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Transoral & Transorbital
approaches of skull base
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Infratemporal fossa anatomy
IAN = inferior alveolar nerve , LN = lingual nerve , MPM = medial
pterygoid muscle , LPM = lateral pterygoid muscle
Different layers of
muscles & aponeurosis
protecting great vessels
in infratemporal fossa –
Main protectors are
medial & lateral
pterygoid mucles &
temporalis muscle -
great vessels are
posterior to these 3
muscles –
small contribution of
protection of great
vessels are done by
tensor veli palatini &
styloid muscles &
IAN = inferior alveolar nerve , LN = lingual nerve , MPM = medial
pterygoid muscle , LPM = lateral pterygoid muscle
TVPM is triangular muscle , LVPM is
cylindrical muscle
SPM attached
to superior
constrictor ,
SGM attached
to tongue ,
SHM attached
to lesser cornu
of hyoid bone
After drilling LPP & MPP longissmus capitis & superior
constrictor seen .
Trans - Oral approach to
Infratemporal fossa
STEP 1 = Incision : anterior to anterior
to anterior pillar of tonsil for “Trans -
Oral approach to infratemporal fossa”
STEP 2 = Seperation of deep tissue identification of palato pharyngeus
and palato glossus and superior consrictor muscles above medially below medial
pterygoid and ramus of mandible identification of triangles identification of
ascending palatine and ascending pharyngeal ( resident friend) artery
STEP 3 = finally identification of our friends ica and jugular
and vagus in the upper triangle formed by s c m stylopharyngeus
and stylo glossusmuscles
Triangle between SPM & SGM &
Superior constrictor Left side
Transoral approach to SUPERO-MEDIAL Parapharyngeal
tumors – incision anterior to anterior pillar of tonsil
Two planes posterior to MPM which have greater surgical importance ...... …..1. Nasopharyngeal
carcinoma/JNA excision - plane between medial pterygoid muscle ( MPM ) & ET tube/TVPM ( tensor veli
palatini muscle)........ 2 . Trans-oral exposure of Infratemporal fossa (ITF) - incision anterior to anterior pillar
of tonsil - leads to - plane between MPM & superior constrictor / styloid muscles............In the below
diagrams MPM reflected back for understanding purpose
MPM is reflected back – which shows the structures seen in trans-oral
approach of ITF – incision anterior to anterior pillar of tonsil
Two planes posterior to MPM which have greater surgical importance ...... …..1. Nasopharyngeal
carcinoma/JNA excision - plane between medial pterygoid muscle ( MPM ) & ET tube/TVPM ( tensor veli
palatini muscle)........ 2 . Trans-oral exposure of Infratemporal fossa (ITF) - incision anterior to anterior pillar of
tonsil - leads to - plane between MPM & superior constrictor / styloid muscles............In the below diagrams
MPM reflected back for understanding purpose
1. Each styloid muscle accompanied by one nerve – SPM by 9th nerve , SGM by lingual nerve , SHM by 12th
2. SPM & SGM protects ICA whereas SHM protects both ECA & ICA – that is the reasonwhy wheen you
dissect a plane over posterior belly of diagastric & SHM , you won’t get vital structures
3. ECA & ICA & CCA are like tuning fork – caricature diagram
Each styloid muscle accompanied by one nerve – SPM by 9th
nerve , SGM by lingual nerve , SHM by 12th nerve
Note the 9th nerve accompanying Stylopharyngeus
The SPM runs inferiorly on the lateral
aspect of the ICAp. The SHM is lateral
to the ECA. The SGM passes lateral to
the ICAp, medially to the ECA. The
stylomandibular ligament is a
condensation of the deep layer of the
parotid fascia. It connects the styloid
process with the angle of the
DMpb posterior belly of the digastric
muscle, FA facial artery, ICAp
parapharyngeal portion of
the internal carotid artery, IJV internal
jugular vein, SCM superior constrictor
muscle, SGM styloglossus muscle, SHM
stylohyoid muscle, SPM stylopharyngeus
muscle, VIIcn facial nerve, Xcn vagus nerve,
XIcn accessory nerve, XIIcn hypoglossal
nerve, black asterisk glossopharyngeal
nerve at the skull base
MPM is reflected back – which shows the structures seen in trans-oral
approach of ITF – incision anterior to anterior pillar of tonsil
ApaA ascending palatine artery, BFP buccal fat pad, BM buccinator muscle, ICAp parapharyngeal
portion of the internal carotid artery, IJV internal jugular vein, LN lingual nerve, MPM
medial pterygoid muscle, PG parotid gland, PP pharyngeal plexus, SCM superior constrictor
muscle, SGM styloglossus muscle, SHM stylohyoid muscle, SPM stylopharyngeus muscle, IXcn
glossopharyngeal nerve, Xcn vagus nerve, black asterisk stylomandibular ligament
Transoral endoscopic view of the parapharyngeal region
ApaA ascending palatine artery, ICAp parapharyngeal portion of the internal carotid artery, LCapM longus capitis
muscle, PP pharyngeal plexus, SCM superior constrictor muscle, SGM styloglossus muscle, SPM stylopharyngeus
muscle, white arrows glossopharyngeal nerve
The external carotid artery passes deeply to the digastric and stylohyoid muscles, but super fi cially to
the stylopharyngeus and styloglossal muscle when running toward the parotid gland (Janfaza et al.
