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015 Essay Example Cite An Step Version How To Web 015 Essay Example Cite An Step Version How To Web
The Half Brothers By Elizabeth Gaskell and My Oedipus...
The Half Brothers By Elizabeth Gaskell and My Oedipus Complex By Frank O Connor
These two stories are very different upon first glance. For example one is about a pair of half brothers
set in Victorian times and the other is about a small child named Larry who thinks he s a lot wiser then
he is. However, if you look deeper you can start to find similarities between the two. They have
similar themes, and links can be made between them.
A big difference between them is the titles. For example The Half
Brothers is a very self evident title but My Oedipus Complex is a little more obscure. My Oedipus
Complex is ironic because although
Larry does have a strong attachment to his mother it is an exaggeration to call it an ... Show more
content on ...
For example in The Half
Brothers William Preston begs God for forgiveness after realising how wrongly he had treated
Gregory and in My Oedipus Complex Larry and his father forgive each other because they are in the
same situation at the end of the story. Using the theme of forgiveness in stories that also have the
theme of jealousy makes the reader feel that everything must come to an end whether it is good or bad
because forgiveness is an end to jealousy and also to both stories.
There is also a less obvious theme in the stories of religion. For example we heard mass at St
Augustine s and said a prayer for father in My Oedipus Complex and God s will be done in The Half
Brothers . This use of religion in the stories sets the period as nowadays most people are not very
religious. It shows that in the past
God was very important to the average person and had a big influence on their lives and the decisions
they made.
Reasons for some of the differences between the stories may be because they were written and set in
very different periods. For example The
Half Brothers was set in Victorian times when it was also written but
My Oedipus Complex was set just after the First World War but written much later then that. This
makes the authors present the themes in very different ways. Frank O Connor is more light hearted in
his presentation of jealousy whereas Elizabeth Gaskell is definitely more morbid and
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Life, Death, and the Political Issues Surrounding Abortion
Life, Death, and the Political
issues surrounding Abortion
Few issues have embodied such controversy as abortion has. The various people involved in the
abortion debate not only have strong beliefs, but each group has a self appeal that clearly reflects what
they believe to be the essential issues. The abortion supporters see individual choice as central to the
debate: If a woman cannot choose to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, a condition which affects her
body and possibly her entire life, then she has lost one of her most basic human rights. These issues of
abortion believe that while a fetus is a potential life, its life cannot be placed on the same level with
that of a woman. On the other side, the anti abortionist ... Show more content on ...
The argument over abortion has avoided the real issue facing today s woman, her need to grow beyond
stereotypes. Whenever an individual or group realizes it has been treated unjustly, the first reaction is
anger, but often the anger is firs expressed as aggression. People outgrowing oppression have so much
built up inside, so many memories of powerlessness, and so little knowledge of how to make
themselves be heard. Violence towards others usually end up as the result. American men and women
are among the most fair minded, but have slowly begun to feel that 4,000 abortions a day is enough.
The abortion mentality has encouraged women to think of themselves as victims. Much emphasis is
placed on pregnancy as a result of rape, even though the statistics show only about .1% of all rapes
actually resulting in conception. That means that a large majority of pregnancies that resulted in
abortion were the result of free choice. The assumption is that a woman does not have control over her
own body until after a male partner is finished with it. Why is that? Where is their sense of pride?
Maybe they re just looking at responsibilities as well as rights, and choosing instead of reacting. Pro
choice supporters argue that abortion should be viewed as not be immoral, and sometimes a necessary
choice a woman must make in order to be in charge of her life. Considering pregnancy from a woman
s point of view, it can be very dangerous to
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A Student s Search For Meaning
A Student s Search for Meaning As I read through Man s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl, I
grasp on to all the epiphanies and realizations that Frankl reflects upon and take them into
consideration in my own life. Although I have never gone through any experiences even remotely
similar to his experiences in the concentration camps, in this time in my life I am searching for
meaning in a way. Moving on to a new chapter in my life, I feel as though I am trying to find my
purpose, who I am, and who I will become. Therefore, Man s Search for Meaning has provided me
with multiple major insights in my own search for meaning. One of the most compelling realizations
that Frankl expands upon in my opinion is the importance of love. Frankl, as he is away from his wife
in the concentration camp, comes to the conclusion that love is the ultimate and the highest goal to
which man can aspire (Frankl 37). At this time in my life, love has a different meaning for me than it
did for Frankl at the time which he is reflecting upon. Love, to me, doesn t necessarily mean romance,
but rather it means care and devotion. In my life, this relates back to my family and friends, those I
care for and who care for me. Love is such an important aspect in life because it is ultimately one s
strongest connection to others in their life, and without love without people that you care about is
there a meaning in life at all? Frankl s emphasis on love also gives a different way of approaching
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Jiebel Ali Fiz Essay
Through partnership, Kazakhstan and China established a dry port called Khorgos that sits on the
Trans Asian railroad. This free economic zone (FEZ) is a vital gateway of trade between the respective
nations involved. Each country will invest a combined $2.6B into the infrastructure of Khorgos FEZ.
This Silk Road trade route initiative has estimates of generating $1T annually. Similar to Jebel Ali
FZE in Dubai, Khorgos is a duty and tax free territory. This area is approximately 300 hectares, and
zoning is primarily for logistics, manufacturing, and trade. By 2020, this will be the largest dry port in
the world.
The International Center for Boundary Cooperation (ICBC) was created in 2004 and opened in 2012.
A new customs office was opened in August 2016 as a means to streamline customs procedures. Since
its opening in 2012, there has been an estimated 9.46 million visitors and over $878 million worth of
trade. At this phase, the presence of luxury designers is minimal. Storefronts display signage of luxury
brands, but consumers are aware of counterfeiting. Retail boutiques lack visual integrity and prices are
displayed in various currencies.
We have bought land in Eastern Kazakhstan within Khorgos. The size of the land is five hectares. An
outlet luxury retail store will be erected. Our buying strategy is to procure contracts for overrun of
luxury American and European designers and resell to the Chinese consumer. Residents in this region
lack options to
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Disaster Is A Blind Killer
Disaster is a blind killer as it erupts and affects thousands worldwide. The severity of disasters is
expected to increase as a result of contemporary threats (biological, cyber, nuclear, etc.) in addition to
increased globalization and climate change. Yet sometimes government bodies, corporations, and the
like fall short in instituting preventative systems to avert a disaster, oftentimes causing the general
populous to be inadequately prepared should a catastrophe occur. Union Carbide s gas leak of methyl
isocyanate (MIC) at Bhopal, India in December of 1984 is an example of a tragedy that could have
easily been averted had the Indian government been more proactive in the maintenance and
enforcement of regulatory systems. Union Carbide s ... Show more content on ...
The resulting gas leak killed more than 2,500 people that night alone, and would go on to claim the
lives of over thousands of others. The sequence of events of that evening is arguably the result of
operating errors, design flaws, maintenance failures, training deficiencies, and economic measures that
endangered the safety amongst the residents living nearby (Das 1996, 161). The decommissioned
refrigeration unit, the faulty pressure level, and temperature indicators of the MIC tank are examples
of the lack of preventative measures Union Carbide ignored. Additionally, the lack of implemented
safety measures in place prior to the leak could not have prevented a chemical reaction of this
magnitude. In designing the plant s safety systems, a water curtain for neutralizing MIC had been
installed. Had a gas leak occurred, the water would come on to dissipate; however, the water curtain
was set to reach only a certain height whereas MIC has the potential to escape far beyond calculated
heights due to outside factors such as wind (Bowonder 2012, 162). Union Carbide claimed that factors
such as employee sabotage not the faulty design or operation were the primary cause of the tragedy.
An analysis by Bowonder found that the failures were at the corporate level. These managerial failures
are the most critical and paramount if accidents are to be averted.
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Regulating Tap Water
In America, we tend to take for granted our simple luxuries in life. Running water would be
considered to be among these in most cases. We turn on the faucet, and out comes a safe and
refreshing source of sustenance that is vital to our well being. Now, if you can imagine, what happens
when that refreshing drink of water is not replenishing your body, but killing it. A silent poison
contaminating your way of life, only to find out years later that every ailment you and your family
have endured and possibly even succumbed to, would be blamed on a source of drinking water. This is
exactly what happened to the individuals that were stationed or employed at Camp Lejeune, North
Carolina from the years of 1953 to 1987. The most horrifying of ... Show more content on ...
That would depend on what you consider a health benefit. As far as the impurities go, the simple
answer would have to be that bottled water is in fact, filtered tap water, so there would be no
advantage to drinking tap water for that single reason (Hogan Larsen). Tap water does contain a
fluoride additive depending on the approved ordinance of the local water supply, which can help
individuals avoid tooth decay. Because most bottled waters have been treated and distilled or de
ionized, they do not contain any amounts of fluoride unless the label specifically states that it has been
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Child Sex Trafficking In The United States
Child sex trafficking is the profitable sexual act induced by force, fraud, coercion or a person is lured
to have sex before they reach 18 years of age. It includes all the activities of recruiting, harboring,
patronizing, advertising, transporting or obtaining children for sexual services involuntarily, through
servitude, debt bondage, peonage or slavery. Due to advanced technology, it has acquired new course.
It has become a complex phenomenon involving multiple stakeholders at commercial as well as
institutional level. It is the modern day form of slavery perpetrated against minors regardless of their
race, class, socioeconomic status, education, gender, cultural conditions or citizenship ( Department of
Justice, 2015).
It is a lucrative ... Show more content on ...
The incidence and prevalence data is also still scarce, and there is no consensus on the current
estimates. The estimates focus on youth who are at risk for sex trafficking contrary to the actual
victims. Some groups have carried out research on the subsets and subpopulations of the victims to
provide an understanding of the scale and nature. The arrest records for example in 2009 data from the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Uniform Crime Reporting among other bodies estimates that
about 1400 minors were arrested for prostitution and commercial vice in the U.S that year. Other
organizations such as Human Trafficking Task Force do not have the exact number of children
involved. Another approach to estimation is the victim identification by groups such as health care
providers, services providers, law enforcement agencies and school personnel. More research has to
be carried out to understand and give the exact number and extent of child sex trafficking as many
cases have gone
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Glow Sticks History
Glow sticks and LED light sticks are commonly seen in popular society at concerts and festivals.
However, glow sticks have several other uses and were originally invented for use in the military. In
the 1960s, scientists were interested in the light fireflies produced in nature. They discovered that this
light could be produced without energy or heat using a chemical compound called luciferin. A
Brooklyn born chemistry specialist named Edwin A. Chandross accidentally identified the chemical
mixes needed to create the glow of a glow stick when experimenting with luminol. The first light
products using this mixture were created and patented by Michael M. Rauhut of American Cyanamid.
