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Autobiography Essay Layout
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Autobiography Essay Layout Autobiography Essay Layout
Recidivism In American Prisons
Prisons are meant to securely hold convicts as well as those who are remanded. Such people are
kept in custody for certain duration of time. The nature of crime defines the length of time that that
person will serve in prison. For some crimes such as murder, an individual may be sentenced to
death. As such, prisons serve as confinement zones for those who have been determined to be
wrong doers or those who have been accused as such. This particular essay tends to investigate one
thing that I would like to rectify in the United States correctional system based on its current
The American prisons system is a failed system. It needs tremendous change so that it can truly
serve its role in the American society. For instance, the high rate of recidivism is sufficient evidence
that the system has serious deficiencies. Emphasis ought to be made on the basic mission of these
correctional facilities because inmates must be educated, rehabilitated, and ensured of ... Show more
content on ...
They act as confining zones for the accused and the convicted people. Perhaps this can be
confirmed if you ask the prison controllers of what their definition for success is. They will most
likely define it in terms of keeping security within these institutions so that those confined within
them do not escape. That is why America has prisons. Such places have a singular role of locking
up people as though they were birds in cages and results in dehumanizing them. Although prisons
are used as an instrument for justice, their primary functions have been changed to appear as
though they just isolate people from the public for a given number of calendar periods that may go
for as long as one dies. Thus, you will definitely find the prison administrators taking success to
mean that they hold people in such institutions until they serve the number of days that they are
held in
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William Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet And A Midsummer...
What if I told you that no matter what you look at or how many times you look at it, you ll never
truly be able to see it. Often the things we perceive as the most trustworthy are only
misinterpretations of reality created by our perspective, which make common illusions.
Characters in Romeo Juliet and A Midsummer Night s Dream also experience this idea,
demonstrated when they are tricked by their own perspective and only see what they think is the
best scenario. Illusions are created based on people s perceptions of reality. It is then clear that
in Romeo Juliet and A Midsummer Night s Dream, perspective creates reality. This perspective
creates a version of truth that hides the reality from people s eyes. This is shown when Lysander
is tricked by the magic flower into loving Helena, Friar Lawrence calling Romeo a girl due to his
tears, as well as having hallucinations while under the effects of drugs. The theme in Romeo
Juliet and A Midsummer Night s Dream is that perspective creates reality. This is demonstrated
by Lysander s fake love for Helena. This theme is clearly represented when the love flower
influences Lysander to change his perspective on how he viewed both Helena and Hermia, thus
hiding his true emotions and making the fabricated one real. Content with Hermia! no;I do
repent the tedious minutes I have with her spent. Not Hermia but Helena I love: Who will not
change a raven for a dove? The will of man is by his reason sway d. (2, 2, 111 115) In this
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Worldshaker Inequality Quotes
Inequality is an unlawful right in modern times, but when the story Worldshaker was set it was a
lawful right. The author of the novel Worldshaker Richard Harland tells the reader that Riff is a
Filthy from the lower decks and is being bullied by people from the upper decks. As Riff began to
grow as a character she discovers how people should dress up, talk, and look, to be equal with the
people from the upper decks. Throughout the story a large quantity of events happen and quote
will be used to prove people are equal.
The theme is [inequality] that is spread throughout the book Worldshaker . There are two main
characters Col and Riff, the chosen character is Riff. Riff is a Filthy and she has broken English.
Doesn t mean we re partnered or anythin (pg64) this quote proves that Riff is in the lower decks
and not as well educated as people in the upper decks. At the beginning of the story Riff wasn t
treated well from Col s side, he used to tease her because of how she looks and of her slang English.
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As Riff grows as a character she now knows how to speak fluent English rather than slang, as
well she started to be wearing fashion type clothes that the upper deck girls are wearing. The
upper deck people did not expect Riff to become equal to them, in that case the upper deck
people started to treat her with high respect and stop bullying her. Riff had a lot of talents and one
of them is dancing, she never knew that she could dance well and she surprised the people around
her. This statement can link into real life, by that it means that all people are equal no matter on
how they look or
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Research Paper On Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is an American holiday that celebrate the Pilgrim s successful harvest. The Pilgrims
were thankful that they had survived in the New World. At the first Thanksgiving feast, people ate
lobster, seal, swan, and deer meat. In modern times, we serve turkey dinners, have family
gatherings, and watch football games. Many also donate foodto neighbors who don t have enough
two eat. Thanksgivingis an American which is widely celebrated.
The holiday Thanksgiving has a long history to where it got today. The Pilgrims left England in
September 1620 on a ship called the Mayflower. They arrived on Massachusetts Bay to
established their village at Plymouth. Mayflower s passengers suffered a lot during the winter
only half lived to see America. The Pilgrims settle ashore and was greeted by the Native
American in english. Several days later, he brought Squanto who Squanto taught the Pilgrims
many survival skills that help them thrive in such a difficult area to adapt to. Squanto also help
formed an alliance with the neighboring tribe which endure 50 years of peace and harmony
between the Natives and Europeans. In November 1621, Governor William Bradford called for a
feast to celebrate the colony s first successful corn harvest. He invited their Native American allies.
The feast lasted for three days. This event was known as the first Thanksgiving. ... Show more
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For example, in my household, on Thanksgiving day, my mom cooks various of traditional
Thanksgiving meals early in the morning. The meal consist of turkey, mashed potatoes, sauteed
string beans dressed in shredded garlic and butter. While she is cooking, I sit down in front of the
T.V. to watch the Macy s Thanksgiving parade. When my mom is done, which is about 6 p.m.,
every single guest stands in front of the highly decorated table filled with scorching hot meals
waiting to be devoured, and serve themselves. We follow the traditions every
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Sophia Loren Research Paper
Times were tough in war ravaged Italy, especially for poverty stricken families like Sophia s.
Sophia Loren is an actress born in a town near the city of Naples, around the time of the war. Not
only has she worked strenuously her entire career, but in the opinions of many she was the most
beautiful woman in the world. Sophia Loren is a talented Italian actress who has accomplished
many things on and off set. To continue, Sophia Loren is one of the most beautiful faces in
history, but her childhood was not as lovely. Raised in poverty, she began her film career in
1951 and came to be regarded as one of the worlds most beautiful women (Sophia Loren
Biography). Sophia lived with her single mother, who struggled to support their family during
World War II. Although she would go on to be considered one of the most beautiful women in
history, Sophia Loren s wet nurse remembered her as the ugliest child I ever saw in my life
(Sophia Loren Biography). Multiple sources have suggested that she was scrawny and ugly as a
young child, a result of harsh conditions and rare occasions of... Show more content on ...
As far as awards go, she s been nominated for several. Sophia was nominated for two Academy
Awards with one of them being a win, which was a great achievement for her. Loren won the
Best Actress Academy Award for the film Two Women in 1961 and an Academy Honorary
Award in 1991 (Sophia Loren Biography). Her accomplishment was special because she was the
first woman to win for a foreign film. Also, many people see her as only a wonderful actress, but
her achievements span far from the screen. An accomplished cook, she has written three cookbooks
(Sophia Loren Fast Facts). Lastly, many do not know that Sophia, in the middle of her hectic
schedule, managed to raise two children, clearly demonstrating her amazingly maternal abilities.
Sophia Loren is an incredibly accomplished woman, on and off
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Steps Of The Time Management Process
The project schedule is the tool that conveys what work should be performed, which assets of the
association will play out the work and the time spans in which that work should be performed. The
project calendar ought to mirror the majority of the work connected with conveying the project on
time. Without a full and finish plan, the project director will be not able convey the total exertion,
regarding expense and assets, important to convey the venture. When every one of the deliverables
of the project have been recognized, undertakings will be performed keeping in mind the end goal
to make the deliverables.
Planning is the most effortless method for overseeing project time. In this approach, the exercises
of the venture are assessed ... Show more content on ...
Hence, the project administration group ought to have a reasonable comprehension about the assets
assignment keeping in mind the end goal to precisely deal with the project time.
4. Length and Effort Estimation
This is one of the key strides in the project planing process. Since evaluations are constantly
(length), this progression ought to be finished with a higher precision.
For this progression, there are numerous estimation systems set up, so your project ought to choose
a fitting one. Once the action assessments are finished, basic way of the venture ought to be
distinguished with a specific end goal to decide the aggregate project length. This is one of the key
contributions for the project time administration.
5. Development of the Schedule
To make an exact schedule, movement arrangement, length of every action and the asset necessities
/allotment for every action are the most critical components.
6. Schedule Plan Control
No project can be executed without changes to the first calendar. Along these lines, it is basic to re
design our project plan with progressing changes.
Client and Seller, who will mutually deal with this project, will together create courses of events for
an expected timetable in light of Seller s project administration system. Any dates, due dates,
courses of events or schedules contained in the Anticipated Schedule, in this are estimated and the
others won t depend on them for
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Moral Relativism In High Schools
Today s society places feelings above all else. Feelings trump logic, reason, and other basic
principles that all great societies value. This shift in predilection towards feelings has caused
society to begin making decisions based on feelings as opposed to logic.
Moral relativism is the philosophy where things such as ethics, morals and positions of right and
wrong are subject to one s own beliefs; this philosophy eliminates all objective truths. Slowly but
surely, society is turning into a moral relativistic society where everyone is free to create their
own truth based on how they feel. For example, an objective truth would be The killing of
innocent life is wrong, but a moral relativist could just as easily say, I feel that killing ... Show more
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In order to combat this ever pervasive problem, it must be attacked at the roots. This could be
achieved through the teaching of good philosophy. This solution is not as easy as it seems though.
Creating an environment that fosters intellectual thought and philosophical discussion within the
school system will undoubtedly help students question ideas that are currently left unquestioned.
Making philosophy class mandatory in high schools will nurture thoughtful minds that can entertain
an idea without accepting it. Possessing the ability to do this will benefit students far greater than a
guitar class or most other electives for that matter. A philosophy class will teach students
rudimentary principles taught by some of the greatest thinkers of all time Aristotle, Socrates, and
Plato. These basic principles will uproot and contradict many things society values today, most of
which will be moral relativism.
The implementation of philosophy into high schools is a macro solution that is far above
anything I can do in my life at the moment. Despite this fact, I can still have an effect on a micro
level. By living out the good philosophy that should be taught in schools, I allow my peers and
community to see the effect that this philosophy has. Having people lead by example and live out
their philosophy is one of the easiest ways to change those around
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Barack Obama Thesis
Barack Obama: Writer in Chief President Barack Obama is know for remarkable events such as
becoming the first African American president of the United States; however, not everyone
knows about what else Obama has done. He is also an author who has written around twenty
books including a memoir about his early life leading up to his life in law school, and a children s
book dedicated to his daughters. His most famous book Dreams From My Father, a memoir about
his early life leading up to law school, is a prime example of what influenced him to write. There
were many things that happened in Obama s life that caused him to write. Things such as the
segregation happening in the U.S at the time, his broken home and his feelings towards his absent
father.... Show more content on ...
Throughout all of his writing, he talks about race and the desire of equality and how being
segregated affected him as a human being. While he was in college, he was one of three black
students in the school so he became really aware of the racism and discrimination. The current
president stated I noticed that there was nobody like me in the Sears, Roebuck Christmas catalog.
. .and that Santa was a white man. I went into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror with
all my senses and limbs seemingly intact, looking as I had always looked, and wondered if
something was wrong with me (Barack Obama). Because of the difference in color and the stigma
against black people, he would wonder what was wrong with him and that later is one of his main
issues that he addresses in his political
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River Padma Personal Statement Of Purpose
River Padma, the biggest and most turbulent river of Bangladesh, is around twenty kilometers
from my village where I grew up listening about the accidents of Steamer sinking (one kind of
vessel that made locally and used to cross the river) from my childhood. In later years I also had
some real acute experience of Steamer accidents. Every year around thousands of people lost
their lives because of these accidents which take place for several times in each year. Crossing
river Padma is must for the people of South Bangladesh as it is the only way to reach to the
capital city, Dhaka. In my childhood I just always asked myself why this type of accident
happens. We live in the ages of modern technology and people have already explored the
universe. So isn t it possible to make safe water vessels for carrying people? This question
revolved in my mind and it was the core point why I chose Naval Architectureand Marine
Engineeringas my expected subject in university level.
In my academic life when I was getting familiar with shipbuilding, ship design I really found these
very interesting. In third year of my undergraduate life I was taught some subjects ... Show more
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Though I have interest and inclination in the subject, my lack of profound knowledge seems to be
detrimental in contributing significantly to the field of structural engineering.
My undergraduate program has given me a wide and comprehensive exposure to numerous courses
that I found interesting namely, Mechanics of Structure; Ship Structure; Motion and Control; Heat
Transfer; Theory of Machines; Shipbuilding Materials; Optimization etc. I strongly believe in
learning practically by doing; it is the hope of coming up with path breaking results through
experimentation that I find very
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Loss Of Innocence In William Golding s Lord Of The Flies
Norman Cousins, American journalist and peace activist, once said, The tragedy of life is not
death but what we let die inside of us while we live. In the novel, Lord of the Flies, written by
William Golding, the characters go through a loss of innocence which can be illustrated by the
words of Norman Cousins. Throughout the novel, the young boys are put in situations in which
their innocence slowly dwindles away by being revealed to the born hate inside of everyone. The
characters loss of innocence in Lord of the Flies is shown when Jack killed a pigfor the first time,
by the truth from the Lord of the Flies, and the gradual death of the island itself. Jack killing a pig
is a scene in the novel where innocence is lost. After landing on the island, Jack went with the
choir to find meat. He went up to pigs twice before he could bring himself to killone. On page 74,
the author writes, The chant was audible but at that distance still wordless. Behind Jack walked
the twins, carrying a great stake on their shoulders. The gutted carcass of a pig swung from the
stake, swinging heavily as the twins toiled over the uneven ground...Kill the pig. Cut her throat.
Spill her blood (Golding 74). This passage displays how once Jack had slaughtered the pig, he
showed his accomplishment to the boys and acted as if he was powerful with his new skill.
Before killing a pig, there were two instances in which Jack told everyone he could kill but did
not have the guts to take the life of a living animal. Taking a pig s life unleashed a side of Jack
that none of his companions had seen before. The first kill was a trigger for Jacks lust for
hunting and eventually his loss of innocence. The revelation made by the Lord of the flies
expresses loss of innocence in Simon. During a mirage, Simon hallucinates that the sow head on
the stick came to life and spoke about innate hatred born in all people. The Lord of the Flies
says, You knew, didn t you? I m part of you (Goulding 143). This quote shows that sin is a part of
us and always will be. Goulding made the point very clear by having the Lord of the Flies divulge
such a dark message because he was symbolic of hatred and the devil. The conversation Simon had
with the Lord of the
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Criminal Profiler
1. What is a criminal profiler? A criminal profiler falls under the category of law enforcement.
They are a form of criminal investigator. Profilers may use behavioral analysis to aid them in
pinpointing a suspect. I am interested in pursuing this occupation because what motivates people
to act the way they do is intriguing. A profiler can learn a vast amount about a person by simply
observing their actions and reactions. The profession of a criminal profiler can be grouped into the
categories of requirements, responsibilities, and ramifications. There are strict requirements
involved with becoming a criminal profiler. 2, 5 A profiler must have a bachelor s degree in
criminal justice, psychology, social sciences, or behavioral sciences (Criminal Profiler). 5 Popular
schools for this occupation include Kaplan University, Ashford University, and the University of
South Dakota (Study). A benefit of studying this occupation is how the degree programs overlap
and bear resemblance. 4 Also, Durant High School provides a forensics class that would aid in
preparation for this career. 2, 6 Another couple examples of requirements for becoming an
investigator include passing a thorough background investigation and completing an eighteen week
period of training at the FBI Academy in Quantico (Clinical). Neither of which is easy.... Show
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Each requirement and responsibility leads to the outcome of success. Each area of is equally
important. Specifically, the knowledge obtained through the requirements accompanied by the
character built through responsibilities. However, the ramifications are priceless. Every hour of
overtime, every drop of sweat, is worth the excited smiles on the faces of ones you love as you
walk through the door. Including resting easy at night knowing the offender is locked away. For
these reasons, I continue to desire to pursue this
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Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc.—2004 Cynthia Duff
Francis Marion University Ticker Symbol: KKD
The neon sign Hot Doughnuts Now, when illuminated, lures hungry customers into the local Krispy
Kreme stores. The sign signals that Krispy Kreme s signature product, Hot Original Glazed
doughnuts, are right now rolling under the glazing process and are ready to be devoured by
anxiously waiting customers. There s nothing better than a hot, fresh, fluffy glazed doughnut that
melts in your mouth to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts went public on April 5, 2000, allowing its customers to have their
doughnuts and eat them too. It opened a test doughnut making store in a Wal Mart Super center in
October 2003. ... Show more content on ...
Number of Stores в–ІCompany в– Area Developers в—Џ Associates
Sane Kripsy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc. 2003 Annual Report, p. 73.
The principle business of KKD is high volume sales and production of over twenty varieties of the
finest quality doughnuts; including the signature Hot Original Glazed Krispy Kreme s commitment
to quality and consistency has created a long standing devoted customer base. The doughnut
making stores, quality ingredients, and vertical integration are part of what makes Krispy Kreme
capable of differentiating itself from competitors.
Krispy Kreme is dedicated to a strategic philosophy, which includes the following beliefs:
1All products will have a taste and quality that are second to none.
2Control product quality and freshness of the ingredients.
3Be thoroughly prepared to execute growth initiatives when they become needed.
4The keys to creating and maintaining a competitive advantage include observing that quality,
service, and innovation are second to none.
5Instill the belief that the company is a set of capabilities, not just a product or brand.
