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Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021
coperta2 2 authors
Sameer Goel
some unfortunates
howsoever deep
roots of their love may be
never get it back in reciprocation..
the way they love
beyond scales and parameters
fail miserably as not
everyone deserves their love..
their end, never so happy
a trauma, they always go
succumb to the hurts,
they never deserved ever.
Vildana Staniscic
A song of peace
Peace is love,
peace is above all,
when birds fly in the open sky.
Peace has no alternative,
peace is a smiling child.
Always be in harmony with everyone,
whenever you can
help the needy.
May peace reign in your soul,
may the whole universe be blessed.
Tanu Vermai Kapoor
Moments that were ours…never elapsed
Dangling in oblivion, few sprigs of ‘us’ they
Arduously seeking an excuse for existence
Clinging to every shred of persistence
Forever grueling to furnish an abyss
Created by a worldly absence
Mind and heart in incessant rift
Rigid to move on…excepting the drift
Heart sensed a bit, you
aren’t around
Still fuzzily perceives
your presence surround
In each and every breath I
In stars and floating Moon
that daunt
In every bit of me I flaunt
In everything we
shared…now haunt
Emotional crisis makes
me gaunt
I fail to keep your thoughts at bay
Time enveloped us yet, we found each other
though, we went a long way
Autumn, winter, summer, spring…brewed
grief and dismay
Seasons altered not my heart, I wish my love
to stay!!
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021
year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198
editorial 3-4
Paul Rotaru
Et poesis quo?
Motto: Poezia începe din titlu și nu
se sfârșește niciodată.
Balzac, un veritabil vizionar al intențiilor
umane fără ca el însuși să pretindă asta de la
sine, izbutește să construiască, în romanul
Iluzii pierdute, o strălucită parabolă a
destinului poeziei. Și face asta cu ușurința
conferită de convingerea faptului comun, a
ochiului care nu vede
excepționalitate și care nu
manifestă vexare în
proximitatea acestui
destin. Iar parabola sa
rezidă în tocmai antiteza a
două entități: Lucien
Chardon, un maestru al
cuvântului, poet prin
tehnică și spontaneitate,
care se compromite în
mod caraghios în inima
unei societăți decadente
și cumnatul său, David Séchard, poet prin
simțire și existență, însă lipsit de talentul
nativ, spirit pitoresc, de o bonomie soră cu
naivitatea. Balzac nu propune o analiză a unor
arhetipuri umane plauzibile, ci le ia, pur și
simplu, din modernitatea contemporană și le
aduce înaintea noastră dezavuându-le
identitățile de orice artificiu – și, de ce nu am
crede-o, lumea acelor vremuri avea multe de
oferit în sensul ăsta! La fel ca azi și ca
întotdeauna, de când Homo Sapiens se erijează
în ceea ce pretinde a fi.
Dacă, pentru unii cititori, apare drept un
paradox faptul că, într-un editorial despre
poezie, aducem în primul paragraf numele lui
Balzac, acest exponent al prozei moderne, tot
aceștia ne vor îngădui și o mică detaliere. Mulți
dintre marii prozatori ai literaturii universale
au debutat cu încercări poetice, versul fiind
considerat un apanaj al tinereții, ca ulterior să-
și afle vocația propriului lirism în
monumentale opere în proză. Un exemplu pe
placul inimii autorului acestor rânduri este
însuși Caragiale care, într-un moment de
precară inspirație, credem noi, ironiza poezia
chiar în fața celui mai bun prieten al său,
nimeni altul decât Eminescu. Dacă veți citi
versurile lui Caragiale, veți înțelege lesne
punctul nostru de vedere.
Așadar, Poezia
încotro? Asemenea unui
cleric care, întrebat fiind
unde este Dumnezeu în
vremuri de restriște
mondială, vom da același
răspuns: acolo unde a fost
dintotdeauna. Sigur,
redundanța ce reiese din
această sentință aparent
evazivă, suscită oarece
frustrări în chestiunea
poetică, de aceea vom
apela, mai departe, la dispoziția cititorului,
asigurându-l de preocuparea noastră, dacă nu
deplină, cel puțin satisfăcătoare asupra
lirismului în sine. Căci Poesis nu înseamnă
doar versificare! Versuri se scriau și la Moulin
Rouge, ba chiar se savurau cu enormă
larghețe. Poesis rezidă oriunde se identifică în
etos, în tradiție, luându-și eponimul după
continentul spiritual al simțitorului. Și iată, cu
toate acestea, se scriu multe versuri, fără ca ele
să fie poezie, fără să conțină miezul substanței
lirice, fără să emane nici măcar cel mai firav
fior de viață – iar asta este o consecință a fricii
de prozodie, a tendinței de aliniere la uzanțe
propuse și impuse de... niște non-poeți!
De partea cealaltă, se află timizii,
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021
indecișii, adică aceia care caută cu orice preț să
se ralieze unor standarde pe care nici nu le
înțeleg, nici nu le vor agrea vreodată. Abia
dacă poți spera să scrii poezie în pentametru
iambic doar pentru că cineva spune că acest
tip de vers aparține literaturii engleze! Abia
dacă vrei să construiești amfibrahi și anapești
doar pentru că altcineva, înaintea ta, a făcut-o
– și încă cu ce măiestrie! Dragii mei, luați-l pe
Eminescu! El abundă de pentametri iambici
(Ai noștri tineri), de amfibrahi (Mortua est!) și
s-a aventurat în jocul de prozodii până într-
acolo încât s-a întors la versul popular ca să ne
ofere Luceafărul. El a scris Epigonii, apoi
Memento mori și, mai
târziu, Scrisorile urmând
o prozodie ușor de regăsit
la pașoptiști precum Ion
Heliade Rădulescu
(Sburătorul) sau Grigore
Alexandrescu (Umbra lui
Mircea. La Cozia), dar nu
numai acolo, ci în chiar
literatura clasicilor latini
precum Vergiliu, Horațiu,
Juvenal și Ovidiu! Cum să
crezi că scrii poezie de
vreme ce te ferești de așa-zisele șabloane? Ai
întâlnit pentametrul trohaic al lui Esenin (Toți
vom fi acolo, poți să sameni/Viața ta cu râs și cu
tumult!/Pentru asta trag mereu spre
oameni/Și-i iubesc pe toți atât de mult.//Pentru
asta inima mi-e moartă/Când privesc al anilor
prăpăd./Vechea casă cu-n dulău la
poartă/Parcă simt că n-am s-o mai revăd) și ai
descoperit că, la vreo optzeci de ani după
moartea lui, ai scris ceva în aceeași prozodie și
te suspectezi singur de plagiat? Păi, dacă te uiți
după fiecare nor, nu mai pleci niciodată la
Lasciateʼogni speranza, voi chʼintrate (tot
pentametru iambic, la care se adaugă un
contraiamb sublimat în ultima silabă a
versului, efect al perplexității)! Încă ceva: de la
Baudelaire încoace, s-a trezit un deștept să
spună că Florile răului au dat naștere poeziei
moderne. Apăi, dacă însuși Baudelaire ar fi
auzit inepția asta, i-ar fi dat ipocritului cu
cartea peste ochi! Sau, ceva mai delicat, l-ar fi
orientat către Candidul lui Voltaire și
numeroasele versiuni ale nașterii lui Tamuz
pentru a vedea mostre de literatură modernă!
Dar când a fost vreodată ceva modern în
jalnica istorie a lui Homo Sapiens? Oare Dante
Aligheri ar mai fi scris Divina Comedie dacă ar
fi crezut că modernitatea omenirii se va
instaura abia după Baudelaire? Oare ar mai fi
visat el la o întâlnire cu
Vergiliu în Infern și cu
Beatrix în Paradis dacă
postmodernismul și
neomodernismul nu
aveau, încă, degete să bată
la porțile lumii? Cum a
putut Ovidiu cel trist să se
metamorfozeze într-un
ținut al geților care
râdeau în batjocură de
graiul lui latin?
Modernitate?! Nu, domnii mei! Lirică. Scumpa
și oropsita lirică! Modernitatea e dejecția unei
gândiri eterogene care, sub aparența
liberalismului, invită spiritul să își suprime
individualitatea prin acces la porțile facile ale
falselor democrații. Prin estompare, spiritul
nu mai iese din mulțime, ci se autogenerează
în standardul unui infinit de oglinzi, incapabil
să discearnă sinele de ceilalți și mulțimea de
Punctul just al sentimentului nu are nicio
relevanță în raport cu șabloanele propuse de
falsele libertăți! În teoria contagioasă a
„modernismului“ (a se citi
„pseudomodernism“!), valențele converg
către același perimetru eterogen, în care
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021
year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198
gândirile tipizate vehiculează nonsensuri cu
valoare axiomatică, în care libertatea se
rezumă la tiparul unei realități construite prin
ingerința unor precepte aduse cu roaba
înaintea gurii. Deci, ce modernism și de unde?
Din Comuna Primitivă?! Din marmura
Senatului Roman?! Din flamura înstelată a
Europei?! Ori din degetul mic al lui Lincoln cel
așezat pe tron?! Și, ca să dăm credit (cu aceeași
plăcere!) lui Eminescu, teoriile astea „supte
din deget“ înseamnă modernism?! Cine nu
înțelege că poezia este modernă în eternitatea
ei, că ea rezidă dintotdeauna în arealul
suprastructurat al gândirii și esteticii, ei bine,
aceia sunt dedați (fie-ne
iertată expresia) la
prostituție literară. Când
sufletul ajunge la
supraplin de angoase, fie
cade doborât, fie își
desprinde aripile și
izbucnește din crupa
convenționalului. Noi
singuri ne creăm ziduri
împrejur și tot singuri
vom fi în corvoada de a le
dărâma. În definitiv,
spiritele noastre gemene se află dincolo de
acele baricade și nu ni se vor alătura decât
atunci când vom fi gata să le primim. Astfel,
lumea asta plină de simulări precare nu va mai
fi străină de ea însăși, căci este un dat al firii să
cunoaștem Purgatoriul înaintea Paradisului.
Freamătul spiritului condensat în
splendorile esteticii cristalizează năzuințele
rațiunii, iar expresia poetică înalță făptura
umană în sfera eterică fără să riște a-i mânia
pe zeii artelor. Doar că desprinderea de cauzal
necesită o exaltare a referențialului critic în
progresie geometrică prin cultivarea intensă a
acestui spirit. Desigur, nu trebuie să
confundăm această întreprindere cu
devalorizarea factorului substanță, materie,
căci asta ar conduce la schilodirea spiritului
privându-l de motorul care generează
contemplarea. Materia, odată trecută prin
caleidoscopul perspectivei estetice, se
abstractizează, devine idee și, deci, intră în
starea eterală, iar concretul rămâne extensia
fixă a unui simbol. De așa manieră se comportă
poezia, acest narcotic ce domolește sevrajele
cotidianului, stârnește frenezii erotice prin
transpunerea eului în voluptosul relief al
planetei Venus și descătușează cugetul de
rigiditatea rațiunii prin animarea pulsiunilor
„Arzătoarea voință de creație mă aduce
mereu la om, în același fel
în care ciocanul este
mânat spre piatră“ – scria
Nietzsche cu privire la
monumentala sa operă
„Așa grăit-a Zarathustra“.
Nu cred că există în
literatura universală o
sintetizare mai iscusită a
menirii creatorului,
întrucât ea combate
teoria formelor în scopul
eliberării fondului. Și ce
altceva este poezia dacă nu o manifestare a
fondului pur, originar, dezavuat de restricțiile
pe care le îmbracă în mod amăgitor
convenționalul? A crede că poezia oglindește
fidel structura interioară, adică fondul
creatorului, este, uneori, o deplorabilă
amăgire. Cu toate acestea, cititorul resimte
aleanul atavic de reîntregire ce rezidă în
sevele versului. De aceea, pentru ca o poezie să
își asigure eternizarea, autorul necesită să
atingă numeroase deziderate din care vom
aminti verosimilitatea și bogăția
vocabularului propriu. Scopul oricărei creații
lirice verosimile este, de cele mai multe ori,
reflexiv-subiectiv, dar asta nu o împiedică, așa
cum tradiția literară ne-o arată, să oglindească
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021
simțăminte comune, dovedindu-și, astfel,
mobilul tranzitiv. Poate că și de aceea mentalul
colectiv dă credit majoritar prozei, alterând
personalitatea poeziei prin orientare către
proza scurtă, efect al tendinței de satisfacere
imediată a unor nevoi sub generic intelectual.
E drept că ritmul vieții comportă cadențe
imprevizibile, că omul își măsoară rațiunea de
a fi pe scara hazardului și el a realizat că drama
îl apropie sau îl îndepărtează de alți oameni tot
așa cum o face fericirea. Tocmai de aceea
„ciocanul“ lui Nietzsche se apropie de „piatră“
și poezia stă aproape de spirit.
Dacă m-ar fi întrebat cineva ce concluzii
aș trasa la acest editorial,
cândva aș fi fost tentat să
răspund că nu există
concluzii pertinente și
exhaustive în privința
poeziei. Dragii mei, aș
încerca, totuși, un
exercițiu de imaginație și
v-aș invita să vă
abandonați în voia
propriilor firi, să petreceți
într-un dialog intim cu
naturile voastre și să vă
lăsați fascinați de numeroasele necunoscute și
întrebări ce vă vitalizează. Acolo, în leagănul
de fantasme, ați putea găsi un gol pe care
poezia nu promite să îl completeze în vreun
fel, iar, în acel gol, se ascunde o poveste
neterminată. De aceea, puteți îmbrățișa golul,
puteți să plonjați în el, să vă izbiți de valuri și
să le escaladați crestele. Extenuați pe plaja de
iluzii, clipiți măcar o dată pentru a regăsi cerul
care vă umanizează, vă admiră, vă trimite
astrele ca pe cei mai dedicați martori ai poeziei
numite OM. Și, dacă nici atunci nu ați gustat o
fărâmă de eternitate, povestea poeziei voastre
rămâne departe de a se fi încheiat.
Et poesis quo?
Motto: Poetry begins with the title
and never ends.
Balzac, a true visionary of human
intentions without himself claiming this,
manages to build, in the novel Lost Illusions, a
brilliant parable of the destiny of poetry. And
he does this with the ease conferred by the
conviction of the common fact, of the eye that
does not see exceptionality and that does not
show vexation in the proximity of this destiny.
And his parable lies in the
exact antithesis of two
entities: Lucien Chardon,
a master of the word, a
poet by technique and
spontaneity, who jokingly
compromises himself in
the heart of a decadent
society and his brother-
in-law, David Séchard, a
poet by feeling and
existence, but lacking
native talent, picturesque
spirit, with a bonhomie
sister with naivety. Balzac does not propose an
analysis of plausible human archetypes, but
simply takes them from his contemporary
modernity and brings them before us by
denying their identities of any artifice - and,
why not believe it, the world of those times
had many to offer in this sense! As today and
as always, since Homo Sapiens has risen to
what it claims to be.
If, for some readers, it appears as a
paradox that, in an editorial about poetry, we
bring in the first paragraph the name of Balzac,
this exponent of modern prose, they will also
allow us a little detail. Many of the great prose
writers of universal literature began with
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021
year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198
poetic attempts, the verse being considered a
prerogative of youth, to later find out the
vocation of their own lyricism in monumental
works in prose. An example pleasing to the
heart of the author of these lines is Caragiale
himself, who, in a moment of precarious
inspiration, we believe, ironized the poetry
right in front of his best friend, none other
than Eminescu. If you read Caragiale's lyrics,
you will easily understand our point of view.
So where goes Poetry? Like a clergyman
who, being asked where God is in times of
world hardship, we will give the same answer:
where it has always been. Of course, the
redundancy that emerges
from this seemingly
evasive sentence,
provokes some
frustrations in the poetic
question, so we will
continue to appeal to the
reader, assuring him of
our concern, if not
complete, at least
satisfactory on the
lyricism itself. For Poesis
does not only mean
versification! Lyrics were also written at the
Moulin Rouge, and were even enjoyed with
enormous breadth. Poesis resides wherever it
identifies itself in ethos, in tradition, taking its
eponym after the spiritual continent of the
sentient. And yet, however, many verses are
written, without them being poetry, without
containing the core of the lyrical substance,
without emanating even the faintest thrill of
life - and this is a consequence of the fear of
prosody, of the tendency of alignment with
customs proposed and imposed by... some
On the other hand, there are the timid
ones, the undecided, that is, those who seek at
all costs to meet standards that they neither
understand nor will ever agree with. You can
hardly hope to write poetry in iambic
pentameter just because someone says that
this type of verse belongs to English literature!
You hardly want to build amphibras and
anaphs just because someone else, before you,
did it – and with what skill! My dear ones, take
Eminescu! He abounds in iambic pentameters
(Our young ones), amphibras (Mortua est!)
and ventured into the game of prosody to the
point that he returned to the popular verse to
offer us The Vesper. He wrote the Epigones,
then Memento mori and, later, the Letters
following a prosody easily found in Pasoptists
such as Ion Heliade
Rădulescu (The Flyer) or
Grigore Alexandrescu
(Mircea's Shadow. At
Cozia), but not only there,
but in the literature of the
Latin classics such as
Virgil, Horace, Juvenal
and Ovid! How do you
think you're writing
poetry since you're
avoiding so-called
templates? You met
Esenin's trochaic pentameter and you
discover that, about eighty years after his
death, you wrote something in the same
prosody and suspect yourself of plagiarism?
Well, if you look after every cloud, you never
go on the road again!
Lasciateʼogni speranza, voi chʼintrate
(also iambic pentameter, to which is added a
sublimated counteriamb in the last syllable of
the verse, an effect of perplexity)! One more
thing: from Baudelaire onwards, a smart man
woke up to say that the Flowers of Evil gave
birth to modern poetry. Well, if Baudelaire
himself had heard this nonsense, he would
have hit the hypocrite in the eye! Or, a little
more delicately, he would have turned to
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021
Voltaire's Candid and the many versions of
Thamus' birth to see samples of modern
literature! But when was there anything
modern in the pathetic history of Homo
Sapiens? Would Dante Aligheri have written
the Divine Comedy if he had believed that the
modernity of mankind would be established
only after Baudelaire? Would he have
dreamed of a meeting with Virgil in Hell and
Beatrix in Paradise if modernism,
postmodernism, and neomodernism still did
not have fingers knocking at the gates of the
world? How could the sad Ovid
metamorphose into a land of the Getae who
laughed mockingly at his
Latin speech?
Modernity?! No,
gentlemen! Lyric. The
dear and oropsite lyric!
Modernity is the dejection
of a heterogeneous
thought that, under the
guise of liberalism, invites
the spirit to suppress its
individuality through
access to the easy gates of
false democracies. By
blurring itself, the spirit no longer stands out
from the crowd, but self-generates in the
standard of an infinite number of mirrors,
unable to discern the self from others and the
multitude of diversity.
The righteous point of the feeling has no
relevance in relation to the patterns proposed
by the false liberties! In the contagious theory
of "modernism" (read "pseudomodernism"!),
the valences converge to the same
heterogeneous perimeter, in which
standardized thoughts convey nonsense with
axiomatic value, in which freedom is reduced
to the pattern of a reality constructed by the
interference of precepts brought with the
wheelbarrow before the mouth. So what
modernism and where? From the Primitive
Commune?! From the marble of the Romanian
Senate?! From the starry flag of Europe?! Or
from Lincoln's little finger sitting on the
throne?! And, to give credit (with the same
pleasure!) to Eminescu, do these "finger-
sucked" theories mean modernism?! Those
who do not understand that poetry is modern
in its eternity, that it always resides in the
superstructured area of thought and
aesthetics, well, those are devoted (may our
expression be forgiven) to literary
prostitution. When the soul becomes
overflowing with anguish, it either falls down
or spreads its wings and
bursts out of the croup of
the conventional. We
alone create walls around
us and we will be alone in
the chore of tearing them
down. Ultimately, our
twin spirits are beyond
those barricades and will
not join us until we are
ready to receive them.
Thus, this world full of
precarious simulations
will no longer be foreign to itself, for it is a
matter of nature to know Purgatory before
The commotion of the spirit condensed
in the splendors of aesthetics crystallizes the
aspirations of reason, and the poetic
expression elevates the human being in the
etheric sphere without risking angering the
gods of the arts. It's just that causal
detachment requires an exaltation of the
critical frame of reference in geometric
progression through the intense cultivation of
this spirit. Of course, we must not confuse this
enterprise with the devaluation of the factor
substance, matter, because this would lead to
the crippling of the spirit by depriving it of the
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021
year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198
engine that generates contemplation. Matter,
once passed through the kaleidoscope of
aesthetic perspective, is abstracted, becomes
an idea and, therefore, enters the etheric state,
and the concrete remains the fixed extension
of a symbol. This is how poetry behaves, this
narcotic that calms the daily weanings,
arouses erotic frenzy by transposing the ego
into the voluptuous upground of the planet
Venus and unleashes the thought of the
rigidity of reason by animating lyrical
"The burning will of creation always
brings me to man, in the same way that the
hammer is driven to the
stone" – wrote Nietzsche
about his monumental
work "Thus spoke
Zarathustra". I do not
think that there is a more
skilful synthesis in the
universal literature of the
creator's purpose, since it
combats the theory of
forms in order to release
the fund. And what else is
poetry if not a
manifestation of the pure, original
background, disavowed by the restrictions
that the conventional deceptively wears? To
believe that poetry faithfully mirrors the inner
structure, that is, the background of the
creator, is sometimes a deplorable deception.
However, the reader feels the atavistic alliance
of reunion that resides in the sap of the verse.
Therefore, in order for a poem to ensure its
perpetuation, the author needs to reach
numerous desideratums from which we will
mention the plausibility and richness of
vocabulary. The purpose of any plausible
lyrical creation is, most of the time, reflexive-
subjective, but this does not prevent it, as the
literary tradition shows us, from mirroring
common feelings, thus proving its transitive
motive. Perhaps that is why the collective
mind gives majority credit to prose, altering
the personality of poetry by focusing on short
prose as an effect of the tendency to
immediately satisfy some needs under
intellectual generic. It is true that the rhythm
of life involves unpredictable cadences, that
man measures his reason of being on the scale
of chance, and he realized that drama brings
him closer or further away from other people
just as happiness does. That is why Nietzsche's
"hammer" approaches the "stone" and poetry
is close to the spirit.
If someone had
asked me what
conclusions I would draw
from this editorial, I
would have once been
tempted to answer that
there are no pertinent
and exhaustive
conclusions about poetry.
My dear ones, I would try,
however, an exercise of
imagination and I would
invite you to abandon
yourselves to your own nature, to spend in an
intimate dialogue with your natures and to be
fascinated by the many unknowns and
questions that vitalize you. There, in a cradle
of fantasies, you might find a void that poetry
does not promise to fill in any way, and in that
void lies an unfinished story. Therefore, you
can embrace the void, you can dive into it, hit
the waves and climb their ridges. Exhausted
on the beach of illusions, blink at least once to
find the sky that humanizes you, admires you,
sends you the stars as the most dedicated
witnesses of poetry called HUMAN. And, even
if you haven't tasted a shred of eternity even
then, the story of your poetry is far from over.
