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A Day I Will Never Forget Short
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A Day I Will Never Forget Short EssayA Day I Will Never Forget Short Essay
Privatization of Russian Industries
For some, the privatization of Russian industry has been one of the great success stories of Russia
s painful economic transition: quick, firm and radical action was taken to shift the great bulk of
Russian industry out of state hands, thereby laying the basis for a radical restructuring of
enterprises and improvements in their performance. Others see privatization as a best a failure, at
worst a catastrophe. Not surprisingly those opposed to the market and economic reform as a whole
sharethis view. But many commentators who see themselves as supporters of reform find plenty in
Russian privatization to criticize: the process led to the transfer of ownershipto inappropriate people
and as a consequence no beneficial restructuring of... Show more content on ...
Collective ownership derives either from a natural alliance between managers and rank and file
employees, probably based on Soviet traditions of paternalism and the В‘social contract , or from
the need of managers to pander to workers who control a majority of voting rights at shareholder
meetings. Although some observers might find a collective ownership outcome desirable, on the
grounds that it provides for workplace democracy and high incentive work habits, reform oriented
commentators generally find it a form of ownership likely to lead to the maintenance of excessively
high levels of underemployed staff and an over concentration on consumption at the expense of
The management ownership outcome derives from the ability of management to totally dominate
divided, demoralized or indifferent rank and file employees. The argument that they do so by
bribing employees with promises of secure employment and the maintenance of social welfare
provisions is essentially the same as that presented in the previous paragraph on collective
ownership. However, there is an increasing awareness among commentators that any Soviet
paternalism and coincidence of management worker interests that might have once existed have not
survived the rigors of the transition and the self interest of managers. As A.S. Bim puts it:
Given serious В‘positional differences between managers and other employees, it seemed
reasonable as early as
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Character Analysis Of The Darkness In Emma By Jane Austen
Jane Austen begins the novel Emma by stating, Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich,
with a comfortable home and happy disposition, seemed to unite some of the best blessings of
existence, and had lived nearly twenty one years in the world with very little to distress or vex her
(1) immediately giving readers the impression that Emmais a young woman whom the readers
should respect and grow to love throughout the novel. As we continue reading, however, we learn
that while Emma has a respectable reputation and a circle of people who love her and want the
best for her, she is extremely flawed. In the article, The Darkness in Emma, Anita Soloway states,
for Emma, beauty, cleverness, and wealth prove to be mixed blessings at best, for... Show more
content on ...
Emma is selfish, unable to see reality as it truly is, and is impulsive, yet, because of her
respectable standing in the social class, people love her and want the best for her and think
highly of her. While discussing Emma with Mr. Knightley, Mrs. Weston states, With all dear
Emma s little faults, she is an excellent creature. Where shall we see a better daughter, or a kinder
sister, or a truer friend? No, no; she has qualities which may be trusted; she will never lead any
one really wrong; she will make no lasting blunder; where Emma errs once, she is in the right a
hundred times (25). While her opinion on Emma does recognize that she has faults and isn t
perfect, those flaws are basically overlooked. Mrs. Weston seems to believe that Emma is a
blessing to everyone she encounters, and even when she creates an issue, it s acceptable because
it s assumed she ll do something great to compensate up for it. This definitely shows what Emma
s reputation is like, and how the people close to her view her. One of Emma s main flaws is the
fact that she is extremely impulsive with her actions, and she doesn t stop to think about what she s
doing until the damage is already done. This happens multiple times throughout the novel,
especially when Emma tries to play matchmaker. This is partially due to the fact that she is unable
to see reality clearly, which is what happens during her attempt at bringing Harriet and Mr. Elton
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Martin Luther King I Have A Dream Speech
The dreadful day of April 4, 1968 was not only when many cities grieved the loss of one of the
most influential Americans, but also the day that the Civil Rights Movement suffered a major
setback. In his 39 years of life, Martin Luther King Jr transformed into a powerful activist for the
Civil Rights Movement. He spoke passionately as an advocate for African American civil rights
and he continuously advanced the Civil Rights Movement. One of the most prominent events
that allowed the Movement to rise and conquer was his delivery of the I Have a Dream speech
on August 28, 1963 which affected more than half the country (Gregory, 43). The Civil Rights
Movement had many other activists, but King s work was so influential that he was seen as the
face of the Movement. In 1963 Time magazine named King man of the year and then a year later
at 35 years old he was the youngest to ever win a Nobel Peace Prize where he then donated the
about $54,000 reward to different civil rights organizations (Manheimer, 67). He believed that
the best way to achieve the goal of civil rights was through peaceful protest and non violence
which many people either resented or admired. The life of this famous leader was cut short on
the complicated day of April 4, 1968. King was shot and murdered on the balcony of the Lorraine
Motel, located in Memphis, Tennessee, while talking with his colleagues in the parking lot below
him (Malito). The bullet had blown away part of his neck and jaw and when he was
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Towards Sustainable Tourism – Key Problems and Issues...
HTM 4105 Contemporary Tourism Issues
Unquestionably, Hong Kong is a blessed land where possesses prosperity and most of the elements
of being a world class cosmopolitan which has successfully attracted visitors over years, especially
from the mainland by emphasising our world class shopping, dining and other urban attractions
(Lam, H., 2004). Despite the flourishing scene of the tourism industry, the volatile tourist markets
and growing competition from Southeast Asian countries and neighbouring destinations have posed
new challenges to Hong Kong s tourism industry.
In order to strengthen Hong Kong s position as a preferable Asian tourist ... Show more content on ...
Despite these efforts, several problems are found regarding Hong Kong s culture and heritage
sustainability policy. It is found that Hong Kong has been relatively slow in developing its
potential heritage sites into tourist attractions, as seen in the controversy over the fate of Tiger
Balm Garden and the Central Police Station. According to Chu and Uebegang (2002), the sluggish
and passive response of government reflects the lack of political will due to a lack of
understanding of the principles of heritage and its potential. The Government believes heritage
conservation should be driven by tourism and economics and not treated in the same way as other
social and education services. Even with the setting up of Heritage Tourism Task Force which is
established in 1998, there have been very few recommendations proposed by the task force. Some
critics have blamed on its lack of leadership and lack of influence in the government bureaucracy
(Chu and Uebegang, 2002). Other problems implied in the policy of government are lack of a
broad based, long term conservation policy, lack of a clear priorities and inadequate co ordination
of government departments involved in present heritage conservation practice. Besides, in most
cultural heritage development, public involvement in decision making is absent.
Regarding these problem, it is essential for
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Literary Devices In Out, Out By Robert Frost
The fun of using a chain saw is something anyone could enjoy. The feeling of power it gives, the
mess it makes, and the speed it has, but also the potential danger. This danger begs the question;
should children be allowed to use one? The poem Out, Out by published, and Pulitzer Prize winning
poet Robert Frostacknowledges a substantial crisis that was occurring at the time it was written.
The poem was published in 1916, and addresses the terrible labor conditions that children of the
time were being subjected to. While doing so he illustrates the idea that children were seen as
expendable. The poem tells the story of a young boy cutting firewood with a chainsaw in the
evening. When his sister comes to tell him it is time for dinner the... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately, not much has changed in the hearts of people. The world still contains little
empathy, or sympathy. This does not mean that all people feel this way, but little has changed
since 1916. One positive fact to note is that because of child labor laws the events of this poem
can remain only in poems and stories, and out of the news, at least in the United States and other
first world nations. However, in terms of adults caring for each other little has changed, people
still do little to help others. Not everyone is this way though, and the world would be a better
place if others would follow in their footsteps. For example, rather than shaming the poor people
could help them get jobs, or instead of laughing at people s problems they could help each other
get through them. Perhaps after that Frost s poem could become irrelevant and could instead be
used as a reminder of how the world used to be, and how much better off people are
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Women At The Un Peacekeeping Operations
Investment of ladies in the UN peacekeeping operations, as one of vital precondition for their
successful and effective usage has gotten to be all the more generally acknowledged just amid the
recent years. In spite of the fact that, ladies commitment in the peacekeeping operations are
multifaceted (the level of security among the neighborhood ladies build, the trust of the nearby
group in the mission develops, the contact with the female populace is less demanding to build,
and so forth.), the rate of ladies who take an interest in these operations is at the low level,
particularly with regards to police and military troops. The best deterrents to higher association of
ladies in peacekeeping operations are in the way that there ... Show more content on
Parallel with the augmentation of the peace operations order to peace building, furthermore post
clash reproduction, there was an expanding need to contract a more noteworthy number of
qualified, experienced and decently prepared staff who would effectively execute the peacekeeping
missions undertakings.
The thought that an equivalent support of ladies could help the achievement of peacekeeping
operations has been creating gradually and it has gotten to be all the more generally
acknowledged just amid the previous ten years. Out of the aggregate number of military and
police staff, ladies presently take an interest with 2% and 8% respectively1, though in the
aggregate number of regular citizen staff they make for 30%. All through the history of the UN
peacekeeping operations, there have been just seven ladies so far who were the UN Secretary
General s Special Emissaries or Heads of some peacekeeping operation, while there is stand out
lady right now serving at such a position2 (Pampell Conoway and Shoemaker, 2008: 8, 23). The
greater part of the reasons that upset ladies investment in peacekeeping operations, accordingly
driving to their low number, are focused around sexual orientation predisposition and conventional
understanding of social parts worthy for ladies. In this paper we will clarify the preferences of
ladies investment in peacekeeping operations and primary deterrents impeding more prominent
contribution of ladies in such operations. In the
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Prostitution Controversy
Prostitution is, and has always been a topic of debate and great controversy in society. The
definition and practice of prostitution has changed over time, as a result of social, moral and
political influences. Sociologist Ronald Weitzer defines prostitution as, The exchange of sexual
services for material compensations (Weitzer 2012, P: 3). Generally sex work takes place in many
different places, which can include streets, parks, washrooms, brothels, hotels or private homes
(Frontline Consulting, 2009 P: 5). That being said it is currently too difficult for the government to
control or totally abolish prostitution. The topic of prostitution has always created room for
controversy due to ethical, religious and traditional beliefs. As a result, women have become
constant victims of public criticism and attack.... Show more content on ...
The sex work industry has changed and is changing over the years, similar to controversial issues
such as, gay rights and abortion. Hence, there will never be a black and white solution due to the
distinct views of what prostitution entails versus what the law intends to do about it.
Decriminalization is the removal of criminal penalties from an act formerly defined as crime
(Weitzer, 2012, P: 49). Prostitution should be decriminalized so the government can regulate public
safety and the safety of sex workers. This paper will also, examine how the government can
regulate the prostitution business and reinforce the feminist ideology. In effort to best present my
arguments this paper will be divided into different paragraphs, whereby each paragraph presents a
different argument of why
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The American Dream In Jeannette Walls s The Glass Castle
Comedian George Carlin once stated, That s why they call it the American Dream, because you
have to be asleep to believe it. Financial security, freedom to live how one chooses, retiring at 65
and living comfortably in old age, owning a home, knowing that working hard pays off: these are
all fundamental beliefs tied to the American Dream. As newer generations are increasingly
finding the dream to be unrealistic, people are beginning to abandon the concept; however it is
still a very present ideology. While many believe the American Dream is a lively goal that
everyone strives to achieve, it is actually a dying illusion that is unattainable for all but the
wealthiest and used to propagate a classist society, causing a cycle of ignorance... Show more
content on ...
The purpose of the American dream is not to promise success as a reward for hard work;
conversely, it is the idea that individuals should be able to achieve success despite their
socioeconomic status. This belief is intended to inspire and create equality. Although the American
Dream sounds optimistic in concept, it further propagates inequality in practice.
The American Dream is not a function of ability and achievement, but a dying illusion. America is
not truly the land of the free, but an ignorant classist society. Gregory Clark, an economics
professor at the University of California, Davis, stated that America has no higher rate of social
mobility than medieval England or pre industrial Sweden ... That s the most difficult part of talking
about social mobility it s shattering people s dreams (qtd. in Evans). The United States has an
incredibly outdated economic system that does not allow disadvantaged citizens opportunities
regardless of how hard they work. People get stuck in their social status and are not able to stray out
of it, which affects their further generations. Additionally, immigrants coming to America in hopes
of prosperity are likely to have even less luck than immigrants of the pass and widen the gap of
social inequality. Clark continues to state, The truth is that the American Dream was always an
illusion. Blindly pursuing
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Essay on Genetic Engineering Can Be Beneficial in the...
With today s extraordinary advances in the field of sciences, more and more efforts are being spent
on increasing the quality of human life on Earth. Scientists have now applied what they have
learned in the study of genetics to help modify and improve the properties of plants and organisms
that we can benefit greatly from. Genetic engineeringcan be beneficial for humanity in the modern
age as they are considered safe, able to support the demand of resources by the ever increasing
human population, and provide potential cure to many incurable diseases and possible life extension.
Genetic engineered products that have been approved for use in the international market are all
considered safe. In 1995, genetically ... Show more content on ...
The American Association for the Advancement of Science also declares that consuming foods
containing ingredients that are derived from GM crops doesn t pose more risk than consuming the
same foods containing organic ingredients from crop plants created by modern breeding
techniques. On the contrary, Giles Eric Seralini of France was rebuked after publishing a study
named Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup tolerant genetically modified
maize in which he found that Roundup Ready corn; a type of genetically modified corn created
by Monsanto Company inc. caused grotesque tumors in lab rats. Multiple respectable scientists
that wrote one of the most respected scientific journal in the world Nature found many problems
with Seralini s results. In his study on GM crops, Seralini used Sprague Dawley lab rats that are
known to be highly prone to tumours even when GM food wasn t a part of their diet. A
documented study done in the past on these strain of rats has found that 70 to 76.7% of the male
and 87 to 95.8% of female had cancer throughout their lifespan under normal circumstances. The
only supporters of Seralini s study came from the two anti GM groups that funded his studies on
Gm food (The French Committee for Research and Independent Information on Genetic
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Literary Analysis Of A Personal Narrative In Frank...
Kelley Simon s anecdote, Frank Sinatra s Gum, is a literacy narrative about an outcast teenage girl
s personal account of her riveting interview with the one and only Frank Sinatra. The narrative
illustrates Simon s internal struggle over how to successfully become part of a school clique of
girls and her external struggle with Frank Sinatra. Her motivation for the interview, her self
identity, and her ultimate decision all play a part in her methods. She uses rhetorical devices
throughout the autobiographical sketch of Sinatra that help portray her true feelings. Simon s
exaggerated use of imagery and sensory language, parallelism, and the modes of persuasion all
dramatize the main focus in distinguishing between the allusion of an image and reality. In the
beginning of the article, the author utilizes parallelism to compare her own father to Frank
Sinatra. She claims that she liked how [Sinatra] was Sicilian as many of [her] father s friends and
clients were (Simon 1). However, Simon does admit that he was a pug like Frankie in that both
were unreasonable, illogical, and self centered (Simon 1). Both resorted to a physical means in
order to resolve their differences. Sinatra reminds Simon of her father, and in such a way that
allows her to admire him while she struggles with her uncertainty on whether or not she likes him.
Simon uses descriptive imagery and sensory language to allow the reader a vicarious experience.
To demonstrate how idolized Sinatra was at the
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Organisational Behaviour
OrganizationalStructureandCultureIntroductionIn order to understand and evaluate different
business structures one must be aware of the exact meaning and standards, which make that
structure. Different business function in different ways. The World today is full of innovative and
new structures, companycultures and ways in which companies base their work. Globalization has
emphasized the meaning of company culturein ways that have led to completely new ideas, while
technology has changed the face of the industry (The Age of Globalization: Impact of Information
Technology on Global Business Strategies, 2007). In order to fully grasp the concepts of business
structures and cultures the movies The Devil... Show more content on ...
On the contrary to Runway the company culture in the movie Up In The Air is very low power
distance according to Hofstede. It is a very relaxed and open company culture, where employees
get the chance to contribute and talk to their Boss in order to improve the company. The main
focus and challenge in this company presents the attempted change of culture due to the possible
cost reduction on the base of technology. The main character in the movie, and one of the
employees who is very skilled and has a high level of power is very resistant to the change, which
has been proposed by the new comer in the company named Natalie. In contrast to The Devil Wears
Prada , Natalie is accepted into the team very easily and fits into the company culture perfectly.
Natalie matched with companies ideas, values and assumptions because she as a new worker
with new idea of working was accepted very well from side of the boss. But because in the
company were low power distance one of the worker was against idea that Natalie gave to his boss
and since is quite difficult to change a company culture there was rebellion. Therefore, she had to
adjust to the companies culture that it had and at the end her values and assumptions had changed
from the way she was expecting.
Conclusion In conclusion, there are many types of different companies in the world. Some of them
are low distance power some of them are high distance power,
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Edgar Vilhelm Analysis
Edgar Vilhelm. Aspiring author, playwriter, sound mixer, multi instrumentalist, and multi media
artist. As a self described jack of all trades, master of none , Edgar surely doesn t carry the
attitude of master of none at all. Upon first meeting him he seems like a very humble guy, but after
being his friend for some time he reeks of self importance. It s actually very comedic.
Me: First, give me a quick description of who you are.
