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Emergency Management Laws And Act
Emergency Management laws and acts are established by the Federal Government to allow
emergency managers and local elected officials the opportunity to lead disaster response and
recovery from the local level to the Federal level. Many of these laws and acts give absolute power
to local and state officials to make decisions to best preserve life and property during and after an
incident. The laws and acts also hold these officials accountable for the actions that they take and
the responsibility is totally held by the official. There are many considerations an emergency
manager must think about during and after a disaster such as Dillon's Law, Home Rule, and other
laws that allow for decision–making powers of the local and state officials. One aspect that a local
Emergency Manager to consider is that of planning prior to the disaster occurring. Local Emergency
Managers are required by law to plan for and mitigate disasters and public health emergencies that
could affect their jurisdiction. An example would be that the local Emergency Manager has a plan to
evacuate an area where there is a potential for radiation exposure (i.e. nuclear power plant). The plan
would also include what other agencies would respond to assist the local government when a
disaster arises. For example, a metropolitan city would request assistance from the county health
department for a public health emergency (i.e. swine flu outbreak). According to Wilson &
McCreight, Emergency Managers are
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The City Of Danville, Virginia Essay
The city of Danville, Virginia is expecting a terrorist attack to occur in the near future due to
Dominion Power dumping their waste water into the Dan River. Terrorist have given the city five
days to have a response before the city endures a major attack. This emergency operations plan will
include all aspects for the city of Danville, Virginia to carry out the various roles and responsibilities
of government organizations and providing a connection to the local, state, federal, and private
organizations, and resources to address during emergencies. The emergency operation plan will be
taking steps and roles necessary to provide a well throughout response to ensure the safety and well–
being of the Danville's civilians. The safety and well–being of citizens is never more threatened than
during disasters and attacks. The main goal of the emergency operations plan is to ensure that we
limit the severity of the situation, having preparedness, responding quickly and firmly, and making
sure recovery actions exist to the public to make sure their safety and well–being stays protected.
This emergency plan will provide a guidance for the Danville's departments with a general concept
of potential emergency assignments before, during, and following an emergency but making sure it
does not replace county or local emergency operations plans or procedures they may have already
established. This plan wants to ensure that there is and will be consistency with the now current
policies and
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Federal, State, And Local Roles Of Emergency Management
Federal, State, and Local Roles in Emergency Management
Government at all levels plays an important role during disaster management. Actions and roles of
each government agencies are spelled out in the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and
the National Response Framework (NRF). But before we go into details on the roles of
governments, let me first of all explain what constitute emergency and emergency management, just
to give clearer understanding some of these terms. Then I will examine the roles of governments at
all level including first responder actions, mutual support, lead and support roles.
An emergency is a severe, sudden and sometimes risky circumstances requiring urgent action
(Salman Sawalha, 2014). Escalation of an emergency situation can lead to disaster; which is an
unusual event that can cause lost of life and property (Salman Sawalha, 2014). International
Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRRCS) define disaster as "unexpected
devastating events that disrupts the operations of a population or public which leads to huge losses
and overwhelmed the affected community 's ability to respond to the situation with the resources
they have at hand". There are two main types of disaster that can lead to emergency situations; these
include natural and man–made disasters.
Natural disasters are the catastrophes cause by "Mother Nature", which is often difficult to forecast
or manage (Morrison, et al 2014). Examples of
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The Concept Of State Of Emergency
critical to start by characterizing what scholars mean by the term emergency. The idea of emergency
law is focused around the reality that the general motivation behind all government truly is the
benefit of the individuals. Emergency law implies that the ruler or the government in an emergency
circumstance can take measures that are outside the boundary of confinement of the law or against
the immediate letters of the law. Emergency law must be chosen by the executive power, the
executive extension of government. Democracy, laws and human rights are only means that the
individuals can use to control the executive extension and in this way guarantee that it meets ...
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It takes measures for circumstances, which lawmakers were not able to foresee, when the laws were
made. Emergencies frequently indicate unpredicted circumstances that at the same time represent a
risk and require quick reaction. Zuckerman notes three parts of an emergency: "an epistemic
segment ( 'unexpected, ' 'sudden '), a fleeting part ( 'requests quick activity '), and an existential
segment ( 'represents an essential danger '), as in an emergency is a danger to something 's presence,
security, or integrity." That is, emergencies are unforeseen occasions that create a danger and oblige
pressing activity. Machiavelli and Locke offer the estimation that there will dependably be
unanticipated phenomena in political life and that executives hold sole power to focus when
occasions constitute crises. These scholars, then again, give contrasting views of what produces a
fundamental threat. The thought that an emergency represents a peril to "something 's" presence is a
principle purpose of contention between Machiavelli and Locke. For Machiavelli, a danger emerges
when a startling episode may hinder the ruler 's capacity to hold power, and the sovereign ought to
be the main individual with the power to focus when this danger exists. Conversely, Locke contends
that dangers to the public good constitute emergency circumstances, and it is dependent upon the
official to recognize when a circumstance
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The Federal Highway Administration ( Fhwa )
Within the United States Department of Transportation exists an agency called the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) which was created on October 15, 1966. The FHWA supports State and
local governments in design, construction, and maintenance of the Nation's highway system. The
Administration's mainly responsible for making sure that the highways and roads continue to be
among the safest and most technologically available in the world. The FHWA core highway topics
are: environmental, federal and Indian lands, highway funding, international, research and
technologies, roads and bridges, road users, safety, and road operations and congestion. In order for
the FHWA to cover all those topics mentioned earlier the administration has many offices one of
which is the Office of Operations.
The FHWA Office of Operations provides national leadership for the management and operations of
the surface transportation system. The Office of Operations has many tasks one of which is it
reduces highway congestion by better operating the highway network so that it performs better to
meet customer expectations. In order to accomplish this, the Office of Operations initiated programs
such as: reducing congestions, improving operations, creating a foundation for 21st century
operations, improving global connectivity by enhancing contents management and operations, and
finally improving mobility and security through better emergency management. The programs begin
policies and programs,
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Emergency Management And Emergency Managers
Introduction There are many roles an Emergency Managers will have to take in today's emergency
response and management field. The fact that emergency management covers such a vide field of
concern means that the roles themselves will not be cookie cutter standardized throughout the world.
In the United States there are Emergency Managers at the local, state, and federal level and each of
these roles are similar. The fact that these Emergency Managers deal with separate issues that are
not similar will cause these managers to have their own unique custom roles which will make them
differ from one another. The purpose of this essay is to define and discuss the most important roles
these managers fill. Local Local Emergency Managers such as county or volunteer fire chiefs will
have the direct familiarity and the best understanding of the best approach to certain locally unique
situations in their area that a federal or even state employed Emergency Managers would not, purely
due to the fact that the outside managers do not deal daily with the small hand emergencies that the
locals face. "Where there is an Emergency Managers that person is generally appointed, at the
county level, by a County Council or by County Commissioners, depending on the form or structure
of the county government." (FEMA, 2014) Local Emergency Managers will understand better how
to maneuver the cities' infrastructure and local topographical hazards better than an "out–of–towner"
federal, or
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Natural Disasters In Australia Essay
Australia Providing protection of life, property and the environment within the country of Australia
is the duty that lies within the scope of the states and territories of the country. Similar to the United
States, the Australian government provides a supporting role to the states and territories by evolving
their ability to manage events; as well as provide tangible assets when their own local resources are
overwhelmed. Any humanitarian aid outside of the country falls on the shoulders of the Australian
government. In partnership with the Department of Finance and Regulation, Geoscience Australia,
and the Bureau of Meteorology, Emergency Management Australia (EMA) is governed by the
Attorney– General's Department (AGD). AGD "seeks to encourage ... Show more content on ...
They support a five–stage emergency management paradigm of hazard analysis, mitigation,
planning and preparedness, response, and recovery (McMullan). To guide agencies in the event of
an emergency disaster a document entitled A Framework for Major Emergency Management,
created in 2006 in an effort to bolster the countries emergency response, "sets out mechanisms for
co–ordination at all levels of major emergency management – on site, at local level and at the
regional level" (A Framework for Major Emergency Management). This document outlines the
criteria and procedures to be followed if major disaster is declared; it outlines the functions and
responsibilities between Principal Response Agencies, and defines "the command and control of
operations and inter–agency coordination arrangements" ("Ireland – Disaster Management
Structure," 2014). In the event of a declared emergency, the Government of Ireland has appointed
the An Garda Síochána (National Police Service), the Health Services Executive (health and social
services) and the local authorities (including the fire service), as the Principal Response Agencies
(PRAs) to respond to the
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State Of Emergency For Indian Education
As stated by Heather Sholten, author of the newspaper article "State of Emergency for Indian
Education", she explains that "The problems of native students begins long before they reach high
school. The percentage of American Indians and Alaska Native fourth–graders scoring below basic
on the national assessment of educational progress increased by two points between 2005 and 2011
– – even as a percentage of fourth–graders struggling in math declined by five points in that same
period." This quote highlights how early educational problem may begin well before students even
enter high school. This means that we should focus more on early education, rather than trying to fix
the problem while they're in high school. Others believe that these high drop–out rates are caused by
discrimination that many Native American children experience while attending school. Some
organizations began speaking with currently enrolled Native American students, to get a glimpse
into their high school experience. After speaking with them and hearing about a continual lack of
respect of their cultures from peers and archaic stereotypes, many began to see the possible
correlation between discrimination and drop–out rates. The Sioux Falls Argus leader was one of the
groups who spoke with Native American high school students. After they held a discussion with the
students, they recorded that the students "...shared similar encounters with racism, discrimination,
and stereotypes." One student who works
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Martial Law In America
''What we are now witnessing is the slow motion unraveling of America. Our economy is dying, the
American people have lost faith in the government and in almost all of our other major institutions,
and our society is collapsing.Most Americans don't understand why all of this is happening, but
most of them do realize that something has fundamentally changed.'' Obama did promise to
fundamentally change America. The main reason that martial law can happen result from the telling
signs are that it will. A mass population in which an estimated 34% of its population get their
information from Facebook and where 90% of it's information comes from six corporations, has
produced what is now widely regarded as the dumbest generation in its history. ... Show more
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That is not an interpretation or an opinion, it is fact and it's why the above organisations are warning
of an increasing danger of a police State, which some say is the prelude to martial law, which the
images in this post suggest. 6. American exceptionalism and the NSA The NSA activities have not
been abolished, they have been reformed, by virtue of the USA Freedom Act (2015), which replaces
Bush's 2001 Patriot Act. The only difference now is that private telecommunications collect the data
and the NSA has to make access requests. Question 4. If people are awake and fixing things, why is
this happening. These images do not suggest a 'waking up', but a compliance. Name: 2.jpg Views:
27 Size: 21.2
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p1 unit 14
Task 1a As a new recruit working in a public service you have been asked to investigate the
response to emergency service incidents. You should describe how emergency incidents are graded
by a selected public service call centre. Firstly, you should give examples of emergency incidents as
described in the Civil Contingencies Act 2004. You should also describe how emergency incidents
are graded for a selected public service control room including the grading categories used, and the
role of call handlers and incident managers. Look at the guidance notes to see what needs to be
covered. Use the box provided to answer this question. Task 1a (P1) When you look at an
emergency incident. It has to be graded by ... Show more content on ...
The next part of the act is looking at the definition of category 1 and category 2 responders. Every
responder has an emergency planning officer. Their main role is to make sure they have good
communication with the other responders and that they stay in accordance of the act. Category 1
responders are core responders or "blue–light" responders. There are 9 different responders for
example some of the responders in category 1 are: fire service, police service and the NHS primary
care trust. These will normally be the first ones to respond to an incident they get it under control
and evaluate if any category 2 responders are needed and if so which ones. Category 2 responders
are key and work with category 1 responders they help and support them. Category 2 is utility
services and transport organizations Electricity distributors and transmitters and Gas distributors.
They also get help for network travel and highway agencies, also the health and safety executive.
The police have a certain code they use over the radios to determine how dangerous or life
threatening the issue is. When you call the police, the phone call goes to the control room and they
will assess the situation and decide on what code to give it the code will play a vital part in whether
or not they get
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Where to Turn in Case of an Emergency
I. Preparation
A. Communications
1. Command central
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is the lead agency when responding to
disasters from a federal perspective. In a large–scale disaster such as a strong hurricane, FEMA will
oversee the response operations and assist the local, county, and state emergency management
agencies as needed. FEMA will receive regular updates on the status of the hurricane and broadcast
the information out to the affected states in order to provide a prompt response. In case of
evacuation, previously established evacuation plans would be utilized to remove people from the
impacted area. The state and local emergency management agencies will assist in disseminating the
information to the affected areas. In general, plans should be implemented to call in all emergency
responders to be ready for response and recovery operations.
The American Red Cross (ARC) will provide emergency assistance as needed including fixed or
mobile feeding stations, shelter, cleaning supplies, comfort kits, first aid, blood products, clothing,
emergency transportation, home repairs, household items, and medical supplies.
Additional assistance for long–term recovery may be provided when other relief assistance and
personal resources are not adequate to meet recovery needs. The American Red Cross (ARC) also
provides referrals to the government and other agencies providing disaster assistance.
2. Chain of Command
Emergency Management Agencies in each city
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The Federal Emergency Management Agency ( Fema ) Of The...
