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Hacking Happiness
Perus Saranurak
Sustainability from inside out
Volume 1 - Futures of Sustainability
MA Design Futures and Metadesign, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
Volume 1 (2014)
Futures of Sustainability
MA Design Futures and Metadesign, Goldsmiths, university of London, UK
Cover image:
Happiness is here: only you can make it happen
by Perus Saranurak
“Happiness happens when you stop waiting and start doing now.”
Hacking Happiness
Sustainability from inside out
Designers → Happiness Hacker
Create an alternative paradigm
of your own happiness
Perus Saranurak
MA Design Futures student
[Product designer and Metadesigner]
Sustainable design students
Anti-consumerist activists
Design activists
Life hackers
MA Design Futures
Goldsmiths, university of London
MA Design Futures and Metadesign, Department of Design, Goldsmiths,
University of London, United Kingdom
Perus Saranurak, 2014
First edition printed on 21st
November 2013
Revised and updated edition printed on 17th
July 2014
Design by Perus Saranurak
Printed and bound in London by Perus Saranurak
To Hannah Jones, Mathilda Tham and John Wood,
who extend my perspective of futures and design possibilities
To my family,
who give me the freedom to think, and always support
To you,
who think life can be re-designed.
Preface ..................................................................................................................... viii
Glossary................................................................................................................. xii
Introduction of Hacking Happiness.......................................................................1
Sustainability ..............................................................................................................5
Consumerism............................................................................................................. 8
Economy for sustainability.................................................................................11
Tools for conviviality...........................................................................................12
Buddhist economics ............................................................................................13
Sufficiency economy .......................................................................................... 14
Design activism.....................................................................................................15
Happiness as a tool..............................................................................................17
Money and happiness......................................................................................... 18
Assumption: Meet the needs without pay..................................................... 20
Lifestyle: actions with meanings......................................................................... 22
Hacking Happiness’ Guidebook........................................................................ 26
Appendix................................................................................................................... 28
Collective storytelling workshop..................................................................... 29
Reference ..................................................................................................................31
Bibliography............................................................................................................. 32
Image reference...................................................................................................... 33
Postgraduate project work in MA Design Futures and Metadesign
at Goldsmiths, University of London, London, UK.
The key topic of this essay is Futures of Sustainability. This essay will
focus on bringing design thinking and activities to be a part of daily
lifestyle. And design the accessibility of happiness which can be the
motivation for the sustainable lifestyle. This could be a conceptual
principle of an alternative lifestyle, which can sustain itself and against
the consumerist paradigm.
Keyword: Anti-consumption, Buddish, Happiness, Metadesign, Prosumer,
Are you happy?
Happiness can reflect to a good quality of life, but it seems to be more
difficult to get it in these days and in the future, because the required
conditions of living are increasing also they are harder to get happiness.
The restriction of resource affects individuals to be more competitive and
stressful. Furthermore, this endless progress would be more tightened
through time and it hardly leads us to a sustainable future.
Why we need an entertainment? Why we love shopping even we can
survive with the thing we already have? Is our happiness a
commodity? Is it because we over-depend our happiness on others,
or we currently lose the capabilities to sustain our lives and our
happiness by ourselves?
For this essay “Hacking Happiness”, I would like to ask you (especially, a
sustainable designer) a question: “How we live sustainably under the
paradigm that happiness is fulfilled by contributors easier than oneself?”
There is no absolute solution to this question, but this essay would like to
introduce some relevant ideas of sustainable living and alternative
courage lifestyles. Hopefully, this essay can stretch the approach of
sustainability which could emerge from a tangibly self-sustainable life.
Hello, my name is Pesus Saranurak.
Lets me briefly introduce myself before. I was born in a Buddhist family
and I have learnt many Buddhist philosophies of living since I was young.
Most of Buddhist philosophies tend to make folks realize everything will
not stay forever for reducing a senses of an ownership which could lead
to a sorrow.
Before I came to Goldsmiths, I was suffering from the design role because
there is the significant conflict between Buddhist philosophies and the
mechanic of consumption, which have to keep allure consumers to buy
more and be endlessly unsatisfied. The identification of newness, lack and
status has been used to drag consumers far from sustainable happiness.
Whilst working as a product designer, my role has to support this
economy mechanic and it seems to be the basis of many unsustainable
issues, such as over-consumption and waste problem.
I have studied Buddhism and meditation for understanding its perspective
of life and happiness. In 2013-14 I was studying in MA Design Futures and
Metadesign at Goldsmiths. There is a tipping point of shifting my
perspective and thinking framework about design in to life designer
My working experiences, which stand between production and
consumption, help me to understand the system of consumption and
explore new alternative systems, which possibly lead to a sustainable
future. Further, I would like to develop my designer role to not only
support on consumerism. The sustainable designers can design a living
guideline and facilitate people to be able to access to happiness equality,
as a happiness hacker. Also, for myself this would be my future design
Nice to meet you, the future happiness hackers.
This writing is for one who believes that we can create better futures by
our actions. Congratulations If you are that person. This writing would be
your guidebook which introduces the foundations of the context for
reaching happiness based on individual actions. Moreover, it could helps
you to gain the potential in creating your challenged lifestyle.
On the other hand, if you do not believe that possibility, this writing
could extend your vision and it will reveal alternative lifestyle. Perhaps, it
could change your mind.
Designers are the main target of this writing. I write it to suit with
designer’s reading style which is not linear and long passage by using
discussion style with many diagrams and pictures. It could help designers
to see the connections between each context and keyword which could
be easier in designing or getting ideas
Even though you are not a designer, this book will help you to understand
the basis of being happy in life. Consequently, you could become a
designer because you will have a capacity to design own happiness in
Hope you will enjoy this writing, while reading it, please try to reflect on
your own life and start design it, a future design activist.
: )
I appreciate to exchange ideas, experiences and opinions with you about
this topic Hacking Happiness.
Perus Saranurak
MA Design Futures + Metadesign (2013-2014)
In th
his first ch
lain the sc
at is ‘Hack
erience, g
s, as we
ensive an
oming mo
word ‘Ha
m the Oxf
Hack (v
Gain un
They hha
Hack in
To brea
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school s
MA Desi
hapter I w
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: Students
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University of
king H
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ryone po
of positive
s seems
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ms of com
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from a rem
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f London
Hacking H
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to be mo
lay on m
mputer and
mote locatio
ng to hhack i
But in th
ore and m
many elem
d technol
on to stea
into their
’ and
Hacking Happiness: Sustainability from inside out
On the other hand, It could be mean to access the target through a
restricted system by individual skill and knowledge. Thus, I carry this word
in the context of the real world by joining the words together with
‘Happiness’. Then ‘‘Hacking Happiness’ could be understand as the action
(figure 2) against the system where we are living in and also makes a
shortcut way to reach a goal.
Since the concept of sustainability was created until now, this concept
still has been too radical in the individual scale because the effect is
shown in the global scale which is hard to recognize that it connects to
individual behaviours.
Hacking happiness bring the sustainability to engage with people life and
action by re-conceptualising the perception of happiness. This could be
easier to gain their awareness in ecology. Moreover, this concept aims to
integrate a personal benefit into sustainability and create an alternative
value in society.
Writing ingredients
While researching, the concept of ‘Hacking Happiness’ has many relations
with various intellects (in the figure 3).
MA Design Futures, Goldsmiths, University of London
So in this writing, I try to combine varied aspects which Haidt (2006 cites
by Greve 2012: 17) states happiness involve in Psychology, Philosophy,
Economy and Sociology. Including sustainability concern, Ecology is also
the one of the key aspects for covering many perspectives in generating
design concept.
Direction of research
A grand tour question
“How to make an idea of sustainability become more tangible?”
1. “Why people still do what they know it damages the world?”
2. “What are the common problems in people’s life?”
3. “How to encourage people to have better behaviours?”
‘Hacking Happiness’ concept development
After researching different aspects (figure 4), I can generate the key
elements which relevant to this concept, such as sustainability,
consumerism, happiness and activist. These elements become a core of
Hacking Happiness concept.
For making the concept more tangible, I develop it into action, lifestyle
and individual system which has the benefit of both individual and
environment. Moreover, some relevant movement or lifestyle into reality
is revealed too.
Hacking Happiness: Sustainability from inside out
Design role
On a large scale like changing notion, it is hard to imagine how designers
can play in this game. Metadesign is the great tool for dealing with
complex problems because it delivers the wider perspective for designers
to think beyond the old paradigm to create the new opportunity, likewise
Wood (2007, cited by Jones, 2013) state “… think beyond the possible”.
Moreover, Fisher (cited by Fischer 2013) suggests that the complex
problem required more knowledge from collaboration (2000), and the
users should be owners of problems, not only passive consumers
restricted to consumption of the existing knowledge (2006).
