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Ap Literature Open Essay Rubric
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Ap Literature Open Essay Rubric Ap Literature Open Essay Rubric
Improper Infection Control Paper
A problem identified in my clinical experience at the Veterans Administration Medical Center was
improper infection control measures when a patient was on isolation precautions. HAIs are
something that can be prevented but are still very prevalent today. They increase rates of increase
hospital stays, cost, readmission, morbidity, and death. The Center for Disease Control notes, HAIs
affect 5 to 10 percent of hospitalized patients in the U.S. per year. Approximately 1.7 million HAIs
occur in U.S. hospitals each year, resulting in 99,000 deaths and an estimated $20 billion in
healthcare costs. (CDC, 2015) HAIs can come from cross contamination from healthcare workers to
the patients, patients to other patient s, family members to patients,
... Get more on ...
Group Project Research Paper
This is going to be a group project. Most students dread hearing those words. I know that I groan
inside because I think group projects are awkward and slightly unfair. Considering that more and
more teachers are assigning group projects more often, I decided to look into the benefits of group
projects. After doing a simple Google search, I realized that students gain many skills and learn
important lessons when doing group projects.
Group projects can be extremely beneficial to students as they prepare to enter the world of work.
One of the most important skills it teaches young adults it to collaborate and work with others.
Often times, people are going to have to work with someone they may not like. Members of the
group may disagree and ... Show more content on ...
Cathy Middlecamp, who writes on Teaching Stories, surveyed students on their thoughts about
group projects and observed that dictators ignore the opinions of others and piledrive their own
agenda while not allowing others to share their knowledge. Working in group projects is the
opportunity for these students to practice humility and listening skills. If you are a quieter
student, speak up and let this person know that they need to take it down a level. If you are being
the controller, take a step back and let someone else do the talking for a while. On the other side
of the coin are the students who slack off in a group project. They think that because there are
others in the group they do not have to do that much work. The less motivated students lean on the
kids who are working hard to get a good grade to get them through the class. Evidently there is
going to be disagreement about approaches and information. Some students are too stubborn to
accept an opposing viewpoint and refuse to compromise. Compromising is a skill everyone must
learn! When students are allowed to choose their own groups, the quieter students often get put into
whatever group needs an extra person. Just because the student is shy does not mean that they do
not have good ideas to contribute. Make sure that everyone
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Adrienne Rich s Of Woman Born – The End of Motherhood Essay
Of Woman Born The End of Motherhood
In Of Woman Born, Adrienne Rich effectively weaves her own story into a convincing account of
what it means to become a mother within the bonds of patriarchal culture. Her conclusion that the
institution of motherhood, which she distinguishes from motherhood, must be destroyed in order to
release the creation and sustenance of life into the same realm of decision, struggle, surprise,
imagination, and conscious intelligence, as any other difficult, but freely chosen work is
substantiated by her courageous confession that contradicts culturally normative notions of
Allowing readers to glimpse her own story as she painfully evaluates her role as mother side by
side with ... Show more content on ...
because [she] felt [her] own needs acutely and often expressed them violently (32) by raging at her
children out of frustration, provides a credible offering to break down an institution that makes
women like her angry. It also demonstrates some of the ways in which motherhood has not been
women s choice.
A reader might be stunned to consider that was written just twenty years ago and that Rich s first
pregnancy happened only forty three years ago, since her choices as an educated woman were
so limited compared to now. When her account of feeling like she was only acting as a woman
(having no idea what she wanted, and having a child because it was expected of a real woman )
is introduced, her lack of choices reads like either a dismal Margaret Atwood science fiction novel
or a scene from the very long ago past. Similary, when Rich cites her example of a primitive
attitude by quoting a doctor s medical opinion that women are psychologically unbalanced when
they attempt to resist the demands of the institution [of motherhood], (263) it is quite surprising to
realize that this opinion was written in 1967, a mere thirty years ago. In this way, Rich s story is a
tribute to all women who have fought her battle, the battle to have the freedom to choose
Rich must feel a deep sense of satisfaction in realizing that articulating her struggles has helped
many women. Her capacity to transcend her own circumstances is truly remarkable
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Anne Frank Wrote about the Good Underneath
Anne Frank once wrote Despite everything, I believe that people are still really good at heart and
I personally agree with this statement. Anne Frank was a Dutch, Jewish girl who went into
hiding during the Holocaust. She and her family were hiding from the Nazis in the time of
World War II. The Jewish were one of the people to starve in Hitler s Hunger Plan. Anne during
her time in hiding wrote in her diary that in today s time is published. Sadly, after a few years of
hiding, she was arrested and died at a concentration camp. Her words however still affect our
time and rings out. She s able to see the light through all the darkness and that s where her quote
comes and it rings true. People are really good at heart. People show goodness in many ways
whether the gesture be big or small. In The Last Seven Months of Anne Frank, Willy Lindwer
interviewed Hannah Elisa Pick Goslar who was a personal friend of Anne. Hannah at the time
was going through a rough part in her life. She lost her father and her sister was ill. When she
went to Burgen Belsen, she was reunited with Anne. She (Hannah Elisa Pick Goslar) would stand
outside the fence and the two would speak to each other. Anne believed her father was dead along
with her mother. Hannah of course didn t know their whereabouts. However to provide relief to
Anne, with the goodness of her heart, she threw packages of food over the fence. She did this four
times before Anne got moved to another part of the camp. This act of
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The Role Of Evil In Euripides Medea
The world created in Euripides Medea is one where there is an irrefutable presence of evil and
suffering; darkness pervades the play at many points but whether or not it is the dominant
characteristic of the play is less certain. Although Medea is ultimately triumphant in her quest for
vengeance on Jason, the idea that evil itself is triumphant in the overall sense of the play at its
conclusion is much less true. The evidence for this is that despite the turmoil of the play, there is
still an obvious existence of love, compassion and grief; emotions which are polarised against evil.
Furthermore, while Medeaherself is the primary instigator of the most tragic event in the play, she
could also be described as an innocent victim, for it was... Show more content on ...
The suffering of innocents take place in the form of Medea s children, where she murders them out
of her own selfish desire for revenge. This was the incident that ultimately polarised both the
audience and the chorus against her; the children were innocent in all sense and their murder
was a crime that Medea herself described as terrible . Yet the sense of injustice aligned with
these actions permeates the entire play to the extent that these murders may in fact simply have
been the materialisation of the generally chaotic and depressing world created by Euripides. The
children s death were but one of many examples of innocence suffering; some would perceive
Glauce and Creon as innocent, but furthermore and most significantly, Medea herself may be a
victim of this dark world. At the opening of the play, the Nurse explained that Jason has betrayed
my lady [Medea] and his own children for a princess bed [18], causing Medea to feel the sting of
injustice [110]. In Medea s acrimonious feministic speech she highlighted the suffering of women
as a result of the underlying sexism Greece. The ancient Greek societal paradigm of the ideal
woman was one where they were force to take a master to play the tyrant with [their] bodies []; a
concept that modern audiences would recognise as appalling. Aside from these specific examples
of where innocents suffer, Euripides provided several comments that essentially prove that he
intended for the world of Medea to be somewhat depressing. The seemingly pessimistic statement
given by the messenger (who existed purely to provide commentary on the play) When fortune s
tide flows towards him, one man may surpass another in prosperity, but you should not call him
happy [1231] suggests that Euripides may have been deliberately attempting to remove happiness
from the play; suffering of
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Major Depression Therapy
Treatment for major depression usually is a combination of many treatments, such as medication,
psychotherapy, and ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy). There are also natural ways to fight
depression. Some examples are aerobic exercise, meditation, yoga and some herbal remedies like
St. John s Wort and fish oil. Also in cases of severe symptoms hospitalization may be necessary to
help stabilize the person. Psychotherapy falls into five overall categories. These are, Psychoanalysis
and psychodynamic therapy, Behavior therapy, Cognitive therapy, Humanistic therapy, and
Integrative or holistic therapy. Of the therapy types cognitive behavior therapy has been one of the
most effective therapies for all types of depression. Cognitive therapy is a short term,
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Federal Theatre Project
It s well understood that the Great Depression devastated many parts of America. Many people and
buisnisses were devastated by the crash, and although most don t think of it theatre also suffered.
After World War I, a new generation of creative theatre emerged. Performing arts, costume, and set
designers worked within the material and financial limitations of the depressed economy. The heavy
handed decorative design and hyperrealism of pre war theatrebegan to fade as the increase of
supplies and labor forced a new group of designers to develop a more cost friendly theatre. They
became more interested in creating true to story artistic fantasies in which costumes and sets
worked together and did not hinder the production. English director... Show more content on ...
Although the project was formally canceled, it had a broad impact on the careers of many of
these professionals and shed light on the educational and community purposes to which theatre
could be put. While the Federal Theatre Project created a Depression era platform for
established playwrights like Eugene O Neill, it also provided a starting point for the careers of
new ones like Arthur Miller. Its programs opened the way for predecessor organizations like the
American Negro Theatre, which grew out of the disbanded Negro Theatre Project. This group
would train a new generation of actors like Harry Belafonte, Sidney Poitier, and Ruby Dee, who
would become fixtures on American stage and screen in later decades and would be known
particularly for their investment in exploring race and inequality. The tensions between FTP theatre
professionals and Congress around social issues in art foreshadowed the intrusions of Senator
Joseph McCarthy and the House Un American Activities Committee hearings into the lives and
works of playwrights and other artists in the 1950s. As its impact demonstrates, the Federal Theatre
Project was a powerful and influential movement that altered the
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Maximizing Student Engagement
It is important to continuously evaluate the effectiveness of any learning or training program to
ensure that the goals or objectives can successfully be met. Evaluation of the merits of a learning
or training program are embedded into all of the phases of ADDIE. Evaluation of a course can
happen in several different ways reflective analysis, garnering learner feedback, using formative
and summative assessment materials to judge effectiveness of learners are having with the
materials and content. This paper will discuss feedback I ve received regarding the creation of my
online course: Maximizing StudentEngagement.
Survey Results and Future Considerations I created a five point Likert scale survey based on the
Sloan C Common Elements rubric. ( I had three
members of the professional development department complete the 10 question survey. All three
respondents rated each question as ... Show more content on ...
The majority of her feedback centered on the lack of alignment between some of my course
activities and existing district protocol and procedures particularly regarding discussion. It is the
current practice of the district to offer a fully asynchronous learning environment in which there is
no interaction or discussion between participants. Participants only interact with the content and the
instructor (via feedback on assignments and discussion prompts). One can perhaps make the
assumption that this is done in an attempt to make the online learning courses accommodating for
busy educators. However, current research suggests that offering participants a combination of
discussion approaches (student to student, student instructor and student content) is advantageous
(Nandi, Hamilton Harland, 2012). By offering only one or two modes, learners could potentially be
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Better Than Raising The Minimum Wage Analysis
Around 15% of American citizens live below the poverty line today, and many believe that raising
the minimum wage will lower this number. On May 21, 2015, The Wall Street Journal published an
article by Warren Buffett, Better Than Raising the Minimum Wage. Buffett writes about a cost
effective way for Americans to receive a steadier income other than raising the minimum wage. He
highlights that the everyday worker with no special skills often finds it hard to be successful. The
way Buffett proposes to fix this issue is to develop the Earned Income Tax Credit or Tax returns.
Buffett used a lot of fact based arguments and appealed to ethos, but it could not make up for the
lack of pathos and a strong argumentin this article.
This piece does ... Show more content on ...
His main argument in this article is that the government should not raise the minimum wage, but
instead, should expand on the Earned Income Tax Credit. He believes that instead of one, yearly
payment, the government could do monthly payments. Buffett also believes that this will deter
people from taking out unnecessary loans while they are waiting for their tax returns to come
through. While this is all a great idea, he has some issues with how he presents the information.
He does not talk about any of this until the last four or five paragraphs, and there are upwards of
20 paragraphs in this article. He spends a lot of time making a strong point, without even
mentioning his actual argument until the very end. And while he does do a good job at
explaining his solution, he never tells the reader how to fix the problem. The people reading The
Wall Street Journal are business people or people who are interested in the economy. Buffett wrote
this article for those who have the power to make this change, possibly politicians, but he does not
tell them how to make his plan play out. This is really where Buffett starts to lose his rhetoric
strength, and he also struggles with the pathos part of the piece as
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Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis TertiusBy Jorge Luis Borges
Ana Bahena English 102D Izenberg November 2, 2017 Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius Jorge Luis
Borges is widely known for his bizarre short stories that question all aspects of life and our
world. Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius is no different putting into question everything we believe to be
true. Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius is a narrative account of an individual who has discovered the
fictional land of Uqbar in one of the version of an encyclopedia. Throughout the story, the man
keeps investigating more on this place and finds that its importance comes from Tlon, one of the
subdivisions of Uqbar, and its literature. Tlon is an ideal world, which the reader later finds out,
created by a secret society, Orbis Tertius and has been equipped with its... Show more content on ...
No matter how many variations of Uqbar (Ukbar, Ucbar, Ookbar, Oukbahr) he searches for, he
cannot seem to find this place. In order to appease the narrator, Casares tells him that [Uqbar]
was a region in Iraq or Asia Minor (Borges 68). Casares uses words and places that the narrator
knows and connects with so that the narrator can place this fictional world within the real world.
Although completely doubtful of his friend, the narrator consults the atlases of Justus Perthes just
to make sure that Uqbar is not real, as he believes it to be. This part in the short story, although
minute, is crucial because it causes tension between that the narrator believes to be real and that
which he doubts to be real. In this same manner, the text itself is causing tension between what
the reader knows to be real and what is fiction. The reader assumes that what he/she is reading is
fiction, but this comes in conflict with the constant use of real works and people such as the
Encyclopedia Britannica, the N.R.F, Bioy Casares, Justus Perthes, and many others. The
specificity of terms and names of real authors and theorists that are fused into the work bring an
apparent legitimacy to what is read. Yet, as the reader continues, the story becomes seemingly
false. The reader s experience is mirrored in the text as the narrator goes through a similar
development of realization regarding the encyclopedia entry on Uqbar. As
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Sydney Harbor Research Paper
8 of Australia s Greatest Landmarks
From the near the cities to in the middle of deserts to out in the ocean. From being man made to
being created by nature. Everyone of these places has a different shape, color, and size. Visited by
people year long, the landmarks scattered across Australia are truly amazing sights to experience.
Each with an interesting story to tell on how they came to be and why they are known as Australia s
greatest landmarks.
3,000 events per year are held in this iconic location.
Located in the perfect harbor setting, Bennlong Point, the Sydney Opera House can be seen and
experienced by anyone entering the harbor. This place is known as a 20th century architectural icon
because the design of the building makes it ... Show more content on ...
While in other places, there are islands that are 1,100 meters above sea level. The Great Barrier reef
consists of 400 different types of coral, 1,500 species of fish, and 4,000 types of mollusc. This
place is also a large attraction to scuba divers looking to see some magnificent coral arrangements.
4. One of the largest monoliths in the world is mostly underground!
The commonly known as Ayers Rock skyrockets 348 meters high. This large rock is about 9
kilometers around its base. Only в…“ of the rock is above ground while the other в…” is hidden
underneath the surface. In 1873, the rock was named after Henry Ayers, the premier of South
Australia. It was named by a british explorer named William Gosse. The traditional name is actually
Uluru given by the locals a long while back. The Ayres rock was under control of the government
for a while, but then later became part of the Kata Tjuta National Park.
5. Beautiful beach has been a backdrop to many recent movies and tv shows.
Bondi Beach is known is Australia as one of the prettiest and most popular beaches in Australia.
The beach itself is pretty long at about 1 kilometer. Visitors from everywhere inhabit the beach
all year long doing a variety of activities like surfing. The Australian National Heritage list added
Bondi Beach to their list in 2009. The word bondi is actually an Aboriginal word that means water
breaking over rocks. The name is kind of ironic because of the small amount of
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How Does The Weight Of A Paper Airplane Affect How Fair It...
How does the weight of a paper airplane affect how fair it flies?
My paper is about researching about paper airplane weight. My research question is, How does
the weight of a paper airplane affect how far it flies? For this project I need 3 different sheets of
paper,(Construction paper,Computer paper,Line paper, a notepad, a meter stick and a pencil. I
chose this topic because paper airplanes always interested me in how they move and fly. I am also
interested in the aerodynamics of the plane and how it can fly and move around with the air under
its wings. In Ellis project Ellis is changing the weight of the paper airplane. Weight is a person s
relative mass or weight which can be measured. Ellis learned
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George Whitefield s The Great Awakening
George Whitefield is an individual like no other. He s an individual who made a mark on history.
He was an average person who lived to make a major difference and would be one of the most well
known individuals to take part in the Evangelical Awakening of the 1700s. It was a time when you
saw God s hand in the world like never before.
When looking back in history, specifically Christian history, we would say that George Whitefield
truly made his mark on history during the evangelical awakening. He was one of the biggest
proponents in spreading the word of God, and he was not to go unnoticed. However, how much do
we really know about such an important historic event?
