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Argumentative Essay Topics High School
Crafting an essay on "Argumentative Essay Topics High School" poses a unique set of
challenges. Firstly, one must navigate the vast array of potential topics to find a subject that is
both relevant and engaging to high school students. This requires extensive research into current
issues, trends, and controversies within the high school demographic.
Next, there's the challenge of formulating a strong argument that is persuasive and well-
supported by evidence. This involves critical thinking skills to analyze various perspectives on
the chosen topic and construct a coherent argument that effectively addresses counterarguments.
Furthermore, writing for a high school audience necessitates clarity and simplicity in language
and structure. The essay must be accessible to readers with varying levels of background
knowledge and intellectual maturity.
Additionally, there's the task of adhering to academic conventions and standards, including
proper citation of sources and adherence to formatting guidelines.
Overall, composing an essay on "Argumentative Essay Topics High School" demands a
combination of research, critical thinking, persuasive writing, and consideration for the target
audience's needs and expectations.
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Argumentative Essay Topics High SchoolArgumentative Essay Topics High School
Cultural Intelligence
Staple here
Cultural Intelligence
1.Introduction: Culture and Intelligence Defined3
2.The concept of cultural intelligence7
3.The effect of Globalisation on CQ8
4.Aspects of Cultural Intelligence10
5.Developing and Enhancing Cultural Intelligence12
6.Profiles of Cultural Intelligence14
7.Business benefits of Cultural Intelligence16
1.Introduction: Culture and Intelligence Defined
Managing and leading people, with various cultural backgrounds, require cultural
intelligence , which in a global setting is a management challenge in the new
millennium .
All individuals have something psychologists call personality which is made up of
traits, ... Show more content on ...
In order to achieve the vision of Eskom, all employees will have to pull together and
socialise to gain an understanding of the organisational culture.
A major challenge for today s global leaders and organisations is culture. Because of
globalisation, there are a growing number of international organisations with
increased awareness of cross cultural situations. Tavanti (2005: 7) further states that in
the ever changing work environment and global society, the development of cross
culturally competent leaders will be an essential challenge for effective leadership
Leaders are, or should be, intelligent people (Tavanti, 2005: 12). There are various
types of intelligence and leadership intelligence comprises cognitive, emotional,
spiritual and cultural intelligence. Figure 3 below illustrates the concept of intelligent
Figure 3: Intelligent Leadership (Tavanti, 2005:12)
Note all of the real life examples quoted in this assignment, are based on the authors
own experiences in Eskom. It is an observation of the concept of cultural intelligence
in practise within the organisation.
2.The concept of cultural intelligence
Managers are increasingly faced with the challenges of navigating through the various
cultures of people employed within an organisation namely working with a multi
cultural workforce. As such managers need to be equipped to
Describe The Importance Of Using Proper Breathing...
Using proper breathing techniques in pilates is crucial. There s one basic rule to
breathing when exercising that applies to all workouts. When the move is difficult
exhale; when it s easy inhale. This helps to get through the difficult part of the move.
To fully understand why it s so important to have proper breathing, it is necessary to
understand the basics of pilates. In pilates, all the energy comes from the core. If you
were to take a string and tie it around your body where your bellybutton is, everything
the string touches is your core. The main type of breathing in pilates, lateral
breathing, emphasizes this. With lateral breathing, instead of pushing the stomach
out, pull the core muscles in and expand the rib cage on the inhale.
The Impact Of The Minimum Wage
Anyone can drive through a drive thru at midnight. Anyone can go to the store
whenever they need to pick something up. But, not everyone stops to think about the
workers who slide the debit card or bag the groceries. Many times, these people are
making the minimum wage. Their lives and wages are effected by an economy which
never seems to stop changing. Due to the federal minimum wagebeing recently
increased, potential effects on employment can be explored on a national trend, in
individual states with higher minimum wages, and in the lives of teens.
In 1938, the United States sat in the middle of its biggest economic downfall
known as the Great Depression. The majority of the country struggled through
poverty with little chance of gaining employment. To try and help bring the country
back to its feet, the United States federal government set a payment level known as
the minimum wage. Over time, the wage has been used to insure all employees
receive some sort of fair wage which is ideally high enough to live off of. As a
result, the minimum wage has continually been adjusted to match inflation and other
factors of an ever changing economy. The most recent minimum wage increase
came on July 24, 2009, and it rose to $7.25 as can be found in the Fair Labor
Standards Act (United States Department of Labor). With an economy that continues
to change, it is no surprise national employment rates do as well. Due to the direct
correlation between the two, it is easy
Legalizing Prostitution
Prostitution Legalization
Prostitution in many forms has been apart of a multitude of countries including our
own. Some of the most recent and widely known forms of legal prostitution are
currently established all throughout Nevada. The most commonly known, Moonlite
Bunny Ranch in Mound House, Nevada, had a series aired on HBO. In recent
history, there have been urban areas where a collection of sex shops, a red light
district, located New Orleans from 1897 1917. In the times when prostitution was
prominent in New Orleans, Louisiana local economy was thriving. As briefly
explained, there have been and are multiple instances where legalized and regulated
prostitution have been beneficial to our country. This would also save the
government a
Essay about to build a fire
In the short story, To Build a Fire by Jack London shows how man vs. nature and
how inexperienced traveler in the Yukon tries to travel alone with his dog, even
though it s advised not to. Yet he is stubborn and thinks he is right, and sets off for
Henderson Creek to meet his friends. He faces many different conflicts of man verses
man, and man verses nature.
The traveler is advised not to make this trip with the lack of his inexperience in the
Yukondue to the weather, the incoming storm, and its advisories. With the subzero
freezing cold temperatures that came with the storm. Fifty degrees below zero stood
for a bite of frost that hurt and that must be guarded against by the use of mittens, ear
flaps, warm moccasins, and thick ... Show more content on ...
In fact, he carried nothing but the lunch wrapped in the handkerchief. He was
surprised, however, at the cold (561 562).
The traveler is keen enough to pick up on the timber jams in the river. He shows
that he does have skills even though he is inexperienced in the Yukon, and that he is
well focused on his objective to travel the Yukon to see his friends. He was keenly
observant, and he noticed the changes in the creek, the curves, and bends and the
timber jam, and always he sharply noted where he placed his feet (563). Also, he
picks up on other hot springs and things within the terrain from being observant and
The traveler starts to show just how inexperienced he is and how he really lacks
the street smarts in the Yukon, when he builds the fire underneath a spruce tree
along the edge of the tree line. He had to build the fire because the cold was getting
to him and he needed to warm up after falling through the ice. HE was not smart,
instead of putting the fire out in the open or further out without anything to come
down on it to put it out, it was a lack of common sense. It was as though he had just
heard his own sentence of death. For a moment he sat and stared at the spot where
the fire had been. Then he grew very calm (565). He then tries to move the fire out
into the open, but knows that the kindling is saturated with water from the snow
falling on the fire, it became useless. He now realizes he is in trouble. Well, it was
up to him to
Advancements for Women throughout History
In 2014, on average there is about 4.35 million more women with college degrees
than men. In the 1500 s women were treated with considerable respect for the most
part. However they weren t entitled to any political rights especially married
women, such as voting or working in the same field as men. They were only allowed
to work in fields such as the clothing industry, maid services, or in the medical field as
caretakers. Being that women had fewer rights than men this prevented them from
reaching their ultimate limit. If women are obsolete, then men will soon be extinct.
This is discrimination in 2014. Where did this patriarchal society come from?
According to Collins patriarchyis a system of society or government in which men
hold the power and women are largely excluded from it. This is synonymous to the
oppression of women. We assume the lack of evidence which tells us that all
societies have been patriarchal because it has been rooted in biology or in the
environment. It is implausible to believe men actually came together from all over
the world with the conclusion suppressing women was acceptable. Some believe if
there had not been patriarchal societies we would all be completely destroyed.
This was once a necessary mechanism used for survival that quickly died out due to
women stepping out with confidence. Leapfrog s new study shows baby girls at the
age of two possess larger vocabularies and speak sooner than baby boys. However,
despite this report primary
Edwin Hubble Essay
Edwin Powell Hubble:
Great Astronomer of the 19th Century
Twinkle, twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky (Gardner 98).
Stars are a marvelous wonder to many people, that is why some people spend most
of their lives wondering what is above the world so high (Gardner 98). These people
study and map the little twinkling stars in order to get a better meaning of them; they
are astronomers. Great astronomers like Edwin Hubble, Immanuel Kant, and William
Huggins, never stopped valuing the beauty of the stars. While they developed great
astronomical principals. One astronomer who fits this mold most is, Edwin Powell
Hubble. Wondering about what was ... Show more content on ...
As Hubble age, he was unable to use the telescope any more. He didn t have the
strength or energy to stay in the cage for long periods of time. So, he sent Sandage to
carry out tasks for him. Everyday Sandage would be given coordinates or jobs by
Hubble. When Sandage was done recording he data of his work, he would go back to
Hubble and give him the results (Overbye 22). This shows how devoted he was to his
research, even if he was unable to handle the job due to old age he compromised. All
of Hubble s work and Sandage work was done on the 100 in telescope, yet Hubble
was still able to find the Andromeda Nebulae s distance for the Milky Way and
study red shifts. While the 200 in. telescope was being built, Hubble asked if he
could use the telescope for half of its available time. This shows his devotion because
he wanted to use the telescope in order to further enhance his research (17).
Edwin Hubble s curiosity about the universe started at youth and has grown.
Without this, he would have no desire to study the stars or galaxies. Hubble s
interest in astronomy at the age of eight. On his eighth birthday party he spent the
night with his grandfather star gazing (Freidman 16). When he was twelve years old
he would ask his parents to seep outside and look at the stars at midnight with his
friend Sam Shelton (18). His grandfather asked Hubble an astronomical question, and
Hubble answered it so cleverly that his
Firoozeh Dumas Quotes
We remember the kindness more than ever, Knowing that our relatives who
immigrated to this country after the Iranian Revolution did not encounter the same
America. (Dumas 91). This quote is the quote chose because Iranians did not get the
respect as they did before the Iranian Revolution. Also this quote portrays herself as
A child. One way the quote portrays herself as a child is the kids at her schoolwould
make fun of Dumas because she is from a different country. Overall this quote paint
Dumas as a child and her familys relationship with the community.
The quote painted Dumas as child in a lot of ways. One Example of this is how
people often mistake the image of Iran and think that they ride camels and stuff like
that when in reality they are just like normal people. People often said things like I
ran to Iran and We play cowboys and Iranians (Dumas 91 93). The quote also
portrays her childhood by when she told some boys that she keeps camels in her
garage(Dumas 91). Also Dumas was always never invited to things that other people
would because she is from Iran. Ths quote portrays Dumas and her family in many
ways. ... Show more content on ...
The quote I choose showed examples of how Dumas was an a child and how her
family interacts with the community. Also the story taught people what it feels like
to be from a different country and how your treated. Over all The quote shows many
examples of how Dumas was as a
The International Accounting Standards Board
The International Accounting Standards Boards (IASB) and the Financial
Accounting Standards Board (FASB) are making an effort to converge to develop
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) by gathering accounting
standards that can be used in financial reporting whether it is in the home country or
in the host country. Both the International Accounting Standards Board and the US
FASB have proven to be vital promoters of the globalization of international financial
accounting standards (Kirsch, 2012). These efforts have focused on a cohesive
setting that will eliminate the controversy that revolves around accounting standards.
I will present to you the facts and differences between the two, state the facts and
identify... Show more content on ...
First, the FASB was given the authority from the U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission to improve how the reporting of accounting standards is implemented.
The reporting that is followed by the GAAP, helps financial markets operate
effectively. The decisions that investors and lenders make, are derived from
information in reporting, so that they know how to allocate their capital and to help
fund the business.
The FASB is independent. They revise rules periodically as needed to be certain that
companies are adhering to the principles that are set out for them. Additionally, the
FASB wants to hear the viewpoints from users and those who prepare financial
reports. Companies are required to account for all types of income come.
Second is the IASB, is also independent. They are responsible for the development
and improvement of the International Reporting Standards.
Capital markets are becoming more global and the needs for accounting standards on
a global level have been the one thing companies have been struggling to understand
for years. The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) has the capabilities
to provide these standards a level that investors and auditors can better interprets all
over the world. Businesses have been questioning if the GAAP is going to be
replaced by the IFRS. Many organizations have gotten so content with what the
GAAP has offered that transitioning over to the IFRS may be resisted by
Cultural Differences Between Phil And Alvina
This experience ended up being something different than what I originally
expected. I didn t expect it to take so long to scan a letter. I didn t expect to not be
able to scan all of the letters written between Phil and Alvina. I didn t expect a man
to have written such heartfelt words to his love. I also didn t expect to be
reflecting on the importance of my history through story, or to catch myself
contemplating the difference between being happy or being content. It was very
soon into the scanning process when I noticed that Phil commonly wrote to Alvina
expressing his desire for her to be content. He also wrote about how he wished that
she was satisfied with him. This wish wasn t because she was particularly
dissatisfied with him, but that his heart wanted nothing more than her satisfaction.
When I read this I wondered how he could express his emotion so clearly and then
use a common word like satisfied to describe his desire for her. If my husband told
me that he wanted me to be satisfied I would wonder if I was going to have to
answer a survey question about the service he had... Show more content on ...
Once I made this discovery I found myself only contemplating on these word
choices as I was scanning it became all that I thought about. Happy verses content. I
realized I was obsessed with this concept when I found myself discussing the
difference between content and happy at a dinner party with a group of women
from church. I think that conversation was turning point for me in this quest for
discovery. Mostly, because I was able to get my thoughts out of my head and into
the world. Speaking these ideas out loud created greater clarity than I was able to
find when I was sitting by myself in the back room of the library and contemplating
why someone that wrote letters in 1921 used satisfied to describe his wish for his
Major Depressive Disorder ( Depression )
Major Depressive Disorder (Depression) is a mood disorder where a person has a
constant feeling of sadness and complete loss of interest in everyday life. It is
considered more serious than a case of the blues and might require long term
treatment. During major depressive disorder, the person thinks and behaves
differently and may experience emotional and physical problems.
The exact cause has yet to be pinpointed. It is believed that specific neurotransmitters
in the brain may stop acting the way they should and therefore affect the state of the
individual s mood. The impact of hormones is also called into question because
hormone imbalances, for example pregnancy and thyroid dysfunction, are believed to
cause depression. ... Show more content on ...
Overwhelming feeling of sadness or hopelessness.
Trouble concentrating and making decisions.
Feelings of guilt, worthlessness and shame. Worrying over past indiscretions or
Slower thinking.
Many people with depression find that medications along with regular visits to a
psychologist or psychiatrist are a very effective form of treatment.
Cognitive Therapy this form of cognitive therapy starts out by educating the client on
what may cause the depression and that negative thoughts should be redirected. The
therapist teaches the client how to identify the bad thoughts as they occur throughout
the day and the emotions that are associated with them. It is helpful because once the
person can identify the negative thoughts, they can begin the steps to try to change
Family Therapy this therapy should be considered if the affected individual s
depression begins to affect his/her family. This treatment creates a therapeutic
environment for each person to discuss their feelings openly and encourage open
communication between family members.
Hospitalization in severe cases where a person with depression has expressed suicidal
thoughts or even attempted suicide, an inpatient treatment program with constant
monitoring can be very helpful.
Electroconvulsive Therapy/ Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation this type of therapy is
viewed as a last resort option. In ECT, a current is passed through the skull into the
The Study On The Regents Place Pavilion
Site context
The Regents Place pavilion is a freestanding structure installed in 2009 in a 13 acre
retail, leisure and office development situated near Euston, London. It is the product
of an architectural and engineering collaboration between Carmody Groarke
Architects and Arup Engineers and is the winner of the 2010 Royal Institute of
British Architects (RIBA) Award for architectural excellence. The pavilion stands
between two Terry Farrell office buildings on Osnaburgh Street, and faces John
Soane s 1825 Holy Trinity Church located near the circular traffic island of Great
Portland Street tube station.
The design was submitted for The Architecture Foundation competition in 2007. The
competition was part of the Terry Farrell master ... Show more content on ...
Danby is a key figure in the work by British Land in Regents Place, which began in
1996 with the demolition of the studios and head office of Thames Television, a
former ITV company. The redevelopment of the Euston road frontage involved four
new office buildings and Triton Square, a pedestrian plaza. On the western part of the
site was the development of Osnaburgh Street, which was completed in 2009. This
The comedian Kenneth Williams Marlborough house had to be demolished in order
for the development to be undertaken by British Land. This was Kenneth s home
from 1972 to 1988.
Regent s Place pavilion and 7/7 Memorial
Vital Statistics
The pavilion is 20 metres by 5 metres in plan, consisting of 258 three millimetre
hollow rectangular elements, measuring 50 millimetres by 50 millimetres. The
thickness of the stainless steel is 4 millimetres. These are standing without any cross
bracing, in order to comply harmoniously with the design of the pavilion, and are
joined only at the top with a decorative structural lattice. The vertical elements reach
7.8 metres in height, usually rounded up to 8 metres. This is also the extent of the
colonnades of the surrounding buildings. A 3mm plate stainless steel canopy is held
up by the vertical elements.
The structure is standing at 45 degrees in order for it to be seen from the street front
and create unison with the
What Is The Role Of Internal Communication In British...
Internal Communication Practice in British American Tobacco Bangladesh (BATB)
1. Introduction
1. Origin
This report is prepared as part of the course requirement of C501 Managerial
Communication and is submitted to the instructor of the course Ms. Mahjabeen
Ahmad, Professor, Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka.
2. Objective
The objective of this report is to study the steps, tools, process and the role of internal
communication practices in British American TobaccoBangladesh.
This report contains brief overview of BATB and various aspects of its internal
communication related to the objective.
4. Methodology
The information of this report is collected from both primary ... Show more content
on ...
The history of BATB is shown in Figure1.
Figure 1: History of BATB
Ever since the inception the company is regarded as the market leader in Bangladesh
tobacco market. Based in Dhaka, the company has one packaging factory in Dhaka
and one leaf processing factory in Kushtia a number of Leafs and sales offices
throughout the country. The company currently employs more than 200 managers
and 1300 employees.
2.2Core Functional Areas
2.2.1 Leaf Department
This department is involved in cultivating and purchasing flue cured tobacco. Each
year the company registers thousands of farmers along with their land, to grow and
cultivate tobacco crop. The company provides seeds, fertilizers and loans to the
farmers throughout the crop season to ensure quality growth. At the end of the
season BATB buys fixed quantities of tobacco from the farmers, paying rates
depending on the grade of the crop.
