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Envision Your Future: Set Goals
Dream Big
Stay focused, even when it gets hard
Success happens step-by-step
Build on your strengths, talents, and interests
Work your dream; work your plan

Stay in School
Learn to earn; stay in school
Make choices that help you succeed in school
If you're struggling, seek help
Be prepared: study hard, read, think

It's Never Too Late to Get Back on Track
Get back in the education game
Everyone gets off track sometimes; getting back on is
what matters
Get help if you need it
Your future begins with today's choices

Seek Positive Role Models/Mentors
Look to positive people who have your back
Learn from those who have been there
Positive role models are everywhere and anywhere
Follow people who encourage and inspire you
Care for Others Notice. Care. Act.            Think
and Act Beyond Yourself
Noticing and caring for others begins with you
We're all in this together
Your actions impact others
The good you do comes back to you

Caring for Others Begins at Home
 reliable, respectful and responsible
 Look for ways to help out at home
 Build on your family's strengths
 Family relationships need attention and care to

Be a Good Friend
 open, honest, and real
 good friend can make a BIG difference
 someone your friends can trust and rely on
Good friends respect each other's differences
 help for your friends when they need it

Contribute to our Community
 Your community needs you
 Safe and clean neighborhoods are everyone's
 Small actions can make a big difference
 Settle problems without hurting one
Promote Physical, and Mental Well-Being Be
Healthy!           Keep Mind and Body Strong
Your mind and body re connected
Take care of yourself first
Work your body, build your mind
Stress affects your health

Your Body is Amazing: Take Care of It
Healthy eating feeds the whole person
Being active and exercising keeps the body strong
 on the safe side: respect yourself, protect yourself
Exercise reduces stress

Mental and Emotional Health Are Important
Use positive coping strategies to deal with stress
Understand what you're feeling
Express your feelings in a positive way
 help and support when you need it

Seek Inner Peace
Take time for refection
Find and follow your purpose
Live your values
Promoting peace brings inner peace
Urban Teenz is a partnership between business and
higher education that is preparing the next
generation of entrepreneurs and business leaders to
create a better world for everyone.

Urban Teenz’s global network consists of business
executives, university students and academic leaders.
High school and college students form teams that
serve their communities by developing projects that
take what they are learning in their classrooms about
business and use it to solve real world problems for
real people. Business executives support the program
through corporate donations, personal contributions
and the gift of their time.
Urban Teenz Text Book concentrates on five areas:
career development, success skills, entrepreneurship,
financial literacy and business ethics.

The students are led by faculty who challenge them to
develop projects that specifically meet the unique
needs of
their communities. Their efforts help aspiring
entrepreneurs, struggling business owners, low-
income families and children experience success.

Urban Teenz teams present the results of their
community projects annually at regional, national and
international competitions. Business executives judge
the competitions and select the winners based on
which teams they believe were most effective at
educating others through their projects. Through
Urban Teenz, high school and university students
improve their communities and experience profound
personal growth. As these young
people assume leadership roles of significance and
influence, they will be the key to leading more
sustainable enterprises, building stronger
communities and creating a world with greater
opportunity for all of us.
Life groups are all about relationship – about doing
life together. They’re about developing trust and
accountability, and they’re about having a safe place
to talk and ask questions. They’re about developing
life skills like encouragement, serving and praying
for one another. And they’re about engaging with
and learning.
 Youth development is a process which
 prepares young people to meet the
 challenges of adolescence and
 adulthood through a coordinated,
 progressive series of activities and
 experiences which help them to become
 socially, morally, emotionally, physically,
 and cognitively competent
(1) “The ability to guide or direct others on
  a course of action, influence the opinion
  and behavior of other people, and show
  the way by going in advance”
  (Wehmeyer, Agran, & Hughes, 1998);
 (2) “the ability to analyze one's own
  strengths and weaknesses, set personal
  and vocational goals, and have the self-
  esteem to carry them out. It includes
  the ability to identify community
  resources and use them, not only to live
  independently, but also to establish
  support networks to participate in
  community life and to effect positive
  social change.”
 Increased self esteem, positive
    peer relations, and sense of
    personal control
   Better development of leadership,
    communication, and decision-
    making skills
   Increased dependability and job
   Greater communication in the
   Fewer psychosocial problems (i.e.,
    loneliness, shyness)
 Assists young people to become
    self-sufficient and productive
    members of society
   Assists in the development of
    advocacy (self-determination)
   Fosters making informed choices
   Experiences success
   Exposes youth to role models and
 The range of youth development
 outcomes can be organized into five
 developmental areas:

     Working
     Learning
     Thriving
     Connecting
     Leading
 The development of positive
  occupational and career attitudes,
  skills and behaviors through activities
  that offer the chance to practice
  technical and “soft skills” needed to
  maintain employment
 Some activities supporting Working:
    Job shadowing
    Internships
    Entrepreneurship
 Visiting education and/or
    training programs
   Completing a mock job-search
    and interview process
   Writing a resume
   Interviewing representatives from
    specific industries
   Attending workplace behavior
   Developing a forum for
   Visiting industry sites
   Small business project
 The development of positive basic and
  applied academic attitudes, skills, and
 To develop higher aptitude for
  academic skill, and the ability to
  approach endeavors with a strategy to
 Some activities supporting Learning:
    Formal and informal skills
    Identification of learning styles and
 Peer tutoring activities
 Access to testing preparation classes
 Group problem-solving activities
 Develop a formal learning plan
 Accountability for grades
 Showcase of work highlighting a
  learning experience
 Service-learning projects
 The development of attitudes,
 skills and behaviors demonstrated
 by maintaining optimal physical
 and emotional well-being

 Some activities supporting
  Peer workshops on nutrition and
  Community resource mapping
  Conflict management skill-
 Health-related workshops
 Role-playing activities
 Personal and peer counseling
 Meal planning/preparation
 Social activities requiring
 Directory of community resources
 The development of positive skills,
  attitudes, and behaviors around
  civic/public involvement and personal
  goal setting
 Some activities supporting Leading:
    Registering to vote
    Volunteering
    Peer mediation activities
    Youth advisory committees
 Developing a personal plan
 Creating a map of local youth
   Participating in town meetings
   Planning a program activity
   Participating in a local issue debate
   Participating in a letter writing
   Meeting with local officials
   Teaching Youth to Identify Essential Qualities of a Leader
   (Adapted from Leadership 101: Developing Leadership Skills for Resilient Youth, Facilitator’s Guide by Mariam
    MacGregor,, 2000. Used with permission from Mariam MacGregor & Youth Leadership
    Development Workbook, New Light Leadership Coalition, 2001-2003. Used with permission. )

