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Introduction Hi, my name is Dr. Rick Moss. Itʼs my pleasure to offer  you an opportunity to have a clearer experience of who you are when your awareness is freed from the distress of the past. You may or may not be aware of this distress, but if past upsets and old hurts have not received healing attention, they lie in our subconscious and are generators of present experience. To be fully present we have to let go of the past. To be fully alive and authentic, we have to be present. Letʼs get started. Letʼs awaken to our Greatness. Awakening to Our Greatness
Chapter 1: An Open Window Who are we really? We are like a window that shapes and determines the quality of Light that shines through it. We are what remains when that which is temporary, limited and negative is cleared away. We are a vast reservoir of Greatness, an infinite bank account. Intelligence without measure. Love without condition. We are an individuated expression of the Light that is Being Itself. And therefore we are like a window that shapes and determines the quality of the Light that shines through it. Awakening to Our Greatness
rocks under a waterfall.  Sooner or later the game of hide and seek wears thin and we yearn to be our Selves, yearn to throw off the constraining diapers of time. We set out like the Prodigal Son. We take a few steps toward God and God takes a  hundred steps toward us.  And through the sheer force of yearning and the power of commitment and the pain of unraveling illusions we are re-birthed…born anew into that which has never changed and always was…our Self, our True Self. Yes, this is who we really are at our core. And yet this is rarely our experience. Most of the time we are aware of a totally different self.  We are more than the greatest moments we have ever known. We are an ocean of infinite Goodness. We are generosity unbounded. We are a trillion expressions of God, echoes and mirrors to the One. Collectively we are facets of the jewel of existence. We are Consciousness in the process of awakening to our Self.  Nothing about us that is limited is permanent. From the perspective of time we are on a journey. We function in a world that is a classroom. We are here to learn to choose. We explore free will. We employ the right to pretend that we are not God…that we are sorry creatures. But, pretense can only last so long. It wears away like Awakening to Our Greatness
And so here is the opportunity. Will we awaken to the Greatness that is our true nature or will we choose to maintain the patterns and false beliefs that fool us into thinking that we are not enough, bad, fallen and failing? Awakening to Our Greatness
So, letʼs start reclaiming ourselves. We can bring all the  wonderful qualities of our Greatness into our lives. We do not have to live with fear…fear of failing, of abandonment, of not looking good, of just about anything; we can live with a sense of confidence.  Letʼs do this together. Imagine that you are standing on the  ground at what we could call Point A. In front of you is a  pathway. Itʼs made up of pebbles. The pebbles closest to you are black and they get lighter and lighter until at the end of the path the pebbles are clear and crystal-like. As you stand at Point A, bring to your awareness any fear that you can get in touch with. Imagine that this fear is like a dark liquid inside of you and start to let it drain out  Chapter 2:  The Self Remembered If I am my Self, then who the hell is the other guy? If the past has a face, it belongs to this other guy. Your face is the face of inner Light, beauty, calmness and Love. The face of the past reflects all the limited and negative thoughts  and emotions youʼve ever thought and felt but have not released. Traumas that youʼve experienced have led this  face to decide that the world is not a safe place, to be on guard, to withhold love.  “Withhold Love?” says your  Lighted Self – just as impossible as it would be to withhold breath. So, letʼs start reclaiming ourselves. We can bring all the  wonderful qualities of our Greatness into our lives. We do not have to live with fear…fear of failing, of abandonment, of not looking good, of just about anything; we can live with a sense of confidence.  Letʼs do this together. Imagine that you are standing on the  ground at what we could call Point A. In front of you is a  pathway. Itʼs made up of pebbles. The pebbles closest to you  are black and they get lighter and lighter until at the end of the path the pebbles are clear and crystal-like. As you stand at Point A, bring to your awareness any fear that you can get in touch with. Imagine that this fear is like a dark liquid inside of you and start to let it drain out Awakening to Our Greatness