Important functions of Leaf Department: в–Є Purchases tobacco leaves from growers
в–Є Processes tobacco leaf for insertion in the production department в–Є Provides
storage and transportation facilities in carrying tobacco to and from the factory в–Є
Strengthens social relationship в–Є Exports tobacco leaf
2.2.2Supply Chain Department
Operations function is at the heart of
Acute Coronary Heart Disease Essay
Coronary heart disease have three clinical types; Non ST segment elevation acute
coronary syndrome (NSTE ACS), unstable angina and non ST segment elevation
myocardial infarction (NSTEMI).Among them NSTE AC have high mortality rate.
Correct diagnosis and early management are important to improve clinical cardiac
events in patients with Non STEMI. The manifestation of serious cardiovascular
adverse events varies markedly in ACS patients with enzyme markers, typical
clinical features and electrocardiogram (ECG). Risk stratification may be helpful
for the planning of early treatment program with drugs or coronary angioplasty.
However, the accuracy of disagreement risk stratification such as normal or
elevated value of troponin, normal or abnormal ECG is inadequate for prognosis
interpretation, more information is needed. Global Registry of Acute Coronary
Events (GRACE) (range 2 to 372) in Myocardial Infarction risk scores have been
widely used for prognosis anticipation in patients with ACS. The factorss of the
GRACE risk score are age, heartrate, Killip class, cardiac arrest, systolic blood
pressure, serum creatinine, ST segment deviation in ECG and cardiac biomarker
status. A prognostic score is calculated based on above mentioned factors to estimates
... Show more content on ...
In this system, With visual inspection and automated analysis, the Q , R , and S
wave amplitudes, Q and R wave durations, and R/Q and R/S ratio were measured
and checked against the settled criteria. The QRS scoring system used in this
study was based on 50 criteria and it is accomplished to develop a total of 31
points. Each point in Selvester QRS scoring system has been designed to show
approximately 3% MI of the LV. Many versions of the Selvester QRS scoring
system have been described but here we chose to study the ability of the simplified
QRS score, measured from the admission electrocardiogram
Against Grand Canyon National Park
I am going to write against the federal government making the grand canyon
national park. They should not put park in the grand canyon because there is
wildlife, and other things that are special to the world. The animals will run off
and you should not hurt wildlife like that. That s a fact jack. People around come
out to this park and help make the owners richer and run out wildlife. Alright I m
bout to tell you about why there should not be park in Grand Canyon. All the
wildlife there is very important to everyone who explores it not to get rid of all of the
wildlife. People these days donВґt care about things like that they just want to make
money. I think people are plane stupid to get rid of all wildlife, then build park to
Hairball Essay
Hairball A solitary woman sits in conversation with a benign tumour that had just
recently been removed from her ovary. As the woman speaks, the inanimate tumour,
which she has named Hairball, looks on from its glass encased perch atop the
fireplace. The scene is macabre and certainly unusual, but such is the life of Kat, the
main character in Margaret Atwood s short story, Hairball. Kat s life is filled with the
unusual and the shocking, a lifestyle that has been self imposed. Throughout the
years, Kat, an avant garde fashion photographer, has altered her image, even her
name, to suit the circumstances and the era. Over time Kat has fashioned a seemingly
strong and impenetrable exterior, but as Kat s life begins to disintegrate... Show more
content on ...
Finally, when she found her way to England, she became Kat, [the name Kat] was
economical, street feline, and pointed as a nail. The short, hard name was a reflection
of her hard demeanor. Kat constantly tried to separate herself from the commonality
of her environment. When she was told that her tumor was fairly common her reply
was that, She would have preferred uniqueness. Kat wanted to stand out; she did not
want to be another Clarissa, Meliassa or Penelope, but she understood that
conformity, to the values of her society, would be a requirement if she wanted to
succeed in her personal and professional life. With this in mind, Kat chose to
integrate those values into her own personal approach.
She d shaved off most of her hair, worked on the drop dead stare, perfected a certain
turn of the neck that conveyed an aloof inner authority. What you had to you had to
make them believe was that you knew something they didn t know yet. (p.17)
As the conflict between Kat and her society, she finds herself losing the fight.
Despite accolades she received while working on the razor s edge, Kat s life is less
than successful. Her relationships with competitive men and left her broken and hurt.
Twice she had abortions, because the men in question were not up for the alternative
(pp.17). Kat s choice to
Social Media And Its Impact On Journalism
Social media has had a huge impact on the way that journalism is practiced and the
way that the general public perceive news in the present day.
This dissertation aims to identify and explore the use of the different social media
platforms, focusing on the impact that the rise of social media has had on journalism
practices. In addition, this paper will examine the public s responses to the news that
they receive through social media platforms. Examples of social media platforms that
this dissertation will include are; Twitter , Facebook and YouTube as scholars claim
that these are the most frequently used sites in the 21st century.
This research has been conducted due to the fact that some researchers have
claimed that journalism is dying whilst others have argued that journalism is not
dying but is simply evolving (Blatchford: 2014). This has been a much contested
debate triggered by the decline of news circulation from traditional news sources
i.e. newspapers, television and radio together with the technological advances of the
internet and social media (Cub Reporters: 2010). This has raised many questions
and firstly, this dissertation will assess whether the rise of social media has led to
the decline of news circulation from traditional news sources. Secondly, this paper
will look at what the advantages and disadvantages of using social media as a news
distributor are for professional journalists and the general public. Lastly, this study
aims to investigate
Life Cycle Segmentation Of Swatch
There are companies that base their segmentation on specific countries, or regions,
however, the other type of companies mostly focus on life cycle segmentation.
Swatch do not focus on regional segmentation because consumer of Swatch products
can be anywhere in the world.
Swatch concentrates on life cycle and age segments. They believe that model and
design, technology, and materials used for production of goods are based on these
factors. For example, Swatch has Creart by Swatch line, which is designed by artists,
especially street painters for teenagers. At the same time they have Full Blooded
collection, which consists of more classic watches mostly designed for adults.
Further, Swatch produces special products for special occasions like: Valentine Day,
Mothers Day, and etc.
Marketing Strategy
There are many elements that make up the Swatch message. High quality, low cost,
provocative, joy of ... Show more content on ...
Hayek offered something different since beginning. To understand clearly what do
these words mean we have to go through marketing mix strategy of Swatch Group.
But, before to start the analysis of marketing mix strategy, let s explore what is the
mission, objective and target market of Swatch. The mission of the Swatch is to
produce high quality products, and for production to use mostly low cost materials
such as synthetic material. In order to become successful in business especially in
global business, every MNC should decide its objective for appropriate
achievements. The objective of Swatch is to establish the most stylish, innovative,
and creative, at the same time affordable watchmaker brand image in the world. As
an objective and mission each global company has to decide its target market to
avoid reduction in sales and improve specialization. The target market of Swatch are
people between 15 34 years old. That can be shown as a reason of producing
fashionable, creative, and innovative watches and
Three Act Paradigm
The narrative structure employed by the screenwriter follows the familiar three
act paradigm. The 1st act establishes the basic plot for the film. It starts off with Joe
dead in a swimming pool in a flashback, Joe relates events leading to his death. The
film starts off with Joe Gillis who is a struggling writer who wrote a script that
went nowhere his car was is trying to be repo. While trying to escape the financial
company who are trying to take his car he blows a tire and drives into what he
thought was an abandoned garage on a rundown property. He meets and recognizes
the owner as Norma Desmond who was a former silent filmstar whose career was far
behind her. He reveals that he is a writer and she has a script that could get her back...
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In the second act Joe realizes how delusional and lonely Norma was. She was
living in a time warp. Joe and Norma start a relationship. Joe needing Norma
because he liked extravagant lifestyle he was able to live with Norma s money. He
did have some feelings for Norma but felt weird just being with Norma all alone in
her mansion and not allowed to really go out. He leaves Norma s party which she
through just for her and him which freaked Joe out. Joe goes to a friend s party
and once again sees Betty Schaefer who he met at the paramount executive who
disliked his work on base loaded the screenplay. They strike up a friendship until
Joe calls back to the house to get Max to get his stuff so he could move out except
Max told him that Norma tried to kill herself because he left. With this act Norma
gets Joe back and he decides to stay in a relationship with her. In addition to this
Norma and Max go to see Cecil B. DeMille to see if he liked her screenplay. DeMille
doesn t have the heart to tell her that her screenplay is really bad but does talk to her.
Norma still believes that her film will be made even though there is no chance that
Grapes Of Wrath Film Analysis
While today s unemployment is just below ten percent, the time period between
Herbert Hoover s defeat and Franklin Roosevelt s commencement, otherwise known
as the Great Depression, that percent reached nearly twenty five percent. In addition
to the high unemployment rate, in October 1929, when the stock market crashed, life
became full of despair and troubles for every single individual and the national
government was not able to cushion the blow with unemployment insurance,
payments to retirees, or welfare for mothers and children (Crain). Hoovervilles, or
the city dumps poor people called home, were overflowing with trash and garbage,
which could be considered a benefit, hence the fact that is where they mostly found
their dinners. Less... Show more content on ...
The Walt Disney Studio rose to fame throughout these ten years with their famous
characters of Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Goofy, Donald Duck, and Pluto. Other film
genres like Musicals, Westerns, Horror, Thrillers, Melodramas, Swashbucklers, and
Literary Adaptations were very well favored in the theaters. Through the decade of
the Great Depression numerous new genres of films appeared, while other genres
gained more popularity in the immense numbers of movie theaters spread throughout
Austria After The Schleswig Holstein Issue
Austria pressured Prussia to address the Schleswig Holstein issue. Bismarck,
expecting this response, used it as a reason to turn against Austria. As Austria began
to lose its influence in Europe, the Prussian influence increased. This was largely due
to the fact that Austria lost allies like Russia when they refused to help them go
against France and Britain in the Crimean War of 1854 6. Prussia, though, began to
build successful economic alliances with other German states to make trade easier
and more profitable. Bismarck began to view Austria as a rival to Prussia s
dominance over the German Confederationand an obstacle to overall German
unification. Bismarck strengthened the foreign military alliances with Russia,
France, and Italy by agreeing to assist those nations in their military affairs. For
instance, Bismarck promised to help France invade and control Belgium and
promised Italy the Venezia region after they defeat Austria. In November of 1865,
Austria received offers of a large sum in exchange for Holstein but they denied it.
A Prussian force was then sent into Holstein on Bismarck s order, ensuing a seven
weeks war. Austria was not completely alone; Bavaria, Saxony, Hanover and other
minor German states fought on their side but they were not as powerful as the
Prussian forces that also had German allies and Italy s forces. Bismarck did not want
to bring great damage to Austria because he believed that the Austrians could become
a great military ally in the
Free Weights Research Paper
not as many androgenizing effects
What is the Right Choice for Beginners, Free Weights or Machines?
If you are thinking to start bodybuilding, then strength training is a perfect way to
start your bodybuilding career. In the beginning, you will need to increase your
muscle strength and improve the different muscle groups in your body so that you
can handle weights properly. The right amount of strength will help you to perform
every exercise with great amount of ease and in the proper form. This will help you
develop your muscles at a much faster rate.
Free weights and machines both have their advantages as well as disadvantages.
Free Weights
Free weights such as dumbbells are good to start with. You can opt for dumbbells and
with them you ... Show more content on ...
This is the additional strain on your muscles and your strength is improved. When
lifting barbells you need a spotter to help you, but in case off dumbbells, you don t
need anyone to help you. You can perform dumbbell exercises alone. There is a
concern for safety when you are using free weights. When you are doing a bench
press with a barbell and you failed to lift it completely, then it may fall down on your
chest and could cause some injury. In this situation you are supposed to keep a spotter
with you.
When you perform exercises with machines, you don t need to care much about the
safety. This is because machines are designed in such a way that you cannot be
trapped, in case you fail to complete a repetition. There are different types of
resistance machines available in the market.
When you exercise on machine you cannot guide the motion as it is guided by the
machine. If you want to know the better choice between free weights and exercise
machines, then you must opt for free weights to achieve certain level of a
stabilization of the muscles. Doing exercise on machines is comparatively easy
because you don t need to hold the weights in your hand. Whatever exercise you do,
the motion is predefined.
Proper Way of Exercises
Along with machines and free weights, you are also supposed to take care of the
right technique because in absence of which you will not gain good
Snow White Research Paper
Snow White...was as beautiful as the light of day, even more beautiful than the
queen herself. Snow White s beauty is a recurring theme in both the Disney
animated movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and in the original Grimm s
fairy tale, Little Snow White. Snow White s beauty is what makes her life change.
As a child, her beauty is what causes her to be in danger, when the huntsman is
ordered to kill Snow white, it is what saves her life, and finally, after Snow White s
death, it is her beauty that causes the prince to want her.
In the original Grimm s fairy tale, Snow White s mother wishes for a child
white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as...wood. Unfortunately, in both the fairy
tale and the Disney movie, Snow White s mother
Antigone is an admirable character. How far do you agree...
Antigone is a thoroughly admirable character. How far do you agree with this
statement? Throughout the play, Antigone is presented as an audacious and
unorthodox female character, whose actions depict her independence and
confidence. She dismisses the rules which she believes are false, and honourably
battles against her uncle s rule to bring justice to her slaughtered brother; her
original intentions suggest how important family relationships are to her. However,
Antigone s reckless behaviour often causes inconsistency in her beliefs. Majorly,
nearing the end of her life, she begins to regret all her deeds of which she had once
glorified. Antigone s initial self confidence and independence has been replaced with
regret and... Show more content on ...
For example, when threatened with the bleak future of a death penalty, her reply
that it would be more of an advantage to die. Although her character may not have
been expected by an Ancient Greek audience, her unique and unorthodox character
(when compared with the typical stereotype of an Ancient Greek woman) would
have been admired. Finally, Sophocles shows Antigone to be a passionate religious
citizen, who chooses to obey the unwritten, unassailable laws of the divine rather
than the short lived laws of humans. In this way, her undying respect for the gods
give her a character similar to a saint or a martyr; she expresses very clearly her
acceptance of dying for obeying the words of the gods. This particularly gives
Antigone an admirable character, as religion and obeying the gods wishes were
viewed as necessities in Ancient Greek life. By showing that she is willing to
disobey her own city s king, Antigone appears set to be favoured by the gods for her
loyalty. However, Antigone s character is very reckless and hotheaded; her swift
decisions and ambitious actions often cause contradictory emotions and actions. One
prime example relates with the theme of family relationships; Antigone feels that she
is noble when honouring [her] own flesh and blood . Although this ,ay be true in her
conflict for bringing justice to Polyneices, she becomes increasingly cold, distant and
rude to her only surviving
Analysis Of Composition With Tree Trunks
I viewed Fernand LГ©ger s Composition with Tree Trunks (painted in 1933, using
oil paints on canvas) at the Dallas Museum of Art in their permanent collection, on
September 17, 2016. The painting is placed on the second floor, within a collection
of 20th century European art. This work visually yells at passersby, begging them to
look at it as they move up the staircase. One is invited to stand at the entrance of the
level and contemplate this paintings loose form and captivating use of color and line.
LГ©ger utilizes abstract forms (to create ambiguous objects) with organic and
biomorphic shapes, raw lines and blurred colors to fabricate vague relationships
between these shapes, as well as surrealist qualities to showcase his experiments in
art during the Cubist movement. He successfully captures the grab bag essence of
his work by borrowing ideas from Cubism, Suprematism, Surrealism, and
Expressionism and effectively creates a unified and mystical scene that connects
nature and its biological elements with technology and its mechanical elements. In
the painting, I first noticed the central divide in the composition, creating a left
hemisphere and a right hemisphere. The background is a muted grey, with the
subject matter lying on top of an off white backdrop. There is a fluid, black line
outlining this white region, however, toward the left side, the color begins to
transform into brown. On the right side, I saw spindly, dark treebranches over a
layering of lighter
A Comparison of Holden of Catcher in the Rye and
Catcher in the Rye and Anthem A Comparison of Holden and Equality 7 251
Is it possible that two completely different authors could create two identical
characters? It seems so; J.D. Salinger s Holden, from Catcher in the Rye, and Ayn
Rand s Equality 7 2521, in Anthem, appear to be one in the same person. To end the
oppression they received for the span of their entire lives, both Holden and Equality
run from their oppressors. Most importantly, neither Holden nor Equality live up to
the expectations of others. Holden s personality identically reflects that of Equality 7
2521 in Ayn Rand s Anthem.
Holden and Equality 7 2521 were oppressed their ... Show more content on ...
By chasing their dreams, neither Holden nor Equality 7 2521 live up to others
expectations of them. Throughout his life, Holden is told that he would be a
graduate from a prestigious university, and a professional. In his heart, he knows
that these are not his aspirations, and eventually decides to live his own life,
striving to be a catcher in the rye. He despises the idea of molding ones life in
order to become successful, stating, [The world is] full of phonies, and all you do is
study so that you can learn enough to be smart enough to be able to buy a goddam
Cadillac some day... Equality, much like Holden,
Health Disparities Within Dekalb County
Introduction The purpose of this paper is to provide insight on health disparities seen
within DeKalb County. The residents of DeKalb County are diverse in race, ethnicity,
and income. Since the county is so diverse there are many health disparities seen
amongst its residents. Health disparities occur within a county when one group of a
population has noticeably better or worse health than another group within the same
population. These groups of people can differ by income, education, sex, race,
location, and even sexual orientation. This Paper will discuss the health disparities
that exist within DeKalb County, and explain why these disparities exist from a
historical, political and social aspect. Furthermore, this paper will give background
information on health outcomes from national, state, and local epidemiological
perspective in order to support the claims that disparities actually exist within this
The history of Georgia and its reflection on the state impacts the health and well being
of its communities today as it relates to cultures and institutions. The population of
African Americans is higher in Georgia than in the United States because of the
transatlantic slave trade, which brought an abundance of African Americans to the
state by force. The history of slavery still impacts African Americans today and
causes many health disparities that can be seen around the world not only in Georgia.
The obvious and tragic impact of health
Ethical Issues Within The Field Of The Counseling
In the middle of the journey of our life I came to myself within a dark wood where
the straight way was lost Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
The Merriam Webster dictionary defines ethics as the rules of behavior based on
ideas of what is morally good and bad. According to Webster ethicsis also defined as
the principles of conduct governing an individual or group. Almost every profession
abides by certain rules and regulations that protects not only the professional but the
client or patient that the profession serves. These rules and regulations guide the
professional and try and prevent decisions that might be detrimental to both parties.
These rules and regulations are designed to protect the interests of the clients and
avoid malpractice lawsuits of certain degrees. This research paper will concentrate on
ethical issues in the field of the counseling profession. Even though Licensed
Professional Counselors go through rigorous training courses and ethics training
occurs at almost every counseling subject s introduction, there are still counseling
malpractice incidents. Most of the literature explains that most challenges
professional counselors face occur when their professional code of ethics conflict
with their own personal values. Most recently, legal cases such as Keeton vs.