The Great Awakening is known as a religious revival that swept across the... Show more content on ...
Many of these individuals had been baptized as infants, but chose to be baptized again as believing
adults. ( Preachers of this unstable ideology of Anabaptism were taking
refuge in the Lutheran town of MГјnster. Among those hiding out were the disciples of Melchior
Hoffman. He was a new prophet who had new knowledge of influence after his recent conversion to
the Anabaptist movement. He had begun to teach his followers to recognize the signs that would
precede the golden age of heaven fifteen centuries after the crucifixion. It didn t take long for these
ideas to become a massive obsession in the town of MГјnster. Lutherans and Catholics alike worked
hard to teach over him. He was soon arrested due to his revolutionary preaching.
In the early sixteenth century, scholars were studying the millennial expectations of the ancient
worlds that had become such a radical component for the central institutions of Christendom.
Advocates of this new millennial belief appeared after the completion of the New Testament. They
argued diverse assumptions of this revolution, but found common roots in Revelation 20:1 10,
which states that those who died for defending Jesus would sit at God s right hand with the power
to judge and Satan would be released from his prison and thrown into a fiery lake of burning sulfur
where he would be tormented.
When it came to this new movement, by the
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Computer Vision Causes And The Effects Of Visual Problems...
Furthermore, another effect is visual problems. Visual problems from computer patient will meet
the doctor with symptom blurred vision, double vision (diplopia), etc. Actually, these problems are
not caused by nearsightedness or myopia, farsightedness or hyperopia, astigmatism and refractive
problem, but the effect of these problems are from prolonged computer usage. The study of
computer vision syndrome in computer office workers blurred vision can be found up to 23.8%
and this study also found that double vision up to 13.7%. Plus, statistic of the American Optometric
Association was found blurring vision in 30.48%. Visual problems are caused by fatigue of the eye
muscles (ciliary muscle) that control the focus of the image or extraocular muscle that
compounds the images from both eyes into a single image (binocular single vision) due to use
near vision or reading vision for a long time. Definition of double vision or diplopia by The
Merriam Webster dictionary is a disorder of vision in which two images of a single object are
seen (as from the unequal action of the eye muscles). And the meaning of blurred vision is a loss
of visual acuity and disability to see small details. Which is sometimes related to the inability of
the eyes to focus on a computer screen for a significant amount of time. In addition, visibility may
be blurred by constantly changing focus on the keyboard and computer screen. How to avoid the
visual problem? There are many ways to avoid these symptoms,
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Lightning Mcqueen Identity
Our identity is something that is always adjusting throughout our lifetime. As we grow older we
discover new things about ourselves and how we identify ourselves, through the experiences we
face in our lives. People in our lives such as friends, family, teachers, and heroic figures also affect
the way we identify ourselves; they are a big factor in building our personality. A film that deals
with the idea of identity and how it changes is Cars. Lightning McQueen, the main character,
experiences a change in his identity through being involved in a different environment with
different people. Identity formation is defined as the combination of personal, social, and cultural
experiences that combine to form an individuals identity. Cars is a... Show more content on ...
Radiator Springs has a lifestyle that Lightning is not used to. It is a small town that used to be
very busy and booming in business but is now rarely visited by anyone. Whenever someone does
visit this town all the cars that have a business there, try to advertise their products and get
people to buy stuff or stay there because they need it desperately. Lightning McQueen of course
does not fit in with them because he is used to always being pampered and never having to work
for anything hard he really wanted. At first he sees the cars as weirdos and outcast because they
are not into the same things as him and he is always used to everyone following what he likes.
He tries everything to get out of the town as soon as possible but because he messed up the road
he has to stay and fix it. Throughout his time spent in Radiator Springs he eventually makes
friends like Tow Mater for example. Tow Mater is an old and rusty tow truck who is nothing but
friendly to McQueen and only wishes to be his friend. The eventually become very close friends
even though they are not into the same
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Hatchet Adapting Quotes
A wise woman once said, Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me. This quote applies
to Gary Paulsen s novel Hatchet, for it has many elements of adapting. It speaks of Brian
Robeson, a boy on his way to his father s house, only to be lost to Canada s wilderness due to a
plane crash. As Brian faces the harsh obstacles of nature, it reveals that the importance of adapting
is one of the main themes of this novel. Throughout the book, Brian encounters countless situations
of difficulty, in which his only solution is to adapt and change for the better. As the author gets
further into the novel, Brian shows his development t in adapting, when he replaces his pilot,
changes his way of hearing and seeing, and gets to work after being hit... Show more content on ...
During chapter thirteen, Brian had missed an opportunity to be rescued. A plane had flown by, but
didn t notice him. Brian was devastated, They would not return... Gone, he thought finally, it was
all gone. (114) As a reaction, Brian ventures into the forest, and hopes for an end, ...he had gone up
on the ridge and taken the hatchet and tried to end it by cutting himself. (118). Later in the book,
Brian shows so much growth. After a tornado swept across Brian s place, many of his things were
lost, including his shelter, leaving him back to square one. Although, this time Brian knew that
leaving and weeping won t get him anywhere. Instead, Brian gets to work, First things first. (155)
He starts remaking his shelter, fire, and gathering food. This perfectly demonstrates how adaptive
Brian is, showing how important adapting
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Mis 350 Case Study
Chetan Khera
MINS 350
Mr. Rowe
How Transformal Change Intersects with Incremental SDLC Transformal changes and software
development life cycles (SDLC) are ones that are in my opinion, the basic processes of business.
Every time you want to start a business or maintain and upgrade it, you are using the SDLC. In this
assignment, I will be assessing how they both intersect by correlating the both in how they both
have an equal value in businesses. Transformal changes as defined by, is A
shift in the business culture of an organization resulting from a change in the underlying strategy
and processes that the organization has used in the past. This is something that happens in any
business no matter what the nature of
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Frank Lloyd Wright Research Paper
Frank Lloyd Wright s name remains in history as being one of the most original American
architects of the 20th century. Wright s innovative architectural designs have forever impacted the
way humans live today. His world renounced projects make his name widely known as one of
greatest architects of all time. Wright was born in Richland Center, Wisconsin on June 8, 1867.
Throughout Wright s childhood, his family often relocated, ranging from Rhode Island to
Wisconsin. As a child Wright was an adventure seeker and embraced Wisconsin landscapes.
Wright once said, The modeling of the hills, the weaving and fabric that clings to them, the look of
it all in tender green or covered with snow or in full glow of summer that bursts into the glorious...
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This home was built in Spring Green, Wisconsin for his new family and was named Taliesin
because of its meaning, shining brow (Frank Lloyd Wright Biography). After the home was set
ablaze by a servant, Wright immediately sought its reconstruction. One year later, a Japanese
Emperor hired Wright to design the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo. Seven years of his life was dedicated
to making this monumental building earthquake proof . When disaster struck in 1923, the Imperial
Hotel was claimed to be the only large building left undisturbed by the earthquake, proving Wright s
allegation to be true. At this time Wright was at the height of his career until the Great Depression
hit in the beginning of the 1930s. Once commissions began to die down, Wright devoted his time to
writing two literatures based on architecture, An Autobiography and The Disappearing City. (should
I mention what these works are about or is that not
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There is Only One Cleopatra
Almost every pharaoh queen was named Cleopatra, yet only one is ever thought of, Cleopatra
Thea Philopator VII, The Goddess and Beloved of her Father . Every moment of her life from 69
BCE until August 12, 30 BCE was a story larger than life, epic in scale, and over the top in its
grandeur. As the last reigning pharaoh of the Ptolemaic Dynastyin Ancient Egypt, she is
remembered for her ability to rule as a political genius and a strong female leader living in a
male dominated world despite all odds being against her. Firstly, Cleopatra grew up in the
Ptolemaic palace living a life of luxury, yet her subjects worshipped and even felt connected to
her as more than just their queen. Secondly, after Cleopatra was exiled by her incompetent
brother, Ptolemy XII, she came back with an army of mercenaries and took back Egypt to be its
sole and more qualified ruler. Lastly, Cleopatra went to any means to secure her power and to
ensure her nation s financial and political strength; therefore what started off as a strategic alliance
with Rome slowly became her dominance over most of the ancient world. Pharaohs for centuries
had put themselves on a pedestal, those in the Ptolemaic Dynasty rarely ever connected with their
subjects, but Cleopatra defied this ideology. The Ptolemies were descendants of a general in
Alexander the Great s military and therefore were aligned with Greek and Macedonian traditions.
Previously, Greek rulers and Egyptian subjects caused great division among the
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Application Of Magnetic Polymer Nanocomposites
Abstract Magnetic polymer nanocomposites have attracted broad interest for hyperthermic cancer
treatment because they are non toxic, biocompatible, and can be remotely heated by alternating
magnetic fields. The magnetic induction heating behavior provides a great benefit in biomedical
applications, such as targeted drug delivery, and magnetic separation. In situ formation of an
organic or polymer layer on their surface is one of the efficient methods for decreasing the
aggregation between the nanoparticles, as well as providing functionality on the surface and
allowing further functionalization with drugs and therapeutic agents. The most challenging task in
hyperthermia is to maximize the specific absorption rate (SAR) with a lower ferrofluids dose.
Magnetic nanoparticles coated with polymer layer combine the unique magnetic properties of multi
functional nanoparticles with self heating property. In addition, it is easier in preparation by a one
pot process. The formation of the nanoparticles with a higher SAR makes it a promising in
hyperthermia cancer treatment. 1. Introduction The outstanding potential of magnetic polymer
nanocomposites stems from the ability to obtain structures with the combinations of properties that
neither individual material possesses. It is possible to synthesize these nanocomposites in desired
shape and size with controlled properties of stability, surface area, magnetic, optical, and catalytic
properties. The easy separation and controlled
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Analysis Of The Movie A Lot Of Hong Kong
Jue Wang
UID: 104575692
The Power of Editing Compared to Mainland China and Taiwan, Hong Kong had a more political
and economic freedom as a former British Colony, so it successfully developed its own Chinese
speaking filmmaking business and played an important role on the world cinema stage. Because
Hong Kong enjoyed little or no government restriction on import quotas, it slowly became the
second largest film exporter and ranked in the third place for its motion picture production in the
world. At the beginning, Hong Kong film referenced elements from Hollywood films, but later, it
developed its own techniques and styles of the film because as producer Terence Chang Gi jan
stated in David Bordwell s book, A lot of Hong Kong films... Show more content on ...
Besides action scenes, many filmmakers also use constructive editing for scenes demanding
fantastic or super natural feats, such as flying through the air , destroying an enemy from a
distance through palm power , and other killing scenes (Bordwell, 133 134). Whenever a scene is
difficult to execute in one establishing shot, filmmaker will take separate shots and use constructive
editing to connect each shot. For example in the film Kung Fu Hustle (2004) and Lost in Hong
Kong (2015), there are a lot of short length shots which will be difficult for filmmakers and editors
if they choose other editing styles besides constructive editing.
Constructive editing was very popular in Hong Kong action cinema. Many directors also use this
method to set a rhythm or to create a percussive interplay among shot compositions , but director
King Hu stretched this to another level (Bordwell, 135). Director King Hu believed that single
establishing shot couldn t present the entire action scene to the audiences, so it was very
important for the role of the editing. Hu took pride in rapid cutting, claiming that he was the first
Hong Kong director to use eight frame shots. He calls on constructive editing, which is supposed
to lay out the action clearly, and then does all he can to sabotage it (Bordwell, 163). Kung Fu
Hustle (2004) directed by Stephen Chow, was a kung fu comedy film about an ordinary man
named Sing who first
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1980s Fashion Trends
Fashion in the 1980s Introduction
Fashion in the 1980s was bold and glitzy. Teenagers no longer dictated fashion trends the baby
boom generation was getting older and richer and demanded more glamorous, upmarket fashion.
Fashion in the 1980s rejected the non materialist `hippie values that had inspired fashion in the
1970s. Earning big money and spending it conspicuously, was the focus of the decade for many
Australians. Some people chose to wear fashion that promoted materialist values and flaunted their
newly acquired wealth and social status.
For people not overflowing with cash, credit cards became a popular way of acquiring goods. As a
result, expensive designer labels became increasingly sought after and brand name sporting goods
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Popular American singer Madonna introduced risquГ© trends like visible bra straps and wearing
underwear as outerwear. After Michael Jackson wore a studded black leather jacket in his hugely
successful video clip Thriller (1982), many young people were seen sporting a similarstyle.
Film and television had a similar impact. The movie Flashdance (1983) popularised leg warmers
and ripped, off the shoulder t shirts. The wide shouldered suits from the American soap opera
Dynasty soon filtered into mainstream fashion, while the over the top series Dallas promoted
obviousdisplays of wealth like heavy, glitzy jewellery and sparkling, sequined clothing.
The 1980s power suit
Stiff, sharply cut suits with wide shoulders were popular with businessmen and women in the
1980s. Power suits were designed to make the wearer look successful and authoritative.
Women had been awarded equal pay to men in 1972. By the 1980s, many women felt a greater
sense of authority and control in the workplace and were keen to work their way into senior
positions. For some, wearing a masculine, wide shouldered suit was a way of expressing their new
found sense of power and asserting their equality with men. Suits were usually teamed with
conservative blouses in plain colours.
See Image
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Counterculture In The 60 s
The hippies, a group of young free spirited, peace loving, drug obsessed individuals, who
changed the way of life in the 60 s. They had a lasting impact on music, lifestyles, love,
relationships and many more. that has carried on into modern society. The counterculture during
the Summer of Love was an American revolution that would change the ways people lived for
generations long after the hippies of the Summer of Love. This group of people believe in living
one s life the way they wanted it to be lived without having to follow the norms of society. Peace,
love, giving, and drug use were some of the their practices they are still remembered for. Although
hippies were seen as a group of unclean and lazy people, the hippies from Haight Ashbury... Show
more content on ...
Large concerts during the Summer of 1967 spread this rock and alternative music across many
places. A new type of music also emerged, it was created to help people dance freely and less
structured and also make acid trips more enjoyable. During the Summer of Love a new type of
music was born, as the article... states... There s just no Summer of Love without music, it was
built around music anywhere you went the was music. [...]It had our messages it had our hearts
and souls in our investment our enjoyment , it was the most important thing. The Summer of
Love was surrounded by these new waves of music that influenced the hippie culture, as it
expressed the hippies emotions and it was a way of representation of themselves and what was
going on. That summer was essentially one big music festival with new types of music that would
later influence hundreds of artists. This music was soft and chill. It also was not completely
structured like music from the 50 s therefore one could freely dance to this type of music. The
music of this time period represented a new lifestyle that was not structured. The most long lasting
legacy of the Summer of Love was the music that defined and established the feel good atmosphere
that influenced many musicians today. The relaxation music was a way of protest for the young
hippies that were living out their values of peace and love even though
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The Polk Museum Of Art
Site or Sight The Polk Museum of Art is a fairly small but unique collection of galleries near
downtown Lakeland. It has several permanent exhibitions containing over 2,500 works of art (
Mission and History ) and also features new collections and works of art that it rotates out. explains which exhibitionsare currently displayed and is updated to include
upcoming events, descriptions of collections, and artists bios and statements on their works, as
well as classes, camps, and speakers that will be held or featured at the museum ( Upcoming
Events ). The website is an extremely useful tool to learn about the art that can be found at the local
attraction, and it lends insight for visitors who want to know background... Show more content on ...
For instance, I read about the three mixed media collages by David Maxim, studied the picture
of one of them, Time s Speed, and searched for it when we arrived at the Polk Museum of Art; I
was interested to see how the artist s signature expressive style, with its energetic line and spilled
color, contributes to depicting power and the anxiety of being impacted by that power ( Current
Exhibitions ). When I found it, however, I was shocked at how much larger it was than what I
expected, and the splattered bulbs of fabric and rope hung off the canvas as large as my head,
compared to the size of a golf ball I had been imagining. In addition, being in the actual place with
the artwork was a much more educational experience than trying to glean knowledge from the
web; seeing the physical objects made them so much more interesting, and interacting with the
docent was much more informative than reading paragraphs, since we could ask her questions
and hear her anecdotes. For instance, in the Ancient Art of the Americas gallery, our kind tour
guide described the cultures and people that used the artifacts we saw, which without her
information might have been easy to gloss over. She told us about how some cultures in Mexico
would use Chihuahuas as a food source and how they were therefore depicted in art, and pointed
at sculptures that I would have otherwise looked at with no understanding. Yet since she explained
it, I remember it clearly, unlike the information on that same exhibit that I read from the website
such as, The objects date from c. 800 BCE to c. 1500 CE and include ceramics, textiles, stone
carvings, and precious metal pieces ( About Our Collection ). Being at the museum gave me
perspective and let me notice
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Overview of Mcdonald s
McDonald s was founded in 1937, by two brothers, Dick and Maurice McDonald. The first store
the brothers owned was built in Pasadena, California and was originally a one window drive in,
serving only hot dogs and milkshakes. The success of this establishment led them to open their
second restaurant in San Bernardino, California, where they actually employed twenty or more car
hops and other staff with a much broader menu. These restaurants were incredibly successful and
by 1948 the brothers had made more money then they had ever dreamed. With their newly found
success, the brothers decided to overhaul their operations. After analyzing their operations they
noticed that hamburgers were the majority of their sales so when ... Show more content on ...
