and boundaries, the millions of T shirts produced would not be able to flow across global communities, bringing alongside them countless job opportunities, more effective governance systems, and enhanced research and innovations. Clearly, one of the key aspects of a good functioning society is the establishment of good and effective structures. While the best form of that structure can be debated, the fact that a good society needs structure and organization is a fixed and fundamental condition. In order for this structure to provide a foundation of a good society, there are a few other conditions that must follow among them are attentiveness to all members of the society, commitment to universal values, and flexibility to change and adapt. In addition to structure, a good society is one that works to help all members thrive, especially individuals at the
  • 44. The Rhetorical Analysis Of Against Music By Mo Tzu Against Music Mo Tzu s Against Music Has a strange opinion on music, he believes that music should be condemned, and not be listened to. When he was alive from (470 391 BCE) Mo Tzu was not like all the other philosophers of his time in ancient China. He believed that music was only good for a very small number of people, the rich which conflicted with Confucianism which said it was a force of good. In the essay he uses various examples of why music in not good and should be condemned. One of Mo Tzu s many reasons for condemning music includes, that it does not benefit the common people and only looks to entertain the rich. Mo Tzu also talks about taxing people for music is a waste of resources and asks why the common people should pay for ... Show more content on ... I believe he is wrong, in the essay he states Their music making interferes to such an extent with peoples efforts to produce food and clothing . I disagree with this statement everyday people listen to music and get things done an example of this is listening to music and doing homework I can personally relate to this one. People in college like me use music as a way to focus ourselves. Sometimes in some situations it can be distracting, I find especially if the music has lots of singing it can be distracting as opposed to music with only instruments. He also speaks as if music is some sort of drug that prevents us from reaching our goals because it distracts us. He is wrong as I stated before sometimes music can be a distraction, but to say it stops us from reaching our goals, and doing our basic tasks is just wrong. I listen to music everyday it is a part of my life just as much as eating, and sleeping. And I have done many great things and am on a path to a productive life as an adult. Music has helped me along the way to get through some rough times and some good ones. I disagree with what Mo Tzu says about music. Although one can argue that music can sometimes cause a distraction. Music is mostly a +hobby for people not a career or something that you are required to do. If someone is distracted by music it s their fault not the music they should know when they can listen to music and when they
  • 45. Geographic Information Science And Systems Joseph Crain GPHY 384 Term Paper 04/19/2016 Geographic information science and systems can be an extremely powerful tool when properly applied to real world situations. GIS is commonly thought of as map making because it deals with spatial analysis, but data can be managed and manipulated to create a vast array of different outputs including charts and graphs. There are several software programs capable of dealing with GIS synthesis and analysis. The focus of this paper applies to use of ArcMap 10.1 GIS software for data management and output creation. GIS can provide several key benefits: cost savings from better efficiency, better decision making, improved communication, better record keeping, and understanding changes in geographic ... Show more content on ... Providing updated geographic or spatial information is a primary responsibility of many government organization. GIS provides the structure for maintaining, updating, and organizing all of these records. ROI on Montana s GIS based statewide cadastral system is more than $9 million annually. GIS is becoming essential to understanding what is happening and what will happen in geographic space. Once we understand, we can prescribe action. is gis The general area of focus for this assignment is in the field of geology. My specific interests in this field include mineral exploration (locating) and exploitation (recovery). My career goal is to work for an exploration company location potential resources. GIS is essential for success in both of these processes. GIS programs are used to map geologic formations, provide topological information, display watersheds, and show vital spatial relationships between outcrops in the field. Knowing the location of specific formations will help in finding potential payload sources. Topographical information can be used to provide planning information for roads and other forms of access to the payload. Cost analysis can be modeled in a $ per distance format by knowing the type of terrain being crossed. Cadastral data can be used to display parcel ownership information. This can be very useful when beginning to negotiate for mineral rights. Water is the main method of
  • 46. Evaluate The Impact Of Human Capital Disclosure On... Methodology The paper ascertained the impact of human capital disclosure on shareholders value using panel pool, fixed and random models in Nigeria oil and gas companies from 2004 to 2016. The work uses secondary source of data in an attempt to achieve the set objective of the study and to solve the problem under study. The secondary data were obtained from the annual financial reports of selected listed oil and gas companies as released by the Nigerian Stock Exchange over the period 2005 2014. Measurement of Variables The dependent variable; Shareholders value as used in this study was measured similarly to the one used by Olayiwola, (2016) which have been widely embraced in the literature as shareholders value and is measured ... Show more content on ... (2) Where: DPS= Dividend Per Share (proxy for shareholders value) HCD= Human Capital Disclosure/Costs (In aggregate) U= error term HCR .................... +/ Human capital costs comprises of Salaries and Wages, Training Cost, Retirement Benefits, Medical/Health and Labour Turnover The aggregate of the indices for measuring human capital disclosure shall be regressed against the dividend per share of companies to determine the impact of labour cost accounting information disclosure on the profitability potential of oil and gas companies. Relationship between dividend per share and shareholders value of oil and gas companies Dependent Variable: DPS Method: Panel Least Squares Date: 06/22/17 Time: 05:19 Sample: 2004 2016 Periods included: 13 Cross sections included: 9 Total panel (balanced) observations: 117 VariableCoefficientStd. Errort StatisticProb. Salaries Wages (N 000)0.3335280.1052313.1694810.0020 Training Cost (N 000)0.2427600.0981472.4734360.0149 Retirement benefits (N 000)0.1716640.1978110.8678150.3874 Pension Provident Fund (N 000)0.0157870.1191440.1325080.8948 Medical/Health (N 000)0.1794970.0953141.8832110.0623 Labour Turnover Ratio0.0142910.0756410.1889300.8505
