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2000 Words Essay
Crafting a 2000-word essay about "2000 Words Essay" presents a unique challenge that goes
beyond the mere irony of the subject matter. The difficulty lies not just in the irony but in
navigating the intricacies of self-reference, self-analysis, and the inherent circularity of the task.
Writing an essay about the process of writing the essay requires a delicate balance between self-
awareness and maintaining a sense of coherence.
The challenge begins with the need to strike a tone that doesn't come across as excessively self-
indulgent or overly self-critical. One must tread carefully to avoid falling into the trap of
repeating the same meta-narrative without adding substantive content. The risk of sounding like
an echo chamber is ever-present when the subject matter revolves around the act of writing itself.
Attempting to fill 2000 words with meaningful reflections on the process of essay composition
introduces the necessity of introspection and self-evaluation. This journey of self-discovery can
be as daunting as it is rewarding, as the writer grapples with questions about their own writing
style, habits, and the challenges encountered during the creative process.
Moreover, the task requires a certain level of abstraction, as the essayist delves into the meta
layers of the writing process. Discussing the intricacies of constructing an essay about writing an
essay necessitates a careful dance between depth and accessibility. Striking this balance is no
small feat, as the writer endeavors to make the content engaging and relatable to a diverse
The challenge intensifies when considering the potential for the essay to become a self-fulfilling
prophecy, wherein the very nature of the topic influences the way the essay unfolds. It becomes
a delicate act of literary juggling, attempting to maintain a coherent narrative while navigating
the inherent paradoxes embedded within the subject matter.
In conclusion, the difficulty of writing a 2000-word essay on the topic of "2000 Words Essay"
lies not only in the irony of the assignment but also in the intricate dance between self-reflection,
meaningful content, and the risk of falling into the pitfalls of circularity. This task demands a
keen awareness of the challenges posed by the subject matter, coupled with a commitment to
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2000 Words Essay2000 Words Essay
External Analysis for Dialog Telekom Sri Lanka
Contents Executive Summary2 Company Background3 Issues Faced6 Competitor
Analysis7 Porters Five Force Model9 PEST Analysis13 Factors responsible for
Dialog s Decline16 Strategies19 Strategies implemented by Dialog20 SWOT
Analysis23 Conclusion25 Reference26 Executive Summary Dialog Telekom PLC is
a Malaysian based MNC functioning in Sri Lanka. It has been the market leader in
the telecommunication industry up to the year 2007. But the company incurred huge
losses in the year 2008 amp; 2009 and this as a result of this the company s market
reputation and image declined. The Annual reports of the company showed that their
financials were widely fluctuating and with the increase in the number of... Show
more content on ...
108| Rs. 109| Rs. 113| GDP growth| 7.7%| 6.8%| 6%| Source: Central Bank of Sri
Lanka Annual Report 2008 The year 2008 in terms of business outcomes was
disappointing in the context and aftermath of a decade long and uninterrupted
trend of robust profitability. A loss of Rs. 2.88 Bn. in 2008 as compared with a
profit in the previous year of Rs.8.91 Bn. requires a contextual analysis (Dr.
Wijayasuriya, Dialog Annual Report 2008:17) Competitor Analysis At present the
Sri Lankan mobile telecommunication industry comprises of 5 companies i.e.
Dialog, Etisalat, Mobitel, Airtel and Hutch. The competition between the local
mobile operators has intensified over the last two years. The mobile market in Sri
Lanka has been functioning with a healthy annual growth rate for some years.
However, Sri Lanka s mobile penetration is low when compared to other developed
countries in Asia. But it can be seen that Sri Lanka posses some of the most
sophisticated technology which are at par with many developed countries of the
world. Many new players have entered the industry and have found their own niches
in the telecom sector. The competition between these companies has been growing
stiff. The end of the war has also provided plenty of new opportunities for the mobile
The Killer Angels Analysis
During the American Civil War, the worst battle was the battle of Gettysburg. During
the battle the Union and the Confederacy collectively lost over 51,000 men to either
death, injury, or they were missing. Michael Shaara wrote The Killer Angels. The
author goes into the story by telling why each of the major characters were fighting
the war and their viewpoints. The author also tells the story though the letters and
other documents and not using the historical opinions of the battle. The Commander
of the Army of Northern Virginiais General Robert E. Lee. General Robert E. Lee at
the time of the battle is 57 years of age. General Robert E. Lee does not own slaves
nor does he believe in slavery, though he does not believe the Negro could be equal
to the white man. At the time the war started he was a soldier in the Union Army but
chose to fight in the war with Confederacy, due to his home state of Virginia
succeeding from the Union. General Lee knew that he could not lead an army to
fight a war against his... Show more content on ...
He also often thought that the Confederacy and the Union were never really that
different and had more in common than not. He also does not seem to have an
opinion about slavery, but feels that it is a duty to fight for his country and not
fight against it. He also plays a very critical role in securing victory for the Union
during the battle. He holds hill tops during battles with the Confederacy, as the
Union assembles in other key locations. The author makes John Buford seem like a
real person by pointing out that even in the middle of a battle, he is thinking of his
future and where he is going to retire. He is described as thinking about fishing in the
south and beating the colder weather of the Midwest for the warmer weather in the
south but, fears he will not be able to return to the south due to the
Essay Haiti Corrupt Government
The Haitian government has been plagued with corruption from the beginning of its
existence. Haiti has been faced with many foul leaders and thus brought times of
despair for the Haitian people. The empowerment of poor leadership has led to a
country that has never known a period free of tyranny, repression, political conflict,
racial animosity, and economic hardship (Haggerty). Haitis capital, Port au Prince, is
a place where kidnappings and street crime are rampant, and the undermanned police
force is rife with corruption (Williams).
The island of Hispaniola was founded by Christopher Columbus in 1842 and claimed
for Spain. The island was neglected by its mother country due to the lack of minerals
on the island. The French ... Show more content on ...
In the 1980s civil disorder broke out due to Baby Doc s inability to increase the
well being of the country. Six years later armed invasions forced Jean Claude and
his family to flee to France in exile. The Lieutenant General at the time seized power
and the hope for democracy soon faded. Gangs of thugs and corrupt soldiers ruled the
streets, killing many innocent people and postponing any attempt for a presidential
A Roman Catholic priest by the name of Jean Bertrand Aristide was elected
president of Haiti in late 1990. Political prisoners were set free and Duvailer s
Tontons were disbanded. There was much hope for the government under the new
presidency, but due to the lack of confidence from the military, Aristide was
overthrown in 1991.
In September of 1994 the Clinton administration planned for a military invasion of
Haiti. The purpose was to force the military dictatorship out of power and place
Aristide back as president. As a last resort to war, Clinton sent a team headed by
former US president Jimmy Carter, to negotiate a peaceful solution to the crisis.
Carter succeeded in the negotiations and Aristide was peacefully restored to power.
After being out of office for three years Aristide was faced with two major problems.
One was the poor economy and the other was the violent street gangs that had taken
over since the lack of authority. Very little was accomplished to improve the
Catler s Drought
There was once a balanced and euphoric land made up of individual farms. All
farms where hardy, and never lost hope or experienced pain. This was a quite solid
system, with all the farms cooperating to help a struggling partner. Until the Great
Drought, that is, This drought caused all crops to be smothered, and the farms and
animals on them were devastated. This harsh weather caused all animals to be
uptight, and worried if they could last in the terrible conditions. Well, this drought
lasted for an extensive length of time, causing an unknown amount of aggression
between farms and their animals. Things were looking better for the farm of mostly
cats, however. On that farm, a leader arose, one who was said to bring hope and a
solution to the... Show more content on ...
Catler knew that his army could not stand the cold in the S.O., but being the
genius his was, decided to attack in the summer. Back at the ally base, the leaders
were also brainstorming great ideas. They came up the idea of them all attacking
on the same date, causing a 3 sided fight agianst NaziCat land. This attack would
contain over 156,00 allied animals, and was planned for June 6th. Over at the
NaziCat land, Catler was having a hard time convincing the citizens the attack on
S.O. was such a great idea. The cats, who thought of this as a dangerous attempt for
tland eventually agreed, seeing that their food supply was dwindling. So the
disheartened NaziCat troops headed to Sobeit Onion to begin their invasion. The
army was almost immediately stopped, as the cats came to a city. Joseph Waddlin s
defenses here where almost impenetrable, causing a very drawn out
General Surgeon Research Paper
A general surgeon is a surgeon has irregular hours(this is normal for a general
surgeon), a general surgeon has to be able to stand for long periods of time and
surgeons have to be able to deal with the emotional stress the comes with the job.
First, the surgeon will have irregular hours(this is normal for them) like on Monday
the surgeonwill work 2:00 am to 8:00 pm then they will have to go in(this all can
change if the surgeon wants,the surgeon can get put on call where if a person needs
immediate surgerythen the surgeon will have to get there and do the surgery) on
Tuesday the surgeon might have to be in there at 12:00 am to 11:00 pm. so the
surgeons have to be use to this. Second, the surgeon will have to be able to stand for
long periods of time... Show more content on ...
The surgeon has to have excellent eyesight because the surgeon has to notice the
smallest detail while working on a person because they might miss something or
mess something up. The career cluster to this career is Health Science and
Therapeutic Services. The Holland for this career is Investigative,Realistic and
Social for this career. A surgeon must take science classes and math classes to
become a surgeon. The MD also has to go through at least 14 years of college then
if they choose, the MD can choose to got to med school for more years than that. A
major career that will sound the best is becoming a general surgeon. The wage or
salary that a surgeon makes is $206,770 dollars. A surgeon s setting is, in a hospital,
surrounded by nurses, patients, patient s family members and newborn children. A
surgeon will work in a hospital, where the surgeon wants to work. The outlook for
this career is increasing. Becoming a surgeon is traditional for women and men to
become. A related career to a general surgeon is a surgeon. To all the surgeon s out
there, did you know that there are nine types of surgeons, these surgeons each have
there own thing to do at work. Thank you to all
The Disagreements Over the Health Effects of Probiotics
Since the year 1965, the term probiotics has been used. Lilly and Stillwell were the
first to describe probiotics as substances secreted by one organism, which stimulated
growth of other organisms (Gupta, 2009). It was however, Elie Metchnikoff in the
1900s who first suggested that there were health properties in lactic acid bacteriafrom
fermented food products (Anukam, 2007). Since then, the meaning has undergone
some changes, one of the most recent definitions is that probiotics are beneficial live
microorganisms, which must be consumed in a sufficient amount for the desired
health effect (Guarner, 1998). The Food and Agriculture Organisation/World Health
Organisation has adopted this definition but there are many other organisations...
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Therefore the bacterium ability to tolerate different pH levels is a crucial factor in
determining their probiotic use. Ability to attach to the gut epithelial cells and
adequate production of antimicrobial substances are also other important properties
of probiotics (Granato, 2010). In terms of commercial use and manufacturing,
probiotics must be resilient and maintain cell viability during periods of processing,
packaging and storage (Saarela, 2009).
The number food companies that are now using strains of Lactic acid bacteria and
Bifidobacteria in their food products has increased considerably and it is now diary
probiotic products that are making between 60% 70% of the functional food market
(Mohammadi, 2012). Fermented milk and yogurt beverages are the main source of
probiotics in supermarkets but there are also capsule and powder formations in
addition. The popularity of these products has increased due to the number of
documented benefits of consuming probiotic bacteria and support from media and
The documented health and nutritional benefits from consumption of probiotic food
products show alleviating gastrointestinal problems and many other health benefits
(Granato, 2010). Various randomised controlled trials have shown that in children
with acute diarrhoea, probiotics has reduced the duration of diarrhoea by reducing
stool frequency. It has shown to be a safe intervention however the size of the
The Position of Women in Pakistan
What steps should be taken to improve the role of minorities women in Pakistan s
No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with
you. We are victims of evil customs. It is a crime against humanity that our women
are shut up within the four walls of the houses as prisoners. There is no sanction
anywhere for the deplorable condition in which our women have to live.
― Muhammad Ali Jinnah
The appearance of women in country s evolution and pace of their growth is simply
cannot be neglected but the truth remains that their stature is not being positively
bestowed in Pakistan until now.
As we know, that Pakistan is an underprivileged country and still contending for
economic immobility, safety, education and health commitments for its people. There
are endless problems of exploitation and unfairness in almost every face of life.
Unluckily, its judgement for graft is seventh in the world. Women are one of the most
defenseless groups that we directly cannot discount
The important aspects that supremacy women of Pakistan towards prostrate dignity,
there are many perception and details that provide a means to it. For instance:
пѓ They dint bear equal stature at birth; baby boys are consistently desired and
greeted into a moderate family of Pakistan.
пѓ Girls are not considered as dynamic and self assured human beings who can
earn a creditable earning and can live in regard to their own best.
пѓ In educating
Environmental Impact Of Environmentalism
As people grew more environmentally conscious conflict about the protection of the
environment and its ecosystem arose, so environmentalists and organizations such
as the Department of Interior s U.S Fish and Wildlife Service fought for greater
protection of endangered species and the Endangered Species Act of 1973 was
passed. However, the passing of this act caused a greater conflict as its economic
role was not clear, and some argued that it would become an economic burden.
Starting in the 1970s, people of the United States began to fight for the protection of
all living things and their habitats, as they saw the damage that the rapidly growing
economy was having on the environment. This is shown through various events and
acts... Show more content on ...
The ESA provided the establishment of state programs, and the conservation of
ecosystems upon which threatened and endangered species of fish, wildlife, and
plants depend (Digest of Federal Resource Laws). To conserve the ecosystem, the
ESA first listed the species they decided were endangered, and then they enforced
the prohibition of the taking, selling, and transportation of those endangered
species (Digest of Federal Resource Laws). However, not everything about the
Endangered Species Act of 1973 was clear as boundaries of how far the act could
go economically to protect the endangered species were not defined. In fact, it did
not have much of a boundary when it came to the economic cost of achieving its
purpose, and this would later become a huge problem because it would cause a
greater divide between those who supported the act and those who did not. This
divide would cause conflict about the protection of endangered species once again.
Even though in its future years the Endangered Species Act of 1973 would have to
be revised, when it first came out it was a great solution to the environmental
problem at hand. It helped preserve the ecosystem by providing the necessary
resources required to create a safe environment for species in need. (INSERT
economic boundaries when it came to the Endangered Species Act of 1973, so a
conflict arose in which the Tennessee Valley Authority ended up
Native American Narrative
My husband of 5 years, Larry, and I woke around 7 a.m. to finish packing our
things into our prairie schooner, in which we bought supplies for and made
ourselves. Our 3 year old daughter, Lucy, is still sleeping, so we pack her things
too. We pack light, so that our oxen, Moses, Alfred, and Edward, will be able to
pull the wagon. Once we leave, we will be leaving our home above Larry s
blacksmith shop in Knoxville, Tennessee. We are also leaving my parents and our
closest friends. My husband s parents are the main reason we re leaving, they both
got very sick with tuberculosis and passed away, so we don t want our child around
those sicknesses. In Oregon, we will get free land since we have one man in our
family. Except on the way, I know that it will be very hard. I know this because of all
the talk inside the coffeeshop just 5 minutes of a wagon ride from our home. We
have been in there lately because we are buying coffee grounds to take with us on
our trip.... Show more content on ...
They played with each other for a couple hours, so I stayed with her and talked to
her mom. I told her how we do not have a wagon train to ride with and she said that
we could probably ride with her wagon train, she will just have to check with
everyone else in it. She took me with her and we went to each wagon in her wagon
train to ask. Everyone was very friendly and nice, so they are letting us ride with
their wagon train. We went back to our wagon and I told Larry the good news.
Larry was excited, but also a little nervous about them since he does not know them.
I informed him that they are very friendly and that we will meet them tomorrow, but
for now let s go to
Analysis Of The Movie Halloween Night
Halloween NIght It was Halloween night and Denim was propped up on is couch
watching scary movies and eating chewy candy. Denim Jones is a 14 year old
athletic boy, with a head of curly hair, sky blue braces, and he is 5 11 in the eighth
grade. He lives in a small part of Chicago called Screech.
His parents, Paige and Grayson Adams, were out on a date at an expensive
restaurant called Goblins Soup for Halloween. Chase, one of Denim s best friends
called him up and asked him if wanted to go to a haunted trail and a clown sighting
tonight with their other best friend Nollen. Denim and Denim s friends all thought
they were too old to go trick or treating since they are 14 years old. One thing Denim
was scared of was clowns, his parents ... Show more content on ...
The killer clown had on a rainbowfied onesie with long, bright red shoes on his feet.
His face and clothes were covered with blood, even his knife.
Run! Denim screeched.
Everyone took off running after they saw what was behind them. Braiden s shoe
came off when he was running which slowed him down. That made him closer to the
killer clown.
He screamed, HELP! HELP!
By now, the clown caught Braiden and started pulling him into the woods. Denim
stood there watching his helpless older brother screaming and fighting the armed
clown off with his bare hands. Denim started screaming for Braiden but it was too
late, Braiden was gone. He (Braiden) was Denim s idol and now he was gone.
Honey? Denim? Denim forgot about his mom still being on the phone. Yes mom?
Denim shivered with red eyes.
It s okay, you will be alright. You can go to the hauntedtrail with your friends to get
your mind off your brother, okay? Paige spoke soothingly.
Ok mom. Denim mumbled.
Go get ready, you will be ok, alright? Paige breathed out.
Alright mom, see you later. Denim said.
Alright hun, see you later, be safe, and don t forget to lock up. Bye. Love you. Paige
sand cheerfully to brighten Denim s mood back up.
Love you too. Denim breathed out.
Denim hung up the phone. He went to his bathroom to wash his
Emergency Custody Through C P Of Ryan
On June 20, 2014, the Department obtained emergency custody through C P of
Ryan due to neglect by mother Heather Martin. Mother was arrested by Burlington
Police on 6/16/14 for larceny; shoplifting and three counts of receiving stolen
property. Heather was taken to at MCI Framingham. The family was placed in a
hotel through Department of Transitional Assistance. It was against the hotel policy
for children to be left in the hotel unsupervised, and Ryan and Bria were staying
alone in the room for five days. This was deemed concerning for the two children to
not have an appropriate caregiver. When the Department was made aware of the
situation father Brian Scopa s whereabouts were unknown to the Department. Family
members were contacted that could possibly take the children in. However, uncle
Stephen Martin, aunt Cindy Fiore and Grandmother Carroll Clinton were unable to
do so for various reasons. Given that there were no family members to take Ryan and
Bria in, the Department placed them in a temporary Hotline foster careplacement
from the 6/20/14 to 6/23/14 until a more suitable living arrangement was made
available. On 6/23/14 Ryan and his sister were placed in a kinship home of a family
Placement type:Start Date:End Date:
Departmental Foster Care2/17/20105/27/2010
Departmental Foster Care6/20/20146/22/2014
Departmental Foster Care6/23/2014Present
The Department placed Ryan in an
The Heart Of Brookhaven, Ms, J. Allan
Late 2011, in the heart of Brookhaven, MS, the first J Allan s was formed by James
Danny Smith. Named in honor of Danny s father, James Allan Smith, the store was
an homage to the legacy James Allan had left behind upon his passing in 2010.
