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Amazing How To Write A
Nonfiction Book Report Col
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Amazing How To Write A Nonfiction Book Report Col Amazing How To Write A Nonfiction Book Report Col
Compare And Contrast Africa And Lot s Wife
Lot s Wife and Africa are poems depicting the effects of the abuse of power and how the forceful
villains mistreat others due to their positions of superiority and trust. Lot s Wife shows how under a
tyrannous rule which holds no regard for personal emotions renders people either devoid of humanity,
Lot, or devoid of life, Lot s Wife. Africa demonstrates the chaos and terror involved in invasion and
how an overwhelming military force and covetousness can extirpate the magic and God out of a place.
I will argue that both poems show how excessive force and violence can have a strong impact to both
people and places as they circumscribe emotion and obliterate the potential of a civilization. Lot s
Wife indicates how unsettling and unnatural the presence of the harbingers of caustic rulers can be. In
line 1, the adjective just is used to describe Lot as he trailed behind the Angel. Just is used with a
touch of sarcasm as Lot is only just because he follows the Angel. The verb trailed could have been
replaced by followed or a verb which is more indicative of any interest in following the
aforementioned Angel. This suggests that Lot may not want to go with the Angel. This engenders an
aura of fear which is further developed in line 2, the ... Show more content on ...
Alongside this, Tagore also demonstrates the arousement of his thirst for repentance for the
maltreatment of Africa. Sarcasm embellishes itself in the oxymoron civilizations barbarous greed .
Irony is developed in lines 35 to 39 as the Europeans are engaging in a supposedly moral and civil
activity whilst destroying Africa. There is further irony developed from how they are bastardizing God
s will yet devoutly praying. The uncapitalized god with the presence of the aforestated capitalized
creator diminishes the importance of their God and suggests their lack of knowledge of
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Fisher Price Essay
Fisher Price Company Overview Fisher Price is a children s toy company, who is owned by the parent
company, Mattel. In 2015, Fisher Price posted annual worldwide sales of $1.85 billion, which was up
7% over the prior year. (Mattel, 2016) With Fisher Price being a leader in the global toy market, there
is a significant opportunity and pressure to unveil and produce new and innovative toys throughout the
year, especially in the fourth quarter, which encompasses the holiday season. Fisher Price is known for
toys geared towards younger children, usually from birth to age 8. While they have a wide range of
offerings that includes baby gear (swings, bouncers, high chairs, etc.), their core business is toys. New
Product Launch With evolving trends, Fisher Price needs to stay ahead of the competition and develop
new and relevant toys to draw attention to their brand. One way to do this is to unveil exclusive toy
sets for specific retailers. These are usually larger sets with more pieces or new color of an existing
toy at a great value than what is offered for the general competition. As an example, Fisher Price
exclusively manufactured a pink toy medical kit for Toys R Us. This not only draws more customers
into Toys R Us but it brings awareness and calls out the Fisher Price brand. With respect to the product
launch at Toys R Us with the exclusive toy set, there are risk factors that need to be understood to
ensure they are cost effective and operationally sound
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Negationism In 1984
In Chapter 1 of the Book 1984, we see the beginning of the story in the ruins of England, renamed
Airstrip One in Oceana. We meet the main character, Winston, who works for the Ministry of Truth. In
reality the name is contrary to its actual work, lies and Historical Negationism. Historical Negationism
is the distortion or denial of history for normally evil reasons or purposes. Compared to our lives,
Historical Negationism does not happen as often as it did in the story, but in our lives, we have the
better version. Historical Revisionism, this is the revising of history, and is normally used under the
circumstances that new information is discovered in history, science or any field in the books.
Historical Negationism is normally used to influence a populace to bend to the will of a bigger power,
like the Ministry workers bending to the power of Big Brother or whoever pulls the strings behind all
the complex ins and outs of life in 1984. Unlike the world in 1984, we do not have such a nefarious
scheme controlling our daily lives behind the curtains. This is why Historical Negationism isn t more
prevalent in our world than in the world of 1984. ... Show more content on ...
Even if it is flawed or incomplete, it is our best guess at what we know as of now. New information
will always pop up as we dig deeper and deeper into our history. It is Revisionism s job to revise and
edit the new and the old when they correlate with each other. This is why Historical Revisionism is
more prevalent in our world than in
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Federal Reserve Operations And Market Impact
Federal Reserve Operations and Market Impact In order for the Federal Reserve to fulfill their goal of
moderate long term interest rates, stable prices and maximum employment, they rely on developing
strategic changes to the monetary policy. Through monetary policy changes, the Federal Reserve can
either restrict or encourage economic growth and inflation, thereby molding the macroeconomy into a
state of consistent health. Overall, there are three tools used to modify the monetary policy, they
include reserve requirements, discount rates, and open market operations. In an effort to promote price
stability within the economy, these tools influence monetary conditions by affecting interest rates,
credit availability, money supply and security prices. While one tool is use more frequently than the
others, all three are necessary in establishing stable economic conditions.
Reserve Requirement The reserve requirement is a tool used by the Federal Reserve to adapt the
monetary policy to their target range. Reserve requirements control the minimum amount of funds a
depository intuition is required to maintain against their liabilities (Federal Reserve, n.d).
Furthermore, the reserve requirement is usually tied into a ratio of transaction accounts the depository
institutions holds. Consequently, a decrease in the reserve requirement allows institutions to hold less
funds enabling them to loan out a greater percentage, thereby increasing the funds available within the
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Conceptual Framework Of A Restaurant
1.3 Proposed Conceptual Framework H1
H2 H4
s H3
Figure 1: Conceptual framework of the study The figure have conducted the framework for measuring
customer references on selecting a restaurant. Socio demographic profiles as the moderator in
determining the effect of restaurant selection. Hence, it forms this conceptual framework where it
attempts to access customer preference on selecting a restaurant. There is the relationship of the
factors influencing restaurant selection such as service quality, food quality and ... Show more content
on ...
1.4.2 The relationship between customer preferences and service quality. Customer preferences are
important concept within services marketing theory. According to my review, service quality have
significant relationship with customer preferences. Their finding indicates that the service quality
provided by staff is fundamental and crucial to the customer satisfaction in the restaurants.
Furthermore, customers will choose the restaurants based on their satisfaction level. In another study
by Cronin and Taylor (1992), the study have shown the perceived service quality can greatly affect
customers satisfaction and customer preferences. Many restaurants out there will pay more attention
on service quality because it will directly influencing the customer preferences which will lead to
customer revisit and customer will become loyalty to the restaurants. And will directly affect he
restaurant revenue. In addition, Yüksel Yüksel (2002) stated that service quality had the most
significant impact on dining satisfaction at the aggregate market
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Greasy Lake Compare to a P Essay
The stories A P and Greasy Lake are similer to each other due to the fact that they both are about a
young man still trying to figure out what they plan to do with there life, they both feel that rebellion is
cool, and they both learn a lesson threw there rebellious acts. Both charactors are the age of nineteen.
This is a time of life when you start to experience some new freedoms. Most of your friends own and
can drive cars so you are no longer bound by your parents and the bus to get you to points a and b,
You can buy cigarrets, see a R rated movie in theaters. This is also a coming of age time when you are
pressure to find out what you plan to do the rest of your life. Other adults start to look at you as your
equill instead of ... Show more content on ...
When they are out being bad they like to drive to greasy lake were they can drink beer, smoke pot and
howl at the stars. One night they go down to greasy lake and mistaken a car for there friend Tonys and
they lay the horn and flash there high beams at it. Turns out not to be tonys car but some strangers.
The stranger gets out not happy and begins to fight the gang of kids in the mist of it all the narraighter
drops his keys to his car. The stranger seems to be winning the fight until the narratoir grabs a tire iron
from under his seat and hits the stranger across the head with it knocking the stranger out. Then
another car comes down to greasy lake unable to find the car keys the group of kids runs away into
greasy lake. While the narrator is in the water he finds a dead body. The other car turns out to be the
strangers friends and they wreck the group of kids car. The narratoir and his friends wait till morning
for greasy lake to clear out. Once it does they head back to there car when two girls arrive asking if
they seen there friend who we presume is the dead guy in the lake. They tell the two girls no, and they
respond by saying how it looks like they had a rough night, and ask if they want to party with them.
The narraitoir says no and they get in the car and head
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KPMG Business Analysis
Many individuals seek to have a career objective where they are able to maintain a position within a
professional environment and be able to contribute their personal skills and attributes to the company
assisting them to lead forward towards success. In comparison, I prefer to be working within an
environment where relationships with peers are strong and is always open when I can continue to
learn and move up the ladder. It is important to be proactive in searching for opportunities that reflect
these career objectives, which on a personal note KPMG has become a focus for me via the excellent
first impression. The company is well known within the global economy and as a result has
maintained a diversity background where employees are hired on basis of individuality thoughts,
skills, cultural backgrounds and experiences. As a result, having the passion to explore and seek for
opportunities within different regions of the world entitles myself to be able to suit the working
culture of the accounting field within KPMG. Additionally, when seeking for employment in an
accounting company and maintaining a profile in the taxation and ... Show more content on ...
This explains that the company not only incorporates profit and growth making strategies, but are also
committed towards its community showing professionalism and wellbeing. As a result, getting the
opportunity to gain a profile in accounting field of KPMG will help increase my professional skills
and help achieve the long term objectives. These personal objectives that can be achieved includes
being able to assist the community that I am a part of and always be out for those who require the
need. Additionally, having the flexibility to perform professionally outside the office is a personal
attribute that allows me to get a sense of achievement, and build on my working skills and enrich
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Clean Edge Analysis Essay
Position Statement:
Paramount Health and Beauty wants to launch a new razor into the market currently referred to as
Clean Edge. The project team recommends that the company should position the product as a distinct
mainstream product, dubbing it Clean Edge by Paramount in order to produce growth in sales from
new product innovation. The importance of placing the product in a mainstream position is to
successfully launch an innovative product creating more market share for Paramount and for Clean
Edge to become the most sought out razor in the industry. Failing to take this route and deciding to
position the product in a niche would only give the new product a limited amount of consumers,
preventing Clean Edge from reaching its ... Show more content on ...
