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3 Ways Create Better Term Paper Websites With The Help Of Your Dog ... 3 Ways Create Better Term Paper
Websites With The Help Of Your Dog ...
The Electoral College Should Be Abolished
Every 4 years, our country makes an incredibly important decision. We vote for the person who will
represent the US in all domestic and international affairs; The President. Currently, we have many
troops in Iraq fighting to help them establish a democracy. We are giving the citizens a right to vote, a
privilege that many people claim we are lucky to have. In actuality, how democratic is our system
overall? What many people don t realize or care to face, is we don t directly vote for our president. In
2000, the majority of us voted for a President who in the end was not determined the winner. There are
many other corruptions in our current electoral system, including the underlying racist and sexist
roots, voter inequality and other flaws ... Show more content on ...
What, do I chuse [sic] Samuel Miles to determine for me whether John Adams or Thomas Jefferson
shall be President? No! I chuse [sic] him to act, not to think! was the outcry of an angry Federalist as
written in the United States Gazette (Peirce, 23). Since then there has been more than 8 cases of
faithless votes being cast (Peirce, 23). The problem that has brought the Electoral College to the
spotlight in the past few years is the fact that the Electoral College winner does not always reflect the
winner of the popular vote. This has already occurred three times in history: Rutherford B. Hays vs.
Samuel J. Tilden in 1876, Benjamin Harrison vs. Grover Cleveland in 1888 and most recently, the
2000 election between Gore and Bush (Cornwell). Although half a million more Americans voted for
Al Gore than did for George Bush, Bush won the Electoral College 271 to 266, granting him the
presidency (Abolish the Electoral College). It doesn t make much sense that the candidate in which
received a majority of the votes overall would lose. Another way to understand the Electoral College
is to take an in depth look at it s origins. The Electoral College is a system based on historic policies
that no longer exist and are irrelevant to modern voting. The delegates who developed the Electoral
College believed that voters would not be able to make a reasoned and
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Lack Of Prime Ministerial Power In Canada
A topic of much debate in many political systems is how much power the head of state, or in some
cases such as in constitutional monarchies, the head of government holds. If the leader holds too much
power, the political process becomes undemocratic. Conversely if the leader has too little power,
government becomes inefficient, sometimes crippling the government completely for their terms in
office. In Canada, this can be seen in the effectiveness of a majority or minority government, and the
abilities of the Prime Minister in each case. In the latter case, many believe that lack of prime
ministerial power is attributed to the trend of ineffective minority governments because of the ability
for motions of non confidence to be passed, forcing ... Show more content on ...
This is due to the nature of the inability to pass legislation without compromise between all parties
forming the current government. Although compromise is at the center of responsible government, the
inability to produce effective legislation and to govern efficiently because of the need of compromise
between varying political parties also limits the ability of governments to provide their obligations to
the citizens who placed them in power. These periods of governance tend to revolve around a constant
power struggle over a single issue, rather than focusing on the larger affairs at hand. Again, examples
in which these compromises, or rather lack of ability to make these compromises, can be seen
throughout Canadian history. One such example of this was Prime Minister Joe Clark s minority
Conservative government of 1979. In an attempt to ensure prosperity, Clark attempted to run the
government as if it was a majority, and deliver on the platform on which he had run his election
campaign. This was achieved by attempting to follow in the footsteps of the last Conservative Prime
Minister, John Diefenbaker. Because of this, Clark was unable to deliver his own political agenda as
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The Christian Doctrine Of The Trinity
Outline the development of the Christian doctrine of the Trinity from the New Testament Church to
the Nicene Creed.
I will like to crave your indulgence to the fact that Nicene concept of Trinity is never stated in the
Bible, and it is that early Christians as well as the scriptures clearly points out the fact that Jesus was
fully divine and pre existent. For the fact that, none of the early Christian theologians fully asserted
the doctrine of the Trinity, not even a speculation about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. According to
the father of the paganism description of Trinity God can in no way be described. (Schindler 148).
In the 4th century there are different schools of thought that were developed in Antioch, were they try
to literarily interpret the Scriptures with a great deal of emphasis on the historical context of Trinity.
Arius who is also known as Nicene, came up with the Nicene Creed by arguing the fact that Jesus was
not God, and the Father by itself is true God. Base on the fact that God created Jesus, Arius was able
to support his argument with the books of (Proverbs 8:22 and John 14:28) the Father is greater than I
as a proof.
On the other hand, a number of philosophy was able to argue that Christ was homoousios (same or
one substance) in a way to debunk Nicene Creed by describing the relationship that exist between the
father and Son, by stating the fact that Jesus is God that come to earth as a man which is also the
Father. Arius believes that it
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Long Day s Journey Into Night Religion
Religion carries many individuals through life s joys and heartaches in Long Day s Journey Into
Night, Mary is one of them. She grows up in a Catholic family and then lives in a convent, where she
finds her life s purpose as a nun. After her marriage and life on the road with her husband, however,
she loses her faith. Religion the force that has once created a comforting and happy structure for her is
now diminished. After this theological loss, (Floyd pg. 258) Mary s life shifts to turmoil. She endures
the loss of a child due to the measles, gives birth in grotesque hotels, and loses her connection with her
husband. She refuses to accept that her youngest son, Edmund, like her father, has consumption. And
while dealing with this misery, ... Show more content on ...
According to Pounds, it seems the convent was her true home because it was there that she felt the
deepest sense of belonging. (Pounds) Mary had a true sense of home when she lived her days at the
convent. She love[d] her [convent mother] better than [her] own mother. (LDJN pg. 178) Mary felt
more of a connection to her mothers and sisters in her convent than her own family. On her
unsuccessful journey to regain her faith, Mary has lost her connection with her family. Her husband
and Jamie, who are alcoholics, and Edmund, who has consumption, often push Mary away. Tyrone
fails to share empathy with his wife s desire to escape the present as he says, For God s sake, forget
the past! (LDJN pg. 90) It is to no surprise she was much happier... in the Convent where [she] used to
pray to the Blessed Virgin (LDJN pg. 109) She lived in a convent filled with other women; some who
may have shared her interests and worries. However, Mary s present is filled with men, who fail to
understand her troubles. Mary describes her happiness when she says the Blessed Virgin had smiled
and blessed me... (LDJN pg. 178) Throughout her life, Mary has lost the blessing of the Virgin Mary.
She no longer has this relationship and closeness with her faith and she longs for a return to the
stability of her youth, and for a state of grace she believes she once had attained. (Floyd pg.
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Michelle Obama Speech Rhetorical Devices
In Remarks to the NAACP National Convention , Michelle Obama spoke about how obesity in
children has become a huge medical issue. She thoroughly explains her Let s Move campaign, while
using pathos and logos as rhetorical devices. The audience that attended were mostly parents that grew
up in the same generation as Mrs. Obama. She related to them as she jokes about their past. She
expressed her message while including the audience by saying we or our . In addition, her being
family minded helped reach her ideas out to other parents as they are dealing with the same issues.
Mrs. Obama understood what type of audience made an appearance and made them feel valuable.
Instead of generalizing the audience as one, she spoke to them as you . ... Show more content on ...
Obama uses is pathos. Throughout her speech, she is influencing the audience s emotions with pathos.
Right in the beginning she thanked the audience for all their hard work and for coming out to the
convention, making the audience feel narcissist. Michelle Obama told the audience, First of all, thank
you for being here today and thank you for the outstanding work that you ve done in making this is a
great American institution (418). The audience now feels as if they are making a difference and
everything that they are doing is improving the nation. Once they feel that way, the people will feel
more motivated to go out and accomplish more. Mrs. Obama also used the same strategy towards the
end of her speech when she got the audience involved with the movement. Mrs. Obama announced, I
m going to need you, NAACP. This is not an endeavor that I can do by myself. We cannot change the
health of our community alone. I m going to need each and every single one of you to work together
for this campaign for our children s future (432). Mrs. Obama is encouraging the crowd to make a
difference and support her campaign. Not only did she make the audience feel narcissist, she also
made them feel
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Postoperative Pain And Anxiety Essay
Analyzing the Effect of Music on Postoperative Pain and Anxiety
The effect of music on postoperative pain and anxiety was studied on an orthopedic unit in a central
Florida hospital (Allred, Byers, Sole, 2010). The authors clearly identified the problem many total
knee arthroplasty patients experience after surgery is moderate to severe postoperative pain and
increased anxiety. Throughout the introduction of the study, it was stressed the importance and need
for this research to be conducted. The authors discussed the effects of inadequately treated pain and
how health care professionals, including nursing, should make it a priority in a patient s treatment plan
(Allred et al., 2010). Several references were provided supporting the issue ... Show more content on ...
The researchers included both a hypothesis and research questions. They stated a hypothesis, however
it is a research hypothesis versus a null hypothesis. A research hypothesis explains there is correlation
between two or more variables. A null hypothesis is a classification of hypotheses that states there is
no connection between the independent and dependent variables. Statistical testing is performed to
determine whether the statement is acceptable or not. Whereas the research question is an analysis
statement detailing the variables and population of the specified research study (Adams, 2015). The
hypothesis, the authors were hoping to prove, was whether the use of music would reduce pain and
anxiety in postoperative pain in a particular patient population during a defined time frame (Allred et
al., 2010). An example of a null hypothesis for this study would state music would have no effect on
postoperative pain in a particular patient population during a defined time frame. There were four
research questions the researchers attempted to answer. Three of the four questioned the effect of
music on the patient s pain, anxiety, and physiologic parameters. However the fourth question
pertained to the impact of music on the amount of opioids taken from the beginning of the intervention
until six hours later (Allred et al., 2010). The clinicians had not mentioned this component of the study
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Media Affects of the Vietnam War Essay
Media Affects of the Vietnam War War is truly a horrific event that unfortunately occurs in our world
frequently. There are a variety of ethical questions surrounding war, such as how much should citizens
know about the fighting? When it comes to reporting the news, it is the goal of the network to report
the news first. The benefit to this is people will turn to them first when it comes to breaking stories.
However if the news is delivered based on speed and not accuracy this can be harmful to society. War
is a very serious event and should not be taken lightly. Therefore, reporters must make sure facts are
correct and unbiased. In both the Vietnam War and our current war we see reporters going to extreme
measures to be the first ... Show more content on ...
Lies and corruption capture people. Therefore people will always pay attention to the stories about our
government lying to us. These weapons have still not been found and this is extremely similar to how
the ship may not have ever been shot down in Tonkin. Despite numerous inaccurate reports there were
attempts of trying to report the war accurately. However whenever a news channel would report
Americans getting killed in Vietnam the government would work quickly to cover it up. President
Nixon is quoted as saying the press is our biggest enemy. This one phrase sums up the war. The press
would try to report fairly to the American people, but the government would squash it and make the
press look bad (Media Beat Vietnam War, Solomon and Cohen). Therefore the press would only report
good things so that the government would look highly upon them and give them better seating in
white house briefings. This highly affected the people working in Vietnam. They were forced to be
there, and the stories they were trying to report were not even reported. There are certainly a lot of
examples of war reporting being inaccurate. When we read John Kerry s letters to his mother we
realized what Kerry was telling his mother and what his mother was hearing on TV were two totally
different stories. Kerry wrote to his mother about bloodshed,
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Influential Rhetorical Strategies Of 1984 s Subaru Legacy...
