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Animal Farm Russian Revolution Essay
Crafting an essay on the theme of "Animal Farm Russian Revolution" presents its own set of
challenges, requiring a nuanced understanding of both George Orwell's allegorical novella and
the historical events it mirrors. The complexity arises from the need to weave together literary
analysis and historical context seamlessly.
Firstly, delving into Animal Farm necessitates a comprehensive grasp of Orwell's satirical
narrative techniques and his use of anthropomorphism to depict the key figures involved in the
Russian Revolution. This requires meticulous attention to details, as one must draw parallels
between the characters in the novel and their real-life counterparts, highlighting the subtle
nuances that enrich the allegorical elements.
Simultaneously, an effective essay on this topic demands a thorough understanding of the
Russian Revolution's intricacies. This involves exploring the socio-political climate of early 20th-
century Russia, the rise of the Bolsheviks, the fall of the Romanovs, and the subsequent
establishment of the Soviet Union. To articulate these historical events in a way that seamlessly
integrates with the analysis of Animal Farm requires careful research and synthesis.
Moreover, navigating the balance between literary analysis and historical commentary poses its
own set of challenges. Striking the right chord between discussing Orwell's literary choices and
drawing parallels with historical events requires finesse. Each argument and observation must
contribute to a cohesive narrative that not only analyzes Animal Farm but also sheds light on the
complexities of the Russian Revolution.
In conclusion, crafting an essay on the theme of "Animal Farm Russian Revolution" demands a
blend of literary acumen and historical insight. The task involves dissecting Orwell's allegory
while providing a nuanced understanding of the historical context it mirrors. Successfully
navigating these challenges results in a compelling essay that resonates with readers.
For assistance with similar essays and more, one can explore the services available at, where professional writers can provide support and guidance for various
academic topics.
Animal Farm Russian Revolution EssayAnimal Farm Russian Revolution Essay
The Pathology Of Asthma
A major health problem for nearly 26 million Americans is asthma. This total
includes more than 7 million children. Asthma causes millions of lost school and
work days every year and is the third leading cause of hospitalization among
children. There is no cure for asthma, but the good news is that it can be managed
and treated, allowing you to live a normal, healthy life ( Learn About Asthma, 2016).
One out of ten children and one out of twenty adults are diagnosed with asthma
(Bryan, 2004). Asthma is noted as one of the most common chronic disorders
among children under the age of 18. In addition to the millions of lost school days,
it is also the third leading cause of hospitalization for children. It is also noted to
cause limited daily... Show more content on ...
In 1816, a French physician named Rene Laennec invented the stethoscope, which
allowed physicians to listen to the lungs of patients with asthma. Laennec was
convinced that the muscles involuntarily contracted the airways. The spirometer
became an important medical tool in 1846. It allowed physicians to measure the
strength of a patient s lungs, as well as how much air could be inhaled. In 1860,
Henry Hyde Salter, an asthmatic English physician, penned his research on several
hundred patients, and his realization that asthma tended to become worse when the
patients were sleeping. His recommended treatment for the asthma attacks: drink
strong black coffee. He also found that asthma responded to belladonna, known as
deadly nightshade, which, of course, is very poisonous. But, a chemical known as
atropine, which is combined with belladonna, helped to relieve asthma attacks. In
1892, Sir William Oster, an English physician, described three mechanisms of
asthma, which has formed the basis of today s treatments of asthma. Sir William
Oster proposed that asthma was caused by muscle contractions, inflammation and
abnormal nerve activity within the airways. By the early part of the 20th century,
scientists were able to produce a variety of different drugs that were able to relieve
the muscle
Mathematics Peacefully, Working On An Assignment For
My Math
I sit in the library peacefully, working on an assignment for my math. Trigonometry:
a bit hard, but fun. I continue to sip on my leaf water out of my nice cat mug; the
one with a cat and under it the word Catffeinated on it. Then Stephaniey, the daughter
of the biggest man in the city, comes over. Hello, Stephaniey. Ah hello, friend. Could
I see your tea set?
She points at the box by my backpack, a clear mocking tone to the word friend , but
I pass it off as a mishearing. I have the set with me today because my chem lab
teacher was interested in my collection, as he, too, is a collector. Yeah, sure, I guess.
She opens the box, removes the protective padding, and picks up a cup. She lifts it up
to the light for what I think ... Show more content on ...
I howl out as pain explodes from my face. I reach up toward her legs, causing more
discomfort. With a firm grasp, I flip her over onto the floor. In the process, I get up,
my body hunched over hers. The blood on my face drips onto her. Screeches of
horror come out of her mouth.
Alright, I wasn t too mad at the cup breaking, but PUSHING MY FACE INTO ITS
Eh so, it doesn t matter. Cause you ll be in trouble and won t be able to run for head
That s what this is about?!?
Of course, what else?
That s such a dumb reason, I don t really care about the place. Also Jennifer is more
likely than the both of us.
Nuh uh, she can t run, she s been hospitalized.
What!!? She was fine yesterday!
She was hi
Both of you to Mr. Moore s Office; take this note with you. You two have disrupted
the library s learning/studying environment. Mrs. Geoff, the librarian, interrupts us.
As I begin to reach for the note, she stops me.
Oh, no. Mowow, you head straight to the Nurse s office. We ll take care of the
issue after you re alright, I ll have a student bring your things to the front office and
get a janitor for the glass. She gives me a warm smile, having watched the event
unfold, but not being able to stop it right away. She knows I didn t start it or partake
in the violence.
Hmmpf. Stephaniey huffs and starts walking in the opposite direction of Mr.
Pride And Prejudice Character Analysis
The novel Pride and Prejudice was first published in 1813. Signet Classics published
Jane Austen s book in 1980. The story takes place in early 19th century England.
Important settings are Longbourn: the Bennets estate, Netherfield Park: the estate of
Mr. Bingley; Rosings Park: the estate of Lady Catherine de Bourgh, and Pemberley:
Mr. Darcy s estate. Major characters in this comically toned romance include
Elizabeth and Jane Bennet, Mr. Darcy, Mr. Bingley, and Mr. Wickham. Elizabeth is
the protagonist while the pride and prejudiceof social classes can be seen as the
antagonist. Mr. Darcy, aside from Elizabeth Bennet herself, undergoes one of the
most drastically dynamic character changes of the novel. The exposition of the novel
begins... Show more content on ...
Once Jane is recovered, the sisters return home, and the next day the Bennets
receive a visit from their cousin, Mr. Collins, who is set to inherit the estate. Shortly
after his arrival, Collins proposes to Elizabeth, who turns him down an exciting
climax within the plot. Once he is convinced of her denial, he turns to Charlotte
Lucas, a neighbor and friend of the Bennets. In the nearby town of Meryton, where
militia officers are stationed, the sisters meet the new officer, Wickham. When Mr.
Bingley and Mr. Darcy happen upon the group, Darcy and Wickham seem to
profusely detest each other, the perfect man vs. man conflict Elizabeth can t help but
notice. Elizabeth and Wickham become friends and he tells her Darcy is a horrible
man who cheated him out of his inheritance.
The Bingley party leaves Netherfield for the winter, and the Bennets start to believe
they will not return. Charlotte and Mr. Collins get married, and Elizabeth promises
to visit them at their parsonage in Rosings Park. Jane is upset over Bingley s
departure and goes to visit her aunt and uncle in London. That spring, Elizabeth visits
the Collinses and meets their patron, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, who is Darcy s
aunt. Furthering the rising action, Darcy arrives to call on his aunt during Elizabeth s
visit. He drops by the Collins home quite frequently, and during one of his visits,
when he catches Elizabeth alone, he makes a very insulting
The Folly of René Descartes’ Discourse on Method
The Folly of RenГ© Descartes Discourse on Method and Meditations on First
In order to embark on his quest for truth, Descartes first devises his four rules
which should serve as a solid foundation for all else that he comes to understand.
Those rules are here evaluated in terms of what they fail to take into consideration.
The rules are examined individually and consecutively, and are therefore also
reiterated in order to be clear about them. Furthermore, the approach of using these
rules is also analyzed to some degree. Ultimately, however, it is my conjecture that
Descartes four rules are not as solid a foundation as he claims, but fail to consider
key issues which are noted herein.
Descartes first rule deals ... Show more content on ...
For him, the method that teaches one to follow the true order and to enumerate
exactly all the circumstances of what one is seeking contains everything that gives
certainty to the rules of arithmetic (12).
Still, the notion of one s existence as proven by thought is not something which can
be measured and translated into a numerical quantity. In fact, most fundamental
concepts and their corresponding emotions that make up human life, such as love, are
neither indubitable nor quantifiable, though are still held as being true, sometimes
more than anything else.
This leads me to find that the very first of Descartes rules is a shaky foundation at
best. It asks for an acceptance of indubitable truth, and only that truth. But if this is to
be indeed held as a standard, then nothing could actually be accepted with certainty.
The second [rule], to divide each of the difficulties I would examine into as many
parts as possible and as was required in order better to resolve them. (11)
The basis of this second rule appears to be an endeavor to take a claim and examine
it from all possible perspectives, and to test it against all possible situations. Neither
of which is, in effect, possible. One could spend an entire lifetime looking at all the
possible situations in which a claim could be contested and would not even come
close to revealing
DNS Essay
The Domain Name System or DNS is an international address system developed to
ensure that every computer connected to the Internet has its own address. DNS
assigns addresses to Internet web servers [10]. However, in the DNS system, that
address is actually a set of numbers like This set of numbers is called
the computer s Internet Protocol (IP) address.
The Domain Name System is most often described as the Internet s phone book or
address book. All of us Internet users use it on daily basis without even realizing it.
Its basic task is to convert human readable website name like into its
computer readable numerical IP address like such strings of
numbers are difficult for humans to memorize, DNS allows you to assign a domain
name, such as to you IP address. So, the domain name is simply an
address on the Internet. It has to be unique just like physical address or phone number.
Computers (and other network devices like smartphones or tablets) use IP
addresses to identify each other on the network and route your request to the site
you are trying to access. It is just like dialing a phone number to reach the person
you want to talk to, but thanks to DNS, you don t need to maintain your own
address book of IP addresses. You will simply connect via DNS server (also called
domain name server or just name server ). Domain name system servers match
domain names like to their associated IP addresses.
American Slave Trade After 1550
From the middle of the 15th century, Europe and Africa entered into a horrific
relationship which eventually led to the demise of Africa, through the kidnapping and
enslavement of their people which in turn led to the development of Europe. 1441
marks the date of the Start of European slave trading in Africawhen a Portuguese
captain brought back 12 Africans to Portugal from Cabo Branco (Mauritania)1, the
slave trade would only continue to evolve and advance over the centuries. Some of
the main differences that are apparent from the time periods would be the fact that
America became involved after 1550, the numbers, before 1550 slaverywas only just
beginning and only a small portion of the approximate 12 15 million2 taken over the
years... Show more content on ...
Some of these slaves were used to help grow the Cape Verde island colony whilst
others where sent back to Madeira, Portugal for sale, this backwards and forwards
trade led continued for years and was estimated that by the early 16th century as
much as 10 per cent of Lisbon s population was of African descent 7. This slave
coast as it was named continued to prosper well into the Atlantic trade. The Period
that followed after 1550 saw many other nations join this trade such as the British as
they began to see the prosperity in this business and started their own more efficient
slave trade known as the triangular trade. Before 1600 it was estimated that no more
The Essence Of All Art
The essence of all art is to have pleasure in giving pleasure (Baryshnikov). Music and
dance, whether solo or coupled have the ability to mindfully catapult one through a
porthole; where the practitioner or admirer is adrift and present. Meanwhile, in its
performance, granting both ad lib and formulated with variations. Subsequently, it has
been portrayed in visual manifest or its tangible, wherein concrete expressive vessels
in antiquity. Enthrallingly, as more discoveries immerge, one occurrence is certain;
most civilizations have shared the practice of musicand dance amongst other
complimentary art forms. Humanly relatable, though other cultures were advanced in
these forms of arts or have expounded vividly above others. The mainstream belief of
the evolution of instrument crafting and playing, or folk dance had relied on the
recorded information and archeological findings, which suggest Mesopotamian
cultures to have developed instruments along with the art of dancing. Man made,
rustic and harmonic artistic deliverance boomed between 3500 to 500 B.C.
(Koopman). However, the reference of where it rooted may be re examined with a
Paleolithic tootle that designates otherwise. Regardless, where the art of music had
flourished, The Fluteof Hohle Fels, [A] thin bird bone flute carved some 35,000 years
ago and unearthed in a German cave is the oldest handcrafted musical instrumentyet
discovered (University of Tuebingen, Conard, and Johnson). Which suggests
humankind had
The Great Inca Road Exhibit
The Great Inca Road Exhibit itself explains how vast and various landscape the
Inca Empire controlled over and the indigenous people lived and are living to date
lively. The exhibition hall consists of a lot of section introducing from the history
of Andes before emerging of the Inca Empire to the pictures of indigenous Andean
people. Since the visitors need to take a long time to look the exhibition, they could
feel as if they are walking on The Qhapaq Г‘an (The Great Inca Road) and the shape
of the hall is like a maize and there are today s Andespeople s lots of pictures taken at
religious festival and pictures of people in traditional clothes, landscape, animals and
so on. Therefore we feel that we are exploring the wide region of Andes like the
ancestors of indigenous people.
As mentioned above, this exhibition covers lots of stuffs, for instance, the myth of
the God who created the Inca Empire, the artifacts and building from ones used in
the religious rituals in the Inca era to ones remained in todays and the descriptions
of 4 regions that the Inca Empire ruled and was vital places to maintain the Inca
power. All these materials show the greatness and the power of the Empire which
still have influenced on the people in Andes even after the conquest of Spaniards and
the symbol of this dynamic Empire is The Qhapaq Г‘an. The great road connects
Cusco to the four regions called Tawantinsuyu consisting of diverse four
environments: desert, mountain, rainforest and
Descriptive Essay About Working At Amc s Strength
Only the few who have worked at AMC know the feelings you receive while you re
behind that counter. I ve come to love the place I call work, and work has come to
be called my second home from the amount of time that I spend there. It will truly be
a sad day when I stop working there.
The day starts with me walking up to the front doors of AMC. I knock on the door
and wait for the manager to let me in. A gust of wind blows past cutting right
through my fleece jacket making me flinch. One of my managers opens the door
and I retreat into the warmth of the theater. I go to the back of concessions, then to
the break room and wait till five minutes before I m scheduled to work to clock on. I
clock on and put on my AMC hat. I m working concessions ... Show more content on ...
The popper goes off again and I dump it, then load another batch. I go back to my
register and lean against the counter. I listen, I can hear the poppers sizzling, I can feel
the heat and I can smell the popcorn. I hear the same commercials in the lobby for
the hundredth time, yet I still don t mind. These sights, sounds and smells are
familiar to me, they make me feel at home. As time goes by, more concession
workers come in, we talk, we laugh and we wait for the rushes, the first to come is
the one o clock rush. The rush comes out of nowhere, like usual. One second the
lobby is dead, the next you hear poppers going, people talking everywhere, you
hear the indistinguishable scratchy voice on the walkie. It seems like chaos but I
love it. Its organized chaos, Ill walk back to get a popcorn and if anyone else needs
popcorn they fall in line behind me like a well oiled machine. Were brushing past
each other, asking if we can grab thing for each other. Then it s over and before I
know it, one of the supervisors is telling me that I can go home for the day because
my shift ended. Then I walk back into the break room that I began in and clock off.
I go home until I have to come back the next day, maybe in box office, maybe as an
usher, or maybe in concessions again. I don t know, I just show up and love my
Research Proposal For Using Educational Applications
Full Research Proposal for
Use of Educational Applications in PIHMS
Group Number;
Sandeep N Kardak
Midhun Sathyan
Table of Contents
1.1 Background to research topic3
1.2 Importance of topic3
1.3 Stakeholders4
1.4Research Problem Statement4
1.5Research Question(s)4
1.6 Research Objective/s4
2.Literature Review5
3.1 Research Design6
3.2 Research Scope6
3.2.1Primary Data Collection7
3.2.2 Population for research7
3.2.4 Approval for access to do research7
3.3 Data Analysis7
3.5 Resources9
3.6 Ethical Considerations9
1.1 Background to research topic
Apps are now an integral part of our everyday lives. We use them to check the
weather and check into a flight, to see when the next bus is coming, record notes,
read books, play games and much more.
A great outcome of the app revolution is the transformative learning that apps can
help foster. There are thousands of education apps in the Windows marketplace,
Apple store and Google play store. From early learning games to study aids and
even apps that will help you manage the classroom, with more being published every
To make the learning process easy at hospitality schools we can use different types
of software s and apps according to the demand, and if the students will learn that
from collage only then it will be very good for hotels and there will be no need of
separate training for
The Principles Of Empirical Science
One of the key principles in empirical science is distinguishing whether incoming
novel theories are actually scientific or non scientific. This is referred to as the
problem of demarcation. Many different ideas have been proposed in response to
this problem in order to demarcate theories and amongst some of the most well
known ones are those of Rudolph Carnap and Karl Popper. Carnap proposes that
theories be declared scientific based on whether they can be tested, at least in
principle, and labels this his verification criteria. Popper s method is based on
whether a theory has empirical content which is the set of all possible excluded
events proposed by a theory. The question is, is it possible to agree with both of
these criteria? This... Show more content on ...
Let us examine a logical case where Carnap and Popper would disagree. Consider
the statement, The sun will either rise or not rise tomorrow. According to Carnap,
this is a scientific theory since it can be tested quite easily. While according to
Popper, this theory does not forbid anything from happening, that is to say that it
has no empirical content, so it is deemed unscientific. The sun could not rise and
be replaced with another celestial body and the theory would still be scientific
according to Carnap s criteria. Now, let us consider an example from history. The
Miasma theory of disease was the prevalent theory explaining the spread of disease
in much of the 19th century until it was superseded by the Germ theory of disease
[1]. The theory states that disease is spread from a poisonous miasma emanating
from various sources such as rotting corpses and from general impurities in the
atmosphere [1]. The theory had seemed to take hold in lieu of a more satisfying
explanation [1]. One of the major problems with the theory was the lack of
supporting experimental evidence due to a lack of a testing method [1]. This theory
violates Carnap s criteria while Popper would consider the theory scientific as it
possess empirical content, it excludes an individual from acquiring certain diseases
in the absence of miasma. Let us consider a case where both Carnap and Popper
would agree. Compare the Miasma theory to
The Central Intelligence Agency Defines Terrorism
Professor Williamson
November 13, 2015
Paper 2 Question 2
The Central Intelligence Agency defines terrorism as premeditated, politically
motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups
or clandestine agents (CIA). This term was specifically created to differentiate
terrorism between other acts of violence. These doings of terrorism are not just any
act but are specific acts of violence. A dominant reason behind terrorism tends to
fall upon religious beliefs and culture ties. Terrorism has been an important part of
social behavior for over 2,000 years. Between the years of 1980 and 1995,
terroristic groups motivated by religious beliefs had increased by 43% (Hoffman).