Innovative products were masterminded by the large competitors to incorporate all of society. The
beginning of this is the kids menus in order to include those demographics, all the way to the
young adult world to capture the people who are constantly on the run. They soon began to include
the more gourmet items in order to bring in the more sophisticated demographics. Burgers and
fries and salads and kids meals seemed to incorporate all the above. The fast food sandwich industry
is extremely competitive and demand ever changing therefore it is very important that all chains
keep alert and willing to make changes.
Economic Characteristics
Most of the economic trends in the sandwich industry have evolved around value, convenience and
quality. Although customers are concerned about the trends mentioned, one lawsuit quickly
brought about sudden change. Teenagers were suing the fast food industry around the idea that fast
food was making them obese. Thus, the industry needed to reposition their focus and offer a
healthier menu to meet customer demand. Therefore, the industry focused on salads, turkey
burgers and fire grilled burgers rather than those cooked in their fat.
At the same time, the industry was beginning to focus on kid s menus. While parents were
beginning to branch out into the convenience of eating out versus
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Native Americans In Leslie Silko s Ceremony
Honors Essay on Ceremony Imagine being a Native American and suffering the horrors of being a
prisoner of the Japanese, and later restricted to a lonely, alienated reservation in New Mexico. How
would you cope with the trauma of the war and the discrimination that would follow? Without
preserving their ceremonies, stories and traditional culture the Native Americans would not have
made it through the racism, depression, and alcoholism that resulted from being mistreated. The
book, Ceremony, by Leslie Silko described the racism that the Indians faced from the Whites on the
reservation, how the soldiers were treated during World War II, the importance of storytelling in
their culture, and how some Indians used alcohol as their refuge.... Show more content on ...
From present time to thousands of years ago, these ceremonies were used to cure a person s
situation or guide them through a difficult time in life. Their beliefs and practices form a integral
and seamless part of their very being. ...They also embraced ceremonies and rituals that provided
power to conquer the difficulties of life, as wells as events and milestones, such as puberty,
marriage, and death (Alexander). When the Native Americans practiced their ceremonies, they felt
powerful, in control, and connected with their people. When they practiced their native culture, it
tied their tribes together. Without these stories and ceremonies that they practiced, they would feel
as if a piece of them were missing. Some Native Americans tried to find comfort in alcohol, but
many times this resulted in depression and anger. If a person were to experience a difficulty in
ones life, then there would be a ceremony that would fit the person s situation. For example,
Betonie, the medicine doctor, was able to invent a ceremony that fit Tayo s
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The Collapse Of The Soviet Empire And Its Hegemony
We often overlook the real causes of the downfall of the Soviet empire and its hegemony, and
simply tie it to the fact that they were communist, dictatorial regimes. However, this is not entirely
true. There were many factors that resulted in the demise of this socialist conglomerate, and East
Germany in particular. The GDR was a special case in that it was racked by some of the worst
economic circumstances that any of the Eastern blocfaced, and as result, became the first to fall.
Such assumptions compel us to draw equivalencies between the GDR and other communist
countries like Yugoslavia, even though East Germanywas at a much more disadvantageous
position. The East German military also had to provide the bulk of the non Soviet forces in all
Warsaw Pact military plans. This forced the GDR government to forcibly conscript large numbers
of their population and spend vast quantities of their funds on military hardware. These elements
combined to start the GDR on a slippery slope towards default, and economic turmoil. The first
aspect that I will focus on is the grossly disproportionate amount of money that the East German
government spent on its military capacity. Initially, the USSR was the only military force in
postwar East Germany. The Soviets forbade the new communist state an armed forces, but as the
costs of keeping up a substantial presence began to add up, the Soviet military took notice.
Beginning in the mid 1950s, the Nationale Volksarmee (NVA) manifested into
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Gun Ownership And Gun Related Homicides
Several peer reviewed studies on the subject of gun ownership and gun related homicides were
identified and reviewed. During the research phase it was noted that there are opponents and
proponents of gun control that present logical sounding arguments, but there have been several
research studies conducted that suggest that there is a positive correlational relationship between
gun ownership and gun related deaths, particularly gun related homicides. This paper will review
many studies that have been conducted on the correlation between gun ownership and availability
and the rate of gun related homicides. The majority of the studies focus on comparing the United
States to other countries since it has been found that the United States has a disproportionate
amount of gun related deaths when compared to other countries of comparable economic and
political status.
The Relationship between Gun Ownership and Gun Related Homicides
The Second Amendment states that A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a
free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. It is likely that no
other single statement has created more debate between people in the United States. Some people
believe that the Second Amendment was written with the intention of allowing citizens of the
United States to individually keep and bear guns for their safety and defense. Other people argue
that the language of Second Amendment
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Portrayals Of Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is an illness that affects an estimated 3.2 million people in America alone (Nemade).
Often, people have scattered reactions when they hear the word schizophrenia. Some may associate
this word with uncontrollable actions that could potentially cause harm to those around them.
People may think of serial killers, rapists, or any form of negative archetype seen in the media.
According to the DSM 5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), schizophreniais
diagnosed if the patient experiences delusions, hallucinations, and/or disorganized speech for more
than a month. Delusions include, but are not limited to, the belief you are going to be harassed or
harmed, belief environmental cues are directed at oneself, belief... Show more content on ...
It is consumed by the masses at exponential rates, so it is only natural for the consumers to accept
most of what they see as truth. Many times there are reports of serial killers or rapists pasted all
over the media. Often, news channels will assume the perpetrator has some form of mental illness,
such as schizophrenia. Consequently, many people associate schizophrenia with a negative
stereotype associated with violence because of what they view in the media. In the scientific study,
Portrayals of Schizophrenia by Entertainment Media: A Content Analysis of Contemporary Movies,
the author reviewed 41 different films made between 1990 and 2010 with at least one main
character that had schizophrenia. The study found most characters engaged in dangerous or violent
behaviors toward themselves or others, and nearly a third engaged in homicidal behavior (Owen).
Accordingly, the negative portrayals of those with schizophrenia in movies influence the stigma
among the general public that schizophrenia is dangerous. Instinctually, people want to keep
themselves safe and alive in their day to day lives, so having this negative reaction to
schizophrenia will make them feel safer by avoiding those with the illness.
The overall view of schizophrenia from society creates a negative public stigma. People diagnosed
with a mental health problem were most likely to be seen as unpredictable, hard to talk to, and
unlikely to recover (Wood and Birtel). According to Public Perceptions of Stigma Towards People
With Schizophrenia, Depression and Anxiety, many in society view schizophrenia
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South African Americans Before European Integration
Europe has been quite successful in integrating its economies because of the various geopolitical
and economic activities. The first and foremost reason is that these countries are small and the
economy of the one country can be integrated with the economy of the other country. Their
integration has been made possible because the aspiration and believe of the different countries are
very much similar. Moreover, their cultural and economic history is moreover same. European
Unionas it has been called now has been the most developed model of the regional integration
though challenged by economic crisis now a days.
For the integration, the intersection of the economic need, life style of the people, and size of the
economy must be same. Due to inappropriate way and lack of proper political integration by
countries and surge in the national feeling over the common economic goal of the region has
adversely impacted the area. European unions is comprised of many countries which include
different countries which are in different stage of their economic development ... Show more content
on ...
The establishment of Mercosur by signing on the treaty by Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and
Paraguay in 1991 has established the free trade markets but still failed to include other countries in
the region so as to be called the integration of South American economies. Thus, although Mercosur
is an integration effort but has become the group of maximum three to four countries. Moreover the
proposal effort by the Mercosur is not taken by the many other countries and thus it has been
unsuccessful. The development perspective demands that countries should unite to cater the high
degree of Competitiveness in the global market especially from the countries like
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ITU Frequency Designation
ITU Frequency Designation
The ITU radio bands are designations defined in the ITU Radio Regulations. Provision No. 2.1
states that the radio spectrum shall be subdivided into nine frequency bands, which shall be
designated by progressive whole numbers in accordance with the following table.
Table of ITU Radio Bands
Band NumberSymbolsFrequency RangeWavelength RangeTypical sources
1ELF3 to 30 Hz10,000 to 100,000 kmdeeply submerged submarine communication
2SLF 30 to 300 Hz1000 to 10,000 kmsubmarine communication, ac power grids
3ULF 300 to 3000 Hz100 to 1000 kmearthquakes, earth mode communication
4VLF 3 to 30 kHz10 to 100 kmnear surface submarine communication,
5LF 30 to 300 kHz1 to 10 kmAM broadcasting, aircraft beacons
6MF 300 to 3000 kHz100 to 1000 mAM broadcasting, aircraft beacons, amateur two way radio
7HF 3 to 30 MHz10 to 100 mSky wave long range radio communication: shortwave broadcasting,
military, maritime, diplomatic, amateur two way radio
8VHF 30 to 300 MHz1 to 10 mFM radio broadcast, television broadcast, PMR, DVB T, MRI
9UHF 300 to 3000 MHz10 to 100 cmPMR, television broadcast, microwave oven, GPS, mobile
phone communication (GSM, UMTS, 3G, HSDPA), cordless phones (DECT), WLAN (Wi Fi
802.11 b/g/n), Bluetooth
3 to 30 GHz1 to 10 cmDBS satellite television broadcasting, WLAN (Wi Fi 802.11 a/n), microwave
relays, Wi MAX, radars
30 to 300 GHz1 to 10 mmmicrowave relays, inter satellite links, Wi MAX, high
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The International Expansion Of Bmw And Ikea
The brand globalization goes on rapidly, an increasing numbers of organization invested their brand
track to overseas markets. New markets have new consumers, chances, and profits and extend
brands existence. The international expansion of BMW and IKEA has led them to achieve huge
success. In this essay, will explore what lead each brand to move away from their traditional market
and investigating how the two brands developed successful international expansion, and what has
made them global household names.
Firstly, BMW, which is established in 1916, it is a worldwide famous automotive enterprise and
thought to be a leading company in field of high class automotive manufacturer. With a history
of over one hundred years, BMW develops from a small manufacturing company that produces
aero engines into business groups that dominate in the field of high class automotives and
produce world famous aero engines, off road vehicles and motorcycle (Elias, 2009). In 1928,
BMW purchasing the company Fahrzeugfabrik Eisenach to became an automobile manufacturer,
all the cars were made in a factory in the Thuringia area of Germany before The Second World
War. BMW had many changes during the War, They became a manufacturer of German weapons
and put their almost all of the sources to built aircraft engines for the Air Force of German. After
war, the first car was the BMW 501 which was built from 1952, even though it was not a
commercial success, but it restored the capacity of BMW. At the
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Beating the Competition and Sustaining in the Modern Hotel...
The capital of the world is in 23 different places this was the tagline used by the General Electric
Company when it expanded its business in 1995. It is very valid for India as well. India is
emerging as one of the leading economies of the world and the rate of growth in every sector of the
economy is immense. The hotelindustry is very sensitive to economic cycles and is therefore
intrinsically linked to the state of the economy. At present, there are over 462 hotels in the country
and the total number of rooms is around 58612. Hotel room supply has increased in 2010 11 by
15% while the nationwide occupancy has increased by 1.7%. Although the growth in supply is a
double digit figure but the growth in occupancy signals the fact there... Show more content on ...
There is a direct company customer contact based relationship. (Moores, 1986) This experience
helps hotels achieve distinction against competitors. But at the same time the communicated value
proposition of the brand has to be clear cut so that potential guests are able to identify the advantage
of a hotel in comparison to its competitors (Daun and Klinger, Delivering the message, 2006).Apart
from communication through words, pictures and logos should also be redesigned in order to make
an everlasting connection with the guest.
For hotel chains wanting to satisfy the needs of guests and beat the competition, then building a
psycho brand provides an opportunity which if realized, could do not only this but also defy the
test of time. (Mehta Gautam, December 17, 2003)
Perceptions of brands in the minds of the consumer are formed on the basis of the four main
functions of the brain thinking, sensation, intuition and feeling. Psycho branding is supported by
three concepts
Goodyear s Model of Brand Evolution: Brands act as extensions of the personality. Incorporation of
personal characteristics into the brand makes it more appealing to guests.
Moment of Identity: The modern guest tries to match her own identity with the identity she relates
to the brand.
Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs: It is the driving force for choosing any brand, the one which
identifies with self actualisation.
For hotel chains wanting to satisfy the needs of
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A Streetcar Named Desire Compare And Contrast
A Streetcar Named Desire s original drafts were started in the early 1940s by playwright
Tennessee Williams, who prepared and tested numerous titles for the work. Eventually, the
completed play opened on December 3, 1947 in New York City staring Marlon Brando as Stanley
Kowalski and directed by Elia Kazan. This run of Streetcar lasted 855 performances until 1949
and won Williams a Pulitzer Prize and the New York Drama Critics Circle Award. Later, in 1951,
the film version was adapted and stared Brando along side Vivien Leighas Blanche with Kazan
holding the seat as director once again. Both the play and film adaptations of A Streetcar Named
Desirehave received critical acclaim and much success, so much so that Williams work is both...
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She spends most of the first scene talking down to Stella, mentioning that she looks as if she s put
on weight while praising herself for remaining the same size since they last saw each other. She
dresses in rhinestone crowns, fluffy bodices and pearl necklaces and earrings. Her wardrobe
appears to be filled with clothing that s either white or and pastels, colors that one easily associates
with purity.
Yet, she is capable of manipulation and adept at spinning lies as clearly evidenced by her
constant lies about a Mr. Shep Huntleigh, who does not really exist, or her lies about being on a
leave of absence. This is also clear based on her manipulation of Mitch, played by Karl Malden,
into making him fall for her or her emotional manipulation of Stella. Beneath this façade,
Blanche seems to be terrified of losing control and terrified of reality. She spends a lot of the play
and film sneaking drinks so that she can calm her nerves and one could even argue that her
manipulation is simply her creating a reality that she doesn t have to be so afraid of.
Blanche struggles to maintain her glamorous façade and here in lies her greatest conflict;
keeping up with her lies and not mixing reality and fantasy Blanche fails to discern between reality
and fantasy and gets caught in her lies. She can never quite get her story straight Blanche struggles
to maintain some semblance of control in her life after she seems to have lost so much of it in the
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Touch of Evil Essays
Touch of Evil
Director: Orson Welles
Producers: Rick Schmidlin, Albert Zugsmith
Director of Photography: Russel Metty
Writer: Orson Welles
Editor : Aaron Stell, Walter Murch
Poduction Designer/ Art Director: Robert Clatworkth
Alexander Golitzen
AVF 10 В– 5/1/05
In Orson Wellesclassic film noir production Touch of Evil, a Mexican police officer named Mike
Vargas (Charlton Heston), becomes the target of an American police officer named Hank Quinlin
(Orson Welles), when Vargas attempts to expose Quinlin framing a murder suspect. Quinlin, a
celebrity among police officers has become corrupt in his practices and is willing to go any lengths
including committing murder to uphold his reputation. Vargas is an... Show more content on ...
When the two men come face to face they are both shot from below establishing that there they
are both strong figures, which is an important film noir tactic. The other officers around them are
shot at eye level. The tension between them begins with a racial comment from Quinlin stating
that Vargas doesn t sound like a Mexican. When Vargas reassures Quinlin that he wont he won t
have any trouble with him, Quinlin responds with, you bet your sweet life I wont. The shot ends
with a second of silence focused from below on Quinlin s shadowed face. The use of shadows is
also a key element of film noir, which helps to create the dark and mysterious world that
surrounds the characters. Quinlin increasingly represents a common character in film noir.
Although he is a strong character in the eyes of his fellow officers, he is portrayed as a loner who
has become disillusioned and insecure. His scenes with Tanya Tana (Marlene Deitrich) are
revealing of Quinlin s past and his downward spiral since then. She comments that she didn t
recognize him and that he should lay off the candy bars making it obvious that Quinlin has
physically deteriorated since they were at one time involved. As the film goes on Quinlin falls back
into drinking and spends the later part of the film completely intoxicated. Although Tanya acts
indirectly as Quinlin s significant female, she does not represent the classic femme
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Marvel Comics Research Papers
Looking for the top 3 best Marvel comics plots? Most of them are in the comic book literature.
While others can be found in the movies but this list will make it easy for you to round up.
With the Marvel Cinematic Universe expanding, the platform is looking at a wide web of story
arcs. There are multiple ways a super hero dies (and lives). These versions have different time
lines and even histories, but there are only a few that can become the top 3 best Marvel comics plots.
Still, there are those that look at the comics as its main source of interest and recreation. Which is
why here are the top 3 best Marvel comics plots (and some are even in the movies):
#3 When Gwen Stacy Died
Remember that time Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone) in The Amazing ... Show more content on ...
Aside from that, she is in the hearts of both Cyclops and Wolverine. But after discovering the
Phoenix within her, she turns evil.