Clean Edge by Paramount gives customers a clear perception of the advantages of the product without
being concerned about other product categories.
Critique of Rejected Options
There are several reasons why the project team should reject the first option in positioning Clean Edge
in a niche. The first reason concerns the pricing strategy. Placing the product in a niche position would
make the razor more expensive in the retail sense. Catering to the more involved groomers places the
product at a suggested retail price at $12.99. Placing the product at a higher price in the niche position
could only lead Clean Edge Razor to a limited market. Rosenberg suggested placing the product in the
niche position for a year or two; however, this could lead to prevention in attracting a wider customer
base for the product during that time frame.
Another reason Paramount should not place in the niche position is their significantly low marketing
budget compared to their competitors. In just media advertising alone, Radiance spent $16 million on
Naiv. For Clean Edge, the cost for advertising for the niche position would only be $7 million.
Because Radiance is spending more than twice as much on their advertising compared to what
Paramount would spend in the niche position, Radiance would gain an advantage in covering more
ground to promote its product.
As far as product naming is concerned, Paramount
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Characteristics Of A Summon Economy
Summon Economy: Qualities, Experts, Cons, and Samples
A summon economy is the place monetary choices are arranged out in point of interest by a focal
government power. The arrangement is executed through laws, regulations and orders. Organizations
take after generation and procuring focuses rather than independently and uninhibitedly reacting to the
laws of supply and request. Focal organizers try to supplant the strengths that work in a business
sector economy, and the traditions that guide a conventional economy, to accomplish particular
societal objectives.
They might likewise utilize parts of an order and market economy as a component of a blended
The idea of a summon economy was produced by Viennese business analyst Otto ... Show more
content on ...
For instance, the order economy in Russia developed a compelling military may and rapidly revamped
the economy after World War II.
Summon Economy Hindrances
This fast assembly frequently means order economies cut down other societal needs. For instance,
specialists are regularly told what employments they must satisfy and are even demoralized from
moving. On the other hand, individuals won t disregard their own requirements for long. They
regularly add to a shadow economy, or bootleg market, to purchase and offer the things the order
economy isn t creating. The endeavors of pioneers to control this business sector can at last debilitate
support for the focal arranging power.
Rather than prompting productivity, charge economies regularly deliver a lot of one thing and
insufficient of another. That is on account of it s troublesome for the focal organizers to get state of the
art data about shoppers requirements. Also, costs are set by the focal arrangement, thus can t be
utilized to gauge or control request. Rather, apportioning frequently gets to be
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Essay on Fin 439 Case 92
QUESTIONS 1. Assume that you are given a set of cash flows on a time line and asked to find their
present value. How would you choose the discount rate to apply to these cash flows? abcdefg 2.
Consider a one year, $18,000 CD. a. What is its value at maturity if it pays 8.4 percent (annual)
interest? b. Compute the future value if the CD pays 3.2 percent; if it pays 16.8 percent. Overall, what
do these results indicate about the relation between level of interest and future value? c. The First
National Bank of San Francisco offers CDs with an 8.4 percent nominal (stated) interest rate but
compounded semiannually. What is the effective annual rate on such a CD? What is the value of the
CD at the end of the year? Explain ... Show more content on ...
What are the effective annual rates and values at maturity of these CDs? (Use a 365 day year.) 4. It is
estimated that in six years the total cost for one year of college will be $35,000. a. How much must be
invested today in a CD paying 8.4 percent annual interest in order to accumulate the needed funds? b.
If only $18,000 is invested, what annual interest rate is needed to produce the needed $35,000 after six
years? c. If only $18,000 is invested, what stated rate must the First National Bank offer on its
semiannual compounding CD to accumulate the required funds? Explain how the analysis changes if
the funds were invested with Pacific Trust or Bay State Savings and Loan. 5. Now consider the second
alternative six annual payments of $3,000 each made at the end of each year. a. What type of annuity
is this? b. What is the future value of this annuity if the payments are invested in an account paying
8.4 percent interest annually? c. What is the future value if the payments are invested with the First
National Bank, which offers semiannual compounding? How does the analysis change with quarterly
or daily compounding? d. What size payment would be needed to accumulate $35,000 under annual
compounding at an 8.4 percent interest rate? e. What lump sum, if deposited today, would produce the
same ending value as in Part b? f. Suppose the payments are only $1,500 each, but are made every six
months, starting six months from today.
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What Is The Message Of The Man On The Moon By John Lewis
A medium sized suburban home comes into view; a light snowfall blankets the world in a sheet of
cotton as the sounds of Christmas music fill the air. The street is covered in brightly colored orbs of
light strung carefully from every rooftop. Despite the busy season, the air feels light with Christmas
cheer as despite the chilly weather there is a feeling of warmth through every home. The Christmas
season had finally arrived, coming into view as quick as a flicker of the home s hearth. No matter
where you go you can feel the spirit of the holidays throughout every home, every meal, and every
celebration. The holiday season fills each and every person with emotion, an emotion that is hard to
describe but everyone who has experienced the holidays knows. Trying to capture this emotion is
difficult, yet sometimes his emotion can truly be harnessed and celebrated.
John Lewis has always been known for their Christmas advertisements and the powerful emotions that
they inspire. John Lewis is a United Kingdom and an online business that focuses on the selling of
multiple products from holiday decorations, gifts, and even items such as insurances or luxury cars.
This companies appeal is not only their selection of products but the message of togetherness and
family as they attempt to put into everything that they sell. Their Christmas advertisement titled The
Man on the Moon was their 2015 attempt to celebrate this message as well as team up with the United
Kingdom charity Age UK.
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Portfolio Writing Review And Reflection
Portfolio Writing Review and Reflection
When I started this class, I never thought I was a good writer. Ironically, after this class, I have learned
how to be an organized writer and the term good is extremely unclear and subjective. From the short
stories and questions to the individual essays, each assignment helped me practice and develop my
writing skills. Overall, I think my writing has improved and the process of writing, something I often
over looked, has immensely helped my writing.
My literacy narrative titled, Affinity for Reading , helped me analyze and assess how I really felt about
writing. Reading through my literacy narrative, I see how far I have grown in my grammar and
mechanics and formatting. I remember after I turned the assignment in that I forgot to change the font
to Times New Roman. I thought I was going to fail based on that formatting error. While I was
fleshing out my ideas for the assignment, I sat down at Starbucks and just wrote any and all memories
of reading and writing that I had. It was not incredibly efficient, however, I learned how to create more
structured outlines as the course went on. In addition, I also learned to triple check basic formatting
for each essay to ensure that each essay was as accurate as possible.
My argument analysis titled, The Art of Liberal Arts , allowed me to use several different sources for
writing assistance. I used the Smartthinking website and I also went to the Germanna Student Tutoring
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The Importance and Use of Disclosure
In this section we will introduce the background knowledge of our topic, and we will show the
motivation of this paper by discussing related prior literature.
A disclosure is additional information attached to an entity s financial statements, usually as an
explanation for activities, which have significantly influenced the entity s financial results. In the
United States, this disclosure is usually found in the notes of financial statements, and many also can
be found in the notes section of the corporate annual report. Basically, the purpose of accounting
disclosure is to inform both current and potential investors of the accounting strategies and methods
used when developing periodic corporate financial statements.
Through disclosure, there are several effects the management wants to reach. First, managers often
issue earnings forecasts to reduce information asymmetry and therefore influence their firm s stock
price (e.g., Nagar et al. 2003). Second, managers forecast, particularly when they involve bad news, is
aimed at avoiding litigation or at least minimizing the cost of subsequent litigation. Field et al. (200S)
find that preemptive bad news forecasts are useful in deterring certain types of lawsuits. Third,
analysts update their forecasts in response to firms earnings forecasts and recent evidence suggests
that approximately 60 percent of analysts revise their forecasts within five days of management
guidance (Cotter et al. 2006). Kim and Verrecchia (1994)
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Academic Libraries
Once known as one of the undebatable centers of intellectual thought and process on every college
and university campus, academic libraries are being unseated from their position of power and
authority by the very industry they ve worked years to create space and business for. In the past,
journals and publishers fought for the favor of academic librarians and buyers, vying for their
attention and preference when it came to stocking the vast capacity of stacks that most institutions
offer. Conversely in 2017, the publishing market has begun to turn the tables on the former reign
holders. In the following pages this paper will examine the shift of power between books to different
resources from subscription services, e books, and ... Show more content on ...
The first new application of media for libraries is subscription and database based services. The term,
subscription based services may very well be the subprime mortgage bond of the library universe.
Unlike the traditional purchase of a physical publication, a digital subscription based repository is only
available for as long as the fees are paid. These terms of use push universities not only into large,
recurring costs but also create pressure for the institution to continue the subscription. Not only does
the school not want to interrupt ongoing research but also student bodies come to rely and expect the
presence of specific subscriptions. The prospect of switching to another service, although perhaps
cheaper in the primary cost, carries additional costs such as training/education, user registration as
well as IT support in its setup. Companies that offer these subscription based services appear to very
well rely on these barriers to swapping.
Subscriptions are an effective way to help students with current research materials but is costly and
must be renewed. These subscriptions help students access the materials everywhere on campus and
around the world, which is reducing the number of books and journals checked out in person. This is
downgrading libraries use of books and resources. This can be evidenced by the bold pricing strategies
implemented by such companies. For instance,
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The Effects Of Media On Children With Disabilities Essay
Mass media allows many people in society to understand different problems and receive news around
the world. In the United States, mass media plays a big role in portraying stereotypes and creating
stigmas, especially for people with disabilities. It can be very difficult for people who do not have a
disability to portray the feelings of someone with a disability or understand how to create media that
does not contain stereotypes of people with disabilities.
