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Q 1:– Design All Logical Gates Using VHDL.Solution: -AND Gate:- Source Code: ------
----------------------------------------------- AND gate-- two descriptions provided--------------
------------------------------------library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;------------------------
--------------------------entity AND_ent isport( x: in std_logic; y: in std_logic; F: out
std_logic);end AND_ent;--------------------------------------------------architecture
AND_behav1 of AND_ent isbegin process(x, y) begin -- compare to truth table if ((x=1)
and (y=1)) then F <= 1; else F <= 0; end if; end process;
end behav1;architecture AND_behav2 of AND_ent isbegin F <= x and y;end behav2;
Sample Waveform Output: -OR Gate:- Source Code: -----------------------------------------
OR gate---- two descriptions provided--------------------------------------library ieee;use
ieee.std_logic_1164.all;--------------------------------------entity OR_ent isport( x: in
std_logic; y: in std_logic; F: out std_logic
);end OR_ent;---------------------------------------architecture OR_arch of OR_ent isbegin
process(x, y) begin -- compare to truth table if ((x=0) and (y=0)) then F <= 0; else F <= 1;
end if; end process;end OR_arch;architecture OR_beh of OR_ent isbegin F <= x or y;end
OR_beh; Sample Waveform Output: -NOT Gate:- Source Code: -
---------------------------------------- NOT gate---- two descriptions provided-------------------
-------------------library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;--------------------------------------
entity NOT_ent isport( x: in std_logic; F: out std_logic);end NOT_ent;-----------------------
----------------architecture NOT_arch of NOT_ent isbegin F <= not x;end NOT_beh;
Sample Waveform Output: -NAND Gate:-
Source Code: -------------------------------------------- NAND gate---- two descriptions
provided-----------------------------------------library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;--------
----------------------------------entity NAND_ent isport( x: in std_logic; y: in std_logic; F:
out std_logic);end NAND_ent;------------------------------------------architecture behv1 of
NAND_ent isbegin process(x, y) begin -- compare to truth table if (x=1 and y=1) then F
<= 0; else F <= 1; end if; end process;end behv1;
-----------------------------------------architecture behv2 of NAND_ent isbegin F <= x nand
y;end behv2; Sample Waveform Output: -NOR Gate:- Source Code: -------------------------
------------------- NOR gate---- two descriptions provided----------------------------------------
-library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;-----------------------------------------entity
NOR_ent isport( x: in std_logic; y: in std_logic; F: out std_logic);
end NOR_ent;------------------------------------------architecture behv1 of NOR_ent isbegin
process(x, y) begin -- compare to truth table if (x=0 and y=0) then F <= 1; else F <= 0;
end if; end process;end behv1;architecture behv2 of NOR_ent isbegin F <= x nor y;end
behv2; Sample Waveform Output: -XOR Gate:-
Source Code: ----------------------------------------- XOR gate---- two descriptions provided-
-------------------------------------library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;-----------------------
---------------entity XOR_ent isport( x: in std_logic; y: in std_logic; F: out std_logic);end
XOR_ent;--------------------------------------architecture behv1 of XOR_ent isbegin
process(x, y) begin -- compare to truth table if (x/=y) then F <= 1; else F <= 0; end if; end
end behv1;architecture behv2 of XOR_ent isbegin F <= x xor y;end behv2; Sample
Waveform Output: -XNOR Gate:- Source Code: ----------------------------------------- XOR
gate---- two descriptions provided--------------------------------------library ieee;use
ieee.std_logic_1164.all;--------------------------------------entity XNOR_ent isport( x: in
std_logic; y: in std_logic; F: out std_logic
);end XNOR_ent;---------------------------------------architecture behv1 of XNOR_ent
isbegin process(x, y) begin -- compare to truth table if (x/=y) then F <= 0; else F <= 1;
end if; end process;end behv1;architecture behv2 of XNOR_ent isbegin F <= x xnor
y;end behv2;--------------------------------------- Sample Waveform Output: -
Q 2:– Write VHDL Programs for the following and check simulation –1. Half Adder2.