Anderson Wiley, 2010 and Ward vs. Willbanks, 2010 have brought the counseling
profession into the limelight. Most LPC do not view the ACA code of ethics as simple
Linear Programming
The development of linear programming has been ranked among the most important
scientific advances of the mid 20th century. Its impact since the 1950 s has been
extraordinary. Today it is a standard tool used by some companies (around 56%) of
even moderate size. Linear programming uses a mathematical model to describe the
problem of concern. Linear programminginvolves the planning of activities to obtain
an optimal result, i.e., a result that reaches the specified goal best (according to the
mathematical model) among all feasible alternatives.
Linear Programming as seen by various reports by many companies has saved them
thousands to even millions of dollars. Since this is true why isn t everyone using
Linear Programming? Maybe the ... Show more content on ...
I believe that every company should be using LP and I have hypothesized that linear
programming increases both EPS, ROI and by definition Profit. This research
therefore assumes that a company not using LP would have made less money than
one that did use LP. The sample is 28 companies and I felt this would be sufficient
as a sample size as statisticians typically recommend a minimum of 20 data points
(in this case companies) in order to test a hypothesis. The companies are located in
and near the state of Delaware and also include New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
This research is not exhaustive and therefore will not be final in terms of how it is
interpreted but it will assist others who wish to use much larger samples and over
much longer periods of time to refine the results and potentially prove that LP does
have a consistent improvement effect on a company s profits, ROI and EPS measures
of performance. Method
I used the survey research method as the basis of my research design. Calls were
made to each company that was randomly selected and for whom their results were
collected. Each company was asked the question Can we speak to your corporate
planning and decision support function . If they were unsure of which department
was meant, we would then ask Can we speak to the key people within your
organization who are responsible for
Questions On Letters From Leeds Bradford Airport
Orla Fellows
Research Trail
Relevant Facts
1.Orla Fellows flight from Leeds to Aberdeen was cancelled
2.She posted a tweet on social media website Twitter, whilst upset about the delay and
inconvenience caused by Leeds Bradford Airport
3.A week later she was arrested at work due to a report against her by the general
manager of Leeds Bradford airport on reading her tweet: #LeedsBradfordAirport,
what a joke! Due to use this route again in a month if this happens next time I m
blowing the airport sky high!
4.She was arrested at work by West Yorkshire Police on suspicion of involvement in
a bomb hoax.
5.The arresting officer informed her that her tweet had been reported by the general
manager of Leeds Bradford Airport ... Show more content on ...
and Vick, D.W. The Communications Act 2003: A New Regulatory Framework in
the UK. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media
Technologies, 11(3), 2005, pp.75 94
Helfer, L.R., Redesigning the European Court of Human Rights: embeddedness as a
deep structural principle of the European human rights regime. European Journal of
International Law, 19(1), 2008, .pp.125 159
To: Supervisor
From: Trainee Solicitor
Date:1 May 2016
Re: Orla Fellows
Further to your memorandum dated 21 April 2016 I have carried out the research
Orla can rely on Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights and her
Defence is strong to dissolve the case brought by the prosecution against her.
Orla has been arrested under the charge of section 1 of the Malicious
Communications Act 1988 or under section 127 of the Communications Act 2003.
These refer to the communications that are determined to be a threat, false, offensive
and indecent or of menacing character.
Section 127 of the Communications Act 2003 provides that on summary conviction
the offence holds imprisonment for up to six months or a fine not exceeding ВЈ5000
or both. Section 32 of the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 revised segment 1
expanded the greatest penalty to 2 years imprisonment.
Results of Research
Under Article 10 of the European
Breakfast At Tiffany s And The Great Gatsby Analysis
Both Capote s Breakfast at Tiffany s and Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby illustrate that
when one centers their life upon the propriety and luxury that a traditionalistic
lifestyle supports, they will repress into the comfort of their money and fail to
progress towards the American Dream. Fitzgerald argues that the modernist s
ambition towards a singular focused dream will lead to feelings of unfulfillment,
though Capote counters that the modernists inability to find satisfaction within their
life will allow opportunities to pass them by.
Both Jose and Daisy have a hard time associating with the self made class, as they
lack the propriety and caution that satisfies the wealthy elitists. Jose was born into
the wealthy class with aspirations to one day become president of his home country
Brazil. Holly appears to love Jose, though her interpretation of love is flighty, but
feels that he is not her ideal lover because he worries what people think, and is
afraid to be under public scrutiny. Holly notices how he always turns his back to get
dressed, as his traditionalistic habits overly concern him with acting proper, even
instilling fear within him to show skin in the confines of his own bedroom. As an
elite, he has an image to obtain and in order to do so, he must remain too prim, too
cautious, afraid to take a risk and possibly further himself because it is easier to
reside in the safety of his money (Capote 65). To love a wild girl like Holly would
involve Jose to trust
Oma Else Research Paper
Oma Else was first and foremost my grandmother. That s all I ever knew of her
and, more importantly, that s all I ever cared to know growing up. At first, she was
the grandmother I would always see for Thanksgiving, along with Opa Dave. I d see
her in the summer, too. Then she became the grandmother who d come for
Christmas. She would appear for performances and graduations, too. And then she
was gone. Those are the memories I have of her. They are lovely, fond memories, but
they do not represent most of my life.
And yet, it feels like my childhood would have been so different without her. Oma
Else was the grandmother I was closest to. We visited her the most. And so to me,
Oma Else represented something different, new, and familiar. I mean, how exciting
was it to get into the Toyota Camry and drive for five hours to North Carolina?
Knowing me, I probably complained the whole way, but I also know I was excited.
Thanksgiving meant running around that wild, mysterious house. Thanksgiving
meant exploring the woods nearby. Thanksgiving meant trying to play with the fake
parrot on the back porch. Even in the summer, when my family would go to Hilton
Head in South Carolina, we d always spend the night at Oma Else s on the way. She
was the signpost indicating a vacation. She was a vacation herself. ... Show more
content on ...
My initial topic was going to be thinking about my family history (a topic I ve
never given much thought about) in relation to Oma Else. I got nowhere. My
writing was dull and uninspired and failed to be rooted in anything. I quickly
shifted to focusing on Oma Else, but again, I never reached far back into my
memories. It s like I settled on an idea of Oma Else and wrote about that, rather than
actually thinking about her and considering her as a person. I tried to write to
conform to my idea of poetry. This all changed after Spring
The Count Of Nevilles Analysis
This walk explores the beautiful countryside to the north east of Sheriff Hutton,
visiting the hamlet of High Stittenham and the secluded valley of Mowthorpe Dale.
The extensive views stretch across the Vale of York. The name Sheriff Hutton
derives from the Old English words hoh and tun which, when combined mean
farm on the spur of land . The prefix of Sheriff originates from its association with
Bertram de Bulmer, the Sheriff of York in 1115, who once held title to the estate.
Later the Bulmers married into the powerful Neville family. The Nevilles became
lords of the manor in 1331 after the Bulmers male lineage failed. In 1382 John, Lord
Neville obtained a licence to crenellate and build a new stone castle. The castle had a
high curtain... Show more content on ...
However, much of the present structure is the result of rebuilding and additions
carried out between the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries. Inside the church is a
white alabaster effigy of a young boy wearing a long robe and his head, bearing a
coronet, rests on a pillow of winged beasts, possibly gryphons. This statue
represents Edward of Middleham, Prince of Wales, the son of Richard III, who
died in 1484. Furthermore, a small piece of stained glass above the effigy depicts
the Sun in Splendour , a symbol used by the House of York. However, Edward s
final resting place remains a subject for debate, as the tomb below is empty! Next
to the churchyard is the site of Sheriff Hutton s first motte and bailey castle, erected
in 1140 by Bertram de Bulmer. This type of fortress had a wooden tower situated on
a raised earthwork called a motte, with an enclosed courtВyard, the bailey, surrounded
by a ditch and wooden fence. These structures were easy to build, but still
formidable defensive strongholds. From the village, we follow the Ebor Way onto
the Howardian Hills and join the Centenary Way which leads to High Stittenham.
This tiny hamlet stands at the top of a steep hill, surrounded by valleys on three
sides, justifying the meaning of its name as the steep place . According to some
sources, John Gower, the first Poet Laureate was born in Stittenham
Intro to Intellecutal Disability
Introduction to Intellectual Disability (ID)
Introduction to Intellectual Disability (ID)
Kimberly Fox
Grand Canyon University: SPE 351
May 23, 2013
Introduction to Intellectual Disability (ID) When learning about Intellectual
Disability (ID) it is important to explore the subject with people that work with
students of ID. The (SPED) special education team placed together for a student in
order to determine the students individual education plan (IEP). This SPED team
consist of: Special Educator: Mr. Richard Franklin, General Educator: Ms. Rama
Smith (Spelling, Literature), Speech Therapist: Mrs. LuDonna Martin, Principal: Mr.
John Denton, Community Organizer and Retired Teacher: Mrs. Nelda Clements and
I as the Special ... Show more content on ...
He fears that some educators were doing this to get these students out of their
classrooms and were using the definition of ID to do it. Ms. Rama the regular
classroom educator spoke of her trouble with the definition. She indicated that the
definition not only identifies ID, but allowed for other disabilities as well. The
definition states that students with mental retardation may be deficient in the
following areas: communication, physical care, home environment, social skills, self
direction, community use, health and safety, limited academic ability, leisure and
work. If a student has any two of these deficiencies then they qualify as being ID
(Thomas, 1996). Both educators expressed a similar problem with the classification
of students with ID. The classification of students with ID is not universal, meaning
that a student from another state could have mild/moderate ID and not be identified
according to that states classification. This can lead to a student not getting the
assistance that they need. They expressed that it would better serve students with ID
if one set of classification were used in the entire United States. When it came time to
speak with the educators about the characteristics of ID they had very few concerns.
Collateral Duty Inspector Essay
In the aviation side of the Navy there is a job known as Collateral Duty Inspector.
The Collateral Duty Inspector is considered a subject matter expert on the aircraft
they work on. In order to become a Collateral Duty Inspector a sailor must go through
extensive training and meet certain requirements. As a sailor looking to make the
Navya career until retirement, becoming a Collateral Duty Inspector was a major
goal of mine.
I was on deployment with my second command VAW 126 on board the aircraft
carrier Harry S. Truman when I started the process. As a prospective Collateral
Duty Inspector, I was working nights from 1800 to 0600. I would spend most of
the night with my supervisor Palar learning what to do and what to look for. He
would have me follow him as he inspected other sailors work and point out to me
what he inspected and what needed to be corrected by the worker if any. ... Show
more content on ...
The first test was on corrosion control and theory. Corrosion control and theory
consist of being able to identify the different types of corrosion and how they affect
and form on the aircraft. The second test was on the Naval aviation maintenance
program. The Naval aviation maintenance program is the basic guidelines on how a
Navy squadron will operate. The test requires you to know who is responsible for
certain jobs throughout the command and what your responsibilities are as a
Collateral Duty Inspector. This test is the most difficult due to the large amount of
information in the program. The third, and final test is the rating specific test. This
test is made up of different scenarios a sailor in a specific rate might come across
during their time as an inspector. Also including in the test is the ability to find the
correct answer to certain problems and procedures for the aircraft in the maintenance
Lesbian Identity Politics and Associated Organizations Essay
Identity politics were a major part of social reform in the Sixties and Seventies. Yet,
the advent of identity politic reform originates in the Fifties, a decade that saw the
African American Civil Rights Movement start to gain momentum. On the heels of
the Civil Rights movement, we also see the Women s Liberation Movement begin to
gain steam, shortly thereafter followed by the Gay LiberationMovement. And as an
offshoot of these reform movements, we observe the dawn of lesbian identity politics
a movement very much its own amongst its predecessors. One sect would come to be
coined the lavender menace of feminisma group of mostly Caucasian lesbians
followed later by the black lesbian feminist group, The Combahee River Collective....
Show more content on ...
After delivering the food, and being understandably annoyed with the task, she was
belittled by a male protestor who would have her as a sexual reward for sitting in.
Black feminists, such as those in the Combahee River Collective, experienced very
similar discrimination in Civil Rights campaigns, especially groups like the Black
Panthers. Just like Jay, many African American women were used as sexual
remuneration to men who did good work within their organizations. This patriarchy,
antithetic to the goals of feminism, was the undoubted enemy of both these lesbian
organizations usurping it became one clear goal. The Combahee River Collective,
though, did not feel separate from African American men concerning race, yet, felt
doubly oppressed by white patriarchy. Understanding that they connected with black
men racially, yet struggled with them sexually, almost supplements the idea that white
men who controlled government and economy were the ultimate oppressor. They did
not feel they were separate, but rather, just opposed to black men along patriarchal
lines. Inversely, the Collective connected with white lesbians against patriarchy, but
were subjected to hierarchy within feminism as well as lesbianism. Secondly, we see
that if well known reformists were not male, they were heterosexual, the epitome
being Betty Friedan. This was the reason for the more specific goal of the two
groups: battling hierarchy in addition to
The Role Of Suicides In Nunavut
So far this century, more than a quarter of all Inuit deaths in Nunavut have been
suicide: twenty seven percent, which is one of the highest suicide rates in the
world. For Canada s first nation s population, suicide rates are twice the national
average. In both indigenous groups, females attempt suicide more than males. The
ratio of aboriginal suicides is a 3:2 ratio which is significantly higher than the
Canadian suicide average. Young adults ages 15 24 form the age group with the
most suicides which is surprisingly, five to seven times the Canadian average.
Particularly, there are broad based inequalities on many across all areas of children s
experiences: education, healthcare, housing, and food/water. In fact, because we have
not dealt
Dyslexia Research Paper
According to the dyslexia center of Utah s website, one in five students have a
language based learning disability. The most common language based learning
disability is dyslexia. Although dyslexia affects the ability to read, it does not affect
the general intelligence of a person. Dyslexia jumbles up words and mixes up letters
making it hard to read, write, and spell (see figure 1). People with dyslexiaoften have
low grades, poor social skills, and low self esteem. Dyslexia is a very common
disability in which a majority of the population has, it needs to be taken seriously
because it is such a struggle.
Dyslexia is said to be a hereditary condition, in which specific genes cause
(Mascheretti, S.). Imaging of the brain shows scientists ... Show more content on ...
Conditions such as, ADHD, auditory processing disorder, visual processing areas,
dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and executing functioning issues (
ADHD makes it hard to fully concentrate when reading or any other activity, this
condition is sometimes mistaken for dyslexia in children. Auditory processing
disorder makes it difficult for kids to sort through sounds they hear. Like dyslexia,
auditory processing disorder makes reading very tough because reading is
associating sounds with letters. With auditory processing disorder, you confuse
letters like b and d and it is complicated to sound out new words. Children with
dyslexia are at increased risk for conduct and anxiety disorders, withdrawal, poor
self esteem, and depression ( Constant frustration with
work, in which they struggle with, would cause the most common symptom and
side effect of dyslexia, anxiety. Dyslexia causes a person to put more effort into
work and they still might fail at it. The frustration of never being able to succeed,
even when trying hard, may cause anger in someone. Also, giving everything you
have and someone still doing better than you may cause you to look down on
yourself. A low self esteem may occur because someone with dyslexia may feel as if
they are not as good as someone
Learning and Development
Explain why the systematic approach to Learning Development is so important for
organisation, and identify some of the critical success factors in its adoption.
Learning and development achieve aims for individuals and for the organisations
performance management. Learning and development can help organisations to
improve performance, meet their strategic objectives or become high performing
organisations, want to increase profits, increase market share and provide better
services for customers. Foot Hook (2008), in order to achieve these things
performance management is the key to help recruit, select, develop, motivate and
retain the most talented people.
In recent years organisations have switched from ... Show more content on ...
SMART objectives are recommended when setting out objectives, as according to
Foot Hook (2008), SMART stands for:
Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic time
Therefore assessing the learning needs is about the organisations systematically
investigating the current and future learning requirements in relation to the
organisations operating environment.
2. Design of learning activities
Once the HR has decided the objectives for the learning and development, they
would be able to plan a programme that uses a variety of techniques in order to
achieve the objectives in the most effective way.
The role of the design is to produce a programme that will meet the needs of the
organisation and the learner. HR will need to ensure that everyone is aware in
advance of what will be involved in the learning and development event including its
time and location of the running event.
Once the learning and development needs have been identified, the supervisors can
choose to have either an in house learning and development options which is often
done internally by the organisation s or the organisation s can opt to have an external
learning and development provider.
As according to D Amico (2006), in house training has its advantages as it can
become efficient in establishing the company goals therefore everyone working
within that organisation would hear the same message at the same time and in house
training could
Hilton And Hilton Hotel History Essay
Hilton Hotel History: In 1919, a thirty one year old banker by the name of Conrad
Hilton traveled to Cisco, Texas to franchise his bank. When he arrived, he went to
the Mobley Hotel only to find it was completely sold out. The owner felt awful and
began to explain how he wanted to just retire, and that is where it all began. Conrad
Hilton purchased the hotel and changed the name to ?The Hilton?. Hilton was
growing his revenue through the roof and eight years later, Hilton decided it was
time to franchise his hotel business. He then opened a second hotel in Waco Texas, it
was one of the most elite hotels in the state where he offered small condiment
products in all the guest rooms, this grew interest from his high end guests. Conrad
Hilton and Hilton hotels became well recognized, so throughout the thirties he
continued to grow his business throughout the country where his business came from
high class bankers and owners who had not been hurt during the great depression. In
1947, Hilton would revolutionize hotels forever, he had the idea of installing
personal televisions in all guest rooms at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City. This
attracted tons of guests including famous movie stars and jazz players of the
generation. Hilton hotels also became known for their reservation systems as they
became the first company in the business to offer multi hotel reservations in 1948.
Businessmen at the time became to love Hilton hotels for this service, so
Self Regulating Result Analysis From Raw Data Essay
PRESENTABLE FORMAT Avinash JoshiAbhishek Pilania Chandan KumarAbhijeet
Kapade Student, Dept. of ComputerStudent, Dept. of Computer Student, Dept. of
Computer Student, Dept. of
GHRCEM, Pune University, Maharashtra, India
The result that an institution receives from the Savitribai Phule Pune University
(SPPU) is in PDF (Portable Document File) format file. To analyze and manipulate
them manually is very tedious job for a person. This is where text mining and file
format convertors come into light to overcome this kind of problem. Text mining has
an exceptional contribution for programmers and scientists to mine data out from
textual files. Text mining overlooks the redundant textual data and only targets only
on the required data patterns. Text mining plays important role because its center of
functioning is devising patterns into necessary format or could be said that it
derives a very quality of information from text. File format conversion has always
been a bridge as well as challenge to access that particular data without particular
tool. Different files have protocol set like internal and
My Trip At A Restaurant
The patio light was on automatically when I opened my aunt s apartment front door
but the house was still dark. I knew my aunt had not returned yet. She texted me
before I was done with my shift to tell me that she would return home late. As an
accountant in a hospital, she was always busy on the first week of the month for
what she called month end closing . I did not know exactly the meaning of it, but I
knew she would come home late for those days.
