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100 Essay Topics
Writing an essay on the topic "100 Essay Topics" can be a challenging endeavor. The difficulty
lies not only in the vastness of the subject matter but also in the need to provide insightful and
engaging content for each potential topic. Crafting an essay that captivates the reader and
effectively explores the nuances of various subjects requires careful research, critical thinking,
and the ability to present ideas coherently.
One of the challenges is the sheer number of topics to choose from. It can be overwhelming to
decide which subjects to include and how to approach each one in a unique and thought-
provoking way. Moreover, maintaining consistency and coherence throughout the essay while
transitioning between diverse topics demands a high level of organizational skill.
Research becomes a crucial aspect of this task. In-depth exploration of each topic is necessary to
provide accurate information and present a well-informed perspective. This requires time and
effort to sift through sources, analyze data, and synthesize information into a cohesive essay.
Additionally, balancing depth and breadth in the essay poses its own set of challenges. While it's
essential to delve deeply into certain topics to provide comprehensive insights, there's also a
need to cover a wide range of subjects to adhere to the overarching theme. Striking this balance
requires careful planning and a keen understanding of the chosen topics.
In conclusion, tackling an essay on the topic "100 Essay Topics" demands a combination of
research skills, critical thinking, organizational prowess, and the ability to weave together diverse
subjects seamlessly. It is undoubtedly a formidable task, but with dedication and a systematic
approach, one can navigate the complexities and produce an essay that is both informative and
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100 Essay Topics100 Essay Topics
Character is Called to be a Hero in Charles Portis novel...
Umberto Eco once stated in his essay Why Are They Laughing in Those Cages? The
real hero is always a hero by mistake; he dreams of being an honest coward like
everyone else. Mattie Ross does not become a hero just because she wants to
become a hero, she has a call. That call creates a goal she wants to achieve and she
becomes the hero of this novel because of this. She will not have a goal if her call to
adventure does not occur. A queststory always contains a hero, a wise old man, and a
guide. In Charles Portis novel True Grit, he demonstrates exactly that. Mattie Ross
comes forth as the hero of his novel. Rooster Cogburn assists her by taking on the
role of the wise old man. LaBoeuf appears in this novel as the guide. Mattie, Rooster
and LaBouef all fit into the roles of these characters in a quest story.
Mattie Ross clearly portrays the hero of a quest novel. To begin, a hero gets a call
that leads them into their journey. The call happens as the basis for the task they
wish to achieve. They tend to get the call which bases their entire adventure, and
allows the character to become a hero. Mattie receives a call for adventure when
hearing the news that Tom Chaney killed her father, Frank Ross. After hearing about
her father s death, Mattie will stop at nothing to get revenge on his killer. Not many
people know Mattie s father, so, Tom Chaney does not have a group of Marshals after
him immediately. Mattie claims that her father was just trying to do that short
Anorexia And Bulimi A Psychological Disorder
Health Science Anorexia and Bulimia Written by: Monique Chavez Nadia Jimenez
Ashley LopezMonica C. Every few second s people are dying all around the world
from diseases and different illnesses. Most of these diseases that are attacking us,
involve the destruction of our immune system, but there are others that include
attacking our thoughts and mind. Anorexia and Bulimia happen to be one of them
that goes much further than just thinking yourself as fat. It s a psychological issue
that has become increasing over the years, because of the pressure of society. Young
women and even men are feeling the need to damage their bodies in order to blend
or fit in. Let s begin with... Show more content on ...
The purging can include using laxatives, vomiting, enemas, and exercising
excessively, in order to get rid of the calories that were consumed. Again the non
profit organizations separates bulimia into two categories; like anorexia it too has
a purging, the second is non purging ( Unfortunately the people
who suffer from eating disorders are the younger crowds of females, who are
between the ages of 12 23. Although both sexes may suffer from the disease, it is
proven by studies from the UK that 93% of the women reported having negative
thoughts (266). It usually approaches them when they enter high school, because it
becomes apparent to them that body image is important to media and popular
culture. Food and water is one of our main sources of survival. Just as the Sun
provides life to the plants, we work exactly the same way with food. Our body
depends on the food for energy and its nutrients. Without it our bodies would stop
functioning correctly and would work ten times harder in order for us to live our
everyday lives. Imagine starving your body and the results of how you would feel
and act? It probably wouldn t feel very good. The results of doing so come with
consequences. For example with anorexia, there will always be a dramatic weight
loss and yet still feel fat. They also develop an obsession of counting calories and
having a fixation on
Testing Longer Memory Searches Experiment
Testing Longer Memory searches Experiment 5 The primary aim of Experiment 5
was to test whether participants are spending more time searching memory for A
Br relative to C D pairs. If the cues for the A Br pairs seemed more familiar to
participants, this could encourage them to search memory longer for the pair
relative to C D pairs. It is reasonable to assume that they would be more familiar
given that the individual items in A Br pairs tend to be better recognized relative
to C D pairs (Aue et al., 2012; Criss Shiffrin, 2005). In memory models such as
REM (Diller, Nobel, Shiffrin, 2001) the time spent searching memory is
represented as an index of the number of times the model attempts to retrieve
information from memory and either fails or rejects the retrieved information.
Thus, each additional attempt at searching memory affords an additional
opportunity to retrieve either the correct memory trace, retrieve an incorrect
memory trace, or to fail to retrieve the memory. As such, having an additional
opportunity to retrieve something from memory could boost the likelihood of
retrieving either the correct or incorrect trace for A Br pairs relative to C D pairs
and could potentially explain both the PF and PI observed in the current data. If it
were the case that participants are spending more time searching memory for A Br
pairs relative to the equivalent of C D pairs, then this would be reflected as longer
reaction times (RT) for both correct and incorrect responses.
Gender Roles In A Handmaid s Tale
A handmaid s Tale displays a society in which gender roles and functions in society
are strictly controlled and determined by those in power. Female sexuality,
reproduction, and masculinity is present throughout the book and has an interesting
parallel to our current society and where we are moving towards. The story and the
epilogue reminds us of the fragile nature of our rights and freedoms and how easily
they can be stripped away and how much we rely on the people in power. The Gilead
regime overthrew the U.S. government the President and Congress were killed and
the Constitution was suspended the government blamed the Islamic fanatics
(Atwood, 174). This concept alone is like our modern day feelings towards attacks
and blaming Islamic... Show more content on ...
A Commander is the head of the household and has wives until death do them apart
(81). Modern U.S. society also reinforces the idea that men are expected to be the
head of the household. Commanders who couldn t have children with their wife
are assigned a Handmaid. The Commander s wife is present and fully aware of the
situation she is there when the Commander has sex with the Handmaid (Atwood,
94). Orgasms and pleasure are recreational not required for this reproduction
purpose, its business (Atwood, 95). Even with the simple aspects of life such as
dress, in the book, the tourist presented are stared at because the women are so
undressed (Atwood, 28). The exposed face, hair, and legs was viewed by the
women even though they used to dress that way. They removed or altered most if
not all female activities, but men kept football (Atwood, 31). No freedom to roam,
and even if you did? Why? Show that women are not looked at with a sense of
purpose and determination (Atwood,
College Athletes Should Be Paid
Every year millions of people wait and wait for march to come around just for
college basketball. Trying to make the perfect bracket to win some money against
their friends, and of course the right to gloat about having a bracket. During march
you can t watch one television show without seeing a commercial with a college
basketball player on it. Everyone playing as well as everyone watching is filled
with excitement and anticipation to see who will be crowned the next national
champion. College athletes are some of the hardest working people in America,
and they do it all for free just for the fans entertainment. Most Division I athletes are
given a full scholarship for the sport that they are playing, but that doesn t give them
money for living expenses such as groceries, food off campus, clothing, or even a
night out on the weekends. College athletes should be given a certain salary for the
semester, not only will it teach them managing money but also give them the money
that they have earned for their job like extra curricular activity. Most athletes come
from low income households where there families depend on them to contribute
significantly. With how busy they become as college athletes they can barely find
time to fit all of there studies in let alone get a part time job. Being a college athlete
myself I understand the grind of what an athlete has to go through. Most athletes start
of the day with weight lifting in the morning or some type of conditioning, then
Glassalum Int Co (GC)
Loss involves construction defect of a commercial building project. Zurich s
insured, Goldman Sach s (insured) is owner of property in Jersey City NJ, who on
01/19/00 retained Turner Construction (Turner) to act as general contractor for the
building project. On 11/17/00, Turner hired subcontractor, Glassalum Int Co (GIC)
to design/install the buildings trim work. In 2004 defects were discovered in GIC
s trim work where a remediation plan was put in by the three parties. As part of the
remediation plan, GIC agreed to extend their warranty provision an additional 5
years to October 2010. In 2006 GIC was purchased by Permasteelisa North America
(PNA) who assumed all of GIC s contractual obligations inclusive of the 5 year
warranty extension.... Show more content on ...
The insured believed this was within the scope of work performed by PNA. The
three parties agreed to conduct an investigation to determine cause, while also
agreeing to negotiate a tolling agreement to preserve the rights of all involved.
However, in March 2010 the insured filed suit against both Turner PNA alleging
breach of contract, warranty fiduciary duty including negligent supervision, failing to
properly design, fabricate install trim
Soliloquies In Hamlet Essay
Shakespearian Techniques
Have you ever watched a play or a movie and at one point the actor or actress starts
talking to themselves? This is known as a soliloquy and it is an amazing technique
play writers or movie makers use. These soliloquies can tell people a lot of things.
It s a great way of showing the truth or the real feelings of a character. However, this
technique is centuries and can date back to the Shakespearian era. Shakespeare
himself used soliloquies all throughout his plays. He uses soliloquies to reveal Hamlet
s true feelings. It even exposes Hamlet on what he really thinks of his incestuous
uncle and mother. We also get to see the true pain Hamlet suffers with grieving for
his dead father. In Hamlet s soliloquy,... Show more content on ...
First of all, so excellent a king, that was to this Hyperion to a satyr (Shakespeare).
Here Hamlet tell us that his father was an excellent King, and this new one, Hamlet
s uncle, is a terrible King. Hamlet loved his father, and he also loved him for being
a King. Furthermore, So loving to my mother that he might not beteem the winds
of heaven (Shakespeare). Hamlet s father loved Hamlet and his mother. Hamlet
loved his father too. However Hamlet s mother didn t really love him back. Hamlet
hates his mother for this. For betraying what Hamlet sees as a god. Moreover, O
God, a beast that wants discourse of reason would have mourned longer
(Shakespeare). It was a tragedy for the kingdom when King Hamlet died. Hamlet
even believes that everyone including animals had mourned King Hamlet s death
because of how great of a man Hamlet saw in his father. In conclusion, Hamlet
shows he love and misses by explaining how great of a king his father was, showing
how loving his father was, and saying everyone was mourning his death because he
was such a great man. While Hamlet exposes his real feelings for his mother and
father, we see how toxic he is in relation to his uncle. To start, that was to this
Hyperion to a satyr (Shakespeare). Hamlet describes his father as a Hyperion, one of
the first twelve titan children from the greek mythology. However, his uncle is a
Social and Economic Equality of African Americans in
Social and Economic Equality of African Americans in America The struggle for
social and economic equality of Black people in America has been long and slow.
It is sometimes amazing that any progress has been made in the racial equality
arena at all; every tentative step forward seems to be diluted by losses elsewhere.
For every Stacey Koons that is convicted, there seems to be a Texaco executive
waiting to send Blacks back to the past. Throughout the struggle for equal rights,
there have been courageous Black leaders at the forefront of each discrete
movement. From early activists such as Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington,
and W.E.B. DuBois, to 1960s civil rights leaders and radicals such as Martin Luther
King, Malcolm X,... Show more content on ...
Significantly, he argued for submission to the white majority so as not to offend
the power elite. Though he preached appeasement and a hands off attitude toward
politics, Washington has been accused of wielding imperious power over his
people and of consorting with the white elite. William Edward Burghardt DuBois,
on the other hand, was more of an idealist. DuBois was born in Massachusetts in
1868, just after the end of the Civil War and the official end of slavery. A gifted
scholar, formal education played a much greater role in DuBois s life than it did in
Washington s. After becoming a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Fisk and Harvard, he
was the first Black to earn a Ph.D. from Harvard in 1895. DuBois wrote over 20
books and more than 100 scholarly articles on the historical and sociological nature
of the Black experience. He argued that an educated Black elite should lead Blacks
to liberation by advancing a philosophical and intellectual offensive against racial
discrimination. DuBois forwarded the argument that The Negro problem was not and
could not be kept distinct from other reform movements. . . DuBois favored
immediate social and political integration and the higher education of a Talented
Tenth of the black population. His main interest was in the education of the group
leader, the man who sets the ideas of the community where he lives. . . To this end,
he organized the Niagara movement, a meeting of 29 Black
Overpopulation Essay
Every year, approximately six to eight million unwanted animals enter U.S.
shelters every year. Even worse, only half ever leave alive. Three to four million
cats and dogs are euthanized each year. Well over quarter million a month, 68,000
a week, 405 each hour, one every nine seconds. (Geyerr, 2015). Every local animal
shelter is filled to capacity with cats and dogs of all ages and breeds. Some are
surrendered, most are lost or abandoned, but all are unwanted. Euthanasia in animal
shelters is the leading cause of death of healthy dogs and cats. While the reasons for
this crisis are multi faceted, they re not complex. And, the problems that cause
animals to become homeless and end up in animal shelters are preventable. An...
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There are other benefits to spaying and neutering your pet. Such as, increased
lifespan, health wellness, reduced roaming, improved mood, and reduced bad
behavior or marking (inappropriate urination). There are 30 to 40 million
community cats and only 2% are spayed or neutered. This population is estimated
to be responsible for up to 80% of the kittens born ito the u.s. each year. Community
cats are either friendly strays most likely lost or abandoned family pets or feral
(unsocialized and born in the wild). These cats usually live in colonies or
communities and do not have owners. (HSUS, n.d.) These communities are usually
sustained and fed by compassionate individuals, many of who participate in the Trap
Neuter Release (TNR) program which stops the breeding cycle and improves the
lives of community cats. These animals are humanely trapped and taken to a
veterinarian to be spayed or neutered, vaccinated and ear tipped. Ear tipping is the
universal sign that a cat has been altered and returned to their outdoor home.
There is a campaign targeted towards those who are looking for an animal, called
Adopt Don t Shop . This campaign educates people about the benefits of adopting
from a shelter instead of buying from a breeder. Breeders are another cause of the
overpopulation crisis. Not all breeders are the same, but all of them do it for personal
Biblical Allusion During The Romantic Age
Biblical allusion during the Romantic Age was not uncommon. Because Biblical
images and references were in the minds of most Romantic readers, a poet would
often use this strategy to contextualize an assertion being made. Wordsworth is no
different. However, the level to which he uses this technique within his poetry
fluctuates. The Ruined Cottage only contains two obvious examples, while Michaelis
rich with Biblical imagery and allusion. Because of this difference, the Biblical
allusion within the two poems will be discussed within three categories those which
are concerned with a connection to nature, those which inspire the hope of salvation,
and those which deal with the creation and deterioration of covenants. Delving first
into... Show more content on ...
She is presented as greedy and neglectful of the inherent spirituality in things, and
possibly had false intentions behind sending Luke away. It seems this is a warning
from Wordsworth. It is also valuable to note that Michael s troubles begin when his
nephew defaults on a loan. However, the poem never labels him as nephew but
instead, his brother s son (211). If Michael s name is meant to conjure the name of
the archangel Michael, it can t be ignored that one of the brothers of that archangel
is Satan. Viewing the name this way creates a parallel which makes Michael s
nephew a quasi son of evil. Because of the nephew s industrious life (212), he is
disconnected from the land and therefore amoral. With these instances of naming,
Wordsworth seems to be commenting on how morality is connected to living life
by means of nature rather than by means of material or industry. Turning now to
allusions that inspire hope, we look towards Robert s Sunday clothes in The Ruined
Cottage. Still in its place. His Sunday garments hung / Upon the self same nail, his
very staff / Stood undisturbed behind the door (432 34). The garments that are hung
up, are not just regular clothes, but his Sunday garments. This small detail gives the
image it s religious tone. Continuing, the word staff certainly alludes to the staff of
Moses in the bible, who is known for
Differences Of Pablo Picasso And Diego Velazquez s
of 2
In 1656, Diego Velazquez made a painting titled, Las Meninas. He was a painter for
a royal family and many of his paintings consisted of the family. Many years later,
Pablo Picasso painted over 50 variations of this painting. One including his 1957
painting that was based strongly on the princess of the royal family. Although both
paintings can be related to each other, they both each portray their own meanings. It
may be easy to tell that both paintings may be similar because of their appearance of
the princess. In Velazquez s painting, he paints five year old, Infanta Margarita, who
is being helped by many servants, including her bodyguard and dog. In Picasso s
painting, he also includes the princess, who ... Show more content on
Velazquez uses a realistic style to create a scene and tell a story, but Picasso uses
geometric shapes to study the princess s body and face. Another difference is the
people. Velazquez includes many people in his painting, including himself, while
Picasso only includes the princess and a maid. Because Velazquez adds so many
people into his painting, many people argue what his main focus was. However, in
Picasso s painting it is clear that he valued the princess, which makes her the main
focus in his painting. Another difference is the meaning of the paintings. Velazquez
titled his painting Las Meninas, or ladies in waiting. This is odd because many of the
people in his painting are focused on the princess, which may imply that she is the
meaning of the painting. But because of the title, it is confusing to tell what
Velazquez was trying to portray. However, Picasso takes up most of the space in
his painting to draw the princess. Although a maid can be seen in the painting, it is
clear that Picasso was trying to show the importance of the princess. Both artists
painted these works to portray something. It may not be clear, but I think Velazquez
was trying to show the importance of everyone in the castle. He includes himself,
the princess, maids, king and queen, and other figures to not put too much focus on
one person. I think he uses this strategy to show everyone is important and plays a
specific role to make the royal castle so important. This is also why he created
Code Of Ethics In The Australian Medical Association
The question of ethics is naturally raised when referring to the legalization of medical
marijuana. Ethics can be defined as a value system that defines right from wrong,
coming from a higher standard than the law. While Public Relations (PR) ethics
consists of values such as honesty, openness, loyalty, fair mindedness, respect,
integrity, and forthright communication, (Bowen 2007) it often is thought to consist
of lies and spin doctoring in order to protect the reputation of a person, group or
organisation. While some critics may argue that this is true, ethicsin PR allows PR
and communications managers to determine between good and bad behaviour.
(Bowen 2007) Ethics in regards to the Australian Medical Association (AMA) refers
more closely... Show more content on ...
( 2014) This is an example of good practice in PR activity
as it is informing publics and bringing them together to make the change and find the
solutions they are searching for, whilst staying ethical and abiding by the law.
