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All About Essay Writing In XAT L What You Should Expect - YouTube All About Essay Writing In XAT L What
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Renaissance And Artemisia Gentileschi ( Baroque )
Lane Sofonisba Anguissola (Renaissance) and Artemisia Gentileschi(Baroque) The renaissance began
in Italy from the 14th to the 16th century, and was followed by the baroque period which roughly was
between 16th to 17th century, each revolutionized the period prior. This is perfectly represented by
two very different and yet very similar artists: Sofonisba Anguissola and Artemisia Gentileschi.
Though one more so paved the way for the other, there connection appears to have nearly materialized
out of thin air, and begs the age old psychological question of nature Vs. nurture.
Anguissola started life in Cremona, Italy in about 1532, during the renaissance period. She would go
on to dazzle all those before her with her virtuousness, ... Show more content on ...
This is similar to Gentileschi, who moved to a variety of places such as London, Florence, Venice, and
Naples. I suspect that the two mutually wanted to escape and pursue brighter futures while developing
their already noteworthy talents. Another interesting commonality between the two is that Anguissola
s mother died when she was around 4 or 5. Similarly, Gentileschi lost her mother at a young age, when
she was around 12 years old. Gentileschi must have struggled more as a result than her fortunate
predecessor, as she was not from prestigious family. Her father was a fairly well known artist who
worshipped Michelangelo Merisi Caravaggio s style, especially his use of tenebrism. This adoration
was imparted to his daughter Artemisia, who often copied this style. Intriguingly, there is a bizarre
connection even in this. There is some rumor that a drawing that Anguissola had sent to the famed
artist Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (the more famous one), had ended up in a
notebook belonging to Giorgio Vasari, and is suspected to have been discovered by Caravaggio, which
later inspired his painting Boy Bitten by a Lizard . There is a clear connection through time between
these two women. Yet, in a way seems to have been founded through pure chance and phenomenon.
As hard as it is to believe, this is not the only person who intertwines these women together. Anthony
Van Dyke visited Anguissola when she was very old, and blind, but spent hours
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Patient Safety Essay
Keeping patients safe is essential in today s health care system, but patient safety events that violate
that safety are increasing each year. It was only recently, that the focus on patient safety was
reinforced by a report prepared by Institute of medicine (IOM) entitled To err is human, building a
safer health system (Wakefield Iliffe,2002).This report found that approx imately 44,000 to 98,000
deaths occur each year due to medical errors and that the majority was preventable. Deaths due to
medical errors exceed deaths due to many other causes such as like HIV infections, breast cancer and
even traffic accidents (Wakefield Iliffe, 2002). After this IOM reports, President Clinton established
quality interagency ... Show more content on ...
Wrong side surgeries are also increasing, which are highest in year 2008.
According to Health Grades, 2009, total Direct cost of unsafe infection practice to Unit ed State is
$535 million while cost to patient safety events is 6.8 billion to federal Medicare pro gram and also
leads to 92,882 preventable deaths in USA. Top 250 hospitals of US have achieved patient safety
excellence award, which has a potential to save 2 billion of federal money and 22,771 deaths from
Medicare patients (Health Grades, 2009). Institute of medicine (IOM) has estimated that adverse drug
reactions cost 1.5 million to the govt.which can be reduced with proper interventions (Classen, Jaser
Budnitz, 2010). Total cost due to medical errors is 29 bil lion annually, which includes costs due to
medical bills and due to loss of income and other dis abilities. Seeing the severity of patient safety
events, it is necessary for the hospitals to take proper steps towards patient safety. Each step towards
patient safety saves hundreds of lives and thousands of dollars. Preventable medical errors affect the
trust of patient on health care person nel (Health Grade, 2009).
National patient safety goals
National patient safety goals were established in year 2002 to help
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The Face Behind Bitcoin
The Face Behind Bitcoin The Newsweek has gone too far by invading Satoshi Nakamoto s private life
without his consent. The reporter goes to the extent of going to confront Nakamoto from his residence
in temple city where he decides to involve the police because he never consented on speaking with the
reporter. In the letter he accuses Newsweek of printing false reports concerning his life, and this has
created a great deal of confusion and stress to him and the family members. He finishes by asking the
Newsweek to respect his privacy. The allegation made on Mr. Nakamoto is not justifiable in any sense
since he personally denied being involved in the programming and invention of the bitcoin
technology. The magazine is seen to have developed its own thesis on the programmer s identity by
matching Nakamoto s name and career to the alleged creator of the digital currency system. He even
argues out that he never heard the term Bitcoin until his son told him. The reporter goes ahead to his
home even after noticing Mr. Nakamoto s character of not being social to the public. In the story he is
described to be a man with few words and very intelligent. The initial program document carried the
name of Satoshi Nakamoto, and because the author chose to remain private and anonymous, it had
been widely assumed the name to be a pseudonym. The reporter is seen to have gone to the extent of
going to Mr Nakamoto s home to confront him on the story which he earlier denied talking about
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Rapid Prototyping As A Tool For Mobile App Development
Rapid prototyping as the name implies is a process of quickly transforming user s understanding and
definition a system to the built to mock up design, either it be a website or an application(web,
windows or mobile) and having these designs validated by reviewing it with a larger team of users,
stakeholders, designers and developers.
2.0 Processes of rapid prototyping
Rapid prototyping is a multiple iterations of 3 processes involved in rapid prototyping with an
iteration of the process yield a clearer picture as the initial key areas at the beginning are built out until
the final prototype is built and handed over for production. These ... Show more content on ...
3. It helps in testing the solution and the concept behind it
4. It enables the development team to discover potential errors and weak spots before a proper
implementation which might be too expensive to correct
5. It makes it easier for early client interactions and often and quick feedback
3.2 Disadvantages of rapid prototyping If not controlled, it can see introduction of additional
requirement/features which was not part of the original model.
4.0 Best and worst Practices of prototyping
4.1 Best Practice
1) Work collaboratively with users, business and IT stakeholders while rapid prototyping.
2) Understand that rapid prototyping is a means to an end and not the end product itself. This would
help in avoiding prototype creep because expectations are set.
3). Make provision for component (templates, patterns, widgets) reuse.
4) When creating interactive high fidelity prototypes and simulations, build in realistic delays so that
users do not expect instant response times from the final product.
5) Remind users during every prototype review session that the product is a mock up and not the
actual solution. It encourages feedback and avoiding users from mistaking it for a working solution.
4.2 Worst Practice
1) Don t prototype features or functionality that cannot be implemented
2) Don t take every change or request that comes out of a prototype review as a new
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El Estado s El Instrumento
El Estado es el instrumento para la satisfacción de las necesidades del individuo, como el individuo no
está en la capacidad de instrumentalizar por si solo, el Estado está en la obligación de ejercer la
función normativa del individuo como una especie de coacción a su libertad. Como expresa Hobbes,
el Estado es un aparato coactivo, cuya peculiaridad fundamental consiste en el monopolio de la fuerza,
como arbitraje necesario entre la multitud de intereses opuestos para no caer en la guerra
autodestructiva de todos contra todos. Esta visión de Hobbes coincide con la de Marx, que considera
al Estado como un aparato puramente exterior a la sociedad civil. Para Marx, el Estado, ya no es
árbitro entre individuos atomizados, sino instrumento de dominación de clase.
Si bien es cierto, sin los aportes de una sociedad civil fuerte, activa expresada a través de sus
organizaciones no puede haber un Estado sustentado en una autentica democracia, cuando los
regímenes democráticos son incapaces de dar respuesta a las demandas sociales de la sociedad, es ahí
donde cobra fuerza los aportes de la sociedad civil.
La sociedad civil es un componente importante en el desarrollo de una sociedad, ya que la
participación de los ciudadanos es determinante para que los dirigentes políticos puedan llegar al
gobierno, estableciendo una relación de asociación entre el Estado y los ciudadanos, manifestando a
través de la sociedad civil. Hoy más que nunca existe un reconocimiento de que la existencia de
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What Is The Situationist Perspective In Lord Of The Flies
Dr. Zimbardo uses a situationist perspective on the ways through which anti social behavior is
understood, treated and prevented. This view contrasts with the traditional dispositional perspective,
which locates evil within individual predispositions and looks at a person s internal factors and traits.
The situationist perspective is different in that, unlike the dispositional perspective, it often uses
experimental and laboratory research to demonstrate vital phenomena, whereas other perspectives
may only use archival or correlational data to suggest such answers. The main example that illustrates
through experimental research and social analysis is the ease by which ordinary, good people are
induced into behaving in evil ways. ... Show more content on ...
We live in a world cloaked with evil; it is ironic how humans are capable of committing the most
heroic, selfless acts and also the most vile and horrific ones.
Lord of the Flies and the Psychology of Deindividuation
This section is mainly about The Lord of the Flies by William Golding and how it illustrates that one s
external physical appearance can lead to a tremendous change in one s mental state. It is really
interesting how in the book, once the boys get over the initial moral dilemma of whether to kill a pig
and live or whether to let the pig live and die themselves, they have no problem with killing pigs. With
every killing, the death of the pig seems to become more brutal and demoralizing. At one point, they
even impale the pig with a stick in the anus, proclaiming their deed in horrific valor. This goes back to
sexual aggression because it can be viewed as the raping and killing of a female pig. I can justify the
gradual ease of killing pigs with an example. My friend, who goes hunting often, told me about how
he can manage to kill a dear without feeling bad inside. He said that the actual killing is only hard the
first time and that the other times, it is relatively easy because one simply stops thinking about it. One
thinks about the deer as the prey, not as an innocent animal minding its own business. As for the
experiment with the deindividuated and individuated women, it seems to make a lot of sense
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Differences Of English Dialects
Key issue 3 Understanding the ways dialect vary. Many people have wondered why, if we are in one
country, why do a lot of people sound different. Each region has its own language by way of spelling,
vocabulary, and pronounciation. This is called dialect. THe sub division of a dialect is called
subdialect. English Dialects Serval hundred years ago, English speakers migrated and settled in North
America which stated the development of dialects of the English language. Because of its widespread
distribution and the large number of speakers, many dialects and subdialects were formed. Those most
responsible for English becoming the most dominant language in the Western Hemisphere were the
earliest colonists. In the 17th century, colonists from England settled along the Atlantic coast bringing
the English language with them. Since it was already a dominant language, settlers from other
countries made significant contributions to the American language and became acculturated into the
English society. During the 18th and 19th century, the American and England English were isolated by
the Atlantic Ocean causing them to evolve independently. Transmissions over long distances would
not be available for another hundred years and very few residences could visit during this time. The
English s from each country differs in three significant ways; vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation.
Because of the discoveries of new objects and experiences of new things, the development of
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Student Assistant Job Application
1. I am applying for the Student Assistant position in the Undergraduate Admissions office because I
am passionate about Simmons College and meeting new people! In my past experiences, I loved my
jobs concerning customer service and helping people. I have worked in both a communications
department and a customer service department, and as a receptionist. Being able to spend part of my
day assisting people with their questions and helping my coworkers made me excited to go to work. I
also found comfort in completing tasks, and would gladly take on even the most thought to be tedious
projects. I would love to be able to combine my passion for Simmons and helping people. 2. I applied
to Simmons an hour before the deadline, not knowing much
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Analysis Case On Use Of Business Analytics Framework
Moneyball Analysis Case Study on the Use of Business Analytics Framework
Dheeraj Dwivedi
School of Professional Studies, Northwestern University, Spring 2016, Section 58 Moneyball Movie
Analysis Case Study on the Use of Business Analytics Framework Moneyball movie is about the war
between intuition and statistics. I would start my analysis with one of the many interesting quotes in
the movie. The problem we re trying to solve is that there are rich teams and there are poor teams, then
there s 50 feet of crap, and then there s us. It s an unfair game. And now we ve been gutted. We re like
organ donors for the rich. Boston s taken our kidneys, Yankees have taken our heart. And you guys sit
around talking the same old good body nonsense like we re selling jeans. Like we re looking for
Fabio. We got to think differently. We are the last dog at the bowl. You see what happens to the runt of
the litter? He dies. (Moneyball movie, 2011)
This movie centers on the character of Billy Beane, general manager of Major League Baseball s
Oakland Athletics. In the movie, Billy couldn t re sign Oakland s best 3 players after the 2001 season
due to having a payroll a fraction of A s competitors. He was facing a challenge of building a new
team with a limited payroll and to accomplish this he needs to have a competitive strategy. While
restructuring the team, he meets heavy resistance from his scouts, who argue that their years of
baseball experience and
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Cognitive Psychology Essay
Cognitive neuroscience categorised as one of the many approaches to human cognition, focuses on the
study of both the brain and behaviour in collaboration. Evidence from such approaches can be used to
understand in depth, the mental processes forming cognition. Consequently, this contributes to our
understanding of the mind. Despite vast development in this field, various challenges are posed as no
single method can answer every question raised due to its limitations and therefore must be combined
in order to produce a more reliable understanding. Cognitive psychology was the first to make
progress in the understanding of these areas and accordingly it can be noticed that the tasks used by
cognitive neuroscientists for brain imaging ... Show more content on ...
Brain imaging techniques used by cognitive neuroscientist s aid research into such field by analysing
the different parts of the brain that become active when a certain task is performed. The main
technique that can be discussed in the role of trying to understand the mind is Functional magnetic
resonance imaging. This technique uses an MRI machine to measure brain activity by looking at
changes in one s blood flow. Stern et al, 1996 carried out research into the parts of the brain crucial for
encoding and storage of information in the long term memory store. Using fMRI, participants were
monitored while performing a novel picture encoding task. Evidence was provided to show that the
encoding of these pictures depends on how the ventral cortical regions and the hippocampal region
interact. This highlights a link between the two which therefore creates a valid contribution to our
understanding of the mind as it identifies the parts of the brain crucial for engaging in essential mental
processes. On the other hand, although this link can be identified, the method used by cognitive
neuroscientists cannot explain exactly how the hippocampal formation is crucial in the encoding of
information in long term memory meaning that it cannot be explained as to why it is needed and what
exactly would happen to the encoding process if damage to this formation was to occur. In terms of
the technique itself, low temporal resolution and high expense can be noted as another
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A Rhetorical Analysis Of El Paso Zoo
Whether it is by using the written word, a speech, or any other medium, in order to convey a message
to an audience, one must have an effective way of communicating one s ideas. The Greek philosopher
Aristotle believed that effective speakers use three kinds of appeals to make their arguments
convincing; ethos, the credibility of the speaker, logos, the speaker s actual message, and pathos, or
the emotional appeal the speaker arises in its audience. These rhetorical appeals are present in many
aspects of everyday life, including in websites. Websites such as the El Paso Zoological Society use
these three appeals to effectively communicate with those who visit their page. The El Paso Zoo
address is 4001 E. Paisano El Paso, TX, 79905. ... Show more content on ...
On a website the opening page is vital to not only the persons experience on the site, but also the over
all impression on the subject. There are several ways that a persons perception can be manipulated to
feel a certain way, on a website; the layout, accessibility of information, and images. When accessing
the El Paso Zoo website the first thing that catches the attention of the audience is the back ground.
Which is the El Paso skyline with the franklin mountains accompanied by some exotic animals. This
creates a personal connection with the views by combining something that is familiar and has
emotional connection with something new that brings a new excitement to this emotional
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The Uses Of Cloud Computing
The use of cloud computing expands the risk of insider access not only to the staff of cloud service
company but also the consumers of the cloud services. A good example can be drawn from the denial
of service attack launched by a malicious insider as demonstrated by a well known Infrastructure as a
Service (IaaS) cloud infrastructure (Sense Post: , 2009). The insider access risk can be mitigated by
deploying technical and administrative procedures that will monitor the activities of the users with
access to the cloud infrastructure. An example of such procedures include access reviews for users
with especially high risk access rights (such as execute access rights to data objects). These control
procedures may be monitored by a third ... Show more content on ...
The base cloud service provider here is the provider who provides the primary cloud services with
which the other service providers build their services on. The use of composite cloud services
generates the risk of control over the third party services. The cloud service provider is required to
disclose the relationship with other third parties and terms of service involving the third party should
be clearly defined. The cloud service provider should provide an assurance of how liability and
performance will be achieved in the composite cloud services. The service agreements should be
developed based on the performance capabilities of all the nest cloud service providers. o Visibility
The use of cloud services requires an organization to hand over the security management procedures
of the systems with which the organization s data and applications operate on to the service provider.
Management and technical security control measures of the service provider should be in alignment
with that of the service consumer to ensure that the security objectives of the consumer is achieved.