   What character traits are essential to leadership? The following is a "starter list" of leadership character
    qualities/skills that youth can add to as they learn more about leadership. After this list you’ll find some suggested
    activities to do with youth to help them wrestle with this topic.
   Leadership Qualities and Skills
   Courage-The mindset that enables a person to face difficulty. Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the
    willingness to do something in spite of fear.
   Visionary-The ability to see the bigger picture in a situation or organization, and dream of possibilities that would
    be more beneficial. A visionary is one who imagines possibilities.
   Change Agent-The ability to not only move people and things in a new direction, but also to accept, handle and
    thrive in the midst of change. A change agent is one who can create a sense of urgency for a new direction, and
    guide a group down the path of that new direction.
   Decisive-Having the willingness and ability to make a decision, judgment call or resolution. Leaders would often
    rather make the wrong decision than no decision at all.
   Perseverance-The ability to remain steady in a course of action; having tenacity and endurance despite hardship
    or discouragement.
   Risk Taking-The courage to begin a course of action or make a decision even though failure is a possibility. Risk
    takers realize that no one succeeds at every turn, and sometimes more can be learned from failure than success.
   Creativity-The ability to use originality, innovation and imagination to solve problems or dream dreams. A
    creative leader thinks "outside the box."
   Confidence-The steady belief or trust in yourself and your abilities. The opposite of confidence is low self esteem
    or feeling worthless.
   Self-Discipline-The ability to control your actions and order your behavior appropriately.
   Honesty-Having truthfulness and integrity in your actions and dealings with others.
   Sense of Humor-The ability to see the lighter side of a situation or circumstance. Key to having a sense of humor
    is having the ability to not take yourself too seriously. Leaders can laugh at themselves.
   Suggested activities:
   (1) Have youth identify one person, preferably someone who is well known to the group, who exhibits each
    character quality, and discuss in a group setting why they think each person listed exhibits that particular quality.
   (2) Have the youth rank which characteristics from the list they think are most important in a leader, and why.
   (3) Have the youth identify which attributes they feel they already possess, and which ones they need to develop
    more strongly. Discuss possible ways to develop each attribute.
   Helps for Teaching Youth Effective Listening and Communication Skills
   (Adapted from Leadership 101: Developing Leadership Skills for Resilient Youth, Facilitator’s
    Guide by Mariam MacGregor,, 2000. Used with permission.)
   Tips for Listening Actively
   Use basic "probing" responses such as: “How so?” “In what way?” “Why?” or “Tell me
    more…”Paraphrase the speaker's message and repeat it back to him or her.Verbally
    acknowledge that you understand the other person's thoughts and feelings.Use body posture,
    eye contact and other non-verbal communication techniques that send the message that you
    are engaging with what the speaker is saying.
   "Road Blocks" to Active Listening
   Rehearsing: spending your mental energy on preparing what you will say in response
   Judging: "writing off" a person as stupid or incompetent or uninformed and therefore not
    paying close attention to what her or she is saying
   Identifying: relating everything the person says back to yourself so that the conversation
    becomes focused around you
   Advising: trying to solve a problem or give advice without finishing listening to what the
    other person is saying
   Sparring: being too quick to disagree or create an argument with the speaker
   Derailing: constantly changing the topic of conversation
   Dreaming: "checking out" or daydreaming rather than focusing on what the speaker is
   Smoothing Over: being so concerned that you are pleasant, agreeable and well-liked that you
    don't really engage with what the person is saying
   Non-verbal communication can be more powerful than verbal
    communication. It can contradict or undermine verbal
    communication. You can tell how well someone is receiving your