The first official glow stick type mechanism was granted to
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Tic Disorder
Tic Disorder Nia D. Malcom Intro to Abnormal Psychology Atlanta Metropolitan State College As
stated by Chestin M. Berlin, having a tic disorder involves a wide variety of many disorders including
the most common, which is Tourette s syndrome. Tourette s syndrome is a neurological disorder that
involves having many vocal and motor tics. An individual is most likely to have it if the tics last
consistently for more than a year. (Berlin, 3, 1995). Several people have either motor tics or only vocal
tics. The first symptoms usually are unintentional movements of the face, arms, limbs or trunk. These
tics are frequent, repetitive and rapid. The most common first symptom is a facial tic which can be an
eye blink, a nose twitch, or ... Show more content on ...
(W. Robertson, 1,
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An Evaluation Of A Business System Essay
Companies must ensure that they put in place mechanisms that will ensure upgrading the systems in
the work place are hassle free. Early preparations must be put in place to ensure that there is very little
disturbance to clients. The movement is due to an increase in the number of clients and the intention
of the firm to serve these clients better. AET has come up with a migration strategy that is divided into
three phases. Once the plan is executed, there are possibilities that the migration will serve the
intended clients in the best way possible. The cost of the entire exercise and an overview of the work
breakdown structure and the related costs are also captured.
AET is a rapidly growing IT firm. It, therefore, means that their current systems cannot support most
of their operations. According to Flinttzer, Hein, Kahse, Mohse, et al. (2014) when the client base
increases, it is prudent that measures must be put in place to ensure the firm meets the needs of the
clients. The system upgrade is not supposed to cause a breakdown in the operations of the firm. Proper
selection of the person to be in charge of the program is key to ensuring the success of the program.
Proper prior preparation and the laying of the firm s migration strategy will ensure that there are no
hiccups experienced on the way (Meads, 2011). It is on this basis that AET has put in place a strong
team that will ensure the upgrade is achieved.
Project Selection
What are the reasons for
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Women Of The United States Armed Forces
Women are vital to the stability and efficiency of all branches of the United States armed forces.
Although women s presence may be necessary to the operation of the military, their placement in
combat positions would prove to be a devastating mistake. The body of a woman is not made to brave
combat positions, and placing women into positions dominated by men could create a hostile working
environment. The atmosphere of battle is already heated, and placing more problems into the equation
could lead to the unraveling of military effectiveness as the country knows it. Consequently, women
should continued to be excluded from combat oriented positions in order to preserve the superb work
of the United States armed forces. Placing a woman into a field comprised mostly of men would upset
a balance of unit cohesion and morale among their male counterparts. Unit cohesion result[s] from
proximity of group members over time; social similarities or commonalities; success at joint tasks;
and concerned, competent, honest leaders (Simons). This means that the individuals that comprise a
combat unit must be able to relate to each other, and work together in positive and constructive ways
in order to carry out dangerous, high risk missions. During combat operations, soldiers and their units
are confined to small spaces for extended periods of time. The addition of women into this close
quartered group would add romantic and sexual elements that can cause competition, jealousy, and
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Winter Tires Research Paper
Winter Tires Must be Required in the Winter
By: Richard
Have you ever been in a car in the winter and your parent yells Hold on! . Slipping on black ice is a
driver s worst nightmare. The car could slip off the road, go to the opposite side, spin, flip, roll, or
even worse. That would be deadly. The good news is there is something called winter tires and it could
save your life. Life saving, winter tires must be required because they make your ride safer, they help
create a more relaxing ride, and they are not expensive. Winter tires are a very good idea for winter
driving, it will help a lot.
Winter tires ultimately increase the safety of the drive. The rubber is a special type of rubber that will
not harden (5 Facts About Winter Tires and Why You Need Them). Soft rubber means better traction.
This is essential to brake and grip the road better. A car with winter tires will brake 30% faster than a
car with all seasons. In fact, most accidents in the winter could have been avoided if the driver was
using winter tires (5 Facts About Winter Tires and Why You Need Them). Safety is ... Show more
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According to CNBC, they are not as expensive as they might look. Tires only last a certain amount of
time, based on how many miles you put on them. So if you re only using a set of tires for eight months
out of the year, they ll last longer. Put winter tires on for the winter, and you ll go much longer in
between pricey tire replacements. DId you know Canadians are the world leaders in debt?
( canadians youre world leaders in debt/ ). You would not
want to add to that. Knowing this you do not want to spend more money on tire replacements. It is just
that one big investment and you are good to go for about double the time than if you were to not to
have winter
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The Remains Of The Day By Kazuo Ishiguro And The Play...
Our most basic memory is the meaning of the word itself. When that word is flashed in front of us, our
minds immediately conclude that a memory is a recollection of a past event. But, out of the millions of
long and short term memories in the archives of our brains, what makes us remember specific events
and forget others? To what extent do memories serve as a guideline to the type of personality and
characteristics an individual displays? In the novel The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro and the
play Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, memories are used for the understanding of main
characters. Ishiguro uses memories to narrate Stevens past working for royalty and his struggle to
transition into the modern world. Miller uses ... Show more content on ...
He will always try to live up to the high standards his father set for himself as he did that night. In
Death of a Salesman Willy is abandoned by his father at a very young age as well as his brother Ben
who leaves for Alaska where he makes a fortune. In addition, Willy and his son Biff are constantly in
dispute over Willy s opinion that Biff lacks a real job and has no purpose to his life. At Frank s
Chophouse, when Biff returns from an interview with a potential employer, Willy is expecting good
news. As the two go back and forth arguing and not listening to each other, Willy begins to ramble and
has a flashback from the past. Unaware of his surrounding and the conversation he is presently in, he
says, No, no! You had to go and flunk math! ... If you hadn t flunked you d ve been set by now!
(Miller 65) Willy is remembering the fact that Biff was not able to graduate high school because he
failed his math class. Willy, in distress, hurries into the bathroom and continues to babble while his
two sons, Biff and Happy, leave the restaurant abandoning their father. This memory that Willy recalls
shows that he feels responsible for his son s failure and will never forget the reason Biff did not end up
successful which ultimately led to the abandonment of father by son.
When reflecting on the past a sense of regret arises when feelings of missed opportunities are thought
of. In The Remains of the Day Stevens comes to the realization that he missed an opportunity
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Differences Between The Faulin s Tale And The Canterbury...
If you and 29 of your friends went on a trip and all told stories, whose story would win? In the case of
The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, this was the question at hand. The Canterbury Tales
explains the religious pilgrimage of many individuals to Canterbury, and the stories they told along the
way. With them traveled a Host, who served as the judge of the contest. He determined who the
winner would be based off of how clean the story was and if the story was morally sound or not. The
prize for winning the storytelling contest was a free dinner. Based on the rules set by the Host, The
Franklin would have won the contest. The first criteria that each story must meet, is that it must be
clean. Both of these tales reflect on ... Show more content on ...
Even when Arveragus has to be away from Dorigen, their love survives as well as their faithfulness.
The Merchant s Tale on the the other hand is not so clean. This story depicts the marriage of an old
knight named January, and his young and beautiful wife, May. Throughout the entirety of the story
many aspects are not clean. The first example of this is shown the night of the wedding. We are in
holy wedlock, and we may. And blessed be the yoke that we are in For nothing we can do will count
as sin. A man is not a sinner with his wife, He cannot hurt himself with his own knife; We have the
law s permission thus to play. And so he laboured till the break of day. (372 373) January was very
adamant about his final wedding guests leaving so that he can be alone with May. In the time after
they left, they took part in actions deemed not clean. As time went on in the story, May started to have
very strong feelings for an attendant in the house named Damian. Their love was a secret from
January, and only expressed within letters to one another. Until one day it was expressed in a much
more extreme way. Catching a branch, and with a spring she thence Ladies, I beg you not to take
offence, I can t embellish, I m a simple man Went up into the tree, and Damian Pulled up her smock at
once and in he thrust (386) As clearly stated in this quote,
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Gregory Orr A Hero s Journey Analysis
A hero s quest is a destined step by step process for many characters in a heroic quest. Campbell s idea
of a hero maintains a sequence pattern of a journey. Campbell briefly explains that an hero s journey
begins with a call to departure, which embarks a new quest. Followed by mentors who aid the hero
into complete his objective or quest. Also there are trials to be endured and the inner dragon to
overcome to transcend to a higher state of being for the hero. After all the obstacles the hero face, he
or she will gain strength to defeat the shadow which portrays as the villain. After the hero defeats the
shadow he or she returns back home or to a new peaceful location. Campbell s heroic journey can be
seen in many movies, stories, and literature, ... Show more content on ...
Gregory Orr s heroic quest starts when he is traumatized by guilt from accidentally ending the life of
his little brother. That moment in his life was a traumatizing factor for himself. Gregory Orr whole
journey is based on the effect the accident had on his consciousness and judgement on himself. At this
point he doubts himself as a decent human being and is clouded with guilt from reoccurring thoughts .
I believe Gregory Orr s incident causes a dramatic negative emotion and guilt that makes any possible
comfort seem reasonable for him to gain no matter the cost. Any answer to comfort Orr s quilt would
make Mr.Orr attached and devoted to achieve that comfort which will aid him to severe his guilt and
discard his guilt from himself.. Gregory Orr desires any door that comes across his life to relieve him
of the guilt of his dead brother. Gregory Orr soon comes in contact with a sign that has an image of
martyrs of the civil rights movement and he analyzes their expression, making the conclusion that
these specific martyrs are happy with their actions and sacrifice. One could say that the images he
views demonstrated a state of peace and relief from the cruel reality of racial
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Emotional Intelligence On The Early Childhood Development
Emotional Intelligence assessments have been used to predict a person s success or failure in regard to
school, business and life. There are many studies that provide evidence of the benefits of emotional
intelligence to children, adults, parents and employees. A child s emotions are often treated as petty,
irrational and immature, when it is during childhood that children need to be taught how to deal with
emotions. The objective of this paper is to give significant evidence that there is a benefit to beginning
the introduction of emotional intelligence in the early childhood development.
This paper is a look at the idea of introducing Emotional Intelligence (EI) to grade school children to
aid in curbing the rise of violence and bullying and providing a framework for children to develop
their ability to handle their emotions appropriately. I will begin with defining EI and its importance.
I will look how emotional intelligence can be an important tool to assist children in dealing with
childhood challenges, it s importance in dealing with the growth of bullying and the long term benefits
of EI for adults. I will summarize why I feel if we graduate students with a strong EI to go with their
IQ, they will be better able to handle the challenges of adulthood and become
emotionally stable adults, parents and ultimately show it s influence on employees and it s role in
Major Arguments
Knowledge and study of emotional intelligence
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Chapter 14 Options and Corporate Finance
Answers to Concepts Review and Critical Thinking Questions
1. A call option confers the right, without the obligation, to buy an asset at a given price on or before a
given date. A put option confers the right, without the obligation, to sell an asset at a given price on or
before a given date. You would buy a call option if you expect the price of the asset to increase. You
would buy a put option if you expect the price of the asset to decrease. A call option has unlimited
potential profit, while a put option has limited potential profit; the underlying asset s price cannot be
less than zero.