When people with disabilities are included in the making of media content, they are able to debate the
societal issues related to them that rarely make the mainstream press (Haller, 2010, p.117). This means
that they can bring up problems that they have personally experienced and help educate society on
how those problems can be resolved. News about disabilities should be included in the media more
often in order to help able bodied people become aware of disabilities and avoid the stereotypes that
have been created. If a person with a disability helps make a story about someone with a disability,
they can make sure the story explains the necessary issue and disregards any stigmas. Beth Haller
describes in her book Representing Disabilities in an Ableist World: Essays on Mass Media that
historically, articles about people with disabilities rarely made it into the news, and, when the articles
were written, that they were misrepresentative and stigmatizing (2010, p. 119). In addition, an
individual with disability can
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Blue Mountains Research Paper
Stay at Motels in Blue Mountains to live in the Lap of Nature
If you are planning to enjoy the scenic Blue Mountains of Australia, this vacation, then you must be
thinking where to stay. There are many motels available in Blue Mountains that help the client to
select the room style as per their preference. Finding the right Accommodation is one of the important
aspects which need serious consideration. Therefore, many people tend to book for the
accommodation much in advance to avoid any complications at a later stage.
Blue Mountains are one of the popular tourist attractions in Australia
Every year, several foreigners visit this place to experience the serene beauty of the Mother Nature.
The Blue Mountains, Comfort Inn Redleaf Resort is a
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Classical Influences On Modern Films And Literature
Vuong Khuat Classical influences on modern films and literature
Classical Greece and Rome were ancient civilizations that existed 2500 years ago, and are regarded by
numerous scholars as the foundation of humanities in various fields. In popular culture, Ancient
Greece and Rome are portrayed substantially in books and movies; however, not many people are
aware of how they also shape our thoughts, ideals, and motivations. Through an analysis of classical
elements often portrayed in popular media, this essay attempts to illustrate how the representation of
classical Greece and Rome in books and movies influence our lives and emphasize the need to stay
informed as these influences can be both beneficial and detrimental to our perception of the world.
The way ancient culture can impact our ideals is demonstrated by various contemporary adaptations of
Greek mythology. For instance, in 1997, Walt Disney produced the animated movie Hercules, based
on stories about the legendary Greek hero who persevered through numerous labors and challenges to
eventually gained a place in Mount Olympus, the home of the gods. Hercules was a major box office
hit among children and had left a deep impression on how they perceive the qualities of a hero.
Similarly, the 2004 film Troy, based loosely on Homer s the Iliad, tells the story of Achilles and the
Trojan War. Troy was a critical success, grossing nearly 500 million dollars worldwide. But the movie
did not exhibit merely entertainment
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Monetary Policy Of The Federal Reserve System
Most people don t understand Economic growth or what takes place in the economy with regard to
inflation, unemployment, or interest rates. These things are all regulated by the central bank called the
Federal Reserve System. The tope covered in this paper is the monetary policy which is the policy that
decides if unemployment, interest, and inflation decreases or increases. The Monetary policy decides
what price a person pays for an item at the store, how much interest a person will get charged on a
loan for a car. This is something most people consider, most just look for the best price point or look
where their money can go the farthest.
Monetary policy consists of specific changes in the money supply to influence interest rates which in
return adjusts the level of spending in the economy. The goal of the policy is to achieve and maintain
price stability, full employment, and economic growth. The regulation of the money supply and
interest rates are controlled by a central bank, such as the Federal Reserve Board in the U.S., in order
to control inflation. Monetary policy is only one of the two ways the government can affect the
economy. By altering the effective cost of money, the Federal Reserve can ultimately change the
amount of money that is spent by consumers and businesses.
The Federal Reserve System is the United States central bank and was established in 1913 and
consists of the Board of 7 Governors in Washington, D.C., and 12 Federal Reserve District Banks.
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Comparing Marx s Views On Socioeconomic Status And The...
This paper is going to discuss the differences in classic theorist s views on socioeconomic status and
the level of education a person receives. To begin, let s say that the people who receive a higher level
of education tend to be higher in socioeconomic status and, therefore, the people who do not receive a
much education tend to be lower in status. Structural functionalist would say that the different levels
of education are to keep society balanced. People with less education tend to have mediocre or blue
collar jobs, while people with a higher education have more noteworthy jobs. As a society, we need
both types of people in order for society to fully function. If everyone was blessed with the
opportunity to get the highest levels of education, it would offset the equilibrium because no one
would want to do the simple yet necessary jobs. If no one did those, we would not have restaurants or
clean public restrooms. The roads would be terrible because there would be no construction workers to
maintain them. Currently, the people with a higher education depend on the less educated in order to
have the standard of living that they have now. The less educated people currently depend on the
higher educated people to require their services, whether it be serving them ... Show more content on ...
Marx would have said that because of the differing levels of education, the lower level workers would
feel pressured by the upper class to work the pedestrian jobs. However, Marx would have agreed that
the more highly educated relied on the less educated and vice versa. Marx believed that over time, the
less educated would become dissatisfied with feeling inferior and would come together to help
balance the system by taking on roles that were typically reserved for the more highly
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The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
If you look at any company or organization, you are bound to find a list of values, things that others
view as positive qualities in a person. These could be things such as honesty, knowledge, diligence,
and compassion. Values set up a foundation for the organization, something for their employees to
follow and exemplify in their service to the general public. Employees can use their organization s
values to see what their strengths are and where they need to improve. Values also provide a reference
point when hiring new employees, helping employers to see which individuals are already living the
organization s values. The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) has such a list of values,
which they refer to as Core Values . These are Accountability, Altruism, Compassion/Caring,
Excellence, Integrity, Professional Duty, and Social Responsibility. It is important for me, as a future
Physical Therapist Assistant, to look at the APTA s Core Values and see where my strengths and
weaknesses lie. Out of these Core Values, I feel that I am strongest is Compassion/Caring. Throughout
my life, I have always been concerned with the wellbeing of others. I try my best to help those around
me whenever I can. A huge part of the value of Compassion/Caring is considering the needs of others,
attending to those needs, and helping others feel that they are worth something. When I was in high
school, a friend of mine called me one day, asking for my help. She had gotten some bad news
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Early Stages Of Life Of A Child
Children are the most flexible during their early stages of life. The development of the child is very
critical during their early stages. As parents play a vital role in the life of their children, the
development of the child depends on the attitude and approach of the parents. The parents should have
a very deep concern about the attitude that they adopt about raising their children so that the early
stage of life could be utilized at the bets level. As the impacts are very much critical at the early stage
of the life of a child, it is important that the intervention of the parents in the life of the child is at a
balanced approach, thus ensuring that the child is being guided at the most optimum direction. The
early intervention in the life of the child could be beneficial from the aspect that the child could be
headed towards the positive direction or beneficial the child at this stage of life can result the child
getting into the wrong direction of life. (Resources, 2014)
Early Intervention in the life of the child has a great deal of impact on the development of the child
from several aspects such as personality and character building; guided towards a certain direction in
Role of parents in child s development
Parent is basically the prime care of the child and is responsible for raising the child. The parent bears
the responsibility of taking care of all the essential needs of the child followed by the upcoming
demands of the child which come up during the
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Westjet Airlines
revisited the vision statement. The upcoming weeks would be crucial because Matthew wondered if
the still nascent state of s culture at its Vancouver head office would survive this
1. Source: Jupiter Communications, 2000.
Prepared by Ken Mark under the supervision of Professor Gerard Seijts
Copyright 2001, lvey Management Services
It was April 17, 2001, and WestJet s market capitalization had just surpassed that of Air
Canada s, the country s leading airline. We re in the hospitality business and our culture is everything
to us, stated Don Bell, co founder and senior vice president ... Show more content on
In June 1996, the airline purchased its fourth
Boeing 737 aircraft and added service to the new market of Regina. In August that year, Saskatoon
was added. In June 1997, Abbotsford Fraser
Valley was added, making WestJet the only scheduled carrier to operate at that airport. March 1999
saw the addition of the two new destinations of
Thunder Bay and Prince George, and in September
1999, WestJet added Grande Prairie to its service area. WestJet met a major business goal when, in
July 1999, it completed its initial public offering of 2.5 million common shares. The share price
at closing was Cdn$1 0. It was an exciting day for all WestJetters, representing the achievement of a
major goal and raising the necessary capital for expansion of the company in the coming years. The
capital raised from the offering,
Cdn$25 million before post closing adjustments, would be used for the purchase of additional aircraft,
as well as the building of new head office and hangar facilities in Calgary, in order to meet the needs
of the company s expanding workforce.
In 1999, unprecedented changes and restructuring were seen in the airline industry in Canada
(e.g., plans for a merger between Canadian Airlines and Air Canada, small carriers that discovered
... Get more on ...
Pros And Cons Of Eating Locally Essay
Having fresh fruits and vegetables locally would be nice, to have refreshing, raw, unprocessed food
instead of food that s been sitting in the store for weeks. That s what locavores are all about. But
unfortunately, thats not reality. And the chances of everyone going out of there way to find these
locally grown foods, is utterly ridiculous.
Locavores spread the word about becoming a locavore so eating locally grown food, getting more
nutritional value and all these things. However, they don t foucs on the negative side this, including
transportation, inventory a farmers market will have, and the fact that eating a carrot grown thirty
miles away is the same as a carrot grown one thousand miles away.
Fruits and vegetables still have the ... Show more content on ...
Some people may believe because a company grows locally, they ll have more inventory. However
that s not the case because the problem here invloves the way food miles are calculated. ( source C)
For instance, if a truck if shipping it s a couple thousand vegetables a couple thousand miles away, it
would be the same as a local company sending a hundred vegetables a hundred miles away. Therefore
decreasing the profit they could have made if they weren t selling just locally.
Three hundred and eighteen million people spread all across the nation, it s nearly impossible to have
locally grown food near all these people. Not everyone has the advantage of being close to a locally
grown farmers market, so what do those people do? Drive hundreds of miles to the farmers market
when there s Wal mart only ten miles away? Of course not, because although it may be fresher, That
doesn t mean it s necessary (source B) People can get their food much cheaper nearby and not spend
nearly as much gas.
Locavores have a fine idea going here, I don t oppse that. However, the idea of everyone becoming a
locavore isn t very reasonable so most people wouldn t want to make the
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Changes In Emma s Economic Development
There are many changes and continuities that have taken place since Emma s birth in 2001.