Religious beliefs and culture are a main reason groups and individuals resort to
terrorism. Groups resort to terrorism as a consequence of seeing their culture
demolished, as well as religious motives. Terrorist groups have many intentions when
it comes to acts of terrorism. They main ones are they want to create fear globally,
weaken the government, and obtain universal recognition for what they have done.
Religiously motivated terrorist groups usually have high authority targets. These
targets include government offices, banks, and national airlines. From the group s
perspective, terrorism is the only practical option. Groups are formed centered on
certain factors like culture and religion. Many terrorists will receive support from
their followers
Mortgage Refinancing Myths
Mortgage rates have been at an all time low for many years and while they ve gone
up a bit recently, they are still historically low. This has led to masses of homeowners
scrambling to refinance their mortgages. The reason so many homeowners have
waited to refinance their mortgage is because there are so many mortgagerefinancing
myths out there. That s why we re going to help you wade through the information
and dispel those mortgage refinancing myths, which will help you make an educated
decision about whether or not refinancing your home is the right decision for you and
your situation. Here are the top nine mortgage refinancing myths that keep so many
homeowners from taking advantage of these historically low interestrates.
1. Do I ... Show more content on ...
Wouldn t It Be Better for Me to Invest My Money Rather Than Using It to Refinance
My Mortgage?
Investing is all about making money, but so is refinancing your mortgage in a
roundabout way. Smart investors don t put all their eggs in one basket. That s why
refinancing your mortgage is a good idea. If you refinance your mortgage, you will
have more money to invest. And if you are reinvesting for a shorter term, but a
higher monthly payment, then you will be able to pay off your mortgage sooner.
That means once your mortgage is paid off, you can take that money and invest the
entire amount. Additionally, paying on a mortgage doesn t come with any risk like
investing in the stock market does.
Another way to look at it is by comparing how much money you would make if you
had invested your money rather than using it to refinance your mortgage. Then
compare that to what you would save if you had used your money for mortgage
refinancing. Once you have those two numbers, you will also have a clear picture
as to which route is best for you. Of course this is not an exact science, because
there s no way you can predict how much you will make if you invest your money.
However, you can use your best guess based on the current market and hope for the
Burial Urns
Although many people might expect that burial urns have been used for a lot longer
than they have, the actual ritual and mentality behind these kinds of urns is very
much different to what you may have expected in the first place. Having looked into
this considerably over the years, we understand the importance of knowing the culture
and style behind the products we sell and this includes the history of burialurns.
Burial urns have a long and proud history, and have been used in various forms of
civilization over the years, ranging back as far as 7000BC. These have been found
in some of the earliest Jiahu sites that are located in China, as well as places like
Shaanxi and Yangshao of which some of the urns come from the years 5000 3000BC.
... Show more content on ...
For example, the old Kings of Bavaria used to keep their hearts in an urn after they
died. In terms of the typical cremation urns, though, these were used by the Chinese
civilizations noted above as well as a whole host of different Pre Columbian cultures
that have spanned the length of time.
Romans, for example, used to place the urns in large tombs that acted as a place for
many souls to rest instead of just individual placing throughout time and history.
This makes a massive difference in terms of the way that the burial urns come
together, and ensures that large resting places became a common thing. The history
of burial urns has changed quite a lot as new discoveries are made; however, as it
was found that during the Bronze Age in England the urns were hidden carefully and
expertly, as was detailed in Sir Thomas Browne s compendium Hydriotaphia or Urn
In the modern world, the change and growth in the burial urn culture has been quite
remarkable. Cremation urns tend to be made in various styles and formats now
whereas it was very common to have a template style to pick from back in the
Using Vlan And Vpn Network ( Virtual Local Area Network
Introduction: The devices on one or more LANs can be configured to communicate
as though they were directed connect referred to as VLAN (Virtual Local Area
Network). They are located various geographical areas. Since VLANs are taking into
account intelligent rather than physical connections, they have a great degree
flexible. VLANs characterize broadcast domains in a Layer 2 network, in which the
broadcast domainis the arrangement of all devices that will get broadcast frames
which originates from any device inside of the set. Broadcast domains at time have
limitations by routers that don t forward broadcast frames. Layer 2 switches
broadcast domains regardless of the setup of the switches. Switches permit one to
make numerous broadcast domains. Every broadcast domain is similar to a
particular virtual bridge inside of a switch. [1]
VLAN VPN highlight is a basic yet flexible Layer 2 and it labels private network
packets with external VLAN labels allowing the data to be transmitted both inward
and external VLAN labels. Implementation of VLAN and VPN Access: the VLAN
VPN allows packet with a VLAN tag, the device will label the packet with the
default VLAN tag of the receiving port and add the source MAC location to the
MAC location table of the default VLAN. If the packet transports a VLAN tag, the
packet turns into a double labeled packet. Then the packet turns into a bundle
conveying the default VLAN tag of the port. [2]
Requirement for Multiple VLANs: The various
Student Chamber Music Concert
On Monday, April, 18, 2016, I attended a concert held by Wake Forest University s
Department of Music. The performance was titled Student Chamber Music I
Concert and it began promptly at 7:30pm. 7. The program that was distributed
when I came in was very helpful in explaining the repertoire. The music to my
surprise was very enjoyable! The concert began with a flute ensemble. The first
work they played was called Allegro by Demenico Cimarosa. This sonata was
originally written in the Romanic Era for the piano. There were six flutists playing.
The next composition was Madrigals by Samuel Adler which was composed for six
flutists and written in the Twentieth Century. The final programmatic song the flute
ensemble played was Bohemian Dance ... Show more content on ...
There were two students with violas and two students with cellos. They began with
My Lady Hundson s Puffe by John Dowland. At the beginning of this song from
the Renaissance Era, they plucked the strings of their instruments. One of the
cellists left and began to play the harpsicord. I could not tell when this work ended
and when the next work, John Come Kisse Me Now by William Byrd began. I felt
awkward because neither I nor the audience gave applause. This work was also
from the Renaissance Era. The harpsichord solo was very unpleasant to listen to.
Their final performance was, Two masquing dances which featured The Goates
Masque and The Witches Second Dance . The works were composer was
anonymous. Even though, these two works were from the Renaissance Era, they
had more melody and somewhat of a sonata form. This was my least favorite
section of the concert. Following the Consort were four guitarists. They played
Gypsy Dances, Op. 55 by the Twentieth Century composer, Jacquin Turina. The first
movement, Ritual Dance was slow and formal sounding. As they moved to the
second movement, Seduction Dance , the tempo started out slow but gradually
became faster. The guitars seemed like they were doing a call and response. The
third and last movement, Zambra , was played at a very fast tempo. There were
more guitar solo parts in this section. There was also a rondo at the
The Legal Status Of The Islamic State
This paper will examine the legal status of the so called Islamic State with the aim
of determining whether it is recognised as having international legal personality.
Focus will also be placed on the principles of international legal personality more
broadly by providing a critique on the effectiveness of these concepts in international
law. Firstly a brief overview of the Islamic Statewill be given outlining their stated
goals and information important to supporting a claim of international legal
personality. Secondly we will look at the classes of established legal persons before
going into each in more detail. A major consideration of this research is whether the
Islamic State could be recognised as a State in international law. In answering this
question the traditional criteria for statehood set out in Article I of the Montevideo
Convention on Rights and Duties of States 1933 (hereinafter Montevideo
Convention) will be examined along with the relevant authorities and recent
developments in regards to the criteria for statehood. Secondly the consequences of
where the Islamic State fits within the international legal framework will be
discussed. Finally the essay will look at the effectiveness of the concept of legal
personality in international law particularly in the context of the conclusion reached
in relation to the Islamic State. The writings of a number of authoritative international
law academics along with a range of academic journal articles have been used to
Biography of Michelangelo Essay
Biography of Michelangelo The second of five brothers, Michelangelo was born
on March 6, 1475, at Caprese, in Tuscany, to Ludovico di Leonardo di Buonarotto
Simoni and Francesca Neri. The same day, his father noted down: Today March 6,
1475, a child of the male sex has been born to me and I have named him
Michelangelo. He was born on Monday between 4 and 5 in the morning, at Caprese,
where I am the PodestГ . Although born in the small village of Caprese,
Michelangelo always considered himself a son of Florence, as did his father, a Citizen
of Florence.
His Childhood and Youth
Buonarroti s mother, Francesca Neri, was too sick and frail to nurse Michelangelo,
so he was placed with a wet nurse, in a family of stone cutters, ... Show more content
on ...
In Michelangelo s personal diary he recounts his first two works: My first work
was a small bas relief, The Madonna of the Stairs. Mary, Mother of God, sits on the
rock of the church. The child curls back into her body. She foresees his death, and
his return on the stairway to heaven. My second work, another small relief. My
tutor read me the myth of the battle of the Lapiths against the Centaurs. The wild
forces of Life, locked in heroic combat. Already at 16, my mind was a battlefield:
my love of pagan beauty, the male nude, at war with my religious faith. A polarity of
themes and spiritual, the other earthly, I ve kept these carvings on the
walls of my studio to this very day.
His patron Lorenzo died in 1492; two years later Michelangelo fled Florence, when
the Medici were temporarily expelled.
His Studies of Anatomy
During the years he spent in the Garden of San Marco, Michelangelo began to study
human anatomy. In exchange for permission to study corpses, the prior of the church
of Santo Spirito, NiccolГІ Bichiellini, received a wooden Crucifix from
Michelangelo. But his contact with the dead bodies caused problems with his health,
obliging him to interrupt his activities periodically.
Compare The Life Before Apple And The French Revolution
The French revolution is important because it caused a change in power for
France, abolishing the monarchy and creating a government where everyone
could vote and decide on their leader instead of having a king who wasn t chosen
and might not make the best decisions. The existing power structure in France
before the revolution in 1789 was that the king, Louis XVI, ruled over France in a
monarchical way and the poor people barely had enough to feed their families
because the taxes were so high. So the poor people worked and the bulk of the
money they earned was taxed by the nobles. However there was also a third estate
comprised of the rich non nobles which disliked their leads so much that they
created a convention against the king. The privileges they were fighting for were
the right to vote, the right to choose their own leaders, and the right of nourishment
because the poor people had nothing. By comparison, the Apple revolution was also
important because it created a new competition for IBM but at the same time let the
people have a choice of computers. The life before Apple was that the people could
mostly only buy computers from IBM because they were the only large company
selling computers. IBM controlled the market and therefore the people, so Apple
decided to change the power structure... Show more content on ...
The new power structure after the Apple revolution was that the people could now
have a choice of computers instead of being forced to go to IBM. So the new
power structure had Apple on top as the leaders . Now Apple is continuing to do
well and still hasn t dropped out of the computer market even though there s a lot of
concurrence. This is because Apple before and also now are able to compete with
their opponents in both business and consumer segments of the
Han Empire Vs Roman Empire Essay
Between 400 and 600 CE, the Han and Roman empire empire fell. During the Han
Empire of China, the silk roads were opened, allowing major cultural exchange and
economic growth. The Han empire also grew within iron metallurgy, silk textiles,
and paper. The Roman Empire, surrounding the Mediterranean ocean, was run on a
republic, traded with other areas in the mediterranean area for a bountiful
economy, and saw the development of early christianity.The causes for which they
fell were similar in that they all experienced major epidemics, poor leadership, and
land distribution issues. The first reason for the fall included widespread
epidemics. Smallpox, measles, and the bubonic plague spread rapidly in both
empires, due to lack of medical knowledge and new interactions between people of
different areas, carrying different diseases. The outbreak of diseases claimed the
lives of a large portion of both empires. With the population down, trade decreased
and their economies suffered alongside the ill. With less money, the empires started
to fall.... Show more content on ...
In the Roman empire, many different people seized the throne in a short period of
time, they were known as barracks emperors. In the Han Empire,after the death of a
well respected Han, Wang Mang took control of the throne. Wang Mang is often
times known as the socialist emperor. He attempted to fix a land distribution issue
by breaking of large estates, redistribute them, and provide landless individuals with
property to cultivate. He had good intentions but, it resulted in confusion. Landlords
resisted a policy that threatened their holding and even peasants did not approve. In
the end, it left chaos. Wang Mang was revolted against. The poor leadership from
both Empires left the empires unstable, and unable to mend itself of any issues
collectively. It was a catalyst in the fall of
Est1 Task 2
District 5 0 is requesting permission to appoint a candidate for the position of
Traffic Control Specialist above the minimum salary requirements in the
appropriate pay scale group. The Traffic Control Specialist position became vacant
in District 5 0 in August 2014. The vacancy was posted from October 6, 2014 to
October 20, 2014. The District surveyed a Civil Service list which produced no
responses. Five bids were received from the posting and three interviews were
conducted since one bid was withdrawn and the other was not eligible. Of the three
interviewed, one interviewed poorly, one did not meet the METs, and one
declined the offer. The Civil Service test for this job title was not open or
scheduled to be opened in the near future. The District engaged in discussions
regarding how to proceed with filing this vacancy and decided that the best course
of action would be to work with Central Office to assist with getting Civil Service
to open this job title for localized testing. This action proved successful and in June
2015, the test announcement was published on the Civil Service website and other
locations such as Career Link. In July, we were notified that a list could be pulled.
Certification #11875 had one name, Joseph Gurinko. The position was posted again
from September 15, 2015 to September 19, 2015, and no bids were received. Mr.
Gurinko was interviewed from the Civil Service list. The interview panel consisted
of: Michael Rebert,... Show more content on ...
Gurinko s interview and his years of experience in Highway Traffic and Safety
Studies as well as Planning and Programming. We are fortunate to be able to offer
him a position as a Traffic Control Specialist within our Traffic Unit. Until
September 2014, Mr. Gurinko was employed by the Lehigh Valley Planning
Commission (LVPC) as the Director of Transportation Planning. He held this position
for 24 years and was employed by the LVPC for a total of 33
A Sample Resume Essay
Renu P
Brampton, Ontario
E mail:
Phone No: 647 331 5195
5+ years of extensive IT experience in software Development and Implementation
including 1+Years of experience in big data and Hadoop technology stack.
Constructive experience in installing, configuring and using ecosystem components
like Hadoop Map Reduce, HDFS, HBase, Zoo Keeper, Oozie, Hive, Cassandra,
Sqoop, Pig, Flume, Avro, Chukwa, Whirr, and Cloudera.
Excellent Understanding and Hands on experience with Hadoop stacks Technology
like Map Reduce, HDFS, Hive, Pig, Sqoop, Impala, Oozie, Scala and Spark.
Extensive experience working with SQL, Core Java and Linux.
Having experience on importing and exporting data from different systems like
RDBMS ... Show more content on ...
Effective in handling multiple synchronized prioritized tasks with critical thinking,
decision making and problem solving abilities.
Excellent analytical, problem solving, communication and interpersonal skills with
ability to interact with individuals at all levels and able to work independently or
Hadoop DeveloperApril 2016 to Present
TELUS Scarborough, ON
The project aims to move all data from different sources or log data from individual
servers to HDFS as per the management system and then perform analysis on these
HDFS data sets. Once the data set is inside HDFS, then pig, hive and map reduce are
used to perform various analysis.
Used Pig and hive as ETL tool to do transformations, joins and aggregations before
storing the data into HDFS.
Created Hive tables and loaded data in from Relational Database Management system
using Sqoop.
Extensively worked on creating Hive tables, partitions and buckets for analyzing
large volumes of data.
Creating Partitions and buckets hive tables in Parquet File Format with snappy
compression and then loaded data into Parquet hive tables from Avro hive tables.
Scheduling and managing the Hive, pig and map reduce jobs on Hadoop cluster by
using Oozie and Falcon process files.
For implement business logic to transform the
What Is Mary Warren A Dynamic Character
Miller shows the greatest change in Mary Warren in order to show that good
hearted people can still cause trouble when they re ambivalent. Mary Warren was
influenced by many people and many of her own fears, causing her to change her
mind a lot, which made her a dynamic character. Mary Warren is a good person but
she changes her mind too much which can cause chaos. In the beginning of the
book, Mary was hesitant to be involved with Abigail and the other girls: They ll be
calling us witches (Miller,17). But that soon wears off and Mary is quick to
accuse the people of Salem of witch craft, along with the other girls. John Proctor
catches on to the the girls scheme and forces Mary to confess in court. In court
Mary seems as though she is willing to repent, she wants to be good again. But
when the court doesnt believe her and the girls decided to turn against her, she
panicked and turned on John: You re the devils man! (Miller,110). So, Mary wants
to be good but she also doesnt want to be hanged, this is why she changes her mind
so much.... Show more content on ...
If Mary had only went along with the girls plan the whole time, she would have been
a static character in the book. Mary Warren, while she isn t responsible for Elizabeth
being accused, she is responsible for the poppet in the Proctors home. Mary is also
technically responsible for John Proctors death, even though things already werent
looking good for him, Mary had pushed it to the edge. Mary made change after
change, which proves to be important to the plot otherwise things wouldn t have
turned out the way they did, it just wouldnt be the
Essay on Compromise of 1877
Compromise of 1877 African Americans may sometimes wonder at the contradictory
facts about their history presented in many standard history texts. These texts state
that blacks were given the right to vote in 1870, yet the same texts will acknowledge
that this right did not really exist for African Americans until the Civil Rights
Movement of the 1960s.
Similarly, the first public accommodation law was passed in 1875, but history shows
that it took 91 years before it was acknowledged and African Americans were
allowed to the full benefits of citizenship.1
It is common knowledge that the American Civil Warprovided freedom and certain
civil rights, including to right to vote, to the African American populationof the ...
Show more content on ...
By statute, African Americans received the basic civil rights to make and enforce
contracts; to acquire, hold, and dispose of property; and to equal applications of
criminal laws in 1866. These rights were constitutionalized in 1868. African
Americans did not acquire the right to vote till 1870.7
There was enormous resistance from forces in the South throughout these years, these
reforms were not easily instituted; yet, the movement toward real equality ended in
1870. In that year, Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts introduced a bill which,
had it been passed unchanged, would have abolished racial discrimination and
segregation in public schools, cemeteries, railroads...inns..and the exclusion of
citizens from jury service on the basis of race. Unfortunately, this final triumph of the
Reconstruction met with defeat.8
This was because the country, as a whole, not just the South, was tired of the ongoing
crusade for civil rights. A representative from Delaware, on the floor of the Senate,
even questioned if the Fourteenth Amendment had any illegal or binding force in
law. This same representative then made a
Mean Variance Analysis
Harry W. Markowitz, the father of Modern Portfolio theory , developed the mean
variance analysis, which focuses on creating portfolios of assets that minimizes the
variance of returns i.e. risk, given a level of desired return, or maximizes the returns
given a level of risk tolerance. This theory aids the process of portfolio construction
by providing a quantitative take on it. It integrates the field of quantitative analysis
with portfolio management. Mean varianceanalysis has found wide applications both
inside and outside financial economics. However it is based on certain assumptions
which do not hold good in practice. Hence there have been certain revisions to it, so
as to make it a more useful tool in portfolio management.
Mean ... Show more content on ...
All securities can be divided into parcels of any size.