2001 ) . With a transoral window it is possible to control the space between the medial pterygoid
muscle laterally and the superior constrictor muscle medially. The stylopharyngeus and styloglossus
muscles are critical landmarks, being usually placed anterior to the great vessels (Dallan et al. 2011 ).
Note that the presence of kinking or looping of the ICAp could make this statement untrue.
transoral endoscopic views of the tongue base and
parapharyngeal regions
APA ascending pharyngeal artery, ApaA ascending palatine artery, DM digastric muscle, FA
facial artery, HGM hyoglossus muscle, IAN inferior alveolar nerve, ICAp parapharyngeal portion
of the internal carotid artery, IJV internal jugular vein, LA lingual artery, LN lingual nerve,
M mandible, MPM medial pterygoid muscle, SCM superior constrictor muscle, SGM styloglossus
muscle, SPM stylopharyngeus muscle, TB tongue base, XIIcn hypoglossal nerve, black arrows
glossopharyngeal nerve
Lateral vision of the upper
cervical and lower
parapharyngeal regions. The
vertical branch
of the mandible has been
DM digastric muscle, ECA external
carotid artery, FA facial artery, ICAp
parapharyngeal portion
of the internal carotid artery, IJV
internal jugular vein, LFVT linguofacial
venous trunk,
LN lingual nerve, MPM medial
pterygoid muscle, OA occipital artery,
SCM superior constrictor
muscle, SGM styloglossus muscle,
SHM stylohyoid muscle, SMG
submandibular gland, SPM
stylopharyngeus muscle, IXcn
glossopharyngeal nerve, XIcn
accessory nerve, XIIcn hypoglossal
nerve, yellow arrow ansa cervicalis
Transoral endoscopic view
of the parapharyngeal
APA ascending pharyngeal
artery, ApaA ascending
palatine artery, ICAp
parapharyngeal portion
of the internal carotid artery,
IJV internal jugular vein, LN
lingual nerve, M mandible,
SCM superior constrictor
muscle, SGM styloglossus
muscle, SHM stylohyoid
muscle, SPM stylopharyngeus
muscle, TB tongue base,
white arrow hypoglossal
nerve, black arrows
nerve, blue arrows lingual
Sree ram murthy sir dissection in Italy
Dear surgeons today we did cadavèric dissection to endoscopic transoral approach to
parapharyngeal space The indications are
1. removal of small tumours of parapharyngeal space
2. biopsy of growths
3. to enter in to infratemporal space
4. para mandibular approaches to mid cranial fossa
The dissection was done by us with dr Dallan Of Pisa medical university of PISA ITALY
1. Incision over soft palate above anterior pillar
2. Seperation of deep tissue identification of palato pharyngeus and palato glossus and
superior consrictor muscles above medially below medial pterygoid and ramus of
mandible identification of triangles identification of ascending palatine and ascending
pharyngeal ( resident friend) artery
3. Finally identification of our friends ica and jugular and vagus in the upper triangle
formed by s c m stylopharyngeus and stylo glossusmuscles inferiorly mtm and
mandible v3 branches entering infra temporal space are important things.