Throughout this period, there have been economic and political changes that have occurred and
continuities as well. Her economic development has changed in that she has a source of income by a
casual occupation and has stayed the same in that she is still living under her parents who fund her for
many things. Her political development has changed in that she has developed her own opinion and
stance on current issues and has stayed the same as it has been influenced by her parents from a very
young age. These changes have been more prominent in her life, by affecting her in bigger ways such
as influencing her actions, her maturity, and her opinions. Ever
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Write An Essay On Menopause
Menopause is a time in a woman life when her body no longer fertile, this is normal for a woman she
stop have a menstrual cycle, there no set time when to predict when menopause will begin, most
women can get an ideal based on her family history, body type, and lifestyle. Menopause can happen
in between your 40 s or 50 s the average age is in the United States is 51. There is no set time to
predict when menopause will begin most women can get ideal through her family history, body type,
and lifestyle. Women may enter menopause earlier if she is thin and small boned, has never had
children, she doesn t smoke, high altitude locations, has bad eating habits, hysterectomy or tubal
ligation, short cycles, has had several abortions. What can cause ... Show more content on ...
87% of menopausal women report they have experienced hot flashes and half of them have
experienced night sweats as well. Although some women still menstruate regularly they can may
experience hot flashes. Hot flashes usually only transpire for about a year, some women struggle with
them for up to five years on an intermittent basis. The more often a woman s estrogen levels waver,
the stronger and more frequent the hot flashes become. Changes in the hypothalamus as hormone level
decline, some experts think this may be the cause of hot flashes. Women who have had their ovaries
removed experience much more severe hot flashes than those whose ovaries are
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Greek Knowledge Between Adam And Eve
Adam and Eve, however, possess a greater disadvantage in that they do not have the knowledge
required to simply identify Satan. As stated earlier, the wise angels were not able to discover the true
identity of Satan. Eve is, therefore, destined to do the same. Although the narrator of the poem and
God never discuss the true nature of Eve, Adam perceives her as a beautiful but inferior in the
mind/and inward faculties (Paradise Lost, 7.541 542). Regardless of her true nature, it is clear that
both Adam and Eve do not possess the equivalent amount of knowledge as the angels. After Raphael
relates the story of Satan s rebellion, Adam with his consorted Eve... was fill d/With...deep Muse to
hear/Of things so high and strange, things to their thought/So unimaginable ... Show more content on ...
The conversation led the two to have thoughts that they would never have had otherwise. But,
interestingly, Adam and Eve gain more than just new thoughts, they also gain Muse. Muse goes a step
beyond simple thoughts, suggesting profound meditation (OED). In other words, they become
entranced by the new knowledge that they received; knowledge that was not available to them
beforehand. Yet, the word Muse has another meaning that further complicates the impression of
ignorance for Eve. A muse is also each of the nine goddesses regarded as presiding over and inspiring
learning (OED). Firstly, by referring to goddesses the term introduces a feminine connotation. This
term, therefore, relates more to Eve than it does to Adam, regardless of the fact that both are present
when Raphael delivers his message. According to the meaning of this term, Eve not only learns, but
she instigates learning. She not only seeks knowledge, but she also advocates gaining it. Eve is,
therefore, not ignorant nor does she seek ignorance. Instead, she is left dumbfounded by the
knowledge she receives and she desires to seek
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Nacirema Tribe
Who are the Nacirema? According to Horace Miner the Nacirema are a tribe located in North
America, originating from the east, who are known for their performances of odd rituals and taboo
magic. Miner, an author published by The American Anthropologist, wrote an article in 1956 titled
Body Ritual Among the Nacirema . Recently additional information has surfaced about the tribe from
the American Anthropology Association. Proof of a new strange ritual has been discovered.
This practice consists of the use of an ancient technology called a llec enohp . These objects
apparently held lots of power and could be used for many different things. Most of the tribe s
members used them for communication, travel assistance, and holding memories. A llec enohp looked
like a very small and thin box in which they believed, whenever a Nacirema charged his or her ...
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Sharing themselves through this powerful object during Ecaf Koob could sometimes bring out the evil
in its owners. Members would argue and curse each other, some for no reason at all but just because
they now had the power to do so. At this point even children were given llec enohp s so they were
taking part in its evil potentials as well. If there were any controversy between two people no one
would communicate face to face anymore, everyone would just take their llec enohps to Ecaf Koob
and ruin each other s names out to the entire village.
It is thought that after many of these great assaults a small group of the tribe destroyed their llec enohp
s. But through all of this many people still found the llec enohp s useful in different ways and used its
magic for good. More and more information is being unlocked about the Nacirema s strange
technology and as the association uncovers this information the more we can understand about the
tribe. Along with its list of strange rituals, we can now add the praise of llec enohps and tradition of
Ecaf Koob to that
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The Standards Scoop Case Study
The Standards Scoop
Say hello to this year s first issue of The Standards Scoop! These newsletters will address any
problems we are seeing, promote resources and work through any issues your committee may be
facing. Generally, The Standards Scoop will be published monthly. Feel free to share these newsletters
with your committee!
Kappa Time
With school well underway for most chapters, now is a good time to remind you and for you to remind
the members of your chapter that there is no such thing as Kappa time. As members, we wear our
letters 24/7 and are always expected to uphold Fraternity standards. In this day and age, social media
and technology allow bad decisions to go viral overnight. That cannot be ignored. Members can and ...
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Challenge your committee to come up with new ideas for sisterhood events. These events can range
from large outings to small get togethers. If there aren t any member conferences planned for your
weekly meeting, you can always talk sisterhood!
Resources to Know
Let s do a quick review of some of the available resources.
Adviser: Your adviser is a great resource and an important person to keep in the loop. She should be
attending all meetings either virtually or in person when you meet with members.
Standards Specialist: Your Standards Specialist is a critical resource. She receives copies of the
minutes from your weekly meetings and is your go to person for all things standards (e.g.,
resignations, probation questions, urgent issues, etc.). When in doubt, contact your Standards
There are many resources available on the Kappa website. However, documents you should regularly
refer to are:
Vice President Standards Leadership Guide
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The United States Legal Responsibility For Indian Education
According to Meza (2015), effects from the United States attempts to accommodate, assimilate, and
terminate the Indian are still being felt today. Many traditional Native American languages have
become extinct, and the future tribal leaders are struggling to perform at comparable levels with
mainstream American students. The upcoming generation does not know their traditional culture or
language. This threatens tribal sovereignty (Mesa, 2015). There are differing opinions regarding the
United States legal responsibility for Indian education. The Supreme Court has continually held that
Indian tribes are domestic dependent nations. However, Congress and the President agree the federal
government is responsible for the education of Indian students (Meza, 2015). To date, there have been
over 150 treaties between tribes and the United States. In 2001, the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act
reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Amendments to Title VII (Indian
Education) read as follows:
It is the policy of the United States to fulfill the Federal Government s unique and continuing trust
relationship with and responsibility to the Indian people for the education of Indian children. The
Federal Government will continue to ensure that programs that serve Indian children are of the highest
quality and provide for not only the basic elementary and secondary education needs, but also the
unique educational and culturally related academic needs of these
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Feminism, Abortion And Contraception
I recently spoke with the doctor who delivered me into this world nearly eighteen years ago. He s been
a friend of the family years, even before I was born. Now retired, he had delivered newborns for over
thirty years. I recently asked him what the ratio was between older and younger women giving birth
these days. He replied, More older women than you d think... every once in a while, you might see
some poor 16 year old girl having a rough time, but usually 20 to 30 year old women with an
occasional 40 year old having another kid. That was the answer I was expecting. Between 1970 and
1986 the women in the United States 30 to 39 years of age having their first child doubled, and the
number of women 40 to 44 years old having their ... Show more content on ...
Children were seen as a cause of women being interpreted as secondary citizens, and that a woman
could be her best if she at least chose to have children later in life. As most feminists at this time were
white, educated women, feminists seeking encouraged women to become educated, go to college,
and/or start a career (Welles Nystrom). A 1982 poll conducted found that 86% of women who gave
birth after 28 years of age, were quoted agreeing they wanted it all, and desired to become a career
woman and a housewife (Poelker and Baldwin). Though a career or college education may not
necessarily be the top priority for all women, today, it usually comes first as financial stability for
anyone is obviously important. Who wants to take care of a kid in college anyway? School is hard
enough. That s a good two to eight years where a kid is going to get in the way; especially if one
doesn t have any other family for support, and starting a career can also be equally as difficult. I
wouldn t want a kid either if I was a woman seeking a college education or a career. Having a child
later in life gives a woman the option of having a child when she is ready, not the child. Furthermore,
in the early seventies, the Supreme Court in the case of Roe v Wade made abortion legal. Just twenty
five years later, the total number of abortions totaled nearly 37 million. During those years
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Essay On Fennec Fox
The Fennec fox is an organism that been doing research on.oh and it is a pretty neat organism. And
instead of saying fennec fox you can say vulpes zerda that is the scientific term There are plenty of
more foxes to research on but i choose this one the the funny thing is when they re happy they stick
out their tongue like a cat but don t cough up a hairball
The fennec fox is like a dog but his actions resolve differently. Fennec foxes really big ears and they
have hair on there feet so they can run on hot sand so they can catch their prey. And they have big ears
so they can listen to their prey and pinpoint where they exactly are. Fennec foxes can go a long time
without water because the food they have plenty of water in it. And fennec foxes are nocturnal so if
you did have it as a pet it would just sleep all day.Also on all that they can even camouflage because
there baige so they ... Show more content on ...
But when it is windy they don t get dirt blown on them because they burrow into the sand so the sun is
hot right well the fennec fox has a way not to get burned those big long ears cover his body from a
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Comparing The White Man s Burden And The Poisonwood Bible
Weighed down, overwhelmed, accountability, and responsibility. These are all aspects of having a
burden, but what exactly is the burden of a white man? Labor? Money? Extreme temperatures? No,
far from it actually. In the poem the White Man s Burden, Kipling portrays the Burden as having to
civilize the uncultured heathens of Africa. The family in The Poisonwood Bible have this particular
burden. However, the family is divided on how they think about this so called burden . These two
works of literature go together like peanut butter and jelly. They walk hand in hand to expose the
downfalls of colonialism and superiority. The Poisonwood Bible has a family that is sent to the Congo
to help the Congolese people by introducing them to the Christian faith. In The White Man s Burden,
it talks of civilizing the uncivilized or changing them. Just as the Price family is doing to the
Congolese people. However the question remains. Is it the family s job to civilize these people? Well,
many believe not. ... Show more content on ...
