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1.1 Latar Belakang
Perilaku fluida merupakan hal yang penting dalam teknik proses pada umumnya
dan merupakan salah satu dasar yang diperlukan untuk mempelajari satuan-satuan proses.
Proses-proses di industri kimia acap kali memerlukan pengaliran fluida melalui pipa,
kondulit (saluran), dan peralatan proses. Para sarjana kimia biasanya berhadapan dengan
masalah aliran didalam pipa tertutup yang penuh dengan fluida bergerak. Tetapi mereka
juga sering menemukan masalah dimana fluida yang mengalir dalam pipa tidak terisi
Istilah fluidisasi (fluidization) biasa digunakan untuk memeriksa keadaan partikel
yang seluruhnya dalam keadaan melayang (suspensi), karena suspensi ini berperilaku
seakan-akan fluida rapat.
Akan tetapi dalam berbagai masalah, yang menjadi persoalan adalah pengaruh
fluida itu pada benda padat yang berada didalam alirannya. Fluida itu bisa diam dan
benda padat bergerak didalamnya, tetapi bisa pula benda padat itu diam sedang fluida
mengalir melewatinya, atau bisa pila kedua-duanya bergerak.
1.2 Tujuan
 Menentukan harga Umf secara grafik dan secara perhitungan.
 Menentukan derajat kebolaan partikel unggun.
1.3 Ruang Lingkup
 Dalam percobaan ini akan digunakan fluida cair, zat cair merupakan fluida yang
tak mampu mampat yaitu hanya sedikit berpengaruh pada perubahan suhu dan
 Pengkajian hubungan antara pressur drop dan kecepatan. Dalam kasus di
percobaan ini hubungan tersebut diberikan oleh persamaan ergun untuk aliran
A.1. Densitas
ρ aquadest (27 C) = 0.996513 gr/cm3
ρ CCl4 = 1.5805 gr/cm3
A.2. Viskositas
μ aquadest (27 C) = 0.00852 gr/cm s
Tabel B.1. Data Ruang
Hari 1 Hari 2
Keadaan Suhu ( C) Tekanan (mmHg) Suhu ( C) Tekanan (mmHg)
Awal 27 699 27 699
Akhir 28 699 28 699
Tabel B.2. Penentuan densitas air kran
Parameter m1 (gr) m2 (gr) m3 (gr)
Pikno kosong 12.1244 12.1255 12.1248
Pikno kos + Air kran 23.2252 23.2263 23.2247
Pikno kos +Aquadest 23.224 23.2259 23.2245
Tabel B.3. Penentuan viskositas air
Parameter t1 (s) t2 (s) t3 (s)
Air kran 164 165 165
Aquadest 136 133 135
Tabel B.4 Kalibrasi Orificemeter
∆h (cmHg) t1 (s) V1 (ml) t2 (s) V2 (ml) t3 (s) V3 (ml)
1 27 500 27 500 28 500
2 19 500 18 500 18 500
3 15 500 15 500 14 500
4 11 500 12 500 12 500
Tabel.B5. Penentuan diameter partikel
Parameter Diameter
Manik hijau (Partikel II) 0.535
Manik pink (Partikel I) 0.84
Kolom 4.845
Tabel B.6. Data Percobaan
Partikel I
Tabel B.6.1. Beda tinggi raksa, ccl4,dan tinggi unggun pada tinggi
partikel = 3 cm
Massa partikel+glas kimia+air =266 gr
h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun
0.2 0.1 4 3 1 8 3.7 1.5 8
0.4 0.1 4 3.2 1.1 8 3.5 1.4 7.5
0.6 0.1 4.5 3.4 1.2 8 3.4 1.4 7.5
0.8 0.2 5 3.6 1.3 8.5 3.1 1.2 6.5
1 0.2 5 3.8 1.4 8 3 1.2 6.5
1.2 0.3 5.5 4 1.4 9 2.7 1 6.5
1.4 0.5 6 4.2 1.5 10 2.4 0.8 6
1.6 0.6 7.5 4.6 1.6 10.5 2 0.6 6.5
1.8 0.7 8 4.8 1.6 11 1.5 0.5 5.5
2 0.7 9 5 1.6 11 1.3 0.5 5
2.2 0.8 9 5.2 1.6 10 1 0.2 4.5
2.4 0.8 8 4.8 1.6 10 0.6 0.1 4.5
2.6 0.9 8 4.4 1.6 9 0.3 0.1 4.5
2.8 1 8 4 1.6 8.5 0.2 0.1 4
Tabel B.6.2. Beda tinggi raksa, ccl4,dan tinggi unggun pada tinggi
partikel = 4 cm
Massa partikel+glas kimia+air =280.6 gr
h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun
0.2 0.1 5 3 1.9 13.5 2.7 1.5 13.5
0.4 0.2 6 3.2 2 13.5 2.5 1.3 13
0.6 0.3 7 3.4 2 14 2.1 1.2 12
0.8 0.5 7.5 3.6 2 14 1.6 0.8 11
1 0.6 8 3.8 2 14.5 1.4 0.6 10
1.2 0.8 9 4 2 14.5 1 0.4 10
1.4 0.9 9 4.2 2.2 15 0.8 0.4 10
1.6 1.1 9.5 4.4 2.2 16 0.6 0.4 9.5
1.8 1.2 9.5 4.6 2.2 16.5
2 1.3 10 4.3 2.2 16
2.2 1.4 11 4 2.2 15.5
2.4 1.5 11 3.8 2.2 15
2.6 1.7 11.5 3.3 1.8 14
2.8 1.7 13 3 1.7 14
Tabel B.6.3. Beda tinggi raksa, ccl4,dan tinggi unggun pada tinggi partikel = 5 cm
Massa partikel+glas kimia +air = 295.2 gr
h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun
0.2 0.2 5.5 2.8 1.6 10 4.4 3.4 11
0.4 0.3 6 3 1.8 10.5 3.8 3.4 10
0.6 0.3 6 3.2 2 11 3.6 3.2 9
0.8 0.4 6.5 3.4 2.2 11 3.3 3 8.5
1 0.6 7 3.6 2.4 11.5 2.7 2.5 8
1.2 0.6 7 3.8 2.7 12 2.2 1.8 7.5
1.4 0.7 7.5 4 3 12 1.5 1.6 7
1.6 0.8 7.5 4.2 0.2 13.5 1.3 1.3 7
1.8 0.9 8 4.4 3.2 13.5 1 0.9 7
2 1 9 4.6 3.2 13 0.9 0.7 7
2.2 1 9.5 4.8 3.4 13 0.7 0.7 6.5
2.4 1.2 10 5 3.4 12 0.6 0.7 6.5
2.6 1.4 10.5 4.7 3.4 11
Partikel II
Tabel B.6.4. Beda tinggi raksa, ccl4,dan tinggi unggun pada tinggi partikel = 3 cm
Massa partikel+glas kimia +air = 277 gr
h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun
0.2 0.1 3.5 2.6 1.5 8 5 1.6 15
0.4 0.1 3.5 2.8 1.5 9.5 4.6 1.4 15
0.6 0.2 4 3 1.5 10 4 1.3 14
0.8 0.3 5 3.2 1.5 10.5 3.6 1 12.5
1 0.4 5 3.4 1.6 11 3.4 0.9 11.5
1.2 0.6 5.5 3.6 1.6 12 3 0.7 10
1.4 0.8 5.8 3.8 1.6 12 2.4 0.6 8
1.6 0.9 6 4 1.6 12.5 2 0.5 6.5
1.8 1 6.5 4.2 1.6 13 1.4 0.5 5.5
2 1.2 7 4.4 1.6 13 1 0.4 4.5
2.2 1.4 7.5 4.6 1.6 13
2.4 1.4 8 4.8 1.6 13
Tabel B.6.5. Beda tinggi raksa, ccl4,dan tinggi unggun pada tinggi
partikel = 4 cm
Massa partikel+glas kimia +air = 297 gr
h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun
0.2 0.2 4.5 3 2.2 12 4.4 2.8 19
0.4 0.4 5 3.2 2.4 13 4 2.7 18
0.6 0.5 5.5 3.4 2.5 14 3.8 2.5 17
0.8 0.6 6.5 3.6 2.6 14.5 3.6 2.4 16
1 0.8 7 3.8 2.8 16 3.2 2.3 15
1.2 0.9 7.5 4 2.9 16.5 3 2.3 14
1.4 1 8 4.2 3 17.5 2.6 2.2 12
1.6 1.2 8 4.4 3 18.5 2.4 2 11.5
1.8 1.3 9 4.6 3 19 2 1.7 10.5
2 1.5 10 4.8 3 20 1.8 1.5 9.5
2.2 1.6 10.5 5 3 21.5 1.6 1.3 8
2.4 1.8 11 5.2 3 22 1.4 1.1 7.5
2.6 2 11.5 5.4 3 23 1 0.8 6.5
2.8 2.1 12 5 3 23 0.8 0.4 6
0.6 0.2 5
Tabel B.6.6. Beda tinggi raksa, ccl4,dan tinggi unggun pada tinggi
partikel = 5 cm
Massa partikel+glas kimia+air = 317 gr
h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun
0.2 0.2 5 3.2 2.6 14.5 5 2.9 21.5
0.4 0.4 5.5 3.4 2.7 15.5 4.8 2.8 20
0.6 0.5 6 3.6 2.9 16 4.4 2.6 18.5
0.8 0.6 6.5 3.8 3 17 4.2 2.4 17.5
1 0.9 7 4 3.2 17.5 4 2.2 17
1.2 1 7.5 4.2 3.3 18 3.6 2 16
1.4 1.1 8 4.4 3.4 18.5 3.2 1.9 14.5
1.6 1.3 9 4.6 3.5 19 3 1.8 13.5
1.8 1.5 9.5 4.8 3.5 20 2.6 1.6 12.5
2 1.7 10 5 3.5 20.5 2.4 1.4 11.5
2.2 1.8 11 5.2 3.5 21.5 2 1.2 10.5
2.4 2 11.5 5.4 3.5 22 1.8 1 9
2.6 2.2 12.5 5.6 3.5 22.5 1.4 0.9 8
2.8 2.5 13.5 5.8 3.5 23.5 1 0.6 7
3 2.5 14 5.4 3 23 0.8 0.5 6.5
0.4 0.4 6
Partikel III
Tabel B.6.7. Beda tinggi raksa, ccl4,dan tinggi unggun pada tinggi
partikel = 3 cm
Massa partikel+glas kimia +air = 230.9 gr
h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun
0.2 0.2 3.5 3 0.9 7 5.8 1.3 9.5
0.4 0.2 3.5 3.2 1 7 5.6 1.1 9
0.6 0.3 3.5 3.4 1.1 7 5.2 1.1 9
0.8 0.4 4 3.6 1.1 7.5 5 1 8.5
1 0.4 4 3.8 1.2 8 4.2 1 8
1.2 0.4 4.5 4 1.2 8 4 1 7.5
1.4 0.4 4.5 4.2 1.2 8 3.6 0.9 7.5
1.6 0.5 4.5 4.4 1.3 8 3.4 0.8 7.5
1.8 0.6 5 4.6 1.3 8.5 2.8 0.8 6.5
2 0.7 5 4.8 1.3 8.5 2.4 0.6 6.5
2.2 0.7 6 5 1.3 9 2 0.5 6
2.4 0.8 6 5.2 1.3 9 1.8 0.5 5.5
2.6 0.8 6.5 5.4 1.3 9 1.4 0.4 5
2.8 0.9 7 5.6 1.3 9 1 0.2 4.5
0.8 0.2 4
Tabel B.6.8. Beda tinggi raksa, ccl4,dan tinggi unggun pada tinggi
partikel = 4 cm
Massa partikel+glas kimia +air = 233.8
h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun
0.2 0.2 4.4 2 1.4 7 4 1.6 8.5
0.4 0.3 4.5 2.4 1.4 7 4.2 1.6 8.5
0.6 0.4 5 2.6 1.4 7 4.4 1.6 8.5
0.8 0.6 5 2.8 1.4 7.5 4.6 1.6 9
1 0.7 5.5 3 1.5 8 4 1.5 8
1.2 0.8 6 3.2 1.6 8 3.8 1.5 7.5
1.4 1 6 3.4 1.6 8 3 1.4 7
1.6 1.2 6.5 3.6 1.6 8 2.8 1.4 7
1.8 1.3 6.5 3.8 1.6 8.5 2 1.3 6
1.6 1.1 5.5
Tabel B.6.9. Beda tinggi raksa, ccl4,dan tinggi unggun pada tinggi
partikel = 5 cm
Massa partikel+glas kimia +air = 236.8 gr
h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun
0.2 1.7 5 3 3.9 8.5 5.2 4.5 10.5
0.4 2 5.5 3.2 3.9 9 5 4.5 10
0.6 2.3 5.5 3.4 3.9 9 4.6 4.3 9.5
0.8 2.7 6 3.6 3.9 9 4.4 4.2 9
1 2.7 6.5 3.8 4.1 9.5 4 4.1 8.5
1.2 3 6.5 4 4.5 9.5 3.8 4.1 8.5
1.4 3.1 6.5 4.2 4.6 9.5 3 4 8
1.6 3.1 7 4.4 4.6 10 2.6 3.8 7.5
1.8 3.2 7 4.6 4.6 10 2 3.6 7
2 3.3 7 4.8 4.6 10 1.6 3.4 6.5
2.2 3.6 7.5 5 4.6 10.5 1.2 3.1 6
2.4 3.7 7.5 5.2 4.6 10.5 1 2.9 6
2.6 3.7 8 5.4 4.6 10.5 0.8 2.5 5.5
2.8 3.9 8 5.6 4.6 10.5 0.6 2.3 5.5
Tabel C.1.Karakteristik
Fluidisasi Partikel 1
Partikel I
Tabel C.1.1.Karakteristik Partikel 1 pada
tinggi unggun = 3 cm
√∆h Raksa ∆h ccl4 L unggun Q (cm3/s) V (cm/s) Vu (cm3) ε U (cm/s) Nre ∆P Фs
0.447 0.1 4 9.024 0.490 73.708 0.652 0.319 38.380 58.389 0.150
0.632 0.1 4 12.762 0.693 73.708 0.652 0.452 54.278 58.389 0.193
0.775 0.1 4.5 15.631 0.848 82.922 0.691 0.586 70.413 58.389 0.205
0.894 0.2 5 18.049 0.979 92.136 0.722 0.707 84.942 116.778 0.139
1.000 0.2 5 20.179 1.095 92.136 0.722 0.791 94.968 116.778 0.153
1.095 0.3 5.5 22.105 1.200 101.349 0.747 0.896 107.675 175.167 0.120
1.183 0.5 6 23.876 1.296 110.563 0.768 0.995 119.582 291.945 0.088
1.265 0.6 7.5 25.525 1.385 138.203 0.815 1.128 135.552 350.334 0.072
1.342 0.7 8 27.073 1.469 147.417 0.826 1.214 145.820 408.723 0.066
1.414 0.7 9 28.537 1.549 165.844 0.845 1.309 157.301 408.723 0.065
