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Nasi Ayam Hainanese
Kiriman: n_s
Hits: 18050 Rating: 7.95 Review: 0
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4 tin susu beras
2 helai daun pandan
2 susu mentega
Daun salad
Sop Ayam:
4 ulas bawang putih }
2 inci halia } kisar
1 ekor ayam
GaramBahan kisar:
8 ulas bawang putih
4 inci halia
Sos cili:
10 batang cili merah
air limau kasturi
Ayam yg telah direbus dipotong 4.
Gaul dengan kunyit/tepung jagung/garam lalu goreng dlm minyak penuh.
Panaskan periuk tumis bahan kisar.
Bila garing masukkan daun pandan & beras bersama 4 tin susu dari sop ayam. Biar nasi masak. Bila dah masak
ratakan dengan mentega & garam.
Kek Oren
Hits: 2204 Rating: 8.80 Review: 0
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Bahan-Bahan:500 gm mentega
2 cawan gula kastor
6 biji telur ayam
2 ½ cawan tepung naik sendiri
1 gm parutan kulit limau
3 sudu besar jus oren
Cara:Pukul mentega & gula kastor hingga kembang. Masukkan telur satu persatu sambil dipukul. Masukkan tepung,
jus oren & kulit oren, gaul rata. Sediakan acuan yang disukai, gris & tabur tepung. Tuangkan adunan bakar selama
40-45 minit dalam ketuhar yang panasnya 150'C.
Kek Oren Istimewa
Kiriman: Nazreyana bt Md Nordin
Hits: 1275 Rating: 5.17 Review: 0
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1 buku mentega
2 cawan gula kastor
3 cawan tepung gandum
5 biji telur
½ cawan susu cair
1 camca teh vanilla esen
2 camca besar kulit oren (diparut)
3 camca besar jus oren
1 camca teh serbuk penaik.
1. campurkan gula dan mentega dan pukul hingga kembang dan putih. Jika adunan diangkat, ia tidak akan
2. Masukkan telur dan esen vanilla ,pukul selama 4 minit atau hingga telur sebati dengan adunan.
3. Kemudian masukkan tepung gandum berserta serbuk penaik dan gaul sebati.
4. Setelah adunan sebati, masukkan jus oren, kulit oren dan susu cair. Gaul sebati.
5. Bakar adunan dalam suhu 180 selama 40 minit atau sehingga masak.
Cadangan Hidangan:
1. Adunan kek juga boleh dicampur dengan buah-buhan kering sebelum dibakar.
1. Susu cair boleh digantikan dengan susu pekat .Campurkan 2 camca besar susu pekat dengan air hingga
menjadi 1/2 cawan.
2. Mentega juga boleh diganti dengan 2 cawan marjerin.
Black Pepper Chicken Chop
buat masa Valentine's Day ari tuh.. utk hb & my beloved doter.. try ah, tak susah pun :-)
Created on : 18-02-2008
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Hubungi aeeda78
Bahan-bahan ( 2 orang )
2 paha ayam (kalo suke, debone kan. kalo malas, biar je tulang nye)
2 ulas bawang putih (cincang)
1 cm halia (cincang)
1/2 sudu teh serbuk lada hitam
2 sudu besar sos cili
1 sudu besar sos tomato
1 sudu besar sos Lee & Perrins
1 sudu besar kicap manis
1 sudu besar kicap masin
1 sudu besar sos tiram
1 sudu besar madu
garam secukup rasa
1/2 botol sos lada hitam
2-3 sudu besar sos tiram
3-4 cendawan butang (cincang)
1/2 biji bawang besar (cincang)
garam/gula secukup rasa
1. gaulkan ayam dengan bahan perapan dan biarkan semalaman. Cucuk-cucukkan ayam
dengan garfu supaya bahan perapan dpt diserap dengan elok.
2. selepas diperap semalaman, sediakan non-stick pan untuk tujuan menggoreng ayam.
Goreng dengan minyak yg sedikit saja dan tutupkan pan sehingga ayam dah separuh
3. balik-balikkan ayam sehingga masak (tapi jgn terlalu masak agar ayam tetap juicy).
4. lebihan bahan perapan tadi boleh la dijadikan sos utk dituangkan ke atas ayam yg dah
5. tapi kalo rase tak cukup je sos marinate tu, boleh sediakan sos black pepper nya spt
yang tertera di atas.
6. caranya dengan memasak bahan2 sos black pepper selama satu minit dan adjust la
kepekatannya dengan menambah sedikit air, garam dan gula secukup rasa. OK?
Fruit Tartlet sempoi
Bahan-bahan ( ~50 biji saiz kecil )
Bahan pastri refer kat resepi Blueberry cheese tart ye - sama je
Bahan filing:
100g instant kastad
350ml susu segar atau air kosong
sikit cooking coklat, cairkan kaedah double boil, guna berus sapu di permukaan dalam
pastri yg sudah dibakar, sejukkan sekejap - tujuan supaya pastri tak cepat lembik bila
letak kastad
Buah-buah ikut pilihan masing2, saya suka kiwi,strawberi dan peach.
1. Instant kastad bancuh sahaja dengan air atau susu kacau rata, x perlu masak, jika
berketul2 boleh tapis.
Sapukan coklat dalam pastri yang sudah dibakar, biarkan coklat kering sekejap - Jika
tak letak lapisan coklat, pastri mudah lembik kerana serap air.
kemudian pipekan kastad ke dalam pastri.
