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3 Ways To Lead Into A Quote - WikiHow 3 Ways To Lead Into A Quote - WikiHow
Essay On Hyperpectral Sensors
Hyperspectral remote sensing collects spectral images across the electromagnetic spectrum.
Hyperspectral remote sensing detects many more spectral bands than traditional multispectral remote
sensing. Hyperspectral imagers cover the visible, near infrared, short wave infrared and thermal
infrared spectral ranges which are useful for studying vegetation (Schlerf et al, 2012). Hyperspectral
sensors include the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) and the EO 1 satellite,
both of which are owned and operated by NASA. These sensors have a higher spectral resolution and
are better able to estimate the biophysical characteristics of vegetation than multispectral sensors such
as MODIS and Landsat (Thenkabail et al, 2000). These ... Show more content on ...
AVIRIS does this by discerning the fractional covers of bare soil, photosynthetic and non
photosynthetic vegetation at a sub pixel level. AVIRIS has high spatial and spectral resolution that can
map fuel materials and improve fire risk assessment, even around the complex urban/wildland
interface (Jia et al, 2006). AVIRIS data is very useful to researchers and land managers, yet data
availability is often a problem. Acquiring AVIRIS data for the exact area and growing season that a
researcher requires is often a challenge (Goetz, 2009). For this reason, hyperspectral satellite data
from the NASA EO 1 mission is more commonly used. The Hyperion hyperspectral imaging
spectrometer is part of the NASA EO 1 mission. The EO 1mission is part of the New Millennium
Program which is a program designed to drastically reduce the cost of satellite remote sensing while
improving the instrumentation quality. The EO 1 platform was launched on November 24, 2000 and it
now contains the Advanced Land Imager and the LEISAAtmospheric Corrector in addition to the
Hyperion Imaging Spectrometer. Hyperion boasts an impressive 10 nanometer spectral resolution and
a 30 meter spatial resolution. Hyperion is currently in orbit one minute behind the Landsat 7 satellite
(Pearlman et al, 2001). Hyperion data is often
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Drug Reactions Of The Elderly Population Greater Than 65...
Polypharmacy is an emerging problem that has drastically increased in the past 20 years (Alpert,
2015). This is a huge problem in the elderly population greater than 65 years old because this group is
more likely to have been diagnosed with multiple conditions that require many different medications.
Other reasons include the increasing availability of newer medications that treat more than one
condition, the elderly who are known to be on multiple pills a day, and providers prescribing more
than one drug to aggressively treat chronic conditions (Alpert, 2015). About 44% of men and 57% of
women greater than 65 years of age take five or more medications in a week, about 10% of both men
and women take more than ten pills each week (Woodruff, 2010). The main concern about having the
elderly on so many medications at once is the chance of adverse drug reactions from potential drug
interactions. They can be on both prescribed medications and over the counter medications, vitamins,
or supplements. The most common over the counter medications that often lead to serious adverse
drug reactions include acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and aspirin (Woodruff, 2010). Another reason that
the elderly are more susceptible to adverse drug reactions is the fat and water composition changes,
they have increased fat storage and decreased total body water, this allows for higher concentration of
water soluble drugs and longer half lives of fat soluble drugs (Woodruff, 2010). Changes in the liver
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Sylvia Plath Accomplishments
Sylvia Plath the famous American writer from Boston, Massachusetts accomplished many great
poems and short stories in her short life. One of the greatest quotes and a personal favorite is If you
expect nothing from anybody, you re never disappointed. By this quote she helped people rely more
on themselves than on others. Even though Plath life was tragically cut short due to suicide, she made
great accomplishments in todays life and her work is still used in everyday life. In many classrooms
throughout the world. Sylvia Plath was born on October twenty seventh 1932 in Boston,
Massachusetts. She was raised in a middle class family. Plath started writing at a young age. She
published her first book at the age of eight. Once Sylvia graduated high school, she went to Smith
college in 1950. Her junior year of college, Plath got awarded ... Show more content on ...
After Plath got released from the rehab she published a book called The Bell Jar in 1963 it took her
over two and a half years just to finish her story and to published the book. The Bell Jar was one of
her most famous works. The bell jar was in an inverted glass jar, generally used to display an object of
scientific curiosity, contain a certain kind of gas, or a maintain a vacuum(Sam Adam). For Esther, the
bell jar symbolized madness. When gripped by insanity, she feels as if she is inside an airless jar that
distorts her perspective on a world and prevents her from connecting with the people around her
(Adam). At the end of the novel, the bell jar has lifted, but she can sense s going to drop at any
moment and it described the relationships she had with other guys. The theme of the story is a young
woman coming of age but does not follow the usual trajectory development of childhood. The style of
the poem was a flashback with Esther s past and the relationship with Buddy
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Social Structures In Ancient Rome
Domus, Insulae, Villa
Any society cannot functions without buildings. Structures are essential for human survival. From
houses to barns to windmills, society functions off various different structures. Without them, we
wouldn t be what we are. This is true for Rome as well. Roman buildings represented social and
economic standards. I will explain the three main forms of city and country dwelling in Rome and
how they related to the social and political imbalance in Rome.
One type of city dwelling in Rome was the Domus. The Domus was the city house of the upper and
some of the middle class Romans. The main room of the Domus was the atrium. An atrium was an
open central court (Becker, J. A., n.d.). The atrium was basically ... Show more content on ...
Word Count:
Reference List:
Becker, J. A. (n.d.). Roman domestic architecture (Domus). Retrieved March 19, 2018, from art civilizations/roman/beginners guide
rome/a/roman domestic architecture domus
The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. (2017, June 02). Atrium. Retrieved March 19, 2018, from architecture
Becker, J. A. (n.d.).Roman domestic architecture (insula). Retrieved March 19, 2018, from art civilizations/roman/beginners guide
rome/a/roman domestic architecture insula
The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. (2012, February 29). Insula. Retrieved March 19, 2018, from
Becker, J. A. (n.d.).Roman domestic architecture (villa). Retrieved March 19, 2018, from art civilizations/roman/beginners guide
rome/a/roman domestic architecture villa
The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. (2011, May 20). Villa. Retrieved March 19, 2018, from
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Examples Of Vestibulee In Dante s Inferno
Dante, first, talks about the people of Vestibule. These people are considered trimmers and neutrals.
People who are in Vestibule are neither a part of Heaven nor Hell. The consequences of their actions
in this world is reflected in the afterlife as a punishment. Their punishment is chasing a banner and
being bitten by insects. Chasing a banner is a punishment which reflects that these people followed
every opportunity in the world; therefore, they will keep doing the same thing in the hereafter. The
connection between the insects and the people of Vestibule is insects benefit from human beings as the
people of Vestibule continually benefit from other people throughout their lifetime. Their punishment
is not an external punishment because what they plant now is what they will harvest later. Virgil says,
We have come to the place where / I said that you would see the woeful people / who have lost the
good of the intellect (Dante, 1417). This quote explains how these people created their own Hells by
using their intellect for the wrong purposes. They got what they deserved as the actions ... Show more
content on ...
The punishment for the angry is thrashing around and taring each other as for the sullen it is being
unheard and unseen. Trashing around and taring each other fits their sin because angry people always
fight with others, therefore, their punishment is trashing. Being submerged fit the sullen because the
sullen people were given a promising life, however they spent their lives moping and pitying
themselves. Dante explains these people as, In the world he was an arrogant person; / no kindness
adorned his memory, / so his shade is furious here (Dante, 46 48). He adds, As one who learns of a
great trick, / played on him and who resents it, / so Phlegyas became in his pent up rage. (Dante,
1433). This example shows that even the guardian of this circle, Phlegyas, is very angry which
represents the sinners of this Hell s
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The Death Of Homicide Through Executions
Everyone in the world has two things in common. These two things are that everyone starts their life
by being born and also everyone ends their life by dying. Now in the way people are born and how
they die can vary, but the fact of the matter is they were born and they will die. There are really only
two ways people are born which are vaginal or cesarean births. This differs from death because there
are more than a million ways to die, including snake bites, car crash, parachute failure when
skydiving, or even ironically when there is a complication when giving birth. The different ways
people die can be categorized into four groups, natural causes which happen when people s bodies
give out; homicide, which is when someone else ... Show more content on ...
The blood eagle was when a person, who killed a father, would have their spinal exposed and then
their ribs would be cracked and set through their backs. Afterward, their lungs would be pulled out and
placed on their ribs (Aden, Josh). Though the blood eagle was used because of religious beliefs, not all
executions were for that reason. On the other hand some people, during the dark ages were killed
because of the plague, they had or people thought they had to make sure they could not pass it on to
the next person they came into contact with. Although people were executed for religious and sanitary
purposes, one of the biggest reasons for people to be executed was to make a statement. For instance
in ancient Rome, they used beasts in the coliseums to kill people they called it damnatio ad bestias.
Most of the time these people were prisoners of war to make sure people knew what ultimately
happens to the enemies of Rome. Later in medieval England to make statements about traitors they
used and execution method know as hanged, drawn, and quartered. This method was when men who
committed treason were drug through town on a wood panel and taken to the gallows. They then were
hung close to death, and then immediately cut into four pieces in front of everybody (Aden, Josh).
Similarly to this day drug cartels make threats to other drug cartels by using the execution method
called the Columbian
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The Integration Of Emotional Intelligence Into Healthcare
The Integration of Emotional Intelligence into Healthcare Throughout today s healthcare industry,
many organizations have been constantly striving to stay ahead of the competition. One area of focus
has been improvement of the organization s leaders. In order to create a strong organizational culture
and successful healthcare system, effective leadership is needed. It is thought that one major
characteristic that aids in the effectiveness of many leaders is the ability to utilize their emotional
intelligence. This paper will discuss the development and background of emotional intelligence, its
importance and function within the nursing industry, the integration into one s own practice, as well as
the role it has played in regards to personal growth.
Development and Background The theory of emotional intelligence was first introduced in 1990 by
John Mayer and Peter Salovey. They developed various ways to measure emotional intelligence
abilities, if it improved with age, and if emotional intelligence abilities formed a unified intelligence
(Mayer, 2009). Mayer and Salovey found that if all criteria were met, than it was said to be a true
intelligence. As described by Mayer (2009), emotional intelligence can be defined as one s capability
to reason about emotions and emotional information, and of emotions to enhance thought. Those with
high emotional intelligence can accurately perceive emotions in other s faces. They also know how to
use specific emotional times within
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Information And Communication Technologies ( Ict ) Essay
In this era of technology, there is a general agreement that Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT) have been contributing to improve qualities of life, as well as economical growth
as a whole. Businesses and economic sectors are relying on technological advancements that facilitate
them to establish an integrated value chain. Using these advancements strategically and appropriately
can also enhance productivity and improved competitiveness. Likewise, governments and global aid
organizations have seen these advancements as essential instruments for national integration since
they are capable of empowering more prominent access to wellbeing and educational services, and
developing economical opportunities to open doors for underprivileged communities. Despite of all
the advancements of Information and Communication Technologies, the phenomenon known as the
Digital Divide has left a significant number of individuals, communities and even businesses divided
into two separate categories. The Digital Divide is typically described as the division between the
individuals and communities with access to information technologies and those without it. The fact
that the uses of computer, Internet and other technological means have significantly filtered its way
into modern economy through employment and commerce, the inability to gain access or operate the
technologies is an effective challenge created by the Digital Divide for the people without such
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Marcel Duchamp Fresh Widow Essay
Marcel Duchamp s Fresh Widow was created in 1920, and is on display at the Museum of Modern Art
(MoMA). Fresh Widow is a bluish green miniature French window, which he constructed with wood
and leather. The Fresh Widow is considered to be a part of the Dadaist period and retains qualities of
dadaism in that it is a stand alone object, that has been completely stripped of its utility and function.
In addition, across the window sill, Duchamp wrote COPYRIGHT in capitalized black letters referring
to the classic dadaist rejection of the commodification or reproduction of art. Duchamp created the
Fresh Widow two years after the end of World War I. World War I was traumatizing and horrific for
most of Europe, with millions of men being killed. The timing of Duchamp s Fresh Widow, the title,
as well as the form of his piece all work together to represent the losses felt by wives in France during
the war. The use of a French window that has been blacked out by black leather, as well as the bluish
green color of the wood is a reference to the macabre realities of war and the ... Show more content on ...
