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10 Things You Didn’t
Know Travis-CI Could
       2012-12-08 RejectTokyoRubyKaigi10
              Murahashi “Sanemat” Kenichi
10 Things You Didn’t
Know Travis-CI Could
       2012-12-08 RejectTokyoRubyKaigi10
              Murahashi “Sanemat” Kenichi
10 Things You Didn’t
Know Travis-CI Could
            2012-12-08 RejectTokyoRubyKaigi10
                   Murahashi “Sanemat” Kenichi

#1 Play Nethack
#1 Play Nethack
language: ruby
rvm: 1.9.3
  - sudo apt-get install nethack-console
  - PATH=$PATH:/usr/games nethack
#1 Play Nethack
language: ruby
rvm: 1.9.3
  - sudo apt-get install nethack-console
  - PATH=$PATH:/usr/games nethack
#1 Play Nethack
language: ruby
NetHack, Copyright 1985-2003
rvm: 1.9.3
       By Stichting Mathematisch Centrum
and M. Stephenson.
   - sudo apt-get install nethack-console
       See license for details.
   - PATH=$PATH:/usr/games nethack
Shall I pick a character's race, role, gender
and alignment for you? [ynq]
#1 Play Nethack
language: ruby
NetHack, Copyright 1985-2003
rvm: 1.9.3
       By Stichting Mathematisch Centrum
and M. Stephenson.
   - sudo apt-get install nethack-console
       See license for details.
   - PATH=$PATH:/usr/games nethack
Shall I pick a character's race, role, gender
and alignment for you? [ynq]            Timeout
#2 Play Nethack!
language: ruby
rvm: 1.9.3
  - sudo apt-get install nethack-console
  - yes y | PATH=$PATH:/usr/games
#2 Play Nethack!
NetHack (gettty):
Invalid argument
ust play from a
#3 Play Minecraft
language: java
before_script: wget https://
script: java -
cp minecraft.jar net.minecraft.LauncherFra
#3 Play Minecraft

Executing your script (java -cp
minecraft.jar net.minecraft.LauncherFrame)
took longer than 30 minutes and was
terminated.         Timeout
#4 Build Timeouts

  “Exact timeout values vary between project
  types but in general are between 10 and 15
  minutes for test suite runs and between 5
  and 10 minutes for before scripts and so
Inspire from JEG2

• Ten Things You Didn't Know Rails Could
• Ten Things You Didn't Know Ruby Could
#0 Who am I
name: Murahashi Sanemat Kenichi
- COMPANY=zynga DOMAIN=game
PRODUCT=cityville, words with friends
- COMPANY=mr taddy DOMAIN=e-
commerce PRODUCT=oh my glasses
#0 Tracks
 #1 Play Nethack, #2 Play Nethack!, #3 Play Minecraft, #4 Build Timeouts, #5 BUG:
  Detect wrong commit, #6 Sous Chef, #7 32bit Ubuntu, #8 All in One, #9 Quick
    Feedback, #10 Freenode, #11 Mailing List, #12 Role Model: qa@it, #13 Role
   Models: soryu, #14 Only MAJOR MINOR TEENY, #15 Bundler Version, #16 For
Capybara, #17 Reduce Call Rake, #18 RAILS_ENV, #19 rake spec vs rspec, #20 rake
 spec options, #21 rake cucumber options, #22 rspec Format Document, #23 rake
    COMMAND --trace, #24 Current My Best, #25 bundler_args, --without, #26
 capistrano/bundler, #27 Gemfile Group, #28 Remove Unnecessary Gems, #29 Not
therubyracer, But nodejs, #30 Use :ci Group?, #31 Actual Each Tests, #32 Use Travis-
 pro (era of closed beta), #33 Use Travis-pro public beta, #34 Travis-Pro price?, #35
                                Updating is worthful
#0 We are Hiring!
#0 We are Hiring!

    October, 2012~
#0 We are Hiring!

#0 We are Hiring!

#0 We are Hiring!

#0 We are Hiring!

#0 We are Hiring!