Turning on the light, I put my take out container on the kitchen s counter. On my way
home, I stopped at a Chinese restaurant for our dinners since I did not want to give
another burden to my aunt. She was nice enough to take me in her house since few
weeks ago as I had problem with my ... Show more content on ...
I knew her. If she said on her solemn expression, it was better to follow her rules.
Despite I liked eating together with my aunt, but for a chance, I enjoyed for eating
alone while watching TV or reading my book on the same time.
Holding the TV remote, I flipped the channels from one to another. Sometime, I did
not know why we had so many channels on TV especially if there were nothing
interested to watch. It was a waste, wasn t it?
My finger froze on the air when one of Asian s TV showing a lady almost fifty years
old wearing a black color dress, looked somber and looked away the reporter who was
trying to take her picture. Behind her, there was a young man around twenty seven
years old, looked serious and rounded his hand on the lady s shoulder. I d seen the
scene few times since it was not a recent news. Still, my heart was sad to see the
miserable expression on the lady and his son. I was glad when the scene was replaced
by a good looking female reporter.
As we have known that the founder and the president of ESG Corporation, the well
known company for its Park Market grocery stores, was died from kidney failure few
weeks ago. His passing was mourned by employees since Mr. Park was known as a
down to earth president and always spent his sudden visit time by talking directly to
his employees. Let s we watch a comment from the oldest employees that we
recorded after Mr. Park s burial
The camera
What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Metal
Wondering What Type Of Awnings To Choose? Here s How Metal And Fabric
If you ve decided it s time to get awnings for your house windows, you might be
overwhelmed with all your choices. Unless you already know the kind of awnings
you want, you may wonder which type is best for your home.
You have two basic choices to begin with. You can install a metal or fabric awning
Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but both types work well, so you
can t really go wrong no matter which type you choose. Here is a look at how these
options differ.
Awning Appearance
Metal awnings and fabric awnings look similar but since the materials are so
different, you can tell them apart quite easily. Metal awnings can be standing seam or
flat metal.
If you have a metal roof, one of these awnings could look like a natural extension of
the roof. They come in a number of colors so you can match or contrast the colors of
your home. Fabric awnings have the most variety when it comes to appearance.
These awnings come in a range of colors, stripes, and patterns. Fabric awnings also
come in a variety of shapes since the fabric can take on the shape of the form
beneath it. Fabric is also used on retractable awnings since it can be rolled up easily
and hidden when the awning is not in use.
Sun Protection
Metal awnings are solid material so they completely block the sun. Fabric awnings
can let some light filter through depending on the type of fabric you choose. Consider
Analysis Of David Lynch s Mulholland Drive
Regarded as one of the most important directors of our century, David Lynch, was
born in 1946 in Missoula, Missouri. Lynch is also a screenwriter and producer and
is one of the first to make surrealism popular. Through his critically acclaimed films
like Elephant Man, Eraser Head and Blue Velvet, he earned his title as the first to
make surrealism popular. Like any surrealist worth his salt, Lynch creates his own
version of reality, with its own set of often unfathomable and inexplicably, but
emotionally and psychologically resonant qualities. In his 2001 film, Mulholland
Drive, a mystery film that tells the story of an aspiring actress named Betty, newly
arrived in Los Angeles, who meets and becomes friends with an amnesiac woman,
who... Show more content on ...
This in fact builds the atmosphere as vaguely disorienting, since the audience has
no auditory cues to cling to before they are taken visually by the progression of
events on the screen, and all other sounds and speech sound louder and starker
against the silence. When a soundtrack is layered in, however, the music is often
incongruous with the transpiring actions for example, the orchestral music played
as Betty exits LAX with the elderly couple strikes the listener as a very strange and
eerie aroma with the strings long and mournful notes, and the jaunt and upbeat jazzy
music that fills the air as Adam confronts and is thrown out of his house by his
cheating wife seems inappropriate for the situation. Lynch s auditory cues are
proposed to further confuse the audience and to mislead them through the plot of
Mulholland Drive, but his deceptiveness further allows deeper reflection. This is
why Mulholland Drive is such a great example of a film to analyze because of David
Lynch s ability to really portray certain concepts and intentional film elements that are
left up to individual interpretations.
Much of Lynch s directorial skills projected the film as a very highly regarded film.
The arrangement of everything that appears in the framing actors, lighting, dГ©cor,
props, costume is called mise en scГЁne, a French term that means placing on stage.
The frame and camera work are also
How Does Dante Change In Italy
Consequently, Dante transformed in verses his anger for the disastrous political
situation existing in Italy: Ah slavish Italy! thou in of grief,/Vessel without a pilot
in loud storm,/Lady no longer of fair provinces,/But brothel house impure! this
gentle spirit,/Ev n from the Pleasant sound of his dear land/Was prompt to greet a
fellow citizen/With such glad cheer; while now thy living ones/In thee abide not
without war; and one/Malicious gnaws another, ay of those/Whom the same wall
and the same moat contains,/Seek, wretched one! around thy sea coasts wide;/Then
homeward to thy bosom turn, and mark/If any part of the sweet peace enjoy
(Purgatory VI, 76 87). In describing the political scenario of the Italian cities, Dante
said: For all... Show more content on ...
As a result, not only Italy no longer existed as single nation but, in addition, it had
also lost that national identity that during the Roman Empire distinguished it as a
Jazz Instrument
There were four instrument used but only 3 people playing them in this event. One
person was playing the drums, one was playing the bass, and one was playing both
the keyboard and some tech machine. They also had someone running a computer
that was projecting a video on a screen that went with the music. There were
technically 8 songs but they never ended. It was just nonstop musicfor about 30 45
minutes. It was kind of hard to tell when a song was somewhat ending and a new
one was starting. Some beats and melodies were repeating which was helpful to tell
that they were still playing the same song.
The interesting thing about this event was that all the songs were basically one giant
sound. In the program, there were eight songs listed, but ... Show more content on ...
The had the lines or the music where the drums were in the back and the other
instruments were more towards the front. With that, you could tell that this was
suppose to be a jazz show. Now there were not any brass instruments, but this was
also a jazz fusion show so it was not going to be 100% original jazz.
The composers were Brad Townsend, Nick Zielinski, and Mark Siegenthaler. They
all worked together on the songs and it was a joint work. I am not completely sure
if there was an implied meaning or not. The whole thing was kind of confused and
hard to follow. They had pictures and videos playing on a screen but after the first
few minutes, none of it was making sense. In the program, it explains what the story
was suppose to be. After reading it, I somewhat understand but, I still do not
understand all the pictures and videos being used.
I do not know if I would say that the works were effective. To me, the story line of
the video was very confusing, and I have a feeling that a majority of the audience
felt the same way. The tempo was actually pretty fast at times, but a little bit slower
and calmer at others. There was obviously harmony since there was three instrument
which created a
The Truman Show Delusion
2) My paragraph on the problem: The Truman Show delusion is a psychosis that is
easier to understand when one views it as a cultural manifestation, across countries,
and over time, of delusional disorders. In order to cope with increased levels of
stress, just as an overly sensitive system may resort to clinically recognized
delusions such as grandiosity (imagining themselves to be someone strong and
invulnerable) it is equally probable, given the increasing popularity of reality TV
shows, that the delusion involves becoming a famous version of oneself . The form
the delusional disorder is the same, only the content has changed. This is further
supported by current trends where social media dominates our lives, where one leads
a constantly
Research Paper On Liver Cirrhosis
Liver cirrhosis is a problem that can be caused by many liver diseases. It is a
progressive disease itself, developing slowly over many years. It is characterized as
scarring to the normal liver tissue which keeps this organ from working as it should
and causes it to take on an abnormal structure. The diseases that lead to cirrhosis
injure and kill livercells. Scar tissue that has formed due to inflammation and repair,
prevents the cells that have not died to properly replace the dead cells which result in
newly formed cell clusters forming within the scar tissue.
The liver is one of the most important organs in the body due it performing many
critical functions, two of which are producing substances required by the body such
as clotting
Similarities Between Gilgamesh And Oedipus
Heroes are extraordinary characters who carry human qualities that reassure
followers of the heroes limitations. A hero is commonly considered a god, a being
with great power that is brave enough to save whole cities. The human qualities are
always their greatest fault, it comes in the image of pride, ego, selfishness, and even
denial. These flaws are represented by the heroes Gilgamesh and Oedipus. Gilgamesh
and Oedipus undertake journeys in search of a truththat will preserve their glory.
While Gilgamesh searches for immortality, Oedipus searches for a different fate,
both, fearing death. However, only one reaches their their goal. Similarly, both
figures are kings; rulers of communities which reflect their ruling. In Gilgamesh s
epic, the people knew of his endeavors and had to live with his sporadic acts because
he was their rulerand accepted him as so. As declared, Day and night his behavior
became overbearing. He was their shepherd, yet powerful, superb, knowledgeable
and expert, Gilgamesh would not leave young girls alone, (199), and it is a
positive reflection of his ruling due to the community accepting his antics through
their approval of his leadership. On the other hand, Oedipus ruling was a negative
concept on the fate of the people. The people see his flaws and have their doubts of
his rule once they realize he is the root of their suffering, yet do not fully accept the
reality of the situation. This god of plague guts our city and fills the black world
Essay on Teddy Roosevelt and the Panama Canal
Teddy Roosevelt and the Panama Canal
Teddy Roosevelt was a man who liked to creat a stir wherever he went. He loved
mingling with people to boost his own self image.He loved to impress people with
his cowboyism, his collection of guns, and his pintsize spectacles.Also, Roosevelt
was a direct actionist.He wanted to keep the country moving foward and preserve
his public image at the same time. He wanted to display to his supporters that he
could lead the country and be a jovial person simulataneously. His public image
seemed to be his first priority, and when the election of 1904 came approaching, he
wanted to show that he could be a bully to smaller countries and impress his people
back home. Over the course of the ... Show more content on ...
Election time was around the corner and he was eager to make the dirt fly and
impress his people with him bullying another smaller country. It s no surprise that
his bullyish attitude would extend to forgein policies. Another time of Roosevelt s
bullyish attitude , so he can impress his fellow countrymen was his dealing with
Panama. The Panamanians feared that the United States would build on the
Nicaraguan route. The angry Panamanians revolted , but U.S. forces crushed the
uprising. Roosevelt moved quickly and negotiated that the zone would be widened
from six to ten miles and the price would remain the same. People thought that
Roosevelt created the impression that he was sent secretly to settle the problem.
The truth of the matter is , election was very soon and he did not want to lose his
supporters. Roosevelt came under fire and had to defend his actions as just and fair.
He claimed that Columbia had been wronged and he was sent a mandate from
civilization to begin the canal. Although he wasn t truly open and failed to express
that the Nicaragua route was available. Of course , he wouldn t want to mention it
because the election was nearing and he didn t want to lose his many supporters.
Work on the
Rarity Blood Type
Another important consideration is the rarity of blood type. People with type AB
are, indeed, unique individuals sharing their blood type with only 3% of the
population. Because this type shows A and B genes, it inherits type A s low
stomach acid and type B s adaptation to meats, where meats get stored as fat due to
low stomach acid. Type AB also shows a correlation with anemia, heart disease and
bronchial infections. It is also common for this blood type to show inhibited insulin
production which may result in hypoglycemia and a less efficient metabolism of
foods. Another rare blood type is type O negative. It is a special type that is most in
demand by hospitals since it can treat people with any blood type due to its lack of
antigens. However,
The Influences Of Software Piracy And Copyrighted
Abstract: In this report, I have discussed arguments for and against Software Piracy
and Copyrighted Material. The purpose of this report was to inform the audience of
the influences of Software Piracy and Copyrighted Material, whilst discussing
examples in which this has happened in society today. The main points that are
mentioned in this report for Software Piracy and Copyrighted Material are
Economic Impacts, Demand for Software, The Future of Software whilst the against
arguments include Risks for consumers and Ethical and Psychological Impacts I
was able to conclude that Pirating software is something that is still regarded as a
crime, regardless of whether it may have positive impacts to it or not, however it also
... Show more content on ...
Software piracy may have been happening for a long time, but it can display
variations of positive/negative impacts as stated by Antonio R. AndrГ©s, Rajeev
K. Goel (2012). For example, increasing productivity is a positive impact, due to
many users eager to program, possibly investing in software or wishing to be
involved in software doings. However, it can also present a negative effect as it
can decrease productivity alongside affect economic growth. Yet, if a superior
amount of piracy can fail to provide for developers, then investments will slow
down and economy growth will reduce. On the other hand, piracy can have a good
impact in being able to augment growth in many cases that may result in additional
investments stimulating the economy; as it can tend to become more predictable.
In the figure below, this shows a relation between piracy and economy growth: The
figure above shows that the positive constant of piracy, and growth is effective in
productivity. Nevertheless, piracy can also lower growth in low revenue homelands,
which is something that the government should consider when monitoring the effect
of piracy; in their own nations. 1.3 Demand for Software With software piracy
tending to cover many influences in society, cultural factors has become a key part.
In many cases, one popular factor is software such as video games, as it has a big
influence with people having a high demand for video games
Sexism In The Film Industry
The film industry is one of the most prevalent industries in today s society and, as
such, produces large numbers of content every year. This content is indicative of
larger systems of power and oppression and is filled with many different instances of
Between 19995 and 2005, about 90% of films made were teenages films (Behm
Morawitz and Mastro, pg 134). In this specific genre, female characters were much
more likely to engage in socially aggressive behaviors like spreading rumors or
using the silent treatment. They were also more likely to be rewarded for such
behaviors than their male counterparts (behm Morawitz and Mastro, pg 136). When
considering that the majority of movies released during this time frame depicted
females being ... Show more content on ...
Since the film industry is already a very gendered space, women have to work
twice as hard to keep their job because they do not want to be considered whiners
or emotional, words that their male coworkers never have to be worried about.
Careers in the film industry are also a lot shorter for women because of the societal
ideas around women aging. People tend to judge women more harshly as they age
than they do with a man of the same age. In fact, many consider a woman to be in
her prime at a much younger age than men. Many also believe that woman s
attractiveness decreases much faster as she ages than a man (De Pater, Judge, and
Scott, pg 410). While women manage to breakthrough in the film industry, they still
face a large number of obstacles that their male colleagues will never
Comparing Jonas s Society To Modern Day Society
Imagine a world without color and love. Jonas, protagonist, in The Giver, his
world was meant to be a utopia but it turned into a dystopian society. Comparing
jonas s society to modern day society they are two very different places. Jonas s
world has no love, they experience sameness, and do not experience freedom of
choice; modern day society has freedom of love, a variety of weather, and we
celebrate individual choices.
First of all, Jonas s society does not experience love, while modern day society does.
For instance, in Jonas s society the word love is so obsolete that when he asked his
parent if they loved him his mom said, Your father means that you used a very
generalized word, so meaningless that it s become almost obsolete (Lowry 159
200). This shows that Jonas s society does not experience emotional connections. On
the other hand, modern day society can experience love. For example, you get to
choose who you love and eventually marry. Therefore, we are able to have a choice.
... Show more content on ...
For example, while Jonas was receiving the memory of snow, he discovered
climate control, It wasn t a practical thing, so it became obsolete when we went to
sameness (Lowry 106). This relates to my topic because it shows that Jonas s
society is one dimensional. In modern day society we experience different kinds of
weather such as rain, snow, and sun. In today s society we have versatility and
options, but living in a utopia means to be living in a completely opposite
American Airlines Porter s 5 Forces
As one of the original airlines in the U.S., American Airlines principle service has
been transporting passengers and cargo domestically and internationally since
1934 (American Airlines, 2014). They service over 270 cities around the United
States and 50 countries around the world (American Airlines, 2014). Other services
include cargo transportation of which they make a sizable revenue each year;
American is actually the founding member of Oneworld alliance which is one of
the largest scheduled air freight carriers in the world, (American Airlines, 2014).
American Airlines also makes revenue from the sale and marketing of mileage
credits through their AAdvantage and Divided Miles programs ( part of the
oneworld alliance program) as well as fees they make from their Admirals Club...
Show more content on ...
In terms of major cities, American Airlines holds significant market share of many
of the top domestic routes. According to the U.S Department of Transportation
Bureau of Transportation Statistics, American Airlines holds 67.43% share of the
Dallas/Fort worth Texas market, 67.46% of the Miami Florida market, 16% of the
Chicago market, 16.49% of the Los Angeles market and 13.85% of the New York
market; these are significant shares as these are cities within the top five domestic
routes in the U.S (DOT, 2015a). American Airlines is also a major employer in the
aviation industry. As of June 2015, American had 59,905 full time employees and
7,427 part time employees (DOT, 2015b). Although these numbers makes American
the fourth largest employer among major carriers, these numbers are significantly
lower from their highest levels of 107,311 full and part time employees reached back
in August of 2002 (DOT, 2015b). The managerial accounting significance of this fact
will be explored in the Activity Based Costing section of this
Orthodontics Essay
Adult orthodontic care is very much the same as children s care today. Dr. Eckelson
believes that you can never be too old for treatment. Many adults are now having
treatment because they couldn t or didn t have care in their younger years. Some
have had treatment, but it has shifted or relapsed and needs some re treatment.
Orthodonticshas evolved over the years and the appliances are not the large, clunky
metal bands that covered almost your entire tooth. Today, there are many options
used for orthodontic treatment.
Metal braces: These are still the most common type of appliance used, however the
brackets of today are quite small and are bonded to the tooth. These modern brackets
are much more pleasing to the eye and very comfortable. Wires are placed in the
brackets which move the teeth through a series of size changes. Gone are the
tightening appointments, the wires doing the work are literally space age
improvements. Today, there is no need to worry about the adjustments and discomfort!
Clear braces: These appliances blend in with the color of your teeth so they are less
noticeable. They are either made of hard plastic or ceramic material. Clear brackets
do the same thing that the metal brackets do, but ... Show more content on ...
These aligners are made of a thermoplastic material which fits in your mouth like a
glove. The Invisalign method involves making many small adjustments to your
tooth positions over a period of time by using a sequence of aligners to improve
your smile. Dr. Eckelson takes x rays and makes models of your teeth. He then
works with the technicians at Invisalign to develop a plan to move your teeth to
their desired positions. The aligners are then created and are delivered for your wear.
Usually, a set of aligners are worn for two weeks and are then replaced by the next
set. Each person s care is individualized by Dr. Eckelson and the Invisalign
Dollar Bill Symbols
What are the symbols on the dollar bill and what do they mean? There are many
symbols for instance the laurel wreath around the one on the front of the dollar
symbolizes victory(3). The some of the latin on the dollar bill is E pluribus unum
which means One out of many (1). The American bald eagle symbolizes freedom
and strength. It is holding 13 arrows in one claw and an olive branch with 13
leaves in the other symbolizing Congress power over war and peace. The eagle is
looking right showing that the US is a peaceful nation. The unsupported shield,
like the US, stands on its own. The shield is composed of 13 stripes representing
the 13 colonies with a blue bar on top uniting the stripes denoting Congress(1) . This
is an piece of text from a site based on this topic. These symbols are not all of the
symbols either.... Show more content on ...
