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1500 Word Essay Pages
Crafting a 1500-word essay can be both a challenging and rewarding endeavor. The difficulty
lies not only in meeting the prescribed word count but also in effectively conveying a coherent
and compelling argument within the allotted space. Striking a balance between depth of analysis
and conciseness is key, as verbosity can lead to unnecessary padding while brevity might
sacrifice clarity and thorough exploration of the topic.
The initial challenge often involves selecting a suitable and manageable subject matter. A topic
that is too broad may result in superficial coverage, while one that is too narrow might struggle
to fill the required word count. Once the topic is chosen, the writer must conduct thorough
research to gather relevant information, evidence, and perspectives. This phase requires time and
effort to sift through sources, critically evaluate their reliability, and extract pertinent details to
support the essay's thesis.
The process of structuring a 1500-word essay demands a keen organizational skill. The
introduction must succinctly introduce the topic, present a clear thesis statement, and outline the
essay's main points. Each subsequent paragraph should be devoted to a specific idea or
argument, seamlessly transitioning from one to the next. Balancing depth and breadth becomes
crucial, ensuring that each point receives adequate attention without becoming overly detailed.
Maintaining a coherent and logical flow throughout the essay poses its own set of challenges.
Writers must carefully connect ideas, provide smooth transitions between paragraphs, and avoid
abrupt shifts in focus. This requires meticulous planning and revision to refine the overall
structure and ensure the reader can easily follow the argument from start to finish.
Word choice and language proficiency also contribute to the difficulty of writing a 1500-word
essay. Striving for clarity and precision while avoiding redundancy can be demanding, requiring
careful consideration of every sentence. Moreover, meeting the prescribed word count without
resorting to filler material or repetition necessitates a judicious use of language and a thorough
understanding of the chosen topic.
In conclusion, tackling a 1500-word essay involves navigating the intricacies of topic selection,
research, organization, coherence, and language usage. It is an exercise that demands time,
diligence, and a commitment to effective communication. However, with careful planning and
attention to detail, the challenge can be met, resulting in a well-crafted essay that fulfills its
1500 Word Essay Pages 1500 Word Essay Pages
Animal Testing Essay
Animal Testing and Medical Advancement
Every day, animals such as rabbits, chimpanzees, and mice take part of medical
experimentation. Chimpanzees share 99% of their DNA with humans, and mice are
98% genetically similar to humans. The United States and Gabon are the only two
countries that allow experimentation on chimpanzees. (The Jane Goodall Institute of
Canada). What people don t understand is that these animals contribute to medical
discoveries regarding human health. Animals should be used for medical
experimentation because they contribute to many cures and treatments that have
saved lives, their genetic material appears to be similar to those of humans, they are
similar to human beings in many ways, animals are the only organisms other than
humans who we can experiment on, and the animals themselves benefit from the
result of animal testing.
Animals that are put forward to medical experimentation contribute to cures and
treatments that have saved many lives. The California Biomedical Research
Association states that nearly every medical breakthrough in the last 100 years has
resulted directly from research using animals. (California Biomedical Research
Association). Animals that are used for these tests have contributed incredible
discoveries on unimaginable areas starting on Cancer, HIV/AIDS, Heart Disease
/Stroke, Diabetes, Birth Defects, and Spinal Cord Injuries. Animal testing has made
medical discoveries to go from antibiotics to blood transfusions, from
Case Study Of Tata Docomo
Tata DoCoMo launched its operations on June 24th, 2009 in Chennai, its unique
selling proposition was the one paisa per second billing plan for telephone calls. Anil
Sardana who was the then managing director at TTL, made the first call under the
new tariff system that day to telecom minister Adimuthu Raja. Ratan Tata, Tata Group
s chairman at that time, said at the launch that the per second tariff plan will create a
paradigm shift for the phone users.
Sandhu studied various markets and similar tariff schemes before launching per
second plan. One such scheme was by the Emirates Integrated Telecommunications
Co., which operated under the Du brand in Middle East. But this had not achieved
much success due to lack of adequate marketing support system.
The company launched TV and print advertisements with catchy taglines such as
Second is the new minute . Within five months of the launch Tata DoCoMoattracted
10 million customers. Three fourths of them came from other operators. Soon, all
operators including market leaders Bharti Airtel, Vodafone and Idea Cellular launched
per second plans and a major tariff war erupted in the telecom industry that had far
reaching effects.
Here Tata Docomo was at an expanding stage. The offers it provided gave them good
feedbacks and it flourished in the market.
From about 500 million subscribers in 2009, the ... Show more content on ...
Turn around strategy came into effect.A turn around strategy is the financial
recovery of a company that has been performing poorly for an extended time. To
effect a turnaround, a company must acknowledge and identify its problems,
consider changes in management, and develop and implement a problem solving
strategy. Tata Docomo was performing poorly as compared to other telecom service
companies. So hence, they decided to identify where they are lacing. What is that
element which led to a huge downfall of their company, reason why they are
performing poorly in comparison to other
The Top Ten Academic Professional Integrity Elements
RUNNING HEAD: The Top Ten Academic Professional Integrity Elements
As a student at American InterContinental University we all have a certain code we
must follow. Being a professional student, my duty is to abide by the rules of
honesty set by the college to be professional at all I do. The code of honesty set by
the college states, that I pledge that all test taken and work submitted by me will be
my original own ideas and of my own efforts. (Student Handbook, 2011) Showing
honesty in any professional environment will bring great rewards for all who abide
by the rules. Professional and academic integrity involves everyone taking
responsibility for their conduct and competence.
Accepting responsibility means taking care of the ... Show more content on ...
* When posting the assignment; it is important that you go by your instructions set
by the teacher. This is very important as to not submit the wrong assignment and
some instructors may not wish to read the assignment if it s not submitted
correctly. Not following directions and doing your work the way you wish will
cause a lot of problems. Your grades can slip, your assignments could be late and
finally, you can fail your class. For all who is continuing education if you fail your
classes there are consequences set by the school and The Department of
Education. If a student fails class or if their grade point average slips below the set
guidelines, you can be put on probation or may even be dropped from school. Some
may even require you to pay the money back. * Good communication skills are a
must. Every professional has to have a clear understanding about the work being
done. Communication is the key to success no matter what field or profession you
re working in. When working on your assignments, one has to adapt to catch the
audience or readers intended. Writing and speaking clearly will get the writer s
point across about the topic being discussed. Communicating with each other s
means that one must be able to talk or write efficiently and act a civilized way.
(Lesikar, 2008) * When speaking or writing about a given subject I want to be
honesty to the best of my ability. That is why one must completely research
Owl Pellet Lab Report
Lab Report: Owl Pellet
Kirsten de Jong
September 19, 2015
1.An owl pellet is made up of portions of things which an owl can t digest. The pellet
can contain things like feathers, bones, fur, and teeth, these things have very little
nutritional value to the owl. These things are tightly formed together in the owl s
stomach, which is then spit out by the owl every 12 hours producing two every day.
2.Owl pellets are home and food for many different fungi and insects. Fumigation
is the removal of any small insects, germs, or other pests from a room or other area,
with the use of gases or smoke. It is necessary for the pellet to be fumigated so there
is nothing growing inside of the pellet that wasn t there when the owl had spit it out.
This ... Show more content on ...
There would be major changes if the barn owl wasn t part of the food web. There
would be many more rodents and other pests in agricultural and forestry land, which
would eventually become overpopulated. God created a perfect world and if there
was even one animal that wasn t part of an ecosystem, there would be many species
with overpopulation issues.
8.Bioconcentration is when tiny creatures capture chemicals from debris, which is a
large source of diseases, and water which are then devoured by large populations of
zooplankton. Larger organisms like my sides then eat the zooplankton, fish feed on
the mysids, this continues until the herring which is at the top of this food web. This
can causes many diseases to spread over a period of time from one creature to the
next and possibly worsen. Bioaccumulation is when the matter of an organism
increases in concentration.
9.Owls can be seen as the most threatened of an ecosystem which is threatened by
pesticides because it is the highest trophic level in the food web. The higher the
trophic level, the higher the concentration of toxins in the species. There may be a
tiny bit of pesticide in a plant which is then eaten by a insect which is then eaten by
a shrew. The shrew then gets more toxins, then giving the owl which is at the top of
the food web the most toxins causing it to become sick and die. Overall, these
pesticides in ecosystems can disturb food webs, ecosystems, and hurt
Culture And Sensitivity Of Bacteria
Culture and Sensitivity If your patient has an infection of any kind it s critical to
know which antibiotics will be effective against the particular pathogen or disease
causing agent. This means that the species and strain of bacteria, fungus, or other
pathogen must be identified and he drugs that will be the most effective at clearing
up the infection must be determined. The only way this can be done is by running a
culture and sensitivity test. Just keep in mind that there are many different types of
culture medias and hundreds of different sensitivity discs that correlate to different
drugs. A negative test on one of these media plates does not meant that there is
nothing there. Which is why a lot of clinics, like our own, run them in house and
also send them to a lab such as Idexx to have them run a more complete test there. A
culture is a specific test to find and identify organisms such as bacteriaor fungus, that
can cause an infection. A sensitivity test is a specific test that checks the results of
a culture to see what kind of medicine, commonly antibiotics, that will work best to
treat those organisms. A culture is made when a sample is added to a substance, or
Media that promotes the growth of fungus, bacteria, or whatever it is you are
looking for. There are different types of media for different types of tests, but the
most common type of plate is called an AGAR plate, which is made up of a nutrient
substance gel derived from algae. Bacteria usually
Operation Clean Desert Museum Report
The museum has roughly thirteen points of interest (exhibits); starting with a
timeline of the atomic age and ending with a gallery of today and tomorrow . The
museum indicates the weapons and type of tests which were developed and
conducted throughout the course of our history. Furthermore, the museum goes about
explaining the innovators and inventors of nuclear weapons, as well as vast visual
representation and audio of abundant information about the nuclear age and its
implications to society. Aside from what is inside the main area of the museum we
have an area which has nuclear testing archives, this can symbolize and represent
another notion which the museum tries to impose on a viewer. When you walk in the
first hall of the exhibit they have a sign which indicates this: Why nuclear weapons:
A fundamental government... Show more content on ...
This part of the museum does not deny the fact that nuclear testing has negative
consequences for the areas in which nuclear testing and disposal are practiced. We
have a contradiction here, the illustration and language usage in the museum allows
a public to ingest material which advocates the necessity for nuclear testing and
development of weapons, in order to allow for the protection of America, and to be
the leaders in nuclear innovation. However, there is also an understanding that
negative factor do exist because of the usage of nuclear testing and disposal. The
interesting thing to note is that the nuclear testing archive center is not directly a
part of the exhibit, it is placed on the corner of the facility, and if one is to simply
take part in the exhibit they will not see the nuclear testing archive
Evil, The, And The Threat Of Evil
A reason that ascriptions of perverse can be particularly injurious or dangerous is
that it isn t always visible what companions mean when they use the term evil. As
Eve Garrard clown it the general privacy encompassment the term constrain some
thinkers very backward to appeal to the consideration of evil(Garrard 2002, 322). For
instance, some people believe that to say that someone complete an bad deed
involved that that person execute out of malice (see e.g., Kekes 2005), while others
believe that evildoing can event from many different sorts of spur, even admirable
motivation (see e.g., Card 2002). Given this ambiguity, it might be unclear whether an
assignment of wicked attributes despicable psychological attributes to an... Show
more content on ...
In contrast to the vast concept of evil, the narrow concept of evil picks out only the
most morally despicable sorts of actions, characters, events, etc. As Marcus Singer
puts it evil ... is the defeat possible term of opprobrium believable (Singer 2004,
185). Since the near{5} concept of evil entangle moral condemnation, it is suitably
ascribed only to moral agents and their actions. For instance, if only human beings are
virtuous agents, then only human beings can perform evil actions. Evil in this
narrower sense is more often meant when the term perverse is used in
contemporaneous moral, political, and constitutional contexts. This entrance will
focus on wicked in this narrower sensation. The entry will not discuss wicked in the
ample sense or the problem of mischieveous to any significant degree
In the second half of the twentieth hundred, atheologians (that is, persons who aim to
prove the no entity of God) commonly claimed that the problem of evil was a
proposition of logical inconsistency. J. L. Mackie (1955, p. 200), for example, assert,
To finish whether evil is qualitatively distinct from unqualified wrongdoing we must
first understand what it is for two concepts to be qualitatively obvious. According to
some theorists two concepts are qualitatively unconnected if, and only if, all
instantiations of the first concept share a
Ethical Dilemmas In Nursing
According to Perry and Potter (2014) Ethical Dilemma is a conflict between two
sets of human values, both of which are judged to be good but neither of which can
be fully served. Nurses regardless of what healthcare setting they work and of where
they function in wide ranging roles, face ethical dilemmas on their daily practices.
Ethical behavior depends on several factors because what a person consider as moral
may vary from another individual s approach to the situation. Resolving an ethical
dilemma requires deliberate, critical, and systematic thinking because ethical
decisions that are made could have an impact to nurses, patients and families as well.
(Potter, 2014)
Therefore, an orderly process is used by healthcare ... Show more content on ...
However, his wife is opposed to Jim s wish of not be resuscitated She begins to yell
at the nurse and implored to provide a CPR to his husband. The nurse politely
decline the wife s request as it is strictly forbidden to provide a CPR in the event of a
cardiac arrest and that there is nothing she can do about it. Surprisingly, the wife
initiated a CPR to his husband who has an advance directive with a DNR order, this
arises an ethical dilemma.
Gather all information relevant to the case As mentioned above, an advance directive
is a legal document in which allows the patient to make decision for himself such as
stating the amount and type of medical treatments the patient wishes to receive, and
will be carried out in the event where the patient will be incapable to decide for
himself or unable to communicate or if death is imminent.
(Potter, 2014) This is created ahead of time to prevent confusion later on. Healthcare
providers need to maintain the patient s right for autonomy, and supporting patient s
decision regardless of what they may be. Furthermore, an advance directive form is
used to tell or request to the attending physician that a patient doesn t want to be
resuscitated. (Am Fam
Physician, 2010) The DNR order is then placed in the patient s medical record so that
Thirteen Colonies and New England
CHAPTER 3 Settling the Northern Colonies, 1619 1700 Focus Questions 1.What
religious turmoil in the Old World resulted in the little colony of Plymouth in the
New World? 2.Why was the initial and subsequent colonization of the Massachusetts
Bay Colony more successful than Plymouth? 3.How did the colony of Plymouth and
Massachusetts Bay Colony contribute to the origins of American independence and
government? What were the contributions to American independence and
government from the New England Confederation, the Dominion of New England,
and the Glorious Revolution? 4.What role did religious intolerance play in the
founding of New England colonies other than Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay and
in the founding of some... Show more content on ...
With their economic variety, ethnic diversity, and political factionalism, the middle
colonies were the most typically American of England s thirteen Atlantic seaboard
colonies. character sketches DIRECTIONS: For each of the below individuals write
a one paragraph description of the individual s historical significance. John Winthrop
(1588 1649) Anne Hutchinson (1591 1643) William Penn (1644 1718) questions for
class discussion (You do not have to write these out) 1.Did the Puritans really come
to America seeking religious freedom? How did they reconcile their own religious
dissent from the Church of England with their persecution of dissenters like
Hutchinson and Williams? Does their outlook make them hypocrites? 2.How were
government and religion or church and state related in New England and the middle
colonies? How does the colonial view of these matters compare with more recent
understandings? 3.Was an American Revolution, separating the colonies from
England, inevitable after the Glorious Revolution had encouraged colonists to end
the Dominion of New England, England s serious attempt at enforcing royal
authority? Did England s salutary neglect contribute to future problems in its empire?
How might have England been able to successfully enforce its rule on the colonies
without causing rebellion? 4.
Emotional Intelligence By Daniel Goleman
The members of this group collaborated through email after the reading groups were
assigned through email. A Google Doc was then created to publish brief ideas about
the book once read. The members then through email again divided up the sections of
this book review to complete the rough draft of the assignment. Once completed,
members were able to comment and edit each section. The group finalized the project
through email.
Synopsis Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence, discusses the idea of
intelligence being more than a matter of cognitive ability. In part one and two of the
book, Goleman discusses how the brain processes emotions. In these chapters the
author describes the cortex and the limbic system. Rationality is job of the cortex
while the limbic system processes your emotions. He suggests that the emotional
intelligence can be a learned skill. In the next chapter Daniel Goleman uses studies
to show that many high IQ scoring students have underperformed in their lives while
many average people have become huge successes. Goleman stated that if the IQ
scoring has little to do with success and that your 80% success is based on your
emotional intelligence.
He describes self awareness or self observation. He says that you should know
yourself and your strengths instead of your IQ test and its results. He suggested that
some people are more attuned to the emotional mind s symbols instead of traditional
knowledge tested by IQ tests. However, Goleman
The Greed of Music Industry Executives and Declining...
The Greed of Music Industry Executives and Declining Record Sales
The music recording industry is in trouble. For several years now, sales of new and
popular music have steadily declined and show no sign of changing. The record
companies are quick to blame the growing popularity of the Internet; music is being
traded in a digital form online, often anonymously, with the use of file sharing
programs such as Morpheus, KaZaA, and Imesh, to name a few. The RIAA
(Recording Industry Association of America) succeeded in disbanding the pioneer
Internet file sharing program, Napster, but is facing confrontation with similar
programs that are escaping American copyright laws. While there is an obvious
connection between declining popular music ... Show more content on ...
Even sales figures for singles are down. Sales are off by 63.9%...6.7 million units
were sold in the first six months of 2002 vs. 18.6 million unites in the same period in
2001 (Garrity).