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021
poetry 5-24
Gerlinde Staffler
Sleepless mind
Thoughts are wandering in turbulent streams
Many a blinking spot in my brain beams
I can’t catch all these naughty fireflies
They flow through me opening my eyes
Thoughts leave me never alone
They’re present twice like a clone
Roaming my woods in swarm of ideas
In numerous queries,
worries and plans
Thoughts are sprouting
like plants
Or like a range of hills of
My head beats like a
battle drum
Leaving me so as I forget
my name
Thoughts glide through my mind
Thoughts wrench from the heart unkind
They talk to me without strain
Of joy, fear, anger and pain
Unceasing thoughts fall asleep
Then in weird dreams they always creep
And fly with me all the night
But nothing can I do for their might
Adam Żemojtel
Pysznych myśli słowa
rozlałaś słodyczy eliksir na skórze
ciekawskim oczom skleiłaś powieki
ty tylko wiesz na co przy tobie zasłużę
nagość zanurzając do miłosnej rzeki
mgłą tajemnych uczuć przesłaniasz krajobraz
nie pozwalasz myślom mym dociekać prawdy
rozkosz mą wyłaniasz swym ciałem raz po raz
nie czekasz na powrót zasłużonej karmy
wzniecony płomień
szybko się rozrasta
jak miłość wzbudzona do
entej potęgi
wilgoć taka słodka klei się
i mlaska
swym śladem różowe
kreśli dreszczy wstęgi
pocałunkiem dławisz
słów moich potoki
w szczerym mym zachwycie obawiasz się
w spocone tak włosy wkręcasz swoje loki
pochłaniasz istnienie w nadziei poddaństwa
opóźniasz celowo mej eksplozji chwilę
podsycasz ogień i znów go uciszasz
zabierasz z ust wrzącą od miłości ślinę
w ciemności tajemny powodujesz miraż
dusze chcą ulecieć z naczyń połączonych
krew znów rozżarzona i to do białości
plączą się akordy serc nieposkromionych
rozkosz znów przygasa bynajmniej nie w
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021
year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198
wreszcie się wyzwala burza z piorunami
nie ma takiej siły by orgazm powstrzymać
rozbłyski się łączą z wielkimi grzmotami
wzburzonej rozkoszy nie da się zatrzymać
zastygają chłodem miłosne potoki
serc obu symfonia spokojem przycicha
kwiaty umęczone spijają swe soki
miłość znów gorąca spływa do kielicha
Bhagirath Choudhary
Human Poverty
Do I need
Any religion
To keep
A kind eye
And loving vision ?
Do I need
Any big talks
To think
Universally benevolent
Kind thoughts ?
Do I need
Fine linguistics
To speak
Kind and caring words
Without selfish tricks ?
Do I need
Any philosophy
To treat
One and all
With empathy ?
Do I need
Any education
To love all
With humanistic passion
And loving
Unconditional compassion ?
Do I need
Any mysticism
Of a great Shaman
To be good human
With loving humanism ?
I have already
All what I need
For benevolent
Thought, word and deed
I have already
All the potential
And humanistic worth
To create heaven
Here upon earth
But I behave
Like a frog in a well
Every moment
I create a sinful hell
With my sadistic creed
Of evil thought,
With cunning word
And selfish deed.
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021
Adam Decowski
nad moim
a może i nad twoim snem
ten sam lęk
drąży labirynty cieni
które zatrzasną się szczelnie
gdy zostaniemy odcięci na zawsze
od światła
któregoś dnia
przystajemy nagle w tym
pośpiesznym marszu
oglądamy się
nie ma jednego z nas
jeszcze słyszymy gasnące
chwytamy w dłonie
popiół jego słów
i nie możemy uwierzyć
że nie poda nam ręki
nie ogrzeje
klamki naszego domu
i nie potrafimy wypełnić
blizny powietrza
po nim
a nasza wędrówka nadal trwa
jej dni
słońca wahadło odmierza
aż kiedyś nieruchome
zawęźli nasz czas
i opadający liść serca
ostatnim uderzeniem
w ciemność ziemi
Prince Steve Oyebode
The power of love
We thought it was but a mere oath
When we both sworn an allegiance
That nothing shall in anyway separate us
Not even the ugly moments of
ill health
Or the dangerous time of austerity
Even period of unanswered prayers
We never knew we were both wrong
When our emotions overwhelmed us
Now that the ugly visitor
of death beckons at me
Whispering to me about
my very last moment
To separate and do us
part till eternity
My consolation is that you
shall outlive me
Even now that I believed
you have the liberty
I mean the freedom to
choose another man
The more I realize I’m fast leaving this world
Surprisingly, the clearer I see we’re both
This undemystified magnet has glued us
Right from the hour we made the promise
That wherever I go thou shall also go
That my people shall be yours and vice versa
That my life shall always be your life
And that your death shall also be mine
Now I know the nitty gritty of oath
That we both made under the mango tree
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021
year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198
Selma Kopic
Waiting for midnight
It wasn't a night like any other,
it was a night of hope for better days.
In the circle of family and friends
or alone in their homes,
everyone could hardly wait
for the year that was so bad to pass.
Sparks of fireworks shone over the city
when I heard your voice.
You sing about longing for your darling
as you drive on the
deserted icy roads
of the north!
You call her to come
and run her hand through
your hair.
Tears burn in my eyes like
Am I that darling you call
with verses?
The lost hope warms my
then hurts as if it will stop.
This night brought joy to many,
I know those to whom it caused sorrow
because accidents happen
even on the most beautiful occasions.
It brought me you and your love song
I feel every word,
they tap on my wounded heart like a sword.
But I love that pain,
it makes me feel alive again.
“I am the one he longs for’’, I whispered
as I sank into a sweet sleep, quietly.
Čekajući ponoć
To nije bila noć kao sve druge,
bila je to noć nade u bolje dane.
U krugu porodice i prijatelja
ili usamljenički u svojim kućama,
svi su jedva čekali
da prođe godina koja je bila tako loša.
Nad gradom su svijetlile iskre vatrometa
kad sam čula tvoj glas.
Pjevaš o čežnji za svojom dragom
dok voziš se pustim
zaleđenim cestama
Zoveš je da dođe i rukom
ti kroz kosu prođe.
Zapekoše suze u mojim
očima kao iglice.
Jesam li ja ta draga koju
stihovima zoveš?
Izgubljena nada zagrija
moje srce
koje ludo poče da kuca,
zatim zaboli kao da će
Ova noć donijela je mnogima radost,
znam i one kojima je prouzročila tugu
jer nesreće se događaju i u najljepšim
Meni je donijela tebe i tvoju ljubavnu pjesmu
o dalekoj dragoj koju zoveš u zagrljaj.
Osjećam svaku riječ,
one tapkaju po mom ranjenom srcu kao mač.
Ali ja taj bol volim,
čini da se ponovo živom osjetim.
„Ja sam ta za kojom čezne’’, nijemo sam
dok sam tiho u slatki san tonula.
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021
Shaswata Gangopadhyay
Two Poems
Now this time a tent is pitched, wet grass at the
southern field
Hand-clapping of clowns, hair-raising shifting
Of trapeze tricks in darkness, we sit spell-
There're scantily dressed girls standing on the
hunches of camels
And keeping the balance,
reminds us that world is
Three white cockatoos go
away riding on cycles
But as soon as they
depart, the interval bell
After the recess comes a
funny magician in
Ah! how he swallowed up a good number of
multi-colored fish
The scene changes in an instant, there's
throbbing in the heart,
The bike rotates round in the enclosure at a
break-neck speed
If it slips from the orbit, will there be any fiery
There's an announcement in the mike: tighten
up your seat-belt
The last item in the breathless arena, the
intercourses of tigers
Under some manholes of streets in Kolkata, a
few adolescent girls,
as innocent as cherry flowers, are kept
confined. At midnight my sleep
fades away suddenly and I listen to the wailing
groans they make being
suffocated. As if from all sides the river-banks
are slipping away over the
flood-water with flashing sounds. A day will
come when I won't meet anyone,
known to me earlier. Only we will exchange
handshakes among us
hand gloves only, one
after the other. One day,
all the words will desert
leaving me all alone.
Perhaps a line or two in
poetry, in spite of their
to reach very near to each
other, will not find a
parking-space in the clumsy
jottings of my diary.
Translated by: Rajdeep Mukherjee
Shaswata Gangopadhyay
One of Prominent faces of contemporary Bengali
poetry, who started writing in the mid 90s. Born &
brought up in Kolkata, Shaswata has profound interest
in travelling, adventure and classical music.
His poetry has been highly appreciated among
other fellow poets for its colorful and rich content.
His book of poems: Inhabitant of Pluto Planet
(2001) Offspring of Monster (2009) and Holes of Red
Crabs (2015). Very recently one of his poems has been
exhibited in a Short Poetry Festival in Piccolo Museo
della Poesia, Italy – the only Poetry Museum of the
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021
year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198
Detesto le lotterie, poiché non amo vincere:
non potrei rinunciare al mio piccolo mondo
d'amorevoli sogni.
Non cerco il potere, poiché non voglio
è inconcepibile comandare ed intimorire i
Voglio essere, non voglio avere:
per non detestarmi,
per essere libero da me
stesso e dagli altri:
per essere rispettato
come uomo.
Prendo la mia croce di
accetto le umiliazioni
degli arricchiti
che un tempo mi furono
li ringrazio per la loro
stupida indifferenza.
Vivo nel silenzio della preghiera,
nel mio esilio di poeta richiuso tra quattro
Parlo con Dio:
perdono tutti.
Desiderare non è un mio concetto
ma colgo i piaceri della vita:
possono condurmi verso la comprensione
degli estremi limiti della saggezza.
Io Sono,
tutto quello che tutti vogliono avere
credendo d'essere.
I hate lotteries, as I don't like winning:
I couldn't give up my little world of loving
I don't seek power, as I don't want to subdue:
it is inconceivable to command and intimidate
the righteous.
I want to be, I don't want to have:
so as not to hate me,
to be free from myself
and others:
to be respected as a man.
I take my cross of
I accept the humiliations
of the enriched
who were once brothers
to me:
I thank them for their
stupid indifference.
I live in the silence of
in my exile as a poet enclosed within four
I speak to God:
they all lose.
Desiring is not my concept
but I take the pleasures of life:
they can lead me to understanding
of the extreme limits of wisdom.
I am,
everything everyone wants to have
believing to be.
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021
Janamenjoy Ghorai
„”Grammar of Life”
Blazing in conflict with the rhythm of the
current of life
In the triad bed of prepositional prepositions
Again the vowel rises and sets
I walked the path of wonder for no reason
The grammar of life,
Maybe in the cosmic beauty of the colorless
alphabet lifestyle at the touch of a coyote
Adjective adjectives come selectively
Where there is a juncture of life,
Floating caught the magic world
Beautiful metallic form of
Repeatedly in the
complications of the
smooth mouth
The grammar of life at the
end of the full taste of the
verb sampika
Happiness ends in the
silence of sorrow
Comma maybe wonderful
silent beard,
Rather it leaves the white-
black burning house of life grammar side by
Ruki Kočan
Evo svjetlosti
Ljubavi, Iskro Života.
Probudi Svijet Mira.
Neka ode zlo, i mržnja.
Mrak, užas i zabluda.
Evo, evo svima Svjetlosti.
Idi, - ma brišite gluposti.
Pohlepa i bolest,
haos - ljubomora i trač.
Idi - idi nepismena smrti.
Evo sreće, i Ljubavi...
Evo, evo - Svjetlosti.
Naba Kumar Podder
A Tale of Coloured Pent
(Translator -Shikdar Mohammed kibriah)
At the end nobody has to be detached
Nobody is only beloved as the colour
Of monochord
This tattoo time is strange too!
Is everything written in
Can everything rush to
the utmost
Of piano---
Violin and pipe are not
Yet in a word they are
They are fragrant Antiseptic.
Enemy doesn't test who is real
Or who is fake in the war.
What's need to react from the out?
Come to a fuss-
Pour some romance in this
Bay of Bengal.
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021
year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198
Ramesh Chandra Pradhani
Something remained untold
Far away from the world of love being highly
Couldn't perceive your body language due to
childish nature
Couldn't really comprehend you, that alluring
You were not remaining aloof from me even
a while
Your posture seemed me the sparkling angel
of heaven so merry
Your gait in front of me
assumed the dance of
celestial fairies
Your presence in the
bathing ghats as if
Thy appearance again
and again beyond my
imagination oriental
Sitting like a child in the
group before me stole my
But never did I bother or take to my mind's
Your eyes gazing at me haunted sometimes I felt
The hidden desire inside you nearing me seen
myself melt
In the wee hours often your body dashed
against me
Myself ashamed of it and strived to keep me
The rapport between you and me made me
Days after days passed away leaving
something untold
That puzzled, disturbed, suffered and deferred
me bold.
Often I guessed how you created opportunity
to meet me
Fear and shameness battled my mind being
Dared not to talk to you in inevitable fright
Dare not to touch you though chance to invite
The day when I came to know you fell in love
It was high time to taste the fruits of joyous
I wish the day would come back with a last
Had not at all lost that joy of divine romance.
Jigme Jamtsho
Windows of
Gazing warm rays of
beautiful sun
Touches my cheek
through the window
Amid to the drowsy
morning without fun
Listening to Robin from
the far meadow
Resting on the soft and clumsy pillow
Vapours from the coffee cup waving hi
My half opened eyes gazed from below
And the sip of coffee refresh me to glorify
Activeness pushed me outside to refresh
Feeling the chill sensation of the breeze
And soothing scent of nature that bless
The winter numb me speechless to freeze
Through the windows of winter season
I can see the mountains fully with snow
Even the streams flowing with the reason
Every second of life matters as we know
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021
AD Ibrahim
My nubian princess
How tan is she!
kissed by warmth
of the sun's rays
skin dripping melanin
Her hips invites you
Her kinky hair a golden
crown of mother earth
Her skin tone a badge of honor
Her lips sweeter than red
Her obsidian skin
softer than fur
a beam to African
Kings and heroes
A microcosm of the
hips swaying in self love
as I dance to the afro
drum of life
Milka J.Šolaja
Bljesak bjeline
Da li to pada snijeg
ili pahulje lete,
u očima bljesak
Sivilo nestade u trenu,
jecaj me prenu...
Djetinjstvo me probudi
na Ličkom putu
u starom kaputu,
kroz snijeg gazim
Timothy Michael DiVito
"A One Way Train"
It's time to leave now,
the train departs shortly.
Westward dream bound
into an unknown world,
across the desert of time.
Just sweet memories now,
a love once shared happily.
Now abruptly shattered
like glass of the human
all aboard the train of life.
I gave to you my one
now I travel the world
on an optimistic train
leading me to new memories,
visions of madness forgotten.
Tracks leading to new dreams
far down the line of existence,
to unknown opportune towns.
But a true adventure of life
leading to brighter horizons.
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021
year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198
Velimir Siljanoski
Početak našeg stradanja
polako se svima otkriva
mi sigurno gubimo bitku
još nije kasno da tražimo priliku
Posle toliko godina
mi smo naraštaj koji plaća cenu
sve što se danas dešava u svetu
postoji način opet naći se na svetlu
Neko je zbog nas život dao
kako bi nas od greha
dao nam je i odeću čistu
a mi bez časti izgubismo
Još nije kasno braćo i
da se pokajemo svi za
svoje grehe
nastavimo tamo gde su
pre nas stali
molimo se milostivom Bogu da se sažali
Da nam opet u pomoć dođe
donese pobedu i da slobode
jer sami smo slabi i grešimo
jedni druge mi ne znamo da utešimo
Vrati se silo nebeska jaka
oteraj ovaj strah iz stomaka
vrati životu veru i blagostanje
u svima nama postoji u Gospoda verovanje
Cilenti Emanuele
The poet of the clouds.
I wrote you
this love letter
I didn't use the usual words
I made a miracle
on the blue sheet of infinity
splashing magic ink
made of clouds
and I composed
this tender lyric
a pure white writing
that tastes like rain
but also of snow,
a poet in the clouds
just to reveal
to the whole world
my eternal and celestial
love for you.
Dijana Uherek
In the treetops,
I hid the sun,
to remind me of you.
Do not worry,
I'll set him free
for I would not hold you captive either.
My thoughts are free,
like this passing day,
like the year 2020 that is disappearing,
as well as the life that passes.
Look at us,
we are like day and night,
we are entangled in time.
We are the sun, the source of life.
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021
Mahanaj Parvin
Title name: "Love Stars"
That night knows, that star knows,
The sky knows, the moon knows,
How I love you!
Today my heart dances like a peacock!
I have written your name on each star.
Honeymoon will be in the light of the stars!
The stars in the sky cannot be finished,
My love can't end
I will fill you with romantic stories.
Rupoli moon is smiling,
The star is shining
I just love you!
Grasshoppers and
butterflies are playing at
the tip of my eyes!
The garden of the mind
smells of fragrant
I will decorate you with
the seven colors of the
I will talk to those twinkling stars in the sky-
Love only you!
Lenuș Lungu
Watch the sun go down in the
night cup
this is how loneliness descends in my soul…
your steps, vain hopes bound in a chain,
where in the course of time a secret clings
behind your words
there are two lips that give life
the muffled mixture between the rows.
put your hands next to you
to be able to include them
Remember me
Clouds are my calling
When he shakes, I stretch out my arms to the
sky and smile at you.
Stefano Capasso
That Wonderful Time will it
ever come back?
Look far beyond
the Horizon
and see nothing,
if not ghosts
chasing each other
. in a mad rush
against time,
it's really sad.
There are shadows
that dissolve
only to appear,
like snow clouds
while others,
fill the scene
of tender memories
of the past,
everything and everything
it was truly wonderful.
But that wanderful time
will it ever come back?
Eyes now tired
makes it clear, that anyway
those already passed
they really stay
extraordinary memories.
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021
year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198
Adeyemi Kehinde A. Oluwanishola
If i have not told you
If I have not told you
You wouldn't have believed me
Seeing the temperature of your eyes
As it rained snow of anger and bitterness
Icould feel the heavinessof the rain in your eyes
Knowing fully well you yourself don't care to
raise your voice at me
Despite how much I tried to caution and
parcify you
You never listened but crucified my heart
before them all
The dilemma to this
equation was nothing but
a setup
I could hardly look into
your eyes than to gaze my
My eyes are soaked of
tears showing the
sobriety of my heart
Yet not a chance to at least
prove myself right
You wouldn't have trusted me
If not that I say whatever will be will surely be
I accepted fate when the clamouring was much
You've forgotten how you triggered my heart
Yet I never picked offense nor judge you for
who you are
I gave you second chance which leads to a
billion times
Bless God you came back to your senses but
the damage is done
Everyone left with the crumbs of your attitude
Take no thought because I've forgiven you
Even before now and ever after
This words melt her heart and brought tears
of apologizy
She knelt before him and pleased
He raised her up with smile and love
Embracing each other once again
If I have not told you this neither would you
believe me
Mayokun Kehinde Folorunsho
And now sleepwalkers in beheaded dreams
We have dreamed with a heart
Unwashed as a madman
Around the bonfire of
ethnic offerings
Blazing in bloody heat
In those forgotten
Holy blades split
emirates' soul
And what will our myopic
eyes see
When we have tagged our
countrymen with battle
Inscribed by the thirst of emperors
That paced our homeland for many decades?
Down this path flooded with rage
We have been the draughtsman
Of what we wish we were
Which seems the anthem for another age
We have sacrificed Biafra's skulls
Yet born again into recurring waves
We now are a flickering lighthouse
And the victory songs are
The anguish and wailing of sucklings
Brimming the trophies we brought home
From voyages and nameless wars
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021
S-a născut la 16 septembrie 1949 în
familia intelectualilor Valentina şi Pavel
Cuzuioc din comuna Ţareuca, judeţul Orhei,
Republica Moldova. A absolvit Universitatea
de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie ,,N.
Testemiţanu”. Eminent al Ocrotirii Sănătăţii.
Medic specialist Sănătatea Publică şi
Managementul Sanitar (categorie superioară).
Distins cu Ordinul ,,Gloria Muncii”și Medalia
„Nicolae Milescu Spătarul”, Titluri Onorifice:
,,Ambasador al Păcii (ONU) și „Ambasador al
Culturii Păcii”(Asociația Europeană a
Societății Civile) ;
Distincţia ,,Coroana
Păcii”(ONU); Premiul
Uniunii Scriitorilor din
Moldova (2000), (2009),
Uniunii Ziariștilor
Profesioniști din România
(2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
2018, 2019), Premiul
UNESCO şi numeroase
premii şi menţiuni la
Saloane Internaționale de
Carte, Concursuri și
Festivaluri Literare Naţionale şi
Cetăţean de Onoare al comunei Ţareuca,
Rezina, Orhei. Membru al Uniunii
Epigramiştilor, Uniunii Scriitorilor și Uniunii
Ziariștilor Profesioniști din România. Membru
al Uniunii Cineaştilor, Uniunii Umoriştilor,
Uniunii Epigramiștilor, Uniunii Jurnaliştilor şi
Uniunii Scriitorilor din Moldova. Membru al
Asociației Naționale a Oamenilor de Creație
din Moldova.
Membru al Senatului Asociației
Oamenilor de Știință, Cultură și Artă din
Moldova. Membru al Confederaţiei
Internaţionale a Cineaştilor, Membru al
Federaţiei Internaţionale a Jurnaliştilor.
Membru al Asociației Canadiene a Scriitorilor
Români. Membru al Academiei Româno-
Australiană. Membru al Academiei Națiunii
A editat peste 40 de cărţi de epigrame,
aforisme, proză (romane, nuvele, poveşti şi
povestiri pentru copii, schiţe umoristice),
versuri lirice, poeme stil nipon, publicistică. În
toţi aceşti ani publică cronici literare, eseuri,
sfaturi medicale, articole ştiinţifico-populare.
Selecţii din creaţia sa literară au fost incluse în
peste 200 de antologii şi culegeri din România,
Rusia, SUA, Austria, Australia, Franța, Canada,
Coreea de Sud și
Muntenegru, Macedonia
Poemele de sorginte
niponă (Haiku, Senryu și
Gogyohka) semnate de
Ion Cuzuioc au fost
traduse în limbile
japoneză, engleză,
franceză, rusă,
muntenegreană și
macedoniană, fiind
publicate în diverse
antologii, culegeri și reviste de profil de peste
hotare. Ion Cuzuioc s-a învrednicit de peste
100 de premii și mențiuni la Concursurile
Săptămânale și Lunare de Haiku, Senryu și
Gogyohka organizate de către Romanian
Haiku, Lyrical flashes, Dincolo de retină,
Gogyohka România, Gogyohka SUA etc.
Recent, scriitorul nostru român
basarabean, Ion Cuzuioc, care a participat la
Concursurile Internaționale Literare
„Planetopia 2020” și „Literatopia 2020” din
Macedonia s-a învrednicit de premiile I la
secțiunea Aforisme și Haiku.
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021
year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198
pădure în flăcări –
plânsul puiului de cuc
înecat în fum
lacul fără pește –
paznicul de serviciu
dus cu pluta
pe prispa casei –
un scaun și o cârjă
doar amintire
surpriza nopții –
soțul de la cazino
în frunza Evei
vreme toridă –
căruțașul dormind
la umbra cailor
de gardă la muzeu –
lângă stative motanul
torcând în voie
pe ultimul drum –
în urma sicriului
florile călcate
Anna Maria Stępień
Nie ma na ziemi chyba człowieka,
Co drogą gładką ciągle idzie, lato czy zima.
Tak jest i było od prawieków…
Troski, obawy, z czymś się zżyma
Czy mały on, czy duży jest…
Życiowy czeka go codziennie test.
I nie ma na tej ziemi tego,
Który szczęśliwy ze wszystkiego,
Co los przynosi z sobą w darze.
Wzloty, upadki, przygód bez liku
– tych złych i dobrych…
A na dodatek dorzuci
Worek jak tęcza
Pełen przepięknych o
szczęściu marzeń.
Gdy z tego sprawę sobie
Receptę wtem na swe
bolączki gotową masz:
Jak radzić sobie, nawet
Nie idzie po Twej myśli Ci,
Gdy nie po myśli Twojej jest,
To co dookoła dziś Ciebie dzieje się.
W górę więc serce, przed siebie pierś,
Rękawy zakasz, siedzisz czy stoisz,
Do pracy umysł zaprzęgnij i ręce swoje.
I nie myśl, żeś jest sam, choć pewnie…
We dwoje lepiej, gdy druga para rąk,
Gdy głowy dwie,
Do pracy nad jaśniejszym jutrem
Już dziś z zapałem wezmą się…
W marzeń magiczną moc swych wierz,
Bo przecież Ty sam najlepiej wiesz,
Co w duszy Twojej tańczy, co w niej gra!
