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Adam Smith And Karl Marx
There is perhaps not a more famous ongoing dialectic argument in the field of political economy than the one between Adam Smith and Karl Marx in
regards to capitalism. The two thinkers, although coming to radically different conclusions about the outcomes of the capitalist system for all parties
involved, agree on a surprising number of ideas such as labor being the source of commodities' value, as well as the fact that the division of labor
increases productivity. However, their different conceptions of what determines the price of a commodity, the driving force behind and the effects of
the division of labor, and the purpose of the capitalist system have widespread implications that cause their holistic arguments to diverge considerably.
Marx's analysis of capitalism begins with an investigation of the commodity because the wealth of capitalist nations is essentially "an immense
collection of commodities" (Chapter 1). Marx differentiates between the use–value and the exchange–value of any given commodity. The use–value of
a commodity refers to its qualitative ability to satisfy a human need, while its exchange–value is the "quantitative relation... in which use–values of one
kind exchange for use–values of another kind" (Chapter 1). Therefore, exchange–value is not an intrinsic quality of a commodity; it is only discovered
in comparing a fixed quantity of commodity A to a fixed quantity B. Since differing quantities of these two commodities appear to have the same value,
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An Introduction To Psychology
Part 1
(AC1) Two perspectives in psychology are the behaviourist approach and the biological (also known as physiological) approach. These perspectives
consist of different theories, research methods and treatments in relation to mental illness.
The behaviourist approach believes that people, as well as animals, are controlled by their surrounding environment which has a direct impact upon
their behaviour and whether they would suffer from mental illness (McLeod, S. 2007). Whereas the biological approach views genes, chromosomes
and the nervous system as contributing factors to mental health and the way people behave, this theory believes that people have inherited traits of
mental illness which may have adapted through evolution. These perspectives argue whether nature (biological) or nurture (behaviourist) have an
influence over life and life decisions which has caused numerous ongoing debates (McLeod, S. 2007).
Between the 1920s and the 1950s the behaviourist approach was often primarily used. Behaviourists thought that psychology should be viewed as
scientific, therefore theories within the approach consisted of controlled observations and measurements of behaviour which resulted in quantitative
data, sometimes through the process of experiments. Within this perspective there is no room for free will, as all behaviour and thoughts are
determined by the environment (Don, K. 2015), this is also the case from the biological aspect as they
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Comparison and contrast of the education systems in the United Kingdom and the United States of America
Table of Contents
Page No.
Section 1. Similarities and differences between the UK and the USA regarding types of schools2
Section 2. Similarities and differences between the UK and the USA regarding university entrance procedure5
Education is widely accepted to be an essential part of people's lives. It is generally agreed that education helps people to develop their own
personalities, by acquiring new knowledge, using different sources. An American philosopher John Dewey (n.d) claimed: "Education is a social
process. more content...
Students in the USA are dissimilar to students of the UK that they start high school right away after middle school, when they reach 14 years. American
high school consists of 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades, which are also known as freshman, sophomore, junior and senior. In the USA there are also
Honours, Advanced Placement, and International Baccalaureate classes that are more rigid and the load of homework is much greater (USA Study
Guide, 2007). The transition from middle to high school is challenging indeed because the type of education that is used in each institution is very
different. At high school students not only acquire knowledge, but also get some experience, which is very useful for them in future.
Secondly, the UK and the USA have totally different examinations for the students. GCSE and A–level are the main exams in the UK, whereas the
USA has its own method of assessment, which is called GPA. GCSE is the General Certificate of Secondary Education. It is a two–year study course
for 15–16 years students. Usually British students pass GSCE exam when they reach the age of 16. GCSE is essential for students who want to take
further examinations, such as AS/A–levels and enter the university or a college of higher education (Kozma, 2010).
Besides, GCSE gives you a chance to assess your knowledge and skills and help you to define your weak points and how you can
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Compare And Contrast Ancient Greek And Rome
Thesis: The Greek influence of outstanding culture, gods, and their beautiful art to the Romans' they took this inspiration on to their own creation. Both
ancient build devotion to their gods they would bring the most precious things to them temples, however, they would focus on making large empire to
rule and to take control of their city–states.
Ancient Greek and Rome started out as small city–states they both grew into large empires. From the similar roles they agree on religion, both ancient
civilizations approach quite successful. Ancient Greek and Roman admit being polytheistic, adoration of many gods and goddesses. Devotions to all
the gods increase importance of recognition of their honorable deeds when they were alive. Donald L. Wasson said, "At the end of the day were
concerned with the relationship between the gods and humans, differing in this regard from fairytales and folktales." They thought that performing
sacrifices and rituals would satisfy their gods they would gain protection from the bad vibes.
Ancient Greece focused on their religion, but they demonstrate different a government. AncientGreece focuses on having monarchies until
democracies came along. Monarchy did not work well for the Greek because they did not want to worship one ruler they wanted the entire population
to agree. The Greek acknowledges that their gods would offer protection and guide their city–states for a better government. Greek ceremonies and
rituals indicate mainly performed at
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Hot and Cold Weather Comparrison Essey
Comparison and Contrast Essay Hot and Cold Weather Comparisons Albert Weyant COMM/215– Essentials of College Writing September 15, 2012
Dr. Nancy Reynolds
Hot and Cold Weather Hot and cold climates will be discussed and the different comparisons between them. I will state my opinions and objectives
pertaining to the two climates. The differences I will discuss are the climates, activities, and locations. Millions of people prefer to use the two different
climates to accommodate themselves when the climates are in a comfortable temperature for them. Each year many lives are more content...
Australia has extreme heat and dust that makes their climate hot too. Cold – Within the United States, Alaska, and most of the northern states are
known to very cold during the winters, and become less traveled and not as preferred as the warmer climates. Outside the United States, Canada, and
Greenland have very cold winters. In Greenland they may never see summer. Conclusion Hot and cold are very different types of weather. They can
adjust to both as long as they are not extreme. The difference is that they can only cool themself down inside where there are air–conditioning systems
in the extreme heat. As long as they are prepared, with the right clothing, they can stay outside. Both climates require hydration, but it becomes
magnified in the heat. My preference is the cold. I can always put more clothing on to keep warm, but I will not be doing any exercising in it. I could
not do them in the heat anyway. The heat just makes me feel like not doing anything. I enjoy the cold weather sports, maybe because as I mentioned,
the heat makes one lazy. Living in a hot climate may be the reasons for my preference.