    message by watching for non-verbal "signals." It is important to
    realize that non-verbal communication is sometimes strongly
    connected to culture and gender, and that the same "signal" can carry
    different meanings when coming from different people. When you
    are unsure of what someone is communicating, it is always best to ask
    for clarification.
   Five parts to non-verbal communication
   There are five main "channels" for non-verbal communication--
    posture/stance, gestures, eye contact, facial expressions, and vocal
    qualities. The following are a few examples of types of
    communication in each of the categories:
   Posture: slouching can suggest boredom, leaning forward can
    suggest interest and openness, etc.
   Gestures: clenched fists suggest anger, fidgety hands can suggest
   Eye Contact: avoiding eye contact can suggest lack of self-
    confidence, looking downward suggests shame, direct eye contact
    suggests confidence
   Facial Expressions: aside from the obvious--smiles, frowns, etc.--
    facial expressions can hide the true intention of the message
   Vocal Qualities: raising the volume of your voice can suggest anger,
    mumbling can suggest lack of self-confidence, speaking overly slowly
    and deliberately can communicate that you think the other person
    doesn't understand you
   Be clear on what you want as an outcome, but be flexible — you might create an
    even better one. “Negotiation” means a give and take. Lay out your specific interest
    clearly, briefly and positively, then listen completely and politely to the response. Be
    willing to consider a counter-proposal on its merits.
   Put things positively. Talk specifically about what you want, not about the other
     behavior or presumed intent. Make sure your interests are understood. Saying there is
     something you’d like to discuss changing is far more productive than just saying you don’t
   Being a Skilled Negotiator
   Without exception, family negotiations are the hardest in the world,
   including arms-control talks and labor negotiations.
   That is because in family negotiations (1) everyone involved has little or
   no training in mediation or negotiation, (2) the issues “on the table” are
   wrapped up in personal importance and are usually emotionally loaded, and
   (3) you don’t have attorneys and experts whispering advice in your ear.
   And the rules are different — some of the more hard-line methods can’t be
   used if you are to achieve positive outcomes.
   Following are four steps that can help you develop a key element in strong
   relationships — being a skilled negotiator:
   In preparing to negotiate, consider the other person’s interests and proposals.
    This is
   something to which all professional negotiators pay close attention. It provides you
    with a
   perspective and understanding that may affect how you approach the other person.
   Remind yourself in advance that you are
   negotiating with people whom you care about
   and who care for you. You should be seeking
   “win-win” outcomes
"Leadership Skills Rarely Come Naturally"
                                   Leadership Skills Quote
        "Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain cool and
                                 unruffled under all circumstances."
                                          Thomas Jefferson
   Suggested Reading:
   Fostering Leadership Skills in Ministry: A Parish Handbook
    by Jean Marie Hiesberger
   Manager's Pocket Guide to Leadership Skills
    by Stalk Peter
   Leadership Skills for Project Managers
    by Jeffrey K. Pinto, Jeffrey W. Trailer
   Group Leadership Skills: Carolyn Chambers Clark (Springer Series on the Teaching of
    by Carolyn Chambers Clark
   Visionary Leadership Skills: Creating a World to Which People Want to Belong
    by Robert Dilts, Robert B. Dilts
   Leadership Through People Skills
    by R. E. Lefton
   Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, and Skills
    by Andrew J. Dubrin
   Leadership : Theory, Application, Skill Development
    by Robert N. Lussier, Christopher F. Achua
   Leadership 101 : Developing Your Leadership Skills (Student Workbook)
    by Mariam G. MacGregor
   Patton's One-Minute Messages : Tactical Leadership Skills of Business Managers
   Leadership 101: Developing Leadership Skills for Resilient Youth Facilitator's Guide
    by Mariam G. MacGregor, Mariam MacGregor
   Interpersonal Skills for Leadership (2nd Edition)
    by Susan M. Fritz