4. Last, hiaskan dgn buah2an kegemaran. Simpan dalam peti sejuk sekejap sebelum
Acuan, saya guna yg saiz kecil. Untuk resepi blueberry guna saiz yang besar tu.
TUTORIAL: DIY Felt Flowers
OnOctober 21, 2011 · 30 Comments
When my parents were visiting, my mom and I dropped into a fabric store ―just to see if we
could find any inspiration.‖ (The place we went is called Quilting Adventures. Don’t you
love that name? Makes me picture good-natured, rosy-cheeked grandma just having a heck of
a good time sewing up a storm.)
Well, who enters a place called Quilting Adventures and doesn’t find any inspiration? Not
these girls. We happened upon this awesome wool felt in colors that had fall written all over
I had seen some DIY felt flowers around the internets for a while now and always wanted to
try to make some. They are adorable and seemed perfect to pin to a sweater, a purse, a cowl a
headband, a toaster. Okay maybe not a toaster, but you get the idea. They’re cute
I explained how I thought we’d go about making them to my mom (which was really more of
a formality—she’s not one to turn down a project, familiar or foriegn.) And there in the
middle of Quilting Adventures, we decided it was time for our felt-y garden to begin to grow.
Here are the ingredients you need to get your own DIY felt flowers blooming:
1. This Make and Do Girl template for the petals and flower foundation
2. Felt (Ours came in 12‖x18‖ pieces and there’s more than enough to make a few flowers
out of one piece. We used 100% wool felt, but you could use any kind of felt depending on
how flexible or stiff you want your petals to be.)
3. Scissors
4. Hot glue gun and glue
5. Paintbrush or something with a similar tip at the end (a pen or screwdriver would work)
6. Thin cardboard (from a cereal or shoe box)
7. Button, clip-on earring or bead for the center of the flower
8. Pin, barrette or comb for the back of the flower
Begin by printing the DIY_Felt_Flower_Template. Print it at 100% if you want to make
flowers the same scale I did (about 4.5-5‖ wide petal-to-petal) or resize it if you want your
flower to be bigger or smaller. If you resize it, you may have to adjust how many petals you
cut of each size.
Here are the number of petals I needed for the largest yellow flower.
Use the circle template to cut the cardboard for the back of the flower as well as the two
circles of felt. Snip the felt backing for it as pictured and glue it to the cardboard and then
glue down the little tabs of felt around the edges.
Use a very small amount of hot glue to secure pleats in all the felt petals. We used the end of
a paintbrush to hold the pleat while it was cooling. Anything but your finger will work!
Once you have all your petals glued, it’s time to start adhering the largest ones to the circle
base. Apply a bit of glue to the circle and press the petal down about ¼‖ from the circle’s
edge. Continue this way, making sure there are no gaps between your petals.
Repeat this process with the medium-sized petals, gluing them about ¼‖ from the edge of the
larger petals. I found it helpful to place the first medium petal in between a gap of two larger
petals so that they mediums didn’t stack directly on top of the larges.
Repeat this process with the smallest petals, leaving a small opening in the center of the
Now it’s time to finish off the back of your pin/hair piece/etc. Either sew or glue your
barrette, pin or comb onto the circle of felt you cut previously. Then glue that circle onto the
back of your flower.
Turn that puppy back around. Now it’s time to accessorize! We tried several centers for our
And here’s what we finally landed on:
In the purple one, my mom used a beaded button she picked up at a knitting store. I think it
actually looks a lot like the center of a real flower, minus all the allergy-inducing pollen. For
the yellow one, I used a clip-on earring I bought at a street festival this summer. I just peeled
off the clip-on part and was left with this beautiful beaded fanciness. The center of the orange
flower is pearl button. It’s interesting how the style of the center really transforms the look of
the flower.
Zip It Up Pencil Case
Picture 1 of 5 (Click "Next" for more pictures)
“It’s Back To School time, boys and girls.” This zip-it-up pencil case would be of great help for them
to keep their stationary in place. Not only that, it is also a great topic for “Show And Tell” session to
their new class-mates of how the magic works with this zipper + ribbon strip…”See, this is a strip of
ribbon, and I am going to turn it into a pencil case…. *zip**zip**zippppp***…. tadaaaa…. a pencil
case!!!!”. School is fun with friends and books around.
Recently, I received an overwhelming and fantastic responses came all over the world to visit
the tutorial of the Zip-Itself Tetrahedron Coin Purse, the same concept of this zip-it-up pencil
case. Among the feedback and comments, some of you found it difficult to understand at
some point, but I am glad that after putting you hands on it, you’ve made yourself some
successful coin purses. As usual, practice makes perfect! Grandma G even tried it on with her
sewing machine with a wider ribbon that her daughter Jessica of How About Orange
designed. Jessica also shared the post with her readers. I was so happy that you all like the
coin purse so much. As an appreciation to all your visits and feedback, I developed another
tutorial to the same concept. This time both boys and girls can use this zip-it-up pencil case
(just have to be fair to the boys too, right?).
I hope you like this Zip-It-Up Pencil Case as much as the coin purse. Please find the tutorial
after this.
Finished Dimension: approx. 4″ x 8″ x 1 1/2″
1. Zipper (nylon) – 80″
2. Ribbon (7/8″)- 80″ (Note: you can use grosgrain, woven, satin ribbons, or other alternative
materials like lace, fabric strip, soft twill tape etc.)