References The American Heritage. (2005). Climate. Retrieved September 15, 2012,
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Compare And Contrast Anxiety And Depression
There are many similarities between mental disorders like anxiety and depression. Often times, many symptoms of one disorder stem off of having the
other. For example, symptoms of anxiety can be brought on by depressive thoughts, such as thoughts about suicide, and visa versa. The differences,
however, are far more prominent than the ways they are the same. Anxiety is a disorder characterized by fear, doubt, and a sense of vulnerability.
People with anxiety tend to have less noticeable symptoms than people with depression, as symptoms of anxiety are things such as physical
sensations of strong emotions of fear. Depression symptoms are more physical and noticeable from the outside, such as lack of eating or sleep, or lack
of interest in doing things. People with depression may more content...
Anxiety can also run in families, or be caused by outside conditions such as excessive stress, drastic changes in living conditions, or abuse.
Depression on the other hand, is caused by changes in brain chemistry. However, like anxiety, depression can be caused by genetics and medical
conditions that create an imbalance of the brain's chemicals. Depressive episodes often last for days, leaving a person mopey and sluggish, or, on
the other side of the spectrum, frighteningly up, or manic. This is when a person seems to have boundless energy and doesn't sleep for days.
Episodes of anxiety last much shorter periods of time, flaring up and disappearing within the same day. Symptoms of an episode can include
increased heart rate, sweating, and trembling. These can be combatted with controlled breathing, while generally, depressive episodes have to run their
course. Anxiety and depression are two very different, though just as harmful disorders. When you have one, you generally have the other It's a
vicious cycle, but luckily, there are proven ways to break it. Help is an
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Basketball vs. Soccer Essay
Comparison and Contrast Essay Basketball and soccer are two of the most played and enjoyable sports in the world. They both have professional
leagues that attract millions of audience. People can watch both of them on television, but also play them for recreation and health. Basketball and
soccer games are interesting, good for the body, and healthy, but they are also different in many ways. In both Soccer and Basketball the game is
played with teams. Soccer has eleven players on the field at one for each team, whereas in basketball you only have five on the court for each team.
(1) There are only five positions for a basketball games that includes two guards, two forwards, and one center.(1) On the other hand, soccer has many more content...
Another aspect between these two sports is equipment. The first difference is the field these two sports play in. Soccer is played on a natural or
artificial grass that is 120 yards long and 80 yards wide. (1) Basketball is played on a wooden floor 94 feet long and 50 feet wide. (1) These two
sports are played with a ball; however, the ball is different in each sport. Soccer regularly uses a thickly padded, smooth leather ball with black and
white spots on it; basketball typically uses an orange leather ball. (2) Soccer and basketball require different equipment for athletes to compete.
These two sports are similar in many ways. People love basketball and soccer because it contains competitiveness. Both of these sports motivate
people to stay healthy and fit. (2) Also both sports have one objective and that is to score more points than the opposing team to win games.
(1)Every league has playoffs for the best teams to compete against each other. Competing in the playoffs will show the best team and the best team
is rewarded with a championship trophy. In conclusion, soccer and basketball are good sports to play. Some might say basketball is only for tall
people; however people of all heights can enjoy it if they put in the extra effort in any sport. Also some might say soccer leads to many injuries;
nevertheless our technology is so advanced that it can help
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Odysseus Comparison Essay
Although both translations of "Penelope's Despair" by Yannis Ritsos use connotative diction to describe Penelope's character, translator I utilizes
neutral connotations to represent her as mentally, emotionally, and physically strong, whereas translator II applies negative connotations to portray
Penelope as weak in all of the same aspects. In Version I, neutral diction is used to display Penelope's mental strength. When she sees Odysseus,
Penelope seeks "justification" (4), indicating that she is not to blame for her feelings of distrust. An individual who is being justified for their actions
is typically innocent, so the use of "justification" suggests that Penelope is confident that her negative reaction to Odysseus' arrival is apt. Penelope
feels as if she is being "betrayed" (6) by Odysseus, further proving her mental strength. In contrast, translator II uses negative diction to describe
Penelope's character as mentally weak. She delays having to respond more content...
The action of sinking into a chair is generally considered a voluntary action. This implies that Penelope must have physical control over her body
in order to voluntarily sit down. In contrast, Penelope is described as physically weak in Version II, for she "collapse[s]" (8) into her seat. When an
individual collapses, they are typically injured or sick. The use of "collapse" indicates that Penelope is disabled in the sense that she does not possess
physical control over her body. Additionally, for a plan to collapse, it must be . or has been defeated, or has given up. In conclusion, though connotative
diction is used in both translations of "Penelope's Despair" by Yannis Ritsos, translator I uses neutral connotations to represent Penelope as mentally,
emotionally, and physically strong, while translator 2 uses negative connotations to portray Penelope as weak in all of the same
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Comparison of First and Second Language Acquisition This paper gives a comprehensive comparison of how acquiring a first language differs from
acquiring a new or a second language. It provides the similarities and differences of the two analogies and gives a critical appraisal of the strengths
and weaknesses of these two issues. Finally, the paper provides personal suggestions and insights for future research on the same topics. Moreover, the
paper will detail the differences between first language acquisition in the pre–school period of learning and second language acquisition at an advanced
or higher classroom level. Acquisition of a second language is one of the most remarkable aspects of the development of human knowledge and way of
communication. It is an unusual phenomenon that has caught the attention of many researchers especially in the field of learning and linguistics for
generations to come. The first language acquisition and the acquisition of a second language have been treated in most cases as two distinct analogies
thus forming contrivances because of their differences regarding environment and age. Brown (2000), while differentiating between attainment of first
language and the acquirement of a second or new language contends that the first emanates from unconscious, and naturalistic use of language and in
many instances lead to a person becoming fluent in conversation, while the second language acquisition symbolizes the cognizant understanding of
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The Other Wes Moore Compare And Contrast
A Small Difference Can Make a Big Impact Humans have come to a conclusion that all lives are different, but all go through many hardships and
tragedies. The impact from a slight difference can vary to be very vast to very small, such a slight difference, however, can change a person's life as
a whole. In the book, The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates by Wes Moore there is a difference that can be identified between the author's life
and that of the other Wes. This difference, though can be very critical and is ultimately able to lead to a path of triumph or failure for an individual.