Research on metrics for comparing the security procedures and controls between the consumer and
service provider is still underway (Jansen, Directions in Security Metrics Research, 2009). An ideal
procedure for gaining visibility of security requires the service provider to disclose details about their
security and privacy measures to the consumer. Service providers are however sceptical
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Social And Emotional Development Of The Gifted
Social and Emotional Development of the Gifted 1
Social and Emotional Development of the Gifted
Emily Medford
Arkansas State University
Social and Emotional Development of the Gifted 2
Social and Emotional Development of the Gifted
When dealing with gifted children, there are often many social and emotional problems that are
underlying. Gifted students are not like other students. These students are often referred to as the ones
that are smart with good grades and have superior test scores. Gifted students are envisioned as the
students that are extraordinary in many aspects! What is not always ... Show more content on ...
These characteristics can also cause the already identified students to not achieve to their fullest due to
stress and lack of motivation.
It is very hard to understand why students don t perform to their full potential when you know they are
capable. This is known as underachievement. Both early researchers and more recent authors have
defined underachievement in Social and Emotional Development of the Gifted 3 terms of a
discrepancy between a child s school performance and some ability index such as an IQ score. (Delisle
Galbraith, 2002). Gifted children who do not succeed in school are often successful in outside
activities such as sports, social events, after school jobs, talent or hobby interests. (Delisle Galbraith,
2002). So we wonder what causes the underachievement.
Bainbridge (2014), believes these problems result from gifted children being able to intellectually
understand abstract concepts but are then unable to deal with those concepts emotionally. Ones
physical development may also lead to an inability to complete a task that they are capable of
intellectually envisioning. Perfectionism can lead to fear of failure, in turn causing a gifted child to
avoid failure by refusing to even try something. (Bainbridge, 2014). This often leads to a lack of
motivation among students.
McCoach Siegle (2005), believe that motivated students appear to
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Reading The Early Church Fathers Chapter 1 Summary
The doctrine of Trinity has been taking shape over the centuries, beginning from the early church
fathers. To discuss the development of the doctrine, I will use Reading the Early Church Fathers, a
recommended text for this course and Trinity 101, a required text, by Dr. Jim Papandrea. The paper
will focus on the Christology and ways through which the doctrines began to develop over the
centuries, especially during the second and third centuries.
In his book, Reading the Early Church Fathers, Dr. Papandrea points out that during the fourth
century, the Adoptionism had emerged in its full form, but before this took shape, there were other
theologians like Irenaeus of Lyons. After the apostles, he is said to be the first theologian. It was
during the second century that he argued against Gnosticism. It is said that he wrote a document in
189 c, to support his argument against Gnosticism. He strived to help his readers understand that the
Old and New Testament ... Show more content on ...
Tertullian was also a theologian and for him Irenaeus s work was influential for him. It was him who
introduced the term in Latin Trinitas. This means Trinity. Tertullian began associating himself with the
Montanists. Who are strict in standard of morality, and their belief in prophecy as well as Christ s
return. Tertullian rebelled against the philosophy for he believed that one is lead toward paganism
because of philosophy. He used the roman legal terms and applied with theology. Tertullian
understood that God is a combination of three people and that combination he named was Trinity. He
used another word that is legal and that is Substantia which is defined as substance. Using the word
substantia, Tertullian proved that that Trinity which in his view was a combination of Father, Son and
the Holy Spirit shared one common essence of divinity or
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Mixed Bloods Are The Ones Who Succeed In Life
Why is it that Aboriginal people who have mixed blood are the ones who succeed in life?
The assumption that only Aboriginal peoples who have mixed blood succeed in life is portrayed by
Westerners due to many factors. The belief that white blood or one race is superior over another has
been put in front of people since the beginning of time. Although we like to believe that today this
belief has died a long time ago, it still manages to pop up from time to time. This can be caused by
stereotypes, history and unintentional ideas from the government. The assumption of mixed bloods
succeeding in life can be quite different from one person to another, as everyone has different views
on success due to gender,
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Bromination Of Trans-Cinnamic Acid And Trans-Stilbene.
Bromination of trans cinnamic acid and trans stilbene
Determining how a mechanism takes place is crucial in order to define a mechanism. In this
experiment, a mechanism was determined based on the purified product s melting point. This was
accomplished by comparing the acquired melting point with the one provided by Professor Link. (Q1)
When 0.252 g of trans cinnamic acid was mixed in 2.5 mL glacial acetic acid and introduced to 0.434g
pyridinium tribromide, the resulting product reflects an addition reaction. In general, reactions take
place to achieve its lowest Gibb s free energy because it s at this point where a structure is most stable;
in this case, the reaction is an addition of bromine into alkenes. (Q2) ... Show more content on ...
The melting point range was close to the anti structure, but because it was a widened range it is
speculated that the syn structure was also present. (Q9) However, this does not mean the other
mechanisms are completely discarded. Upon recrystallizing the pure product, a gross mistake
potentially skewed the results; non DI water from the ice bath was introduced to the crystallized
product by mistake. Recrystallization of the pure product was redone, but random ions from the ice
bath could have infiltrated the crystal lattice of the pure product thereby widening the melting range.
Also, the melting range could have been affected by the temperature intervals used; time was running
out and the Digi Melt was programmed to increase in intervals of 10°C instead of 5°C. This could
have affected the melting range observed significantly; slow and steady probes to be a better method.
(Q10) Both the percent yield (106.5%) and recovery (54.75%) are not ideal numbers; ideally,
percentages should be close to 100% but not over or under. As mentioned above, (in Q9), a gross
mistake occurred where non DI water got into the pure product as it was recrystallizing; the flask s
buoyancy caused it to tip over and the non DI water from the ice bath got inside the pure product. This
affected the data as electrolytes from the ice bath could now be part of the crystal lattice of the pure
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The Fission Theory
An object of fear is one that isn t understood, however, how is one to understand when one doesn t
even know the object s origins? To understand an object that was created far before any other being is
simply impossible; when one is so determined to understand something, we create theories that will
satisfy our tasteless fruit of a mind. When one looks up at the night sky and ponders about all but our
beautiful and unique moon, how foolish must they be? The moon is our tide keeper, the stabilizer of
all that is in this world, yet the common person will look past it and instead look at the stars! The stars
are nothing in comparison to our beautiful moon! Oh, misunderstood moon, fear not anymore! For all
the lies told about you are finally being ... Show more content on ...
The most popular theory of the moon s origin is the giant impact theory; this theory is that a giant
mars sized space rock struck young earth and knocked a chunk of it out. This theory proves to be
fallacious because, no scientist knows where that mars sized rock is; however, the earth and the moon
are made with very similar elements (Editor). The fission theory is another theory that doesn t quite
make sense in the eyes of science; the fission theory states that the earth was spinning a rapid speed
and a chunk of the earth broke off and now that chunk is called the moon. This makes no sense
because if the earth was spinning that fast before, it d be likely that more pieces would come off. The
theory of which that should be accepted in the eyes of science is the capture theory. The capture theory
is that there was this rock wandering through space and then got caught in the earth s orbit. This
theory proves to be more understandable because the moon has a different chemical compound than
the earth. The moon has had her woes brought forth, now the human race must choose for ourselves
and ask this question: what truly happened to the moon? To that I say that one must decide for
themselves. Let them believe what they want to
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Parapsychic Abilities Research Paper
If I could pick one superhuman ability, I would pick the ability to be parapsychic. Having psychic
abilities does it all: psychokinesis, telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition.
I would have endless, infinite knowledge. I would be able to breach human conscience and delve deep
into the pits of human thinking. I could harbour the entirety of human intelligence into my own little
mind. Maybe this foreshadows imminent doom. But I cannot help but be tempted by all these what ifs
. What if I knew all the most powerful secrets of the world? What if I could move human
relationships, for better or for worse, with just a single word?
People say knowledge is power but with great power comes greater responsibility. I could stop wars
with this ability, ... Show more content on ...
I would hold the lives of billions in my hands, and I could crush those lives with the slightest twitch.
That sheer power is so distant, it is almost unimaginable. For to have all the knowledge of the world
would mean to be like God, would it not? I could be benign, or I could be cruel, and absolutely
nothing could stand in my way. That absolute freedom of will is what attracts me, what drives me to
choose this ability. I could be anyone, do anything.
But I would not be free from conscience. Would conscience allow me to execute these selfish
pleasures? These unthinkable deeds? I take back what I said, for conscience of mind is the highest
power. It masters all, and all minds suffer great pain at the caprice of this thing. And if I were to have
all these powers, yet have nothing at the same time no purpose, no love, what good would these
powers do me?
So with these powers I would enjoy life s little gifts. Enjoy the humour presented to me by the
oblivious ignorance of those around. Play small games on people, watch them go around in circles,
confused, then return to their usual routine of stupefaction. I could do harm to mankind, yet I would
not. I would choose to live out my days in obscur
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Water For Elephant By Sara Gruen Analysis
In the story Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen it is written through the eyes of old and young Jacob
Jankowski. In the beginning the story starts out in 93 year old Jacob Jankowski s eyes, who lives in a
nursing home, when he goes to the window to see what all his female neighbors are staring at, when
he sees the circus tents going up he feels like he s having a heart attack. The ladies call for the nurses
scared, but he tells them that he s fine. Then it goes to younger Jacob who is only a few days away to
getting this degree for veterinary science from Cornell University, but soon finds out that his parents
have been killed in a car accident. Jacobs planned future crashes down and he becomes numb; having
no family anymore he finds a train ... Show more content on ...
When Jacob jumps on the train he meets Camel who helps Jacob get the veterinary job with August.
August puts Jacob in the same quarters with a performer named Kinko and his dog Queenie; they did
not get off on the right foot at first. He then meets Marlena, who is married to August, but Jacob falls
madly in love with. Jacob and Marlena become close when Rosie, the new elephant, joins the show,
which makes August suspicious and start to beat both Jacob and Marlena. This causes Marlena to
leave him which Uncle Al does not like, so he threatens Jacob that if he doesn t get them back together
he will red light him and Camel. While Marlena is staying in a hotel Jacob finds out that August tried
to see her, so Jacob went over to comfort her; they end up sleeping together, proclaiming their love for
each other. Marlena and Jacob continue to have a secret relationship and she soon finds out she
pregnant. Jacob then plans to kill August but when he gets to his quarters he chickens out; when he
goes back to his quarters he finds out that Kinko and Camel have been red lighted and only Queenie is
left. During one of the shows the red lighted workers released the animals causing a stampede; Rosie,
who was abused by August, takes puts a stake through
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How The Argument Supporting Two Cyprus States
Argument Supporting Two Cyprus States The two state solution of Cyprus has unofficially become the
status quo. There are various factors pushing for the establishment the divide of Cyprus. The largest
driving factor is the Turkish and Greek ethnic divide. The two ethnic groups remain distinct, which are
divided on linguistic, cultural, and religious lines (Meier, 457). The Greek Cypriots practice Greek
orthodox and Turkish Cypriots practice Islam. Furthermore, both groups refer to Greece or Turkey as
motherlands to their identities. (Meier, 457). Traditional family customs have discouraged the
intermarriage of Greek and Turkish populations (Meier 461). Turkish and Greek Cypriot communities
have established their own services such as ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, Britain with its colonial history of Cyprus has two significant military bases on Cyprus.
These two bases routinely are the important focal points to the Cyprus issue. The strategic location
creates a transition from the west to the east, with that it holds the balance of power in the eastern
Mediterranean. The Soviet Union used influence, money, and power to reinforce the AKEL
communist political power during the early years of the independence in 1960s. The Soviet Union saw
the conflict in Cyprus method to gain influence in the Mediterranean and a threat by NATO to occupy
Cyprus for military bases (Sakkas 123). By the end of 1960s, the Soviet Union and Cyprus were close
together via commercially, diplomatically, culturally, and in education. Soviet Union allowed
admission of Cypriots into universities (Sakkas 124). The Soviet Union sent official statements that
further foreign invasion into the island would invoke a Russian response (Sakkas 125). The Cypriot
government bought guns from Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union to protect the ALEK control. In
1965, during the first Cyprus conflict the Soviet Union funneled over $70,000,000 worth of military
supplies to Cyprus. In 1973, Cyprus received 140,000 dollars from the Soviet Union to fund left wing
organizations (Sakkas 125). Soviet Policy during the initial years supported the Greek Cypriots, but
soon the rise of an anti west ideologies in
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What Is The Mooncake Festival Essay
I arise my head to gaze at the bright moon, and I droop my head to think of my old sod. The poet Li
Bai s poignant lines describe the grief of one incompetent to return home for Mid Autumn
festival.From here we can seen that the Mid Autumn celebration is one of the most significant part of
the Chinese cultural heritage.This festival is known in Malaysia as the Mooncake festival due to the
popular practice of buying and eating mooncakes.As it is connected with paper lanterns, it is also
called the Lantern Festival. Mooncake festival take place on the 15th day of the 8th month in the
Chinese Lunar Calender every year, which is in September or early October in the Gregorian calendar.
On that day, the moon is assumed to appear at its fullest and brightest,a completed circle of the year.
The full moon is traditionally a symbol for ... Show more content on ...
Today, it is still an occasion for outdoor reunions among friends and relatives to enjoy the food and
watch the moon. On the 15th night when the moon is shinning its brightest, offerings of mooncakes,
deep fried chicken, roasted pork, water calthrops, yam, water melon seeds and Chinese tea are made to
deities and ancestors on the praying altar. Lighted lanterns are also hung conspicuously in front of
homes. Prayers are offered with the customary lighting of joss sticks, red candles and golden joss
paper are burnt.For example, in Kuala Lumpur, the Thean Hou Temple in Robson Heights usually
organizes a lantern procession. After prayers, there is feasting and merry making with children
carrying lighted lanterns around the neighborhood. Here they are sometimes joined by their non
Chinese friends of celebrating with lanterns.With the full moon, the legend, the family, the friends and
the poems, you can t help thinking that this is really a perfect world. That is why the Chinese are so
fond of the Mooncake
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The Gun Laws And Banning The United States
Amar Redzepagic 10/3/15
The gun laws and bans in the United States are not helping to make things better or decrease our crime
rate or solve anything instead we need better background checks to make sure we are not giving guns
to the wrong people. A study published in the Harvard journal of law and public policy discovered that
the nations with more guns tend to have a lower crime rate (Snyder, Michael. N.p., 12 Aug. 2013.
Web. 26 Mar. 2015.). This proves that people tend not to commit a crime if they know that people
around them are armed and ready to fire also they know that if they go to a country with a lower
percentage of gun ownership they are not taking as much risk because there aren t that many guns in
the area.
Are all these bans and laws really necessary? The nine European nations with the lowest rate of gun
ownership have a murder rate that is three times higher than the nine European nations with the
highest rate of gun ownership (Snyder, Michael. N.p., 12 Aug. 2013. Web. 26 Mar. 2015), I think guns
are actually helping us, overall guns are used eighty times more to prevent crimes rather than used in
them. In the United States about 200,000 women protect themselves against sexual assault using guns
every year. (Snyder, Michael. N.p., 12 Aug. 2013. Web. 26 Mar. 2015). The city of Kennesaw,Georgia
passed a law requiring every home to
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Eco1102 Assignment 1 David grey Essay
1. a) i) The content of the table is about Canada s economic and financial situation divided into four
sectors: real sector, fiscal sector, financial sector, and external factor. Each of the four sectors is
divided into smaller categories. For example: real sector is divided into national accounts, production
index, labor market, prices indices. The other three factors are also divided into smaller categories just
like the real sector. In addition, this table has the most recent GDP to show the success of Canada s
economy. The overall goal of the data is to show Canada s recent economic situation.
ii) There are five level one headings in this table, which are: real sector, fiscal sector, financial sector,
external sector, and ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, $258,459/$1,819,967= 14.20%.
2. The Bank of Canada is interested in core inflation because compared to inflation, core inflation
exclude food, energy and those products with a unstable price. Core inflation as a measure of inflation
for policy purposes, it measures inflation more precisely. Core inflation represents the long run trend
in the price level. Compared to CPI, core inflation is generally lower because it tries to maintain the
price as it avoids high inflation and deflation over time.
3. b) i) Inflation rate between Dec. of 2009 and Dec. of 2008.
The formula would be: (CPI(2009)/CPI(2008) 1)*100=((115.4/113.9) 1)*100≈1.32%
Dec 08
Jan 09
Feb 09
Feb 10
Apr 09
May 09
Jun 09
Jul 09
Aug 09
Sep 09
Oct 09
Nov 09
Dec 09
b) ii) Inflation rate between Dec. 2013 and Dec. 1992.