2. a. The buyer of a call option pays money for the right to buy.... b. The buyer of a ... Show more
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However, the final answer for each problem is found without rounding during any step in the problem.
1. a. The value of the call is the stock price minus the present value of the exercise price, so:
C0 = $60 [$45/1.055] = $17.35
The intrinsic value is the amount by which the stock price exceeds the exercise price of the call, so the
intrinsic value is $15.
b. The value of the call is the stock price minus the present value of the exercise price, so:
C0 = $60 [$35/1.055] = $26.82
The intrinsic value is the amount by which the stock price exceeds the exercise price of the call, so the
intrinsic value is $25.
c. The value of the put option is $0 since there is no possibility that the put will finish in the money.
The intrinsic value is also $0.
2. a. The calls are out of the money. The intrinsic value of the calls is $0.
b. The puts are in the money. The intrinsic value of the puts is $2.
c. The Mar call and the Oct put are mispriced. The call is mispriced because it is selling for less than
its intrinsic value. If the option expired today, the arbitrage strategy would be to buy the call for $2.80,
exercise it and pay $80 for a share of stock, and sell the stock for $83. A riskless profit of $0.20
results. The October put is mispriced because it sells for less than the July put. To take advantage of
this, sell the July put for $3.90
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Similarities And Differences Between The Mesoamerica And...
Mesoamerica have been connected the North and South America culturally and geographically
throughout the history. Mesoamerican culture and aspects heavily influenced southwestern United
States, being the frontier borderline between North America and Mesoamerica. It is very important to
study the relationship between the Mesoamerica and American Southwest because American
Southwest contains various elements of Mesoamerican culture and this provides fundamental
information about human behaviors, history, interactions, and tradition in America. Our group has
selected Agriculture, Architecture, Religion, and Trade as our categories to analyze the relationship
between American southwest and Mesoamerica. Fair trade, we will focus on scarlet macaws and how
it got traded from Mesoamerica in the American southwest and its significance. For architecture, we
will compare the ball courts of Hohokam and that of Mesoamerica. Significance of ball courts and
how it got introduced into the American southwest from Mesoamerica will be discussed as well.
Religion will be analyzed by focusing on the cosmological beliefs of both groups and the similarities
and differences between Mesoamerican cosmology and American southwest cosmology.
My focus is on the agriculture and maize domestication of both areas. Maize was first domesticated in
Mesoamerica, southern Mexico about 9000 years ago and dispersed into the southwestern United
States during the late middle archaic period.
This paper will
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The Contract Agreement Between The Parties Essay
#1 In order for a contract to be enforceable, there must be a mutual agreement between the parties.
One way to contest a contract is by proving there is no mutual agreement or a lack of assent; therefore,
it is important to have genuine assent before entering into a contract. In cases where the assent is not
genuine, the contract may be unenforceable. Mistakes and Fraud are two of the reasons contracts lack
genuine assent. Contract mistakes can either be unilateral, a mutual mistake of a material fact, or
mutual mistake of value. A mutual mistake of value occurs when the parties are mistaken in regards to
the value of the object of the contract. For instance, Jane sells a baseball card to Jim for $1; Jim thinks
the card would be a perfect gift for his young nephew and purchases it from Jane. Before Jim gives the
card to his nephew, a friend informs him the card is very valuable and advises him to get it appraised.
Jim discovers the card is worth $20,000 and later sales it for $19,000. Since a mutual mistake of value
is unenforceable, Jane cannot sue Jim for the profits from the sale. A unilateral mistake occurs when
only one party is mistaken about the material fact regarding the subject matter of the contract . In most
cases where there is a unilateral mistake, the mistaken party cannot cancel the contract; therefore, the
contract remains enforceable. A mutual mistake of a material fact, unlike a unilateral mistake, is where
both parties are mistaken about a material
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National Trust For Historic Preservation
Heritage tourism is a growing niche in the tourism industry and it is something that most tourists will
engage at. By breaking the term is separated into heritage and tourism, the term heritage is mainly
associated with the meaning of the inheritance of something that is passed on throughout the ages
(Nuryanti, 1996). Tourism can be interpreted as the movement to somewhere to experience a contrast
to the current way of living (Miller, 2015). The definition that the National Trust for Historic
Preservation provides, traveling to experience the places, artifacts and activities that authentically
represent the stories and people of the past and present explains heritage tourism very well (Hargrove,
2002). A more cynical definition explains heritage tourism as a contemporary commodity purposefully
created to satisfy contemporary consumption . For the purpose of this paper, heritage tourism shall be
defined as traveling to satisfy the feeling of contrast of experiencing the places, artifacts, and activities
that have undergone the passage of time through the guise of authenticity. Tourists going to see the
Roman Coliseum casually, or tourists participating in a local ritual, in this paper, would be both
considered as heritage tourism. It is also important to know the broker local tourist model, which is
Fig 2 in the appendix, and the terms will be defined subsequently. Brokers will be defined as any
persons who in one way or another, manage, design or otherwise seek in their
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Sherwood Middle School Curriculum Analysis
Middle school is said to be one of the most trying times in a student s life whether it s their first year
of sixth grade or it s their last year in eighth, they do not need any extra stress. But unfortunately for
them, they may not have been considered when Sherwood Middle School chose the new math
curriculum. Why did the school board adopt the new curriculum? How is this affecting the students?
Is this a positive change for SMS teachers? New doesn t always mean improved. Is it possible that the
new curriculum isn t as improved as everyone would have hoped?
The current curriculum known as CPM (college preparatory mathematics) is meant to encourage
students to ask questions, make predictions and discover things on their own. Students should ... Show
more content on ...
Students may have to work to get their grades, but teachers are responsible for making sure their
students learn as much as possible. It s one thing for a single student to get behind, but if this
curriculum turns out to be defective, the teachers will have the arduous job of making sure that their
class catches up somehow. The biggest problem for the teachers however, may just be the parents. In
Evergreen Middle School, parent s annoyance and resentment of CPM lead them to protest the
curriculum and crash a school board meeting. Some enraged parents even pulled their children out of
math in order to homeschool them on the subject. As expected, CPM lasted just short of a year at
Evergreen Middle School. Furthermore, parents suspicion of the so called positive switch to CPM
showed at SMS during parent teacher conferences. Math teachers were left to handle the vast amount
of upset parents, ready to spew their complaints about the new curriculum. Although it s undetermined
whether or not CPM will be a productive change, the teachers will have to suffer any consequences
that it may
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Marco Polo s Motives For Success In The Gilded Age
Chapter 14 Assignment #1 Ch 14.1 (Ryan Cho)
Marco Polo, God, glory, and gold , portolani, Prince Henry, Columbus, Cortes, conquistador, Pizarro,
encomienda, Bartolome de las Casas
1. Marco Polo was a Venetian merchant traveler who went on many voyages across Asia and Africa.
On one of his travels to Asia, Marco met Kublai Khan and became good friends. His journey to Asia
lasted 24 years, and when he arrived back home, he found out that his country was at war with Genoa.
Polo then became a prisoner of war and wasn t released until 1299. Upon his release, Polo became a
wealthy merchant with a wife and two kids. Marco died in 1324 and was buried in the San Lorenzo
2. God, glory, and gold was known as the three main motives for further ... Show more content on ...
The Aztecs were a huge Empire in Mexico, with many gold resources and other expensive resources.
Cortez was very smart and manipulative, whereas the Aztecs were gullible. The Aztecs believed that
Cortes was a god, and offered him a lot of money and gold. While Cortez accepted this offer, the
Aztecs soon realized that Cortez was not a god, just an explorer. Cortez was the downfall of the
empire because he brought in other Europeans to help him take the gold from the Aztecs. The Aztecs
were a successful, thriving empire before the Age of Exploration, but constant attacks and tactics used
by Cortez led to the decline of Aztec
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Plastic and Fantasy in U.S. Advertising
The United States is a country that has an over flowing number of magazines and advertisements that
give citizens an unrealistic image of how they should portrayed. These magazines and advertisements
are filled with models and celebrities who sometimes make an individual feel insecure about herself or
himself. Most Americans are now turning to cosmetic surgery in order to obtain the appearance after
observing these images. The citizens of the United States who turn to cosmetic surgery often times do
not realize the potential risks involved. Cosmetic surgery is not an operation that should be taken
lightly; no one should go through it unless it were to be for reconstructive reasons. When people hear
the word plastic surgery the ... Show more content on ...
That just may not be the case with a doctor s office (Alagna 34). If someone strongly desires cosmetic
surgery at least it should be at least performed where safety procedures are carried out carefully. At a
hospital everyone is certified and has a license that allows them to perform surgery. Patients that do
not have a full knowledge about their doctor s safety procedures and medical licenses could lead to
death. People who claim to be doctors in offices only have the purpose of making money. Cosmetic
surgery has become a booming, 10.1 billion dollar business each year in the U.S., according to the
American Society of Plastic Surgeons (Goudreau 5). The amount of money Americans are paying in
order to improve their appearance is astronomical. Many people have undergone cosmetic surgery
procedures for which they literally will be paying for the rest of their life (Alagna 48). Nevertheless,
there are still individuals who are willing to have a debt that would take away their chances of
purchasing a house or car due to the financial burden of surgery. People who do not have enough
money to pay for their surgery are highly likely to borrow money from friends and family, in order to
fulfill their wishes for a better appearance. There are people who will not only borrow money from
loved ones but also from credit card
... Get more on ...
Reproductive Rights Argumentative Analysis
Encompassing the specific points and pieces of the reproductive war that I have discussed thus far, I
believe that abortion and the reproductive rights umbrella is indeed a feminist issue. In an era when
reproductive rights are being especially combated, as they are in the present (Murray, 301) feminists
need to be clear and fervent about where we stand and what we are fighting for. Though perhaps a
very controversial opinion, I believe that pro life women are counterproductive to this fight. Jeanne
Mancini, the President of the biggest anti abortion event, the March for Life, claims that she has talked
to an substantial amount of women who have regretted having an abortion. Many of these women
label themselves as pro life feminists and ... Show more content on ...
How is that honorable? In a lesser, subtler comparison to Mancini and the pro life feminists, that is
like saying that just because I regret getting a tattoo, I believe that no one should be able to get one. In
addition, the phrase pro life is often a misnomer. March for Life labels itself as pro life but to indeed
be pro life, the group in question needs to equally care about all life that is involved in a pregnancy.