Full AdderSolution: -Half Adder:- Source Code: ---
==============-- file name is : ha (ha=half adder)-- Author : Soumya--
==============library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;use
ieee.std_logic_unsigned.ALL;entity ha is port (X : in std_logic; Y : in std_logic; Z : out
std_logic; -- sum out of X+Y C : out std_logic -- carry out from X+Y );end ha;--
==============architecture rtl of ha is--
==============begin Z <= (X XOR Y); C <= X AND Y; -- the logical operator
"AND" and "XOR" is defined in VHDL.end rtl; Sample Waveform Output: -Full Adder:-
Source Code: ---
==============-- file name is : fa (fa=full adder)-- Author : Soumya--
library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; -- can be different dependent on tool used.use
ieee.std_logic_unsigned.ALL; -- can be different dependent on tool used.entity fa is port
(a : in std_logic; b : in std_logic; c_in : in std_logic; sum : out std_logic; -- sum out of
X+Y c_out : out std_logic -- carry out );end fa;--
==============architecture rtl of fa is -- Define internal signals signal sum_low :
std_logic; signal c_low : std_logic; signal c_high : std_logic; -- Define the entity of the
half adder to instansiatecomponent ha -- "ha" must be same name as used in the entity for
the file port (X : in std_logic; Y : in std_logic; Z : out std_logic; -- sum out of X+Y C :
out std_logic -- carry out );end component; --------- end of entity for ha ------------
==============beginha_low : ha port map ( -- ha-side fa-side X => a, Y => b, Z =>
sum_low, C => c_low ); --------- end of port map for "ha_low" ----------ha_high : ha port
map ( -- ha-side fa-side X => sum_low, Y => c_in, Z => sum, C => c_high ); --------- end
of port map for "ha_high" ---------- c_out <= (c_low OR c_high);end rtl;
Sample Waveform Output: -
Q 3:– Write VHDL Programs for the following and check simulation –1. Multiplexer2.
DemultiplexerSolution: -Multiplexer (4 X 1):- Source Code: ----------------------------------
------------------ VHDL code for 4:1 multiplexor-- Multiplexor is a device to select
different-- inputs to outputs. we use 3 bits vector to-- describe its I/O ports------------------
-------------------------------library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;-----------------------------
--------------------entity Mux isport( I3: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); I2: in
std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); I1: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); I0: in
std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); S: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); O: out
std_logic_vector(2 downto 0));end Mux;-------------------------------------------------
architecture behv1 of Mux isbegin process(I3,I2,I1,I0,S) begin
-- use case statement case S is when "00" => O <= I0; when "01" => O <= I1; when "10"
=> O <= I2; when "11" => O <= I3; when others => O <= "ZZZ"; end case; end
process;end behv1;architecture behv2 of Mux isbegin -- use when.. else statement O <=
I0 when S="00" else I1 when S="01" else I2 when S="10" else I3 when S="11" else
"ZZZ";end behv2; Sample Waveform Output: -
Demultiplexer (1 X 4):- Source Code: -library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;entity
Demux_4_to_1 is port( E : in std_logic; -- the signal source S0, S1 : in std_logic; -- the
selector switches D0, D1, D2, D3 : out std_logic);-- the output data linesend
Demux_4_to_1;--architecture Func of Demux_4_to_1 is component andGate is --import
AND Gate entity port( A, B, C : in std_logic; F : out std_logic); end component;
component notGate is --import NOT Gate entity port( inPort : in std_logic; outPort : out
end component; signal invOut0, invOut1 : std_logic;begin --Just like the real circuit,
there are --four components: G1 to G4 GI1: notGate port map(S0, invOut0); GI2: notGate
port map(S1, invOut1); GA1: andGate port map(E, invOut1, invOut0, D0); -- D0 GA2:
andGate port map(E, S0, invOut1, D1); -- D1 GA3: andGate port map(E, invOut0, S1,
D2); -- D2 GA4: andGate port map(E, S0, S1, D3); -- D3end Func;---------------------------
Sample Waveform Output: -
Q 4:– Write VHDL Programs for the following and check simulation –1. Decoder2.