September, 2012 ~ November, 2012
#0 We are Hiring!
#0 Tracks
 #1 Play Nethack, #2 Play Nethack!, #3 Play Minecraft, #4 Build Timeouts, #5 BUG:
  Detect wrong commit, #6 Sous Chef, #7 32bit Ubuntu, #8 All in One, #9 Quick
    Feedback, #10 Freenode, #11 Mailing List, #12 Role Model: qa@it, #13 Role
   Models: soryu, #14 Only MAJOR MINOR TEENY, #15 Bundler Version, #16 For
Capybara, #17 Reduce Call Rake, #18 RAILS_ENV, #19 rake spec vs rspec, #20 rake
 spec options, #21 rake cucumber options, #22 rspec Format Document, #23 rake
    COMMAND --trace, #24 Current My Best, #25 bundler_args, --without, #26
 capistrano/bundler, #27 Gemfile Group, #28 Remove Unnecessary Gems, #29 Not
therubyracer, But nodejs, #30 Use :ci Group?, #31 Actual Each Tests, #32 Use Travis-
 pro (era of closed beta), #33 Use Travis-pro public beta, #34 Travis-Pro price?, #35
                                Updating is worthful
#5 BUG: Detect wrong
• Travis-CI detects wrong trigger? Github
  send wrong hook? - Stack Overflow
• Two problems:
 • Wrong detect as master commit, and
    sometimes fail
 • Wrong detect spend actual build time
#5 BUG: Detect wrong
• Travis-CI detects wrong trigger? Github
  send wrong hook? - Stack Overflow
• Two problems:
 • Wrong detect as master commit, and
    sometimes fail
 • Wrong detect spend actual build time
#6 Sous Chef
• Sous Chef (michaelklishin/sous-chef)
• Build your own travis sandbox
 • $ gem install vagrant --version ">= 1.0"
    $ hub clone michaelklishin/sous-chef
    $ cd sous-chef
    $ cp Vagrantfile.sample Vagrantfile
    $ vagrant up
#6 Sous Chef
• Sous Chef (michaelklishin/sous-chef)
• Build your own travis sandbox
 • $ gem install vagrant --version ">= 1.0"
    $ hub clone michaelklishin/sous-chef
    $ cd sous-chef
    $ cp Vagrantfile.sample Vagrantfile
    $ vagrant up
#7 32bit Ubuntu

• “oneiric32_base”
• Ubuntu 11.10, 32bit
#7 32bit Ubuntu

• “oneiric32_base”
• Ubuntu 11.10, 32bit         Sad
#8 All in One
#8 All in One
•   ant, apt, bazaar, bison, build-essential, cassandra, chromium, clang,
    cmake, composer, couchdb, doxygen, elasticsearch, emacs, erlang,
    firefox, git, golang, gradle, gvm, haskell, hbase, htop, imagemagick,
    iptables, java, kerl, kestrel, leiningen, libffi, libgdbm, libncurses, libossp-
    uuid, libqt4, libreadline, libssl, libxml, libyaml, lighttpd, maven3,
    memcached, mercurial, mingw32, mongodb, mysql, neo4j-server,
    networking_basic, nodejs, openssh, openssl, perlbrew, phantomjs, php,
    phpbuild, phpenv, postgresql, pypy, python, rabbitmq, ragel, ramfs,
    rebar, redis, riak, rvm, sbt, scons, sphinx, sqlite, subversion, sweeper,
    sysctl, timezone, travis_build_environment, unarchivers, util-linux,
    vim, xserver, zeromq, zookeeper
#9 Quick Feedback
#9 Quick Feedback

             Only Travis-pro
#10 Freenode
#10 Freenode

                            People are
                            gathered, only when
                            the error came out
#11 Mailing List
#0 We are Hiring!
#0 Tracks
 #1 Play Nethack, #2 Play Nethack!, #3 Play Minecraft, #4 Build Timeouts, #5 BUG:
  Detect wrong commit, #6 Sous Chef, #7 32bit Ubuntu, #8 All in One, #9 Quick
    Feedback, #10 Freenode, #11 Mailing List, #12 Role Model: qa@it, #13 Role
   Models: soryu, #14 Only MAJOR MINOR TEENY, #15 Bundler Version, #16 For
Capybara, #17 Reduce Call Rake, #18 RAILS_ENV, #19 rake spec vs rspec, #20 rake
 spec options, #21 rake cucumber options, #22 rspec Format Document, #23 rake
    COMMAND --trace, #24 Current My Best, #25 bundler_args, --without, #26
 capistrano/bundler, #27 Gemfile Group, #28 Remove Unnecessary Gems, #29 Not
therubyracer, But nodejs, #30 Use :ci Group?, #31 Actual Each Tests, #32 Use Travis-
 pro (era of closed beta), #33 Use Travis-pro public beta, #34 Travis-Pro price?, #35
                                Updating is worthful
#12 Role Model: qa@it

Travis CIでサーバ側のブラウザはどう設定す
れば良い? - QA@IT
language: ruby
rvm: 1.9.3
bundler_args: --without development:production
before_install: gem update bundler
  - RAILS_ENV=test rake db:create db:test:load --quiet
  - export DISPLAY=:99.0
  - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start
#12 Role Model: qa@it