This often is not the case, as the unborn child s needs are considered and the mother s are not, or not
as much. Whether it is a man, a woman, or a woman who has labeled herself a pro life feminist, they
take away personal bodily autonomy from women. To imply or outright claim that the rights of an
undeveloped fetus are greater than the rights of a woman to choose what happens in her own body is
absurd, and to assume that a woman is not capable of making an informed decision about her own
body is nothing more than misogyny, no matter who is against it. Therefore, abortion is absolutely a
feminist issue, as I believe it is impossible to simultaneously be a feminist and a fervent anti abortion
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Netflix And The Movie Rental Industry
Before becoming a force in the movie streaming and internet TV industry, Netflix was originally in
the movie rental industry. With competitors such as Blockbuster, Hollywood Entertainment and
Redbox, Netflix rose to be the leading Internet provider for Internet television and streaming thus
forcing Blockbuster and Hollywood Entertainment out of business. With the transformation of
consumer viewing in the American television industry, Netflix has over 75 million members who
stream more than 125 million hours of television shows and movies per day (Statista, 2016). Their
repertoire includes movies and original series that allow consumers to view at anytime and on any
screen in which Internet connectivity to the Internet is provided. In addition, Netflix continues to
deliver DVDs within the United States to the homes of consumers.
One critical issue was that customers did not like the increased subscription fees (Parnell, 2014). Mr.
Hastings proposed a plan to split the company into two separate entities in order to focus on DVD by
mail services and streaming services individually. Customers were not happy because this would
generate two different accounts to manage if customer had both services. Over 800,000 subscribers
canceled their subscriptions due to the proposed split.
The industry in which Netflix competes include both video rental and internet streaming. Initially their
competition was Blockbuster, Hollywood Entertainment and Redbox. Both Blockbuster and
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Developing Mixed Tenure Models Of Extra Care Housing
ease its focus on more cost effective accommodation solutions to better meet individual outcomes. All
care services should be expected to help people maximise independence over time and the Council
must reduce long term dependence on inappropriate or unnecessary levels of care and support. More
cost effective accommodation options including supported Extra Care Housing and Supported Living
must be developed.
A reasonable set of objectives that should be addressed by any housing/accommodation with care
strategy are shown below:
More people residing in accommodation that meets their individual accommodation and care and
support needs, evidenced by cross agency needs assessments
More extra care housing, exploring the opportunities to ... Show more content on ...
The accommodation is in a building or campus of similar households specifically designed to facilitate
the delivery of care to people, either now or when they need it in the future. These schemes are also
known under other labels; for example sheltered housing or assisted living , or retirement homes .
The aim of Extra Care is to provide people with the security and privacy of their own home alongside
a range of facilities and help on the premises, with 24 hour care provision if required
Extra care housing is a preventative model, supporting independence and avoiding admissions into
residential care;
Extra care housing is a more cost effective model of care delivery than other models, including
residential care and care in the community.
Shared Lives By Shared Lives we mean accommodation that is lived in under an occupancy
agreement, where the premises are owned or tenanted by another person who has been approved as a
carer by a Shared Lives scheme that is registered to provide Personal care .
Occupancy agreements could include tenancy agreements, licensing agreements, licences to occupy
premises, and leasehold agreements.
Supported Living The aim of Supported Living Services is to enable Service Users to maintain their
home, promote independence, increase life skills, social inclusion and to support Service Users to
achieve maximum choice and control in their lives. It
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Dark Knight Sparknotes
I am going to write a film analysis essay for the film The Dark Knight. My chosen essay topic is:
Analyse how visual or sound effects were used to emphasise a theme in the visual or oral text(s). I
need to show how the main themes of showing morality when making decisions and the power held
by the villain are presented in the film through the use of dialogue, camerawork, sound, and editing. I
will refer to the scene when The Joker announces his social experiment and he and Batman have their
final fight, The Ferry Scene, for my specific example. I will also comment on the director, Christopher
Nolan s intentions in order to show my personal insight into the film.
Christopher Nolan s 2008 film The Dark Knight tells the thrilling tale of the ... Show more content on ...
If, however, one of you presses the button, I ll let that boat live. So, who s it going to be: Harvey Dent
s most wanted scumbag collection, or the sweet and innocent civilians? You choose... Oh, and you
might want to decide quickly because the people on the other boat might not be so noble. This is The
Joker s way of giving the passengers an ultimatum. Live and kill, or be killed. His experiment furthers
the effect of his actions as an anarchist on the people of Gotham, as the passengers are left in shock
and have to make a life or death decision in such a small amount of time. The lack of hesitation in his
relaxed voice makes it clear to the audience that this was a well rehearsed and planned announcement.
He had organised this and was then ready to begin to carry out his experiment, in which he expected at
least one boat full of people to die as a result. This showed the power and control he had as Gotham s
villain because in just one statement he was able to terrorise people and leave them with such as
difficult decision to make. All scenarios he had implied to the passengers resulted in at least one ferry
being blown up, while he would remain unaffected by the outcome. As well as creating a feeling of
fear and suspense for the audience, who are watching the scene play out to discover the outcome, it
also makes the viewer question: What is the right and wrong decision to make? What would you do if
it was you in that situation? At the end of the scene,
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Federal Government failure led to the health and safety of...
Federal Government failure led to the health and safety of workers involved with the Home Insulation
Program being compromised.
In 2009 the Australian Government introduced the home insulation subsidy scheme as an economy
stimulus. This essay argues that the Federal Australian Government was responsible for the health and
safety of workers involved with that programme. It will show that the Government failed to
implement the regulation of a stimulus program correctly. It will discuss the positives and negatives
that came from the program in regards to both government and businesses. Finally, it will assess why
the Government was responsible and should be held accountable for the failure of the Home Insulation
The Home Insulation ... Show more content on ...
These safety concerns eventually led to the termination of the HIP program and the implementation of
a stage three program the Home Insulation Safety Program (HISP) which was to remediate the poor
installation practices, which was an unfortunate feature of the HIP program (Australian National Audit
Office, 2010, p.20). There has been conflict on whether businesses or the Government were at fault.
The purpose of the program was to stimulate the economy through regulation (De Percy, 2014). The
Government at the time felt the need to intervene in the market economy in order to mitigate the effect
of the GFC (ABC, 2014). Using Incentive based Regulation (De Percy, 2014) the Government wanted
to encourage more activity in this industry sector to bring money quickly into the economy through
businesses that were involved. The HIP program would have supported jobs and small businesses by
increasing economic stimulus and cut household bills through increased energy efficiency form the
insulation (Hawke, 2010). The HIP program was implemented to decrease negative externalities
through lower pollution and carbon emissions (Kortt Dollery, 2012, p.73) as a result of more
households being insulated. James Fricker; a technical consultant from the Department on home
insulation for the scheme believed that the scheme was working well, overcoming problems that had
arose and was achieving most of its goals (Ryan Smail, 2014).
However even with these obvious positives the program
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Science Math And Science Standards
This week s math and science lesson focused on magnetism and incorporated both math and science
standards, per the Arizona Early Learning Standards. The lesson started with reading a book regarding
magnetism, entitled What Makes a Magnet? by Franklyn M. Branley. After the read aloud, students
were dismissed for centers and groups of five students circulated through completing the lesson
activity. For this lesson, the objective and sub objectives were as follows:
After completing this lesson, students will be able to sort magnetic and nonmagnetic objects by using
a magnet with 100% accuracy. o Students will define the following vocabulary words: magnet,
magnetic, nonmagnetic o Students will be able to use a magnet to find magnetic objects. o Students
will sort objects that are magnetic into one group and nonmagnetic into another group.
The lesson objectives were clear and measurable. While reading What Makes a Magnet?, vocabulary
and comprehension questions were asked to ensure there was a conceptual understanding of the terms
magnetic and nonmagnetic. These definitions were imperative for a student to know, as they would
not be able to sort objects correctly without understanding the concept. Once the students could
differentiate between the two groups, students would use a magnet wand to test the objects. This
shows that the students could use tools to investigate. Lastly, the students were to sort the objects
tested into two groups, placing the objects in either a
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How Did The Wave Of Immigration And Italian Immigration
99 percent of today s United States population is comprised of immigrants and the descendants of
immigrants. Immigration has been shaping the United States ever since the first immigrants arrived
400 years ago in the 1600s; however, it became very prevalent during the time of 1880 to 1899, as the
first major wave of immigration fled to America. Millions of immigrants fled from all over the world
seeking economic opportunity, specifically large masses from Italy and China. The Italians helped to
build up large, successful cities like Chicago and New York while the Chinese worked to develop the
western cities in California; however, the Chinese contributions were not appreciated so many laws
and policies from the United States Congress were put in place to regulate their immigration but
Italians were welcomed into the United States with the newly opened Ellis Island. In the late 19th
century, the Chinese and Italian Immigration contributed to many of the economic, cultural, and
political processes that serve as the fundamentals to the United States today.
Between 1880 and 1899, the United States experienced both a major wave of diverse immigration and
a halt. This was a time of rapid industrialization and urbanization which attracted many immigrants.
The mass production and introduction of factories in the cities required many unskilled workers which
were perfect for immigrants. The jobs from industrialization could provide the immigrants with the
better economic opportunity
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Delays And Congestion At Frontier s East
Passenger air travel has been forecasted to increase to over 1 billion persons annually by 2023. This
alone has a great likelihood of negatively impacting airport capacity at several of Frontier Airlines
major hubs due to inefficient runway use. This case study will focus on delays and congestion at
Frontier s east coast hub, Philadelphia International Airport (PHL), and how improvements can
effectively reduce the amount of delayed flights Frontier consistently experiences.
Philadelphia Municipal Airport opened on June 20, 1940 along the banks of the Delaware River. By
year s end, approximately 40,000 passengers travelled through the airport. By 1945, the municipal
airport became Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) courtesy of transatlantic service by American
Overseas Airlines. In the 1960s and 1970s, expansion and modernization paved way for the airport
facility in use today.
Increased popularity of air travel, population growth, and urban development have all contributed to
the increase in congestion and decrease in capacity at PHL over the years. FAA records as far back as
1995 show that PHL ranked consistently as one of the most delayed airports (FAA, 2010). Many of
these delays at PHL have secondary and tertiary effects at the airports to which the originating flights
are destined. Hub and spoke carrier passengers depending on their on time arrival may miss
connecting flights and, at times, additional onward flights, cruises, or other important events.
... Get more on ...
Comparing Henry David Thoreau, Mohandas K. Gandhi, And...
Henry David Thoreau, Mohandas K. Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela, were three different people with
almost the same thoughts. These three brave men fought for what they believe it was right. They all
had different opinions of the government. Some of them were send to jail but they never kept quiet
because their way of being spiritual, optimism, and Individualism.
Henry David Thoreau, was one of the bravest man. His way of defending himself was amazingly
done. He, who speak for what is was wrong of the government. This is some of his words, his opinion
of course, They only can force me who obey a higher law than I, They force me to become
themselves. I do not hear of men being force me to live this way or that by makes of men . In this
quote I believe that the government wants to make you and control you. As long as you let them, they
will, but at the end it is us with the right to do what we pleased. Henry was very brave to speak for
himself. He who didn t let the government choose for him, he choose for himself. ... Show more
content on ...