The New York Times performed PR activity in the form of advertisements in their
editorial section to promote the legalisation of cannabis. The advertisements tell
the stories of Multiple Sclerosis sufferers who have turned to marijuana to cease
their pain. ( 2014) While this is seemingly a harmless act of PR, as
they are informing their publics and audiences of the uses of marijuana and why it
should be legalised, many viewers saw the company as hypocrites. While they were
promoting the legalisation of marijuana they were drug testing their employees for
the drug. (The Young Turks 2014) Publics saw this as unethical as if they truly
believed marijuana should be legalised, they shouldn t need to invade their
employee s privacy to test them for the drug. This shows that this PR activity was
poor as instead of agreeing and being informed by the company, their publics were
exposed to acts they thought were privacy invading, dishonest and overall
Reflections Of HRM Practices During My Industrial
The topic of the assignment is Reflections of HRM Practices during My Industrial
Placement . I am required to explain about Communication is the key to a successful
HR manager within a hotel. Without effective communication the success of the
manager and organization is unlikely . Human Resources department is a department
to employ people smartly to achieve the organization mission and vision and fulfill
the satisfaction of the employee. The purpose of the essay is understands the
important of communicationbetween employee and Human Resources department,
understands effective communication can help an organization to achieve the
organization mission and vision, understand way of communication with Human
Resources department and the important of Human Resources department to the
organization. My first Industrial Placement was in The Majestic HotelKuala Lumpur.
First of all, Human Resources department is very important ... Show more content on ...
In an organization, every department must communicate well between each
department especially Human Resources department. This is because good
communication with Human Resources department can help the employee to solve
the problem. Therefore, it is clear that good communication with Human Resources
department is very important within an organization. The important of
communication with Human Resources department is to fulfill the staff satisfaction.
Employees can talk to the Human Resources department when they feel any unhappy
or upset while working. Human Resources department will help them to solve the
problem. Besides, good communication between staff and Human Resources
department can help the organization to achieve the goal faster. This is due the
reason that employee is the key that help the organization to achieve the goal.
Consequently, employee will work hard for the company when the company can
fulfill their satisfaction. Hence, it is clear that an organization cannot run well without
Adam Walsh Research Paper
Adam Walsh At six years old, Adam Walsh was abducted by Ottis Toole, who
violently abused him, and ultimately killed Adam. The Adam Walsh case had a
huge impact on the world. Born to John and Reve Walsh, Adam came into the
world on November 14, 1974 in Hollywood Florida. Adam Walsh died in Florida in
his hometown, Hollywood on July 27, 1981 (Standiford, n.d., Page 57). Adam had
two sisters and one brother. His sisters names are Meghan and Callahan, and his
brother s name is Hayden ( 27 Years Later, Case, n.d.). During an ordinary shopping
trip to a Sears department store on the early afternoon of July 27, 1981, six year old
Adam Walsh disappeared within minutes of leaving his mother s side. Adam and his
mom went to a Sears store to shop... Show more content on ...
After Adam had died, John, Adam s father started the T.V program, America s Most
Wanted (Standiford, n.d., p. Page 103) President George W. Bush created the Adam
Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act. So then the penalties for crime involving
kids will be strengthened. The Act that was passed after Adam s death makes every
state to apply exact information for when posting offender data on the internet. It
must include the offender s name, address, date of birth, place of employment, and a
picture. Adam Walsh s parents started a new organization to help families get
through the struggle of their own children that have gone missing ( 27 Years Later,
Case, n.d.). This Act organizes all sex offenders, according to the crime that they
have committed. If they do not update their whereabouts they will be punished
(Leinwand Bazar, 2008, p. Page 33). The T.V show, America s Most Wanted, showed
the world about its criminals, and the killings, and it also changed how the police and
the other authorities looked for the missing children ( Ottis Toole Biography,
Why Is Sacagawea Important
Sacagawea has become a legend in our history. Since her death, she has been honored
with monuments, statues, U.S. postage stamps, and the U.S. dollar coin. She was is
the subject in many books and movies, but what made her so important that she was
greatly honored?
On Lewis and Clark s return journey, Sacagawea had known her way around
southwestern Montana very well, so she was able to lead the Lewis and Clark
expedition through the best route for them, which was in between Missouri and
Yellowstone. Her knowledge of routes, her skills with the plants and wildlife, and her
courage, common sense, and good humor contributed greatly to the journey s success
(Benson 1360). Sacagawea joined William Clark and directed him through the best
mountain routes, pointing out the safest paths, and finding edible berries roots for
food. Throughout their journey, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark did not speak
or know of the languages that Indians spoke. They had hired Charbonneau to interpret
and ... Show more content on ...
Without her, Lewis, and Clark wouldn t be able to communicate with the Shoshone
Indians and their trip wouldn t been as successful as it was. This is because Lewis
and Clark needed horses to travel across the mountains and the only way that they
could obtain them was from the Shoshone village. Also, Sacagawea helped lead
the journey because she knew where the best routes were. So without her,
Meriwether, and William could have traveled into another country s territory and
there could have been a possibility of being killed by the various Native American
tribes. Sacagawea was a Shoshone interpreter and guide for the Lewis and Clark
expedition of 1804 to 1806, the first non Indian U.S. land expedition to the Pacific
Coast and back (Benson 1). She spoke both English and Shoshone, which made it
easy for her to talk to Meriwether and William and the various locals that they met on
Jet Blue Paper
History JetBlue Airways Corporation (JetBlue) was founded in 1998 in Delaware
by David Neeleman, a former Southwest executive. The airline began operations in
2000 based out of JFK International Airport (JFK) in New York. JetBlue currently
has over 12,900 employees and has been repeatedly ranked as number one in
customer service among low cost carriers by J.D. Power Associates. As of
December 31, 2010 the company operates over 650 flights daily, servicing 63
destinations in 21 states, including Puerto Rico, and eleven countries in the
Caribbean and Latin America. The JetBlue s goal from inception was to distinguish
itself as a low fare, low cost passenger airline, offering high quality customer service
and a differentiated product.... Show more content on ...
With 77 percent of total sales deriving from this website, it is essential JetBlue is
committed to updating and refreshing this website. Small adjustment to the problems
we found can be essential to increase sales. [pic] Competition Jet Blue is a member
of the highly volatile and competitive airline industry. Jet Blue has purposefully
positioned itself in the low cost airline category. In this category Jet Blue s major
competitors are Southwest Airlines, and American Airlines. Up until the recent
acquisition of Airtran by Southwest, Airtran Airways was the third major competitor
airline to Jet Blue in the low cost air carrier category. Of the above mentioned
companies Southwest airlines poses the most direct and intensive threat to business.
The intense competition is no surprise; due to Jet Blue s founder David Neeleman
was a fired executive of Southwest. Southwest began service as a low cost airline
with three planes serving Dallas, Houston and San Antonio. Southwest ranked #1 in
2009 and #2 in 2010 among all airlines for the number of passengers carried
(BTStatisitics Southwest
continued to rank highly among JD Power and associates 2011 North America
Airline Satisfaction Study in the areas of reservation, boarding, staff, costs and fees,
and check in experience. The point to point network system employed by both Jet
Blue and Southwest Airlines allow
Character Analysis Of Morris Lurie s Running Nicely
Running nicely is a short story written by Morris Lurie, about two orphan brothers:
the protagonist, Moses, a twenty two years old young man and the antagonist, Ben,
his younger brother. The story is set during the night at ten PM, in the streets in
suburban Melbourne. When the two brothers are running, Moses realizes he has
difficulty accepting that Ben is getting older, and that his younger brother is now
running faster than him. The author suggests that familyrelationships after a loss may
result in being abnormal and can have consequences on one s development and
behavior. The author effectively conveys this theme through his use of
characterization, narrative point of view and irony.
To begin, the characterization of Moses in relation with his brother Ben
demonstrates how the protagonist is struggling to be a perfect father substitute, after
both parents passing away. Moses makes Ben grow too fast by doing adult type
activities, like showing him jazz music, making him watch old movies and making
him read books about war. By getting his brother learn about other things instead of
watching the TV like their neighbors, he feels proud about how [...] he has weaned
his brother, a former three hours a nigh man, off that awful habit. (2). After the death
of their parents, Moses must take the responsibility of a father, but ends up
controlling Ben too much by trying to educate him as an adult, while he is only
twelve years old. By striving for perfection, Moses
Comparing The Recovery Model And The Medical Model
Recovery is often cited as a goal of treatment; however there is no consensus of
what recovery actually entails. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration (SAMHSA, 2012), mental health recovery is a process of
change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self
directed life, and strive to reach their full potential. There are many paths to
recovery, although the road and destination may vary. In this paper, I will analyze
the Medical Model and the Recovery Model.
Medical Model of Treatment Those with mental illness, and their families, have long
been stigmatized in our society. Historically, patients were suspected of being
demonic or possessed; their families were blamed for contributing to their
derangement. Stereotypes of mental illness can lead to prejudice, and prejudice can
lead to discrimination (Rosenberg Rosenberg, 2013). This disposition is
counterproductive to recovery. The introduction of the medical model of treatment
helped reduce that stigma by shifting the blame away from individuals and families,
and instead, referring to scientific rationalizations. The medical model of treatment is
an objective assessment and outcome driven approach to recovery. This method
recognizes mental illness as a disease, caused by an underlying physical condition.
According to Beecher (2009), this physical element may be attributed to a disorder of
the brain or central nervous system. Providers diagnose mental illness utilizing
standardized classification systems, such as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders (DSM) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), after
assessing the patient s symptoms. The management of these symptoms remains the
primary focus of recovery efforts. Pharmaceutical medications and psychiatric
medical care are the most commonly prescribed treatment option in the medical
model (Beecher, 2009).
Recovery Model of Treatment Although the medical model remains the most
prominent paradigm in mental health, the concept of recovery seems to be evolving
from pathology based treatment to a more person centered approach (Beckwith,
Bliuc, Best, 2016). The latter, more contemporary, ideology can be
What Is Jessica s Business Code Of Ethics
Jessica s Business Code of Ethics
Jessica L. Rajpar
Student No. 000317823
Western Governors University
Thank you for joining Jessica s Company herein after known as The Company . It
is the interest of The Company to provide our employees with both a positive and
safe working environment. We believe that each and every one of our employees is
valuable and play an exceptional role in contributing to our success. We are very
excited to have you as a part of our team! The Company was started in 1992 and has
grown to our current five facilities located in Indianapolis, IN and Lexington, KY. All
of our production facilities boast leading and cutting edge, environmentally friendly
technologies that are unparalleled. Through strict management, we have collectively
built an environment that is safe, clean and friendly for our customers and employees.
Our Mission Statement Our mission is to provide consumers with innovative
products to increase efficiency and productivity while proving to have less impact on
our environment and help our customers do so as well. We wish to prolong our
current economic growth and protect our planet in the process. The integrity of our
company is based on the quality of our products, our satisfied customers, the integrity
and conscientiousness of our employees and our sincerity to innovative development
and evolution.
Our Core Values
Deliver quality to our customers through excellence.
Compare And Contrast The Effects Of Rome And Religion
The effects of Rome and Religion on the Byzantium and Western Empire
After the assassination and destabilization following Julius Caesar s death, Augustus
was able to reestablish a prosperous Roman Empire, a time period lasting two and a
half centuries. After the start of the Severan Dynasty became a period of horrific
economic state for the Roman Empire after enormous expenditures in military
expenses. This marked the start of the Crisis of the Third Century also known as the
Imperial Crisis. Over a period of a half century, from 235 284 BC, there were 26
known emperors making attempts to lead the country out of its own depression.
During this time period, the Empire had split into three competing states: the Gallic
Empire, the Palmyrene ... Show more content on ...
After the initial conversion to the Eastern Empire, the Byzantines were threatened
after losing the territories of Armenia, Egypt, and Syria as well as southern Italy and
Sicily. The Byzantines were able to halt further Islamic expansion into their lands
during the 8th century and in the 9th century were able to reclaim portions of their
previously conquered lands. However, after with the loss at the Battle of Manzikert
in 1071, marked the start of two decades of internal trials and Turkish invasions
Analysis Of The Fifth Quarter By Rick Bieber
Loss, desperation and hope this is the heart warming story of the football champion
playing with his brother s number 5 jersey Jon Abbate. The Fifth Quarter follows
the story of the Abbate family losing their son and brother, Luke, to a car accident. It
also uncovers the story of how Jon Abbate conquered his loss and became a football
champion to playfor his brother and himself. In this movie, young people have been
portrayed as emotional and desperate but also able to find hope and direction with
the guidance of a senior. Robert Koehler (2011) from Variety states, The softness
that plagues so many sports movies is in evidence yet again in the soporific The
Fifth Quarter. In The Fifth Quarter (2010), Rick Bieber has taken the events from a
true story and cleverly manipulated shot types, camera angles, non diegetic and
diegetic sound to portray youth as resilient, brave and courageous people.
The first tool that Rick Bieber employs is different kinds of shot types. Since this
is a quite emotional movie, he uses a variety of shot types to portray the character s
feelings. An example of this is the long shot of the Abbate family in the hospital. The
Abbate family is sitting around Luke s bed discussing organ donation. They are very
discouraged, and Rick has portrayed this by using a long shot, which shows the
audience the slouched posture of the characters, displaying discouragement and
sadness. In one of the mid scenes, a medium shot of the Abbate family and Jon s
Wordsworth and Into the Wild, Mans Connection with
Nature is the universe, with all its phenomena, the elements of the natural world. In
society there are those individuals that have an intense connection with nature.
William Wordsworth, a romanticist, pantheist and transcendentalist believed that the
natural world was an emblem of god or the divine and his poetryoften celebrates the
beauty and spiritual values of the natural world. Chris McCandless believed that
nature was the essence of freedom.
The module In the Wild deals with humanity s relationship with nature. It shows that
nature is the cure for all humanity, the cure for all deeds and a guide to them all. Man
s origins lie in nature, it is where man begun and where man will end. Both composers
gain insight from nature. Nature ... Show more content on ...
The Solitary Reaper is a description of a melodious sound that is heard in the
atmosphere. Its mood can be described as one of relaxation, depression and
gentleness. The structure, four eight line stanzas, each closing with two couplets and
all written in octosyllabic lines in iambic tetrameter, have a musical lilt. Short lines
deliver the rhymes at a quick pace. Sentences normally need two or more such short
lines to complete, so that few lines are strongly end stopped, diction is conversational
and often lines consist mainly of monosyllabic words.
A voice so thrilling was ne er heard The this quote describes how the sound of the
girl s voice was accepted by all who heard. The sound of the reaper was pleasurable,
and indeed welcoming. This quote also shows how the voice could not be compare to
any other that existed.
Wordsworth uses a few literary devices to express his description so the readers
could imagine themselves listening to the soothing voice of the Scottish reaper.
These include hyperboles and the use of rhetorical questions and metaphors. The
use of hyperboles is seen in the sentence Breaking the silence of the seas, among the
farthest Hebrides. It describes the voice of the reaper as one that is so loud, that it
was heard miles away from where it originally began.
The use of metaphors were seen when the poet compares the
Teen Depression
The research project my group and I decided to do was on teen depression. We
wanted teens to be more familiar with this major teen issue and how it affects our
daily lives. Teen depression is a major concern and it is not fully acknowledged
within high schools. Many people even adults don t understand the results of teen
depression. The statistics on teen depression are sobering. Studies indicate that one
in five children have some sort of mental, behavioral, or emotional problem, and that
one in ten may have a serious emotional problem. Some quick facts, one in eight
teens may suffer from depression. Of all these children and teens struggling with
emotional and behavioral problems, 30 % of these teens receive any sort of ... Show
more content on ...
Counselling means talking about your feelings with a professional trained
psychologist who can help you change your thoughts about life, or behaviours that
may be causing you to be depressed. Medicine is used to treat depression that is
more severe. When you feel seriously depressed and its taking over your life than
antidepressant medications might be necessary. With some sort of depression many
depressed teens say they feel it just a few weeks. Remember, when you feel as if
everything is impossible and you don t feel wanted, you are not alone.
For our groups results we tallied up all 50 surveys and divided them into three
groups: The first group being Grade 9 boys, second group Grade 12 boys and the last
group females in high school. Within these groups we found out some interesting
Below is a chart with all our findings filled in:
|Questions: |Grade 9 Boys |Grade 12 Boys |High school Girls |
|Gender: |11 Boys |21 boys |18 girls |
|Grade: |Grade 9 |Grade 12 |Grade 9: 7 |
| | | |Grade 12:
Utilitarianism And Kantianism
Instagram s move to make a profit from advertising by changing the terms of service
failed to meet the company s objective and destroyed the trust of the users, the most
significant players for the success of the entity. Changing the privacy policy and term
of use without informing the 12 million daily users was way beyond an ethical thing
to do. To illustrate the argument, the act will be examined using two ethical theories
namely, Utilitarianism and Kantianism. Before tackling on these theories, we must
understand that Ethicsare the moral principles where we base our assessment for
what is right or wrong (Birt et. al. 2014) and how such action may affect others (Zhu,
May Avolio, 2010). The belief that such action is morally right or... Show more
content on ...
The philosophy revolves on two essential idea that a.) it is a duty to treat humanity
with fairness, dignity and respect (Hill, 2007); and b.) it is the motive of the person
that makes the action right or wrong (Birt et. al., 2014) . Kantianism is espoused by
Immanuel Kant which simply emphasized that people should do what is right
because it is one s duty to deal with humanity as you handle yourself. Unlike
utilitarianism which is concerned with the outcomes of the action, Kant
emphasized that one need not necessarily think about the consequence of the
action as long as the act itself is morally good (Shaw, Barry, Issa Catley, 2013). He
further described that an action can be interpreted as morally right if it is made
out of good will and respect and not taking advantage of the situation (Birt et. al.,
2010). In an organization, people make decisions. The person who makes a
decision or action should be prudent enough to identify that such action is
universally right. And so he is acting wilfully out of good intentions. As with
Instagram, the information for the change was not intended for the public to have a
choice and the change was made when 12 million users are already using their
applications apps . This may be understood that Instagram did not respect their users
because they were not given the opportunity to make a choice as to whether they
will agree or not on sharing their personal information (profile and photos). The
purpose of the decision was for the good of Instagram and the users in the company s
perspective. They have to take advantage of the marketability of Instagram which was
instigated with the growing number of users and the merger with bigger social media
outfit. The idea that many advertisers are now willing to invest with the entity made
them choose to change the terms and made the users information available for
Gender Inequality In The Media
Anderson Cooper. Don Lemon. Jake Tapper. Matt Lauer. These faces flash across
our television screens, constantly crop up in our daily conversations, and dominate
the news and media. But wait, there s something missing from the list of names
above a group constituting nearly 51% of our population women( Women s Health
USA 2012. ). Scarce are mentions of successful female journalists. Scarce are
women confidently voicing their political opinions on reputable news channels.
Scarce are truly powerful female journalists. In reality, this problem goes unnoticed
by most in fact, despite being a news and politics aficionado, it didn t hit me until
recently that women were so blatantly marginalized in this industry. It is perfectly
valid to question the relevancy of such an obscure issue, but obscurity does not
equate to unimportance. Portraying women unequally in the media defies not only
our principles, but also the nation s principles. How can we claim that we are a
nation of equal opportunity if we don t practice what we preach? We must encourage
women to increase their political awareness and take on leadership roles in the media,
especially in covering the most vital topics, because the underrepresentation of
women in media encourages disparity between the sexes.