One dominant agency is the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) of the United States
Department of Homeland Security. FEMA was created on 1979 by the late President Jimmy Carter
that signed the executive order to support the citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation,
people work together to build, sustain and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against,
respond to, recover from and mitigate all hazards. Another program called National Earthquake
Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) was developed to lead the federal government's effort to
reduce the fatalities, injuries, and property losses caused by earthquakes. This program was
established in 1977 to coordinate their complementary activities with FEMA, the ... Show more
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Preparedness Programs As mentioned earlier children is one of many vulnerable group of people
when an earthquake occur. They do not concern themselves with training and conducting safety
drills compared to adults who wants to and needs to prepare for such disasters. Children are more
interested in making friends, playing with friends, learning, and, of course, having fun at home and
school. Most of the time, children are at school doing what they need to do, which is to learn from
what the school has to offer. They do not fully understand that they may be separated from their
family, loss their parents or brothers and sisters, and experience a horrific destruction of seeing
severely injured people or even dead bodies. This is something that should not happen and
experience by child. It will be extremely difficult and traumatizing for that child if they do
experience it. However, there are many programs that are developed to mitigate such experience
from a child. In California, there are school programs that will help prepare the children for the
disaster. Not just that, the program are placed to help them gain knowledge on the mechanism of
natural disaster, to be specific an earthquake disaster. The California Governor's Office of
Emergency Service (Cal OES) (2008), developed a program that
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Technology And The Rights Of A State Of Emergency
Technology and the rights that are written in the constitution is a privilege that people must not take
advantage of in order for them to keep on having it for their life time. For those people who step out
of that line that is draw and cause issue for others. Then society has every right to protect its self
from those kind of induvial. Such as cause problems like potentially dangerous leaks that may force
other in direct path of harm way or if people miss use them like Tools for communication, tools for
oppression, or causing the Shutdown of communication in free countries.
For the purpose of, Shutting down communication in free countries was one of the things that I
learned in way that I have better understanding why some governments go down that route in order
to protect people from them self and others. For example, the government dose of power to take way
people rights in a state of emergency including the freedom of speech where people can say
whatever they want without causing harm to individuals. However, if a person or people do beyond
want is considered rational and society is in jeopardy of crashing down. The government can
become a ruler or powerfully entity by putting in Marshall Law that basically means place of
residence or country is on lock down and the government is full control that area and peoples
actions. However, technology and communication has brought a new spin on how people take out
their frustrations and talk about in way that is some
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Wisconsin 's Emergency State Responders
Wisconsin 's Emergency State Responders
Is Wisconsin ready for a natural disaster? Can emergency responders be ready at any given moment?
Are there ways you can be prepare? While climate changes, this also changes the way emergencies
would normally respond.
"We work hand in hand with the Wisconsin National Guard along with local, tribal, state and federal
agencies to provide help and support to communities and people in Wisconsin during and
emergency or disaster, it starts with planning and preparedness." –Brian M. Satula
Wisconsin Emergency state responders are ready when ever a disaster occurs. There are many
programs within WEM and throughout the state that help the people of Wisconsin when they are in
need. With the help of ... Show more content on ...
Brian m. Satula
Brian M. Satula is the state administrator of WEM (Wisconsin Emergency Management). He was
appointed by Governor Walker in may of 2011. Brian provides management and leadership for the
administrative and emergency operations function of the division. when disaster occur he acts as the
state coordinating officer
Wisconsin Emergency Response System
Wisconsin Emergency Management (WEM) coordinates effective disaster response and recovery
efforts in support of local governments. Through planning, training and exercising we prepare
ourselves, our citizens and response personnel to minimize the loss of lives and property.
Wisconsin State Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
When an emergency or natural disaster strikes, the state of Wisconsin must coordinate emergency
operations that are closely managed in order to respond effectively and that is the job of the State
Emergency Operations Center. The Operations Center has a status and within the status there are 4
Level 1 Event (Full Activation EOC)
Level 1 is a full activation of the State Emergency Operations Center (EOC) along with the
Wisconsin Emergency Response System (WEM), DMA, Department of Health Services (DHS),
Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Department of Transportation Highways (DOT), State
Patrol, Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) and Department of
Corrections DOC. Full activation also includes
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The Wake Forest Emergency Communications Plan
The Wake Forest Emergency Communications Plan (WFECP) is intended to provide information,
strategies and 24–hour radio, telephone, and internet capabilities in the event of a disastrous
situation. The WFECP provides clear and concise information as to what types of communication
equipment is available, leadership and agency roles and alternative equipment that will be used if
primary equipment is overburdened or destroyed. This plan also serves in cooperation with the
North Carolina Emergency Communications Plan (ESF–2), and the FEMA's National Emergency
Communications Plan. Properly planned, established, and applied communications enable the
dissemination of information among command and support elements and, as appropriate, ... Show
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Information Technology:
Wake County is responsible for the implementation of the WFECP. This includes the forms of
communication available, maintenance and collaboration with other local, state, and federal
Wake Forest Management Information Systems Department (MIS) will be responsible for keeping
logs of activities and to prepare and maintain an Alert Roster of personnel that are required to carry
out responsibilities.
MIS Department will also keep points of contact (POC) with telecommunication companies that
will be responsive on a 24/7 basis. Also, Wake County and state EM's need to be contacted as soon
as possible. Contact should be made prior to a known disaster, if possible.
MIS will be responsible for training personnel on equipment and their capabilities. In case they are
responsible for staffing county or state Emergency Operation Centers.
Wake County will coordinate the acquisition and deployment of communication equipment
immediately after an emergency.
MIS and Wake County Emergency Management staff will be responsible for briefing the appropriate
personnel on status of communications.
Situational Analysis:
In the event of a disaster it is highly likely that telecommunications and electrical systems could be
damaged. All surviving communication assets, either local or state, will be needed for an
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State of Emergency: Legal and Political Implications in...
Emergency in ordinary parlance means a time of crisis, a moment of danger or suspense. A state of
emergency therefore is a governmental declaration that recognises the existence of this peculiar
situation and takes some necessary actions to restore the peace and governmental stability of the
society. During this period, the maxim, salus populi suprema lex has a special force and to that
effect, some normal functions of the executive, legislative and judicial powers may be suspended.
Citizens are alerted to change their normal behaviours, or government agencies are ordered to
implement emergency preparedness plans. It can also be used as a rationale for suspending rights
and freedoms, even if guaranteed under the constitution. ... Show more content on
These regulations last for seven days unless confirmed otherwise by the Parliament. A state of
emergency was last invoked in 1974 by Prime Minister Edward Heath in response to increasing
industrial action.
In Victoria, Australia, a state of emergency can be declared if there is a threat to employment, safety
or public order. The effect of the state of emergency enables the Parliament to make desired
regulations to secure public order and safety.
Though fairly uncommon in democracies, dictatorial regimes often declare a state of emergency that
is prolonged indefinitely for the life of the regime. In some situations, martial law is also declined
allowing the military greater authority to act. In other cases, emergency is not declared and de facto
measures taken or decree–law adopted by the government. Egypt has been governed under
emergency law almost continuously since 1967 and without interruption since Hosni Mubarak
became president in October 1981 after the assassination of president Anwar Sadat. The law has
been repeatedly renewed since then. The law gives
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The Federal Emergency Management Agency
In 1979 the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was created to offer services the
states had not substantially invested in and the consumer market had not offered (Moynihan, 2013).
The idea was that on a national level it would be cheaper to establish one higher level agency to
develop expertise on how to deal with disasters (Moynihan, 2013). Our national government has the
ability to create and enforce common policies which would avoid the confusion of multiple state,
local and national agencies coming together to respond in an emergency. To create a more effective
response, local, state and federal agencies should follow policies that in general have the same
guidelines and speak the same language; hopefully creating greater ... Show more content on ...
And lastly, recovery after the disaster to bring the area back to a normal state (Shover, 2007). Each
disaster response should start at the local or state level, and then depending on the magnitude it may
grow to the response level only the federal government can provide. The initial response to an
emergency by the state should deal with the emergency needs of the public. The State's
responsibility will be to focus around control of communication procedures; warning of the
upcoming emergency if possible, providing public information, any information regarding
evacuations and shelter (Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1996). Beyond controlling
communication, the state will also be responsible to alert and dispatch the required emergency
response teams to engage in protection of people and their property, and if needed a request for aid
from the Federal Government (Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1996). Requesting
assistance from the Federal Government requires a number of steps. Usually after a disaster has
occurred a preliminary damage assessment will be submitted by the state and other agencies to
provide an assessment of the number of victims caused by the disaster, how many may be injured or
missing, how may have been evacuated from the area and any damage to hospitals, power systems,
and infrastructure such as transportation systems (Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1996).
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Essay on Emergency Management: Trust and Compliance
In order to protect citizens, infrastructure, business and property, Governors have to perform pivotal
responsibilities. In case of a disaster emergency, the Governor which is also the chief executive is
responsible for the adequate response of any type of emergency such as human caused, natural or
technological incidence1. The performance of a successful emergency response requires from the
Governor good communication and relationship with the respective governmental agencies,
community, private–sector and institutions2. Therefore, because the Governor should respond to the
citizens who voted for him, he should be responsible for maintaining stakeholders always engaged
in the public's health and emergency responses. According to the ... Show more content on ...
Likewise, the Governor has the authority to deploy the National Guard and he may use it to assist in
response operations, in support of the local incident commander or the Pennsylvania Emergency
Management Agency (PEMA)2.
Under the terms and conditions of the Stafford Act, once the state of Pennsylvania has reached its
maximum limit of resources, the Governor can request a Presidential Declaration of Major Disaster,
in order to receive federal support. He may also use the Commonwealth funds and may transfer up
to $10,000,000 from unused General Fund money in order to deal with the disaster emergency.
Moreover, the Governor can use all Commonwealth and political subdivision resources available as
necessary to deal with the disaster emergency and is responsible of authorizing purchases, lease or
make other arrangements with the Federal Government for temporary housing units to be occupied
by disaster victims so it can serve as shelters. The Governor may also request the interstate mutual
aid which supplements emergency response capabilities of Pennsylvania. He must first look within
Pennsylvania borders to determine whether the resources are available to support his responsibilities
involved in the immediate response.
If there is a need of evacuation during the emergency, the Governor has the authority to evacuate all
or part of the population from the threatened area. This evacuation will be coordinated and
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Mental Health Case Study Face Sheet
GS reviewed chart on this date. Letters of Guardianship were current. Expiration date is December
28, 2018. The Placement Letter in the chart was current and dated July 6, 2017. GS reviewed face
sheet. There was no family listed on face sheet. Face sheet has GS Lavira Green as emergency
contact. Environment: GS observed that the facility was clean and a comfortable temperature. There
were no unpleasant odors noticed by GS. Ward was located in the common with approximately ten
other consumers. The consumers were preparing to leave for the day. Ward was sitting around a
table with three consumers. GS did not notice any safety issues with the facility. Physical/Medical:
Ward was dressed in a white T–shirt, light green pants, and white tennis ... Show more content on ...
GS reviewed Ward's chart on this date, obtained copy of the doctors and nurse's progress notes and
current medications. Ward has no physical health concerns noted at visit. La Quanna LVN reports no
current physical health issues with Ward. GS has attached health records in GOLD. Mental: Ward is
diagnosed with Profound IDD, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, Schizoaffective Disorder, and
Bipolar disorder. GS monitored Ward's mental status on this visit. Ward is aware that she is at the
day program. She was preparing to go home. Melvin, Ward's Trainer, stated that Ward participant in
all actives with no problems. He has not witness any recent behavior problems with Ward. Ward was
smiling while GS was talking to her. She appears to be in a good mood. Ward made eye contact with
GS. She nodded her head and smiled while GS spoke to her. Ward has very limited verbal
communication skills. She can speak only a few words. She uses sign language gestures to
communicate her needs. La Quanna, LVN, reports that Ward is stable on current medications. Dr.
Kanneganti visited Ward on January 9, 2018. There were no changes in Ward's psychotropic
medications. GS obtained doctor's progress notes and attached into
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Speech On Secularism
It cannot be denied that in a multicultural and a multifarious religious state, secularism cannot be
given any precise definition. It is a tool in the hands of the State to use it judiciously for the
promotion of inter–communal peace and harmony, and to ensure, depending on the peculiarities of
each case, that all the communities receive equal treatment.
India waited another twenty–seven years to enshrine secularism as one of the objectives of the
nation. On 1 September 1976, through the 42nd Amendment Act, passed during an internal
emergency, the words "secular" and "socialist were formally added to the preamble of the
Constitution. Then proposed constitutional changes can be considered under the following heads: (i)
Amendability of the Constitution; (ii) Fundamental Rights; (iii) Directive Principles ... Show more
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R. Gokhale, made a lengthy speech on its far–reachingconsequences. Yet about secularism and its
introduction in the preamble of the Constitution, this was 'all he had to say:
"(T)he objectives which we had always in view, namely, socialism and secularism, which we have
tried to implement, will be more and more implemented and will be more accurately and correctly
reflected in a basic part of our Constitution, namely, the Preamble. Let anyone say that "socialism"
or "secularism" is incapable of definition (sic)."
Well, in order to accept that argument of the Law Minister , one may say that "democracy" in that
sense is also incapable of definition because, it is understood in different ways in different countries.
But, there is consensus on the way we practice democracy. In the same way, the meanings of the
words "socialism" and "secularism" are well understood and embedded in the Constitution. Thus, all
the argument seems futile but the main objective of the amendment to the Preamble was a very
important and fundamental feature of the Amendment
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Emergency Management And The Homeland Security Information...
Introduction Emergency management functions around four main ideas, mitigation, preparedness,
response, and recovery. These terms are widely used throughout the federal emergency management
agency, which in turn integrates them into every aspect of emergency management as a whole.