Allan, as well as his father, had preceded Danny in the furniture industry and
passed their knowledge through the generations. Due to the overwhelming
success of the Brookhaven location, the decision was made to open a second
location in Hattiesburg, MS, which is where my interning journey took place. J.
Allan s of Hattiesburg, located at 6169 Highway 98 West, Suite 10, is within a
small shopping strip. A few of the businesses surrounding it include Academy
Spots, Papa Murphey s, Massage Envy, and Cheddar s. The rental space is
approximately () square feet and is composed mostly of one large room, which
comprises the sales floor. At the back of the building are a few small rooms which
include restrooms and a storage space with a large roll up door. Within the sales
floor are very few permeant objects, which include a few small divider walls and
the large desk. Around the room are varying arrangements of furniture. Some are set
to mimic a bedroom, while others simulate a small living room. Although at any
given moment the spaces resemble a convincing living space, they are an ever
changing feature. As furniture is sold, and new pieces are brought in, the assorted
bits of furniture are constantly arranged and rearranged in order to create
Gimmick Persuasive Essay
Is Big Brother s latest gimmick going to end up completely backfiring if it airs
when we think it will sometime in the near future? Big Brother is currently
running its 19th season on CBS, but before we see season 20, we re apparently
going to see a slightly different iteration of the show: celebrities! That s according
to TVLine. There are a lot of ways that this can go wrong. Whoever goes onto the
show doesn t get to just tape an episode and then go home. They have to live
together in shared rooms (unless they win a Head of Household competition, in
which case they get the HOH room and all the attendant fanciness), they ll
presumably have to make their own food, and, horror of horrors, the cameras will be
on at all times. Well, probably,... Show more content on ...
Perhaps CBS is aiming for the show to do particularly well in the days after new
episodes air, waiting for people to play catch up. But sending out a fairly stable
summer property to go up against football just seems fundamentally unwise. TV by
the Numbers sums it up best in its preview. Sunday nights are a race to second
place in the fall, and they re still going to be that way in the winter, too. The
question is: will Celebrity Big Brother take that second place more than once? We re
being charitable and assuming it will win at least for its premiere. But Oh, Sunday
Night might end up betraying CBS and Chen
Sloan School of Management
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge Massachusetts
7 ELEVEN Japan Co., Ltd.: Reinventing the Retail Business Model Kei Nagayama
and Peter Weill
January 2004 CISR WP No. 338 and MIT Sloan WP No. 4485 04 п›™ 2004
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved. Research Article: a
completed research article drawing on one or more CISR research projects that
presents management frameworks, findings and recommendations. Research
Summary: a summary of a research project with preliminary findings. Research
Briefings: a collection of short executive summaries of key findings from research
projects. Case Study: an in depth description of a firm s ... Show more content on ...
The case describes the information based strategies that have helped SEJ become a
top performing retailer in Japan, selling high quality products through an industry
wide supply chain network. With its strong capability to analyze customer
requirements, SEJ pursues an integrated strategy, supported by innovative use of
information and IT, to control the marketing, merchandising and manufacturing of
original products. The case also describes SEJ s development of an integrated retailing
information strategy and associated systems. The company s policy of outsourcing
most IT capabilities to partners and pursuing advanced IT initiatives has provided
SEJ with substantial advantages over competitors. Strategic IT, human and
information assets such as store councilors, item by item real time control, industry
wide IT network, and a sophisticated analysis system have contributed to SEJ s
success. The case addresses the challenges of remaining innovative while sustaining
current core competencies. Key words: Retail, business model, IT and information
management, IT enabled strategy, outsourcing. 22 Pages
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management Center for
Information Systems Research
Reinventing the Retail Business Model
Toshifumi Suzuki, CEO of Seven Eleven Japan (SEJ), the world s largest
convenience store (CVS) chain, describes Seven Eleven stores as:1 Stores where you
can find a solution for any of your daily
Darfur Conflict Essay
March 23rd, 2013 The Darfur Conflict The government of Sudan, a country in
Northeast Africa, is committing a horrendous crime against humanity. Genocide is
raging on in Western Sudan against poor, helpless, innocent people. It is actually
the ten year anniversary since the beginning of the Darfur conflict and the genocide
still continues on. There are over 1.4 million people who still do not have homes to
come back to, and the numbers stack higher every day. Bombings have not stopped,
as there was one as recent as February 2013. The Darfur conflict in the beginning
was just a brewing disaster and it eventually led to the horrendous genocides in the
early 2000s due to early settlement disputes, climate change, and radical Islamic...
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From 1972 onwards, the government usually ran Darfur through officials brought
in from other parts of Sudan, mainly from Khartoum (Darfur: Origins). What
Britain did basically doomed Non Arab Darfur to a future as an underdeveloped
colony of Sudan s Arab speaking Nile Valley heartland (Darfur: Origins).
Furthermore, another source of the problem began with the gradual change of the
climate in Darfur. Desertification, a process by which land becomes increasingly
dry until almost no vegetation grows on it, becomes a major problem for the
Darfur people. Land for farming becomes scarce. Living on desert is unsuitable for
humans for obvious reasons: lack of food and, more importantly, lack of water.
There is not much suitable farm land, therefore the lack of fertile land caused the
populations to compete with one another for land on which they could survive
(Xavier 18). Before desertification became a huge problem for the Sudanese people,
they lived in peace. Honestly, the hostility between Darfur s Arabs and Africans
are relatively new (Xavier 20). This shows how the competition for survival helped
fuel the terrible genocide in Darfur. In addition, political aspects have played a role
in the roots of the Darfur conflict. The leader, General Omar Hassan Ahmad al
Bashir (who came to power in 1989), is a major source of the problem. Al
Enlightenment In Hermann Hesse s Siddhartha
In Hermann Hesse s Siddhartha, it is crucial to understand that the attainment of
spiritual enlightenment is not confined to a single journey or path of life. Because
the path to enlightenment is unique to the experience of the individual, it is not
something that can be taught by the spiritually awakened. Hesse demonstrates this
idea through the parting ways of Siddharthaand Govinda, two friends who have
shared their entire lives with each other. After meaningful encounters with several
other characters, Siddhartha meets Govinda once again in a time of need. The
separation and reunion of the two emphasizes that companionship, a motif exhibited
throughout the novel, has a profound effect on both Govinda and Siddhartha s path to
The relationship between Siddhartha and Govinda is illustrated as that of a leader
and a follower, or a mentor and a pupil. While Siddhartha is admired by all ... Show
more content on ...
After his informance of the Buddha s location, Govinda says, ...we have reached
our goal and our journey is at an end (26). This, in combination with Siddhartha s
rejection of the Buddha, supports the idea that Siddhartha and Govinda exist in
different stages of a cycle, where Siddhartha is a mentor, and Govinda remains a
pupil. Siddhartha tires of others teachings and wishes to learn through experience
Govinda is the exact opposite, a person who appreciates learning from others and
assumes that following the Buddha s teachings is the final step of his personal
journey. Despite Siddhartha s contrasting views, he is supportive of Govinda s
decision: Govinda, my friend, you have taken the step, you have chosen your
path...Often I have thought: will Govinda ever take a step without me, from his own
conviction? (30). He, as Govinda s friend and the wiser of the two, recognizes that
this is an important step in Govinda s
Crossing the Chasm
CROSSING THE CHASM. Copyright 1991 by Geoffrey A. Moore. All rights
reserved under International and Pan American Copyright Conventions. By payment
of the required fees, you have been granted the non exclusive, non transferable right
to access and read the text of this e book on screen. No part of this text may be
reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or
introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any
means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented,
without the express written permission of PerfectBoundв„ў. PerfectBound в„ў and
the PerfectBoundв„ў logo are trademarks of HarperCollins Publishers. Adobe Acrobat
E Book Reader... Show more content on ...
It turns out instead they were a placeholder for the market tactics used during a
merging hypergrowth market, a challenge covered in a subsequent book, Inside
the Tornado. Also I have substituted a revised scenario process for the original to
incorporate improvements that have evolved over the past several years of
consulting at The Chasm Group. Elsewhere, I took a slightly new angle on creating
the competition and, when it came to the section on distribution, I have done my
best to incorporate the emerging influence of the Internet. But the overwhelming
bulk of the changes in this new edition representing about a third of total text
simply swap out the original examples from the 1980s with new ones from the
1990s. Surprisingly, in the majority of cases this swap works very well. But in
other cases, there s been a little forcefitting, and I want to beg your indulgence up
front. The world has changed. The high tech community is now crossing the chasm
intentionally rather than unintentionally, and there are now competitors who have
read the same book and create plans to block chasm crossing. The basic forces don
t change, but the tactics have become more complicated. Moreover, we are seeing a
new effect which was just barely visible in the prior decade, the piggybacking of one
company s offer on another to skip the chasm entirely and jump straight into
hypergrowth. In the 1980s Lotus piggybacked
Continuous Sexual Trajectory Essay
Continuous Sexual Trajectory
In his Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis, Freud works inductively towards a
theory of the (sexual) mind. The lectures consider years of psychoanalytic experience
and try to fit them into a framework, in the process always slightly altering both the
data and the theory. His primary interest lies in the competitive interplay of libido the
pleasure seeking unconscious part of the mind and the ego the rational and socially
constituted character who internalizes norms and tries to tame the libido. The
pleasure that the libido presses for is firstly sexual, but for Freud this expansive term
indicates any kind of pleasure derived from physical contact. Working from these
terms, he tries ... Show more content on ...
Relying on an analogy with seedlings, Freud suggests that adults would not have
the particularities of their sexual lives without a root cause, and that origin must
have been childhood. For Freud, the child is necessarily a sexual being (403). It is
unclear if he acknowledges other elements in the lives of children, as he classifies
many typical childhood activities as sexual, e.g. suckling the breast or thumb,
playing, and generally expressing themselves and their organs. It is safe to say that
the sexual is at least, in his theory, a significant portion of childhood (404). The
original source of pleasure, in Freud s experience (with mostly bourgeois Viennese
patients), is the mother s breast, thus the first stage of childhood development is the
oral stage. The later switch to thumb sucking is only another expression of this same
urge to stimulate the erotogenic (pleasure creating) zone of the mouth. Children
move onto the anal stage when they enter conflict with their parents (or other adult
figure) over control of their excretion. Freud explains that children derive pleasure
from excretion, and thus it is important to them and a focus of children s (sexual)
lives (407). Soon they mature to the final erotogenic zone, and the genitals should
thereafter serve as the exclusive source of pleasure. The gist seems to be that each
stage offers more pleasure than the previous, despite increasing
How Did Martin Luther King Change The World
Like Martin Luther King, other people had their act to change the world in a better
place. Martin Luther king was a African American and a pastor who believe that
white and black come together like brothers and sisters in christ. He worked hard
and non violence protesters. In 1968, James Earl Ray, a gun shooter, killed Martin
at one night and died. Martin s life impacted the lives of all americans and the
future of him. Martin Luther King was born on January 15, 1929. He lived in the
north where black and white are not segregated.He grew up in a safe loving
household. Martin had skipped two grades in high school. At age 15, he went to
Morehouse college in Atlanta, Georgia in 1954. In 1954, Martin had became a pastor
like his father in Montgomery,
Nonprofit Organization
Certainly, nonprofit organization s mission and fanatical factors are linked.
Therefore, the nonprofit organization should develop a plan that meets the financial
requirements as well as the programming. Negatively, the institution will be affected
if these areas are not well managed.
Specifically, implementation and financial policies are one of the nonprofit s tactics
to maintain an excellent functioning. The goal is to provide more services with fewer
resources. At the same time, it is an expectation that funding enhance the organization
success. Funds should be used to grow programs, promote the agency and many
others. Then, the organization expenses should be record on the balance sheet.
Accordingly, managers make decisions on program ... Show more content on ...
Congress in 2002. This SOX act propones to defend financiers from fraudulent
bookkeeping activities. The Act directed modifications to influence corporations
financial disclosure and other accounting fraud. Actually, The SOX Act was created
in response to accounting malpractice in the early 2000s, when public scandals such
as Enron Corporation, Tyco International plc, and WorldCom shook investor
confidence in financial statements and demanded an overhaul of regulatory standards
(Investopedia, 2017). The act rules and policies affected the legislation related to
security regulations. The Sarbanes Oxley Act Section 302 and Section 404 are the
main points. The rules and enforcement policies outlined by the SOX Act amend or
supplement existing legislation dealing with security regulations. The two key
provisions of Section 302 is a mandate that requires senior management to certify the
accuracy of the reported financial statement. Section 404 is a requirement that
management and auditors establish internal controls and reporting methods on the
adequacy of those controls. Section 404 has very costly implications for publicly
traded companies as it is expensive to establish and maintain the required internal
controls (Investopedia,
Black History Month
Black history is remembering African Americans and their roles they contributed to
the U.S. society. It was in those times that people for color fought for equality. We
recognized them for their accomplishments, achievements, and diversity of African
Americans. In my opinion, people use the premise of black history as only
remembering people whom fought for civil rights, not the black scientists, doctors,
etc. whom made a difference in America. It was started as Negro history week by
Carter G. Woodson in 1926, then in 1976 President Ford officially recognized
February as Black History Month. But it does concerns me that our people of color
are being memorialized once a month and not spoked along with all American history
throughout the year.
Stanley Kubrik s The Shining
Introduction: Captivating and horrifying visuals flood Stanley Kubrik s The
Shining. Solace in the rockies may sound pleasant, but in The Shining, the beautiful
Overlook Hotel becomes a nightmare. Jack Torrence, a recently recovered alcoholic
and writer is in search of a big break to please his clients. He interviews for a job at
the Overlook hotelas a groundskeeper in the winter months in which it is closed. He
hopes that the solitude that the hotel brings is exactly whats he needs to succeed.
The hotel has a daunting and frightening past, as it has been a home to violence and
other unthinkable acts. Jacks son Danny has a strange gift to see parts of the future,
who is convinced the hotel isn t safe. By the end of the film Jack seems to... Show
more content on ...
After Jack tries to kill Wendy, she manages to knock him unconscious and lock him
in the hotel pantry. The sequence begins with the camera slowly zooming out at a
slightly higher angle on Jack who is sleeping in the pantry. This creates the feeling
that Jack is again being watched by some ominous force in the hotel. The camera
continues to follow Jack as he gets up upon hearing a knock at the pantry door.
Then the camera moves to a close up on Jack as a dialogue between Mr. Grady and
Jack occurs. The camera remains on Jack the whole conversation, Mr. Grady is
never seen in the shot. This creates the feeling that this conversation may be
happening in Jacks mind, as a result of his psychological condition. Jack has had
other encounters with Mr. Grady, but the pantry scene is the only one in which he
does not appear. For example, when Jack goes to the hotel bar, Mr. Grady is seen
pouring his drinks. Although his presence may also be a part of Jacks imagination,
Mr. Grady is still in this shot. The pantry sequence is the first give physical
evidence that there may be a supernatural force in the hotel. Up to this point it seems
that there is no way that Jack is having a supernatural experience. This completely is
turned upside down when click the door to the pantry is unlocked. If the
conversation with Mr. Grady is just a psychological one, then how is the door
Female Episodic Memory Research Paper
Memory is described as a group of related and interacting processes that enable us to
acquire, retain and retrieve information. Information is first encoded so that it can be
retained in memory. It is then stored where it can be retrieved so that we are
consciously attentive to it. Information first enters sensory memory and if it is
attended to, it can be transferred to short term memory (STM) where it is retained
for about six seconds and then to long term memory (LTM). Information can then
be transferred from LTM to STM when needed and stored again. At any stage,
memory can be lost if it isn t encoded or stored. In order to encode information into
LTM, one of two processes must take place. This investigation focuses on effortful...
Show more content on ...
They may have misheard the experimenter instructions for the words that scored
points and the bonus points values. Participants may have also purposely changed the
results to either improve the results or negatively affect them. This would affect the
accuracy of the results and therefore the validity of the results. This could be
improved by having one person calculate all the results to ensure that the calculations
methods remain constant throughout the whole process. Although this would be a
more time consuming process, it would ensure reliability of the
The Reasons Why The Ottoman Empire Essay
The Byzantine empire had its start in 330 AD with Constantine moving the capital of
the Eastern Roman Empire/Byzantine Empire to Constantinople, present day
Istanbul. This created a capital in which nearly no one could fully siege control over
for centuries. This all changed on April 5,1453 when Sultan Mehmed II, ruler of the
Ottoman Empire, determined that he would defeat the Byzantine Empireand take
Constantinople, took action and marched to the city. After a 54 day siege, on
Tuesday, May 29,1453, Sultan Mehmed II and the Muslim Turks breached the
walls of the city and brought the last Roman empire crumbling to its knees. The
reasons why the Ottoman Empire was able to bring down what once was the
greatest empire in the world was due to a proper financial backing and assistance
from allies, greater number of troops, better technological advancements, the type
of leader Sultan Mehmed II was, and strategy. In 1451, Sultan Mehmed II, later
known as Mehmed the Conquerer, started his second reign of power of the
Ottoman Empire. From the very beginning, he declared it was his aim to take the
city of Constantinople, no matter what the cost. This was challenging due to the
ginormous layered walls surrounding the Byzantine peninsula. First, the city was
surrounded by a moat and a layer of wall, then a second or middle wall rising above
thirty feet with 96 towers, and then the third and biggest wall rising up to 40 feet
high and 15 feet thick [with] 96 towers each about 60
Average Waves In Unprotected Waters Analysis
In the short story, Average Waves in Unprotected Waters , the author, Anne Taylor,
uses literary terms that are linked to vital parts of the story, to contribute to her
decision of the title. To begin, Taylor emphasizes a connection between the title and
the text by showing the symbolic value of the protagonist and society. The
protagonist, Bet, drops her son Arnold off at the hospital because he was getting too
hard to care for as he continues to get older. These actions show that she has a
difficult life being a single mom with a child who is mentally ill, which is
represented by the average waves but by leaving her son she is thrown into the
unprotected waters of society. To continue, the author uses the title to point to the
theme of the
Irene Williams Suicide
Yesterday, my father took me to the flat of Irene Williams. It was a beautiful little
place, with big windows looking out upon the busy street. She had lace curtains, a
small pink couch made of velvet, and a birch coffee table. On the table was a jar full
of biscuits and a cup of tea, still hot. She had pictures of friends, family, and relatives
hung up on her walls. It s a shame I never got to meet Irene, she seems like such a
lovely person to talk to. But Irene Williams is dead, and let s face it, dead people are
boring to talk to. They never listen.
SUICIDE? I exclaimed. The eyes of my father and investigator Christensen fell upon
me, burning holes through my flesh. Yes Sherlock, suicide. Father said. My older
brother Mycroft kicked me under the table. Mr. Sherlock Holmes, investigator
Christensen said glaring at ... Show more content on ...
I took a deep breath and swallowed back down my stomach which seemed to have
made its way up to my throat. Sir, there are lots of reasons why the death of Ms.