Travis CIでサーバ側のブラウザはどう設定す
れば良い? - QA@IT
language: ruby
rvm: 1.9.3
bundler_args: --without development:production           8 lines
before_install: gem update bundler
  - RAILS_ENV=test rake db:create db:test:load --quiet
  - export DISPLAY=:99.0
  - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start
#13 Role Models: soryu

 Gather .travis.yml sanemat/soryu
#13 Role Models: soryu
 Gather .travis.yml sanemat/soryu   O
#13 Role Models: soryu
 Gather .travis.yml sanemat/soryu   O

                                Pull Request
#0 We are Hiring!
#0 Tracks
 #1 Play Nethack, #2 Play Nethack!, #3 Play Minecraft, #4 Build Timeouts, #5 BUG:
  Detect wrong commit, #6 Sous Chef, #7 32bit Ubuntu, #8 All in One, #9 Quick
    Feedback, #10 Freenode, #11 Mailing List, #12 Role Model: qa@it, #13 Role
   Models: soryu, #14 Only MAJOR MINOR TEENY, #15 Bundler Version, #16 For
Capybara, #17 Reduce Call Rake, #18 RAILS_ENV, #19 rake spec vs rspec, #20 rake
 spec options, #21 rake cucumber options, #22 rspec Format Document, #23 rake
    COMMAND --trace, #24 Current My Best, #25 bundler_args, --without, #26
 capistrano/bundler, #27 Gemfile Group, #28 Remove Unnecessary Gems, #29 Not
therubyracer, But nodejs, #30 Use :ci Group?, #31 Actual Each Tests, #32 Use Travis-
 pro (era of closed beta), #33 Use Travis-pro public beta, #34 Travis-Pro price?, #35
                                Updating is worthful
#14 Only MAJOR
 - 1.9.3
#14 Only MAJOR
           Do not specify
 - 1.9.3
           patch level like 1.9.3-p327
#15 Bundler Version
 - gem update bundler
#15 Bundler Version
 - gem update bundler
                bundle --version #=> 1.1
                bundle --version #=> 1.2
#16 For Capybara
 - export DISPLAY=:99.0
 - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start
#16 For Capybara
 - export DISPLAY=:99.0
 - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start
#17 Reduce Call Rake
 - rake db:create
 - rake db:migrate
 - rake spec

 - rake db:create db:migrate
 - rake spec
#17 Reduce Call Rake
 - rake db:create
 - rake db:migrate
 - rake spec

 - rake db:create db:migrate
 - rake spec

- rake db:create

- RAILS_ENV=test rake db:create

- rake db:create         development, test

- RAILS_ENV=test rake db:create       test
#19 rake spec vs rspec

$ rake spec

$ rspec
#19 rake spec vs rspec

$ rake spec   purge, migrate, test

$ rspec       only test
#20 rake spec options

$ rake spec SPEC=path/to/file

$ rspec -fd path/to/file
#20 rake spec options

                         SPEC, SPEC_OPT
$ rake spec SPEC=path/to/file

$ rspec -fd path/to/file
#21 rake cucumber

$ rake cucumber FEATURE=path/to/file

$ cucumber path/to/file
#21 rake cucumber
$ rake cucumber FEATURE=path/to/file

$ cucumber path/to/file
#22 rspec Format
$ rspec -fd --color
#22 rspec Format
$ rspec -fd --color
#23 rake COMMAND
$ rake db:migrate --trace
#23 rake COMMAND
$ rake db:migrate --trace
#24 Current My Best

 - RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake
db:create db:schema:load
- bundle exec rspec -fd
#24 Current My Best

 - RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake
db:create db:schema:load
- bundle exec rspec -fd
#0 We are Hiring!
#0 Tracks
 #1 Play Nethack, #2 Play Nethack!, #3 Play Minecraft, #4 Build Timeouts, #5 BUG:
  Detect wrong commit, #6 Sous Chef, #7 32bit Ubuntu, #8 All in One, #9 Quick
    Feedback, #10 Freenode, #11 Mailing List, #12 Role Model: qa@it, #13 Role
   Models: soryu, #14 Only MAJOR MINOR TEENY, #15 Bundler Version, #16 For
Capybara, #17 Reduce Call Rake, #18 RAILS_ENV, #19 rake spec vs rspec, #20 rake
 spec options, #21 rake cucumber options, #22 rspec Format Document, #23 rake
    COMMAND --trace, #24 Current My Best, #25 bundler_args, --without, #26
 capistrano/bundler, #27 Gemfile Group, #28 Remove Unnecessary Gems, #29 Not
therubyracer, But nodejs, #30 Use :ci Group?, #31 Actual Each Tests, #32 Use Travis-
 pro (era of closed beta), #33 Use Travis-pro public beta, #34 Travis-Pro price?, #35
                                Updating is worthful
#25 bundler_args, --