The lack of involvement a mother has for their child can fundamentally deprive them from succeeding, and parent involvement has the opportunity to more content...
Through it all there can be a factor/difference that can be daunting in a person's life and the way they handle it is eventually up to them and will
effect in some way, shape, or form. One central difference to think about when looking at the two individuals is the fact that Wes has a more
supporting mother than Wes (2), in a person's life a mother is so important and can be looked as a blessing. A mother is the one that supposed to be
the person that takes great care of you and guides you, and to teach what's right from wrong. The author's mother was much more supportive for her
son, Wes acknowledges, "Every time I looked around at the buildings and the trees and the view of the river, I was reminded of the sacrifices my
mother was making to keep me there." (Moore 52). Due to this quote, we can conclude that Wes's mother, although struggling at the time, found a way
to put her child in the best possible route in education. Wes presents it as kind of an understatement, however, from his mother doing this, it affects his
life so much. By being put in a excellent school, it offers many more opportunities than that of the other Wes and he can gather a lot more help
/exposure to guide him toward a bright future. On the other hand, we have Wes (2) that is lost and seems as if he just can't find his way, "Young boys
are more likely to believe in themselves if they know that there's someone, somewhere, who shares that belief. To carry the
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Frankenstein Compare And Contrast Essay
Mary W. Shelley's brilliant gothic story, Frankenstein, is one that emits the prevalent theme of light versus dark, in which possesses obvious
characteristics of a novel written during the romantic era. The novel tells the account of the overambitious Victor Frankenstein, who created a monster
in hopes that he'd be known for crafting something human from the body parts of corpses with physical and mental advantages in society, basically
playing the part of God on Earth, but through the auspices of science. Instead of creating a "normal" human, his creation ended up being a disfigured
creature who he then neglects. Upon his abandonment, the monster seeks revenge on Victor after being cast away by society due to harsh
physiognomy in more content...
The monster believed that Victor would accept him, but after he realized that not only did Victor not want to assume his position in the monster's life,
but society also rejected him, it became a transitory thought, and instead became replaced with his bloodthirst towards Victor and his loved ones, which
he knew would hurt way worse than just killing him; making him lonely like himself. Both Victor and the monster partook in horrid acts, in which held
horrendous actions; the main one being Victor creating the monster in the first place which in result caused the both of them heartbreak, loneliness, and
pain. If Victor wouldn't have created the monster, then his life would not be filled with so much grief and emptiness; Victor is the true monster,
although they are both the primal protagonists as much as they are the antagonists because of the display of the emotions they both portray as
lamenting humans/monsters, and the power they give to nature in order to destroy one another. Victor used nature to his advantage, although it was
wrong; Victor used nature to create and destroy the monster; he used the
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Essay on IPhone vs. Android
I am going to be telling you which is better IPhone or Android and the reasons why it is and isn't. The IPhone is better because it is more simplistic
and in my opinion easier to use. The IPhone has sold 421 million phones this year and the Droid has sold 295 million this year so as you can see the
IPhone even sells better. Now both are great phones but the iPhone is better because it's an apple product and it's simpler than the droid on any day.
"The iPhone is an integrated cellular telephone and media player developed and marketed by Apple. The device combines the main functions of
several popular electronic gadgets in a single device, with a shared interface and integration between them. In addition to its primary function as a more content...
This customization means that different Androidв„ў phones can have widely varying user interfaces. Most smart phones – including those using
competing operating systems – offer similar overall capabilities, however, including Internet browsing, personal information management, video
streaming, and access to a large repository of freeware and pay ware applications"( "Apps and Games: Your favorite Angry Birds
are free on android. Nothing like jail breaking is required to run apps from unknown sources. Keyboard and touch interface: If you don't like the
android keyboard you can choose from a variety of third party keyboard from the market, Screen size: Samsung Galaxy S II: 4.6 inch, Your Choice
of Carriers, you can run android devices on any network.#6) Voice Commands, Google's Voice Actions perform great, Google has bought Alfred to
improve the voice commands, Android devices: Third party cloud storage, external storage (SD card up to 64GB), File sharing and Connectivity:
Android devices: Wi–Fi, Bluetooth, 2G/3G/4G LTE/ HSDPA (7 mbps), You can customize you home screen, the interface in an android to the
fullest"(GEEKinc.). One of the Newsiest Droids is The Motorola Droid Maxx which delivers astonishingly long battery life, a big, colorful screen, and
a durable, attractive design. The phone performs inventive tricks such as responding to voice commands,
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Frankenstein And Never Let Me Go Comparison Essay
Compare the ways in which the writers of your two chosen texts portray the impact of science on social order.
The numerous aspects of science presented in both, Frankenstein and Never Let Me Go can be said to have immense impact in relation to the
societies presented in the two novels, as well as the way in which they influence the concept of social order within those societies. To an extent, the
degree of science's impact on society can be said to be more prominent and influential in one novel, more than the other as their chain of events despite
all being drastically affected by the ideas brought about through science – such as the concept of artificially made life, can be said to have more impact
of the concept of social order more content...
The science which leads to the initialisation of the idea of creating organ donors which will contribute to the later life of those who stand higher in
the society's capitalistic structure can be said to have impacted the overall concept of a social order through the obstruction of proceeding in what
is morally right as a result of deeming cloning perfectly acceptable. However, another way to interpret Ishiguro's ideologies behind social order in
Never Let Me Go can be through the lack of surprise at the ways in which Kathy's society is run. The fact that science was powerful enough to
normalise the concept of organ donation in a manner which is disadvantageous for the donors in regards to a chance at a normal life comes alongside
the fact that there is very little desire to rebel on behalf of the donors. Through this, it can be deduced that science and its influence can completely
overpower the idea of self righteousness and own will, enforcing conformity to the values put upon by a corrupt society, ultimately ensuing social
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Community College vs University Essay examples
Compare and Contrast Essay
Community College vs. Universities
Choosing a college means going to a new, unfamiliar world of immense possibilities. One of the hardest decisions a high school graduate face is the
choice between attending a Community College or a University. Although Universities and CommunityCollege serve the same purpose, each has its
differences and similarities in their learning such as the admission requirements, expenses, size, and student life. Community College are the most
common type of two–year College that prepares you to continue your education, are often an affordable and convenient option. Universities you can
earn Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees which is more expensive. At a University, you more content...