Influential Rhetorical Strategies of 1989 s Subaru Legacy Advertisement The Subaru Legacy
advertisement is found in the middle in May 1989 s LIFE magazine. First, the ad begins to entice the
reader with a black and white photo of the vehicle. It covers two thirds of the connected page, and the
background looks blurry, it appears to have been taken as the vehicle was being driven. The first
words seen by the reader are New Maximum Strength Subaru ( New Maximum Strength Subaru )
written in a large font. The rest of the rhetorical strategies reside below the photo and large text.
Within the text, the author speaks to the audience about the Subaru Legacy s uniqueness, including its
rare engine design, tremendously powered transmission, and its brake and traction control systems.
Then, the author directs and guides the readers to the luxury and comfort within the interior of the
vehicle. To complete the argument, the writer mentions its starting price, and states the Subaru Legacy
is reliable and durable enough for the public. One of the first points in this advertisement relating to
rhetoric is the set of values on which the argument rests, subtly telling the audience about the strength
and durability and how it is inherently good and can be trusted to the full extent. Throughout the
whole argument, the audience is led to believe these claims because the author uses evidence in the
form of facts, especially in this statement, And if you look beyond its gracefully
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The Negative Effects Of Globalization On The Labor Market
Negative Impact of Globalization on the Labor Market Kseniia Kharchevnykova ILSC Globalization
is known to be found almost in all countries all over the world. The definition of globalization is quite
easy to understand, it is the process of integration and co operation between different countries. So,
how does globalization influence the labor market? Although there are some benefits of globalization
in several areas like culture and business, it has a negative impact on the labor market. Serious
consequences of trade liberalization, fast expanding of technology at factories and plants all around
the world and growing gap between manufacturing producing countries and agricultural producing
countries are known to be three major ways globalization affects the labor market. Consequences of
trade liberalization are known to be one of the major issues that reflects negative impact on the labor
market of the globalization. Unfortunately, these days only high skilled workers are able to find good
jobs with high salaries, while many people lose their jobs, so unemployment in those countries began
increasing rapidly. For example, research reveals that trade liberalization in Mexico in the mid to late
1980s led to increased relative wages of high skilled workers (Najdeni, 2016, para 4). In addition to
this, some experts predicted that there will be great changes in the demand for unskilled workers and
growth their salaries. They might have expected
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Essay on Luaghing Comedy-Oliver Goldsmith
The Theatre, like all other amusements, has its fashions and its prejudices, and when satiated with its
excellence, mankind begin to mistake change for improvement. For some years tragedy was the
reigning entertainment, but of late it has entirely given way to comedy, and our best efforts are now
exerted in these lighter kinds of composition. The pompous train, the swelling phrase, and the
unnatural rant, are displaced for that natural portrait of human folly and frailty, of which all are judges,
because all have sat for the picture. But as in describing nature it is presented with a double face,
either of mirth or sadness, our modern writers find themselves at a loss which chiefly to copy from,
and it is now debated, whether the ... Show more content on ...
In these plays almost all the characters are good, and exceedingly generous; they are lavish enough of
their tin money on the stage, and though they want humor, have abundance of sentiment and feeling. If
they happen to have faults or foibles, the spectator is taught not only to pardon, but to applaud them,
in consideration of the goodness of their hearts; so that folly, instead of being ridiculed, is
commended, and the comedy aims at touching our passions, without the power of being truly pathetic.
In this manner we are likely to lose one great source of entertainment on the stage; for while the comic
poet is invading the province of the tragic muse, he leaves her lovely sister quite neglected. Of this,
however, he is no way solicitous, as he measures his fame by his profits. But it will be said, that the
theatre is formed to amuse mankind, and that it matters little, if this end be answered, by what means
it is obtained. If mankind find delight in weeping at comedy, it would be cruel to abridge them in that
or any other innocent pleasure. If those pieces are denied the name of comedies, yet call them by any
other name, and if they are delightful, they are good. Their success, it will be said, is a mark of their
merit, and it is only abridging our happiness to deny us an inlet to amusement. These objections,
however, are rather specious than solid. It is true, that amusement is a great object at a
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Conformity In Today s Society
Everybody strives to survive and has a will to stay alive. This is easily achieved by attaining the basic
necessities for survival; water, food, and shelter. In Suzanne Collins The Hunger Games, individuals
have access to all of these, although they may sometimes struggle to actually come into their
possession. Even still, these are not enough to ensure survival in the world of Panem. The Capitol uses
totalitarianism to govern its people, controlling every single aspect of every single person s life. This
system brings survival to a completely new level in this society: conformity. Suzanne Collins utilizes
her novel s characters, along with their wills to survive, to convey that conformity is key to survival,
even in the real world. To conform ... Show more content on ...
Not conforming to society s expectations, or even just standing out in any manner, can affect an
individual and how they are treated by others. They can be seen as an outsider and could potentially be
treated in such a way that could impact them negatively, hindering their survival. Within a group of
adolescents, this can be seen through teasing. In a group of adults, this is exemplified by constant
criticism of one s actions and choices. Suzanne Collins believes that in order to survive in the world
today, you must follow social norms, to a certain degree, in order to be happy in the long run. This is
extremely relevant today, as opposed to society over twenty years ago, as the modern age is extremely
individualized. Everybody is encouraged to be themselves, but within a set boundary of norms, which
is ironic. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is an entertaining work of fiction, yet it unveils
truths pertaining to society today. Survival in terms of staying alive is typically not an issue in our
world, but survival in terms of being socially accepted is. Suzanne Collins beliefs on conformity and
survival explain that former is impossible without the latter. Survival cannot be achieved without
conforming to any degree, as depicted by the Capitol s totalitarianism and the importance of sponsors
in The Hunger Games. Be yourself, just not too
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Designing A Company For The Car Industry Essay
Revival is a company I own for four years now. It s been a family company since 1963, so it has a lot
of sentimental value to me over the years. Basically what this company does restores old classic cars
and rejuvenates them. The shop was owned by my grandpa, then pass on to my dad. Unfortunately,
my dad passed away of cancer, so he inherited the company to me because he knew I would still
continue to keep Revival functioning properly. I like to preserve my company the way it is, as how it
was first step up back in 1963. It just reminds me of the old memories when I first used to give a hand
around the shop. I remember learning skills from my dad, on how to make business agreements with
customers. The day I knew I wanted to work in the car industry, was when I first bought an 1950
Aston Martin for $1600 because the guy was paying too much for parking space a month. As a matter
of fact, I told him what does he prefer, continuing to pay for rent or get rid of the car for once. That s
the day when I first bought myself a car for an amazing deal. The market value for Aston Martins are
significantly higher once it s all refurbished. Ever since then, I noticed easy potential money in the car
Our company employs about six professional mechanics that are remarkably qualified for their job.
Each and every one of them are talented on their one way and bring success to the company. To be a
automotive mechanic it takes a lot of passion, patience, and knowledge to able to
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Social Injustice In Hidden Intellectualism By Colin...
There is no question that American culture has evolved over the years. Many citizens have become far
more liberal than others, but it has become widely apparent that strong cultural differences are still a
point of debate. The idea is that every citizen possesses the same equal rights, yet in Colin Kaepernick
and the question of who gets to be called a Patriot , Wesley Morris portrays how Kaepernick calls
attention to social injustice in a televised national sport. In addition, in Hidden Intellectualism Gerald
Graff demonstrates a lack of guidance that enhances new ideas provided by the educational systems in
the nation, by focusing solely on purely academic issues. Both argue the insufficiency of schooling
and widespread social inequality ... Show more content on ...
The only problem seems to be that somehow American society seems to divide people into groups.
There are groups such as the activist and passive; authors like Graff and Morris are those who are in
the activist group. The research done by both authors portrayed what they see around them and their
personal experiences. Graff expresses his opinion about how citizens intellectualism without an
academic background is not seen nor given the same opportunity as to someone with an academic
standpoint through his
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Outline And Explanation Of An Stole Driving License Of A...
Summarise and explain: An impostor stole the driving license of a man named Mr Durlabh Patel. The
impostor brought the driver license with him to the showrooms of a car dealer where he used the
stolen driver license as a proof of identity and introduced himself as Mr Patel to the sales manager Mr
Bailey. The impostor wanted to buy a car and they agreed a price for a hire purchase agreement. The
impostor filled out the hire purchase agreement form produced by Mr Bailey by providing the name
and address of Mr Patel and forged a signature matching that on the driving license. Mr. Bailey called
the hire purchase company Shogun Finance (the claimant) and gave them the details the impostor had
provided to its relevant staff. Then he faxed to the ... Show more content on ...
Thus he argued that there is no offer and acceptance between Mr Patel and Shogun, and the contract is
void. Therefore the rogue is not a debtor under the agreement and has never acquired the title of the
vehicle. The Lord added that face to face principle does not apply here because none of the dealings
between the fraudster and Shogun took place face to face, with the car dealer as a mere facilitator of
communication (case, 21). Lord Walker agreed with Lord Hobhouse and added his own observations.
He put forward a point that in such cases with two innocent parties the court is inclined to sympathise
more with the private purchaser from the fraudster. He thinks that it may not be right to assume that
one innocent party deserves more sympathy. Lord Philips found himself attracted by the face to face
presumption put forward by Lord Nicholls and Lord Millett, but he was unable to adopt it. He echoed
Lord Hobhouse and Lord Walker by recognizing the contract as a written document. He also considers
the identity of the parties to the agreement as essential to its conclusion. Without Mr Patel (the hirer) s
authority, the contract was null. Lord Nicholls and Lord Millett hold dissenting opinions. Lord
Nicholls believes that a contract exists as long as there is a meeting of minds and that fraud only
negative rights and obligations flowing from an intention to
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Walter Mitty Identity
Both The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and Lamb to the Slaughter analyze human s ways of achieving
self acceptance. Walter Mitty s persona is not considered appropriate by people around him, so as a
result, he daydreams to accept his true character. On the contrary, Mary Maloney s self love is built
upon the presence of her husband, so when he decided to leave, her whole world shattered.
In The Secret Life of Walter Mitty , James Thurber explores the topic of self acceptance through the
protagonist s daydreams, to demonstrate the strategy of accepting oneself through fantasies when
society s values oppose one s behavior. In Lamb to the Slaughter , Mary Maloney s dependence on
Patrick for happiness implies that one often relies heavily on others in order to attain self acceptance
and adopt a socially fitting identity.
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty presents us with a character who finds his escape through fantasies to
suggest that when one s unable to stand up against harassers, imagination and dreams will nourish
confidence and self image. For instance, at the end of the story, Walter Mitty s use of the words erect
and motionless , proud and disdainful , Walter Mitty the Undefeated, inscrutable to the last suggests
his ... Show more content on ...
At the beginning of the story, the readers are presented with a strangely content housewife. Mary
Maloney s curiously peaceful demeanor and the fact that she was merely satisfying herself with the
thinking each minute that went by made it nearer the time he would come home suggests that Patrick
is the focus of Mary s life, the fountainhead of joy and purpose. Consequently, Mary developed and
maintained a cellophane, fabricated persona, with the center of everything being her
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Aphra Ben s Oroonoko and Daniel Defoe s Moll Flanders
In his Dictionary of Literary Terms, Harry Shaw defines the novel: In effective narrative literature,
fictional persons, through characterization, become so credible that they exist for the reader as real
people, he says (1). Many eighteenth century British novelists neglected to earn this credibility.
Looking specifically at Aphra Behn s Oroonoko and Daniel Defoe s Moll Flanders, Shaw s definition
becomes especially difficult to apply to Moll and Oroonoko s narrator. While the novels should not be
declared unsuccessful in their entireties, perhaps the sincerity claimed in both introductions only
lessens their overall believability.