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  • 4. Envision Your Future: Set Goals Dream Big Stay focused, even when it gets hard Success happens step-by-step Build on your strengths, talents, and interests Work your dream; work your plan Stay in School Learn to earn; stay in school Make choices that help you succeed in school If you're struggling, seek help Be prepared: study hard, read, think It's Never Too Late to Get Back on Track Get back in the education game Everyone gets off track sometimes; getting back on is what matters Get help if you need it Your future begins with today's choices Seek Positive Role Models/Mentors Look to positive people who have your back Learn from those who have been there Positive role models are everywhere and anywhere Follow people who encourage and inspire you
  • 5. Care for Others Notice. Care. Act. Think and Act Beyond Yourself Noticing and caring for others begins with you We're all in this together Your actions impact others The good you do comes back to you Caring for Others Begins at Home  reliable, respectful and responsible Be  Look for ways to help out at home  Build on your family's strengths  Family relationships need attention and care to grow Be a Good Friend  open, honest, and real Be  good friend can make a BIG difference A  someone your friends can trust and rely on Be Good friends respect each other's differences  help for your friends when they need it Get Contribute to our Community  Your community needs you  Safe and clean neighborhoods are everyone's responsibility  Small actions can make a big difference  Settle problems without hurting one
  • 6. Promote Physical, and Mental Well-Being Be Healthy! Keep Mind and Body Strong Your mind and body re connected Take care of yourself first Work your body, build your mind Stress affects your health Your Body is Amazing: Take Care of It Healthy eating feeds the whole person Being active and exercising keeps the body strong  on the safe side: respect yourself, protect yourself Be Exercise reduces stress Mental and Emotional Health Are Important Use positive coping strategies to deal with stress Understand what you're feeling Express your feelings in a positive way  help and support when you need it Get Seek Inner Peace Take time for refection Find and follow your purpose Live your values Promoting peace brings inner peace
  • 7. Urban Teenz is a partnership between business and higher education that is preparing the next generation of entrepreneurs and business leaders to create a better world for everyone. Urban Teenz’s global network consists of business executives, university students and academic leaders. High school and college students form teams that serve their communities by developing projects that take what they are learning in their classrooms about business and use it to solve real world problems for real people. Business executives support the program through corporate donations, personal contributions and the gift of their time.
  • 8. Urban Teenz Text Book concentrates on five areas: career development, success skills, entrepreneurship, financial literacy and business ethics. The students are led by faculty who challenge them to develop projects that specifically meet the unique needs of their communities. Their efforts help aspiring entrepreneurs, struggling business owners, low- income families and children experience success. Urban Teenz teams present the results of their community projects annually at regional, national and international competitions. Business executives judge the competitions and select the winners based on which teams they believe were most effective at educating others through their projects. Through Urban Teenz, high school and university students improve their communities and experience profound personal growth. As these young people assume leadership roles of significance and influence, they will be the key to leading more sustainable enterprises, building stronger communities and creating a world with greater opportunity for all of us.
  • 9. Life groups are all about relationship – about doing life together. They’re about developing trust and accountability, and they’re about having a safe place to talk and ask questions. They’re about developing life skills like encouragement, serving and praying for one another. And they’re about engaging with and learning.
  • 10.  Youth development is a process which prepares young people to meet the challenges of adolescence and adulthood through a coordinated, progressive series of activities and experiences which help them to become socially, morally, emotionally, physically, and cognitively competent
  • 11. (1) “The ability to guide or direct others on a course of action, influence the opinion and behavior of other people, and show the way by going in advance” (Wehmeyer, Agran, & Hughes, 1998);  (2) “the ability to analyze one's own strengths and weaknesses, set personal and vocational goals, and have the self- esteem to carry them out. It includes the ability to identify community resources and use them, not only to live independently, but also to establish support networks to participate in community life and to effect positive social change.”
  • 12.  Increased self esteem, positive peer relations, and sense of personal control  Better development of leadership, communication, and decision- making skills  Increased dependability and job responsibility  Greater communication in the family  Fewer psychosocial problems (i.e., loneliness, shyness)
  • 13.  Assists young people to become self-sufficient and productive members of society  Assists in the development of advocacy (self-determination) skills  Fosters making informed choices  Experiences success  Exposes youth to role models and leaders