One of the best minds of our generation. Oft referred to as Edgar the Victorian, I am a 20 year old
white, cis het male atheist, a painter, multi instrumentalist, writer, and soon to be filmmaker. Snarky
as fuck, especially towards alternative facts.
Me: Since you listed off a lot of things including ... Show more content on ...
I think the first story I wrote was a Godzilla knock off, which I called Space Monster. I even
made a sequel for it a little while later lol. Next big writing project I remember was in 4th grade,
for science class. Our teacher told us to write a story about the changes between states of matter,
and molecules moving. The first one ended up being a parody of Star Wars, in which my friends
and I turned into Star Wars characters and went to space to battle aliens who destroyed the sun.
When I was in elementary school, I and some friends of mine took the Space Monster concept
and decided to go in sort of an Ultraman direction with it, by trying to make it into a show and
having it be sort of a monster of the week thing, in which every episode, Space Monster would
have to battle new monsters. I tell you, I was drawing kaiju left and right for that. The stories
were really fucking involved as well. Next, around 5th 6th grade, I began getting into anime.
Hence, I started coming up with anime characters, and demons for them to fight, and such. More
recently, I ve shifted the focus onto poetry, and found my style becoming more aligned with the
gritty realists, like Bukowski, Carver, Ginsberg, and Heston. Poetry isn t any more than a hobby
for me self therapy, to put it better. I view it as language unhinged. I use whatever visuals or words
I need to convey exactly how I
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Driverless Car Lab
Driverless cars are equipped with an array of detection technologies and advanced software that
ensure them to cope with major challenges on a city road. An experiment shows that vehicle setup
and software together made the testing driverless car able to drive together with other vehicles and
manage different road conditions on public urban roads and freeways. [1] The vehiclesetup
involves various sensors that can capture images of the surroundings and extract detailed
information such as traffic lights and road markings. 3D cameras are mounted around the exterior
of the driverless car, having a 50 degree field of view that is wider than that of a human driver, to
enable precise dimensional measurement of obstacles on a road. Laser scanners,
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The Garment and Textile Industry in Bangladesh Essay
Case 3
September 3, 2014
Bangladesh is a south Asian country and has an approximate population reaching 164 million. The
manufacturing industry is what Bangladesh is known for. That industry also accounted for almost
12% of GDP in 2009 and 2010 with employing over four million people (The Bangladesh Accord
Foundation, 2014). The labor force is made up of young, urbanizing, mainly women. Bangladesh
accounts for approximately 78% total exports (The Bangladesh Accord Foundation, 2014), which is
second to China.
The cost is kept low with labor and the production. This helps competing in the export trading
world. I am telling, in textile nobody can beat Bangladesh in price and quality ... Show more
content on ...
Bilateral agreements with 28 countries and Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) of the EU
are key reasons for Bangladesh RMG products having access to global markets (Board of
Investment Bangladesh, 2012).
Best alternative
The best alternative would be improve the infrastructure, and increase the price of exporting, but
still lower than any other country. Bangladesh would make a larger profit and could put more
money on fixed and creating the ports and roads which in return will make it easier for the buying
countries. If the prices continue to stay low, the country may not have enough money for
infrastructure. Bangladesh would have more money to help with the electricity outages which can
also help business buy producing more and exporting more.
Implementation plan The implementation would be analyzing the competitions textile export
prices, and then increase the price to keep it right below the competition. This will allow
Bangladesh to gain more profit and place that into infrastructure. They would also want to focus on
the electricity so labor improves and more textiles can be made. This plan will allow for easier
flowing importing and most importantly exporting. This will also create a better working
environment in the textile mills and will create more production.
Appendix A
Appendix B
Employment in RMG Sector
No. of
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Lighting Of Lighting And Lighting
The lighting in Showrooms is imperative to take into consideration for the success of a business.
The quality of lighting effects how the products looks, and how clients will perceive it. Ultimately,
lighting effects whether a client will purchase your products or not. Even with the enormous set of
visual environmental cues present in retail environments, lightingdoes play a significant role in
creating an ambiance. This quote by Yvonne De Kort is expressing the importance of lighting in
a retail space and the effects it has on a spaces ambiance. Lighting effects how everyone feels and
changes the ways we interact in spaces. I am going to go through the showrooms I observed and
reflect what I learned about the types of lighting fixtures and lighting layers in showrooms.
In showrooms it s important to include all form of lighting (general, task, and decorative) into the
space to create a cohesive lighting design that showcases the products that are being lit. Lighting
can be used to direct focus to certain products, and create paths for customers to follow. It is good
to consider the flexibility of the fixtures placed, to allow for adjustment when store displays are
changed. Making sure the color rendering of the lamps is high quality, so the clients know what the
products actually look like. Keeping maintenance easy is important, because products that are not
lighting properly will not sell. Layered lighting techniques must support the plan of the space and
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Analysis Of Browned Onion Soup Recipe
Browned Onion Soup Recipe is a soup recipe that use mostly in the winter season and also in all
seasons. Browned Onion Soup Recipe is useful for all aged people. It is prepared at home easily in
25 minutes.
Ingredients for Browned Onion Soup Recipe .
пЃ¶8 Onions (finely cut)
пЃ¶2 small sized of Capsicum (Bell Pepper) (thinly cut)
пЃ¶2 table spoons of the Green Spring Onion (thinly chopped)
пЃ¶ВЅ table spoon of the Ginger (peeved)
пЃ¶ВЅ table spoon of the Garlic (peeved)
пЃ¶ВЅ table spoon of the Green Chili paste
пЃ¶2 table spoons of Corn Flour
пЃ¶4 medium slice of the Plain Bread
пЃ¶8 cups of the fresh Water
пЃ¶2 table spoons of the Cooking Oil
пЃ¶1 table spoon of The Butter
пЃ¶Salt and Pepper to taste
Method of Browned Onion Soup Recipe .
Take a large
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Life Process Of A Cell
Cell Biology
The report will look at and discuss the life process of a cell, the functions of the cell and the cells
structure. A cell is the smallest unit of an organism and is the building block of all living things.
Key life processes of a cell
All living things including cells have some life processes in common. There are seven processes
that they need to preform to be classed alive. These are:
1)Movementall living things have movement including plants
2)Respirationthe process of getting energy from food
3)Sensitivitythis allows the living thing to detect changes in the surroundings
4)Growth all living things grow
5)Reproductionto reproduce and make more living things of the same type
6)Excretiongetting rid of waste product
7)Nutritiontaking in and using food
Viruses are not known as living like cells as living things require nutrition and viruses do not. A
virus is not live; it is unable to absorb nutrients, produce or excrete waste; so viruses attach
themselves to living organism known as a host to survive and gain the nutrition they need. They
also need the host to be able to move and reproduce as they unable to do this alone. Viruses have to
inject its viral DNA into the host cell it has invaded in order to get the host to reproduce for it.
Understanding living cells and distinguishing them from viruses
There are two primary types of cells prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The key difference between the
two is that the eukaryotic cells contain
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Potato- An Important Vegetable
The potato is one of history s most important vegetables, although initially reluctant Europeans
quickly became dependent on the plant. Most of the educated class saw the potato s potential
and raised it in their gardens before the more superstitious lower classes. The lower classes
feared the myths of night shades and plagues and the encouragement from God was the only sign
to begin growing potatoes (Zuckerman 49). Some farmers believed this crop to be an aphrodisiac,
others saw it as the cause of fever and leprosy. In meat loving England, urban workers and
considered potatoes to have an extreme distaste. The critic, Denis Diderot wrote in his
EncyclopГ©die in 1765 his stance on the potato. He stated that it wasn t a pleasant food, though
abundant, and adequately nourished those who didn t care about anything except sustenance
(Zuckerman 73). The Europeans had strong opinions about the potato and it would have to take a
lot of convincing to change their minds. The European government knew the potato could
develop and effect the economy in a positive way, they only needed to find a way to encourage
the lower classes to grow the vegetable. The EncyclopГ©die went on to convoke the public by
saying say the potato caused intestinal gas but opined that this was no drawback for laborers or
peasants, whose robust insides could withstand the disturbance better than those of more refined
folk (Zuckerman 74). In 1662, the Royal Society recommended the cultivation of
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The Complex Nature Of The Nursing Profession
In my relatively short tenure as a nurse I have come to understand and firmly believe that the
nursing profession is widely misinterpreted and sometimes viewed by the public as a systematic,
task driven, emotionally simplistic and withdrawn profession. When in reality the nursing
profession s complex nature requires those involved to stay current, active and embracing a
dynamic approach to their interactions. A dynamic nature is required in order to be successful in
nursing, as adaptive change, high energy and a well rounded mindset are qualities that equate to
effective care. The complex nature of interactions and health care as an encompassing system can
prove to be challenging but yield effective adaptive results. As Kleffel states that nurses need an
ecocentric view to successfully identify the multitude of interrelationships affecting effective care
(as cited in Doane Varcoe, 2004, p. 50). That is that a nurse must approach a situation or interaction
from a dynamic and comprehensive perspective.
The many interrelationships that affect the seemingly simple interactions between nurse, patient
and families are everything but simple, in fact, they are an intricate web of heterogeneous relational
factors with a purpose of contributing and developing the current state of being. The theoretical
framework of Complexity Science paired with Complex Adaptive System (CAS) is effective in
explaining human interactions and its key role in effective health care (Lindberg, Nash,
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Colonial New England Ideologies And Religious Beliefs
Colonial New England ideologies were strictly religious in their puritan beliefs. Clergymen were
highly educated and forced religious practices in the name of being righteous and holy.
Conformity to religion was not considered a rational choice to those that were forced unto
American soil and forced to live a way of life so different than their own. Enslaved Africans
brought with them their own religious, marriage and funeral, and medicinal practices. These
practices prompted radical puritans to fear these religious traditions that were so unlike their own,
condemning blacks and the various ways they expressed hope in oppression. McMillan states, As
blacks occupied the lowest rung within society, their ability to survive the ordeals of... Show more
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Creating original covert religious rituals and theologies. Many of the bewitching practices that
have been historically accurate refer to Caribbean religious practices and Haitian voodoo, which
is still prevalent in society today. Religious traditions associated with these general regions
include celebration of marriage and funerals, for example, parading the streets with livelihood to
properly bury a loved one. Today this is referred to as the second line funeral procession. White
colonialists also believed funeral processions to be an act that made blacks uncontrollable. As
stated in Piersen s 1988 Notes, In 1721...Boston s selectmen limited the number of bells that
could be tolled for Negro funerals to one in order to cut down on attendance; and they ordered
the funeral processions to stop wending their way all over town and to take the most direct route
to the grave. Well documented manuscripts reveal a tell all of the black experience in colonial
New England. This colony differed to that of many others due to the simple fact that blacks were
recognized and had legal rights. Essentially, blacks were much better off in New England versus
anywhere in the south. Denying religious and moral traditional rights to blacks, white colonists still
insisted that blacks followed a Puritan moral code. With the inability to conform to the Puritan
religion came a spike in witchcraft,
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I Choose For This Report Is Call Infidel An Autobiography...
The book I choose for this report is call Infidel an autobiography of Ayann Hirsi Ali. My literature
professor recommend this book to me about a year ago and I never got around to reading it.
Then when we were assigned this report I know that it was a good book for this paper. I m excited
that I finally got to around to reading it.
Ayaan Hirsi Aliwas born in Mogadishu, Somalia where she spent her early childhood years living
with her mother, brother, sister, and grandmother. Her father at that time was in prison. Although he
does escape prison and ends living in Ethiopia for a while before morning to Saudi Arabia. When
he moves there his family eventually moves there to join him.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali was raised in a strict Muslim family. She has endured civil war, female mutilation,
brutal beatings, and a life of moving from one troubled country to another that were unstable and
ruled by dictators.
Application of Ecological System Theory
Protective factors. Her sister was a protective factor. Ayaan s sister would try to help learn what
was appropriate and what wasn t in their culture. By doing this her sister was trying to help her
stay out of trouble or in this case to keep the number of times she was beaten to a minimum.
Later on in her life she went to Germany to visit relatives while waiting for her papers to go to
Canada she decides to run away after remembering the story a friend told her about how her and
her husband ran traveled together and become
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Essay on The Development of Afro-Brazilian Religions
The origin of Afro Brazilian religions is traced back to the Atlantic slave trade that took place in
the 16th century . Portuguese people captured individuals from Bantu tribes and the other West
African communities. The slave trade involved the transfer of these people to Brazil, where they
were sold as slaves. The interaction of slaves from different cultural and religious backgrounds led
to the development of the Afro Brazilian religions that consequently spread all over Brazil. The
religions did not; however, develop at once since they faced opposition from the then government
that recognized the Roman Catholic as the only religion in Brazil. Attempts by Africans to worship
in their own culture were counteracted until in 1824 when the... Show more content on ...
The slaves were therefore regarded as more educated than their masters due to their ability to
read and write in Arabic. The slaves were transported to Bahia, a town in Brazil, where they
provided labor for the Brazilians . The Bantu slaves were mainly drawn from the Congo and
Angola where they survived as agriculturalists before they were captured and sold as slaves. The
slaves were sold to Brazil to work in the large sugar plantations.
This is a traditional Brazil religion practiced by the Africans communities living there . The
dance was performed to appease their gods. It is done in traditional styles derived from the
Yoruba and Bantu traditions. The songs and dances were developed by African priests who
were traded as slaves. The priests had strong African beliefs and had gained great experience on
the task thus they could easily influence more followers. The religion had no formal scripture
and the priests used the word of mouth to pass their message to their congregations. The
believers were followers of a god by the name OludumarГ© who they asserted was their creator.
The oludumare has his servants called the Orishas. The Orishas are in every person and every
Orisha is assigned an individual to offer protection. The believers organize a number of ceremonies
each year to commemorate some important events. In the ceremonies, CandomblГ© songs fill the
air. The believers also offer offerings to their
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Examples Of Man V Beast
Man v. Beast: Survival Instincts (Rough Draft) White Fang knew the law well: to oppress the
weak and obey the strong. (White Fang). Survival is essentially the battle of life and death or living
to see the light of another day. In order to continue through life, sacrifices are made in order to
preserve one s own life, whether it be through taking another or thievery. Such is the practice of the
wild that humans often refuse to partake, instead confining themselves within civilization so they
might never have to stain their hands with that of their brethren. However, it is humannatureto gain
more power where one already has it, and humans are sent against one another in war and forced
to engage in combat in order to save themselves. Survival is one of the cruel aspects of life in
which beings are tasked with taking any means necessary in order to live, but the way one goes
about it differs between man and animals.... Show more content on ...
London was known for his devotion to the idea of naturalism, or nature s constant triumph over
man (Murphy, Donna). Being that animals are accustomed to the demands of nature, they
easily adapt to their role in the world. However, humans, who have moved from nature to a more
civilized society, have lost their way in terms of surviving in the wild. We have become so
dependant on the comforts of civilization that if it were to all be taken away from us, we would
fall to nature s hands. Those who have committed themselves to furthering their knowledge of
nature, know very well the damage nature can deal. It is these people who know their limits and
usually choose not to push their luck with obstacles they know they cannot pass. Some might
call this cowardice, others may call it being too cautious or playing on the safe side. However,
playing on the safe side is not always a bad idea as seen in To Build a
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Wellness Plan for Factory Direct Essay
ADVANTAGES According to Hareyah (2009), healthier employees will spend less time away
from work; this can be the result of an effective wellness program. Sick employees who continue to
present themselves at work can have a negative effect on employee morale. A company wellness
program can improve the overall healthand wellbeing of your employees. This can contribute to a
decrease in presenteeism, and effectively increase employee morale. An ill employee can also
cause other employees to fall ill, when they would otherwise not have fallen ill to begin with.
Employee wellbeing and employee productivity are strongly connected. Hareyah (2009) also states
that an effective employee wellness plan can decrease stress, improve concentration,... Show more
content on ...
According to the study done by Gallup, Inc. (2010), Businesses big and small are realizing the
importance of their role in the health and wellbeing of their employees. Healthy employees are
more productive, report higher job satisfaction and lead to higher employee retention rates. The
monetary benefits of providing for employees wellbeing are immense; and a comprehensive
corporate wellness plan can dramatically reduce health insurance costs and premiums, sick days and
employee turnover.
DISADVANTAGES The actual costs of implementing a wellness plan varies from company to
company, from provider to provider, and it also depends upon the type of plan implemented.
However, ScienceDaily (2010) reports that A Midwest utility company learned firsthand that it
pays to keep healthy employees fit, reaping a net savings of $4.8 million in employee health and
lost work time costs over nine years. Over the nine years, the utility company spent $7.3 million for
the program and showed $12.1 million in savings associated with participation. Medical and
pharmacy costs, time off and worker s compensation factored into the savings.
An important part of this research includes and overview of what other companies are doing, as
well as, a highlight of actual plans from two major wellness plan
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Statement Of Purpose To Become A Neonatal Nurse
About Me
I have many goals in my life. I want to be able to do better than what my mom has done and
show her that I can make something of myself. I can go to college and get as many degrees as I
want as long as I put my mind to it. My other goals in life would to become a either a neonatal
nurse practitioner or historian studying black history.