6Have a passion that growth and success as a company is a natural result of the growth and
success of our people.
Krispy Kreme is a vertically integrated company with three reportable segment Company Store
Operations, Franchise Operations, and Krispy Kreme Manufacturing and Distribution (KKM D)
unit. KKD company
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Overview Of The Fashion Industry In Italy
Running Head: Fashion Industry in Italy
Fashion Industry in Italy
Table of contents
Executive summary...................................................................................3
Introduction to Italy...................................................................................3
Geography of Italy....................................................................................4
Demographics of Italy...............................................................................4
Natural resources of Italy...........................................................................5
Economic sector and trade statistics...............................................................6
Exports to other countries their competitors of the exporting goods.......................6
Leading Fashion Brands of Italy...................................................................6
Analysis of comparative advantage of Italian fashion industry................................7
Monetary system of Italy............................................................................8
The legal and physical infrastructure of Italy.....................................................8
Status of research and innovation infrastructure..................................................9
International rankings of Italy.......................................................................9
Cultural and linguistic impact of Italy on business...............................................9
Tax structure of Italy................................................................................10
Relationship with Canada in terms of trade and aid............................................10
Analysis of Italian fashion industry...............................................................11
Fashion Industry in Italy
Executive Summary
Italian industry has grown immensely with the late 17th century induction of fashion apparels
modernizing into the modern world of fashion entity. The industry has grown into upper class, high
quality fashion accessory and apparel industry. The top companies have
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The Theories Of Consciousness In Greyson And Calvi-P
The topic of near death experience has brought forth a debate on how the brain is connected to the
consciousness. Two hypotheses, the materialist view and the dualist view, have been suggested.
One claims that the brain creates the consciousness and the other that the brain interprets the
consciousness. In the following paragraphs, I plan to address the hypothesis put forth by authors
Greyson and Calvi Parsetti, the hypothesis I feel best follows both the SEARCH criteria and the
criteria of adequacy, and why I feel the opposing hypothesis lacks a solid foundation.
First and foremost, I am going to address the hypotheses of two authors from which have brought
up the dualist or transmission hypotheses on consciousness. Both Greyson and Calvi Parisetti ...
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This hypothesis claims that the brain transduces or interprets for the mind/consciousness (Shaffer).
There are several implications that come with such a claim. First, this implies that the brain is
needed to see or interpret the mind, but is not needed to create the mind. Second, as the mind refers
to the part of the person that enables consciousness, awareness, thought, and even feeling, this
implies that the brain is not needed to create such things as consciousness, awareness, thought or
feeling. Third, this implies that the brain and the mind exist separately. Fourth, if the mind exists
separately from the brain, this also implies that something else produces or transmits the mind.
Fifth, if the mind and the brain exist separately and something else produces or transmits the mind,
this implies that things such as consciousness, awareness, thought or feeling should continue to be
transmitted despite the absence of brain stem responses or brain activity. In short, this implies that
the brain would no longer produce a picture, but would still be receiving the picture to be
produced. If this were the case, doctors should still find people responsive, dreaming, etc... despite
being clinically brain dead as there would still be active signals being sent for the brain to
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Fashion of the Elizabethan Era
Fashion of the Elizabethan Era
The Elizabethan era was a time period centered around the life of Queen Elizabeth I s reign
(1558 1603). This period in time is considered the peak of English history and is the beginning of
when people began to think and believe differently. That brought along changes in the way people
dressed. How people, particularly rich ones, dressed was just another way for them to express
themselves. Social classes are also very much prominent in the era. These social classes influenced
the fashion of the Elizabethan era. This is shown in men s and women s clothes, shoes, hats, and
accessories in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. (Whitmore, Deanne)
In the 1500 s men s clothing was generally black ... Show more content on ...
It prevented the good shoe from getting dirty. They were eventually banned in some places
because women could fall while walking in them. Women s hats in the 1500 s were, however, very
different than men s. (Head over heels 1500s)
The hats women wore in the era were very diverse. They would sometimes just be wraps, but
other times, they would be huge things sitting atop the head. One of the smaller head ornaments
they would wear was the curved French hood. It looked like a hood that was falling off of the
back of someone s head. Another smaller head covering was the gable hood. It was pentagon
shaped, heavily starched scarf worn on top of a woman s head. They would sometimes use wire
framing inside the scarf which was very decorative. One of the biggest hats women wore in the 16th
century was the horned head dress. This was a truly fantastic invention. It had two extensions, one
to each side of the head, extending out to each shoulder. Draping off the extensions was some sort
of sheer material usually decorated with jewels. For women accessories weren t very prominent in
the beginning of the century because Britain was still a member of the Catholic Church, which
banned jewelry, but when the country broke away from the church and the ban was lifted. Towards
the end of the century, women began to wear the occasional strand of pearls or a small necklace
with gems in it.
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Unit 2 study guide
1.Review the anatomy of the brain. Which portion is responsible for keeping you awake,
controlling thought, speech, emotions and behavior, maintaining balance and posture?
Emotions and behavior are controlled by the hypothalamus (p.455)
The cerebellum is responsible for maintaining balance and posture (p.455)
The reticular formation is essential for maintaining wakefulness and in conjunction with the
cerebral cortex is referred to as the reticular activating system (p.450)
The Broca speech area is rostral to the inferior edge of the premotor area on the inferior frontal
gyrus. It is usually on the left hemisphere and is responsible for the motor aspects of speech.
Damage to this area leads to expressive aphasia or dysphasia (p.452) ... Show more content on ...
p.483 The cell bodies of primary order neurons or pain transmitting neurons reside in the dorsal
root ganglia just lateral to the spine along the sensory pathways that penetrate the posterior part of
the cord. The second order neurons are found in the dorsal horn (p.484) Most nociceptive
information tranvels by means of ascending columns in the lateral spinothalamic tract (also called
the anterolateral funiculus). The principal target for nociceptive afferents is the thalamus (the
major relay station of sensory information in general) Third order neurons project to portions of
the CNS involved in the processing and interpretation of pain, the chief areas being the reticular
and limbic systems and cerebral cortex. (p 484)
9. Know different clinical descriptions of pain; pain threshold/tolerance The most widely used
clinical classifications for pain are based on the inferred neurophysiologic mechanisms, temporal
aspects, etiology, and region affected. Usually described as nociceptive or non nociceptive, and by
duration, either acute or chronic. acute pain a protective mechanism that alerts the individual to a
condition or experiece that is immediately harmful to the ody and mobilizes the individual to take
prompt action to relieve it; transient, usually lasting seconds to days; begins suddenly and relieved
after the chemical mediators that stimulate pain receptors are removed. Acute pain arises from
cutaneous and deep somatic
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Informative Speech On American Football
American football is widely enjoyed by our country. It is one of the top sports we participate in
and watch as a nation. Here I will be telling you why it is so significant to us as a nation, how it
impacts us and also how it is important to us. The history of football dates back to nearly 1860 s.
It actually evolved from another sport. That sport being rugby. Rugby is a very physical game.
That is where footballgets it toughness from. The first ever game of football played was in
November 6 of 1869. The football game was between Rutgers and Princeton. Each team consisted
of 25 players. Though out time since then, rules have been changed and altered. The sport being
very physical, led to injuries amongst early players. Very little padding was used. Our president,
Theodore Roosevelt was soon to abolish the game itself if changes were not made. Rules and
regulations were then made and added to the sport. This turned out to be better for the players. Less
injuries occurred to them.... Show more content on ...
One team will play defense and the other team will play offense. The objective is for whichever
team that plays offense, to score with the ball on the opposite team s touchdown zone. The
defense team has to try and stop the offense team from scoring. The offense team has 4 tries at
scoring with the play. If the offense team does not manage to score, the ball is the given to the
other team. If the team does manage to score, they will be allowed to have a kick off. This means
they have a chance to get an additional score to their points and put them at higher chance of
winning. Once the team has reached all their attempts at scoring or have scored, the ball is then
given to the other team. Now the opposite team has a chance of
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Examples Of How The Grinch Stole Christmas
How the Grinch Stole Christmas!!In the movie by Dr. Seuss, the Grinch is portrayed as the villain.
Why? Because he s a nasty, coldhearted creature that hates Christmas.But there is a reason for
loathing the Christmas season. The Grinch plots to steal the joy and cheer of Christmas time away
from the Whos in Who ville.Which he equally hates as much as the happy celebrations. As a child,
the Grinchwas rejected by the Who ville community.He was made fun of and disliked by
everybody, so he lived secluded up in the icy, gloomy mountains for his entire life.
The Grinch actually enjoyed Christmas as a kid; he had a crush on Martha May, who is now with
the Mayor. However, the Mayor used taunt the Grinch about his crush on Martha. For the Christmas
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Serafina In Deep Blue Characters
Throughout the book, the lessons Serafina learns, the main female character, are attached to the
main theme, Although dangers may bar your way to happiness, courage and dedication to hope
will pull you through even the hardest of times. Deep Blue, a fictional novel by Jennifer
Donnelly, that takes place in the hidden world of mermaids, unseen by most humans. When
Serafina, a mermaid of the Mediterranean Sea, awakens on the morning of her betrothal with a
fearful haunting dream of the Iele chanting, she realizes that maybe the stories she grew up with
aren t all made up. The happiest moments of her life lasted only a few moments, before her
mother was killed and she was forced to flee. Serafina with her best friend Neela goes on a
treacherous... Show more content on ...
For instance, Although we have barely known each other, we were able to push through and
perform the bloodbind, where if our bond wasn t strong enough, we would have perished. (323)
The mages performed the bloodbind, knowing they could die if their bond was not strong enough,
through courage. They completed the bloodbind, exhausted, but this experience proves that through
the short time they had been together, their friendship would reign. In support of this, Ling has
known you only for a few days, and yet she treats you as if she has known you for ages. (243) It is
clear that although Ling has known her for only a few days, she fully trusts Serafina. Serafina
questions Ling s motives at first, but later sees that their friendship is true. Although there are
moments where the mages are not strong enough, they pull through those challenges
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Life Defined by a Single Moment in Scarlet Letter, Red...
A Life Defined by a Single Moment in Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter, Stephen Crane s Red Badge
of Courage, and Dostoevsky s Crime and Punishment
Life can be changed by a decision made during a single moment. Despite the natural gifts of
courage or intelligence of a person, a single mistake can isolate him from the rest of society. In
one case this can be cause by public conception. The public believes that this person is morally
inferior and singles out that person for ridicule. However, it can also be self imposed isolation.
Either way, that person cannot rejoin his society until he has redeemed himself.
In Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter, both kinds of moral isolation are examined. Hester Prynne is
placed in the public s scorn ... Show more content on ...
As a result, a mark that resembles an A appears on his chest as a symbol of his guilt, and while
Hester grows stronger because of her redemptive acts, Dimmesdale grows weaker because he has
believed all of his life that confession is the only relief from guilt. He tries to rationalize his
omission to his congregation by telling himself that he will serve the people better as a preacher, but
he is an intelligent man and cannot convince himself of a lie. After seven years of physical and
mental depreciation, he can only find redemption by joining Hester on the scaffold and revealing
his own scarlet letter. For Hester and Dimmesdale s one lapse in judgment and self control, their
lives were completely changed.
Henry in The Red Badge of Courage is an example of a person whose life is changed due to a
brief moment of cowardice. Though his original intention was to join the army and to become a
hero, when he is first confronted with a real battle, he runs. Once he regains his senses, he is
terribly ashamed and does his best not to reveal his momentary desertion to the other soldiers. His
relief comes from what he believes to be a heroic deed. When he goes into battle again, instead of
running, he settles into a rhythm of loading and firing his gun until the enemy had retreated and his
own army had stopped shooting. Though this reaction stems from the same fear that caused him to
run, Henry
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NFL Offeason Analysis
This offseason has had it s fair share of dramatic signings. Many of the top names in the NFL
have found a new home for the 2018 season; names like Sherman, Cousins, Talib, and many
others. Lets take a look at what teams have improved the most on the offensive side of the ball
this offseason:Honorable Mentions:New York Giants:The New York Giants did not set the
world on fire by signing any big names in free agency, but still made very solid additions that
will surely help better a horrendous 3 13 record in the 2017 season. Their offensive line, while
still not top tier, should be much improved with the additions of former Patriots tackle Nate
Solder, 2nd round pick Will Hernandez of UTEP, and the decision of moving former first round
pick Ereck... Show more content on ...
Chicago went out and added a whole tandem of wide receivers, such as former Jaguars number 1
option Allen Robinson, Falcons Taylor Gabriel, and drafting University of Memphis star
Anthony Miller, who finished his last year in college with over 1,400 yards and 18 touchdowns.
These additions are no doubt an upgrade from the sub par receiving core that the Bears sported
in 2017. With brand new receiving options for Trubisky to throw to, an extremely solid rushing
attack featuring Jordan Howard, Tarik Cohen, and Benny Cunningham, and what should be one
of the better offensive lines in football this year, it shouldn t be a surprise if the Bears storm into
2018 with one of the top offenses in football.The Winner:Cleveland Browns:Oh Cleveland... the
laughing stock of the league for so many years has finally had enough. Keep in mind, this is a list
of the most improved offenses from last year, and it s pretty hard to be worse than dead last. The
Browns had the worst turnover differential of any team in the NFL last year, sitting at an incredible
41 total giveaways. With turnover machine DeShone Kizer throwing the ball, the Browns fell to the
infamous 0 16
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Strengths And Weaknesses Of Adolescence
Each adolescent is unique, and as adolescents we all have our strengths and weaknesses, but
during this time we are preparing ourselves for our future. We are getting an idea of what life will
be like and the responsibility and maturity that is needed. Throughout adolescence is the time
where we can take matters into our own hands and we are allowed to make mistakes. Making those
mistakes is what can help us improve or even help us learn something that can benefit us in the
future. Sometimes we even allow the social media to have an influence on our day to day life,
which can cause us to second guess ourselves in how we look and even how we act. This is the time
that prepares us for our future, where we will have good times and bad times. This... Show more
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You are being taught and given an idea of the challenges that you could be facing in the future.
Whether it be decide your career or deciding your next step in life. Throughout all this is the time
for you to trying new things which gives you an idea of the responsibility and maturity you are
going to need throughout your life. For example if you get a part time job, you are learning how
important it is to show up on time, to try your best. Taking the responsibility to complete the
tasks you are given and to do them the best of your ability. You can t rely on anybody but
yourself, you re in charge of completing your job and doing it yourself to the best of your
ability. By having a part time job it can also help you decide what is best for you future. You can
learn the skills that your best at, how you like to work, and additionally the environment that you
work best in. You are taking the time, resources, and knowledge you have and putting it to use in
your life. Secondly throughout the years the use technology has increased tremendously. What the
technology today is capable of doing now compared to 10 years ago is a lot more and we are
obsessing of it. As adolescents we allow the social
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The Law And Ethics Of An Mba Program
More institutions of higher education are adding law and ethics curriculum to the lists of required
courses. After the legal and ethical scandals that occurred at companies such as Enron and
accounting firms such as Arthur Andersen, as well as the Ponzi schemes of Bernie Madoff, this
seems like a natural course of action for most colleges and universities. Because society uses law
and ethicsto mold business, it makes sense to teach these in institutions of higher learning, but
should these classes also be taught in high school when young adults are getting their feet wet in
the world of business? It is important to study law and ethics in an MBA program because a
comprehensive set of laws is not enough, ethical relativism and religion lessen the public s ability
to define right and wrong, and elementary schools only teach obedience to laws and rules.
While society enforces thousands upon thousands of rules and laws, understanding the ethics and
reasons behind enactment of the laws are still missing in society. Immanuel Kant said it best in the
Categorical Imperative when he said, All maxims as proceeding from our own [hypothetical]
making of law ought to harmonize with a possible kingdom of ends (Kant, 2009, p. 75). If ethics is
not being taught in conjunction with lawmaking, then people will never understand the reasoning
behind the creation of the laws under which they must live. Ethics and law are deeply intertwined
law is founded on the ethics of the people writing
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Examples Of Literary Devices In The House On Mango Street
Literary devices may be used to add more dimension and description to writing, but they can also
show multiple characters perspectives, too. These perspectives can portray insights on characters
that show true personalities. In The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros, certain examples
of literary devices are strategically used to do so. The story includes different vignettes that guides
through the main character s, Esperanza s life. Each vignette illuminates Esperanza s problems and
outlooks about race, gender, economic status, age, and society as a whole. Using a variety of
literary devices, such as figurative language, sensorydetails, comparisons, and allusions, Cisneros
truly displays disparate characters perspectives about themselves... Show more content on ...
One example is when she talks to Alicia about their homes. Before they talk, Esperanza states
that Alicia gave Esperanza a bag with the word GUADALAJARA stitched onto it, which is
home for Alicia, and one day she will go back there (106). Here, Esperanza contrasts her
temporary home with Alicia s permanent one. While Alicia has an actual home where she can
live for the rest of her life; Esperanza doesn t and continuously moves to her different homes .
By comparing her home, she is implying that she wants a home where she can settle and be
happy, not like the one on Mango Street. This ultimately shows that she s not satisfied with her
current lifestyle and wants for a better life. Another comparison is when she compares her age
and gender with an older man. In the vignette The First Job , she lands a job at a photo developer
studio where she hides from the other men and women at lunch time because she is scared of
them looking at her. Subsequently, she meets a man who says it s his birthday and asks for a
tiny birthday kiss, and she thinks I thought I would just because he was so old... he grabs my
face with both hands and kisses me hard on the mouth (55). Here, Esperanza compares her age
and gender with the actions that the older man does. She is working a normal day, then
randomly a guy comes up and kisses her directly, without her consent. By showing this example
of an old man in the workplace, she is basically stating men, especially older ones, are dangerous
by sexually harassing young women such as herself. This means that she doesn t visualize men as
people who she will marry and live a happy life with, but people who are filled with evil. Through
comparing and contrasting Esperanza with other characters, a deeper sense of understanding of
Esperanza is
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Design Of Continuous Time Second Order Sigma
Design of Continuous Time Second Order Sigma Delta Modulator Using Feedback Element Mr.