Trans oral endoscopy of pps is gaining popularity now a days a new procedure hence friends
just pass deeper to tonsil we see wonders The video is thrilling to see It is a anatomical feast
finally identification of our friends ica and jugular andvagus in
the upper triangle formed by s c m stylopharyngeus and stylo
Dear surgeons it is
trans oral endoscopic
pic of parapharyngeal
space to show
ascending pharyngeal
artery and other
structures of neck
1ascending palatine artery
2 ascending pharyngeal
3 ica
4 ij v
5 stylo pharyngeus muscle
The inferior tympanic artery which supplies medial wall of
middle ear. Normally it is a small branch of ascending pharyngeal
artery a middle terminal twig along with anterior pharyngeal
branch and posterior neuro meningeal branch. In 50% cases, it is
visible But in glomous tumours the major blood supply to the
tumour is from this artery. In glomous tumours it is engorged
more than 8 times Inferior tympanic artery enter the floor of
middle ear through tympanic canaliculus at crotch along with
jocobsons nerve. Finiculus island mark to this artery entry.
Surgical implications:
• 1) In glomus tympanicus tumours initial coagulation of this
vessel at the region of finiculus reduces bleeding
• 2) It can have anastomoses with petrous segment of ICA so
glomous tumour may be supplied by EAC and ICA
1 Inferior tympanic artery 2 anterior crus of stapes 3 long
process of incus 4 malleus
1 Inferior tympanic artery 2 anterior crus of stapes 3 long
process of incus 4 malleus
Paraphayrngeal JNA removal by
Endoscopic trans-oral approach by
Another case of MUCOEPIDERMOID
EXCISION by Dr.Janakiram – Click
Trans-Oral approach to CVJ [ cranio-
vertebral junction ]
Transoral exposure of the craniocervical junction region. A. Mandibular bone and the tongue were excised. B. The soft palate
was excised and pharyngeal mucosa was retracted bilaterally and clivus was exposed. C. The clivus, atlas, and axis were exposed transorally.
D. Inferior third of the clivus, anterior arch of atlas, and the anterior part of the axis were excised down to level of the C3 vertebral
body and the dura was also excised correspondingly to demonstrate craniocervical junction region. aaa: anterior arch of atlas, aica:
anterior inferior cerebellar artery, asa: anterior spinal artery, at: atlas, ata: anterior tubercle of atlas, ax: axis, ba: basilar artery, C1: C-1
nerve root, C2: C-2 nerve root, cl: clivus, d: dens, du:dura, hp: hard palate, iaf-at: inferior articular facet of atlas, lcap: longus capitis
muscle, ma: mandible, mo: medulla oblangata, mu: pharyngeal mucosa, pns: posterior nasal spine of palatine bone, pt: palatine tonsil,
saf-ax: superior articular facet of axis, sc: spinal cord, sp: soft palate, u: uvula, V4: intradural segment of vertebral artery, vo: vomer.
Transoral exposure of the craniocervical junction region. A. Mandibular bone and the tongue were excised. B. The soft palate
was excised and pharyngeal mucosa was retracted bilaterally and clivus was exposed. C. The clivus, atlas, and axis were exposed transorally.
D. Inferior third of the clivus, anterior arch of atlas, and the anterior part of the axis were excised down to level of the C3 vertebral
body and the dura was also excised correspondingly to demonstrate craniocervical junction region. aaa: anterior arch of atlas, aica:
anterior inferior cerebellar artery, asa: anterior spinal artery, at: atlas, ata: anterior tubercle of atlas, ax: axis, ba: basilar artery, C1: C-1
nerve root, C2: C-2 nerve root, cl: clivus, d: dens, du:dura, hp: hard palate, iaf-at: inferior articular facet of atlas, lcap: longus capitis
muscle, ma: mandible, mo: medulla oblangata, mu: pharyngeal mucosa, pns: posterior nasal spine of palatine bone, pt: palatine tonsil,
saf-ax: superior articular facet of axis, sc: spinal cord, sp: soft palate, u: uvula, V4: intradural segment of vertebral artery, vo: vomer.