Gandhi was another inspirational man who never stood quiet. Gandhi was a man who inspired a lot of
people with his strong words. His way of arguing made people follow him and like him. His followers
were exactly the same way of thinking as he was. He didn t believe in religion nor a god. Gandhi
believed everybody was their own god, he changed many peoples mind about religion and the people
that follow him love the idea that nobody was wrong or right, it was just naturally done. This is my
hope and my prayer. I wash these words of mine reached every corner of the land, these are the words
by Gandhi. I believe that he had the right to think however he wanted no matter if society though it
was wrong or
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015 Essay Example Cite An Step Version How To Web

  • 1. 015 Essay Example Cite An Step Version How To Web 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. 015 Essay Example Cite An Step Version How To Web 015 Essay Example Cite An Step Version How To Web
  • 2. The Half Brothers By Elizabeth Gaskell and My Oedipus... The Half Brothers By Elizabeth Gaskell and My Oedipus Complex By Frank O Connor These two stories are very different upon first glance. For example one is about a pair of half brothers set in Victorian times and the other is about a small child named Larry who thinks he s a lot wiser then he is. However, if you look deeper you can start to find similarities between the two. They have similar themes, and links can be made between them. A big difference between them is the titles. For example The Half Brothers is a very self evident title but My Oedipus Complex is a little more obscure. My Oedipus Complex is ironic because although Larry does have a strong attachment to his mother it is an exaggeration to call it an ... Show more content on ... For example in The Half Brothers William Preston begs God for forgiveness after realising how wrongly he had treated Gregory and in My Oedipus Complex Larry and his father forgive each other because they are in the same situation at the end of the story. Using the theme of forgiveness in stories that also have the theme of jealousy makes the reader feel that everything must come to an end whether it is good or bad because forgiveness is an end to jealousy and also to both stories. There is also a less obvious theme in the stories of religion. For example we heard mass at St Augustine s and said a prayer for father in My Oedipus Complex and God s will be done in The Half Brothers . This use of religion in the stories sets the period as nowadays most people are not very religious. It shows that in the past God was very important to the average person and had a big influence on their lives and the decisions they made. Reasons for some of the differences between the stories may be because they were written and set in very different periods. For example The Half Brothers was set in Victorian times when it was also written but My Oedipus Complex was set just after the First World War but written much later then that. This makes the authors present the themes in very different ways. Frank O Connor is more light hearted in his presentation of jealousy whereas Elizabeth Gaskell is definitely more morbid and ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Life, Death, and the Political Issues Surrounding Abortion Life, Death, and the Political issues surrounding Abortion Few issues have embodied such controversy as abortion has. The various people involved in the abortion debate not only have strong beliefs, but each group has a self appeal that clearly reflects what they believe to be the essential issues. The abortion supporters see individual choice as central to the debate: If a woman cannot choose to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, a condition which affects her body and possibly her entire life, then she has lost one of her most basic human rights. These issues of abortion believe that while a fetus is a potential life, its life cannot be placed on the same level with that of a woman. On the other side, the anti abortionist ... Show more content on ... The argument over abortion has avoided the real issue facing today s woman, her need to grow beyond stereotypes. Whenever an individual or group realizes it has been treated unjustly, the first reaction is anger, but often the anger is firs expressed as aggression. People outgrowing oppression have so much built up inside, so many memories of powerlessness, and so little knowledge of how to make themselves be heard. Violence towards others usually end up as the result. American men and women are among the most fair minded, but have slowly begun to feel that 4,000 abortions a day is enough. The abortion mentality has encouraged women to think of themselves as victims. Much emphasis is placed on pregnancy as a result of rape, even though the statistics show only about .1% of all rapes actually resulting in conception. That means that a large majority of pregnancies that resulted in abortion were the result of free choice. The assumption is that a woman does not have control over her own body until after a male partner is finished with it. Why is that? Where is their sense of pride? Maybe they re just looking at responsibilities as well as rights, and choosing instead of reacting. Pro choice supporters argue that abortion should be viewed as not be immoral, and sometimes a necessary choice a woman must make in order to be in charge of her life. Considering pregnancy from a woman s point of view, it can be very dangerous to ... Get more on ...
  • 4. A Student s Search For Meaning A Student s Search for Meaning As I read through Man s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl, I grasp on to all the epiphanies and realizations that Frankl reflects upon and take them into consideration in my own life. Although I have never gone through any experiences even remotely similar to his experiences in the concentration camps, in this time in my life I am searching for meaning in a way. Moving on to a new chapter in my life, I feel as though I am trying to find my purpose, who I am, and who I will become. Therefore, Man s Search for Meaning has provided me with multiple major insights in my own search for meaning. One of the most compelling realizations that Frankl expands upon in my opinion is the importance of love. Frankl, as he is away from his wife in the concentration camp, comes to the conclusion that love is the ultimate and the highest goal to which man can aspire (Frankl 37). At this time in my life, love has a different meaning for me than it did for Frankl at the time which he is reflecting upon. Love, to me, doesn t necessarily mean romance, but rather it means care and devotion. In my life, this relates back to my family and friends, those I care for and who care for me. Love is such an important aspect in life because it is ultimately one s strongest connection to others in their life, and without love without people that you care about is there a meaning in life at all? Frankl s emphasis on love also gives a different way of approaching ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Jiebel Ali Fiz Essay Introduction Through partnership, Kazakhstan and China established a dry port called Khorgos that sits on the Trans Asian railroad. This free economic zone (FEZ) is a vital gateway of trade between the respective nations involved. Each country will invest a combined $2.6B into the infrastructure of Khorgos FEZ. This Silk Road trade route initiative has estimates of generating $1T annually. Similar to Jebel Ali FZE in Dubai, Khorgos is a duty and tax free territory. This area is approximately 300 hectares, and zoning is primarily for logistics, manufacturing, and trade. By 2020, this will be the largest dry port in the world. The International Center for Boundary Cooperation (ICBC) was created in 2004 and opened in 2012. A new customs office was opened in August 2016 as a means to streamline customs procedures. Since its opening in 2012, there has been an estimated 9.46 million visitors and over $878 million worth of trade. At this phase, the presence of luxury designers is minimal. Storefronts display signage of luxury brands, but consumers are aware of counterfeiting. Retail boutiques lack visual integrity and prices are displayed in various currencies. We have bought land in Eastern Kazakhstan within Khorgos. The size of the land is five hectares. An outlet luxury retail store will be erected. Our buying strategy is to procure contracts for overrun of luxury American and European designers and resell to the Chinese consumer. Residents in this region lack options to ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Disaster Is A Blind Killer Disaster is a blind killer as it erupts and affects thousands worldwide. The severity of disasters is expected to increase as a result of contemporary threats (biological, cyber, nuclear, etc.) in addition to increased globalization and climate change. Yet sometimes government bodies, corporations, and the like fall short in instituting preventative systems to avert a disaster, oftentimes causing the general populous to be inadequately prepared should a catastrophe occur. Union Carbide s gas leak of methyl isocyanate (MIC) at Bhopal, India in December of 1984 is an example of a tragedy that could have easily been averted had the Indian government been more proactive in the maintenance and enforcement of regulatory systems. Union Carbide s ... Show more content on ... The resulting gas leak killed more than 2,500 people that night alone, and would go on to claim the lives of over thousands of others. The sequence of events of that evening is arguably the result of operating errors, design flaws, maintenance failures, training deficiencies, and economic measures that endangered the safety amongst the residents living nearby (Das 1996, 161). The decommissioned refrigeration unit, the faulty pressure level, and temperature indicators of the MIC tank are examples of the lack of preventative measures Union Carbide ignored. Additionally, the lack of implemented safety measures in place prior to the leak could not have prevented a chemical reaction of this magnitude. In designing the plant s safety systems, a water curtain for neutralizing MIC had been installed. Had a gas leak occurred, the water would come on to dissipate; however, the water curtain was set to reach only a certain height whereas MIC has the potential to escape far beyond calculated heights due to outside factors such as wind (Bowonder 2012, 162). Union Carbide claimed that factors such as employee sabotage not the faulty design or operation were the primary cause of the tragedy. An analysis by Bowonder found that the failures were at the corporate level. These managerial failures are the most critical and paramount if accidents are to be averted. ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Regulating Tap Water In America, we tend to take for granted our simple luxuries in life. Running water would be considered to be among these in most cases. We turn on the faucet, and out comes a safe and refreshing source of sustenance that is vital to our well being. Now, if you can imagine, what happens when that refreshing drink of water is not replenishing your body, but killing it. A silent poison contaminating your way of life, only to find out years later that every ailment you and your family have endured and possibly even succumbed to, would be blamed on a source of drinking water. This is exactly what happened to the individuals that were stationed or employed at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina from the years of 1953 to 1987. The most horrifying of ... Show more content on ... That would depend on what you consider a health benefit. As far as the impurities go, the simple answer would have to be that bottled water is in fact, filtered tap water, so there would be no advantage to drinking tap water for that single reason (Hogan Larsen). Tap water does contain a fluoride additive depending on the approved ordinance of the local water supply, which can help individuals avoid tooth decay. Because most bottled waters have been treated and distilled or de ionized, they do not contain any amounts of fluoride unless the label specifically states that it has been ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Child Sex Trafficking In The United States Child sex trafficking is the profitable sexual act induced by force, fraud, coercion or a person is lured to have sex before they reach 18 years of age. It includes all the activities of recruiting, harboring, patronizing, advertising, transporting or obtaining children for sexual services involuntarily, through servitude, debt bondage, peonage or slavery. Due to advanced technology, it has acquired new course. It has become a complex phenomenon involving multiple stakeholders at commercial as well as institutional level. It is the modern day form of slavery perpetrated against minors regardless of their race, class, socioeconomic status, education, gender, cultural conditions or citizenship ( Department of Justice, 2015). It is a lucrative ... Show more content on ... The incidence and prevalence data is also still scarce, and there is no consensus on the current estimates. The estimates focus on youth who are at risk for sex trafficking contrary to the actual victims. Some groups have carried out research on the subsets and subpopulations of the victims to provide an understanding of the scale and nature. The arrest records for example in 2009 data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Uniform Crime Reporting among other bodies estimates that about 1400 minors were arrested for prostitution and commercial vice in the U.S that year. Other organizations such as Human Trafficking Task Force do not have the exact number of children involved. Another approach to estimation is the victim identification by groups such as health care providers, services providers, law enforcement agencies and school personnel. More research has to be carried out to understand and give the exact number and extent of child sex trafficking as many cases have gone ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Glow Sticks History Glow sticks and LED light sticks are commonly seen in popular society at concerts and festivals. However, glow sticks have several other uses and were originally invented for use in the military. In the 1960s, scientists were interested in the light fireflies produced in nature. They discovered that this light could be produced without energy or heat using a chemical compound called luciferin. A Brooklyn born chemistry specialist named Edwin A. Chandross accidentally identified the chemical mixes needed to create the glow of a glow stick when experimenting with luminol. The first light products using this mixture were created and patented by Michael M. Rauhut of American Cyanamid. The first official glow stick type mechanism was granted to ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Tic Disorder Tic Disorder Nia D. Malcom Intro to Abnormal Psychology Atlanta Metropolitan State College As stated by Chestin M. Berlin, having a tic disorder involves a wide variety of many disorders including the most common, which is Tourette s syndrome. Tourette s syndrome is a neurological disorder that involves having many vocal and motor tics. An individual is most likely to have it if the tics last consistently for more than a year. (Berlin, 3, 1995). Several people have either motor tics or only vocal tics. The first symptoms usually are unintentional movements of the face, arms, limbs or trunk. These tics are frequent, repetitive and rapid. The most common first symptom is a facial tic which can be an eye blink, a nose twitch, or ... Show more content on ... (W. Robertson, 1, ... Get more on ...