Not only are the companies themselves facing hard times, but the retail stores that
sell music are also suffering their own losses. Musicland Stores, the largest music
retailer in the U.S. continues to report losses and declining sales...For the third
quarter, the Minnetonka, Minn. based company reports a new loss of $16.1
million, compared with a loss last year of $144.6 million (Jeffrey). The company
was even forced to close some of its stores. At quarter s end, Musicland operated
1476 stores...During the quarter, the company closed the following: Nine Sam
Goody/Musiclands, two Media plays, one On Cud, and on U.K. store (Jeffrey). This
problem hits home in Vermillion, South Dakota, where the local On Cue store, the
only place to buy entertainment products like CDs and audiocassettes, was forced to
close because of insufficient revenues. Inhabitants of Vermillion are now forced to
travel anywhere from 30 to 60 miles away to purchase music offline. While this town
obviously reflects a very small percentage of consumers, the lack of immediately
available music products certainly will not help the declining record sales.
The stocks of music
Executive Branch Dbq
In 1789, the first official government of the United States of America was established.
The power was divided into three branches, the executive, legislative, and judicial
branches in order to maintain democracy. This system has remained relatively
unchanged and is in use today. However, within each of these branches many changes
have transpired to accommodate the expanding and fluctuating American society,
such as the introduction of Cabinet Departments in the Executive Branch, the
establishment of new laws and Amendments by the Legislative Branch, and rulings
on issues by the Judicial Branch. The Executive Branch, which consists of the
President, Vice President, and the Cabinet has undergone a major expansion since
1789. The original Cabinet consisted of the Departments of State, War, Treasury, and
the position of Attorney General, but has evolved into fifteen positions to meet the
needs of the nation (Doc. A). With most new departments, one can pinpoint what
sparked it s development, such as the Department of the Navy being created during
the XYZ Affair, a naval conflict between the U.S. and France. Similarly, the role of
the... Show more content on ...
In the early years of our nation, the fear of overbearing government was reflected
in the sparse number of executive orders. The amount of executive orders slowly
climbed until the Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt, who almost quadrupled the
number of executive orders that McKinley had ordered. During a period which
included the Progressive era, World War I, and the Great Depression, Presidents
issued numerous executive orders, reaching a high when Franklin Roosevelt issued
an average of three hundred and seven per year. Consequently, this led to a slow
decrease in average executive orders per
The Government Intervention Of International Business
When governments amongst nations conduct in international business, it exposes
them to increased risks and costs through unfair trade and bribery in order to obtain a
competitive advantage or power. Mercantilism explains why the government
intervention of international business increases the chances of these risks.
Mercantilismis the theory that explains, the government will maintain their
economy and trade to promote their own domestic industry at the cost of the other
country leading to unfair trade (Pettinger,2016). As all governments will not play
by the same rules, there is an increase in risks such as unfair tariff policies or
bribery in order to gain a competitive advantage. In fact, many governments across
nations will use these unfair actions to gain an increase in power. Hill (2015) states
that nations like China are striving for a more neo mercantilist policy (a more
modern theory of mercantilism where economic power is the equivalent to a trade
surplus) to gain a trade surplus. During most of the 2000s, their exports have been
increasing whereas their imports have not grown because they have been limited by
an import substitution policy. While China is able to benefit from the trade surplus, it
is at the cost of another nation where the money that will be paid for those imports
will decrease. Therefore, government intervention in international business increases
risk like unfair trading to gain a competitive advantage. The government also
increases the cost of
Ratifying The Constitution
In this lesson, we are continue learning about the new Constitution. In the summer of
1787, the 13 states discuss the problem under the Articles of Confederation. They
decide it will be easy to write a new document then fix it. James Madison was in
charge of the assembling the various parts of the new constitution. He didn t write it,
he just edited it. He took 55 delegate ideas, and turned it into a cohesive document.
Madison is known as the father of the Constitution . The convention lasted 3 months,
and the nation were furious about the new constitution. Madison had to make a taught
choices on what to put in the constitution. At the end, the document was filled with
short, vague, and subject to interpretation (page 40). In September 1787, Madison
finished and sent... Show more content on ...
Madison add the bill of rights in the Constitution but in the form of amendments.
However, everyone didn t agree, 9 of the 13 states ratified it. The ratification battle
was so intense, they wrote the Federalist Paper. The Federalist Paper was wrote by
James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay. They was known as the
founding father . I didn t know the Federalist Paper is considered a masterpieces in
the field of political science. In 1789, 9 states had ratified the Constitution, this
went in effect to replace the Articles of Confederation. The government form a
system called checks and balances. The checks and balances were break down in 3
branch. The Legislative branch have two house, the senate would have equal
representation (2 vote), and the House of Representation would have representation
within the population. The executive branch is made up by the president, vice
president, and the advisors from the president. The executive branch enforce the
laws passed by congress. The executive branch have the power to veto laws by
congress. However, congress have the power declare
Gender Stereotypes In The Film Sorry
For colored girls who have considered suicide / when the rainbow is enuf express
feelings from seven different women and the pain that they go through. These
women with each other formed a bond through their different suffering taking them
from strangers to associate.Women experience a lot of animosity throughout their
lives. From being lied to, raped, beaten, let down just hurt just because. This movie
gave a vigorous slight of family life and they were many families illustrates in this
movie. They have two poems that I really enjoy reading the first is Sorry .This is a
poem that women can compare their self to and see that they are disgusted with
excuses and lies. The women deals with very different ways which men let them
down and then apologize in tons of empty disappointing ways .In this poem the
women come together to speak out for the men making excuses for bad behavior
and they are just tired of it. They are sick of apologies and don t want them
anymore. The other one that stand out to me was Somebody almost walked off
wid alla my stuff .This stood out because the women enjoys her flaws and calls her
old one as in ex to give her back pieces of her that was taken away. She takes in
ownership of her body and of her... Show more content on ...
It gives out a strong message saying how women in general are tired of men
coming in and out their life with excuses. Saying how if they have an excuse
everything is going to be good and it s ok for them to do that over and over again
.The men walks away while the women are left to bear the scars. Between these two
poems the women says that they are no longer willing to sacrifice stuff for men who
don t deserve it at all. Both of the poems have found power by overcoming their own
struggle in their relationships. Their self respect doesn t depend on men sorry s
anymore they want to face the unforgotten truth than hurt under flimsy
An Inspector Calls By J. B. Priestley
The play An Inspector Calls by J. B. Priestley tells the story of a wealthy family in
1912 who are holding a celebration when the harsh figure of a police inspector
arrives to investigate the suicide of a young woman who used to work at Mr
Birling s factory. In the first fifteen pages of the play, Priestley is able to make the
Birling family appear extremely confident, whilst also creating subtle tensions, of
which the significance later becomes clear. Confidence: In the opening pages of
the play, Birling s speeches contain a lot of dramatic irony. For example, he
confidently states what he thinks are proven facts which turn out to be false. For
example, Birling s response to rumours about a war is to that I say fiddlesticks!
and that there isn t a change of war . This is extremely ironic since several years
after the play is set, World War I breaks out and after that, before the play is written,
World War II follows. Birling later mentions a friend of his who was due to go on
the Titanic, and he calls it unsinkable . The Titanic was the height of aristocracy at
the time, and was one of the biggest events of the time showing such huge class
divide. The dramatic irony is that the Titanic, in fact, sunk, despite its reputation as
being unsinkable , and Birling s complacency and confidence causes him to not
consider the possibility of this happening. It also makes him appear rather idiotic to
the audience. Finally, he describes how Russia will always be behindhand
Authorship Essay
Authorship: Acknowledging your contribution Based on my observation of
colleagues who were involved in collaborative research or article writing, I found
that many of them did not talk of authorship order prior or during the execution of a
project. As a result, there was often somebody in the team who felt that they were
being excluded or being in the wrong order once the article is published. Due to the
fact that decisions regarding promotion, tenure, and salary are heavily influenced by
the number of publications in peer reviewed and by the number of first authored
publications (Costa Gatz, 1992) and there can be only one first author, the decisions
of authorship order can become a complicated issue. In the case of authorship... Show
more content on ...
One of the strategies was to publish selected undergraduate students thesis by
including the advisers as co author. The university did not specifically decide the
order of authorship and left the matter for the adviser and the student to decide based
on the amount of contribution that each party had made. Here lied the problem :
everybody ( the adviser and the student) had different perceptions on the amount of
work they feel they have contributed. By referring to the result of our group
discussion this week, I think the uncomfortable post publication situation regarding
authorship order could be prevented by implementing the following steps. First, use
common sense in distributing task and responsibilities for each member of the team
and be clear about it. In case number one, for the unhappy associate faculty,
everything was clear until the publication, in which he was not previously informed.
Also, intellectual contribution should be placed as the highest. Research is a data
gathering activity that highly relies on intellectual capacity. APA (2009) clearly
defines the kind of contribution that a collaborative research project should perform:
Substantial professional contributions may include formulating the problem or
hypothesis, structuring the experimental design, organizing and conducting the
statistical analysis, interpreting the results, or writing a major portion
What Can Be Learned from the Small Business Life Cycle...
What can be learned from The Small Business Life Cycle Model
Table of Contents
li value= 1 Abstract
li value= 2 Introduction
li value= 3 Body
li value= 3 1 Pioneer phase
/ol 3.1.1 Characteristics
3.1.2 Crisis
3.2 Functional phase
3.2.1 Characteristics
li value= 3 2.2 Key challenges
li value= 3 2.3 Crisis
li value= 3 3 Integrated phase
li value= 3 3.1 Characteristics
li value= 3 3.2 Limitations
li value= 3 4 Associated phase
li value= 3 4.1 Characteristics
li value= 5 Conclusion
li value= 4 References
li value= 5 Appendix
li value= 5 1 Figure 1
Each company has to start from the small business unit with a group ... Show more
content on ...
Using small business lifecycle model allows the best innovators to achieve twice the
sales from the new product and turn creatively into a system for impact by running
business not in the traditional way.
Small business is based on the innovation. It proposes new solutions, new products
and new services. Life cycle planning is very essential for development and growth
of the small business. Planning of the life span of the business can set a basis for
the next stage of development and gradual growth into medium and large size
organization. Each stage of the four discussed has its own characteristics and crisis
which need to be dealt with. There is much to learn from the small business life
cycle model: how to remain a group of people who share common mission and goals
and not to grow into a company where people are treated as a set of competences.
What can be learned from The Small Business Life Cycle Model
Small businesses thrive on innovation and are known as innovation engines of the
economy. However, the success rate of the new product development in the small
business is typically less than 10 percent. The success of the launched product is
often less than 50 percent. Some of the recent research shows that the success greatly
depends on the planning of the lifecycle and
Competitive Strategy Of Samsung
Samsung electronics has come a long way from being the world s leader in
semiconductors to becoming a top competitor in the mobile handheld industry.
Samsung s dynamic capability frameworks and resources allowed the company to
gain competitive advantage and achieve growth in many different markets. Some of
these capabilities and resources that led Samsung s success include; the ability to
recognize opportunity through a visionary management team, intense acquisition of
technology and learning, product and process innovation, a fluid manufacturing and
assembly system and the ability to develop partnerships and joint ventures. In the
midst of the global financial crisis, the Korean currency s value, won, had fallen
tremendously. Samsung s management team saw this as an opportunity to start
outsourcing from China, where they manufactured LCDs and Mobiles for a fraction
of the price. By 2011, Samsung had the largest Mobile share in China. They decided
that by moving out they would understand the surrounding markets (Zahou, 2015).
Chairman Lee commissioned a task force team to make in depth market research to
find out the needs of the market and to study the foreign trends. Feeling limited with
the trends of the Asian... Show more content on ...
One would be through a cost leadership where the key elements include tight control
of overheads and R D, process innovation, scale efficient plants, outsourcing and an
efficient design for manufacture. In the other hand, differentiation sets an emphasis
on branding advertising, product design and quality, service and new product design.
As a very successful company in which has been around since the late 1930 s,
Samsung has repositioned and used both tactics, cost leadership and differentiation
still present today. The combination of both strategies, has led them to adjust to the
changing market environments and ease the entry to new
The Gap Reduction Theory Of The University Of California
Going to college is a scary thing whether a student is fresh out of high school, a non
traditional student going back after many years, or anything in between. It can be
very daunting to keep up with the level of understanding required for college courses.
Many subjects, especially math and writing, are found to be a challenge for a lot of
students. Therefore, the University has provided free tutoring services to help
increase the quality of learning and experience and to help students reach their
maximum learning potential. Unfortunately, several students do not take advantage
of this free service. One reason some might not use the service, is that it may be
difficult for them to admit that they need help. For others, it is the uncertainty of the
unknown that deters them. The anxiety or uncomfortableness that often accompanies
new situations leaves numerous students trying to trudge through on their own.
Charles Berger, an American professor emeritus of communicationat the University
of California, Davis, formulated the communication theory called the Uncertainty
Reduction Theory. In A First Look at Communication Theory, Griffin (2012), explains
Berger s theory as the following:
Uncertainty reduction theory focuses on how human communication is used to gain
knowledge and create understanding...When strangers meet, their primary concern is
one of uncertainty reduction or increasing predictability about the behavior of both
themselves and others in the interaction (p.125).
The Internet And The World Wide Web
The Internet is a unique place where all different nationalities, social groups and age
groups with different values and characteristics, meet and interact. All spheres of
media are being represented on the world wide web. Some of the relations are being
mirrored from those present in real life, but the internetwas never the same. As with
real life, not everyone on the internet is equal and there are numerous differences
between the users of this medium of mass communication. Even though the
inequalities are still present on the internet, they are subtler than those existing within
the offline world. Almost everyone has access, but how we benefit from it depends
on our status, intelligence and willingness to explore. Audience members are
becoming important and active producers, being given the tools, which bring them
closer to professionals. Every internet user has equal access to an online education,
but an intellectually privileged group will make a more productive use of it. This can
be named as equalityof opportunity. The argument cannot be defined into one side.
Average people can keep in touch and interact with celebrities, which would never
happen outside the internet. They obey the same rules and laws imposed by the
services they use, yet are not equal, as famous people are more powerful, being in
charge of a huge fan base. Another important issue is a marginalization of societies
excluded from the internet outreach. The inequalities and equalities should also be
Monolingual Dictionary Essay
Monolingual Learner s Dictionaries The dictionary is an important thing for learner
s language because it can help learner s to understand the meaning about words.
According to Jackson states that a dictionary is a reference book about words
(2002). One type of dictionary is a monolingual dictionary. Monolingual dictionary is
a type of dictionary in which the words of the languageare explained by the same
language (Hartman James, 1998). According to Hartmann and James (1998),
learner s dictionary is a dictionary that is aimed to non native language learners . A
monolingual learner s dictionary is one of the type of learner s dictionary.
Hartmann and James also state that monolingual learner s dictionary is a sub type of
monolingual dictionary for foreign language user (1998). The basis of monolingual
learner s dictionary is because of three teachers of English as a foreign language, who
are H.E Palmer, A.S Hornby and Michael West. Palmer and Hornby worked in
Japan, while West worked in India. Those three teachers are not only trying to
improve the standard of language teaching in their respective area such as Japan and
India, but they also involved in a research project that can give the influence on the...
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Harold Palmer, Michael West and A.S Hornby were teaching English as a second
language, also they did research in linguistic areas which can support and enrich
their work as compilers of learner s dictionary. In West s New Method English
Dictionary in 1953, he can be remembered as pioneering for use a definition of
vocabulary. Palmer shared with West s interest in vocabulary control, but he was
amazing in identified and explored the importance for the grammatical topic for
learner, in which include sentence patterns. We can see his work in the features of
his Grammar of English Word in 1938 (Cowie A.P., 2009, p.
Comparing Orwell s 1984 and Machiavelli s The Prince ...
When examining the totalitarian government of 1984 by George Orwell, a direct
connection can be drawn to the motives and ideals associated with NiccolГі
Machiavelli s The Prince. Machiavelli s support of the political necessity as a means
to remain in power resonate with the government whose aim is to extinguish once
and for all the possibility of independent thought as a way to ensure complete political
orthodoxy within the country (193). Specifically, Machiavellian thought plays an
important part in 1984 as its ideas on reputation, revolution, avoiding hatred, and the
use of fear to control a populace are used by INGSOC in order to maintain complete
control throughout the story. In the following paragraphs, the connections between
these... Show more content on ...
One of these policies is described when Orwell states It is deliberate policy to keep
even the favored groups somewhere near the brink of hardship, because a general
state of scarcity increase the importance of small privileges (191). This idea of
maintaining constant hardship in order to increase the importance of small actions is
an important tool used by the government in the book. It allows them to garner public
support incredibly easily by means of very small or near inconsequential actions, thus
reducing the chance of revolution. Revolution against the government is further
prevented by the society present in the story. This is due to the fact that although
some citizens decidedly are against the Party, the restrictive atmosphere prevents
them from networking with other like minded individuals. This idea is characterized
well by Winston when he explains that, they talked of engaging in active rebellion
against the Party, but with no notion of how to take the first step . Thus, the
difficulty in creating a popular revolutionary movement is exponentially more
difficult. A final obstacle facing revolutionaries in 1984 is that they do not know
whether or not their ideas represent the majority in the society. Its an incredibly
important point because as Machiavelli points out, whoever conspires always
believes that he will satisfy the people with the death of the prince, but if he believes
Storytelling in quot;Happy Endings quot; by M. Atwood
M. Bakhtin once said, We are to our own lives what the authors are to the books
they write (Bakhtin in Gallagher, 40). It s really hard to disagree with this assertion.