The problem of gender inequality in media has two main aspects the shunning of
women into petty, less important aspects of news and a clear lack of women in
leadership in media. According to a report on the
Responsibility for the Downfall of Macbeth Essay
The tragic downfall of Macbeth can be contributed to several key factors. Macbeth s
downfall can be attributed to his blind ambition, the influence of Lady Macbeth and
Macbeth s own insecurities and misgivings. Blind ambition combined with immoral
goals, with Lady Macbeth s influence and Macbeth s personal doubts all lead to his
inevitable downfall. The greatest factor to Macbeth s downfall should be attributed to
his blind, uncontrollable ambition. This factor is first seen with the second
appearance of the witches, upon which they meet Macbeth. Macbeth s first thought to
the prophecy All hail, Macbeth, thou shalt be king hereafter! (1.3.63) is he must
murder the king. This thought provides the groundwork in which Macbeth can seed
his... Show more content on ...
Macbeth needed Lady Macbeth to do this, for without her, he would have continued
to see the horrible act as something he shouldn t do. In this regard, Lady Macbeth
does this very well, she makes Macbeth see things in a different light, tells him how
he is erroneous in his thinking and gets him to think how she wants him to. The
following quote shows these domineering and manipulating qualities of hers quite
well: Art thou afeard/To be the same in thine own act and valor/As thou art in desire?
Wouldst thou have that.../And live a coward in thine own esteem,/Letting I dare not
wait upon I would /Like the poor cat I the adage? (1.7.43 49) This passage of Lady
Macbeth also sums up her thoughts quite nicely: What beast was t it then/... made
you break this enterprise.../when you durst do it, then you were a man,/ be more
than what you were, you would/Be so much more the man. (1.7.53 57) Both of these
quotations display Lady Macbeth s thoughts about Macbeth: he is weak, and he must
be a man, while she is strong and would do the murder without a thought. These
thoughts clearly show how ambitious she is, and how determined she wants to
influence Macbeth s actions. The third, most contributing factor that leads to
Macbeth s downfall is his own insecurities, including his active imagination and his
experiences with the supernatural. Macbeth s first meeting with the witches, and the
Dove and Manchester United
Merit One
I have been asked to produce a clear set of notes to go with my presentation of Dove
and Manchester United fully comparing the effectiveness of the marketing concepts
and principals.
First of all I am going to start comparing the similarities of the aims of the two
businesses. This is that Manchester United wants to become the best football club
on and off the pitch. Dove has a similar aim which is trying to grow its brand of the
real beauty campaign for women. This will be effective for both branding companies
as they will become one of the top sellers when it comes to future high standards.
Same Manchester United and Dove communicate the promotion of their product by
using the media like ... Show more content on ...
Manchester united, however, have to base their product pricing at a fixed rate with the
competitors club/ business because fans will not be happy and will end up in an
argument. The pricing depends on the individual name and number on the back of
the t shirt like for example Ronaldo number 7 would be at the highest fixed rate as
he is the best player for Manchester united. The prices vary from ВЈ46 57 after that.
Appropriate Dove s pricing is appropriate as it is used as a daily product so spending
ВЈ2 15 for a product is reasonable in this case.
Manchester united s pricing is also appropriate as they are popular to their fans
especially and they have set their aim of becoming the best football club on and off
the pitch so this would lead to gaining more profit.
Type Dove manufactures their products for beauty range of women. These are not
just a limited type of women; these are women of all shapes and sizes, ethnicity
and age over 40. The beauty products of Dove are required for every household as it
is a leading brand product but it is also a product that helps allow women to pamper
themselves and look after their skin.
Manchester united, on the other hand, manufactures and sells their products to fans
of the football club as this
Folly Vs Erasmus
Erasmus in The Praise of Folly did something that was very different from writers
before him and created a piece that was written differently, free thinking, and went
against the authorities of the time. Erasmus created a piece that is truly modern and
inspires other free minded individuals to write freely and express their own beliefs.
In The Praise of Folly, Erasmus created a piece very different and very innovative
for the time. Erasmus may have been the author of this piece, but he was not the
narrator, instead it was Folly that was the narrator of this work. Comparatively to
works seen in the middle ages where works were typically about religion and the
narrator played a very small part on the work. Also, it was atypical if there was
The Characteristics Of Characters In Microserfs By
Experience shared with other people provided important knowledge that helps
people find their place in the world. The novel, Microserfs by Douglas Coupland
displays these traits by having reader follow the diary of Daniel Underwood as he
starts to wonder if life has more meaning than just working. Firstly, lovehelps a
person understand to improve oneself, that they always have a person to talk too and
that love can make people cherish each other. Secondly, Loss can impact people by
having them deny about the loss, accept the loss and remember the loss. Finally,
friendships help people understand that there is more to life than work, friends are
always there to help that friends can provide a comfortable environment. The
experience people go through with each others helps people to figure out where
they belong. To begin, the experience of love teaches people to always improve
oneself, people with significant others always have a person they can talk too and
that love can make people cherish others. Starting off, Relationships teaches people to
always improve oneself. This is shown in the novelwhen Daniel, in response to more
men starting to notice Daniel s girlfriend: Karla as a women he starts to go to the
gym and improve himself. This is proof of how love can teach people to improve
themselves because Daniel is scared that Karla might get embarrassed to be with
him due to his appearance, so he decides to improve himself to make him more
presentable when they go
Summary Of Bury Me In A Free Land
I choose to analyze and discuss the poem Bury Me in a Free Land by Frances Ellen
Watkins Harper . The poet, Frances Harper was an African American who
participated in a movement to abolish the slave trade. A key reason for the choice is
that the poem is indulging. The poet portrays her message in a vivid manner;
expressing her inner thoughts and feelings clearly.
Being a student in the 21st century, interacting at a personal level with individuals
from different races and cultural practices on a daily basis, I strongly believe in
equality. No human has the right to enslave any other either willingly or forcefully.
My interpretation of the poem
In my understanding, the poem pre dominates the theme horrors of slavery . The poet,
in a clear tone, illustrates the lives of slaves and the challenges they go through.
And the mother s shriek of wild despair , And I saw her babes torn from her breast
and If I saw young girls from their mother s arms are some examples of indignities
that the poet describes. The persona states that she could not rest in a place where
people were forcefully subjected to any form of indignities. She uses statements
such as; I could not rest if I heard the tread , Of a coffle gang to the shambles led
and much more to elaborate her dislike against slavery; the abuse and terror.
The poet uses different techniques to bring the out the impacts of slavery on the
affected individuals (the slaves). The grave/slave(s) rhymed couplet recurs at
Paleolithic Food Pros And Cons
Paleolithic diets are based on a simple concept, If a caveman didn t consume it,
neither should you. Any food that was unavailable to the hunter gatherer population
of humans of old, you simply avoid. To understand what kind of food was available
back then, we must first understand the history of agriculture. The Neolithic
Revolution (which happened around 10,000 BC) brought on the mass domestication
of various plants; this paved the way for incredible economic growth, but also the
inadvertent drastic increase in the fragility of the human bodydue to the narrowed
diversity of available foods. Instead of eating a variety of meat, as humans have
done for thousands and thousands of years, we have been depending on various
mass produced grain based foods and our bodies have not acclimated well to this
change.... Show more content on ...
Faced with an overabundance of easily accessible food, we struggle to limit our
consumption. More importantly perhaps, we struggle to eat the nutrients our body
needs. Grains are only the beginning of the problem however. It is fair to assume
our Neanderthal ancestors would not have had access to refined sugar products
(such as high fructose corn syrup that is ubiquitously available now), salt, artificial
flavouring, or even as much dairy products as we consume on a regular basis
(Kamb, 2010). According to the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention,
approximately 52.4% of adults across the United States are overweight, over 20%
of those are considered obese. These numbers are only getting worse and they
appear a direct byproduct of our sudden change of diet. Therefore, I believe that
Paleo diets are the better decision moving forward for a majority of the population as
it is more sustainable, healthier, biologically balanced, and it is a diet that can turn
into a permanent
C. S. Lewis Research Paper
C.S. Lewis was praised for his work as an author. Making incredible headlines and
quotes for his amazing writing. He is known today for his work in creating an
incredible series, the Chronicles of Narnia. In this paragraph contains facts and
unbelieving shockers of C.S. Lewis s life. November 29th, 1898, Belfast, Northern
Ireland Clive Staple Lewis was born into the world. When researching I found this
fact about Lewis quote C.S. Lewis is made a commander of the British Empire
(CBE) by Prime minister Winston Churchill, but doesn t accept the honor end quote.
C.S. Lewis lived his life through much grief and sorrow. With Lewis s mom,
Florence Augusta ( flora ) Hamilton Lewis, dying on August 23, 1908, and on
September 20, 1929, Lewis s dad... Show more content on ...
Lewis Enrolls at Cherbourg House near Malvern College, England. But with this
Lewis abandons his Christian faith. On the day of August 1952, Lewis meets the
love of his life, Helen Joy Davidman Gresham or, just Joy for short. On April 23,
1956, Joy and Lewis got married but their love was short lived. June 1956, was the
year C.S. Lewis s wife became very sick. Joy was further on diagnosed with bone
cancer and sadly, she did not make it. Quote July 13, 1960, Lewis was awakened
by [Joy] screaming. She died peacefully at 10:15 later that day. Then on June 13,
1961, about a year after Joy s death, Lewis was diagnosed with kidney
inflammation. November 1961 C.S. Lewis passes away. Lewis s books continue to
attract hundreds of new readers each year! ABout C.S. Lewis s books, There had
been some drama around The Chronicles of Narnia Series, involving J. R. R. Tolkien.
Quote Tolkien took seven years to write The Lord of the Rings and here Lewis had
written seven books in six years end quote. Tolkien has furious about the books.
Thinking them as insulting and written poorly. Tolkien criticized the books severely
and hated them with all his heart. Besides that, The Chronicles of Narnia books have
sold tens of thousands of
Superman Vs Star Wars
I am a nerd. I always have been and always will be. I love playing video games
where a little Italian plumber becomes a knight in shining armor as he has to save
his sweet princess. I love sitting on the edge of my seat as I watch adventures take
place in a galaxy far far away. I don t party, play sports, or find enjoyment in
gambling my money away with fantasy football; it just isn t my thing. I much rather
spend Sundays watching a young queen take back her kingdom alongside her three
dragons. I rather go on long banters for hours at a time with my friends as we talk
about why Batman can hands down beat superman in a fight or what Star Wars
movies were better, the prequels or the originals and sometimes things can get heated
but it s because
Social Work Case Study Health And Social Care
In 2012, Samantha an executive in the finance company was asked by the company
to help assist in opening a new branch in Singapore. Samantha and her husband
relocated to Singapore in January 2013 to establish the new company branch. Her two
children aged between 18th and 21th remained living in Melbourne at the family
Samantha and her husband planned to remain in Singapore until the branch was
properly settled which they roughly anticipated around three to four years. While
living in Singapore they leased an apartment for four years and her husband acquired
an employment. During their period of stay in Singapore, Samantha and her husband
returned to Melbourne in January 2014 for a month to see their children and visit the
head office.
At the end of two years, the ... Show more content on ...
To help identifying the issues in this case, it needs to look at Samantha living
arrangement and any relevant information from 2013 to 2015 which are:
She started living in Singapore from January 2013 to the end of December 2013.
In January 2014, she went back to Melbourne for a month to visit her children and
head office.
At the end of second years, she left Singapore and went to Europe for holiday before
returning back to Melbourne in July 2015.
During her length of stay in Singapore she still held investments in both countries
under her name, although she closed her bank accounts in Australia and opened a
bank account in Singapore. Relevant legislation and cases
The issue in Samantha case, whether she is an Australian resident for the period of
January 2013 until her return in July 2015 required the interpretation of residency
definition and any relevant cases that may assist such as Applegate v FCT (1979)
and Jenkins v FCT
Child Labour Discipline
As a member of the Catholic Church, one is called upon to liberate the
marginalized and help the weakest members of society. In order to so in a way
that is in accordance with the Catholic Church, one is obligated to follow the ten
principles of Catholic Social Teachings. These teachings are a guideline that will
lead citizens to the way God planned for society to function through the words of
the Bible, Popes and Bishops. As society turns to the social issues the world
experiences today, the Catholic principles shed light on the acts necessary to carry
out God s plan. A social issue that has been ignored in the past is child labour. This
horrendous practice has taken over the lives of over 152 million children, due to
money thirsty savages that have no regard for basic human rights. (MORE THAN 40
MILLION, 2017). The Catholic Churchis highly opposed to the social justice issue of
child labour as she clearly outlines in her teachings that society must protect those
who are vulnerable, respect the dignity and human rights of minors, and allow
children to live their youth in freedom and free from oppression. The Catholic Church
teaches that society must protect those who cannot protect themselves. First off, child
labour is in direct violation of what the Catholic Church preaches and practices. The
Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church stated that from the early 2000 s
and onwards, the Pontifical Commission has continuously emphasized the most
Why Leave The House Of Bread
Chris Shea
ENG 360
Professor Mary Anne Nunn
Paper I: Why Leave the House of Bread to be Full?
On the surface, the ancient book from the Bible the Book of Ruth would appear
like any other book in the Bible: Setting is made along with family connections, sin
is committed, character(s) are punished for sin, character(s) become bitter and
spiteful, some divine intervention plays through, character(s) are eventually
redeemed, and moral lesson plays through, seemingly straightforward. However a
closer reading, along with an understanding of the Hebrew meanings of each name,
would suggest more of a deeper relationship among these elements to convey such
moral lesson . Through this reading one would be able to realize what the text is
actually saying and why. In order for one to be full in the eyes of the LORD, one
must remain where the food is: at the House of Bread . If one leaves, one no longer
receives an adequate fill.
Most of where the Book of Ruth occurs is the town of Bethlehem. Bethlehem is the
Hebrew term meaning House of Bread . Thus one would believe it would be very
odd for there to be a famine in the House of Bread, as it is stated in the beginning of
the Book. Now here is where the initial plot begins to unravel. On one hand,
Bethlehem is on the west side of the Jordan River, where the LORD considers the
Promised Land to be throughout the Bible. The LORD wishes for His people to
remain in this Promised Land , as this is where His covenant may be
Xi Jinping s Influence On The Government Of China
President Xi Jinping Xi Jinping is the top leader in the Communist Party of China
and he s the President of the People s Republic of China. Additionally, according to
(Timmons, n.d.), he worked up the ranks and touched all the right bases within the
bureaucracy in order to become a major player in the Chinese Politburo. By 2013,
Jinping was elected General Secretary of the Communist Party, Chair of the Military
Commission and President of the People s Republic of China. Moreover, according
to (Economy, 2014, p. 80), Jinping articulated a simple but powerful vision for the
country which was the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In fact, he rejected the
communist tradition of collective leadership and instead established himself as the
top leader within the tightly centralized political system. After just a few years in
office, he has proven himself to be a transformative leader by... Show more content on ...
The President and Vice President are elected by the NPC. Additionally, the Vice
President assists the president and has the ability to exercise as many powers that the
President entrusts him to. The State Council is the executive body of the supreme
organ of state power. The State Council is composed of the Premier, the Vice
Premiers, the State Councilors, the Ministers in charge of ministries, the Ministers in
charge of commissions, the Auditor General, and the Secretary General. In addition,
the Premier assumes total responsibility for the work of the State Council and the
ministers assume total responsibility for the work of the ministries and commissions.
Moreover, the State Council is responsible for giving reports on their work to the
NPC (or to its Standing Committee when the NPC is not in
Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)
PREPARED FOR FAYEZ AHMED Lecturer Department of Marketing Bangladesh
University of Business and Technology (BUBT) PREPARED BY GROUP RIDERS
NAME ID SECTION INTAKE Marium Moushome 09103101008 1 22nd Apurba
Kumar Ghosh 09103101009 1 22nd Shanto Kumar Ghosh 09103101017 1 22nd
Mahmudur Rahman Kollol 09103101025 1 22nd Sajib Chandro Ghosh 09103101031
1 22nd Md. Jaed Hossain 09103101035 1 22nd _DATE OF SUBMISSION _ 21TH
(fast moving consumer goods) is a term that is used to refer to those goods which
are sold through retail stores. These goods have a short period... Show more content
on ...
It was Dr. John S. Pemberton who created this drink in 1886. Coca Cola touched
base in every part of the US by 1895. The company began its franchisee operations
in 1899 and gradually it opened up bottling plants in every corner of the globe. The
universal popularity of Coca Cola is undisputed. The Coca Cola syrup mixed with
carbonated water created ripples everywhere and today you can get a Coke in any
part of the world. 5. PEPSICO: PepsiCo was created out of the amalgamation of
two companies named Pepsi Cola and Frito Lay. The company which was formed
in 1965 has its headquarters at Purchase in Harrison New York. It is a Fortune 500
company. PepsiCo is engaged in the manufacture of snack foods (grain based),
beverages and other similar products. One of its best known brands is the cola
beverage PEPSI COLA. Created in 1893 its former name was Brad s Drink . 6.
BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO: Another multinational tobacco major is the
British American Tobacco company which is the world s second largest tobacco
company. It sells its tobacco products in several top markets across the globe. Many
world famous cigarette brands are manufactured by BAT. One of its top selling
cigarette brands is PALL MALL. Some other leading cigarette brands manufactured
by the company are Dunhill, Kent, Lucky Strike and Vogue. 7 NOKIA: Nokia is a
Finnish multinational engaged primarily in the
Intro to Database Systems Chapter 1 Essay
Chapter 1
1 A. Data = raw fact (pg. 5)
B. Field = a character or group of characters that defines a characteristic of a person,
place, or thing. (pg. 660)
C. Record = a collection of related fields (pg. 666)
D. File = a named collection of related record (pg. 660)
2. Data redundancy is when the same data are stored unnecessarily at different places.
Spreadsheets /islands of information lead up to the date redundancy. (pg. 16)
3.Data independence is when it is possible to make changes in the data storage
characteristics without affecting the application program s ability to access the data.
It standalone data so it doesn t need to be link with anything. (pg. 15)
4. DBMS is a collection of programs that manages the ... Show more content on ...
Operational database a database that is designed primarily to support a company s
day to day operation.
Data warehouse focuses primarily on storing data used to generate information
required to make tactical or strategic decision. (pg. 9)
9.Hardware, software, people, procedures, and data (pg. 18 20)
10. Metadata is data about data (pg. 7)
11.Better and faster speed also less errors
12. Increased costs, management complexity, maintaining currency, vendor
dependence, and frequent upgrade/replacement.
