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An Essay On Importance Of Education
Writing an essay on the importance of education can be both challenging and rewarding. The
difficulty lies not in the lack of information or opinions on the subject, but rather in the need to
articulate a coherent and compelling argument that highlights the multifaceted significance of
education. Crafting a well-structured essay requires thorough research, critical thinking, and the
ability to convey ideas clearly.
The challenge begins with the vastness of the topic itself. Education encompasses various
aspects, including academic, social, and personal development. Narrowing down the focus and
selecting the most relevant points to discuss can be a daunting task. Additionally, striking the
right balance between presenting facts and incorporating personal insights adds complexity to
the writing process.
Another difficulty arises in addressing the diverse perspectives on education. Different people
may view the importance of education through distinct lenses, such as economic, cultural, or
philosophical. Balancing these perspectives while maintaining a cohesive narrative requires a
nuanced approach.
Furthermore, the essay should not merely present a list of reasons why education is important
but should delve into the deeper implications and societal impact. This requires a comprehensive
understanding of educational theories, historical contexts, and current challenges in the field.
On a positive note, despite the challenges, writing an essay on the importance of education
provides an opportunity for personal growth and the development of critical thinking skills. The
process encourages the writer to engage with diverse sources, analyze information critically, and
communicate effectively.
In conclusion, while composing an essay on the importance of education is undoubtedly
challenging, it is also a valuable exercise that promotes intellectual development. By navigating
through the complexities of the topic, one can gain a deeper appreciation for the multifaceted
role that education plays in shaping individuals and societies.
For assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing needs, consider exploring, where professional writers can provide support and guidance tailored to your
specific requirements.
An Essay On Importance Of Education An Essay On Importance Of Education
The Paolilithic And Paleolithic
Paleolithic The period of human history up to about 9000 BCE. The same time of
which tools were made from stone and bone and people gained their food through
foraging. Neanderthals The family of humans, 45,000 years ago they lived in
Europe, they disappeared due to the interaction with the early homo sapiens.
Flourished in Europe and Southeast Asia, then completely vanished. Evidence of
brutal violence between these groups. They didn t develop the technology when
the weather altered. Cro Magnon Were the first kind of beings that had signs of
being a human, this was proven by the discovery of the materials left behind.
Neolithic The period after 9000 BCE which is also the following the Paleolithic
era. This is when people developed agriculture, domesticated animals, and used
tools made of stone and wood. Mesopotamia Emerged during the 4th millennium.
The land between the rivers in the fertile crescent. Early cultivators realized by
tapping these rivers, they were able to produce crops, and produce. Artificial
irrigation manipulating the environment. Sumer Populations: 100,000 people.
3000 BCE. The dominant people of Mesopotamia. Sumer is a region which
contains little cities such as Ur, Eridu. Sumerians build the first cities, have
militaries. House bustling marketplaces, attracting producers from both near and
far. Building ziggurats. Also, established the military, tax collectors, and
administrators to establish order. Metallurgy Nile River The Greek historian and
traveler Herodotus in the 5th century BCE called Egypt the gift of the Nile. The
Nile flooded once a year for a period of several months bringing fertile soil and
moisture for farming, and agricultural villages developed along its banks by at
least 6000 BCE. Although the Egyptians worried at times these floods would be
too high or too low, they also praised the Nile as a comforting force. The Egyptians
based their calendar on the Nile, dividing the year into three four month periods.
Pyramids Hammurabi s Code A proclamation issued by Babylonian king Hammurabi
to establish laws regulating many aspects of life. Hammurabi ordered his code to be
inscribed on stone pillars and set up in public throughout the Babylonian empire.
The Hurt Locker and Zero Dark s Use of Language to
How do Kathryn Bigelow s films The Hurt Locker and Zero Dark Thirty use
language to portray the life of combatants in a battle?
Kathryn Bigelow is one of the most iconic directors of the modern era. Her sense of
depicting language remains unopposed. She is known for her specialty films of the
war genre. Several of her works have been greatly appreciated, such as The Weight of
Water, The Hurt Locker, Zero Dark Thirty, etc. These have won her several awards
and secured her place as one of the most influential directors of all time.
The Hurt Locker is a slow paced film. Most of the scenes have been deeply
elaborated with excessive portrayal on the character s expression. Set during Iraq
War, it illustrates the lives of three soldiers who have the most terrifyingly
dangerous jobs in the world working in a bomb disposal squad. They risk their lives
every day to provide safety to the society they are aiding. It is an extremely harsh and
touching film, which depicts the message that when you love something and keeping
repeating it, it becomes an obsession and you cannot live without it. Most of the
characters in the film can be interconnected to the actors where he/she have an unsafe
passion. There are several metaphors buried in each scene which, when examined
carefully, reveal the political meaning.
The lead character of The Hurt Locker, Sergeant First Class William James, is,
metaphorically, a character representation of America, often putting him and
Marked 08A Written Submission attempt
74/80 Answer To Qs 2 MEMORANDUM Date: February 12th, 2013 To: Graphic
Designers Studio From: Subject: Options for sourcing internet services
ВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВ Over the years the business of Graphic
Designers Studio has grown many folds, resulting in a need to move from home
based business model, to an office where the 3 support staff and 2 customer service
reps and 15 designers can be consolidate at one location. DEMAND OF ONE
OFFICE CONSOLIDATION One office consolidation, has generated a need of
having 1. High speed Internet access 2. E mail accounts for everybody 3. Web
access for e mail 4. Ability to handle up to 10 MB attachments 5. Ability to
download and upload large graphic files (up to 100 MB) to customers... Show more
content on ...
Cheng was also working with Rao at WebEx. Because of their background,
knowledge of the billing systems and understanding of the market needs, they
were well aware of the Software As A Services (SaaS) , its future as well as the
opportunities and the obstacles. They had also envisaged the market need for an
efficient billing system. Their vision was to provide an e commerce platform that
powers the service industry at a low cost Zuora Inc. as a business To achieve their
vision, Zuora opted to go with the strategy, to go for a SaaS through Subscription
Method of Business . This Strategy, allowed them to achieve their objective of
offering a low cost, efficient billing system to the market. For customers, because of
Subscription method, the cost of buying and installing the software went down and
with SaaS in place, the maintenance cost of the software and the cost of buying
hardware also went down. Hence it was a win win situation both for the customer, in
terms of cost saving and for Zuora, in terms of good return on their investment. This
is evident from the fact that within 9 months of their launch of their first product, Z
Billing, they had 70 clients. In a short span they launched a) Z Billing To create and
handle different types of billing methods b) Z Payment Subscription payments
business to manage recurring payment lifecycle c) Z Force Billing and
Speed-Starting Tray or Pot-Compost
Seed starting tray or pot
Introduction Irisses work well in beds, borders and foundation plantings.
Comstock/Stockbyte/Getty Images
With its six petaled flowers that range in color from yellow, white and pink to blue,
red and purple, iris (Iris spp.) can be an attractive addition in the garden. Iris consists
of more than 200 species, many of which are hardy to U.S. Department of Agriculture
plant hardiness zone 3. Siberian iris (Iris sibirica) and crested iris (Iris cristata), for
instance, can thrive in USDA plant hardiness zones 3 through 9. (See References 1)
Although commonly grown true to type by division, irises can also grow from seed,
although they don t grow true to the parent plant. (See References 2)
Step 1
Harvest the seedpods from an iris plant after it s done blooming in the fall. If
pollinated, find the pods on the plant below faded flowers. Remove them from the
plant when they are partially green and start to split open. Shell the pods to reveal
about 60 seeds per pod. (See References 3)
Step 2
Fill a small bowl with enough water to submerse the seeds. Place the seeds in the
bowl and allow them to soak. Every day, drain the liquid, pouring it in a strainer so
you catch the seeds. Refill the bowl with fresh water and place the seeds back in it.
Do this for up to two weeks to eliminate the germination inhibiting properties of the
seeds. (See References 4)
Step 3
Mix 1 part bleach with 10 parts water in a bowl. Soak the seeds in this bleach solution
Consumer Behavior of an International Chinese Student
Consumer behaviour is defined as the behaviour that consumers undertake in seeking,
purchasing, using, evaluating and disposing of products and services that they expect
will satisfy their personal needs (Nayeem 2012). Different consumer may have
different choices in purchase that is dependent on various influences. High
involvement purchase sets the best example of engaging in consumer behaviour in
various aspects as complex buying behaviour occurs when the consumer is highly
involved with the purchase and when there are significant differences between
brands. This behaviour can be associated with the purchase of a something significant
in value and meaning to consumer which could be risky (Tanner 2012). High ... Show
more content on ...
However, Wei is limited by a budget of $200 $250 for the purchase. Therefore, the
purpose of purchase is to select appropriate yet economical gifts for his family for the
occasion. Lanolin cream is a reasonable choice for Wei upon consideration because of
the reasonable price and the product awareness among his family members. There are
two relevant situational influences in this purchase situation. Situational influences is
all those factors that impact customer s decision beside the condition of products self
and pertains to time and location (Quester, etc, 2013, p.38). Those two relevant
dimensions under situational influences in this situation are temporal perspectives
and task definition.
The temporal perspectives refer to the specific time during purchase for customer.
In this instance, the gifts are for Chinese New Year occasion. Therefore the
purchase is specific to the festival season. Furthermore, Wei has ample time to
consider and make the purchase as he has able to survey during the long weekend
holiday for the gifts just before Chinese New Year. Task definition is the reason for
customer purchase of products, and includes customer s requirements for the
products. Wei`s reason is to represent his wishes to his family for Chinese New Year.
The requirements of Wei for the gifts are that it is Australian made product, could be
conveniently purchased and suitable for his entire family members and thus chooses
The Importance Of Respect In Society Today
We use it every day. Your parents tell you about it all the time. Most don t know
exactly what it means. Respect. To have respect is to hold oneself worthy of your
admiration or approval. Society cannot function without respect because it is the oil
that keeps the gears turning. Respect is actively listening, obeying orders, and being
mindful, whether it s to others, the environment, the law, or yourself.
In today s society, respect is decreasing. In schools, in the workplace, at home, and in
public with racism, sexism, religious intolerance, and more. Racism and police
brutality have increased since cases like of Trayvon Martin and Freddie Gray. People
of color have not received the respect they deserve and respect for policemen is
decreasing. Sexism has increased since third wave feminists surfaced and skewed
people s image and respect for feminists. Religious intolerance increases as terrorist
attacks continue with people s misconceptions about Islam. An example of a group
lacking respect in society today is the youth. The youth isn t anywhere near as
respectful to their parents, teachers, or elders as they were before the nineteen
hundreds. But to make the youth more respectful, one must respect the youth. Jenni
Herd wrote in response to Times s Moods and meltdowns: what s inside the teenage
brain? , [We re] angry that we have to clean up your mess, while you hold us in
contempt, analyzing our responses as though we were another species? I would like
adults to treat us
Coordinate Reference System
1.What is the difference between a coordinate reference system and a projection
(transformation)? Why would you want to change your coordinate reference system
during any analysis? Remember that a coordinate reference system is a special type
(and thought of as a key component) of the broader concept of spatial reference
system .
The difference between a coordinate reference system and a projection
(transformation) are that a projection provides various mechanisms to project maps
of the earth s spherical surface onto a two dimensional Cartesian coordinate plane
whereas a coordinate reference system enables geographic datasets to use common
locations for integration. A coordinate systemis a reference system used to represent
the locations ... Show more content on ...
10.What do the values in the field A1_FMTXT appear to mean and what is their
level of measurement? (see the pdf metadata file)
The values in the field A1_FMTXT provide a text summary of the type of land or
environment and the material the cell is made up of. The scale of measurement is
11.Zoom in close on the shorelines to see how they are different. Compare the
landscape makeup or conditions at four locations, two where land conditions in
NLCD and SZLINETH are similar and two more where they differ. Use x,y
coordinates to record the location and write a short description.
Where they differ:
Location 1: 124В°3 22.398 W 46В°57 36.813 N
SZLINETH states that this location is a flat sandy area whereas
Washington_NLCD_erd_032200 recognizes it as a value of 51, representing
shrubland or areas dominated by shrubs.
Location 2: 124В°6 36.612 W 46В°51 3.126 N
SZLINETH states that this location is a beach with relic ridges or a vegetated dune
compared to Washington_NLCD_erd_032200, which recognizes it as a value of 42
which indicates evergreen forest and areas characterized by trees where 75% or
more of the tree species maintain their leaves all
Special Education Synthesis
The following are the topics I have chosen to use for my synthesis paper:
Teacher Education: Toward a Qualified Teacher in Every Classroom
Trends Relating to Special Education Service Provisions in Public, Private Schools,
and Charter Schools
Impacts of Accountability and Data Driven Models for Special Education Teachers
and Students
Teachers, services provisions, and accountability have impacted special education in
similar and different ways. In my paper I will look at the impact each area has on
the students, parents, and the teachers. There are links from all three topics to the
NCLB act, which has had some recent changes. I hope to learn more about each area
and how they affect both general education teachers and special
Jrotc History
10w113st. Chicago, IL 60628
Carver Military Academy
13100 S Carver dr. Chicago,IL 60827
Master Sergeant Coleman 100 Years of JROTC Yesterday Today And Tomarrow
Army Jrotc Traces its History back to the American Scientific, Literary, and Military
Academy, later known as Norwich university, founded in 1819 by Captain Alden
Patridge. Then, under the National Defense Acts of 1916, High Schools were
allowed to have federal military equipment and instructors. This marks the birth of
Junior Reserve Officer s Training Corps. Ever since Army JROTC has Grown to
include over 1,500 school across the United States Of America.The united States
Army Junior Reserve Officer s Training ... Show more content on ...
By May 1981, approximately 40,000 women were enrolled in college and
university ROTC units throughout the United States. By May 1981, over 32,000
were enrolled in the high school units.In 1987 the first true mission statement for
JROTC stated, Motivating young people to be good Americans, which was later
modified. Today the JROTC mission statement states, To motivate young people to
be better citizens. JROTC taught combat tactics and combat weapons training, and
military based tactics such as first aid. In 1990 everything took a change as a result
to a curriculum change. The Curriculum dropped combat tactics and combat
weapons training, and increased the focus on citizenship. As of 2005, there are
1420 schools with JROTC programs, approximately 278,000 cadets, approximately
3600 instructors and more than 300 schools on a waiting list to establish their own
JROTC program. There are 314,000 cadets in more than 1,700 JROTC programs
across the country.The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard each
operate their own versions of the program for high schoolers, which are offered at
more than 3,000 U.S. high schools as an elective
The Relationship between Academic Obstacles and
University students make up a large population in most countries and may be the
most important individual s part of a society; as they constitute of future
professionals and degree obtainers. The life of a student is very different to other
age groups and may prove to be extremely stressful and pressurised as the
importance to having a profession, especially in South Africa, is heightened because
of financial pressure and recessions. It has been argued and researched that the well
being of a studentis important for their academic performance, therefore their health
needs to be taken into context and maintained to ensure peak performance. The
purpose of this essay is to assess the relationship between academic obstacles and
facilitators and how they hinder or promote academic performance, as well as how it
may affect the well being of the student.
When students are going through a stressful period in their studies, such as exam
time or when assignments are due, they often feel exhausted and sometimes unable to
manage their time properly in order to get their work done on time, or simply not
being able to cope with the nature of the work. It is argued that students who are
experiencing emotional exhaustion will perform poorly in their studies (Salanova,
Schaufeli, Martinez Breso, 2008). This is because students who feel exhausted will
experience feelings of demotivation, irritability, detachment and cynicism towards
their work. While those who have positive feelings
Desert Elephant Research Paper
The Gourma region of central Mali, mali renewable
energy boosts agricultural production.html
West Africa is home to one of the last herds of desert elephants the other desert herd
lives in Namibia. Like elephants easy ways to help
this world elephant day.html
in Africa, they re disappearing at an alarming rate, but they could go extinct much
sooner than other African elephants in 2025.
Conservationists warn that without more protection from the government, Mali s
desert elephants could be extinct in three short years.
Mali is Standing by While the Elephants are Being Slaughtered
As reported in Reuters,
desert elephants extinction three years ... Show more content on ...
The WILD Foundation elephants/
explains that many locals support elephant conservation efforts because they
understand that the threats to the elephants are the same as the threats to their own
livelihoods, especially those who rely on natural resources. Saving the last desert
elephants can benefit locals in other ways: more security and community
reconciliation and less youth recruitment and radicalization. While local support is a
critical piece in saving Mali s desert elephants, the government s support will
ultimately determine the elephant s future: survival or extinction in three years.
How is the Malian government addressing this elephant crisis?
Susan Canney, director of Mali Elephant Project for the WILD Foundation, is very
critical of the government s efforts. Typical bureaucracy (e.g. not receiving
government approval and firearms) is preventing the foundation s 50 rangers from
assisting the desert elephants. Even though the government sent some army forces to
monitor the elephants, it could and should be doing more: Mali is standing by while
the elephants are being slaughtered ... If we continue at this rate, they will all be gone
in three years, Canney tells
The Four Elements Of Hip-Hop
1.4.1. The Art of the Streets
Hip Hop is a complex cultural movement formed during the early 1970s by African
Americans in the slums of South Bronx, New York (Dyson 6), it propagated outside
of the African American community in late 1980s, and by the opening of the 21th
century it became the most spread culture in the world. Hip Hop consists of four
elements: Deejay, Break Dancing, Rapping, and Graffiti. (Kenon 112)
1.4.2. Hip Hop Elements
The phenomenon of Hip Hop has reached every corner of the globe, due to its easy
form of express emotional or sociopolitical thoughts in a new and creative way,
throughout its four elements:
Is a complex form of creating music samples from already existed ones, with the help
of at least a Turntable ... Show more content on ...
Is the most controversial element on hip hop, and tends to be its visual expression.
The definition of graffiti could be that it is a mural interpretation of the artists
inner that can be resulted in a drawing, writing, or a symbolic projection (Edwards
13 17). There are three types of the graffiti art: the Tagging, which can be a simple
form of one color only; second, is the Threw Up in which the artist may use more
than two colors, and the Spray is the third type where more colors and complexity is
used. (Gross 285)
The roots of graffiti started about 1971 by a Greek American who tagged TAKI 183
in all New York subway system, he declared that he used graffiti to create an identity
in which he is certain about (Fortuna 3), then it emerged all around America and the
world. (David 72)
Hip Hop isn t just four elements combined within a culture, it is also a way of life, a
language, a fashion, a set of values, and a unique perspective (Efrem 2), the hip hop
basic and sub elements have a strong impact in the American society mainly on its
Marilyn Manson Research Paper
For my paper I thought I would look into someone who was daring and has always
kept people guessing. He has become highly known for his outrageous outfits and
on stage frolics, both have earned him a legion of fans and just as many protesters.