EncoderSolution: -DECODER (2 to 4 line):- Source Code: -library IEEE;use
IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;entity decoder isport( input : in std_logic_vector(2
downto 0); --3 bit input output : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) -- 8 bit ouput );end
decoder;architecture arch of decoder isbeginoutput(0) <= (not input(2)) and (not input(1))
and (not input(0));output(1) <= (not input(2)) and (not input(1)) and input(0);output(2)
<= (not input(2)) and input(1) and (not input(0));output(3) <= (not input(2)) and input(1)
and input(0);output(4) <= input(2) and (not input(1)) and (not input(0));output(5) <=
input(2) and (not input(1)) and input(0);output(6) <= input(2) and input(1) and (not
input(0));output(7) <= input(2) and input(1) and input(0);end arch; Sample Waveform
Output: -
ENCODER (4 Input Priority Encoder):- Source Code: -library ieee;use
ieee.std_logic_1164.all;entity Encoder_8x3 isport(d0,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7:in
std_logic;a0,a1,a2:out std_logic);end Encoder_8x3;architecture arch of Encoder_8x3
isbegina2<= d4 or d5 or d6 or d7;a1<= d2 or d3 or d6 or d7;a0<= d1 or d3 or d5 or
d7;end arch; Sample Waveform Output: -
Q 5:– Write a VHDL Program for a Comparator and check the simulation.Solution: -
COMPARATOR:- Source Code: -LIBRARY ieee ;USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;USE
ieee.std_logic_arith.all ;ENTITY compare ISPORT ( A, B : IN SIGNED(3 DOWNTO 0)
;AeqB, AgtB, AltB : OUT STD_LOGIC ) ;END compare ;ARCHITECTURE Behavior
OF compare ISBEGINAeqB <= 1 WHEN A = B ELSE 0 ;AgtB <= 1 WHEN A > B
ELSE 0 ;AltB <= 1 WHEN A < B ELSE 0 ;END Behavior ; Sample Waveform Output: -
Q 6:– Write a VHDL Program for a Code Convertor and check the simulation.Solution: -
BCD to BINARY CODE CONVERTOR:- Source Code: -library IEEE;use
IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;entity BCD2BIN is Port ( bcd : in
STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (4 downto 0); binary : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto
0));end BCD2BIN;architecture Behavioral of BCD2BIN is begin process (bcd) begin
case bcd is when "00000" => binary <= "0000"; when "00001" => binary <= "0001";
when "00010" => binary <= "0010"; when "00011" => binary <= "0011"; when "00100"
=> binary <= "0100"; when "00101" => binary <= "0101"; when "00110" => binary <=
"0110"; when "00111" => binary <= "0111"; when "01000" => binary <= "1000"; when
"01001" => binary <= "1001"; when "10000" => binary <= "1010"; when "10001" =>
binary <= "1011"; when "10010" => binary <= "1100"; when "10011" => binary <=
"1101"; when "10100" => binary <= "1110"; when "10101" => binary <= "1111";
when others => binary <= "XXXX"; end case; end process;end Behavioral; Sample
Waveform Output: -
Q 7:– Write a VHDL Program for a Flip-Flop and check the simulation.Solution: -JK
FLIP FLOP:- Source Code: -library IEEE;use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;entity jk is
Port ( J : in STD_LOGIC; K : in STD_LOGIC; clock : in STD_LOGIC; reset : in
STD_LOGIC; Q : out STD_LOGIC; Qbar : out STD_LOGIC);end jk;architecture
Behavioral of jk issignal state: std_logic;signal input: std_logic_vector(1 downto
0);begininput <= J & K;p: process(clock, reset) isbeginif (reset=1) thenstate <= 0;elsif
(rising_edge(clock)) thencase (input) iswhen "11" =>state <= not state;when "10" =>state
<= 1;when "01" =>state <= 0;
when others =>null;end case;end if;end process;Q <= state;Qbar <= not state;end
Behavioral; Sample Waveform Output: -
Q 8:– Write a VHDL Program for a Counter and check the simulation.Solution: -N BIT
COUNTER:- Source Code: ------------------------------------------------------- VHDL code
for n-bit counter---- this is the behavior description of n-bit counter-- another way can be
used is FSM model.----------------------------------------------------library ieee ;use
ieee.std_logic_1164.all;use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;-----------------------------------------
-----------entity counter isgeneric(n: natural :=2);port( clock: in std_logic; clear: in
std_logic; count: in std_logic; Q: out std_logic_vector(n-1 downto 0));end counter;--------
--------------------------------------------architecture behv of counter is signal Pre_Q:
std_logic_vector(n-1 downto 0);begin -- behavior describe the counter process(clock,
count, clear) begin if clear = 1 then Pre_Q <= Pre_Q - Pre_Q; elsif (clock=1 and
clockevent) then if count = 1 then Pre_Q <= Pre_Q + 1; end if; end if; end process; --
concurrent assignment statement Q <= Pre_Q;end behv; Sample Waveform Output: -