 --deployment --without development
#25 bundler_args, --

 --deployment --without development
#26 capistrano/bundler
#26 capistrano/bundler
#27 Gemfile Group
#27 Gemfile Group

            :development, :test 以外
            は気をつけて使う « 實
#28 Remove
  Unnecessary Gems

Remove debugger, therubyracer(libv8)
from Travis-CI Environment
#28 Remove
  Unnecessary Gems

Remove debugger, therubyracer(libv8)
from Travis-CI Environment
                          外しておけ « 實松アウト
#29 Not therubyracer,
     But nodejs

x therubyracer
o nodejs
#29 Not therubyracer,
     But nodejs

x therubyracer
o nodejs         Travis-CI has Node.js
#30 Use :ci Group?
Use debugger, pry-
rails in test
environment, but
these are
unnecessary in travis

group :ci
#30 Use :ci Group?
Use debugger, pry-      bundler-args:
rails in test           - without
environment, but        development
these are               production test
unnecessary in travis
environment             capistrano
                        :set, :without:
group :ci               [:development,
                        :test, :ci]
#31 Actual Each Tests

Small toy app
depends on spin-up
time, but actual
mostly spends each
#31 Actual Each Tests

Small toy app
                     database cleaner,
depends on spin-up
                     fixture, fixture
time, but actual
                     replacement, mock,
mostly spends each
                     stub, ...
#0 We are Hiring!
#0 Tracks
 #1 Play Nethack, #2 Play Nethack!, #3 Play Minecraft, #4 Build Timeouts, #5 BUG:
  Detect wrong commit, #6 Sous Chef, #7 32bit Ubuntu, #8 All in One, #9 Quick
    Feedback, #10 Freenode, #11 Mailing List, #12 Role Model: qa@it, #13 Role
   Models: soryu, #14 Only MAJOR MINOR TEENY, #15 Bundler Version, #16 For
Capybara, #17 Reduce Call Rake, #18 RAILS_ENV, #19 rake spec vs rspec, #20 rake
 spec options, #21 rake cucumber options, #22 rspec Format Document, #23 rake
    COMMAND --trace, #24 Current My Best, #25 bundler_args, --without, #26
 capistrano/bundler, #27 Gemfile Group, #28 Remove Unnecessary Gems, #29 Not
therubyracer, But nodejs, #30 Use :ci Group?, #31 Actual Each Tests, #32 Use Travis-
 pro (era of closed beta), #33 Use Travis-pro public beta, #34 Travis-Pro price?, #35
                                Updating is worthful
#32 Use Travis-pro (era
    of closed beta)

    Travis CI: The Travis Plans
#33 Use Travis-pro
     public beta
Travis CI: Shipping the new
Travis CI web UI for Travis
#33 Use Travis-pro
     public beta
Travis CI: Shipping the new
Travis CI web UI for Travis
                         December 27, 2012
#34 Travis-Pro price?

Travis CI: The Travis Plans
#34 Travis-Pro price?

Travis CI: The Travis Plans
                       small plan is $129 per
                        month, and our big
                         plan is $249 per
#35 Updating is
Automatical update causes
pain Temporarily, but this
bring happy, I think.
#0 Tracks
 #1 Play Nethack, #2 Play Nethack!, #3 Play Minecraft, #4 Build Timeouts, #5 BUG:
  Detect wrong commit, #6 Sous Chef, #7 32bit Ubuntu, #8 All in One, #9 Quick
    Feedback, #10 Freenode, #11 Mailing List, #12 Role Model: qa@it, #13 Role
   Models: soryu, #14 Only MAJOR MINOR TEENY, #15 Bundler Version, #16 For
Capybara, #17 Reduce Call Rake, #18 RAILS_ENV, #19 rake spec vs rspec, #20 rake
 spec options, #21 rake cucumber options, #22 rspec Format Document, #23 rake
    COMMAND --trace, #24 Current My Best, #25 bundler_args, --without, #26
 capistrano/bundler, #27 Gemfile Group, #28 Remove Unnecessary Gems, #29 Not
therubyracer, But nodejs, #30 Use :ci Group?, #31 Actual Each Tests, #32 Use Travis-
 pro (era of closed beta), #33 Use Travis-pro public beta, #34 Travis-Pro price?, #35
                                Updating is worthful
#0 We are Hiring!

