christian christianity christian life jesus christ bible biblical principles love revelation god doubtful practice trust prayer tithing tithe giving biblical stewardship stewardship god's love conditionalism hell truth polemics scripture judgment rapture apostle paul sin questions evidence christ life eternal life believe investment 2 corinthians 9:7 2 corinthians attitude right attitude right heart surrender unfaithful faithfulness believing give resources time possessions talents money christ-centered solutions rod west universalism annihilationist reality of hell five views of hell ministry missions the book of acts acts unity israel israelis arabs jesus christ jesus repentance lies judging judge jewish sinfulness guilty worldview mindset ignorance suppression atheistic atheist apologetics christian arguments new testament righteousness romans two witnesses demonic activity studies seven seals pretribulation end-time eschatology throne-room church dispensation real genuine practical christian walk practice thessalonians suffering why pain hurt doubt actions testing apostle's creed 1 john tolerant gospel of luke changed lives death
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