Following World War I, widows were abundant. Duchamp s piece illustrates the grief stricken
emotional and deadened vision widows had after the war when their wounds were ripe and unable to
be restrained. The widow is much like Duchamp s window impenetrable and unreadable. The viewer
cannot see the vision of the widow because the widow herself cannot she her own vision. Much like
the inability of the viewer to look through the glass, the widow cannot look to somewhere else, to a
different place. The viewer is left with an intimate bond with the widow, experiencing her inability to
create a vision but is also left at a distance from the widow because of the viewer s inability to read
her emotions and thought processes. The widow is draped in a veil of mourning and sadness much like
the window is covered by black
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Male Victims Of Domestic Violence Essay
Male victims of domestic violence attitudes towards the UK public services and organisations
available to them
This research proposal will aim to expand on the knowledge and understanding of domestic violence
regarding female on male violence by inquiring into victim interactions with the public services and
other organisations available to them, such as charities and shelters. Adopting a mixed method
approach, it will combine semi structured interviews with an online self completion survey. The
sample for this will be obtained through the survey, using a snowball method to acquire participants.
Context (Literature review)
Domestic violence is cross governmentally defined as
any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse
between those aged 16 or over who are, or have been, ... Show more content on ...
Supporting this is the Channels 4 Dispatches revealing that the police would normally extract the male
out of the situation when they were clearly the victim, as well as arresting 25% of males who actually
contacted them about the abuse, indicating clear bias towards gender ( Battered Men: Hidden Lives ,
With evidence to support gender symmetry between men and women abuse rates, it has questioned
why male victims are not adequately treated by public services and discussion around there being too
little help for male victims of domestic violence. For this reason and the fact there is such little
research done on the topic, this will be the aim for the research proposal. Although there has been
research done on attitude towards police, none of this has been on a national scale, nor using the same
research method (Lambert,
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Contents Of A Dead Man s Pocket
Contents of a Dead Man s Pocket The short story, Contents of a Dead Man s Pocket is a simply told
story, of a man, Tom Benecke who is faced with many decisions in a short amount of time. One night
when he is trying to work, one of his more important sheet of notes flies out of his apartment into the
dark abyss of New York but it caught by the ledge outside of his room. As his greed and hunger for
business status and money take over his mind and body, he finds himself on the edge of his apartment
trying to retrieve a paper necessary for finishing his work. While outside, he begins to reevaluate the
truly important things in his life and realizes that his work should be second behind only his family
and his new wife. Through the series of events that occurs, the readers are able to see Tom s
transformation from a dedicated, self centered business man, to a loving, supportive husband. The
story begins with Tom having to make a choice, going to the movies with his new wife, or staying at
his home to unnecessarily finish his work. He decides to stay home and work on his project which
makes him someone of a hot guilty conscience so he opens up the window to cool himself off. He has
a hot guilty conscience because he knows that he should be going to the movie but makes the wrong
decision instead. When his wife is leaving she states you wanted to see it, too. Although the readers
know that this is true, he stays home anyway in hopes of finishing a project that
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The Impact Of Digital Distraction In The College Classroom
Digital Distraction in the College Classroom
Digital distraction is the addiction that one has to the internet, their phone or any form of digital
technology. This is constantly becoming a bigger problem in this day and age as technology is
advancing and new electronics are constantly being released. These nonstop advancements are having
a big impact on education, especially in the college classroom. Being digitally distracted can do a lot
to a person, considering the fact that the phone and internet have become a huge form of pleasure for
many. Being digitally distracted can make a person lazy and careless and when it is happening in the
college classroom, it gets in the way of learning. Digital distraction is being seen everywhere
nowadays, but one of the places that is has the biggest impact is the college class because it inhibits
learning not just for the user, but for the people around them too. Due to this rise in technology,
millennials have been dubbed digital natives for their comfort with and addiction to devices like
smartphones (Gose). This is something that needs to be fixed because it causes things such as, the
students not listening and missing their professor s instructions, leading to bad grades and habits,
distracts others, and can cause overall laziness. Although technology has become an on growing
problem in the class there are some solutions to solving this issue such as taking phones away, having
a place to put them at the beginning of class, a
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Benefits Of Co-Production In Canada
There is a wide range of benefits that a production company can advantage from when it comes to
small scale production, and/or following a path of co production. It can stretch from communal nature
to having more artistic independency on a project to financial management. The Journals of Knud
Rasmussen, a film made by an Inuit production company presents these advantages. By using this
approach these production companies have more accessibility, and international success. This film acts
as a prime example to why films made in Canada can benefit from small scale production, and co
The Journals of Knud Rasmussen documents the encounter between three Danish explorers, and an
Inuit community in Igloolik during the 1920 s. It focuses ... Show more content on ...
The smaller crews allow for the rotation of roles, a closer intimate crew, and democratic decision over
the direction of the project. In larger scale production there is higher demands from outside sources,
and this limits the creative freedom of the filmmaker. In Baltruschat s article she says, there has been
an increase in the opportunity of co production due to the demand for new indigenous films, and
television content. It is the new markets for this media that has opened up this opportunity, and the use
of new media in ways of distribution technologies, and sophisticated digital production . These kinds
of productions have an ease of technology, and allows for the distribution to be international. This film
shows the advantage of having a small scale crew unit, because work closely with new media, which
helps with networking in order to gain recognition. As a small scale production the need for specialists
for a particular task is not required, instead the smaller crew works collectively to put it all together.
Although the filmmaker retains majority of the creative decision, the crewmembers having knowledge
of the entire production rather than an individual aspect can contribute with ideas that are best suited
to the
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Essay on The Physics of Motorcycle Roadracing
Despite what some people may think, motorcycle roadracing is not only a highly strenuous sport, but
there is much more involved than just twisting the throttle and turning the handlebars. There are a
number of powerful forces working on the bike and the rider. There is, of course, the downward pull
of gravity, friction between the tires and the track, and centrifugal force which acts to the outside of
the turn. The key to cornering at high speeds is to perfect the lean angle of the motorcycle so that the
force of gravity reaches equilibrium with the centrifugal force attempting to stand the bike back up. If
the bike is leaned to far, it falls over. If it is not leaned far enough, centrifugal force pulls it back up
and the turn is not ... Show more content on ...
For example, the rider would push on the left handlebar (turning the bars to the right) in order to make
a left turn. This may seem like a foreign concept at first, but it makes sense in the context of
gyroscopic motion. Consider a bicycle wheel:
The effects of gyroscopic precession can be felt when the wheel is held by the axle in the position
shown, spun, and then turned sharply to the left or right. If the wheel is turned to the left, the top will
twist to the right, pushing the bottom to the left. The same applies to a motorcycle when the wheels
are spinning very quickly and the machine is turned. Turning the handlebars to the left would force the
top of the wheel to move to the right, thus leaning the motorcycle in the opposite direction that the
wheel was turned.
The equation for this motion of the wheel is
where T is the torque, I is the moment of inertia, v is the wheel speed, and W is the angular velocity of
the turn. This equation relies on the conservation of the wheel s angular momentum.(Sport Rider
Steering Method #2: Body Steering
The concept of body steering relies on the rider s shifts in weight and pressure application on various
parts of the motorcycle to turn it. Theoretically, one could turn a bike without ever touching the
handlebars simply by shifting body weight. For example, to turn the bike to the left, the rider could
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Essay on Online Communication, the Fame of Its Technology
How do people fall in love, finish degrees and manage businesses, all because of the technology on
the Internet? This is strongly answered by internet technology such as: the use of webcams and video
conferencing that has affected interpersonal communication today. Over the past few years, video
conferencing technology has been growing as a result of the desktop and internet technology. These
personal cameras allow the user to share a moving image of themselves with others. These cameras
are then used in any kind of video conferencing, or conversation there may be. Video as well as audio
makes the experience seem very human. It has allowed interpersonal communication exist when your
not actually in person. The fact that people can now have ... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately, mostly women were not excited to use them at the end of the semester. Though at the
beginning they were more pleasurable of using video conferencing classes. This study also found that
computer anxiety might exist for most prior experiences of computers.
The potential for webcam users has helped them have security and private relationships. At times
webcam users may explore other ways of using them for their own individual satisfaction. In these
articles it explained the use of surveillance in the working atmosphere or at home. Kim Kamando,
author of I See You , describes the amount experiences of people using the webcam for surveillance.
By doing this one can set the webcam to go into stealth monitoring mode and secretly save the video
images on your computer s hard drive for later viewing (Kimando). Such users would put them out for
baby sitters, in their home offices, and in the workplace. Webcam security is also small and hard to
see, which makes security unnoticeable. Others have spoke of using webcams to allow people to
inspect schools campuses. The author suggest that this idea of webcams on their website has been
used for about five to ten years, but just has not been a priority. Though now they re trying to change
that for students and students for the future.
Schools often use them to provide beauty shots of the campus. Many are pointed at construction
projects, so viewers can see the status of
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Descriptive Essay On Destitute Beauty
Destitute Beauty In the large city of New York, there are many beautiful people. I am not one of them.
I can pass hours away sitting in a coffee shop in a tall seat next to the window, watching the beauties
pass, seeing my reflection against them even more bloated and lumpy than normal. Some of them
notice me. Most of them don t. It doesn t matter. Like I said, New York is a large city, I ll never see
them again. And anyway, I m sure they re used to people staring. How could they not be, they draw
people with their large, black rimmed eyes and lean figures and cutting jawbones like dogs to the
enticing smell of meat. I am just another dog, one they will forget in moments. And when the sun sets,
and the beautiful people fade away and the crowd becomes faceless and intoxicated, that s when I
leave, and where I stay until the sun rises, becoming one with the pulse and throb of the mass.
Promising myself that the next day, yes, the next day, I ll get a job, ignore the cold, gorgeous people,
succeed even with my lumps, and papery skin, and eyes that are just a little too far apart. And the next
day, with my headache, I return. Today is yesterday and the day before. The sun is especially bright
now, almost passive aggressively bright, shining smugly through the haze that buries the city,
bouncing into the small cafe in which I spend most of my time. It s supposed to be homey, with nearly
dead plants hanging skeletal by the windows and overstuffed couches near a coffee table. I sit in the
uncomfortable seat that s almost comically tall, at the only table next to a window. The barista Ellen is
chatting happily with a customer, she barely notices me anymore. Which is fine by me. A woman, with
long legs and hollows under her cheekbones, struts past the café, a mere foot away from me. She
doesn t notice my stare. It s a funny thing. People talk all they want about feeling when people stare at
them, getting goosebumps and looking around frantically for their admirer. But either it isn t true, or I
m not important enough for my stare to mean anything, hold any weight. Searching through the
crowd, I find parts and pieces that I want most, playing a game I often play. Her taut stomach, her long
legs, her bright eyes,
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The Poetry Of Catullus
A less dictionary like definition of poetry is, putting the best words in the best possible order. The poet
may astutely choose words possibly with a double meaning in order to indirectly convey a message,
evoke emotions, or to slander. Then, the poet may unconventionally place such words and phrases
perhaps out of expected order for the sake of creating a word picture, emphasizing the speaker s
feelings, or offering tangibility to the poem. By incorporating this idea onto works, the poet will have
auspiciously written a superb poem. This theory may be applied to a few of Catullus s poems
specifically Carmen 5 , Carmen 8 , and Carmen 85 . The meticulous choice of words and arrangement
highlight the central focus of the poem, obliquely criticize traditional Roman law, manipulate the
audience s attitude, transmit the speaker s emotions, paint word pictures, and offer symbolic meaning
consequently producing a successful poem. For starters, Carmen 5 is an amorous poem Catullus wrote
directed at his forbidden lover, Lesbia. Catullus insists they should disregard the rumors of old men,
because while the sun is able to return, they only have one life to seize. Therefore, Catullus demands
hundreds and thousands of kisses in a jumbled up manner from Lesbia, so their ardent passion cannot
ever be cursed. The strategic placement of the words let us live and let us love literally place Lesbia as
the central focus of the work. In the original Latin text, the opening line
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Carson Daly Research Paper
Carson Daly a TV show host, husband, dad, and son is a human being who suffers from anxiety
disorder. Daly being a TV show host on The Voice , MTV s Total Request Live and the Today show is
not a place that a person would think someone would want to be in, a high intensity job. (Moore)
Carson Daly has been suffering from this condition as long as he has known he really didn t get a
diagnosis for it until he had his first panic attack when he was hosting on MTV. He remembers the
experience like it was yesterday even saying I had a hard time breathing. I was terrified for no
apparent reason. (Frank) Daly learned after his experience to cope with his anxiety knowing that he
will never be able to get rid of it but he can seize it. He
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Gender Role Expectations On College Students
Education is a huge factor affecting women s job placement. From a young age, gender role
expectations are taught to students through books, televisions, advertisements, and adult social
interactions (Etaugh Liss 129 130). These gender role expectations are extremely institutionalized but
currently, women have made strides to have a greater representation at the college level. The
percentage of women (68%) between the ages of 18 to 24 enrolled in college, exceeds that of men,
which is 66% since 1990 (Parrillo 441). Even amongst minority groups, women have a larger presence
on college campuses. Even though women are not the minority in college, they are still minorities in
the science majors and overrepresented in majors required for more
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1 And 2 Corinthians Freedom
The greatness of Jesus death on the cross and his resurrection is freedom from the law, freedom from
the consequences of sin and freedom to live a new life. In essence, one s salvation is no longer based
on their ability to fulfill the law, but instead placing faith in Christ and his fulfillment through the
cross. Yet, there is great tension in Christ s gift of freedom. Are there behaviors or actions that can
diminish Christ s work in one s life and are Christians free to do anything they want because they have
been forgiven? Certainly these questions have been answered through Paul s letters to the church in
Corinth. The books of 1 2 Corinthians are addressed to people who have come out of a pagan lifestyle
and accepted Christ as their Savior. Yet at the same time, they struggle to leave their old way of life
behind. What is more, they claim to have knowledge that allows them live however they want; and
yet, Paul confronts their claim as foolishness and complete missing of why Jesus died and rose again.