Students attending private universities pay an average tuition of $35,374. Those who attend a community college for the first two year of their
education save $8,000 or more. Since most of the same financial aid including Pell grants and Stafford loans is available for any institution choice,
students in the lowest income brackets can expect a larger financial aid refund from a community college than a university. Those who need a
university education to meet their career goals may be able to attend a community college part time while they work and save up. Then, when they
transfer to a university for their final two years, they may have saved enough that with financial aid, they can pursue their four–year degree.
Community Colleges tend to have fewer students per class, which means more attention from teacher to student. This is good for students who like
access to their instructors so they can ask questions and avoid getting lost in the course material. Universities are bigger than community colleges and it
takes a little longer to find your way around campus. Most teenagers graduate from high school eager to leave their parents house and do grown up
things. The benefit of attending a University is living on campus instead of your parent's home. Not all universities have dorms, but the majority of
them do. Which you have to pay for parking, fitness center, laundry and other fees included. Both university and community colleges sponsor
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Compare: Sibling and Body Paragraph
Compare and Contrast Essay Topic: My sister and I
It has been said that many siblings are very similar; However my sister and I are nothing alike we are actually very different. When two people have
the same blood type and genotype is not insured that you will be exactly the same. Having same parents increases the chances of having the same
genes though. All Siblings have various behaviors and personalities that make them dissimilar. Siblings have a genetic and physical closeness that
connect them together. It is reasonable that not all sisters resemble each other. My sister and I are completely opposite.
Understanding genetics may be a little confusing. Sharing one half of genetic material from the mother and the other half more content...
Despite having the same genes in common, difference between siblings is the rule not the exception
. Compare and Contrast Essay Outline Topic: My sister and I
Introduce my topic get the readers attention by starting the essay with a good catching attention getter, and follow through with background
information about the topic
First Body Paragraph: Being the first body paragraph by talking about our differences
Second Body Paragraph: Second boday paragraph focus on our likes and dislikes
Third Body Paragraph: Talk about our behaviors
Conclude this essay by restating everything and summing it up and adding other facts or opinions
Barnable, A., Gaudine, A., Bennett, L. & Meadus, R. (2006) Having aSibling with Schizophrenia: A Phenomenological Study. Research and
Theory for Nursing Practice: An International Journal, 20(3) 247–264 Cicerelli, V. (1991) Sibling relationships in middle and old age. In G.H. Brody
(Ed) Sibling relationships: Their causes and consequences, 47–73. Norwood, N.J: Ablex.
Curson,D. & Sharkey, S.(2006) 'Out of the mouths of babes': Drawing upon siblings' experiences to develop a therapeutic board game for
siblings and children with a chronic illness. Clinical Psychology Forum, 159, 36–38
Fisher, H., Tobitt, S., Saleem, S. and Steele, S. (2004a) Siblings' and mothers' grief reactions to the diagnosis of psychosis in a young family member.
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Compare how poets present powerful rulers in Ozymandias and in one other poem (My Last Duchess)
Both initially poems follow a strict structure, which presents the idea of power and control immediately. For example, in Ozymandias, the fourteen–line
poem has a similar form to that of a Shakespearean sonnet, a form of poetry that could represent strict tradition. However, as the poem continues, the
rhyme scheme breaks down into more of a free verse, with less structured rhyme and the introduction of caesura, for example "Nothing beside remains.
Round the decay" in line twelve. The crumbling of a traditional structure could mimic the destruction of the "colossal wreck" that is the statue, or more
metaphorically the breakdown of Ozymandias' more content...
Shelley's poem and depiction of Ozymandias could be a symbolic way of promoting his views against the monarchy, as he depicts Ozymandias as a
tyrant with harsh descriptions such as "a sneer of cold command" and mocks him with the juxtaposition of "king of kings" and "colossal wreck".
However, instead of obviously putting forward his views and risking negative exposure, Shelley distances himself from the poem with intriguing use of
multiple perspectives. The poem begins with "I met", a first person introduction, but quickly switches to the traveller's perspective as Shelley depicts
what the traveller saw. In this way, he subtly puts across his socialist views without incriminating himself through symbolism and distancing himself
from the narrative. In this way, the poem presents two powerful rulers, with Ozymandias symbolising King George.
In My Last Duchess, power and control are presented through objects. For example, the curtain used to cover up the painting acts as a symbol of
the Duke's control over his Duchess even now she's dead, as he tells the envoy that "none puts by the curtain I have drawn for you but I". This
implies that even though she's dead, he still wants to be able to keep her under his control, and treats her portrait like a possession, which he tried to
do to her when she was alive. This represents his
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Comparing The Poem ' The Chimney Sweeper '
The two poems that I chose to compare are "The Chimney Sweeper" poem from both Songs of Innocence and the Songs of Experience.
When my mother died I was very young,
And my father sold me while yet my tongue
Could scarcely cry " 'weep! 'weep! 'weep! 'weep!"
So your chimneys I sweep & in soot I sleep.
There 's little Tom Dacre, who cried when his head
That curled like a lamb 's back, was shaved, so I said,
"Hush, Tom! never mind it, for when your head 's bare,
You know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair."
And so he was quiet, & that very night,
As Tom was a–sleeping he had such a sight!
That thousands of sweepers, Dick, Joe, Ned, & Jack,
Were all of them locked up in coffins of black;
And by came an Angel who had a bright key,
And he opened the coffins & set them all free;
Then down a green plain, leaping, laughing they run,
And wash in a river and shine in the Sun.
Then naked & white, all their bags left behind,
They rise upon clouds, and sport in the wind.
And the Angel told Tom, if he 'd be a good boy,
He 'd have God for his father & never want joy.
And so Tom awoke; and we rose in the dark
And got with our bags & our brushes to work.
Though the morning was cold, Tom was happy & warm;
So if all do their duty, they need not fear harm.