Williams would not be suicide. Investigator Christensen slowly stood up from his
chair and started circling the room. He looked like a vulture, and I was the prey. At
9:08 am October 16th 2016, 221B Baker street, a woman is found dead in her
bedroom. She is lying on her bed, eyes open, a bullet in her head, and a pistol in
her hand. Tell me Sherlock Holmes, is that not suicide? He slams both of his big
hands down on the table making the cups rattle and screams at me, Is that not
suicide? She clearly killed herself, Sherlock, you saw the body, you saw the
evidence. And yet you question me. My head is pounding. I throw the chair i m
sitting in behind me and scream, MURDER! Everyone is silent and all eyes land on
me. You re right investigator Christensen , I say. Now it is my turn to
Genetic Variation Paper
Genetic variation is a topic that has come towards the forefront of discussion as we
learn more about genetics. Genetic variation is the variation of alleles in the gene
pool. Specifically, in this paper, I will be focusing on the genetic variance of large
population sizes and small population sizes in the same species. It has become widely
accepted that if the population size is smaller than the genetic variance is smaller
as well, thus leading to these smaller populations not being able to adapt to
changing environments. This paper will be looking at how population size has no
effect on genetic variety in a habitat generalist species, while a smaller population
size in a habitat specialist species will have lower genetic variance.
Genetic ... Show more content on ...
One study shows an example of this by looking at the effects of plant secondary
compound toxicity on a generalist herbivore and a specialist herbivore (Torregrossa
2011). Plant secondary compounds are chemicals plants produce to help protect
themselves. The two species that the researchers collected were Neotoma stephensi,
who is a specialist, and Neotoma albigula, who is a generalist. The researchers then
collected Juniperus monosperma which has high concentrations of plant secondary
compounds. The researchers then gave food to the Neotomas in different
concentrations of the Juniperus plant. After the animals ate the food overnight the
researchers measured how much food the animal consumed per meal, how much time
the animals took between meals, and the amount of water intake the animals had. It
was found that the specialist did not change any eating or drinking habits with the
increased concentration of the Juniperus plant.The generalist, however, would eat less
per meal, take more time in between meals, and drink more water as the Juniperus
plant s concentration increased in their food. This study shows that a generalist
species interacts with variables in an environment differently than a specialist
The Burning Of Petroleum Based Fuels
Can you see the light? As the burning of petroleum based fuels, natural gases, and
coal continues, smog will continue to cover the sky. Pollution from said burning
occurs as greenhouse gases and chemicals. Specifically, petroleum based fuels,
natural gases, and coal release energy when heat breaks the bonds between
hydrogens and carbons, generating energy and releasing carbon dioxide and water as
byproducts. This energy often originates from stored energy preserved in organisms
that eventually died and lingered in the crust. The byproduct carbon dioxide is the
most dominant of the greenhouse gases, which are gases that absorb and release
thermal energy from the Sun. These gases trap thermal energy in the atmosphere
while releasing a small amount into space. Global warming occurs due to the
trapping of this heat. Their covering of the sky and Sun reduces the amount of
sunlight that can reach the Earth. In addition, these energy sources are also bulky
and inefficient. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (2014),
producing even one kilowatt hour of energy (one kilowatt of electricity expended in
one hour), 0.08 gallons of petroleum based fuel, 1000 cubic feet of natural gases,
and 1.09 pounds of coal ( How much coal, natural gas, or petroleum is used to
generate a kilowatt hour 1 of electricity? ). Despite the availability of alternative
energy sources, most people prefer these dirty energy sources.
Solar power shows promise as a potential alternative.
Taking a Look at Information Warfare
Over the last decades, information warfare has become a societal issue. Research
shows that information warfare does not exclude to military, and have penetrated into
commercial word. This issue, is a threat for organization and their assets.
(Knapp,Boulton, 2006)
Information is a valuable asset for businesses and organizations. Advances in
information technology facilities the storing, transferring, and modifying of data.
Organizations use information technologies such as the Internet and networked
technology to reduce operating costs, improve customer service, and improve
productivity. However, Using the Internet has increased the number of frontier that
must be protected and has bought a lot of concerns about security issues. (Ezingeard,
McFadzean, Birchall, 2005)
Although, governments and businesses have spent billions of dollars on IT to protect
their information, Medias highlights that the number of cyber fraud and cyber attacks
by nation states, criminals, and hacktivists is accelerating. ( Ezingeard, McFadzean,
Birchall, 2005)
Using of spying techniques such as espionage is another threats for organization. The
traditional form of espionage is replaced by new technology espionage which uses
advanced electronic and computer devices to steal information and knowledge of
organizations. (Knapp,Boulton, 2006)
In this paper the role of counterintelligence and information assurance, two elements
of information warfare, in business environments is
My Fear Of Fear
Every day, we tend to base our actions on fear. We are afraid of getting poor. We are
afraid of getting old. We are afraid of being criticized. We are even afraid of death!
When we come up against something new or different, we become uncomfortable
and nervous. This causes us to pause and evaluate our options. Indecision
crystallizes into doubt and the blending of these two results in fear. This is where
disconnects occur. We tend to rely on gut feelings to make decisions. So, of course,
we stop dead in our tracks and choose NOT to take that next, scary step. That s when
fear masters you.
I have been dealing with unfounded fears of fear. It was all started when I learned
swimming. I was in the elementary school. I practiced at the Bulungan Sport Arena.
It is about 15 kilometers away from my house, but only 2 kilometers away from my
mother s office. So, my mother can easily check on me whenever she wants.
At the beginning of the training, the coach introduced us to the training methods. In
the first month, we will occupy the shallow pool to get us comfortable with the
water. After that, we will move to the deep pool to applied swimming styles, as well.
All went well until my mum came to my last session in the shallow pool.
Mbak Anna! she said in a half screaming. ... Show more content on ...
The pool was dirty and unkempt. Moreover, the water was green and slimy. We
were like cendol . My mother asked me to stop swam there because she was afraid
I would get skin diseases. Finally, I switch to another sport, which is not in the
contact with water. However, my eagerness to swim was very high. Then, I asked
my mother s permission for swimming. She was let me, but with one condition: do
not swim in the deep pool, so I would not get drowned. In the next decades, I spent
my life rock style swimming in a shallow pool, until my friend introduced me to
Rhetorical Analysis Of Barack Obama
On January 21st, 2009, Barack Obama stepped up to the podium after millions upon
millions of people chanted his name. It was the first time that an African American
took office as the President of the United States. He presented a historic message of
hope and change for the future of the United States of America, given that it was a
change of presidency in those excruciatingly unideal times. During his inaugural
address, he had to state the most important issues that America was currently facing at
the time and his plans on fixing those issues to the American public. He reassures the
public about the changes that he was planning to employ within his presidency by
contrasting different ideas, emphasizes America s issues and his solutions through
anaphoras and varying sentence structure, and convinces the American public that he
is capable of addressing America s issues through his use of strong diction. During
this time, there were many dire issues that plagued America such as costly health
care, a badly weakened economy, and a failing education system. Obama
accomplished his goal of reassuring the American public that the changes that he was
planning to employ would be beneficial by using antithesis. Even though he was the
new President of the United Statesof America, he showed that he was still a regular
human being, just like the people that he was talking to: To those who cling to
power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you
are on the wrong side of history, but that we will extend a hand if you are willing
to unclench your fist. Obama shows that he will still help people who don t have
the same beliefs and opinions as him. Additionally, he believes that everybody has
to work together, even if they are part of a different political party or if they have a
different skin color. Ultimately, Obama prefers America to be the shining beacon of
the world, meaning that they will be the country that other countries look up to: And
so, to all the other peoples and governments who are watching today, from the
grandest capitals to the small village where my father was born, know that America
is a friend of each nation, and every man, woman and child who seeks a future of
Justice, And Nozick s Utilitarian Theory Of Justice
Justice means giving each person what he or she deserves. Justice and fairness are
closely related terms that are often today used interchangeably (Manuel Velasquez,
2014). Similarly distributive justice is concerned with the fair allocation of resources
among different members of the community. Fair allocation normally takes into
account the total amount of goods to be dispersed, the dispensing procedure, and the
pattern of dispersion that results (Maiese, 2013). This essay is based on distributive
justiceor fair distribution of social goods in health care setting. Justice is the most
important principle in public health ethics. The main aim of this essay is to recognize
the theories in distributive justice... Show more content on ...
Here I will be discussing about the john Rawls Justice as Fairness, Mill s utilitarian
theory of justice and Nozick s Libertarian Theory of Justice.
Rawls Justice as Fairness
According to this theory everyone is to have an equal right to the most extensive
total system of equal basic liberties compatible with a similar system of liberty for
all (Gray, 2011). In Rawls general concepts it says that all social primary goods
liberty and opportunity, income and wealth, and the bases of self respect are to be
distributed equally unless an unequal distribution of any or all of these goods is to
the advantage of the least favored (Rawls, 1971). Rawls has two principles in
justice as fairness. First principle is liberty and second one is wealth. In principle
of liberty everyone is to have equal right to the most extensive total system of equal
basic liberties compatible with a similar system of liberty for all. In wealth principle
Social and economic inequalities are to be arranged so that they both are:
At the greatest benefit of the least advantaged, consistent with the just savings
Disparity Between Passion of the Christ and the Bible Essay
The Passion of the Christ by Mel Gibson, recounts the last twelve hours of the life of
Jesus of Nazareth, portraying his arrest, trial, crucifixion and death. One of the most
anticipated and popular religious movies in modern society, it therefore becomes
susceptible to criticism. Although the film is based upon the stories within the four
gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, there are many exaggerations and non
biblical elements present in the movie. This is not unexpected, since it is a movie, but
the vivid detail of the brutality in the movie as well as the Anti Semitic theme are the
most publicly criticized themes and concepts present in the movie. The Passion
emphasizes the brutality Jesusendured to give himself for his... Show more content on ...
In the scenes of the movie, he is preaching his peace and ideas of independence, but
the high priests and the Jewish people do not show him any mercy or respect. Even
at the voice of the governor Pontius Pilate, who several times mentions that he doesn
t find any guilt or reason to persecute Jesus, the people still wish for his crucifixion.
The movie did not really make sense of the motivation of the Jewish high priests or
the Jewish people, and it was not explained in the gospels either. However, in Mark
15; 10 11, it suggests that Pontius Pilate realized that it was out of jealousy that the
chief priests had handed Jesus over. The chief priests, however, had incited the
crowd to demand that he should release Barabbas for them instead . Therefore,
according to the Bible, the chief priests were envious of Jesus, and that is why
they condemned him to be crucified. It was an act of panic more than anything
else. The people, fearing to be considered outcasts, therefore agreed with whatever
the high priests would say. This still does not explain why the Jewish people were
so quick to have their savior and messiah killed. The movie suggests that they all felt
passionately about this themselves, because all the people in the scenes are
adamantly screaming for his death, but the gospels do not explain it. The appearance
of Satan within several important scenes of the movie is also something that is not
found within the Bible. Satan appears
Zebra Mussel
The reading states that the invasion of the zebra mussel cannot be stopped and that
it poses a serious threat to freshwater fish populations in all of North America.
However, the professor stated that there are ways to control the increased numbers
of zebra mussel because people nowadays have more knowledge about zebra mussel
than people in the past. First, the reading states that the mussel can attach itself to a
ship s bottom or can survive in the ballast water and carried to the North America.
The professor countered this point by saying that ships can empty the ballast water
in the ocean, so the salt water kills the zebra mussel in the ocean. Therefore, the
professor stated that ships can get rid of the zebra mussel. Second, the reading
Science II
Investigative Project
Submitted to:
Dr. Claribelle J. Bautista, Ph.D.
Golden Faith Academy
Montevista Heights Subdivision
Taytay, Rizal
CHAPTER 1 :INTRODUCTION..........................................................................1
Background of the study..................................................................1 Statement of the
LITERATURE..................................................2... Show more content on ...
Plants are the major source of vitamin B6 for animals, yet the biosynthesis pathway
and the function of vitamin B6 in plants are not well elucidated. In this study, an
Arabidopsis pyridoxine synthase gene PDX1 was characterized and its in vivo
functions were investigated. The PDX1 gene was expressed in all plant parts
examined and its expression level was not significantly regulated by abiotic stress or
the phytohormone abscisic acid. In roots, PDX1 was highly expressed in a defined
region behind the root tips that undergoes rapid cell division. The PDX1 protein was
mainly associated with the plasma membrane and endomembranes, implying a
potential involvement of vitamin B6 in membrane function. To reveal the in vivo
role of PDX1, Arabidopsis insertional mutants were isolated. Strikingly, the pdx1
knockout mutants were impaired in root growth and early seedling development. The
stunted roots resulted from both reduced cell division and elongation.
Supplementation of the growth media with pyridoxine or reintroduction of the wild
type PDX1 gene into the mutants completely restored the mutant growth,
demonstrating that PDX1 is required for pyridoxine biosynthesis in planta. In
addition to the developmental defects, pdx1 mutants are hypersensitive to osmotic
stress and oxidative stress. These mutant seedlings had increased peroxidation of
membrane lipids following UV treatment. Our study establishes a
Fanon Identity
This is an insightful chapter about finding identity in a white world. Fanon goes
through what appears to be a crisis of identity when faced with the other . We see
this happening at the beginning of the chapter with the first three words being
Look, a Negro . Fanon thus began to know himself by how he thought the other
saw/understood him. He stepped outside of himself into, first the third person, but
later in a triple person. This caused him to question his own self image as well as to
question what it means to be black and the social structures that exist in a white
supremacist society. Fanon wrote about the unreasonable notion of judging and
discriminating others based on the colour of their skin colour prejudice. He felt
trapped under the fact that the white person had fixed an identity onto him. As
Fanon was creating himself, these stereotypes were both untrue and stuck in time.
The fixed identity of the black man was not part of his reality. As the chapter goes
on, we see that this objecthood was crushing him. It was reducing him to feeling
inferior but also nonexistent (p. 25). As if he is there, as an object, with the mere
purpose of elevating the status of the white person. All he wants is to be free to exist
in the world without explaining himself; without explaining the truth of his lived
experience. He wants... Show more content on ...
Or when black protestors take to the streets to protest against police violence. The
media often portrays black youth as troubled. They take one case of a black criminal
and then they generalize an entire community. They erase the individual; they take
away their humanity. This is why campaigns against systemic racismtoward black
people like, The Black Lives Matter activist movement are so important. Such
movements, I believe, would have the support of Frantz Fanon. They rally against
racial violence and raise awareness on the lived experiences of black
The Effects Of Equine Facilitated Learning On Adolescents
Summary The article written by Pendry, Smith Roeter (2014) discusses the effects of
equine facilitated learning on adolescents basal cortisol levels. In healthy adolescents,
basal cortisol levels were highest in the morning and dropped rapidly throughout the
day with troughs around midnight. Although equine involved programs have become
increasingly popular over the last decade, prior to this article no research has been
published on the effects that horses have on human development and emotional
wellbeing. The experiment was conducted over an eleven week period with students
from different schools, fifth through eighth grade, in a rural university town in the
Pacific Northwest area of the United States (Pendry et al., 2014). Subject referrals
came from school counselors who had been treating students for academic and/or
behavioral issues. The group of students participating included forty one males and
seventy two females with an average age of eleven years. Participants were
predominantly Caucasian or Hispanic. The students were randomly divided into two
groups with fifty three assigned to experimental conditions and sixty assigned to
waitlisted conditions. The independent variable in this experiment is participation in
the eleven week program. The dependent variable would be the children that were
waitlisted. The research was conducted through survey and experiment conditions
(King L. A., 2014). Parents of the participants were asked to fill out several questions
Scarlet Ibis Theme
James Hurst is the author of the short story The Scarlet Ibis. In this short story, the
Narrator has a little brother, which he has always wanted, but his brother is a little
off. Over time, the narrator tries to pull his little brother, who he named Doodle,
out of his not all there state. He teaches him how to walk first, and when he
succeeds, he is filled with pride. He then tries to teach him how to do other things
afterwards, such as swimming, climbing, and rowing. However, Doodle was not
meant to be able to do all these things, and because of the narrator s own selfish
pride, he overworks Doodle to the point of death. The issue in this story is that the
narrator believes in himself a little too much, so he thinks he can do anything.... Show
more content on ...
This is shown in the story on multiple occasions, and really show what the story is
about, and who the characters really are. An example of this is how the narrator
acts and what he says whilst teaching Doodle how to walk. In this, the narrator
seems to become proud of Doodle s accomplishments, but more of how he, himself,
had made them happen. Here, he also started to become irritated when Doodle didn
t do something right, which made him feel like he wasn t doing well enough.
Another example of theme in this story is when the narrator is crying when he and
Doodle showed their family that he had taught his brother to walk. When Doodle
tells them that his brother taught him all by himself, the narrator bursts into tears
because he knew what he had done was wrong. He feels that he is a slave to his
own pride, that he had only taught his brother to walk because he was ashamed of
him being crippled. Lastly, the story shows theme where the narrator starts to teach
Doodle other things beyond walking. These were activities such as running,
swimming, and fighting. He starts to believe in his own infallibility, and tries to
teach Doodle things that everyone knows Doodle should not be able to do. Also,
when Doodle does not do his best, or do something perfect first try, the narrator
shows us again that he gets angry or disappointed with not only Doodle but himself
as well. In conclusion, James Hurst s The Scarlet Ibis proves to us that whilst pride is
good, too much can destroy you, whether it is you directly or through you towards
somebody else. The author s purpose is to teach us that too much pride can harm us,
and we need to keep in under our own
Religious and Medical Dilemma Essay
You shall not eat the blood of any creature, for the life of every creature is its blood
(Lev. 17:14). This is just one of the several scriptures found in the bible from which
the Jehovah Witnesses base their beliefs. To summarize the above excerpt, Jehovah
Witnesses strongly believe that contributing to the health of their bodies by way of
any type of blood material is not intended by God s will. However in dire cases,
ethical questions need to be raised regarding the patient s mental capacity and legal
competence. In particular cases concerning minor patients, where mental capacity is
accounted for, parents should not have the dominant opinion about how their child
wants to receive surgery based on their own personal beliefs. The... Show more
content on ...
As a doctor, to prepare myself to take on this case I would have to process a
substantial amount of information and use my best judgment to conceive what the
best plan of action regarding this case should be. Reviewing the four key principles
in medical ethics: nonmaleficience, beneficence, respect for autonomy, and justice,
would prove to be very helpful. After reviewing and consulting with my peers I
would most likely conclude that the patient is the one receiving the service and is
to be put first above all other factors contributing to the situation. According to the
first principle, nonmaleficience, it would not be appropriate as a professional to
practice medicine based on his or her own beliefs and not consider the patients
feelings about the operation. In this particular case, regarding religious constrictions
the doctor must decide if the patients needs outweigh the ethical belief of
nonmaleficience. Asserting empathy in this case could prove to be a problem. How
does a person wholly understand the beliefs of another when they have not been
exposed to those beliefs and culture that supplied this person with their values of
living? Understanding a patient s background can significantly impact a decision. If a
doctor were to treat a Jehovah Witness with blood they need to understand the impact
they would be having on their patient s life. Jehovah Witnesses ex communicate with
a peer who undergoes a blood transfusion. If
Using Material from Item a and Elsewhere, Assess...