Imagine that the black pebbles pull out of your feet more fear... and they do this effortlessly. All you have to do is walk along the path heading for Point B, where the pebbles are crystal-like and clear. Imagine that as you walk along the path the pebbles are getting lighter. Now they're dark grey. The dark grey pebbles effortlessly pull out a different tone of   the fear as you continue to walk along the path. your feet and into a holding tank under the ground at Point A. As you visualize this fear draining out as dark liquid, you are telling the subconscious exactly what you want it to do. The subconscious speaks visualization better than it speaks English. Imagine that the  dark liquid has drained out to the level of your waist. Now itʼs down to the level of your knees. If you are good at visualization… great. If not, it will still work if you use a feeling of the draining or just consciously give your subconscious instructions with the words that you are reading. Now imagine that all the dark liquid has drained out and start to walk along the path. Awakening to Our Greatness
Now the pebbles are medium grey, and they too, pull out a lighter tone of the fear. And now the pebbles are light grey, pulling out the most subtle vibrations of the fear that have been stored in your body and mind.  With one final step, imagine that you step onto the crystal-like  clear pebbles, and now youʼre also standing in a warm,  loving Light. Imagine that you have to do nothing for this  Light but be. Itʼs not given to you because of your body, your  performance, your ability to please. It wants nothing from you. It is just Love, just kindness. And nothing that you do will ever make it go away. As you drink in this warmth and love, if there is any more fear that you are aware of, imagine that you could let this fear go. Perhaps it could be released as if it were blackbirds of smoke. Perhaps it is heavier, like a bowling ball, and you could let it roll out of you and break on the ground and be swallowed up. Do whatever you need to do and just let it go. Now, as you stand in the light on the clear pebbles answer this question. Do you feel more like yourself in the Light or in your fear? If you feel more like yourself in the Light, then  youʼll have no problem letting the fear be transmuted that  drained out at Point A. If you think that you feel more like Awakening to Our Greatness
yourself in the fear, then itʼs time to get a new definition of  yourself. Perhaps you could start with an awareness of  yourself as someone who would like to release fear.  Now itʼs time to start walking in the direction of Point A. Imagine that the Light comes with you, and that as you walk across the colored pebbles they turn clear. As you step onto Point A, if you will, ask that any fear you left in the holding tank be transmuted to Light and be gone. How do you feel?  Who you are, is not the fear that lingers  in your body and mind from the past. Who you are is who you are in the Light. Awakening to Our Greatness
Chapter 3:  The Basement Door Even if you have had an experience of Self, if I were to ask you “Who are you?” you might answer with your name, your sex or your job. Do these answers define who you are, or are they a limited and constricted idea of who your ego thinks you are? On the other hand, what happens if I asked you, “Who are you really?” Feel into it for a second. Perhaps your experience is one of expansion and an inability to put the answer into words. Or, maybe there is simply space without an answer. The first time you Awakening to Our Greatness
one-story house with a very  large basement. We probably recognize what we have added to our living quarters, but in many cases, we have long forgotten what we stuck down in the basement. But just  because we have forgotten doesnʼt mean that what we put  down there has gone away. In fact, everything that was put in the basement stays in the basement until we discard it.  Hereʼs an example of personal mind. Imagine youʼre back in  5th grade. Invite your mind to start bringing up memories from the basement…people you knew, what it felt like, the teacher, things you studied. If you sit with this for a few minutes you might be surprised to see what comes up. answered the question from your personal mind. In the second instance you might just have had an experience of what we could call your  Whole Mind.  Whole Mind transcends your personal mind  and is a part of all that is. It is infinite. Some call it God  Mind. It is your Self freed from the basement that is this  personal mind. Just what is the personal mind and how does it affect us?  The personal mind has two parts: one part that we are aware of and another part that has stored information that we are  not presently aware of. Itʼs like a Awakening to Our Greatness
dramatic emotion. It could be as simple as a time you really wanted to be the best at something and yet you were only good at it. These emotions, along with old negative beliefs about yourself and the world, lie in the basement of your mind. But, in fact, they do more than lie in your mind. They act like software in your computer and directly affect the printout…the printout that is your life experience.  That’s a pretty radical assertion, so let me give you a way to explore this idea. Imagine a time in childhood when you felt really hurt about something. As a result of that experience what thought did you have about the world or about yourself? Common Some brain research shows that, in fact, every conversation  you have ever had is stored there. And, that’s just the  beginning. My work has shown that every emotion that you did not fully express is also waiting in the basement. For example, if there was a time you felt hurt or wronged, and  you started to complain and were told “Be quiet or you’ll get  something worse to complain about”…that sense of  unfairness still lives in your subconscious. If you lost someone or something dear to you and you didn’t fully grieve it…that grief still waits for your attention to be healed and released. But it doesn’t have to be a Awakening to Our Greatness