1.483 0.8 9 29.930 1.624 165.844 0.845 1.373 164.979 467.112 0.063
1.549 0.8 8 31.261 1.696 147.417 0.826 1.402 168.379 467.112 0.070
1.612 0.9 8 32.538 1.766 147.417 0.826 1.459 175.254 525.501 0.067
1.673 1 8 33.766 1.832 147.417 0.826 1.514 181.870 583.890 0.065
1.732 1 8 34.951 1.897 147.417 0.826 1.567 188.253 583.890 0.067
1.789 1.1 8 36.097 1.959 147.417 0.826 1.618 194.427 642.279 0.065
1.844 1.2 8 37.208 2.019 147.417 0.826 1.668 200.411 700.668 0.063
1.897 1.3 8.5 38.287 2.078 156.630 0.836 1.738 208.773 759.057 0.060
1.949 1.4 8 39.336 2.135 147.417 0.826 1.764 211.872 817.446 0.060
2.000 1.4 9 40.358 2.190 165.844 0.845 1.852 222.458 817.446 0.058
2.049 1.5 10 41.355 2.244 184.271 0.861 1.932 232.117 875.835 0.054
2.145 1.6 10.5 43.279 2.349 193.485 0.868 2.038 244.787 934.224 0.053
2.191 1.6 11 44.210 2.399 202.698 0.874 2.096 251.787 934.224 0.053
2.236 1.6 11 45.122 2.449 202.698 0.874 2.139 256.979 934.224 0.054
2.280 1.6 10 46.015 2.497 184.271 0.861 2.150 258.276 934.224 0.058
2.191 1.6 10 44.210 2.399 184.271 0.861 2.066 248.144 934.224 0.055
2.098 1.6 9 42.328 2.297 165.844 0.845 1.942 233.316 934.224 0.056
2.000 1.6 8.5 40.358 2.190 156.630 0.836 1.832 220.066 934.224 0.055
1.924 1.5 8 38.815 2.106 147.417 0.826 1.740 209.066 875.835 0.057
1.871 1.4 7.5 37.751 2.049 138.203 0.815 1.669 200.485 817.446 0.060
1.844 1.4 7.5 37.208 2.019 138.203 0.815 1.645 197.600 817.446 0.059
1.761 1.2 6.5 35.529 1.928 119.776 0.786 1.516 182.074 700.668 0.068
1.732 1.2 6.5 34.951 1.897 119.776 0.786 1.491 179.113 700.668 0.067
1.643 1 6.5 33.157 1.799 119.776 0.786 1.414 169.922 583.890 0.072
1.549 0.8 6 31.261 1.696 110.563 0.768 1.303 156.570 467.112 0.083
1.414 0.6 6.5 28.537 1.549 119.776 0.786 1.217 146.245 350.334 0.087
1.225 0.5 5.5 24.714 1.341 101.349 0.747 1.002 120.385 291.945 0.096
1.140 0.5 5 23.008 1.249 92.136 0.722 0.901 108.280 291.945 0.097
1.000 0.2 4.5 20.179 1.095 82.922 0.691 0.757 90.902 116.778 0.167
0.775 0.1 4.5 15.631 0.848 82.922 0.691 0.586 70.413 58.389 0.205
0.548 0.1 4.5 11.052 0.600 82.922 0.691 0.414 49.789 58.389 0.155
0.447 0.1 4 9.024 0.490 73.708 0.652 0.319 38.380 58.389 0.150
Vol pikno = 11.139 cm3
ρ air = 0.99661 gr/cm3
Vp = 2.3473 cm3
diam partikel = 0.84 cm
luas kolom = πd
luas =18.42710963
Tabel C.1.2.Karakteristik Partikel 1 pada
tinggi unggun = 4 cm
√∆h Raksa ∆h ccl4 L unggun Q (cm3/s) V (cm/s) Vu (cm3) ε U (cm/s) Nre ∆P Фs
0.447 0.1 5 9.024 0.490 92.136 0.704 0.345 41.400 58.389 0.134
0.632 0.2 6 12.762 0.693 110.563 0.753 0.522 62.657 116.778 0.100
0.775 0.3 7 15.631 0.848 128.990 0.788 0.669 80.334 175.167 0.083
0.894 0.5 7.5 18.049 0.979 138.203 0.802 0.786 94.422 291.945 0.065
1.000 0.6 8 20.179 1.095 147.417 0.815 0.892 107.191 350.334 0.061
1.095 0.8 9 22.105 1.200 165.844 0.835 1.002 120.388 467.112 0.052
1.183 0.9 9 23.876 1.296 165.844 0.835 1.082 130.034 525.501 0.051
1.265 1.1 9.5 25.525 1.385 175.058 0.844 1.169 140.454 642.279 0.046
1.342 1.2 9.5 27.073 1.469 175.058 0.844 1.240 148.973 700.668 0.046
1.414 1.3 10 28.537 1.549 184.271 0.852 1.319 158.483 759.057 0.045
1.483 1.4 11 29.930 1.624 202.698 0.865 1.405 168.846 817.446 0.042
1.549 1.5 11 31.261 1.696 202.698 0.865 1.468 176.354 875.835 0.042
1.612 1.7 11.5 32.538 1.766 211.912 0.871 1.538 184.797 992.613 0.040
1.673 1.7 13 33.766 1.832 239.552 0.886 1.624 195.046 992.613 0.039
1.732 1.9 13.5 34.951 1.897 248.766 0.890 1.689 202.853
1 0.036
1.789 2 13.5 36.097 1.959 248.766 0.890 1.744 209.506
0 0.036
1.844 2 14 37.208 2.019 257.980 0.894 1.806 216.905
0 0.037
1.897 2.2 14 38.287 2.078 257.980 0.894 1.858 223.193
8 0.036
1.949 2.2 14.5 39.336 2.135 267.193 0.898 1.917 230.245 1284.55 0.036
2.000 2.2 14.5 40.358 2.190 267.193 0.898 1.966 236.226
8 0.037
2.049 2.2 15 41.355 2.244 276.407 0.901 2.023 242.978
8 0.037
2.098 2.2 16 42.328 2.297 294.834 0.907 2.084 250.400
8 0.037
2.145 2.2 16.5 43.279 2.349 304.047 0.910 2.138 256.819
8 0.038
2.074 2.2 16 41.844 2.271 294.834 0.907 2.061 247.538
8 0.037
2.000 2.2 15.5 40.358 2.190 285.620 0.904 1.981 237.961
8 0.036
1.949 2.2 15 39.336 2.135 276.407 0.901 1.924 231.118
8 0.035
1.817 1.8 14 36.657 1.989 257.980 0.894 1.779 213.691
2 0.039
1.732 1.7 14 34.951 1.897 257.980 0.894 1.696 203.746 992.613 0.039
1.643 1.5 13.5 33.157 1.799 248.766 0.890 1.602 192.444 875.835 0.040
1.581 1.3 13 31.906 1.731 239.552 0.886 1.534 184.301 759.057 0.044
1.449 1.2 12 29.242 1.587 221.125 0.877 1.391 167.104 700.668 0.044
1.265 0.8 11 25.525 1.385 202.698 0.865 1.199 143.993 467.112 0.052
1.183 0.6 10 23.876 1.296 184.271 0.852 1.104 132.596 350.334 0.062
1.000 0.4 10 20.179 1.095 184.271 0.852 0.933 112.064 233.556 0.069
0.894 0.4 10 18.049 0.979 184.271 0.852 0.834 100.233 233.556 0.063
0.775 0.4 9.5 15.631 0.848 175.058 0.844 0.716 86.010 233.556 0.057
Vol pikno = 11.139 cm3
ρ air = 0.99661 gr/cm3
Vp = 2.3473 cm3
diam partikel = 0.84 cm
Tabel C.1.3.Karakteristik Partikel 1 pada tinggi
unggun = 5 cm
√∆h Raksa ∆h ccl4 L unggun Q (cm3/s) V (cm/s) Vu (cm3) ε U (cm/s) Nre ∆P Фs
0.447 0.2 5.5 9.024 0.490 101.349 0.579 0.284 34.087 116.778 0.165
0.632 0.3 6 12.762 0.693 110.563 0.614 0.426 51.122 175.167 0.151
0.775 0.3 6 15.631 0.848 110.563 0.614 0.521 62.612 175.167 0.176
0.894 0.4 6.5 18.049 0.979 119.776 0.644 0.631 75.788 233.556 0.153
1.000 0.6 7 20.179 1.095 128.990 0.670 0.733 88.078 350.334 0.123
1.095 0.6 7 22.105 1.200 128.990 0.670 0.803 96.484 350.334 0.132
1.183 0.7 7.5 23.876 1.296 138.203 0.692 0.896 107.645 408.723 0.121
1.265 0.8 7.5 25.525 1.385 138.203 0.692 0.958 115.077 467.112 0.118
1.342 0.9 8 27.073 1.469 147.417 0.711 1.044 125.460 525.501 0.110
1.414 1 9 28.537 1.549 165.844 0.743 1.151 138.224 583.890 0.098
1.483 1 9.5 29.930 1.624 175.058 0.756 1.229 147.611 583.890 0.099
1.549 1.2 10 31.261 1.696 184.271 0.769 1.304 156.656 700.668 0.089
1.612 1.4 10.5 32.538 1.766 193.485 0.780 1.377 165.390 817.446 0.081
1.673 1.6 10 33.766 1.832 184.271 0.769 1.408 169.208 934.224 0.079
1.732 1.8 10.5 34.951 1.897 193.485 0.780 1.479 177.657 1051.002 0.073
1.789 2 11 36.097 1.959 202.698 0.790 1.547 185.840 1167.780 0.069
1.844 2.2 11 37.208 2.019 202.698 0.790 1.595 191.560 1284.558 0.066
1.897 2.4 11.5 38.287 2.078 211.912 0.799 1.660 199.396 1401.336 0.063
1.949 2.7 12 39.336 2.135 221.125 0.807 1.723 207.009 1576.503 0.058
2.000 3 12 40.358 2.190 221.125 0.807 1.768 212.387 1751.670 0.056
2.049 3.2 13.5 41.355 2.244 248.766 0.829 1.860 223.407 1868.448 0.051
2.098 3.2 13.5 42.328 2.297 248.766 0.829 1.903 228.664 1868.448 0.052
2.145 3.2 13 43.279 2.349 239.552 0.822 1.931 231.944 1868.448 0.054
2.191 3.4 13 44.210 2.399 239.552 0.822 1.972 236.932 1985.226 0.053
2.236 3.4 12 45.122 2.449 221.125 0.807 1.977 237.456 1985.226 0.057
2.168 3.4 11 43.747 2.374 202.698 0.790 1.875 225.223 1985.226 0.058
2.098 3.4 11 42.328 2.297 202.698 0.790 1.814 217.917 1985.226 0.057
1.949 3.4 10 39.336 2.135 184.271 0.769 1.641 197.121 1985.226 0.056
1.897 3.2 9 38.287 2.078 165.844 0.743 1.544 185.448 1868.448 0.062
1.817 3 8.5 36.657 1.989 156.630 0.728 1.448 173.939 1751.670 0.064
1.643 2.5 8 33.157 1.799 147.417 0.711 1.279 153.657 1459.725 0.069
1.483 1.8 7.5 29.930 1.624 138.203 0.692 1.123 134.940 1051.002 0.082
1.225 1.6 7 24.714 1.341 128.990 0.670 0.898 107.873 934.224 0.080
1.140 1.3 7 23.008 1.249 128.990 0.670 0.836 100.424 759.057 0.086
1.000 0.9 7 20.179 1.095 128.990 0.670 0.733 88.078 525.501 0.097
0.949 0.7 7 19.143 1.039 128.990 0.670 0.696 83.558 408.723 0.108
0.837 0.7 6.5 16.883 0.916 119.776 0.644 0.590 70.893 408.723 0.105
0.775 0.7 6.5 15.631 0.848 119.776 0.644 0.546 65.634 408.723 0.100
Partikel II
Tabel C.1.4.Karakteristik Partikel II pada tinggi
unggun = 3 cm
√∆h Raksa ∆h ccl4 L unggun Q (cm3/s) V (cm/s) Vu (cm3) ε U (cm/s) Nre ∆P Фs
0.447 0.1 3.5 9.024 0.490 64.495 0.603 0.295 22.581 58.389 0.172
0.632 0.1 3.5 12.762 0.693 64.495 0.603 0.417 31.934 58.389 0.220
0.775 0.2 4 15.631 0.848 73.708 0.652 0.553 42.335 116.778 0.150
0.894 0.3 5 18.049 0.979 92.136 0.722 0.707 54.096 175.167 0.109
1.000 0.4 5 20.179 1.095 92.136 0.722 0.790 60.481 233.556 0.100
1.095 0.6 5.5 22.105 1.200 101.349 0.747 0.896 68.575 350.334 0.078
1.183 0.8 5.8 23.876 1.296 106.877 0.760 0.985 75.366 467.112 0.068
1.265 0.9 6 25.525 1.385 110.563 0.768 1.064 81.417 525.501 0.065
1.342 1 6.5 27.073 1.469 119.776 0.786 1.155 88.360 583.890 0.060
1.414 1.2 7 28.537 1.549 128.990 0.801 1.241 94.951 700.668 0.054
1.483 1.4 7.5 29.930 1.624 138.203 0.815 1.323 101.232 817.446 0.049
1.549 1.4 8 31.261 1.696 147.417 0.826 1.402 107.237 817.446 0.049
1.612 1.5 8 32.538 1.766 147.417 0.826 1.459 111.616 875.835 0.048