Chyba, że wolisz, gdy to Ci podpowiadam ja…?
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021
Muhammad Ishaq Abbasi
The Rape
Three days ago when the night spread it's fence.
The woman with her three children, was going from Lahore to Gujranwala by motorway,
after meeting her sister.
She belonged to a family that ate and drank.
Suddenly, her car ran out of petrol on the road near Gujarpura village.
It was one o'clock at night.
And the car stopped.
She was screaming and screaming for help.
Meanwhile, two beasts came and broke the glass of the car and started looting her.
The pen was trembling and the heart was coming to the mouth as I wrote the poem.
Heaven and earth were weeping at the cries of mothers and children.
The mother was holding her children in her arms along with her honor.
Sometimes she was calling to the East and sometimes to the West for help.
Everyone was enjoying their sleep.
The beasts dragged her and her children into a nearby forest.
The desolation of the forest was also weeping tears of blood.
The mother was beaten and raped in front of the children.
And left them there and fled.
Everyone needs to do their part to end this oppression.
Heaven is under mother's feet. And our society has tramped a mother underfoot.
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021
year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198
Dušan Pejaković
The law of causality
Interpersonal correlation –
what a strenuous activity,
such a complicated dynamics.
It mainly manifests itself:
like this dual current of life’s force
running down the paths of our doings.
It’s much like the law of nature,
that proportional, inversed logic –
so called reciprocity of
action and reaction.
Aftermath of all that
should be the sum of
leading to a desirable
The whole world as my
witness -
that modality of
computing and analyzing
in the real world - nowadays - is baseless.
A stampede of inequality and
A stampede mainly formed out of:
misconceptions, misconstructions and poor
judgments -
is bulldozing all over the entity of individual
The world machinery is pushing, irresistibly,
a single amorphous template of conduct
and the richness of diversity of each
individuality -
it is washed away like dirt after heavy rain.
Everything tends to be constructed that way,
that all shades of a wide range of colors
are being repainted in one of the shades
of nonetheless then mechanical-worker gray.
The goal is to produce as many units of the
identical as possible,
to delete differences with one stroke of the
And what is the only thing left for us, as an
being non-stop propagated every single day?
Adapt, learn to be like
others or simply
Short biography:
Dušan Pejaković is a
student, volunteer, social
entrepreneur and author,
based in Podgorica,
Montenegro. A passionate
reader and nature lover.
Currently at the position of MA
candidate at the Faculty of Political Science, University
of Montenegro. Has been expressing himself through
written word from an early age. He writes and creates
on a multilingual basis (languages of the Balkan
peninsula area, English, Spanish, Italian) Published so
far in several books of poetry, culture magazines, as
well as via online platforms. In July 2020, he published
a book of English poetry “Unrest of lucidity” which can
be found on Amazon as well as other places Amazon
collaborates with. He also writes prose, primarily
embodied in the form of short stories, novellas and
essays. His second book of poetry, written in his native
language (Eng. translation: “The silhouette of an
unfulfilled dream) has been published in November
2020. He is currently working on a new project, which
is underway, and it is a collection of stories.
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021
prose 25-30
Spisateljica Biserka
Maslačak na planeti
Pokosila sam travu, provukla ruke kroz
grm lavande, sjela na klupicu i podigla noge na
crni kamen prošaran bijelim, kvarcnim žilama.
Kroz napola zatvorene oči, zaklonjene
dugim trepavicama, opijena mirisima,
promatrala sam male oblačiće, ružičaste od
zalaska sunca. Baš kad sam pomislila kako bi
bilo divno da sjediš tu, kraj mene, ugledala sam
njega, moj mjesec,
veličanstven kao i uvijek,
ali opet, večeras poseban.
Tek sad sam otkrila
kamo nestaju svi oni
maslačci sa zelenih livada,
lebdjeli su oko mjeseca,
obasjani njegovim sjajem,
tvorili paučinastu
koprenu koja se omatala
oko njega. Pružila sam
ruke, visoko, visoko, želim
te dotaknuti.
Odjednom, mjesec se zamutio, zatitrao,
kao odsjaj u vodi. Osjetim dodir na obrazu i
rukom krenem očekujući tvoje prste. Ne
nalazim ih, samo kapljice na mom dlanu,
blješte kao dijamanti na mjesečevom sjaju. Još
jedna noć spušta se na pokošenu travu i
usamljen moj lik na klupi.
Oko mene, žamor života, u meni, samo
neizdrživa čežnja koja gori na ovoj planeti.
Zoran Radosavljević
Rukama krvavim od borbe sa njenim
demonima sakupljao sam ostatke pepela te
Pompeje u njoj..Vezuve moj..gasila te
prekrasna reka Sarno.. Bila je rodjena sa
vatrom u sebi. Čuvala je u dodirima i mislima,
i poklanjala malo po malo ljudima, sve dok joj
iskra u oćima nije nestala.Nestala je toplina i
dobrota koju je širila..Ljudi su je istrošili i
ostavili.. Da joj ližem krvave očnjake posle
životnih poraza, ona da me čuva od celog sveta
…Da vidamo rane jedno
drugom..klesanjem joj
đavoli prošlosti želili
oduzeti dobrotu..borio
sam se koliko sam mogao
da sačuvam tu njenu
anđeosku lepotu … Meni
su godinama krvava
stopala, a i dalje istim
putevima moja duša
korača …idem njoj u
susret da je čuvam dok
opet ne ojača…nemoj te
da pomislite da tražim izgovor samo da bi
lutao… Kad je Niče plakao, svet je ćutao…a ići
ću opet i opet iznova..čujem kako viću izađi iz
zabluda i uđi u stvarnost, umrećeš od lažnih
snova Ne znaju oni da sam takav po rodjenju…
pred putokazima spuštam glavu, volim da
idem po sopstvenom nahođenju ..kao i biljka
kad sama od sebe baci svoje sopstveno seme…
džaba ste štedeli sve te tišine, reči, dodire i
pesme kad se pravi ljudi pojave u pogrešno
vreme ..Jurim prema njoj danima i noć
bole me padovi ali bi me boleo pad u njenim
oćima..potrudiću se da joj život ne bude samo
od plača…ostaću sa njom dok ne ojača..
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021
year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198
Šahdo Bošnjak
Iz moje neobjavljene zbirke priča:
“tešanjske koke i druge priče”
Da li je Ahmetu pomogla Butra i hodža
Grbeša ili mu je pomoglo nešto drugo da
progleda, tek on je ponovo uspostavio
harmoniju u braku, odlično se razumijevajući i
slažućisa svojom ženom Safom. Ama, hronična
nestašica novca ponovo je zaprijetila da bi
mogla ozbiljno ugroziti tu bračnu harmoniju i
sreću. Žena postala
nestrpljiva, potreba se
namnožilo, a para
niotkud, a ona samo
zvoca, baš kao ljuta
nakostriješena kvočka:
– Znaš li ti, bolan,
čovo, da našem Ramici
trebaju nove čizme, one
se poderale pa dijete
samo što ne hoda boso?!
Vidiš li ti, bolan ne bio, da
se kobila nema za šta vezati jer joj je posve
dotrajao jular, već sam ti govorila da u kući
nemamo ni gram soli! A tek kako nam kuća
izgleda iznutra a tako i spolja, ko ni u kog, pa
me stid naroda što je tak’a neokrečena, a ti
nećeš da kupiš kreča da je okrečimo.
I tako svakog dana, probi mužu glavu
neprestano zanovijetajući: te treba, Ahmo,
ovo, te treba, Ahmo, ono... Kad mu njeni
prijekori prekipe, a on pokuša da smiri tenzije,
snižavajući ton, nastojeći pritom da bude što
– Znam, ženo, znam. Sve ja to znam i
vidim, ali šta vrijedi kad nemamo ni prebijene
pare u kući! Pa neće niko da zovne ni na
dnevnicu, a ni da mu kakav poslićak uradim.
Svi se stvrdli ko ćerpič. Sve sami škrtac, i
begovi, i age, i gazde, i skriveni kulaci... Sve
sami Čifut i cicija, ko da će sve na onaj svijet
A ovamo u sebi misli: “Ehej, ženice moja,
Safice moja slatka, ta, ko ne bi volio kupit’ i
čizme malom, i jular kobili, i so, i kreč, i grablje,
eh, njih si zaboravila, a eno ih, sve istruhle i
zupci poispadali, već li je ostao samo jedan što
liči na babin zub, a grablje na babinu vilicu? A
tek banane! Ih, što sam se uželio lijepih, žutih,
krušnih banana!” Ahmet je toliko volio banane
da kad ih se sjeti, duboko uzdahne od želje da
ih ima, iza zuba mu poteče
bistra voda, a na usta
pocure sve same sline,
dok zamišlja njihov
božanstveni okus. “Ženo,
ženice mila, sve je to
važno i potrebito, ali
banane, banane... Banane
su ti, bolan,
naaajpotrebitije. Eto, šta
bi insan u životu bez
banana, haj, šta bi? Ovaj
život bez njih ne bi vrijedio ni pet para. Ni pet
A žena nije mogla znati o čemu Ahmet
tako često sanjari već pomisli kako on sjedeći
u kući neće dočekati da mu neko dođe na noge
i zovne ga da mu šta uradi, pa pođe kroz selo
pitajući imućnije seljane treba li im radnik za
muške ili ženske poslove. I našlo se nekoliko
hanuma kojima je trebalo urediti ili okrečiti
kuću, oprati veš ili zasijati rasad u bašči.
Također, nekoliko imućnijih domaćina reče da
im je potreban neko ko bi im pocijepao drva za
ogrjev, zatim prevezao sijena iz polja za stočnu
ishranu te iskrčio živice po njivama. Sva
radosna Safa se vrati kući, ispriča sve Ahmetu
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021
i oni se u taj čas dadoše na posao. Radeći tako
danima, zaradili su, Boga mi, finih parica,
taman toliko koliko im je bilo potrebito za
najnužnije stvari, i još malo da i pretekne u
kućni budžet za crne dane ili za: ne daj, Bože,
zlu ne trebalo! Usto su hanume, zadovoljne
čestito obavljenim poslom, još i darivale Safu:
koja sapunom điritom, koja čankom
kukuruznog brašna, koja s malo graha, a njoj,
bogme, zauhar, da se koji dan preživi,
očekujući neka bolja vremena, a koja, nažalost,
nikako da dođu.
– E, sad se, čovo, ne možeš izmotavati
kako nemamo novca da bi kupio to što nam je
najnužnije; nego, sutra je
petak, put pod noge pa
pravac u Tešanj, na pijacu.
Jesi l’ zapamtio šta sam ti
sve rekla da trebaš kupiti?
– Kako, bona, ne bih
zapamtio? Ta ponovila si
to makar sto puta! Ma, šta
sto, jesi, vala, i hiljadu
puta, i lud bi zapamtio
denali ne bih ja ‘vako
pametan. Ko Tito. Uh, šta
rekoh; nemoj, ženo, da neko za ovo sazna, ni za
živu glavu. Uh, ne dao Bog, pa da zaglavim u
prdekani. Jali na Golom otoku! Uh!...
– Eh, moj Ahmo, jest da si pametan, al’
malo si plaho prećerao. Da barem reče kao
Ranković, il’ kao Đilas, de li, de li... Al’ đe’š rijet’
kao naš voljeni Tito?! Jerbo ‘nak’e pameti
nejma na dunjaluku. ‘Nak’og čojka majka više
ne rađa!
– Jami ba, Safo, ne budali. I on prdi kao i
svi mi, samo što je 'nako... malo previše izvikan
i napuhan da ga se neprijatelji boje, a da narod
prema njemu osjeća strahopoštovanje, kao
prema kakvom božanstvu, eto sad, pa to ti je.
A ti mene prijavi, ako ti nije žao.
– Haj’ ba, Ahmo, ne benavi. Đe bih ja tebe
prijavila... Nego, nemoj sutra slučajno da bi
gledao one tamo tešanjske koke, one nacifrane
tešanjske frajle. Ehej, sve ću ja čuti, beli!
– E, gledat ću, dašta nego da ću gledat’. Pa
neću, valjda, hodati zavezanih očiju?! Il’ ćeš ti
ić’ sa mnom pa me vodati kao slijepca, da nam
se svijet smije.
– Smiješ ti gledati ‘nako, preda se, da ne
bi udario na drugog insana jal’ na hajvana, jal’
u banderu. Ali frajlice gledat’... E, to se ne igraj
živom glavom!
Smjehuljeći se u sebi, Ahmo pomisli: “Sva
sreća pa ti nećeš bit’ sa
mnom, jer voli Ahmo
napariti oči na kakvoj
mladoj i lijepoj curi jal’
snaši nego večerati, samo
ako li je večera bez
banana. Jer, banane,
banane... Ah, te čarobne
Sajo je redovno
petkom posjećivao
tešanjsku pijacu, a Ahmo
samo po potrebi i,
uglavnom, ako bi imao novca. Zato on ode kod
Saje da se dogovore kako bi zajedno putovali,
naravno, pješice, jer je mnogo ugodnije u
društvu negoli sam. Sajo je, kao i obično, ponio
da proda malo mliječnih proizvoda: koji sir,
kajmaka, dvije-tri litre mlijeka..., dok je Ahmo
nosio korpu od pletenog pruća, napunjenu
kokošijim jajima. Sajo priča o proljetnim
radovima, osobito o sjetvi kukuruza, i već su
na ulazu u Jelah, kad ti njega Ahmo prekide
– Eto, Sajo, ti si ‘vako pametan, što bi se
reklo, svjetski čojk i znaš svašta. Reci mi je l’
istina da su banane zdrave, da su pune njakvih
mintamina, tako kazuju dokturi, belćim?
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021
year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198
– Dašta neg’ su zdrave, kao i svako voće.
Nego, otkud ti sad to, mislim, da me pitaš to, za
– Ma, nako ja nešto mislim. Slučajno mi
naumpalo pa rekoh da pitam.
Kad su bili u Jevadžijama, prvom selu
nakon Jelaha, sustiže ih Meho Skrozo, kočijaš
iz Drinčića, s konjskom zapregom. Prevozio je
narod na pijacu, ali su zaprežna kola bila
poluprazna te on zaustavi konje i pozva:
– Bujrum, ljudi, u kola, da ne idete pješke.
Poznavajući dobro kočijaša, Ahmo i Sajo
povikaše skoro uglas:
– Fala ti, Mehaga,
nismo nešto pri parama!
– Ama, ljudi, je l’ vas
neko pitao za pare? Meni
je u Tešanj, s vama il’ bez
vas. A ne vozim ja kola već
Bilo je rano jutro,
lijepo, vedro, proljetno.
Početak aprila. Travica se
pogdjegdje zazelenjela,
ptičice se rascvrkutale i
raspjevale, radujući se valjda lijepom danu i
proljeću. Tad Sajo opet povede razgovor, ali
ovaj put o stočnoj ishrani i kako su sijena
skupa, a stoka, i napose telad, jako jeftina.
Ahmet uopće nije pratio šta mu rođak priča pa
će ti, onako iznebuha, provaliti:
– Je l’ ba, Sajo, je l’ de da su majmuni
onako zdravi, živahni i spretni što vole da jedu
Jaran ga pogleda sumnjičavo i odvali,
malo ljutito:
– A što, ti bi, bezbeli, volio da postaneš
majmun?! Pa jednom smo bili i nemoj, bogati,
da se ponovo vraćamo na isto!
– Ma, ne, ne... Ja to samo ‘nako...
– A šta ‘š ti kupovat’? – upita Sajo.
– Aha... pa kupit ću uglavnom dosta
banana i još tamo nekih sitnica.
Jaran ga ponovo pogleda začuđeno:
– Hm, sve se nema, sve se nema, a ‘vamo
se ima i za luksuz, moj dragi! A šta će tebi tolike
banane, ako nije tajna?
– Ah, znaš kako ti je, teke se para
zaradilo, prodat ću i jaja pa da obradujem
čeljad bananama. Valja kupiti Ramici, bezbeli i
Safi, a malo, vala, i ja da se primrsim, radi reda.
Sajo, ponovo ne shvatajući Ahmeta, samo
zaklima glavom i zašutje.
Silazili su niz Krndiju,
ulazeći u sami Tešanj, kad
Ahmet zamoli jarana:
– De, Sajo,
zahmetile, ako ja
zaboravim, kad dođemo u
Tešanj, napomeni me da
kupim banana, a ostalog
ću se lahko sjetiti.
– Hoću, hoću,
napomenut ću te... Pa zar
ne vidiš da si u Tešnju?! I kako ćeš zaboraviti
kupiti banana kad ni o čemu drugom i ne
pričaš od kako smo ono krenuli od kuće?
Pošto su na pijaci rasprodali šta su
prodati imali, dva jarana krenuše da pokupuju
što im treba pa da idu kući, opet pješke, jakako,
ne bi li im tako u džepu ostao koji dinar.
Šetajući gradom, naiđoše pored jedne
prodavnice u čijem izlogu Ahmo ugleda lijepe
žute banane, žute kao ćilibar. Sav sretan reče
– Stani, Boga ti, da svom Ramici kupim
I prije nego što je Sajo mogao bilo šta da
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021
i prozbori, Ahmo se pomoli iz prodavnice
zalažući se slatkim bananama. A kad su došli
do sljedeće prodavnice s mješovitom robom,
Ahmo je već bio pojeo sve banane. No, ništa za
to jer je i ta prodavnica imala finih banana, da
Ahmet pored soli kupi i kilogram banana.
– Ovo za moju Safu – reče i tako krenuše
prema pijaci. A usput je mislio: “Uh, da zna
kako sam napario oči, gledajući tešanjske
gospojice. Evo ih ko findžani. Neće me, vala,
zaboliti dok sam živ.”
Ali do pijace je bilo podaleko i Ahmo ne
odolje bananama već ponovo stade jesti sve
jednu po jednu, misleći
kako će još samo ovu
pojesti i neće više te tako
dođe i do zadnje. Onda
pomisli kad je sve pojeo,
što bi i nju ostavljao. Na
kraju je nekako pojeo sve,
a da to Sajo nije ni
primijetio. I samo što su
stigli na pijacu, Ahmo
ugleda najljepše banane,
koje je ikad vidio iako je
vjerovatno da mu se tako
samo učinilo. Odmah kupi pregršt banana, i to
koje je sam probrao, pa stade halapljivo da
jede, baš kao da mu je danas prva. Na to Sajo
– A ti pojeo i Ramine i Safine banane, što
sad i te jedeš, što ne poneseš njima?!
– E, ono su bile njihove rede, a ovo je sad
moja reda, a ja svoju redu ne prepuštam
Dok je tako jeo banane, sve je kore bacao
preda se. Jedući zadnju, primijeti kako su kod
jednog prodavca ostale posljednje grablje pa
se uplaši da ih ko ne kupi i da tako ostane bez
grabalja. Istog časa htjede da potrči, gledajući
samo u grablje, te ti tako stade na kore od
banana, noga mu se pokliznu, a on se ispruži
na kaldrmisanu podlogu koliki je dug. Cijela
pijaca se grohotom zatresla od smijeha, a njega
bilo stid ustati i svijetu pogledati u oči. Pa sve
da je i htio, nije mogao bez Sajine pomoći jer je
pao čelom na kamen i pritom zaradio čvorugu,
gotovo kolika je šaka. Uz Sajinu pomoć nekako
ustade, jaran mu maramicom obrisa krv, a
njemu se mantalo u glavi da je morao sjesti na
obližlju klupu, kako bi ponovo došao sebi. Za
sve to vrijeme prodavači i mušterije nisu mu
se prestajali smijati, a u ušima su mu
odzvanjale njihove riječi, koje je slušao dok je
bespomoćno ležao na kaldrmi: “Aferim,
ljudino!” “Ponovi, delijo!”
“Ustani, pa jope’!...” Čim se
malo oporavi, Ahmet
ustade pa praćen
podrugljivim pogledima i
smijehom kupi nesretne
grablje, Rami čizmice,
kobili jular i kreč za
osvježenje i uljepšavanje
kuće. A kad pogleda u
novčanik, a on prazan.
Onda zamoli Saju:
– Sajo, Boga ti, pozajmi mi jednu stoju.
Vratit ću ti čim prije.
– Pa eto, sve si pokupovao, i što će ti
– Hoću da ponesem Rami i Safi banana.
– A sebi, zar nećeš ponijeti i sebi?
– Hoću! – reče ljutito. – Sebi ću ponijeti
ovu čvorugu na čelenjki, koju sam i zaslužio.
Otad je Ahmet zamrzio banane, baš kao
birvaktile ptice, dok je bio mali dječak. Nikad
više banane nije htio ni okusiti. A ako bi ih
negdje ugledao, okretao bi glavu, gadeći ih se,
kao da je ugledao nečastivog, šejtana.
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021
year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198
essay 31-35
Loreta Toader
În căutarea luminii
Am fugit, am fugit cu toată ființa mea
încercând să-ajung gândurile din urmă.
Viața mă izbea biciuindu-mi sufletul.
Respirul mi-era spintecat de loviturile atâtor
cuvinte durute și neînțelese.
Alergam… alergam fără să aud, fără să
văd; nu mai simțeam, nu mai știam dacă mi-
era cald sau frig, nici de mi-era zi sau de mi-era
noapte…picioarele nu mă mai ascultau iar
mâinile, mâinile încercau
să se agațe de acel ceva
încă nedefinit.
Doar ochii îmi
cercetau sufletul
întrebând: mai poți?!!!…
N-am știut să
răspund așa cum n-am
știut câtă durere și câte
lacrimi am strâns în gând.
Am obosit. M-am
oprit din alergat mergând
cu pași repezi spre niciunde. În mine ploaia își
revărsa boabele-i de jad rescriind povestea
unei noi renașteri… am adormit pe iarba udă;
gândurile mi-au poposit pe verdele crud al
primăverii insuflându-mi tinerețea pierdută
cândva… inima a început să bată încet, liniștit
– zbuciumul ei a rămas undeva în trecut- un
trecut greu înțeles, aproape inuman – acum
Simt o căldură benefică- ploaia s-a oprit;
soarele îmi mângâie fața scăldată de lacrimi
iar curcubeul îmi pictează sufletul
regenerându-i sentimentele.
Am deschis ochii și m-am pierdut în
albastru – un albastru divin, imperial-
albastrul ochilor tăi, Doamne…
M-am înveșmântat în verdele renașterii
pe care mi l-ai oferit a doua oară.
Am început să alerg andante prin viață
percepând lumina în fiecare culoare a
existenței sale: rece, caldă, neutră, difuză pe
sufletul și gândurile mele ce țipau libertate…
pictură – Alexandru Darida
Bill Stokes
Life is the ultimate tapestry woven on a
loom as the shuttle moves
back and forth on the
warp leaving tiny bits of
And the shuttle is
the metronome of our life
as it beats out both
cadence and rhythm and
is by far all of creation’s
most most exquisite
Thread by thread
the history of your life is
recorded by your soul’s shuttle
And at the end of your mortal journey
and standing at the bar of justice your warp’s
documentation with either gain you eternal
glory or force you to into outer darkness with
a wailing scuttle.
Just as there are no to souls exactly the
same The drum beat of your life is the the beat
of your heart that only the love of Christ can
Both drums and hearts can have beats
both loud and soft as a baby’s cheek and when
your heart belongs to your eternal mate and
when their breath gently caresses your face
you truly can understand that heaven on earth
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021
is the prize we all seek.
Life is the ultimate tapestry woven on
loom as the shuttle moves back and forth on
the warp leaving tiny bits of thrum and the
shuttle is the metronome of our life as it beats
out both cadence and rhythm and is by far all
of creation’s most most exquisite drum.