  • 14.  The range of youth development outcomes can be organized into five developmental areas:  Working  Learning  Thriving  Connecting  Leading
  • 15.  The development of positive occupational and career attitudes, skills and behaviors through activities that offer the chance to practice technical and “soft skills” needed to maintain employment  Some activities supporting Working:  Job shadowing  Internships  Entrepreneurship
  • 16.  Visiting education and/or training programs  Completing a mock job-search and interview process  Writing a resume  Interviewing representatives from specific industries  Attending workplace behavior workshops  Developing a forum for networking  Visiting industry sites  Small business project
  • 17.  The development of positive basic and applied academic attitudes, skills, and behavior  To develop higher aptitude for academic skill, and the ability to approach endeavors with a strategy to achieve  Some activities supporting Learning:  Formal and informal skills assessment  Identification of learning styles and difficulties
  • 18.  Peer tutoring activities  Access to testing preparation classes  Group problem-solving activities  Develop a formal learning plan  Accountability for grades  Showcase of work highlighting a learning experience  Service-learning projects
  • 19.  The development of attitudes, skills and behaviors demonstrated by maintaining optimal physical and emotional well-being  Some activities supporting Thriving:  Peer workshops on nutrition and hygiene  Community resource mapping  Conflict management skill- building
  • 20.  Health-related workshops  Role-playing activities  Personal and peer counseling  Meal planning/preparation activities  Social activities requiring communication  Directory of community resources
  • 21.  The development of positive skills, attitudes, and behaviors around civic/public involvement and personal goal setting  Some activities supporting Leading:  Registering to vote  Volunteering  Peer mediation activities  Youth advisory committees
  • 22.  Developing a personal plan  Creating a map of local youth resources  Participating in town meetings  Planning a program activity  Participating in a local issue debate  Participating in a letter writing campaign  Meeting with local officials
  • 23. Teaching Youth to Identify Essential Qualities of a Leader  (Adapted from Leadership 101: Developing Leadership Skills for Resilient Youth, Facilitator’s Guide by Mariam MacGregor,, 2000. Used with permission from Mariam MacGregor & Youth Leadership Development Workbook, New Light Leadership Coalition, 2001-2003. Used with permission. )   What character traits are essential to leadership? The following is a "starter list" of leadership character qualities/skills that youth can add to as they learn more about leadership. After this list you’ll find some suggested activities to do with youth to help them wrestle with this topic.  Leadership Qualities and Skills  Courage-The mindset that enables a person to face difficulty. Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the willingness to do something in spite of fear.  Visionary-The ability to see the bigger picture in a situation or organization, and dream of possibilities that would be more beneficial. A visionary is one who imagines possibilities.  Change Agent-The ability to not only move people and things in a new direction, but also to accept, handle and thrive in the midst of change. A change agent is one who can create a sense of urgency for a new direction, and guide a group down the path of that new direction.  Decisive-Having the willingness and ability to make a decision, judgment call or resolution. Leaders would often rather make the wrong decision than no decision at all.  Perseverance-The ability to remain steady in a course of action; having tenacity and endurance despite hardship or discouragement.  Risk Taking-The courage to begin a course of action or make a decision even though failure is a possibility. Risk takers realize that no one succeeds at every turn, and sometimes more can be learned from failure than success.  Creativity-The ability to use originality, innovation and imagination to solve problems or dream dreams. A creative leader thinks "outside the box."  Confidence-The steady belief or trust in yourself and your abilities. The opposite of confidence is low self esteem or feeling worthless.  Self-Discipline-The ability to control your actions and order your behavior appropriately.  Honesty-Having truthfulness and integrity in your actions and dealings with others.  Sense of Humor-The ability to see the lighter side of a situation or circumstance. Key to having a sense of humor is having the ability to not take yourself too seriously. Leaders can laugh at themselves.  Suggested activities:  (1) Have youth identify one person, preferably someone who is well known to the group, who exhibits each character quality, and discuss in a group setting why they think each person listed exhibits that particular quality.  (2) Have the youth rank which characteristics from the list they think are most important in a leader, and why.  (3) Have the youth identify which attributes they feel they already possess, and which ones they need to develop more strongly. Discuss possible ways to develop each attribute.