1.673 1.5 9.5 33.766 1.832 175.058 0.854 1.564 119.678 875.835 0.046
1.732 1.5 10 34.951 1.897 184.271 0.861 1.633 124.941 875.835 0.046
1.789 1.5 10.5 36.097 1.959 193.485 0.868 1.699 130.031 875.835 0.046
1.844 1.6 11 37.208 2.019 202.698 0.874 1.764 134.963 934.224 0.044
1.897 1.6 12 38.287 2.078 221.125 0.884 1.837 140.551 934.224 0.044
1.949 1.6 12 39.336 2.135 221.125 0.884 1.887 144.403 934.224 0.045
2.000 1.6 12.5 40.358 2.190 230.339 0.889 1.946 148.931 934.224 0.046
2.049 1.6 13 41.355 2.244 239.552 0.893 2.004 153.344 934.224 0.046
2.098 1.6 13 42.328 2.297 239.552 0.893 2.051 156.952 934.224 0.047
2.145 1.6 13 43.279 2.349 239.552 0.893 2.097 160.480 934.224 0.048
2.191 1.6 13 44.210 2.399 239.552 0.893 2.142 163.931 934.224 0.049
2.236 1.6 15 45.122 2.449 276.407 0.907 2.222 169.984 934.224 0.048
2.145 1.4 15 43.279 2.349 276.407 0.907 2.131 163.043 817.446 0.050
2.000 1.3 14 40.358 2.190 257.980 0.901 1.973 150.929 759.057 0.050
1.897 1 12.5 38.287 2.078 230.339 0.889 1.847 141.288 583.890 0.060
1.844 0.9 11.5 37.208 2.019 211.912 0.879 1.775 135.813 525.501 0.064
1.732 0.7 10 34.951 1.897 184.271 0.861 1.633 124.941 408.723 0.076
1.549 0.6 8 31.261 1.696 147.417 0.826 1.402 107.237 350.334 0.084
1.414 0.5 6.5 28.537 1.549 119.776 0.786 1.217 93.140 291.945 0.098
1.183 0.5 5.5 23.876 1.296 101.349 0.747 0.968 74.069 291.945 0.093
1.000 0.4 4.5 20.179 1.095 82.922 0.691 0.757 57.892 233.556 0.109
Vol pikno = 11.139 cm3
ρ air = 0.99661 gr/cm3
Vp = 2.3473 cm3
diam partikel = 0.535 cm
Tabel C.1.5.Karakteristik Partikel II pada tinggi unggun = 4 cm
∆h ccl4 L unggun Q (cm3/s) V (cm/s) Vu (cm3) ε U (cm/s) Nre ∆P Фs
0.447 0.2 4.5 9.024 0.490 82.922 0.579 0.283 21.679 116.778 0.149
0.632 0.4 5 12.762 0.693 92.136 0.621 0.430 32.892 233.556 0.113
0.775 0.5 5.5 15.631 0.848 101.349 0.655 0.556 42.522 291.945 0.104
0.894 0.6 6.5 18.049 0.979 119.776 0.708 0.694 53.076 350.334 0.090
1.000 0.8 7 20.179 1.095 128.990 0.729 0.798 61.087 467.112 0.078
1.095 0.9 7.5 22.105 1.200 138.203 0.747 0.896 68.575 525.501 0.074
1.183 1 8 23.876 1.296 147.417 0.763 0.989 75.637 583.890 0.071
1.265 1.2 8 25.525 1.385 147.417 0.763 1.057 80.859 700.668 0.067
1.342 1.3 9 27.073 1.469 165.844 0.789 1.160 88.725 759.057 0.062
1.414 1.5 10 28.537 1.549 184.271 0.810 1.255 96.021 875.835 0.055
1.483 1.6 10.5 29.930 1.624 193.485 0.819 1.331 101.831 934.224 0.054
1.549 1.8 11 31.261 1.696 202.698 0.828 1.404 107.424 1051.002 0.050
1.612 2 11.5 32.538 1.766 211.912 0.835 1.475 112.823 1167.780 0.048
1.673 2.1 12 33.766 1.832 221.125 0.842 1.543 118.046 1226.169 0.047
1.732 2.2 12 34.951 1.897 221.125 0.842 1.597 122.189 1284.558 0.047
1.789 2.4 13 36.097 1.959 239.552 0.854 1.673 128.019 1401.336 0.044
1.844 2.5 14 37.208 2.019 257.980 0.865 1.746 133.568 1459.725 0.042
1.897 2.6 14.5 38.287 2.078 267.193 0.869 1.806 138.183 1518.114 0.041
1.949 2.8 16 39.336 2.135 294.834 0.881 1.882 143.973 1634.892 0.039
2.000 2.9 16.5 40.358 2.190 304.047 0.885 1.938 148.315 1693.281 0.038
2.049 3 17.5 41.355 2.244 322.474 0.892 2.001 153.105 1751.670 0.037
2.098 3 18.5 42.328 2.297 340.902 0.897 2.062 157.738 1751.670 0.037
2.145 3 19 43.279 2.349 350.115 0.900 2.114 161.768 1751.670 0.038
2.191 3 20 44.210 2.399 368.542 0.905 2.172 166.163 1751.670 0.038
2.236 3 21.5 45.122 2.449 396.183 0.912 2.233 170.829 1751.670 0.037
2.280 3 22 46.015 2.497 405.396 0.914 2.282 174.595 1751.670 0.038
2.324 3 23 46.892 2.545 423.824 0.918 2.335 178.651 1751.670 0.038
2.236 3 23 45.122 2.449 423.824 0.918 2.247 171.907 1751.670 0.036
2.098 2.8 19 42.328 2.297 350.115 0.900 2.068 158.212 1634.892 0.039
2.000 2.7 18 40.358 2.190 331.688 0.895 1.959 149.920 1576.503 0.038
1.949 2.5 17 39.336 2.135 313.261 0.888 1.897 145.112 1459.725 0.040
1.897 2.4 16 38.287 2.078 294.834 0.881 1.831 140.133 1401.336 0.042
1.789 2.3 15 36.097 1.959 276.407 0.874 1.711 130.934 1342.947 0.042
1.732 2.3 14 34.951 1.897 257.980 0.865 1.640 125.466 1342.947 0.042
1.612 2.2 12 32.538 1.766 221.125 0.842 1.487 113.752 1284.558 0.044
1.549 2 11.5 31.261 1.696 211.912 0.835 1.417 108.397 1167.780 0.046
1.414 1.7 10.5 28.537 1.549 193.485 0.819 1.269 97.092 992.613 0.050
1.342 1.5 9.5 27.073 1.469 175.058 0.800 1.176 89.972 875.835 0.055
1.265 1.3 8 25.525 1.385 147.417 0.763 1.057 80.859 759.057 0.064
1.183 1.1 7.5 23.876 1.296 138.203 0.747 0.968 74.070 642.279 0.070
1.000 0.8 6.5 20.179 1.095 119.776 0.708 0.776 59.341 467.112 0.083
0.894 0.4 6 18.049 0.979 110.563 0.684 0.670 51.254 233.556 0.122
0.775 0.2 5 15.631 0.848 92.136 0.621 0.526 40.284 116.778 0.196
Vol pikno = 11.139 cm3
ρ air = 0.99661 gr/cm3
Vp = 2.3473
diam partikel = 0.535 cm
Tabel C.1.6.Karakteristik Partikel II pada tinggi unggun = 5 cm
√∆h Raksa ∆h ccl4 L unggun Q (cm3/s) V (cm/s) Vu (cm3) ε U
Nre ∆P Фs
0.447 0.2 5 9.024 0.490 92.136 0.520 0.254 19.468 116.778 0.200
0.632 0.4 5.5 12.762 0.693 101.349 0.563 0.390 29.846 233.556 0.151
0.775 0.5 6 15.631 0.848 110.563 0.600 0.509 38.916 291.945 0.139
0.894 0.6 6.5 18.049 0.979 119.776 0.630 0.617 47.245 350.334 0.128
1.000 0.9 7 20.179 1.095 128.990 0.657 0.719 55.033 525.501 0.102
1.095 1 7.5 22.105 1.200 138.203 0.680 0.815 62.386 583.890 0.097
1.183 1.1 8 23.876 1.296 147.417 0.700 0.907 69.369 642.279 0.092
1.265 1.3 9 25.525 1.385 165.844 0.733 1.015 77.695 759.057 0.080
1.342 1.5 9.5 27.073 1.469 175.058 0.747 1.098 83.987 875.835 0.074
1.414 1.7 10 28.537 1.549 184.271 0.760 1.177 90.028 992.613 0.069
1.483 1.8 11 29.930 1.624 202.698 0.782 1.270 97.137 1051.002 0.065
1.549 2 11.5 31.261 1.696 211.912 0.791 1.342 102.688 1167.780 0.061
1.612 2.2 12.5 32.538 1.766 230.339 0.808 1.426 109.139 1284.558 0.057
1.673 2.5 13.5 33.766 1.832 248.766 0.822 1.506 115.255 1459.725 0.052
1.732 2.5 14 34.951 1.897 257.980 0.828 1.571 120.223 1459.725 0.052
1.789 2.6 14.5 36.097 1.959 267.193 0.834 1.634 125.052 1518.114 0.052
1.844 2.7 15.5 37.208 2.019 285.620 0.845 1.706 130.553 1576.503 0.050
1.897 2.9 16 38.287 2.078 294.834 0.850 1.766 135.107 1693.281 0.048
1.949 3 17 39.336 2.135 313.261 0.859 1.833 140.252 1751.670 0.047
2.000 3.2 17.5 40.358 2.190 322.474 0.863 1.889 144.572 1868.448 0.046
2.049 3.3 18 41.355 2.244 331.688 0.867 1.945 148.797 1926.837 0.045
2.098 3.4 18.5 42.328 2.297 340.902 0.870 1.999 152.933 1985.226 0.045
2.145 3.5 19 43.279 2.349 350.115 0.874 2.052 156.984 2043.615 0.044
2.191 3.5 20 44.210 2.399 368.542 0.880 2.111 161.521 2043.615 0.044
2.236 3.5 20.5 45.122 2.449 377.756 0.883 2.162 165.401 2043.615 0.045
2.280 3.5 21.5 46.015 2.497 396.183 0.888 2.218 169.718 2043.615 0.045
2.324 3.5 22 46.892 2.545 405.396 0.891 2.267 173.445 2043.615 0.045
2.366 3.5 22.5 47.752 2.591 414.610 0.893 2.315 177.109 2043.615 0.046
2.408 3.5 23.5 48.597 2.637 433.037 0.898 2.368 181.161 2043.615 0.046
2.324 3 23 46.892 2.545 423.824 0.896 2.279 174.370 1751.670 0.049
2.236 2.9 21.5 45.122 2.449 396.183 0.888 2.175 166.422 1693.281 0.050
2.191 2.8 20 44.210 2.399 368.542 0.880 2.111 161.521 1634.892 0.051
2.098 2.6 18.5 42.328 2.297 340.902 0.870 1.999 152.933 1518.114 0.054
2.049 2.4 17.5 41.355 2.244 322.474 0.863 1.936 148.143 1401.336 0.057
2.000 2.2 17 40.358 2.190 313.261 0.859 1.881 143.896 1284.558 0.059
1.897 2 16 38.287 2.078 294.834 0.850 1.766 135.107 1167.780 0.062
1.789 1.9 14.5 36.097 1.959 267.193 0.834 1.634 125.052 1109.391 0.063
1.732 1.8 13.5 34.951 1.897 248.766 0.822 1.559 119.300 1051.002 0.066
1.612 1.6 12.5 32.538 1.766 230.339 0.808 1.426 109.139 934.224 0.070
1.549 1.4 11.5 31.261 1.696 211.912 0.791 1.342 102.688 817.446 0.077
1.414 1.2 10.5 28.537 1.549 193.485 0.771 1.194 91.384 700.668 0.083
1.342 1 9 27.073 1.469 165.844 0.733 1.077 82.408 583.890 0.099
1.183 0.9 8 23.876 1.296 147.417 0.700 0.907 69.369 525.501 0.104
1.000 0.6 7 20.179 1.095 128.990 0.657 0.719 55.033 350.334 0.130
0.894 0.5 6.5 18.049 0.979 119.776 0.630 0.617 47.245 291.945 0.143
0.632 0.4 6 12.762 0.693 110.563 0.600 0.415 31.775 233.556 0.137
Partikel III
Tabel C.1.7.Karakteristik Partikel III pada tinggi
unggun = 3 cm
√∆h Raksa ∆h ccl4 L unggun Q (cm3/s) V (cm/s) Vu (cm3) ε U (cm/s) Nre ∆P Фs
0.447 0.2 3.5 9.024 0.490 64.495 0.640 0.313 37.629 116.778 0.100
0.632 0.2 3.5 12.762 0.693 64.495 0.640 0.443 53.216 116.778 0.126
0.775 0.3 3.5 15.631 0.848 64.495 0.640 0.543 65.175 175.167 0.116
0.894 0.4 4 18.049 0.979 73.708 0.685 0.671 80.559 233.556 0.096
1.000 0.4 4 20.179 1.095 73.708 0.685 0.750 90.068 233.556 0.105
1.095 0.4 4.5 22.105 1.200 82.922 0.720 0.863 103.714 233.556 0.102
1.183 0.4 4.5 23.876 1.296 82.922 0.720 0.932 112.024 233.556 0.109
1.265 0.5 4.5 25.525 1.385 82.922 0.720 0.997 119.759 291.945 0.101