Santosh Kumar-Bhutan
Harmonythat never was
How keenly I feel to see, all are gone for
their family god, Never, even a lonely finger for
pointing or boasting, In
solidarity, they walk with
the bannerof lofty
mankind, No colors to see
and no races to protect
aside from harmony,
Within, with common
goals of peace to emerge
all at once.
Now, the brilliant
day draws near, I can see
the striking sinking star,
Simply over, the
nightingale and the skylark join together, In
prospect, the falconer cheers, hearing the
peace train whistle, The melody of the upper
waves, so joyful in tone, With hope, which has
never been with every lack of worry.
The cord of humanity, in the minds of
individuals, rested, All around thesquare,
recitingoneness being, No more conteni pt in
sight, no more selfishness in feeling, All
together, with divine ideas to paint the tomb,
Forever, to allow it to sparkle in harmony that
never was.
Ryszard Mścisz
Groza śnieżnej nocy
[Horror of the Snowy Night]
Śnieg za oknami przystrajał krajobraz
świąteczną bielą. Ozdobionym puchem
gałęziom drzew widocznie nie było tak lekko,
skoro kłaniały się ziemi pokornie i czołobitnie.
Ja również nie czułem misternej lekkości
ducha Święta Narodzin. Już tego nie czułem.
Wciskanie do oczu śnieżnego bałwana
węgielnych kamieni zdało
mi się torturą. A wesołe
dzieci zdawały się mieć
diabelskie ogniki w
oczach. Pomyśleć, że
jeszcze wczoraj
widziałbym to samo
zupełnie inaczej.
Wczoraj był taki
sam zimowy wieczór. Z
nostalgią zimy w
otulinach śniegu, lekkim
przymrozkiem, który nie odstrasza i nie więzi
w ogrzanych domach, ale pozwala wejść w
otwartą księgę nocy w towarzystwie
rozgwieżdżonego nieba. Gdy wyszedłem z
domu było tak spokojnie i cicho, na
opustoszałych ulicach tylko pojedyncze cienie
przemykały w świetle latarni. Oddaliłem się
od ostatnich domów z oświetlonymi oknami,
wszedłem w mroczną tajemnicę drzew
oswojonych – zdawałoby się – jasnością
śniegu. Wydawało mi się, że w braterskiej
ciszy natury mogę być chwilę sam na sam ze
sobą. To tak rzadki w życiu luksus, cudowny
paradoks życia: wśród natury bywamy sobą,
wnikamy w siebie – wśród ludzi prowadzimy
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021
year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198
grę, zakładamy maskę jak w antycznym
teatrze. Zdawałoby się, że każdego stać na ten
luksus, chwile prawdy. A jednak łatwiej o
sukces, pozycję towarzyską, nawet materialny
dobrobyt niż o nie. Czy jesteśmy zbyt zajęci,
zaaferowani wypełnianiem schematu życia...?
A może boimy się owych odkryć samotności,
prawdy o sobie, której wobec natury nie
jesteśmy w stanie zakłamać...
Lekkie skrzypienie kroków, delikatny
trzask gałęzi wyrwał mnie z zadumy. A więc
nie jestem sam? No cóż, chwila samotności
skończyła się – może moja samotność zbratała
się z samotnością innego
człowieka i przestała nią
być. A może po prostu
dana mi była tylko ta
ulotna chwila w
zbiorowej formie życia...?
Nagle ujrzałem cień, który
ów hałas stworzył. Cień
nie był imponująco
wielki, ale zarazem
niepokojący nad wyraz.
Niepokojący, bo...
nieludzki. Zdawało mi się,
że nieforemna, olbrzymia głowa wyrastająca z
niewielkiego tułowia unieruchomiła mnie
zupełnie. Odczułem intuicyjnie jakąś
przewagę intelektu, pozaczasowej mądrości,
która obezwładnia, odbiera rację bytu,
przytłacza... To coś ma wiele odnóg, kończyn,
a może macek, które gotowe mnie opleść i
zgnieść w każdej chwili. Usłyszałem głos,
raczej dźwięk, który tajemnicza istota wydała.
Zdawał się rozbrzmiewać od wewnątrz,
wydobywać z mojej głowy. Być może nie
istniała żadna zewnętrzna postać głosu. Ale
nie był na tyle wyraźny, bym był w stanie go
zrozumieć. A raczej nie mógł się od razu
przebić przez jakąś warstwę psychiki, która go
blokowała. Przeczucie o istnieniu odpowiedzi,
odzewu na hasło, które ów głos z sobą niesie,
towarzyszyło mi bezustannie. Byłem o krok od
jasności. Bądź o krok za nią. To jakiś język, kod,
który prawie znałem, mogłem odkryć. Nie
wiedziałem, czy był mi znany w jakimś
odległym kiedyś, czy może to pewien wariant
języka, który znam od zawsze...
To zaczęło iść w moim kierunku.
Tajemnica językowego szyfru przegrała z
gwałtownym lękiem. Te nieskoordynowane
ruchy, kroki zdały mi się groźne, skierowane
przeciwko mnie – nie do
mnie. Próbowałem się
ruszyć. Raz, drugi... Ani
siła mięśni, ani siła woli
nie była mi posłuszna.
Strach rósł wraz z
malejącą odległością
między mną a tym... Było
coraz groźniejsze, coraz
bardziej odrażające – w
naszych ziemskich
kategoriach. Coraz
bardziej odmienne od
wszystkiego, co dotąd widziałem... mimo że
nie w pełni widoczne. Wreszcie udało się,
mogłem zrobić ruch, parę kroków... mogłem
biec. Starałem się wykorzystać całą moją
szybkość; całą szybkość mięśni i strachu...
Dobiegłem do pierwszej zaspy śniegu i
przesadziłem ją błyskawicznie. Coś
podpowiadało mi, że nie mogę biec wprost
przed siebie, zwykłą drogą. Że muszę kluczyć,
uskakiwać, byle przybliżać się do znajomych
miejsc, do domu. Nie mogłem się oglądać za
siebie. Nie potrafiłem. Czułem jednak to na
pewno. To jest blisko, jest szybkie, bardzo
szybkie. Nie chciałem wiedzieć jak wygląda,
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021
choć światła wyłaniających się latarni
pozwoliłyby poznać część tajemnicy. Nie
chciałem wzrokiem sprawdzić jak jest szybkie,
jak się porusza. Wiedziałem, czułem, że koszt
zetknięcia się z tajemnicą może być zbyt
wysoki. Byłem już bardzo blisko, ale i ono
powoli choć nieznacznie przybliżało się.
Chyba czułem ten poryw szybkości,
wzlatujący pod jego krokami śniegowy puch.
Jeszcze tylko kilkadziesiąt kroków,
kilkanaście, kilka... Kiedy czułem zniewalający
oddech owej istoty na plecach, dopadłem
bramy, potem drzwi od domu. Zamknąłem
drzwi za sobą, mocno
przytrzymałem i na
chwilę przywarłem do
nich. Rozejrzałem się z
niepokojem po oknach,
ciemnych ścianach
Dopiero po
godzinie zaświeciłem
światło, usiadłem w
fotelu. Cisza była zbyt
niepokojąca, pustka
zdawała się krzyczeć we
mnie. Włączyłem telewizor. Chyba program
już się skończył, ale pozostał szum, tak
potrzebny mi w tym momencie szum... Po
chwili jednak zdało mi się, że słyszę głos. Tak,
spoza niego wyraźnie dobiegał głos... Na tyle
wyraźnie... Nie, musiałem się przesłyszeć... A
jednak ciągle słyszę to samo. Ten głos.
Podobny do tamtego, a przecież zrozumiały,
- Mogłem cię dogonić. Gdybym chciał,
dogoniłbym cię...! Ty wiesz o tym dobrze!
confabulation 36-46
Lenuș Lungu
Un grande poeta, critico
letterario, umanista di fama
Jawaz Jaffri è un poeta in cui scolpisce le
sue creazioni in una montagna di parole e
veste la bellezza di una materia sensibile da
cui emette i suoi sentimenti. L'idea del poeta
ne illustra l'intensità e dà una forte risonanza
dove dipinge le parole in un mare di colori
presentando il quadro poetico. Attraverso le
sue opere ci dà molta
sensibilità, amore,
sensazione di relax e pace.
In un mondo di poesia
letteraria in cui la
scrittura si muove
vertiginosamente verso i
sentimenti, Jawaz rimane
autentico, un poeta che
sceglie di esprimere stati
attraverso le parole, ma le
emozioni continuano a
fiorire, idee per far
nascere idee. Leggendo i
testi di Jawaz, sono riusciti a farmi conoscere
una vibrazione di metafore ed epiteti che
cercano di trasmettere il messaggio delle
parole. Riesce a catturare in modo sfumato
l'universo invisibile degli stati d'animo. Offri ai
lettori versi che fanno vibrare le corde delle
anime attraverso la penna ardente. Offre ai
lettori un universo lirico pieno di simboli in
uno stile unico, restituendo maestria alle
persone. Non smette mai di stupire i lettori,
formando una simbiosi e un'armonia assoluta.
Il classico si fonde con successo con le
caratteristiche della poesia moderna. Il lettore
viene così catturato nella rete di Jawaz che si
trasforma da autore nell'io di chi legge,
filtrando le sue idee, i suoi punti di vista,
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021
year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198
prestando i suoi occhi a vedere il mondo come
lo vede l'autore. Resta da leggere la poesia e
ritrovarsi lì, tra i versi della poesia. La forma
dell'anima nel suo fulgido splendore,
sensazioni varie che accrescono il mistero
della poesia e la tensione del vivere.
L'amore per la pace è il sentimento
edificante che si manifesta nel cuore di ogni
uomo. Tutto è semplice e complesso, allo
stesso tempo naturale e deciso, sembra fluire
con naturalezza, ma l'occhio sensibile e la fine
intuizione del poeta coglie la poesia
essenziale, come in uno stop-frame che cattura
uno stato d'animo, un momento unico che
l'amore della pace, della luce lo chiama sempre
per regalare il suo piccolo
recital di bellezza a chi
vuole e può sentire questo
splendore. Leggendo i
testi del poeta, mi sono
ricordato dell'aforisma di
Tudor Arghezi: Il vero
libro di un poeta penso sia
uno, purché unico, perché
la definizione di un poeta
che pubblica un buon
libro è in due parole:
talento ed energia. La
poesia è percepita esattamente come viene
mostrata, con tutta la trasparenza di un'anima.
È consapevole e comprende il rapporto
profondo e sacro che gli scrittori sviluppano
con la poesia, ma non nega il suo diritto di
sperare che la bellezza debba essere
Il Dr. AZADAR HUSSAIN JAWAz (Pseudonimo Dr.
Jawaz Jaffri) è nato a Toba Tek Singh (Punjab, Pakistan)
l'8 aprile 1964. Ha conseguito il dottorato. in letteratura
urdu presso l'Università del Punjab, Lahore, nel 2006.
Attualmente è professore presso Govt. Lahore College
of Science, era presidente del dipartimento di urdu al
Govt. MAO College, Lahore. Ha un profondo interesse
per la scrittura creativa, la critica, la poesia, la scrittura
drammatica, la scrittura dicolonne, lo studio comparato
delle religioni, le prospettive storiche e culturali della
società, il rapporto tra scienza e letteratura, musica
classica e altre arti visive. Ha una vasta collezione di
librerie di musica classica. Una considerevole biblioteca
di libri è disponibile nel suo studio, il che è evidente nel
suo gusto letterario. Molte delle sue poesie sono state
tradotte dall'International Center for Poetry
Translation and Research, Cina. Scrive contro la guerra,
il suo libro "Mout Ka Haath Kalaie Per Hey" è stato
tradotto come "Il polso negli artigli della morte" da
Muhammad Shanazar, poeta e traduttore pakistano. Le
poesie di questo libro sono anche tradotte in molte altre
principali lingue del mondo e anche nelle lingue locali
(Punjabi, Pashto, Sindhi e Hindko). Ha contribuito con
altri libri di poesia contro la guerra in urdu intitolati
"Main Laam di Janj da Lahda han", che è stato tradotto
da Harpreet Kaur e pubblicato in India da Nawi Dunia
Publishers, Punjab, India. Ha scritto articoli su celebrità
letterarie internazionali come
Pablo Neruda, Toni Morrison,
T.S Eliot, Seamus Heaney, Jan-
Paul Sartre, Charles
Baudelaire, Tolstoy, Franz
Kafka, Kinza Br O, Gabriela
Mistral, Salima Langrof, Harry
Sinclair e Lu Xun., Il grande
scrittore della Cina classica è
stato pubblicato sul quotidiano
Jang e Nawa-i-Waqt. Quasi 20
libri sono al suo attivo come
scrittore, gli è stato conferito il
prestigioso Premio
Presidenziale del Pakistan
(The National Human Rights
Award, 2016). Inoltre, il Presidential Award (National
Human Rights Award, 2016) ha ricevuto il premio
Special Shield for Peace dal Ministero dei diritti umani
2017 (Pakistan), Quid-e-Azam Gold Medal (2015),
Asian Cultural Association Award (2017) , Harf
Academy Awards (Quetta) e molti altri premi da tutti i
simposi inter-collegiali in Pakistan e concorsi di oratori
durante il periodo accademico. È membro della
Pakistan Writers Guild, Pakistan, Pakistan Academy of
Letters, Islamabad, Halqa-e-Arbab-e-Zauq, Pakistan,
Drama Scrutiny Committee, Punjab Arts Council,
Lahore e Adabi Baithak, Lahore Arts Council, Lahore.
Era anche il presidente della Sherani Society, Govt.
College, Sheikhupura, President of the Urdu Society,
Oriental College, Lahore, Honorary Editor Husn-e-Byan
Monthly Quarterly Magazine, Karachi and Honorary
Editor Monthly Magazine G News, Great Gran Bretagna.
Le sue opere principali consistono in poesia, Dehleez pe
Aankhain, Muthi Mein Tera Wada Khawab, Maut ka
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021
Hath Kalai par Hai, Mohabat khasara naheen, Umr-e-
Rawan sey parey, Wrist in the Clutches of Death, Mera
Dil Fakhta da Ahlna ay, Main Laam di Janj da Lardha han,
Vasal say Khali Din, Mutbadil Dunia ka Khawb,
Chiraghon se BhariGalliyan, AsaanSufny Sahvey rakhey
e Ik Hijr Jo Ham Ko Lahaq Hai (Lettere) che sono
ampiamente lette dagli amanti della poesia. I suoi
documenti di ricerca includono Urdu Adab Europe Aur
America Mein, Iqbal Sajid Bataur Ghazal Go, Urdu Adab
Europe Aur America Mein, Urdu ki Qadeem Bastian,
Khaak se Uthny wala Fun, Urdu afsaane ka Maghribi
Dareecha, Urdu Ghazal ka Maghrabi Daricha,
Tassawarat, ( Tehqiqi gold Tanqidi Mazamean), Asasa
(Compilato da) Il primo libro poetico del famoso poeta
Iqbal Sajid, Kulyat-e-Iqbal Sajid, Iqbal Sajid: Shakhsiat
gold Fan e Kuliyat-e-Ustad Daman. Hs articoli Bartanvi
Danese Gahon Meinn Urdu Tadrees Ki Riwayat, Khak
say Uthnay Wala Fann, Europe
Aur America Mein Urdu Zaban
ka Mustaqbil, Urdu Zaban kay
Europi Shoara, Mashriq
Shanasi ki Rawait aur German
Mustashreqeen, Arab Dunya ka
Pehla Jang Mukhalifare Shayer
aur Takhliqi Zaaviey, Classiki
Mausiqi: Dhurpad Say Khayal
tak, Lahore ki Adabi Rawait
Mein Qahwa Khanon ka
Kirdar`` Classiki Mausiqi mein
Gharaney ka Tasawar, Classiki
Mausiqi kay Pakistani
Gharaney, Bar-e-Sagheitdu
Khanon ka Kirdar`` Classiki
Mausiqi mein Gharaney ka Tasawar, Classiki Mausiqi
kay Pakistani Gharaney, Bar-e-Sagheitdu Janibal Mein
Syah Sulagta Sigret, Information Technology aur Kitab
ka Mustaqbil, Maghrabi Tarz-e-Ahsas aur Is Kay
Tashkili Anasir, Europe Aur America Kay Urdu Nazm
Nigar, Kainati Shaur ky, Javed Shaheen Aik Ta'aruf,
Shaeri, Science aur Falsafa, Tarikeen- e-Watan ki Nai
Nasl aur Urdu ka Mustaqbil, Tarkeen-e-Watan ki Shaeri
par Tanhai aur Begangi Kay Asraat, Tarkeen-e-Watan ki
Shaeri aur Maghrabi Tarz-e-Ehsaas, Mout k Ghaat
Utarty Mizamir, Nars lon se aati Awazen, Saazon ka
Jahan, Taar k Saazon ka Bawa Adam, Urdu Afsaane ma
Kahani ki wapsi e Europe aur America k Urdu Nazam
Nigaar sono stati pubblicati in diverse riviste di ricerca
nazionali e internazionali. È l'autore delle serie
drammatiche Dastak Na Do, Adh Khula Darwaza,
Suragh, Teesri Aankh, Faisla, Shart e Painda. Ha anche
ospitato programmi televisivi come Marsia Gold Karbla,
Naat Go, Bahattar Aik Taaruf.
Jawaz Jaffri
Dal dottor
Il mio cuore è il nido di colomba
Il vento,
Venendo dal campo di battaglia,
Si riversa nelle mie orecchie,
Il nitrito dei cavalli.
Le tombe collettive,
Stanno per invadere le mie città;
E i venditori di bare,
Guarda i nostri corpi giovani e freschi
Con occhi avidi.
Il ragno della morte è
Nel tessere la ragnatela
della mia vittima.
Oh! Becchini,
Elimina la fame diffusa
Dai tuoi cortili,
Perché c'è trambusto
Nel cimitero.
Protestiamo sulle strade
Contro la guerra;
I miei lettori sii mio testimone,
Non ho macchiato la mia penna
Con gli inni delle guerre,
La mia identità,
Sono le canzoni di pace
Le mie canzoni stanno scavando le radici delle
Perché il mio cuore è il nido di colomba.
Una breve biografia letteraria
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021
year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198
"The night will pass without
miracles" by Daniele Vaienti
The night will pass without miracles by
Daniele Vaienti (Edizioni del Faro 2019 -
Series "Sonar. Words and voices" directed by
Paolo Agrati) is the debut book of the poet and
performer active in the circuit of slam and
acting poetry, dictated by tenacity free and
eager, rhythmic descriptive in a sound trend
that takes root in the sharp and dramatic
measure of humanity celebrated as "a group of
street children talking
about the end of the
world" (Jack Kerouac).
The verses seek the
existence of familiarity
and reanalyze the private,
everyday and simple
expressions common to
emotional confessions
that reveal the comforting
refuge of any ideological
and practical, tangible
and autobiographical experience. The
diffusion of poetry is the existential magnetic
recording engraved on material resistant to
the wear and tear of time.
The distortion of concrete and carnal
visions (a photo, cigarettes, autumn) allows us
to imagine a dream and real license, in which
life is the communicative passage of what is
written with passion and for our own
happiness. Daniele Vaienti's hypnotic and
confidential writing is a benevolence of
intoxication, in mastering an experience in
which the close and incisive technique and
joke praises a sentimental autonomy that
torments the unpredictability and
contradictions of affections, the obstacles of
despair in their allusive depth.
The intensity written beyond the lines
follows the detachment from conventional
poetics and feeds on literary improvisation by
involving the emotional symbols of the
theatrical magic vortex, accompanying, in each
comment, the poet's emotional resources.
The poet exists in the present instant,
releasing the ambush of nostalgia and memory
in the free vibrations of feelings.
The texts capture the inviolability of
love, against the inevitable defeat of the world
and the laceration of its constraints and urge
the need for a new
conception of happiness,
of salvation towards the
call to authentic life and
the complicity of the
The discovery of the
self, of the thought
absolved by prejudices, of
human values, of the
collective consciousness
is the goal of a complete
poetic affinity with the
individual journey towards a task towards
The artistic need arises from a desire for
freedom of expression, vital dynamism, and
through the investigation in the sense of good,
it includes the universality of the content and
the intimate research of the whole.
Here are some poems from The Night Will
Pass Without Miracles...
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021
Nothing else
It's about learning
to exist
without pretending
that is.
It happens, be
do not fall.
That silence
I smile blankly
counting trains
lost and lost for
to be able to forget
absent voice that
he raised the volume of
silence by a notch
The autumn
What should I do
with this
wet autumn,
which is scary
all wrong
as my score
in the fall of this year,
who took the smile out of town on
which we embraced out of necessity,
because it's cold outside
and you can't smoke inside
There it is
this fall
what to do with it
Sherzod Artikov
Sherzod Artikov was born in 1985 in
Marghilan city of Uzbekistan. He graduated from
Ferghana Polytechnic Institute in 2005. His works
are more often published in the domestic press of
the Republic. He mainly writes stories and essays.
His first book, The Autumn’s Symphony, was
released in 2020. He is one of the winners of the
national literary contest “My Pearl Country” in the
category of prose. His works appeared in such
Russian and Ukraine network magazines as
"Camerton", "Topos", "Autograph". In addition, his
stories were published in the literary magazines
and websites of Kazakhstan,
USA, Serbia, Montenegro,
Turkey, Bangladesh,
Pakistan, Egypt, Slovenia,
Germany, Greece, China,
Peru, Saudi Arabia, Mexico,
Argentine, Spain, Italy,
Bolivia, Costa Rica, Romania
and India.
* * *
Sherzod Artikov
urodził się w 1985 roku w
mieście Margilan w
Uzbekistanie. W 2005 roku
ukończył Instytut Politechniczny w Ferganie.
Cieszy się rosnącą popularnością w swojej
ojczyźnie. Pisze głównie opowiadania i eseje. Jego
pierwsza książka Symfonia jesieni ukazała się w
2020 roku. Jest jednym z laureatów
ogólnokrajowego konkursu literackiego „Mój
perłowy kraj” w kategorii proza. Jego teksty
ukazały się w rosyjskich i ukraińskich
czasopismach internetowych, takich jak
"Camerton", "Topos", "Autograf". Ponadto jego
opowiadania opublikowano w czasopismach
literackich i na stronach internetowych
Kazachstanu, USA, Serbii, Czarnogóry, Turcji,
Bangladeszu, Pakistanu, Egiptu, Słowenii, Niemiec,
Grecji, Chin, Peru, Arabii Saudyjskiej, Meksyku,
Argentyny, Hiszpanii, Włoch , Boliwii, Kostaryki,
Rumunii a także Indii.
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021
year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198
Lenuș Lungu
Literary review
Bhagirath Choudhary is a writer and a
valuable humanism, a soul with an inner and
outer activity. The magic of words vibrates in
sounds. With the lucidity of a vision, any
emphasis is focused exclusively on the
accuracy of absolute accuracy. Style is a
powerful dream with a poetic intonation,
unity of thought and vision. The psychology of
lyric poetry is obvious, this being an engine of
inspiration and the
existence of the poetic
hero. Poetry has a great
value and a great
appreciation from
readers and literary
critics. The poem "My
Earth Sojourn" is modern
and expresses the artist's
creative effort for a
spiritual product on the
inner states of the poetic
year, tormented by inner turmoil and turmoil.
The verses are the product of a revelation, of
divine grace:
"Evolution has given me /
A divine body ". The poem suggests
beauty, purity, light. Representative for
artistic language innovation. An artistic
modality encountered in European lyric
poetry, it offers a shocking and fascinating
expressiveness through its aesthetic effects.
Poetry is structured by unequal lyrical
sequences, artistic creed and divine grace. It
suggests the desire to express in verse the
thirst for communication and the
transmission of a message to the world. To
convey the message of divine grace. List of
fabulous items: "The wave of the false self",
"orgasm of wisdom", creates an image of great
suggestive force. The modernism of poetry is
argued by the compositional structure, the
poem is constituted in lyrical sequences, in
which the poet directly expresses his
conception of the act of creation, emphasizing
the light of the artist's condition in the world.