Ravinder Choudhary University Institute of Engineering and Technology Kurukshetra University
Kurukshetra, India E mail
Abstract: This paper discuss the continuous time second order Sigma Modulator with the feedback
element having negative feedback. The modulator is of second order that decreases the complexity
of the circuit and also decreases the power consumption of the circuit. The circuit works on the
analog input signal in the form of jitter sine wave. The feedback element generates the feedback
pulse. An efficient
Sigma Delta modulator is designed with the bandwidth of 10 MHz and sampling frequency of
350 MHz. The modulator is designed using a Matlab code and the circuit is then designed on
SIMULINK. The evaluation indicates that the second order modulator achieves 73.5 dB peak
SNDR and 73 dB of peak SNR.
Keywords: Delta Sigma Modulator, SNR, SNDR, Dynamic Range
In electronics and telecommunications, modulation is the process of varying one or more properties
of a periodic waveform, called the career signal, with a modulating signal that typically contains
information to be transmitted. In telecommunications, modulation is the process of conveying a
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Marilyn Monroe Life
Most actors are seen to have perfect and balanced lives, but others have had to overcome
challenging times and obstacles. Marilyn Monroe had many challenges throughout her life that
she had to overcome. Norma Jean (Marilyn) grew up without a family or a supportive mother, her
acting career was continually off and on, and she had a rough personal life and history. Marilyn
had a pretty rough time growing up, but she managed to fight through it all. While Marilyn was
growing up she didn t have a family, and she didn t really have a mother. Marilyn s mother is
Gladys Monroe Baker. Her mother lived in an institution for most of Marilyn s life because she
had mental breakdowns. Marilyn s biggest fear was that she would one day end up in an
institution just like her mother did. Throughout Marilyn s life she was put into twelve different
foster homes. One time her foster parents were leaving to travel to California and she didn t want
to be put in another foster home so she got the idea to get married. Not only did she stay in foster
homes she also stayed in an orphanage a few times. Marilyn had a hard time adjusting and getting
used too moving from one family to the next. According to her... Show more content on ...
While starting her career many people considered her just to be a dumb blonde girl. People were
very surprised when they saw her because they saw that she had a lot of skill. When she was in
high school she went to try out for a drama club and she was turned down. During her career she
had bounced between many record labels. She had a period in time where she didn t have an
acting job for over a year. After nineteen films she had finally gotten her own dressing room.
Marilyn had been an actor for about sixteen years. It was stated in her biography, Marilyn Monroe
was the most glamorous, popular, and controversial movie star (American Decades). That s why to
this day she is still well known and talked
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My New York City
During my second day for my New York City trip, me and my friends decided to go ahead and
check out a bit early from the hotel Gallivant . Our plan was to go ahead and walk around the
city before heading to our corporate site visits planned for the rest of the day. At that morning, I
hurriedly took a shower, packed my luggage and waited for my other friends in the hotel lobby. My
friends were Arya, who is a fun loving guywho always has room for a joke or two; Andrew who is
the quiet one in the group, Dhillon perhaps the most culturally centric person in the group who is
always enthusiastic and lastly John who is a tall, lanky kid who at times can be clumsy and
At around 12pm is for when we were all ready and decided to go and walk around the city,
specifically in the Time Square region. The five of us were walking on this gloomy and windy day
dressed in our business professional outfits. Crowds of people were passing by as this central
hub was illuminate with billboards from Nike, Polo, McDonalds and Coca Cola. I remember
seeing outdoor cafГ© sitting areas and people constantly wandering left and right to the shopping
stores. I remember the selfies people took and the hustling of crowds moving to the next attraction
like ants swarming in colonies. There was a case of red bleachers toward the center of time square.
We had a thirst for adventure despite the blanket of darkness covering the city. Our first stop was
at the shopping hub at a place called Swatch a
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Alternative Dispute Resolution And The Different Types Of It
In this essay I will address what alternative dispute resolution is and the different types of it. ADR
stands for Alternative dispute resolution is something that provides an alternative way of settling
civil disputes than the traditional way using the courts. The main forms of Alternative dispute
resolution are being arbitration, adjudication mediationand conciliation, however in the United
Kingdom the most commonly used alternative dispute resolutions are arbitration and mediation but
adjudication is becoming rapidly more popular. Adjudication is another form of alternative dispute
resolutionthat stems from Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act (Construction Act).
This Act was introduced in 1996 in the United Kingdom. Even though the Act was created to ensure
that the process remains informal, this has recently changed where parties that are in dispute are
now serving official documents such as witness statements, expert reports etc. Though recently The
Alternative Dispute Resolutionfor Consumer Disputes (Competent Authorities and Information)
Regulations 2015 was passed and deals with how consumer disputes are handled.
Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution that aims to solve disputes outside the courts
by a third party called arbitrators. The arbitrators review the case facts and evidence and gives out
a verdict that is legally binding and therefore enforceable. Both parties agree beforehand to abide by
the decision that the arbitrators
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The Seven Wonders Of Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal Intensive out all the nations I ve gone by I haven t seen such an exceptional nation as
India. India is placed in the landmass of South Asia. It is the seventh biggest nation and the second
most well known nation with more than 1.2 billion individuals (Srivastava). India is known for the
amount its rich of its history. Numerous heads have ruled India; one of them is The Mughal Empire
who had ruled India from 1526 1707 (Mughal). India is known everywhere throughout the world
that they commend their customary celebration consistently, some of these celebrations: Holi,
Diwali, Raksha Bandhan celebration ...etc. (Cook). Furthermore, as the most well known the father
of the country Mahatma Gandhi, why should considered be one of the imperative... Show more
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The building contains of the center part, which is known as the tomb it is the focal of Taj
Mahal. The tomb is powerful and has white marble on it, which pulls in individuals that its
glossy like a sky loaded with stars (Taj and Interior). The base is enormous also and has Square
with corners non equivalent sides. There are four minarets that originated from mosques.
Besides at the lower level are the actual graves of Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan; there are false
graves in the primary chamber. The cherish principle finial was initially made of gold however
in the 19th century a duplicate of it was replaced by one made of bronze and that looks like a
moon. The 99 name of god are calligraphic in scripts on the sides of the tomb (De and Facts). The
remarkable spot is the garden it is 30 meter, and somewhere between the tomb and that stunning
reflecting pool and encompassed by trees and rivers one of them is called Yamuna. The Derwaza
is the main gate of the palace. The far ends have two grand Redstone buildings mirrored to one
another (De). That was manufactured to the memory of his most loved wife, it took 21 years to
manufacture and 22000 workers to create it took quite a while to manufacture to demonstrate his
adoration toward his wife to the world
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The Effects Of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease On Obese...
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Obese Pediatric Population In the United States, increasing
numbers of obesity in pediatric population is major concern in health care field. According to
Center of Disease Control (CDC), in the United States obesity in children from 6 to 11 years of
age in 1980 was seven percent. This rate about three times by 2008, to 20%. Adolescents obesity
from 12 to 19 years of age in 1980 was five percent and this correspondingly rate more than three
times by 2008, to 18% (CDC, 2012). The CDC accepted the measurement standards for
individuals that are overweight or obese established by the National Heart Lung and Blood
Institute; overweight is more than or equal to a body mass index (BMI) of 25% and obese is a
BMI more than or equal to 30% (National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, 2012) Fatty liver
disease is, lipid or fat buildup in liver cells contributing to the liver a yellow hue. The cellular
injury starts dysfunctional metabolic processes which can consequence in lipid collection in liver
cells (McCance, 2014). The causative metabolic processes might be: increased dispersion of fatty
acids in the liver, ineffective transformation of fatty acids to triglycerides instead of phospholipids,
failure to carry lipoproteins out of the cell, free radicals destruct the endoplasmic reticulum,
increased synthesis of fatty acids to triglyceride, decreased synthesis of apoproteins, and un
effective binding of lipids to apoproteins and
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Dealing With Breakups
Breakups are something that people go through all the time. It is something that can be painful and
difficult to go through. This is why it is important to know how to deal with the problem as
opposed to reacting to the breakup in a way that makes the process even harder to go through.
However, when you re mourning from a broken relationship, you need to make sure that you avoid
a couple things that totally go against the entire breakup etiquette rules.
Mistake #1 Pretend You Are Fine
After a breakup, don t act like you are fine. Give yourself time to mourn, or punch a pillow, cry,
write in your journal and tell your friends exactly how you feel. The temptations might be to just
pretend that you are totally unaffected regarding the breakup, ... Show more content on ...
When you do this, not only will you be disconnected from your ex, but it will make your entire
physical appearance from the public quite negative. You need to fully distance yourself from your
ex and everyone who knows him or her, so dating their friends shouldn t be an option.
Mistake #9 Starting Useless And Meaningless Relationships
Randomly dating people and sleeping with them may temporarily heal your wounds, but it
definitely won t help you fully cope. If you want to start a relationship, it must be when you are
completely over your ex, because if not, you will just be hurting yourself and the person or the
people you decide to be with.
Mistake #10 Seek Revenge
Don t try to break down your ex s car, or teepee their house. Never do something that can cause
you legal trouble and a restraining order. If you are hurting, deal with it through venting out on
your friends and not on your ex. The temptation of revenge won t feed anything but your bitterness.
You might have been betrayed, but revenge won t heal your wounds. Move on, it really is the best
thing to
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Hostage Film Techniques
In the 2005 neo noir film Hostage, directed by Florent Emilio Siri, Chief of police Jeff Dailey
helps negotiate with three hostage keepers to save his own family and two kids. The thrill seeking,
crime plot is executed very intelligently and you can t often infer what will happen next. The
darkness of the lighting, darkness of humanity, darkness of the setting, visual motifs and archetypes
are all elements of this filmthat shape it into a neo noir style. All of these different elements
illustrate a neo noir style film and help us better understand the plot. The darkness of the lighting is
very important in creating the neo noir film style in Hostage. The movie has many outdoor night
scenes and the dark lighting is very important here to create... Show more content on ...
Visual motifs are defined as irregular placed objects, objects in the foreground, vertical
/horizontal lines, water and claustrophobic devices. A visual motif used often in this film is the
shadows of the curtains creating horizontal lines on the actors/actresses. When the chief goes
into a house to investigate, it s all dark inside so the sunlight from the window makes the blinds
create shadows on him. During the interrogation phone call with the chief and the hostage
holders, the hostage holders are standing in front of a waterfall like decoration and the vertically
running water is a strong visual motif here. The vents throughout the house are used as
claustrophobic devices and create a strong dark mood and are a clever visual motif. Like the
vents are used to show the darkness of humanity because of their entrapment, they re also used as
a claustrophobic device. When the kids are running through the vents and being chased, the vents
show how trapped they really are because in a vent system there s nowhere to go. The
claustrophobic device helps because you can really see the freight in their faces. The visual motifs
are used very intelligently in this film and they re one more reason as to why it s a neo noir style
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Manual Sizing Of Analog Blocks
There is around 10 to 200 real valued parameters in an analog circuit, and value of these
parameters must be set in order to meet the specification .Circuit sizing is the process of setting
these parameters. for example a simple two stage operational amplifier has around 12 parameters
,which includes width, length and passive component values of all transistors which have to be set
to achieve specifications such as CMRR(common mode rejection ratio), gain, power ,area
,bandwidth ,noise ,settling time ,offset value and slew rate . Figure 1 two stage operational amplifier
There are 6 mosfets in this figure, so we have two compute values of width and height of 6 mosfets
along with other parameters such as slew rate, bandwidth and noise margin.
A system on a chip (SOC) is an integrated circuit that integrates all components of a electronic
system into a single chip. SOC is made automated to a large extent. Manual sizing of analog blocks
is a bottleneck. There are several methods and techniques of sizing; circuit sizing is an optimization
problem. SPICE model is being considered the most accurate model as the final check point is
spice correctness since the designer does not have access to the fabrication process so designer
relies on the simulator. Apart from spice there are circuit equations. These equations can be derived
taking some assumption with regard to the transistor behavior. There are three
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Thomas Paine Research Paper
Thomas Paine saw the government as a well unified Union. No problems truly to arise or
inequality. The government and people in America though do not remain true to the words of
Thomas Paine. As the poor and rich are not the same anymore. Times change; how life is, and
making a shift of how America is. Government may seem fair, though there are the times of unjust
and favoritism for the rich and opposition against the poor. With that, making America not holding
true to the characterization. The poor are oppressed while the rich are privileged. Many will say,
we have capitalist government. Yes the government is, but not everything will be fair for
individuals. There are times riots it s occur due to unfair treatment to certain individuals.
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Insulin Resistance In Horses
Each year about 340 horses die due to effects of insulin resistance. That is almost half the deaths
caused by horse racing. If a horse or pony suffering from Insulin Resistance and they eat high sugar
feed, and eat normal, unsoaked hay the large increase in sugar may cause death or lead to serious
life threatening conditions. In horses that don t suffer from Insulin Resistance and Cushing s it
wouldn t be as great a concern if they got out and ate feed and hay, but thus act becomes life
threatening and fatal for horses and ponies suffering from Insulin Resistance and Cushing s. Insulin
Resistance, Cushings, and Endocrinopathic Laminitis are all very complex diseases that many
experts are still gaining an understanding for. Glucose, insulin, and cortisolare major factors not
only in Insulin Resistance (IR) and Cushings (PPID) as individual diseases, but they also serve to
link the two diseases to Endocrinopathic Laminitis in addition to each other. Insulin Resistance and
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The elevated levels of cortisol that occur as a result of PPID are believed to contribute to the
insensitivity of stimulation and the resistance of laminitis. When the cortisol is secreted by the
pituitary gland it interferes with the lamellar perfusing, causing a vasoconstrictive response in the
equine digital arteries to the catecholamines. Also a cortisol excess results in protein catabolism in
the skin, connective tissue, bone and skeletal muscle, impaired wound healing, muscle atrophy
derived data are pointing to the fact that inflammation leads a pivotal role in laminitis (Johnson).
Some experts also believe that stress can lead to a horse becoming laminitic because of the
increased cortisol secretion that occurs due to stress. Since Laminitis is so incredibly painful for
the horses and ponies affected it causes them to experience extreme stress, which in turn causes a
dramatic spike in cortisol levels
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The Disney Of Jap Japanese History, Traditions, Rites,...
We are often not aware of the richness and uniqueness of our cultural heritage from stories,
traditions, rites, designs and tales of the gods. Surrounded by high technology and its flimsy
devices, children are more and more losing their roots. We must inform them of the richness of our
traditions. Hayao Miyazaki
I can t help but wonder how does Studio Ghibli s leading director Hayao Miyazaki draw on western
sources and settings as well as Japanese history and traditions in two of Studio Ghibli s films: My
Neighbour Totoro and Spirited Away?
With headquarters based in Koganei, Tokyo, Japan, Studio Ghibli is easily one of Japan s most
famous animation studio s in the world and is known as the Disney of Japan . It was founded
June 15th, 1985 after the great success of Nausicaa of the valley of the wind the studio is
headed by directors Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata even though they were uncertain as to
whether the studio would find any success or crash and burn they had a vision to blow a new
wind through the anime industry which was pretty ambitious to say the least but has certainly
lived up to its name. Hence the clever name given to the studio by Miyazaki himself, Ghibli means
hot wind blowing through the Sahara Desert . The name was used for Italian scouting airplanes
during World War II. Miyazaki, who has a great love for airplanes, named his studio after it.
One thing that I think makes the studio stand out is not only its lovable characters and its
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The Geography Geniuses Generated 3 Behaviorist Theory
Everybody learns in different ways, including the students sitting in the classrooms. How are
teachers going to be able to make sure every student learns? Maribel, Julianne, Michelle, Matthew,
and Ana are Geography Geniuses and are here to advise how to ensure that every student learns.
Focusing on the 3rd grade standard SS.3.G.1.1, students will use thematic maps, tables, charts,
graphs, and photos to analyze geographic information. The information being taught is declarative
because students will acquire factual knowledge and information that can be spoken about at any
time. The activities utilize hands on and drill methods with the objective that if students are shown
a blank map they will be able to recognize and recall all elements of the map automatically. Lastly,
they fit into the remember and understand levels of Bloom s Taxonomy because students will
remember locations on the map and later understand different information and landmarks embedded
in states. With all this in mind, the Geography Geniuses generated 3 behaviorist and 3 constructivist
activities that allow the students to learn and practice geographic locations.
The first activity my third grade students will learn is a constructivist activity, which promotes
active learning and learning by doing. It derives from constructivism one of Piaget s theory it is
defined as the view that meaningful learning is the active creation of knowledge instead of a
simple transfer of objective knowledge from one person to
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Promise Of Frankenstein
Have you ever wanted to find someone to love? Well, the monster wanted to find someone just
like him to love. Victor Frankenstein created a monster that was nice and helped people. But,
people treated him bad for doing nice things. The monster felt lonely so Victor and the monster
made a promise that if he created a female creature for the monster to love that he will go live in
the forest and eat nuts and berries and leave humanity alone. So, Victor went to go build a female
creature, but before he made the creature come to life he destroyed it and the monster was
devastated. Yes, I think that Victor made the right decision to destroy the creature. I think that
Victor made the right choice to destroy the monster because they not have found each... Show more
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They could have monster babies together if they loved each other that much. The monster babies
could take over the world. The monster babies could go on a rampage and start killing people
with the monster and the creature. They could also procreation when they grow up and more
monster babies could happen. Victor made the right decision because the monster and the creature
may not keep their promises. The monster may not keep his promise to leave humanity alone.