In the X Men: The Last Stand, Jean Grey (Famke Janssen) becomes a powerful entity that burns
everything around her. It is much the same in the 1980 comics. It is a pivotal moment for fans to
find out that their favorite character can become evil and think themselves a god.
#1 The Infinity Stones
Now, the Infinity Stones are a subject of interest in all the Marvel movies. There is a tidbit here
and there that rounds up all of the Marvel characters together.
But many do not understand that the Infinity Stones is not about power. It is a courtship between
Thanos and Death. Thanos yearns for Death s affection and the only way he can do that is to collect
the stones and form the gauntlet.
The Infinity Gauntlet will enable Thanos to kill billions and even trillions of lives, all of which
will be given as gifts to Death. This is considerably one of the most insane courtship rituals in the
Marvel Comics and one that stands out most of the Avenger films.
Eventually, the movie will close the story of the Infinity Stones in Avengers: Infinity War,
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Thor:
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Top Ten Most Haunted Sites
Top Ten Most Haunted Sites in the Country
When a ghost sighting is on your bucket list, frequenting places with heightened paranormal
activity is the best way to fulfill your dream. Not all places promoting hauntings are legitimate, but
there are many locations with well documented narratives and eyewitness reports chronicling
bonafide otherworldly manifestations.
Instead of shooting in the dark and hoping for a glimpse of a spectral apparition, icy touch, or
mournful wail, consider visiting one of these ten sites that have had more than their fair share of
supernatural episodes. These aren t just places with spooky stories, this list contains battlefields,
graveyards, hotels, and other historic locations known for their legitimate hauntings. ... Show more
content on ...
The prison was built in 1829 to shape the minds and souls of its residents through the rigorous
and strict rules of Quaker beliefs. Cells represented personal chapels with skylights to represent
the light of God. It was the only light they saw since they had their heads bagged whenever they
left their cells. The prison did not live up to its design, although it did house two of the most
notorious men in U.S. prison history: Al Capone and the one time most wanted man in America,
bank robber Willie
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Being A Student Athlete Essay
While high school student athletes invest a lot of time and energy into their sport, the collegiate
lifestyle brings a new level of difficulty that many incoming freshmen can find intimidating and
overwhelming at first. In addition to being under more pressure to perform on a larger, more
competitive stage in front of a more expansive audience, they must also deal with the every day
challenges that normal college freshmen face: homesickness, transitioning into a more demanding
academic workload, and creating a new social network. College athletes have to have their routines
extremely time focused, and make time management essential to their daily lives. Despite the many
stereotypes that are connected with being a student athlete, student athletes in general are held to
much higher standards by their institutions. Before a prospective student athlete even enters
college, they are made fully aware of the academic standings and requirements of the college they
choose. Although the academic requirements vary from college to college, the standards are still
held high for all student athletes. The transition into college can be exceptionally difficult
especially for the... Show more content on ...
Making the adjustment to a new lifestyle can take its toll on students, and can leave them feeling
uneasy. Being that student athletes don t get the luxury to go home every weekend sets up a new
obstacle in the way of easing into a new lifestyle. College freshmen suffering from homesickness
should communicate with their support group from back home, typically close family and friends,
in order to feel connected with back home. There are many forms of communication now a days
that allow people all around the world to stay connected. College students that are dealing with
homesickness should take advantage of (devices) such as Face time, Skype, Snapchat, and even old
fashion snail mail can make home seem a little more
... Get more on ...
Julius Caesar s Ethos In Laertes
After discovering his father s death, Laertes is angered with Claudius, the present king. Despite
the rage that filled Laertes heart, Claudius was able to not only quell Laertes anger, but gain
Laertes trust. Claudius manages to persuade Laertes to his side by appealing to Laertes ethos,
logos, and pathos. When Laertes first bursts into the castle, emotions everywhere are high,
however Claudius greets Laertes calmly, allowing him to speak his rage. Insecurity and anger
often go hand in hand, and in his emotionally unstable state Claudius easily changes Laertes heart
by crediting himself to be most sensibly in grief for [Laertes father s death] (Shakespeare 4.5.149).
By creating this morally right version of himself in Laertes mind,
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Analytic Rubrics
There are advantages and disadvantages that exist for both holistic and analytic rubrics. Teachers
use holistic rubrics (e.g. the Holistic Oral Language Scoring Rubric and the Holistic Scoring Rubric
for Writing Assessment with ELL Students) to assess their students cognitive functions
simultaneously while analytic rubrics (e.g. the Student Oral Language Observation Matrix and the
Analytic Scoring Rubric for Writing) assess children s abilities separately and assign a different
score to each learningaptitude/dimension. Advantages of using holistic rubrics include the
following: faster scoring process; can be used a means of summative assessment at the end of
project or a unit; emphasizes the positive aspects of a student s work. The downside
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Why The Rich Are Getting Richer And Poor By Robert Reich...
Robert Reich was Secretary of Labor under the Clinton administration, and, currently, he is
Chancellor s Professor of Public Policy at the University of California and the Senior Fellow at
the Blum Center for Developing Economies. He has written multiple books, and he is founding
editor of the American Prospect magazine. In one of his most prominent articles Why the Rich
Are Getting Richer and the Poor, Poorer, Robert Reich illustrates that the effects of globalization
and the disappearance of restrictions have widened the gap between social classes. In the opening
of his article, Robert Reich discusses how a person s economic status within a nation is
determined by the function that person performs, but he then goes off to say that in earlier times
economic status fluctuated and could be influenced by the workers. According to Reich, the
classification or industry of a person s job doesn t matter in today s economy as much as their
function, and he further describes this as the reason as to why some classes and incomes are falling
and others are... Show more content on ...
With an increase in communication and transportation across the world, corporations now have the
ability to move jobs to where they can maximize profits. Robert Reich describes AT T and how it
moved routine production jobs from Louisiana to Singapore due to cheaper wage costs and greater
advancements in communication. Then, they moved again to Thailand because routine production
jobs were cheaper there than in Singapore. In addition, Roberts describes many other American
corporations like American Airlines and Texas Instruments that are doing the same thing in which
they outsource jobs of routine producers to other countries (Reich 516), decreasing jobs for routine
producers within
... Get more on ...
Cyberbullying And Its Impact On Cyberbullying
The article written by Carol M. Walker, Beth Rajan Sockman, and Steven Koehn, An Exploratory
Study of Cyberbullying with Undergraduate University Students delves into their study done on
undergraduate students to address technology and its impact on cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is
defined as, The use of information and communication technologies such as email, cellphones,
instant messaging... to promote deliberate, repeated and hurtful behavior with the intent to harm
others (Tech Trends Journal, Vol. 55, Issue 2, pg. 32). The purpose of this study was to examine
what instances of cyberbullying undergraduate students experience, as well as what forms of
technologyare used in such instances. The questions posed were: What instances of cyberbullying
do undergraduate students experience, and what role does gender play in cyberbullying at the
undergraduate level?, and What forms of technology do undergraduate students use to perpetrate or
receive bullying, and how often does it occur? Some questions that were also addressed were: What
impact does the cellphone have on the interactions of undergraduate students as they maintain their
status according to the Social Dominance theory?, How do social networking sites affect these
students?, and Has the ability to reply instantly, without personal contact, augmented the bullying
As referenced in this article, there are many instances of previous research on the topics of bullying
and cyberbullying. In the late 1970 s, Dan
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The Manifestation of Pride in The Great Divorce by C.S....
The Manifestation of Pride in The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis
The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis suggests that choices made on earth have a consequential effect
towards our acceptance into heaven or our plummet into hell. In this book pride manifests itself in a
hundred subtle ways as souls whine about perceived injustices or irrational motives. Thankfully, a
few tourists do humble themselves, become transformed into marvelously real beings, and remain
in heaven. But most don t, about which the great Scottish author George MacDonald, Lewis
heavenly guide, says, They may not be rejecting the truth of heaven now. They may be reenacting
the rejection they made while on earth . George MacDonald the narrator/teacher, from whom Lewis
... Show more content on ...
Adoption has brought me through the hands of my birth mother to a mother who has now raised
me for 16 years. Conversations with my birth mother result in dramatic feelings for her and for
me, tyranny of the past (p.102). But, Lewis suggests in the book that the past is all she (the
ghost) chose to have and that it was the wrong way to deal with sorrow . My birth mother could
very well be the ghost as I was even an accident . As her memory of me is deceiving and still
consuming her thoughts. This maternal or instinctual love is preventing my mother from moving
on in her own life.
A material mind set is a reality of many entrepreneurs and is well represented in this book
through the man with the bowler hat, Ikey. This mans thoughts revolve around providing
necessity, But if I can come back with some real commodities...why, at once you d get a demand
down in our town (p.13). For a real world entrepreneur, such as Ikey, it would be simple for
thoughts to be consumed by opportunism. If thoughts are consumed by need, it leaves less time
to reflect on choices and can cause Acedia (restlessness or despair). Lewis makes this point later
in chapter six while referring to Ikey, ...still availing himself of every scrap of cover, he set out on
his Via dolorosa to the bus, carrying his torture (p.49). Ikey s refusal to rest denies him an
opportunity, which any entrepreneur would never give up, but in this instance his
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The Case for, or Against New Orleans
Jason Coleman
06 11 12
New Orleans
Recommendation Paper
The Case For, or Against, New Orleans
Management Decision Models
Dr. Usha Dasari
We will look at many factors in our case for rebuilding or not rebuilding New Orleans. This
recommendation will be reviewed by state and local governments for their decision. We will
perform a Cost Benefit Analysis which will represent the residents of New Orleans, the residents
of the surrounding floods plains, the Mayor of New Orleans, and the federal government
represented by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) and the taxpayers. We will look
at scenario models, risk management, and decision trees to support our decisions and analysis. This
natural disaster took an enormous toll on ... Show more content on ...
Katrina hit many southern cities. Louisiana, Texas, and Mississippi were all hit but the most
damage occurred in New Orleans. With the city mostly under sea level this presented much of
the problem. The majority of the city was flooded. More than $200 billion dollars in damages
were estimated. The loss of life, property, and business were devastating on New Orleans. This
was the most costly of all natural disasters in the United States of America in my lifetime. This
natural disaster disturbed the economic system of New Orleans, the labor markets around the
U.S., and the individual businesses in New Orleans. The trending effect was a loss of 100,000
jobs in ten months and almost 2.9 billion in wages were lost (Effects of Hurricane Katrina, 2012).
The storm helped to crush New Orleans and put a devastating effect on the economy of the U.S.
Gas prices rose, product prices rose, and the tourism rate in New Orleans went to zero. The port was
unable to open, the colleges were closed due to the devastation, and as I stated earlier tourism
became null and void. The hurricane brought social, economic, and morale parameters into play.
New Orleans lost 95,000 jobs in the first ten month after the hurricane (Effects of Hurricane Katrina,
2012). Unemployment became a nightmare thus making living arrangement unbearable.
Government agencies were having a hard time keeping up with unemployment thus making many
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Walt Disney Change The World
Walt Disney was a true inspiration to kids, animators, and adults around the world. He changed the
animation world amazingly. At first animations shorts didn t have color and sound, until Walt
Disney made Steamboat Willie. Walt Disney was an amazing man because he used his artistic
talents to change the world beautifully.Walt Disneywas born on December 5, 1901, in Chicago,
Illinois. He had three brothers, Roy, Raymond, and Herbert Disney. He also had one sister, Ruth
Disney; Walt was the fourth child of these five children. His parents were Flora and Elias
Disney; Elias was an abusive father. Walt had dyslexia from a young age; dyslexia is a learning
disorder, which causes a person to see letters, numbers, and words backwards. This made... Show
more content on ...
Soon came their first child Diane Marie Disney on December 18, 1933. Three years later they
adopted their second daughter Sharon Disney in December 1936. They loved having two
daughters running around, dressing up, and having fun. Sometimes Roy and his family would
come over and grill out and make forts on the back yard with chairs, sheets, and pillows. Walt got
the idea to make an amusement park for families. He would call it Disneyland; he got the
inspiration of the design of the park from his trip to a park in the Tivoli park in Denmark.
Disneyland costed $17 million, and opened in 1955. The opening was a disaster, it was too hot,
and people were not enjoying their time because of the extreme heat. When Walt was making
the Jungle Book, was when he started to have health problems. He found out he had lung cancer,
from smoking all the time. He died on December 15, 1966. His final words were Kurt Russel,
people to this day still have no clue why Kurt Russel was his final words. People say that Walt was
frozen, but he wasn t frozen. He was buried in Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Los Angeles,
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Laurel Hill Duke Forest Report
Laurel Hill in Duke Forest Report At Laurel Hill Duke Forest there is a large granodiorite cliff
adjacent to a river on one side. This cliff is not smooth and has several parallel fractures instead
of one steep slope. Observations of this cliff were taken in order to gather data and find possible
explanations for why this cliff is where it is located and why the river adjacent to it follows a V
shaped path. One observation was that the range of the strikes and dips of the fractures facing
river were all near parallel ranging from strike of 170 190 degrees and dips ranging from 70 90
degrees. There were other fractures oriented differently on other sides of the outcrop. Also, the
surface of the outcrop was highly weathered in some parts where the rocktype was not
distinguishable without using a rock hammer and had moss growing over it.
On the first side of the outcrop the rock when examined was greenish and had small black grains
indicative of diorite with hornblende giving the green color. The rock was similar to the outcrop
encountered at Hollow rock which also had several fractures parallel although not as many, and that
outcrop was also highly weathered. On the other side of the outcrop, the rock was incredibly
different. This side was not weathered beyond recognition but ... Show more content on ...
Further, a primary cause of cliff formation is erosion and weathering. Erosion and weathering
provides a plausible explanation for the location and structure of this cliff since erosion and
weathering caused by rain and wind is a common cause of cliff formation, and the observations
recorded are consistent as evidence of erosion and weathering taking place. North Carolina has a
rainy climate, so rain could definitely be a factor in weathering. The rain and wind washes away
and erodes softer rocks separating them from harder rocks forming a sharp crack after the fracture
occurs and the rocks
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Analysis Of Watchman By Alan Moore And Dave Gibbon
Take a moment to think of a superhero. What comes to mind? Superman, with his iconic pairing
of a red cape and a blue suit, or perhaps Batman s dark and mysterious bat costume? Now choose a
female superhero, such as Wonder Woman. Revealing armor that barely protects anything besides
her torso and wrists, and a focus on beauty and stereotypical femininity instead of functionality and
her primary role as a strong, respected heroine. This same trend of sexualizing and looking down
upon women is as rampant in current media as it is throughout Alan Moore and Dave Gibbon s
appraised graphic novel Watchman through the story s negative and humiliating depictions of
female superherocharacters and their relationships. Watchmen reinforces these... Show more content
on ...
According to an article on self defense, the six most effective ways to incapacitate an attacker are
to strike the knees, groin, throat, jaw, nose, and eyes, five of which are entirely unprotected and all
of which are inadequately protected when Laurie wears her costume. This attire is obviously not
designed to protect Laurie, who wore the outfit specifically to fight violent crime and would
therefore often end up in dangerous interactions with criminals; instead, the outfit is meant to make
an obvious point of Laurie s femininity and sexuality as a woman.
The costume s focus on a sexualized female body is noticeable immediately, as it exposes her
chest and legs and the sides of her breasts. The outfit even features heels that are entirely unrealistic
in a fight. The costume continues to sexualize Laurie through the use of symbolism. The long cut
down Laurie s front (see Fig. 1) resembles an arrow pointing towards Laurie s privates, giving the
outfit an overwhelming theme of sexuality and an entire lack of functionality.
Laurie s outfit can be contrasted very easily to the male heroes costumes throughout the novel.
Every hero costume a male character wears throughout Watchmen features at least some form of
functionality (see Fig. 2); the Comedian s attire features body armor, most noticeably covering
his shoulders; Ozymandias s outfit is made mostly of some sort of metal for protection; Rorschach
wears a simple dress shirt, a pair of slacks, and a long
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Physician-Assisted Suicide Case
Petitioners in this case are the State of Washington and its Attorney General. Respondents Harold
Glucksberg, Abigail Halperin, Thomas A. Preston, and Peter Shalit, are medical physicians who
practice in the State of Washington, along with three gravely ill, pseudonymous plaintiffs who have
since died and the non profit organization that counsel people considering physician assisted suicide
, Compassion in Dying, sued in the United States District Court, seeking a declaration that Wash
Rev. Code 9A.36.060(1) (1994) was unconstitutional. Washington vs. Glucksberg, 521 U.S. 702
(1997). The Washington State statute provided a person was guilty of the felony of promoting a
suicide attempt when the person knowingly caused or aided another person... Show more content on ...