13. Unstructured data are data that exist in their original state but structured data not.
It is the generation of information. The structured data is more prevalent in a typical
business environment. (pg. 9 10)
14. Self documentation through metadata, enforcement of data types or domains to
ensure consistency of data within a column, defined relationships among tables, or
constraints to ensure consistency of data across related tables. (pg. 23)
15. It doesn t read your mind. It only received the raw data user put in.
16. Understanding the shortcomings of the file system enables you to understand the
development of modern database. (pg. 14)
Chapter 2
1. Data model is a relatively simple representation, usually graphical, of more
complex real world data structures. It is an iterative, progressive process (pg. 30)
2. Business rule is a brief, precise and unambiguous description of a policy,
procedure, or principle within a
Taking a Look at Joan of Arc
For centuries women have been discriminated against and perceived as either
housewives or maids.There have been so many stereotypes suggesting that some
women actually believe they are inferior to men. The actuality of this is women are
capable of most things men can do and even more. One of the absolute greatest
examples of this theory was Joan of Arc. She started a movement that most men
could never dream of creating. Without her France might have submitted to
English rule centuries ago. Joan of Arc was a courageous, divine woman who
altered French history and even influenced many of today s events. FIrst, before
comprehending Joan s significance one must understand the environment in
which she grew up. Almost eighty years before Joan was born, Edward III of
England refused to give respects to Phillip VI of France. As a result of this
intolerable act Phillip VI withdrew the lands of Aquitaine, which were given as a
gift, from the English. When news of this thievery reached Edward III he angrily
claimed himself king of the French. Conflicts between the Kingdom of England
and the French Empire escalated. By 1337 war was declared and the Hundred
Years War began. The Hundred Years War is divided into three different phases
resulting from treaties and conflicts. These three phases are The Edwardian Era War,
The Caroline War, and The Lancastrian War. Joan spent most of her life during The
Lancastrian War (English decline in France). In 1415, King Henry V of England
Golden Retrievers Research Paper
Golden Retriever dogs are loved by many and have many uses in addition to just
being pets to people. There are many reasons that Golden Retrievers are the third
most popular bread in America currently. Let s look at some of the reasons that
they are. The Gold Retriever breed was first developed by Dudley Coutts
Majoribanks, who was also known as Lord Tweedmouth. The breed was first
developed in the Scotland during the late 19th century. Did you know that Golden
Retrievers are used on search and rescue teams to help locate people or things in
need? They are used often on these teams because of their keen sense of smell and
ability to track down missing people or other things that have gone missing. People
can be helpful in these search and
The New Golden Age Of Television Essay
Theodore Brown
Professor McCauley
Intro to Humanities
16 November 2016
The New Golden Age of Television
Television is so popular that it is almost a vital part of life to most people. According
to the article The Real Golden Age of Television , the first successful demonstration
of electronic television was introduced on September 7, 1927. (Handy William). It
was designed by Philo Taylor Farnsworth. Charles Jenkins is also an important
person to the creation of television because he created the first mechanical TV on
June 23, 1925. (D Addiro). These two men are responsible for what we have today;
good quality television. Since then television has brought tears, laughter, joy, and
many other memorable moments to the lives of people. Television came to its own
in the 1940 s and 1950 s. During this time period television began to emerge into
the households many families. This was something new to people. Never would
they have thought of being able to sit in watch entertainment out of a TV screen.
Then in the 1964 was the beginning of the old golden age of television. The reason
for this claim is for the invention of color television made it more popular (Clapp).
All television programs were in black and white before this unbelievable creation.
This gave television viewers a better experience than the past because they were able
to see things differently. Though the era was magnificent there was more to come.
Time advanced into the 2000 s and so did television. Many
Duggan Consumer Culture
With the continuing development of Internet technology, news has never been
shared faster. It is easy to access national and international news in seconds. Despite
the fact that network news may be losing some viewers, online articles and news
sites are gaining more attraction. News and media can have a significant impact on
people s perceptions of different cultural issues, thus affecting consumer culture.
According to Bryant and Oliver (2009, p.9) how a person feels about a particular
issue may be rooted in his or her personal experience of in the general culture or
exposure to the mass media. Throughout this essay I will analyse the language used
in an online article from Mail Online by Richard Littlejohn, titled Duggan was a
Gangster, not Nelson Mandela . I intend to show how young black men are
criminalised in the news mediaand how this affects black consumer culture and
perpetuates negative stereotypes. Despite the fact that the article focuses on issues in
London and the United Kingdom, I will focus this discussion on the United States, as
this is where racial profiling, criminalisation, and police violence is significantly...
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His language implies that the people supporting Duggan s family are dangerous,
angry, and savage. He calls them aggressive hecklers and states that when searching
the internet for hate crimes, the Met office needn t look further than a few violent
thugs [...] in the public gallery at the Royal Courts of Justice . Littlejohn goes on to
argue that Duggan has had a well documented criminal career and that he was a
gangster that was intent on harming someone ( if he wasn t a gangster, why was he
carrying a gun on the day he died? [...] Perhaps he was going duck hunting on the
River Lea. Then again, perhaps not ). This language reflects what Smiley and
Fakunle (2016, p.355) refer to as micro insults and
Motivation: Extrinsic to Intrinsic
Motivation is a key factor in determining business success or failure. Successful
organizations relentlessly seek to operate with a clear understanding of employee
needs , and develop specific focus on how to meet them. Two key theories in
organizational motivation are expectancy theory and equity theory. Both theories
focus on the outcomes of a given decision or system rather than on individual
employee needs. The goal of both process theories is to increase output.
Some industries are better at applying process theory than others. In high pressure
sales industries process theory is evident. Computer companies run operations based
on equity and expectancy theory. The... Show more content on ...
Positive feedback cycles occur when sanction is properly implemented.
Extrinsic reward for incorrect reasons is deadly to organizational value creation
systems. Extrinsic reward provided for performance of expected task decreases the
value of future extrinsic reward and creates expectation of future extrinsic reward for
routine tasks. Expectation created through over rewarding ends in withholding of
high levels of extrinsic reward for average performance and is perceived as sanction.
Instrumentality is decreased as effort is perceived as unrewarded. Effort is reduced to
poor performance levels so that effort is matching perceived instrumentality.
Successful organizations implement highly structure extrinsic reward systems that
deliver consistent feedback regarding instrumentality to avoid over rewarding.
Improperly controlled sanction is deadly to organizational efficiency. Sanction that is
implemented through withholding of extrinsic reward destroys intrinsic reward and
motivation if applied incorrectly. Sales teams that do not have the appropriate
materials, knowledge, or support structure to perform at a high level should not be
sanctioned. If groups are sanctioned through withholding of extrinsic rewards in
situations in which other factors are the key reasons for failure group motivation is
annihilated. Sanction for failure to attain success that is not attainable removes all
intrinsic motivation.
Successful organizations focus on
Speech On Self Evaluation
Speech to Explain: Self Evaluation
For this speech I choose to have my topic be something I have a strong personal
connection to which was Rave culture, its history and practices. Choosing this to be
my topic of choice I was able to be motivated in researching it and I believe my
genuine interest in the topic showed in my presentation. In this self eval I will be
discussing the structure and style along with what I am taking away from this speech.
First, I will be talking about the structure of my speech. When doing a speech to
explain, like any other speech it s important to have a clear and organized pattern.
Essentially when creating my outline for the speech I had made sure to have a clear
and engaging intro and hook, meant to clearly state my theme and then jump into the
topic. Unfortunately when presenting the speech I was unable to present my
introduction as I would have liked and forgot to even mention my theme. I was not
very effective in my introduction but knowing so at my conclusion I was sure to
clearly state my theme. However,I believe my concluding sentence could have been
more clear. To improve I should in the future reinstate my topics and go over key
points and leave the audience with psychological closure rather than abruptly saying
that was all, thank you .
I felt that it would have been beneficial for me to use more visual aids in presenting
my topic. Rather than just talking about my topic and the music, I feel that if I
showed some actual footage
Man Of Steel
Man of Steel is a movie that reveals the attempt of Superman to save the planet
form destruction. It is a highly imaginative movie full of animations so considered
as sci fi movie. The movie shows a story about a boy who is trying to figure out his
own identity. He is not aware about his past. He is sent to the Earth for sake of
Firstly, the superhero and bizarre force of the general population from the Krypton
sustains that the motion picture is science fiction motion picture. The kid Kal El last
of a doused race masked as unremarkable human was sent to the Earth by his
guardians. The film demonstrates the utilization of the Codex keeping in mind the
end goal to take Krypton back to its place where legend assumes an essential part to
spare the Earth and to battle back against the Zod s and his devotees. The superpower
of outsiders additionally underpins that the motion picture is a science fiction motion
The film is around a young man sent to the Earth from krypton. The ... Show more
content on ...
Such interstellar space travel demonstrates that the motion picture is a science fiction
film. The motion picture demonstrates exhilarant activity in the middle of Clark and
General Zod. Clark additionally begins to look all starry eyed at the journalist which
is astounding and his dad helps him to offer motivation to end up the scaffold
between two races. This additionally demonstrates it is a science fiction motion
picture. As science fiction film depends on motion pictures of outsiders.
The motion picture has a decent blend of sci fi which can be commonsense in the
coming future. Clark fighting so as to be the fundamental character ensures earth
with his own kin. He has confidence in common comprehension and co operation. He
spares the Earth from obliteration and spares lives of numerous individuals. The film
demonstrates the utilization of cutting edge
The Stereotypes Of Britney Spears
A sixteen year old girl poses for the camera, wearing a shirt that resembles
something more akin to a bra than to an actual shirt. She is lying prostrate upon the
floor with the photographer snapping pictures above her scantily clad form. The girl
s name is Britney Spears. She has just recorded her first hit single, named quot;Hit
Me Baby One More Time quot;.
As Britney s veneer of a bubblegum pop princess fades, she has resorted to
shedding more and more layers of clothing in order to attract a new breed of
audience. Singing songs entitled quot;Oops I Did It Again quot; and quot;I m a
Slave for You quot;, her raunchy music videos are now being mimicked by thirteen
year old girls across the world. Britney Spears and her ... Show more content on ...
Their clothes have been reduced to mere shreds of cloth held together by strings, their
lyrics have transformed into something of a more twisted, sexual nature and their
suggestive dance moves have captivated audiences world wide.
These glamorous media whores are idolized by millions of girls between the ages of
ten and fifteen and their fans tighten their shirts, raise their skirts and imitate the
quot;sexy quot; moves they witness in music videos. Many of these little lolitas have
even taken to touching themselves inappropriately and stripping off their clothes in a
seductive manner in front of their bathroom mirrors in order to make themselves feel
more mature, womanly and sexy (Adrno 23).
Many Fortune 500 companies across the nation have invested millions of dollars in
advertisements bearing the visage of new young pop stars to sell their products
(McCabe 1). These ads are rife with sexuality convincing young girls that they must
act and dress according to their pop idols in order to achieve popularity.
We as a society are also sending out mixed messages to our youth. On one hand, we
present images of young, scantily clad girls being the epitome of style and fashion,
yet we simultaneously discourage this behavior in our nation s youth. We lock away
pedophiles in institutions, and strictly prohibit
Essay on Race, Racism and My Community
Racial issues are an important part of any city in America today. America is a
racially diverse country but still seems to have many problems as far as racial
equality, race relations, and encouraging diversity. My community is in, what I think,
is a fairly unique situation in terms of race. According to the census and other sources
I found on the internet, the population of
Cedar Hill, Texas is approximately 32,093. The city is growing and very much like
the other upscale surburbs in Dallas. Cedar Hill offers satisying opportunities for both
indoor and outdoor activities and a very family orientate city, the chity has an
amusement park, a skating rink, a 14 screen Cinemark Movie Theather and a studio
for arts ... Show more content on ...
There is an Asian family that live on the coner and I just love the way the
grandmother walks every morning and plant flowers in her yard, keep it water and
cared for. I have a white family that lives directly across the street from me, that s
mad a
America and he has his flag hung upside down, I ask why did he do that and he says
because the United States is upside down because of our president. I could not
understand that because
I feel that we should love our country no matter what. I still speak and he still gives
my family a cake every Christmas. And I send fruit and a card. But the real problem
with him is that he is very predioucs and don t like any other race, other than white.
This is what his 34 year son says . But despite his feelings about other races he still
shows that he care at Christmas time. In my community, I feel that it is a rainbow
of people. I have contact with everyone, if it s just a wave as I pass by, but not
much communication. I don t consider myself a minority. I would say I interact
with a white and Hispanic person maybe 6 days a week. There are of course
differences in appearance even when people are of the same race. It s really hard
to say how different people in my community are from one another because they
are all generally the same in terms of appearance. We have many people of White
descent or Polish descent who are just as different as someone who is of Japanese
descent. Because of the color of their
Sugar Baby Research Paper
From my research, the sugar babies personal stories reflected on how the relationship
originated using the website, a site devoted to the
development of sugar baby and sugar daddy arrangements. Seeking Arrangement
plays an integral role in the perception of the sugar baby because of their significant
media presence. They often write articles where they specifically define the
differences between the sugaring relationships and use tactics to get young,
impressionable girls who are in a financial need the benefits of the sugaring lifestyle
and the ability to support herself. has an annual SugarBaby
Summit to consign with their media presence. The summit normally includes a panel,
sugar babies, and... Show more content on ...
No sugaring experience is the same because their are several different factors and
structures in each arrangement. Although, one thing that most sugar babies
participate is is having sex with their sugar daddy in order to receive and
allowance, and this is where the sugar baby relationship begins to slip into the
realms of sex work rather than a relationship. However, for other sugar babies, sex
isn t on the table until they form a relationship. Since sugar baby relationships are
so unique it s hard to have one definition of a sugar baby. But, Motyl Jacqueline,
successfully categorizes the levels of the sugar baby dynamic to see whether or not
they re engaging in legal activity according to Section 230 of Communications
Decency Act. Jacqueline writes, However, since the 1970s, courts have agreed that
sexual acts are not deemed to fall within the realm of prostitution if there is something
accompanying the sex, such as companionship, dinner, or even cleaning the house.
This is why the sugaring relationship is so hard to define according to the law.
SeekingArrangement advertises the sugar baby relationship as only a mentoring
companionship between two people, but for some sugar babies the relationship
between a sugar daddy and a sugar baby is purely
European Union ( Eu ) Action
2.2 European Union (EU) action
The EU was developing a particular system to mitigate CO2 and other GHG
emissions. In 2005, the EU establishes an effective system, which is EU Emissions
Trading Scheme (EU ETS) (European Communities, 2013). The EU ETS considers as
effective system to combat climate change and tool to reduce CO2 and other GHG
(European Communities, 2015).
The EU ETS has biggest and first main emissions trading in the world. This system
includes 28 countries from the EU as well Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. This
trading scheme puts price on each ton of carbon emissions. As the CO2 emissions
prices are high, thus encouraging to increase investment with clean energy that
reduce CO2 and GHG emissions. Beside, this system ... Show more content on ...
The EU ETS cap allowance gives the owner of company to emit one tone of CO2
(each allowance can used only one time). Moreover, cap gives EU companies
chance to buy or receive emissions allowance if they want to trade. In addition,
from 2013, the cap will be making change by reduce emission about 1.74% every
year from power plants and installations. That means GHG emission in 2020 will be
reduce around 21% compared to 2005 (European Communities, 2013).
2.3 local responses
In light to local response for UK to mitigate CO2 emission and other GHG, it has
established Climate Change Act on 26 November 2008. These act aims to several
legislation that helps to manage and address climate change (GOV.UK, 2013 a).
Therefore, the act works to achieve aims as the following: First, make certain
economic way to reduce emissions and reduce about 80% of GHG by 2050 compared
to 1990 (HM Government, 2011 GOV.UK, 2013 a). Second, providing clear plan for
industry to work effective in reduce emission by the act (GOV.UK, 2013 a).
Third, use EU ETS policy to provide large proportion to reducing emissions in the
UK between the 2013 and 2020. Fourth, use 2050 Calculator by public and policy
makers to choosing the appropriate options to reduce emission and achieve the
target of 2050 (GOV.UK, 2014). The 2050 Calculator is model that help policy
makers and public to choose the appropriate way for reducing emissions
Evaluation Of A Theory Of Supervision
Theory of Supervision
Melany Zwilling
Eastern Illinois University Theory of Supervision Supervision is designed to facilitate
growth and learning among supervisees and supervisors through specified theoretical
framework and characteristics (Bernard Goodyear, 2014). A theory of supervision
incorporates multiple techniques, focus areas, and evaluation assessment tools to
integrate developmental advancement among practitioners (Tadlock Marlo, 2015).
Addressing supervisory roles, incorporating multiculturalism, and taking into account
developmental levels among clinicians are factors imperative to form a theory of
supervision to form a clinical baseline in supervision (Tadlock Marlo, 2015). An
analysis of clinical supervision, specifically tailored to Bernard and Goodyear s
discrimination model, will reveal multiple foci and supervisory roles with alterations
to fit desired counseling personhood. Additionally, multiculturalism, supervisory
relationships, and developmental stages will include specific framework influencing
factors of Bernard and Goodyear s discrimination model of supervision. Evaluative
components for supervisor and supervisee will address potential satisfaction to the
supervisory relationship.
Clinical Supervision Clinical supervision provides learning experiences devoted to
developing leadership and competence within mental health professionals (Murphy
Kaffenberger, 2010). Two essential areas of knowledge for learning include
integration of
Federal Reserve Benefits
After the nation s banks were hit hard by a severe financial panic in 1907, the
United States President and Congress decided the nation s banking system needed
reformed and strengthened. Subsequently, in 1910, a small group of bankers and
politicians secretly met on Georgia s Jekyll Island for 10 days and drafted an
outline of a new central banking system that would protect the United States
economy from future financial crises and provide the platform for America to
thrive. This outline, known as the Aldrich Plan named after Senate Republican of
Rhode Island, Nelson Aldrich was submitted to congress but was voted down.
However, this would later serve as the model for which the Federal Reserve Act was
based. The Federal Reserve Act was signed into law on December 23, 1913, by
Woodrow Wilson and established the Federal Reserve, or the Fed, as the central bank
for United States.
The Responsibilities of the Federal Reserve
The Federal Reserve was created primarily to be the lender of last resort to provide
cash during a financial panic; however, their responsibilities have evolved and
increased over time. In November 1977, Congress expanded the Feds responsibilities
with the Federal Reserve Act to include the creation of monetary policies to promote
price stability and the maximization of employment to keep the economy moving ...
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The Federal Reserve plays a vital role as the intermediary in clearing and settling
interbank payments to assure that the millions of transactions performed each day
are processed safely and efficiently. Acting as the Banker s Bank , the Federal
Reserve Banks provide various services to the nation s banks such as check
processing, electronic transfers, and ensuring there is enough cash in circulation to
meet public demand. As fiscal agent for the U.S. government, the Reserve Banks pay
Treasury checks and issue, transfer, and redeem U.S. government
Mold Growth
The main focus of this experiment is to observe the difference in mold growth
slices of bread that were handled with dirty hands and with clean hands. As a control
test there
was one slice of bread that was not handled by human hands and was only touched
with clean
Germs were first discovered by Louis Pasteur. In 1850, Pasteur first started
why beer at a factory was turning sour. In his work to determine the cause, he put a
sample of
the beer under a microscope. This is when he found thousands of microorganisms that
living in the beer. These microorganisms are what we call germs. He went on to
continue to
study different liquids and the presence of germs in them. Pasteur then came to the
belief ... Show more content on ...