The lyricism in this poem confirms the
presence of the lyrical self through the lexico-
grammatical marks represented by the verbs:
"I came," "I explored." A
parable that highlights
God's grace. The
expressiveness of poetry
is realized at the
morphosyntactic level.
The words in the present
gnomy perpetuate the
structural passion for
writing, the creative
commotion and the desire
to communicate the
poetic self with the world, ideas that confer the
pragmatic character of poetry. The language is
characterized by the use of shocking words
with fascinating expressiveness, words "my
pound of flesh", "holy vicars" whose meaning
acquires new values. The stylistic registers
combine, in the modern way, the popular
language with archaic flavor with the religious
one, from this combination thus succeeding
the originality "apostle", "divine value",
"mental evolution", "the sedative of the ego".
Modern prosody is supported by lyrics with
metrics and rhythm. A literary work that is the
fruit of divine grace and toil.
Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021
Bhagirath Choudhary
My Earth Sojourn
I came
Upon earth
To explore
My divine worth
To learn
My lesson
With passion
And to earn
My mental evolution
Every night
Before I retire
I take stock
Of every bump
And every stroke
Every valley
And every hillock
Every start
And every stop
I flasely verify
I justify
I deny
My every falsity
And every lie
I talk like
Saintly Vicars
But I stage wars
Without mercy or grace
For getting
My pound of flesh
With sadistic pride
Every day I write
My false narrative
Keeping firmly
Under ego's sedative
Of greed
And material race
I hide behind
Veil of false self
But not to face
My truth
And my divine self
Evolution made me
God's Image
Like a true Sage
Without any schism
I am made like
A wisdom organism
Evolution gave me
A body divine
For letting
Love and light shine
Without tools of offence
Or defence
I came
Like an apostle
Of nonviolence
Taifas Literary Magazine No. 7, January, 2021
Taifas Literary Magazine No. 7, January, 2021
Taifas Literary Magazine No. 7, January, 2021
Taifas Literary Magazine No. 7, January, 2021
Taifas Literary Magazine No. 7, January, 2021
Taifas Literary Magazine No. 7, January, 2021
Taifas Literary Magazine No. 7, January, 2021
Taifas Literary Magazine No. 7, January, 2021
Taifas Literary Magazine No. 7, January, 2021
Taifas Literary Magazine No. 7, January, 2021

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Taifas Literary Magazine No. 7, January, 2021

  • 1. 3 authors ... p. 2 editorial ... p. 3 poetry ... p. 10 prose ... p. 26 essay ... p. 31 confabulation ... p. 34 2 authors ... p. 49
  • 2. 2 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021 ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE coperta2 2 authors Sameer Goel poem.. some unfortunates howsoever deep roots of their love may be never get it back in reciprocation.. . the way they love beyond scales and parameters fail miserably as not everyone deserves their love.. . their end, never so happy a trauma, they always go through succumb to the hurts, they never deserved ever. Vildana Staniscic A song of peace Peace is love, peace is above all, when birds fly in the open sky. Peace has no alternative, peace is a smiling child. Always be in harmony with everyone, whenever you can help the needy. May peace reign in your soul, may the whole universe be blessed. Tanu Vermai Kapoor Reminiscent Moments that were ours…never elapsed Dangling in oblivion, few sprigs of ‘us’ they grasped Arduously seeking an excuse for existence Clinging to every shred of persistence Forever grueling to furnish an abyss Created by a worldly absence Mind and heart in incessant rift Rigid to move on…excepting the drift Heart sensed a bit, you aren’t around Still fuzzily perceives your presence surround In each and every breath I count In stars and floating Moon that daunt In every bit of me I flaunt In everything we shared…now haunt Emotional crisis makes me gaunt I fail to keep your thoughts at bay Time enveloped us yet, we found each other though, we went a long way Autumn, winter, summer, spring…brewed grief and dismay Seasons altered not my heart, I wish my love to stay!!
  • 3. 3 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021 year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198 editorial 3-4 Paul Rotaru Et poesis quo? Motto: Poezia începe din titlu și nu se sfârșește niciodată. Balzac, un veritabil vizionar al intențiilor umane fără ca el însuși să pretindă asta de la sine, izbutește să construiască, în romanul Iluzii pierdute, o strălucită parabolă a destinului poeziei. Și face asta cu ușurința conferită de convingerea faptului comun, a ochiului care nu vede excepționalitate și care nu manifestă vexare în proximitatea acestui destin. Iar parabola sa rezidă în tocmai antiteza a două entități: Lucien Chardon, un maestru al cuvântului, poet prin tehnică și spontaneitate, care se compromite în mod caraghios în inima unei societăți decadente și cumnatul său, David Séchard, poet prin simțire și existență, însă lipsit de talentul nativ, spirit pitoresc, de o bonomie soră cu naivitatea. Balzac nu propune o analiză a unor arhetipuri umane plauzibile, ci le ia, pur și simplu, din modernitatea contemporană și le aduce înaintea noastră dezavuându-le identitățile de orice artificiu – și, de ce nu am crede-o, lumea acelor vremuri avea multe de oferit în sensul ăsta! La fel ca azi și ca întotdeauna, de când Homo Sapiens se erijează în ceea ce pretinde a fi. Dacă, pentru unii cititori, apare drept un paradox faptul că, într-un editorial despre poezie, aducem în primul paragraf numele lui Balzac, acest exponent al prozei moderne, tot aceștia ne vor îngădui și o mică detaliere. Mulți dintre marii prozatori ai literaturii universale au debutat cu încercări poetice, versul fiind considerat un apanaj al tinereții, ca ulterior să- și afle vocația propriului lirism în monumentale opere în proză. Un exemplu pe placul inimii autorului acestor rânduri este însuși Caragiale care, într-un moment de precară inspirație, credem noi, ironiza poezia chiar în fața celui mai bun prieten al său, nimeni altul decât Eminescu. Dacă veți citi versurile lui Caragiale, veți înțelege lesne punctul nostru de vedere. Așadar, Poezia încotro? Asemenea unui cleric care, întrebat fiind unde este Dumnezeu în vremuri de restriște mondială, vom da același răspuns: acolo unde a fost dintotdeauna. Sigur, redundanța ce reiese din această sentință aparent evazivă, suscită oarece frustrări în chestiunea poetică, de aceea vom apela, mai departe, la dispoziția cititorului, asigurându-l de preocuparea noastră, dacă nu deplină, cel puțin satisfăcătoare asupra lirismului în sine. Căci Poesis nu înseamnă doar versificare! Versuri se scriau și la Moulin Rouge, ba chiar se savurau cu enormă larghețe. Poesis rezidă oriunde se identifică în etos, în tradiție, luându-și eponimul după continentul spiritual al simțitorului. Și iată, cu toate acestea, se scriu multe versuri, fără ca ele să fie poezie, fără să conțină miezul substanței lirice, fără să emane nici măcar cel mai firav fior de viață – iar asta este o consecință a fricii de prozodie, a tendinței de aliniere la uzanțe propuse și impuse de... niște non-poeți! De partea cealaltă, se află timizii,
  • 4. 4 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021 ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE indecișii, adică aceia care caută cu orice preț să se ralieze unor standarde pe care nici nu le înțeleg, nici nu le vor agrea vreodată. Abia dacă poți spera să scrii poezie în pentametru iambic doar pentru că cineva spune că acest tip de vers aparține literaturii engleze! Abia dacă vrei să construiești amfibrahi și anapești doar pentru că altcineva, înaintea ta, a făcut-o – și încă cu ce măiestrie! Dragii mei, luați-l pe Eminescu! El abundă de pentametri iambici (Ai noștri tineri), de amfibrahi (Mortua est!) și s-a aventurat în jocul de prozodii până într- acolo încât s-a întors la versul popular ca să ne ofere Luceafărul. El a scris Epigonii, apoi Memento mori și, mai târziu, Scrisorile urmând o prozodie ușor de regăsit la pașoptiști precum Ion Heliade Rădulescu (Sburătorul) sau Grigore Alexandrescu (Umbra lui Mircea. La Cozia), dar nu numai acolo, ci în chiar literatura clasicilor latini precum Vergiliu, Horațiu, Juvenal și Ovidiu! Cum să crezi că scrii poezie de vreme ce te ferești de așa-zisele șabloane? Ai întâlnit pentametrul trohaic al lui Esenin (Toți vom fi acolo, poți să sameni/Viața ta cu râs și cu tumult!/Pentru asta trag mereu spre oameni/Și-i iubesc pe toți atât de mult.//Pentru asta inima mi-e moartă/Când privesc al anilor prăpăd./Vechea casă cu-n dulău la poartă/Parcă simt că n-am s-o mai revăd) și ai descoperit că, la vreo optzeci de ani după moartea lui, ai scris ceva în aceeași prozodie și te suspectezi singur de plagiat? Păi, dacă te uiți după fiecare nor, nu mai pleci niciodată la drum! Lasciateʼogni speranza, voi chʼintrate (tot pentametru iambic, la care se adaugă un contraiamb sublimat în ultima silabă a versului, efect al perplexității)! Încă ceva: de la Baudelaire încoace, s-a trezit un deștept să spună că Florile răului au dat naștere poeziei moderne. Apăi, dacă însuși Baudelaire ar fi auzit inepția asta, i-ar fi dat ipocritului cu cartea peste ochi! Sau, ceva mai delicat, l-ar fi orientat către Candidul lui Voltaire și numeroasele versiuni ale nașterii lui Tamuz pentru a vedea mostre de literatură modernă! Dar când a fost vreodată ceva modern în jalnica istorie a lui Homo Sapiens? Oare Dante Aligheri ar mai fi scris Divina Comedie dacă ar fi crezut că modernitatea omenirii se va instaura abia după Baudelaire? Oare ar mai fi visat el la o întâlnire cu Vergiliu în Infern și cu Beatrix în Paradis dacă modernismul, postmodernismul și neomodernismul nu aveau, încă, degete să bată la porțile lumii? Cum a putut Ovidiu cel trist să se metamorfozeze într-un ținut al geților care râdeau în batjocură de graiul lui latin? Modernitate?! Nu, domnii mei! Lirică. Scumpa și oropsita lirică! Modernitatea e dejecția unei gândiri eterogene care, sub aparența liberalismului, invită spiritul să își suprime individualitatea prin acces la porțile facile ale falselor democrații. Prin estompare, spiritul nu mai iese din mulțime, ci se autogenerează în standardul unui infinit de oglinzi, incapabil să discearnă sinele de ceilalți și mulțimea de diversitate. Punctul just al sentimentului nu are nicio relevanță în raport cu șabloanele propuse de falsele libertăți! În teoria contagioasă a „modernismului“ (a se citi „pseudomodernism“!), valențele converg către același perimetru eterogen, în care
  • 5. 5 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021 year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198 gândirile tipizate vehiculează nonsensuri cu valoare axiomatică, în care libertatea se rezumă la tiparul unei realități construite prin ingerința unor precepte aduse cu roaba înaintea gurii. Deci, ce modernism și de unde? Din Comuna Primitivă?! Din marmura Senatului Roman?! Din flamura înstelată a Europei?! Ori din degetul mic al lui Lincoln cel așezat pe tron?! Și, ca să dăm credit (cu aceeași plăcere!) lui Eminescu, teoriile astea „supte din deget“ înseamnă modernism?! Cine nu înțelege că poezia este modernă în eternitatea ei, că ea rezidă dintotdeauna în arealul suprastructurat al gândirii și esteticii, ei bine, aceia sunt dedați (fie-ne iertată expresia) la prostituție literară. Când sufletul ajunge la supraplin de angoase, fie cade doborât, fie își desprinde aripile și izbucnește din crupa convenționalului. Noi singuri ne creăm ziduri împrejur și tot singuri vom fi în corvoada de a le dărâma. În definitiv, spiritele noastre gemene se află dincolo de acele baricade și nu ni se vor alătura decât atunci când vom fi gata să le primim. Astfel, lumea asta plină de simulări precare nu va mai fi străină de ea însăși, căci este un dat al firii să cunoaștem Purgatoriul înaintea Paradisului. Freamătul spiritului condensat în splendorile esteticii cristalizează năzuințele rațiunii, iar expresia poetică înalță făptura umană în sfera eterică fără să riște a-i mânia pe zeii artelor. Doar că desprinderea de cauzal necesită o exaltare a referențialului critic în progresie geometrică prin cultivarea intensă a acestui spirit. Desigur, nu trebuie să confundăm această întreprindere cu devalorizarea factorului substanță, materie, căci asta ar conduce la schilodirea spiritului privându-l de motorul care generează contemplarea. Materia, odată trecută prin caleidoscopul perspectivei estetice, se abstractizează, devine idee și, deci, intră în starea eterală, iar concretul rămâne extensia fixă a unui simbol. De așa manieră se comportă poezia, acest narcotic ce domolește sevrajele cotidianului, stârnește frenezii erotice prin transpunerea eului în voluptosul relief al planetei Venus și descătușează cugetul de rigiditatea rațiunii prin animarea pulsiunilor lirice. „Arzătoarea voință de creație mă aduce mereu la om, în același fel în care ciocanul este mânat spre piatră“ – scria Nietzsche cu privire la monumentala sa operă „Așa grăit-a Zarathustra“. Nu cred că există în literatura universală o sintetizare mai iscusită a menirii creatorului, întrucât ea combate teoria formelor în scopul eliberării fondului. Și ce altceva este poezia dacă nu o manifestare a fondului pur, originar, dezavuat de restricțiile pe care le îmbracă în mod amăgitor convenționalul? A crede că poezia oglindește fidel structura interioară, adică fondul creatorului, este, uneori, o deplorabilă amăgire. Cu toate acestea, cititorul resimte aleanul atavic de reîntregire ce rezidă în sevele versului. De aceea, pentru ca o poezie să își asigure eternizarea, autorul necesită să atingă numeroase deziderate din care vom aminti verosimilitatea și bogăția vocabularului propriu. Scopul oricărei creații lirice verosimile este, de cele mai multe ori, reflexiv-subiectiv, dar asta nu o împiedică, așa cum tradiția literară ne-o arată, să oglindească
  • 6. 6 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021 ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE simțăminte comune, dovedindu-și, astfel, mobilul tranzitiv. Poate că și de aceea mentalul colectiv dă credit majoritar prozei, alterând personalitatea poeziei prin orientare către proza scurtă, efect al tendinței de satisfacere imediată a unor nevoi sub generic intelectual. E drept că ritmul vieții comportă cadențe imprevizibile, că omul își măsoară rațiunea de a fi pe scara hazardului și el a realizat că drama îl apropie sau îl îndepărtează de alți oameni tot așa cum o face fericirea. Tocmai de aceea „ciocanul“ lui Nietzsche se apropie de „piatră“ și poezia stă aproape de spirit. Dacă m-ar fi întrebat cineva ce concluzii aș trasa la acest editorial, cândva aș fi fost tentat să răspund că nu există concluzii pertinente și exhaustive în privința poeziei. Dragii mei, aș încerca, totuși, un exercițiu de imaginație și v-aș invita să vă abandonați în voia propriilor firi, să petreceți într-un dialog intim cu naturile voastre și să vă lăsați fascinați de numeroasele necunoscute și întrebări ce vă vitalizează. Acolo, în leagănul de fantasme, ați putea găsi un gol pe care poezia nu promite să îl completeze în vreun fel, iar, în acel gol, se ascunde o poveste neterminată. De aceea, puteți îmbrățișa golul, puteți să plonjați în el, să vă izbiți de valuri și să le escaladați crestele. Extenuați pe plaja de iluzii, clipiți măcar o dată pentru a regăsi cerul care vă umanizează, vă admiră, vă trimite astrele ca pe cei mai dedicați martori ai poeziei numite OM. Și, dacă nici atunci nu ați gustat o fărâmă de eternitate, povestea poeziei voastre rămâne departe de a se fi încheiat. Et poesis quo? Motto: Poetry begins with the title and never ends. Balzac, a true visionary of human intentions without himself claiming this, manages to build, in the novel Lost Illusions, a brilliant parable of the destiny of poetry. And he does this with the ease conferred by the conviction of the common fact, of the eye that does not see exceptionality and that does not show vexation in the proximity of this destiny. And his parable lies in the exact antithesis of two entities: Lucien Chardon, a master of the word, a poet by technique and spontaneity, who jokingly compromises himself in the heart of a decadent society and his brother- in-law, David Séchard, a poet by feeling and existence, but lacking native talent, picturesque spirit, with a bonhomie sister with naivety. Balzac does not propose an analysis of plausible human archetypes, but simply takes them from his contemporary modernity and brings them before us by denying their identities of any artifice - and, why not believe it, the world of those times had many to offer in this sense! As today and as always, since Homo Sapiens has risen to what it claims to be. If, for some readers, it appears as a paradox that, in an editorial about poetry, we bring in the first paragraph the name of Balzac, this exponent of modern prose, they will also allow us a little detail. Many of the great prose writers of universal literature began with
  • 7. 7 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021 year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198 poetic attempts, the verse being considered a prerogative of youth, to later find out the vocation of their own lyricism in monumental works in prose. An example pleasing to the heart of the author of these lines is Caragiale himself, who, in a moment of precarious inspiration, we believe, ironized the poetry right in front of his best friend, none other than Eminescu. If you read Caragiale's lyrics, you will easily understand our point of view. So where goes Poetry? Like a clergyman who, being asked where God is in times of world hardship, we will give the same answer: where it has always been. Of course, the redundancy that emerges from this seemingly evasive sentence, provokes some frustrations in the poetic question, so we will continue to appeal to the reader, assuring him of our concern, if not complete, at least satisfactory on the lyricism itself. For Poesis does not only mean versification! Lyrics were also written at the Moulin Rouge, and were even enjoyed with enormous breadth. Poesis resides wherever it identifies itself in ethos, in tradition, taking its eponym after the spiritual continent of the sentient. And yet, however, many verses are written, without them being poetry, without containing the core of the lyrical substance, without emanating even the faintest thrill of life - and this is a consequence of the fear of prosody, of the tendency of alignment with customs proposed and imposed by... some non-poets! On the other hand, there are the timid ones, the undecided, that is, those who seek at all costs to meet standards that they neither understand nor will ever agree with. You can hardly hope to write poetry in iambic pentameter just because someone says that this type of verse belongs to English literature! You hardly want to build amphibras and anaphs just because someone else, before you, did it – and with what skill! My dear ones, take Eminescu! He abounds in iambic pentameters (Our young ones), amphibras (Mortua est!) and ventured into the game of prosody to the point that he returned to the popular verse to offer us The Vesper. He wrote the Epigones, then Memento mori and, later, the Letters following a prosody easily found in Pasoptists such as Ion Heliade Rădulescu (The Flyer) or Grigore Alexandrescu (Mircea's Shadow. At Cozia), but not only there, but in the literature of the Latin classics such as Virgil, Horace, Juvenal and Ovid! How do you think you're writing poetry since you're avoiding so-called templates? You met Esenin's trochaic pentameter and you discover that, about eighty years after his death, you wrote something in the same prosody and suspect yourself of plagiarism? Well, if you look after every cloud, you never go on the road again! Lasciateʼogni speranza, voi chʼintrate (also iambic pentameter, to which is added a sublimated counteriamb in the last syllable of the verse, an effect of perplexity)! One more thing: from Baudelaire onwards, a smart man woke up to say that the Flowers of Evil gave birth to modern poetry. Well, if Baudelaire himself had heard this nonsense, he would have hit the hypocrite in the eye! Or, a little more delicately, he would have turned to
  • 8. 8 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021 ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE Voltaire's Candid and the many versions of Thamus' birth to see samples of modern literature! But when was there anything modern in the pathetic history of Homo Sapiens? Would Dante Aligheri have written the Divine Comedy if he had believed that the modernity of mankind would be established only after Baudelaire? Would he have dreamed of a meeting with Virgil in Hell and Beatrix in Paradise if modernism, postmodernism, and neomodernism still did not have fingers knocking at the gates of the world? How could the sad Ovid metamorphose into a land of the Getae who laughed mockingly at his Latin speech? Modernity?! No, gentlemen! Lyric. The dear and oropsite lyric! Modernity is the dejection of a heterogeneous thought that, under the guise of liberalism, invites the spirit to suppress its individuality through access to the easy gates of false democracies. By blurring itself, the spirit no longer stands out from the crowd, but self-generates in the standard of an infinite number of mirrors, unable to discern the self from others and the multitude of diversity. The righteous point of the feeling has no relevance in relation to the patterns proposed by the false liberties! In the contagious theory of "modernism" (read "pseudomodernism"!), the valences converge to the same heterogeneous perimeter, in which standardized thoughts convey nonsense with axiomatic value, in which freedom is reduced to the pattern of a reality constructed by the interference of precepts brought with the wheelbarrow before the mouth. So what modernism and where? From the Primitive Commune?! From the marble of the Romanian Senate?! From the starry flag of Europe?! Or from Lincoln's little finger sitting on the throne?! And, to give credit (with the same pleasure!) to Eminescu, do these "finger- sucked" theories mean modernism?! Those who do not understand that poetry is modern in its eternity, that it always resides in the superstructured area of thought and aesthetics, well, those are devoted (may our expression be forgiven) to literary prostitution. When the soul becomes overflowing with anguish, it either falls down or spreads its wings and bursts out of the croup of the conventional. We alone create walls around us and we will be alone in the chore of tearing them down. Ultimately, our twin spirits are beyond those barricades and will not join us until we are ready to receive them. Thus, this world full of precarious simulations will no longer be foreign to itself, for it is a matter of nature to know Purgatory before Paradise. The commotion of the spirit condensed in the splendors of aesthetics crystallizes the aspirations of reason, and the poetic expression elevates the human being in the etheric sphere without risking angering the gods of the arts. It's just that causal detachment requires an exaltation of the critical frame of reference in geometric progression through the intense cultivation of this spirit. Of course, we must not confuse this enterprise with the devaluation of the factor substance, matter, because this would lead to the crippling of the spirit by depriving it of the
  • 9. 9 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021 year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198 engine that generates contemplation. Matter, once passed through the kaleidoscope of aesthetic perspective, is abstracted, becomes an idea and, therefore, enters the etheric state, and the concrete remains the fixed extension of a symbol. This is how poetry behaves, this narcotic that calms the daily weanings, arouses erotic frenzy by transposing the ego into the voluptuous upground of the planet Venus and unleashes the thought of the rigidity of reason by animating lyrical pulsions. "The burning will of creation always brings me to man, in the same way that the hammer is driven to the stone" – wrote Nietzsche about his monumental work "Thus spoke Zarathustra". I do not think that there is a more skilful synthesis in the universal literature of the creator's purpose, since it combats the theory of forms in order to release the fund. And what else is poetry if not a manifestation of the pure, original background, disavowed by the restrictions that the conventional deceptively wears? To believe that poetry faithfully mirrors the inner structure, that is, the background of the creator, is sometimes a deplorable deception. However, the reader feels the atavistic alliance of reunion that resides in the sap of the verse. Therefore, in order for a poem to ensure its perpetuation, the author needs to reach numerous desideratums from which we will mention the plausibility and richness of vocabulary. The purpose of any plausible lyrical creation is, most of the time, reflexive- subjective, but this does not prevent it, as the literary tradition shows us, from mirroring common feelings, thus proving its transitive motive. Perhaps that is why the collective mind gives majority credit to prose, altering the personality of poetry by focusing on short prose as an effect of the tendency to immediately satisfy some needs under intellectual generic. It is true that the rhythm of life involves unpredictable cadences, that man measures his reason of being on the scale of chance, and he realized that drama brings him closer or further away from other people just as happiness does. That is why Nietzsche's "hammer" approaches the "stone" and poetry is close to the spirit. If someone had asked me what conclusions I would draw from this editorial, I would have once been tempted to answer that there are no pertinent and exhaustive conclusions about poetry. My dear ones, I would try, however, an exercise of imagination and I would invite you to abandon yourselves to your own nature, to spend in an intimate dialogue with your natures and to be fascinated by the many unknowns and questions that vitalize you. There, in a cradle of fantasies, you might find a void that poetry does not promise to fill in any way, and in that void lies an unfinished story. Therefore, you can embrace the void, you can dive into it, hit the waves and climb their ridges. Exhausted on the beach of illusions, blink at least once to find the sky that humanizes you, admires you, sends you the stars as the most dedicated witnesses of poetry called HUMAN. And, even if you haven't tasted a shred of eternity even then, the story of your poetry is far from over.