Updated soon
CRANIAL FOSSA in Dr. Paul Gardner book – click -
Sree ram murthy sir dissection in italy
Dear surgeons to day we dissected Transorbital approach to
infratemporal fossa on cadaver under guidence of pro Sellari
franchisco of PISA italy He is expert for this approaches So far he has
done 1980 cases through approach The main indications are
1 orbital decompression
2 clenoid meningiomas and other tumours of anterior cranial fossa
3cavernous sinus pathologies
4 meckles cave tumours
5 infratemporal fossa pathologies
6 this one approach is for all pathologies of anterior middle cranial and
infra temporal fossa
superior lid incision sub periosteal elivation of globe identification of
sof and meningo orbital artery drillng of greater wing of sphenoid for
mid fossa alittle inferior for itf frotal bone for acf and incision of dura
finally visualisation of structures are steps these are some pics
Dr. Sree ram murthy & Pro Sellari
franchisco of PISA italy
Orbital apex
• 1. Two Ice cream cones in orbit -mnemonic - SOF
& IOF - superior orbital fissure & inferior orbital
• 2. Bone between OC ( optic canal ) & SOF is optic
strut ( OS)
• 3. Bone between SOF & V2 ( foramen rotundum )
is MS ( maxillary strut ) - front door of cavernous
• 4. So SOF is presents between two struts - OS &
• 5. Bone above SOF is LWS ( leader wing of
sphenoid )
• 6. Bone between SOF & IOF is GWS ( greater
wing of sphenoid )
• 7. Four semilunar lines 1, 2, 3, 4 are - orbital
surface of frontal bone , orbital surface of
zygomatic none , orbital surface of maxillary
none , laminae papyracea resp.
• 8. Medial wall of SOF is nothing but nasal surface
of SOF which is just anterior to cavernous sinus
+ Orbital apex]
Extraconal & intraconal
A - trajectory leads to middle cranial fossa
B - trajectory leads to infra-temporal fossa
GWS=Greater wing of sphenoid
LWS = Lesser wing of sphenoid
Updated soon
CRANIAL FOSSA in Dr. Paul Gardner book – click -
Six handed technique ??
CRANIAL FOSSA in Dr. Paul Gardner book – click -
TRANS ORBITAL APPROACH cadaveric approach to middle cranial fossa In future it will be good
easy approach for ent surgeons It is devised by pro castelneuvo with my friends Dallan and
There are 3 approaches to ent surgeons for cavernous sinus
1 trans sellar approach
2 transpterygoid approach
3 trans orbital approach - this approach is easy .
The trans orbital approach steps are
1 upper lid incision
2 subperiosteal dissection of globe and identification superior orbital fissure and meningo
orbital artery
3 identification of c s
4 seperation of two walls of c s
4 identification of structures
5 incision of mid cranial fossa dura
6 meckles cave visualisation along with other structures - small incision , no injury to eye ,
entrance of cv in between two layers , no much bleeding , no csf leaks are advantages .
CRANIAL FOSSA – cadaver study
meningo orbital artery
endoscopic endonasal cadaveric
Murali Chand Nallamothu: What are
indications of orbital transposition.
Sree Ram Murthy Dr Vizak ENT: Now a days it is important
part the indications
1. removal of infections lateral to mid pupillary level
2. lateral osteomas of frontal sinuses
3. trans orbital approaches to middle cranial tumours
4. exposure of cavernous sinus trans orbitally
I think 1 & 2 indications can be done by external
approaches by brow or bicoronal incisions
Sree Ram Murthy Dr : Dear surgeons it is a endoscopic endonasal
cadaveric ORBITAL TRANSPOSITION technique
The steps follows
1 complete exposure of anterior skull base
2 identification of septal branch of a e a and 1st olfactory fibre
3 removal of lamina papyracea
4 identification of aea and pea
5 cutting of both arteries and release the globe
6 gentle lateralization globe along with periorbita up to mid
pupillary point
7 complete exposure of medial orbital roof and further
according to pathology
1 septal branch of a e a
2 orbital roof
4 posterior ethmoidal groove
3 first olfactory fibre
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“ Skull base 360° ”
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Semelhante a Transoral & Transorbital approaches of skull base

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Semelhante a Transoral & Transorbital approaches of skull base (20)

Infratemporal fossa 360°
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Mais de Murali Chand Nallamothu

Craniopharyngioma - What is the best approach
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Decision making between anterior skull base & lateral skull base
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Endoscopic tranasglabellar & supraorbital approach
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Mais de Murali Chand Nallamothu (20)

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Round window
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Transoral & Transorbital approaches of skull base

  • 1. Transoral & Transorbital approaches of skull base 14-8-2016 12.26 pm
  • 2. Great teachers – All this is their work . I am just the reader of their books . Prof. Paolo castelnuovo Prof. Aldo Stamm Prof. Mario Sanna Prof. Magnan
  • 3. For Other powerpoint presentatioins of “ Skull base 360° ” I will update continuosly with date tag at the end as I am getting more & more information click - you have to login to with Facebook account for downloading.