3. Ribbon – short length for the purse loop.
4. Lining fabric strip (1 1/2″) – 80″ (optional)
1. Sewing needles.
2. Matching threads
3. Pins
4. Marker
5. Warm iron (optional, use only with lining)
Get ready the materials and tools as per
quantities stated above.
You can get the long nylon zipper from craft shop that cut into your requested length, and
don’t forget to add a zipper pull.
Sew a few stitches to make a bottom-stop about 1″ from the end of the zipper.
Tie 2 knots on both top zipper tapes to prevent the zipper-pull from accidentally glide out
from the zipper.
Measure 4 3/4″ from zipper’s bottom-stop.
Mark, this is the START point.
Pin and backstitch the ribbon to the zipper tape along line A, start at 3/4″ from the ribbon end
and 1/32″ away from the teeth in order for the zipper pull to glide through.
I sewed with longer stitch on the wrong side but shorter loop stitch on the right side for the
backstitch so that the thread is not obviously seen on the right side.
When you reach the bottom stop, bend the zipper tape down, smooth the corner by crossing
of zipper ends, continue sewing your ribbon till you have done around 70″ from the start
Come back to the start point. Arch the tape at
the marking where the marking should be at the center of the ribbon’s width, pin the ribbon to
the tape along line B.
Sew ribbon to the tape of the other side of the zipper.
Fold the ribbon’s end in and slip stitch the ribbon to the tape by following the curve.
A nice smooth curvature determine the beauty of the pencil case.
Continue back stitching the ribbon to the
zipper tape until you have done 65″ from the start point.
There will be a different of 5″ of stitching between line A & B.
Zip-up the zipper and the pencil case shape is
formed through a upward spiral closure.
Measure your pencil case from the bottom stop, it should be around slightly over 8″ and your
zipper goes 7 rounds of zipping.
Press the top edge of the pencil case to find the
top corners of a rectangular shape.
Mark both points on line A & B.
The point above the the bottom-stop is the end point, whilst, the point above the start point is
the pencil case top-stop with a ribbon loop (please refer the last step-by-step photo for clearer
Unzip the pencil case a little. Arch the line A
zipper tape at the marking, the zipper ends should meet and intersect at the other marking on
line B.
Place a ribbon loop on the intersection point of the zipper, pin & sew to join.
Trim off the extra zipper, crossed them and make a few stitches to stabilized the position.
Trim off the extra length of the ribbon and fold the raw edge of the ribbon, just like the start
point, slip stitch to the tape.
Whip stitch the zipper edges at the back of the pencil case to complete it.
You may add a lining at the back of the pencil
case. The lining will add some stability and aesthetic look to the workmanship of the pencil
Iron the lining strip by folding in both edges to form a 7/8″ double-fold tape.
Slip-stitch along the backstitch line to cover the stitches done for the ribbon. When you reach
the curve of the start and end points, trim the ends to follow the curvature, fold in and slip
stitch like you did the ribbon.
Zip it all the way up and you will get a pencil
Or, zip it all the way down to return it to a ribbon with edges full of zipper teeth.
Kek Coklat Kukus Lembab
kek coklat yg moist
Created on : 14-06-2008
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Tulis Laporan
Hubungi hana6877
Bahan-bahan ( size loyang 18cm )
1 cawan tepung gandum
1/4 cwn serbuk koko van houten
1 sudu kecil baking powder
1 kotak susu coklat (250ml)
2 biji telur (size M)
1 cawan gula halus
1/2 cawan butter
3 sudu besar susu pekat
1/4 cawan minyak masak n esen vanila
3-5 sudu besar susu pekat
1/4 cawan serbuk koko van houten
2 sudu besar butter
2 sudu besar susu segar
1. Pukul telur,gula dan butter sampai kembang.Kemudian titiskan esen vanila. n pukul lg.
2. Ayak tepung,serbuk koko dan baking powder.
3. Masukkan sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam adunan telur.Kaup balikkan.
4. Masukkan susu kotak,susu pekat,minyak dan gaul sebati.
Masukkan dlm loyang yg telah dilengser minyak/marjerin. Tutup dengan aluminium foil..The
kukus 45min...Dah masak sejukkan.
Utk topping...campurkan semua bhn dan masak secara double boiler. Then bleh la
curahkan kat atas kek yg dh sejuk td.. Hiaslah apa suka...Pastu simpan dlm peti sejuk
beberapa jam sebelum dipotong. Taraa...dh siap...bleh la makan....
1. SeLaMat MeNcUbe....
kek gula hangus / kek sarang semut
resepi dari dah amik tempahan...
Created on : 11-03-2011
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Tulis Laporan
Hubungi zairiasrul
Bahan-bahan ( utk loyang 9X9X3 )
2 cawan air
2 cawan gula
2 sudu besar marjerin
1 cawan susu pekat
6 biji telur - saiz B
2 cawan tepung gandum - diayak
2 sudu besar soda bikarbonat- diayak
vanila essen
1. hanguskan gula dan air- sejukan
2. pukul mentega dan susu pekat hingga sebati
3. masukan telur sebiji demi sebiji
4. masukan tepung gandum dan soda bikarbonat
5. masukan vanila essen
6. akhir skali msukan gula yg telah dihanguskan kacau hingga sebati
7. utk mndapatkan kek yg gebu.. perap adunan selama 1 jam atau lebih...