This point comes to a head within 1 Corinthians chapter eight; in which, Paul s purpose of this chapter
is to correct the church s wrongful understanding of freedom; such as eating food sacrificed to ...
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His evidence for making such a request flows from reports he has received from members of Chloe s
household (1 Corinthians 1:11, 5:1). Also, Paul seems to have received several questions from the
church in Corinthian because of Paul s reference to them (1 Corinthians 7:1, 7:25 8:1, 12:2, 16:1).
However, Paul s main issue with the Corinthian s division comes down to a misunderstanding of the
Gospel and claiming to have spiritual knowledge apart from Christ (Fee 49,
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The Theory Of Evolution Of Human History And Modern Thinking
Since the dawn of time, the theory of evolution has played an important role in the process of
understanding human history and modern thinking. However, this theory didn t always have an
explicit term to clarify its meaning. Philosophers embraced the ideals of knowledge and enlightenment
of reason searching for answers as to better understand the origins of mankind and how it attributes to
what it means to be human. Alongside social progress and intellectual development, fascinating new
discoveries were made through observation and experimentation, and as a result, the revolutionary
realm of science emerged to become a timeless, universally systematic phenomenon of practiced
knowledge. Thus, it was during the beginning of this scientific era, when individuals like Jean
Baptiste Lamarck and Charles Darwin incorporated the theory of evolution as an understanding of
progressive change and development of different species over time. And so, this fresh, scientific
phenomenon allowed great thinkers examine how the notion of evolution has an influence on society
from a philosophical standpoint. Although they express differing perspectives on the subject, Gilman,
Veblen, and Freud ultimately illuminate how evolution is denoted by the development of instincts and
affected by how they are either suppressed or acted upon to attain happiness.
As a female philosopher, Charlotte Perkins Gilman s Women Economics, argues that Darwin s
theories on the process of human evolution portray the
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Diabetes Essay examples
Diabetes, Diabetes Mellitus, is a chronic illness this means that it has no cure and the symptoms
persist over a long period of time. This illness is a result of an imbalance of hormones, insulin,
produced in the pancreas. Insulin plays an important role in how the body uses food. Insulin enables
the cells in the bloodstream to absorb and use glucose for fuel. If the pancreas produces too little or no
insulin or if the insulin doesn t work properly the person may become diabetic. Therefore, diabetics
are not able to properly convert food into fuels needed by the body to function, which can seriously
lead to physical consequences.
The pancreas, located behind the stomach, is a long, thin organ about the length of the hand. It ...
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But, the insulin can still seep out through the beads.
Normally the level of glucose in the body rises after a person eats a meal. This rise in blood glucose
stimulates the beta cells to release insulin. Insulin then either helps body cells take up glucose to use
as energy or promotes the conversation of glucose to fat, which are used by the cells later. Some
glucose maybe stored in the liver this is called glycogen. Then the level of glucose drops (usually
several hours after the meal has been eaten), other cells in the pancreas stimulate the conversion of
glycogen to glucose and its release into the bloodstream. In this way, the level of glucose in the
bloodstream stays relatively constant until the next meal is eaten.
The body tends to deal with this imbalance by filtering out excess glucose throughout the kidneys,
resulting in high levels of sugar in the urine. As glucose level rises the kidneys over whelmed and don
t function normally. They lose their ability to absorb much water the result is frequent urination. This
is commonly the earliest sign of diabetes. It is often followed by unquenchable thirst as the body tries
to regain the lost fluids. It often seems that more fluid comes out than went in.
The name diabetes mellitus describes two striking symptoms of disease. The first part of the name,
meaning a siphon or drain, seems
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Chinese Medicine Vs Greek Medicine Essay
Similarities and Differences between Greek and Chinese Medicine When one compares Greek
medical philosophy to Chinese medical philosophy there will be distinct similarities and differences
that stand out. These similarities and differences become apparent when comparing natural and
supernatural beliefs, as well as when researching the functions and physiology of the body itself.
Another fascinating point, both Greek and Chinese medical philosophy believed in magic and used it
when practicing medicine. Both philosophies believed in the idea of dramatic wind change in regards
to sickness. There is also a cautious balance both perceived by Greek and Chinese medical philosophy
between the body and the seasons, and five natural phenomena. Most Greek practitioners believed in
supernatural divine visitations relating ... Show more content on ...
These humors, or bodily fluids, each consist of a season, element, and temperaments. For example,
phlegm is a yellowish liquid when someone has a cold. Phlegm usually occurs during colder weather,
with a water like substance, traveling from the brain to the nostrils. The temperament of phlegm is
phlegmatic, which has characteristics of a peaceful and calm attitude. Greek medical philosophy
believed the body and the seasons balanced each other through the humoral process. Tsou Yen was a
Chinese medical philosopher who developed the five tangible natural phenomena. These phenomena
arose from the relationships of metal, wood, fire, water, and soil. Thusly, water puts out fire, fire
dissolves metal, metal cuts through wood, wood conquers the soil, and soil takes in the water. This
connection between elements is a process of destruction and regeneration that is perceived to be
mutual. Both Greek and Chinese philosophy believed these two concepts of health and disease,
balanced each other through body and seasons, and five elements of a natural
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College Retirement Benefits
As college quickly approaches, the financial decisions I constitute today will affect me for the rest of
my life. As a young adult with minimal financial experience, one uneducated decision could establish
a precedence of financial insecurity for the majority of my young life. Consequently, planning a
budget and savings plan will immensely benefit my future spending and saving habits. Another
decision is how to independently manage my personal income and my spouse s student loans. Lastly,
contemplating the later years of my life propagates the necessity of a retirement plan and investing.
Ten years from now, I will sustain a stable career as a physical education teacher and an assistant
college softball coach earning approximately $50,000 a year. I will have graduated from college
approximately six years prior and plan to have my college debt paid off. I m constructing the
presumption that I will be in a stable relationship, living with my significant other, and contemplating
marriage. After my spouse and I have been married for two years, I plan to assist them with their ...
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For example, a large university such as the University of Alabama costs around $40,000 for someone
who lives out of state. Private schools may cost even more, severely restricting payment options. The
advantage of paying your way through college is that you have little to no debt upon graduating. You
will have enabled yourself to become financially secure long before your peers and coworkers are.
Therefore, you can go on vacation, pay for the car you want, and potentially buy the house you ve
always wanted by saving the money you would have been paying off your student loans with. Lastly,
paying your way through college teaches you to be financially and personally responsible. It allowed
you to learn to balance your time and finances at a young age, laying the path for financial wellbeing
in the
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What Is Medea s Treatment Of Women In Greek Society
In the play Medea, the author Euripides emphasizes that the harsh treatment the main character,
Medea, receives throughout the play reflects how women are treated in Greek society. The hardships
of women in Greek society can be mainly seen by Medea passionate soliloquies. Medea speaks about
how looked down upon, due to the fact that she a woman from a foreign country that holds more
intellect than most men in the city where she currently resides. Even Jason, her husband, betrays her
trust by marrying another woman because he deems her as useless to him. Though it causes Medea
great despair, the people who surround her do not frown upon Jason for finding another woman even
though he already has one. Instead, these people advise Medea that she ... Show more content on ...
Medea is comparing that the process of getting a husband is like buying yourself to be sold into
slavery. Women cannot have the benefit of choosing whether they want a husband or not because
having a husband is crucial in Greek society during this era. It was a law that women had to be
represented by a guardian, who was normally the women s fathers or husbands. Women were not
given rights to be independent or take care of themselves. So in order for a woman to ensure her
survival, she must flatter a man into becoming her husband with either money or personality.
Personality wise, women must be obedient because men view women as their trophy and believe that
the only reason for their existence is to give birth. Men take a master over our bodies suggest that a
husband s ownership even goes to the extent that the bodies of their wife/wives do not belong to them
anymore. Men control what they want and put a label on what they deem is necessary to claim in
order to make women feel dependent on them. The powerful diction of the use of the word evil
suggests that the thought of a woman s body not belonging to them anymore is far worse than the
process of gaining a husband. Taking possession of a body completely breaks a woman because it is
their pride and joy. Once you break it, it will never be the same again and women will feel helpless.
However, They must comply with the wishes of their husbands or else they will face the dire
consequence of violence and
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Introduction Of The Bank Of England
The Bank of England has been playing the role of issuing banknotes since 1694. Until middle of the
19th century, a number of private banks in the Great Britain and Ireland gained freedom of issuing
their own banknotes, while the notes issued by the provincial banking companies commonly under
circulation. Over the years, a number of Acts of Parliament were subject to introduce by the UK
Parliament in order to increase confidence in the banknotes that were in circulation through limiting
on the rights of banks in issuing notes. This concept leads to general idea of this paper, which will
look at the evolution of output, inflation, the official bank rate set by the Bank of England and
government spending in the UK (Greer, 2009).
It is fascinating for one to track on how the global financial integration has been evolving for the past
century. Understanding the evolution of output is possible by looking at the measured stocks of the
external assets and liabilities; together with the cumulative consequences of the past cross border
capital flows. Global integration of trade and finance started prior to the World War I, at the time when
the capital liberalization was last at their peak. Both global integration of trade and finance fell during
the interwar years, with the national protectionism leading to the creation of trade and financial
barriers. From 1960s and onwards, both trade and finance started rising once more due to the lofting
on a number of restrictions
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Essay On The Cave
In Plato, Republic, Book VII, the core of the book revolves around justice and its implications from
both an individual and collective perspective. Plato does not have Socrates argue that justice requires
getting everyone out of the cave because in actuality, there are two parts to justice and the cave: the
truth and the false. According to Plato, people often live in illusion. Illusions appeal to sensible people
and their senses, whereas reality does not function with reason alone, it includes a combination of
ideas and the truth (Plato 405). Therefore, the need to have everyone leave the cave is not present
because each individual is there for a different reason which may not call for leaving the cave.
Plato argues that when analyzing the ... Show more content on ...