The best evidence of this statement can be found in the story Happy Endings written
by Margaret Atwood. The author develops, in a very interesting and attractive way,
the idea of living a life and writes a plotof the story. To find a good understanding of
those concepts, it is impossible to skip the process of asking correct questions and,
of course, getting answers. Margaret Atwood like no one else does it so skillfully
through asking a reader just two simple questions: what and how and why. It is really
hard to disagree with the essential inevitability of those... Show more content on ...
There is a rising action ( If you think it is too bourgeois... etc. (71)), the
discriminated occasion ( The only authentic ending is the one provided here... etc.
(71)), and the falling action ( That s about all than can be said for plots... Now try
How and Why (71). The story shows us that life can never be the way we want it to
be. The author uses not really kind and simple way to reveal it through John and
Mary s story because even life at times gets very rigid and hard.
At the same time a complicated plot can confuse the reader at the first sight. There
is no strong and endless plot line, as it was already mentioned. The author shows
just A story, then B story and so on. Another thing that confuses greatly is that the
author finishes all the parts of the story, which are supposed to have a happy
ending, referring to paragraph A. In paragraph B it sounds like . ..and everything
continues as in A (70). Then, in paragraph C it is . ..and everything continues as in
A, but under different names (70), in paragraph D one is . ..and continue as in A
(70). It creates an effect of having a couple of different stories which are ending
with an A story, of course. Why is Margaret Atwood doing it? Does she still have a
M. Atwood confuses a reader purposely. Sometimes it seems like the author writes
two or three, or even more stories in one, but there are two stories presented in her
work A story and the B C D E part is a second story: one
Colombia Social Structure
The country of Colombia, officially referred to as the Republic of Colombia, is
situated in the northwest quadrant on the continent of South America, boarding the
Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. The area now known as the Republic of
Colombia was settled as a Spanish colony in 1525. The Spaniard s established
Bogota as their capital city and it remains the capital today. Colombiarebelled and
proclaimed their independence from Spain in 1819.
Colombia is the fourth largest country in South America in terms of land mass. It is
the third most populous country in Latin America with a population of almost
44,000,000 people. According to World Population Review, the population is
projected to experience and sustain growth rate of 1.29 per ... Show more content on ...
The top segment of the population, according to Ruano, 2005, is only twenty
percent of the total population but is responsible for almost 80% of the gross
national product (GNP). Contained within the upper class are varying levels of
wealth, power and education. The original elite group within the upper class is
referred to as the oligarchy which means a small group of people who have the
majority of control. The oligarchy consumes and seizes the top political positions,
financial control and the best educational opportunities. The upper class has also
been known to inherit leadership positions within the military structure based
solely on their social status. Entry into this group is not by aptitude it is primarily
achieved by heritage and family name. In the past few years, the traditional elite of
the upper class has experienced a decline in numbers due to a loss of inherited
money, splits among estates and economic troubles. As the lineage elite dwindle
they are being replaced by a new upper class of entrepreneurs and business people
who have become very successful. The new members are not held in the same esteem
in Colombian culture as they lack the family name stature of the older elite
Harriet Tubman Essay Outline
Edge, 2
Harriet Tubman The Underground Railroad was a secret system of individuals
who assisted fugitive slaves in their quest for freedom prior to the Civil War. The
term, used between 1830 1860, refers to the swift, invisible way in which the
slaves escaped. Usually they hid during the day and moved at night. Coffin says:
fugitive slaves relied heavily on fellow slaves and free blacks, who rarely betray
them. (Coffin, 2006). The most famous black leader in the movement was Harriet
Tubman, a nonliterate runaway slave who became the Moses of her people. Bay
Back Books stated: Harriet Tubman had been a liberator, a woman who stood up to
slave power, and a warrior whose actions spoke louder than words . Clinton says that
her ... Show more content on ...
She had a closely knit band, included several men and women and they became an
official scouting service for the Department of the South. Their confidence led to
the Combahee River in June of 1862, a military operation that marked a turning
point in Tubman s career. Ceinton said All of her attacks upon the Confederacy
Had been purposefully clandestine. She didn t remain anonymous with her
prominent role in that military operation The raid up the Combahee River was a
twisting waterway approximately 10 miles north of Beaufort where Tubman and
her comrades were stationed. They were commenced when the Federal gunboats
Harriet A. Weed and John Adams made their way into the river shortly before
midnight of June 2nd, 1863. Tubman accompanied 150 African American troops
from the second South Carolina Infantry and their white officers aboard John
Adams, the black soldiers were particularly relieved that their lives had been
entrusted, not only to Colonel Montgomery, but also to the famed Moses .
Meanwhile, a company of the second South Carolina Capitan Carver landed and
deployed at Tar Bluff, 2 miles north of Fields Point. Civil War Times said he 2 ships
steamed upriver to the Nichols Plantation, where Harriet A. Weed anchored. She also
guided the boats and men to designated shoreline points where fugitive slaves were
hiding out. Once all clear was
Bee Population Essay
As a board member of Project Apis m., and the president of the California State
Beekeepers Association, you are probably well aware that honey bee populations
are in rapid decline all over the world. They play quite a significant role in the
production of the various crops humans consume on a day to day basis. I am writing
to you because I believe we have similar goals. I am particularly concerned with the
severity of the diminishing beepopulation and the negative outcome this will have on
our food.
However, there is a vast number of people in the United States alone who are
uninformed about the honey bee problem. Therefore, they are unaware of the fact
that this could have a direct effect on their lives because the food that they love and
the food that is necessary for them to survive could vanish quite soon. I ... Show more
content on ...
Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) was the prevailing insecticide used
throughout the United States, up until its ban approximately forty years ago because
it s the long term negative effects on human health. Farms have switched over to
other insecticides, but did not take the health of honey bees into account.
Now, neonicotinoids, is the new chemical that farmers utilize on their crops. This
chemical is similar to nicotine, but causes a great deal of damage to bees. When
the bees take a bite of a crop, or come into contact with a crop that has high levels of
neonicotinoids, their immune system is compromised and often leads to death. This
insecticide is used in 95 percent of canola and corn crops in the United States, as well
as many of the common fruits and vegetables. Also, it is important to note that even
if the bees do not die from the insecticides, they can still return to their hive and
transmit the lethal chemicals to the
Hypothesized Attachment Theory
those around him; his relationship with God would be a negative one, promoting a
negative image of God. The emotional compensation hypothesis. According to this
hypothesized attachment theory, individuals who have had extensive experiences
with caregivers who are detached, careless, unresponsive, or inconsistent causing
insecure attachment, look to God as a substitute attachment figure (Davis at. el,
2012, p.55). God becomes a fulfilment of the individual s emotional needs and
sense of security. For Instance, if Lisa were to grow up in an emotionally difficult
environment. Where her parents were detached and neglectful. She would fill the
void of the lack of parental guidance with a sense of overzealous religiosity. God
would become her parental
New South Wale Analysis Essay
Project cost payment to expand their movement in New South wale and investment
and re brand an extant cafГ© in Taralgon. Business unit Cost payment Cafes New
South wale Risk in relation to functions HR management, economic operations, OHS,
supply chain, local governance and compliance issues.
To properly manage the risks confusing with the operation of the Taralgon store. In
some condition in some places the new manager give important to the observation
and they also click to the store s operations.
On the other hand it will be something is an easy transition to the cost payment
At the last but not least it is restore the new manager to give ongoing back for risk
Pest analysis is ... Show more content on ...
Human resources management risk
It is a function in organization designed to maximise employee performance in
service however they don t written policy and procedures as manual and limited
staff training. There is authorisation system is also not defined clearly so it could be
lead as a fraud
And the last that lacks of sales promotion techniques are impacts of the stores
therefore there are financial activity.
Financial operations risk
In this risk there are no any separation duties by the facts that actual losses. There is
also problem in the banking finance so it is not done every day and was kept on the
premises overnight protected could lead to thief. It can also include other classes of
risk such as fraud, security, privacy protection etc.
OHS risk
It is most important risk factor in every body s workplace, occupational health and
safety regulation requires that all foreseeable hazards are identified and the risk
arising from these are hazards are controlled. The hazards are also include object in
the workplace, such as machinery chemicals. Sometimes in the workplace the
customers or employer are injured so they compliance breach and customer charge
and reputation is
Consumer Electronic Products, Telecom Industry And...
I.Consumer electronic products, telecom industry and globalization
The focus of this paper is to review the sourcing strategy of Apple, a technology
company providing consumer electronic product, and examine if it is a good fit for
telecom industry to adopt the same strategy.
Consumer electronic by definition is any device that contains an electronic circuit
board and is intended for everyday use by an individual to enhance the quality of life.
These devices can be found in communication, office and entertainment products.
Some examples of consumer products are television, personal computer, cell phone,
refrigerator, washer and dryer. Traditionally, consumer electronic refers mainly to
products that installed or used specifically at ... Show more content on ...
The advancement of technology has made distinguishing some consumer
electronic products from telecom equipment difficult. For example, cell phone and
laptop are both categorized as consumer electronic product by the definition of
consumer electronic product. However, since cell phone is a tool for
communication, it also can be categorized as telecom product as per the definition
of telecom equipment. Similarly, laptop can be used to communicate via VoIP as
well as exchange information over a distance. By definition, laptop also fits well as
a telecom product. Conversely, telecom equipment such as modem and router can
also qualify as consumer electronic products as they are both everyday use devices
to many individuals to enhance quality of life. For the purpose of this paper, we will
categorize cell phone and laptop as consumer electronic devices and keep router and
modem in the telecom equipment section.
As the internet and hand held device technologies continue to advance, the area of
interconnect between the telecom and consumer electronics industries have together
reshape the consumer behavior. People no longer have to rely solely on telephone or
telefax to communication or exchange information in distance. The texting feature on
the cell phone, for example,
RenГ© Magritte The Treachery
I chose to do my paper on a painting by RenГ© Magritte, The Treachery of Images. I
found this painting when visiting LACMA and was both amused and challenged by
this mundane piece of art. It was so simple in its depiction of a beautiful wood pipe
yet the words denied the painting completely. It was almost funny in how
controversial the paintingwas when simply pointing out the bleeding obvious to its
viewers, it s a painting. In this paper I will be discussing who RenГ© Magritte was
as a painter, what influences he may have had, and what the meaning behind his
artwork was. That is to say there was a meaning to his artwork at all.
RenГ© Magritte was a painter in the surrealist movement that originated in the early
1900 s. The surrealist art movement ... Show more content on ...
He painted this when he was staying in Belgium in 1929 on a 23 3/4 x 31 15/16 x 1
in. canvas. He used oil based paint to create an incredible composition of a wooden
pipe. The use of lighting and shading in this painting gives the wooden pipe a
drastically realistic ambiance. It is almost as if you could take the pipe off the
canvas and take a puff or two. What makes this piece so interesting is what makes
it a surrealist piece; since, it is not an abnormality in reality but rather a set of
words. These words deny the pipe entirely in saying that this is not a pipe . Words
that force the audience into asking why the bloody hell not . Now the answer is
quite simple but very powerful. It is not a wooden pipe; rather, it is just a painting
of a wooden pipe. When you step away from trying to explore a deeper meaning of
the art or the world itself you can make an incredibly basic assumption that all things
have no meaning until we ourselves give them meaning. This one piece is quite
possibly putting everything in our reality into question and challenging you, the
audience, to find an
Domestic Terrorism Vs International Terrorism Analysis
Terrorism is a violent act that is planned and committed to cause terror in the people
while trying to achieve political goals. In the Prologue Magazine article of John
Brown the author states, Terrorists may hope for political change, but what they often
want is to simply strike back at and harm those they oppose (Finkelman, 2011).
Terrorismis something that can happen in any country because there are people who
disagree with another s beliefs or political views. Terrorists usually target civilians or
non military folk because they aren t able to defend themselves against an attack.
They are also not concerned with how much damage they cause; they will use
anything from a bomb to guns.
International and Domestic terrorism are two different
Strength And Endurance Of The Pronator Teres Muscle
Strength and Endurance in the Pronator Teres Muscle and Biceps Brachii Muscle
Increase in Subjects after One Week of Arm Workouts
Emily Rice
Partners: Ashely Brocado, Henry Balamaze and Omozee Agbe Rankhe
The bicep muscle is located on the front part of the upper arm and is attached to the
arm bones by tendons. When biceps contract, the form arm is pulled up and will
rotate outward1. The pronator teres muscle is located on the palmer side of the
forearm, below the elbow, and its function is to rotate the forearm palmdown2. The
bicep brachii and pronator teres muscles are examples of skeletal muscle. Skeletal
muscle contains multiple nuclei, myofiber and has fast muscle contraction. Skeletal
muscle contains no gap junctions and hormones cannot excite muscle contractions,
unlike smooth and cardiac muscle. Skeletal muscle contains thick filaments, thin
filaments, myosin, actin, and sarcomeres. The site of calcium action, in skeletal
muscle, is troponin According to the Oxford Dictionary3, endurance is defined as the
fact or power of enduring an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without
giving way and strength is defined as the quality or state of being strong . As it
relates to physiology, muscle endurance is the capability of a muscle to endure
multiple contractions against a resistance for a prolonged amount of time5, while
muscle strength is the amount of force a muscle can produce with a single maximal
effort4. When muscles contract they go
South Korea War Event Analysis
Event 1
What is the event?Korea War
What year(s) did the event happen? 1950 1953
The Korea War occurred from 1950 to 1953. It was the war between North Korea and
South Korea. At that time, Soviet Union supported the communist North Korea,
United States supported the democratic South Korea. In June 1950, North Korea
invaded South Korea. Canadian government send 22000 soldiers to fight. 300
Canadian soldiers were killed. There are 3 countries supported North Korea and 17
countries supported South Korea. In July 1953, the Korea War ended. Neither North
Korea nor South Korea won this war.
This is a political event, because the war was allowed for government.
Event 2
What is the event?Vietnam War
What year(s) did the event happen? 1965 1973
The Vietnam War occurred from 1965 1973. This war was between the communist
North Vietnam and democratic South Vietnam. Canadian government didn t sent any
soldiers to this war, but 10000 Canadians volunteered to fight with the American
forces. More than 30000 draft dodgers during this war. Canadian ... Show more
content on ...
Event 3
What is the event? Avro Arrow (Canadian made weapon)
What year(s) did the event happen? 1953
The Avro Arrow is a supersonic interceptor jet. It use supersonic intercept and shoot
down enemy bombers. In 1953, Canadian air force needed new planes, Canadian
government supported the project to make the Avro Arrow. This design was said
to be 20 years ahead its time. The speed of Avro Arrow can reach Mach 2, it means
twice the speed of sound. However, few years later, Canadian Prime Minister John
Diefenbaker cancelled the project. One reason he cancelled it is the cost of a plane
was too expensive. Another reason is both U.S. and Soviet Union had begun building
nuclear missiles, plane was not needed any more. This is an economic event because
it will use many money to make the Avro Arrow.
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Co-Marketing
cases, co marketing is not enough to enter a foreign market. This is why expansion in
joint ventures are more successful than co marketing agreement.
A successful joint venture must increase the value of its individual partners.
Additionally, if the joint venture is highly reliant on one of the partners and mostly
building value in that partner, there is going to be an opportunity for the others to
connect their equity in the joint venture that is the key partner of the venture. This
kind of events cannot take place in co marketing so it makes joint venture beneficial
for all partners that are tied to the joint venture.
There are also disadvantages of joint ventures against co marketing
One of the key characteristics of the joint venture is ... Show more content on ...
For Heart, the digestibility of the targeted assets, itself a function of the size and
organizational structure of the firm that owns them, is the crucial determinant of the
choice between joint ventures and acquisitions (Hennart S. , 1997). Digestibility is
also a determinant of the choice that is made when firms are not sure whether to
choose joint ventures or acquisitions. while Balakrishnan and Koza are concerned
with transaction costs in the market for firms, Heart s focus is on the costs of
integrating the target firm s labor force (what has been called the post acquisition
integration problem). (Hennart S. , 1997)The understanding of the choice between
joint venture and acquisition allows us to understand how the logical decision can be
There are 4 types of exact reasons why to choose joint ventures over acquisitions,
invisibilities, management costs, difficulties in assessing the value of the target firm
and governmental and institutional barriers according to Hebbart and
Symptoms And Changes Of The Influenza Virus
NoV genogroup GII, particularly strains within the GII.4 lineage, have been
globally identified as the predominant cause of outbreaks and sporadic cases of
gastroenteritis in the last decade (67). Since the 1990 s, GII.4 strains have
undergone mutations and antigenic shift leading to the emergence of novel variants
every 2 3 years, that have the ability to cause global epidemics (68). This epochal
style of evolution of NoV characterised by periods of stasis followed by the
emergence of new variants causing worldwide epidemics is similar to that of the
influenzavirus (16, 69). Although, GII.4 variants were recognized as having pandemic
potential from 1995 onwards, the first GII.4 strain was submitted to the GenBank
database in 1974 (43).
The US 95/96 was the first reported pandemic GII.4 strain which caused 55%
outbreaks of AGE in the US during the winter of 1995 1996 (70). This variant later
spread to five different continents including Australia, where it was prevalent from
1997 2000 (71, 72). In 2002, a new GII.4 variant emerged which was associated
with 64% of NoV outbreaks on cruise ships and 45% land based outbreaks in the
US (15). NoV illness caused by the 2002 variant was also significantly observed in
Europe and Canada (39, 73). This variant was named the Farmington Hills virus
which was replaced by the Hunter 2004 strain that first appeared in NSW in February
2004 (74). Subsequent outbreaks associated with the Hunter virus were reported in
New Zealand, Japan,
The Economic And Social Structures Of India Pakistan...