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2012 12-08-travis-ci-could-do

  • 1. 10 Things You Didn’t Know Travis-CI Could Do 2012-12-08 RejectTokyoRubyKaigi10 Murahashi “Sanemat” Kenichi
  • 2. 35 10 Things You Didn’t Know Travis-CI Could Do 2012-12-08 RejectTokyoRubyKaigi10 Murahashi “Sanemat” Kenichi
  • 3. 35 10 Things You Didn’t Know Travis-CI Could Do 2012-12-08 RejectTokyoRubyKaigi10 Murahashi “Sanemat” Kenichi JEG2
  • 5. #1 Play Nethack language: ruby rvm: 1.9.3 before_script: - sudo apt-get install nethack-console script: - PATH=$PATH:/usr/games nethack
  • 6. #1 Play Nethack language: ruby rvm: 1.9.3 before_script: - sudo apt-get install nethack-console script: - PATH=$PATH:/usr/games nethack
  • 7. #1 Play Nethack language: ruby NetHack, Copyright 1985-2003 rvm: 1.9.3 By Stichting Mathematisch Centrum before_script: and M. Stephenson. - sudo apt-get install nethack-console See license for details. script: - PATH=$PATH:/usr/games nethack Shall I pick a character's race, role, gender and alignment for you? [ynq]
  • 8. #1 Play Nethack language: ruby NetHack, Copyright 1985-2003 rvm: 1.9.3 By Stichting Mathematisch Centrum before_script: and M. Stephenson. - sudo apt-get install nethack-console See license for details. script: - PATH=$PATH:/usr/games nethack Shall I pick a character's race, role, gender and alignment for you? [ynq] Timeout
  • 9. #2 Play Nethack! language: ruby rvm: 1.9.3 before_script: - sudo apt-get install nethack-console script: - yes y | PATH=$PATH:/usr/games nethack
  • 10. #2 Play Nethack! NetHack (gettty): Invalid argument ent ust play from a terminal.
  • 12. #3 Play Minecraft Executing your script (java -cp minecraft.jar net.minecraft.LauncherFrame) took longer than 30 minutes and was terminated. Timeout
  • 13. #4 Build Timeouts • configuration/#Build-Timeouts “Exact timeout values vary between project types but in general are between 10 and 15 minutes for test suite runs and between 5 and 10 minutes for before scripts and so on.
  • 14. Inspire from JEG2 JEG2 • Ten Things You Didn't Know Rails Could Do • Ten Things You Didn't Know Ruby Could Do
  • 15. #0 Who am I name: Murahashi Sanemat Kenichi env: - COMPANY=zynga DOMAIN=game PRODUCT=cityville, words with friends - COMPANY=mr taddy DOMAIN=e- commerce PRODUCT=oh my glasses
  • 16. #0 Tracks #1 Play Nethack, #2 Play Nethack!, #3 Play Minecraft, #4 Build Timeouts, #5 BUG: Detect wrong commit, #6 Sous Chef, #7 32bit Ubuntu, #8 All in One, #9 Quick Feedback, #10 Freenode, #11 Mailing List, #12 Role Model: qa@it, #13 Role Models: soryu, #14 Only MAJOR MINOR TEENY, #15 Bundler Version, #16 For Capybara, #17 Reduce Call Rake, #18 RAILS_ENV, #19 rake spec vs rspec, #20 rake spec options, #21 rake cucumber options, #22 rspec Format Document, #23 rake COMMAND --trace, #24 Current My Best, #25 bundler_args, --without, #26 capistrano/bundler, #27 Gemfile Group, #28 Remove Unnecessary Gems, #29 Not therubyracer, But nodejs, #30 Use :ci Group?, #31 Actual Each Tests, #32 Use Travis- pro (era of closed beta), #33 Use Travis-pro public beta, #34 Travis-Pro price?, #35 Updating is worthful
  • 17. #0 We are Hiring!
  • 18. #0 We are Hiring! @sanemat October, 2012~
  • 19. #0 We are Hiring! @libkazz
  • 20. #0 We are Hiring! @kei_s
  • 21. #0 We are Hiring! @machida
  • 22. #0 We are Hiring! @is8r
  • 23. #0 We are Hiring! @jugyo September, 2012 ~ November, 2012
  • 24. #0 We are Hiring!
  • 25. #0 Tracks #1 Play Nethack, #2 Play Nethack!, #3 Play Minecraft, #4 Build Timeouts, #5 BUG: Detect wrong commit, #6 Sous Chef, #7 32bit Ubuntu, #8 All in One, #9 Quick Feedback, #10 Freenode, #11 Mailing List, #12 Role Model: qa@it, #13 Role Models: soryu, #14 Only MAJOR MINOR TEENY, #15 Bundler Version, #16 For Capybara, #17 Reduce Call Rake, #18 RAILS_ENV, #19 rake spec vs rspec, #20 rake spec options, #21 rake cucumber options, #22 rspec Format Document, #23 rake COMMAND --trace, #24 Current My Best, #25 bundler_args, --without, #26 capistrano/bundler, #27 Gemfile Group, #28 Remove Unnecessary Gems, #29 Not therubyracer, But nodejs, #30 Use :ci Group?, #31 Actual Each Tests, #32 Use Travis- pro (era of closed beta), #33 Use Travis-pro public beta, #34 Travis-Pro price?, #35 Updating is worthful