8. bkar dlm oven 150 drjah celcius selama 30-45 minit
9. boleh dihidangkan
eropok Lekor
Resipi dari nenek. Bahan² lebih kurang sama dengan resipi keropok lekor lain cuma ada
beberapa bahan tambahan... Cara membuat pon agak lain skit..
Created on : 04-01-2009
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Hubungi 14sept
Bahan-bahan ( - )
1kg ikan selayang/ kembung
5-10 ulas bawang putih
1kg tepung ubi/kanji
2 cawan tepung gandum
1 sudu kecil baking powder
Garam secukup rasa
1. Asingkan isi ikan dari tulang.
2. Kemudian blender isi ikan bersama bawang putih dan sedikit air. Terpulang samada nak
blender kasar atau halus kemudian tuang kedalam bekas.
3. Masukkan sedikit garam, perasa, serbuk penaik dan tepung. Gaul sehingga tidak lekat pada
tangan. Kalo lekat, tambah tepung kanji lagi. Adunan jangan terlalu keras dan jangan terlalu
lembik. Sedang² ler asal boleh uli...
Sapukan tangan dengan sedikit minyak. Ambil sedikit adunan dan hempaskan ke atas meja
bersih agar adunan mampat dan lembut (kalo ada yang nak release tension bleh la sambil²...
Hehehehe). Barulah uli bentuk memanjang. Kalo ada mesin adunan yang sesuai tak perlu la
hempas yer...
Dalam periuk, didihkan air bersama sedikit minyak agar keropok lekor tidak lekat antara satu
sama lain. Kemudian masukkan keropok lekor tadi. Keropok lekor akan terapung di
permukaan air apabila dah masak.
Bila dah timbul angkat dan tos. Sejukkan dan potong ikut citarasa memasing. Goreng dan
siap untuk dihidangkan.
Apam gula hangus
resepi olahan sendiri. cubalah buat sendiri untuk merasakan kelainannya.
Created on : 07-09-2006
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Hubungi hazz_63
Bahan-bahan ( untuk sekeluarga. )
2 biji telur
1 cawan gula pasir
1 cawan air
1/2 cawan minyak masak
2 sudu besar marjerin
2 sudu susu pekat
1 sudu teh soda bikarbonat.
1 1/2 cawan tepung gandum.
1. Gula dihanguskan kemudian dicampurkan dengan air.kemudian sejukkan
2. Didalam blender masukkan telur,susu,minyak dan marjerin kisarkan anggaran 3 minit
3. Masukkan gula yang telah disejukkan tadi bersama-sama soda bikarbonat dan dikisarkan
4. Akhir sekali masukkan tepung dan dikisar lagi sehingga sebati.
5. Kukus adunan tadi di dalam loyang yang telah disapu dengan minyak masak selama 45 minit.
6. Boleh juga menggunakan acuan mangkuk plastik.
7. Sekiranya adunan nampak cair bolehlah ditambah sedikit tepung agar apam tadi tidak
mendap dan basah dibahagian bawahnya.
1 egg
2 tablespoonsmargarine, melted
1 cupflour
1 tablespoonsugar
3 teaspoonsbaking powder
1. 1
Beat egg until fluffy.
2. 2
Add milk and melted margarine.
3. 3
Add dry ingredients and mix well.
4. 4
Heat a heavy griddle or fry pan which is greased with a little butter on a paper towel.
5. 5
The pan is hot enough when a drop of water breaks into several smaller balls which 'dance'
around the pan.
6. 6
Pour a small amount of batter (approx 1/4 cup) into pan and tip to spread out or spread with
7. 7
When bubbles appear on surface and begin to break, turn over and cook the other side.
Read more:
Mee Kolok Mukah (basah)
Resepi mee kolok dari Sarawak
Created on : 06-09-2007
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Hubungi Delila
Bahan-bahan ( 1 org )
1 gulung mee kering (mee sanggul/yee mee)
3 ulas bawang putih (mayang)
2 sudu besar minyak
2 sudu besar sos tiram
2 sudu besar kicap pekat
2 sudu besar kicap cair
4 helai daun sawi (potong 1 inci)
1/2 cawan daging / ayam rebus (rebus dgn 1 ketul kiub ayam maggi)
3 cawan air rebusan daging/ ayam
1/2 labu bawang besar (potong berbaji halus)
Garam , gula, lada sulah dan ajinomoto secukup rasa
HIASAN - Daun bawang dan bawang goreng secukupnya
1. Panaskan minyak.Tumis bawang putih hingga naik bau.Masukkan bawang besar.Kacau
seketika hingga layu.Masukkan sos tiram, kicap pekat, kicap cair dan air rebusan
2. Masukkan mee.Biarkan sedikit lembut.Masukkan garam, gula dan ajinomoto secukup
rasa.Kacau seketika.Masukkan sawi, daging/ayam rebus (yang telah dipotong nipis).Masak
hingga mee lembut sedikit dan sawi layu.
3. Angkat dan hidang segera.Hiaskan dengan daun bawang dan bawang goreng. Tambahkan
lada sulah jika suka.