  • 47. C2.2724800.6826333.3289940.0012 R squared0.416917Mean dependent var2.334626 Adjusted R squared0.385112S.D. dependent var0.611377 S.E. of regression0.479410Akaike info criterion
  • 48. Double Bass Drumming Research Paper The evolution of drumming is quite an interesting story. Many occurrences have contributed to the changes the kit style of drumming. Traveling through time the drum has become a major part of any modern day band. Beginning with double drumming, into the invention of the double bass drumming, and ending with the invention of the modern drumstick. After the civil war, around the 1900 s, marching drummers tried to figure of how one person could play the whole percussion section. Double drumming allowed someone to do that; by having one player play both a bass drumbeat and snare drum beat. One popular rhythm that was used in double drumming was a four in a bar bass drum, while doing a close roll on snare. By 1876, theater orchestras and dance bands had adopted the technique of drumming into their music.... Show more content on ... This technique changed the drum kit to have two bass drums instead of just the average one bass drum kit. Louie Bellson was the first drummer to record a double bass drum part. The recording was the song, Skin Deep by the Duke Ellington Orchestra. Many drummers practiced double bass drumming after Louie Bellson, making the technique popular. Double bass drumming opened the door to many different kinds of music. Different forms of double bass drumming can be found in early rock or modern day metal. Today s modern day form of double bass drumming is the use of a double bass pedal. I use double drumming when I preform drum solos and in my everyday playing. Making the use of a single bass drum capable to make a double bass sound. Some of the legends of the double bass are Lars Ulrich, Neil Peart, and James the Rev
  • 49. Franklin Delano Roosevelt And The Populist Movement The late nineteenth century and early twentieth century marked a period of industrial revolution in America. The growing industrial labor force significantly widened the gap between the needs of urban, industrial America, and rural, farming America. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt s New Plan was successful in addressing the United State s economic and social needs by integrating the desires of both the rural Populist agenda and the urban Progressivist agenda. During his time in office, there were many reasons as to why Roosevelt needed to make changes. Citizens of the US began wanting reform with the beginning of the populist movement in the 1870s. The need for reform continued with the beginning of the progressive movement in the 1890s. ... Show more content on ... Franklin Delano Roosevelt s creation of the New Deal was positively influenced by Populism as the US did not feel threatened by other countries as well as experiencing a growth of steadiness in the US economy. The purpose creating the New Deal was to resolve the economic problems after the Great Depression. Populism, a political philosophy supporting the rights and power of people who were disadvantaged from the wealthy, was a positive movement that help create success for the New Deal. Examples of Populist Movement is the Granger Movement, also known as the National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry, and Farmers Alliance. The Granger Movement was created to advance methods of agriculture, as well as to promote the social and economic needs of farmers in the United States (Gilder). The main focus of the Granger Movement was to assist farmers because railroads owned many grain elevators, so along other laborers, they charged farmers for storage as well. The movement allowed farmers to fight for their desires and not allow the government to constantly only focus on the wealthy. The Grange had ways to combat the federal government s economic policies, which heavily favored industry over agriculture ( Not only did the movement benefit farmers, but it also helped shape America s farmland. Although the Granger Movement was successful, it was also linked with the Farmers Alliance, which was a more political party. The Farmers Alliance, including the Southern Alliance and Agriculture Wheel, grew rapidly. Although it was difficult for these agricultural groups to unite, they all had similar beliefs that the nation s financial system needed reform because agricultural prices were low and transportation prices were high. Therefore, the goal of the populist party was to unite the farmers of America for their protection against class legislation and the