The formula would be: (CPI(2013)/CPI(1992) 1)*100=((123.5/84.7) 1)*100≈45.81% Date CPI
Dec 92
Dec 13
b) iii) Inflation rate between October 2013 and October 2002.
Oct 02
Oct 13
The formula would be:(CPI(2013)/CPI(2002) 1)*100=((123/101.3) 1)*100≈21.42%
In 1981, the inflation rate was the highest, it was about 12.50%. After that, the inflation rate was
decreasing and later on its ups and downs. The inflation rate was the lowest in
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Media Violence And Crime Violence
Media Violence and Crimes
There are few debates that have been contentious for so long as the debate of whether violent medias
contribute meaningfully to crimes. Because of the majority of shooting events committed by younger
shooters, many politicians regard cultural effects as a potential contributing factor, while others
dismiss media as a contributing factor. Within the social science community, a similar division exists
(Ferguson, 2015). For example, some professional supporting groups, like the American Psychological
Association (APA), released policy statements of a clear association between media violence and
societal aggression (Ferguson, 2015). On the contrast, actively, a group of estimated 230 media
scholars, criminologists, and psychologists wrote an open letter to the APA. In this letter, they asked
APA to withdraw their policy statements and cease from making casual speculation.
Does media violence immediately cause the increasing number of violent crimes? In 2000, the Federal
Trade Commission(FTC) made a survey for the scientific evidence and the warning of negative
influences of media violence (Dahl Vigna, 2009). Simultaneously, the American Medical Association,
with five other public health organizations, revealed the threat of exposure to media violence.
However, the evidence, showed in the reports of this survey, does not prove an obvious link between
media violence and violent crime (Dahl Vigna, 2009). The experiments, conducted by the FTC in their
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Learning A Second Language Education Essay
We live in a world surrounded by people of various cultures, countries, and ethnicities, who all speak
different languages. As a young child, I attended a Spanish immersion program through my pre school
and elementary school. I was absorbed into a new culture much different from my own. I grew up
learning words in Spanish before I knew them in English. I also developed unexpected friendships,
spending much of my childhood in Spanish speaking households. As a college student, I look back on
this time and greatly appreciate the skills and lessons I cultivated from learning a second language.
Second language education should be required in elementary schools. Learning a second language
leads children to become successful students with prosperous futures and connects people of different
cultures. Studies have shown that students who receive second language education do better on
standardized tests. A study conducted by P.W. Armstrong and J.D. Rogers in 1997 declared that third
grade students who received thirty minute lessons in Spanish three times a week, scored higher on the
Metropolitan Achievement Test in the subjects of math and language than their peers who did not
receive Spanish education (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages). Another study
that took place in 1981 by P.A. Eddy shows that students who have received second language learning,
do better on SAT sub tests and on the verbal section of the SAT than students who did not study a
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Benefits Of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is the the second most commonly diagnosed cancer among women. Breast cancer can be
genetically inherited or it can occur naturally. There are many factors that increase the risk of
developing breast cancer, but there are also ways to lower risks. Breast cancer has several symptoms
to look for in both men and women. Genetic testing is available for those who wish to determine
whether or not they should begin treatment. Breast cancers has various types, depending on where it
starts and how it affects the surrounding tissue. Breast cancer is begins to develop when cells within
the breast start to grow out of control (American Cancer Society, 2016). When the cells grow, they
form a noticeable tumor, or lump, on the breast. However, ... Show more content on ...
Image 2 shows about one in eight women will develop breast cancer in the US during their lifetime.
Based on statistics, estimates were made about breast cancer in the year of 2016. Nearly 246,660
women will be diagnosed with invasive cancer (American Cancer Society, 2016). There have also
been trends that have been noticed in the past. From 2002 to 2003, breast cancer rates began
decreasing and dropped by about seven percent (American Cancer Society, 2016). Breast cancer takes
many lives each year. It is the second leading cause of deaths in women next to lung cancer (American
Cancer Society). Although the death rate percentage has been decreasing. The reasoning for the
decrease is finding the cancer in its earlier stages and treating it as soon as possible (American Cancer
Society, 2016). Breast cancer can also be affected by the race of a person. In women under 45, African
American women are more likely to die of breast cancer than white women(American Cancer
Society). Women who are Hispanic, Asian, and Native American are at low risks of developing breast
cancer. Breast cancer has affected many lives of people in the US. Though, there are new
developments being made to reduce the impact of breast
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Barcode Image Analysis Paper
We had categorized our work into 3 categories to achieve the goal of our project and to make a
complete barcode scanner Glassware to facilitate work ows in the biomedical laboratory. At rst we
were successfully able to scan a sample barcode image through the Glass. Then we had integrated the
Glass with Biobank and
Cryorepository webservice. At last we were able to display the desired information from the
webservice to the Glass display screen. The result of 3 catogories explains in detail below:
6.1 Barcode Image Analysis
In the real test, monochrome barcode image HIV 1722 of Code 128 format was used.
Glass was able to detect the barcode of image size 3.5cm x 7cm, 96 dpi (dots per inch) and bigger than
this. The distance between the barcode ... Show more content on ...
The other sample barcodes were also tested. Since, we have used Zbar library for reading barcode, it
had successfully detected EAN 13, UPC A, UPC E, EAN 8, Code 128, Code 39 and QR Code format
barcode. Glass was able to detect the barcode of image size 2.7cm x 3cm with bar height 5, bar
distance 0.20, text size 1.2 mm and a resolution of 300. The image size of 2.5cm x 3cm was also
tested, but Glass was not able to detect this barcode because of the autofocus problem. A sample
barcode detected by the Glass is shown in the gure 13 below:
6.2 Integration with Biobank and Cryorepository
The Biobank and Cryorepository webservice (eurocryoDB) had Apache Axis2 server with the
authentication security. But we had disabled the security authentication in the server for our test and
our program with ksoap2 library was successfully able to retrieve the xml element from the
webservice. The gure below shows the associated xml element of a sample barcode from the
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Pros And Cons Of Binding Arbitration Clauses
First off, I don t assume that binding arbitration clauses ought to ever prohibit the arbitration to only 1
cluster of individuals (ex. Home builders association). If there ever may be a state of affairs within
which a binding clause is appropriate, there ought to a minimum of be a alternative of WHO the
arbitration is and also the decisions ought to be neutral parties (ex. within the BP mastercard bill
stuffer, it gave the choice of the yankee Arbitration Association, JAMS, and also the National
Arbitration Forum). I don t assume that binding arbitration clauses ought to be includable working
contracts. There square measure too several laws associate degreed laws relating to employers and
also the approach businesses operate the I don t assume an intermediator would be anyplace close to
as knowledgeable in these matters as a court would be, notwithstanding it absolutely was their space
of experience. ... Show more content on ...
I do assume that binding arbitration clauses will (not ought to, however CAN) be includable in
mastercard agreements and telephone agreements. i actually don t assume that binding arbitration
clauses ought to be enclosed in any quite contract as a result of the severity of charges will vary most
that the courts will decide that cases are often arbitrated. In each mastercard and telephone contracts,
the bulk of cases can solely influence tiny amounts of cash. In distinction, there s most at stake with
home construction, that I don t assume that construction contracts square measure associate degree
applicable place for such clauses. I think about myself a fairly compassionate person. Therefore, I don
t assume that there ought to be ANY necessity to getting medical treatment, particularly sign language
a contract with a binding
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The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, also known as IDEA was originally created in 1975
to ensure that children with disabilities were given the opportunity to receive a free and adequate
education. IDEA has been revised and many times since 1975, the most recent being in 2004. IDEA
consists of parts A, B, C, and D. Part A outlines the basic foundation, and defines terms used
throughout the act. Part B outlines the responsibilities of schools to educate students aged 3 21. The
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act does provide funding for schools, as long as they comply
with the six main principles of set forth in IDEA. The first principle states that every child is entitled
to receive a free and appropriate education, ... Show more content on ...
This allows students with disabilities to be in a general education classroom with their non disabled
classmates for various amounts of time, depending on the needs of the individual student. The fifth
and sixth principles schools must comply with go together. The fifth states that input from parents and
students must be taken into account during the education process. During the education process if a
parent feels that their child is not receiving adequate or needed services, they have a right under IDEA
to challenge their child s treatment through due process. The six principles that schools must comply
with for students with disabilities were created to ensure that students receive an adequate education
like their non disabled classmates receive, and protects them against discrimination at school. IDEA
also contains a Part C that is much like Part B, but targets the education of very young children. Part C
outlines the responsibilities of identifying and reaching children with disabilities from birth to 2 years
old. Parents of children in this age range are entitled to receive identification and services and
interventions in a timely and appropriate manner. Parents at this age receive a Individualized Family
Service Plan instead of an IEP for school aged children. Parents are also entitled to take part in
creating the ISP and timely resolutions to questions or concerns in their child s evaluation process.
IDEA s part D pertains to the national
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Dispositional Optimism Research Paper
Utilizing Dispositional Optimism Life is tough. Life forces humans to endure in a universe that may
be completely random and nothing in it may hold any meaning aside from the arbitrary value that I
attribute. Moreover, if nothing means anything in life, then there is no true reason in living. We are all
just postponing the inevitable great equalizer we call death. Why not just skip the hardship, pain, and
suffering that exists in this world and get straight to a place where we cannot feel its horrors anymore?
When thinking thoughts such as these, I expect to find that such a negative, pessimistic disposition
might not yield beneficial results. Conversely, one might infer that an host weilding an optimistic
disposition will have a greater ... Show more content on ...
My chosen empirical articles, relevant course material, as well as personal experience have all
produced evidence which supported the idea that practicing dispositional optimism would benefit me.
I indeed have improved the way in which I attain a goal that I want to achieve. I plan to further
establish this mindset while continually striving toward and improving how I realize my goals.
Sustaining this optimistic mindset might be a difficult task; I expect to reap a constructive outcome
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Isolation In Art Analysis
Like all art, there are endless ways for this piece to be interpreted evoking countless emotions
depending on the experiences of the person. The goal of an artist, is to inspire thought and
conversation, which this piece does beautifully. The best thing about snow, is how it can completely
change the atmosphere of a scene. When I look at the piece, I can feel the cold and hear the deafening
silence that comes with a winter storm. I love that snow can lead to some many sensations, from
feeling cozy and safe by the fire, to a cold dreadful feeling of complete isolation. When there is
nothing but the sounds of branches snapping under the heft of something that seems so weightless and
the crunch as you walk along something that appears so soft,
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Essay on Joe Hisaishi (Mamoru Fujisawa)
Joe Hisaishi was born on December 6, 1950 in Nagano, Japan under the name Mamoru Fujisawa. His
musical training started early on, when he began to take violin lessons at age five. It was around this
time that he first discovered his passion for music. Fujisawa truly began to explore this passion in the
70 s, during which, a cultural menagerie of Japanese popular music, new age, and early electronic
music flourished. Inevitably, those genres influenced Fujisawa s early compositions. (Wikipedia)
Fujisawa was highly influenced by the new wave of Japanese electronica such as the Yellow Magic
Orchestra and Ryuichi Sakamoto group. It was not until 1975, that he made his first public
performance, and it is not until a decade later that ... Show more content on ...
(Team Ghiblink, Afterwards, the pair would go on to produce eight more films together.
(Wondercity Inc. , 2011)
2008 marked an important year for Hisaishi. In honor of his work, a concert event was produced at
Nippon Budokan in Tokyo to celebrate the anniversary of 25 years of collaboration. (Dasnoy Tsong,
2013) The concert featured performances of Hisaishi s signature Miyazaki film score compositions.
Approximately 1,200 musicians and singers participated in the performance, including the 200
member New Japan Philharmonic World Dream Orchestra, 6 featured vocalists, the combined 800
members of the Ippan Koubo, Ritsuyuukai and Little Singers of Tokyo choirs, and a 160 piece
marching band. Joe Hisaishi, who by this time has become an important icon to Asian music,
conducted the performance from his piano as a giant screen backed the entire performance, streaming
projections of correlating clips from Miyazaki s films along with the music. (Team Ghiblink,
In 2010, Hisaishi returned to his roots, becoming a professor at the Kunitachi College of Music to
fulfill an endeavor to teach younger generations about music composition, passing on his legacy, all
the while continuing his career as a composer, arranger, pianist, and conductor. (Dasnoy Tsong, 2013)
Over the course of his career, spanning more than 30 years, Joe Hisaishi built a solid global fan base,
including an enthusiastic multi generational following in China.
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Coach Is An American New York Based Company Essay
Coach is an American New York based company competing in the clothing sector of the consumer
goods industry. Its products include leather goods for both men and women. Through exceptional
customer service the company maintains and builds a loyal and dependable clientele. Unique designs
and branding has distinguished the company from its peers. Peers include but not limited to L Brands
Incorporated, PVH Corp., Ralph Lauren Corp., Tiffany Co., VF Corp., Estee Lauder Incorporated,
Kate Spade Co., Abercrombie Fitch and Michael Kors Holdings Limited. From fragrances, sunglasses,
outerwear, travel bags, men s belts, wallets and gloves the company has strategically remained
relevant in the market place. Coach has been profoundly involved in increasing its global presence in
the Asian markets.
Coach experienced declining revenues in 2014 2015 after sluggish brand value. The company
abandoned the strategy of discounting after customer demand for promotional products deterred
interests in paying full price. Coach made a marketing correction and removed discounting in an effort
to increase product appeal. In May 2015, Coach acquired Stuart Weitzman, a leading designer and
manufacturer of women s luxury footwear. Similar to Coach, it is a brand built on offering innovation,
relevance, and value to a loyal customer base, and is known for its craftsmanship and quality merging
fashion and function. Coach has a very limited number of men products which weakens the company s
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Bluefin Trevaly Research Paper
The Bluefin Trevally is a species of large marine fish. The bluefin trevally can be found throughout
the tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. They grow to max length of 117 cm and a weight
of 43.5 kg. The bluefin trevally can be found in both inshore environments such as bays, lagoons, and
shallow reefs. As well as deeper offshore reefs, atolls and bomboras. They mainly eat fish but also eat
cephalopods (mainly octopus and squid) and crustaceans like shrimp, stomatopods, and crabs. The
butterfly fish is a saltwater fish. They reach an adult size of 6 inches, and live mostly in coral reefs.
Butterfly fish are omnivores and eat algae, zooplankton, seaweed, worms, and small crustaceans. They
are eaten by many things, such as such
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The Invasion of Grenada
The invasion of Grenada also know as Operation Urgent Fury was a U.S invasion to the Grenada
Island in 1983 that Overthrew the communist government in favor of a pro Western one in a period of
less than two months. On October 13, President Reagan was made aware of possible trouble in
Granada. Deputy Prime Minister Bernard Coard had removed Prime Minister Maurice Bishop and
recognized military rule. Six days later, Bishop was murdered. Bishop was a socialist and had bonds
with Cuba; he spent his time making Grenada wholly socialist and encouraged development in the
private sector to make the island a current traveler destination. With this in mind president Reagan was
highly concerned. The president had two main reasons for the invasion; the first one was to protect the
American lives in the island after military cup and a massive killing of people, and the second one was
the fact of the Granada relations with Cuba and possible spread of communism. Even that this
invasion had a huge impact in the way that the American army operates and it prevented the extent of
communist s governments in the western hemisphere; this invasion is not popular for the American
population, the average American citizen is not interested in Grenada invasion most of them tend to
confuse it with others invasions or just did not remember anything about it, only a PHD in history
knew about the theme and even if the other interviewed had an idea about the operation, they had to
make sure on the
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Changes Continuities of Silk Road Essay
The Silk Road which started in 200 BCE and ended it in 1450 CE has its own changes and
continuities. Trade flourished between the Asian and Europe at the time and as time went on its sole
purpose of trading expanded to many other purposes and affect not only the area it contacted.
Although there were many continuities during the time but it has more significant changes that
occurred and also impact the world. One significant changes of the Silk Road is when it was first
started it mainly started as a way for trade to flourish between Europe and Asia. But the purpose of
this Silk Road has also expanded to transcend different culture and technologies from different places
and caused cultural diffusion along the Silk Road. This happened ... Show more content on ...
The reason the Chinese won t let the outsiders know how to make these silk is because the process of
it is hard and they depends mostly on trading these silk for the stuff they needed. Another continuities
is the geography of the silk road. The silk road is consist of many route, some is shorter but dangerous
while other is longer but safer. Even though some of the routes have changed and there is more variety
of stuff that s being traded than when it was started (e.g. Gunpowder) and the purpose of the road also
expanded like people use it to spread religion and unfortunately is also been a route where disease
easily spread (e.g. Black plagues) The continuity is the geography of the silk road never changed
because both the European and Asia gained much profit from it that it doesn t need to be change and
the Silk Road remained the major trade route between Far Eastern Chinese and European cultures and
sparked numerous conflicts in its existence.