  • 10. 10 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021 ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE poetry 5-24 Gerlinde Staffler Sleepless mind Thoughts are wandering in turbulent streams Many a blinking spot in my brain beams I can’t catch all these naughty fireflies They flow through me opening my eyes Thoughts leave me never alone They’re present twice like a clone Roaming my woods in swarm of ideas In numerous queries, worries and plans Thoughts are sprouting like plants Or like a range of hills of ants My head beats like a battle drum Leaving me so as I forget my name Thoughts glide through my mind Thoughts wrench from the heart unkind They talk to me without strain Of joy, fear, anger and pain Unceasing thoughts fall asleep Then in weird dreams they always creep And fly with me all the night But nothing can I do for their might Adam Żemojtel Pysznych myśli słowa rozlałaś słodyczy eliksir na skórze ciekawskim oczom skleiłaś powieki ty tylko wiesz na co przy tobie zasłużę nagość zanurzając do miłosnej rzeki mgłą tajemnych uczuć przesłaniasz krajobraz nie pozwalasz myślom mym dociekać prawdy rozkosz mą wyłaniasz swym ciałem raz po raz nie czekasz na powrót zasłużonej karmy wzniecony płomień szybko się rozrasta jak miłość wzbudzona do entej potęgi wilgoć taka słodka klei się i mlaska swym śladem różowe kreśli dreszczy wstęgi pocałunkiem dławisz słów moich potoki w szczerym mym zachwycie obawiasz się kłamstwa w spocone tak włosy wkręcasz swoje loki pochłaniasz istnienie w nadziei poddaństwa opóźniasz celowo mej eksplozji chwilę podsycasz ogień i znów go uciszasz zabierasz z ust wrzącą od miłości ślinę w ciemności tajemny powodujesz miraż dusze chcą ulecieć z naczyń połączonych krew znów rozżarzona i to do białości plączą się akordy serc nieposkromionych rozkosz znów przygasa bynajmniej nie w złości
  • 11. 11 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021 year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198 wreszcie się wyzwala burza z piorunami nie ma takiej siły by orgazm powstrzymać rozbłyski się łączą z wielkimi grzmotami wzburzonej rozkoszy nie da się zatrzymać zastygają chłodem miłosne potoki serc obu symfonia spokojem przycicha kwiaty umęczone spijają swe soki miłość znów gorąca spływa do kielicha Bhagirath Choudhary Human Poverty Do I need Any religion To keep A kind eye And loving vision ? Do I need Any big talks To think Universally benevolent Kind thoughts ? Do I need Fine linguistics To speak Kind and caring words Without selfish tricks ? Do I need Any philosophy To treat One and all With empathy ? Do I need Any education To love all With humanistic passion And loving Unconditional compassion ? Do I need Any mysticism Of a great Shaman To be good human With loving humanism ? I have already All what I need For benevolent Thought, word and deed I have already All the potential And humanistic worth To create heaven Here upon earth But I behave Like a frog in a well Every moment I create a sinful hell With my sadistic creed Of evil thought, With cunning word And selfish deed.
  • 12. 12 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021 ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE Adam Decowski Wędrówka [Journey] nad moim a może i nad twoim snem ten sam lęk drąży labirynty cieni które zatrzasną się szczelnie gdy zostaniemy odcięci na zawsze od światła któregoś dnia przystajemy nagle w tym pośpiesznym marszu oglądamy się wołamy nie ma jednego z nas jeszcze słyszymy gasnące kroki chwytamy w dłonie popiół jego słów i nie możemy uwierzyć że nie poda nam ręki nie ogrzeje klamki naszego domu i nie potrafimy wypełnić blizny powietrza po nim a nasza wędrówka nadal trwa jej dni słońca wahadło odmierza aż kiedyś nieruchome zawęźli nasz czas i opadający liść serca ostatnim uderzeniem w ciemność ziemi zapuka Prince Steve Oyebode The power of love We thought it was but a mere oath When we both sworn an allegiance That nothing shall in anyway separate us Not even the ugly moments of ill health Or the dangerous time of austerity Even period of unanswered prayers We never knew we were both wrong When our emotions overwhelmed us Now that the ugly visitor of death beckons at me Whispering to me about my very last moment To separate and do us part till eternity My consolation is that you shall outlive me Even now that I believed you have the liberty I mean the freedom to choose another man The more I realize I’m fast leaving this world Surprisingly, the clearer I see we’re both leaving This undemystified magnet has glued us Right from the hour we made the promise That wherever I go thou shall also go That my people shall be yours and vice versa That my life shall always be your life And that your death shall also be mine Now I know the nitty gritty of oath That we both made under the mango tree
  • 13. 13 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021 year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198 Selma Kopic Waiting for midnight It wasn't a night like any other, it was a night of hope for better days. In the circle of family and friends or alone in their homes, everyone could hardly wait for the year that was so bad to pass. Sparks of fireworks shone over the city when I heard your voice. You sing about longing for your darling as you drive on the deserted icy roads of the north! You call her to come and run her hand through your hair. Tears burn in my eyes like needles. Am I that darling you call with verses? The lost hope warms my heart whichbeginstobeatmadly, then hurts as if it will stop. This night brought joy to many, I know those to whom it caused sorrow because accidents happen even on the most beautiful occasions. It brought me you and your love song aboutadistantdarlingyoucallintoanembrace. I feel every word, they tap on my wounded heart like a sword. But I love that pain, it makes me feel alive again. “I am the one he longs for’’, I whispered silently as I sank into a sweet sleep, quietly. Čekajući ponoć To nije bila noć kao sve druge, bila je to noć nade u bolje dane. U krugu porodice i prijatelja ili usamljenički u svojim kućama, svi su jedva čekali da prođe godina koja je bila tako loša. Nad gradom su svijetlile iskre vatrometa kad sam čula tvoj glas. Pjevaš o čežnji za svojom dragom dok voziš se pustim zaleđenim cestama sjevera. Zoveš je da dođe i rukom ti kroz kosu prođe. Zapekoše suze u mojim očima kao iglice. Jesam li ja ta draga koju stihovima zoveš? Izgubljena nada zagrija moje srce koje ludo poče da kuca, zatim zaboli kao da će stat. Ova noć donijela je mnogima radost, znam i one kojima je prouzročila tugu jer nesreće se događaju i u najljepšim prigodama. Meni je donijela tebe i tvoju ljubavnu pjesmu o dalekoj dragoj koju zoveš u zagrljaj. Osjećam svaku riječ, one tapkaju po mom ranjenom srcu kao mač. Ali ja taj bol volim, čini da se ponovo živom osjetim. „Ja sam ta za kojom čezne’’, nijemo sam šaputala dok sam tiho u slatki san tonula.
  • 14. 14 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021 ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE Shaswata Gangopadhyay Two Poems Circus Now this time a tent is pitched, wet grass at the southern field Hand-clapping of clowns, hair-raising shifting movement Of trapeze tricks in darkness, we sit spell- bound There're scantily dressed girls standing on the hunches of camels And keeping the balance, reminds us that world is globular Three white cockatoos go away riding on cycles But as soon as they depart, the interval bell rings After the recess comes a funny magician in overcoat Ah! how he swallowed up a good number of multi-colored fish The scene changes in an instant, there's throbbing in the heart, The bike rotates round in the enclosure at a break-neck speed If it slips from the orbit, will there be any fiery explosion? There's an announcement in the mike: tighten up your seat-belt The last item in the breathless arena, the intercourses of tigers Emergency Under some manholes of streets in Kolkata, a few adolescent girls, as innocent as cherry flowers, are kept confined. At midnight my sleep fades away suddenly and I listen to the wailing groans they make being suffocated. As if from all sides the river-banks are slipping away over the flood-water with flashing sounds. A day will come when I won't meet anyone, known to me earlier. Only we will exchange handshakes among us through hand gloves only, one after the other. One day, all the words will desert me, leaving me all alone. Perhaps a line or two in poetry, in spite of their trying to reach very near to each other, will not find a parking-space in the clumsy jottings of my diary. Translated by: Rajdeep Mukherjee Shaswata Gangopadhyay One of Prominent faces of contemporary Bengali poetry, who started writing in the mid 90s. Born & brought up in Kolkata, Shaswata has profound interest in travelling, adventure and classical music. His poetry has been highly appreciated among other fellow poets for its colorful and rich content. His book of poems: Inhabitant of Pluto Planet (2001) Offspring of Monster (2009) and Holes of Red Crabs (2015). Very recently one of his poems has been exhibited in a Short Poetry Festival in Piccolo Museo della Poesia, Italy – the only Poetry Museum of the world.
  • 15. 15 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021 year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198 SIR SILVANO BORTOLAZZI "Sono" Detesto le lotterie, poiché non amo vincere: non potrei rinunciare al mio piccolo mondo d'amorevoli sogni. Non cerco il potere, poiché non voglio sottomettere: è inconcepibile comandare ed intimorire i giusti. Voglio essere, non voglio avere: per non detestarmi, per essere libero da me stesso e dagli altri: per essere rispettato come uomo. Prendo la mia croce di povertà, accetto le umiliazioni degli arricchiti che un tempo mi furono fratelli: li ringrazio per la loro stupida indifferenza. Vivo nel silenzio della preghiera, nel mio esilio di poeta richiuso tra quattro mura. Parlo con Dio: perdono tutti. Desiderare non è un mio concetto ma colgo i piaceri della vita: possono condurmi verso la comprensione degli estremi limiti della saggezza. Io Sono, tutto quello che tutti vogliono avere credendo d'essere. "I'm" I hate lotteries, as I don't like winning: I couldn't give up my little world of loving dreams. I don't seek power, as I don't want to subdue: it is inconceivable to command and intimidate the righteous. I want to be, I don't want to have: so as not to hate me, to be free from myself and others: to be respected as a man. I take my cross of poverty, I accept the humiliations of the enriched who were once brothers to me: I thank them for their stupid indifference. I live in the silence of prayer, in my exile as a poet enclosed within four walls. I speak to God: they all lose. Desiring is not my concept but I take the pleasures of life: they can lead me to understanding of the extreme limits of wisdom. I am, everything everyone wants to have believing to be.
  • 16. 16 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021 ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE Janamenjoy Ghorai „”Grammar of Life” Blazing in conflict with the rhythm of the current of life In the triad bed of prepositional prepositions Again the vowel rises and sets I walked the path of wonder for no reason The grammar of life, Maybe in the cosmic beauty of the colorless alphabet lifestyle at the touch of a coyote Adjective adjectives come selectively Where there is a juncture of life, Floating caught the magic world Beautiful metallic form of sound Repeatedly in the innumerable complications of the smooth mouth The grammar of life at the end of the full taste of the verb sampika Happiness ends in the silence of sorrow Comma maybe wonderful silent beard, Rather it leaves the white- black burning house of life grammar side by side. Ruki Kočan Evo svjetlosti Ljubavi, Iskro Života. Probudi Svijet Mira. Neka ode zlo, i mržnja. Mrak, užas i zabluda. Evo, evo svima Svjetlosti. Idi, - ma brišite gluposti. Pohlepa i bolest, haos - ljubomora i trač. Idi - idi nepismena smrti. Evo sreće, i Ljubavi... Evo, evo - Svjetlosti. Naba Kumar Podder A Tale of Coloured Pent (Translator -Shikdar Mohammed kibriah) At the end nobody has to be detached Nobody is only beloved as the colour Of monochord This tattoo time is strange too! Is everything written in script? Can everything rush to the utmost Of piano--- Violin and pipe are not similar Yet in a word they are artistic They are fragrant Antiseptic. Enemy doesn't test who is real Or who is fake in the war. What's need to react from the out? Come to a fuss- Pour some romance in this Bay of Bengal.
  • 17. 17 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021 year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198 Ramesh Chandra Pradhani Something remained untold Far away from the world of love being highly immature Couldn't perceive your body language due to childish nature Couldn't really comprehend you, that alluring smile You were not remaining aloof from me even a while Your posture seemed me the sparkling angel of heaven so merry Your gait in front of me assumed the dance of celestial fairies Your presence in the bathing ghats as if coincidental Thy appearance again and again beyond my imagination oriental Sitting like a child in the group before me stole my attraction But never did I bother or take to my mind's calculation Your eyes gazing at me haunted sometimes I felt The hidden desire inside you nearing me seen myself melt In the wee hours often your body dashed against me Myself ashamed of it and strived to keep me distant The rapport between you and me made me ignorant Days after days passed away leaving something untold That puzzled, disturbed, suffered and deferred me bold. Often I guessed how you created opportunity to meet me Fear and shameness battled my mind being gloomy. Dared not to talk to you in inevitable fright Dare not to touch you though chance to invite The day when I came to know you fell in love It was high time to taste the fruits of joyous love. I wish the day would come back with a last chance Had not at all lost that joy of divine romance. Jigme Jamtsho Windows of winter Gazing warm rays of beautiful sun Touches my cheek through the window Amid to the drowsy morning without fun Listening to Robin from the far meadow Resting on the soft and clumsy pillow Vapours from the coffee cup waving hi My half opened eyes gazed from below And the sip of coffee refresh me to glorify Activeness pushed me outside to refresh Feeling the chill sensation of the breeze And soothing scent of nature that bless The winter numb me speechless to freeze Through the windows of winter season I can see the mountains fully with snow Even the streams flowing with the reason Every second of life matters as we know
  • 18. 18 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021 ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE AD Ibrahim My nubian princess How tan is she! kissed by warmth of the sun's rays skin dripping melanin Her hips invites you Her kinky hair a golden crown of mother earth Her skin tone a badge of honor Her lips sweeter than red wine Her obsidian skin softer than fur a beam to African Kings and heroes A microcosm of the universe hips swaying in self love as I dance to the afro drum of life Milka J.Šolaja Bljesak bjeline Da li to pada snijeg ili pahulje lete, u očima bljesak bjeline. Sivilo nestade u trenu, jecaj me prenu... Djetinjstvo me probudi na Ličkom putu u starom kaputu, kroz snijeg gazim sretna. Timothy Michael DiVito "A One Way Train" It's time to leave now, the train departs shortly. Westward dream bound into an unknown world, across the desert of time. Just sweet memories now, a love once shared happily. Now abruptly shattered like glass of the human soul, all aboard the train of life. I gave to you my one heart, now I travel the world alone on an optimistic train track, leading me to new memories, visions of madness forgotten. Tracks leading to new dreams far down the line of existence, to unknown opportune towns. But a true adventure of life leading to brighter horizons.
  • 19. 19 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021 year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198 Velimir Siljanoski Početak! Početak našeg stradanja polako se svima otkriva mi sigurno gubimo bitku još nije kasno da tražimo priliku Posle toliko godina mi smo naraštaj koji plaća cenu sve što se danas dešava u svetu postoji način opet naći se na svetlu Neko je zbog nas život dao kako bi nas od greha okupao dao nam je i odeću čistu a mi bez časti izgubismo bitku Još nije kasno braćo i sestre da se pokajemo svi za svoje grehe nastavimo tamo gde su pre nas stali molimo se milostivom Bogu da se sažali Da nam opet u pomoć dođe donese pobedu i da slobode jer sami smo slabi i grešimo jedni druge mi ne znamo da utešimo Vrati se silo nebeska jaka oteraj ovaj strah iz stomaka vrati životu veru i blagostanje u svima nama postoji u Gospoda verovanje Cilenti Emanuele The poet of the clouds. I wrote you this love letter I didn't use the usual words I made a miracle on the blue sheet of infinity splashing magic ink made of clouds and I composed this tender lyric a pure white writing that tastes like rain but also of snow, a poet in the clouds just to reveal to the whole world my eternal and celestial love for you. Dijana Uherek Stevanović, Pervasion In the treetops, I hid the sun, to remind me of you. Do not worry, I'll set him free for I would not hold you captive either. My thoughts are free, like this passing day, like the year 2020 that is disappearing, as well as the life that passes. Look at us, we are like day and night, we are entangled in time. We are the sun, the source of life.
  • 20. 20 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021 ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE Mahanaj Parvin Title name: "Love Stars" That night knows, that star knows, The sky knows, the moon knows, How I love you! Today my heart dances like a peacock! I have written your name on each star. Honeymoon will be in the light of the stars! The stars in the sky cannot be finished, My love can't end I will fill you with romantic stories. Rupoli moon is smiling, The star is shining brightly, I just love you! Grasshoppers and butterflies are playing at the tip of my eyes! The garden of the mind smells of fragrant flowers! I will decorate you with the seven colors of the rainbow! I will talk to those twinkling stars in the sky- Love only you! Lenuș Lungu Watch the sun go down in the night cup this is how loneliness descends in my soul… your steps, vain hopes bound in a chain, where in the course of time a secret clings behind your words there are two lips that give life the muffled mixture between the rows. put your hands next to you to be able to include them Remember me Clouds are my calling When he shakes, I stretch out my arms to the sky and smile at you. Stefano Capasso That Wonderful Time will it ever come back? Look far beyond the Horizon and see nothing, if not ghosts chasing each other . in a mad rush against time, it's really sad. There are shadows that dissolve instantly only to appear, like snow clouds while others, suddenly, fill the scene of tender memories of the past, when everything and everything it was truly wonderful. But that wanderful time will it ever come back? Eyes now tired makes it clear, that anyway those already passed they really stay extraordinary memories.
  • 21. 21 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021 year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198 Adeyemi Kehinde A. Oluwanishola If i have not told you If I have not told you You wouldn't have believed me Seeing the temperature of your eyes As it rained snow of anger and bitterness Icould feel the heavinessof the rain in your eyes Knowing fully well you yourself don't care to raise your voice at me Despite how much I tried to caution and parcify you You never listened but crucified my heart before them all The dilemma to this equation was nothing but a setup I could hardly look into your eyes than to gaze my words My eyes are soaked of tears showing the sobriety of my heart Yet not a chance to at least prove myself right You wouldn't have trusted me If not that I say whatever will be will surely be I accepted fate when the clamouring was much You've forgotten how you triggered my heart Yet I never picked offense nor judge you for who you are I gave you second chance which leads to a billion times I'mme!IfonlyyoucouldlistentowhatIhavetosay Bless God you came back to your senses but the damage is done Everyone left with the crumbs of your attitude displayed Take no thought because I've forgiven you Even before now and ever after This words melt her heart and brought tears of apologizy She knelt before him and pleased He raised her up with smile and love Embracing each other once again If I have not told you this neither would you believe me Mayokun Kehinde Folorunsho Unbecoming And now sleepwalkers in beheaded dreams We have dreamed with a heart Unwashed as a madman Around the bonfire of ethnic offerings Blazing in bloody heat In those forgotten centuries Holy blades split emirates' soul And what will our myopic eyes see When we have tagged our countrymen with battle scars Inscribed by the thirst of emperors That paced our homeland for many decades? Down this path flooded with rage We have been the draughtsman Of what we wish we were Which seems the anthem for another age We have sacrificed Biafra's skulls Yet born again into recurring waves We now are a flickering lighthouse And the victory songs are The anguish and wailing of sucklings Brimming the trophies we brought home From voyages and nameless wars
  • 22. 22 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021 ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE Ion CUZUIOC S-a născut la 16 septembrie 1949 în familia intelectualilor Valentina şi Pavel Cuzuioc din comuna Ţareuca, judeţul Orhei, Republica Moldova. A absolvit Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie ,,N. Testemiţanu”. Eminent al Ocrotirii Sănătăţii. Medic specialist Sănătatea Publică şi Managementul Sanitar (categorie superioară). Distins cu Ordinul ,,Gloria Muncii”și Medalia „Nicolae Milescu Spătarul”, Titluri Onorifice: ,,Ambasador al Păcii (ONU) și „Ambasador al Culturii Păcii”(Asociația Europeană a Societății Civile) ; Distincţia ,,Coroana Păcii”(ONU); Premiul Uniunii Scriitorilor din Moldova (2000), (2009), Uniunii Ziariștilor Profesioniști din România (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019), Premiul UNESCO şi numeroase premii şi menţiuni la Saloane Internaționale de Carte, Concursuri și Festivaluri Literare Naţionale şi Internaţionale. Cetăţean de Onoare al comunei Ţareuca, Rezina, Orhei. Membru al Uniunii Epigramiştilor, Uniunii Scriitorilor și Uniunii Ziariștilor Profesioniști din România. Membru al Uniunii Cineaştilor, Uniunii Umoriştilor, Uniunii Epigramiștilor, Uniunii Jurnaliştilor şi Uniunii Scriitorilor din Moldova. Membru al Asociației Naționale a Oamenilor de Creație din Moldova. Membru al Senatului Asociației Oamenilor de Știință, Cultură și Artă din Moldova. Membru al Confederaţiei Internaţionale a Cineaştilor, Membru al Federaţiei Internaţionale a Jurnaliştilor. Membru al Asociației Canadiene a Scriitorilor Români. Membru al Academiei Româno- Australiană. Membru al Academiei Națiunii Române. A editat peste 40 de cărţi de epigrame, aforisme, proză (romane, nuvele, poveşti şi povestiri pentru copii, schiţe umoristice), versuri lirice, poeme stil nipon, publicistică. În toţi aceşti ani publică cronici literare, eseuri, sfaturi medicale, articole ştiinţifico-populare. Selecţii din creaţia sa literară au fost incluse în peste 200 de antologii şi culegeri din România, Rusia, SUA, Austria, Australia, Franța, Canada, Coreea de Sud și Muntenegru, Macedonia etc. Poemele de sorginte niponă (Haiku, Senryu și Gogyohka) semnate de Ion Cuzuioc au fost traduse în limbile japoneză, engleză, franceză, rusă, muntenegreană și macedoniană, fiind publicate în diverse antologii, culegeri și reviste de profil de peste hotare. Ion Cuzuioc s-a învrednicit de peste 100 de premii și mențiuni la Concursurile Săptămânale și Lunare de Haiku, Senryu și Gogyohka organizate de către Romanian Haiku, Lyrical flashes, Dincolo de retină, Gogyohka România, Gogyohka SUA etc. Recent, scriitorul nostru român basarabean, Ion Cuzuioc, care a participat la Concursurile Internaționale Literare „Planetopia 2020” și „Literatopia 2020” din Macedonia s-a învrednicit de premiile I la secțiunea Aforisme și Haiku.
  • 23. 23 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021 year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198 *** pădure în flăcări – plânsul puiului de cuc înecat în fum *** lacul fără pește – paznicul de serviciu dus cu pluta *** pe prispa casei – un scaun și o cârjă doar amintire *** surpriza nopții – soțul de la cazino în frunza Evei *** vreme toridă – căruțașul dormind la umbra cailor *** de gardă la muzeu – lângă stative motanul torcând în voie *** pe ultimul drum – în urma sicriului florile călcate Anna Maria Stępień Recepta Nie ma na ziemi chyba człowieka, Co drogą gładką ciągle idzie, lato czy zima. Tak jest i było od prawieków… Troski, obawy, z czymś się zżyma Czy mały on, czy duży jest… Życiowy czeka go codziennie test. I nie ma na tej ziemi tego, Który szczęśliwy ze wszystkiego, Co los przynosi z sobą w darze. Wzloty, upadki, przygód bez liku – tych złych i dobrych… A na dodatek dorzuci czasem Worek jak tęcza wielobarwny Pełen przepięknych o szczęściu marzeń. Gdy z tego sprawę sobie zdasz, Receptę wtem na swe bolączki gotową masz: Jak radzić sobie, nawet gdy Nie idzie po Twej myśli Ci, Gdy nie po myśli Twojej jest, To co dookoła dziś Ciebie dzieje się. W górę więc serce, przed siebie pierś, Rękawy zakasz, siedzisz czy stoisz, Do pracy umysł zaprzęgnij i ręce swoje. I nie myśl, żeś jest sam, choć pewnie… We dwoje lepiej, gdy druga para rąk, Gdy głowy dwie, Do pracy nad jaśniejszym jutrem Już dziś z zapałem wezmą się… W marzeń magiczną moc swych wierz, Bo przecież Ty sam najlepiej wiesz, Co w duszy Twojej tańczy, co w niej gra! Chyba, że wolisz, gdy to Ci podpowiadam ja…?