In the opening lines of his preface, Defoe tells us, the Author is here suppos d to be writing her own
History (1). Behn makes a similar claim in his novel: I was myself an eyewitness to a great part, of
what you will find here set down, and what I could not be witness of, I received from the mouth of the
chief actor in this history, the hero himself (75). And soon the authors claims prove themselves to be
untrue with a sizeable lack of reality in their characterization. Perhaps we cannot blame the authors
themselves, but rather their time. Serving as the inventors of the realist novel, eighteenth century
writers like Aphra Behn and Daniel Defoe were without a foundation to follow and with the
development of characters that are perhaps too unique, situations idealized, and blatant claims of
truthfulness, thus fail to convince the
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MMA Training Videos
A question we get very often on our forum is about MMA training videos. Our readers want to know
which is the best set of MMA training DVD s for them available, online or offline. Unfortunately, this
question is very hard to answer. I ll explain in a minute.
But first, let s have a quick look at what MMA is. MMA is short for Mixed Martial Arts. It s a fighting
sport with lots of fans and several shows like UFC, Bellator, M1 Global and Elite XC. UFC has
become so famous that it s even threatening boxing s supremacy in popularity rankings. MMA fighters
employ techniques, holds, grappling moves, submission techniques, kicks and punches from a wide
variety of martial arts and from Brazilian jiu jitsu (BJJ), Muay Thai and Krav Maga (the Israeli
Defense Force close quarters combat technique) amongst others. Maybe ... Show more content on ...
Most training videos will focus on one or two styles max. So the right set of training DVD s for you
may not be the same as the one for the next guy. Additionally, some people need training videos to
start to train and ultimately start fighting in a ring. Others want to learn self defense techniques from
the Mixed Martial Arts training DVD s. Others are looking to pick up a few quick pointers to help
them out should they ever get into a street or bar fight, yet others look at it as a preferred way of
working out (subdivided in acquiring body weight and cardio exercise). A minority even looks for
them just to show off with their friends...
Then there are training DVD s and videos for beginners, for intermediary fighters and a few that teach
advanced techniques. This is very important! Trying advanced techniques as a beginner might cause
serious injuries to yourself or your sparring partner. Some of the advanced techniques can cause death
when executed in the wrong way or with excessive force. We recommend that you try or train any new
technique always are very slow speed
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Types of Strike
Strikes and lockouts constitutional or official strikes unofficial strikes general strikes lockouts rotating
or revolving strikes sit ins tool down or pen down strike The data supplied to the ILO do not include
statistics on sympathetic or political strikes or on gheraos (harassment of employers, etc. by workers
preventing them from leaving the premises until their claims are granted) which result in work
stoppages. The statistics for these types of action are collected and published separately. Working to
rule and overtime bans are excluded. Minimum threshold At least 10 workers involved. Economic
activities Industries performing services relating to sovereign functions are excluded, as there is no
responsibility for ... Show more content on ...
Analytical measures Severity rate for manufacturing, used for analysing industrial relations: number
of days not worked per one hundred thousand days scheduled to work Historical background of the
series Not available. Documentation Series available Not available. Bibliographic references Labour
Bureau: Indian Labour Journal (monthly); Idem: Indian Labour Statistics (annual); Idem: Indian
Labour Year Book (annual); Idem: Hand Book of Labour Statistics (annual); Idem: Annual Review of
Industrial Disputes in India (annual). Data published by the ILO The number of strikes and lockouts,
the number of workers involved and the number of days not worked, by economic activity.
Confidentiality Not available. International standards Not available. Methods of data collection There
is no legal obligation to report the occurrence of a strike or lockout. Information is collected on a
voluntary basis from the economic units involved, on a standard form or from police
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The Insanity of War in Slaughterhouse Five
The Insanity of War in Slaughterhouse Five Regarding his views on war, Albert Einstein said in 1931,
[he] who joyfully marches to music in rank and file... has been given a large brain by mistake, since
for him a spinal cord would surely suffice. Slaughterhouse Five, written by Kurt Vonnegut Jr., is a
satirical World War II novel. The novel focuses on Billy Pilgrim s experiences. He develops
schizophrenia during the war and consequently feels as if he lives in moments, opposed to
chronologically, as well as claiming to be abducted by aliens living on the planet Tralfamadore.
Through these moments Billy meets Edgar Derby and Ronald Weary, two major characters who suffer
from the war, as well. Through its contrasting characters, Vonnegut s ... Show more content on ...
because he never knows what part of his life he is going to act in next (22). Billy experiences extreme
suffering in many moments and finds himself constantly helpless because of his mental state. This
causes the audience to feel sympathy for Billy, and disgust towards what causes his suffering, which is
the war. Vonnegut manipulates the audience s feelings towards war regarding Billy Pilgrim s insanity
as well as through Edgar Derby s doomed fate. Edgar Derby demonstrates the insanity of war through
his doomed fate despite his potential for greatness. Edgar Derby s fate is announced early on in the
novel by the narrator, who emphasizes Edgar Derby s death because [the] irony is so great... [a] whole
city gets burned down... [and] then this one American foot soldier is arrested in the ruins for taking a
teapot... and he s shot by the firing squad (5). The irony and injustice of Edgar Derby s death is meant
to show the audience that war has no sense of what is fair because it is so brutal. Through this,
Vonnegut attempts to make the audience angry with war. During the war, Edgar Derby spends much of
his time imagining letters he would send to his wife, telling [her] he was alive and well, that she
[should not] worry, that the war was nearly over, that he would be home soon (183). This causes the
audience to feel sympathy for Edgar Derby because the audience knows he will be killed after the
bombing of Dresden. The irony of the imaginary letters also
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Benefits Of Drinking Bottled Water Essay
There are many benefits of drinking bottled water, but these benefits do not outweigh the costs.
Drinking bottled water can have many negative effects on human health, and can be very harmful to
the environment. Over the past ten years, the bottled water market has tripled. Every year the market
grows ten percent from the previous year. Because the market is continuously growing, the amount of
negative impacts of bottled water are also growing. Bottled water has been linked to health defects,
illnesses including cancer, pollution and global warming. Purchasing and drinking bottled water is not
good, and there are many dangers that come with purchasing plastic bottled water. Not only is bottled
water more expensive than tap water, but the production, and transportation of bottled water is also
costly. The United States alone consumes over thirty billion bottles of water every year while the
world consumes 70.4 billion gallons of bottled water every year. There are four major bottled water
companies including: Nestlé, Danone, Coca Cola, and Pepsi Co (along with other local companies).
Worldwide these companies bring in $100 billion every year. The Beverage Marketing Corporation
(BMC) has predicted that by the end of 2016, bottled water will be the number one most sold
packaged beverage sold in the United States (Bosque, 2011). There are over 40,000 semi trucks
delivering the bottled water all over the United States. Transporting all of the bottled water calls for
lots of
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Essay On Deployment To Japan
My overseas deployment to Japan Many marines get deployed overseas to japan and for most of them
is not a pleasant experiencing; that wasn t my case. While serving in the united states marines every
six months or so you may get deployed to different parts of the world depending on what the corps ask
of you, for many this deployment is to a tiny island in japan called Okinawa, there there s many us
military bases, one of them is camp Shawb, this base house most of the marine infantry forces in the
island, because of this its located far from the main cities of the island making it really isolated from
everything. In addition to it being so apart from everything, the natives on the island are not so
welcome of our presence on the island ... Show more content on ...
Along with snorkeling there is a movie theater on based with advance showings and really cheap
tickets and popcorn which me and my fellow marines made it habit to go every Friday after work and
right after we finished watching the latest flick, we would head out to the bar right next to we almost
every Friday or Saturday a live performer would play either classic rock hits or country music, all
while me and my buddies got completely waste with cheap margaritas and long island ice teas which
we will completely regret next morning having no idea how we made it back to the room in one piece.
Another reason I loved my time in japan was all the different places I got to visit. First, before I tell
you about the other places I visited in japan, let s talk about the cool tourist attractions on Okinawa,
like the underground world war 2 trenches that go on for miles all over the island, which had all types
of curious stuff on them like altars and game rooms. We also went to several world war 2 museums
where I learned a great deal about the importance of Okinawa during the war. Finally, we went several
times to the main cities to explore and also to buy stuff form their massive malls. Next we went to
camp Fuji, which is named after mount Fuji located right next to each other, the base here is a little bit
smaller and doesn t have the same accommodations we had on
... Get more on ...
Argument Against Homosexual Marriage
Running Head: Homosexuals Marriage Homosexuals Marriage Homosexuals Marriage
INTRODUCTION: In today s world, the problem of same sex marriage is increasing day by day.
Although there are certain laws about the homosexuals in the western society but still many people do
not see it with dignity because of their own ethical perceptions. As far as their legal marriage is
concerned, it is very not a civilized action under any circumstances. Anything against natural
phenomenon is hazardous physically and mentally. Giving them lawful support can be a hazard for the
upcoming generations and a hindrance in conceiving babies to continue a family chain. The society
and government should not allow homosexuals marriage as it is an unnatural process and ethically
unsound causing damage to the family life. MAIN BODY: Heterosexual marriage brings together a
man and a woman to live with love, satisfy their needs and continue their family life by having
children. Heterosexual marriages not only require emotional attraction but it also satisfy the natural
needs that a person cannot get in the same sex marriage (Rimmerman Wilcox, 2007). To be in favor of
heterosexual marriage is not a medieval opinion. Heterosexual marriage is just like a key lock
relationship. A key is made for the lock, what if the key insist to remain with another key, or a lock
insists to be with a lock. Similarly, homosexuals are like a key to key or lock to lock relationship that
can give nothing but just and
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Jerome Seymour Bruner Essay
Jerome Seymour Bruner is an American psychologist who made signification contributions to
educational, cognitive and developmental psychology. This paper will focus on who Bruner is, his
main theories explained, plus a comparison between Bruner and Piaget and the effectiveness of
Bruners theories in the classroom.
Bruner was born and raised in New York City, Bruner graduated high school in 1933 and went on to
major in psychology at Duke University; earning an AB degree in 1937. Subsequently, Bruner pursued
a graduate study at Harvard University receiving the MA in 1939 and a Ph.D. in 1941.
Gardner (2001) noted; Jerome Bruner has served a vital role in the educational discourse of our time:
bringing to bear the latest thinking in ... Show more content on ...
The third theme is intuitive thinking, a neglected but important feature of productive thinking. Careful
examinations of the nature of intuitive thinking is a great aid to those in teaching and effective
thinking is supported by the development of self confidence and courage. The fourth theme is
motivation for learning; an interest in the learning material is the best stimulus for learning and must
be kept broad and different in expression. It is important for students to feel motivated whilst learning,
the motives for learning must be based upon as much as possible on interests. Bruner s work had a
profound effect on education, researchers and the students he has worked with. Bruner (1964) clearly
states that his theory is the development of human intellectual functioning .
A lot of Bruner s work was powered by earlier theoretical research of Vygotsky and Piaget. My main
focus is on the similarities and differences of Bruner and Piaget, as LaFrancois (2000) states that much
of Bruner s work is linked to Piaget. The best theory for this is the theory of Constructivism.