The Silk Road which have been known as a major trade route in the old world and sparked numerous
conflicts in its existence. It brought the goods and the bads like the plagues, cultural diffusion,
introduction of new technologies and brought new religions to different part of that world. The Silk
Road shape the world we have
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Why I Want To Pursue My Bachelor s Degree
I was born in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and I don t remember much of my childhood since my family
moved around a lot. As a child, my family and I have been to Malawi, Zimbabwe and South Africa. I
started living in the United States in 2009 and for the most part, it feels like I ve spent most of my life
here. I recently graduated from the University of Maryland with a bachelor s degree in Bioengineering
(12/20/17). I am very passionate about helping others. I pursued a degree in bioengineering because I
thought working on medical devices was the only way I could contribute to society and drive my
passion. However, in my senior year, I realized that working directly with a customer (doctor) and
helping them solve their problems was more in line
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The Settlements Of The Treaty Of Waitangi Essay
The Settlements of the Treaty of Waitangi.
The treaty of Waitangi is considered to be the founding document of the English and European control
and settlement in New Zealand. After the treaty s signing in 1840 it has played a huge role in legal
affairs and the treatment of both European New Zealanders and Maori New Zealanders. Though there
is dispute as to the correct or incorrect translation from English to Maori and vice versa, the treaty has
on the whole created a harmonious existence between the two cultures.
In 1832 after a plea for help and protection sent to the French and English by the Maori, the English
sent James Busby to be the British Resident in New Zealand, which would lead to the later
appointment of William Hobson as the Lieutenant Governor of New Zealand. In 1834 James Busby
drafted a document known as the Declaration of Independence of New Zealand . This was signed by
himself and 35 Northern Maori chiefs in 1835 appointing those chiefs as the representatives of a state
under the name of the United Tribes of New Zealand . This document was not popular in the Colonial
Office in England and it seemed that a corrective document was needed for New Zealand. This
document ended up being the Treaty of Waitangi.
Hobsons instructions are the basis for all Waitangi Tribunal claims and settlements, the instructions
were issued to him by James Stephen of the Colonial office on behalf of Queen Victoria. The
instructions were as follows:
All dealings with the
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Apollo 7 Research Paper
With all of the systems checked, the next step was a manned mission. On October 11th, 1968, Apollo
7 launched with a three person crew: Schirra, Eisele, and Cunningham in a Saturn IB rocket (NASA
Apollo 7 ). This rocket type of rocket was also the launch vehicle for Apollo 5 and consists of two
stages: S IB as the first stage and S IVB as the second as well as the third stage in the Saturn V rocket.
For eleven days, the crew performed tests that would prove the capabilities of the CSM and the crew
such as performing a simulated LM docking and CSM rendezvous. The engines of the CSM and the
Saturn IB rocket itself preformed as expected. The only issues that arose during the mission were non
crucial to the mission goals. A few of the windows ... Show more content on ...
Launched in a Saturn V rocket, Apollo 9 carried a CSM and LM. After entering Earth s orbit with the
third stage, S IVB, CM pilot Scott performed a maneuver that detached the CSM from the S IVB and
docked the CSM with the LM, which was still attached to the S IVB. The CSM s service propulsion
system (SPS) was tested and deemed capable to propel the LM and S IVB when the LM is docked
with the CSM. After a few orbits, the S IVB was detached from the CSM LM combo, and was
propelled out of earth s orbit into the sun s orbit (a new S IVB is used for each mission). A few orbits
later, LM pilot Russell Schweickart and Commander James McDivitt crawled through the tunnel
connecting the LM to the CSM and performed tests on the LM to test the engines, systems and
steering. The next day, extravehicular activity (EVA), or activity outside of the spacecraft, was
performed by Schweickart and CM pilot David Scott as they took pictures of each other and their
surroundings. The other major task accomplished by this mission was the separation and redocking of
the LM to the CSM. The two spacecrafts orbited the earth separately for about 12 hours, and then were
successfully redocked together. Schweickart and McDivitt crawled back to the CSM, and the LM and
CSM were separated again. The LM was also jettisoned into space since it would burn up on reentry
into Earth s orbit on future missions due to not having a heat shield. (Brooks et al. 292 300). Two
telecast were performed by the crew (NASA, Apollo
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Obsession In Two Literary Works Essay
Obsession is one of the greatest obstacles for mankind to overcome. In Naguib Mahfouz s Midaq
Alley and Gabriel Garcia Marquez s One Hundred Years of Solitude, the motif of obsession helps to
both characterize and even foreshadow the fates of the characters. Both novels illustrate that
obsessions with an object or person leads to demise, but the novels differ in how they portray the
effects of these obsessions on humanity. Before continuing this analysis, obsession will be clearly
defined. For the purpose of this essay, obsession will be characterized by three concepts: the character
is shown constantly contemplating the desired object or person, most of a character s actions or goals
are oriented towards the object or person, and ... Show more content on ...
When confronted with the obstacle of religion, Hamida yells I don t give a damn [about violating the
Qur an]! (Midaq Alley, P146). This complete disregard for her promises to both Abbas and religious
icons portrays Hamida s obsession with acquiring money as she consistently contemplates money,
orients all of her actions around gaining money, and as she destroys religious obstacles in order to
attain money. Later, Hamida s obsession with money leads her into prostitution, emotional turbulence,
and misery as she undergoes a moral degradation in order to satiate her obsession. While Hamida is
obsessed with financial success and the luxuries that it brings, her fiancé Abbas is obsessed with his
love for Hamida. After the first time of being rejected by Hamida, Abbas refuses to leave her alone
because he is truly in love and [feels] certain his love for her would last a thousand years (Midaq
Alley, P44). Although Hamida rejects Abbas on numerous occasions, she is eventually convinced of
his love as Abbas promises to work for the Army to gain enough money to give Hamida anything she
desires. Once Abbas leaves for the army, Hamida looks to other men for financial stability instead of
waiting for her fiancé to return. When Abbas finally returns, he begins to drink in order to escape his
emotional pain. When Abbas notices the coquettish personality of Hamida as
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Nt1310 Unit 3 Assignment 1 Video Game
Of course, when playing games, you can use a key mapper in order to control the inputs. You can use
the xbox or playstation controllers on the PC, or even the Wii motion controls with enough
modification. Since the whole PC platform is so varied, I can only give an opinion and insight onto a
small part of it. To do this, I will detail my own system in order to explain how the platform can be
customised. Some of the parts were bought over 4 years ago, so prices have varied a lot. Case The
case, which I have for my computer, is the Antec P280. This is one of the parts of the computer where
I wish I bought something different at the time. I overspent on the case, and should have researched
more into the subject. The case is a good one, with ... Show more content on ...
It keeps all of the parts connected to it through the use of different connections configured through the
use of a north and south bridge. Depending on the architecture of the PC, these areas become fairly
different. However, the CPU is located always on the north bridge, and is connected through either a
land grid array socket or a pin grid array socket, depending on if you have an Intel or AMD CPU. The
RAM is also connected through the use of the north bridge. The north bridge generally is to access
data fast. The south bridge is where the mass storage is located, along with any I/O for the computer.
This includes USB ports, and audio ports or sound cards, and even the video card. This is due to the
lesser amount of information that some of the connections need. Obviously, with advancements in
recent years, the speeds that the south bridge supports have increased tremendously. For example, a
SATA port on the south bridge can transfer
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Analysis Of Blanche Dubois s
Blanche DuBois arrives to visit her sister, Mrs. Stella Kowalski, who lives in the French Quarter
ofNew Orleans. She is shocked by the (low quality/low class) looks of the place. While a
neighborgoes to find Stella, Blanche looks around the apartment for a drink. When her sister
comes,Blanche quite honestly (says bad things about) the place. She explains that she has come for
avisit because her nerves are shattered from teaching. Noticing that the apartment has only tworooms,
she has fears about staying but she tells Stella that she can t stand being alone. She explains to Stella
that their old (related to a person s relatives going way back for many years) home, Belle Reve, has
been lost. While Stella goes to the bathroom, Stanley, her husband,enters and meets Blanche. He
questions her about her past and especially about her earliermarriage, which upsets Blanche to the
point that she feels sick. The following night Stella and Blanche plan to have dinner out and go to a
movie while Stanleyplays poker with his friends. But before they leave, Stanley wants to know how
Belle Reve waslost. Blanche tries to explain and gives him all the papers and documents having to do
with theplace. Later that night when Blanche and Stella return from their movie, the men are still
playingpoker. Blanche meets Mitch, one of Stanley s friends, who seems to be more sensitive than
theothers. While Mitch is in the second room talking to Blanche, Stanley becomes angry over aseries
of events,
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Response Essay Boston Teacher Residency
When we were younger we were often told that we can be whatever we want to be. As a little girl
around the age of three or four I use to always say that I want to be a lot of things. One day I would
want to be a doctor and within a couple of days I would say I wanted to be a princess. In my mind
everything was possible no matter what it was and my mom was always there to make me believe that
I could be anything I wanted to and that anything was possible. That lesson stuck with me for a long
time, even until this very day. In this article Boston Teacher Residency, it tells us how one had begun
to value their education. He admired his 8th grade Civics teacher, Mr. Fulton, which was of color. He
gave background of the teacher which informed us that he was a man ... Show more content on ...
He combines these appeals to write a great and interesting paper that motivates and entertains us all at
once. I believe anyone who reads this article will feel some type of motivation no matter what.
Everything he encountered he overcame and gained from it. This article taught me things just by
reading it. Never let anyone dictate what you are and what you are not capable of. You should never
give up on what your tasks is because you may never know how far you may get if you give up
because you never know how close you are to reaching your goal. Reading this article made me think
if the saying that my elementary teacher use to always say during the morning announcements which
was, Never settle for less than your best. Those words will forever stick with me because she never
failed to say it every day, by her constantly repeating it made me get the full meaning to what she was
trying to get us to understand. And because of that he made an impact of my everyday life from
elementary school all the way until
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Feminism in Literature
Feminism in Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre and Henrik Ibsen s A Doll s House
Feminism, if anything, has appeared majorly in the literature spectrum through all decades and forms.
Feminism is the political, cultural, or economic movement aimed at establishing equality and
protection for all women. No matter the time period or place feminism has always been a popular
literary topic that has made a few works quite notorious, including Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and
A Doll s House by Henrik Ibsen. Both works contain the scenarios in which the main characters are
taken advantage of due to the apparent feminist society. Made obvious by the title, Jane is the main
character of the novel Jane Eyre. During the novel Jane meets people, in ... Show more content on ...
Rochester. At first Jane sees him as rude and disrespectful due to his cold and gruesome remarks, but
it is her fight and how Jane stands up for herself that leads to one of the most known relationships in
literature. Eventually Rochester asks Jane for her hand in marriage but at the scene of the wedding, we
come to learn, that Rochester is already married to an insane woman, living in his attic, named Bertha.
With this Rochester asks Jane to run away with her to Europe, this is exactly where Jane is faced with
a very hard decision between following her heart as everyone wants to do, or keeping her respect and
dignity. We can see the respect Jane now has from Rochester when he says to her, I was wrong to
attempt to deceive you; but I feared a stubbornness that exists in your character (Bronte 354). This
shows that Jane has gained Rochester s respect and the stubbornness in Jane s character is the best
thing for her, for without this trait Jane could never gain respect from others, especially men, in his
novel. Knowing that Jane has decided to leave her, Rochester begins to persuade Jane to stay with
him. He says, Oh, Jane, this is bitter! This this is wicked. It would not be wicked to love me (Bronte
355). Jane replies, It would to obey you (Bronte 355), showing that she will not give into his pleading,
regardless of how much she loves him because to obey him would lead to the loss
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Basic Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
When entering a market, an organisation needs to identify its customers and what its customer needs
are. A business can t go into a market with a product and expect to sell it, because the demand for the
product may not be there. It is important for the business to plan thoroughly before entering a market
and understand the diverse nature of a market. For example, a market may have large range of
consumers who have different tastes, preference and needs. So this is where the concept of
segmentation will be applied.
Segmentation is defined as the identification of individuals or organisations with similar
characteristics that have significant implications for the determination of marketing strategy . To break
this down, ... Show more content on ...
Target marketing
An important part of marketing is selecting the market you want to enter to provide your products or
services. So once you have successfully used market segmentation to divide your market into
reasonable consumer segments, you then need to use targeting to choose the market you are going to
Choosing a market to serve is an extremely important decision a business will need to make, because a
bad decision at this stage could result in failure. To help make the right decision, a company should
use criteria to evaluate a market, for example: * Effective * Measurable * Accessible * Actionable *
Profitable (foot note) Another method of evolution would be the SMART objectives method: *
Specific * Measurable * Achievable * Realistic * Time scaled
Either way, an organisation should evaluate their potential market before entering them. There have
been cases where businesses have entered markets and failed, because they did not evaluate
effectively. In 2003, Burger King introduced a new line of chicken sandwiches aimed at appealing to a
more health conscious demographic (the BK Baguette Sandwiches). The product never caught on in
the U.S. and was quickly replaced with the TenderGrill Sandwich . It s evident that of a failing product
and more importantly evidence of poor marketing strategy. If burger king used targeting properly, the
product may have been more
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Role Of Supernatural Elements In Macbeth
In the play entitled Macbeth by William Shakespeare, the supernatural is the most important element
in the play which leads to Macbeth s desire for the throne. Throughout the play, supernatural appeals
to the audience in various forms which is represented by the witches, the prophecies, the floating
dagger, and ghost. The existence of these supernatural elements in Macbeth foreshadows the evil
ambitions and actions possess by Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Besides that, these supernatural
elements also are the key elements to the manipulative play as it evoke the emotions among the
audience to perceive the horror, mystery, evil and death throughout the play. The introduction of the
three witches with their prophecies in Act 1 Scene 3, about Macbeth after he won the war against the
Norwegians, at the beginning of the play has naturally motivated Macbeth s actions to make the
prophecies into reality.
The witches are not human or half ways normal when Banquo quotes to Macbeth that the creatures are
not human like as well as irregular in some sort and very unattractive. The witches then presented as
Macbeth s fortune tellers. The witches called Macbeth as Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor ... Show
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The existence of supernatural elements in Macbeth played a huge role because without it Macbeth
would have never killed Duncan. The witches and their prophecies become the ultimate key factor for
Macbeth s dynamic character as their ability to foresee Macbeth s fate affect his actions and
endeavors. Macbeth was once a respected hero, but his desire to become King of Scotland destroyed
his nobility. It is also very effective as it highlights the horror, fears, cruelty and blameworthy of
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The elements successfully appeal to the audience s curiosity of the
mysterious and thus strengthen their interest towards the
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John Donne Rhyme Poem
Rhyme According to Hollander (2001), Rhyme is one of the most well known and popular sound
devices in poetry; the term rhyme refers to the use of words with similar or the same sounds. Rhyme is
often a key component of a poem, although not all poets make use of it. Those who do use it in a
variety of ways, sometimes making the last word in each line of a poem rhyme, sometimes rhyming
every other line. See here how the poet John Donne, who wrote some of the world s most beautiful
love poems, does both in The Canonization, where the poet tells the readers to leave him alone and let
him be in love:
For God s sake hold your tongue, and let me love,
Or chide my palsy, or my gout,
My five gray hairs or ruined fortune flout,
With wealth your ... Show more content on ...
It s almost endless possibilities of variation both in rhyme and length of the line make it a particularly
musical stanza. The proportion of rhyme seems to be usually three and two expressed by the symbol a
b a b b. Here is an example for this type To a Skylark Percy Bysshe Shelley
Teach me half the gladness
That thy brain must know,
Such harmonious madness
From my lips would flow
The word should listen then as I am listening now Sestet
In its strictest sense, the sestet is the last six lines of a sonnet. It is the second part of the sonnet,
usually separated from the first eight lines (the octave) by a space. Cymbeline William
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A Study On Storm Water Drainage And Management System...
This section presents the team s approach in conducting the study on Storm Water drainage and
management system evaluation and its detailed design program. The Streams Tech team will provide
all necessary labor, materials, supervision, and professional and technical support to conduct the study.
In achieving the study objectives listed in the previous section, the study shall be divided into phases
as follows:
Phase I will comprise of detailed field and topographic survey to identify all the streams and storm
water/drainage system with associated problems and issues such as encroachment/Property Affected
Persons (PAPs), siltation, design deficiencies, inadequate capacity, etc., from Allentown to Hamilton
with a view towards solving the flooding problems affecting roads and property in the Freetown
Municipality. A base map showing all the features and the seasonal flood areas will be produced.