Q 9:– Write VHDL Programs for the following and check simulation –1. Register2. Shift
RegisterSolution: -N-Bit Register:- Source Code: ------------------------------------------------
------ n-bit Register (ESD book figure 2.6)---- KEY WORD: concurrent, generic and
range---------------------------------------------------library ieee ;use
ieee.std_logic_1164.all;use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;-----------------------------------------
----------entity reg isgeneric(n: natural :=2);port( I: in std_logic_vector(n-1 downto 0);
clock: in std_logic; load: in std_logic; clear: in std_logic; Q: out std_logic_vector(n-1
downto 0));end reg;----------------------------------------------------architecture behv of reg is
signal Q_tmp: std_logic_vector(n-1 downto 0);begin process(I, clock, load, clear) begin
if clear = 0 then -- use range in signal assigment Q_tmp <= (Q_tmprange => 0); elsif
(clock=1 and clockevent) then if load = 1 then Q_tmp <= I; end if; end if; end process;
-- concurrent statement Q <= Q_tmp;end behv;---------------------------------------------------
Sample Waveform Output: -3-Bit Shift Register:- Source Code: ------------------------------
------------------------ 3-bit Shift-Register/Shifter---- reset is ignored according to the
figure---------------------------------------------------library ieee ;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;-
--------------------------------------------------entity shift_reg isport( I: in std_logic; clock: in
std_logic; shift: in std_logic; Q: out std_logic);end shift_reg;-----------------------------------
----------------architecture behv of shift_reg is -- initialize the declared signal signal S:
std_logic_vector(2 downto 0):="111";begin
process(I, clock, shift, S) begin -- everything happens upon the clock changing if
clockevent and clock=1 then if shift = 1 then S <= I & S(2 downto 1); end if; end if; end
process; -- concurrent assignment Q <= S(0);end behv; Sample Waveform Output: -
2. ActiveHDL 7.2 SESubmitted To:- Submitted By:-Mr. Manoj Ahlawat Soumya S.
BeheraAsst. Professor 1826 6th Semester, CSE UIET, Mdu, Rohtak

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Write complete VHDL codes for the following schematic. Solution.pdf

Q 1

  • 1. Q 1:– Design All Logical Gates Using VHDL.Solution: -AND Gate:- Source Code: ------ ----------------------------------------------- AND gate-- two descriptions provided-------------- ------------------------------------library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;------------------------ --------------------------entity AND_ent isport( x: in std_logic; y: in std_logic; F: out std_logic);end AND_ent;--------------------------------------------------architecture AND_behav1 of AND_ent isbegin process(x, y) begin -- compare to truth table if ((x=1) and (y=1)) then F <= 1; else F <= 0; end if; end process; end behav1;architecture AND_behav2 of AND_ent isbegin F <= x and y;end behav2; Sample Waveform Output: -OR Gate:- Source Code: ----------------------------------------- OR gate---- two descriptions provided--------------------------------------library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;--------------------------------------entity OR_ent isport( x: in std_logic; y: in std_logic; F: out std_logic );end OR_ent;---------------------------------------architecture OR_arch of OR_ent isbegin process(x, y) begin -- compare to truth table if ((x=0) and (y=0)) then F <= 0; else F <= 1; end if; end process;end OR_arch;architecture OR_beh of OR_ent isbegin F <= x or y;end OR_beh; Sample Waveform Output: -NOT Gate:- Source Code: - ---------------------------------------- NOT gate---- two descriptions provided------------------- -------------------library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;-------------------------------------- entity NOT_ent isport( x: in std_logic; F: out std_logic);end NOT_ent;----------------------- ----------------architecture NOT_arch of NOT_ent isbegin F <= not x;end NOT_beh; Sample Waveform Output: -NAND Gate:- Source Code: -------------------------------------------- NAND gate---- two descriptions provided-----------------------------------------library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;-------- ----------------------------------entity NAND_ent isport( x: in std_logic; y: in std_logic; F: out std_logic);end NAND_ent;------------------------------------------architecture behv1 of NAND_ent isbegin process(x, y) begin -- compare to truth table if (x=1 and y=1) then F <= 0; else F <= 1; end if; end process;end behv1; -----------------------------------------architecture behv2 