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  • 1. Nasi Ayam Hainanese Kiriman: n_s Hits: 18050 Rating: 7.95 Review: 0 Email this Recipe Print this Recipe Bahan-Bahan: 4 tin susu beras 2 helai daun pandan 2 susu mentega Daun salad Timun Sop Ayam: 4 ulas bawang putih } 2 inci halia } kisar 1 ekor ayam GaramBahan kisar: 8 ulas bawang putih 4 inci halia Sos cili: 10 batang cili merah air limau kasturi Gula Cara: Ayam yg telah direbus dipotong 4. Gaul dengan kunyit/tepung jagung/garam lalu goreng dlm minyak penuh. Panaskan periuk tumis bahan kisar. Bila garing masukkan daun pandan & beras bersama 4 tin susu dari sop ayam. Biar nasi masak. Bila dah masak ratakan dengan mentega & garam. Kek Oren Hits: 2204 Rating: 8.80 Review: 0 Email this Recipe Print this Recipe Bahan-Bahan:500 gm mentega 2 cawan gula kastor 6 biji telur ayam 2 ½ cawan tepung naik sendiri 1 gm parutan kulit limau 3 sudu besar jus oren Cara:Pukul mentega & gula kastor hingga kembang. Masukkan telur satu persatu sambil dipukul. Masukkan tepung, jus oren & kulit oren, gaul rata. Sediakan acuan yang disukai, gris & tabur tepung. Tuangkan adunan bakar selama 40-45 minit dalam ketuhar yang panasnya 150'C.
  • 2. Kek Oren Istimewa Kiriman: Nazreyana bt Md Nordin Hits: 1275 Rating: 5.17 Review: 0 Email this Recipe Print this Recipe Bahan-Bahan: 1 buku mentega 2 cawan gula kastor 3 cawan tepung gandum 5 biji telur ½ cawan susu cair 1 camca teh vanilla esen 2 camca besar kulit oren (diparut) 3 camca besar jus oren 1 camca teh serbuk penaik. Cara: 1. campurkan gula dan mentega dan pukul hingga kembang dan putih. Jika adunan diangkat, ia tidak akan jatuh 2. Masukkan telur dan esen vanilla ,pukul selama 4 minit atau hingga telur sebati dengan adunan. 3. Kemudian masukkan tepung gandum berserta serbuk penaik dan gaul sebati. 4. Setelah adunan sebati, masukkan jus oren, kulit oren dan susu cair. Gaul sebati. 5. Bakar adunan dalam suhu 180 selama 40 minit atau sehingga masak. Cadangan Hidangan: 1. Adunan kek juga boleh dicampur dengan buah-buhan kering sebelum dibakar. Tambahan: 1. Susu cair boleh digantikan dengan susu pekat .Campurkan 2 camca besar susu pekat dengan air hingga menjadi 1/2 cawan. 2. Mentega juga boleh diganti dengan 2 cawan marjerin. Black Pepper Chicken Chop buat masa Valentine's Day ari tuh.. utk hb & my beloved doter.. try ah, tak susah pun :-) Created on : 18-02-2008 Print
  • 3. E-mail kepada kawan Tulis Laporan Hubungi aeeda78 1563Share Bahan-bahan ( 2 orang ) *UNTUK DIPERAP* 2 paha ayam (kalo suke, debone kan. kalo malas, biar je tulang nye) 2 ulas bawang putih (cincang) 1 cm halia (cincang) 1/2 sudu teh serbuk lada hitam 2 sudu besar sos cili 1 sudu besar sos tomato 1 sudu besar sos Lee & Perrins 1 sudu besar kicap manis 1 sudu besar kicap masin 1 sudu besar sos tiram 1 sudu besar madu garam secukup rasa *SOS BLACK PEPPER* 1/2 botol sos lada hitam 2-3 sudu besar sos tiram 3-4 cendawan butang (cincang) 1/2 biji bawang besar (cincang) garam/gula secukup rasa Cara-cara 1. gaulkan ayam dengan bahan perapan dan biarkan semalaman. Cucuk-cucukkan ayam dengan garfu supaya bahan perapan dpt diserap dengan elok. 2. selepas diperap semalaman, sediakan non-stick pan untuk tujuan menggoreng ayam. Goreng dengan minyak yg sedikit saja dan tutupkan pan sehingga ayam dah separuh masak. 3. balik-balikkan ayam sehingga masak (tapi jgn terlalu masak agar ayam tetap juicy). 4. lebihan bahan perapan tadi boleh la dijadikan sos utk dituangkan ke atas ayam yg dah siap. 5. tapi kalo rase tak cukup je sos marinate tu, boleh sediakan sos black pepper nya spt yang tertera di atas. 6. caranya dengan memasak bahan2 sos black pepper selama satu minit dan adjust la kepekatannya dengan menambah sedikit air, garam dan gula secukup rasa. OK?
  • 4. Fruit Tartlet sempoi Bahan-bahan ( ~50 biji saiz kecil ) Bahan pastri refer kat resepi Blueberry cheese tart ye - sama je Bahan filing: 100g instant kastad 350ml susu segar atau air kosong sikit cooking coklat, cairkan kaedah double boil, guna berus sapu di permukaan dalam pastri yg sudah dibakar, sejukkan sekejap - tujuan supaya pastri tak cepat lembik bila letak kastad Buah-buah ikut pilihan masing2, saya suka kiwi,strawberi dan peach. Cara-cara 1. Instant kastad bancuh sahaja dengan air atau susu kacau rata, x perlu masak, jika berketul2 boleh tapis. 2. Sapukan coklat dalam pastri yang sudah dibakar, biarkan coklat kering sekejap - Jika tak letak lapisan coklat, pastri mudah lembik kerana serap air. 3. kemudian pipekan kastad ke dalam pastri. 4. Last, hiaskan dgn buah2an kegemaran. Simpan dalam peti sejuk sekejap sebelum dihidangkan. 5. Acuan, saya guna yg saiz kecil. Untuk resepi blueberry guna saiz yang besar tu.