  • 4.
  • 6. IAN = inferior alveolar nerve , LN = lingual nerve , MPM = medial pterygoid muscle , LPM = lateral pterygoid muscle Different layers of muscles & aponeurosis protecting great vessels in infratemporal fossa – Main protectors are medial & lateral pterygoid mucles & temporalis muscle - great vessels are posterior to these 3 muscles – small contribution of protection of great vessels are done by tensor veli palatini & styloid muscles & stylopharyngeal aponeurosis
  • 7. IAN = inferior alveolar nerve , LN = lingual nerve , MPM = medial pterygoid muscle , LPM = lateral pterygoid muscle
  • 8.
  • 9. TVPM is triangular muscle , LVPM is cylindrical muscle
  • 10.
  • 11. SPM attached to superior constrictor , SGM attached to tongue , SHM attached to lesser cornu of hyoid bone
  • 12.
  • 13. After drilling LPP & MPP longissmus capitis & superior constrictor seen .
  • 14. Trans - Oral approach to Infratemporal fossa
  • 15. STEP 1 = Incision : anterior to anterior to anterior pillar of tonsil for “Trans - Oral approach to infratemporal fossa”
  • 16. STEP 2 = Seperation of deep tissue identification of palato pharyngeus and palato glossus and superior consrictor muscles above medially below medial pterygoid and ramus of mandible identification of triangles identification of ascending palatine and ascending pharyngeal ( resident friend) artery
  • 17. STEP 3 = finally identification of our friends ica and jugular and vagus in the upper triangle formed by s c m stylopharyngeus and stylo glossusmuscles Triangle between SPM & SGM & Superior constrictor Left side
  • 18. Transoral approach to SUPERO-MEDIAL Parapharyngeal tumors – incision anterior to anterior pillar of tonsil
  • 19. Two planes posterior to MPM which have greater surgical importance ...... …..1. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma/JNA excision - plane between medial pterygoid muscle ( MPM ) & ET tube/TVPM ( tensor veli palatini muscle)........ 2 . Trans-oral exposure of Infratemporal fossa (ITF) - incision anterior to anterior pillar of tonsil - leads to - plane between MPM & superior constrictor / styloid muscles............In the below diagrams MPM reflected back for understanding purpose
  • 20. MPM is reflected back – which shows the structures seen in trans-oral approach of ITF – incision anterior to anterior pillar of tonsil
  • 21. Two planes posterior to MPM which have greater surgical importance ...... …..1. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma/JNA excision - plane between medial pterygoid muscle ( MPM ) & ET tube/TVPM ( tensor veli palatini muscle)........ 2 . Trans-oral exposure of Infratemporal fossa (ITF) - incision anterior to anterior pillar of tonsil - leads to - plane between MPM & superior constrictor / styloid muscles............In the below diagrams MPM reflected back for understanding purpose
  • 22. 1. Each styloid muscle accompanied by one nerve – SPM by 9th nerve , SGM by lingual nerve , SHM by 12th nerve 2. SPM & SGM protects ICA whereas SHM protects both ECA & ICA – that is the reasonwhy wheen you dissect a plane over posterior belly of diagastric & SHM , you won’t get vital structures 3. ECA & ICA & CCA are like tuning fork – caricature diagram
  • 23. Each styloid muscle accompanied by one nerve – SPM by 9th nerve , SGM by lingual nerve , SHM by 12th nerve
  • 24. Note the 9th nerve accompanying Stylopharyngeus
  • 25. The SPM runs inferiorly on the lateral aspect of the ICAp. The SHM is lateral to the ECA. The SGM passes lateral to the ICAp, medially to the ECA. The stylomandibular ligament is a condensation of the deep layer of the parotid fascia. It connects the styloid process with the angle of the mandible. DMpb posterior belly of the digastric muscle, FA facial artery, ICAp parapharyngeal portion of the internal carotid artery, IJV internal jugular vein, SCM superior constrictor muscle, SGM styloglossus muscle, SHM stylohyoid muscle, SPM stylopharyngeus muscle, VIIcn facial nerve, Xcn vagus nerve, XIcn accessory nerve, XIIcn hypoglossal nerve, black asterisk glossopharyngeal nerve at the skull base
  • 26. MPM is reflected back – which shows the structures seen in trans-oral approach of ITF – incision anterior to anterior pillar of tonsil