I want to become either a neonatal nurse practitioner because I love caring for sick babies and
helping them grow and improve. The main reason why I want to become to a neonatal nurse is
because of my brother s was born with heart problems which caused him to be in the NICU for
quite some time. His problems have left him with permanent scarring and a deep voice for the rest
of his life. Seeing that ... Show more content on ...
It may sound scary but it is true. I am a highly indeed private person and I don t want others
knowing about me unless I want them to and I sense that they are a good a person. I have a high
priority in being true to oneself. If you re not able to be true to yourself then how can you get
around in life? How will you achieve anything in life? Let alone love other people and many
other things. I am also extremely observant of the people around me. I can t be friends with
everyone I meet. You will never know what they could be plotting against you behind your back as
well as if they really think of you as a friend. I have learned that the hard way as I grown up over
the years. That is why I have very few close friends and the rest are people I just talk to when I
don t want to be lonely during the school hours.
Now I think about the future way too much to the point where I get death and start to question
what happens when I m gone. I have already have everything planned out and know where I m
going to be doing and what not. I know I want to go to a community college and get my required
courses out of the way. If I enjoy the community college, I will eventually stay there and then go
forward into getting my bachelor s and master s. I will hopefully be living somewhere it snows a
lot and have very long winters. I will be living in either a tiny home with my significant other a
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The Confederate Flag Analysis
CNN)During the Civil War, it was a patch of the South so reviled by the Confederacy for its pro
Union leanings that it in 1862 it was declared enemy territory by the secessionist government.
The area s most celebrated native, Andrew Johnson, was the only Southern senator to remain loyal
to the Union. Johnson would go on to become president, succeeding Abraham Lincoln.
Now, more than 150 years later, Greene County, Tennessee, is once again ruffling feathers on
matters pertaining to the long gone Confederacy. This time, however, the rebellious county just
might turn the historical tables and for the first time fly the Rebel flag. The county commission will
vote Monday on a resolution to fly the controversial banner above its county courthouse.
The Confederate flag in ... Show more content on ...
Commissioner Randolph may not like this history, but it has the virtue of being factual. He should
be celebrating Greene County s heritage of resistance to the Confederacy, not propping up a
grotesque distortion of history that debases our true past and offends many, many of our own
Flag s divisive power
The Confederate flag has long been a lightning rod, especially deep in the heart of Dixie, where the
memory of Jim Crow and institutional racism still cuts deep in some quarters.
But in the wake of a hate fueled mass murder of African Americans in Charleston, South Carolina,
in June, the Confederate flag has increasingly grown out of fashion, even below the Mason Dixon
line, as more and more institutions, retailers and state capitols distance themselves from a symbol
that for so many symbolizes the very hatred embraced by the Dylann Roofs of the world.
But none of that seems to matter to Randolph, who told WJHL that his proposal has nothing to do
with race or anything.
But several of Randolph s 20 colleagues on the county commission seem to
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Product Life Cycle Essays
2. Life Cycle Inventory: Introduction: Every new product or development made by man has an
impact on environment. Growing environmental concerns has made it necessary to quantitatively
study these factors. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is one such tool devised for calculating the
overall environmental impact of a product or service. It includes defining aim and scope of
assessment, inventory analysis, impact assessment and deriving conclusions. Life cycle inventory
(LCI) is a part of LCA and involves direct collection of input output data from the system.
Quantities like material/resource consumed, energy utilised fall under inputs while energy and by
products released are considered outputs. Life cycle impact analysis (LCIA) consists of... Show
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hot cup32 oz. cold cup16 oz. hot cup32 oz. cold cup16 oz. hot cup16 oz. hot cup32 oz. cold cup
Process3.85 (59 %)6.92 (58%)6.91 (87%)10.9 (89%)1.62 (93%)8.53 (88%)19.7 (89%)
Transport0.089 (1%)0.17 (1%)0.23 (3%)0.39 (3%)0.13 (7%)0.36 (4%)0.70 (3%) Energy of material
resource2.61 (40%)4.83 (41%)0.75 (10%)1.02 (8%)0.0003 (0%)0.75 (8%)1.83 (8%) Energy Credit
from 20% WTE0.370.690.500.820.200.701.18 Total6.1811.27.3911.51.558.9421.0 Energy Source
(Million Btu)Natural gas2.95 (45%)5.41 (45%)1.98 (25%)2.94 (24%)0.25 (14%)2.23 (23%)3.52
(16%) Petroleum2.28 (35%)4.21 (35%)0.55 (7%)0.85 (7%)0.17 (10%)0.72 (8%)2.98 (13%)
Coal0.89 (14%)1.54 (13%)1.29 (16%)1.87 (15%)0.51 (29%)1.80 (19%)3.37 (15%)
Hydropower0.054 (1%)0.094 (1%)0.066 (1%)0.092 (1%)0.014 (1%)0.080 (1%)0.17 (1%)
Nuclear0.34 (5%)0.59 (5%)0.41 (5%)0.58 (5%)0.086 (5%)0.50 (5%)1.03 (5%) Wood0 03.53
(45%)5.94 (48%)0.71 (40%)4.24 (44%)11.0 (50%) Other0.046 (1%)0.079 (1%)0.056 (1%)0.078
(1%)0.012 (1%)0.068 (1%)0.14 (1%) total 6.5511.97.8912.31.759.64 22.2 Fig. 2. Energy
consumed per cup. (FRANKLIN ASSOCIATES, LTD., March 2006) Fig. 3. Energy consumption
by category. (FRANKLIN ASSOCIATES, LTD., March 2006) Fig. 4. Energy consumption by
... Get more on ...
Equality And Social Inequality Of Class And Class Equality
Society is organized by hierarchies of class, race, and gender, which creates inequality and social
divisions. (reference thoughtco) Social inequality affects the way we view other people, meaning
that some people are treated better than others. (Wilson and pickett spirit level) This essay will be
focusing on class and ethnic social divisions and how they highlight an unequal distribution of
wealth, privilege and power. Unequal distribution can be seen in a variety of ways, such as income
and wealth inequality for the working class, and unequal opportunities for ethnic minorities in the
workplace. This essay will also be discussing how ethnic and class divisions interlink. Firstly, the
sociological study of ethnic inequality highlights... Show more content on ...
This, therefore, shows an unequal distribution of wealth because ethnic minorities are unable to
have the same jobs as white people. However, some sociologists believe that ethnic minorities aren t
always exposed to unequal opportunities. For example, ethnic discrimination can occur without any
racist motive (Wrench, J 2015). To illustrate there is a type of discrimination called past in present
discrimination, which is where patterns of inequality will persist over more than one generation,
even if the current discrimination has been removed. Thus, employers may indirectly discriminate
against ethnic minorities it may not be a case of people seeing ethnic minorities as less powerful
as white people. (reference, wrench) Additionally, some sociologists believe that black people may
be able to minimize the negative impact of belonging to a disadvantaged racial group if they re
socially successful, as the source of employment inequalities isn t due to ethnicity, instead its
because of their socio economic background (khattab)
Secondly, the sociological study of class inequality highlights the unequal distribution of wealth,
privilege and power. Payne (2007) views class as a hierarchy in which people know their place ,
(reference) and from a young age, working class
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Essay On Athletic Trainers
It is believed that the first athletic trainers were present in the Greek and Roman civilizations.
Although life then was not as we know it to be today, these trainers also worked with coaches and
physicians to help athletes reach their full potential. In 1950, the National Athletic Trainers
Association was established in Kansas City, Missouri with 101 college athletic trainers. Later, in
1970, the National Athletic Trainers Association Board of Certification was established in order to
create entry level standards for athletic trainers. Today, athletic trainingis a widely growing field
and is projected to grow faster than average in the next couple of years. An athletic traineris a highly
qualified healthcare professional who works with athletes to prevent and manage rehabilitating
injuries that stem from physical activities. They are trained and evaluated in six major practice
domains: Prevention, Clinical Evaluation and Diagnosis, Immediate Care, Treatment,
Rehabilitation, and Reconditioning, Organization and Administration, and Professional
Responsibility. For people who do not know... Show more content on ...
To name a few, these members include: the Sports medicinephysician, Physician assistants,
Registered nurse, Medical assistants, x ray technologists, sports medicine physical therapists,
physical therapy assistants, sport rehabilitation technicians, patient liaisons, athlete, and coach. One
of the major members of this team, the sports medicine physician, is board certified in orthopedic
surgery or family medicine and is fellowship trained in sports medicine. They have many duties
such as conducting the physical examinations, diagnosing and treating injuries, and interpreting
diagnostic tests. All of these individuals work together with the athlete to ensure that whatever job
is at hand gets done smoothly and
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The Coexistence of Good and Evil
The book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is often associated with a various number of
themes such as racism, social inequality, the importance of family values, and much more. But one
of the more hidden messages of the book centers around the idea that there is a coexistence of
good and evil. This theme is really brought to life the more the reader is able to understand the
book. Through sub themes such as coming of age, perspective, and intense characterization of many
important characters the idea of good and evilis really brought to light. Through one of the main
themes of the book, coming of age, the author is able to help the readers understand more fully the
coexistence of good and evilin everyone. During the start of the novel there are many stereotypical
statements said that the kids have always believed because they had no other knowledge of their
own to rely on. But, as the children grow, loose their childhoodinnocence, and gain an
understanding of others on their own, they are able to begin to see the good they have never
seen, or the bad they have never seen. One example of this is when, at the end of the novel, Scout
is describing Boo Radley to Atticus. When they finally saw him, why he hadn t done any of those
things . . . Atticus, he was real nice. . . . His hands were under my chin, pulling up the cover,
tucking it around me. Most people are, Scout, when you finally see them. He turned out the light
and went into Jem s room. He
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Renewable Is Sustainable For Renewable Energy
Renewable is Sustainable
Soon, planet Earth will run out of the resource that once was thought to be reliable. Earth is in
great danger of self destructing if there is no backup plan. This is where renewable resources come
in. Renewable resources are abundant and do not damage the environment, so they are a sustainable
method to produce energy. The options for renewable energyare solar, wind, hydro, biomass, and
Why should Earth abandon the systems that they have in place at the moment? The reason behind
adopting renewable energy is because the system that is in place today is unsustainable. It is
unsustainable for many reasons. Fossil fuels, which include coal, oil, and natural gas, are the main
source of energy in today s world, but bring a wide variety of adverse effects (Cooper, Renewable
Burning these fossil fuels releases harmful pollutants into the environment, with the main one being
carbon dioxide. The release of carbon dioxide is the primary cause of global warming, which in
itself is a serious threat to Earth. Along with causing global warming, the release of carbon dioxide
leads to air pollution. Air pollution is dangerous to the various ecosystems of Earth, and also to
One of the major reasons that it is unsustainable, other than it slowly killing the Earth, is that it is
not infinitely available. Fossil fuels are not abundant, and soon will be completely depleted. With
the demand increasing and the supply
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Vertical Rocket Altimeter Experiment
The ratio seven to thirteen never gained any altitude, remaining at zero for every launch. They
merely burned and sputtered, then the ejection charge went off without ever getting off the
ground. As a result, all of its values, mean, median, mode, range, even standard deviation, are
zeroes. This means that all values are therefore significant within its set of values. The ratio ten to
ten achieved liftoff for two of its three launches, though only one of them actually escaped the
guidance rod used to keep the rocket going straight up. The one that did not travel upward instead
burned and melted its way through its PVC casing. The data set s values, five feet, two feet, and
zero feet, have no mode. Their mean is two and one third feet with a... Show more content on ...
In the chemical formula, 5 C12H22O11 + 48 KNO3 в†’ 24 K2CO3 + 36 CO2 + 55 H2O+24
N2, the ratio of oxidizer to fuel is 48:5 in moles, or 4852.8 grams of potassium nitrate to 1711.5
grams of sucrose, which simplify to 2.8 grams of oxidizer per gram of fuel. This means that the
potassium nitrate is used up 2.8 times faster than the sugar, therefore requiring more potassium
nitrate to sugar. None of the ratios tested have this exact proportion, in fact all of the ratios have
a smaller percentage of oxidizer than is advised, promoting the conclusion that the potassium
nitrate is the limiting reactant, running out first. The ratios simplify to as follows: 7:13 has 0.54
grams of oxidizer per gram of fuel, 10:10 has a 1:1, and 13:7 being has 1.86 grams per gram of
fuel. One would notice that as the ratio of oxidizer per fuel increases, the launch height also
increases. It can therefore be determined that as one gets closer to the ratio of 2.8:1, the engines
serve more positively, proposing a direct correlation between the two. This serves an explanation as
to why the thirteen to seven ratio created the best results, whereas the other rockets created little to
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The Wars Analysis
War is a dangerous game, many people would likely agree to this, however, very few have ever
seen a battlefront. The truth is that war, no matter how awful we can imagine it, is always
exponentially worse. In Timothy Findley s The Wars, Robert Ross, the protagonist,Вfaces a
situation that he finds difficult to come to terms with, and when faced with a similar situation later
on in the novel, he must take drastic measures to reconcile the uncertainties of the past situation.
Timothy Findley suggests, through the life of Robert Ross, that one s need to reconcile the
uncertainties of past experiences dominate our actions when such situations come up again in our
lives. In the words of Hiram Johnson, a US Senator during the First World War
,... Show more
content on ...
Following his rape, he starts to do what he feels is right, and in one case, goes directly against
direct orders to stand for what he believes in, as well as to reconcile everything he s been through
as a soldier; the violence, the pain, and everything that has emotionally and physically scarred
him. Once Robert is back in the battle, there is another, worse attack on the Canadian lines by
the Germans. They are being rained on by shells, and Robert fears for the lives of the horses in a
nearby barn that is being hit by the shelling, and which Robert fears will collapse at any moment.
Over the course of the war, Robert has grown more and more attached to horses, and it s in his
benevolent nature to care for other animals. When Robert tells Captain Leather that he will go back
to the barn to save the horses, Leather refuses, saying that it is not necessary. Robert, thinking
back to the last time he wanted to go against Captain Leather s orders, and what arose when he
didn t, realizes that he must go against his orders and free the horses. As Robert is running back
to the barn to free the horses, Leather screams at him to stop what he is doing and to follow his
orders, but Robert is determined. When Leather pulls his gun on Robert, Robert stops to shoot him,
killing Leather. In this time, the barn has been hit by a shell, and is burning, but Robert still runs
inside to try to save the horses moments before the roof of the barn collapses on Robert, burning him
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Critical Review Of The Dns Implementation
Critical Review of the DNS Implementation
Abstract A critical Review of the Domain Name system, the primary naming service currently in
use on the internet, covering the impetus for, and process of its development; how it operates
including communication paradigms, failure models and fault tolerance, and masking; and how its
security requirements are met.
Index Terms Communication systems Computer Networks Domain Name System.
NS (the domain name system), provides the name service that is used across the internet. It is a
distributed, hierarchical name space, which makes use of partitioning, replication and caching,
to provide a very reliable service with fast access times. Partitions of it may be managed by
separate authorities, allowing local control for more flexibility. The aim of DNS is to enable
resources (e.g. computers, mail services, and DNS servers) to be given names that can be used
globally across all connected systems, and to enable resolution of names into the associated
attribute: resolution of URIs (uniform resource identifiers) into IP addresses for use with http, or
ftp protocols, and to locate the mail servers for a domain.
The predecessor of DNS, which was the original internet naming scheme, worked by storing all of
the names and addresses addresses were the only type of attribute allowed by this system in a
single central text file (HOSTS.TXT) managed by the
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Design And Simulation Of A Virtual Robotic Manipulator For...
Design and Simulation of a Virtual Robotic Manipulator for Basic Operations
Ajibola Fowowe
College of Engineering,
University of Texas at Arlington
Texas, United States of America Isha Maun
Department of Computer Science,
University of Texas at Arlington
Texas, United States of America Adebola Akeredolu
College of Engineering,
University of Texas at Arlington
Texas, United States of America Abstract In the world we live in
today, there is an ever growing need for robotic manipulators. These needs cut across all areas of life
ranging from healthcare to automated assembly. In order to meet these various applications, there
is a need for custom designs and continuous improvement on existing designs to meet job
requirements and customer satisfaction. This report involves the design and simulation of a virtual
manipulator for manufacturing processes. The goal for this virtual manipulator is to allow quick
testing and implementation without having to build a physical robot. It saves time and cost, it also
helps the designer to see flaws in his design without wasting so much time and funds.
The desire for automated manufacturing has been prevalent for well over the past century but it is
yet to be fully accepted into the industry almost entirely due to the high associated costs. Automated
manufacturing processes in the past have required expensive and robust machinery
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English Chinese Russian And Russian Interpretations
Specific Terms
The table below gives the English, Chinese and Russian interpretations of a few terms utilized in
information security. As can be seen from the analysis of the following terms, the concepts and
conventions behind each varies widely in each language. This has the potential to provide
policymakers with misleading information.
Information Space信息空间 xìnxī kōngjiānРнформационное
Informatsionnoye prostranstvo
Cyberspace網絡空間 wǎngluò kōngjiānКиберпространство
Information WarfareдїЎжЃЇж€ дє‰ xГ¬nxД« zhГ nzhД“ngРнформационная
Informatsionnaya voyna
Cyber WarfareзЅ‘з»њж€ дє‰ wЗЋngluГІ zhГ nzhД“ngибервойна kibervoyna
Information WeaponдїЎжЃЇж¦е™Ё xГ¬nxД« wЗ”qìРнформационное
оружие ... Show more content on ...