  • 11. An Evaluation Of A Business System Essay Companies must ensure that they put in place mechanisms that will ensure upgrading the systems in the work place are hassle free. Early preparations must be put in place to ensure that there is very little disturbance to clients. The movement is due to an increase in the number of clients and the intention of the firm to serve these clients better. AET has come up with a migration strategy that is divided into three phases. Once the plan is executed, there are possibilities that the migration will serve the intended clients in the best way possible. The cost of the entire exercise and an overview of the work breakdown structure and the related costs are also captured. Introduction AET is a rapidly growing IT firm. It, therefore, means that their current systems cannot support most of their operations. According to Flinttzer, Hein, Kahse, Mohse, et al. (2014) when the client base increases, it is prudent that measures must be put in place to ensure the firm meets the needs of the clients. The system upgrade is not supposed to cause a breakdown in the operations of the firm. Proper selection of the person to be in charge of the program is key to ensuring the success of the program. Proper prior preparation and the laying of the firm s migration strategy will ensure that there are no hiccups experienced on the way (Meads, 2011). It is on this basis that AET has put in place a strong team that will ensure the upgrade is achieved. Project Selection What are the reasons for ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Women Of The United States Armed Forces Women are vital to the stability and efficiency of all branches of the United States armed forces. Although women s presence may be necessary to the operation of the military, their placement in combat positions would prove to be a devastating mistake. The body of a woman is not made to brave combat positions, and placing women into positions dominated by men could create a hostile working environment. The atmosphere of battle is already heated, and placing more problems into the equation could lead to the unraveling of military effectiveness as the country knows it. Consequently, women should continued to be excluded from combat oriented positions in order to preserve the superb work of the United States armed forces. Placing a woman into a field comprised mostly of men would upset a balance of unit cohesion and morale among their male counterparts. Unit cohesion result[s] from proximity of group members over time; social similarities or commonalities; success at joint tasks; and concerned, competent, honest leaders (Simons). This means that the individuals that comprise a combat unit must be able to relate to each other, and work together in positive and constructive ways in order to carry out dangerous, high risk missions. During combat operations, soldiers and their units are confined to small spaces for extended periods of time. The addition of women into this close quartered group would add romantic and sexual elements that can cause competition, jealousy, and ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Winter Tires Research Paper Winter Tires Must be Required in the Winter By: Richard Have you ever been in a car in the winter and your parent yells Hold on! . Slipping on black ice is a driver s worst nightmare. The car could slip off the road, go to the opposite side, spin, flip, roll, or even worse. That would be deadly. The good news is there is something called winter tires and it could save your life. Life saving, winter tires must be required because they make your ride safer, they help create a more relaxing ride, and they are not expensive. Winter tires are a very good idea for winter driving, it will help a lot. Winter tires ultimately increase the safety of the drive. The rubber is a special type of rubber that will not harden (5 Facts About Winter Tires and Why You Need Them). Soft rubber means better traction. This is essential to brake and grip the road better. A car with winter tires will brake 30% faster than a car with all seasons. In fact, most accidents in the winter could have been avoided if the driver was using winter tires (5 Facts About Winter Tires and Why You Need Them). Safety is ... Show more content on ... According to CNBC, they are not as expensive as they might look. Tires only last a certain amount of time, based on how many miles you put on them. So if you re only using a set of tires for eight months out of the year, they ll last longer. Put winter tires on for the winter, and you ll go much longer in between pricey tire replacements. DId you know Canadians are the world leaders in debt? ( canadians youre world leaders in debt/ ). You would not want to add to that. Knowing this you do not want to spend more money on tire replacements. It is just that one big investment and you are good to go for about double the time than if you were to not to have winter ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Remains Of The Day By Kazuo Ishiguro And The Play... Our most basic memory is the meaning of the word itself. When that word is flashed in front of us, our minds immediately conclude that a memory is a recollection of a past event. But, out of the millions of long and short term memories in the archives of our brains, what makes us remember specific events and forget others? To what extent do memories serve as a guideline to the type of personality and characteristics an individual displays? In the novel The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro and the play Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, memories are used for the understanding of main characters. Ishiguro uses memories to narrate Stevens past working for royalty and his struggle to transition into the modern world. Miller uses ... Show more content on ... He will always try to live up to the high standards his father set for himself as he did that night. In Death of a Salesman Willy is abandoned by his father at a very young age as well as his brother Ben who leaves for Alaska where he makes a fortune. In addition, Willy and his son Biff are constantly in dispute over Willy s opinion that Biff lacks a real job and has no purpose to his life. At Frank s Chophouse, when Biff returns from an interview with a potential employer, Willy is expecting good news. As the two go back and forth arguing and not listening to each other, Willy begins to ramble and has a flashback from the past. Unaware of his surrounding and the conversation he is presently in, he says, No, no! You had to go and flunk math! ... If you hadn t flunked you d ve been set by now! (Miller 65) Willy is remembering the fact that Biff was not able to graduate high school because he failed his math class. Willy, in distress, hurries into the bathroom and continues to babble while his two sons, Biff and Happy, leave the restaurant abandoning their father. This memory that Willy recalls shows that he feels responsible for his son s failure and will never forget the reason Biff did not end up successful which ultimately led to the abandonment of father by son. When reflecting on the past a sense of regret arises when feelings of missed opportunities are thought of. In The Remains of the Day Stevens comes to the realization that he missed an opportunity ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Differences Between The Faulin s Tale And The Canterbury... If you and 29 of your friends went on a trip and all told stories, whose story would win? In the case of The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, this was the question at hand. The Canterbury Tales explains the religious pilgrimage of many individuals to Canterbury, and the stories they told along the way. With them traveled a Host, who served as the judge of the contest. He determined who the winner would be based off of how clean the story was and if the story was morally sound or not. The prize for winning the storytelling contest was a free dinner. Based on the rules set by the Host, The Franklin would have won the contest. The first criteria that each story must meet, is that it must be clean. Both of these tales reflect on ... Show more content on ... Even when Arveragus has to be away from Dorigen, their love survives as well as their faithfulness. The Merchant s Tale on the the other hand is not so clean. This story depicts the marriage of an old knight named January, and his young and beautiful wife, May. Throughout the entirety of the story many aspects are not clean. The first example of this is shown the night of the wedding. We are in holy wedlock, and we may. And blessed be the yoke that we are in For nothing we can do will count as sin. A man is not a sinner with his wife, He cannot hurt himself with his own knife; We have the law s permission thus to play. And so he laboured till the break of day. (372 373) January was very adamant about his final wedding guests leaving so that he can be alone with May. In the time after they left, they took part in actions deemed not clean. As time went on in the story, May started to have very strong feelings for an attendant in the house named Damian. Their love was a secret from January, and only expressed within letters to one another. Until one day it was expressed in a much more extreme way. Catching a branch, and with a spring she thence Ladies, I beg you not to take offence, I can t embellish, I m a simple man Went up into the tree, and Damian Pulled up her smock at once and in he thrust (386) As clearly stated in this quote, ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Gregory Orr A Hero s Journey Analysis A hero s quest is a destined step by step process for many characters in a heroic quest. Campbell s idea of a hero maintains a sequence pattern of a journey. Campbell briefly explains that an hero s journey begins with a call to departure, which embarks a new quest. Followed by mentors who aid the hero into complete his objective or quest. Also there are trials to be endured and the inner dragon to overcome to transcend to a higher state of being for the hero. After all the obstacles the hero face, he or she will gain strength to defeat the shadow which portrays as the villain. After the hero defeats the shadow he or she returns back home or to a new peaceful location. Campbell s heroic journey can be seen in many movies, stories, and literature, ... Show more content on ... Gregory Orr s heroic quest starts when he is traumatized by guilt from accidentally ending the life of his little brother. That moment in his life was a traumatizing factor for himself. Gregory Orr whole journey is based on the effect the accident had on his consciousness and judgement on himself. At this point he doubts himself as a decent human being and is clouded with guilt from reoccurring thoughts . I believe Gregory Orr s incident causes a dramatic negative emotion and guilt that makes any possible comfort seem reasonable for him to gain no matter the cost. Any answer to comfort Orr s quilt would make Mr.Orr attached and devoted to achieve that comfort which will aid him to severe his guilt and discard his guilt from himself.. Gregory Orr desires any door that comes across his life to relieve him of the guilt of his dead brother. Gregory Orr soon comes in contact with a sign that has an image of martyrs of the civil rights movement and he analyzes their expression, making the conclusion that these specific martyrs are happy with their actions and sacrifice. One could say that the images he views demonstrated a state of peace and relief from the cruel reality of racial ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Emotional Intelligence On The Early Childhood Development Abstract Emotional Intelligence assessments have been used to predict a person s success or failure in regard to school, business and life. There are many studies that provide evidence of the benefits of emotional intelligence to children, adults, parents and employees. A child s emotions are often treated as petty, irrational and immature, when it is during childhood that children need to be taught how to deal with emotions. The objective of this paper is to give significant evidence that there is a benefit to beginning the introduction of emotional intelligence in the early childhood development. Introduction This paper is a look at the idea of introducing Emotional Intelligence (EI) to grade school children to aid in curbing the rise of violence and bullying and providing a framework for children to develop their ability to handle their emotions appropriately. I will begin with defining EI and its importance. I will look how emotional intelligence can be an important tool to assist children in dealing with childhood challenges, it s importance in dealing with the growth of bullying and the long term benefits of EI for adults. I will summarize why I feel if we graduate students with a strong EI to go with their IQ, they will be better able to handle the challenges of adulthood and become emotionally stable adults, parents and ultimately show it s influence on employees and it s role in business. Major Arguments Knowledge and study of emotional intelligence ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Chapter 14 Options and Corporate Finance CHAPTER 14 OPTIONS AND CORPORATE FINANCE Answers to Concepts Review and Critical Thinking Questions 1. A call option confers the right, without the obligation, to buy an asset at a given price on or before a given date. A put option confers the right, without the obligation, to sell an asset at a given price on or before a given date. You would buy a call option if you expect the price of the asset to increase. You would buy a put option if you expect the price of the asset to decrease. A call option has unlimited potential profit, while a put option has limited potential profit; the underlying asset s price cannot be less than zero. 2. a. The buyer of a call option pays money for the right to buy.... b. The buyer of a ... Show more content on ... However, the final answer for each problem is found without rounding during any step in the problem. Basic 1. a. The value of the call is the stock price minus the present value of the exercise price, so: C0 = $60 [$45/1.055] = $17.35 The intrinsic value is the amount by which the stock price exceeds the exercise price of the call, so the intrinsic value is $15. b. The value of the call is the stock price minus the present value of the exercise price, so: C0 = $60 [$35/1.055] = $26.82 The intrinsic value is the amount by which the stock price exceeds the exercise price of the call, so the intrinsic value is $25. c. The value of the put option is $0 since there is no possibility that the put will finish in the money. The intrinsic value is also $0. 2. a. The calls are out of the money. The intrinsic value of the calls is $0. b. The puts are in the money. The intrinsic value of the puts is $2.