Marilyn Manson, born Brian Hugh Warner on January 5, 1969, in Canton, Ohio, has
been one of the most controversial American goth rock performer that has been
protested and boycotted because of his perceived dark views. Yet genius in his own
right. A well known singer and performer. Marilyn Manson combined the names of
Marilyn Monroe and Charles Mansonfor his stage name. In its own right deserves
some questioning. Warner had a tough childhood, grew up in private schools and was
molested several times
Female And Male Reproductive Systems
The resources available in this course for the week 3 readings of The Female and
Male Reproductive Systems were helpful. The resources were beneficial and in depth
and provided detailed information about the reproduction process for males and
females. The three resources I found helpful this week in learning about the puberty
and the reproductionsystem were the interactive glossary, anatomical images, and the
self care assessments to check for any unordinary signs or issues. The resources
helped to enhance the learning and provided a better understanding of reproduction
for both genders.
The reproductive process is a natural part of life. It signifies that body is in the
process of transforming a girl or boy into young women and men and eventually
into adults. The interactive glossary was a great resource to use for multiple reasons.
It contained a dictionary for students to type the word needed defined and view the
meanings as well as show where what part of the Human Sexuality book the term
originated. The interactive materials such as anatomical reviews, interactive reviews,
flashcards, resources, links, practical quizzes, self assessments, and web exercises
provide in depth knowledge on an important topic.
The anatomical images as well as the text explaining the reproduction process was
enlightening. The images identified areas affected during the reproduction process
and anatomical positions of the genital areas as well as different parts of it that play
a crucial
Annotated Bibliography On Teaching And Teaching
Customized Learning Theory Paper Annotated Bibliography Brittani Thomas Liberty
University: EDUC 500 September 22, 2015 Customized Learning Theory Paper
Annotated Bibliography Hudgins, B.B., Riesenmy, M.R. (1994). Teaching self
direction to enhance children s thinking in physical science. Journal of Educational
Research, 88(1), 15. This article focused on the constant debate concerning the
conditions in which students develop the skill of thinking critically. Being able to use
critical thinking requires knowledge of facts and concepts about the subject matter. I
found this article interesting because I think it is important that students develop
critical thinking skills. Most scholarly articles tend to have an abstract that
summarizes the papers entirety. Due to this this article is considered scholarly. Fang,
Z., Wei, Y. (2010). Improving Middle School Students Science Literacy through
Reading Infusion. Journal of Educational Research, 103(4), 262 273 There have been
few studies focusing on the impact that reading comprehension has in the science
curriculum on students science comprehension. Random students were selected to
participate in either inquiry based science only or inquiry based science plus reading
conditions. The results showed that students that performed in an inquiry science
based plus reading significantly outperformed the inquiry based science only
students. In the state of Georgia students must pass the state
The Nature of Logic and Perception Essay example
Critical thinking is the use of those cognitive skills or strategies that increase the
probability of a desirable outcome. It is used to describe thinking that is purposeful,
reasoned and goal directed the kind of thinking involved in solving problems,
formulating inferences, calculating likelihood s, and making decisionswhen the
thinker is using skills that are thoughtful and effective for the particular context and
type of thinking task. Thus, critical thinking involves: following evidence where it
leads; considering all possibilities; relying on reason rather than emotion; being
precise; considering a variety of possible viewpoints and explanations; weighing the
effects of motives and biases; being concerned more with finding the... Show more
content on ...
This requires that they develop sound criteria and standards for analyzing and
assessing their own thinking and routinely use those criteria and standards to improve
its quality.
Broadly speaking, critical thinking is concerned with reason, intellectual honesty, and
open mindedness, as opposed too emotionalism, intellectual laziness, and closed
Wordnet views perceptionas insight, intuition, or knowledge gained by perceiving, a
way of conceiving something (Wordnet, 1997). Perception, to me is the way I view
something or situation, it may not necessarily be the way the situation happened.
I was recently involved in a situation at work when my co workers and me perceived
that weekly department meeting would be unpleasant and hostile. The reason for the
misperception was because our supervisor sent us a hostile email. He was having a
Problem Statement For Morningside Hotel
STUDENT NO.: 201491096
DATE HANDED IN: 24 10 2014
i. Table of Content
ContentPage Number
ii. Problem statement3
1. Introduction3
1.1 Background3,4
1.2 Hardware5
1.3 Software6
2. Solution to Morningside Hotel6
2.1 Physical Layer6,7,8
2.2 Data Link Layer8,9
2.3 Network Layer9,10
2.4 Transport Layer10,11
2.5 Application Layer11
2.6 Security Measures11,12
2.7 Configuration12
3. Conclusion12 iii. References13
ii. Problem Statement
You own an entertainment ... Show more content on ...
Our system will follow multiple protocols such as Telnet (Terminal emulation
protocol), HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), DNS (Domain Name System) FTP
(File Transfer Protocol). As we are going to use a telnet server as a data storage,
multiple clients will be access such data/information maybe at the same time. The
server relies on the lower layers to handle such a high volume of requests. A process
that will be adapted on application layer services protocol is a client/server
Gracile Features
The more gracile features that denote a female typically include the smaller size or
often nonexistence of certain features found on the skeleton including but not limited
to the nuchal crest, mastoid process, and brow ridges. Also, the average height of a
female is shorter than that of the average male. Due to this difference in skeletal
structure, most of the bones in the female skeleton should in some form be sexually
dimorphic. The trend of smaller features is of course excluding the pelvic girdle,
on which most female features are larger and rounder due to the skeletal
requirements of childbirth. Given the above statement, it is reasonable to predict
that there would be a distinguishable difference between the metacarpal of a male
and a female. Studies have proved that metacarpals are sexually dimorphic, and can
be used to identify the sex of a skeleton in both Egyptian and Tai populations. Due to
these past studies, it is logical to assume that the same sexually dimorphism can be
found in the European population. If successful this study could develop an algorism
to help determine the sex from just a single bone. This advancement in our
knowledge of sex identification could propel cases, in which the sex of the induvial
was undeterminable from the bones recovered.
Literary Review
A couple studies have been ... Show more content on ...
The measurements include the width, length, diameter, and height of all the
metacarpals, giving adequate data to the size of the hand, and joint sizes. Using the
data collected from the metacarpals a formula should prove that White Females have
distinctly smaller measurement than that of White Males. The difference in
measurement is due to the more gracile features of females who need less robust
metacarpals because less space for muscle attachment is
Essay On Teen Depression
Word count: 1108 Summary: Teen depression is a serious issue that plagues the
nation. The 3rd leading cause of death for young adults and teens is suicide, which
can often be the result of depression. Olivia Reardon is one such victim of teen
depression. Beginning high school, Olivia was Captain of the lacross and field
hockey team as well as an honors student. This all changed when Olivia turned 15.
Her mother slowly began to notice the subtle signs of depression in her daughter.
These included irritability, anger, and even rage. Olivia was in a dower mood often
and had lost interest in things which normally excited her. She handled this by
bottling up her emotions. She thought that this was her problem, and she didn t need
to bother her... Show more content on ...
Therapy is always the first line of defense. Depression is a physical illness that
affects the mind just like appendicitis affects the body. The social stigma that
surrounds mental health issues is a barrier that keeps patients from treatment and
is something we as a society have to address. If you have a firearm in your home
and you are afraid your family member may be suffering from depression, secure it.
It is of the utmost importance that the person afflicted does not have a means to
harm themselves or others. If you wish to use holistic approaches to combat
depression, they are best used to supplement medicine and therapy. Light therapy
and vitamins are effective supplements. Response: I have a very close friend who
has tried to take his own life after a battle with depression. One thing that I think is
overlooked is the roles anxiety and internalization of emotion play in depression.
Suicidal thoughts and actions are often induced by the desire to escape extreme
anxiety by any means necessary. This is how my friend described it to me. He also
said that he felt like a bother to everyone and that his perpetual existence was only
a burden on his family. These thoughts combined into a perfect storm. Luckily, he
reached out to his parents and was hospitalized for several days. Many of our close
friends and I were shocked to find out about this turn of events. We had no idea he
was going through this deep, dark depression. The amount of friends and family
Sports Tourism And The Environment
Article Review: 1
Course: Leisure, Sport Tourism, and the Environment
Course Code: SMGT4004
Name: Jariel Jack
Date: 23/05/2017
Throughout the twentieth century sports tourism has developed from a privilege of
the few sports tourism has to be considered as more than just the crossroads of
sports and analysis of organizational aspects of sports tourism; and tourisms seems
to be one of the major challenges in this field , organizational issues have rarely
been addressed in sports tourism research diverse actors are involved in sports
Although, sports tourism research has made noteworthy progress in recent years, the
methodological foundations for sports tourism research . In 2006, ... Show more
content on ...
Their relationships, the dynamics between single actors and regional structures are
simultaneously, the configuration of RST (regional sport tourism) as an institution
influence the actions of the actors involved. Determine the interaction of the different
actors on the individual as well as on since the relations and interactions between
involved actors are the structural key element of RST, we first need to know who the
involved actors are.
As shown before, knowledge about the structural network of actors in RST is super
network to describe the cluster of RST actors is used mainly metaphorically. possible
to analyse the structural actors within a social network. graph theory, actors are
represented by points and their relations to other actors by network analysis is to
identify latent structures of actor relationships, which have shown before, different
organizational cultures are a great challenge in RST, since involved actors may have
essentially different interests . the structures to be found in the organization of RST.
commensurable with the structural features of RST. of networks in RST, it is
necessary to analyze the underlying mechanisms of IONs.
Model, Esser introduced a meso level to explain so called social
New Construction Home
If you are getting ready to buy a house, you ve no doubt pondered over whether to
buy a new construction home or a pre existing home. And you should. But buying a
new construction home is very different from buying a pre existing home. Not so
much in the way the buying process works, but in the way you get to that point.
There are so many different factors involved in buying and negotiating new
constructions homes, that it can make your head spin. Therefore, we are going to
give your some tips for negotiating new construction homes that will make you look
like a pro while quite possibly saving you thousands of dollars in the long run.
What Do I Need To Do Before Negotiating A New Construction Home?
Buying a new construction home is going to ... Show more content on
And that means your property taxes will increase as well, because the property
taxes are based on the value of the home. Therefore, you will need to be financially
able to pay a potentially higher mortgage payment each year until the jump in value
evens out. And unfortunately, if you can t afford to pay an increased monthly
payment every year for a while, then you should probably hold off on buying a new
construction home for now. Talk to your real estateagent or the builder to see if they
can help you determine, based on their experience with new homes, about how much
that particular home could be expected to
My Personal Philosophy Of Nursing
Personal Philosophy of Nursing My philosophy of nursing has developed and
evolved over my career as a nurse from taking care of just the patient to a more
holistic approach that fosters hope and includes caring for the entire family unit
while placing the patient at the center of care. I believe that all people are
important no matter their culture, station, or religious background. Patient care
affects not just the individual patient. It affects everyone around the patient
including the society in which they live. Nurses should practice with compassion,
respect, and dignity while being the patient s advocate and maintaining
competency within their scope of practice. My philosophy has been influenced by
the Quality Care Model, personal values, historical nursing figures, and my
personal experiences with nurses. Even one nurse can make a difference. Personal
Experiences with Nurses At the end of a busy day, my father calls and says that
my mother is very sick. She had been in the hospital for intravenous fluids. I could
tell by his tone of voice that something was gravely wrong. I rushed to the hospital
to find my mother barely able to breathe. Her nurse was racing to control her
breathing while giving her a diuretic. My mother is a very small person and the
nurse had ascertained the fact that she was given too much fluid. She was in fluid
overload. Her nurse had just saved my mother s life. All the while, he was able to
comfort my father and reassure me. He
The Themes Of Diego Rivera
Diego Rivera held themes of: social inequality; industry; technology; history; and
the relationship of nature of Mexico. It started when Diego Rivera, a Mexican
painter and muralist, became interested in painting at such a young age. His parents
designated a room for him to pain murals on the walls. Growing up he attended art
classes after school in Mexicoand continued art classes in Europe. He studied in the
Academy of San Carlos and in Jose Guadalupe Posada s workshop. He dedicated
himself to studying traditional European artistic styles and combined with the
influence of Mexican folk artist Posada, his distinct Mexican style of art blossomed.
Diego Riveraalso became interested in the paintings of artists from the Renaissance
era. Rivera was later offered his first exhibition at San Carlos Academy and was very
successful that he was able to afford to return to Europe.
After traveling he returned to Mexico when his interested in the mural movement that
narrate social history and politics of Mexico. The mural movement began in 1920.
The Mexican ruler also wanted murals on the walls of the schools. Diego Rivera
was one of artists chosen to do so. His murals were also painted in the United States.
The Mexican ruler wanted murals to decorate the walls of the schools. Rivera was
one of three artists chosen to paint these murals. He was invited to paint murals in the
United States. He painted one in California and then went to Detroit where in 1932
and 1933 he painted
Episodic Memory
Our ability to retain information from our every day experiences is due to our
episodic memory (Berk, 238). This research paper examines the effects of genetics as
well as the participants personal lifestyles in the hopes of assessing the reasons
behind the stability and decline in episodic memory (Josefsson et al., 2012). The
investigation is important in understanding the development of our episodic memory
by knowing what effects our ability to retain every day experiences. It may also help
our understanding of how information processing can be improved or stabilized.
The researchers used the methodology of the longitudinal design over the course of
15 years and used self report methods and a series of episodic tests. The participants
were ... Show more content on ...
The remaining 68% are ranked in terms of an average typical aging participant.
The most important finding suggests that the more educated and physically active
you are, and if you carry the catechol O methyltransferase gene, the more likely you
are to retain information from your everyday experiences (Josefsson et al., 2012).
Yet those whose episodic memory declines with age may be a result of no physical
activity, are overall less educated and carry the allele apolipoprotein E Й›4.
Furthermore, it is important to note that women are the dominant gender in episodic
memory stability (Josefsson et al., 2012). Based on my interpretation, it is essential
to conduct further research to note whether genetics overweighs our level of
education and to what extent genetics plays a role in episodic memory stability and
or decline. Also, the data provided a rather broad conclusion but the evidence is
sufficient to state an overall answer to the research
Jim Barton
The New CIO Preparing for IT Leadership E xc e r p t e d fro m The Adventures of
an IT Leader By Robert D. Austin, Richard L. Nolan, and Shannon O Donnell
Harvard Business Press Boston, Massachusetts ISBN 13: 978 1 4221 3008 7
3009BC Copyright 2009 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation All rights
reserved Printed in the United States of America This chapter was originally
published as chapter 1 of The Adventures of an IT Leader, copyright 2009 Harvard
Business School Publishing Corporation. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any
form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise), without the... Show more content on ...
The silence grew long. Finally, Williams turned to look at Barton. Speechless was
not a word most people could imagine applying to Jim Barton. His energy and
outspokenness as head of the Loan Operations department made him one of IVK s
most dynamic executives, a key player and a likely CEO someday of a different
company, if not this one. But the news Williams had conveyed moments before had
left Barton silent, dumbfounded. A few minutes earlier Barton had rushed to William
s office, summoned for his turn with the new chief. All morning, leadership team
members had marched down that hallway one at a time, each after receiving a
phone call, each on a journey to discover his or her fate. As the executive assistant
greeted him courteously and waved him in, Barton allowed himself some optimism.
Most likely, he thought, he was about to receive a promotion. He d done a good job,
been a big contributor as the company had grown to its present size. Something like
Chief Operating Officer would fit him quite nicely. 1 The Hero Called to Action
On the other hand, to hear that he was being asked to leave would not have
enormously surprised him. He hadn t done anything to warrant such treatment. But
unexpected things happen when companies are in crisis. The logic behind executive
appointments, retirements, resignations, and п¬Ѓrings was rarely transparent.
Sometimes, Barton thought there was little logic to it at all. The timing of his
meeting gave Barton reason
Calculus C Are Largely Defined By Derivatives Of Vector...
The major topics explored in Calculus C are largely defined by derivatives of vector
valued and parametrically defined functions, integration by partial fractions, improper
integrals, series convergence (Taylor and Maclaurin), L Hopitals Rule, and numerous
applications. All of the following topics require a solid foundation in not only
CalculusA but also Calculus B.
Vector valued functions include mathematical functions of one or more variables
whose range is defined as a set of both multidimensional vectors and infinite
dimensional vectors. Much of this was expanded on by Newton and Descartes during
the Enlightenment in Europe. Newton largely defined calculus in his book Principia
Mathematica whereas Descartes was the founder of analytic ... Show more content on ...
The derivative of a three dimensional vector function can be differentiated by using
standard differentiating rules, taught in a standard Calculus A course, as it breaks up
the components in the Cartesian coordinate system.
Integration by partial fractions, or in other words commonly known as the partial
derivative of a vector function, is defined with a commonly used variable a, with
respect to the frequently used scalar variable q. A sub I is the scalar component of
a in the direction of e sub i. Sometimes, it is also called the direction cosine of a and
e sub i, but it is also frequently known in most math classes as the dot product. The
vectors e1,e2,e3 form what is known as an orthonormal basis that is commonly fixed
in the reference frame in which the derivative of the partial is being taken. This was
also further expanded on by Newton in the 17th century in his famous book Principia
Mathematica and he often used the notation from Gottfried Leibniz, another 17th
century mathematician.
Defined by Isaac Newton and Descartes, in calculus C, another frequently taught
topic is what is known as an improper integral. It is defined as the limit of a definite
integral as an endpoint of the interval or intervals of integration approach either a
specified definite real number or infinity or even in some cases negative infinity. In
other cases both endpoints approach limits. Such an integral is often written
symbolically just like a standard definite integral,
Gender Roles And Stereotypes Have On Women
This paper focuses on gender roles in advertisements and further analyzes the affect
these advertisements have on women. Gender roles refer to the ways in which
individuals are expected to act based on their gender. These roles are very prevalent
in society, and because of this, are also depicted heavily in advertisements. Although
men do receive negative messages from advertisements, this paper focuses more on
women because of the amount of violence and stereotypes that are depicted towards
them in these ads.
What is the history of this topic?
Gender roles and stereotypes are forced upon individuals the moment they are
brought into the world. If an individual is born with female genitalia, they are
automatically labeled as girl and if they have male ... Show more content on ...
They are then told how to act and look based on these labels, and it is very hard to
escape these expectations. Girls are expected to become mothers and housewives and
be confident but also submissive. Boys are expected to pursue high paying careers
and marry a beautiful woman and be tough. This has been the case since the
beginning of time, with gender roles changing throughout time and throughout
cultures. The primary agents of socialization are parents, peers, social institutions,
and the media (Kimmel 2017). Media is a very important agent to study because
everyone is exposed to some form of media each day, and media is an easy and
accessible way for people to learn things about the world. It has been said that the
advertisement industry has been incorporating gender roles into their campaigns for
approximately 40 years (Browall Nd). Past research has found that in advertisements,
women are given the following attributes: passivity, lack of intelligence and
credibility, deference, shyness and helplessness (Browne 1998). This research has
also found that in advertisements, men appear to be constructive, powerful,
controlling, achieving and autonomous (Browne 1998).