This is problematic as it limits one s perceptions. Plato alludes to the wise, and how they begin to
discover new things, to unveil new knowledge (Plato 508 d). For example, as knowledge becomes an
essential part of our lives, we begin to tell the others living within the constraints of the cave that there
is a world, a life, overflowing with knowledge outside of the cave. The other s in this case would hold
onto the knowledge they have within the cave, creating their
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Media Influence Media
How does the media influence elections and politics
During the past 20 years, the media has experienced massive changes in terms of the platforms it
appears in as well as the audience it reaches. While traditional forms of media such as newspapers,
television, are considered to be more controlled, with the newly occurring and vastly growing online
media, information reaches more people and in a rapid pace never seen before. This essay will
describe how new occurrences have gained media the power to actively re enforce (however not to the
extent of shaping) political public opinion.
Firstly, in order to understand the major influence that the media has on politics and elections, one
should understand what the term media includes. ... Show more content on ...
And usually, once the public deems certain issues as of most importance, they are quickly initiated to
legislature. Going back to the Cold War and Vietnam, we can see how media coverage the Vietnam
War inspired peace movement activists to take over the streets and demand the withdrawal of foreign
(mostly American) troops from Vietnam.
Undeniably, political candidates and the media, have always had intense interactions. The world of
media and the world of politics have a symbiotic relationship ; without the media politicians would
find it extremely hard to make their voices heard, while the media has a duty of encouraging
democracy and people s involvement in important matters, therefore media s involvement in the world
of politics is inevitable.
Curran wisely said; Media owners and politicians are so interlocked (that) media can t be independent
(2002.) A.J. Liebling also expressed his disapproval with his words; Freedom of the press is
guaranteed only to those who own one.
Certainly, the changes in technology have affected our attention spans and focuses. News articles are
becoming shorter and are often dominated by visual content. Big fonts, bright and shocking pictures
win more clicks , and it is not rarely that images and videos of politicians/political events are the
centre of intense discussion. Research has shown that visual communication conveys
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What Is The Zeigarnik Effect
In psychology, the Zeigarnik effect states that people remember uncompleted or interrupted tasks
better than completed tasks. In Gestalt psychology, the Zeigarnik effect has been used to demonstrate
the general presence of Gestalt phenomena: not just appearing as perceptual effects, but also present in
cognition. he advantage of remembrance can be explained by looking at Lewin s field theory: a task
that has already been started establishes a task specific tension, which improves cognitive accessibility
of the relevant contents.[3] The tension is relieved upon completion of the task. If the task is
interrupted, the reduction of tension is impeded. Through continuous tension, the content is made
more easily accessible, and can be easily remembered.[3] ... Show more content on ...
When we are holding things in short term memory, we have to rehearse them otherwise they
disappear, like a light going out. This requires cognitive effort, and the more things we are rehearsing
the more effort. The waiter s trick is thus to keep spinning the plates of the open orders whilst letting
those which are completed fall.
A similar effect also happens over a longer period as we worry about those things in which we have
not achieve closure. Thus I might keep thinking about a problem at work over a whole weekend as it
keeps coming back to haunt me. There is, however, one exception to the Zeigarnik Effect; it won t
work unless you are actually motivated to complete the task or achieve the goal.The Zeigarnik Effect
says our brains hold on to unfinished tasks; in other words, we like to finishwhatwestart.The Zeigarnik
Effect is about the human tendency to remember uncompleted tasks more than the tasks already
completed. When people manage to start something they re more inclined to finish it. What the
Zeigarnik Effect teaches is that one weapon for beating procrastination is starting something,
sometime, somewhere...
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Truth Commission Research Paper
A truth commission is a commission that is instated to reveal past misdoings of the public,
government, non state actors and the like; it is associated as typically the first step away from war or
authoritarian rule. As seen throughout case studies, these commissions arise for different purposes;
some truth commissions are what is chosen by the government to showcase breaches in human rights,
rather than other constructive peaceful mechanisms. Although, these commissions do suggests
recommendations (such as arrests, lustration, compensation and education), the country isn t always
required to do them. More so than that, these recommendations can fail the victims. A truth
commission can fulfil all its duties in a hypothetical agenda, but justice ... Show more content on ...
It is easy to critique in an obscure view what the repercussions of a truth commission is doing wrong,
especially when not being immersed in the reinventing environments of which these truth
commissions take place. Truth commissions are hard to accomplish and can be argued to be infinitely
imperfect. Jamie Rowen pens in her chapter Truth in the Shadow of Justice, the difficulties involved in
truth seeking initiatives that adhere to the goals of transitional justice. Focusing on four different
organizations, she found that the findings suggests that, although [the organization] value
investigation, documentation and publicizing information, civil society organizations are focusing
their efforts on new strategies to publicize information (Rowen 136). When following the argument of
this paper, one would suspect disputes over if organizations should focus on improving the system of
truth commissions to further enhance and better the lives of civilians, truth commissions as well as
other truth seeking initiatives. However, the documentation for truth telling does just as it sounds.
Measures such as these would be beneficial to cases similar to that of Haiti and would improve the
basis of truth telling. Restorative justice comes after the fact. Of course, this is relatively new
information and cannot be implemented as of yet because of the limitations in
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Essay on The Power of Words
The Power of Words Communication and language are not always synonymous. Gesticulations and
facial expression can convey certain messages that often make verbal expression unnecessary.
Although I appreciate the endless possibilities that are associated with speaking, our primary means of
communication, I have discovered that the human capacity for speech might not be as extremely
innate as the linguist Noam Chomsky claimed. A few years ago, I had the privilege of encountering a
thirty five year old woman named Joann at a summer camp for adults with multiple disabilities. Being
extremely autistic, Joann was unable to close her mouth, let alone form distinguishable words. Instead
of talking, her principal method of communication was to ... Show more content on ...
Genie was never able to learn how to properly talk and was rendered verbally impotent by her silent
environment, but according to Dennett, shouldn t she have been able to learn? However, Joann did
seem to be able to understand what was being said to her, though she was not capable of responding
since she was able to comprehend and follow simple directions. Even some of the most autistic people
in the camp were able to recognize when someone was talking to them, which confirms the innateness
of oral comprehension, but not speaking. Understanding and talking are not interchangeable, so a
clarification is needed in order to distinguish the two. I sometimes have moments in which a verbal
freeze occurs, in which I have a thought that I can t manage to verbalize. Perhaps Joann lives in a
constant state where she is unable to express what she is thinking the thought processes are there, but
the language is not. If this is true, then the capacity for language is innate, but cannot be so simply
accessed in all people. Therefore, is it possible for Joann to think without using language? Are
language and thought somehow linked? For our Neanderthal and early human forbearers, verbal
communication probably consisted of a series of grunts and gestures and language as we know it
today subsequently ensued. Thus, did thought precede language? Our ancestors were able to create fire
without words, which displays some form of intellect, but I think that
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Biology Of The Cannabis Genomic Research Initiative
Learning information has engaged and interested me throughout the courses I have taken; however,
the opportunity to discover new information through research is one of my most intellectually
stimulating experiences. With my goal to learn as much as possible under Dr. Nolan Kane, the
Professional Investigator of the Cannabis Genomic Research Initiative (CGRI), I have expanded my
traditional bench lab experience to bioinformatics, hemp breeding, and leading designing and
performing my own project examining differential protein expression in Cannabis. Although I am
deeply fascinated by a four letter code that encodes the human body, I am also providing myself the
freedom within my research to learn about other organisms and genetic diseases that I hope to treat
within my career.
My longest ongoing project began in October 2014 under the guidance of Dr. Daniela Vergara, a post
doctoral researcher of the CGRI, who helped another undergraduate student and I begin to
troubleshoot a protocol for a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The goal of this experiment was to
analyze variation between strains of Cannabis in a region of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) Synthase
Gene that was amplified by another research team s primer set. The published protocol was originally
unsuccessful when attempting to be reproduced. My colleague and I had applied for the
Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program Grant, which funded our research to determine a
successful protocol for this PCR. However, near
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Volcanic Patterns
Plate Given: I was given the Australian Plate to study and make observations on.
Volcanic Patterns: There are few volcanoes below about 15 degrees latitude of the Australian Plate.
But, starting at about 15 degrees latitude the volcanoes grow more common. Starting around 90
degrees longitude the volcanoes grow quite dense all the way to 0 degrees latitude.
Earthquake depth patterns: However, much like with the volcanoes, starting a little distance after 90
degrees longitude and to about 0 degrees latitude the earthquakes grow very dense and there is a
combination of a few severe, some middling, and some small quakes. The earthquakes on the
Australian plate are not all extremely severe however, the entire plate seems to be edged by severe, ...
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The Whitsundays are protected by the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. To fully understand
how this collection of islands came to be you need look far back in time to when the The Whitsundays
islands as we know them today were not in existence. Over 100 million years ago volcanoes were very
active in breaking what we know as Australia off from New Zealand, Africa, India, and other a few
other countries/continents that formed a supercontinent (Queensland Government Department of
National Parks, 2015). These volcanoes tossed up stone and ash for many years, which settled down
on already existing land masses and helped to form a solid bedrock, which in turn formed into dark
green rock, turned green by erosion of the ocean waves on the originally black bedrock (Queensland
Government Department of National Parks, 2015). During this time of a lot of volcanic activity the
earth s plates were moving, colliding, and breaking and this movement lead to a mountain range, that
would be known as the Whitsundays islands, being broken off from the Australian continent.
Eventually this range of mountains broke apart and formed the continental (once part of a continent)
Whitsunday islands (Queensland Government Department of National Parks, 2015). If you look at a
map of recent volcanic activity on the Australian plate today there seem to be no volcanoes in the area
of the Whitsunday islands and no earthquakes, indicating that for the moment these islands will
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Seatbelt Safety
Teenagers and Seatbelt Safety: Identifying the reasons Why 16 to 19 Old High School Students Do
Not Wear Seatbelt
Melissa Simmons
Research Methodology
Prepared for Soheyl Amini PhD
September 2012
Objectives The aims and objectives of this study include the following: (1) to identify the percentage
of teenagers between the ages of 16 to 19 that do not wear seat belts when in a car; and (2) to identify
the reasons why teenagers between the ages of 16 to 19 do not wear seat belts when in a car; (3) to
identify whether there is a correlation between sex and seat belt compliance among teenagers; and (4)
to determine whether attendance of a driver s education class increases seat belt compliance among
teenagers. Once this ... Show more content on ...
Literature Review
According to the literature overall, teens have a lower rate of seat belt use when compared to the
general population. Whether they are driving or not, teens are less likely to wear a seat belt than
adults. According to the National Highway and Transportation Safety Administration (2009), teens
have the highest fatality rate in motor vehicle crashes than any other age group. In 2009 the majority
56% of young people 16 to 20 years of age involved in fatal crashes were not wearing seat belts
(NHTSA, 2009). Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death, accounting for more than one
in three deaths. In 2010, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that eight
teenagers ages 16 to 19 died everyday from motor vehicle accidents. (NHTSA, 2010). Compared with
other age groups, teens have the lowest rate of seat belt use. In 2005, 10% of high school students
reported that they rarely or never wear seat belts when riding with someone else (NHTSA, 2010).
12.5% of male high school students were more likely than 7.8% of female students to rarely or never
wear seat belts (NHTSA, 2010). African American students 12% and Hispanic students 13% were
more likely than white students 10.1% to rarely or never wear seat belts. In 2010, nearly three out of
every four teen drivers were killed in motor vehicle crashes after drinking and driving and were not
wearing a seat belt (Center
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Fog In Apocalypse Now
An ominous feeling can be evoked in novels and films alike when fog approaches. The encroaching
fog constraints mankind by physically limiting visibility and trapping men within their own minds
causing their behavior to be irrational. Fog is symbolic of misery. Heart of Darkness uses thick fog as
an obstacle to halt the crew s expedition to find Kurtz. Marlow, the crew s captain, does not allow the
fog to stop his devotion to Kurtz and pushes forward on his mission to rescue him. In Apocalypse
Now, Willard feels the same devotion towards Kurtz as Marlow does. But Willard has a different
mission; Willard must remove Kurtz from operating as a rogue officer in Vietnam. As the fog
approaches in the final scenes of Apocalypse Now directed by Francis Ford Coppola, the impending
doom is ... Show more content on ...