"The Chimney Sweeper" from Innocence, to me, showed just that. Even though these little kids had to climb up chimney every day and will probably
eventually die from it, it'll all turn out fine because as long as they're good,
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Adam Smith And Karl Marx

  • 1. Adam Smith And Karl Marx There is perhaps not a more famous ongoing dialectic argument in the field of political economy than the one between Adam Smith and Karl Marx in regards to capitalism. The two thinkers, although coming to radically different conclusions about the outcomes of the capitalist system for all parties involved, agree on a surprising number of ideas such as labor being the source of commodities' value, as well as the fact that the division of labor increases productivity. However, their different conceptions of what determines the price of a commodity, the driving force behind and the effects of the division of labor, and the purpose of the capitalist system have widespread implications that cause their holistic arguments to diverge considerably. Marx's analysis of capitalism begins with an investigation of the commodity because the wealth of capitalist nations is essentially "an immense collection of commodities" (Chapter 1). Marx differentiates between the use–value and the exchange–value of any given commodity. The use–value of a commodity refers to its qualitative ability to satisfy a human need, while its exchange–value is the "quantitative relation... in which use–values of one kind exchange for use–values of another kind" (Chapter 1). Therefore, exchange–value is not an intrinsic quality of a commodity; it is only discovered in comparing a fixed quantity of commodity A to a fixed quantity B. Since differing quantities of these two commodities appear to have the same value, Get more content on
  • 2. An Introduction To Psychology Part 1 (AC1) Two perspectives in psychology are the behaviourist approach and the biological (also known as physiological) approach. These perspectives consist of different theories, research methods and treatments in relation to mental illness. The behaviourist approach believes that people, as well as animals, are controlled by their surrounding environment which has a direct impact upon their behaviour and whether they would suffer from mental illness (McLeod, S. 2007). Whereas the biological approach views genes, chromosomes and the nervous system as contributing factors to mental health and the way people behave, this theory believes that people have inherited traits of mental illness which may have adapted through evolution. These perspectives argue whether nature (biological) or nurture (behaviourist) have an influence over life and life decisions which has caused numerous ongoing debates (McLeod, S. 2007). Between the 1920s and the 1950s the behaviourist approach was often primarily used. Behaviourists thought that psychology should be viewed as scientific, therefore theories within the approach consisted of controlled observations and measurements of behaviour which resulted in quantitative data, sometimes through the process of experiments. Within this perspective there is no room for free will, as all behaviour and thoughts are determined by the environment (Don, K. 2015), this is also the case from the biological aspect as they Get more content on
  • 3. Comparison and contrast of the education systems in the United Kingdom and the United States of America Table of Contents Page No. Introduction1 Section 1. Similarities and differences between the UK and the USA regarding types of schools2 Section 2. Similarities and differences between the UK and the USA regarding university entrance procedure5 Conclusion7 References Introduction Education is widely accepted to be an essential part of people's lives. It is generally agreed that education helps people to develop their own personalities, by acquiring new knowledge, using different sources. An American philosopher John Dewey (n.d) claimed: "Education is a social process. more content... Students in the USA are dissimilar to students of the UK that they start high school right away after middle school, when they reach 14 years. American high school consists of 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades, which are also known as freshman, sophomore, junior and senior. In the USA there are also Honours, Advanced Placement, and International Baccalaureate classes that are more rigid and the load of homework is much greater (USA Study Guide, 2007). The transition from middle to high school is challenging indeed because the type of education that is used in each institution is very different. At high school students not only acquire knowledge, but also get some experience, which is very useful for them in future. Secondly, the UK and the USA have totally different examinations for the students. GCSE and A–level are the main exams in the UK, whereas the
  • 4. USA has its own method of assessment, which is called GPA. GCSE is the General Certificate of Secondary Education. It is a two–year study course for 15–16 years students. Usually British students pass GSCE exam when they reach the age of 16. GCSE is essential for students who want to take further examinations, such as AS/A–levels and enter the university or a college of higher education (Kozma, 2010). Besides, GCSE gives you a chance to assess your knowledge and skills and help you to define your weak points and how you can Get more content on
  • 5. Compare And Contrast Ancient Greek And Rome Thesis: The Greek influence of outstanding culture, gods, and their beautiful art to the Romans' they took this inspiration on to their own creation. Both ancient build devotion to their gods they would bring the most precious things to them temples, however, they would focus on making large empire to rule and to take control of their city–states. Ancient Greek and Rome started out as small city–states they both grew into large empires. From the similar roles they agree on religion, both ancient civilizations approach quite successful. Ancient Greek and Roman admit being polytheistic, adoration of many gods and goddesses. Devotions to all the gods increase importance of recognition of their honorable deeds when they were alive. Donald L. Wasson said, "At the end of the day were concerned with the relationship between the gods and humans, differing in this regard from fairytales and folktales." They thought that performing sacrifices and rituals would satisfy their gods they would gain protection from the bad vibes. Ancient Greece focused on their religion, but they demonstrate different a government. AncientGreece focuses on having monarchies until democracies came along. Monarchy did not work well for the Greek because they did not want to worship one ruler they wanted the entire population to agree. The Greek acknowledges that their gods would offer protection and guide their city–states for a better government. Greek ceremonies and rituals indicate mainly performed at Get more content on
  • 6. Hot and Cold Weather Comparrison Essey Comparison and Contrast Essay Hot and Cold Weather Comparisons Albert Weyant COMM/215– Essentials of College Writing September 15, 2012 Dr. Nancy Reynolds Hot and Cold Weather Hot and cold climates will be discussed and the different comparisons between them. I will state my opinions and objectives pertaining to the two climates. The differences I will discuss are the climates, activities, and locations. Millions of people prefer to use the two different climates to accommodate themselves when the climates are in a comfortable temperature for them. Each year many lives are more content... Australia has extreme heat and dust that makes their climate hot too. Cold – Within the United States, Alaska, and most of the northern states are known to very cold during the winters, and become less traveled and not as preferred as the warmer climates. Outside the United States, Canada, and Greenland have very cold winters. In Greenland they may never see summer. Conclusion Hot and cold are very different types of weather. They can adjust to both as long as they are not extreme. The difference is that they can only cool themself down inside where there are air–conditioning systems in the extreme heat. As long as they are prepared, with the right clothing, they can stay outside. Both climates require hydration, but it becomes magnified in the heat. My preference is the cold. I can always put more clothing on to keep warm, but I will not be doing any exercising in it. I could not do them in the heat anyway. The heat just makes me feel like not doing anything. I enjoy the cold weather sports, maybe because as I mentioned, the heat makes one lazy. Living in a hot climate may be the reasons for my preference. References The American Heritage. (2005). Climate. Retrieved September 15, 2012, Get more content on