What do they have to do with the dollar bill? The number thirteen was, in theory, an
important number to the masons, There were 13 original colonies, 13 colonies
signed on for independence, there are 13 stars above the eagle, there are 13 steps
on the pyramid, there are 13 letters in the Latin phrase ANNUIT COEPTIS, there
are 13 stripes on the U.S. flag and eagles shield, there are 13 olive branches (each
olive branch has 13 pieces of fruit attached to it), and there are 13 arrows(4).
Thirteen can be seen all over the dollar bill and in our history. The back of the
dollar has the U.S. seal. on the back of the seal there is an unfinished pyramid with
an eye in a triangle floating over the top. The eye is also known as the eye of
providence or lucifers eye(2). The three sides of this eye are the antichrist, the beast,
and the false prophet(2). This eye is a masonic symbol as
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Argumentative Essay Topics High School

  • 1. Argumentative Essay Topics High School Crafting an essay on "Argumentative Essay Topics High School" poses a unique set of challenges. Firstly, one must navigate the vast array of potential topics to find a subject that is both relevant and engaging to high school students. This requires extensive research into current issues, trends, and controversies within the high school demographic. Next, there's the challenge of formulating a strong argument that is persuasive and well- supported by evidence. This involves critical thinking skills to analyze various perspectives on the chosen topic and construct a coherent argument that effectively addresses counterarguments. Furthermore, writing for a high school audience necessitates clarity and simplicity in language and structure. The essay must be accessible to readers with varying levels of background knowledge and intellectual maturity. Additionally, there's the task of adhering to academic conventions and standards, including proper citation of sources and adherence to formatting guidelines. Overall, composing an essay on "Argumentative Essay Topics High School" demands a combination of research, critical thinking, persuasive writing, and consideration for the target audience's needs and expectations. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Argumentative Essay Topics High SchoolArgumentative Essay Topics High School
  • 2. Cultural Intelligence Staple here Cultural Intelligence TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.Introduction: Culture and Intelligence Defined3 2.The concept of cultural intelligence7 3.The effect of Globalisation on CQ8 4.Aspects of Cultural Intelligence10 5.Developing and Enhancing Cultural Intelligence12 6.Profiles of Cultural Intelligence14 7.Business benefits of Cultural Intelligence16 8.Conclusion18 9.References19 1.Introduction: Culture and Intelligence Defined Managing and leading people, with various cultural backgrounds, require cultural intelligence , which in a global setting is a management challenge in the new millennium . All individuals have something psychologists call personality which is made up of traits, ... Show more content on ... In order to achieve the vision of Eskom, all employees will have to pull together and socialise to gain an understanding of the organisational culture. A major challenge for today s global leaders and organisations is culture. Because of globalisation, there are a growing number of international organisations with increased awareness of cross cultural situations. Tavanti (2005: 7) further states that in the ever changing work environment and global society, the development of cross culturally competent leaders will be an essential challenge for effective leadership practises. Leaders are, or should be, intelligent people (Tavanti, 2005: 12). There are various types of intelligence and leadership intelligence comprises cognitive, emotional, spiritual and cultural intelligence. Figure 3 below illustrates the concept of intelligent leadership. Figure 3: Intelligent Leadership (Tavanti, 2005:12) Note all of the real life examples quoted in this assignment, are based on the authors own experiences in Eskom. It is an observation of the concept of cultural intelligence in practise within the organisation.
  • 3. 2.The concept of cultural intelligence Managers are increasingly faced with the challenges of navigating through the various cultures of people employed within an organisation namely working with a multi cultural workforce. As such managers need to be equipped to
  • 4. Describe The Importance Of Using Proper Breathing... Using proper breathing techniques in pilates is crucial. There s one basic rule to breathing when exercising that applies to all workouts. When the move is difficult exhale; when it s easy inhale. This helps to get through the difficult part of the move. To fully understand why it s so important to have proper breathing, it is necessary to understand the basics of pilates. In pilates, all the energy comes from the core. If you were to take a string and tie it around your body where your bellybutton is, everything the string touches is your core. The main type of breathing in pilates, lateral breathing, emphasizes this. With lateral breathing, instead of pushing the stomach out, pull the core muscles in and expand the rib cage on the inhale.
  • 5. The Impact Of The Minimum Wage Anyone can drive through a drive thru at midnight. Anyone can go to the store whenever they need to pick something up. But, not everyone stops to think about the workers who slide the debit card or bag the groceries. Many times, these people are making the minimum wage. Their lives and wages are effected by an economy which never seems to stop changing. Due to the federal minimum wagebeing recently increased, potential effects on employment can be explored on a national trend, in individual states with higher minimum wages, and in the lives of teens. In 1938, the United States sat in the middle of its biggest economic downfall known as the Great Depression. The majority of the country struggled through poverty with little chance of gaining employment. To try and help bring the country back to its feet, the United States federal government set a payment level known as the minimum wage. Over time, the wage has been used to insure all employees receive some sort of fair wage which is ideally high enough to live off of. As a result, the minimum wage has continually been adjusted to match inflation and other factors of an ever changing economy. The most recent minimum wage increase came on July 24, 2009, and it rose to $7.25 as can be found in the Fair Labor Standards Act (United States Department of Labor). With an economy that continues to change, it is no surprise national employment rates do as well. Due to the direct correlation between the two, it is easy
  • 6. Legalizing Prostitution Prostitution Legalization Prostitution in many forms has been apart of a multitude of countries including our own. Some of the most recent and widely known forms of legal prostitution are currently established all throughout Nevada. The most commonly known, Moonlite Bunny Ranch in Mound House, Nevada, had a series aired on HBO. In recent history, there have been urban areas where a collection of sex shops, a red light district, located New Orleans from 1897 1917. In the times when prostitution was prominent in New Orleans, Louisiana local economy was thriving. As briefly explained, there have been and are multiple instances where legalized and regulated prostitution have been beneficial to our country. This would also save the government a
  • 7. Essay about to build a fire In the short story, To Build a Fire by Jack London shows how man vs. nature and how inexperienced traveler in the Yukon tries to travel alone with his dog, even though it s advised not to. Yet he is stubborn and thinks he is right, and sets off for Henderson Creek to meet his friends. He faces many different conflicts of man verses man, and man verses nature. The traveler is advised not to make this trip with the lack of his inexperience in the Yukondue to the weather, the incoming storm, and its advisories. With the subzero freezing cold temperatures that came with the storm. Fifty degrees below zero stood for a bite of frost that hurt and that must be guarded against by the use of mittens, ear flaps, warm moccasins, and thick ... Show more content on ... In fact, he carried nothing but the lunch wrapped in the handkerchief. He was surprised, however, at the cold (561 562). The traveler is keen enough to pick up on the timber jams in the river. He shows that he does have skills even though he is inexperienced in the Yukon, and that he is well focused on his objective to travel the Yukon to see his friends. He was keenly observant, and he noticed the changes in the creek, the curves, and bends and the timber jam, and always he sharply noted where he placed his feet (563). Also, he picks up on other hot springs and things within the terrain from being observant and careful. The traveler starts to show just how inexperienced he is and how he really lacks the street smarts in the Yukon, when he builds the fire underneath a spruce tree along the edge of the tree line. He had to build the fire because the cold was getting to him and he needed to warm up after falling through the ice. HE was not smart, instead of putting the fire out in the open or further out without anything to come down on it to put it out, it was a lack of common sense. It was as though he had just heard his own sentence of death. For a moment he sat and stared at the spot where the fire had been. Then he grew very calm (565). He then tries to move the fire out into the open, but knows that the kindling is saturated with water from the snow falling on the fire, it became useless. He now realizes he is in trouble. Well, it was up to him to
  • 8. Advancements for Women throughout History In 2014, on average there is about 4.35 million more women with college degrees than men. In the 1500 s women were treated with considerable respect for the most part. However they weren t entitled to any political rights especially married women, such as voting or working in the same field as men. They were only allowed to work in fields such as the clothing industry, maid services, or in the medical field as caretakers. Being that women had fewer rights than men this prevented them from reaching their ultimate limit. If women are obsolete, then men will soon be extinct. This is discrimination in 2014. Where did this patriarchal society come from? According to Collins patriarchyis a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it. This is synonymous to the oppression of women. We assume the lack of evidence which tells us that all societies have been patriarchal because it has been rooted in biology or in the environment. It is implausible to believe men actually came together from all over the world with the conclusion suppressing women was acceptable. Some believe if there had not been patriarchal societies we would all be completely destroyed. This was once a necessary mechanism used for survival that quickly died out due to women stepping out with confidence. Leapfrog s new study shows baby girls at the age of two possess larger vocabularies and speak sooner than baby boys. However, despite this report primary
  • 9. Edwin Hubble Essay Edwin Powell Hubble: Great Astronomer of the 19th Century Twinkle, twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky (Gardner 98). Stars are a marvelous wonder to many people, that is why some people spend most of their lives wondering what is above the world so high (Gardner 98). These people study and map the little twinkling stars in order to get a better meaning of them; they are astronomers. Great astronomers like Edwin Hubble, Immanuel Kant, and William Huggins, never stopped valuing the beauty of the stars. While they developed great astronomical principals. One astronomer who fits this mold most is, Edwin Powell Hubble. Wondering about what was ... Show more content on ... As Hubble age, he was unable to use the telescope any more. He didn t have the strength or energy to stay in the cage for long periods of time. So, he sent Sandage to carry out tasks for him. Everyday Sandage would be given coordinates or jobs by Hubble. When Sandage was done recording he data of his work, he would go back to Hubble and give him the results (Overbye 22). This shows how devoted he was to his research, even if he was unable to handle the job due to old age he compromised. All of Hubble s work and Sandage work was done on the 100 in telescope, yet Hubble was still able to find the Andromeda Nebulae s distance for the Milky Way and study red shifts. While the 200 in. telescope was being built, Hubble asked if he could use the telescope for half of its available time. This shows his devotion because he wanted to use the telescope in order to further enhance his research (17). Edwin Hubble s curiosity about the universe started at youth and has grown. Without this, he would have no desire to study the stars or galaxies. Hubble s interest in astronomy at the age of eight. On his eighth birthday party he spent the night with his grandfather star gazing (Freidman 16). When he was twelve years old he would ask his parents to seep outside and look at the stars at midnight with his friend Sam Shelton (18). His grandfather asked Hubble an astronomical question, and Hubble answered it so cleverly that his
  • 10. Firoozeh Dumas Quotes We remember the kindness more than ever, Knowing that our relatives who immigrated to this country after the Iranian Revolution did not encounter the same America. (Dumas 91). This quote is the quote chose because Iranians did not get the respect as they did before the Iranian Revolution. Also this quote portrays herself as A child. One way the quote portrays herself as a child is the kids at her schoolwould make fun of Dumas because she is from a different country. Overall this quote paint Dumas as a child and her familys relationship with the community. The quote painted Dumas as child in a lot of ways. One Example of this is how people often mistake the image of Iran and think that they ride camels and stuff like that when in reality they are just like normal people. People often said things like I ran to Iran and We play cowboys and Iranians (Dumas 91 93). The quote also portrays her childhood by when she told some boys that she keeps camels in her garage(Dumas 91). Also Dumas was always never invited to things that other people would because she is from Iran. Ths quote portrays Dumas and her family in many ways. ... Show more content on ... The quote I choose showed examples of how Dumas was an a child and how her family interacts with the community. Also the story taught people what it feels like to be from a different country and how your treated. Over all The quote shows many examples of how Dumas was as a
  • 11. The International Accounting Standards Board The International Accounting Standards Boards (IASB) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) are making an effort to converge to develop International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) by gathering accounting standards that can be used in financial reporting whether it is in the home country or in the host country. Both the International Accounting Standards Board and the US FASB have proven to be vital promoters of the globalization of international financial accounting standards (Kirsch, 2012). These efforts have focused on a cohesive setting that will eliminate the controversy that revolves around accounting standards. I will present to you the facts and differences between the two, state the facts and identify... Show more content on ... First, the FASB was given the authority from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to improve how the reporting of accounting standards is implemented. The reporting that is followed by the GAAP, helps financial markets operate effectively. The decisions that investors and lenders make, are derived from information in reporting, so that they know how to allocate their capital and to help fund the business. The FASB is independent. They revise rules periodically as needed to be certain that companies are adhering to the principles that are set out for them. Additionally, the FASB wants to hear the viewpoints from users and those who prepare financial reports. Companies are required to account for all types of income come. Second is the IASB, is also independent. They are responsible for the development and improvement of the International Reporting Standards. Capital markets are becoming more global and the needs for accounting standards on a global level have been the one thing companies have been struggling to understand for years. The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) has the capabilities to provide these standards a level that investors and auditors can better interprets all over the world. Businesses have been questioning if the GAAP is going to be replaced by the IFRS. Many organizations have gotten so content with what the GAAP has offered that transitioning over to the IFRS may be resisted by
  • 12. Cultural Differences Between Phil And Alvina This experience ended up being something different than what I originally expected. I didn t expect it to take so long to scan a letter. I didn t expect to not be able to scan all of the letters written between Phil and Alvina. I didn t expect a man to have written such heartfelt words to his love. I also didn t expect to be reflecting on the importance of my history through story, or to catch myself contemplating the difference between being happy or being content. It was very soon into the scanning process when I noticed that Phil commonly wrote to Alvina expressing his desire for her to be content. He also wrote about how he wished that she was satisfied with him. This wish wasn t because she was particularly dissatisfied with him, but that his heart wanted nothing more than her satisfaction. When I read this I wondered how he could express his emotion so clearly and then use a common word like satisfied to describe his desire for her. If my husband told me that he wanted me to be satisfied I would wonder if I was going to have to answer a survey question about the service he had... Show more content on ... Once I made this discovery I found myself only contemplating on these word choices as I was scanning it became all that I thought about. Happy verses content. I realized I was obsessed with this concept when I found myself discussing the difference between content and happy at a dinner party with a group of women from church. I think that conversation was turning point for me in this quest for discovery. Mostly, because I was able to get my thoughts out of my head and into the world. Speaking these ideas out loud created greater clarity than I was able to find when I was sitting by myself in the back room of the library and contemplating why someone that wrote letters in 1921 used satisfied to describe his wish for his future
  • 13. Major Depressive Disorder ( Depression ) Major Depressive Disorder (Depression) is a mood disorder where a person has a constant feeling of sadness and complete loss of interest in everyday life. It is considered more serious than a case of the blues and might require long term treatment. During major depressive disorder, the person thinks and behaves differently and may experience emotional and physical problems. Causes The exact cause has yet to be pinpointed. It is believed that specific neurotransmitters in the brain may stop acting the way they should and therefore affect the state of the individual s mood. The impact of hormones is also called into question because hormone imbalances, for example pregnancy and thyroid dysfunction, are believed to cause depression. ... Show more content on ... Overwhelming feeling of sadness or hopelessness. Trouble concentrating and making decisions. Feelings of guilt, worthlessness and shame. Worrying over past indiscretions or failures. Slower thinking. Treatment Many people with depression find that medications along with regular visits to a psychologist or psychiatrist are a very effective form of treatment. Cognitive Therapy this form of cognitive therapy starts out by educating the client on what may cause the depression and that negative thoughts should be redirected. The therapist teaches the client how to identify the bad thoughts as they occur throughout the day and the emotions that are associated with them. It is helpful because once the person can identify the negative thoughts, they can begin the steps to try to change them. Family Therapy this therapy should be considered if the affected individual s depression begins to affect his/her family. This treatment creates a therapeutic environment for each person to discuss their feelings openly and encourage open communication between family members. Hospitalization in severe cases where a person with depression has expressed suicidal thoughts or even attempted suicide, an inpatient treatment program with constant monitoring can be very helpful. Electroconvulsive Therapy/ Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation this type of therapy is viewed as a last resort option. In ECT, a current is passed through the skull into the
  • 14. The Study On The Regents Place Pavilion Site context The Regents Place pavilion is a freestanding structure installed in 2009 in a 13 acre retail, leisure and office development situated near Euston, London. It is the product of an architectural and engineering collaboration between Carmody Groarke Architects and Arup Engineers and is the winner of the 2010 Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Award for architectural excellence. The pavilion stands between two Terry Farrell office buildings on Osnaburgh Street, and faces John Soane s 1825 Holy Trinity Church located near the circular traffic island of Great Portland Street tube station. The design was submitted for The Architecture Foundation competition in 2007. The competition was part of the Terry Farrell master ... Show more content on ... Danby is a key figure in the work by British Land in Regents Place, which began in 1996 with the demolition of the studios and head office of Thames Television, a former ITV company. The redevelopment of the Euston road frontage involved four new office buildings and Triton Square, a pedestrian plaza. On the western part of the site was the development of Osnaburgh Street, which was completed in 2009. This included The comedian Kenneth Williams Marlborough house had to be demolished in order for the development to be undertaken by British Land. This was Kenneth s home from 1972 to 1988. Regent s Place pavilion and 7/7 Memorial Vital Statistics The pavilion is 20 metres by 5 metres in plan, consisting of 258 three millimetre hollow rectangular elements, measuring 50 millimetres by 50 millimetres. The thickness of the stainless steel is 4 millimetres. These are standing without any cross bracing, in order to comply harmoniously with the design of the pavilion, and are joined only at the top with a decorative structural lattice. The vertical elements reach 7.8 metres in height, usually rounded up to 8 metres. This is also the extent of the colonnades of the surrounding buildings. A 3mm plate stainless steel canopy is held up by the vertical elements. The structure is standing at 45 degrees in order for it to be seen from the street front and create unison with the
  • 15. What Is The Role Of Internal Communication In British... Internal Communication Practice in British American Tobacco Bangladesh (BATB) 1. Introduction 1. Origin This report is prepared as part of the course requirement of C501 Managerial Communication and is submitted to the instructor of the course Ms. Mahjabeen Ahmad, Professor, Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka. 2. Objective The objective of this report is to study the steps, tools, process and the role of internal communication practices in British American TobaccoBangladesh. 1.3Scope This report contains brief overview of BATB and various aspects of its internal communication related to the objective. 4. Methodology The information of this report is collected from both primary ... Show more content on ... The history of BATB is shown in Figure1. Figure 1: History of BATB Ever since the inception the company is regarded as the market leader in Bangladesh tobacco market. Based in Dhaka, the company has one packaging factory in Dhaka and one leaf processing factory in Kushtia a number of Leafs and sales offices throughout the country. The company currently employs more than 200 managers and 1300 employees. 2.2Core Functional Areas 2.2.1 Leaf Department This department is involved in cultivating and purchasing flue cured tobacco. Each year the company registers thousands of farmers along with their land, to grow and cultivate tobacco crop. The company provides seeds, fertilizers and loans to the farmers throughout the crop season to ensure quality growth. At the end of the season BATB buys fixed quantities of tobacco from the farmers, paying rates depending on the grade of the crop. Important functions of Leaf Department: в–Є Purchases tobacco leaves from growers