Joseph Lister knew of Pasteur s work and took it a step further. Lister researched how
there was a connection between post operative death and infection and how clean the
conditions were. Most of the steps he came up with for use in surgical rooms to
prevent the
spread of germs and infection are still used today.
Mold is a fungus that can be found anywhere. Mold grows best in conditions where
is moisture and warmth. Just like germs, mold spores are easily spread. Mold can be
spread by
spores in the air, it can be spread by being attached to people and/or animals. The
similarity of
how mold spores spread and how germs spread is the reason for this experiment in
order to
evaluate how the cleanliness of your hands affects the spread of mold or germs.
Hospitals and the CDC (Center for Disease Control) have strict guidelines about how
should try to prevent the spread of germs by using good personal hygiene. Lucy
Moore, a nurse
at Sumter Surgical, says that one of the most important steps you can take to not
spread germs is
to wash your hands. She stressed that you need to use soap and warm water and to
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100 Essay Topics

  • 1. 100 Essay Topics Writing an essay on the topic "100 Essay Topics" can be a challenging endeavor. The difficulty lies not only in the vastness of the subject matter but also in the need to provide insightful and engaging content for each potential topic. Crafting an essay that captivates the reader and effectively explores the nuances of various subjects requires careful research, critical thinking, and the ability to present ideas coherently. One of the challenges is the sheer number of topics to choose from. It can be overwhelming to decide which subjects to include and how to approach each one in a unique and thought- provoking way. Moreover, maintaining consistency and coherence throughout the essay while transitioning between diverse topics demands a high level of organizational skill. Research becomes a crucial aspect of this task. In-depth exploration of each topic is necessary to provide accurate information and present a well-informed perspective. This requires time and effort to sift through sources, analyze data, and synthesize information into a cohesive essay. Additionally, balancing depth and breadth in the essay poses its own set of challenges. While it's essential to delve deeply into certain topics to provide comprehensive insights, there's also a need to cover a wide range of subjects to adhere to the overarching theme. Striking this balance requires careful planning and a keen understanding of the chosen topics. In conclusion, tackling an essay on the topic "100 Essay Topics" demands a combination of research skills, critical thinking, organizational prowess, and the ability to weave together diverse subjects seamlessly. It is undoubtedly a formidable task, but with dedication and a systematic approach, one can navigate the complexities and produce an essay that is both informative and engaging. For assistance with similar essays or any writing challenges, you may consider seeking help from professional writing services. Platforms like offer support in crafting well- researched and polished essays on a variety of topics, making the process more manageable and ensuring the final product meets high standards. 100 Essay Topics100 Essay Topics
  • 2. Character is Called to be a Hero in Charles Portis novel... Umberto Eco once stated in his essay Why Are They Laughing in Those Cages? The real hero is always a hero by mistake; he dreams of being an honest coward like everyone else. Mattie Ross does not become a hero just because she wants to become a hero, she has a call. That call creates a goal she wants to achieve and she becomes the hero of this novel because of this. She will not have a goal if her call to adventure does not occur. A queststory always contains a hero, a wise old man, and a guide. In Charles Portis novel True Grit, he demonstrates exactly that. Mattie Ross comes forth as the hero of his novel. Rooster Cogburn assists her by taking on the role of the wise old man. LaBoeuf appears in this novel as the guide. Mattie, Rooster and LaBouef all fit into the roles of these characters in a quest story. Mattie Ross clearly portrays the hero of a quest novel. To begin, a hero gets a call that leads them into their journey. The call happens as the basis for the task they wish to achieve. They tend to get the call which bases their entire adventure, and allows the character to become a hero. Mattie receives a call for adventure when hearing the news that Tom Chaney killed her father, Frank Ross. After hearing about her father s death, Mattie will stop at nothing to get revenge on his killer. Not many people know Mattie s father, so, Tom Chaney does not have a group of Marshals after him immediately. Mattie claims that her father was just trying to do that short
  • 3. Anorexia And Bulimi A Psychological Disorder Health Science Anorexia and Bulimia Written by: Monique Chavez Nadia Jimenez Ashley LopezMonica C. Every few second s people are dying all around the world from diseases and different illnesses. Most of these diseases that are attacking us, involve the destruction of our immune system, but there are others that include attacking our thoughts and mind. Anorexia and Bulimia happen to be one of them that goes much further than just thinking yourself as fat. It s a psychological issue that has become increasing over the years, because of the pressure of society. Young women and even men are feeling the need to damage their bodies in order to blend or fit in. Let s begin with... Show more content on ... The purging can include using laxatives, vomiting, enemas, and exercising excessively, in order to get rid of the calories that were consumed. Again the non profit organizations separates bulimia into two categories; like anorexia it too has a purging, the second is non purging ( Unfortunately the people who suffer from eating disorders are the younger crowds of females, who are between the ages of 12 23. Although both sexes may suffer from the disease, it is proven by studies from the UK that 93% of the women reported having negative thoughts (266). It usually approaches them when they enter high school, because it becomes apparent to them that body image is important to media and popular culture. Food and water is one of our main sources of survival. Just as the Sun provides life to the plants, we work exactly the same way with food. Our body depends on the food for energy and its nutrients. Without it our bodies would stop functioning correctly and would work ten times harder in order for us to live our everyday lives. Imagine starving your body and the results of how you would feel and act? It probably wouldn t feel very good. The results of doing so come with consequences. For example with anorexia, there will always be a dramatic weight loss and yet still feel fat. They also develop an obsession of counting calories and having a fixation on
  • 4. Testing Longer Memory Searches Experiment Testing Longer Memory searches Experiment 5 The primary aim of Experiment 5 was to test whether participants are spending more time searching memory for A Br relative to C D pairs. If the cues for the A Br pairs seemed more familiar to participants, this could encourage them to search memory longer for the pair relative to C D pairs. It is reasonable to assume that they would be more familiar given that the individual items in A Br pairs tend to be better recognized relative to C D pairs (Aue et al., 2012; Criss Shiffrin, 2005). In memory models such as REM (Diller, Nobel, Shiffrin, 2001) the time spent searching memory is represented as an index of the number of times the model attempts to retrieve information from memory and either fails or rejects the retrieved information. Thus, each additional attempt at searching memory affords an additional opportunity to retrieve either the correct memory trace, retrieve an incorrect memory trace, or to fail to retrieve the memory. As such, having an additional opportunity to retrieve something from memory could boost the likelihood of retrieving either the correct or incorrect trace for A Br pairs relative to C D pairs and could potentially explain both the PF and PI observed in the current data. If it were the case that participants are spending more time searching memory for A Br pairs relative to the equivalent of C D pairs, then this would be reflected as longer reaction times (RT) for both correct and incorrect responses.
  • 5. Gender Roles In A Handmaid s Tale A handmaid s Tale displays a society in which gender roles and functions in society are strictly controlled and determined by those in power. Female sexuality, reproduction, and masculinity is present throughout the book and has an interesting parallel to our current society and where we are moving towards. The story and the epilogue reminds us of the fragile nature of our rights and freedoms and how easily they can be stripped away and how much we rely on the people in power. The Gilead regime overthrew the U.S. government the President and Congress were killed and the Constitution was suspended the government blamed the Islamic fanatics (Atwood, 174). This concept alone is like our modern day feelings towards attacks and blaming Islamic... Show more content on ... A Commander is the head of the household and has wives until death do them apart (81). Modern U.S. society also reinforces the idea that men are expected to be the head of the household. Commanders who couldn t have children with their wife are assigned a Handmaid. The Commander s wife is present and fully aware of the situation she is there when the Commander has sex with the Handmaid (Atwood, 94). Orgasms and pleasure are recreational not required for this reproduction purpose, its business (Atwood, 95). Even with the simple aspects of life such as dress, in the book, the tourist presented are stared at because the women are so undressed (Atwood, 28). The exposed face, hair, and legs was viewed by the women even though they used to dress that way. They removed or altered most if not all female activities, but men kept football (Atwood, 31). No freedom to roam, and even if you did? Why? Show that women are not looked at with a sense of purpose and determination (Atwood,
  • 6. College Athletes Should Be Paid Every year millions of people wait and wait for march to come around just for college basketball. Trying to make the perfect bracket to win some money against their friends, and of course the right to gloat about having a bracket. During march you can t watch one television show without seeing a commercial with a college basketball player on it. Everyone playing as well as everyone watching is filled with excitement and anticipation to see who will be crowned the next national champion. College athletes are some of the hardest working people in America, and they do it all for free just for the fans entertainment. Most Division I athletes are given a full scholarship for the sport that they are playing, but that doesn t give them money for living expenses such as groceries, food off campus, clothing, or even a night out on the weekends. College athletes should be given a certain salary for the semester, not only will it teach them managing money but also give them the money that they have earned for their job like extra curricular activity. Most athletes come from low income households where there families depend on them to contribute significantly. With how busy they become as college athletes they can barely find time to fit all of there studies in let alone get a part time job. Being a college athlete myself I understand the grind of what an athlete has to go through. Most athletes start of the day with weight lifting in the morning or some type of conditioning, then
  • 7. Glassalum Int Co (GC) Loss involves construction defect of a commercial building project. Zurich s insured, Goldman Sach s (insured) is owner of property in Jersey City NJ, who on 01/19/00 retained Turner Construction (Turner) to act as general contractor for the building project. On 11/17/00, Turner hired subcontractor, Glassalum Int Co (GIC) to design/install the buildings trim work. In 2004 defects were discovered in GIC s trim work where a remediation plan was put in by the three parties. As part of the remediation plan, GIC agreed to extend their warranty provision an additional 5 years to October 2010. In 2006 GIC was purchased by Permasteelisa North America (PNA) who assumed all of GIC s contractual obligations inclusive of the 5 year warranty extension.... Show more content on ... The insured believed this was within the scope of work performed by PNA. The three parties agreed to conduct an investigation to determine cause, while also agreeing to negotiate a tolling agreement to preserve the rights of all involved. However, in March 2010 the insured filed suit against both Turner PNA alleging breach of contract, warranty fiduciary duty including negligent supervision, failing to properly design, fabricate install trim
  • 8. Soliloquies In Hamlet Essay Shakespearian Techniques Have you ever watched a play or a movie and at one point the actor or actress starts talking to themselves? This is known as a soliloquy and it is an amazing technique play writers or movie makers use. These soliloquies can tell people a lot of things. It s a great way of showing the truth or the real feelings of a character. However, this technique is centuries and can date back to the Shakespearian era. Shakespeare himself used soliloquies all throughout his plays. He uses soliloquies to reveal Hamlet s true feelings. It even exposes Hamlet on what he really thinks of his incestuous uncle and mother. We also get to see the true pain Hamlet suffers with grieving for his dead father. In Hamlet s soliloquy,... Show more content on ... First of all, so excellent a king, that was to this Hyperion to a satyr (Shakespeare). Here Hamlet tell us that his father was an excellent King, and this new one, Hamlet s uncle, is a terrible King. Hamlet loved his father, and he also loved him for being a King. Furthermore, So loving to my mother that he might not beteem the winds of heaven (Shakespeare). Hamlet s father loved Hamlet and his mother. Hamlet loved his father too. However Hamlet s mother didn t really love him back. Hamlet hates his mother for this. For betraying what Hamlet sees as a god. Moreover, O God, a beast that wants discourse of reason would have mourned longer (Shakespeare). It was a tragedy for the kingdom when King Hamlet died. Hamlet even believes that everyone including animals had mourned King Hamlet s death because of how great of a man Hamlet saw in his father. In conclusion, Hamlet shows he love and misses by explaining how great of a king his father was, showing how loving his father was, and saying everyone was mourning his death because he was such a great man. While Hamlet exposes his real feelings for his mother and father, we see how toxic he is in relation to his uncle. To start, that was to this Hyperion to a satyr (Shakespeare). Hamlet describes his father as a Hyperion, one of the first twelve titan children from the greek mythology. However, his uncle is a
  • 9. Social and Economic Equality of African Americans in America Social and Economic Equality of African Americans in America The struggle for social and economic equality of Black people in America has been long and slow. It is sometimes amazing that any progress has been made in the racial equality arena at all; every tentative step forward seems to be diluted by losses elsewhere. For every Stacey Koons that is convicted, there seems to be a Texaco executive waiting to send Blacks back to the past. Throughout the struggle for equal rights, there have been courageous Black leaders at the forefront of each discrete movement. From early activists such as Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, and W.E.B. DuBois, to 1960s civil rights leaders and radicals such as Martin Luther King, Malcolm X,... Show more content on ... Significantly, he argued for submission to the white majority so as not to offend the power elite. Though he preached appeasement and a hands off attitude toward politics, Washington has been accused of wielding imperious power over his people and of consorting with the white elite. William Edward Burghardt DuBois, on the other hand, was more of an idealist. DuBois was born in Massachusetts in 1868, just after the end of the Civil War and the official end of slavery. A gifted scholar, formal education played a much greater role in DuBois s life than it did in Washington s. After becoming a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Fisk and Harvard, he was the first Black to earn a Ph.D. from Harvard in 1895. DuBois wrote over 20 books and more than 100 scholarly articles on the historical and sociological nature of the Black experience. He argued that an educated Black elite should lead Blacks to liberation by advancing a philosophical and intellectual offensive against racial discrimination. DuBois forwarded the argument that The Negro problem was not and could not be kept distinct from other reform movements. . . DuBois favored immediate social and political integration and the higher education of a Talented Tenth of the black population. His main interest was in the education of the group leader, the man who sets the ideas of the community where he lives. . . To this end, he organized the Niagara movement, a meeting of 29 Black
  • 10. Overpopulation Essay Every year, approximately six to eight million unwanted animals enter U.S. shelters every year. Even worse, only half ever leave alive. Three to four million cats and dogs are euthanized each year. Well over quarter million a month, 68,000 a week, 405 each hour, one every nine seconds. (Geyerr, 2015). Every local animal shelter is filled to capacity with cats and dogs of all ages and breeds. Some are surrendered, most are lost or abandoned, but all are unwanted. Euthanasia in animal shelters is the leading cause of death of healthy dogs and cats. While the reasons for this crisis are multi faceted, they re not complex. And, the problems that cause animals to become homeless and end up in animal shelters are preventable. An... Show more content on ... There are other benefits to spaying and neutering your pet. Such as, increased lifespan, health wellness, reduced roaming, improved mood, and reduced bad behavior or marking (inappropriate urination). There are 30 to 40 million community cats and only 2% are spayed or neutered. This population is estimated to be responsible for up to 80% of the kittens born ito the u.s. each year. Community cats are either friendly strays most likely lost or abandoned family pets or feral (unsocialized and born in the wild). These cats usually live in colonies or communities and do not have owners. (HSUS, n.d.) These communities are usually sustained and fed by compassionate individuals, many of who participate in the Trap Neuter Release (TNR) program which stops the breeding cycle and improves the lives of community cats. These animals are humanely trapped and taken to a veterinarian to be spayed or neutered, vaccinated and ear tipped. Ear tipping is the universal sign that a cat has been altered and returned to their outdoor home. There is a campaign targeted towards those who are looking for an animal, called Adopt Don t Shop . This campaign educates people about the benefits of adopting from a shelter instead of buying from a breeder. Breeders are another cause of the overpopulation crisis. Not all breeders are the same, but all of them do it for personal
  • 11. Biblical Allusion During The Romantic Age Biblical allusion during the Romantic Age was not uncommon. Because Biblical images and references were in the minds of most Romantic readers, a poet would often use this strategy to contextualize an assertion being made. Wordsworth is no different. However, the level to which he uses this technique within his poetry fluctuates. The Ruined Cottage only contains two obvious examples, while Michaelis rich with Biblical imagery and allusion. Because of this difference, the Biblical allusion within the two poems will be discussed within three categories those which are concerned with a connection to nature, those which inspire the hope of salvation, and those which deal with the creation and deterioration of covenants. Delving first into... Show more content on ... She is presented as greedy and neglectful of the inherent spirituality in things, and possibly had false intentions behind sending Luke away. It seems this is a warning from Wordsworth. It is also valuable to note that Michael s troubles begin when his nephew defaults on a loan. However, the poem never labels him as nephew but instead, his brother s son (211). If Michael s name is meant to conjure the name of the archangel Michael, it can t be ignored that one of the brothers of that archangel is Satan. Viewing the name this way creates a parallel which makes Michael s nephew a quasi son of evil. Because of the nephew s industrious life (212), he is disconnected from the land and therefore amoral. With these instances of naming, Wordsworth seems to be commenting on how morality is connected to living life by means of nature rather than by means of material or industry. Turning now to allusions that inspire hope, we look towards Robert s Sunday clothes in The Ruined Cottage. Still in its place. His Sunday garments hung / Upon the self same nail, his very staff / Stood undisturbed behind the door (432 34). The garments that are hung up, are not just regular clothes, but his Sunday garments. This small detail gives the image it s religious tone. Continuing, the word staff certainly alludes to the staff of Moses in the bible, who is known for
  • 12. Differences Of Pablo Picasso And Diego Velazquez s Paintings Page 1 of 2 ZOOM In 1656, Diego Velazquez made a painting titled, Las Meninas. He was a painter for a royal family and many of his paintings consisted of the family. Many years later, Pablo Picasso painted over 50 variations of this painting. One including his 1957 painting that was based strongly on the princess of the royal family. Although both paintings can be related to each other, they both each portray their own meanings. It may be easy to tell that both paintings may be similar because of their appearance of the princess. In Velazquez s painting, he paints five year old, Infanta Margarita, who is being helped by many servants, including her bodyguard and dog. In Picasso s painting, he also includes the princess, who ... Show more content on ... Velazquez uses a realistic style to create a scene and tell a story, but Picasso uses geometric shapes to study the princess s body and face. Another difference is the people. Velazquez includes many people in his painting, including himself, while Picasso only includes the princess and a maid. Because Velazquez adds so many people into his painting, many people argue what his main focus was. However, in Picasso s painting it is clear that he valued the princess, which makes her the main focus in his painting. Another difference is the meaning of the paintings. Velazquez titled his painting Las Meninas, or ladies in waiting. This is odd because many of the people in his painting are focused on the princess, which may imply that she is the meaning of the painting. But because of the title, it is confusing to tell what Velazquez was trying to portray. However, Picasso takes up most of the space in his painting to draw the princess. Although a maid can be seen in the painting, it is clear that Picasso was trying to show the importance of the princess. Both artists painted these works to portray something. It may not be clear, but I think Velazquez was trying to show the importance of everyone in the castle. He includes himself, the princess, maids, king and queen, and other figures to not put too much focus on one person. I think he uses this strategy to show everyone is important and plays a specific role to make the royal castle so important. This is also why he created