  • 24. 24 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021 ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE Muhammad Ishaq Abbasi The Rape Three days ago when the night spread it's fence. The woman with her three children, was going from Lahore to Gujranwala by motorway, after meeting her sister. She belonged to a family that ate and drank. Suddenly, her car ran out of petrol on the road near Gujarpura village. It was one o'clock at night. And the car stopped. She was screaming and screaming for help. Meanwhile, two beasts came and broke the glass of the car and started looting her. The pen was trembling and the heart was coming to the mouth as I wrote the poem. Heaven and earth were weeping at the cries of mothers and children. The mother was holding her children in her arms along with her honor. Sometimes she was calling to the East and sometimes to the West for help. Everyone was enjoying their sleep. The beasts dragged her and her children into a nearby forest. The desolation of the forest was also weeping tears of blood. The mother was beaten and raped in front of the children. And left them there and fled. Everyone needs to do their part to end this oppression. Heaven is under mother's feet. And our society has tramped a mother underfoot.
  • 25. 25 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021 year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198 Dušan Pejaković The law of causality Interpersonal correlation – what a strenuous activity, such a complicated dynamics. It mainly manifests itself: like this dual current of life’s force running down the paths of our doings. It’s much like the law of nature, that proportional, inversed logic – so called reciprocity of action and reaction. Aftermath of all that rationalizing should be the sum of inputs leading to a desirable outputs. The whole world as my witness - that modality of computing and analyzing in the real world - nowadays - is baseless. A stampede of inequality and injustice A stampede mainly formed out of: misconceptions, misconstructions and poor judgments - is bulldozing all over the entity of individual being. The world machinery is pushing, irresistibly, a single amorphous template of conduct and the richness of diversity of each individuality - it is washed away like dirt after heavy rain. Everything tends to be constructed that way, that all shades of a wide range of colors are being repainted in one of the shades of nonetheless then mechanical-worker gray. The goal is to produce as many units of the identical as possible, to delete differences with one stroke of the keyboard. And what is the only thing left for us, as an option, being non-stop propagated every single day? Adapt, learn to be like others or simply disappear. Short biography: Dušan Pejaković is a student, volunteer, social entrepreneur and author, based in Podgorica, Montenegro. A passionate reader and nature lover. Currently at the position of MA candidate at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Montenegro. Has been expressing himself through written word from an early age. He writes and creates on a multilingual basis (languages of the Balkan peninsula area, English, Spanish, Italian) Published so far in several books of poetry, culture magazines, as well as via online platforms. In July 2020, he published a book of English poetry “Unrest of lucidity” which can be found on Amazon as well as other places Amazon collaborates with. He also writes prose, primarily embodied in the form of short stories, novellas and essays. His second book of poetry, written in his native language (Eng. translation: “The silhouette of an unfulfilled dream) has been published in November 2020. He is currently working on a new project, which is underway, and it is a collection of stories.
  • 26. 26 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021 ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE prose 25-30 Spisateljica Biserka Maslačak na planeti Pokosila sam travu, provukla ruke kroz grm lavande, sjela na klupicu i podigla noge na crni kamen prošaran bijelim, kvarcnim žilama. Kroz napola zatvorene oči, zaklonjene dugim trepavicama, opijena mirisima, promatrala sam male oblačiće, ružičaste od zalaska sunca. Baš kad sam pomislila kako bi bilo divno da sjediš tu, kraj mene, ugledala sam njega, moj mjesec, veličanstven kao i uvijek, ali opet, večeras poseban. Tek sad sam otkrila kamo nestaju svi oni maslačci sa zelenih livada, lebdjeli su oko mjeseca, obasjani njegovim sjajem, tvorili paučinastu koprenu koja se omatala oko njega. Pružila sam ruke, visoko, visoko, želim te dotaknuti. Odjednom, mjesec se zamutio, zatitrao, kao odsjaj u vodi. Osjetim dodir na obrazu i rukom krenem očekujući tvoje prste. Ne nalazim ih, samo kapljice na mom dlanu, blješte kao dijamanti na mjesečevom sjaju. Još jedna noć spušta se na pokošenu travu i usamljen moj lik na klupi. Oko mene, žamor života, u meni, samo neizdrživa čežnja koja gori na ovoj planeti. Zoran Radosavljević Pompeja Rukama krvavim od borbe sa njenim demonima sakupljao sam ostatke pepela te Pompeje u njoj..Vezuve moj..gasila te prekrasna reka Sarno.. Bila je rodjena sa vatrom u sebi. Čuvala je u dodirima i mislima, i poklanjala malo po malo ljudima, sve dok joj iskra u oćima nije nestala.Nestala je toplina i dobrota koju je širila..Ljudi su je istrošili i ostavili.. Da joj ližem krvave očnjake posle životnih poraza, ona da me čuva od celog sveta …Da vidamo rane jedno drugom..klesanjem joj đavoli prošlosti želili oduzeti dobrotu..borio sam se koliko sam mogao da sačuvam tu njenu anđeosku lepotu … Meni su godinama krvava stopala, a i dalje istim putevima moja duša korača …idem njoj u susret da je čuvam dok opet ne ojača…nemoj te da pomislite da tražim izgovor samo da bi lutao… Kad je Niče plakao, svet je ćutao…a ići ću opet i opet iznova..čujem kako viću izađi iz zabluda i uđi u stvarnost, umrećeš od lažnih snova Ne znaju oni da sam takav po rodjenju… pred putokazima spuštam glavu, volim da idem po sopstvenom nahođenju ..kao i biljka kad sama od sebe baci svoje sopstveno seme… džaba ste štedeli sve te tišine, reči, dodire i pesme kad se pravi ljudi pojave u pogrešno vreme ..Jurim prema njoj danima i noć bole me padovi ali bi me boleo pad u njenim oćima..potrudiću se da joj život ne bude samo od plača…ostaću sa njom dok ne ojača..
  • 27. 27 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021 year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198 Šahdo Bošnjak Iz moje neobjavljene zbirke priča: “tešanjske koke i druge priče” Banane Da li je Ahmetu pomogla Butra i hodža Grbeša ili mu je pomoglo nešto drugo da progleda, tek on je ponovo uspostavio harmoniju u braku, odlično se razumijevajući i slažućisa svojom ženom Safom. Ama, hronična nestašica novca ponovo je zaprijetila da bi mogla ozbiljno ugroziti tu bračnu harmoniju i sreću. Žena postala nestrpljiva, potreba se namnožilo, a para niotkud, a ona samo zvoca, baš kao ljuta nakostriješena kvočka: – Znaš li ti, bolan, čovo, da našem Ramici trebaju nove čizme, one se poderale pa dijete samo što ne hoda boso?! Vidiš li ti, bolan ne bio, da se kobila nema za šta vezati jer joj je posve dotrajao jular, već sam ti govorila da u kući nemamo ni gram soli! A tek kako nam kuća izgleda iznutra a tako i spolja, ko ni u kog, pa me stid naroda što je tak’a neokrečena, a ti nećeš da kupiš kreča da je okrečimo. I tako svakog dana, probi mužu glavu neprestano zanovijetajući: te treba, Ahmo, ovo, te treba, Ahmo, ono... Kad mu njeni prijekori prekipe, a on pokuša da smiri tenzije, snižavajući ton, nastojeći pritom da bude što uvjerljiviji: – Znam, ženo, znam. Sve ja to znam i vidim, ali šta vrijedi kad nemamo ni prebijene pare u kući! Pa neće niko da zovne ni na dnevnicu, a ni da mu kakav poslićak uradim. Svi se stvrdli ko ćerpič. Sve sami škrtac, i begovi, i age, i gazde, i skriveni kulaci... Sve sami Čifut i cicija, ko da će sve na onaj svijet ponijeti! A ovamo u sebi misli: “Ehej, ženice moja, Safice moja slatka, ta, ko ne bi volio kupit’ i čizme malom, i jular kobili, i so, i kreč, i grablje, eh, njih si zaboravila, a eno ih, sve istruhle i zupci poispadali, već li je ostao samo jedan što liči na babin zub, a grablje na babinu vilicu? A tek banane! Ih, što sam se uželio lijepih, žutih, krušnih banana!” Ahmet je toliko volio banane da kad ih se sjeti, duboko uzdahne od želje da ih ima, iza zuba mu poteče bistra voda, a na usta pocure sve same sline, dok zamišlja njihov božanstveni okus. “Ženo, ženice mila, sve je to važno i potrebito, ali banane, banane... Banane su ti, bolan, naaajpotrebitije. Eto, šta bi insan u životu bez banana, haj, šta bi? Ovaj život bez njih ne bi vrijedio ni pet para. Ni pet para!” A žena nije mogla znati o čemu Ahmet tako često sanjari već pomisli kako on sjedeći u kući neće dočekati da mu neko dođe na noge i zovne ga da mu šta uradi, pa pođe kroz selo pitajući imućnije seljane treba li im radnik za muške ili ženske poslove. I našlo se nekoliko hanuma kojima je trebalo urediti ili okrečiti kuću, oprati veš ili zasijati rasad u bašči. Također, nekoliko imućnijih domaćina reče da im je potreban neko ko bi im pocijepao drva za ogrjev, zatim prevezao sijena iz polja za stočnu ishranu te iskrčio živice po njivama. Sva radosna Safa se vrati kući, ispriča sve Ahmetu
  • 28. 28 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021 ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE i oni se u taj čas dadoše na posao. Radeći tako danima, zaradili su, Boga mi, finih parica, taman toliko koliko im je bilo potrebito za najnužnije stvari, i još malo da i pretekne u kućni budžet za crne dane ili za: ne daj, Bože, zlu ne trebalo! Usto su hanume, zadovoljne čestito obavljenim poslom, još i darivale Safu: koja sapunom điritom, koja čankom kukuruznog brašna, koja s malo graha, a njoj, bogme, zauhar, da se koji dan preživi, očekujući neka bolja vremena, a koja, nažalost, nikako da dođu. – E, sad se, čovo, ne možeš izmotavati kako nemamo novca da bi kupio to što nam je najnužnije; nego, sutra je petak, put pod noge pa pravac u Tešanj, na pijacu. Jesi l’ zapamtio šta sam ti sve rekla da trebaš kupiti? – Kako, bona, ne bih zapamtio? Ta ponovila si to makar sto puta! Ma, šta sto, jesi, vala, i hiljadu puta, i lud bi zapamtio denali ne bih ja ‘vako pametan. Ko Tito. Uh, šta rekoh; nemoj, ženo, da neko za ovo sazna, ni za živu glavu. Uh, ne dao Bog, pa da zaglavim u prdekani. Jali na Golom otoku! Uh!... – Eh, moj Ahmo, jest da si pametan, al’ malo si plaho prećerao. Da barem reče kao Ranković, il’ kao Đilas, de li, de li... Al’ đe’š rijet’ kao naš voljeni Tito?! Jerbo ‘nak’e pameti nejma na dunjaluku. ‘Nak’og čojka majka više ne rađa! – Jami ba, Safo, ne budali. I on prdi kao i svi mi, samo što je 'nako... malo previše izvikan i napuhan da ga se neprijatelji boje, a da narod prema njemu osjeća strahopoštovanje, kao prema kakvom božanstvu, eto sad, pa to ti je. A ti mene prijavi, ako ti nije žao. – Haj’ ba, Ahmo, ne benavi. Đe bih ja tebe prijavila... Nego, nemoj sutra slučajno da bi gledao one tamo tešanjske koke, one nacifrane tešanjske frajle. Ehej, sve ću ja čuti, beli! – E, gledat ću, dašta nego da ću gledat’. Pa neću, valjda, hodati zavezanih očiju?! Il’ ćeš ti ić’ sa mnom pa me vodati kao slijepca, da nam se svijet smije. – Smiješ ti gledati ‘nako, preda se, da ne bi udario na drugog insana jal’ na hajvana, jal’ u banderu. Ali frajlice gledat’... E, to se ne igraj živom glavom! Smjehuljeći se u sebi, Ahmo pomisli: “Sva sreća pa ti nećeš bit’ sa mnom, jer voli Ahmo napariti oči na kakvoj mladoj i lijepoj curi jal’ snaši nego večerati, samo ako li je večera bez banana. Jer, banane, banane... Ah, te čarobne banane!“ Sajo je redovno petkom posjećivao tešanjsku pijacu, a Ahmo samo po potrebi i, uglavnom, ako bi imao novca. Zato on ode kod Saje da se dogovore kako bi zajedno putovali, naravno, pješice, jer je mnogo ugodnije u društvu negoli sam. Sajo je, kao i obično, ponio da proda malo mliječnih proizvoda: koji sir, kajmaka, dvije-tri litre mlijeka..., dok je Ahmo nosio korpu od pletenog pruća, napunjenu kokošijim jajima. Sajo priča o proljetnim radovima, osobito o sjetvi kukuruza, i već su na ulazu u Jelah, kad ti njega Ahmo prekide pitanjem: – Eto, Sajo, ti si ‘vako pametan, što bi se reklo, svjetski čojk i znaš svašta. Reci mi je l’ istina da su banane zdrave, da su pune njakvih mintamina, tako kazuju dokturi, belćim?
  • 29. 29 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021 year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198 – Dašta neg’ su zdrave, kao i svako voće. Nego, otkud ti sad to, mislim, da me pitaš to, za banane?! – Ma, nako ja nešto mislim. Slučajno mi naumpalo pa rekoh da pitam. Kad su bili u Jevadžijama, prvom selu nakon Jelaha, sustiže ih Meho Skrozo, kočijaš iz Drinčića, s konjskom zapregom. Prevozio je narod na pijacu, ali su zaprežna kola bila poluprazna te on zaustavi konje i pozva: – Bujrum, ljudi, u kola, da ne idete pješke. Poznavajući dobro kočijaša, Ahmo i Sajo povikaše skoro uglas: – Fala ti, Mehaga, nismo nešto pri parama! – Ama, ljudi, je l’ vas neko pitao za pare? Meni je u Tešanj, s vama il’ bez vas. A ne vozim ja kola već konji. Bilo je rano jutro, lijepo, vedro, proljetno. Početak aprila. Travica se pogdjegdje zazelenjela, ptičice se rascvrkutale i raspjevale, radujući se valjda lijepom danu i proljeću. Tad Sajo opet povede razgovor, ali ovaj put o stočnoj ishrani i kako su sijena skupa, a stoka, i napose telad, jako jeftina. Ahmet uopće nije pratio šta mu rođak priča pa će ti, onako iznebuha, provaliti: – Je l’ ba, Sajo, je l’ de da su majmuni onako zdravi, živahni i spretni što vole da jedu banane? Jaran ga pogleda sumnjičavo i odvali, malo ljutito: – A što, ti bi, bezbeli, volio da postaneš majmun?! Pa jednom smo bili i nemoj, bogati, da se ponovo vraćamo na isto! – Ma, ne, ne... Ja to samo ‘nako... – A šta ‘š ti kupovat’? – upita Sajo. – Aha... pa kupit ću uglavnom dosta banana i još tamo nekih sitnica. Jaran ga ponovo pogleda začuđeno: – Hm, sve se nema, sve se nema, a ‘vamo se ima i za luksuz, moj dragi! A šta će tebi tolike banane, ako nije tajna? – Ah, znaš kako ti je, teke se para zaradilo, prodat ću i jaja pa da obradujem čeljad bananama. Valja kupiti Ramici, bezbeli i Safi, a malo, vala, i ja da se primrsim, radi reda. Sajo, ponovo ne shvatajući Ahmeta, samo zaklima glavom i zašutje. Silazili su niz Krndiju, ulazeći u sami Tešanj, kad Ahmet zamoli jarana: – De, Sajo, zahmetile, ako ja zaboravim, kad dođemo u Tešanj, napomeni me da kupim banana, a ostalog ću se lahko sjetiti. – Hoću, hoću, napomenut ću te... Pa zar ne vidiš da si u Tešnju?! I kako ćeš zaboraviti kupiti banana kad ni o čemu drugom i ne pričaš od kako smo ono krenuli od kuće? Pošto su na pijaci rasprodali šta su prodati imali, dva jarana krenuše da pokupuju što im treba pa da idu kući, opet pješke, jakako, ne bi li im tako u džepu ostao koji dinar. Šetajući gradom, naiđoše pored jedne prodavnice u čijem izlogu Ahmo ugleda lijepe žute banane, žute kao ćilibar. Sav sretan reče rođaku: – Stani, Boga ti, da svom Ramici kupim banana. I prije nego što je Sajo mogao bilo šta da
  • 30. 30 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021 ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE i prozbori, Ahmo se pomoli iz prodavnice zalažući se slatkim bananama. A kad su došli do sljedeće prodavnice s mješovitom robom, Ahmo je već bio pojeo sve banane. No, ništa za to jer je i ta prodavnica imala finih banana, da Ahmet pored soli kupi i kilogram banana. – Ovo za moju Safu – reče i tako krenuše prema pijaci. A usput je mislio: “Uh, da zna kako sam napario oči, gledajući tešanjske gospojice. Evo ih ko findžani. Neće me, vala, zaboliti dok sam živ.” Ali do pijace je bilo podaleko i Ahmo ne odolje bananama već ponovo stade jesti sve jednu po jednu, misleći kako će još samo ovu pojesti i neće više te tako dođe i do zadnje. Onda pomisli kad je sve pojeo, što bi i nju ostavljao. Na kraju je nekako pojeo sve, a da to Sajo nije ni primijetio. I samo što su stigli na pijacu, Ahmo ugleda najljepše banane, koje je ikad vidio iako je vjerovatno da mu se tako samo učinilo. Odmah kupi pregršt banana, i to koje je sam probrao, pa stade halapljivo da jede, baš kao da mu je danas prva. Na to Sajo primijeti: – A ti pojeo i Ramine i Safine banane, što sad i te jedeš, što ne poneseš njima?! – E, ono su bile njihove rede, a ovo je sad moja reda, a ja svoju redu ne prepuštam nikome. Dok je tako jeo banane, sve je kore bacao preda se. Jedući zadnju, primijeti kako su kod jednog prodavca ostale posljednje grablje pa se uplaši da ih ko ne kupi i da tako ostane bez grabalja. Istog časa htjede da potrči, gledajući samo u grablje, te ti tako stade na kore od banana, noga mu se pokliznu, a on se ispruži na kaldrmisanu podlogu koliki je dug. Cijela pijaca se grohotom zatresla od smijeha, a njega bilo stid ustati i svijetu pogledati u oči. Pa sve da je i htio, nije mogao bez Sajine pomoći jer je pao čelom na kamen i pritom zaradio čvorugu, gotovo kolika je šaka. Uz Sajinu pomoć nekako ustade, jaran mu maramicom obrisa krv, a njemu se mantalo u glavi da je morao sjesti na obližlju klupu, kako bi ponovo došao sebi. Za sve to vrijeme prodavači i mušterije nisu mu se prestajali smijati, a u ušima su mu odzvanjale njihove riječi, koje je slušao dok je bespomoćno ležao na kaldrmi: “Aferim, ljudino!” “Ponovi, delijo!” “Ustani, pa jope’!...” Čim se malo oporavi, Ahmet ustade pa praćen podrugljivim pogledima i smijehom kupi nesretne grablje, Rami čizmice, kobili jular i kreč za osvježenje i uljepšavanje kuće. A kad pogleda u novčanik, a on prazan. Onda zamoli Saju: – Sajo, Boga ti, pozajmi mi jednu stoju. Vratit ću ti čim prije. – Pa eto, sve si pokupovao, i što će ti stoja?! – Hoću da ponesem Rami i Safi banana. – A sebi, zar nećeš ponijeti i sebi? – Hoću! – reče ljutito. – Sebi ću ponijeti ovu čvorugu na čelenjki, koju sam i zaslužio. Otad je Ahmet zamrzio banane, baš kao birvaktile ptice, dok je bio mali dječak. Nikad više banane nije htio ni okusiti. A ako bi ih negdje ugledao, okretao bi glavu, gadeći ih se, kao da je ugledao nečastivog, šejtana.