Both Russia and China differ from the U.S. in their approaches to information security by holding
the mind and information systems to be essential components in their perception of information
security. This is key to understanding the fundamental differences of Russian and Chinese
approaches to information security as being distinct from cybersecurity while the U.S. view
combines the two, not considering the mind as directly part of the information space.
In contrast to the ideas of information space, both Russian and Chinese references to cyberspace
occur primarily in translations of foreign text or in references to foreign strategic approaches.
According to a U.S. military definition, the Domain characterized by the use of
electronics and the electromagnetic spectrum to store, modify, and exchange data via networked
systems and associated physical infrastructures. Consequentially, Cyberspace Operations is the
employment of cyber capabilities where the primary purpose is to achieve objectives in or through
cyberspace. Such operations include computer network operations and activities to operate and
defend the Global Information Grid. The Russian equivalent of
киберпространство, kiberprostranstvo, and the Chinese
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Body Weight Training
may raise levels of testosterone
5 Points to Remember Before You Start Bodybuilding
Beginners in the field of bodybuilding think that lifting heavy weights will bring magical results
and will increase their muscle mass magically. If you are one of them, then think twice and this
article will give you proper insights as well as three weight training tips to build muscle mass.
After including these tips in your bodybuilding regime you will maximize the results. Moreover,
in order to achieve something big you are taking the fun out of your workout regime. You have
enough motivation to lift the heavy weights, but believe me you are going nowhere. Do you know
that by training hard, more than you require for an optimal growth, you are over training your
muscles. Over training has its own negative effects and it will make your ... Show more content on ...
You can use machines, dumbbells or barbells to workout. In this article you will find three options
to build muscle. Within a short duration weight training may raise levels of testosterone.
Body Weight Training
This is a good training technique and you can start with this, you can use it in conjunction with
weight training to accelerate your muscle gains. Bodybuilders are concentrating on every part of
their body and they are good in doing pull ups and push ups which are also great body weight
exercises. You can perform these exercises by single limb moves. Do one hand pull up and single
leg squat for a couple of weeks and you will find that you are capable of adding heavy weights to
your barbell. Body weight training may raise levels of testosterone within the stipulated time frame.
Kettle Bell Training
This is the latest craze and most of the intelligent bodybuilders are using it. Although you will not
find any increment in your pounds, but this is good in stimulating your nervous system and you
will find your joints are also comfort able with
... Get more on ...
Dubois Double Consciousness Analysis
William Edward Burghardt Du Bois, a true representative of American Literature, overcame the
suffering of African Americans during the Civil War. American civil rights activist, poet, and
sociologist; Du Bois throughout his work shows the concept of double consciousness as it relates
to the black experience after the end of slavery. Not only did he fight for equality, but also helped
pave the way for the beginning of the modern Civil Rights Movement in America. Double
consciousness is the presence of two unconnected streams of consciousness in one individual. This
concept was coined by Du Bois during the 19th century and is first explored in his publication,
The Souls of Black Folks. Du Bois writes in his publication, Only those who have watched and
guided the faltering feet, the misty minds, the dull understands, of the dark pupils of these schools
know how faithfully, how piteously, this people strove to learn (12). By writing this African
Americans do... Show more content on ...
This can be seen in the works of Jack London, And all the while the dog sat and watched him
[build the fire], a certain yearning wistfulness in its eyes, for it looked upon him as the fire
provider, and the fire was slow in coming (8). This quote can be seen as the post Civil War
American society in efforts to live in a more equal society; however African Americans were
struck with the reality of a harsh racist society. In a sense this moment in history only wealthy
whites, such as those who owned plantations, help the social power to create a fire , or able to
create such change in the society. The era known as the Reconstruction period, was a time of
fundamental social, economic, and political change that would help shape America into the modern
world of
... Get more on ...
Well-Tempered Women Summary
Carol Mattingly, the author of Well Tempered Women: Nineteenth Century Temperance Rhetoric,
made a large contribution to the historiography of the temperance movement and women s roles in
the nineteenth century. Unlike anyone else who had studied this topic before, she draws on
primary sources. While she did use some secondary sources to help solidify her argument, her
arguments are drawn from materials that her predecessors had not included in previous research on
the temperance movement. Prior research on the temperance movement portrayed women as
socially traditional, middle class, and comfortable with their place in society. However, Mattingly
convincingly argues that this is a misperception. Her fresh perspective provides evidence for how
women made a conscious effort... Show more content on ...
The way she presented her facts with support was very effective. In the first part of her book,
Mattingly focuses on the choices of women who were unhappy with their place in society during
the nineteenth century. Through this, she makes the case that the temperance movement provided
an outlet for future change. She provides evidence through looking temperance women; specifically
focusing on speeches from Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who were women
temperance activists and later a big part of the suffrage movement. Mattingly moves then to exam
the choices women made in suffrage organizations and studies their effort for better conditions for
women. Through evidence from Amelia Bloomer and Clarina Howard Nichols, she reflects that
women continued to gain a voice through the temperance movement. Finally, she examines the
rhetoric of members of the Woman s Christian Temperance Union. (The largest organization of
women in the nineteenth century.) In this section, she focuses on how the Union prepared its
women to give speeches and therefore was one of the first steps to reject traditional women s roles
... Get more on ...
Mary Had Been Immaculately Conceived Without Original Sin
Roman Catholic Church proclaimed that Mary had been immaculately conceived without
original sin or its stain, which is a corrupt nature due to the original sin. This is call the doctrine
of the Immaculate Conception. It was officially defined by Pope Pius IX in 1854. The reference
for the doctrine is Luke 1:28. When Gabriel said to Mary that she was highly favored and blessed
among women, Mary herself was troubled and considered what such salutation meant. The angel
explained in verses 30 33 that such greeting was given because Godhad chosen her as the mother of
the messiah. The Catholics deduce the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception from the
interpretation of highly favored and blessed, which went too far from the context. It is not clear
why the Catholic Churchclaims such a strange doctrine. A Catholic priest argued that Mary should
be free from original sin so that Jesuscould be free from original sin and that God graciously and
miraculously made Mary without original sin. If Mary immaculate condition was necessary for
Jesus immaculateness, Mary s parents should have been immaculate. Or, if God... Show more
content on ...
But a Rosary prayer titled the Salve Regina starts as; Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life
our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry... They do cry to Mary. The Catechism 2675 of
the Catholic Church says that the Churches developed their prayer to the holy Mother of God,
centering it on the person of Christ manifested in his mysteries. The Catholics do pray to Mary.
They made Mary a divine being. It is an idolatry. They call Mary the Mother of God as if she has
divinity. When Elisabeth greeted Mary saying the mother of my lord should come to me, Mary
replies, My spirit rejoices in God my savior. Mary knew that she was a human being who needed a
savior. Both Elisabeth and Mary should have had no idea of blasphemy such as exalting Mary to
the Mother of
... Get more on ...
Investigating The Nine Aspects Of The Research Articles
Introduction; This review seeks to provide an evaluation of the nine aspects of the research
articles given below and the references for these articles are given at the end of the paper.
Review has been done on four articles in order to find relationship between board size and
performance of firms in context of different countries (United Kingdom, Ireland, China and
Nigeria). The problems identified in this paper are listed below; A)Among the other problems
author particularly look at this problem; whether the impact of board size on firm s performance is
negative or positive (Article 1) B)how the institutional environment like property rights influence
size and composition of corporate boards in China (Article 3) C)whether the effect... Show more
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This paper further tests these following sub problems: A)What is the optimal number of board
size in UK? B)Is there any changes happened in board size and performance relation since 1990s
in UK? C)Is board size determined by firm s specific variables, such as profitability, Tobin s Q
and firm size? D)Whether the performance of board size depend on other characteristics that
determine board size. E)Why UK board plays less monitoring roles? Q3. Q3Theory: author have
not discussed any particular theory which is a drawback of this article. But discussed something
which somehow related corporate governance, boar and structure of board. The primary duty of the
boards of director are monitoring and advising. Author discussed about the advantages and
disadvantages of having small and large board members. And also discussed the importance of
having outsiders in the board. Author used three different performance measurement tools to
evaluate firms performance (profitability, Tobin s Q, ROA). Author provides evidence form
different countries (such as, USA, Finland, Switzerland, Canada, Malaysia) on the relationship
between board size and firm performance. Most of the evidence proved negative relationship
between board size and firm performance. Q5 Method; Author used generalised method of moment
(GMM) estimator which allows board size to adjust with past performance. Various regression
model used; Fixed effect model which control unnoticed variables, GMM estimator.
... Get more on ...
The Neo Pi R, By Paul T. Costa Jr.
The NEO PI R is a standard questionnaire that is a general measure of personality based upon
the five factor model of personality (Piedmont, 2001; PAR, n.d). It systematically measures
emotional, interpersonal, experiential, attitudinal, and motivational styles, which is used as a
resource for a wide variety of professionals (Costa McCrae, 1992; PAR, n.d). it measures these
styles by using the five domains of personality (Neuroticism, Extraversion Openness,
Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness) and the six facets for each (PAR, n.d). General
Information Test Background and Costs The NEO PI R (Neuroticism Extraversion Openness
Personality Inventory Revised) was published in 1992 by Paul T. Costa Jr., PhD and Robert R.
McCrae, PhD under the Psychological Assessment Resources (Costa McCrae, 1992). This edition
mimicked the 1978 edition of the NEO PI (Piedmont, 2001). The NEO PI R is a personality
inventory which uses the well recognized five domains of personality and their thirty facets to
increase the specificity and accuracy of the results (Costa McCrae, 1992). The NEO PI R can be
administered individually or in groups, and is a self reported and observer reported test (Costa
McCrae, 1992). Originally the NEO PI R cost were $25.00 per pack of 10 for booklets and answer
sheets, $21.00 per package of 25 for hand scoring sheets, $21.00 per pack of 25 for adult (Forms S
and R) as well as the College Student Profile forms, $15.00 per 25 pack for the summary sheets
... Get more on ...
Case Study U.S. Strollers
Introduction As the leader producer and seller of baby strollers, U.S. Stroller has been known for
carrying a very high quality baby stroller. The company is known for innovation designs and its
good distribution system. The President of U.S. Stroller Judy Hawkins is the sister of the director
of manufacturing Clem Hawkins. Judy has suggested to Clem that a Just in time system is what the
company needs to reduce the high inventorycost, cycle time, improve quality and eventually cost
the company is carrying. Clem decided he would solicit the help of Joan Hankins who had recently
graduated from UCLA with an M.B.A; she was a whiz at analyzing.
Below is a list of the facts about the company: 1. 2000 different sites in the United ... Show more
content on ...
These gains come at the cost of more tightly coordinated manufacturing processes both inside a
company and with supplier firms that produce under JIT (Vollmann, 2005).
Manufacturing Cells
Manufacturing Cells production is organized in groupings of all the different types of equipment
used to make a given product. Materials move from one machine to another, and various operations
are performed in sequence, minimizing materials handling costs. Workers are also hired and trained
to multitasked performing a variety of activities. Defects in the process are aggressively eliminated;
this is due to the tight links in between workstations. Setup time is another aspect of U.S. Strollers
that can be reduced using manufacturing cells concept. The production of a product, its cycle time
until it s completed is reduced significantly. Reducing setup time and costs make production in
smaller batches economical, which in turn reduces inventory levels
Pull System
Pull systems otherwise called demand pull, a manufacturing system that manufactures each
component in a production line as soon as, and only when, needed by the next step in the
production line (Horngren, Datar, and Rajan). With the JIT production, the demand is pull through
by the demand from the other workstation.
... Get more on ...
Assignment 1 Negotiation and Bargaining
Assignment #1 Negotiation and Bargaining 1. Using the definition of negotiation as provided in
the text, modify the definition so you can include aspects of negotiation you deem important.
Negotiation is a form of decision making in which two or more parties talk with one another in
an effort to resolve their opposing interests (Essentials of Negotiation fifth edition. Negotiation
occurs on a daily basis. It occurs between businesses, partnerships, marriages, friends, family and
even law enforcement. Negotiations occur for several reasons: (1) to agree on how to share or
divide a limited resource, such as land, or property, or time; (2) to create something new that
neither party could do on his or her own, or (3) to resolve... Show more content on
The rules are a work order should be completed within 24 hours of reports unless it is the
weekend or a part needs to be order. The manager had to review when the work order was called
in and determine if the resident request should be honored. The resident requested $200
concession for the inconvenience and not completed the work orders within the 24 hour window.
Once the manager made sure all work orders were completed then the offer was a $100
concession. The parties are interdependent of one another due to this is the resident home and the
manager needs the resident for monthly rental payments and to keep up occupancy. The two
parties are interdependent of each other so it was in most parties to come up with a mutual
decision. The resident acceptations of the offer to the concession made them happy and the
manager happy due to all the work orders were complete. 4. Compare and contrast the concepts of
bargaining and negotiation. Most people consider bargaining and negotiation have the same
meaning. Bargaining is win lose situation such as hanging over price at a used car lost.
Negotiation refers to a win win situation such as those that occur when parties are trying to find
mutually acceptable solution to a complex conflict (Essentials of Negotiation fifth edition).
Bargaining reminds me of prospected resident always wanting to haggle over price or fees being
charged. They use the
... Get more on ...
Clark Atlanta University Personal Statement
Clark Atlanta University is the institution that will allocate the resources I need to be successful as
a leader in the future. Over the years, family members, friends, mentors, teachers, and advisors have
implemented tools into my educational career to get me to this point in my life. As I transition into
a freshman in college, it is now my job to use the tools CAU will give to me to make a change.
Through the Dual Degree Engineering Program, I will be able to study Architectural Engineering.
Consistent studies and research will give me the insight I need to impact and change the social
environments around me. The trust I put in the universitys faculty and procedures will allow me to
flourish into an excellent leader and role model that will make a positive influence on the
environment of the campus and off campus.... Show more content on ...
With this number constantly increasing, the need for engineers increases simultaneously. It is
my plan to design and build sustainable buildings and homes for this growing population. I am a
high achiever who dreams to provide structural integrity to those in need. The excellent
engineering program will be used to extend my knowledge to others. In 2016, the numbers for
female engineers are increasing, but at a very plodding pace. As a young, black female, I want
to help make it more comfortable and accepting for females after me to enter this field. The
hands on experience I will receive will be the most vital aspect of my growth into a leader. The
intelligence that will be passed down onto me from the faculty, mentors, and even students is all a
part of the process. It increases my experience and will help me provide a greater change for the
surrounding community. I want to be a positive force in this world and the university will give me
... Get more on ...
Nyerere Education Idea and It Aplication to Conteporary...
Educational Research and Review Vol. 4 (4), pp. 111 116, April 2009 Available online at http:/
/ ISSN 1990 3839 2008 Academic Journals
Full Length Research Paper
The implications of Nyerere s theory of education to contemporary education in Kenya
Joseph W. Nasongo1* and Lydiah L. Musungu2
Department of Educational Foundations, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology,
Kenya. Department of Educational Planning and Management, Masinde Muliro University of
Science and Technology, Kenya.
Accepted 26 March, 2009
The question of relevance regarding education in human society is perennial. In the developing
countries, education is considered to be a panacea for development. In Kenya, various ... Show more
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*Corresponding author. E mail:
Educ. Res. Rev.
In this paper, Nyerere s views on education are examined with a view to determine the extent of
their relevance to contemporary theory of education in Kenya. This analysis is concerned with 3
aspects. First, an exploration of possible theoretical contexts of his views on education is
undertaken with a view to obtaining a basis for an intelligible discussion. Second, an examination
of education for self reliance is undertaken. This is followed by an analysis of education for
liberation as espoused by Nyerere. This is followed by a delineation of salient views that can enrich
contemporary education in Kenya. Theoretical framework The liberal theory Liberalism envisions
the ideal society to be one that embraces a wide range of individual liberties. These include,
personal dignity, free expression, religious tolerance, right to own property, freedom of association,
transparency of government, limitations on government power, the rule of law, equality, free
market economy and free trade (Wikipedia, It is incumbent
upon government to uphold these freedoms in order to guarantee stability and peace. In addition,
liberalism tends to encourage representative democratic governance. Here, the elected
representatives are guided by the rule of law under the overall guidance of the constitution.
Enshrined in the constitution are
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Excavation Sensory Play Research Paper
Dinosaur Ice Excavation Sensory Play As you know, I m a proud Daddy love spending time
with my toddler son. My wife I enjoy coming up with new and creative ideas to entertain him.
Right now he s very much into dinosaurs. Every time he sees a dinosaur toy (or anything) he
says Grrr and Dine O ! It s just the cutest thing how excited he gets over them. Over the weekend
we put together this cool (pun intended) dinosaur ice excavation sensory activity for the
munchkin. I found a similar project on Pinterest where they used balloons to freeze small toy
dinosaurs and thought I would try it with leftover Easter eggs. (Insert Link) My munchkin also
had a T Rex sand mold laying around in his beach toys so I wanted to incorporate that as well....