  • 27. ApaA ascending palatine artery, BFP buccal fat pad, BM buccinator muscle, ICAp parapharyngeal portion of the internal carotid artery, IJV internal jugular vein, LN lingual nerve, MPM medial pterygoid muscle, PG parotid gland, PP pharyngeal plexus, SCM superior constrictor muscle, SGM styloglossus muscle, SHM stylohyoid muscle, SPM stylopharyngeus muscle, IXcn glossopharyngeal nerve, Xcn vagus nerve, black asterisk stylomandibular ligament
  • 28. Transoral endoscopic view of the parapharyngeal region ApaA ascending palatine artery, ICAp parapharyngeal portion of the internal carotid artery, LCapM longus capitis muscle, PP pharyngeal plexus, SCM superior constrictor muscle, SGM styloglossus muscle, SPM stylopharyngeus muscle, white arrows glossopharyngeal nerve The external carotid artery passes deeply to the digastric and stylohyoid muscles, but super fi cially to the stylopharyngeus and styloglossal muscle when running toward the parotid gland (Janfaza et al. 2001 ) . With a transoral window it is possible to control the space between the medial pterygoid muscle laterally and the superior constrictor muscle medially. The stylopharyngeus and styloglossus muscles are critical landmarks, being usually placed anterior to the great vessels (Dallan et al. 2011 ). Note that the presence of kinking or looping of the ICAp could make this statement untrue.
  • 29. transoral endoscopic views of the tongue base and parapharyngeal regions APA ascending pharyngeal artery, ApaA ascending palatine artery, DM digastric muscle, FA facial artery, HGM hyoglossus muscle, IAN inferior alveolar nerve, ICAp parapharyngeal portion of the internal carotid artery, IJV internal jugular vein, LA lingual artery, LN lingual nerve, M mandible, MPM medial pterygoid muscle, SCM superior constrictor muscle, SGM styloglossus muscle, SPM stylopharyngeus muscle, TB tongue base, XIIcn hypoglossal nerve, black arrows glossopharyngeal nerve
  • 30. Lateral vision of the upper cervical and lower parapharyngeal regions. The vertical branch of the mandible has been removed DM digastric muscle, ECA external carotid artery, FA facial artery, ICAp parapharyngeal portion of the internal carotid artery, IJV internal jugular vein, LFVT linguofacial venous trunk, LN lingual nerve, MPM medial pterygoid muscle, OA occipital artery, SCM superior constrictor muscle, SGM styloglossus muscle, SHM stylohyoid muscle, SMG submandibular gland, SPM stylopharyngeus muscle, IXcn glossopharyngeal nerve, XIcn accessory nerve, XIIcn hypoglossal nerve, yellow arrow ansa cervicalis profunda
  • 31. Transoral endoscopic view of the parapharyngeal region APA ascending pharyngeal artery, ApaA ascending palatine artery, ICAp parapharyngeal portion of the internal carotid artery, IJV internal jugular vein, LN lingual nerve, M mandible, SCM superior constrictor muscle, SGM styloglossus muscle, SHM stylohyoid muscle, SPM stylopharyngeus muscle, TB tongue base, white arrow hypoglossal nerve, black arrows glossopharyngeal nerve, blue arrows lingual nerve
  • 32. Sree ram murthy sir dissection in Italy Dear surgeons today we did cadavèric dissection to endoscopic transoral approach to parapharyngeal space The indications are 1. removal of small tumours of parapharyngeal space 2. biopsy of growths 3. to enter in to infratemporal space 4. para mandibular approaches to mid cranial fossa The dissection was done by us with dr Dallan Of Pisa medical university of PISA ITALY 1. Incision over soft palate above anterior pillar 2. Seperation of deep tissue identification of palato pharyngeus and palato glossus and superior consrictor muscles above medially below medial pterygoid and ramus of mandible identification of triangles identification of ascending palatine and ascending pharyngeal ( resident friend) artery 3. Finally identification of our friends ica and jugular and vagus in the upper triangle formed by s c m stylopharyngeus and stylo glossusmuscles inferiorly mtm and mandible v3 branches entering infra temporal space are important things. Trans oral endoscopy of pps is gaining popularity now a days a new procedure hence friends just pass deeper to tonsil we see wonders The video is thrilling to see It is a anatomical feast