Recommendations for restoration/improvement and management of the system with indicative costs
will be provided during this first phase reporting.
Phase II will consist of the production of detailed engineering design of the storm water/drainage
system including all the hydraulic structures in accordance with the recommendations in Phase I.
Tender documents will also be produced during this phase. The deliverables in this Phase II will
include the design drawings and the tender documents.
The tasks in Phase I will comprise primarily of
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  • 1. All About Essay Writing In XAT L What You Should Expect - YouTube 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. All About Essay Writing In XAT L What You Should Expect - YouTube All About Essay Writing In XAT L What You Should Expect - YouTube
  • 2. Renaissance And Artemisia Gentileschi ( Baroque ) Lane Sofonisba Anguissola (Renaissance) and Artemisia Gentileschi(Baroque) The renaissance began in Italy from the 14th to the 16th century, and was followed by the baroque period which roughly was between 16th to 17th century, each revolutionized the period prior. This is perfectly represented by two very different and yet very similar artists: Sofonisba Anguissola and Artemisia Gentileschi. Though one more so paved the way for the other, there connection appears to have nearly materialized out of thin air, and begs the age old psychological question of nature Vs. nurture. Anguissola started life in Cremona, Italy in about 1532, during the renaissance period. She would go on to dazzle all those before her with her virtuousness, ... Show more content on ... This is similar to Gentileschi, who moved to a variety of places such as London, Florence, Venice, and Naples. I suspect that the two mutually wanted to escape and pursue brighter futures while developing their already noteworthy talents. Another interesting commonality between the two is that Anguissola s mother died when she was around 4 or 5. Similarly, Gentileschi lost her mother at a young age, when she was around 12 years old. Gentileschi must have struggled more as a result than her fortunate predecessor, as she was not from prestigious family. Her father was a fairly well known artist who worshipped Michelangelo Merisi Caravaggio s style, especially his use of tenebrism. This adoration was imparted to his daughter Artemisia, who often copied this style. Intriguingly, there is a bizarre connection even in this. There is some rumor that a drawing that Anguissola had sent to the famed artist Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (the more famous one), had ended up in a notebook belonging to Giorgio Vasari, and is suspected to have been discovered by Caravaggio, which later inspired his painting Boy Bitten by a Lizard . There is a clear connection through time between these two women. Yet, in a way seems to have been founded through pure chance and phenomenon. As hard as it is to believe, this is not the only person who intertwines these women together. Anthony Van Dyke visited Anguissola when she was very old, and blind, but spent hours ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Patient Safety Essay Introduction Keeping patients safe is essential in today s health care system, but patient safety events that violate that safety are increasing each year. It was only recently, that the focus on patient safety was reinforced by a report prepared by Institute of medicine (IOM) entitled To err is human, building a safer health system (Wakefield Iliffe,2002).This report found that approx imately 44,000 to 98,000 deaths occur each year due to medical errors and that the majority was preventable. Deaths due to medical errors exceed deaths due to many other causes such as like HIV infections, breast cancer and even traffic accidents (Wakefield Iliffe, 2002). After this IOM reports, President Clinton established quality interagency ... Show more content on ... Wrong side surgeries are also increasing, which are highest in year 2008. According to Health Grades, 2009, total Direct cost of unsafe infection practice to Unit ed State is $535 million while cost to patient safety events is 6.8 billion to federal Medicare pro gram and also leads to 92,882 preventable deaths in USA. Top 250 hospitals of US have achieved patient safety excellence award, which has a potential to save 2 billion of federal money and 22,771 deaths from Medicare patients (Health Grades, 2009). Institute of medicine (IOM) has estimated that adverse drug reactions cost 1.5 million to the govt.which can be reduced with proper interventions (Classen, Jaser Budnitz, 2010). Total cost due to medical errors is 29 bil lion annually, which includes costs due to medical bills and due to loss of income and other dis abilities. Seeing the severity of patient safety events, it is necessary for the hospitals to take proper steps towards patient safety. Each step towards patient safety saves hundreds of lives and thousands of dollars. Preventable medical errors affect the trust of patient on health care person nel (Health Grade, 2009). National patient safety goals National patient safety goals were established in year 2002 to help ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Face Behind Bitcoin The Face Behind Bitcoin The Newsweek has gone too far by invading Satoshi Nakamoto s private life without his consent. The reporter goes to the extent of going to confront Nakamoto from his residence in temple city where he decides to involve the police because he never consented on speaking with the reporter. In the letter he accuses Newsweek of printing false reports concerning his life, and this has created a great deal of confusion and stress to him and the family members. He finishes by asking the Newsweek to respect his privacy. The allegation made on Mr. Nakamoto is not justifiable in any sense since he personally denied being involved in the programming and invention of the bitcoin technology. The magazine is seen to have developed its own thesis on the programmer s identity by matching Nakamoto s name and career to the alleged creator of the digital currency system. He even argues out that he never heard the term Bitcoin until his son told him. The reporter goes ahead to his home even after noticing Mr. Nakamoto s character of not being social to the public. In the story he is described to be a man with few words and very intelligent. The initial program document carried the name of Satoshi Nakamoto, and because the author chose to remain private and anonymous, it had been widely assumed the name to be a pseudonym. The reporter is seen to have gone to the extent of going to Mr Nakamoto s home to confront him on the story which he earlier denied talking about ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Rapid Prototyping As A Tool For Mobile App Development RAPID PROTOTYPING AS A METHODOLOGY FOR MOBILE APP DEVELOPMENT 1.0 DEFINITION OF RAPID PROTOTYPING Rapid prototyping as the name implies is a process of quickly transforming user s understanding and definition a system to the built to mock up design, either it be a website or an application(web, windows or mobile) and having these designs validated by reviewing it with a larger team of users, stakeholders, designers and developers. 2.0 Processes of rapid prototyping Rapid prototyping is a multiple iterations of 3 processes involved in rapid prototyping with an iteration of the process yield a clearer picture as the initial key areas at the beginning are built out until the final prototype is built and handed over for production. These ... Show more content on ... 3. It helps in testing the solution and the concept behind it 4. It enables the development team to discover potential errors and weak spots before a proper implementation which might be too expensive to correct 5. It makes it easier for early client interactions and often and quick feedback 3.2 Disadvantages of rapid prototyping If not controlled, it can see introduction of additional requirement/features which was not part of the original model. 4.0 Best and worst Practices of prototyping 4.1 Best Practice 1) Work collaboratively with users, business and IT stakeholders while rapid prototyping. 2) Understand that rapid prototyping is a means to an end and not the end product itself. This would help in avoiding prototype creep because expectations are set. 3). Make provision for component (templates, patterns, widgets) reuse. 4) When creating interactive high fidelity prototypes and simulations, build in realistic delays so that users do not expect instant response times from the final product. 5) Remind users during every prototype review session that the product is a mock up and not the actual solution. It encourages feedback and avoiding users from mistaking it for a working solution. 4.2 Worst Practice 1) Don t prototype features or functionality that cannot be implemented 2) Don t take every change or request that comes out of a prototype review as a new ... Get more on ...
  • 6. El Estado s El Instrumento El Estado es el instrumento para la satisfacción de las necesidades del individuo, como el individuo no está en la capacidad de instrumentalizar por si solo, el Estado está en la obligación de ejercer la función normativa del individuo como una especie de coacción a su libertad. Como expresa Hobbes, el Estado es un aparato coactivo, cuya peculiaridad fundamental consiste en el monopolio de la fuerza, como arbitraje necesario entre la multitud de intereses opuestos para no caer en la guerra autodestructiva de todos contra todos. Esta visión de Hobbes coincide con la de Marx, que considera al Estado como un aparato puramente exterior a la sociedad civil. Para Marx, el Estado, ya no es árbitro entre individuos atomizados, sino instrumento de dominación de clase. Si bien es cierto, sin los aportes de una sociedad civil fuerte, activa expresada a través de sus organizaciones no puede haber un Estado sustentado en una autentica democracia, cuando los regímenes democráticos son incapaces de dar respuesta a las demandas sociales de la sociedad, es ahí donde cobra fuerza los aportes de la sociedad civil. La sociedad civil es un componente importante en el desarrollo de una sociedad, ya que la participación de los ciudadanos es determinante para que los dirigentes políticos puedan llegar al gobierno, estableciendo una relación de asociación entre el Estado y los ciudadanos, manifestando a través de la sociedad civil. Hoy más que nunca existe un reconocimiento de que la existencia de ... Get more on ...
  • 7. What Is The Situationist Perspective In Lord Of The Flies Dr. Zimbardo uses a situationist perspective on the ways through which anti social behavior is understood, treated and prevented. This view contrasts with the traditional dispositional perspective, which locates evil within individual predispositions and looks at a person s internal factors and traits. The situationist perspective is different in that, unlike the dispositional perspective, it often uses experimental and laboratory research to demonstrate vital phenomena, whereas other perspectives may only use archival or correlational data to suggest such answers. The main example that illustrates through experimental research and social analysis is the ease by which ordinary, good people are induced into behaving in evil ways. ... Show more content on ... We live in a world cloaked with evil; it is ironic how humans are capable of committing the most heroic, selfless acts and also the most vile and horrific ones. Lord of the Flies and the Psychology of Deindividuation This section is mainly about The Lord of the Flies by William Golding and how it illustrates that one s external physical appearance can lead to a tremendous change in one s mental state. It is really interesting how in the book, once the boys get over the initial moral dilemma of whether to kill a pig and live or whether to let the pig live and die themselves, they have no problem with killing pigs. With every killing, the death of the pig seems to become more brutal and demoralizing. At one point, they even impale the pig with a stick in the anus, proclaiming their deed in horrific valor. This goes back to sexual aggression because it can be viewed as the raping and killing of a female pig. I can justify the gradual ease of killing pigs with an example. My friend, who goes hunting often, told me about how he can manage to kill a dear without feeling bad inside. He said that the actual killing is only hard the first time and that the other times, it is relatively easy because one simply stops thinking about it. One thinks about the deer as the prey, not as an innocent animal minding its own business. As for the experiment with the deindividuated and individuated women, it seems to make a lot of sense ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Differences Of English Dialects Key issue 3 Understanding the ways dialect vary. Many people have wondered why, if we are in one country, why do a lot of people sound different. Each region has its own language by way of spelling, vocabulary, and pronounciation. This is called dialect. THe sub division of a dialect is called subdialect. English Dialects Serval hundred years ago, English speakers migrated and settled in North America which stated the development of dialects of the English language. Because of its widespread distribution and the large number of speakers, many dialects and subdialects were formed. Those most responsible for English becoming the most dominant language in the Western Hemisphere were the earliest colonists. In the 17th century, colonists from England settled along the Atlantic coast bringing the English language with them. Since it was already a dominant language, settlers from other countries made significant contributions to the American language and became acculturated into the English society. During the 18th and 19th century, the American and England English were isolated by the Atlantic Ocean causing them to evolve independently. Transmissions over long distances would not be available for another hundred years and very few residences could visit during this time. The English s from each country differs in three significant ways; vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation. Because of the discoveries of new objects and experiences of new things, the development of vocabulary ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Student Assistant Job Application 1. I am applying for the Student Assistant position in the Undergraduate Admissions office because I am passionate about Simmons College and meeting new people! In my past experiences, I loved my jobs concerning customer service and helping people. I have worked in both a communications department and a customer service department, and as a receptionist. Being able to spend part of my day assisting people with their questions and helping my coworkers made me excited to go to work. I also found comfort in completing tasks, and would gladly take on even the most thought to be tedious projects. I would love to be able to combine my passion for Simmons and helping people. 2. I applied to Simmons an hour before the deadline, not knowing much ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Analysis Case On Use Of Business Analytics Framework Moneyball Analysis Case Study on the Use of Business Analytics Framework Dheeraj Dwivedi School of Professional Studies, Northwestern University, Spring 2016, Section 58 Moneyball Movie Analysis Case Study on the Use of Business Analytics Framework Moneyball movie is about the war between intuition and statistics. I would start my analysis with one of the many interesting quotes in the movie. The problem we re trying to solve is that there are rich teams and there are poor teams, then there s 50 feet of crap, and then there s us. It s an unfair game. And now we ve been gutted. We re like organ donors for the rich. Boston s taken our kidneys, Yankees have taken our heart. And you guys sit around talking the same old good body nonsense like we re selling jeans. Like we re looking for Fabio. We got to think differently. We are the last dog at the bowl. You see what happens to the runt of the litter? He dies. (Moneyball movie, 2011) This movie centers on the character of Billy Beane, general manager of Major League Baseball s Oakland Athletics. In the movie, Billy couldn t re sign Oakland s best 3 players after the 2001 season due to having a payroll a fraction of A s competitors. He was facing a challenge of building a new team with a limited payroll and to accomplish this he needs to have a competitive strategy. While restructuring the team, he meets heavy resistance from his scouts, who argue that their years of baseball experience and ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Cognitive Psychology Essay Cognitive neuroscience categorised as one of the many approaches to human cognition, focuses on the study of both the brain and behaviour in collaboration. Evidence from such approaches can be used to understand in depth, the mental processes forming cognition. Consequently, this contributes to our understanding of the mind. Despite vast development in this field, various challenges are posed as no single method can answer every question raised due to its limitations and therefore must be combined in order to produce a more reliable understanding. Cognitive psychology was the first to make progress in the understanding of these areas and accordingly it can be noticed that the tasks used by cognitive neuroscientists for brain imaging ... Show more content on ... Brain imaging techniques used by cognitive neuroscientist s aid research into such field by analysing the different parts of the brain that become active when a certain task is performed. The main technique that can be discussed in the role of trying to understand the mind is Functional magnetic resonance imaging. This technique uses an MRI machine to measure brain activity by looking at changes in one s blood flow. Stern et al, 1996 carried out research into the parts of the brain crucial for encoding and storage of information in the long term memory store. Using fMRI, participants were monitored while performing a novel picture encoding task. Evidence was provided to show that the encoding of these pictures depends on how the ventral cortical regions and the hippocampal region interact. This highlights a link between the two which therefore creates a valid contribution to our understanding of the mind as it identifies the parts of the brain crucial for engaging in essential mental processes. On the other hand, although this link can be identified, the method used by cognitive neuroscientists cannot explain exactly how the hippocampal formation is crucial in the encoding of information in long term memory meaning that it cannot be explained as to why it is needed and what exactly would happen to the encoding process if damage to this formation was to occur. In terms of the technique itself, low temporal resolution and high expense can be noted as another ... Get more on ...