Mount Vesuvius Research Paper
Review of Literature
Introduction History of Mount Vesuvius Mount Vesuvius is the only active volcano
in mainland Europe and is considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the
world! It s elevation is over 4,000 feet (1,219 m) and the distance around the base is
30 miles (48.3 km). This humongous mountain is located in Ottaviano, Metropolitan
City of Naples, Italy, which is now known for its ancient castles and history. It took
about 300,000 years for Mount Vesuviusto look the way it does today. This volcano
started forming on the ocean floor as a submarine volcano. This mountain is a
stratovolcano. A stratovolcano forms when it erupts under the ocean repeatedly,
adding layers and layers of lava to it as it occurs. This mountain ... Show more content
on ...
On every eruption, volcanic ash starts forming after all the gases in magma expand
and escape into the atmosphere. Volcanic soils, also called andisols, form after all
the volcanic ash from previous eruptions accumulates. These soils bond well with
organic materials, which facilitates the plants to utilize the minerals in the soil as
nutrients. As a result of all the organic minerals in the volcano s caldera, it is now
covered with trees and plants.
Mount Vesuvius has erupted about three dozen times since 79 A.D. It s most recent
eruption was on the year of 1944. But it wasn t as powerful as the 79 A.D. eruption,
which by the way is the most famous and well known. The eruption buried three
nearby towns, one of which was Pompeii. It was buried under 18 feet (5.5 m) of
rubble, ash and pumice.
In A.D. 79, the Roman naturalist and historian Pliny the Younger, just 18 years old
at the time, wrote letters about the event. According to the book Volcanoes of the
World: Mount Vesuvius, He wrote that it was like a storm of stones. He was the
first person in history ever to record information about volcanoes. As a result of this,
scientists now call eruptions of the most dangerous kind, like this one, plinian.
Because his written records gives scientists the earliest sight into a volcanic eruption,
they believe that the 79 A.D. eruption lasted for about 18 hours and created a cloud
of ash 20 miles (32.2 km)
Motivation In Bartleby And Benito Cereno
What is the root cause of a person s actions? Mainly it is their experiences and their
inner feelings regarding their life. If a person s life is privileged, then they are not
as prone to negative actions; however, if a person s life is hard, then they might be
more inclined to try to change their lives and be cruel to those who are making their
lives difficult. Motivation is the initiating factor behind most people s actions, the
more motivated the more likely action is taken. According to Kendra Cherry on, The incentive theory suggests that people are motivated to do things
because of external rewards . With the right amount of motivation people are more
prone to take action in their lives. What would happen if the roles of... Show more
content on ...
Due to the reverse of roles in the control of the ship, the reason the Spaniards did
not continue to try to blatantly take action against the slaves, may have been due
to them not dealing with distress as long as the slaves had, so their incentive to act
was not as strong. According to the National Center for Biotechnology
Information, Distress levels may have a role in increasing the motivation to
change or search for a change strategy , therefore, the slaves success in overtaking
the ship was heavily motivated by years of distress and unfortunate circumstances.
Melville s short story, Bartleby , also portrays a role reversal. In Bartleby , the
lawyer, who hires Bartleby, slowly becomes more like an employee than an
employer; since, Bartleby refuses to work or leave the office building and the
lawyer simply works around him, instead of being more insistent that Bartleby
actually work or leave the building. Though this role reversal is not as evident as
the reversal in Melville s Benito Cereno , a switch between employer and
employee does occur. Not much information is given about Bartleby, so it can not
completely be explained as to why he is so motivated to refuse to follow orders
and do whatever he desires, but the lawyer s hesitation to become a stronger willed
employer instead of almost an employee can be explained. The lawyer was not great
at handling his employees to begin with, since so many of them had
Gods And Goddesses Essay
Carter Ronca Professor Robinson February 10, 2015 First Unit Assessment Essay
Gods and Goddesses The beginning of religion coexists with the beginning of
humans trying to take control over the world and protect themselves and limit their
vulnerability to the outside forces. The need of early human society is the same
everywhere. This need of protection eventually evolves down the road to the need
for freedom and escape from pain. The development of central governments would
lead to the formation of divine kings and empires. This growth would unify the
different goals and the needs of the people. However, it would also have a huge
effect on the underlying nature of early religions. The early conception of Ancient
Egyptians religion is not that easy. Very little artifacts have been discovered
... Show
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In the world of giant metaphors, which the Egyptian temple represented, each
element is the overall architectural programme played both a physical functional
role and metaphorical one in symbolizing some aspect of the temple s underlying
meaning and purpose. Each temple was divided into zones. The first was the open
area. Next, were the outer courts that were assessable to the priests and on very
rare occasions to the common people. Last, were the inner halls where only
purified priest could enter. The sanctuary was also found in the inner halls and only
kings and the very high priests were allowed in this area. Beyond these zones laid
areas that were central to the everyday role of the temples. Here administrative
chamber, gardens, schools, libraries and areas used for various uses. The furniture of
the temples in the form of obelisks and statues had very distinct decorations and
inscriptions. These served as intricate interacting parts making temples worlds within
worlds. Temples preserved not only the gods, but also the society where they were
Conceptualizing Global Environmental Politics Essay
This essay will respond to the central problem facing global environmental politics
insofar as the resolution of such problems as global warming, the hole in the ozone
layer, the loss of biodiversity, and many other transnational environmental issues rests
upon some sort of consensus among extremely diverse groups. These are considered
global problemsnot only because of their apocalyptic potential but they are also
unique in that the terrain where they occur [is] property that could be claimed by
everyone or by no one. They [are] global also in that no nation [is] fortunate enough to
be insulated from their effects (Guha 139). From this worrisome background, the
starting point of this essay begins with the question that Ramachandra Guha... Show
more content on ...
In other words, for Northerners to stress back to the land was in fact a departure
from the status quo but for Ghandi he had no choice. To point out the difference
between Ghandi s pragmatism and the northern back to the landers is not to
disparage either side. Rather, in a wider sense, it is valuable to know that global
cooperation will require not only consensus (to a certain degree) about the negative
aspects of industrialization but will also require self reflexive acknowledgements that
account for differing historical and material circumstances.
Furthermore, on top of recognizing differences among historical and material
circumstances the environmental discourse will need to account for differing views
of how to best manage the destructive propensity of industrialization. For instance,
in 1972 Ghandi s own daughter (Indira Ghandi), and prime minister of India is said
to have argued that if pollution [is] the price of progress, her people wanted more of
it (Guha 112). As this quote indicates, although Ghandi and the back to the landers
offer a valuable alternative to
Analysis Of Fun Home By Alison Bechdel
Analytical Essay on Fun Home By: Alison Bechdel Even though a lot of thing
events that happened to Bechdel was sad, dark, or scary she manages to use a very
witty tone throughout the story reflecting on her personality. She believes dark
events are not central to one s life. She uses this tone as oppose to an angry tone
because she never realized her family was any different until she was compared it
to others. This strongly classifies Bechdel in the optimistic category of
personalities. The tone of this novel can strike many people as hard to determine
or understand. One of the best things about this novel is the consistency that
Bechdel creates from her earliest childhood memories all the way until the ending
of the book. Tone is known to illustrate the underlying feelings of the author. What
is also very striking is Bechdel s lack of emotion when any surprising event
happens to her. What most tend to remember is when Mr. Bechdel s death is
announced to Bechdel and how she responds to the news. Speaking normally, or
what most would refer to as normal is to have some kind of emotional breakthrough
when finding out their loved one has passed in a tragic accident. Is he dead?
(Bechdel 81). In these three words Bechdel demonstrates her inability to fit into the
mere normal category of reactions and blows the audience away. Bechdel explains
how she cried for about two minutes to her girlfriend at the time and that was the
most of mourning she did at all. Using the witty
Dialectical Change
Marx embraced Hegel s belief that the driving force of historical change was the
dialectic. This refers to a process of development in which interaction between two
opposing forces leads to a further stage. Conflict between a thesis and its opposing
force, an antithesis, leads to a higher level, a synthesis, which, in turn, constitutes a
new thesis. However, while Hegel explained dialectical change in terms of ideas or
the world spirit , Marx gave the concept a materialist interpretation. Perceiving
history as a series of economic stages of society, most of which contain two main
classes, Marx explained historical change by reference to the class conflict within
each economic system that eventually led to the collapse of each class society.
Nicotine Annotated Bibliography
An Annotated Bibliography
Wagner, Heather Lehr. The Health Effects of Nicotine and Smoking. Nicotine,
Chelsea House Publishers, Philadelphia, 2003, pp. 44 59, Print.
As reported by Heather s, Nicotine contains a large amount of toxic substance which
can lead to several causes and effects to health. The substances in nicotine effects on
the brain and its addicted. When a person smokes, the nicotine substance travels to
the brain within 10 seconds and changes the function of the brain. Blood that
enters the lungs to picks up oxygen also pickup something else the nicotine . It also
rises the blood pressure by five to ten points and heart rate by ten to twenty beats
per minute. However, nicotine also performs as a sense of feeling of pleasure.
Nicotine reaches to brain within a speedy rate and disperses soon conversely, its
increases use of cigarettes.
Smoking a Pack a Day for a Year Causes 150 Mutations in Lung Cells.
Genetic Damage Caused by Smoking Measured in Different Organs of the
Body. ScienceDaily News, ScienceDaily, 3 Nov. 2016.3
As stated in the report published in ScienceDaily news, researchers have found out
tobacco smoking causes ruinous genetic damage in various body parts, and causes
mutations in DNA. The Los Alamos National Laboratory added smoking a day one
packet ... Show more content on ...
The NIOSH study reveals that working women s i.e., reproductive age involved in
smoking has adverse effects on their pregnancy and the health of their infant. The
evaluation of data of 2009 2013 from the National Health Interview Survey
discovered there were 17% of working women who were smokers at their
reproductive age and 76% were daily smokers. Further, the study shows the women
working in certain industries and businesses have higher smoking
The Global Stage Of The European Union
The statement that a Belgian Minister once quoted indicated his thoughts of the
global stage of the European Union (EU) which included, the European union was a
little more than an economic giant, political dwarf and military worm. With this
being said, I can confidently say within my six week summer long semester into the
history of the European Union, I agree with the Belgian Minister s statement
primarily due to their economic trading power, weak political power, but I think their
military is not no worm. According to the (1), The European Union is one
of strongest economic areas in the world. There is an estimated five hundred million
people. Europealso make up of seven point three percent of the world s population,...
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The concept is carefully related to those of economic globalization which integrates
national economies into the international economy. Such incorporations have been
achieved through capital flow, trading of goods and services, and foreign direct
investment. Since the primary link has been the European Union, which has become
a major alliance amongst the European nations. With the EU s focusing on
globalization their economic power has gone up. I feel that with the EU having a
single currency and free trade of goods and services is a major contribution to having
a strong EU. The world is becoming a tighter community through high tech
developments around the world. With technology becoming so advanced
international travel becoming more common. Making communication and
collaboration with other countries around the world easier and now a common
occurrence. Some world leaders envision a global community that would lead to a
one world order to include government and commerce. Globalization has been on the
rise but is not shared and accepted by all. Nationalism continues to play a significant
part in international interactions. With Europe s goal of
European alliance for economic purposes, the European Union can be used as a
model for economic globalization. The EU restructured their government to have
political power by incorporating the European parliament, supranational fiscal union,
and the European Commission. The Parliament is the only institution where
Virginia Minstrel Shows In The Late 1800 s
In the late 1800 s the Virginia Minstrel shows was the way to go for an entertaining
night out. The main reason that this touring company was popular was because of
the stock characters. Stock characters are characterized as a unique satirized
fictional character that is often used to make the plot easier to form. Throughout this
reflection I will analyze the key features that stock characters introduce in the
Minstrel shows. The stock characters assist in the dramatic script by making the plot
easier for the writers and for the audience to predict the outcome of the skit show.
Oral tradition is used off the show. It s used off by others retailing the stories to the
next generation and so on. Stock characters relate to the oral tradition,
Sba 2012
INTRODUCTION This project is a research on the effects of single parenting on
families in the community of Newland which is in situated in the Parish of St.
Catherine, Portmore within the vicinity of Portmore Lane and Cumberland. Newland
host a little over 200 households and businesses. Approximately 30 % of the residents
has a stable job hence another 10% is occasionally employed, crime is a major factor
affecting the community This project tends to unveil the challenges associated with
this family setting and how they overcome these challenges. To better gather
information questionnaires were given to twenty single parents that reside in the
community. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It gives me great pleasure to... Show more
content on ...
The samples were chosen based on the responses to the questions, for example, a
questionnaire with responses on the short answer lines provided would be used
other than that which only an option was chosen. The researcher will focus on the
female single parent between the ages of 18 29. PRESENTATION OF DATA The
researcher found that teenagers between the ages of 18 and 21, contributes
significantly to the number of single parent families in the community. Of the 20
single parents interviewed, 3 were between the ages 21 and 24, 2 were of the age
group 24 29. These teenagers have no guidance, as they too are from a single
parenting family. They become idle and not goal orientated and as a result ends up
pregnant and left in a single parenting position. Chart showing how the single
parents get paid [pic] Diagram 1.1 This chart shows how the parents receive their
pay. Of the 20 parents interviewed, 16 were paid by wages, whereby minimum
wage is about $4500. A child going to school every day would need at least $2000
for the week. Other situations may arise in the week ahead, food is not calculated,
the parent has to pay bus fare to go to work. Basically this is saying, most of these
families are living hand to mouth. This parent s salary is finished before the week
end. Bills
Artemia Franciscana and Preference Regarding the Effects...
The Artemia franciscana can survive in extreme conditions of salinity, water depth,
and temperature (Biology 108 laboratory manual, 2010), but do A. franciscana prefer
these conditions or do they simply cope with their surroundings? This experiment
explored the extent of the A. franciscanas preference towards three major stimuli:
light, temperature, and acidity. A. franciscana are able to endure extreme temperature
ranges from 6 МЉ C to 40 МЉ C, however since their optimal temperature for
breeding is about room temperature it can be inferred that the A. franciscana will
prefer this over other temperatures (Al Dhaheri and Drew, 2003). This is much the
same in regards to acidity as Artemia franciscana, in general thrive in ... Show more
content on ...
Referring to the experiment`s hypotheses that the A. franciscana prefers light,
temperatures between 20 24 МЉ C, and a basic (pH 8) environment; the results
regarding the first treatment, light, were initially vague. According to the experiment
results, the A. franciscana did not show a clear preference towards light or dark
because both sections contained high concentrations of them; the A. franciscana also
strayed from the uncovered section. Several factors may shed light on the results such
as the A. franciscanas physical appearance; they possess three light sensitive eyes that
can adjust to both low and high light intensities (Fox, 2001). This means that
although they may prefer light they can survive in darker habitats as well; relating
back to the experiment the A. franciscana may have been content with wherever they
were, resulting in limited movement.
For the temperature treatment, it was decisive in that the A. franciscana showed a
steady increase in concentration from section 1 to 4. This expands on the hypothesis
that suggests A. franciscana prefers an optimum temperature between 20 24 МЉ C
because from the results of the experiment A. franciscana seemed to prefer even
higher temperatures. Al Dhaheri and Drew (2003) state that A. franciscana stop
reproducing at temperature above 30 МЉ C and compared to the experiments results.
It can be concluded that A. franciscana prefer warmer temperatures, but reproduce at
Essay On Black Friday
Long lines, crowds of people, a million sale signs, standing in below zero weather,
and a bright brand name store feeding materials to consumers is the Black Friday
Tradition. No better way to give thanks by taking all the money in our pockets and
showering it over companies. After devouring a massive meal with lots of turkey,
fighting others over items and being uncivilized citizens is what follows. But why is
it so many Americans indulge in this tradition? Besides the cheap prices on products,
could it be the extensive advertisement drawing us? Or is there a more psychological
explanation? In the article Shopping on Black FridayMakes You Feel Like a Well
Loved Warrior by Brain Handwerk, there s an overview study behind the appeal and
... Show more content on ...
Shopping on Black Friday Makes you feel Like a Well Loved Warrior provides a
handful of logical evidence to demonstrate the increased consumer participation
growth on Black Friday. Black Friday is ballooning the ritualistic shopping frenzy
on the day after thanksgiving is now just one part of a $50 billion weekend of
commercial excess that includes Small Business Saturdays and Cyber Monday.
(n.p). As the American society keeps joining in on the holiday sales, Handwerk
creates a point of the competitiveness between companies that do anything to draw
in more money. Not only is there challenges growing among businesses, but within
people too, a survey by the National Retail Federation, about 26 percent of 18 to 24
year olds plan to shop on the holiday itself. (n.p). People of this age are catching on
to the trend faster than others and find themselves building bonds when they share a
common goal. Black Friday is the outlet and excuse for families to gather and buy
each other gifts for Christmas. It s the thrill of the buy, and the method to engage
with close ones to accomplish their goal, on this year s Black Friday, the National
Retail Federation estimates that more that 95 million Americans will rise with the
sun and race through crowded stores competing for the bargains. (n.p.). Handwerk
includes reliable sources for this research such as
Prometheus s Invention
Prometheus tried to convince the Council of Scholars that his invention merited their
support due to the ability of his invention being able to change the world and that he
believed that the Council of Scholars would not of think of this invention in the
future (74). Firstly, he believed that his invention could have changed the world by
changing how they used light. By having this invention, they wouldn t need old
fashioned candles and torches because now they would have electricity (73). By
having electricity, they could have become more advanced in their society but it was
too bad that the Council of Scholars did not approve of this invention. Since this
society was a collectivism based society, the Council of Scholars almost found this...
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First of all, the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) allows drugs to be on the market
only if they are beneficial to humans. If they cause harm to humans, they would not
be approved by the FDA and they wouldn t be on the drug market. You could still
find these drugs on the black market and such, but they would be nowhere to be seen
in regulated stores. The FDA is similar to the scene considering that both the FDA
and the Council of Scholars ban inventions that are not beneficial to the community.