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35. finally identification of our friends ica and jugular andvagus in the upper triangle formed by s c m stylopharyngeus and stylo glossusmuscles
  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 38. Dear surgeons it is trans oral endoscopic pic of parapharyngeal space to show ascending pharyngeal artery and other structures of neck 1ascending palatine artery 2 ascending pharyngeal artery 3 ica 4 ij v 5 stylo pharyngeus muscle
  • 39. ARTERY OF TROUBLE ARTERY OF TROUBLE: The inferior tympanic artery which supplies medial wall of middle ear. Normally it is a small branch of ascending pharyngeal artery a middle terminal twig along with anterior pharyngeal branch and posterior neuro meningeal branch. In 50% cases, it is visible But in glomous tumours the major blood supply to the tumour is from this artery. In glomous tumours it is engorged more than 8 times Inferior tympanic artery enter the floor of middle ear through tympanic canaliculus at crotch along with jocobsons nerve. Finiculus island mark to this artery entry. Surgical implications: • 1) In glomus tympanicus tumours initial coagulation of this vessel at the region of finiculus reduces bleeding • 2) It can have anastomoses with petrous segment of ICA so glomous tumour may be supplied by EAC and ICA
  • 40. 1 Inferior tympanic artery 2 anterior crus of stapes 3 long process of incus 4 malleus
  • 41. 1 Inferior tympanic artery 2 anterior crus of stapes 3 long process of incus 4 malleus
  • 42. Paraphayrngeal JNA removal by Endoscopic trans-oral approach by Dr.Janakiram
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  • 45. Another case of MUCOEPIDERMOID TUMOR – OPERATED TWICE BEFORE.. ENDOSCOPIC TRANSORAL EXCISION by Dr.Janakiram – Click /media_set?set=a.862837223808213.107374193 9.100002458306921&type=3
  • 46. Trans-Oral approach to CVJ [ cranio- vertebral junction ]
  • 47. Transoral exposure of the craniocervical junction region. A. Mandibular bone and the tongue were excised. B. The soft palate was excised and pharyngeal mucosa was retracted bilaterally and clivus was exposed. C. The clivus, atlas, and axis were exposed transorally. D. Inferior third of the clivus, anterior arch of atlas, and the anterior part of the axis were excised down to level of the C3 vertebral body and the dura was also excised correspondingly to demonstrate craniocervical junction region. aaa: anterior arch of atlas, aica: anterior inferior cerebellar artery, asa: anterior spinal artery, at: atlas, ata: anterior tubercle of atlas, ax: axis, ba: basilar artery, C1: C-1 nerve root, C2: C-2 nerve root, cl: clivus, d: dens, du:dura, hp: hard palate, iaf-at: inferior articular facet of atlas, lcap: longus capitis muscle, ma: mandible, mo: medulla oblangata, mu: pharyngeal mucosa, pns: posterior nasal spine of palatine bone, pt: palatine tonsil, saf-ax: superior articular facet of axis, sc: spinal cord, sp: soft palate, u: uvula, V4: intradural segment of vertebral artery, vo: vomer.
  • 48. Transoral exposure of the craniocervical junction region. A. Mandibular bone and the tongue were excised. B. The soft palate was excised and pharyngeal mucosa was retracted bilaterally and clivus was exposed. C. The clivus, atlas, and axis were exposed transorally. D. Inferior third of the clivus, anterior arch of atlas, and the anterior part of the axis were excised down to level of the C3 vertebral body and the dura was also excised correspondingly to demonstrate craniocervical junction region. aaa: anterior arch of atlas, aica: anterior inferior cerebellar artery, asa: anterior spinal artery, at: atlas, ata: anterior tubercle of atlas, ax: axis, ba: basilar artery, C1: C-1 nerve root, C2: C-2 nerve root, cl: clivus, d: dens, du:dura, hp: hard palate, iaf-at: inferior articular facet of atlas, lcap: longus capitis muscle, ma: mandible, mo: medulla oblangata, mu: pharyngeal mucosa, pns: posterior nasal spine of palatine bone, pt: palatine tonsil, saf-ax: superior articular facet of axis, sc: spinal cord, sp: soft palate, u: uvula, V4: intradural segment of vertebral artery, vo: vomer.