  • 7. Compare And Contrast Anxiety And Depression There are many similarities between mental disorders like anxiety and depression. Often times, many symptoms of one disorder stem off of having the other. For example, symptoms of anxiety can be brought on by depressive thoughts, such as thoughts about suicide, and visa versa. The differences, however, are far more prominent than the ways they are the same. Anxiety is a disorder characterized by fear, doubt, and a sense of vulnerability. People with anxiety tend to have less noticeable symptoms than people with depression, as symptoms of anxiety are things such as physical sensations of strong emotions of fear. Depression symptoms are more physical and noticeable from the outside, such as lack of eating or sleep, or lack of interest in doing things. People with depression may more content... Anxiety can also run in families, or be caused by outside conditions such as excessive stress, drastic changes in living conditions, or abuse. Depression on the other hand, is caused by changes in brain chemistry. However, like anxiety, depression can be caused by genetics and medical conditions that create an imbalance of the brain's chemicals. Depressive episodes often last for days, leaving a person mopey and sluggish, or, on the other side of the spectrum, frighteningly up, or manic. This is when a person seems to have boundless energy and doesn't sleep for days. Episodes of anxiety last much shorter periods of time, flaring up and disappearing within the same day. Symptoms of an episode can include increased heart rate, sweating, and trembling. These can be combatted with controlled breathing, while generally, depressive episodes have to run their course. Anxiety and depression are two very different, though just as harmful disorders. When you have one, you generally have the other It's a vicious cycle, but luckily, there are proven ways to break it. Help is an Get more content on
  • 8. Basketball vs. Soccer Essay Comparison and Contrast Essay Basketball and soccer are two of the most played and enjoyable sports in the world. They both have professional leagues that attract millions of audience. People can watch both of them on television, but also play them for recreation and health. Basketball and soccer games are interesting, good for the body, and healthy, but they are also different in many ways. In both Soccer and Basketball the game is played with teams. Soccer has eleven players on the field at one for each team, whereas in basketball you only have five on the court for each team. (1) There are only five positions for a basketball games that includes two guards, two forwards, and one center.(1) On the other hand, soccer has many more content... Another aspect between these two sports is equipment. The first difference is the field these two sports play in. Soccer is played on a natural or artificial grass that is 120 yards long and 80 yards wide. (1) Basketball is played on a wooden floor 94 feet long and 50 feet wide. (1) These two sports are played with a ball; however, the ball is different in each sport. Soccer regularly uses a thickly padded, smooth leather ball with black and white spots on it; basketball typically uses an orange leather ball. (2) Soccer and basketball require different equipment for athletes to compete. These two sports are similar in many ways. People love basketball and soccer because it contains competitiveness. Both of these sports motivate people to stay healthy and fit. (2) Also both sports have one objective and that is to score more points than the opposing team to win games. (1)Every league has playoffs for the best teams to compete against each other. Competing in the playoffs will show the best team and the best team is rewarded with a championship trophy. In conclusion, soccer and basketball are good sports to play. Some might say basketball is only for tall people; however people of all heights can enjoy it if they put in the extra effort in any sport. Also some might say soccer leads to many injuries; nevertheless our technology is so advanced that it can help Get more content on
  • 9. Odysseus Comparison Essay Although both translations of "Penelope's Despair" by Yannis Ritsos use connotative diction to describe Penelope's character, translator I utilizes neutral connotations to represent her as mentally, emotionally, and physically strong, whereas translator II applies negative connotations to portray Penelope as weak in all of the same aspects. In Version I, neutral diction is used to display Penelope's mental strength. When she sees Odysseus, Penelope seeks "justification" (4), indicating that she is not to blame for her feelings of distrust. An individual who is being justified for their actions is typically innocent, so the use of "justification" suggests that Penelope is confident that her negative reaction to Odysseus' arrival is apt. Penelope feels as if she is being "betrayed" (6) by Odysseus, further proving her mental strength. In contrast, translator II uses negative diction to describe Penelope's character as mentally weak. She delays having to respond more content... The action of sinking into a chair is generally considered a voluntary action. This implies that Penelope must have physical control over her body in order to voluntarily sit down. In contrast, Penelope is described as physically weak in Version II, for she "collapse[s]" (8) into her seat. When an individual collapses, they are typically injured or sick. The use of "collapse" indicates that Penelope is disabled in the sense that she does not possess physical control over her body. Additionally, for a plan to collapse, it must be . or has been defeated, or has given up. In conclusion, though connotative diction is used in both translations of "Penelope's Despair" by Yannis Ritsos, translator I uses neutral connotations to represent Penelope as mentally, emotionally, and physically strong, while translator 2 uses negative connotations to portray Penelope as weak in all of the same Get more content on
  • 10. Comparison of First and Second Language Acquisition This paper gives a comprehensive comparison of how acquiring a first language differs from acquiring a new or a second language. It provides the similarities and differences of the two analogies and gives a critical appraisal of the strengths and weaknesses of these two issues. Finally, the paper provides personal suggestions and insights for future research on the same topics. Moreover, the paper will detail the differences between first language acquisition in the pre–school period of learning and second language acquisition at an advanced or higher classroom level. Acquisition of a second language is one of the most remarkable aspects of the development of human knowledge and way of communication. It is an unusual phenomenon that has caught the attention of many researchers especially in the field of learning and linguistics for generations to come. The first language acquisition and the acquisition of a second language have been treated in most cases as two distinct analogies thus forming contrivances because of their differences regarding environment and age. Brown (2000), while differentiating between attainment of first language and the acquirement of a second or new language contends that the first emanates from unconscious, and naturalistic use of language and in many instances lead to a person becoming fluent in conversation, while the second language acquisition symbolizes the cognizant understanding of Get more content on