  • 5. TUTORIAL: DIY Felt Flowers OnOctober 21, 2011 · 30 Comments When my parents were visiting, my mom and I dropped into a fabric store ―just to see if we could find any inspiration.‖ (The place we went is called Quilting Adventures. Don’t you love that name? Makes me picture good-natured, rosy-cheeked grandma just having a heck of a good time sewing up a storm.) Well, who enters a place called Quilting Adventures and doesn’t find any inspiration? Not these girls. We happened upon this awesome wool felt in colors that had fall written all over them. I had seen some DIY felt flowers around the internets for a while now and always wanted to try to make some. They are adorable and seemed perfect to pin to a sweater, a purse, a cowl a headband, a toaster. Okay maybe not a toaster, but you get the idea. They’re cute EVERYWHERE! I explained how I thought we’d go about making them to my mom (which was really more of a formality—she’s not one to turn down a project, familiar or foriegn.) And there in the
  • 6. middle of Quilting Adventures, we decided it was time for our felt-y garden to begin to grow. Here are the ingredients you need to get your own DIY felt flowers blooming: 1. This Make and Do Girl template for the petals and flower foundation (DIY_Felt_Flower_Template) 2. Felt (Ours came in 12‖x18‖ pieces and there’s more than enough to make a few flowers out of one piece. We used 100% wool felt, but you could use any kind of felt depending on how flexible or stiff you want your petals to be.) 3. Scissors
  • 7. 4. Hot glue gun and glue 5. Paintbrush or something with a similar tip at the end (a pen or screwdriver would work) 6. Thin cardboard (from a cereal or shoe box) 7. Button, clip-on earring or bead for the center of the flower 8. Pin, barrette or comb for the back of the flower Begin by printing the DIY_Felt_Flower_Template. Print it at 100% if you want to make flowers the same scale I did (about 4.5-5‖ wide petal-to-petal) or resize it if you want your flower to be bigger or smaller. If you resize it, you may have to adjust how many petals you cut of each size. Here are the number of petals I needed for the largest yellow flower. Use the circle template to cut the cardboard for the back of the flower as well as the two circles of felt. Snip the felt backing for it as pictured and glue it to the cardboard and then glue down the little tabs of felt around the edges.
  • 8. Use a very small amount of hot glue to secure pleats in all the felt petals. We used the end of a paintbrush to hold the pleat while it was cooling. Anything but your finger will work! Once you have all your petals glued, it’s time to start adhering the largest ones to the circle base. Apply a bit of glue to the circle and press the petal down about ¼‖ from the circle’s
  • 9. edge. Continue this way, making sure there are no gaps between your petals. Repeat this process with the medium-sized petals, gluing them about ¼‖ from the edge of the larger petals. I found it helpful to place the first medium petal in between a gap of two larger petals so that they mediums didn’t stack directly on top of the larges. Repeat this process with the smallest petals, leaving a small opening in the center of the
  • 10. flower. Now it’s time to finish off the back of your pin/hair piece/etc. Either sew or glue your barrette, pin or comb onto the circle of felt you cut previously. Then glue that circle onto the back of your flower.
  • 11. Turn that puppy back around. Now it’s time to accessorize! We tried several centers for our flowers.
  • 12. And here’s what we finally landed on: In the purple one, my mom used a beaded button she picked up at a knitting store. I think it actually looks a lot like the center of a real flower, minus all the allergy-inducing pollen. For the yellow one, I used a clip-on earring I bought at a street festival this summer. I just peeled off the clip-on part and was left with this beautiful beaded fanciness. The center of the orange flower is pearl button. It’s interesting how the style of the center really transforms the look of the flower.
  • 13. Zip It Up Pencil Case Picture 1 of 5 (Click "Next" for more pictures) “It’s Back To School time, boys and girls.” This zip-it-up pencil case would be of great help for them to keep their stationary in place. Not only that, it is also a great topic for “Show And Tell” session to their new class-mates of how the magic works with this zipper + ribbon strip…”See, this is a strip of ribbon, and I am going to turn it into a pencil case…. *zip**zip**zippppp***…. tadaaaa…. a pencil case!!!!”. School is fun with friends and books around. Recently, I received an overwhelming and fantastic responses came all over the world to visit the tutorial of the Zip-Itself Tetrahedron Coin Purse, the same concept of this zip-it-up pencil case. Among the feedback and comments, some of you found it difficult to understand at some point, but I am glad that after putting you hands on it, you’ve made yourself some successful coin purses. As usual, practice makes perfect! Grandma G even tried it on with her sewing machine with a wider ribbon that her daughter Jessica of How About Orange designed. Jessica also shared the post with her readers. I was so happy that you all like the coin purse so much. As an appreciation to all your visits and feedback, I developed another tutorial to the same concept. This time both boys and girls can use this zip-it-up pencil case (just have to be fair to the boys too, right?). I hope you like this Zip-It-Up Pencil Case as much as the coin purse. Please find the tutorial after this. Finished Dimension: approx. 4″ x 8″ x 1 1/2″ Materials: 1. Zipper (nylon) – 80″ 2. Ribbon (7/8″)- 80″ (Note: you can use grosgrain, woven, satin ribbons, or other alternative materials like lace, fabric strip, soft twill tape etc.) 3. Ribbon – short length for the purse loop. 4. Lining fabric strip (1 1/2″) – 80″ (optional) Tools: 1. Sewing needles. 2. Matching threads 3. Pins 4. Marker 5. Warm iron (optional, use only with lining)
  • 14. Get ready the materials and tools as per quantities stated above. You can get the long nylon zipper from craft shop that cut into your requested length, and don’t forget to add a zipper pull. Sew a few stitches to make a bottom-stop about 1″ from the end of the zipper. Tie 2 knots on both top zipper tapes to prevent the zipper-pull from accidentally glide out from the zipper. Measure 4 3/4″ from zipper’s bottom-stop. Mark, this is the START point. Pin and backstitch the ribbon to the zipper tape along line A, start at 3/4″ from the ribbon end and 1/32″ away from the teeth in order for the zipper pull to glide through. I sewed with longer stitch on the wrong side but shorter loop stitch on the right side for the backstitch so that the thread is not obviously seen on the right side. When you reach the bottom stop, bend the zipper tape down, smooth the corner by crossing of zipper ends, continue sewing your ribbon till you have done around 70″ from the start point.