Bibliography A
The pre colonial, colonial and early nation building history of the country, and how
this has shaped subsequent development trajectories, achievements and failures.
Bibliography A examines of the impacts of colonial rule in India. It investigates the
general notion that British rule was damaging to the Indian economy in such that it
was exploitative and primarily served the economy of Great Britain. It also evaluates
other consequences it had on education, social structures and institutions, Indian
culture and the net effects on the state of the country at independence.
MADDISON, A. 1971. Chapter 3: Class Structure and Economic Growth. The
Economic and Social Impact of Colonial Rule in India Pakistan since the Moghuls.
George Allen Unwin Limited.
This chapter contrasts the economic and social structures of India during the
Moghuls and the British rule. It discusses the nature of British colonialism in India
and focuses on the establishment of a new westernized elite, changes to and
agriculture and the economic burden of foreign rule.
Maddison (1971) states that the most significant change to the Indian social structure
was the abolition of a class of warlords and the introduction of a competent
bureaucracy and army. Certain positive impacts of colonialism translated into the
abolition of slavery, legalizing the remarriage of widows and the denouncement of
sati and introduction of a penal code that introduced some
Jules Verne s 20, 000 Leagues Under The Sea
Case 21 Timed Writing Essay No matter the are words or actions one adventure and
trust lies with the captain. In Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Captain
Nemo and Professor Aronnax are trapped in the ice one wanting to return the other
wanting to proceed. In the text Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the sea,Jules Verne
develops the character conversation between Captain Nemoas persuasive towards
Professor Aronnax. Jules Verne in Twenty Leagues Under the Sea, develops Captain
Nemo by persuading Professor Aronnaxs the conversation they have. The ship is
trapped in a ice wall they have nowhere to go they can not return the way they came
cause the path closed behind the submarine. The Professor want to return when they
get a chance but Captain
Case Study Questions
a.Is Mercury an appropriate target for AGI? Why or why not?
b.Review the projections by Liedtke. Are they appropriate? How would you
recommend modifying them?
c. Estimate the value of Mercury using a discounted cash flow approach and Liedtke
s base case projections.
c.Do you regard the value you obtained as conservative or aggressive? Why?
e. How would you analyze possible synergies or other sources of value not reflected
in Liedtke s base assumption?
a.Is Mercury an appropriate target for AGI? Why or why not?
b.Review the projections by Liedtke. Are they appropriate? How would you
recommend modifying them?
c. Estimate the value of Mercury using a discounted cash flow ... Show more content
on ...
a.Is Mercury an appropriate target for AGI? Why or why not?
b.Review the projections by Liedtke. Are they appropriate? How would you
recommend modifying them?
c. Estimate the value of Mercury using a discounted cash flow approach and Liedtke s
base case projections.
c.Do you regard the value you obtained as conservative or aggressive? Why?
e. How would you analyze possible synergies or other sources of value not reflected
in Liedtke s base assumption?
a.Is Mercury an appropriate target for AGI? Why or why not?
b.Review the projections by Liedtke. Are they appropriate? How would you
recommend modifying them?
c. Estimate the value of Mercury using a discounted cash flow approach and Liedtke s
base case projections.
c.Do you regard the value you obtained as conservative or aggressive? Why?
e. How would you analyze possible synergies or other sources of value not reflected
in Liedtke s base assumption?
a.Is Mercury an appropriate target for AGI? Why or why not?
b.Review the projections by Liedtke. Are they appropriate? How would you
recommend modifying them?
c. Estimate the value of Mercury using a discounted cash flow approach and Liedtke
s base case projections.
c.Do you regard the value you obtained as conservative or aggressive? Why?
e. How would you analyze possible synergies or other sources of value
Mark Antony Speech Analysis
We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools. This iconic quote said
by Martin Luther King Jr. speaks volumes and its relevance can be traced back to 44
B.C. The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare contains one of the most
influential speeches known to man, Mark Antony s funeral speech. Political and
historical figure, Mark Antony, speaks at Julius Caesars funeral after his dear friend s
assassination. The subject of the speech entails how praiseworthy a leader Caesar
was and the level of respect and admiration he had for the plebeians and the
patricians of Rome. Persuading the citizens of Rome against the conspirators is Mark
Antony s purpose for this oration. Antony embraces an ironic and sarcastic tone...
Show more content on ...
Consequently, the citizens of Rome are starting to realize that the murder was
corrupt and not justifiable. Another appeal Mark Antony utilizes is logos, or logic.
To elaborate, Antony temps the citizens with the will of Caesar, Here s a
parchment with the seal of Caesar./ I found it in his closet; tis his will (3.2.125
126). The use of the parchment is to entice the citizens into wanting to know more
about Caesar. His will is very generous and makes him look like a gracious and
giving ruler, which is the exact opposite of what the conspirators thought. The
factual evidence presented in the will provides the citizens with the rage they need
to revolt against the conspirators. In brief, Pathos, Ethos, and Logos help Antony
gain the citizens support and convey his counterpoints to the audience of his speech.
Mark Antony s funeral speech incorporates the rhetorical devices of sarcasm, irony,
and repetition to turn the people of Rome. The ironic use of repetition slowly
displaced the conspirators. To exemplify, Mark Antony repeatedly calls the
conspirators, honorable men (3.2.79). The habit of repeating the word honorable is
extremely sarcastic, and Antony is purposefully overusing the word on account that it
makes the citizens question the legitimacy of the murder. As a result, the crowd
wonders if the conspirators are allowed to get away with the crime solely based on
Spanish Research Paper
The Spanish language is one of many languages spoken in the world. It is spoken
by around 470 million people around the world plus a few more that speak Spanish
as their second language. The history in the Spanish language is considered one of
the richest and longest of any other language that there is. Spanish evolved from the
Romance language that was derived from Latin, which belongs to the subfamily of
Indo European Italic. Spanish is also known as Castilian it was developed from
Vulgar Latin which spread in Spain around the late of the 3rd century. Spanish is
spoken in about 23 different countries among them there s Spain Andorra, Argentina,
Belice, Bolivia, Cayman Islands, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican
Republic, Ecuador,... Show more content on ...
There was four major linguistic domains in the Peninsula during that period. Castilian
was innovative in the evolution of Latin as were people to Castile in politics as
stated in there was a domain of Arabic where the Hispanic
comunity that lived in that terretory kept their native language and they kept it with
very minimal alterations their language was called mozГЎrabe. In this language the
very first Lyrical Romance poems: jarchas, and the first compositions written in the
Arabic alphabet or Hebrew were made, but transcribed they belonged to the
language of Ando Andalusian. As seen in the first step in
converting the language of Castilian into the oficial Language of the Castile and
Leon was taken by Afonso X in the thirteen century. He commanded composes in
romance not Latin this was where the big story plays were developed. The
medieval Castilian language developed a series of phonemes that are no longer in
existence today. In the point of view of grammatically thinking the phonemes had
already disappeared from the Latin declensions and they were the prepositions that
pointed to the function of a sentence. Secondly, we have the Modern Castilian
language which was when the first publication of grammatical Castilian was
published by Elio Antonio Nebrija in 1942 date of the discovery of America by
Granada a Catholic King. This marked the date as the second most important period
of conformation and consideration of the language. In this period we see the change
in consonants the modified system in Spanish
What Is The Critique Of The Movie Trumbo
McCarthyism, an incident that invoked a dark age upon movie writers and writers
in general, teaches about how society lived in a time of fear, anger, and skepticism
towards differences, just how the starring role in the movie Trumbo (acted by
yourself), which amazed me, takes the viewers through a tour of the life of a writer
affected by these negative impulses from society. Trumbo kept me enthralled all the
way through, and my attention just couldn t break away from it. Every element in it
executed remarkably well, from the vividly enriched acting, to the heavily sharp
themes, to the characters that boomed with personality, and even to the gracefully
dim screenplay. There exists a sizable amount of illustrated life lessons to love and to
learn about the filmnot only in the movie itself, but in its themes, its acting, and its
screenplay as well. This letter to you expresses my praise for your effort put into the
movie s, and thanks you for giving us such an awesome film to review in our class.
To begin with, the movie s screenplay fantastically dramatized the movie itself. In
fact, the film s screenplay managed to obtain a nomination for the Writers Guild of
America Award in the Best Adapted Screenplay category. One reason why it kept me
entertained consists in every line of dialogue incorporating a staggering amount of
character into it, that it feels as if they recorded them in the exact moment the
characters exclaimed them. And the fantastic dialogue itself worked
Wireless Technology Essay
Wireless Technology Paper
Stephen Wenclewicz,
Ronda Wilson, Matthew Tiemens,
Sheleada Wells, Annabelle Franklin
DeVry University
Tech, Society and Culture
Professor Laurence Hornibrook
Table of Contents Introduction to Wireless Technology4 Overview of Wireless
Technology5 Science that Drove Wireless Development 6 Signal Types10 Wireless
Network Infrastructure12 History of Wireless Technology15 Social Factors that
Drove Wireless Technology19 Wireless Technology Timeline24 Political Effects on
Development28 Legal Issues Related to Wireless Technology30 Legal Concerns
Related to the Development of Wireless Technology31 Economics in Relation to
Wireless Technology33 Psychological... Show more content on ...
A way that the tribes overcame this issue was by setting up different points and each
drummer would acknowledge the sender s message by a series of beats on the drum.
After the message was confirmed received then the message would be sent to the next
In the times of the American Indians, the tribes would use smoke signals as a form
of wireless communication. The downside to this form of communication was the
limited distance based on line of sight. Due to a limited alphabet and the issues, that
the wind causes would increase the chances that the communication would be lost
or misinterpreted. Soon followed was the introduction of the semaphore flag. The
semaphore flag system is one used to convey information at a distance by using
signals with flags, paddles or gloved hands. The downside to this form of wireless
communication is that it is limited to line of sight as well, and that because this had
to take place in the open the chances of your message being stolen is increased.
Science that Drove Wireless Development
In the nineteenth century, light beams were used for short haul communications,
particularly in military contexts. Very detailed messages could be transmitted by a
coded sequence (Morse code) of blinking lights from sender to receiver. Again, this
was effective over limited distances and provided a quiet, yet visible means of
communication. Drawbacks included limited
Caterpillar Mitsubishi Ltd
1. During the two decades following WWII, Caterpillar management focused on an
aggressive growth strategy aimed at anchoring its position as a leading producer of
construction machinery on a global scale. This strategy was directed by four
underlying policies. (Exhibit 1) Caterpillar s goal in competing in a global market
was to seek new markets and increase its revenues. High R amp;D and high capital
intensity of Caterpillar s business, and homogenous customer needs favored the
adoption of an aggregation strategy. Caterpillar had recognized that due to its industry
focus and worldwide product standardization policies, there were significant potential
savings through economies of scale and scope to be exploited by international... Show
more content on ...
Financial returns are discussed in question 4. 2. *Caterpillar s strategic goal after
WWII was to aggressively expand and become one of the leading producers of
construction machinery on a global stage. Caterpillar s strategic goal for creating
CML was to gain access to the Japanese and Far East markets, which top
management viewed as key in becoming a top global competitor. Access to this
market would have been impossible due to government regulations and other non
market factors such as outcry from local producers and protectionist groups. By
partnering with MHI, Caterpillar gained a partner that allowed it to navigate the
non market factors in Japan and gain access to the regional market, thus fulfilling its
strategic goal of global expansion. In selecting a partner, Caterpillar was looking for
a Japanese company that shared its cultural values, its conservative approach to
business, and its management style. MHI, under the leadership of Mr. Makita,
demonstrated such shared valued. MHI had expertise in metal work, development of
large scale machinery, and had access to plant capacity. This overlap in technology
and capabilities increased the absorption capacity between the two partners. Further,
the similarities in organizational size, operations, and culture made MHI a good fit
for Caterpillar. Since MHI had no previous experience in development of construction
machinery, it would be dependent on Caterpillar s
A Comparison of Nihilistic and Christian Archetypes in...
Grendel, Beowulf and the Relationship Between Nihilistic and Christian Archetypes
The Wisdom god, Woden, went out to the king of trolls...and demanded to know how
order might triumph over chaos.
Give me your left eye, said the king of trolls, and I ll tell you.
Without hesitation, Woden gave up his left eye.
Now tell me.
The troll said, The secret is, Watch with both eyes!
Woden s left eye was the last sure hope of gods and men in their kingdom of light
surrounded by darkness. All we have left is Thor s hammer, which represents not
brute force but art, or, counting both hammerheads, art and criticism...
The philosophies expressed in the Beowulf epic complement the exploration of
existentialism throughout the modern work, ... Show more content on
Beowulf (G), the hero, is able to identify Grendel (G) s pattern and destroy him.
Since mankind could only defeat Grendel (G) by creating a hero more powerful than
him, the hero represents a kind of process that ultimately creates a greater monster.
Therefore, using these archetypes, Gardner and the Beowulf poet use the same story
to illuminate the difference between ancient and modern society; Beowulf (AS) is the
proper representative of the Anglo Saxon society, and Grendel (G) is the proper
representative of the modern world.
Grendel s role remains the same in both books; the role of a monster that embodies
humanity s fears, a creature that human society creates. Grendel (AS) exists as a
mindless perversion of nature. He represents one branch of the human society
created by God that is distorted by evil. However Grendel (G) exists as just another
aspect of nature, outside of human society; until he is transformed by his contact
with mankind, the concept of monster does not apply to Grendel (G.) In viewing the
monstrous body as a metaphor for the cultural body...beasts, demons, freaks, and
fiends are symbolic expressions of cultural unease that pervades a society and shapes
its collective behavior. (Cohen). This is especially true of Grendel (G), whose
attempts to interact with
Reaction Paper On Nadi Astrology
Nadi Astrology Among the various branches of Astrology, one shines as a potent,
ancient, and immensely powerful way of obtaining solutions to everyday
problems by reading the story of our lives as written down millions of years ago.
When Divine Sages once walked the Earth, their immense devotion and wisdom
showed them the way to determine the collective life patterns of humans and with
divine intervention were able to write down and store this information in Nadi
Leaves. The word Nadi , literally translating to seeker refers to the one who seeks
solutions to cumbersome life problems and finally sees a way out of the vicious
cycle of Karma that we are all struggling in. So, if your search for an end to the
endless tirade of problems in your... Show more content on ...
The Deeksha Kandam advises regarding items to be kept and worshipped that will
yield positive results. If you feel like you re affected by black magic, you can avail
this Kandam to identify from where the negative energy is culminating and how to
block them for wreaking havoc in your life. Gnana Kandam: Every person has a
desire to go beyond the physical plane of existence and understand divinity. The
Gnana Kandam will help you tread on the path of spirituality by suggesting the
methods and practises through which you may be able to break the bonds of
existence in your present life and take bigger steps towards the liberation of your
soul. Dishabukthi Kandam: If you feel like you suddenly transitioned from a
relatively smooth period in your life to a downright miserable one, planetary
influences may be playing their part in hindering your growth and progress. On
availing the Dishabukthi Kandam, you will be enlightened about the type of Dasha
you are currently undergoing in your life and will also be advised on how you can
revert the negative effects of these Dashas into Positive
Legal Analysis Of Power Plant
Legal Analysis:
Power plant need to fill a lot of legal obligation than normal company because it s
environmental and sensitive operation and its impact in the peoples life both it it s
near area and its impact area. Also government regulation of emission, electricity
usage etc. along with pay, merger etc. will fall in the legal area.
Measures for Forecasting
Forecasting exchange rates while operating in Bangladesh is a crucial task for every
MNC. Basically two prime objectives are available in this scenario which justifies the
necessity of forecasting exchange rates for our US based MNC Georgia Power.
These objectives are:
Capital Budgeting Decisions: At the point when an MNC s parent assesses whether to
put funds in are mote venture, ... Show more content on ...
In the mixed forecasting approach, we will emphasize more on the fundamental
methods of forecasting as the economic factors play a huge role for this power
generation business. One of the most important economic variables for this business
is the price of input that is price of natural gas. At the same time, we need to consider
the availability of production inputs and labor capital. Furthermore, we can use the
theory of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) to specify the relationship between the
inflation differential of USA and Bangladesh and the exchange rate. Recall that
according to PPP, the percentage change in the foreign currency s value (e) over a
period should reflect the differentiable between the home inflation rate (Ih) and the
foreign inflation rate (If) over that period.
The U.S. inflation rate was to be 3 percent in the year 2015, while the Bangladeshi
inflation rate was 6.83 percent. According to PPP, the Bangladeshi taka s exchange
rate should change as follows:
ef=1+Ius/1+IF 1
=1.03/1.068 1
= 3.56%
This forecast of the percentage change in the American dollar can be applied to its
existing spot rate to forecast the future spot rate at the end of one year. If the
existing spot rate (St) of the Bangladeshi taka is $0.01286, the spot rate at the end of
one year, E(St+1),was $0.0124 calculated as follows:
=$0.01286[1+ ( 0.0356)]
Along with the fundamental forecasting
Renzo Piano As A Approach To Architecture
Renzo Piano was born September 14, 1937 in Genoa, Italy, To a family of Genoese
builders. He graduated from the school of Architecture, Milan Polytechnic in 1964.
He later expressed dissatisfaction with the academic approach to architecture,
describing it as without rebellion . During his studies he was working under the
guidance of Franco Albini, his spare time was spent working steadily at his fathers
construction company. This is where he developed an inspiring love for the
architecture.After graduation, he was initially employed by his father s construction
company before collaborating with Louis Kahn in the United States and Z.S.
Makowsky in the United Kingdom. Between the years 1965 and 1970 he worked
with many great artists, but the most influential... Show more content on ...