  • 12. A Rhetorical Analysis Of El Paso Zoo Whether it is by using the written word, a speech, or any other medium, in order to convey a message to an audience, one must have an effective way of communicating one s ideas. The Greek philosopher Aristotle believed that effective speakers use three kinds of appeals to make their arguments convincing; ethos, the credibility of the speaker, logos, the speaker s actual message, and pathos, or the emotional appeal the speaker arises in its audience. These rhetorical appeals are present in many aspects of everyday life, including in websites. Websites such as the El Paso Zoological Society use these three appeals to effectively communicate with those who visit their page. The El Paso Zoo address is 4001 E. Paisano El Paso, TX, 79905. ... Show more content on ... On a website the opening page is vital to not only the persons experience on the site, but also the over all impression on the subject. There are several ways that a persons perception can be manipulated to feel a certain way, on a website; the layout, accessibility of information, and images. When accessing the El Paso Zoo website the first thing that catches the attention of the audience is the back ground. Which is the El Paso skyline with the franklin mountains accompanied by some exotic animals. This creates a personal connection with the views by combining something that is familiar and has emotional connection with something new that brings a new excitement to this emotional ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Uses Of Cloud Computing The use of cloud computing expands the risk of insider access not only to the staff of cloud service company but also the consumers of the cloud services. A good example can be drawn from the denial of service attack launched by a malicious insider as demonstrated by a well known Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud infrastructure (Sense Post: , 2009). The insider access risk can be mitigated by deploying technical and administrative procedures that will monitor the activities of the users with access to the cloud infrastructure. An example of such procedures include access reviews for users with especially high risk access rights (such as execute access rights to data objects). These control procedures may be monitored by a third ... Show more content on ... The base cloud service provider here is the provider who provides the primary cloud services with which the other service providers build their services on. The use of composite cloud services generates the risk of control over the third party services. The cloud service provider is required to disclose the relationship with other third parties and terms of service involving the third party should be clearly defined. The cloud service provider should provide an assurance of how liability and performance will be achieved in the composite cloud services. The service agreements should be developed based on the performance capabilities of all the nest cloud service providers. o Visibility The use of cloud services requires an organization to hand over the security management procedures of the systems with which the organization s data and applications operate on to the service provider. Management and technical security control measures of the service provider should be in alignment with that of the service consumer to ensure that the security objectives of the consumer is achieved. Research on metrics for comparing the security procedures and controls between the consumer and service provider is still underway (Jansen, Directions in Security Metrics Research, 2009). An ideal procedure for gaining visibility of security requires the service provider to disclose details about their security and privacy measures to the consumer. Service providers are however sceptical ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Social And Emotional Development Of The Gifted Social and Emotional Development of the Gifted 1 Running head: SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE GIFTED Social and Emotional Development of the Gifted Emily Medford Arkansas State University Social and Emotional Development of the Gifted 2 Social and Emotional Development of the Gifted When dealing with gifted children, there are often many social and emotional problems that are underlying. Gifted students are not like other students. These students are often referred to as the ones that are smart with good grades and have superior test scores. Gifted students are envisioned as the students that are extraordinary in many aspects! What is not always ... Show more content on ... These characteristics can also cause the already identified students to not achieve to their fullest due to stress and lack of motivation. It is very hard to understand why students don t perform to their full potential when you know they are capable. This is known as underachievement. Both early researchers and more recent authors have defined underachievement in Social and Emotional Development of the Gifted 3 terms of a discrepancy between a child s school performance and some ability index such as an IQ score. (Delisle Galbraith, 2002). Gifted children who do not succeed in school are often successful in outside activities such as sports, social events, after school jobs, talent or hobby interests. (Delisle Galbraith, 2002). So we wonder what causes the underachievement. Bainbridge (2014), believes these problems result from gifted children being able to intellectually understand abstract concepts but are then unable to deal with those concepts emotionally. Ones physical development may also lead to an inability to complete a task that they are capable of intellectually envisioning. Perfectionism can lead to fear of failure, in turn causing a gifted child to avoid failure by refusing to even try something. (Bainbridge, 2014). This often leads to a lack of motivation among students. McCoach Siegle (2005), believe that motivated students appear to ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Reading The Early Church Fathers Chapter 1 Summary The doctrine of Trinity has been taking shape over the centuries, beginning from the early church fathers. To discuss the development of the doctrine, I will use Reading the Early Church Fathers, a recommended text for this course and Trinity 101, a required text, by Dr. Jim Papandrea. The paper will focus on the Christology and ways through which the doctrines began to develop over the centuries, especially during the second and third centuries. In his book, Reading the Early Church Fathers, Dr. Papandrea points out that during the fourth century, the Adoptionism had emerged in its full form, but before this took shape, there were other theologians like Irenaeus of Lyons. After the apostles, he is said to be the first theologian. It was during the second century that he argued against Gnosticism. It is said that he wrote a document in 189 c, to support his argument against Gnosticism. He strived to help his readers understand that the Old and New Testament ... Show more content on ... Tertullian was also a theologian and for him Irenaeus s work was influential for him. It was him who introduced the term in Latin Trinitas. This means Trinity. Tertullian began associating himself with the Montanists. Who are strict in standard of morality, and their belief in prophecy as well as Christ s return. Tertullian rebelled against the philosophy for he believed that one is lead toward paganism because of philosophy. He used the roman legal terms and applied with theology. Tertullian understood that God is a combination of three people and that combination he named was Trinity. He used another word that is legal and that is Substantia which is defined as substance. Using the word substantia, Tertullian proved that that Trinity which in his view was a combination of Father, Son and the Holy Spirit shared one common essence of divinity or ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Mixed Bloods Are The Ones Who Succeed In Life Deconstruction Why is it that Aboriginal people who have mixed blood are the ones who succeed in life? Introduction The assumption that only Aboriginal peoples who have mixed blood succeed in life is portrayed by Westerners due to many factors. The belief that white blood or one race is superior over another has been put in front of people since the beginning of time. Although we like to believe that today this belief has died a long time ago, it still manages to pop up from time to time. This can be caused by stereotypes, history and unintentional ideas from the government. The assumption of mixed bloods succeeding in life can be quite different from one person to another, as everyone has different views on success due to gender, ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Bromination Of Trans-Cinnamic Acid And Trans-Stilbene. Bromination of trans cinnamic acid and trans stilbene INTRODUCTION Determining how a mechanism takes place is crucial in order to define a mechanism. In this experiment, a mechanism was determined based on the purified product s melting point. This was accomplished by comparing the acquired melting point with the one provided by Professor Link. (Q1) When 0.252 g of trans cinnamic acid was mixed in 2.5 mL glacial acetic acid and introduced to 0.434g pyridinium tribromide, the resulting product reflects an addition reaction. In general, reactions take place to achieve its lowest Gibb s free energy because it s at this point where a structure is most stable; in this case, the reaction is an addition of bromine into alkenes. (Q2) ... Show more content on ... The melting point range was close to the anti structure, but because it was a widened range it is speculated that the syn structure was also present. (Q9) However, this does not mean the other mechanisms are completely discarded. Upon recrystallizing the pure product, a gross mistake potentially skewed the results; non DI water from the ice bath was introduced to the crystallized product by mistake. Recrystallization of the pure product was redone, but random ions from the ice bath could have infiltrated the crystal lattice of the pure product thereby widening the melting range. Also, the melting range could have been affected by the temperature intervals used; time was running out and the Digi Melt was programmed to increase in intervals of 10°C instead of 5°C. This could have affected the melting range observed significantly; slow and steady probes to be a better method. (Q10) Both the percent yield (106.5%) and recovery (54.75%) are not ideal numbers; ideally, percentages should be close to 100% but not over or under. As mentioned above, (in Q9), a gross mistake occurred where non DI water got into the pure product as it was recrystallizing; the flask s buoyancy caused it to tip over and the non DI water from the ice bath got inside the pure product. This affected the data as electrolytes from the ice bath could now be part of the crystal lattice of the pure ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Fission Theory An object of fear is one that isn t understood, however, how is one to understand when one doesn t even know the object s origins? To understand an object that was created far before any other being is simply impossible; when one is so determined to understand something, we create theories that will satisfy our tasteless fruit of a mind. When one looks up at the night sky and ponders about all but our beautiful and unique moon, how foolish must they be? The moon is our tide keeper, the stabilizer of all that is in this world, yet the common person will look past it and instead look at the stars! The stars are nothing in comparison to our beautiful moon! Oh, misunderstood moon, fear not anymore! For all the lies told about you are finally being ... Show more content on ... The most popular theory of the moon s origin is the giant impact theory; this theory is that a giant mars sized space rock struck young earth and knocked a chunk of it out. This theory proves to be fallacious because, no scientist knows where that mars sized rock is; however, the earth and the moon are made with very similar elements (Editor). The fission theory is another theory that doesn t quite make sense in the eyes of science; the fission theory states that the earth was spinning a rapid speed and a chunk of the earth broke off and now that chunk is called the moon. This makes no sense because if the earth was spinning that fast before, it d be likely that more pieces would come off. The theory of which that should be accepted in the eyes of science is the capture theory. The capture theory is that there was this rock wandering through space and then got caught in the earth s orbit. This theory proves to be more understandable because the moon has a different chemical compound than the earth. The moon has had her woes brought forth, now the human race must choose for ourselves and ask this question: what truly happened to the moon? To that I say that one must decide for themselves. Let them believe what they want to ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Parapsychic Abilities Research Paper If I could pick one superhuman ability, I would pick the ability to be parapsychic. Having psychic abilities does it all: psychokinesis, telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition. I would have endless, infinite knowledge. I would be able to breach human conscience and delve deep into the pits of human thinking. I could harbour the entirety of human intelligence into my own little mind. Maybe this foreshadows imminent doom. But I cannot help but be tempted by all these what ifs . What if I knew all the most powerful secrets of the world? What if I could move human relationships, for better or for worse, with just a single word? People say knowledge is power but with great power comes greater responsibility. I could stop wars with this ability, ... Show more content on ... I would hold the lives of billions in my hands, and I could crush those lives with the slightest twitch. That sheer power is so distant, it is almost unimaginable. For to have all the knowledge of the world would mean to be like God, would it not? I could be benign, or I could be cruel, and absolutely nothing could stand in my way. That absolute freedom of will is what attracts me, what drives me to choose this ability. I could be anyone, do anything. But I would not be free from conscience. Would conscience allow me to execute these selfish pleasures? These unthinkable deeds? I take back what I said, for conscience of mind is the highest power. It masters all, and all minds suffer great pain at the caprice of this thing. And if I were to have all these powers, yet have nothing at the same time no purpose, no love, what good would these powers do me? So with these powers I would enjoy life s little gifts. Enjoy the humour presented to me by the oblivious ignorance of those around. Play small games on people, watch them go around in circles, confused, then return to their usual routine of stupefaction. I could do harm to mankind, yet I would not. I would choose to live out my days in obscur ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Water For Elephant By Sara Gruen Analysis In the story Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen it is written through the eyes of old and young Jacob Jankowski. In the beginning the story starts out in 93 year old Jacob Jankowski s eyes, who lives in a nursing home, when he goes to the window to see what all his female neighbors are staring at, when he sees the circus tents going up he feels like he s having a heart attack. The ladies call for the nurses scared, but he tells them that he s fine. Then it goes to younger Jacob who is only a few days away to getting this degree for veterinary science from Cornell University, but soon finds out that his parents have been killed in a car accident. Jacobs planned future crashes down and he becomes numb; having no family anymore he finds a train ... Show more content on ... When Jacob jumps on the train he meets Camel who helps Jacob get the veterinary job with August. August puts Jacob in the same quarters with a performer named Kinko and his dog Queenie; they did not get off on the right foot at first. He then meets Marlena, who is married to August, but Jacob falls madly in love with. Jacob and Marlena become close when Rosie, the new elephant, joins the show, which makes August suspicious and start to beat both Jacob and Marlena. This causes Marlena to leave him which Uncle Al does not like, so he threatens Jacob that if he doesn t get them back together he will red light him and Camel. While Marlena is staying in a hotel Jacob finds out that August tried to see her, so Jacob went over to comfort her; they end up sleeping together, proclaiming their love for each other. Marlena and Jacob continue to have a secret relationship and she soon finds out she pregnant. Jacob then plans to kill August but when he gets to his quarters he chickens out; when he goes back to his quarters he finds out that Kinko and Camel have been red lighted and only Queenie is left. During one of the shows the red lighted workers released the animals causing a stampede; Rosie, who was abused by August, takes puts a stake through ... Get more on ...
  • 21. How The Argument Supporting Two Cyprus States Argument Supporting Two Cyprus States The two state solution of Cyprus has unofficially become the status quo. There are various factors pushing for the establishment the divide of Cyprus. The largest driving factor is the Turkish and Greek ethnic divide. The two ethnic groups remain distinct, which are divided on linguistic, cultural, and religious lines (Meier, 457). The Greek Cypriots practice Greek orthodox and Turkish Cypriots practice Islam. Furthermore, both groups refer to Greece or Turkey as motherlands to their identities. (Meier, 457). Traditional family customs have discouraged the intermarriage of Greek and Turkish populations (Meier 461). Turkish and Greek Cypriot communities have established their own services such as ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, Britain with its colonial history of Cyprus has two significant military bases on Cyprus. These two bases routinely are the important focal points to the Cyprus issue. The strategic location creates a transition from the west to the east, with that it holds the balance of power in the eastern Mediterranean. The Soviet Union used influence, money, and power to reinforce the AKEL communist political power during the early years of the independence in 1960s. The Soviet Union saw the conflict in Cyprus method to gain influence in the Mediterranean and a threat by NATO to occupy Cyprus for military bases (Sakkas 123). By the end of 1960s, the Soviet Union and Cyprus were close together via commercially, diplomatically, culturally, and in education. Soviet Union allowed admission of Cypriots into universities (Sakkas 124). The Soviet Union sent official statements that further foreign invasion into the island would invoke a Russian response (Sakkas 125). The Cypriot government bought guns from Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union to protect the ALEK control. In 1965, during the first Cyprus conflict the Soviet Union funneled over $70,000,000 worth of military supplies to Cyprus. In 1973, Cyprus received 140,000 dollars from the Soviet Union to fund left wing organizations (Sakkas 125). Soviet Policy during the initial years supported the Greek Cypriots, but soon the rise of an anti west ideologies in ... Get more on ...