Let R be the expected return of the assets:
R = (R1, R2,.....Rn)T
Let V be the variance/covariance matrix. It is assumed to be positive definite. Пѓ ij =
cov (Ri , Rj)
A portfolio X of asset weights is expressed as:
X = (x1, x2,..........xn)T.
[Note that HT denotes the transpose of a matrix H and xi denotes the weight on
asset and ∑xi = 1, where i=1 to n]
The expected return of a portfolio is given by E[RX] = XT E[R], and the variance of
the portfolio by ПѓX = XT VX. Thus, the mean return of the portfolio X satisfies:
Mean = Rx= XT ВЇR = ∑xi В
ЇRI, where i = 1 to n.
The variance Vx of portfolio return is given by: where Пѓi2 is the variance of return i
, and Пѓij measures the covariance between returns i and j . We denote the standard
deviation of X by ПѓX. Often, it is not possible to be short on assets. In that case, we
need to add a constraint that all portfolio weights shall be zero or above: xi ≥
If we search for maximizing the expected return for a given variance, we have to
solve the following optimization problem:
As explained by Markowitz, the portfolio selection problem can be formulated as a
quadratic program. We can also search for minimizing the variance given a level of
expected return. For a portfolio containing n assets, the minimum variance portfolio
is a solution of: Where E* is the level of expected return.
Thus we get the efficient frontier as shown
Early Asian Art Research Paper
After reading about Early Asian Art and the Art of the Americas, I chose to write
about the Terracotta Army and the Colossal Heads. The Terracotta Army is an
underground army with 8,000 soldiers and 100 horses made out of clay. The
warriors was very appealing to me, because there are thousands of life size
warriors and it is amazing how each warrior face and expression differ from one
another. The soldiers are utilitarian because they were made to protect Shi Huangdi
throughout eternity. The process of making the soldiers involved 1,000 skillful
potters, who molded and carved the clay. The legs, torsos, fingers, arms and heads
of the soldiers were molded and then carved into the figures. After the clay was fired,
the warriors were painted
Whittlesey Bay Ground Water Flow Analysis
Lenz, ( 2003 ) studied the Ground Water Flow and Rainfall Runoff with Emphasis
on the Effects of Land Cover, Whittlesey Creek, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, 1999
2001 using SWAT model. The effects of land cover on flooding and base flow
characteristics of Whittlesey Creek, Bayfield County, Wis were examined in a
study that involved ground water flow and rainfall runoff modeling. Field data
were collected during 1999 2001. Potentiometric surface altitudes and stratigraphic
descriptions were provided by well logs. Geological data, soil parameters,
hydrography, altitude, and land cover data were compiled into a geographic
information system (GIS) and used in two ground water flow models (GFLOW
and MODFLOW) and a rainfall runoff model (SWAT). A base flow of 17 18 cubic
feet per second is produced in a deep ground water system which intersects Whittlesey
Creek near the confluence with the North Fork.... Show more content on ...
Permeable sands in the center of the Bayfield Peninsula to the northwest of the
surface water contributing basin is responsible for the base flow in Whittlesey
Creek. Based on simulations, model wide changes in recharge caused a
proportional change in simulated baseflow for Whittlesey Creek. About 2 11
percent of change in baseflow to Whittlesey Creek occurs by changing the
simulated amount of recharge by 25 to 50 percent in only the ground water
contributing area. Flood peaks (based on daily mean flows on peak flow days)
could be affected due to simulated changes in land cover within the Whittlesey
Creek. Surface water contributing basin would have minimal effects on base flow
and average annual runoff due to above changes. Reduction in flood peaks of about
12 14 percent is observed by changing the basin land cover to a reforested
Dental Implant
Getting A Dental Implant? 2 Things To Know About The Recovery Process
Have you decided to get a dental implant to permanently fix a missing tooth? If you,
you may be looking forward to having a replacement tooth that looks and feels like a
real tooth. Unfortunately, the implant process doesn t stop when you leave the dentist
s office, since there are some key things to know about recovering from the surgery.
The Length of Recovery
There are many factors that play into how long it will take to recover from dental
implant surgery. This includes how many implants you received and the strength of
the jawbone the implant was placed in. In fact, it can take several months for the
implant to fully recover and feel completely natural. However, most of the recovery
process will take place over the first few days after the procedure. What you do can
end up prolonging or shortening your overall recovery time. ... Show more content on ...
Practice Good Oral Hygiene
The dental implant may be a fake tooth, but it is more important than ever that you
practice good oral hygiene to keep your gums and jawbone protected. Bacteria runs
the risk of slowing down your recovery process, and has the potential to cause an
infection in your gums.
All you need to do is floss and brush regularly to remove harmful bacteria that can
become stuck around the implant surgical site. Your dentist may suggest that you use
a mouthwash as well, and even subscribe one that is prescription strength in some
Avoid Pressure
You should avoid any activities that can put excessive pressure on a dental implant
and cause damage while it is healing. For example, you will need to break any
habits you have of chewing on ice cubes. You should be eatings foods that are
moderately soft as well. The risk of putting too much pressure on a dental implant is
that the actual implant can become dislodged while in the healing
Leadership In The Film Coach Carter As A Basketball
Management is a tremendously significant factor in leadership, as no good leader
can be an ineffective manager. Every successful manager has and demands respect,
is passionate and caring, builds a team, obtains expectations, and helps people grow.
In the influential film Coach Carter, we are introduced to a character by the name of
Ken Carter, who is offered a position as a basketball coach at Richmond High School,
upon he decides to accept the offer to take on the mission of guiding, training, and
teaching students on the team how to not only be great basketball players, but how to
be great students as well. Throughout the film Ken Carter demonstrates a unique and
distinctive coaching style that ultimately leads his students to success.
Every coach has their own style of teaching and training their players, however after
watching the film Coach Carter it is palpable that Ken Carter has a very unique and
particular style of coaching. After taking on the role as a basketball coach at
Richmond High School, Carter recognises that his students have no intent on
succeeding in their academic studies and simply have the mindset to be successful in
their beloved sport of basketball. Carter obtained a strong disagreeing of these views,
as well as the belief the staff in the school acquired that the statistics are too difficult
to beat, so the additional effort put in will not differentiate anything so Carter made a
contract for his students which stated what rules they must follow,
Essay On Aircel
The Aircel group is a joint venture between Maxis Communications Berhad of
Malaysia and Sindya Securities Investments Private Limited, whose current
shareholders are the Reddy family of Apollo Hospitals Group of India, with Maxis
Communications holding a majority stake of 74%. Aircel commenced operations in
1999 and is today the leading mobile operator in Tamil Nadu, Assam, North East and
In October 2010, Aircel completed its Pan India footprint, presence in all 23
telecom circles, with the launch of GSM mobile services in Rajasthan. After
winning the 3G and BWA spectrum, required for high speed data and multimedia
services, in 13 and 8 circles respectively, Aircel became the largest operator in India
with spectrum secured for next ... Show more content on ...
Voice and Data gave Aircel the highest rating for overall customer satisfaction and
network quality in 2006 and Aircel received the same award by IDC in 2007.
Aircel emerged as the top mid size utility company in Businessworld s List of Best
Mid Size Companies in 2007. Further, recognised Aircel as the best regional
operator in 2008. In 2009, CMAI INFOCOM honoured Aircel for excellence in
marketing of new telecom service.
Aircel Business Solutions (ABS) (the Business Unit of Dishnet Wireless Limited)
is the enterprise division of Aircel, which addresses the telecom requirements of
International and Indian markets with an array of industry leading products and
services. As an integrated telecom service provider, ABS leverages its rich pedigree
of best in class solutions, partnerships and domain expertise to address service
providers, enterprises, PSUs, and consumers. Its range of services includes
networking, data centers, managed services, collaboration services, SaaS (Software
as a Service) and mobility solutions.
ABS is the pioneer of data connectivity solutions and it has demonstrated the same by
being the first operator in India to launch WiMAX technology. ABS is also a
registered member of WiMAX forum both in the Indian and International
The Theory Of The Existence Of God
In, Meditations Three: Concerning God, That he Exists, Rene Descartes uses innate
ideas in his attempt to prove the existence of God. The points formed deal with the
allegory of the sun and the stone, explain that God is the only perfect being, explain
that God is not a deceiver and finally prove the existenceof the external world.
In relation to Descartes proof of the existence of God one must understand that for
Descartes innate means, having a natural notation of an idea within the mind. What
must be known first is to prove the existence of God. This can be done in Descartes
first proof which contains three axioms and three definitions regarding the existence
of God. The three axioms are: that there is at least as much reality in the efficient and
total cause as in the effect of that cause. Second, something cannot arise from nothing,
and lastly what is more perfect cannot arise from what is less perfect.
From these three axioms, three definitions come to explain each point. First, the
nature of an idea is such that, of itself, it requires no formal reality except what it
derives from my thought. Second, objective mode of being belongs to ideas by their
nature; formal mode of being belongs to the causes of ideas. Finally, God is a
substance that is infinite, independent, omniscient, and omnipotent. The proof of God
is already contained implicitly in the knowledge of the self.
To continue with the defense on the existence of God Descartes mentions that he is
Compare And Contrast Windows 10 And Windows 10
Operating Systems Technology is the life we live today. Windows 10 and Mac OS
X 10 are two different type of operating systems that serves almost the same
purpose. Operating systems are software that supports a computer s basic purposes,
such as setting up tasks, applying applications, and directing peripherals. The
operating system interacts with a computer s hardware on a basic level, passing on
your commands into language the hardware can infer. I prefer Windows 10 over
Mac OS X10. Although both of the operating systems can benefit you, by keeping
you up to date with the world.
Operating System Name of First OS Windows 10 is a smooth and in the know
operating system that permits you to sync devices, transfer and install apps, and
adjust a widespread variety of settings to get the most out of your operating system.
Windows 1.0 was released on November 20, 1985, as the original form of the
Microsoft Windows line. On June 1, 2015, Microsoft broadcasted that Windows 10
would be released on July 29, 2015. Terry Myerson designed Windows 10 utmost
ambitious Windows launch in years. Windows 10 will remain the final replication
of Windows. Windows 10 will be updated like a service, constantly, designed to
make devices work together. Microsoft Windows 10 is made to accommodate
mobile and cloud devices, bringing mobile device organization to traditional desktop
and laptop PCs. Windows 10 gives you admission to a Microsoft account and internet
access. The main features of
Armenian Genocide Summary
The Armenian Genocide is commonly recognized as the persecution and death of
Armenian citizens of the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1918, during the First World
War. The Ottoman Empire, headed by the Committee of Union and Progress, was
responsible for the deaths of the Armenian population and their migration to other
countries. Many countries have been guilty of atrocities throughout the history. Most
were chastised by the world within a short period of time. This is also true of Turkey
as the new country after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. It was warned and
reprehended by the UN, the US Government and 42 American States individually
(including California) as well as many other countries of the world within 25 years of
that event ().
Furthermore, ... Show more content on ...
She also claims, Many scholars are history experts but we are not, so we have to
look at all opinions fairly. (Kiper). She might think like this because of where she
comes from and where she belongs to; a country, which refuses to label this
historical event as genocide and the general assumption that Turkey, should feel
ashamed for doing genocide. However, it was recognized that the government of the
Ottoman Empire killed many Armenian citizens in 1915 and 1916. Thus, anyone
reading Kiper s comments might laugh at the idea that an event, which occurred
over 100 years ago, can be judged, even by historians. There is no serious scholarly
debate about the facts of this historical event other than whether or not to actually call
it genocide justifiably doing so has traditionally met with fierce resistance from
Turkey, which was not a country at the time of the
Sociology M2-D1
M2 Use different sociological perspectives to discuss patterns and trends of health
and illness in two different social groups
D1 Evaluate different sociological explanations for patterns and trends of health and
illness in two different social groups In this assignment I hope to effectively discuss
and evaluate the patterns and trends associated with health and illness within the
higher and lower social classes. I am going to do this by discussing and evaluating
the following explanations and perspectives within sociology; Artefact explanation,
Natural or Social Selection explanation, Cultural or Behavioural explanation and
Materialist or Structuralist explanation.
Artefact explanation
This explanation suggests that ... Show more content on ...
This explanation believes that these lifestyles are chosen by the individual. It believes
that the individual is responsible for their own behaviour and responsible for their
own healthy lifestyle choices.
This explanation doesn t take into account the possibility that for many people
smoking and drinking helps them to cope with their difficult circumstances and that
these circumstances are what causes
Pink Ribbon Girls Case Study
As requested, please find below the Agency Profile and Needs Assessment for Pink
Ribbon Girls. The Agency Profile will reveal the foundation and development of Pink
Ribbon Girls, Inc., including the organization s history, goals, services, community
partners, and contact information. The Needs Assessment will analyze the Pink
RibbonGirls current financial need, including their desired outcomes, beneficiaries,
audience, challenges, and deadlines for the grant proposal writing process.
During our initial meeting with Heather Salazar, our team learned that Pink Ribbon
Girls started 16 years ago in Cincinnati by a woman named Tracie Metzger. After
Tracie was diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer, she wanted to start a group ... Show
more content on ...
In the past year, PRG received an average of $55,000, therefore we plan to match
this amount in our current proposal. Since PRG has recently developed their
mission to provide direct services to a new target group (women with reproductive
cancers other than breast cancer), the need for services is exponentially high. We
believe this goal is feasible, considering that Pink Ribbon Girls has had a 95%
success rate with grants.
Women from the Simply Fight and No Age No Stage programs at UC health who
are battling gynecological cancer will benefit from this project. According to
previous PRG grant proposals, $15,000 will serve 75 85 based on a family of four.
The Simply Fight recipients receive three meals per week for their entire family for
two months, in addition to other services such as four house cleanings and twenty
rides to treatment. The No Age No Stage recipients receive a $3,000 stipend. These
recipients will put the stipend towards the services they feel are the most important.
Allied Powers During World War II
Did Allied efforts in the Mediterranean justify a two year delay of the cross channel
invasion? If so, why? If not, why?
The Allied Powers, during World War II, recognized the only way to achieve a
decisive victory was to work in conjunction, and utilize one another s strengths and
assets. However, Great Britain and the United States had differing views on the
proper strategy. The United States believed concentrating its power at the earliest
possible moment to attack an enemy s critical center of gravity was the appropriate
course of action (Greenfield, 1963, p. 25). The United States desired to conduct a
cross channel amphibious assault and securing the French coastline from German
forces. Great Britain viewed American strategy, operations, and tactics as reckless and
inexperienced (Greenfield, 1963, p. 43). Winston Churchill preferred his forces to
concentrate their efforts in the Mediterranean and North Africa, through more
cautious engagements, to preserve economic stability in the region, while allowing
the Russians to fight Germany directly and weaken German resolve. Successful
unified operations in the Mediterranean were necessary, prior to conducting the cross
channel invasion, in order to provide the Allies with increased strategic advantages, as
well as increased faith in the commitment to combined war efforts. First, the United
States needed to prove to Britain that its military forces were able to plan and execute
disciplined combined operational
Informative Speech On Lucid Dreams
Did ever want to have power over your dreams? Did you ever want to do almost
everything that you can t do in real life? Well what if I told you that you could? It s
a simple skill called Lucid Dreaming. Lucid Dreaming is any dream in which one
knows that they are dreaming. I would now explain on how this skill can be done,
on why the brain can help you, and on how awesome it is! The process of having
your first Lucid Dreamis very simple, easy, time consuming, and it considers lots of
patience. Before you start you re going to have to commit yourself to learning this
new skill. Now if this is your first time trying to have a lucid dream then here are
the 3 basic steps. The first step is to get a dream journal. In this journal, you should
write down at least one dream each morning. the second step is to perform reality
checks. Throughout the waking day you should perform at least 10 reality checks to
make sure that you are awake. The third step is meditation. You have to do at least 20
minutes of mindful meditation each day. These steps are pretty much getting your
mindready to have your first lucid dream.... Show more content on ...
The researchers did this because when the participants were in the middle of a
lucid dream they would motion their eyelids.The EEGs told the researchers that
the participant was in a REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. Scientists used to dispute
on if people could have lucid dreams or not but this is not the case nowadays. Now
they dispute on if the person is actually controlling the dream. It is very difficult for
your brain to control the lucid dream on the first try. That is why most people will
say to take baby steps and just float or
Competitive Advantage Of Apple
Part A: Blog entries
Product Apple
Launching a product which meets and even exceeds customer needs is crucial to
the success of a company. An example of that type of company is Apple. The
American based technological giant has been dominating the market for years and
there are several reasons for that. Firstly, Apple s products make their users feel
unique. It is the brand name and the quality, associated with it, that make people
love Apple. What is more, Apple has a lot of technological advantages and
resources, for example, they were the first company to launch a tablet the iPad.
Finally, they have a lot of skills in terms of knowledge and creativity of their
employees. All of the above mentioned reasons provide Apple with a competitive
I bought my first iPhone five years ago. At that time, I would have never thought that
I would want to use Apple products for the rest of my life. What I enjoy most about
this product is its simplicity as well as the amazing opportunities it gives to me. From
guiding me through my jogging routine in the park to finishing an assignment on my
morning commute I can always count on my iPhone.
Price Aldi
Price is probably the most important element of the marketing mix as it has to cover
the costs of the other marketing mix elements. The supermarket chain Aldi, for
example, focuses on keeping ... Show more content on ...
For instance, the Coca Cola Happiness Machine was a real success, since the video
was watched more than 7 million times on YouTube. The campaign used customers
to promote the brand, but what is more, it showed the real happiness people felt. All
that Coca Cola did, was simply placing a vending machine in a British university.
This vending machine, however, was not giving the students only the product they
have paid for, but also an assortment of treats for free pizzas, flowers, balloons and of
course, more Coke. (Staff,
Essay about software engineering
Software engineering (SE) is the profession concerned with specifying, designing,
developing and maintaining software applications by applying technologies and
practices from computer science, project management, and other fields.
SE applications are used in a wide range of activities, from industry to entertainment.
Software applications improve user productivity and quality of life. Application
software examples: office suites, video games, and the world wide web. System
software examples: embedded systems and operating systems.
SE technologies and practices improve the productivity of developers and the quality
of the applications they create. Software engineering examples: databases, languages,
libraries, patterns, and tools. Computer ... Show more content on ...
Typical senior level software engineers have an advanced degree and have ten or
more years of experience. Note that these are only guidelines that are trends seen in
hiring practices and that many exceptions exist.
Software engineer
Software engineering is the practice of creating software.
Members of this profession are called software engineers, programmers, developers,
or practitioners.
People who write code and do not follow the doctrines of software engineering are
more accurately called programmers, developers, or software artists.
Software engineering today
Impact of software engineering
Software engineering affects economies and societies in many ways.
In the U.S., software drove about 1/4 of all increase in GDP during the 1990s
(about $90 billion per year), and 1/6 of all productivity growth (efficiency within
GDP) during the late 1990s (about $33 billion per year). Software engineering drove
$1 trillion of economic and productivity growth over the last decade.
Software engineering changes world culture, wherever people use computers. Email,
the world wide web, and instant messaging enable people to interact in new ways.
Software lowers the cost and improves the quality of health care, fire departments,
and other important social services.