  • 26. #5 BUG: Detect wrong commit • Travis-CI detects wrong trigger? Github send wrong hook? - Stack Overflow • Two problems: • Wrong detect as master commit, and sometimes fail • Wrong detect spend actual build time
  • 27. #5 BUG: Detect wrong commit • Travis-CI detects wrong trigger? Github send wrong hook? - Stack Overflow • Two problems: • Wrong detect as master commit, and sometimes fail • Wrong detect spend actual build time
  • 28. #6 Sous Chef • Sous Chef (michaelklishin/sous-chef) • Build your own travis sandbox • $ gem install vagrant --version ">= 1.0" $ hub clone michaelklishin/sous-chef $ cd sous-chef $ cp Vagrantfile.sample Vagrantfile $ vagrant up
  • 29. #6 Sous Chef • Sous Chef (michaelklishin/sous-chef) • Build your own travis sandbox • $ gem install vagrant --version ">= 1.0" $ hub clone michaelklishin/sous-chef $ cd sous-chef $ cp Vagrantfile.sample Vagrantfile $ vagrant up
  • 30. #7 32bit Ubuntu • “oneiric32_base” • Ubuntu 11.10, 32bit • chef/blob/master/Vagrantfile.sample
  • 31. #7 32bit Ubuntu • “oneiric32_base” • Ubuntu 11.10, 32bit Sad • chef/blob/master/Vagrantfile.sample
  • 32. #8 All in One • cookbooks/ci_environment
  • 33. #8 All in One • cookbooks/ci_environment • ant, apt, bazaar, bison, build-essential, cassandra, chromium, clang, cmake, composer, couchdb, doxygen, elasticsearch, emacs, erlang, firefox, git, golang, gradle, gvm, haskell, hbase, htop, imagemagick, iptables, java, kerl, kestrel, leiningen, libffi, libgdbm, libncurses, libossp- uuid, libqt4, libreadline, libssl, libxml, libyaml, lighttpd, maven3, memcached, mercurial, mingw32, mongodb, mysql, neo4j-server, networking_basic, nodejs, openssh, openssl, perlbrew, phantomjs, php, phpbuild, phpenv, postgresql, pypy, python, rabbitmq, ragel, ramfs, rebar, redis, riak, rvm, sbt, scons, sphinx, sqlite, subversion, sweeper, sysctl, timezone, travis_build_environment, unarchivers, util-linux, vim, xserver, zeromq, zookeeper
  • 35. #9 Quick Feedback Only Travis-pro
  • 37. #10 Freenode • People are gathered, only when the error came out incomprehensible.
  • 38. #11 Mailing List •
  • 39. #0 We are Hiring!
  • 40. #0 Tracks #1 Play Nethack, #2 Play Nethack!, #3 Play Minecraft, #4 Build Timeouts, #5 BUG: Detect wrong commit, #6 Sous Chef, #7 32bit Ubuntu, #8 All in One, #9 Quick Feedback, #10 Freenode, #11 Mailing List, #12 Role Model: qa@it, #13 Role Models: soryu, #14 Only MAJOR MINOR TEENY, #15 Bundler Version, #16 For Capybara, #17 Reduce Call Rake, #18 RAILS_ENV, #19 rake spec vs rspec, #20 rake spec options, #21 rake cucumber options, #22 rspec Format Document, #23 rake COMMAND --trace, #24 Current My Best, #25 bundler_args, --without, #26 capistrano/bundler, #27 Gemfile Group, #28 Remove Unnecessary Gems, #29 Not therubyracer, But nodejs, #30 Use :ci Group?, #31 Actual Each Tests, #32 Use Travis- pro (era of closed beta), #33 Use Travis-pro public beta, #34 Travis-Pro price?, #35 Updating is worthful
  • 41. #12 Role Model: qa@it Travis CIでサーバ側のブラウザはどう設定す れば良い? - QA@IT language: ruby rvm: 1.9.3 bundler_args: --without development:production before_install: gem update bundler before_script: - RAILS_ENV=test rake db:create db:test:load --quiet - export DISPLAY=:99.0 - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start
  • 42. #12 Role Model: qa@it Travis CIでサーバ側のブラウザはどう設定す れば良い? - QA@IT language: ruby rvm: 1.9.3 bundler_args: --without development:production 8 lines before_install: gem update bundler before_script: - RAILS_ENV=test rake db:create db:test:load --quiet - export DISPLAY=:99.0 - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start