S. Supreme Court granted certiorari and began this case as they do in all Due Process cases by
examining the nation s history, legal traditions and practices. (Casey, 505 at U. S. 833; Cruzan at
497 U. S. 261 and Moore vs. East Cleveland, 431 U. S. 494, 503 (1977). Anglo American common
law has punished or disapproved of assisting suicide for seven centuries and rendering such
assistance is a crime in almost every state; such prohibitions have never contained exceptions for
those who were near death; the prohibitions in recent years were reexamined and, for the most part
reaffirmed in a number of states; and the President signed the Federal Assisted Suicide Funding
Restriction Act of 1997, which prohibits the use of federal funds in support of physician assisted
suicide. (521 at U. S. 702). It has always been a crime in the State of Washington for an individual
to knowingly cause or aide another person to attempt suicide. (В§ 9A.26.060(1). The Court held
that В§ 9A.26.060(1) ban on assisted suicide was not a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment and
did not result in any fundamental liberty interest protected by the Due Process Clause. (521 at U. S.
702). Although many liberties that are protected by the Due Process Clause revolve around
personal autonomy, it does not warrant the sweeping conclusion that any and all important,
intimate, and personal decisions are so protected. Id. The Court also held in order for Washington s
ban to be constitutional, it had
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Ap Literature Open Essay Rubric

  • 1. Ap Literature Open Essay Rubric 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Ap Literature Open Essay Rubric Ap Literature Open Essay Rubric
  • 2. Improper Infection Control Paper A problem identified in my clinical experience at the Veterans Administration Medical Center was improper infection control measures when a patient was on isolation precautions. HAIs are something that can be prevented but are still very prevalent today. They increase rates of increase hospital stays, cost, readmission, morbidity, and death. The Center for Disease Control notes, HAIs affect 5 to 10 percent of hospitalized patients in the U.S. per year. Approximately 1.7 million HAIs occur in U.S. hospitals each year, resulting in 99,000 deaths and an estimated $20 billion in healthcare costs. (CDC, 2015) HAIs can come from cross contamination from healthcare workers to the patients, patients to other patient s, family members to patients, ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Group Project Research Paper This is going to be a group project. Most students dread hearing those words. I know that I groan inside because I think group projects are awkward and slightly unfair. Considering that more and more teachers are assigning group projects more often, I decided to look into the benefits of group projects. After doing a simple Google search, I realized that students gain many skills and learn important lessons when doing group projects. Group projects can be extremely beneficial to students as they prepare to enter the world of work. One of the most important skills it teaches young adults it to collaborate and work with others. Often times, people are going to have to work with someone they may not like. Members of the group may disagree and ... Show more content on ... Cathy Middlecamp, who writes on Teaching Stories, surveyed students on their thoughts about group projects and observed that dictators ignore the opinions of others and piledrive their own agenda while not allowing others to share their knowledge. Working in group projects is the opportunity for these students to practice humility and listening skills. If you are a quieter student, speak up and let this person know that they need to take it down a level. If you are being the controller, take a step back and let someone else do the talking for a while. On the other side of the coin are the students who slack off in a group project. They think that because there are others in the group they do not have to do that much work. The less motivated students lean on the kids who are working hard to get a good grade to get them through the class. Evidently there is going to be disagreement about approaches and information. Some students are too stubborn to accept an opposing viewpoint and refuse to compromise. Compromising is a skill everyone must learn! When students are allowed to choose their own groups, the quieter students often get put into whatever group needs an extra person. Just because the student is shy does not mean that they do not have good ideas to contribute. Make sure that everyone ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Adrienne Rich s Of Woman Born – The End of Motherhood Essay Of Woman Born The End of Motherhood In Of Woman Born, Adrienne Rich effectively weaves her own story into a convincing account of what it means to become a mother within the bonds of patriarchal culture. Her conclusion that the institution of motherhood, which she distinguishes from motherhood, must be destroyed in order to release the creation and sustenance of life into the same realm of decision, struggle, surprise, imagination, and conscious intelligence, as any other difficult, but freely chosen work is substantiated by her courageous confession that contradicts culturally normative notions of motherhood. Allowing readers to glimpse her own story as she painfully evaluates her role as mother side by side with ... Show more content on ... because [she] felt [her] own needs acutely and often expressed them violently (32) by raging at her children out of frustration, provides a credible offering to break down an institution that makes women like her angry. It also demonstrates some of the ways in which motherhood has not been women s choice. A reader might be stunned to consider that was written just twenty years ago and that Rich s first pregnancy happened only forty three years ago, since her choices as an educated woman were so limited compared to now. When her account of feeling like she was only acting as a woman (having no idea what she wanted, and having a child because it was expected of a real woman ) is introduced, her lack of choices reads like either a dismal Margaret Atwood science fiction novel or a scene from the very long ago past. Similary, when Rich cites her example of a primitive attitude by quoting a doctor s medical opinion that women are psychologically unbalanced when they attempt to resist the demands of the institution [of motherhood], (263) it is quite surprising to realize that this opinion was written in 1967, a mere thirty years ago. In this way, Rich s story is a tribute to all women who have fought her battle, the battle to have the freedom to choose motherhood. Rich must feel a deep sense of satisfaction in realizing that articulating her struggles has helped many women. Her capacity to transcend her own circumstances is truly remarkable ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Anne Frank Wrote about the Good Underneath Anne Frank once wrote Despite everything, I believe that people are still really good at heart and I personally agree with this statement. Anne Frank was a Dutch, Jewish girl who went into hiding during the Holocaust. She and her family were hiding from the Nazis in the time of World War II. The Jewish were one of the people to starve in Hitler s Hunger Plan. Anne during her time in hiding wrote in her diary that in today s time is published. Sadly, after a few years of hiding, she was arrested and died at a concentration camp. Her words however still affect our time and rings out. She s able to see the light through all the darkness and that s where her quote comes and it rings true. People are really good at heart. People show goodness in many ways whether the gesture be big or small. In The Last Seven Months of Anne Frank, Willy Lindwer interviewed Hannah Elisa Pick Goslar who was a personal friend of Anne. Hannah at the time was going through a rough part in her life. She lost her father and her sister was ill. When she went to Burgen Belsen, she was reunited with Anne. She (Hannah Elisa Pick Goslar) would stand outside the fence and the two would speak to each other. Anne believed her father was dead along with her mother. Hannah of course didn t know their whereabouts. However to provide relief to Anne, with the goodness of her heart, she threw packages of food over the fence. She did this four times before Anne got moved to another part of the camp. This act of ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Role Of Evil In Euripides Medea The world created in Euripides Medea is one where there is an irrefutable presence of evil and suffering; darkness pervades the play at many points but whether or not it is the dominant characteristic of the play is less certain. Although Medea is ultimately triumphant in her quest for vengeance on Jason, the idea that evil itself is triumphant in the overall sense of the play at its conclusion is much less true. The evidence for this is that despite the turmoil of the play, there is still an obvious existence of love, compassion and grief; emotions which are polarised against evil. Furthermore, while Medeaherself is the primary instigator of the most tragic event in the play, she could also be described as an innocent victim, for it was... Show more content on ... The suffering of innocents take place in the form of Medea s children, where she murders them out of her own selfish desire for revenge. This was the incident that ultimately polarised both the audience and the chorus against her; the children were innocent in all sense and their murder was a crime that Medea herself described as terrible . Yet the sense of injustice aligned with these actions permeates the entire play to the extent that these murders may in fact simply have been the materialisation of the generally chaotic and depressing world created by Euripides. The children s death were but one of many examples of innocence suffering; some would perceive Glauce and Creon as innocent, but furthermore and most significantly, Medea herself may be a victim of this dark world. At the opening of the play, the Nurse explained that Jason has betrayed my lady [Medea] and his own children for a princess bed [18], causing Medea to feel the sting of injustice [110]. In Medea s acrimonious feministic speech she highlighted the suffering of women as a result of the underlying sexism Greece. The ancient Greek societal paradigm of the ideal woman was one where they were force to take a master to play the tyrant with [their] bodies []; a concept that modern audiences would recognise as appalling. Aside from these specific examples of where innocents suffer, Euripides provided several comments that essentially prove that he intended for the world of Medea to be somewhat depressing. The seemingly pessimistic statement given by the messenger (who existed purely to provide commentary on the play) When fortune s tide flows towards him, one man may surpass another in prosperity, but you should not call him happy [1231] suggests that Euripides may have been deliberately attempting to remove happiness from the play; suffering of ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Major Depression Therapy Treatment for major depression usually is a combination of many treatments, such as medication, psychotherapy, and ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy). There are also natural ways to fight depression. Some examples are aerobic exercise, meditation, yoga and some herbal remedies like St. John s Wort and fish oil. Also in cases of severe symptoms hospitalization may be necessary to help stabilize the person. Psychotherapy falls into five overall categories. These are, Psychoanalysis and psychodynamic therapy, Behavior therapy, Cognitive therapy, Humanistic therapy, and Integrative or holistic therapy. Of the therapy types cognitive behavior therapy has been one of the most effective therapies for all types of depression. Cognitive therapy is a short term, ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Federal Theatre Project It s well understood that the Great Depression devastated many parts of America. Many people and buisnisses were devastated by the crash, and although most don t think of it theatre also suffered. After World War I, a new generation of creative theatre emerged. Performing arts, costume, and set designers worked within the material and financial limitations of the depressed economy. The heavy handed decorative design and hyperrealism of pre war theatrebegan to fade as the increase of supplies and labor forced a new group of designers to develop a more cost friendly theatre. They became more interested in creating true to story artistic fantasies in which costumes and sets worked together and did not hinder the production. English director... Show more content on ... Although the project was formally canceled, it had a broad impact on the careers of many of these professionals and shed light on the educational and community purposes to which theatre could be put. While the Federal Theatre Project created a Depression era platform for established playwrights like Eugene O Neill, it also provided a starting point for the careers of new ones like Arthur Miller. Its programs opened the way for predecessor organizations like the American Negro Theatre, which grew out of the disbanded Negro Theatre Project. This group would train a new generation of actors like Harry Belafonte, Sidney Poitier, and Ruby Dee, who would become fixtures on American stage and screen in later decades and would be known particularly for their investment in exploring race and inequality. The tensions between FTP theatre professionals and Congress around social issues in art foreshadowed the intrusions of Senator Joseph McCarthy and the House Un American Activities Committee hearings into the lives and works of playwrights and other artists in the 1950s. As its impact demonstrates, the Federal Theatre Project was a powerful and influential movement that altered the ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Maximizing Student Engagement It is important to continuously evaluate the effectiveness of any learning or training program to ensure that the goals or objectives can successfully be met. Evaluation of the merits of a learning or training program are embedded into all of the phases of ADDIE. Evaluation of a course can happen in several different ways reflective analysis, garnering learner feedback, using formative and summative assessment materials to judge effectiveness of learners are having with the materials and content. This paper will discuss feedback I ve received regarding the creation of my online course: Maximizing StudentEngagement. Survey Results and Future Considerations I created a five point Likert scale survey based on the Sloan C Common Elements rubric. ( I had three members of the professional development department complete the 10 question survey. All three respondents rated each question as ... Show more content on ... The majority of her feedback centered on the lack of alignment between some of my course activities and existing district protocol and procedures particularly regarding discussion. It is the current practice of the district to offer a fully asynchronous learning environment in which there is no interaction or discussion between participants. Participants only interact with the content and the instructor (via feedback on assignments and discussion prompts). One can perhaps make the assumption that this is done in an attempt to make the online learning courses accommodating for busy educators. However, current research suggests that offering participants a combination of discussion approaches (student to student, student instructor and student content) is advantageous (Nandi, Hamilton Harland, 2012). By offering only one or two modes, learners could potentially be left ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Better Than Raising The Minimum Wage Analysis Around 15% of American citizens live below the poverty line today, and many believe that raising the minimum wage will lower this number. On May 21, 2015, The Wall Street Journal published an article by Warren Buffett, Better Than Raising the Minimum Wage. Buffett writes about a cost effective way for Americans to receive a steadier income other than raising the minimum wage. He highlights that the everyday worker with no special skills often finds it hard to be successful. The way Buffett proposes to fix this issue is to develop the Earned Income Tax Credit or Tax returns. Buffett used a lot of fact based arguments and appealed to ethos, but it could not make up for the lack of pathos and a strong argumentin this article. This piece does ... Show more content on ... His main argument in this article is that the government should not raise the minimum wage, but instead, should expand on the Earned Income Tax Credit. He believes that instead of one, yearly payment, the government could do monthly payments. Buffett also believes that this will deter people from taking out unnecessary loans while they are waiting for their tax returns to come through. While this is all a great idea, he has some issues with how he presents the information. He does not talk about any of this until the last four or five paragraphs, and there are upwards of 20 paragraphs in this article. He spends a lot of time making a strong point, without even mentioning his actual argument until the very end. And while he does do a good job at explaining his solution, he never tells the reader how to fix the problem. The people reading The Wall Street Journal are business people or people who are interested in the economy. Buffett wrote this article for those who have the power to make this change, possibly politicians, but he does not tell them how to make his plan play out. This is really where Buffett starts to lose his rhetoric strength, and he also struggles with the pathos part of the piece as ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis TertiusBy Jorge Luis Borges Ana Bahena English 102D Izenberg November 2, 2017 Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius Jorge Luis Borges is widely known for his bizarre short stories that question all aspects of life and our world. Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius is no different putting into question everything we believe to be true. Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius is a narrative account of an individual who has discovered the fictional land of Uqbar in one of the version of an encyclopedia. Throughout the story, the man keeps investigating more on this place and finds that its importance comes from Tlon, one of the subdivisions of Uqbar, and its literature. Tlon is an ideal world, which the reader later finds out, created by a secret society, Orbis Tertius and has been equipped with its... Show more content on ... No matter how many variations of Uqbar (Ukbar, Ucbar, Ookbar, Oukbahr) he searches for, he cannot seem to find this place. In order to appease the narrator, Casares tells him that [Uqbar] was a region in Iraq or Asia Minor (Borges 68). Casares uses words and places that the narrator knows and connects with so that the narrator can place this fictional world within the real world. Although completely doubtful of his friend, the narrator consults the atlases of Justus Perthes just to make sure that Uqbar is not real, as he believes it to be. This part in the short story, although minute, is crucial because it causes tension between that the narrator believes to be real and that which he doubts to be real. In this same manner, the text itself is causing tension between what the reader knows to be real and what is fiction. The reader assumes that what he/she is reading is fiction, but this comes in conflict with the constant use of real works and people such as the Encyclopedia Britannica, the N.R.F, Bioy Casares, Justus Perthes, and many others. The specificity of terms and names of real authors and theorists that are fused into the work bring an apparent legitimacy to what is read. Yet, as the reader continues, the story becomes seemingly false. The reader s experience is mirrored in the text as the narrator goes through a similar development of realization regarding the encyclopedia entry on Uqbar. As ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Sydney Harbor Research Paper 8 of Australia s Greatest Landmarks From the near the cities to in the middle of deserts to out in the ocean. From being man made to being created by nature. Everyone of these places has a different shape, color, and size. Visited by people year long, the landmarks scattered across Australia are truly amazing sights to experience. Each with an interesting story to tell on how they came to be and why they are known as Australia s greatest landmarks. 3,000 events per year are held in this iconic location. Located in the perfect harbor setting, Bennlong Point, the Sydney Opera House can be seen and experienced by anyone entering the harbor. This place is known as a 20th century architectural icon because the design of the building makes it ... Show more content on ... While in other places, there are islands that are 1,100 meters above sea level. The Great Barrier reef consists of 400 different types of coral, 1,500 species of fish, and 4,000 types of mollusc. This place is also a large attraction to scuba divers looking to see some magnificent coral arrangements. 4. One of the largest monoliths in the world is mostly underground! The commonly known as Ayers Rock skyrockets 348 meters high. This large rock is about 9 kilometers around its base. Only в…“ of the rock is above ground while the other в…” is hidden underneath the surface. In 1873, the rock was named after Henry Ayers, the premier of South Australia. It was named by a british explorer named William Gosse. The traditional name is actually Uluru given by the locals a long while back. The Ayres rock was under control of the government for a while, but then later became part of the Kata Tjuta National Park. 5. Beautiful beach has been a backdrop to many recent movies and tv shows. Bondi Beach is known is Australia as one of the prettiest and most popular beaches in Australia. The beach itself is pretty long at about 1 kilometer. Visitors from everywhere inhabit the beach all year long doing a variety of activities like surfing. The Australian National Heritage list added Bondi Beach to their list in 2009. The word bondi is actually an Aboriginal word that means water breaking over rocks. The name is kind of ironic because of the small amount of ... Get more on ...
  • 13. How Does The Weight Of A Paper Airplane Affect How Fair It... How does the weight of a paper airplane affect how fair it flies? My paper is about researching about paper airplane weight. My research question is, How does the weight of a paper airplane affect how far it flies? For this project I need 3 different sheets of paper,(Construction paper,Computer paper,Line paper, a notepad, a meter stick and a pencil. I chose this topic because paper airplanes always interested me in how they move and fly. I am also interested in the aerodynamics of the plane and how it can fly and move around with the air under its wings. In Ellis project Ellis is changing the weight of the paper airplane. Weight is a person s relative mass or weight which can be measured. Ellis learned ... Get more on ...