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  • 25. Helps for Teaching Youth Effective Listening and Communication Skills  (Adapted from Leadership 101: Developing Leadership Skills for Resilient Youth, Facilitator’s Guide by Mariam MacGregor,, 2000. Used with permission.)  Tips for Listening Actively  Use basic "probing" responses such as: “How so?” “In what way?” “Why?” or “Tell me more…”Paraphrase the speaker's message and repeat it back to him or her.Verbally acknowledge that you understand the other person's thoughts and feelings.Use body posture, eye contact and other non-verbal communication techniques that send the message that you are engaging with what the speaker is saying.  "Road Blocks" to Active Listening  Rehearsing: spending your mental energy on preparing what you will say in response  Judging: "writing off" a person as stupid or incompetent or uninformed and therefore not paying close attention to what her or she is saying  Identifying: relating everything the person says back to yourself so that the conversation becomes focused around you  Advising: trying to solve a problem or give advice without finishing listening to what the other person is saying  Sparring: being too quick to disagree or create an argument with the speaker  Derailing: constantly changing the topic of conversation  Dreaming: "checking out" or daydreaming rather than focusing on what the speaker is saying  Smoothing Over: being so concerned that you are pleasant, agreeable and well-liked that you don't really engage with what the person is saying
  • 26. Non-verbal communication can be more powerful than verbal communication. It can contradict or undermine verbal communication. You can tell how well someone is receiving your message by watching for non-verbal "signals." It is important to realize that non-verbal communication is sometimes strongly connected to culture and gender, and that the same "signal" can carry different meanings when coming from different people. When you are unsure of what someone is communicating, it is always best to ask for clarification.  Five parts to non-verbal communication  There are five main "channels" for non-verbal communication-- posture/stance, gestures, eye contact, facial expressions, and vocal qualities. The following are a few examples of types of communication in each of the categories:  Posture: slouching can suggest boredom, leaning forward can suggest interest and openness, etc.  Gestures: clenched fists suggest anger, fidgety hands can suggest nervousness  Eye Contact: avoiding eye contact can suggest lack of self- confidence, looking downward suggests shame, direct eye contact suggests confidence  Facial Expressions: aside from the obvious--smiles, frowns, etc.-- facial expressions can hide the true intention of the message  Vocal Qualities: raising the volume of your voice can suggest anger, mumbling can suggest lack of self-confidence, speaking overly slowly and deliberately can communicate that you think the other person doesn't understand you
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  • 29. Be clear on what you want as an outcome, but be flexible — you might create an even better one. “Negotiation” means a give and take. Lay out your specific interest clearly, briefly and positively, then listen completely and politely to the response. Be willing to consider a counter-proposal on its merits.  Put things positively. Talk specifically about what you want, not about the other person’s behavior or presumed intent. Make sure your interests are understood. Saying there is something you’d like to discuss changing is far more productive than just saying you don’t like something.  Being a Skilled Negotiator  Without exception, family negotiations are the hardest in the world,  including arms-control talks and labor negotiations.  That is because in family negotiations (1) everyone involved has little or  no training in mediation or negotiation, (2) the issues “on the table” are  wrapped up in personal importance and are usually emotionally loaded, and  (3) you don’t have attorneys and experts whispering advice in your ear.  And the rules are different — some of the more hard-line methods can’t be  used if you are to achieve positive outcomes.  Following are four steps that can help you develop a key element in strong  relationships — being a skilled negotiator:  In preparing to negotiate, consider the other person’s interests and proposals. This is  something to which all professional negotiators pay close attention. It provides you with a  perspective and understanding that may affect how you approach the other person.  Remind yourself in advance that you are  negotiating with people whom you care about  and who care for you. You should be seeking  “win-win” outcomes
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  • 35. "Leadership Skills Rarely Come Naturally" Leadership Skills Quote "Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain cool and unruffled under all circumstances." Thomas Jefferson  Suggested Reading:  Fostering Leadership Skills in Ministry: A Parish Handbook by Jean Marie Hiesberger  Manager's Pocket Guide to Leadership Skills by Stalk Peter  Leadership Skills for Project Managers by Jeffrey K. Pinto, Jeffrey W. Trailer  Group Leadership Skills: Carolyn Chambers Clark (Springer Series on the Teaching of Nursing) by Carolyn Chambers Clark  Visionary Leadership Skills: Creating a World to Which People Want to Belong by Robert Dilts, Robert B. Dilts  Leadership Through People Skills by R. E. Lefton  Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, and Skills by Andrew J. Dubrin  Leadership : Theory, Application, Skill Development by Robert N. Lussier, Christopher F. Achua  Leadership 101 : Developing Your Leadership Skills (Student Workbook) by Mariam G. MacGregor  Patton's One-Minute Messages : Tactical Leadership Skills of Business Managers by CHARLES PROVINCE  Leadership 101: Developing Leadership Skills for Resilient Youth Facilitator's Guide by Mariam G. MacGregor, Mariam MacGregor  Interpersonal Skills for Leadership (2nd Edition) by Susan M. Fritz