  • 43. #13 Role Models: soryu Gather .travis.yml sanemat/soryu
  • 44. #13 Role Models: soryu Source Gather .travis.yml sanemat/soryu O R Y U
  • 45. #13 Role Models: soryu Source Gather .travis.yml sanemat/soryu O R Y U Please Pull Request
  • 46. #0 We are Hiring!
  • 47. #0 Tracks #1 Play Nethack, #2 Play Nethack!, #3 Play Minecraft, #4 Build Timeouts, #5 BUG: Detect wrong commit, #6 Sous Chef, #7 32bit Ubuntu, #8 All in One, #9 Quick Feedback, #10 Freenode, #11 Mailing List, #12 Role Model: qa@it, #13 Role Models: soryu, #14 Only MAJOR MINOR TEENY, #15 Bundler Version, #16 For Capybara, #17 Reduce Call Rake, #18 RAILS_ENV, #19 rake spec vs rspec, #20 rake spec options, #21 rake cucumber options, #22 rspec Format Document, #23 rake COMMAND --trace, #24 Current My Best, #25 bundler_args, --without, #26 capistrano/bundler, #27 Gemfile Group, #28 Remove Unnecessary Gems, #29 Not therubyracer, But nodejs, #30 Use :ci Group?, #31 Actual Each Tests, #32 Use Travis- pro (era of closed beta), #33 Use Travis-pro public beta, #34 Travis-Pro price?, #35 Updating is worthful
  • 48. #14 Only MAJOR MINOR TEENY rvm: - 1.9.3
  • 49. #14 Only MAJOR MINOR TEENY rvm: Do not specify - 1.9.3 patch level like 1.9.3-p327
  • 50. #15 Bundler Version before_install: - gem update bundler
  • 51. #15 Bundler Version before_install: - gem update bundler bundle --version #=> 1.1 bundle --version #=> 1.2
  • 52. #16 For Capybara before_script: - export DISPLAY=:99.0 - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start
  • 53. #16 For Capybara before_script: - export DISPLAY=:99.0 - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start
  • 54. #17 Reduce Call Rake before_script: - rake db:create - rake db:migrate script: - rake spec before_script: - rake db:create db:migrate script: - rake spec
  • 55. #17 Reduce Call Rake before_script: - rake db:create - rake db:migrate script: - rake spec before_script: - rake db:create db:migrate script: - rake spec
  • 56. #18 RAILS_ENV - rake db:create - RAILS_ENV=test rake db:create
  • 57. #18 RAILS_ENV - rake db:create development, test - RAILS_ENV=test rake db:create test
  • 58. #19 rake spec vs rspec $ rake spec $ rspec
  • 59. #19 rake spec vs rspec $ rake spec purge, migrate, test $ rspec only test
  • 60. #20 rake spec options $ rake spec SPEC=path/to/file SPEC_OPT=’-fd’ $ rspec -fd path/to/file
  • 61. #20 rake spec options SPEC, SPEC_OPT $ rake spec SPEC=path/to/file SPEC_OPT=’-fd’ $ rspec -fd path/to/file
  • 62. #21 rake cucumber options $ rake cucumber FEATURE=path/to/file $ cucumber path/to/file
  • 63. #21 rake cucumber options FEATURE $ rake cucumber FEATURE=path/to/file $ cucumber path/to/file
  • 64. #22 rspec Format Document $ rspec -fd --color
  • 65. #22 rspec Format Document $ rspec -fd --color
  • 66. #23 rake COMMAND --trace $ rake db:migrate --trace
  • 67. #23 rake COMMAND --trace $ rake db:migrate --trace
  • 68. #24 Current My Best before_script: - RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:create db:schema:load script: - bundle exec rspec -fd
  • 69. #24 Current My Best before_script: - RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:create db:schema:load script: - bundle exec rspec -fd
  • 70. #0 We are Hiring!
  • 71. #0 Tracks #1 Play Nethack, #2 Play Nethack!, #3 Play Minecraft, #4 Build Timeouts, #5 BUG: Detect wrong commit, #6 Sous Chef, #7 32bit Ubuntu, #8 All in One, #9 Quick Feedback, #10 Freenode, #11 Mailing List, #12 Role Model: qa@it, #13 Role Models: soryu, #14 Only MAJOR MINOR TEENY, #15 Bundler Version, #16 For Capybara, #17 Reduce Call Rake, #18 RAILS_ENV, #19 rake spec vs rspec, #20 rake spec options, #21 rake cucumber options, #22 rspec Format Document, #23 rake COMMAND --trace, #24 Current My Best, #25 bundler_args, --without, #26 capistrano/bundler, #27 Gemfile Group, #28 Remove Unnecessary Gems, #29 Not therubyracer, But nodejs, #30 Use :ci Group?, #31 Actual Each Tests, #32 Use Travis- pro (era of closed beta), #33 Use Travis-pro public beta, #34 Travis-Pro price?, #35 Updating is worthful