According to Bruning et al. (1999) constructivism is a psychological and philosophical perspective
contending that individuals form or construct much of what they learn and understand. Constructivism
is the philosophy of learning; a
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Bruno Bettelheim s The Uses Of Enchantment
Bruno Bettelheim s The Uses of Enchantment claims that fairy tales help expand the development of
children. Although more adult topics like death are never specifically talked about, they tend to deal
with other kinds of everyday problems. Children read stories like where the hero overcomes a series of
obstacles in order to achieve their happily ever after, and then find a way to connect to that. These
kinds of fairy tales help teach children understand difference between right and wrong. Fairy tales are
in a way a child s first teacher, they essentially mold the mind and help convey ideas that would
otherwise be difficult to understand at such a young age.
The loss of a parent of a story s protagonist is a common characteristic in fairy tales. Usually the story
will start out with either the father or mother passing away, although the author never mentions the
word death it is always either implied or not much detail is given. These kinds of tragic backstories
leave you feeling sympathy towards the character, which then lead the reader to root for them at all
costs. Bettelheim states that situations like this occur in order to give children, suggestions in symbolic
form about he may deal with these issues (278). Fairy tales give children a sense of peace when it
comes to coping with loss. Kids can read these stories and say something along the lines of, Hey this
character is going through something I went through, I can relate to them . Stories like Cinderella
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Michael Phelps Accomplishments
Who knew one of the greatest swimmers alive was scared of putting his face under water, and he had
to be bribed to swim. Michael s early life consisted of some difficult times, from his parents being
divorced to being diagnosed with ADHD. At age 15, Phelps became a swimming sensation at the
Olympics which started his professional career. Even out of the pool, Michael made some huge
accomplishments and changes to the swim world. The life and career of a great swimmer, Michael
Phelps, serves as a great role model for all aspiring swimmers. From a very young age Michael started
swimming, which was his outlet. These days of his life shaped him for who he is now. When Michael
was only 8 years old, his parents divorced, and when he was 11 years old, he was diagnosed with
ADHD. His childhood seemed normal from playing multiple sports and getting in trouble in class;
however, at home his sisters mainly took care of him, and he had trouble staying ... Show more
content on ...
Phelps has helped run programs to teach little kids how to swim, wrote 2 books, is married, has a kid,
and owns a swim suit company. However he made some mistakes outside of the pool like drinking
under the influence. Phelps was arrested in his hometown of Baltimore, Maryland in September for
driving under the influence, speeding and crossing double lines. He took to Twitter to discuss this
incident, writing I understand the severity of my actions and take full responsibility. Phelps also
apologized to everyone I have let down. ( Michael Phelps Biography ). After he was arrested, he
apologized to the public for his wrong doing. The two books he wrote were No Limits: The Will to
Succeed(2008) and Beneath the Surface: My Story (2009). In addition, he s married to Nicole Johnson
and has a son Boomer Phelps. Michael is a outstanding role model for little kids because he learns
from his mistakes, and he has helped the swimming world
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Nurture Controversy
The biggest controversy in psychology today is whether genetics or one s environment plays a role in
the behavior of the individual. Psychologists have researched and developed different theories to
explain the reason for the way humans think and behave. The behavior of individuals is either
inherited or learned. In my opinion, I believe that nurture plays a big role in the individual s behavior.
Kendra Cherry states, Nurture refers to all the environmental variables that impact who we are,
including our early childhood experiences, how we were raised, our social relationships, and our
surrounding culture (1). People have become who there are because of the environment they were
exposed to in their childhood years. The behavior of people is influenced be the environment that
surrounds them and can changed many times through one s lifetime. People have different
personalities a person s ... Show more content on ...
Adults who were raised in a home with both parents usually have better relationships with their love
ones and tend to stay married for a long time. The trend of having both parents in a household most
likely will carry on with their children when they become adults. Some children grow up in abusive
environments and think it is fine to abuse someone or to be abused as a result they end up coming
violent person and commit a violent crime. Marisa Mauro says, In seeing the life patterns, I cannot
help but wonder if these men, now incarcerated, would have led productive lives if their environments
were different (2009). Without the help of counselling services, the abusive and violent behavior will
never end, even if they engage in new relationships. Counselling services may help because anything
that is learned can be modified.
In conclusion, the environment that children live will shape the person who they will become and
whatever is learned from a young age will stick with them for rest of their
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Egoism Vs Altruism
Egoism and Altruism are two ideas widely known in philosophy as two opposing ideas based on the
actions of individuals. Egoists believe that act for their own self interest. Altruists believe that
individuals act for the welfare of others. These two ideas highlight the differences between two
extreme natures. People by nature are egoists. This will be proven by exploring philosophers such as
Ayn Rand, Thomas Hobbes, Henry Sidgwick and their theories on egoism involving rational and
ethical egoism. Additionally, it will be proven using philosophers such as Derek Parfit and Jean
Jacques Rosseau who criticize these ideas, but are ultimately wrong.
There has been much controversy around the ideas of egoism and altruism as many philosophers have
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Entrepreneurship case analysis : DropBox | | | Biswajit Mishra P122056, PGPM 2012 13, Great Lakes
Institute of Management, Gurgaon | | | | |
Dropbox is a late mover in crowded space. What opportunity did Houston see? Specifically what are
the key elements of Dropbox s current business model?
Houston wanted to develop a product keeping in mind the voice of the customer. He wanted to
develop a product which could have the ability to sync and share files online and across networked
computers automatically where the user simply downloads the service on any number of ... Show
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of customers | Revenue from each source | Cost/ user | Total Cost/user type | 2GB | $0 | 2925000 | 0 |
$0.11 | $321,750.00 | 100 GB | $10 | 45000 | 449550 | $3.18 | $143,100.00 | 200 GB | $20 | 30000 |
599700 | $3.18 | $95,400.00 | Monthly | | 3000000 | 1049250 | | $560,250.00 | Yearly | | | 12591000 | |
$6,723,000.00 |
Amount left for salary and other expenses(loan repayment) $5,868,000
Hence it s a profitable company. * Current crop of users were individual customers. * Can leverage on
the brand equity and approach group users such as institutional, corporate etc.
Question 3:
When he applied for Y Combinator, what assumptions did Houston hold about key elements of
Dropbox s business model? As of june 2010 which of these hypothesis have been confirmed and
discarded? What is your assessment of the approach Houston used to test hypothesis? Did he waste
time and resources and make notable mistakes? Can you suggest better ways to validate key
Hypothesis that Houston used:
The confirmed hypotheses were :
1. assumed that acquiring small and medium customers won t be profitable. 2. They used a freemium
based model to generate revenues. 3. His main expense was to attract customers through paid
advertising 4. incorporated the security and antivirus software s to provide built in applications for
dropbox in partnerships with the OEMs. 5. He assumed that customer loyalty will play a major role
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Mr. Clutter s Last To See Them Alive
Last to See Them Alive is the first chapter of the novel In Cold Blood leading from page three to
seventy four. To get the reader in the mood for murder, the book starts with a detailed description of
the Kansas flatlands, and then the Clutter family is introduced. That morning, Mr. Clutter goes about
his daily routine. The author switches over to two men for dramatic effect he does so to keep the novel
interesting. Perry Smith in Olathe, Kansas and is waiting for Dick Hickock, his former cellmate, with
whom Perry is supposed to pull off a score that night. Perry also infers that he is planning the escape
to Mexico. Dick Hickock arrives late to meet Perry. In his car he has a shotgun and a hunting knife.
Dick is also wearing a hunting vest ... Show more content on ...
Simultaneously, in Garden City, the county near the Clutter home in Holcomb, Mr. Clutter generously
gives Mrs. Hideo Ashida, the wife of a Japanese farmer, and her four children a ride home. Mrs.
Ashida says to Herb in a fit of ironic foreshadowing I can t imagine you afraid. No matter what
happened, you d talk yourself out of it (16). Perry and Dick park the car outside of a Catholic hospital.
While Dick talked to the nuns, the reader learns Perry s real reason for agreeing to rob the Clutters.
Perry wanted to meet up with his friend Willy Jay, a prison chaplain s clerk. However, when Perry
reached Kansas City, Willie Jay had already been released from prison and was gone, so Perry decides
to continue on with Dick s score . Herb Clutter, ironically on the last day of his life, bought a life
insurance policy for forty thousand dollars, with double indemnity. Back in Holcomb, Nancy Clutter s
the last of the family to go to bed writes in her diary, says her prayers, and goes off to sleep. The next
morning, November 15, Nancy Ewalt, a classmate of Nancy Clutter, is being dropped off at the Clutter
house by her father, Clarence, to go to church with the
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Menstrual Hygiene A Public Health, Gender Equality, And...
The United Nations declared menstrual hygiene a public health, gender equality, and human rights
issue, but on what ground? Often times, policies are routed on or based off theoretical perspectives
from philosophers, ethicists, economists, etc. Unfortunately, not all countries agreed with the UN on
this declaration of women s right, despite women make up half of the global population. The
understanding of women s bodies is relatively new, and literature on women s rights is also relatively
new. Women in countries around the world are shamed and limited in activities they are legally and
socially permitted to do depending on their menstrual cycle. In this paper, I will agree with the UN s
declaration that menstrual hygiene management (MHM) is a public health issue, gender equality, and
human rights issue through the lens of Sen and Nussbaum s capabilities approach in addition to Jagger
s criticism of Nussbaum. Both Sen and Nussbaum agree, although somebody could have in theory, the
capability of fulfilling an activity, their social and physical environment in addition to social factors
may prohibit them from physically completing, or even engaging, in an activity. According to Sen, the
lack of substantive freedoms relates directly to economic poverty, which robs people of the freedom to
satisfy hunger, or to achieve sufficient nutrition, or to obtain remedies for treatable illnesses, or the
opportunity to be adequately clothed or sheltered, or to enjoy clean water or
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Analysis Of Theodor W. Adorno s The
about the world around us, even just for a moment. This boldly claims a kind of autonomy for art, but
one that is distinct from Theodor W. Adorno s conception and more in line with the affirmative notions
the aesthetic impulse. As such, the kind of aesthetics that I am eluded to here is not just a state of
contemplation. It is much more. As Cramerotti describes in his aforementioned essay, it is rather the
capacity of an art form to put our sensibility in motion, and convert what we feel about nature and the
human race into a concrete (visual or bodily) experience . It is useful to introduce Deleuze s categories
of the actual and the virtual and put them into motion. In his 1968 text Difference and Repetition ,
Deleuze explains that the virtual is not opposed to the real; it possesses a full reality by itself. The
process it undergoes is actualisation. It would be wrong to see only a verbal despite here: it is a
question of existence itself . Deleuze s category of the virtual , the realm of affects and Paterson s
documents of darkness are united in their intangibility and their capacity to move the spectator beyond
the familiar. Collectively, these forces harness the ability to transport the viewer to another time and
In his 1992 text Chaosmosis: An Ethico Aesthetic Paradigm , Guattari describes this capacity as an
ethico aesthetic paradigm, which pertains to subjectivity as well as art. He argues that new complexes
of subjectivation become possible
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The Omnivore s Dilemma By Michael Pollan
Food dominates the lives of people. It is used as comfort and fuel. But the controversy is, what should
people consume? Burkhard Bilger s piece, Nature s Spoils, explores the abnormal way of eating,
which is the fermentation of food. It is usually a safe practice, and also produces vitamins in the
making. The Omnivore s Dilemma by Michael Pollan expresses the problem of how humans select
food. In How Do We Choose What to Eat? by Susan Bowerman she points out the influences on
people s life that affects their eating habits. By using Bowerman s article as the keystone, Nature s
Spoils and The Omnivore s Dilemma can be compared and contrasted. Since the food that people
consume daily can affect them in the future, it must be chosen carefully.