  • 22. What Is The Mooncake Festival Essay I arise my head to gaze at the bright moon, and I droop my head to think of my old sod. The poet Li Bai s poignant lines describe the grief of one incompetent to return home for Mid Autumn festival.From here we can seen that the Mid Autumn celebration is one of the most significant part of the Chinese cultural heritage.This festival is known in Malaysia as the Mooncake festival due to the popular practice of buying and eating mooncakes.As it is connected with paper lanterns, it is also called the Lantern Festival. Mooncake festival take place on the 15th day of the 8th month in the Chinese Lunar Calender every year, which is in September or early October in the Gregorian calendar. On that day, the moon is assumed to appear at its fullest and brightest,a completed circle of the year. The full moon is traditionally a symbol for ... Show more content on ... Today, it is still an occasion for outdoor reunions among friends and relatives to enjoy the food and watch the moon. On the 15th night when the moon is shinning its brightest, offerings of mooncakes, deep fried chicken, roasted pork, water calthrops, yam, water melon seeds and Chinese tea are made to deities and ancestors on the praying altar. Lighted lanterns are also hung conspicuously in front of homes. Prayers are offered with the customary lighting of joss sticks, red candles and golden joss paper are burnt.For example, in Kuala Lumpur, the Thean Hou Temple in Robson Heights usually organizes a lantern procession. After prayers, there is feasting and merry making with children carrying lighted lanterns around the neighborhood. Here they are sometimes joined by their non Chinese friends of celebrating with lanterns.With the full moon, the legend, the family, the friends and the poems, you can t help thinking that this is really a perfect world. That is why the Chinese are so fond of the Mooncake ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Gun Laws And Banning The United States Amar Redzepagic 10/3/15 The gun laws and bans in the United States are not helping to make things better or decrease our crime rate or solve anything instead we need better background checks to make sure we are not giving guns to the wrong people. A study published in the Harvard journal of law and public policy discovered that the nations with more guns tend to have a lower crime rate (Snyder, Michael. N.p., 12 Aug. 2013. Web. 26 Mar. 2015.). This proves that people tend not to commit a crime if they know that people around them are armed and ready to fire also they know that if they go to a country with a lower percentage of gun ownership they are not taking as much risk because there aren t that many guns in the area. Are all these bans and laws really necessary? The nine European nations with the lowest rate of gun ownership have a murder rate that is three times higher than the nine European nations with the highest rate of gun ownership (Snyder, Michael. N.p., 12 Aug. 2013. Web. 26 Mar. 2015), I think guns are actually helping us, overall guns are used eighty times more to prevent crimes rather than used in them. In the United States about 200,000 women protect themselves against sexual assault using guns every year. (Snyder, Michael. N.p., 12 Aug. 2013. Web. 26 Mar. 2015). The city of Kennesaw,Georgia passed a law requiring every home to ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Eco1102 Assignment 1 David grey Essay 1. a) i) The content of the table is about Canada s economic and financial situation divided into four sectors: real sector, fiscal sector, financial sector, and external factor. Each of the four sectors is divided into smaller categories. For example: real sector is divided into national accounts, production index, labor market, prices indices. The other three factors are also divided into smaller categories just like the real sector. In addition, this table has the most recent GDP to show the success of Canada s economy. The overall goal of the data is to show Canada s recent economic situation. ii) There are five level one headings in this table, which are: real sector, fiscal sector, financial sector, external sector, and ... Show more content on ... Therefore, $258,459/$1,819,967= 14.20%. 2. The Bank of Canada is interested in core inflation because compared to inflation, core inflation exclude food, energy and those products with a unstable price. Core inflation as a measure of inflation for policy purposes, it measures inflation more precisely. Core inflation represents the long run trend in the price level. Compared to CPI, core inflation is generally lower because it tries to maintain the price as it avoids high inflation and deflation over time. 3. b) i) Inflation rate between Dec. of 2009 and Dec. of 2008. The formula would be: (CPI(2009)/CPI(2008) 1)*100=((115.4/113.9) 1)*100≈1.32% Date CPI Dec 08 113.9 Jan 09 113.7 Feb 09 114.1 Feb 10 115.9 Apr 09 113.7 May 09 114.2 Jun 09 114.7 Jul 09 114.3 Aug 09 114.5
  • 25. Sep 09 114.6 Oct 09 114.8 Nov 09 115.4 Dec 09 115.4 b) ii) Inflation rate between Dec. 2013 and Dec. 1992. The formula would be: (CPI(2013)/CPI(1992) 1)*100=((123.5/84.7) 1)*100≈45.81% Date CPI Dec 92 84.7 Dec 13 123.5 b) iii) Inflation rate between October 2013 and October 2002. Date CPI Oct 02 101.3 Oct 13 123 The formula would be:(CPI(2013)/CPI(2002) 1)*100=((123/101.3) 1)*100≈21.42% c. In 1981, the inflation rate was the highest, it was about 12.50%. After that, the inflation rate was decreasing and later on its ups and downs. The inflation rate was the lowest in ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Media Violence And Crime Violence Media Violence and Crimes There are few debates that have been contentious for so long as the debate of whether violent medias contribute meaningfully to crimes. Because of the majority of shooting events committed by younger shooters, many politicians regard cultural effects as a potential contributing factor, while others dismiss media as a contributing factor. Within the social science community, a similar division exists (Ferguson, 2015). For example, some professional supporting groups, like the American Psychological Association (APA), released policy statements of a clear association between media violence and societal aggression (Ferguson, 2015). On the contrast, actively, a group of estimated 230 media scholars, criminologists, and psychologists wrote an open letter to the APA. In this letter, they asked APA to withdraw their policy statements and cease from making casual speculation. Does media violence immediately cause the increasing number of violent crimes? In 2000, the Federal Trade Commission(FTC) made a survey for the scientific evidence and the warning of negative influences of media violence (Dahl Vigna, 2009). Simultaneously, the American Medical Association, with five other public health organizations, revealed the threat of exposure to media violence. However, the evidence, showed in the reports of this survey, does not prove an obvious link between media violence and violent crime (Dahl Vigna, 2009). The experiments, conducted by the FTC in their ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Learning A Second Language Education Essay We live in a world surrounded by people of various cultures, countries, and ethnicities, who all speak different languages. As a young child, I attended a Spanish immersion program through my pre school and elementary school. I was absorbed into a new culture much different from my own. I grew up learning words in Spanish before I knew them in English. I also developed unexpected friendships, spending much of my childhood in Spanish speaking households. As a college student, I look back on this time and greatly appreciate the skills and lessons I cultivated from learning a second language. Second language education should be required in elementary schools. Learning a second language leads children to become successful students with prosperous futures and connects people of different cultures. Studies have shown that students who receive second language education do better on standardized tests. A study conducted by P.W. Armstrong and J.D. Rogers in 1997 declared that third grade students who received thirty minute lessons in Spanish three times a week, scored higher on the Metropolitan Achievement Test in the subjects of math and language than their peers who did not receive Spanish education (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages). Another study that took place in 1981 by P.A. Eddy shows that students who have received second language learning, do better on SAT sub tests and on the verbal section of the SAT than students who did not study a second ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Benefits Of Breast Cancer Breast cancer is the the second most commonly diagnosed cancer among women. Breast cancer can be genetically inherited or it can occur naturally. There are many factors that increase the risk of developing breast cancer, but there are also ways to lower risks. Breast cancer has several symptoms to look for in both men and women. Genetic testing is available for those who wish to determine whether or not they should begin treatment. Breast cancers has various types, depending on where it starts and how it affects the surrounding tissue. Breast cancer is begins to develop when cells within the breast start to grow out of control (American Cancer Society, 2016). When the cells grow, they form a noticeable tumor, or lump, on the breast. However, ... Show more content on ... Image 2 shows about one in eight women will develop breast cancer in the US during their lifetime. Based on statistics, estimates were made about breast cancer in the year of 2016. Nearly 246,660 women will be diagnosed with invasive cancer (American Cancer Society, 2016). There have also been trends that have been noticed in the past. From 2002 to 2003, breast cancer rates began decreasing and dropped by about seven percent (American Cancer Society, 2016). Breast cancer takes many lives each year. It is the second leading cause of deaths in women next to lung cancer (American Cancer Society). Although the death rate percentage has been decreasing. The reasoning for the decrease is finding the cancer in its earlier stages and treating it as soon as possible (American Cancer Society, 2016). Breast cancer can also be affected by the race of a person. In women under 45, African American women are more likely to die of breast cancer than white women(American Cancer Society). Women who are Hispanic, Asian, and Native American are at low risks of developing breast cancer. Breast cancer has affected many lives of people in the US. Though, there are new developments being made to reduce the impact of breast ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Barcode Image Analysis Paper We had categorized our work into 3 categories to achieve the goal of our project and to make a complete barcode scanner Glassware to facilitate work ows in the biomedical laboratory. At rst we were successfully able to scan a sample barcode image through the Glass. Then we had integrated the Glass with Biobank and Cryorepository webservice. At last we were able to display the desired information from the webservice to the Glass display screen. The result of 3 catogories explains in detail below: 35 6.1 Barcode Image Analysis In the real test, monochrome barcode image HIV 1722 of Code 128 format was used. Glass was able to detect the barcode of image size 3.5cm x 7cm, 96 dpi (dots per inch) and bigger than this. The distance between the barcode ... Show more content on ... The other sample barcodes were also tested. Since, we have used Zbar library for reading barcode, it had successfully detected EAN 13, UPC A, UPC E, EAN 8, Code 128, Code 39 and QR Code format barcode. Glass was able to detect the barcode of image size 2.7cm x 3cm with bar height 5, bar distance 0.20, text size 1.2 mm and a resolution of 300. The image size of 2.5cm x 3cm was also tested, but Glass was not able to detect this barcode because of the autofocus problem. A sample barcode detected by the Glass is shown in the gure 13 below: 6.2 Integration with Biobank and Cryorepository The Biobank and Cryorepository webservice (eurocryoDB) had Apache Axis2 server with the authentication security. But we had disabled the security authentication in the server for our test and our program with ksoap2 library was successfully able to retrieve the xml element from the webservice. The gure below shows the associated xml element of a sample barcode from the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Pros And Cons Of Binding Arbitration Clauses First off, I don t assume that binding arbitration clauses ought to ever prohibit the arbitration to only 1 cluster of individuals (ex. Home builders association). If there ever may be a state of affairs within which a binding clause is appropriate, there ought to a minimum of be a alternative of WHO the arbitration is and also the decisions ought to be neutral parties (ex. within the BP mastercard bill stuffer, it gave the choice of the yankee Arbitration Association, JAMS, and also the National Arbitration Forum). I don t assume that binding arbitration clauses ought to be includable working contracts. There square measure too several laws associate degreed laws relating to employers and also the approach businesses operate the I don t assume an intermediator would be anyplace close to as knowledgeable in these matters as a court would be, notwithstanding it absolutely was their space of experience. ... Show more content on ... I do assume that binding arbitration clauses will (not ought to, however CAN) be includable in mastercard agreements and telephone agreements. i actually don t assume that binding arbitration clauses ought to be enclosed in any quite contract as a result of the severity of charges will vary most that the courts will decide that cases are often arbitrated. In each mastercard and telephone contracts, the bulk of cases can solely influence tiny amounts of cash. In distinction, there s most at stake with home construction, that I don t assume that construction contracts square measure associate degree applicable place for such clauses. I think about myself a fairly compassionate person. Therefore, I don t assume that there ought to be ANY necessity to getting medical treatment, particularly sign language a contract with a binding ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, also known as IDEA was originally created in 1975 to ensure that children with disabilities were given the opportunity to receive a free and adequate education. IDEA has been revised and many times since 1975, the most recent being in 2004. IDEA consists of parts A, B, C, and D. Part A outlines the basic foundation, and defines terms used throughout the act. Part B outlines the responsibilities of schools to educate students aged 3 21. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act does provide funding for schools, as long as they comply with the six main principles of set forth in IDEA. The first principle states that every child is entitled to receive a free and appropriate education, ... Show more content on ... This allows students with disabilities to be in a general education classroom with their non disabled classmates for various amounts of time, depending on the needs of the individual student. The fifth and sixth principles schools must comply with go together. The fifth states that input from parents and students must be taken into account during the education process. During the education process if a parent feels that their child is not receiving adequate or needed services, they have a right under IDEA to challenge their child s treatment through due process. The six principles that schools must comply with for students with disabilities were created to ensure that students receive an adequate education like their non disabled classmates receive, and protects them against discrimination at school. IDEA also contains a Part C that is much like Part B, but targets the education of very young children. Part C outlines the responsibilities of identifying and reaching children with disabilities from birth to 2 years old. Parents of children in this age range are entitled to receive identification and services and interventions in a timely and appropriate manner. Parents at this age receive a Individualized Family Service Plan instead of an IEP for school aged children. Parents are also entitled to take part in creating the ISP and timely resolutions to questions or concerns in their child s evaluation process. IDEA s part D pertains to the national ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Dispositional Optimism Research Paper Utilizing Dispositional Optimism Life is tough. Life forces humans to endure in a universe that may be completely random and nothing in it may hold any meaning aside from the arbitrary value that I attribute. Moreover, if nothing means anything in life, then there is no true reason in living. We are all just postponing the inevitable great equalizer we call death. Why not just skip the hardship, pain, and suffering that exists in this world and get straight to a place where we cannot feel its horrors anymore? When thinking thoughts such as these, I expect to find that such a negative, pessimistic disposition might not yield beneficial results. Conversely, one might infer that an host weilding an optimistic disposition will have a greater ... Show more content on ... My chosen empirical articles, relevant course material, as well as personal experience have all produced evidence which supported the idea that practicing dispositional optimism would benefit me. I indeed have improved the way in which I attain a goal that I want to achieve. I plan to further establish this mindset while continually striving toward and improving how I realize my goals. Sustaining this optimistic mindset might be a difficult task; I expect to reap a constructive outcome ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Isolation In Art Analysis Like all art, there are endless ways for this piece to be interpreted evoking countless emotions depending on the experiences of the person. The goal of an artist, is to inspire thought and conversation, which this piece does beautifully. The best thing about snow, is how it can completely change the atmosphere of a scene. When I look at the piece, I can feel the cold and hear the deafening silence that comes with a winter storm. I love that snow can lead to some many sensations, from feeling cozy and safe by the fire, to a cold dreadful feeling of complete isolation. When there is nothing but the sounds of branches snapping under the heft of something that seems so weightless and the crunch as you walk along something that appears so soft, ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Essay on Joe Hisaishi (Mamoru Fujisawa) Biography Joe Hisaishi was born on December 6, 1950 in Nagano, Japan under the name Mamoru Fujisawa. His musical training started early on, when he began to take violin lessons at age five. It was around this time that he first discovered his passion for music. Fujisawa truly began to explore this passion in the 70 s, during which, a cultural menagerie of Japanese popular music, new age, and early electronic music flourished. Inevitably, those genres influenced Fujisawa s early compositions. (Wikipedia) Fujisawa was highly influenced by the new wave of Japanese electronica such as the Yellow Magic Orchestra and Ryuichi Sakamoto group. It was not until 1975, that he made his first public performance, and it is not until a decade later that ... Show more content on ... (Team Ghiblink, Afterwards, the pair would go on to produce eight more films together. (Wondercity Inc. , 2011) 2008 marked an important year for Hisaishi. In honor of his work, a concert event was produced at Nippon Budokan in Tokyo to celebrate the anniversary of 25 years of collaboration. (Dasnoy Tsong, 2013) The concert featured performances of Hisaishi s signature Miyazaki film score compositions. Approximately 1,200 musicians and singers participated in the performance, including the 200 member New Japan Philharmonic World Dream Orchestra, 6 featured vocalists, the combined 800 members of the Ippan Koubo, Ritsuyuukai and Little Singers of Tokyo choirs, and a 160 piece marching band. Joe Hisaishi, who by this time has become an important icon to Asian music, conducted the performance from his piano as a giant screen backed the entire performance, streaming projections of correlating clips from Miyazaki s films along with the music. (Team Ghiblink, GhibliWiki) In 2010, Hisaishi returned to his roots, becoming a professor at the Kunitachi College of Music to fulfill an endeavor to teach younger generations about music composition, passing on his legacy, all the while continuing his career as a composer, arranger, pianist, and conductor. (Dasnoy Tsong, 2013) Over the course of his career, spanning more than 30 years, Joe Hisaishi built a solid global fan base, including an enthusiastic multi generational following in China. ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Coach Is An American New York Based Company Essay Coach is an American New York based company competing in the clothing sector of the consumer goods industry. Its products include leather goods for both men and women. Through exceptional customer service the company maintains and builds a loyal and dependable clientele. Unique designs and branding has distinguished the company from its peers. Peers include but not limited to L Brands Incorporated, PVH Corp., Ralph Lauren Corp., Tiffany Co., VF Corp., Estee Lauder Incorporated, Kate Spade Co., Abercrombie Fitch and Michael Kors Holdings Limited. From fragrances, sunglasses, outerwear, travel bags, men s belts, wallets and gloves the company has strategically remained relevant in the market place. Coach has been profoundly involved in increasing its global presence in the Asian markets. Coach experienced declining revenues in 2014 2015 after sluggish brand value. The company abandoned the strategy of discounting after customer demand for promotional products deterred interests in paying full price. Coach made a marketing correction and removed discounting in an effort to increase product appeal. In May 2015, Coach acquired Stuart Weitzman, a leading designer and manufacturer of women s luxury footwear. Similar to Coach, it is a brand built on offering innovation, relevance, and value to a loyal customer base, and is known for its craftsmanship and quality merging fashion and function. Coach has a very limited number of men products which weakens the company s ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Bluefin Trevaly Research Paper The Bluefin Trevally is a species of large marine fish. The bluefin trevally can be found throughout the tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. They grow to max length of 117 cm and a weight of 43.5 kg. The bluefin trevally can be found in both inshore environments such as bays, lagoons, and shallow reefs. As well as deeper offshore reefs, atolls and bomboras. They mainly eat fish but also eat cephalopods (mainly octopus and squid) and crustaceans like shrimp, stomatopods, and crabs. The butterfly fish is a saltwater fish. They reach an adult size of 6 inches, and live mostly in coral reefs. Butterfly fish are omnivores and eat algae, zooplankton, seaweed, worms, and small crustaceans. They are eaten by many things, such as such ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Invasion of Grenada The invasion of Grenada also know as Operation Urgent Fury was a U.S invasion to the Grenada Island in 1983 that Overthrew the communist government in favor of a pro Western one in a period of less than two months. On October 13, President Reagan was made aware of possible trouble in Granada. Deputy Prime Minister Bernard Coard had removed Prime Minister Maurice Bishop and recognized military rule. Six days later, Bishop was murdered. Bishop was a socialist and had bonds with Cuba; he spent his time making Grenada wholly socialist and encouraged development in the private sector to make the island a current traveler destination. With this in mind president Reagan was highly concerned. The president had two main reasons for the invasion; the first one was to protect the American lives in the island after military cup and a massive killing of people, and the second one was the fact of the Granada relations with Cuba and possible spread of communism. Even that this invasion had a huge impact in the way that the American army operates and it prevented the extent of communist s governments in the western hemisphere; this invasion is not popular for the American population, the average American citizen is not interested in Grenada invasion most of them tend to confuse it with others invasions or just did not remember anything about it, only a PHD in history knew about the theme and even if the other interviewed had an idea about the operation, they had to make sure on the ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Changes Continuities of Silk Road Essay The Silk Road which started in 200 BCE and ended it in 1450 CE has its own changes and continuities. Trade flourished between the Asian and Europe at the time and as time went on its sole purpose of trading expanded to many other purposes and affect not only the area it contacted. Although there were many continuities during the time but it has more significant changes that occurred and also impact the world. One significant changes of the Silk Road is when it was first started it mainly started as a way for trade to flourish between Europe and Asia. But the purpose of this Silk Road has also expanded to transcend different culture and technologies from different places and caused cultural diffusion along the Silk Road. This happened ... Show more content on ... The reason the Chinese won t let the outsiders know how to make these silk is because the process of it is hard and they depends mostly on trading these silk for the stuff they needed. Another continuities is the geography of the silk road. The silk road is consist of many route, some is shorter but dangerous while other is longer but safer. Even though some of the routes have changed and there is more variety of stuff that s being traded than when it was started (e.g. Gunpowder) and the purpose of the road also expanded like people use it to spread religion and unfortunately is also been a route where disease easily spread (e.g. Black plagues) The continuity is the geography of the silk road never changed because both the European and Asia gained much profit from it that it doesn t need to be change and the Silk Road remained the major trade route between Far Eastern Chinese and European cultures and sparked numerous conflicts in its existence. The Silk Road which have been known as a major trade route in the old world and sparked numerous conflicts in its existence. It brought the goods and the bads like the plagues, cultural diffusion, introduction of new technologies and brought new religions to different part of that world. The Silk Road shape the world we have ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Why I Want To Pursue My Bachelor s Degree I was born in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and I don t remember much of my childhood since my family moved around a lot. As a child, my family and I have been to Malawi, Zimbabwe and South Africa. I started living in the United States in 2009 and for the most part, it feels like I ve spent most of my life here. I recently graduated from the University of Maryland with a bachelor s degree in Bioengineering (12/20/17). I am very passionate about helping others. I pursued a degree in bioengineering because I thought working on medical devices was the only way I could contribute to society and drive my passion. However, in my senior year, I realized that working directly with a customer (doctor) and helping them solve their problems was more in line ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Settlements Of The Treaty Of Waitangi Essay The Settlements of the Treaty of Waitangi. The treaty of Waitangi is considered to be the founding document of the English and European control and settlement in New Zealand. After the treaty s signing in 1840 it has played a huge role in legal affairs and the treatment of both European New Zealanders and Maori New Zealanders. Though there is dispute as to the correct or incorrect translation from English to Maori and vice versa, the treaty has on the whole created a harmonious existence between the two cultures. In 1832 after a plea for help and protection sent to the French and English by the Maori, the English sent James Busby to be the British Resident in New Zealand, which would lead to the later appointment of William Hobson as the Lieutenant Governor of New Zealand. In 1834 James Busby drafted a document known as the Declaration of Independence of New Zealand . This was signed by himself and 35 Northern Maori chiefs in 1835 appointing those chiefs as the representatives of a state under the name of the United Tribes of New Zealand . This document was not popular in the Colonial Office in England and it seemed that a corrective document was needed for New Zealand. This document ended up being the Treaty of Waitangi. Hobsons instructions are the basis for all Waitangi Tribunal claims and settlements, the instructions were issued to him by James Stephen of the Colonial office on behalf of Queen Victoria. The instructions were as follows: All dealings with the ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Apollo 7 Research Paper With all of the systems checked, the next step was a manned mission. On October 11th, 1968, Apollo 7 launched with a three person crew: Schirra, Eisele, and Cunningham in a Saturn IB rocket (NASA Apollo 7 ). This rocket type of rocket was also the launch vehicle for Apollo 5 and consists of two stages: S IB as the first stage and S IVB as the second as well as the third stage in the Saturn V rocket. For eleven days, the crew performed tests that would prove the capabilities of the CSM and the crew such as performing a simulated LM docking and CSM rendezvous. The engines of the CSM and the Saturn IB rocket itself preformed as expected. The only issues that arose during the mission were non crucial to the mission goals. A few of the windows ... Show more content on ... Launched in a Saturn V rocket, Apollo 9 carried a CSM and LM. After entering Earth s orbit with the third stage, S IVB, CM pilot Scott performed a maneuver that detached the CSM from the S IVB and docked the CSM with the LM, which was still attached to the S IVB. The CSM s service propulsion system (SPS) was tested and deemed capable to propel the LM and S IVB when the LM is docked with the CSM. After a few orbits, the S IVB was detached from the CSM LM combo, and was propelled out of earth s orbit into the sun s orbit (a new S IVB is used for each mission). A few orbits later, LM pilot Russell Schweickart and Commander James McDivitt crawled through the tunnel connecting the LM to the CSM and performed tests on the LM to test the engines, systems and steering. The next day, extravehicular activity (EVA), or activity outside of the spacecraft, was performed by Schweickart and CM pilot David Scott as they took pictures of each other and their surroundings. The other major task accomplished by this mission was the separation and redocking of the LM to the CSM. The two spacecrafts orbited the earth separately for about 12 hours, and then were successfully redocked together. Schweickart and McDivitt crawled back to the CSM, and the LM and CSM were separated again. The LM was also jettisoned into space since it would burn up on reentry into Earth s orbit on future missions due to not having a heat shield. (Brooks et al. 292 300). Two telecast were performed by the crew (NASA, Apollo ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Obsession In Two Literary Works Essay Obsession is one of the greatest obstacles for mankind to overcome. In Naguib Mahfouz s Midaq Alley and Gabriel Garcia Marquez s One Hundred Years of Solitude, the motif of obsession helps to both characterize and even foreshadow the fates of the characters. Both novels illustrate that obsessions with an object or person leads to demise, but the novels differ in how they portray the effects of these obsessions on humanity. Before continuing this analysis, obsession will be clearly defined. For the purpose of this essay, obsession will be characterized by three concepts: the character is shown constantly contemplating the desired object or person, most of a character s actions or goals are oriented towards the object or person, and ... Show more content on ... When confronted with the obstacle of religion, Hamida yells I don t give a damn [about violating the Qur an]! (Midaq Alley, P146). This complete disregard for her promises to both Abbas and religious icons portrays Hamida s obsession with acquiring money as she consistently contemplates money, orients all of her actions around gaining money, and as she destroys religious obstacles in order to attain money. Later, Hamida s obsession with money leads her into prostitution, emotional turbulence, and misery as she undergoes a moral degradation in order to satiate her obsession. While Hamida is obsessed with financial success and the luxuries that it brings, her fiancé Abbas is obsessed with his love for Hamida. After the first time of being rejected by Hamida, Abbas refuses to leave her alone because he is truly in love and [feels] certain his love for her would last a thousand years (Midaq Alley, P44). Although Hamida rejects Abbas on numerous occasions, she is eventually convinced of his love as Abbas promises to work for the Army to gain enough money to give Hamida anything she desires. Once Abbas leaves for the army, Hamida looks to other men for financial stability instead of waiting for her fiancé to return. When Abbas finally returns, he begins to drink in order to escape his emotional pain. When Abbas notices the coquettish personality of Hamida as ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Nt1310 Unit 3 Assignment 1 Video Game Of course, when playing games, you can use a key mapper in order to control the inputs. You can use the xbox or playstation controllers on the PC, or even the Wii motion controls with enough modification. Since the whole PC platform is so varied, I can only give an opinion and insight onto a small part of it. To do this, I will detail my own system in order to explain how the platform can be customised. Some of the parts were bought over 4 years ago, so prices have varied a lot. Case The case, which I have for my computer, is the Antec P280. This is one of the parts of the computer where I wish I bought something different at the time. I overspent on the case, and should have researched more into the subject. The case is a good one, with ... Show more content on ... It keeps all of the parts connected to it through the use of different connections configured through the use of a north and south bridge. Depending on the architecture of the PC, these areas become fairly different. However, the CPU is located always on the north bridge, and is connected through either a land grid array socket or a pin grid array socket, depending on if you have an Intel or AMD CPU. The RAM is also connected through the use of the north bridge. The north bridge generally is to access data fast. The south bridge is where the mass storage is located, along with any I/O for the computer. This includes USB ports, and audio ports or sound cards, and even the video card. This is due to the lesser amount of information that some of the connections need. Obviously, with advancements in recent years, the speeds that the south bridge supports have increased tremendously. For example, a SATA port on the south bridge can transfer ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Analysis Of Blanche Dubois s Blanche DuBois arrives to visit her sister, Mrs. Stella Kowalski, who lives in the French Quarter ofNew Orleans. She is shocked by the (low quality/low class) looks of the place. While a neighborgoes to find Stella, Blanche looks around the apartment for a drink. When her sister comes,Blanche quite honestly (says bad things about) the place. She explains that she has come for avisit because her nerves are shattered from teaching. Noticing that the apartment has only tworooms, she has fears about staying but she tells Stella that she can t stand being alone. She explains to Stella that their old (related to a person s relatives going way back for many years) home, Belle Reve, has been lost. While Stella goes to the bathroom, Stanley, her husband,enters and meets Blanche. He questions her about her past and especially about her earliermarriage, which upsets Blanche to the point that she feels sick. The following night Stella and Blanche plan to have dinner out and go to a movie while Stanleyplays poker with his friends. But before they leave, Stanley wants to know how Belle Reve waslost. Blanche tries to explain and gives him all the papers and documents having to do with theplace. Later that night when Blanche and Stella return from their movie, the men are still playingpoker. Blanche meets Mitch, one of Stanley s friends, who seems to be more sensitive than theothers. While Mitch is in the second room talking to Blanche, Stanley becomes angry over aseries of events, ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Response Essay Boston Teacher Residency When we were younger we were often told that we can be whatever we want to be. As a little girl around the age of three or four I use to always say that I want to be a lot of things. One day I would want to be a doctor and within a couple of days I would say I wanted to be a princess. In my mind everything was possible no matter what it was and my mom was always there to make me believe that I could be anything I wanted to and that anything was possible. That lesson stuck with me for a long time, even until this very day. In this article Boston Teacher Residency, it tells us how one had begun to value their education. He admired his 8th grade Civics teacher, Mr. Fulton, which was of color. He gave background of the teacher which informed us that he was a man ... Show more content on ... He combines these appeals to write a great and interesting paper that motivates and entertains us all at once. I believe anyone who reads this article will feel some type of motivation no matter what. Everything he encountered he overcame and gained from it. This article taught me things just by reading it. Never let anyone dictate what you are and what you are not capable of. You should never give up on what your tasks is because you may never know how far you may get if you give up because you never know how close you are to reaching your goal. Reading this article made me think if the saying that my elementary teacher use to always say during the morning announcements which was, Never settle for less than your best. Those words will forever stick with me because she never failed to say it every day, by her constantly repeating it made me get the full meaning to what she was trying to get us to understand. And because of that he made an impact of my everyday life from elementary school all the way until ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Feminism in Literature Feminism in Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre and Henrik Ibsen s A Doll s House Feminism, if anything, has appeared majorly in the literature spectrum through all decades and forms. Feminism is the political, cultural, or economic movement aimed at establishing equality and protection for all women. No matter the time period or place feminism has always been a popular literary topic that has made a few works quite notorious, including Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and A Doll s House by Henrik Ibsen. Both works contain the scenarios in which the main characters are taken advantage of due to the apparent feminist society. Made obvious by the title, Jane is the main character of the novel Jane Eyre. During the novel Jane meets people, in ... Show more content on ... Rochester. At first Jane sees him as rude and disrespectful due to his cold and gruesome remarks, but it is her fight and how Jane stands up for herself that leads to one of the most known relationships in literature. Eventually Rochester asks Jane for her hand in marriage but at the scene of the wedding, we come to learn, that Rochester is already married to an insane woman, living in his attic, named Bertha. With this Rochester asks Jane to run away with her to Europe, this is exactly where Jane is faced with a very hard decision between following her heart as everyone wants to do, or keeping her respect and dignity. We can see the respect Jane now has from Rochester when he says to her, I was wrong to attempt to deceive you; but I feared a stubbornness that exists in your character (Bronte 354). This shows that Jane has gained Rochester s respect and the stubbornness in Jane s character is the best thing for her, for without this trait Jane could never gain respect from others, especially men, in his novel. Knowing that Jane has decided to leave her, Rochester begins to persuade Jane to stay with him. He says, Oh, Jane, this is bitter! This this is wicked. It would not be wicked to love me (Bronte 355). Jane replies, It would to obey you (Bronte 355), showing that she will not give into his pleading, regardless of how much she loves him because to obey him would lead to the loss ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Basic Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Segmentation When entering a market, an organisation needs to identify its customers and what its customer needs are. A business can t go into a market with a product and expect to sell it, because the demand for the product may not be there. It is important for the business to plan thoroughly before entering a market and understand the diverse nature of a market. For example, a market may have large range of consumers who have different tastes, preference and needs. So this is where the concept of segmentation will be applied. Segmentation is defined as the identification of individuals or organisations with similar characteristics that have significant implications for the determination of marketing strategy . To break this down, ... Show more content on ... Target marketing An important part of marketing is selecting the market you want to enter to provide your products or services. So once you have successfully used market segmentation to divide your market into reasonable consumer segments, you then need to use targeting to choose the market you are going to serve. Choosing a market to serve is an extremely important decision a business will need to make, because a bad decision at this stage could result in failure. To help make the right decision, a company should use criteria to evaluate a market, for example: * Effective * Measurable * Accessible * Actionable * Profitable (foot note) Another method of evolution would be the SMART objectives method: * Specific * Measurable * Achievable * Realistic * Time scaled Either way, an organisation should evaluate their potential market before entering them. There have been cases where businesses have entered markets and failed, because they did not evaluate effectively. In 2003, Burger King introduced a new line of chicken sandwiches aimed at appealing to a more health conscious demographic (the BK Baguette Sandwiches). The product never caught on in the U.S. and was quickly replaced with the TenderGrill Sandwich . It s evident that of a failing product and more importantly evidence of poor marketing strategy. If burger king used targeting properly, the product may have been more ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Role Of Supernatural Elements In Macbeth In the play entitled Macbeth by William Shakespeare, the supernatural is the most important element in the play which leads to Macbeth s desire for the throne. Throughout the play, supernatural appeals to the audience in various forms which is represented by the witches, the prophecies, the floating dagger, and ghost. The existence of these supernatural elements in Macbeth foreshadows the evil ambitions and actions possess by Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Besides that, these supernatural elements also are the key elements to the manipulative play as it evoke the emotions among the audience to perceive the horror, mystery, evil and death throughout the play. The introduction of the three witches with their prophecies in Act 1 Scene 3, about Macbeth after he won the war against the Norwegians, at the beginning of the play has naturally motivated Macbeth s actions to make the prophecies into reality. The witches are not human or half ways normal when Banquo quotes to Macbeth that the creatures are not human like as well as irregular in some sort and very unattractive. The witches then presented as Macbeth s fortune tellers. The witches called Macbeth as Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor ... Show more content on ... The existence of supernatural elements in Macbeth played a huge role because without it Macbeth would have never killed Duncan. The witches and their prophecies become the ultimate key factor for Macbeth s dynamic character as their ability to foresee Macbeth s fate affect his actions and endeavors. Macbeth was once a respected hero, but his desire to become King of Scotland destroyed his nobility. It is also very effective as it highlights the horror, fears, cruelty and blameworthy of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The elements successfully appeal to the audience s curiosity of the mysterious and thus strengthen their interest towards the ... Get more on ...
  • 49. John Donne Rhyme Poem Rhyme According to Hollander (2001), Rhyme is one of the most well known and popular sound devices in poetry; the term rhyme refers to the use of words with similar or the same sounds. Rhyme is often a key component of a poem, although not all poets make use of it. Those who do use it in a variety of ways, sometimes making the last word in each line of a poem rhyme, sometimes rhyming every other line. See here how the poet John Donne, who wrote some of the world s most beautiful love poems, does both in The Canonization, where the poet tells the readers to leave him alone and let him be in love: For God s sake hold your tongue, and let me love, Or chide my palsy, or my gout, My five gray hairs or ruined fortune flout, With wealth your ... Show more content on ... It s almost endless possibilities of variation both in rhyme and length of the line make it a particularly musical stanza. The proportion of rhyme seems to be usually three and two expressed by the symbol a b a b b. Here is an example for this type To a Skylark Percy Bysshe Shelley Teach me half the gladness That thy brain must know, Such harmonious madness From my lips would flow The word should listen then as I am listening now Sestet In its strictest sense, the sestet is the last six lines of a sonnet. It is the second part of the sonnet, usually separated from the first eight lines (the octave) by a space. Cymbeline William ... Get more on ...
  • 50. A Study On Storm Water Drainage And Management System... This section presents the team s approach in conducting the study on Storm Water drainage and management system evaluation and its detailed design program. The Streams Tech team will provide all necessary labor, materials, supervision, and professional and technical support to conduct the study. In achieving the study objectives listed in the previous section, the study shall be divided into phases as follows: Phase I will comprise of detailed field and topographic survey to identify all the streams and storm water/drainage system with associated problems and issues such as encroachment/Property Affected Persons (PAPs), siltation, design deficiencies, inadequate capacity, etc., from Allentown to Hamilton with a view towards solving the flooding problems affecting roads and property in the Freetown Municipality. A base map showing all the features and the seasonal flood areas will be produced. Recommendations for restoration/improvement and management of the system with indicative costs will be provided during this first phase reporting. Phase II will consist of the production of detailed engineering design of the storm water/drainage system including all the hydraulic structures in accordance with the recommendations in Phase I. Tender documents will also be produced during this phase. The deliverables in this Phase II will include the design drawings and the tender documents. 2.1 PHASE I TASKS AND TECHNICAL APPROACHES The tasks in Phase I will comprise primarily of ... Get more on ...