MA Design Futures, Goldsmiths, University of London
Design for the next seven generations
Sustainability has been addressed in many aspects. In this essay will scope
to the dehierachical aspect, to create equality, in term of anti-
consumerism; to approach the method to straight access to happiness.
Hacking Happiness aims to create a good quality of life which is broadly
affordable, reducing consumption.
What is sustainability?
Sustainability is consideration of actions and system for futures of
humanity, our future generations. In the Design Futures class, the idea of
sustainability was defined by the World Commission on Environment and
Development (WCED) states in 1987:
“Development that meets the needs of the present generation
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their own needs.”
However, it is not an easy way to become sustainable. On one hand,
Alastair Fuad-Luke (2009: 23) states “Sustainability is grounded in
ecological praxis and systems thinking. It challenges the capitalist system
of production and consumption that assumes unlimited growth.”
Because the capitalist system seems to be a grand-narrative and other
systems are developed in the same direction to support it. This makes the
system become dominant and hardly changeable. However, a
development of the production and the consumption creates a mechanic
for accelerating the economic progress with carelessness about ecology.
This draws us to an unsustainable problem.
Hacking Happiness: Sustainability from inside out
From an ecological footprint (figure 5), It is abundantly clear that current
rates of consumption of many resources are unsustainable. (Fuad-Luke,
2009: 67)
Question of sustainability
“People know to harm the world is not good, but they still do it. Why?”
As a reason, we live in this system which is highly competitive and
stressful, but we cannot avoid it because all infrastructure also relies on it
(figure 6). Consequently, economic system influence people to be less
awareness in sustainability than making money.
MA Design Futures, Goldsmiths, University of London
This is a wicked problem which seems impossible to solve, but metadesign
can be used for solving this problem by rethinking holistically.
“We can’t solve problems with the type of thinking we used to
create them.” states Albert Einstein (cited by John Wood’s lecture,
Designer in sustainability
According to a designer’s role, designers should be the easiest person to
understand and consider in sustainability. Also, the designer has the
capacities to design a creative solution for raising people’s awareness. For
example, reframing the scale of time into the longer view could help to
visualize a concept of sustainability (Thorpe 2007: 162)
Decades- family
Centuries- tribe or nation
Millennia- civilization
Tens of millennia- species
Eons- whole web of life on our planet
tainable fu
nomy in c
nerally, an
luates eve
ch is q
orm misco
reover, th
m, which k
uture. ‘Ha
n econom
erything w
(2011: 35)
into 4
s and ser
because t
e behaviou
his proces
As Ivan
ng Happiness
ump out o
eep consu
cking Hap
my is base
which can
ve standa
) argues
vices, wh
they have
n of goo
urs in con
s tents to
n Illich s
s: Sustainabi
of the gran
umers fee
ppiness’ te
ed on sel
be sold, a
ard for
in Small
ich shoul
e differen
ods’ cost
o reconst
states (19
lity from insi
nd narrativ
el lack, is t
ents to ha
lling and
and simplif
easy to
is Beautif
as renew
d have a
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to co
ruct cons
990: 74)
de out
he main r
ck throug
buying, s
fy each va
o compar
ful that g
wable, n
ative valu
umer’s ne
that the
gh it (figur
so it pos
alue into p
re. Howe
goods can
t standard
e. This c
and lead
eeds to n
e process
of a
re 7).
n be
d for
d to
s of
MA Design Futures, Goldsmiths, University of London
consumption is to foster a belief that anything "new" will be proven
"better" to devalue "old" models. It tends to generate demand by
hypnotizing consumers to feel a lack between what they had and what
they ought to get. As a result, the consumer would be happy in achieving
more than in the function of things. This process could be called
consumption mechanism.
Economic tools
Economic tools, such as advertising, have been developed for rising
demand in a market by creating consumer’s needs.
Regarding John Wood lectures in Design Future class, “There are
professions more harmful than industrial design, but only a very few of
them. And possibly only one profession is phonier. Advertising design, in
persuading people to buy things they do not need, with money they do
not have, in order to impress others who do not care, is probably the
phoniest field in existence today.” Viktor Papanek in Design for the Real
World (1971)
The mechanisms behind consumption (Shove and Warde, 1999)
Social comparison
Creation of self-identity
Mental stimulation – novelty
The Diderot effect/matching
Socio-technical systems
This process seems to draw market to consume beyond function and
material. It could be called Conspicuous consumption (Veblen, 1999 The
Theory of the Leisure Class):
Consumption beyond satisfaction of ‘needs’
Immediate gratification
Narcissistic behaviour
Displaying wealth
Hacking Happiness: Sustainability from inside out
How it works?
This system educates us to meet our needs by consuming and for some
people they have no other way to fulfil their needs, as a metaphor of a
fish cannot realize it is living in the water because it never without water
while they alive.
This figure 8 illustrates how the money system transfers into human
needs in different hierarchies.
Design in consumerism
For driving the capitalist system, designers are the important role
standing between production and consumption. Essentially, this role has
a potential to draw the consuming system to be more sustainable.
However, they do not have an authority to change it because almost
clients and investors usually hire them to gain their profit and they are
expert at using consumption mechanics for increasing demand.
Luckily, Victor Papanek also suggests a design responsibility that (cite by
Fuad-Luke, 2009 : 44)
MA Design Futures, Goldsmiths, University of London
“Designers needed to take responsible decisions, spend less time
designing ephemeral goods in the consumer economy, and spend
more creative time on generating solutions to the real needs of the
disadvantaged 80 per cent population of the planet.”
What is mean designers should concerning in sustainability and design a
solution for creating better futures. In terms of designer who want to
create sustainable futures, this writing tries to explore the ideas of
sustainable economy, which could be used for developing the ‘Hacking
Happiness’ concept. (These ideas would be explained in the next chapter)
Economy for sustainability
The concept of sustainability has been developed for many decades ago.
In this writing, I will introduce 4 concepts which have divers directions
and areas (figure 9).
as a
ols for co
Ivan Il
being s
h gives th
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ures. Simu
“A conv
tools o
ating a ne
duction o
5: 75)
lich (1975
pt: creatin
supplied by
he definit
e used in
ide tools
to determ
h introdu
r environ
vivial socie
tee for eac
f the com
r member's
, convivial
ew model
of goods a
ng Happiness
ng tools f
y industria
tion of ‘to
the proc
in indust
mine and
ces conviv
rs (figure
nment in
ly, people
ty would b
ch member
mmunity an
s equal fre
l tools cou
of indust
and unlim
s: Sustainabi
for everyo
l tools.
ools’ as t
ess of de
trial tools
d manipu
vial tools
10). More
e have to
be the resu
r the most
nd limit th
edom.” (Ill
uld lead so
trial socie
mited grow
lity from insi
one which
he man-m
s and con
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to enhan
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to suit w
use tools
ult of socia
t ample and
his freedom
ich 1975: 12
ociety to
ety which
wth in th
de out
free peop
made devi
nt and de
nvivial too
vidual ex
ce individ
ey can use
with their
s with reg
l arrangem
d free acce
m only in
be more s
is a clea
e service
ple from
ice or sys
esign. Also
ols. Indus
ual’s free
e the too
r visions
garding ot
ments that
ess to the
favour of
n and lim
sector. (
o, he
n. In
ls to
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ddhist ec
E. F. S
nerally, in
ger is bett
nomics is
cept has
The mo
the am
to obt
MA Desi
pt: Buddhi
) less.
the high
ter’ as a m
s known
taken its
2001: 36).