In Nature s Spoils by Burkhard Bilger, he follows Katz Sanders, who is a lover of sauerkraut and
fermented food. The biography that Bilger includes of Sanders from goes back to when Sanders he
was a political activist in 1972 before becoming a fermentation fetisht to where he was tested H.I.V.
positive around 1991. One of the places they spent most was in Hickory Knoll, where Sanders spent a
majority of his time experimenting with fermented foods. Along one of the stops during their road trip,
they met a man named, Garth. Garth tells them of his story of eating raw milk and other food that hasn
t been processed, and how it had only made him feel stronger, which brings up the controversy of
what is risky or beneficial to eat. As
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  • 2. The Electoral College Should Be Abolished Every 4 years, our country makes an incredibly important decision. We vote for the person who will represent the US in all domestic and international affairs; The President. Currently, we have many troops in Iraq fighting to help them establish a democracy. We are giving the citizens a right to vote, a privilege that many people claim we are lucky to have. In actuality, how democratic is our system overall? What many people don t realize or care to face, is we don t directly vote for our president. In 2000, the majority of us voted for a President who in the end was not determined the winner. There are many other corruptions in our current electoral system, including the underlying racist and sexist roots, voter inequality and other flaws ... Show more content on ... What, do I chuse [sic] Samuel Miles to determine for me whether John Adams or Thomas Jefferson shall be President? No! I chuse [sic] him to act, not to think! was the outcry of an angry Federalist as written in the United States Gazette (Peirce, 23). Since then there has been more than 8 cases of faithless votes being cast (Peirce, 23). The problem that has brought the Electoral College to the spotlight in the past few years is the fact that the Electoral College winner does not always reflect the winner of the popular vote. This has already occurred three times in history: Rutherford B. Hays vs. Samuel J. Tilden in 1876, Benjamin Harrison vs. Grover Cleveland in 1888 and most recently, the 2000 election between Gore and Bush (Cornwell). Although half a million more Americans voted for Al Gore than did for George Bush, Bush won the Electoral College 271 to 266, granting him the presidency (Abolish the Electoral College). It doesn t make much sense that the candidate in which received a majority of the votes overall would lose. Another way to understand the Electoral College is to take an in depth look at it s origins. The Electoral College is a system based on historic policies that no longer exist and are irrelevant to modern voting. The delegates who developed the Electoral College believed that voters would not be able to make a reasoned and ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Lack Of Prime Ministerial Power In Canada A topic of much debate in many political systems is how much power the head of state, or in some cases such as in constitutional monarchies, the head of government holds. If the leader holds too much power, the political process becomes undemocratic. Conversely if the leader has too little power, government becomes inefficient, sometimes crippling the government completely for their terms in office. In Canada, this can be seen in the effectiveness of a majority or minority government, and the abilities of the Prime Minister in each case. In the latter case, many believe that lack of prime ministerial power is attributed to the trend of ineffective minority governments because of the ability for motions of non confidence to be passed, forcing ... Show more content on ... This is due to the nature of the inability to pass legislation without compromise between all parties forming the current government. Although compromise is at the center of responsible government, the inability to produce effective legislation and to govern efficiently because of the need of compromise between varying political parties also limits the ability of governments to provide their obligations to the citizens who placed them in power. These periods of governance tend to revolve around a constant power struggle over a single issue, rather than focusing on the larger affairs at hand. Again, examples in which these compromises, or rather lack of ability to make these compromises, can be seen throughout Canadian history. One such example of this was Prime Minister Joe Clark s minority Conservative government of 1979. In an attempt to ensure prosperity, Clark attempted to run the government as if it was a majority, and deliver on the platform on which he had run his election campaign. This was achieved by attempting to follow in the footsteps of the last Conservative Prime Minister, John Diefenbaker. Because of this, Clark was unable to deliver his own political agenda as ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Christian Doctrine Of The Trinity Outline the development of the Christian doctrine of the Trinity from the New Testament Church to the Nicene Creed. I will like to crave your indulgence to the fact that Nicene concept of Trinity is never stated in the Bible, and it is that early Christians as well as the scriptures clearly points out the fact that Jesus was fully divine and pre existent. For the fact that, none of the early Christian theologians fully asserted the doctrine of the Trinity, not even a speculation about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. According to the father of the paganism description of Trinity God can in no way be described. (Schindler 148). In the 4th century there are different schools of thought that were developed in Antioch, were they try to literarily interpret the Scriptures with a great deal of emphasis on the historical context of Trinity. Arius who is also known as Nicene, came up with the Nicene Creed by arguing the fact that Jesus was not God, and the Father by itself is true God. Base on the fact that God created Jesus, Arius was able to support his argument with the books of (Proverbs 8:22 and John 14:28) the Father is greater than I as a proof. On the other hand, a number of philosophy was able to argue that Christ was homoousios (same or one substance) in a way to debunk Nicene Creed by describing the relationship that exist between the father and Son, by stating the fact that Jesus is God that come to earth as a man which is also the Father. Arius believes that it ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Long Day s Journey Into Night Religion Religion carries many individuals through life s joys and heartaches in Long Day s Journey Into Night, Mary is one of them. She grows up in a Catholic family and then lives in a convent, where she finds her life s purpose as a nun. After her marriage and life on the road with her husband, however, she loses her faith. Religion the force that has once created a comforting and happy structure for her is now diminished. After this theological loss, (Floyd pg. 258) Mary s life shifts to turmoil. She endures the loss of a child due to the measles, gives birth in grotesque hotels, and loses her connection with her husband. She refuses to accept that her youngest son, Edmund, like her father, has consumption. And while dealing with this misery, ... Show more content on ... According to Pounds, it seems the convent was her true home because it was there that she felt the deepest sense of belonging. (Pounds) Mary had a true sense of home when she lived her days at the convent. She love[d] her [convent mother] better than [her] own mother. (LDJN pg. 178) Mary felt more of a connection to her mothers and sisters in her convent than her own family. On her unsuccessful journey to regain her faith, Mary has lost her connection with her family. Her husband and Jamie, who are alcoholics, and Edmund, who has consumption, often push Mary away. Tyrone fails to share empathy with his wife s desire to escape the present as he says, For God s sake, forget the past! (LDJN pg. 90) It is to no surprise she was much happier... in the Convent where [she] used to pray to the Blessed Virgin (LDJN pg. 109) She lived in a convent filled with other women; some who may have shared her interests and worries. However, Mary s present is filled with men, who fail to understand her troubles. Mary describes her happiness when she says the Blessed Virgin had smiled and blessed me... (LDJN pg. 178) Throughout her life, Mary has lost the blessing of the Virgin Mary. She no longer has this relationship and closeness with her faith and she longs for a return to the stability of her youth, and for a state of grace she believes she once had attained. (Floyd pg. ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Michelle Obama Speech Rhetorical Devices In Remarks to the NAACP National Convention , Michelle Obama spoke about how obesity in children has become a huge medical issue. She thoroughly explains her Let s Move campaign, while using pathos and logos as rhetorical devices. The audience that attended were mostly parents that grew up in the same generation as Mrs. Obama. She related to them as she jokes about their past. She expressed her message while including the audience by saying we or our . In addition, her being family minded helped reach her ideas out to other parents as they are dealing with the same issues. Mrs. Obama understood what type of audience made an appearance and made them feel valuable. Instead of generalizing the audience as one, she spoke to them as you . ... Show more content on ... Obama uses is pathos. Throughout her speech, she is influencing the audience s emotions with pathos. Right in the beginning she thanked the audience for all their hard work and for coming out to the convention, making the audience feel narcissist. Michelle Obama told the audience, First of all, thank you for being here today and thank you for the outstanding work that you ve done in making this is a great American institution (418). The audience now feels as if they are making a difference and everything that they are doing is improving the nation. Once they feel that way, the people will feel more motivated to go out and accomplish more. Mrs. Obama also used the same strategy towards the end of her speech when she got the audience involved with the movement. Mrs. Obama announced, I m going to need you, NAACP. This is not an endeavor that I can do by myself. We cannot change the health of our community alone. I m going to need each and every single one of you to work together for this campaign for our children s future (432). Mrs. Obama is encouraging the crowd to make a difference and support her campaign. Not only did she make the audience feel narcissist, she also made them feel ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Postoperative Pain And Anxiety Essay Analyzing the Effect of Music on Postoperative Pain and Anxiety The effect of music on postoperative pain and anxiety was studied on an orthopedic unit in a central Florida hospital (Allred, Byers, Sole, 2010). The authors clearly identified the problem many total knee arthroplasty patients experience after surgery is moderate to severe postoperative pain and increased anxiety. Throughout the introduction of the study, it was stressed the importance and need for this research to be conducted. The authors discussed the effects of inadequately treated pain and how health care professionals, including nursing, should make it a priority in a patient s treatment plan (Allred et al., 2010). Several references were provided supporting the issue ... Show more content on ... The researchers included both a hypothesis and research questions. They stated a hypothesis, however it is a research hypothesis versus a null hypothesis. A research hypothesis explains there is correlation between two or more variables. A null hypothesis is a classification of hypotheses that states there is no connection between the independent and dependent variables. Statistical testing is performed to determine whether the statement is acceptable or not. Whereas the research question is an analysis statement detailing the variables and population of the specified research study (Adams, 2015). The hypothesis, the authors were hoping to prove, was whether the use of music would reduce pain and anxiety in postoperative pain in a particular patient population during a defined time frame (Allred et al., 2010). An example of a null hypothesis for this study would state music would have no effect on postoperative pain in a particular patient population during a defined time frame. There were four research questions the researchers attempted to answer. Three of the four questioned the effect of music on the patient s pain, anxiety, and physiologic parameters. However the fourth question pertained to the impact of music on the amount of opioids taken from the beginning of the intervention until six hours later (Allred et al., 2010). The clinicians had not mentioned this component of the study before ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Media Affects of the Vietnam War Essay Media Affects of the Vietnam War War is truly a horrific event that unfortunately occurs in our world frequently. There are a variety of ethical questions surrounding war, such as how much should citizens know about the fighting? When it comes to reporting the news, it is the goal of the network to report the news first. The benefit to this is people will turn to them first when it comes to breaking stories. However if the news is delivered based on speed and not accuracy this can be harmful to society. War is a very serious event and should not be taken lightly. Therefore, reporters must make sure facts are correct and unbiased. In both the Vietnam War and our current war we see reporters going to extreme measures to be the first ... Show more content on ... Lies and corruption capture people. Therefore people will always pay attention to the stories about our government lying to us. These weapons have still not been found and this is extremely similar to how the ship may not have ever been shot down in Tonkin. Despite numerous inaccurate reports there were attempts of trying to report the war accurately. However whenever a news channel would report Americans getting killed in Vietnam the government would work quickly to cover it up. President Nixon is quoted as saying the press is our biggest enemy. This one phrase sums up the war. The press would try to report fairly to the American people, but the government would squash it and make the press look bad (Media Beat Vietnam War, Solomon and Cohen). Therefore the press would only report good things so that the government would look highly upon them and give them better seating in white house briefings. This highly affected the people working in Vietnam. They were forced to be there, and the stories they were trying to report were not even reported. There are certainly a lot of examples of war reporting being inaccurate. When we read John Kerry s letters to his mother we realized what Kerry was telling his mother and what his mother was hearing on TV were two totally different stories. Kerry wrote to his mother about bloodshed, ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Influential Rhetorical Strategies Of 1984 s Subaru Legacy... Influential Rhetorical Strategies of 1989 s Subaru Legacy Advertisement The Subaru Legacy advertisement is found in the middle in May 1989 s LIFE magazine. First, the ad begins to entice the reader with a black and white photo of the vehicle. It covers two thirds of the connected page, and the background looks blurry, it appears to have been taken as the vehicle was being