In the past females have achieved less well than boys at higher levels in the
education system, then during the 1990 , the girls over took boys at all levels in
the education system. The percentage of females in the UK achieving two or more
A levels or equivalent has increased from 20% in 1990 to 42% in 2006. Over the
same time period, the percentage of males achieving the same level increased from
18% to 33%. On the other hand, there still continues to be a large difference in the
choice of subjects by males and females. Even with the national curriculum being
restrictive in the lower levels, meaning both maleand females do the same subjects,
when they get to a levels and degree level, both male and females still tend to choose
different... Show more content on ...
However, its argued that the improvement of females in education could be the result
of the decline of males, therefore making the gap between gender differences not that
Secondly, the interaction between teachers and male and female students. Sociologist
Francis (2000) argues that classrooms are still male dominated and that boys are
disciplined more frequently and harshly by teachers compared to girls. Therefore, it
is seen that boys get more attention than girls as they are disciplined more harshly
than girls, leading to girls getting less attention than boys, also in terms of ethnicity,
boys from African Caribbean backgrounds are also more likely to be disciplined than
white British boys. This may result in boys feeling picked on in school which may
result in gender and ethnic differences in achievement.
On the other hand, many sociologists have argued the importance of external factors
in influencing gender differences in achievement. Feminism strives for equality in
society for men and women and has questioned the typical role of males and females
in society and challenges the role of women being the housewife. Feminists have had
a great influence on improving girls self esteem and aspirations. Sue Sharpe s
Reflection Paper On Dance
After choosing dance as my first topic, I had to then narrow down to a more specific
topic. I came to three different topics: the health benefits of dancing, the evolution of
dance throughout history, and life skills obtained through dance education. I decided
to select the last topic because I thought that it would be the easiest one that I could
have a personal connection with. With my research, I soon came to realize that I
would have to look at information that did not directly relate to dance, and that I
would have to make the connections myself. My goal was to find enough verified
information that could back up claims that my argument was based on.
Throughout my years as a student, I have been taught skills that helped me
complete this project to the best of my ability. Since elementary school, I have been
taught standard english conventions that helped me write my research paper, speech,
cover letter, resume, letter of intent, as well as this reflection paper. Once I entered
high school, my teachers have helped me refine these skills by helping me improve
my vocabulary and teaching me different ways of sharing my ideas. This project has
also taught me new skills that I can use in the future. Skills such as citing information
sources, finding research in a variety of forms, and writing a professional cover letter
that can go with my rГ©sumГ©.
I used almost all the skills that I was taught before to complete this project. I would
say that one of the biggest skills I
Richard Cory Poem Analysis
Ever since the 1600s when William Shakespeare described the whole world as a
stage and all the men and women merely players , the idea of people wearing masks
and hiding their true feelings has been present in literature in one way or another. In
the late 1800s, Paul Laurence Dunbar publishes We wear the mask , a poem that
focuses on people hiding their true feelings from others and everyone can relate.
Unlike Dunbar who talks about different kinds of emotional masks people use, Edwin
Arlington Robinsonuses his Richard Cory to draw attention to a mask of money and
success, which makes the average people ( we people ) admire and idealize the
successful person (Richard Cory) only because we do not know and do not even try
to see what is hidden behind the mask. With ABAB rhyme scheme, in just 4 stanzas
and 16 lines, Edwin Arlington Robinson tells a meaningful and timeless story about
misfortune of Richard Cory, a person behind the mask of money and success who
seemingly has everything anyone could wish for. Robinson starts the first stanzawith
a description of Richard Cory s appearance and a clear distinction between the two
sides, Richard Cory and we people . The speaker mentions Richard Cory in the first
line without any introduction, which means that everyone should know who
Richard Cory was, so the introduction is not needed. Furthermore, whenever
Richard would come to downtown, we people of the pavement admired him. The
people of the pavement or people from the streets of the downtown, including the
speaker, were obviously of a lower socioeconomic class in comparison to Richard
Cory. What is more, the speaker uses we people as he wants to include the reader
as well. In other words, the speaker is confident that a reader would have also
admired Richard Cory if they had seen him. In the next two lines, the speaker uses
a metaphor and implicitly compares Richard to a king: He was a gentleman from
sole to crown as well as imperially slim . Instead of saying a gentleman from the feet
to the head, the author uses a phrase sole to crown to put Richard Cory on a king s
pedestal. In addition, Richard is imperially thin, which is another characteristic of
kings. So, was Richard Cory really a king
The Title I Am Zlatan
Title and Author: The Title is I Am Zlatan. The title reflects Zlatan s big ego and
the self belief he has in everything that he does in life. The title, I Am Zlatan, also
reflects one of the themes in not trying to be anyone else but yourself. Setting I Am
Zlatan opens in Zlatan s childhood where he lives in RosengГҐrd, Sweden.
RosengГҐrd is on the south side of Malmo, where Zlatan would play for his first
professional team. The setting is mainly in RosengГҐrd from 1981 to 2001. The
setting then changes when Zlatan Ibrahimovic, also known as Ibra , to Ajax, one of
the most historic soccer clubs in the Netherlands. Most of the story in the Netherlands
takes place in Ajax s club facilities in Amsterdam and occasionally on the outskirts of
the city where Zlatan... Show more content on ...
Zlatan grew up in a rough family situation in RosengГҐrd, Sweden. Zlatan was born
to two immigrant parents from eastern Europe. Zlatan s mom was rarely present
when Zlatan came home from school because of her long work hours during the day
and multiple jobs. Meanwhile his dad was constantly dealing with his problems with
alcohol with him being drunk multiple times throughout Zlatan s childhood. Zlatan s
dad was also very protective of Ibra which would later be a trait that Zlatan inherited
to his kids. To escape from the chaos at home Zlatan would go around RosengГҐrd
pulling off different stunts. Zlatan could often be found around RosengГҐrd stealing
bikes, shoplifting from local stores, and even falling from the roof of a nearby
daycare once. Zlatan has an older sister named Sanela. He often went to Sanela for
emotional situations like girls that he came across during his schooling. Zlatan also
had a younger brother named Aleksandar or Keki who he looked after as a fathering
figure. Anytime Keki was bullied or made fun, Zlatan was sure to make sure that the
bully knew who he was dealing
Congo Child Labor
More than half of the world s supply of cobalt is delivered from DR Congo. 40% of
all workers in mines are children. Children as young as seven work in extremely
harsh conditions to mine cobalt which ends up in a lot of items we use in our daily
life such as smartphones, cars, and computers. Mining is one of the worst forms of
child labour, due to the hazardous conditions and strenuous work, and In 2014,
approximately 40,000 young boys and girls were forced to work in the unbearable
heat with clouds of red dust and almost no light. Many have sported various
infections from working in polluted water. Children are forced dig at depths of 200
to 300 meters and are at constant risk of rock slides, or other accidental deaths. In a
World ... Show more content on ...
138 on the Minimum Age of Employment and No. 182 on the Worst Forms of Child
Labour in 2001. The law sets minimum for admission to work at the age of 15 after
the employer has obtained consent of parents or guardians to work for more than
4 hours a day and all children are banned by law from working in hazardous jobs.
Authorities lack financial and human resources to perform controls and prosecute
offenders who make use of child labour. Democratic Republic of the Congo made a
moderate advancement in efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labor.
However, children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo continue to engage in
the worst forms of child labor, including the mining of gold, cobalt, cassiterite (tin
ore), coltan, and wolframite. Children are used in armed conflict, sometimes as a
result of forced recruitment or abduction by non state armed groups. The prescribed
penalties for forced or compulsory labor remain low and do not serve as deterrents.
Decentralization, a lack of resources, and poor coordination have prevented and
slowed the government s efforts to combat child labor, and laws mandating free
primary education are not
Aggregate Demand And Supply Essay examples
Aggregate demand is the amount which will be spent at different values of the price
level. It is composed of consumption (C), investment (I), government spending (6) and
net exports (X M).
The aggregate demand curve shows the quantity of goods and services which
households, firms, overseas buyers and government are prepared to buy at different
values of the general price level. It is drawn on the assumption that other things (e.g.
the money supply, rates of taxation, the marginal propensity to consume) remain
unchanged. Figure 28. I shows an aggregate demand curve.
There are three main reasons why ... Show more content on ...
Figure 28.2 shows an extension in aggregate demand. If the general price level falls
people s purchasing power will increase, the transactions demand for money will fall
causing a reduction in interest rates and domestic goods and services will become
more price competitive. ____________________________________________
One group of economists, Keynesians, believe the aggregate demand curve is steep.
This is because they think that a rise in the general price level will have only a small
impact on the rate of interest and this in turn will have only a small impact on
consumption and investment. They argue that the demand for money is dominated
by the speculative rnotive. This is interest elastic so that an increase in demand for
money will cause only a small rise in the rate of interest. In their view the main
influence on both consumption and investment is income and not the rate of interest.
The implication of the aggregate demand curve being steep is that a change in the
general price level will not significantly alter aggregate demand.
In contrast new classical economists believe the aggregate demand curve is shallow,
they think the main component of the demand for money is the transactions
demand. This is interest inelastic so if a rise in the general price level leads to an
increase in demand for money there may be a large rise in the rate of interest.
The Importance Of Implementing Fullan s Model
What do you see as valuable in this model? What are the implications on student
learning regarding this model? Select a current article that utilizes or discusses Fullan
s model. Summarize the article and explain how you might apply what you read to
implementing Fullan s model into your practice.
Our discussion topic are the six magical secrets to achieve the total success:
Secret 1. Love your employees;
Secret 2. Connect peers with purpose;
Secret 3. Capacity building prevails;
Secret 4. Learning is the work;
Secret 5. Transparency rules; and
Secret 6. System learn.
(Fullan, 2012).
Share an example of how you might use Fullan s model as an educational leader in
your educational setting.
These six secrets are required to be implemented ... Show more content on ...
People in our business are the leaders, the administration staff, the teachers, the
students and their parents. Making our teachers and our education leaders happy and
provide them the required professional training and learning will affect our students
positively. It is a Positive correlation between loving and developing our people (
Leaders, teachers, and the staff) and achieving our students educational goals.
Melissa Hunt reviewed Fullan book and analyzed his six secrets. She supported his
theory and expanded it. Sharing with you two quotations related to secret 1 and
Secret 4:
Love your employees.
It may sound a bit smaltzy but Fullan really uses the word love and intentionally
so. He says I won t change the wording of the secret loving and investing in our
employees in relation to a high quality purpose is the bedrock of success . He quotes
a recent study of the world s top school systems: the quality of the educational system
cannot exceed the quality of its teachers. ;
Learning is The Work.
The work of teaching and learning requires a high level of precision how to use the
most effective practices to meet the needs of students as they are learning and balance
between consistency and innovation. Becoming better is an endless pursuit in the
teaching profession.
(Melissa Hunt,
Distribution Strategy Of Lahari Motors
Title: Distribution strategy of LAHARI MOTORS Permission from the letter
Company OR the Business Owner Abstract/Summary: Business and Business
habits get failed even if the market requirements is projected specialists, in this
simple case study is based on my own experience, Market, labour and nature
business and enterprise coming into a picture of how the business and seemingly
promising circumstances will fail and gain. Especially the tasks that are faced by
small and single entrepreneur s implementation, issues are discussed to meet these
challenges, of more realistic and practical business in automotive industry, mainly
focused on YAMAHA (Bikes and scooters). Introduction To support the new
growth, businesses need to expand their initial customer base, often outsource work
of business. Market leader can enjoy big market presentation, and take advantage of
better resources. Key elements of an organization can still remain stable. This case
studies to change YAMAHA as a brand. YAMAHA has been to build a community
of enthusiasts around their brand include members from a different kind and a very
less number of advertising. How does king of racers to keep its fan so long? It can
give them the reasons to respect. All with the ultra strong Japan brand has reached
icon status with long term high awareness campaigns marked as persistent trumpeting
a simple message. Revs your heart Background Sometimes but brand
The United Arab Emirates
Sustainable Development
Throughout the extent of time in which humans have inhabited the Earth, it has only
been in the past couple hundred years that humanity has developed technology at an
astonishing rate. From the early 1800s and onward, the human population has
skyrocketed and advancements in technology have rapidly progressed through the
course of a relatively short period of time. In that time, society has become a
massive, interconnected network of people that are dependent on resources that
originate from different parts of the world. With the technology of today, society
has enabled resources that range from food to oil, to be transported to areas of the
world in which those select resources are not available. An extreme example of this
would be the city of Dubai, which is part of one of the seven emirates that constitute
the United Arab Emirates. Dubai is one of the most impressive and wealthiest cities
in the world and is well known for the luxurious lifestyle, extremely modernized
architecture, and can be viewed as the epitome of a Westernized society. However,
the land of the United Arab Emirates is sandy and barren, and not capable of being
used for agricultural purposes, there is no major fresh water supply, and very few
natural resources. With the absence of farmland and water, Dubai is a city that
depends on the resources found worldwide that are purchased with the revenue from
oil exports. Dubai has capitalized on its predominant resources and found
Color In The Wizard Of Oz
In the novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz color plays a massive role on how the
reader feels. Color is used to show how what kind of person a character is. It is also
used to create a mood based on the setting.
In the beginning of the novel L. frank Baum uses gray to show the reader how
boring and desolate that Kansas is. But as the story goes on the cities in oz becomes
vibrant. The land of the Munchkins is vibrant and multicolored, but mostly blue. This
conveys a feeling of excitement to the reader. The land of Ozis green. This shows
the readers how grand the city of Oz is. Even though it was a big fraud the whole
time though, the magnificence of everything being green was pretty cool.
As far as color goes when
Death And The After Life Essay
Death and dying is experienced by every person in every culture. No one escapes
death, but the ways that the following cultures view death, mourning and the after
life are very different. This paper will explore the different death and dying cultures
of Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam. Each of these cultures
shares a unique perspective on death that has withstood centuries of living.
The Jewish culture is very traditional and orthodox. In Judaism, death is not a
tragedy, even when it occurs early in life or through unfortunate circumstances.
Death is a natural process. Our deaths, like our lives, have meaning and are all part
of God s plan. Jews have a firm belief in an afterlife, and this will be awarded to
those who have lived a worthy life. Mourning practices in Judaism are extensive, but
they are not an expression of fear or distaste for death. Jewish practices relating to
death and mourning have two purposes: to show respect for the dead, and to comfort
the living.
After a person dies, the eyes are closed, the body is laid on the floor and covered,
and candles are lit next to the body. The body is never left alone until after burial,
as a sign of respect. Most communities have an organization to care for the dead,
known as the chevra kaddisha (the holy society). These people are volunteers. The
presence of a dead body is considered a source of ritual impurity. For this reason, a
priest may not be in the presence of a
America s Foreign Policies And Outlook On National...
September 11, 2001 marks the day of a horrific event that had changed America s
foreign policies and outlook on national security protocol. The response that the U.S.
government had towards this act of terror was a response involving the pursuit of
justice against those who committed the heinous actions that killed thousands of
innocent Americans. The U.S. government wanted to combat our enemies by
pursuing national interests in an attempt to stop the occurrences of terrorismthat were
occurring from the Middle East region. The government would do this by first
demanding the surrender of Al Qaedaleaders including Osama Bin Ladenand those
that were involved with the planning of the attack. Ground forces were later sent to
search for Al Qaeda members when they did not comply with the demands. The U.S.
government had goals of developing a peaceful relation with Middle Eastern
governments to help combat Al Qaeda forces; but, while the U.S. government had
intentions of containing a global threat of terrorism, I believe that U.S. government
actions have unintentionally unleashed a terrorism outbreak within the Middle East.
With intention to stop terrorist acts from taking place, the interests of the U.S. have
undoubtedly caused anger among the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and may have
caused terrorist organizations to benefit from actions made by the mistakes of our
U.S. military.
Mercado 2
Our involvement within the Middle East has consisted of actions that could have
Essay about Hold Up Problem
KLEIN University of California, Los Angeles Abstract After working well for
more than 5 years, the Fisher Body General Motors (GM) contract for the supply of
automobile bodies broke down when GM s demand for Fisher s bodies unexpectedly
increased dramatically. This pushed the imperfect contractual arrangement between
the parties outside the self enforcing range and led Fisher to take advantage of the
fact that GM was contractually obligated to purchase bodies on a cost plus basis.
Fisher increased its short term profit by failing to make the investments required
by GM in a plant located near GM production facilities in Flint, Michigan. Vertical
integration, with an associated... Show more content on ...
Fisher then refused to make the necessary capital investments required to produce
bodies efficiently for GM, in particular refusing to build an important body plant
close to a GM production facility in Flint, Michigan. These contractual difficulties
were the primary reason GM decided in 1926 to vertically integrate with Fisher
Body. The marked change in Fisher s behavior between the early 1919 24 period
and the later 1925 26 period provides important insights into the basic economic
forces at work in contractual arrangements. Similar to a biologist 3 Surveys of these
studies are provided in Paul L. Joskow, Asset Specificity and the Structure of
Vertical Relationships: Empirical Evidence, 4 J. L. Econ. Org. 95 (1988); Howard
A. Shelanski Peter G. Klein, Empirical Research in Transaction Cost Economics: A
Review and Assessment, 7 J. L. Econ. Org. 335 (1995); and Keith J. Crocker Scott
F. Masten, Regulation and Administered Contracts Revisited: Lessons from
Transaction Cost Economics for Public Utility Regulation, 9 J. Reg. Econ. 5
(1996). 4 R. H. Coase, The Acquisition of Fisher Body by General Motors, in this
issue, at 15. 5 Robert F. Freeland, Creating Holdup through Vertical Integration:
Fisher Body Revisited, in this issue, at 33. 6 Ramon Casadesus Masanell Daniel F.
Spulber, The Fable of Fisher Body, in this issue, at 67. fisher gm and the nature of
the firm
The Autonomic Nervous System
Sleep is necessary for basic health and survival. It plays a large role in an individual
s mental, emotional, and physiological welfare and functioning. After years of sleep
research focusing on sleep wake cycles, evidence points to the conclusion that sleep
deprivation has detrimental consequences, not only on rodents, but humans as well
(Cheng et al., 2015). In the past century, the average amount of time that adults sleep
has decreased significantly. Consequently, sleep problems have become an epidemic,
taking their toll on the health of adult populations in numerous ways. The National
Sleep Foundation (NSF) conducted a Gallup Poll in March 2002 in which American
lifestyles, sleep habits, and sleep problems were surveyed. The results... Show more
content on ...