  • 50. The Ten Item Personality Inventory Exercise Abstract The Ten Item Personality Inventory exercise is implemented with a participant. The participant was asked to answer 10 questions about how she INTRO (5pages) Each and every one of us is different in a unique way; in today s time a person s personality is seen as their own unique code or pattern that tends to define who they are in terms of emotions and behavior. With the help of the Big Five Personality Traits Theory we can actually determin a person s personality. The first factor of the theory is openness to experience which tends to deal with insight and imagination as well as having many interests including a wide variety in taste of music, books or artwork. Other opinions and critiques tend to believe that openness also includes an emotional aspect as well as unusual ideas and curiosity. Factor two, conscientiousness, refers to the idea that one can act with self discipline and acts in a way that is more measured out rather than spontaneous and in one way or another efficient and dependable. Many critiques believe that this factor also refers to people have a strong work ethic, are focused as well as disciplined which leads to a sense of organization. Many psychologists nowadays agree that people falling under this category will always believe that they are prepared for any give task through using the method of following a strict ... Show more content on ... As the name suggests these people are extroverts and they enjoy being with those around them. Many psychologists believe that people falling in this category, when finding themselves in a group, will tend to assert themselves in attempt to make themselves seen and heard, thus drawing major attention to one s self. Some go as far as to say that an extraversionist would say that he/she is the life of the party and enjoys experiencing positivity from those around
  • 51. Tristan And Isolde Essay In Tristan, by Gottfried Von Strassburg, Tristan and Isolde s love is best characterized as being moral and immoral at the same time. This paradoxical feature is indivisible to their relationship and it appears in various incidents, for example, when Isolde receives the ordeal of hot red iron and when Isolde and Tristan lie together in a cave with a sword between them. In Chapter 23, in order to prove her innocence and to end the rumor in the court, Isolde has to accept Bishop s suggestion for an ordeal of hot red iron. She fears her reputation and honor will be ruined at once and she is also troubled by the fact that she needs to come up with a plot to whitewash her falseness (246). She confides all these secret struggles to God and she finds her way through praying and fasting. Isolde does not feel bad about her immoral love with Tristan; ... Show more content on ... Tristan and Isolde are banished because Mark, King of Cornwall, is suspicious again. Led by the master huntsman, Mark discovers the cave where the two live in and, with deep suspicion in his heart, he believes this is the chance to discover the truth. Through the window, he finds his wife and nephew well away from each other, one on one side, the other on the other, with the naked sword between them (272). Tristan and Isolde seem to be so innocent, however, they hide their guilt in deep as this is another plot to cover their immoral love. The virtuous act is indeed immoral because it hides their intimate relationship. Tristan proposes this plan out of constant fear that someone might discover their relationship. Isolde adopts the plan as neither does she want it to happen. In fact, the two enjoy their time together very much. The cave they live in is called the Cave of Lovers, with a bed in the center which is engraved along its sides with letters, announcing that the bed was dedicated to the Goddess of Love (261). It is like the all knowing God prepares this cave for
  • 52. Persuasive Essay On Soda Introduction: According to the, last updated January 17, 2017, In 2013, the average American drank just over 38 gallons of soda a year... Most of us could agree that we ve indulged on a cold refreshing coca cola, for that matter any other soda. Throughout the years soda has became a staple in our lives, it completes our dinners, and goes great with popcorn at the movies. However, consuming soda has far more serious health risks than we may realize. For that reason, I invite you all to limit the amount of soda you in take. Today I will discuss the ingredients found in soda, the health risks of drinking soda, and alternatives to drinking soda. Ingredients of a Soda Essentially soda is made of water, sugar, and other detrimental ingredients that provide zero nutritional value to our bodies. According to, last accessed November 1, 2017, high fructose corn syrup is an artificial sweetener made from cornstarch. High fructose corn syrup is cheap, therefore it is commonly used in the U.S., last updated in 2008, reports that high fructose corn syrup was popularized in the 70 s replacing sugar. High fructose corn syrup is widely used because it is cheaper and comes in liquid form making the transporting process quicker. Although this ingredient may taste delicious in our soda, several studies show that the overconsumption of HFCS is linked to diabetes, heart diseases, and obesity. According to, last
  • 53. Essay On Augustine Of Hippo Augustine of Hippo Aurelius Augustinus was born in 354 AD and is better known as Augustine of Hippo, or rather Saint Augustine. He is still today regarded as an influential individual who contributed immensely to western theology and philosophy, Augustine was the Bishop of Hippo Regius which is located in Africa and formed part of the Roman Empire. He was an early church father and his writings contributed to western theology which in addition shaped values and influence, these famous writings include: The City of God, Confessions and The Trinity. Augustine s upbringing Augustine was born into the honourable and wealthy family, Aurelius, who formed a part of the upper class of citizens in Roman Africa. His father only converted to Christianity... Show more content on ... He described this relationship as a marriage of the body soul unity, where the body constituted being the wife. The two substances should be in perfect harmony, however, they are two entirely different things, one you can see, while the other can be seen as a spiritual aspect. The metaphysics of Plato and Descartes were similar to that of Augustine s, however, Augustine did not give too much depth when explaining the metaphysics of the soul and body. One s body is intricate which is made up of four elements and the soul is a single unified state, the soul can be seen as conducting reason and operating the body. The soul is ultimately superior to the body, which contributes to our intelligence and reason. Augustine s work: In the City of God, his interpretation of Genesis suggested that God created everything in the universe not in seven calendar days but rather simultaneously. The structure of creation in Genesis signifies a logical framework and it should rather be seen as a spiritual than a literal meaning. He comments that once new information surfaces we should be open minded as the interpretation Genesis one is problematic in some aspects. (Johnson, L J. 2009. P