1.342 0.6 5 27.073 1.469 92.136 0.748 1.099 131.971 350.334 0.087
1.414 0.7 5 28.537 1.549 92.136 0.748 1.158 139.110 408.723 0.083
1.483 0.7 6 29.930 1.624 110.563 0.790 1.283 154.104 408.723 0.077
1.549 0.8 6 31.261 1.696 110.563 0.790 1.340 160.957 467.112 0.073
1.612 0.8 6.5 32.538 1.766 119.776 0.806 1.423 170.960 467.112 0.072
1.673 0.9 7 33.766 1.832 128.990 0.820 1.502 180.465 525.501 0.067
1.732 0.9 7 34.951 1.897 128.990 0.820 1.555 186.799 525.501 0.069
1.789 1 7 36.097 1.959 128.990 0.820 1.606 192.925 583.890 0.066
1.844 1.1 7 37.208 2.019 128.990 0.820 1.655 198.863 642.279 0.064
1.897 1.1 7.5 38.287 2.078 138.203 0.832 1.728 207.627 642.279 0.064
1.949 1.2 8 39.336 2.135 147.417 0.842 1.798 216.012 700.668 0.060
2.000 1.2 8 40.358 2.190 147.417 0.842 1.845 221.623 700.668 0.061
2.049 1.2 8 41.355 2.244 147.417 0.842 1.890 227.096 700.668 0.063
2.098 1.3 8 42.328 2.297 147.417 0.842 1.935 232.441 759.057 0.061
2.145 1.3 8.5 43.279 2.349 156.630 0.852 2.000 240.282 759.057 0.060
2.191 1.3 8.5 44.210 2.399 156.630 0.852 2.043 245.450 759.057 0.062
2.236 1.3 9 45.122 2.449 165.844 0.860 2.105 252.936 759.057 0.061
2.280 1.3 9 46.015 2.497 165.844 0.860 2.147 257.946 759.057 0.063
2.324 1.3 9 46.892 2.545 165.844 0.860 2.188 262.859 759.057 0.064
2.366 1.3 9 47.752 2.591 165.844 0.860 2.228 267.683 759.057 0.065
2.408 1.3 9.5 48.597 2.637 175.058 0.867 2.287 274.758 759.057 0.065
2.366 1.1 9 47.752 2.591 165.844 0.860 2.228 267.683 642.279 0.074
2.280 1.1 9 46.015 2.497 165.844 0.860 2.147 257.946 642.279 0.071
2.236 1 8.5 45.122 2.449 156.630 0.852 2.085 250.511 583.890 0.076
2.049 1 8 41.355 2.244 147.417 0.842 1.890 227.096 583.890 0.071
2.000 1 7.5 40.358 2.190 138.203 0.832 1.822 218.858 583.890 0.072
1.897 0.9 7.5 38.287 2.078 138.203 0.832 1.728 207.627 525.501 0.073
1.844 0.8 7.5 37.208 2.019 138.203 0.832 1.680 201.777 467.112 0.076
1.673 0.8 6.5 33.766 1.832 119.776 0.806 1.477 177.413 467.112 0.075
1.549 0.6 6.5 31.261 1.696 119.776 0.806 1.367 164.253 350.334 0.084
1.414 0.5 6 28.537 1.549 110.563 0.790 1.223 146.933 291.945 0.091
1.342 0.5 5.5 27.073 1.469 101.349 0.771 1.132 136.019 291.945 0.092
1.183 0.4 5 23.876 1.296 92.136 0.748 0.969 116.388 233.556 0.101
1.000 0.2 4.5 20.179 1.095 82.922 0.720 0.788 94.678 116.778 0.145
0.894 0.2 4 18.049 0.979 73.708 0.685 0.671 80.559 116.778 0.145
Tabel C.18.Karakteristik Partikel III pada
tinggi unggun = 4 cm
Raksa ∆h ccl4 L unggunQ (cm3/s)V (cm/s) Vu (cm3) ε
(cm/s) Nre ∆P Фs
0.447 0.2 4.4 9.024 0.490 81.079 0.618 0.303 36.344 116.778 0.125
0.632 0.3 4.5 12.762 0.693 82.922 0.626 0.434 52.104 175.167 0.122
0.775 0.4 5 15.631 0.848 92.136 0.664 0.563 67.623 233.556 0.108
0.894 0.6 5 18.049 0.979 92.136 0.664 0.650 78.085 350.334 0.095
1.000 0.7 5.5 20.179 1.095 101.349 0.694 0.760 91.324 408.723 0.087
1.095 0.8 6 22.105 1.200 110.563 0.720 0.863 103.713 467.112 0.080
1.183 1 6 23.876 1.296 110.563 0.720 0.932 112.023 583.890 0.074
1.265 1.2 6.5 25.525 1.385 119.776 0.741 1.027 123.346 700.668 0.066
1.342 1.3 6.5 27.073 1.469 119.776 0.741 1.089 130.828 759.057 0.066
1.414 1.4 7 28.537 1.549 128.990 0.760 1.177 141.344 817.446 0.063
1.549 1.4 7 31.261 1.696 128.990 0.760 1.289 154.835 817.446 0.067
1.612 1.4 7 32.538 1.766 128.990 0.760 1.341 161.157 817.446 0.070
1.673 1.4 7.5 33.766 1.832 138.203 0.776 1.421 170.767 817.446 0.069
1.732 1.5 8 34.951 1.897 147.417 0.790 1.498 179.954 875.835 0.065
1.789 1.6 8 36.097 1.959 147.417 0.790 1.547 185.856 934.224 0.065
1.844 1.6 8 37.208 2.019 147.417 0.790 1.595 191.576 934.224 0.066
1.897 1.6 8 38.287 2.078 147.417 0.790 1.641 197.130 934.224 0.068
1.949 1.6 8.5 39.336 2.135 156.630 0.802 1.712 205.703 934.224 0.068
2.000 1.6 8.5 40.358 2.190 156.630 0.802 1.757 211.047 934.224 0.069
2.049 1.6 8.5 41.355 2.244 156.630 0.802 1.800 216.259 934.224 0.071
2.098 1.6 8.5 42.328 2.297 156.630 0.802 1.843 221.348 934.224 0.073
2.145 1.6 9 43.279 2.349 165.844 0.813 1.910 229.425 934.224 0.072
2.000 1.5 8 40.358 2.190 147.417 0.790 1.730 207.793 875.835 0.075
1.949 1.5 7.5 39.336 2.135 138.203 0.776 1.656 198.937 875.835 0.076
1.732 1.4 7 34.951 1.897 128.990 0.760 1.441 173.110 817.446 0.074
1.673 1.4 7 33.766 1.832 128.990 0.760 1.392 167.240 817.446 0.072
1.414 1.3 6 28.537 1.549 110.563 0.720 1.115 133.893 759.057 0.073
1.265 1.1 5.5 25.525 1.385 101.349 0.694 0.962 115.517 642.279 0.080
Tabel C.1.9.Karakteristik Partikel III pada tinggi
unggun = 5 cm
√∆h Raksa ∆h ccl4 L unggun Q (cm3/s) V (cm/s) Vu (cm3) ε U (cm/s) Nre ∆P Фs
0.447 1.7 5 9.024 0.490 92.136 0.580 0.284 34.095 992.613 0.050
0.632 2 5.5 12.762 0.693 101.349 0.618 0.428 51.398 1167.780 0.050
0.775 2.3 5.5 15.631 0.848 101.349 0.618 0.524 62.949 1342.947 0.053
0.894 2.7 6 18.049 0.979 110.563 0.650 0.636 76.435 1576.503 0.048
1.000 2.7 6.5 20.179 1.095 119.776 0.677 0.741 89.003 1576.503 0.048
1.095 3 6.5 22.105 1.200 119.776 0.677 0.812 97.498 1751.670 0.048
1.183 3.1 6.5 23.876 1.296 119.776 0.677 0.877 105.310 1810.059 0.050
1.265 3.1 7 25.525 1.385 128.990 0.700 0.969 116.426 1810.059 0.049
1.342 3.2 7 27.073 1.469 128.990 0.700 1.028 123.488 1868.448 0.050
1.414 3.3 7 28.537 1.549 128.990 0.700 1.084 130.168 1926.837 0.051
1.483 3.6 7.5 29.930 1.624 138.203 0.720 1.169 140.429 2102.004 0.048
1.549 3.7 7.5 31.261 1.696 138.203 0.720 1.221 146.673 2160.393 0.048
1.612 3.7 8 32.538 1.766 147.417 0.737 1.302 156.379 2160.393 0.047
1.673 3.9 8 33.766 1.832 147.417 0.737 1.351 162.282 2277.171 0.047
1.732 3.9 8.5 34.951 1.897 156.630 0.753 1.428 171.500 2277.171 0.046
1.789 3.9 9 36.097 1.959 165.844 0.766 1.501 180.358 2277.171 0.046
1.844 3.9 9 37.208 2.019 165.844 0.766 1.548 185.909 2277.171 0.047
1.897 3.9 9 38.287 2.078 165.844 0.766 1.592 191.299 2277.171 0.048
1.949 4.1 9.5 39.336 2.135 175.058 0.779 1.662 199.694 2393.949 0.046
2.000 4.5 9.5 40.358 2.190 175.058 0.779 1.705 204.882 2627.505 0.044
2.049 4.6 9.5 41.355 2.244 175.058 0.779 1.748 209.941 2685.894 0.045
2.098 4.6 10 42.328 2.297 184.271 0.790 1.814 217.935 2685.894 0.044
2.145 4.6 10 43.279 2.349 184.271 0.790 1.855 222.833 2685.894 0.045
2.191 4.6 10 44.210 2.399 184.271 0.790 1.895 227.626 2685.894 0.046
2.236 4.6 10.5 45.122 2.449 193.485 0.800 1.958 235.265 2685.894 0.045
2.280 4.6 10.5 46.015 2.497 193.485 0.800 1.997 239.924 2685.894 0.046
2.324 4.6 10.5 46.892 2.545 193.485 0.800 2.035 244.495 2685.894 0.047
2.366 4.6 10.5 47.752 2.591 193.485 0.800 2.073 248.981 2685.894 0.048
2.280 4.5 10.5 46.015 2.497 193.485 0.800 1.997 239.924 2627.505 0.047
2.236 4.5 10 45.122 2.449 184.271 0.790 1.934 232.320 2627.505 0.047
2.145 4.3 9.5 43.279 2.349 175.058 0.779 1.829 219.711 2510.727 0.048
2.098 4.2 9 42.328 2.297 165.844 0.766 1.760 211.489 2452.338 0.050
2.000 4.1 8.5 40.358 2.190 156.630 0.753 1.648 198.031 2393.949 0.051
1.949 4.1 8.5 39.336 2.135 156.630 0.753 1.607 193.017 2393.949 0.050
1.732 4 8 34.951 1.897 147.417 0.737 1.398 167.978 2335.560 0.048
1.612 3.8 7.5 32.538 1.766 138.203 0.720 1.271 152.662 2218.782 0.049
1.414 3.6 7 28.537 1.549 128.990 0.700 1.084 130.168 2102.004 0.049
1.265 3.4 6.5 25.525 1.385 119.776 0.677 0.937 112.581 1985.226 0.050
1.095 3.1 6 22.105 1.200 110.563 0.650 0.779 93.614 1810.059 0.051
1.000 2.9 6 20.179 1.095 110.563 0.650 0.711 85.457 1693.281 0.050
0.894 2.5 5.5 18.049 0.979 101.349 0.618 0.605 72.687 1459.725 0.055
0.775 2.3 5.5 15.631 0.848 101.349 0.618 0.524 62.949 1342.947 0.053

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Fluidisasi Cair

  • 1. BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang Perilaku fluida merupakan hal yang penting dalam teknik proses pada umumnya dan merupakan salah satu dasar yang diperlukan untuk mempelajari satuan-satuan proses. Proses-proses di industri kimia acap kali memerlukan pengaliran fluida melalui pipa, kondulit (saluran), dan peralatan proses. Para sarjana kimia biasanya berhadapan dengan masalah aliran didalam pipa tertutup yang penuh dengan fluida bergerak. Tetapi mereka juga sering menemukan masalah dimana fluida yang mengalir dalam pipa tidak terisi penuh. Istilah fluidisasi (fluidization) biasa digunakan untuk memeriksa keadaan partikel yang seluruhnya dalam keadaan melayang (suspensi), karena suspensi ini berperilaku seakan-akan fluida rapat. Akan tetapi dalam berbagai masalah, yang menjadi persoalan adalah pengaruh fluida itu pada benda padat yang berada didalam alirannya. Fluida itu bisa diam dan benda padat bergerak didalamnya, tetapi bisa pula benda padat itu diam sedang fluida mengalir melewatinya, atau bisa pila kedua-duanya bergerak. 1.2 Tujuan  Menentukan harga Umf secara grafik dan secara perhitungan.  Menentukan derajat kebolaan partikel unggun.