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We placed the plastic bins upside down on the grass and they quickly separated from the ice. My
son stood in amazement at this awesome new finding, wondering what the heck it was. I told
him that he needed to help get the dinosaurs out of the ice. He repeated Dino? with excitement. I
brought the hose over to help speed up the melting time. My son loved playing with the hose and
spraying the larger dinosaurs off the block of ice. It was a prehistoric slip and slide. We made a
game of that for a while. We talked about how ice is cold and is made of frozen water. My son
would say Brrr every time we used the word cold . We showed him how the water melted the ice
and he got into that as well. Then we referred to the bigger dino s as the mama s and dada s and
the smaller dinosaurs as the babies. He repeated after us and would call them Mama, Dada, Baby
accordingly. We continued to hatch the babies from the eggs while explaining how eggs hatch in
nature. Of course our 20 month old didn t exactly grasp everything we were talking about, but he
sure had a fun time repeating after us and going through the motions of dino
... Get more on ...

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A Day I Will Never Forget Short Essay. Online assignment writing service.

  • 1. A Day I Will Never Forget Short Essay 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. A Day I Will Never Forget Short EssayA Day I Will Never Forget Short Essay
  • 2. Privatization of Russian Industries For some, the privatization of Russian industry has been one of the great success stories of Russia s painful economic transition: quick, firm and radical action was taken to shift the great bulk of Russian industry out of state hands, thereby laying the basis for a radical restructuring of enterprises and improvements in their performance. Others see privatization as a best a failure, at worst a catastrophe. Not surprisingly those opposed to the market and economic reform as a whole sharethis view. But many commentators who see themselves as supporters of reform find plenty in Russian privatization to criticize: the process led to the transfer of ownershipto inappropriate people and as a consequence no beneficial restructuring of... Show more content on ... Collective ownership derives either from a natural alliance between managers and rank and file employees, probably based on Soviet traditions of paternalism and the В‘social contract , or from the need of managers to pander to workers who control a majority of voting rights at shareholder meetings. Although some observers might find a collective ownership outcome desirable, on the grounds that it provides for workplace democracy and high incentive work habits, reform oriented commentators generally find it a form of ownership likely to lead to the maintenance of excessively high levels of underemployed staff and an over concentration on consumption at the expense of investment. The management ownership outcome derives from the ability of management to totally dominate divided, demoralized or indifferent rank and file employees. The argument that they do so by bribing employees with promises of secure employment and the maintenance of social welfare provisions is essentially the same as that presented in the previous paragraph on collective ownership. However, there is an increasing awareness among commentators that any Soviet paternalism and coincidence of management worker interests that might have once existed have not survived the rigors of the transition and the self interest of managers. As A.S. Bim puts it: Given serious В‘positional differences between managers and other employees, it seemed reasonable as early as ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Character Analysis Of The Darkness In Emma By Jane Austen Jane Austen begins the novel Emma by stating, Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition, seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence, and had lived nearly twenty one years in the world with very little to distress or vex her (1) immediately giving readers the impression that Emmais a young woman whom the readers should respect and grow to love throughout the novel. As we continue reading, however, we learn that while Emma has a respectable reputation and a circle of people who love her and want the best for her, she is extremely flawed. In the article, The Darkness in Emma, Anita Soloway states, for Emma, beauty, cleverness, and wealth prove to be mixed blessings at best, for... Show more content on ... Emma is selfish, unable to see reality as it truly is, and is impulsive, yet, because of her respectable standing in the social class, people love her and want the best for her and think highly of her. While discussing Emma with Mr. Knightley, Mrs. Weston states, With all dear Emma s little faults, she is an excellent creature. Where shall we see a better daughter, or a kinder sister, or a truer friend? No, no; she has qualities which may be trusted; she will never lead any one really wrong; she will make no lasting blunder; where Emma errs once, she is in the right a hundred times (25). While her opinion on Emma does recognize that she has faults and isn t perfect, those flaws are basically overlooked. Mrs. Weston seems to believe that Emma is a blessing to everyone she encounters, and even when she creates an issue, it s acceptable because it s assumed she ll do something great to compensate up for it. This definitely shows what Emma s reputation is like, and how the people close to her view her. One of Emma s main flaws is the fact that she is extremely impulsive with her actions, and she doesn t stop to think about what she s doing until the damage is already done. This happens multiple times throughout the novel, especially when Emma tries to play matchmaker. This is partially due to the fact that she is unable to see reality clearly, which is what happens during her attempt at bringing Harriet and Mr. Elton together. ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Martin Luther King I Have A Dream Speech The dreadful day of April 4, 1968 was not only when many cities grieved the loss of one of the most influential Americans, but also the day that the Civil Rights Movement suffered a major setback. In his 39 years of life, Martin Luther King Jr transformed into a powerful activist for the Civil Rights Movement. He spoke passionately as an advocate for African American civil rights and he continuously advanced the Civil Rights Movement. One of the most prominent events that allowed the Movement to rise and conquer was his delivery of the I Have a Dream speech on August 28, 1963 which affected more than half the country (Gregory, 43). The Civil Rights Movement had many other activists, but King s work was so influential that he was seen as the face of the Movement. In 1963 Time magazine named King man of the year and then a year later at 35 years old he was the youngest to ever win a Nobel Peace Prize where he then donated the about $54,000 reward to different civil rights organizations (Manheimer, 67). He believed that the best way to achieve the goal of civil rights was through peaceful protest and non violence which many people either resented or admired. The life of this famous leader was cut short on the complicated day of April 4, 1968. King was shot and murdered on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel, located in Memphis, Tennessee, while talking with his colleagues in the parking lot below him (Malito). The bullet had blown away part of his neck and jaw and when he was ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Towards Sustainable Tourism – Key Problems and Issues... HTM 4105 Contemporary Tourism Issues Topic: TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE TOURISM KEY PROBLEMS AND ISSUES FACING HONG KONG Introduction Unquestionably, Hong Kong is a blessed land where possesses prosperity and most of the elements of being a world class cosmopolitan which has successfully attracted visitors over years, especially from the mainland by emphasising our world class shopping, dining and other urban attractions (Lam, H., 2004). Despite the flourishing scene of the tourism industry, the volatile tourist markets and growing competition from Southeast Asian countries and neighbouring destinations have posed new challenges to Hong Kong s tourism industry. In order to strengthen Hong Kong s position as a preferable Asian tourist ... Show more content on ... Despite these efforts, several problems are found regarding Hong Kong s culture and heritage sustainability policy. It is found that Hong Kong has been relatively slow in developing its potential heritage sites into tourist attractions, as seen in the controversy over the fate of Tiger Balm Garden and the Central Police Station. According to Chu and Uebegang (2002), the sluggish and passive response of government reflects the lack of political will due to a lack of understanding of the principles of heritage and its potential. The Government believes heritage conservation should be driven by tourism and economics and not treated in the same way as other social and education services. Even with the setting up of Heritage Tourism Task Force which is established in 1998, there have been very few recommendations proposed by the task force. Some critics have blamed on its lack of leadership and lack of influence in the government bureaucracy (Chu and Uebegang, 2002). Other problems implied in the policy of government are lack of a broad based, long term conservation policy, lack of a clear priorities and inadequate co ordination of government departments involved in present heritage conservation practice. Besides, in most cultural heritage development, public involvement in decision making is absent. Regarding these problem, it is essential for ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Literary Devices In Out, Out By Robert Frost The fun of using a chain saw is something anyone could enjoy. The feeling of power it gives, the mess it makes, and the speed it has, but also the potential danger. This danger begs the question; should children be allowed to use one? The poem Out, Out by published, and Pulitzer Prize winning poet Robert Frostacknowledges a substantial crisis that was occurring at the time it was written. The poem was published in 1916, and addresses the terrible labor conditions that children of the time were being subjected to. While doing so he illustrates the idea that children were seen as expendable. The poem tells the story of a young boy cutting firewood with a chainsaw in the evening. When his sister comes to tell him it is time for dinner the... Show more content on ... Unfortunately, not much has changed in the hearts of people. The world still contains little empathy, or sympathy. This does not mean that all people feel this way, but little has changed since 1916. One positive fact to note is that because of child labor laws the events of this poem can remain only in poems and stories, and out of the news, at least in the United States and other first world nations. However, in terms of adults caring for each other little has changed, people still do little to help others. Not everyone is this way though, and the world would be a better place if others would follow in their footsteps. For example, rather than shaming the poor people could help them get jobs, or instead of laughing at people s problems they could help each other get through them. Perhaps after that Frost s poem could become irrelevant and could instead be used as a reminder of how the world used to be, and how much better off people are ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Women At The Un Peacekeeping Operations Unique Investment of ladies in the UN peacekeeping operations, as one of vital precondition for their successful and effective usage has gotten to be all the more generally acknowledged just amid the recent years. In spite of the fact that, ladies commitment in the peacekeeping operations are multifaceted (the level of security among the neighborhood ladies build, the trust of the nearby group in the mission develops, the contact with the female populace is less demanding to build, and so forth.), the rate of ladies who take an interest in these operations is at the low level, particularly with regards to police and military troops. The best deterrents to higher association of ladies in peacekeeping operations are in the way that there ... Show more content on ... Parallel with the augmentation of the peace operations order to peace building, furthermore post clash reproduction, there was an expanding need to contract a more noteworthy number of qualified, experienced and decently prepared staff who would effectively execute the peacekeeping missions undertakings. The thought that an equivalent support of ladies could help the achievement of peacekeeping operations has been creating gradually and it has gotten to be all the more generally acknowledged just amid the previous ten years. Out of the aggregate number of military and police staff, ladies presently take an interest with 2% and 8% respectively1, though in the aggregate number of regular citizen staff they make for 30%. All through the history of the UN peacekeeping operations, there have been just seven ladies so far who were the UN Secretary General s Special Emissaries or Heads of some peacekeeping operation, while there is stand out lady right now serving at such a position2 (Pampell Conoway and Shoemaker, 2008: 8, 23). The greater part of the reasons that upset ladies investment in peacekeeping operations, accordingly driving to their low number, are focused around sexual orientation predisposition and conventional understanding of social parts worthy for ladies. In this paper we will clarify the preferences of ladies investment in peacekeeping operations and primary deterrents impeding more prominent contribution of ladies in such operations. In the ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Prostitution Controversy Prostitution is, and has always been a topic of debate and great controversy in society. The definition and practice of prostitution has changed over time, as a result of social, moral and political influences. Sociologist Ronald Weitzer defines prostitution as, The exchange of sexual services for material compensations (Weitzer 2012, P: 3). Generally sex work takes place in many different places, which can include streets, parks, washrooms, brothels, hotels or private homes (Frontline Consulting, 2009 P: 5). That being said it is currently too difficult for the government to control or totally abolish prostitution. The topic of prostitution has always created room for controversy due to ethical, religious and traditional beliefs. As a result, women have become constant victims of public criticism and attack.... Show more content on ... The sex work industry has changed and is changing over the years, similar to controversial issues such as, gay rights and abortion. Hence, there will never be a black and white solution due to the distinct views of what prostitution entails versus what the law intends to do about it. Decriminalization is the removal of criminal penalties from an act formerly defined as crime (Weitzer, 2012, P: 49). Prostitution should be decriminalized so the government can regulate public safety and the safety of sex workers. This paper will also, examine how the government can regulate the prostitution business and reinforce the feminist ideology. In effort to best present my arguments this paper will be divided into different paragraphs, whereby each paragraph presents a different argument of why ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The American Dream In Jeannette Walls s The Glass Castle Comedian George Carlin once stated, That s why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it. Financial security, freedom to live how one chooses, retiring at 65 and living comfortably in old age, owning a home, knowing that working hard pays off: these are all fundamental beliefs tied to the American Dream. As newer generations are increasingly finding the dream to be unrealistic, people are beginning to abandon the concept; however it is still a very present ideology. While many believe the American Dream is a lively goal that everyone strives to achieve, it is actually a dying illusion that is unattainable for all but the wealthiest and used to propagate a classist society, causing a cycle of ignorance... Show more content on ... The purpose of the American dream is not to promise success as a reward for hard work; conversely, it is the idea that individuals should be able to achieve success despite their socioeconomic status. This belief is intended to inspire and create equality. Although the American Dream sounds optimistic in concept, it further propagates inequality in practice. The American Dream is not a function of ability and achievement, but a dying illusion. America is not truly the land of the free, but an ignorant classist society. Gregory Clark, an economics professor at the University of California, Davis, stated that America has no higher rate of social mobility than medieval England or pre industrial Sweden ... That s the most difficult part of talking about social mobility it s shattering people s dreams (qtd. in Evans). The United States has an incredibly outdated economic system that does not allow disadvantaged citizens opportunities regardless of how hard they work. People get stuck in their social status and are not able to stray out of it, which affects their further generations. Additionally, immigrants coming to America in hopes of prosperity are likely to have even less luck than immigrants of the pass and widen the gap of social inequality. Clark continues to state, The truth is that the American Dream was always an illusion. Blindly pursuing ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Essay on Genetic Engineering Can Be Beneficial in the... With today s extraordinary advances in the field of sciences, more and more efforts are being spent on increasing the quality of human life on Earth. Scientists have now applied what they have learned in the study of genetics to help modify and improve the properties of plants and organisms that we can benefit greatly from. Genetic engineeringcan be beneficial for humanity in the modern age as they are considered safe, able to support the demand of resources by the ever increasing human population, and provide potential cure to many incurable diseases and possible life extension. Genetic engineered products that have been approved for use in the international market are all considered safe. In 1995, genetically ... Show more content on ... The American Association for the Advancement of Science also declares that consuming foods containing ingredients that are derived from GM crops doesn t pose more risk than consuming the same foods containing organic ingredients from crop plants created by modern breeding techniques. On the contrary, Giles Eric Seralini of France was rebuked after publishing a study named Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup tolerant genetically modified maize in which he found that Roundup Ready corn; a type of genetically modified corn created by Monsanto Company inc. caused grotesque tumors in lab rats. Multiple respectable scientists that wrote one of the most respected scientific journal in the world Nature found many problems with Seralini s results. In his study on GM crops, Seralini used Sprague Dawley lab rats that are known to be highly prone to tumours even when GM food wasn t a part of their diet. A documented study done in the past on these strain of rats has found that 70 to 76.7% of the male and 87 to 95.8% of female had cancer throughout their lifespan under normal circumstances. The only supporters of Seralini s study came from the two anti GM groups that funded his studies on Gm food (The French Committee for Research and Independent Information on Genetic Engineering ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Literary Analysis Of A Personal Narrative In Frank... Kelley Simon s anecdote, Frank Sinatra s Gum, is a literacy narrative about an outcast teenage girl s personal account of her riveting interview with the one and only Frank Sinatra. The narrative illustrates Simon s internal struggle over how to successfully become part of a school clique of girls and her external struggle with Frank Sinatra. Her motivation for the interview, her self identity, and her ultimate decision all play a part in her methods. She uses rhetorical devices throughout the autobiographical sketch of Sinatra that help portray her true feelings. Simon s exaggerated use of imagery and sensory language, parallelism, and the modes of persuasion all dramatize the main focus in distinguishing between the allusion of an image and reality. In the beginning of the article, the author utilizes parallelism to compare her own father to Frank Sinatra. She claims that she liked how [Sinatra] was Sicilian as many of [her] father s friends and clients were (Simon 1). However, Simon does admit that he was a pug like Frankie in that both were unreasonable, illogical, and self centered (Simon 1). Both resorted to a physical means in order to resolve their differences. Sinatra reminds Simon of her father, and in such a way that allows her to admire him while she struggles with her uncertainty on whether or not she likes him. Simon uses descriptive imagery and sensory language to allow the reader a vicarious experience. To demonstrate how idolized Sinatra was at the ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Organisational Behaviour OrganizationalStructureandCultureIntroductionIn order to understand and evaluate different business structures one must be aware of the exact meaning and standards, which make that structure. Different business function in different ways. The World today is full of innovative and new structures, companycultures and ways in which companies base their work. Globalization has emphasized the meaning of company culturein ways that have led to completely new ideas, while technology has changed the face of the industry (The Age of Globalization: Impact of Information Technology on Global Business Strategies, 2007). In order to fully grasp the concepts of business structures and cultures the movies The