  • 19. c. The Mar call and the Oct put are mispriced. The call is mispriced because it is selling for less than its intrinsic value. If the option expired today, the arbitrage strategy would be to buy the call for $2.80, exercise it and pay $80 for a share of stock, and sell the stock for $83. A riskless profit of $0.20 results. The October put is mispriced because it sells for less than the July put. To take advantage of this, sell the July put for $3.90 ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Similarities And Differences Between The Mesoamerica And... Mesoamerica have been connected the North and South America culturally and geographically throughout the history. Mesoamerican culture and aspects heavily influenced southwestern United States, being the frontier borderline between North America and Mesoamerica. It is very important to study the relationship between the Mesoamerica and American Southwest because American Southwest contains various elements of Mesoamerican culture and this provides fundamental information about human behaviors, history, interactions, and tradition in America. Our group has selected Agriculture, Architecture, Religion, and Trade as our categories to analyze the relationship between American southwest and Mesoamerica. Fair trade, we will focus on scarlet macaws and how it got traded from Mesoamerica in the American southwest and its significance. For architecture, we will compare the ball courts of Hohokam and that of Mesoamerica. Significance of ball courts and how it got introduced into the American southwest from Mesoamerica will be discussed as well. Religion will be analyzed by focusing on the cosmological beliefs of both groups and the similarities and differences between Mesoamerican cosmology and American southwest cosmology. My focus is on the agriculture and maize domestication of both areas. Maize was first domesticated in Mesoamerica, southern Mexico about 9000 years ago and dispersed into the southwestern United States during the late middle archaic period. This paper will ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Contract Agreement Between The Parties Essay #1 In order for a contract to be enforceable, there must be a mutual agreement between the parties. One way to contest a contract is by proving there is no mutual agreement or a lack of assent; therefore, it is important to have genuine assent before entering into a contract. In cases where the assent is not genuine, the contract may be unenforceable. Mistakes and Fraud are two of the reasons contracts lack genuine assent. Contract mistakes can either be unilateral, a mutual mistake of a material fact, or mutual mistake of value. A mutual mistake of value occurs when the parties are mistaken in regards to the value of the object of the contract. For instance, Jane sells a baseball card to Jim for $1; Jim thinks the card would be a perfect gift for his young nephew and purchases it from Jane. Before Jim gives the card to his nephew, a friend informs him the card is very valuable and advises him to get it appraised. Jim discovers the card is worth $20,000 and later sales it for $19,000. Since a mutual mistake of value is unenforceable, Jane cannot sue Jim for the profits from the sale. A unilateral mistake occurs when only one party is mistaken about the material fact regarding the subject matter of the contract . In most cases where there is a unilateral mistake, the mistaken party cannot cancel the contract; therefore, the contract remains enforceable. A mutual mistake of a material fact, unlike a unilateral mistake, is where both parties are mistaken about a material ... Get more on ...
  • 22. National Trust For Historic Preservation Heritage tourism is a growing niche in the tourism industry and it is something that most tourists will engage at. By breaking the term is separated into heritage and tourism, the term heritage is mainly associated with the meaning of the inheritance of something that is passed on throughout the ages (Nuryanti, 1996). Tourism can be interpreted as the movement to somewhere to experience a contrast to the current way of living (Miller, 2015). The definition that the National Trust for Historic Preservation provides, traveling to experience the places, artifacts and activities that authentically represent the stories and people of the past and present explains heritage tourism very well (Hargrove, 2002). A more cynical definition explains heritage tourism as a contemporary commodity purposefully created to satisfy contemporary consumption . For the purpose of this paper, heritage tourism shall be defined as traveling to satisfy the feeling of contrast of experiencing the places, artifacts, and activities that have undergone the passage of time through the guise of authenticity. Tourists going to see the Roman Coliseum casually, or tourists participating in a local ritual, in this paper, would be both considered as heritage tourism. It is also important to know the broker local tourist model, which is Fig 2 in the appendix, and the terms will be defined subsequently. Brokers will be defined as any persons who in one way or another, manage, design or otherwise seek in their ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Sherwood Middle School Curriculum Analysis Middle school is said to be one of the most trying times in a student s life whether it s their first year of sixth grade or it s their last year in eighth, they do not need any extra stress. But unfortunately for them, they may not have been considered when Sherwood Middle School chose the new math curriculum. Why did the school board adopt the new curriculum? How is this affecting the students? Is this a positive change for SMS teachers? New doesn t always mean improved. Is it possible that the new curriculum isn t as improved as everyone would have hoped? The current curriculum known as CPM (college preparatory mathematics) is meant to encourage students to ask questions, make predictions and discover things on their own. Students should ... Show more content on ... Students may have to work to get their grades, but teachers are responsible for making sure their students learn as much as possible. It s one thing for a single student to get behind, but if this curriculum turns out to be defective, the teachers will have the arduous job of making sure that their class catches up somehow. The biggest problem for the teachers however, may just be the parents. In Evergreen Middle School, parent s annoyance and resentment of CPM lead them to protest the curriculum and crash a school board meeting. Some enraged parents even pulled their children out of math in order to homeschool them on the subject. As expected, CPM lasted just short of a year at Evergreen Middle School. Furthermore, parents suspicion of the so called positive switch to CPM showed at SMS during parent teacher conferences. Math teachers were left to handle the vast amount of upset parents, ready to spew their complaints about the new curriculum. Although it s undetermined whether or not CPM will be a productive change, the teachers will have to suffer any consequences that it may ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Marco Polo s Motives For Success In The Gilded Age Chapter 14 Assignment #1 Ch 14.1 (Ryan Cho) Marco Polo, God, glory, and gold , portolani, Prince Henry, Columbus, Cortes, conquistador, Pizarro, encomienda, Bartolome de las Casas 1. Marco Polo was a Venetian merchant traveler who went on many voyages across Asia and Africa. On one of his travels to Asia, Marco met Kublai Khan and became good friends. His journey to Asia lasted 24 years, and when he arrived back home, he found out that his country was at war with Genoa. Polo then became a prisoner of war and wasn t released until 1299. Upon his release, Polo became a wealthy merchant with a wife and two kids. Marco died in 1324 and was buried in the San Lorenzo Church. 2. God, glory, and gold was known as the three main motives for further ... Show more content on ... The Aztecs were a huge Empire in Mexico, with many gold resources and other expensive resources. Cortez was very smart and manipulative, whereas the Aztecs were gullible. The Aztecs believed that Cortes was a god, and offered him a lot of money and gold. While Cortez accepted this offer, the Aztecs soon realized that Cortez was not a god, just an explorer. Cortez was the downfall of the empire because he brought in other Europeans to help him take the gold from the Aztecs. The Aztecs were a successful, thriving empire before the Age of Exploration, but constant attacks and tactics used by Cortez led to the decline of Aztec ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Plastic and Fantasy in U.S. Advertising The United States is a country that has an over flowing number of magazines and advertisements that give citizens an unrealistic image of how they should portrayed. These magazines and advertisements are filled with models and celebrities who sometimes make an individual feel insecure about herself or himself. Most Americans are now turning to cosmetic surgery in order to obtain the appearance after observing these images. The citizens of the United States who turn to cosmetic surgery often times do not realize the potential risks involved. Cosmetic surgery is not an operation that should be taken lightly; no one should go through it unless it were to be for reconstructive reasons. When people hear the word plastic surgery the ... Show more content on ... That just may not be the case with a doctor s office (Alagna 34). If someone strongly desires cosmetic surgery at least it should be at least performed where safety procedures are carried out carefully. At a hospital everyone is certified and has a license that allows them to perform surgery. Patients that do not have a full knowledge about their doctor s safety procedures and medical licenses could lead to death. People who claim to be doctors in offices only have the purpose of making money. Cosmetic surgery has become a booming, 10.1 billion dollar business each year in the U.S., according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (Goudreau 5). The amount of money Americans are paying in order to improve their appearance is astronomical. Many people have undergone cosmetic surgery procedures for which they literally will be paying for the rest of their life (Alagna 48). Nevertheless, there are still individuals who are willing to have a debt that would take away their chances of purchasing a house or car due to the financial burden of surgery. People who do not have enough money to pay for their surgery are highly likely to borrow money from friends and family, in order to fulfill their wishes for a better appearance. There are people who will not only borrow money from loved ones but also from credit card ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Reproductive Rights Argumentative Analysis Encompassing the specific points and pieces of the reproductive war that I have discussed thus far, I believe that abortion and the reproductive rights umbrella is indeed a feminist issue. In an era when reproductive rights are being especially combated, as they are in the present (Murray, 301) feminists need to be clear and fervent about where we stand and what we are fighting for. Though perhaps a very controversial opinion, I believe that pro life women are counterproductive to this fight. Jeanne Mancini, the President of the biggest anti abortion event, the March for Life, claims that she has talked to an substantial amount of women who have regretted having an abortion. Many of these women label themselves as pro life feminists and ... Show more content on ... How is that honorable? In a lesser, subtler comparison to Mancini and the pro life feminists, that is like saying that just because I regret getting a tattoo, I believe that no one should be able to get one. In addition, the phrase pro life is often a misnomer. March for Life labels itself as pro life but to indeed be pro life, the group in question needs to equally care about all life that is involved in a pregnancy. This often is not the case, as the unborn child s needs are considered and the mother s are not, or not as much. Whether it is a man, a woman, or a woman who has labeled herself a pro life feminist, they take away personal bodily autonomy from women. To imply or outright claim that the rights of an undeveloped fetus are greater than the rights of a woman to choose what happens in her own body is absurd, and to assume that a woman is not capable of making an informed decision about her own body is nothing more than misogyny, no matter who is against it. Therefore, abortion is absolutely a feminist issue, as I believe it is impossible to simultaneously be a feminist and a fervent anti abortion ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Netflix And The Movie Rental Industry Before becoming a force in the movie streaming and internet TV industry, Netflix was originally in the movie rental industry. With competitors such as Blockbuster, Hollywood Entertainment and Redbox, Netflix rose to be the leading Internet provider for Internet television and streaming thus forcing Blockbuster and Hollywood Entertainment out of business. With the transformation of consumer viewing in the American television industry, Netflix has over 75 million members who stream more than 125 million hours of television shows and movies per day (Statista, 2016). Their repertoire includes movies and original series that allow consumers to view at anytime and on any screen in which Internet connectivity to the Internet is provided. In addition, Netflix continues to deliver DVDs within the United States to the homes of consumers. One critical issue was that customers did not like the increased subscription fees (Parnell, 2014). Mr. Hastings proposed a plan to split the company into two separate entities in order to focus on DVD by mail services and streaming services