  • 15. Come back to the start point. Arch the tape at the marking where the marking should be at the center of the ribbon’s width, pin the ribbon to the tape along line B. Sew ribbon to the tape of the other side of the zipper. Fold the ribbon’s end in and slip stitch the ribbon to the tape by following the curve. A nice smooth curvature determine the beauty of the pencil case. Continue back stitching the ribbon to the zipper tape until you have done 65″ from the start point. There will be a different of 5″ of stitching between line A & B.
  • 16. Zip-up the zipper and the pencil case shape is formed through a upward spiral closure. Measure your pencil case from the bottom stop, it should be around slightly over 8″ and your zipper goes 7 rounds of zipping. Press the top edge of the pencil case to find the top corners of a rectangular shape. Mark both points on line A & B. The point above the the bottom-stop is the end point, whilst, the point above the start point is the pencil case top-stop with a ribbon loop (please refer the last step-by-step photo for clearer picture).
  • 17. Unzip the pencil case a little. Arch the line A zipper tape at the marking, the zipper ends should meet and intersect at the other marking on line B. Place a ribbon loop on the intersection point of the zipper, pin & sew to join. Trim off the extra zipper, crossed them and make a few stitches to stabilized the position. Trim off the extra length of the ribbon and fold the raw edge of the ribbon, just like the start point, slip stitch to the tape. Whip stitch the zipper edges at the back of the pencil case to complete it. You may add a lining at the back of the pencil case. The lining will add some stability and aesthetic look to the workmanship of the pencil case. Iron the lining strip by folding in both edges to form a 7/8″ double-fold tape. Slip-stitch along the backstitch line to cover the stitches done for the ribbon. When you reach the curve of the start and end points, trim the ends to follow the curvature, fold in and slip stitch like you did the ribbon.
  • 18. Zip it all the way up and you will get a pencil case. Or, zip it all the way down to return it to a ribbon with edges full of zipper teeth. Kek Coklat Kukus Lembab
  • 19. kek coklat yg moist Created on : 14-06-2008 Print E-mail kepada kawan Tulis Laporan Hubungi hana6877 3663Share Bahan-bahan ( size loyang 18cm ) 1 cawan tepung gandum 1/4 cwn serbuk koko van houten 1 sudu kecil baking powder 1 kotak susu coklat (250ml) 2 biji telur (size M) 1 cawan gula halus 1/2 cawan butter 3 sudu besar susu pekat 1/4 cawan minyak masak n esen vanila TOPPING
  • 20. 3-5 sudu besar susu pekat 1/4 cawan serbuk koko van houten 2 sudu besar butter 2 sudu besar susu segar Cara-cara 1. Pukul telur,gula dan butter sampai kembang.Kemudian titiskan esen vanila. n pukul lg. 2. Ayak tepung,serbuk koko dan baking powder. 3. Masukkan sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam adunan telur.Kaup balikkan. 4. Masukkan susu kotak,susu pekat,minyak dan gaul sebati. Masukkan dlm loyang yg telah dilengser minyak/marjerin. Tutup dengan aluminium foil..The kukus 45min...Dah masak sejukkan. Utk topping...campurkan semua bhn dan masak secara double boiler. Then bleh la curahkan kat atas kek yg dh sejuk td.. Hiaslah apa suka...Pastu simpan dlm peti sejuk beberapa jam sebelum dipotong. Taraa...dh siap...bleh la makan.... 1. SeLaMat MeNcUbe.... kek gula hangus / kek sarang semut resepi dari dah amik tempahan... Created on : 11-03-2011
  • 21. Print E-mail kepada kawan Tulis Laporan Hubungi zairiasrul 116Share Bahan-bahan ( utk loyang 9X9X3 ) 2 cawan air 2 cawan gula 2 sudu besar marjerin 1 cawan susu pekat 6 biji telur - saiz B 2 cawan tepung gandum - diayak 2 sudu besar soda bikarbonat- diayak vanila essen Cara-cara 1. hanguskan gula dan air- sejukan 2. pukul mentega dan susu pekat hingga sebati 3. masukan telur sebiji demi sebiji 4. masukan tepung gandum dan soda bikarbonat 5. masukan vanila essen 6. akhir skali msukan gula yg telah dihanguskan kacau hingga sebati 7. utk mndapatkan kek yg gebu.. perap adunan selama 1 jam atau lebih... 8. bkar dlm oven 150 drjah celcius selama 30-45 minit 9. boleh dihidangkan eropok Lekor Resipi dari nenek. Bahan² lebih kurang sama dengan resipi keropok lekor lain cuma ada beberapa bahan tambahan... Cara membuat pon agak lain skit..