Devil... Show more content on ... On the contrary to Runway the company culture in the movie Up In The Air is very low power distance according to Hofstede. It is a very relaxed and open company culture, where employees get the chance to contribute and talk to their Boss in order to improve the company. The main focus and challenge in this company presents the attempted change of culture due to the possible cost reduction on the base of technology. The main character in the movie, and one of the employees who is very skilled and has a high level of power is very resistant to the change, which has been proposed by the new comer in the company named Natalie. In contrast to The Devil Wears Prada , Natalie is accepted into the team very easily and fits into the company culture perfectly. Natalie matched with companies ideas, values and assumptions because she as a new worker with new idea of working was accepted very well from side of the boss. But because in the company were low power distance one of the worker was against idea that Natalie gave to his boss and since is quite difficult to change a company culture there was rebellion. Therefore, she had to adjust to the companies culture that it had and at the end her values and assumptions had changed from the way she was expecting. Conclusion In conclusion, there are many types of different companies in the world. Some of them are low distance power some of them are high distance power, ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Edgar Vilhelm Analysis Edgar Vilhelm. Aspiring author, playwriter, sound mixer, multi instrumentalist, and multi media artist. As a self described jack of all trades, master of none , Edgar surely doesn t carry the attitude of master of none at all. Upon first meeting him he seems like a very humble guy, but after being his friend for some time he reeks of self importance. It s actually very comedic. Me: First, give me a quick description of who you are. One of the best minds of our generation. Oft referred to as Edgar the Victorian, I am a 20 year old white, cis het male atheist, a painter, multi instrumentalist, writer, and soon to be filmmaker. Snarky as fuck, especially towards alternative facts. Me: Since you listed off a lot of things including ... Show more content on ... I think the first story I wrote was a Godzilla knock off, which I called Space Monster. I even made a sequel for it a little while later lol. Next big writing project I remember was in 4th grade, for science class. Our teacher told us to write a story about the changes between states of matter, and molecules moving. The first one ended up being a parody of Star Wars, in which my friends and I turned into Star Wars characters and went to space to battle aliens who destroyed the sun. When I was in elementary school, I and some friends of mine took the Space Monster concept and decided to go in sort of an Ultraman direction with it, by trying to make it into a show and having it be sort of a monster of the week thing, in which every episode, Space Monster would have to battle new monsters. I tell you, I was drawing kaiju left and right for that. The stories were really fucking involved as well. Next, around 5th 6th grade, I began getting into anime. Hence, I started coming up with anime characters, and demons for them to fight, and such. More recently, I ve shifted the focus onto poetry, and found my style becoming more aligned with the gritty realists, like Bukowski, Carver, Ginsberg, and Heston. Poetry isn t any more than a hobby for me self therapy, to put it better. I view it as language unhinged. I use whatever visuals or words I need to convey exactly how I ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Driverless Car Lab Driverless cars are equipped with an array of detection technologies and advanced software that ensure them to cope with major challenges on a city road. An experiment shows that vehicle setup and software together made the testing driverless car able to drive together with other vehicles and manage different road conditions on public urban roads and freeways. [1] The vehiclesetup involves various sensors that can capture images of the surroundings and extract detailed information such as traffic lights and road markings. 3D cameras are mounted around the exterior of the driverless car, having a 50 degree field of view that is wider than that of a human driver, to enable precise dimensional measurement of obstacles on a road. Laser scanners, ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Garment and Textile Industry in Bangladesh Essay Case 3 Professor September 3, 2014 Bangladesh is a south Asian country and has an approximate population reaching 164 million. The manufacturing industry is what Bangladesh is known for. That industry also accounted for almost 12% of GDP in 2009 and 2010 with employing over four million people (The Bangladesh Accord Foundation, 2014). The labor force is made up of young, urbanizing, mainly women. Bangladesh accounts for approximately 78% total exports (The Bangladesh Accord Foundation, 2014), which is second to China. The cost is kept low with labor and the production. This helps competing in the export trading world. I am telling, in textile nobody can beat Bangladesh in price and quality ... Show more content on ... Bilateral agreements with 28 countries and Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) of the EU are key reasons for Bangladesh RMG products having access to global markets (Board of Investment Bangladesh, 2012). Best alternative The best alternative would be improve the infrastructure, and increase the price of exporting, but still lower than any other country. Bangladesh would make a larger profit and could put more money on fixed and creating the ports and roads which in return will make it easier for the buying countries. If the prices continue to stay low, the country may not have enough money for infrastructure. Bangladesh would have more money to help with the electricity outages which can also help business buy producing more and exporting more. Implementation plan The implementation would be analyzing the competitions textile export prices, and then increase the price to keep it right below the competition. This will allow Bangladesh to gain more profit and place that into infrastructure. They would also want to focus on the electricity so labor improves and more textiles can be made. This plan will allow for easier flowing importing and most importantly exporting. This will also create a better working environment in the textile mills and will create more production. Appendix A Appendix B Employment in RMG Sector Year No. of ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Lighting Of Lighting And Lighting The lighting in Showrooms is imperative to take into consideration for the success of a business. The quality of lighting effects how the products looks, and how clients will perceive it. Ultimately, lighting effects whether a client will purchase your products or not. Even with the enormous set of visual environmental cues present in retail environments, lightingdoes play a significant role in creating an ambiance. This quote by Yvonne De Kort is expressing the importance of lighting in a retail space and the effects it has on a spaces ambiance. Lighting effects how everyone feels and changes the ways we interact in spaces. I am going to go through the showrooms I observed and reflect what I learned about the types of lighting fixtures and lighting layers in showrooms. RESEARCH In showrooms it s important to include all form of lighting (general, task, and decorative) into the space to create a cohesive lighting design that showcases the products that are being lit. Lighting can be used to direct focus to certain products, and create paths for customers to follow. It is good to consider the flexibility of the fixtures placed, to allow for adjustment when store displays are changed. Making sure the color rendering of the lamps is high quality, so the clients know what the products actually look like. Keeping maintenance easy is important, because products that are not lighting properly will not sell. Layered lighting techniques must support the plan of the space and ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Analysis Of Browned Onion Soup Recipe Browned Onion Soup Recipe is a soup recipe that use mostly in the winter season and also in all seasons. Browned Onion Soup Recipe is useful for all aged people. It is prepared at home easily in 25 minutes. Ingredients for Browned Onion Soup Recipe . пЃ¶8 Onions (finely cut) пЃ¶2 small sized of Capsicum (Bell Pepper) (thinly cut) пЃ¶2 table spoons of the Green Spring Onion (thinly chopped) пЃ¶ВЅ table spoon of the Ginger (peeved) пЃ¶ВЅ table spoon of the Garlic (peeved) пЃ¶ВЅ table spoon of the Green Chili paste пЃ¶2 table spoons of Corn Flour пЃ¶4 medium slice of the Plain Bread пЃ¶8 cups of the fresh Water пЃ¶2 table spoons of the Cooking Oil пЃ¶1 table spoon of The Butter пЃ¶Salt and Pepper to taste Method of Browned Onion Soup Recipe . Take a large ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Life Process Of A Cell Cell Biology Introduction The report will look at and discuss the life process of a cell, the functions of the cell and the cells structure. A cell is the smallest unit of an organism and is the building block of all living things. Key life processes of a cell All living things including cells have some life processes in common. There are seven processes that they need to preform to be classed alive. These are: 1)Movementall living things have movement including plants 2)Respirationthe process of getting energy from food 3)Sensitivitythis allows the living thing to detect changes in the surroundings 4)Growth all living things grow 5)Reproductionto reproduce and make more living things of the same type 6)Excretiongetting rid of waste product 7)Nutritiontaking in and using food Viruses are not known as living like cells as living things require nutrition and viruses do not. A virus is not live; it is unable to absorb nutrients, produce or excrete waste; so viruses attach themselves to living organism known as a host to survive and gain the nutrition they need. They also need the host to be able to move and reproduce as they unable to do this alone. Viruses have to inject its viral DNA into the host cell it has invaded in order to get the host to reproduce for it. Understanding living cells and distinguishing them from viruses There are two primary types of cells prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The key difference between the two is that the eukaryotic cells contain ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Potato- An Important Vegetable The potato is one of history s most important vegetables, although initially reluctant Europeans quickly became dependent on the plant. Most of the educated class saw the potato s potential and raised it in their gardens before the more superstitious lower classes. The lower classes feared the myths of night shades and plagues and the encouragement from God was the only sign to begin growing potatoes (Zuckerman 49). Some farmers believed this crop to be an aphrodisiac, others saw it as the cause of fever and leprosy. In meat loving England, urban workers and considered potatoes to have an extreme distaste. The critic, Denis Diderot wrote in his EncyclopГ©die in 1765 his stance on the potato. He stated that it wasn t a pleasant food, though abundant, and adequately nourished those who didn t care about anything except sustenance (Zuckerman 73). The Europeans had strong opinions about the potato and it would have to take a lot of convincing to change their minds. The European government knew the potato could develop and effect the economy in a positive way, they only needed to find a way to encourage the lower classes to grow the vegetable. The EncyclopГ©die went on to convoke the public by saying say the potato caused intestinal gas but opined that this was no drawback for laborers or peasants, whose robust insides could withstand the disturbance better than those of more refined folk (Zuckerman 74). In 1662, the Royal Society recommended the cultivation of ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Complex Nature Of The Nursing Profession In my relatively short tenure as a nurse I have come to understand and firmly believe that the nursing profession is widely misinterpreted and sometimes viewed by the public as a systematic, task driven, emotionally simplistic and withdrawn profession. When in reality the nursing profession s complex nature requires those involved to stay current, active and embracing a dynamic approach to their interactions. A dynamic nature is required in order to be successful in nursing, as adaptive change, high energy and a well rounded mindset are qualities that equate to effective care. The complex nature of interactions and health care as an encompassing system can prove to be challenging but yield effective adaptive results. As Kleffel states that nurses need an ecocentric view to successfully identify the multitude of interrelationships affecting effective care (as cited in Doane Varcoe, 2004, p. 50). That is that a nurse must approach a situation or interaction from a dynamic and comprehensive perspective. The many interrelationships that affect the seemingly simple interactions between nurse, patient and families are everything but simple, in fact, they are an intricate web of heterogeneous relational factors with a purpose of contributing and developing the current state of being. The theoretical framework of Complexity Science paired with Complex Adaptive System (CAS) is effective in explaining human interactions and its key role in effective health care (Lindberg, Nash, ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Colonial New England Ideologies And Religious Beliefs Colonial New England ideologies were strictly religious in their puritan beliefs. Clergymen were highly educated and forced religious practices in the name of being righteous and holy. Conformity to religion was not considered a rational choice to those that were forced unto American soil and forced to live a way of life so different than their own. Enslaved Africans brought with them their own religious, marriage and funeral, and medicinal practices. These practices prompted radical puritans to fear these religious traditions that were so unlike their own, condemning blacks and the various ways they expressed hope in oppression. McMillan states, As blacks occupied the lowest rung within society, their ability to survive the ordeals of... Show more content on ... Creating original covert religious rituals and theologies. Many of the bewitching practices that have been historically accurate refer to Caribbean religious practices and Haitian voodoo, which is still prevalent in society today. Religious traditions associated with these general regions include celebration of marriage and funerals, for example, parading the streets with livelihood to properly bury a loved one. Today this is referred to as the second line funeral procession. White colonialists also believed funeral processions to be an act that made blacks uncontrollable. As stated in Piersen s 1988 Notes, In 1721...Boston s selectmen limited the number of bells that could be tolled for Negro funerals to one in order to cut down on attendance; and they ordered the funeral processions to stop wending their way all over town and to take the most direct route to the grave. Well documented manuscripts reveal a tell all of the black experience in colonial New England. This colony differed to that of many others due to the simple fact that blacks were recognized and had legal rights. Essentially, blacks were much better off in New England versus anywhere in the south. Denying religious and moral traditional rights to blacks, white colonists still insisted that blacks followed a Puritan moral code. With the inability to conform to the Puritan religion came a spike in witchcraft, ... Get more on ...
  • 22. I Choose For This Report Is Call Infidel An Autobiography... The book I choose for this report is call Infidel an autobiography of Ayann Hirsi Ali. My literature professor recommend this book to me about a year ago and I never got around to reading it. Then when we were assigned this report I know that it was a good book for this paper. I m excited that I finally got to around to reading it. Ayaan Hirsi Aliwas born in Mogadishu, Somalia where she spent her early childhood years living with her mother, brother, sister, and grandmother. Her father at that time was in prison. Although he does escape prison and ends living in Ethiopia for a while before morning to Saudi Arabia. When he moves there his family eventually moves there to join him. Ayaan Hirsi Ali was raised in a strict Muslim family. She has endured civil war, female mutilation, brutal beatings, and a life of moving from one troubled country to another that were unstable and ruled by dictators. Application of Ecological System Theory Microsystem Protective factors. Her sister was a protective factor. Ayaan s sister would try to help learn what was appropriate and what wasn t in their culture. By doing this her sister was trying to help her stay out of trouble or in this case to keep the number of times she was beaten to a minimum. Later on in her life she went to Germany to visit relatives while waiting for her papers to go to Canada she decides to run away after remembering the story a friend told her about how her and her husband ran traveled together and become ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Essay on The Development of Afro-Brazilian Religions The origin of Afro Brazilian religions is traced back to the Atlantic slave trade that took place in the 16th century . Portuguese people captured individuals from Bantu tribes and the other West African communities. The slave trade involved the transfer of these people to Brazil, where they were sold as slaves. The interaction of slaves from different cultural and religious backgrounds led to the development of the Afro Brazilian religions that consequently spread all over Brazil. The religions did not; however, develop at once since they faced opposition from the then government that recognized the Roman Catholic as the only religion in Brazil. Attempts by Africans to worship in their own culture were counteracted until in 1824 when the... Show more content on ... The slaves were therefore regarded as more educated than their masters due to their ability to read and write in Arabic. The slaves were transported to Bahia, a town in Brazil, where they provided labor for the Brazilians . The Bantu slaves were mainly drawn from the Congo and Angola where they survived as agriculturalists before they were captured and sold as slaves. The slaves were sold to Brazil to work in the large sugar plantations. CandomblГ© This is a traditional Brazil religion practiced by the Africans communities living there . The dance was performed to appease their gods. It is done in traditional styles derived from the Yoruba and Bantu traditions. The songs and dances were developed by African priests who were traded as slaves. The priests had strong African beliefs and had gained great experience on the task thus they could easily influence more followers. The religion had no formal scripture and the priests used the word of mouth to pass their message to their congregations. The believers were followers of a god by the name OludumarГ© who they asserted was their creator. The oludumare has his servants called the Orishas. The Orishas are in every person and every Orisha is assigned an individual to offer protection. The believers organize a number of ceremonies each year to commemorate some important events. In the ceremonies, CandomblГ© songs fill the air. The believers also offer offerings to their ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Examples Of Man V Beast Man v. Beast: Survival Instincts (Rough Draft) White Fang knew the law well: to oppress the weak and obey the strong. (White Fang). Survival is essentially the battle of life and death or living to see the light of another day. In order to continue through life, sacrifices are made in order to preserve one s own life, whether it be through taking another or thievery. Such is the practice of the wild that humans often refuse to partake, instead confining themselves within civilization so they might never have to stain their hands with that of their brethren. However, it is humannatureto gain more power where one already has it, and humans are sent against one another in war and forced to engage in combat in order to save themselves. Survival is one of the cruel aspects of life in which beings are tasked with taking any means necessary in order to live, but the way one goes about it differs between man and animals.... Show more content on ... London was known for his devotion to the idea of naturalism, or nature s constant triumph over man (Murphy, Donna). Being that animals are accustomed to the demands of nature, they easily adapt to their role in the world. However, humans, who have moved from nature to a more civilized society, have lost their way in terms of surviving in the wild. We have become so dependant on the comforts of civilization that if it were to all be taken away from us, we would fall to nature s hands. Those who have committed themselves to furthering their knowledge of nature, know very well the damage nature can deal. It is these people who know their limits and usually choose not to push their luck with obstacles they know they cannot pass. Some might call this cowardice, others may call it being too cautious or playing on the safe side. However, playing on the safe side is not always a bad idea as seen in To Build a ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Wellness Plan for Factory Direct Essay ADVANTAGES According to Hareyah (2009), healthier employees will spend less time away from work; this can be the result of an effective wellness program. Sick employees who continue to present themselves at work can have a negative effect on employee morale. A company wellness program can improve the overall healthand wellbeing of your employees. This can contribute to a decrease in presenteeism, and effectively increase employee morale. An ill employee can also cause other employees to fall ill, when they would otherwise not have