Using the terms mentioned helps create programs such as web–based situational awareness
programs the Homeland Security Information Network known as "HSIN". Web–based situational
awareness programs are vital programs to have during any emergency event, whether it is used
during an active emergency event, training for an event, or for everyday use. The city of Everett
currently uses one form of web–based situational awareness program that is mainly used by first
responders such as police and fire agencies. Integrating a new system that is beneficial for all
federal, state, local, and tribal agencies as well as organizations is the most beneficial for
interoperability. The current city emergency management plans uses HAZUS software, Wireless
Emergency Alert and some other great software programs. But, using a system like HSIN allows for
each program to be dumped into one system that paints a broad picture of situations as it unfolds
that allows emergency managers or incident commanders delegate responsibilities.
Program Overview
Everett is currently the third most populated county in Washington State. The county is roughly
three quarters of a million people, with Everett being the most
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Chicago University's Emergency Operations Plan
Executive Summary Crisis management can be classified as a procedure with which an individual
organization or organizations can manage a key occurrence that endangers or threatens the
institution, its stakeholders, or even the public at large (Birkland, 2006). Lerbinger (1997) identifies
7 types of crises as follows:
1. Natural disaster
2. Technological crises
3. Confrontation
4. Malevolence
5. Organizational Misdeeds
6. Workplace Violence
7. Rumors
8. Terrorist attacks/man–made disasters This paper investigates the extent to which Chicago's
Universities have aligned their emergency management systems with the National Incident
Management System of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). FEMA, in order to
standardize the management of emergency and to restructure it, designed a policy, known as
"National Incident Management System" (NIMS). It mandates all emergency management
institutions including nongovernmental (private) and governmental sectors having jurisdictions in
the federal, state and local levels.
Paper Outline This paper analyzes Chicago Universities Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)
(Chicago State University Emergency Operations Plan, 2011). The paper found that the EOP was a
comprehensive crisis management plan and is in line with FEMA's NIMS. The paper specifically
found the following features about Chicago's EOP: It is a blueprint that provides a quick response to
every emergency known. It does not delay the procedure by taking first step
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Emergency Period Media
Emergency period media
In June, 1975, Indira Gandhi's government declared a state of emergency and suspended civil
liberties. Immediately after this declaration, the government tightened its controls on the Indian
mass media, especially o n the newspapers which had reputations of being free and lively. During
the Summer of 1975, as Indira Gandhi became increasingly more threatened by the mounting
criticisms of her government, she declared a state of emergency. Immediately she took control of the
press, prohibiting their reporting of all domestic and international news. The government expelled
several foreign correspondents
(mainly American and British) and withdrew accreditation from more than 40 Indian reporters who
normally covered the ... Show more content on ...
"H e urged the editors t o express their ideas fearlessly: However, Indira Gandhi's call made editors
suppress their best thoughts, and for the Indian mass media, freedom became a matter of history.
Like other dictators in history, Indira Gandhi's first attempt was t o impose "thought control" o n the
populous. F o r her, this was t o be effectuated not merely by controlling the Indian mass media but
also by moulding the media t o her own purpose. It has now becomea well– known fact that during
the emergency Indira Gandhi had a firm grip
on the Indian mass media. This was especially true since radio and television in India are
government owned and operated; for Indira, there was the simple matter of controlling the
newspapers in order to achieve a total control of the mass media. She used at least three methods in
manipulating the newspapers: (1) allocation of government advertising; (2) shotgun merger of the
(3) use of fear–arousal techniques on newspaper publishers, journalists and individual shareholders.
The Indian newspapers depend a great deal on governmental advertising; without such revenues, it
would be difficult for many
Indian newspapers to stay in business. Unfortunately, this has kept many ofthem vulnerable
togovernment manipulation. The large scale possibility of such manipulation, however, was not fully
demonstra– ted until Indira Gandhi's government decided to take advantage of this unique
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Case Scenario Of The United States ' Criminal Center...
Case Scenario T.R. is a 69 year old, Caucasian female with a history of schizophrenia who presented
to University Hospital Medical Center Emergency Room under Baker Act for recent suicidal
attempt. According to the Baker Act report, she ran out of her retirement facility, trying to be hit by
vehicles. She suffered a slight injury to her right ankle, as the slightly slightly hit her in an effort to
abruptly stop the vehicle. She verbalized to police officers she wanted to die. She reported that peers
in her retirement community learned about her history and had been gossiping about her. She
reported increased paranoia due to this. She was hospitalized in the same psychiatric unit two
months ago, after she was diagnosed with depression. Patient states the reason she was diagnosed
with depression is because her two sons are not willing to talk to her. She states that she is separated
and living without her family in an Assisted Living Facility. As per patient and chart review, the
patient was born and raised in New Jersey and moved to South Florida. The patient currently lives in
a retirement home and had to move several times to the different Assisted Living Facility, due to her
paranoia and delusional behavior. She is currently retired and reports that she used to work from
home as a home health aide. She has two sons and tries to maintain a good relationship with them,
but denies any contact with them. She reports the biggest stressor is basically a relationship with her
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The Federal Emergency Management Agency
The Federal Emergency Management Agency is here to help a city rebuild and recover after natural
or manmade disasters. When FEMA isn't enough to help recover from the damage, the city is lost.
For a city or country ability to rebuild after a natural disaster depends on the city 's strength and the
government's response to the disaster. If a city cannot recover after a natural disaster it is all on the
government. A city need a strong stable government in order to thrive. Once disaster hit it's up to the
city at first to take care of what is going on in the city. This is the part of the government responding
at a local level. The business owners and civilians help start the rebuild of their city from within. If
the city is completely ... Show more content on ...
Hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, tsunamis, freak floods, mudslides, typhoons, and avalanches.
Natural disasters cost billions of dollars each year all over the world. The severity of these disaster
are measured by the lives lost, the economic loss, and the ability of the population to rebuild.
Natural disasters that really affect people worldwide tend to become more intense as the years go on.
The frequency of earthquakes, mega storms, and heat waves has gone up considerably in the last
few decades. Scientists, geologists, and storm watchers work hard to predict major disasters and
avert as much damage as possible but it is still to predict some natural disasters. It has become easier
to predict major storms, blizzards, cyclones, and other weather related natural disasters over the
years. But there are still natural disasters that come up rather unexpectedly, such as earthquakes,
wildfires, landslides, and volcanic eruptions. FEMA goal is to ensure that the United States is able to
prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters, natural and manmade alike. The
agency's motto is "A Nation Prepared". Some people like FEMA former director Joe Allbaugh
believe people shouldn't depend on FEMA. That people should be able to help themselves and
rebuild on their own. The ability to rebuild after a natural disaster depends on the population
strength and the government timely response to the disaster. The government's response to natural
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The State Of Emergency And Urban Californians
In 2012 and 2013 Klamath County on the Southern Oregon border declared a drought in April, after
a string of fortunate years of heavy rain and snow. In 2014, a drought emergency was declared in
February, two months earlier than in 2013, and in 2015 drought was again declared for the county in
April( United State Geological Survey 2015). These successive drought declarations are not
surprising to anyone who was following the Western water crisis during those years, where the
governor of California declared a state of emergency and urban Californians were mandated to find
ways to cut their water consumption drastically . In 2012, 10,000 avian mortalities were reported in
the Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuges because of the shut off of water facilities that support
wetland habitat for migratory species (Learn 2012.) During those dry years, an article titled Birds
are Dying As Drought Ravages Avian Highways ran in National Geographic, featuring Lower
Klamath National Wildlife Refuge and putting the struggle of its bird species in a regional context,
as long distance flyers found fewer and fewer refuges with the water resources to maintain them(
Kay 2015). It was these shocking statistics that first attracted me, as a birder, to the basin as an area
of study. However, as I began to wade into the history of the basin and its complicated local politics,
I soon realized that I could not disentangle the issues experienced by wildlife and wildlife managers
in the
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Berwick Hospital System Essay
Assignment: Case Study for Berwick Hospital System
Assume that you are the newly appointed Chief Continuity Manager for the Berwick Hospital
System. Outlining the major risks associated with maintaining continuity of operations in the event
of an environmental catastrophe, and making an outline of the basics of a continuity plan to cope
such a scenario.
To: the Chief Operating Officer
Subject: Risks Associated with Environmental Catastrophe
Berwick Hospital System has identified some of the same vulnerabilities with hospitals in Louisiana
that experienced Katrina and Rita catastrophes. In order to minimize the damage we might have in
the event of environmental catastrophes, I summarized in this memo some potential risks of ... Show
more content on ...
Also additional administrative staffs may be required for more smooth operations. Those in the
external community may also be at risks and need transportation and treatment at Berwick Hospital
Systems. In such events, transportation personnel, delivery personnel, and third party maintenance
personnel contacts should also be listed for emergency call.
To start our continuity operation plan, we can reach out to the emergency management agency for
assistance such as whether the hospital property is located in a flood plain, community's tornado
warning system, and seismic information of the area. Inside of the Berwick Hospital System, a team
needs to be built specific for continuity of operation plan. Team members involved, as needed,
depending upon identified functional requirements during the course of an emergency. However
potential candidates must be trained with a set of procedure code so at the time of emergency event
occurring, everything can be handled at the best possible manner. Potential candidate pool includes
but not limited to upper management, medical specialties, maintenance, engineering, security, public
information officers, community relations, information technology personnel, legal personnel, and
transportation personnel (FEMA, page 9).
Several important components must be addressed for making the continuity of operation plan. These
components including human capital resources, vital
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Overview Of The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act
Simply put, the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA) completely ignores
constitutional law. It also fails to take into account that states have their own emergency
preparedness laws and procedures in place. (Richards & Rathbun, 2003)
Although this legislation was recommended as a means to help states protect citizens against
bioterrorist attacks and deal with national defense issues, (Katz, 2018), it is unconstitutional as it
proposes giving state public health officials expansive police powers under the pretext of controlling
epidemics during public health emergencies.
Problems with the MSEHPA
One of the most controversial provisions in this model legislation is the requirement that citizens
must submit to medical ... Show more content on ...
The state can also ration food, fuel, clothing, alcohol and firearms. I don't know how familiar you
are with the residents of East Tennessee, but I can tell you that "this dog won't hunt" and you will
not part the residents of East Tennessee from their firearms or anything else they own.
The Act also allows for control of public and private property, including pharmaceutical
manufacturing plants, nursing homes, other health care facilities, and communications devices.
The governor or other health officials could theoretically mobilize all or any part of the "organized
militia into service to the state to help enforce the state's orders." I am a Sergeant in the Tennessee
State Guard, which, by definition, is a state "militia". I can tell you categorically that I would not
assist with the enforcement of this despicable legislation or anything resembling it, despite the
circumstances of the emergency.
According to the ACLU, there is a history of discriminatory use of the quarantine power against
particular groups of people based on race and national origin. It is easy to see that this could happen
again under dire circumstances and based upon an individual's inherent biases.
Professor George Annas, a leading authority on medical law and ethics and the legal editor of the
New England Journal of Medicine, wrote this about the MSEHPA:
"All sorts of proposals were floated in the wake of the September 11 attacks – some potentially
useful, such as
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Disaster and Emergency Management Essay
In a new form of protection and communication, social media is the main thing that everything is
using in today's times. Marketing employees have positions as titled as social media directors.
Companies have people watching and monitoring everything that happens with their social media
reputation all hours of the day everyday. Young people are seeing the power of social media
everyday with teachers demonstrating how fast a picture can be shared across the world. Social
media is relatively new and could possibly open many gates for communication. This depends
heavily on who is publishing information and news on social media. If news spreads fast on social
media, then the use of it can be used for emergencies. If many people are ... Show more content on ...
We now have the option to be connected permanently to our social media sites on our phone. We
can check into Foursquare so that our friends know where we are at all times. We can see where our
family and friends are and know what they are doing on Facebook. Social media is one of the largest
sources of information. People read headline news from their selected sites. Social media can be a
great tool for everyone to use as well as something that can come with faults.
CNA, a research facility, partnered with the National Emergency Management Association to
provide research and information on the public's expectations about emergency management's use of
social media. Before this research, the data about this connection was only done with case studies
and unreliable accounts. CAN used a survey in this research to see how people felt about social
media in connection with emergency management. The results found an positive approach. Many
people in emergency management agencies, on local and national levels are very familiar with social
media. It is usually the larger websites that are more widely known. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter,
YouTube, are widely known and publicized. There are however many other social media sites that
are not as widely known that are even more useful to nationwide security and communication such
as crowdsourcing and Nixle and these are not as widely known (Su, Wardell, & Throkidsen, 2013).
So while people in emergency management
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Emergency Operations in the United States
Emergency Operations in the United States are governed by the National Incident Management
System and its sub component Incident Command System. The ICS is an organizational planning
tool that helps sort and define incident command responsibilities to aid in the prompt mitigation of
disasters and its effects. The primary staff positions govern other subsets of skills and together form
a scalable organization that in theory can operate given an incident of any size and still perform the
same functions. The primary design of the ICS structure is flawed in that it does not hold medical
planning as its primary staff position but regulates it to a lower level. This is the Achilles heel of
disaster management, medical operations are vital to the success of any disaster mitigation and
management plan. Medical staff planning should be a primary staff position under the ICS structure.
Disasters are broadly defined and rely on context and technical acumen of those assessing an
incident to correctly or most accurately decide on what is a disaster. The consensus in the disaster
management field is that a solid, clear definition of disaster does not exist, but rather gave many
examples do. Members of the professions of emergency response and planning, and governance
have developed a lexicon adequately describe an event. Those terms largely fall into three
categories; natural hazards, technological hazards, and finally, context hazards. Natural hazards are
extreme geophysical and
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The Development of Civilian Emergency Medical Services in...