Completely delusional, Kurtz exclaims the horror! The horror! and passes away naturally (Conrad
112). Marlow keeps his loyalty to Kurtz after his death to honor the devotion he felt for Kurtz when he
was alive (Conrad 112). Willard felt a similar devotion to Kurtz, but faced a different decision. Kurtz
was not in the best state of health, but he wasn t actively dying. Kurtz spared Willard s life when he
arrived at his camp unannounced, however, Willard did not spare Kurtz s life and had to follow the
instructions of his mission. Willard murders Kurtz. Willard opted to kill Kurtz rather than take him
back because of the devotion he felt. Kurtz had nothing to go home to and would have been
imprisoned for acting as a rogue officer. By killing Kurtz, Willard saves him from the horrors he
would have been greeted with from the punishment of the military. The cutting of the film limits Kurtz
s murder scene. Instead, a ceremonial cow s sacrifice by the natives is shown. The ceremonial, sacred
cow was valued greatly by the natives, like Kurtz was by Willard, who remained loyal to Kurtz to the
last, and even beyond (Conrad
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  • 2. Essay On Hyperpectral Sensors Hyperspectral remote sensing collects spectral images across the electromagnetic spectrum. Hyperspectral remote sensing detects many more spectral bands than traditional multispectral remote sensing. Hyperspectral imagers cover the visible, near infrared, short wave infrared and thermal infrared spectral ranges which are useful for studying vegetation (Schlerf et al, 2012). Hyperspectral sensors include the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) and the EO 1 satellite, both of which are owned and operated by NASA. These sensors have a higher spectral resolution and are better able to estimate the biophysical characteristics of vegetation than multispectral sensors such as MODIS and Landsat (Thenkabail et al, 2000). These ... Show more content on ... AVIRIS does this by discerning the fractional covers of bare soil, photosynthetic and non photosynthetic vegetation at a sub pixel level. AVIRIS has high spatial and spectral resolution that can map fuel materials and improve fire risk assessment, even around the complex urban/wildland interface (Jia et al, 2006). AVIRIS data is very useful to researchers and land managers, yet data availability is often a problem. Acquiring AVIRIS data for the exact area and growing season that a researcher requires is often a challenge (Goetz, 2009). For this reason, hyperspectral satellite data from the NASA EO 1 mission is more commonly used. The Hyperion hyperspectral imaging spectrometer is part of the NASA EO 1 mission. The EO 1mission is part of the New Millennium Program which is a program designed to drastically reduce the cost of satellite remote sensing while improving the instrumentation quality. The EO 1 platform was launched on November 24, 2000 and it now contains the Advanced Land Imager and the LEISAAtmospheric Corrector in addition to the Hyperion Imaging Spectrometer. Hyperion boasts an impressive 10 nanometer spectral resolution and a 30 meter spatial resolution. Hyperion is currently in orbit one minute behind the Landsat 7 satellite (Pearlman et al, 2001). Hyperion data is often ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Drug Reactions Of The Elderly Population Greater Than 65... Polypharmacy is an emerging problem that has drastically increased in the past 20 years (Alpert, 2015). This is a huge problem in the elderly population greater than 65 years old because this group is more likely to have been diagnosed with multiple conditions that require many different medications. Other reasons include the increasing availability of newer medications that treat more than one condition, the elderly who are known to be on multiple pills a day, and providers prescribing more than one drug to aggressively treat chronic conditions (Alpert, 2015). About 44% of men and 57% of women greater than 65 years of age take five or more medications in a week, about 10% of both men and women take more than ten pills each week (Woodruff, 2010). The main concern about having the elderly on so many medications at once is the chance of adverse drug reactions from potential drug interactions. They can be on both prescribed medications and over the counter medications, vitamins, or supplements. The most common over the counter medications that often lead to serious adverse drug reactions include acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and aspirin (Woodruff, 2010). Another reason that the elderly are more susceptible to adverse drug reactions is the fat and water composition changes, they have increased fat storage and decreased total body water, this allows for higher concentration of water soluble drugs and longer half lives of fat soluble drugs (Woodruff, 2010). Changes in the liver and ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Sylvia Plath Accomplishments Sylvia Plath the famous American writer from Boston, Massachusetts accomplished many great poems and short stories in her short life. One of the greatest quotes and a personal favorite is If you expect nothing from anybody, you re never disappointed. By this quote she helped people rely more on themselves than on others. Even though Plath life was tragically cut short due to suicide, she made great accomplishments in todays life and her work is still used in everyday life. In many classrooms throughout the world. Sylvia Plath was born on October twenty seventh 1932 in Boston, Massachusetts. She was raised in a middle class family. Plath started writing at a young age. She published her first book at the age of eight. Once Sylvia graduated high school, she went to Smith college in 1950. Her junior year of college, Plath got awarded ... Show more content on ... After Plath got released from the rehab she published a book called The Bell Jar in 1963 it took her over two and a half years just to finish her story and to published the book. The Bell Jar was one of her most famous works. The bell jar was in an inverted glass jar, generally used to display an object of scientific curiosity, contain a certain kind of gas, or a maintain a vacuum(Sam Adam). For Esther, the bell jar symbolized madness. When gripped by insanity, she feels as if she is inside an airless jar that distorts her perspective on a world and prevents her from connecting with the people around her (Adam). At the end of the novel, the bell jar has lifted, but she can sense s going to drop at any moment and it described the relationships she had with other guys. The theme of the story is a young woman coming of age but does not follow the usual trajectory development of childhood. The style of the poem was a flashback with Esther s past and the relationship with Buddy ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Social Structures In Ancient Rome Domus, Insulae, Villa Any society cannot functions without buildings. Structures are essential for human survival. From houses to barns to windmills, society functions off various different structures. Without them, we wouldn t be what we are. This is true for Rome as well. Roman buildings represented social and economic standards. I will explain the three main forms of city and country dwelling in Rome and how they related to the social and political imbalance in Rome. Domus. One type of city dwelling in Rome was the Domus. The Domus was the city house of the upper and some of the middle class Romans. The main room of the Domus was the atrium. An atrium was an open central court (Becker, J. A., n.d.). The atrium was basically ... Show more content on ... Word Count: Reference List: Becker, J. A. (n.d.). Roman domestic architecture (Domus). Retrieved March 19, 2018, from art civilizations/roman/beginners guide rome/a/roman domestic architecture domus The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. (2017, June 02). Atrium. Retrieved March 19, 2018, from architecture Becker, J. A. (n.d.).Roman domestic architecture (insula). Retrieved March 19, 2018, from art civilizations/roman/beginners guide rome/a/roman domestic architecture insula The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. (2012, February 29). Insula. Retrieved March 19, 2018, from Becker, J. A. (n.d.).Roman domestic architecture (villa). Retrieved March 19, 2018, from art civilizations/roman/beginners guide rome/a/roman domestic architecture villa The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. (2011, May 20). Villa. Retrieved March 19, 2018, from ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Examples Of Vestibulee In Dante s Inferno Dante, first, talks about the people of Vestibule. These people are considered trimmers and neutrals. People who are in Vestibule are neither a part of Heaven nor Hell. The consequences of their actions in this world is reflected in the afterlife as a punishment. Their punishment is chasing a banner and being bitten by insects. Chasing a banner is a punishment which reflects that these people followed every opportunity in the world; therefore, they will keep doing the same thing in the hereafter. The connection between the insects and the people of Vestibule is insects benefit from human beings as the people of Vestibule continually benefit from other people throughout their lifetime. Their punishment is not an external punishment because what they plant now is what they will harvest later. Virgil says, We have come to the place where / I said that you would see the woeful people / who have lost the good of the intellect (Dante, 1417). This quote explains how these people created their own Hells by using their intellect for the wrong purposes. They got what they deserved as the actions ... Show more content on ... The punishment for the angry is thrashing around and taring each other as for the sullen it is being unheard and unseen. Trashing around and taring each other fits their sin because angry people always fight with others, therefore, their punishment is trashing. Being submerged fit the sullen because the sullen people were given a promising life, however they spent their lives moping and pitying themselves. Dante explains these people as, In the world he was an arrogant person; / no kindness adorned his memory, / so his shade is furious here (Dante, 46 48). He adds, As one who learns of a great trick, / played on him and who resents it, / so Phlegyas became in his pent up rage. (Dante, 1433). This example shows that even the guardian of this circle, Phlegyas, is very angry which represents the sinners of this Hell s ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Death Of Homicide Through Executions Everyone in the world has two things in common. These two things are that everyone starts their life by being born and also everyone ends their life by dying. Now in the way people are born and how they die can vary, but the fact of the matter is they were born and they will die. There are really only two ways people are born which are vaginal or cesarean births. This differs from death because there are more than a million ways to die, including snake bites, car crash, parachute failure when skydiving, or even ironically when there is a complication when giving birth. The different ways people die can be categorized into four groups, natural causes which happen when people s bodies give out; homicide, which is when someone else ... Show more content on ... The blood eagle was when a person, who killed a father, would have their spinal exposed and then their ribs would be cracked and set through their backs. Afterward, their lungs would be pulled out and placed on their ribs (Aden, Josh). Though the blood eagle was used because of religious beliefs, not all executions were for that reason. On the other hand some people, during the dark ages were killed because of the plague, they had or people thought they had to make sure they could not pass it on to the next person they came into contact with. Although people were executed for religious and sanitary purposes, one of the biggest reasons for people to be executed was to make a statement. For instance in ancient Rome, they used beasts in the coliseums to kill people they called it damnatio ad bestias. Most of the time these people were prisoners of war to make sure people knew what ultimately happens to the enemies of Rome. Later in medieval England to make statements about traitors they used and execution method know as hanged, drawn, and quartered. This method was when men who committed treason were drug through town on a wood panel and taken to the gallows. They then were hung close to death, and then immediately cut into four pieces in front of everybody (Aden, Josh). Similarly to this day drug cartels make threats to other drug cartels by using the execution method called the Columbian ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Integration Of Emotional Intelligence Into Healthcare The Integration of Emotional Intelligence into Healthcare Throughout today s healthcare industry, many organizations have been constantly striving to stay ahead of the competition. One area of focus has been improvement of the organization s leaders. In order to create a strong organizational culture and successful healthcare system, effective leadership is needed. It is thought that one major characteristic that aids in the effectiveness of many leaders is the ability to utilize their emotional intelligence. This paper will discuss the development and background of emotional intelligence, its importance and function within the nursing industry, the integration into one s own practice, as well as the role it has played in regards to personal growth. Development and Background The theory of emotional intelligence was first introduced in 1990 by John Mayer and Peter Salovey. They developed various ways to measure emotional intelligence abilities, if it improved with age, and if emotional intelligence abilities formed a unified intelligence (Mayer, 2009). Mayer and Salovey found that if all criteria were met, than it was said to be a true intelligence. As described by Mayer (2009), emotional intelligence can be defined as one s capability to reason about emotions and emotional information, and of emotions to enhance thought. Those with high emotional intelligence can accurately perceive emotions in other s faces. They also know how to use specific emotional times within ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Information And Communication Technologies ( Ict ) Essay Introduction In this era of technology, there is a general agreement that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have been contributing to improve qualities of life, as well as economical growth as a whole. Businesses and economic sectors are relying on technological advancements that facilitate them to establish an integrated value chain. Using these advancements strategically and appropriately can also enhance productivity and improved competitiveness. Likewise, governments and global aid organizations have seen these advancements as essential instruments for national integration since they are capable of empowering more prominent access to wellbeing and educational services, and developing economical opportunities to open doors for underprivileged communities. Despite of all the advancements of Information and Communication Technologies, the phenomenon known as the Digital Divide has left a significant number of individuals, communities and even businesses divided into two separate categories. The Digital Divide is typically described as the division between the individuals and communities with access to information technologies and those without it. The fact that the uses of computer, Internet and other technological means have significantly filtered its way into modern economy through employment and commerce, the inability to gain access or operate the technologies is an effective challenge created by the Digital Divide for the people without such ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Marcel Duchamp Fresh Widow Essay Marcel Duchamp s Fresh Widow was created in 1920, and is on display at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). Fresh Widow is a bluish green miniature French window, which he constructed with wood and leather. The Fresh Widow is considered to be a part of the Dadaist period and retains qualities of dadaism in that it is a stand alone object, that has been completely stripped of its utility and function. In addition, across the window sill, Duchamp wrote COPYRIGHT in capitalized black letters referring to the classic dadaist rejection of the commodification or reproduction of art. Duchamp created the Fresh Widow two years after the end of World War I. World War I was traumatizing and horrific for most of Europe, with millions of men being killed. The timing of Duchamp s Fresh Widow, the title, as well as the form of his piece all work together to represent the losses felt by wives in France during the war. The use of a French window that has been blacked out by black leather, as well as the bluish green color of the wood is a reference to the macabre realities of war and the ... Show more content on ... Following World War I, widows were abundant. Duchamp s piece illustrates the grief stricken emotional and deadened vision widows had after the war when their wounds were ripe and unable to be restrained. The widow is much like Duchamp s window impenetrable and unreadable. The viewer cannot see the vision of