The creature may not keep her promise and go and love somebody else instead of the monster.
They both may not keep their promise and still continue killing people and not live in the forest.
They both won t keep their promise and procreation together. Yes, Victor made the right decision to
destroy the creature he was creating for the monster because they may not find each other
attractive. The creature may not want to go S. America. She could also fall in love with Victor and
not the monster. Also, procreation could happen and the monster babied could take over the world.
They not keep their promises to live in the forest and not killing
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Essay on Understand Employment Responsibilities
201 Understand employment responsibilities and rights in health, social care or children s and
young people s settings
Task A Short Answer Questions
Ai: Imagine you are a newly appointed supervisor/manager within your service. You need to update
your staff handbook to reflect current employment law. Identify three different sources of
information you could use to enable you to do this.
Once you have identified a reliable source of information:
a) List three aspects of employment covered by law. Work Conditions (safety, discrimination,
accommodation, etc.) Wages Hours
b) List three main features of current employment legislation. Minimum wage Training Holiday
Aiii Briefly ... Show more content on ...
Change of bank details Change of address
Biv Describe the procedure to follow if you wanted to raise a grievance at work. You may describe
this in writing or produce a flow chart or diagram.
Bv Explain the agreed ways of working with your employer in relation to the following areas:
1. Data protection
2. Grievance
3. Conflict management
4. Anti discriminatory practice
5. Health amp; safety
6. Confidentiality
7. Whistle blowing
Bvi Explain how your role contributes to the overall delivery of the service provided.
Bvii Explain how you could influence the quality of the service provided by;
a) Following best practice within your work role; Doing everything required I.e. training,Be kind
and caring to the residents and providing them with respect and dignity.
b) Not carrying out the requirements of your role. By not following the role requirements you will
be not doing your job well and following the right procedures and by that you can cause accidents
and your not giving your fall attention by that people will be neglected and not get the fall care
they need.
Bviii Describe how your own work must be influenced by National factors such as Codes of
Practice, National Occupational Standards, Legislation and Government Initiatives.
Bix a) Identify two different representative bodies which influence your area of work.
b) Describe the role of the two representative bodies you have identified.
Task C Career Pathway
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Personal Elements Of Cultural Identity
Cultural identity is feeling or belonging to a group. For example Language, Religion, Jobs, or
even daily life are some elements of culture. Your language is important so you can communicate
with people like you. Religion is really important because more than likely you won t get along
with another tribe that doesn t believe what you believe or believes the opposite. Clothing is also a
cultural identityfor example Tongan men wear sarong which is kind of like a skirt but for a man.
By their clothing you can kind of determine their culturesome wear the same thing but you can
definitely tell they aren t from america. There are many different religions which separates different
cultures like Buddhism and Christianity they have way different beliefs but that... Show more
content on ...
In Asian cultures making eye contact is rude but in American culture it is very polite and shows
you are listening to someone when they are talking. There are obviously so many different
things that make a culture but the one i want to focus on is FOOD! The food is the most
important part in my opinion because you can make kind of the same food but in different
cultures make it their way and make it their own. For example in America when we make
noodles it may be different from the way Mexico makes noodles they love spicy foods so they
might make their noodles really spices as ours just have normal spices added to it or cheese to
make mac and cheese. The way we eat our food is different we use forks or our fingers but in
China they use chopsticks to eat their food. Pizza is originally from Italy but now we have it
here and i m sure people have changed it over the years and added their own likings to it to make
it taste like their culture. Traditional foods are foods that have been passed down to new
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Key Issues Related To Plagiarism
Define key issues related to plagiarism, piracy, and netiquette. Do you feel one is more important
than the other? Are the issues interconnected? Are the expectations to follow computer ethics
unrealistic? Do you feel consequences for the misuse of computer ethics are too strict or not strict
enough? Explain your answers.
Issues related to piracy, plagiarism, and netiquette
Brandon Vail
Piracy and plagiarism are both ways of stealing information from the internet. Piracy is stealing
and selling copyrighted software, books, etc. Plagiarism is improperly citing, playing off someone
else s work as yours, or not citing the source of information you use to write a term paper or a
newsletter for a business. Netiquette, however is your etiquette ... Show more content on ...
(2) At any given second, someone in the U.S or elsewhere could be finishing up an illegal
download of a movie. The punishments for misuse of computer ethics are very severe, practically
on the borderline for the cruel and unusual punishment amendment. Which is exactly why this
should be brought up to the federal courts. Some of the key issues surrounding Piracy, Plagiarism,
and Netiquette are severe, in the sense that if correction is not brought about soon, society as a
whole will suffer.
1.ABOUT SYMANTEC. (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2014, from
2.Online Piracy in Numbers Facts and Statistics [Infographic]. (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2014,
from http://www.go piracy/
3.Use Information Correctly: Avoiding Plagiarism. (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2014, from http:/
/ plagiarism/full
4.Plagiarism in the Digital Age [Infographic]. (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2014, from
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Who Marcion Is Important For The Development Of Early...
Not all would call him a Christian scholar, but he was the most interesting second century Christian
and also the most detrimental to the development of early Christianity and his name was Marcion.
In this essay I will be explaining who Marcion is and why he was so important for the development
of early Christianity. To start off my research paper my first resource was by Peter Head, The
Foreign God And The Sudden Christ : Theology And Christology In Marcion s GospelRedaction, in
which he talks about how many people back in the second century would not call Marcion a good
Christian, leader, or a reformer but was later a great influence for the New Testament. Head then
briefly introduces Marcion and who he was. Also, Peter Head... Show more content on ...
My next source by David William, Reconsidering Marcion s Gospel, addresses in his article that
Marcion was gathered from multiple different resources. Marcion s gospel was not written into
the text and was basically the same thoughts as Paul just with a few different ideas. Williams
also states his three general findings that he has as he studied Marcion thought out his life.
Around 144 AD Marcion expressed his beliefs to everyone and not just to the church. Most
people at that time thought that his beliefs were outrageous and they were frowned upon in that
society. Marcion still believed what he thought was right and created his own church. Even
though he knew that giving his opinion on religion was not a good idea during that time period
he still did and got followers that believed in what he was creating. Everyone that followed his
lead and believed the same thing that he did were called Marcionites. (Head) According to
David Williams not much information on Marcion s gospel is found. Most of the information is
gathered up from references and quotes found in other literatures. (Williams) Marcion s gospel
that they have pieced together are said to look exactly like Luke s gospel. If Marcion was asked
the question himself, he would say that he was more like Paul rather than Luke. Marcion s belief
was in some ways similar to Gnostic Christian theology. Marcion was considered not a good
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To Kill a Mocking Bird Hypocrisy Paper
To Kill a Mockingbird Term Paper
Imagine having your life completely destroyed by a fraudulent charge just because of the color
of your skin. There are many examples of hypocrisy in Harper Lee s novel To Kill a Mockingbird.
Some of the most glaring examples of hypocrisy come from three female characters: Mrs. Dubose,
Mrs. Merriweather, and Mrs. Gates. Each character said a hypocritical statement in this novel. A
quote and detailed context will be used to explain to the full extent what was hypocritical with their
Mrs. Dubose is prejudiced against negros, yet she has a black servant who helps her maintain her
life. But Mrs. Dubose held us: Not only a Finch waiting on tables but one in the courthouse lawing
for niggers! ... Show more content on ...
Mrs. Merriweather is a surprising but clear example of hypocrisy. A final surprising example of
hypocrisy comes from a schoolteacher named Mrs. Gates. Mrs. Gates says all the prejudiced evil
actions that Hitler did in Germany against the Jews does not happen in the democracy of America,
yet she says the blacks need to be kept in their place. Over here we don t believe in persecuting
anybody. Persecution
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Analysis Of The Letter Letter From The Holy Spirit
Letter to Utinger This letter is Zwingli s efforts of defending himself and dispelling false rumors
about him having inappropriate relations with a daughter of a high official. After saying how
he has taken a vow of celibacy and that studying theology and Scripture weakens any sensual
desires, he does concede that he had relations with her in a time of temptation. So, he denies the
rumors that he seduced her (and possibly raped her) and says that not only was the decision
mutual, but also that the entire town of Einsiedeln knew about it and did not care. Of the
Freedom of Choice in the Selection of Food After some of his friends broke the Lent fast by
eating some sausages, Zwingli used the opportunity to preach on this matter in 1522. He says
that the decision to fast or not to fast does not matter, so long as Christians are given a choice to
decide for themselves in the first place. His argument comes from the desire to listen and receive
guidance from the Holy Spirit. Besides, he says, the fasting of Lent and other seasons is yet
another form of works, and therefore does not matter in regards to salvation as only the grace of
God can save a person. Petition to the Bishop of Constance In light of his own relationship with
Anna Reinhard and the fact that other members of the clergy are taking wives for themselves,
Zwingli writes to the bishop to beg him not to oppose or interfere in the matter of married clergy.
Vows of celibacy are for the very few, Zwingli
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Business Ethics and the Chinese Market Essay
I believe that standard business ethics cannot be possible internationally. Culture varies from
society to society. The change in culture varies due to various reasons it depends on economic and
legal factors. Political and legal factors play a vital role and that differentiate from one culture to
another that is why I believe that business ethicscan never be universal. Considering the example of
China where government put a check on online information. Google has a big concern over the
Chinese market because many web pages were blocked within that region. Culturealso have great
influence in emerging economies as it can be observed that in many countries offering expensive
gifts in corporate world is consider as bribe especially in... Show more content on ...
For instance, Google faced many challenges when they entered in China they had a strong control
over the functioning of the corporation. They can surpass any government policy where they find it
necessary. However, the legal system of the body should have strong rules and laws that foreign
companies cannot attempt to bypass and there should be strict actions and penalty against those
companies who attempt for illegal or false practice within the corporate world. The corporation
should set examples that fulfils ethical, environmental and community friendly practices. They
should encourage other companies to help and encourage and to provide healthy environment with
the different group of society. Through these rules and laws, implementing will help community as
well as the corporation to make a better image within the people of the society.
Corporation is refer as the socio political organization of a society, which comprise of major
corporate groups, ethnic, military, language and agricultural groups. Corporation theoretically
related to the interpretation of a community as an organic body. Recent event in Tibet have made
Chinese policies intensified, which highlighted the disputes over legal status. China claims that
Tibet is an integral part of their country. While, Tibetan government claimed to be the independent
state as an unlawful occupation. This controversy opened the discussion within international
politics, which questioned the Geneva
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Lab 3 Biodiversity
Lab 3 Biodiversity
Demonstration 1: Interdependence of Species
|Table 1: Interdependence of Species Results |
|Round |Species Missing (Bead Color and Name) |
|1 |Linchens |
|2 |Bees |
|3 |Trees ... Show more content on ...
The use of pesticides and other chemicals, flowers are not engineered like crop seed to survive
these chemicals.
Action affecting Bees = Due to several human factors, bees are being threatened and destruction of
their habitat is the number one reason. For a habitat to remain successful and sustain populations it
must provide nesting sites and a seasonal succession of forage, and humans are depleting these
areas through population growth and industrialization (Corbet, Williams, Osborne, 1991).
3. Provide three specific actions that humans can take to minimize our impact on the ecosystem and
ensure the survival of lichens, trees, flowers, and bees.
Action 1 = Bees are a critical part of the ecosystem. Humans need to ensure habitat sustainment to
sustain bee populations do not deteriorate to levels that cannot be corrected.
Bees need food (nectar, pollen) provided by insect pollinated plants in order to reproduce and
produce more bees (Corbet, Williams, Osborne, 1991, p 2). By creating hives and environments
that are conducive to bee sustainment, it is possible that strides can be to reverse the downward
trend in populations. This is critical as one study showed. It stated that the loss of bees was a
domino effect to other species. It stated, If bee pollinated flowers
do not
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Perseverance In African American Literature
Perseverance, is a word best suited to describe the early literary and vernacular traditions of
African Americans and the post slavery literature. Through the fight for freedom and equality one
motif that stands out the most is education and more specifically writing as a form of freedom.
This perseverance for education/writing speaks to me as both the daughter of an immigrant that
also worked hard to get an education, and an aspiring writer.
The first section of the Norton Anthology of African AmericanLiterature stresses how important
early literary and vernacular traditions were to the slaves as they were a means of rebellion and
catharsis. One of the excuses the early settlers made for slavery was based around the idea that
African slaves ... Show more content on ...
Phillis Wheatley is a good example of this because she constantly had to prove herself to her
white readers and even then there were those, including Thomas Jefferson that discredited her
work. In a previous class, American Literature, I remember being shocked to read about Jefferson
s sentiments towards African Americans, not that I held him in such high regard, but it seemed as
though he was stubbornly trying to hold on to the idea that African Americans were lesser than
him and incapable of literary genius. I mean to go as far as to write the compositions published
under her name are below the dignity of criticism, is condescending (xxxix). Even so the
determination that writers such as Frederick Douglas, Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois
among many others, had to rise above this prejudice and instead work to educate and inspire other
African American writers is awe inspiring. Then these writers had the challenging task of creating
work that would enlighten the reader without alienating them as well as match the period
aesthetics. Those societal pressures aren t really present in today s literary world as they were then.
For African American writers, however, there seemed to be a higher expectancy of their work as
now in the nineteenth century their audience had grown and they still had to work through the
prejudices some had concerning their writing
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China s Recent Urban Planning
Study Context and Data Sources
2.1 Beijing s Recent Urban Planning
Beijing is the capital of China and one of the most populous cities in the world. The current
population as of 2014 was over 21 million. The area of Beijing Metropolitan Area (BMA) is
16,410 square kilometers. According to land use dataset of Beijing Institute of City Planning, the
total urban area as of 2012 was 1,675 square kilometers. The BMA currently comprises 16
administrative subdivisions, as presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1 The Beijing Metropolitan Area Since the latest administrative boundary adjustment of
Beijing in 1958, there have been five urban master plans drafted in 1958, 1973, 1982, 1992 and
2004. Each master plan was associated with a planned overall land use map. Individual land parcels
in the map were assigned with a land classification of either urban (residential, commercial,
industrial, public green land, and mixed use land) or non urban (farmland, forestland, and wetland)
(Long, Gu, Han, 2012). The maps guide the future urban development, and actual land uses should
conform to the land classification plan.
Since the beginning of the 1990s, the BMA has experienced an unprecedented increase in
population growth and urban development. By the year 2003, Beijing s population and urban
built up area had already surpassed the capacity set forth in the 1992 2010 Master Plan, seven
years ahead of the plan s scheduled expiration date. To address new challenges and plan for greater
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Socrates Is A Good Person
In an effort to spread the word of Socrates to a larger audience, Plato often wrote down the
discussions he held in the form of dialogues. In these dialogues, Socrates continuously makes an
effort to define that which is not easily defined and addresses questions in which the solution is not
always straight forward. Reading through Platos dialogues, such as, Euthyphro, Crito and The
Apology, readers can ponder the claims Socrates makes and receive a particular insight into his
point of view. It is known that Socrates is sentenced to death after being charged with corrupting
the youth and denying the existence of the gods, as he presents his defense in The Apology.
However, the debate as to whether or not Socrates is a good person is left up to interpretation as
he never clearly states that he believes himself to be one. Nevertheless, his actions reflect that he is
indeed a good person because of his constant pursuit of the complete truth in all matters, his lifestyle
choices and unconcern for material objects and lastly his lack of fear in the certain face of death. In
Plato s Euthyphro, Socrates innate need to reach a certain undisputed truth or the most accurate
truth is abundantly clear. In this dialogue, Socrates is summoned to court by Meletus on charges of
impurity while Euthyphro must prosecute his own father who is charged with murdering a hired
hand. However, the dialogue is quickly veered toward uncovering the complete definition of piety,
as Socrates
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Grace Hopper Research Papers
Melia Dotson
Mrs. Montague
Algebra 1A
4 September 2017 Grace Hopper
My report is on Grace Brewster Murray Hopper who was a proud American computer scientist
and United States Navy rear admiral. She was born in The Big Apple, New York City, on
December 9, 1906, and tragically died in Arlington, Virginia on January 1, 1992. Mrs. Grace
Hopper was an amazingly accomplished woman who had lived a full life. In fact, she was close to
being the first programmer of the Harvard Mark I computer. Like the hard worker she is, Grace
worked for years and invented one of the first compiler related tools. The idea of machine
independent programming languages was merely another concept until Grace resurfaced the
notion, making it much more popular, which
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The, Health And Fitness, And Other Medical Applications
Wearables for health (Hadi et al,2014). Health and fitness, and other medical applications, are
areas where wearable s are expected to play a transformative role. However, the application of
wearable devices has potential in any industry where hands free data collection is highly valued.
Wearables can be generally divided based on consumer or non consumer applications. These two
categories can be further segmented based on the particular sector the product targets: General
consumer,Fitness and sports,Fashion and apparel, Home automation and remote identification,
Gaming and recreation,Defence and security, Enterprise and industrial,Healthcare. 3.0 Proposed
architecture for anti kidnapping and abduction using wearable device. In this paper a definition
for wearable technology is clothing and accessories incorporating computer and advanced
electronic technologies. Figure 2.0 proposed architecture. Throughout our research, we used the
following description to define wearable technology: The new age of wearables tap into the
connected self they re laden with smart sensors, and make use of a web connection, usually using
Bluetooth to connect wirelessly to your smartphone. They use these sensors to connect to you as a
person, and they help you to achieve goals such as staying fit, active, losing weight or being more
organised. Smart jewellery is mostly aimed at women right now, and the most common usage is to
discreetly notify the user of texts, calls or
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Iconic Images In The Good Shepherd, Orants, And The Story...