  • 16. в–Є Processes tobacco leaf for insertion in the production department в–Є Provides storage and transportation facilities in carrying tobacco to and from the factory в–Є Strengthens social relationship в–Є Exports tobacco leaf 2.2.2Supply Chain Department Operations function is at the heart of
  • 17. Acute Coronary Heart Disease Essay Coronary heart disease have three clinical types; Non ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE ACS), unstable angina and non ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI).Among them NSTE AC have high mortality rate. Correct diagnosis and early management are important to improve clinical cardiac events in patients with Non STEMI. The manifestation of serious cardiovascular adverse events varies markedly in ACS patients with enzyme markers, typical clinical features and electrocardiogram (ECG). Risk stratification may be helpful for the planning of early treatment program with drugs or coronary angioplasty. However, the accuracy of disagreement risk stratification such as normal or elevated value of troponin, normal or abnormal ECG is inadequate for prognosis interpretation, more information is needed. Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) (range 2 to 372) in Myocardial Infarction risk scores have been widely used for prognosis anticipation in patients with ACS. The factorss of the GRACE risk score are age, heartrate, Killip class, cardiac arrest, systolic blood pressure, serum creatinine, ST segment deviation in ECG and cardiac biomarker status. A prognostic score is calculated based on above mentioned factors to estimates ... Show more content on ... In this system, With visual inspection and automated analysis, the Q , R , and S wave amplitudes, Q and R wave durations, and R/Q and R/S ratio were measured and checked against the settled criteria. The QRS scoring system used in this study was based on 50 criteria and it is accomplished to develop a total of 31 points. Each point in Selvester QRS scoring system has been designed to show approximately 3% MI of the LV. Many versions of the Selvester QRS scoring system have been described but here we chose to study the ability of the simplified QRS score, measured from the admission electrocardiogram
  • 18. Against Grand Canyon National Park I am going to write against the federal government making the grand canyon national park. They should not put park in the grand canyon because there is wildlife, and other things that are special to the world. The animals will run off and you should not hurt wildlife like that. That s a fact jack. People around come out to this park and help make the owners richer and run out wildlife. Alright I m bout to tell you about why there should not be park in Grand Canyon. All the wildlife there is very important to everyone who explores it not to get rid of all of the wildlife. People these days donВґt care about things like that they just want to make money. I think people are plane stupid to get rid of all wildlife, then build park to make
  • 19. Hairball Essay Hairball A solitary woman sits in conversation with a benign tumour that had just recently been removed from her ovary. As the woman speaks, the inanimate tumour, which she has named Hairball, looks on from its glass encased perch atop the fireplace. The scene is macabre and certainly unusual, but such is the life of Kat, the main character in Margaret Atwood s short story, Hairball. Kat s life is filled with the unusual and the shocking, a lifestyle that has been self imposed. Throughout the years, Kat, an avant garde fashion photographer, has altered her image, even her name, to suit the circumstances and the era. Over time Kat has fashioned a seemingly strong and impenetrable exterior, but as Kat s life begins to disintegrate... Show more content on ... Finally, when she found her way to England, she became Kat, [the name Kat] was economical, street feline, and pointed as a nail. The short, hard name was a reflection of her hard demeanor. Kat constantly tried to separate herself from the commonality of her environment. When she was told that her tumor was fairly common her reply was that, She would have preferred uniqueness. Kat wanted to stand out; she did not want to be another Clarissa, Meliassa or Penelope, but she understood that conformity, to the values of her society, would be a requirement if she wanted to succeed in her personal and professional life. With this in mind, Kat chose to integrate those values into her own personal approach. She d shaved off most of her hair, worked on the drop dead stare, perfected a certain turn of the neck that conveyed an aloof inner authority. What you had to you had to make them believe was that you knew something they didn t know yet. (p.17) As the conflict between Kat and her society, she finds herself losing the fight. Despite accolades she received while working on the razor s edge, Kat s life is less than successful. Her relationships with competitive men and left her broken and hurt. Twice she had abortions, because the men in question were not up for the alternative (pp.17). Kat s choice to
  • 20. Social Media And Its Impact On Journalism Social media has had a huge impact on the way that journalism is practiced and the way that the general public perceive news in the present day. This dissertation aims to identify and explore the use of the different social media platforms, focusing on the impact that the rise of social media has had on journalism practices. In addition, this paper will examine the public s responses to the news that they receive through social media platforms. Examples of social media platforms that this dissertation will include are; Twitter , Facebook and YouTube as scholars claim that these are the most frequently used sites in the 21st century. This research has been conducted due to the fact that some researchers have claimed that journalism is dying whilst others have argued that journalism is not dying but is simply evolving (Blatchford: 2014). This has been a much contested debate triggered by the decline of news circulation from traditional news sources i.e. newspapers, television and radio together with the technological advances of the internet and social media (Cub Reporters: 2010). This has raised many questions and firstly, this dissertation will assess whether the rise of social media has led to the decline of news circulation from traditional news sources. Secondly, this paper will look at what the advantages and disadvantages of using social media as a news distributor are for professional journalists and the general public. Lastly, this study aims to investigate
  • 21. Life Cycle Segmentation Of Swatch Segmentation There are companies that base their segmentation on specific countries, or regions, however, the other type of companies mostly focus on life cycle segmentation. Swatch do not focus on regional segmentation because consumer of Swatch products can be anywhere in the world. Swatch concentrates on life cycle and age segments. They believe that model and design, technology, and materials used for production of goods are based on these factors. For example, Swatch has Creart by Swatch line, which is designed by artists, especially street painters for teenagers. At the same time they have Full Blooded collection, which consists of more classic watches mostly designed for adults. Further, Swatch produces special products for special occasions like: Valentine Day, Mothers Day, and etc. Marketing Strategy There are many elements that make up the Swatch message. High quality, low cost, provocative, joy of ... Show more content on ... Hayek offered something different since beginning. To understand clearly what do these words mean we have to go through marketing mix strategy of Swatch Group. But, before to start the analysis of marketing mix strategy, let s explore what is the mission, objective and target market of Swatch. The mission of the Swatch is to produce high quality products, and for production to use mostly low cost materials such as synthetic material. In order to become successful in business especially in global business, every MNC should decide its objective for appropriate achievements. The objective of Swatch is to establish the most stylish, innovative, and creative, at the same time affordable watchmaker brand image in the world. As an objective and mission each global company has to decide its target market to avoid reduction in sales and improve specialization. The target market of Swatch are people between 15 34 years old. That can be shown as a reason of producing fashionable, creative, and innovative watches and
  • 22. Three Act Paradigm The narrative structure employed by the screenwriter follows the familiar three act paradigm. The 1st act establishes the basic plot for the film. It starts off with Joe dead in a swimming pool in a flashback, Joe relates events leading to his death. The film starts off with Joe Gillis who is a struggling writer who wrote a script that went nowhere his car was is trying to be repo. While trying to escape the financial company who are trying to take his car he blows a tire and drives into what he thought was an abandoned garage on a rundown property. He meets and recognizes the owner as Norma Desmond who was a former silent filmstar whose career was far behind her. He reveals that he is a writer and she has a script that could get her back... Show more content on ... In the second act Joe realizes how delusional and lonely Norma was. She was living in a time warp. Joe and Norma start a relationship. Joe needing Norma because he liked extravagant lifestyle he was able to live with Norma s money. He did have some feelings for Norma but felt weird just being with Norma all alone in her mansion and not allowed to really go out. He leaves Norma s party which she through just for her and him which freaked Joe out. Joe goes to a friend s party and once again sees Betty Schaefer who he met at the paramount executive who disliked his work on base loaded the screenplay. They strike up a friendship until Joe calls back to the house to get Max to get his stuff so he could move out except Max told him that Norma tried to kill herself because he left. With this act Norma gets Joe back and he decides to stay in a relationship with her. In addition to this Norma and Max go to see Cecil B. DeMille to see if he liked her screenplay. DeMille doesn t have the heart to tell her that her screenplay is really bad but does talk to her. Norma still believes that her film will be made even though there is no chance that will
  • 23. Grapes Of Wrath Film Analysis While today s unemployment is just below ten percent, the time period between Herbert Hoover s defeat and Franklin Roosevelt s commencement, otherwise known as the Great Depression, that percent reached nearly twenty five percent. In addition to the high unemployment rate, in October 1929, when the stock market crashed, life became full of despair and troubles for every single individual and the national government was not able to cushion the blow with unemployment insurance, payments to retirees, or welfare for mothers and children (Crain). Hoovervilles, or the city dumps poor people called home, were overflowing with trash and garbage, which could be considered a benefit, hence the fact that is where they mostly found their dinners. Less... Show more content on ... The Walt Disney Studio rose to fame throughout these ten years with their famous characters of Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Goofy, Donald Duck, and Pluto. Other film genres like Musicals, Westerns, Horror, Thrillers, Melodramas, Swashbucklers, and Literary Adaptations were very well favored in the theaters. Through the decade of the Great Depression numerous new genres of films appeared, while other genres gained more popularity in the immense numbers of movie theaters spread throughout the
  • 24. Austria After The Schleswig Holstein Issue Austria pressured Prussia to address the Schleswig Holstein issue. Bismarck, expecting this response, used it as a reason to turn against Austria. As Austria began to lose its influence in Europe, the Prussian influence increased. This was largely due to the fact that Austria lost allies like Russia when they refused to help them go against France and Britain in the Crimean War of 1854 6. Prussia, though, began to build successful economic alliances with other German states to make trade easier and more profitable. Bismarck began to view Austria as a rival to Prussia s dominance over the German Confederationand an obstacle to overall German unification. Bismarck strengthened the foreign military alliances with Russia, France, and Italy by agreeing to assist those nations in their military affairs. For instance, Bismarck promised to help France invade and control Belgium and promised Italy the Venezia region after they defeat Austria. In November of 1865, Austria received offers of a large sum in exchange for Holstein but they denied it. A Prussian force was then sent into Holstein on Bismarck s order, ensuing a seven weeks war. Austria was not completely alone; Bavaria, Saxony, Hanover and other minor German states fought on their side but they were not as powerful as the Prussian forces that also had German allies and Italy s forces. Bismarck did not want to bring great damage to Austria because he believed that the Austrians could become a great military ally in the
  • 25. Free Weights Research Paper not as many androgenizing effects What is the Right Choice for Beginners, Free Weights or Machines? If you are thinking to start bodybuilding, then strength training is a perfect way to start your bodybuilding career. In the beginning, you will need to increase your muscle strength and improve the different muscle groups in your body so that you can handle weights properly. The right amount of strength will help you to perform every exercise with great amount of ease and in the proper form. This will help you develop your muscles at a much faster rate. Free weights and machines both have their advantages as well as disadvantages. Free Weights Free weights such as dumbbells are good to start with. You can opt for dumbbells and with them you ... Show more content on ... This is the additional strain on your muscles and your strength is improved. When lifting barbells you need a spotter to help you, but in case off dumbbells, you don t need anyone to help you. You can perform dumbbell exercises alone. There is a concern for safety when you are using free weights. When you are doing a bench press with a barbell and you failed to lift it completely, then it may fall down on your chest and could cause some injury. In this situation you are supposed to keep a spotter with you. Machines When you perform exercises with machines, you don t need to care much about the safety. This is because machines are designed in such a way that you cannot be trapped, in case you fail to complete a repetition. There are different types of resistance machines available in the market. When you exercise on machine you cannot guide the motion as it is guided by the machine. If you want to know the better choice between free weights and exercise machines, then you must opt for free weights to achieve certain level of a stabilization of the muscles. Doing exercise on machines is comparatively easy because you don t need to hold the weights in your hand. Whatever exercise you do, the motion is predefined. Proper Way of Exercises Along with machines and free weights, you are also supposed to take care of the right technique because in absence of which you will not gain good
  • 26. Snow White Research Paper Snow White...was as beautiful as the light of day, even more beautiful than the queen herself. Snow White s beauty is a recurring theme in both the Disney animated movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and in the original Grimm s fairy tale, Little Snow White. Snow White s beauty is what makes her life change. As a child, her beauty is what causes her to be in danger, when the huntsman is ordered to kill Snow white, it is what saves her life, and finally, after Snow White s death, it is her beauty that causes the prince to want her. In the original Grimm s fairy tale, Snow White s mother wishes for a child white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as...wood. Unfortunately, in both the fairy tale and the Disney movie, Snow White s mother
  • 27. Antigone is an admirable character. How far do you agree... Antigone is a thoroughly admirable character. How far do you agree with this statement? Throughout the play, Antigone is presented as an audacious and unorthodox female character, whose actions depict her independence and confidence. She dismisses the rules which she believes are false, and honourably battles against her uncle s rule to bring justice to her slaughtered brother; her original intentions suggest how important family relationships are to her. However, Antigone s reckless behaviour often causes inconsistency in her beliefs. Majorly, nearing the end of her life, she begins to regret all her deeds of which she had once glorified. Antigone s initial self confidence and independence has been replaced with regret and... Show more content on ... For example, when threatened with the bleak future of a death penalty, her reply that it would be more of an advantage to die. Although her character may not have been expected by an Ancient Greek audience, her unique and unorthodox character (when compared with the typical stereotype of an Ancient Greek woman) would have been admired. Finally, Sophocles shows Antigone to be a passionate religious citizen, who chooses to obey the unwritten, unassailable laws of the divine rather than the short lived laws of humans. In this way, her undying respect for the gods give her a character similar to a saint or a martyr; she expresses very clearly her acceptance of dying for obeying the words of the gods. This particularly gives Antigone an admirable character, as religion and obeying the gods wishes were viewed as necessities in Ancient Greek life. By showing that she is willing to disobey her own city s king, Antigone appears set to be favoured by the gods for her loyalty. However, Antigone s character is very reckless and hotheaded; her swift decisions and ambitious actions often cause contradictory emotions and actions. One prime example relates with the theme of family relationships; Antigone feels that she is noble when honouring [her] own flesh and blood . Although this ,ay be true in her conflict for bringing justice to Polyneices, she becomes increasingly cold, distant and rude to her only surviving
  • 28. Analysis Of Composition With Tree Trunks I viewed Fernand LГ©ger s Composition with Tree Trunks (painted in 1933, using oil paints on canvas) at the Dallas Museum of Art in their permanent collection, on September 17, 2016. The painting is placed on the second floor, within a collection of 20th century European art. This work visually yells at passersby, begging them to look at it as they move up the staircase. One is invited to stand at the entrance of the level and contemplate this paintings loose form and captivating use of color and line. LГ©ger utilizes abstract forms (to create ambiguous objects) with organic and biomorphic shapes, raw lines and blurred colors to fabricate vague relationships between these shapes, as well as surrealist qualities to showcase his experiments in art during the Cubist movement. He successfully captures the grab bag essence of his work by borrowing ideas from Cubism, Suprematism, Surrealism, and Expressionism and effectively creates a unified and mystical scene that connects nature and its biological elements with technology and its mechanical elements. In the painting, I first noticed the central divide in the composition, creating a left hemisphere and a right hemisphere. The background is a muted grey, with the subject matter lying on top of an off white backdrop. There is a fluid, black line outlining this white region, however, toward the left side, the color begins to transform into brown. On the right side, I saw spindly, dark treebranches over a layering of lighter
  • 29. A Comparison of Holden of Catcher in the Rye and Equality... Catcher in the Rye and Anthem A Comparison of Holden and Equality 7 251 Is it possible that two completely different authors could create two identical characters? It seems so; J.D. Salinger s Holden, from Catcher in the Rye, and Ayn Rand s Equality 7 2521, in Anthem, appear to be one in the same person. To end the oppression they received for the span of their entire lives, both Holden and Equality run from their oppressors. Most importantly, neither Holden nor Equality live up to the expectations of others. Holden s personality identically reflects that of Equality 7 2521 in Ayn Rand s Anthem. Holden and Equality 7 2521 were oppressed their ... Show more content on ... By chasing their dreams, neither Holden nor Equality 7 2521 live up to others expectations of them. Throughout his life, Holden is told that he would be a graduate from a prestigious university, and a professional. In his heart, he knows that these are not his aspirations, and eventually decides to live his own life, striving to be a catcher in the rye. He despises the idea of molding ones life in order to become successful, stating, [The world is] full of phonies, and all you do is study so that you can learn enough to be smart enough to be able to buy a goddam Cadillac some day... Equality, much like Holden,
  • 30. Health Disparities Within Dekalb County Introduction The purpose of this paper is to provide insight on health disparities seen within DeKalb County. The residents of DeKalb County are diverse in race, ethnicity, and income. Since the county is so diverse there are many health disparities seen amongst its residents. Health disparities occur within a county when one group of a population has noticeably better or worse health than another group within the same population. These groups of people can differ by income, education, sex, race, location, and even sexual orientation. This Paper will discuss the health disparities that exist within DeKalb County, and explain why these disparities exist from a historical, political and social aspect. Furthermore, this paper will give background information on health outcomes from national, state, and local epidemiological perspective in order to support the claims that disparities actually exist within this county. Background The history of Georgia and its reflection on the state impacts the health and well being of its communities today as it relates to cultures and institutions. The population of African Americans is higher in Georgia than in the United States because of the transatlantic slave trade, which brought an abundance of African Americans to the state by force. The history of slavery still impacts African Americans today and causes many health disparities that can be seen around the world not only in Georgia. The obvious and tragic impact of health
  • 31. Ethical Issues Within The Field Of The Counseling Profession Introduction In the middle of the journey of our life I came to myself within a dark wood where the straight way was lost Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy The Merriam Webster dictionary defines ethics as the rules of behavior based on ideas of what is morally good and bad. According to Webster ethicsis also defined as the principles of conduct governing an individual or group. Almost every profession abides by certain rules and regulations that protects not only the professional but the client or patient that the profession serves. These rules and regulations guide the professional and try and prevent decisions that might be detrimental to both parties. These rules and regulations are designed to protect the interests of the clients and avoid malpractice lawsuits of certain degrees. This research paper will concentrate on ethical issues in the field of the counseling profession. Even though Licensed Professional Counselors go through rigorous training courses and ethics training occurs at almost every counseling subject s introduction, there are still counseling malpractice incidents. Most of the literature explains that most challenges professional counselors face occur when their professional code of ethics conflict with their own personal values. Most recently, legal cases such as Keeton vs. Anderson Wiley, 2010 and Ward vs. Willbanks, 2010 have brought the counseling profession into the limelight. Most LPC do not view the ACA code of ethics as simple