  • 11. The Other Wes Moore Compare And Contrast A Small Difference Can Make a Big Impact Humans have come to a conclusion that all lives are different, but all go through many hardships and tragedies. The impact from a slight difference can vary to be very vast to very small, such a slight difference, however, can change a person's life as a whole. In the book, The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates by Wes Moore there is a difference that can be identified between the author's life and that of the other Wes. This difference, though can be very critical and is ultimately able to lead to a path of triumph or failure for an individual. The lack of involvement a mother has for their child can fundamentally deprive them from succeeding, and parent involvement has the opportunity to more content... Through it all there can be a factor/difference that can be daunting in a person's life and the way they handle it is eventually up to them and will effect in some way, shape, or form. One central difference to think about when looking at the two individuals is the fact that Wes has a more supporting mother than Wes (2), in a person's life a mother is so important and can be looked as a blessing. A mother is the one that supposed to be the person that takes great care of you and guides you, and to teach what's right from wrong. The author's mother was much more supportive for her son, Wes acknowledges, "Every time I looked around at the buildings and the trees and the view of the river, I was reminded of the sacrifices my mother was making to keep me there." (Moore 52). Due to this quote, we can conclude that Wes's mother, although struggling at the time, found a way to put her child in the best possible route in education. Wes presents it as kind of an understatement, however, from his mother doing this, it affects his life so much. By being put in a excellent school, it offers many more opportunities than that of the other Wes and he can gather a lot more help /exposure to guide him toward a bright future. On the other hand, we have Wes (2) that is lost and seems as if he just can't find his way, "Young boys are more likely to believe in themselves if they know that there's someone, somewhere, who shares that belief. To carry the Get more content on
  • 12. Frankenstein Compare And Contrast Essay Mary W. Shelley's brilliant gothic story, Frankenstein, is one that emits the prevalent theme of light versus dark, in which possesses obvious characteristics of a novel written during the romantic era. The novel tells the account of the overambitious Victor Frankenstein, who created a monster in hopes that he'd be known for crafting something human from the body parts of corpses with physical and mental advantages in society, basically playing the part of God on Earth, but through the auspices of science. Instead of creating a "normal" human, his creation ended up being a disfigured creature who he then neglects. Upon his abandonment, the monster seeks revenge on Victor after being cast away by society due to harsh physiognomy in more content... The monster believed that Victor would accept him, but after he realized that not only did Victor not want to assume his position in the monster's life, but society also rejected him, it became a transitory thought, and instead became replaced with his bloodthirst towards Victor and his loved ones, which he knew would hurt way worse than just killing him; making him lonely like himself. Both Victor and the monster partook in horrid acts, in which held horrendous actions; the main one being Victor creating the monster in the first place which in result caused the both of them heartbreak, loneliness, and pain. If Victor wouldn't have created the monster, then his life would not be filled with so much grief and emptiness; Victor is the true monster, although they are both the primal protagonists as much as they are the antagonists because of the display of the emotions they both portray as lamenting humans/monsters, and the power they give to nature in order to destroy one another. Victor used nature to his advantage, although it was wrong; Victor used nature to create and destroy the monster; he used the Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on IPhone vs. Android I am going to be telling you which is better IPhone or Android and the reasons why it is and isn't. The IPhone is better because it is more simplistic and in my opinion easier to use. The IPhone has sold 421 million phones this year and the Droid has sold 295 million this year so as you can see the IPhone even sells better. Now both are great phones but the iPhone is better because it's an apple product and it's simpler than the droid on any day. "The iPhone is an integrated cellular telephone and media player developed and marketed by Apple. The device combines the main functions of several popular electronic gadgets in a single device, with a shared interface and integration between them. In addition to its primary function as a more content... This customization means that different Androidв„ў phones can have widely varying user interfaces. Most smart phones – including those using competing operating systems – offer similar overall capabilities, however, including Internet browsing, personal information management, video streaming, and access to a large repository of freeware and pay ware applications"( "Apps and Games: Your favorite Angry Birds are free on android. Nothing like jail breaking is required to run apps from unknown sources. Keyboard and touch interface: If you don't like the android keyboard you can choose from a variety of third party keyboard from the market, Screen size: Samsung Galaxy S II: 4.6 inch, Your Choice of Carriers, you can run android devices on any network.#6) Voice Commands, Google's Voice Actions perform great, Google has bought Alfred to improve the voice commands, Android devices: Third party cloud storage, external storage (SD card up to 64GB), File sharing and Connectivity: Android devices: Wi–Fi, Bluetooth, 2G/3G/4G LTE/ HSDPA (7 mbps), You can customize you home screen, the interface in an android to the fullest"(GEEKinc.). One of the Newsiest Droids is The Motorola Droid Maxx which delivers astonishingly long battery life, a big, colorful screen, and a durable, attractive design. The phone performs inventive tricks such as responding to voice commands, Get more content on
  • 14. Frankenstein And Never Let Me Go Comparison Essay Compare the ways in which the writers of your two chosen texts portray the impact of science on social order. The numerous aspects of science presented in both, Frankenstein and Never Let Me Go can be said to have immense impact in relation to the societies presented in the two novels, as well as the way in which they influence the concept of social order within those societies. To an extent, the degree of science's impact on society can be said to be more prominent and influential in one novel, more than the other as their chain of events despite all being drastically affected by the ideas brought about through science – such as the concept of artificially made life, can be said to have more impact of the concept of social order more content... The science which leads to the initialisation of the idea of creating organ donors which will contribute to the later life of those who stand higher in the society's capitalistic structure can be said to have impacted the overall concept of a social order through the obstruction of proceeding in what is morally right as a result of deeming cloning perfectly acceptable. However, another way to interpret Ishiguro's ideologies behind social order in Never Let Me Go can be through the lack of surprise at the ways in which Kathy's society is run. The fact that science was powerful enough to normalise the concept of organ donation in a manner which is disadvantageous for the donors in regards to a chance at a normal life comes alongside the fact that there is very little desire to rebel on behalf of the donors. Through this, it can be deduced that science and its influence can completely overpower the idea of self righteousness and own will, enforcing conformity to the values put upon by a corrupt society, ultimately ensuing social Get more content on