It tells of the greatness and the pride that comes with fulfilling this task of civilizing people, but there
is a sense of mock in the wording of it. Both of these works of literature express the downside of this.
While reading The Poisonwood Bible the reader feels an almost awkward feeling when Nathan is
angry with Anatole or when the Congolese finally stand up to Nathan. The reader gets the feeling that
Nathan should back off. Even the family of Nathan feels odd in the moment while Nathan himself is
like a cobra ready to strike. This is a perfect example of how the family is split over how they should
... Get more on ...

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Amazing How To Write A Nonfiction Book Report Col

  • 1. Amazing How To Write A Nonfiction Book Report Col 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Amazing How To Write A Nonfiction Book Report Col Amazing How To Write A Nonfiction Book Report Col
  • 2. Compare And Contrast Africa And Lot s Wife Lot s Wife and Africa are poems depicting the effects of the abuse of power and how the forceful villains mistreat others due to their positions of superiority and trust. Lot s Wife shows how under a tyrannous rule which holds no regard for personal emotions renders people either devoid of humanity, Lot, or devoid of life, Lot s Wife. Africa demonstrates the chaos and terror involved in invasion and how an overwhelming military force and covetousness can extirpate the magic and God out of a place. I will argue that both poems show how excessive force and violence can have a strong impact to both people and places as they circumscribe emotion and obliterate the potential of a civilization. Lot s Wife indicates how unsettling and unnatural the presence of the harbingers of caustic rulers can be. In line 1, the adjective just is used to describe Lot as he trailed behind the Angel. Just is used with a touch of sarcasm as Lot is only just because he follows the Angel. The verb trailed could have been replaced by followed or a verb which is more indicative of any interest in following the aforementioned Angel. This suggests that Lot may not want to go with the Angel. This engenders an aura of fear which is further developed in line 2, the ... Show more content on ... Alongside this, Tagore also demonstrates the arousement of his thirst for repentance for the maltreatment of Africa. Sarcasm embellishes itself in the oxymoron civilizations barbarous greed . Irony is developed in lines 35 to 39 as the Europeans are engaging in a supposedly moral and civil activity whilst destroying Africa. There is further irony developed from how they are bastardizing God s will yet devoutly praying. The uncapitalized god with the presence of the aforestated capitalized creator diminishes the importance of their God and suggests their lack of knowledge of ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Fisher Price Essay Fisher Price Company Overview Fisher Price is a children s toy company, who is owned by the parent company, Mattel. In 2015, Fisher Price posted annual worldwide sales of $1.85 billion, which was up 7% over the prior year. (Mattel, 2016) With Fisher Price being a leader in the global toy market, there is a significant opportunity and pressure to unveil and produce new and innovative toys throughout the year, especially in the fourth quarter, which encompasses the holiday season. Fisher Price is known for toys geared towards younger children, usually from birth to age 8. While they have a wide range of offerings that includes baby gear (swings, bouncers, high chairs, etc.), their core business is toys. New Product Launch With evolving trends, Fisher Price needs to stay ahead of the competition and develop new and relevant toys to draw attention to their brand. One way to do this is to unveil exclusive toy sets for specific retailers. These are usually larger sets with more pieces or new color of an existing toy at a great value than what is offered for the general competition. As an example, Fisher Price exclusively manufactured a pink toy medical kit for Toys R Us. This not only draws more customers into Toys R Us but it brings awareness and calls out the Fisher Price brand. With respect to the product launch at Toys R Us with the exclusive toy set, there are risk factors that need to be understood to ensure they are cost effective and operationally sound ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Negationism In 1984 In Chapter 1 of the Book 1984, we see the beginning of the story in the ruins of England, renamed Airstrip One in Oceana. We meet the main character, Winston, who works for the Ministry of Truth. In reality the name is contrary to its actual work, lies and Historical Negationism. Historical Negationism is the distortion or denial of history for normally evil reasons or purposes. Compared to our lives, Historical Negationism does not happen as often as it did in the story, but in our lives, we have the better version. Historical Revisionism, this is the revising of history, and is normally used under the circumstances that new information is discovered in history, science or any field in the books. Historical Negationism is normally used to influence a populace to bend to the will of a bigger power, like the Ministry workers bending to the power of Big Brother or whoever pulls the strings behind all the complex ins and outs of life in 1984. Unlike the world in 1984, we do not have such a nefarious scheme controlling our daily lives behind the curtains. This is why Historical Negationism isn t more prevalent in our world than in the world of 1984. ... Show more content on ... Even if it is flawed or incomplete, it is our best guess at what we know as of now. New information will always pop up as we dig deeper and deeper into our history. It is Revisionism s job to revise and edit the new and the old when they correlate with each other. This is why Historical Revisionism is more prevalent in our world than in ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Federal Reserve Operations And Market Impact Federal Reserve Operations and Market Impact In order for the Federal Reserve to fulfill their goal of moderate long term interest rates, stable prices and maximum employment, they rely on developing strategic changes to the monetary policy. Through monetary policy changes, the Federal Reserve can either restrict or encourage economic growth and inflation, thereby molding the macroeconomy into a state of consistent health. Overall, there are three tools used to modify the monetary policy, they include reserve requirements, discount rates, and open market operations. In an effort to promote price stability within the economy, these tools influence monetary conditions by affecting interest rates, credit availability, money supply and security prices. While one tool is use more frequently than the others, all three are necessary in establishing stable economic conditions. Reserve Requirement The reserve requirement is a tool used by the Federal Reserve to adapt the monetary policy to their target range. Reserve requirements control the minimum amount of funds a depository intuition is required to maintain against their liabilities (Federal Reserve, n.d). Furthermore, the reserve requirement is usually tied into a ratio of transaction accounts the depository institutions holds. Consequently, a decrease in the reserve requirement allows institutions to hold less funds enabling them to loan out a greater percentage, thereby increasing the funds available within the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Conceptual Framework Of A Restaurant 1.3 Proposed Conceptual Framework H1 H2 H4 s H3 Figure 1: Conceptual framework of the study The figure have conducted the framework for measuring customer references on selecting a restaurant. Socio demographic profiles as the moderator in determining the effect of restaurant selection. Hence, it forms this conceptual framework where it attempts to access customer preference on selecting a restaurant. There is the relationship of the factors influencing restaurant selection such as service quality, food quality and ... Show more content on ... 1.4.2 The relationship between customer preferences and service quality. Customer preferences are important concept within services marketing theory. According to my review, service quality have significant relationship with customer preferences. Their finding indicates that the service quality provided by staff is fundamental and crucial to the customer satisfaction in the restaurants. Furthermore, customers will choose the restaurants based on their satisfaction level. In another study by Cronin and Taylor (1992), the study have shown the perceived service quality can greatly affect customers satisfaction and customer preferences. Many restaurants out there will pay more attention on service quality because it will directly influencing the customer preferences which will lead to customer revisit and customer will become loyalty to the restaurants. And will directly affect he restaurant revenue. In addition, Yüksel Yüksel (2002) stated that service quality had the most significant impact on dining satisfaction at the aggregate market ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Greasy Lake Compare to a P Essay The stories A P and Greasy Lake are similer to each other due to the fact that they both are about a young man still trying to figure out what they plan to do with there life, they both feel that rebellion is cool, and they both learn a lesson threw there rebellious acts. Both charactors are the age of nineteen. This is a time of life when you start to experience some new freedoms. Most of your friends own and can drive cars so you are no longer bound by your parents and the bus to get you to points a and b, You can buy cigarrets, see a R rated movie in theaters. This is also a coming of age time when you are pressure to find out what you plan to do the rest of your life. Other adults start to look at you as your equill instead of ... Show more content on ... When they are out being bad they like to drive to greasy lake were they can drink beer, smoke pot and howl at the stars. One night they go down to greasy lake and mistaken a car for there friend Tonys and they lay the horn and flash there high beams at it. Turns out not to be tonys car but some strangers. The stranger gets out not happy and begins to fight the gang of kids in the mist of it all the narraighter drops his keys to his car. The stranger seems to be winning the fight until the narratoir grabs a tire iron from under his seat and hits the stranger across the head with it knocking the stranger out. Then another car comes down to greasy lake unable to find the car keys the group of kids runs away into greasy lake. While the narrator is in the water he finds a dead body. The other car turns out to be the strangers friends and they wreck the group of kids car. The narratoir and his friends wait till morning for greasy lake to clear out. Once it does they head back to there car when two girls arrive asking if they seen there friend who we presume is the dead guy in the lake. They tell the two girls no, and they respond by saying how it looks like they had a rough night, and ask if they want to party with them. The narraitoir says no and they get in the car and head ... Get more on ...