tend to see the past projected on what we are looking at. So as we see ourselves in the mirror we donʼt just see ourselves, we see our history – only we arenʼt aware of this. We gaze at a facial feature and we compare it to others, fashion models and our parents. Perhaps we are overweight and as we look at ourselves we are unconsciously reviewing all the thoughts we have ever had or heard about overweight people. Yet, we think we are seeing things as they are. Our minds are so crowded with other peopleʼs opinions that we may never even listen to our own thoughts, not to mention find our own self-love. Thatʼs how we get trapped in the mirror. The mirror it would appear is a time machine. thoughts might be, “Life is not fair,” “Iʼm not good enough,” “People are not safe,” or “It hurts to feel”. If any of these thoughts were thoughts you had as a child, look to see if they seem to be experiences that you continue to have as an adult. The amazing thing about thoughts stored in the basement is that they get stored there with no time sense. So, if you were abused as a child the thought is stored as “I am abused,” not I was abused, even though it happened many years ago. Because most of the basement, the subconscious mind, is filled with the past, when we look at something we Awakening to Our Greatness
much or that maybe our skin would come off. As an adult this event is insignificant. But the fear of the Band-Aid being removed lies in your subconscious as if you were a 5-year-old. Because there have been many events in childhood that have been stored as painful and traumatic and each of these is like a separate bubble in a piece of bubble wrap, it will take repeated efforts to remove or pop all the bubbles. Letʼs explore another process to free the subconscious from  the stuff of the past. Imagine, if you will, that you are standing in a column of Light. And this Light is pure caring. If  the word Love doesnʼt frighten you, it is unconditional, totally  caring Love. There is Chapter 4: Freeing Ourselves From the Mirror To free our Self from entrapment in the mirror requires intent. We have to want the Reality of who we are more than the unconsciousness and addiction to living in illusion. Most likely, our present condition masks the old hurts and pains of the past. Ironically, we mistakenly believe that these old hurts are overwhelming and insurmountable. Thankfully this is not true. What we thought was overwhelming as a 5-year old  is not overwhelming to the adult that we are. Itʼs a little  like a fear of a Band-Aid being removed when we were little because we thought it would hurt so Awakening to Our Greatness
with you. And itʼs  OK for you to feel however you feel. And I will stay with you. Imagine going to that child and saying to the child that you have come. You the loving adult have come to look after that child. Find the feeling of Love for this child. And, as you Love him or her, imagine how this child will change given unconditional  Love from you...given protection, caring, attention and  acceptance. As children, everything that happens in our lives is understood by our child mind as being about us. If mother or father has no time for us, we believe that it is because we are not enough. If there is abuse, we believe it is because we are  not enough. If there is abuse, we believe it is because we are bad. If there is a depressed nothing that you have to do for this Love. It is not given to you because of your body, your performance, your gifts or your ability to please. Nothing that  you do could can increase it or decrease it. It is eternal. It is  forever on your side. And it will never go away. And furthermore it is Love the way you would like to be loved.  From this column of Love you look out, or if you donʼt  visualize well, you feel out. And there you are, a child of perhaps 6 or 7. Imagine that this child is hurting or sad. Something has happened. Perhaps you could imagine the  posture of the child. You go to the child and say, “Iʼm sorry youʼre feeling sad but I have come to be Awakening to Our Greatness