odern econ
mount of
mist argues
tain the
mption stat
gn Futures, G
er (1973)
ist econom
hly compe
modern ec
as an un
place in
omist is us
s that the m
tes Schuma
my aims to
etitive so
conomy. H
sed to mea
tion as m
meaning o
m well-bei
acher (2001
University of
be well-b
ociety, ma
However, T
ble syste
. It’s calle
asure the s
more is b
of human w
ing with
1: 42)
f London
eing by co
any peop
The conce
m, and a
ed Buddhi
standard o
better. A
the min
ple think
ept of mod
also the
ist econo
of living by
should be
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a lim
reover, fr
gests the
creative a
s to ‘redu
mited reso
sfy their
plicity and
mple, Sch
end on co
h as why
aper than
ficiency e
H.M. K
can rel
g of Tha
om Budd
system sh
activity m
, Schuma
ces the w
ource. For
needs wit
d non-vio
we still us
King Bhum
pt: sustain
ly upon on
phy of self
iland and
t Board 20
ng Happiness
hist econ
hould con
ore impor
cher (200
work load’
r instance
th modes
lence are
(2001: 45
on, but de
se non-re
le fuel wh
mibol Adul
nable econ
d he (cite
007: 7)
s: Sustainabi
nomics (fi
nsider peo
rtant than
01: 39) ex
and consi
e, the eco
st use of
the main
5) introdu
epend on
ich is less
lyadej (19
nomy start
ncy econo
ed by th
lity from insi
gure 1), S
ople more
n consump
xplains th
ider about
onomy sho
a resourc
n idea of B
ces that t
fuel carel
harm the
ts at a sma
omy (figur
he Nation
s that
de out
e Buddhi
t a physic
ould supp
ce. It can
the syste
m and hol
essly only
e world; su
all scale w
re 12) is i
al Econom
her (2001:
nt than go
st econo
al resourc
ort peopl
be seen
m should
listic think
y because
which one
mic and So
ncy” m
: 41)
ce as
e to
. For
it is
d by
In th
deration, r
tection fro
“...If we
not only
- being
s concept
o focuses
ch also ed
1. Knowle
2. Ethnic
3. Happin
4. Sustain
he individ
ording to t
totypes su
mers could
able of he
sign activ
MA Desi
om impac
e are happ
and will ex
ly in an eco
g sufficient
...” states H
seems in
more abo
ducate citi
edge Base
ness Econo
nable Econ
ual scale,
their role
d be indep
elping othe
gn Futures, G
eness, an
t arising f
py with ho
xploit othe
onomic sen
t and not
H.M. King B
the simila
out how
zens the d
d Econom
this conce
s and resp
ers and co
d the nee
from inter
however lit
ers less. If a
nse, but to
Bhumibol A
ar directio
to develo
ept enable
y in cultiva
and efficie
University of
ed of self-
rnal and ex
ttle we ha
all countrie
try to keep
not greedy
on with B
op this ph
d ideas of
es ones to
es, Moreo
ation syste
ently rely
to society
f London
xternal ch
ave, we wi
es observe t
ep the midd
dy, then we
uddhist e
o be reaso
ver, the H
em which
upon one
for suffic
will be less
this idea -
dle ground
we can live
into prac
onable in li
H.M. King
shows th
eself and b
s but
Hacking Happiness: Sustainability from inside out
Alastair Fuad-Luke (2009)
Concept: everyone can use design to have sustainable futures
Fuad-Luke (2009: xx) introduces that design has a great potential to make
a positive change in society and the environment. Therefore, he joins the
word ‘design’ with ‘activism’ to become ‘design activism’ which is a
creative way to create the policy or social movement for better futures
(figure 13).
Design activism is ‘design thinking, imagination and practice applied
knowingly or unknowingly create a counter-narrative aimed at
generating and balancing positive social, institutional,
environmental and/or economic change’. (Fuad-Luke, 2009 : 27).
In terms of concept, ‘Hacking Happiness’ could be the one of design
activism too, because it wishes to criticize on consumerism and facilitate
the new system more sustainable.
to w
by u
of h
ld be the t
ppiness a
work, to d
using hap
ording to
er enjoy in
ppiness by
ny people
ch resourc
nsfer qua
MA Desi
erism has
tool for so
s a tool
ss has bee
evelop or
ppiness to
Diener (2
n improvin
y a succes
think tha
because o
ically dev
ces owned
gn Futures, G
A posi
always inf
olving this
en used as
to do som
ools such
2008: 18),
ng one’s s
s in econo
at the suc
of a freed
eloped so
d. Howeve
indices i
sitive moti
fluenced c
s wicked p
s a goal fo
mething (f
as rewa
, People c
cess in th
dom in spe
ocieties s
er, it coul
into qual
University of
or encoura
figure 14).
rds and t
create rew
he econom
ending. Pa
scoring ho
ld be criti
itative sa
f London
to feel la
aging one
This proc
the notio
ward to m
my would
ahl (1995:
ow succe
cized in t
ack. Happi
eself or ot
cess is cre
n of succ
make them
be the st
8) shows
ess from
he proces
ns. Moreo
m or
ss of
of s
ber (cited
der of suc
cessful co
success ha
ney and h
n money b
, of cou
chanism o
man needs
ws us to
tus and fe
piness (D
t also ther
at is happ
stotle is q
mula (2006
by Pahl
ccess is a
ould lead t
as been ch
buy Happi
rse, acco
of consum
s. It canno
access n
eelings of
Diener 200
re are imp
uoted as
06) on the
ng Happiness
1995: 33)
topless la
to stress,
hanged in
ording to
merism an
ot be denie
needs, also
control. A
08: 110). F
portant ex
saying “g
BBC-2 ch
s: Sustainabi
argues t
adder”. O
fear and
nto seekin
nd the fig
ed that m
o more t
At the sa
good living
hannel. Ha
lity from insi
hat “whe
n the oth
ng balance
erism cha
gure 8 sho
oney is dr
than purc
me time,
ely, Diene
g is happin
appiness s
de out
n made o
her hand,
ness. Also
e between
apter, it
ows how
riving the
hasing po
er (2008:
ness” in T
seams har
of money
the state
o the mea
n working
money m
world no
ower, suc
sm is toxi
91) ment
The happi
rd and unc
es of
w. It
h as
ic to
to m
measure th
es (2010 ci
The ex
The avo
reover, pro
Good s
A mean
ch means
otional d
bably forg
t of happi
nd explain
ays been a
me from do
MA Desi
he states
ited by Gr
perience o
oidance o
bution to
ofessor Ed
ons of hap
social relat
ning which
g a goal or
es “Happi
s Happine
got to enj
iness and
ns “climbi
about the
oing rathe
gn Futures, G
of feeling
eve 2012:
of pleasur
f negative
d Diener,
ppiness in
h may com
an interes
ness is a
ess is mor
n (figure
oy an env
even mo
ing has ne
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, It’s
Hacking Happiness: Sustainability from inside out
In this writing, Diener’s concept of happiness has been used as the goal of
‘Hacking Happiness’ which tends to encourage people to create and
design their better life.
Social happiness
Even these days technology enables us to live more isolated. However,
the research by using the experience sampling method (Diener 2008, p.52)
with introverts and extroverts has an unsuspected result that both two
groups are happier with a social situation than being alone.
“[W]hat really makes us happy is not technology but people. It is not
more productivity we need, but social enfranchisement. Ultimately,
if ‘giving’ makes us feel good, maybe ‘sharing’ can make us feel
better” states John wood (2003, p.3) in Attainable Utopia.
Humans are developed to be social species. For a clearer idea, Try to
Imagine the world without others, how many years you want to live? It
can be seen that a relationship with others in social has a very strong
connection with happiness and they support each other.
Diener shows three different types of relationship (2008, p.58-59)
1. Infatuation is a feeling good and overlooking a partner’s flaws.
2. Companionate love is a readiness to acknowledge and accept some
flaws. It makes one feel happy while helping others, not because of
one’s need.
3. Deficiency-love is based on to satisfy our need. That is why the
easily bored person is attracted to an entertaining or exciting
person, sadly, until the needs fulfilled or changed.
Assumption: Meet the needs without pay
By understanding the ideas of happiness, It could help designer to review
design principle about human needs for sustainability. As in the previous
MA Design Futures, Goldsmiths, University of London
chapter, the economy provides many tools for serving different needs for
driving itself.
This figure (18) shows the exploration how to meet human needs in
different hierarchies by action.
In this exploration, I question how to complete the Maslow’s hierarchy of
human needs without using money. So, I match these different needs
with actions, according to the Diener’s happiness which come from doing
rather than having. Surprisingly, these actions have interesting relations
with the other (figure 18).
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MA Design Futures, Goldsmiths, University of London
‘Hacking happiness’ go lifestyle
Lifestyle is a group of actions and has a specific interest and meaning. If
the concept becomes a lifestyle, it would be easy to communicate ideas.
Simultaneously, lifestyle can communicate more value to consumers
because activity is only one part in lifestyle (figure 19):
The idea of communicating meaning or story to consumers is used for
creating product’s value. According to Mark Poster (cited by Toffoletti,
2011: 78) “in modern society, consumer objects represented social status;
in postmodernity, they express one’s identity”. It thus can be used by
consumers in self-identification and communicate with others. This tool
could be called lifestyle. Likewise, Mathilda gave a lecture about the
lifestyle in Design Futures class on 16th
November 2013:
“Lifestyles refer to the way we live our lives that allows us to fulfil
our needs and aspirations. They serve as “social conversations”, in
which people signal their social position and psychological
aspirations to others. Since many of the signals are mediated by
goods, lifestyles are closely linked to material and resource flows in
the society.” (Backhaus, Breukers et al. 2011)
In Status Anxiety, Botton (2004) explains that this social mechanic affect
us to be unstable and unsatisfied. He calls it the hunger of status.
Sustainability movements in lifestyles
Around the world also has many activities and lifestyle which probably
match with ‘Hacking Happiness’ concept. This part will reveal some less-
consuming alternative lifestyles in different contexts for visualized
Hacking Happiness: Sustainability from inside out
Freegans (2003) New York:
A group of people who live in minimizing
Time bank (1998) UK:
Using time of helping others as a currency
with a bank system.