This building was designed to house some of the worlds most exquisite modern art,
so naturally the design had to be modern. It is constructed mostly of high tech steel
and glass, with a beautifully designed exoskeleton adding to its complexion (Renzo
Piano Building Workshop Official Site). Renzo Piano has designed and brought to
life so many structures all over the world. Some of his most famous include
Kansai, the world s largest air terminal in Osaka Bay, Japan, where Piano proved
himself a master of the gigantic project and again with the imposing Bercy
Shopping Center in Paris, as well as a massive and beautiful National Science
Museum in Amsterdam. His soccer stadium in Bari, Italy is like no other in the
world, with its great swaths of blue sky interrupting the usual monotony of stadium
seating. His versatility is displayed further in such projects as the beautiful sweep of
a nearly one thousand foot long bridge that curves across Ushibuka Bay in Southern
Japan, with the design of a 70,000 ton luxury ocean liner (Great Buildings On line).
In 1998 Piano was selected as the Laureate of the Pritzker Architecture

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Maria Watson

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1500 Word Essay Pages. How Long Does It Take To Do A 1500 Word Essay - Tools for writers and ...

  • 1. 1500 Word Essay Pages Crafting a 1500-word essay can be both a challenging and rewarding endeavor. The difficulty lies not only in meeting the prescribed word count but also in effectively conveying a coherent and compelling argument within the allotted space. Striking a balance between depth of analysis and conciseness is key, as verbosity can lead to unnecessary padding while brevity might sacrifice clarity and thorough exploration of the topic. The initial challenge often involves selecting a suitable and manageable subject matter. A topic that is too broad may result in superficial coverage, while one that is too narrow might struggle to fill the required word count. Once the topic is chosen, the writer must conduct thorough research to gather relevant information, evidence, and perspectives. This phase requires time and effort to sift through sources, critically evaluate their reliability, and extract pertinent details to support the essay's thesis. The process of structuring a 1500-word essay demands a keen organizational skill. The introduction must succinctly introduce the topic, present a clear thesis statement, and outline the essay's main points. Each subsequent paragraph should be devoted to a specific idea or argument, seamlessly transitioning from one to the next. Balancing depth and breadth becomes crucial, ensuring that each point receives adequate attention without becoming overly detailed. Maintaining a coherent and logical flow throughout the essay poses its own set of challenges. Writers must carefully connect ideas, provide smooth transitions between paragraphs, and avoid abrupt shifts in focus. This requires meticulous planning and revision to refine the overall structure and ensure the reader can easily follow the argument from start to finish. Word choice and language proficiency also contribute to the difficulty of writing a 1500-word essay. Striving for clarity and precision while avoiding redundancy can be demanding, requiring careful consideration of every sentence. Moreover, meeting the prescribed word count without resorting to filler material or repetition necessitates a judicious use of language and a thorough understanding of the chosen topic. In conclusion, tackling a 1500-word essay involves navigating the intricacies of topic selection, research, organization, coherence, and language usage. It is an exercise that demands time, diligence, and a commitment to effective communication. However, with careful planning and attention to detail, the challenge can be met, resulting in a well-crafted essay that fulfills its purpose. 1500 Word Essay Pages 1500 Word Essay Pages
  • 2. Animal Testing Essay Animal Testing and Medical Advancement Every day, animals such as rabbits, chimpanzees, and mice take part of medical experimentation. Chimpanzees share 99% of their DNA with humans, and mice are 98% genetically similar to humans. The United States and Gabon are the only two countries that allow experimentation on chimpanzees. (The Jane Goodall Institute of Canada). What people don t understand is that these animals contribute to medical discoveries regarding human health. Animals should be used for medical experimentation because they contribute to many cures and treatments that have saved lives, their genetic material appears to be similar to those of humans, they are similar to human beings in many ways, animals are the only organisms other than humans who we can experiment on, and the animals themselves benefit from the result of animal testing. Animals that are put forward to medical experimentation contribute to cures and treatments that have saved many lives. The California Biomedical Research Association states that nearly every medical breakthrough in the last 100 years has resulted directly from research using animals. (California Biomedical Research Association). Animals that are used for these tests have contributed incredible discoveries on unimaginable areas starting on Cancer, HIV/AIDS, Heart Disease /Stroke, Diabetes, Birth Defects, and Spinal Cord Injuries. Animal testing has made medical discoveries to go from antibiotics to blood transfusions, from
  • 3. Case Study Of Tata Docomo Tata DoCoMo launched its operations on June 24th, 2009 in Chennai, its unique selling proposition was the one paisa per second billing plan for telephone calls. Anil Sardana who was the then managing director at TTL, made the first call under the new tariff system that day to telecom minister Adimuthu Raja. Ratan Tata, Tata Group s chairman at that time, said at the launch that the per second tariff plan will create a paradigm shift for the phone users. Sandhu studied various markets and similar tariff schemes before launching per second plan. One such scheme was by the Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Co., which operated under the Du brand in Middle East. But this had not achieved much success due to lack of adequate marketing support system. The company launched TV and print advertisements with catchy taglines such as Second is the new minute . Within five months of the launch Tata DoCoMoattracted 10 million customers. Three fourths of them came from other operators. Soon, all operators including market leaders Bharti Airtel, Vodafone and Idea Cellular launched per second plans and a major tariff war erupted in the telecom industry that had far reaching effects. Here Tata Docomo was at an expanding stage. The offers it provided gave them good feedbacks and it flourished in the market. From about 500 million subscribers in 2009, the ... Show more content on ... Turn around strategy came into effect.A turn around strategy is the financial recovery of a company that has been performing poorly for an extended time. To effect a turnaround, a company must acknowledge and identify its problems, consider changes in management, and develop and implement a problem solving strategy. Tata Docomo was performing poorly as compared to other telecom service companies. So hence, they decided to identify where they are lacing. What is that element which led to a huge downfall of their company, reason why they are performing poorly in comparison to other
  • 4. The Top Ten Academic Professional Integrity Elements RUNNING HEAD: The Top Ten Academic Professional Integrity Elements As a student at American InterContinental University we all have a certain code we must follow. Being a professional student, my duty is to abide by the rules of honesty set by the college to be professional at all I do. The code of honesty set by the college states, that I pledge that all test taken and work submitted by me will be my original own ideas and of my own efforts. (Student Handbook, 2011) Showing honesty in any professional environment will bring great rewards for all who abide by the rules. Professional and academic integrity involves everyone taking responsibility for their conduct and competence. Accepting responsibility means taking care of the ... Show more content on ... * When posting the assignment; it is important that you go by your instructions set by the teacher. This is very important as to not submit the wrong assignment and some instructors may not wish to read the assignment if it s not submitted correctly. Not following directions and doing your work the way you wish will cause a lot of problems. Your grades can slip, your assignments could be late and finally, you can fail your class. For all who is continuing education if you fail your classes there are consequences set by the school and The Department of Education. If a student fails class or if their grade point average slips below the set guidelines, you can be put on probation or may even be dropped from school. Some may even require you to pay the money back. * Good communication skills are a must. Every professional has to have a clear understanding about the work being done. Communication is the key to success no matter what field or profession you re working in. When working on your assignments, one has to adapt to catch the audience or readers intended. Writing and speaking clearly will get the writer s point across about the topic being discussed. Communicating with each other s means that one must be able to talk or write efficiently and act a civilized way. (Lesikar, 2008) * When speaking or writing about a given subject I want to be honesty to the best of my ability. That is why one must completely research
  • 5. Owl Pellet Lab Report Lab Report: Owl Pellet Kirsten de Jong September 19, 2015 1.An owl pellet is made up of portions of things which an owl can t digest. The pellet can contain things like feathers, bones, fur, and teeth, these things have very little nutritional value to the owl. These things are tightly formed together in the owl s stomach, which is then spit out by the owl every 12 hours producing two every day. 2.Owl pellets are home and food for many different fungi and insects. Fumigation is the removal of any small insects, germs, or other pests from a room or other area, with the use of gases or smoke. It is necessary for the pellet to be fumigated so there is nothing growing inside of the pellet that wasn t there when the owl had spit it out. This ... Show more content on ... There would be major changes if the barn owl wasn t part of the food web. There would be many more rodents and other pests in agricultural and forestry land, which would eventually become overpopulated. God created a perfect world and if there was even one animal that wasn t part of an ecosystem, there would be many species with overpopulation issues. 8.Bioconcentration is when tiny creatures capture chemicals from debris, which is a large source of diseases, and water which are then devoured by large populations of zooplankton. Larger organisms like my sides then eat the zooplankton, fish feed on the mysids, this continues until the herring which is at the top of this food web. This can causes many diseases to spread over a period of time from one creature to the next and possibly worsen. Bioaccumulation is when the matter of an organism increases in concentration. 9.Owls can be seen as the most threatened of an ecosystem which is threatened by pesticides because it is the highest trophic level in the food web. The higher the trophic level, the higher the concentration of toxins in the species. There may be a tiny bit of pesticide in a plant which is then eaten by a insect which is then eaten by a shrew. The shrew then gets more toxins, then giving the owl which is at the top of the food web the most toxins causing it to become sick and die. Overall, these pesticides in ecosystems can disturb food webs, ecosystems, and hurt
  • 6. Culture And Sensitivity Of Bacteria Culture and Sensitivity If your patient has an infection of any kind it s critical to know which antibiotics will be effective against the particular pathogen or disease causing agent. This means that the species and strain of bacteria, fungus, or other pathogen must be identified and he drugs that will be the most effective at clearing up the infection must be determined. The only way this can be done is by running a culture and sensitivity test. Just keep in mind that there are many different types of culture medias and hundreds of different sensitivity discs that correlate to different drugs. A negative test on one of these media plates does not meant that there is nothing there. Which is why a lot of clinics, like our own, run them in house and also send them to a lab such as Idexx to have them run a more complete test there. A culture is a specific test to find and identify organisms such as bacteriaor fungus, that can cause an infection. A sensitivity test is a specific test that checks the results of a culture to see what kind of medicine, commonly antibiotics, that will work best to treat those organisms. A culture is made when a sample is added to a substance, or Media that promotes the growth of fungus, bacteria, or whatever it is you are looking for. There are different types of media for different types of tests, but the most common type of plate is called an AGAR plate, which is made up of a nutrient substance gel derived from algae. Bacteria usually
  • 7. Operation Clean Desert Museum Report The museum has roughly thirteen points of interest (exhibits); starting with a timeline of the atomic age and ending with a gallery of today and tomorrow . The museum indicates the weapons and type of tests which were developed and conducted throughout the course of our history. Furthermore, the museum goes about explaining the innovators and inventors of nuclear weapons, as well as vast visual representation and audio of abundant information about the nuclear age and its implications to society. Aside from what is inside the main area of the museum we have an area which has nuclear testing archives, this can symbolize and represent another notion which the museum tries to impose on a viewer. When you walk in the first hall of the exhibit they have a sign which indicates this: Why nuclear weapons: A fundamental government... Show more content on ... This part of the museum does not deny the fact that nuclear testing has negative consequences for the areas in which nuclear testing and disposal are practiced. We have a contradiction here, the illustration and language usage in the museum allows a public to ingest material which advocates the necessity for nuclear testing and development of weapons, in order to allow for the protection of America, and to be the leaders in nuclear innovation. However, there is also an understanding that negative factor do exist because of the usage of nuclear testing and disposal. The interesting thing to note is that the nuclear testing archive center is not directly a part of the exhibit, it is placed on the corner of the facility, and if one is to simply take part in the exhibit they will not see the nuclear testing archive
  • 8. Evil, The, And The Threat Of Evil A reason that ascriptions of perverse can be particularly injurious or dangerous is that it isn t always visible what companions mean when they use the term evil. As Eve Garrard clown it the general privacy encompassment the term constrain some thinkers very backward to appeal to the consideration of evil(Garrard 2002, 322). For instance, some people believe that to say that someone complete an bad deed involved that that person execute out of malice (see e.g., Kekes 2005), while others believe that evildoing can event from many different sorts of spur, even admirable motivation (see e.g., Card 2002). Given this ambiguity, it might be unclear whether an assignment of wicked attributes despicable psychological attributes to an... Show more content on ... In contrast to the vast concept of evil, the narrow concept of evil picks out only the most morally despicable sorts of actions, characters, events, etc. As Marcus Singer puts it evil ... is the defeat possible term of opprobrium believable (Singer 2004, 185). Since the near{5} concept of evil entangle moral condemnation, it is suitably ascribed only to moral agents and their actions. For instance, if only human beings are virtuous agents, then only human beings can perform evil actions. Evil in this narrower sense is more often meant when the term perverse is used in contemporaneous moral, political, and constitutional contexts. This entrance will focus on wicked in this narrower sensation. The entry will not discuss wicked in the ample sense or the problem of mischieveous to any significant degree In the second half of the twentieth hundred, atheologians (that is, persons who aim to prove the no entity of God) commonly claimed that the problem of evil was a proposition of logical inconsistency. J. L. Mackie (1955, p. 200), for example, assert, To finish whether evil is qualitatively distinct from unqualified wrongdoing we must first understand what it is for two concepts to be qualitatively obvious. According to some theorists two concepts are qualitatively unconnected if, and only if, all instantiations of the first concept share a
  • 9. Ethical Dilemmas In Nursing According to Perry and Potter (2014) Ethical Dilemma is a conflict between two sets of human values, both of which are judged to be good but neither of which can be fully served. Nurses regardless of what healthcare setting they work and of where they function in wide ranging roles, face ethical dilemmas on their daily practices. Ethical behavior depends on several factors because what a person consider as moral may vary from another individual s approach to the situation. Resolving an ethical dilemma requires deliberate, critical, and systematic thinking because ethical decisions that are made could have an impact to nurses, patients and families as well. (Potter, 2014) Therefore, an orderly process is used by healthcare ... Show more content on ... However, his wife is opposed to Jim s wish of not be resuscitated She begins to yell at the nurse and implored to provide a CPR to his husband. The nurse politely decline the wife s request as it is strictly forbidden to provide a CPR in the event of a cardiac arrest and that there is nothing she can do about it. Surprisingly, the wife initiated a CPR to his husband who has an advance directive with a DNR order, this arises an ethical dilemma. Gather all information relevant to the case As mentioned above, an advance directive is a legal document in which allows the patient to make decision for himself such as stating the amount and type of medical treatments the patient wishes to receive, and will be carried out in the event where the patient will be incapable to decide for himself or unable to communicate or if death is imminent. (Potter, 2014) This is created ahead of time to prevent confusion later on. Healthcare providers need to maintain the patient s right for autonomy, and supporting patient s decision regardless of what they may be. Furthermore, an advance directive form is used to tell or request to the attending physician that a patient doesn t want to be resuscitated. (Am Fam Physician, 2010) The DNR order is then placed in the patient s medical record so that regardless
  • 10. Thirteen Colonies and New England CHAPTER 3 Settling the Northern Colonies, 1619 1700 Focus Questions 1.What religious turmoil in the Old World resulted in the little colony of Plymouth in the New World? 2.Why was the initial and subsequent colonization of the Massachusetts Bay Colony more successful than Plymouth? 3.How did the colony of Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay Colony contribute to the origins of American independence and government? What were the contributions to American independence and government from the New England Confederation, the Dominion of New England, and the Glorious Revolution? 4.What role did religious intolerance play in the founding of New England colonies other than Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay and in the founding of some... Show more content on ... With their economic variety, ethnic diversity, and political factionalism, the middle colonies were the most typically American of England s thirteen Atlantic seaboard colonies. character sketches DIRECTIONS: For each of the below individuals write a one paragraph description of the individual s historical significance. John Winthrop (1588 1649) Anne Hutchinson (1591 1643) William Penn (1644 1718) questions for class discussion (You do not have to write these out) 1.Did the Puritans really come to America seeking religious freedom? How did they reconcile their own religious dissent from the Church of England with their persecution of dissenters like Hutchinson and Williams? Does their outlook make them hypocrites? 2.How were government and religion or church and state related in New England and the middle colonies? How does the colonial view of these matters compare with more recent understandings? 3.Was an American Revolution, separating the colonies from England, inevitable after the Glorious Revolution had encouraged colonists to end the Dominion of New England, England s serious attempt at enforcing royal authority? Did England s salutary neglect contribute to future problems in its empire? How might have England been able to successfully enforce its rule on the colonies without causing rebellion? 4.