the widow because the widow herself cannot she her own vision. Much like the inability of the viewer to look through the glass, the widow cannot look to somewhere else, to a different place. The viewer is left with an intimate bond with the widow, experiencing her inability to create a vision but is also left at a distance from the widow because of the viewer s inability to read her emotions and thought processes. The widow is draped in a veil of mourning and sadness much like the window is covered by black ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Male Victims Of Domestic Violence Essay Male victims of domestic violence attitudes towards the UK public services and organisations available to them Introduction This research proposal will aim to expand on the knowledge and understanding of domestic violence regarding female on male violence by inquiring into victim interactions with the public services and other organisations available to them, such as charities and shelters. Adopting a mixed method approach, it will combine semi structured interviews with an online self completion survey. The sample for this will be obtained through the survey, using a snowball method to acquire participants. Context (Literature review) Domestic violence is cross governmentally defined as any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are, or have been, ... Show more content on ... Supporting this is the Channels 4 Dispatches revealing that the police would normally extract the male out of the situation when they were clearly the victim, as well as arresting 25% of males who actually contacted them about the abuse, indicating clear bias towards gender ( Battered Men: Hidden Lives , 2006). With evidence to support gender symmetry between men and women abuse rates, it has questioned why male victims are not adequately treated by public services and discussion around there being too little help for male victims of domestic violence. For this reason and the fact there is such little research done on the topic, this will be the aim for the research proposal. Although there has been research done on attitude towards police, none of this has been on a national scale, nor using the same research method (Lambert, ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Contents Of A Dead Man s Pocket Contents of a Dead Man s Pocket The short story, Contents of a Dead Man s Pocket is a simply told story, of a man, Tom Benecke who is faced with many decisions in a short amount of time. One night when he is trying to work, one of his more important sheet of notes flies out of his apartment into the dark abyss of New York but it caught by the ledge outside of his room. As his greed and hunger for business status and money take over his mind and body, he finds himself on the edge of his apartment trying to retrieve a paper necessary for finishing his work. While outside, he begins to reevaluate the truly important things in his life and realizes that his work should be second behind only his family and his new wife. Through the series of events that occurs, the readers are able to see Tom s transformation from a dedicated, self centered business man, to a loving, supportive husband. The story begins with Tom having to make a choice, going to the movies with his new wife, or staying at his home to unnecessarily finish his work. He decides to stay home and work on his project which makes him someone of a hot guilty conscience so he opens up the window to cool himself off. He has a hot guilty conscience because he knows that he should be going to the movie but makes the wrong decision instead. When his wife is leaving she states you wanted to see it, too. Although the readers know that this is true, he stays home anyway in hopes of finishing a project that ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Impact Of Digital Distraction In The College Classroom Digital Distraction in the College Classroom Digital distraction is the addiction that one has to the internet, their phone or any form of digital technology. This is constantly becoming a bigger problem in this day and age as technology is advancing and new electronics are constantly being released. These nonstop advancements are having a big impact on education, especially in the college classroom. Being digitally distracted can do a lot to a person, considering the fact that the phone and internet have become a huge form of pleasure for many. Being digitally distracted can make a person lazy and careless and when it is happening in the college classroom, it gets in the way of learning. Digital distraction is being seen everywhere nowadays, but one of the places that is has the biggest impact is the college class because it inhibits learning not just for the user, but for the people around them too. Due to this rise in technology, millennials have been dubbed digital natives for their comfort with and addiction to devices like smartphones (Gose). This is something that needs to be fixed because it causes things such as, the students not listening and missing their professor s instructions, leading to bad grades and habits, distracts others, and can cause overall laziness. Although technology has become an on growing problem in the class there are some solutions to solving this issue such as taking phones away, having a place to put them at the beginning of class, a ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Benefits Of Co-Production In Canada There is a wide range of benefits that a production company can advantage from when it comes to small scale production, and/or following a path of co production. It can stretch from communal nature to having more artistic independency on a project to financial management. The Journals of Knud Rasmussen, a film made by an Inuit production company presents these advantages. By using this approach these production companies have more accessibility, and international success. This film acts as a prime example to why films made in Canada can benefit from small scale production, and co production. The Journals of Knud Rasmussen documents the encounter between three Danish explorers, and an Inuit community in Igloolik during the 1920 s. It focuses ... Show more content on ... The smaller crews allow for the rotation of roles, a closer intimate crew, and democratic decision over the direction of the project. In larger scale production there is higher demands from outside sources, and this limits the creative freedom of the filmmaker. In Baltruschat s article she says, there has been an increase in the opportunity of co production due to the demand for new indigenous films, and television content. It is the new markets for this media that has opened up this opportunity, and the use of new media in ways of distribution technologies, and sophisticated digital production . These kinds of productions have an ease of technology, and allows for the distribution to be international. This film shows the advantage of having a small scale crew unit, because work closely with new media, which helps with networking in order to gain recognition. As a small scale production the need for specialists for a particular task is not required, instead the smaller crew works collectively to put it all together. Although the filmmaker retains majority of the creative decision, the crewmembers having knowledge of the entire production rather than an individual aspect can contribute with ideas that are best suited to the ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Essay on The Physics of Motorcycle Roadracing Despite what some people may think, motorcycle roadracing is not only a highly strenuous sport, but there is much more involved than just twisting the throttle and turning the handlebars. There are a number of powerful forces working on the bike and the rider. There is, of course, the downward pull of gravity, friction between the tires and the track, and centrifugal force which acts to the outside of the turn. The key to cornering at high speeds is to perfect the lean angle of the motorcycle so that the force of gravity reaches equilibrium with the centrifugal force attempting to stand the bike back up. If the bike is leaned to far, it falls over. If it is not leaned far enough, centrifugal force pulls it back up and the turn is not ... Show more content on ... For example, the rider would push on the left handlebar (turning the bars to the right) in order to make a left turn. This may seem like a foreign concept at first, but it makes sense in the context of gyroscopic motion. Consider a bicycle wheel: The effects of gyroscopic precession can be felt when the wheel is held by the axle in the position shown, spun, and then turned sharply to the left or right. If the wheel is turned to the left, the top will twist to the right, pushing the bottom to the left. The same applies to a motorcycle when the wheels are spinning very quickly and the machine is turned. Turning the handlebars to the left would force the top of the wheel to move to the right, thus leaning the motorcycle in the opposite direction that the wheel was turned. The equation for this motion of the wheel is T=IWv where T is the torque, I is the moment of inertia, v is the wheel speed, and W is the angular velocity of the turn. This equation relies on the conservation of the wheel s angular momentum.(Sport Rider 2002) Steering Method #2: Body Steering The concept of body steering relies on the rider s shifts in weight and pressure application on various parts of the motorcycle to turn it. Theoretically, one could turn a bike without ever touching the handlebars simply by shifting body weight. For example, to turn the bike to the left, the rider could simply ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Essay on Online Communication, the Fame of Its Technology How do people fall in love, finish degrees and manage businesses, all because of the technology on the Internet? This is strongly answered by internet technology such as: the use of webcams and video conferencing that has affected interpersonal communication today. Over the past few years, video conferencing technology has been growing as a result of the desktop and internet technology. These personal cameras allow the user to share a moving image of themselves with others. These cameras are then used in any kind of video conferencing, or conversation there may be. Video as well as audio makes the experience seem very human. It has allowed interpersonal communication exist when your not actually in person. The fact that people can now have ... Show more content on ... Unfortunately, mostly women were not excited to use them at the end of the semester. Though at the beginning they were more pleasurable of using video conferencing classes. This study also found that computer anxiety might exist for most prior experiences of computers. The potential for webcam users has helped them have security and private relationships. At times webcam users may explore other ways of using them for their own individual satisfaction. In these articles it explained the use of surveillance in the working atmosphere or at home. Kim Kamando, author of I See You , describes the amount experiences of people using the webcam for surveillance. By doing this one can set the webcam to go into stealth monitoring mode and secretly save the video images on your computer s hard drive for later viewing (Kimando). Such users would put them out for baby sitters, in their home offices, and in the workplace. Webcam security is also small and hard to see, which makes security unnoticeable. Others have spoke of using webcams to allow people to inspect schools campuses. The author suggest that this idea of webcams on their website has been used for about five to ten years, but just has not been a priority. Though now they re trying to change that for students and students for the future. Schools often use them to provide beauty shots of the campus. Many are pointed at construction projects, so viewers can see the status of ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Descriptive Essay On Destitute Beauty Destitute Beauty In the large city of New York, there are many beautiful people. I am not one of them. I can pass hours away sitting in a coffee shop in a tall seat next to the window, watching the beauties pass, seeing my reflection against them even more bloated and lumpy than normal. Some of them notice me. Most of them don t. It doesn t matter. Like I said, New York is a large city, I ll never see them again. And anyway, I m sure they re used to people staring. How could they not be, they draw people with their large, black rimmed eyes and lean figures and cutting jawbones like dogs to the enticing smell of meat. I am just another dog, one they will forget in moments. And when the sun sets, and the beautiful people fade away and the crowd becomes faceless and intoxicated, that s when I leave, and where I stay until the sun rises, becoming one with the pulse and throb of the mass. Promising myself that the next day, yes, the next day, I ll get a job, ignore the cold, gorgeous people, succeed even with my lumps, and papery skin, and eyes that are just a little too far apart. And the next day, with my headache, I return. Today is yesterday and the day before. The sun is especially bright now, almost passive aggressively bright, shining smugly through the haze that buries the city, bouncing into the small cafe in which I spend most of my time. It s supposed to be homey, with nearly dead plants hanging skeletal by the windows and overstuffed couches near a coffee table. I sit in the uncomfortable seat that s almost comically tall, at the only table next to a window. The barista Ellen is chatting happily with a customer, she barely notices me anymore. Which is fine by me. A woman, with long legs and hollows under her cheekbones, struts past the café, a mere foot away from me. She doesn t notice my stare. It s a funny thing. People talk all they want about feeling when people stare at them, getting goosebumps and looking around frantically for their admirer. But either it isn t true, or I m not important enough for my stare to mean anything, hold any weight. Searching through the crowd, I find parts and pieces that I want most, playing a game I often play. Her taut stomach, her long legs, her bright eyes, ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Poetry Of Catullus A less dictionary like definition of poetry is, putting the best words in the best possible order. The poet may astutely choose words possibly with a double meaning in order to indirectly convey a message, evoke emotions, or to slander. Then, the poet may unconventionally place such words and phrases perhaps out of expected order for the sake of creating a word picture, emphasizing the speaker s feelings, or offering tangibility to the poem. By incorporating this idea onto works, the poet will have auspiciously written a superb poem. This theory may be applied to a few of Catullus s poems specifically Carmen 5 , Carmen 8 , and Carmen 85 . The meticulous choice of words and arrangement highlight the central focus of the poem, obliquely criticize traditional Roman law, manipulate the audience s attitude, transmit the speaker s emotions, paint word pictures, and offer symbolic meaning consequently producing a successful poem. For starters, Carmen 5 is an amorous poem Catullus wrote directed at his forbidden lover, Lesbia. Catullus insists they should disregard the rumors of old men, because while the sun is able to return, they only have one life to seize. Therefore, Catullus demands hundreds and thousands of kisses in a jumbled up manner from Lesbia, so their ardent passion cannot ever be cursed. The strategic placement of the words let us live and let us love literally place Lesbia as the central focus of the work. In the original Latin text, the opening line ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Carson Daly Research Paper Carson Daly a TV show host, husband, dad, and son is a human being who suffers from anxiety disorder. Daly being a TV show host on The Voice , MTV s Total Request Live and the Today show is not a place that a person would think someone would want to be in, a high intensity job. (Moore) Carson Daly has been suffering from this condition as long as he has known he really didn t get a diagnosis for it until he had his first panic attack when he was hosting on MTV. He remembers the experience like it was yesterday even saying I had a hard time breathing. I was terrified for no apparent reason. (Frank) Daly learned after his experience to cope with his anxiety knowing that he will never be able to get rid of it but he can seize it. He ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Gender Role Expectations On College Students Education is a huge factor affecting women s job placement. From a young age, gender role expectations are taught to students through books, televisions, advertisements, and adult social interactions (Etaugh Liss 129 130). These gender role expectations are extremely institutionalized but currently, women have made strides to have a greater representation at the college level. The percentage of women (68%) between the ages of 18 to 24 enrolled in college, exceeds that of men, which is 66% since 1990 (Parrillo 441). Even amongst minority groups, women have a larger presence on college campuses. Even though women are not the minority in college, they are still minorities in the science majors and overrepresented in majors required for more ... Get more on ...