Live without money (1996) Germany:
Life without money for 14 years
Self-sufficiency (1998) Thailand:
Life in the middle path to self-producing
and rational consuming
In t
As a
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1. TTools f
2. BBuddh
3. SSufficie
4. DDesign
5. Diener
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Hacking Happiness: Sustainability from inside out
Hacking Happiness’ Guidebook
If you feel suffering from your life, now you should not blame others. You
just ask yourself “what do I need?” and ”what I will do?” because now you
know the shortcut to fulfil your needs without pay.
So, If you see happiness is easy to access, congratulation now you are the
hacker- a design activist in terms of ‘Hacking Happiness’
Let's start creating your life as you want it
This writing is the only guidebook which describes the area and reveal
same interests to you, the reader, for getting ideas to create own
happiness, similarly with a concept of sufficiency economy but the
product is happiness.
As you have read the happiness chapter, these actions (in figure 21) that
can complete human needs are rather easy and simple, but the key is you
realize the action what you are doing and understand how it benefit you
happiness; rethink about what make you happy; analyse them. Moreover,
these activities possibly push you out of the loop of consumerism.
Let start with any action you like.
To become a hacker you don’t have to change your whole lifestyles, your
behaviours or your beliefs. You might try to take the action sometime, in
leisure time or when you feel free- don’t be too serious - following an
idea of Buddhist economics.
Last but not least, Do just because you enjoy doing, don’t expect the
outcome – “Happiness is a Process. Not a Place.” (Diener 2008: 13)
“What will you do today, Hacker?”
MA Design Futures, Goldsmiths, University of London
Sustainability is a very big issue which has many aspect to talk. Many
people know what is sustainable, but few people do it in practice. In my
opinion, it could be because the sense of sustainability does not motivate
individual enough to do it. In this essay I try to bring the sense of
sustainability to be closer to the individual scale, which I focus on human
need. It is a big issue to re-define the meaning of sustainability. I start
studying in many aspects and I found the happiness issue is related to
individual and sustainability. So I explore the concept of happiness and
re-interpreted in term of sustainability. Finally, I got the concept of
Hacking Happiness.
This project extends my vision in a design role from thinking that the
result of the design process should only be products or services. Now I
saw a new opportunity to design which is to facilitate people by designing
tools for designing and solving a problem by themselves.
Personally, I really like this idea. And I would like to develop this concept
further which this definition could be my future role in my sustainable
designer as Happiness designer.
Also, this essay still needs to be re-organize; cut some redundant parts;
and I should explain more about my key idea "to achieve needs by Action"
(figure 17).
Hacking Happiness: Sustainability from inside out
Working processes
Generating concept
The concept of sustainability has very broadened it could be called
as a ‘wicked problem’ which hard to solve. However, for generating a
concept, I have to use metadesign tools. For instance, brainstorming
in the class can broaden an idea boundary then I collect the ideas
from the class and mapping with my value and capacity (figure 22).
The concept seems to be clearer through the process.
I found the metadesign tools do not only support working with
many people. It also can be useful for individual thinking.
MA Design Futures, Goldsmiths, University of London
Collective storytelling workshop
On 18th
November 2013, I had a collective storytelling workshop in MA
Design Futures class. This workshop tent to represent the dynamic in
collaborative working by letting us to share stories, experiences and ideas
to re-conceptualize a library.
In my group, we tough each individual life experience has a value in itself.
And this value is different from reading a book. In this workshop (figure
23), reframing the idea of libraries from the place of a stable information
to the place of many alive stories. My group co-design a new system
named ‘Story club’
Hacking Happiness: Sustainability from inside out
Story club
The club provides a storytelling area which allows anyone to share the
individual life story and get a free access to the club’s facilities, such as
food, drink, or shower. Also, this activity could be interesting for
consumers. Moreover, the club can use the good story in sharing for a
podcast which seem to be a free advertising for the club (figure 24).
MA Design Futures, Goldsmiths, University of London
Chapman, J. (2005) Emotionally durable design: Objects, experiences and empathy.
London: Earthscan.
De, B. A. (2004). Status anxiety. New York: Pantheon Books.
Diener, E and R. Biswas-Diener (2008) Happiness: unlocking the mysteries of
psychological wealth. Oxford: Blackwell.
Fischer, G. (2013). “Learning, Social Creativity, and Cultures of Participation” in A.
Sannino, & V. Ellis (Eds.),Learning and Collective Creativity: Activity-Theoretical and
Sociocultural Studies, Taylor & Francis/Routledge, New York, NY, p. (in press).
Fuad-Luke, A. (2009) Design activism: beautiful strangeness or a sustainable world.
London: Earthscan.
Greve, B. (2012) Happiness. New York: Routledge.
Illich, I. (1990) Tools for conviviality. London: Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd.
National Economic and Social Development Board (2007) Sufficiency Economy
Implications and Applications. Bangkok
Pahl, R. (1995) After Success: Fin-de-siècle Anxiety and Identity. Cambridge: Polity
Sanders, E. and P. J. Stoppers (2012) Convivial toolbox: Generative research for the
front end of design. Amsterdam: BIS Publishers.
Schumacher, E.F. (2011) Small is Beautiful: A study of Economics as if People Mattered.
London: Vintage.
Shove, E. and A. Warde (1999) Noticing inconspicuous consumption. Consumption,
Everyday Life and Sustainability. -
fass/projects/esf/inconspicuous.htm [accessed 15/07/2014]
Hacking Happiness: Sustainability from inside out
Tham, M. (2013) ‘Design, Lifestyles and Sustainability’. Metadesign and Futures of
Sustainability. Goldsmiths, London, 11 Nov 2013.
The happiness formula (2006) Presented by Mark Easton [Channel] London: BBC-2.
Thorpe, A. (2007) The designer’s atlas of sustainability. Washington: Island Press.
Ariely, D. (2012) What Makes Us Feel Good About Our Work?. TEDx, Rio de la Plata.
ur_work.html [accessed 05/01/14].
Bourdieu, P. (1986) The Forms of Capital.
subject/philosophy/works/fr/bourdieu-forms-capital.htm [accessed 05/01/14].
Fischer, G. (2003) Meta-Design: A Framework for the Future of End User Development
[accessed 05/01/14].
Fry, T. (2011) Design as Politics. Oxford: Berg.
Meadows, D. H., & Club of Rome. (1972). The Limits to growth: A report for the Club of
Rome's project on the predicament of mankind. New York: Universe Books.
MA Design Futures, Goldsmiths, University of London
Image reference
Figure 1: tetrahedron mapping of this essay. by author
Figure 2: the concept of Hacking Happiness. by author
Figure 3: the aspects of ‘hacking happiness’ idea. by author
Figure 4: process of tangible sustainability. by author
Figure 5: an ecological footprint. by author
Figure 6: our life was drawn. by author
Figure 7: hacking economic system. by author
Figure 8: money meets human needs. by author
Figure 9: concepts of sustainable economy. by author
Figure 10: Tools for conviviality. by author
Figure 11: Buddhist economics. by author
Figure 12: Sufficiency economy. by author
Figure 13: Design activism. by author
Figure 14: encourage to do something. by author
Figure 15: what does happiness look like? . by author
Figure 16: Happiness is a Process. Not a Place. by author
Figure 17: actions meet needs. by author
Figure 18: fulfilling actions flow. by author
Figure 19: Lifestyle. by author
Figure 20 sustainability lifestyles. by author
Figure 21: Addressing own happiness. by author
Figure 22: value mapping. by author
Figure 23: Collective storytelling workshop. by author
Figure 24: Story club. by author
Don’t forget to smile

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Hacking Happiness - sustainability from inside out

  • 1. Hacking Happiness Writer: Perus Saranurak Sustainability from inside out Volume 1 - Futures of Sustainability MA Design Futures and Metadesign, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
  • 2. Volume 1 (2014) Futures of Sustainability MA Design Futures and Metadesign, Goldsmiths, university of London, UK Cover image: Happiness is here: only you can make it happen by Perus Saranurak “Happiness happens when you stop waiting and start doing now.”
  • 3. Hacking Happiness Sustainability from inside out Designers → Happiness Hacker Create an alternative paradigm of your own happiness Writer: Perus Saranurak MA Design Futures student [Product designer and Metadesigner] Reader: Sustainable design students Anti-consumerist activists Design activists Life hackers MA Design Futures Goldsmiths, university of London 2nd edition
  • 4. MA Design Futures and Metadesign, Department of Design, Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom Perus Saranurak, 2014 First edition printed on 21st November 2013 Revised and updated edition printed on 17th July 2014 Design by Perus Saranurak Printed and bound in London by Perus Saranurak
  • 5. To Hannah Jones, Mathilda Tham and John Wood, who extend my perspective of futures and design possibilities To my family, who give me the freedom to think, and always support To you, who think life can be re-designed.