of NAND_ent isbegin F <= x nand y;end behv2; Sample Waveform Output: -NOR Gate:- Source Code: ------------------------- ------------------- NOR gate---- two descriptions provided---------------------------------------- -library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;-----------------------------------------entity NOR_ent isport( x: in std_logic; y: in std_logic; F: out std_logic); end NOR_ent;------------------------------------------architecture behv1 of NOR_ent isbegin process(x, y) begin -- compare to truth table if (x=0 and y=0) then F <= 1; else F <= 0; end if; end process;end behv1;architecture behv2 of NOR_ent isbegin F <= x nor y;end behv2; Sample Waveform Output: -XOR Gate:- Source Code: ----------------------------------------- XOR gate---- two descriptions provided- -------------------------------------library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;----------------------- ---------------entity XOR_ent isport( x: in std_logic; y: in std_logic; F: out std_logic);end XOR_ent;--------------------------------------architecture behv1 of XOR_ent isbegin process(x, y) begin -- compare to truth table if (x/=y) then F <= 1; else F <= 0; end if; end process; end behv1;architecture behv2 of XOR_ent isbegin F <= x xor y;end behv2; Sample Waveform Output: -XNOR Gate:- Source Code: ----------------------------------------- XOR gate---- two descriptions provided--------------------------------------library ieee;use
  • 2. ieee.std_logic_1164.all;--------------------------------------entity XNOR_ent isport( x: in std_logic; y: in std_logic; F: out std_logic );end XNOR_ent;---------------------------------------architecture behv1 of XNOR_ent isbegin process(x, y) begin -- compare to truth table if (x/=y) then F <= 0; else F <= 1; end if; end process;end behv1;architecture behv2 of XNOR_ent isbegin F <= x xnor y;end behv2;--------------------------------------- Sample Waveform Output: - Q 2:– Write VHDL Programs for the following and check simulation –1. Half Adder2. Full AdderSolution: -Half Adder:- Source Code: --- =============================================================== ==============-- file name is : ha (ha=half adder)-- Author : Soumya-- =============================================================== ==============library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.ALL;entity ha is port (X : in std_logic; Y : in std_logic; Z : out std_logic; -- sum out of X+Y C : out std_logic -- carry out from X+Y );end ha;-- =============================================================== ==============-- =============================================================== ==============architecture rtl of ha is-- =============================================================== ==============begin Z <= (X XOR Y); C <= X AND Y; -- the logical operator "AND" and "XOR" is defined in VHDL.end rtl; Sample Waveform Output: -Full Adder:- Source Code: --- =============================================================== ==============-- file name is : fa (fa=full adder)-- Author : Soumya-- =============================================================== ============== library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; -- can be different dependent on tool used.use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.ALL; -- can be different dependent on tool used.entity fa is port (a : in std_logic; b : in std_logic; c_in : in std_logic; sum : out std_logic; -- sum out of X+Y c_out : out std_logic -- carry out );end fa;-- =============================================================== ==============-- =============================================================== ==============architecture rtl of fa is -- Define internal signals signal sum_low : std_logic; signal c_low : std_logic; signal c_high : std_logic; -- Define the entity of the half adder to instansiatecomponent ha -- "ha" must be same name as used in the entity for the file port (X : in std_logic; Y : in std_logic; Z : out std_logic; -- sum out of X+Y C : out std_logic -- carry out );end component; --------- end of entity for ha ------------ =============================================================== ==============beginha_low : ha port map ( -- ha-side fa-side X => a, Y => b, Z => sum_low, C => c_low ); --------- end of port map for "ha_low" ----------ha_high : ha port map ( -- ha-side fa-side X => sum_low, Y => c_in, Z => sum, C => c_high ); --------- end of port map for "ha_high" ---------- c_out <= (c_low OR c_high);end rtl; Sample Waveform Output: - Q 3:– Write VHDL Programs for the following and check simulation –1. Multiplexer2. DemultiplexerSolution: -Multiplexer (4 X 1):- Source Code: ----------------------------------