driven. The first words seen by the reader are New Maximum Strength Subaru ( New Maximum Strength Subaru ) written in a large font. The rest of the rhetorical strategies reside below the photo and large text. Within the text, the author speaks to the audience about the Subaru Legacy s uniqueness, including its rare engine design, tremendously powered transmission, and its brake and traction control systems. Then, the author directs and guides the readers to the luxury and comfort within the interior of the vehicle. To complete the argument, the writer mentions its starting price, and states the Subaru Legacy is reliable and durable enough for the public. One of the first points in this advertisement relating to rhetoric is the set of values on which the argument rests, subtly telling the audience about the strength and durability and how it is inherently good and can be trusted to the full extent. Throughout the whole argument, the audience is led to believe these claims because the author uses evidence in the form of facts, especially in this statement, And if you look beyond its gracefully ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Negative Effects Of Globalization On The Labor Market Negative Impact of Globalization on the Labor Market Kseniia Kharchevnykova ILSC Globalization is known to be found almost in all countries all over the world. The definition of globalization is quite easy to understand, it is the process of integration and co operation between different countries. So, how does globalization influence the labor market? Although there are some benefits of globalization in several areas like culture and business, it has a negative impact on the labor market. Serious consequences of trade liberalization, fast expanding of technology at factories and plants all around the world and growing gap between manufacturing producing countries and agricultural producing countries are known to be three major ways globalization affects the labor market. Consequences of trade liberalization are known to be one of the major issues that reflects negative impact on the labor market of the globalization. Unfortunately, these days only high skilled workers are able to find good jobs with high salaries, while many people lose their jobs, so unemployment in those countries began increasing rapidly. For example, research reveals that trade liberalization in Mexico in the mid to late 1980s led to increased relative wages of high skilled workers (Najdeni, 2016, para 4). In addition to this, some experts predicted that there will be great changes in the demand for unskilled workers and growth their salaries. They might have expected ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Essay on Luaghing Comedy-Oliver Goldsmith The Theatre, like all other amusements, has its fashions and its prejudices, and when satiated with its excellence, mankind begin to mistake change for improvement. For some years tragedy was the reigning entertainment, but of late it has entirely given way to comedy, and our best efforts are now exerted in these lighter kinds of composition. The pompous train, the swelling phrase, and the unnatural rant, are displaced for that natural portrait of human folly and frailty, of which all are judges, because all have sat for the picture. But as in describing nature it is presented with a double face, either of mirth or sadness, our modern writers find themselves at a loss which chiefly to copy from, and it is now debated, whether the ... Show more content on ... In these plays almost all the characters are good, and exceedingly generous; they are lavish enough of their tin money on the stage, and though they want humor, have abundance of sentiment and feeling. If they happen to have faults or foibles, the spectator is taught not only to pardon, but to applaud them, in consideration of the goodness of their hearts; so that folly, instead of being ridiculed, is commended, and the comedy aims at touching our passions, without the power of being truly pathetic. In this manner we are likely to lose one great source of entertainment on the stage; for while the comic poet is invading the province of the tragic muse, he leaves her lovely sister quite neglected. Of this, however, he is no way solicitous, as he measures his fame by his profits. But it will be said, that the theatre is formed to amuse mankind, and that it matters little, if this end be answered, by what means it is obtained. If mankind find delight in weeping at comedy, it would be cruel to abridge them in that or any other innocent pleasure. If those pieces are denied the name of comedies, yet call them by any other name, and if they are delightful, they are good. Their success, it will be said, is a mark of their merit, and it is only abridging our happiness to deny us an inlet to amusement. These objections, however, are rather specious than solid. It is true, that amusement is a great object at a ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Conformity In Today s Society Everybody strives to survive and has a will to stay alive. This is easily achieved by attaining the basic necessities for survival; water, food, and shelter. In Suzanne Collins The Hunger Games, individuals have access to all of these, although they may sometimes struggle to actually come into their possession. Even still, these are not enough to ensure survival in the world of Panem. The Capitol uses totalitarianism to govern its people, controlling every single aspect of every single person s life. This system brings survival to a completely new level in this society: conformity. Suzanne Collins utilizes her novel s characters, along with their wills to survive, to convey that conformity is key to survival, even in the real world. To conform ... Show more content on ... Not conforming to society s expectations, or even just standing out in any manner, can affect an individual and how they are treated by others. They can be seen as an outsider and could potentially be treated in such a way that could impact them negatively, hindering their survival. Within a group of adolescents, this can be seen through teasing. In a group of adults, this is exemplified by constant criticism of one s actions and choices. Suzanne Collins believes that in order to survive in the world today, you must follow social norms, to a certain degree, in order to be happy in the long run. This is extremely relevant today, as opposed to society over twenty years ago, as the modern age is extremely individualized. Everybody is encouraged to be themselves, but within a set boundary of norms, which is ironic. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is an entertaining work of fiction, yet it unveils truths pertaining to society today. Survival in terms of staying alive is typically not an issue in our world, but survival in terms of being socially accepted is. Suzanne Collins beliefs on conformity and survival explain that former is impossible without the latter. Survival cannot be achieved without conforming to any degree, as depicted by the Capitol s totalitarianism and the importance of sponsors in The Hunger Games. Be yourself, just not too ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Designing A Company For The Car Industry Essay Revival is a company I own for four years now. It s been a family company since 1963, so it has a lot of sentimental value to me over the years. Basically what this company does restores old classic cars and rejuvenates them. The shop was owned by my grandpa, then pass on to my dad. Unfortunately, my dad passed away of cancer, so he inherited the company to me because he knew I would still continue to keep Revival functioning properly. I like to preserve my company the way it is, as how it was first step up back in 1963. It just reminds me of the old memories when I first used to give a hand around the shop. I remember learning skills from my dad, on how to make business agreements with customers. The day I knew I wanted to work in the car industry, was when I first bought an 1950 Aston Martin for $1600 because the guy was paying too much for parking space a month. As a matter of fact, I told him what does he prefer, continuing to pay for rent or get rid of the car for once. That s the day when I first bought myself a car for an amazing deal. The market value for Aston Martins are significantly higher once it s all refurbished. Ever since then, I noticed easy potential money in the car industry. Our company employs about six professional mechanics that are remarkably qualified for their job. Each and every one of them are talented on their one way and bring success to the company. To be a automotive mechanic it takes a lot of passion, patience, and knowledge to able to ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Social Injustice In Hidden Intellectualism By Colin... There is no question that American culture has evolved over the years. Many citizens have become far more liberal than others, but it has become widely apparent that strong cultural differences are still a point of debate. The idea is that every citizen possesses the same equal rights, yet in Colin Kaepernick and the question of who gets to be called a Patriot , Wesley Morris portrays how Kaepernick calls attention to social injustice in a televised national sport. In addition, in Hidden Intellectualism Gerald Graff demonstrates a lack of guidance that enhances new ideas provided by the educational systems in the nation, by focusing solely on purely academic issues. Both argue the insufficiency of schooling and widespread social inequality ... Show more content on ... The only problem seems to be that somehow American society seems to divide people into groups. There are groups such as the activist and passive; authors like Graff and Morris are those who are in the activist group. The research done by both authors portrayed what they see around them and their personal experiences. Graff expresses his opinion about how citizens intellectualism without an academic background is not seen nor given the same opportunity as to someone with an academic standpoint through his ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Outline And Explanation Of An Stole Driving License Of A... Summarise and explain: An impostor stole the driving license of a man named Mr Durlabh Patel. The impostor brought the driver license with him to the showrooms of a car dealer where he used the stolen driver license as a proof of identity and introduced himself as Mr Patel to the sales manager Mr Bailey. The impostor wanted to buy a car and they agreed a price for a hire purchase agreement. The impostor filled out the hire purchase agreement form produced by Mr Bailey by providing the name and address of Mr Patel and forged a signature matching that on the driving license. Mr. Bailey called the hire purchase company Shogun Finance (the claimant) and gave them the details the impostor had provided to its relevant staff. Then he faxed to the ... Show more content on ... Thus he argued that there is no offer and acceptance between Mr Patel and Shogun, and the contract is void. Therefore the rogue is not a debtor under the agreement and has never acquired the title of the vehicle. The Lord added that face to face principle does not apply here because none of the dealings between the fraudster and Shogun took place face to face, with the car dealer as a mere facilitator of communication (case, 21). Lord Walker agreed with Lord Hobhouse and added his own observations. He put forward a point that in such cases with two innocent parties the court is inclined to sympathise more with the private purchaser from the fraudster. He thinks that it may not be right to assume that one innocent party deserves more sympathy. Lord Philips found himself attracted by the face to face presumption put forward by Lord Nicholls and Lord Millett, but he was unable to adopt it. He echoed Lord Hobhouse and Lord Walker by recognizing the contract as a written document. He also considers the identity of the parties to the agreement as essential to its conclusion. Without Mr Patel (the hirer) s authority, the contract was null. Lord Nicholls and Lord Millett hold dissenting opinions. Lord Nicholls believes that a contract exists as long as there is a meeting of minds and that fraud only negative rights and obligations flowing from an intention to ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Walter Mitty Identity Both The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and Lamb to the Slaughter analyze human s ways of achieving self acceptance. Walter Mitty s persona is not considered appropriate by people around him, so as a result, he daydreams to accept his true character. On the contrary, Mary Maloney s self love is built upon the presence of her husband, so when he decided to leave, her whole world shattered. In The Secret Life of Walter Mitty , James Thurber explores the topic of self acceptance through the protagonist s daydreams, to demonstrate the strategy of accepting oneself through fantasies when society s values oppose one s behavior. In Lamb to the Slaughter , Mary Maloney s dependence on Patrick for happiness implies that one often relies heavily on others in order to attain self acceptance and adopt a socially fitting identity. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty presents us with a character who finds his escape through fantasies to suggest that when one s unable to stand up against harassers, imagination and dreams will nourish confidence and self image. For instance, at the end of the story, Walter Mitty s use of the words erect and motionless , proud and disdainful , Walter Mitty the Undefeated, inscrutable to the last suggests his ... Show more content on ... At the beginning of the story, the readers are presented with a strangely content housewife. Mary Maloney s curiously peaceful demeanor and the fact that she was merely satisfying herself with the thinking each minute that went by made it nearer the time he would come home suggests that Patrick is the focus of Mary s life, the fountainhead of joy and purpose. Consequently, Mary developed and maintained a cellophane, fabricated persona, with the center of everything being her ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Aphra Ben s Oroonoko and Daniel Defoe s Moll Flanders In his Dictionary of Literary Terms, Harry Shaw defines the novel: In effective narrative literature, fictional persons, through characterization, become so credible that they exist for the reader as real people, he says (1). Many eighteenth century British novelists neglected to earn this credibility. Looking specifically at Aphra Behn s Oroonoko and Daniel Defoe s Moll Flanders, Shaw s definition becomes especially difficult to apply to Moll and Oroonoko s narrator. While the novels should not be declared unsuccessful in their entireties, perhaps the sincerity claimed in both introductions only lessens their overall believability. In the opening lines of his preface, Defoe tells us, the Author is here suppos d to be writing her own History (1). Behn makes a similar claim in his novel: I was myself an eyewitness to a great part, of what you will find here set down, and what I could not be witness of, I received from the mouth of the chief actor in this history, the hero himself (75). And soon the authors claims prove themselves to be untrue with a sizeable lack of reality in their characterization. Perhaps we cannot blame the authors themselves, but rather their time. Serving as the inventors of the realist novel, eighteenth century writers like Aphra Behn and Daniel Defoe were without a foundation to follow and with the development of characters that are perhaps too unique, situations idealized, and blatant claims of truthfulness, thus fail to convince the ... Get more on ...