Successful projects where software engineering methods have been applied include
Linux, the space shuttle software, and automatic teller machines. When it is cheaper
to run a business or
A Walk In The Woods Analysis
Throughout A Walk in the Woods, Bill Bryson transitions between a narrative of his
journey along the Appalachian Trail and informational accounts of the history of the
trail. To keep his readers engaged, Bryson includes many light hearted moments, but
he conveys the gravity of the trail through his honest assessments regarding its
adversities. Bryson uses a simple style that allows the readers to follow along easily,
but he includes strong imagery with higher level diction in order to better relate the
essence of the trail. All of these aspects express how something simple, like the
Appalachian Trail, can embody more than shallow sentiments.
Bryson structures his memoir by flowing between his experiences on the trail and
facts about the trail. Many times, his knowledgeable anecdotes relate to the leg of
the journey he is currently relating. By doing so, Bryson imparts stimulating and
significant knowledge to the readers in such a way that the readers can immediately
see the significance of the facts. Bryson writes, The Smokies... are home to 130
native species of tree; the whole of Europe has just 85. By incorporating facts like
these into his writing, Bryson not only presents interesting information, but he
presents it so that it adds to the mental image of the mountains. Suddenly the reader
can picture thousands of trees spanning through the landscape, accented by the
various colors and shapes. By swapping back and forth, Bryson emphasizes his theme
that the nature we have
The Gothic Research Paper
The term Gothic has drawned out its meaning into Germanic , Medieval or Barbarous
, having its origins in the Germanic Goths tribe, from the 4th century. Gothic was
frequently correlated with things that were savage, uncultivated and blunt, but,
fascinatingly, it also developed into an association with legislative rights, picking up
a positive connotation on the way. In the middle of the 12th century, in France started
a Gothic architectural wave, characterized by the usage of elements such as the
ribbed vault, pointed arch, fine woodwork and stonework, that went on developing
throughout Western Europe. Also in the same period and place, Gothic art came to
life, mostly paintings and sculptures, a movement that would go on in Europe until
the 16th century: The Gothic link between literature and architecture has its
beginning in the United Kingdom with Walpole s short novel The Castle of Otranto
(1764) . Horace Walpole, in his work The Castle of Otranto , went back to the Middle
Ages, the dark age as the persons living in the Enlightenment perceived them and
integrated metaphysical events into a fiction set , in a time when faith in the
supernatural was outspread. He managed to revive in the masses an interest towards
the Gothic with his obsession with faux gothic architecture, having even built his own
... Show more content on ...
Critics at the time where not to fond of the movement, considering it second hand
literature , accusing of encouragement towards excessive emotions, vice and
violence.This attitude continued throughout the 18th and 19th century ,diminishing
in the 20th . The Gothic is, simply, the imaginative expression of the fears and
forbidden desires of Americans (Crow, 2009,
Gentrification Has Taken The Bay Area
Adding to the inequalities and misfortunes within communities of color,
gentrification has taken the Bay Area by a storm. Gentrification is the purchasing of
deteriorated urban homes and areas, then the renovation by higher end and middle
class communities. An abundance of high end people rush into the Bay Area and
purchase up the real estate. Incoming middle and higher class take the Bay Area real
estate and revitalise it into up and coming neighborhoods, then increase rent prices.
Therefore, reducing affordable housing for communities of color. Therefore, this
revitalization is changing the character of communities because the Bay Area may
appear nicer, the communities of color are unable to afford the standard of living.
Communities of... Show more content on ...
When cities begin their journey of being gentrified, many locals become displaced.
Displacement is when locals are uprooted from their homes, due to outside factors,
and forced to move elsewhere. According to the Urban Displacement Project
conducted by U.C. Berkeley, Gentrification results from both flows of capital and
people. The extent to which gentrification is linked to racial transition differs
across neighborhood contexts... Displacement takes many different forms direct
and indirect, physical or economic, and exclusionary and may result from either
investment or disinvestment (U.C. Berkeley). Many people are coming into San
Francisco s Bay Area because of how diverse each element is. However, according
to Census numbers, between 1990 and 2010, 35.7% of San Francisco s black
population dwindled (Bliss). 35.7% of the black community within San Francisco
suffered from displacement. An additional 53% of low income households in the
Bay Area are at risk for displacement and gentrification (U.C. Berkeley). This has
definitely left a dent within the diversity reputation held up by the Bay Area. When
such a strong large part of people leave, The City will experience a shift in culture
and community. Whether, it is the real estate, the food, the different cultures, the Bay
Area has always been known for being different. Perhaps, this is why so many
outsiders are coming in and buying up every piece of land they can. Whether their
intentions were to purchase land and
Guilt, Duty, and Unrequited Love
Guilt, Duty, and Unrequited Love: Deconstructing the Love Triangles in James Joyce
s The Dead and Thomas Hardy s Jude the Obscure
quot;It s no problem of mine but it s a problem I fight, living a life that I can t leave
behind. But there s no sense in telling me, the wisdom of the cruel words that you
speak. But that s the way that it goes and nobody knows, while everyday my
confusion grows. quot;
New Order, Bizarre Love Triangle, from Substance, 1987
Most people who have watched a soap opera can recognize that the love triangle is
a crucial element to the plot. In fact, the original radio broadcasted soap operas
seemed to consist almost entirely of love triangles. The love triangle, for plot
purposes, seems ... Show more content on ...
This three cornered romantic disaster, because of Sue s return to Philotson, had
already reached it s climax. If anything, Jude s death made Sue s promise never to
see him again easier. But because Jude s death happens at the end of novel, the
reader does not find out if this adds to or detracts from her guilt. All we are told is
that she is quot;tired and miserable, quot; quot;years and years older, quot;
quot;quite a staid worn woman, quot; and still absolutely repulsed by Philotson
(Hardy 431). Sue s guilt originates from societal pressures, and then surfaces after
the death of the children. She knows that shacking up with Jude after her divorce
from Philotson is frowned upon, yet she does not share the same morals and values
as the society in which she lived, thus, does not expect any sort of punishment. She
takes the horrifying death of her children as a sign of divine admonishment. quot;I
see marriage differently now!В…My babies have been taken from me to show me
this! quot;(Hardy 369). Therefore, so that their death s would not have been in vain,
Sue becomes religious and returns to Philotson, adding more complexity to the
triangle. Sue s last words to Jude before he dies are: quot;Don t follow meВ—don t
look at me. Leave me, for pity s sake! quot;(Hardy 412). This bizarre love triangle
may not be broken even after Jude s death, for it is he whom she really loves. For
Philotson, Sue only
Indi A World Leader
As examined above, the KPO industry in India is a booming and expected to grow
45% in size by 2010.India is currently the most popular destination in the world for
KPOs. In KPO, India has been expected to be a world leader. The contribution of
KPO will be significant in terms of revenue generation and employment. India is
already established itself as a world leader in IT. If it desires to keep its position, it
is necessary to take the problems seriously faced by this industry, else newer and
fresh destinations such as China, Philippines, Indonesia and Eastern Europe might
catch up and could even beat us. KPO will help India a long way in becoming a
global superpower and for that the Government and companies in this sector work ...
Show more content on ...
Care should be taken so that these advantages should not get truncated. Since other
countries may try to expand in global KPO market and also develop their skills
which could abrade our advantage. But, if the above discussed challenges are
addressed in the proper manner, India will undeniably retain its supremacy and
emerge as a world leader in KPO.
(1).Agarwal, R., Nisa, S. (2009). Knowledge process Outsourcing: India s emergence
as a global leader. Asian Social Science, 5(1), 82 92. doi:10.5539/ass. v5n1p82
(2).Aleman, E. (2015). A literature review on knowledge process Outsourcing(KPO).
SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2490262
(3).Alexander Mierau Strategic Importance of KPO 2007.
(4).Annual Report 2010 11, Department of Information Technology, GOI.
(5).A, T. Kearney. (2007). A T Kearney s 2004 Offshore Location Attractiveness
Index, Making Offshore decisions, ATKearney.pdf.
(6).Bhattacharya, S (2005). Challenges for Indian Companies in the Financial
Services KPO Business,
(7).Dash, S. Agarwal, R. (2005). Determining India s Edge in IT Outsourcing: A
Cross Country Analysis of Comparative Advantage in IT, in Upadhay V.ed.
(2005) Productivity and Quality Research, Tata Mcgraw Hill, New Delhi.
(8).Evalueserve (2004). The next big business opportunity, Moving up the value
chain form BPO to KPO, Business Research, July 13,
(9).Evalueserve (2005). Knowledge Process Outsourcing A
Domestic Policy In The United States
In this course we have discussed several topics involving the American government.
In this paper I will discuss the American domestic policy and give some details about
the goals of the domestic policy. I will explain how domestic policy affects
relationships between the United States and the other nations. In addition, I will
discuss how domestic policy affects the United Statesstrategy on internationalism and
how the media influences such decision. Finally, I will discuss why the shared power
of the three branches of the government is sometimes referred to as an invitation to
struggle about policy making for foreign affairs.
Domestic policy
The domestic policy affects everyone in the United States and has been a huge
debate topic in regards ... Show more content on ...
Mass media have a prominent role to play in modern society. The use of the media
can bring about unexpected changes and improve the social situation as it impact our
social, civil, cultural, political,economic and aesthetic outlook. Modernization has
transformed media into a crucial feature of human activity. In today s society, media
influence issues such as the impact of global warming, genetic engineering,
deployment of military forces, religion, government spending, nuclear testing and
environmental legislations. The rise in the media has influenced international policy
and decision within the government. It is now more critical than ever that policy
planners understand the factors that encourage negative domestic reactions. Growing
international concerns have prompted many to establish, or consider establishing
postings in allied countries, and future deployments of this type are currently being
Josephine Baker Speech At The March On Washington
Freedom is such a beautiful thing to have, but back a couple years ago freedom
wasn t for everyone. Not until people like Dr. Martin Luther King who made a
stand for the peoples rights and became a voice for those that s don t have a voice
to speak. Whether your white or colored, everyone should deserve a chance at
freedom, same rights as everyone else, be treated equally as everyone else, and the
pursuit of happiness. In the Speech at the March on Washington by Josephine
Baker, she explain that everyone no matter their color they should be treated the
same as a human being. Baker lived in France for part of her life but returned to the
U.S. and she did not get treated the same as in France. When I was a child and they
burned me out of
Hateful Debates
In the current political environment, there is a growing divide between liberals and
conservatives. Across the nation, there have been frequent protest against
conservative organizations and speakers on college campuses. Earlier this year, the
UCSB Student Senate voted to allocate $5,000 to a UCSB College Republicans
hosted event (Brugger 2017). This event would host Ben Shapiro, a conservative
commentator. The approval of the event led to protests that argued that the
conservative commentator incited violence and hateful speech. As a UCSB student, I
got to hear the complaints that were made against the hosting of Shapiro. Ben
Shapiro, the Editor in Chief at the Daily Wire, has often been called a racist and
supporter of hate speech. He... Show more content on ...
The hateful speech that he incites is unacceptable and should not be anywhere near a
college campus. That being said, I wholeheartedly support freedom of speech as a
constitutional right of all individuals in the United States. College should be a place
where students have an opportunity to listen to diverse opinions and make educated
decision on what to support. Yes, there are going to be situations where students are
faced with ideas that are completely contradictory to what they believe in. However,
in my opinion, that is better position than allowing the university or institution to
decide what is and is not acceptable language on campus. An uncensored campus is
a better place for everyone involved. In this instance, I would have allowed the
event the continue as planned, but I would have maintained an extremely short
leash on Shapiro. The second he starts inciting any sort of unacceptable and unsafe
language, I would immediately have the event shutdown and have him removed
from the UCSB premises. In terms of the class material, the event likely incites
macroaggression that have racist connotations. The speaker is using his right to
freedom of speech as an avenue to spew his hateful and racist remarks. He was
allowed to hide under the guise of freedom of speech to speak at the UCSB hosted
Addis Ababa University
College of Business and Economics
MBA Program
Case Assignment
Course Title: Statistical Decision Theory
Instructor s Name: Dr. Yitibarek T.
Submitted by:
1. Leul WondemenehGSR/2024/06
Submission Date: December 06, 2013
Given Part A
1. Sales forecast (at $ 30 retail price with the assumption of $15 whole sale price)
a. 400,000 copies 40% chance;
b. 1,000,000 copies 30% chance;
c. 100,000 copies 30% chance; 2. Flat deal with Senator Murphy
a. $ 500,000 upon signing agreement;
b. $500,000 upon completion of a completed manuscript; 3. Chance of delivering a
completed manuscript 80% (i.e. 20% chance if not delivering a completed ... Show
more content on ...
[ii] Senator Murphy don t deliver the manuscript (with a chance of 20%)
The costs for B C associated with this probable outcome are the advance payment paid
for the Senator upon signing agreement, i.e. $500,000 and the incremental cost of
$50,000. [iii] B C decides to kill the book (with a chance of 75%)
Provided that Murphy delivers the book, $250,000 for editorial services plus all the
costs associated with the first outcome will be the cost in line with this outcome. [iv]
B C publishes the book (with a chance of 25%)
Again assuming that Murphy delivers a completed manuscript the costs associated
with this outcome in addition to the cost in the first outcome will be;
$100,000 for editorial service
$500,000 for publicity
$50,000 for preparing camera ready proofs
Printing cost of $4 per copy
$0.25 per copy for distribution costs and
Incremental cost of 5% of wholesale price, i.e. $0.75 per copy
Therefore the total cost associated with this outcome is a fixed cost of $650,000 for
editorial, publicity, and camera proofs and a variable cost of $5 per copy for
incremental, distribution and printing costs.
Expected revenue (Possible weighted revenue)
Before we calculate the expected revenue we must compute the weighted (expected)
sales projection which is the summation of all the sales projection multiplied by the
probable percentages attached to it respectively.
The Myth Of The Chupacabra
Chupacabra is Spanish for goat sucker . The creature s name derives from stories
in Latin America of several dead goats with puncture wounds in their necks and all
the blood drained from their bodies. Most experts believe the Chupacabra to be a
coyote with mange, which is a skin disease that can cause their hair to fall out and
the skin to shrivel. In humans, mange is just mildly annoying. But it can be fatal in
canines. Chupacabras have been described as resembling a rodent or reptile, with
green gray skin and a disgusting odor. Puerto Rican conspiracy theorists have
claimed that the government is covering up the truth of the Chupacabra in order to
prevent panic. Author Benjamin Radford believes there is a direct correlation
between the Chupacabra and the creature in the film, (Species.) An article in a
Puerto Rican newspaper provided a sketch and a description of an alien like animal
in an eyewitness report from Madelyne Tolentino. Madelyne later admitted to
Radford that she had in fact seen the film, (Species) weeks prior to her sighting....
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Author, Benjamin Radford believes the Internet had a lot to do with the myth of the
Chupacabra. The Internet spread the Chupacabra myth around the world and it was
picked up by UFO enthusiasts who latched onto the story and propelled the it even
Analysis Of Claudia Rankine s Citizen
Citizen is a narrative written to connect with the reader by telling stories in the
second person . In the novel, Citizen , Claudia Rankine uses short stories and personal
experiences to encapsulate the struggle that African American people endure when
they are thrown against a sharp white background .
The Williams sister s have had to suffer under the oppression of the lily white sport
of tennis. Throughout Serena s very successful career there have been multiple
cases where one of the judges, either a line judge or a head umpire, have cost her a
championship based on the calls that they have made. In 2004, Mariana Alves, cost
Serena a trip to the championship game after making five bad calls in a row in favor
of Serena s opponent. As ... Show more content on ...
Even the fans of tennis did not want Serena to win as they booed her and her family
many times as she walked on and off the court.
Throughout the novel it is apparent that everyday instances of racism occur, causing
people of color to feel outcasted. There are two very obvious occasions where this
happened. In the first instance two African Americanwoman are in a workspace of
primarily all white co workers. When a woman they worked with got these two
names mixed up, it was stated that she had a fifty fifty chance of getting it right
insinuating that these two women are the only black ones working here. Later, the
woman who had the mix up with the names wrote an apology note; however, in the
note she stated it was our mistake and seemingly put part of the blame on the to
women. This is a primary example of how African Americans can be thrown against a
white background making them seem different than everyone else.
The novel is written in big black font on sharp white pages to show how color is
most noticeable in a predominately white society. Rankine, instead of using
normal paper for her book chose a thick, sharp white paper with a big bold black
text. This is an allusion to Zora Neale Hurston s quote, I feel most colored when I
am thrown against a sharp white background. , the colored text jumps off the glossy
white page and is more noticeable than in a traditional paperback novel. The
Nicholas Garnham
Nicholas Garnham
Nicholas Garnham worked in television before starting his academic career. He
worked for the BBC, serving as film editor from 1961 to 1964 and then director and
producer from 1964 to 1968. His credits as a freelance Director/Producer include
Through the Eye of a Needle, Border Country, In Search of Paradise, and The British
Museum. He also served as the Governor of the British Film Institute (BFI) from
1973 to 1977.
Garnham teaching at the Polytechnic of Central London (now Westminster
University), where he established his name as an expert in the political economy of
communication and communication regulations. Today, he is Head of the Media
Studies School of Communication and Director of the Centre for ... Show more
content on ...
Public intervention in the form of subsidy is usually justified on the grounds (1) that
culture possesses inherent values, of life enhancement, which are fundamentally
opposed to and in danger of being damaged by commercial forces; (2) that the need
for these values is universal, regardless of class, gender, and ethnic origin; and (3)
that the market cannot satisfy this need.
The creative artist occupies a central place in this ideology. This person s aspirations
and values stemming from unfathomable sources of genius, inspiration, or talent are
the source of cultural value. However, situating the arts at the center of the cultural
universe no longer means showering them with money, but we should define the
policy problem as one of finding audiences for their work, rather than the reverse.
2. my project
I make the case that most of those people on the left who have challenged this
dominant view of culture as elitist have tacitly accepted the remaining assumptions of
the tradition they reject. This accounts for their limited success in shifting the terms
of the policy debate and the effortless ease with which they have been incorporated
(p. 54). Thanks to this cultural policy making tradition, public intervention in the
cultural sphere is marginalized, making it purely reactive to the process which it
cannot grasp (pp. 54 55). This tradition has been rejecting the market; thus, most
people s needs and
Fire Prevention Essay in Hindi English
What is Fire Prevention?
The goal of the Fire Prevention Division is to prevent the loss of life and damage to
environment, property and other values in Santa Fe County through the
establishment of community partnerships, information dissemination, code
development and enforcement, planning, review and active involvement in our
Fire Safety Tips
Lauren Romano
Lauren Romano became a freelance writer in 2007. Her work appears on various
websites and in print. Lauren specializes in a variety of topics including dating,
travel, New York City, decorating and budget living.
By Lauren Romano, eHow Contributor
It is important to thoroughly pay attention to fire safety tips that you learn throughout
your life. These tips ... Show more content on ...
If possible, wet the end first to cool it off. When you put the cigarette into the ashtray,
make sure that it is completely in and stable so it won t fall out and onto something
that could catch on fire.