What kind of person has that child become at 40? The beautiful thing is, as you answer that question, this grown person is you – without the old hurts and perceptions of the past. Love has cleared away a stuck part of your subconscious and you are now seeing yourself  clearly…maybe for the first time.  And the truth is,  you are  who you  are in the Light…  not who you  thought you  were  in your pain and  delusion… in your  stuff. The Light  is  who we really are. parent, it is our fault. It is almost impossible to come through childhood without believing that we are somehow to blame and that we are not Enough.  As you love this child, tell the child that he or she is lovable exactly as they are. Can you feel that? And that the Love that you are giving to the child will never go away. Imagine the child growing up with this continuous Love. How does he or she change? Imagine that the child is growing up in a different way than you did. He or she is like a flower in a different soil. What is the child like (not what you were like) with this love and protection at 10 years of age, at 15? What is life like at 25 and 30? Awakening to Our Greatness
Chapter 5: Where Do We Go From Here? Understanding is a good first step. But, the menu isnʼt the  meal. If you want to be about your Greatness, it takes action. We are already Great. Everything we want for ourselves already lies within. Love, Peace, Joy, Creativity, Passion, Intelligence, Abundance…all within. But, it takes action to uncover this Greatness. Even if you think you want this growth you still have to clear out the resistance to it from the subconscious. What might this resistance look like? You might believe, subconsciously, that you are bad and  therefore you donʼt deserve the Good that is offered you. You might, consciously or subconsciously, believe that God is punishing and judgmental and that if you open yourself to God bad things could happen. You might believe that God is like your parents (after all your parents were like gods to the little child whose mind still exists in your subconscious). You might believe that Love hurts and therefore you resist Love. If these illusions live in your subconscious mind you could think that you want spiritual growth, but your Awakening to Our Greatness
How can you proceed with  this work? You can: •  Do a  personal session with Rick . •  Learn to do this work for yourself  or facilitate for others. •  Work with  Rickʼs clearing CDs . •  Do the  Pathways & other Free Clearings  on Rickʼs website Subconscious  will always seek safety over any other desire. So, these illusions will need to be cleared out so that you can choose and commit to what you really want. Awakening to Our Greatness
Rick Moss, Ph.D. Rick has spent 25 years developing this work that he calls Pre-Cog (Pre-Cognitive Re-Education). He began developing the work after teaching meditation for 15 years and realizing that while meditation is wonderful it doesnʼt  eliminate all the ego patterns; patterns like fear of intimacy, issues with God, blocks to love and other mental software problems need to be addressed directly. Around this time, Rick came to realize that he had an intuitive ability. He could ask a yes/no question and get a spontaneous movement of his neck. It moved up and down when the answer to a question was “yes” and sideways for a “no”. Awakening to Our Greatness
His work involves personal sessions and workshops. He trains people how to use the work to free themselves and others from the residue that we carry from the past so that we can express our Inherent and Divine Nature. Rick completed a Masterʼs degree in Interdisciplinary  Studies in the Light of Consciousness from Maharishi International University and a Ph.D. in Education with a dissertation on Education and Consciousness from the University of Texas at Austin. He is the author of “The Light- Travelerʼs Notebook” and 18 clearing CDs. He is the  developer of Transformation Cards featured on his web site: .  With this gift, which he calls a signal, he found that he could discern what  people believed in their subconscious. These subconscious  beliefs and the emotions associated with them, he came to realize, were like defective mental software, and they produced a printout of life experience that was not in accord with what people wanted as their life experience. He soon realized that the same signal could tell him how to help people clear out these mental/emotional blocks. And when the blocks went, people were amazed at the results. They were more themselves and problems began to disappear. Awakening to Our Greatness
Acclaim for Rickʼs work: “ I  found the work we did to be extremely helpful…you have a wonderful gift to offer the world. ”  Louise Hay,  noted author, speaker and teacher. “ A truly miraculous healer. ”  Dr. Candace Pert, author,  featured in “What the bleep…” “ Your work is simply the essence of power and precision  in mental work. You have brought together the great  spiritual understandings of all teachings. ”  Dr, Bill Little,  Senior Minister,  Pacific Coast Church, Pacific Grove, California. Rick lives with his partner Janel in Carmel Valley, California, where he has a private practice that includes in-person and phone sessions. He travels internationally to teach and train people in the work of awakening to the greatness of Self. Awakening to Our Greatness
Learn more at We live on the periphery of a Greatness that  offers everything we need to be profoundly happy,  over-flowingly abundant and breathtakingly in Love.  Letʼs awaken to our Greatness.