individually. Customers were not happy because this would generate two different accounts to manage if customer had both services. Over 800,000 subscribers canceled their subscriptions due to the proposed split. The industry in which Netflix competes include both video rental and internet streaming. Initially their competition was Blockbuster, Hollywood Entertainment and Redbox. Both Blockbuster and ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Developing Mixed Tenure Models Of Extra Care Housing ease its focus on more cost effective accommodation solutions to better meet individual outcomes. All care services should be expected to help people maximise independence over time and the Council must reduce long term dependence on inappropriate or unnecessary levels of care and support. More cost effective accommodation options including supported Extra Care Housing and Supported Living must be developed. A reasonable set of objectives that should be addressed by any housing/accommodation with care strategy are shown below: More people residing in accommodation that meets their individual accommodation and care and support needs, evidenced by cross agency needs assessments More extra care housing, exploring the opportunities to ... Show more content on ... The accommodation is in a building or campus of similar households specifically designed to facilitate the delivery of care to people, either now or when they need it in the future. These schemes are also known under other labels; for example sheltered housing or assisted living , or retirement homes . The aim of Extra Care is to provide people with the security and privacy of their own home alongside a range of facilities and help on the premises, with 24 hour care provision if required Extra care housing is a preventative model, supporting independence and avoiding admissions into residential care; Extra care housing is a more cost effective model of care delivery than other models, including residential care and care in the community. Shared Lives By Shared Lives we mean accommodation that is lived in under an occupancy agreement, where the premises are owned or tenanted by another person who has been approved as a carer by a Shared Lives scheme that is registered to provide Personal care . Occupancy agreements could include tenancy agreements, licensing agreements, licences to occupy premises, and leasehold agreements. Supported Living The aim of Supported Living Services is to enable Service Users to maintain their home, promote independence, increase life skills, social inclusion and to support Service Users to achieve maximum choice and control in their lives. It ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Dark Knight Sparknotes I am going to write a film analysis essay for the film The Dark Knight. My chosen essay topic is: Analyse how visual or sound effects were used to emphasise a theme in the visual or oral text(s). I need to show how the main themes of showing morality when making decisions and the power held by the villain are presented in the film through the use of dialogue, camerawork, sound, and editing. I will refer to the scene when The Joker announces his social experiment and he and Batman have their final fight, The Ferry Scene, for my specific example. I will also comment on the director, Christopher Nolan s intentions in order to show my personal insight into the film. Christopher Nolan s 2008 film The Dark Knight tells the thrilling tale of the ... Show more content on ... If, however, one of you presses the button, I ll let that boat live. So, who s it going to be: Harvey Dent s most wanted scumbag collection, or the sweet and innocent civilians? You choose... Oh, and you might want to decide quickly because the people on the other boat might not be so noble. This is The Joker s way of giving the passengers an ultimatum. Live and kill, or be killed. His experiment furthers the effect of his actions as an anarchist on the people of Gotham, as the passengers are left in shock and have to make a life or death decision in such a small amount of time. The lack of hesitation in his relaxed voice makes it clear to the audience that this was a well rehearsed and planned announcement. He had organised this and was then ready to begin to carry out his experiment, in which he expected at least one boat full of people to die as a result. This showed the power and control he had as Gotham s villain because in just one statement he was able to terrorise people and leave them with such as difficult decision to make. All scenarios he had implied to the passengers resulted in at least one ferry being blown up, while he would remain unaffected by the outcome. As well as creating a feeling of fear and suspense for the audience, who are watching the scene play out to discover the outcome, it also makes the viewer question: What is the right and wrong decision to make? What would you do if it was you in that situation? At the end of the scene, ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Federal Government failure led to the health and safety of... Federal Government failure led to the health and safety of workers involved with the Home Insulation Program being compromised. In 2009 the Australian Government introduced the home insulation subsidy scheme as an economy stimulus. This essay argues that the Federal Australian Government was responsible for the health and safety of workers involved with that programme. It will show that the Government failed to implement the regulation of a stimulus program correctly. It will discuss the positives and negatives that came from the program in regards to both government and businesses. Finally, it will assess why the Government was responsible and should be held accountable for the failure of the Home Insulation Program. The Home Insulation ... Show more content on ... These safety concerns eventually led to the termination of the HIP program and the implementation of a stage three program the Home Insulation Safety Program (HISP) which was to remediate the poor installation practices, which was an unfortunate feature of the HIP program (Australian National Audit Office, 2010, p.20). There has been conflict on whether businesses or the Government were at fault. The purpose of the program was to stimulate the economy through regulation (De Percy, 2014). The Government at the time felt the need to intervene in the market economy in order to mitigate the effect of the GFC (ABC, 2014). Using Incentive based Regulation (De Percy, 2014) the Government wanted to encourage more activity in this industry sector to bring money quickly into the economy through businesses that were involved. The HIP program would have supported jobs and small businesses by increasing economic stimulus and cut household bills through increased energy efficiency form the insulation (Hawke, 2010). The HIP program was implemented to decrease negative externalities through lower pollution and carbon emissions (Kortt Dollery, 2012, p.73) as a result of more households being insulated. James Fricker; a technical consultant from the Department on home insulation for the scheme believed that the scheme was working well, overcoming problems that had arose and was achieving most of its goals (Ryan Smail, 2014). However even with these obvious positives the program ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Science Math And Science Standards This week s math and science lesson focused on magnetism and incorporated both math and science standards, per the Arizona Early Learning Standards. The lesson started with reading a book regarding magnetism, entitled What Makes a Magnet? by Franklyn M. Branley. After the read aloud, students were dismissed for centers and groups of five students circulated through completing the lesson activity. For this lesson, the objective and sub objectives were as follows: After completing this lesson, students will be able to sort magnetic and nonmagnetic objects by using a magnet with 100% accuracy. o Students will define the following vocabulary words: magnet, magnetic, nonmagnetic o Students will be able to use a magnet to find magnetic objects. o Students will sort objects that are magnetic into one group and nonmagnetic into another group. The lesson objectives were clear and measurable. While reading What Makes a Magnet?, vocabulary and comprehension questions were asked to ensure there was a conceptual understanding of the terms magnetic and nonmagnetic. These definitions were imperative for a student to know, as they would not be able to sort objects correctly without understanding the concept. Once the students could differentiate between the two groups, students would use a magnet wand to test the objects. This shows that the students could use tools to investigate. Lastly, the students were to sort the objects tested into two groups, placing the objects in either a ... Get more on ...
  • 32. How Did The Wave Of Immigration And Italian Immigration 99 percent of today s United States population is comprised of immigrants and the descendants of immigrants. Immigration has been shaping the United States ever since the first immigrants arrived 400 years ago in the 1600s; however, it became very prevalent during the time of 1880 to 1899, as the first major wave of immigration fled to America. Millions of immigrants fled from all over the world seeking economic opportunity, specifically large masses from Italy and China. The Italians helped to build up large, successful cities like Chicago and New York while the Chinese worked to develop the western cities in California; however, the Chinese contributions were not appreciated so many laws and policies from the United States Congress were put in place to regulate their immigration but Italians were welcomed into the United States with the newly opened Ellis Island. In the late 19th century, the Chinese and Italian Immigration contributed to many of the economic, cultural, and political processes that serve as the fundamentals to the United States today. Between 1880 and 1899, the United States experienced both a major wave of diverse immigration and a halt. This was a time of rapid industrialization and urbanization which attracted many immigrants. The mass production and introduction of factories in the cities required many unskilled workers which were perfect for immigrants. The jobs from industrialization could provide the immigrants with the better economic opportunity ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Delays And Congestion At Frontier s East Passenger air travel has been forecasted to increase to over 1 billion persons annually by 2023. This alone has a great likelihood of negatively impacting airport capacity at several of Frontier Airlines major hubs due to inefficient runway use. This case study will focus on delays and congestion at Frontier s east coast hub, Philadelphia International Airport (PHL), and how improvements can effectively reduce the amount of delayed flights Frontier consistently experiences. Background Philadelphia Municipal Airport opened on June 20, 1940 along the banks of the Delaware River. By year s end, approximately 40,000 passengers travelled through the airport. By 1945, the municipal airport became Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) courtesy of transatlantic service by American Overseas Airlines. In the 1960s and 1970s, expansion and modernization paved way for the airport facility in use today. Increased popularity of air travel, population growth, and urban development have all contributed to the increase in congestion and decrease in capacity at PHL over the years. FAA records as far back as 1995 show that PHL ranked consistently as one of the most delayed airports (FAA, 2010). Many of these delays at PHL have secondary and tertiary effects at the airports to which the originating flights are destined. Hub and spoke carrier passengers depending on their on time arrival may miss connecting flights and, at times, additional onward flights, cruises, or other important events. ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Comparing Henry David Thoreau, Mohandas K. Gandhi, And... Henry David Thoreau, Mohandas K. Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela, were three different people with almost the same thoughts. These three brave men fought for what they believe it was right. They all had different opinions of the government. Some of them were send to jail but they never kept quiet because their way of being spiritual, optimism, and Individualism. Henry David Thoreau, was one of the bravest man. His way of defending himself was amazingly done. He, who speak for what is was wrong of the government. This is some of his words, his opinion of course, They only can force me who obey a higher law than I, They force me to become themselves. I do not hear of men being force me to live this way or that by makes of men . In this quote I believe that the government wants to make you and control you. As long as you let them, they will, but at the end it is us with the right to do what we pleased. Henry was very brave to speak for himself. He who didn t let the government choose for him, he choose for himself. ... Show more content on ... Gandhi was another inspirational man who never stood quiet. Gandhi was a man who inspired a lot of people with his strong words. His way of arguing made people follow him and like him. His followers were exactly the same way of thinking as he was. He didn t believe in religion nor a god. Gandhi believed everybody was their own god, he changed many peoples mind about religion and the people that follow him love the idea that nobody was wrong or right, it was just naturally done. This is my hope and my prayer. I wash these words of mine reached every corner of the land, these are the words by Gandhi. I believe that he had the right to think however he wanted no matter if society though it was wrong or ... Get more on ...