fallen ill to begin with. Employee wellbeing and employee productivity are strongly connected. Hareyah (2009) also states that an effective employee wellness plan can decrease stress, improve concentration,... Show more content on ... According to the study done by Gallup, Inc. (2010), Businesses big and small are realizing the importance of their role in the health and wellbeing of their employees. Healthy employees are more productive, report higher job satisfaction and lead to higher employee retention rates. The monetary benefits of providing for employees wellbeing are immense; and a comprehensive corporate wellness plan can dramatically reduce health insurance costs and premiums, sick days and employee turnover. DISADVANTAGES The actual costs of implementing a wellness plan varies from company to company, from provider to provider, and it also depends upon the type of plan implemented. However, ScienceDaily (2010) reports that A Midwest utility company learned firsthand that it pays to keep healthy employees fit, reaping a net savings of $4.8 million in employee health and lost work time costs over nine years. Over the nine years, the utility company spent $7.3 million for the program and showed $12.1 million in savings associated with participation. Medical and pharmacy costs, time off and worker s compensation factored into the savings. PLAN OVERVIEW An important part of this research includes and overview of what other companies are doing, as well as, a highlight of actual plans from two major wellness plan ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Statement Of Purpose To Become A Neonatal Nurse About Me I have many goals in my life. I want to be able to do better than what my mom has done and show her that I can make something of myself. I can go to college and get as many degrees as I want as long as I put my mind to it. My other goals in life would to become a either a neonatal nurse practitioner or historian studying black history. I want to become either a neonatal nurse practitioner because I love caring for sick babies and helping them grow and improve. The main reason why I want to become to a neonatal nurse is because of my brother s was born with heart problems which caused him to be in the NICU for quite some time. His problems have left him with permanent scarring and a deep voice for the rest of his life. Seeing that ... Show more content on ... It may sound scary but it is true. I am a highly indeed private person and I don t want others knowing about me unless I want them to and I sense that they are a good a person. I have a high priority in being true to oneself. If you re not able to be true to yourself then how can you get around in life? How will you achieve anything in life? Let alone love other people and many other things. I am also extremely observant of the people around me. I can t be friends with everyone I meet. You will never know what they could be plotting against you behind your back as well as if they really think of you as a friend. I have learned that the hard way as I grown up over the years. That is why I have very few close friends and the rest are people I just talk to when I don t want to be lonely during the school hours. Now I think about the future way too much to the point where I get death and start to question what happens when I m gone. I have already have everything planned out and know where I m going to be doing and what not. I know I want to go to a community college and get my required courses out of the way. If I enjoy the community college, I will eventually stay there and then go forward into getting my bachelor s and master s. I will hopefully be living somewhere it snows a lot and have very long winters. I will be living in either a tiny home with my significant other a small ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Confederate Flag Analysis CNN)During the Civil War, it was a patch of the South so reviled by the Confederacy for its pro Union leanings that it in 1862 it was declared enemy territory by the secessionist government. The area s most celebrated native, Andrew Johnson, was the only Southern senator to remain loyal to the Union. Johnson would go on to become president, succeeding Abraham Lincoln. Now, more than 150 years later, Greene County, Tennessee, is once again ruffling feathers on matters pertaining to the long gone Confederacy. This time, however, the rebellious county just might turn the historical tables and for the first time fly the Rebel flag. The county commission will vote Monday on a resolution to fly the controversial banner above its county courthouse. The Confederate flag in ... Show more content on ... Commissioner Randolph may not like this history, but it has the virtue of being factual. He should be celebrating Greene County s heritage of resistance to the Confederacy, not propping up a grotesque distortion of history that debases our true past and offends many, many of our own neighbors. Flag s divisive power The Confederate flag has long been a lightning rod, especially deep in the heart of Dixie, where the memory of Jim Crow and institutional racism still cuts deep in some quarters. But in the wake of a hate fueled mass murder of African Americans in Charleston, South Carolina, in June, the Confederate flag has increasingly grown out of fashion, even below the Mason Dixon line, as more and more institutions, retailers and state capitols distance themselves from a symbol that for so many symbolizes the very hatred embraced by the Dylann Roofs of the world. But none of that seems to matter to Randolph, who told WJHL that his proposal has nothing to do with race or anything. But several of Randolph s 20 colleagues on the county commission seem to ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Product Life Cycle Essays 2. Life Cycle Inventory: Introduction: Every new product or development made by man has an impact on environment. Growing environmental concerns has made it necessary to quantitatively study these factors. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is one such tool devised for calculating the overall environmental impact of a product or service. It includes defining aim and scope of assessment, inventory analysis, impact assessment and deriving conclusions. Life cycle inventory (LCI) is a part of LCA and involves direct collection of input output data from the system. Quantities like material/resource consumed, energy utilised fall under inputs while energy and by products released are considered outputs. Life cycle impact analysis (LCIA) consists of... Show more content on ... hot cup32 oz. cold cup16 oz. hot cup32 oz. cold cup16 oz. hot cup16 oz. hot cup32 oz. cold cup Process3.85 (59 %)6.92 (58%)6.91 (87%)10.9 (89%)1.62 (93%)8.53 (88%)19.7 (89%) Transport0.089 (1%)0.17 (1%)0.23 (3%)0.39 (3%)0.13 (7%)0.36 (4%)0.70 (3%) Energy of material resource2.61 (40%)4.83 (41%)0.75 (10%)1.02 (8%)0.0003 (0%)0.75 (8%)1.83 (8%) Energy Credit from 20% WTE0.370.690.500.820.200.701.18 Total6.1811.27.3911.51.558.9421.0 Energy Source (Million Btu)Natural gas2.95 (45%)5.41 (45%)1.98 (25%)2.94 (24%)0.25 (14%)2.23 (23%)3.52 (16%) Petroleum2.28 (35%)4.21 (35%)0.55 (7%)0.85 (7%)0.17 (10%)0.72 (8%)2.98 (13%) Coal0.89 (14%)1.54 (13%)1.29 (16%)1.87 (15%)0.51 (29%)1.80 (19%)3.37 (15%) Hydropower0.054 (1%)0.094 (1%)0.066 (1%)0.092 (1%)0.014 (1%)0.080 (1%)0.17 (1%) Nuclear0.34 (5%)0.59 (5%)0.41 (5%)0.58 (5%)0.086 (5%)0.50 (5%)1.03 (5%) Wood0 03.53 (45%)5.94 (48%)0.71 (40%)4.24 (44%)11.0 (50%) Other0.046 (1%)0.079 (1%)0.056 (1%)0.078 (1%)0.012 (1%)0.068 (1%)0.14 (1%) total 6.5511.97.8912.31.759.64 22.2 Fig. 2. Energy consumed per cup. (FRANKLIN ASSOCIATES, LTD., March 2006) Fig. 3. Energy consumption by category. (FRANKLIN ASSOCIATES, LTD., March 2006) Fig. 4. Energy consumption by source. (FRANKLIN ASSOCIATES, ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Equality And Social Inequality Of Class And Class Equality Society is organized by hierarchies of class, race, and gender, which creates inequality and social divisions. (reference thoughtco) Social inequality affects the way we view other people, meaning that some people are treated better than others. (Wilson and pickett spirit level) This essay will be focusing on class and ethnic social divisions and how they highlight an unequal distribution of wealth, privilege and power. Unequal distribution can be seen in a variety of ways, such as income and wealth inequality for the working class, and unequal opportunities for ethnic minorities in the workplace. This essay will also be discussing how ethnic and class divisions interlink. Firstly, the sociological study of ethnic inequality highlights... Show more content on ... This, therefore, shows an unequal distribution of wealth because ethnic minorities are unable to have the same jobs as white people. However, some sociologists believe that ethnic minorities aren t always exposed to unequal opportunities. For example, ethnic discrimination can occur without any racist motive (Wrench, J 2015). To illustrate there is a type of discrimination called past in present discrimination, which is where patterns of inequality will persist over more than one generation, even if the current discrimination has been removed. Thus, employers may indirectly discriminate against ethnic minorities it may not be a case of people seeing ethnic minorities as less powerful as white people. (reference, wrench) Additionally, some sociologists believe that black people may be able to minimize the negative impact of belonging to a disadvantaged racial group if they re socially successful, as the source of employment inequalities isn t due to ethnicity, instead its because of their socio economic background (khattab) Secondly, the sociological study of class inequality highlights the unequal distribution of wealth, privilege and power. Payne (2007) views class as a hierarchy in which people know their place , (reference) and from a young age, working class ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Essay On Athletic Trainers It is believed that the first athletic trainers were present in the Greek and Roman civilizations. Although life then was not as we know it to be today, these trainers also worked with coaches and physicians to help athletes reach their full potential. In 1950, the National Athletic Trainers Association was established in Kansas City, Missouri with 101 college athletic trainers. Later, in 1970, the National Athletic Trainers Association Board of Certification was established in order to create entry level standards for athletic trainers. Today, athletic trainingis a widely growing field and is projected to grow faster than average in the next couple of years. An athletic traineris a highly qualified healthcare professional who works with athletes to prevent and manage rehabilitating injuries that stem from physical activities. They are trained and evaluated in six major practice domains: Prevention, Clinical Evaluation and Diagnosis, Immediate Care, Treatment, Rehabilitation, and Reconditioning, Organization and Administration, and Professional Responsibility. For people who do not know... Show more content on ... To name a few, these members include: the Sports medicinephysician, Physician assistants, Registered nurse, Medical assistants, x ray technologists, sports medicine physical therapists, physical therapy assistants, sport rehabilitation technicians, patient liaisons, athlete, and coach. One of the major members of this team, the sports medicine physician, is board certified in orthopedic surgery or family medicine and is fellowship trained in sports medicine. They have many duties such as conducting the physical examinations, diagnosing and treating injuries, and interpreting diagnostic tests. All of these individuals work together with the athlete to ensure that whatever job is at hand gets done smoothly and ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Coexistence of Good and Evil The book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is often associated with a various number of themes such as racism, social inequality, the importance of family values, and much more. But one of the more hidden messages of the book centers around the idea that there is a coexistence of good and evil. This theme is really brought to life the more the reader is able to understand the book. Through sub themes such as coming of age, perspective, and intense characterization of many important characters the idea of good and evilis really brought to light. Through one of the main themes of the book, coming of age, the author is able to help the readers understand more fully the coexistence of good and evilin everyone. During the start of the novel there are many stereotypical statements said that the kids have always believed because they had no other knowledge of their own to rely on. But, as the children grow, loose their childhoodinnocence, and gain an understanding of others on their own, they are able to begin to see the good they have never seen, or the bad they have never seen. One example of this is when, at the end of the novel, Scout is describing Boo Radley to Atticus. When they finally saw him, why he hadn t done any of those things . . . Atticus, he was real nice. . . . His hands were under my chin, pulling up the cover, tucking it around me. Most people are, Scout, when you finally see them. He turned out the light and went into Jem s room. He ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Renewable Is Sustainable For Renewable Energy Renewable is Sustainable Soon, planet Earth will run out of the resource that once was thought to be reliable. Earth is in great danger of self destructing if there is no backup plan. This is where renewable resources come in. Renewable resources are abundant and do not damage the environment, so they are a sustainable method to produce energy. The options for renewable energyare solar, wind, hydro, biomass, and geothermal. Why should Earth abandon the systems that they have in place at the moment? The reason behind adopting renewable energy is because the system that is in place today is unsustainable. It is unsustainable for many reasons. Fossil fuels, which include coal, oil, and natural gas, are the main source of energy in today s world, but bring a wide variety of adverse effects (Cooper, Renewable Energy). Burning these fossil fuels releases harmful pollutants into the environment, with the main one being carbon dioxide. The release of carbon dioxide is the primary cause of global warming, which in itself is a serious threat to Earth. Along with causing global warming, the release of carbon dioxide leads to air pollution. Air pollution is dangerous to the various ecosystems of Earth, and also to humans. One of the major reasons that it is unsustainable, other than it slowly killing the Earth, is that it is not infinitely available. Fossil fuels are not abundant, and soon will be completely depleted. With the demand increasing and the supply ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Vertical Rocket Altimeter Experiment The ratio seven to thirteen never gained any altitude, remaining at zero for every launch. They merely burned and sputtered, then the ejection charge went off without ever getting off the ground. As a result, all of its values, mean, median, mode, range, even standard deviation, are zeroes. This means that all values are therefore significant within its set of values. The ratio ten to ten achieved liftoff for two of its three launches, though only one of them actually escaped the guidance rod used to keep the rocket going straight up. The one that did not travel upward instead burned and melted its way through its PVC casing. The data set s values, five feet, two feet, and zero feet, have no mode. Their mean is two and one third feet with a... Show more content on ... In the chemical formula, 5 C12H22O11 + 48 KNO3 в†’ 24 K2CO3 + 36 CO2 + 55 H2O+24 N2, the ratio of oxidizer to fuel is 48:5 in moles, or 4852.8 grams of potassium nitrate to 1711.5 grams of sucrose, which simplify to 2.8 grams of oxidizer per gram of fuel. This means that the potassium nitrate is used up 2.8 times faster than the sugar, therefore requiring more potassium nitrate to sugar. None of the ratios tested have this exact proportion, in fact all of the ratios have a smaller percentage of oxidizer than is advised, promoting the conclusion that the potassium nitrate is the limiting reactant, running out first. The ratios simplify to as follows: 7:13 has 0.54 grams of oxidizer per gram of fuel, 10:10 has a 1:1, and 13:7 being has 1.86 grams per gram of fuel. One would notice that as the ratio of oxidizer per fuel increases, the launch height also increases. It can therefore be determined that as one gets closer to the ratio of 2.8:1, the engines serve more positively, proposing a direct correlation between the two. This serves an explanation as to why the thirteen to seven ratio created the best results, whereas the other rockets created little to no ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Wars Analysis War is a dangerous game, many people would likely agree to this, however, very few have ever seen a battlefront. The truth is that war, no matter how awful we can imagine it, is always exponentially worse. In Timothy Findley s The Wars, Robert Ross, the protagonist,Вfaces a situation that he finds difficult to come to terms with, and when faced with a similar situation later on in the novel, he must take drastic measures to reconcile the uncertainties of the past situation. Timothy Findley suggests, through the life of Robert Ross, that one s need to reconcile the uncertainties of past experiences dominate our actions when such situations come up again in our lives. In the words of Hiram Johnson, a US Senator during the First World War ,... Show more content on ... Following his rape, he starts to do what he feels is right, and in one case, goes directly against direct orders to stand for what he believes in, as well as to reconcile everything he s been through as a soldier; the violence, the pain, and everything that has emotionally and physically scarred him. Once Robert is back in the battle, there is another, worse attack on the Canadian lines by the Germans. They are being rained on by shells, and Robert fears for the lives of the horses in a nearby barn that is being hit by the shelling, and which Robert fears will collapse at any moment. Over the course of the war, Robert has grown more and more attached to horses, and it s in his benevolent nature to care for other animals. When Robert tells Captain Leather that he will go back to the barn to save the horses, Leather refuses, saying that it is not necessary. Robert, thinking back to the last time he wanted to go against Captain Leather s orders, and what arose when he didn t, realizes that he must go against his orders and free the horses. As Robert is running back to the barn to free the horses, Leather screams at him to stop what he is doing and to follow his orders, but Robert is determined. When Leather pulls his gun on Robert, Robert stops to shoot him, killing Leather. In this time, the barn has been hit by a shell, and is burning, but Robert still runs inside to try to save the horses moments before the roof of the barn collapses on Robert, burning him ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Critical Review Of The Dns Implementation пЂ Critical Review of the DNS Implementation Y1467128 Abstract A critical Review of the Domain Name system, the primary naming service currently in use on the internet, covering the impetus for, and process of its development; how it operates including communication paradigms, failure models and fault tolerance, and masking; and how its security requirements are met. Index Terms Communication systems Computer Networks Domain Name System. I.INTRODUCTION D NS (the domain name system), provides the name service that is used across the internet. It is a distributed, hierarchical name space, which makes use of partitioning, replication and caching, to provide a very reliable service with fast access times. Partitions of it may be managed by separate authorities, allowing local control for more flexibility. The aim of DNS is to enable resources (e.g. computers, mail services, and DNS servers) to be given names that can be used globally across all connected systems, and to enable resolution of names into the associated attribute: resolution of URIs (uniform resource identifiers) into IP addresses for use with http, or ftp protocols, and to locate the mail servers for a domain. II.HISTORY PREDECESSOR AND DEVELOPMENT MOTIVATION The predecessor of DNS, which was the original internet naming scheme, worked by storing all of the names and addresses addresses were the only type of attribute allowed by this system in a single central text file (HOSTS.TXT) managed by the ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Design And Simulation Of A Virtual Robotic Manipulator For... Design and Simulation of a Virtual Robotic Manipulator for Basic Operations Ajibola Fowowe College of Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington Texas, United States of America Isha Maun Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at Arlington Texas, United States of America Adebola Akeredolu College of Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington Texas, United States of America Abstract In the world we live in today, there is an ever growing need for robotic manipulators. These needs cut across all areas of life ranging from healthcare to automated assembly. In order to meet these various applications, there is a need for custom designs and continuous improvement on existing designs to meet job requirements and customer satisfaction. This report involves the design and simulation of a virtual manipulator for manufacturing processes. The goal for this virtual manipulator is to allow quick testing and implementation without having to build a physical robot. It saves time and cost, it also helps the designer to see flaws in his design without wasting so much time and funds. INTRODUCTION The desire for automated manufacturing has been prevalent for well over the past century but it is yet to be fully accepted into the industry almost entirely due to the high associated costs. Automated manufacturing processes in the past have required expensive and robust machinery ... Get more on ...