  • 15. Community College vs University Essay examples Compare and Contrast Essay Community College vs. Universities Choosing a college means going to a new, unfamiliar world of immense possibilities. One of the hardest decisions a high school graduate face is the choice between attending a Community College or a University. Although Universities and CommunityCollege serve the same purpose, each has its differences and similarities in their learning such as the admission requirements, expenses, size, and student life. Community College are the most common type of two–year College that prepares you to continue your education, are often an affordable and convenient option. Universities you can earn Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees which is more expensive. At a University, you more content... Students attending private universities pay an average tuition of $35,374. Those who attend a community college for the first two year of their education save $8,000 or more. Since most of the same financial aid including Pell grants and Stafford loans is available for any institution choice, students in the lowest income brackets can expect a larger financial aid refund from a community college than a university. Those who need a university education to meet their career goals may be able to attend a community college part time while they work and save up. Then, when they transfer to a university for their final two years, they may have saved enough that with financial aid, they can pursue their four–year degree. Community Colleges tend to have fewer students per class, which means more attention from teacher to student. This is good for students who like access to their instructors so they can ask questions and avoid getting lost in the course material. Universities are bigger than community colleges and it takes a little longer to find your way around campus. Most teenagers graduate from high school eager to leave their parents house and do grown up things. The benefit of attending a University is living on campus instead of your parent's home. Not all universities have dorms, but the majority of them do. Which you have to pay for parking, fitness center, laundry and other fees included. Both university and community colleges sponsor Get more content on
  • 16. Compare: Sibling and Body Paragraph Compare and Contrast Essay Topic: My sister and I It has been said that many siblings are very similar; However my sister and I are nothing alike we are actually very different. When two people have the same blood type and genotype is not insured that you will be exactly the same. Having same parents increases the chances of having the same genes though. All Siblings have various behaviors and personalities that make them dissimilar. Siblings have a genetic and physical closeness that connect them together. It is reasonable that not all sisters resemble each other. My sister and I are completely opposite. Understanding genetics may be a little confusing. Sharing one half of genetic material from the mother and the other half more content... Despite having the same genes in common, difference between siblings is the rule not the exception . Compare and Contrast Essay Outline Topic: My sister and I Introduction: Introduce my topic get the readers attention by starting the essay with a good catching attention getter, and follow through with background information about the topic First Body Paragraph: Being the first body paragraph by talking about our differences Second Body Paragraph: Second boday paragraph focus on our likes and dislikes Third Body Paragraph: Talk about our behaviors Conclusion: Conclude this essay by restating everything and summing it up and adding other facts or opinions References: Barnable, A., Gaudine, A., Bennett, L. & Meadus, R. (2006) Having aSibling with Schizophrenia: A Phenomenological Study. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice: An International Journal, 20(3) 247–264 Cicerelli, V. (1991) Sibling relationships in middle and old age. In G.H. Brody (Ed) Sibling relationships: Their causes and consequences, 47–73. Norwood, N.J: Ablex. Curson,D. & Sharkey, S.(2006) 'Out of the mouths of babes': Drawing upon siblings' experiences to develop a therapeutic board game for siblings and children with a chronic illness. Clinical Psychology Forum, 159, 36–38
  • 17. Fisher, H., Tobitt, S., Saleem, S. and Steele, S. (2004a) Siblings' and mothers' grief reactions to the diagnosis of psychosis in a young family member. Get more content on
  • 18. Compare how poets present powerful rulers in Ozymandias and in one other poem (My Last Duchess) Both initially poems follow a strict structure, which presents the idea of power and control immediately. For example, in Ozymandias, the fourteen–line poem has a similar form to that of a Shakespearean sonnet, a form of poetry that could represent strict tradition. However, as the poem continues, the rhyme scheme breaks down into more of a free verse, with less structured rhyme and the introduction of caesura, for example "Nothing beside remains. Round the decay" in line twelve. The crumbling of a traditional structure could mimic the destruction of the "colossal wreck" that is the statue, or more metaphorically the breakdown of Ozymandias' more content... Shelley's poem and depiction of Ozymandias could be a symbolic way of promoting his views against the monarchy, as he depicts Ozymandias as a tyrant with harsh descriptions such as "a sneer of cold command" and mocks him with the juxtaposition of "king of kings" and "colossal wreck". However, instead of obviously putting forward his views and risking negative exposure, Shelley distances himself from the poem with intriguing use of multiple perspectives. The poem begins with "I met", a first person introduction, but quickly switches to the traveller's perspective as Shelley depicts what the traveller saw. In this way, he subtly puts across his socialist views without incriminating himself through symbolism and distancing himself from the narrative. In this way, the poem presents two powerful rulers, with Ozymandias symbolising King George. In My Last Duchess, power and control are presented through objects. For example, the curtain used to cover up the painting acts as a symbol of the Duke's control over his Duchess even now she's dead, as he tells the envoy that "none puts by the curtain I have drawn for you but I". This implies that even though she's dead, he still wants to be able to keep her under his control, and treats her portrait like a possession, which he tried to do to her when she was alive. This represents his Get more content on
  • 19. Comparing The Poem ' The Chimney Sweeper ' The two poems that I chose to compare are "The Chimney Sweeper" poem from both Songs of Innocence and the Songs of Experience. When my mother died I was very young, And my father sold me while yet my tongue Could scarcely cry " 'weep! 'weep! 'weep! 'weep!" So your chimneys I sweep & in soot I sleep. There 's little Tom Dacre, who cried when his head That curled like a lamb 's back, was shaved, so I said, "Hush, Tom! never mind it, for when your head 's bare, You know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair." And so he was quiet, & that very night, As Tom was a–sleeping he had such a sight! That thousands of sweepers, Dick, Joe, Ned, & Jack, Were all of them locked up in coffins of black; And by came an Angel who had a bright key, And he opened the coffins & set them all free; Then down a green plain, leaping, laughing they run, And wash in a river and shine in the Sun. Then naked & white, all their bags left behind, They rise upon clouds, and sport in the wind. And the Angel told Tom, if he 'd be a good boy, He 'd have God for his father & never want joy. And so Tom awoke; and we rose in the dark And got with our bags & our brushes to work. Though the morning was cold, Tom was happy & warm; So if all do their duty, they need not fear harm. "The Chimney Sweeper" from Innocence, to me, showed just that. Even though these little kids had to climb up chimney every day and will probably
  • 20. eventually die from it, it'll all turn out fine because as long as they're good, Get more content on