  • 2. 1.3 Ruang Lingkup  Dalam percobaan ini akan digunakan fluida cair, zat cair merupakan fluida yang tak mampu mampat yaitu hanya sedikit berpengaruh pada perubahan suhu dan tekanan.  Pengkajian hubungan antara pressur drop dan kecepatan. Dalam kasus di percobaan ini hubungan tersebut diberikan oleh persamaan ergun untuk aliran transisi.
  • 3. LAMPIRAN A DATA LITERATUR A.1. Densitas ρ aquadest (27 C) = 0.996513 gr/cm3 ρ CCl4 = 1.5805 gr/cm3 A.2. Viskositas μ aquadest (27 C) = 0.00852 gr/cm s
  • 4. LAMPIRAN B DATA PENGAMATAN Tabel B.1. Data Ruang Hari 1 Hari 2 Keadaan Suhu ( C) Tekanan (mmHg) Suhu ( C) Tekanan (mmHg) Awal 27 699 27 699 Akhir 28 699 28 699 Tabel B.2. Penentuan densitas air kran Parameter m1 (gr) m2 (gr) m3 (gr) Pikno kosong 12.1244 12.1255 12.1248 Pikno kos + Air kran 23.2252 23.2263 23.2247 Pikno kos +Aquadest 23.224 23.2259 23.2245 Tabel B.3. Penentuan viskositas air kran Parameter t1 (s) t2 (s) t3 (s) Air kran 164 165 165 Aquadest 136 133 135 Tabel B.4 Kalibrasi Orificemeter ∆h (cmHg) t1 (s) V1 (ml) t2 (s) V2 (ml) t3 (s) V3 (ml) 1 27 500 27 500 28 500 2 19 500 18 500 18 500 3 15 500 15 500 14 500 4 11 500 12 500 12 500 Tabel.B5. Penentuan diameter partikel
  • 5. Parameter Diameter (cm) Manik hijau (Partikel II) 0.535 Manik pink (Partikel I) 0.84 Kolom 4.845 Tabel B.6. Data Percobaan Partikel I Tabel B.6.1. Beda tinggi raksa, ccl4,dan tinggi unggun pada tinggi partikel = 3 cm Massa partikel+glas kimia+air =266 gr h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun 0.2 0.1 4 3 1 8 3.7 1.5 8 0.4 0.1 4 3.2 1.1 8 3.5 1.4 7.5 0.6 0.1 4.5 3.4 1.2 8 3.4 1.4 7.5 0.8 0.2 5 3.6 1.3 8.5 3.1 1.2 6.5 1 0.2 5 3.8 1.4 8 3 1.2 6.5 1.2 0.3 5.5 4 1.4 9 2.7 1 6.5 1.4 0.5 6 4.2 1.5 10 2.4 0.8 6 1.6 0.6 7.5 4.6 1.6 10.5 2 0.6 6.5 1.8 0.7 8 4.8 1.6 11 1.5 0.5 5.5 2 0.7 9 5 1.6 11 1.3 0.5 5 2.2 0.8 9 5.2 1.6 10 1 0.2 4.5 2.4 0.8 8 4.8 1.6 10 0.6 0.1 4.5 2.6 0.9 8 4.4 1.6 9 0.3 0.1 4.5 2.8 1 8 4 1.6 8.5 0.2 0.1 4 Tabel B.6.2. Beda tinggi raksa, ccl4,dan tinggi unggun pada tinggi
  • 6. partikel = 4 cm Massa partikel+glas kimia+air =280.6 gr h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun 0.2 0.1 5 3 1.9 13.5 2.7 1.5 13.5 0.4 0.2 6 3.2 2 13.5 2.5 1.3 13 0.6 0.3 7 3.4 2 14 2.1 1.2 12 0.8 0.5 7.5 3.6 2 14 1.6 0.8 11 1 0.6 8 3.8 2 14.5 1.4 0.6 10 1.2 0.8 9 4 2 14.5 1 0.4 10 1.4 0.9 9 4.2 2.2 15 0.8 0.4 10 1.6 1.1 9.5 4.4 2.2 16 0.6 0.4 9.5 1.8 1.2 9.5 4.6 2.2 16.5 2 1.3 10 4.3 2.2 16 2.2 1.4 11 4 2.2 15.5 2.4 1.5 11 3.8 2.2 15 2.6 1.7 11.5 3.3 1.8 14 2.8 1.7 13 3 1.7 14 Tabel B.6.3. Beda tinggi raksa, ccl4,dan tinggi unggun pada tinggi partikel = 5 cm Massa partikel+glas kimia +air = 295.2 gr h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun 0.2 0.2 5.5 2.8 1.6 10 4.4 3.4 11 0.4 0.3 6 3 1.8 10.5 3.8 3.4 10 0.6 0.3 6 3.2 2 11 3.6 3.2 9 0.8 0.4 6.5 3.4 2.2 11 3.3 3 8.5 1 0.6 7 3.6 2.4 11.5 2.7 2.5 8 1.2 0.6 7 3.8 2.7 12 2.2 1.8 7.5 1.4 0.7 7.5 4 3 12 1.5 1.6 7 1.6 0.8 7.5 4.2 0.2 13.5 1.3 1.3 7 1.8 0.9 8 4.4 3.2 13.5 1 0.9 7 2 1 9 4.6 3.2 13 0.9 0.7 7 2.2 1 9.5 4.8 3.4 13 0.7 0.7 6.5 2.4 1.2 10 5 3.4 12 0.6 0.7 6.5 2.6 1.4 10.5 4.7 3.4 11
  • 7. Partikel II Tabel B.6.4. Beda tinggi raksa, ccl4,dan tinggi unggun pada tinggi partikel = 3 cm Massa partikel+glas kimia +air = 277 gr h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun 0.2 0.1 3.5 2.6 1.5 8 5 1.6 15 0.4 0.1 3.5 2.8 1.5 9.5 4.6 1.4 15 0.6 0.2 4 3 1.5 10 4 1.3 14 0.8 0.3 5 3.2 1.5 10.5 3.6 1 12.5 1 0.4 5 3.4 1.6 11 3.4 0.9 11.5 1.2 0.6 5.5 3.6 1.6 12 3 0.7 10 1.4 0.8 5.8 3.8 1.6 12 2.4 0.6 8 1.6 0.9 6 4 1.6 12.5 2 0.5 6.5 1.8 1 6.5 4.2 1.6 13 1.4 0.5 5.5 2 1.2 7 4.4 1.6 13 1 0.4 4.5 2.2 1.4 7.5 4.6 1.6 13 2.4 1.4 8 4.8 1.6 13 Tabel B.6.5. Beda tinggi raksa, ccl4,dan tinggi unggun pada tinggi partikel = 4 cm Massa partikel+glas kimia +air = 297 gr h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun 0.2 0.2 4.5 3 2.2 12 4.4 2.8 19 0.4 0.4 5 3.2 2.4 13 4 2.7 18 0.6 0.5 5.5 3.4 2.5 14 3.8 2.5 17 0.8 0.6 6.5 3.6 2.6 14.5 3.6 2.4 16 1 0.8 7 3.8 2.8 16 3.2 2.3 15 1.2 0.9 7.5 4 2.9 16.5 3 2.3 14 1.4 1 8 4.2 3 17.5 2.6 2.2 12 1.6 1.2 8 4.4 3 18.5 2.4 2 11.5 1.8 1.3 9 4.6 3 19 2 1.7 10.5 2 1.5 10 4.8 3 20 1.8 1.5 9.5 2.2 1.6 10.5 5 3 21.5 1.6 1.3 8 2.4 1.8 11 5.2 3 22 1.4 1.1 7.5 2.6 2 11.5 5.4 3 23 1 0.8 6.5 2.8 2.1 12 5 3 23 0.8 0.4 6 0.6 0.2 5 Tabel B.6.6. Beda tinggi raksa, ccl4,dan tinggi unggun pada tinggi
  • 8. partikel = 5 cm Massa partikel+glas kimia+air = 317 gr h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun 0.2 0.2 5 3.2 2.6 14.5 5 2.9 21.5 0.4 0.4 5.5 3.4 2.7 15.5 4.8 2.8 20 0.6 0.5 6 3.6 2.9 16 4.4 2.6 18.5 0.8 0.6 6.5 3.8 3 17 4.2 2.4 17.5 1 0.9 7 4 3.2 17.5 4 2.2 17 1.2 1 7.5 4.2 3.3 18 3.6 2 16 1.4 1.1 8 4.4 3.4 18.5 3.2 1.9 14.5 1.6 1.3 9 4.6 3.5 19 3 1.8 13.5 1.8 1.5 9.5 4.8 3.5 20 2.6 1.6 12.5 2 1.7 10 5 3.5 20.5 2.4 1.4 11.5 2.2 1.8 11 5.2 3.5 21.5 2 1.2 10.5 2.4 2 11.5 5.4 3.5 22 1.8 1 9 2.6 2.2 12.5 5.6 3.5 22.5 1.4 0.9 8 2.8 2.5 13.5 5.8 3.5 23.5 1 0.6 7 3 2.5 14 5.4 3 23 0.8 0.5 6.5 0.4 0.4 6 Partikel III Tabel B.6.7. Beda tinggi raksa, ccl4,dan tinggi unggun pada tinggi partikel = 3 cm Massa partikel+glas kimia +air = 230.9 gr h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun 0.2 0.2 3.5 3 0.9 7 5.8 1.3 9.5 0.4 0.2 3.5 3.2 1 7 5.6 1.1 9 0.6 0.3 3.5 3.4 1.1 7 5.2 1.1 9 0.8 0.4 4 3.6 1.1 7.5 5 1 8.5 1 0.4 4 3.8 1.2 8 4.2 1 8 1.2 0.4 4.5 4 1.2 8 4 1 7.5 1.4 0.4 4.5 4.2 1.2 8 3.6 0.9 7.5 1.6 0.5 4.5 4.4 1.3 8 3.4 0.8 7.5 1.8 0.6 5 4.6 1.3 8.5 2.8 0.8 6.5 2 0.7 5 4.8 1.3 8.5 2.4 0.6 6.5 2.2 0.7 6 5 1.3 9 2 0.5 6 2.4 0.8 6 5.2 1.3 9 1.8 0.5 5.5 2.6 0.8 6.5 5.4 1.3 9 1.4 0.4 5 2.8 0.9 7 5.6 1.3 9 1 0.2 4.5 0.8 0.2 4 Tabel B.6.8. Beda tinggi raksa, ccl4,dan tinggi unggun pada tinggi
  • 9. partikel = 4 cm Massa partikel+glas kimia +air = 233.8 gr h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun 0.2 0.2 4.4 2 1.4 7 4 1.6 8.5 0.4 0.3 4.5 2.4 1.4 7 4.2 1.6 8.5 0.6 0.4 5 2.6 1.4 7 4.4 1.6 8.5 0.8 0.6 5 2.8 1.4 7.5 4.6 1.6 9 1 0.7 5.5 3 1.5 8 4 1.5 8 1.2 0.8 6 3.2 1.6 8 3.8 1.5 7.5 1.4 1 6 3.4 1.6 8 3 1.4 7 1.6 1.2 6.5 3.6 1.6 8 2.8 1.4 7 1.8 1.3 6.5 3.8 1.6 8.5 2 1.3 6 1.6 1.1 5.5 Tabel B.6.9. Beda tinggi raksa, ccl4,dan tinggi unggun pada tinggi partikel = 5 cm Massa partikel+glas kimia +air = 236.8 gr h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun h raksa h ccl4 L unggun 0.2 1.7 5 3 3.9 8.5 5.2 4.5 10.5 0.4 2 5.5 3.2 3.9 9 5 4.5 10 0.6 2.3 5.5 3.4 3.9 9 4.6 4.3 9.5 0.8 2.7 6 3.6 3.9 9 4.4 4.2 9 1 2.7 6.5 3.8 4.1 9.5 4 4.1 8.5 1.2 3 6.5 4 4.5 9.5 3.8 4.1 8.5 1.4 3.1 6.5 4.2 4.6 9.5 3 4 8 1.6 3.1 7 4.4 4.6 10 2.6 3.8 7.5 1.8 3.2 7 4.6 4.6 10 2 3.6 7 2 3.3 7 4.8 4.6 10 1.6 3.4 6.5 2.2 3.6 7.5 5 4.6 10.5 1.2 3.1 6 2.4 3.7 7.5 5.2 4.6 10.5 1 2.9 6 2.6 3.7 8 5.4 4.6 10.5 0.8 2.5 5.5 2.8 3.9 8 5.6 4.6 10.5 0.6 2.3 5.5
  • 10. LAMPIRAN C HASIL ANTARA Tabel C.1.Karakteristik Fluidisasi Partikel 1 Partikel I Tabel C.1.1.Karakteristik Partikel 1 pada tinggi unggun = 3 cm √∆h Raksa ∆h ccl4 L unggun Q (cm3/s) V (cm/s) Vu (cm3) ε U (cm/s) Nre ∆P Фs 0.447 0.1 4 9.024 0.490 73.708 0.652 0.319 38.380 58.389 0.150 0.632 0.1 4 12.762 0.693 73.708 0.652 0.452 54.278 58.389 0.193 0.775 0.1 4.5 15.631 0.848 82.922 0.691 0.586 70.413 58.389 0.205 0.894 0.2 5 18.049 0.979 92.136 0.722 0.707 84.942 116.778 0.139 1.000 0.2 5 20.179 1.095 92.136 0.722 0.791 94.968 116.778 0.153 1.095 0.3 5.5 22.105 1.200 101.349 0.747 0.896 107.675 175.167 0.120 1.183 0.5 6 23.876 1.296 110.563 0.768 0.995 119.582 291.945 0.088 1.265 0.6 7.5 25.525 1.385 138.203 0.815 1.128 135.552 350.334 0.072 1.342 0.7 8 27.073 1.469 147.417 0.826 1.214 145.820 408.723 0.066 1.414 0.7 9 28.537 1.549 165.844 0.845 1.309 157.301 408.723 0.065 1.483 0.8 9 29.930 1.624 165.844 0.845 1.373 164.979 467.112 0.063 1.549 0.8 8 31.261 1.696 147.417 0.826 1.402 168.379 467.112 0.070 1.612 0.9 8 32.538 1.766 147.417 0.826 1.459 175.254 525.501 0.067 1.673 1 8 33.766 1.832 147.417 0.826 1.514 181.870 583.890 0.065 1.732 1 8 34.951 1.897 147.417 0.826 1.567 188.253 583.890 0.067 1.789 1.1 8 36.097 1.959 147.417 0.826 1.618 194.427 642.279 0.065 1.844 1.2 8 37.208 2.019 147.417 0.826 1.668 200.411 700.668 0.063 1.897 1.3 8.5 38.287 2.078 156.630 0.836 1.738 208.773 759.057 0.060 1.949 1.4 8 39.336 2.135 147.417 0.826 1.764 211.872 817.446 0.060 2.000 1.4 9 40.358 2.190 165.844 0.845 1.852 222.458 817.446 0.058 2.049 1.5 10 41.355 2.244 184.271 0.861 1.932 232.117 875.835 0.054 2.145 1.6 10.5 43.279 2.349 193.485 0.868 2.038 244.787 934.224 0.053 2.191 1.6 11 44.210 2.399 202.698 0.874 2.096 251.787 934.224 0.053 2.236 1.6 11 45.122 2.449 202.698 0.874 2.139 256.979 934.224 0.054 2.280 1.6 10 46.015 2.497 184.271 0.861 2.150 258.276 934.224 0.058 2.191 1.6 10 44.210 2.399 184.271 0.861 2.066 248.144 934.224 0.055 2.098 1.6 9 42.328 2.297 165.844 0.845 1.942 233.316 934.224 0.056 2.000 1.6 8.5 40.358 2.190 156.630 0.836 1.832 220.066 934.224 0.055 1.924 1.5 8 38.815 2.106 147.417 0.826 1.740 209.066 875.835 0.057 1.871 1.4 7.5 37.751 2.049 138.203 0.815 1.669 200.485 817.446 0.060 1.844 1.4 7.5 37.208 2.019 138.203 0.815 1.645 197.600 817.446 0.059 1.761 1.2 6.5 35.529 1.928 119.776 0.786 1.516 182.074 700.668 0.068 1.732 1.2 6.5 34.951 1.897 119.776 0.786 1.491 179.113 700.668 0.067