The FDA is a little more serious considering that something that they don t ban could
end up killing someone. The FDA is different to the scene because the FDA will ban
anything that doesn t benefit the humans and the Council of Scholars will pick and
choose what they will ban. On the other hand, the FAA (Federal Aviation
Administration) can allow new air products along with new air routes. The FAA is
similar to the scene considering that the FAA and the Council of Scholars can ban
dangerous and illegal things. The FAA is different to the scene because obviously
they handle two different types of inventions. Overall, the Council of Scholars have
similarities and differences with real world
Similarities Between Cleopatra And Cleopatra
Eckhardt 6
Caesar s guests until his murder, Cleopatra tried to get recognition for her son as
rightful heir, but to no avail. (Cinnone) Cleopatra s family ruled Egypt for more
than 100 years before she was born around 69 B.C. The stories and myths
surrounding Cleopatra s tragic life inspired a number of books, movies and plays,
including Antony and Cleopatra by Shakespeare. Cleopatra has become one of the
most well known ancient Egyptians. ( Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator. )
In 59 Caesars, with this backing, secured his first consulship, in which he
ruthlessly overrode the opposition and disregarded the vetoes of his pro senatorial
colleague. Then, between 58 and 51, he conquered the whole of central and
northern Gaul as far as the River Rhine, which he briefly crossed. (Grant 29) After
Caesar and his army crushed Gaul, both parties became exceptionally affluent. In
49 BC, Caesar attacked Pompey and his men later deserting them. Caesar was
victorious, Pompey flees to Egypt and is later pursued by Caesar.( Republic of Rome
) The quote by Julius Caesar I came, I saw, I conquered was addressing the Roman
senate After Defeating King Pharnaces II after the Battle of Zela in 47 BC.
(Hagopian Institute)
Julius Caesar himself fought in the Punic wars. Conventional wisdom has it that the
Roman Empire consisted of what would now be known as Western Europe. The
Romans and the Carthaginians had their first of three consecutive battles in 264 BC,
which was known as the
Documentations That Made Up The United States Of
Documentations that made up the United States of America
On June 11, 1776, the Second Continental Congress met at Carpenter Hall in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where five men were appointed to be a part of a comity
to write the Declaration of Independence and become liberated from the British
government. The Declaration of Independence is one of the most important
documents in American history. It tells the major ideas that the Founders had about
government. Eventually, after several rough drafts of the Declaration of
Independence by Thomas Jefferson, a final draft was written and finally approved by
the Second Continental Congress. Therefore, on July 4, 1776, the nation was
officially born when fifty six members of the Second Continental ... Show more
content on ...
It also states when such situation arises; government it is not only their ambition, but
it is their right and their duty to throw off such a Government and to provide the
foundation for a new government to ensure their future security. Next, in section one
of the Declaration of Independence listed twenty eight grievances the American
colonies had against King George III. Then, section two of the Declaration
specifically stated what endeavors were taken by the colonist s to overturn some of
the decisions of King George III but ultimately were met in vain. Lastly, a conclusion
of the Declaration of Independence notes that having recorded their objections, which
British North American were living, they the Colonies declared their right to be free
and independent from the British rule. It further declared that any legislative
acquaintances between the two were to be eliminated. The new nation was to be
called the United States of America and was to have no further association with Great
Britain. That the new government would reserve rights to exercise war, make
reconciliation, as well as make collaborations with foreign nations.
The new nation was governed by the Articles of Confederation that had been adopted
during the Revolution. In March 1781, the Second Continental Congress approved
the Articles of Confederation after more than a year of debate. The Articles of
Confederation that shaped the first national government of the United
Examples Of Chaos And Complexity Theory
D. What are chaos and complexity theories? how might they help us do better
sociology, or at least help us have more realistic understanding of what is possible in
sociology? Chaos theory can be seen in the butterfly effect, where a small little
butterfly in the States that flaps its wings and changes the weather somewhere far
away like China. The butterfly effectshows that small changes can have massive
impacts in the world. For most people it is hard for them to think that a butterfly has
so much influence, there are many other examples. Chaos can be seen in this
example, where someone forgets their car keys and runs back to get them, which
results in them not hitting the deer on the road (Gleick 1987). Complexitytheory states
that structures are complex but that there is some form of general rules. Complexity
theory is a part of chaos theorywhich is shown in the quote, chaos theory and its spin
off, complexity theory, argue that relationships in complex systems, like
organizations, are nonlinear, made of interconnections and branching choices that
produce unintended consequences and render the universe unpredictable, (Tetenbaum
1998:1). Chaos and complexity theory can influence sociologist to go back and
study system that were previously untouched. An example of chaos and complexity
theory is the economy. The economy is very complex with many moving parts and
actors. The economy is filled with people selling and buying goods at fast rates.
These moving parts are
The Incident Command System (ICS)
The Incident command system (ICS) is a top done command structure to
management incident scenes not matter what size it is do to its flexibility. (Newman,
Clarke, 2008) It covers operations, logistics, administration, planning. This starts with
the incident commander to section chiefs for the different sectional operations. With
the flexibility of the structure it can be applied on a single medical call where the
Incident commander can hand all of the steps to establish command, logistics, and
operations, and decide if more resources are required. (Maryea Media Productions
2010) The Incident command structure was created out of the massive forest fires in
California, after investigations where completed. It pointed to the lack of unified
The Fight for Rights!
Women had no rights compared to a man. Women had to fight for the rights which led
to a change in the United States which last till today. For women in 1920s, the fight
to acquire rights was called the women s suffrage movement which on how they have
rights, have to fight against a dissident to get the 19th amendment and how the
suffragemovement influences them today from the suffragist demands they acquired.
With the arduous time women had trying to achieve the rights they demand they had
to .Women suffragist made associations and paraded down the street to endeavor
rights. Two associations were made up, the National Woman Suffrage Association and
the American Women Suffrage Association. The National Women Suffrage
Association is also ... Show more content on ...
With the negative comments coming from dissidents of the suffrage movement,
some did disbelieve a woman should acquire rights. There are arguments against
the women s suffrage were voiced out saying no women should try to be in
politics, and have no privilege granted to her. The only job of a woman should be
in the home. She can do little good by gadding the streets and neglecting her
children (Sanford, J.B). Arguments would typically be toward how a woman
should be home, cleaning and taking care of her children, and how men should be
able to take care of women. Men were the ones running the government, if a woman
tried to set in the whole structure men organized would be destroyed. They wouldn t
have to vote in order to receive the protection of a man. Why, men have gone to war,
endured every privation and death itself in defense of women. To man, woman is the
dearest creature on earth, and there is no extreme to which he would not go for his
mother or sister (Sanford, J.B) With all these opposing viewpoint getting thrown at
woman suffragist, they didn t stop. No matter how people word how a woman should
never be in government nor outside of the home and leave everything to the men
would should always run the country, the women still fought
Review Of Related Literature. There Is A Current Trend
Review of Related Literature There is a current trend now from educational
institutions even in organizations outside the education sector wherein research and
groundwork is encouraged to be a continuing product of their staff. While some are
bound to research work, many are pressed on the demands of it. This is because
researchis not only a work of an individuals. Educational institutions which aim for a
culture in research must also raise, encourage and uphold the work done by the staff.
This can be done through distributing workloads, creating an environment conducive
for research work, appropriate incentives and many others (Hanover Research, 2014).
Research Culture Culture is a way of life by a number of individuals collectively. ...
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Educators engaging in research activity acquire experience, dexterity and expertise in
their current fields (Patankar, 2016) Research work generates information, induces
advanced skills and motivates esteem. With all these, the educators find themselves
absorbing these developments and applying them to teaching effectively and
innovatively (Pramodini Sophia, 2012). A school that has an environment supportive
of research is a competent school. This research environment creates a community
which drives both teachers and students into digging deeper into research work.
When the faculty is immersed in research culture, having absorbed the value of
research, they in turn would bring to their learners the dedication towards the
investigative work (The Department of Education and Training, 2005). Patankar
(2016) discussed in his article Grooming the Personality of Teacher Educators through
Research , published in University News in India, that research work results to the
improvement of a teacher s cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects. Due to the
immense work of studying required for research, teachers will expand their
knowledge skills, insights, awareness, thought processes and theory. As the research
work demands time, resources and effort, it exercises the teacher s dedication for
work, interest and engagement towards new learnings. Finally, in the psychomotor
aspect. Teachers practice their skills in conversations, writing
Module 1 Pre Assessment Essay
Date: 07/27/14
Total Score: 100 %
CATEGORY anatomy
QUESTION Backward effects of left sided heart failure include:
CORRECT ANSWER A) Pulmonary congestion
YOUR ANSWER A) Pulmonary congestion
Deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle flows through the right and left
pulmonary arteries to the right and left lung. After entering the lungs, the branches
subdivide, finally emerging as
capillaries which surround the alveoli and release the carbon dioxide in exchange for
The capillaries unite gradually and assume the characteristics of veins. These veins
join to form the pulmonary veins, which return the oxygenated blood to the left
atrium. Backflow of blood through the left atrium result in left sided heart failure.
2 ... Show more content on ...
A) Heat is an effective means of sterilization because it destroys the proteins of
microbial life forms including fungi, bacteria and viruses.
A) Heat is an effective means of sterilization because it destroys the proteins of
microbial life forms including fungi, bacteria and viruses.
Heat is an effective means of sterilization because it destroys the proteins of microbial
life forms including fungi, bacteria and viruses.
CATEGORY biology
QUESTION In addition to hypertension, pre eclampsia is characterized by:
CORRECT ANSWER C) Protein in the urine and edema
YOUR ANSWER C) Protein in the urine and edema
In addition to elevated blood pressure, retention of fluid leading to edema and
leakage of
RATIONALE protein into the urine are usually found in pregnancy induced
hypertension (pre eclampsia).
Nausea, vomiting, fatigue and back pain are common findings of normal pregnancy.
CATEGORY chemistry
QUESTION The solution that would be most alkalotic would be the one with a pH of:
RATIONALE The normal blood pH range is 7.35 to 7.45.
CATEGORY chemistry
A calculated ABG value that indicates excess or insufficiency of sodium bicarbonate
in the system is:
YOUR ANSWER B) Base excess
The base excess indicates the amount of excess or insufficient level of bicarbonate in
The Spirit Club Essay
1What s at stake for the key parties, including those that may disagree with you?
What is important to them? What does the target value and why?
I see how these events transpire as a character test. Who am I and what do I stand
for? My friends, my relationships and my future are directly correlated to the events
that will occur. Whats important to me is that I do what s right strictly based on my
The Spirit Club s value surpasses any individual and the implications of Matt s
actions could be detrimental to the club. First and foremost, our reputation as a
reputable club is at stake. The Spirit Club could potentially be in a position where
our whole structure has to change to a more bureaucratic form all the while being
under heavy over site of administration. I fear that the club chemistry would hurt if
this occurred.
Who Matt is and his legacy could change in a heartbeat depending on what he did
with the shirt profits. If he truly stole the money, then it shows he never valued
spirit club as much as he valued his own personal gain and failed to see how they are
intertwined. Personally, I will no longer see him as a friend merely an example of
poor leadership as many others will.
I can only wonder if Laura was in on this with Matt and that s why she was so
forward in bringing it up to Matt. Her friendship with Matt may have resulted in a
blind spot for unethical behavior. If this is true my friendship and many others with
her is likely over and so is
Interpretations Of American History, A Collaborative
In Interpretations of American History, a collaborative team of four editors (Francis
G. Couvares, Martha Saxton, Gerald N. Grob, and George Athan Billias) seek to
educate any student of history on the various perspectives on any one said historical
issue. The editors sum up the entire book with These volumes reflect our
understanding that historyis an act of interpretation. Essentially, this book offers a
multitude of benefits for those who wish to further study history, but at the same time
the reader must take everything said with a grain of salt. Interpretations of American
History is made up of two or more scholarly opinions on every American historical
event from the Puritans to the Reconstruction Era. At the beginning of each... Show
more content on ...
Another pro to this book is its ability to save time and effort. The editors have
condensed their opinions and the opinions of the brightest historical minds into one
book. Rather than search the internet for an assortment of interpretations on a
given historical event, the reader can flip to the desired event in the text. Because
of this, the student can rest assured that the content has been properly evaluated,
found relevant, and is, therefore, worth the time to read. Such a time saving
benefit must not be overlooked. Also, the variety of viewpoints presented in this
book help to expand the reader s knowledge. The editors provide a well rounded
collection of additional works that show the reader some of the major theories on a
historical event. Basically, a reader is able to see historical issues through the eyes
of professional historians. Interpretations of American History does not merely state
the facts, it allows the reader to decide where they stand on the historical event in
question. This can lead to a deeper, more profound study of history. However, the
reader must keep in mind that this book is fact based opinion. The editors and
consulted historians are adding their thoughts to the known facts. Although such
speculation can open the door to broader thinking, it can also trip up those who take
the opinion as fact. If misinterpreted, this book might muddy the waters of the reader
s mind. Still, the book in no way attempts to hide its
An Adventure in New York City
As the stars lit up in the big apple and the sun set down towards the west creating a
small fog of air around us, me and my sister decided to take a last look at the world
famous time square, before we left for home. It was the middle of winter and
snowing in the city of hopes of dreams. My sister and I were bundled up with a
bright white polar jacket, scarves and Eskimo hats. I could feel the goose bumps
racing up to my arms, making my teeth clatter against each other and giving me the
chills. As we continued to walk through the streets, the smell of crunchy peanuts,
salted pretzels and greasy hotdogs filled up the air and made my mouth water. The
smell was so appealing that it tempted me to stop and try some. My sister and I
waited in the long crowded line for the world famous hotdogs. I looked around the
city while then and tried to observe everything around me. I saw people scurrying
to grab a taxi, talking on the phone, or even listening to their stereos around their
shoulders and it seemed as if they were all lost in their own worlds. Most of the
men were all dressed up in their bright black, Louis vitton suits with briefcases in
their right arms and iphone 5 s on the other, while the women were walking in high
black stiletto heels, and you could even hear their shoes striking the ground one
after the other from miles away. The enormous sky scrapers around me covered the
blanket of grey clouds above us. The flat iron, empire state building and so many
more world
Tuskegee Study Summary
In the Tuskegee Study, the main cause of these actions was to record the natural
history of syphilis among African Americans. Scientists took six hundred men to be
studied and out of those men, three hundred ninety nine of them were infected with
syphilis (Tuskegee University, n.d). Those men were the experimental group and the
other two hundred and one were the control subjects syphilis (Tuskegee University,
n.d). The study took place in Macon County, Alabama. The intentions of choosing
those specific subjects were because the individuals were poor and illiterate
sharecroppers from the county (Tuskegee University, n.d). People know the study
very well because of the lack of ethical consideration towards the African American
men. Throughout
Similarities Between Julius Caesar And Gaius Marius
I came, I saw, I conquered. These words embody both Caesar s demeanor towards
his triumph at the Battle of Zela (47 B.C) as well as Gaius Marius demeanor
towards his triumph at the Battle of Aquae Sextiae (102 B.C). Andrew Jackson, the
7th President of the United States, will later embody the spirit of Julius Caesarand
Gaius Mariusthroughout his military campaign in the War of 1812 as well as his
presidency (1829 1837). President Jackson s unprecedented imprint upon American
politics and the presidency has exposed viewers to analyze few similarities portrayed
from both Julius Caesar and Gaius Marius. Although the similarities portrayed
between President Jackson and Gaius Marius were immense, based on their executive
power, the similarity between Julius Caesar and Andrew Jackson were substantially
To illustrate, Jackson s rise to sovereignty, like Caesar and Marius, began in the
military where he was positioned as a war General and gradually rose to a
politician, stimulating innovation and reform. Throughout his rise to politics, he
advanced a new vision of the President as the direct representative of the people
make him the Consul Caesar of his time. Andrew Jackson became the advocate of
the people, and was commonly considered by historians to have been one of the
nation s most vigorous and powerful chief executives. During the 1800 s, America
directed towards, Suffrage [expanding allowing] all white men with the abolition of
property ownership and tax
Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Essay...
Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts
Organizational behavior is defined as the study of human behavior in organizations.
Organizational behavior is an interdisciplinary body of knowledge with strong ties
to the behavioral sciences such as psychology, sociology and anthropology as well
as to allied sciences. However, the goal of organizational behavior is to integrate the
diverse insights of these other disciplines and apply them to real world problems and
opportunities. The ultimate goal of organizational behavior is to improve the
performance of people, groups and organizations (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn,
2005). Organizational culture is defined as the shared beliefs and values that
influence the behavior of ... Show more content on ...
The internal process approach examines the transformation process and examines
how efficiently resources are used to produce goods and services. The goal approach
looks at the output side to measure achievement of key operating objectives. Last, the
strategic constituencies approach analyzes the impact of the organization on key
stakeholders and their interests (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2005). Organizational
learning is the process of acquiring knowledge and using information to adapt
successfully to changing circumstances. Organizations must be able to change
continuously and positively while searching for new ideas and opportunities
(Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2005). My place of employment is Sprint PCS. I
am a technical support representative and I am in charge of maintaining the
functionality of these devices. I handle all aspects of the phones, PDA s and
wireless air cards from making sure that voice calls can be made to maintaining an
internet connection to sending and receiving pictures. At my place of employment
communication is a key ingredient to our team success. Without effective
communication we would not be able to function as an efficient team or company.
Culture at the workplace is very much the same across the board. We all share the
same values and beliefs, for the most part. We do have a diverse bunch; however. We
have all types of people within our group. Our diversity varies between ethnicity,
Organizational Studies and Human Resource Management
Introduction of Company 2
Ghee Hoe Vision Mission 2
Early day Organization Structure 2
Decrease in Demand 3
Re Organization Structure of Ghee Hoe 3
Organization Structure 4
Complexity 4
Centralization 5
Measuring Ghee Hoe Organizational Effectiveness6
External Resource Approach6
Internal Resource Approach 6
Technology Approach 7
Recommendation of Approaches to Improve Ghee Hoe 7
Conclusion 8 Annex 1 9
Annex 2 10
Reference 11
Introduction of Company
Ghee Hoe, is a trading company established in 1948. It s started operation after
World War 2, importing motorcycles from one... Show more content on ...
This structure decided on how the roles, power, responsibilities of each and every
individual are assigned to controlled and coordinated the flows of information
between the different level in a management.
We used organizational chart to illustrates the organizational structure in showing the
different levels of management.
The 3 core dimensions of an organization structure are Complexity, Centralization and
Gareth R (2010) define Organizational complexity, the number of different function
and divisions possessed by an organization, determining the level of differentiation,.
in this organizational structure, differentiation is high. Basically there are 2 types of
differentiation Vertical and Horizontal also known as Tall Flat Structure.
Vertical differentiation, the way an organization designs its hierarchy of authority
and creates reporting relationships to connect organizational roles and subunits.
Lower levels report to higher levels. In Ghee Hoe, Mechanic is to report to
workshop foreman and foreman is to report to Manager and Manager is to report to
Chief Director (the man who has the most power and authority).
Horizontal differentiation, the way an organization groups organizational tasks into
roles, and roles into subunits, establishing the division of labor. In Ghee Hoe, the
spare part and workshop function made up a spare part division provide services to
customer who need services to
A Definition Of Justice By Aristotle And The Star
American society has kept white rich men in the nation superior, while keeping Black
people and other minorities such as women in the lower realms of the society. When
the Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States, and The Star
Spangled Banner were written they were not meant to include black people (African
descendants). At that time black people were considered to be a percent of a person,
actually chattel, property to white slave owners. In addition, women were not
considered to have the same rights leaving them in an unequal state to their husbands,
fathers, and brothers. The American society has gained their independence by
creating justice for themselves while producing inequalities for others; some affected
by justice were people with different ideas than government, slaves, women and free
African Americans.