Don t overload outlets. If you can, unplug anything that you re not using to help clear
some outlet space. If you do have to have electronics plugged in, distribute them
instead of putting them all into one outlet.
Expert Insight * Run out of the house immediately if there is a fire. Don t run
around trying to grab valuables or other items, and absolutely don t run back in to get
anything. Get to your neighbors house to call 911.
Have multiple escape routes out of your home. If you don t plan one and there is an
emergency, you may get disoriented on where you should go. Having multiple plans
set up could help you to get out alive.
Stop, drop and roll if your clothes catch on fire. Running will only make the situation
* Many people think that a fire won t ever happen to them, especially in their own
homes, but there is always that chance even if you don t want to acknowledge it.
Instead of being in doubt that it will ever happen, you re better off taking
precautions just in case. If a fire were to happen, it s better to be prepared instead of
being caught off guard
How to Prevent a Fire in a Home
Cherie Brunetti
Cherie Brunetti has been
Animal Farm Russian Revolution Essay
Animal Farm Russian Revolution Essay

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Animal Farm Russian Revolution Essay

  • 1. Animal Farm Russian Revolution Essay Crafting an essay on the theme of "Animal Farm Russian Revolution" presents its own set of challenges, requiring a nuanced understanding of both George Orwell's allegorical novella and the historical events it mirrors. The complexity arises from the need to weave together literary analysis and historical context seamlessly. Firstly, delving into Animal Farm necessitates a comprehensive grasp of Orwell's satirical narrative techniques and his use of anthropomorphism to depict the key figures involved in the Russian Revolution. This requires meticulous attention to details, as one must draw parallels between the characters in the novel and their real-life counterparts, highlighting the subtle nuances that enrich the allegorical elements. Simultaneously, an effective essay on this topic demands a thorough understanding of the Russian Revolution's intricacies. This involves exploring the socio-political climate of early 20th- century Russia, the rise of the Bolsheviks, the fall of the Romanovs, and the subsequent establishment of the Soviet Union. To articulate these historical events in a way that seamlessly integrates with the analysis of Animal Farm requires careful research and synthesis. Moreover, navigating the balance between literary analysis and historical commentary poses its own set of challenges. Striking the right chord between discussing Orwell's literary choices and drawing parallels with historical events requires finesse. Each argument and observation must contribute to a cohesive narrative that not only analyzes Animal Farm but also sheds light on the complexities of the Russian Revolution. In conclusion, crafting an essay on the theme of "Animal Farm Russian Revolution" demands a blend of literary acumen and historical insight. The task involves dissecting Orwell's allegory while providing a nuanced understanding of the historical context it mirrors. Successfully navigating these challenges results in a compelling essay that resonates with readers. For assistance with similar essays and more, one can explore the services available at, where professional writers can provide support and guidance for various academic topics. Animal Farm Russian Revolution EssayAnimal Farm Russian Revolution Essay
  • 2. The Pathology Of Asthma A major health problem for nearly 26 million Americans is asthma. This total includes more than 7 million children. Asthma causes millions of lost school and work days every year and is the third leading cause of hospitalization among children. There is no cure for asthma, but the good news is that it can be managed and treated, allowing you to live a normal, healthy life ( Learn About Asthma, 2016). One out of ten children and one out of twenty adults are diagnosed with asthma (Bryan, 2004). Asthma is noted as one of the most common chronic disorders among children under the age of 18. In addition to the millions of lost school days, it is also the third leading cause of hospitalization for children. It is also noted to cause limited daily... Show more content on ... In 1816, a French physician named Rene Laennec invented the stethoscope, which allowed physicians to listen to the lungs of patients with asthma. Laennec was convinced that the muscles involuntarily contracted the airways. The spirometer became an important medical tool in 1846. It allowed physicians to measure the strength of a patient s lungs, as well as how much air could be inhaled. In 1860, Henry Hyde Salter, an asthmatic English physician, penned his research on several hundred patients, and his realization that asthma tended to become worse when the patients were sleeping. His recommended treatment for the asthma attacks: drink strong black coffee. He also found that asthma responded to belladonna, known as deadly nightshade, which, of course, is very poisonous. But, a chemical known as atropine, which is combined with belladonna, helped to relieve asthma attacks. In 1892, Sir William Oster, an English physician, described three mechanisms of asthma, which has formed the basis of today s treatments of asthma. Sir William Oster proposed that asthma was caused by muscle contractions, inflammation and abnormal nerve activity within the airways. By the early part of the 20th century, scientists were able to produce a variety of different drugs that were able to relieve the muscle
  • 3. Mathematics Peacefully, Working On An Assignment For My Math I sit in the library peacefully, working on an assignment for my math. Trigonometry: a bit hard, but fun. I continue to sip on my leaf water out of my nice cat mug; the one with a cat and under it the word Catffeinated on it. Then Stephaniey, the daughter of the biggest man in the city, comes over. Hello, Stephaniey. Ah hello, friend. Could I see your tea set? She points at the box by my backpack, a clear mocking tone to the word friend , but I pass it off as a mishearing. I have the set with me today because my chem lab teacher was interested in my collection, as he, too, is a collector. Yeah, sure, I guess. She opens the box, removes the protective padding, and picks up a cup. She lifts it up to the light for what I think ... Show more content on ... FUCKING SHIT! I howl out as pain explodes from my face. I reach up toward her legs, causing more discomfort. With a firm grasp, I flip her over onto the floor. In the process, I get up, my body hunched over hers. The blood on my face drips onto her. Screeches of horror come out of her mouth. AH, YOUR BLOODS GETTING ON MY DESIGNER CLOTHING! Alright, I wasn t too mad at the cup breaking, but PUSHING MY FACE INTO ITS SHARDS WAS WAYYY TO FAR! Eh so, it doesn t matter. Cause you ll be in trouble and won t be able to run for head councilman. That s what this is about?!? Of course, what else? That s such a dumb reason, I don t really care about the place. Also Jennifer is more likely than the both of us. Nuh uh, she can t run, she s been hospitalized. What!!? She was fine yesterday! She was hi Both of you to Mr. Moore s Office; take this note with you. You two have disrupted the library s learning/studying environment. Mrs. Geoff, the librarian, interrupts us. As I begin to reach for the note, she stops me. Oh, no. Mowow, you head straight to the Nurse s office. We ll take care of the issue after you re alright, I ll have a student bring your things to the front office and get a janitor for the glass. She gives me a warm smile, having watched the event unfold, but not being able to stop it right away. She knows I didn t start it or partake in the violence. Hmmpf. Stephaniey huffs and starts walking in the opposite direction of Mr.
  • 4. Pride And Prejudice Character Analysis The novel Pride and Prejudice was first published in 1813. Signet Classics published Jane Austen s book in 1980. The story takes place in early 19th century England. Important settings are Longbourn: the Bennets estate, Netherfield Park: the estate of Mr. Bingley; Rosings Park: the estate of Lady Catherine de Bourgh, and Pemberley: Mr. Darcy s estate. Major characters in this comically toned romance include Elizabeth and Jane Bennet, Mr. Darcy, Mr. Bingley, and Mr. Wickham. Elizabeth is the protagonist while the pride and prejudiceof social classes can be seen as the antagonist. Mr. Darcy, aside from Elizabeth Bennet herself, undergoes one of the most drastically dynamic character changes of the novel. The exposition of the novel begins... Show more content on ... Once Jane is recovered, the sisters return home, and the next day the Bennets receive a visit from their cousin, Mr. Collins, who is set to inherit the estate. Shortly after his arrival, Collins proposes to Elizabeth, who turns him down an exciting climax within the plot. Once he is convinced of her denial, he turns to Charlotte Lucas, a neighbor and friend of the Bennets. In the nearby town of Meryton, where militia officers are stationed, the sisters meet the new officer, Wickham. When Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy happen upon the group, Darcy and Wickham seem to profusely detest each other, the perfect man vs. man conflict Elizabeth can t help but notice. Elizabeth and Wickham become friends and he tells her Darcy is a horrible man who cheated him out of his inheritance. The Bingley party leaves Netherfield for the winter, and the Bennets start to believe they will not return. Charlotte and Mr. Collins get married, and Elizabeth promises to visit them at their parsonage in Rosings Park. Jane is upset over Bingley s departure and goes to visit her aunt and uncle in London. That spring, Elizabeth visits the Collinses and meets their patron, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, who is Darcy s aunt. Furthering the rising action, Darcy arrives to call on his aunt during Elizabeth s visit. He drops by the Collins home quite frequently, and during one of his visits, when he catches Elizabeth alone, he makes a very insulting
  • 5. The Folly of RenГ© Descartes’ Discourse on Method and... The Folly of RenГ© Descartes Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy In order to embark on his quest for truth, Descartes first devises his four rules which should serve as a solid foundation for all else that he comes to understand. Those rules are here evaluated in terms of what they fail to take into consideration. The rules are examined individually and consecutively, and are therefore also reiterated in order to be clear about them. Furthermore, the approach of using these rules is also analyzed to some degree. Ultimately, however, it is my conjecture that Descartes four rules are not as solid a foundation as he claims, but fail to consider key issues which are noted herein. Descartes first rule deals ... Show more content on ... For him, the method that teaches one to follow the true order and to enumerate exactly all the circumstances of what one is seeking contains everything that gives certainty to the rules of arithmetic (12). Still, the notion of one s existence as proven by thought is not something which can be measured and translated into a numerical quantity. In fact, most fundamental concepts and their corresponding emotions that make up human life, such as love, are neither indubitable nor quantifiable, though are still held as being true, sometimes more than anything else. This leads me to find that the very first of Descartes rules is a shaky foundation at best. It asks for an acceptance of indubitable truth, and only that truth. But if this is to be indeed held as a standard, then nothing could actually be accepted with certainty. The second [rule], to divide each of the difficulties I would examine into as many parts as possible and as was required in order better to resolve them. (11) The basis of this second rule appears to be an endeavor to take a claim and examine it from all possible perspectives, and to test it against all possible situations. Neither of which is, in effect, possible. One could spend an entire lifetime looking at all the possible situations in which a claim could be contested and would not even come close to revealing
  • 6. DNS Essay The Domain Name System or DNS is an international address system developed to ensure that every computer connected to the Internet has its own address. DNS assigns addresses to Internet web servers [10]. However, in the DNS system, that address is actually a set of numbers like This set of numbers is called the computer s Internet Protocol (IP) address. The Domain Name System is most often described as the Internet s phone book or address book. All of us Internet users use it on daily basis without even realizing it. Its basic task is to convert human readable website name like into its computer readable numerical IP address like such strings of numbers are difficult for humans to memorize, DNS allows you to assign a domain name, such as to you IP address. So, the domain name is simply an address on the Internet. It has to be unique just like physical address or phone number. Computers (and other network devices like smartphones or tablets) use IP addresses to identify each other on the network and route your request to the site you are trying to access. It is just like dialing a phone number to reach the person you want to talk to, but thanks to DNS, you don t need to maintain your own address book of IP addresses. You will simply connect via DNS server (also called domain name server or just name server ). Domain name system servers match domain names like to their associated IP addresses.
  • 7. American Slave Trade After 1550 From the middle of the 15th century, Europe and Africa entered into a horrific relationship which eventually led to the demise of Africa, through the kidnapping and enslavement of their people which in turn led to the development of Europe. 1441 marks the date of the Start of European slave trading in Africawhen a Portuguese captain brought back 12 Africans to Portugal from Cabo Branco (Mauritania)1, the slave trade would only continue to evolve and advance over the centuries. Some of the main differences that are apparent from the time periods would be the fact that America became involved after 1550, the numbers, before 1550 slaverywas only just beginning and only a small portion of the approximate 12 15 million2 taken over the years... Show more content on ... Some of these slaves were used to help grow the Cape Verde island colony whilst others where sent back to Madeira, Portugal for sale, this backwards and forwards trade led continued for years and was estimated that by the early 16th century as much as 10 per cent of Lisbon s population was of African descent 7. This slave coast as it was named continued to prosper well into the Atlantic trade. The Period that followed after 1550 saw many other nations join this trade such as the British as they began to see the prosperity in this business and started their own more efficient slave trade known as the triangular trade. Before 1600 it was estimated that no more few
  • 8. The Essence Of All Art The essence of all art is to have pleasure in giving pleasure (Baryshnikov). Music and dance, whether solo or coupled have the ability to mindfully catapult one through a porthole; where the practitioner or admirer is adrift and present. Meanwhile, in its performance, granting both ad lib and formulated with variations. Subsequently, it has been portrayed in visual manifest or its tangible, wherein concrete expressive vessels in antiquity. Enthrallingly, as more discoveries immerge, one occurrence is certain; most civilizations have shared the practice of musicand dance amongst other complimentary art forms. Humanly relatable, though other cultures were advanced in these forms of arts or have expounded vividly above others. The mainstream belief of the evolution of instrument crafting and playing, or folk dance had relied on the recorded information and archeological findings, which suggest Mesopotamian cultures to have developed instruments along with the art of dancing. Man made, rustic and harmonic artistic deliverance boomed between 3500 to 500 B.C. (Koopman). However, the reference of where it rooted may be re examined with a Paleolithic tootle that designates otherwise. Regardless, where the art of music had flourished, The Fluteof Hohle Fels, [A] thin bird bone flute carved some 35,000 years ago and unearthed in a German cave is the oldest handcrafted musical instrumentyet discovered (University of Tuebingen, Conard, and Johnson). Which suggests humankind had
  • 9. The Great Inca Road Exhibit The Great Inca Road Exhibit itself explains how vast and various landscape the Inca Empire controlled over and the indigenous people lived and are living to date lively. The exhibition hall consists of a lot of section introducing from the history of Andes before emerging of the Inca Empire to the pictures of indigenous Andean people. Since the visitors need to take a long time to look the exhibition, they could feel as if they are walking on The Qhapaq Г‘an (The Great Inca Road) and the shape of the hall is like a maize and there are today s Andespeople s lots of pictures taken at religious festival and pictures of people in traditional clothes, landscape, animals and so on. Therefore we feel that we are exploring the wide region of Andes like the ancestors of indigenous people. As mentioned above, this exhibition covers lots of stuffs, for instance, the myth of the God who created the Inca Empire, the artifacts and building from ones used in the religious rituals in the Inca era to ones remained in todays and the descriptions of 4 regions that the Inca Empire ruled and was vital places to maintain the Inca power. All these materials show the greatness and the power of the Empire which still have influenced on the people in Andes even after the conquest of Spaniards and the symbol of this dynamic Empire is The Qhapaq Г‘an. The great road connects Cusco to the four regions called Tawantinsuyu consisting of diverse four environments: desert, mountain, rainforest and
  • 10. Descriptive Essay About Working At Amc s Strength Only the few who have worked at AMC know the feelings you receive while you re behind that counter. I ve come to love the place I call work, and work has come to be called my second home from the amount of time that I spend there. It will truly be a sad day when I stop working there. The day starts with me walking up to the front doors of AMC. I knock on the door and wait for the manager to let me in. A gust of wind blows past cutting right through my fleece jacket making me flinch. One of my managers opens the door and I retreat into the warmth of the theater. I go to the back of concessions, then to the break room and wait till five minutes before I m scheduled to work to clock on. I clock on and put on my AMC hat. I m working concessions ... Show more content on ... The popper goes off again and I dump it, then load another batch. I go back to my register and lean against the counter. I listen, I can hear the poppers sizzling, I can feel the heat and I can smell the popcorn. I hear the same commercials in the lobby for the hundredth time, yet I still don t mind. These sights, sounds and smells are familiar to me, they make me feel at home. As time goes by, more concession workers come in, we talk, we laugh and we wait for the rushes, the first to come is the one o clock rush. The rush comes out of nowhere, like usual. One second the lobby is dead, the next you hear poppers going, people talking everywhere, you hear the indistinguishable scratchy voice on the walkie. It seems like chaos but I love it. Its organized chaos, Ill walk back to get a popcorn and if anyone else needs popcorn they fall in line behind me like a well oiled machine. Were brushing past each other, asking if we can grab thing for each other. Then it s over and before I know it, one of the supervisors is telling me that I can go home for the day because my shift ended. Then I walk back into the break room that I began in and clock off. I go home until I have to come back the next day, maybe in box office, maybe as an usher, or maybe in concessions again. I don t know, I just show up and love my
  • 11. Research Proposal For Using Educational Applications Essay Full Research Proposal for Use of Educational Applications in PIHMS Group Number; Sandeep N Kardak Midhun Sathyan Table of Contents 1.Introduction3 1.1 Background to research topic3 1.2 Importance of topic3 1.3 Stakeholders4 1.4Research Problem Statement4 1.5Research Question(s)4 1.6 Research Objective/s4 2.Literature Review5 2.1Introduction5 3.Method6 3.1 Research Design6 3.2 Research Scope6 3.2.1Primary Data Collection7 3.2.2 Population for research7 3.2.2Sample7 3.2.4 Approval for access to do research7 3.3 Data Analysis7 3.4Timeline8 3.5 Resources9 3.6 Ethical Considerations9 4.0References10 1.Introduction 1.1 Background to research topic Apps are now an integral part of our everyday lives. We use them to check the weather and check into a flight, to see when the next bus is coming, record notes, read books, play games and much more. A great outcome of the app revolution is the transformative learning that apps can help foster. There are thousands of education apps in the Windows marketplace, Apple store and Google play store. From early learning games to study aids and even apps that will help you manage the classroom, with more being published every day. To make the learning process easy at hospitality schools we can use different types of software s and apps according to the demand, and if the students will learn that
  • 12. from collage only then it will be very good for hotels and there will be no need of separate training for