  • 3. ------------------ VHDL code for 4:1 multiplexor-- Multiplexor is a device to select different-- inputs to outputs. we use 3 bits vector to-- describe its I/O ports------------------ -------------------------------library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;----------------------------- --------------------entity Mux isport( I3: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); I2: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); I1: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); I0: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); S: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); O: out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0));end Mux;------------------------------------------------- architecture behv1 of Mux isbegin process(I3,I2,I1,I0,S) begin -- use case statement case S is when "00" => O <= I0; when "01" => O <= I1; when "10" => O <= I2; when "11" => O <= I3; when others => O <= "ZZZ"; end case; end process;end behv1;architecture behv2 of Mux isbegin -- use when.. else statement O <= I0 when S="00" else I1 when S="01" else I2 when S="10" else I3 when S="11" else "ZZZ";end behv2; Sample Waveform Output: - Demultiplexer (1 X 4):- Source Code: -library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;entity Demux_4_to_1 is port( E : in std_logic; -- the signal source S0, S1 : in std_logic; -- the selector switches D0, D1, D2, D3 : out std_logic);-- the output data linesend Demux_4_to_1;--architecture Func of Demux_4_to_1 is component andGate is --import AND Gate entity port( A, B, C : in std_logic; F : out std_logic); end component; component notGate is --import NOT Gate entity port( inPort : in std_logic; outPort : out std_logic); end component; signal invOut0, invOut1 : std_logic;begin --Just like the real circuit, there are --four components: G1 to G4 GI1: notGate port map(S0, invOut0); GI2: notGate port map(S1, invOut1); GA1: andGate port map(E, invOut1, invOut0, D0); -- D0 GA2: andGate port map(E, S0, invOut1, D1); -- D1 GA3: andGate port map(E, invOut0, S1, D2); -- D2 GA4: andGate port map(E, S0, S1, D3); -- D3end Func;--------------------------- ------------------------------END---------------------------------------------------------END Sample Waveform Output: - Q 4:– Write VHDL Programs for the following and check simulation –1. Decoder2. EncoderSolution: -DECODER (2 to 4 line):- Source Code: -library IEEE;use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;entity decoder isport( input : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); --3 bit input output : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) -- 8 bit ouput );end decoder;architecture arch of decoder isbeginoutput(0) <= (not input(2)) and (not input(1)) and (not input(0));output(1) <= (not input(2)) and (not input(1)) and input(0);output(2) <= (not input(2)) and input(1) and (not input(0));output(3) <= (not input(2)) and input(1) and input(0);output(4) <= input(2) and (not input(1)) and (not input(0));output(5) <= input(2) and (not input(1)) and input(0);output(6) <= input(2) and input(1) and (not input(0));output(7) <= input(2) and input(1) and input(0);end arch; Sample Waveform Output: - ENCODER (4 Input Priority Encoder):- Source Code: -library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;entity Encoder_8x3 isport(d0,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7:in std_logic;a0,a1,a2:out std_logic);end Encoder_8x3;architecture arch of Encoder_8x3 isbegina2<= d4 or d5 or d6 or d7;a1<= d2 or d3 or d6 or d7;a0<= d1 or d3 or d5 or d7;end arch; Sample Waveform Output: - Q 5:– Write a VHDL Program for a Comparator and check the simulation.Solution: - COMPARATOR:- Source Code: -LIBRARY ieee ;USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;USE ieee.std_logic_arith.all ;ENTITY compare ISPORT ( A, B : IN SIGNED(3 DOWNTO 0)
  • 4. ;AeqB, AgtB, AltB : OUT STD_LOGIC ) ;END compare ;ARCHITECTURE Behavior OF compare ISBEGINAeqB <= 1 WHEN A = B ELSE 0 ;AgtB <= 1 WHEN A > B ELSE 0 ;AltB <= 1 WHEN A < B ELSE 0 ;END Behavior ; Sample Waveform Output: - Q 6:– Write a VHDL Program for a Code Convertor and check the simulation.Solution: - BCD to BINARY CODE CONVERTOR:- Source Code: -library IEEE;use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;entity BCD2BIN is Port ( bcd : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (4 downto 0); binary : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0));end BCD2BIN;architecture Behavioral of BCD2BIN is begin process (bcd) begin case bcd is when "00000" => binary <= "0000"; when "00001" => binary <= "0001"; when "00010" => binary <= "0010"; when "00011" => binary <= "0011"; when "00100" => binary <= "0100"; when "00101" => binary <= "0101"; when "00110" => binary <= "0110"; when "00111" => binary <= "0111"; when "01000" => binary <= "1000"; when "01001" => binary <= "1001"; when "10000" => binary <= "1010"; when "10001" => binary <= "1011"; when "10010" => binary <= "1100"; when "10011" => binary <= "1101"; when "10100" => binary <= "1110"; when "10101" => binary <= "1111"; when others => binary <= "XXXX"; end case; end process;end Behavioral; Sample Waveform Output: - Q 7:– Write a VHDL Program for a Flip-Flop and check the simulation.Solution: -JK FLIP FLOP:- Source Code: -library IEEE;use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;entity jk is Port ( J : in STD_LOGIC; K : in STD_LOGIC; clock : in STD_LOGIC; reset : in STD_LOGIC; Q : out STD_LOGIC; Qbar : out STD_LOGIC);end jk;architecture Behavioral of jk issignal state: std_logic;signal input: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);begininput <= J & K;p: process(clock, reset) isbeginif (reset=1) thenstate <= 0;elsif (rising_edge(clock)) thencase (input) iswhen "11" =>state <= not state;when "10" =>state <= 1;when "01" =>state <= 0; when others =>null;end case;end if;end process;Q <= state;Qbar <= not state;end Behavioral; Sample Waveform Output: - Q 8:– Write a VHDL Program for a Counter and check the simulation.Solution: -N BIT COUNTER:- Source Code: ------------------------------------------------------- VHDL code for n-bit counter---- this is the behavior description of n-bit counter-- another way can be used is FSM model.----------------------------------------------------library ieee ;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;----------------------------------------- -----------entity counter isgeneric(n: natural :=2);port( clock: in std_logic; clear: in std_logic; count: in std_logic; Q: out std_logic_vector(n-1 downto 0));end counter;-------- --------------------------------------------architecture behv of counter is signal Pre_Q: std_logic_vector(n-1 downto 0);begin -- behavior describe the counter process(clock, count, clear) begin if clear = 1 then Pre_Q <= Pre_Q - Pre_Q; elsif (clock=1 and clockevent) then if count = 1 then Pre_Q <= Pre_Q + 1; end if; end if; end process; -- concurrent assignment statement Q <= Pre_Q;end behv; Sample Waveform Output: - Q 9:– Write VHDL Programs for the following and check simulation –1. Register2. Shift RegisterSolution: -N-Bit Register:- Source Code: ------------------------------------------------ ------ n-bit Register (ESD book figure 2.6)---- KEY WORD: concurrent, generic and range---------------------------------------------------library ieee ;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;----------------------------------------- ----------entity reg isgeneric(n: natural :=2);port( I: in std_logic_vector(n-1 downto 0); clock: in std_logic; load: in std_logic; clear: in std_logic; Q: out std_logic_vector(n-1
  • 5. downto 0));end reg;----------------------------------------------------architecture behv of reg is signal Q_tmp: std_logic_vector(n-1 downto 0);begin process(I, clock, load, clear) begin if clear = 0 then -- use range in signal assigment Q_tmp <= (Q_tmprange => 0); elsif (clock=1 and clockevent) then if load = 1 then Q_tmp <= I; end if; end if; end process; -- concurrent statement Q <= Q_tmp;end behv;--------------------------------------------------- Sample Waveform Output: -3-Bit Shift Register:- Source Code: ------------------------------ ------------------------ 3-bit Shift-Register/Shifter---- reset is ignored according to the figure---------------------------------------------------library ieee ;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;- --------------------------------------------------entity shift_reg isport( I: in std_logic; clock: in std_logic; shift: in std_logic; Q: out std_logic);end shift_reg;----------------------------------- ----------------architecture behv of shift_reg is -- initialize the declared signal signal S: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0):="111";begin process(I, clock, shift, S) begin -- everything happens upon the clock changing if clockevent and clock=1 then if shift = 1 then S <= I & S(2 downto 1); end if; end if; end process; -- concurrent assignment Q <= S(0);end behv; Sample Waveform Output: - PRACTICAL FILE DIGITAL SYSTEM DESIGN LAB Softwares Used – 1. Xilinx 13.4 2. ActiveHDL 7.2 SESubmitted To:- Submitted By:-Mr. Manoj Ahlawat Soumya S. BeheraAsst. Professor 1826 6th Semester, CSE UIET, Mdu, Rohtak