  • 8. KPMG Business Analysis Many individuals seek to have a career objective where they are able to maintain a position within a professional environment and be able to contribute their personal skills and attributes to the company assisting them to lead forward towards success. In comparison, I prefer to be working within an environment where relationships with peers are strong and is always open when I can continue to learn and move up the ladder. It is important to be proactive in searching for opportunities that reflect these career objectives, which on a personal note KPMG has become a focus for me via the excellent first impression. The company is well known within the global economy and as a result has maintained a diversity background where employees are hired on basis of individuality thoughts, skills, cultural backgrounds and experiences. As a result, having the passion to explore and seek for opportunities within different regions of the world entitles myself to be able to suit the working culture of the accounting field within KPMG. Additionally, when seeking for employment in an accounting company and maintaining a profile in the taxation and ... Show more content on ... This explains that the company not only incorporates profit and growth making strategies, but are also committed towards its community showing professionalism and wellbeing. As a result, getting the opportunity to gain a profile in accounting field of KPMG will help increase my professional skills and help achieve the long term objectives. These personal objectives that can be achieved includes being able to assist the community that I am a part of and always be out for those who require the need. Additionally, having the flexibility to perform professionally outside the office is a personal attribute that allows me to get a sense of achievement, and build on my working skills and enrich ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Clean Edge Analysis Essay Position Statement: Paramount Health and Beauty wants to launch a new razor into the market currently referred to as Clean Edge. The project team recommends that the company should position the product as a distinct mainstream product, dubbing it Clean Edge by Paramount in order to produce growth in sales from new product innovation. The importance of placing the product in a mainstream position is to successfully launch an innovative product creating more market share for Paramount and for Clean Edge to become the most sought out razor in the industry. Failing to take this route and deciding to position the product in a niche would only give the new product a limited amount of consumers, preventing Clean Edge from reaching its ... Show more content on ... Clean Edge by Paramount gives customers a clear perception of the advantages of the product without being concerned about other product categories. Critique of Rejected Options There are several reasons why the project team should reject the first option in positioning Clean Edge in a niche. The first reason concerns the pricing strategy. Placing the product in a niche position would make the razor more expensive in the retail sense. Catering to the more involved groomers places the product at a suggested retail price at $12.99. Placing the product at a higher price in the niche position could only lead Clean Edge Razor to a limited market. Rosenberg suggested placing the product in the niche position for a year or two; however, this could lead to prevention in attracting a wider customer base for the product during that time frame. Another reason Paramount should not place in the niche position is their significantly low marketing budget compared to their competitors. In just media advertising alone, Radiance spent $16 million on Naiv. For Clean Edge, the cost for advertising for the niche position would only be $7 million. Because Radiance is spending more than twice as much on their advertising compared to what Paramount would spend in the niche position, Radiance would gain an advantage in covering more ground to promote its product. As far as product naming is concerned, Paramount ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Characteristics Of A Summon Economy Summon Economy: Qualities, Experts, Cons, and Samples A summon economy is the place monetary choices are arranged out in point of interest by a focal government power. The arrangement is executed through laws, regulations and orders. Organizations take after generation and procuring focuses rather than independently and uninhibitedly reacting to the laws of supply and request. Focal organizers try to supplant the strengths that work in a business sector economy, and the traditions that guide a conventional economy, to accomplish particular societal objectives. They might likewise utilize parts of an order and market economy as a component of a blended economy. The idea of a summon economy was produced by Viennese business analyst Otto ... Show more content on ... For instance, the order economy in Russia developed a compelling military may and rapidly revamped the economy after World War II. Summon Economy Hindrances This fast assembly frequently means order economies cut down other societal needs. For instance, specialists are regularly told what employments they must satisfy and are even demoralized from moving. On the other hand, individuals won t disregard their own requirements for long. They regularly add to a shadow economy, or bootleg market, to purchase and offer the things the order economy isn t creating. The endeavors of pioneers to control this business sector can at last debilitate support for the focal arranging power. Rather than prompting productivity, charge economies regularly deliver a lot of one thing and insufficient of another. That is on account of it s troublesome for the focal organizers to get state of the art data about shoppers requirements. Also, costs are set by the focal arrangement, thus can t be utilized to gauge or control request. Rather, apportioning frequently gets to be ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Essay on Fin 439 Case 92 QUESTIONS 1. Assume that you are given a set of cash flows on a time line and asked to find their present value. How would you choose the discount rate to apply to these cash flows? abcdefg 2. Consider a one year, $18,000 CD. a. What is its value at maturity if it pays 8.4 percent (annual) interest? b. Compute the future value if the CD pays 3.2 percent; if it pays 16.8 percent. Overall, what do these results indicate about the relation between level of interest and future value? c. The First National Bank of San Francisco offers CDs with an 8.4 percent nominal (stated) interest rate but compounded semiannually. What is the effective annual rate on such a CD? What is the value of the CD at the end of the year? Explain ... Show more content on ... What are the effective annual rates and values at maturity of these CDs? (Use a 365 day year.) 4. It is estimated that in six years the total cost for one year of college will be $35,000. a. How much must be invested today in a CD paying 8.4 percent annual interest in order to accumulate the needed funds? b. If only $18,000 is invested, what annual interest rate is needed to produce the needed $35,000 after six years? c. If only $18,000 is invested, what stated rate must the First National Bank offer on its semiannual compounding CD to accumulate the required funds? Explain how the analysis changes if the funds were invested with Pacific Trust or Bay State Savings and Loan. 5. Now consider the second alternative six annual payments of $3,000 each made at the end of each year. a. What type of annuity is this? b. What is the future value of this annuity if the payments are invested in an account paying 8.4 percent interest annually? c. What is the future value if the payments are invested with the First National Bank, which offers semiannual compounding? How does the analysis change with quarterly or daily compounding? d. What size payment would be needed to accumulate $35,000 under annual compounding at an 8.4 percent interest rate? e. What lump sum, if deposited today, would produce the same ending value as in Part b? f. Suppose the payments are only $1,500 each, but are made every six months, starting six months from today. ... Get more on ...
  • 12. What Is The Message Of The Man On The Moon By John Lewis A medium sized suburban home comes into view; a light snowfall blankets the world in a sheet of cotton as the sounds of Christmas music fill the air. The street is covered in brightly colored orbs of light strung carefully from every rooftop. Despite the busy season, the air feels light with Christmas cheer as despite the chilly weather there is a feeling of warmth through every home. The Christmas season had finally arrived, coming into view as quick as a flicker of the home s hearth. No matter where you go you can feel the spirit of the holidays throughout every home, every meal, and every celebration. The holiday season fills each and every person with emotion, an emotion that is hard to describe but everyone who has experienced the holidays knows. Trying to capture this emotion is difficult, yet sometimes his emotion can truly be harnessed and celebrated. John Lewis has always been known for their Christmas advertisements and the powerful emotions that they inspire. John Lewis is a United Kingdom and an online business that focuses on the selling of multiple products from holiday decorations, gifts, and even items such as insurances or luxury cars. This companies appeal is not only their selection of products but the message of togetherness and family as they attempt to put into everything that they sell. Their Christmas advertisement titled The Man on the Moon was their 2015 attempt to celebrate this message as well as team up with the United Kingdom charity Age UK. ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Portfolio Writing Review And Reflection Portfolio Writing Review and Reflection When I started this class, I never thought I was a good writer. Ironically, after this class, I have learned how to be an organized writer and the term good is extremely unclear and subjective. From the short stories and questions to the individual essays, each assignment helped me practice and develop my writing skills. Overall, I think my writing has improved and the process of writing, something I often over looked, has immensely helped my writing. My literacy narrative titled, Affinity for Reading , helped me analyze and assess how I really felt about writing. Reading through my literacy narrative, I see how far I have grown in my grammar and mechanics and formatting. I remember after I turned the assignment in that I forgot to change the font to Times New Roman. I thought I was going to fail based on that formatting error. While I was fleshing out my ideas for the assignment, I sat down at Starbucks and just wrote any and all memories of reading and writing that I had. It was not incredibly efficient, however, I learned how to create more structured outlines as the course went on. In addition, I also learned to triple check basic formatting for each essay to ensure that each essay was as accurate as possible. My argument analysis titled, The Art of Liberal Arts , allowed me to use several different sources for writing assistance. I used the Smartthinking website and I also went to the Germanna Student Tutoring Service. ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Importance and Use of Disclosure In this section we will introduce the background knowledge of our topic, and we will show the motivation of this paper by discussing related prior literature. A disclosure is additional information attached to an entity s financial statements, usually as an explanation for activities, which have significantly influenced the entity s financial results. In the United States, this disclosure is usually found in the notes of financial statements, and many also can be found in the notes section of the corporate annual report. Basically, the purpose of accounting disclosure is to inform both current and potential investors of the accounting strategies and methods used when developing periodic corporate financial statements. Through disclosure, there are several effects the management wants to reach. First, managers often issue earnings forecasts to reduce information asymmetry and therefore influence their firm s stock price (e.g., Nagar et al. 2003). Second, managers forecast, particularly when they involve bad news, is aimed at avoiding litigation or at least minimizing the cost of subsequent litigation. Field et al. (200S) find that preemptive bad news forecasts are useful in deterring certain types of lawsuits. Third, analysts update their forecasts in response to firms earnings forecasts and recent evidence suggests that approximately 60 percent of analysts revise their forecasts within five days of management guidance (Cotter et al. 2006). Kim and Verrecchia (1994) ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Academic Libraries Once known as one of the undebatable centers of intellectual thought and process on every college and university campus, academic libraries are being unseated from their position of power and authority by the very industry they ve worked years to create space and business for. In the past, journals and publishers fought for the favor of academic librarians and buyers, vying for their attention and preference when it came to stocking the vast capacity of stacks that most institutions offer. Conversely in 2017, the publishing market has begun to turn the tables on the former reign holders. In the following pages this paper will examine the shift of power between books to different resources from subscription services, e books, and ... Show more content on ... The first new application of media for libraries is subscription and database based services. The term, subscription based services may very well be the subprime mortgage bond of the library universe. Unlike the traditional purchase of a physical publication, a digital subscription based repository is only available for as long as the fees are paid. These terms of use push universities not only into large, recurring costs but also create pressure for the institution to continue the subscription. Not only does the school not want to interrupt ongoing research but also student bodies come to rely and expect the presence of specific subscriptions. The prospect of switching to another service, although perhaps cheaper in the primary cost, carries additional costs such as training/education, user registration as well as IT support in its setup. Companies that offer these subscription based services appear to very well rely on these barriers to swapping. Subscriptions are an effective way to help students with current research materials but is costly and must be renewed. These subscriptions help students