7.2 Narrative images are used to tell stories while iconic images are used to express the core
values in religious tradition. In The Crossing of the Red Sea, the narrative scenes are Moses and
the Israelites crossing the path while the Red Sea is open and when they have reached the other
side , the Red Sea closes in on the Egyptian soldiers. The iconic image is a big hand hovering each
scene to symbolize God s presence in both miracles. In The Good Shepherd, Orants, and the Story
of Jonah, each semicircle compartments shows the narrative of Jonah being thrown into the whale
and the whale spitting him out. In the center, it shows the Good Shepherd in the center.The iconic
image of Jonah in the whale for three days relates to Christ s death
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Autobiography Essay Layout. Online assignment writing service.

  • 1. Autobiography Essay Layout 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Autobiography Essay Layout Autobiography Essay Layout
  • 2. Recidivism In American Prisons Prisons are meant to securely hold convicts as well as those who are remanded. Such people are kept in custody for certain duration of time. The nature of crime defines the length of time that that person will serve in prison. For some crimes such as murder, an individual may be sentenced to death. As such, prisons serve as confinement zones for those who have been determined to be wrong doers or those who have been accused as such. This particular essay tends to investigate one thing that I would like to rectify in the United States correctional system based on its current situation. The American prisons system is a failed system. It needs tremendous change so that it can truly serve its role in the American society. For instance, the high rate of recidivism is sufficient evidence that the system has serious deficiencies. Emphasis ought to be made on the basic mission of these correctional facilities because inmates must be educated, rehabilitated, and ensured of ... Show more content on ... They act as confining zones for the accused and the convicted people. Perhaps this can be confirmed if you ask the prison controllers of what their definition for success is. They will most likely define it in terms of keeping security within these institutions so that those confined within them do not escape. That is why America has prisons. Such places have a singular role of locking up people as though they were birds in cages and results in dehumanizing them. Although prisons are used as an instrument for justice, their primary functions have been changed to appear as though they just isolate people from the public for a given number of calendar periods that may go for as long as one dies. Thus, you will definitely find the prison administrators taking success to mean that they hold people in such institutions until they serve the number of days that they are held in ... Get more on ...
  • 3. William Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet And A Midsummer... What if I told you that no matter what you look at or how many times you look at it, you ll never truly be able to see it. Often the things we perceive as the most trustworthy are only misinterpretations of reality created by our perspective, which make common illusions. Characters in Romeo Juliet and A Midsummer Night s Dream also experience this idea, demonstrated when they are tricked by their own perspective and only see what they think is the best scenario. Illusions are created based on people s perceptions of reality. It is then clear that in Romeo Juliet and A Midsummer Night s Dream, perspective creates reality. This perspective creates a version of truth that hides the reality from people s eyes. This is shown when Lysander is tricked by the magic flower into loving Helena, Friar Lawrence calling Romeo a girl due to his tears, as well as having hallucinations while under the effects of drugs. The theme in Romeo Juliet and A Midsummer Night s Dream is that perspective creates reality. This is demonstrated by Lysander s fake love for Helena. This theme is clearly represented when the love flower influences Lysander to change his perspective on how he viewed both Helena and Hermia, thus hiding his true emotions and making the fabricated one real. Content with Hermia! no;I do repent the tedious minutes I have with her spent. Not Hermia but Helena I love: Who will not change a raven for a dove? The will of man is by his reason sway d. (2, 2, 111 115) In this ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Worldshaker Inequality Quotes Inequality is an unlawful right in modern times, but when the story Worldshaker was set it was a lawful right. The author of the novel Worldshaker Richard Harland tells the reader that Riff is a Filthy from the lower decks and is being bullied by people from the upper decks. As Riff began to grow as a character she discovers how people should dress up, talk, and look, to be equal with the people from the upper decks. Throughout the story a large quantity of events happen and quote will be used to prove people are equal. The theme is [inequality] that is spread throughout the book Worldshaker . There are two main characters Col and Riff, the chosen character is Riff. Riff is a Filthy and she has broken English. Doesn t mean we re partnered or anythin (pg64) this quote proves that Riff is in the lower decks and not as well educated as people in the upper decks. At the beginning of the story Riff wasn t treated well from Col s side, he used to tease her because of how she looks and of her slang English. ... Show more content on ... As Riff grows as a character she now knows how to speak fluent English rather than slang, as well she started to be wearing fashion type clothes that the upper deck girls are wearing. The upper deck people did not expect Riff to become equal to them, in that case the upper deck people started to treat her with high respect and stop bullying her. Riff had a lot of talents and one of them is dancing, she never knew that she could dance well and she surprised the people around her. This statement can link into real life, by that it means that all people are equal no matter on how they look or ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Research Paper On Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is an American holiday that celebrate the Pilgrim s successful harvest. The Pilgrims were thankful that they had survived in the New World. At the first Thanksgiving feast, people ate lobster, seal, swan, and deer meat. In modern times, we serve turkey dinners, have family gatherings, and watch football games. Many also donate foodto neighbors who don t have enough two eat. Thanksgivingis an American which is widely celebrated. The holiday Thanksgiving has a long history to where it got today. The Pilgrims left England in September 1620 on a ship called the Mayflower. They arrived on Massachusetts Bay to established their village at Plymouth. Mayflower s passengers suffered a lot during the winter only half lived to see America. The Pilgrims settle ashore and was greeted by the Native American in english. Several days later, he brought Squanto who Squanto taught the Pilgrims many survival skills that help them thrive in such a difficult area to adapt to. Squanto also help formed an alliance with the neighboring tribe which endure 50 years of peace and harmony between the Natives and Europeans. In November 1621, Governor William Bradford called for a feast to celebrate the colony s first successful corn harvest. He invited their Native American allies. The feast lasted for three days. This event was known as the first Thanksgiving. ... Show more content on ... For example, in my household, on Thanksgiving day, my mom cooks various of traditional Thanksgiving meals early in the morning. The meal consist of turkey, mashed potatoes, sauteed string beans dressed in shredded garlic and butter. While she is cooking, I sit down in front of the T.V. to watch the Macy s Thanksgiving parade. When my mom is done, which is about 6 p.m., every single guest stands in front of the highly decorated table filled with scorching hot meals waiting to be devoured, and serve themselves. We follow the traditions every ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Sophia Loren Research Paper Times were tough in war ravaged Italy, especially for poverty stricken families like Sophia s. Sophia Loren is an actress born in a town near the city of Naples, around the time of the war. Not only has she worked strenuously her entire career, but in the opinions of many she was the most beautiful woman in the world. Sophia Loren is a talented Italian actress who has accomplished many things on and off set. To continue, Sophia Loren is one of the most beautiful faces in history, but her childhood was not as lovely. Raised in poverty, she began her film career in 1951 and came to be regarded as one of the worlds most beautiful women (Sophia Loren Biography). Sophia lived with her single mother, who struggled to support their family during World War II. Although she would go on to be considered one of the most beautiful women in history, Sophia Loren s wet nurse remembered her as the ugliest child I ever saw in my life (Sophia Loren Biography). Multiple sources have suggested that she was scrawny and ugly as a young child, a result of harsh conditions and rare occasions of... Show more content on ... As far as awards go, she s been nominated for several. Sophia was nominated for two Academy Awards with one of them being a win, which was a great achievement for her. Loren won the Best Actress Academy Award for the film Two Women in 1961 and an Academy Honorary Award in 1991 (Sophia Loren Biography). Her accomplishment was special because she was the first woman to win for a foreign film. Also, many people see her as only a wonderful actress, but her achievements span far from the screen. An accomplished cook, she has written three cookbooks (Sophia Loren Fast Facts). Lastly, many do not know that Sophia, in the middle of her hectic schedule, managed to raise two children, clearly demonstrating her amazingly maternal abilities. Sophia Loren is an incredibly accomplished woman, on and off ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Steps Of The Time Management Process The project schedule is the tool that conveys what work should be performed, which assets of the association will play out the work and the time spans in which that work should be performed. The project calendar ought to mirror the majority of the work connected with conveying the project on time. Without a full and finish plan, the project director will be not able convey the total exertion, regarding expense and assets, important to convey the venture. When every one of the deliverables of the project have been recognized, undertakings will be performed keeping in mind the end goal to make the deliverables. Planning is the most effortless method for overseeing project time. In this approach, the exercises of the venture are assessed ... Show more content on ... Hence, the project administration group ought to have a reasonable comprehension about the assets assignment keeping in mind the end goal to precisely deal with the project time. 4. Length and Effort Estimation This is one of the key strides in the project planing process. Since evaluations are constantly (length), this progression ought to be finished with a higher precision. For this progression, there are numerous estimation systems set up, so your project ought to choose a fitting one. Once the action assessments are finished, basic way of the venture ought to be distinguished with a specific end goal to decide the aggregate project length. This is one of the key contributions for the project time administration. 5. Development of the Schedule To make an exact schedule, movement arrangement, length of every action and the asset necessities /allotment for every action are the most critical components. 6. Schedule Plan Control No project can be executed without changes to the first calendar. Along these lines, it is basic to re design our project plan with progressing changes. Client and Seller, who will mutually deal with this project, will together create courses of events for an expected timetable in light of Seller s project administration system. Any dates, due dates, courses of events or schedules contained in the Anticipated Schedule, in this are estimated and the others won t depend on them for ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Moral Relativism In High Schools Today s society places feelings above all else. Feelings trump logic, reason, and other basic principles that all great societies value. This shift in predilection towards feelings has caused society to begin making decisions based on feelings as opposed to logic. Moral relativism is the philosophy where things such as ethics, morals and positions of right and wrong are subject to one s own beliefs; this philosophy eliminates all objective truths. Slowly but surely, society is turning into a moral relativistic society where everyone is free to create their own truth based on how they feel. For example, an objective truth would be The killing of innocent life is wrong, but a moral relativist could just as easily say, I feel that killing ... Show more content on ... In order to combat this ever pervasive problem, it must be attacked at the roots. This could be achieved through the teaching of good philosophy. This solution is not as easy as it seems though. Creating an environment that fosters intellectual thought and philosophical discussion within the school system will undoubtedly help students question ideas that are currently left unquestioned. Making philosophy class mandatory in high schools will nurture thoughtful minds that can entertain an idea without accepting it. Possessing the ability to do this will benefit students far greater than a guitar class or most other electives for that matter. A philosophy class will teach students rudimentary principles taught by some of the greatest thinkers of all time Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato. These basic principles will uproot and contradict many things society values today, most of which will be moral relativism. The implementation of philosophy into high schools is a macro solution that is far above anything I can do in my life at the moment. Despite this fact, I can still have an effect on a micro level. By living out the good philosophy that should be taught in schools, I allow my peers and community to see the effect that this philosophy has. Having people lead by example and live out their philosophy is one of the easiest ways to change those around ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Barack Obama Thesis Barack Obama: Writer in Chief President Barack Obama is know for remarkable events such as becoming the first African American president of the United States; however, not everyone knows about what else Obama has done. He is also an author who has written around twenty books including a memoir about his early life leading up to his life in law school, and a children s book dedicated to his daughters. His most famous book Dreams From My Father, a memoir about his early life leading up to law school, is a prime example of what influenced him to write. There were many things that happened in Obama s life that caused him to write. Things such as the segregation happening in the U.S at the time, his broken home and his feelings towards his absent father.... Show more content on ... Throughout all of his writing, he talks about race and the desire of equality and how being segregated affected him as a human being. While he was in college, he was one of three black students in the school so he became really aware of the racism and discrimination. The current president stated I noticed that there was nobody like me in the Sears, Roebuck Christmas catalog. . .and that Santa was a white man. I went into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror with all my senses and limbs seemingly intact, looking as I had always looked, and wondered if something was wrong with me (Barack Obama). Because of the difference in color and the stigma against black people, he would wonder what was wrong with him and that later is one of his main issues that he addresses in his political ... Get more on ...
  • 10. River Padma Personal Statement Of Purpose River Padma, the biggest and most turbulent river of Bangladesh, is around twenty kilometers from my village where I grew up listening about the accidents of Steamer sinking (one kind of vessel that made locally and used to cross the river) from my childhood. In later years I also had some real acute experience of Steamer accidents. Every year around thousands of people lost their lives because of these accidents which take place for several times in each year. Crossing river Padma is must for the people of South Bangladesh as it is the only way to reach to the capital city, Dhaka. In my childhood I just always asked myself why this type of accident happens. We live in the ages of modern technology and people have already explored the universe. So isn t it possible to make safe water vessels for carrying people? This question revolved in my mind and it was the core point why I chose Naval Architectureand Marine Engineeringas my expected subject in university level. In my academic life when I was getting familiar with shipbuilding, ship design I really found these very interesting. In third year of my undergraduate life I was taught some subjects ... Show more content on ... Though I have interest and inclination in the subject, my lack of profound knowledge seems to be detrimental in contributing significantly to the field of structural engineering. My undergraduate program has given me a wide and comprehensive exposure to numerous courses that I found interesting namely, Mechanics of Structure; Ship Structure; Motion and Control; Heat Transfer; Theory of Machines; Shipbuilding Materials; Optimization etc. I strongly believe in learning practically by doing; it is the hope of coming up with path breaking results through experimentation that I find very ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Loss Of Innocence In William Golding s Lord Of The Flies Norman Cousins, American journalist and peace activist, once said, The tragedy of life is not death but what we let die inside of us while we live. In the novel, Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, the characters go through a loss of innocence which can be illustrated by the words of Norman Cousins. Throughout the novel, the young boys are put in situations in which their innocence slowly dwindles away by being revealed to the born hate inside of everyone. The characters loss of innocence in Lord of the Flies is shown when Jack killed a pigfor the first time, by the truth from the Lord of the Flies, and the gradual death of the island itself. Jack killing a pig is a scene in the novel where innocence is lost. After landing on the island, Jack went with the choir to find meat. He went up to pigs twice before he could bring himself to killone. On page 74, the author writes, The chant was audible but at that distance still wordless. Behind Jack walked the twins, carrying a great stake on their shoulders. The gutted carcass of a pig swung from the stake, swinging heavily as the twins toiled over the uneven ground...Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood (Golding 74). This passage displays how once Jack had slaughtered the pig, he showed his accomplishment to the boys and acted as if he was powerful with his new skill. Before killing a pig, there were two instances in which Jack told everyone he could kill but did not have the guts to take the life of a living animal. Taking a pig s life unleashed a side of Jack that none of his companions had seen before. The first kill was a trigger for Jacks lust for hunting and eventually his loss of innocence. The revelation made by the Lord of the flies expresses loss of innocence in Simon. During a mirage, Simon hallucinates that the sow head on the stick came to life and spoke about innate hatred born in all people. The Lord of the Flies says, You knew, didn t you? I m part of you (Goulding 143). This quote shows that sin is a part of us and always will be. Goulding made the point very clear by having the Lord of the Flies divulge such a dark message because he was symbolic of hatred and the devil. The conversation Simon had with the Lord of the ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Criminal Profiler 1. What is a criminal profiler? A criminal profiler falls under the category of law enforcement. They are a form of criminal investigator. Profilers may use behavioral analysis to aid them in pinpointing a suspect. I am interested in pursuing this occupation because what motivates people to act the way they do is intriguing. A profiler can learn a vast amount about a person by simply observing their actions and reactions. The profession of a criminal profiler can be grouped into the categories of requirements, responsibilities, and ramifications. There are strict requirements involved with becoming a criminal profiler. 2, 5 A profiler must have a bachelor s degree in criminal justice, psychology, social sciences, or behavioral sciences (Criminal Profiler). 5 Popular schools for this occupation include Kaplan University, Ashford University, and the University of South Dakota (Study). A benefit of studying this occupation is how the degree programs overlap and bear resemblance. 4 Also, Durant High School provides a forensics class that would aid in preparation for this career. 2, 6 Another couple examples of requirements for becoming an investigator include passing a thorough background investigation and completing an eighteen week period of training at the FBI Academy in Quantico (Clinical). Neither of which is easy.... Show more content on ... Each requirement and responsibility leads to the outcome of success. Each area of is equally important. Specifically, the knowledge obtained through the requirements accompanied by the character built through responsibilities. However, the ramifications are priceless. Every hour of overtime, every drop of sweat, is worth the excited smiles on the faces of ones you love as you walk through the door. Including resting easy at night knowing the offender is locked away. For these reasons, I continue to desire to pursue this ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc.—2004 Cynthia Duff KRISPY KREME DOUGHNUTS, INC. 2004 Cynthia Duff Francis Marion University Ticker Symbol: KKD The neon sign Hot Doughnuts Now, when illuminated, lures hungry customers into the local Krispy Kreme stores. The sign signals that Krispy Kreme s signature product, Hot Original Glazed doughnuts, are right now rolling under the glazing process and are ready to be devoured by anxiously waiting customers. There s nothing better than a hot, fresh, fluffy glazed doughnut that melts in your mouth to satisfy your sweet tooth. Krispy Kreme Doughnuts went public on April 5, 2000, allowing its customers to have their doughnuts and eat them too. It opened a test doughnut making store in a Wal Mart Super center in October 2003. ... Show more content on ... Number of Stores в–ІCompany в– Area Developers в—Џ Associates Sane Kripsy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc. 2003 Annual Report, p. 73. COMPANY PROFILE AND PHILOSOPHY The principle business of KKD is high volume sales and production of over twenty varieties of the finest quality doughnuts; including the signature Hot Original Glazed Krispy Kreme s commitment to quality and consistency has created a long standing devoted customer base. The doughnut making stores, quality ingredients, and vertical integration are part of what makes Krispy Kreme capable of differentiating itself from competitors. Krispy Kreme is dedicated to a strategic philosophy, which includes the following beliefs: 1All products will have a taste and quality that are second to none. 2Control product quality and freshness of the ingredients. 3Be thoroughly prepared to execute growth initiatives when they become needed. 4The keys to creating and maintaining a competitive advantage include observing that quality, service, and innovation are second to none. 5Instill the belief that the company is a set of capabilities, not just a product or brand. 