  • 50. Updated soon Read Chapter 15 TRANSORBITAL ENDOSCOPIC APPROACHES TO THE ANTERIOR CRANIAL FOSSA in Dr. Paul Gardner book – click - +gardner+skull+base+surgery&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y
  • 51. Sree ram murthy sir dissection in italy Dear surgeons to day we dissected Transorbital approach to infratemporal fossa on cadaver under guidence of pro Sellari franchisco of PISA italy He is expert for this approaches So far he has done 1980 cases through approach The main indications are 1 orbital decompression 2 clenoid meningiomas and other tumours of anterior cranial fossa 3cavernous sinus pathologies 4 meckles cave tumours 5 infratemporal fossa pathologies 6 this one approach is for all pathologies of anterior middle cranial and infra temporal fossa superior lid incision sub periosteal elivation of globe identification of sof and meningo orbital artery drillng of greater wing of sphenoid for mid fossa alittle inferior for itf frotal bone for acf and incision of dura finally visualisation of structures are steps these are some pics
  • 52. Dr. Sree ram murthy & Pro Sellari franchisco of PISA italy
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  • 63. ORBIT • 1. Two Ice cream cones in orbit -mnemonic - SOF & IOF - superior orbital fissure & inferior orbital fissure. • 2. Bone between OC ( optic canal ) & SOF is optic strut ( OS) • 3. Bone between SOF & V2 ( foramen rotundum ) is MS ( maxillary strut ) - front door of cavernous sinus • 4. So SOF is presents between two struts - OS & MS • 5. Bone above SOF is LWS ( leader wing of sphenoid ) • 6. Bone between SOF & IOF is GWS ( greater wing of sphenoid ) • 7. Four semilunar lines 1, 2, 3, 4 are - orbital surface of frontal bone , orbital surface of zygomatic none , orbital surface of maxillary none , laminae papyracea resp. • 8. Medial wall of SOF is nothing but nasal surface of SOF which is just anterior to cavernous sinus
  • 64. ORBITAL APEX [ SOF = ALSC + Orbital apex] Extraconal & intraconal compartmements
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  • 67. A - trajectory leads to middle cranial fossa B - trajectory leads to infra-temporal fossa
  • 68. GWS=Greater wing of sphenoid LWS = Lesser wing of sphenoid
  • 69. Updated soon Read Chapter 34 TRANSORBITAL ENDOSCOPIC APPROACHES TO THE MIDDLE CRANIAL FOSSA in Dr. Paul Gardner book – click - +gardner+skull+base+surgery&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y
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  • 71. Six handed technique ?? Read Chapter 34 TRANSORBITAL ENDOSCOPIC APPROACHES TO THE MIDDLE CRANIAL FOSSA in Dr. Paul Gardner book – click - paul+gardner+skull+base+surgery&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc= y
  • 72. TRANS ORBITAL APPROACH cadaveric approach to middle cranial fossa In future it will be good easy approach for ent surgeons It is devised by pro castelneuvo with my friends Dallan and Battaglea There are 3 approaches to ent surgeons for cavernous sinus 1 trans sellar approach 2 transpterygoid approach 3 trans orbital approach - this approach is easy . The trans orbital approach steps are 1 upper lid incision 2 subperiosteal dissection of globe and identification superior orbital fissure and meningo orbital artery 3 identification of c s 4 seperation of two walls of c s 4 identification of structures 5 incision of mid cranial fossa dura 6 meckles cave visualisation along with other structures - small incision , no injury to eye , entrance of cv in between two layers , no much bleeding , no csf leaks are advantages .
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  • 81. Murali Chand Nallamothu: What are indications of orbital transposition. Sree Ram Murthy Dr Vizak ENT: Now a days it is important part the indications 1. removal of infections lateral to mid pupillary level 2. lateral osteomas of frontal sinuses 3. trans orbital approaches to middle cranial tumours 4. exposure of cavernous sinus trans orbitally I think 1 & 2 indications can be done by external approaches by brow or bicoronal incisions
  • 82. Sree Ram Murthy Dr : Dear surgeons it is a endoscopic endonasal cadaveric ORBITAL TRANSPOSITION technique The steps follows 1 complete exposure of anterior skull base 2 identification of septal branch of a e a and 1st olfactory fibre 3 removal of lamina papyracea 4 identification of aea and pea 5 cutting of both arteries and release the globe 6 gentle lateralization globe along with periorbita up to mid pupillary point 7 complete exposure of medial orbital roof and further according to pathology
  • 83. 1 septal branch of a e a
  • 84. 2 orbital roof 4 posterior ethmoidal groove
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  • 87. For Other powerpoint presentatioins of “ Skull base 360° ” I will update continuosly with date tag at the end as I am getting more & more information click - you have to login to with Facebook account for downloading.