  • 11. Emotional Intelligence By Daniel Goleman The members of this group collaborated through email after the reading groups were assigned through email. A Google Doc was then created to publish brief ideas about the book once read. The members then through email again divided up the sections of this book review to complete the rough draft of the assignment. Once completed, members were able to comment and edit each section. The group finalized the project through email. Synopsis Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence, discusses the idea of intelligence being more than a matter of cognitive ability. In part one and two of the book, Goleman discusses how the brain processes emotions. In these chapters the author describes the cortex and the limbic system. Rationality is job of the cortex while the limbic system processes your emotions. He suggests that the emotional intelligence can be a learned skill. In the next chapter Daniel Goleman uses studies to show that many high IQ scoring students have underperformed in their lives while many average people have become huge successes. Goleman stated that if the IQ scoring has little to do with success and that your 80% success is based on your emotional intelligence. He describes self awareness or self observation. He says that you should know yourself and your strengths instead of your IQ test and its results. He suggested that some people are more attuned to the emotional mind s symbols instead of traditional knowledge tested by IQ tests. However, Goleman
  • 12. The Greed of Music Industry Executives and Declining... The Greed of Music Industry Executives and Declining Record Sales The music recording industry is in trouble. For several years now, sales of new and popular music have steadily declined and show no sign of changing. The record companies are quick to blame the growing popularity of the Internet; music is being traded in a digital form online, often anonymously, with the use of file sharing programs such as Morpheus, KaZaA, and Imesh, to name a few. The RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) succeeded in disbanding the pioneer Internet file sharing program, Napster, but is facing confrontation with similar programs that are escaping American copyright laws. While there is an obvious connection between declining popular music ... Show more content on ... Even sales figures for singles are down. Sales are off by 63.9%...6.7 million units were sold in the first six months of 2002 vs. 18.6 million unites in the same period in 2001 (Garrity). Not only are the companies themselves facing hard times, but the retail stores that sell music are also suffering their own losses. Musicland Stores, the largest music retailer in the U.S. continues to report losses and declining sales...For the third quarter, the Minnetonka, Minn. based company reports a new loss of $16.1 million, compared with a loss last year of $144.6 million (Jeffrey). The company was even forced to close some of its stores. At quarter s end, Musicland operated 1476 stores...During the quarter, the company closed the following: Nine Sam Goody/Musiclands, two Media plays, one On Cud, and on U.K. store (Jeffrey). This problem hits home in Vermillion, South Dakota, where the local On Cue store, the only place to buy entertainment products like CDs and audiocassettes, was forced to close because of insufficient revenues. Inhabitants of Vermillion are now forced to travel anywhere from 30 to 60 miles away to purchase music offline. While this town obviously reflects a very small percentage of consumers, the lack of immediately available music products certainly will not help the declining record sales. The stocks of music
  • 13. Executive Branch Dbq In 1789, the first official government of the United States of America was established. The power was divided into three branches, the executive, legislative, and judicial branches in order to maintain democracy. This system has remained relatively unchanged and is in use today. However, within each of these branches many changes have transpired to accommodate the expanding and fluctuating American society, such as the introduction of Cabinet Departments in the Executive Branch, the establishment of new laws and Amendments by the Legislative Branch, and rulings on issues by the Judicial Branch. The Executive Branch, which consists of the President, Vice President, and the Cabinet has undergone a major expansion since 1789. The original Cabinet consisted of the Departments of State, War, Treasury, and the position of Attorney General, but has evolved into fifteen positions to meet the needs of the nation (Doc. A). With most new departments, one can pinpoint what sparked it s development, such as the Department of the Navy being created during the XYZ Affair, a naval conflict between the U.S. and France. Similarly, the role of the... Show more content on ... In the early years of our nation, the fear of overbearing government was reflected in the sparse number of executive orders. The amount of executive orders slowly climbed until the Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt, who almost quadrupled the number of executive orders that McKinley had ordered. During a period which included the Progressive era, World War I, and the Great Depression, Presidents issued numerous executive orders, reaching a high when Franklin Roosevelt issued an average of three hundred and seven per year. Consequently, this led to a slow decrease in average executive orders per
  • 14. The Government Intervention Of International Business Essay When governments amongst nations conduct in international business, it exposes them to increased risks and costs through unfair trade and bribery in order to obtain a competitive advantage or power. Mercantilism explains why the government intervention of international business increases the chances of these risks. Mercantilismis the theory that explains, the government will maintain their economy and trade to promote their own domestic industry at the cost of the other country leading to unfair trade (Pettinger,2016). As all governments will not play by the same rules, there is an increase in risks such as unfair tariff policies or bribery in order to gain a competitive advantage. In fact, many governments across nations will use these unfair actions to gain an increase in power. Hill (2015) states that nations like China are striving for a more neo mercantilist policy (a more modern theory of mercantilism where economic power is the equivalent to a trade surplus) to gain a trade surplus. During most of the 2000s, their exports have been increasing whereas their imports have not grown because they have been limited by an import substitution policy. While China is able to benefit from the trade surplus, it is at the cost of another nation where the money that will be paid for those imports will decrease. Therefore, government intervention in international business increases risk like unfair trading to gain a competitive advantage. The government also increases the cost of
  • 15. Ratifying The Constitution In this lesson, we are continue learning about the new Constitution. In the summer of 1787, the 13 states discuss the problem under the Articles of Confederation. They decide it will be easy to write a new document then fix it. James Madison was in charge of the assembling the various parts of the new constitution. He didn t write it, he just edited it. He took 55 delegate ideas, and turned it into a cohesive document. Madison is known as the father of the Constitution . The convention lasted 3 months, and the nation were furious about the new constitution. Madison had to make a taught choices on what to put in the constitution. At the end, the document was filled with short, vague, and subject to interpretation (page 40). In September 1787, Madison finished and sent... Show more content on ... Madison add the bill of rights in the Constitution but in the form of amendments. However, everyone didn t agree, 9 of the 13 states ratified it. The ratification battle was so intense, they wrote the Federalist Paper. The Federalist Paper was wrote by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay. They was known as the founding father . I didn t know the Federalist Paper is considered a masterpieces in the field of political science. In 1789, 9 states had ratified the Constitution, this went in effect to replace the Articles of Confederation. The government form a system called checks and balances. The checks and balances were break down in 3 branch. The Legislative branch have two house, the senate would have equal representation (2 vote), and the House of Representation would have representation within the population. The executive branch is made up by the president, vice president, and the advisors from the president. The executive branch enforce the laws passed by congress. The executive branch have the power to veto laws by congress. However, congress have the power declare
  • 16. Gender Stereotypes In The Film Sorry For colored girls who have considered suicide / when the rainbow is enuf express feelings from seven different women and the pain that they go through. These women with each other formed a bond through their different suffering taking them from strangers to associate.Women experience a lot of animosity throughout their lives. From being lied to, raped, beaten, let down just hurt just because. This movie gave a vigorous slight of family life and they were many families illustrates in this movie. They have two poems that I really enjoy reading the first is Sorry .This is a poem that women can compare their self to and see that they are disgusted with excuses and lies. The women deals with very different ways which men let them down and then apologize in tons of empty disappointing ways .In this poem the women come together to speak out for the men making excuses for bad behavior and they are just tired of it. They are sick of apologies and don t want them anymore. The other one that stand out to me was Somebody almost walked off wid alla my stuff .This stood out because the women enjoys her flaws and calls her old one as in ex to give her back pieces of her that was taken away. She takes in ownership of her body and of her... Show more content on ... It gives out a strong message saying how women in general are tired of men coming in and out their life with excuses. Saying how if they have an excuse everything is going to be good and it s ok for them to do that over and over again .The men walks away while the women are left to bear the scars. Between these two poems the women says that they are no longer willing to sacrifice stuff for men who don t deserve it at all. Both of the poems have found power by overcoming their own struggle in their relationships. Their self respect doesn t depend on men sorry s anymore they want to face the unforgotten truth than hurt under flimsy
  • 17. An Inspector Calls By J. B. Priestley The play An Inspector Calls by J. B. Priestley tells the story of a wealthy family in 1912 who are holding a celebration when the harsh figure of a police inspector arrives to investigate the suicide of a young woman who used to work at Mr Birling s factory. In the first fifteen pages of the play, Priestley is able to make the Birling family appear extremely confident, whilst also creating subtle tensions, of which the significance later becomes clear. Confidence: In the opening pages of the play, Birling s speeches contain a lot of dramatic irony. For example, he confidently states what he thinks are proven facts which turn out to be false. For example, Birling s response to rumours about a war is to that I say fiddlesticks! and that there isn t a change of war . This is extremely ironic since several years after the play is set, World War I breaks out and after that, before the play is written, World War II follows. Birling later mentions a friend of his who was due to go on the Titanic, and he calls it unsinkable . The Titanic was the height of aristocracy at the time, and was one of the biggest events of the time showing such huge class divide. The dramatic irony is that the Titanic, in fact, sunk, despite its reputation as being unsinkable , and Birling s complacency and confidence causes him to not consider the possibility of this happening. It also makes him appear rather idiotic to the audience. Finally, he describes how Russia will always be behindhand
  • 18. Authorship Essay Authorship: Acknowledging your contribution Based on my observation of colleagues who were involved in collaborative research or article writing, I found that many of them did not talk of authorship order prior or during the execution of a project. As a result, there was often somebody in the team who felt that they were being excluded or being in the wrong order once the article is published. Due to the fact that decisions regarding promotion, tenure, and salary are heavily influenced by the number of publications in peer reviewed and by the number of first authored publications (Costa Gatz, 1992) and there can be only one first author, the decisions of authorship order can become a complicated issue. In the case of authorship... Show more content on ... One of the strategies was to publish selected undergraduate students thesis by including the advisers as co author. The university did not specifically decide the order of authorship and left the matter for the adviser and the student to decide based on the amount of contribution that each party had made. Here lied the problem : everybody ( the adviser and the student) had different perceptions on the amount of work they feel they have contributed. By referring to the result of our group discussion this week, I think the uncomfortable post publication situation regarding authorship order could be prevented by implementing the following steps. First, use common sense in distributing task and responsibilities for each member of the team and be clear about it. In case number one, for the unhappy associate faculty, everything was clear until the publication, in which he was not previously informed. Also, intellectual contribution should be placed as the highest. Research is a data gathering activity that highly relies on intellectual capacity. APA (2009) clearly defines the kind of contribution that a collaborative research project should perform: Substantial professional contributions may include formulating the problem or hypothesis, structuring the experimental design, organizing and conducting the statistical analysis, interpreting the results, or writing a major portion
  • 19. What Can Be Learned from the Small Business Life Cycle... What can be learned from The Small Business Life Cycle Model 2005 Table of Contents ol li value= 1 Abstract li value= 2 Introduction li value= 3 Body li value= 3 1 Pioneer phase /ol 3.1.1 Characteristics 3.1.2 Crisis 3.2 Functional phase 3.2.1 Characteristics ol li value= 3 2.2 Key challenges li value= 3 2.3 Crisis li value= 3 3 Integrated phase li value= 3 3.1 Characteristics li value= 3 3.2 Limitations li value= 3 4 Associated phase li value= 3 4.1 Characteristics li value= 5 Conclusion li value= 4 References li value= 5 Appendix li value= 5 1 Figure 1 /ol Abstract Each company has to start from the small business unit with a group ... Show more content on ... Using small business lifecycle model allows the best innovators to achieve twice the sales from the new product and turn creatively into a system for impact by running business not in the traditional way. Conclusion
  • 20. Small business is based on the innovation. It proposes new solutions, new products and new services. Life cycle planning is very essential for development and growth of the small business. Planning of the life span of the business can set a basis for the next stage of development and gradual growth into medium and large size organization. Each stage of the four discussed has its own characteristics and crisis which need to be dealt with. There is much to learn from the small business life cycle model: how to remain a group of people who share common mission and goals and not to grow into a company where people are treated as a set of competences. What can be learned from The Small Business Life Cycle Model Small businesses thrive on innovation and are known as innovation engines of the economy. However, the success rate of the new product development in the small business is typically less than 10 percent. The success of the launched product is often less than 50 percent. Some of the recent research shows that the success greatly depends on the planning of the lifecycle and
  • 21. Competitive Strategy Of Samsung Samsung electronics has come a long way from being the world s leader in semiconductors to becoming a top competitor in the mobile handheld industry. Samsung s dynamic capability frameworks and resources allowed the company to gain competitive advantage and achieve growth in many different markets. Some of these capabilities and resources that led Samsung s success include; the ability to recognize opportunity through a visionary management team, intense acquisition of technology and learning, product and process innovation, a fluid manufacturing and assembly system and the ability to develop partnerships and joint ventures. In the midst of the global financial crisis, the Korean currency s value, won, had fallen tremendously. Samsung s management team saw this as an opportunity to start outsourcing from China, where they manufactured LCDs and Mobiles for a fraction of the price. By 2011, Samsung had the largest Mobile share in China. They decided that by moving out they would understand the surrounding markets (Zahou, 2015). Chairman Lee commissioned a task force team to make in depth market research to find out the needs of the market and to study the foreign trends. Feeling limited with the trends of the Asian... Show more content on ... One would be through a cost leadership where the key elements include tight control of overheads and R D, process innovation, scale efficient plants, outsourcing and an efficient design for manufacture. In the other hand, differentiation sets an emphasis on branding advertising, product design and quality, service and new product design. As a very successful company in which has been around since the late 1930 s, Samsung has repositioned and used both tactics, cost leadership and differentiation still present today. The combination of both strategies, has led them to adjust to the changing market environments and ease the entry to new
  • 22. The Gap Reduction Theory Of The University Of California Going to college is a scary thing whether a student is fresh out of high school, a non traditional student going back after many years, or anything in between. It can be very daunting to keep up with the level of understanding required for college courses. Many subjects, especially math and writing, are found to be a challenge for a lot of students. Therefore, the University has provided free tutoring services to help increase the quality of learning and experience and to help students reach their maximum learning potential. Unfortunately, several students do not take advantage of this free service. One reason some might not use the service, is that it may be difficult for them to admit that they need help. For others, it is the uncertainty of the unknown that deters them. The anxiety or uncomfortableness that often accompanies new situations leaves numerous students trying to trudge through on their own. Charles Berger, an American professor emeritus of communicationat the University of California, Davis, formulated the communication theory called the Uncertainty Reduction Theory. In A First Look at Communication Theory, Griffin (2012), explains Berger s theory as the following: Uncertainty reduction theory focuses on how human communication is used to gain knowledge and create understanding...When strangers meet, their primary concern is one of uncertainty reduction or increasing predictability about the behavior of both themselves and others in the interaction (p.125).
  • 23. The Internet And The World Wide Web The Internet is a unique place where all different nationalities, social groups and age groups with different values and characteristics, meet and interact. All spheres of media are being represented on the world wide web. Some of the relations are being mirrored from those present in real life, but the internetwas never the same. As with real life, not everyone on the internet is equal and there are numerous differences between the users of this medium of mass communication. Even though the inequalities are still present on the internet, they are subtler than those existing within the offline world. Almost everyone has access, but how we benefit from it depends on our status, intelligence and willingness to explore. Audience members are becoming important and active producers, being given the tools, which bring them closer to professionals. Every internet user has equal access to an online education, but an intellectually privileged group will make a more productive use of it. This can be named as equalityof opportunity. The argument cannot be defined into one side. Average people can keep in touch and interact with celebrities, which would never happen outside the internet. They obey the same rules and laws imposed by the services they use, yet are not equal, as famous people are more powerful, being in charge of a huge fan base. Another important issue is a marginalization of societies excluded from the internet outreach. The inequalities and equalities should also be
  • 24. Monolingual Dictionary Essay Monolingual Learner s Dictionaries The dictionary is an important thing for learner s language because it can help learner s to understand the meaning about words. According to Jackson states that a dictionary is a reference book about words (2002). One type of dictionary is a monolingual dictionary. Monolingual dictionary is a type of dictionary in which the words of the languageare explained by the same language (Hartman James, 1998). According to Hartmann and James (1998), learner s dictionary is a dictionary that is aimed to non native language learners . A monolingual learner s dictionary is one of the type of learner s dictionary. Hartmann and James also state that monolingual learner s dictionary is a sub type of monolingual dictionary for foreign language user (1998). The basis of monolingual learner s dictionary is because of three teachers of English as a foreign language, who are H.E Palmer, A.S Hornby and Michael West. Palmer and Hornby worked in Japan, while West worked in India. Those three teachers are not only trying to improve the standard of language teaching in their respective area such as Japan and India, but they also involved in a research project that can give the influence on the... Show more content on ... Harold Palmer, Michael West and A.S Hornby were teaching English as a second language, also they did research in linguistic areas which can support and enrich their work as compilers of learner s dictionary. In West s New Method English Dictionary in 1953, he can be remembered as pioneering for use a definition of vocabulary. Palmer shared with West s interest in vocabulary control, but he was amazing in identified and explored the importance for the grammatical topic for learner, in which include sentence patterns. We can see his work in the features of his Grammar of English Word in 1938 (Cowie A.P., 2009, p.