  • 11. 1.643 1 6.5 33.157 1.799 119.776 0.786 1.414 169.922 583.890 0.072 1.549 0.8 6 31.261 1.696 110.563 0.768 1.303 156.570 467.112 0.083 1.414 0.6 6.5 28.537 1.549 119.776 0.786 1.217 146.245 350.334 0.087 1.225 0.5 5.5 24.714 1.341 101.349 0.747 1.002 120.385 291.945 0.096 1.140 0.5 5 23.008 1.249 92.136 0.722 0.901 108.280 291.945 0.097 1.000 0.2 4.5 20.179 1.095 82.922 0.691 0.757 90.902 116.778 0.167 0.775 0.1 4.5 15.631 0.848 82.922 0.691 0.586 70.413 58.389 0.205 0.548 0.1 4.5 11.052 0.600 82.922 0.691 0.414 49.789 58.389 0.155 0.447 0.1 4 9.024 0.490 73.708 0.652 0.319 38.380 58.389 0.150 Vol pikno = 11.139 cm3 ρ air = 0.99661 gr/cm3 Vp = 2.3473 cm3 diam partikel = 0.84 cm luas kolom = πd 2 /4 luas =18.42710963 Tabel C.1.2.Karakteristik Partikel 1 pada tinggi unggun = 4 cm √∆h Raksa ∆h ccl4 L unggun Q (cm3/s) V (cm/s) Vu (cm3) ε U (cm/s) Nre ∆P Фs 0.447 0.1 5 9.024 0.490 92.136 0.704 0.345 41.400 58.389 0.134 0.632 0.2 6 12.762 0.693 110.563 0.753 0.522 62.657 116.778 0.100 0.775 0.3 7 15.631 0.848 128.990 0.788 0.669 80.334 175.167 0.083 0.894 0.5 7.5 18.049 0.979 138.203 0.802 0.786 94.422 291.945 0.065 1.000 0.6 8 20.179 1.095 147.417 0.815 0.892 107.191 350.334 0.061 1.095 0.8 9 22.105 1.200 165.844 0.835 1.002 120.388 467.112 0.052 1.183 0.9 9 23.876 1.296 165.844 0.835 1.082 130.034 525.501 0.051 1.265 1.1 9.5 25.525 1.385 175.058 0.844 1.169 140.454 642.279 0.046 1.342 1.2 9.5 27.073 1.469 175.058 0.844 1.240 148.973 700.668 0.046 1.414 1.3 10 28.537 1.549 184.271 0.852 1.319 158.483 759.057 0.045 1.483 1.4 11 29.930 1.624 202.698 0.865 1.405 168.846 817.446 0.042 1.549 1.5 11 31.261 1.696 202.698 0.865 1.468 176.354 875.835 0.042 1.612 1.7 11.5 32.538 1.766 211.912 0.871 1.538 184.797 992.613 0.040 1.673 1.7 13 33.766 1.832 239.552 0.886 1.624 195.046 992.613 0.039 1.732 1.9 13.5 34.951 1.897 248.766 0.890 1.689 202.853 1109.39 1 0.036 1.789 2 13.5 36.097 1.959 248.766 0.890 1.744 209.506 1167.78 0 0.036 1.844 2 14 37.208 2.019 257.980 0.894 1.806 216.905 1167.78 0 0.037 1.897 2.2 14 38.287 2.078 257.980 0.894 1.858 223.193 1284.55 8 0.036 1.949 2.2 14.5 39.336 2.135 267.193 0.898 1.917 230.245 1284.55 0.036
  • 12. 8 2.000 2.2 14.5 40.358 2.190 267.193 0.898 1.966 236.226 1284.55 8 0.037 2.049 2.2 15 41.355 2.244 276.407 0.901 2.023 242.978 1284.55 8 0.037 2.098 2.2 16 42.328 2.297 294.834 0.907 2.084 250.400 1284.55 8 0.037 2.145 2.2 16.5 43.279 2.349 304.047 0.910 2.138 256.819 1284.55 8 0.038 2.074 2.2 16 41.844 2.271 294.834 0.907 2.061 247.538 1284.55 8 0.037 2.000 2.2 15.5 40.358 2.190 285.620 0.904 1.981 237.961 1284.55 8 0.036 1.949 2.2 15 39.336 2.135 276.407 0.901 1.924 231.118 1284.55 8 0.035 1.817 1.8 14 36.657 1.989 257.980 0.894 1.779 213.691 1051.00 2 0.039 1.732 1.7 14 34.951 1.897 257.980 0.894 1.696 203.746 992.613 0.039 1.643 1.5 13.5 33.157 1.799 248.766 0.890 1.602 192.444 875.835 0.040 1.581 1.3 13 31.906 1.731 239.552 0.886 1.534 184.301 759.057 0.044 1.449 1.2 12 29.242 1.587 221.125 0.877 1.391 167.104 700.668 0.044 1.265 0.8 11 25.525 1.385 202.698 0.865 1.199 143.993 467.112 0.052 1.183 0.6 10 23.876 1.296 184.271 0.852 1.104 132.596 350.334 0.062 1.000 0.4 10 20.179 1.095 184.271 0.852 0.933 112.064 233.556 0.069 0.894 0.4 10 18.049 0.979 184.271 0.852 0.834 100.233 233.556 0.063 0.775 0.4 9.5 15.631 0.848 175.058 0.844 0.716 86.010 233.556 0.057 Vol pikno = 11.139 cm3 ρ air = 0.99661 gr/cm3 Vp = 2.3473 cm3 diam partikel = 0.84 cm Tabel C.1.3.Karakteristik Partikel 1 pada tinggi unggun = 5 cm
  • 13. √∆h Raksa ∆h ccl4 L unggun Q (cm3/s) V (cm/s) Vu (cm3) ε U (cm/s) Nre ∆P Фs 0.447 0.2 5.5 9.024 0.490 101.349 0.579 0.284 34.087 116.778 0.165 0.632 0.3 6 12.762 0.693 110.563 0.614 0.426 51.122 175.167 0.151 0.775 0.3 6 15.631 0.848 110.563 0.614 0.521 62.612 175.167 0.176 0.894 0.4 6.5 18.049 0.979 119.776 0.644 0.631 75.788 233.556 0.153 1.000 0.6 7 20.179 1.095 128.990 0.670 0.733 88.078 350.334 0.123 1.095 0.6 7 22.105 1.200 128.990 0.670 0.803 96.484 350.334 0.132 1.183 0.7 7.5 23.876 1.296 138.203 0.692 0.896 107.645 408.723 0.121 1.265 0.8 7.5 25.525 1.385 138.203 0.692 0.958 115.077 467.112 0.118 1.342 0.9 8 27.073 1.469 147.417 0.711 1.044 125.460 525.501 0.110 1.414 1 9 28.537 1.549 165.844 0.743 1.151 138.224 583.890 0.098 1.483 1 9.5 29.930 1.624 175.058 0.756 1.229 147.611 583.890 0.099 1.549 1.2 10 31.261 1.696 184.271 0.769 1.304 156.656 700.668 0.089 1.612 1.4 10.5 32.538 1.766 193.485 0.780 1.377 165.390 817.446 0.081 1.673 1.6 10 33.766 1.832 184.271 0.769 1.408 169.208 934.224 0.079 1.732 1.8 10.5 34.951 1.897 193.485 0.780 1.479 177.657 1051.002 0.073 1.789 2 11 36.097 1.959 202.698 0.790 1.547 185.840 1167.780 0.069 1.844 2.2 11 37.208 2.019 202.698 0.790 1.595 191.560 1284.558 0.066 1.897 2.4 11.5 38.287 2.078 211.912 0.799 1.660 199.396 1401.336 0.063 1.949 2.7 12 39.336 2.135 221.125 0.807 1.723 207.009 1576.503 0.058 2.000 3 12 40.358 2.190 221.125 0.807 1.768 212.387 1751.670 0.056 2.049 3.2 13.5 41.355 2.244 248.766 0.829 1.860 223.407 1868.448 0.051 2.098 3.2 13.5 42.328 2.297 248.766 0.829 1.903 228.664 1868.448 0.052 2.145 3.2 13 43.279 2.349 239.552 0.822 1.931 231.944 1868.448 0.054 2.191 3.4 13 44.210 2.399 239.552 0.822 1.972 236.932 1985.226 0.053 2.236 3.4 12 45.122 2.449 221.125 0.807 1.977 237.456 1985.226 0.057 2.168 3.4 11 43.747 2.374 202.698 0.790 1.875 225.223 1985.226 0.058 2.098 3.4 11 42.328 2.297 202.698 0.790 1.814 217.917 1985.226 0.057 1.949 3.4 10 39.336 2.135 184.271 0.769 1.641 197.121 1985.226 0.056 1.897 3.2 9 38.287 2.078 165.844 0.743 1.544 185.448 1868.448 0.062 1.817 3 8.5 36.657 1.989 156.630 0.728 1.448 173.939 1751.670 0.064 1.643 2.5 8 33.157 1.799 147.417 0.711 1.279 153.657 1459.725 0.069 1.483 1.8 7.5 29.930 1.624 138.203 0.692 1.123 134.940 1051.002 0.082 1.225 1.6 7 24.714 1.341 128.990 0.670 0.898 107.873 934.224 0.080 1.140 1.3 7 23.008 1.249 128.990 0.670 0.836 100.424 759.057 0.086 1.000 0.9 7 20.179 1.095 128.990 0.670 0.733 88.078 525.501 0.097 0.949 0.7 7 19.143 1.039 128.990 0.670 0.696 83.558 408.723 0.108 0.837 0.7 6.5 16.883 0.916 119.776 0.644 0.590 70.893 408.723 0.105 0.775 0.7 6.5 15.631 0.848 119.776 0.644 0.546 65.634 408.723 0.100 Partikel II Tabel C.1.4.Karakteristik Partikel II pada tinggi unggun = 3 cm