access the materials everywhere on campus and around the world, which is reducing the number of books and journals checked out in person. This is downgrading libraries use of books and resources. This can be evidenced by the bold pricing strategies implemented by such companies. For instance, ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Effects Of Media On Children With Disabilities Essay Mass media allows many people in society to understand different problems and receive news around the world. In the United States, mass media plays a big role in portraying stereotypes and creating stigmas, especially for people with disabilities. It can be very difficult for people who do not have a disability to portray the feelings of someone with a disability or understand how to create media that does not contain stereotypes of people with disabilities. When people with disabilities are included in the making of media content, they are able to debate the societal issues related to them that rarely make the mainstream press (Haller, 2010, p.117). This means that they can bring up problems that they have personally experienced and help educate society on how those problems can be resolved. News about disabilities should be included in the media more often in order to help able bodied people become aware of disabilities and avoid the stereotypes that have been created. If a person with a disability helps make a story about someone with a disability, they can make sure the story explains the necessary issue and disregards any stigmas. Beth Haller describes in her book Representing Disabilities in an Ableist World: Essays on Mass Media that historically, articles about people with disabilities rarely made it into the news, and, when the articles were written, that they were misrepresentative and stigmatizing (2010, p. 119). In addition, an individual with disability can ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Blue Mountains Research Paper Stay at Motels in Blue Mountains to live in the Lap of Nature If you are planning to enjoy the scenic Blue Mountains of Australia, this vacation, then you must be thinking where to stay. There are many motels available in Blue Mountains that help the client to select the room style as per their preference. Finding the right Accommodation is one of the important aspects which need serious consideration. Therefore, many people tend to book for the accommodation much in advance to avoid any complications at a later stage. Blue Mountains are one of the popular tourist attractions in Australia Every year, several foreigners visit this place to experience the serene beauty of the Mother Nature. The Blue Mountains, Comfort Inn Redleaf Resort is a ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Classical Influences On Modern Films And Literature Vuong Khuat Classical influences on modern films and literature Classical Greece and Rome were ancient civilizations that existed 2500 years ago, and are regarded by numerous scholars as the foundation of humanities in various fields. In popular culture, Ancient Greece and Rome are portrayed substantially in books and movies; however, not many people are aware of how they also shape our thoughts, ideals, and motivations. Through an analysis of classical elements often portrayed in popular media, this essay attempts to illustrate how the representation of classical Greece and Rome in books and movies influence our lives and emphasize the need to stay informed as these influences can be both beneficial and detrimental to our perception of the world. The way ancient culture can impact our ideals is demonstrated by various contemporary adaptations of Greek mythology. For instance, in 1997, Walt Disney produced the animated movie Hercules, based on stories about the legendary Greek hero who persevered through numerous labors and challenges to eventually gained a place in Mount Olympus, the home of the gods. Hercules was a major box office hit among children and had left a deep impression on how they perceive the qualities of a hero. Similarly, the 2004 film Troy, based loosely on Homer s the Iliad, tells the story of Achilles and the Trojan War. Troy was a critical success, grossing nearly 500 million dollars worldwide. But the movie did not exhibit merely entertainment ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Monetary Policy Of The Federal Reserve System Most people don t understand Economic growth or what takes place in the economy with regard to inflation, unemployment, or interest rates. These things are all regulated by the central bank called the Federal Reserve System. The tope covered in this paper is the monetary policy which is the policy that decides if unemployment, interest, and inflation decreases or increases. The Monetary policy decides what price a person pays for an item at the store, how much interest a person will get charged on a loan for a car. This is something most people consider, most just look for the best price point or look where their money can go the farthest. Monetary policy consists of specific changes in the money supply to influence interest rates which in return adjusts the level of spending in the economy. The goal of the policy is to achieve and maintain price stability, full employment, and economic growth. The regulation of the money supply and interest rates are controlled by a central bank, such as the Federal Reserve Board in the U.S., in order to control inflation. Monetary policy is only one of the two ways the government can affect the economy. By altering the effective cost of money, the Federal Reserve can ultimately change the amount of money that is spent by consumers and businesses. The Federal Reserve System is the United States central bank and was established in 1913 and consists of the Board of 7 Governors in Washington, D.C., and 12 Federal Reserve District Banks. ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Comparing Marx s Views On Socioeconomic Status And The... This paper is going to discuss the differences in classic theorist s views on socioeconomic status and the level of education a person receives. To begin, let s say that the people who receive a higher level of education tend to be higher in socioeconomic status and, therefore, the people who do not receive a much education tend to be lower in status. Structural functionalist would say that the different levels of education are to keep society balanced. People with less education tend to have mediocre or blue collar jobs, while people with a higher education have more noteworthy jobs. As a society, we need both types of people in order for society to fully function. If everyone was blessed with the opportunity to get the highest levels of education, it would offset the equilibrium because no one would want to do the simple yet necessary jobs. If no one did those, we would not have restaurants or clean public restrooms. The roads would be terrible because there would be no construction workers to maintain them. Currently, the people with a higher education depend on the less educated in order to have the standard of living that they have now. The less educated people currently depend on the higher educated people to require their services, whether it be serving them ... Show more content on ... Marx would have said that because of the differing levels of education, the lower level workers would feel pressured by the upper class to work the pedestrian jobs. However, Marx would have agreed that the more highly educated relied on the less educated and vice versa. Marx believed that over time, the less educated would become dissatisfied with feeling inferior and would come together to help balance the system by taking on roles that were typically reserved for the more highly ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) If you look at any company or organization, you are bound to find a list of values, things that others view as positive qualities in a person. These could be things such as honesty, knowledge, diligence, and compassion. Values set up a foundation for the organization, something for their employees to follow and exemplify in their service to the general public. Employees can use their organization s values to see what their strengths are and where they need to improve. Values also provide a reference point when hiring new employees, helping employers to see which individuals are already living the organization s values. The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) has such a list of values, which they refer to as Core Values . These are Accountability, Altruism, Compassion/Caring, Excellence, Integrity, Professional Duty, and Social Responsibility. It is important for me, as a future Physical Therapist Assistant, to look at the APTA s Core Values and see where my strengths and weaknesses lie. Out of these Core Values, I feel that I am strongest is Compassion/Caring. Throughout my life, I have always been concerned with the wellbeing of others. I try my best to help those around me whenever I can. A huge part of the value of Compassion/Caring is considering the needs of others, attending to those needs, and helping others feel that they are worth something. When I was in high school, a friend of mine called me one day, asking for my help. She had gotten some bad news ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Early Stages Of Life Of A Child Children are the most flexible during their early stages of life. The development of the child is very critical during their early stages. As parents play a vital role in the life of their children, the development of the child depends on the attitude and approach of the parents. The parents should have a very deep concern about the attitude that they adopt about raising their children so that the early stage of life could be utilized at the bets level. As the impacts are very much critical at the early stage of the life of a child, it is important that the intervention of the parents in the life of the child is at a balanced approach, thus ensuring that the child is being guided at the most optimum direction. The early intervention in the life of the child could be beneficial from the aspect that the child could be headed towards the positive direction or beneficial the child at this stage of life can result the child getting into the wrong direction of life. (Resources, 2014) Early Intervention in the life of the child has a great deal of impact on the development of the child from several aspects such as personality and character building; guided towards a certain direction in life. Role of parents in child s development Parent is basically the prime care of the child and is responsible for raising the child. The parent bears the responsibility of taking care of all the essential needs of the child followed by the upcoming demands of the child which come up during the ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Westjet Airlines 52 CASES IN ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR revisited the vision statement. The upcoming weeks would be crucial because Matthew wondered if the still nascent state of s culture at its Vancouver head office would survive this restructuring. NOTE 1. Source: Jupiter Communications, 2000. WESTjET AIRLINES (A): THE CULTURE THAT BREEDS A PASSION To SuccEED Prepared by Ken Mark under the supervision of Professor Gerard Seijts Copyright 2001, lvey Management Services INTRODUCTION It was April 17, 2001, and WestJet s market capitalization had just surpassed that of Air Canada s, the country s leading airline. We re in the hospitality business and our culture is everything to us, stated Don Bell, co founder and senior vice president ... Show more content on ... In June 1996, the airline purchased its fourth Boeing 737 aircraft and added service to the new market of Regina. In August that year, Saskatoon was added. In June 1997, Abbotsford Fraser Valley was added, making WestJet the only scheduled carrier to operate at that airport. March 1999 saw the addition of the two new destinations of Thunder Bay and Prince George, and in September 1999, WestJet added Grande Prairie to its service area. WestJet met a major business goal when, in July 1999, it completed its initial public offering of 2.5 million common shares. The share price at closing was Cdn$1 0. It was an exciting day for all WestJetters, representing the achievement of a major goal and raising the necessary capital for expansion of the company in the coming years. The capital raised from the offering, Cdn$25 million before post closing adjustments, would be used for the purchase of additional aircraft, as well as the building of new head office and hangar facilities in Calgary, in order to meet the needs of the company s expanding workforce. In 1999, unprecedented changes and restructuring were seen in the airline industry in Canada (e.g., plans for a merger between Canadian Airlines and Air Canada, small carriers that discovered