  • 13. The Principles Of Empirical Science One of the key principles in empirical science is distinguishing whether incoming novel theories are actually scientific or non scientific. This is referred to as the problem of demarcation. Many different ideas have been proposed in response to this problem in order to demarcate theories and amongst some of the most well known ones are those of Rudolph Carnap and Karl Popper. Carnap proposes that theories be declared scientific based on whether they can be tested, at least in principle, and labels this his verification criteria. Popper s method is based on whether a theory has empirical content which is the set of all possible excluded events proposed by a theory. The question is, is it possible to agree with both of these criteria? This... Show more content on ... Let us examine a logical case where Carnap and Popper would disagree. Consider the statement, The sun will either rise or not rise tomorrow. According to Carnap, this is a scientific theory since it can be tested quite easily. While according to Popper, this theory does not forbid anything from happening, that is to say that it has no empirical content, so it is deemed unscientific. The sun could not rise and be replaced with another celestial body and the theory would still be scientific according to Carnap s criteria. Now, let us consider an example from history. The Miasma theory of disease was the prevalent theory explaining the spread of disease in much of the 19th century until it was superseded by the Germ theory of disease [1]. The theory states that disease is spread from a poisonous miasma emanating from various sources such as rotting corpses and from general impurities in the atmosphere [1]. The theory had seemed to take hold in lieu of a more satisfying explanation [1]. One of the major problems with the theory was the lack of supporting experimental evidence due to a lack of a testing method [1]. This theory violates Carnap s criteria while Popper would consider the theory scientific as it possess empirical content, it excludes an individual from acquiring certain diseases in the absence of miasma. Let us consider a case where both Carnap and Popper would agree. Compare the Miasma theory to
  • 14. The Central Intelligence Agency Defines Terrorism Professor Williamson November 13, 2015 Paper 2 Question 2 The Central Intelligence Agency defines terrorism as premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents (CIA). This term was specifically created to differentiate terrorism between other acts of violence. These doings of terrorism are not just any act but are specific acts of violence. A dominant reason behind terrorism tends to fall upon religious beliefs and culture ties. Terrorism has been an important part of social behavior for over 2,000 years. Between the years of 1980 and 1995, terroristic groups motivated by religious beliefs had increased by 43% (Hoffman). Religious beliefs and culture are a main reason groups and individuals resort to terrorism. Groups resort to terrorism as a consequence of seeing their culture demolished, as well as religious motives. Terrorist groups have many intentions when it comes to acts of terrorism. They main ones are they want to create fear globally, weaken the government, and obtain universal recognition for what they have done. Religiously motivated terrorist groups usually have high authority targets. These targets include government offices, banks, and national airlines. From the group s perspective, terrorism is the only practical option. Groups are formed centered on certain factors like culture and religion. Many terrorists will receive support from their followers
  • 15. Mortgage Refinancing Myths Mortgage rates have been at an all time low for many years and while they ve gone up a bit recently, they are still historically low. This has led to masses of homeowners scrambling to refinance their mortgages. The reason so many homeowners have waited to refinance their mortgage is because there are so many mortgagerefinancing myths out there. That s why we re going to help you wade through the information and dispel those mortgage refinancing myths, which will help you make an educated decision about whether or not refinancing your home is the right decision for you and your situation. Here are the top nine mortgage refinancing myths that keep so many homeowners from taking advantage of these historically low interestrates. 1. Do I ... Show more content on ... Wouldn t It Be Better for Me to Invest My Money Rather Than Using It to Refinance My Mortgage? Investing is all about making money, but so is refinancing your mortgage in a roundabout way. Smart investors don t put all their eggs in one basket. That s why refinancing your mortgage is a good idea. If you refinance your mortgage, you will have more money to invest. And if you are reinvesting for a shorter term, but a higher monthly payment, then you will be able to pay off your mortgage sooner. That means once your mortgage is paid off, you can take that money and invest the entire amount. Additionally, paying on a mortgage doesn t come with any risk like investing in the stock market does. Another way to look at it is by comparing how much money you would make if you had invested your money rather than using it to refinance your mortgage. Then compare that to what you would save if you had used your money for mortgage refinancing. Once you have those two numbers, you will also have a clear picture as to which route is best for you. Of course this is not an exact science, because there s no way you can predict how much you will make if you invest your money. However, you can use your best guess based on the current market and hope for the
  • 16. Burial Urns Although many people might expect that burial urns have been used for a lot longer than they have, the actual ritual and mentality behind these kinds of urns is very much different to what you may have expected in the first place. Having looked into this considerably over the years, we understand the importance of knowing the culture and style behind the products we sell and this includes the history of burialurns. Burial urns have a long and proud history, and have been used in various forms of civilization over the years, ranging back as far as 7000BC. These have been found in some of the earliest Jiahu sites that are located in China, as well as places like Shaanxi and Yangshao of which some of the urns come from the years 5000 3000BC. ... Show more content on ... For example, the old Kings of Bavaria used to keep their hearts in an urn after they died. In terms of the typical cremation urns, though, these were used by the Chinese civilizations noted above as well as a whole host of different Pre Columbian cultures that have spanned the length of time. Romans, for example, used to place the urns in large tombs that acted as a place for many souls to rest instead of just individual placing throughout time and history. This makes a massive difference in terms of the way that the burial urns come together, and ensures that large resting places became a common thing. The history of burial urns has changed quite a lot as new discoveries are made; however, as it was found that during the Bronze Age in England the urns were hidden carefully and expertly, as was detailed in Sir Thomas Browne s compendium Hydriotaphia or Urn Burial. In the modern world, the change and growth in the burial urn culture has been quite remarkable. Cremation urns tend to be made in various styles and formats now whereas it was very common to have a template style to pick from back in the
  • 17. Using Vlan And Vpn Network ( Virtual Local Area Network ) Introduction: The devices on one or more LANs can be configured to communicate as though they were directed connect referred to as VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network). They are located various geographical areas. Since VLANs are taking into account intelligent rather than physical connections, they have a great degree flexible. VLANs characterize broadcast domains in a Layer 2 network, in which the broadcast domainis the arrangement of all devices that will get broadcast frames which originates from any device inside of the set. Broadcast domains at time have limitations by routers that don t forward broadcast frames. Layer 2 switches broadcast domains regardless of the setup of the switches. Switches permit one to make numerous broadcast domains. Every broadcast domain is similar to a particular virtual bridge inside of a switch. [1] VLAN VPN highlight is a basic yet flexible Layer 2 and it labels private network packets with external VLAN labels allowing the data to be transmitted both inward and external VLAN labels. Implementation of VLAN and VPN Access: the VLAN VPN allows packet with a VLAN tag, the device will label the packet with the default VLAN tag of the receiving port and add the source MAC location to the MAC location table of the default VLAN. If the packet transports a VLAN tag, the packet turns into a double labeled packet. Then the packet turns into a bundle conveying the default VLAN tag of the port. [2] Requirement for Multiple VLANs: The various
  • 18. Student Chamber Music Concert On Monday, April, 18, 2016, I attended a concert held by Wake Forest University s Department of Music. The performance was titled Student Chamber Music I Concert and it began promptly at 7:30pm. 7. The program that was distributed when I came in was very helpful in explaining the repertoire. The music to my surprise was very enjoyable! The concert began with a flute ensemble. The first work they played was called Allegro by Demenico Cimarosa. This sonata was originally written in the Romanic Era for the piano. There were six flutists playing. The next composition was Madrigals by Samuel Adler which was composed for six flutists and written in the Twentieth Century. The final programmatic song the flute ensemble played was Bohemian Dance ... Show more content on ... There were two students with violas and two students with cellos. They began with My Lady Hundson s Puffe by John Dowland. At the beginning of this song from the Renaissance Era, they plucked the strings of their instruments. One of the cellists left and began to play the harpsicord. I could not tell when this work ended and when the next work, John Come Kisse Me Now by William Byrd began. I felt awkward because neither I nor the audience gave applause. This work was also from the Renaissance Era. The harpsichord solo was very unpleasant to listen to. Their final performance was, Two masquing dances which featured The Goates Masque and The Witches Second Dance . The works were composer was anonymous. Even though, these two works were from the Renaissance Era, they had more melody and somewhat of a sonata form. This was my least favorite section of the concert. Following the Consort were four guitarists. They played Gypsy Dances, Op. 55 by the Twentieth Century composer, Jacquin Turina. The first movement, Ritual Dance was slow and formal sounding. As they moved to the second movement, Seduction Dance , the tempo started out slow but gradually became faster. The guitars seemed like they were doing a call and response. The third and last movement, Zambra , was played at a very fast tempo. There were more guitar solo parts in this section. There was also a rondo at the
  • 19. The Legal Status Of The Islamic State This paper will examine the legal status of the so called Islamic State with the aim of determining whether it is recognised as having international legal personality. Focus will also be placed on the principles of international legal personality more broadly by providing a critique on the effectiveness of these concepts in international law. Firstly a brief overview of the Islamic Statewill be given outlining their stated goals and information important to supporting a claim of international legal personality. Secondly we will look at the classes of established legal persons before going into each in more detail. A major consideration of this research is whether the Islamic State could be recognised as a State in international law. In answering this question the traditional criteria for statehood set out in Article I of the Montevideo Convention on Rights and Duties of States 1933 (hereinafter Montevideo Convention) will be examined along with the relevant authorities and recent developments in regards to the criteria for statehood. Secondly the consequences of where the Islamic State fits within the international legal framework will be discussed. Finally the essay will look at the effectiveness of the concept of legal personality in international law particularly in the context of the conclusion reached in relation to the Islamic State. The writings of a number of authoritative international law academics along with a range of academic journal articles have been used to
  • 20. Biography of Michelangelo Essay Biography of Michelangelo The second of five brothers, Michelangelo was born on March 6, 1475, at Caprese, in Tuscany, to Ludovico di Leonardo di Buonarotto Simoni and Francesca Neri. The same day, his father noted down: Today March 6, 1475, a child of the male sex has been born to me and I have named him Michelangelo. He was born on Monday between 4 and 5 in the morning, at Caprese, where I am the PodestГ . Although born in the small village of Caprese, Michelangelo always considered himself a son of Florence, as did his father, a Citizen of Florence. His Childhood and Youth Buonarroti s mother, Francesca Neri, was too sick and frail to nurse Michelangelo, so he was placed with a wet nurse, in a family of stone cutters, ... Show more content on ... In Michelangelo s personal diary he recounts his first two works: My first work was a small bas relief, The Madonna of the Stairs. Mary, Mother of God, sits on the rock of the church. The child curls back into her body. She foresees his death, and his return on the stairway to heaven. My second work, another small relief. My tutor read me the myth of the battle of the Lapiths against the Centaurs. The wild forces of Life, locked in heroic combat. Already at 16, my mind was a battlefield: my love of pagan beauty, the male nude, at war with my religious faith. A polarity of themes and spiritual, the other earthly, I ve kept these carvings on the walls of my studio to this very day. His patron Lorenzo died in 1492; two years later Michelangelo fled Florence, when the Medici were temporarily expelled. His Studies of Anatomy During the years he spent in the Garden of San Marco, Michelangelo began to study human anatomy. In exchange for permission to study corpses, the prior of the church of Santo Spirito, NiccolГІ Bichiellini, received a wooden Crucifix from Michelangelo. But his contact with the dead bodies caused problems with his health, obliging him to interrupt his activities periodically. The
  • 21. Compare The Life Before Apple And The French Revolution The French revolution is important because it caused a change in power for France, abolishing the monarchy and creating a government where everyone could vote and decide on their leader instead of having a king who wasn t chosen and might not make the best decisions. The existing power structure in France before the revolution in 1789 was that the king, Louis XVI, ruled over France in a monarchical way and the poor people barely had enough to feed their families because the taxes were so high. So the poor people worked and the bulk of the money they earned was taxed by the nobles. However there was also a third estate comprised of the rich non nobles which disliked their leads so much that they created a convention against the king. The privileges they were fighting for were the right to vote, the right to choose their own leaders, and the right of nourishment because the poor people had nothing. By comparison, the Apple revolution was also important because it created a new competition for IBM but at the same time let the people have a choice of computers. The life before Apple was that the people could mostly only buy computers from IBM because they were the only large company selling computers. IBM controlled the market and therefore the people, so Apple decided to change the power structure... Show more content on ... The new power structure after the Apple revolution was that the people could now have a choice of computers instead of being forced to go to IBM. So the new power structure had Apple on top as the leaders . Now Apple is continuing to do well and still hasn t dropped out of the computer market even though there s a lot of concurrence. This is because Apple before and also now are able to compete with their opponents in both business and consumer segments of the
  • 22. Han Empire Vs Roman Empire Essay Between 400 and 600 CE, the Han and Roman empire empire fell. During the Han Empire of China, the silk roads were opened, allowing major cultural exchange and economic growth. The Han empire also grew within iron metallurgy, silk textiles, and paper. The Roman Empire, surrounding the Mediterranean ocean, was run on a republic, traded with other areas in the mediterranean area for a bountiful economy, and saw the development of early christianity.The causes for which they fell were similar in that they all experienced major epidemics, poor leadership, and land distribution issues. The first reason for the fall included widespread epidemics. Smallpox, measles, and the bubonic plague spread rapidly in both empires, due to lack of medical knowledge and new interactions between people of different areas, carrying different diseases. The outbreak of diseases claimed the lives of a large portion of both empires. With the population down, trade decreased and their economies suffered alongside the ill. With less money, the empires started to fall.... Show more content on ... In the Roman empire, many different people seized the throne in a short period of time, they were known as barracks emperors. In the Han Empire,after the death of a well respected Han, Wang Mang took control of the throne. Wang Mang is often times known as the socialist emperor. He attempted to fix a land distribution issue by breaking of large estates, redistribute them, and provide landless individuals with property to cultivate. He had good intentions but, it resulted in confusion. Landlords resisted a policy that threatened their holding and even peasants did not approve. In the end, it left chaos. Wang Mang was revolted against. The poor leadership from both Empires left the empires unstable, and unable to mend itself of any issues collectively. It was a catalyst in the fall of
  • 23. Est1 Task 2 District 5 0 is requesting permission to appoint a candidate for the position of Traffic Control Specialist above the minimum salary requirements in the appropriate pay scale group. The Traffic Control Specialist position became vacant in District 5 0 in August 2014. The vacancy was posted from October 6, 2014 to October 20, 2014. The District surveyed a Civil Service list which produced no responses. Five bids were received from the posting and three interviews were conducted since one bid was withdrawn and the other was not eligible. Of the three interviewed, one interviewed poorly, one did not meet the METs, and one declined the offer. The Civil Service test for this job title was not open or scheduled to be opened in the near future. The District engaged in discussions regarding how to proceed with filing this vacancy and decided that the best course of action would be to work with Central Office to assist with getting Civil Service to open this job title for localized testing. This action proved successful and in June 2015, the test announcement was published on the Civil Service website and other locations such as Career Link. In July, we were notified that a list could be pulled. Certification #11875 had one name, Joseph Gurinko. The position was posted again from September 15, 2015 to September 19, 2015, and no bids were received. Mr. Gurinko was interviewed from the Civil Service list. The interview panel consisted of: Michael Rebert,... Show more content on ... Gurinko s interview and his years of experience in Highway Traffic and Safety Studies as well as Planning and Programming. We are fortunate to be able to offer him a position as a Traffic Control Specialist within our Traffic Unit. Until September 2014, Mr. Gurinko was employed by the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission (LVPC) as the Director of Transportation Planning. He held this position for 24 years and was employed by the LVPC for a total of 33
  • 24. A Sample Resume Essay Renu P Brampton, Ontario E mail: Phone No: 647 331 5195 SUMMARY 5+ years of extensive IT experience in software Development and Implementation including 1+Years of experience in big data and Hadoop technology stack. Constructive experience in installing, configuring and using ecosystem components like Hadoop Map Reduce, HDFS, HBase, Zoo Keeper, Oozie, Hive, Cassandra, Sqoop, Pig, Flume, Avro, Chukwa, Whirr, and Cloudera. Excellent Understanding and Hands on experience with Hadoop stacks Technology like Map Reduce, HDFS, Hive, Pig, Sqoop, Impala, Oozie, Scala and Spark. Extensive experience working with SQL, Core Java and Linux. Having experience on importing and exporting data from different systems like RDBMS ... Show more content on ... Effective in handling multiple synchronized prioritized tasks with critical thinking, decision making and problem solving abilities. Excellent analytical, problem solving, communication and interpersonal skills with ability to interact with individuals at all levels and able to work independently or collaboratively. EXPERIENCE Hadoop DeveloperApril 2016 to Present TELUS Scarborough, ON Project: The project aims to move all data from different sources or log data from individual servers to HDFS as per the management system and then perform analysis on these HDFS data sets. Once the data set is inside HDFS, then pig, hive and map reduce are used to perform various analysis. Used Pig and hive as ETL tool to do transformations, joins and aggregations before storing the data into HDFS. Created Hive tables and loaded data in from Relational Database Management system using Sqoop. Extensively worked on creating Hive tables, partitions and buckets for analyzing large volumes of data. Creating Partitions and buckets hive tables in Parquet File Format with snappy compression and then loaded data into Parquet hive tables from Avro hive tables. Scheduling and managing the Hive, pig and map reduce jobs on Hadoop cluster by using Oozie and Falcon process files. For implement business logic to transform the