Aristotle s A Definition of Justice describes the differences of the state with an
oligarchy and democracy as government. In both systems of government, Aristotle
states men have a misconception of justice. Justice is thought by them to be, and is,
equality, not, however, for all, but only for equals. And inequality is thought to be,
and is, justice; neither is this for all, but only for inequals. (Aristotle) Examples to
confirm Aristotle s definition are the position that blacks, slaves and women held in
past oligarchy and democracy states. In Aristotle s time (300 s B.C.) until the late
1800 s slavery was a customary practice,
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An Essay On Importance Of Education. PPT - Essay on Importance of Education PowerPoint Presentation, free ...

  • 1. An Essay On Importance Of Education Writing an essay on the importance of education can be both challenging and rewarding. The difficulty lies not in the lack of information or opinions on the subject, but rather in the need to articulate a coherent and compelling argument that highlights the multifaceted significance of education. Crafting a well-structured essay requires thorough research, critical thinking, and the ability to convey ideas clearly. The challenge begins with the vastness of the topic itself. Education encompasses various aspects, including academic, social, and personal development. Narrowing down the focus and selecting the most relevant points to discuss can be a daunting task. Additionally, striking the right balance between presenting facts and incorporating personal insights adds complexity to the writing process. Another difficulty arises in addressing the diverse perspectives on education. Different people may view the importance of education through distinct lenses, such as economic, cultural, or philosophical. Balancing these perspectives while maintaining a cohesive narrative requires a nuanced approach. Furthermore, the essay should not merely present a list of reasons why education is important but should delve into the deeper implications and societal impact. This requires a comprehensive understanding of educational theories, historical contexts, and current challenges in the field. On a positive note, despite the challenges, writing an essay on the importance of education provides an opportunity for personal growth and the development of critical thinking skills. The process encourages the writer to engage with diverse sources, analyze information critically, and communicate effectively. In conclusion, while composing an essay on the importance of education is undoubtedly challenging, it is also a valuable exercise that promotes intellectual development. By navigating through the complexities of the topic, one can gain a deeper appreciation for the multifaceted role that education plays in shaping individuals and societies. For assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing needs, consider exploring, where professional writers can provide support and guidance tailored to your specific requirements. An Essay On Importance Of Education An Essay On Importance Of Education
  • 2. The Paolilithic And Paleolithic Paleolithic The period of human history up to about 9000 BCE. The same time of which tools were made from stone and bone and people gained their food through foraging. Neanderthals The family of humans, 45,000 years ago they lived in Europe, they disappeared due to the interaction with the early homo sapiens. Flourished in Europe and Southeast Asia, then completely vanished. Evidence of brutal violence between these groups. They didn t develop the technology when the weather altered. Cro Magnon Were the first kind of beings that had signs of being a human, this was proven by the discovery of the materials left behind. Neolithic The period after 9000 BCE which is also the following the Paleolithic era. This is when people developed agriculture, domesticated animals, and used tools made of stone and wood. Mesopotamia Emerged during the 4th millennium. The land between the rivers in the fertile crescent. Early cultivators realized by tapping these rivers, they were able to produce crops, and produce. Artificial irrigation manipulating the environment. Sumer Populations: 100,000 people. 3000 BCE. The dominant people of Mesopotamia. Sumer is a region which contains little cities such as Ur, Eridu. Sumerians build the first cities, have militaries. House bustling marketplaces, attracting producers from both near and far. Building ziggurats. Also, established the military, tax collectors, and administrators to establish order. Metallurgy Nile River The Greek historian and traveler Herodotus in the 5th century BCE called Egypt the gift of the Nile. The Nile flooded once a year for a period of several months bringing fertile soil and moisture for farming, and agricultural villages developed along its banks by at least 6000 BCE. Although the Egyptians worried at times these floods would be too high or too low, they also praised the Nile as a comforting force. The Egyptians based their calendar on the Nile, dividing the year into three four month periods. Pyramids Hammurabi s Code A proclamation issued by Babylonian king Hammurabi to establish laws regulating many aspects of life. Hammurabi ordered his code to be inscribed on stone pillars and set up in public throughout the Babylonian empire.
  • 3. The Hurt Locker and Zero Dark s Use of Language to Portray... How do Kathryn Bigelow s films The Hurt Locker and Zero Dark Thirty use language to portray the life of combatants in a battle? Introduction Kathryn Bigelow is one of the most iconic directors of the modern era. Her sense of depicting language remains unopposed. She is known for her specialty films of the war genre. Several of her works have been greatly appreciated, such as The Weight of Water, The Hurt Locker, Zero Dark Thirty, etc. These have won her several awards and secured her place as one of the most influential directors of all time. Essay The Hurt Locker is a slow paced film. Most of the scenes have been deeply elaborated with excessive portrayal on the character s expression. Set during Iraq War, it illustrates the lives of three soldiers who have the most terrifyingly dangerous jobs in the world working in a bomb disposal squad. They risk their lives every day to provide safety to the society they are aiding. It is an extremely harsh and touching film, which depicts the message that when you love something and keeping repeating it, it becomes an obsession and you cannot live without it. Most of the characters in the film can be interconnected to the actors where he/she have an unsafe passion. There are several metaphors buried in each scene which, when examined carefully, reveal the political meaning. The lead character of The Hurt Locker, Sergeant First Class William James, is, metaphorically, a character representation of America, often putting him and
  • 4. Marked 08A Written Submission attempt 74/80 Answer To Qs 2 MEMORANDUM Date: February 12th, 2013 To: Graphic Designers Studio From: Subject: Options for sourcing internet services ВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВ Over the years the business of Graphic Designers Studio has grown many folds, resulting in a need to move from home based business model, to an office where the 3 support staff and 2 customer service reps and 15 designers can be consolidate at one location. DEMAND OF ONE OFFICE CONSOLIDATION One office consolidation, has generated a need of having 1. High speed Internet access 2. E mail accounts for everybody 3. Web access for e mail 4. Ability to handle up to 10 MB attachments 5. Ability to download and upload large graphic files (up to 100 MB) to customers... Show more content on ... Cheng was also working with Rao at WebEx. Because of their background, knowledge of the billing systems and understanding of the market needs, they were well aware of the Software As A Services (SaaS) , its future as well as the opportunities and the obstacles. They had also envisaged the market need for an efficient billing system. Their vision was to provide an e commerce platform that powers the service industry at a low cost Zuora Inc. as a business To achieve their vision, Zuora opted to go with the strategy, to go for a SaaS through Subscription Method of Business . This Strategy, allowed them to achieve their objective of offering a low cost, efficient billing system to the market. For customers, because of Subscription method, the cost of buying and installing the software went down and with SaaS in place, the maintenance cost of the software and the cost of buying hardware also went down. Hence it was a win win situation both for the customer, in terms of cost saving and for Zuora, in terms of good return on their investment. This is evident from the fact that within 9 months of their launch of their first product, Z Billing, they had 70 clients. In a short span they launched a) Z Billing To create and handle different types of billing methods b) Z Payment Subscription payments business to manage recurring payment lifecycle c) Z Force Billing and
  • 5. Speed-Starting Tray or Pot-Compost Seed starting tray or pot Compost Introduction Irisses work well in beds, borders and foundation plantings. Comstock/Stockbyte/Getty Images With its six petaled flowers that range in color from yellow, white and pink to blue, red and purple, iris (Iris spp.) can be an attractive addition in the garden. Iris consists of more than 200 species, many of which are hardy to U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zone 3. Siberian iris (Iris sibirica) and crested iris (Iris cristata), for instance, can thrive in USDA plant hardiness zones 3 through 9. (See References 1) Although commonly grown true to type by division, irises can also grow from seed, although they don t grow true to the parent plant. (See References 2) Step 1 Harvest the seedpods from an iris plant after it s done blooming in the fall. If pollinated, find the pods on the plant below faded flowers. Remove them from the plant when they are partially green and start to split open. Shell the pods to reveal about 60 seeds per pod. (See References 3) Step 2 Fill a small bowl with enough water to submerse the seeds. Place the seeds in the bowl and allow them to soak. Every day, drain the liquid, pouring it in a strainer so you catch the seeds. Refill the bowl with fresh water and place the seeds back in it. Do this for up to two weeks to eliminate the germination inhibiting properties of the seeds. (See References 4) Step 3 Mix 1 part bleach with 10 parts water in a bowl. Soak the seeds in this bleach solution
  • 6. Consumer Behavior of an International Chinese Student Essay Introduction Consumer behaviour is defined as the behaviour that consumers undertake in seeking, purchasing, using, evaluating and disposing of products and services that they expect will satisfy their personal needs (Nayeem 2012). Different consumer may have different choices in purchase that is dependent on various influences. High involvement purchase sets the best example of engaging in consumer behaviour in various aspects as complex buying behaviour occurs when the consumer is highly involved with the purchase and when there are significant differences between brands. This behaviour can be associated with the purchase of a something significant in value and meaning to consumer which could be risky (Tanner 2012). High ... Show more content on ... However, Wei is limited by a budget of $200 $250 for the purchase. Therefore, the purpose of purchase is to select appropriate yet economical gifts for his family for the occasion. Lanolin cream is a reasonable choice for Wei upon consideration because of the reasonable price and the product awareness among his family members. There are two relevant situational influences in this purchase situation. Situational influences is all those factors that impact customer s decision beside the condition of products self and pertains to time and location (Quester, etc, 2013, p.38). Those two relevant dimensions under situational influences in this situation are temporal perspectives and task definition. The temporal perspectives refer to the specific time during purchase for customer. In this instance, the gifts are for Chinese New Year occasion. Therefore the purchase is specific to the festival season. Furthermore, Wei has ample time to consider and make the purchase as he has able to survey during the long weekend holiday for the gifts just before Chinese New Year. Task definition is the reason for customer purchase of products, and includes customer s requirements for the products. Wei`s reason is to represent his wishes to his family for Chinese New Year. The requirements of Wei for the gifts are that it is Australian made product, could be conveniently purchased and suitable for his entire family members and thus chooses
  • 7. The Importance Of Respect In Society Today We use it every day. Your parents tell you about it all the time. Most don t know exactly what it means. Respect. To have respect is to hold oneself worthy of your admiration or approval. Society cannot function without respect because it is the oil that keeps the gears turning. Respect is actively listening, obeying orders, and being mindful, whether it s to others, the environment, the law, or yourself. In today s society, respect is decreasing. In schools, in the workplace, at home, and in public with racism, sexism, religious intolerance, and more. Racism and police brutality have increased since cases like of Trayvon Martin and Freddie Gray. People of color have not received the respect they deserve and respect for policemen is decreasing. Sexism has increased since third wave feminists surfaced and skewed people s image and respect for feminists. Religious intolerance increases as terrorist attacks continue with people s misconceptions about Islam. An example of a group lacking respect in society today is the youth. The youth isn t anywhere near as respectful to their parents, teachers, or elders as they were before the nineteen hundreds. But to make the youth more respectful, one must respect the youth. Jenni Herd wrote in response to Times s Moods and meltdowns: what s inside the teenage brain? , [We re] angry that we have to clean up your mess, while you hold us in contempt, analyzing our responses as though we were another species? I would like adults to treat us
  • 8. Coordinate Reference System 1.What is the difference between a coordinate reference system and a projection (transformation)? Why would you want to change your coordinate reference system during any analysis? Remember that a coordinate reference system is a special type (and thought of as a key component) of the broader concept of spatial reference system . The difference between a coordinate reference system and a projection (transformation) are that a projection provides various mechanisms to project maps of the earth s spherical surface onto a two dimensional Cartesian coordinate plane whereas a coordinate reference system enables geographic datasets to use common locations for integration. A coordinate systemis a reference system used to represent the locations ... Show more content on ... 10.What do the values in the field A1_FMTXT appear to mean and what is their level of measurement? (see the pdf metadata file) The values in the field A1_FMTXT provide a text summary of the type of land or environment and the material the cell is made up of. The scale of measurement is nominal. 11.Zoom in close on the shorelines to see how they are different. Compare the landscape makeup or conditions at four locations, two where land conditions in NLCD and SZLINETH are similar and two more where they differ. Use x,y coordinates to record the location and write a short description. Where they differ: Location 1: 124В°3 22.398 W 46В°57 36.813 N SZLINETH states that this location is a flat sandy area whereas Washington_NLCD_erd_032200 recognizes it as a value of 51, representing shrubland or areas dominated by shrubs. Location 2: 124В°6 36.612 W 46В°51 3.126 N SZLINETH states that this location is a beach with relic ridges or a vegetated dune compared to Washington_NLCD_erd_032200, which recognizes it as a value of 42 which indicates evergreen forest and areas characterized by trees where 75% or more of the tree species maintain their leaves all
  • 9. Special Education Synthesis The following are the topics I have chosen to use for my synthesis paper: Teacher Education: Toward a Qualified Teacher in Every Classroom Trends Relating to Special Education Service Provisions in Public, Private Schools, and Charter Schools Impacts of Accountability and Data Driven Models for Special Education Teachers and Students Teachers, services provisions, and accountability have impacted special education in similar and different ways. In my paper I will look at the impact each area has on the students, parents, and the teachers. There are links from all three topics to the NCLB act, which has had some recent changes. I hope to learn more about each area and how they affect both general education teachers and special
  • 10. Jrotc History 10w113st. Chicago, IL 60628 LETT 1 Carver Military Academy 13100 S Carver dr. Chicago,IL 60827 Master Sergeant Coleman 100 Years of JROTC Yesterday Today And Tomarrow ` Army Jrotc Traces its History back to the American Scientific, Literary, and Military Academy, later known as Norwich university, founded in 1819 by Captain Alden Patridge. Then, under the National Defense Acts of 1916, High Schools were allowed to have federal military equipment and instructors. This marks the birth of Junior Reserve Officer s Training Corps. Ever since Army JROTC has Grown to include over 1,500 school across the United States Of America.The united States Army Junior Reserve Officer s Training ... Show more content on ... By May 1981, approximately 40,000 women were enrolled in college and university ROTC units throughout the United States. By May 1981, over 32,000 were enrolled in the high school units.In 1987 the first true mission statement for JROTC stated, Motivating young people to be good Americans, which was later modified. Today the JROTC mission statement states, To motivate young people to be better citizens. JROTC taught combat tactics and combat weapons training, and military based tactics such as first aid. In 1990 everything took a change as a result to a curriculum change. The Curriculum dropped combat tactics and combat weapons training, and increased the focus on citizenship. As of 2005, there are 1420 schools with JROTC programs, approximately 278,000 cadets, approximately 3600 instructors and more than 300 schools on a waiting list to establish their own JROTC program. There are 314,000 cadets in more than 1,700 JROTC programs across the country.The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard each operate their own versions of the program for high schoolers, which are offered at more than 3,000 U.S. high schools as an elective
  • 11. The Relationship between Academic Obstacles and Facilitators University students make up a large population in most countries and may be the most important individual s part of a society; as they constitute of future professionals and degree obtainers. The life of a student is very different to other age groups and may prove to be extremely stressful and pressurised as the importance to having a profession, especially in South Africa, is heightened because of financial pressure and recessions. It has been argued and researched that the well being of a studentis important for their academic performance, therefore their health needs to be taken into context and maintained to ensure peak performance. The purpose of this essay is to assess the relationship between academic obstacles and facilitators and how they hinder or promote academic performance, as well as how it may affect the well being of the student. When students are going through a stressful period in their studies, such as exam time or when assignments are due, they often feel exhausted and sometimes unable to manage their time properly in order to get their work done on time, or simply not being able to cope with the nature of the work. It is argued that students who are experiencing emotional exhaustion will perform poorly in their studies (Salanova, Schaufeli, Martinez Breso, 2008). This is because students who feel exhausted will experience feelings of demotivation, irritability, detachment and cynicism towards their work. While those who have positive feelings
  • 12. Desert Elephant Research Paper The Gourma region of central Mali, mali renewable energy boosts agricultural production.html West Africa is home to one of the last herds of desert elephants the other desert herd lives in Namibia. Like elephants easy ways to help this world elephant day.html in Africa, they re disappearing at an alarming rate, but they could go extinct much sooner than other African elephants in 2025. Conservationists warn that without more protection from the government, Mali s desert elephants could be extinct in three short years. Mali is Standing by While the Elephants are Being Slaughtered As reported in Reuters, desert elephants extinction three years ... Show more content on ... The WILD Foundation elephants/ explains that many locals support elephant conservation efforts because they understand that the threats to the elephants are the same as the threats to their own livelihoods, especially those who rely on natural resources. Saving the last desert elephants can benefit locals in other ways: more security and community reconciliation and less youth recruitment and radicalization. While local support is a critical piece in saving Mali s desert elephants, the government s support will ultimately determine the elephant s future: survival or extinction in three years. How is the Malian government addressing this elephant crisis? Susan Canney, director of Mali Elephant Project for the WILD Foundation, is very critical of the government s efforts. Typical bureaucracy (e.g. not receiving government approval and firearms) is preventing the foundation s 50 rangers from assisting the desert elephants. Even though the government sent some army forces to monitor the elephants, it could and should be doing more: Mali is standing by while the elephants are being slaughtered ... If we continue at this rate, they will all be gone in three years, Canney tells
  • 13. The Four Elements Of Hip-Hop 1.4.1. The Art of the Streets Hip Hop is a complex cultural movement formed during the early 1970s by African Americans in the slums of South Bronx, New York (Dyson 6), it propagated outside of the African American community in late 1980s, and by the opening of the 21th century it became the most spread culture in the world. Hip Hop consists of four elements: Deejay, Break Dancing, Rapping, and Graffiti. (Kenon 112) 1.4.2. Hip Hop Elements The phenomenon of Hip Hop has reached every corner of the globe, due to its easy form of express emotional or sociopolitical thoughts in a new and creative way, throughout its four elements: A.Deejay Is a complex form of creating music samples from already existed ones, with the help of at least a Turntable ... Show more content on ... D.Graffiti Is the most controversial element on hip hop, and tends to be its visual expression. The definition of graffiti could be that it is a mural interpretation of the artists inner that can be resulted in a drawing, writing, or a symbolic projection (Edwards 13 17). There are three types of the graffiti art: the Tagging, which can be a simple form of one color only; second, is the Threw Up in which the artist may use more than two colors, and the Spray is the third type where more colors and complexity is used. (Gross 285) The roots of graffiti started about 1971 by a Greek American who tagged TAKI 183 in all New York subway system, he declared that he used graffiti to create an identity in which he is certain about (Fortuna 3), then it emerged all around America and the world. (David 72) Hip Hop isn t just four elements combined within a culture, it is also a way of life, a language, a fashion, a set of values, and a unique perspective (Efrem 2), the hip hop basic and sub elements have a strong impact in the American society mainly on its
  • 14. Marilyn Manson Research Paper For my paper I thought I would look into someone who was daring and has always kept people guessing. He has become highly known for his outrageous outfits and on stage frolics, both have earned him a legion of fans and just as many protesters. Marilyn Manson, born Brian Hugh Warner on January 5, 1969, in Canton, Ohio, has been one of the most controversial American goth rock performer that has been protested and boycotted because of his perceived dark views. Yet genius in his own right. A well known singer and performer. Marilyn Manson combined the names of Marilyn Monroe and Charles Mansonfor his stage name. In its own right deserves some questioning. Warner had a tough childhood, grew up in private schools and was molested several times