The Development of Civilian Emergency Medical Services in the United States Civilian Emergency
Medical Services (EMS) is the most widely used system for emergency services provided in the
United States. The United States development of Civilian EMS has evolved and changed since the
19th century. The actual foundation for EMS originated during the Civil War in America and served
as the model for future civilian EMS development. During the Civil War Dr. Jonathan Letterman
created a system of ambulances due to the disorganization that existed in medical services during the
Battle of Bull Run. Surgeon General William Hammond appointed Jonathan Letterman as the
Military Medical Director and assigned him with the task of organizing military ... Show more
content on ...
The most noticeable improvement was the use of helicopters as a mode of medical evacuation to
quickly remove injured soldiers from the battlefield. During the Vietnam War modifications were
made for helicopters used to transport wounded soldiers. The helicopters were known as HU–1 or
Huey. The Huey contained a large compartment that allowed emergency care while still in the air.
Civilian EMS originated with the first civilian manufactured ambulance produced in 1890 and built
by the Hess–Eisenhardt Company in Cincinnati. The ambulance was a horse drawn wagon
specifically designed to move injured patients. The first electric motorized ambulance was made in
Chicago in 1899 and donated to the Michael Reese Hospital by local businessmen. The St. Vincent
Hospital of New York began operating an electric motorized ambulance in 1900. James
Cunningham, Son & Company created the first gasoline powered ambulance in 1909; the company
was located in Rochester New York. The gasoline powered ambulance had a thirty two horsepower
four cylinder internal engine, electric lights, and a side mounted gong to alert other vehicles that an
ambulance was on the road. Throughout the 1920s and 1930s numerous civilian emergency medical
service volunteer groups were created to serve local municipalities. By 1936 the American Red
Cross (ARC) had established 900 dedicated Emergency First Aid Stations along the country's
highways to aid
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Fluid and Electrolyte Management in Diabetic Ketoacidosis...
Fluid and electrolyte management in Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Hyperosmolar Hyperglycaemic state
in the emergency department
Diabetes Mellitus is a growing issue for health care providers internationally. The World Health
organization estimated in 2013 there were 347 Million diabetics worldwide, predicting that Diabetes
will be the 7th leading cause of death by 2030 (WHO, 2013). In both type 1 and type 2 diabetes
Mellitus, factors such as poor compliance with diet and medication, infection, acute medical or
surgical illness or trauma can lead to poor glycaemic control, precipitating a hyperglycaemic
emergency such as Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) (Scobie & Samaras, 2009). In Type 2 Diabetes,
another equally dangerous ... Show more content on ...
& Donelly, R., 2010). As with DKA, at this stage the body attempts to normalize the osmolality
through diuresis, which leads to dehydration, loss of electrolytes, and further hyperosmolality. With
HHS evolving over days to weeks, (often either through poor medication compliance/inappropriate
prescribing, dietary issues, or illness), the effect is insidious, and often by the time a patient presents
to the emergency department either directly or via a GP, they are already critical (Kisiel, M. &
Marsons, L., 2009).
Further complicating the diagnosis and treatment can be a mixed picture of both HHS and DKA.
This occurs in both type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes. In this case treatment is balanced between
correcting the metabolic acidosis and lowering the osmolality of the blood. (Kearney T. & Dang, C.,
In both conditions (and in a mixed picture of both), the dehydration can be further exacerbated by
the resulting Nausea and vomiting, meaning further fluid loss, and critically decreased fluid intake
(Lowth, M. 2012). Both conditions require emergency treatment.
Correcting the fluid deficit
Irrespective of the potential metabolic acidosis, Initial management of both DKA and HHS is
focused on rehydration. The aim is to replace fluids in the both the intravascular and extra vascular
spaces, while simultaneously diluting glucose levels (and thus lower osmolality) and counter–
regulatory hormones (Raghavan, 2014) The Monash Health HHS & DKA
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Essay On Failure Of The 1956 Constitution
Failure of Parliamentary System under 1956 Constitution
The Constitution of 1956 proved to be very short lived as on October 7, 1958, Marital Law was
imposed on the country and the constitution was abrogated.
Lack of Leadership played a huge role in the failure of the constitution of 1956 and because of this,
Pakistan never found its way to development of its parliamentary system.
There was lack of political training in the country as well. Many political parties were made without
any specific political goal. Every political party was fighting against one another and tried to gain
power. No one was interested in elections. So, under such circumstances, elections were delayed.
Unicameral legislature was intoduced in the 1956 Constitution. Through this many problems for
Pakistan were caused and as a result martial law was imposed in country.
Non ... Show more content on ...
Then Presidential referendum was held by the elected BD members on February 17, 1960.
A Constitutional Commission was established in February 1960 under the chairmanship of Justice
Shahabuddin, former Chief Justice. The tasks assigned to the Commission were:
To examine the causes of failure of Parliamentary system.
Recommend a new system keeping in view the
(a) genius of people
(b) standard of education
(c) internal conditions of the country
(d) need of development
Commission presented its report in May 1961 after then two committees reviewed it. Under the
report of these committees the new Constitution was drafted.
Ayub announced the Constitution on March 1, 1962. Elections to the National Assembly (NA) and
Provincial Assemblies (PAs) were held in April and May 1962 respectively.
The new Constitution was enforced on June 8, 1962. Martial Law was withdrawn.
All the provinces of West Pakistan joined together and made into one unit. It was thought that it
would eliminate the prejudices among the Pakistanis but is proved to be a
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Hazard Mitigation Goals : Protecting The Wellbeing And...
Hazard Mitigation Goals: Protecting the wellbeing and safety of Burlington City Population while
reducing the incidence of injuries, and loss of life Preventing loss of critical utilities, and damage to
property, equipment and infrastructure Timely communication with residents, special needs
populations and visitors to ensure notification – public understanding of emergency and risk
mitigation measures Joint coordination with support agencies to ensure implementation of effective
response measures; promote awareness among municipalities, residents and businesses within the
city The State of Vermont and its counties will always be exposed to severe winter events, because
of its geographic location. An ice snow in addition to the current snow in the ground can put a hold
in the region and paralyze the city of Burlington and the surrounding counties, trapping commuters,
stopping the established lines of supplies and communication, and furthermore disrupting
emergency efforts, medical services, and modes of transportation such the local Burlington airport
and interstate 89 and 91, and other roads in the area. Buildups of ice snow and snow can collapse
buildings and rooftops, additionally these accumulations of ice can bring down trees, electrical
wires, telephone poles and lines, communication towers and cause unexpected fires. In the city of
Burlington we run the risk of losing communications and power for days while respective parties'
work the damage done by the
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Emergency Management Research Paper
Who is an emergency manger and what do they do? Generally, the emergency manager is
responsible for the emergency management program within their county, city or designated area of
control. From a layman point of view, programs may vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and will
contain Local Emergency Operations Plan and Hazardous Materials Plan.
In years past the role of an emergency manager did not require a degree. It seems credentials were
earned by application, typically acquired from the emergency service field, such as law
enforcement, or fire services. Perhaps, degree requirements were lacking due to the fact a degree
specific to Emergency Management had been nonexistent; however specific degrees are (WordPress,
2017) "becoming more prevalent, as the education requirement is getting more stringent to become
an emergency manager." Although my research did not lead me to a specific education level, the
experience and education for the City of Surprise's emergency manager are quite extensive.
Fire Chief, Tom Abbott has worked as a (Surprise, 2017) "trainer at the federal and state level and,
has served as an instructor of Fire Science courses at Mesa Community College, Arizona State
University, and has educated hundreds of hazardous materials technician's throughout Arizona.
Additionally, Chief Abbott holds ... Show more content on ...
Surprise proactively educates their residents by offering a very comprehensive list of information in
an effort to (Surprise, 2017) "better prepare residents in the event of a Homeland Security
emergency or disaster situation. The list ranges from, Family Emergency Plans to Arizona
Emergency and Disaster Preparedness." Additionally, Surprise maintains communication with other
jurisdictions via (Surprise, 2017) "Arizona Emergency Information Network (AzEIN) which is a
complete resource for real–time emergency updates for the state of Arizona as well as emergency
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United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team : Legal...
ISOL_633_Legal Regulations, Compliance and Investigation
Leela Kirtan Mahamkali
Vinay Nimmala
Tata Rao Nallani
Akhilesh Nelki
Neeraj Reddy
Summer Main – Section 20 & 21
University of the Cumberlands
Research and Report Writing
June, 25rd, 2017
United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US– CERT):
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is Incharge of shielding our country's crucial
infrastructure from physical and cyber dangers. Of the varied kinds of infrastructure, cyberspace is
crucial constituting the information regarding the government and business operations, crisis
management and readiness information, and our crucial digital and process control systems.
Safeguarding these critical resources and infrastructure is ... Show more content on
This report should include an illustration of the incident or event, applying the relevant taxonomy
with inclusion of maximum information. The report should include agency name and impact on it,
name, telephone, and email address of point of contact, incident date and time including time zone,
incident category type, IP, port, and protocol of source and destination, operating system along with
version, system function (e.g., DNS/web server, workstation, etc.), antivirus software installed along
with version. The report should also include how the episode is identified and its resolution.
The 2015–2016 incident notification guidelines stresses that, such cyber incidents involving federal
government information systems should be brought to notice of US–CERT within one hour of
recognition of established effect of confidentiality and integrity. Personally
Identifiable Information (PII) should not be added to incident presentation. The incident report
should also include functional effect, informational effect and effect of recoverability.
However, In October 2016, US–CERT published improved episode reporting guidelines. These
updated guidelines mandates organizations to specify additional reporting fields for the US–CERT
Incident Reporting System. Organizations and US–CERT will now
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An Emergency Plan For The United States
Zombies, yes, the walking dead, have infested our town, and we must keep the members of it safe.
The members that I am especially concerned with are the children who attend our schools, as well as
the many staff members that keep the school running properly. In order to fulfill my duty as the
superintendent of the schools in this area, I am willing to put forth all of my energy into saving our
kids. The majority of our schools is located in the south, and the zombies have occupied most of the
northern areas. Fortunately, we still have access to electricity. Nevertheless, we must use it wisely,
for we do not know how long this luck will last. In addition to reports of power outages in the north
that may be spreading south, there are also ... Show more content on ...
However, if a family was not fortunate enough to be up–to–date on this current news and their child
is placed on a bus, we will bring them to school for their protection. While they arrive, due to power
outages north of us, we will have teachers post messages in the windows of the school. These
messages will inform parents that we plan to shelter at the school as long as possible. Uninfected
students will be placed in the gym with teacher supervision. Our posted signs will notify their
parents and guardians to come to the back door of the school if they show up and wish to take their
child with them. However, we will clarify to them that if we consider the situation outside to be
hazardous to their children's health then we will not release their child to them. After this the
windows will be boarded up with anything available. While this is being done, we will relocate
bookshelves as well as any other heavy furniture to barricade all doors that will no longer be needed
to open. After we have relocated all furniture and obstructed all windows, we ask teachers to do a
final sweep of the school to be sure no windows or doors were missed. The next step that will be
dealt with is communication.
As the school superintendents and surrounding staff, we need to notify our general city of what our
plan of action is for our schools. It is essential that we get the word out to all teachers and faculty as
soon as possible to go
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The United States Department Of Justice
Emergency management (EM) addresses how government prepares for, mitigates against, responds
to, and recovers from emergencies and disasters. The law regulating this area changes frequently
with the goal of improving our ability to prevent loss of life and property; however, a recent legal
development has not only hampered emergency management response efforts, but it also threatens
to harm the very vulnerable portion of society it is intended to benefit. The U.S. Department of
Justice (DOJ) has recently adopted an aggressive stance toward enforcing the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). First, the legal history leading up to this development will be
examined. Second, this new focus and several recent DOJ cases will be ... Show more content on ...
The specific subject of evacuations and sheltering shall be addressed subsequently during the DOJ
cases segment. At the state level, EM authority lies in Chapter 252 (Chapter 252, Florida Statutes,
"State Emergency Management Act", 2015). While this Chapter sets forth express language, it also
contains broad language, such as "to take such measure as are necessary and appropriate to carry out
the provision of 252.31 – 252.90." (Chapter 252, 2015). Chapter 252 provides the Governor with the
authority to declare or proclaim a state of emergency either for an emergency that has occurred or
one that is imminent. This state of emergency cannot last longer than 60 days, unless renewed by the
Governor. This grants the Governor the following powers: (1) Suspending the provisions of any
regulatory statute; (2) Utilizing all resources of state government; (3) Compelling the evacuation of
some or all areas of the population; (4) Commandeering private property, subject to appropriate
compensation; (5) Suspending the sale of alcohol, firearms, and explosives; and (6) Controlling the
movement of pedestrian and vehicular traffic (Chapter 252, 2015). At the federal level, the seminal
statutory authority governing the federal response to disasters is the Robert T. Stafford Disaster
Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford, 2013). The Stafford Act was originally enacted in
1988 and has been
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State Of Arizona For Federal Emergency Management Agency (...
2011: Arizona Monument Fire Devastates Over 30,000 Acres Within the Huachuca Mountains. This
paper will cover the scope of the events of the Monument Fires as well as the basic summary of
need for the State of Arizona for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funding.