6Have a passion that growth and success as a company is a natural result of the growth and success of our people. BUSINESS STRUCTURE Krispy Kreme is a vertically integrated company with three reportable segment Company Store Operations, Franchise Operations, and Krispy Kreme Manufacturing and Distribution (KKM D) unit. KKD company ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Overview Of The Fashion Industry In Italy Running Head: Fashion Industry in Italy Fashion Industry in Italy Table of contents Executive summary...................................................................................3 Introduction to Italy...................................................................................3 Geography of Italy....................................................................................4 Demographics of Italy...............................................................................4 Natural resources of Italy...........................................................................5 Economic sector and trade statistics...............................................................6 Exports to other countries their competitors of the exporting goods.......................6 Leading Fashion Brands of Italy...................................................................6 Analysis of comparative advantage of Italian fashion industry................................7 Monetary system of Italy............................................................................8 The legal and physical infrastructure of Italy.....................................................8 Status of research and innovation infrastructure..................................................9 International rankings of Italy.......................................................................9 Cultural and linguistic impact of Italy on business...............................................9 Tax structure of Italy................................................................................10 Relationship with Canada in terms of trade and aid............................................10 Analysis of Italian fashion industry...............................................................11 Recommendations...................................................................................11 Fashion Industry in Italy Executive Summary Italian industry has grown immensely with the late 17th century induction of fashion apparels modernizing into the modern world of fashion entity. The industry has grown into upper class, high quality fashion accessory and apparel industry. The top companies have ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Theories Of Consciousness In Greyson And Calvi-P The topic of near death experience has brought forth a debate on how the brain is connected to the consciousness. Two hypotheses, the materialist view and the dualist view, have been suggested. One claims that the brain creates the consciousness and the other that the brain interprets the consciousness. In the following paragraphs, I plan to address the hypothesis put forth by authors Greyson and Calvi Parsetti, the hypothesis I feel best follows both the SEARCH criteria and the criteria of adequacy, and why I feel the opposing hypothesis lacks a solid foundation. First and foremost, I am going to address the hypotheses of two authors from which have brought up the dualist or transmission hypotheses on consciousness. Both Greyson and Calvi Parisetti ... Show more content on ... This hypothesis claims that the brain transduces or interprets for the mind/consciousness (Shaffer). There are several implications that come with such a claim. First, this implies that the brain is needed to see or interpret the mind, but is not needed to create the mind. Second, as the mind refers to the part of the person that enables consciousness, awareness, thought, and even feeling, this implies that the brain is not needed to create such things as consciousness, awareness, thought or feeling. Third, this implies that the brain and the mind exist separately. Fourth, if the mind exists separately from the brain, this also implies that something else produces or transmits the mind. Fifth, if the mind and the brain exist separately and something else produces or transmits the mind, this implies that things such as consciousness, awareness, thought or feeling should continue to be transmitted despite the absence of brain stem responses or brain activity. In short, this implies that the brain would no longer produce a picture, but would still be receiving the picture to be produced. If this were the case, doctors should still find people responsive, dreaming, etc... despite being clinically brain dead as there would still be active signals being sent for the brain to ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Fashion of the Elizabethan Era Fashion of the Elizabethan Era The Elizabethan era was a time period centered around the life of Queen Elizabeth I s reign (1558 1603). This period in time is considered the peak of English history and is the beginning of when people began to think and believe differently. That brought along changes in the way people dressed. How people, particularly rich ones, dressed was just another way for them to express themselves. Social classes are also very much prominent in the era. These social classes influenced the fashion of the Elizabethan era. This is shown in men s and women s clothes, shoes, hats, and accessories in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. (Whitmore, Deanne) In the 1500 s men s clothing was generally black ... Show more content on ... It prevented the good shoe from getting dirty. They were eventually banned in some places because women could fall while walking in them. Women s hats in the 1500 s were, however, very different than men s. (Head over heels 1500s) The hats women wore in the era were very diverse. They would sometimes just be wraps, but other times, they would be huge things sitting atop the head. One of the smaller head ornaments they would wear was the curved French hood. It looked like a hood that was falling off of the back of someone s head. Another smaller head covering was the gable hood. It was pentagon shaped, heavily starched scarf worn on top of a woman s head. They would sometimes use wire framing inside the scarf which was very decorative. One of the biggest hats women wore in the 16th century was the horned head dress. This was a truly fantastic invention. It had two extensions, one to each side of the head, extending out to each shoulder. Draping off the extensions was some sort of sheer material usually decorated with jewels. For women accessories weren t very prominent in the beginning of the century because Britain was still a member of the Catholic Church, which banned jewelry, but when the country broke away from the church and the ban was lifted. Towards the end of the century, women began to wear the occasional strand of pearls or a small necklace with gems in it. ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Unit 2 study guide 1.Review the anatomy of the brain. Which portion is responsible for keeping you awake, controlling thought, speech, emotions and behavior, maintaining balance and posture? Emotions and behavior are controlled by the hypothalamus (p.455) The cerebellum is responsible for maintaining balance and posture (p.455) The reticular formation is essential for maintaining wakefulness and in conjunction with the cerebral cortex is referred to as the reticular activating system (p.450) The Broca speech area is rostral to the inferior edge of the premotor area on the inferior frontal gyrus. It is usually on the left hemisphere and is responsible for the motor aspects of speech. Damage to this area leads to expressive aphasia or dysphasia (p.452) ... Show more content on ... p.483 The cell bodies of primary order neurons or pain transmitting neurons reside in the dorsal root ganglia just lateral to the spine along the sensory pathways that penetrate the posterior part of the cord. The second order neurons are found in the dorsal horn (p.484) Most nociceptive information tranvels by means of ascending columns in the lateral spinothalamic tract (also called the anterolateral funiculus). The principal target for nociceptive afferents is the thalamus (the major relay station of sensory information in general) Third order neurons project to portions of the CNS involved in the processing and interpretation of pain, the chief areas being the reticular and limbic systems and cerebral cortex. (p 484) 9. Know different clinical descriptions of pain; pain threshold/tolerance The most widely used clinical classifications for pain are based on the inferred neurophysiologic mechanisms, temporal aspects, etiology, and region affected. Usually described as nociceptive or non nociceptive, and by duration, either acute or chronic. acute pain a protective mechanism that alerts the individual to a condition or experiece that is immediately harmful to the ody and mobilizes the individual to take prompt action to relieve it; transient, usually lasting seconds to days; begins suddenly and relieved after the chemical mediators that stimulate pain receptors are removed. Acute pain arises from cutaneous and deep somatic ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Informative Speech On American Football American football is widely enjoyed by our country. It is one of the top sports we participate in and watch as a nation. Here I will be telling you why it is so significant to us as a nation, how it impacts us and also how it is important to us. The history of football dates back to nearly 1860 s. It actually evolved from another sport. That sport being rugby. Rugby is a very physical game. That is where footballgets it toughness from. The first ever game of football played was in November 6 of 1869. The football game was between Rutgers and Princeton. Each team consisted of 25 players. Though out time since then, rules have been changed and altered. The sport being very physical, led to injuries amongst early players. Very little padding was used. Our president, Theodore Roosevelt was soon to abolish the game itself if changes were not made. Rules and regulations were then made and added to the sport. This turned out to be better for the players. Less injuries occurred to them.... Show more content on ... One team will play defense and the other team will play offense. The objective is for whichever team that plays offense, to score with the ball on the opposite team s touchdown zone. The defense team has to try and stop the offense team from scoring. The offense team has 4 tries at scoring with the play. If the offense team does not manage to score, the ball is the given to the other team. If the team does manage to score, they will be allowed to have a kick off. This means they have a chance to get an additional score to their points and put them at higher chance of winning. Once the team has reached all their attempts at scoring or have scored, the ball is then given to the other team. Now the opposite team has a chance of ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Examples Of How The Grinch Stole Christmas How the Grinch Stole Christmas!!In the movie by Dr. Seuss, the Grinch is portrayed as the villain. Why? Because he s a nasty, coldhearted creature that hates Christmas.But there is a reason for loathing the Christmas season. The Grinch plots to steal the joy and cheer of Christmas time away from the Whos in Who ville.Which he equally hates as much as the happy celebrations. As a child, the Grinchwas rejected by the Who ville community.He was made fun of and disliked by everybody, so he lived secluded up in the icy, gloomy mountains for his entire life. The Grinch actually enjoyed Christmas as a kid; he had a crush on Martha May, who is now with the Mayor. However, the Mayor used taunt the Grinch about his crush on Martha. For the Christmas ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Serafina In Deep Blue Characters Throughout the book, the lessons Serafina learns, the main female character, are attached to the main theme, Although dangers may bar your way to happiness, courage and dedication to hope will pull you through even the hardest of times. Deep Blue, a fictional novel by Jennifer Donnelly, that takes place in the hidden world of mermaids, unseen by most humans. When Serafina, a mermaid of the Mediterranean Sea, awakens on the morning of her betrothal with a fearful haunting dream of the Iele chanting, she realizes that maybe the stories she grew up with aren t all made up. The happiest moments of her life lasted only a few moments, before her mother was killed and she was forced to flee. Serafina with her best friend Neela goes on a treacherous... Show more content on ... For instance, Although we have barely known each other, we were able to push through and perform the bloodbind, where if our bond wasn t strong enough, we would have perished. (323) The mages performed the bloodbind, knowing they could die if their bond was not strong enough, through courage. They completed the bloodbind, exhausted, but this experience proves that through the short time they had been together, their friendship would reign. In support of this, Ling has known you only for a few days, and yet she treats you as if she has known you for ages. (243) It is clear that although Ling has known her for only a few days, she fully trusts Serafina. Serafina questions Ling s motives at first, but later sees that their friendship is true. Although there are moments where the mages are not strong enough, they pull through those challenges ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Life Defined by a Single Moment in Scarlet Letter, Red... A Life Defined by a Single Moment in Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter, Stephen Crane s Red Badge of Courage, and Dostoevsky s Crime and Punishment Life can be changed by a decision made during a single moment. Despite the natural gifts of courage or intelligence of a person, a single mistake can isolate him from the rest of society. In one case this can be cause by public conception. The public believes that this person is morally inferior and singles out that person for ridicule. However, it can also be self imposed isolation. Either way, that person cannot rejoin his society until he has redeemed himself. In Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter, both kinds of moral isolation are examined. Hester Prynne is placed in the public s scorn ... Show more content on ... As a result, a mark that resembles an A appears on his chest as a symbol of his guilt, and while Hester grows stronger because of her redemptive acts, Dimmesdale grows weaker because he has believed all of his life that confession is the only relief from guilt. He tries to rationalize his omission to his congregation by telling himself that he will serve the people better as a preacher, but he is an intelligent man and cannot convince himself of a lie. After seven years of physical and mental depreciation, he can only find redemption by joining Hester on the scaffold and revealing his own scarlet letter. For Hester and Dimmesdale s one lapse in judgment and self control, their lives were completely changed. Henry in The Red Badge of Courage is an example of a person whose life is changed due to a brief moment of cowardice. Though his original intention was to join the army and to become a hero, when he is first confronted with a real battle, he runs. Once he regains his senses, he is terribly ashamed and does his best not to reveal his momentary desertion to the other soldiers. His relief comes from what he believes to be a heroic deed. When he goes into battle again, instead of running, he settles into a rhythm of loading and firing his gun until the enemy had retreated and his own army had stopped shooting. Though this reaction stems from the same fear that caused him to run, Henry ... Get more on ...
  • 22. NFL Offeason Analysis This offseason has had it s fair share of dramatic signings. Many of the top names in the NFL have found a new home for the 2018 season; names like Sherman, Cousins, Talib, and many others. Lets take a look at what teams have improved the most on the offensive side of the ball this offseason:Honorable Mentions:New York Giants:The New York Giants did not set the world on fire by signing any big names in free agency, but still made very solid additions that will surely help better a horrendous 3 13 record in the 2017 season. Their offensive line, while still not top tier, should be much improved with the additions of former Patriots tackle Nate Solder, 2nd round pick Will Hernandez of UTEP, and the decision of moving former first round pick Ereck... Show more content on ... Chicago went out and added a whole tandem of wide receivers, such as former Jaguars number 1 option Allen Robinson, Falcons Taylor Gabriel, and drafting University of Memphis star Anthony Miller, who finished his last year in college with over 1,400 yards and 18 touchdowns. These additions are no doubt an upgrade from the sub par receiving core that the Bears sported in 2017. With brand new receiving options for Trubisky to throw to, an extremely solid rushing attack featuring Jordan Howard, Tarik Cohen, and Benny Cunningham, and what should be one of the better offensive lines in football this year, it shouldn t be a surprise if the Bears storm into 2018 with one of the top offenses in football.The Winner:Cleveland Browns:Oh Cleveland... the laughing stock of the league for so many years has finally had enough. Keep in mind, this is a list of the most improved offenses from last year, and it s pretty hard to be worse than dead last. The Browns had the worst turnover differential of any team in the NFL last year, sitting at an incredible 41 total giveaways. With turnover machine DeShone Kizer throwing the ball, the Browns fell to the infamous 0 16 ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Strengths And Weaknesses Of Adolescence Each adolescent is unique, and as adolescents we all have our strengths and weaknesses, but during this time we are preparing ourselves for our future. We are getting an idea of what life will be like and the responsibility and maturity that is needed. Throughout adolescence is the time where we can take matters into our own hands and we are allowed to make mistakes. Making those mistakes is what can help us improve or even help us learn something that can benefit us in the future. Sometimes we even allow the social media to have an influence on our day to day life, which can cause us to second guess ourselves in how we look and even how we act. This is the time that prepares us for our future, where we will have good times and bad times. This... Show more content on ... You are being taught and given an idea of the challenges that you could be facing in the future. Whether it be decide your career or deciding your next step in life. Throughout all this is the time for you to trying new things which gives you an idea of the responsibility and maturity you are going to need throughout your life. For example if you get a part time job, you are learning how important it is to show up on time, to try your best. Taking the responsibility to complete the tasks you are given and to do them the best of your ability. You can t rely on anybody but yourself, you re in charge of completing your job and doing it yourself to the best of your ability. By having a part time job it can also help you decide what is best for you future. You can learn the skills that your best at, how you like to work, and additionally the environment that you work best in. You are taking the time, resources, and knowledge you have and putting it to use in your life. Secondly throughout the years the use technology has increased tremendously. What the technology today is capable of doing now compared to 10 years ago is a lot more and we are obsessing of it. As adolescents we allow the social ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Law And Ethics Of An Mba Program More institutions of higher education are adding law and ethics curriculum to the lists of required courses. After the legal and ethical scandals that occurred at companies such as Enron and accounting firms such as Arthur Andersen, as well as the Ponzi schemes of Bernie Madoff, this seems like a natural course of action for most colleges and universities. Because society uses law and ethicsto mold business, it makes sense to teach these in institutions of higher learning, but should these classes also be taught in high school when young adults are getting their feet wet in the world of business? It is important to study law and ethics in an MBA program because a comprehensive set of laws is not enough, ethical relativism and religion lessen the public s ability to define right and wrong, and elementary schools only teach obedience to laws and rules. While society enforces thousands upon thousands of rules and laws, understanding the ethics and reasons behind enactment of the laws are still missing in society. Immanuel Kant said it best in the Categorical Imperative when he said, All maxims as proceeding from our own [hypothetical] making of law ought to harmonize with a possible kingdom of ends (Kant, 2009, p. 75). If ethics is not being taught in conjunction with lawmaking, then people will never understand the reasoning behind the creation of the laws under which they must live. Ethics and law are deeply intertwined law is founded on the ethics of the people writing ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Examples Of Literary Devices In The House On Mango Street Literary devices may be used to add more dimension and description to writing, but they can also show multiple characters perspectives, too. These perspectives can portray insights on characters that show true personalities. In The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros, certain examples of literary devices are strategically used to do so. The story includes different vignettes that guides through the main character s, Esperanza s life. Each vignette illuminates Esperanza s problems and outlooks about race, gender, economic status, age, and society as a whole. Using a variety of literary devices, such as figurative language, sensorydetails, comparisons, and allusions, Cisneros truly displays disparate characters perspectives about themselves... Show more content on ... One example is when she talks to Alicia about their homes. Before they talk, Esperanza states that Alicia gave Esperanza a bag with the word GUADALAJARA stitched onto it, which is home for Alicia, and one day she will go back there (106). Here, Esperanza contrasts her temporary home with Alicia s permanent one. While Alicia has an actual home where she can live for the rest of her life; Esperanza doesn t and continuously moves to her different homes . By comparing her home, she is implying that she wants a home where she can settle and be happy, not like the one on Mango Street. This ultimately shows that she s not satisfied with her current lifestyle and wants for a better life. Another comparison is when she compares her age and gender with an older man. In the vignette The First Job , she lands a job at a photo developer studio where she hides from the other men and women at lunch time because she is scared of them looking at her. Subsequently, she meets a man who says it s his birthday and asks for a tiny birthday kiss, and she thinks I thought I would just because he was so old... he grabs my face with both hands and kisses me hard on the mouth (55). Here, Esperanza compares her age and gender with the actions that the older man does. She is working a normal day, then randomly a guy comes up and kisses her directly, without her consent. By showing this example of an old man in the workplace, she is basically stating men, especially older ones, are dangerous by sexually harassing young women such as herself. This means that she doesn t visualize men as people who she will marry and live a happy life with, but people who are filled with evil. Through comparing and contrasting Esperanza with other characters, a deeper sense of understanding of Esperanza is ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Design Of Continuous Time Second Order Sigma Design of Continuous Time Second Order Sigma Delta Modulator Using Feedback Element Mr. Ravinder Choudhary University Institute of Engineering and Technology Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra, India E mail Abstract: This paper discuss the continuous time second order Sigma Modulator with the feedback element having negative feedback. The modulator is of second order that decreases the complexity of the circuit and also decreases the power consumption of the circuit. The circuit works on the analog input signal in the form of jitter sine wave. The feedback element generates the feedback pulse. An efficient Sigma Delta modulator is designed with the bandwidth of 10 MHz and sampling frequency of 350 MHz. The modulator is designed using a Matlab code and the circuit is then designed on SIMULINK. The evaluation indicates that the second order modulator achieves 73.5 dB peak SNDR and 73 dB of peak SNR. Keywords: Delta Sigma Modulator, SNR, SNDR, Dynamic Range 1.INTRODUCTION In electronics and telecommunications, modulation is the process of varying one or more properties of a periodic waveform, called the career signal, with a modulating signal that typically contains information to be transmitted. In telecommunications, modulation is the process of conveying a message ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Marilyn Monroe Life Most actors are seen to have perfect and balanced lives, but others have had to overcome challenging times and obstacles. Marilyn Monroe had many challenges throughout her life that she had to overcome. Norma Jean (Marilyn) grew up without a family or a supportive mother, her acting career was continually off and on, and she had a rough personal life and history. Marilyn had a pretty rough time growing up, but she managed to fight through it all. While Marilyn was growing up she didn t have a family, and she didn t really have a mother. Marilyn s mother is Gladys Monroe Baker. Her mother lived in an institution for most of Marilyn s life because she had mental breakdowns. Marilyn s biggest fear was that she would one day end up in an institution just like her mother did. Throughout Marilyn s life she was put into twelve different foster homes. One time her foster parents were leaving to travel to California and she didn t want to be put in another foster home so she got the idea to get married. Not only did she stay in foster homes she also stayed in an orphanage a few times. Marilyn had a hard time adjusting and getting used too moving from one family to the next. According to her... Show more content on ... While starting her career many people considered her just to be a dumb blonde girl. People were very surprised when they saw her because they saw that she had a lot of skill. When she was in high school she went to try out for a drama club and she was turned down. During her career she had bounced between many record labels. She had a period in time where she didn t have an acting job for over a year. After nineteen films she had finally gotten her own dressing room. Marilyn had been an actor for about sixteen years. It was stated in her biography, Marilyn Monroe was the most glamorous, popular, and controversial movie star (American Decades). That s why to this day she is still well known and talked ... Get more on ...