  • 14. √∆h Raksa ∆h ccl4 L unggun Q (cm3/s) V (cm/s) Vu (cm3) ε U (cm/s) Nre ∆P Фs 0.447 0.1 3.5 9.024 0.490 64.495 0.603 0.295 22.581 58.389 0.172 0.632 0.1 3.5 12.762 0.693 64.495 0.603 0.417 31.934 58.389 0.220 0.775 0.2 4 15.631 0.848 73.708 0.652 0.553 42.335 116.778 0.150 0.894 0.3 5 18.049 0.979 92.136 0.722 0.707 54.096 175.167 0.109 1.000 0.4 5 20.179 1.095 92.136 0.722 0.790 60.481 233.556 0.100 1.095 0.6 5.5 22.105 1.200 101.349 0.747 0.896 68.575 350.334 0.078 1.183 0.8 5.8 23.876 1.296 106.877 0.760 0.985 75.366 467.112 0.068 1.265 0.9 6 25.525 1.385 110.563 0.768 1.064 81.417 525.501 0.065 1.342 1 6.5 27.073 1.469 119.776 0.786 1.155 88.360 583.890 0.060 1.414 1.2 7 28.537 1.549 128.990 0.801 1.241 94.951 700.668 0.054 1.483 1.4 7.5 29.930 1.624 138.203 0.815 1.323 101.232 817.446 0.049 1.549 1.4 8 31.261 1.696 147.417 0.826 1.402 107.237 817.446 0.049 1.612 1.5 8 32.538 1.766 147.417 0.826 1.459 111.616 875.835 0.048 1.673 1.5 9.5 33.766 1.832 175.058 0.854 1.564 119.678 875.835 0.046 1.732 1.5 10 34.951 1.897 184.271 0.861 1.633 124.941 875.835 0.046 1.789 1.5 10.5 36.097 1.959 193.485 0.868 1.699 130.031 875.835 0.046 1.844 1.6 11 37.208 2.019 202.698 0.874 1.764 134.963 934.224 0.044 1.897 1.6 12 38.287 2.078 221.125 0.884 1.837 140.551 934.224 0.044 1.949 1.6 12 39.336 2.135 221.125 0.884 1.887 144.403 934.224 0.045 2.000 1.6 12.5 40.358 2.190 230.339 0.889 1.946 148.931 934.224 0.046 2.049 1.6 13 41.355 2.244 239.552 0.893 2.004 153.344 934.224 0.046 2.098 1.6 13 42.328 2.297 239.552 0.893 2.051 156.952 934.224 0.047 2.145 1.6 13 43.279 2.349 239.552 0.893 2.097 160.480 934.224 0.048 2.191 1.6 13 44.210 2.399 239.552 0.893 2.142 163.931 934.224 0.049 2.236 1.6 15 45.122 2.449 276.407 0.907 2.222 169.984 934.224 0.048 2.145 1.4 15 43.279 2.349 276.407 0.907 2.131 163.043 817.446 0.050 2.000 1.3 14 40.358 2.190 257.980 0.901 1.973 150.929 759.057 0.050 1.897 1 12.5 38.287 2.078 230.339 0.889 1.847 141.288 583.890 0.060 1.844 0.9 11.5 37.208 2.019 211.912 0.879 1.775 135.813 525.501 0.064 1.732 0.7 10 34.951 1.897 184.271 0.861 1.633 124.941 408.723 0.076 1.549 0.6 8 31.261 1.696 147.417 0.826 1.402 107.237 350.334 0.084 1.414 0.5 6.5 28.537 1.549 119.776 0.786 1.217 93.140 291.945 0.098 1.183 0.5 5.5 23.876 1.296 101.349 0.747 0.968 74.069 291.945 0.093 1.000 0.4 4.5 20.179 1.095 82.922 0.691 0.757 57.892 233.556 0.109 Vol pikno = 11.139 cm3 ρ air = 0.99661 gr/cm3 Vp = 2.3473 cm3 diam partikel = 0.535 cm Tabel C.1.5.Karakteristik Partikel II pada tinggi unggun = 4 cm √∆h Raksa ∆h ccl4 L unggun Q (cm3/s) V (cm/s) Vu (cm3) ε U (cm/s) Nre ∆P Фs 0.447 0.2 4.5 9.024 0.490 82.922 0.579 0.283 21.679 116.778 0.149 0.632 0.4 5 12.762 0.693 92.136 0.621 0.430 32.892 233.556 0.113
  • 15. 0.775 0.5 5.5 15.631 0.848 101.349 0.655 0.556 42.522 291.945 0.104 0.894 0.6 6.5 18.049 0.979 119.776 0.708 0.694 53.076 350.334 0.090 1.000 0.8 7 20.179 1.095 128.990 0.729 0.798 61.087 467.112 0.078 1.095 0.9 7.5 22.105 1.200 138.203 0.747 0.896 68.575 525.501 0.074 1.183 1 8 23.876 1.296 147.417 0.763 0.989 75.637 583.890 0.071 1.265 1.2 8 25.525 1.385 147.417 0.763 1.057 80.859 700.668 0.067 1.342 1.3 9 27.073 1.469 165.844 0.789 1.160 88.725 759.057 0.062 1.414 1.5 10 28.537 1.549 184.271 0.810 1.255 96.021 875.835 0.055 1.483 1.6 10.5 29.930 1.624 193.485 0.819 1.331 101.831 934.224 0.054 1.549 1.8 11 31.261 1.696 202.698 0.828 1.404 107.424 1051.002 0.050 1.612 2 11.5 32.538 1.766 211.912 0.835 1.475 112.823 1167.780 0.048 1.673 2.1 12 33.766 1.832 221.125 0.842 1.543 118.046 1226.169 0.047 1.732 2.2 12 34.951 1.897 221.125 0.842 1.597 122.189 1284.558 0.047 1.789 2.4 13 36.097 1.959 239.552 0.854 1.673 128.019 1401.336 0.044 1.844 2.5 14 37.208 2.019 257.980 0.865 1.746 133.568 1459.725 0.042 1.897 2.6 14.5 38.287 2.078 267.193 0.869 1.806 138.183 1518.114 0.041 1.949 2.8 16 39.336 2.135 294.834 0.881 1.882 143.973 1634.892 0.039 2.000 2.9 16.5 40.358 2.190 304.047 0.885 1.938 148.315 1693.281 0.038 2.049 3 17.5 41.355 2.244 322.474 0.892 2.001 153.105 1751.670 0.037 2.098 3 18.5 42.328 2.297 340.902 0.897 2.062 157.738 1751.670 0.037 2.145 3 19 43.279 2.349 350.115 0.900 2.114 161.768 1751.670 0.038 2.191 3 20 44.210 2.399 368.542 0.905 2.172 166.163 1751.670 0.038 2.236 3 21.5 45.122 2.449 396.183 0.912 2.233 170.829 1751.670 0.037 2.280 3 22 46.015 2.497 405.396 0.914 2.282 174.595 1751.670 0.038 2.324 3 23 46.892 2.545 423.824 0.918 2.335 178.651 1751.670 0.038 2.236 3 23 45.122 2.449 423.824 0.918 2.247 171.907 1751.670 0.036 2.098 2.8 19 42.328 2.297 350.115 0.900 2.068 158.212 1634.892 0.039 2.000 2.7 18 40.358 2.190 331.688 0.895 1.959 149.920 1576.503 0.038 1.949 2.5 17 39.336 2.135 313.261 0.888 1.897 145.112 1459.725 0.040 1.897 2.4 16 38.287 2.078 294.834 0.881 1.831 140.133 1401.336 0.042 1.789 2.3 15 36.097 1.959 276.407 0.874 1.711 130.934 1342.947 0.042 1.732 2.3 14 34.951 1.897 257.980 0.865 1.640 125.466 1342.947 0.042 1.612 2.2 12 32.538 1.766 221.125 0.842 1.487 113.752 1284.558 0.044 1.549 2 11.5 31.261 1.696 211.912 0.835 1.417 108.397 1167.780 0.046 1.414 1.7 10.5 28.537 1.549 193.485 0.819 1.269 97.092 992.613 0.050 1.342 1.5 9.5 27.073 1.469 175.058 0.800 1.176 89.972 875.835 0.055 1.265 1.3 8 25.525 1.385 147.417 0.763 1.057 80.859 759.057 0.064 1.183 1.1 7.5 23.876 1.296 138.203 0.747 0.968 74.070 642.279 0.070 1.000 0.8 6.5 20.179 1.095 119.776 0.708 0.776 59.341 467.112 0.083 0.894 0.4 6 18.049 0.979 110.563 0.684 0.670 51.254 233.556 0.122 0.775 0.2 5 15.631 0.848 92.136 0.621 0.526 40.284 116.778 0.196 Vol pikno = 11.139 cm3 ρ air = 0.99661 gr/cm3 Vp = 2.3473 cm3 diam partikel = 0.535 cm Tabel C.1.6.Karakteristik Partikel II pada tinggi unggun = 5 cm √∆h Raksa ∆h ccl4 L unggun Q (cm3/s) V (cm/s) Vu (cm3) ε U (cm/s) Nre ∆P Фs 0.447 0.2 5 9.024 0.490 92.136 0.520 0.254 19.468 116.778 0.200 0.632 0.4 5.5 12.762 0.693 101.349 0.563 0.390 29.846 233.556 0.151
  • 16. 0.775 0.5 6 15.631 0.848 110.563 0.600 0.509 38.916 291.945 0.139 0.894 0.6 6.5 18.049 0.979 119.776 0.630 0.617 47.245 350.334 0.128 1.000 0.9 7 20.179 1.095 128.990 0.657 0.719 55.033 525.501 0.102 1.095 1 7.5 22.105 1.200 138.203 0.680 0.815 62.386 583.890 0.097 1.183 1.1 8 23.876 1.296 147.417 0.700 0.907 69.369 642.279 0.092 1.265 1.3 9 25.525 1.385 165.844 0.733 1.015 77.695 759.057 0.080 1.342 1.5 9.5 27.073 1.469 175.058 0.747 1.098 83.987 875.835 0.074 1.414 1.7 10 28.537 1.549 184.271 0.760 1.177 90.028 992.613 0.069 1.483 1.8 11 29.930 1.624 202.698 0.782 1.270 97.137 1051.002 0.065 1.549 2 11.5 31.261 1.696 211.912 0.791 1.342 102.688 1167.780 0.061 1.612 2.2 12.5 32.538 1.766 230.339 0.808 1.426 109.139 1284.558 0.057 1.673 2.5 13.5 33.766 1.832 248.766 0.822 1.506 115.255 1459.725 0.052 1.732 2.5 14 34.951 1.897 257.980 0.828 1.571 120.223 1459.725 0.052 1.789 2.6 14.5 36.097 1.959 267.193 0.834 1.634 125.052 1518.114 0.052 1.844 2.7 15.5 37.208 2.019 285.620 0.845 1.706 130.553 1576.503 0.050 1.897 2.9 16 38.287 2.078 294.834 0.850 1.766 135.107 1693.281 0.048 1.949 3 17 39.336 2.135 313.261 0.859 1.833 140.252 1751.670 0.047 2.000 3.2 17.5 40.358 2.190 322.474 0.863 1.889 144.572 1868.448 0.046 2.049 3.3 18 41.355 2.244 331.688 0.867 1.945 148.797 1926.837 0.045 2.098 3.4 18.5 42.328 2.297 340.902 0.870 1.999 152.933 1985.226 0.045 2.145 3.5 19 43.279 2.349 350.115 0.874 2.052 156.984 2043.615 0.044 2.191 3.5 20 44.210 2.399 368.542 0.880 2.111 161.521 2043.615 0.044 2.236 3.5 20.5 45.122 2.449 377.756 0.883 2.162 165.401 2043.615 0.045 2.280 3.5 21.5 46.015 2.497 396.183 0.888 2.218 169.718 2043.615 0.045 2.324 3.5 22 46.892 2.545 405.396 0.891 2.267 173.445 2043.615 0.045 2.366 3.5 22.5 47.752 2.591 414.610 0.893 2.315 177.109 2043.615 0.046 2.408 3.5 23.5 48.597 2.637 433.037 0.898 2.368 181.161 2043.615 0.046 2.324 3 23 46.892 2.545 423.824 0.896 2.279 174.370 1751.670 0.049 2.236 2.9 21.5 45.122 2.449 396.183 0.888 2.175 166.422 1693.281 0.050 2.191 2.8 20 44.210 2.399 368.542 0.880 2.111 161.521 1634.892 0.051 2.098 2.6 18.5 42.328 2.297 340.902 0.870 1.999 152.933 1518.114 0.054 2.049 2.4 17.5 41.355 2.244 322.474 0.863 1.936 148.143 1401.336 0.057 2.000 2.2 17 40.358 2.190 313.261 0.859 1.881 143.896 1284.558 0.059 1.897 2 16 38.287 2.078 294.834 0.850 1.766 135.107 1167.780 0.062 1.789 1.9 14.5 36.097 1.959 267.193 0.834 1.634 125.052 1109.391 0.063 1.732 1.8 13.5 34.951 1.897 248.766 0.822 1.559 119.300 1051.002 0.066 1.612 1.6 12.5 32.538 1.766 230.339 0.808 1.426 109.139 934.224 0.070 1.549 1.4 11.5 31.261 1.696 211.912 0.791 1.342 102.688 817.446 0.077 1.414 1.2 10.5 28.537 1.549 193.485 0.771 1.194 91.384 700.668 0.083 1.342 1 9 27.073 1.469 165.844 0.733 1.077 82.408 583.890 0.099 1.183 0.9 8 23.876 1.296 147.417 0.700 0.907 69.369 525.501 0.104 1.000 0.6 7 20.179 1.095 128.990 0.657 0.719 55.033 350.334 0.130 0.894 0.5 6.5 18.049 0.979 119.776 0.630 0.617 47.245 291.945 0.143 0.632 0.4 6 12.762 0.693 110.563 0.600 0.415 31.775 233.556 0.137 Partikel III Tabel C.1.7.Karakteristik Partikel III pada tinggi