  • 6. Content Preface ..................................................................................................................... viii Glossary................................................................................................................. xii Introduction of Hacking Happiness.......................................................................1 Sustainability ..............................................................................................................5 Consumerism............................................................................................................. 8 Economy for sustainability.................................................................................11 Tools for conviviality...........................................................................................12 Buddhist economics ............................................................................................13 Sufficiency economy .......................................................................................... 14 Design activism.....................................................................................................15 Happiness..................................................................................................................17 Happiness as a tool..............................................................................................17 Money and happiness......................................................................................... 18 Assumption: Meet the needs without pay..................................................... 20 Lifestyle: actions with meanings......................................................................... 22 Conclusion.................................................................................................................25 Hacking Happiness’ Guidebook........................................................................ 26 Self-reflection..........................................................................................................27 Appendix................................................................................................................... 28 Collective storytelling workshop..................................................................... 29 Reference ..................................................................................................................31 Bibliography............................................................................................................. 32 Image reference...................................................................................................... 33
  • 7. viii Preface Postgraduate project work in MA Design Futures and Metadesign at Goldsmiths, University of London, London, UK. The key topic of this essay is Futures of Sustainability. This essay will focus on bringing design thinking and activities to be a part of daily lifestyle. And design the accessibility of happiness which can be the motivation for the sustainable lifestyle. This could be a conceptual principle of an alternative lifestyle, which can sustain itself and against the consumerist paradigm. Keyword: Anti-consumption, Buddish, Happiness, Metadesign, Prosumer, Sustainability Are you happy? Happiness can reflect to a good quality of life, but it seems to be more difficult to get it in these days and in the future, because the required conditions of living are increasing also they are harder to get happiness. The restriction of resource affects individuals to be more competitive and stressful. Furthermore, this endless progress would be more tightened through time and it hardly leads us to a sustainable future. Why we need an entertainment? Why we love shopping even we can survive with the thing we already have? Is our happiness a commodity? Is it because we over-depend our happiness on others, or we currently lose the capabilities to sustain our lives and our happiness by ourselves? For this essay “Hacking Happiness”, I would like to ask you (especially, a sustainable designer) a question: “How we live sustainably under the paradigm that happiness is fulfilled by contributors easier than oneself?” There is no absolute solution to this question, but this essay would like to introduce some relevant ideas of sustainable living and alternative
  • 8. ix courage lifestyles. Hopefully, this essay can stretch the approach of sustainability which could emerge from a tangibly self-sustainable life. Hello, my name is Pesus Saranurak. Lets me briefly introduce myself before. I was born in a Buddhist family and I have learnt many Buddhist philosophies of living since I was young. Most of Buddhist philosophies tend to make folks realize everything will not stay forever for reducing a senses of an ownership which could lead to a sorrow. Before I came to Goldsmiths, I was suffering from the design role because there is the significant conflict between Buddhist philosophies and the mechanic of consumption, which have to keep allure consumers to buy more and be endlessly unsatisfied. The identification of newness, lack and status has been used to drag consumers far from sustainable happiness. Whilst working as a product designer, my role has to support this economy mechanic and it seems to be the basis of many unsustainable issues, such as over-consumption and waste problem. I have studied Buddhism and meditation for understanding its perspective of life and happiness. In 2013-14 I was studying in MA Design Futures and Metadesign at Goldsmiths. There is a tipping point of shifting my perspective and thinking framework about design in to life designer My working experiences, which stand between production and consumption, help me to understand the system of consumption and explore new alternative systems, which possibly lead to a sustainable future. Further, I would like to develop my designer role to not only support on consumerism. The sustainable designers can design a living guideline and facilitate people to be able to access to happiness equality, as a happiness hacker. Also, for myself this would be my future design principle.
  • 9. x Nice to meet you, the future happiness hackers. This writing is for one who believes that we can create better futures by our actions. Congratulations If you are that person. This writing would be your guidebook which introduces the foundations of the context for reaching happiness based on individual actions. Moreover, it could helps you to gain the potential in creating your challenged lifestyle. On the other hand, if you do not believe that possibility, this writing could extend your vision and it will reveal alternative lifestyle. Perhaps, it could change your mind. Designers are the main target of this writing. I write it to suit with designer’s reading style which is not linear and long passage by using discussion style with many diagrams and pictures. It could help designers to see the connections between each context and keyword which could be easier in designing or getting ideas Even though you are not a designer, this book will help you to understand the basis of being happy in life. Consequently, you could become a designer because you will have a capacity to design own happiness in lifestyle. Hope you will enjoy this writing, while reading it, please try to reflect on your own life and start design it, a future design activist. : )
  • 10. xi I appreciate to exchange ideas, experiences and opinions with you about this topic Hacking Happiness. Contract: Perus Saranurak MA Design Futures + Metadesign (2013-2014) Email:
  • 11. In th exp Wha ‘Hap exp days exp beco The From Int his first ch lain the sc at is ‘Hack ppiness’, erience, g s, as we ensive an oming mo word ‘Ha m the Oxf Hack (v Gain un They hha Hack in To brea l or dam school s MA Desi troduc Mak hapter I w coped terr FIGUR king Happ a simple generally live in ca d difficult ore comple ack’ is bro ford dictio erb withou nauthorized acked into to, Compu ak into (a se mage data: server to c gn Futures, G ction o ke yoursel will describ ritory of r RE 2: THE CO piness’? word, w means th apitalism, t to reach ex. oadly use onaries de ut object) d access to the bank’s uters. erver, web : Students change the Goldsmiths, 1 of Hack lf happy th be the con research. ONCEPT OF H which ever he state o happines h them b ed in term efinition is o data in a s s computer site, etc.) f s are const eir grades. University of king H hrough de ncept of ‘H ACKING HAP ryone po of positive s seems ecause it ms of com s: system or r from a rem tantly tryin f London appine esign Hacking H PINESS ssibly un e feeling. to be mo lay on m mputer and computer: mote locatio ng to hhack i ess Happiness’ derstand But in th ore and m many elem d technol : on to stea into their ’ and and hese more ents logy. r
  • 12. Hacking Happiness: Sustainability from inside out 2 On the other hand, It could be mean to access the target through a restricted system by individual skill and knowledge. Thus, I carry this word in the context of the real world by joining the words together with ‘Happiness’. Then ‘‘Hacking Happiness’ could be understand as the action (figure 2) against the system where we are living in and also makes a shortcut way to reach a goal. Propose Since the concept of sustainability was created until now, this concept still has been too radical in the individual scale because the effect is shown in the global scale which is hard to recognize that it connects to individual behaviours. Hacking happiness bring the sustainability to engage with people life and action by re-conceptualising the perception of happiness. This could be easier to gain their awareness in ecology. Moreover, this concept aims to integrate a personal benefit into sustainability and create an alternative value in society. Writing ingredients While researching, the concept of ‘Hacking Happiness’ has many relations with various intellects (in the figure 3). FIGURE 3: THE ASPECTS OF ‘HACKING HAPPINESS’ IDEA
  • 13. MA Design Futures, Goldsmiths, University of London 3 So in this writing, I try to combine varied aspects which Haidt (2006 cites by Greve 2012: 17) states happiness involve in Psychology, Philosophy, Economy and Sociology. Including sustainability concern, Ecology is also the one of the key aspects for covering many perspectives in generating design concept. Direction of research A grand tour question “How to make an idea of sustainability become more tangible?” Sub-question 1. “Why people still do what they know it damages the world?” 2. “What are the common problems in people’s life?” 3. “How to encourage people to have better behaviours?” ‘Hacking Happiness’ concept development After researching different aspects (figure 4), I can generate the key elements which relevant to this concept, such as sustainability, consumerism, happiness and activist. These elements become a core of Hacking Happiness concept. For making the concept more tangible, I develop it into action, lifestyle and individual system which has the benefit of both individual and environment. Moreover, some relevant movement or lifestyle into reality is revealed too. FIGURE 4: PROCESS OF TANGIBLE SUSTAINABILITY
  • 14. Hacking Happiness: Sustainability from inside out 4 Design role On a large scale like changing notion, it is hard to imagine how designers can play in this game. Metadesign is the great tool for dealing with complex problems because it delivers the wider perspective for designers to think beyond the old paradigm to create the new opportunity, likewise Wood (2007, cited by Jones, 2013) state “… think beyond the possible”. Moreover, Fisher (cited by Fischer 2013) suggests that the complex problem required more knowledge from collaboration (2000), and the users should be owners of problems, not only passive consumers restricted to consumption of the existing knowledge (2006).
  • 15. MA Design Futures, Goldsmiths, University of London 5 Sustainability Design for the next seven generations Sustainability has been addressed in many aspects. In this essay will scope to the dehierachical aspect, to create equality, in term of anti- consumerism; to approach the method to straight access to happiness. Hacking Happiness aims to create a good quality of life which is broadly affordable, reducing consumption. What is sustainability? Sustainability is consideration of actions and system for futures of humanity, our future generations. In the Design Futures class, the idea of sustainability was defined by the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) states in 1987: “Development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” However, it is not an easy way to become sustainable. On one hand, Alastair Fuad-Luke (2009: 23) states “Sustainability is grounded in ecological praxis and systems thinking. It challenges the capitalist system of production and consumption that assumes unlimited growth.” Because the capitalist system seems to be a grand-narrative and other systems are developed in the same direction to support it. This makes the system become dominant and hardly changeable. However, a development of the production and the consumption creates a mechanic for accelerating the economic progress with carelessness about ecology. This draws us to an unsustainable problem.