  • 28. My New York City During my second day for my New York City trip, me and my friends decided to go ahead and check out a bit early from the hotel Gallivant . Our plan was to go ahead and walk around the city before heading to our corporate site visits planned for the rest of the day. At that morning, I hurriedly took a shower, packed my luggage and waited for my other friends in the hotel lobby. My friends were Arya, who is a fun loving guywho always has room for a joke or two; Andrew who is the quiet one in the group, Dhillon perhaps the most culturally centric person in the group who is always enthusiastic and lastly John who is a tall, lanky kid who at times can be clumsy and awkward. At around 12pm is for when we were all ready and decided to go and walk around the city, specifically in the Time Square region. The five of us were walking on this gloomy and windy day dressed in our business professional outfits. Crowds of people were passing by as this central hub was illuminate with billboards from Nike, Polo, McDonalds and Coca Cola. I remember seeing outdoor cafГ© sitting areas and people constantly wandering left and right to the shopping stores. I remember the selfies people took and the hustling of crowds moving to the next attraction like ants swarming in colonies. There was a case of red bleachers toward the center of time square. We had a thirst for adventure despite the blanket of darkness covering the city. Our first stop was at the shopping hub at a place called Swatch a ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Alternative Dispute Resolution And The Different Types Of It In this essay I will address what alternative dispute resolution is and the different types of it. ADR stands for Alternative dispute resolution is something that provides an alternative way of settling civil disputes than the traditional way using the courts. The main forms of Alternative dispute resolution are being arbitration, adjudication mediationand conciliation, however in the United Kingdom the most commonly used alternative dispute resolutions are arbitration and mediation but adjudication is becoming rapidly more popular. Adjudication is another form of alternative dispute resolutionthat stems from Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act (Construction Act). This Act was introduced in 1996 in the United Kingdom. Even though the Act was created to ensure that the process remains informal, this has recently changed where parties that are in dispute are now serving official documents such as witness statements, expert reports etc. Though recently The Alternative Dispute Resolutionfor Consumer Disputes (Competent Authorities and Information) Regulations 2015 was passed and deals with how consumer disputes are handled. Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution that aims to solve disputes outside the courts by a third party called arbitrators. The arbitrators review the case facts and evidence and gives out a verdict that is legally binding and therefore enforceable. Both parties agree beforehand to abide by the decision that the arbitrators ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Seven Wonders Of Taj Mahal Taj Mahal Intensive out all the nations I ve gone by I haven t seen such an exceptional nation as India. India is placed in the landmass of South Asia. It is the seventh biggest nation and the second most well known nation with more than 1.2 billion individuals (Srivastava). India is known for the amount its rich of its history. Numerous heads have ruled India; one of them is The Mughal Empire who had ruled India from 1526 1707 (Mughal). India is known everywhere throughout the world that they commend their customary celebration consistently, some of these celebrations: Holi, Diwali, Raksha Bandhan celebration ...etc. (Cook). Furthermore, as the most well known the father of the country Mahatma Gandhi, why should considered be one of the imperative... Show more content on ... The building contains of the center part, which is known as the tomb it is the focal of Taj Mahal. The tomb is powerful and has white marble on it, which pulls in individuals that its glossy like a sky loaded with stars (Taj and Interior). The base is enormous also and has Square with corners non equivalent sides. There are four minarets that originated from mosques. Besides at the lower level are the actual graves of Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan; there are false graves in the primary chamber. The cherish principle finial was initially made of gold however in the 19th century a duplicate of it was replaced by one made of bronze and that looks like a moon. The 99 name of god are calligraphic in scripts on the sides of the tomb (De and Facts). The remarkable spot is the garden it is 30 meter, and somewhere between the tomb and that stunning reflecting pool and encompassed by trees and rivers one of them is called Yamuna. The Derwaza is the main gate of the palace. The far ends have two grand Redstone buildings mirrored to one another (De). That was manufactured to the memory of his most loved wife, it took 21 years to manufacture and 22000 workers to create it took quite a while to manufacture to demonstrate his adoration toward his wife to the world ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Effects Of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease On Obese... Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Obese Pediatric Population In the United States, increasing numbers of obesity in pediatric population is major concern in health care field. According to Center of Disease Control (CDC), in the United States obesity in children from 6 to 11 years of age in 1980 was seven percent. This rate about three times by 2008, to 20%. Adolescents obesity from 12 to 19 years of age in 1980 was five percent and this correspondingly rate more than three times by 2008, to 18% (CDC, 2012). The CDC accepted the measurement standards for individuals that are overweight or obese established by the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute; overweight is more than or equal to a body mass index (BMI) of 25% and obese is a BMI more than or equal to 30% (National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, 2012) Fatty liver disease is, lipid or fat buildup in liver cells contributing to the liver a yellow hue. The cellular injury starts dysfunctional metabolic processes which can consequence in lipid collection in liver cells (McCance, 2014). The causative metabolic processes might be: increased dispersion of fatty acids in the liver, ineffective transformation of fatty acids to triglycerides instead of phospholipids, failure to carry lipoproteins out of the cell, free radicals destruct the endoplasmic reticulum, increased synthesis of fatty acids to triglyceride, decreased synthesis of apoproteins, and un effective binding of lipids to apoproteins and ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Dealing With Breakups Breakups are something that people go through all the time. It is something that can be painful and difficult to go through. This is why it is important to know how to deal with the problem as opposed to reacting to the breakup in a way that makes the process even harder to go through. However, when you re mourning from a broken relationship, you need to make sure that you avoid a couple things that totally go against the entire breakup etiquette rules. Mistake #1 Pretend You Are Fine After a breakup, don t act like you are fine. Give yourself time to mourn, or punch a pillow, cry, write in your journal and tell your friends exactly how you feel. The temptations might be to just pretend that you are totally unaffected regarding the breakup, ... Show more content on ... When you do this, not only will you be disconnected from your ex, but it will make your entire physical appearance from the public quite negative. You need to fully distance yourself from your ex and everyone who knows him or her, so dating their friends shouldn t be an option. Mistake #9 Starting Useless And Meaningless Relationships Randomly dating people and sleeping with them may temporarily heal your wounds, but it definitely won t help you fully cope. If you want to start a relationship, it must be when you are completely over your ex, because if not, you will just be hurting yourself and the person or the people you decide to be with. Mistake #10 Seek Revenge Don t try to break down your ex s car, or teepee their house. Never do something that can cause you legal trouble and a restraining order. If you are hurting, deal with it through venting out on your friends and not on your ex. The temptation of revenge won t feed anything but your bitterness. You might have been betrayed, but revenge won t heal your wounds. Move on, it really is the best thing to ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Hostage Film Techniques In the 2005 neo noir film Hostage, directed by Florent Emilio Siri, Chief of police Jeff Dailey helps negotiate with three hostage keepers to save his own family and two kids. The thrill seeking, crime plot is executed very intelligently and you can t often infer what will happen next. The darkness of the lighting, darkness of humanity, darkness of the setting, visual motifs and archetypes are all elements of this filmthat shape it into a neo noir style. All of these different elements illustrate a neo noir style film and help us better understand the plot. The darkness of the lighting is very important in creating the neo noir film style in Hostage. The movie has many outdoor night scenes and the dark lighting is very important here to create... Show more content on ... Visual motifs are defined as irregular placed objects, objects in the foreground, vertical /horizontal lines, water and claustrophobic devices. A visual motif used often in this film is the shadows of the curtains creating horizontal lines on the actors/actresses. When the chief goes into a house to investigate, it s all dark inside so the sunlight from the window makes the blinds create shadows on him. During the interrogation phone call with the chief and the hostage holders, the hostage holders are standing in front of a waterfall like decoration and the vertically running water is a strong visual motif here. The vents throughout the house are used as claustrophobic devices and create a strong dark mood and are a clever visual motif. Like the vents are used to show the darkness of humanity because of their entrapment, they re also used as a claustrophobic device. When the kids are running through the vents and being chased, the vents show how trapped they really are because in a vent system there s nowhere to go. The claustrophobic device helps because you can really see the freight in their faces. The visual motifs are used very intelligently in this film and they re one more reason as to why it s a neo noir style ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Manual Sizing Of Analog Blocks There is around 10 to 200 real valued parameters in an analog circuit, and value of these parameters must be set in order to meet the specification .Circuit sizing is the process of setting these parameters. for example a simple two stage operational amplifier has around 12 parameters ,which includes width, length and passive component values of all transistors which have to be set to achieve specifications such as CMRR(common mode rejection ratio), gain, power ,area ,bandwidth ,noise ,settling time ,offset value and slew rate . Figure 1 two stage operational amplifier There are 6 mosfets in this figure, so we have two compute values of width and height of 6 mosfets along with other parameters such as slew rate, bandwidth and noise margin. A system on a chip (SOC) is an integrated circuit that integrates all components of a electronic system into a single chip. SOC is made automated to a large extent. Manual sizing of analog blocks is a bottleneck. There are several methods and techniques of sizing; circuit sizing is an optimization problem. SPICE model is being considered the most accurate model as the final check point is spice correctness since the designer does not have access to the fabrication process so designer relies on the simulator. Apart from spice there are circuit equations. These equations can be derived taking some assumption with regard to the transistor behavior. There are three ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Thomas Paine Research Paper Thomas Paine saw the government as a well unified Union. No problems truly to arise or inequality. The government and people in America though do not remain true to the words of Thomas Paine. As the poor and rich are not the same anymore. Times change; how life is, and making a shift of how America is. Government may seem fair, though there are the times of unjust and favoritism for the rich and opposition against the poor. With that, making America not holding true to the characterization. The poor are oppressed while the rich are privileged. Many will say, we have capitalist government. Yes the government is, but not everything will be fair for individuals. There are times riots it s occur due to unfair treatment to certain individuals. ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Insulin Resistance In Horses Each year about 340 horses die due to effects of insulin resistance. That is almost half the deaths caused by horse racing. If a horse or pony suffering from Insulin Resistance and they eat high sugar feed, and eat normal, unsoaked hay the large increase in sugar may cause death or lead to serious life threatening conditions. In horses that don t suffer from Insulin Resistance and Cushing s it wouldn t be as great a concern if they got out and ate feed and hay, but thus act becomes life threatening and fatal for horses and ponies suffering from Insulin Resistance and Cushing s. Insulin Resistance, Cushings, and Endocrinopathic Laminitis are all very complex diseases that many experts are still gaining an understanding for. Glucose, insulin, and cortisolare major factors not only in Insulin Resistance (IR) and Cushings (PPID) as individual diseases, but they also serve to link the two diseases to Endocrinopathic Laminitis in addition to each other. Insulin Resistance and ... Show more content on ... The elevated levels of cortisol that occur as a result of PPID are believed to contribute to the insensitivity of stimulation and the resistance of laminitis. When the cortisol is secreted by the pituitary gland it interferes with the lamellar perfusing, causing a vasoconstrictive response in the equine digital arteries to the catecholamines. Also a cortisol excess results in protein catabolism in the skin, connective tissue, bone and skeletal muscle, impaired wound healing, muscle atrophy derived data are pointing to the fact that inflammation leads a pivotal role in laminitis (Johnson). Some experts also believe that stress can lead to a horse becoming laminitic because of the increased cortisol secretion that occurs due to stress. Since Laminitis is so incredibly painful for the horses and ponies affected it causes them to experience extreme stress, which in turn causes a dramatic spike in cortisol levels ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Disney Of Jap Japanese History, Traditions, Rites,... We are often not aware of the richness and uniqueness of our cultural heritage from stories, traditions, rites, designs and tales of the gods. Surrounded by high technology and its flimsy devices, children are more and more losing their roots. We must inform them of the richness of our traditions. Hayao Miyazaki I can t help but wonder how does Studio Ghibli s leading director Hayao Miyazaki draw on western sources and settings as well as Japanese history and traditions in two of Studio Ghibli s films: My Neighbour Totoro and Spirited Away? With headquarters based in Koganei, Tokyo, Japan, Studio Ghibli is easily one of Japan s most famous animation studio s in the world and is known as the Disney of Japan . It was founded June 15th, 1985 after the great success of Nausicaa of the valley of the wind the studio is headed by directors Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata even though they were uncertain as to whether the studio would find any success or crash and burn they had a vision to blow a new wind through the anime industry which was pretty ambitious to say the least but has certainly lived up to its name. Hence the clever name given to the studio by Miyazaki himself, Ghibli means hot wind blowing through the Sahara Desert . The name was used for Italian scouting airplanes during World War II. Miyazaki, who has a great love for airplanes, named his studio after it. One thing that I think makes the studio stand out is not only its lovable characters and its ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Geography Geniuses Generated 3 Behaviorist Theory Everybody learns in different ways, including the students sitting in the classrooms. How are teachers going to be able to make sure every student learns? Maribel, Julianne, Michelle, Matthew, and Ana are Geography Geniuses and are here to advise how to ensure that every student learns. Focusing on the 3rd grade standard SS.3.G.1.1, students will use thematic maps, tables, charts, graphs, and photos to analyze geographic information. The information being taught is declarative because students will acquire factual knowledge and information that can be spoken about at any time. The activities utilize hands on and drill methods with the objective that if students are shown a blank map they will be able to recognize and recall all elements of the map automatically. Lastly, they fit into the remember and understand levels of Bloom s Taxonomy because students will remember locations on the map and later understand different information and landmarks embedded in states. With all this in mind, the Geography Geniuses generated 3 behaviorist and 3 constructivist activities that allow the students to learn and practice geographic locations. The first activity my third grade students will learn is a constructivist activity, which promotes active learning and learning by doing. It derives from constructivism one of Piaget s theory it is defined as the view that meaningful learning is the active creation of knowledge instead of a simple transfer of objective knowledge from one person to ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Promise Of Frankenstein Have you ever wanted to find someone to love? Well, the monster wanted to find someone just like him to love. Victor Frankenstein created a monster that was nice and helped people. But, people treated him bad for doing nice things. The monster felt lonely so Victor and the monster made a promise that if he created a female creature for the monster to love that he will go live in the forest and eat nuts and berries and leave humanity alone. So, Victor went to go build a female creature, but before he made the creature come to life he destroyed it and the monster was devastated. Yes, I think that Victor made the right decision to destroy the creature. I think that Victor made the right choice to destroy the monster because they not have found each... Show more content on ... They could have monster babies together if they loved each other that much. The monster babies could take over the world. The monster babies could go on a rampage and start killing people with the monster and the creature. They could also procreation when they grow up and more monster babies could happen. Victor made the right decision because the monster and the creature may not keep their promises. The monster may not keep his promise to leave humanity alone. The creature may not keep her promise and go and love somebody else instead of the monster. They both may not keep their promise and still continue killing people and not live in the forest. They both won t keep their promise and procreation together. Yes, Victor made the right decision to destroy the creature he was creating for the monster because they may not find each other attractive. The creature may not want to go S. America. She could also fall in love with Victor and not the monster. Also, procreation could happen and the monster babied could take over the world. They not keep their promises to live in the forest and not killing ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Essay on Understand Employment Responsibilities 201 Understand employment responsibilities and rights in health, social care or children s and young people s settings Task A Short Answer Questions Ai: Imagine you are a newly appointed supervisor/manager within your service. You need to update your staff handbook to reflect current employment law. Identify three different sources of information you could use to enable you to do this. Once you have identified a reliable source of information: Aii a) List three aspects of employment covered by law. Work Conditions (safety, discrimination, accommodation, etc.) Wages Hours b) List three main features of current employment legislation. Minimum wage Training Holiday entitlements Aiii Briefly ... Show more content on ... Change of bank details Change of address Biv Describe the procedure to follow if you wanted to raise a grievance at work. You may describe this in writing or produce a flow chart or diagram. Bv Explain the agreed ways of working with your employer in relation to the following areas: 1. Data protection 2. Grievance 3. Conflict management 4. Anti discriminatory practice 5. Health amp; safety 6. Confidentiality 7. Whistle blowing Bvi Explain how your role contributes to the overall delivery of the service provided. Bvii Explain how you could influence the quality of the service provided by; a) Following best practice within your work role; Doing everything required I.e. training,Be kind and caring to the residents and providing them with respect and dignity. b) Not carrying out the requirements of your role. By not following the role requirements you will be not doing your job well and following the right procedures and by that you can cause accidents and your not giving your fall attention by that people will be neglected and not get the fall care they need.