  • 14. George Whitefield s The Great Awakening George Whitefield is an individual like no other. He s an individual who made a mark on history. He was an average person who lived to make a major difference and would be one of the most well known individuals to take part in the Evangelical Awakening of the 1700s. It was a time when you saw God s hand in the world like never before. When looking back in history, specifically Christian history, we would say that George Whitefield truly made his mark on history during the evangelical awakening. He was one of the biggest proponents in spreading the word of God, and he was not to go unnoticed. However, how much do we really know about such an important historic event? The Great Awakening is known as a religious revival that swept across the... Show more content on ... Many of these individuals had been baptized as infants, but chose to be baptized again as believing adults. ( Preachers of this unstable ideology of Anabaptism were taking refuge in the Lutheran town of MГјnster. Among those hiding out were the disciples of Melchior Hoffman. He was a new prophet who had new knowledge of influence after his recent conversion to the Anabaptist movement. He had begun to teach his followers to recognize the signs that would precede the golden age of heaven fifteen centuries after the crucifixion. It didn t take long for these ideas to become a massive obsession in the town of MГјnster. Lutherans and Catholics alike worked hard to teach over him. He was soon arrested due to his revolutionary preaching. In the early sixteenth century, scholars were studying the millennial expectations of the ancient worlds that had become such a radical component for the central institutions of Christendom. Advocates of this new millennial belief appeared after the completion of the New Testament. They argued diverse assumptions of this revolution, but found common roots in Revelation 20:1 10, which states that those who died for defending Jesus would sit at God s right hand with the power to judge and Satan would be released from his prison and thrown into a fiery lake of burning sulfur where he would be tormented. When it came to this new movement, by the ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Computer Vision Causes And The Effects Of Visual Problems... Furthermore, another effect is visual problems. Visual problems from computer patient will meet the doctor with symptom blurred vision, double vision (diplopia), etc. Actually, these problems are not caused by nearsightedness or myopia, farsightedness or hyperopia, astigmatism and refractive problem, but the effect of these problems are from prolonged computer usage. The study of computer vision syndrome in computer office workers blurred vision can be found up to 23.8% and this study also found that double vision up to 13.7%. Plus, statistic of the American Optometric Association was found blurring vision in 30.48%. Visual problems are caused by fatigue of the eye muscles (ciliary muscle) that control the focus of the image or extraocular muscle that compounds the images from both eyes into a single image (binocular single vision) due to use near vision or reading vision for a long time. Definition of double vision or diplopia by The Merriam Webster dictionary is a disorder of vision in which two images of a single object are seen (as from the unequal action of the eye muscles). And the meaning of blurred vision is a loss of visual acuity and disability to see small details. Which is sometimes related to the inability of the eyes to focus on a computer screen for a significant amount of time. In addition, visibility may be blurred by constantly changing focus on the keyboard and computer screen. How to avoid the visual problem? There are many ways to avoid these symptoms, ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Lightning Mcqueen Identity Our identity is something that is always adjusting throughout our lifetime. As we grow older we discover new things about ourselves and how we identify ourselves, through the experiences we face in our lives. People in our lives such as friends, family, teachers, and heroic figures also affect the way we identify ourselves; they are a big factor in building our personality. A film that deals with the idea of identity and how it changes is Cars. Lightning McQueen, the main character, experiences a change in his identity through being involved in a different environment with different people. Identity formation is defined as the combination of personal, social, and cultural experiences that combine to form an individuals identity. Cars is a... Show more content on ... Radiator Springs has a lifestyle that Lightning is not used to. It is a small town that used to be very busy and booming in business but is now rarely visited by anyone. Whenever someone does visit this town all the cars that have a business there, try to advertise their products and get people to buy stuff or stay there because they need it desperately. Lightning McQueen of course does not fit in with them because he is used to always being pampered and never having to work for anything hard he really wanted. At first he sees the cars as weirdos and outcast because they are not into the same things as him and he is always used to everyone following what he likes. He tries everything to get out of the town as soon as possible but because he messed up the road he has to stay and fix it. Throughout his time spent in Radiator Springs he eventually makes friends like Tow Mater for example. Tow Mater is an old and rusty tow truck who is nothing but friendly to McQueen and only wishes to be his friend. The eventually become very close friends even though they are not into the same ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Hatchet Adapting Quotes A wise woman once said, Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me. This quote applies to Gary Paulsen s novel Hatchet, for it has many elements of adapting. It speaks of Brian Robeson, a boy on his way to his father s house, only to be lost to Canada s wilderness due to a plane crash. As Brian faces the harsh obstacles of nature, it reveals that the importance of adapting is one of the main themes of this novel. Throughout the book, Brian encounters countless situations of difficulty, in which his only solution is to adapt and change for the better. As the author gets further into the novel, Brian shows his development t in adapting, when he replaces his pilot, changes his way of hearing and seeing, and gets to work after being hit... Show more content on ... During chapter thirteen, Brian had missed an opportunity to be rescued. A plane had flown by, but didn t notice him. Brian was devastated, They would not return... Gone, he thought finally, it was all gone. (114) As a reaction, Brian ventures into the forest, and hopes for an end, ...he had gone up on the ridge and taken the hatchet and tried to end it by cutting himself. (118). Later in the book, Brian shows so much growth. After a tornado swept across Brian s place, many of his things were lost, including his shelter, leaving him back to square one. Although, this time Brian knew that leaving and weeping won t get him anywhere. Instead, Brian gets to work, First things first. (155) He starts remaking his shelter, fire, and gathering food. This perfectly demonstrates how adaptive Brian is, showing how important adapting ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Mis 350 Case Study Chetan Khera MINS 350 Mr. Rowe How Transformal Change Intersects with Incremental SDLC Transformal changes and software development life cycles (SDLC) are ones that are in my opinion, the basic processes of business. Every time you want to start a business or maintain and upgrade it, you are using the SDLC. In this assignment, I will be assessing how they both intersect by correlating the both in how they both have an equal value in businesses. Transformal changes as defined by, is A shift in the business culture of an organization resulting from a change in the underlying strategy and processes that the organization has used in the past. This is something that happens in any business no matter what the nature of ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Frank Lloyd Wright Research Paper Frank Lloyd Wright s name remains in history as being one of the most original American architects of the 20th century. Wright s innovative architectural designs have forever impacted the way humans live today. His world renounced projects make his name widely known as one of greatest architects of all time. Wright was born in Richland Center, Wisconsin on June 8, 1867. Throughout Wright s childhood, his family often relocated, ranging from Rhode Island to Wisconsin. As a child Wright was an adventure seeker and embraced Wisconsin landscapes. Wright once said, The modeling of the hills, the weaving and fabric that clings to them, the look of it all in tender green or covered with snow or in full glow of summer that bursts into the glorious... Show more content on ... This home was built in Spring Green, Wisconsin for his new family and was named Taliesin because of its meaning, shining brow (Frank Lloyd Wright Biography). After the home was set ablaze by a servant, Wright immediately sought its reconstruction. One year later, a Japanese Emperor hired Wright to design the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo. Seven years of his life was dedicated to making this monumental building earthquake proof . When disaster struck in 1923, the Imperial Hotel was claimed to be the only large building left undisturbed by the earthquake, proving Wright s allegation to be true. At this time Wright was at the height of his career until the Great Depression hit in the beginning of the 1930s. Once commissions began to die down, Wright devoted his time to writing two literatures based on architecture, An Autobiography and The Disappearing City. (should I mention what these works are about or is that not ... Get more on ...
  • 20. There is Only One Cleopatra Almost every pharaoh queen was named Cleopatra, yet only one is ever thought of, Cleopatra Thea Philopator VII, The Goddess and Beloved of her Father . Every moment of her life from 69 BCE until August 12, 30 BCE was a story larger than life, epic in scale, and over the top in its grandeur. As the last reigning pharaoh of the Ptolemaic Dynastyin Ancient Egypt, she is remembered for her ability to rule as a political genius and a strong female leader living in a male dominated world despite all odds being against her. Firstly, Cleopatra grew up in the Ptolemaic palace living a life of luxury, yet her subjects worshipped and even felt connected to her as more than just their queen. Secondly, after Cleopatra was exiled by her incompetent brother, Ptolemy XII, she came back with an army of mercenaries and took back Egypt to be its sole and more qualified ruler. Lastly, Cleopatra went to any means to secure her power and to ensure her nation s financial and political strength; therefore what started off as a strategic alliance with Rome slowly became her dominance over most of the ancient world. Pharaohs for centuries had put themselves on a pedestal, those in the Ptolemaic Dynasty rarely ever connected with their subjects, but Cleopatra defied this ideology. The Ptolemies were descendants of a general in Alexander the Great s military and therefore were aligned with Greek and Macedonian traditions. Previously, Greek rulers and Egyptian subjects caused great division among the ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Application Of Magnetic Polymer Nanocomposites Abstract Magnetic polymer nanocomposites have attracted broad interest for hyperthermic cancer treatment because they are non toxic, biocompatible, and can be remotely heated by alternating magnetic fields. The magnetic induction heating behavior provides a great benefit in biomedical applications, such as targeted drug delivery, and magnetic separation. In situ formation of an organic or polymer layer on their surface is one of the efficient methods for decreasing the aggregation between the nanoparticles, as well as providing functionality on the surface and allowing further functionalization with drugs and therapeutic agents. The most challenging task in hyperthermia is to maximize the specific absorption rate (SAR) with a lower ferrofluids dose. Magnetic nanoparticles coated with polymer layer combine the unique magnetic properties of multi functional nanoparticles with self heating property. In addition, it is easier in preparation by a one pot process. The formation of the nanoparticles with a higher SAR makes it a promising in hyperthermia cancer treatment. 1. Introduction The outstanding potential of magnetic polymer nanocomposites stems from the ability to obtain structures with the combinations of properties that neither individual material possesses. It is possible to synthesize these nanocomposites in desired shape and size with controlled properties of stability, surface area, magnetic, optical, and catalytic properties. The easy separation and controlled ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Analysis Of The Movie A Lot Of Hong Kong Jue Wang UID: 104575692 The Power of Editing Compared to Mainland China and Taiwan, Hong Kong had a more political and economic freedom as a former British Colony, so it successfully developed its own Chinese speaking filmmaking business and played an important role on the world cinema stage. Because Hong Kong enjoyed little or no government restriction on import quotas, it slowly became the second largest film exporter and ranked in the third place for its motion picture production in the world. At the beginning, Hong Kong film referenced elements from Hollywood films, but later, it developed its own techniques and styles of the film because as producer Terence Chang Gi jan stated in David Bordwell s book, A lot of Hong Kong films... Show more content on ... Besides action scenes, many filmmakers also use constructive editing for scenes demanding fantastic or super natural feats, such as flying through the air , destroying an enemy from a distance through palm power , and other killing scenes (Bordwell, 133 134). Whenever a scene is difficult to execute in one establishing shot, filmmaker will take separate shots and use constructive editing to connect each shot. For example in the film Kung Fu Hustle (2004) and Lost in Hong Kong (2015), there are a lot of short length shots which will be difficult for filmmakers and editors if they choose other editing styles besides constructive editing. Constructive editing was very popular in Hong Kong action cinema. Many directors also use this method to set a rhythm or to create a percussive interplay among shot compositions , but director King Hu stretched this to another level (Bordwell, 135). Director King Hu believed that single establishing shot couldn t present the entire action scene to the audiences, so it was very important for the role of the editing. Hu took pride in rapid cutting, claiming that he was the first Hong Kong director to use eight frame shots. He calls on constructive editing, which is supposed to lay out the action clearly, and then does all he can to sabotage it (Bordwell, 163). Kung Fu Hustle (2004) directed by Stephen Chow, was a kung fu comedy film about an ordinary man named Sing who first ... Get more on ...
  • 23. 1980s Fashion Trends Fashion in the 1980s Introduction Fashion in the 1980s was bold and glitzy. Teenagers no longer dictated fashion trends the baby boom generation was getting older and richer and demanded more glamorous, upmarket fashion. Fashion in the 1980s rejected the non materialist `hippie values that had inspired fashion in the 1970s. Earning big money and spending it conspicuously, was the focus of the decade for many Australians. Some people chose to wear fashion that promoted materialist values and flaunted their newly acquired wealth and social status. For people not overflowing with cash, credit cards became a popular way of acquiring goods. As a result, expensive designer labels became increasingly sought after and brand name sporting goods ... Show more content on ... Popular American singer Madonna introduced risquГ© trends like visible bra straps and wearing underwear as outerwear. After Michael Jackson wore a studded black leather jacket in his hugely successful video clip Thriller (1982), many young people were seen sporting a similarstyle. Film and television had a similar impact. The movie Flashdance (1983) popularised leg warmers and ripped, off the shoulder t shirts. The wide shouldered suits from the American soap opera Dynasty soon filtered into mainstream fashion, while the over the top series Dallas promoted obviousdisplays of wealth like heavy, glitzy jewellery and sparkling, sequined clothing. The 1980s power suit Stiff, sharply cut suits with wide shoulders were popular with businessmen and women in the 1980s. Power suits were designed to make the wearer look successful and authoritative. Women had been awarded equal pay to men in 1972. By the 1980s, many women felt a greater sense of authority and control in the workplace and were keen to work their way into senior positions. For some, wearing a masculine, wide shouldered suit was a way of expressing their new found sense of power and asserting their equality with men. Suits were usually teamed with conservative blouses in plain colours. See Image ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Counterculture In The 60 s The hippies, a group of young free spirited, peace loving, drug obsessed individuals, who changed the way of life in the 60 s. They had a lasting impact on music, lifestyles, love, relationships and many more. that has carried on into modern society. The counterculture during the Summer of Love was an American revolution that would change the ways people lived for generations long after the hippies of the Summer of Love. This group of people believe in living one s life the way they wanted it to be lived without having to follow the norms of society. Peace, love, giving, and drug use were some of the their practices they are still remembered for. Although hippies were seen as a group of unclean and lazy people, the hippies from Haight Ashbury... Show more content on ... Large concerts during the Summer of 1967 spread this rock and alternative music across many places. A new type of music also emerged, it was created to help people dance freely and less structured and also make acid trips more enjoyable. During the Summer of Love a new type of music was born, as the article... states... There s just no Summer of Love without music, it was built around music anywhere you went the was music. [...]It had our messages it had our hearts and souls in our investment our enjoyment , it was the most important thing. The Summer of Love was surrounded by these new waves of music that influenced the hippie culture, as it expressed the hippies emotions and it was a way of representation of themselves and what was going on. That summer was essentially one big music festival with new types of music that would later influence hundreds of artists. This music was soft and chill. It also was not completely structured like music from the 50 s therefore one could freely dance to this type of music. The music of this time period represented a new lifestyle that was not structured. The most long lasting legacy of the Summer of Love was the music that defined and established the feel good atmosphere that