Monitoring HRV can provide information about the function of the autonomic
nervous system. HRV is a non invasive index of the neural control of the heart
(Acharya, Sing, Ping Chua, 2004). Although it is difficult to establish a particular
standard normal heart rate for a given individual, most individuals have a typical
range from 60 to 100 beats per minute (Fox et al., 2007). However, the interval
between each heartbeat constantly varies. High frequency variability in RR
reflects parasympathetic activation, while a slower variability in RR reflects a
combination of both parasympathetic and sympathetic modulation along with non
autonomic factors. When interpreting HRV data, there are several components in
the power spectrum that can have fluctuating ranges. A power spectrum is a plot
of the portion of a signal s power or energy per unit time, falling within given
frequency bands. The three major bands of the power spectrum in HRV are high
frequency (HF), low frequency (LF), and very low frequency (VLF). A HF peak
typically ranges between 0.15 Hz to 0.4 Hz, while a LF peak ranges from 0.06 to
0.15 Hz. A VLF peak is below .05 Hz (Kamath Fallen, 1993). The LF is associated
with blood pressure control and reflects sympathetic activity. The HF is correlated
with respiratory sinus arrhythmia and reflects parasympathetic activity
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  • 1. 2000 Words Essay Crafting a 2000-word essay about "2000 Words Essay" presents a unique challenge that goes beyond the mere irony of the subject matter. The difficulty lies not just in the irony but in navigating the intricacies of self-reference, self-analysis, and the inherent circularity of the task. Writing an essay about the process of writing the essay requires a delicate balance between self- awareness and maintaining a sense of coherence. The challenge begins with the need to strike a tone that doesn't come across as excessively self- indulgent or overly self-critical. One must tread carefully to avoid falling into the trap of repeating the same meta-narrative without adding substantive content. The risk of sounding like an echo chamber is ever-present when the subject matter revolves around the act of writing itself. Attempting to fill 2000 words with meaningful reflections on the process of essay composition introduces the necessity of introspection and self-evaluation. This journey of self-discovery can be as daunting as it is rewarding, as the writer grapples with questions about their own writing style, habits, and the challenges encountered during the creative process. Moreover, the task requires a certain level of abstraction, as the essayist delves into the meta layers of the writing process. Discussing the intricacies of constructing an essay about writing an essay necessitates a careful dance between depth and accessibility. Striking this balance is no small feat, as the writer endeavors to make the content engaging and relatable to a diverse audience. The challenge intensifies when considering the potential for the essay to become a self-fulfilling prophecy, wherein the very nature of the topic influences the way the essay unfolds. It becomes a delicate act of literary juggling, attempting to maintain a coherent narrative while navigating the inherent paradoxes embedded within the subject matter. In conclusion, the difficulty of writing a 2000-word essay on the topic of "2000 Words Essay" lies not only in the irony of the assignment but also in the intricate dance between self-reflection, meaningful content, and the risk of falling into the pitfalls of circularity. This task demands a keen awareness of the challenges posed by the subject matter, coupled with a commitment to delivering an essay that is both insightful and engaging. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing challenges, it's worth exploring services like, where professional writers can provide support and guidance in navigating the complexities of essay composition. 2000 Words Essay2000 Words Essay
  • 2. External Analysis for Dialog Telekom Sri Lanka Contents Executive Summary2 Company Background3 Issues Faced6 Competitor Analysis7 Porters Five Force Model9 PEST Analysis13 Factors responsible for Dialog s Decline16 Strategies19 Strategies implemented by Dialog20 SWOT Analysis23 Conclusion25 Reference26 Executive Summary Dialog Telekom PLC is a Malaysian based MNC functioning in Sri Lanka. It has been the market leader in the telecommunication industry up to the year 2007. But the company incurred huge losses in the year 2008 amp; 2009 and this as a result of this the company s market reputation and image declined. The Annual reports of the company showed that their financials were widely fluctuating and with the increase in the number of... Show more content on ... 108| Rs. 109| Rs. 113| GDP growth| 7.7%| 6.8%| 6%| Source: Central Bank of Sri Lanka Annual Report 2008 The year 2008 in terms of business outcomes was disappointing in the context and aftermath of a decade long and uninterrupted trend of robust profitability. A loss of Rs. 2.88 Bn. in 2008 as compared with a profit in the previous year of Rs.8.91 Bn. requires a contextual analysis (Dr. Wijayasuriya, Dialog Annual Report 2008:17) Competitor Analysis At present the Sri Lankan mobile telecommunication industry comprises of 5 companies i.e. Dialog, Etisalat, Mobitel, Airtel and Hutch. The competition between the local mobile operators has intensified over the last two years. The mobile market in Sri Lanka has been functioning with a healthy annual growth rate for some years. However, Sri Lanka s mobile penetration is low when compared to other developed countries in Asia. But it can be seen that Sri Lanka posses some of the most sophisticated technology which are at par with many developed countries of the world. Many new players have entered the industry and have found their own niches in the telecom sector. The competition between these companies has been growing stiff. The end of the war has also provided plenty of new opportunities for the mobile
  • 3. The Killer Angels Analysis During the American Civil War, the worst battle was the battle of Gettysburg. During the battle the Union and the Confederacy collectively lost over 51,000 men to either death, injury, or they were missing. Michael Shaara wrote The Killer Angels. The author goes into the story by telling why each of the major characters were fighting the war and their viewpoints. The author also tells the story though the letters and other documents and not using the historical opinions of the battle. The Commander of the Army of Northern Virginiais General Robert E. Lee. General Robert E. Lee at the time of the battle is 57 years of age. General Robert E. Lee does not own slaves nor does he believe in slavery, though he does not believe the Negro could be equal to the white man. At the time the war started he was a soldier in the Union Army but chose to fight in the war with Confederacy, due to his home state of Virginia succeeding from the Union. General Lee knew that he could not lead an army to fight a war against his... Show more content on ... He also often thought that the Confederacy and the Union were never really that different and had more in common than not. He also does not seem to have an opinion about slavery, but feels that it is a duty to fight for his country and not fight against it. He also plays a very critical role in securing victory for the Union during the battle. He holds hill tops during battles with the Confederacy, as the Union assembles in other key locations. The author makes John Buford seem like a real person by pointing out that even in the middle of a battle, he is thinking of his future and where he is going to retire. He is described as thinking about fishing in the south and beating the colder weather of the Midwest for the warmer weather in the south but, fears he will not be able to return to the south due to the
  • 4. Essay Haiti Corrupt Government The Haitian government has been plagued with corruption from the beginning of its existence. Haiti has been faced with many foul leaders and thus brought times of despair for the Haitian people. The empowerment of poor leadership has led to a country that has never known a period free of tyranny, repression, political conflict, racial animosity, and economic hardship (Haggerty). Haitis capital, Port au Prince, is a place where kidnappings and street crime are rampant, and the undermanned police force is rife with corruption (Williams). The island of Hispaniola was founded by Christopher Columbus in 1842 and claimed for Spain. The island was neglected by its mother country due to the lack of minerals on the island. The French ... Show more content on ... In the 1980s civil disorder broke out due to Baby Doc s inability to increase the well being of the country. Six years later armed invasions forced Jean Claude and his family to flee to France in exile. The Lieutenant General at the time seized power and the hope for democracy soon faded. Gangs of thugs and corrupt soldiers ruled the streets, killing many innocent people and postponing any attempt for a presidential election. A Roman Catholic priest by the name of Jean Bertrand Aristide was elected president of Haiti in late 1990. Political prisoners were set free and Duvailer s Tontons were disbanded. There was much hope for the government under the new presidency, but due to the lack of confidence from the military, Aristide was overthrown in 1991. In September of 1994 the Clinton administration planned for a military invasion of Haiti. The purpose was to force the military dictatorship out of power and place Aristide back as president. As a last resort to war, Clinton sent a team headed by former US president Jimmy Carter, to negotiate a peaceful solution to the crisis. Carter succeeded in the negotiations and Aristide was peacefully restored to power. After being out of office for three years Aristide was faced with two major problems. One was the poor economy and the other was the violent street gangs that had taken over since the lack of authority. Very little was accomplished to improve the
  • 5. Catler s Drought There was once a balanced and euphoric land made up of individual farms. All farms where hardy, and never lost hope or experienced pain. This was a quite solid system, with all the farms cooperating to help a struggling partner. Until the Great Drought, that is, This drought caused all crops to be smothered, and the farms and animals on them were devastated. This harsh weather caused all animals to be uptight, and worried if they could last in the terrible conditions. Well, this drought lasted for an extensive length of time, causing an unknown amount of aggression between farms and their animals. Things were looking better for the farm of mostly cats, however. On that farm, a leader arose, one who was said to bring hope and a solution to the... Show more content on ... Catler knew that his army could not stand the cold in the S.O., but being the genius his was, decided to attack in the summer. Back at the ally base, the leaders were also brainstorming great ideas. They came up the idea of them all attacking on the same date, causing a 3 sided fight agianst NaziCat land. This attack would contain over 156,00 allied animals, and was planned for June 6th. Over at the NaziCat land, Catler was having a hard time convincing the citizens the attack on S.O. was such a great idea. The cats, who thought of this as a dangerous attempt for tland eventually agreed, seeing that their food supply was dwindling. So the disheartened NaziCat troops headed to Sobeit Onion to begin their invasion. The army was almost immediately stopped, as the cats came to a city. Joseph Waddlin s defenses here where almost impenetrable, causing a very drawn out
  • 6. General Surgeon Research Paper A general surgeon is a surgeon has irregular hours(this is normal for a general surgeon), a general surgeon has to be able to stand for long periods of time and surgeons have to be able to deal with the emotional stress the comes with the job. First, the surgeon will have irregular hours(this is normal for them) like on Monday the surgeonwill work 2:00 am to 8:00 pm then they will have to go in(this all can change if the surgeon wants,the surgeon can get put on call where if a person needs immediate surgerythen the surgeon will have to get there and do the surgery) on Tuesday the surgeon might have to be in there at 12:00 am to 11:00 pm. so the surgeons have to be use to this. Second, the surgeon will have to be able to stand for long periods of time... Show more content on ... The surgeon has to have excellent eyesight because the surgeon has to notice the smallest detail while working on a person because they might miss something or mess something up. The career cluster to this career is Health Science and Therapeutic Services. The Holland for this career is Investigative,Realistic and Social for this career. A surgeon must take science classes and math classes to become a surgeon. The MD also has to go through at least 14 years of college then if they choose, the MD can choose to got to med school for more years than that. A major career that will sound the best is becoming a general surgeon. The wage or salary that a surgeon makes is $206,770 dollars. A surgeon s setting is, in a hospital, surrounded by nurses, patients, patient s family members and newborn children. A surgeon will work in a hospital, where the surgeon wants to work. The outlook for this career is increasing. Becoming a surgeon is traditional for women and men to become. A related career to a general surgeon is a surgeon. To all the surgeon s out there, did you know that there are nine types of surgeons, these surgeons each have there own thing to do at work. Thank you to all
  • 7. The Disagreements Over the Health Effects of Probiotics Essay Since the year 1965, the term probiotics has been used. Lilly and Stillwell were the first to describe probiotics as substances secreted by one organism, which stimulated growth of other organisms (Gupta, 2009). It was however, Elie Metchnikoff in the 1900s who first suggested that there were health properties in lactic acid bacteriafrom fermented food products (Anukam, 2007). Since then, the meaning has undergone some changes, one of the most recent definitions is that probiotics are beneficial live microorganisms, which must be consumed in a sufficient amount for the desired health effect (Guarner, 1998). The Food and Agriculture Organisation/World Health Organisation has adopted this definition but there are many other organisations... Show more content on ... Therefore the bacterium ability to tolerate different pH levels is a crucial factor in determining their probiotic use. Ability to attach to the gut epithelial cells and adequate production of antimicrobial substances are also other important properties of probiotics (Granato, 2010). In terms of commercial use and manufacturing, probiotics must be resilient and maintain cell viability during periods of processing, packaging and storage (Saarela, 2009). The number food companies that are now using strains of Lactic acid bacteria and Bifidobacteria in their food products has increased considerably and it is now diary probiotic products that are making between 60% 70% of the functional food market (Mohammadi, 2012). Fermented milk and yogurt beverages are the main source of probiotics in supermarkets but there are also capsule and powder formations in addition. The popularity of these products has increased due to the number of documented benefits of consuming probiotic bacteria and support from media and marketing. The documented health and nutritional benefits from consumption of probiotic food products show alleviating gastrointestinal problems and many other health benefits (Granato, 2010). Various randomised controlled trials have shown that in children with acute diarrhoea, probiotics has reduced the duration of diarrhoea by reducing stool frequency. It has shown to be a safe intervention however the size of the
  • 8. The Position of Women in Pakistan What steps should be taken to improve the role of minorities women in Pakistan s economy No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you. We are victims of evil customs. It is a crime against humanity that our women are shut up within the four walls of the houses as prisoners. There is no sanction anywhere for the deplorable condition in which our women have to live. ― Muhammad Ali Jinnah Introduction: The appearance of women in country s evolution and pace of their growth is simply cannot be neglected but the truth remains that their stature is not being positively bestowed in Pakistan until now. As we know, that Pakistan is an underprivileged country and still contending for economic immobility, safety, education and health commitments for its people. There are endless problems of exploitation and unfairness in almost every face of life. Unluckily, its judgement for graft is seventh in the world. Women are one of the most defenseless groups that we directly cannot discount The important aspects that supremacy women of Pakistan towards prostrate dignity, there are many perception and details that provide a means to it. For instance: пѓ They dint bear equal stature at birth; baby boys are consistently desired and greeted into a moderate family of Pakistan. пѓ Girls are not considered as dynamic and self assured human beings who can earn a creditable earning and can live in regard to their own best. пѓ In educating
  • 9. Environmental Impact Of Environmentalism As people grew more environmentally conscious conflict about the protection of the environment and its ecosystem arose, so environmentalists and organizations such as the Department of Interior s U.S Fish and Wildlife Service fought for greater protection of endangered species and the Endangered Species Act of 1973 was passed. However, the passing of this act caused a greater conflict as its economic role was not clear, and some argued that it would become an economic burden. Starting in the 1970s, people of the United States began to fight for the protection of all living things and their habitats, as they saw the damage that the rapidly growing economy was having on the environment. This is shown through various events and acts... Show more content on ... The ESA provided the establishment of state programs, and the conservation of ecosystems upon which threatened and endangered species of fish, wildlife, and plants depend (Digest of Federal Resource Laws). To conserve the ecosystem, the ESA first listed the species they decided were endangered, and then they enforced the prohibition of the taking, selling, and transportation of those endangered species (Digest of Federal Resource Laws). However, not everything about the Endangered Species Act of 1973 was clear as boundaries of how far the act could go economically to protect the endangered species were not defined. In fact, it did not have much of a boundary when it came to the economic cost of achieving its purpose, and this would later become a huge problem because it would cause a greater divide between those who supported the act and those who did not. This divide would cause conflict about the protection of endangered species once again. Even though in its future years the Endangered Species Act of 1973 would have to be revised, when it first came out it was a great solution to the environmental problem at hand. It helped preserve the ecosystem by providing the necessary resources required to create a safe environment for species in need. (INSERT SOMETHING ABOUT SECTION 7 IN THIS PARAGRAPH) There were no set economic boundaries when it came to the Endangered Species Act of 1973, so a conflict arose in which the Tennessee Valley Authority ended up
  • 10. Native American Narrative My husband of 5 years, Larry, and I woke around 7 a.m. to finish packing our things into our prairie schooner, in which we bought supplies for and made ourselves. Our 3 year old daughter, Lucy, is still sleeping, so we pack her things too. We pack light, so that our oxen, Moses, Alfred, and Edward, will be able to pull the wagon. Once we leave, we will be leaving our home above Larry s blacksmith shop in Knoxville, Tennessee. We are also leaving my parents and our closest friends. My husband s parents are the main reason we re leaving, they both got very sick with tuberculosis and passed away, so we don t want our child around those sicknesses. In Oregon, we will get free land since we have one man in our family. Except on the way, I know that it will be very hard. I know this because of all the talk inside the coffeeshop just 5 minutes of a wagon ride from our home. We have been in there lately because we are buying coffee grounds to take with us on our trip.... Show more content on ... They played with each other for a couple hours, so I stayed with her and talked to her mom. I told her how we do not have a wagon train to ride with and she said that we could probably ride with her wagon train, she will just have to check with everyone else in it. She took me with her and we went to each wagon in her wagon train to ask. Everyone was very friendly and nice, so they are letting us ride with their wagon train. We went back to our wagon and I told Larry the good news. Larry was excited, but also a little nervous about them since he does not know them. I informed him that they are very friendly and that we will meet them tomorrow, but for now let s go to
  • 11. Analysis Of The Movie Halloween Night Halloween NIght It was Halloween night and Denim was propped up on is couch watching scary movies and eating chewy candy. Denim Jones is a 14 year old athletic boy, with a head of curly hair, sky blue braces, and he is 5 11 in the eighth grade. He lives in a small part of Chicago called Screech. His parents, Paige and Grayson Adams, were out on a date at an expensive restaurant called Goblins Soup for Halloween. Chase, one of Denim s best friends called him up and asked him if wanted to go to a haunted trail and a clown sighting tonight with their other best friend Nollen. Denim and Denim s friends all thought they were too old to go trick or treating since they are 14 years old. One thing Denim was scared of was clowns, his parents ... Show more content on ... The killer clown had on a rainbowfied onesie with long, bright red shoes on his feet. His face and clothes were covered with blood, even his knife. Run! Denim screeched. Everyone took off running after they saw what was behind them. Braiden s shoe came off when he was running which slowed him down. That made him closer to the killer clown. He screamed, HELP! HELP! By now, the clown caught Braiden and started pulling him into the woods. Denim stood there watching his helpless older brother screaming and fighting the armed clown off with his bare hands. Denim started screaming for Braiden but it was too late, Braiden was gone. He (Braiden) was Denim s idol and now he was gone. Honey? Denim? Denim forgot about his mom still being on the phone. Yes mom? Denim shivered with red eyes. It s okay, you will be alright. You can go to the hauntedtrail with your friends to get your mind off your brother, okay? Paige spoke soothingly. Ok mom. Denim mumbled. Go get ready, you will be ok, alright? Paige breathed out. Alright mom, see you later. Denim said. Alright hun, see you later, be safe, and don t forget to lock up. Bye. Love you. Paige sand cheerfully to brighten Denim s mood back up. Love you too. Denim breathed out.