  • 16. Hacking Happiness: Sustainability from inside out 6 FIGURE 5: AN ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT From an ecological footprint (figure 5), It is abundantly clear that current rates of consumption of many resources are unsustainable. (Fuad-Luke, 2009: 67) Question of sustainability “People know to harm the world is not good, but they still do it. Why?” As a reason, we live in this system which is highly competitive and stressful, but we cannot avoid it because all infrastructure also relies on it (figure 6). Consequently, economic system influence people to be less awareness in sustainability than making money. FIGURE 6: OUR LIFE WAS DRAWN
  • 17. MA Design Futures, Goldsmiths, University of London 7 This is a wicked problem which seems impossible to solve, but metadesign can be used for solving this problem by rethinking holistically. “We can’t solve problems with the type of thinking we used to create them.” states Albert Einstein (cited by John Wood’s lecture, 2013). Designer in sustainability According to a designer’s role, designers should be the easiest person to understand and consider in sustainability. Also, the designer has the capacities to design a creative solution for raising people’s awareness. For example, reframing the scale of time into the longer view could help to visualize a concept of sustainability (Thorpe 2007: 162) Year-individual Decades- family Centuries- tribe or nation Millennia- civilization Tens of millennia- species Eons- whole web of life on our planet
  • 18. Con sust Eco Gen eval whic Sch cate man com info uns Mor be nsumerism tainable fu nomy in c nerally, an luates eve ch is q umacher egorized nufactures mparison orm misco ustainable reover, th satisfied. Hackin Ju m, which k uture. ‘Ha F consumer n econom erything w uantitativ (2011: 35) into 4 s and ser because t onception e behaviou his proces As Ivan ng Happiness Con ump out o eep consu cking Hap FIGURE 7: HA ism my is base which can ve standa ) argues groups, vices, wh they have n of goo urs in con s tents to n Illich s s: Sustainabi 8 nsumer of the gran umers fee ppiness’ te ACKING ECON ed on sel be sold, a ard for in Small such ich shoul e differen ods’ cost sumption o reconst states (19 lity from insi rism nd narrativ el lack, is t ents to ha NOMIC SYSTEM lling and and simplif easy to is Beautif as renew d have a nt qualita to co n. ruct cons 990: 74) de out ive he main r ck throug M buying, s fy each va o compar ful that g wable, n different ative valu nsumers umer’s ne that the resistance gh it (figur so it pos alue into p re. Howe goods can nonrenewa t standard e. This c and lead eeds to n e process of a re 7). sibly price ever, n be able, d for ould d to ever s of
  • 19. MA Design Futures, Goldsmiths, University of London 9 consumption is to foster a belief that anything "new" will be proven "better" to devalue "old" models. It tends to generate demand by hypnotizing consumers to feel a lack between what they had and what they ought to get. As a result, the consumer would be happy in achieving more than in the function of things. This process could be called consumption mechanism. Economic tools Economic tools, such as advertising, have been developed for rising demand in a market by creating consumer’s needs. Regarding John Wood lectures in Design Future class, “There are professions more harmful than industrial design, but only a very few of them. And possibly only one profession is phonier. Advertising design, in persuading people to buy things they do not need, with money they do not have, in order to impress others who do not care, is probably the phoniest field in existence today.” Viktor Papanek in Design for the Real World (1971) The mechanisms behind consumption (Shove and Warde, 1999) Social comparison Creation of self-identity Mental stimulation – novelty The Diderot effect/matching Specialisation Socio-technical systems This process seems to draw market to consume beyond function and material. It could be called Conspicuous consumption (Veblen, 1999 The Theory of the Leisure Class): Consumption beyond satisfaction of ‘needs’ Immediate gratification Narcissistic behaviour Displaying wealth
  • 20. Hacking Happiness: Sustainability from inside out 10 How it works? This system educates us to meet our needs by consuming and for some people they have no other way to fulfil their needs, as a metaphor of a fish cannot realize it is living in the water because it never without water while they alive. FIGURE 8: MONEY MEETS HUMAN NEEDS This figure 8 illustrates how the money system transfers into human needs in different hierarchies. Design in consumerism For driving the capitalist system, designers are the important role standing between production and consumption. Essentially, this role has a potential to draw the consuming system to be more sustainable. However, they do not have an authority to change it because almost clients and investors usually hire them to gain their profit and they are expert at using consumption mechanics for increasing demand. Luckily, Victor Papanek also suggests a design responsibility that (cite by Fuad-Luke, 2009 : 44)
  • 21. MA Design Futures, Goldsmiths, University of London 11 “Designers needed to take responsible decisions, spend less time designing ephemeral goods in the consumer economy, and spend more creative time on generating solutions to the real needs of the disadvantaged 80 per cent population of the planet.” What is mean designers should concerning in sustainability and design a solution for creating better futures. In terms of designer who want to create sustainable futures, this writing tries to explore the ideas of sustainable economy, which could be used for developing the ‘Hacking Happiness’ concept. (These ideas would be explained in the next chapter) FIGURE 9: CONCEPTS OF SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY Economy for sustainability The concept of sustainability has been developed for many decades ago. In this writing, I will introduce 4 concepts which have divers directions and areas (figure 9).
  • 22. Too Illich whic sugg too con from dev futu as a Furt crea prod 1975 ols for co Ivan Il Conce being s h gives th ch can be gests divi ls tend t trast, Illic m merely elop thei ures. Simu convivial “A conv guarant tools o another thermore, ating a ne duction o 5: 75) Hackin onviviality lich (1975 pt: creatin supplied by he definit e used in ide tools to determ h introdu consumer r environ ultaneousl society: vivial socie tee for eac f the com r member's , convivial ew model of goods a ng Happiness y FIGURE 10: T ) ng tools f y industria tion of ‘to the proc in indust mine and ces conviv rs (figure nment in ly, people ty would b ch member mmunity an s equal fre l tools cou of indust and unlim s: Sustainabi 12 TOOLS FOR C for everyo l tools. ools’ as t ess of de trial tools d manipu vial tools 10). More society e have to be the resu r the most nd limit th edom.” (Ill uld lead so trial socie mited grow lity from insi CONVIVIALITY one which he man-m evelopmen s and con late indiv to enhan eover, the to suit w use tools ult of socia t ample and his freedom ich 1975: 12 ociety to ety which wth in th de out Y free peop made devi nt and de nvivial too vidual ex ce individ ey can use with their s with reg l arrangem d free acce m only in 2) be more s is a clea e service ple from ice or sys esign. Also ols. Indus xpectation ual’s free e the too r visions garding ot ments that ess to the favour of sustainabl n and lim sector. ( stem o, he strial n. In dom ls to and thers le by mited Illich
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  • 25. mod prot This also whic 1 2 3 4 In th acco prot farm capa Des deration, r tection fro “...If we greedy not only - being happily. s concept o focuses ch also ed 1. Knowle 2. Ethnic 3. Happin 4. Sustain he individ ording to t totypes su mers could able of he sign activ MA Desi reasonabl om impac e are happ and will ex ly in an eco g sufficient ...” states H seems in more abo ducate citi edge Base Economy ness Econo nable Econ ual scale, their role ufficiency d be indep elping othe vism gn Futures, G eness, an t arising f py with ho xploit othe onomic sen t and not H.M. King B the simila out how zens the d d Econom omy nomy this conce s and resp economy pendence ers and co FIGURE Goldsmiths, 15 d the nee from inter however lit ers less. If a nse, but to extreme, Bhumibol A ar directio to develo developed my ept enable ponsibilitie y in cultiva and efficie ontribute 13: DESIGN A University of ed of self- rnal and ex ttle we ha all countrie try to keep not greedy Adulyadej. on with B op this ph d ideas of es ones to es, Moreo ation syste ently rely to society ACTIVISM f London immunity xternal ch ave, we wi es observe t ep the midd dy, then we uddhist e hilosophy economy o be reaso ver, the H em which upon one y. for suffic anges. will be less this idea - dle ground we can live economics into prac . onable in li H.M. King shows th eself and b cient d e s but ctice ife, at be
  • 26. Hacking Happiness: Sustainability from inside out 16 Alastair Fuad-Luke (2009) Concept: everyone can use design to have sustainable futures Fuad-Luke (2009: xx) introduces that design has a great potential to make a positive change in society and the environment. Therefore, he joins the word ‘design’ with ‘activism’ to become ‘design activism’ which is a creative way to create the policy or social movement for better futures (figure 13). Design activism is ‘design thinking, imagination and practice applied knowingly or unknowingly create a counter-narrative aimed at generating and balancing positive social, institutional, environmental and/or economic change’. (Fuad-Luke, 2009 : 27). In terms of concept, ‘Hacking Happiness’ could be the one of design activism too, because it wishes to criticize on consumerism and facilitate the new system more sustainable.