influenced many musicians today. The relaxation music was a way of protest for the young hippies that were living out their values of peace and love even though ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Polk Museum Of Art Site or Sight The Polk Museum of Art is a fairly small but unique collection of galleries near downtown Lakeland. It has several permanent exhibitions containing over 2,500 works of art ( Mission and History ) and also features new collections and works of art that it rotates out. explains which exhibitionsare currently displayed and is updated to include upcoming events, descriptions of collections, and artists bios and statements on their works, as well as classes, camps, and speakers that will be held or featured at the museum ( Upcoming Events ). The website is an extremely useful tool to learn about the art that can be found at the local attraction, and it lends insight for visitors who want to know background... Show more content on ... For instance, I read about the three mixed media collages by David Maxim, studied the picture of one of them, Time s Speed, and searched for it when we arrived at the Polk Museum of Art; I was interested to see how the artist s signature expressive style, with its energetic line and spilled color, contributes to depicting power and the anxiety of being impacted by that power ( Current Exhibitions ). When I found it, however, I was shocked at how much larger it was than what I expected, and the splattered bulbs of fabric and rope hung off the canvas as large as my head, compared to the size of a golf ball I had been imagining. In addition, being in the actual place with the artwork was a much more educational experience than trying to glean knowledge from the web; seeing the physical objects made them so much more interesting, and interacting with the docent was much more informative than reading paragraphs, since we could ask her questions and hear her anecdotes. For instance, in the Ancient Art of the Americas gallery, our kind tour guide described the cultures and people that used the artifacts we saw, which without her information might have been easy to gloss over. She told us about how some cultures in Mexico would use Chihuahuas as a food source and how they were therefore depicted in art, and pointed at sculptures that I would have otherwise looked at with no understanding. Yet since she explained it, I remember it clearly, unlike the information on that same exhibit that I read from the website such as, The objects date from c. 800 BCE to c. 1500 CE and include ceramics, textiles, stone carvings, and precious metal pieces ( About Our Collection ). Being at the museum gave me perspective and let me notice ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Overview of Mcdonald s Overview McDonald s was founded in 1937, by two brothers, Dick and Maurice McDonald. The first store the brothers owned was built in Pasadena, California and was originally a one window drive in, serving only hot dogs and milkshakes. The success of this establishment led them to open their second restaurant in San Bernardino, California, where they actually employed twenty or more car hops and other staff with a much broader menu. These restaurants were incredibly successful and by 1948 the brothers had made more money then they had ever dreamed. With their newly found success, the brothers decided to overhaul their operations. After analyzing their operations they noticed that hamburgers were the majority of their sales so when ... Show more content on ... Innovative products were masterminded by the large competitors to incorporate all of society. The beginning of this is the kids menus in order to include those demographics, all the way to the young adult world to capture the people who are constantly on the run. They soon began to include the more gourmet items in order to bring in the more sophisticated demographics. Burgers and fries and salads and kids meals seemed to incorporate all the above. The fast food sandwich industry is extremely competitive and demand ever changing therefore it is very important that all chains keep alert and willing to make changes. Economic Characteristics Most of the economic trends in the sandwich industry have evolved around value, convenience and quality. Although customers are concerned about the trends mentioned, one lawsuit quickly brought about sudden change. Teenagers were suing the fast food industry around the idea that fast food was making them obese. Thus, the industry needed to reposition their focus and offer a healthier menu to meet customer demand. Therefore, the industry focused on salads, turkey burgers and fire grilled burgers rather than those cooked in their fat. At the same time, the industry was beginning to focus on kid s menus. While parents were beginning to branch out into the convenience of eating out versus ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Native Americans In Leslie Silko s Ceremony Honors Essay on Ceremony Imagine being a Native American and suffering the horrors of being a prisoner of the Japanese, and later restricted to a lonely, alienated reservation in New Mexico. How would you cope with the trauma of the war and the discrimination that would follow? Without preserving their ceremonies, stories and traditional culture the Native Americans would not have made it through the racism, depression, and alcoholism that resulted from being mistreated. The book, Ceremony, by Leslie Silko described the racism that the Indians faced from the Whites on the reservation, how the soldiers were treated during World War II, the importance of storytelling in their culture, and how some Indians used alcohol as their refuge.... Show more content on ... From present time to thousands of years ago, these ceremonies were used to cure a person s situation or guide them through a difficult time in life. Their beliefs and practices form a integral and seamless part of their very being. ...They also embraced ceremonies and rituals that provided power to conquer the difficulties of life, as wells as events and milestones, such as puberty, marriage, and death (Alexander). When the Native Americans practiced their ceremonies, they felt powerful, in control, and connected with their people. When they practiced their native culture, it tied their tribes together. Without these stories and ceremonies that they practiced, they would feel as if a piece of them were missing. Some Native Americans tried to find comfort in alcohol, but many times this resulted in depression and anger. If a person were to experience a difficulty in ones life, then there would be a ceremony that would fit the person s situation. For example, Betonie, the medicine doctor, was able to invent a ceremony that fit Tayo s ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Collapse Of The Soviet Empire And Its Hegemony We often overlook the real causes of the downfall of the Soviet empire and its hegemony, and simply tie it to the fact that they were communist, dictatorial regimes. However, this is not entirely true. There were many factors that resulted in the demise of this socialist conglomerate, and East Germany in particular. The GDR was a special case in that it was racked by some of the worst economic circumstances that any of the Eastern blocfaced, and as result, became the first to fall. Such assumptions compel us to draw equivalencies between the GDR and other communist countries like Yugoslavia, even though East Germanywas at a much more disadvantageous position. The East German military also had to provide the bulk of the non Soviet forces in all Warsaw Pact military plans. This forced the GDR government to forcibly conscript large numbers of their population and spend vast quantities of their funds on military hardware. These elements combined to start the GDR on a slippery slope towards default, and economic turmoil. The first aspect that I will focus on is the grossly disproportionate amount of money that the East German government spent on its military capacity. Initially, the USSR was the only military force in postwar East Germany. The Soviets forbade the new communist state an armed forces, but as the costs of keeping up a substantial presence began to add up, the Soviet military took notice. Beginning in the mid 1950s, the Nationale Volksarmee (NVA) manifested into ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Gun Ownership And Gun Related Homicides Abstract Several peer reviewed studies on the subject of gun ownership and gun related homicides were identified and reviewed. During the research phase it was noted that there are opponents and proponents of gun control that present logical sounding arguments, but there have been several research studies conducted that suggest that there is a positive correlational relationship between gun ownership and gun related deaths, particularly gun related homicides. This paper will review many studies that have been conducted on the correlation between gun ownership and availability and the rate of gun related homicides. The majority of the studies focus on comparing the United States to other countries since it has been found that the United States has a disproportionate amount of gun related deaths when compared to other countries of comparable economic and political status. The Relationship between Gun Ownership and Gun Related Homicides The Second Amendment states that A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. It is likely that no other single statement has created more debate between people in the United States. Some people believe that the Second Amendment was written with the intention of allowing citizens of the United States to individually keep and bear guns for their safety and defense. Other people argue that the language of Second Amendment ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Portrayals Of Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is an illness that affects an estimated 3.2 million people in America alone (Nemade). Often, people have scattered reactions when they hear the word schizophrenia. Some may associate this word with uncontrollable actions that could potentially cause harm to those around them. People may think of serial killers, rapists, or any form of negative archetype seen in the media. According to the DSM 5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), schizophreniais diagnosed if the patient experiences delusions, hallucinations, and/or disorganized speech for more than a month. Delusions include, but are not limited to, the belief you are going to be harassed or harmed, belief environmental cues are directed at oneself, belief... Show more content on ... It is consumed by the masses at exponential rates, so it is only natural for the consumers to accept most of what they see as truth. Many times there are reports of serial killers or rapists pasted all over the media. Often, news channels will assume the perpetrator has some form of mental illness, such as schizophrenia. Consequently, many people associate schizophrenia with a negative stereotype associated with violence because of what they view in the media. In the scientific study, Portrayals of Schizophrenia by Entertainment Media: A Content Analysis of Contemporary Movies, the author reviewed 41 different films made between 1990 and 2010 with at least one main character that had schizophrenia. The study found most characters engaged in dangerous or violent behaviors toward themselves or others, and nearly a third engaged in homicidal behavior (Owen). Accordingly, the negative portrayals of those with schizophrenia in movies influence the stigma among the general public that schizophrenia is dangerous. Instinctually, people want to keep themselves safe and alive in their day to day lives, so having this negative reaction to schizophrenia will make them feel safer by avoiding those with the illness. The overall view of schizophrenia from society creates a negative public stigma. People diagnosed with a mental health problem were most likely to be seen as unpredictable, hard to talk to, and unlikely to recover (Wood and Birtel). According to Public Perceptions of Stigma Towards People With Schizophrenia, Depression and Anxiety, many in society view schizophrenia ... Get more on ...
  • 31. South African Americans Before European Integration Europe has been quite successful in integrating its economies because of the various geopolitical and economic activities. The first and foremost reason is that these countries are small and the economy of the one country can be integrated with the economy of the other country. Their integration has been made possible because the aspiration and believe of the different countries are very much similar. Moreover, their cultural and economic history is moreover same. European Unionas it has been called now has been the most developed model of the regional integration though challenged by economic crisis now a days. For the integration, the intersection of the economic need, life style of the people, and size of the economy must be same. Due to inappropriate way and lack of proper political integration by countries and surge in the national feeling over the common economic goal of the region has adversely impacted the area. European unions is comprised of many countries which include different countries which are in different stage of their economic development ... Show more content on ... The establishment of Mercosur by signing on the treaty by Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay in 1991 has established the free trade markets but still failed to include other countries in the region so as to be called the integration of South American economies. Thus, although Mercosur is an integration effort but has become the group of maximum three to four countries. Moreover the proposal effort by the Mercosur is not taken by the many other countries and thus it has been unsuccessful. The development perspective demands that countries should unite to cater the high degree of Competitiveness in the global market especially from the countries like ... Get more on ...
  • 32. ITU Frequency Designation ITU Frequency Designation The ITU radio bands are designations defined in the ITU Radio Regulations. Provision No. 2.1 states that the radio spectrum shall be subdivided into nine frequency bands, which shall be designated by progressive whole numbers in accordance with the following table. Table of ITU Radio Bands Band NumberSymbolsFrequency RangeWavelength RangeTypical sources 1ELF3 to 30 Hz10,000 to 100,000 kmdeeply submerged submarine communication 2SLF 30 to 300 Hz1000 to 10,000 kmsubmarine communication, ac power grids 3ULF 300 to 3000 Hz100 to 1000 kmearthquakes, earth mode communication 4VLF 3 to 30 kHz10 to 100 kmnear surface submarine communication, 5LF 30 to 300 kHz1 to 10 kmAM broadcasting, aircraft beacons 6MF 300 to 3000 kHz100 to 1000 mAM broadcasting, aircraft beacons, amateur two way radio 7HF 3 to 30 MHz10 to 100 mSky wave long range radio communication: shortwave broadcasting, military, maritime, diplomatic, amateur two way radio 8VHF 30 to 300 MHz1 to 10 mFM radio broadcast, television broadcast, PMR, DVB T, MRI 9UHF 300 to 3000 MHz10 to 100 cmPMR, television broadcast, microwave oven, GPS, mobile phone communication (GSM, UMTS, 3G, HSDPA), cordless phones (DECT), WLAN (Wi Fi 802.11 b/g/n), Bluetooth 10SHF 3 to 30 GHz1 to 10 cmDBS satellite television broadcasting, WLAN (Wi Fi 802.11 a/n), microwave relays, Wi MAX, radars 11EHF 30 to 300 GHz1 to 10 mmmicrowave relays, inter satellite links, Wi MAX, high ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The International Expansion Of Bmw And Ikea The brand globalization goes on rapidly, an increasing numbers of organization invested their brand track to overseas markets. New markets have new consumers, chances, and profits and extend brands existence. The international expansion of BMW and IKEA has led them to achieve huge success. In this essay, will explore what lead each brand to move away from their traditional market and investigating how the two brands developed successful international expansion, and what has made them global household names. Firstly, BMW, which is established in 1916, it is a worldwide famous automotive enterprise and thought to be a leading company in field of high class automotive manufacturer. With a history of over one hundred years, BMW develops from a small manufacturing company that produces aero engines into business groups that dominate in the field of high class automotives and produce world famous aero engines, off road vehicles and motorcycle (Elias, 2009). In 1928, BMW purchasing the company Fahrzeugfabrik Eisenach to became an automobile manufacturer, all the cars were made in a factory in the Thuringia area of Germany before The Second World War. BMW had many changes during the War, They became a manufacturer of German weapons and put their almost all of the sources to built aircraft engines for the Air Force of German. After war, the first car was the BMW 501 which was built from 1952, even though it was not a commercial success, but it restored the capacity of BMW. At the ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Beating the Competition and Sustaining in the Modern Hotel... The capital of the world is in 23 different places this was the tagline used by the General Electric Company when it expanded its business in 1995. It is very valid for India as well. India is emerging as one of the leading economies of the world and the rate of growth in every sector of the economy is immense. The hotelindustry is very sensitive to economic cycles and is therefore intrinsically linked to the state of the economy. At present, there are over 462 hotels in the country and the total number of rooms is around 58612. Hotel room supply has increased in 2010 11 by 15% while the nationwide occupancy has increased by 1.7%. Although the growth in supply is a double digit figure but the growth in occupancy signals the fact there... Show more content on ... There is a direct company customer contact based relationship. (Moores, 1986) This experience helps hotels achieve distinction against competitors. But at the same time the communicated value proposition of the brand has to be clear cut so that potential guests are able to identify the advantage of a hotel in comparison to its competitors (Daun and Klinger, Delivering the message, 2006).Apart from communication through words, pictures and logos should also be redesigned in order to make an everlasting connection with the guest. For hotel chains wanting to satisfy the needs of guests and beat the competition, then building a psycho brand provides an opportunity which if realized, could do not only this but also defy the test of time. (Mehta Gautam, December 17, 2003) Perceptions of brands in the minds of the consumer are formed on the basis of the four main functions of the brain thinking, sensation, intuition and feeling. Psycho branding is supported by three concepts Goodyear s Model of Brand Evolution: Brands act as extensions of the personality. Incorporation of personal characteristics into the brand makes it more appealing to guests. Moment of Identity: The modern guest tries to match her own identity with the identity she relates to the brand. Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs: It is the driving force for choosing any brand, the one which identifies with self actualisation. For hotel chains wanting to satisfy the needs of ... Get more on ...