  • 12. Denim hung up the phone. He went to his bathroom to wash his
  • 13. Emergency Custody Through C P Of Ryan On June 20, 2014, the Department obtained emergency custody through C P of Ryan due to neglect by mother Heather Martin. Mother was arrested by Burlington Police on 6/16/14 for larceny; shoplifting and three counts of receiving stolen property. Heather was taken to at MCI Framingham. The family was placed in a hotel through Department of Transitional Assistance. It was against the hotel policy for children to be left in the hotel unsupervised, and Ryan and Bria were staying alone in the room for five days. This was deemed concerning for the two children to not have an appropriate caregiver. When the Department was made aware of the situation father Brian Scopa s whereabouts were unknown to the Department. Family members were contacted that could possibly take the children in. However, uncle Stephen Martin, aunt Cindy Fiore and Grandmother Carroll Clinton were unable to do so for various reasons. Given that there were no family members to take Ryan and Bria in, the Department placed them in a temporary Hotline foster careplacement from the 6/20/14 to 6/23/14 until a more suitable living arrangement was made available. On 6/23/14 Ryan and his sister were placed in a kinship home of a family friend. DCF PLACEMENT HISTORY: Placement type:Start Date:End Date: Departmental Foster Care2/17/20105/27/2010 Departmental Foster Care6/20/20146/22/2014 Departmental Foster Care6/23/2014Present CURRENT PLACEMENT: The Department placed Ryan in an
  • 14. The Heart Of Brookhaven, Ms, J. Allan Late 2011, in the heart of Brookhaven, MS, the first J Allan s was formed by James Danny Smith. Named in honor of Danny s father, James Allan Smith, the store was an homage to the legacy James Allan had left behind upon his passing in 2010. Allan, as well as his father, had preceded Danny in the furniture industry and passed their knowledge through the generations. Due to the overwhelming success of the Brookhaven location, the decision was made to open a second location in Hattiesburg, MS, which is where my interning journey took place. J. Allan s of Hattiesburg, located at 6169 Highway 98 West, Suite 10, is within a small shopping strip. A few of the businesses surrounding it include Academy Spots, Papa Murphey s, Massage Envy, and Cheddar s. The rental space is approximately () square feet and is composed mostly of one large room, which comprises the sales floor. At the back of the building are a few small rooms which include restrooms and a storage space with a large roll up door. Within the sales floor are very few permeant objects, which include a few small divider walls and the large desk. Around the room are varying arrangements of furniture. Some are set to mimic a bedroom, while others simulate a small living room. Although at any given moment the spaces resemble a convincing living space, they are an ever changing feature. As furniture is sold, and new pieces are brought in, the assorted bits of furniture are constantly arranged and rearranged in order to create
  • 15. Gimmick Persuasive Essay Is Big Brother s latest gimmick going to end up completely backfiring if it airs when we think it will sometime in the near future? Big Brother is currently running its 19th season on CBS, but before we see season 20, we re apparently going to see a slightly different iteration of the show: celebrities! That s according to TVLine. There are a lot of ways that this can go wrong. Whoever goes onto the show doesn t get to just tape an episode and then go home. They have to live together in shared rooms (unless they win a Head of Household competition, in which case they get the HOH room and all the attendant fanciness), they ll presumably have to make their own food, and, horror of horrors, the cameras will be on at all times. Well, probably,... Show more content on ... Perhaps CBS is aiming for the show to do particularly well in the days after new episodes air, waiting for people to play catch up. But sending out a fairly stable summer property to go up against football just seems fundamentally unwise. TV by the Numbers sums it up best in its preview. Sunday nights are a race to second place in the fall, and they re still going to be that way in the winter, too. The question is: will Celebrity Big Brother take that second place more than once? We re being charitable and assuming it will win at least for its premiere. But Oh, Sunday Night might end up betraying CBS and Chen
  • 16. 7-Eleven CENTER FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge Massachusetts 7 ELEVEN Japan Co., Ltd.: Reinventing the Retail Business Model Kei Nagayama and Peter Weill January 2004 CISR WP No. 338 and MIT Sloan WP No. 4485 04 п›™ 2004 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved. Research Article: a completed research article drawing on one or more CISR research projects that presents management frameworks, findings and recommendations. Research Summary: a summary of a research project with preliminary findings. Research Briefings: a collection of short executive summaries of key findings from research projects. Case Study: an in depth description of a firm s ... Show more content on ... The case describes the information based strategies that have helped SEJ become a top performing retailer in Japan, selling high quality products through an industry wide supply chain network. With its strong capability to analyze customer requirements, SEJ pursues an integrated strategy, supported by innovative use of information and IT, to control the marketing, merchandising and manufacturing of original products. The case also describes SEJ s development of an integrated retailing information strategy and associated systems. The company s policy of outsourcing most IT capabilities to partners and pursuing advanced IT initiatives has provided SEJ with substantial advantages over competitors. Strategic IT, human and information assets such as store councilors, item by item real time control, industry wide IT network, and a sophisticated analysis system have contributed to SEJ s success. The case addresses the challenges of remaining innovative while sustaining current core competencies. Key words: Retail, business model, IT and information management, IT enabled strategy, outsourcing. 22 Pages Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management Center for Information Systems Research Reinventing the Retail Business Model Toshifumi Suzuki, CEO of Seven Eleven Japan (SEJ), the world s largest convenience store (CVS) chain, describes Seven Eleven stores as:1 Stores where you can find a solution for any of your daily
  • 17. Darfur Conflict Essay March 23rd, 2013 The Darfur Conflict The government of Sudan, a country in Northeast Africa, is committing a horrendous crime against humanity. Genocide is raging on in Western Sudan against poor, helpless, innocent people. It is actually the ten year anniversary since the beginning of the Darfur conflict and the genocide still continues on. There are over 1.4 million people who still do not have homes to come back to, and the numbers stack higher every day. Bombings have not stopped, as there was one as recent as February 2013. The Darfur conflict in the beginning was just a brewing disaster and it eventually led to the horrendous genocides in the early 2000s due to early settlement disputes, climate change, and radical Islamic... Show more content on ... From 1972 onwards, the government usually ran Darfur through officials brought in from other parts of Sudan, mainly from Khartoum (Darfur: Origins). What Britain did basically doomed Non Arab Darfur to a future as an underdeveloped colony of Sudan s Arab speaking Nile Valley heartland (Darfur: Origins). Furthermore, another source of the problem began with the gradual change of the climate in Darfur. Desertification, a process by which land becomes increasingly dry until almost no vegetation grows on it, becomes a major problem for the Darfur people. Land for farming becomes scarce. Living on desert is unsuitable for humans for obvious reasons: lack of food and, more importantly, lack of water. There is not much suitable farm land, therefore the lack of fertile land caused the populations to compete with one another for land on which they could survive (Xavier 18). Before desertification became a huge problem for the Sudanese people, they lived in peace. Honestly, the hostility between Darfur s Arabs and Africans are relatively new (Xavier 20). This shows how the competition for survival helped fuel the terrible genocide in Darfur. In addition, political aspects have played a role in the roots of the Darfur conflict. The leader, General Omar Hassan Ahmad al Bashir (who came to power in 1989), is a major source of the problem. Al
  • 18. Enlightenment In Hermann Hesse s Siddhartha In Hermann Hesse s Siddhartha, it is crucial to understand that the attainment of spiritual enlightenment is not confined to a single journey or path of life. Because the path to enlightenment is unique to the experience of the individual, it is not something that can be taught by the spiritually awakened. Hesse demonstrates this idea through the parting ways of Siddharthaand Govinda, two friends who have shared their entire lives with each other. After meaningful encounters with several other characters, Siddhartha meets Govinda once again in a time of need. The separation and reunion of the two emphasizes that companionship, a motif exhibited throughout the novel, has a profound effect on both Govinda and Siddhartha s path to enlightenment. The relationship between Siddhartha and Govinda is illustrated as that of a leader and a follower, or a mentor and a pupil. While Siddhartha is admired by all ... Show more content on ... After his informance of the Buddha s location, Govinda says, ...we have reached our goal and our journey is at an end (26). This, in combination with Siddhartha s rejection of the Buddha, supports the idea that Siddhartha and Govinda exist in different stages of a cycle, where Siddhartha is a mentor, and Govinda remains a pupil. Siddhartha tires of others teachings and wishes to learn through experience Govinda is the exact opposite, a person who appreciates learning from others and assumes that following the Buddha s teachings is the final step of his personal journey. Despite Siddhartha s contrasting views, he is supportive of Govinda s decision: Govinda, my friend, you have taken the step, you have chosen your path...Often I have thought: will Govinda ever take a step without me, from his own conviction? (30). He, as Govinda s friend and the wiser of the two, recognizes that this is an important step in Govinda s
  • 19. Crossing the Chasm CROSSING THE CHASM. Copyright 1991 by Geoffrey A. Moore. All rights reserved under International and Pan American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non exclusive, non transferable right to access and read the text of this e book on screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of PerfectBoundв„ў. PerfectBound в„ў and the PerfectBoundв„ў logo are trademarks of HarperCollins Publishers. Adobe Acrobat E Book Reader... Show more content on ... It turns out instead they were a placeholder for the market tactics used during a merging hypergrowth market, a challenge covered in a subsequent book, Inside the Tornado. Also I have substituted a revised scenario process for the original to incorporate improvements that have evolved over the past several years of consulting at The Chasm Group. Elsewhere, I took a slightly new angle on creating the competition and, when it came to the section on distribution, I have done my best to incorporate the emerging influence of the Internet. But the overwhelming bulk of the changes in this new edition representing about a third of total text simply swap out the original examples from the 1980s with new ones from the 1990s. Surprisingly, in the majority of cases this swap works very well. But in other cases, there s been a little forcefitting, and I want to beg your indulgence up front. The world has changed. The high tech community is now crossing the chasm intentionally rather than unintentionally, and there are now competitors who have read the same book and create plans to block chasm crossing. The basic forces don t change, but the tactics have become more complicated. Moreover, we are seeing a new effect which was just barely visible in the prior decade, the piggybacking of one company s offer on another to skip the chasm entirely and jump straight into hypergrowth. In the 1980s Lotus piggybacked
  • 20. Continuous Sexual Trajectory Essay Continuous Sexual Trajectory In his Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis, Freud works inductively towards a theory of the (sexual) mind. The lectures consider years of psychoanalytic experience and try to fit them into a framework, in the process always slightly altering both the data and the theory. His primary interest lies in the competitive interplay of libido the pleasure seeking unconscious part of the mind and the ego the rational and socially constituted character who internalizes norms and tries to tame the libido. The pleasure that the libido presses for is firstly sexual, but for Freud this expansive term indicates any kind of pleasure derived from physical contact. Working from these terms, he tries ... Show more content on ... Relying on an analogy with seedlings, Freud suggests that adults would not have the particularities of their sexual lives without a root cause, and that origin must have been childhood. For Freud, the child is necessarily a sexual being (403). It is unclear if he acknowledges other elements in the lives of children, as he classifies many typical childhood activities as sexual, e.g. suckling the breast or thumb, playing, and generally expressing themselves and their organs. It is safe to say that the sexual is at least, in his theory, a significant portion of childhood (404). The original source of pleasure, in Freud s experience (with mostly bourgeois Viennese patients), is the mother s breast, thus the first stage of childhood development is the oral stage. The later switch to thumb sucking is only another expression of this same urge to stimulate the erotogenic (pleasure creating) zone of the mouth. Children move onto the anal stage when they enter conflict with their parents (or other adult figure) over control of their excretion. Freud explains that children derive pleasure from excretion, and thus it is important to them and a focus of children s (sexual) lives (407). Soon they mature to the final erotogenic zone, and the genitals should thereafter serve as the exclusive source of pleasure. The gist seems to be that each stage offers more pleasure than the previous, despite increasing
  • 21. How Did Martin Luther King Change The World Like Martin Luther King, other people had their act to change the world in a better place. Martin Luther king was a African American and a pastor who believe that white and black come together like brothers and sisters in christ. He worked hard and non violence protesters. In 1968, James Earl Ray, a gun shooter, killed Martin at one night and died. Martin s life impacted the lives of all americans and the future of him. Martin Luther King was born on January 15, 1929. He lived in the north where black and white are not segregated.He grew up in a safe loving household. Martin had skipped two grades in high school. At age 15, he went to Morehouse college in Atlanta, Georgia in 1954. In 1954, Martin had became a pastor like his father in Montgomery,
  • 22. Nonprofit Organization Certainly, nonprofit organization s mission and fanatical factors are linked. Therefore, the nonprofit organization should develop a plan that meets the financial requirements as well as the programming. Negatively, the institution will be affected if these areas are not well managed. Specifically, implementation and financial policies are one of the nonprofit s tactics to maintain an excellent functioning. The goal is to provide more services with fewer resources. At the same time, it is an expectation that funding enhance the organization success. Funds should be used to grow programs, promote the agency and many others. Then, the organization expenses should be record on the balance sheet. Accordingly, managers make decisions on program ... Show more content on ... Congress in 2002. This SOX act propones to defend financiers from fraudulent bookkeeping activities. The Act directed modifications to influence corporations financial disclosure and other accounting fraud. Actually, The SOX Act was created in response to accounting malpractice in the early 2000s, when public scandals such as Enron Corporation, Tyco International plc, and WorldCom shook investor confidence in financial statements and demanded an overhaul of regulatory standards (Investopedia, 2017). The act rules and policies affected the legislation related to security regulations. The Sarbanes Oxley Act Section 302 and Section 404 are the main points. The rules and enforcement policies outlined by the SOX Act amend or supplement existing legislation dealing with security regulations. The two key provisions of Section 302 is a mandate that requires senior management to certify the accuracy of the reported financial statement. Section 404 is a requirement that management and auditors establish internal controls and reporting methods on the adequacy of those controls. Section 404 has very costly implications for publicly traded companies as it is expensive to establish and maintain the required internal controls (Investopedia,
  • 23. Black History Month Black history is remembering African Americans and their roles they contributed to the U.S. society. It was in those times that people for color fought for equality. We recognized them for their accomplishments, achievements, and diversity of African Americans. In my opinion, people use the premise of black history as only remembering people whom fought for civil rights, not the black scientists, doctors, etc. whom made a difference in America. It was started as Negro history week by Carter G. Woodson in 1926, then in 1976 President Ford officially recognized February as Black History Month. But it does concerns me that our people of color are being memorialized once a month and not spoked along with all American history throughout the year.
  • 24. Stanley Kubrik s The Shining Introduction: Captivating and horrifying visuals flood Stanley Kubrik s The Shining. Solace in the rockies may sound pleasant, but in The Shining, the beautiful Overlook Hotel becomes a nightmare. Jack Torrence, a recently recovered alcoholic and writer is in search of a big break to please his clients. He interviews for a job at the Overlook hotelas a groundskeeper in the winter months in which it is closed. He hopes that the solitude that the hotel brings is exactly whats he needs to succeed. The hotel has a daunting and frightening past, as it has been a home to violence and other unthinkable acts. Jacks son Danny has a strange gift to see parts of the future, who is convinced the hotel isn t safe. By the end of the film Jack seems to... Show more content on ... After Jack tries to kill Wendy, she manages to knock him unconscious and lock him in the hotel pantry. The sequence begins with the camera slowly zooming out at a slightly higher angle on Jack who is sleeping in the pantry. This creates the feeling that Jack is again being watched by some ominous force in the hotel. The camera continues to follow Jack as he gets up upon hearing a knock at the pantry door. Then the camera moves to a close up on Jack as a dialogue between Mr. Grady and Jack occurs. The camera remains on Jack the whole conversation, Mr. Grady is never seen in the shot. This creates the feeling that this conversation may be happening in Jacks mind, as a result of his psychological condition. Jack has had other encounters with Mr. Grady, but the pantry scene is the only one in which he does not appear. For example, when Jack goes to the hotel bar, Mr. Grady is seen pouring his drinks. Although his presence may also be a part of Jacks imagination, Mr. Grady is still in this shot. The pantry sequence is the first give physical evidence that there may be a supernatural force in the hotel. Up to this point it seems that there is no way that Jack is having a supernatural experience. This completely is turned upside down when click the door to the pantry is unlocked. If the conversation with Mr. Grady is just a psychological one, then how is the door unlocked?
  • 25. Female Episodic Memory Research Paper Introduction Memory is described as a group of related and interacting processes that enable us to acquire, retain and retrieve information. Information is first encoded so that it can be retained in memory. It is then stored where it can be retrieved so that we are consciously attentive to it. Information first enters sensory memory and if it is attended to, it can be transferred to short term memory (STM) where it is retained for about six seconds and then to long term memory (LTM). Information can then be transferred from LTM to STM when needed and stored again. At any stage, memory can be lost if it isn t encoded or stored. In order to encode information into LTM, one of two processes must take place. This investigation focuses on effortful... Show more content on ... They may have misheard the experimenter instructions for the words that scored points and the bonus points values. Participants may have also purposely changed the results to either improve the results or negatively affect them. This would affect the accuracy of the results and therefore the validity of the results. This could be improved by having one person calculate all the results to ensure that the calculations methods remain constant throughout the whole process. Although this would be a more time consuming process, it would ensure reliability of the
  • 26. The Reasons Why The Ottoman Empire Essay The Byzantine empire had its start in 330 AD with Constantine moving the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire/Byzantine Empire to Constantinople, present day Istanbul. This created a capital in which nearly no one could fully siege control over for centuries. This all changed on April 5,1453 when Sultan Mehmed II, ruler of the Ottoman Empire, determined that he would defeat the Byzantine Empireand take Constantinople, took action and marched to the city. After a 54 day siege, on Tuesday, May 29,1453, Sultan Mehmed II and the Muslim Turks breached the walls of the city and brought the last Roman empire crumbling to its knees. The reasons why the Ottoman Empire was able to bring down what once was the greatest empire in the world was due to a proper financial backing and assistance from allies, greater number of troops, better technological advancements, the type of leader Sultan Mehmed II was, and strategy. In 1451, Sultan Mehmed II, later known as Mehmed the Conquerer, started his second reign of power of the Ottoman Empire. From the very beginning, he declared it was his aim to take the city of Constantinople, no matter what the cost. This was challenging due to the ginormous layered walls surrounding the Byzantine peninsula. First, the city was surrounded by a moat and a layer of wall, then a second or middle wall rising above thirty feet with 96 towers, and then the third and biggest wall rising up to 40 feet high and 15 feet thick [with] 96 towers each about 60
  • 27. Average Waves In Unprotected Waters Analysis In the short story, Average Waves in Unprotected Waters , the author, Anne Taylor, uses literary terms that are linked to vital parts of the story, to contribute to her decision of the title. To begin, Taylor emphasizes a connection between the title and the text by showing the symbolic value of the protagonist and society. The protagonist, Bet, drops her son Arnold off at the hospital because he was getting too hard to care for as he continues to get older. These actions show that she has a difficult life being a single mom with a child who is mentally ill, which is represented by the average waves but by leaving her son she is thrown into the unprotected waters of society. To continue, the author uses the title to point to the theme of the
  • 28. Irene Williams Suicide Yesterday, my father took me to the flat of Irene Williams. It was a beautiful little place, with big windows looking out upon the busy street. She had lace curtains, a small pink couch made of velvet, and a birch coffee table. On the table was a jar full of biscuits and a cup of tea, still hot. She had pictures of friends, family, and relatives hung up on her walls. It s a shame I never got to meet Irene, she seems like such a lovely person to talk to. But Irene Williams is dead, and let s face it, dead people are boring to talk to. They never listen. SUICIDE? I exclaimed. The eyes of my father and investigator Christensen fell upon me, burning holes through my flesh. Yes Sherlock, suicide. Father said. My older brother Mycroft kicked me under the table. Mr. Sherlock Holmes, investigator Christensen said glaring at ... Show more content on ... I took a deep breath and swallowed back down my stomach which seemed to have made its way up to my throat. Sir, there are lots of reasons why the death of Ms. Williams would not be suicide. Investigator Christensen slowly stood up from his chair and started circling the room. He looked like a vulture, and I was the prey. At 9:08 am October 16th 2016, 221B Baker street, a woman is found dead in her bedroom. She is lying on her bed, eyes open, a bullet in her head, and a pistol in her hand. Tell me Sherlock Holmes, is that not suicide? He slams both of his big hands down on the table making the cups rattle and screams at me, Is that not suicide? She clearly killed herself, Sherlock, you saw the body, you saw the evidence. And yet you question me. My head is pounding. I throw the chair i m sitting in behind me and scream, MURDER! Everyone is silent and all eyes land on me. You re right investigator Christensen , I say. Now it is my turn to
  • 29. Genetic Variation Paper Genetic variation is a topic that has come towards the forefront of discussion as we learn more about genetics. Genetic variation is the variation of alleles in the gene pool. Specifically, in this paper, I will be focusing on the genetic variance of large population sizes and small population sizes in the same species. It has become widely accepted that if the population size is smaller than the genetic variance is smaller as well, thus leading to these smaller populations not being able to adapt to changing environments. This paper will be looking at how population size has no effect on genetic variety in a habitat generalist species, while a smaller population size in a habitat specialist species will have lower genetic variance. Genetic ... Show more content on ... One study shows an example of this by looking at the effects of plant secondary compound toxicity on a generalist herbivore and a specialist herbivore (Torregrossa 2011). Plant secondary compounds are chemicals plants produce to help protect themselves. The two species that the researchers collected were Neotoma stephensi, who is a specialist, and Neotoma albigula, who is a generalist. The researchers then collected Juniperus monosperma which has high concentrations of plant secondary compounds. The researchers then gave food to the Neotomas in different concentrations of the Juniperus plant. After the animals ate the food overnight the researchers measured how much food the animal consumed per meal, how much time the animals took between meals, and the amount of water intake the animals had. It was found that the specialist did not change any eating or drinking habits with the increased concentration of the Juniperus plant.The generalist, however, would eat less per meal, take more time in between meals, and drink more water as the Juniperus plant s concentration increased in their food. This study shows that a generalist species interacts with variables in an environment differently than a specialist
  • 30. The Burning Of Petroleum Based Fuels Can you see the light? As the burning of petroleum based fuels, natural gases, and coal continues, smog will continue to cover the sky. Pollution from said burning occurs as greenhouse gases and chemicals. Specifically, petroleum based fuels, natural gases, and coal release energy when heat breaks the bonds between hydrogens and carbons, generating energy and releasing carbon dioxide and water as byproducts. This energy often originates from stored energy preserved in organisms that eventually died and lingered in the crust. The byproduct carbon dioxide is the most dominant of the greenhouse gases, which are gases that absorb and release thermal energy from the Sun. These gases trap thermal energy in the atmosphere while releasing a small amount into space. Global warming occurs due to the trapping of this heat. Their covering of the sky and Sun reduces the amount of sunlight that can reach the Earth. In addition, these energy sources are also bulky and inefficient. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (2014), producing even one kilowatt hour of energy (one kilowatt of electricity expended in one hour), 0.08 gallons of petroleum based fuel, 1000 cubic feet of natural gases, and 1.09 pounds of coal ( How much coal, natural gas, or petroleum is used to generate a kilowatt hour 1 of electricity? ). Despite the availability of alternative energy sources, most people prefer these dirty energy sources. Solar power shows promise as a potential alternative.