  • 21. 1 And 2 Corinthians Freedom The greatness of Jesus death on the cross and his resurrection is freedom from the law, freedom from the consequences of sin and freedom to live a new life. In essence, one s salvation is no longer based on their ability to fulfill the law, but instead placing faith in Christ and his fulfillment through the cross. Yet, there is great tension in Christ s gift of freedom. Are there behaviors or actions that can diminish Christ s work in one s life and are Christians free to do anything they want because they have been forgiven? Certainly these questions have been answered through Paul s letters to the church in Corinth. The books of 1 2 Corinthians are addressed to people who have come out of a pagan lifestyle and accepted Christ as their Savior. Yet at the same time, they struggle to leave their old way of life behind. What is more, they claim to have knowledge that allows them live however they want; and yet, Paul confronts their claim as foolishness and complete missing of why Jesus died and rose again. This point comes to a head within 1 Corinthians chapter eight; in which, Paul s purpose of this chapter is to correct the church s wrongful understanding of freedom; such as eating food sacrificed to ... Show more content on ... His evidence for making such a request flows from reports he has received from members of Chloe s household (1 Corinthians 1:11, 5:1). Also, Paul seems to have received several questions from the church in Corinthian because of Paul s reference to them (1 Corinthians 7:1, 7:25 8:1, 12:2, 16:1). However, Paul s main issue with the Corinthian s division comes down to a misunderstanding of the Gospel and claiming to have spiritual knowledge apart from Christ (Fee 49, ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Theory Of Evolution Of Human History And Modern Thinking Since the dawn of time, the theory of evolution has played an important role in the process of understanding human history and modern thinking. However, this theory didn t always have an explicit term to clarify its meaning. Philosophers embraced the ideals of knowledge and enlightenment of reason searching for answers as to better understand the origins of mankind and how it attributes to what it means to be human. Alongside social progress and intellectual development, fascinating new discoveries were made through observation and experimentation, and as a result, the revolutionary realm of science emerged to become a timeless, universally systematic phenomenon of practiced knowledge. Thus, it was during the beginning of this scientific era, when individuals like Jean Baptiste Lamarck and Charles Darwin incorporated the theory of evolution as an understanding of progressive change and development of different species over time. And so, this fresh, scientific phenomenon allowed great thinkers examine how the notion of evolution has an influence on society from a philosophical standpoint. Although they express differing perspectives on the subject, Gilman, Veblen, and Freud ultimately illuminate how evolution is denoted by the development of instincts and affected by how they are either suppressed or acted upon to attain happiness. As a female philosopher, Charlotte Perkins Gilman s Women Economics, argues that Darwin s theories on the process of human evolution portray the ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Diabetes Essay examples Diabetes Diabetes, Diabetes Mellitus, is a chronic illness this means that it has no cure and the symptoms persist over a long period of time. This illness is a result of an imbalance of hormones, insulin, produced in the pancreas. Insulin plays an important role in how the body uses food. Insulin enables the cells in the bloodstream to absorb and use glucose for fuel. If the pancreas produces too little or no insulin or if the insulin doesn t work properly the person may become diabetic. Therefore, diabetics are not able to properly convert food into fuels needed by the body to function, which can seriously lead to physical consequences. The pancreas, located behind the stomach, is a long, thin organ about the length of the hand. It ... Show more content on ... But, the insulin can still seep out through the beads. Normally the level of glucose in the body rises after a person eats a meal. This rise in blood glucose stimulates the beta cells to release insulin. Insulin then either helps body cells take up glucose to use as energy or promotes the conversation of glucose to fat, which are used by the cells later. Some glucose maybe stored in the liver this is called glycogen. Then the level of glucose drops (usually several hours after the meal has been eaten), other cells in the pancreas stimulate the conversion of glycogen to glucose and its release into the bloodstream. In this way, the level of glucose in the bloodstream stays relatively constant until the next meal is eaten. The body tends to deal with this imbalance by filtering out excess glucose throughout the kidneys, resulting in high levels of sugar in the urine. As glucose level rises the kidneys over whelmed and don t function normally. They lose their ability to absorb much water the result is frequent urination. This is commonly the earliest sign of diabetes. It is often followed by unquenchable thirst as the body tries to regain the lost fluids. It often seems that more fluid comes out than went in. The name diabetes mellitus describes two striking symptoms of disease. The first part of the name, meaning a siphon or drain, seems ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Chinese Medicine Vs Greek Medicine Essay Similarities and Differences between Greek and Chinese Medicine When one compares Greek medical philosophy to Chinese medical philosophy there will be distinct similarities and differences that stand out. These similarities and differences become apparent when comparing natural and supernatural beliefs, as well as when researching the functions and physiology of the body itself. Another fascinating point, both Greek and Chinese medical philosophy believed in magic and used it when practicing medicine. Both philosophies believed in the idea of dramatic wind change in regards to sickness. There is also a cautious balance both perceived by Greek and Chinese medical philosophy between the body and the seasons, and five natural phenomena. Most Greek practitioners believed in supernatural divine visitations relating ... Show more content on ... These humors, or bodily fluids, each consist of a season, element, and temperaments. For example, phlegm is a yellowish liquid when someone has a cold. Phlegm usually occurs during colder weather, with a water like substance, traveling from the brain to the nostrils. The temperament of phlegm is phlegmatic, which has characteristics of a peaceful and calm attitude. Greek medical philosophy believed the body and the seasons balanced each other through the humoral process. Tsou Yen was a Chinese medical philosopher who developed the five tangible natural phenomena. These phenomena arose from the relationships of metal, wood, fire, water, and soil. Thusly, water puts out fire, fire dissolves metal, metal cuts through wood, wood conquers the soil, and soil takes in the water. This connection between elements is a process of destruction and regeneration that is perceived to be mutual. Both Greek and Chinese philosophy believed these two concepts of health and disease, balanced each other through body and seasons, and five elements of a natural ... Get more on ...
  • 25. College Retirement Benefits As college quickly approaches, the financial decisions I constitute today will affect me for the rest of my life. As a young adult with minimal financial experience, one uneducated decision could establish a precedence of financial insecurity for the majority of my young life. Consequently, planning a budget and savings plan will immensely benefit my future spending and saving habits. Another decision is how to independently manage my personal income and my spouse s student loans. Lastly, contemplating the later years of my life propagates the necessity of a retirement plan and investing. Ten years from now, I will sustain a stable career as a physical education teacher and an assistant college softball coach earning approximately $50,000 a year. I will have graduated from college approximately six years prior and plan to have my college debt paid off. I m constructing the presumption that I will be in a stable relationship, living with my significant other, and contemplating marriage. After my spouse and I have been married for two years, I plan to assist them with their ... Show more content on ... For example, a large university such as the University of Alabama costs around $40,000 for someone who lives out of state. Private schools may cost even more, severely restricting payment options. The advantage of paying your way through college is that you have little to no debt upon graduating. You will have enabled yourself to become financially secure long before your peers and coworkers are. Therefore, you can go on vacation, pay for the car you want, and potentially buy the house you ve always wanted by saving the money you would have been paying off your student loans with. Lastly, paying your way through college teaches you to be financially and personally responsible. It allowed you to learn to balance your time and finances at a young age, laying the path for financial wellbeing in the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. What Is Medea s Treatment Of Women In Greek Society In the play Medea, the author Euripides emphasizes that the harsh treatment the main character, Medea, receives throughout the play reflects how women are treated in Greek society. The hardships of women in Greek society can be mainly seen by Medea passionate soliloquies. Medea speaks about how looked down upon, due to the fact that she a woman from a foreign country that holds more intellect than most men in the city where she currently resides. Even Jason, her husband, betrays her trust by marrying another woman because he deems her as useless to him. Though it causes Medea great despair, the people who surround her do not frown upon Jason for finding another woman even though he already has one. Instead, these people advise Medea that she ... Show more content on ... Medea is comparing that the process of getting a husband is like buying yourself to be sold into slavery. Women cannot have the benefit of choosing whether they want a husband or not because having a husband is crucial in Greek society during this era. It was a law that women had to be represented by a guardian, who was normally the women s fathers or husbands. Women were not given rights to be independent or take care of themselves. So in order for a woman to ensure her survival, she must flatter a man into becoming her husband with either money or personality. Personality wise, women must be obedient because men view women as their trophy and believe that the only reason for their existence is to give birth. Men take a master over our bodies suggest that a husband s ownership even goes to the extent that the bodies of their wife/wives do not belong to them anymore. Men control what they want and put a label on what they deem is necessary to claim in order to make women feel dependent on them. The powerful diction of the use of the word evil suggests that the thought of a woman s body not belonging to them anymore is far worse than the process of gaining a husband. Taking possession of a body completely breaks a woman because it is their pride and joy. Once you break it, it will never be the same again and women will feel helpless. However, They must comply with the wishes of their husbands or else they will face the dire consequence of violence and ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Introduction Of The Bank Of England Introduction The Bank of England has been playing the role of issuing banknotes since 1694. Until middle of the 19th century, a number of private banks in the Great Britain and Ireland gained freedom of issuing their own banknotes, while the notes issued by the provincial banking companies commonly under circulation. Over the years, a number of Acts of Parliament were subject to introduce by the UK Parliament in order to increase confidence in the banknotes that were in circulation through limiting on the rights of banks in issuing notes. This concept leads to general idea of this paper, which will look at the evolution of output, inflation, the official bank rate set by the Bank of England and government spending in the UK (Greer, 2009). It is fascinating for one to track on how the global financial integration has been evolving for the past century. Understanding the evolution of output is possible by looking at the measured stocks of the external assets and liabilities; together with the cumulative consequences of the past cross border capital flows. Global integration of trade and finance started prior to the World War I, at the time when the capital liberalization was last at their peak. Both global integration of trade and finance fell during the interwar years, with the national protectionism leading to the creation of trade and financial barriers. From 1960s and onwards, both trade and finance started rising once more due to the lofting on a number of restrictions ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Essay On The Cave In Plato, Republic, Book VII, the core of the book revolves around justice and its implications from both an individual and collective perspective. Plato does not have Socrates argue that justice requires getting everyone out of the cave because in actuality, there are two parts to justice and the cave: the truth and the false. According to Plato, people often live in illusion. Illusions appeal to sensible people and their senses, whereas reality does not function with reason alone, it includes a combination of ideas and the truth (Plato 405). Therefore, the need to have everyone leave the cave is not present because each individual is there for a different reason which may not call for leaving the cave. Plato argues that when analyzing the ... Show more content on ... This is problematic as it limits one s perceptions. Plato alludes to the wise, and how they begin to discover new things, to unveil new knowledge (Plato 508 d). For example, as knowledge becomes an essential part of our lives, we begin to tell the others living within the constraints of the cave that there is a world, a life, overflowing with knowledge outside of the cave. The other s in this case would hold onto the knowledge they have within the cave, creating their ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Media Influence Media How does the media influence elections and politics During the past 20 years, the media has experienced massive changes in terms of the platforms it appears in as well as the audience it reaches. While traditional forms of media such as newspapers, television, are considered to be more controlled, with the newly occurring and vastly growing online media, information reaches more people and in a rapid pace never seen before. This essay will describe how new occurrences have gained media the power to actively re enforce (however not to the extent of shaping) political public opinion. Firstly, in order to understand the major influence that the media has on politics and elections, one should understand what the term media includes. ... Show more content on ... And usually, once the public deems certain issues as of most importance, they are quickly initiated to legislature. Going back to the Cold War and Vietnam, we can see how media coverage the Vietnam War inspired peace movement activists to take over the streets and demand the withdrawal of foreign (mostly American) troops from Vietnam. Undeniably, political candidates and the media, have always had intense interactions. The world of media and the world of politics have a symbiotic relationship ; without the media politicians would find it extremely hard to make their voices heard, while the media has a duty of encouraging democracy and people s involvement in important matters, therefore media s involvement in the world of politics is inevitable. Curran wisely said; Media owners and politicians are so interlocked (that) media can t be independent (2002.) A.J. Liebling also expressed his disapproval with his words; Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one. Certainly, the changes in technology have affected our attention spans and focuses. News articles are becoming shorter and are often dominated by visual content. Big fonts, bright and shocking pictures win more clicks , and it is not rarely that images and videos of politicians/political events are the centre of intense discussion. Research has shown that visual communication conveys ... Get more on ...