  • 13. Code Of Ethics In The Australian Medical Association (AMA) The question of ethics is naturally raised when referring to the legalization of medical marijuana. Ethics can be defined as a value system that defines right from wrong, coming from a higher standard than the law. While Public Relations (PR) ethics consists of values such as honesty, openness, loyalty, fair mindedness, respect, integrity, and forthright communication, (Bowen 2007) it often is thought to consist of lies and spin doctoring in order to protect the reputation of a person, group or organisation. While some critics may argue that this is true, ethicsin PR allows PR and communications managers to determine between good and bad behaviour. (Bowen 2007) Ethics in regards to the Australian Medical Association (AMA) refers more closely... Show more content on ... ( 2014) This is an example of good practice in PR activity as it is informing publics and bringing them together to make the change and find the solutions they are searching for, whilst staying ethical and abiding by the law. The New York Times performed PR activity in the form of advertisements in their editorial section to promote the legalisation of cannabis. The advertisements tell the stories of Multiple Sclerosis sufferers who have turned to marijuana to cease their pain. ( 2014) While this is seemingly a harmless act of PR, as they are informing their publics and audiences of the uses of marijuana and why it should be legalised, many viewers saw the company as hypocrites. While they were promoting the legalisation of marijuana they were drug testing their employees for the drug. (The Young Turks 2014) Publics saw this as unethical as if they truly believed marijuana should be legalised, they shouldn t need to invade their employee s privacy to test them for the drug. This shows that this PR activity was poor as instead of agreeing and being informed by the company, their publics were exposed to acts they thought were privacy invading, dishonest and overall
  • 14. Reflections Of HRM Practices During My Industrial Placement The topic of the assignment is Reflections of HRM Practices during My Industrial Placement . I am required to explain about Communication is the key to a successful HR manager within a hotel. Without effective communication the success of the manager and organization is unlikely . Human Resources department is a department to employ people smartly to achieve the organization mission and vision and fulfill the satisfaction of the employee. The purpose of the essay is understands the important of communicationbetween employee and Human Resources department, understands effective communication can help an organization to achieve the organization mission and vision, understand way of communication with Human Resources department and the important of Human Resources department to the organization. My first Industrial Placement was in The Majestic HotelKuala Lumpur. First of all, Human Resources department is very important ... Show more content on ... In an organization, every department must communicate well between each department especially Human Resources department. This is because good communication with Human Resources department can help the employee to solve the problem. Therefore, it is clear that good communication with Human Resources department is very important within an organization. The important of communication with Human Resources department is to fulfill the staff satisfaction. Employees can talk to the Human Resources department when they feel any unhappy or upset while working. Human Resources department will help them to solve the problem. Besides, good communication between staff and Human Resources department can help the organization to achieve the goal faster. This is due the reason that employee is the key that help the organization to achieve the goal. Consequently, employee will work hard for the company when the company can fulfill their satisfaction. Hence, it is clear that an organization cannot run well without
  • 15. Adam Walsh Research Paper Adam Walsh At six years old, Adam Walsh was abducted by Ottis Toole, who violently abused him, and ultimately killed Adam. The Adam Walsh case had a huge impact on the world. Born to John and Reve Walsh, Adam came into the world on November 14, 1974 in Hollywood Florida. Adam Walsh died in Florida in his hometown, Hollywood on July 27, 1981 (Standiford, n.d., Page 57). Adam had two sisters and one brother. His sisters names are Meghan and Callahan, and his brother s name is Hayden ( 27 Years Later, Case, n.d.). During an ordinary shopping trip to a Sears department store on the early afternoon of July 27, 1981, six year old Adam Walsh disappeared within minutes of leaving his mother s side. Adam and his mom went to a Sears store to shop... Show more content on ... After Adam had died, John, Adam s father started the T.V program, America s Most Wanted (Standiford, n.d., p. Page 103) President George W. Bush created the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act. So then the penalties for crime involving kids will be strengthened. The Act that was passed after Adam s death makes every state to apply exact information for when posting offender data on the internet. It must include the offender s name, address, date of birth, place of employment, and a picture. Adam Walsh s parents started a new organization to help families get through the struggle of their own children that have gone missing ( 27 Years Later, Case, n.d.). This Act organizes all sex offenders, according to the crime that they have committed. If they do not update their whereabouts they will be punished (Leinwand Bazar, 2008, p. Page 33). The T.V show, America s Most Wanted, showed the world about its criminals, and the killings, and it also changed how the police and the other authorities looked for the missing children ( Ottis Toole Biography,
  • 16. Why Is Sacagawea Important Sacagawea has become a legend in our history. Since her death, she has been honored with monuments, statues, U.S. postage stamps, and the U.S. dollar coin. She was is the subject in many books and movies, but what made her so important that she was greatly honored? On Lewis and Clark s return journey, Sacagawea had known her way around southwestern Montana very well, so she was able to lead the Lewis and Clark expedition through the best route for them, which was in between Missouri and Yellowstone. Her knowledge of routes, her skills with the plants and wildlife, and her courage, common sense, and good humor contributed greatly to the journey s success (Benson 1360). Sacagawea joined William Clark and directed him through the best mountain routes, pointing out the safest paths, and finding edible berries roots for food. Throughout their journey, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark did not speak or know of the languages that Indians spoke. They had hired Charbonneau to interpret and ... Show more content on ... Without her, Lewis, and Clark wouldn t be able to communicate with the Shoshone Indians and their trip wouldn t been as successful as it was. This is because Lewis and Clark needed horses to travel across the mountains and the only way that they could obtain them was from the Shoshone village. Also, Sacagawea helped lead the journey because she knew where the best routes were. So without her, Meriwether, and William could have traveled into another country s territory and there could have been a possibility of being killed by the various Native American tribes. Sacagawea was a Shoshone interpreter and guide for the Lewis and Clark expedition of 1804 to 1806, the first non Indian U.S. land expedition to the Pacific Coast and back (Benson 1). She spoke both English and Shoshone, which made it easy for her to talk to Meriwether and William and the various locals that they met on their
  • 17. Jet Blue Paper History JetBlue Airways Corporation (JetBlue) was founded in 1998 in Delaware by David Neeleman, a former Southwest executive. The airline began operations in 2000 based out of JFK International Airport (JFK) in New York. JetBlue currently has over 12,900 employees and has been repeatedly ranked as number one in customer service among low cost carriers by J.D. Power Associates. As of December 31, 2010 the company operates over 650 flights daily, servicing 63 destinations in 21 states, including Puerto Rico, and eleven countries in the Caribbean and Latin America. The JetBlue s goal from inception was to distinguish itself as a low fare, low cost passenger airline, offering high quality customer service and a differentiated product.... Show more content on ... With 77 percent of total sales deriving from this website, it is essential JetBlue is committed to updating and refreshing this website. Small adjustment to the problems we found can be essential to increase sales. [pic] Competition Jet Blue is a member of the highly volatile and competitive airline industry. Jet Blue has purposefully positioned itself in the low cost airline category. In this category Jet Blue s major competitors are Southwest Airlines, and American Airlines. Up until the recent acquisition of Airtran by Southwest, Airtran Airways was the third major competitor airline to Jet Blue in the low cost air carrier category. Of the above mentioned companies Southwest airlines poses the most direct and intensive threat to business. The intense competition is no surprise; due to Jet Blue s founder David Neeleman was a fired executive of Southwest. Southwest began service as a low cost airline with three planes serving Dallas, Houston and San Antonio. Southwest ranked #1 in 2009 and #2 in 2010 among all airlines for the number of passengers carried (BTStatisitics Southwest continued to rank highly among JD Power and associates 2011 North America Airline Satisfaction Study in the areas of reservation, boarding, staff, costs and fees, and check in experience. The point to point network system employed by both Jet Blue and Southwest Airlines allow
  • 18. Character Analysis Of Morris Lurie s Running Nicely Running nicely is a short story written by Morris Lurie, about two orphan brothers: the protagonist, Moses, a twenty two years old young man and the antagonist, Ben, his younger brother. The story is set during the night at ten PM, in the streets in suburban Melbourne. When the two brothers are running, Moses realizes he has difficulty accepting that Ben is getting older, and that his younger brother is now running faster than him. The author suggests that familyrelationships after a loss may result in being abnormal and can have consequences on one s development and behavior. The author effectively conveys this theme through his use of characterization, narrative point of view and irony. To begin, the characterization of Moses in relation with his brother Ben demonstrates how the protagonist is struggling to be a perfect father substitute, after both parents passing away. Moses makes Ben grow too fast by doing adult type activities, like showing him jazz music, making him watch old movies and making him read books about war. By getting his brother learn about other things instead of watching the TV like their neighbors, he feels proud about how [...] he has weaned his brother, a former three hours a nigh man, off that awful habit. (2). After the death of their parents, Moses must take the responsibility of a father, but ends up controlling Ben too much by trying to educate him as an adult, while he is only twelve years old. By striving for perfection, Moses
  • 19. Comparing The Recovery Model And The Medical Model Of... Recovery is often cited as a goal of treatment; however there is no consensus of what recovery actually entails. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA, 2012), mental health recovery is a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self directed life, and strive to reach their full potential. There are many paths to recovery, although the road and destination may vary. In this paper, I will analyze the Medical Model and the Recovery Model. Medical Model of Treatment Those with mental illness, and their families, have long been stigmatized in our society. Historically, patients were suspected of being demonic or possessed; their families were blamed for contributing to their derangement. Stereotypes of mental illness can lead to prejudice, and prejudice can lead to discrimination (Rosenberg Rosenberg, 2013). This disposition is counterproductive to recovery. The introduction of the medical model of treatment helped reduce that stigma by shifting the blame away from individuals and families, and instead, referring to scientific rationalizations. The medical model of treatment is an objective assessment and outcome driven approach to recovery. This method recognizes mental illness as a disease, caused by an underlying physical condition. According to Beecher (2009), this physical element may be attributed to a disorder of the brain or central nervous system. Providers diagnose mental illness utilizing standardized classification systems, such as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), after assessing the patient s symptoms. The management of these symptoms remains the primary focus of recovery efforts. Pharmaceutical medications and psychiatric medical care are the most commonly prescribed treatment option in the medical model (Beecher, 2009). Recovery Model of Treatment Although the medical model remains the most prominent paradigm in mental health, the concept of recovery seems to be evolving from pathology based treatment to a more person centered approach (Beckwith, Bliuc, Best, 2016). The latter, more contemporary, ideology can be
  • 20. What Is Jessica s Business Code Of Ethics Jessica s Business Code of Ethics Jessica L. Rajpar Student No. 000317823 Western Governors University Thank you for joining Jessica s Company herein after known as The Company . It is the interest of The Company to provide our employees with both a positive and safe working environment. We believe that each and every one of our employees is valuable and play an exceptional role in contributing to our success. We are very excited to have you as a part of our team! The Company was started in 1992 and has grown to our current five facilities located in Indianapolis, IN and Lexington, KY. All of our production facilities boast leading and cutting edge, environmentally friendly technologies that are unparalleled. Through strict management, we have collectively built an environment that is safe, clean and friendly for our customers and employees. Our Mission Statement Our mission is to provide consumers with innovative products to increase efficiency and productivity while proving to have less impact on our environment and help our customers do so as well. We wish to prolong our current economic growth and protect our planet in the process. The integrity of our company is based on the quality of our products, our satisfied customers, the integrity and conscientiousness of our employees and our sincerity to innovative development and evolution. Our Core Values Deliver quality to our customers through excellence. Create
  • 21. Compare And Contrast The Effects Of Rome And Religion On... The effects of Rome and Religion on the Byzantium and Western Empire After the assassination and destabilization following Julius Caesar s death, Augustus was able to reestablish a prosperous Roman Empire, a time period lasting two and a half centuries. After the start of the Severan Dynasty became a period of horrific economic state for the Roman Empire after enormous expenditures in military expenses. This marked the start of the Crisis of the Third Century also known as the Imperial Crisis. Over a period of a half century, from 235 284 BC, there were 26 known emperors making attempts to lead the country out of its own depression. During this time period, the Empire had split into three competing states: the Gallic Empire, the Palmyrene ... Show more content on ... After the initial conversion to the Eastern Empire, the Byzantines were threatened after losing the territories of Armenia, Egypt, and Syria as well as southern Italy and Sicily. The Byzantines were able to halt further Islamic expansion into their lands during the 8th century and in the 9th century were able to reclaim portions of their previously conquered lands. However, after with the loss at the Battle of Manzikert in 1071, marked the start of two decades of internal trials and Turkish invasions ultimately
  • 22. Analysis Of The Fifth Quarter By Rick Bieber Loss, desperation and hope this is the heart warming story of the football champion playing with his brother s number 5 jersey Jon Abbate. The Fifth Quarter follows the story of the Abbate family losing their son and brother, Luke, to a car accident. It also uncovers the story of how Jon Abbate conquered his loss and became a football champion to playfor his brother and himself. In this movie, young people have been portrayed as emotional and desperate but also able to find hope and direction with the guidance of a senior. Robert Koehler (2011) from Variety states, The softness that plagues so many sports movies is in evidence yet again in the soporific The Fifth Quarter. In The Fifth Quarter (2010), Rick Bieber has taken the events from a true story and cleverly manipulated shot types, camera angles, non diegetic and diegetic sound to portray youth as resilient, brave and courageous people. The first tool that Rick Bieber employs is different kinds of shot types. Since this is a quite emotional movie, he uses a variety of shot types to portray the character s feelings. An example of this is the long shot of the Abbate family in the hospital. The Abbate family is sitting around Luke s bed discussing organ donation. They are very discouraged, and Rick has portrayed this by using a long shot, which shows the audience the slouched posture of the characters, displaying discouragement and sadness. In one of the mid scenes, a medium shot of the Abbate family and Jon s
  • 23. Wordsworth and Into the Wild, Mans Connection with Nature Nature is the universe, with all its phenomena, the elements of the natural world. In society there are those individuals that have an intense connection with nature. William Wordsworth, a romanticist, pantheist and transcendentalist believed that the natural world was an emblem of god or the divine and his poetryoften celebrates the beauty and spiritual values of the natural world. Chris McCandless believed that nature was the essence of freedom. The module In the Wild deals with humanity s relationship with nature. It shows that nature is the cure for all humanity, the cure for all deeds and a guide to them all. Man s origins lie in nature, it is where man begun and where man will end. Both composers gain insight from nature. Nature ... Show more content on ... The Solitary Reaper is a description of a melodious sound that is heard in the atmosphere. Its mood can be described as one of relaxation, depression and gentleness. The structure, four eight line stanzas, each closing with two couplets and all written in octosyllabic lines in iambic tetrameter, have a musical lilt. Short lines deliver the rhymes at a quick pace. Sentences normally need two or more such short lines to complete, so that few lines are strongly end stopped, diction is conversational and often lines consist mainly of monosyllabic words. A voice so thrilling was ne er heard The this quote describes how the sound of the girl s voice was accepted by all who heard. The sound of the reaper was pleasurable, and indeed welcoming. This quote also shows how the voice could not be compare to any other that existed. Wordsworth uses a few literary devices to express his description so the readers could imagine themselves listening to the soothing voice of the Scottish reaper. These include hyperboles and the use of rhetorical questions and metaphors. The use of hyperboles is seen in the sentence Breaking the silence of the seas, among the farthest Hebrides. It describes the voice of the reaper as one that is so loud, that it was heard miles away from where it originally began. The use of metaphors were seen when the poet compares the
  • 24. Teen Depression Introduction The research project my group and I decided to do was on teen depression. We wanted teens to be more familiar with this major teen issue and how it affects our daily lives. Teen depression is a major concern and it is not fully acknowledged within high schools. Many people even adults don t understand the results of teen depression. The statistics on teen depression are sobering. Studies indicate that one in five children have some sort of mental, behavioral, or emotional problem, and that one in ten may have a serious emotional problem. Some quick facts, one in eight teens may suffer from depression. Of all these children and teens struggling with emotional and behavioral problems, 30 % of these teens receive any sort of ... Show more content on ... Counselling means talking about your feelings with a professional trained psychologist who can help you change your thoughts about life, or behaviours that may be causing you to be depressed. Medicine is used to treat depression that is more severe. When you feel seriously depressed and its taking over your life than antidepressant medications might be necessary. With some sort of depression many depressed teens say they feel it just a few weeks. Remember, when you feel as if everything is impossible and you don t feel wanted, you are not alone. Results: For our groups results we tallied up all 50 surveys and divided them into three groups: The first group being Grade 9 boys, second group Grade 12 boys and the last group females in high school. Within these groups we found out some interesting information. Below is a chart with all our findings filled in: |Questions: |Grade 9 Boys |Grade 12 Boys |High school Girls | |Gender: |11 Boys |21 boys |18 girls | |Grade: |Grade 9 |Grade 12 |Grade 9: 7 | | | | |Grade 12:
  • 25. Utilitarianism And Kantianism Instagram s move to make a profit from advertising by changing the terms of service failed to meet the company s objective and destroyed the trust of the users, the most significant players for the success of the entity. Changing the privacy policy and term of use without informing the 12 million daily users was way beyond an ethical thing to do. To illustrate the argument, the act will be examined using two ethical theories namely, Utilitarianism and Kantianism. Before tackling on these theories, we must understand that Ethicsare the moral principles where we base our assessment for what is right or wrong (Birt et. al. 2014) and how such action may affect others (Zhu, May Avolio, 2010). The belief that such action is morally right or... Show more content on ... The philosophy revolves on two essential idea that a.) it is a duty to treat humanity with fairness, dignity and respect (Hill, 2007); and b.) it is the motive of the person that makes the action right or wrong (Birt et. al., 2014) . Kantianism is espoused by Immanuel Kant which simply emphasized that people should do what is right because it is one s duty to deal with humanity as you handle yourself. Unlike utilitarianism which is concerned with the outcomes of the action, Kant emphasized that one need not necessarily think about the consequence of the action as long as the act itself is morally good (Shaw, Barry, Issa Catley, 2013). He further described that an action can be interpreted as morally right if it is made out of good will and respect and not taking advantage of the situation (Birt et. al., 2010). In an organization, people make decisions. The person who makes a decision or action should be prudent enough to identify that such action is universally right. And so he is acting wilfully out of good intentions. As with Instagram, the information for the change was not intended for the public to have a choice and the change was made when 12 million users are already using their applications apps . This may be understood that Instagram did not respect their users because they were not given the opportunity to make a choice as to whether they will agree or not on sharing their personal information (profile and photos). The purpose of the decision was for the good of Instagram and the users in the company s perspective. They have to take advantage of the marketability of Instagram which was instigated with the growing number of users and the merger with bigger social media outfit. The idea that many advertisers are now willing to invest with the entity made them choose to change the terms and made the users information available for
  • 26. Gender Inequality In The Media Anderson Cooper. Don Lemon. Jake Tapper. Matt Lauer. These faces flash across our television screens, constantly crop up in our daily conversations, and dominate the news and media. But wait, there s something missing from the list of names above a group constituting nearly 51% of our population women( Women s Health USA 2012. ). Scarce are mentions of successful female journalists. Scarce are women confidently voicing their political opinions on reputable news channels. Scarce are truly powerful female journalists. In reality, this problem goes unnoticed by most in fact, despite being a news and politics aficionado, it didn t hit me until recently that women were so blatantly marginalized in this industry. It is perfectly valid to question the relevancy of such an obscure issue, but obscurity does not equate to unimportance. Portraying women unequally in the media defies not only our principles, but also the nation s principles. How can we claim that we are a nation of equal opportunity if we don t practice what we preach? We must encourage women to increase their political awareness and take on leadership roles in the media, especially in covering the most vital topics, because the underrepresentation of women in media encourages disparity between the sexes. The problem of gender inequality in media has two main aspects the shunning of women into petty, less important aspects of news and a clear lack of women in leadership in media. According to a report on the