  • 32. Linear Programming The development of linear programming has been ranked among the most important scientific advances of the mid 20th century. Its impact since the 1950 s has been extraordinary. Today it is a standard tool used by some companies (around 56%) of even moderate size. Linear programming uses a mathematical model to describe the problem of concern. Linear programminginvolves the planning of activities to obtain an optimal result, i.e., a result that reaches the specified goal best (according to the mathematical model) among all feasible alternatives. Linear Programming as seen by various reports by many companies has saved them thousands to even millions of dollars. Since this is true why isn t everyone using Linear Programming? Maybe the ... Show more content on ... I believe that every company should be using LP and I have hypothesized that linear programming increases both EPS, ROI and by definition Profit. This research therefore assumes that a company not using LP would have made less money than one that did use LP. The sample is 28 companies and I felt this would be sufficient as a sample size as statisticians typically recommend a minimum of 20 data points (in this case companies) in order to test a hypothesis. The companies are located in and near the state of Delaware and also include New Jersey and Pennsylvania. This research is not exhaustive and therefore will not be final in terms of how it is interpreted but it will assist others who wish to use much larger samples and over much longer periods of time to refine the results and potentially prove that LP does have a consistent improvement effect on a company s profits, ROI and EPS measures of performance. Method I used the survey research method as the basis of my research design. Calls were made to each company that was randomly selected and for whom their results were collected. Each company was asked the question Can we speak to your corporate planning and decision support function . If they were unsure of which department was meant, we would then ask Can we speak to the key people within your organization who are responsible for
  • 33. Questions On Letters From Leeds Bradford Airport Orla Fellows Research Trail Relevant Facts 1.Orla Fellows flight from Leeds to Aberdeen was cancelled 2.She posted a tweet on social media website Twitter, whilst upset about the delay and inconvenience caused by Leeds Bradford Airport 3.A week later she was arrested at work due to a report against her by the general manager of Leeds Bradford airport on reading her tweet: #LeedsBradfordAirport, what a joke! Due to use this route again in a month if this happens next time I m blowing the airport sky high! 4.She was arrested at work by West Yorkshire Police on suspicion of involvement in a bomb hoax. 5.The arresting officer informed her that her tweet had been reported by the general manager of Leeds Bradford Airport ... Show more content on ... and Vick, D.W. The Communications Act 2003: A New Regulatory Framework in the UK. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 11(3), 2005, pp.75 94 Helfer, L.R., Redesigning the European Court of Human Rights: embeddedness as a deep structural principle of the European human rights regime. European Journal of International Law, 19(1), 2008, .pp.125 159 Memorandum To: Supervisor From: Trainee Solicitor Date:1 May 2016 Re: Orla Fellows Further to your memorandum dated 21 April 2016 I have carried out the research requested. Summary Orla can rely on Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights and her Defence is strong to dissolve the case brought by the prosecution against her. Orla has been arrested under the charge of section 1 of the Malicious
  • 34. Communications Act 1988 or under section 127 of the Communications Act 2003. These refer to the communications that are determined to be a threat, false, offensive and indecent or of menacing character. Section 127 of the Communications Act 2003 provides that on summary conviction the offence holds imprisonment for up to six months or a fine not exceeding ВЈ5000 or both. Section 32 of the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 revised segment 1 expanded the greatest penalty to 2 years imprisonment. Results of Research Under Article 10 of the European
  • 35. Breakfast At Tiffany s And The Great Gatsby Analysis Both Capote s Breakfast at Tiffany s and Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby illustrate that when one centers their life upon the propriety and luxury that a traditionalistic lifestyle supports, they will repress into the comfort of their money and fail to progress towards the American Dream. Fitzgerald argues that the modernist s ambition towards a singular focused dream will lead to feelings of unfulfillment, though Capote counters that the modernists inability to find satisfaction within their life will allow opportunities to pass them by. Both Jose and Daisy have a hard time associating with the self made class, as they lack the propriety and caution that satisfies the wealthy elitists. Jose was born into the wealthy class with aspirations to one day become president of his home country Brazil. Holly appears to love Jose, though her interpretation of love is flighty, but feels that he is not her ideal lover because he worries what people think, and is afraid to be under public scrutiny. Holly notices how he always turns his back to get dressed, as his traditionalistic habits overly concern him with acting proper, even instilling fear within him to show skin in the confines of his own bedroom. As an elite, he has an image to obtain and in order to do so, he must remain too prim, too cautious, afraid to take a risk and possibly further himself because it is easier to reside in the safety of his money (Capote 65). To love a wild girl like Holly would involve Jose to trust
  • 36. Oma Else Research Paper Oma Else was first and foremost my grandmother. That s all I ever knew of her and, more importantly, that s all I ever cared to know growing up. At first, she was the grandmother I would always see for Thanksgiving, along with Opa Dave. I d see her in the summer, too. Then she became the grandmother who d come for Christmas. She would appear for performances and graduations, too. And then she was gone. Those are the memories I have of her. They are lovely, fond memories, but they do not represent most of my life. And yet, it feels like my childhood would have been so different without her. Oma Else was the grandmother I was closest to. We visited her the most. And so to me, Oma Else represented something different, new, and familiar. I mean, how exciting was it to get into the Toyota Camry and drive for five hours to North Carolina? Knowing me, I probably complained the whole way, but I also know I was excited. Thanksgiving meant running around that wild, mysterious house. Thanksgiving meant exploring the woods nearby. Thanksgiving meant trying to play with the fake parrot on the back porch. Even in the summer, when my family would go to Hilton Head in South Carolina, we d always spend the night at Oma Else s on the way. She was the signpost indicating a vacation. She was a vacation herself. ... Show more content on ... My initial topic was going to be thinking about my family history (a topic I ve never given much thought about) in relation to Oma Else. I got nowhere. My writing was dull and uninspired and failed to be rooted in anything. I quickly shifted to focusing on Oma Else, but again, I never reached far back into my memories. It s like I settled on an idea of Oma Else and wrote about that, rather than actually thinking about her and considering her as a person. I tried to write to conform to my idea of poetry. This all changed after Spring
  • 37. The Count Of Nevilles Analysis This walk explores the beautiful countryside to the north east of Sheriff Hutton, visiting the hamlet of High Stittenham and the secluded valley of Mowthorpe Dale. The extensive views stretch across the Vale of York. The name Sheriff Hutton derives from the Old English words hoh and tun which, when combined mean farm on the spur of land . The prefix of Sheriff originates from its association with Bertram de Bulmer, the Sheriff of York in 1115, who once held title to the estate. Later the Bulmers married into the powerful Neville family. The Nevilles became lords of the manor in 1331 after the Bulmers male lineage failed. In 1382 John, Lord Neville obtained a licence to crenellate and build a new stone castle. The castle had a high curtain... Show more content on ... However, much of the present structure is the result of rebuilding and additions carried out between the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries. Inside the church is a white alabaster effigy of a young boy wearing a long robe and his head, bearing a coronet, rests on a pillow of winged beasts, possibly gryphons. This statue represents Edward of Middleham, Prince of Wales, the son of Richard III, who died in 1484. Furthermore, a small piece of stained glass above the effigy depicts the Sun in Splendour , a symbol used by the House of York. However, Edward s final resting place remains a subject for debate, as the tomb below is empty! Next to the churchyard is the site of Sheriff Hutton s first motte and bailey castle, erected in 1140 by Bertram de Bulmer. This type of fortress had a wooden tower situated on a raised earthwork called a motte, with an enclosed courtВyard, the bailey, surrounded by a ditch and wooden fence. These structures were easy to build, but still formidable defensive strongholds. From the village, we follow the Ebor Way onto the Howardian Hills and join the Centenary Way which leads to High Stittenham. This tiny hamlet stands at the top of a steep hill, surrounded by valleys on three sides, justifying the meaning of its name as the steep place . According to some sources, John Gower, the first Poet Laureate was born in Stittenham
  • 38. Intro to Intellecutal Disability Introduction to Intellectual Disability (ID) Introduction to Intellectual Disability (ID) Kimberly Fox Grand Canyon University: SPE 351 May 23, 2013 Introduction to Intellectual Disability (ID) When learning about Intellectual Disability (ID) it is important to explore the subject with people that work with students of ID. The (SPED) special education team placed together for a student in order to determine the students individual education plan (IEP). This SPED team consist of: Special Educator: Mr. Richard Franklin, General Educator: Ms. Rama Smith (Spelling, Literature), Speech Therapist: Mrs. LuDonna Martin, Principal: Mr. John Denton, Community Organizer and Retired Teacher: Mrs. Nelda Clements and I as the Special ... Show more content on ... He fears that some educators were doing this to get these students out of their classrooms and were using the definition of ID to do it. Ms. Rama the regular classroom educator spoke of her trouble with the definition. She indicated that the definition not only identifies ID, but allowed for other disabilities as well. The definition states that students with mental retardation may be deficient in the following areas: communication, physical care, home environment, social skills, self direction, community use, health and safety, limited academic ability, leisure and work. If a student has any two of these deficiencies then they qualify as being ID (Thomas, 1996). Both educators expressed a similar problem with the classification of students with ID. The classification of students with ID is not universal, meaning that a student from another state could have mild/moderate ID and not be identified according to that states classification. This can lead to a student not getting the assistance that they need. They expressed that it would better serve students with ID if one set of classification were used in the entire United States. When it came time to speak with the educators about the characteristics of ID they had very few concerns. The
  • 39. Collateral Duty Inspector Essay In the aviation side of the Navy there is a job known as Collateral Duty Inspector. The Collateral Duty Inspector is considered a subject matter expert on the aircraft they work on. In order to become a Collateral Duty Inspector a sailor must go through extensive training and meet certain requirements. As a sailor looking to make the Navya career until retirement, becoming a Collateral Duty Inspector was a major goal of mine. I was on deployment with my second command VAW 126 on board the aircraft carrier Harry S. Truman when I started the process. As a prospective Collateral Duty Inspector, I was working nights from 1800 to 0600. I would spend most of the night with my supervisor Palar learning what to do and what to look for. He would have me follow him as he inspected other sailors work and point out to me what he inspected and what needed to be corrected by the worker if any. ... Show more content on ... The first test was on corrosion control and theory. Corrosion control and theory consist of being able to identify the different types of corrosion and how they affect and form on the aircraft. The second test was on the Naval aviation maintenance program. The Naval aviation maintenance program is the basic guidelines on how a Navy squadron will operate. The test requires you to know who is responsible for certain jobs throughout the command and what your responsibilities are as a Collateral Duty Inspector. This test is the most difficult due to the large amount of information in the program. The third, and final test is the rating specific test. This test is made up of different scenarios a sailor in a specific rate might come across during their time as an inspector. Also including in the test is the ability to find the correct answer to certain problems and procedures for the aircraft in the maintenance instruction
  • 40. Lesbian Identity Politics and Associated Organizations Essay Identity politics were a major part of social reform in the Sixties and Seventies. Yet, the advent of identity politic reform originates in the Fifties, a decade that saw the African American Civil Rights Movement start to gain momentum. On the heels of the Civil Rights movement, we also see the Women s Liberation Movement begin to gain steam, shortly thereafter followed by the Gay LiberationMovement. And as an offshoot of these reform movements, we observe the dawn of lesbian identity politics a movement very much its own amongst its predecessors. One sect would come to be coined the lavender menace of feminisma group of mostly Caucasian lesbians followed later by the black lesbian feminist group, The Combahee River Collective.... Show more content on ... After delivering the food, and being understandably annoyed with the task, she was belittled by a male protestor who would have her as a sexual reward for sitting in. Black feminists, such as those in the Combahee River Collective, experienced very similar discrimination in Civil Rights campaigns, especially groups like the Black Panthers. Just like Jay, many African American women were used as sexual remuneration to men who did good work within their organizations. This patriarchy, antithetic to the goals of feminism, was the undoubted enemy of both these lesbian organizations usurping it became one clear goal. The Combahee River Collective, though, did not feel separate from African American men concerning race, yet, felt doubly oppressed by white patriarchy. Understanding that they connected with black men racially, yet struggled with them sexually, almost supplements the idea that white men who controlled government and economy were the ultimate oppressor. They did not feel they were separate, but rather, just opposed to black men along patriarchal lines. Inversely, the Collective connected with white lesbians against patriarchy, but were subjected to hierarchy within feminism as well as lesbianism. Secondly, we see that if well known reformists were not male, they were heterosexual, the epitome being Betty Friedan. This was the reason for the more specific goal of the two groups: battling hierarchy in addition to
  • 41. The Role Of Suicides In Nunavut So far this century, more than a quarter of all Inuit deaths in Nunavut have been suicide: twenty seven percent, which is one of the highest suicide rates in the world. For Canada s first nation s population, suicide rates are twice the national average. In both indigenous groups, females attempt suicide more than males. The ratio of aboriginal suicides is a 3:2 ratio which is significantly higher than the Canadian suicide average. Young adults ages 15 24 form the age group with the most suicides which is surprisingly, five to seven times the Canadian average. Particularly, there are broad based inequalities on many across all areas of children s experiences: education, healthcare, housing, and food/water. In fact, because we have not dealt
  • 42. Dyslexia Research Paper According to the dyslexia center of Utah s website, one in five students have a language based learning disability. The most common language based learning disability is dyslexia. Although dyslexia affects the ability to read, it does not affect the general intelligence of a person. Dyslexia jumbles up words and mixes up letters making it hard to read, write, and spell (see figure 1). People with dyslexiaoften have low grades, poor social skills, and low self esteem. Dyslexia is a very common disability in which a majority of the population has, it needs to be taken seriously because it is such a struggle. Dyslexia is said to be a hereditary condition, in which specific genes cause (Mascheretti, S.). Imaging of the brain shows scientists ... Show more content on ... Conditions such as, ADHD, auditory processing disorder, visual processing areas, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and executing functioning issues ( ADHD makes it hard to fully concentrate when reading or any other activity, this condition is sometimes mistaken for dyslexia in children. Auditory processing disorder makes it difficult for kids to sort through sounds they hear. Like dyslexia, auditory processing disorder makes reading very tough because reading is associating sounds with letters. With auditory processing disorder, you confuse letters like b and d and it is complicated to sound out new words. Children with dyslexia are at increased risk for conduct and anxiety disorders, withdrawal, poor self esteem, and depression ( Constant frustration with work, in which they struggle with, would cause the most common symptom and side effect of dyslexia, anxiety. Dyslexia causes a person to put more effort into work and they still might fail at it. The frustration of never being able to succeed, even when trying hard, may cause anger in someone. Also, giving everything you have and someone still doing better than you may cause you to look down on yourself. A low self esteem may occur because someone with dyslexia may feel as if they are not as good as someone
  • 43. Learning and Development Explain why the systematic approach to Learning Development is so important for organisation, and identify some of the critical success factors in its adoption. Introduction Learning and development achieve aims for individuals and for the organisations performance management. Learning and development can help organisations to improve performance, meet their strategic objectives or become high performing organisations, want to increase profits, increase market share and provide better services for customers. Foot Hook (2008), in order to achieve these things performance management is the key to help recruit, select, develop, motivate and retain the most talented people. In recent years organisations have switched from ... Show more content on ... SMART objectives are recommended when setting out objectives, as according to Foot Hook (2008), SMART stands for: Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic time Therefore assessing the learning needs is about the organisations systematically investigating the current and future learning requirements in relation to the organisations operating environment. 2. Design of learning activities Once the HR has decided the objectives for the learning and development, they would be able to plan a programme that uses a variety of techniques in order to achieve the objectives in the most effective way. The role of the design is to produce a programme that will meet the needs of the organisation and the learner. HR will need to ensure that everyone is aware in advance of what will be involved in the learning and development event including its time and location of the running event. Once the learning and development needs have been identified, the supervisors can choose to have either an in house learning and development options which is often done internally by the organisation s or the organisation s can opt to have an external learning and development provider. As according to D Amico (2006), in house training has its advantages as it can become efficient in establishing the company goals therefore everyone working within that organisation would hear the same message at the same time and in house training could
  • 44. Hilton And Hilton Hotel History Essay Marriott VS Hilton Hilton Hotel History: In 1919, a thirty one year old banker by the name of Conrad Hilton traveled to Cisco, Texas to franchise his bank. When he arrived, he went to the Mobley Hotel only to find it was completely sold out. The owner felt awful and began to explain how he wanted to just retire, and that is where it all began. Conrad Hilton purchased the hotel and changed the name to ?The Hilton?. Hilton was growing his revenue through the roof and eight years later, Hilton decided it was time to franchise his hotel business. He then opened a second hotel in Waco Texas, it was one of the most elite hotels in the state where he offered small condiment products in all the guest rooms, this grew interest from his high end guests. Conrad Hilton and Hilton hotels became well recognized, so throughout the thirties he continued to grow his business throughout the country where his business came from high class bankers and owners who had not been hurt during the great depression. In 1947, Hilton would revolutionize hotels forever, he had the idea of installing personal televisions in all guest rooms at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City. This attracted tons of guests including famous movie stars and jazz players of the generation. Hilton hotels also became known for their reservation systems as they became the first company in the business to offer multi hotel reservations in 1948. Businessmen at the time became to love Hilton hotels for this service, so
  • 45. Self Regulating Result Analysis From Raw Data Essay SELF REGULATING RESULT ANALYSIS FROM RAW DATA TO PRESENTABLE FORMAT Avinash JoshiAbhishek Pilania Chandan KumarAbhijeet Kapade Student, Dept. of ComputerStudent, Dept. of Computer Student, Dept. of Computer Student, Dept. of GHRCEM, Pune University, Maharashtra, India 1. ABSTRACT The result that an institution receives from the Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) is in PDF (Portable Document File) format file. To analyze and manipulate them manually is very tedious job for a person. This is where text mining and file format convertors come into light to overcome this kind of problem. Text mining has an exceptional contribution for programmers and scientists to mine data out from textual files. Text mining overlooks the redundant textual data and only targets only on the required data patterns. Text mining plays important role because its center of functioning is devising patterns into necessary format or could be said that it derives a very quality of information from text. File format conversion has always been a bridge as well as challenge to access that particular data without particular tool. Different files have protocol set like internal and