  • 25. Comparing Orwell s 1984 and Machiavelli s The Prince ... When examining the totalitarian government of 1984 by George Orwell, a direct connection can be drawn to the motives and ideals associated with NiccolГі Machiavelli s The Prince. Machiavelli s support of the political necessity as a means to remain in power resonate with the government whose aim is to extinguish once and for all the possibility of independent thought as a way to ensure complete political orthodoxy within the country (193). Specifically, Machiavellian thought plays an important part in 1984 as its ideas on reputation, revolution, avoiding hatred, and the use of fear to control a populace are used by INGSOC in order to maintain complete control throughout the story. In the following paragraphs, the connections between these... Show more content on ... One of these policies is described when Orwell states It is deliberate policy to keep even the favored groups somewhere near the brink of hardship, because a general state of scarcity increase the importance of small privileges (191). This idea of maintaining constant hardship in order to increase the importance of small actions is an important tool used by the government in the book. It allows them to garner public support incredibly easily by means of very small or near inconsequential actions, thus reducing the chance of revolution. Revolution against the government is further prevented by the society present in the story. This is due to the fact that although some citizens decidedly are against the Party, the restrictive atmosphere prevents them from networking with other like minded individuals. This idea is characterized well by Winston when he explains that, they talked of engaging in active rebellion against the Party, but with no notion of how to take the first step . Thus, the difficulty in creating a popular revolutionary movement is exponentially more difficult. A final obstacle facing revolutionaries in 1984 is that they do not know whether or not their ideas represent the majority in the society. Its an incredibly important point because as Machiavelli points out, whoever conspires always believes that he will satisfy the people with the death of the prince, but if he believes he
  • 26. Storytelling in quot;Happy Endings quot; by M. Atwood Essay M. Bakhtin once said, We are to our own lives what the authors are to the books they write (Bakhtin in Gallagher, 40). It s really hard to disagree with this assertion. The best evidence of this statement can be found in the story Happy Endings written by Margaret Atwood. The author develops, in a very interesting and attractive way, the idea of living a life and writes a plotof the story. To find a good understanding of those concepts, it is impossible to skip the process of asking correct questions and, of course, getting answers. Margaret Atwood like no one else does it so skillfully through asking a reader just two simple questions: what and how and why. It is really hard to disagree with the essential inevitability of those... Show more content on ... There is a rising action ( If you think it is too bourgeois... etc. (71)), the discriminated occasion ( The only authentic ending is the one provided here... etc. (71)), and the falling action ( That s about all than can be said for plots... Now try How and Why (71). The story shows us that life can never be the way we want it to be. The author uses not really kind and simple way to reveal it through John and Mary s story because even life at times gets very rigid and hard. At the same time a complicated plot can confuse the reader at the first sight. There is no strong and endless plot line, as it was already mentioned. The author shows just A story, then B story and so on. Another thing that confuses greatly is that the author finishes all the parts of the story, which are supposed to have a happy ending, referring to paragraph A. In paragraph B it sounds like . ..and everything continues as in A (70). Then, in paragraph C it is . ..and everything continues as in A, but under different names (70), in paragraph D one is . ..and continue as in A (70). It creates an effect of having a couple of different stories which are ending with an A story, of course. Why is Margaret Atwood doing it? Does she still have a story? M. Atwood confuses a reader purposely. Sometimes it seems like the author writes two or three, or even more stories in one, but there are two stories presented in her work A story and the B C D E part is a second story: one
  • 27. Colombia Social Structure The country of Colombia, officially referred to as the Republic of Colombia, is situated in the northwest quadrant on the continent of South America, boarding the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. The area now known as the Republic of Colombia was settled as a Spanish colony in 1525. The Spaniard s established Bogota as their capital city and it remains the capital today. Colombiarebelled and proclaimed their independence from Spain in 1819. Colombia is the fourth largest country in South America in terms of land mass. It is the third most populous country in Latin America with a population of almost 44,000,000 people. According to World Population Review, the population is projected to experience and sustain growth rate of 1.29 per ... Show more content on ... The top segment of the population, according to Ruano, 2005, is only twenty percent of the total population but is responsible for almost 80% of the gross national product (GNP). Contained within the upper class are varying levels of wealth, power and education. The original elite group within the upper class is referred to as the oligarchy which means a small group of people who have the majority of control. The oligarchy consumes and seizes the top political positions, financial control and the best educational opportunities. The upper class has also been known to inherit leadership positions within the military structure based solely on their social status. Entry into this group is not by aptitude it is primarily achieved by heritage and family name. In the past few years, the traditional elite of the upper class has experienced a decline in numbers due to a loss of inherited money, splits among estates and economic troubles. As the lineage elite dwindle they are being replaced by a new upper class of entrepreneurs and business people who have become very successful. The new members are not held in the same esteem in Colombian culture as they lack the family name stature of the older elite
  • 28. Harriet Tubman Essay Outline Edge, 2 Harriet Tubman The Underground Railroad was a secret system of individuals who assisted fugitive slaves in their quest for freedom prior to the Civil War. The term, used between 1830 1860, refers to the swift, invisible way in which the slaves escaped. Usually they hid during the day and moved at night. Coffin says: fugitive slaves relied heavily on fellow slaves and free blacks, who rarely betray them. (Coffin, 2006). The most famous black leader in the movement was Harriet Tubman, a nonliterate runaway slave who became the Moses of her people. Bay Back Books stated: Harriet Tubman had been a liberator, a woman who stood up to slave power, and a warrior whose actions spoke louder than words . Clinton says that her ... Show more content on ... She had a closely knit band, included several men and women and they became an official scouting service for the Department of the South. Their confidence led to the Combahee River in June of 1862, a military operation that marked a turning point in Tubman s career. Ceinton said All of her attacks upon the Confederacy Had been purposefully clandestine. She didn t remain anonymous with her prominent role in that military operation The raid up the Combahee River was a twisting waterway approximately 10 miles north of Beaufort where Tubman and her comrades were stationed. They were commenced when the Federal gunboats Harriet A. Weed and John Adams made their way into the river shortly before midnight of June 2nd, 1863. Tubman accompanied 150 African American troops from the second South Carolina Infantry and their white officers aboard John Adams, the black soldiers were particularly relieved that their lives had been entrusted, not only to Colonel Montgomery, but also to the famed Moses . Meanwhile, a company of the second South Carolina Capitan Carver landed and deployed at Tar Bluff, 2 miles north of Fields Point. Civil War Times said he 2 ships steamed upriver to the Nichols Plantation, where Harriet A. Weed anchored. She also guided the boats and men to designated shoreline points where fugitive slaves were hiding out. Once all clear was
  • 29. Bee Population Essay As a board member of Project Apis m., and the president of the California State Beekeepers Association, you are probably well aware that honey bee populations are in rapid decline all over the world. They play quite a significant role in the production of the various crops humans consume on a day to day basis. I am writing to you because I believe we have similar goals. I am particularly concerned with the severity of the diminishing beepopulation and the negative outcome this will have on our food. However, there is a vast number of people in the United States alone who are uninformed about the honey bee problem. Therefore, they are unaware of the fact that this could have a direct effect on their lives because the food that they love and the food that is necessary for them to survive could vanish quite soon. I ... Show more content on ... Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) was the prevailing insecticide used throughout the United States, up until its ban approximately forty years ago because it s the long term negative effects on human health. Farms have switched over to other insecticides, but did not take the health of honey bees into account. Now, neonicotinoids, is the new chemical that farmers utilize on their crops. This chemical is similar to nicotine, but causes a great deal of damage to bees. When the bees take a bite of a crop, or come into contact with a crop that has high levels of neonicotinoids, their immune system is compromised and often leads to death. This insecticide is used in 95 percent of canola and corn crops in the United States, as well as many of the common fruits and vegetables. Also, it is important to note that even if the bees do not die from the insecticides, they can still return to their hive and transmit the lethal chemicals to the
  • 30. Hypothesized Attachment Theory those around him; his relationship with God would be a negative one, promoting a negative image of God. The emotional compensation hypothesis. According to this hypothesized attachment theory, individuals who have had extensive experiences with caregivers who are detached, careless, unresponsive, or inconsistent causing insecure attachment, look to God as a substitute attachment figure (Davis at. el, 2012, p.55). God becomes a fulfilment of the individual s emotional needs and sense of security. For Instance, if Lisa were to grow up in an emotionally difficult environment. Where her parents were detached and neglectful. She would fill the void of the lack of parental guidance with a sense of overzealous religiosity. God would become her parental
  • 31. New South Wale Analysis Essay Project cost payment to expand their movement in New South wale and investment and re brand an extant cafГ© in Taralgon. Business unit Cost payment Cafes New South wale Risk in relation to functions HR management, economic operations, OHS, supply chain, local governance and compliance issues. 1.Goals To properly manage the risks confusing with the operation of the Taralgon store. In some condition in some places the new manager give important to the observation and they also click to the store s operations. On the other hand it will be something is an easy transition to the cost payment systems. At the last but not least it is restore the new manager to give ongoing back for risk management. Pest analysis is ... Show more content on ... Human resources management risk It is a function in organization designed to maximise employee performance in service however they don t written policy and procedures as manual and limited staff training. There is authorisation system is also not defined clearly so it could be lead as a fraud And the last that lacks of sales promotion techniques are impacts of the stores therefore there are financial activity. Financial operations risk In this risk there are no any separation duties by the facts that actual losses. There is also problem in the banking finance so it is not done every day and was kept on the premises overnight protected could lead to thief. It can also include other classes of risk such as fraud, security, privacy protection etc. OHS risk It is most important risk factor in every body s workplace, occupational health and safety regulation requires that all foreseeable hazards are identified and the risk arising from these are hazards are controlled. The hazards are also include object in the workplace, such as machinery chemicals. Sometimes in the workplace the customers or employer are injured so they compliance breach and customer charge and reputation is
  • 32. Consumer Electronic Products, Telecom Industry And... I.Consumer electronic products, telecom industry and globalization The focus of this paper is to review the sourcing strategy of Apple, a technology company providing consumer electronic product, and examine if it is a good fit for telecom industry to adopt the same strategy. Consumer electronic by definition is any device that contains an electronic circuit board and is intended for everyday use by an individual to enhance the quality of life. These devices can be found in communication, office and entertainment products. Some examples of consumer products are television, personal computer, cell phone, refrigerator, washer and dryer. Traditionally, consumer electronic refers mainly to products that installed or used specifically at ... Show more content on ... The advancement of technology has made distinguishing some consumer electronic products from telecom equipment difficult. For example, cell phone and laptop are both categorized as consumer electronic product by the definition of consumer electronic product. However, since cell phone is a tool for communication, it also can be categorized as telecom product as per the definition of telecom equipment. Similarly, laptop can be used to communicate via VoIP as well as exchange information over a distance. By definition, laptop also fits well as a telecom product. Conversely, telecom equipment such as modem and router can also qualify as consumer electronic products as they are both everyday use devices to many individuals to enhance quality of life. For the purpose of this paper, we will categorize cell phone and laptop as consumer electronic devices and keep router and modem in the telecom equipment section. As the internet and hand held device technologies continue to advance, the area of interconnect between the telecom and consumer electronics industries have together reshape the consumer behavior. People no longer have to rely solely on telephone or telefax to communication or exchange information in distance. The texting feature on the cell phone, for example,
  • 33. RenГ© Magritte The Treachery I chose to do my paper on a painting by RenГ© Magritte, The Treachery of Images. I found this painting when visiting LACMA and was both amused and challenged by this mundane piece of art. It was so simple in its depiction of a beautiful wood pipe yet the words denied the painting completely. It was almost funny in how controversial the paintingwas when simply pointing out the bleeding obvious to its viewers, it s a painting. In this paper I will be discussing who RenГ© Magritte was as a painter, what influences he may have had, and what the meaning behind his artwork was. That is to say there was a meaning to his artwork at all. RenГ© Magritte was a painter in the surrealist movement that originated in the early 1900 s. The surrealist art movement ... Show more content on ... He painted this when he was staying in Belgium in 1929 on a 23 3/4 x 31 15/16 x 1 in. canvas. He used oil based paint to create an incredible composition of a wooden pipe. The use of lighting and shading in this painting gives the wooden pipe a drastically realistic ambiance. It is almost as if you could take the pipe off the canvas and take a puff or two. What makes this piece so interesting is what makes it a surrealist piece; since, it is not an abnormality in reality but rather a set of words. These words deny the pipe entirely in saying that this is not a pipe . Words that force the audience into asking why the bloody hell not . Now the answer is quite simple but very powerful. It is not a wooden pipe; rather, it is just a painting of a wooden pipe. When you step away from trying to explore a deeper meaning of the art or the world itself you can make an incredibly basic assumption that all things have no meaning until we ourselves give them meaning. This one piece is quite possibly putting everything in our reality into question and challenging you, the audience, to find an
  • 34. Domestic Terrorism Vs International Terrorism Analysis Terrorism is a violent act that is planned and committed to cause terror in the people while trying to achieve political goals. In the Prologue Magazine article of John Brown the author states, Terrorists may hope for political change, but what they often want is to simply strike back at and harm those they oppose (Finkelman, 2011). Terrorismis something that can happen in any country because there are people who disagree with another s beliefs or political views. Terrorists usually target civilians or non military folk because they aren t able to defend themselves against an attack. They are also not concerned with how much damage they cause; they will use anything from a bomb to guns. International and Domestic terrorism are two different
  • 35. Strength And Endurance Of The Pronator Teres Muscle And... Strength and Endurance in the Pronator Teres Muscle and Biceps Brachii Muscle Increase in Subjects after One Week of Arm Workouts Emily Rice Partners: Ashely Brocado, Henry Balamaze and Omozee Agbe Rankhe Introduction The bicep muscle is located on the front part of the upper arm and is attached to the arm bones by tendons. When biceps contract, the form arm is pulled up and will rotate outward1. The pronator teres muscle is located on the palmer side of the forearm, below the elbow, and its function is to rotate the forearm palmdown2. The bicep brachii and pronator teres muscles are examples of skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscle contains multiple nuclei, myofiber and has fast muscle contraction. Skeletal muscle contains no gap junctions and hormones cannot excite muscle contractions, unlike smooth and cardiac muscle. Skeletal muscle contains thick filaments, thin filaments, myosin, actin, and sarcomeres. The site of calcium action, in skeletal muscle, is troponin According to the Oxford Dictionary3, endurance is defined as the fact or power of enduring an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way and strength is defined as the quality or state of being strong . As it relates to physiology, muscle endurance is the capability of a muscle to endure multiple contractions against a resistance for a prolonged amount of time5, while muscle strength is the amount of force a muscle can produce with a single maximal effort4. When muscles contract they go
  • 36. South Korea War Event Analysis Event 1 What is the event?Korea War What year(s) did the event happen? 1950 1953 The Korea War occurred from 1950 to 1953. It was the war between North Korea and South Korea. At that time, Soviet Union supported the communist North Korea, United States supported the democratic South Korea. In June 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea. Canadian government send 22000 soldiers to fight. 300 Canadian soldiers were killed. There are 3 countries supported North Korea and 17 countries supported South Korea. In July 1953, the Korea War ended. Neither North Korea nor South Korea won this war. This is a political event, because the war was allowed for government. Event 2 What is the event?Vietnam War What year(s) did the event happen? 1965 1973 The Vietnam War occurred from 1965 1973. This war was between the communist North Vietnam and democratic South Vietnam. Canadian government didn t sent any soldiers to this war, but 10000 Canadians volunteered to fight with the American forces. More than 30000 draft dodgers during this war. Canadian ... Show more content on ... Event 3 What is the event? Avro Arrow (Canadian made weapon) What year(s) did the event happen? 1953 The Avro Arrow is a supersonic interceptor jet. It use supersonic intercept and shoot down enemy bombers. In 1953, Canadian air force needed new planes, Canadian government supported the project to make the Avro Arrow. This design was said to be 20 years ahead its time. The speed of Avro Arrow can reach Mach 2, it means twice the speed of sound. However, few years later, Canadian Prime Minister John Diefenbaker cancelled the project. One reason he cancelled it is the cost of a plane was too expensive. Another reason is both U.S. and Soviet Union had begun building nuclear missiles, plane was not needed any more. This is an economic event because it will use many money to make the Avro Arrow. Event
  • 37. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Co-Marketing cases, co marketing is not enough to enter a foreign market. This is why expansion in joint ventures are more successful than co marketing agreement. A successful joint venture must increase the value of its individual partners. Additionally, if the joint venture is highly reliant on one of the partners and mostly building value in that partner, there is going to be an opportunity for the others to connect their equity in the joint venture that is the key partner of the venture. This kind of events cannot take place in co marketing so it makes joint venture beneficial for all partners that are tied to the joint venture. There are also disadvantages of joint ventures against co marketing One of the key characteristics of the joint venture is ... Show more content on ... For Heart, the digestibility of the targeted assets, itself a function of the size and organizational structure of the firm that owns them, is the crucial determinant of the choice between joint ventures and acquisitions (Hennart S. , 1997). Digestibility is also a determinant of the choice that is made when firms are not sure whether to choose joint ventures or acquisitions. while Balakrishnan and Koza are concerned with transaction costs in the market for firms, Heart s focus is on the costs of integrating the target firm s labor force (what has been called the post acquisition integration problem). (Hennart S. , 1997)The understanding of the choice between joint venture and acquisition allows us to understand how the logical decision can be made. There are 4 types of exact reasons why to choose joint ventures over acquisitions, invisibilities, management costs, difficulties in assessing the value of the target firm and governmental and institutional barriers according to Hebbart and
  • 38. Symptoms And Changes Of The Influenza Virus NoV genogroup GII, particularly strains within the GII.4 lineage, have been globally identified as the predominant cause of outbreaks and sporadic cases of gastroenteritis in the last decade (67). Since the 1990 s, GII.4 strains have undergone mutations and antigenic shift leading to the emergence of novel variants every 2 3 years, that have the ability to cause global epidemics (68). This epochal style of evolution of NoV characterised by periods of stasis followed by the emergence of new variants causing worldwide epidemics is similar to that of the influenzavirus (16, 69). Although, GII.4 variants were recognized as having pandemic potential from 1995 onwards, the first GII.4 strain was submitted to the GenBank database in 1974 (43). The US 95/96 was the first reported pandemic GII.4 strain which caused 55% outbreaks of AGE in the US during the winter of 1995 1996 (70). This variant later spread to five different continents including Australia, where it was prevalent from 1997 2000 (71, 72). In 2002, a new GII.4 variant emerged which was associated with 64% of NoV outbreaks on cruise ships and 45% land based outbreaks in the US (15). NoV illness caused by the 2002 variant was also significantly observed in Europe and Canada (39, 73). This variant was named the Farmington Hills virus which was replaced by the Hunter 2004 strain that first appeared in NSW in February 2004 (74). Subsequent outbreaks associated with the Hunter virus were reported in New Zealand, Japan,
  • 39. The Economic And Social Structures Of India Pakistan... Bibliography A The pre colonial, colonial and early nation building history of the country, and how this has shaped subsequent development trajectories, achievements and failures. Introduction Bibliography A examines of the impacts of colonial rule in India. It investigates the general notion that British rule was damaging to the Indian economy in such that it was exploitative and primarily served the economy of Great Britain. It also evaluates other consequences it had on education, social structures and institutions, Indian culture and the net effects on the state of the country at independence. Bibliography MADDISON, A. 1971. Chapter 3: Class Structure and Economic Growth. The Economic and Social Impact of Colonial Rule in India Pakistan since the Moghuls. George Allen Unwin Limited. This chapter contrasts the economic and social structures of India during the Moghuls and the British rule. It discusses the nature of British colonialism in India and focuses on the establishment of a new westernized elite, changes to and agriculture and the economic burden of foreign rule. Maddison (1971) states that the most significant change to the Indian social structure was the abolition of a class of warlords and the introduction of a competent bureaucracy and army. Certain positive impacts of colonialism translated into the abolition of slavery, legalizing the remarriage of widows and the denouncement of sati and introduction of a penal code that introduced some
  • 40. Jules Verne s 20, 000 Leagues Under The Sea Case 21 Timed Writing Essay No matter the are words or actions one adventure and trust lies with the captain. In Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Captain Nemo and Professor Aronnax are trapped in the ice one wanting to return the other wanting to proceed. In the text Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the sea,Jules Verne develops the character conversation between Captain Nemoas persuasive towards Professor Aronnax. Jules Verne in Twenty Leagues Under the Sea, develops Captain Nemo by persuading Professor Aronnaxs the conversation they have. The ship is trapped in a ice wall they have nowhere to go they can not return the way they came cause the path closed behind the submarine. The Professor want to return when they get a chance but Captain
  • 41. Case Study Questions a.Is Mercury an appropriate target for AGI? Why or why not? b.Review the projections by Liedtke. Are they appropriate? How would you recommend modifying them? c. Estimate the value of Mercury using a discounted cash flow approach and Liedtke s base case projections. c.Do you regard the value you obtained as conservative or aggressive? Why? e. How would you analyze possible synergies or other sources of value not reflected in Liedtke s base assumption? a.Is Mercury an appropriate target for AGI? Why or why not? b.Review the projections by Liedtke. Are they appropriate? How would you recommend modifying them? c. Estimate the value of Mercury using a discounted cash flow ... Show more content on ... a.Is Mercury an appropriate target for AGI? Why or why not? b.Review the projections by Liedtke. Are they appropriate? How would you recommend modifying them? c. Estimate the value of Mercury using a discounted cash flow approach and Liedtke s base case projections. c.Do you regard the value you obtained as conservative or aggressive? Why? e. How would you analyze possible synergies or other sources of value not reflected in Liedtke s base assumption? a.Is Mercury an appropriate target for AGI? Why or why not? b.Review the projections by Liedtke. Are they appropriate? How would you recommend modifying them? c. Estimate the value of Mercury using a discounted cash flow approach and Liedtke s base case projections. c.Do you regard the value you obtained as conservative or aggressive? Why? e. How would you analyze possible synergies or other sources of value not reflected in Liedtke s base assumption? a.Is Mercury an appropriate target for AGI? Why or why not?