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Awakening to Our Greatness

  • 1.  
  • 2. Introduction Hi, my name is Dr. Rick Moss. Itʼs my pleasure to offer you an opportunity to have a clearer experience of who you are when your awareness is freed from the distress of the past. You may or may not be aware of this distress, but if past upsets and old hurts have not received healing attention, they lie in our subconscious and are generators of present experience. To be fully present we have to let go of the past. To be fully alive and authentic, we have to be present. Letʼs get started. Letʼs awaken to our Greatness. Awakening to Our Greatness
  • 3. Chapter 1: An Open Window Who are we really? We are like a window that shapes and determines the quality of Light that shines through it. We are what remains when that which is temporary, limited and negative is cleared away. We are a vast reservoir of Greatness, an infinite bank account. Intelligence without measure. Love without condition. We are an individuated expression of the Light that is Being Itself. And therefore we are like a window that shapes and determines the quality of the Light that shines through it. Awakening to Our Greatness
  • 4. rocks under a waterfall. Sooner or later the game of hide and seek wears thin and we yearn to be our Selves, yearn to throw off the constraining diapers of time. We set out like the Prodigal Son. We take a few steps toward God and God takes a hundred steps toward us. And through the sheer force of yearning and the power of commitment and the pain of unraveling illusions we are re-birthed…born anew into that which has never changed and always was…our Self, our True Self. Yes, this is who we really are at our core. And yet this is rarely our experience. Most of the time we are aware of a totally different self. We are more than the greatest moments we have ever known. We are an ocean of infinite Goodness. We are generosity unbounded. We are a trillion expressions of God, echoes and mirrors to the One. Collectively we are facets of the jewel of existence. We are Consciousness in the process of awakening to our Self. Nothing about us that is limited is permanent. From the perspective of time we are on a journey. We function in a world that is a classroom. We are here to learn to choose. We explore free will. We employ the right to pretend that we are not God…that we are sorry creatures. But, pretense can only last so long. It wears away like Awakening to Our Greatness
  • 5. And so here is the opportunity. Will we awaken to the Greatness that is our true nature or will we choose to maintain the patterns and false beliefs that fool us into thinking that we are not enough, bad, fallen and failing? Awakening to Our Greatness
  • 6. So, letʼs start reclaiming ourselves. We can bring all the wonderful qualities of our Greatness into our lives. We do not have to live with fear…fear of failing, of abandonment, of not looking good, of just about anything; we can live with a sense of confidence. Letʼs do this together. Imagine that you are standing on the ground at what we could call Point A. In front of you is a pathway. Itʼs made up of pebbles. The pebbles closest to you are black and they get lighter and lighter until at the end of the path the pebbles are clear and crystal-like. As you stand at Point A, bring to your awareness any fear that you can get in touch with. Imagine that this fear is like a dark liquid inside of you and start to let it drain out Chapter 2: The Self Remembered If I am my Self, then who the hell is the other guy? If the past has a face, it belongs to this other guy. Your face is the face of inner Light, beauty, calmness and Love. The face of the past reflects all the limited and negative thoughts and emotions youʼve ever thought and felt but have not released. Traumas that youʼve experienced have led this face to decide that the world is not a safe place, to be on guard, to withhold love. “Withhold Love?” says your Lighted Self – just as impossible as it would be to withhold breath. So, letʼs start reclaiming ourselves. We can bring all the wonderful qualities of our Greatness into our lives. We do not have to live with fear…fear of failing, of abandonment, of not looking good, of just about anything; we can live with a sense of confidence. Letʼs do this together. Imagine that you are standing on the ground at what we could call Point A. In front of you is a pathway. Itʼs made up of pebbles. The pebbles closest to you are black and they get lighter and lighter until at the end of the path the pebbles are clear and crystal-like. As you stand at Point A, bring to your awareness any fear that you can get in touch with. Imagine that this fear is like a dark liquid inside of you and start to let it drain out Awakening to Our Greatness