  • 31. 31 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021 year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198 essay 31-35 Loreta Toader În căutarea luminii Am fugit, am fugit cu toată ființa mea încercând să-ajung gândurile din urmă. Viața mă izbea biciuindu-mi sufletul. Respirul mi-era spintecat de loviturile atâtor cuvinte durute și neînțelese. Alergam… alergam fără să aud, fără să văd; nu mai simțeam, nu mai știam dacă mi- era cald sau frig, nici de mi-era zi sau de mi-era noapte…picioarele nu mă mai ascultau iar mâinile, mâinile încercau să se agațe de acel ceva încă nedefinit. Doar ochii îmi cercetau sufletul întrebând: mai poți?!!!… N-am știut să răspund așa cum n-am știut câtă durere și câte lacrimi am strâns în gând. Am obosit. M-am oprit din alergat mergând cu pași repezi spre niciunde. În mine ploaia își revărsa boabele-i de jad rescriind povestea unei noi renașteri… am adormit pe iarba udă; gândurile mi-au poposit pe verdele crud al primăverii insuflându-mi tinerețea pierdută cândva… inima a început să bată încet, liniștit – zbuciumul ei a rămas undeva în trecut- un trecut greu înțeles, aproape inuman – acum uitat. Simt o căldură benefică- ploaia s-a oprit; soarele îmi mângâie fața scăldată de lacrimi iar curcubeul îmi pictează sufletul regenerându-i sentimentele. Am deschis ochii și m-am pierdut în albastru – un albastru divin, imperial- albastrul ochilor tăi, Doamne… M-am înveșmântat în verdele renașterii pe care mi l-ai oferit a doua oară. Am început să alerg andante prin viață percepând lumina în fiecare culoare a existenței sale: rece, caldă, neutră, difuză pe sufletul și gândurile mele ce țipau libertate… pictură – Alexandru Darida Bill Stokes Drum Life is the ultimate tapestry woven on a loom as the shuttle moves back and forth on the warp leaving tiny bits of thrum And the shuttle is the metronome of our life as it beats out both cadence and rhythm and is by far all of creation’s most most exquisite drum. Thread by thread the history of your life is recorded by your soul’s shuttle And at the end of your mortal journey and standing at the bar of justice your warp’s documentation with either gain you eternal glory or force you to into outer darkness with a wailing scuttle. Just as there are no to souls exactly the same The drum beat of your life is the the beat of your heart that only the love of Christ can tame. Both drums and hearts can have beats both loud and soft as a baby’s cheek and when your heart belongs to your eternal mate and when their breath gently caresses your face you truly can understand that heaven on earth
  • 32. 32 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021 ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE is the prize we all seek. Life is the ultimate tapestry woven on loom as the shuttle moves back and forth on the warp leaving tiny bits of thrum and the shuttle is the metronome of our life as it beats out both cadence and rhythm and is by far all of creation’s most most exquisite drum. Santosh Kumar-Bhutan Harmonythat never was How keenly I feel to see, all are gone for their family god, Never, even a lonely finger for pointing or boasting, In solidarity, they walk with the bannerof lofty mankind, No colors to see and no races to protect aside from harmony, Within, with common goals of peace to emerge all at once. Now, the brilliant day draws near, I can see the striking sinking star, Simply over, the nightingale and the skylark join together, In prospect, the falconer cheers, hearing the peace train whistle, The melody of the upper waves, so joyful in tone, With hope, which has never been with every lack of worry. The cord of humanity, in the minds of individuals, rested, All around thesquare, recitingoneness being, No more conteni pt in sight, no more selfishness in feeling, All together, with divine ideas to paint the tomb, Forever, to allow it to sparkle in harmony that never was. Ryszard Mścisz Groza śnieżnej nocy [Horror of the Snowy Night] Śnieg za oknami przystrajał krajobraz świąteczną bielą. Ozdobionym puchem gałęziom drzew widocznie nie było tak lekko, skoro kłaniały się ziemi pokornie i czołobitnie. Ja również nie czułem misternej lekkości ducha Święta Narodzin. Już tego nie czułem. Wciskanie do oczu śnieżnego bałwana węgielnych kamieni zdało mi się torturą. A wesołe dzieci zdawały się mieć diabelskie ogniki w oczach. Pomyśleć, że jeszcze wczoraj widziałbym to samo zupełnie inaczej. Wczoraj był taki sam zimowy wieczór. Z nostalgią zimy w otulinach śniegu, lekkim przymrozkiem, który nie odstrasza i nie więzi w ogrzanych domach, ale pozwala wejść w otwartą księgę nocy w towarzystwie rozgwieżdżonego nieba. Gdy wyszedłem z domu było tak spokojnie i cicho, na opustoszałych ulicach tylko pojedyncze cienie przemykały w świetle latarni. Oddaliłem się od ostatnich domów z oświetlonymi oknami, wszedłem w mroczną tajemnicę drzew oswojonych – zdawałoby się – jasnością śniegu. Wydawało mi się, że w braterskiej ciszy natury mogę być chwilę sam na sam ze sobą. To tak rzadki w życiu luksus, cudowny paradoks życia: wśród natury bywamy sobą, wnikamy w siebie – wśród ludzi prowadzimy
  • 33. 33 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021 year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198 grę, zakładamy maskę jak w antycznym teatrze. Zdawałoby się, że każdego stać na ten luksus, chwile prawdy. A jednak łatwiej o sukces, pozycję towarzyską, nawet materialny dobrobyt niż o nie. Czy jesteśmy zbyt zajęci, zaaferowani wypełnianiem schematu życia...? A może boimy się owych odkryć samotności, prawdy o sobie, której wobec natury nie jesteśmy w stanie zakłamać... Lekkie skrzypienie kroków, delikatny trzask gałęzi wyrwał mnie z zadumy. A więc nie jestem sam? No cóż, chwila samotności skończyła się – może moja samotność zbratała się z samotnością innego człowieka i przestała nią być. A może po prostu dana mi była tylko ta ulotna chwila w zbiorowej formie życia...? Nagle ujrzałem cień, który ów hałas stworzył. Cień nie był imponująco wielki, ale zarazem niepokojący nad wyraz. Niepokojący, bo... nieludzki. Zdawało mi się, że nieforemna, olbrzymia głowa wyrastająca z niewielkiego tułowia unieruchomiła mnie zupełnie. Odczułem intuicyjnie jakąś przewagę intelektu, pozaczasowej mądrości, która obezwładnia, odbiera rację bytu, przytłacza... To coś ma wiele odnóg, kończyn, a może macek, które gotowe mnie opleść i zgnieść w każdej chwili. Usłyszałem głos, raczej dźwięk, który tajemnicza istota wydała. Zdawał się rozbrzmiewać od wewnątrz, wydobywać z mojej głowy. Być może nie istniała żadna zewnętrzna postać głosu. Ale nie był na tyle wyraźny, bym był w stanie go zrozumieć. A raczej nie mógł się od razu przebić przez jakąś warstwę psychiki, która go blokowała. Przeczucie o istnieniu odpowiedzi, odzewu na hasło, które ów głos z sobą niesie, towarzyszyło mi bezustannie. Byłem o krok od jasności. Bądź o krok za nią. To jakiś język, kod, który prawie znałem, mogłem odkryć. Nie wiedziałem, czy był mi znany w jakimś odległym kiedyś, czy może to pewien wariant języka, który znam od zawsze... To zaczęło iść w moim kierunku. Tajemnica językowego szyfru przegrała z gwałtownym lękiem. Te nieskoordynowane ruchy, kroki zdały mi się groźne, skierowane przeciwko mnie – nie do mnie. Próbowałem się ruszyć. Raz, drugi... Ani siła mięśni, ani siła woli nie była mi posłuszna. Strach rósł wraz z malejącą odległością między mną a tym... Było coraz groźniejsze, coraz bardziej odrażające – w naszych ziemskich kategoriach. Coraz bardziej odmienne od wszystkiego, co dotąd widziałem... mimo że nie w pełni widoczne. Wreszcie udało się, mogłem zrobić ruch, parę kroków... mogłem biec. Starałem się wykorzystać całą moją szybkość; całą szybkość mięśni i strachu... Dobiegłem do pierwszej zaspy śniegu i przesadziłem ją błyskawicznie. Coś podpowiadało mi, że nie mogę biec wprost przed siebie, zwykłą drogą. Że muszę kluczyć, uskakiwać, byle przybliżać się do znajomych miejsc, do domu. Nie mogłem się oglądać za siebie. Nie potrafiłem. Czułem jednak to na pewno. To jest blisko, jest szybkie, bardzo szybkie. Nie chciałem wiedzieć jak wygląda,
  • 34. 34 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021 ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE choć światła wyłaniających się latarni pozwoliłyby poznać część tajemnicy. Nie chciałem wzrokiem sprawdzić jak jest szybkie, jak się porusza. Wiedziałem, czułem, że koszt zetknięcia się z tajemnicą może być zbyt wysoki. Byłem już bardzo blisko, ale i ono powoli choć nieznacznie przybliżało się. Chyba czułem ten poryw szybkości, wzlatujący pod jego krokami śniegowy puch. Jeszcze tylko kilkadziesiąt kroków, kilkanaście, kilka... Kiedy czułem zniewalający oddech owej istoty na plecach, dopadłem bramy, potem drzwi od domu. Zamknąłem drzwi za sobą, mocno przytrzymałem i na chwilę przywarłem do nich. Rozejrzałem się z niepokojem po oknach, ciemnych ścianach mieszkania. Dopiero po godzinie zaświeciłem światło, usiadłem w fotelu. Cisza była zbyt niepokojąca, pustka zdawała się krzyczeć we mnie. Włączyłem telewizor. Chyba program już się skończył, ale pozostał szum, tak potrzebny mi w tym momencie szum... Po chwili jednak zdało mi się, że słyszę głos. Tak, spoza niego wyraźnie dobiegał głos... Na tyle wyraźnie... Nie, musiałem się przesłyszeć... A jednak ciągle słyszę to samo. Ten głos. Podobny do tamtego, a przecież zrozumiały, ludzki. - Mogłem cię dogonić. Gdybym chciał, dogoniłbym cię...! Ty wiesz o tym dobrze! confabulation 36-46 Lenuș Lungu Un grande poeta, critico letterario, umanista di fama mondiale Jawaz Jaffri è un poeta in cui scolpisce le sue creazioni in una montagna di parole e veste la bellezza di una materia sensibile da cui emette i suoi sentimenti. L'idea del poeta ne illustra l'intensità e dà una forte risonanza dove dipinge le parole in un mare di colori presentando il quadro poetico. Attraverso le sue opere ci dà molta sensibilità, amore, sensazione di relax e pace. In un mondo di poesia letteraria in cui la scrittura si muove vertiginosamente verso i sentimenti, Jawaz rimane autentico, un poeta che sceglie di esprimere stati attraverso le parole, ma le emozioni continuano a fiorire, idee per far nascere idee. Leggendo i testi di Jawaz, sono riusciti a farmi conoscere una vibrazione di metafore ed epiteti che cercano di trasmettere il messaggio delle parole. Riesce a catturare in modo sfumato l'universo invisibile degli stati d'animo. Offri ai lettori versi che fanno vibrare le corde delle anime attraverso la penna ardente. Offre ai lettori un universo lirico pieno di simboli in uno stile unico, restituendo maestria alle persone. Non smette mai di stupire i lettori, formando una simbiosi e un'armonia assoluta. Il classico si fonde con successo con le caratteristiche della poesia moderna. Il lettore viene così catturato nella rete di Jawaz che si trasforma da autore nell'io di chi legge, filtrando le sue idee, i suoi punti di vista,
  • 35. 35 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021 year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198 prestando i suoi occhi a vedere il mondo come lo vede l'autore. Resta da leggere la poesia e ritrovarsi lì, tra i versi della poesia. La forma dell'anima nel suo fulgido splendore, sensazioni varie che accrescono il mistero della poesia e la tensione del vivere. L'amore per la pace è il sentimento edificante che si manifesta nel cuore di ogni uomo. Tutto è semplice e complesso, allo stesso tempo naturale e deciso, sembra fluire con naturalezza, ma l'occhio sensibile e la fine intuizione del poeta coglie la poesia essenziale, come in uno stop-frame che cattura uno stato d'animo, un momento unico che l'amore della pace, della luce lo chiama sempre per regalare il suo piccolo recital di bellezza a chi vuole e può sentire questo splendore. Leggendo i testi del poeta, mi sono ricordato dell'aforisma di Tudor Arghezi: Il vero libro di un poeta penso sia uno, purché unico, perché la definizione di un poeta che pubblica un buon libro è in due parole: talento ed energia. La poesia è percepita esattamente come viene mostrata, con tutta la trasparenza di un'anima. È consapevole e comprende il rapporto profondo e sacro che gli scrittori sviluppano con la poesia, ma non nega il suo diritto di sperare che la bellezza debba essere evidenziata. Il Dr. AZADAR HUSSAIN JAWAz (Pseudonimo Dr. Jawaz Jaffri) è nato a Toba Tek Singh (Punjab, Pakistan) l'8 aprile 1964. Ha conseguito il dottorato. in letteratura urdu presso l'Università del Punjab, Lahore, nel 2006. Attualmente è professore presso Govt. Lahore College of Science, era presidente del dipartimento di urdu al Govt. MAO College, Lahore. Ha un profondo interesse per la scrittura creativa, la critica, la poesia, la scrittura drammatica, la scrittura dicolonne, lo studio comparato delle religioni, le prospettive storiche e culturali della società, il rapporto tra scienza e letteratura, musica classica e altre arti visive. Ha una vasta collezione di librerie di musica classica. Una considerevole biblioteca di libri è disponibile nel suo studio, il che è evidente nel suo gusto letterario. Molte delle sue poesie sono state tradotte dall'International Center for Poetry Translation and Research, Cina. Scrive contro la guerra, il suo libro "Mout Ka Haath Kalaie Per Hey" è stato tradotto come "Il polso negli artigli della morte" da Muhammad Shanazar, poeta e traduttore pakistano. Le poesie di questo libro sono anche tradotte in molte altre principali lingue del mondo e anche nelle lingue locali (Punjabi, Pashto, Sindhi e Hindko). Ha contribuito con altri libri di poesia contro la guerra in urdu intitolati "Main Laam di Janj da Lahda han", che è stato tradotto da Harpreet Kaur e pubblicato in India da Nawi Dunia Publishers, Punjab, India. Ha scritto articoli su celebrità letterarie internazionali come Pablo Neruda, Toni Morrison, T.S Eliot, Seamus Heaney, Jan- Paul Sartre, Charles Baudelaire, Tolstoy, Franz Kafka, Kinza Br O, Gabriela Mistral, Salima Langrof, Harry Sinclair e Lu Xun., Il grande scrittore della Cina classica è stato pubblicato sul quotidiano Jang e Nawa-i-Waqt. Quasi 20 libri sono al suo attivo come scrittore, gli è stato conferito il prestigioso Premio Presidenziale del Pakistan (The National Human Rights Award, 2016). Inoltre, il Presidential Award (National Human Rights Award, 2016) ha ricevuto il premio Special Shield for Peace dal Ministero dei diritti umani 2017 (Pakistan), Quid-e-Azam Gold Medal (2015), Asian Cultural Association Award (2017) , Harf Academy Awards (Quetta) e molti altri premi da tutti i simposi inter-collegiali in Pakistan e concorsi di oratori durante il periodo accademico. È membro della Pakistan Writers Guild, Pakistan, Pakistan Academy of Letters, Islamabad, Halqa-e-Arbab-e-Zauq, Pakistan, Drama Scrutiny Committee, Punjab Arts Council, Lahore e Adabi Baithak, Lahore Arts Council, Lahore. Era anche il presidente della Sherani Society, Govt. College, Sheikhupura, President of the Urdu Society, Oriental College, Lahore, Honorary Editor Husn-e-Byan Monthly Quarterly Magazine, Karachi and Honorary Editor Monthly Magazine G News, Great Gran Bretagna. Le sue opere principali consistono in poesia, Dehleez pe Aankhain, Muthi Mein Tera Wada Khawab, Maut ka
  • 36. 36 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021 ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE Hath Kalai par Hai, Mohabat khasara naheen, Umr-e- Rawan sey parey, Wrist in the Clutches of Death, Mera Dil Fakhta da Ahlna ay, Main Laam di Janj da Lardha han, Vasal say Khali Din, Mutbadil Dunia ka Khawb, Chiraghon se BhariGalliyan, AsaanSufny Sahvey rakhey e Ik Hijr Jo Ham Ko Lahaq Hai (Lettere) che sono ampiamente lette dagli amanti della poesia. I suoi documenti di ricerca includono Urdu Adab Europe Aur America Mein, Iqbal Sajid Bataur Ghazal Go, Urdu Adab Europe Aur America Mein, Urdu ki Qadeem Bastian, Khaak se Uthny wala Fun, Urdu afsaane ka Maghribi Dareecha, Urdu Ghazal ka Maghrabi Daricha, Tassawarat, ( Tehqiqi gold Tanqidi Mazamean), Asasa (Compilato da) Il primo libro poetico del famoso poeta Iqbal Sajid, Kulyat-e-Iqbal Sajid, Iqbal Sajid: Shakhsiat gold Fan e Kuliyat-e-Ustad Daman. Hs articoli Bartanvi Danese Gahon Meinn Urdu Tadrees Ki Riwayat, Khak say Uthnay Wala Fann, Europe Aur America Mein Urdu Zaban ka Mustaqbil, Urdu Zaban kay Europi Shoara, Mashriq Shanasi ki Rawait aur German Mustashreqeen, Arab Dunya ka Pehla Jang Mukhalifare Shayer aur Takhliqi Zaaviey, Classiki Mausiqi: Dhurpad Say Khayal tak, Lahore ki Adabi Rawait Mein Qahwa Khanon ka Kirdar`` Classiki Mausiqi mein Gharaney ka Tasawar, Classiki Mausiqi kay Pakistani Gharaney, Bar-e-Sagheitdu Khanon ka Kirdar`` Classiki Mausiqi mein Gharaney ka Tasawar, Classiki Mausiqi kay Pakistani Gharaney, Bar-e-Sagheitdu Janibal Mein Syah Sulagta Sigret, Information Technology aur Kitab ka Mustaqbil, Maghrabi Tarz-e-Ahsas aur Is Kay Tashkili Anasir, Europe Aur America Kay Urdu Nazm Nigar, Kainati Shaur ky, Javed Shaheen Aik Ta'aruf, Shaeri, Science aur Falsafa, Tarikeen- e-Watan ki Nai Nasl aur Urdu ka Mustaqbil, Tarkeen-e-Watan ki Shaeri par Tanhai aur Begangi Kay Asraat, Tarkeen-e-Watan ki Shaeri aur Maghrabi Tarz-e-Ehsaas, Mout k Ghaat Utarty Mizamir, Nars lon se aati Awazen, Saazon ka Jahan, Taar k Saazon ka Bawa Adam, Urdu Afsaane ma Kahani ki wapsi e Europe aur America k Urdu Nazam Nigaar sono stati pubblicati in diverse riviste di ricerca nazionali e internazionali. È l'autore delle serie drammatiche Dastak Na Do, Adh Khula Darwaza, Suragh, Teesri Aankh, Faisla, Shart e Painda. Ha anche ospitato programmi televisivi come Marsia Gold Karbla, Naat Go, Bahattar Aik Taaruf. Jawaz Jaffri Dal dottor Il mio cuore è il nido di colomba Il vento, Venendo dal campo di battaglia, Si riversa nelle mie orecchie, Il nitrito dei cavalli. Le tombe collettive, Stanno per invadere le mie città; E i venditori di bare, Guarda i nostri corpi giovani e freschi Con occhi avidi. Il ragno della morte è impegnato, Nel tessere la ragnatela della mia vittima. Oh! Becchini, Elimina la fame diffusa Dai tuoi cortili, Perché c'è trambusto Nel cimitero. Venire! Protestiamo sulle strade Contro la guerra; I miei lettori sii mio testimone, Non ho macchiato la mia penna Con gli inni delle guerre, La mia identità, Sono le canzoni di pace Le mie canzoni stanno scavando le radici delle guerre, Perché il mio cuore è il nido di colomba. Una breve biografia letteraria
  • 37. 37 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021 year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198 Review "The night will pass without miracles" by Daniele Vaienti The night will pass without miracles by Daniele Vaienti (Edizioni del Faro 2019 - Series "Sonar. Words and voices" directed by Paolo Agrati) is the debut book of the poet and performer active in the circuit of slam and acting poetry, dictated by tenacity free and eager, rhythmic descriptive in a sound trend that takes root in the sharp and dramatic measure of humanity celebrated as "a group of street children talking about the end of the world" (Jack Kerouac). The verses seek the existence of familiarity and reanalyze the private, everyday and simple expressions common to emotional confessions that reveal the comforting refuge of any ideological and practical, tangible and autobiographical experience. The diffusion of poetry is the existential magnetic recording engraved on material resistant to the wear and tear of time. The distortion of concrete and carnal visions (a photo, cigarettes, autumn) allows us to imagine a dream and real license, in which life is the communicative passage of what is written with passion and for our own happiness. Daniele Vaienti's hypnotic and confidential writing is a benevolence of intoxication, in mastering an experience in which the close and incisive technique and joke praises a sentimental autonomy that torments the unpredictability and contradictions of affections, the obstacles of despair in their allusive depth. The intensity written beyond the lines follows the detachment from conventional poetics and feeds on literary improvisation by involving the emotional symbols of the theatrical magic vortex, accompanying, in each comment, the poet's emotional resources. The poet exists in the present instant, releasing the ambush of nostalgia and memory in the free vibrations of feelings. The texts capture the inviolability of love, against the inevitable defeat of the world and the laceration of its constraints and urge the need for a new conception of happiness, of salvation towards the call to authentic life and the complicity of the moment. The discovery of the self, of the thought absolved by prejudices, of human values, of the collective consciousness is the goal of a complete poetic affinity with the individual journey towards a task towards hope. The artistic need arises from a desire for freedom of expression, vital dynamism, and through the investigation in the sense of good, it includes the universality of the content and the intimate research of the whole. Here are some poems from The Night Will Pass Without Miracles...
  • 38. 38 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021 ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE Nothing else It's about learning to exist without pretending that is. It happens, be careful do not fall. That silence I smile blankly counting trains lost and lost for to be able to forget absent voice that he raised the volume of silence by a notch The autumn What should I do with this wet autumn, which is scary all wrong as my score in the fall of this year, who took the smile out of town on which we embraced out of necessity, because it's cold outside and you can't smoke inside There it is this fall what to do with it Sherzod Artikov Sherzod Artikov was born in 1985 in Marghilan city of Uzbekistan. He graduated from Ferghana Polytechnic Institute in 2005. His works are more often published in the domestic press of the Republic. He mainly writes stories and essays. His first book, The Autumn’s Symphony, was released in 2020. He is one of the winners of the national literary contest “My Pearl Country” in the category of prose. His works appeared in such Russian and Ukraine network magazines as "Camerton", "Topos", "Autograph". In addition, his stories were published in the literary magazines and websites of Kazakhstan, USA, Serbia, Montenegro, Turkey, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Egypt, Slovenia, Germany, Greece, China, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Argentine, Spain, Italy, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Romania and India. * * * Sherzod Artikov urodził się w 1985 roku w mieście Margilan w Uzbekistanie. W 2005 roku ukończył Instytut Politechniczny w Ferganie. Cieszy się rosnącą popularnością w swojej ojczyźnie. Pisze głównie opowiadania i eseje. Jego pierwsza książka Symfonia jesieni ukazała się w 2020 roku. Jest jednym z laureatów ogólnokrajowego konkursu literackiego „Mój perłowy kraj” w kategorii proza. Jego teksty ukazały się w rosyjskich i ukraińskich czasopismach internetowych, takich jak "Camerton", "Topos", "Autograf". Ponadto jego opowiadania opublikowano w czasopismach literackich i na stronach internetowych Kazachstanu, USA, Serbii, Czarnogóry, Turcji, Bangladeszu, Pakistanu, Egiptu, Słowenii, Niemiec, Grecji, Chin, Peru, Arabii Saudyjskiej, Meksyku, Argentyny, Hiszpanii, Włoch , Boliwii, Kostaryki, Rumunii a także Indii.
  • 39. 39 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7,January, 2021 year I, no. 7, 2021, January ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198 Lenuș Lungu Literary review Bhagirath Choudhary is a writer and a valuable humanism, a soul with an inner and outer activity. The magic of words vibrates in sounds. With the lucidity of a vision, any emphasis is focused exclusively on the accuracy of absolute accuracy. Style is a powerful dream with a poetic intonation, unity of thought and vision. The psychology of lyric poetry is obvious, this being an engine of inspiration and the existence of the poetic hero. Poetry has a great value and a great appreciation from readers and literary critics. The poem "My Earth Sojourn" is modern and expresses the artist's creative effort for a spiritual product on the inner states of the poetic year, tormented by inner turmoil and turmoil. The verses are the product of a revelation, of divine grace: "Evolution has given me / A divine body ". The poem suggests beauty, purity, light. Representative for artistic language innovation. An artistic modality encountered in European lyric poetry, it offers a shocking and fascinating expressiveness through its aesthetic effects. Poetry is structured by unequal lyrical sequences, artistic creed and divine grace. It suggests the desire to express in verse the thirst for communication and the transmission of a message to the world. To convey the message of divine grace. List of fabulous items: "The wave of the false self", "orgasm of wisdom", creates an image of great suggestive force. The modernism of poetry is argued by the compositional structure, the poem is constituted in lyrical sequences, in which the poet directly expresses his conception of the act of creation, emphasizing the light of the artist's condition in the world. The lyricism in this poem confirms the presence of the lyrical self through the lexico- grammatical marks represented by the verbs: "I came," "I explored." A parable that highlights God's grace. The expressiveness of poetry is realized at the morphosyntactic level. The words in the present gnomy perpetuate the structural passion for writing, the creative commotion and the desire to communicate the poetic self with the world, ideas that confer the pragmatic character of poetry. The language is characterized by the use of shocking words with fascinating expressiveness, words "my pound of flesh", "holy vicars" whose meaning acquires new values. The stylistic registers combine, in the modern way, the popular language with archaic flavor with the religious one, from this combination thus succeeding the originality "apostle", "divine value", "mental evolution", "the sedative of the ego". Modern prosody is supported by lyrics with metrics and rhythm. A literary work that is the fruit of divine grace and toil.
  • 40. 40 Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 7, January, 2021 ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE Bhagirath Choudhary My Earth Sojourn I came Upon earth To explore My divine worth To learn My lesson With passion And to earn My mental evolution Every night Before I retire I take stock Of every bump And every stroke Every valley And every hillock Every start And every stop I flasely verify I justify I deny My every falsity And every lie I talk like Saintly Vicars But I stage wars Without mercy or grace For getting My pound of flesh With sadistic pride Every day I write My false narrative Keeping firmly Under ego's sedative Of greed And material race I hide behind Veil of false self But not to face My truth And my divine self Evolution made me God's Image Like a true Sage Without any schism I am made like A wisdom organism Evolution gave me A body divine For letting Love and light shine Without tools of offence Or defence I came Like an apostle Of nonviolence