  • 22. Created on : 04-01-2009 Print E-mail kepada kawan Tulis Laporan Hubungi 14sept 284Share Bahan-bahan ( - ) 1kg ikan selayang/ kembung 5-10 ulas bawang putih 1kg tepung ubi/kanji 2 cawan tepung gandum 1 sudu kecil baking powder Garam secukup rasa Perasa Air Cara-cara 1. Asingkan isi ikan dari tulang. 2. Kemudian blender isi ikan bersama bawang putih dan sedikit air. Terpulang samada nak blender kasar atau halus kemudian tuang kedalam bekas. 3. Masukkan sedikit garam, perasa, serbuk penaik dan tepung. Gaul sehingga tidak lekat pada tangan. Kalo lekat, tambah tepung kanji lagi. Adunan jangan terlalu keras dan jangan terlalu lembik. Sedang² ler asal boleh uli... 4. Sapukan tangan dengan sedikit minyak. Ambil sedikit adunan dan hempaskan ke atas meja bersih agar adunan mampat dan lembut (kalo ada yang nak release tension bleh la sambil²... Hehehehe). Barulah uli bentuk memanjang. Kalo ada mesin adunan yang sesuai tak perlu la hempas yer...
  • 23. 5. Dalam periuk, didihkan air bersama sedikit minyak agar keropok lekor tidak lekat antara satu sama lain. Kemudian masukkan keropok lekor tadi. Keropok lekor akan terapung di permukaan air apabila dah masak. 6. Bila dah timbul angkat dan tos. Sejukkan dan potong ikut citarasa memasing. Goreng dan siap untuk dihidangkan. Tag Apam gula hangus resepi olahan sendiri. cubalah buat sendiri untuk merasakan kelainannya. Created on : 07-09-2006 Print E-mail kepada kawan
  • 24. Tulis Laporan Hubungi hazz_63 595Share Bahan-bahan ( untuk sekeluarga. ) 2 biji telur 1 cawan gula pasir 1 cawan air 1/2 cawan minyak masak 2 sudu besar marjerin 2 sudu susu pekat 1 sudu teh soda bikarbonat. 1 1/2 cawan tepung gandum. Cara-cara 1. Gula dihanguskan kemudian dicampurkan dengan air.kemudian sejukkan 2. Didalam blender masukkan telur,susu,minyak dan marjerin kisarkan anggaran 3 minit 3. Masukkan gula yang telah disejukkan tadi bersama-sama soda bikarbonat dan dikisarkan lagi. 4. Akhir sekali masukkan tepung dan dikisar lagi sehingga sebati. 5. Kukus adunan tadi di dalam loyang yang telah disapu dengan minyak masak selama 45 minit. 6. Boleh juga menggunakan acuan mangkuk plastik. 7. Sekiranya adunan nampak cair bolehlah ditambah sedikit tepung agar apam tadi tidak mendap dan basah dibahagian bawahnya. 1 egg 3/4cupmilk 2 tablespoonsmargarine, melted 1 cupflour 1 tablespoonsugar 3 teaspoonsbaking powder 1/2teaspoonsalt Directions: 1. 1 Beat egg until fluffy. 2. 2
  • 25. Add milk and melted margarine. 3. 3 Add dry ingredients and mix well. 4. 4 Heat a heavy griddle or fry pan which is greased with a little butter on a paper towel. 5. 5 The pan is hot enough when a drop of water breaks into several smaller balls which 'dance' around the pan. 6. 6 Pour a small amount of batter (approx 1/4 cup) into pan and tip to spread out or spread with spoon. 7. 7 When bubbles appear on surface and begin to break, turn over and cook the other side. Read more: Mee Kolok Mukah (basah)
  • 26. Resepi mee kolok dari Sarawak Created on : 06-09-2007 Print E-mail kepada kawan Tulis Laporan Hubungi Delila 175Share Bahan-bahan ( 1 org ) 1 gulung mee kering (mee sanggul/yee mee) 3 ulas bawang putih (mayang) 2 sudu besar minyak 2 sudu besar sos tiram 2 sudu besar kicap pekat 2 sudu besar kicap cair 4 helai daun sawi (potong 1 inci) 1/2 cawan daging / ayam rebus (rebus dgn 1 ketul kiub ayam maggi) 3 cawan air rebusan daging/ ayam 1/2 labu bawang besar (potong berbaji halus)
  • 27. Garam , gula, lada sulah dan ajinomoto secukup rasa HIASAN - Daun bawang dan bawang goreng secukupnya Cara-cara 1. Panaskan minyak.Tumis bawang putih hingga naik bau.Masukkan bawang besar.Kacau seketika hingga layu.Masukkan sos tiram, kicap pekat, kicap cair dan air rebusan daging/ayam. 2. Masukkan mee.Biarkan sedikit lembut.Masukkan garam, gula dan ajinomoto secukup rasa.Kacau seketika.Masukkan sawi, daging/ayam rebus (yang telah dipotong nipis).Masak hingga mee lembut sedikit dan sawi layu. 3. Angkat dan hidang segera.Hiaskan dengan daun bawang dan bawang goreng. Tambahkan lada sulah jika suka.