  • 31. Taking a Look at Information Warfare INTRODUCTION Over the last decades, information warfare has become a societal issue. Research shows that information warfare does not exclude to military, and have penetrated into commercial word. This issue, is a threat for organization and their assets. (Knapp,Boulton, 2006) Information is a valuable asset for businesses and organizations. Advances in information technology facilities the storing, transferring, and modifying of data. Organizations use information technologies such as the Internet and networked technology to reduce operating costs, improve customer service, and improve productivity. However, Using the Internet has increased the number of frontier that must be protected and has bought a lot of concerns about security issues. (Ezingeard, McFadzean, Birchall, 2005) Although, governments and businesses have spent billions of dollars on IT to protect their information, Medias highlights that the number of cyber fraud and cyber attacks by nation states, criminals, and hacktivists is accelerating. ( Ezingeard, McFadzean, Birchall, 2005) Using of spying techniques such as espionage is another threats for organization. The traditional form of espionage is replaced by new technology espionage which uses advanced electronic and computer devices to steal information and knowledge of organizations. (Knapp,Boulton, 2006) In this paper the role of counterintelligence and information assurance, two elements of information warfare, in business environments is
  • 32. My Fear Of Fear Every day, we tend to base our actions on fear. We are afraid of getting poor. We are afraid of getting old. We are afraid of being criticized. We are even afraid of death! When we come up against something new or different, we become uncomfortable and nervous. This causes us to pause and evaluate our options. Indecision crystallizes into doubt and the blending of these two results in fear. This is where disconnects occur. We tend to rely on gut feelings to make decisions. So, of course, we stop dead in our tracks and choose NOT to take that next, scary step. That s when fear masters you. I have been dealing with unfounded fears of fear. It was all started when I learned swimming. I was in the elementary school. I practiced at the Bulungan Sport Arena. It is about 15 kilometers away from my house, but only 2 kilometers away from my mother s office. So, my mother can easily check on me whenever she wants. At the beginning of the training, the coach introduced us to the training methods. In the first month, we will occupy the shallow pool to get us comfortable with the water. After that, we will move to the deep pool to applied swimming styles, as well. All went well until my mum came to my last session in the shallow pool. Mbak Anna! she said in a half screaming. ... Show more content on ... The pool was dirty and unkempt. Moreover, the water was green and slimy. We were like cendol . My mother asked me to stop swam there because she was afraid I would get skin diseases. Finally, I switch to another sport, which is not in the contact with water. However, my eagerness to swim was very high. Then, I asked my mother s permission for swimming. She was let me, but with one condition: do not swim in the deep pool, so I would not get drowned. In the next decades, I spent my life rock style swimming in a shallow pool, until my friend introduced me to
  • 33. Rhetorical Analysis Of Barack Obama On January 21st, 2009, Barack Obama stepped up to the podium after millions upon millions of people chanted his name. It was the first time that an African American took office as the President of the United States. He presented a historic message of hope and change for the future of the United States of America, given that it was a change of presidency in those excruciatingly unideal times. During his inaugural address, he had to state the most important issues that America was currently facing at the time and his plans on fixing those issues to the American public. He reassures the public about the changes that he was planning to employ within his presidency by contrasting different ideas, emphasizes America s issues and his solutions through anaphoras and varying sentence structure, and convinces the American public that he is capable of addressing America s issues through his use of strong diction. During this time, there were many dire issues that plagued America such as costly health care, a badly weakened economy, and a failing education system. Obama accomplished his goal of reassuring the American public that the changes that he was planning to employ would be beneficial by using antithesis. Even though he was the new President of the United Statesof America, he showed that he was still a regular human being, just like the people that he was talking to: To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history, but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist. Obama shows that he will still help people who don t have the same beliefs and opinions as him. Additionally, he believes that everybody has to work together, even if they are part of a different political party or if they have a different skin color. Ultimately, Obama prefers America to be the shining beacon of the world, meaning that they will be the country that other countries look up to: And so, to all the other peoples and governments who are watching today, from the grandest capitals to the small village where my father was born, know that America is a friend of each nation, and every man, woman and child who seeks a future of peace
  • 34. Justice, And Nozick s Utilitarian Theory Of Justice Justice means giving each person what he or she deserves. Justice and fairness are closely related terms that are often today used interchangeably (Manuel Velasquez, 2014). Similarly distributive justice is concerned with the fair allocation of resources among different members of the community. Fair allocation normally takes into account the total amount of goods to be dispersed, the dispensing procedure, and the pattern of dispersion that results (Maiese, 2013). This essay is based on distributive justiceor fair distribution of social goods in health care setting. Justice is the most important principle in public health ethics. The main aim of this essay is to recognize the theories in distributive justice... Show more content on ... Here I will be discussing about the john Rawls Justice as Fairness, Mill s utilitarian theory of justice and Nozick s Libertarian Theory of Justice. Rawls Justice as Fairness According to this theory everyone is to have an equal right to the most extensive total system of equal basic liberties compatible with a similar system of liberty for all (Gray, 2011). In Rawls general concepts it says that all social primary goods liberty and opportunity, income and wealth, and the bases of self respect are to be distributed equally unless an unequal distribution of any or all of these goods is to the advantage of the least favored (Rawls, 1971). Rawls has two principles in justice as fairness. First principle is liberty and second one is wealth. In principle of liberty everyone is to have equal right to the most extensive total system of equal basic liberties compatible with a similar system of liberty for all. In wealth principle Social and economic inequalities are to be arranged so that they both are: At the greatest benefit of the least advantaged, consistent with the just savings
  • 35. Disparity Between Passion of the Christ and the Bible Essay The Passion of the Christ by Mel Gibson, recounts the last twelve hours of the life of Jesus of Nazareth, portraying his arrest, trial, crucifixion and death. One of the most anticipated and popular religious movies in modern society, it therefore becomes susceptible to criticism. Although the film is based upon the stories within the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, there are many exaggerations and non biblical elements present in the movie. This is not unexpected, since it is a movie, but the vivid detail of the brutality in the movie as well as the Anti Semitic theme are the most publicly criticized themes and concepts present in the movie. The Passion emphasizes the brutality Jesusendured to give himself for his... Show more content on ... In the scenes of the movie, he is preaching his peace and ideas of independence, but the high priests and the Jewish people do not show him any mercy or respect. Even at the voice of the governor Pontius Pilate, who several times mentions that he doesn t find any guilt or reason to persecute Jesus, the people still wish for his crucifixion. The movie did not really make sense of the motivation of the Jewish high priests or the Jewish people, and it was not explained in the gospels either. However, in Mark 15; 10 11, it suggests that Pontius Pilate realized that it was out of jealousy that the chief priests had handed Jesus over. The chief priests, however, had incited the crowd to demand that he should release Barabbas for them instead . Therefore, according to the Bible, the chief priests were envious of Jesus, and that is why they condemned him to be crucified. It was an act of panic more than anything else. The people, fearing to be considered outcasts, therefore agreed with whatever the high priests would say. This still does not explain why the Jewish people were so quick to have their savior and messiah killed. The movie suggests that they all felt passionately about this themselves, because all the people in the scenes are adamantly screaming for his death, but the gospels do not explain it. The appearance of Satan within several important scenes of the movie is also something that is not found within the Bible. Satan appears
  • 36. Zebra Mussel The reading states that the invasion of the zebra mussel cannot be stopped and that it poses a serious threat to freshwater fish populations in all of North America. However, the professor stated that there are ways to control the increased numbers of zebra mussel because people nowadays have more knowledge about zebra mussel than people in the past. First, the reading states that the mussel can attach itself to a ship s bottom or can survive in the ballast water and carried to the North America. The professor countered this point by saying that ships can empty the ballast water in the ocean, so the salt water kills the zebra mussel in the ocean. Therefore, the professor stated that ships can get rid of the zebra mussel. Second, the reading
  • 37. THE COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF ROTTEN FRUITS AND... THE COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF ROTTEN FRUITS AND ROTTEN VEGETABLES TO THE GROWTH OF TOMATO PLANT MESIAS, JEREMY SAMUEL SANTOS, FLORENCIO JUSTIN ABELLO, KYLE LIYAG, HANNAH TRIBIANA, PETER MICU, KELCY Science II Investigative Project Submitted to: Dr. Claribelle J. Bautista, Ph.D. Golden Faith Academy Montevista Heights Subdivision Taytay, Rizal TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 :INTRODUCTION..........................................................................1 Background of the study..................................................................1 Statement of the problem.................................................................1 Hypothesis....................................................................................1 CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE..................................................2... Show more content on ... Plants are the major source of vitamin B6 for animals, yet the biosynthesis pathway and the function of vitamin B6 in plants are not well elucidated. In this study, an Arabidopsis pyridoxine synthase gene PDX1 was characterized and its in vivo functions were investigated. The PDX1 gene was expressed in all plant parts examined and its expression level was not significantly regulated by abiotic stress or the phytohormone abscisic acid. In roots, PDX1 was highly expressed in a defined region behind the root tips that undergoes rapid cell division. The PDX1 protein was mainly associated with the plasma membrane and endomembranes, implying a potential involvement of vitamin B6 in membrane function. To reveal the in vivo role of PDX1, Arabidopsis insertional mutants were isolated. Strikingly, the pdx1 knockout mutants were impaired in root growth and early seedling development. The stunted roots resulted from both reduced cell division and elongation. Supplementation of the growth media with pyridoxine or reintroduction of the wild type PDX1 gene into the mutants completely restored the mutant growth, demonstrating that PDX1 is required for pyridoxine biosynthesis in planta. In addition to the developmental defects, pdx1 mutants are hypersensitive to osmotic stress and oxidative stress. These mutant seedlings had increased peroxidation of
  • 38. membrane lipids following UV treatment. Our study establishes a
  • 39. Fanon Identity This is an insightful chapter about finding identity in a white world. Fanon goes through what appears to be a crisis of identity when faced with the other . We see this happening at the beginning of the chapter with the first three words being Look, a Negro . Fanon thus began to know himself by how he thought the other saw/understood him. He stepped outside of himself into, first the third person, but later in a triple person. This caused him to question his own self image as well as to question what it means to be black and the social structures that exist in a white supremacist society. Fanon wrote about the unreasonable notion of judging and discriminating others based on the colour of their skin colour prejudice. He felt trapped under the fact that the white person had fixed an identity onto him. As Fanon was creating himself, these stereotypes were both untrue and stuck in time. The fixed identity of the black man was not part of his reality. As the chapter goes on, we see that this objecthood was crushing him. It was reducing him to feeling inferior but also nonexistent (p. 25). As if he is there, as an object, with the mere purpose of elevating the status of the white person. All he wants is to be free to exist in the world without explaining himself; without explaining the truth of his lived experience. He wants... Show more content on ... Or when black protestors take to the streets to protest against police violence. The media often portrays black youth as troubled. They take one case of a black criminal and then they generalize an entire community. They erase the individual; they take away their humanity. This is why campaigns against systemic racismtoward black people like, The Black Lives Matter activist movement are so important. Such movements, I believe, would have the support of Frantz Fanon. They rally against racial violence and raise awareness on the lived experiences of black
  • 40. The Effects Of Equine Facilitated Learning On Adolescents Summary The article written by Pendry, Smith Roeter (2014) discusses the effects of equine facilitated learning on adolescents basal cortisol levels. In healthy adolescents, basal cortisol levels were highest in the morning and dropped rapidly throughout the day with troughs around midnight. Although equine involved programs have become increasingly popular over the last decade, prior to this article no research has been published on the effects that horses have on human development and emotional wellbeing. The experiment was conducted over an eleven week period with students from different schools, fifth through eighth grade, in a rural university town in the Pacific Northwest area of the United States (Pendry et al., 2014). Subject referrals came from school counselors who had been treating students for academic and/or behavioral issues. The group of students participating included forty one males and seventy two females with an average age of eleven years. Participants were predominantly Caucasian or Hispanic. The students were randomly divided into two groups with fifty three assigned to experimental conditions and sixty assigned to waitlisted conditions. The independent variable in this experiment is participation in the eleven week program. The dependent variable would be the children that were waitlisted. The research was conducted through survey and experiment conditions (King L. A., 2014). Parents of the participants were asked to fill out several questions
  • 41. Scarlet Ibis Theme James Hurst is the author of the short story The Scarlet Ibis. In this short story, the Narrator has a little brother, which he has always wanted, but his brother is a little off. Over time, the narrator tries to pull his little brother, who he named Doodle, out of his not all there state. He teaches him how to walk first, and when he succeeds, he is filled with pride. He then tries to teach him how to do other things afterwards, such as swimming, climbing, and rowing. However, Doodle was not meant to be able to do all these things, and because of the narrator s own selfish pride, he overworks Doodle to the point of death. The issue in this story is that the narrator believes in himself a little too much, so he thinks he can do anything.... Show more content on ... This is shown in the story on multiple occasions, and really show what the story is about, and who the characters really are. An example of this is how the narrator acts and what he says whilst teaching Doodle how to walk. In this, the narrator seems to become proud of Doodle s accomplishments, but more of how he, himself, had made them happen. Here, he also started to become irritated when Doodle didn t do something right, which made him feel like he wasn t doing well enough. Another example of theme in this story is when the narrator is crying when he and Doodle showed their family that he had taught his brother to walk. When Doodle tells them that his brother taught him all by himself, the narrator bursts into tears because he knew what he had done was wrong. He feels that he is a slave to his own pride, that he had only taught his brother to walk because he was ashamed of him being crippled. Lastly, the story shows theme where the narrator starts to teach Doodle other things beyond walking. These were activities such as running, swimming, and fighting. He starts to believe in his own infallibility, and tries to teach Doodle things that everyone knows Doodle should not be able to do. Also, when Doodle does not do his best, or do something perfect first try, the narrator shows us again that he gets angry or disappointed with not only Doodle but himself as well. In conclusion, James Hurst s The Scarlet Ibis proves to us that whilst pride is good, too much can destroy you, whether it is you directly or through you towards somebody else. The author s purpose is to teach us that too much pride can harm us, and we need to keep in under our own
  • 42. Religious and Medical Dilemma Essay You shall not eat the blood of any creature, for the life of every creature is its blood (Lev. 17:14). This is just one of the several scriptures found in the bible from which the Jehovah Witnesses base their beliefs. To summarize the above excerpt, Jehovah Witnesses strongly believe that contributing to the health of their bodies by way of any type of blood material is not intended by God s will. However in dire cases, ethical questions need to be raised regarding the patient s mental capacity and legal competence. In particular cases concerning minor patients, where mental capacity is accounted for, parents should not have the dominant opinion about how their child wants to receive surgery based on their own personal beliefs. The... Show more content on ... As a doctor, to prepare myself to take on this case I would have to process a substantial amount of information and use my best judgment to conceive what the best plan of action regarding this case should be. Reviewing the four key principles in medical ethics: nonmaleficience, beneficence, respect for autonomy, and justice, would prove to be very helpful. After reviewing and consulting with my peers I would most likely conclude that the patient is the one receiving the service and is to be put first above all other factors contributing to the situation. According to the first principle, nonmaleficience, it would not be appropriate as a professional to practice medicine based on his or her own beliefs and not consider the patients feelings about the operation. In this particular case, regarding religious constrictions the doctor must decide if the patients needs outweigh the ethical belief of nonmaleficience. Asserting empathy in this case could prove to be a problem. How does a person wholly understand the beliefs of another when they have not been exposed to those beliefs and culture that supplied this person with their values of living? Understanding a patient s background can significantly impact a decision. If a doctor were to treat a Jehovah Witness with blood they need to understand the impact they would be having on their patient s life. Jehovah Witnesses ex communicate with a peer who undergoes a blood transfusion. If
  • 43. Using Material from Item a and Elsewhere, Assess... In the past females have achieved less well than boys at higher levels in the education system, then during the 1990 , the girls over took boys at all levels in the education system. The percentage of females in the UK achieving two or more A levels or equivalent has increased from 20% in 1990 to 42% in 2006. Over the same time period, the percentage of males achieving the same level increased from 18% to 33%. On the other hand, there still continues to be a large difference in the choice of subjects by males and females. Even with the national curriculum being restrictive in the lower levels, meaning both maleand females do the same subjects, when they get to a levels and degree level, both male and females still tend to choose different... Show more content on ... However, its argued that the improvement of females in education could be the result of the decline of males, therefore making the gap between gender differences not that significant. Secondly, the interaction between teachers and male and female students. Sociologist Francis (2000) argues that classrooms are still male dominated and that boys are disciplined more frequently and harshly by teachers compared to girls. Therefore, it is seen that boys get more attention than girls as they are disciplined more harshly than girls, leading to girls getting less attention than boys, also in terms of ethnicity, boys from African Caribbean backgrounds are also more likely to be disciplined than white British boys. This may result in boys feeling picked on in school which may result in gender and ethnic differences in achievement. On the other hand, many sociologists have argued the importance of external factors in influencing gender differences in achievement. Feminism strives for equality in society for men and women and has questioned the typical role of males and females in society and challenges the role of women being the housewife. Feminists have had a great influence on improving girls self esteem and aspirations. Sue Sharpe s