  • 18. MMA Training Videos A question we get very often on our forum is about MMA training videos. Our readers want to know which is the best set of MMA training DVD s for them available, online or offline. Unfortunately, this question is very hard to answer. I ll explain in a minute. But first, let s have a quick look at what MMA is. MMA is short for Mixed Martial Arts. It s a fighting sport with lots of fans and several shows like UFC, Bellator, M1 Global and Elite XC. UFC has become so famous that it s even threatening boxing s supremacy in popularity rankings. MMA fighters employ techniques, holds, grappling moves, submission techniques, kicks and punches from a wide variety of martial arts and from Brazilian jiu jitsu (BJJ), Muay Thai and Krav Maga (the Israeli Defense Force close quarters combat technique) amongst others. Maybe ... Show more content on ... Most training videos will focus on one or two styles max. So the right set of training DVD s for you may not be the same as the one for the next guy. Additionally, some people need training videos to start to train and ultimately start fighting in a ring. Others want to learn self defense techniques from the Mixed Martial Arts training DVD s. Others are looking to pick up a few quick pointers to help them out should they ever get into a street or bar fight, yet others look at it as a preferred way of working out (subdivided in acquiring body weight and cardio exercise). A minority even looks for them just to show off with their friends... Then there are training DVD s and videos for beginners, for intermediary fighters and a few that teach advanced techniques. This is very important! Trying advanced techniques as a beginner might cause serious injuries to yourself or your sparring partner. Some of the advanced techniques can cause death when executed in the wrong way or with excessive force. We recommend that you try or train any new technique always are very slow speed ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Types of Strike Strikes and lockouts constitutional or official strikes unofficial strikes general strikes lockouts rotating or revolving strikes sit ins tool down or pen down strike The data supplied to the ILO do not include statistics on sympathetic or political strikes or on gheraos (harassment of employers, etc. by workers preventing them from leaving the premises until their claims are granted) which result in work stoppages. The statistics for these types of action are collected and published separately. Working to rule and overtime bans are excluded. Minimum threshold At least 10 workers involved. Economic activities Industries performing services relating to sovereign functions are excluded, as there is no responsibility for ... Show more content on ... Analytical measures Severity rate for manufacturing, used for analysing industrial relations: number of days not worked per one hundred thousand days scheduled to work Historical background of the series Not available. Documentation Series available Not available. Bibliographic references Labour Bureau: Indian Labour Journal (monthly); Idem: Indian Labour Statistics (annual); Idem: Indian Labour Year Book (annual); Idem: Hand Book of Labour Statistics (annual); Idem: Annual Review of Industrial Disputes in India (annual). Data published by the ILO The number of strikes and lockouts, the number of workers involved and the number of days not worked, by economic activity. Confidentiality Not available. International standards Not available. Methods of data collection There is no legal obligation to report the occurrence of a strike or lockout. Information is collected on a voluntary basis from the economic units involved, on a standard form or from police ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Insanity of War in Slaughterhouse Five The Insanity of War in Slaughterhouse Five Regarding his views on war, Albert Einstein said in 1931, [he] who joyfully marches to music in rank and file... has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him a spinal cord would surely suffice. Slaughterhouse Five, written by Kurt Vonnegut Jr., is a satirical World War II novel. The novel focuses on Billy Pilgrim s experiences. He develops schizophrenia during the war and consequently feels as if he lives in moments, opposed to chronologically, as well as claiming to be abducted by aliens living on the planet Tralfamadore. Through these moments Billy meets Edgar Derby and Ronald Weary, two major characters who suffer from the war, as well. Through its contrasting characters, Vonnegut s ... Show more content on ... because he never knows what part of his life he is going to act in next (22). Billy experiences extreme suffering in many moments and finds himself constantly helpless because of his mental state. This causes the audience to feel sympathy for Billy, and disgust towards what causes his suffering, which is the war. Vonnegut manipulates the audience s feelings towards war regarding Billy Pilgrim s insanity as well as through Edgar Derby s doomed fate. Edgar Derby demonstrates the insanity of war through his doomed fate despite his potential for greatness. Edgar Derby s fate is announced early on in the novel by the narrator, who emphasizes Edgar Derby s death because [the] irony is so great... [a] whole city gets burned down... [and] then this one American foot soldier is arrested in the ruins for taking a teapot... and he s shot by the firing squad (5). The irony and injustice of Edgar Derby s death is meant to show the audience that war has no sense of what is fair because it is so brutal. Through this, Vonnegut attempts to make the audience angry with war. During the war, Edgar Derby spends much of his time imagining letters he would send to his wife, telling [her] he was alive and well, that she [should not] worry, that the war was nearly over, that he would be home soon (183). This causes the audience to feel sympathy for Edgar Derby because the audience knows he will be killed after the bombing of Dresden. The irony of the imaginary letters also ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Benefits Of Drinking Bottled Water Essay There are many benefits of drinking bottled water, but these benefits do not outweigh the costs. Drinking bottled water can have many negative effects on human health, and can be very harmful to the environment. Over the past ten years, the bottled water market has tripled. Every year the market grows ten percent from the previous year. Because the market is continuously growing, the amount of negative impacts of bottled water are also growing. Bottled water has been linked to health defects, illnesses including cancer, pollution and global warming. Purchasing and drinking bottled water is not good, and there are many dangers that come with purchasing plastic bottled water. Not only is bottled water more expensive than tap water, but the production, and transportation of bottled water is also costly. The United States alone consumes over thirty billion bottles of water every year while the world consumes 70.4 billion gallons of bottled water every year. There are four major bottled water companies including: Nestlé, Danone, Coca Cola, and Pepsi Co (along with other local companies). Worldwide these companies bring in $100 billion every year. The Beverage Marketing Corporation (BMC) has predicted that by the end of 2016, bottled water will be the number one most sold packaged beverage sold in the United States (Bosque, 2011). There are over 40,000 semi trucks delivering the bottled water all over the United States. Transporting all of the bottled water calls for lots of ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Essay On Deployment To Japan My overseas deployment to Japan Many marines get deployed overseas to japan and for most of them is not a pleasant experiencing; that wasn t my case. While serving in the united states marines every six months or so you may get deployed to different parts of the world depending on what the corps ask of you, for many this deployment is to a tiny island in japan called Okinawa, there there s many us military bases, one of them is camp Shawb, this base house most of the marine infantry forces in the island, because of this its located far from the main cities of the island making it really isolated from everything. In addition to it being so apart from everything, the natives on the island are not so welcome of our presence on the island ... Show more content on ... Along with snorkeling there is a movie theater on based with advance showings and really cheap tickets and popcorn which me and my fellow marines made it habit to go every Friday after work and right after we finished watching the latest flick, we would head out to the bar right next to we almost every Friday or Saturday a live performer would play either classic rock hits or country music, all while me and my buddies got completely waste with cheap margaritas and long island ice teas which we will completely regret next morning having no idea how we made it back to the room in one piece. Another reason I loved my time in japan was all the different places I got to visit. First, before I tell you about the other places I visited in japan, let s talk about the cool tourist attractions on Okinawa, like the underground world war 2 trenches that go on for miles all over the island, which had all types of curious stuff on them like altars and game rooms. We also went to several world war 2 museums where I learned a great deal about the importance of Okinawa during the war. Finally, we went several times to the main cities to explore and also to buy stuff form their massive malls. Next we went to camp Fuji, which is named after mount Fuji located right next to each other, the base here is a little bit smaller and doesn t have the same accommodations we had on ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Argument Against Homosexual Marriage Running Head: Homosexuals Marriage Homosexuals Marriage Homosexuals Marriage INTRODUCTION: In today s world, the problem of same sex marriage is increasing day by day. Although there are certain laws about the homosexuals in the western society but still many people do not see it with dignity because of their own ethical perceptions. As far as their legal marriage is concerned, it is very not a civilized action under any circumstances. Anything against natural phenomenon is hazardous physically and mentally. Giving them lawful support can be a hazard for the upcoming generations and a hindrance in conceiving babies to continue a family chain. The society and government should not allow homosexuals marriage as it is an unnatural process and ethically unsound causing damage to the family life. MAIN BODY: Heterosexual marriage brings together a man and a woman to live with love, satisfy their needs and continue their family life by having children. Heterosexual marriages not only require emotional attraction but it also satisfy the natural needs that a person cannot get in the same sex marriage (Rimmerman Wilcox, 2007). To be in favor of heterosexual marriage is not a medieval opinion. Heterosexual marriage is just like a key lock relationship. A key is made for the lock, what if the key insist to remain with another key, or a lock insists to be with a lock. Similarly, homosexuals are like a key to key or lock to lock relationship that can give nothing but just and ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Jerome Seymour Bruner Essay Jerome Seymour Bruner is an American psychologist who made signification contributions to educational, cognitive and developmental psychology. This paper will focus on who Bruner is, his main theories explained, plus a comparison between Bruner and Piaget and the effectiveness of Bruners theories in the classroom. Bruner was born and raised in New York City, Bruner graduated high school in 1933 and went on to major in psychology at Duke University; earning an AB degree in 1937. Subsequently, Bruner pursued a graduate study at Harvard University receiving the MA in 1939 and a Ph.D. in 1941. Gardner (2001) noted; Jerome Bruner has served a vital role in the educational discourse of our time: bringing to bear the latest thinking in ... Show more content on ... The third theme is intuitive thinking, a neglected but important feature of productive thinking. Careful examinations of the nature of intuitive thinking is a great aid to those in teaching and effective thinking is supported by the development of self confidence and courage. The fourth theme is motivation for learning; an interest in the learning material is the best stimulus for learning and must be kept broad and different in expression. It is important for students to feel motivated whilst learning, the motives for learning must be based upon as much as possible on interests. Bruner s work had a profound effect on education, researchers and the students he has worked with. Bruner (1964) clearly states that his theory is the development of human intellectual functioning . A lot of Bruner s work was powered by earlier theoretical research of Vygotsky and Piaget. My main focus is on the similarities and differences of Bruner and Piaget, as LaFrancois (2000) states that much of Bruner s work is linked to Piaget. The best theory for this is the theory of Constructivism. According to Bruning et al. (1999) constructivism is a psychological and philosophical perspective contending that individuals form or construct much of what they learn and understand. Constructivism is the philosophy of learning; a ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Bruno Bettelheim s The Uses Of Enchantment Bruno Bettelheim s The Uses of Enchantment claims that fairy tales help expand the development of children. Although more adult topics like death are never specifically talked about, they tend to deal with other kinds of everyday problems. Children read stories like where the hero overcomes a series of obstacles in order to achieve their happily ever after, and then find a way to connect to that. These kinds of fairy tales help teach children understand difference between right and wrong. Fairy tales are in a way a child s first teacher, they essentially mold the mind and help convey ideas that would otherwise be difficult to understand at such a young age. The loss of a parent of a story s protagonist is a common characteristic in