  • 24. ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Pros And Cons Of Eating Locally Essay Having fresh fruits and vegetables locally would be nice, to have refreshing, raw, unprocessed food instead of food that s been sitting in the store for weeks. That s what locavores are all about. But unfortunately, thats not reality. And the chances of everyone going out of there way to find these locally grown foods, is utterly ridiculous. Locavores spread the word about becoming a locavore so eating locally grown food, getting more nutritional value and all these things. However, they don t foucs on the negative side this, including transportation, inventory a farmers market will have, and the fact that eating a carrot grown thirty miles away is the same as a carrot grown one thousand miles away. Fruits and vegetables still have the ... Show more content on ... Some people may believe because a company grows locally, they ll have more inventory. However that s not the case because the problem here invloves the way food miles are calculated. ( source C) For instance, if a truck if shipping it s a couple thousand vegetables a couple thousand miles away, it would be the same as a local company sending a hundred vegetables a hundred miles away. Therefore decreasing the profit they could have made if they weren t selling just locally. Three hundred and eighteen million people spread all across the nation, it s nearly impossible to have locally grown food near all these people. Not everyone has the advantage of being close to a locally grown farmers market, so what do those people do? Drive hundreds of miles to the farmers market when there s Wal mart only ten miles away? Of course not, because although it may be fresher, That doesn t mean it s necessary (source B) People can get their food much cheaper nearby and not spend nearly as much gas. Locavores have a fine idea going here, I don t oppse that. However, the idea of everyone becoming a locavore isn t very reasonable so most people wouldn t want to make the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Changes In Emma s Economic Development There are many changes and continuities that have taken place since Emma s birth in 2001. Throughout this period, there have been economic and political changes that have occurred and continuities as well. Her economic development has changed in that she has a source of income by a casual occupation and has stayed the same in that she is still living under her parents who fund her for many things. Her political development has changed in that she has developed her own opinion and stance on current issues and has stayed the same as it has been influenced by her parents from a very young age. These changes have been more prominent in her life, by affecting her in bigger ways such as influencing her actions, her maturity, and her opinions. Ever ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Write An Essay On Menopause Menopause is a time in a woman life when her body no longer fertile, this is normal for a woman she stop have a menstrual cycle, there no set time when to predict when menopause will begin, most women can get an ideal based on her family history, body type, and lifestyle. Menopause can happen in between your 40 s or 50 s the average age is in the United States is 51. There is no set time to predict when menopause will begin most women can get ideal through her family history, body type, and lifestyle. Women may enter menopause earlier if she is thin and small boned, has never had children, she doesn t smoke, high altitude locations, has bad eating habits, hysterectomy or tubal ligation, short cycles, has had several abortions. What can cause ... Show more content on ... 87% of menopausal women report they have experienced hot flashes and half of them have experienced night sweats as well. Although some women still menstruate regularly they can may experience hot flashes. Hot flashes usually only transpire for about a year, some women struggle with them for up to five years on an intermittent basis. The more often a woman s estrogen levels waver, the stronger and more frequent the hot flashes become. Changes in the hypothalamus as hormone level decline, some experts think this may be the cause of hot flashes. Women who have had their ovaries removed experience much more severe hot flashes than those whose ovaries are ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Greek Knowledge Between Adam And Eve Adam and Eve, however, possess a greater disadvantage in that they do not have the knowledge required to simply identify Satan. As stated earlier, the wise angels were not able to discover the true identity of Satan. Eve is, therefore, destined to do the same. Although the narrator of the poem and God never discuss the true nature of Eve, Adam perceives her as a beautiful but inferior in the mind/and inward faculties (Paradise Lost, 7.541 542). Regardless of her true nature, it is clear that both Adam and Eve do not possess the equivalent amount of knowledge as the angels. After Raphael relates the story of Satan s rebellion, Adam with his consorted Eve... was fill d/With...deep Muse to hear/Of things so high and strange, things to their thought/So unimaginable ... Show more content on ... The conversation led the two to have thoughts that they would never have had otherwise. But, interestingly, Adam and Eve gain more than just new thoughts, they also gain Muse. Muse goes a step beyond simple thoughts, suggesting profound meditation (OED). In other words, they become entranced by the new knowledge that they received; knowledge that was not available to them beforehand. Yet, the word Muse has another meaning that further complicates the impression of ignorance for Eve. A muse is also each of the nine goddesses regarded as presiding over and inspiring learning (OED). Firstly, by referring to goddesses the term introduces a feminine connotation. This term, therefore, relates more to Eve than it does to Adam, regardless of the fact that both are present when Raphael delivers his message. According to the meaning of this term, Eve not only learns, but she instigates learning. She not only seeks knowledge, but she also advocates gaining it. Eve is, therefore, not ignorant nor does she seek ignorance. Instead, she is left dumbfounded by the knowledge she receives and she desires to seek ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Nacirema Tribe Who are the Nacirema? According to Horace Miner the Nacirema are a tribe located in North America, originating from the east, who are known for their performances of odd rituals and taboo magic. Miner, an author published by The American Anthropologist, wrote an article in 1956 titled Body Ritual Among the Nacirema . Recently additional information has surfaced about the tribe from the American Anthropology Association. Proof of a new strange ritual has been discovered. This practice consists of the use of an ancient technology called a llec enohp . These objects apparently held lots of power and could be used for many different things. Most of the tribe s members used them for communication, travel assistance, and holding memories. A llec enohp looked like a very small and thin box in which they believed, whenever a Nacirema charged his or her ... Show more content on ... Sharing themselves through this powerful object during Ecaf Koob could sometimes bring out the evil in its owners. Members would argue and curse each other, some for no reason at all but just because they now had the power to do so. At this point even children were given llec enohp s so they were taking part in its evil potentials as well. If there were any controversy between two people no one would communicate face to face anymore, everyone would just take their llec enohps to Ecaf Koob and ruin each other s names out to the entire village. It is thought that after many of these great assaults a small group of the tribe destroyed their llec enohp s. But through all of this many people still found the llec enohp s useful in different ways and used its magic for good. More and more information is being unlocked about the Nacirema s strange technology and as the association uncovers this information the more we can understand about the tribe. Along with its list of strange rituals, we can now add the praise of llec enohps and tradition of Ecaf Koob to that ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Standards Scoop Case Study The Standards Scoop Say hello to this year s first issue of The Standards Scoop! These newsletters will address any problems we are seeing, promote resources and work through any issues your committee may be facing. Generally, The Standards Scoop will be published monthly. Feel free to share these newsletters with your committee! Kappa Time With school well underway for most chapters, now is a good time to remind you and for you to remind the members of your chapter that there is no such thing as Kappa time. As members, we wear our letters 24/7 and are always expected to uphold Fraternity standards. In this day and age, social media and technology allow bad decisions to go viral overnight. That cannot be ignored. Members can and ... Show more content on ... Challenge your committee to come up with new ideas for sisterhood events. These events can range from large outings to small get togethers. If there aren t any member conferences planned for your weekly meeting, you can always talk sisterhood! Resources to Know Let s do a quick review of some of the available resources. People Adviser: Your adviser is a great resource and an important person to keep in the loop. She should be attending all meetings either virtually or in person when you meet with members. Standards Specialist: Your Standards Specialist is a critical resource. She receives copies of the minutes from your weekly meetings and is your go to person for all things standards (e.g., resignations, probation questions, urgent issues, etc.). When in doubt, contact your Standards Specialist. References There are many resources available on the Kappa website. However, documents you should regularly refer to are: Vice President Standards Leadership Guide Fraternity ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The United States Legal Responsibility For Indian Education According to Meza (2015), effects from the United States attempts to accommodate, assimilate, and terminate the Indian are still being felt today. Many traditional Native American languages have become extinct, and the future tribal leaders are struggling to perform at comparable levels with mainstream American students. The upcoming generation does not know their traditional culture or language. This threatens tribal sovereignty (Mesa, 2015). There are differing opinions regarding the United States legal responsibility for Indian education. The Supreme Court has continually held that Indian tribes are domestic dependent nations. However, Congress and the President agree the federal government is responsible for the education of Indian students (Meza, 2015). To date, there have been over 150 treaties between tribes and the United States. In 2001, the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Amendments to Title VII (Indian Education) read as follows: It is the policy of the United States to fulfill the Federal Government s unique and continuing trust relationship with and responsibility to the Indian people for the education of Indian children. The Federal Government will continue to ensure that programs that serve Indian children are of the highest quality and provide for not only the basic elementary and secondary education needs, but also the unique educational and culturally related academic needs of these ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Feminism, Abortion And Contraception I recently spoke with the doctor who delivered me into this world nearly eighteen years ago. He s been a friend of the family years, even before I was born. Now retired, he had delivered newborns for over thirty years. I recently asked him what the ratio was between older and younger women giving birth these days. He replied, More older women than you d think... every once in a while, you might see some poor 16 year old girl having a rough time, but usually 20 to 30 year old women with an occasional 40 year old having another kid. That was the answer I was expecting. Between 1970 and 1986 the women in the United States 30 to 39 years of age having their first child doubled, and the number of women 40 to 44 years old having their ... Show more content on ... Children were seen as a cause of women being interpreted as secondary citizens, and that a woman could be her best if she at least chose to have children later in life. As most feminists at this time were white, educated women, feminists seeking encouraged women to become educated, go to college, and/or start a career (Welles Nystrom). A 1982 poll conducted found that 86% of women who gave birth after 28 years of age, were quoted agreeing they wanted it all, and desired to become a career woman and a housewife (Poelker and Baldwin). Though a career or college education may not necessarily be the top priority for all women, today, it usually comes first as financial stability for anyone is obviously important. Who wants to take care of a kid in college anyway? School is hard enough. That s a good two to eight years where a kid is going to get in the way; especially if one doesn t have any other family for support, and starting a career can also be equally as difficult. I wouldn t want a kid either if I was a woman seeking a college education or a career. Having a child later in life gives a woman the option of having a child when she is ready, not the child. Furthermore, in the early seventies, the Supreme Court in the case of Roe v Wade made abortion legal. Just twenty five years later, the total number of abortions totaled nearly 37 million. During those years ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Essay On Fennec Fox The Fennec fox is an organism that been doing research on.oh and it is a pretty neat organism. And instead of saying fennec fox you can say vulpes zerda that is the scientific term There are plenty of more foxes to research on but i choose this one the the funny thing is when they re happy they stick out their tongue like a cat but don t cough up a hairball The fennec fox is like a dog but his actions resolve differently. Fennec foxes really big ears and they have hair on there feet so they can run on hot sand so they can catch their prey. And they have big ears so they can listen to their prey and pinpoint where they exactly are. Fennec foxes can go a long time without water because the food they have plenty of water in it. And fennec foxes are nocturnal so if you did have it as a pet it would just sleep all day.Also on all that they can even camouflage because there baige so they ... Show more content on ... But when it is windy they don t get dirt blown on them because they burrow into the sand so the sun is hot right well the fennec fox has a way not to get burned those big long ears cover his body from a ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Comparing The White Man s Burden And The Poisonwood Bible Weighed down, overwhelmed, accountability, and responsibility. These are all aspects of having a burden, but what exactly is the burden of a white man? Labor? Money? Extreme temperatures? No, far from it actually. In the poem the White Man s Burden, Kipling portrays the Burden as having to civilize the uncultured heathens of Africa. The family in The Poisonwood Bible have this particular burden. However, the family is divided on how they think about this so called burden . These two works of literature go together like peanut butter and jelly. They walk hand in hand to expose the downfalls of colonialism and superiority. The Poisonwood Bible has a family that is sent to the Congo to help the Congolese people by introducing them to the Christian faith. In The White Man s Burden, it talks of civilizing the uncivilized or changing them. Just as the Price family is doing to the Congolese people. However the question remains. Is it the family s job to civilize these people? Well, many believe not. ... Show more content on ... It tells of the greatness and the pride that comes with fulfilling this task of civilizing people, but there is a sense of mock in the wording of it. Both of these works of literature express the downside of this. While reading The Poisonwood Bible the reader feels an almost awkward feeling when Nathan is angry with Anatole or when the Congolese finally stand up to Nathan. The reader gets the feeling that Nathan should back off. Even the family of Nathan feels odd in the moment while Nathan himself is like a cobra ready to strike. This is a perfect example of how the family is split over how they should do ... Get more on ...