  • 15. Female And Male Reproductive Systems The resources available in this course for the week 3 readings of The Female and Male Reproductive Systems were helpful. The resources were beneficial and in depth and provided detailed information about the reproduction process for males and females. The three resources I found helpful this week in learning about the puberty and the reproductionsystem were the interactive glossary, anatomical images, and the self care assessments to check for any unordinary signs or issues. The resources helped to enhance the learning and provided a better understanding of reproduction for both genders. The reproductive process is a natural part of life. It signifies that body is in the process of transforming a girl or boy into young women and men and eventually into adults. The interactive glossary was a great resource to use for multiple reasons. It contained a dictionary for students to type the word needed defined and view the meanings as well as show where what part of the Human Sexuality book the term originated. The interactive materials such as anatomical reviews, interactive reviews, flashcards, resources, links, practical quizzes, self assessments, and web exercises provide in depth knowledge on an important topic. The anatomical images as well as the text explaining the reproduction process was enlightening. The images identified areas affected during the reproduction process and anatomical positions of the genital areas as well as different parts of it that play a crucial
  • 16. Annotated Bibliography On Teaching And Teaching Customized Learning Theory Paper Annotated Bibliography Brittani Thomas Liberty University: EDUC 500 September 22, 2015 Customized Learning Theory Paper Annotated Bibliography Hudgins, B.B., Riesenmy, M.R. (1994). Teaching self direction to enhance children s thinking in physical science. Journal of Educational Research, 88(1), 15. This article focused on the constant debate concerning the conditions in which students develop the skill of thinking critically. Being able to use critical thinking requires knowledge of facts and concepts about the subject matter. I found this article interesting because I think it is important that students develop critical thinking skills. Most scholarly articles tend to have an abstract that summarizes the papers entirety. Due to this this article is considered scholarly. Fang, Z., Wei, Y. (2010). Improving Middle School Students Science Literacy through Reading Infusion. Journal of Educational Research, 103(4), 262 273 There have been few studies focusing on the impact that reading comprehension has in the science curriculum on students science comprehension. Random students were selected to participate in either inquiry based science only or inquiry based science plus reading conditions. The results showed that students that performed in an inquiry science based plus reading significantly outperformed the inquiry based science only students. In the state of Georgia students must pass the state
  • 17. The Nature of Logic and Perception Essay example Critical thinking is the use of those cognitive skills or strategies that increase the probability of a desirable outcome. It is used to describe thinking that is purposeful, reasoned and goal directed the kind of thinking involved in solving problems, formulating inferences, calculating likelihood s, and making decisionswhen the thinker is using skills that are thoughtful and effective for the particular context and type of thinking task. Thus, critical thinking involves: following evidence where it leads; considering all possibilities; relying on reason rather than emotion; being precise; considering a variety of possible viewpoints and explanations; weighing the effects of motives and biases; being concerned more with finding the... Show more content on ... This requires that they develop sound criteria and standards for analyzing and assessing their own thinking and routinely use those criteria and standards to improve its quality. Broadly speaking, critical thinking is concerned with reason, intellectual honesty, and open mindedness, as opposed too emotionalism, intellectual laziness, and closed mindedness. Wordnet views perceptionas insight, intuition, or knowledge gained by perceiving, a way of conceiving something (Wordnet, 1997). Perception, to me is the way I view something or situation, it may not necessarily be the way the situation happened. I was recently involved in a situation at work when my co workers and me perceived that weekly department meeting would be unpleasant and hostile. The reason for the misperception was because our supervisor sent us a hostile email. He was having a bad
  • 18. Problem Statement For Morningside Hotel SUBJECT: COMPUTER NETWORKS IV SUBJECT CODE: ECN411 ASSIGNMENT NO.: 1 SURNAME: DLOMO INITIALS: N. H. STUDENT NO.: 201491096 DATE HANDED IN: 24 10 2014 i. Table of Content ContentPage Number ii. Problem statement3 1. Introduction3 1.1 Background3,4 1.2 Hardware5 1.3 Software6 2. Solution to Morningside Hotel6 2.1 Physical Layer6,7,8 2.2 Data Link Layer8,9 2.3 Network Layer9,10 2.4 Transport Layer10,11 2.5 Application Layer11 2.6 Security Measures11,12 2.7 Configuration12 3. Conclusion12 iii. References13 ii. Problem Statement You own an entertainment ... Show more content on ... Our system will follow multiple protocols such as Telnet (Terminal emulation protocol), HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), DNS (Domain Name System) FTP (File Transfer Protocol). As we are going to use a telnet server as a data storage, multiple clients will be access such data/information maybe at the same time. The server relies on the lower layers to handle such a high volume of requests. A process that will be adapted on application layer services protocol is a client/server
  • 19. Gracile Features Introduction The more gracile features that denote a female typically include the smaller size or often nonexistence of certain features found on the skeleton including but not limited to the nuchal crest, mastoid process, and brow ridges. Also, the average height of a female is shorter than that of the average male. Due to this difference in skeletal structure, most of the bones in the female skeleton should in some form be sexually dimorphic. The trend of smaller features is of course excluding the pelvic girdle, on which most female features are larger and rounder due to the skeletal requirements of childbirth. Given the above statement, it is reasonable to predict that there would be a distinguishable difference between the metacarpal of a male and a female. Studies have proved that metacarpals are sexually dimorphic, and can be used to identify the sex of a skeleton in both Egyptian and Tai populations. Due to these past studies, it is logical to assume that the same sexually dimorphism can be found in the European population. If successful this study could develop an algorism to help determine the sex from just a single bone. This advancement in our knowledge of sex identification could propel cases, in which the sex of the induvial was undeterminable from the bones recovered. Literary Review A couple studies have been ... Show more content on ... The measurements include the width, length, diameter, and height of all the metacarpals, giving adequate data to the size of the hand, and joint sizes. Using the data collected from the metacarpals a formula should prove that White Females have distinctly smaller measurement than that of White Males. The difference in measurement is due to the more gracile features of females who need less robust metacarpals because less space for muscle attachment is
  • 20. Essay On Teen Depression Word count: 1108 Summary: Teen depression is a serious issue that plagues the nation. The 3rd leading cause of death for young adults and teens is suicide, which can often be the result of depression. Olivia Reardon is one such victim of teen depression. Beginning high school, Olivia was Captain of the lacross and field hockey team as well as an honors student. This all changed when Olivia turned 15. Her mother slowly began to notice the subtle signs of depression in her daughter. These included irritability, anger, and even rage. Olivia was in a dower mood often and had lost interest in things which normally excited her. She handled this by bottling up her emotions. She thought that this was her problem, and she didn t need to bother her... Show more content on ... Therapy is always the first line of defense. Depression is a physical illness that affects the mind just like appendicitis affects the body. The social stigma that surrounds mental health issues is a barrier that keeps patients from treatment and is something we as a society have to address. If you have a firearm in your home and you are afraid your family member may be suffering from depression, secure it. It is of the utmost importance that the person afflicted does not have a means to harm themselves or others. If you wish to use holistic approaches to combat depression, they are best used to supplement medicine and therapy. Light therapy and vitamins are effective supplements. Response: I have a very close friend who has tried to take his own life after a battle with depression. One thing that I think is overlooked is the roles anxiety and internalization of emotion play in depression. Suicidal thoughts and actions are often induced by the desire to escape extreme anxiety by any means necessary. This is how my friend described it to me. He also said that he felt like a bother to everyone and that his perpetual existence was only a burden on his family. These thoughts combined into a perfect storm. Luckily, he reached out to his parents and was hospitalized for several days. Many of our close friends and I were shocked to find out about this turn of events. We had no idea he was going through this deep, dark depression. The amount of friends and family
  • 21. Sports Tourism And The Environment Article Review: 1 Course: Leisure, Sport Tourism, and the Environment Course Code: SMGT4004 Name: Jariel Jack Date: 23/05/2017 Introduction Throughout the twentieth century sports tourism has developed from a privilege of the few sports tourism has to be considered as more than just the crossroads of sports and analysis of organizational aspects of sports tourism; and tourisms seems to be one of the major challenges in this field , organizational issues have rarely been addressed in sports tourism research diverse actors are involved in sports tourism. Although, sports tourism research has made noteworthy progress in recent years, the methodological foundations for sports tourism research . In 2006, ... Show more content on ... Their relationships, the dynamics between single actors and regional structures are simultaneously, the configuration of RST (regional sport tourism) as an institution influence the actions of the actors involved. Determine the interaction of the different actors on the individual as well as on since the relations and interactions between involved actors are the structural key element of RST, we first need to know who the involved actors are. As shown before, knowledge about the structural network of actors in RST is super network to describe the cluster of RST actors is used mainly metaphorically. possible to analyse the structural actors within a social network. graph theory, actors are represented by points and their relations to other actors by network analysis is to identify latent structures of actor relationships, which have shown before, different organizational cultures are a great challenge in RST, since involved actors may have essentially different interests . the structures to be found in the organization of RST. commensurable with the structural features of RST. of networks in RST, it is necessary to analyze the underlying mechanisms of IONs. Model, Esser introduced a meso level to explain so called social
  • 22. New Construction Home If you are getting ready to buy a house, you ve no doubt pondered over whether to buy a new construction home or a pre existing home. And you should. But buying a new construction home is very different from buying a pre existing home. Not so much in the way the buying process works, but in the way you get to that point. There are so many different factors involved in buying and negotiating new constructions homes, that it can make your head spin. Therefore, we are going to give your some tips for negotiating new construction homes that will make you look like a pro while quite possibly saving you thousands of dollars in the long run. What Do I Need To Do Before Negotiating A New Construction Home? Buying a new construction home is going to ... Show more content on ... And that means your property taxes will increase as well, because the property taxes are based on the value of the home. Therefore, you will need to be financially able to pay a potentially higher mortgage payment each year until the jump in value evens out. And unfortunately, if you can t afford to pay an increased monthly payment every year for a while, then you should probably hold off on buying a new construction home for now. Talk to your real estateagent or the builder to see if they can help you determine, based on their experience with new homes, about how much that particular home could be expected to
  • 23. My Personal Philosophy Of Nursing Personal Philosophy of Nursing My philosophy of nursing has developed and evolved over my career as a nurse from taking care of just the patient to a more holistic approach that fosters hope and includes caring for the entire family unit while placing the patient at the center of care. I believe that all people are important no matter their culture, station, or religious background. Patient care affects not just the individual patient. It affects everyone around the patient including the society in which they live. Nurses should practice with compassion, respect, and dignity while being the patient s advocate and maintaining competency within their scope of practice. My philosophy has been influenced by the Quality Care Model, personal values, historical nursing figures, and my personal experiences with nurses. Even one nurse can make a difference. Personal Experiences with Nurses At the end of a busy day, my father calls and says that my mother is very sick. She had been in the hospital for intravenous fluids. I could tell by his tone of voice that something was gravely wrong. I rushed to the hospital to find my mother barely able to breathe. Her nurse was racing to control her breathing while giving her a diuretic. My mother is a very small person and the nurse had ascertained the fact that she was given too much fluid. She was in fluid overload. Her nurse had just saved my mother s life. All the while, he was able to comfort my father and reassure me. He
  • 24. The Themes Of Diego Rivera Diego Rivera held themes of: social inequality; industry; technology; history; and the relationship of nature of Mexico. It started when Diego Rivera, a Mexican painter and muralist, became interested in painting at such a young age. His parents designated a room for him to pain murals on the walls. Growing up he attended art classes after school in Mexicoand continued art classes in Europe. He studied in the Academy of San Carlos and in Jose Guadalupe Posada s workshop. He dedicated himself to studying traditional European artistic styles and combined with the influence of Mexican folk artist Posada, his distinct Mexican style of art blossomed. Diego Riveraalso became interested in the paintings of artists from the Renaissance era. Rivera was later offered his first exhibition at San Carlos Academy and was very successful that he was able to afford to return to Europe. After traveling he returned to Mexico when his interested in the mural movement that narrate social history and politics of Mexico. The mural movement began in 1920. The Mexican ruler also wanted murals on the walls of the schools. Diego Rivera was one of artists chosen to do so. His murals were also painted in the United States. The Mexican ruler wanted murals to decorate the walls of the schools. Rivera was one of three artists chosen to paint these murals. He was invited to paint murals in the United States. He painted one in California and then went to Detroit where in 1932 and 1933 he painted
  • 25. Episodic Memory Our ability to retain information from our every day experiences is due to our episodic memory (Berk, 238). This research paper examines the effects of genetics as well as the participants personal lifestyles in the hopes of assessing the reasons behind the stability and decline in episodic memory (Josefsson et al., 2012). The investigation is important in understanding the development of our episodic memory by knowing what effects our ability to retain every day experiences. It may also help our understanding of how information processing can be improved or stabilized. The researchers used the methodology of the longitudinal design over the course of 15 years and used self report methods and a series of episodic tests. The participants were ... Show more content on ... The remaining 68% are ranked in terms of an average typical aging participant. The most important finding suggests that the more educated and physically active you are, and if you carry the catechol O methyltransferase gene, the more likely you are to retain information from your everyday experiences (Josefsson et al., 2012). Yet those whose episodic memory declines with age may be a result of no physical activity, are overall less educated and carry the allele apolipoprotein E Й›4. Furthermore, it is important to note that women are the dominant gender in episodic memory stability (Josefsson et al., 2012). Based on my interpretation, it is essential to conduct further research to note whether genetics overweighs our level of education and to what extent genetics plays a role in episodic memory stability and or decline. Also, the data provided a rather broad conclusion but the evidence is sufficient to state an overall answer to the research
  • 26. Jim Barton The New CIO Preparing for IT Leadership E xc e r p t e d fro m The Adventures of an IT Leader By Robert D. Austin, Richard L. Nolan, and Shannon O Donnell Harvard Business Press Boston, Massachusetts ISBN 13: 978 1 4221 3008 7 3009BC Copyright 2009 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America This chapter was originally published as chapter 1 of The Adventures of an IT Leader, copyright 2009 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the... Show more content on ... The silence grew long. Finally, Williams turned to look at Barton. Speechless was not a word most people could imagine applying to Jim Barton. His energy and outspokenness as head of the Loan Operations department made him one of IVK s most dynamic executives, a key player and a likely CEO someday of a different company, if not this one. But the news Williams had conveyed moments before had left Barton silent, dumbfounded. A few minutes earlier Barton had rushed to William s ofп¬Ѓce, summoned for his turn with the new chief. All morning, leadership team members had marched down that hallway one at a time, each after receiving a phone call, each on a journey to discover his or her fate. As the executive assistant greeted him courteously and waved him in, Barton allowed himself some optimism. Most likely, he thought, he was about to receive a promotion. He d done a good job, been a big contributor as the company had grown to its present size. Something like Chief Operating Ofп¬Ѓcer would п¬Ѓt him quite nicely. 1 The Hero Called to Action On the other hand, to hear that he was being asked to leave would not have enormously surprised him. He hadn t done anything to warrant such treatment. But unexpected things happen when companies are in crisis. The logic behind executive appointments, retirements, resignations, and п¬Ѓrings was rarely transparent. Sometimes, Barton thought there was little logic to it at all. The timing of his meeting gave Barton reason
  • 27. Calculus C Are Largely Defined By Derivatives Of Vector... The major topics explored in Calculus C are largely defined by derivatives of vector valued and parametrically defined functions, integration by partial fractions, improper integrals, series convergence (Taylor and Maclaurin), L Hopitals Rule, and numerous applications. All of the following topics require a solid foundation in not only CalculusA but also Calculus B. Vector valued functions include mathematical functions of one or more variables whose range is defined as a set of both multidimensional vectors and infinite dimensional vectors. Much of this was expanded on by Newton and Descartes during the Enlightenment in Europe. Newton largely defined calculus in his book Principia Mathematica whereas Descartes was the founder of analytic ... Show more content on ... The derivative of a three dimensional vector function can be differentiated by using standard differentiating rules, taught in a standard Calculus A course, as it breaks up the components in the Cartesian coordinate system. Integration by partial fractions, or in other words commonly known as the partial derivative of a vector function, is defined with a commonly used variable a, with respect to the frequently used scalar variable q. A sub I is the scalar component of a in the direction of e sub i. Sometimes, it is also called the direction cosine of a and e sub i, but it is also frequently known in most math classes as the dot product. The vectors e1,e2,e3 form what is known as an orthonormal basis that is commonly fixed in the reference frame in which the derivative of the partial is being taken. This was also further expanded on by Newton in the 17th century in his famous book Principia Mathematica and he often used the notation from Gottfried Leibniz, another 17th century mathematician. Defined by Isaac Newton and Descartes, in calculus C, another frequently taught topic is what is known as an improper integral. It is defined as the limit of a definite integral as an endpoint of the interval or intervals of integration approach either a specified definite real number or infinity or even in some cases negative infinity. In other cases both endpoints approach limits. Such an integral is often written symbolically just like a standard definite integral,
  • 28. Gender Roles And Stereotypes Have On Women This paper focuses on gender roles in advertisements and further analyzes the affect these advertisements have on women. Gender roles refer to the ways in which individuals are expected to act based on their gender. These roles are very prevalent in society, and because of this, are also depicted heavily in advertisements. Although men do receive negative messages from advertisements, this paper focuses more on women because of the amount of violence and stereotypes that are depicted towards them in these ads. What is the history of this topic? Gender roles and stereotypes are forced upon individuals the moment they are brought into the world. If an individual is born with female genitalia, they are automatically labeled as girl and if they have male ... Show more content on ... They are then told how to act and look based on these labels, and it is very hard to escape these expectations. Girls are expected to become mothers and housewives and be confident but also submissive. Boys are expected to pursue high paying careers and marry a beautiful woman and be tough. This has been the case since the beginning of time, with gender roles changing throughout time and throughout cultures. The primary agents of socialization are parents, peers, social institutions, and the media (Kimmel 2017). Media is a very important agent to study because everyone is exposed to some form of media each day, and media is an easy and accessible way for people to learn things about the world. It has been said that the advertisement industry has been incorporating gender roles into their campaigns for approximately 40 years (Browall Nd). Past research has found that in advertisements, women are given the following attributes: passivity, lack of intelligence and credibility, deference, shyness and helplessness (Browne 1998). This research has also found that in advertisements, men appear to be constructive, powerful, controlling, achieving and autonomous (Browne 1998).