  • 35. A Streetcar Named Desire Compare And Contrast A Streetcar Named Desire s original drafts were started in the early 1940s by playwright Tennessee Williams, who prepared and tested numerous titles for the work. Eventually, the completed play opened on December 3, 1947 in New York City staring Marlon Brando as Stanley Kowalski and directed by Elia Kazan. This run of Streetcar lasted 855 performances until 1949 and won Williams a Pulitzer Prize and the New York Drama Critics Circle Award. Later, in 1951, the film version was adapted and stared Brando along side Vivien Leighas Blanche with Kazan holding the seat as director once again. Both the play and film adaptations of A Streetcar Named Desirehave received critical acclaim and much success, so much so that Williams work is both... Show more content on ... She spends most of the first scene talking down to Stella, mentioning that she looks as if she s put on weight while praising herself for remaining the same size since they last saw each other. She dresses in rhinestone crowns, fluffy bodices and pearl necklaces and earrings. Her wardrobe appears to be filled with clothing that s either white or and pastels, colors that one easily associates with purity. Yet, she is capable of manipulation and adept at spinning lies as clearly evidenced by her constant lies about a Mr. Shep Huntleigh, who does not really exist, or her lies about being on a leave of absence. This is also clear based on her manipulation of Mitch, played by Karl Malden, into making him fall for her or her emotional manipulation of Stella. Beneath this faГ§ade, Blanche seems to be terrified of losing control and terrified of reality. She spends a lot of the play and film sneaking drinks so that she can calm her nerves and one could even argue that her manipulation is simply her creating a reality that she doesn t have to be so afraid of. Blanche struggles to maintain her glamorous faГ§ade and here in lies her greatest conflict; keeping up with her lies and not mixing reality and fantasy Blanche fails to discern between reality and fantasy and gets caught in her lies. She can never quite get her story straight Blanche struggles to maintain some semblance of control in her life after she seems to have lost so much of it in the ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Touch of Evil Essays Touch of Evil Director: Orson Welles Producers: Rick Schmidlin, Albert Zugsmith Director of Photography: Russel Metty Writer: Orson Welles Editor : Aaron Stell, Walter Murch Poduction Designer/ Art Director: Robert Clatworkth Alexander Golitzen AVF 10 В– 5/1/05 In Orson Wellesclassic film noir production Touch of Evil, a Mexican police officer named Mike Vargas (Charlton Heston), becomes the target of an American police officer named Hank Quinlin (Orson Welles), when Vargas attempts to expose Quinlin framing a murder suspect. Quinlin, a celebrity among police officers has become corrupt in his practices and is willing to go any lengths including committing murder to uphold his reputation. Vargas is an... Show more content on ... When the two men come face to face they are both shot from below establishing that there they are both strong figures, which is an important film noir tactic. The other officers around them are shot at eye level. The tension between them begins with a racial comment from Quinlin stating that Vargas doesn t sound like a Mexican. When Vargas reassures Quinlin that he wont he won t have any trouble with him, Quinlin responds with, you bet your sweet life I wont. The shot ends with a second of silence focused from below on Quinlin s shadowed face. The use of shadows is also a key element of film noir, which helps to create the dark and mysterious world that surrounds the characters. Quinlin increasingly represents a common character in film noir. Although he is a strong character in the eyes of his fellow officers, he is portrayed as a loner who has become disillusioned and insecure. His scenes with Tanya Tana (Marlene Deitrich) are revealing of Quinlin s past and his downward spiral since then. She comments that she didn t recognize him and that he should lay off the candy bars making it obvious that Quinlin has physically deteriorated since they were at one time involved. As the film goes on Quinlin falls back into drinking and spends the later part of the film completely intoxicated. Although Tanya acts indirectly as Quinlin s significant female, she does not represent the classic femme ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Marvel Comics Research Papers Looking for the top 3 best Marvel comics plots? Most of them are in the comic book literature. While others can be found in the movies but this list will make it easy for you to round up. With the Marvel Cinematic Universe expanding, the platform is looking at a wide web of story arcs. There are multiple ways a super hero dies (and lives). These versions have different time lines and even histories, but there are only a few that can become the top 3 best Marvel comics plots. Still, there are those that look at the comics as its main source of interest and recreation. Which is why here are the top 3 best Marvel comics plots (and some are even in the movies): #3 When Gwen Stacy Died Remember that time Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone) in The Amazing ... Show more content on ... Aside from that, she is in the hearts of both Cyclops and Wolverine. But after discovering the Phoenix within her, she turns evil. In the X Men: The Last Stand, Jean Grey (Famke Janssen) becomes a powerful entity that burns everything around her. It is much the same in the 1980 comics. It is a pivotal moment for fans to find out that their favorite character can become evil and think themselves a god. #1 The Infinity Stones Now, the Infinity Stones are a subject of interest in all the Marvel movies. There is a tidbit here and there that rounds up all of the Marvel characters together. But many do not understand that the Infinity Stones is not about power. It is a courtship between Thanos and Death. Thanos yearns for Death s affection and the only way he can do that is to collect the stones and form the gauntlet. The Infinity Gauntlet will enable Thanos to kill billions and even trillions of lives, all of which will be given as gifts to Death. This is considerably one of the most insane courtship rituals in the Marvel Comics and one that stands out most of the Avenger films. Eventually, the movie will close the story of the Infinity Stones in Avengers: Infinity War, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Thor: ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Top Ten Most Haunted Sites Top Ten Most Haunted Sites in the Country When a ghost sighting is on your bucket list, frequenting places with heightened paranormal activity is the best way to fulfill your dream. Not all places promoting hauntings are legitimate, but there are many locations with well documented narratives and eyewitness reports chronicling bonafide otherworldly manifestations. Instead of shooting in the dark and hoping for a glimpse of a spectral apparition, icy touch, or mournful wail, consider visiting one of these ten sites that have had more than their fair share of supernatural episodes. These aren t just places with spooky stories, this list contains battlefields, graveyards, hotels, and other historic locations known for their legitimate hauntings. ... Show more content on ... The prison was built in 1829 to shape the minds and souls of its residents through the rigorous and strict rules of Quaker beliefs. Cells represented personal chapels with skylights to represent the light of God. It was the only light they saw since they had their heads bagged whenever they left their cells. The prison did not live up to its design, although it did house two of the most notorious men in U.S. prison history: Al Capone and the one time most wanted man in America, bank robber Willie ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Being A Student Athlete Essay While high school student athletes invest a lot of time and energy into their sport, the collegiate lifestyle brings a new level of difficulty that many incoming freshmen can find intimidating and overwhelming at first. In addition to being under more pressure to perform on a larger, more competitive stage in front of a more expansive audience, they must also deal with the every day challenges that normal college freshmen face: homesickness, transitioning into a more demanding academic workload, and creating a new social network. College athletes have to have their routines extremely time focused, and make time management essential to their daily lives. Despite the many stereotypes that are connected with being a student athlete, student athletes in general are held to much higher standards by their institutions. Before a prospective student athlete even enters college, they are made fully aware of the academic standings and requirements of the college they choose. Although the academic requirements vary from college to college, the standards are still held high for all student athletes. The transition into college can be exceptionally difficult especially for the... Show more content on ... Making the adjustment to a new lifestyle can take its toll on students, and can leave them feeling uneasy. Being that student athletes don t get the luxury to go home every weekend sets up a new obstacle in the way of easing into a new lifestyle. College freshmen suffering from homesickness should communicate with their support group from back home, typically close family and friends, in order to feel connected with back home. There are many forms of communication now a days that allow people all around the world to stay connected. College students that are dealing with homesickness should take advantage of (devices) such as Face time, Skype, Snapchat, and even old fashion snail mail can make home seem a little more ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Julius Caesar s Ethos In Laertes After discovering his father s death, Laertes is angered with Claudius, the present king. Despite the rage that filled Laertes heart, Claudius was able to not only quell Laertes anger, but gain Laertes trust. Claudius manages to persuade Laertes to his side by appealing to Laertes ethos, logos, and pathos. When Laertes first bursts into the castle, emotions everywhere are high, however Claudius greets Laertes calmly, allowing him to speak his rage. Insecurity and anger often go hand in hand, and in his emotionally unstable state Claudius easily changes Laertes heart by crediting himself to be most sensibly in grief for [Laertes father s death] (Shakespeare 4.5.149). By creating this morally right version of himself in Laertes mind, ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Analytic Rubrics There are advantages and disadvantages that exist for both holistic and analytic rubrics. Teachers use holistic rubrics (e.g. the Holistic Oral Language Scoring Rubric and the Holistic Scoring Rubric for Writing Assessment with ELL Students) to assess their students cognitive functions simultaneously while analytic rubrics (e.g. the Student Oral Language Observation Matrix and the Analytic Scoring Rubric for Writing) assess children s abilities separately and assign a different score to each learningaptitude/dimension. Advantages of using holistic rubrics include the following: faster scoring process; can be used a means of summative assessment at the end of project or a unit; emphasizes the positive aspects of a student s work. The downside ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Why The Rich Are Getting Richer And Poor By Robert Reich... Robert Reich was Secretary of Labor under the Clinton administration, and, currently, he is Chancellor s Professor of Public Policy at the University of California and the Senior Fellow at the Blum Center for Developing Economies. He has written multiple books, and he is founding editor of the American Prospect magazine. In one of his most prominent articles Why the Rich Are Getting Richer and the Poor, Poorer, Robert Reich illustrates that the effects of globalization and the disappearance of restrictions have widened the gap between social classes. In the opening of his article, Robert Reich discusses how a person s economic status within a nation is determined by the function that person performs, but he then goes off to say that in earlier times economic status fluctuated and could be influenced by the workers. According to Reich, the classification or industry of a person s job doesn t matter in today s economy as much as their function, and he further describes this as the reason as to why some classes and incomes are falling and others are... Show more content on ... With an increase in communication and transportation across the world, corporations now have the ability to move jobs to where they can maximize profits. Robert Reich describes AT T and how it moved routine production jobs from Louisiana to Singapore due to cheaper wage costs and greater advancements in communication. Then, they moved again to Thailand because routine production jobs were cheaper there than in Singapore. In addition, Roberts describes many other American corporations like American Airlines and Texas Instruments that are doing the same thing in which they outsource jobs of routine producers to other countries (Reich 516), decreasing jobs for routine producers within ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Cyberbullying And Its Impact On Cyberbullying The article written by Carol M. Walker, Beth Rajan Sockman, and Steven Koehn, An Exploratory Study of Cyberbullying with Undergraduate University Students delves into their study done on undergraduate students to address technology and its impact on cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is defined as, The use of information and communication technologies such as email, cellphones, instant messaging... to promote deliberate, repeated and hurtful behavior with the intent to harm others (Tech Trends Journal, Vol. 55, Issue 2, pg. 32). The purpose of this study was to examine what instances of cyberbullying undergraduate students experience, as well as what forms of technologyare used in such instances. The questions posed were: What instances of cyberbullying do undergraduate students experience, and what role does gender play in cyberbullying at the undergraduate level?, and What forms of technology do undergraduate students use to perpetrate or receive bullying, and how often does it occur? Some questions that were also addressed were: What impact does the cellphone have on the interactions of undergraduate students as they maintain their status according to the Social Dominance theory?, How do social networking sites affect these students?, and Has the ability to reply instantly, without personal contact, augmented the bullying scene? As referenced in this article, there are many instances of previous research on the topics of bullying and cyberbullying. In the late 1970 s, Dan ... Get more on ...
  • 44. The Manifestation of Pride in The Great Divorce by C.S.... The Manifestation of Pride in The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis suggests that choices made on earth have a consequential effect towards our acceptance into heaven or our plummet into hell. In this book pride manifests itself in a hundred subtle ways as souls whine about perceived injustices or irrational motives. Thankfully, a few tourists do humble themselves, become transformed into marvelously real beings, and remain in heaven. But most don t, about which the great Scottish author George MacDonald, Lewis heavenly guide, says, They may not be rejecting the truth of heaven now. They may be reenacting the rejection they made while on earth . George MacDonald the narrator/teacher, from whom Lewis ... Show more content on ... Adoption has brought me through the hands of my birth mother to a mother who has now raised me for 16 years. Conversations with my birth mother result in dramatic feelings for her and for me, tyranny of the past (p.102). But, Lewis suggests in the book that the past is all she (the ghost) chose to have and that it was the wrong way to deal with sorrow . My birth mother could very well be the ghost as I was even an accident . As her memory of me is deceiving and still consuming her thoughts. This maternal or instinctual love is preventing my mother from moving on in her own life. A material mind set is a reality of many entrepreneurs and is well represented in this book through the man with the bowler hat, Ikey. This mans thoughts revolve around providing necessity, But if I can come back with some real commodities...why, at once you d get a demand down in our town (p.13). For a real world entrepreneur, such as Ikey, it would be simple for thoughts to be consumed by opportunism. If thoughts are consumed by need, it leaves less time to reflect on choices and can cause Acedia (restlessness or despair). Lewis makes this point later in chapter six while referring to Ikey, ...still availing himself of every scrap of cover, he set out on his Via dolorosa to the bus, carrying his torture (p.49). Ikey s refusal to rest denies him an opportunity, which any entrepreneur would never give up, but in this instance his ... Get more on ...
  • 45. The Case for, or Against New Orleans Jason Coleman 06 11 12 New Orleans Recommendation Paper The Case For, or Against, New Orleans Management Decision Models B6025 Dr. Usha Dasari We will look at many factors in our case for rebuilding or not rebuilding New Orleans. This recommendation will be reviewed by state and local governments for their decision. We will perform a Cost Benefit Analysis which will represent the residents of New Orleans, the residents of the surrounding floods plains, the Mayor of New Orleans, and the federal government represented by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) and the taxpayers. We will look at scenario models, risk management, and decision trees to support our decisions and analysis. This natural disaster took an enormous toll on ... Show more content on ... Katrina hit many southern cities. Louisiana, Texas, and Mississippi were all hit but the most damage occurred in New Orleans. With the city mostly under sea level this presented much of the problem. The majority of the city was flooded. More than $200 billion dollars in damages were estimated. The loss of life, property, and business were devastating on New Orleans. This was the most costly of all natural disasters in the United States of America in my lifetime. This natural disaster disturbed the economic system of New Orleans, the labor markets around the U.S., and the individual businesses in New Orleans. The trending effect was a loss of 100,000 jobs in ten months and almost 2.9 billion in wages were lost (Effects of Hurricane Katrina, 2012). The storm helped to crush New Orleans and put a devastating effect on the economy of the U.S. Gas prices rose, product prices rose, and the tourism rate in New Orleans went to zero. The port was unable to open, the colleges were closed due to the devastation, and as I stated earlier tourism became null and void. The hurricane brought social, economic, and morale parameters into play. New Orleans lost 95,000 jobs in the first ten month after the hurricane (Effects of Hurricane Katrina, 2012). Unemployment became a nightmare thus making living arrangement unbearable. Government agencies were having a hard time keeping up with unemployment thus making many residents ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Walt Disney Change The World Walt Disney was a true inspiration to kids, animators, and adults around the world. He changed the animation world amazingly. At first animations shorts didn t have color and sound, until Walt Disney made Steamboat Willie. Walt Disney was an amazing man because he used his artistic talents to change the world beautifully.Walt Disneywas born on December 5, 1901, in Chicago, Illinois. He had three brothers, Roy, Raymond, and Herbert Disney. He also had one sister, Ruth Disney; Walt was the fourth child of these five children. His parents were Flora and Elias Disney; Elias was an abusive father. Walt had dyslexia from a young age; dyslexia is a learning disorder, which causes a person to see letters, numbers, and words backwards. This made... Show more content on ... Soon came their first child Diane Marie Disney on December 18, 1933. Three years later they adopted their second daughter Sharon Disney in December 1936. They loved having two daughters running around, dressing up, and having fun. Sometimes Roy and his family would come over and grill out and make forts on the back yard with chairs, sheets, and pillows. Walt got the idea to make an amusement park for families. He would call it Disneyland; he got the inspiration of the design of the park from his trip to a park in the Tivoli park in Denmark. Disneyland costed $17 million, and opened in 1955. The opening was a disaster, it was too hot, and people were not enjoying their time because of the extreme heat. When Walt was making the Jungle Book, was when he started to have health problems. He found out he had lung cancer, from smoking all the time. He died on December 15, 1966. His final words were Kurt Russel, people to this day still have no clue why Kurt Russel was his final words. People say that Walt was frozen, but he wasn t frozen. He was buried in Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Los Angeles, ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Laurel Hill Duke Forest Report Laurel Hill in Duke Forest Report At Laurel Hill Duke Forest there is a large granodiorite cliff adjacent to a river on one side. This cliff is not smooth and has several parallel fractures instead of one steep slope. Observations of this cliff were taken in order to gather data and find possible explanations for why this cliff is where it is located and why the river adjacent to it follows a V shaped path. One observation was that the range of the strikes and dips of the fractures facing river were all near parallel ranging from strike of 170 190 degrees and dips ranging from 70 90 degrees. There were other fractures oriented differently on other sides of the outcrop. Also, the surface of the outcrop was highly weathered in some parts where the rocktype was not distinguishable without using a rock hammer and had moss growing over it. On the first side of the outcrop the rock when examined was greenish and had small black grains indicative of diorite with hornblende giving the green color. The rock was similar to the outcrop encountered at Hollow rock which also had several fractures parallel although not as many, and that outcrop was also highly weathered. On the other side of the outcrop, the rock was incredibly different. This side was not weathered beyond recognition but ... Show more content on ... Further, a primary cause of cliff formation is erosion and weathering. Erosion and weathering provides a plausible explanation for the location and structure of this cliff since erosion and weathering caused by rain and wind is a common cause of cliff formation, and the observations recorded are consistent as evidence of erosion and weathering taking place. North Carolina has a rainy climate, so rain could definitely be a factor in weathering. The rain and wind washes away and erodes softer rocks separating them from harder rocks forming a sharp crack after the fracture occurs and the rocks ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Analysis Of Watchman By Alan Moore And Dave Gibbon Take a moment to think of a superhero. What comes to mind? Superman, with his iconic pairing of a red cape and a blue suit, or perhaps Batman s dark and mysterious bat costume? Now choose a female superhero, such as Wonder Woman. Revealing armor that barely protects anything besides her torso and wrists, and a focus on beauty and stereotypical femininity instead of functionality and her primary role as a strong, respected heroine. This same trend of sexualizing and looking down upon women is as rampant in current media as it is throughout Alan Moore and Dave Gibbon s appraised graphic novel Watchman through the story s negative and humiliating depictions of female superherocharacters and their relationships. Watchmen reinforces these... Show more content on ... According to an article on self defense, the six most effective ways to incapacitate an attacker are to strike the knees, groin, throat, jaw, nose, and eyes, five of which are entirely unprotected and all of which are inadequately protected when Laurie wears her costume. This attire is obviously not designed to protect Laurie, who wore the outfit specifically to fight violent crime and would therefore often end up in dangerous interactions with criminals; instead, the outfit is meant to make an obvious point of Laurie s femininity and sexuality as a woman. The costume s focus on a sexualized female body is noticeable immediately, as it exposes her chest and legs and the sides of her breasts. The outfit even features heels that are entirely unrealistic in a fight. The costume continues to sexualize Laurie through the use of symbolism. The long cut down Laurie s front (see Fig. 1) resembles an arrow pointing towards Laurie s privates, giving the outfit an overwhelming theme of sexuality and an entire lack of functionality. Laurie s outfit can be contrasted very easily to the male heroes costumes throughout the novel. Every hero costume a male character wears throughout Watchmen features at least some form of functionality (see Fig. 2); the Comedian s attire features body armor, most noticeably covering his shoulders; Ozymandias s outfit is made mostly of some sort of metal for protection; Rorschach wears a simple dress shirt, a pair of slacks, and a long ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Physician-Assisted Suicide Case Petitioners in this case are the State of Washington and its Attorney General. Respondents Harold Glucksberg, Abigail Halperin, Thomas A. Preston, and Peter Shalit, are medical physicians who practice in the State of Washington, along with three gravely ill, pseudonymous plaintiffs who have since died and the non profit organization that counsel people considering physician assisted suicide , Compassion in Dying, sued in the United States District Court, seeking a declaration that Wash Rev. Code 9A.36.060(1) (1994) was unconstitutional. Washington vs. Glucksberg, 521 U.S. 702 (1997). The Washington State statute provided a person was guilty of the felony of promoting a suicide attempt when the person knowingly caused or aided another person... Show more content on ... S. Supreme Court granted certiorari and began this case as they do in all Due Process cases by examining the nation s history, legal traditions and practices. (Casey, 505 at U. S. 833; Cruzan at 497 U. S. 261 and Moore vs. East Cleveland, 431 U. S. 494, 503 (1977). Anglo American common law has punished or disapproved of assisting suicide for seven centuries and rendering such assistance is a crime in almost every state; such prohibitions have never contained exceptions for those who were near death; the prohibitions in recent years were reexamined and, for the most part reaffirmed in a number of states; and the President signed the Federal Assisted Suicide Funding Restriction Act of 1997, which prohibits the use of federal funds in support of physician assisted suicide. (521 at U. S. 702). It has always been a crime in the State of Washington for an individual to knowingly cause or aide another person to attempt suicide. (В§ 9A.26.060(1). The Court held that В§ 9A.26.060(1) ban on assisted suicide was not a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment and did not result in any fundamental liberty interest protected by the Due Process Clause. (521 at U. S. 702). Although many liberties that are protected by the Due Process Clause revolve around personal autonomy, it does not warrant the sweeping conclusion that any and all important, intimate, and personal decisions are so protected. Id. The Court also held in order for Washington s ban to be constitutional, it had ... Get more on ...