  • 7. Imagine that the black pebbles pull out of your feet more fear... and they do this effortlessly. All you have to do is walk along the path heading for Point B, where the pebbles are crystal-like and clear. Imagine that as you walk along the path the pebbles are getting lighter. Now they're dark grey. The dark grey pebbles effortlessly pull out a different tone of the fear as you continue to walk along the path. your feet and into a holding tank under the ground at Point A. As you visualize this fear draining out as dark liquid, you are telling the subconscious exactly what you want it to do. The subconscious speaks visualization better than it speaks English. Imagine that the dark liquid has drained out to the level of your waist. Now itʼs down to the level of your knees. If you are good at visualization… great. If not, it will still work if you use a feeling of the draining or just consciously give your subconscious instructions with the words that you are reading. Now imagine that all the dark liquid has drained out and start to walk along the path. Awakening to Our Greatness
  • 8. Now the pebbles are medium grey, and they too, pull out a lighter tone of the fear. And now the pebbles are light grey, pulling out the most subtle vibrations of the fear that have been stored in your body and mind. With one final step, imagine that you step onto the crystal-like clear pebbles, and now youʼre also standing in a warm, loving Light. Imagine that you have to do nothing for this Light but be. Itʼs not given to you because of your body, your performance, your ability to please. It wants nothing from you. It is just Love, just kindness. And nothing that you do will ever make it go away. As you drink in this warmth and love, if there is any more fear that you are aware of, imagine that you could let this fear go. Perhaps it could be released as if it were blackbirds of smoke. Perhaps it is heavier, like a bowling ball, and you could let it roll out of you and break on the ground and be swallowed up. Do whatever you need to do and just let it go. Now, as you stand in the light on the clear pebbles answer this question. Do you feel more like yourself in the Light or in your fear? If you feel more like yourself in the Light, then youʼll have no problem letting the fear be transmuted that drained out at Point A. If you think that you feel more like Awakening to Our Greatness
  • 9. yourself in the fear, then itʼs time to get a new definition of yourself. Perhaps you could start with an awareness of yourself as someone who would like to release fear. Now itʼs time to start walking in the direction of Point A. Imagine that the Light comes with you, and that as you walk across the colored pebbles they turn clear. As you step onto Point A, if you will, ask that any fear you left in the holding tank be transmuted to Light and be gone. How do you feel? Who you are, is not the fear that lingers in your body and mind from the past. Who you are is who you are in the Light. Awakening to Our Greatness
  • 10. Chapter 3: The Basement Door Even if you have had an experience of Self, if I were to ask you “Who are you?” you might answer with your name, your sex or your job. Do these answers define who you are, or are they a limited and constricted idea of who your ego thinks you are? On the other hand, what happens if I asked you, “Who are you really?” Feel into it for a second. Perhaps your experience is one of expansion and an inability to put the answer into words. Or, maybe there is simply space without an answer. The first time you Awakening to Our Greatness
  • 11. one-story house with a very large basement. We probably recognize what we have added to our living quarters, but in many cases, we have long forgotten what we stuck down in the basement. But just because we have forgotten doesnʼt mean that what we put down there has gone away. In fact, everything that was put in the basement stays in the basement until we discard it. Hereʼs an example of personal mind. Imagine youʼre back in 5th grade. Invite your mind to start bringing up memories from the basement…people you knew, what it felt like, the teacher, things you studied. If you sit with this for a few minutes you might be surprised to see what comes up. answered the question from your personal mind. In the second instance you might just have had an experience of what we could call your Whole Mind. Whole Mind transcends your personal mind and is a part of all that is. It is infinite. Some call it God Mind. It is your Self freed from the basement that is this personal mind. Just what is the personal mind and how does it affect us? The personal mind has two parts: one part that we are aware of and another part that has stored information that we are not presently aware of. Itʼs like a Awakening to Our Greatness
  • 12. dramatic emotion. It could be as simple as a time you really wanted to be the best at something and yet you were only good at it. These emotions, along with old negative beliefs about yourself and the world, lie in the basement of your mind. But, in fact, they do more than lie in your mind. They act like software in your computer and directly affect the printout…the printout that is your life experience. That’s a pretty radical assertion, so let me give you a way to explore this idea. Imagine a time in childhood when you felt really hurt about something. As a result of that experience what thought did you have about the world or about yourself? Common Some brain research shows that, in fact, every conversation you have ever had is stored there. And, that’s just the beginning. My work has shown that every emotion that you did not fully express is also waiting in the basement. For example, if there was a time you felt hurt or wronged, and you started to complain and were told “Be quiet or you’ll get something worse to complain about”…that sense of unfairness still lives in your subconscious. If you lost someone or something dear to you and you didn’t fully grieve it…that grief still waits for your attention to be healed and released. But it doesn’t have to be a Awakening to Our Greatness