  • 29. Mount Vesuvius Research Paper Review of Literature Introduction History of Mount Vesuvius Mount Vesuvius is the only active volcano in mainland Europe and is considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world! It s elevation is over 4,000 feet (1,219 m) and the distance around the base is 30 miles (48.3 km). This humongous mountain is located in Ottaviano, Metropolitan City of Naples, Italy, which is now known for its ancient castles and history. It took about 300,000 years for Mount Vesuviusto look the way it does today. This volcano started forming on the ocean floor as a submarine volcano. This mountain is a stratovolcano. A stratovolcano forms when it erupts under the ocean repeatedly, adding layers and layers of lava to it as it occurs. This mountain ... Show more content on ... On every eruption, volcanic ash starts forming after all the gases in magma expand and escape into the atmosphere. Volcanic soils, also called andisols, form after all the volcanic ash from previous eruptions accumulates. These soils bond well with organic materials, which facilitates the plants to utilize the minerals in the soil as nutrients. As a result of all the organic minerals in the volcano s caldera, it is now covered with trees and plants. Mount Vesuvius has erupted about three dozen times since 79 A.D. It s most recent eruption was on the year of 1944. But it wasn t as powerful as the 79 A.D. eruption, which by the way is the most famous and well known. The eruption buried three nearby towns, one of which was Pompeii. It was buried under 18 feet (5.5 m) of rubble, ash and pumice. In A.D. 79, the Roman naturalist and historian Pliny the Younger, just 18 years old at the time, wrote letters about the event. According to the book Volcanoes of the World: Mount Vesuvius, He wrote that it was like a storm of stones. He was the first person in history ever to record information about volcanoes. As a result of this, scientists now call eruptions of the most dangerous kind, like this one, plinian. Because his written records gives scientists the earliest sight into a volcanic eruption, they believe that the 79 A.D. eruption lasted for about 18 hours and created a cloud of ash 20 miles (32.2 km)
  • 30. Motivation In Bartleby And Benito Cereno What is the root cause of a person s actions? Mainly it is their experiences and their inner feelings regarding their life. If a person s life is privileged, then they are not as prone to negative actions; however, if a person s life is hard, then they might be more inclined to try to change their lives and be cruel to those who are making their lives difficult. Motivation is the initiating factor behind most people s actions, the more motivated the more likely action is taken. According to Kendra Cherry on, The incentive theory suggests that people are motivated to do things because of external rewards . With the right amount of motivation people are more prone to take action in their lives. What would happen if the roles of... Show more content on ... Due to the reverse of roles in the control of the ship, the reason the Spaniards did not continue to try to blatantly take action against the slaves, may have been due to them not dealing with distress as long as the slaves had, so their incentive to act was not as strong. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, Distress levels may have a role in increasing the motivation to change or search for a change strategy , therefore, the slaves success in overtaking the ship was heavily motivated by years of distress and unfortunate circumstances. Melville s short story, Bartleby , also portrays a role reversal. In Bartleby , the lawyer, who hires Bartleby, slowly becomes more like an employee than an employer; since, Bartleby refuses to work or leave the office building and the lawyer simply works around him, instead of being more insistent that Bartleby actually work or leave the building. Though this role reversal is not as evident as the reversal in Melville s Benito Cereno , a switch between employer and employee does occur. Not much information is given about Bartleby, so it can not completely be explained as to why he is so motivated to refuse to follow orders and do whatever he desires, but the lawyer s hesitation to become a stronger willed employer instead of almost an employee can be explained. The lawyer was not great at handling his employees to begin with, since so many of them had
  • 31. Gods And Goddesses Essay Carter Ronca Professor Robinson February 10, 2015 First Unit Assessment Essay Gods and Goddesses The beginning of religion coexists with the beginning of humans trying to take control over the world and protect themselves and limit their vulnerability to the outside forces. The need of early human society is the same everywhere. This need of protection eventually evolves down the road to the need for freedom and escape from pain. The development of central governments would lead to the formation of divine kings and empires. This growth would unify the different goals and the needs of the people. However, it would also have a huge effect on the underlying nature of early religions. The early conception of Ancient Egyptians religion is not that easy. Very little artifacts have been discovered ... Show more content on ... In the world of giant metaphors, which the Egyptian temple represented, each element is the overall architectural programme played both a physical functional role and metaphorical one in symbolizing some aspect of the temple s underlying meaning and purpose. Each temple was divided into zones. The first was the open area. Next, were the outer courts that were assessable to the priests and on very rare occasions to the common people. Last, were the inner halls where only purified priest could enter. The sanctuary was also found in the inner halls and only kings and the very high priests were allowed in this area. Beyond these zones laid areas that were central to the everyday role of the temples. Here administrative chamber, gardens, schools, libraries and areas used for various uses. The furniture of the temples in the form of obelisks and statues had very distinct decorations and inscriptions. These served as intricate interacting parts making temples worlds within worlds. Temples preserved not only the gods, but also the society where they were
  • 32. Conceptualizing Global Environmental Politics Essay This essay will respond to the central problem facing global environmental politics insofar as the resolution of such problems as global warming, the hole in the ozone layer, the loss of biodiversity, and many other transnational environmental issues rests upon some sort of consensus among extremely diverse groups. These are considered global problemsnot only because of their apocalyptic potential but they are also unique in that the terrain where they occur [is] property that could be claimed by everyone or by no one. They [are] global also in that no nation [is] fortunate enough to be insulated from their effects (Guha 139). From this worrisome background, the starting point of this essay begins with the question that Ramachandra Guha... Show more content on ... In other words, for Northerners to stress back to the land was in fact a departure from the status quo but for Ghandi he had no choice. To point out the difference between Ghandi s pragmatism and the northern back to the landers is not to disparage either side. Rather, in a wider sense, it is valuable to know that global cooperation will require not only consensus (to a certain degree) about the negative aspects of industrialization but will also require self reflexive acknowledgements that account for differing historical and material circumstances. Furthermore, on top of recognizing differences among historical and material circumstances the environmental discourse will need to account for differing views of how to best manage the destructive propensity of industrialization. For instance, in 1972 Ghandi s own daughter (Indira Ghandi), and prime minister of India is said to have argued that if pollution [is] the price of progress, her people wanted more of it (Guha 112). As this quote indicates, although Ghandi and the back to the landers offer a valuable alternative to
  • 33. Analysis Of Fun Home By Alison Bechdel Analytical Essay on Fun Home By: Alison Bechdel Even though a lot of thing events that happened to Bechdel was sad, dark, or scary she manages to use a very witty tone throughout the story reflecting on her personality. She believes dark events are not central to one s life. She uses this tone as oppose to an angry tone because she never realized her family was any different until she was compared it to others. This strongly classifies Bechdel in the optimistic category of personalities. The tone of this novel can strike many people as hard to determine or understand. One of the best things about this novel is the consistency that Bechdel creates from her earliest childhood memories all the way until the ending of the book. Tone is known to illustrate the underlying feelings of the author. What is also very striking is Bechdel s lack of emotion when any surprising event happens to her. What most tend to remember is when Mr. Bechdel s death is announced to Bechdel and how she responds to the news. Speaking normally, or what most would refer to as normal is to have some kind of emotional breakthrough when finding out their loved one has passed in a tragic accident. Is he dead? (Bechdel 81). In these three words Bechdel demonstrates her inability to fit into the mere normal category of reactions and blows the audience away. Bechdel explains how she cried for about two minutes to her girlfriend at the time and that was the most of mourning she did at all. Using the witty
  • 34. Dialectical Change Marx embraced Hegel s belief that the driving force of historical change was the dialectic. This refers to a process of development in which interaction between two opposing forces leads to a further stage. Conflict between a thesis and its opposing force, an antithesis, leads to a higher level, a synthesis, which, in turn, constitutes a new thesis. However, while Hegel explained dialectical change in terms of ideas or the world spirit , Marx gave the concept a materialist interpretation. Perceiving history as a series of economic stages of society, most of which contain two main classes, Marx explained historical change by reference to the class conflict within each economic system that eventually led to the collapse of each class society.
  • 35. Nicotine Annotated Bibliography An Annotated Bibliography Wagner, Heather Lehr. The Health Effects of Nicotine and Smoking. Nicotine, Chelsea House Publishers, Philadelphia, 2003, pp. 44 59, Print. As reported by Heather s, Nicotine contains a large amount of toxic substance which can lead to several causes and effects to health. The substances in nicotine effects on the brain and its addicted. When a person smokes, the nicotine substance travels to the brain within 10 seconds and changes the function of the brain. Blood that enters the lungs to picks up oxygen also pickup something else the nicotine . It also rises the blood pressure by five to ten points and heart rate by ten to twenty beats per minute. However, nicotine also performs as a sense of feeling of pleasure. Nicotine reaches to brain within a speedy rate and disperses soon conversely, its increases use of cigarettes. Smoking a Pack a Day for a Year Causes 150 Mutations in Lung Cells. Genetic Damage Caused by Smoking Measured in Different Organs of the Body. ScienceDaily News, ScienceDaily, 3 Nov. 2016.3 As stated in the report published in ScienceDaily news, researchers have found out tobacco smoking causes ruinous genetic damage in various body parts, and causes mutations in DNA. The Los Alamos National Laboratory added smoking a day one packet ... Show more content on ... The NIOSH study reveals that working women s i.e., reproductive age involved in smoking has adverse effects on their pregnancy and the health of their infant. The evaluation of data of 2009 2013 from the National Health Interview Survey discovered there were 17% of working women who were smokers at their reproductive age and 76% were daily smokers. Further, the study shows the women working in certain industries and businesses have higher smoking
  • 36. The Global Stage Of The European Union The statement that a Belgian Minister once quoted indicated his thoughts of the global stage of the European Union (EU) which included, the European union was a little more than an economic giant, political dwarf and military worm. With this being said, I can confidently say within my six week summer long semester into the history of the European Union, I agree with the Belgian Minister s statement primarily due to their economic trading power, weak political power, but I think their military is not no worm. According to the (1), The European Union is one of strongest economic areas in the world. There is an estimated five hundred million people. Europealso make up of seven point three percent of the world s population,... Show more content on ... The concept is carefully related to those of economic globalization which integrates national economies into the international economy. Such incorporations have been achieved through capital flow, trading of goods and services, and foreign direct investment. Since the primary link has been the European Union, which has become a major alliance amongst the European nations. With the EU s focusing on globalization their economic power has gone up. I feel that with the EU having a single currency and free trade of goods and services is a major contribution to having a strong EU. The world is becoming a tighter community through high tech developments around the world. With technology becoming so advanced international travel becoming more common. Making communication and collaboration with other countries around the world easier and now a common occurrence. Some world leaders envision a global community that would lead to a one world order to include government and commerce. Globalization has been on the rise but is not shared and accepted by all. Nationalism continues to play a significant part in international interactions. With Europe s goal of European alliance for economic purposes, the European Union can be used as a model for economic globalization. The EU restructured their government to have political power by incorporating the European parliament, supranational fiscal union, and the European Commission. The Parliament is the only institution where
  • 37. Virginia Minstrel Shows In The Late 1800 s In the late 1800 s the Virginia Minstrel shows was the way to go for an entertaining night out. The main reason that this touring company was popular was because of the stock characters. Stock characters are characterized as a unique satirized fictional character that is often used to make the plot easier to form. Throughout this reflection I will analyze the key features that stock characters introduce in the Minstrel shows. The stock characters assist in the dramatic script by making the plot easier for the writers and for the audience to predict the outcome of the skit show. Oral tradition is used off the show. It s used off by others retailing the stories to the next generation and so on. Stock characters relate to the oral tradition,
  • 38. Sba 2012 INTRODUCTION This project is a research on the effects of single parenting on families in the community of Newland which is in situated in the Parish of St. Catherine, Portmore within the vicinity of Portmore Lane and Cumberland. Newland host a little over 200 households and businesses. Approximately 30 % of the residents has a stable job hence another 10% is occasionally employed, crime is a major factor affecting the community This project tends to unveil the challenges associated with this family setting and how they overcome these challenges. To better gather information questionnaires were given to twenty single parents that reside in the community. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It gives me great pleasure to... Show more content on ... The samples were chosen based on the responses to the questions, for example, a questionnaire with responses on the short answer lines provided would be used other than that which only an option was chosen. The researcher will focus on the female single parent between the ages of 18 29. PRESENTATION OF DATA The researcher found that teenagers between the ages of 18 and 21, contributes significantly to the number of single parent families in the community. Of the 20 single parents interviewed, 3 were between the ages 21 and 24, 2 were of the age group 24 29. These teenagers have no guidance, as they too are from a single parenting family. They become idle and not goal orientated and as a result ends up pregnant and left in a single parenting position. Chart showing how the single parents get paid [pic] Diagram 1.1 This chart shows how the parents receive their pay. Of the 20 parents interviewed, 16 were paid by wages, whereby minimum wage is about $4500. A child going to school every day would need at least $2000 for the week. Other situations may arise in the week ahead, food is not calculated, the parent has to pay bus fare to go to work. Basically this is saying, most of these families are living hand to mouth. This parent s salary is finished before the week end. Bills
  • 39. Artemia Franciscana and Preference Regarding the Effects... Introduction The Artemia franciscana can survive in extreme conditions of salinity, water depth, and temperature (Biology 108 laboratory manual, 2010), but do A. franciscana prefer these conditions or do they simply cope with their surroundings? This experiment explored the extent of the A. franciscanas preference towards three major stimuli: light, temperature, and acidity. A. franciscana are able to endure extreme temperature ranges from 6 МЉ C to 40 МЉ C, however since their optimal temperature for breeding is about room temperature it can be inferred that the A. franciscana will prefer this over other temperatures (Al Dhaheri and Drew, 2003). This is much the same in regards to acidity as Artemia franciscana, in general thrive in ... Show more content on ... Discussion Referring to the experiment`s hypotheses that the A. franciscana prefers light, temperatures between 20 24 МЉ C, and a basic (pH 8) environment; the results regarding the first treatment, light, were initially vague. According to the experiment results, the A. franciscana did not show a clear preference towards light or dark because both sections contained high concentrations of them; the A. franciscana also strayed from the uncovered section. Several factors may shed light on the results such as the A. franciscanas physical appearance; they possess three light sensitive eyes that can adjust to both low and high light intensities (Fox, 2001). This means that although they may prefer light they can survive in darker habitats as well; relating back to the experiment the A. franciscana may have been content with wherever they were, resulting in limited movement. For the temperature treatment, it was decisive in that the A. franciscana showed a steady increase in concentration from section 1 to 4. This expands on the hypothesis that suggests A. franciscana prefers an optimum temperature between 20 24 МЉ C because from the results of the experiment A. franciscana seemed to prefer even higher temperatures. Al Dhaheri and Drew (2003) state that A. franciscana stop reproducing at temperature above 30 МЉ C and compared to the experiments results. It can be concluded that A. franciscana prefer warmer temperatures, but reproduce at lower
  • 40. Essay On Black Friday Long lines, crowds of people, a million sale signs, standing in below zero weather, and a bright brand name store feeding materials to consumers is the Black Friday Tradition. No better way to give thanks by taking all the money in our pockets and showering it over companies. After devouring a massive meal with lots of turkey, fighting others over items and being uncivilized citizens is what follows. But why is it so many Americans indulge in this tradition? Besides the cheap prices on products, could it be the extensive advertisement drawing us? Or is there a more psychological explanation? In the article Shopping on Black FridayMakes You Feel Like a Well Loved Warrior by Brain Handwerk, there s an overview study behind the appeal and ... Show more content on ... Shopping on Black Friday Makes you feel Like a Well Loved Warrior provides a handful of logical evidence to demonstrate the increased consumer participation growth on Black Friday. Black Friday is ballooning the ritualistic shopping frenzy on the day after thanksgiving is now just one part of a $50 billion weekend of commercial excess that includes Small Business Saturdays and Cyber Monday. (n.p). As the American society keeps joining in on the holiday sales, Handwerk creates a point of the competitiveness between companies that do anything to draw in more money. Not only is there challenges growing among businesses, but within people too, a survey by the National Retail Federation, about 26 percent of 18 to 24 year olds plan to shop on the holiday itself. (n.p). People of this age are catching on to the trend faster than others and find themselves building bonds when they share a common goal. Black Friday is the outlet and excuse for families to gather and buy each other gifts for Christmas. It s the thrill of the buy, and the method to engage with close ones to accomplish their goal, on this year s Black Friday, the National Retail Federation estimates that more that 95 million Americans will rise with the sun and race through crowded stores competing for the bargains. (n.p.). Handwerk includes reliable sources for this research such as
  • 41. Prometheus s Invention Prometheus tried to convince the Council of Scholars that his invention merited their support due to the ability of his invention being able to change the world and that he believed that the Council of Scholars would not of think of this invention in the future (74). Firstly, he believed that his invention could have changed the world by changing how they used light. By having this invention, they wouldn t need old fashioned candles and torches because now they would have electricity (73). By having electricity, they could have become more advanced in their society but it was too bad that the Council of Scholars did not approve of this invention. Since this society was a collectivism based society, the Council of Scholars almost found this... Show more content on ... First of all, the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) allows drugs to be on the market only if they are beneficial to humans. If they cause harm to humans, they would not be approved by the FDA and they wouldn t be on the drug market. You could still find these drugs on the black market and such, but they would be nowhere to be seen in regulated stores. The FDA is similar to the scene considering that both the FDA and the Council of Scholars ban inventions that are not beneficial to the community. The FDA is a little more serious considering that something that they don t ban could end up killing someone. The FDA is different to the scene because the FDA will ban anything that doesn t benefit the humans and the Council of Scholars will pick and choose what they will ban. On the other hand, the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) can allow new air products along with new air routes. The FAA is similar to the scene considering that the FAA and the Council of Scholars can ban dangerous and illegal things. The FAA is different to the scene because obviously they handle two different types of inventions. Overall, the Council of Scholars have similarities and differences with real world
  • 42. Similarities Between Cleopatra And Cleopatra Eckhardt 6 Caesar s guests until his murder, Cleopatra tried to get recognition for her son as rightful heir, but to no avail. (Cinnone) Cleopatra s family ruled Egypt for more than 100 years before she was born around 69 B.C. The stories and myths surrounding Cleopatra s tragic life inspired a number of books, movies and plays, including Antony and Cleopatra by Shakespeare. Cleopatra has become one of the most well known ancient Egyptians. ( Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator. ) In 59 Caesars, with this backing, secured his first consulship, in which he ruthlessly overrode the opposition and disregarded the vetoes of his pro senatorial colleague. Then, between 58 and 51, he conquered the whole of central and northern Gaul as far as the River Rhine, which he briefly crossed. (Grant 29) After Caesar and his army crushed Gaul, both parties became exceptionally affluent. In 49 BC, Caesar attacked Pompey and his men later deserting them. Caesar was victorious, Pompey flees to Egypt and is later pursued by Caesar.( Republic of Rome ) The quote by Julius Caesar I came, I saw, I conquered was addressing the Roman senate After Defeating King Pharnaces II after the Battle of Zela in 47 BC. (Hagopian Institute) Julius Caesar himself fought in the Punic wars. Conventional wisdom has it that the Roman Empire consisted of what would now be known as Western Europe. The Romans and the Carthaginians had their first of three consecutive battles in 264 BC, which was known as the