Background. On June 12, 2011 in Sierra Vista, Arizona – a city near the Mexican border, a suspected
human–caused fire was started within the Coronado National Monument Park, along the southern
tip of the Huachuca Mountains in Southern Arizona and quickly shot through the canyons south of
the city of Sierra Vista. Over the course of 14 days, the wildfire burned to some extent 100% of the
park's acreage; destroyed a total of 62 homes, 18 outbuildings and 4 businesses (Youberg &
Pearthree, 2011) and mandatory evacuations were in effect due to the fires moving quickly towards
the outskirts along with the danger of the smoke that blanketed the town. The fire was wind–driven
spread and was aided by high temperatures and low humidity. The Monument Fire burned 30,526
acres by the time of containment a month later on July 12. Unfortunately, the disaster would not
over when the fire was finally extinguished. A burned landscape presents a number of safety hazards
that either did not exist prior to the fire or are increased by the effects of the fire. These types of
hazardous conditions may continue for several years after a fire. The fire had destroyed the
grasslands and trees that grew along the canyons of the
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Emergency Management Laws And Act

  • 1. Emergency Management Laws And Act Emergency Management laws and acts are established by the Federal Government to allow emergency managers and local elected officials the opportunity to lead disaster response and recovery from the local level to the Federal level. Many of these laws and acts give absolute power to local and state officials to make decisions to best preserve life and property during and after an incident. The laws and acts also hold these officials accountable for the actions that they take and the responsibility is totally held by the official. There are many considerations an emergency manager must think about during and after a disaster such as Dillon's Law, Home Rule, and other laws that allow for decision–making powers of the local and state officials. One aspect that a local Emergency Manager to consider is that of planning prior to the disaster occurring. Local Emergency Managers are required by law to plan for and mitigate disasters and public health emergencies that could affect their jurisdiction. An example would be that the local Emergency Manager has a plan to evacuate an area where there is a potential for radiation exposure (i.e. nuclear power plant). The plan would also include what other agencies would respond to assist the local government when a disaster arises. For example, a metropolitan city would request assistance from the county health department for a public health emergency (i.e. swine flu outbreak). According to Wilson & McCreight, Emergency Managers are ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. The City Of Danville, Virginia Essay The city of Danville, Virginia is expecting a terrorist attack to occur in the near future due to Dominion Power dumping their waste water into the Dan River. Terrorist have given the city five days to have a response before the city endures a major attack. This emergency operations plan will include all aspects for the city of Danville, Virginia to carry out the various roles and responsibilities of government organizations and providing a connection to the local, state, federal, and private organizations, and resources to address during emergencies. The emergency operation plan will be taking steps and roles necessary to provide a well throughout response to ensure the safety and well– being of the Danville's civilians. The safety and well–being of citizens is never more threatened than during disasters and attacks. The main goal of the emergency operations plan is to ensure that we limit the severity of the situation, having preparedness, responding quickly and firmly, and making sure recovery actions exist to the public to make sure their safety and well–being stays protected. This emergency plan will provide a guidance for the Danville's departments with a general concept of potential emergency assignments before, during, and following an emergency but making sure it does not replace county or local emergency operations plans or procedures they may have already established. This plan wants to ensure that there is and will be consistency with the now current policies and ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Federal, State, And Local Roles Of Emergency Management Federal, State, and Local Roles in Emergency Management Introduction Government at all levels plays an important role during disaster management. Actions and roles of each government agencies are spelled out in the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the National Response Framework (NRF). But before we go into details on the roles of governments, let me first of all explain what constitute emergency and emergency management, just to give clearer understanding some of these terms. Then I will examine the roles of governments at all level including first responder actions, mutual support, lead and support roles. An emergency is a severe, sudden and sometimes risky circumstances requiring urgent action (Salman Sawalha, 2014). Escalation of an emergency situation can lead to disaster; which is an unusual event that can cause lost of life and property (Salman Sawalha, 2014). International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRRCS) define disaster as "unexpected devastating events that disrupts the operations of a population or public which leads to huge losses and overwhelmed the affected community 's ability to respond to the situation with the resources they have at hand". There are two main types of disaster that can lead to emergency situations; these include natural and man–made disasters. Natural disasters are the catastrophes cause by "Mother Nature", which is often difficult to forecast or manage (Morrison, et al 2014). Examples of ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Concept Of State Of Emergency  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION TO THE CONCEPT OF 'STATE OF EMERGENCY' It is critical to start by characterizing what scholars mean by the term emergency. The idea of emergency law is focused around the reality that the general motivation behind all government truly is the benefit of the individuals. Emergency law implies that the ruler or the government in an emergency circumstance can take measures that are outside the boundary of confinement of the law or against the immediate letters of the law. Emergency law must be chosen by the executive power, the executive extension of government. Democracy, laws and human rights are only means that the individuals can use to control the executive extension and in this way guarantee that it meets ... Show more content on ... It takes measures for circumstances, which lawmakers were not able to foresee, when the laws were made. Emergencies frequently indicate unpredicted circumstances that at the same time represent a risk and require quick reaction. Zuckerman notes three parts of an emergency: "an epistemic segment ( 'unexpected, ' 'sudden '), a fleeting part ( 'requests quick activity '), and an existential segment ( 'represents an essential danger '), as in an emergency is a danger to something 's presence, security, or integrity." That is, emergencies are unforeseen occasions that create a danger and oblige pressing activity. Machiavelli and Locke offer the estimation that there will dependably be unanticipated phenomena in political life and that executives hold sole power to focus when occasions constitute crises. These scholars, then again, give contrasting views of what produces a fundamental threat. The thought that an emergency represents a peril to "something 's" presence is a principle purpose of contention between Machiavelli and Locke. For Machiavelli, a danger emerges when a startling episode may hinder the ruler 's capacity to hold power, and the sovereign ought to be the main individual with the power to focus when this danger exists. Conversely, Locke contends that dangers to the public good constitute emergency circumstances, and it is dependent upon the official to recognize when a circumstance ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Federal Highway Administration ( Fhwa ) Within the United States Department of Transportation exists an agency called the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) which was created on October 15, 1966. The FHWA supports State and local governments in design, construction, and maintenance of the Nation's highway system. The Administration's mainly responsible for making sure that the highways and roads continue to be among the safest and most technologically available in the world. The FHWA core highway topics are: environmental, federal and Indian lands, highway funding, international, research and technologies, roads and bridges, road users, safety, and road operations and congestion. In order for the FHWA to cover all those topics mentioned earlier the administration has many offices one of which is the Office of Operations. The FHWA Office of Operations provides national leadership for the management and operations of the surface transportation system. The Office of Operations has many tasks one of which is it reduces highway congestion by better operating the highway network so that it performs better to meet customer expectations. In order to accomplish this, the Office of Operations initiated programs such as: reducing congestions, improving operations, creating a foundation for 21st century operations, improving global connectivity by enhancing contents management and operations, and finally improving mobility and security through better emergency management. The programs begin policies and programs, ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Emergency Management And Emergency Managers Introduction There are many roles an Emergency Managers will have to take in today's emergency response and management field. The fact that emergency management covers such a vide field of concern means that the roles themselves will not be cookie cutter standardized throughout the world. In the United States there are Emergency Managers at the local, state, and federal level and each of these roles are similar. The fact that these Emergency Managers deal with separate issues that are not similar will cause these managers to have their own unique custom roles which will make them differ from one another. The purpose of this essay is to define and discuss the most important roles these managers fill. Local Local Emergency Managers such as county or volunteer fire chiefs will have the direct familiarity and the best understanding of the best approach to certain locally unique situations in their area that a federal or even state employed Emergency Managers would not, purely due to the fact that the outside managers do not deal daily with the small hand emergencies that the locals face. "Where there is an Emergency Managers that person is generally appointed, at the county level, by a County Council or by County Commissioners, depending on the form or structure of the county government." (FEMA, 2014) Local Emergency Managers will understand better how to maneuver the cities' infrastructure and local topographical hazards better than an "out–of–towner" federal, or ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Natural Disasters In Australia Essay Australia Providing protection of life, property and the environment within the country of Australia is the duty that lies within the scope of the states and territories of the country. Similar to the United States, the Australian government provides a supporting role to the states and territories by evolving their ability to manage events; as well as provide tangible assets when their own local resources are overwhelmed. Any humanitarian aid outside of the country falls on the shoulders of the Australian government. In partnership with the Department of Finance and Regulation, Geoscience Australia, and the Bureau of Meteorology, Emergency Management Australia (EMA) is governed by the Attorney– General's Department (AGD). AGD "seeks to encourage ... Show more content on ... They support a five–stage emergency management paradigm of hazard analysis, mitigation, planning and preparedness, response, and recovery (McMullan). To guide agencies in the event of an emergency disaster a document entitled A Framework for Major Emergency Management, created in 2006 in an effort to bolster the countries emergency response, "sets out mechanisms for co–ordination at all levels of major emergency management – on site, at local level and at the regional level" (A Framework for Major Emergency Management). This document outlines the criteria and procedures to be followed if major disaster is declared; it outlines the functions and responsibilities between Principal Response Agencies, and defines "the command and control of operations and inter–agency coordination arrangements" ("Ireland – Disaster Management Structure," 2014). In the event of a declared emergency, the Government of Ireland has appointed the An Garda Síochána (National Police Service), the Health Services Executive (health and social services) and the local authorities (including the fire service), as the Principal Response Agencies (PRAs) to respond to the ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. State Of Emergency For Indian Education As stated by Heather Sholten, author of the newspaper article "State of Emergency for Indian Education", she explains that "The problems of native students begins long before they reach high school. The percentage of American Indians and Alaska Native fourth–graders scoring below basic on the national assessment of educational progress increased by two points between 2005 and 2011 – – even as a percentage of fourth–graders struggling in math declined by five points in that same period." This quote highlights how early educational problem may begin well before students even enter high school. This means that we should focus more on early education, rather than trying to fix the problem while they're in high school. Others believe that these high drop–out rates are caused by discrimination that many Native American children experience while attending school. Some organizations began speaking with currently enrolled Native American students, to get a glimpse into their high school experience. After speaking with them and hearing about a continual lack of respect of their cultures from peers and archaic stereotypes, many began to see the possible correlation between discrimination and drop–out rates. The Sioux Falls Argus leader was one of the groups who spoke with Native American high school students. After they held a discussion with the students, they recorded that the students "...shared similar encounters with racism, discrimination, and stereotypes." One student who works ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Martial Law In America ''What we are now witnessing is the slow motion unraveling of America. Our economy is dying, the American people have lost faith in the government and in almost all of our other major institutions, and our society is collapsing.Most Americans don't understand why all of this is happening, but most of them do realize that something has fundamentally changed.'' Obama did promise to fundamentally change America. The main reason that martial law can happen result from the telling signs are that it will. A mass population in which an estimated 34% of its population get their information from Facebook and where 90% of it's information comes from six corporations, has produced what is now widely regarded as the dumbest generation in its history. ... Show more content on ... That is not an interpretation or an opinion, it is fact and it's why the above organisations are warning of an increasing danger of a police State, which some say is the prelude to martial law, which the images in this post suggest. 6. American exceptionalism and the NSA The NSA activities have not been abolished, they have been reformed, by virtue of the USA Freedom Act (2015), which replaces Bush's 2001 Patriot Act. The only difference now is that private telecommunications collect the data and the NSA has to make access requests. Question 4. If people are awake and fixing things, why is this happening. These images do not suggest a 'waking up', but a compliance. Name: 2.jpg Views: 27 Size: 21.2 ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. p1 unit 14 Task 1a As a new recruit working in a public service you have been asked to investigate the response to emergency service incidents. You should describe how emergency incidents are graded by a selected public service call centre. Firstly, you should give examples of emergency incidents as described in the Civil Contingencies Act 2004. You should also describe how emergency incidents are graded for a selected public service control room including the grading categories used, and the role of call handlers and incident managers. Look at the guidance notes to see what needs to be covered. Use the box provided to answer this question. Task 1a (P1) When you look at an emergency incident. It has to be graded by ... Show more content on ... The next part of the act is looking at the definition of category 1 and category 2 responders. Every responder has an emergency planning officer. Their main role is to make sure they have good communication with the other responders and that they stay in accordance of the act. Category 1 responders are core responders or "blue–light" responders. There are 9 different responders for example some of the responders in category 1 are: fire service, police service and the NHS primary care trust. These will normally be the first ones to respond to an incident they get it under control and evaluate if any category 2 responders are needed and if so which ones. Category 2 responders are key and work with category 1 responders they help and support them. Category 2 is utility services and transport organizations Electricity distributors and transmitters and Gas distributors. They also get help for network travel and highway agencies, also the health and safety executive. The police have a certain code they use over the radios to determine how dangerous or life threatening the issue is. When you call the police, the phone call goes to the control room and they will assess the situation and decide on what code to give it the code will play a vital part in whether or not they get ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Where to Turn in Case of an Emergency I. Preparation A. Communications 1. Command central The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is the lead agency when responding to disasters from a federal perspective. In a large–scale disaster such as a strong hurricane, FEMA will oversee the response operations and assist the local, county, and state emergency management agencies as needed. FEMA will receive regular updates on the status of the hurricane and broadcast the information out to the affected states in order to provide a prompt response. In case of evacuation, previously established evacuation plans would be utilized to remove people from the impacted area. The state and local emergency management agencies will assist in disseminating the information to the affected areas. In general, plans should be implemented to call in all emergency responders to be ready for response and recovery operations. The American Red Cross (ARC) will provide emergency assistance as needed including fixed or mobile feeding stations, shelter, cleaning supplies, comfort kits, first aid, blood products, clothing, emergency transportation, home repairs, household items, and medical supplies. Additional assistance for long–term recovery may be provided when other relief assistance and personal resources are not adequate to meet recovery needs. The American Red Cross (ARC) also provides referrals to the government and other agencies providing disaster assistance. 