  • 44. Reflection Paper On Dance After choosing dance as my first topic, I had to then narrow down to a more specific topic. I came to three different topics: the health benefits of dancing, the evolution of dance throughout history, and life skills obtained through dance education. I decided to select the last topic because I thought that it would be the easiest one that I could have a personal connection with. With my research, I soon came to realize that I would have to look at information that did not directly relate to dance, and that I would have to make the connections myself. My goal was to find enough verified information that could back up claims that my argument was based on. Throughout my years as a student, I have been taught skills that helped me complete this project to the best of my ability. Since elementary school, I have been taught standard english conventions that helped me write my research paper, speech, cover letter, resume, letter of intent, as well as this reflection paper. Once I entered high school, my teachers have helped me refine these skills by helping me improve my vocabulary and teaching me different ways of sharing my ideas. This project has also taught me new skills that I can use in the future. Skills such as citing information sources, finding research in a variety of forms, and writing a professional cover letter that can go with my rГ©sumГ©. I used almost all the skills that I was taught before to complete this project. I would say that one of the biggest skills I
  • 45. Richard Cory Poem Analysis Ever since the 1600s when William Shakespeare described the whole world as a stage and all the men and women merely players , the idea of people wearing masks and hiding their true feelings has been present in literature in one way or another. In the late 1800s, Paul Laurence Dunbar publishes We wear the mask , a poem that focuses on people hiding their true feelings from others and everyone can relate. Unlike Dunbar who talks about different kinds of emotional masks people use, Edwin Arlington Robinsonuses his Richard Cory to draw attention to a mask of money and success, which makes the average people ( we people ) admire and idealize the successful person (Richard Cory) only because we do not know and do not even try to see what is hidden behind the mask. With ABAB rhyme scheme, in just 4 stanzas and 16 lines, Edwin Arlington Robinson tells a meaningful and timeless story about misfortune of Richard Cory, a person behind the mask of money and success who seemingly has everything anyone could wish for. Robinson starts the first stanzawith a description of Richard Cory s appearance and a clear distinction between the two sides, Richard Cory and we people . The speaker mentions Richard Cory in the first line without any introduction, which means that everyone should know who Richard Cory was, so the introduction is not needed. Furthermore, whenever Richard would come to downtown, we people of the pavement admired him. The people of the pavement or people from the streets of the downtown, including the speaker, were obviously of a lower socioeconomic class in comparison to Richard Cory. What is more, the speaker uses we people as he wants to include the reader as well. In other words, the speaker is confident that a reader would have also admired Richard Cory if they had seen him. In the next two lines, the speaker uses a metaphor and implicitly compares Richard to a king: He was a gentleman from sole to crown as well as imperially slim . Instead of saying a gentleman from the feet to the head, the author uses a phrase sole to crown to put Richard Cory on a king s pedestal. In addition, Richard is imperially thin, which is another characteristic of kings. So, was Richard Cory really a king
  • 46. The Title I Am Zlatan Title and Author: The Title is I Am Zlatan. The title reflects Zlatan s big ego and the self belief he has in everything that he does in life. The title, I Am Zlatan, also reflects one of the themes in not trying to be anyone else but yourself. Setting I Am Zlatan opens in Zlatan s childhood where he lives in RosengГҐrd, Sweden. RosengГҐrd is on the south side of Malmo, where Zlatan would play for his first professional team. The setting is mainly in RosengГҐrd from 1981 to 2001. The setting then changes when Zlatan Ibrahimovic, also known as Ibra , to Ajax, one of the most historic soccer clubs in the Netherlands. Most of the story in the Netherlands takes place in Ajax s club facilities in Amsterdam and occasionally on the outskirts of the city where Zlatan... Show more content on ... Zlatan grew up in a rough family situation in RosengГҐrd, Sweden. Zlatan was born to two immigrant parents from eastern Europe. Zlatan s mom was rarely present when Zlatan came home from school because of her long work hours during the day and multiple jobs. Meanwhile his dad was constantly dealing with his problems with alcohol with him being drunk multiple times throughout Zlatan s childhood. Zlatan s dad was also very protective of Ibra which would later be a trait that Zlatan inherited to his kids. To escape from the chaos at home Zlatan would go around RosengГҐrd pulling off different stunts. Zlatan could often be found around RosengГҐrd stealing bikes, shoplifting from local stores, and even falling from the roof of a nearby daycare once. Zlatan has an older sister named Sanela. He often went to Sanela for emotional situations like girls that he came across during his schooling. Zlatan also had a younger brother named Aleksandar or Keki who he looked after as a fathering figure. Anytime Keki was bullied or made fun, Zlatan was sure to make sure that the bully knew who he was dealing
  • 47. Congo Child Labor conditions More than half of the world s supply of cobalt is delivered from DR Congo. 40% of all workers in mines are children. Children as young as seven work in extremely harsh conditions to mine cobalt which ends up in a lot of items we use in our daily life such as smartphones, cars, and computers. Mining is one of the worst forms of child labour, due to the hazardous conditions and strenuous work, and In 2014, approximately 40,000 young boys and girls were forced to work in the unbearable heat with clouds of red dust and almost no light. Many have sported various infections from working in polluted water. Children are forced dig at depths of 200 to 300 meters and are at constant risk of rock slides, or other accidental deaths. In a World ... Show more content on ... 138 on the Minimum Age of Employment and No. 182 on the Worst Forms of Child Labour in 2001. The law sets minimum for admission to work at the age of 15 after the employer has obtained consent of parents or guardians to work for more than 4 hours a day and all children are banned by law from working in hazardous jobs. Authorities lack financial and human resources to perform controls and prosecute offenders who make use of child labour. Democratic Republic of the Congo made a moderate advancement in efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labor. However, children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo continue to engage in the worst forms of child labor, including the mining of gold, cobalt, cassiterite (tin ore), coltan, and wolframite. Children are used in armed conflict, sometimes as a result of forced recruitment or abduction by non state armed groups. The prescribed penalties for forced or compulsory labor remain low and do not serve as deterrents. Decentralization, a lack of resources, and poor coordination have prevented and slowed the government s efforts to combat child labor, and laws mandating free primary education are not
  • 48. Aggregate Demand And Supply Essay examples AGGREGATE DEMAND AND SUPPLY AGGREGATE DEMAND: Aggregate demand is the amount which will be spent at different values of the price level. It is composed of consumption (C), investment (I), government spending (6) and net exports (X M). THE AGGREGATE DEMAND CURVE: The aggregate demand curve shows the quantity of goods and services which households, firms, overseas buyers and government are prepared to buy at different values of the general price level. It is drawn on the assumption that other things (e.g. the money supply, rates of taxation, the marginal propensity to consume) remain unchanged. Figure 28. I shows an aggregate demand curve. WHY THE ADCURVE SLOPES DOWN FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: There are three main reasons why ... Show more content on ... Figure 28.2 shows an extension in aggregate demand. If the general price level falls people s purchasing power will increase, the transactions demand for money will fall causing a reduction in interest rates and domestic goods and services will become more price competitive. ____________________________________________ THE SHAPE OF THE AGGREGATE DEMAND CURVE: One group of economists, Keynesians, believe the aggregate demand curve is steep. This is because they think that a rise in the general price level will have only a small impact on the rate of interest and this in turn will have only a small impact on consumption and investment. They argue that the demand for money is dominated by the speculative rnotive. This is interest elastic so that an increase in demand for money will cause only a small rise in the rate of interest. In their view the main influence on both consumption and investment is income and not the rate of interest. The implication of the aggregate demand curve being steep is that a change in the general price level will not significantly alter aggregate demand. In contrast new classical economists believe the aggregate demand curve is shallow, they think the main component of the demand for money is the transactions demand. This is interest inelastic so if a rise in the general price level leads to an increase in demand for money there may be a large rise in the rate of interest.
  • 49. The Importance Of Implementing Fullan s Model What do you see as valuable in this model? What are the implications on student learning regarding this model? Select a current article that utilizes or discusses Fullan s model. Summarize the article and explain how you might apply what you read to implementing Fullan s model into your practice. Our discussion topic are the six magical secrets to achieve the total success: Secret 1. Love your employees; Secret 2. Connect peers with purpose; Secret 3. Capacity building prevails; Secret 4. Learning is the work; Secret 5. Transparency rules; and Secret 6. System learn. (Fullan, 2012). Share an example of how you might use Fullan s model as an educational leader in your educational setting. These six secrets are required to be implemented ... Show more content on ... People in our business are the leaders, the administration staff, the teachers, the students and their parents. Making our teachers and our education leaders happy and provide them the required professional training and learning will affect our students positively. It is a Positive correlation between loving and developing our people ( Leaders, teachers, and the staff) and achieving our students educational goals. Melissa Hunt reviewed Fullan book and analyzed his six secrets. She supported his theory and expanded it. Sharing with you two quotations related to secret 1 and Secret 4: Love your employees. It may sound a bit smaltzy but Fullan really uses the word love and intentionally so. He says I won t change the wording of the secret loving and investing in our employees in relation to a high quality purpose is the bedrock of success . He quotes a recent study of the world s top school systems: the quality of the educational system cannot exceed the quality of its teachers. ; Learning is The Work. The work of teaching and learning requires a high level of precision how to use the most effective practices to meet the needs of students as they are learning and balance between consistency and innovation. Becoming better is an endless pursuit in the teaching profession. (Melissa Hunt,
  • 50. Distribution Strategy Of Lahari Motors Title: Distribution strategy of LAHARI MOTORS Permission from the letter Company OR the Business Owner Abstract/Summary: Business and Business habits get failed even if the market requirements is projected specialists, in this simple case study is based on my own experience, Market, labour and nature business and enterprise coming into a picture of how the business and seemingly promising circumstances will fail and gain. Especially the tasks that are faced by small and single entrepreneur s implementation, issues are discussed to meet these challenges, of more realistic and practical business in automotive industry, mainly focused on YAMAHA (Bikes and scooters). Introduction To support the new growth, businesses need to expand their initial customer base, often outsource work of business. Market leader can enjoy big market presentation, and take advantage of better resources. Key elements of an organization can still remain stable. This case studies to change YAMAHA as a brand. YAMAHA has been to build a community of enthusiasts around their brand include members from a different kind and a very less number of advertising. How does king of racers to keep its fan so long? It can give them the reasons to respect. All with the ultra strong Japan brand has reached icon status with long term high awareness campaigns marked as persistent trumpeting a simple message. Revs your heart Background Sometimes but brand
  • 51. The United Arab Emirates Sustainable Development Throughout the extent of time in which humans have inhabited the Earth, it has only been in the past couple hundred years that humanity has developed technology at an astonishing rate. From the early 1800s and onward, the human population has skyrocketed and advancements in technology have rapidly progressed through the course of a relatively short period of time. In that time, society has become a massive, interconnected network of people that are dependent on resources that originate from different parts of the world. With the technology of today, society has enabled resources that range from food to oil, to be transported to areas of the world in which those select resources are not available. An extreme example of this would be the city of Dubai, which is part of one of the seven emirates that constitute the United Arab Emirates. Dubai is one of the most impressive and wealthiest cities in the world and is well known for the luxurious lifestyle, extremely modernized architecture, and can be viewed as the epitome of a Westernized society. However, the land of the United Arab Emirates is sandy and barren, and not capable of being used for agricultural purposes, there is no major fresh water supply, and very few natural resources. With the absence of farmland and water, Dubai is a city that depends on the resources found worldwide that are purchased with the revenue from oil exports. Dubai has capitalized on its predominant resources and found
  • 52. Color In The Wizard Of Oz In the novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz color plays a massive role on how the reader feels. Color is used to show how what kind of person a character is. It is also used to create a mood based on the setting. In the beginning of the novel L. frank Baum uses gray to show the reader how boring and desolate that Kansas is. But as the story goes on the cities in oz becomes vibrant. The land of the Munchkins is vibrant and multicolored, but mostly blue. This conveys a feeling of excitement to the reader. The land of Ozis green. This shows the readers how grand the city of Oz is. Even though it was a big fraud the whole time though, the magnificence of everything being green was pretty cool. As far as color goes when
  • 53. Death And The After Life Essay Introduction Death and dying is experienced by every person in every culture. No one escapes death, but the ways that the following cultures view death, mourning and the after life are very different. This paper will explore the different death and dying cultures of Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam. Each of these cultures shares a unique perspective on death that has withstood centuries of living. Jewish The Jewish culture is very traditional and orthodox. In Judaism, death is not a tragedy, even when it occurs early in life or through unfortunate circumstances. Death is a natural process. Our deaths, like our lives, have meaning and are all part of God s plan. Jews have a firm belief in an afterlife, and this will be awarded to those who have lived a worthy life. Mourning practices in Judaism are extensive, but they are not an expression of fear or distaste for death. Jewish practices relating to death and mourning have two purposes: to show respect for the dead, and to comfort the living. After a person dies, the eyes are closed, the body is laid on the floor and covered, and candles are lit next to the body. The body is never left alone until after burial, as a sign of respect. Most communities have an organization to care for the dead, known as the chevra kaddisha (the holy society). These people are volunteers. The presence of a dead body is considered a source of ritual impurity. For this reason, a priest may not be in the presence of a
  • 54. America s Foreign Policies And Outlook On National... September 11, 2001 marks the day of a horrific event that had changed America s foreign policies and outlook on national security protocol. The response that the U.S. government had towards this act of terror was a response involving the pursuit of justice against those who committed the heinous actions that killed thousands of innocent Americans. The U.S. government wanted to combat our enemies by pursuing national interests in an attempt to stop the occurrences of terrorismthat were occurring from the Middle East region. The government would do this by first demanding the surrender of Al Qaedaleaders including Osama Bin Ladenand those that were involved with the planning of the attack. Ground forces were later sent to search for Al Qaeda members when they did not comply with the demands. The U.S. government had goals of developing a peaceful relation with Middle Eastern governments to help combat Al Qaeda forces; but, while the U.S. government had intentions of containing a global threat of terrorism, I believe that U.S. government actions have unintentionally unleashed a terrorism outbreak within the Middle East. With intention to stop terrorist acts from taking place, the interests of the U.S. have undoubtedly caused anger among the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and may have caused terrorist organizations to benefit from actions made by the mistakes of our U.S. military. Mercado 2 Our involvement within the Middle East has consisted of actions that could have
  • 55. Essay about Hold Up Problem FISHER GENERAL MOTORS AND THE NATURE OF THE FIRM* BENJAMIN KLEIN University of California, Los Angeles Abstract After working well for more than 5 years, the Fisher Body General Motors (GM) contract for the supply of automobile bodies broke down when GM s demand for Fisher s bodies unexpectedly increased dramatically. This pushed the imperfect contractual arrangement between the parties outside the self enforcing range and led Fisher to take advantage of the fact that GM was contractually obligated to purchase bodies on a cost plus basis. Fisher increased its short term proп¬Ѓt by failing to make the investments required by GM in a plant located near GM production facilities in Flint, Michigan. Vertical integration, with an associated... Show more content on ... Fisher then refused to make the necessary capital investments required to produce bodies efп¬Ѓciently for GM, in particular refusing to build an important body plant close to a GM production facility in Flint, Michigan. These contractual difп¬Ѓculties were the primary reason GM decided in 1926 to vertically integrate with Fisher Body. The marked change in Fisher s behavior between the early 1919 24 period and the later 1925 26 period provides important insights into the basic economic forces at work in contractual arrangements. Similar to a biologist 3 Surveys of these studies are provided in Paul L. Joskow, Asset Speciп¬Ѓcity and the Structure of Vertical Relationships: Empirical Evidence, 4 J. L. Econ. Org. 95 (1988); Howard A. Shelanski Peter G. Klein, Empirical Research in Transaction Cost Economics: A Review and Assessment, 7 J. L. Econ. Org. 335 (1995); and Keith J. Crocker Scott F. Masten, Regulation and Administered Contracts Revisited: Lessons from Transaction Cost Economics for Public Utility Regulation, 9 J. Reg. Econ. 5 (1996). 4 R. H. Coase, The Acquisition of Fisher Body by General Motors, in this issue, at 15. 5 Robert F. Freeland, Creating Holdup through Vertical Integration: Fisher Body Revisited, in this issue, at 33. 6 Ramon Casadesus Masanell Daniel F. Spulber, The Fable of Fisher Body, in this issue, at 67. fisher gm and the nature of the firm
  • 56. The Autonomic Nervous System Sleep is necessary for basic health and survival. It plays a large role in an individual s mental, emotional, and physiological welfare and functioning. After years of sleep research focusing on sleep wake cycles, evidence points to the conclusion that sleep deprivation has detrimental consequences, not only on rodents, but humans as well (Cheng et al., 2015). In the past century, the average amount of time that adults sleep has decreased significantly. Consequently, sleep problems have become an epidemic, taking their toll on the health of adult populations in numerous ways. The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) conducted a Gallup Poll in March 2002 in which American lifestyles, sleep habits, and sleep problems were surveyed. The results... Show more content on ... Monitoring HRV can provide information about the function of the autonomic nervous system. HRV is a non invasive index of the neural control of the heart (Acharya, Sing, Ping Chua, 2004). Although it is difficult to establish a particular standard normal heart rate for a given individual, most individuals have a typical range from 60 to 100 beats per minute (Fox et al., 2007). However, the interval between each heartbeat constantly varies. High frequency variability in RR reflects parasympathetic activation, while a slower variability in RR reflects a combination of both parasympathetic and sympathetic modulation along with non autonomic factors. When interpreting HRV data, there are several components in the power spectrum that can have fluctuating ranges. A power spectrum is a plot of the portion of a signal s power or energy per unit time, falling within given frequency bands. The three major bands of the power spectrum in HRV are high frequency (HF), low frequency (LF), and very low frequency (VLF). A HF peak typically ranges between 0.15 Hz to 0.4 Hz, while a LF peak ranges from 0.06 to 0.15 Hz. A VLF peak is below .05 Hz (Kamath Fallen, 1993). The LF is associated with blood pressure control and reflects sympathetic activity. The HF is correlated with respiratory sinus arrhythmia and reflects parasympathetic activity