  • 25. What Is Mary Warren A Dynamic Character Miller shows the greatest change in Mary Warren in order to show that good hearted people can still cause trouble when they re ambivalent. Mary Warren was influenced by many people and many of her own fears, causing her to change her mind a lot, which made her a dynamic character. Mary Warren is a good person but she changes her mind too much which can cause chaos. In the beginning of the book, Mary was hesitant to be involved with Abigail and the other girls: They ll be calling us witches (Miller,17). But that soon wears off and Mary is quick to accuse the people of Salem of witch craft, along with the other girls. John Proctor catches on to the the girls scheme and forces Mary to confess in court. In court Mary seems as though she is willing to repent, she wants to be good again. But when the court doesnt believe her and the girls decided to turn against her, she panicked and turned on John: You re the devils man! (Miller,110). So, Mary wants to be good but she also doesnt want to be hanged, this is why she changes her mind so much.... Show more content on ... If Mary had only went along with the girls plan the whole time, she would have been a static character in the book. Mary Warren, while she isn t responsible for Elizabeth being accused, she is responsible for the poppet in the Proctors home. Mary is also technically responsible for John Proctors death, even though things already werent looking good for him, Mary had pushed it to the edge. Mary made change after change, which proves to be important to the plot otherwise things wouldn t have turned out the way they did, it just wouldnt be the
  • 26. Essay on Compromise of 1877 Compromise of 1877 African Americans may sometimes wonder at the contradictory facts about their history presented in many standard history texts. These texts state that blacks were given the right to vote in 1870, yet the same texts will acknowledge that this right did not really exist for African Americans until the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. Similarly, the first public accommodation law was passed in 1875, but history shows that it took 91 years before it was acknowledged and African Americans were allowed to the full benefits of citizenship.1 It is common knowledge that the American Civil Warprovided freedom and certain civil rights, including to right to vote, to the African American populationof the ... Show more content on ... By statute, African Americans received the basic civil rights to make and enforce contracts; to acquire, hold, and dispose of property; and to equal applications of criminal laws in 1866. These rights were constitutionalized in 1868. African Americans did not acquire the right to vote till 1870.7 There was enormous resistance from forces in the South throughout these years, these reforms were not easily instituted; yet, the movement toward real equality ended in 1870. In that year, Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts introduced a bill which, had it been passed unchanged, would have abolished racial discrimination and segregation in public schools, cemeteries, railroads...inns..and the exclusion of citizens from jury service on the basis of race. Unfortunately, this final triumph of the Reconstruction met with defeat.8 This was because the country, as a whole, not just the South, was tired of the ongoing crusade for civil rights. A representative from Delaware, on the floor of the Senate, even questioned if the Fourteenth Amendment had any illegal or binding force in law. This same representative then made a
  • 27. Mean Variance Analysis Harry W. Markowitz, the father of Modern Portfolio theory , developed the mean variance analysis, which focuses on creating portfolios of assets that minimizes the variance of returns i.e. risk, given a level of desired return, or maximizes the returns given a level of risk tolerance. This theory aids the process of portfolio construction by providing a quantitative take on it. It integrates the field of quantitative analysis with portfolio management. Mean varianceanalysis has found wide applications both inside and outside financial economics. However it is based on certain assumptions which do not hold good in practice. Hence there have been certain revisions to it, so as to make it a more useful tool in portfolio management. Mean ... Show more content on ... All securities can be divided into parcels of any size. Let R be the expected return of the assets: R = (R1, R2,.....Rn)T Let V be the variance/covariance matrix. It is assumed to be positive definite. Пѓ ij = cov (Ri , Rj) A portfolio X of asset weights is expressed as: X = (x1, x2,..........xn)T. [Note that HT denotes the transpose of a matrix H and xi denotes the weight on asset and ∑xi = 1, where i=1 to n] The expected return of a portfolio is given by E[RX] = XT E[R], and the variance of the portfolio by ПѓX = XT VX. Thus, the mean return of the portfolio X satisfies: Mean = Rx= XT ВЇR = ∑xi В ЇRI, where i = 1 to n. The variance Vx of portfolio return is given by: where Пѓi2 is the variance of return i , and Пѓij measures the covariance between returns i and j . We denote the standard deviation of X by ПѓX. Often, it is not possible to be short on assets. In that case, we need to add a constraint that all portfolio weights shall be zero or above: xi ≥ 0.(Mz) If we search for maximizing the expected return for a given variance, we have to solve the following optimization problem: As explained by Markowitz, the portfolio selection problem can be formulated as a quadratic program. We can also search for minimizing the variance given a level of expected return. For a portfolio containing n assets, the minimum variance portfolio is a solution of: Where E* is the level of expected return. Thus we get the efficient frontier as shown
  • 28. Early Asian Art Research Paper After reading about Early Asian Art and the Art of the Americas, I chose to write about the Terracotta Army and the Colossal Heads. The Terracotta Army is an underground army with 8,000 soldiers and 100 horses made out of clay. The warriors was very appealing to me, because there are thousands of life size warriors and it is amazing how each warrior face and expression differ from one another. The soldiers are utilitarian because they were made to protect Shi Huangdi throughout eternity. The process of making the soldiers involved 1,000 skillful potters, who molded and carved the clay. The legs, torsos, fingers, arms and heads of the soldiers were molded and then carved into the figures. After the clay was fired, the warriors were painted
  • 29. Whittlesey Bay Ground Water Flow Analysis Lenz, ( 2003 ) studied the Ground Water Flow and Rainfall Runoff with Emphasis on the Effects of Land Cover, Whittlesey Creek, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, 1999 2001 using SWAT model. The effects of land cover on flooding and base flow characteristics of Whittlesey Creek, Bayfield County, Wis were examined in a study that involved ground water flow and rainfall runoff modeling. Field data were collected during 1999 2001. Potentiometric surface altitudes and stratigraphic descriptions were provided by well logs. Geological data, soil parameters, hydrography, altitude, and land cover data were compiled into a geographic information system (GIS) and used in two ground water flow models (GFLOW and MODFLOW) and a rainfall runoff model (SWAT). A base flow of 17 18 cubic feet per second is produced in a deep ground water system which intersects Whittlesey Creek near the confluence with the North Fork.... Show more content on ... Permeable sands in the center of the Bayfield Peninsula to the northwest of the surface water contributing basin is responsible for the base flow in Whittlesey Creek. Based on simulations, model wide changes in recharge caused a proportional change in simulated baseflow for Whittlesey Creek. About 2 11 percent of change in baseflow to Whittlesey Creek occurs by changing the simulated amount of recharge by 25 to 50 percent in only the ground water contributing area. Flood peaks (based on daily mean flows on peak flow days) could be affected due to simulated changes in land cover within the Whittlesey Creek. Surface water contributing basin would have minimal effects on base flow and average annual runoff due to above changes. Reduction in flood peaks of about 12 14 percent is observed by changing the basin land cover to a reforested
  • 30. Dental Implant Getting A Dental Implant? 2 Things To Know About The Recovery Process Have you decided to get a dental implant to permanently fix a missing tooth? If you, you may be looking forward to having a replacement tooth that looks and feels like a real tooth. Unfortunately, the implant process doesn t stop when you leave the dentist s office, since there are some key things to know about recovering from the surgery. The Length of Recovery There are many factors that play into how long it will take to recover from dental implant surgery. This includes how many implants you received and the strength of the jawbone the implant was placed in. In fact, it can take several months for the implant to fully recover and feel completely natural. However, most of the recovery process will take place over the first few days after the procedure. What you do can end up prolonging or shortening your overall recovery time. ... Show more content on ... Practice Good Oral Hygiene The dental implant may be a fake tooth, but it is more important than ever that you practice good oral hygiene to keep your gums and jawbone protected. Bacteria runs the risk of slowing down your recovery process, and has the potential to cause an infection in your gums. All you need to do is floss and brush regularly to remove harmful bacteria that can become stuck around the implant surgical site. Your dentist may suggest that you use a mouthwash as well, and even subscribe one that is prescription strength in some situations. Avoid Pressure You should avoid any activities that can put excessive pressure on a dental implant and cause damage while it is healing. For example, you will need to break any habits you have of chewing on ice cubes. You should be eatings foods that are moderately soft as well. The risk of putting too much pressure on a dental implant is that the actual implant can become dislodged while in the healing
  • 31. Leadership In The Film Coach Carter As A Basketball Coach Management is a tremendously significant factor in leadership, as no good leader can be an ineffective manager. Every successful manager has and demands respect, is passionate and caring, builds a team, obtains expectations, and helps people grow. In the influential film Coach Carter, we are introduced to a character by the name of Ken Carter, who is offered a position as a basketball coach at Richmond High School, upon he decides to accept the offer to take on the mission of guiding, training, and teaching students on the team how to not only be great basketball players, but how to be great students as well. Throughout the film Ken Carter demonstrates a unique and distinctive coaching style that ultimately leads his students to success. Every coach has their own style of teaching and training their players, however after watching the film Coach Carter it is palpable that Ken Carter has a very unique and particular style of coaching. After taking on the role as a basketball coach at Richmond High School, Carter recognises that his students have no intent on succeeding in their academic studies and simply have the mindset to be successful in their beloved sport of basketball. Carter obtained a strong disagreeing of these views, as well as the belief the staff in the school acquired that the statistics are too difficult to beat, so the additional effort put in will not differentiate anything so Carter made a contract for his students which stated what rules they must follow,
  • 32. Essay On Aircel The Aircel group is a joint venture between Maxis Communications Berhad of Malaysia and Sindya Securities Investments Private Limited, whose current shareholders are the Reddy family of Apollo Hospitals Group of India, with Maxis Communications holding a majority stake of 74%. Aircel commenced operations in 1999 and is today the leading mobile operator in Tamil Nadu, Assam, North East and Chennai. In October 2010, Aircel completed its Pan India footprint, presence in all 23 telecom circles, with the launch of GSM mobile services in Rajasthan. After winning the 3G and BWA spectrum, required for high speed data and multimedia services, in 13 and 8 circles respectively, Aircel became the largest operator in India with spectrum secured for next ... Show more content on ... Voice and Data gave Aircel the highest rating for overall customer satisfaction and network quality in 2006 and Aircel received the same award by IDC in 2007. Aircel emerged as the top mid size utility company in Businessworld s List of Best Mid Size Companies in 2007. Further, recognised Aircel as the best regional operator in 2008. In 2009, CMAI INFOCOM honoured Aircel for excellence in marketing of new telecom service. ABOUT AIRCEL BUSINESS SOLUTION Aircel Business Solutions (ABS) (the Business Unit of Dishnet Wireless Limited) is the enterprise division of Aircel, which addresses the telecom requirements of International and Indian markets with an array of industry leading products and services. As an integrated telecom service provider, ABS leverages its rich pedigree of best in class solutions, partnerships and domain expertise to address service providers, enterprises, PSUs, and consumers. Its range of services includes networking, data centers, managed services, collaboration services, SaaS (Software as a Service) and mobility solutions. ABS is the pioneer of data connectivity solutions and it has demonstrated the same by being the first operator in India to launch WiMAX technology. ABS is also a registered member of WiMAX forum both in the Indian and International
  • 33. The Theory Of The Existence Of God In, Meditations Three: Concerning God, That he Exists, Rene Descartes uses innate ideas in his attempt to prove the existence of God. The points formed deal with the allegory of the sun and the stone, explain that God is the only perfect being, explain that God is not a deceiver and finally prove the existenceof the external world. In relation to Descartes proof of the existence of God one must understand that for Descartes innate means, having a natural notation of an idea within the mind. What must be known first is to prove the existence of God. This can be done in Descartes first proof which contains three axioms and three definitions regarding the existence of God. The three axioms are: that there is at least as much reality in the efficient and total cause as in the effect of that cause. Second, something cannot arise from nothing, and lastly what is more perfect cannot arise from what is less perfect. From these three axioms, three definitions come to explain each point. First, the nature of an idea is such that, of itself, it requires no formal reality except what it derives from my thought. Second, objective mode of being belongs to ideas by their nature; formal mode of being belongs to the causes of ideas. Finally, God is a substance that is infinite, independent, omniscient, and omnipotent. The proof of God is already contained implicitly in the knowledge of the self. To continue with the defense on the existence of God Descartes mentions that he is
  • 34. Compare And Contrast Windows 10 And Windows 10 Operating Systems Technology is the life we live today. Windows 10 and Mac OS X 10 are two different type of operating systems that serves almost the same purpose. Operating systems are software that supports a computer s basic purposes, such as setting up tasks, applying applications, and directing peripherals. The operating system interacts with a computer s hardware on a basic level, passing on your commands into language the hardware can infer. I prefer Windows 10 over Mac OS X10. Although both of the operating systems can benefit you, by keeping you up to date with the world. Operating System Name of First OS Windows 10 is a smooth and in the know operating system that permits you to sync devices, transfer and install apps, and adjust a widespread variety of settings to get the most out of your operating system. Windows 1.0 was released on November 20, 1985, as the original form of the Microsoft Windows line. On June 1, 2015, Microsoft broadcasted that Windows 10 would be released on July 29, 2015. Terry Myerson designed Windows 10 utmost ambitious Windows launch in years. Windows 10 will remain the final replication of Windows. Windows 10 will be updated like a service, constantly, designed to make devices work together. Microsoft Windows 10 is made to accommodate mobile and cloud devices, bringing mobile device organization to traditional desktop and laptop PCs. Windows 10 gives you admission to a Microsoft account and internet access. The main features of
  • 35. Armenian Genocide Summary The Armenian Genocide is commonly recognized as the persecution and death of Armenian citizens of the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1918, during the First World War. The Ottoman Empire, headed by the Committee of Union and Progress, was responsible for the deaths of the Armenian population and their migration to other countries. Many countries have been guilty of atrocities throughout the history. Most were chastised by the world within a short period of time. This is also true of Turkey as the new country after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. It was warned and reprehended by the UN, the US Government and 42 American States individually (including California) as well as many other countries of the world within 25 years of that event (). Furthermore, ... Show more content on ... She also claims, Many scholars are history experts but we are not, so we have to look at all opinions fairly. (Kiper). She might think like this because of where she comes from and where she belongs to; a country, which refuses to label this historical event as genocide and the general assumption that Turkey, should feel ashamed for doing genocide. However, it was recognized that the government of the Ottoman Empire killed many Armenian citizens in 1915 and 1916. Thus, anyone reading Kiper s comments might laugh at the idea that an event, which occurred over 100 years ago, can be judged, even by historians. There is no serious scholarly debate about the facts of this historical event other than whether or not to actually call it genocide justifiably doing so has traditionally met with fierce resistance from Turkey, which was not a country at the time of the
  • 36. Sociology M2-D1 M2 Use different sociological perspectives to discuss patterns and trends of health and illness in two different social groups D1 Evaluate different sociological explanations for patterns and trends of health and illness in two different social groups In this assignment I hope to effectively discuss and evaluate the patterns and trends associated with health and illness within the higher and lower social classes. I am going to do this by discussing and evaluating the following explanations and perspectives within sociology; Artefact explanation, Natural or Social Selection explanation, Cultural or Behavioural explanation and Materialist or Structuralist explanation. Artefact explanation This explanation suggests that ... Show more content on ... This explanation believes that these lifestyles are chosen by the individual. It believes that the individual is responsible for their own behaviour and responsible for their own healthy lifestyle choices. This explanation doesn t take into account the possibility that for many people smoking and drinking helps them to cope with their difficult circumstances and that these circumstances are what causes
  • 37. Pink Ribbon Girls Case Study As requested, please find below the Agency Profile and Needs Assessment for Pink Ribbon Girls. The Agency Profile will reveal the foundation and development of Pink Ribbon Girls, Inc., including the organization s history, goals, services, community partners, and contact information. The Needs Assessment will analyze the Pink RibbonGirls current financial need, including their desired outcomes, beneficiaries, audience, challenges, and deadlines for the grant proposal writing process. AGENCY PROFILE History During our initial meeting with Heather Salazar, our team learned that Pink Ribbon Girls started 16 years ago in Cincinnati by a woman named Tracie Metzger. After Tracie was diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer, she wanted to start a group ... Show more content on ... In the past year, PRG received an average of $55,000, therefore we plan to match this amount in our current proposal. Since PRG has recently developed their mission to provide direct services to a new target group (women with reproductive cancers other than breast cancer), the need for services is exponentially high. We believe this goal is feasible, considering that Pink Ribbon Girls has had a 95% success rate with grants. Beneficiaries Women from the Simply Fight and No Age No Stage programs at UC health who are battling gynecological cancer will benefit from this project. According to previous PRG grant proposals, $15,000 will serve 75 85 based on a family of four. The Simply Fight recipients receive three meals per week for their entire family for two months, in addition to other services such as four house cleanings and twenty rides to treatment. The No Age No Stage recipients receive a $3,000 stipend. These recipients will put the stipend towards the services they feel are the most important.