  • 13. tend to see the past projected on what we are looking at. So as we see ourselves in the mirror we donʼt just see ourselves, we see our history – only we arenʼt aware of this. We gaze at a facial feature and we compare it to others, fashion models and our parents. Perhaps we are overweight and as we look at ourselves we are unconsciously reviewing all the thoughts we have ever had or heard about overweight people. Yet, we think we are seeing things as they are. Our minds are so crowded with other peopleʼs opinions that we may never even listen to our own thoughts, not to mention find our own self-love. Thatʼs how we get trapped in the mirror. The mirror it would appear is a time machine. thoughts might be, “Life is not fair,” “Iʼm not good enough,” “People are not safe,” or “It hurts to feel”. If any of these thoughts were thoughts you had as a child, look to see if they seem to be experiences that you continue to have as an adult. The amazing thing about thoughts stored in the basement is that they get stored there with no time sense. So, if you were abused as a child the thought is stored as “I am abused,” not I was abused, even though it happened many years ago. Because most of the basement, the subconscious mind, is filled with the past, when we look at something we Awakening to Our Greatness
  • 14. much or that maybe our skin would come off. As an adult this event is insignificant. But the fear of the Band-Aid being removed lies in your subconscious as if you were a 5-year-old. Because there have been many events in childhood that have been stored as painful and traumatic and each of these is like a separate bubble in a piece of bubble wrap, it will take repeated efforts to remove or pop all the bubbles. Letʼs explore another process to free the subconscious from the stuff of the past. Imagine, if you will, that you are standing in a column of Light. And this Light is pure caring. If the word Love doesnʼt frighten you, it is unconditional, totally caring Love. There is Chapter 4: Freeing Ourselves From the Mirror To free our Self from entrapment in the mirror requires intent. We have to want the Reality of who we are more than the unconsciousness and addiction to living in illusion. Most likely, our present condition masks the old hurts and pains of the past. Ironically, we mistakenly believe that these old hurts are overwhelming and insurmountable. Thankfully this is not true. What we thought was overwhelming as a 5-year old is not overwhelming to the adult that we are. Itʼs a little like a fear of a Band-Aid being removed when we were little because we thought it would hurt so Awakening to Our Greatness
  • 15. with you. And itʼs OK for you to feel however you feel. And I will stay with you. Imagine going to that child and saying to the child that you have come. You the loving adult have come to look after that child. Find the feeling of Love for this child. And, as you Love him or her, imagine how this child will change given unconditional Love from you...given protection, caring, attention and acceptance. As children, everything that happens in our lives is understood by our child mind as being about us. If mother or father has no time for us, we believe that it is because we are not enough. If there is abuse, we believe it is because we are not enough. If there is abuse, we believe it is because we are bad. If there is a depressed nothing that you have to do for this Love. It is not given to you because of your body, your performance, your gifts or your ability to please. Nothing that you do could can increase it or decrease it. It is eternal. It is forever on your side. And it will never go away. And furthermore it is Love the way you would like to be loved. From this column of Love you look out, or if you donʼt visualize well, you feel out. And there you are, a child of perhaps 6 or 7. Imagine that this child is hurting or sad. Something has happened. Perhaps you could imagine the posture of the child. You go to the child and say, “Iʼm sorry youʼre feeling sad but I have come to be Awakening to Our Greatness