  • 42. b.Review the projections by Liedtke. Are they appropriate? How would you recommend modifying them? c. Estimate the value of Mercury using a discounted cash flow approach and Liedtke s base case projections. c.Do you regard the value you obtained as conservative or aggressive? Why? e. How would you analyze possible synergies or other sources of value
  • 43. Mark Antony Speech Analysis We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools. This iconic quote said by Martin Luther King Jr. speaks volumes and its relevance can be traced back to 44 B.C. The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare contains one of the most influential speeches known to man, Mark Antony s funeral speech. Political and historical figure, Mark Antony, speaks at Julius Caesars funeral after his dear friend s assassination. The subject of the speech entails how praiseworthy a leader Caesar was and the level of respect and admiration he had for the plebeians and the patricians of Rome. Persuading the citizens of Rome against the conspirators is Mark Antony s purpose for this oration. Antony embraces an ironic and sarcastic tone... Show more content on ... Consequently, the citizens of Rome are starting to realize that the murder was corrupt and not justifiable. Another appeal Mark Antony utilizes is logos, or logic. To elaborate, Antony temps the citizens with the will of Caesar, Here s a parchment with the seal of Caesar./ I found it in his closet; tis his will (3.2.125 126). The use of the parchment is to entice the citizens into wanting to know more about Caesar. His will is very generous and makes him look like a gracious and giving ruler, which is the exact opposite of what the conspirators thought. The factual evidence presented in the will provides the citizens with the rage they need to revolt against the conspirators. In brief, Pathos, Ethos, and Logos help Antony gain the citizens support and convey his counterpoints to the audience of his speech. Mark Antony s funeral speech incorporates the rhetorical devices of sarcasm, irony, and repetition to turn the people of Rome. The ironic use of repetition slowly displaced the conspirators. To exemplify, Mark Antony repeatedly calls the conspirators, honorable men (3.2.79). The habit of repeating the word honorable is extremely sarcastic, and Antony is purposefully overusing the word on account that it makes the citizens question the legitimacy of the murder. As a result, the crowd wonders if the conspirators are allowed to get away with the crime solely based on
  • 44. Spanish Research Paper The Spanish language is one of many languages spoken in the world. It is spoken by around 470 million people around the world plus a few more that speak Spanish as their second language. The history in the Spanish language is considered one of the richest and longest of any other language that there is. Spanish evolved from the Romance language that was derived from Latin, which belongs to the subfamily of Indo European Italic. Spanish is also known as Castilian it was developed from Vulgar Latin which spread in Spain around the late of the 3rd century. Spanish is spoken in about 23 different countries among them there s Spain Andorra, Argentina, Belice, Bolivia, Cayman Islands, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador,... Show more content on ... There was four major linguistic domains in the Peninsula during that period. Castilian was innovative in the evolution of Latin as were people to Castile in politics as stated in there was a domain of Arabic where the Hispanic comunity that lived in that terretory kept their native language and they kept it with very minimal alterations their language was called mozГЎrabe. In this language the very first Lyrical Romance poems: jarchas, and the first compositions written in the Arabic alphabet or Hebrew were made, but transcribed they belonged to the language of Ando Andalusian. As seen in the first step in converting the language of Castilian into the oficial Language of the Castile and Leon was taken by Afonso X in the thirteen century. He commanded composes in romance not Latin this was where the big story plays were developed. The medieval Castilian language developed a series of phonemes that are no longer in existence today. In the point of view of grammatically thinking the phonemes had already disappeared from the Latin declensions and they were the prepositions that pointed to the function of a sentence. Secondly, we have the Modern Castilian language which was when the first publication of grammatical Castilian was published by Elio Antonio Nebrija in 1942 date of the discovery of America by Granada a Catholic King. This marked the date as the second most important period of conformation and consideration of the language. In this period we see the change in consonants the modified system in Spanish
  • 45. What Is The Critique Of The Movie Trumbo McCarthyism, an incident that invoked a dark age upon movie writers and writers in general, teaches about how society lived in a time of fear, anger, and skepticism towards differences, just how the starring role in the movie Trumbo (acted by yourself), which amazed me, takes the viewers through a tour of the life of a writer affected by these negative impulses from society. Trumbo kept me enthralled all the way through, and my attention just couldn t break away from it. Every element in it executed remarkably well, from the vividly enriched acting, to the heavily sharp themes, to the characters that boomed with personality, and even to the gracefully dim screenplay. There exists a sizable amount of illustrated life lessons to love and to learn about the filmnot only in the movie itself, but in its themes, its acting, and its screenplay as well. This letter to you expresses my praise for your effort put into the movie s, and thanks you for giving us such an awesome film to review in our class. To begin with, the movie s screenplay fantastically dramatized the movie itself. In fact, the film s screenplay managed to obtain a nomination for the Writers Guild of America Award in the Best Adapted Screenplay category. One reason why it kept me entertained consists in every line of dialogue incorporating a staggering amount of character into it, that it feels as if they recorded them in the exact moment the characters exclaimed them. And the fantastic dialogue itself worked
  • 46. Wireless Technology Essay Wireless Technology Paper Stephen Wenclewicz, Ronda Wilson, Matthew Tiemens, Sheleada Wells, Annabelle Franklin DeVry University Tech, Society and Culture LAS432 Professor Laurence Hornibrook Table of Contents Introduction to Wireless Technology4 Overview of Wireless Technology5 Science that Drove Wireless Development 6 Signal Types10 Wireless Network Infrastructure12 History of Wireless Technology15 Social Factors that Drove Wireless Technology19 Wireless Technology Timeline24 Political Effects on Development28 Legal Issues Related to Wireless Technology30 Legal Concerns Related to the Development of Wireless Technology31 Economics in Relation to Wireless Technology33 Psychological... Show more content on ... A way that the tribes overcame this issue was by setting up different points and each drummer would acknowledge the sender s message by a series of beats on the drum. After the message was confirmed received then the message would be sent to the next receiver. In the times of the American Indians, the tribes would use smoke signals as a form of wireless communication. The downside to this form of communication was the limited distance based on line of sight. Due to a limited alphabet and the issues, that the wind causes would increase the chances that the communication would be lost or misinterpreted. Soon followed was the introduction of the semaphore flag. The semaphore flag system is one used to convey information at a distance by using signals with flags, paddles or gloved hands. The downside to this form of wireless communication is that it is limited to line of sight as well, and that because this had to take place in the open the chances of your message being stolen is increased. Science that Drove Wireless Development (Wenclewicz) In the nineteenth century, light beams were used for short haul communications, particularly in military contexts. Very detailed messages could be transmitted by a coded sequence (Morse code) of blinking lights from sender to receiver. Again, this was effective over limited distances and provided a quiet, yet visible means of communication. Drawbacks included limited
  • 47. Caterpillar Mitsubishi Ltd 1. During the two decades following WWII, Caterpillar management focused on an aggressive growth strategy aimed at anchoring its position as a leading producer of construction machinery on a global scale. This strategy was directed by four underlying policies. (Exhibit 1) Caterpillar s goal in competing in a global market was to seek new markets and increase its revenues. High R amp;D and high capital intensity of Caterpillar s business, and homogenous customer needs favored the adoption of an aggregation strategy. Caterpillar had recognized that due to its industry focus and worldwide product standardization policies, there were significant potential savings through economies of scale and scope to be exploited by international... Show more content on ... Financial returns are discussed in question 4. 2. *Caterpillar s strategic goal after WWII was to aggressively expand and become one of the leading producers of construction machinery on a global stage. Caterpillar s strategic goal for creating CML was to gain access to the Japanese and Far East markets, which top management viewed as key in becoming a top global competitor. Access to this market would have been impossible due to government regulations and other non market factors such as outcry from local producers and protectionist groups. By partnering with MHI, Caterpillar gained a partner that allowed it to navigate the non market factors in Japan and gain access to the regional market, thus fulfilling its strategic goal of global expansion. In selecting a partner, Caterpillar was looking for a Japanese company that shared its cultural values, its conservative approach to business, and its management style. MHI, under the leadership of Mr. Makita, demonstrated such shared valued. MHI had expertise in metal work, development of large scale machinery, and had access to plant capacity. This overlap in technology and capabilities increased the absorption capacity between the two partners. Further, the similarities in organizational size, operations, and culture made MHI a good fit for Caterpillar. Since MHI had no previous experience in development of construction machinery, it would be dependent on Caterpillar s
  • 48. A Comparison of Nihilistic and Christian Archetypes in... Grendel, Beowulf and the Relationship Between Nihilistic and Christian Archetypes The Wisdom god, Woden, went out to the king of trolls...and demanded to know how order might triumph over chaos. Give me your left eye, said the king of trolls, and I ll tell you. Without hesitation, Woden gave up his left eye. Now tell me. The troll said, The secret is, Watch with both eyes! Woden s left eye was the last sure hope of gods and men in their kingdom of light surrounded by darkness. All we have left is Thor s hammer, which represents not brute force but art, or, counting both hammerheads, art and criticism... The philosophies expressed in the Beowulf epic complement the exploration of existentialism throughout the modern work, ... Show more content on ... Beowulf (G), the hero, is able to identify Grendel (G) s pattern and destroy him. Since mankind could only defeat Grendel (G) by creating a hero more powerful than him, the hero represents a kind of process that ultimately creates a greater monster. Therefore, using these archetypes, Gardner and the Beowulf poet use the same story to illuminate the difference between ancient and modern society; Beowulf (AS) is the proper representative of the Anglo Saxon society, and Grendel (G) is the proper representative of the modern world. Grendel s role remains the same in both books; the role of a monster that embodies humanity s fears, a creature that human society creates. Grendel (AS) exists as a mindless perversion of nature. He represents one branch of the human society created by God that is distorted by evil. However Grendel (G) exists as just another aspect of nature, outside of human society; until he is transformed by his contact with mankind, the concept of monster does not apply to Grendel (G.) In viewing the monstrous body as a metaphor for the cultural body...beasts, demons, freaks, and fiends are symbolic expressions of cultural unease that pervades a society and shapes its collective behavior. (Cohen). This is especially true of Grendel (G), whose attempts to interact with
  • 49. Reaction Paper On Nadi Astrology Nadi Astrology Among the various branches of Astrology, one shines as a potent, ancient, and immensely powerful way of obtaining solutions to everyday problems by reading the story of our lives as written down millions of years ago. When Divine Sages once walked the Earth, their immense devotion and wisdom showed them the way to determine the collective life patterns of humans and with divine intervention were able to write down and store this information in Nadi Leaves. The word Nadi , literally translating to seeker refers to the one who seeks solutions to cumbersome life problems and finally sees a way out of the vicious cycle of Karma that we are all struggling in. So, if your search for an end to the endless tirade of problems in your... Show more content on ... The Deeksha Kandam advises regarding items to be kept and worshipped that will yield positive results. If you feel like you re affected by black magic, you can avail this Kandam to identify from where the negative energy is culminating and how to block them for wreaking havoc in your life. Gnana Kandam: Every person has a desire to go beyond the physical plane of existence and understand divinity. The Gnana Kandam will help you tread on the path of spirituality by suggesting the methods and practises through which you may be able to break the bonds of existence in your present life and take bigger steps towards the liberation of your soul. Dishabukthi Kandam: If you feel like you suddenly transitioned from a relatively smooth period in your life to a downright miserable one, planetary influences may be playing their part in hindering your growth and progress. On availing the Dishabukthi Kandam, you will be enlightened about the type of Dasha you are currently undergoing in your life and will also be advised on how you can revert the negative effects of these Dashas into Positive
  • 50. Legal Analysis Of Power Plant Legal Analysis: Power plant need to fill a lot of legal obligation than normal company because it s environmental and sensitive operation and its impact in the peoples life both it it s near area and its impact area. Also government regulation of emission, electricity usage etc. along with pay, merger etc. will fall in the legal area. Measures for Forecasting Forecasting exchange rates while operating in Bangladesh is a crucial task for every MNC. Basically two prime objectives are available in this scenario which justifies the necessity of forecasting exchange rates for our US based MNC Georgia Power. These objectives are: Capital Budgeting Decisions: At the point when an MNC s parent assesses whether to put funds in are mote venture, ... Show more content on ... In the mixed forecasting approach, we will emphasize more on the fundamental methods of forecasting as the economic factors play a huge role for this power generation business. One of the most important economic variables for this business is the price of input that is price of natural gas. At the same time, we need to consider the availability of production inputs and labor capital. Furthermore, we can use the theory of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) to specify the relationship between the inflation differential of USA and Bangladesh and the exchange rate. Recall that according to PPP, the percentage change in the foreign currency s value (e) over a period should reflect the differentiable between the home inflation rate (Ih) and the foreign inflation rate (If) over that period. The U.S. inflation rate was to be 3 percent in the year 2015, while the Bangladeshi inflation rate was 6.83 percent. According to PPP, the Bangladeshi taka s exchange rate should change as follows: ef=1+Ius/1+IF 1 =1.03/1.068 1 = 3.56% This forecast of the percentage change in the American dollar can be applied to its existing spot rate to forecast the future spot rate at the end of one year. If the existing spot rate (St) of the Bangladeshi taka is $0.01286, the spot rate at the end of one year, E(St+1),was $0.0124 calculated as follows: E(St+1)=St(1+ef) =$0.01286[1+ ( 0.0356)] =$0.0124 Along with the fundamental forecasting
  • 51. Renzo Piano As A Approach To Architecture Renzo Piano was born September 14, 1937 in Genoa, Italy, To a family of Genoese builders. He graduated from the school of Architecture, Milan Polytechnic in 1964. He later expressed dissatisfaction with the academic approach to architecture, describing it as without rebellion . During his studies he was working under the guidance of Franco Albini, his spare time was spent working steadily at his fathers construction company. This is where he developed an inspiring love for the architecture.After graduation, he was initially employed by his father s construction company before collaborating with Louis Kahn in the United States and Z.S. Makowsky in the United Kingdom. Between the years 1965 and 1970 he worked with many great artists, but the most influential... Show more content on ... This building was designed to house some of the worlds most exquisite modern art, so naturally the design had to be modern. It is constructed mostly of high tech steel and glass, with a beautifully designed exoskeleton adding to its complexion (Renzo Piano Building Workshop Official Site). Renzo Piano has designed and brought to life so many structures all over the world. Some of his most famous include Kansai, the world s largest air terminal in Osaka Bay, Japan, where Piano proved himself a master of the gigantic project and again with the imposing Bercy Shopping Center in Paris, as well as a massive and beautiful National Science Museum in Amsterdam. His soccer stadium in Bari, Italy is like no other in the world, with its great swaths of blue sky interrupting the usual monotony of stadium seating. His versatility is displayed further in such projects as the beautiful sweep of a nearly one thousand foot long bridge that curves across Ushibuka Bay in Southern Japan, with the design of a 70,000 ton luxury ocean liner (Great Buildings On line). In 1998 Piano was selected as the Laureate of the Pritzker Architecture