  • 37. English Chinese Russian And Russian Interpretations Specific Terms The table below gives the English, Chinese and Russian interpretations of a few terms utilized in information security. As can be seen from the analysis of the following terms, the concepts and conventions behind each varies widely in each language. This has the potential to provide policymakers with misleading information. EnglishChineseRussian Information SpaceдїЎжЃЇз©єй—ґ xГ¬nxД« kЕЌngjiДЃnРнформационное пространство Informatsionnoye prostranstvo Cyberspaceз¶ІзµЎз©єй–“ wЗЋngluГІ kЕЌngjiДЃnКиберпространство Kiberprostranstvo Information WarfareдїЎжЃЇж€ дє‰ xГ¬nxД« zhГ nzhД“ngРнформационная РІРѕР№РЅР° Informatsionnaya voyna Cyber WarfareзЅ‘з»њж€ дє‰ wЗЋngluГІ zhГ nzhД“ngибервойна kibervoyna Information WeaponдїЎжЃЇж¦е™Ё xГ¬nxД« wЗ”qìРнформационное оружие ... Show more content on ... Both Russia and China differ from the U.S. in their approaches to information security by holding the mind and information systems to be essential components in their perception of information security. This is key to understanding the fundamental differences of Russian and Chinese approaches to information security as being distinct from cybersecurity while the U.S. view combines the two, not considering the mind as directly part of the information space. Cyberspace In contrast to the ideas of information space, both Russian and Chinese references to cyberspace occur primarily in translations of foreign text or in references to foreign strategic approaches. According to a U.S. military definition, the Domain characterized by the use of electronics and the electromagnetic spectrum to store, modify, and exchange data via networked systems and associated physical infrastructures. Consequentially, Cyberspace Operations is the employment of cyber capabilities where the primary purpose is to achieve objectives in or through cyberspace. Such operations include computer network operations and activities to operate and defend the Global Information Grid. The Russian equivalent of киберпространство, kiberprostranstvo, and the Chinese ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Body Weight Training may raise levels of testosterone 5 Points to Remember Before You Start Bodybuilding Beginners in the field of bodybuilding think that lifting heavy weights will bring magical results and will increase their muscle mass magically. If you are one of them, then think twice and this article will give you proper insights as well as three weight training tips to build muscle mass. After including these tips in your bodybuilding regime you will maximize the results. Moreover, in order to achieve something big you are taking the fun out of your workout regime. You have enough motivation to lift the heavy weights, but believe me you are going nowhere. Do you know that by training hard, more than you require for an optimal growth, you are over training your muscles. Over training has its own negative effects and it will make your ... Show more content on ... You can use machines, dumbbells or barbells to workout. In this article you will find three options to build muscle. Within a short duration weight training may raise levels of testosterone. Body Weight Training This is a good training technique and you can start with this, you can use it in conjunction with weight training to accelerate your muscle gains. Bodybuilders are concentrating on every part of their body and they are good in doing pull ups and push ups which are also great body weight exercises. You can perform these exercises by single limb moves. Do one hand pull up and single leg squat for a couple of weeks and you will find that you are capable of adding heavy weights to your barbell. Body weight training may raise levels of testosterone within the stipulated time frame. Kettle Bell Training This is the latest craze and most of the intelligent bodybuilders are using it. Although you will not find any increment in your pounds, but this is good in stimulating your nervous system and you will find your joints are also comfort able with ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Dubois Double Consciousness Analysis William Edward Burghardt Du Bois, a true representative of American Literature, overcame the suffering of African Americans during the Civil War. American civil rights activist, poet, and sociologist; Du Bois throughout his work shows the concept of double consciousness as it relates to the black experience after the end of slavery. Not only did he fight for equality, but also helped pave the way for the beginning of the modern Civil Rights Movement in America. Double consciousness is the presence of two unconnected streams of consciousness in one individual. This concept was coined by Du Bois during the 19th century and is first explored in his publication, The Souls of Black Folks. Du Bois writes in his publication, Only those who have watched and guided the faltering feet, the misty minds, the dull understands, of the dark pupils of these schools know how faithfully, how piteously, this people strove to learn (12). By writing this African Americans do... Show more content on ... This can be seen in the works of Jack London, And all the while the dog sat and watched him [build the fire], a certain yearning wistfulness in its eyes, for it looked upon him as the fire provider, and the fire was slow in coming (8). This quote can be seen as the post Civil War American society in efforts to live in a more equal society; however African Americans were struck with the reality of a harsh racist society. In a sense this moment in history only wealthy whites, such as those who owned plantations, help the social power to create a fire , or able to create such change in the society. The era known as the Reconstruction period, was a time of fundamental social, economic, and political change that would help shape America into the modern world of ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Well-Tempered Women Summary Carol Mattingly, the author of Well Tempered Women: Nineteenth Century Temperance Rhetoric, made a large contribution to the historiography of the temperance movement and women s roles in the nineteenth century. Unlike anyone else who had studied this topic before, she draws on primary sources. While she did use some secondary sources to help solidify her argument, her arguments are drawn from materials that her predecessors had not included in previous research on the temperance movement. Prior research on the temperance movement portrayed women as socially traditional, middle class, and comfortable with their place in society. However, Mattingly convincingly argues that this is a misperception. Her fresh perspective provides evidence for how women made a conscious effort... Show more content on ... The way she presented her facts with support was very effective. In the first part of her book, Mattingly focuses on the choices of women who were unhappy with their place in society during the nineteenth century. Through this, she makes the case that the temperance movement provided an outlet for future change. She provides evidence through looking temperance women; specifically focusing on speeches from Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who were women temperance activists and later a big part of the suffrage movement. Mattingly moves then to exam the choices women made in suffrage organizations and studies their effort for better conditions for women. Through evidence from Amelia Bloomer and Clarina Howard Nichols, she reflects that women continued to gain a voice through the temperance movement. Finally, she examines the rhetoric of members of the Woman s Christian Temperance Union. (The largest organization of women in the nineteenth century.) In this section, she focuses on how the Union prepared its women to give speeches and therefore was one of the first steps to reject traditional women s roles as ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Mary Had Been Immaculately Conceived Without Original Sin Roman Catholic Church proclaimed that Mary had been immaculately conceived without original sin or its stain, which is a corrupt nature due to the original sin. This is call the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception. It was officially defined by Pope Pius IX in 1854. The reference for the doctrine is Luke 1:28. When Gabriel said to Mary that she was highly favored and blessed among women, Mary herself was troubled and considered what such salutation meant. The angel explained in verses 30 33 that such greeting was given because Godhad chosen her as the mother of the messiah. The Catholics deduce the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception from the interpretation of highly favored and blessed, which went too far from the context. It is not clear why the Catholic Churchclaims such a strange doctrine. A Catholic priest argued that Mary should be free from original sin so that Jesuscould be free from original sin and that God graciously and miraculously made Mary without original sin. If Mary immaculate condition was necessary for Jesus immaculateness, Mary s parents should have been immaculate. Or, if God... Show more content on ... But a Rosary prayer titled the Salve Regina starts as; Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry... They do cry to Mary. The Catechism 2675 of the Catholic Church says that the Churches developed their prayer to the holy Mother of God, centering it on the person of Christ manifested in his mysteries. The Catholics do pray to Mary. They made Mary a divine being. It is an idolatry. They call Mary the Mother of God as if she has divinity. When Elisabeth greeted Mary saying the mother of my lord should come to me, Mary replies, My spirit rejoices in God my savior. Mary knew that she was a human being who needed a savior. Both Elisabeth and Mary should have had no idea of blasphemy such as exalting Mary to the Mother of ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Investigating The Nine Aspects Of The Research Articles Introduction; This review seeks to provide an evaluation of the nine aspects of the research articles given below and the references for these articles are given at the end of the paper. Review has been done on four articles in order to find relationship between board size and performance of firms in context of different countries (United Kingdom, Ireland, China and Nigeria). The problems identified in this paper are listed below; A)Among the other problems author particularly look at this problem; whether the impact of board size on firm s performance is negative or positive (Article 1) B)how the institutional environment like property rights influence size and composition of corporate boards in China (Article 3) C)whether the effect... Show more content on ... This paper further tests these following sub problems: A)What is the optimal number of board size in UK? B)Is there any changes happened in board size and performance relation since 1990s in UK? C)Is board size determined by firm s specific variables, such as profitability, Tobin s Q and firm size? D)Whether the performance of board size depend on other characteristics that determine board size. E)Why UK board plays less monitoring roles? Q3. Q3Theory: author have not discussed any particular theory which is a drawback of this article. But discussed something which somehow related corporate governance, boar and structure of board. The primary duty of the boards of director are monitoring and advising. Author discussed about the advantages and disadvantages of having small and large board members. And also discussed the importance of having outsiders in the board. Author used three different performance measurement tools to evaluate firms performance (profitability, Tobin s Q, ROA). Author provides evidence form different countries (such as, USA, Finland, Switzerland, Canada, Malaysia) on the relationship between board size and firm performance. Most of the evidence proved negative relationship between board size and firm performance. Q5 Method; Author used generalised method of moment (GMM) estimator which allows board size to adjust with past performance. Various regression model used; Fixed effect model which control unnoticed variables, GMM estimator. ... Get more on ...
  • 43. The Neo Pi R, By Paul T. Costa Jr. The NEO PI R is a standard questionnaire that is a general measure of personality based upon the five factor model of personality (Piedmont, 2001; PAR, n.d). It systematically measures emotional, interpersonal, experiential, attitudinal, and motivational styles, which is used as a resource for a wide variety of professionals (Costa McCrae, 1992; PAR, n.d). it measures these styles by using the five domains of personality (Neuroticism, Extraversion Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness) and the six facets for each (PAR, n.d). General Information Test Background and Costs The NEO PI R (Neuroticism Extraversion Openness Personality Inventory Revised) was published in 1992 by Paul T. Costa Jr., PhD and Robert R. McCrae, PhD under the Psychological Assessment Resources (Costa McCrae, 1992). This edition mimicked the 1978 edition of the NEO PI (Piedmont, 2001). The NEO PI R is a personality inventory which uses the well recognized five domains of personality and their thirty facets to increase the specificity and accuracy of the results (Costa McCrae, 1992). The NEO PI R can be administered individually or in groups, and is a self reported and observer reported test (Costa McCrae, 1992). Originally the NEO PI R cost were $25.00 per pack of 10 for booklets and answer sheets, $21.00 per package of 25 for hand scoring sheets, $21.00 per pack of 25 for adult (Forms S and R) as well as the College Student Profile forms, $15.00 per 25 pack for the summary sheets ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Case Study U.S. Strollers Introduction As the leader producer and seller of baby strollers, U.S. Stroller has been known for carrying a very high quality baby stroller. The company is known for innovation designs and its good distribution system. The President of U.S. Stroller Judy Hawkins is the sister of the director of manufacturing Clem Hawkins. Judy has suggested to Clem that a Just in time system is what the company needs to reduce the high inventorycost, cycle time, improve quality and eventually cost the company is carrying. Clem decided he would solicit the help of Joan Hankins who had recently graduated from UCLA with an M.B.A; she was a whiz at analyzing. Below is a list of the facts about the company: 1. 2000 different sites in the United ... Show more content on ... These gains come at the cost of more tightly coordinated manufacturing processes both inside a company and with supplier firms that produce under JIT (Vollmann, 2005). Manufacturing Cells Manufacturing Cells production is organized in groupings of all the different types of equipment used to make a given product. Materials move from one machine to another, and various operations are performed in sequence, minimizing materials handling costs. Workers are also hired and trained to multitasked performing a variety of activities. Defects in the process are aggressively eliminated; this is due to the tight links in between workstations. Setup time is another aspect of U.S. Strollers that can be reduced using manufacturing cells concept. The production of a product, its cycle time until it s completed is reduced significantly. Reducing setup time and costs make production in smaller batches economical, which in turn reduces inventory levels Pull System Pull systems otherwise called demand pull, a manufacturing system that manufactures each component in a production line as soon as, and only when, needed by the next step in the production line (Horngren, Datar, and Rajan). With the JIT production, the demand is pull through by the demand from the other workstation. ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Assignment 1 Negotiation and Bargaining Assignment #1 Negotiation and Bargaining 1. Using the definition of negotiation as provided in the text, modify the definition so you can include aspects of negotiation you deem important. Negotiation is a form of decision making in which two or more parties talk with one another in an effort to resolve their opposing interests (Essentials of Negotiation fifth edition. Negotiation occurs on a daily basis. It occurs between businesses, partnerships, marriages, friends, family and even law enforcement. Negotiations occur for several reasons: (1) to agree on how to share or divide a limited resource, such as land, or property, or time; (2) to create something new that neither party could do on his or her own, or (3) to resolve... Show more content on ... The rules are a work order should be completed within 24 hours of reports unless it is the weekend or a part needs to be order. The manager had to review when the work order was called in and determine if the resident request should be honored. The resident requested $200 concession for the inconvenience and not completed the work orders within the 24 hour window. Once the manager made sure all work orders were completed then the offer was a $100 concession. The parties are interdependent of one another due to this is the resident home and the manager needs the resident for monthly rental payments and to keep up occupancy. The two parties are interdependent of each other so it was in most parties to come up with a mutual decision. The resident acceptations of the offer to the concession made them happy and the manager happy due to all the work orders were complete. 4. Compare and contrast the concepts of bargaining and negotiation. Most people consider bargaining and negotiation have the same meaning. Bargaining is win lose situation such as hanging over price at a used car lost. Negotiation refers to a win win situation such as those that occur when parties are trying to find mutually acceptable solution to a complex conflict (Essentials of Negotiation fifth edition). Bargaining reminds me of prospected resident always wanting to haggle over price or fees being charged. They use the ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Clark Atlanta University Personal Statement Clark Atlanta University is the institution that will allocate the resources I need to be successful as a leader in the future. Over the years, family members, friends, mentors, teachers, and advisors have implemented tools into my educational career to get me to this point in my life. As I transition into a freshman in college, it is now my job to use the tools CAU will give to me to make a change. Through the Dual Degree Engineering Program, I will be able to study Architectural Engineering. Consistent studies and research will give me the insight I need to impact and change the social environments around me. The trust I put in the universitys faculty and procedures will allow me to flourish into an excellent leader and role model that will make a positive influence on the environment of the campus and off campus.... Show more content on ... With this number constantly increasing, the need for engineers increases simultaneously. It is my plan to design and build sustainable buildings and homes for this growing population. I am a high achiever who dreams to provide structural integrity to those in need. The excellent engineering program will be used to extend my knowledge to others. In 2016, the numbers for female engineers are increasing, but at a very plodding pace. As a young, black female, I want to help make it more comfortable and accepting for females after me to enter this field. The hands on experience I will receive will be the most vital aspect of my growth into a leader. The intelligence that will be passed down onto me from the faculty, mentors, and even students is all a part of the process. It increases my experience and will help me provide a greater change for the surrounding community. I want to be a positive force in this world and the university will give me this ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Nyerere Education Idea and It Aplication to Conteporary... Educational Research and Review Vol. 4 (4), pp. 111 116, April 2009 Available online at http:/ / ISSN 1990 3839 2008 Academic Journals Full Length Research Paper The implications of Nyerere s theory of education to contemporary education in Kenya Joseph W. Nasongo1* and Lydiah L. Musungu2 2 Department of Educational Foundations, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kenya. Department of Educational Planning and Management, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kenya. Accepted 26 March, 2009 1 The question of relevance regarding education in human society is perennial. In the developing countries, education is considered to be a panacea for development. In Kenya, various ... Show more content on ... *Corresponding author. E mail: 112 Educ. Res. Rev. In this paper, Nyerere s views on education are examined with a view to determine the extent of their relevance to contemporary theory of education in Kenya. This analysis is concerned with 3 aspects. First, an exploration of possible theoretical contexts of his views on education is undertaken with a view to obtaining a basis for an intelligible discussion. Second, an examination of education for self reliance is undertaken. This is followed by an analysis of education for liberation as espoused by Nyerere. This is followed by a delineation of salient views that can enrich contemporary education in Kenya. Theoretical framework The liberal theory Liberalism envisions the ideal society to be one that embraces a wide range of individual liberties. These include, personal dignity, free expression, religious tolerance, right to own property, freedom of association, transparency of government, limitations on government power, the rule of law, equality, free market economy and free trade (Wikipedia, It is incumbent upon government to uphold these freedoms in order to guarantee stability and peace. In addition, liberalism tends to encourage representative democratic governance. Here, the elected representatives are guided by the rule of law under the overall guidance of the constitution. Enshrined in the constitution are
  • 48. ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Excavation Sensory Play Research Paper Dinosaur Ice Excavation Sensory Play As you know, I m a proud Daddy love spending time with my toddler son. My wife I enjoy coming up with new and creative ideas to entertain him. Right now he s very much into dinosaurs. Every time he sees a dinosaur toy (or anything) he says Grrr and Dine O ! It s just the cutest thing how excited he gets over them. Over the weekend we put together this cool (pun intended) dinosaur ice excavation sensory activity for the munchkin. I found a similar project on Pinterest where they used balloons to freeze small toy dinosaurs and thought I would try it with leftover Easter eggs. (Insert Link) My munchkin also had a T Rex sand mold laying around in his beach toys so I wanted to incorporate that as well.... Show more content on ... We placed the plastic bins upside down on the grass and they quickly separated from the ice. My son stood in amazement at this awesome new finding, wondering what the heck it was. I told him that he needed to help get the dinosaurs out of the ice. He repeated Dino? with excitement. I brought the hose over to help speed up the melting time. My son loved playing with the hose and spraying the larger dinosaurs off the block of ice. It was a prehistoric slip and slide. We made a game of that for a while. We talked about how ice is cold and is made of frozen water. My son would say Brrr every time we used the word cold . We showed him how the water melted the ice and he got into that as well. Then we referred to the bigger dino s as the mama s and dada s and the smaller dinosaurs as the babies. He repeated after us and would call them Mama, Dada, Baby accordingly. We continued to hatch the babies from the eggs while explaining how eggs hatch in nature. Of course our 20 month old didn t exactly grasp everything we were talking about, but he sure had a fun time repeating after us and going through the motions of dino ... Get more on ...