fairy tales. Usually the story will start out with either the father or mother passing away, although the author never mentions the word death it is always either implied or not much detail is given. These kinds of tragic backstories leave you feeling sympathy towards the character, which then lead the reader to root for them at all costs. Bettelheim states that situations like this occur in order to give children, suggestions in symbolic form about he may deal with these issues (278). Fairy tales give children a sense of peace when it comes to coping with loss. Kids can read these stories and say something along the lines of, Hey this character is going through something I went through, I can relate to them . Stories like Cinderella make ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Michael Phelps Accomplishments Who knew one of the greatest swimmers alive was scared of putting his face under water, and he had to be bribed to swim. Michael s early life consisted of some difficult times, from his parents being divorced to being diagnosed with ADHD. At age 15, Phelps became a swimming sensation at the Olympics which started his professional career. Even out of the pool, Michael made some huge accomplishments and changes to the swim world. The life and career of a great swimmer, Michael Phelps, serves as a great role model for all aspiring swimmers. From a very young age Michael started swimming, which was his outlet. These days of his life shaped him for who he is now. When Michael was only 8 years old, his parents divorced, and when he was 11 years old, he was diagnosed with ADHD. His childhood seemed normal from playing multiple sports and getting in trouble in class; however, at home his sisters mainly took care of him, and he had trouble staying ... Show more content on ... Phelps has helped run programs to teach little kids how to swim, wrote 2 books, is married, has a kid, and owns a swim suit company. However he made some mistakes outside of the pool like drinking under the influence. Phelps was arrested in his hometown of Baltimore, Maryland in September for driving under the influence, speeding and crossing double lines. He took to Twitter to discuss this incident, writing I understand the severity of my actions and take full responsibility. Phelps also apologized to everyone I have let down. ( Michael Phelps Biography ). After he was arrested, he apologized to the public for his wrong doing. The two books he wrote were No Limits: The Will to Succeed(2008) and Beneath the Surface: My Story (2009). In addition, he s married to Nicole Johnson and has a son Boomer Phelps. Michael is a outstanding role model for little kids because he learns from his mistakes, and he has helped the swimming world ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Nurture Controversy The biggest controversy in psychology today is whether genetics or one s environment plays a role in the behavior of the individual. Psychologists have researched and developed different theories to explain the reason for the way humans think and behave. The behavior of individuals is either inherited or learned. In my opinion, I believe that nurture plays a big role in the individual s behavior. Kendra Cherry states, Nurture refers to all the environmental variables that impact who we are, including our early childhood experiences, how we were raised, our social relationships, and our surrounding culture (1). People have become who there are because of the environment they were exposed to in their childhood years. The behavior of people is influenced be the environment that surrounds them and can changed many times through one s lifetime. People have different personalities a person s ... Show more content on ... Adults who were raised in a home with both parents usually have better relationships with their love ones and tend to stay married for a long time. The trend of having both parents in a household most likely will carry on with their children when they become adults. Some children grow up in abusive environments and think it is fine to abuse someone or to be abused as a result they end up coming violent person and commit a violent crime. Marisa Mauro says, In seeing the life patterns, I cannot help but wonder if these men, now incarcerated, would have led productive lives if their environments were different (2009). Without the help of counselling services, the abusive and violent behavior will never end, even if they engage in new relationships. Counselling services may help because anything that is learned can be modified. In conclusion, the environment that children live will shape the person who they will become and whatever is learned from a young age will stick with them for rest of their ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Egoism Vs Altruism Egoism and Altruism are two ideas widely known in philosophy as two opposing ideas based on the actions of individuals. Egoists believe that act for their own self interest. Altruists believe that individuals act for the welfare of others. These two ideas highlight the differences between two extreme natures. People by nature are egoists. This will be proven by exploring philosophers such as Ayn Rand, Thomas Hobbes, Henry Sidgwick and their theories on egoism involving rational and ethical egoism. Additionally, it will be proven using philosophers such as Derek Parfit and Jean Jacques Rosseau who criticize these ideas, but are ultimately wrong. There has been much controversy around the ideas of egoism and altruism as many philosophers have ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Abcscscsc | Entrepreneurship case analysis : DropBox | | | Biswajit Mishra P122056, PGPM 2012 13, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Gurgaon | | | | | Question1: Dropbox is a late mover in crowded space. What opportunity did Houston see? Specifically what are the key elements of Dropbox s current business model? Houston wanted to develop a product keeping in mind the voice of the customer. He wanted to develop a product which could have the ability to sync and share files online and across networked computers automatically where the user simply downloads the service on any number of ... Show more content on ... of customers | Revenue from each source | Cost/ user | Total Cost/user type | 2GB | $0 | 2925000 | 0 | $0.11 | $321,750.00 | 100 GB | $10 | 45000 | 449550 | $3.18 | $143,100.00 | 200 GB | $20 | 30000 | 599700 | $3.18 | $95,400.00 | Monthly | | 3000000 | 1049250 | | $560,250.00 | Yearly | | | 12591000 | | $6,723,000.00 | Amount left for salary and other expenses(loan repayment) $5,868,000 Hence it s a profitable company. * Current crop of users were individual customers. * Can leverage on the brand equity and approach group users such as institutional, corporate etc. Question 3: When he applied for Y Combinator, what assumptions did Houston hold about key elements of Dropbox s business model? As of june 2010 which of these hypothesis have been confirmed and discarded? What is your assessment of the approach Houston used to test hypothesis? Did he waste time and resources and make notable mistakes? Can you suggest better ways to validate key hypothesis? Hypothesis that Houston used: The confirmed hypotheses were : 1. assumed that acquiring small and medium customers won t be profitable. 2. They used a freemium based model to generate revenues. 3. His main expense was to attract customers through paid advertising 4. incorporated the security and antivirus software s to provide built in applications for dropbox in partnerships with the OEMs. 5. He assumed that customer loyalty will play a major role ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Mr. Clutter s Last To See Them Alive Last to See Them Alive is the first chapter of the novel In Cold Blood leading from page three to seventy four. To get the reader in the mood for murder, the book starts with a detailed description of the Kansas flatlands, and then the Clutter family is introduced. That morning, Mr. Clutter goes about his daily routine. The author switches over to two men for dramatic effect he does so to keep the novel interesting. Perry Smith in Olathe, Kansas and is waiting for Dick Hickock, his former cellmate, with whom Perry is supposed to pull off a score that night. Perry also infers that he is planning the escape to Mexico. Dick Hickock arrives late to meet Perry. In his car he has a shotgun and a hunting knife. Dick is also wearing a hunting vest ... Show more content on ... Simultaneously, in Garden City, the county near the Clutter home in Holcomb, Mr. Clutter generously gives Mrs. Hideo Ashida, the wife of a Japanese farmer, and her four children a ride home. Mrs. Ashida says to Herb in a fit of ironic foreshadowing I can t imagine you afraid. No matter what happened, you d talk yourself out of it (16). Perry and Dick park the car outside of a Catholic hospital. While Dick talked to the nuns, the reader learns Perry s real reason for agreeing to rob the Clutters. Perry wanted to meet up with his friend Willy Jay, a prison chaplain s clerk. However, when Perry reached Kansas City, Willie Jay had already been released from prison and was gone, so Perry decides to continue on with Dick s score . Herb Clutter, ironically on the last day of his life, bought a life insurance policy for forty thousand dollars, with double indemnity. Back in Holcomb, Nancy Clutter s the last of the family to go to bed writes in her diary, says her prayers, and goes off to sleep. The next morning, November 15, Nancy Ewalt, a classmate of Nancy Clutter, is being dropped off at the Clutter house by her father, Clarence, to go to church with the ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Menstrual Hygiene A Public Health, Gender Equality, And... The United Nations declared menstrual hygiene a public health, gender equality, and human rights issue, but on what ground? Often times, policies are routed on or based off theoretical perspectives from philosophers, ethicists, economists, etc. Unfortunately, not all countries agreed with the UN on this declaration of women s right, despite women make up half of the global population. The understanding of women s bodies is relatively new, and literature on women s rights is also relatively new. Women in countries around the world are shamed and limited in activities they are legally and socially permitted to do depending on their menstrual cycle. In this paper, I will agree with the UN s declaration that menstrual hygiene management (MHM) is a public health issue, gender equality, and human rights issue through the lens of Sen and Nussbaum s capabilities approach in addition to Jagger s criticism of Nussbaum. Both Sen and Nussbaum agree, although somebody could have in theory, the capability of fulfilling an activity, their social and physical environment in addition to social factors may prohibit them from physically completing, or even engaging, in an activity. According to Sen, the lack of substantive freedoms relates directly to economic poverty, which robs people of the freedom to satisfy hunger, or to achieve sufficient nutrition, or to obtain remedies for treatable illnesses, or the opportunity to be adequately clothed or sheltered, or to enjoy clean water or ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Analysis Of Theodor W. Adorno s The about the world around us, even just for a moment. This boldly claims a kind of autonomy for art, but one that is distinct from Theodor W. Adorno s conception and more in line with the affirmative notions the aesthetic impulse. As such, the kind of aesthetics that I am eluded to here is not just a state of contemplation. It is much more. As Cramerotti describes in his aforementioned essay, it is rather the capacity of an art form to put our sensibility in motion, and convert what we feel about nature and the human race into a concrete (visual or bodily) experience . It is useful to introduce Deleuze s categories of the actual and the virtual and put them into motion. In his 1968 text Difference and Repetition , Deleuze explains that the virtual is not opposed to the real; it possesses a full reality by itself. The process it undergoes is actualisation. It would be wrong to see only a verbal despite here: it is a question of existence itself . Deleuze s category of the virtual , the realm of affects and Paterson s documents of darkness are united in their intangibility and their capacity to move the spectator beyond the familiar. Collectively, these forces harness the ability to transport the viewer to another time and place. In his 1992 text Chaosmosis: An Ethico Aesthetic Paradigm , Guattari describes this capacity as an ethico aesthetic paradigm, which pertains to subjectivity as well as art. He argues that new complexes of subjectivation become possible ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Omnivore s Dilemma By Michael Pollan Food dominates the lives of people. It is used as comfort and fuel. But the controversy is, what should people consume? Burkhard Bilger s piece, Nature s Spoils, explores the abnormal way of eating, which is the fermentation of food. It is usually a safe practice, and also produces vitamins in the making. The Omnivore s Dilemma by Michael Pollan expresses the problem of how humans select food. In How Do We Choose What to Eat? by Susan Bowerman she points out the influences on people s life that affects their eating habits. By using Bowerman s article as the keystone, Nature s Spoils and The Omnivore s Dilemma can be compared and contrasted. Since the food that people consume daily can affect them in the future, it must be chosen carefully. In Nature s Spoils by Burkhard Bilger, he follows Katz Sanders, who is a lover of sauerkraut and fermented food. The biography that Bilger includes of Sanders from goes back to when Sanders he was a political activist in 1972 before becoming a fermentation fetisht to where he was tested H.I.V. positive around 1991. One of the places they spent most was in Hickory Knoll, where Sanders spent a majority of his time experimenting with fermented foods. Along one of the stops during their road trip, they met a man named, Garth. Garth tells them of his story of eating raw milk and other food that hasn t been processed, and how it had only made him feel stronger, which brings up the controversy of what is risky or beneficial to eat. As ... Get more on ...