  • 27. Responsibility for the Downfall of Macbeth Essay The tragic downfall of Macbeth can be contributed to several key factors. Macbeth s downfall can be attributed to his blind ambition, the influence of Lady Macbeth and Macbeth s own insecurities and misgivings. Blind ambition combined with immoral goals, with Lady Macbeth s influence and Macbeth s personal doubts all lead to his inevitable downfall. The greatest factor to Macbeth s downfall should be attributed to his blind, uncontrollable ambition. This factor is first seen with the second appearance of the witches, upon which they meet Macbeth. Macbeth s first thought to the prophecy All hail, Macbeth, thou shalt be king hereafter! (1.3.63) is he must murder the king. This thought provides the groundwork in which Macbeth can seed his... Show more content on ... Macbeth needed Lady Macbeth to do this, for without her, he would have continued to see the horrible act as something he shouldn t do. In this regard, Lady Macbeth does this very well, she makes Macbeth see things in a different light, tells him how he is erroneous in his thinking and gets him to think how she wants him to. The following quote shows these domineering and manipulating qualities of hers quite well: Art thou afeard/To be the same in thine own act and valor/As thou art in desire? Wouldst thou have that.../And live a coward in thine own esteem,/Letting I dare not wait upon I would /Like the poor cat I the adage? (1.7.43 49) This passage of Lady Macbeth also sums up her thoughts quite nicely: What beast was t it then/... made you break this enterprise.../when you durst do it, then you were a man,/ be more than what you were, you would/Be so much more the man. (1.7.53 57) Both of these quotations display Lady Macbeth s thoughts about Macbeth: he is weak, and he must be a man, while she is strong and would do the murder without a thought. These thoughts clearly show how ambitious she is, and how determined she wants to influence Macbeth s actions. The third, most contributing factor that leads to Macbeth s downfall is his own insecurities, including his active imagination and his experiences with the supernatural. Macbeth s first meeting with the witches, and the
  • 28. Dove and Manchester United Merit One Introduction I have been asked to produce a clear set of notes to go with my presentation of Dove and Manchester United fully comparing the effectiveness of the marketing concepts and principals. First of all I am going to start comparing the similarities of the aims of the two businesses. This is that Manchester United wants to become the best football club on and off the pitch. Dove has a similar aim which is trying to grow its brand of the real beauty campaign for women. This will be effective for both branding companies as they will become one of the top sellers when it comes to future high standards. Promotion Same Manchester United and Dove communicate the promotion of their product by using the media like ... Show more content on ... Manchester united, however, have to base their product pricing at a fixed rate with the competitors club/ business because fans will not be happy and will end up in an argument. The pricing depends on the individual name and number on the back of the t shirt like for example Ronaldo number 7 would be at the highest fixed rate as he is the best player for Manchester united. The prices vary from ВЈ46 57 after that. Appropriate Dove s pricing is appropriate as it is used as a daily product so spending ВЈ2 15 for a product is reasonable in this case. Manchester united s pricing is also appropriate as they are popular to their fans especially and they have set their aim of becoming the best football club on and off the pitch so this would lead to gaining more profit. Product Type Dove manufactures their products for beauty range of women. These are not just a limited type of women; these are women of all shapes and sizes, ethnicity and age over 40. The beauty products of Dove are required for every household as it is a leading brand product but it is also a product that helps allow women to pamper themselves and look after their skin. Manchester united, on the other hand, manufactures and sells their products to fans of the football club as this
  • 29. Folly Vs Erasmus Erasmus in The Praise of Folly did something that was very different from writers before him and created a piece that was written differently, free thinking, and went against the authorities of the time. Erasmus created a piece that is truly modern and inspires other free minded individuals to write freely and express their own beliefs. In The Praise of Folly, Erasmus created a piece very different and very innovative for the time. Erasmus may have been the author of this piece, but he was not the narrator, instead it was Folly that was the narrator of this work. Comparatively to works seen in the middle ages where works were typically about religion and the narrator played a very small part on the work. Also, it was atypical if there was
  • 30. The Characteristics Of Characters In Microserfs By Douglas... Experience shared with other people provided important knowledge that helps people find their place in the world. The novel, Microserfs by Douglas Coupland displays these traits by having reader follow the diary of Daniel Underwood as he starts to wonder if life has more meaning than just working. Firstly, lovehelps a person understand to improve oneself, that they always have a person to talk too and that love can make people cherish each other. Secondly, Loss can impact people by having them deny about the loss, accept the loss and remember the loss. Finally, friendships help people understand that there is more to life than work, friends are always there to help that friends can provide a comfortable environment. The experience people go through with each others helps people to figure out where they belong. To begin, the experience of love teaches people to always improve oneself, people with significant others always have a person they can talk too and that love can make people cherish others. Starting off, Relationships teaches people to always improve oneself. This is shown in the novelwhen Daniel, in response to more men starting to notice Daniel s girlfriend: Karla as a women he starts to go to the gym and improve himself. This is proof of how love can teach people to improve themselves because Daniel is scared that Karla might get embarrassed to be with him due to his appearance, so he decides to improve himself to make him more presentable when they go
  • 31. Summary Of Bury Me In A Free Land I choose to analyze and discuss the poem Bury Me in a Free Land by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper . The poet, Frances Harper was an African American who participated in a movement to abolish the slave trade. A key reason for the choice is that the poem is indulging. The poet portrays her message in a vivid manner; expressing her inner thoughts and feelings clearly. Being a student in the 21st century, interacting at a personal level with individuals from different races and cultural practices on a daily basis, I strongly believe in equality. No human has the right to enslave any other either willingly or forcefully. My interpretation of the poem In my understanding, the poem pre dominates the theme horrors of slavery . The poet, in a clear tone, illustrates the lives of slaves and the challenges they go through. And the mother s shriek of wild despair , And I saw her babes torn from her breast and If I saw young girls from their mother s arms are some examples of indignities that the poet describes. The persona states that she could not rest in a place where people were forcefully subjected to any form of indignities. She uses statements such as; I could not rest if I heard the tread , Of a coffle gang to the shambles led and much more to elaborate her dislike against slavery; the abuse and terror. The poet uses different techniques to bring the out the impacts of slavery on the affected individuals (the slaves). The grave/slave(s) rhymed couplet recurs at
  • 32. Paleolithic Food Pros And Cons Paleolithic diets are based on a simple concept, If a caveman didn t consume it, neither should you. Any food that was unavailable to the hunter gatherer population of humans of old, you simply avoid. To understand what kind of food was available back then, we must first understand the history of agriculture. The Neolithic Revolution (which happened around 10,000 BC) brought on the mass domestication of various plants; this paved the way for incredible economic growth, but also the inadvertent drastic increase in the fragility of the human bodydue to the narrowed diversity of available foods. Instead of eating a variety of meat, as humans have done for thousands and thousands of years, we have been depending on various mass produced grain based foods and our bodies have not acclimated well to this change.... Show more content on ... Faced with an overabundance of easily accessible food, we struggle to limit our consumption. More importantly perhaps, we struggle to eat the nutrients our body needs. Grains are only the beginning of the problem however. It is fair to assume our Neanderthal ancestors would not have had access to refined sugar products (such as high fructose corn syrup that is ubiquitously available now), salt, artificial flavouring, or even as much dairy products as we consume on a regular basis (Kamb, 2010). According to the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention, approximately 52.4% of adults across the United States are overweight, over 20% of those are considered obese. These numbers are only getting worse and they appear a direct byproduct of our sudden change of diet. Therefore, I believe that Paleo diets are the better decision moving forward for a majority of the population as it is more sustainable, healthier, biologically balanced, and it is a diet that can turn into a permanent
  • 33. C. S. Lewis Research Paper C.S. Lewis was praised for his work as an author. Making incredible headlines and quotes for his amazing writing. He is known today for his work in creating an incredible series, the Chronicles of Narnia. In this paragraph contains facts and unbelieving shockers of C.S. Lewis s life. November 29th, 1898, Belfast, Northern Ireland Clive Staple Lewis was born into the world. When researching I found this fact about Lewis quote C.S. Lewis is made a commander of the British Empire (CBE) by Prime minister Winston Churchill, but doesn t accept the honor end quote. C.S. Lewis lived his life through much grief and sorrow. With Lewis s mom, Florence Augusta ( flora ) Hamilton Lewis, dying on August 23, 1908, and on September 20, 1929, Lewis s dad... Show more content on ... Lewis Enrolls at Cherbourg House near Malvern College, England. But with this Lewis abandons his Christian faith. On the day of August 1952, Lewis meets the love of his life, Helen Joy Davidman Gresham or, just Joy for short. On April 23, 1956, Joy and Lewis got married but their love was short lived. June 1956, was the year C.S. Lewis s wife became very sick. Joy was further on diagnosed with bone cancer and sadly, she did not make it. Quote July 13, 1960, Lewis was awakened by [Joy] screaming. She died peacefully at 10:15 later that day. Then on June 13, 1961, about a year after Joy s death, Lewis was diagnosed with kidney inflammation. November 1961 C.S. Lewis passes away. Lewis s books continue to attract hundreds of new readers each year! ABout C.S. Lewis s books, There had been some drama around The Chronicles of Narnia Series, involving J. R. R. Tolkien. Quote Tolkien took seven years to write The Lord of the Rings and here Lewis had written seven books in six years end quote. Tolkien has furious about the books. Thinking them as insulting and written poorly. Tolkien criticized the books severely and hated them with all his heart. Besides that, The Chronicles of Narnia books have sold tens of thousands of
  • 34. Superman Vs Star Wars I am a nerd. I always have been and always will be. I love playing video games where a little Italian plumber becomes a knight in shining armor as he has to save his sweet princess. I love sitting on the edge of my seat as I watch adventures take place in a galaxy far far away. I don t party, play sports, or find enjoyment in gambling my money away with fantasy football; it just isn t my thing. I much rather spend Sundays watching a young queen take back her kingdom alongside her three dragons. I rather go on long banters for hours at a time with my friends as we talk about why Batman can hands down beat superman in a fight or what Star Wars movies were better, the prequels or the originals and sometimes things can get heated but it s because
  • 35. Social Work Case Study Health And Social Care Q1.Introduction In 2012, Samantha an executive in the finance company was asked by the company to help assist in opening a new branch in Singapore. Samantha and her husband relocated to Singapore in January 2013 to establish the new company branch. Her two children aged between 18th and 21th remained living in Melbourne at the family house. Samantha and her husband planned to remain in Singapore until the branch was properly settled which they roughly anticipated around three to four years. While living in Singapore they leased an apartment for four years and her husband acquired an employment. During their period of stay in Singapore, Samantha and her husband returned to Melbourne in January 2014 for a month to see their children and visit the head office. At the end of two years, the ... Show more content on ... To help identifying the issues in this case, it needs to look at Samantha living arrangement and any relevant information from 2013 to 2015 which are: She started living in Singapore from January 2013 to the end of December 2013. In January 2014, she went back to Melbourne for a month to visit her children and head office. At the end of second years, she left Singapore and went to Europe for holiday before returning back to Melbourne in July 2015. During her length of stay in Singapore she still held investments in both countries under her name, although she closed her bank accounts in Australia and opened a bank account in Singapore. Relevant legislation and cases The issue in Samantha case, whether she is an Australian resident for the period of January 2013 until her return in July 2015 required the interpretation of residency definition and any relevant cases that may assist such as Applegate v FCT (1979) and Jenkins v FCT
  • 36. Child Labour Discipline As a member of the Catholic Church, one is called upon to liberate the marginalized and help the weakest members of society. In order to so in a way that is in accordance with the Catholic Church, one is obligated to follow the ten principles of Catholic Social Teachings. These teachings are a guideline that will lead citizens to the way God planned for society to function through the words of the Bible, Popes and Bishops. As society turns to the social issues the world experiences today, the Catholic principles shed light on the acts necessary to carry out God s plan. A social issue that has been ignored in the past is child labour. This horrendous practice has taken over the lives of over 152 million children, due to money thirsty savages that have no regard for basic human rights. (MORE THAN 40 MILLION, 2017). The Catholic Churchis highly opposed to the social justice issue of child labour as she clearly outlines in her teachings that society must protect those who are vulnerable, respect the dignity and human rights of minors, and allow children to live their youth in freedom and free from oppression. The Catholic Church teaches that society must protect those who cannot protect themselves. First off, child labour is in direct violation of what the Catholic Church preaches and practices. The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church stated that from the early 2000 s and onwards, the Pontifical Commission has continuously emphasized the most important
  • 37. Why Leave The House Of Bread Chris Shea ENG 360 Professor Mary Anne Nunn 10/06/16 Paper I: Why Leave the House of Bread to be Full? On the surface, the ancient book from the Bible the Book of Ruth would appear like any other book in the Bible: Setting is made along with family connections, sin is committed, character(s) are punished for sin, character(s) become bitter and spiteful, some divine intervention plays through, character(s) are eventually redeemed, and moral lesson plays through, seemingly straightforward. However a closer reading, along with an understanding of the Hebrew meanings of each name, would suggest more of a deeper relationship among these elements to convey such moral lesson . Through this reading one would be able to realize what the text is actually saying and why. In order for one to be full in the eyes of the LORD, one must remain where the food is: at the House of Bread . If one leaves, one no longer receives an adequate fill. Most of where the Book of Ruth occurs is the town of Bethlehem. Bethlehem is the Hebrew term meaning House of Bread . Thus one would believe it would be very odd for there to be a famine in the House of Bread, as it is stated in the beginning of the Book. Now here is where the initial plot begins to unravel. On one hand, Bethlehem is on the west side of the Jordan River, where the LORD considers the Promised Land to be throughout the Bible. The LORD wishes for His people to remain in this Promised Land , as this is where His covenant may be
  • 38. Xi Jinping s Influence On The Government Of China President Xi Jinping Xi Jinping is the top leader in the Communist Party of China and he s the President of the People s Republic of China. Additionally, according to (Timmons, n.d.), he worked up the ranks and touched all the right bases within the bureaucracy in order to become a major player in the Chinese Politburo. By 2013, Jinping was elected General Secretary of the Communist Party, Chair of the Military Commission and President of the People s Republic of China. Moreover, according to (Economy, 2014, p. 80), Jinping articulated a simple but powerful vision for the country which was the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In fact, he rejected the communist tradition of collective leadership and instead established himself as the top leader within the tightly centralized political system. After just a few years in office, he has proven himself to be a transformative leader by... Show more content on ... The President and Vice President are elected by the NPC. Additionally, the Vice President assists the president and has the ability to exercise as many powers that the President entrusts him to. The State Council is the executive body of the supreme organ of state power. The State Council is composed of the Premier, the Vice Premiers, the State Councilors, the Ministers in charge of ministries, the Ministers in charge of commissions, the Auditor General, and the Secretary General. In addition, the Premier assumes total responsibility for the work of the State Council and the ministers assume total responsibility for the work of the ministries and commissions. Moreover, the State Council is responsible for giving reports on their work to the NPC (or to its Standing Committee when the NPC is not in
  • 39. Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) _BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY (BUBT)_ __ PREPARED FOR FAYEZ AHMED Lecturer Department of Marketing Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT) PREPARED BY GROUP RIDERS NAME ID SECTION INTAKE Marium Moushome 09103101008 1 22nd Apurba Kumar Ghosh 09103101009 1 22nd Shanto Kumar Ghosh 09103101017 1 22nd Mahmudur Rahman Kollol 09103101025 1 22nd Sajib Chandro Ghosh 09103101031 1 22nd Md. Jaed Hossain 09103101035 1 22nd _DATE OF SUBMISSION _ 21TH AUGUST 2013 WHAT IS FAST MOVING CONSUMER GOODS (FMCG)? FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) is a term that is used to refer to those goods which are sold through retail stores. These goods have a short period... Show more content on ... It was Dr. John S. Pemberton who created this drink in 1886. Coca Cola touched base in every part of the US by 1895. The company began its franchisee operations in 1899 and gradually it opened up bottling plants in every corner of the globe. The universal popularity of Coca Cola is undisputed. The Coca Cola syrup mixed with carbonated water created ripples everywhere and today you can get a Coke in any part of the world. 5. PEPSICO: PepsiCo was created out of the amalgamation of two companies named Pepsi Cola and Frito Lay. The company which was formed in 1965 has its headquarters at Purchase in Harrison New York. It is a Fortune 500 company. PepsiCo is engaged in the manufacture of snack foods (grain based), beverages and other similar products. One of its best known brands is the cola beverage PEPSI COLA. Created in 1893 its former name was Brad s Drink . 6. BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO: Another multinational tobacco major is the British American Tobacco company which is the world s second largest tobacco company. It sells its tobacco products in several top markets across the globe. Many world famous cigarette brands are manufactured by BAT. One of its top selling cigarette brands is PALL MALL. Some other leading cigarette brands manufactured by the company are Dunhill, Kent, Lucky Strike and Vogue. 7 NOKIA: Nokia is a Finnish multinational engaged primarily in the
  • 40. Intro to Database Systems Chapter 1 Essay Chapter 1 1 A. Data = raw fact (pg. 5) B. Field = a character or group of characters that defines a characteristic of a person, place, or thing. (pg. 660) C. Record = a collection of related fields (pg. 666) D. File = a named collection of related record (pg. 660) 2. Data redundancy is when the same data are stored unnecessarily at different places. Spreadsheets /islands of information lead up to the date redundancy. (pg. 16) 3.Data independence is when it is possible to make changes in the data storage characteristics without affecting the application program s ability to access the data. It standalone data so it doesn t need to be link with anything. (pg. 15) 4. DBMS is a collection of programs that manages the ... Show more content on ... Operational database a database that is designed primarily to support a company s day to day operation. Data warehouse focuses primarily on storing data used to generate information required to make tactical or strategic decision. (pg. 9) 9.Hardware, software, people, procedures, and data (pg. 18 20) 10. Metadata is data about data (pg. 7) 11.Better and faster speed also less errors 12. Increased costs, management complexity, maintaining currency, vendor dependence, and frequent upgrade/replacement. 13. Unstructured data are data that exist in their original state but structured data not. It is the generation of information. The structured data is more prevalent in a typical business environment. (pg. 9 10) 14. Self documentation through metadata, enforcement of data types or domains to ensure consistency of data within a column, defined relationships among tables, or constraints to ensure consistency of data across related tables. (pg. 23) 15. It doesn t read your mind. It only received the raw data user put in. 16. Understanding the shortcomings of the file system enables you to understand the development of modern database. (pg. 14) Chapter 2 1. Data model is a relatively simple representation, usually graphical, of more complex real world data structures. It is an iterative, progressive process (pg. 30) 2. Business rule is a brief, precise and unambiguous description of a policy, procedure, or principle within a