  • 46. My Trip At A Restaurant The patio light was on automatically when I opened my aunt s apartment front door but the house was still dark. I knew my aunt had not returned yet. She texted me before I was done with my shift to tell me that she would return home late. As an accountant in a hospital, she was always busy on the first week of the month for what she called month end closing . I did not know exactly the meaning of it, but I knew she would come home late for those days. Turning on the light, I put my take out container on the kitchen s counter. On my way home, I stopped at a Chinese restaurant for our dinners since I did not want to give another burden to my aunt. She was nice enough to take me in her house since few weeks ago as I had problem with my ... Show more content on ... I knew her. If she said on her solemn expression, it was better to follow her rules. Despite I liked eating together with my aunt, but for a chance, I enjoyed for eating alone while watching TV or reading my book on the same time. Holding the TV remote, I flipped the channels from one to another. Sometime, I did not know why we had so many channels on TV especially if there were nothing interested to watch. It was a waste, wasn t it? My finger froze on the air when one of Asian s TV showing a lady almost fifty years old wearing a black color dress, looked somber and looked away the reporter who was trying to take her picture. Behind her, there was a young man around twenty seven years old, looked serious and rounded his hand on the lady s shoulder. I d seen the scene few times since it was not a recent news. Still, my heart was sad to see the miserable expression on the lady and his son. I was glad when the scene was replaced by a good looking female reporter. As we have known that the founder and the president of ESG Corporation, the well known company for its Park Market grocery stores, was died from kidney failure few weeks ago. His passing was mourned by employees since Mr. Park was known as a down to earth president and always spent his sudden visit time by talking directly to his employees. Let s we watch a comment from the oldest employees that we recorded after Mr. Park s burial The camera
  • 47. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Metal Awnings Wondering What Type Of Awnings To Choose? Here s How Metal And Fabric Compare If you ve decided it s time to get awnings for your house windows, you might be overwhelmed with all your choices. Unless you already know the kind of awnings you want, you may wonder which type is best for your home. You have two basic choices to begin with. You can install a metal or fabric awning . Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but both types work well, so you can t really go wrong no matter which type you choose. Here is a look at how these options differ. Awning Appearance Metal awnings and fabric awnings look similar but since the materials are so different, you can tell them apart quite easily. Metal awnings can be standing seam or flat metal. If you have a metal roof, one of these awnings could look like a natural extension of the roof. They come in a number of colors so you can match or contrast the colors of your home. Fabric awnings have the most variety when it comes to appearance. These awnings come in a range of colors, stripes, and patterns. Fabric awnings also come in a variety of shapes since the fabric can take on the shape of the form beneath it. Fabric is also used on retractable awnings since it can be rolled up easily and hidden when the awning is not in use. Sun Protection Metal awnings are solid material so they completely block the sun. Fabric awnings can let some light filter through depending on the type of fabric you choose. Consider how
  • 48. Analysis Of David Lynch s Mulholland Drive Regarded as one of the most important directors of our century, David Lynch, was born in 1946 in Missoula, Missouri. Lynch is also a screenwriter and producer and is one of the first to make surrealism popular. Through his critically acclaimed films like Elephant Man, Eraser Head and Blue Velvet, he earned his title as the first to make surrealism popular. Like any surrealist worth his salt, Lynch creates his own version of reality, with its own set of often unfathomable and inexplicably, but emotionally and psychologically resonant qualities. In his 2001 film, Mulholland Drive, a mystery film that tells the story of an aspiring actress named Betty, newly arrived in Los Angeles, who meets and becomes friends with an amnesiac woman, who... Show more content on ... This in fact builds the atmosphere as vaguely disorienting, since the audience has no auditory cues to cling to before they are taken visually by the progression of events on the screen, and all other sounds and speech sound louder and starker against the silence. When a soundtrack is layered in, however, the music is often incongruous with the transpiring actions for example, the orchestral music played as Betty exits LAX with the elderly couple strikes the listener as a very strange and eerie aroma with the strings long and mournful notes, and the jaunt and upbeat jazzy music that fills the air as Adam confronts and is thrown out of his house by his cheating wife seems inappropriate for the situation. Lynch s auditory cues are proposed to further confuse the audience and to mislead them through the plot of Mulholland Drive, but his deceptiveness further allows deeper reflection. This is why Mulholland Drive is such a great example of a film to analyze because of David Lynch s ability to really portray certain concepts and intentional film elements that are left up to individual interpretations. Much of Lynch s directorial skills projected the film as a very highly regarded film. The arrangement of everything that appears in the framing actors, lighting, dГ©cor, props, costume is called mise en scГЁne, a French term that means placing on stage. The frame and camera work are also
  • 49. How Does Dante Change In Italy Consequently, Dante transformed in verses his anger for the disastrous political situation existing in Italy: Ah slavish Italy! thou in of grief,/Vessel without a pilot in loud storm,/Lady no longer of fair provinces,/But brothel house impure! this gentle spirit,/Ev n from the Pleasant sound of his dear land/Was prompt to greet a fellow citizen/With such glad cheer; while now thy living ones/In thee abide not without war; and one/Malicious gnaws another, ay of those/Whom the same wall and the same moat contains,/Seek, wretched one! around thy sea coasts wide;/Then homeward to thy bosom turn, and mark/If any part of the sweet peace enjoy (Purgatory VI, 76 87). In describing the political scenario of the Italian cities, Dante said: For all... Show more content on ... As a result, not only Italy no longer existed as single nation but, in addition, it had also lost that national identity that during the Roman Empire distinguished it as a privileged
  • 50. Jazz Instrument There were four instrument used but only 3 people playing them in this event. One person was playing the drums, one was playing the bass, and one was playing both the keyboard and some tech machine. They also had someone running a computer that was projecting a video on a screen that went with the music. There were technically 8 songs but they never ended. It was just nonstop musicfor about 30 45 minutes. It was kind of hard to tell when a song was somewhat ending and a new one was starting. Some beats and melodies were repeating which was helpful to tell that they were still playing the same song. The interesting thing about this event was that all the songs were basically one giant sound. In the program, there were eight songs listed, but ... Show more content on ... The had the lines or the music where the drums were in the back and the other instruments were more towards the front. With that, you could tell that this was suppose to be a jazz show. Now there were not any brass instruments, but this was also a jazz fusion show so it was not going to be 100% original jazz. The composers were Brad Townsend, Nick Zielinski, and Mark Siegenthaler. They all worked together on the songs and it was a joint work. I am not completely sure if there was an implied meaning or not. The whole thing was kind of confused and hard to follow. They had pictures and videos playing on a screen but after the first few minutes, none of it was making sense. In the program, it explains what the story was suppose to be. After reading it, I somewhat understand but, I still do not understand all the pictures and videos being used. I do not know if I would say that the works were effective. To me, the story line of the video was very confusing, and I have a feeling that a majority of the audience felt the same way. The tempo was actually pretty fast at times, but a little bit slower and calmer at others. There was obviously harmony since there was three instrument which created a
  • 51. The Truman Show Delusion 2) My paragraph on the problem: The Truman Show delusion is a psychosis that is easier to understand when one views it as a cultural manifestation, across countries, and over time, of delusional disorders. In order to cope with increased levels of stress, just as an overly sensitive system may resort to clinically recognized delusions such as grandiosity (imagining themselves to be someone strong and invulnerable) it is equally probable, given the increasing popularity of reality TV shows, that the delusion involves becoming a famous version of oneself . The form the delusional disorder is the same, only the content has changed. This is further supported by current trends where social media dominates our lives, where one leads a constantly
  • 52. Research Paper On Liver Cirrhosis Liver cirrhosis is a problem that can be caused by many liver diseases. It is a progressive disease itself, developing slowly over many years. It is characterized as scarring to the normal liver tissue which keeps this organ from working as it should and causes it to take on an abnormal structure. The diseases that lead to cirrhosis injure and kill livercells. Scar tissue that has formed due to inflammation and repair, prevents the cells that have not died to properly replace the dead cells which result in newly formed cell clusters forming within the scar tissue. The liver is one of the most important organs in the body due it performing many critical functions, two of which are producing substances required by the body such as clotting
  • 53. Similarities Between Gilgamesh And Oedipus Heroes are extraordinary characters who carry human qualities that reassure followers of the heroes limitations. A hero is commonly considered a god, a being with great power that is brave enough to save whole cities. The human qualities are always their greatest fault, it comes in the image of pride, ego, selfishness, and even denial. These flaws are represented by the heroes Gilgamesh and Oedipus. Gilgamesh and Oedipus undertake journeys in search of a truththat will preserve their glory. While Gilgamesh searches for immortality, Oedipus searches for a different fate, both, fearing death. However, only one reaches their their goal. Similarly, both figures are kings; rulers of communities which reflect their ruling. In Gilgamesh s epic, the people knew of his endeavors and had to live with his sporadic acts because he was their rulerand accepted him as so. As declared, Day and night his behavior became overbearing. He was their shepherd, yet powerful, superb, knowledgeable and expert, Gilgamesh would not leave young girls alone, (199), and it is a positive reflection of his ruling due to the community accepting his antics through their approval of his leadership. On the other hand, Oedipus ruling was a negative concept on the fate of the people. The people see his flaws and have their doubts of his rule once they realize he is the root of their suffering, yet do not fully accept the reality of the situation. This god of plague guts our city and fills the black world
  • 54. Essay on Teddy Roosevelt and the Panama Canal Teddy Roosevelt and the Panama Canal Teddy Roosevelt was a man who liked to creat a stir wherever he went. He loved mingling with people to boost his own self image.He loved to impress people with his cowboyism, his collection of guns, and his pintsize spectacles.Also, Roosevelt was a direct actionist.He wanted to keep the country moving foward and preserve his public image at the same time. He wanted to display to his supporters that he could lead the country and be a jovial person simulataneously. His public image seemed to be his first priority, and when the election of 1904 came approaching, he wanted to show that he could be a bully to smaller countries and impress his people back home. Over the course of the ... Show more content on ... Election time was around the corner and he was eager to make the dirt fly and impress his people with him bullying another smaller country. It s no surprise that his bullyish attitude would extend to forgein policies. Another time of Roosevelt s bullyish attitude , so he can impress his fellow countrymen was his dealing with Panama. The Panamanians feared that the United States would build on the Nicaraguan route. The angry Panamanians revolted , but U.S. forces crushed the uprising. Roosevelt moved quickly and negotiated that the zone would be widened from six to ten miles and the price would remain the same. People thought that Roosevelt created the impression that he was sent secretly to settle the problem. The truth of the matter is , election was very soon and he did not want to lose his supporters. Roosevelt came under fire and had to defend his actions as just and fair. He claimed that Columbia had been wronged and he was sent a mandate from civilization to begin the canal. Although he wasn t truly open and failed to express that the Nicaragua route was available. Of course , he wouldn t want to mention it because the election was nearing and he didn t want to lose his many supporters. Work on the
  • 55. Rarity Blood Type Another important consideration is the rarity of blood type. People with type AB are, indeed, unique individuals sharing their blood type with only 3% of the population. Because this type shows A and B genes, it inherits type A s low stomach acid and type B s adaptation to meats, where meats get stored as fat due to low stomach acid. Type AB also shows a correlation with anemia, heart disease and bronchial infections. It is also common for this blood type to show inhibited insulin production which may result in hypoglycemia and a less efficient metabolism of foods. Another rare blood type is type O negative. It is a special type that is most in demand by hospitals since it can treat people with any blood type due to its lack of antigens. However,
  • 56. The Influences Of Software Piracy And Copyrighted Material Abstract: In this report, I have discussed arguments for and against Software Piracy and Copyrighted Material. The purpose of this report was to inform the audience of the influences of Software Piracy and Copyrighted Material, whilst discussing examples in which this has happened in society today. The main points that are mentioned in this report for Software Piracy and Copyrighted Material are Economic Impacts, Demand for Software, The Future of Software whilst the against arguments include Risks for consumers and Ethical and Psychological Impacts I was able to conclude that Pirating software is something that is still regarded as a crime, regardless of whether it may have positive impacts to it or not, however it also ... Show more content on ... Software piracy may have been happening for a long time, but it can display variations of positive/negative impacts as stated by Antonio R. AndrГ©s, Rajeev K. Goel (2012). For example, increasing productivity is a positive impact, due to many users eager to program, possibly investing in software or wishing to be involved in software doings. However, it can also present a negative effect as it can decrease productivity alongside affect economic growth. Yet, if a superior amount of piracy can fail to provide for developers, then investments will slow down and economy growth will reduce. On the other hand, piracy can have a good impact in being able to augment growth in many cases that may result in additional investments stimulating the economy; as it can tend to become more predictable. In the figure below, this shows a relation between piracy and economy growth: The figure above shows that the positive constant of piracy, and growth is effective in productivity. Nevertheless, piracy can also lower growth in low revenue homelands, which is something that the government should consider when monitoring the effect of piracy; in their own nations. 1.3 Demand for Software With software piracy tending to cover many influences in society, cultural factors has become a key part. In many cases, one popular factor is software such as video games, as it has a big influence with people having a high demand for video games
  • 57. Sexism In The Film Industry The film industry is one of the most prevalent industries in today s society and, as such, produces large numbers of content every year. This content is indicative of larger systems of power and oppression and is filled with many different instances of sexism. Between 19995 and 2005, about 90% of films made were teenages films (Behm Morawitz and Mastro, pg 134). In this specific genre, female characters were much more likely to engage in socially aggressive behaviors like spreading rumors or using the silent treatment. They were also more likely to be rewarded for such behaviors than their male counterparts (behm Morawitz and Mastro, pg 136). When considering that the majority of movies released during this time frame depicted females being ... Show more content on ... Since the film industry is already a very gendered space, women have to work twice as hard to keep their job because they do not want to be considered whiners or emotional, words that their male coworkers never have to be worried about. Careers in the film industry are also a lot shorter for women because of the societal ideas around women aging. People tend to judge women more harshly as they age than they do with a man of the same age. In fact, many consider a woman to be in her prime at a much younger age than men. Many also believe that woman s attractiveness decreases much faster as she ages than a man (De Pater, Judge, and Scott, pg 410). While women manage to breakthrough in the film industry, they still face a large number of obstacles that their male colleagues will never
  • 58. Comparing Jonas s Society To Modern Day Society Imagine a world without color and love. Jonas, protagonist, in The Giver, his world was meant to be a utopia but it turned into a dystopian society. Comparing jonas s society to modern day society they are two very different places. Jonas s world has no love, they experience sameness, and do not experience freedom of choice; modern day society has freedom of love, a variety of weather, and we celebrate individual choices. First of all, Jonas s society does not experience love, while modern day society does. For instance, in Jonas s society the word love is so obsolete that when he asked his parent if they loved him his mom said, Your father means that you used a very generalized word, so meaningless that it s become almost obsolete (Lowry 159 200). This shows that Jonas s society does not experience emotional connections. On the other hand, modern day society can experience love. For example, you get to choose who you love and eventually marry. Therefore, we are able to have a choice. ... Show more content on ... For example, while Jonas was receiving the memory of snow, he discovered climate control, It wasn t a practical thing, so it became obsolete when we went to sameness (Lowry 106). This relates to my topic because it shows that Jonas s society is one dimensional. In modern day society we experience different kinds of weather such as rain, snow, and sun. In today s society we have versatility and options, but living in a utopia means to be living in a completely opposite
  • 59. American Airlines Porter s 5 Forces As one of the original airlines in the U.S., American Airlines principle service has been transporting passengers and cargo domestically and internationally since 1934 (American Airlines, 2014). They service over 270 cities around the United States and 50 countries around the world (American Airlines, 2014). Other services include cargo transportation of which they make a sizable revenue each year; American is actually the founding member of Oneworld alliance which is one of the largest scheduled air freight carriers in the world, (American Airlines, 2014). American Airlines also makes revenue from the sale and marketing of mileage credits through their AAdvantage and Divided Miles programs ( part of the oneworld alliance program) as well as fees they make from their Admirals Club... Show more content on ... In terms of major cities, American Airlines holds significant market share of many of the top domestic routes. According to the U.S Department of Transportation Bureau of Transportation Statistics, American Airlines holds 67.43% share of the Dallas/Fort worth Texas market, 67.46% of the Miami Florida market, 16% of the Chicago market, 16.49% of the Los Angeles market and 13.85% of the New York market; these are significant shares as these are cities within the top five domestic routes in the U.S (DOT, 2015a). American Airlines is also a major employer in the aviation industry. As of June 2015, American had 59,905 full time employees and 7,427 part time employees (DOT, 2015b). Although these numbers makes American the fourth largest employer among major carriers, these numbers are significantly lower from their highest levels of 107,311 full and part time employees reached back in August of 2002 (DOT, 2015b). The managerial accounting significance of this fact will be explored in the Activity Based Costing section of this
  • 60. Orthodontics Essay Adult orthodontic care is very much the same as children s care today. Dr. Eckelson believes that you can never be too old for treatment. Many adults are now having treatment because they couldn t or didn t have care in their younger years. Some have had treatment, but it has shifted or relapsed and needs some re treatment. Orthodonticshas evolved over the years and the appliances are not the large, clunky metal bands that covered almost your entire tooth. Today, there are many options used for orthodontic treatment. Metal braces: These are still the most common type of appliance used, however the brackets of today are quite small and are bonded to the tooth. These modern brackets are much more pleasing to the eye and very comfortable. Wires are placed in the brackets which move the teeth through a series of size changes. Gone are the tightening appointments, the wires doing the work are literally space age improvements. Today, there is no need to worry about the adjustments and discomfort! Clear braces: These appliances blend in with the color of your teeth so they are less noticeable. They are either made of hard plastic or ceramic material. Clear brackets do the same thing that the metal brackets do, but ... Show more content on ... These aligners are made of a thermoplastic material which fits in your mouth like a glove. The Invisalign method involves making many small adjustments to your tooth positions over a period of time by using a sequence of aligners to improve your smile. Dr. Eckelson takes x rays and makes models of your teeth. He then works with the technicians at Invisalign to develop a plan to move your teeth to their desired positions. The aligners are then created and are delivered for your wear. Usually, a set of aligners are worn for two weeks and are then replaced by the next set. Each person s care is individualized by Dr. Eckelson and the Invisalign
  • 61. Dollar Bill Symbols What are the symbols on the dollar bill and what do they mean? There are many symbols for instance the laurel wreath around the one on the front of the dollar symbolizes victory(3). The some of the latin on the dollar bill is E pluribus unum which means One out of many (1). The American bald eagle symbolizes freedom and strength. It is holding 13 arrows in one claw and an olive branch with 13 leaves in the other symbolizing Congress power over war and peace. The eagle is looking right showing that the US is a peaceful nation. The unsupported shield, like the US, stands on its own. The shield is composed of 13 stripes representing the 13 colonies with a blue bar on top uniting the stripes denoting Congress(1) . This is an piece of text from a site based on this topic. These symbols are not all of the symbols either.... Show more content on ... What do they have to do with the dollar bill? The number thirteen was, in theory, an important number to the masons, There were 13 original colonies, 13 colonies signed on for independence, there are 13 stars above the eagle, there are 13 steps on the pyramid, there are 13 letters in the Latin phrase ANNUIT COEPTIS, there are 13 stripes on the U.S. flag and eagles shield, there are 13 olive branches (each olive branch has 13 pieces of fruit attached to it), and there are 13 arrows(4). Thirteen can be seen all over the dollar bill and in our history. The back of the dollar has the U.S. seal. on the back of the seal there is an unfinished pyramid with an eye in a triangle floating over the top. The eye is also known as the eye of providence or lucifers eye(2). The three sides of this eye are the antichrist, the beast, and the false prophet(2). This eye is a masonic symbol as