  • 43. Documentations That Made Up The United States Of America Documentations that made up the United States of America On June 11, 1776, the Second Continental Congress met at Carpenter Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where five men were appointed to be a part of a comity to write the Declaration of Independence and become liberated from the British government. The Declaration of Independence is one of the most important documents in American history. It tells the major ideas that the Founders had about government. Eventually, after several rough drafts of the Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson, a final draft was written and finally approved by the Second Continental Congress. Therefore, on July 4, 1776, the nation was officially born when fifty six members of the Second Continental ... Show more content on ... It also states when such situation arises; government it is not only their ambition, but it is their right and their duty to throw off such a Government and to provide the foundation for a new government to ensure their future security. Next, in section one of the Declaration of Independence listed twenty eight grievances the American colonies had against King George III. Then, section two of the Declaration specifically stated what endeavors were taken by the colonist s to overturn some of the decisions of King George III but ultimately were met in vain. Lastly, a conclusion of the Declaration of Independence notes that having recorded their objections, which British North American were living, they the Colonies declared their right to be free and independent from the British rule. It further declared that any legislative acquaintances between the two were to be eliminated. The new nation was to be called the United States of America and was to have no further association with Great Britain. That the new government would reserve rights to exercise war, make reconciliation, as well as make collaborations with foreign nations. The new nation was governed by the Articles of Confederation that had been adopted during the Revolution. In March 1781, the Second Continental Congress approved the Articles of Confederation after more than a year of debate. The Articles of Confederation that shaped the first national government of the United
  • 44. Examples Of Chaos And Complexity Theory D. What are chaos and complexity theories? how might they help us do better sociology, or at least help us have more realistic understanding of what is possible in sociology? Chaos theory can be seen in the butterfly effect, where a small little butterfly in the States that flaps its wings and changes the weather somewhere far away like China. The butterfly effectshows that small changes can have massive impacts in the world. For most people it is hard for them to think that a butterfly has so much influence, there are many other examples. Chaos can be seen in this example, where someone forgets their car keys and runs back to get them, which results in them not hitting the deer on the road (Gleick 1987). Complexitytheory states that structures are complex but that there is some form of general rules. Complexity theory is a part of chaos theorywhich is shown in the quote, chaos theory and its spin off, complexity theory, argue that relationships in complex systems, like organizations, are nonlinear, made of interconnections and branching choices that produce unintended consequences and render the universe unpredictable, (Tetenbaum 1998:1). Chaos and complexity theory can influence sociologist to go back and study system that were previously untouched. An example of chaos and complexity theory is the economy. The economy is very complex with many moving parts and actors. The economy is filled with people selling and buying goods at fast rates. These moving parts are
  • 45. The Incident Command System (ICS) The Incident command system (ICS) is a top done command structure to management incident scenes not matter what size it is do to its flexibility. (Newman, Clarke, 2008) It covers operations, logistics, administration, planning. This starts with the incident commander to section chiefs for the different sectional operations. With the flexibility of the structure it can be applied on a single medical call where the Incident commander can hand all of the steps to establish command, logistics, and operations, and decide if more resources are required. (Maryea Media Productions 2010) The Incident command structure was created out of the massive forest fires in California, after investigations where completed. It pointed to the lack of unified
  • 46. The Fight for Rights! Women had no rights compared to a man. Women had to fight for the rights which led to a change in the United States which last till today. For women in 1920s, the fight to acquire rights was called the women s suffrage movement which on how they have rights, have to fight against a dissident to get the 19th amendment and how the suffragemovement influences them today from the suffragist demands they acquired. With the arduous time women had trying to achieve the rights they demand they had to .Women suffragist made associations and paraded down the street to endeavor rights. Two associations were made up, the National Woman Suffrage Association and the American Women Suffrage Association. The National Women Suffrage Association is also ... Show more content on ... With the negative comments coming from dissidents of the suffrage movement, some did disbelieve a woman should acquire rights. There are arguments against the women s suffrage were voiced out saying no women should try to be in politics, and have no privilege granted to her. The only job of a woman should be in the home. She can do little good by gadding the streets and neglecting her children (Sanford, J.B). Arguments would typically be toward how a woman should be home, cleaning and taking care of her children, and how men should be able to take care of women. Men were the ones running the government, if a woman tried to set in the whole structure men organized would be destroyed. They wouldn t have to vote in order to receive the protection of a man. Why, men have gone to war, endured every privation and death itself in defense of women. To man, woman is the dearest creature on earth, and there is no extreme to which he would not go for his mother or sister (Sanford, J.B) With all these opposing viewpoint getting thrown at woman suffragist, they didn t stop. No matter how people word how a woman should never be in government nor outside of the home and leave everything to the men would should always run the country, the women still fought
  • 47. Review Of Related Literature. There Is A Current Trend Review of Related Literature There is a current trend now from educational institutions even in organizations outside the education sector wherein research and groundwork is encouraged to be a continuing product of their staff. While some are bound to research work, many are pressed on the demands of it. This is because researchis not only a work of an individuals. Educational institutions which aim for a culture in research must also raise, encourage and uphold the work done by the staff. This can be done through distributing workloads, creating an environment conducive for research work, appropriate incentives and many others (Hanover Research, 2014). Research Culture Culture is a way of life by a number of individuals collectively. ... Show more content on ... Educators engaging in research activity acquire experience, dexterity and expertise in their current fields (Patankar, 2016) Research work generates information, induces advanced skills and motivates esteem. With all these, the educators find themselves absorbing these developments and applying them to teaching effectively and innovatively (Pramodini Sophia, 2012). A school that has an environment supportive of research is a competent school. This research environment creates a community which drives both teachers and students into digging deeper into research work. When the faculty is immersed in research culture, having absorbed the value of research, they in turn would bring to their learners the dedication towards the investigative work (The Department of Education and Training, 2005). Patankar (2016) discussed in his article Grooming the Personality of Teacher Educators through Research , published in University News in India, that research work results to the improvement of a teacher s cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects. Due to the immense work of studying required for research, teachers will expand their knowledge skills, insights, awareness, thought processes and theory. As the research work demands time, resources and effort, it exercises the teacher s dedication for work, interest and engagement towards new learnings. Finally, in the psychomotor aspect. Teachers practice their skills in conversations, writing
  • 48. Module 1 Pre Assessment Essay Date: 07/27/14 Total Score: 100 % 1 CATEGORY anatomy QUESTION Backward effects of left sided heart failure include: CORRECT ANSWER A) Pulmonary congestion YOUR ANSWER A) Pulmonary congestion Deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle flows through the right and left pulmonary arteries to the right and left lung. After entering the lungs, the branches subdivide, finally emerging as RATIONALE capillaries which surround the alveoli and release the carbon dioxide in exchange for oxygen. The capillaries unite gradually and assume the characteristics of veins. These veins join to form the pulmonary veins, which return the oxygenated blood to the left atrium. Backflow of blood through the left atrium result in left sided heart failure. 2 ... Show more content on ... CORRECT ANSWER YOUR ANSWER RATIONALE A) Heat is an effective means of sterilization because it destroys the proteins of microbial life forms including fungi, bacteria and viruses. A) Heat is an effective means of sterilization because it destroys the proteins of microbial life forms including fungi, bacteria and viruses. Heat is an effective means of sterilization because it destroys the proteins of microbial life forms including fungi, bacteria and viruses. 10 CATEGORY biology QUESTION In addition to hypertension, pre eclampsia is characterized by: CORRECT ANSWER C) Protein in the urine and edema YOUR ANSWER C) Protein in the urine and edema In addition to elevated blood pressure, retention of fluid leading to edema and leakage of RATIONALE protein into the urine are usually found in pregnancy induced hypertension (pre eclampsia). Nausea, vomiting, fatigue and back pain are common findings of normal pregnancy.
  • 49. 11 CATEGORY chemistry QUESTION The solution that would be most alkalotic would be the one with a pH of: CORRECT ANSWER D) Fourteen YOUR ANSWER D) Fourteen RATIONALE The normal blood pH range is 7.35 to 7.45. 12 CATEGORY chemistry QUESTION A calculated ABG value that indicates excess or insufficiency of sodium bicarbonate in the system is: CORRECT ANSWER B) Base excess YOUR ANSWER B) Base excess RATIONALE The base excess indicates the amount of excess or insufficient level of bicarbonate in the
  • 50. The Spirit Club Essay 1What s at stake for the key parties, including those that may disagree with you? What is important to them? What does the target value and why? I see how these events transpire as a character test. Who am I and what do I stand for? My friends, my relationships and my future are directly correlated to the events that will occur. Whats important to me is that I do what s right strictly based on my values. The Spirit Club s value surpasses any individual and the implications of Matt s actions could be detrimental to the club. First and foremost, our reputation as a reputable club is at stake. The Spirit Club could potentially be in a position where our whole structure has to change to a more bureaucratic form all the while being under heavy over site of administration. I fear that the club chemistry would hurt if this occurred. Who Matt is and his legacy could change in a heartbeat depending on what he did with the shirt profits. If he truly stole the money, then it shows he never valued spirit club as much as he valued his own personal gain and failed to see how they are intertwined. Personally, I will no longer see him as a friend merely an example of poor leadership as many others will. I can only wonder if Laura was in on this with Matt and that s why she was so forward in bringing it up to Matt. Her friendship with Matt may have resulted in a blind spot for unethical behavior. If this is true my friendship and many others with her is likely over and so is
  • 51. Interpretations Of American History, A Collaborative Team... In Interpretations of American History, a collaborative team of four editors (Francis G. Couvares, Martha Saxton, Gerald N. Grob, and George Athan Billias) seek to educate any student of history on the various perspectives on any one said historical issue. The editors sum up the entire book with These volumes reflect our understanding that historyis an act of interpretation. Essentially, this book offers a multitude of benefits for those who wish to further study history, but at the same time the reader must take everything said with a grain of salt. Interpretations of American History is made up of two or more scholarly opinions on every American historical event from the Puritans to the Reconstruction Era. At the beginning of each... Show more content on ... Another pro to this book is its ability to save time and effort. The editors have condensed their opinions and the opinions of the brightest historical minds into one book. Rather than search the internet for an assortment of interpretations on a given historical event, the reader can flip to the desired event in the text. Because of this, the student can rest assured that the content has been properly evaluated, found relevant, and is, therefore, worth the time to read. Such a time saving benefit must not be overlooked. Also, the variety of viewpoints presented in this book help to expand the reader s knowledge. The editors provide a well rounded collection of additional works that show the reader some of the major theories on a historical event. Basically, a reader is able to see historical issues through the eyes of professional historians. Interpretations of American History does not merely state the facts, it allows the reader to decide where they stand on the historical event in question. This can lead to a deeper, more profound study of history. However, the reader must keep in mind that this book is fact based opinion. The editors and consulted historians are adding their thoughts to the known facts. Although such speculation can open the door to broader thinking, it can also trip up those who take the opinion as fact. If misinterpreted, this book might muddy the waters of the reader s mind. Still, the book in no way attempts to hide its
  • 52. An Adventure in New York City As the stars lit up in the big apple and the sun set down towards the west creating a small fog of air around us, me and my sister decided to take a last look at the world famous time square, before we left for home. It was the middle of winter and snowing in the city of hopes of dreams. My sister and I were bundled up with a bright white polar jacket, scarves and Eskimo hats. I could feel the goose bumps racing up to my arms, making my teeth clatter against each other and giving me the chills. As we continued to walk through the streets, the smell of crunchy peanuts, salted pretzels and greasy hotdogs filled up the air and made my mouth water. The smell was so appealing that it tempted me to stop and try some. My sister and I waited in the long crowded line for the world famous hotdogs. I looked around the city while then and tried to observe everything around me. I saw people scurrying to grab a taxi, talking on the phone, or even listening to their stereos around their shoulders and it seemed as if they were all lost in their own worlds. Most of the men were all dressed up in their bright black, Louis vitton suits with briefcases in their right arms and iphone 5 s on the other, while the women were walking in high black stiletto heels, and you could even hear their shoes striking the ground one after the other from miles away. The enormous sky scrapers around me covered the blanket of grey clouds above us. The flat iron, empire state building and so many more world
  • 53. Tuskegee Study Summary In the Tuskegee Study, the main cause of these actions was to record the natural history of syphilis among African Americans. Scientists took six hundred men to be studied and out of those men, three hundred ninety nine of them were infected with syphilis (Tuskegee University, n.d). Those men were the experimental group and the other two hundred and one were the control subjects syphilis (Tuskegee University, n.d). The study took place in Macon County, Alabama. The intentions of choosing those specific subjects were because the individuals were poor and illiterate sharecroppers from the county (Tuskegee University, n.d). People know the study very well because of the lack of ethical consideration towards the African American men. Throughout
  • 54. Similarities Between Julius Caesar And Gaius Marius I came, I saw, I conquered. These words embody both Caesar s demeanor towards his triumph at the Battle of Zela (47 B.C) as well as Gaius Marius demeanor towards his triumph at the Battle of Aquae Sextiae (102 B.C). Andrew Jackson, the 7th President of the United States, will later embody the spirit of Julius Caesarand Gaius Mariusthroughout his military campaign in the War of 1812 as well as his presidency (1829 1837). President Jackson s unprecedented imprint upon American politics and the presidency has exposed viewers to analyze few similarities portrayed from both Julius Caesar and Gaius Marius. Although the similarities portrayed between President Jackson and Gaius Marius were immense, based on their executive power, the similarity between Julius Caesar and Andrew Jackson were substantially greater. To illustrate, Jackson s rise to sovereignty, like Caesar and Marius, began in the military where he was positioned as a war General and gradually rose to a politician, stimulating innovation and reform. Throughout his rise to politics, he advanced a new vision of the President as the direct representative of the people make him the Consul Caesar of his time. Andrew Jackson became the advocate of the people, and was commonly considered by historians to have been one of the nation s most vigorous and powerful chief executives. During the 1800 s, America directed towards, Suffrage [expanding allowing] all white men with the abolition of property ownership and tax
  • 55. Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Essay... Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Organizational behavior is defined as the study of human behavior in organizations. Organizational behavior is an interdisciplinary body of knowledge with strong ties to the behavioral sciences such as psychology, sociology and anthropology as well as to allied sciences. However, the goal of organizational behavior is to integrate the diverse insights of these other disciplines and apply them to real world problems and opportunities. The ultimate goal of organizational behavior is to improve the performance of people, groups and organizations (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2005). Organizational culture is defined as the shared beliefs and values that influence the behavior of ... Show more content on ... The internal process approach examines the transformation process and examines how efficiently resources are used to produce goods and services. The goal approach looks at the output side to measure achievement of key operating objectives. Last, the strategic constituencies approach analyzes the impact of the organization on key stakeholders and their interests (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2005). Organizational learning is the process of acquiring knowledge and using information to adapt successfully to changing circumstances. Organizations must be able to change continuously and positively while searching for new ideas and opportunities (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2005). My place of employment is Sprint PCS. I am a technical support representative and I am in charge of maintaining the functionality of these devices. I handle all aspects of the phones, PDA s and wireless air cards from making sure that voice calls can be made to maintaining an internet connection to sending and receiving pictures. At my place of employment communication is a key ingredient to our team success. Without effective communication we would not be able to function as an efficient team or company. Culture at the workplace is very much the same across the board. We all share the same values and beliefs, for the most part. We do have a diverse bunch; however. We have all types of people within our group. Our diversity varies between ethnicity,
  • 56. Organizational Studies and Human Resource Management and... Introduction of Company 2 Ghee Hoe Vision Mission 2 Early day Organization Structure 2 Decrease in Demand 3 Re Organization Structure of Ghee Hoe 3 Organization Structure 4 Complexity 4 Centralization 5 Formalization5 Measuring Ghee Hoe Organizational Effectiveness6 External Resource Approach6 Internal Resource Approach 6 Technology Approach 7 Recommendation of Approaches to Improve Ghee Hoe 7 Conclusion 8 Annex 1 9 Annex 2 10 Reference 11 Introduction of Company Ghee Hoe, is a trading company established in 1948. It s started operation after World War 2, importing motorcycles from one... Show more content on ... This structure decided on how the roles, power, responsibilities of each and every individual are assigned to controlled and coordinated the flows of information between the different level in a management. We used organizational chart to illustrates the organizational structure in showing the different levels of management. The 3 core dimensions of an organization structure are Complexity, Centralization and Formalization. Complexity Gareth R (2010) define Organizational complexity, the number of different function and divisions possessed by an organization, determining the level of differentiation,. in this organizational structure, differentiation is high. Basically there are 2 types of differentiation Vertical and Horizontal also known as Tall Flat Structure. Vertical differentiation, the way an organization designs its hierarchy of authority and creates reporting relationships to connect organizational roles and subunits. Lower levels report to higher levels. In Ghee Hoe, Mechanic is to report to workshop foreman and foreman is to report to Manager and Manager is to report to Chief Director (the man who has the most power and authority). Horizontal differentiation, the way an organization groups organizational tasks into roles, and roles into subunits, establishing the division of labor. In Ghee Hoe, the spare part and workshop function made up a spare part division provide services to
  • 57. customer who need services to
  • 58. A Definition Of Justice By Aristotle And The Star Spangled... American society has kept white rich men in the nation superior, while keeping Black people and other minorities such as women in the lower realms of the society. When the Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States, and The Star Spangled Banner were written they were not meant to include black people (African descendants). At that time black people were considered to be a percent of a person, actually chattel, property to white slave owners. In addition, women were not considered to have the same rights leaving them in an unequal state to their husbands, fathers, and brothers. The American society has gained their independence by creating justice for themselves while producing inequalities for others; some affected by justice were people with different ideas than government, slaves, women and free African Americans. Aristotle s A Definition of Justice describes the differences of the state with an oligarchy and democracy as government. In both systems of government, Aristotle states men have a misconception of justice. Justice is thought by them to be, and is, equality, not, however, for all, but only for equals. And inequality is thought to be, and is, justice; neither is this for all, but only for inequals. (Aristotle) Examples to confirm Aristotle s definition are the position that blacks, slaves and women held in past oligarchy and democracy states. In Aristotle s time (300 s B.C.) until the late 1800 s slavery was a customary practice,