  • 27. The cou Hap The to w by u Acco othe Hap Man of h the muc tran consume ld be the t ppiness a happines work, to d using hap ording to er enjoy in ppiness by ny people happiness economi ch resourc nsfer qua MA Desi erism has tool for so s a tool ss has bee evelop or ppiness to Diener (2 n improvin FIG y a succes think tha because o ically dev ces owned ntitative gn Futures, G Ha A posi always inf olving this en used as to do som ools such 2008: 18), ng one’s s GURE 14: ENC s in econo at the suc of a freed eloped so d. Howeve indices i Goldsmiths, 17 appine sitive moti fluenced c s wicked p s a goal fo mething (f as rewa , People c skills. COURAGE TO omic cess in th dom in spe ocieties s er, it coul into qual University of ess ivation consumer problem. or encoura figure 14). rds and t create rew DO SOMETH he econom ending. Pa scoring ho ld be criti itative sa f London to feel la aging one This proc the notio ward to m ING my would ahl (1995: ow succe cized in t atisfaction ack. Happi eself or ot cess is cre n of succ make them be the st 8) shows ess from he proces ns. Moreo ness thers ated cess. m or tates that how ss of over,
  • 28. Hub ladd succ of s life. Mon “Can Yes, mec hum allow stat hap that Wha Aris form ber (cited der of suc cessful co success ha ney and h n money b , of cou chanism o man needs ws us to tus and fe piness (D t also ther at is happ stotle is q mula (2006 Hackin by Pahl ccess is a ould lead t as been ch happines buy Happi rse, acco of consum s. It canno access n eelings of Diener 200 re are imp FIGU piness? uoted as 06) on the ng Happiness 1995: 33) topless la to stress, hanged in s ness?” ording to merism an ot be denie needs, also control. A 08: 110). F portant ex URE 15: WHAT saying “g BBC-2 ch s: Sustainabi 18 argues t adder”. O fear and nto seekin consume nd the fig ed that m o more t At the sa Fortunate xceptions. T DOES HAPP good living hannel. Ha lity from insi hat “whe n the oth unstablen ng balance erism cha gure 8 sho oney is dr than purc me time, ely, Diene PINESS LOOK g is happin appiness s de out n made o her hand, ness. Also e between apter, it ows how riving the hasing po materialis er (2008: LIKE? ness” in T seams har of money the state o the mea n working explains money m world no ower, suc sm is toxi 91) ment The happi rd and unc the es of ning and the meet w. It h as ic to tions iness clear
  • 29. to m Este Mor the He whic emo prob part frien alwa com measure th es (2010 ci The ex The avo Self-de Contrib reover, pro foundatio Good s A mean Having introduce ch means otional d bably forg t of happi nd explain ays been a me from do MA Desi he states ited by Gr perience o oidance o evelopmen bution to ofessor Ed ons of hap social relat ning which g a goal or es “Happi s Happine estination got to enj iness and ns “climbi about the oing rathe FIGURE gn Futures, G of feeling eve 2012: of pleasur f negative nt others. d Diener, ppiness in tionship h may com an interes ness is a ess is mor n (figure oy an env even mo ing has ne process o er than ha E 16: HAPPIN Goldsmiths, 19 g. It could 8) explain re e experien Psycholog the happi me from re st to work Process. re than a 16). By vironment re import ever been of climbin ving (Dien NESS IS A PRO University of be seen c ning the m nce gist, Unive piness form eligion or p k on (shor Not a Pl an achieve focusing t and a pr tant. For g n about t g”. In sho ner 2008: 1 OCESS. NOT A f London clearer by meaning of ersity of Il mula on BB philosoph rt and long ace” (Die ement of only a ocess whi good exam he summi rt, happin 15). A PLACE McMahan f happines llinois, exp BC: hy of life g term) ener 2008 f needs o goal, pe ich is also mple, Dien it for me, ness has o and ss: plain : 13) r an ople o the ner’s , It’s often
  • 30. Hacking Happiness: Sustainability from inside out 20 In this writing, Diener’s concept of happiness has been used as the goal of ‘Hacking Happiness’ which tends to encourage people to create and design their better life. Social happiness Even these days technology enables us to live more isolated. However, the research by using the experience sampling method (Diener 2008, p.52) with introverts and extroverts has an unsuspected result that both two groups are happier with a social situation than being alone. “[W]hat really makes us happy is not technology but people. It is not more productivity we need, but social enfranchisement. Ultimately, if ‘giving’ makes us feel good, maybe ‘sharing’ can make us feel better” states John wood (2003, p.3) in Attainable Utopia. Humans are developed to be social species. For a clearer idea, Try to Imagine the world without others, how many years you want to live? It can be seen that a relationship with others in social has a very strong connection with happiness and they support each other. Diener shows three different types of relationship (2008, p.58-59) 1. Infatuation is a feeling good and overlooking a partner’s flaws. 2. Companionate love is a readiness to acknowledge and accept some flaws. It makes one feel happy while helping others, not because of one’s need. 3. Deficiency-love is based on to satisfy our need. That is why the easily bored person is attracted to an entertaining or exciting person, sadly, until the needs fulfilled or changed. Assumption: Meet the needs without pay By understanding the ideas of happiness, It could help designer to review design principle about human needs for sustainability. As in the previous
  • 31. MA Design Futures, Goldsmiths, University of London 21 chapter, the economy provides many tools for serving different needs for driving itself. FIGURE 17: ACTIONS MEET NEEDS This figure (18) shows the exploration how to meet human needs in different hierarchies by action. In this exploration, I question how to complete the Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs without using money. So, I match these different needs with actions, according to the Diener’s happiness which come from doing rather than having. Surprisingly, these actions have interesting relations with the other (figure 18). FIGURE 18: FULFILLING ACTIONS FLOW
  • 32. To hap lifes obje of d dura ‘Hac “Wh Foll to b con rath as a L bring sus piness’ u style, but ects. As C durable m able produ cking Hap hy this con owing the be active cept of h her by hav tool for r Hackin ifesty stainable uses the s reveres t hapman (2 eaning an ucts. ppiness’ o ncept focu e sustaina not only happiness, ving. Furth representi ng Happiness le: act A set of ideas clos same tool them for 2005) says nd value t n actions uses on an ble conce stay pass , it also m hermore, f ing one’s FIGU s: Sustainabi 22 ions w f chosen a se to peo ls as cons giving a s In Durab that produ n individu ept, this co sive. More mentions for getting attitude a URE 19: LIFES lity from insi with me activities ople real sumerism meaning ble Emotio uct delive al action? oncept sh eover, the happiness g accepta and poten STYLE de out eaning life, tang which te into actio onal Desig er, not on ” ould enco e action i s often co nce, one c tial. gs gible. ‘Hac nds to cr on instea gn, the de ly a desig ourage pe s free. In ome by d can use ac cking eate d of esign gn of ople the oing ction
  • 33. MA Design Futures, Goldsmiths, University of London 23 ‘Hacking happiness’ go lifestyle Lifestyle is a group of actions and has a specific interest and meaning. If the concept becomes a lifestyle, it would be easy to communicate ideas. Simultaneously, lifestyle can communicate more value to consumers because activity is only one part in lifestyle (figure 19): Meaning Activities Members The idea of communicating meaning or story to consumers is used for creating product’s value. According to Mark Poster (cited by Toffoletti, 2011: 78) “in modern society, consumer objects represented social status; in postmodernity, they express one’s identity”. It thus can be used by consumers in self-identification and communicate with others. This tool could be called lifestyle. Likewise, Mathilda gave a lecture about the lifestyle in Design Futures class on 16th November 2013: “Lifestyles refer to the way we live our lives that allows us to fulfil our needs and aspirations. They serve as “social conversations”, in which people signal their social position and psychological aspirations to others. Since many of the signals are mediated by goods, lifestyles are closely linked to material and resource flows in the society.” (Backhaus, Breukers et al. 2011) In Status Anxiety, Botton (2004) explains that this social mechanic affect us to be unstable and unsatisfied. He calls it the hunger of status. Sustainability movements in lifestyles Around the world also has many activities and lifestyle which probably match with ‘Hacking Happiness’ concept. This part will reveal some less- consuming alternative lifestyles in different contexts for visualized examples.