2. Chain of Command Emergency Management Agencies in each city ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. The Federal Emergency Management Agency ( Fema ) Of The... One dominant agency is the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) of the United States Department of Homeland Security. FEMA was created on 1979 by the late President Jimmy Carter that signed the executive order to support the citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation, people work together to build, sustain and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from and mitigate all hazards. Another program called National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) was developed to lead the federal government's effort to reduce the fatalities, injuries, and property losses caused by earthquakes. This program was established in 1977 to coordinate their complementary activities with FEMA, the ... Show more content on ... Preparedness Programs As mentioned earlier children is one of many vulnerable group of people when an earthquake occur. They do not concern themselves with training and conducting safety drills compared to adults who wants to and needs to prepare for such disasters. Children are more interested in making friends, playing with friends, learning, and, of course, having fun at home and school. Most of the time, children are at school doing what they need to do, which is to learn from what the school has to offer. They do not fully understand that they may be separated from their family, loss their parents or brothers and sisters, and experience a horrific destruction of seeing severely injured people or even dead bodies. This is something that should not happen and experience by child. It will be extremely difficult and traumatizing for that child if they do experience it. However, there are many programs that are developed to mitigate such experience from a child. In California, there are school programs that will help prepare the children for the disaster. Not just that, the program are placed to help them gain knowledge on the mechanism of natural disaster, to be specific an earthquake disaster. The California Governor's Office of Emergency Service (Cal OES) (2008), developed a program that ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Technology And The Rights Of A State Of Emergency Technology and the rights that are written in the constitution is a privilege that people must not take advantage of in order for them to keep on having it for their life time. For those people who step out of that line that is draw and cause issue for others. Then society has every right to protect its self from those kind of induvial. Such as cause problems like potentially dangerous leaks that may force other in direct path of harm way or if people miss use them like Tools for communication, tools for oppression, or causing the Shutdown of communication in free countries. For the purpose of, Shutting down communication in free countries was one of the things that I learned in way that I have better understanding why some governments go down that route in order to protect people from them self and others. For example, the government dose of power to take way people rights in a state of emergency including the freedom of speech where people can say whatever they want without causing harm to individuals. However, if a person or people do beyond want is considered rational and society is in jeopardy of crashing down. The government can become a ruler or powerfully entity by putting in Marshall Law that basically means place of residence or country is on lock down and the government is full control that area and peoples actions. However, technology and communication has brought a new spin on how people take out their frustrations and talk about in way that is some ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Wisconsin 's Emergency State Responders Wisconsin 's Emergency State Responders Is Wisconsin ready for a natural disaster? Can emergency responders be ready at any given moment? Are there ways you can be prepare? While climate changes, this also changes the way emergencies would normally respond. "We work hand in hand with the Wisconsin National Guard along with local, tribal, state and federal agencies to provide help and support to communities and people in Wisconsin during and emergency or disaster, it starts with planning and preparedness." –Brian M. Satula Wisconsin Emergency state responders are ready when ever a disaster occurs. There are many programs within WEM and throughout the state that help the people of Wisconsin when they are in need. With the help of ... Show more content on ... Brian m. Satula Brian M. Satula is the state administrator of WEM (Wisconsin Emergency Management). He was appointed by Governor Walker in may of 2011. Brian provides management and leadership for the administrative and emergency operations function of the division. when disaster occur he acts as the state coordinating officer Response Wisconsin Emergency Response System Wisconsin Emergency Management (WEM) coordinates effective disaster response and recovery efforts in support of local governments. Through planning, training and exercising we prepare ourselves, our citizens and response personnel to minimize the loss of lives and property. Wisconsin State Emergency Operations Center (EOC) When an emergency or natural disaster strikes, the state of Wisconsin must coordinate emergency operations that are closely managed in order to respond effectively and that is the job of the State Emergency Operations Center. The Operations Center has a status and within the status there are 4 levels.
  • 28. Level 1 Event (Full Activation EOC) Level 1 is a full activation of the State Emergency Operations Center (EOC) along with the Wisconsin Emergency Response System (WEM), DMA, Department of Health Services (DHS), Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Department of Transportation Highways (DOT), State Patrol, Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) and Department of Corrections DOC. Full activation also includes ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. The Wake Forest Emergency Communications Plan Summary: The Wake Forest Emergency Communications Plan (WFECP) is intended to provide information, strategies and 24–hour radio, telephone, and internet capabilities in the event of a disastrous situation. The WFECP provides clear and concise information as to what types of communication equipment is available, leadership and agency roles and alternative equipment that will be used if primary equipment is overburdened or destroyed. This plan also serves in cooperation with the North Carolina Emergency Communications Plan (ESF–2), and the FEMA's National Emergency Communications Plan. Properly planned, established, and applied communications enable the dissemination of information among command and support elements and, as appropriate, ... Show more content on ... Information Technology: Wake County is responsible for the implementation of the WFECP. This includes the forms of communication available, maintenance and collaboration with other local, state, and federal agencies. Wake Forest Management Information Systems Department (MIS) will be responsible for keeping logs of activities and to prepare and maintain an Alert Roster of personnel that are required to carry out responsibilities. MIS Department will also keep points of contact (POC) with telecommunication companies that will be responsive on a 24/7 basis. Also, Wake County and state EM's need to be contacted as soon as possible. Contact should be made prior to a known disaster, if possible. MIS will be responsible for training personnel on equipment and their capabilities. In case they are responsible for staffing county or state Emergency Operation Centers. Wake County will coordinate the acquisition and deployment of communication equipment immediately after an emergency. MIS and Wake County Emergency Management staff will be responsible for briefing the appropriate personnel on status of communications. Situational Analysis: In the event of a disaster it is highly likely that telecommunications and electrical systems could be damaged. All surviving communication assets, either local or state, will be needed for an ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. State of Emergency: Legal and Political Implications in... INTRODUCTION Emergency in ordinary parlance means a time of crisis, a moment of danger or suspense. A state of emergency therefore is a governmental declaration that recognises the existence of this peculiar situation and takes some necessary actions to restore the peace and governmental stability of the society. During this period, the maxim, salus populi suprema lex has a special force and to that effect, some normal functions of the executive, legislative and judicial powers may be suspended. Citizens are alerted to change their normal behaviours, or government agencies are ordered to implement emergency preparedness plans. It can also be used as a rationale for suspending rights and freedoms, even if guaranteed under the constitution. ... Show more content on ... These regulations last for seven days unless confirmed otherwise by the Parliament. A state of emergency was last invoked in 1974 by Prime Minister Edward Heath in response to increasing industrial action. In Victoria, Australia, a state of emergency can be declared if there is a threat to employment, safety or public order. The effect of the state of emergency enables the Parliament to make desired regulations to secure public order and safety. Though fairly uncommon in democracies, dictatorial regimes often declare a state of emergency that is prolonged indefinitely for the life of the regime. In some situations, martial law is also declined allowing the military greater authority to act. In other cases, emergency is not declared and de facto measures taken or decree–law adopted by the government. Egypt has been governed under emergency law almost continuously since 1967 and without interruption since Hosni Mubarak became president in October 1981 after the assassination of president Anwar Sadat. The law has been repeatedly renewed since then. The law gives ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. The Federal Emergency Management Agency In 1979 the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was created to offer services the states had not substantially invested in and the consumer market had not offered (Moynihan, 2013). The idea was that on a national level it would be cheaper to establish one higher level agency to develop expertise on how to deal with disasters (Moynihan, 2013). Our national government has the ability to create and enforce common policies which would avoid the confusion of multiple state, local and national agencies coming together to respond in an emergency. To create a more effective response, local, state and federal agencies should follow policies that in general have the same guidelines and speak the same language; hopefully creating greater ... Show more content on ... And lastly, recovery after the disaster to bring the area back to a normal state (Shover, 2007). Each disaster response should start at the local or state level, and then depending on the magnitude it may grow to the response level only the federal government can provide. The initial response to an emergency by the state should deal with the emergency needs of the public. The State's responsibility will be to focus around control of communication procedures; warning of the upcoming emergency if possible, providing public information, any information regarding evacuations and shelter (Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1996). Beyond controlling communication, the state will also be responsible to alert and dispatch the required emergency response teams to engage in protection of people and their property, and if needed a request for aid from the Federal Government (Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1996). Requesting assistance from the Federal Government requires a number of steps. Usually after a disaster has occurred a preliminary damage assessment will be submitted by the state and other agencies to provide an assessment of the number of victims caused by the disaster, how many may be injured or missing, how may have been evacuated from the area and any damage to hospitals, power systems, and infrastructure such as transportation systems (Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1996). The ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Essay on Emergency Management: Trust and Compliance In order to protect citizens, infrastructure, business and property, Governors have to perform pivotal responsibilities. In case of a disaster emergency, the Governor which is also the chief executive is responsible for the adequate response of any type of emergency such as human caused, natural or technological incidence1. The performance of a successful emergency response requires from the Governor good communication and relationship with the respective governmental agencies, community, private–sector and institutions2. Therefore, because the Governor should respond to the citizens who voted for him, he should be responsible for maintaining stakeholders always engaged in the public's health and emergency responses. According to the ... Show more content on ... Likewise, the Governor has the authority to deploy the National Guard and he may use it to assist in response operations, in support of the local incident commander or the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA)2. Under the terms and conditions of the Stafford Act, once the state of Pennsylvania has reached its maximum limit of resources, the Governor can request a Presidential Declaration of Major Disaster, in order to receive federal support. He may also use the Commonwealth funds and may transfer up to $10,000,000 from unused General Fund money in order to deal with the disaster emergency. Moreover, the Governor can use all Commonwealth and political subdivision resources available as necessary to deal with the disaster emergency and is responsible of authorizing purchases, lease or make other arrangements with the Federal Government for temporary housing units to be occupied by disaster victims so it can serve as shelters. The Governor may also request the interstate mutual aid which supplements emergency response capabilities of Pennsylvania. He must first look within Pennsylvania borders to determine whether the resources are available to support his responsibilities involved in the immediate response. If there is a need of evacuation during the emergency, the Governor has the authority to evacuate all or part of the population from the threatened area. This evacuation will be coordinated and ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Mental Health Case Study Face Sheet GS reviewed chart on this date. Letters of Guardianship were current. Expiration date is December 28, 2018. The Placement Letter in the chart was current and dated July 6, 2017. GS reviewed face sheet. There was no family listed on face sheet. Face sheet has GS Lavira Green as emergency contact. Environment: GS observed that the facility was clean and a comfortable temperature. There were no unpleasant odors noticed by GS. Ward was located in the common with approximately ten other consumers. The consumers were preparing to leave for the day. Ward was sitting around a table with three consumers. GS did not notice any safety issues with the facility. Physical/Medical: Ward was dressed in a white T–shirt, light green pants, and white tennis ... Show more content on ... GS reviewed Ward's chart on this date, obtained copy of the doctors and nurse's progress notes and current medications. Ward has no physical health concerns noted at visit. La Quanna LVN reports no current physical health issues with Ward. GS has attached health records in GOLD. Mental: Ward is diagnosed with Profound IDD, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, Schizoaffective Disorder, and Bipolar disorder. GS monitored Ward's mental status on this visit. Ward is aware that she is at the day program. She was preparing to go home. Melvin, Ward's Trainer, stated that Ward participant in all actives with no problems. He has not witness any recent behavior problems with Ward. Ward was smiling while GS was talking to her. She appears to be in a good mood. Ward made eye contact with GS. She nodded her head and smiled while GS spoke to her. Ward has very limited verbal communication skills. She can speak only a few words. She uses sign language gestures to communicate her needs. La Quanna, LVN, reports that Ward is stable on current medications. Dr. Kanneganti visited Ward on January 9, 2018. There were no changes in Ward's psychotropic medications. GS obtained doctor's progress notes and attached into ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Speech On Secularism It cannot be denied that in a multicultural and a multifarious religious state, secularism cannot be given any precise definition. It is a tool in the hands of the State to use it judiciously for the promotion of inter–communal peace and harmony, and to ensure, depending on the peculiarities of each case, that all the communities receive equal treatment. India waited another twenty–seven years to enshrine secularism as one of the objectives of the nation. On 1 September 1976, through the 42nd Amendment Act, passed during an internal emergency, the words "secular" and "socialist were formally added to the preamble of the Constitution. Then proposed constitutional changes can be considered under the following heads: (i) Amendability of the Constitution; (ii) Fundamental Rights; (iii) Directive Principles ... Show more content on ... R. Gokhale, made a lengthy speech on its far–reachingconsequences. Yet about secularism and its introduction in the preamble of the Constitution, this was 'all he had to say: "(T)he objectives which we had always in view, namely, socialism and secularism, which we have tried to implement, will be more and more implemented and will be more accurately and correctly reflected in a basic part of our Constitution, namely, the Preamble. Let anyone say that "socialism" or "secularism" is incapable of definition (sic)." Well, in order to accept that argument of the Law Minister , one may say that "democracy" in that sense is also incapable of definition because, it is understood in different ways in different countries. But, there is consensus on the way we practice democracy. In the same way, the meanings of the words "socialism" and "secularism" are well understood and embedded in the Constitution. Thus, all the argument seems futile but the main objective of the amendment to the Preamble was a very important and fundamental feature of the Amendment ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Emergency Management And The Homeland Security Information... Introduction Emergency management functions around four main ideas, mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. These terms are widely used throughout the federal emergency management agency, which in turn integrates them into every aspect of emergency management as a whole. Using the terms mentioned helps create programs such as web–based situational awareness programs the Homeland Security Information Network known as "HSIN". Web–based situational awareness programs are vital programs to have during any emergency event, whether it is used during an active emergency event, training for an event, or for everyday use. The city of Everett currently uses one form of web–based situational awareness program that is mainly used by first responders such as police and fire agencies. Integrating a new system that is beneficial for all federal, state, local, and tribal agencies as well as organizations is the most beneficial for interoperability. The current city emergency management plans uses HAZUS software, Wireless Emergency Alert and some other great software programs. But, using a system like HSIN allows for each program to be dumped into one system that paints a broad picture of situations as it unfolds that allows emergency managers or incident commanders delegate responsibilities. Program Overview Everett is currently the third most populated county in Washington State. The county is roughly three quarters of a million people, with Everett being the most ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Chicago University's Emergency Operations Plan Executive Summary Crisis management can be classified as a procedure with which an individual organization or organizations can manage a key occurrence that endangers or threatens the institution, its stakeholders, or even the public at large (Birkland, 2006). Lerbinger (1997) identifies 7 types of crises as follows: 1. Natural disaster 2. Technological crises 3. Confrontation 4. Malevolence 5. Organizational Misdeeds 6. Workplace Violence 7. Rumors 8. Terrorist attacks/man–made disasters This paper investigates the extent to which Chicago's Universities have aligned their emergency management systems with the National Incident Management System of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). FEMA, in order to standardize the management of emergency and to restructure it, designed a policy, known as "National Incident Management System" (NIMS). It mandates all emergency management institutions including nongovernmental (private) and governmental sectors having jurisdictions in the federal, state and local levels. Paper Outline This paper analyzes Chicago Universities Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) (Chicago State University Emergency Operations Plan, 2011). The paper found that the EOP was a comprehensive crisis management plan and is in line with FEMA's NIMS. The paper specifically found the following features about Chicago's EOP: It is a blueprint that provides a quick response to every emergency known. It does not delay the procedure by taking first step ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Emergency Period Media Emergency period media In June, 1975, Indira Gandhi's government declared a state of emergency and suspended civil liberties. Immediately after this declaration, the government tightened its controls on the Indian mass media, especially o n the newspapers which had reputations of being free and lively. During the Summer of 1975, as Indira Gandhi became increasingly more threatened by the mounting criticisms of her government, she declared a state of emergency. Immediately she took control of the press, prohibiting their reporting of all domestic and international news. The government expelled several foreign correspondents (mainly American and British) and withdrew accreditation from more than 40 Indian reporters who normally covered the ... Show more content on ... "H e urged the editors t o express their ideas fearlessly: However, Indira Gandhi's call made editors suppress their best thoughts, and for the Indian mass media, freedom became a matter of history. Like other dictators in history, Indira Gandhi's first attempt was t o impose "thought control" o n the populous. F o r her, this was t o be effectuated not merely by controlling the Indian mass media but also by moulding the media t o her own purpose. It has now becomea well– known fact that during the emergency Indira Gandhi had a firm grip on the Indian mass media. This was especially true since radio and television in India are government owned and operated; for Indira, there was the simple matter of controlling the newspapers in order to achieve a total control of the mass media. She used at least three methods in manipulating the newspapers: (1) allocation of government advertising; (2) shotgun merger of the newsagencies;and (3) use of fear–arousal techniques on newspaper publishers, journalists and individual shareholders. The Indian newspapers depend a great deal on governmental advertising; without such revenues, it would be difficult for many Indian newspapers to stay in business. Unfortunately, this has kept many ofthem vulnerable togovernment manipulation. The large scale possibility of such manipulation, however, was not fully demonstra– ted until Indira Gandhi's government decided to take advantage of this unique ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Case Scenario Of The United States ' Criminal Center... Case Scenario T.R. is a 69 year old, Caucasian female with a history of schizophrenia who presented to University Hospital Medical Center Emergency Room under Baker Act for recent suicidal attempt. According to the Baker Act report, she ran out of her retirement facility, trying to be hit by vehicles. She suffered a slight injury to her right ankle, as the slightly slightly hit her in an effort to abruptly stop the vehicle. She verbalized to police officers she wanted to die. She reported that peers in her retirement community learned about her history and had been gossiping about her. She reported increased paranoia due to this. She was hospitalized in the same psychiatric unit two months ago, after she was diagnosed with depression. Patient states the reason she was diagnosed with depression is because her two sons are not willing to talk to her. She states that she is separated and living without her family in an Assisted Living Facility. As per patient and chart review, the patient was born and raised in New Jersey and moved to South Florida. The patient currently lives in a retirement home and had to move several times to the different Assisted Living Facility, due to her paranoia and delusional behavior. She is currently retired and reports that she used to work from home as a home health aide. She has two sons and tries to maintain a good relationship with them, but denies any contact with them. She reports the biggest stressor is basically a relationship with her ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. The Federal Emergency Management Agency The Federal Emergency Management Agency is here to help a city rebuild and recover after natural or manmade disasters. When FEMA isn't enough to help recover from the damage, the city is lost. For a city or country ability to rebuild after a natural disaster depends on the city 's strength and the government's response to the disaster. If a city cannot recover after a natural disaster it is all on the government. A city need a strong stable government in order to thrive. Once disaster hit it's up to the city at first to take care of what is going on in the city. This is the part of the government responding at a local level. The business owners and civilians help start the rebuild of their city from within. If the city is completely ... Show more content on ... Hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, tsunamis, freak floods, mudslides, typhoons, and avalanches. Natural disasters cost billions of dollars each year all over the world. The severity of these disaster are measured by the lives lost, the economic loss, and the ability of the population to rebuild. Natural disasters that really affect people worldwide tend to become more intense as the years go on. The frequency of earthquakes, mega storms, and heat waves has gone up considerably in the last few decades. Scientists, geologists, and storm watchers work hard to predict major disasters and avert as much damage as possible but it is still to predict some natural disasters. It has become easier to predict major storms, blizzards, cyclones, and other weather related natural disasters over the years. But there are still natural disasters that come up rather unexpectedly, such as earthquakes, wildfires, landslides, and volcanic eruptions. FEMA goal is to ensure that the United States is able to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters, natural and manmade alike. The agency's motto is "A Nation Prepared". Some people like FEMA former director Joe Allbaugh believe people shouldn't depend on FEMA. That people should be able to help themselves and rebuild on their own. The ability to rebuild after a natural disaster depends on the population strength and the government timely response to the disaster. The government's response to natural ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. The State Of Emergency And Urban Californians Introduction In 2012 and 2013 Klamath County on the Southern Oregon border declared a drought in April, after a string of fortunate years of heavy rain and snow. In 2014, a drought emergency was declared in February, two months earlier than in 2013, and in 2015 drought was again declared for the county in April( United State Geological Survey 2015). These successive drought declarations are not surprising to anyone who was following the Western water crisis during those years, where the governor of California declared a state of emergency and urban Californians were mandated to find ways to cut their water consumption drastically . In 2012, 10,000 avian mortalities were reported in the Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuges because of the shut off of water facilities that support wetland habitat for migratory species (Learn 2012.) During those dry years, an article titled Birds are Dying As Drought Ravages Avian Highways ran in National Geographic, featuring Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge and putting the struggle of its bird species in a regional context, as long distance flyers found fewer and fewer refuges with the water resources to maintain them( Kay 2015). It was these shocking statistics that first attracted me, as a birder, to the basin as an area of study. However, as I began to wade into the history of the basin and its complicated local politics, I soon realized that I could not disentangle the issues experienced by wildlife and wildlife managers in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Berwick Hospital System Essay Assignment: Case Study for Berwick Hospital System Assume that you are the newly appointed Chief Continuity Manager for the Berwick Hospital System. Outlining the major risks associated with maintaining continuity of operations in the event of an environmental catastrophe, and making an outline of the basics of a continuity plan to cope such a scenario. To: the Chief Operating Officer Subject: Risks Associated with Environmental Catastrophe Berwick Hospital System has identified some of the same vulnerabilities with hospitals in Louisiana that experienced Katrina and Rita catastrophes. In order to minimize the damage we might have in the event of environmental catastrophes, I summarized in this memo some potential risks of ... Show more content on ... Also additional administrative staffs may be required for more smooth operations. Those in the external community may also be at risks and need transportation and treatment at Berwick Hospital Systems. In such events, transportation personnel, delivery personnel, and third party maintenance personnel contacts should also be listed for emergency call. To start our continuity operation plan, we can reach out to the emergency management agency for assistance such as whether the hospital property is located in a flood plain, community's tornado warning system, and seismic information of the area. Inside of the Berwick Hospital System, a team needs to be built specific for continuity of operation plan. Team members involved, as needed, depending upon identified functional requirements during the course of an emergency. However potential candidates must be trained with a set of procedure code so at the time of emergency event occurring, everything can be handled at the best possible manner. Potential candidate pool includes but not limited to upper management, medical specialties, maintenance, engineering, security, public information officers, community relations, information technology personnel, legal personnel, and transportation personnel (FEMA, page 9). Several important components must be addressed for making the continuity of operation plan. These components including human capital resources, vital ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Overview Of The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act Simply put, the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA) completely ignores constitutional law. It also fails to take into account that states have their own emergency preparedness laws and procedures in place. (Richards & Rathbun, 2003) Although this legislation was recommended as a means to help states protect citizens against bioterrorist attacks and deal with national defense issues, (Katz, 2018), it is unconstitutional as it proposes giving state public health officials expansive police powers under the pretext of controlling epidemics during public health emergencies. Problems with the MSEHPA One of the most controversial provisions in this model legislation is the requirement that citizens must submit to medical ... Show more content on ... The state can also ration food, fuel, clothing, alcohol and firearms. I don't know how familiar you are with the residents of East Tennessee, but I can tell you that "this dog won't hunt" and you will not part the residents of East Tennessee from their firearms or anything else they own. The Act also allows for control of public and private property, including pharmaceutical manufacturing plants, nursing homes, other health care facilities, and communications devices. The governor or other health officials could theoretically mobilize all or any part of the "organized militia into service to the state to help enforce the state's orders." I am a Sergeant in the Tennessee State Guard, which, by definition, is a state "militia". I can tell you categorically that I would not assist with the enforcement of this despicable legislation or anything resembling it, despite the circumstances of the emergency. According to the ACLU, there is a history of discriminatory use of the quarantine power against particular groups of people based on race and national origin. It is easy to see that this could happen again under dire circumstances and based upon an individual's inherent biases. Professor George Annas, a leading authority on medical law and ethics and the legal editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, wrote this about the MSEHPA: "All sorts of proposals were floated in the wake of the September 11 attacks – some potentially useful, such as
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  • 59. Disaster and Emergency Management Essay In a new form of protection and communication, social media is the main thing that everything is using in today's times. Marketing employees have positions as titled as social media directors. Companies have people watching and monitoring everything that happens with their social media reputation all hours of the day everyday. Young people are seeing the power of social media everyday with teachers demonstrating how fast a picture can be shared across the world. Social media is relatively new and could possibly open many gates for communication. This depends heavily on who is publishing information and news on social media. If news spreads fast on social media, then the use of it can be used for emergencies. If many people are ... Show more content on ... We now have the option to be connected permanently to our social media sites on our phone. We can check into Foursquare so that our friends know where we are at all times. We can see where our family and friends are and know what they are doing on Facebook. Social media is one of the largest sources of information. People read headline news from their selected sites. Social media can be a great tool for everyone to use as well as something that can come with faults. CNA, a research facility, partnered with the National Emergency Management Association to provide research and information on the public's expectations about emergency management's use of social media. Before this research, the data about this connection was only done with case studies and unreliable accounts. CAN used a survey in this research to see how people felt about social media in connection with emergency management. The results found an positive approach. Many people in emergency management agencies, on local and national levels are very familiar with social media. It is usually the larger websites that are more widely known. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, are widely known and publicized. There are however many other social media sites that are not as widely known that are even more useful to nationwide security and communication such as crowdsourcing and Nixle and these are not as widely known (Su, Wardell, & Throkidsen, 2013). So while people in emergency management ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Emergency Operations in the United States Emergency Operations in the United States are governed by the National Incident Management System and its sub component Incident Command System. The ICS is an organizational planning tool that helps sort and define incident command responsibilities to aid in the prompt mitigation of disasters and its effects. The primary staff positions govern other subsets of skills and together form a scalable organization that in theory can operate given an incident of any size and still perform the same functions. The primary design of the ICS structure is flawed in that it does not hold medical planning as its primary staff position but regulates it to a lower level. This is the Achilles heel of disaster management, medical operations are vital to the success of any disaster mitigation and management plan. Medical staff planning should be a primary staff position under the ICS structure. Disasters are broadly defined and rely on context and technical acumen of those assessing an incident to correctly or most accurately decide on what is a disaster. The consensus in the disaster management field is that a solid, clear definition of disaster does not exist, but rather gave many examples do. Members of the professions of emergency response and planning, and governance have developed a lexicon adequately describe an event. Those terms largely fall into three categories; natural hazards, technological hazards, and finally, context hazards. Natural hazards are extreme geophysical and ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. The Development of Civilian Emergency Medical Services in... The Development of Civilian Emergency Medical Services in the United States Civilian Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is the most widely used system for emergency services provided in the United States. The United States development of Civilian EMS has evolved and changed since the 19th century. The actual foundation for EMS originated during the Civil War in America and served as the model for future civilian EMS development. During the Civil War Dr. Jonathan Letterman created a system of ambulances due to the disorganization that existed in medical services during the Battle of Bull Run. Surgeon General William Hammond appointed Jonathan Letterman as the Military Medical Director and assigned him with the task of organizing military ... Show more content on ... The most noticeable improvement was the use of helicopters as a mode of medical evacuation to quickly remove injured soldiers from the battlefield. During the Vietnam War modifications were made for helicopters used to transport wounded soldiers. The helicopters were known as HU–1 or Huey. The Huey contained a large compartment that allowed emergency care while still in the air. Civilian EMS originated with the first civilian manufactured ambulance produced in 1890 and built by the Hess–Eisenhardt Company in Cincinnati. The ambulance was a horse drawn wagon specifically designed to move injured patients. The first electric motorized ambulance was made in Chicago in 1899 and donated to the Michael Reese Hospital by local businessmen. The St. Vincent Hospital of New York began operating an electric motorized ambulance in 1900. James Cunningham, Son & Company created the first gasoline powered ambulance in 1909; the company was located in Rochester New York. The gasoline powered ambulance had a thirty two horsepower four cylinder internal engine, electric lights, and a side mounted gong to alert other vehicles that an ambulance was on the road. Throughout the 1920s and 1930s numerous civilian emergency medical service volunteer groups were created to serve local municipalities. By 1936 the American Red Cross (ARC) had established 900 dedicated Emergency First Aid Stations along the country's highways to aid ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Fluid and Electrolyte Management in Diabetic Ketoacidosis... Fluid and electrolyte management in Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Hyperosmolar Hyperglycaemic state in the emergency department Introduction Diabetes Mellitus is a growing issue for health care providers internationally. The World Health organization estimated in 2013 there were 347 Million diabetics worldwide, predicting that Diabetes will be the 7th leading cause of death by 2030 (WHO, 2013). In both type 1 and type 2 diabetes Mellitus, factors such as poor compliance with diet and medication, infection, acute medical or surgical illness or trauma can lead to poor glycaemic control, precipitating a hyperglycaemic emergency such as Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) (Scobie & Samaras, 2009). In Type 2 Diabetes, another equally dangerous ... Show more content on ... & Donelly, R., 2010). As with DKA, at this stage the body attempts to normalize the osmolality through diuresis, which leads to dehydration, loss of electrolytes, and further hyperosmolality. With HHS evolving over days to weeks, (often either through poor medication compliance/inappropriate prescribing, dietary issues, or illness), the effect is insidious, and often by the time a patient presents to the emergency department either directly or via a GP, they are already critical (Kisiel, M. & Marsons, L., 2009). Further complicating the diagnosis and treatment can be a mixed picture of both HHS and DKA. This occurs in both type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes. In this case treatment is balanced between correcting the metabolic acidosis and lowering the osmolality of the blood. (Kearney T. & Dang, C., 2007) In both conditions (and in a mixed picture of both), the dehydration can be further exacerbated by the resulting Nausea and vomiting, meaning further fluid loss, and critically decreased fluid intake (Lowth, M. 2012). Both conditions require emergency treatment. Correcting the fluid deficit Irrespective of the potential metabolic acidosis, Initial management of both DKA and HHS is focused on rehydration. The aim is to replace fluids in the both the intravascular and extra vascular spaces, while simultaneously diluting glucose levels (and thus lower osmolality) and counter– regulatory hormones (Raghavan, 2014) The Monash Health HHS & DKA ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Essay On Failure Of The 1956 Constitution Failure of Parliamentary System under 1956 Constitution The Constitution of 1956 proved to be very short lived as on October 7, 1958, Marital Law was imposed on the country and the constitution was abrogated. Lack of Leadership played a huge role in the failure of the constitution of 1956 and because of this, Pakistan never found its way to development of its parliamentary system. There was lack of political training in the country as well. Many political parties were made without any specific political goal. Every political party was fighting against one another and tried to gain power. No one was interested in elections. So, under such circumstances, elections were delayed. Unicameral legislature was intoduced in the 1956 Constitution. Through this many problems for Pakistan were caused and as a result martial law was imposed in country. Non ... Show more content on ... Then Presidential referendum was held by the elected BD members on February 17, 1960. A Constitutional Commission was established in February 1960 under the chairmanship of Justice Shahabuddin, former Chief Justice. The tasks assigned to the Commission were: To examine the causes of failure of Parliamentary system. Recommend a new system keeping in view the (a) genius of people (b) standard of education (c) internal conditions of the country (d) need of development Commission presented its report in May 1961 after then two committees reviewed it. Under the report of these committees the new Constitution was drafted. Ayub announced the Constitution on March 1, 1962. Elections to the National Assembly (NA) and Provincial Assemblies (PAs) were held in April and May 1962 respectively. The new Constitution was enforced on June 8, 1962. Martial Law was withdrawn. All the provinces of West Pakistan joined together and made into one unit. It was thought that it would eliminate the prejudices among the Pakistanis but is proved to be a ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Hazard Mitigation Goals : Protecting The Wellbeing And... Hazard Mitigation Goals: Protecting the wellbeing and safety of Burlington City Population while reducing the incidence of injuries, and loss of life Preventing loss of critical utilities, and damage to property, equipment and infrastructure Timely communication with residents, special needs populations and visitors to ensure notification – public understanding of emergency and risk mitigation measures Joint coordination with support agencies to ensure implementation of effective response measures; promote awareness among municipalities, residents and businesses within the city The State of Vermont and its counties will always be exposed to severe winter events, because of its geographic location. An ice snow in addition to the current snow in the ground can put a hold in the region and paralyze the city of Burlington and the surrounding counties, trapping commuters, stopping the established lines of supplies and communication, and furthermore disrupting emergency efforts, medical services, and modes of transportation such the local Burlington airport and interstate 89 and 91, and other roads in the area. Buildups of ice snow and snow can collapse buildings and rooftops, additionally these accumulations of ice can bring down trees, electrical wires, telephone poles and lines, communication towers and cause unexpected fires. In the city of Burlington we run the risk of losing communications and power for days while respective parties' work the damage done by the ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Emergency Management Research Paper Who is an emergency manger and what do they do? Generally, the emergency manager is responsible for the emergency management program within their county, city or designated area of control. From a layman point of view, programs may vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and will contain Local Emergency Operations Plan and Hazardous Materials Plan. In years past the role of an emergency manager did not require a degree. It seems credentials were earned by application, typically acquired from the emergency service field, such as law enforcement, or fire services. Perhaps, degree requirements were lacking due to the fact a degree specific to Emergency Management had been nonexistent; however specific degrees are (WordPress, 2017) "becoming more prevalent, as the education requirement is getting more stringent to become an emergency manager." Although my research did not lead me to a specific education level, the experience and education for the City of Surprise's emergency manager are quite extensive. Fire Chief, Tom Abbott has worked as a (Surprise, 2017) "trainer at the federal and state level and, has served as an instructor of Fire Science courses at Mesa Community College, Arizona State University, and has educated hundreds of hazardous materials technician's throughout Arizona. Additionally, Chief Abbott holds ... Show more content on ... Surprise proactively educates their residents by offering a very comprehensive list of information in an effort to (Surprise, 2017) "better prepare residents in the event of a Homeland Security emergency or disaster situation. The list ranges from, Family Emergency Plans to Arizona Emergency and Disaster Preparedness." Additionally, Surprise maintains communication with other jurisdictions via (Surprise, 2017) "Arizona Emergency Information Network (AzEIN) which is a complete resource for real–time emergency updates for the state of Arizona as well as emergency preparedness ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team : Legal... ISOL_633_Legal Regulations, Compliance and Investigation Leela Kirtan Mahamkali Vinay Nimmala Tata Rao Nallani Akhilesh Nelki Neeraj Reddy Summer Main – Section 20 & 21 University of the Cumberlands Research and Report Writing June, 25rd, 2017 United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US– CERT): The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is Incharge of shielding our country's crucial infrastructure from physical and cyber dangers. Of the varied kinds of infrastructure, cyberspace is crucial constituting the information regarding the government and business operations, crisis management and readiness information, and our crucial digital and process control systems. Safeguarding these critical resources and infrastructure is ... Show more content on ... This report should include an illustration of the incident or event, applying the relevant taxonomy with inclusion of maximum information. The report should include agency name and impact on it, name, telephone, and email address of point of contact, incident date and time including time zone, incident category type, IP, port, and protocol of source and destination, operating system along with version, system function (e.g., DNS/web server, workstation, etc.), antivirus software installed along with version. The report should also include how the episode is identified and its resolution. The 2015–2016 incident notification guidelines stresses that, such cyber incidents involving federal government information systems should be brought to notice of US–CERT within one hour of recognition of established effect of confidentiality and integrity. Personally Identifiable Information (PII) should not be added to incident presentation. The incident report should also include functional effect, informational effect and effect of recoverability. However, In October 2016, US–CERT published improved episode reporting guidelines. These updated guidelines mandates organizations to specify additional reporting fields for the US–CERT Incident Reporting System. Organizations and US–CERT will now ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. An Emergency Plan For The United States Zombies, yes, the walking dead, have infested our town, and we must keep the members of it safe. The members that I am especially concerned with are the children who attend our schools, as well as the many staff members that keep the school running properly. In order to fulfill my duty as the superintendent of the schools in this area, I am willing to put forth all of my energy into saving our kids. The majority of our schools is located in the south, and the zombies have occupied most of the northern areas. Fortunately, we still have access to electricity. Nevertheless, we must use it wisely, for we do not know how long this luck will last. In addition to reports of power outages in the north that may be spreading south, there are also ... Show more content on ... However, if a family was not fortunate enough to be up–to–date on this current news and their child is placed on a bus, we will bring them to school for their protection. While they arrive, due to power outages north of us, we will have teachers post messages in the windows of the school. These messages will inform parents that we plan to shelter at the school as long as possible. Uninfected students will be placed in the gym with teacher supervision. Our posted signs will notify their parents and guardians to come to the back door of the school if they show up and wish to take their child with them. However, we will clarify to them that if we consider the situation outside to be hazardous to their children's health then we will not release their child to them. After this the windows will be boarded up with anything available. While this is being done, we will relocate bookshelves as well as any other heavy furniture to barricade all doors that will no longer be needed to open. After we have relocated all furniture and obstructed all windows, we ask teachers to do a final sweep of the school to be sure no windows or doors were missed. The next step that will be dealt with is communication. As the school superintendents and surrounding staff, we need to notify our general city of what our plan of action is for our schools. It is essential that we get the word out to all teachers and faculty as soon as possible to go ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. The United States Department Of Justice Emergency management (EM) addresses how government prepares for, mitigates against, responds to, and recovers from emergencies and disasters. The law regulating this area changes frequently with the goal of improving our ability to prevent loss of life and property; however, a recent legal development has not only hampered emergency management response efforts, but it also threatens to harm the very vulnerable portion of society it is intended to benefit. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has recently adopted an aggressive stance toward enforcing the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). First, the legal history leading up to this development will be examined. Second, this new focus and several recent DOJ cases will be ... Show more content on ... The specific subject of evacuations and sheltering shall be addressed subsequently during the DOJ cases segment. At the state level, EM authority lies in Chapter 252 (Chapter 252, Florida Statutes, "State Emergency Management Act", 2015). While this Chapter sets forth express language, it also contains broad language, such as "to take such measure as are necessary and appropriate to carry out the provision of 252.31 – 252.90." (Chapter 252, 2015). Chapter 252 provides the Governor with the authority to declare or proclaim a state of emergency either for an emergency that has occurred or one that is imminent. This state of emergency cannot last longer than 60 days, unless renewed by the Governor. This grants the Governor the following powers: (1) Suspending the provisions of any regulatory statute; (2) Utilizing all resources of state government; (3) Compelling the evacuation of some or all areas of the population; (4) Commandeering private property, subject to appropriate compensation; (5) Suspending the sale of alcohol, firearms, and explosives; and (6) Controlling the movement of pedestrian and vehicular traffic (Chapter 252, 2015). At the federal level, the seminal statutory authority governing the federal response to disasters is the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford, 2013). The Stafford Act was originally enacted in 1988 and has been ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. State Of Arizona For Federal Emergency Management Agency (... 2011: Arizona Monument Fire Devastates Over 30,000 Acres Within the Huachuca Mountains. This paper will cover the scope of the events of the Monument Fires as well as the basic summary of need for the State of Arizona for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funding. Background. On June 12, 2011 in Sierra Vista, Arizona – a city near the Mexican border, a suspected human–caused fire was started within the Coronado National Monument Park, along the southern tip of the Huachuca Mountains in Southern Arizona and quickly shot through the canyons south of the city of Sierra Vista. Over the course of 14 days, the wildfire burned to some extent 100% of the park's acreage; destroyed a total of 62 homes, 18 outbuildings and 4 businesses (Youberg & Pearthree, 2011) and mandatory evacuations were in effect due to the fires moving quickly towards the outskirts along with the danger of the smoke that blanketed the town. The fire was wind–driven spread and was aided by high temperatures and low humidity. The Monument Fire burned 30,526 acres by the time of containment a month later on July 12. Unfortunately, the disaster would not over when the fire was finally extinguished. A burned landscape presents a number of safety hazards that either did not exist prior to the fire or are increased by the effects of the fire. These types of hazardous conditions may continue for several years after a fire. The fire had destroyed the grasslands and trees that grew along the canyons of the ... Get more on ...