  • 38. Allied Powers During World War II Did Allied efforts in the Mediterranean justify a two year delay of the cross channel invasion? If so, why? If not, why? The Allied Powers, during World War II, recognized the only way to achieve a decisive victory was to work in conjunction, and utilize one another s strengths and assets. However, Great Britain and the United States had differing views on the proper strategy. The United States believed concentrating its power at the earliest possible moment to attack an enemy s critical center of gravity was the appropriate course of action (Greenfield, 1963, p. 25). The United States desired to conduct a cross channel amphibious assault and securing the French coastline from German forces. Great Britain viewed American strategy, operations, and tactics as reckless and inexperienced (Greenfield, 1963, p. 43). Winston Churchill preferred his forces to concentrate their efforts in the Mediterranean and North Africa, through more cautious engagements, to preserve economic stability in the region, while allowing the Russians to fight Germany directly and weaken German resolve. Successful unified operations in the Mediterranean were necessary, prior to conducting the cross channel invasion, in order to provide the Allies with increased strategic advantages, as well as increased faith in the commitment to combined war efforts. First, the United States needed to prove to Britain that its military forces were able to plan and execute disciplined combined operational
  • 39. Informative Speech On Lucid Dreams Did ever want to have power over your dreams? Did you ever want to do almost everything that you can t do in real life? Well what if I told you that you could? It s a simple skill called Lucid Dreaming. Lucid Dreaming is any dream in which one knows that they are dreaming. I would now explain on how this skill can be done, on why the brain can help you, and on how awesome it is! The process of having your first Lucid Dreamis very simple, easy, time consuming, and it considers lots of patience. Before you start you re going to have to commit yourself to learning this new skill. Now if this is your first time trying to have a lucid dream then here are the 3 basic steps. The first step is to get a dream journal. In this journal, you should write down at least one dream each morning. the second step is to perform reality checks. Throughout the waking day you should perform at least 10 reality checks to make sure that you are awake. The third step is meditation. You have to do at least 20 minutes of mindful meditation each day. These steps are pretty much getting your mindready to have your first lucid dream.... Show more content on ... The researchers did this because when the participants were in the middle of a lucid dream they would motion their eyelids.The EEGs told the researchers that the participant was in a REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. Scientists used to dispute on if people could have lucid dreams or not but this is not the case nowadays. Now they dispute on if the person is actually controlling the dream. It is very difficult for your brain to control the lucid dream on the first try. That is why most people will say to take baby steps and just float or
  • 40. Competitive Advantage Of Apple Part A: Blog entries Product Apple Launching a product which meets and even exceeds customer needs is crucial to the success of a company. An example of that type of company is Apple. The American based technological giant has been dominating the market for years and there are several reasons for that. Firstly, Apple s products make their users feel unique. It is the brand name and the quality, associated with it, that make people love Apple. What is more, Apple has a lot of technological advantages and resources, for example, they were the first company to launch a tablet the iPad. Finally, they have a lot of skills in terms of knowledge and creativity of their employees. All of the above mentioned reasons provide Apple with a competitive advantage. I bought my first iPhone five years ago. At that time, I would have never thought that I would want to use Apple products for the rest of my life. What I enjoy most about this product is its simplicity as well as the amazing opportunities it gives to me. From guiding me through my jogging routine in the park to finishing an assignment on my morning commute I can always count on my iPhone. Price Aldi Price is probably the most important element of the marketing mix as it has to cover the costs of the other marketing mix elements. The supermarket chain Aldi, for example, focuses on keeping ... Show more content on ... For instance, the Coca Cola Happiness Machine was a real success, since the video was watched more than 7 million times on YouTube. The campaign used customers to promote the brand, but what is more, it showed the real happiness people felt. All that Coca Cola did, was simply placing a vending machine in a British university. This vending machine, however, was not giving the students only the product they have paid for, but also an assortment of treats for free pizzas, flowers, balloons and of course, more Coke. (Staff,
  • 41. Essay about software engineering Software engineering (SE) is the profession concerned with specifying, designing, developing and maintaining software applications by applying technologies and practices from computer science, project management, and other fields. SE applications are used in a wide range of activities, from industry to entertainment. Software applications improve user productivity and quality of life. Application software examples: office suites, video games, and the world wide web. System software examples: embedded systems and operating systems. SE technologies and practices improve the productivity of developers and the quality of the applications they create. Software engineering examples: databases, languages, libraries, patterns, and tools. Computer ... Show more content on ... Typical senior level software engineers have an advanced degree and have ten or more years of experience. Note that these are only guidelines that are trends seen in hiring practices and that many exceptions exist. Software engineer Software engineering is the practice of creating software. Members of this profession are called software engineers, programmers, developers, or practitioners. People who write code and do not follow the doctrines of software engineering are more accurately called programmers, developers, or software artists. Software engineering today Impact of software engineering Software engineering affects economies and societies in many ways. Economic In the U.S., software drove about 1/4 of all increase in GDP during the 1990s (about $90 billion per year), and 1/6 of all productivity growth (efficiency within GDP) during the late 1990s (about $33 billion per year). Software engineering drove $1 trillion of economic and productivity growth over the last decade. Social Software engineering changes world culture, wherever people use computers. Email, the world wide web, and instant messaging enable people to interact in new ways. Software lowers the cost and improves the quality of health care, fire departments, and other important social services. Successful projects where software engineering methods have been applied include Linux, the space shuttle software, and automatic teller machines. When it is cheaper to run a business or
  • 42. A Walk In The Woods Analysis Throughout A Walk in the Woods, Bill Bryson transitions between a narrative of his journey along the Appalachian Trail and informational accounts of the history of the trail. To keep his readers engaged, Bryson includes many light hearted moments, but he conveys the gravity of the trail through his honest assessments regarding its adversities. Bryson uses a simple style that allows the readers to follow along easily, but he includes strong imagery with higher level diction in order to better relate the essence of the trail. All of these aspects express how something simple, like the Appalachian Trail, can embody more than shallow sentiments. Bryson structures his memoir by flowing between his experiences on the trail and facts about the trail. Many times, his knowledgeable anecdotes relate to the leg of the journey he is currently relating. By doing so, Bryson imparts stimulating and significant knowledge to the readers in such a way that the readers can immediately see the significance of the facts. Bryson writes, The Smokies... are home to 130 native species of tree; the whole of Europe has just 85. By incorporating facts like these into his writing, Bryson not only presents interesting information, but he presents it so that it adds to the mental image of the mountains. Suddenly the reader can picture thousands of trees spanning through the landscape, accented by the various colors and shapes. By swapping back and forth, Bryson emphasizes his theme that the nature we have
  • 43. The Gothic Research Paper The term Gothic has drawned out its meaning into Germanic , Medieval or Barbarous , having its origins in the Germanic Goths tribe, from the 4th century. Gothic was frequently correlated with things that were savage, uncultivated and blunt, but, fascinatingly, it also developed into an association with legislative rights, picking up a positive connotation on the way. In the middle of the 12th century, in France started a Gothic architectural wave, characterized by the usage of elements such as the ribbed vault, pointed arch, fine woodwork and stonework, that went on developing throughout Western Europe. Also in the same period and place, Gothic art came to life, mostly paintings and sculptures, a movement that would go on in Europe until the 16th century: The Gothic link between literature and architecture has its beginning in the United Kingdom with Walpole s short novel The Castle of Otranto (1764) . Horace Walpole, in his work The Castle of Otranto , went back to the Middle Ages, the dark age as the persons living in the Enlightenment perceived them and integrated metaphysical events into a fiction set , in a time when faith in the supernatural was outspread. He managed to revive in the masses an interest towards the Gothic with his obsession with faux gothic architecture, having even built his own ... Show more content on ... Critics at the time where not to fond of the movement, considering it second hand literature , accusing of encouragement towards excessive emotions, vice and violence.This attitude continued throughout the 18th and 19th century ,diminishing in the 20th . The Gothic is, simply, the imaginative expression of the fears and forbidden desires of Americans (Crow, 2009,
  • 44. Gentrification Has Taken The Bay Area Adding to the inequalities and misfortunes within communities of color, gentrification has taken the Bay Area by a storm. Gentrification is the purchasing of deteriorated urban homes and areas, then the renovation by higher end and middle class communities. An abundance of high end people rush into the Bay Area and purchase up the real estate. Incoming middle and higher class take the Bay Area real estate and revitalise it into up and coming neighborhoods, then increase rent prices. Therefore, reducing affordable housing for communities of color. Therefore, this revitalization is changing the character of communities because the Bay Area may appear nicer, the communities of color are unable to afford the standard of living. Communities of... Show more content on ... When cities begin their journey of being gentrified, many locals become displaced. Displacement is when locals are uprooted from their homes, due to outside factors, and forced to move elsewhere. According to the Urban Displacement Project conducted by U.C. Berkeley, Gentrification results from both flows of capital and people. The extent to which gentrification is linked to racial transition differs across neighborhood contexts... Displacement takes many different forms direct and indirect, physical or economic, and exclusionary and may result from either investment or disinvestment (U.C. Berkeley). Many people are coming into San Francisco s Bay Area because of how diverse each element is. However, according to Census numbers, between 1990 and 2010, 35.7% of San Francisco s black population dwindled (Bliss). 35.7% of the black community within San Francisco suffered from displacement. An additional 53% of low income households in the Bay Area are at risk for displacement and gentrification (U.C. Berkeley). This has definitely left a dent within the diversity reputation held up by the Bay Area. When such a strong large part of people leave, The City will experience a shift in culture and community. Whether, it is the real estate, the food, the different cultures, the Bay Area has always been known for being different. Perhaps, this is why so many outsiders are coming in and buying up every piece of land they can. Whether their intentions were to purchase land and
  • 45. Guilt, Duty, and Unrequited Love Guilt, Duty, and Unrequited Love: Deconstructing the Love Triangles in James Joyce s The Dead and Thomas Hardy s Jude the Obscure quot;It s no problem of mine but it s a problem I fight, living a life that I can t leave behind. But there s no sense in telling me, the wisdom of the cruel words that you speak. But that s the way that it goes and nobody knows, while everyday my confusion grows. quot; New Order, Bizarre Love Triangle, from Substance, 1987 Most people who have watched a soap opera can recognize that the love triangle is a crucial element to the plot. In fact, the original radio broadcasted soap operas seemed to consist almost entirely of love triangles. The love triangle, for plot purposes, seems ... Show more content on ... This three cornered romantic disaster, because of Sue s return to Philotson, had already reached it s climax. If anything, Jude s death made Sue s promise never to see him again easier. But because Jude s death happens at the end of novel, the reader does not find out if this adds to or detracts from her guilt. All we are told is that she is quot;tired and miserable, quot; quot;years and years older, quot; quot;quite a staid worn woman, quot; and still absolutely repulsed by Philotson (Hardy 431). Sue s guilt originates from societal pressures, and then surfaces after the death of the children. She knows that shacking up with Jude after her divorce from Philotson is frowned upon, yet she does not share the same morals and values as the society in which she lived, thus, does not expect any sort of punishment. She takes the horrifying death of her children as a sign of divine admonishment. quot;I see marriage differently now!В…My babies have been taken from me to show me this! quot;(Hardy 369). Therefore, so that their death s would not have been in vain, Sue becomes religious and returns to Philotson, adding more complexity to the triangle. Sue s last words to Jude before he dies are: quot;Don t follow meВ—don t look at me. Leave me, for pity s sake! quot;(Hardy 412). This bizarre love triangle may not be broken even after Jude s death, for it is he whom she really loves. For Philotson, Sue only
  • 46. Indi A World Leader Conclusions As examined above, the KPO industry in India is a booming and expected to grow 45% in size by 2010.India is currently the most popular destination in the world for KPOs. In KPO, India has been expected to be a world leader. The contribution of KPO will be significant in terms of revenue generation and employment. India is already established itself as a world leader in IT. If it desires to keep its position, it is necessary to take the problems seriously faced by this industry, else newer and fresh destinations such as China, Philippines, Indonesia and Eastern Europe might catch up and could even beat us. KPO will help India a long way in becoming a global superpower and for that the Government and companies in this sector work ... Show more content on ... Care should be taken so that these advantages should not get truncated. Since other countries may try to expand in global KPO market and also develop their skills which could abrade our advantage. But, if the above discussed challenges are addressed in the proper manner, India will undeniably retain its supremacy and emerge as a world leader in KPO. References (1).Agarwal, R., Nisa, S. (2009). Knowledge process Outsourcing: India s emergence as a global leader. Asian Social Science, 5(1), 82 92. doi:10.5539/ass. v5n1p82 (2).Aleman, E. (2015). A literature review on knowledge process Outsourcing(KPO). SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2490262 (3).Alexander Mierau Strategic Importance of KPO 2007. (4).Annual Report 2010 11, Department of Information Technology, GOI. ( (5).A, T. Kearney. (2007). A T Kearney s 2004 Offshore Location Attractiveness Index, Making Offshore decisions, ATKearney.pdf. (6).Bhattacharya, S (2005). Challenges for Indian Companies in the Financial Services KPO Business, (7).Dash, S. Agarwal, R. (2005). Determining India s Edge in IT Outsourcing: A Cross Country Analysis of Comparative Advantage in IT, in Upadhay V.ed. (2005) Productivity and Quality Research, Tata Mcgraw Hill, New Delhi. (8).Evalueserve (2004). The next big business opportunity, Moving up the value chain form BPO to KPO, Business Research, July 13, (9).Evalueserve (2005). Knowledge Process Outsourcing A
  • 47. Domestic Policy In The United States In this course we have discussed several topics involving the American government. In this paper I will discuss the American domestic policy and give some details about the goals of the domestic policy. I will explain how domestic policy affects relationships between the United States and the other nations. In addition, I will discuss how domestic policy affects the United Statesstrategy on internationalism and how the media influences such decision. Finally, I will discuss why the shared power of the three branches of the government is sometimes referred to as an invitation to struggle about policy making for foreign affairs. Domestic policy The domestic policy affects everyone in the United States and has been a huge debate topic in regards ... Show more content on ... Mass media have a prominent role to play in modern society. The use of the media can bring about unexpected changes and improve the social situation as it impact our social, civil, cultural, political,economic and aesthetic outlook. Modernization has transformed media into a crucial feature of human activity. In today s society, media influence issues such as the impact of global warming, genetic engineering, deployment of military forces, religion, government spending, nuclear testing and environmental legislations. The rise in the media has influenced international policy and decision within the government. It is now more critical than ever that policy planners understand the factors that encourage negative domestic reactions. Growing international concerns have prompted many to establish, or consider establishing postings in allied countries, and future deployments of this type are currently being
  • 48. Josephine Baker Speech At The March On Washington Analysis Freedom is such a beautiful thing to have, but back a couple years ago freedom wasn t for everyone. Not until people like Dr. Martin Luther King who made a stand for the peoples rights and became a voice for those that s don t have a voice to speak. Whether your white or colored, everyone should deserve a chance at freedom, same rights as everyone else, be treated equally as everyone else, and the pursuit of happiness. In the Speech at the March on Washington by Josephine Baker, she explain that everyone no matter their color they should be treated the same as a human being. Baker lived in France for part of her life but returned to the U.S. and she did not get treated the same as in France. When I was a child and they burned me out of
  • 49. Hateful Debates In the current political environment, there is a growing divide between liberals and conservatives. Across the nation, there have been frequent protest against conservative organizations and speakers on college campuses. Earlier this year, the UCSB Student Senate voted to allocate $5,000 to a UCSB College Republicans hosted event (Brugger 2017). This event would host Ben Shapiro, a conservative commentator. The approval of the event led to protests that argued that the conservative commentator incited violence and hateful speech. As a UCSB student, I got to hear the complaints that were made against the hosting of Shapiro. Ben Shapiro, the Editor in Chief at the Daily Wire, has often been called a racist and supporter of hate speech. He... Show more content on ... The hateful speech that he incites is unacceptable and should not be anywhere near a college campus. That being said, I wholeheartedly support freedom of speech as a constitutional right of all individuals in the United States. College should be a place where students have an opportunity to listen to diverse opinions and make educated decision on what to support. Yes, there are going to be situations where students are faced with ideas that are completely contradictory to what they believe in. However, in my opinion, that is better position than allowing the university or institution to decide what is and is not acceptable language on campus. An uncensored campus is a better place for everyone involved. In this instance, I would have allowed the event the continue as planned, but I would have maintained an extremely short leash on Shapiro. The second he starts inciting any sort of unacceptable and unsafe language, I would immediately have the event shutdown and have him removed from the UCSB premises. In terms of the class material, the event likely incites macroaggression that have racist connotations. The speaker is using his right to freedom of speech as an avenue to spew his hateful and racist remarks. He was allowed to hide under the guise of freedom of speech to speak at the UCSB hosted
  • 50. BROCKWAY AND COATES Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics MBA Program Case Assignment Course Title: Statistical Decision Theory Instructor s Name: Dr. Yitibarek T. Submitted by: 1. Leul WondemenehGSR/2024/06 Submission Date: December 06, 2013 CASE TITLE: BROCKWAY AND COATES Given Part A 1. Sales forecast (at $ 30 retail price with the assumption of $15 whole sale price) a. 400,000 copies 40% chance; b. 1,000,000 copies 30% chance; c. 100,000 copies 30% chance; 2. Flat deal with Senator Murphy a. $ 500,000 upon signing agreement; b. $500,000 upon completion of a completed manuscript; 3. Chance of delivering a completed manuscript 80% (i.e. 20% chance if not delivering a completed ... Show more content on ... [ii] Senator Murphy don t deliver the manuscript (with a chance of 20%) The costs for B C associated with this probable outcome are the advance payment paid for the Senator upon signing agreement, i.e. $500,000 and the incremental cost of $50,000. [iii] B C decides to kill the book (with a chance of 75%) Provided that Murphy delivers the book, $250,000 for editorial services plus all the costs associated with the first outcome will be the cost in line with this outcome. [iv] B C publishes the book (with a chance of 25%) Again assuming that Murphy delivers a completed manuscript the costs associated with this outcome in addition to the cost in the first outcome will be; $100,000 for editorial service $500,000 for publicity $50,000 for preparing camera ready proofs Printing cost of $4 per copy $0.25 per copy for distribution costs and Incremental cost of 5% of wholesale price, i.e. $0.75 per copy Therefore the total cost associated with this outcome is a fixed cost of $650,000 for editorial, publicity, and camera proofs and a variable cost of $5 per copy for incremental, distribution and printing costs. Expected revenue (Possible weighted revenue)
  • 51. Before we calculate the expected revenue we must compute the weighted (expected) sales projection which is the summation of all the sales projection multiplied by the probable percentages attached to it respectively.
  • 52. The Myth Of The Chupacabra Chupacabra is Spanish for goat sucker . The creature s name derives from stories in Latin America of several dead goats with puncture wounds in their necks and all the blood drained from their bodies. Most experts believe the Chupacabra to be a coyote with mange, which is a skin disease that can cause their hair to fall out and the skin to shrivel. In humans, mange is just mildly annoying. But it can be fatal in canines. Chupacabras have been described as resembling a rodent or reptile, with green gray skin and a disgusting odor. Puerto Rican conspiracy theorists have claimed that the government is covering up the truth of the Chupacabra in order to prevent panic. Author Benjamin Radford believes there is a direct correlation between the Chupacabra and the creature in the film, (Species.) An article in a Puerto Rican newspaper provided a sketch and a description of an alien like animal in an eyewitness report from Madelyne Tolentino. Madelyne later admitted to Radford that she had in fact seen the film, (Species) weeks prior to her sighting.... Show more content on ... Author, Benjamin Radford believes the Internet had a lot to do with the myth of the Chupacabra. The Internet spread the Chupacabra myth around the world and it was picked up by UFO enthusiasts who latched onto the story and propelled the it even
  • 53. Analysis Of Claudia Rankine s Citizen Citizen is a narrative written to connect with the reader by telling stories in the second person . In the novel, Citizen , Claudia Rankine uses short stories and personal experiences to encapsulate the struggle that African American people endure when they are thrown against a sharp white background . The Williams sister s have had to suffer under the oppression of the lily white sport of tennis. Throughout Serena s very successful career there have been multiple cases where one of the judges, either a line judge or a head umpire, have cost her a championship based on the calls that they have made. In 2004, Mariana Alves, cost Serena a trip to the championship game after making five bad calls in a row in favor of Serena s opponent. As ... Show more content on ... Even the fans of tennis did not want Serena to win as they booed her and her family many times as she walked on and off the court. Throughout the novel it is apparent that everyday instances of racism occur, causing people of color to feel outcasted. There are two very obvious occasions where this happened. In the first instance two African Americanwoman are in a workspace of primarily all white co workers. When a woman they worked with got these two names mixed up, it was stated that she had a fifty fifty chance of getting it right insinuating that these two women are the only black ones working here. Later, the woman who had the mix up with the names wrote an apology note; however, in the note she stated it was our mistake and seemingly put part of the blame on the to women. This is a primary example of how African Americans can be thrown against a white background making them seem different than everyone else. The novel is written in big black font on sharp white pages to show how color is most noticeable in a predominately white society. Rankine, instead of using normal paper for her book chose a thick, sharp white paper with a big bold black text. This is an allusion to Zora Neale Hurston s quote, I feel most colored when I am thrown against a sharp white background. , the colored text jumps off the glossy white page and is more noticeable than in a traditional paperback novel. The
  • 54. Nicholas Garnham Nicholas Garnham Nicholas Garnham worked in television before starting his academic career. He worked for the BBC, serving as film editor from 1961 to 1964 and then director and producer from 1964 to 1968. His credits as a freelance Director/Producer include Through the Eye of a Needle, Border Country, In Search of Paradise, and The British Museum. He also served as the Governor of the British Film Institute (BFI) from 1973 to 1977. Garnham teaching at the Polytechnic of Central London (now Westminster University), where he established his name as an expert in the political economy of communication and communication regulations. Today, he is Head of the Media Studies School of Communication and Director of the Centre for ... Show more content on ... Public intervention in the form of subsidy is usually justified on the grounds (1) that culture possesses inherent values, of life enhancement, which are fundamentally opposed to and in danger of being damaged by commercial forces; (2) that the need for these values is universal, regardless of class, gender, and ethnic origin; and (3) that the market cannot satisfy this need. The creative artist occupies a central place in this ideology. This person s aspirations and values stemming from unfathomable sources of genius, inspiration, or talent are the source of cultural value. However, situating the arts at the center of the cultural universe no longer means showering them with money, but we should define the policy problem as one of finding audiences for their work, rather than the reverse. 2. my project I make the case that most of those people on the left who have challenged this dominant view of culture as elitist have tacitly accepted the remaining assumptions of the tradition they reject. This accounts for their limited success in shifting the terms of the policy debate and the effortless ease with which they have been incorporated (p. 54). Thanks to this cultural policy making tradition, public intervention in the cultural sphere is marginalized, making it purely reactive to the process which it cannot grasp (pp. 54 55). This tradition has been rejecting the market; thus, most people s needs and
  • 55. Fire Prevention Essay in Hindi English What is Fire Prevention? The goal of the Fire Prevention Division is to prevent the loss of life and damage to environment, property and other values in Santa Fe County through the establishment of community partnerships, information dissemination, code development and enforcement, planning, review and active involvement in our communities. Fire Safety Tips X Lauren Romano Lauren Romano became a freelance writer in 2007. Her work appears on various websites and in print. Lauren specializes in a variety of topics including dating, travel, New York City, decorating and budget living. By Lauren Romano, eHow Contributor It is important to thoroughly pay attention to fire safety tips that you learn throughout your life. These tips ... Show more content on ... If possible, wet the end first to cool it off. When you put the cigarette into the ashtray, make sure that it is completely in and stable so it won t fall out and onto something that could catch on fire. Don t overload outlets. If you can, unplug anything that you re not using to help clear some outlet space. If you do have to have electronics plugged in, distribute them instead of putting them all into one outlet. Expert Insight * Run out of the house immediately if there is a fire. Don t run around trying to grab valuables or other items, and absolutely don t run back in to get anything. Get to your neighbors house to call 911. Have multiple escape routes out of your home. If you don t plan one and there is an emergency, you may get disoriented on where you should go. Having multiple plans set up could help you to get out alive. Stop, drop and roll if your clothes catch on fire. Running will only make the situation worse. Misconceptions * Many people think that a fire won t ever happen to them, especially in their own homes, but there is always that chance even if you don t want to acknowledge it. Instead of being in doubt that it will ever happen, you re better off taking precautions just in case. If a fire were to happen, it s better to be prepared instead of being caught off guard How to Prevent a Fire in a Home X Cherie Brunetti Cherie Brunetti has been