  • 72. #25 bundler_args, -- without bundler_args: --deployment --without development production
  • 73. #25 bundler_args, -- without bundler_args: --deployment --without development production
  • 77. #27 Gemfile Group Gemfile Gemfileのgroup で:production, :development, :test 以外 は気をつけて使う « 實 松アウトプット
  • 78. #28 Remove Unnecessary Gems Remove debugger, therubyracer(libv8) from Travis-CI Environment
  • 79. #28 Remove Unnecessary Gems Remove debugger, therubyracer(libv8) from Travis-CI Environment Travis-ci環境からdebuggerは 外しておけ « 實松アウト プット
  • 80. #29 Not therubyracer, But nodejs x therubyracer o nodejs
  • 81. #29 Not therubyracer, But nodejs x therubyracer o nodejs Travis-CI has Node.js
  • 82. #30 Use :ci Group? Use debugger, pry- rails in test environment, but these are unnecessary in travis environment group :ci
  • 83. #30 Use :ci Group? Use debugger, pry- bundler-args: rails in test - without environment, but development these are production test unnecessary in travis environment capistrano :set, :without: group :ci [:development, :test, :ci]
  • 84. #31 Actual Each Tests Small toy app depends on spin-up time, but actual mostly spends each tests.
  • 85. #31 Actual Each Tests Small toy app database cleaner, depends on spin-up fixture, fixture time, but actual replacement, mock, mostly spends each stub, ... tests.
  • 86. #0 We are Hiring!
  • 87. #0 Tracks #1 Play Nethack, #2 Play Nethack!, #3 Play Minecraft, #4 Build Timeouts, #5 BUG: Detect wrong commit, #6 Sous Chef, #7 32bit Ubuntu, #8 All in One, #9 Quick Feedback, #10 Freenode, #11 Mailing List, #12 Role Model: qa@it, #13 Role Models: soryu, #14 Only MAJOR MINOR TEENY, #15 Bundler Version, #16 For Capybara, #17 Reduce Call Rake, #18 RAILS_ENV, #19 rake spec vs rspec, #20 rake spec options, #21 rake cucumber options, #22 rspec Format Document, #23 rake COMMAND --trace, #24 Current My Best, #25 bundler_args, --without, #26 capistrano/bundler, #27 Gemfile Group, #28 Remove Unnecessary Gems, #29 Not therubyracer, But nodejs, #30 Use :ci Group?, #31 Actual Each Tests, #32 Use Travis- pro (era of closed beta), #33 Use Travis-pro public beta, #34 Travis-Pro price?, #35 Updating is worthful
  • 88. #32 Use Travis-pro (era of closed beta) Travis CI: The Travis Plans
  • 89. #33 Use Travis-pro public beta Travis CI: Shipping the new Travis CI web UI for Travis Pro
  • 90. #33 Use Travis-pro public beta Travis CI: Shipping the new Travis CI web UI for Travis Pro December 27, 2012
  • 91. #34 Travis-Pro price? Travis CI: The Travis Plans
  • 92. #34 Travis-Pro price? Travis CI: The Travis Plans small plan is $129 per month, and our big plan is $249 per month
  • 93. #35 Updating is worthful Automatical update causes pain Temporarily, but this bring happy, I think.
  • 94. #0 Tracks #1 Play Nethack, #2 Play Nethack!, #3 Play Minecraft, #4 Build Timeouts, #5 BUG: Detect wrong commit, #6 Sous Chef, #7 32bit Ubuntu, #8 All in One, #9 Quick Feedback, #10 Freenode, #11 Mailing List, #12 Role Model: qa@it, #13 Role Models: soryu, #14 Only MAJOR MINOR TEENY, #15 Bundler Version, #16 For Capybara, #17 Reduce Call Rake, #18 RAILS_ENV, #19 rake spec vs rspec, #20 rake spec options, #21 rake cucumber options, #22 rspec Format Document, #23 rake COMMAND --trace, #24 Current My Best, #25 bundler_args, --without, #26 capistrano/bundler, #27 Gemfile Group, #28 Remove Unnecessary Gems, #29 Not therubyracer, But nodejs, #30 Use :ci Group?, #31 Actual Each Tests, #32 Use Travis- pro (era of closed beta), #33 Use Travis-pro public beta, #34 Travis-Pro price?, #35 Updating is worthful
  • 95. #0 We are Hiring!