  • 41. Bviii Describe how your own work must be influenced by National factors such as Codes of Practice, National Occupational Standards, Legislation and Government Initiatives. Bix a) Identify two different representative bodies which influence your area of work. b) Describe the role of the two representative bodies you have identified. Task C Career Pathway ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Personal Elements Of Cultural Identity Cultural identity is feeling or belonging to a group. For example Language, Religion, Jobs, or even daily life are some elements of culture. Your language is important so you can communicate with people like you. Religion is really important because more than likely you won t get along with another tribe that doesn t believe what you believe or believes the opposite. Clothing is also a cultural identityfor example Tongan men wear sarong which is kind of like a skirt but for a man. By their clothing you can kind of determine their culturesome wear the same thing but you can definitely tell they aren t from america. There are many different religions which separates different cultures like Buddhism and Christianity they have way different beliefs but that... Show more content on ... In Asian cultures making eye contact is rude but in American culture it is very polite and shows you are listening to someone when they are talking. There are obviously so many different things that make a culture but the one i want to focus on is FOOD! The food is the most important part in my opinion because you can make kind of the same food but in different cultures make it their way and make it their own. For example in America when we make noodles it may be different from the way Mexico makes noodles they love spicy foods so they might make their noodles really spices as ours just have normal spices added to it or cheese to make mac and cheese. The way we eat our food is different we use forks or our fingers but in China they use chopsticks to eat their food. Pizza is originally from Italy but now we have it here and i m sure people have changed it over the years and added their own likings to it to make it taste like their culture. Traditional foods are foods that have been passed down to new ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Key Issues Related To Plagiarism Define key issues related to plagiarism, piracy, and netiquette. Do you feel one is more important than the other? Are the issues interconnected? Are the expectations to follow computer ethics unrealistic? Do you feel consequences for the misuse of computer ethics are too strict or not strict enough? Explain your answers. Issues related to piracy, plagiarism, and netiquette Brandon Vail Piracy and plagiarism are both ways of stealing information from the internet. Piracy is stealing and selling copyrighted software, books, etc. Plagiarism is improperly citing, playing off someone else s work as yours, or not citing the source of information you use to write a term paper or a newsletter for a business. Netiquette, however is your etiquette ... Show more content on ... (2) At any given second, someone in the U.S or elsewhere could be finishing up an illegal download of a movie. The punishments for misuse of computer ethics are very severe, practically on the borderline for the cruel and unusual punishment amendment. Which is exactly why this should be brought up to the federal courts. Some of the key issues surrounding Piracy, Plagiarism, and Netiquette are severe, in the sense that if correction is not brought about soon, society as a whole will suffer. 1.ABOUT SYMANTEC. (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2014, from /profile/antipiracy/types.jsp 2.Online Piracy in Numbers Facts and Statistics [Infographic]. (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2014, from http://www.go piracy/ 3.Use Information Correctly: Avoiding Plagiarism. (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2014, from http:/ / plagiarism/full 4.Plagiarism in the Digital Age [Infographic]. (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2014, from ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Who Marcion Is Important For The Development Of Early... Not all would call him a Christian scholar, but he was the most interesting second century Christian and also the most detrimental to the development of early Christianity and his name was Marcion. In this essay I will be explaining who Marcion is and why he was so important for the development of early Christianity. To start off my research paper my first resource was by Peter Head, The Foreign God And The Sudden Christ : Theology And Christology In Marcion s GospelRedaction, in which he talks about how many people back in the second century would not call Marcion a good Christian, leader, or a reformer but was later a great influence for the New Testament. Head then briefly introduces Marcion and who he was. Also, Peter Head... Show more content on ... My next source by David William, Reconsidering Marcion s Gospel, addresses in his article that Marcion was gathered from multiple different resources. Marcion s gospel was not written into the text and was basically the same thoughts as Paul just with a few different ideas. Williams also states his three general findings that he has as he studied Marcion thought out his life. Around 144 AD Marcion expressed his beliefs to everyone and not just to the church. Most people at that time thought that his beliefs were outrageous and they were frowned upon in that society. Marcion still believed what he thought was right and created his own church. Even though he knew that giving his opinion on religion was not a good idea during that time period he still did and got followers that believed in what he was creating. Everyone that followed his lead and believed the same thing that he did were called Marcionites. (Head) According to David Williams not much information on Marcion s gospel is found. Most of the information is gathered up from references and quotes found in other literatures. (Williams) Marcion s gospel that they have pieced together are said to look exactly like Luke s gospel. If Marcion was asked the question himself, he would say that he was more like Paul rather than Luke. Marcion s belief was in some ways similar to Gnostic Christian theology. Marcion was considered not a good Christian, ... Get more on ...
  • 45. To Kill a Mocking Bird Hypocrisy Paper To Kill a Mockingbird Term Paper Imagine having your life completely destroyed by a fraudulent charge just because of the color of your skin. There are many examples of hypocrisy in Harper Lee s novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Some of the most glaring examples of hypocrisy come from three female characters: Mrs. Dubose, Mrs. Merriweather, and Mrs. Gates. Each character said a hypocritical statement in this novel. A quote and detailed context will be used to explain to the full extent what was hypocritical with their statement. Mrs. Dubose is prejudiced against negros, yet she has a black servant who helps her maintain her life. But Mrs. Dubose held us: Not only a Finch waiting on tables but one in the courthouse lawing for niggers! ... Show more content on ... Mrs. Merriweather is a surprising but clear example of hypocrisy. A final surprising example of hypocrisy comes from a schoolteacher named Mrs. Gates. Mrs. Gates says all the prejudiced evil actions that Hitler did in Germany against the Jews does not happen in the democracy of America, yet she says the blacks need to be kept in their place. Over here we don t believe in persecuting anybody. Persecution ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Analysis Of The Letter Letter From The Holy Spirit Letter to Utinger This letter is Zwingli s efforts of defending himself and dispelling false rumors about him having inappropriate relations with a daughter of a high official. After saying how he has taken a vow of celibacy and that studying theology and Scripture weakens any sensual desires, he does concede that he had relations with her in a time of temptation. So, he denies the rumors that he seduced her (and possibly raped her) and says that not only was the decision mutual, but also that the entire town of Einsiedeln knew about it and did not care. Of the Freedom of Choice in the Selection of Food After some of his friends broke the Lent fast by eating some sausages, Zwingli used the opportunity to preach on this matter in 1522. He says that the decision to fast or not to fast does not matter, so long as Christians are given a choice to decide for themselves in the first place. His argument comes from the desire to listen and receive guidance from the Holy Spirit. Besides, he says, the fasting of Lent and other seasons is yet another form of works, and therefore does not matter in regards to salvation as only the grace of God can save a person. Petition to the Bishop of Constance In light of his own relationship with Anna Reinhard and the fact that other members of the clergy are taking wives for themselves, Zwingli writes to the bishop to beg him not to oppose or interfere in the matter of married clergy. Vows of celibacy are for the very few, Zwingli ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Business Ethics and the Chinese Market Essay I believe that standard business ethics cannot be possible internationally. Culture varies from society to society. The change in culture varies due to various reasons it depends on economic and legal factors. Political and legal factors play a vital role and that differentiate from one culture to another that is why I believe that business ethicscan never be universal. Considering the example of China where government put a check on online information. Google has a big concern over the Chinese market because many web pages were blocked within that region. Culturealso have great influence in emerging economies as it can be observed that in many countries offering expensive gifts in corporate world is consider as bribe especially in... Show more content on ... For instance, Google faced many challenges when they entered in China they had a strong control over the functioning of the corporation. They can surpass any government policy where they find it necessary. However, the legal system of the body should have strong rules and laws that foreign companies cannot attempt to bypass and there should be strict actions and penalty against those companies who attempt for illegal or false practice within the corporate world. The corporation should set examples that fulfils ethical, environmental and community friendly practices. They should encourage other companies to help and encourage and to provide healthy environment with the different group of society. Through these rules and laws, implementing will help community as well as the corporation to make a better image within the people of the society. Corporation is refer as the socio political organization of a society, which comprise of major corporate groups, ethnic, military, language and agricultural groups. Corporation theoretically related to the interpretation of a community as an organic body. Recent event in Tibet have made Chinese policies intensified, which highlighted the disputes over legal status. China claims that Tibet is an integral part of their country. While, Tibetan government claimed to be the independent state as an unlawful occupation. This controversy opened the discussion within international politics, which questioned the Geneva ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Lab 3 Biodiversity Lab 3 Biodiversity Demonstration 1: Interdependence of Species |Table 1: Interdependence of Species Results | |Round |Species Missing (Bead Color and Name) | |1 |Linchens | |2 |Bees | |3 |Trees ... Show more content on ... The use of pesticides and other chemicals, flowers are not engineered like crop seed to survive these chemicals. Action affecting Bees = Due to several human factors, bees are being threatened and destruction of their habitat is the number one reason. For a habitat to remain successful and sustain populations it must provide nesting sites and a seasonal succession of forage, and humans are depleting these areas through population growth and industrialization (Corbet, Williams, Osborne, 1991). 3. Provide three specific actions that humans can take to minimize our impact on the ecosystem and ensure the survival of lichens, trees, flowers, and bees. Action 1 = Bees are a critical part of the ecosystem. Humans need to ensure habitat sustainment to sustain bee populations do not deteriorate to levels that cannot be corrected. Bees need food (nectar, pollen) provided by insect pollinated plants in order to reproduce and produce more bees (Corbet, Williams, Osborne, 1991, p 2). By creating hives and environments that are conducive to bee sustainment, it is possible that strides can be to reverse the downward trend in populations. This is critical as one study showed. It stated that the loss of bees was a domino effect to other species. It stated, If bee pollinated flowers do not ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Perseverance In African American Literature Perseverance, is a word best suited to describe the early literary and vernacular traditions of African Americans and the post slavery literature. Through the fight for freedom and equality one motif that stands out the most is education and more specifically writing as a form of freedom. This perseverance for education/writing speaks to me as both the daughter of an immigrant that also worked hard to get an education, and an aspiring writer. The first section of the Norton Anthology of African AmericanLiterature stresses how important early literary and vernacular traditions were to the slaves as they were a means of rebellion and catharsis. One of the excuses the early settlers made for slavery was based around the idea that African slaves ... Show more content on ... Phillis Wheatley is a good example of this because she constantly had to prove herself to her white readers and even then there were those, including Thomas Jefferson that discredited her work. In a previous class, American Literature, I remember being shocked to read about Jefferson s sentiments towards African Americans, not that I held him in such high regard, but it seemed as though he was stubbornly trying to hold on to the idea that African Americans were lesser than him and incapable of literary genius. I mean to go as far as to write the compositions published under her name are below the dignity of criticism, is condescending (xxxix). Even so the determination that writers such as Frederick Douglas, Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois among many others, had to rise above this prejudice and instead work to educate and inspire other African American writers is awe inspiring. Then these writers had the challenging task of creating work that would enlighten the reader without alienating them as well as match the period aesthetics. Those societal pressures aren t really present in today s literary world as they were then. For African American writers, however, there seemed to be a higher expectancy of their work as now in the nineteenth century their audience had grown and they still had to work through the prejudices some had concerning their writing ... Get more on ...
  • 50. China s Recent Urban Planning Study Context and Data Sources 2.1 Beijing s Recent Urban Planning Beijing is the capital of China and one of the most populous cities in the world. The current population as of 2014 was over 21 million. The area of Beijing Metropolitan Area (BMA) is 16,410 square kilometers. According to land use dataset of Beijing Institute of City Planning, the total urban area as of 2012 was 1,675 square kilometers. The BMA currently comprises 16 administrative subdivisions, as presented in Figure 1. Figure 1 The Beijing Metropolitan Area Since the latest administrative boundary adjustment of Beijing in 1958, there have been five urban master plans drafted in 1958, 1973, 1982, 1992 and 2004. Each master plan was associated with a planned overall land use map. Individual land parcels in the map were assigned with a land classification of either urban (residential, commercial, industrial, public green land, and mixed use land) or non urban (farmland, forestland, and wetland) (Long, Gu, Han, 2012). The maps guide the future urban development, and actual land uses should conform to the land classification plan. Since the beginning of the 1990s, the BMA has experienced an unprecedented increase in population growth and urban development. By the year 2003, Beijing s population and urban built up area had already surpassed the capacity set forth in the 1992 2010 Master Plan, seven years ahead of the plan s scheduled expiration date. To address new challenges and plan for greater ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Socrates Is A Good Person In an effort to spread the word of Socrates to a larger audience, Plato often wrote down the discussions he held in the form of dialogues. In these dialogues, Socrates continuously makes an effort to define that which is not easily defined and addresses questions in which the solution is not always straight forward. Reading through Platos dialogues, such as, Euthyphro, Crito and The Apology, readers can ponder the claims Socrates makes and receive a particular insight into his point of view. It is known that Socrates is sentenced to death after being charged with corrupting the youth and denying the existence of the gods, as he presents his defense in The Apology. However, the debate as to whether or not Socrates is a good person is left up to interpretation as he never clearly states that he believes himself to be one. Nevertheless, his actions reflect that he is indeed a good person because of his constant pursuit of the complete truth in all matters, his lifestyle choices and unconcern for material objects and lastly his lack of fear in the certain face of death. In Plato s Euthyphro, Socrates innate need to reach a certain undisputed truth or the most accurate truth is abundantly clear. In this dialogue, Socrates is summoned to court by Meletus on charges of impurity while Euthyphro must prosecute his own father who is charged with murdering a hired hand. However, the dialogue is quickly veered toward uncovering the complete definition of piety, as Socrates ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Grace Hopper Research Papers Melia Dotson Mrs. Montague Algebra 1A 4 September 2017 Grace Hopper My report is on Grace Brewster Murray Hopper who was a proud American computer scientist and United States Navy rear admiral. She was born in The Big Apple, New York City, on December 9, 1906, and tragically died in Arlington, Virginia on January 1, 1992. Mrs. Grace Hopper was an amazingly accomplished woman who had lived a full life. In fact, she was close to being the first programmer of the Harvard Mark I computer. Like the hard worker she is, Grace worked for years and invented one of the first compiler related tools. The idea of machine independent programming languages was merely another concept until Grace resurfaced the notion, making it much more popular, which ... Get more on ...
  • 53. The, Health And Fitness, And Other Medical Applications Wearables for health (Hadi et al,2014). Health and fitness, and other medical applications, are areas where wearable s are expected to play a transformative role. However, the application of wearable devices has potential in any industry where hands free data collection is highly valued. Wearables can be generally divided based on consumer or non consumer applications. These two categories can be further segmented based on the particular sector the product targets: General consumer,Fitness and sports,Fashion and apparel, Home automation and remote identification, Gaming and recreation,Defence and security, Enterprise and industrial,Healthcare. 3.0 Proposed architecture for anti kidnapping and abduction using wearable device. In this paper a definition for wearable technology is clothing and accessories incorporating computer and advanced electronic technologies. Figure 2.0 proposed architecture. Throughout our research, we used the following description to define wearable technology: The new age of wearables tap into the connected self they re laden with smart sensors, and make use of a web connection, usually using Bluetooth to connect wirelessly to your smartphone. They use these sensors to connect to you as a person, and they help you to achieve goals such as staying fit, active, losing weight or being more organised. Smart jewellery is mostly aimed at women right now, and the most common usage is to discreetly notify the user of texts, calls or ... Get more on ...
  • 54. Iconic Images In The Good Shepherd, Orants, And The Story... 7.2 Narrative images are used to tell stories while iconic images are used to express the core values in religious tradition. In The Crossing of the Red Sea, the narrative scenes are Moses and the Israelites crossing the path while the Red Sea is open and when they have reached the other side , the Red Sea closes in on the Egyptian soldiers. The iconic image is a big hand hovering each scene to symbolize God s presence in both miracles. In The Good Shepherd, Orants, and the Story of Jonah, each semicircle compartments shows the narrative of Jonah being thrown into the whale and the whale spitting him out. In the center, it shows the Good Shepherd in the center.The iconic image of Jonah in the whale for three days relates to Christ s death ... Get more on ...