  • 41. Taking a Look at Joan of Arc For centuries women have been discriminated against and perceived as either housewives or maids.There have been so many stereotypes suggesting that some women actually believe they are inferior to men. The actuality of this is women are capable of most things men can do and even more. One of the absolute greatest examples of this theory was Joan of Arc. She started a movement that most men could never dream of creating. Without her France might have submitted to English rule centuries ago. Joan of Arc was a courageous, divine woman who altered French history and even influenced many of today s events. FIrst, before comprehending Joan s significance one must understand the environment in which she grew up. Almost eighty years before Joan was born, Edward III of England refused to give respects to Phillip VI of France. As a result of this intolerable act Phillip VI withdrew the lands of Aquitaine, which were given as a gift, from the English. When news of this thievery reached Edward III he angrily claimed himself king of the French. Conflicts between the Kingdom of England and the French Empire escalated. By 1337 war was declared and the Hundred Years War began. The Hundred Years War is divided into three different phases resulting from treaties and conflicts. These three phases are The Edwardian Era War, The Caroline War, and The Lancastrian War. Joan spent most of her life during The Lancastrian War (English decline in France). In 1415, King Henry V of England defeated
  • 42. Golden Retrievers Research Paper Golden Retriever dogs are loved by many and have many uses in addition to just being pets to people. There are many reasons that Golden Retrievers are the third most popular bread in America currently. Let s look at some of the reasons that they are. The Gold Retriever breed was first developed by Dudley Coutts Majoribanks, who was also known as Lord Tweedmouth. The breed was first developed in the Scotland during the late 19th century. Did you know that Golden Retrievers are used on search and rescue teams to help locate people or things in need? They are used often on these teams because of their keen sense of smell and ability to track down missing people or other things that have gone missing. People can be helpful in these search and
  • 43. The New Golden Age Of Television Essay Theodore Brown Professor McCauley Intro to Humanities 16 November 2016 The New Golden Age of Television Television is so popular that it is almost a vital part of life to most people. According to the article The Real Golden Age of Television , the first successful demonstration of electronic television was introduced on September 7, 1927. (Handy William). It was designed by Philo Taylor Farnsworth. Charles Jenkins is also an important person to the creation of television because he created the first mechanical TV on June 23, 1925. (D Addiro). These two men are responsible for what we have today; good quality television. Since then television has brought tears, laughter, joy, and many other memorable moments to the lives of people. Television came to its own in the 1940 s and 1950 s. During this time period television began to emerge into the households many families. This was something new to people. Never would they have thought of being able to sit in watch entertainment out of a TV screen. Then in the 1964 was the beginning of the old golden age of television. The reason for this claim is for the invention of color television made it more popular (Clapp). All television programs were in black and white before this unbelievable creation. This gave television viewers a better experience than the past because they were able to see things differently. Though the era was magnificent there was more to come. Time advanced into the 2000 s and so did television. Many
  • 44. Duggan Consumer Culture With the continuing development of Internet technology, news has never been shared faster. It is easy to access national and international news in seconds. Despite the fact that network news may be losing some viewers, online articles and news sites are gaining more attraction. News and media can have a significant impact on people s perceptions of different cultural issues, thus affecting consumer culture. According to Bryant and Oliver (2009, p.9) how a person feels about a particular issue may be rooted in his or her personal experience of in the general culture or exposure to the mass media. Throughout this essay I will analyse the language used in an online article from Mail Online by Richard Littlejohn, titled Duggan was a Gangster, not Nelson Mandela . I intend to show how young black men are criminalised in the news mediaand how this affects black consumer culture and perpetuates negative stereotypes. Despite the fact that the article focuses on issues in London and the United Kingdom, I will focus this discussion on the United States, as this is where racial profiling, criminalisation, and police violence is significantly... Show more content on ... His language implies that the people supporting Duggan s family are dangerous, angry, and savage. He calls them aggressive hecklers and states that when searching the internet for hate crimes, the Met office needn t look further than a few violent thugs [...] in the public gallery at the Royal Courts of Justice . Littlejohn goes on to argue that Duggan has had a well documented criminal career and that he was a gangster that was intent on harming someone ( if he wasn t a gangster, why was he carrying a gun on the day he died? [...] Perhaps he was going duck hunting on the River Lea. Then again, perhaps not ). This language reflects what Smiley and Fakunle (2016, p.355) refer to as micro insults and
  • 45. Motivation ESSAY #2 Motivation: Extrinsic to Intrinsic Motivation is a key factor in determining business success or failure. Successful organizations relentlessly seek to operate with a clear understanding of employee needs , and develop specific focus on how to meet them. Two key theories in organizational motivation are expectancy theory and equity theory. Both theories focus on the outcomes of a given decision or system rather than on individual employee needs. The goal of both process theories is to increase output. Some industries are better at applying process theory than others. In high pressure sales industries process theory is evident. Computer companies run operations based on equity and expectancy theory. The... Show more content on ... Positive feedback cycles occur when sanction is properly implemented. Extrinsic reward for incorrect reasons is deadly to organizational value creation systems. Extrinsic reward provided for performance of expected task decreases the value of future extrinsic reward and creates expectation of future extrinsic reward for routine tasks. Expectation created through over rewarding ends in withholding of high levels of extrinsic reward for average performance and is perceived as sanction. Instrumentality is decreased as effort is perceived as unrewarded. Effort is reduced to poor performance levels so that effort is matching perceived instrumentality. Successful organizations implement highly structure extrinsic reward systems that deliver consistent feedback regarding instrumentality to avoid over rewarding. Improperly controlled sanction is deadly to organizational efficiency. Sanction that is implemented through withholding of extrinsic reward destroys intrinsic reward and motivation if applied incorrectly. Sales teams that do not have the appropriate materials, knowledge, or support structure to perform at a high level should not be sanctioned. If groups are sanctioned through withholding of extrinsic rewards in situations in which other factors are the key reasons for failure group motivation is annihilated. Sanction for failure to attain success that is not attainable removes all intrinsic motivation. Successful organizations focus on
  • 46. Speech On Self Evaluation Speech to Explain: Self Evaluation For this speech I choose to have my topic be something I have a strong personal connection to which was Rave culture, its history and practices. Choosing this to be my topic of choice I was able to be motivated in researching it and I believe my genuine interest in the topic showed in my presentation. In this self eval I will be discussing the structure and style along with what I am taking away from this speech. First, I will be talking about the structure of my speech. When doing a speech to explain, like any other speech it s important to have a clear and organized pattern. Essentially when creating my outline for the speech I had made sure to have a clear and engaging intro and hook, meant to clearly state my theme and then jump into the topic. Unfortunately when presenting the speech I was unable to present my introduction as I would have liked and forgot to even mention my theme. I was not very effective in my introduction but knowing so at my conclusion I was sure to clearly state my theme. However,I believe my concluding sentence could have been more clear. To improve I should in the future reinstate my topics and go over key points and leave the audience with psychological closure rather than abruptly saying that was all, thank you . I felt that it would have been beneficial for me to use more visual aids in presenting my topic. Rather than just talking about my topic and the music, I feel that if I showed some actual footage
  • 47. Man Of Steel Man of Steel is a movie that reveals the attempt of Superman to save the planet form destruction. It is a highly imaginative movie full of animations so considered as sci fi movie. The movie shows a story about a boy who is trying to figure out his own identity. He is not aware about his past. He is sent to the Earth for sake of mankind. Firstly, the superhero and bizarre force of the general population from the Krypton sustains that the motion picture is science fiction motion picture. The kid Kal El last of a doused race masked as unremarkable human was sent to the Earth by his guardians. The film demonstrates the utilization of the Codex keeping in mind the end goal to take Krypton back to its place where legend assumes an essential part to spare the Earth and to battle back against the Zod s and his devotees. The superpower of outsiders additionally underpins that the motion picture is a science fiction motion picture. The film is around a young man sent to the Earth from krypton. The ... Show more content on ... Such interstellar space travel demonstrates that the motion picture is a science fiction film. The motion picture demonstrates exhilarant activity in the middle of Clark and General Zod. Clark additionally begins to look all starry eyed at the journalist which is astounding and his dad helps him to offer motivation to end up the scaffold between two races. This additionally demonstrates it is a science fiction motion picture. As science fiction film depends on motion pictures of outsiders. The motion picture has a decent blend of sci fi which can be commonsense in the coming future. Clark fighting so as to be the fundamental character ensures earth with his own kin. He has confidence in common comprehension and co operation. He spares the Earth from obliteration and spares lives of numerous individuals. The film demonstrates the utilization of cutting edge
  • 48. The Stereotypes Of Britney Spears A sixteen year old girl poses for the camera, wearing a shirt that resembles something more akin to a bra than to an actual shirt. She is lying prostrate upon the floor with the photographer snapping pictures above her scantily clad form. The girl s name is Britney Spears. She has just recorded her first hit single, named quot;Hit Me Baby One More Time quot;. As Britney s veneer of a bubblegum pop princess fades, she has resorted to shedding more and more layers of clothing in order to attract a new breed of audience. Singing songs entitled quot;Oops I Did It Again quot; and quot;I m a Slave for You quot;, her raunchy music videos are now being mimicked by thirteen year old girls across the world. Britney Spears and her ... Show more content on ... Their clothes have been reduced to mere shreds of cloth held together by strings, their lyrics have transformed into something of a more twisted, sexual nature and their suggestive dance moves have captivated audiences world wide. These glamorous media whores are idolized by millions of girls between the ages of ten and fifteen and their fans tighten their shirts, raise their skirts and imitate the quot;sexy quot; moves they witness in music videos. Many of these little lolitas have even taken to touching themselves inappropriately and stripping off their clothes in a seductive manner in front of their bathroom mirrors in order to make themselves feel more mature, womanly and sexy (Adrno 23). Many Fortune 500 companies across the nation have invested millions of dollars in advertisements bearing the visage of new young pop stars to sell their products (McCabe 1). These ads are rife with sexuality convincing young girls that they must act and dress according to their pop idols in order to achieve popularity. We as a society are also sending out mixed messages to our youth. On one hand, we present images of young, scantily clad girls being the epitome of style and fashion, yet we simultaneously discourage this behavior in our nation s youth. We lock away pedophiles in institutions, and strictly prohibit
  • 49. Essay on Race, Racism and My Community Racial issues are an important part of any city in America today. America is a racially diverse country but still seems to have many problems as far as racial equality, race relations, and encouraging diversity. My community is in, what I think, is a fairly unique situation in terms of race. According to the census and other sources I found on the internet, the population of Cedar Hill, Texas is approximately 32,093. The city is growing and very much like the other upscale surburbs in Dallas. Cedar Hill offers satisying opportunities for both indoor and outdoor activities and a very family orientate city, the chity has an amusement park, a skating rink, a 14 screen Cinemark Movie Theather and a studio for arts ... Show more content on ... There is an Asian family that live on the coner and I just love the way the grandmother walks every morning and plant flowers in her yard, keep it water and cared for. I have a white family that lives directly across the street from me, that s mad a America and he has his flag hung upside down, I ask why did he do that and he says because the United States is upside down because of our president. I could not understand that because I feel that we should love our country no matter what. I still speak and he still gives my family a cake every Christmas. And I send fruit and a card. But the real problem with him is that he is very predioucs and don t like any other race, other than white. This is what his 34 year son says . But despite his feelings about other races he still shows that he care at Christmas time. In my community, I feel that it is a rainbow of people. I have contact with everyone, if it s just a wave as I pass by, but not much communication. I don t consider myself a minority. I would say I interact with a white and Hispanic person maybe 6 days a week. There are of course differences in appearance even when people are of the same race. It s really hard to say how different people in my community are from one another because they are all generally the same in terms of appearance. We have many people of White descent or Polish descent who are just as different as someone who is of Japanese descent. Because of the color of their
  • 50. Sugar Baby Research Paper From my research, the sugar babies personal stories reflected on how the relationship originated using the website, a site devoted to the development of sugar baby and sugar daddy arrangements. Seeking Arrangement plays an integral role in the perception of the sugar baby because of their significant media presence. They often write articles where they specifically define the differences between the sugaring relationships and use tactics to get young, impressionable girls who are in a financial need the benefits of the sugaring lifestyle and the ability to support herself. has an annual SugarBaby Summit to consign with their media presence. The summit normally includes a panel, sugar babies, and... Show more content on ... No sugaring experience is the same because their are several different factors and structures in each arrangement. Although, one thing that most sugar babies participate is is having sex with their sugar daddy in order to receive and allowance, and this is where the sugar baby relationship begins to slip into the realms of sex work rather than a relationship. However, for other sugar babies, sex isn t on the table until they form a relationship. Since sugar baby relationships are so unique it s hard to have one definition of a sugar baby. But, Motyl Jacqueline, successfully categorizes the levels of the sugar baby dynamic to see whether or not they re engaging in legal activity according to Section 230 of Communications Decency Act. Jacqueline writes, However, since the 1970s, courts have agreed that sexual acts are not deemed to fall within the realm of prostitution if there is something accompanying the sex, such as companionship, dinner, or even cleaning the house. This is why the sugaring relationship is so hard to define according to the law. SeekingArrangement advertises the sugar baby relationship as only a mentoring companionship between two people, but for some sugar babies the relationship between a sugar daddy and a sugar baby is purely
  • 51. European Union ( Eu ) Action 2.2 European Union (EU) action The EU was developing a particular system to mitigate CO2 and other GHG emissions. In 2005, the EU establishes an effective system, which is EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) (European Communities, 2013). The EU ETS considers as effective system to combat climate change and tool to reduce CO2 and other GHG (European Communities, 2015). The EU ETS has biggest and first main emissions trading in the world. This system includes 28 countries from the EU as well Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. This trading scheme puts price on each ton of carbon emissions. As the CO2 emissions prices are high, thus encouraging to increase investment with clean energy that reduce CO2 and GHG emissions. Beside, this system ... Show more content on ... The EU ETS cap allowance gives the owner of company to emit one tone of CO2 (each allowance can used only one time). Moreover, cap gives EU companies chance to buy or receive emissions allowance if they want to trade. In addition, from 2013, the cap will be making change by reduce emission about 1.74% every year from power plants and installations. That means GHG emission in 2020 will be reduce around 21% compared to 2005 (European Communities, 2013). 2.3 local responses In light to local response for UK to mitigate CO2 emission and other GHG, it has established Climate Change Act on 26 November 2008. These act aims to several legislation that helps to manage and address climate change (GOV.UK, 2013 a). Therefore, the act works to achieve aims as the following: First, make certain economic way to reduce emissions and reduce about 80% of GHG by 2050 compared to 1990 (HM Government, 2011 GOV.UK, 2013 a). Second, providing clear plan for industry to work effective in reduce emission by the act (GOV.UK, 2013 a). Third, use EU ETS policy to provide large proportion to reducing emissions in the UK between the 2013 and 2020. Fourth, use 2050 Calculator by public and policy makers to choosing the appropriate options to reduce emission and achieve the target of 2050 (GOV.UK, 2014). The 2050 Calculator is model that help policy makers and public to choose the appropriate way for reducing emissions
  • 52. Evaluation Of A Theory Of Supervision Theory of Supervision Melany Zwilling Eastern Illinois University Theory of Supervision Supervision is designed to facilitate growth and learning among supervisees and supervisors through specified theoretical framework and characteristics (Bernard Goodyear, 2014). A theory of supervision incorporates multiple techniques, focus areas, and evaluation assessment tools to integrate developmental advancement among practitioners (Tadlock Marlo, 2015). Addressing supervisory roles, incorporating multiculturalism, and taking into account developmental levels among clinicians are factors imperative to form a theory of supervision to form a clinical baseline in supervision (Tadlock Marlo, 2015). An analysis of clinical supervision, specifically tailored to Bernard and Goodyear s discrimination model, will reveal multiple foci and supervisory roles with alterations to fit desired counseling personhood. Additionally, multiculturalism, supervisory relationships, and developmental stages will include specific framework influencing factors of Bernard and Goodyear s discrimination model of supervision. Evaluative components for supervisor and supervisee will address potential satisfaction to the supervisory relationship. Clinical Supervision Clinical supervision provides learning experiences devoted to developing leadership and competence within mental health professionals (Murphy Kaffenberger, 2010). Two essential areas of knowledge for learning include integration of
  • 53. Federal Reserve Benefits After the nation s banks were hit hard by a severe financial panic in 1907, the United States President and Congress decided the nation s banking system needed reformed and strengthened. Subsequently, in 1910, a small group of bankers and politicians secretly met on Georgia s Jekyll Island for 10 days and drafted an outline of a new central banking system that would protect the United States economy from future financial crises and provide the platform for America to thrive. This outline, known as the Aldrich Plan named after Senate Republican of Rhode Island, Nelson Aldrich was submitted to congress but was voted down. However, this would later serve as the model for which the Federal Reserve Act was based. The Federal Reserve Act was signed into law on December 23, 1913, by Woodrow Wilson and established the Federal Reserve, or the Fed, as the central bank for United States. The Responsibilities of the Federal Reserve The Federal Reserve was created primarily to be the lender of last resort to provide cash during a financial panic; however, their responsibilities have evolved and increased over time. In November 1977, Congress expanded the Feds responsibilities with the Federal Reserve Act to include the creation of monetary policies to promote price stability and the maximization of employment to keep the economy moving ... Show more content on ... The Federal Reserve plays a vital role as the intermediary in clearing and settling interbank payments to assure that the millions of transactions performed each day are processed safely and efficiently. Acting as the Banker s Bank , the Federal Reserve Banks provide various services to the nation s banks such as check processing, electronic transfers, and ensuring there is enough cash in circulation to meet public demand. As fiscal agent for the U.S. government, the Reserve Banks pay Treasury checks and issue, transfer, and redeem U.S. government
  • 54. Mold Growth The main focus of this experiment is to observe the difference in mold growth between slices of bread that were handled with dirty hands and with clean hands. As a control test there was one slice of bread that was not handled by human hands and was only touched with clean Germs were first discovered by Louis Pasteur. In 1850, Pasteur first started investigating why beer at a factory was turning sour. In his work to determine the cause, he put a sample of the beer under a microscope. This is when he found thousands of microorganisms that was living in the beer. These microorganisms are what we call germs. He went on to continue to study different liquids and the presence of germs in them. Pasteur then came to the belief ... Show more content on ... Joseph Lister knew of Pasteur s work and took it a step further. Lister researched how there was a connection between post operative death and infection and how clean the hospital conditions were. Most of the steps he came up with for use in surgical rooms to prevent the spread of germs and infection are still used today. FACTUAL SUMMARY Mold is a fungus that can be found anywhere. Mold grows best in conditions where there is moisture and warmth. Just like germs, mold spores are easily spread. Mold can be spread by spores in the air, it can be spread by being attached to people and/or animals. The similarity of
  • 55. how mold spores spread and how germs spread is the reason for this experiment in order to evaluate how the cleanliness of your hands affects the spread of mold or germs. Hospitals and the CDC (Center for Disease Control) have strict guidelines about how you should try to prevent the spread of germs by using good personal hygiene. Lucy Moore, a nurse at Sumter Surgical, says that one of the most important steps you can take to not spread germs is to wash your hands. She stressed that you need to use soap and warm water and to wash