  • 30. What Is The Zeigarnik Effect In psychology, the Zeigarnik effect states that people remember uncompleted or interrupted tasks better than completed tasks. In Gestalt psychology, the Zeigarnik effect has been used to demonstrate the general presence of Gestalt phenomena: not just appearing as perceptual effects, but also present in cognition. he advantage of remembrance can be explained by looking at Lewin s field theory: a task that has already been started establishes a task specific tension, which improves cognitive accessibility of the relevant contents.[3] The tension is relieved upon completion of the task. If the task is interrupted, the reduction of tension is impeded. Through continuous tension, the content is made more easily accessible, and can be easily remembered.[3] ... Show more content on ... When we are holding things in short term memory, we have to rehearse them otherwise they disappear, like a light going out. This requires cognitive effort, and the more things we are rehearsing the more effort. The waiter s trick is thus to keep spinning the plates of the open orders whilst letting those which are completed fall. A similar effect also happens over a longer period as we worry about those things in which we have not achieve closure. Thus I might keep thinking about a problem at work over a whole weekend as it keeps coming back to haunt me. There is, however, one exception to the Zeigarnik Effect; it won t work unless you are actually motivated to complete the task or achieve the goal.The Zeigarnik Effect says our brains hold on to unfinished tasks; in other words, we like to finishwhatwestart.The Zeigarnik Effect is about the human tendency to remember uncompleted tasks more than the tasks already completed. When people manage to start something they re more inclined to finish it. What the Zeigarnik Effect teaches is that one weapon for beating procrastination is starting something, sometime, somewhere... ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Truth Commission Research Paper A truth commission is a commission that is instated to reveal past misdoings of the public, government, non state actors and the like; it is associated as typically the first step away from war or authoritarian rule. As seen throughout case studies, these commissions arise for different purposes; some truth commissions are what is chosen by the government to showcase breaches in human rights, rather than other constructive peaceful mechanisms. Although, these commissions do suggests recommendations (such as arrests, lustration, compensation and education), the country isn t always required to do them. More so than that, these recommendations can fail the victims. A truth commission can fulfil all its duties in a hypothetical agenda, but justice ... Show more content on ... It is easy to critique in an obscure view what the repercussions of a truth commission is doing wrong, especially when not being immersed in the reinventing environments of which these truth commissions take place. Truth commissions are hard to accomplish and can be argued to be infinitely imperfect. Jamie Rowen pens in her chapter Truth in the Shadow of Justice, the difficulties involved in truth seeking initiatives that adhere to the goals of transitional justice. Focusing on four different organizations, she found that the findings suggests that, although [the organization] value investigation, documentation and publicizing information, civil society organizations are focusing their efforts on new strategies to publicize information (Rowen 136). When following the argument of this paper, one would suspect disputes over if organizations should focus on improving the system of truth commissions to further enhance and better the lives of civilians, truth commissions as well as other truth seeking initiatives. However, the documentation for truth telling does just as it sounds. Measures such as these would be beneficial to cases similar to that of Haiti and would improve the basis of truth telling. Restorative justice comes after the fact. Of course, this is relatively new information and cannot be implemented as of yet because of the limitations in ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Essay on The Power of Words The Power of Words Communication and language are not always synonymous. Gesticulations and facial expression can convey certain messages that often make verbal expression unnecessary. Although I appreciate the endless possibilities that are associated with speaking, our primary means of communication, I have discovered that the human capacity for speech might not be as extremely innate as the linguist Noam Chomsky claimed. A few years ago, I had the privilege of encountering a thirty five year old woman named Joann at a summer camp for adults with multiple disabilities. Being extremely autistic, Joann was unable to close her mouth, let alone form distinguishable words. Instead of talking, her principal method of communication was to ... Show more content on ... Genie was never able to learn how to properly talk and was rendered verbally impotent by her silent environment, but according to Dennett, shouldn t she have been able to learn? However, Joann did seem to be able to understand what was being said to her, though she was not capable of responding since she was able to comprehend and follow simple directions. Even some of the most autistic people in the camp were able to recognize when someone was talking to them, which confirms the innateness of oral comprehension, but not speaking. Understanding and talking are not interchangeable, so a clarification is needed in order to distinguish the two. I sometimes have moments in which a verbal freeze occurs, in which I have a thought that I can t manage to verbalize. Perhaps Joann lives in a constant state where she is unable to express what she is thinking the thought processes are there, but the language is not. If this is true, then the capacity for language is innate, but cannot be so simply accessed in all people. Therefore, is it possible for Joann to think without using language? Are language and thought somehow linked? For our Neanderthal and early human forbearers, verbal communication probably consisted of a series of grunts and gestures and language as we know it today subsequently ensued. Thus, did thought precede language? Our ancestors were able to create fire without words, which displays some form of intellect, but I think that ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Biology Of The Cannabis Genomic Research Initiative Learning information has engaged and interested me throughout the courses I have taken; however, the opportunity to discover new information through research is one of my most intellectually stimulating experiences. With my goal to learn as much as possible under Dr. Nolan Kane, the Professional Investigator of the Cannabis Genomic Research Initiative (CGRI), I have expanded my traditional bench lab experience to bioinformatics, hemp breeding, and leading designing and performing my own project examining differential protein expression in Cannabis. Although I am deeply fascinated by a four letter code that encodes the human body, I am also providing myself the freedom within my research to learn about other organisms and genetic diseases that I hope to treat within my career. My longest ongoing project began in October 2014 under the guidance of Dr. Daniela Vergara, a post doctoral researcher of the CGRI, who helped another undergraduate student and I begin to troubleshoot a protocol for a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The goal of this experiment was to analyze variation between strains of Cannabis in a region of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) Synthase Gene that was amplified by another research team s primer set. The published protocol was originally unsuccessful when attempting to be reproduced. My colleague and I had applied for the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program Grant, which funded our research to determine a successful protocol for this PCR. However, near ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Volcanic Patterns Plate Given: I was given the Australian Plate to study and make observations on. Volcanic Patterns: There are few volcanoes below about 15 degrees latitude of the Australian Plate. But, starting at about 15 degrees latitude the volcanoes grow more common. Starting around 90 degrees longitude the volcanoes grow quite dense all the way to 0 degrees latitude. Earthquake depth patterns: However, much like with the volcanoes, starting a little distance after 90 degrees longitude and to about 0 degrees latitude the earthquakes grow very dense and there is a combination of a few severe, some middling, and some small quakes. The earthquakes on the Australian plate are not all extremely severe however, the entire plate seems to be edged by severe, ... Show more content on ... The Whitsundays are protected by the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. To fully understand how this collection of islands came to be you need look far back in time to when the The Whitsundays islands as we know them today were not in existence. Over 100 million years ago volcanoes were very active in breaking what we know as Australia off from New Zealand, Africa, India, and other a few other countries/continents that formed a supercontinent (Queensland Government Department of National Parks, 2015). These volcanoes tossed up stone and ash for many years, which settled down on already existing land masses and helped to form a solid bedrock, which in turn formed into dark green rock, turned green by erosion of the ocean waves on the originally black bedrock (Queensland Government Department of National Parks, 2015). During this time of a lot of volcanic activity the earth s plates were moving, colliding, and breaking and this movement lead to a mountain range, that would be known as the Whitsundays islands, being broken off from the Australian continent. Eventually this range of mountains broke apart and formed the continental (once part of a continent) Whitsunday islands (Queensland Government Department of National Parks, 2015). If you look at a map of recent volcanic activity on the Australian plate today there seem to be no volcanoes in the area of the Whitsunday islands and no earthquakes, indicating that for the moment these islands will remain ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Seatbelt Safety Teenagers and Seatbelt Safety: Identifying the reasons Why 16 to 19 Old High School Students Do Not Wear Seatbelt Melissa Simmons Research Methodology Prepared for Soheyl Amini PhD September 2012 Objectives The aims and objectives of this study include the following: (1) to identify the percentage of teenagers between the ages of 16 to 19 that do not wear seat belts when in a car; and (2) to identify the reasons why teenagers between the ages of 16 to 19 do not wear seat belts when in a car; (3) to identify whether there is a correlation between sex and seat belt compliance among teenagers; and (4) to determine whether attendance of a driver s education class increases seat belt compliance among teenagers. Once this ... Show more content on ... Literature Review According to the literature overall, teens have a lower rate of seat belt use when compared to the general population. Whether they are driving or not, teens are less likely to wear a seat belt than adults. According to the National Highway and Transportation Safety Administration (2009), teens have the highest fatality rate in motor vehicle crashes than any other age group. In 2009 the majority 56% of young people 16 to 20 years of age involved in fatal crashes were not wearing seat belts (NHTSA, 2009). Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death, accounting for more than one in three deaths. In 2010, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that eight teenagers ages 16 to 19 died everyday from motor vehicle accidents. (NHTSA, 2010). Compared with other age groups, teens have the lowest rate of seat belt use. In 2005, 10% of high school students reported that they rarely or never wear seat belts when riding with someone else (NHTSA, 2010). 12.5% of male high school students were more likely than 7.8% of female students to rarely or never wear seat belts (NHTSA, 2010). African American students 12% and Hispanic students 13% were more likely than white students 10.1% to rarely or never wear seat belts. In 2010, nearly three out of every four teen drivers were killed in motor vehicle crashes after drinking and driving and were not wearing a seat belt (Center ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Fog In Apocalypse Now An ominous feeling can be evoked in novels and films alike when fog approaches. The encroaching fog constraints mankind by physically limiting visibility and trapping men within their own minds causing their behavior to be irrational. Fog is symbolic of misery. Heart of Darkness uses thick fog as an obstacle to halt the crew s expedition to find Kurtz. Marlow, the crew s captain, does not allow the fog to stop his devotion to Kurtz and pushes forward on his mission to rescue him. In Apocalypse Now, Willard feels the same devotion towards Kurtz as Marlow does. But Willard has a different mission; Willard must remove Kurtz from operating as a rogue officer in Vietnam. As the fog approaches in the final scenes of Apocalypse Now directed by Francis Ford Coppola, the impending doom is ... Show more content on ... Completely delusional, Kurtz exclaims the horror! The horror! and passes away naturally (Conrad 112). Marlow keeps his loyalty to Kurtz after his death to honor the devotion he felt for Kurtz when he was alive (Conrad 112). Willard felt a similar devotion to Kurtz, but faced a different decision. Kurtz was not in the best state of health, but he wasn t actively dying. Kurtz spared Willard s life when he arrived at his camp unannounced, however, Willard did not spare Kurtz s life and had to follow the instructions of his mission. Willard murders Kurtz. Willard opted to kill Kurtz rather than take him back because of the devotion he felt. Kurtz had nothing to go home to and would have been imprisoned for acting as a rogue officer. By killing Kurtz, Willard saves him from the horrors he would have been greeted with from the punishment of the military. The cutting of the film limits Kurtz s murder scene. Instead, a ceremonial cow s sacrifice by the natives is shown. The ceremonial, sacred cow was valued greatly by the natives, like Kurtz was by Willard, who remained loyal to Kurtz to the last, and even beyond (Conrad ... Get more on ...