  • 34. Hacking Happiness: Sustainability from inside out 24 FIGURE 20 SUSTAINABILITY LIFESTYLES Freegans (2003) New York: A group of people who live in minimizing consumption Time bank (1998) UK: Using time of helping others as a currency with a bank system. Live without money (1996) Germany: Life without money for 14 years Self-sufficiency (1998) Thailand: Life in the middle path to self-producing and rational consuming
  • 35. The In t for whic and The prob achi acti Mor from 1 2 3 4 5 As a e concept erms of s conveying ch close t know the n this w blem of ieve their on also ha reover, th m the rele 1. TTools f makers 2. BBuddh consum 3. SSufficie 4. DDesign 5. Diener a result, th MA Desi of Hackin sustainabi g the idea to people e benefit f riting sho sustainab r needs b as a capac is concep evant conc for conviv s. ist econo mption ency econ activism ’s concep he solutio FI gn Futures, G Co ng Happin lity, the c a of sustai daily life. from susta ows an e le develo by spendi ity for ful pt has bee cepts abou viality – cr omics – a nomy –sys – design pt of happ n ‘Hacking GURE 21: AD Goldsmiths, 25 onclusi ess concept o inability t . So it pro ainable life economic opment b ng mone filling nee en explore ut futures reating th an attitud stem for r moves so piness – ha g Happine DDRESSING O University of on f ‘Hacking o be tang obably rais estyle. system s ecause it y only. T eds. ed and dev s concept e tools fo de of we elying on ociety appiness i ess’ is happ OWN HAPPINE f London g Happine ible and i ses people seems to t persuad This writin veloped b and happi or consum ell-being w oneself s a proces piness gui ESS ess’ is cre n the con e’s aware be a wic es people ng introd by researc iness theo mers to be with less ss. idebook. ated ntext ness cked e to uces ching ory:
  • 36. Hacking Happiness: Sustainability from inside out 26 Hacking Happiness’ Guidebook If you feel suffering from your life, now you should not blame others. You just ask yourself “what do I need?” and ”what I will do?” because now you know the shortcut to fulfil your needs without pay. So, If you see happiness is easy to access, congratulation now you are the hacker- a design activist in terms of ‘Hacking Happiness’ Let's start creating your life as you want it This writing is the only guidebook which describes the area and reveal same interests to you, the reader, for getting ideas to create own happiness, similarly with a concept of sufficiency economy but the product is happiness. As you have read the happiness chapter, these actions (in figure 21) that can complete human needs are rather easy and simple, but the key is you realize the action what you are doing and understand how it benefit you happiness; rethink about what make you happy; analyse them. Moreover, these activities possibly push you out of the loop of consumerism. Let start with any action you like. To become a hacker you don’t have to change your whole lifestyles, your behaviours or your beliefs. You might try to take the action sometime, in leisure time or when you feel free- don’t be too serious - following an idea of Buddhist economics. Last but not least, Do just because you enjoy doing, don’t expect the outcome – “Happiness is a Process. Not a Place.” (Diener 2008: 13) “What will you do today, Hacker?”
  • 37. MA Design Futures, Goldsmiths, University of London 27 Self-reflection Sustainability is a very big issue which has many aspect to talk. Many people know what is sustainable, but few people do it in practice. In my opinion, it could be because the sense of sustainability does not motivate individual enough to do it. In this essay I try to bring the sense of sustainability to be closer to the individual scale, which I focus on human need. It is a big issue to re-define the meaning of sustainability. I start studying in many aspects and I found the happiness issue is related to individual and sustainability. So I explore the concept of happiness and re-interpreted in term of sustainability. Finally, I got the concept of Hacking Happiness. This project extends my vision in a design role from thinking that the result of the design process should only be products or services. Now I saw a new opportunity to design which is to facilitate people by designing tools for designing and solving a problem by themselves. Personally, I really like this idea. And I would like to develop this concept further which this definition could be my future role in my sustainable designer as Happiness designer. Also, this essay still needs to be re-organize; cut some redundant parts; and I should explain more about my key idea "to achieve needs by Action" (figure 17).
  • 38. Hacking Happiness: Sustainability from inside out 28 Appendix Working processes FIGURE 22: VALUE MAPPING Generating concept The concept of sustainability has very broadened it could be called as a ‘wicked problem’ which hard to solve. However, for generating a concept, I have to use metadesign tools. For instance, brainstorming in the class can broaden an idea boundary then I collect the ideas from the class and mapping with my value and capacity (figure 22). The concept seems to be clearer through the process. I found the metadesign tools do not only support working with many people. It also can be useful for individual thinking.
  • 39. MA Design Futures, Goldsmiths, University of London 29 Collective storytelling workshop On 18th November 2013, I had a collective storytelling workshop in MA Design Futures class. This workshop tent to represent the dynamic in collaborative working by letting us to share stories, experiences and ideas to re-conceptualize a library. FIGURE 23: COLLECTIVE STORYTELLING WORKSHOP In my group, we tough each individual life experience has a value in itself. And this value is different from reading a book. In this workshop (figure 23), reframing the idea of libraries from the place of a stable information to the place of many alive stories. My group co-design a new system named ‘Story club’
  • 40. Hacking Happiness: Sustainability from inside out 30 Story club The club provides a storytelling area which allows anyone to share the individual life story and get a free access to the club’s facilities, such as food, drink, or shower. Also, this activity could be interesting for consumers. Moreover, the club can use the good story in sharing for a podcast which seem to be a free advertising for the club (figure 24). FIGURE 24: STORY CLUB
  • 41. MA Design Futures, Goldsmiths, University of London 31 Referennce Chapman, J. (2005) Emotionally durable design: Objects, experiences and empathy. London: Earthscan. De, B. A. (2004). Status anxiety. New York: Pantheon Books. Diener, E and R. Biswas-Diener (2008) Happiness: unlocking the mysteries of psychological wealth. Oxford: Blackwell. Fischer, G. (2013). “Learning, Social Creativity, and Cultures of Participation” in A. Sannino, & V. Ellis (Eds.),Learning and Collective Creativity: Activity-Theoretical and Sociocultural Studies, Taylor & Francis/Routledge, New York, NY, p. (in press). Fuad-Luke, A. (2009) Design activism: beautiful strangeness or a sustainable world. London: Earthscan. Greve, B. (2012) Happiness. New York: Routledge. Illich, I. (1990) Tools for conviviality. London: Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd. National Economic and Social Development Board (2007) Sufficiency Economy Implications and Applications. Bangkok Pahl, R. (1995) After Success: Fin-de-siècle Anxiety and Identity. Cambridge: Polity Press. Sanders, E. and P. J. Stoppers (2012) Convivial toolbox: Generative research for the front end of design. Amsterdam: BIS Publishers. Schumacher, E.F. (2011) Small is Beautiful: A study of Economics as if People Mattered. London: Vintage. Shove, E. and A. Warde (1999) Noticing inconspicuous consumption. Consumption, Everyday Life and Sustainability. - fass/projects/esf/inconspicuous.htm [accessed 15/07/2014]
  • 42. Hacking Happiness: Sustainability from inside out 32 Tham, M. (2013) ‘Design, Lifestyles and Sustainability’. Metadesign and Futures of Sustainability. Goldsmiths, London, 11 Nov 2013. The happiness formula (2006) Presented by Mark Easton [Channel] London: BBC-2. Thorpe, A. (2007) The designer’s atlas of sustainability. Washington: Island Press. Bibliography Ariely, D. (2012) What Makes Us Feel Good About Our Work?. TEDx, Rio de la Plata. ur_work.html [accessed 05/01/14]. Bourdieu, P. (1986) The Forms of Capital. subject/philosophy/works/fr/bourdieu-forms-capital.htm [accessed 05/01/14]. Fischer, G. (2003) Meta-Design: A Framework for the Future of End User Development (EUD). [accessed 05/01/14]. Fry, T. (2011) Design as Politics. Oxford: Berg. Meadows, D. H., & Club of Rome. (1972). The Limits to growth: A report for the Club of Rome's project on the predicament of mankind. New York: Universe Books.
  • 43. MA Design Futures, Goldsmiths, University of London 33 Image reference Figure 1: tetrahedron mapping of this essay. by author Figure 2: the concept of Hacking Happiness. by author Figure 3: the aspects of ‘hacking happiness’ idea. by author Figure 4: process of tangible sustainability. by author Figure 5: an ecological footprint. by author Figure 6: our life was drawn. by author Figure 7: hacking economic system. by author Figure 8: money meets human needs. by author Figure 9: concepts of sustainable economy. by author Figure 10: Tools for conviviality. by author Figure 11: Buddhist economics. by author Figure 12: Sufficiency economy. by author Figure 13: Design activism. by author Figure 14: encourage to do something. by author Figure 15: what does happiness look like? . by author Figure 16: Happiness is a Process. Not a Place. by author Figure 17: actions meet needs. by author Figure 18: fulfilling actions flow. by author Figure 19: Lifestyle. by author Figure 20 sustainability lifestyles. by author Figure 21: Addressing own happiness. by author Figure 22: value mapping. by author Figure 23: Collective storytelling workshop. by author Figure 24: Story club. by author