  • 17. unggun = 3 cm √∆h Raksa ∆h ccl4 L unggun Q (cm3/s) V (cm/s) Vu (cm3) ε U (cm/s) Nre ∆P Фs 0.447 0.2 3.5 9.024 0.490 64.495 0.640 0.313 37.629 116.778 0.100 0.632 0.2 3.5 12.762 0.693 64.495 0.640 0.443 53.216 116.778 0.126 0.775 0.3 3.5 15.631 0.848 64.495 0.640 0.543 65.175 175.167 0.116 0.894 0.4 4 18.049 0.979 73.708 0.685 0.671 80.559 233.556 0.096 1.000 0.4 4 20.179 1.095 73.708 0.685 0.750 90.068 233.556 0.105 1.095 0.4 4.5 22.105 1.200 82.922 0.720 0.863 103.714 233.556 0.102 1.183 0.4 4.5 23.876 1.296 82.922 0.720 0.932 112.024 233.556 0.109 1.265 0.5 4.5 25.525 1.385 82.922 0.720 0.997 119.759 291.945 0.101 1.342 0.6 5 27.073 1.469 92.136 0.748 1.099 131.971 350.334 0.087 1.414 0.7 5 28.537 1.549 92.136 0.748 1.158 139.110 408.723 0.083 1.483 0.7 6 29.930 1.624 110.563 0.790 1.283 154.104 408.723 0.077 1.549 0.8 6 31.261 1.696 110.563 0.790 1.340 160.957 467.112 0.073 1.612 0.8 6.5 32.538 1.766 119.776 0.806 1.423 170.960 467.112 0.072 1.673 0.9 7 33.766 1.832 128.990 0.820 1.502 180.465 525.501 0.067 1.732 0.9 7 34.951 1.897 128.990 0.820 1.555 186.799 525.501 0.069 1.789 1 7 36.097 1.959 128.990 0.820 1.606 192.925 583.890 0.066 1.844 1.1 7 37.208 2.019 128.990 0.820 1.655 198.863 642.279 0.064 1.897 1.1 7.5 38.287 2.078 138.203 0.832 1.728 207.627 642.279 0.064 1.949 1.2 8 39.336 2.135 147.417 0.842 1.798 216.012 700.668 0.060 2.000 1.2 8 40.358 2.190 147.417 0.842 1.845 221.623 700.668 0.061 2.049 1.2 8 41.355 2.244 147.417 0.842 1.890 227.096 700.668 0.063 2.098 1.3 8 42.328 2.297 147.417 0.842 1.935 232.441 759.057 0.061 2.145 1.3 8.5 43.279 2.349 156.630 0.852 2.000 240.282 759.057 0.060 2.191 1.3 8.5 44.210 2.399 156.630 0.852 2.043 245.450 759.057 0.062 2.236 1.3 9 45.122 2.449 165.844 0.860 2.105 252.936 759.057 0.061 2.280 1.3 9 46.015 2.497 165.844 0.860 2.147 257.946 759.057 0.063 2.324 1.3 9 46.892 2.545 165.844 0.860 2.188 262.859 759.057 0.064 2.366 1.3 9 47.752 2.591 165.844 0.860 2.228 267.683 759.057 0.065 2.408 1.3 9.5 48.597 2.637 175.058 0.867 2.287 274.758 759.057 0.065 2.366 1.1 9 47.752 2.591 165.844 0.860 2.228 267.683 642.279 0.074 2.280 1.1 9 46.015 2.497 165.844 0.860 2.147 257.946 642.279 0.071 2.236 1 8.5 45.122 2.449 156.630 0.852 2.085 250.511 583.890 0.076 2.049 1 8 41.355 2.244 147.417 0.842 1.890 227.096 583.890 0.071 2.000 1 7.5 40.358 2.190 138.203 0.832 1.822 218.858 583.890 0.072 1.897 0.9 7.5 38.287 2.078 138.203 0.832 1.728 207.627 525.501 0.073 1.844 0.8 7.5 37.208 2.019 138.203 0.832 1.680 201.777 467.112 0.076 1.673 0.8 6.5 33.766 1.832 119.776 0.806 1.477 177.413 467.112 0.075 1.549 0.6 6.5 31.261 1.696 119.776 0.806 1.367 164.253 350.334 0.084 1.414 0.5 6 28.537 1.549 110.563 0.790 1.223 146.933 291.945 0.091 1.342 0.5 5.5 27.073 1.469 101.349 0.771 1.132 136.019 291.945 0.092 1.183 0.4 5 23.876 1.296 92.136 0.748 0.969 116.388 233.556 0.101 1.000 0.2 4.5 20.179 1.095 82.922 0.720 0.788 94.678 116.778 0.145 0.894 0.2 4 18.049 0.979 73.708 0.685 0.671 80.559 116.778 0.145
  • 18. Tabel C.18.Karakteristik Partikel III pada tinggi unggun = 4 cm √∆h Raksa ∆h ccl4 L unggunQ (cm3/s)V (cm/s) Vu (cm3) ε U (cm/s) Nre ∆P Фs 0.447 0.2 4.4 9.024 0.490 81.079 0.618 0.303 36.344 116.778 0.125 0.632 0.3 4.5 12.762 0.693 82.922 0.626 0.434 52.104 175.167 0.122 0.775 0.4 5 15.631 0.848 92.136 0.664 0.563 67.623 233.556 0.108 0.894 0.6 5 18.049 0.979 92.136 0.664 0.650 78.085 350.334 0.095 1.000 0.7 5.5 20.179 1.095 101.349 0.694 0.760 91.324 408.723 0.087 1.095 0.8 6 22.105 1.200 110.563 0.720 0.863 103.713 467.112 0.080 1.183 1 6 23.876 1.296 110.563 0.720 0.932 112.023 583.890 0.074 1.265 1.2 6.5 25.525 1.385 119.776 0.741 1.027 123.346 700.668 0.066 1.342 1.3 6.5 27.073 1.469 119.776 0.741 1.089 130.828 759.057 0.066 1.414 1.4 7 28.537 1.549 128.990 0.760 1.177 141.344 817.446 0.063 1.549 1.4 7 31.261 1.696 128.990 0.760 1.289 154.835 817.446 0.067 1.612 1.4 7 32.538 1.766 128.990 0.760 1.341 161.157 817.446 0.070 1.673 1.4 7.5 33.766 1.832 138.203 0.776 1.421 170.767 817.446 0.069 1.732 1.5 8 34.951 1.897 147.417 0.790 1.498 179.954 875.835 0.065 1.789 1.6 8 36.097 1.959 147.417 0.790 1.547 185.856 934.224 0.065 1.844 1.6 8 37.208 2.019 147.417 0.790 1.595 191.576 934.224 0.066 1.897 1.6 8 38.287 2.078 147.417 0.790 1.641 197.130 934.224 0.068 1.949 1.6 8.5 39.336 2.135 156.630 0.802 1.712 205.703 934.224 0.068 2.000 1.6 8.5 40.358 2.190 156.630 0.802 1.757 211.047 934.224 0.069 2.049 1.6 8.5 41.355 2.244 156.630 0.802 1.800 216.259 934.224 0.071 2.098 1.6 8.5 42.328 2.297 156.630 0.802 1.843 221.348 934.224 0.073 2.145 1.6 9 43.279 2.349 165.844 0.813 1.910 229.425 934.224 0.072 2.000 1.5 8 40.358 2.190 147.417 0.790 1.730 207.793 875.835 0.075 1.949 1.5 7.5 39.336 2.135 138.203 0.776 1.656 198.937 875.835 0.076 1.732 1.4 7 34.951 1.897 128.990 0.760 1.441 173.110 817.446 0.074 1.673 1.4 7 33.766 1.832 128.990 0.760 1.392 167.240 817.446 0.072 1.414 1.3 6 28.537 1.549 110.563 0.720 1.115 133.893 759.057 0.073 1.265 1.1 5.5 25.525 1.385 101.349 0.694 0.962 115.517 642.279 0.080 Tabel C.1.9.Karakteristik Partikel III pada tinggi unggun = 5 cm √∆h Raksa ∆h ccl4 L unggun Q (cm3/s) V (cm/s) Vu (cm3) ε U (cm/s) Nre ∆P Фs 0.447 1.7 5 9.024 0.490 92.136 0.580 0.284 34.095 992.613 0.050 0.632 2 5.5 12.762 0.693 101.349 0.618 0.428 51.398 1167.780 0.050 0.775 2.3 5.5 15.631 0.848 101.349 0.618 0.524 62.949 1342.947 0.053
  • 19. 0.894 2.7 6 18.049 0.979 110.563 0.650 0.636 76.435 1576.503 0.048 1.000 2.7 6.5 20.179 1.095 119.776 0.677 0.741 89.003 1576.503 0.048 1.095 3 6.5 22.105 1.200 119.776 0.677 0.812 97.498 1751.670 0.048 1.183 3.1 6.5 23.876 1.296 119.776 0.677 0.877 105.310 1810.059 0.050 1.265 3.1 7 25.525 1.385 128.990 0.700 0.969 116.426 1810.059 0.049 1.342 3.2 7 27.073 1.469 128.990 0.700 1.028 123.488 1868.448 0.050 1.414 3.3 7 28.537 1.549 128.990 0.700 1.084 130.168 1926.837 0.051 1.483 3.6 7.5 29.930 1.624 138.203 0.720 1.169 140.429 2102.004 0.048 1.549 3.7 7.5 31.261 1.696 138.203 0.720 1.221 146.673 2160.393 0.048 1.612 3.7 8 32.538 1.766 147.417 0.737 1.302 156.379 2160.393 0.047 1.673 3.9 8 33.766 1.832 147.417 0.737 1.351 162.282 2277.171 0.047 1.732 3.9 8.5 34.951 1.897 156.630 0.753 1.428 171.500 2277.171 0.046 1.789 3.9 9 36.097 1.959 165.844 0.766 1.501 180.358 2277.171 0.046 1.844 3.9 9 37.208 2.019 165.844 0.766 1.548 185.909 2277.171 0.047 1.897 3.9 9 38.287 2.078 165.844 0.766 1.592 191.299 2277.171 0.048 1.949 4.1 9.5 39.336 2.135 175.058 0.779 1.662 199.694 2393.949 0.046 2.000 4.5 9.5 40.358 2.190 175.058 0.779 1.705 204.882 2627.505 0.044 2.049 4.6 9.5 41.355 2.244 175.058 0.779 1.748 209.941 2685.894 0.045 2.098 4.6 10 42.328 2.297 184.271 0.790 1.814 217.935 2685.894 0.044 2.145 4.6 10 43.279 2.349 184.271 0.790 1.855 222.833 2685.894 0.045 2.191 4.6 10 44.210 2.399 184.271 0.790 1.895 227.626 2685.894 0.046 2.236 4.6 10.5 45.122 2.449 193.485 0.800 1.958 235.265 2685.894 0.045 2.280 4.6 10.5 46.015 2.497 193.485 0.800 1.997 239.924 2685.894 0.046 2.324 4.6 10.5 46.892 2.545 193.485 0.800 2.035 244.495 2685.894 0.047 2.366 4.6 10.5 47.752 2.591 193.485 0.800 2.073 248.981 2685.894 0.048 2.280 4.5 10.5 46.015 2.497 193.485 0.800 1.997 239.924 2627.505 0.047 2.236 4.5 10 45.122 2.449 184.271 0.790 1.934 232.320 2627.505 0.047 2.145 4.3 9.5 43.279 2.349 175.058 0.779 1.829 219.711 2510.727 0.048 2.098 4.2 9 42.328 2.297 165.844 0.766 1.760 211.489 2452.338 0.050 2.000 4.1 8.5 40.358 2.190 156.630 0.753 1.648 198.031 2393.949 0.051 1.949 4.1 8.5 39.336 2.135 156.630 0.753 1.607 193.017 2393.949 0.050 1.732 4 8 34.951 1.897 147.417 0.737 1.398 167.978 2335.560 0.048 1.612 3.8 7.5 32.538 1.766 138.203 0.720 1.271 152.662 2218.782 0.049 1.414 3.6 7 28.537 1.549 128.990 0.700 1.084 130.168 2102.004 0.049 1.265 3.4 6.5 25.525 1.385 119.776 0.677 0.937 112.581 1985.226 0.050 1.095 3.1 6 22.105 1.200 110.563 0.650 0.779 93.614 1810.059 0.051 1.000 2.9 6 20.179 1.095 110.563 0.650 0.711 85.457 1693.281 0.050 0.894 2.5 5.5 18.049 0.979 101.349 0.618 0.605 72.687 1459.725 0.055 0.775 2.3 5.5 15.631 0.848 101.349 0.618 0.524 62.949 1342.947 0.053