  • 16. What kind of person has that child become at 40? The beautiful thing is, as you answer that question, this grown person is you – without the old hurts and perceptions of the past. Love has cleared away a stuck part of your subconscious and you are now seeing yourself clearly…maybe for the first time. And the truth is, you are who you are in the Light… not who you thought you were in your pain and delusion… in your stuff. The Light is who we really are. parent, it is our fault. It is almost impossible to come through childhood without believing that we are somehow to blame and that we are not Enough. As you love this child, tell the child that he or she is lovable exactly as they are. Can you feel that? And that the Love that you are giving to the child will never go away. Imagine the child growing up with this continuous Love. How does he or she change? Imagine that the child is growing up in a different way than you did. He or she is like a flower in a different soil. What is the child like (not what you were like) with this love and protection at 10 years of age, at 15? What is life like at 25 and 30? Awakening to Our Greatness
  • 17. Chapter 5: Where Do We Go From Here? Understanding is a good first step. But, the menu isnʼt the meal. If you want to be about your Greatness, it takes action. We are already Great. Everything we want for ourselves already lies within. Love, Peace, Joy, Creativity, Passion, Intelligence, Abundance…all within. But, it takes action to uncover this Greatness. Even if you think you want this growth you still have to clear out the resistance to it from the subconscious. What might this resistance look like? You might believe, subconsciously, that you are bad and therefore you donʼt deserve the Good that is offered you. You might, consciously or subconsciously, believe that God is punishing and judgmental and that if you open yourself to God bad things could happen. You might believe that God is like your parents (after all your parents were like gods to the little child whose mind still exists in your subconscious). You might believe that Love hurts and therefore you resist Love. If these illusions live in your subconscious mind you could think that you want spiritual growth, but your Awakening to Our Greatness
  • 18. How can you proceed with this work? You can: • Do a personal session with Rick . • Learn to do this work for yourself or facilitate for others. • Work with Rickʼs clearing CDs . • Do the Pathways & other Free Clearings on Rickʼs website Subconscious will always seek safety over any other desire. So, these illusions will need to be cleared out so that you can choose and commit to what you really want. Awakening to Our Greatness
  • 19. Rick Moss, Ph.D. Rick has spent 25 years developing this work that he calls Pre-Cog (Pre-Cognitive Re-Education). He began developing the work after teaching meditation for 15 years and realizing that while meditation is wonderful it doesnʼt eliminate all the ego patterns; patterns like fear of intimacy, issues with God, blocks to love and other mental software problems need to be addressed directly. Around this time, Rick came to realize that he had an intuitive ability. He could ask a yes/no question and get a spontaneous movement of his neck. It moved up and down when the answer to a question was “yes” and sideways for a “no”. Awakening to Our Greatness
  • 20. His work involves personal sessions and workshops. He trains people how to use the work to free themselves and others from the residue that we carry from the past so that we can express our Inherent and Divine Nature. Rick completed a Masterʼs degree in Interdisciplinary Studies in the Light of Consciousness from Maharishi International University and a Ph.D. in Education with a dissertation on Education and Consciousness from the University of Texas at Austin. He is the author of “The Light- Travelerʼs Notebook” and 18 clearing CDs. He is the developer of Transformation Cards featured on his web site: . With this gift, which he calls a signal, he found that he could discern what people believed in their subconscious. These subconscious beliefs and the emotions associated with them, he came to realize, were like defective mental software, and they produced a printout of life experience that was not in accord with what people wanted as their life experience. He soon realized that the same signal could tell him how to help people clear out these mental/emotional blocks. And when the blocks went, people were amazed at the results. They were more themselves and problems began to disappear. Awakening to Our Greatness
  • 21. Acclaim for Rickʼs work: “ I found the work we did to be extremely helpful…you have a wonderful gift to offer the world. ” Louise Hay, noted author, speaker and teacher. “ A truly miraculous healer. ” Dr. Candace Pert, author, featured in “What the bleep…” “ Your work is simply the essence of power and precision in mental work. You have brought together the great spiritual understandings of all teachings. ” Dr, Bill Little, Senior Minister, Pacific Coast Church, Pacific Grove, California. Rick lives with his partner Janel in Carmel Valley, California, where he has a private practice that includes in-person and phone sessions. He travels internationally to teach and train people in the work of awakening to the greatness of Self. Awakening to Our Greatness
  • 22. Learn more at We live on the periphery of a Greatness that offers everything we need to be profoundly happy, over-flowingly abundant and breathtakingly in Love. Letʼs awaken to our Greatness.